I p* ^ ( O -A- T A. X-i O <3- TJ 33 OF A COLLECTION OF Objects of Art AND DECORATION, From Blundeston Lodge, Lowestoft, and Ayscough Fee Hall, Spalding. By Order of the Trustees of the Estate of the late MAURICE JOHNSON, ESQ. Including a Snite of Three Panels of Fine Old Gobelins Tapestry; ALSO A COLLECTION OF OLD NANKIN & OTHER PORCELAIN, THE PBOPERTY OP A GENTLEMAN; AND OBJECTS OF ART & DECORATION, PROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH SEtll he .Solti bg Auction bv Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KINO STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues liad, Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street % James's Square, S. W. (o26 CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute ariso between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pubiic or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -»o> — ■ On THURSDAY, MARCH 24 , 1898 , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Hie following are Sold by Order of the Trustees of the Estate of the late MAURICE JOHNSON, Esq., of Blundeston Lodge, Lowestoft, and Ayscough Fee Hall, Spalding. CHINESE PORCELAIN. I A dish, enamelled in the centre with figures and buildings, flowers on the border on a diapered-pattern ground—12i in. diam .; and a plate, similar, smaller—11 in. diam. ^ A pair of famille verte dishes, enamelled with branches of prunus and kiri centres—10£ in. diam. ^A famille verte dish, enamelled in the centre with a basket of flowers, petal-shaped panels of flowers and utensils on the border—15 \iji. diam c An octagonal famille rose dish, with peonies ; and a dish, painted in the Imari taste 4 PALISSY WAKE. £ + Xf ^75 A dish, decorated in the centre with The Decapitation of St. John tt Baptist, flowered border—10 in. diam. 6 A dish, in the centre are the arms of France surmounted by a crow . masks in oval panels round the borders—12^ in. dram. * /0/0 7 An oval dish, with a Satyr and nymphs feasting, acanthus leaves c the border—13^ in. by 10^ in. . 8 A circular fluted dish, with sunk panels of green and mauve roui the border—121 in. diam. MAJOLICA. /9 A circular dish, painted with a subject from Ovid’s ‘ Metamorphose t —11 *». diam. _ NO A circular dish, painted with Yenus, Yulcan and Cupid—lOf diam. £ r r £>11 A dish, painted with subject of The Head of John the Baptist bei 1 brought to Herod, dated at the back 1543—11 in. diam. 4 < 3 . £> 12 A dish, with the subject of Apollo and Pan, dated 1543—12 diam. <3 /Q ^ 13 An Urbino Ware Circular Dish, painted with a subject ill /* / trating the history' of Alexander the Great— 16 in. diam.— black wood frame with beaded metal border A dish, painted in brilliant colours with Coriolanus, a camp scene the distance, dated 1543—12 in. diam. /f5 A dish, with deep centre painted with The Triumph of Amphitrite /a// > 12i in. diam. A 16 A pierced Rouen dish, painted with animals, &c. in blue—Hi diam. * 16 a An Urbino ware dish 26 < s—, NT The Centaurs or the Capitol : a pair of old Italian bronze; * 111 high —on oval pedestals of sculptured, statuary 5 18 A Pair of Grotesque Statuettes of a Man and Woman, in - white marble —15£ in. high L9 A Pair of Figures of Reclining Lions, sculptured in veined r . white marble—on oblong plinths of the same JO A Set of Four Oval Statuary Marble Reliefs, with subjects r r> representing “The Nativity,” “Adoration of the Shepherds,” “ Adoration of the Kings ” and “ The Presentation in the Temple,” / by Francesco Bertos—in frames with gilt oak foliage /i? J1 A Pair of Gilt Bronze Statuettes of Mars anil IVLnerva, on y y square chased feet J2 An Old Black and Gold Lao Case for Tea-Caddies, with / metal-gilt Louis XYI. mount y/ C J3 An Old English Walnut-Wood Oblong Chest, with five drawers & below, richly mounted with pierced scutcheons of scroll foliage, and crowns, handles and bosses of polished brass—58 in. wide The treasure chest of Charles I.; the Royal cipher uwls removed by the Cromwellian soldiers £ z ^ !4 A Louis XY. Shaped Oblong Ebony Table, inlaid with engraved metal-gilt, and mounted with borders and other decoratioi^) of „ chased or-molu 15 A Large Panel of Pear-Wood, carved with a trophy of musical ^ instruments, foliage and coronet, flowers, foliage and dead game / in very high relief—in oak frame . 16 A SUITE OF THREE PANELS OF OLD GOBELINS , A TAPESTRY, consisting of— 6 / An Upright Panel, decorated with two figures of boys upholding (/ baskets of flowers and fruit, around the border is spirited acanthus foliage, festoous of flowers, drapery and exotic birds on a buff ground—8 ft. 2 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. A Narrow Panel, with urns and trophies of musical instruments supported by terminal figures of boys—8 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. Another Panel, with trophies of architecture and the date 1781— 8 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 6 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OLD NANKIN PORCELAIN. tS, /. :6 A set of six round dishes, with flowers in white on blue lotos-petal /S ground, pomegranates in the centres— 11 in. diam. t7 Ten plates, with flowers and other decoration :8 Nine ditto Jr- ; 9 A vase and cover, painted with a rocky river scene, temple and boat, and y 7 figures at a picnic—7| in. high >0 An oviform bottle, with cylindrical neck, painted with river scenes, landscapes and equestrian figures in lotos panels; and a large jar, with a rocky river scene, boats and figures )1 A pear-shaped bottle, with bulb neck, painted with utensils and flowers—12 in. high )2 A hawthorn-pattern oviform jar, with utensils in three medallions—^ 10 in. high ; and a smaller ditto, with two medallions )3 A Set of Three Fluted Vases and Covers, and a pair of beakers, with landscapes, figures and flowers in medallions—J3 in. / high jfU A pear-shaped long-necked bottle, with figures and utensils in^ix S alternate compartments—11 in. high y ' ^ ~ >5 A jar and cover, with a river scene, rocks and figures on white ground ^ / -14 ,V. high c 8 56 Another, with flowering trees in eight compartments, and Wdejs o3 Sf # # 4 arabesques and flowers—12 in. high . Ail An oviform vase, painted with a landscape, figures and animals, rocks / s y and clouds —11 in. high— carved wood cover and stand 1 6 / 0 / f)8 A pair of krge oviform YaS es, painted with rocky river scenes, fii ^ trees, deer and storks—14 in. high , & 59 A vase and cover, painted with children at play, ladies and ph^ntap — 15 ^ in. high . n 60 A smaller vase, with panels of interiors, landscapes and figures an< * ^ 0 characters, in trellis-pattern borders—10! in. high carved woot cover and stand y^/7^61 A beaker, painted with two bands of rocky river scenes^boats aa figures—18 in. high ^ / 62 Another, with landscapes and numerous figures, plantain and willows Ac.—18| i n - high /V^ 63 A beaker, with prunus blossom in white on marbled blue groun< g/'Z ^ painted with utensils in eight shaped and square panels—£7 h high ENAMELLED CHINESE PORCELAIN. /, /&. ?-'/• /, /o ^64 A Yase and Cover, with mandarins, flowers and buildings colours—184 in. high ^65 An oviform jar, enamelled with pheasants, flowers and foliage- 9 in. high ^66 A pair of powdered-blue bowls, pencilled with gold, each enam&l} with flowers, Ac. in nine medallions /ct a pair of basins, enamelled with foliage and utensils on engraft yellow ground, and with animals in four medallions each 08 A basin, painted with flowers in blue, and enamelled with fish a O marine plants in colours in medallions ; and a pair of small bl and white basins, enamelled with figures, deer and sparrows colours 9 ENGLISH AND FRENCH PORCELAIN. 39 A Crown Derby Dinner Service, decorated with foliage, flowers, &c. in red, blue and gold, consisting of— ^ ^ Seventeen dishes, in sizes Two soup-tureens, covers and stands Three sauce-tureens, covers and stauds A salad-bowl A cheese-dish Four circular vegetable-dishes and covers Two oblong ditto and covers Sixty-seven dinner-plates, and Twenty-six soup-plates JO A Dessert Service, en suite, consisting of— A pair of sugar-tureens, covers and stands Three oval-dishes, and Twenty-nine plates Jtt 71 A French Porcelain Dessert Service, gros-bleu ground with gilt £ edges, with richly jewelled borders, and monogram D.B. sur¬ mounted by a jewelled coronet, consisting of— Sucrier, cover and stand Pair of tureens, covers and stands Three butter-coolers and covers Oval-shaped dish Two quatrefoil-shaped ditto Two square-shaped ditto, and Four deep plates 72 Six French Porcelain Plates, gros-bleu and gold ground, and _ with richly lewelled centres and borders 9 , 73 Six Ditto, nearly similar 74 Five Ditto O -- 10 DELFT WAKE. ' * 77 A vase, with figures, landscapes, &c.; and one, nearly similar 78 A set of three vases and covers and a pair of beakers, with landscapes; and an oviform vase and cover, with landscapes and foliage 79, Four circular dishes, with foliage, flowers and fruits—131 in. diam. 6 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 80 An old Chinese porcelain tea service, painted and enamelled with , /-/./ landscapes and. figures in pink and colours in red and gold A - # borders, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, milk-jug and cover, two basins, eight tea-cups, four coffee-cups and three saucers; a pair of tea-cups, one saucer and a basin, nearly similar ; four coffee-cups, with figures; and a cover for a basin ^ jug and cover, a pair of bowls and covers, and three dishes, enamelled with figures and foliage in colours; and a pair of small white bottles, enamelled with figures 82 Six plates, enamelled with figures, and with small landscapes in red ► <9 in scroll borders; and six old Japan plates, red, blue,and gold/ 81 A * & 11 ENGLISH PORCELAIN AND WARE. 83 An Old Worcester Dessert Service, painted with named f 0 £ animals in landscapes on dark blue ground richly gilt, con¬ sisting of boat-shaped centre-dish, on foot, two square, and four shell-shaped dishes, a pair of sugar-tureens, covers and stands, and twenty plates 84 An old Worcester spirally fluted tea service, with dark blue and ’ ^ gold borders, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, sugar-basiD and cover, milk-jug, basin, two round dishes, five t&r-cups, five ✓ coffee-cups and ten saucers— by Barr /// 85 Another, painted with flowers in colours, and dark biue bands on 4 & the borders, richly gilt, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, sugar-basin and cover, milk-jug, basin, ten tea-cups, ten coffee-^ cups, twelve saucers, and a pair of round dishes ^ 86 A supper service, of Chamberlain’s Worcester, painted with roses on & white ground, and with gilt borders, consisting of centre-tureen, cover and stand, and four fan-shaped dishes and coyers, in roijpd ^ mahogany tray, and three oval meat-dishes ^ ^ ' 87 Ten Worcester blue and white willow-pattern tea-cups, ten coffee- cups, ten saucers and a basin; and a printed blue and white bowl and cover, on foot y 88 A Lowestoft tea service, painted with flowers in pink scale borders, consisting of tea-pot, milk-jug, covers and stands, canister and cover, two basins and one stand, eight tea-cups, four cpffee-cups, y and nine saucers ^ ) 89 An old Wedgwood dessert service, with decoration in red, blue and gold, consisting of oval centre-dish, on foot, ten other dishes, / pair of sugar-tureens, covers and stands, and eighteen plates / ^ (-^ 90 Another, with flowers and foliage in colours and gold on dark red / O ceil-de-perdrix ground, consisting of centre-dish,^ on fook&ur square dishes and twenty-one plates ^ " 12 TIIE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 2 91 A pair of old Chinese porcelain flat-shaped vases, with squirrels and G* * ' f vines * n re jj e f } anc j painted with figures and buildings in medal¬ lions—12 in. high ^ 92 A, Chiming Skeleton Clock, by Ulrich, of London, with brass and /4- , ( silvered dial and raised figures, and Mercury pendulum, glass shade and stand £ 4 * 93 An Old English Chiming Clock, by Earnshaw, in mahogany * case inlaid with brass ; and a bracket 94 A pair of oviform vases, of dark blue porcelain and metal-gilt, fitted 3 * G , O with Moderator lamps / ^ 95 A four-leaved screen, with panels of old Spanish leather ^ 96 Another, with five leaves, and with old Spanish leather on both /S7/ / 14 C tJ O 106 A Louis XVI. clock, in case of architectural design, of white marble ^ and or-molu, chased with emblematic figures, lyres, and friezes of ornament— 24 in. high KV / 107 Venus and Diana, with a hound : a pair of old French bronzes— ' / ' / 9 in. high— on square Boulle pedestal /> / 9 in. high —on square Boulle pedestal From Sir John Thornhill's Collection 108 A pair of Empire candlesticks, of bronze and or-molu, with stems ^ formed as seated figures of children holding hunting horns —11 \ in. high f t FRENCH DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 109 A Louis XV. Upright Marqueterie Secretaire, with fall / £ down front and folding doors beneath, inlaid with groups o flowers and surmounted by a Giallo marble slab—48 in. high 26 in. wide * 11,0 A Louis XVI. Small Secretaire, of mahogany, with hare-woo< /. O panels, fall-down front painted with a coast scene and figures .and mounted with chasings and borders of or-molu—48 in. high 25 in. wide /% • 29 , < 7 " 111 A Louis XIV. Knee-Hole Writing Table, of black Boulle, witl o cupboard in the centre and three drawers on each side, leaf top, mounted with or-molu—54 in. wide 112 A small oblong Boulle table, on lyre-shaped stand with shel y „ > , O beneath, mounted with chasings of or-molu, with white marbl slab inlaid with a mosaic of Pliny’s doves—18 in. wide 113 A four-leaf folding leather screen, the panels painted with gardei f scenes and figures, in the style of Watteau, on gold ground- 80 in. high 114 A pair of upright Venetian mirrors, in frames of engraved looking // ^ F S^ ass anc ^ metal-gilt, with chased vases of flowers above—52 ir, by 30 in. 2r. 15 ENGLISH FURNITURE. 4.J 115 A small octagonal satin-wood table, with rising top painted mi Venus and Cupid As f t?. 116 A small oval inlaid satin-wood table, with rising top, painted with a musical trophy, ribbon and flowers, on legs with stretcher 117 An oblong table, of inlaid satin and tulip-wood, with folding top in two divisions, forming a show table—31 in. wide f ts I 118 A small satin-wood folding table, painted with a basket of fruit,. ivy leaves and berries, on pillar and claw feet /t? 119 A Carlton house writing table, of inlaid mahogany, with semicircular back with eight drawers and cupboards and brass gaflery^/md ' v three drawers beneath—62 in. wide /// 1^0 A Sheraton Sideboard, of inlaid mahogany and satin-wobd, with panels of musical trophy and arabesques in marqueterie, f with three cupboards, mounted with metal-gilt—60 in. wide 121 A set of eight Chippendale mahogany chairs, with open backs, carved with interlaced ribbons and other ornament, on capved legs and claw feet, red morocco leather seats Chippendale Mahogany Winged Show Cabinet, with carved borders and inlaid with satin-wood, with three glazed doors enclosing shelves with looking-glass back, an^ three drawers beneath—108 in. wide , 63 in. high O' f1 ./ 2 -zJ 123 The Companion 122 A -t-z) DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 124 An Upright Plaque of Limoges Enamel, painted with The Visit of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth: a composition of four figures in rich costumes with jewelled borders, under the portico of a temple —signed by J. P. and dated 1531 A? 77 125 An oval ivory plaque, with Venus Anadyomene in relief; another, with a classical subject; and ten ivory medallions, with heads^of the Caesars—in glazed gilt frame 1 126 A Life-Size Bust of a Lady, as Diana—-on square rosso marble plinth, by Falquiere If) //, /#/7V427 Nessus and Deianira : an old Italian bronzo group—on veinetj yellow marble pedestal isd- £. , <^128 An Old French Bronze Bust of Louis XVI., in robes with fleur-de-lis >/, • 3 29 /#. /135 A Sevres biscuit porcelain male bust—on serpentine marb|0 pedestal ^ , 2136 A Set of Eight Sheraton Mahogany Chairs, with carved opn backs, and shaped seats covered with horse-hair t S'*?, / ' ,