5/T/92 to 12/20/92 m .-^W 4.W LLOtS :>i tm >) .,e _.■■■ *~1^V <^^ w. r P %m^ « vV, ' «l i^V >rV^ •J <% '^V^ OF ANCIENT AND MODERN PICTURES, INOLUDINQ THE OOLLEOTION OF JOHN ROBINSON, ESQ., Deceased, late of Mount Falinge, Lancashire ; A SMALL COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ; E N G R AV I N G S, THE PEOPERTY OF EDWIN H. LAWRENCE, ESQ., F.S.A., Deceased, late of Holland Park ; AND OTHER DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, FKOM DIFFEREN'T PRIVATE SOURCES: Mill te 5olti ijg auciiou, \io Messrs. CHRISTIE, MNSON & W OODS, AT TKEIS GilEAT EaQMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JULY 22, And SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1892, AT ONE o'clock precisely. May be viewed Two Days preceding, aud Catulo<(nos Lad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Oliices, 6 Aim JSireet, St James's Square, 8. W. -V)S\oo^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case oi Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase- Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. t>J*io First Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1892, AT ONE O OLOOK PBKOISELY. ol»io The following are Sold hy Order of the Executors of ED WIN IL LA WRENCE, Esq., F.S.A., deceased, late of 84, Holland Park. ENGRAVINGS— /r. the Folio. /■o. - 1 Complete Set of the Apocalypse, after Albrecht Diirer, Latin text 16 /■ - 2 The Prodigal Son, by Albrecht Diirer ; and various woodcuts 7 3 Garrick, after Pyne, by Skelton; and others, by Visscher 5 4 Two Drawings, by Van Harp ; and others 5 5 Various Etchings, by and after Rembrandt, and others ENGRAVING S-i^rawi^r/. Z^-/— 6 Albrecht Diirer, after Himself, by Kilian ; and two others 3 / — 7 Charles IL, after Van Dyck, by Hollar ; and another 2 ^. - % Charles L, after Van Dyck, by De Jode ; and Companion; Henrietta Maria, by same artist 3 B 2 9 Peter Montfort, by Masson ; and two Engravings, after Piazzetta 3 10 Portrait of Albrecht Durer, by Storck ; and a Holy Family 2 1 1 The Quarrel, after Terburg, by Suyderboef ; and two Maps of London 3 12 Maria Serre, by Drevet ; and three others 4 13 The Dance of the Magdalen, by Lucas :6*aB«refe 14 The Peace of Miinster, after Terburg, by Suyderhoef A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. In the Folio. 15 Garrick between Comedy and Tragedy ; Count Ugolino, after Sir J, Eeynolds ; &c. 7 16 Lord Clive, after GainRborough, by Corbutt ; John Wesley, after -<^liz>«^^ Williams; &c. 16 ENGRAVINGS —Framed. 17 Cupid, after Bonon, by Eosaspina 18 kriDuffj/and Mrs. Tickell, after E. Cosway, E.A.,by Agar and/ /^■^^H Honde — col oured-/ 2^ 19 Viscountess Bulkeley ; and Mrs. Abington, after ditto, by Barto- i^^CJ^ \()Z7A — ditto 2 / 20 Mrs. Cosway ; The Hon. Mrs. Darner ; and a Boy with a dog, by G. T. Stubbs, after ditto— ditto 3 /- 21 The Duchess of Cumberland ; the Prince of Wales ; and Portrait ,--? of E. Cosway, after R. Cosway 4 ^ .^-^^^^^ S' - 22 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife ; and " Docet Amor," after ditto 2 /-, _ 23 Miss Farren, Countess of Derby, after Sir T. Lawrence, by /? ^ Bartolczzi X [24 The Dram, after Morland, by W. Ward — open letter yroof — tn] ^ \ colours ^25 The Storm, after ditto, by ditto — ditto ^ 26 The School Mistress, after Wheatley, by Cole ^/ 27 Belisaire ; and the Companion, after Fuseli, by J. E. Smith //^ 28 Telemachus, after Kauffmaun, by Burke z::^^^^ ^^ 29 Spirit of a Child, after Peters, by Bartolozzi 2 30 The Moralist, after J. E. Smith, by Nutter ' ; ; A^,^^,^. /J-/. 31 The Light of the World, after W. H. Hunt, by Simmons .^^^^^.^^ ? 32 Miss Bowles, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by S. Cousins — artistes proof, signed by the engraver . ■ C/' 33 Les Renseignments, after Meissonier, by Jacquet — remarque proof c ^^^i^ r 34 Highland Whisky Still, after Landseer /^^-p^^c-^^t-^ <'' 35 Knox Administering the Sacrament, after Bonner ^ 36 The Otter Hunt, after Landseer, by C. G. Lewis — proof before ^^:^^^^^-z^^~^ letters 7x;P 37 The Deee Pass, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by T. Landseer, /^^^^ot-t^ A.R.A. — artist's proof , signed by the painter and engraver 7j7 38 Thb Challenge, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by T. Landseer, ^>^^,^^2^^^/ A.E.A. — before all letters - ' ■ ■■'■'■ " -. <^ WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. TESSON. ^j//^ 39 Children ; - - 82 Hampstead /■/cP. - 83 Evening //y. - 84 Holy Island 2. /J: - 85 Llangollen J. GLOVER. -2 A 86 Neab Mbleose ^/^^^^-^ W. MARLOW / /J- - 87 Powis Castlb J. C. BUCKLER. /(y- 88 Stoke Pogis Church - — ■^--/y'-^i^^^i. 11 p. S. MUNN. ■)y^ 89 Baemodth WARMAN. /r>/ 90 Nbab Dolgelly F. M. STOCKDALE. ^ ^ _ 91 KiNGBLAND Chapel, Islington ^^^-^^w^' J. COZENS. //- 92 Bat of Salebno W. SHAYER. -^ 96 A CoABT SciNB, with figures, horses, and boats S-i^'ii^ . T. HEARNE. ^ (!_.-. 93 Sherwood's Fabm, Bushey L. DE KONINGH. / 94 A Feozkn River Scene PICTUEES. D. COX. / 95 Shorbham Church y^^ Engraved '^^. ^<. 12 W. SHAYER. /^ 97 A Coast Soe«b y^;^!^^.^^^^ J. C. ADAMS. /^ 98 Mowers J. C. ADAMS. ''J'y^ 99 Market Gardens J. WEBB. 7/ 100 Ehrbnbreitstbiit CASSIOLI. ^J- 101 A^VoTivE Offebinq G. L. MUNGER. y 102 The Seine at Subesnes H. DE BEUL. ^ 103 Sheep — a 'pair X. DE KOCK. 'y 104 A Forest Scene, with sheep N. DIAZ. /^ 105 A Group of Turks L. MUNTHE. ^^^ 106 A Winter Scene . /J 13 MANZONI. ^ --^.^^«^ . -f^^ 107 A Coast Sobke ^4»/ //-> j'^ MANZONI. ^ . -^ /y: ^ 108 A Lakb Scene ^ • "^^^-^. G. MOELAND. p p 109 Interioe of a Stable, witli a carter, grey horse, and dogs L. MUNTHE. /e/"" 110 A WiNTEB SOENB MANZONI. / 114 A Forest Soenb / MANZONI. ^ 115 A Coast Sobnb End of First Day's Sale. /y^i^^i,^^ G. COUEBET. -^ 111 A Coast Scene MANZONI. / 112 Near Eheims MANZONI. - 113 A Forest Scene, with woodcutters /^/t^f-^-tf /7.^ci^^>^-^:r.^^ Second Day's Sale. >;««> On SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1892, AT ONE o'clock PBEOISKLY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. C. BRANWHITE. y /^ 120 A Woody Eiveb Scene, with cows /Zect/-' / 143 The Road to the Cornfield /l-cic^Z'(i^^ 162 The Miller's Home T. CRESWICK, R.A. ?/j7 163 The Roadside Inn ' cy^rzH^^ P. NASMYTH. ^^ 164 A Woody Landscape, with buildings and figures /^-2^.»«^ Signed, and dated 1820 E. W, COOKE, R.A. •^ ' 165 Sestri, Gulf of Spezzia E, NICOL, A.R.A. ^ 166 The Rejected E. FRERE, ^ 167 The Sleigh — drawing E, ERERE. A) ^68 The Breakfast f5 2 20 r B. C. KOEKKOEK. 169 A EoAD Scene, with figures E. LAMBINET, ]854. X ^' 170 A Landscape,, with farm buildings, and a peasant woman and HAELAMOFF. ^ ^ 171 Head of a Peasant Bot HARLAMOFF. y ^ 172 Children with Flowers ,^r^fe^t/3t ^/ R. AMBROS. 173 Relics E. DE BLAAS. 174 Meditation / ^ F. GOODALL, R.A. 177 "For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" c/a~z?-<^ L. JIMENEZ. ^ 3 175 The Salute H. SALMSON. V 176 Morning C^ ■ c/'***^^ 21 HILDA MONTALBA. , 4" 178 Venice — a sketch _// TOM LLOYD. J^ 179 Take us in Daddie EOSA BONHEUR. ^^ 180 HORSES AT GRASS P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R.A. ^ / 181 The Miner's Bridge 22 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of JOHN ROBINSON, Esq., deceased, hdr of Mount Falinge, Lancashire. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. C. GREEN. ^^ 184 A Cavalieb G. G. KILBURNB S/^ ^^^ Good Night Am^ (f^-'C^C^-l^ H. TENKATE. / / /z 186 An Intbbior, with figures J. HARDY, JuN, Z 187 An IrtebioRj with children W. WILDE. j^ 188 A River Scene A 189 A Forest Scene a^ C. DETTL yA 190 Musicians PEREGO. j^ 191 Taking a Rest J- J- - ly2 Lighting a Candle 28 J. VAELEY. c? 193 A River Scene, with cottage and figures H. ST. JOHN. 2 A 194 The First Frock J. V. GIBSON. ^ 195 A Child at Play MISS GILBERT. ^ 196 Admiration STANFIELD. 7 SA 197 Venice j^Mo^^^^ - P. DE WINT. ^ 198 A Canal Scene, with lock J. WHAITE. -^yz 199 A Mountain Pass, with sheep Qy^ 200 A Mountain Scene, with sbeep in the foreground 4r 201 Whitby J/:f 202 A Harbour Scene, with shipping and figures 2/1 203 Isle of Skye S 204 Lledr Valley 2 A 205 DoLGELLY, North Wales 2 y^ 206 Haselmere 24 J. WHAITE. ^ 207 Port St. Mabt, Isle of Man 5» 7 208 Bettws-y-Coed ^y 209 Part of Bolsover Castle y y 210 Whitby PICTURES. VAN DER DONCK. 211 A Pair of Landscapes, with ewes, lambs, and clucks SPIRIDON. ^ 212 A Lady in Fancy Dress / ^a ^ /ir/lrt^'i- J DELACROIX. ^Z 213 Fisher Children ( O^ / H. KAUFFMANN. />^ 214 "Waiting for the Ferry (^^ / /Cl-a-i-^'^^e-^ BIDIVER. Z, 215 An Italian Goatherd f do } E. FICHEL. / / /^ 216 The Declaration /3 € 233 Mill at Llanwrst, Nortli Wales / A. H. BURR. , y 234 The Rustic Barber ' SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A., 1837. ^ y 235 PoNTo Painted for Sir Gilbert Ecathcote 27 J. V. GIBSON, ^Z 236 Dick Whittington J. HENZELL. S 237 A Coast Scene, with figures and boats /^Co^ipiA.tP^^i'tr^ A. LUDOVICI. ■^ A 238 Guy Fawkes W. SHAYER. /7 c . y^ ■< ^ 239 A Landscape, with a farmer on a grey pony, and herdsman with F. W. PICKERSGILL, R.A. / :^ ' 240 Viola and the Duke H. WEEKES, 1872. / {^ 241 A Setter and Capercailzie E. M. WARD,R.A. ^ / 242 The South Sea Bubble L. HAG HE, 1836. 2 ^ 243 Thk Artist's Studio S. li. PERCY. /^ 244 A Path across the Hills 28 W. P. FRITH, R.A., 1874. J'^j^ 245 Sophia Westebn at the Inn Fire D. ROBERTS, R.A. J'^ 246 The West Front of Rouen Cathedral T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1872. J^ ^ 247 A Landscape, with cows /^^cc^i^^^^d^i^ T. CRESWICK, R A, 1834. , y^ 248 GWYNANT, North Wales R. MENGS. A 249 Portrait of the Artist [c . S ^^^^^c^^ A. CUYP. o 250 A River Scene, with cows /^oo-t^^'Cc^I^^ E. VAK BE fELDE . / /> ' 251 The March of a Turkish Army /?. ARTOIS AND TENIERS, ^ 252 A Woody Landscape, with figures /^tt^j^^.^'^^^ METZU -. y/ 253 Interior, with a lady feeding a parrot ^p/^^ 29 WOUVERMS ^. S' 254 An Italian Eiver Scene, with buildings, figures, and horses at ^ a refreshment stall y%^ri5««?.»i'^\* X^:V-^ J "ir^. Wi. 't fe: ^yf Bir- GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 00987 9566