Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcapitOOskin A CATALOGUE OF THE CAPITAL VALUABLE and GENUINE Collection of Pictures, OF THE Roman, Bolognefe, Venetian, Spanifh, French, Flemifh, Dutch, ‘German, and Engliih Schools, LATE THE PROPERTY OF ) - i I. -.Or- - NOEL DESENFANS , Efq. CONSUL-GENERAL of POLAND; Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Meflrs. Skinner and Dyke, On Fuejday the 24th, Fkurfday the 26th, Friday the 27th, and Saturday the 28th of February , 1795, PUNCTUALLY AT TWELVE O’CLOCK, AT THE GREAT ROOMS, SPRING GARDENS, CHARING CROSS. The Whole comprehends between Five and Six Hundred Pidlures, among!! which are the undoubted Works of the following admired Mailers, viz. Rubens, Titian, Wouvermans, Corregio, Tintoret, Oftade, Guido, Bafian, Teniers, Carlo Maratti, P. Veronefe, Cuyp, Cortona, Murrillo, Vanderveldt, Salvator Rofa, Van Dyck, Le Brun, Pouffin, Claude, Watteaux, ~ M Sir F. Bourgeois, f Mr. Loutherbourg, Mr. Gatton, &c. J Particularly a fine Landfcape, Sun-fet, by Claude ; Sarnfon and Delilah, by Rubens ; fome Lar.dfc3pes with Cattle and Figures, by Berghem, in his beft Manner , a Portrait of Sir Kelm Digby, by Van Dyck ; the Education of Bacchus, by Pouffin; a capital Sea Piece, by Vanderveldt; fome capital Works of Vernet; Rembrandt’-s Pilgrim; the Timber Cart, by Sir Francis Bourgeoife ; a Battle between the Ruffians and Turks, by Loutherbourg; Lot and his Daughters, by Albano ; a fuperb Merry Making, by Teniers, &c. Meffi SKINNER and DYKE beg Leave to affine the Public, that the Whole will be fold without Referve; and may be' publicly viewed On Friday, Saturday, and Monday, preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had, at One Shilling each, in Spring Gardens, to be to Ptjrchafers, and of Meff. SKINNER and DYKE, Alderfgate-Sttect. CONDITIONS of SALE. I. 'jp'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute fhall a rife between two or more Bidders, the Lot to be put up again. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Six- pence; above Ten Pounds, Five Shillings; above Twenty Pounds, Twenty Shillings; and fo in Proportion. III. Each Buyer to pay Twenty Five per Cent. as Earneft, in Part of Payment for each Lot, and to declare their Names and Places of Abode, if required. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, within Two Days after the Sale is ended, and the Remainder of the Purchafe-Money to be paid before the Delivery. Lastly, If any Lots remain uncleared after the Time limited, the Depofit-Money fhall be forfeited, theLots immediately re-fold, and the Deficiency (if any), with the Charges, to be made good by the Defaulter in the prefent Sale. <$88388^^S$$8> Firft Day’s Sale, TUESDAY the 24th of FEBRUARY, 1795. LOT A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures, and a Siege Spalthof I 2 Three Hiiforial Subjefts 3 Four mezzotintos on glafs, a Flotvef Piece, a Fruit Piece, and a Land- fcape V irhelft 4 Three of Flowers, and one of Ducks 5 Eight — an Old Head, and feven various Figure Subjefts 6 Eight Landfcapes, various 7 Seven ditto, and Sea Pieces, various 8 Six— a Moon Light, a Landfcape, and four various Hiftorical B ( 4 ) Sr LOT <■■■ 9 Four Sea Pieces IO Six Heads Hiftorical, various I 1 Two, highly fwjhed. Reptiles, Flowers, and Iniedts 12 Four Landfcapes 1 3 Three ditto H A pair of Flower Pieces £• v , / >5 Two Landfcapes, modern . 16 Two ditto *7 Four ditto, fmalier 1 8 Two Battle Pieces, and a Chymilt Heemjkirk *9 Two Converfations 20 Two — Still Life, and Dead Game 2 I Two Landfcapes Rembrandt 22 Two — the Adultrefs before Chrift, and judas Returning the Silver Penny 2 3 Two Landfcapes, and one of Still Life, fmail 24 Three — two Battle PieCes, and a Bac- canalian 'Spangiolet 25 Two — a Phiiofopher, and a Portrait of Charles V "Jordaens 26 Two — the Subject of Baucis and Pheii- mon, and a Merry 'Making C. Mar rat ti 27 Two — Daphne and Apollo, and Cad- mus with the Dragon 28 Two Pliltorical, Italian 29 Three ditto Martcrelli 3 ° Three Landfcapes 3 1 Jupiter and Jo, and a Cupid Maes 3 2 Three Landfcapes Italian 33 Two Pliltorical ( s ) .VV.' lot 34 Neefs 35 1 Rubens 36 D anker ts 37 Pynakor O £) 38 Decker /y /> 39 Italian / 9 40 Bout 41 Italian 42 JanJfens { 43 Bout and I Bond-ivy n 3 ^ Italian 45 Ditto 46 Cajlelli J 47 Rembrandt 48 Smeejlers 49 Breughel 50 SirF. Bourgeois 51 £^<-^2 Le-ven 52 / 53 So/ Ruyfdael 54 and Zeemetn Three— ra Sleeping Soldier, a Land- fcape, and a Battle Piece An Interior of a Church by Candle Light A Boy’s Head, a fine fetch, and one of the Affemblage of the Gods Two Landfcapes, and a Sea Storm 7 ' wo ditto, upright A Landfcape View of a Village Two — a Madona and Infant Chrilt, and Tobias burying the Dead A Return from Hawking A pair of Battle Pieces Two Portraits Two Landfcapes Two Hiftorical Two— a Venus, and a Landfcape, a Park Scene Two — a Sketch, Hiftorical, and a View of Scheveling Two — a Philofopher, and a St. Francis, Italian A pair of fmall upright Landfcapes and Figures A pajr of Landfcapes, Views in Flanders A pair of fmall, withCattle and Figures The Interior of a Dutch Farm, with Cattle The Martyrdom of St, Stephen Two— a Vieyv on a Canal, and a View in .Holland B 2 ( 6 ) Italian LCT 55 St. Jofeph with Infant Chrift Moderen 5 6 A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures V. D Felds 57 Two Sea Pieces Moderen A pair of fmall Landfcapes 4^ Van Balen 59 The Holy Family Gonzales 60 King Charles the Fir ft, on a Horfe Cicyp 61 A View of Scheveling Van Harp 62 A Farm Yard Van Der Vinne 63 A pair, with Gypfies, & c. Rotterhamer 6 4 The Marriage of St. Catharine Martejki 65 A pair of Views in Venice PcuJJin 66 Apollo and Midas F. Hals 67 A Dutch Family B. Peelers 68 A Sea Piece with Shipping T ) Claude 69 A Landfcape and Figures, upright lhape Breembergh 70 A ditto with 7 1 An Italian Sea Port 7 .ecman 7 2 A ditto Turkifh Sea Port Stoop 73 A Battle Piece Bcr°onicne O 74 Ditto G. Occiali 75 A View in the Bay of Naples Cttyp 7 6 A Shepherd’s Boy . La Hire 77 A pair of Bacchanalians Rombout 78 A Landfcape and Figures Millee 79 A ditto Snuanenjeldt 80 A ditto, Evening V enters 81 A Flemilh Cabaret, with Draft Players Carlo Maratte £2 Jofeph prefenting his Father to Mr. Wejl 83 Pharaoh Venus appearing to Europa Watteanx 84 The Vintage Pattcl 85 A Landfcape with Ruins and Figures ( 7 ) /// Teniers LOT 86 0 An Interior with Card Players Sal. Rofa 87 St. Paul the Hermit J Zuccarelli 88 A pair of fmall Landfcapes with Rural Figures V. Dcr Pod 89 A pair of Views of Towns on Fire hid a 9° A Landfeape with Endemyion Decker 9 1 A View of Village $ cene from Nature Georgione 92 The Refurredtion Chen). Liberi 93 Mercury Chaitifing Midas and Europa Guiuo 94 St Jerome, very capital __ G. Gant ace 95 The Magdalen, large, ditto , Guido 90 St. Peter Weeping, folly exprejjvve of contrition and forrocu Claude 97 A rich Landfeape with a pieafing r? r n / / / U ,9 - 16 Effedt of Sun Light, Evening Scene Ehd of the FIRST DAY’s SALE. Second Day’s Sale, THURSDAY the 26th of FEBRUARY, 1795. lot . A Large parcel of frames, not gilt 2 Twenty-four black frames 3 Twenty-three fmall old gilt frames 4 Twenty ditto, various 5 Twenty ditto 6 Twenty-one ditto 7 Twenty ditto 8 Eleven ditto 9 Ten ditto, carved jo Ten ditto, various 11 Eleven ditto 12 Ten ditto, larger 13 Six ditto, ditto 14 Seven ditto, ditto 15 Eight ditto, ditto 16 Four ditto, ditto 17 Two ditto, carved 18 A grand View of a Palace, and Figures' Van da Pool 19 Two — a Town on Fire, and a Land- fcape— Stile of Momport ( 9 ) 0 J. Miel LOT 20 Villagers Regaling, and a fmall Sea Piece Swaneaieldt 21 Aiandfcape and F'gu v es Cuyp 22 A Lady’s Portrait, half length \ Titian 23 A Courtezan and her dotard Lover G. Poujjin 24 A Landfcape . Sol Ruyfdael 2 5 A View in Holland ' Zuccarelli 26 A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures Clomp 27 Ditto Vernet 28 An upright fhaped Landfcape, with Italian 29 Water Fall, &c. Two Landfcapes, and a Converfation 3° A ditto with Repofo, and Jupiter and J IV ill'll er mans 3 1 Semele The Interior of a Stable, with Horfes Wyck 3 * and Figures A Stag Hunting, and a Sea Piece V. D. Velde 33 A pair of Sea Pieces Van Harp 34 A Flemilh Peafant with his Family, 35 faying Grace, and a fmall half length Portrait of a Lady, by F. Hals Peafants with Fruit and Herbage, and a R. Tull 3 6 GardenScene, with Ruins andFigures Two — a Landfcape and Figures, and Gifclffi 37 ditto — Stile of Wou'vermans A piece of Architecture, Ruins and Carrache 38 Figures St. Francis in Devotion RrettaGeno'veJJi 39 Two — Herodias and St. Jerome De Kooninck 40 A Landfcape, View from Nature Giorgion 4i The Flagellation of Chrift RcuJJin 42 A Landfcape with Hiftcrical Figures— ( 10 ) LOT Ddmenicbiuo 43 St. Cecilia JVeninx 44 The Return from the Chace \ Teniers 43 Flemilh Peafants at Bowls Brakenborgh 46 The Fainting Woman Wouuermant 47 A Horfe Market, a pleajing picture Qjlade 48 Two — Boors Fighting, & a Woman’s Head, Rembrandt Ruyfdael 49 A Landfcape and Figures f S c wane r veldt 5° Two — a Landfcape, and a View from Nature, De Kooninck Berghem 5i Two — a Ditto, Cattle and Figures — Stile of, and a Head, by Mirrevetdt Italian 52 Two — the Samaritan Woman, and the Magdalen in the Defart ^ Pouffin 53 Hercules on the Funeral Pile Van Harp 54 A Flemifh Farm Yard Bajfan 55 The Queen of Sheba before Solomon Morellio 5 6 A Sportfman Regaling * Van Harp 57 Chrift with his Difciples at Emmaus Soolniaker 58 A pair of Cattle pieces F, Mi lie 59 Two — a Landfcape and Figures, and a Head of St. Paul « Raphael 60 An Alfemblage and Feaft of the God^“ — Hftcr Rembrandt 61 A Peafant with Horfes Greffier 62 A fmall Landfcape, Cattle and Figures Van dc Velde 6 3 A Sea Fight Van Dyck 64 Samfon and Delilah Old Weenix 6 5 A Landfcape Van Harp 66 Jacob Stealing the Bleding Bajfan 67 Solomon’s Idolatry ( II ) LOT Carrce 68 Two— -a Landfcape with Cattle, and Village on Fire Albert Durer 69 The Madona and Infant Ohrid, highly fnijhed Van Dyck 70 A Lady’s Portrait, half length Veuet - * Sufanna with the Elders Italian £ ti. 7 ' A Subject from Ovid J Claude 73 A Warm Landfcape with Tobias Cajliglione 7 + Jacob’s Journey % Weenix 75 A Sportfman with Dogs and Dead Game Snvaneveldt 76 A Landfcape and Figures Both 77 A Ditto ^ Pynaker 78 A Landfcape with a Group of Cattle and Figures Mo la 79 A Repofo, with Angels ^ Zuccarelli 80 A Landfcape and Figures Sol. Ruyfdael 81 A Landfcape with a Halt, with Tra- vellers Refrediing B. Peeters 82 A View of Dort, with Shipping Sal. Rofa 83 A Battle Piece Q) ^ Teniers 8+ A Landfcape, View in Flanders SirF .Bourgeois, r 85 A Tyger Hunting C. Cignani 86 The Madona with Infant Jefus, oval fine Italian 87 A Landfcape, a grand fcene FaJJin 88 A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures enters D. Fetti 89 Flemifh Peafants playing at Bowls 90 Tobias Redoring his Father’s Sight P. VeroneJJe 9 ‘ The Angel Appearing to Agar G. Dou~m 92 A Man’s Portrait, f.mly coloured C ( 12 ) LOT All ana 93 Lot’s Flight from Sodom. The paternal tendernefis exprefifed in Lot , and the judicious difiribution and ele- gance of the female figures , attract our admiration — very capital Parrocel 94 An Eaftern Prince w "m Attendants, . rl-t Hawking Teniers 95 Winter and Summer, a pair Van Dyck 9 6 The Madona and Infant Chrift C. Lctti 97 St. Jerome Guido 98 Judith, an elegant figure with a dignified charader De Lorme C? 99 The Interior of a Dutch Church, a Ter burgh very capital and elaborate finijhed pidure Morellio 100 St, John in the Defart Seb. Recci IOI Rachael Concealing the Houfehold Gods he Nain 102 A Farm Yard with Poultry Sc Herbage, &c. finely painted T eniers 103 Noah Sacrificing after the Flood Bourdon 104. The Plague at Athens, a very capital and noble compofition Rofa Tivoli ,e 5 Two — a large Pifture of a Boar Hunt- ing, and Dead Game, very capital En'd of the SECOND DAY’S SALE. Third Day’s Sale, FRIDAY the 27th of FEBRUARY, 1795. LOT Wi right l ji \ Woman at a Door Scha/ken 2 Ditto, a Candle Light Hcemjkirk 3 A Man and Woman’s Portrait Seh. liecci 4 St. Jerome, fmall Cafa Nova 5 A Landfcape with a Group of Cattle Carrache 6 The Defcent from the Crofs 7 A Shepherd with a Flute Serres 8 Taking the Ville de Paris into Port Royal, Jamaica 4 Pynaker 9 The Interior of a Cavern with Cattle Soelmaker 10 A pair of Landfcapes, Cattle and Figures D, Hals 1 1 A Dutch Courtlhip S. Rofa 12 A pair of Landfcapes Hillemans »3 Two Landfcapes, with a Banditti, &c. J. Oftade 14 The Country Surgeon Berghem 15 A pair of Cattle Pieces Italian 16 Old Man’s Head Van Dyck >7 Monks Reading, a fketch ( H ) j’’. Steen LOT 18 A Converfation 1 9 Two —a Dutch Brothel, and a Man Gcltxius 20 Playing on a Guitar A Saint Mortimor 2 I The Head of St. Aultin the Hermit Teniers 22 A Landfcape with Gypfies Gerard Dou-iv 23 A Woman with Fruit, Candle Light Teniers 24 A Lady Playing on a Guitar Lambrechts 25 A Woman Selling Fruit Guido 26 A Cupid PouJJin 27 A Mars, an Academic Study P. Cortona 28 St. Margaret V. D. Bent 29 A Landfcape, with a Group of Cattle Luccatelli 3° and figures Mofes Striking the Rock Italian 3 1 A Girl’s School H acker t 3 2 A Landfcape, with Cattle and Figures Titian 33 Chriit with tire Samaritan Woman — ' Claude 34 A Landfcape, Evening Van Dyck 35 The Portrait of General Schombergh Carrache 3 6 The Death of St. Francis Titian 37 A Landfcape with a Repofo De Witt OO CO The Interior of the Great Church at Wowvermans 39 Kaerlcm A Landfcape, with Figures at a Foun- Both 40 tain Card Players Zuccarelli 4i A pair of Landfcapes, Winter and Bajfan 42 Summer, fine Chriit Betrayed by Judas V an Bloomen 45 A Farrier Shoeing a Horfe Borg on i one 44 A Battle Piece e 15 ) LOT Schallen 45 A Mufical Converfation, Candle Light PoirJJin 46 A Landscape, with Daphne and Apollo Le Due 47 A Corps de Gardes, a --very high jinijhed pidure C. Delei 48 St. Anthony in Devotion Pallemedes 49 An Interior, a Family Moucheron 5 6 A Warm Landfcape and Figures Guido 5 1 The Head of a Madona, oval Ditto 5 2 St. Jofeph ^ J Zuccarelli 53 The fmall Defigns for the large Piflure of the Turks Pilgrimage to Mecca V. Der Neer 54 A View in Holland, Moon Light \ P .Wauvermans^ A Landfcape with Horfes and Figures Domenichino 5 6 Salvator Mundi Cation 57 A Sleeping Child Watteaux 58 A pair of Converfation Champetre Baekhuifen 59 A Storm, with a Shipwreck B. Breembcrgh 60 A pair — the Martyrdom and Proceflion of St. Janarius, on Copper-plates, fine Le Brun 6 1 St, Stephen Leading to Martyrdom ^ Van Balen ’ Breughel | 62 A Family at a Repaft, a Garden Scene P. Wouvermans 6 3 A Halt of Travellers Refrefhino: Met xu 64 A Mufical Lady Zuccarelli ^ J S. RoJ'a 6 5 A Landfcape with Rural Figures 66 A Dying Soldier, the compofition very expreffive y an Mi el 67 An Italian Scene with Card Players Teniers 68 A Monkey’s Corps des Gardes OJiade 69 A Cave with Hermits Van Goyen 70 A Landfcape and Figures Wee n ix 7 1 A Partridge ( 16 ) J 0 LOT *Tho. Wyke 7 2 An Interior of a Dutch Houfe Bartolomeo 73 The Crowning the Virgin — Stile of Raphael J. Ofiacte 74 The Strolling Mufician Waterloo 7 ? A Landfcape, with a Boat and Figures P. Cortona 76 Vefpafian Rewarding his Soldiers PcuJJtn 77 Alexander vifiting Diogenes Bcrghem 78 A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures Breckelcamp 79 An Interior with a Man Cleaning Fifh Berzbem o 80 A Landfcape, with a Group of Cattle and Figures, fine PouJJln 8s The Bequelt of Andominus Vernet 82 A Sea View with Fifhermen, fine Battoni 83 Cupid’s School Horizonti 84 A pair of upright Landfcapes and Fi- gures, grand ficenes P. Vcronejj'e 85 St. Jofeph Embracing the Infant Chrift. Loutherbourgh 86 Jafon Enchanting the Dragon Rembrandt 87 A Portrait of a Philofopher Rubens 88 The Rape of the Sabines, on copper Morellro 89 The Binding of Chrift, fine D. Ryckacrt 90 The Flemilh Mufician, attended by a Group of Children, a lively fee tie Luti 9 ' Jupiter and Antiope Cafa Nova 92 A large Landfcape, a Morning Scene, with a fine Group of Cattle and Figures Ditto 93 The Companion, Evening, equally fin 4 Solemeni 94 Rachael at t .e Well Ditto 95 The Death of Dido R uyfidael 96 A Landfcape and Figures, View from Nature Jordaens Rembrandt J N. PcuJJin Domenichino Rembrandt SirF .Bourgeois Domenichino W at teaux W.V.D. Velde Weninx 97 ' A Boor’s Family at Repaft 98 Jacob Stealing the Blefiing 99 A Landfcape, with Mofes Burying the Egyptian 100 Artemi fa io 1 A Philofopher 102 A Boar Hunting 103 Chriil amongft the Dodtors 104 A Mufical Converfation 105 A large and very capital Sea Piece, with a Variety of Shipping 106 A Battle Piece, with the Taking of Bajazet Prifoner, a very inter ejling pi dure End of the THIRD DAY’s SALE. Fourth Day’s Sale, SATURDAY the 28th of FEBRUARY, 1795. LOT Heemjkirk I TT\vO Converfations, fmall, and a Head OJiade z The Dutch Strolling Mufician Lambrechts 3 Two Converfations Greff er 4 A Landfcape with Cattle, and a Sea Piece Vander Necr 5 A View in Holland, Moon Light Italian 6 A Repofo, fmall Meuleneer 7 The Spaniards taken poffdlion of Antwerp Wynants 8 A Landfcape with Fountains and Buildings BaJJan 9 The Spring Seafon V. D. Velde 10 Two Sea Pieces, A. Grimmer 1 1 A Landfcape with Rebecca at the Well, fmall y. OJlade 12 A Converfation F of cbi l 3 A View on the Rhine Cannaletti 14 A pair of Views of Churches, &c. in Venice ( i9 ) LOT Italian *S Two — a head, and a Study Pallemedes 16 A Converfation and Card Playing W wvermans i 7 A Return from the Chace Ferg 1 8 A Landfcape with Chrift on his Way to Emmaus Corregio 19 A Cupid, fmall V under Poole 20 Children by a Bon Fire, fine Carrache 21 The Baptizing of Chrift, fmall Schomaerts 22 A View in Flanders Hobbema * 2 3 A Woody Scene v/ Zuccarelli 24 Horfes at a Fountain Glouber iff ? Laraifs j 25 A Landfcape with Paftoral Figures Berghetn 26 A ditto with Cattle and Figures Polenborgh 27 Nymphs and Satyrs De Witt 28 The Interior of a Dutch Church with a Congregation, fine, and of great ejfedl Raphael 29 The Infant Chrift, — ■ School of Carrache 30 St. Lawrence, a Iketch — dcfigned for a large picture Northcote 3 1 A Tiger Old Franks 32 Two — Chrift before Pilate, and Chrift Sal Rofa Metzu crowned with Thorns, on copper 33 A Rock, a Study from Nature, fine 3 + A Lady and Child Platzer 35 A Story, where the Women bring their Hulbands out on the Surrendered Town Vandeer Neer 3 6 A View in Holland, fmall Brouwer 37 A Boor Reading the Gazette Jan Steen 38 A Woman Feeding a Child Hander Hej/de 39 A Landfcape, View in Holland, — a beautiful high finished Pidlure D ( io ) LOT Cuyp 40 Horfes and Figures P. Vcronfie 41 The Repofo, a J mall elegant cabinet gidlure , ficarce y. Ruyfidael 42 A Landscape, with a Cottage Scene from Nature, fine Rembrandt 43 The Angel Apearing to Abraham, a. ' valuable cabinet pitiilre V. Der Neer 44 A Landfcape, View on a River, Moon Light, a fine finijhed picture Italian 45 Two — the Finding of Mofes, and Rachael receiving the Bracelet's, a pair of o-vals \ Titian 46 Hope Npurifliing Love, fine Lingelback — 47 A Market at Rome, with many Figures Guido 48 St. Francis in Devotion Cannaletti 49 A View in Venice, fine Morel! io 5° St. John with the Lamb ^g0^jLlaude Rubens 5 1 A Landfcape 5 2 The Converfron of St. Paul, a finejketch Van de Velde 53 A Calm with Variety of Shipping fdfiade 54 Boors Singing l)e Vlieger 55 A fmall Sea Port with Filhermen sLuccareili 5^ Two— the Magdalen, and St. Catha- rine, elegant Romanclli 57 A pair Hiltorical, ditto Teniers 5* A pair of Incantations, fmall, painted < with peculiar fpirit j°. Champain 59 The Defcent from the Crofs, a fine compofition, and delicately painted Cld Mouchcron 60 A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures Vernet 61 An Italian Sea Port, a rich brilliant picture ^VVernet 62 Ditto, the Companion C ) V erdeir LOT 6 3 Both 64 pBerghspt 65 Italian 66 Ditto 67 Loutberbourgh 68 Van Dyke 69 Artxns 70 H, Carrache 71 J. f ordains 73 Tintoret 74 The Queen of Sheba before Solomon A View in Rome, a clear -warm picture A Landfcape, with Rocks, Cattle, and Figures Venus and Neptune Hercules and Antious, the companion Cadmus Killing the Dragon. A difplay of genius and fancy, painted with that furprijing facility of pencil fo much admired in this wafer The Portrait of Sir KelmDigby. There are various portraits by V.D. of this nobleman, who was his great patron, hut none fo exprejjlve and animated in refemblance ; is in the highef pre- fervation A large fine Landfcape, View in Flanders in which Gonzales has in- troduced a Family. The portraits in miniature, much of the file of Van Dyck, by which this painter was given the appellation cf Le Petit V. D . The Holy Family. A grand and fine placed group of three figures Alexander Sacrificing at the Tomb of Achilles. A clafilcal beautiful ccm- pfied pi Si tree The Prodigal Son. A held and forcible ejfeSt , equal to Rubens An Angel blowing a Trumpet. A fine fpecimen of the richnefs and vigorous colouring of the Venetian School D 2 ( 22 ) P. Veroneffe LOT 75 Borgonione 76 A. Schiavoni 77 Rembrandt 7 8 Du Jardin 79 Riipclo 80 Wouvermans 8 1 Fermcgiano 82 Cuyp 83 Ereembergh Sp Brouwer St Catharine. Ditto, fine A Battle Piece. A capital and fpirited p ici u re , formerly in the pofifejfion of Lord Montfiord The Siege of Jerufalem. A compofition not inferior to Raphael A Pilgrim at Prayers, known by the title of Rembrandt’s Pilgrim, one of his finefi ‘works A pleafmg Landfcape, with Peafants and Cattle An Ele&or paying Obedience to the Emperor. The works of this ntafier are farce in cabinet pictures, being mofily employed in decorating ceilings of palaces, or la rge works A Landfcape. An exienfive fcene, with a river like the Danube in the difiance, enriched with ‘various horfes and figures The Nativity withAdoration of Angels, &C. A very elegant cabinet pidiure, in file of Raphael, of whom he was a fcholar A Portrait of a Horfe, painted in his brilliant and enamelled file A pair of fmall neat Landfcapes, with Ruins and Buildings, on copper An Interior, with a Woman at Needle- work. The ejfedi equal to G. Dorn*) or Rembrandt , but more accurate to V nature LOT ( 2 3 ) Teniers 86 Titian 87 As Teniers 88 Watteaux 89 Tan Der Heyde 90 Le Due 91 Chens. V. D. 92 Werjf Wouvermans 93 Cuyf 94 A Flemilh Cabbaret, with Peafants reading the Gazette. A delicate and beautifid picture painted in his Jinefi Jlile The Holy Family. A /mall cabinet picture, a gem out of the collection of King Charles the Firjl A pair of Landfcapes, one with Gyp- fies telling Fortunes, the other a Man opening Mufcles, of the true fiver tone of colouring and a magic pencil, fine A Return from fhe Chace. A very animated group of gentlemen and la- dies regaling, delicately painted, of his befi time, and in the higheft prefer- vation A pair of brilliant high finilhed cabinet jewels. Views of Towns in Holland, with Figures, by Adrian V. D. Velde A Corps du Gardes. A fingular chafe and fine picture, equal to Gerard Douvj The Genius of Mufic, A piCturefque group's, a combination enriched with various inflruments find emblems of mufic, of great force and delicacy A Landfcape, with a Traveller giving Charity to poor Peafants. A high finijhed cabinet picture A Landfcape with a Group of Horfes, A pleafing effect, nature firiCtly imi- tated throughout , one of his fineft pro- ductions tor ( H ) Ger. Dcuw tCcrregio Bcr 'hern TouJJtn eniere Berghem Ditto 95 A Girl with Fruit and Herbage, In- valuable when we confder the fear city erf this inimitable mafler 1 s works 96 St. Cecilia with aGonc-ert of Angels. A choice cabinet pidure, the attitudes eafy and elegant , the tone of colouring harmonious— THE WH OLE CAPTI- VATING 97 A Flemish Village Feaft, aifpofed in Groups Regaling, — -full of animated exprejfon , and richnefs of colouring, with a fpirited and delicate pencil — - A CAPITAL PERFORMANCE 98 A Landfcape, with a pi&urefque Group of Cattle and Figures, with an exten _ five grand Dillance — one of the finejl cabinet pictures cf this great art ft 99 The Education of Bacchus. Its need - lefs to comment on the grandeur in which Bo eJJin treats all his fubjedsr, this, in particular, poffeffes all that fre and genius in which his works ft and unrivalled 100 A View of a Flemiih Village. A clear fine toned pi 3 ure , the fgures touched with cxquifte freedom and fpirit 101 A 'Landfcape, an Italian Country, with a fine Group of Cows, Horfes, Sheep, and Figures ; treated with great tafle, in a maferly f ile, and finijhed with a very accurate and delicate pencil— CAPITAL 102 Ditto, the companion, of equal merit ( *5 ) LOT Sir F. Bourgeois 103 A dear pleafing Landfcape with a Timber Cart, the whole fnijhed with great accuracy and fpirit Loutherbourgh 104 A Battle between the Turks and Ruffians. A grand fcene , the figures V cruet and horfis for animation and fpirit are equal to t he finefi of Borgonione' s works, prefumed the nnfi capital performance of this fubjedl by Loutherbourgh 105 A Sea Port, with a Storm rifing. The agitation of the elements treated in a grand file, and fuitable to the diflrefs- ing fcene, the figures animated and em- ployed with propriety. This and the Companion were painted during his rtfidencc in Italy, while his tafe was chafe, truly in his very lefi manner Ditto ic6 The Companion, a Calm, a Sun Set, a Serenity and Stillnefs pervades the whole, which is of equal merit with the foregoing lot N. Poujfn 107 T he Holy Family. An cxprejfve and fublirne dignity iff the characters , truly great. Poujfn has much oj Raphael in his mind and ccmpofition of this fine fubjedi P. Veronejfe 108 A Cardinal Bleffing the Founder of Lorreito. The attitudes well con- ceived, the colouring harmonious ; one of the moji perfect and fnijhed perform * ances of this admired mafier ( 26 1 LOT Rubens i eg Samfon and Delilah. This pifture alone would be fujfcient to ejlablijh the repu- tation of this great art if ; the expref- fion of anxiety or mifiruf in Delilah, with the eager attention of her attend- ants fo animated, every fpettator might take himfelf for a party prefent ; the colouring luxuriant and rich, evidently painted after feeing the befl works of the Venetian School. One of the frf rate performances of this great mafier, mt of the collection of the late Sir Gregory Page FINIS . rt i -'V C >