ippio !?v' ; ? '’:-S&£'--^XiJ-: ■ :®t >*;. a-M to^t abtlllaas • ’ ‘ . " ’ v v - • ' -;V* ^ W4aB ;V^ : ^;.:''■ . ' , . ' flflfi : im? ' wi^mm n't*#;?■*&■• ■vfr.&i .;*-■>/■•v '^”V,.•.*.• • r ^' 'V/ 1 w^im % . ,,,, i.. * *, , ^ ' *• r ' ! . -v-jfc \ •• ..■. ■'• i> 'v. • ‘ s>« ^ «//>».* ;■'-*$• / •■■• *> v= '‘./'V ''**'*■■ '• .« .: ;■• " ;i : ' ' ' Vk’ ; ,H \ \,‘ •“',••#•, eriGhisn sseMem 5 WINDOWS 5\ND h£AD6I5 GhftSS □I INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. GENERAL OFFICES - - JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK FACTORIES - - JAMESTOWN, N.Y. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND NEW YORK CITY OFFICE - - . PARK ROW BUILDING TELEPHONES—JAMESTOWN 1253 CORTLANDT 7916 N.Y. CITY O JGENCIES: BOSTON. Mass. Boston Metal Fireproofing Co,. 8, Beacon Street. W. J. Grosvenor. W. H. Atwood. Telephones: Haymarket 3836 and 3837. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Cooper & Lucas, 834. Real Estate Trust Bldg. 1 elcphoncs : 11-27 Walnut, 18-76 Race. CHICAGO, Ill. Olney J. Dean & Co., 12th floor Association Bldg. Manager, Casement Department: GeorgeW. Stocker. Telephones: Central 3462 and 3463. Automatic 34-821. PITTSBURGH. Pa. Mr. L. H. Gibson. P.O. Box 526. Telephone: 1307 R. Hill. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Minn. Oscar F. Symons Co., 503, Pioneer Bldg., 838, Plymouth Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis. (S. V. Ballou. Manager.) ST. LOUIS. Mo. Mr. W. E. Way, 614, Victoria Telephone : Olive 1418. Bldg. WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr.T. A. Bright,407, Commercial National Bank Bldg. Telephone: NwrtrWD. 57 j U CLEVELAND. Ohio. 1 he Cleveland Fireproof Equipment Co.. Room 1337, Schofield Building. CINCINNATI. Ohio. Pursell-Grand Co. Suite 1207-08-09. Mercantile Library Bldg. Telephones: Main 891-892. DENVER, Colo. Charles C. Patterson Co.. 1721, Stout Street. Telephone: Main 7733. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Manufacturers Specialties Co.. 418, Boston Bldg. Telephone: Wasatch 4751. LOS ANGELES. Cal. Mr. Louis R. Bedell. 520, West Ninth Street. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Mr. Thomas L. Barret, 127, North Third Street. MILWAUKEE. Wis. Phillip Gross Hardware Co.. 126-128. Grand Avc. Telephone: Grand 1116, KANSAS CITY, Mo. J. P. Sprague Company. 1311-1315. Rialto Bldg. Telephones : Home 9357. Bell 2706 Main. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Mr. C. F. Johnson. 628-629. Exchange Bldg. Telephones : Main 234-985. HELENA. Mont. Mahan & Grant. 32, West Telephone: Bell 71. xth Ave., P.O, Box 774 WILKES-BARRE. Pa. Mr. C. S. Greene, 319, Second National Bank Bldg. ARGENTINE AND URUGUAY Acosta & Co.. Suipacha 550, Casilla De Correo 1326, Bue SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. Mr. E. C. Dehn. 301. Hearst Bldg. Telephone: Sutter 6071. EASTERN CANADA Stinson-Reeb Builders' Supply Co.. Top Floor. Read Building, Montreal. Qut Telephone : Main 402. WESTERN CANADA Warrington & Johnson, 303. Duncan Building. Vancouver. B.C. Telephone: Seymour 4912. Page One INTRODUCTION N presenting this catalogue to the architectural profession and building trades we have endeavored to show, by architectural plates, the construction and application of metal casement sashes to meet the new and varying conditions as they exist in this country and Canada. In addition, we have also tried to make the work as comprehensive as possible by giving complete details of every form of casement sashes and ventilators, with list prices. With the assistance of Mr. Sydney E. Castle, Architect, London, we have been able to show photographs and measured drawings of casement windows and leaded glass in four sixteenth- century Tudor mansions, the best examples of their type in England. These photographs, while lending interest to the various pages, will doubtless be helpful to the architect and client. There is no doubt that much of the quaint charm of the English home is due, to a great extent, to the mullioned casement windows and small panes of leaded glass. In these measured drawings we have endeavored to show the peculiarities of the casement hardware and leaded glass, also the size of leaded glass panes, both rectangular and diamond. The measurements, styles, and information given may be depended upon as being authentic and absolutely reliable. The sections or steel shapes that form our casements are specially designed to meet the climatic conditions in this country, and the rolls are kept for our exclusive use. Section No. I is designed so that a “ three-point ’ casement can be supplied for all sizes of windows. It is, however, no longer necessary to use the heavy section for transoms and casements under 6 feet 0 inches in height, as both the light and heavy sections have the same appearance inside and outside. Elardware and leaded glass are fully described in these pages, and can readily be found by referring to the index on page four. We take this opportunity of inviting you to visit our factory to see the work in progress and to form your own judgment as to our capabilities. Our leading mechanics are men who have had many years experience in England manufacturing casement windows, and special hardware for same. For the future, it will be our highest ambition, by producing casement sashes efficient and weathertight under any and all conditions, as well as neat and artistic in appearance, to build up a business on the solid foundation of quality and square dealing. JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK MARCH, 1913 1 I M uilt m the century. TKe interior vieui sKouj. 5 square bay in Ions? gallery “ Out’sioe . .. -^CONDENSATION CHA.NNEU ■ 1.C.C0. INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT-CO. INCORPORATED SEC TION N O.2 HALF FULL SIZE ► DETAILS GUARANTEED AVEATHEHTIGHT -fiTO N-t; - HEAD jfVflXED J-EAPED SJ.AS3'GRAZED DlRtCt IN to 3tON£ 'GROVE: Page Thirteen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. CASEMENTS TO SWING INWARDS SECTION 2 A HORIZONTAL PIVOTED VENTILATOR SECTION 2 S See page 54 for complete price lists. Page Fourteen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. METAL STOP BEADS FOR HOLDING IN THE GLASS G LAZING metal sashes with an outside or inside pointing of putty is a mean, unsatisfactory proposition and a i neat, clean-cut appearance can never be obtained, and in many cases the oil from the putty runs down and stains the stonework. We recommend the use of metal stop beads set with brass or bronze screws. The extra for same over list prices is 22 cents per lineal foot. Below we give, full size, the various designs we can supply in iron or in bronze. n> - 80 - n> • 1Z.62.- r-> • 309 - •305' IN * 1167- n - Z34 ■ n ■ 3 ( 6 - rs ■ 656 - Pi '532.* •50* See page thirty-four for special combi¬ nation lead came and metal stop bead made and supplied with our leaded glass. Full size detail, showing applica¬ tion of metal stop bead to outward swinging sashes, section No. 1. ROLLED STEEL OR BRONZE MUNTINS Photograph of French casement with No. 2009 steel muntins. •2,003 • IWTUNTIN USED IN *** CONJUNCTION WITH SECTIONS No. I. No. I A. AND No. 1C. 2.009 • Full size details. IWTUNTIN USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SECTIONS No. 2. No. 2A, AND No. 2S. Page Fifteen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc ALL METAL CASEMENT WINDOWS AND TRIM FOR FIREPROOF STRUCTURES /"\N the opposite page we have illustrated type of window that is largely used and that can be made of steel to good advantage. ‘^’OTE the entire elimination of wood. r I ’HE box frames can be made of 5-inch steel, or steel and bronze, the latter on all exposed surfaces. See detail 1 opposite. These box frames have steel anchors so that they can be built into the masonry as the walls go up. Casement frames, sash, and trim are set after the rough plastering is completed. ANY of these windows, with proper stiffening bars between, can be used as units to fill larger openings. YV/E manufacture the box frames and trim, and can therefore give prices for the complete window, including glass ’ * if necessary. r J~'HESE windows are guaranteed to exclude absolutely all wind and rain when closed. pRICES quoted on application. t^EE page nineteen for French windows swinging inwards in pairs. Page Sixteen JjUCUlUkfeMft r . - ou-h t L J/ C3I-- ledr ht "ajTJitrLTclion- mojonn .Jmme 5 . are fur MN£l. rrJjaked on paint red ■ rustl n q/pjossi b itife3iJcL minimum:;- See page 6 for full-size details of casement sashes. INTERNATIONAL casement COMPANY, INC. Half Full Size Details of Casement Sash in Solid Roll ed S teel or Dratun Bronze n ° Hung in pairs to sming outuiard ° SUITABLE FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS GUARANTEED WEATHERTIGHT HEADand TTXT QM MKTTTTTJG h» A 11, ..SfcCtlON f'&N- N.T Page Seventeen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. FRENCH WINDOWS AND CASEMENT DOORS FOR FIREPROOF STRUCTURES M ETAL casement windows can be adapted to suit various styles of architecture. On the opposite page we have illustrated windows hinged in pairs to swing inwards with hinged transom, divided into small glass panes by metal muntins. Box frames are made either in i-inch steel or steel of lighter gauge with sheet bronze on the exposed surfaces, and are prepared with steel anchors for building into masonry as work proceeds. The inside trim is all steel with baked enamel finish, grained to match wood or in plain colors. The steel sash and frame are usually finished white, and a fine effect is thus obtained. ^^OTE the entire elimination of wood. IMPORTED French espagnolette bolts can be fitted to these windows in any desired finish or design where a rich A effect is required. W/E manufacture the box frames and trim, and can therefore give prices for the complete window, including glass ’ ’ and glazing if necessary. IF these windows are to be used as doors leading to balconies or porches, the section at the sill is changed and a * bronze saddle substituted for the steel casement section. r pHESE windows are guaranteed to exclude absolutely all wind and rain. pRICES quoted on application. l^EE page seventeen for double windows to swing outwards in pairs. Page Eighteen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT COMPANY INC. Half full Size De tails oj Casement Sa-sR • in Solid Rolled Steel or Draiun Bronze => °Hung in pairs to stning inuiard* FRENCH WINDOWS OR DOORS I SUITABLE FOR HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, RESIDEN CES, ETC. GUARANTEED WEATHERTIGHT St ON t . , OR ■ (ESRA CottA HEAD AND ■ - J AMB.. . . V. . B- -B —II— 1 1 ii i BS StE£Lt° Q A= n Apron OpNAMENjAV.' jrlfON t>Y 0TH&R5 5ca LS -1 -o' -fTc See page 8 for full-size details of casement sashes. Page Nineteen INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. ROLLED STEEL CASEMENT SASHES FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS ADVANTAGES I. They are weathertight. II. Never stick, always easy to operate. III. Never rattle in windstorms. IV. Give perfect ventilation without draught. V. Safety cleaning from inside and consequent lessening of risk, cost of insurance, and window cleaning. VI. Give maximum amount of daylight. VII. They are permanent. VIII. With our steel inside trim, wood is entirely eliminated and complete fireproofing is assured. IX. Artistic appearance both inside and outside. X. Box frames made of g-inch steel, or lighter gauge steel, with sheet bronze on outside exposed surfaces, are delivered ready for building into brick walls, so no trades are kept waiting. XI. We include in our price for box frames, casement sash, hardware, setting, inside steel trim, the latter in a grained finish if desired. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED SEND FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE SEE PAGE FIVE FOR COMPLETE SPECIFICATION Page Twenty INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT SASHES FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS, ETC. FIREPROOF • WEATHERT1GHT • DURABLE X / \ / ' N \ / \ / \/ A t Zykx --—---tu.-^ . wsMi - — uri ) \_r \ ! W 1 1^ ^- / ---\H-•»{—— Ah— f -*-1'— A-d- i -'- OvpIDt fl EVA]'ION PL-" OV7510C: rLfVAJlON' HALF FULL SIZE DETAILS MULUON5 AND RAN¬ SOM BAGS Op HOLLOW CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN BELOW CAN BE VARIED IN 5EGT10N T° COMPLY W1|H THE PROPORTIONS Of JHE £ Page T■ Lip - Of- Fastener-- •G-Cap And-Wajher,- •I)' .Bow ■ •£■ ^TeEL.->51 >jun4 CK PI ATEN 0 82 FASTENER N°51 BACK PLATE N°85 FASTENER N°55 BACK PLATEN 0 82 IN bronze finished a warm brown color, or in iron finished a dead black. DHOTOGRAPH shows the fasteners about half full size. X TO. 85 plate is used for sashes swinging in¬ wards and can also be supplied for wood case¬ ments. ' I ’HE plates need not A necessarily be sup¬ plied to the fasteners as illustrated but may be used with any design of fast¬ eners. Page Twenty-Eight INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT ADJUSTERS No. 71 No. 72 No. 73 DOES NOT PROJECT WHEN SASH IS OPEN. No. 75 FOR SASHES OPENING IN¬ WARDS. |\/IADE in iron or bronze, except No. 73, which is made in bronze only. Bronze is finished a warm brown color and iron a dead black. All iron hardware has working parts in bronze. No. 75 is used for sashes swinging inwards only and is fixed on outside of sashes. Page Twenty-Nine INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. OPERATING DEVICES FOR TRANSOMS AND VENTILATORS XTO. 116—BRONZE SPRING CATCH. ^ ' Can be operated either by cords or sash pull-hook. This is fitted to transoms and ventilators without extra charge. N O. 93—BRONZE SIDE-SPRING CATCH. Specially designed so that cords hang down the jamb. Extra over list prices for fitting this device to transoms (bottom hinged) and pivoted ventilators, 82.23 each. N O. 109—RACK AND WHEEL OPENER. Positive and foolproof. Made in three sizes : No. 109. For transoms 2 feet square. Opens 10 inches. No. I 10. For transoms 3 \ feet square. Opens 1 3 inches. No. 111. For large transoms. Opens 18 inches. See page fifty-five for extras over list prices. These can be fitted to any kind of transom and pivoted ventilators. \TO. 115—TWIN SCREW OPENER. ^ ^ Positive and foolproof. Projection from inside face of sash, 2 inches. Can be fitted to transoms and ventilators up to any size. See page fifty-five for extras over list prices. \ TO. 107—SIDE-ARM OPENER. Only 1 ^ suitable for transoms up to 21 inches wide. Projection from inside face of sash, 2 inches. See page fifty-five for extras over list prices. INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. DOUBLE AND TREBLE GRIP SLIDE BOLTS FOR CASEMENTS OVER FIVE FEET HIGH BARREL BOLTS FOR FRENCH CASEMENTS N O. 133—Treble Grip Slide Bolt. Secures sash top, bottom, and center— fitted to all side-hinged case¬ ments over 6 feet 0 inches high. N O. 131—Double Grip Slide Bolt. Secures sash in two positions when closed. Fitted to all side- hinged casements over 5 feet 0 inches high. \TO. 136—Barrel Bolt in ^ ’ bronze. Fitted to first closing half of French case¬ ments. IMPORTED FRENCH ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS VV7E can fit to our French casements, Section 1 A swinging inwards in pairs, Espagnolette Bolts made in France. These can be supplied in any finish and in various designs to match any period. Photographs and designs will be furnished on application. Page Thtrty-One INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc LEADED GLASS STAINED GLASS I T is a distinct advantage for the manufacturer of the casements to make the leaded glass for same. We manufacture the highest grade of leaded lights, in strong lead cames, or hard metallic setting. Each light is thoroughly cemented both sides and guaranteed absolutely weathertight. GLASS We carry in stock first quality double thick crystal sheet, i-inch crystal plate glass, and English unflattened crown glass. UNFLATTENED CROWN GLASS This is used to obtain the uneven effect of the glass used in the residences built in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This effect will be noticed in the photographs and measured drawings of old work found on pages thirty-nine, forty-three, forty-seven and fifty-one. We have made a deep study of the sizes of square panes and diamond panes, both in the old work and also in connection with the modern requirements, and we will gladly place this information at the disposal of our customers. Badly proportioned leaded lights can spoil the interior decoration of the room. The diamond panes should be used only in windows where observation from inside is limited. Page Thirty-Three Size of inside squares, 3J inches 41 inches. Cames ^-inch wide. This makes a good design for transoms. COMBINATION ART GLASS CAME AND METAL STOP OR GLAZING BEAD (PATENT APPLIED FOR) B ELOW we give full-size details of a combined came and glass stop bead. This does away with the unsightly putty glazing, which is always an unsatisfactory method when metal sashes are used. This can be applied to all our leaded lights at a slight extra cost, and is set to the steel sashes by means of brass or bronze screws after being bedded in cement. Size of diamond panes, 4 inches ■ 6^ inches. Cames jj-inch wide. H opper ventilator in lower PART HAS SIDE WINGS WITH GLASS IN SAME. WHEN VENTILATOR IS OPEN THERE IS NO DOWN DRAFT. THESE ARE VERY SUITABLE FOR CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. Page Thirty-Four F. S. detail of came and stop mould made of an alloy of lead and antimony. F. S. detail of came and stop mould made ENGLISH DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE IN THE TUDOR AND JACOBEAN PERIODS PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEASURED DRAWINGS 'T'HE photographs and measured drawings in the following pages were specially prepared for us by Mr. Sydney E. Castle, Architect, London, who is an authority on this style of architecture. The measured drawings are true and accurate, and can be relied upon. ’“PHIS measured work was attended with many difficulties, as the owners of these fine examples are jealous of them, and are loth to grant permission to photograph and measure them. We feel, however, that the examples illustrated in the following pages are true types, and are really some of the best examples of the Tudor and Jacobean periods. \Y/E publish these photographs and sketches with the hope that our customers may find them useful in designing residence work with casement windows. In the measured drawings we have given dimensions showing the widths of masonry openings, heights of casements and transoms, thickness of stone mullions, sizes of leaded glass panes, both squares and diamond, size of lead cames, and also any peculiarities in the hardware. IN connection with the leaded glass in these residences the use of diamond panes was only resorted to where the outlook was necessarily limited. I ’HE iron casements and leaded glass shown in these photographs are the same as 1 originally put in three centuries ago. Page Thirty-Five UPPER SWELL MANOR HOUSE T HIS house is not far from Stow-on-the-Wold, and is a typical example of what is termed the “Cotswold" type of architecture. It is one of the smallest manor houses in England. The date of the house is not known by the present owner, but it may be safely assumed as being of the sixteenth century. The label moulds to the windows give indication of earlier work, but the entrance porch is a Jacobean addition. The iron casement windows are of the flat-bar type, both the frame and sash being made of 1 i inches by J-inch wrought iron. The fastener plates are interesting, and are, without doubt, contemporary with the windows. The glasses used in the leaded glass are varied in color and of rare quality. There are minor windows with diamond panes, as indicated in the smaller sketches on the measured drawings, but these are used only where the outlook is limited. The roof is of gray stone slates, which vary in thickness and in color. No small part of the dignity of the Cotswold building comes from the steep pitched roofs and the severe outlines of the gable ends. Both are inherent in the material and in the craft in using it; naturally, William Morris loved the countryside when it so preached his gospel. WINDOW AT UPPER SWELL NR STOW - ON - THE - WOLD, gSlosteishs THE MANOR. HOVJE fef SECTION! h Y bx > || OPEN II I IRON |CA/£ pfr P / / s — Y 7 V\ — ^r- f :< V 1 | > 7 " \V\ 3 -CENTRE LINE. Si iiiS m PART ELEVATION i t. o -i-h*m- SCALE Of EEET BACK PLATE & TURNBVCKLL QVADRANT ENDJ WESTWOOD, WORCESTERSHIRE 1586 T HIS window was selected mainly on account of the singular interest attached to the design of the leaded glass, which was originally the treatment of all the windows. The “arms” in the transoms are of one general design, and are those of the Pakingtons. The diamond glass is beautifully proportioned and is slightly tinted without disturbing the outlook. The hardware is of little consequence, and it is possible that more elaborate hardware was once in position. Some of the smithy work at this period produced light scrolls, which were quite useless for the purpose and soon fell into disuse. The house stands in a beautiful park, and a photograph can hardly do justice to a pile of buildings which are cited as a fine example of a brick house of this period. Page Forty WESTWGDD WORCESTER DETAIL OF MEASURED window: immi Ml iwfi w wwi mm mm m mm zmr m if# $H&\. M# w mm •£:& - Page Forty-Two KNOLE, KENT 1485-1603 T HIS is one of the most interesting residences of its type in the world, and has been associated with the Sackville family since 1603. The date of the house begins with the original buildings in 1483, but from observations and references Mr. Castle made it is evident that this particular window he measured dates from the beginning of the Sackville possession in 1603. The stonework has become impoverished to the windows generally, but every care is being observed in restoration work to reproduce native lines and feeling. The detailed photograph gives a type of bay window, the proportions of which are immediately engaging. The casement sash is made of 1 4 inches by 4-inch flat iron with L-shaped outside frame. The outside quadrant adjusters are fine examples, and the push-out handles on the sills of the sashes are peculiar. The “ arms ’ in the stained-glass transom lights are those of Bishop Cranmer, this room having been associated with him. The small sketch in the measured drawing showing the diamond panes is of a window largely used in the court and also in the main front where observation was not required from inside. The glass is varied in color from dark green to amber. The measurements and photographs were taken by kind permission of Lord Sackville. WINDOW TO COURT, KNOLE, KENT. m M 1 = L= .1 1 S . 1 t 1 HALF ELEVATION type or: GENERAL : WINDOW/ TO COVRT ovtjide : QUADRA Ml -STAY : DIAMOND PANE 5 JYDNEY L CASTLE HENS ET DELT H912; Page Forty-Seven ASTON HALL, WARWICKSHIRE 1618-1631 T HE window shown on the measured drawing is of an orthodox type of the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century, and is of simple and pleasing proportions. The glasses are very thin and uneven, but quite clear in vision. The casement sash is of a flat-bar type, made out of 1 i inches by i-inch wrought iron, hung on pivot hinges, which, unfortunately, have become in a rather bad condition owing to neglect. The hardware, without being of uncommon type, is simple and not without interest. The stone mullions give an instance of the beginning of the enriched Jacobean feeling, and give a fine breadth to the whole window. Aston Hall is a brick-and-stone building, rich in historical associations, but, unfor¬ tunately, suffering from want of proper upkeep. Page Forty-Eight WIDOW TO FRONT, ASTON I4,|8_l31 : Warwick. : Page Fifty-One AuU E DG1 e S i OORN ERJ Souw BED INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO. INCORPORATED JAMESTOWN NEW YORK Page Fifty-Three CASEMENTS, FIXED SASHES, AND VENTILATORS, IN SOLID ROLLED-STEEL INCLUDING HARDWARE NOTE.—These prices include for frames wilh square heads and prepared for glass in one square. Sea page 5 for complete specifications. FRENCH WINDOWS (Double Folding Casements) TO SWING INWARDS IN PAIRS SYMBOL “ D.F.I." h Height Quality Quality No. r No. 2 (See page 19 for half full size de ails) (Se ' 0" Under 2' 6" *21.15 *18.75 Width Height Quality No. 1 Quality No 2 Width Under 3' 0" »*-75 *9-35 ' 0" Under 3' 6" 22-35 ■9-95 Under 4' 0" Under 3' 0" *68.70 *66.75 Under 4' ' 0" Under 4' 0” *3-55 21.15 Under 4' 0" Under 3' 6" 74-3° 69.45 Under 4' ' 0" Under 4' 6 " 24-75 22-35 Under 4' 0" Under 4' 0” 77-*5 72.15 Under 4' ' 0” Under 5' 0" 3°-75 27-75 Under 4' 0" Under 4' 6” 82.20 77-15 Under 4' Not Under 4' 0" Under 5' o” 88.20 83-15 Under 4' made 5' 0" or over Under 4' 0" Under 5' 6 " 103.95 97.65 Under 4' CASEMENTS SIDE-HINGED TO SWING INWARDS SYMBOL “S.H.I.” THREE-POINTSECTION No. IA aage 8 for f II ize detail ) (Seep ge 14 for full Height Quality Quality No. 1 No. 2 Width Height Under 3' 0" *34-20 *31.80 Under 2' 0” Under 2' 6” Under 3' 6" 35-4° 33-00 Under 2' 0" Under 3' 0" Under 4' 0" 36-75 34-35 Under 2’ 0" Under 3' 6 " Under 4' 6 " 39-15 36-75 Under 2' 0' Under 4' 0" Under 5' 0” 43.20 39.60 Under 2' 0" Under 4' 6" Under 5' 6 " 49-5° 46.50 Under z' 0" Under 5' 0" Under 6' Under 6' 6" 51.60 56.45 48.60 53-5° Not made 5' 0" Under 7' 0" 60.00 57.00 TWO-POINT SECTION No. 2A details) 28.60 33- 2 5 SAFETY CLEANING CASEMENTS—PIVOTED VERTICALLY SYMBOL " V.P." THREE-POINT SECTION No. 1C (See page 10 for half full size details) Width Height Quality No. 1 Quality No. z Under 2' 0" Under 3' 0" *39-35 *36-95 Under 2' 0" Under 3' 6" 40.85 38 45 Under 2' 0" Under 4' 0" 42 35 39-95 Under 2' 0" Under 4' 6" 44.80 42,40 Under 2' 0" Under 5'o” 47.80 45.40 Under 2' o 1 ' Under 5' 6" 55-25 ; 52.25 Under 2' 0" Under 6'0" 57-65 54-65 Under 2' 0" Under 6'6“ 62.55 59-55 Under 2' 0" Under 7' 0" 66.15 63-15 TWO-POINT SECTION No. 2C (Full size details same as Section 2S on page I 4) Width Height Qsfy Under 2 Under 2 Under 2 Under 2 Under 2 " Under 2' £ " Under 3' 6 " Under 4' c “ Under 4' £ *3«-35 3*-95 33- «5 34- 35 3°-75 3*-95 FRENCH WINDOWS (Double Folding Casements) TO SWING OUTWARDS IN PAIRS SYMBOL " D.F." THREE-POINT SECTION No. 1 (See page 17 for full size details) Quality Quality TWO-POINT SECTION No. (See page 12 for full size details) Quality Quality THREE-POINT SECTION No. I TWO-POINT SECTION No. 14 for full size details l Under 4' 1 Under 4 Under 4 Under 6 ‘ Under 6' 6 ' Under 7' o' ’ Under 2 “ Under 3' " Under 3 * Under 4 " Under 4 " Under 5 54-3° 56.70 $45-3° 47.70 Not made 5' c TRANSOMS TOP HINGED TO SWING OUTWARDS SYMBOL "T.H." THREE-POINT SECTION No. I TWO-POINT SECTION No. 2 (See page 6 for full size details) (Seepage 12 for full size details) eight ' Width Haight Under a' o" Under 3'o” $28.50 Under a'o" Under 3'6” 2970 Under 2' o" Under 4' o" 30.90 Under 2' o" Under 2't Under 2'o” Under 3'1 :8.50 Under 2'0“ Under 3't 1 size details) (See page 14 for fu II size details) Quality Quality No. 1 No. 2 Width Height Quality Quality No. 1 No. 2 ' *32-»o *29-7° Under 2' 0" Under 2' 6 *21.15 *19-95 ' 33-3° 3°-9° Under 2' 0” Under 3' 0 21.75 20.55 34.65 32.25 Under 1' 0" Under 3' 6 " 22.35 21.15 TRANSOMS—BOTTOM HINGED TO SWING INWARDS SYMBOL “B.H." THREE-POINT SECTION No. IA TWO-POINT SECTION No. 2A (See page Under 2' o" Under Under 2' o" Under Under z' o" Under PIVOTED VENTILATORS TO SWING ON HORIZONTAL PIVOTS SYMBOL " H.P." THREE-POINT SECTION No. IS TWO-POINT SECTION No. 2S (See page 10 for half full size details) (See page 14 for full size details) Under 2' o’’ Under 3' o' $30.60 Under 2' o" Under 3' 6 " 3s.80 Under 2' o" Under 4' o" 33.15 Width Height Quality No. 1 Quality No 2 Under 2' 0" Under 2' 0“ *16.65 *15-45 Under 2' 0" Under 2' 6 " 17.25 16.05 Under 2' 0" Under 3' 0" .8- .5 16.95 FIXED SASHES Section Sectio STORM SASHES AND SASHES FOR DOUBLE GLAZING (See page 22 for full size details) EXTRAS OVER LIST PRICES EXTRA WIDTHS Casements, Transoms, and Ventilators over 2 feet 0 inches and French Casements over 4 feet 0 inches Three-Point Section No. I . . . . $0.30 per inch Two-Point Section No. 2.22 per inch Fixed Sashes and Storm Sashes over 2 feet 0 inches Section No. I.$0.1 3 per inch Section No. 2.12 per inch SHAPED HEADS Casements with Semi-circular, Segmental, and Gothic Heads Section No. 1.$8.23 each Section No. 2.6.45 each French Casements, Double these prices for both sections Fixed Sashes . . One-half these prices both sections No. 110 for Transoms 3^ feet square, opens 15 inches, Iron and Bronze.$2.50 each No. I 1 1 for large Transoms, opens 18 inches, all Bronze.$7.50 each Iron and Bronze.3.25 each No. 115 Twin Screw Opener, made according to size of transom. Transoms up to I 8 inches wide, all Bronze $3.00 each Iron and Bronze.2.50 each Transoms up to 24 inches wide, all Bronze 4.50 each Iron and Bronze.4.00 each Transoms up to 36 inches wide, all Bronze 7.50 each Iron and Bronze.6.00 each CORDS AND BRONZE CLEAT HOOKS For operating any of the above transom devices, add.«1.10 each CIRCULAR ON PLAN (Bent to Radius) Casements Bent on Plan to Radius Section No. I..$8.25 each Section No. 2.6.45 each French Casements . Double these prices both sections Fixed Sashes . One-half these prices both sections STEEL MUNTINS Casements, Fixed Sashes, etc., divided into Panes by Steel Muntins Sections Nos. 1 and 2, see page 1 5 for F.S. details. Add to list price . . .$0.67 per pane STIFFENING OR SADDLE BARS FOR LEADED GLASS Standard size --inch by J-inch, including riveting into sashes..$0.52 each METAL STOP BEADS (GLAZING BEADS) FOR HOLDING IN THE GLASS In Steel, with corners welded, set by brass on bronze screws .$0.22 per lineal foot This same price applies to glazing bars added to top or bottom of casements and fixed sashes to permit glazing to be continued above or below. BRONZE DOUBLE BAR ADJUSTER Fitted to Casements opening outwards Single Casements, add..$1.85 each French Casements.3.75 per pair OPERATING DEVICES FOR TRANSOMS AND VENTILATORS, SEE PAGE 30 FOR ILLUS¬ TRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS No. 93 Side-Spring Catch with Pulleys allowing cords to hang down the jambs, add . $2.25 each No. 107 Side-Arm Opener, only suitable for Transoms up to 21 inches wide, all Bronze $3.00 each Iron and bronze.0.90 each Rack and Wheel Opener made in three sizes. No. 109 for Transoms 2 feet square, opens 10 inches, all Bronze.$3.00 each No. 109 for Transoms 2 feet square, opens 10 inches, Iron and Bronze.$1.00 each No. 110 for Transoms 3$ feet square, opens 1 5 inches, all Bronze.$4.50 each EXTRA COAT HARD-DRYING ENAMEL List prices include for two coats of paint. If extra coat of enamel is required add to prices of casements and fixed sashes 5 per cent. PATENT PIVOT FOR SAFETY CLEANING Casements side-hinged swinging outwards on upper floors can be cleaned from inside by fitting our patent pivot. Add to list prices of sections Nos. 1 and 2.$7.50 each See page I I for illustrations FRENCH CASEMENT DOORS Steel Kick Plates .... $1.80 per square foot Bronze Rim Lock and Lever handles, allowing doors to be opened and locked from both sides, including steel lock rail, add . . $25.00 per pair SETTING In Wood Frames Up to 5 feet 6 inches high, Casements . $3.75 each Fixed Sashes.3.00 each Over 5 feet 6 inches high, Casements 5.25 each Fixed Sashes.4.50 each In Stone Jambs and Mullions Up to 5 feet 6 inches high, Casements . .$4.85 each Fixed Sashes.4.10 each Over 5 feet 6 inches high, Casements 6.35 each Fixed Sashes.5.60 each French Casements double the above prices according to height. Add 1 5 cents per mile to cover time, fares, and travelling expenses, basing the mileage from the nearest branch office or from the factory. ALL OUR SECTIONS CAN BE MADE IN EX¬ TRUDED BRONZE. SPECIAL PRICES ON APPLICATION TERMS OF PAYMENT All prices include delivery F.O.B. Jamestown, N.Y. Contracts not set by us are net thirty days ; 2 per cent, cash ten days. Contracts set by us the terms will be as follows: 50 per cent, of contract amount on delivery at the building, 30 per cent, monthly according to the value of work set each month, and final 20 per cent, thirty days after completion of setting. Page Fifty-Five INTERNATIONAL CASEMENT CO., Inc. PARTIAL LIST OF BUILDINGS IN WHICH OUR CASEMENT WINDOWS HAVE BEEN OR ARE BEING INSTALLED RESIDENCES Rumsey Residence, Lansing. Bley & Lyman, Architects, Buffalo. Stern Residence, Rochester, N.Y. H. M. Stern, Architect. Mathews Residence, Buffalo, N.Y. George Cary, Architect. Frey Residence, Rochester, N.Y. James B. Arnold, Architect. H. R. Rea Residence, Sewickley, Pa. McClure & Spahr, Architects. Hugh Moren Residence, Pittsburgh. Mrs. John Moren Residence, Pittsburgh. J. F. Bell Residence, Minneapolis. Wm. C. Whitney, Architect. Geo. Tener Residence, Sewicldey, Pa. Rutan & Russell, Architects. Beekman Residence, Newport, R.I. John Bindley Residence, Pittsburgh. Miss A. B. Jennings Residence, New York. Thomas Nash, Architect. Henry A. Strong Residence, Rochester, N.Y. Crandall and Strobel. King Residence, Winona, Minn. Geo. W. Maher, Architect, Chicago. H. M. Tilford Residence, New York. Hiss & Weekes, Architects. R. A. Sibley Residence, Rochester, N.Y. Wm. H. Miller, Ithaca, N.Y. S. Hirsch Residence, Niagara Falls. Wright & Kremers, Architects. Stuart Duncan Residence, Newport, R.I. J. Russell Pope, Architect. P. Burnett Residence, Wilmington, Del. Brown & Whiteside, Architects. Pencoyd Residence, Cynwyd, Pa. Luddington Residence, Pittston, N.Y. Otto Block, Architect. H. R. Verran Residence, Sea Gate, N.Y. W. L. Stoddart, Architect. Mrs. E. Morris Residence, Chicago. Howard Shaw, Architect. COLLEGE BUILDINGS AND SCHOOLS Cornell University, Prudence Risley Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. William H. Miller, Architect. Ithaca High School, Ithaca, N.Y. W. H. Miller, Architect. Hutchinson Central High School, Buffalo, N.Y. Osgood Holland. Princeton University. Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson, Architects. East Academic Bldg., West Point. Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, Architects. Catholic University, Dining Hall. Murphy & Olmsted, Architects, Washington. PUBLIC BUILDINGS City Hospital, Ithaca, N.Y. Gibb &c Waltz, Architects. H. A. Sherwin Library, Willoughby, O. Abram Garfield, Architect. Newark Trust and Safe Deposit Bank, Newark, Del. L. B. Jacobs, Architect. National Geographic Society Bldg., Washington, D.C. A. B. Heaton, Architect. Bank, Gowanda, N.Y. E. H. Moeller, Architect. Museum of Fine Arts, Minneapolis, Minn. McKim, Mead and White, Architects. Atheneum Library, Boston, Mass. Bigelow & Wadsworth, Architects. People’s Nat. Bank, Steubenville, O. Peterson & Clark, Architects. M. E. Church Chapel, Erie, Pa. Alden & Harlow, Architects. Church of Sacred Heart, Buffalo, N.Y. Carl Schmill, Architect. Farmers’ Bank Bldg., Wilmington, Del. Edward C. May, Architect. Emergency Hospital, Washington, D.C. Nathan Wyeth, Architect. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS Rollins & Schuttler Apts., Chicago, Ill. Marshall & Fox, Architects. Biltmore Hotel, New York. Warren & Wetmore, Architects. Butler Apts., Erie, Pa. Joseph Lee, Architect. Dillinger Apts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fred K. Scheibler, Architect. Dr. Pusey Apts., Chicago, 111. Perkins, Fellows & Hamilton, Architects. OFFICE BUILDINGS Western & Southern Life Insurance Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hake & Kuck, Architects. Dominion Square Land Bldg., Montreal, Can. Brown and Vallance, Architects. Bleuery Street Bldg., Montreal, Can. Brown & Vallance, Architects. Collateral Loan Bldg., Boston. C. H. Blackall, Architect. Simons Natural Development Bldg., Chicago. Holsman and Hunt, Architects. Minneapolis Gateway Bldg., Minneapolis. Hewitt & Brown, Architects. Consolidated Gas Bldg., New York. Consolidated Gas Co., Architect (Mr. Stark, Engineer). Boston Edison Co., Boston. Mass. Bigelow & Wadsworth, Architects. Pjsge Fifty-Six