Sale'No. 8,611. WILLIS’S ROOMS / m Fdj.U- KING STREET, ST. JAMES’ SQUARE. A OATAiOQtJE Of a VALUABLE COLLECTION of PICTURES 1J\? the Old plasters, THE PROPERTY OF G-EISTTLEAdZYYHNT, Chiefly of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, Comprising Works by the undermentioned :— J. Asselyn, F. Hals, Ruysdael, Brauwer, Hobbema, Rembrandt, Canaletto, G. Honthorst, G. Schalken, Cuyp, Jansens, D. Teniers, Cosway, R.A., Lancret, Van der Neer, Greuze, Molinaer, Van de Velde, Hughtenberg, Mieris, Wouvermans, Hondekoeter, Ochterveldt, Watteau, &c., Mblcb will be Solb by Huctlon by MESSRS. Robinson & Fisher At their Rooms, as above, On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1896, At ONE o’clock precisely. May be Viewed the Saturday and three days prior, and Catalogues had of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, WILLIS’S ROOMS, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’ SQUARE, S.W. Dohirty a Co- Printir*. «. Gaiat NlWAORT &TRE&T, W.C. CONDITIONS OF SALE. FIRST. Tiik highest bidden for eacb lot shall be the Purchaser; and if any dispute arises as to the last or best bidder, the lot iti dispute to be put up again at the last undisputed bidding, subject to the discretion of the Auctioneer. SECOND. No person shall advance less at each bidding for the respective lots than shall be declared by the Auctioneer at the time of sale, or retract such bidding. THIRD. The Purchasers shall immediately pay into the hands of the Auctioneer a deposit of Five Shillings in the pound, and give in their names and places of abode, if required. FOURTH. All lots to be taken and cleared away with all faults, deficiencies, defects, imperfections, misdescriptions, or errors of every description, at the Buyer’s expense, on the day after the Sale, Messrs. Robinson & Fisher not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery of any of the lots. FIFTH. The Auctioneer reserves the right of refusing any bidding, or placing two or more lots together, should that course be deemed advisable, or of withdrawing any lot or lots from the sale. LASTLY. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, and lots uncleared within the time aforesaid may be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) together with all charges attending the sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at the present sale. A CATALOGUE On THURSDAY, FEB. 27th, 1896, At ONE o’clock precisely. LOT SARTORIUS. 1 A Portrait of a Hackney HUGHTENBERG. 2 Soldiers Sacking a Village E. J. NIEMANN. 3 From Bromley to Shortlands, Crystal Palace in distance SCHOUMAN. 4 Vessels Leaving Port WILLIAMS. 5 River Scene with Distant View of Cathedral E. W. COOKE, R.A. 6 Ships Running into Harbour CUYP. 7 Cavalier, Horse, and Groom at Stable Door R. LADBROOKE. 8 On the Broads, Norfolk BARENT GAEL. 9 Cavaliers Halting at an Inn and Companion LOT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 W. MULLER. A Classical Landscape, Figures and Cattle MOLINAER. A Winter Scene, Figures Skating BRAUWER. Boors Playing Cards J. B. CROME. A Moonliglit River Scene VIC AT COLE, R.A. A Thames Backwater LANCRET. A Pastoral Scene, Watteau subject LANCRET. A ditto, the companion FRENCH SCHOOL. The Professor CHARDIN. A FRENCH MARKET SCENE G. MORLAND. River Scenes, a pair, with Figures and Boats A. OSTADE. THE MOUNTEBANK, Men Seated round a Table Drinking MURILLO. St. Francis and Infant Saviour G. SCHALKEN. CUPID AND PSYCHE, mentioned in Smith’s Catalogue Raisonn4 LOT 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5 A. DURER. A Beggar Man ROSALBA. Portrait of a Lady representing “ Winter ” A. VANDYCK. A Portrait of a Man, sepia UNKNOWN. Virgin Reading a Book VAN DE CAPELLA. Dutch Men-of-War OLD TENIERS. The Fish Market, numerous figures A. F. HEYLIGHERS. THE TOWN CRIER EARLY FRENCH SCHOOL. St. Louis REMBRANDT. A Figure Subject A. CUYP. A Portrait of a Burgomaster JAN fcTEEN. THE DOUBTFUL PATERNITY UNKNOWN. A PORTRAIT OF MARY DE MEDICIS in embroidered dress UNKNOWN. A Portrait of Henry VII. 6 LOT VAN DER NEER. 36 A RIVER SCENE WITH BOATS, COTTAGES AND FIGURES VAN SCHENDEL. 37 The Game Dealer HONDEKOETER. _ 38 POULTRY, canvas, size 30in by 25 \ SIR DAVID WILKIE. 39 THE WEDDING, canvas, size 40in. by 28 A. CUYP. 40 CATTLE ON THE BANKS OF A RIVER, panel, size 20in. by 30 RUSSELL, R.A. 41 MRS. CREW, pastel, size 18in. by 24 • » G. MORLAND. 42 FOX HUNTING, canvas, size 22in. by 17 W. HOGARTH. 43 The Harlot’s Progress, a set of 6 LANCRET. 44 A Pastoral Scene and Figures, canvas, size 24in. by 18 » VAN GOYEN. 45 A LANDSCAPE, COTTAGES AND FIGURES, panel, size 22in. by 16 UNKNOWN. 46 A Portrait of the Founder of Smith's Charity, panel, size 1 Sin. by 24 PETERS. 47 A Coast Scene, Shipping, and Figures, panel, size 32in. by 20 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 7 VAN LOO. The Musical Parly, canvas, 38in. by 22 TENIERS. A Cottage Scene and Figures, canvas, size 9in. by 11 VAN DER NEER. A VIEW OF A TOWN IN HOLLAND, Winter Scene, numerous figures, panel, size 9in. by 11 PHILIP VANDYCK. Virgin, Child, and Saint, canvas, size 5in. by 10 P. NASMYTH. A WOODY LANDSCAPE, COTTAGE, CATTLE, AND FIGURES, canvas, size 56in. by 38 LANCRET. THE MUSICAL PARTY, canvas, size 30in. by 24 SCHOOL OF RAPHAEL. St. Elizabeth and St. Christopher, with reversible panel, size 60in. by 20 G. HONTHORST. The Violin Player, canvas, size 32in. by 24 Mlle. GERARD. L’Espoir du Retour and engraving, canvas, size 36in. by 30 W. HOGARTH. The Prodigal’s Return, a set of 5 LEONARDO DI VINCI. The Virgin, Christ, and St. John, panel, size 28in. by 42 GREUZE. THE SIGNAL, canvas, size 26in. by 34, signed 8 LOT NORWICH SCHOOL. 60 A River Scene with Castle, Boats, and Figure, canvas, size 30in. by 22 61 RUSSELL, R.A. A Portrait of John Brinsley Sheridan, oval, signed and dated 1798 62 G. MORLAND. THE PIGSTY, engraved, signed, canvas, size 18in. by 14 63 W. KIDD. St. Valentine’s Day, signed and dated, canvas, size 30in. by 20 HOBBEMA. 64 A LANDSCAPE, COTTAGE AND FIGURES, panel, size 23in. by 16 65 H. ALKEN. Hunting Scenes, a set of 4 66 W. VAN DE VELDE. A STORM, canvas, size 12in. by 10 It 67 BRAUWER. THE FORGE, panel, size )2in. by 10 — ) 68 JUAN ARELLANO. Fruit with Gilt Dish, canvas, size 33in. by 29 69 MOLINAER. Exterior of an Inn with numerous figures, canvas, size 30in. by 24 70 71 HOBBEMA. A LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND DISTANT VIEW OF A SPIRE, panel, size 22in. by 18 FRENCH SCHOOL. A Portrait of the Emperor Napoleon, panel, size 28in. by 22 71 9 LOT 72 J. ASSELYN. A Landscape with River Scene, Cattle, and Figures, canvas, size 24in. by 18 F. HALS.: 1 o-i . A PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN WITH RUFF, Embroidered Dress, holding Scarf, panel, size 30in. by 22. From Levy Collection C. JANSENS. A - 74^ A Portrait of a Gentleman with Ruff, Black Dress, panel, size 24in. by 20 OCTERYELDT. 75 The Duet, panel, size 16^in. by 20^ CARL DU JARDIN. 76 A GARDEN SCENE WITH FIGURES, with Portrait of the 'painter, canvas, size 23in. by 18 PAUL POTTER. 77 A LANDSCAPE WITH A COW LYING DOWN, canvas, size 17in. by 14. From de Focri Collection ^ 78 V- ^VAN DE HELST. vv A PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLACK DRESS, with Pearl Necklace, holding a red scarf, canvas, size 40iu. by 30 SIR J. REYNOLDS. GW ^{79 ':A PORTRAIT OF A LADY AND CHILD, canvas, size 34in. by 38 ^ P (MR. Vi w- V., Vw-0 HUGUTENBERG. 80 THE HAWKING PARTY, canvas, size 28iu. by 36 MURILLO. 81 Monk and Boy Drinking, canvas, size 38in. by 28 LOT NETSCHER. 82 A FAMILY GROUP, canvas, size 32in. by GREUZE. 83 HEAD OF A GIRL IN WHITE DRESS, BLUE RIBBON IN HAIR, canvas, size 16in. by 14|. From the Glendenning Collection MIREVELDT. 84 A PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH WHITE COLLAR* SLASHED DRESS, panel, Min. by 20 MIREVELDT. 85 A PORTRAIT OF A LADY, panel, size 16Un. by 21 RUBENS. 86 A PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH RUFF, BROWN DRESS AND WHITE CAP, panel, size 16in. by 20£. Study for larger picture, Cassel Gallery UNKNOWN. 87 A Portrait of a Divine, 1616, panel, size 22in. by 18 GREUZE. 88 THE DRUNKARD, engraved, canvas, size 38in. by 28 J. RUYSDAEL. 89 WOODY LANDSCAPE WITH COTTAGES, BRIDGE, FIGURES, SHEEP, &c., canvas, size 36in. by 28 WEENIX. 90 A PARTRIDGE AND KINGFISHER WITH FRUIT ON A TABLE, canvas, size 40in. by 50 JUAN ARELLANO. 91 FRUIT WITH SILVER VASE, canvas, size 36in. by 42 JACOB DE WITT. 92 A SACRIFICE TO DIANA, canvas, size 50in. by 38 11 LOT 93 IT 94 95 & 96 97 98 109 101 BEELDEMAKER. HUNTSMAN, DOGS, AND MILKMAID IN A LAND¬ SCAPE, CATTLE IN THE DISTANCE, signed and dated 1673, canvas, 26in. by 22 JAN STEEN. THE INVALID. Signed, canvas, size 22in. by 26 Pc VAN DE DOES. Children in a Landscape with Goats, Sheep, &c., canvas, size 26in. by 21. Signed and dated R. COSWAY, R.A. A PORTRAIT OF MRS. FITZHERBERT in white dress and black shawl , blue ribbon round waist , canvas, size 30in. by 25 G. NETSCHER. LADY AND FORTUNE TELLER, canvas, size 16in. by 22 G. MORLAND. EXTERIOR OF A STABLE AND FIGURES, canvas size 21 in. by 17, signed and dated REMBRANDT. A PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF with blue hat , dressed as a Soldier D. TENIERS. A DOCTOR IN GREY JACKET EDGED WITH FUR, seated at a table examining the contents of a bottle; a woman waits for his opinion—a booh and variety of objects on table NICHOLAS MAAS. The Lace Malcer, panel, size 1 Sin. by 22 12 LOT VANDYCK. 102 A PORTRAIT OF THE BROTHER OF CHARLES I. ON HORSEBACK, with figure of Fame and laurel wreath , on copper , 19in. by 28 REMBRANDT. 103 A PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF in red velvet hat , white fieather , and blue dress , canvas, size 25in. by 30 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 104 A Portrait of Lord North, blue coat and red dress, Buildings in distance, size 25in. by 30 YANDYCK. 105 A Portrait of Himself in Armour, Smoking, panel, size 14in. by 20 G. HOET. 106 A PORTRAIT OF A LADY PLAYING THE GUITAR, signed, panel, size 7^in. by 5^ Vf. G. SCHALKEN. 107 THE SCULPTOR SHOWING STATUES BY CANDLE¬ LIGHT, panel, 9in. by 7 >, (^^•aa-A.YV's, F. HALS. 108 A PORTRAIT OF A CHILD, panel, size 10iin. by 14 KARL DU JARDIN. 109 THE MULETEERS, River in foregroundMountains in distance , panel, 12in. by 15 PATER. 110 AN ENCAMPMENT, canvas, 14in. by 12 P. SNAYERS. 111 A Woody Landscape with Hunting Scene, Fortress, &c., canvas, 61 in. by 40 13 LOT 112 113 115 -T 116 0 118 119 120 \ 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 BAPTISTE. A Vase of Flowers, canvas, size 40in. by 70 DAVID. A Portrait of a Lady seated, reading Book ;BLeTr. JrDOtSBTAT^LE, R.A. yv c , A LOCK SCENE WITH BARGE, COTTAGES, FIGURES, CATTLE, &c., canvas, size 58in. by 40 A. CUYP. THE ENCAMPMENT, signed, canvas, size 68in. by 40 COELLO. A PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN with Ruff and black dress , canvas, size 26iu. by 20 V^v. v\/.w • W. VAN ROMEYN. A LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE, panel, size 18in. by 40 REMBRANDT. A Portrait of his Sister in white Dress and black and white cap, in red bodice, her hands crossed in front, panel, 22in. by 30. Mentioned in Smith’s Catalogue, Raisonne ROSALBA. A Pastel Portrait of a Lady holding Fish, representing “Water,” size 14in. by 17 A ditto of a Lady holding Urn, representing “ Fire,” size 14in. by 17 , A ditto of a Lady with Bird, representing “Air ” A ditto of a Lady with Fruit, representing “ Earth ” A Pastel Portrait of a Lady A ditto of a Lady with Lyre, size 14in. by 17 A ditto of a Lady with Parrot on her Hand A ditto of a Lady dressed as “ Diana ” A ditto of a Lady with Basket of Grapes 14 LOT )' 128 l — 129 \ v 130 131 132 133 134 135 V>' 130 UNKNOWN. A Pastel Portrait of a Lady, signed D. TENIERS, Junr. THE DOCTOR. This represents a man seated at a table, looking to left, reading a book; on the table are bottles. The man wears a fur cloak and grey dress, and has on a blue cap trimmed with fur. Signed, size 8^in. by 12 G. MORLAND. A DONKEY LYING DOWN AND A PIG, size 12*in. by 10 D. TENIERS. A COTTAGE WITH TWO PEASANTS. From the Bocquet Collection. Signed, size 4|in. by 6 J. OSTADE. THREE BOORS DRINKING, a Man on rigid Begging , size 12£in. by 13 G. MORLAND. The Reapers Sir P. LELY. The Duchess of Cleveland in grey Dress, trimmed with fur, pearl earrings WM. YAN DE VELDE. A CALM. On the left are three fishing vessels, on the right a man-of-war ; on the shore on the left a man carrying a basket; on the left a man standing and a woman sittiug down. Size 14in. by 10^ LANCRET. The Archery Competition, size 22in. by 18 ANTONIO MORE. A PORTRAIT OF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, full face, with white ruff' and cap, size 14iu. by 19 J \ 15 Lot LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 138 THE VIRGIN AND INFANT SAVIOUR. The Virgin holds Our Saviour in her arms, she wears a green dress and red scarf; on the right a landscape with river and bridge, and on the left a fortified tower. From Lord Thurlow’s collection. Size 14^in. by 19 A. OSTADE. 139 BOORS DRINKING. Four boors drinking and eating; on left a boy drinking milk; in left-hand corner a cat and basket. Size 13^in. by 9 G. HOET. 140 A Girl at a Window with cabbage and carrots, iu back¬ ground a man smoking A. KAUFFMAN. 141 Girl as “ Pomona ” F. COTES, R.A. 142 An oval Portrait of a Lady RUBENS. 143 A Portrait of a Lady, size 8£in. by 11 J. ROTTENHAMMER. 144 THE FEAST OF THE GODS. From Lord Thurlow’s Collection SIR J. REYNOLDS. 145 Head of Cupid UNKNOWN. 146 A Portrait, unframed NICHOLAS MAAS. 147 The Weavers 16 LOT 148 149 150 151 152 SIR P. LELY. A small Portrait of a Lady OLD TENIERS. The Husbandman JOY. Scene on Norfolk Broads with sailing boats becalmed. From Sir T. Thornbull’s Collection UNKNOWN. A French Portrait of a Shepherdess UNKNOWN. A Farmyaad Scene FINIS.