. : I • ... LD ENGLISH SILVER PLATE, Sold by Order of the Executors of the late J. H. EDGE, ESQ. OF EMBDEN HOUSE, CHILDWALL; Pi BEAUTIFUL EPERGNE AND OTHER PIECES OF ©15 ©nglislj aitfr JFomgn filter. Sold by Order of the Trustees of the late MAURICE JOHNSON, ESQ. OF BLUNDESTON LODGE, LOWESTOFT, & AYSGOUGH FEE HALL, SPALDING; AND OTHER Old English & Foreign Silver & Silver-Gilt Plate, Jewellery, Watches, Lace, & Old English & French Miniatures & Enamels, FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill br bjj Ruction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TMI® ©BEAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Sired, St. James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ,; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. lie following are the Property of J. II. EDGE , Esq., deceased , late of Embden House , Childwall. Sold by Order of the Executors. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. diet. Five fiddle-pattern table-spoons ; a pair of sauce-ladles; eleven tea-spoons; a pair of sugar-tongs; ai 1 1 salt-spoons A plain pierced asparagus-server . . . A threaded wine-funnel; sis vine-leaf wine-labels; and two- plain ditto ...... A plain vase-shaped muffineer; and a taper candleGLV on leaf stand. ..... A set of six oval tub-shaped salt-cellars, with handl A cylindrical mustard-pot, partly fluted and with border, blue glass liner ; and a mustard-ladle six plain salt-spoons . A tea and coffee service, chased with flowers and foliage in relief, and with bird’s-head spouts, consisting of tea-pot, coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug 0 B 2 4 02 . C 8 A sugar-basin and cream-jug, similar . . . 26 9 A tea-kettle, chased with foliage, flowers and scrolls, on pierced and chased tripod stand with lamp . 82 10 A small tea-pot, partly fluted and with gadroon border10 11 A plain coffee-pot, with chased spout— temp George II. 21 12 A plain oval-shaped tea-caddy, with gadroon border, on ball feet, with division, and caddy-spoon . . 4^* 22 13 An open threaded egg-frame, with four egg-cups and three spoons 14 A pair of oblong toast-racks, the borders chased with foliage and flowers ...... 15 A boat-shaped bread-basket, with shaped gadroon border30 16 A circular bread-basket, fluted and chased with foliage and flowers /t° 29 17 A pair of circular waiters, with gadroon borders—8 in. clzdlll/* •••€••• 22 18 A pair of plain sauce-boats, with gadroon borders and scroll handles, on three feet ..... *//% 19 One ditto, similar ..... 20 A Plain-Pattern Service, consisting of— 29 15 Twenty-eight table-forks Eighteen table-spoons Fourteen dessert-forks Thirty-one dessert-spoons Three gravy-spoons Two soup-ladles Seven sauce-ladles A marrow-spoon A skewer Fourteen tea-spoons A pair of sugar-tongs A sugar-sifter, and A mustard-ladle . 9 * Y0. 188 5 SILVER-GILT. oz. dwt. 1 An oval-shaped centre-dish, on foot, and four dessert-dishes, en suite, repousse with flowers and foliage . 55 2 2 Six dessert-knives and forks, the blades and handlesVichly & chased with classical female figures, masks, &c .—gross // ‘ weight , 27 oz .—in leather case —all at t SILVER— at. A fish-slice and three butter-knives, with ivory handles; a small oval vinaigrette ; and six dinner-knives, with threaded and shell^^ handles 4 A set of four plain decanter-stands, with gadroon borders 5 Eighteen dessert-knives, with ivory handles; two silver blades, ^ similar; and a child’s knife and fork, with ivory handles 3 Twelve fish-knives and forks, with beaded handles—in mahogany case aogany ' ^ PLATED. 7, A cruet-stand, with six cut-glass cruets; a pair of stands and covers, for butter-dishes; four plain decanter-stands; two gadrooned snuffer-trays and snuffers; six nut-crackers; a pair of grape- scissors ; seven mounted corks ; and a wine-label 3 An oblong toasted-eheese dish, with gadroon border ; and a souffle-^? dish and liner, with chased foliage handles and feet lh A r acfr of - f ooir- oblong . entr ee- d is hes, covci '3 - and - heaters, with - eh as od - fuliagll 'hundlofl ■ and foot 3 A pair of campana vase-shaped ice-pails, chased with bands of scroll ^ foliage / ^ C I -A-ro t of fi vo pl ain ov a l d iy. b c or e i t, wit h gadroon- b orders ajatL almflfld— ~folingo handles 6 82 A pair-Qf--c&a4e kbra ro ii round a tom s- ami fe et , ch ased with -shells —wit h branch es for thr e e lighto oaeli — 33 An Epergne, bearing cut-glass centre dish, on circular looking-glass yy- # plateau ; and pair of candelabra, with branches for eight light: each, en suite, on palm tree stems, and plinths chased with figure: of a giraffe, camel and other animals and figures—29 in. high? In oak plate chest The following are the Property of THOMAS B. GROVE, Esq., deceased, lit of 6 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square . 41 An engine- turned silver cigar-case, with chased thumb-piece /, it .so Engraved “ Presented by Charles McKinnell to Ins frien Henry P. Emans, Oct. 25, 1843 ” *76*^* 42 A punch-ladle, the bowl inlaid with a Queen Anne si^en^^n with hone handle SILVER —At per Oz. oz. du 43 A plain soup-ladle ..... • if A \ 44 An escallop shell, on shell feet . . /S/6 2 1 45 A plain oviform muffineer, on square foot . . 46 A Set of Six Oval Salt-Cellars, chased with strap : ornament in relief, foliage and gadroon borders, on feet chased with masks—( four old Dublin, maker’s mark I. H. with crown above, circa 1730) . . 53 47 A shaped tankard, spirally fluted and chased with flowers — Neiecastle, 1781— by Langlavds and Robertson 48 A plain quart tankard, with reeded hands— engraved with monogram J.H.P. . . . . ' . 22 I 7 The following are Sold by Order of the Trustees of the Estate of the late MAURICE JOHNSON, Esq., of Blundeston Lodge, Lowestoft, and Ayscough Fee Hall , Spalding. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. diet. 19 An Oval Soup-Tureen and Cover, on boat-shaped stand with scroll ends and gadroon borders, richly chased with foliage and shells, and on chased shell and scroll foliage feet, the cover surmounted by a coronet and wings < handle—plated liner .... 251 Presented to the Rev. Maurice Johnson, D.D., by the inhabitants of Spalding, 1825. With inscription )0 A punch-ladle, with plain circular bowl— old Cork hall mark; and three wine-labels .... 0 )1 AN EPERGNE, of beautiful form, with pierced and chased boat-shaped centre basket under an open trellis canopy, chased with branches of foliage, flowers and fruits, and with festoons of flowers suspended round the edge, sur¬ mounted by a pineapple ornament, on open scroll stand chased with branches of flowers and fruit in high relief, with scroll branches bearing four circular pierced dishes and four hanging baskets, the borders chased with flowers and with glass dishes—25 in. high —176^—. maker s mark T. P. in oblong rectangle . £. 2 An oblong looking-glass plateau, with old Sheffield plated^ border, with gadroon edge, on claw feet ^ rUZI 3 A plated liqueur-stand, chased with terminal figures and border of classical ornament 272 10 FOREIGN SILVER. oz. dwt. 54 A Pair of Portuguese Circular Rose-Water Dishes, repousse with large flowers and foliage, and with a 55 A £ £ & —z? vessel in full sail in the centre—16 in. diam. Large Ditto Sideboard Dish, repousse with the youthful Bacchus in the centre, the border spirally fluted and chased with animals, monsters, large flowers and foliage—31 in. by 21 \ in. 44 0 99 10 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 10 & 56 Five old English silver mulberry-spoons 57 A Louis XVI. Octagonal Yase-Shaped Silver Cruet, engraved with panels of trellis and other ornament on punched ground, with beaded borders and scroll handle —Paris ££? Exhibited at South Kensington A 58 A Jacobean Silver Tazza, the bowl with straight splayed sides, engraved inside with a band of arabesque orna¬ ment, birds and rosettes, in etched pattern borders, on plain round stem and engraved foot—54 in. high, 64 in. diam.—hall mark a lion passant . . 11 59 A Silver-Gilt Ciborium, the bowl and cover of globular form, with applique ornament chased with cherubs, foliage and strapwork, on vase-shaped stem and circular foot, chased with medallions of children, Cupids and sea monsters in scroll and strap borders—12 in. high— Swiss, 17 th cenutry .... . SfZ 28 60 An Elizabethan Stoneware Jug, mounted with engraved silver neck-band, handle, foot and cover chased with fruit, drapery and scrolls, and surmounted by a double button, the billet chased as a cherub— hall mark Y with mullet above in oval shield, repeated four times 16 16 A 9 oz. dwt. 31 An Old Nankin Porcelain Ewer, painted with a river & scene and fishermen, and plants on the neck in blue, and mounted with Elizabethan silver-gilt cover, engraved with scroll foliage and birds, surmounted by a dragon, and with shell billet and engraved mounts to handle 62 A Cylindrical-Shaped Ribbed Maple-Wood Cup and Cover, on round foot, mounted with old Augsburg silver-gilt rims and foot, with engraved strawberry-leaf borders, and surmounted by a cone ornament of the same—7f in. high DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. SILVER —At per Oz. 63 A beaded wine-funnel; and a marrow-spoon . 64 A barrel-shaped mustard-pot, with glass liner . 3 65 A Warwick cruet-frame, with three plain vase-shapea casters; two silver-mounted glass cruets; and two, small cruets—1735 .... . ZiT 36 66 A small circular waiter, with reeded border and engraved centre ....... // ^ ® 67 A plain tankard, with dome cover, scroll handle and oillei —1733 . f. A 68 A Fluted Vase-Shaped Coffee-Pot, chased with, flowers and scrolls—1771 .... y<£ 9 17 p)^ V 20 33 19 0 ,y 69 An Old French Silver Triptych, chased with subjects from the life of a Saint in four panels in high relief, ^ the outside engraved with the Saviour, and Madonna and Child crowned and enthroned 10 err* /./f, * /A /# 70 A parcel-gilt spoon, with scroll handle chased with a lion and terminal bust surmounted by shields and a crown —Dantzig 71 Twelve old English steel dinner-knives, with curved blades and silver pistol handles —all at 72 A plated vine-branch epergne, on triangular plinth chased with two figures of foxes—on circular looking-glass plateau with chased vine-branch border oz. diet. t 5 14 JEWELLERY, WATCHES, Etc. 73 An oval gold brooch, containing an Indian miniature painting on ivory of a palace courtyard, in colours and gold , / , , 7± An oval-shaped engraved gold box, with panels of dark blue and / ^ ' ' white enamel, an enamel painting of three figures in cokurs on the lid hy ~Ra.nt t aM cm*>a (- N o 4 7 0590 with revolv i ng diakmnd - ^ge44 and black -e nam e l faoo and cr ater' ca s e, engrnred w i th e e fol l 4dipg Q o url fln" Tnvri ; 1rn j i G4ven hy lung - Louie Philippe, "before hie ornle , to tfo » G b emtlwi DdiicUij /- /<>. 0 76 A small clock watch, by Breguet (No. 4011), with silveigdiak' in engine-turned gold case sy* y? 6 77 A small circular Roman mosaic, with two doves and drapery 78 An old English repeating watch, hy Viner (No. 570), in plain geld case ^ 79 Mbs. Sarah Siddons' Seal. The small gold seal, set with smoke- ^ coloured crystal, engraved “ Farewell,” with which Mrs. Siddons sealed the trinkets for her last performance in public, and the written bequest of the seal, by her daughter-in-law, IVfrs. Mary Siddons y&mfr WT* It has remained in her family ever since, and is notv sold hy order of Mrs. Sarah Siddons' great-granddaughter / / y, ^ 80 A pair of ancient Moorish pen-annular silver brooches, the hea * " cone form, pierced and chased A?' £ J./S'. a./7 4l MINIATURES. £#I Portrait of Mrs. Pigott, with powdered hair, in white dress, bv>7 Cosway—in oval gold locket with pearl border and loop £ 82 Portrait of a Child, in blue dress— signed S. P. —mounted in oval gold brooch inscribed “ Wm. Mills , died April 1802, aged 30, son of Wm. and Catherine Mills, married Rosamond Sneyd ” 83 Portrait of a Youth, in black dress and ruff, by J. G. Engleheart, 1823—in leather case P 81 Portrait of the Right IIon. Sir Thomas Maitland, Master of the Mediterranean, in naval uniform, by Cosway—in oval gold ^ locket with hair at the back > 85 Portrait of Sarah, Duchess of J^arlboro^gh : owjl enamel, by enam el —by Zir r cko —i n ov a l gold Charles Boit— circa 1685 8 6 Portrait o E-JosEPH-AnejEsew P ortrait of Jos e ph — A - ddioon, — whon -young, in ■ oil s— on —copper— Inside thn lid nf ».n oc t n gnnnl- a hapod-pilv^r snuff b? v w4L paorl lid , 88 Portrait of the Rev. James Stanier Clarke, LL.D., Canon of Windsor and Privy Clerk of the Closet, and Private Chaplain to George IY. and William IV., ob. Oct. 4, 1834, set. 67: a miniature on ivory, by Cosway— in gilt frame f 89 Portrait of Mrs. Grove, in powdered hair and white Axs&&/-signed R. C., 1795 / < jO \ 3 90 Portrait of a lady, with curling hair, in white dress and crimsgp scarf, with landscape background, by Engleheart -< & ? 91 Portrait of Dr. Rogers, by Richard Morton Paige—in black^ranie with gilt mount ? 92 Head of a child, bv the same—in glazed, gilt and ebonised frame/^-^/^i^<- 93 A girl’s head, by the same—in velvet mount > ? ^ ? 94 Heads of two children, by the same—oval—in velvet mounts 12 / ^5 Portrait of a gentleman, with powdered hair, in crimson coat—in oval ' ' ' gold clasp; and a portrait of a lady, in pink dress—in si ft clasp ' / 96 Portrait of a lady, in green dress braided with gold, on blue back* ground: an old English miniature in metal-gilt clasp " 97 Portrait of a lady, with powdered hair, in white dress with green scarf—in oval black shagreen case 98 Portrait of an officer, in uniform—in glazed gilt frame; and a lady • ^ oval miniature—in black frame THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 'r/&. r) 99 A miniature portrait of a lady, wearing pearls in her hair embroidered robe—in wood frame 100 Portrait of a gentleman, in drab coat and embroidered blue waist¬ coat ; a gentleman, in crimson coat; and a portrait of a boy —y three —in metal-gilt frames /W* 101 A circular wood snuff-box, with miniature portraits of three generals in uniform on the lid ; a Vernis-Martin box, with a miniature of a child holding a shield, in gold border; and a ditto needle- case £>102 An oval silver snuff-box, chased and engraved with trophies; an oblong pearl box, inlaid with trophies, &c.; and a ditto etui case^ 103 A small gold-mounted ivory fan, the mount of pierced gold foil; and a Vernis-Martin fan, painted with figures and landscapes colours and gold 104 An old French pocket almanac, illustrated with engravings, in ^ ^ f white silk cover and case, gilt; a small book of foreign costumes, f r ®illustrated ; a piece of gold thread embroidery; and twelve paste^ v^ 7 ^ buttons 1.J 's£ >es ip i 13 (105 A Battersea enamel cylindrical needle-case, painted with figures in ^ gilt borders on pink ground; and a pink and white ditto oblong box, with flowers 106 A French enamel box, in the form of a book, painted with figures r 0 in colours, and Boyal monogram and crown in gold omtgrra- . cotta-coloured ground s lA? < s THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. LACE. £>107 A Brussels half shawl # 108 Honiton applique flouncing—9f yds. , *q.09 A deep Brussels tunic —about xjds. ^110 Point gaze garniture—2£ yds.; and point de *£-3 - Venice—2f yds. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. LACE. fine muslin baby’s robe, trimmed with fine old point <™en 5 on 112 A^deep'Fkpqish lace flounce— about 3f yds, long 113 A ditto, narrower^^^aWy 4 114 A>I of old Flemish>^X^-; three pieces of ditto; and pair oLfine di Brussels sleeves . f nl(1 115 A ,Lt collar; a Mechlin d^-two P*- <* J* two small pieces of ditto; two p.ece* of pomt d’Alenjon ; and one old thread fichu 14 16 Fine Venetian lace—If yd.— mounted on linen; a piece of ditto; two wider pieces; 1^ yd. narrower ditto ; and six other pieces 117 A rose point flounce—1^ yd. ; and old Italian lace— yds. 118 Rose point lace—14 yds., in eleven pieces 119 A piece of wide old Italian lace—£ yd. ; a ditto—f yd.; four pieces of narrower ditto—5| yds. ; and a piece of ditto—4 yds. 120 An Italian lace flounce— nearly 1 yd. ; five narrower pieces of ditto —4^ yds. ; a ditto cap ; and one finer ditto 121 Old Valenciennes lace—4 yds. ; 5 yds. ditto; 4f yds. narrower ditto ; two small pieces ; and 4 yds. ditto lace 122 Old Flemish lace—3^ yds. ; old Flanders—4 yds.] old Italian— 1^ yd. ; old Valenciennes—1 yd. ; and ditto—3f yds. 123 A parcel of old lace— about 24 pieces BOXES AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. \ \ 124 A silver etui, chased with flowers and scrolls, with fittings ; and one, nearly similar, inlaid with plaques of avanturine 125 An old Venetian silver casket, with sliding lid, pierced and repousse with figures, centaurs, animals and arabesques 126 An ivory stick-handle, carved as an»elephant’s head, with drapery and ropes, and set with brilliants, sapphires and other stones 127 An oblong-shaped snuff-box, of motherV-pearl, carved with Christ in the Garden, and The Judgment of Palate, with Dutch inscrip¬ tions, and mounted with silver 128 A tortoiseshell and gold picque comb; a gold-qiounted ditto patch- box, inlaid with silver ; and a gold-mounted ivory tablet-case 129 Two large'tortoiseshell etui cases ; a ditto tablet-case, silver mounted; and a circular box, with gilt mount 130 A circular honestone medallion, with portrait of Fi^nfois, Due de Valois, 1506 ; and a pair of French silver knives, with turquoise and gold old Sevres porcelain handles, painted with flowers in medallions 15 13D,An egg-shaped bonbonniere, of Battersea enamel, painted with -flowers on green ground ; an old Dutch morocco leather pocket- book, stamped and gilt, and mounted with silver; and one, of green velvet embroidered with silver thread 132 A travelling clock, in octagonal-shaped case of engraved mother-o’- pearl, mounted with metal-gilt —in leather case 133 An oblong plaque, of Battersei enamel, painted with an Italian garden and three figures ; and a smaller ditto, with seven figures in a landscape—in ebonised frames 134 An old Wedgwood shuttle-shaped plaque, of green and white jasper, with nymphs and Cupid in relief—in oblong gilt frame FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross 'T - • . • TY RESEARCH IN 3 3125 01074 7109