K I T C H I N s Poft-Chaife Companion, ENGLJJVD°znd fFALES, CONTAINING All the Ancient and New Additional Roads, WITH Every Topographical Detail relating thereto. By r H O M A S K I T C H I For the Ufe of TRAVELLERS, on One Hundred and Three Copper Plates. LONDON: Printed for John Bowles, at N** , in Cornhill Carington Bowles, at 69, in St. Paul's Church- Yard; s^nd Robbkt Sayer, at 53, in Fleet-Jireei, lydj^ Price 7s. 6d. An INDEX of refpeftive Diftance to be found. *^* Thefe all the Cities, Market-Towns, and principal Villages, on the Dire6t Roads; (hewing their' from London in meafured Miles in what County fituate, and the Page in which they are Diftanccs are meafured from the Standard in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. Page Towns. 1 County. LONDON to 54 Abberbury Shropfh. >7 Aberavon Glamorg. 24 Aberconway Carnarv. 3 Aberiftwith Cardig. 37 Aberford Yorklh. '5 Abington Berklh. I A&.on Midd. 43 Aitoun Berwicklh. 22 St. Albans Hartf. 43 Alcommifs Berwickfli. 53 Almondbury Yorklh. 10 Alnwick Northumb. 55 Alresford Hampfh. 55 Alton Hampfli. 5 Amberley Suffex '3 Amerdiam Bucks. 33 Amefbury Wiltfti. 25 Andover Hamplh. zo Ardley Effex 5 Arundel Suffex 3^ Afcot Somerf. 26 Afliburton Devon. 2\ Aftford Kent 48 Attleborough Norf. 52 Aughton Yorklh. 27 St. Auftle by Plym. Cornw. 56 St. f'.uftleby TaviO. Cornw. 26 Axminiter Devon. 4 Aylefbury by Watf. Bucks. '3 Aylefbury by Uxb. Bucks. 21 Aylesford Kent LONDON to 34 Bagborough, Well Somerf. 25 Baglhot Surry 49 Baldock Harif. 52 Ballam Surry 14 Banbury Oxfordfh. 46 Barkway Hartf. 22 Barnet Hartf. 16 Barnefly (jIouc. 52 Barnefly Yorklh. 1 3 4 BarnAable Devon. Miles i6^i. '93| 230 l82i 348 2,1- 357 190 3>2 60 50 51 29f 80; 66| 54i 55i «33l 191 S7i 93| 157 247-1 237I 39i 44 34i i5'4 29 38 5l 78 35I 12 83^ 173 '95 Page Towns. I County. I Miles. 45 25 36 I 24 59 5' 10 4 37 21 48 10 4? 24 45 49 5 54 47 29 58 59 19 24 8 37 38 40 44 29 2 57 27 1 1 39 22 Barton Bafinglloke Bath Beaconsfield Beaumaris Beccles Bedford Belford Berkhamftead Bernard's Callle Berfted Berton Mills Berwick, through ? Huntingd.&York J Berwick, through t Huntingdon and > Wetherby J Berwick, through ? Hatfield 5 Befeck Bettus Beverly Bigglefwade Billinghurft Birmingham Bilhop's Caftle Bilhop's Storcford Blandford Blyborough Bo6ton Street Boddedar Boroughbr. by York Ditto, by Wetherby Bofton Bolton Bourn Bourn-Bridge Bramyard Brandon Ferry Brent Brentford Brewerton-Green Brickhill Little Line. Hamplh. Somerf. Bucks. Anglefea Suffolk Bedford Ih. Northumb Hartf. Durham Kent Suffolk Northumb. Northumb. Northumb. Yorklh. Denbighlh Yorklh. Bedfordlh . Suffex Warwick. Shroplh. Hartf. Dorfetfh. Suffolk Kent Anglefea Yorklh. Yorklh. Line. Lane. Line. Cambr, Heref. Norf. Devon. Midd. Chelh. Bucks, 164I 48 108 27 241I 107^ 471 274 H7 39' 69 341 332 336 188 220 i8oi 451 4ii 109^ ISO 30 io8i 97 5^1 2603 211; 202 116 237 95i 48 198I 10 I 63 43l Page I Towns. I County. | Miles 42 '4 54 33 1 2 60 2 31 '4 58 33 '3 29 27 45 20 40 •7 57 1 2 46 47 '9 >7 40 S° 17 49 53 •9 56 51 20 23 ^9 4' 26 36 1 2 52 Brickfworth Bridj>north by Buck. Bridgnorth by Birm. Bridgwater Briftol Broadwater Broadway Bromley Bromfgrove Broughton Bruton Buckingham Bunney St. Burien Burlington Burntwood Burton Burton-Ferry Bury St. Edmonds LONDON to Calne Cambridge Campden Canterbury Cardiffe Carlille Caftle-Malwood Cat's-Aih Catworth Charlton Chalk-Street Chegford Chellington Chelmsford Chefter Chefterford Chichefter Ditto thro' Arundel Chudleigh Chilcomptcn Chippenham Claydon Eaft Clown [Northumb. Shroplh. Shroplh. Somerf. Som.&GIo Hartf. Glouc. Kent Wore. Hamplh. Somerf. Bucks. Nottingh. Cornw. Yorklh. Effex Weftm. Glamorg. Suffolk Wilts. Camb. Glouc. Kent Glamorg Cumb. Hamplh. Monm. Hunt. Yorklh. Kent Devon. Bedfordlh. Effex Chelhire I'ffex Sulfex Suffex Devon. Somerf. Wilts. Backs. 'Dsrbylh. 74 I4'l 1351 14^ 1 14I % 118 114 296 2074 «7i 244t 1974 741 83 52 87I 56I i6?i 301 861- 147 67 247 24^ 187*- 28^ 182^ 4^i 18,^ I 12i 4 93i 54 M7i 30 29 20 23 1 1 '7 16 14 23 17 58 19 26 38 28 53 5 23 9 '9 22 18 24 '9 42 36 8 58 '5 19 46 58 54 34 22 22 56 49 4 43 21 'I'owns. Cobliam Cocks in the Hole Colcheftcr Colefliill Colnbrook Corntown Colford Coughtcn Coventry Cowbridge Cranborn Cray ford Crookhorn Crowland Crovdon Cunillon LONDON to Darking Darlailone Bridge Darlington Dartford Daventry St. David's Denbigh Deptford D«rby Devizes Doncafter Dorchefter DorcheRer Dover Downbam Down ton Dudley Dulverton Dunchurch Dunftabic Diinsford Durham LONDON to Eaton near St.Neots Edgworth Edinburgh Elcham County, Mjrry Effex Eifex Warw. Bucks Glamorg. Gloc. Warw. Warw. Glamorg. Dorfetfli. Kent oomerf. Line. Surry Yorklh. Surry StafF. Durham Kent Northamp, Pemb. Denb. Kent Derby fh. Wilts Yoiklh. Dorfetfh. Oxfordfti. Kent Norf. Wilts Wore. Somerf. Warw. Bedfordfh. De^on, Durham Bed ford fli, Midd. Edinb. Kent Miles. 20 40 5° «03| '.'^ 121' ■i 92 17s 9H >3i '33i 90 233i 24s 1427 245i 16 73 2694 209 Si 89 M7* 125 49i 7-1 ^7 84I i'9i H 264,' 56 9^ 394 H i Page Towns. County. I Miles. 40 2 29 47 5 26 j6 57 21 31 55 16 8 45 4; 46 27 43 39 45 62 42 16 30 38 56 7 28 39 30 29 59 53 42 24 2 1 29 50 49 60 Ely Enaon Neat Epping Evefham Ewell Exeter LONDON to Fairford Fakenham Farmingham Farnborough Farnhara Faringdon Ferrybridge Flamborough Flamborough Head Foulmere Fowey LONDON to Gat fide Garftang Glamford-Bridge Glaftonbury Great Glenn Gloucefter Godalmin Gofberton Grampound Grantham Gnnftead Eaft Grulam Guilford L ONDON Hackleton Hadfko Halifax Harborough Harding Harefliam Harlow Harnden Harringrwonh Hartford to Cainb. Oxfordfli. Effex Wore. Surry Devon. Glouc. Norf. Kent Kent Surry Berks Yorkfli. Yorkft. Yorkfli. Camb. Cornw. Haddingt. Line. Line. Somerf. Leiceft. Glouc. Surry Line. Cornw. Line. Sufl'ex Chelhire Surry Northamp. Norf. Yorkfli. Leiceft. Flintfli. Kent Euex Hampfh. Northamp. Hartf. 69 70 i6| 95i 14 1725 78 iio| iSi I3i 4' 681 172^ 2124: 214? 42I 240^ 361-I 222| 127 93 102 34l 106 2 44^ io6i 294 •7'| 30 63 I I2| •09i 84.^ 44;- 62i 8/1 Page I Towns. I County. I Miles. 25 34 20 49 18 23 15 40 57 60 21 29 6 24 26 5 52 I i 47 45 II 6 5° S3 21 20 59 20 I 42 S3 20 40 57 5' H 18 45 42 4 30 52 Hartley-Row Hartrow-Houfe Harwich Hatfield Haverford Weft Haywood Great Henley Hefketh Hilborow Hitchin Hockley in theHole Hockerill Hodfdon Holyhead Honiton Houghton Houghton Hounflow Hundred-Houfe Hull Hungerford Huntingdon Hurfley Huthersfield Hyth LONDON to fngateftone Ipfwich Ilford Iflip L O N D O N to Kegworth Keighley Keldon Kendal Kenford Kettering Kidderniinfler Kidwelly Kilham King's Grafton King's Langley Kingfton Knalton Hampfli. Somerf. El&x Harf. Pemb. StafF. Oxtordfli. Curr,b. iNorf. Hartf. Bedfoidfli. Hartf. Hartf. .Anglefea Devon. SufTex Dttbyfti. Midd. Wore. Yorkfli. Berks Hunt. Hampfli. Yorkfli. Kent Eflex SufFoIk Eflex Oxfordfli. Leiceft. Yorkfli. Efl'ex Weilmorl. Suffolk Northamp, Wore. Carm. Ycrkfli. Northamp Hartf. Surry Dorfeifli. Page} Towns. 3» 40 48 5 16 42 37 3 56 28 3" 44 30 23 46 18 18 27 4J 47 SJ '9 49 46 33 1 1 2 1 20 52 44 27 i I 12 5' 23 i6 S 53 4' 26 32 32 LONDON to Lamberhurft Lancafter Larlingford Leatherhead Lechlade Leicefter Lemyng Leominller or ? Lempller J Lefkard Leftwithiel Lewes Lewifliam Lincoln Lippock Litchfield Littleporc Llanelly Llanlluffan Looe Ea!t Loughborough Ludlow Luton Lyddon Lyford Lynn LONDON to Maiden Bradley Maidenhead Maidftcne Maningtrce Mansfield Market-Deeping Market- Jew Marlborough Marfiifield Melcon Mowbray Meriden Michael-Dean Mickleham Middleham Midhurll Mil born- Port Mitcham Lower Mitcham Upper County. I Miles. Kent Lane. Norf. Surry Glouc. Leiceft. Yorklh. Heref. Cornw. Corn*. Suffex Kent Line. Hampfh. StafF. Camb. Carm. Carm. Cornw. Leiceft. Shroplh. Bedfordfti. Kent Northamp Norf. Wilts Berks Kent Effex Netting. Line. Cornw. Wilts Glouc. Leic. Warw. Glouc. Surry Yorkfli. Suffex Dorfetfti. Surry Surry 39| 23? 87i >9i 741; 9H '351 22'4 230 131 47 ii8' 74 214^ 2272 232 107; I 36 29i- 67 74i 98 106;^ 27-f 3H 59 136 89 287 7?^ 103 104' 9^1 114 21I 251 J '•si Page) Towns. | County | Miles. Monmouth Montgomery Morpeth Morton Morton intheMarlh Mculton South Mountforel LONDON to Namptwich Neat Enfton St. Neot's Newark Newbury Newcaftleund Line Ncwcallle uponTine Newchurch Newenden Newhaven Ne*ington Butts NewmarketEpping. Newmarket, Bark w. Newport Newport Pagnell Newton, Willows St. Nicholas Northallerton Northampc.byWob. Northamp.St.Stratf. Northfleet Northop Norwich Nottingham, Leicef Nottingham, Bedf. LONDON to 4.g Oakham, St. Neots 51 Oakham by Bedford I Oxford LONDON to Papplewick Paulton Peakirk Penrith Penfance Perlhore 47 10 44 2 34 42 23 2 49 7 1 1 39 9 >7 3' 28 32 29 48 '7 29 39 17 9 29 42 '9 24- 48 29 52 52 36 38 40 27 2 Monm. Montgom. Northum. Line. Glouc. Dtvon. Leiceft. Cheftiire Oxford. Hunt. Notting. Berkfh. Staff. Northum. Monm. Kent Suffex Surry Camb. Camb. Monm, Bucks Lane. Glamorg. Yorkfti. Northim. Northam. Kent Flintfti. Norf. Notting. Netting. Rutl. Rutl. Oxford. Notting. Somerf. Northam. Cumb. Cornw. Wore. 27 158^ 293I 97^ 184 104 70 120T 56I i49i 27 81- ^91 S3i- >^ 6oi- 60 f '5'i 53 >87i 169 23'T 97 2 2i '94? 109 121 1 224 96 94 55^ 1 30 8; 28zi 290 I 02^ Pagel Tov ( County, j Miles. 38 36 14 52 27 5° 30 30 3 39 'I 29 •4 1 1 45 3 37 53 50 37 19 5' 52 6 23 20 50 3« 32 29 25 69 S9 46 5« 27 38 Peterborough Petersfield Philip's Norton Pillerton Netherton Plumtree Plymouth Pool Portfey Bridge Portfmouth Preftain Prefton Probus Puckeridge LONDON to Quendon Quot LONDON to Ramff)ury Reading Redborn Riadergowy Richmond, Ferry Br. Richmond, Halifax Ringwood Rippon Rochefter Rockingham Rotherham Royfton Rugely Rumford Rumfey Rye Rygate LO NDON to Sabridgeworth Salifbury Sandwich Saxmundham Seeching Selfoe Senan Seihertoa Northam. Ham[.fh. Somerf. Warw. Notting. Devon. Dorfeifh. Hampfh. Hamplh. Radnorlh. Lane. Cornw. Hartf. Effex Shroplh. Wilts Beiks Line. Radn. Yorkfh. Yorkfti. Hamplh. Yorkfti. Kent Northam. Yo.kfti. Hartf. Staff. Eflex Hamp. Suffex Surry Hartf. Wilts Kent Suffolk Norfolk Bedf. Cornw. Line. 78i 55 104 89 1 "7t 2'5*- 110* 73i- 149 21 1'^ 246^ 274 36 '37t 69;- 404 '49»- I 7C 1 234 262 96i 208-; 30i 83 i6i4- 38X 126 64 22 26 831- 58 87 94 3coi 1 10^ \J Li 11 1 y , \. 1 1 1 p <; r age 1 Towns. icvenoaks Keac ij \J iri U ^ Iri 10 40 bhap w eiimon , Q 0 20 Snerborn Dorletlh. 50 1 avutoctc 33 Shrawton V\ litS 00 f 49 Tenislord 54 Shrewfbury Shropni, 150 + 47 Tenbury «3 anroughton Northam. 69-? 4' I Xetfworth >9 Sittinsjborn Kent 1 1 53 Skipton 1 ortvin. 221 1 1 1 44 Sleatord Line. I I 2-1 4« Southampton Hampfli. 78 57 40 aouthery N orf. bo* 9 TopclifF 38 bpalding L.mc. 99 i 23 Torperley 4 Sparrow s Hern rlartt. 13 32 Tooting Lower 29 bpelbro"k tiarci. 32 looting upper 7 Stamford JLinc. 0 <- 8> 22 Towceller 25 Scanes \A\AA IVi luu* 43 TrEnent 29 Standed Street iincx 33 25r 27 Tregony to Stapleford rlartt. 4 Iring 23 Stapleford Bridge 2 1 i rotLiiciin 49 Stevenage by Barnet narti . 3'^ 30 Trowbridge Art DO Stevenage by Hartf. narti. 3J4 50 Fruro 0 Stilton by Hun ing. rlunt. 7'; 3t Tunbridge 44 Stilton by Bugden nunt. 75 7 Tuxford 5^ Stockbridge Hampfli. 1 1 Twi'ord 32 btockwell Surry 55 Fwiford =9 Stoke Cjolding Bucks 23 Stone otait. 141 LONDON to 29 btortiord Dilnop s rlartt. 30 3 Uphampton 59 Stratford OUITGllC 57 51 Uppingham 2 1 btratford Fenny CiUCK S 45 I Uxbridge 20 Stratford Langhorn C/ilex 4 '4 Stratford on Avon Warvv, ,^8 r 0 NT 0 W f/\ Li vj IN W IN to 20 Strctham Surry ^6 0 57 Walfingham 46 Stretham cumD. 64i z 0 w altnam urois ? 2 Sutton Surry 1 li Wandfvvorth 58 Sutton Hampfli. 62.^ 6 Ware 57 Swaffham Norf. 94 2024 33 Warminfler »7 Swanfey Glamorg. 39 Warrington I County. I Miles. Yorkfli. Devon. Bedf. Wore. Oxfordfli. Berks Berks Norf. Norf. Yorkfli. Chefli. Surry Surry Northam. Haddingt. Cornw. Hartf. Kent Wilts Cornw. Kent Notting. Berks Hampfli. Heref. Rutl. Midd. Norf. Hartf. Surry Hartf. Wilts Lane. 1 84 205-^ i28i 44* 44 T 79\ 1041 2174 172Y k 6oi 384 2561 3.1- 274- 98 i 133^ 35 63-1 143 87I i8i ii6-;- 12 22 99 182 Page I 60 4 60 5' 36 57 54 '3 54 8 33 37 58 I 39 I 39 50 48 20 48 52 29 59 29 1 1 2 47 23 21 60 59 26 8 Towns. County. I Miles. Waterford Hartf. 24 Watford Hartf. Watton at Stone Hartf. 27i Wellingborough Northam. 6St 5 Wells by Bath ) I Wells, Trowb. J Somerf 1 20 Wells Norf. 1 21 Welflipool Montg. 176 Wendover Bucks 39, Wenlock Shropfli. «43* Wcntbridge Yorkfli. i67i Wellon Regis Somerf. I z6 Wetherby Yorkfli. .8^ Weymouth Doifetfti. 134, Wheatly Bridge Oxfordfli. 49? Whittle Lane. 20|i: Wickham High, ? or Wiccomb J R n rlr Q Wigan Lane. 105^ Winchefter Hampfli. 67 Windham Norf. 99-T Witham E/Tex Wittlesford Bridee ITT ■ ^ Camb. Wombwell Yorkfli. 1704: Wooburn Bedf. 4'ii Woodbridge SufFoIk 75 s Woodford Eflex 8 Woolhampton Berks Worcefter, Perfhore ^^orc. I I 2 Worceller, Evefliam Wore. 109^ Wore Shropfh. «54 Wrotham Kent 25I Wymundley Little Hartf. 36 LONDON to Yarmouth Norf. •22^ Yeovil Somerf. '4+ York Yoikfli. 194 A TABLE of the CROSS-ROADS. Shewing the meafured Diftances from one Town to another, and the Total Diitance from the Town where the Road begins, to the Town at the End of it. St. ALBANS to Ware »iz. to Hatfield Cole- Green Hartturd Ware ARUNDEL to Ch ichestek V z. to Markrel Brill ge Cockfr-Hill Maudlin Chichcfter I IVl. '.Si 14 BANBURY to Campden v^z. to Brailes Jihiptcn Campden 34 37 BARNSTABLE to Tr ur o viz. to Newton-Tracey Torrington Martin Huherly Ivy Newport, Laonceft Cimclfnid St. Endellion Padftow St. Colurrh Si. Michael Truro BATH to Br istcl viz. to Sslford B ftlj'cn BOSTON to Lin CO I n viz. to Swinefliead 94i 5l! sk\ nil ■5 1 ill - 2. 51 8 z 7 6i 61 52 64 65 Towns. Sleaford Lincoln BRISTOL t» Banbur V viz. to Chipping Sodbury Tetbury Cirencefter Burford South Newton Banbury BRISTOL to Chester viz. to Auft-Ferry Chepflow Monmouth Hereford LeoniinRer Ludlow Church Strettoa Shrewftury Whii-church Chefter BRISTOL to EXET E R viz. to Eifljop'a Chew Wells Glaft^nbury Gremton Eaft Lyng Taunton Wellington Welland Bradinch E xtfter BRISTOL to HUNTSPII. L \iz. to Lantiford Aib''t,;e Huntfpill BRISTOL to Weymouth viz. tn Bifliop's-Chew M. 6 iS P. 75 12 IS* 10? 6 66 H4t 12 14 ,8| 15 Iff '7 «C I 7 72 Si 7 g s 7 ]o "Si 71 H 69 II 6; 1 1' 74| 68 7 Wells Glaft ■■nbury SotTicrron Mariock Crookhorn South Pjrrot Maiden-Newton Frampton Weymouth BRISTOL to WoR C E ST E R viz. to Afton Durfley Whitminfter Gloucefter Bifliop's-Norton Tewkfb'jry Severnftoke Worcefter CAMBRIDGE to Coventry viz. to Elflsy St. Neots Great Stoughton Higham-Ferrers Northampton Warford Rugby Coventry CANTERBURY to Dover viz. to Sandwich Deal Dover CARDIGAN to Llanbedkr viz. to Trcdrair Red- Owen Llanbeder CARLISLE to Berwick viz. to Braktnbill ■If St 12 15 1 1 7i lli- 60 7° 70 71 7^ 1 owns. Caftletnn Jedtiorough fCelfo C>rram Cornbill Wefrl Berwick JARMARTllEN CO Cardigan viz. to ICillvah Killreden Cardigan CHELMSFORD to Bury viz. to Braintree Sudbury Lavenham Bury St. Edmonds CHELMSFORD to Wa l d e n viz. to Great Waltham Dunmow Thaxted Saffron- Walden CHELMSFORD to Mai. DON CHtLMSEoRD to Ra LEIGH CHELMSFORD to Gkavesenb vil. to Billcricay Gra'.efend CHESTER to CARDIFF viz. to Wrexham Seliatin Llanfylen Llanveliing Llantair Jtegunnon Newtown . M. '5 H 4 3i 26 Hi "I 43 II H 6| "i H 7 7l 9v 13 *3 V. Hi II cl k 96 74 I owns. Llanbed;rvunneth Llanbedcrvaur Ell alt Brecknock Cardiff CHESTER to Ho L Y WE L I. viz. to Flint Holy w. II 75 DARTMOUTH to M I N E H E A D viz. to Ncwton-Bufliel Ktr.ford Exeter Stoke Silvcrton Tiverton Bampton Berry Embercomb Minehead Sr. DAVIDS to Holywell viz. to Fifcard Newport Cndigan Llanarch Lbnrufted Llanbadernraur Talabont Machenlcth Aberangel Llananmcutby 'B..ila Bettus Ruthyn Holywell 99 84 DURHAM to TiNMOUTH viz. to Sunderland Tinracuth EGREMONT to Carlisle '7k 5 7« i5 10 ft It J: H 156I 104 l8' II- 7 "-^ ic 8 10 J3 9| Towns, viz. to Cockei mouth Rowland Thutfby Carllfl- 78 77 EXETER to Dor c h est er viz. to B'ftiop's-Clyft Newton-Puj^lar CuUiloid Lyme Chiddick Bndpoi t Winterb'irn Dorcheftf r hXETER to IlfracomB VIZ. to Crediton Chimleigh BarnftAble Ilftacomb thencs to Eiddcford and thence to Tinrlrgton 79 FERRYBRIDGE to Wakefield VIZ. to Por.tetradt Wakefield GL0UCiiS-j ;-:R CO COVENT R Y t [£■ viz. to iheitenha-m Winthcomb Campden .Stratford Warwick Coventry So GLOUCESTER ttMoN T GOM E R Y viz. to Huntley Rofs Much Birch Towns. Hereford Pembridge Preftain Knighton Clunn Redcourt Montgomery HEREFORD, to Leicester viz. to Fromfliill Worcefter Droitwitch Bromfgrove Alchurch Solihiull Hampton in Arden Meriden Coventry Woolvey Sharnford Leicefter B2 HUNTINGDON to Ipswich viz. to St. Ives Erith Sutton Ely Soliam Bury Woolpit Stow Market Needham Ipfwich IPSWICH to Cromer viz. to CJaydon Tlivvait Ofmondffon Long Stratton Norwich Hor(han St. Faith Aleftam Cromer 24 KTNDAL to CoCKERMOUTH viz. to Stanley Amblefide Kefwick Cockermguch M, Si\ i 86|! 12 54- 5 9 661 4 12 7f 44 Towns. KING'S LYNN to Harwich viz. to Swaffham Stanford Thelford Inworth Stow Market Barham Ipfwich Harwich 86 41 87 KING'S LYNN to Yarmouth viz. to Gayton Mileham Billingford Norwich Hadlko Tarmouth M. 76 n II 7 S 12 69I- LLANBEDER to Aberiswith viz. to Trevilan Llanrufted Aberiftwith MANCHESTER to Derby viz. to Stockport Shawcrofs Buckfton Braflington Welton Underwood Derby MIDHURST to WiNCHESTZR viz. to Petersfield Winchelter MONMOUTH to Llaneeder viz. to Llandilo Crufleny Abergavenny Cnckhowell Brecknock Redbrue Llanimdovery Pinfant Llanbeder i4 '7| *3| ssi "i ■P 61 29 18 en 7i 6' Ijoi 28J NEWHAVEN j |t0N£wSH0R£HAM 16 Towns, viz. to Brightelmftone New Shoreham NO TTINGHAM to Grimsby viz. to Newark Lincoln Walton Market Raifin Stanton Briggfley Grimftjy M« 9 7 67 17 Hi ll 90 9» OXFORD to Bristo l viz. to Fyfield Faringdon High worth Purton Malmlbury Luckington Puckle Church Briftol OXFORD to Cambridge viz. to Eurcefter Buckingham Newport Pagnell Bedford Gamlingay Cambridge OXFORD to Chichester viz. to Abington Baft Ilfley Newbury Kingfclear BafmgHoke Alton Petersfield Chichefter 92 OXFORD to Derby viz. to Kidlington Doddington Banbury Southam Priiicethorp Coventry 68 8? 6^ 80 13 '3| 81 ,ll 9- 'z 7 9, I IS 87 14 6i P. Towns. Nuneaton Atherfton Twicrofs Alhby de la Zouch Swarkfton Derby OXFORD to Pool viz. to Abington Shelford Hungerford North Tudworth Salilbury Cranborn Winborn Pool 32 M. 8 4 4 7| S 27^ 7sl •4f 6£ Towns, viz. to Everley Burbich Marlborough Highworth Lechlade Burford Stow Campden M. g6 SHREWSBURY to Holywell VIZ. to EUefmere Wrexham Mould Holywell PADDINGTON to the Eagle on Eppikg Forist viz. to Iflington Dalfton Clapton Low Layton Eagle, Epping For, 78 PLYMOUTH to Dartmouth viz. to Brixton Modbury Holwell Dartmouth 50 POOL to Lymington viz. to Chrift Church Lymington 94 PRESTAIN to Carmarthen viz. to New Radnor Bualt Ludlowvaugh Llanimdovery Abermarles Rue Raddor Abercothy Carmarthen SALISBURY to CAMPDtN 305 61 T2* 7 61 8^ Si 76 55 SOUTHAMPT. to Salisbury viz. to Rumfey White Parllh Whaddon Salifbury 50 97 SOUTHAMPT. to Winchester TINMOUTH to Carlisle viz, to Newcaftle Ovingham Hexham Haydon Haitwefel Chapel bourn Corby Carlille 99 WHITBY to Durham VIZ. to Skellingdam WELSHPOOL to Carnarvon viz. to Llanvair Dinafmouthy Dolgeth Llanyltyd Llandura Harlech Dolbenmere Carnarvon 52T '6r 13 II 10 61 .at '5 Towns. Gilborough Marton Norton edgfield Durham YORK to Chester viz. to Tadcafter Morner Leeds Burfial Eland Riponden Rochdale Manchefter Eccles Warrington Frodfliam Chefier M ic 8 II 106 103 YORK to Lancaster viz. to Allerton Knarefljorough Ripley Bolton Skiplon Conifton Settle Green by Hornby Lancalter YORK to Whitby viz. to Whitwell New Malton Pickering Whitby 103 YORK to Scarborough viz. to New Malton Rollington Sherborn Seameie Scarborough or rather from Knapton Yeddingham Yatton Scarborough 8 H Greeii J ^^nvw -tDWexhant ^u'^ki^, Uxbridg-e^ /AD/hv/i XOSnoON /t' jiBEKIS TWITH Coyifatnitu/ ^xnii ?y^<'EoyalExchange m Iioiidon to 6'Arjli/i Beconllieild..?/ H-Wicoojub ..32 a Morton 63% U/tJiwii/Ufii Broadway"-- Reflain. - Periliore /<>2-^ Biaderg-owy WoBCE s TEB. .-Ill 4beriftvaflx IicluJut^ titeBt-ti/icIt ^vm WJuutlv£r/dadfram J>urkanv ihrotufh. SurulerhmdivTmmouih iO T/iut J/f/ufraryjTum) tAiViu/iEn/uM Wijh, Jfkra^, i^j viTlatr-6 . The^Siiye. Coach SjjojIm T/iMce toUazfieM, S&amqe, Bollock. ^itflfMiaJe- and, Tenuf/urdTlate 4^ kt/im^ I tn^Platz 4g t^rvii^Bi^drnta JioaJb mtvt- " ■jjatr/u- PIj4Xw/u7c (^teNLirrfi- em ti'taM-utacfi St)ud turru a kiuiJi'orrvJhmeTiJ^ with' theJrucfyjtmu cu u/ulei' TromJfAliafu 8MIa) % ButtU bi^em SJnwd the^ 4'^'^w*-- Ri)^} fivm I ciSD on tBiasTOLi^'4 Marlborougrli\j£^^^,^ IkteOaford ^25" \ 39 \UfWindf0rj rCOTl/r 'eoWlMumv J3 i-Sea/h BudkfTM. 6, O " v/ Mann 3 \€8 Hams tDBe\ ce^- iv Mfifl) f^ffereford i^JIatit^inncry . Andvi J^laie 8j -i/ie La^r^'X, u ^ J J eta L ijij '7 r' 1 / ^ t't?- .^^^ ^ MLiB Vdk to OuTt^Sv^^^^^ ' ^^''^y^lMwi. 7/ j ^ 1 to-R,hMc/''!^ It , . JPliOi'jj <)1ien^ ifu^IRoad^^tmy Girdi/ptpJirechu>6k,SeaJt IC^o MaMm attd ti) JSauc^A in JS^ex a/id U> ffravedend uvSint. Pla/r jfumj tfit K/iad from G'lcJtfj'ter Oirhiyh J^annth ft> JTu-moulh t'n JfcrfrtJc . ' ' ' 21 13 « I f^-^if^d^msc iTotlUiniihj //vni ///^-IWalExcliaiige t^> Elth.tm ■ ^1 I I BcrsteJ fliyz Fiinninifham i8\ flarerhajn 44'4 "Wxjfliam i/i'i f 1 AUitbi^ ,574* IklaidiVone I (HitL ...oy4 X}Farnmifhinn,isbepr^-2.H'^\ ( ^^stbtcL ^4'^ T/irfdsr/t/r' • Ji-'-'^fi'^ ■ to , _ ^^'^^^ "foBedJaidai %CcnriIBin^h ma — jL — , . . AA\^ivJaivw •Street ^ford Amrtfier Way to MvJ.itme /d lhrou/;h liorherShatfiia^ Shme ,4, ^conwairaW Ibwcefler... .6oiSfa^ff.nUSrJ4^^, Beamnam":.?^^ IDarenlrr-..;^ )5^n' BoJdtJar..i604 iiAun9i ..80% Nanytwick m>7y&aJ. aSg^ i7ai JSaO -710! * IvTTaty LtfleBfrick-ji6%ill I 7, ^ .....crafe;! StiiSic 4S V7 "^Inmchnrch is mam ^ , ?mck 1 toSknilivirrih'-^ %tarri J I Sandixn CaVENTPXJ tBTamnvr/i ^ GrcmJt£an TAt^ variffM :Reatb fhm Cbvenlry are dMcriied inTlated Sj, JS- S/ ands^ • f''^ Ck^ter in TlatM ^3.72.^^ W /o/ VOJ~ W Ifaibj-MaiiiSlTaY, a, Slaiam ''\tbbilnok I in CoBxnzLLZ . Ctnitnuitntf p'oiii t/if Roval Ercliange/i }ir«itfijrA. -It) Stanes iS'i liih/shot- ... 2t^ ff,n-t/,;t/ Jiim';^H Andovo: . , .tkui SlialJlbTny. .Jt>{} Sherbom . . 'uJyii Ttwil rt.i Ci-ooklioni f jYv Hoiiitan . .j.^ JlXETEK . .JJX^n AlLlTui-hiu loi Bl-eut liit^ Chudleigh . Eenfance . EattLooe. .'.t^ Yavrej. . . .340''^ 'Sxe^ony...iijt>:i Sl/Surien. Serhm . .■toe .•u>o''i -y-tclJ'eiOm toirfimvci '68 67 i(J r- aJBtnan J^toilim-Umi iij°' (7tar&07i /^jfer^:.^. '^^Bit Otm hrn * ifMilbounirort icBrii^urrt tojiradfori •'atLiuiuittf street yijeCidjtiyck /So ^toJior^ pur J -/Ut'jL + Odamil' '55 eJUb/rr is Soid/umtsX Xtoi/ieJUbfr ivjf. J'orOi Jfm. ■tv JFenrU»f\r fife- Of-S^fy' tpjfavimt-' ^ 7 iVBient ^8 r 'llif KOAl) frrm L ( )N D ( W A'Newliavej SrTSSJiX,fi>it/i f/ir ( ;>7ify'fiif^flirn /rirrn li'ii/ftinmef front /A'llty:ilEsiiiimge/5:' . ^'t7v(fiam (> I (-r • ^ '^^^^125 CVoyilon 2oh ^ - ' (mJ ffimi r/iffttr to , DrigbtLfliiill(me^(; I Ni-w Shcreliam . Wocd/vrd S US/i^rwii- .j^iUOKA^uii/^ ^ • * Eppiug- /d'2 \ \sf.$^ss^rAotiHechvil .--30 \\&/:(7i£Jiiyy ui CAMBKIBGB SHIKE ^ ' " ' 'tt/icJlou' . 40 ill i^y i ^- I'/Jartl . - - 44 'i \^mZf.i'^--''^3\\Smlje^dSire^'..'--."33 \\3oumB>7^/e ...48 ^ lljj woimm - - ^Imm -^4 i V Jhcklciori 63 \ Coimnaicimf at Lougliboro ug:lL in lan^libcsroogh,-/i'/ J^/z/y/K //-^ WOTTJAreBAM /2/ •jJaH *3A L ^SofuR] Send Ji A if, ^ ^iris.^i ^^^^^ HffadtBMmnirhtAro Tlate 42 Jhm',i t/ic Hood fromlonJon l/irow;h SfonySfral- ■fhrd .^ortJiampl^n JBarliorm^TiJiCcceiite/ Zim^M^ / iiii fir. _ V, M //3 tfiro yirthantftlffn I /4> Covenhy . ilBiaiop's Istart ChaHerfini 421' /!l*V&29'fe„ , -„ „ ''If " ^ bl TfifROAJJ /fw/i lOND Olf //'POR T S MOTJTH r^. — jj. ^ ' \ ' ]^i^,p^ck 4y JftTnaimwr/// Engdhm. - _ . . -30 — If-' T/ Peterflield JJ ■< So/ruitri -fi2 GirilfbTd JO \\Tor6»^£riei&/e. 4. (foda/ffiai 'J-h'A iPordinoufli ~j 2 ioVcrLfinauth/f ^ tBava/it fy^ 1 Durilon to Wedlmi rPeter6fldair-~;„. , to liavarU iV 7'ortaey 'jf^Jionm -^hSmdh Week ^ 4 r- tvlavederv Samden ^ tcSivanf ^5f^f"^^ . AX *>Ua<)cUnouU ll7u Jii?^n/^wj/JjO'H'DONtP Rye mSirsS^JK W/tfi a Branch fiv/n Tunbiidg-e to theWeAs Co/ifM7Un^ ^ir/n t/ieJiovct/^^vcAafiy^ tuJicmtfc7i to Jjm^idhani ^ '^\{ Tunbridge 7(f^ JJramleT - - - . ZainlvT7iufat- ^a77ihwuy/i /j jj JVe/i^^ic/en jj 'i Sevenoke 2j II 'S^ 64. IroJii rtmbridge a^^ I>e^re at: 2^ 'i tv SouffilfOt-ouy7i J2 Tunbridge Wells - _ . j 4 i /-iff? yd' ioJhdci?]'' Tunhridt* toJJaidjCi^h S ir s J s :^ 28 J4 ffrvai \ J JB r 1; m / c ^ Com, m 1; ^1 mOtat- Inva 4S\ ill 48 Sat/t/f/'orirr/ •StfflU 43 ■ loliie/turirt irite UieWitfd 'tpTfaddurjt a Quany S s s s s: 2f0r0yam ^ .iWauiriden iram u "-^ii S3 ThelSTEWliadDfrani Paddingtcni tv /y/^' Eagle 07t EppingFon-el't Ctmtatnino Jroni tiieSell atPtitMuii/tan tp Iffirft/tVTi /i'4 \ \ ( 7irfrt(Tii Dalrtmi 4'% J 1 loH'IiT/mi -j^ Church- Snares Irrook^^ ^t""* Salter J ^ ^'^^ZyilmSUmt I ^ Wood Str. \ffhaeGmiiuit * M Pancrod Oi., kSetfitrmiUM \\^'astl \ to Sam/idteiui z^ -^Tetten- Jie/v'jlfiuyt'ffoiue A' Frtmroje BUI Xifdom Green SjKstm^o \Ed0morlh k Watfird h \MowIaylim CratvU/') tn SHimfirrdBUl . Shore/ii'tc/t (, Pi I; r A r,8s "4" ' -W-Salu>irury jl oyer 1 TheROA^Dfrirm Loia)ON/(^Bamlta1)lf I linmennno i'\ Atu^lburr 8o^4 I I Bintau jiii; a Wannintter. , gq ) ...i^ip/i Briilgwater. 14^ Jl, h SirfLjm (t^ ^ ''\.. /^\', XShtrtnfdier taSaldiltarf' /23 ^ i7e^^ij * ^^^^^^^ ^ Cif&.rap/ Jilt. ^.^—.^^ tidiftiuaryj. '3^ kfe ^4 . an^<,3 ^^hd\he fr^.. K^oM rv/uch u Z,lec, thu, Direct Koa^ u,. From Brijlol lo Fref^r. From Bristol to and from Oxfixrd to SaUdhuy ■ 34 ^Serif}r& VJinA/ll/rt/r/t Gnibtmition (faieROAJ) fhrnlioymoiii to B^NSTABI-E Viit.pwn die Ho^alEachaiJgc lonaon BiadsTTBlci: 143 W.Boi/l'oivii' '5' Jlai-iitnvllouje- '5/ [ Diibertan //^ ^ i S.MouKon '^4 \ Baniflable 'pS mvtmiTmcv J •! ]. ( ^arUti Ibrrin^fcrn"- // \\ Ha&edr — 7/' The- txtaidediTit^d'fivnU hitfrimvAauxytiTniro ^irm^fu OntBtfall' Mamr- ;f /W /« J\ /I \ . ' Simert: \ r/n2}wv 6rPe/oyn id ^TroTo 'i'CA\\ 111 7>0/iaeji \ §q See lAeJfeu at tftei, '.„„ CsuiMSfuY^ ^^^^ J I! |V/4 i cnnnienctiio at CTDjrpeiihiuii <^»/\ JBctuflef' n.,oo li ^ \BmtIiani\Jmar t3 jertfbra. ft- /S3 liJSHOl'RK K i'fj) T'JiHAJU . L 'ii 8^- '(0/atJTWft toTtirum \-t fib I' ■ /•■■ 1 1^ psj JjerTi ^^/^7^ffia|J II "SanSi ^1 jj'tmtc^m^ Calfle 7y //i^r likfwj t/teKvad from yark to CAei)ffr rvhie/i croficJ (Au) Hood af /d4.Mi/e. PL, ^2 b ^3 aAfn^J tfif Ttcad tAreii^A Okeliam b> Hi^^htrnmd . Pet3borong>]/^, Tfu Haad foTButehaverL Tram,X02JJ) OIT -^lancaftcr .... 233 Cartmcll -2^0 HawMhf ad 963 .telaven - . - . 26/ uJie Jtoaiiyrffni Wiitehmjen \M) CirfM.run,) infy that \ tDii ...3J8 AIamwui)d. . -ss; jj Trarz^rt/r 384 GoTiiide 36 f Iedinbttbgh . . .3()4 r Tirvxnwti Mim/ti> Tiufienderttiun^ Gurlahank ^f.^ 1 W.Adn/jbnt I 381 h S{adMm/!orM^. Jfen/ Stwitui toun iBaddiag-tDii 1 Tifiern JBbrpenJfn 7 S/iiMelfaU jIL \\375 loch XJhidialcrn MtffJaJenTa^ Stimyhilf Trwereak , ^ I TrMton 1 W.Wtndy^aul I c?45 • \3i \lcOk£jutm\ \lolfartfiamni \im,Tl. 7/<^<24Z?/w//IONDON&'T'LAMBOROUGH utYOJiKSj Cm/onatd/t^ atSfi^i m du^Beni/ii AIt^aiy PL 6. Bedeck- i68 Elham 200 BurL'ng-ton 20^Si\ F/afrd^ajvu^/i .a /si thro Vranifiam Tl . / W7ieIioAJ) fwni lONW ON A- KiKGS LYNN (ZU^/^iort ._ Sonjefifry So'i M7^ay Doimliam 8^ Seecliag- ISagsXymi ^8 Sarcbvtc£: \9o SbfvJ/aU J-rmiSyh^Zynnto^t^ruic/i rJrM7i'7^/t ^e^PUj. ioJVirm^A rT^n„^M T/n/r 8 . at A entth) j- ^ Head frem fflocedter ondBerefird inMiTTtt-^^^^ yentay dee Pi. So jPlatf a and 4 7 aherv the different 'A>mL) fhmv landen ta Worcedter. FlaU 81 jA^rvJ /ft^ Hood from 7/erefwd fArou^A Worcedterb) ^'cniry and ZeiMdfpr Tlate ff, dhe/vj Rvad. frorrvBruM through Mcnmouih. and Scr^ord lo LudUw . TtcU* 03 from Zudldw. l/irou^h Shrewdlrury to OtAittr . ■4' Tuckau;^e IBariwaY - 3'5 Newmarket (^03 IBerionMilL) Thetfiird larliii^fi'rd' 5/ i Atd.elKJEOUg'll- NOKWICK . - - 10^ Shrr i "Npwmar fi , Tia-M-^rmSL'S/aililKarJ'dr'fc Green Man *^ ' » v^-^ u — , — - ^ ^ n ' — 4^9 22 Jktlieia MJ/av Tark Hat/uld Ifpodqate "VV^ Si im s The Itead from lonJon to S^-3feol,i in SjuibnadHvahire am/ihtied b> OkeJuvn ih Jlu/la/idd/u 're (mvne/u-irif a/^Barrut m ifu Se{y Head Jtcad TL.is . ^ { ^atart j ^ \ SrMtrtii S7 J Cattverdty. 6j \ Zyford -74 i I fiarriny^werih - . i y i^Mutm ^fi Harriet . . /« Ha/ field.- zo% Siei'frtiia'' - .31 £aJit,rrA ...36 Jfiiri0i'e->wade ...... Tf./n^>jorff - - ,52 ^tB2 ' \6t lUjfrom Ttnuford/tliroMhyjSuffdefvto Stihan-- 1 :fl.6o \\ , ft; ]7pr/al' fs^j,^. [4^ wool) » 'rciHWed^t- ^ Tart ^ rfr'T^m^^'^ |tegi)T3artjiet io landtni SPl. 22 »j 'iv. li. , M ■■■ILCatrm-di Fork , ma s^' en B.I ''Mi. Ca/nlrui/e K | fflllB ^3 tf^^f 4W '''' ^-^M^' '.ff/ •Stme. i TV. o/jcm.: the It/jad frcm (a/nh-iji/je t/iroii^h JVarii to IfirthampJim. and' ihvcniry ■ Tlatc ,}henh) aHoad from Oxford- thrmi^h Sal/jihjrv to Tool . Ttate from Sotilhcunptm through Hiim^xj to Sali-fhirj . — Vetri/nTl.AQ rakEham Si. 8^. P/atr 4^ ,}he/vj amthfr Bead Okf/iam l/tro S'^ITect) . Flate^ qo dheruj the^Jtmidfrom Oxford throu^h-Bedfirrd to Giml'rid/ji> . The Sta^e Ttoad to Wattin^hcun tumo off frtmi tki-d Hood at S^AUnru), and^oM tfwaugh DuMlaMe to Stony Stra/fhrd Plate, it . i/imt^ throitgh Iforffiampton andZeife^ter fo Zaui^kborm^h TlcUe a i and thj>nfe through Bunrtty In ITottin^kani Tlate . The-Scadto Sheffield' id fromvSmi^lttim. atiAi MUm toSoLfffver j jEckin^turv. ■j Sheffield' g Arw^urJiocul to Sheffield' id franv^arlliurim^h ati4^2tHe to UckirytBTu 3 Sheffield. ^ 'Plate 3 y jhmv ffu Itoad threu^hJBcfrmi^hlrridye' and It^tfian to Hiehnumd. Hale /oa (lie Jtoadfrcmv lark thrmufk SkiplvTv to lanc-Mter / Cfidce (mROAD from IO^}DOT>r SHKEWSBUKT^ , (hilumfd ii7lVelQipool ui Mmi^OTrufyjfurc ^icming-liam. — ' » DxidleY "S'i >,l\'idgTiorth — /J^ 3 Gr .^Wenlock . . . /45 2 Siire-wlbmi:- — '5^ ^ Abherhiry- i IVielflrpooL ---//^ K5 1 ^4 > Golf W&f^niry j'j ■ to. eoA4>h ?i \ 1 erSha/fi -fo Chirhcyy,. • JmiiI"/)^ fv ih/Twwn to Chertiey =i r/BfO^t ■132 loCTurtijev 30,-! Tl. 26 I%i'2iOu4I>^-t77?i'LO'm)0:M /i7 SOVULAMPTON Ha^d/iat 2p I (jllrefl&rd 60 laniham 4.1 KunQ^d 66 'i AKcm JO |[ Southamptnn yg Wit/t aBrMtch/roni Stn/t/iam>ifyni ioSalu/lntry viz ^ tv Bumfcy . ei^\(Wtaddo7V 2/ Wfu'teTaru)h'^ //i I \ Sausbtihe sj-^ bTtaJrfini; I ^ I Old to ana^^4 \Stelmindter loSfiafhihuyM, to WitArmybm Jllderhiry g 22/ Mtlerhtry .' i Gmtmtn I )■:.' I \\ -i" Salinhiry toMer . _ Oai/uxnUm U>Mffrttm 5»i eulh ■ , to ~i Wu/icarmlr^, tot ; I ^T/ieROAJD f-crm 10^JDON^t7 TrURO iu CORNWjUX IxETSR /ys 3 \ t Xaftwilhiel . . - 2Jo J>Mufo7-d 180 '4\ SlAuftle ry/''^ Granipound 244 4 Ihrh/d 24^'-i I [ Truro 2S'% iVu^^-d 2 Taviltock Ziy^ Xeikard - - - 22/ 3 folubvi/fue/ y. Old way foTr btMrnneni Gmilrrim to OuverUnT^ lacy hi V to M/Unr^n^e /o Pfymeutft'' Buffim S oilman tpSrvddoei tvTreyruy Jj 'lAielv. Old wav ^ & ■ejicB/ta.' .■ V 'Mm ^ lz>Trf3, Great SbTTU J. aim -S;'2H f227 LjS; ifieMour ^ ijjftvnn/eoa .^^'■^"VxSSirrru to Curmzer >W4A_ to (raldenQ Tlale^SA a/tdjs nhsrv ifie jRoad pvmjBamjbtlt/e Aro Zaunee^bm io Truro . A. lay 5a. tvuL^onot/tefueixnUuiuect-tt) Berimi'Mi^ ^ Sratcdnt^Ferry ^6 i SilOtr?T07V «?/ $wafiham .^4- TMe,ffuil^ to 4 4 TaieiOiajn. no ^ "VVMling-liam. l/6i^ "Wellg /2/ ...^ ^ » V - T/iedccondarrwnaiMi^ at the dcoiieTlaceScconiuuudto Sai^cf.- ^^"4^ II StEdinundiiBurr -J4 i cuftBaJkani' //4 Uemnarfcet . TicaiAmia/iXn^nf- Til "1 K /\ n ^\ j\ __/L J'latej 2^ Mid j/ien> l/iv d^erent H^adj p-om-Xajid^^ /oT^en^rnarket, the prjt ifirp £pfiin^ a/id otfier t/iro Jiark/vay ^ff^^ 'fhewj a Tto.i.l from Pxfrni l/iiv .SiiiuU'iiry and O-imtrflrti /fiJ'oai. Jiafc fn>m Kve/er /Aro Bridparf io TiortAf^ter 1 1 l^^ifrr, •.'ted Ardley Oak Ardley Common 53 loDeJfiam ArdUy ^ 3T Vi <7 AolUnv way Ufio tvITadify »»»» 66 HarwicliEoad Tlaif ,^o2Uilcd and from Stra^ord jj IpiWich 68 Wood/^{d//f 2 J h ^axmundham 8y IBfylwrvii^h ^/ SecUee — toj '4 Saddkv . - //2 %. 5&miontiL /22 // fflfnJutmSaU Strad. ~ tv Sarn/U'h Colc3iefter/Jp^'2»Z^<./- -6^ Marlafprd S2 1 . Ujffoi-d Street \ \ yg toSnidford^\ .1* 63 63 \ 4 A Wbodbridg'elS AllStuntu \ a Sun dial'^ N 1 GcrUdtnt ^^s^ ^ N : Tarmoufh J mr//ir/ct \\S7/i^^rd /j Ccrl/'Grem ^ 2 jl Ware ^SH W.H.The Road- fivrn J^ondcn lArv JBroaJ/vate/' ke . tv Oaiham ot Ttada/ubh. a.) iriFi. /^c/vpej/hufJioad atl^i^ld TheBOAV fi-(VN lOND QT^ '^ZT^iV^wHAETI'ORDSHIRE Plate 6 ffaff/f^ddcTft /lBJ/amiarvn 57\ ^ SbhurJ Oak ^■■''''■BulvBam' f z^' .... ^4-^ Ccrmmarket 4> r./02 II I 101 i.i -A ivWctdc r\V* (hid(wr fcj /// '; .'^ iff Sftahoj' i/o\\ \\ ;i ybnry lis, Coffb-MH I cntcrfch»i^<^ ■1/2/ ^^^^ ii/so 1,2'rccjn' ''A Cammm ///;; >^ Satr J4 ^/iwJ e/te Hood p-am Brid^en/rrth i/) SftremJhtry a/id dtenc& tv WeM/ioai . \ T/wHoAo/t-o/ti Bristol Weymouth CAm>^...y W CiDcMiom 4/ WKiis I \ S^Pa/ret Glafliaiburf a4.k\< 3Iai(&nJynv&m . Somci toii 3 and/Iandcmy ^K^^e^ \ a Cmmmi 71-1 ^ I Alton - S ^i<>f'i// .-- --ee'k J%«/'/-- Berwicki <9i74r 13 CARDTGAir it .J ■Hi':' fCARTVIARTHENrt'CAKDlGAN' ) ^/LffCliO.Syfw/JCAKDIGAN/i'IlAJraEDXB. \triCARDIGANSB. (iLANBEDER A'jteKRIS TTOTH j 2jFro/ti Cardgan tvTrcdj'aii- /o,7i(d Oiuai /:M UND %SVmfhSiri Sfw JiJarifr ,md/.tpJr.rn^. 2 Jilm^^ 3 ^^toSt^abiam , T/uHOAD farm CmJMS£0'm)lMK[Si(mi[SMSJ&^ j in I^SSUX and GRAVE SEND utKT.WT viz . / . delmsford /t> ^Maldon . 2 . Chelmsford ^ Raleigh 3 .Qielmsfbrd /47!Billericay art 2?-'^l /l/Vw/^^rt?.. . . - . .^g,f4 Cmifeari ^S'A \liMiaiiinumri/iy...K>; U llMUi,-(Ji .f/ iWBda .u...-./«t>'=i Umn/Jtoi' - - - - - z^?*' '^^ Z&3Jil/aJ.m iMt^r 1 1 ^TOhyu. - T,ila/wfi^ /<» i ) i^Hdtywell /^^ \,totheJfvn warhl i7W fv //te Sea Me j\Kliurr{fiia/u to Ttiwd -,, ... ^\ ZanroJi" ^ 'm mI^V L^/oT3anlrrytfur> ^ ft; Aliavu/idm ,k?^jhir'. L ^"''V Tlale (fS lihewi) 'from DuuMmmi/hyat /03 2IiU^^ U WeM 7od . Jlap to is IlanderTUi^ ^ /42 Uplbn I ->1 • .STjlam/crrali //2 2 1^ Bufttpx tuSa/a f ^ ^ ( ^ '^iBlen frn/in lead nUned j. M -'y/rryilim 7/ ^ 2£orchard to SdJ '^^aSeacen 'UttJlOAD /iwn EXE TER z^BAEINSTABLE J)JS VONSMIRE. Credittui - /'k\( af/dfivniU^iUOfMl tr J r A" Sa/ifbrd in' ' .■21 i IjBiddifiird . // j8 ill atuitfo II Tarrmg-tan- 24 Sivfbrd 7^ f 4xi 1 ii^ Bran/my. '^if/u^M wery 7 dmUf te SMtru/tm '•'\SfJnnd Oujfi 7/'k -Amtfier2{'»'i^ _ Over % Tori { i I TJieROAD frcmt HEBEF0HD/V>LBICESTEB. FnvnedMl '/ « \i SMU/tiafi /fiArdnv. jj ^ "WoBCESTEB ^4<^\\ Meriden. j6 Ihroitwidx -3<'^[j Coventsy Bioomlg'rove - AMiuri'Ji 4' SolihuTI JO 1Woolv0' .-.7a ^ Skartifirrtl /^t leiceftei- S6?^ S^TohnJ \:Bn>myard tvFtmnck ........ ^. m J6 le ffraftori 33 Shirley S\ 63 -t 1— rvijrtfi V/Uvn or SenJ'rook WUho 43 * -HI (^3 ^FennaJOreen to Jixnvtunv green, ^ Birmingfuun P _ tvBamrttsn to 87 Boifrvorth' COYENTKT. Fenny 1 . '31 39 bShir/ey -^^ ^emurulrr//— ^ " loS/iirUy \ieyOiap 00 3S Aatzm. T&A' dJietifj {fie Jtcad from liruitol Aro (?loeMlcr to WffrcejU ; 'Jinny ffiviuiJ J ; enii ^\ r /t^ \ Zarqe ; ■ (Mnntfri ITetmiy/ini Crrey\S^ Fmny Grtmtul. S :e A. /y47 XlSuuvmiAiOvfi) \ \ \ 4 ; •' ' ■■r 01 S4 from fAmblefi S&ui/ey J WKefwick 202 AmtOfifide CoctormouUi ^ >ufl>- '4'4\\T/uuvfy .y^ 4 ..2/ j| Cabutsie M^8 loSrvoK • ; TtCdMetmtSaU A I OldZj/ui S- 1» yK ■ . 'I % ; ' ^ ^ y,^,^j llit A^ad t 'lvm E u-k en'd^e l/iro TlitJ^brd w Jfam/ieh .yi ijfrom Swaff/mm lolfeivnuzr/cel^^o b) Willj.Tl. Sefivm lynn-toJfin-aruh ami Jlrrmm/A . Ti S.t from^ivufi toJiarmieka/id Cr T/uJiOAD/ivni King s JirNK A'Nokwtch Yarmouth viJ\rojiFOJ.j^ < TJt,' ItO^D pviu OXFORD zi'DERBT A7y ( J Cranbom ^ Hun^erlbrd 2g [1 "W^bom. &I Wa}tJiT7u//i'crrtiL '0 s ) ( ^7^^ to CheltrUrt -. ttnujlnirf I H>T/iru,x6m )) . ' \^ u/t Uu- l//rttjjm. toS< SAUSBTJBY esAju/crver ^ ivITur.-ct^^ Strel/brd 3 IT) toPoriim - ^ I Sti/iW'iiry -I V^J /t; (Ihitfrrfim ^ I .94 ? Turner* ^Iji^^T^ t0 ^^Iftm^^ t\ tx ■AimfOury :± \j^dm'er I ( ,1 JEi'tr/ev /./^ ] i lecMaae _ . BtirUcJi ^' H j -^"''"^^ -f? ^ MarlboTOUgii 2/"?i [1 Stow 6^'i IDg-hworth. . 4J 4 ) Canrpdeji J 6 11 A.'l^tB CMinffl»}rrv II -t; ^^cubw^rih' to TiiOam '''^>A,^^--j ' \tvTVaiiiigt George- 1z> Sfcrmham, ^ ' \|! / ir jg.gg" V / \ 1 43^-- o/Slme- L, -4- '57ii , TK„«™> V «> hrmham N Faring drrv Grmmm (mtSzirtati \ \ -Armour. to en^ //a (hmwn . 'iSirendburr ill ZudlatflY.. do . jPl.^Z ofu!n>0 /f-o/n Trre.v/iai/i to tViedtpj; aAjo ii>J3rei-A:tzorA a/^d I Cimtai/ii/i^ /^'W W/dd^ to S/ui/iit^t/tmi /fV\ f ^>ftP7i - - 3^ Gilboroug^ll '^f ^AX Sedg^fidd Marto7i -2^ j ( DiraHAM ^ ojidfrern tfioice cmfiriued to SimdeBlaitd - /3 } | Ttruncnti/i . . . .23 -jf. 4^ f ! I > 1 1 JiJiaMT-brrUJui. . Chap. . dJV'^h a; ^jStoulerimd GxcnteS ■7^ Jl h(4 7«» radcaOer Y4 well fk ^ . Xeeils Uu Road /rorn ToRK A- Che s te b. 7m't/t a^ranch/hrfn MANCHESTER DEHBY T/icJUvtcw/imaireny atlbriL and dc d ' Tadcafttt 77wnicr /^'i Leeds 2^ BurjtnJ j2 lUirnd jfo'^\See/f^ Ri/iendai 44^''''' ' ' Bochdak Manchefter 4 The Sefr7trd- ■ iW 'nwrrnr I -BnTTTtAanv '•' Is JdiHrr /'* S 1 - ^ • •* Writer a. '■ '^Jiin- J^e/a/e' Stpcistirn aarlffn AM JMry Wlii/iif// - I3'i\ jEckeriag- -28 ^ iTewIMaltDii - I j Whitbr jo .R(>///Nr>/ .J/ Scarboroug-li 4j my. -0 Sn/aidim, : ■ 43' r JI1j>aruh : ; Groiaid , TAe,S