A 0-7'^ZJ Ji/oS^om ■/ ‘ /■■ * / '^i " * ' — ,-<'.• <• V~’_ tsqq- . - S' . Digitized by the Internet Archive in. 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute \ . s https://archive.org/details/catalogueofsmall00chri_5 2/ t? J-S S //// 4, /#02 t) CA 4 ’&-■?■*-*,< /L-' >V 1 V /3 C- P^'l-*/' SJ- >» P ( PP • x'j yr y s- j '‘ Sts C r s/ ’ ✓ si > v , c t^, <1 iSy . ' i y i c. s y, r- Vi zrys * ,a.»/ y P/yr (;) y y y ,y V ^ : /t*c/ y2 / C SV 4 y *s y « y C v S P J c y / ■p / Pfl?D - y S e^s ^ S^ /' /PPit Pi's j.'/ / '' SP ■■ PP*2? / »_y y/i-s-i* v P <2 ~ /fv /£/ /yy y° . S * f i//f ‘ P 22 £lr+-n- yZ/Ttyjy t //< 7 v^ •^y' y Pi S y Sy ± y P 2 P. /?f 0 / / u y ^ PyPPt^-z y s* y C P i t y Pt c - P/t i z 2 2 s 'PP / — -- ■*" ■*■ s 'P^y/t-SLjr-, , y Pti Z Pssy y Spy eypz-y «. P/i, < t //'’^ PPs*/ ~~ P ^P ^■P/^t PP' l/ PSs/ - Pf-Q S// t P r yt-yn- ■? .. S/f P^y Pj'qS tl ' / P z ^rS s s' Cs " ^ *yP • P°f r , P* t y . PP^-e-'P yitp Ups*Ps s c 'kjejtL y >- s2ti. P2 PSt?/ ,/ /'V / s L. 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'•> ■ . ... if-i—' -•£ -.8 I V I H r. • - .1 V,.' .1 »W-i --1 T{' rriO 1302. June, \% L-o cTU SMALL SELECT, AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH and DUTCH Recently consigned from Abroad, AND A Few Capital Performances by the most Esteemed Modern Masters; CAPITAL FRAMED AND GLAZED HIGH FINISHED BJR^LWIJVGSs, ' BY STUBBS, TURNER, &c. mw) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On Friday, June the 18th, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had in Pall Mall. ILfvp 85 - t> rir. i - ‘ " « - CONDITIONS of SALE. I. rnpHE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more A Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds 2 s. 6d. And fo on in pro¬ portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down zol. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. EC 3Z nm: IS: JSL CATALOGUE, * . * *■ r &c. &c. &c. Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, JUNE the 18th, 1802. of*/2 /z y ,. z / >■ ■/ Wyck " 9 - V. Loo *'//*' Rembrandt ✓ - s- - ' A A / - __ Fyt 5 -Titian / 6 ~- Wooton PICTURES. Two Landfcapes _ A Ditto and a Dutch Merry-Making . Z A Battle and an upright Piece of Ruins J s Portrait of an Author, and Ditto of a Lady ^ r ' t The Money Changers . ^ Portrait of an Abbe, whole length «_..Zr r '- X *' r < / / Poultry r> 8 Chrift healing the Lame, and a Portrait in Crayons, by Rofalba «■ ^ 9 A Holy Family, and one of Archite&ure and Ruins A Greyhound 10 4oo / /a . , t> ^ // « Amiconi y#-- 2:.. Z y y > ' X.2. / r X. / - .. - 3- Mercier Angelis ' Italian - Geminiani / o S. Rofa F. Hals - ^dommers i) - S. Bourdon 'x? J.., o \ /a - ‘ft .. So „ 2,. 2 „ 2 ,.2 . cP.. ~ 3 2.. 2 „ /,. /'•>'-* * ^ ^ / 18 Banditti, a Pair, after y 44 19 A Pair of Cattle Pieces 4 20 An old Lady’s Portrait ^ 2 * * t '*^ .* *, 21 A Landfcape and Figures C r /^ ^ c r'y - 22 A Landfcape and Figures '- A J , ' J v 23 A Drawing, Hiftorical r 1 ^4 sir X’s* * * x 4 - 24 Fdur high finifhed fmall Drawings, framed and glazed — ftK;- 25 Portrait of Charles I. after 7 /fn,is 1 y. ff 26 Moon and Fire Lights, a Pair, ftyle of , 27 A Landfcape and Cattle 28 A Pair of fmall Landfcapes r ytrfr 29 Danae, after * * 30 Portraits of a Venetian Family /f* —^ y r 31 A Landfcape with St. Jerome 4 *-t,es 9 x_f 32 Savoyards /tj fa-r, <■’ - ,/7 33 A Toper 4/34 34 Chrift in the Garden ^ 2 C ' 7 /f 35 A Landfcape, with a Scriptural Subjeft 1 Wti/ “36 A Landfcape, with four Portraits of Ladies 37 Pan Piping ^ ffi 7 ' Q.- 2 ? 38 A Portrait s-'ffr '* 7 V* ff<* s jf 39 An Italian Sea Port ^ £{/* 4 a ' *39 The Story of Job, a very curious carving, in Wood,' executed in the Eaft Indies * ft 77 ' fffirZ ///>/ ( s ) / . /fi ~~ Rembrandt Verdulfen /" ^ ~ V. der. Myn <3.-/6 . ^G. POuflin <4 iP ■ / ’0 - Schiavone 2../2.6- 2 /2 . /Italian 3 ' ^lemifh Z. /2. /p . Perugino • M. Angelo 2.. 3 - V. Goyen / *) tU - Wynants —-V. Uden "Ruyfdael 2 - /'-- ^Flink 2 ■•//. -'Ruyfdael / /> -- Breughel Z *v " Stella /•- /J B. Peters Z. f2>. f French 2*0 . ./‘j ^ Morland J - . 2 . Rubens » 2.. /S • ^Modern 2../ -Teniers /> - ./p ^ Bout and Bodwyn /./^ - Wynants 40 Two, an Old Man’s Head, School of, and i of Dead Game 4 1 Two Landfcapes 4a A Smoker ft'//tt 7^ 43 Two Landfcapes , S3 ,2/A cs?/ ( • 44 Venus attired by the Graces, and Companion, , in Crayons by Goupy, framed and glazed * //"**- //s>t ^ 45 Virgin and Child /dj «, 46 A pair of Landfcapes in Water Colours, after Claude 47 The Choice of Hercules _ _ fe. y&j 'si 5 A pair of Landfcapes ._ -/2? r /'£ / A Madona and Child, Circular /2 y '//rs2 LcdE \_^ ' Q «4 4 / 1 /i y, y A View on a River, and a fmall Sea Piece, Monamy rZ A Landfcape with Ruins, and a ditto View on a River ^f{/* ,/$ t r A Landfcape, and a Goat, by Pynaker 54 A fmall Landfcape and a View in Flanders, Breughel ^/t/ y 9 ^ y 55 Two Landfcapes, ftyle of ) 56 Head of a Poet ^ A Small Landfcape ^ fc^ < A Landfcape on Copper; and Two Boys, a fketch 48 49 5 0 5 1 52 53 • £. CSJ~’ ' >> / ^ 9 ^ ' 57 58 59 60 61 62 6 3 64 Two Landfcapes, Views in Italy 65 A Landfcape c > 66 Two Heads of Capuchins 67 A View on a River by Moonlight // Boors Playing at Dice ■/{. -r' /‘Cn/ns A Vanity A Storm An Interior, and Boors regaling cs Travellers in a Thunder Storm, very fprited ZLv Z A Pair Views in Amfterdam /i r m/z- ^ 68 69 70 71 A Humorous Subjeft . <■_ , , t ff> A La dfcape and figures ' A Landfcape ^ /t/r Ji/ff-i f Aoz / -V . At. 6 Wheatley * . 72 / ^ ' J M. Angelo 73 .2. Michau 74 2. Hobbima 80 2 . 6 - Solimeni 2 ysfatf 81 Raphael fat 82 3. y - C. Lotti 83 . • 52 Balkan 84 J /fa - Modern 85 7 V *- .2 7 - - 'JTitian 6 Jean Miel 86 87 ./>. Breemberg 88 S . 2S. dRubens 89 3 - 3 . • Murillo 9 ° 57. ■ D . - Titian 9 i M. Angelo Ptct 2*22 92 J. .3 - Parmigiano 93 2 Jo* to G. Segers 94 2>. ■ 23 , c \. Eckhout 95 J.. 23 . e>Titian 96 y .22. 0 Fairfield 97 / P r Berger 98 /; a - Ditto 99 S , 2. 6~ 22. - ^pitto 100 IOX 7 i ■2 ^ . V. Caftelli 102 Rev. Dr. Peters ; (l y, .^03 ( ^ ) A ditto with a Fiihing Party' } The Rape of Proferpine, on Black Marble «_ t A> A Landfcape, with a Cow Houfe and Cattle 'fa/d'fa/i & A Pair of Converfations fa-dt'* 2/~t' The Madona and Child St. Catherine 7t ^**1 a >w' S y The Angel appearing to the Shepherds fa C 'i **- 3 A View of the Lake of Nemi v 22yfa2C' r '2> Ost: /2 The Lad Supper ^zj/Ze -tLc? A Sick Chamber Venus, after A Landfcape 1 fa ? Cain and Abel j U y£c r/izi/fa The Prefenting of Jofeph’s Bloody Garment to his Father— /fa* Milo rending the oak tree f A Female Saint, a colored Print 2■' y**-£*m « ^ A Pair of fmall {ketches '/tfa 'l - 2/z//7 ju. l-C-‘ The Pious Family, a very capital Picture well known by the Print engraved from it. End of the Firft Day’s Sale. 405 ( 7 ) 'U' 1 ' » 1 ' " " ■ ' ■ ' ■ Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, JUNE the 19th. 1802. 3 .. /o. - Very Antient i 3 .. /o »- Raphael 2 3 —- — Italian 3 Z —— - Corregio 4 //• « Italian 5 3 ,..3 - L. da Vinci 6 s'2. ~ Hondius 7 2 ___ — Rofa di Tivoli 8 2 , 3 . /P — S. Rofa — 9 IO /» / 7 ■ ■■ /# j 6 Wilfon ii 3 . ,3 . — Old Cuyp 12 3 . ./P — Mommers *3 3 —— - Snyers 14 7 > —— Old Teniers *5 z. . Zo .. Modern 16 z . Z —~ Ditto 17 /- -yV. / - 6 Ditto 18 ZZ Fyt 19 X? *— M. Ricci 20 Zj . . j 4 7 — Ditto 21 PICTURES . JL WO Madonas with the Bambino ■ His own Portrait, after Raphael nZ Portrait of a Saint — The Madona with the Rabbit, after, on pannel (broken) %^ 4 ,'r i David with the Head of Goliah, and a Boy’s Portrait 4 . A Portrait x^ZZr Hunting the Heron A Town on Fire 9l C-4Z'K~ y A Rocky Landfcape, with Banditti a Two Italian Views, after Q 4 *. m■?*'*’* ** ^' A Landfcape with Cattle ^/f/r > £<>'/< r/j 4 A Pair of Views in Italy, Modern A Landfcape yZ) 4* A Sea Storm Dead Game A Pair of Architecture and Ruins Ditto yt/Y' c / ( 8 ) Cafliglione Roos ~s2- /o . y* y^ yr. 22 A Girl with Poultry, and Still Life 23 A Landfcape with Cattle -24 Two Fruit Pieces • 25 A Woman and Game Drawings, Loofe, and Framed and Glazed, 2 6 ,^ 7 28 / y. /c 2 .. j. y« j-. y^ jr y„ yy j __ y -y / __ 2 _ . y.-y^. ‘V y/.x ^.yp Three of Animals Four of Shipping, V. de Velde Four, by Serres and Clevely 29 View of Tintern Abbey, La Porte, and another 3 ° Head of the Duchefs of DevonIhire, by Lawrence, and Defign for a Window at Fonthill, Hamilton w <6 >- . i> 31 One, by Sandby 32 Horfes Watering, by Morland, in black lead 33 Landing of Smugglers, Wheatley ,34 A Pair of high finilhed Drawings, by Ranker, views of Caerphilly i„ Glamor- ganlhire Ten Fancy Heads, coloured, after Singleton Ten Ditto, after Ditto and Wells y Portrait of Sweet Briar, a celebrated Racer, by G. T. Stubbs Ditto of a Chefnut Horfe, by Ditto Ditto of Volunteer and Groom, highly finilhed, by Ditto Ditto of Baronet, on full fpeed, ditto, by Ditto The Village Family, after Penny Four Fancy Heads, after Singleton Four Ditto, after Wells A View of Abbey, a capital Drawing, by Turner 35 3 6 37 38 39 40 4 1 42 43 44 y /■ , / PICTURES. ~45 Four Scenes from favourite Comedies, by G. T. Stubbs 46 Ditto A/as' i V ) 3l i. '\ | ' V. KefTel <> Backhuyfen Spalthof Breughel Swaneveldt Flemifh Bei^ghcm Patel Modern • ‘ Oftade Greuze :wj 1<2sZs2sCxf Z •• A - 6 Flemilh 3 ~ 9 ~ Wilfon 2 ^—- R. di Tivoli y — — V.Thielen 3 . ./j „ A \elvet Breughel y • • Zo _ Artois 3 Z - Dobfon 3 — y«y ~ Verelft /~< 62 A Group of Cattle in a Landfcape 63 A fmall Flower Piece A*? A 73 St. Jerome v A/t V A, cr. r 74 Interior of a Chymift’s ^laboratory 75 A Landfcape with a Cottage //A# P 76 A Froft Piece, View of a Village in Holland, with a Church, &c. A-Zfr'r AS&ZS cl*I / i il / 4 B 64 6 5 66 67 68 69 sr ( ( W> ) V ts /) 2 . /M ' /Canaletti 77 J / ■ 2 — Spagnoletto 78 ' . ■ (P - Raphael 79 2 s 2 ^ Le Seur 80 2 --- Watteau 81 1 2 - 2 & *- Vernet S~ S2 ^CarafFe 82 83 2.2 - Breemberg 84 2 — — Teniers y -2ij.. Kneller 8S 86 22 /— Teniers 87 22 - Holbein S . 6 Tintoretto / ^ 88 89 2 / - ~/ 2 / - Ruyfdael 90 S 2 2 .0 Moucheron 91 2 / -•^ — Teniers 2 . 2 fl /Le Due 92 93 2 y.Vy - t. Wyck 9 + /, x / _ Teniers 95 ya..yc>~ De Witt 96 yC' — Teniers 97 /2 . /V. de Velde 98 ^ ^ - J Miel 99 _ JBrauwer ICO >val t'S 222/a c/s I vlS 7 , A fine Original Portrait of Sir Ifauc Hewion A Flemifh Chimney Sweeper., very fpirited and fine A Philnfopher in Meditation The Entombing ot Chrilt, on Slate t i , f -- r - *— £/t*' - _ A Warm Landfcape > 2 / ' ■■ > • > ' ► * Sc I \ i ^ I V