Ikttts!) institution FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED, JUNE 4, 1805, OPENED, JANUARY 18, 1806. THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G, PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1842. PRICE ONE SHILLING. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. The Duke of Bedford. The Duke of Wellington, K. G. The Duke of Sutherland, K. G. The Marquess of Salisbury. The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. The Countess of Mulgrave. The Earl of Essex. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl of Orford. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. The Earl of Morley. The Earl of Wicklow. The Earl of Normanton. The Baroness Basset. Lady De Dunstanville. Lord De L isle. Lord Colborne. Lord Monteagle. Lord Charles Townshend. Hon. Col. Fitzgibbon. Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart M. P. Sir John Swinburne, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Charles Forbes, Bart. Sir George Philips, Bart. Rt. Hon. Henry Labouehere, M.P. Lady Chantrey. Sir Peter Laurie. Colonel Hugh Baillie, M. P. Colonel Chaplin. Colonel Wyndham. Rev. Dr. Moberley. Rev. II. Cholmondeley. Rev. W. A. Fitz Hugh. Mrs. Baillie. M rs. Emmerson. Mrs. Winfield. Miss Rogers. Miss Wilkie. John Allnut, Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq. M. W. Barnes. Esq. Jacob Bell, Esq. Beriah Botfield, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M.P. T. B. Brown, Esq. George Byng, Esq. M. P. J. Clarke, Esq. Alexander Colvin, Esq. John Davis, Esq. Bonamy Dobree, Esq. John Donne, Esq. Wynn Ellis, Esq. M. P. R. Foster. Esq. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. John Gibbons, Esq. John Grant, Esq. James Hall, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. Archer Holdsworth, Esq. John Bellenden Ker, Esq. John Marshall, Esq. M.P. John Martin, Esq. M. P. F. G. Moon. Esq. J. Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. R. P. Nichols, Esq. W. Perceval, Esq. Frederick Perkins, Esq, Henry Rice, Esq. Samuel Rogers, Esq. W. Seguier, Esq. John Sheepshanks, Esq. John Abel Smith, Esq. M. P. -Sneyd, Esq. M. Stodart. Esq. D. Tighe, Esq. E. R. Tunno. Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. Charles Baring Wall, Esq. James Wardrop, Esq. William Wells, Esq. W. IT. Whitbread, Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. George Young, Esq. The Royal Academy. Governors of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. The Medical Officers of the Army. The Company of Merchant Tailors. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, PATRONESS. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. HIS GRACE THE .DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M. P. DEPUTY PRESIDENT. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS.. * The Earl of Aberdeen, K. T. Director. The Marquess of Abercorn. The Earl of Ashburnham. The Earl of Aylesford. * Lord Ashburton, Director. Sir Emanuel Felix Agar. John Angerstein, Esq. * The Marquess of Bute. * Earl Brownlow, Director. The Earl of Bridgewater. * Lady Bernard. Lord Barrington. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Director. Sir Frederick Baker, Bart. * Colonei Hugh Baillie. * James Evan Baillie, Esq. The Rev. James Baker. John Bay ford. Esq. Thomas Wentworth Beaumont, Esq. * Lord Bexley. John Blackall , Esq. Thomson Bonar, Esq. William R. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. II. L. Broad head, Bait. ' The Marquis Camden , K. G. The Earl of Carlisle, K. G. Earl Coivper. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. * Lord Colborne, Director. Miss Burdett Coutts. The Duke of Devonshire, K. G. * The Earl of Dartmouth, Db 'ector. Cob Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bart. *- Sir George Duckett, Bart. Lt. Col. Hugh Percy Davison. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. M. P. Villiers Dent, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. William Evans, Esq. M. P. Earl FitzwilUam. Lord Fever sham. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart, Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert Fit.z Wygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. * Francis Gosling, Esq. Benjamin Gostling, Esq. * John Hainbrough, Esq. Nathaniel Hibbert, Esq. Henry Hoare, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir John Cam Hobhouse Bart. M. P. J. XT. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq, M. P. Director. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Rev. Sir Samuel Clark Jervoise. Bart Hylton Jolliffe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird. John Knight, Esq. The Marquess of Lansdowne, K. G. Director. 4 GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Earl of Liverpool, K. G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K. G. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Mrs. Law. Thomas Legh, Esq. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. George C. Loftus, Esq. William Ludlam, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough. * Earl Manvers. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. The Earl of Powis. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. * Hon. Edward Petre. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. John Penn, Esq. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq. Cfiarles Pieschell, Esq. Pryse Pryse, Esq. M. P. * The Earl of Rosebery. K. T. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. Those marked * have signified their consent to their interest in the Institution LIFE GO' John Proctor Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. The Earl of Beverley. The lit. lion. Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B. Director. Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Henry Baring, Esq. William Blake, Esq. Director. Samuel Boddington, Esq. William Bosanquet, Esq. Beriah Botlield, Esq. M. P. Henry Broadwood, Esq. M. P. * Samuel Rogers, Esq. Director. * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Samuel Scott, Bart. Henry Seymour, Esq. * Richard Simmons, Esq. Benjamin Smith, Esq. Lord Sudeley. * Lord Charles Townshend. Richard Thompson , Esq. John Thornton, Esq. William Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vial Is, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. * Charles Baring Wall, Esq. M.P. Director. Frederick Webb, Esq. The Marquess of Westminster, K. G. Director. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George Wilbraham, Esq. M. P. Robert Williams, Esq. John Smith Wright, Esq. Earl of Zetland. the recommendation of the Directors, to allow :o terminate with their lives. The Archbishop of Canterbury. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Lord Churchill. John Curteis, Esq. Lord Dynevor. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Hart Davis, Esq. Charles Dixon, Esq. Enosh Durant, Esq. The Rev. Howell Holland Edwards. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. Earl Grey, K. G. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION 5 Right Hon Sir Robert Gordon, G. C. B. James Goding, Jun. Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. James Hall, Esq. William R. Hamilton, Esq. Frederick Hodgson,Esq. M.P. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. William King, Esq. Henry King, Esq. Sir John Lowther, Bart. Lord Maryborough. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. James Morrison, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Lord Northwick, Director. Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. Joseph Neeld, Esq. M. P. Charles Offley, Esq. Lord Viscount Palmerston, M. P. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P. Director. Lord Prudhoe. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Sir George Philips, Bart. M. P. William Tyringham Praed, Jun. Esq. The Earl of Ripon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. William Scrope, Esq., Director. J. B. Scott, Esq. Edward Solly, Esq. Richard H. Solly, Esq. Sir James Stuart, Bart. William Tassie, Esq. George Townley, Esq. John Vincent Thompson, Esq. The Earl of Westmorland. Robert Vernon, Esq. The Right Hon. Sir GeorgeWarrender, Bart. William Wells, Esq. Director. Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. Henry James Wheeler, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. 38500 0 J. C. Parker, Esq. 10 10 Sir Charles Bell - 10 10 William Vaughan, Esq. 3810 10 Charles Birch, Esq. 10 10 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. 10 10 Sir Robert Frankland, Bart. - 10 10 Thomas Martin, Esq. annual 3 3 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. 10 10 Edward N. Dennys, Esq. annual 3 3 Charles Hatchett, Esq. 10 10 Robert D. Mercer, Esq. - annual 3 3 Subscribers of 50 Guineas, are entitled to be balloted for as Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to personal admission and Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions ; but Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year, have personal admission, and the right of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. B Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofworksOOunse_O CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WILKIE, R.A. TOGETHER WITH A SELECTION OF PICTURES BY ANCIENT MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. JUNE, 1842. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper End of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms, on the left hand. &oom. WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WILKIE, R. A. No. Subjects. 1 King George the Fourth’s Entrance to his Palace of Holyrood House, the 15th of August, 1822. In front of His Majesty, the Duke of Hamilton First Peer of Scotland, in the plaid of the Earls of Arran, is pre¬ senting the Keys of the Palace, of which he is hereditary Keeper; on the right of the King, is the Duke of Mon¬ trose, Lord Chamberlain, pointing to the entrance of the Palace, where is stationed the Duke of Argyll in his family tartan, as Hereditary Keeper of the Household ; behind him is the Crown of Robert the Bruce supported by Sir Alexander Keith; on the left of the Picture in the dress of the Royal Archers, who served as the King’s Body Guard, i9 the Earl of Hopetoun, and close to him in the character of Historian or Bard, is Sir Walter Scott. 2 The Siege of Saragossa - Painted. Proprietors. 1830 HER MAJESTY. 1828 HER MAJESTY. No. Subjects. 3 The Guerilla taking leave of his Confessor 4 Her Majesty Queen Victoria - 5 The Guerilla’s Return to his Family 6 Guerilla Council of War in a Spanish Posada - 7 Finished Sketch for the picture of the Chelsea Pensioners - - - - - 8 Finished Sketch for the picture of Blind Man’s Buff. 9 Her Majesty Queen Victoria at her First Council 10 John Knox Preaching - 11 The Penny Wedding - 12 The Fortune-Teller. The occurrence here repre¬ sented took place in St. Domingo. The Lady was afterwards the Emperess Josephine 13 Portrait of His Grace the Duke of Wellington - 14 Chelsea Pensioners reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo - 15 Blind Man’s Buff - 16 The Sick Chamber - 17 Napoleon and Pius VII. at Fontainbleau 18 Columbus - 19 The Rabbit on the Wall 20 The Wardrobe ransacked - 21 Sketch of Reading the Will - 22 The Death of Sir Philip Sydney 23 Study of the Gentle Shepherd 24 Finished Sketch for the Picture of the Village Festival - 25 The Errand Boy - 26 Death of the R,ed Deer Painted. Proprietors. 1828 HER MAJESTY. 1841 Sir Charles Forbes, Bart. 1830 HER MAJESTY. 1828 HER MAJESTY. 1821 Thos. Baring, Esq. 1811 Charles Bredel, Esq. 1839 HER MAJESTY. 1832 f Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel , j Bart. M.P. 1818 HER MAJESTY. 1837 John Abel Smith, Esq. M.P. 1835 Marquess of Salisbury. 1822 Duke of Wellington, K.G. 1812 HER MAJESTY. 1808 F. G. Moon, Esq. 1836 John Marshall, Esq. M. P. 1835 R. S. Ho ford, Esq. 1816 T. B. Brown, Esq. 1810 Lady De Dunstanville. 1820 Mrs. Emmerson. 1818 Bonamy Dobree, Esq. 1840 James Hall, Esq. 1809 William Wells, Esq. 1818 Sir John Swinburne, Bart. 1821 Miss Rogers. No. Subjects. 27 The Newsmongers 28 Portrait of Sir Peter Laurie Painted. 1821 29 Portrait of the late Sir David Wilkie 30 Portrait of James Hall, Esq. -- 31 The Jew’s Harp - 32 The Bagpiper - 33 Scene from The Gentle Shepherd 34 The Cut Finger - 35 The New Coat - 36 The Nursery ----- 37 Head of John Norman, Blacksmith of the Village of Cults - - - 38 Scene from The Abbot of Sir Walter Scott 39 Sketch for the Picture of John Knox preaching 40 Benvenuto Cellini and the Pope 41 William the Fourth - 42 The Parish Beadle - 43 The Breakfast - - 44 Distraining for Rent - 45 George the Fourth in Highland Costume 46 H. R. H. The Duke of Sussex in Highland Costume 47 Duncan Grey - 48 The Card-players - 49 “ Guess my Name ?” 50 The Pedlar - 51 Queen Mary escaping from Lochleven Castle 52 Study for the Village Politicians 53 A Landscape - 54 A Sketch for the Village School 1841 1841 1807 1812 1809 1807 1835 1813 1830 1825 1841 1833 1823 1817 1815 1832 1836 1814 1808 1821 1814 1837 1805 1822 Proprietors. Robert Vsrnon, Esq. Sir Peter Laurie. F Rt. lion. Sir Robert Peel, [ Bart. M. P. James Hall, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Robert Vernon , Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. W. H. Whitbread, Esq. M. Stodart, Esq. John Gibbons , Esq. W. Seguier, Esq. W. Seguier, Esq. Colonel Wyndham. Henry Rice, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K. G. Lord Colborne. Duke of Sutherland, K. G. William Wells, Esq. Duke of Wellington, K. G. HER MAJESTY. J. Sheepshanks, Esq. Charles Bredel, Esq. Frederick Perkins, Esq. Mrs. Baillie. E R. Tunno, Esq. Robert Vernon, Esq. Miss Wilkie. C Jiftfotile &oom. WORKS OF THE LATE SIR DAVID WILKIE, R. A. No. Subjects. 55 The Rent Day - - - - 56 Scotch Baptism 57 The Confessional - 58 Portrait, of the late Lady Lyndhurst 59 Portrait of Thomas Wilkie, Esq. 60 Portrait of Sir James Macgrigor, Bart., IVl.D. 61 The Highland Family - 62 The China Menders - 63 Sketch of two of the daughters of the late Rev. Dr. Thomson of Long Stowe, Cambridgeshire Painted. Proprietors. 1807 Countess of Mulgrave. 1829 Lady Chantrey. 1827 J. Morrison, Esq. 1832 Duke of Wellington, K.G. Miss Wilkie. 1835 | The Medical Officers of th | Army. 1824 Earl of Essex. 1818 Sir George Philips, Bart. John Donne, Esq. Studies from No. 64 to 107 inclusive, excepting No. 84, which is a finished picture. 64 Sketch for a Picture of burying the Regalia of Scotland - 65 Two Figures in the Picture of The Bride 66 Portrait of Miss Wilkie - 67 A Mother teaching her Children to pray 68 The Sick Chamber, a Sketch - 69 Portrait of a Gentleman in a Dutch Dress 70 The Duke of Wellington and his Charger 71 William the Fourth - 72 Prince Talleyrand - 73 The Cut Finger, a Sketch - 74 Portraits of the Children of Major and Mrs. Winfield - 1833 1808 1822 1809 Miss Wilkie. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Lady Laurie . Thomas Wilkie , Esq. Countess of Mulgrave. George Young , Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Lord De L'Lisle. C. Baring Wall, Esq. M. P. Countess of Mulgrave. 1835 Mrs. Winfield. [ 111 No. Subjects. 75 Queen Adelaide on Horseback 76 A Spanish Senorita with her Nurse, a native of the Asturias, walking in the Prado of Madrid - 77 Samuel and Eli - 78 Two Figures in Spanish Dresses 79 A Female adjusting her hair - 80 The Breakfast, a Sketch - 81 The Encampment of the Sheik and Arabs who accompanied Sir David Wilkie to the Dead Sea and Jericho.— Painted in Jerusalem. 82 Our Saviour at Emaus. Painted in Jerusalem. 83 Christ before Pilate. Painted in Jerusalem 84 The White Boy’s Cabin 85 Small Landscape - 86 A Kitchen _____ 87 Portrait of the late Sir David Wilkie 88 Portrait of Thomas Wilkie, Esq. 89 Portrait of Mrs. Riddell, a Niece of Sir David Wilkie - 90 The Blind Fiddler, a Sketch - 91 Reading the Will, a Sketch - 92 The Wardrobe Ransacked, a Sketch 93 A View, looking to the East, of the Church and Manse of Cults, in which Sir D. Wilkie was born, as they appeared in 1792—drawn from recollection - 94 The Nativity—the Figures in the Dresses of the Country - 95 William the Fourth - 96 Sketch for an Allegorical Picture 97 Queen Adelaide - Painted. 1828 1836 1817 1817 1835 1840 Proprietors Sir Peter Laurie. Samuel Rogers, Esq. James Hall, Esq. Thomas Wilkie. Esq. Thomas Wilkie, Esq . Miss Wilkie. Miss Wilkie Miss Wilkie. Alexander Colvin, Esq. Robert Vernon. Esq. Alexander Colvin, Esq . Mrs. Winjield. Mrs. Winjield. Mrs. Winfield. John Allnut, Esq . Mrs. Emmerson. Alexander Colvin, Esq . Miss Wilkie. James Hall, Esq , Sir Peter Laurie. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Sir Peter Laurie. [ 12 ! No. Subjects. 98 The Turkish Letter-writer.— Painted at Con¬ stantinople - 99 View, looking to the West of the Church and Manse of Cults, as they now appear 100 A Jewish Woman and her Child,— drawn in Jerusalem - 101 Two Figures for the Picture of Josephine and the Fortune-teller - 102 The Interior of Pitlessie Mill in the Parish of Cults - 103 The Letter of Introduction, a sketch - 104 Female Figure in the Picture of Queen Mary 105 A Jewish Family - 106 Five Heads, the commencement of a Picture of Samuel and Eli - 107 H. R. H. The Duke of Sussex Painted. 1840 1817 1818 Proprietors. Lord Charles Townshend. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Lord Charles Townshend, Thomas Wilkie, Esq. John Allnut , Esq. Miss Wilkie. Thomas Wilkie, Esq. Mrs. Collins. James Hall, Esq. i James Hall , Esq. 108 The Pifferari, with Pilgrims playing Hymns to the Madonna - 109 Portrait of Mrs. Moberley - 110 Portrait of William Stodart, Esq. 111 Portrait of Master Robert James Donne 112 Portrait of Mrs. Winfield, a Niece of Sir David Wilkie - 113 The Princess Doria washing the Pilgrims’ feet 114 Subject from Burns’ Poem of 44 The Vision” 115 Digging for Rats - 116 A Lady taking Tea - 117 The Blind Fiddler, a Sketch - 118 Sunday Morning - 119 The Hookabardar 120 The Card-players, a Sketch - 1827 1827 1802 1811 1806 1805 1841 1808 HER MAJESTY. Rev. Dr. Moberley. M. Stodart, Esq. John Donne, Esq. Mrs. Winfield, HER MAJESTY. James Wardrop, Esq. The Royal Academy. Lord Monteagle. Countess of Mulgrave. Countess of Mulgrave. Jacob Bell, Esq. Countess of Mulgrave. [ 13 ] No. 121 122 123 124 Alfred in the Neatherd’s Cottage, with Portrait of Sir David Wilkie in the back ground 125 Landscape, with Sheep-washing 126 Portrait of Matthias Prime Lucas, Esq. Presi¬ dent of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital - 127 Landscape, Sheep-washing, Study for the Picture 128 The Recruiting Party - 129 Port raits of the late Rev. David Wilkie, Minister of Cults, and of Mrs. Wilkie, the Parents of Sir David Wilkie - 130 Portrait of the Lady Mary Fitzgerald Subjects. The Cotters' Saturday Night - Portrait of Daniel O'Connell, Esq. The Duke of Wellington and his Charger Painted. 1837 1838 Proprietors. G. F. Moon , Esq. Rev. H. Cholmondeley. f The Company of Merchant Tailors. 1806 1817 1839 1816 1805 Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. f The Governors of St. Bar [ tholomew's Hospital. John Allnut, Esq. Wynn Ellis, Esq. M.P. 1807 Miss Wilkie. 1807 Countess of Mulgrave. D t W ] outfi :Eoom ♦ A,'l No. Subjects. 131 Italian Buildings with an Itinerant Mu¬ sician, and other Figures 132 The Bird’s Nest - 133 A Woody Landscape 134 Portrait of Hubertus De Het - 135 Head of a Bull 136 The Madonna - 137 A Sandy road with a Grey Horse and Traveller resting - 138 The Virgin and Child 139 A Man selling Lemons 140 Portrait of an Abbe - S tJix 1 r rA* • L -I 0 (t C (-.Jy ) 141 Environs de Gueldres 142 The Environs of Dresden 143 The Woman taken in Adultery 144 Fete Champetre - 145 The Itinerant Musicians 146 A Young Woman returned from Market 147 Landscape with Pigs - 148 Italian Peasants in a Landscape 149 The Virgin weeping over the dead body of our Saviour - 150 The Daughter of Ilerodias with the Head of John the Baptist 151 A Slight Gale - 152 A Family at a Repast 153 The Family of Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke - Painters. Lingelback Vander Werf Gaspar Poussin Vandyke Paul Potter Elizabetha Sirani Paul Potter Murillo Teniers Teniers [Ruysdael & A.l [Vandevelde J Canaletto J. C. Proccaccini Watteau Jan Steen W. Mieris Karl du Jardin Sebastian Bourdon Guercino Carlo Dolce W. Vandevelde W. Mieris Vandyke Proprietors. Earl of Orford. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. - Sneyd, Esq. Andrew Fountaine, Esq. John Grant, Esq. . Beriah Botfeld , Esq. M.P. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. Sir Watkin IV. Wynn, Bart. Janies Hall, Esq. 31. W. Barnes, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Henry Broadwood, Esq.M.P. R. P. Nichols, Esq. Frederick Perkins, Esq.M.P. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Charles Heusch, Esq. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. Duke of Bedford. Rev. W. A. Fitz Hugh. Archer Holdsworth, Esq. . Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. Earl of 31orley. [ 15 ] No. Subjects. 154 Landscape with Historical Figures 155 Adonis going to the Chace 156 Landscape with Figures and Cattle 157 The Flemish Ball - 158 St. Peter repentant - 159 An Interior, with an old Woman sleeping 160 A B reeze - 161 The Virgin and Child, with St. John encircled by Fruit and Flowers 162 Full length of a Child, with a toy in a Garden Scene - 163 Dutch Boors - 164 Landscape - - 165 Scene on the Coast of Holland, with - Boats and Figures - 166 Cicero, at his Villa - 167 Portrait of Mrs. Robinson 168 The Adoration of the Magi 169 Heads - 170 The Virgin and Child with Joseph, in a Landscape - 171 A Cottage Girl going with her pitcher to the brook - 172 Head of a Female - 173 The Madonna - 174 Landscape and Figures, with a Fall of Water - 175 Sea-shore, with Figures 176 Portraits of John Bellenden Ker and his brother Henry Gawler 177 Live Fowls - Painters. Gaspar Poussin Titian Berghem A. Ostade Vandyke Teniers W. Vandevelde Proprietors. George Byrig, Esq. M.P .. Rev. IV. A. Fitz Hugh. Earl of Orford. R. Foster, Esq. Earl of Warwick. T. H. Longden, Esq. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. f G. Seghers and! {C. Scbut } # D. Tighe, Esq. Rubens Teniers Francesco Mile Earl o f Warwick. Sir W. Watkin Wynn, Bart John Davis, Esq. Vander Cape!la Rt. Hon. H. Lahouchere,M.P Wilson Sir Josh. Reynolds Palma Vecchio Titian Rev. IV. A. Fitz Hugh. H. A. J. Munro, Esq. Earl of Lonsdale, K.G. R. P. Nichols, Esq. Carlo Maratti Earl of Normanton. Gainsborough Giorgione Sasso Fe^ rato Baroness Basset. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibhon. J. Clarke, Esq. Ruysdael Gainsborough Col. Hugh Baillie, M. P. Marquess oj WestminsterK G Sir Josh. Reynolds Hondekoeter John Bellenden Ker , Esq. Lord Charles Townshend. No. Subjects. 178 Animals in a Landscape 179 Landscape, with a Fall of Water 180 The Last Supper - 181 Interior of a Dutch Church 182 Landscape with Historical Figures 183 The Virgin presenting the Infant Saviour to a Female Saint - 184 St. Francis, with the Infant Christ 185 Roman Soldiers, in a Landscape 186 Job and his Friends - 187 An Exterior, with Figures drinking 188 Landscape, with Figures 189 The taking down from the Cross, a Vision —a Pasticcio 190 A Boar Hunt - 191 Diogenes - 192 View in the Environs of Dresden 193 Dead Christ supported by the Virgin, with Joseph of Arimathea Portraits. J. H. Roos Ruysdael Sasso Ferrato Cuyp Salvator Rosa Paul Veronese Murillo Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa P. de Hooge Wynants Teniers Rubens Salvator Rosa Canaletto Pietro Perugino Proprietors. W. Perceval , Esq. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. Dube of Bedford. Colonel Chaplin. Earl of Warwick. Earl of Wicklow. George Byng, Esq. M.P. Earl of Warwick. Col. Hugh Baillie, M.P. George Byng, Esq. M.P. Hon. Colonel Fitzgibbon. M. W. Barnes, Esq. Earl of Warwick. John Martin, Esq. M.P. Henry Broadwood, Esq.M. P. Rt. Hon.H.Labouchere, M.P WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper.