om the Library of Frank Simpson Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 T A CAT A L O G U E OF THE Pictures, , Sculptures, Models, Drawings Prints, &c*. Exhibited by the?; Society of Ar tiffs of Great-Britain^ AT THE Great Rid o m in Spring-Garden, Chdrmg- Crof$ p MAY the 9th, if (Being the iecond Year of their Exhibition,) 11JC1 ONE SHILLING C A T A L O G U E, £ I C T U R E S. No. Mr. ATTWOOD* 1 \ Large flower piece. . i* *; A flower piece 3 May. 2 Ditto, July. , 3 A Bunch of grapes. Mr. B E A U VAI Si 4 Two miniatures. ( 4 > No. Mr. VAN BLEECK, 5 Half length of a gentleman in a fryar's habit. 6 Whole length of a boy with a dog. 7 Ditto of a young gentleman on horfeback. Mr. CARPENTIERS, 8 Half length of Mr. Roubilliac. 9 Ditto of a gentleman. 10 A whole length, his own portrait. Mrs. C A R W A R D I N E, 11 Two miniatures of a lady and a gentleman. Mr. C A T T O N, 12 A fcene in Shakefpear's Tempeft. 13 An emblematic picture of Reafon. Mr. CHAM BERLIN, 14 Half length of a Gentleman, 15 Three-quarter ditto. Mifs C H A R P I N, j 6 Four miniatures 3 her own portrait profile, and three others* Mr. FRANCIS COTES. 17 A portrait ol a lady in crayons* 18 Ditto of a gentleman, ditto. 19 Two children, ditto. 20 Whole length of a young gentleman, in oil* 21 Half length of Mr. Paul Sandby, ditto. %z Ditto of a lady. Mr. ( s ) No. Mr. SAMUEL COTES, 23 Three miniatures of ladies. Mr. DAL L. 24 A Piece of ruins, Mr.DANCE, Junior 25 An Hiftorical pidiure the death of Virginia by the hand of her fa- ther, to prevent her falling a prey to the luft of Appius, one of the Roman patricians and chief of the decemvirs, which occafioned the diflblution of the Decemvirate, and produced the fecond re- volution, whereby the citizens of Rome recovered their liberty. Vide, Ozel's tranflation of Vertot's hift. of the revol. of the Roman Republic, b. 5, p. 285. Mr. DAWES, 26 Captain Bobadil cudgel'd j Every Man in his Humour, adt 4, fc. 7. 27 A Drunkard reproving his diforderly family. Mr. D O W N E S, 28 Three-quarter portrait of a gentleman. Mr. E C C A R D T, 29 His own portrait. Mr. FINNY, 30 Three miniatures, two ladies in water colours, and a gentfeman in enamel. Mr. FRY E, 3 I Kit-cat, a portrait of a gentleman, in oil. 32 Three portraits, in crayons. ( 6 ) No. 33 Three miniatures ; two heads of gentlemen, and a half length of a lady* Mr. GAINSBOROUG H, 34 Whole length of a gentleman, Mr. HANDASYDE, 35 Two miniatures in enamel. 36 Two ditto of gentlemen, in water-colours. Mr. H A W C K, 37 Three quarter, his own portrait. Mr. H A Y M A N. 38 Sir John Falftaff railing recruits. Mr.HAYTLEY, 39 Portrait of a gentleman. 40 Ditto, three- quarters. 41 Ditto of a lady. Mr. H O A R E, 42 A family a gentleman, his lady and child. Mr. HOGARTH, 43 Sigifmunda mourning over the heart of Guifcardo, her murther^d hulband. Vide> Dryderis Fables. 44 The gate of Calais. 45 Picquet, or virtue in danger. 46 An eledtion entertainment. 47 Three portraits. Mr. ( 7 ) No, Mr. HON E. 48 Five portraits in miniature ; the largeft is Bianca Capello, duchefs of Tufcany, painted from a bas-relief of the fame fize in wax, the hair, &c. colour'd as in the model. 49 Portrait in enamel, in a ring, 50 A Fly, painted on an enamel proof-plate* Mr. H U DSO N, -51 Half length, the prefent lord Chancellor. 52 Ditto, a foreign lady. / 53 Kit-cat 3 a lady and child. 54 Three-quarters, Mr. Garrick. 55 Ditto, dodtor King. Mr. JAM E S, 56 Half length, a fummer's evening. 57 View of the parade in St. James's Park. Mr. K I R B Y, Defigner in Perfpedlive to his Majesty^ 58 A Landfcape. Mr. LAMBERT, 59 A Large landfcape. 60 View through a wood. 6 1 Part of a ruin of St. Radegon's abbey. Mr. L AWRENSON. 62 Three-quarters portrait. Mr. MAUCOURT, 63 Two portraits. 64 A fmali whole length. Mr. * ( 8 ) No. Mr. M E L L I S H 5 65 A fea-piece. 66 Ditto, it's companion. Mrs. M E R C E I R, 67 Two flower pieces in water colours. 68 A frame with four miniatures. Mr. M E Y E R, 69 A gentleman's head, enamel. 70 Ditto, water-colours. Mr. M O R L A N D. 71 Three portraits in crayons. 72 A profile of his Majefty, drawn by memory. Mifs MOSER, 73 A piece of flowers in water colours. Mr. N E W T O N, 74 A three quarters portrait of a young ft u dent. 75 Ditto of a lady. 76 Ditto at work. Mr. W. PARS, 77 A miniature. Mr. PERRONNEAU, 78 Four portraits in crayons, Mr. P U G H, 79 A large landfkip and cattle, 80 Small ditto. ( 9 5 No. Mr. REYNOLDS, 8 1 A lady, three quarters. 82 Half length of Dr. Sterne. 83 Whole length of a nobleman in his college robes, 84 Ditto of a gentleman. 85 A general on horfeback. Mr. RICHARDS, . 86 The infide of a mill. 87 Landfkip and figures. 88 View of Covent-garden ; the figures by Mr. Dawes, 89 Miniature of a lady. Mr. RIEBENSTEIN, 90 Two fmall pi&ures of figures. 91 Piece of dead game. GEORGE ROGERS, Efq; 92 Landfkip, an evening. Mr. ROPER, 93 Two pictures of dead game. Mr. ROUBILLIAC. 94. Fortait in oil, his fir ft attempt. Mr. PAUL SANDBY, 95 An Hiftorical Landikip, representing the Welch here 1 , in the opening of Mr. Gray's celebrated ode. Mr. S C H A L K, 96 View in Richmond-park. c 97 ( io ) No. 97 Small landfkip and cattle.. 98 Ditto, Mr. SCOTT, 99 View of London-bridge, as in the year 1757. 100 The taking of Quebec. Mr. S C O U L E R. 10 1 Miniature of a lady, Mr. S E A T G N, Jan. 102 Venus as large as life. 103 Half length of Mr. Seaton, fen. 104 Two children playing with a fquirreU. Mr. S H A W, 105 A Stallion. 106 Brood Mare and ( Foal. Mr. SMITH of Derrv, 107 Landfkip. Mr. SOLDI, 10S Lady in profile, with a child. 109 A gentleman's head, three quarters, j 10 His own portrait. Mr. S P E N C E R, 1 1 1 Two ladies in enamel. Mr. STOPPELEA R; 112 Three quarters portrait of a gentleman, 113 Ditto. ( 11 ) No. U4 A Converfatiom Mr, STUBS B a 115 A Stallion, call'd Romulus^ in the pofllffion of the Rr> Hon, Lord Vifcount Spencer, Mr. S Y K E S, 1.1.6 Miniature of a lady in a Vandyke drefs, enamel, Mr. T H O M P S O N, J 17 Portrait of a lady, half length, 118 A Lady,, three quarters a . 1 19 Ditto. 120 Mafter Cholmondley, whole length, 121 A Study. Mr, T V L L, 322 Small Landfkip. 123 Ditto it's companion. Mr. TURNER, 124 Miniature of a lady,. 125 Ditto in' a ring. Mr. V E S P R E 3 326 A Lady, thr-ee quarters. yij The curious maid. 32S Ditto, ftealing a letter. Mr. W A L E, vzg Chrirt curing the demoniacs, as related by St. Matthew. 130 The Genius of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, relieving the diftreffed. 13.T The Chriftening ef Queen Elizabeth, a fketch« Mr. WILLS, J3 2 An historical {ketch, the return of St. Peter from prifon. Mr. BENJAMIN WILSON, 133 Kit-cat of a lady and child. 134 Ditto of Mr. Dolland, optician to his Majefty. Mr. RICHARD W I L S O N, 135 The bridge at Rimini, with the republic of San Marino. 116 Temple of Ciitumnus, it's companijn. 1 37 The Lake of Nemi. 138 It's companion. j 39 Large land'flc'p with hiftorical figures. 140 View near Chefter. Mr. W O R L I D G E, 141 An old woman, half length. ( *3 ) Sculptures, Models, and Engravings. No. 142 A Model of a candleftick, from a defign of Mr. Chambers. Mr. C O L L I N S, 143 A large bas-relievo for an altar-piece ; Mary Magdalen, and the other Mary coming to the fepulchre. 144 Ditto, for a chimney-piece; a clown and country girl. 145 Ditto, a boy keeping fheep. Mr. G A S T R E L L, 146 A chafing in gold, of Britannia and Fame. Mr. G O S S E T, 147 A model in wax of his prefent Majefty. Mr. H A Y W A R D, 148 A baffo-relievo in marble, reprefenting Somnus, or fleep. Mr. H I L L, 149 An emblematical model of Britannia, &c. Mr. H O L M, 150 A bas-relievo; iEneas carrying his father Anchifes. Mr. M O S E R, Eight impreffions from balfo-relievo, chafed in gold. 151 1 ft. Porfena, king of Tufcany, and Mutius Scaevola. 2d. The deification of iEneas. D 3d. C *4 I No-, 3d, The river Tiber. 4th. A figure of Time. 5th. Jupiter and Leda. 6th. Cybele, daughter of Sol. 7th. A figure of Juftice and a boy. 8th. Ah ornament, with a dog. Mr. P I N G O, j 52 A caft in plafter of a medal, with the reverfe of his prefent Majeffy when prince of Wales. Mr. ROUB ILIAC, 153 A buft. 154 Ditto of Mr. Wilton. Mr. CHRISTOPHER SEATON, j 55 A head of Hannibal. j 56 Our Saviour and the Virgin, engraved from a bas-relievo* 157 A portrait of a lady. 158 Jupiter and Leda. Mr. SPANG, 159 A buft. 160 Ditto, 161 A model in wax of his prefent Majefly. 162 Ditto, of an anatomical figure. 163 Ditto, a defign for a medal on the taking of Canada, Mr. TYLER, 164 A buft. 16$ Ditto. . Mr. C H ) No, Mr. WILLIAM S. 1 66 A buft of Mr. Martinelli. Mr. W I L T O N, 167 A buft of Mr. Roubilliac. j 68 Ditto in marble of Oliver Cromwel. Mr. Y E O. 169 A head of William of Wickham, proof of a prize-medal for the college of Winchefter. Defigns ( * 6 ) Defigns in Architecture, Drawings, and Engravings on Copper, No. Mr. MAC ARDEL, 170 J^XJ BENS with his wife and child. Metzotinto. 171 The infide of a mill. Ditto. 172 Ghiimonda. Ditto. 173 Lifabetta. Ditto. 174 Ditto, Mr.Garrick in the character of Lear; drawn upon with Indian ink by Mr. Wilfon, from whofe original picture it was taken, Mr. B A N N E R M A N, 175 A fe&ion of the Efcurial. Mr. BENAZECH, 176 A view. Mr. BON D, 177 A drawing after Vernet. Mr. C A N O T> 178 London bridge* 179 The adion off Bellifle. Mr- THO. CHAM BARS, 180 Three portraits. Mr. COOPER, 181 A drawing from a pi&ure of Trevifanu Mr* ( 17 ) No. Mr. CHAMBERS, ArchiteB to his Majejly y and her Royal Highnefi the Princejs of Wales. 182 An elevation of a triumphal bridge for Blackfryars. 183 Elevation of a triumphal arch executed at Wilton, the feat of the earl of Pembroke in Wiltfhire. 284 Plans, elevation and fe&ion of a London houfe, for a perfon of Diftindtion. Mr. GEORGE DANCE, 185 A defign for the bridge at Blackfryars. Mr. ELLIOT, 186 A landfkip from Pillement. 187 Ditto from Peter da Cortona. Mr. FISHER, 188 Ame tzotinto of Lord Ligonier. 189 Ditto of Dr. Sterne. 190 Ditto of two children. Mr. GRIGNION. 191 Caractacus before the emperor Claudius, from a defign of Mr. Hayman. Mr. G W Y N N. 192 A defign for a triumphal arch, in lieu of a tranfitory firework, to celebrate the fuccelfes of the prefent War, and the re-eftablim.- ment of peace. Note, The faid arch may be commodioufly erected either at Hyde-park corner, or Holborn- bars, fuppofmg Middle-row as a -public nafance taken away. E Mr, ( r8 ) No. Mifs HOARE, 193 A drawing of queen Efther fainting before Ahafuerus. Mr. K I R B Y, Defigner in perfpedtive to his Majesty. 194 A drawing of a colonnade. 195 Ditto of the temple of Victory in the Princefs of Wales's garden at Kew. 196 Ditto to the memory of Dr. Brook Taylor. 197 Ditto of the Corinthian order. 198 Ditto of the Compolite order. Mr. MASON, 199 Two landskips from Mr. Lambert. Mr. M A Z E L L. 200 A landskip. Mr. P E A K E, 201 A landskip. Mr. P I L L E M E N T. 202 Six drawings. . Mr. PAINE. 203 A geometrical plan and perfpedtiye view of a bridge built a-crofs the Trent, between the counties of Derby and Leicefter, in the years 1759 and 1760. 204 A plan of the principal floor, South front, and a feftioh through the center of a houfe defigned in the year 1755, for Charles Brandling, Efq ; intended to be built at Gofforth, in the county of Northumberland. 205 ( 19 ) No. 205 A plan, elevation and fection of a chapel, begun by the late George Bowes, Efq; now building in the garden at Giblide, in the county of Durham. 206 A plan of the principal floor, garden front, and a feftion through the North rooms of a houfe defigned in the year 1759* for a perfon of diftinftion, in the county of Derby. Mr. PAINE, Junior. 207 Two ftain'd drawings in water-colours. Mr. R A V E N E T, 208 The converfion of the Britons to chriftianity, from Mr. Hay man. 209 A landfcape, from Mr, Pillement. 210 A head *of doctor Sterne. Mr. ROOKER, 211 A triumphal arch erected at Wilton,, 2 1 2 The temple of Victory in Kew gardens. 213 The temple of Pan, in ditto. 214 A proof print of a ruin. Mr. RYLAND, 2 1 5 A print of Jupiter and Leda, from Boucher. Mr. S A N D B Y, 216 A view of Roch abbey, at Sandbeck in Yorkftiire. 217 A landfcape in water-colours. 218 A fmall drawing of dancing figures, Five views in Scotland, viz. 219 Bonnington Lin, 220 ( *0 ) No. 220 Corhoufe Lin. 221 Stonebyre Lin. 222 A view down the Clyd from the top of Corhoufe Lin. 223 A water-fall on the TimmeJ,. near Killecrankie in the Highlands of Scotland. 224 A view in North America, a print; Mr. V A R D Y, 225 A defign for a building for the fociety of the Delitanti, anno 175 i a 226 Ditto, for the Britifh Mufeum, by order of the truftees, anno 1754. 227 A defign for a- royal palace at Whitehall, fronting the park, juft before the new building of the Horfe-guards was begun, when clerk of, the works to Whitehall, 1748. 4*28 A defign for the North front of St. James's, when the old build- ings were taken away next Marlborough-houfe, anno 1748* when clerk of the works to that palace. Mr. JOSEPH- 'WOO D 5 229 A drawing from a pifture of Vandemeer. - £ I N I % OMITTED. Mr. L E R O U X, 230 A defign for the improvement of St. Stephen's Walbroke. A oZ.£rurv 2.1101 JUG . , Z*. G-X.U I