UlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIUllllllllllllUIIllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIU 7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK lP>ortlan6 Camera Club -4»^econd ^ Regular « Exhibition ^ of Wo]?^#" MAY 14-21,. 1892 I ClaUB HOUSE Portland, . . iviaine AAY 14-21 1692 5E<^0Nb ANNUAL EXhIBITION OPEH FROjvi lO a.m. to 9 p.m., Daily i?oi^TLiA7^ L) OI^OANIZED FEBJ^URJ^Y 6, 1890. ©fRcevs for )0car 1892. President— FRANKLIN M. LAWRENCE. Vice-president — S. P. WARREN, m.d. Secretary— FREDERIC S. BULLARD. Treasurer— WI L LIAM S W EAT. Eyccutivc Committee. NATHAN CLIFFORD, P. (i. BROWN, F. II, LITTLE, W. C. KING. £ybibition Committee. NATHAN CLIFFORD, H. W. SIIAYLOR Ji{., F. S. BULLARD, GEORGE S. PAYSON, W. C. KING, II. B. BROWN. Club fll>embcr6 ACTIVE. Bailky, Herbert M. Baciielder, Elmer N. Barker, Percy L. Bray, C. W., m.d. Brown, Gen. J. M. Brown, Philip H. Brown, Philip G. Bullard, Fredebic S. Clifford, Nathan Coe, ITarrie B. Dow, Dr. G. E. Gilson, A. S. Hay, Edward A. Jordan, Fritz H. King, Warren C. Lawrence, F. M. Levy, Harry Little, F. H. Lord, F. F. Lord, Joseph W. Murray, Harvey Morrison, A. B. ■ ' Noyes, Wadsworth Owen, George C. Payson, Edw. R. Payson, Chas. H. Payson, George S. , J’ayson, R. C. Shaylor, H. W. Jr. Snow, Edward H. Sweat, William Sabin, Walter W. True, Frank Warren, S. P., m.d. Wheeler, Chari.es E. WiiiPPi.E, C. T. Whipple, H. T. Thomas, Elias Jr. HONORARY. Brown, H. B. Hunt, Philip B. Kent, Edw. W. Fuller, Charles King, M. F. Fi^E » pjlo'i'OQRjiPjJy * POi^'i'RJii'rtJRE Mr. J. H, LAMSON announces to his former friends and patrons that he has repurchased his old Photo Studio, the well-known “LAMSON STUDIO,” of Portland, JVIaine, Opposite Falmouth Hotel, after an absence of some years, during which Mr. Lamson has visited many of the leading cities of our country, he feels better prepared than ever to hold and greatly increase his acknowledged reputation as the leading artist of this State and one of the foremost PORTRAIT PM0T0QRAPMER5 of New England. All are most cordially invited to visit the studio and inspect the many new styles now introduced in Portland for the first time. 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 lEybibit flDembcre of portlanb damera Club “AMATEUR.” OMEGA PRINTS. Sunset, Cushings Island. 6 Stone Cottage, Cushings Island. 7 Willows, Cushings Island. 8 Old Commodore. 9 House Island. 10 House Island. Half-way House, Mt. Washington. Peabody River, White Mountains. Rustic Bridge, Glen House. Emerald Pool, Glen House. PHILIP H. BROWN. SILVER PRINTS. Rocks and Shrubbery, Glen Cove. The Side Hill, Glen Cove. Government Pond, Cape Elizabeth. Teal Pond, Cape Elizabeth. Portland Head Light, Cape Eliza- beth. 16 Stroudwater River, Deering, Me. IT From Pride’s Bridge, ‘ Westbrook. 18 Cushing’s Point, Cape Elizabeth. 19 At Delano Park, Cape Elizabeth. ©ife fea,ap0ne0 ©ompany, of (T^^^inc;. IncorporatEd 1B4B. JDHNE, EeWITTj PrEsidEnt. ^His old established Company issues policies of the most liberal character which ^ are framed so as to provide for every contingency that is likely to arise. The Non-Forfeiting Free Tontine policies provide not only insurance protec- tion, but they present opportunities for investment' — owing to the method of distributing the surplus — which make them a very desirable form of policy. The Union Mutual has paid to its Policy-holders and their heirs Twenty-six Millions of Dollars. It is the only Company whose policies are or can be subject to the Maine Non-Forfeiture Law; send for list of claims paid thereunder and explanatory pamphlets. 20 21 22 23 24 25 2C) 27 35 36 37 38 30 40 41 PHILIP G. BROWN. SILVER PRINTS. A Portland Wharf. Among the Mountains. A Mountain Brook. Portland Light. Glen Cove. Soldiers’ Monument. Deering Park. Longfellow Monument. 28 Portland Harbor. 29 Surf, Portland Harbor. 30 Cushings Island. 31 Rocks, Portland, Me. R R O M I D E ENLARGEMENTS. 32 “Billy and Colonel.” 33 “ Colonel.” 34 “Blowing Bubbles.” NATHAN CLIFFORD. SILVER PRINTS. Base Mt. Washington. Near the Crawford. A Mountain Brook. A Bend in the River. Palls of the Amonusuc. Surf and Shipping. Newry, Me. 42 Surf, Cape Elizabeth. 43 Old Mill, Newfield. 44 Natural Dam, Newry, Me. BROMIDES. 44« Group. 445 Head. 44c The “ Stay There.” ' — n.iPoca'TA.asT'a?— To Holders of G-overnmant and Other Sacufitles and IfaluablBs. ^Portland Safaings 33anJt BuillJing, No. ^ 87 ^ Exchange * Street. ^ ^Ifer for rent, the renter to have sole possession of the key, the Safes within their Fihk ^ AND Burolah Proof Vafi/i', at prices ranging according to size and location, from $10 to $75 per year. The Tompany receives deposits of valuables in large and small amounts, and gives receipts for the same, containing full descriptions of the items, which will he delivered upon call, precisely as deposited, and distinctly stating the extent of the risk assumed, for which moderate charges are made. A full record is made on the books of the Company, giving the details of every de])osit and its withdrawal, verified by the signature of the owner. Charges Payable In Advance for Storage and Safe Keeping. (Government or other Securities, transferable by delivery, .$2.50 per $1,000 per year. (Government or other Securities, not transferable by deliveiw, .$2.00 per $1,(MK) per year. (iold or Silver Coin or Jewelry, .$2.50 per $1,000 per year. Silver or (Gold Plate, under seal, upon owner’s valuation (subject to adjustment for bulk ), $1.(K) per $1(M) per year. Deeds, Mortgages and other papers of no fixed value, $1.(K» each per year. Wills, during life of maker, $5.00, and$l. 00 additional whenever withdrawn aiul returned. No Charge Less Than Dne Dollar, i- ‘i HALF-TONE BY H. W. SHAYLOR, jR , CUTS MADE FOR ALL KINDS OF RELIEF PLATE WORK. 45 46 47 48 4‘) 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 GO 01 78 79 H. W. SHAYLOft ^^iT-VEii Prints. Strong, Me. Deering Park. 2 views. Gate Tender’s House, Union Station. Old Mill, Stroudwater. Stroudwater. i c Capisic Stream. Stroudwater River. C( 14 U 4 4 4 4 Bridge, Falmouth. (( u Palls at Yarmouth. Mill Pond, Litclifield, Me. i< u Outlet of Cobbossee Contee Lake. 62 Cobbossee Contee Lakei 63 Pasture, Manchester, Me. 64 Haying, “ 05 The Last Load, “ 66 Farm House, “ 67 Creek, “ 68 Cobbossee Contee Lake, Manclies- ter. Me. 69 Moonlight, Manchester, Me. 70 Pasture, Winthrop, Me. 71 Hand-Car, Strong, Me. 72 Willows, “ “ 73 Old Mill, 74 Mt. Abram, “ “ 75 Saddleback Mts., Strong, Me. 76 Interior. 77 McCurdy Pond. CHARLES E. WHEELER. SILVER PRINTS. Elmwood Grounds, Phillipr^, Me. 80 On to Rangeley Lakes. The Willows. 81 Bark, S. B. Hale. Perfect V^ntilationandEeonomica! Heating, THIS IS THE BEST Ain HOST ECOHOHIOAL System of Heating yet introduced. Many of the Finest Resi- dences in this city are Comfortably Warmed at Small Expense by this remarkable Heater. Inquiries are Solicited, Ex- amination, Estimates and advice are furnished without charge. AIM'LY TO Portland Stove Fonndry Co. 82 S3 84 85 86 87 88 02 93 94 95 96 102 103 104 105 106 107 Sphinx, Danfortli Cove. Winter Scene. East Brook Bridge, Weld, Me. Boating. Columbus Avenue Chums. Lovers’ Rock. Park Street. HARRY SILVER Marriner’s, Long Ishind. Shore View, “ Grove, “ Pond Cove Cottages, Cape Eliza- beth, Me. Raymond, Me. FRANK H. SILVElt 1 Cundy’s Harbor. Surf. Point Lookout, Harpswell. Farmhouse, North Gorliam. Yacht. Interior. 89 Delano Park. 90 Pond Cove. 91 IN FRAME, FOUR VIEWS. Head of Weld Pond. A Cool Retreat. Old Mill. Mt. Tumbledown. LEVY. PRINTS. 97 Mill Dam, Raymond, Me. 9S Mill Ruins, “ 99 Panther Pond, “ 100 Songo Lock, Naples, Me. 101 Songo Lock Draw Bridge, Naples, Maine. LITTLE. ‘RINTS. 108 Head of Presumpscot River. 109 Pride’s Bridge. 110 Fish Wharf, Bailey’s Island. 111 North Gorham. 112 Stroudwater. 113 Presumpscot River, No. Gorham. M. F. KING, PHOTOGRAPHIC MAT ERIALS, No. 4 82 CONG RESS CTEEET, PORTLAND, ME. •The Wants of Amateurs Attended to. 114 115 116 117 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 135 136 137 138 139 144 Presumpscot River, No. Gorham. 118 Yacht. “ “ “ 119 Mt. Kineo. Harpswell Neck. 120 Mt. Kineo Road. Spray. 1*2 1 Moosehead Lake. FREDERICKS. BULLARD. Point Sinnett, Orr's Island. A Hazy Morning. Old Mill, North Raymond, Me. White Head. Wharf, Orr’s Island. North Conway, N. H. McMillans Bridge, No. Conway. 129J^Mending Nets. 130 After the Storm. 131 Simonton’s Cove. 132 Across the River, Glen IStat’n, N. H. 133 A Landmark, Oak and Congress Sts. 134 Nine printing methods from same neg- ative. DR. S. P. WARREN- SII.VEK PRINTS. Cape Cottage Cove. Five Weeks Old. Nicatous Lake. Old Willow in March. Feb. 23, 1892. 140 “ His Master’s Faithful Friend.” 141 “By Sedgy Pools.” 142 Portland Head Light. 143 Smith Woods, orthochromatic plate. HARRIE B. COE- Banner — East Side Coaching 145 Banner — 7 Bromides — “Among Parade. the Rangeley Lakes.” SWAN & BARRETT, * BANKERS* No. 186 Middle Street, . PORTLAND, ME. WOODBURY & MOULTON, BANKERS No. 176 Middle, Cor. Exchange St., PORTLAND, ME. Dealers in Investment Securities. Interest allowed on Deposits WARREN C. KING. 14(5 Study of Rocks. 51 Views. 147 Study of Trees. 5 Views. H. M. BAILEY. imo^riDE. 148 Romeo and Juliet (copy from steel 15J A Meadow Brook. en^ravin*^). SIEVE H PKTNTS. 149 Magdaline, by Murrillo (copy from 154 Haying on Conway Intervale. pliotograph). 155 “The Willows,” Cushings Island. TLATINOTYPES. 15(5 Goodrich Falls, Jackson, N. IT ir>() Jackson Falls, Jackson, N. II. 157 Kearsarge Brook, Kearsarge, N. H 151 Presumpscot Palls, Deerino:. 158 Mill, North Conway. 152 A Shady Pool. 159 Dora. CHARLES B. FULLER. 1(50 Gems by the Sea, (frame.) COLLECTION OF ARTOTYPES- From Edward Bierstadt, New York. BROMIDE ENLARGEMENTS. C. M. Littlelield, Boston, Mass. ^ JOHN CALVIN STEVENS, ARCHITECT ROOMS-21, 22, 23, Oxford building, L185 Middle St.. PORTLAND, MAINE. - .m Contributione 1Hon*=flDcinbercr PHOTOQRy\PHIC 50C1ETY OF WATERBURY, CONN. S. B. 101 In the Meadow. 102 Potato Diggers. 108 Fallen Willow. EDWARD A 100 Two Old Locomotives, South Kensington Museum. 107 Heave Ho. 108 Twilight. ILL. 104 A Bit of Muskenetong Valley. 105 Laughing Child. BEACH. 101) A Shady Spot. 170 An Interior. Enlargement. 171 The Slow River. “ Suffolk Co., England. A. L. HOADLEY. 172 Whitfield House, Guilford, Conn, 1081). 178 Newport Harbor by Moonlight. 174 Capitol, Washington, 1). C. 175 Treasury Building, Wash’n, D. C. 170 State, War and Navy Buildings, Washington, D. C. 177 Harvest. 178 Looking East, Swarthmore, Pa. 171) Leeds Falls, Northampton, Mass. 180 Hall Memorial Chapel, Water- bury. Conn. ?;?\ssEs AfJfe ID?\Y §TE?\1 jS by." Why not, prior to that trip you are planning on, for* next June, prepare yourself with sufficient plates for your summer outing. Their rapidity is phenominal, their uniformity is unrivalled, their excellence unsurpassed. THEiLIBBYlDRYiPLUTEiCOMPSNY, P0RTLANB, • • MAINE. 181 182 185 180 187 188 189 190 190 198 199 200 201 202 203 H. A N. Y. & N. E. Depot, Wat-rbury, Conn. Locomotive, Waterlmry, Conn. EDWARD H Glimpse of the Sanoric. Low Tide. St. Agnes Palls. Early Spring. A Hill Farm. Birches in a Snow Storm. 18) N lu^r.taclc Rive;, a': Hi;-’; Ci\)Vi . l>^4 M. C. R. R. Bridge, Xoi tluin Mass. EVERETT. 191 Along the Housatonic. 192 “ “ 193 A January Morning. 194 On the Naugatuck. 195 White Pace Mt. Rest by the Wayside. FRANK WILTON. 197 Naugatuck Valley. E. E. DEWITT. Mt. Tom Pond. Companion Piece. A June Morning. Old Mill. The Harbor Bar. Home of the Waterbury. 204 The River Road. 205 Target Practice. 20G “Halt.” 207 A Primitive Meal. 208 State Capitol, Conn. 209 At the Breastworks. J. p. tiO. 218 MIDDLE STREET, POUTLAND, ME. DEALERS IN J|8lVEST|VlE/s[T SEC;^^JTjES. Sterling Exchange drawn and Letters of Credit Issued, Available in all the Principal Cities of Europe. AGENTS OF THE Clreqiie Bank:, ( Limited ) , London, = England. JOHN MUSELECK. 210 Naugatuck River. 211 Manhan Canal. MISS ALICE DEPEW. 212 Trestle W. M. & C. R. R. R. 213 By the Lake Side. FRED A. STONE. 214 Shuman’s Cut. 218 Gladiators. 215 On the Naugatuck. 219 U. S. S. Kearsarge. 2 Views. 210 Brook. 220 Bow Bridge, Central Park, N. Y, 217 Cemetery Road. 221 Bathing, Savin Bock, Conn. H. W. HAYDEN. 222 Wreck of the Emma, two views, Isle of St. Pierre. 223 Fishermen’s Houses, Savoyard, Isle of St. Pierre. ^24 Above the Old Fort, St. Johns, Newfoundland. 225 On the Fish Flakes, Petty TIarhor, Newfoundland. 220 Harbor of St. Lawrence, New- foundland 227 Logie Bay, Newfoundland. 22S Fish Flakes, Logie, Bay, New- foundland. 229 Fish Flakes, Palugal Cove, New- foundland. 230 School Children, Palugal Cove. 231 Entrance to Quidi Vide Harbor. YOUR APPRECIATION Of out-door nature s beauties is awakened and quickened if you are the possessor of a CAMERA and make it your companion in your summer rambles. We caii supply yoti with any of the leading makes^ and all the materials for operating it. It will not be necessary to ow7i a camera to appreciate our well-stocked P H A RM AC Y . You can see its advantages at a glance., ^and better by bringmg to us your wants for anytlmig in a branch pharmaceutical. H. H. HAY & SON, Middle Street, Portland., Me. GEORGE S. HUSKER. Broken Housatonic Dam, Bir- 2;W A Country Blacksmith Shop, niinjrham, (’oim. 2o4 Effect of Ice, Birminohani, Conn. H. T, STEDMAN. 2.‘>‘) Interior. Flasli light. --H The Naugatuck Valley — Xortli 2o() A Pleasant Drive. Bromide Eii- hoin Waterbury. hirgeinent. CHARLES R. PANCOAST. 2;hs A New England Byway. 24;l Flowers by the Wayside. 2:J1) Mt. Everett, Mass. 244 A Long Island Landscape. 240 The Broken Egg. 245 A Neglected Spot. 241 242 Afternoon in the Berkshires. Numblepeg. 246 A Berkshire Road. ^«PCJY YOUK TONINQ JOLCJTIONJ ^ bEVELOFERfei^ OF — John Williamson, PHARfflAGISr® Junction Congress and Free Streets, PORTLAND, ME. , - — ^ a-EO- C. cSc CO., O ^ TJ C T S 5SS BV Ooaag-ress Street. 235 ]\^id.d.le end. Oong'xess Sq.*Liere. nY5TlC CAMERA CLUB, MEDFORD, MA55. *247 1 Cliil) frame. 10i)rints. JOSEPH H. WHEELER. *248 1 Frame. 11 prints. 5PR1NQF1ELD CAMERA CLUB. JOHN LESHURE. 249 Whateley Glen. 2.72 Lanesville Brook. 270 Cook’s Brook, Cliester, Mass. 2.7:> Ravine at Lanesville. 271 Whateley Ravine. 274 Becket Falls, Becket, Mass. M. D. FLETCHER. 2.77 A Berkshire Cascade. 277 Pigs in Clover. 270 A Relic of Ye Olden Time. cy\LL y\T QAQE PK0TI1EK3’ por your TENNIS GOODS, Base Ball Qoods, poot Ball Supplies and pishipg 'I'acl^le. We Carry the Largest and Finest Line of the above, and SlP0l^T|r|G GOOhS Zlsr Z=^OK.TL^ZT3D, 2 BE STK.EET-' WHOLESALE and RETAIL Also, manufacturers of n?0L01NGS, &DTORS, BRACKETS, STAIR W0RK, &g. 494 TO 504 Fore, and 279 Commercial Streets, PORTLAND, Me. M. T. DOTEN, E. S. DOTEN, II. M. lUILEV. HINSDALE SMITH JR. 258 Mann’s Brook, Southwick, Mass. 200 Landscape, South wick, 31ass. 251) August Haze, Feeding Hill, Mass. 201 Landscape, Southwick, Mass. W. R. DRAPER. 202 Cottage by the Sea, Cai)c Ann. 205 Roadway, Catskills. 208 Sand Dunes, Coffin’s Beach, Cape ' 200 Old Homestead, New England. Ann. 207 Old Chestnut, Springlield. 204 Rapids, Niagara. R. W- ADAMS. *208 View from Marblehead Neck. *2T0 Cleft Rock, S E PRINTS. 281 A Country Homestead. 288 Off for the Fishing Ground. 282 An Old-Time Cottage. 284 Glastonbury Wharf. CHARLES L. GOODWIN. PI.ATINOTYPES. 285 The Black Crook. 287 Interior. 28G Lake Carasalja, Lakewood, N. .1. 288 Interior. H. W. BENJAMIN. 289 A Dark Secret. (Flash liglit.) 292 By Fern Bank and Reedy Down. 290 On the Hill Side. 298 Canoeing Days. 291 Spring Pastures. HOTOGRAPH Y RINTING AS ARALELLS. AND THE PLATE THE CAMERA THE NEGATIVE THE PRINT THE ARTISTS —TYPE. — PRINTING PRESS. PAPER. COMPLETED JOB. -BROWN THURSTON COMPANY NEAT PRINTERS, 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE. i ■ - ' V » . I . _ % I . ■ ; ^ ■ f ' r ' ‘ •