a a *£■ - m I ft# ’ \ TREATISES ON ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING, BY WILLIAM HOSKING, F.S.A. MASONRY AND JOINERY, BY THOMAS TREDGOLD, C.E. AND CARPENTRY, BY THOMAS YOUNG, M.D., F.R.S. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/treatisesonarchiOOhosk TREATISES ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING, MASONRY, JOINERY, AND CARPENTRY. WILLIAM HOSKING, THOMAS TREDGOLD, AND THOMAS YOUNG. WITH THIRTY-SIX PLATES ENG-RAVED ON STEEL. NE W-YORK : D. APPLETON A COMPANY, 200 BROADWAY. M.DCCC.LH. ARCHITECTURE. The term Architecture is derived from the name of its professor, Architect. It is the art of contriving and constructing buildings ; and the thing produced is by metonomy called by the name of the art which produces it, as the art itself is named from its professor. The word is directly from the Latin architecture i, irregularly formed from the deponent verb architector, which is itself from the Greek substantive ag%irtxruv, Latinized archi- tector, architecto, and architectus ; all of which are used by Latin authors. A more regular but less relevant deriva- tion of the Latin words architectus and architectura is found in the substitution of the participles of the verb tego, to cover, &c. for the derivative of the Greek nv^ai, to build, &c. When architecture is spoken of simply, without a quali- fying adjective, the designing and building civil and religi- ous edifices, such as palaces, mansions, theatres, churches, courts, bridges, &c. is intended ; and it is called civil, to distinguish it from naval and military architecture. Al- though every description of building may thus have the term applied to it, it is by common consent restricted to such edifices as display symmetrical arrangement in the general design and fitting proportions in its parts, with a certain degree of enrichment effected by means of cor- nices, blocking courses, architraves, or pillared, columnar, or arcaded arrangements. Architecture may indeed be said to bear the same analogy to building, that literature does td language. A plain brick wall covered in the ordi- nary way with bricks on their edges isnot architectural, be- cause it is poor, rude, and unadorned : it produces no pleas- ing effect, and is such as a totally uninstructed workman would construct merely to answer the purpose required of it. As man, however, is endowed by nature with a taste for beauty and elegance, mere rugged utility does not de- light him ; as he becomes civilized, he seeks to embellish whatever he produces, that it may give him positive in- stead of negative pleasure, by presenting to his sense of vision what his mind may dwell on with complacency ; and he is thus disposed to avail himself of the dispositions and decorations which constitute architecture. It may be asked, what standard of beauty there is in this art, on which taste may be formed ; though it must be obvious, that, like other children of the imagination, such as poetry and music, no other can be assigned than such compositions and modes of arrangement as by their harmony and simplicity attract the attention of the rudest mind, which is pleased without being conscious why, and of the most learned or practised, which discovers in them those proportions and peculiari- ties of form which always produce the most pleasing im- pressions, and appear to be dictated by nature. Painting and sculpture have, to a certain extent, their originals in the external works of nature, so that the most uncultured taste may be gratified, or otherwise, with them, as their works are faithful or unfaithful imitations ; music is more artificial, and the taste must be cultivated to judge of and enjoy its higher productions ; but architecture is purely conventional, requiring a knowledge of its system, and a mind informed as to the principles on which it depends for beauty, even to its appreciation . 1 As it is necessary, in erecting a new edifice where an old one has stood, to remove all that was falsely construct- ed and insecure, if not entirely to clear out the founda- History, tions ; so it is at this time necessary, in writing a treatise -y-'w on architecture, to show the false grounds on which the old system is founded, and remove the false impressions which it has generally induced. The earliest extant author on the subject is Vitruvius, who, being ignorant of any other than his native architec- ture, which was Roman, and generally derived from the Greek, concocted or adopted a silly fable about the origin of building, and pretends to trace from it the invention of what are called “ the orders” by the Greeks ; giving, how- ever, to each a separate fable of its own. He professes to give the proportions, arrangements, and disposition of the architectural works of the latter people, and the rules by which they were composed. He describes with con- siderable minuteness various species of temples and other edifices of both the Greeks and Romans, and endeavours to give reasons for almost every thing connected with them. His account of the advance of man from a state of savage wildness to civilization, the discovery and acquisition of fire, and progress in the art of building, made by the early fathers of the human race, is only surpassed in absurdity by his stories of the invention and proportioning of the various columnar ordinances of which the ancients made use; if we except perhaps the fact, that this crude system has been received and propagated throughout the civi- lized world ever since the resuscitation of the work, four centuries ago. How could a man, who evidently knew nothing of the early history of the world, of the Celtic monuments, or of the history and architecture of Egypt and the East, be supposed capable of describing the in- ventions and advances in knowledge of the human race? Nor is this all : How can Vitruvius be received as an authority, when it is found that he does not correctly de- scribe any existing edifice in either Greece or Italy, and that no example of ancient architecture, either Greek or Roman, is in perfect accordance with his laws ? This we shall show in its proper place, and proceed now to take a view of the rise, progress, and history of our subject, with- out reference to the popular system, which is based on such fallacious ground. Although it is very probable that men built houses to Origin and shelter themselves from the inclemencies of the weather history of' before they constructed temples to the divinity, yet it arL 'hitec- must be obvious to all who have studied the early history ture ' of the human race in connection with its antiquities, and have considered the analogies afforded by the rude and simple nations of the world at the present time, and parti- cularly by those who occupied the western side of the Americas on the discovery of those continents, that though the art of building may have originated in the per- sonal wants of man, the science of architecture was the result of his devotional feelings and tendencies. In Egypt and in India, in Greece and in Italy, in Gaul and in Bri- tain, in Mexico and in Peru, structures connected with the worship of the divinity existed, and still exist, of the earliest date, or rather of dates beyond the range of posi- tive chronological information ; some evincing a greater and others a less advance in taste and refinement, but all re- taining some analogy, bearing upon the same point, and tending to what may be called architectural arrangement. * Count Algarotti, speaking of the absence of any thing in nature on which architecture, may be modelled, says, “ with good rea- son it may be said to hold the same place among the arts, that metaphysics does among the sciences.” ( Opcre del Conte Algarotti, edizione novissima, tomo iii. p. 25.) c> ARCHITECTURE. History, there were others in the same country which no longer w exist, that must have surpassed those which do remain ; and they speak also of the cities of Assyria, as unparal- leled in the extent and splendour of their edifices, whose sites, even, are not now determinable. The pyramids, however, mausoleums of a nation — and the temples, mo- numents of human folly — speak more strongly than any historian can, and compel our belief of what they have been by what they are ; whereas the others do not exist but in name. Nineveh and Babylon were — but Thebes and Memphis still remain. It is strange, indeed, that a people who displayed such energies in the construction of tombs, pyramids, and temples, should have left no work of any description that could be applied to any really useful purpose. Denon, speaking of Thebes, says, “ Still temples — nothing but temples — not a vestige of the hun- dred gates, so celebrated in history ; no walls, quays, bridges, baths, or theatres ; not a single edifice of public utility or convenience. Notwithstanding all the pains I took in the research, I could find nothing but temples, walls covered with obscure emblems, and hieroglyphics which attested the ascendency of the priesthood, who still seemed to reign over the mighty ruins, and whose empire constantly haunted my imagination.” * 1 Champollion, however, in his late researches, speaks of the remains of quays, and calls some of the structures palaces instead of temples; but as the former exist only in connection with the latter, they can hardly be considered as any thing more than mere embankments ; and the regal and hierarchical offices having been so closely connected in the economy of ancient Egypt, it is of little or no consequence to our position whether the same edifices be called palaces or temples. Diodorus Siculus says, in one place, that “ Busiris,” believed to be one of the Pharaohs who per- secuted Israel, “ built that great city which the Egyp- tians call Heliopolis and the Greeks Thebes, and adorned it with stately public buildings and magnificent temples, with rich revenues and that “ he built all the private houses, some four, and others five stories high.” 2 Shortly after, speaking of Memphis, to account for the splendour with which the Egyptians built their tombs, and the com- parative meanness of their houses, the same author says, “ They call the houses of the living inns, because they stay in them but a little while ; but the sepulchres of the dead they call everlasting habitations, because they abide in the grave to infinite generations. Therefore they are not very curious in the building of their houses ; but in beautifying their sepulchres they leave nothing undone that can be thought of.” Strabo also speaks of a splendid dwelling which was erected for the priests at Heliopolis, but that probably was one of the sacred palaces just re- ferred to ; for none of the ancient writers describe the do- mestic structures of the Egyptians, from personal know- ledge of them, as being worthy of any notice ; and that assertion of Strabo is too loose and unsupported by con- temporary authority or analogy to deserve confidence of itself. To the statement of Diodorus, that private houses were built to four and five stories high, we can give no credence whatever; for the construction of edifices in tiers or stories was very imperfectly understood even in his time, which was many centuries after the destruction even of Thebes ; and none of the existing remains of that city give the slightest indication of a second story, or in- deed of aptitude to construct one, except the rude land- ings in some of the propylma. Herodotus says that the Egyptians were the first who erected altars, shrines, and temples ; but of their private houses he says nothing ; History, neither does he describe any of the temples as they ex- isted in his time in Egypt ; so that he in fact affords no assistance in determining the comparative antiquity of the various architectural structures which remain to the pre- sent time in that country. Indeed the ancient historians and topographers speak for the most part so wildly of dates and dimensions, that they are, at the best, most un- satisfactory, if not fallacious, guides; and in the present case, that of Egypt, the style of architecture is so uni- form, or so imperfectly understood, that no argument can with safety be drawn from it, as there may in other cases. In Hamilton’s JEgyptiaca, the author says, with reference to this question : “ In Egyptian architecture there is an uniformity of structure, both in the ornaments and in the masses, which, if unassisted by other circumstances, re- duces us to mere conjecture ; and that not only for the difference of a century or two, but perhaps for a thousand years.” 3 Again : “ The monuments of antiquity in Upper Egypt present a very uniform appearance ; and his first impressions incline the traveller to attribute them to the same or nearly the same epoch. The plans and disposi- tions of the temples hear throughout a great resemblance to one another. The same character of hieroglyphics, the same forms of the divinity, bearing the same symbols and worshipped in the same manner, are sculptured on their walls from Hermopolis to Philae. They are built of the same species of stone ; very little difference is dis- cernible in the degrees of excellence ofl workmanship, or the quality of the materials ; and where human force has not been evidently employed to destroy the buildings, they are all in the same state of preservation or decay.” 4 But we are fortunately now about to be rid of that difficulty by the erudition and industry of those learned men who have given their attention to the hieroglyphic literature of the Egyptians. M. Champollion professes to have de- termined the date of every monument of antiquity in that country which is inscribed, by the inscriptions, which he has qualified himself to read. As yet, however, we are not in possession of the whole result of his discoveries. Hypogea, spea, or caves formed by excavation, are found of earlier date than any existing structures. Internally they present square piers, which were left to support the superincumbent mass of mountain or rock when their magnitude rendered it necessary. These were originally tombs ; and the cave of Machpelah, of which Abraham made the purchase as a burying-place for his family, was, doubtless, one of that kind. Oratories or chapels were afterwards made in the same manner, but, it would ap- pear, not until columnar architecture had come into use ; for their entrances are generally sculptured into the re- semblance of the front of a rude portico, or an actual por- tico or pronaos is constructed before them. Many such are found on the banks of the Nile, in its course through Nubia and Egypt. At Ibrim, which the Greeks call Primis, in the former country, there are several of these cavern temples, the earliest of which, according to M. Champollion, bears date of the reign of one of the Pha- raohs, who was contemporaneous with Abraham, or his son Isaac, or about eighteen centuries before Christ ; the latest is of the time of Ilhameses Sethos, the Sesostris ot Greek history. To some of the cavern tombs and temples in Upper Egypt M. Champollion accords even a still higher degree of antiquity. The earliest columnar struc- tures which are found within the same range of country do not appear to bear a higher date than that ot the 4 Voyage dans la Basse ct la Haute Egypte, p. 170. Par V. Denon. 3 JEgyptiaca, by Wm. Hamilton, Esq. F. S. A. Part I. p- 200. 1 Diod. Sic. lib. i. cap. iv. 4 Ibid. p. 10. ARCHITECTURE. History, earliest kings or Pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty of 'Manetho, which began about the time of the Jewish pa- triarch Abraham, and ended with the Pharaoh from whom his descendants escaped under the conduct of Moses. The temple at Amada, to which we have already referred, is of the time of Moeris, who was contemporary with the patriarch Jacob, and consists of twelve square piers or pillars, and four columns, which possess the form and cha- racter of the Greek Doric, and may, it is suggested, be called protodoric. The same intention, if it may be so called, is found in others of the early monuments, but in none so perfect as in this, as almost all the structures of ancient Egypt were either destroyed or seriously damag- ed by the Persians at the time of their invasion under Cambyses ; and they are supposed not to have ascended the Nile much above Psalcis or Dakke, but to have turned off' by the way across the desert to Ethiopia, so that the temple at Amada, which is considerably above Dakke, escaped. Of all the Pharaohs, Sesostris, the first of the nineteenth dynasty, was the most distinguished for the great and ex- tensive works he executed in architecture. Most of the existing ruins in Egypt, anterior to the Persian invasion, are attributed to that monarch by M. Champollion. The im- mense ruins at Thebes, which have been by turns called the Memnonium and the tomb of Osymandyas, and are popular- ly called Medinet Abou, are proved by that gentleman to be those of the Palatial Temple of Rhameses the Great, or Se- sostris, and which he therefore calls the Rhamesseion, the ruins at Luxor being those of the Memnonium ; that edifice or series of edifices having been constructed by Amenophis Memnon, of the eighteenth dynasty, one of the good and beneficent princes by whom the children of Israel were protected during their sojourn in Egypt. The magnificent structure at the village of Carnack, within the same city, appears however to excel all the rest in extent and grandeur, and is at least their equal in antiquity. It is generally known as the temple of Carnack, but it has been distinguished as that of Jupiter Ammon. It bears inscribed the name of Thothmosis II., the predecessor of Amenophis Memnon. From the existing remains of Thebes, and the relations of historians combined, that city may be assumed to have attained its highest degree of splendour in the time of Sesostris ; few of the ruins it presents being of later date than the time of that monarch. This being admitted, and we believe it can hardly be de- nied, it must be admitted also that the science of archi- tecture, and the practice of the mechanical arts, were al- ready well understood ; for the composition of the monu- ments displays an exquisite combination of simplicity and harmony, which produce the finest effects of beauty and grandeur; while their construction is the apparent result of perfection in the use of mechanical powers. All the Pharaonic monuments, indeed, throughout Egypt and Nubia, are wonders of science and art. The structures of Ombos, Apollinopolis Magna, and Latopolis, between Thebes and the cataract, M. Champollion determines to be generally of the age of the Ptolemies, and some even of the Roman dominion ; all, however, of these of compa- ratively modern date are evidently restorations ; others, probably of the earliest ages, having occupied the same sites. Indeed M. Champollion asserts generally that the Ptolemies, and the Ethiopian Ergamenes himself, only re- built temples where they had already stood in the times of the Pharaohs, and to the same divinities that had al- ways been worshipped there. He goes on to say, that the religious system of this people was such a complete whole, so connected in all its parts, and fixed from time imme- morial in so absolute and precise a manner, that the do- minion of the Greeks and of the Romans did not produce any innovation ; the Ptolemies and the Caesars only re- stored in Nubia what the Persians had destroyed, and re-' built temples where they had formerly stood, and dedi- cated them to the same gods. Of the arrangements of an Egyptian temple we shall speak when we come to treat of Egyptian architecture as a style. In construction the Egyptians appear to have used wrought stones at a very early period : this probably was induced by the still earlier habit of excavating rocks to form tombs ; for the walls in their oldest structures are composed of rectangularly cut blocks in parallel courses ; whereas we shall find that the most ancient specimens of walling in Greece and Italy are not so. In the Pharaonic monuments, besides walls built in parallel courses of wrought stone, we find squared piers also; and frequently, in the same structure with them, the peculiarly formed tumescent column with a bulbous capital or head, covered with an abacus or square tablet, corresponding with the size of the piers, and warranting the supposition that that species of column is a mere refinement on the simple square pillar. What dictated its singular form must re- main matter of speculation. The cylindrical column with a bell-shaped capital was the next advance, and that also is found in the same structures, though not in the simplest and earliest of them, in which piers occur. Terminal or Caryatic figures are common in those early works also-, not absolutely supporting an entablature, but placed be- fore piers which do, and having the appearance of doing it themselves when seen in front. Bold, massive, rectan- gular architraves extend from pier to pier and from co- lumn to column, and are generally surmounted externally by a deep coved coping, or cornice, with a large corded and torus-formed moulding intervening. This masks the ends of the stones which are placed transversely on the architraves to form the ceiling internally, the whole be- ing flushed square on the top, and forming a flat terrace or floor. The pyramidal form of the moles or propylaea, peculiar to Egyptian temples, may have been suggested by the pyramids, as neither that form nor those adjuncts to a temple appear to have been used before the period at which it is supposed the former were constructed. The grandeur and dignity inherent to that form would in- deed hardly be suspected till its appearance in the pyra- mids themselves ; and certainly the impression of its ef- fect must have been strong, to induce men to seek it in a truncated pyramid under a very acute angle, as in the propylaea, relying on the tendency of its outline alone. It was gradually, too, that this tendency was generally ap- plied, for in the earliest Pharaonic structures the vertical outline is most common, except in the propylaea, where they exist ; and in the structures of the Ptolemies the inclined outline pervades every thing. The monolithic obelisk is of Egyptian origin also. Its tapering form may be the consequence of the impression the pyramidal ten- dency had occasioned, though perhaps the object itself is the representative of the single stone by which religious feeling appears first to have expressed itself. Obelisks were set up by the Egyptians, sometimes in the courts or atria of their temples, and sometimes before the entrances to them. Of all the architectural works of the Egyptians, how- ever, none have excited so much the wonder and curiosity of men as the pyramids themselves ; not in consequence of any particular beauty in their composition, or ingenuity in their construction, but simply because of their immense magnitude, and unknown use, and antiquity. Denon makes the following observation on his first visit to the great py- ramid of Gizeh, at Memphis. “ If we reflect upon these pyramids, we shall be inclined to think the pride that constructed them greater even than these masses them- Historv. ARCHITECTURE. History, selves, and shall scarcely know whether to reprobate most the insolent tyranny which commanded, or the stupid ser- vility of the people which executed, the undertaking. None but sacerdotal despots would ever have undertaken them, and none but a stupid fanatical people would ever have built them. ...The most honourable reason that can be assigned for their erection is the emulation of man to excel the works of nature in immensity and duration, and in this project he has not been altogether unsuccessful. The mountains near the pyramids are not so high, and have suffered more from time than the pyramids them- selves.” 1 But Memphis itself was of late foundation in com- parison with other cities on the Nile. According to Pro- fessor Heeren, 2 civilization descended by the Nile from Ethiopia with the caste of priests who brought with them the worship of Ammon, Osiris, and Phtha (the Jupiter, Bacchus, and Vulcan of the Greeks), and “ the spread of this worship, which was always connected with temples, affords the most evident vestiges of the spread of the caste itself ; and those vestiges, combined with the records of the Egyptians, lead us to the conclusion that this caste was a tribe which migrated from the south, above Meroe, in Ethiopia, and, by the establishment of inland colonies around the temples founded by them, gradually extended and made the worship of their gods the dominant religion in Egypt. Proofs of the accuracy of this theory,” he as- serts, “ may be deduced from monuments and express testimonies concerning the origin of Thebes and Ammon from Meroe ; that it might indeed have been inferred from the preservation of the worship of Ammon in this last place.” The same author goes on to say, that “ Thebes was, if not the most, one of the most, ancient cities of Egypt and that “ Memphis and other cities of the vale of the Nile are known to have been founded from Thebes.” Now Thebes exists to the present time in the ruins of her magnificent temples, the works of the Pha- raohs, but without the vestige of a pyramid, so that it may be concluded that none was ever built there ; and Memphis may be said to exist in the everlasting pyramids of Gizeh and Saccharah, which occupy two of its extre- mities; but no indication remains of the existence of a temple of any kind: indeed the exact site of the city cannot be determined except by the pyramids. Herodo- tus, however, speaks of temples at Memphis, particularly of that of Vulcan or Phtha; but certainly no vestige of such has existed for a long period of time within that vi- cinity. Memphis was a great and ancient capital, and why should it not retain some evidence of the existence of temples in it? But Thebes was a greater and more an- cient capital, and indeed the metropolis of all Egypt; and why has it no pyramids ? These things are equally un- accountable and inexplicable, affording groundwork for almost any theory, but giving perfect support to none. Mr Hamilton, in his JEgyptiaca , before quoted, places Memphis considerably further south, where some ruins have been discovered which may be thought to give a colour to his supposition. But the ruins are of very in- considerable extent, and are all prostrate, so that nothing can be positively determined by them ; and the statement of Pliny as to the relative distances of the Nile and the city from the pyramids of Gizeh being proved to be cor- rect in the one, may be admitted in the other. If Hero- dotus’s account of the building of the pyramids be receiv- ed, they are of comparatively modern date, the oldest hav- ing been constructed several generations after the time of Sesostris, under whom Thebes attained its highest degree of splendour; but this would leave unaccounted for the tendency to pyramidal forms in Egyptian archi- tecture before referred to, unless every example exhi- History, biting that tendency were itself referred to a date poste- rior to that assigned to Cheops and Cephron, which can- not be done in accordance with the assertions of M. Champollion as to the structures of Thebes, Elephantina, and Nubia generally. From its immense size, the dimensions of the great py- ramid of Gizeh, at Memphis, are variously given by the various persons who have measured it. M. Nouet, who was of the French commission in Egypt, and had perhaps the best opportunity of being correct, determined its base to be a square whose side is 716 French or 768 English feet in length, occupying about the area of the great square of Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields in London ; and its height 421 French or 4-52 English feet, or about one third as high again as St Paul’s cathedral. It is built in regular courses or layers of stone, which vary in thickness from two to three feet, each receding from the one below it, to the number of 202 ; though even this is variously stated from that number to 260, as indeed the height is given by various modern travellers at from 444 to 625 feet. And the ancient writers differ as widely, both among them- selves and with the moderns. On the top course the area is about 10 English feet square, though it is believed to have been originally two courses higher, which would bring it to the smallest that in regular gradation it could be. It is a solid mass of stone, with the exception of a narrow corridor leading to a small chamber in its centre ; and a larger ascending corridor or gallery, from about half the distance of the first to another larger chamber at a considerable distance, vertically above the former, in which there is a single granite sarcophagus, not more than large enough for one body, putting the intention of the structure clearly beyond doubt. The other pyramids dif- fer from that of Cheops (as the largest is called) in size, and slightly in form and mode of construction, some having the angles of the steps or courses of stone worked away to a plain surface, and some not diminishing in a right line. One of the middle-sized pyramids is unlike all the rest, in being neither smooth nor in small steps, but in six large steps or stories, apparently of equal height, and dimi- nishing gradually. But the circumstance which most dis- tinguishes it is, that it is constructed of rude unshapen blocks of stone, cemented together with a very large pro- portion of mortar. Another is of unburnt brick, and has consequently become ruinous and mis-shapen. The famous labjwinth, of which Herodotus speaks as having been built by the twelve kings of Egypt, beyond the lake Moeris, is believed by Denon, after examination of the described site, to be little better than fabulous, and that the historian was imposed on by the priests, from whom he derived most of his information. He says, in- deed, that he saw and examined it himself; but his de- scription is so vague, that an architect who should endea- vour to make a design from it, would be greatly embarrass- ed. As we can therefore derive no information from it with regard to architecture, it need not be further dis- cussed here. It has been suggested as probable, and in- deed the opinion has been maintained, that the pyramids stand over immense substructures; that their areas are occupied by chambers, in which may be found the arcana of Egyptian lore, of which they are the depositories. If it really be so, may not the labyrinths just referred to have been under the pyramid, which the historian says was constructed at the point where the labyrinth termi- nates, instead of near it? His expression is so ambiguous, that it leaves room for a suggestion of the kind. Of the domestic architecture of the Egyptians we have * Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, p. 77- Par V. Denon. 5 Manual cf Ancient History , p. 58. ARCHITECTURE. f) History, no knowledge whatever. The statements of the ancient writers on the subject have been alread} r mentioned ; but supposing them to be more explicit, and more in confor- mity with probability, than they really are, without exist- ing remains we could form but a very imperfect idea of what it was. Reasoning from analogy, and the slight in- formation of historians, we should conclude that the habi- tations of the Egyptians were of a very unpretending de- scription. The already quoted statement of Diodorus Siculus, that “ they are not very curious in the building of their houses,” even in his time, after their long inter- course with Greece, and their more recent connection with luxurious Rome ; added to the fact, that no indica- tions of domestic structures exist in any part of the coun- try, and that the presumed habitations of the priests, in the ancient temples, are small and inconvenient cells ; and all these things, taken in conjunction with the mildness of the climate and the salubrity of the atmosphere, we think it must be admitted, warrant the conclusion. No style of architecture of which we have any know- ledge is so well qualified to produce impressive effects on the mind as the Egyptian. The mere assumption of its forms, however, is not sufficient to produce its effects ; and drawing is more incompetent to convey an idea of it than perhaps of any thing else in art. To this point the authors of the great work of the French Institute on the antiquities of Egypt bear testimony in strong language. Speaking of the incompetence of drawings to convey just ideas of the grandeur, magnificence, and beauty of the Egyptian temples, and other remains of antiquity, they say, “ Despite the care we have given ourselves to describe the Egyptian monuments, we cannot even hope that we have succeeded in giving to others the ideas which we ourselves received from actual views and present contem- plation of them; for there are things which drawings and descriptions cannot convey. Geometrical drawings are without doubt quite competent to show the form and proportions of an edifice, its disposition and distribution ; but far indeed are they from giving satisfactory ideas of the elegance and effect of structures. Frequently we had to regret how much of the beauty of the original was lost in its geometrical representation on paper ; for what in execution was light and graceful, often in the geometrical drawings appeared heavy and inelegant .” 1 The materials used in the construction of the Egyptian architectural monuments are, for the most part, granite, breccia, sandstone, and unburnt brick. The granite was principally supplied by the- quarries at Elephantina and Syene, for which the Nile offered a ready mode of con- veyance ; some species were brought down the river from Ethiopia, but we do not find that the materials were at any time brought from any other foreign country. It may be remarked, too, that in the earliest structures the com- mon gres or sandstone is principally employed. Excepting the obelisks and some few of the propylsea, all the temples at Thebes are of that material. In Lower Egypt, on the contrary, and in the works of later date generally, almost every thing is constructed of granite. Persian, Herodotus informs us that the ancient Persians had Assyrian, neither statues, temples, nor altars ; and Diodorus Siculus anrl Phce- a ffj rms that the p a l aces 0 f Persepolis and Susa were not architec- huilt till after the conquest of Egypt by Cambyses, and ture. that they were constructed by architects of that nation. In this case, as in that of India, we are at a great loss for evidence. The Persepolitan remains, though frequently visited and slightly sketched, have not been explored and delineated by such men as Stuart and Revett, or the authors of the great French work we have so often allud- History, ed to. That the Persian style, though very different i n particulars, does bear a relation to the Egyptian family, however, is very evident. Sir Robert Ker Porter, in his travels in the East, says that the first impression he re- ceived in his first walk among the ruins of Persepolis was, that “ in mass and in detail they bore a strong resem- blance to the architectural taste of Egypt .” 2 Neverthe- less, there is a strong probability that the Persian is itself an original style, and that the resemblance is merely for- tuitous, similar results arising from the same causes, as in Egypt and India ; for the eastern parts of that country are believed to have been the earliest seat of the human race. Professor Heeren says of Persia, “ it cannot be doubted, that long before the rise of the Persian power, mighty kingdoms existed in these regions, and particular- ly in the eastern part of Ractria ; yet of those kingdoms we have by no means a consistent or chronological his- tory — nothing but a few fragments, probably of dynasties which ruled in Media properly so called, immediately previous to the Persians ;” 3 from whom the style of archi- tecture may be derived, though indeed we know of no re- mains of earlier date than those which are properly called Persian. But we may be said to know nothing of Bac- tria ; it may, and probably does, rival Elora, Salsette, and the banks of the Nile, in primitive specimens of architec- ture. We have neither historical nor archaeological informa- tion that can be depended on to prove what the state or style of architecture was among the ancient Assyrians. Lucian says, however, that their temples were less ancient than those of Egypt. The ruins believed to be those of the great capital of Babylonia present nothing but shape- less masses of brick, from which no idea whatever can be formed as to the style of architecture, or the progress it had made in that country ; but some cylindrical and other seals and fragments, in terra cotta, lately found by excava- tion among those ruins, now in the British Museum, are sufficiently in accordance with the rest of the eastern an- tiquities to be received as evidence of the general assimi- lation of its style of design with that which was common to the neighbouring nations. The Phoenicians, we are told by Lucian, built in the Egyptian style ; but their country retains no memorials of its ancient architecture by which we might confirm or correct his information. Doubtless Carthage and the other colonies of Phoenicia followed their parent country in this particular. As far as we can judge from the trifling documents we possess of the architecture of the ancient Mexicans and Peruvians, it was of a rude but massive character, and may be thought also to resemble the early architecture of In- dia, Egypt, and Persia more than we can see any reason for, except in the tendency of the mind of man to the same result when he is placed under similar circum- stances. An impression to this effect appears to have been made on Humboldt, who, when speaking of a pyra- midal mass of ancient Mexico, says, “ It is impossible to read the descriptions which Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus have left us of the temple of Jupiter Relus, without being struck with the resemblance of that Babylonian monument to the teocallis of Anahuac .” 4 It is an illustration of the fact that the wants and fan- cies of man lead him to nearly the same results as he be- comes civilized, without communication and consequent imitation, that the plans given by Sir William Chambers, of Chinese public and private buildings, might be taken. 1 Description de V Egypte, vol. i. p. 292. * Travels in Georyia , Persia , fyc. by Sir It. K. Porter, vol. L p. 529. 3 Manual of Ancient History, p. 26'. 4 Humboldt’s Personal Narrative , voL i. p 82. 10 ARCHITECTURE. Jewish architec- ture. History, at the first glance, for either Hindoo, Greek, Roman, or Moresco — of course not considering magnitude of parts, but general forms and arrangements. Indeed, the remark may be extended beyond the mere plans ; for all have, to a certain extent, insulated columns placed equidistant, and crowned with an entablature ; and the general appearance of many Chinese buildings is quite Moorish. Architecture was not likely to flourish among the shep- herd tribes of Israel. It is in agricultural and commercial countries, such as Egypt and Greece, that its noblest works are produced, and not among the nomades of Ara- bia and Palestine. Saul, the first king of Israel, appears to have had no settled place of abode ; and the most sa- cred ceremonies of the Jewish religion were performed at Gilgal, where was the temple of unhewn stones set up by Joshua on taking possession of the promised land, and making a covenant between God and the people, until the building of the temple at Jerusalem in the place ren- dered holy by Abraham’s great sacrifice. Saul himself was confirmed in the kingdom at Gilgal, and there the nation swore allegiance to him with sacrifices to the Al- mighty ; but as yet nothing existed there in which to per- form the rites, but the ancient Celtic structure to which we have alluded. After the division of the tribes into two kingdoms, a splendid temple was erected on the site of Gilgal, in Mount Gerizim, as the national temple of the kingdom of Israel. Like his predecessor on the throne, David appears to have been but indifferently lodged till towards the end of his reign, when he is said to have built himself a house; and until the temple was built in the following reign, the ark of the covenant was never in a fixed place ; — it was at one time in a private house, at another in captivity among the Philistines ; and, indeed, King David expressed his shame that he had a house of cedar, whilst the ark of the Lord still dwelt in a tent. These things, and the fact that Solomon sent to Tyre for workmen, and indeed for an architect also, are, we think,- conclusive evidence, that in whatever state architecture was among the Jews from the building of the temple at Jerusalem, it was very low before that time ; and from the descriptions we have of that edifice itself in the Bible, it appears to have exhibited a greater degree of barbaric splendour than of classic elegance. From mere descrip- tion, however, it is impossible to understand an unknown species of building, as many things we shall have occasion to refer to will clearly prove. Few things have occasioned controversies more amus- ing, from the singularity of some assumptions, and the ab- solute futility of them all, than the style and manner in which Solomon's temple was built. Yillalpanda, a Spanish Jesuit, appended to a commentary which he wrote on the prophecies of Ezekiel, a long dissertation on the first and second temples of Jerusalem, in which he insists that the theory and practice of permanent architecture commenced with the building of that temple by Solomon — that with it, “ the orders,” which, he says, are falsely attributed to the Greeks, came into existence — that indeed the design (from a passage in the first book of the Chronicles), per- fect in all its details, was given to David, drawn by the hand of God ! Fie moreover pretends to show, that the proportions assigned by Vitruvius to the dilferent orders accord exactly with the descriptions given of the temple of Solomon ; and accuses Callimachus of usurping the ho- nour of inventing the Corinthian capital, which could not belong to him, as it was of divine origin, and had been executed in the temple at Jerusalem centuries before be was born. Some learned, and in some respects sensible men, have attempted to support this theory ; and others have thought it worth while to controvert it, by proving that the architect and the principal workmen were all History, either Egyptians or Phoenicians, and that consequently the'— edifice must have been in the Egyptian style. A learned architect of the present day has endeavoured to show that it was in the Greek style, and that its form, proportions, and distribution, were not dissimilar to those of the temple of Ceres at Eleusis. As the Phoenicians, who were principally employed by Solomon, themselves built in the Egyptian manner, we think the probability is great that it was in the Egyptian or Phoenician style, as far as the Jewish ceremonial would permit; and certainly the descriptions of its distribution accord better with that of an Egyptian than of a Grecian temple. The pillars of Jachim and Boaz, which are said to have been set up be- fore the temple, correspond exactly in relative situation with the obelisks in temples at Thebes. Clemens of Alex- andria, too, gives a description of an Egyptian temple very much like that of the Jewish ; and the palm-leaves, roses, fruits, and flowers, in the latter, are very common in ex- isting specimens of the former, whereas in the Greek re- mains of early date no such things are to be found. Whether the Jews in after-times possessed a national style of architecture or not, we cannot tell : there is no reason, however, for supposing that they did ; for their monotheistic structure at Jerusalem was not repeated in other places, as the temples of the heathen divinities were among the Greeks and Romans, by which they might have acquired a peculiar mode of composition and com- bination. The non-existence of a national Jewish style of architecture tends also to strengthen our position, that architecture did not originate in the disposition and de- coration of buildings for domestic purposes, of which the Jews must, when settled, have made as much use as other nations ; and a multiplicity of religious edifices, in the construction of which they might have acquired one, was forbidden by their code. In various parts of Greece and Italy, specimens of rude Pelasgic walling are found of such remote antiquity that they are, arc ^' tec * as by common consent, referred to the fabulous ages, and, ture ‘ for want of a more distinctive term, are called Cyclopaean. Now it appears, from the concurring evidence and opi- nions of most antiquaries, that a people who have been called Pelasgi, or sailors, migrated from Asia Minor, or the coast of Syria, at a very early period, and possessed themselves of various countries, some of which were un- occupied, and others inhabited by Celtic tribes. Mr Godfrey Higgins says that the Pelasgi were Canaanites, and being a hardy sea-faring race, they soon subdued the Celtic inhabitants of Delphi in Greece, or of Cuma in Italy, who, from their first quitting the pai'ent hive, never had occasion for an offensive weapon, except against wild beasts ; and that they were the people who settled Car- thage, Spain, and Ireland. Bishop Marsh has proved the Pelasgi to be Dorians, Dr Clarke has proved the Etrusci to be Phoenicians, and Gallseus has proved the Dorians to be Phoenicians. Thus, says Mr Higgins, the Pelasgi, the Etrusci, and the Phoenicians, are all proved to be the same. According to Professor Heeren, also, who affixes dates to the various migrations, the Pelasgi were of Asiatic origin. “ Their first arrival in the Peloponnesus was under Inachus, about 1800 years b. c. ; and accord- ing to their own traditions,” he says, “ they made their first appearance in this quarter as uncultivated savages. They must, however, at an early period, have made some progress towards civilization, since the most ancient states, Argos and Sicyon, owed their origin to them ; and to them, perhaps with great probability, are attributed the remains of those most ancient monuments generally termed Cyclopic.” 1 He adds, that the Hellenes, a people 1 Manual of Ancient History , p. 111). ARCHITECTURE. II History, of Asiatic origin also, expelled the Pelasgi from almost every part of Greece, about 300 years after their first occupation of it ; the latter keeping their footing only in Arcadia and in the land of Dodona, whilst some of them migrated to Italy, and others to Crete and various islands. The arrival of the Egyptian and Phoenician colonies in Greece, Professor Heeren thinks, was between 1600 and 1400 b. c. The connection of Greece and Italy with each other, and with Egypt and Phoenicia, is thus made evident. The Cyclopaean structures, however, were the works of the rude Pelasgi before that connection took place, except as far as it existed in their having a common origin. They occupied, either simultaneously or consecutively, both Greece and Italy; and this accounts for the sameness of that peculiar and original mode of structure which, we have said, is found in both countries, though no evidence exists of its ever having been practised elsewhere. If, in- deed, the things in question were the work of the earlier Celtic inhabitants, a still more remote date must be as- signed them than they could derive from the Pelasgi ; and this is the opinion of Mr Higgins, supported, he contends, by the suffrages of Dodwell, Clarke, and others, who say that the doorway called the Gate of the Lions, in the Acropolis of Mycenae, is built exactly like the remains of Stonehenge. The most ancient specimen of Cyclopic walling is found at Tyrinthus, near My- I’lace LV. cense. It is composed of huge masses of rock roughly Fig- 14. hewn and piled up together, with the interstices at the angles filled up by small stones, but without mortar or cement of any kind. The next species is in stones of va- rious sizes also, shaped polygonally, and fitted with nicety one to another, but not laid in courses. Specimens of this are found at Iulis and Delphi, as well as at the places already mentioned, in Greece, and in various parts of Italy, particularly at Cossa, a town of the Volsci. This also was constructed without mortar. The mode of build- ing walls, which took the place of that, is not called Cyclo- Fig. IS. paean ; it is in parallel courses of rectangular stones, of un- equal size, but of the same height. This is common in the Phocian cities, and in some parts of Bceotia and Ar- golis. To that succeeded the mode most common in, and which was chiefly confined to, Attica. It consists of hori- zontal courses of masonry, not always of the same height, but composed of rectangular stones. The oldest existing structure in Greece of regular form is of far superior construction to the Cyclopaean walling, and must be referred to the Egyptian or Phoenician co- lonists. It is at Mycenae, and consists of two subterra- nean chambers, one of which is much larger than the other. The outer and larger one is of circular form, and is entered by a huge doorway at the end of a long ave- nue of colossal walls, built in nearly parallel courses of rectangular stones, roughly hewn, however, and laid with- out mortar. Its external effect is that of an excavation, though the structure of the front is evident; and inter- nally it assumes the form of an immense lime-kiln ; its vertical section being of a somewhat conical form, under nearly parabolic curves, like a pointed, or what is vulgarly called a Gothic arch. The construction of this edifice was thought to afford clear evidence that the Greeks were acquainted with the properties of the arch ; but in the most material point this was destro 3 'ed on finding that it consisted of parallel projecting courses of stone in horizontal layers, in the manner called by our workmen battering, or more correctly perhaps corbelling. It proves, however, that its architect understood the principle of the arch in its horizontal position ; for Mr Cockerell has dis- covered, by excavations above it, that the diminishing rings of which the dome is composed are complete in them- Grecian architec- ture. selves for withstanding outward pressure ; the joints of the History, stones being partly wrought concentric, and partly ren- dered so by wedges of small stones driven tightly into them behind. The apex is formed, not by a key-stone, for the construction does not admit of such, but by a covering stone, which is merely laid on the course imme- diately below it. It may be added, that internally the lower projecting angles of the stones are worked off to follow the general outline. Though this is the largest and most perfect, its internal diameter at the base being 48 feet 6 inches, and its height from the floor to the co- vering stone 45 feet, yet edifices exhibiting similar struc- ture are found in many other places in Greece itself, in Egypt, in Sicily, and in Italy. They all however tend to prove, that the principle of the construction of the verti- cal arch was unknown at the time of their erection in all those countries ; and their erection is as evidently of the most remote antiquity, perhaps of the presumed era of Dasdalus, to whom some have assigned many of them, as well as the discovery of so much of the principle of the arch as is exhibited in the arrangement of the horizontal rings or layers in the Mycenaean monument. Neither could the mechanical powers have been unknown to their constructors. In the edifice which we have described, and which is thought by some to be the Treasury of Atreus, or the Tomb of bis son Agamemnon, mentioned by Pau- sanias as existing among the ruins of Mycenae in his time, the inner lintel of the doorway is 27 feet in length, 16 feet deep, and nearly 4 feet thick, weighing, it is computed, upwards of 130 tons ; and the lintel of the Gate of the Lions in the Acropolis of the same city, is, from its im- mense magnitude, also strongly illustrative of the great mechanical skill of the people of those times. As the treasury of Atreus at present exists, it exhibits nothing like an attempt at decoration, except that the doorway is, on the outside, sunk in two faces all round, as if to harmo- nize with some architectural composition ; and the inte- rior of the edifice may be supposed to have been lined, probably with plates of metal, like the tower of Acrisius, as bronze nails for attaching them to the vault still re- main. Some sculptured fragments of marble which have been found among the ruins of the fallen parts and the rubbish which chokes up the entrance, together with in- dications on the external front of the edifice that it was cased, have led to an ingenious attempt at restoration, upon the supposition that the fragments were parts of a frontispiece. The fact that such frontispieces were some- times carved, and sometimes constructed, in connection with the entrances of excavated tombs and other spca in Egypt and Nubia, gives a degree of probability to the idea that it would not otherwise have ; for the fragments do not resemble the earliest existing specimens of Greek architectural forms; though indeed these latter maybe traced to Persepolis, and Ibrim in Nubia, according to several ingenious antiquaries and architects. In curious accordance with this Mycenaean structure is the ancient monument at New Grange, near Drogheda, in Ireland. Ruder in every respect than the former, in form, con- struction, and mode of access, it bears such a striking similarity to it, that it is almost impossible to be supposed the effect of mere chance. The opinion of Mr Godfrey Higgins, that the Pelasgi, who peopled many of the coun tries on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, peopled Ireland also, appears to be supported by this coincidence between the so-called Treasury of Atreus, or Tomb of Agamemnon, in the Peloponnesus, and the monument at New Grange in Ireland. We know of no columnar edifice in Greece, or else- Plate I. V. where in the Grecian style, of earlier date than the ruin- Fig. 10. ed temple at Corinth, which is in the plainest and sim- 12 ARCHITECTURE. History, plest form of what lias been called the Doric Order, though it would he more correctly designated the Doric Style ; for the term Order is objectionable, because it sup- poses rules and limitations to what in its best times was subjected to neither. As, however, it is the term best understood, we shall not hesitate to continue it. It is dif- ficult, if not impossible, to ascertain where and in what manner the Doric order originated. The example we have referred to, though the earliest, does not differ in its lead- ing features and characteristics from the more perfect specimens of later date ; and it bears no direct and easy analogy to any species of columnar arrangement of other countries and earlier times. The story of Vitruvius, even supposing it rational, does not coincide with the Greek style of Doric at all, hut, if with any thing, with the Ro- man examples of it, which at the best are mean and in- elegant deteriorations of the simple and beautiful original. This author says that “ Dorus, the son of Hellenus and of the nymph Orseis, king of Achaia and of all the Pelopon- nesus, having formerly built a temple to Juno in the an- cient city of Argos, this temple was found by chance to be in that manner which we call Doric .” 1 In another place he deduces the arrangements of this same order from those of a primitive log-hut in the first place, through all the refinements of carpentry, leaving nothing to chance, but settling with the utmost precision what, in the latter, suggested the various parts of the former. Chance in one case, and experience in another, however, are not enough for this author ; but he also tells us that the Doric column was modelled by the Grecian colonists in Asia Minor, on the proportions of the male human figure, and was made six diameters in height, because a man was found to be six times the length of his foot; and that eventual improvements occasioned the column to be made one dia- meter more, or seven instead of six. “ Thus the Doric column was first adapted to edifices, having the propor- tions, strength, and beauty of the body of a man !” The earliest examples of this order, however, are those which least agree with the primitive forms and proportions of Vitruvius ; the columns at Corinth hardly exceed four diameters in height, while in later examples they gradu- ally extend, till, in the temple of Minerva on the promon- tory of Sunium, the columns are nearly six diameters, be- ing one of the tallest specimens of pure Greek origin ever executed. If the trunks of trees used in the structure of tents suggested the first idea of columns, and of the Doric in particular, as many contend, how is it that the earli- est specimens discovered are the most massive ? For the merest saplings would have formed the wooden proto- columns, and necessarily, when imitated in stone, they would not have been made more bulky than the less tena- cious nature of the material required; much less would the slender wooden architrave have been magnified into the ponderous entablature of the primitive permanent ar- chitectural structures of all nations. In the construction of edifices with the trunks of trees, and timber generally, then, we do not find the origin of Doric architecture. If we have recourse to Egypt, the mother of the arts and sciences, we shall indeed find many things even in the more ancient structures which may have furnished an idea of the Boric arrangements to the fertile imagination of a Greek. The later works of that country cannot be trust- ed for originality, as they may themselves have been in- fluenced by Greek examples ; but we hardly dare assert that the Doric order was suggested by any thing in Egyp- tian architecture, though in making such assertion we should be supported by the opinions of many competent judges. The temple at Amada in Nubia can hardly be History, positively assumed as an example of the proto-Doric, K ^''^~ though it may of the proto-columnar. Nevertheless, the^ at£ ' example is striking, as it certainly possesses the Doric character. The broad square abacus, and the cylindrical or even conoidal tendency of the shaft, marked as it is, as if for fluting, with the plain, simple, and massive epistyle or architrave superimposed, are all in accordance with the Hellenic columnar ordinance ; but still there is nothing to connect that rude model with the positive and some- what formally arranged example at Corinth with which we began. It must be remembered, however, that two connecting links between Egyptian and Greek architec- ture are lost ; Lower Egypt, with its splendid capital Memphis, and Phoenicia; through which latter the learn- ing and taste of the inhabitants of the former country ap- pear to have taken their course ; but of neither of these do we possess architectural remains that bear on the sub- ject in question. In the Pharaonic structures of Thebes we find both the tumescent and the cylindrical columns ; and an amalgamation and modification of the two would easily produce the Doric column, or something very much like it, which may have been executed in those places, and so transferred to Greece. Of the triglyphs, the most dis- tinguishing part of the Doric entablature, there are many indications in the early works of Upper Egypt ; and in the structures of the Ptolemies they are still more evident; though it may be objected that, in these, those indications were borrowed from the Greeks after the Macedonian con- quest. But it must be borne in mind that the Egyptian na- tion did not change its character, religion, or usages by the change of its governors ; and the Egyptians were, through the whole period of their existence as a nation, an origi- nating and not an imitative people ; whereas the Greeks seized on a beauty wherever they found one, and made it their own by improving it. The forms and arrangement, too, of many of the Greek mouldings, and the manner of carving to enrich them, are common in the earliest ornate works of the Egyptians ; and such things are as strong evidence of community of origin, as the existence of simi- lar words having the same meaning in different languages is of theirs. We may be asked, why the Greeks cannot be allowed to have originated that beautiful style of ar- chitecture which they brought to the perfection it displays in their works ? To which we think it a sufficient answer, that it would be against the common course of events if it were so. In Egypt we can trace a progress from the ruder to the more advanced, and, with trifling discrepancies, to the most perfect ; but in Greece, the earliest specimen of columnar architecture that presents itself displays almost all the qualities and perfections which are found in works of periods when learning and civility were at their acme in that country. We cannot find in Greece a stepping-stone from the Celtic or Pelasgic Gate of the Lions of Mycenae, to the Doric columns at Corinth, and hardly to the Fane of Minerva in the Acropolis of Athens ; and have therefore to seek the gradations among the people with whom we have seen they w r ere connected, and whose country furnishes them in a great measure, if not entirely. Differences in climate and in political constitution, as well as in forms of religion, account sufficiently for the differences between the arrangements of the religious structures of the Greeks and those of Egypt. At the present day we find, that though they may be built in the same style, and for the worship of the same divinity, there is a wide difference be- tween a church in Italy and a church in England, and a still greater between a church in the former country and 1 Vitruvius, lib. i. cap. i. ARCHITECTURE. 13 History, one in Scotland. The model, however, of the Greek temple is found in many places in Egypt, generally placed as a chapel or aedicula, subsidiary to, and in connection with, the larger structures, as well as in the earlier Nubian temples themselves. None other than the Doric style or order was used in Greece till after the Macedonian conquest, about which period that beautiful and graceful variety called the Ionic was brought into use. It is as difficult to determine its origin as that of the Doric. Vitruvius says that the Ionian colo- nists, on building a temple to Diana, wished to find some new manner that was beautiful ; and by the method which they had pursued with the Doric, proportioning the column after a man, they gave to this the delicacy of the female figure ; in the first place by making the diameter of the column one eighth of its height, then by putting a base to it in twisted cords, like the sandals of a woman, and putting volutes to the capital, like the hair which hangs on both sides of her face. To crown all, he says that they chan- nelled or fluted the column, to resemble the folds of female garments, by which it would appear that Vitruvius did not know that the Greeks never executed the Doric order without fluting the columns. “ Thus,” he goes on to say, “ they invented these two species of columns, imitating in the one the naked simplicity and dignity of a man, and in the other the delicacy and the ornaments of a woman.” It can hardly be doubted that the voluted or Ionic order did originate in Ionia, at least we know of no earlier ex- amples of it than those which exist there ; and it does not appear to have been known to the European Greeks, and certainly was not practised by them, till after the pe- riod rve have indicated. It probably took its rise from some peculiarities in Persian architecture ; though many believe that the Ionic order had a much earlier origin, de- riving it from Egypt, where, it is true, many indications are found of its volutes in the spiral enrichments of capi- tals ; but it must be observed that they are in edifices now ascertained to be of the age of the Ptolemies, and consequently later than the structures which exhibit the voluted order in Ionia and its islands. We think, too, that many persons are influenced in assigning a higher degree of antiquity to this style than facts will bear out, by their respect for the authority of Vitruvius ; though Mr Gwilt (his latest translator into English) confesses that “ upon his authority in matters of historical research not much reliance is to be placed.” 1 We are willing to admit that much may be adduced in support of the opinion, that this style was known and used in Greece even before the age of Pericles; specimens of it having been found in connection with sculpture, certainly less perfect, and there- fore presumed to be of earlier date, than the works of Phidias and his pupils and compeers. It is no less difficult to determine the origin of what is called the Corinthian order. The not inelegant tradi- tionary tale by Vitruvius of the invention of its capital, is the only reason of the name it bears. His account of the origin of this third species of columnar composition is more summary, and not less absurd, than that of the pre- ceding. He says that it was arranged “ to represent the delicacy of a young girl whose age renders her figure more pleasing and more susceptible of ornaments which may enhance her natural beauty.” With much more reason might the Doric be called the Corinthian order ; for, as we have stated, at Corinth there exists the oldest example of that style ; whereas there is nothing, either in ruins or authentic record, to prove that the latter was ever known in that city. Columns with foliated capitals are not of very early date in Greece ; earlier exist in Asia History. Minor, and foliage adorns the capitals of columns in some'^^^ of the Pharaonic monuments of Egypt ; not arranged, indeed, as in the later Corinthian capital, which by pos- sibility may have been the result of some such accident as Vitruvius relates of Callimachus and the basket on the grave of the Corinthian virgin. The interior of the temple of Apollo Didymaeus at Miletus in Ionia exhibits the earliest example of the acanthus leaf arranged round the drum of a capital in a single row, surmounted by the favourite honeysuckle ; but that edifice was constructed about a century before Callimachus is understood to have lived. The only perfect columnar example in Greece it- Plate LX. self of this species of foliated capital is of later date than, Pigs. I, -j, and is a great improvement on, that of Miletus ; it is the & 3 * beautiful little structure called the Choragic monument of Lysicrates at Athens. Specimens are less uncommon in Greece of square or antse capitals, enriched with foli- age, than of circular or columnar capitals ; but they are almost invariably found to have belonged to the interior of buildings, and not to have been used externally. In considering Greek architecture, it is necessary to bear in mind that it ceases almost immediately after the subjec- tion of Greece to the Roman power ; for there are many edifices in that country in the style of columnar arrange- ment of which we are now speaking besides those re- ferred to, but they belong to Roman and not to Greek architecture. The earliest of them perhaps, and certainly the least influenced by Roman taste, is the structure called the Tower of the Winds, or of Andronicus Cyrrhestes, at Athens. A spurious example of Greek Doric, evidently executed under the Roman domination, may be referred to here ; it is that of the Agora, or Doric portico, as it is sometimes distinguished, in the same city. Besides the three species of columnar arrangement we have enumerated, the Greeks employed another in which statues of women occupied the place of columns. The reason of this too Vitruvius furnishes in a story which is, as usual, totally unsupported by history or analogy; but the consequence of it is, that such figures are called Caryatides ; and the arrangement has been called by some the Caryatic order. The use of representations of the human and other figures with or instead of columns is, however, common in the structures of Egypt and In- dia ; and to the former the Greeks were doubtless indebt- ed for the idea, though they appear to have restricted its application to human female figures. Mr Gwilt in- fers, from various facts connected with the worship of Diana Caryatis, “ that the statues called Caryatides were originally applied to or used about the temples of Diana ; and instead of representing captives or persons in a state of ignominy (as the Vitruvian story goes), were in fact nothing more than the figures of the virgins who celebrat- ed the worship of that goddess.” 2 The only architectural works of the Greeks that re- main to us of any consequence, besides temples, pro- pylaea, and Choragic monuments, are theati'es ; but these latter do not retain any thing connected with architec- tural decoration to make them interesting, except to the architect and antiquary. They are generally situated on the side of a hill, and were rather excavated or carved out in the earth or rock, than built ; except the prosce- nium and parascenium, which being at the lower part, in front, and requiring elevation, must of necessity be built ; but very little of the constructed portions in any case ex- ists. It does not appear that the theatres afforded any provision for sheltering the spectators, or indeed the ac- Gwilt’s Chamben’t Civil Architecture, p. 30. 2 Ibid. p. 57- 14 ARCHITECTURE. History, tors, from rain, except perhaps a covered cyrtostylar co- lonnade within the upper boundary wall, which, even when it existed, was of necessity very narrow and small for so large a number of people as were generally assembled ; for the theatres were calculated to hold from five to fifteen and even twenty thousand persons. This, to say the least ofit, must have subjected the public to great inconve- niences, even in so fine a climate as that of Greece; for they were unsheltered from the sun at all times, and effec- tually debarred of a favourite amusement in wet weather. No remains exist of the domestic structures of the Greeks ; and we are too well aware, from the example of others, of the futility of following mere descriptions on the subject, to attempt it here ; especially as the most ex- plicit are those of Vitruvius, whom we know to have been ignorant of the arrangement of Greek temples, by those of them which exist, and may therefore reasonably sus- pect of ignorance with regard to things of which we have no remains. It may be taken for granted that the houses of the Greeks were less extensive than those of the Romans, as they were a poorer and less luxurious peo- ple ; and we shall be able to determine those of the lat- ter nation with great exactitude, from the actual remains of Roman towns and country mansions. The exquisite beauty of form and decoration which pervades every ar- ticle of Greek origin, whether coins, medallions, vases, implements of war or husbandry, or even the meanest ar- ticle of domestic or personal use of which we have speci- mens or representations, is evidence of the fine taste with which the mansions of the Greeks were furnished. How- ever, ignorance of the use of the arch, inferior carpentry, the absence of glass, and ignorance of the use of chimneys, were disadvantages which the Greeks laboured under in the construction and convenient arrangement of their houses, that no degree of taste and elegance could completely countervail. In the construction of their edifices, the Greeks sel- dom, if ever, had recourse to foreign materials ; the stone used in their temples being almost invariably from the nearest convenient quarries, which supplied it of suffi- ciently good quality. The structures of Athens are built of marble from the quarries of Pentelicus, and those of Agrigentum of a fossil conglomerate which the place it- self furnishes. Invention We have taken it for granted that the Greeks were ig- of the arch.norant of the properties of the arch, having too high an opinion of their good sense to think that they could be acquainted witb so admirable and useful an expedient, and never use it; and no instance of its adaptation occurs in the construction of Greek edifices before the connection of Greece with Rome took place. Whether its invention should be referred to Italy or not is another question. If the great sewer at Rome called the Cloaca Maxima was constructed in the time of Tarquinius Priscus, it must be conceded that the properties of the arch were known and practised in that country at an earlier period than we know the principle to have been understood and applied elsewhere ; for neither Egypt nor Greece, nor any of the Grecian colonies, can furnish evidence that it was known to either Egyptians or Grecians till a long time after the period referred to, and when it may have been communi- cated from Italy. But it is contended that the Cloaca Maxima, as it now exists, is a work of much more recent date, and that it may have succeeded the sewer con- structed by the first Tarquinius, who was moreover himself a Greek. If the first part of the objection be correct, the evidence in favour of Italy is destroyed, as far as that work is concerned ; the second is fallacious, because it is History, not necessary that the monarch should have brought the v -^ v ^ w “ knowledge with him ; though indeed he might have ac- quired it in Etruria, or it might have existed in Rome be- fore his arrival there. Most writers on the subject are of opinion that the principle of the arch was not known, in Europe at least, nor to the nations of Western Asia and Africa, till after the Macedonian conquest, about which time it may have been invented, or acquired from some of the eastern nations who were visited by the conque- rors. To these suggestions the objections hold that the arch was not applied in Egypt in the architectural works which remain of the Ptolemies, nor is it found in the Per- sian and Indian monuments which date beyond that pe- riod. The author of the Munimenta Antiqua , after a comprehensive review of all the authorities and examples on tlie subject, gives it as his own opinion that “ Sicily was the country where this noble kind of ornament first appeared, and that Archimedes was the inventor of it.” 1 The evidence appears, we think, generally stronger in fa- vour of its Italian origin ; but to whomsoever the inven- tion may be attributed, and whensoever it was made, the Romans were the first to make extensive practical use of it ; and by means of it they succeeded in doing what their predecessors in civilization never effected. It enabled them to carry permanent and secure roads across wide and rapid rivers, and to make a comparatively frail and fragile material, such as brick, more extensively useful than the finest marbles were in the hands of the Greeks without that principle. To the Greeks, however, the Ro- mans were indebted for their knowledge of the more po- lished forms of columnar architecture ; for, before the conquest of Greece, the structures of Rome appear to have been rude and inelegant. The few specimens of architecture which exist of date anterior to that period evidently resemble the works of the ancient Etrurians, who, though they had made considerable advances on the architecture of their Pelasgic ancestors, were far in- ferior in taste and refinement to the Greeks ; yet it is to that people we are inclined to attribute the invention of the arch, from whom the Romans acquired their know- ledge of its use, and that degree of civilization which they possessed before the epoch referred to. It may be presumed that the Etrurians had also originated the style of columnar architecture which Vitruvius describes and calls Tuscan; but as no example of it exists, at least no- thing that answers his description ofit, we cannot tell posi- tively what it really was ; for, as we have before remarked, descriptions without a model, of architecture particularly, are quite unintelligible, as far as understanding a new style goes. Whatever then was the style of architecture in Rome before the conquest of Greece, it was either ex- ploded by the superior merit and beauty of what the Ro- mans found in that country, or combined with it, though frequently the combination tended to destroy the beauty of both. In the porticoes of the temple of Antoninus and Faustina, and of the Pantheon, at Rome, the chaste sim- plicity of a Greek columnar composition is preserved ; and in the magnificent dome of the latter edifice, and in the long extended aqueduct, it is fully equalled. But the triumphal arch of the Romans, a hybrid composed of co- lumns and arches, is devoid alike of simplicity and har- mony, indeed of every quality which constitutes beauty in architecture. In the transference of Greek columnar architecture to Rnman Rome, a great change was effected, independently of those combinations. The less refined taste of the Romans 1 Munim. Antiq. by Edward King, Esq. F-R. S. and S.A. vol. li. p. 2G8. ARCHITECTURE. History, could not appreciate the simple grandeur and dignified ''""’V'"'' beauty of the Doric, as it existed in Greece. They appear to have moulded it on what we suppose their own Tuscan to have been ; and the result was the mean and characterless ordinance exemplified in the lowest story of the theatre of Marcellus at Rome, and in the temple at Cora, between 30 and 40 miles south of that city. Not less inferior to the Athenian examples of the Ionic order, than the Doric of Cora is to the Doric of Athens, are the mean and taste- less deteriorations of them in the Roman temples of Manly Fortune and Concord. It was different, however, with the foliated Corinthian, which became to the Romans what the Doric had been to the Greeks — their national style. But though they borrowed the style, they did not copy the Greek examples of it. In Rome the Corinthian order assumed a new and not less beautiful form and character, and was varied to a wonderful extent, but with- out losing its original and distinctive features. The ex- ample of the temple of Vesta at Tivoli hardly differs less from that of the temple of Jupiter Stator in Rome, than the latter does from the ordinance of the Choragic monu- ment of Lysicrates at Athens ; and all three are among the most beautiful examples of the Corinthian order in exist- ence — if indeed they are not pre-eminently so — and yet they do not possess a single proportion in common. It must be confessed, moreover, that if the Romans had not good taste enough to admire the Doric and Ionic models of Greece, they had too much to be fond of their own, for they seldom used them. Both at home and abroad, in all their conquests and colonies, wherever they built, they employed the Corinthian order. Corinthian edifices were raised in Iberia and in Gaul, in Istria and in Greece, in Syria and in Egypt; and to the present day Nismes, 1 Pola, Athens, Palmyra, and the banks of the Nile, alike attest the fondness of the Romans for that peculiar style. We cannot agree with the generally received opinion, that Greek architects were employed by the Romans after the connection between the two countries took place ; for the difference between the Greek and Roman styles of archi- tecture is not merely in the preference given to one over another peculiar mode of columnar arrangement and com- position, but a different taste pervades even the details: though the mouldings are the same, they differ more in spirit and character than do those of Greece and Egypt, which certainly would no.t have been the case if Roman architecture had been the work of Greek architects. In- deed, were it not for historical evidence, which cannot absolutely be refuted, an examination and comparison of the architectural monuments of the two countries would lead an architect to the conclusion, that the Corinthian order had its origin in Italy, and that the almost solitary perfect example of it in Greece was the result of an acci- dental communication with thatcountry, modified by Greek taste ; or that the foliated style was common to both, with- out either being indebted to the other for it. The Ro- mans conquered Egypt as well as Greece, but we do not find that they adopted any of the peculiarities of Egyptian architecture. They carried away indeed the obelisks and many of the sculptures of Egypt, as trophies of their con- quests or as ornaments of their city ; but they neither made obelisks nor constructed temples to Egyptian divinities in 15 the Egyptian style. If, however, Greek architects were History, employed by the Romans, they must have made their taste and mode of design conform to those of their con- querors much more readily than we can imagine they would as the civilized slaves of barbarian masters; and it is too clear to be disputed, that the Roman architecture is a style essentially distinct from the Greek. This is elucidated by the fact that many of the minor works of sculpture in connection with architecture, such as candela- bra, vases, and various articles of household furniture dis- covered at the villa of Adrianus, near Rome, and at Her- culaneum and Pompeii, are fashioned and ornamented in the Greek style, while others are as decidedly Roman in those particulars ; rendering it evident that such things were either imported from Greece, or that Greek artists and artisans were employed in Italy, who retained their own national taste and modes of design. It is probable, nevertheless, that both the architects and artists, natives of Rome, qualified their own less elegant productions by reference to Greek models ; but that the Romans derived their architecture entirely from the Greeks, may certainly be disputed. Half the extent and magnificence of the architectural works of the Romans is attributable to their knowledge and use of the arch, which enabled them, as we have already intimated, to make small parallelopipedons of burnt earth more extensively applicable to useful purposes than any other material could be, from the greater cost of provid- ing and preparing it; whereas brick can, in almost every place, be made on the spot in which it is wanted. There is a very false notion abroad as to the richness of the ma- terials used for building in Rome, induced by the inflated accounts of travellers and poets, who attempt to disguise their ignorance, or their want of knowledge and taste, by raving of Vitruvian proportions, and marble temples, pa- laces, and baths. The truth is, that Rome was built, not of marble, nor even of stone, but of brick ; for in compari- son to the quantity of brick, it may be safely asserted that there is more stone in London than there was in imperial Rome. Almost all the structures of the Romans indeed were of brick— their aqueducts, their palaces, their villas, their baths, and their temples. Of the present remains, it is only a few columns and their entablatures that are of marble or granite, and two or three buildings of Traver- tine stone ; — all the rest are brick. The Colosseum, the Mausoleum of Adrian, the Cloaca Maxima, the Temple of Manly Fortune, and the ancient bridges on the Tiber, are of Travertine stone ; the remaining columns of the more splendid temples, the internal columns and theiraccessories of the Pantheon, the exterior of the imperial arches, and the cenotaphial columns of Trajanus and Antoninus, are of marble : but the Imperial Mount of the Palatine, which holds the ruins of the Palace of the Caesars, is but one mass of brick ; the Pantheon, except its portico and in- ternal columns, &c. is of brick ; the Temples of Peace, of Venus and Rome, and of Minerva Medica, are of brick ; and so, for the most part, were the walls of others, though they may have been faced with marble or freestone. The Baths of Titus, of Caracalla, and of Diocletianus, are of brick; the city walls are of brick; so are the extensive remains of the splendid villa of Adrianus near Rome ; 1 Bordeaux did. A century and a half ago there existed at Bordeaux very considerable remains of a most interesting Roman edifice, of which no authentic record is preserved hut a slight sketch by Perrault, the architect of the great front of the Louvre, who delineated it a few years before its destruction by the government, and who termed it one of the most magnificent and most entire of the Roman monuments then remaining in France. The editor of the new edition of Stuart’s Athens, speaking of this, says, “ on this occasion the reflection presents itself, that while the Turks are reprobated for appropriating the columns of ancient Athens, in their haste to raise a wall to defend their town from the predatory Albanians, here, in the vaunted age of Louis XIV. (in his kingdom and under his government, may be added) the finest production of ancient architecture in France was more recklessly demolished to make place for the fortifications of Bordeaux, deliberately constructed by Vauban ; and no architect, either of the city or government, has preserved for posterity the details of so noble a monument.” ( Antiquities of Athens, new edition, vol. iii. c. xi. p. 120.) ARCHITECTURE. JG History, the villa of Mecaenas at Tivoli ; the palaces of the Roman 'T'*"’' emperors and patricians at Baiae and in other parts of Italy ; and so, it may be said, are the remains of Hercu- laneum and Pompeii, for the houses in those cities are generally built of alternate double courses of brick, and courses of stone or lava. In most cases, at Rome and in the provinces, stucco formed the surface which received the decorations. From the above enumeration, it will ap- pear how much more variously the Romans built than any of their predecessors in civilization did. In Egypt we find no indications of edifices of real utility or convenience, nothing but temples and tombs, — and in Greece there is but a small addition to this list ; but in Rome are found specimens of almost every variety of structure that men in civilized communities require. Much of this also may be attributed to the knowledge they possessed of the properties of the arch, which may be considered among the most admirable and useful discoveries ever made in the practical applica- tions of mechanical science. It entered into the composi- tion of every structure, and made the rudest and cheapest material of more real value than the most costly. It not only superseded the use of long stone beams, but was constantly used in places where indeed joists of wood would have been much more convenient, giving support to the opinion that even the Romans were not skilled in the application of timber to their edifices ; though, on the contrary, it is difficult to understand how Rome could become subject to such a dreadful conflagration as that which occurred in the reign of Nero, if timber had not been employed in the ordinary houses of the city to a much greater extent than would appear from existing re- mains. The domestic structures of Herculaneum and Pom- peii were evidently never very susceptible of fire, from the small quantity of timber required in their construction ; and discoveries which are made from time to time, of por- tions of the ordinary houses of ancient Rome, under the pavements of the modern city, evince that they were very similar to them in almost every particular. The infrequency of stairs, and the meanness of those which exist, leading to upper apartments in the houses of those cities, leads to the belief that the Romans seldom built above the ground story, and that their skill in carpentry was not very great ; other- wise they would more frequently have had recourse to so easy and convenient a mode of extending room as upper stories offer. There are, however, other things which tend to prove that carpentry was well understood by the Ro- mans; and the most remarkable is the bridge that Trajan built over the Danube, the piers of which are said by Dion Cassius to have been 150 feet high and 170 feet apart. Now, whether the bridge itself consisted of a wooden plat- form, as there is much reason to believe, or was of stone arches, as the historian intimates, the skill which con- structed centring for the latter, or laid the platform from pier to pier in the former case, of that immense extent, was amazing; nevertheless, such skill in carpentry is not evinced by the remains of the civic and domestic struc- tures of the Romans, in which arching in all its varieties was used where carpentry would have been better. Of their joinery we know nothing; but it does not appear, from the last-quoted mode of ascertaining such things, to nave been much practised by them — mosaic pavements supplying the place of flooring, and stucco that of wain- scoting: the luxury of windows being unknown, their fittings were not required ; and doors, it would appear, were uncommon, except externally — the internal door- ways being most probably covered with something equi- valent to the quilted leather mats suspended from the lintel, which are used instead of swinging doors at the entrances of the churches in Italy at the present time. Although the Romans did not use marble to the extent that has been supposed, yet they were extremely luxurious History, in the use of costly stones. Marbles of every variety, "Y''— ' and from all parts, were used in Rome ; and columns were made of Egyptian and other granites, and porphyry. In Greece, and the Grecian colonies which were conquered by Rome, the edifices of the Romans might be distin- guished by the foreign marbles used in them, if the style of their execution were not sufficient otherwise to deter- mine them. The mingling of columnar and arcaded arrangements in the same composition appears to have been the grand cause of the deterioration of Roman architecture. It oc- casioned unequal and inordinately distended intercolum- niations and broken entablatures : these a vitiated taste repeated, where the necessity that had first occasioned them did not exist; and harmony and simplicity being thus destroyed, the practice of the science went on de- teriorating, till it was made to produce such monstrous combinations as the Palace of Diocletian at Spalatro, and the Temple of Pallas, or ruins of the Forum of Nerva in Rome, present. It was indeed a fall from the grandeur, harmony, and noble simplicity of the interior of the Pan- theon in its pristine state, to the hall or xystum of the baths of Diocletian, which now exists as the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, with its straggling columns and broken and imperfect entablature ; or from the temple of Jupiter Stator to that of Concord or the arch of Septi- mius Severus. Architecture was already extinct among the Romans when the seat of empire was transferred to Constantinople ; so that, however great was the extent and splendour of its edifices, we cannot suppose them to have possessed any of those qualities which give to the Parthenon at Athens, and to the interior of the Pantheon at Rome, the charm they possess ; unless the Greeks had recourse to the monuments of their own country, and used them as founts from which to draw matter for the composition of the edi- fices of their new capital. This, indeed, is possible, for there appears to have been, even in Rome, at and after the time of Constantine, a recurrence to the ancient sim- plicity, though, truly, without any of that beauty and elegance of form in the details, and of proportion in the general arrangement, which constitute half the merit of works of architecture. The change of religion which took place under Constantine led to the destruction or destitution of many of the noblest structures in Rome. The ancient Christian basilicas are for the most part con- structed of the ruins of the more ancient Pagan temples, baths, and mausoleums ; and in them a much greater degree of simplicity, and consequent beauty, pervades the colum- nar arrangements than existed perhaps in some of the previous combinations of the same materials. Frequently, however, the collocation of various parts was most unapt ; and gross inconsistencies were recurred to, to get rid of the difficulty of combining discordant fragments. Some- times it was necessary to make up with new, what was wanting of old materials, whose forms were rudely imi- tated. In those countries which received the Christian re- Gothic ligion from Rome, but which did not contain mines of or Pointed architectural material in temples, amphitheatres, and pa- laces, as Italy did, and indeed in the other parts of Italy ture ' itself which did not contain them as Rome did, churches were constructed in imitation of those of the metropolis of the Christian world. These, being the work of a semi- barbarous and unpolished people, were of necessity rude and clumsy. Hence arose the Gothic architecture of the middle ages, and not from any previously existing style of architecture among the northern nations who overran Italy and subverted the Roman power. The rude Celtic A R C H I T History, monuments were the only specimens of architecture they possessed, and the performance of their unhallowed rites appears to have been long transferred even from them to the groves, or it may be that the stone circles and temples themselves were called groves. This, however, is of but little consequence to our purpose. The fact is indisput- able, that nothing existed among those nations that could have given rise to the rude style of architecture referred to, which was indeed introduced to them by the Christian religion in the manner we have stated. It will be found in what are called the Saxon and Norman styles of this country, and to a greater or less extent in all the coun- tries of Europe in which the Romans had been masters, and particularly in those which adhered to the Roman communion in the great division of the churches. The general forms and modes of arrangement peculiar to Ro- man architecture may be traced throughout; in some specimens they are more, and in others less obvious, but the leading features are the same. This is more evident in Italy than elsewhere. In the early Roman basilicas and churches, some of which are of the Constantinian age, and which were constructed with the matter and in the man- ner related, the first divergencies occur ; in those which are later they are still greater, and distance of time and place appears still to have increased them, till what may be called a new style was formed, having peculiarities of its own, but yet more clearly deducible from its origin than Roman is from Greek or Greek from Egyptian. As might be expected, this style was not the same in all the countries which practised it; it was derived, in them all, from the same source as we have shown, but was mate- rially influenced by the habits, manners, and state of civi- lization in which the various nations were, and much too by their means of communication with Rome. This, with strict propriety, may be called Gothic architecture, as it was partly induced by the Gothic invasions of Italy, and was most generally practised by the nations to whom that term may with equal propriety be applied. It arose in the fourth century, and was subverted in the twelfth by the invention or introduction of the pointed arch, which marks a new era, and was destined to give birth to a new style in architecture. Where, when, and by whom it was invented or originated, has been more discussed and dis- puted than the discovery of the properties of the arch it- self. Some have contended that it was suggested by the intersections of semicircular arches, as they were employ- ed in ornamenting the fronts of edifices in the preceding style ; some, that groined arches of the same form gave the idea ; others have referred it to the interlacing of the branches of trees when planted in parallel rows, — to an imitation of wicker-work, — to a figure used on conventual seals, — to the principle of the pyramid, — to Noah’s Ark, — to chance. Its invention has been accorded to almost every nation, civilized and uncivilized. It has been claim- ed by Germans for Germany, by Frenchmen for France, by Scotsmen for Scotland, and by Englishmen for Eng- land. Italians have not directly laid claim to the honour for themselves, but it has been given them by others. Such a mass of conflicting opinions, almost all supported by some show of reason, and more or less by evidence, may be called a proof of the impossibility of determining the question, and therefore we shall not attempt it. There is one striking fact, however, which has been too much overlooked by many of the theorists in the discussion of the question ; it is, that the pointed arch made its appear- ance almost at the same moment of time in all the civi- lized countries of Europe. This is proved by the contro- versies of those who, more patriotically than philosophi- cally, claim its invention for their respective nations ; for none of them can produce genuine specimens of it before ECTURE. 17 a certain period, to which they can all reach. Now, if it History, had been invented in any of the European nations, that S ^"Y' W one would certainly have been able to show specimens of it of a date considerably anterior to some of the others ; for though it might by chance have been soon communi- cated to any one of them, the improbability is great that it would have reached them all, and have been adopted by all, to the subversion of their previously existing style of architecture, immediately. The infrequent and im- perfect modes of communication between the different countries of Europe at the period referred to, furnish an- other reason why it is not probable that a discovery of the kind should travel rapidly from one to another. Con- sidering these things, and particularly the fact of the al- most simultaneous introduction of the pointed arch to the various nations of Europe, as it appears by their monu- ments immediately after the first crusade, in which they all bore a part, connected with existing evidence that it was commonly used in the East at and anterior to that period, it seems to be the most rational theory, that a knowledge of it was acquired by the crusaders in the Holy Land, and brought home to their respective coun- tries by them. This, indeed, is the opinion of many of those who have written on the subject; and without con- tending that the evidence in its favour is quite conclu- sive, we think it more satisfactory than any other. In Europe there are found rude approaches to the pointed arch in some of the earlier Gothic structures; but we believe it may be safely asserted, that nothing can be indicated of a date beyond that of the first crusade, ap- proaching the simple but perfect lancet arch, which, it is not denied, came into use immediately after that pe- riod ; whereas tolerably well authenticated examples of it are found in the East, of sufficient antiquity to in- duce the opinion that it w r as at that time imported from thence. It is, moreover, indisputable that the Saracenic or Mahometan nations do use, and have used, the point- ed arch ; but they were never known to adopt any Eu- ropean custom or invention of any kind till very lately How then can they be supposed to have availed them- selves so readily as they must have done, if it be of Eu- ropean origin, of so unlikely a thing to attract a Mos- lem’s attention, as the peculiar form and structure of an arch ? and when and where in Europe had they an oppor- tunity of contemplating it till long after it is admitted to have been in common use among them ? With what na- tion of the East, and in what manner, the pointed arch ori- ginated, are points equally difficult to solve. We have not been able to discover that the properties of the arch were known to the Egyptians or the Greeks, and much less so were they to the Persians and Indians, till it may have been communicated from Italy ; but structures are found among those nations, in which chambers are domed, and apertures headed, in the form of a pointed arch, but produced by battering or corbelling over. It is not improbable, therefore, that such things being before the eyes of men, when the principles of the arch had been ac- quired, that form would be repeated upon it, and the re- sult would be the lancet arch, — the prototype, the germ of the style. The pointed arch, on its introduction into Eu- rope, does not appear to have been accompanied by its ordinary accessories in after-time ; its light clustered pil- lars — its mullions, foliations or featherings, and graceful tracery — these resulted from its adoption : so that whe- ther the arch itself was invented in Europe, or imported from the East, to the European nations must be assigned the credit of educing the beautiful style of architecture whose distinguishing feature it is. It may be doubted whether Venice was not the parent of the style, for very early specimens of the pointed arch 18 A R CHIT History, are certainly found there, in private houses as well as in '"•’'Y''"'' the basilica of St Mark. In the former they are gene- rally of the ogee or contrasted form, in windows formed by columns or mullions, with, in certain places, approaches to foliations and tracery; and in the basilica the lancet arch is not uncommon. The commercial connection of that city with the eastern nations may easily account for its presence there, even before the first crusade ; and Venice is known to have been one of the thoroughfares from the other parts of Europe to the Holy Land. But the peculiar mode of arrangement in the Venetian style does not ap- pear to have been adopted north of the Alps ; so that, however original it may be, it can hardly be considered the progenetrix of the school, or the model on which it was formed. Before proceeding further with this subject, it is neces- sary to determine by what name to call the style whose progress we have yet to contemplate. There would be no greater propriety in calling it Saracenic because its dis- tinctive feature originated in the East, even if that point were conceded, than in calling all architectural combina- tions which derive their character from the use of co- lumns in them by the name of the nation in whose works we find columns first used, and from whom the idea of them may have been acquired. Neither can it with any degree of fitness be called Gothic : that term, we have seen, applies to the style that preceded it, and was first given to the pointed-arch style opprobriously, during the offuscation of good taste that succeeded its subversion. In Italy it had never taken root, as in the countries north of the Alps — the ancient Roman monuments having con- tinued to influence the national architecture, it would ap- pear, throughout the middle ages ; for the ecclesiastical structures of that country, though rude, were never so rude as they were in other places, and a better style had so far formed itself before the introduction of the pointed arch, that it was hardly received there. Indeed, whatever edifices of merit Italy possesses in its manner, are, with hardly an exception, by German architects, few Italians having ever qualified themselves to practise it. When, therefore, what has been called “ the revival of architec- ture” took place in the fifteenth century, under Brunel- leschi and his successors, the rude structures of their own country, the precursors and contemporaries of our Saxon and Norman edifices, were called Gothic ; but the pointed style was always distinguished as the German manner, Maniera Tedesca. The disgrace of applying the oppro- brious term Gothic to it attaches itself to an Englishman, Sir Henry Wotton, who wrote on architecture early in the seventeenth century. It was continued by Evelyn, who ap- plied it more directly ; and the authority of Sir Christo- pher Wren finally settled its application. Its injustice is, Plate however, rendered very obvious, by comparing the front LXXIY. of Pisa cathedral, the best example, perhaps, of Gothic, or merely deteriorated Roman architecture, with that of York Minster, which holds an equal rank in the pointed style. The presence of the pointed arch, on the singular oriental-looking cupola of the former, shows it to be one of the latest edifices in its style, overtaken by that beftwe it was completely finished. Within the last half-century a better taste has been formed, in this country particu- larly, and has led to the appreciation of that, which is, in- deed, our national style ; and within that period many attempts have been made to explode the universally-de- cried, unjust, and totally irrelevant appellation, but with- out effect. Sir Christopher Wren himself attempted to change it to Saracenic, believing that not merely the arch, but the style generally, was borrowed from the Saracens. It was, however, too late — he had already used the other. Dr Stukely wished to call it Arabian. Some writers called ECTU R E. it Italian, others German, others Norman or French, History, others British, and many have contended for the exclu- ' sive term English ; and to this last the Society of Anti- quaries lent its influence, but with equal inefficiency, for the term Gothic still prevails. Mr Britton, than whom perhaps no man possesses an equal right to affix an appel- lation to the pointed-arch style, from the splendid services he has done it in the publication of his Cathedral and Ar- chitectural Antiquities, wishes to introduce a term which is not at all unlikely to succeed, as it is equally appro- priate and independent of national feeling and hypothetic origin. He calls it Christian architecture. This, as a generic term, would admit each nation possessing speci- mens of it to distinguish its own species or style ; and as the varieties of Hellenic architecture are known by the names of the tribes or nations who are presumed to have originated them — Dorian, Ionian, and Corinthian — so might Christian architecture be English or British, German, French, &c. for each has its peculiarities. These species would again individually admit of classification, according to the changes each underwent in the course of its career. One strong objection, however, in our view of the case, lies to Mr Britton’s distinctive appellation. It is, that “ Christian” applies as well, if not better, to the real Gothic style — that which arose on the extinction of Roman architecture, and was subverted by the introduction of the pointed arch, and which, indeed, owed its diffusion and progress, if not its origin, to the Christian religion. We are therefore still left to seek an appellation ; and, in the absence of a better, will use the term Pointed, which is not only distinctive, but descriptive ; and it has, too, the merit of being general, so that it may mark the genus, while the national species and their varieties may be dis- tinguished by their peculiarities as before. The Pointed Arch was a graft on the Gothic architec- ture of northern Europe, as the circular arch of the Ro- mans had been on the columnar ordinances of the Greeks ; but with a widely different result. The amalgamation in the latter case destroyed the beauty of both the stock and the scion ; while in the former the stock lent itself to the modifying influence of its parasitical nursling, gradu- ally gave up its heavy, dull, and cheerless forms, and was eventually lost in its beautiful offspring, as the unlovely caterpillar is in the gay and graceful butterfly. We have seen that architecture had its origin in reli- gious feelings and observances — that its noblest monu- ments among the pagan nations of antiquity were temples to the divinity — that the rude nations of the north in the middle ages devoted their energies, after their conversion to Christianity, to the construction of edifices for the worship of the Almighty ; and we find, again, that the most extensive and most splendid structures raised by the same people, when the light of learning had begun to shine upon them, and a new and more beautiful style of architecture was introduced, were dedicated to the same purpose. In addition, however, many, hardly less mag- nificent, and not less beautiful, were raised for the pur- poses of education, and became the nurseries of science and literature. Kings and nobles also employed architec- ture in the composition, arrangement, and decoration of their palaces and castles ; but still, for domestic purposes, its aid was hardly required beyond the carving grotesque ornaments on the wooden fronts of houses in towns. When the practice of building houses in stories com- menced cannot be correctly ascertained ; but it appears to have arisen during the middle ages. We frequently, in- deed, find an apparent equivalent for the term story used by the ancient writers, both sacred and profane ; but it must have reference to something else — some peculiarity of which we are not aw r are ; for none of the ancient re- A R C H I T History, mains, whether of public or private structures, give rea- son to believe that it was a common practice even among the Romans ; much less was it likely to be so among the eastern nations, with whom the practice is not very gene- ral, nor is it carried to great extent even at the present day. Indeed, without considerable proficiency in the art of construction, it is hardly practicable to build in stories with such slight materials as were used by the Romans in their domestic edifices; and their remains do not evince the requisite degree of proficiency. We find, however, in the oldest existing works of the middle ages, and par- ticularly in some of the secular structures of Venice which are among them, a degree of intelligence evinced in that respect far surpassing any thing in those of the ancients. Possibly the skill was principally acquired in that city from the necessity of making artificial foundations, in the first place, which in their turn exacted walls not unne- cessarily cumbrous ; and to make slight ones sufficiently strong, they must be skilfully bonded in themselves, and bound together, which could only be done by means of a material possessing considerable length and great fibrous tenacity — whence framed floors of timber. These, by their strength, their obvious utility and convenience, add- ed to the want of space which existed in a thriving and populous community on a very restricted spot of dry land, superinduced, in the second place, the building of additional stories, which would soon be imitated in other places. But in what manner soever the improvement took place, the fact is certain that the acquisition was made; and we find it applied in all the works of the Euro- pean nations, both ecclesiastical and civil, from the ninth and tenth centuries downwards. The combination of masonry and carpentry in building tended greatly to the advancement of both ; for, it being required at times to make them act independently of each other, additional science and art were necessary, as the proportions must be retained that were given to similar works in which they co-operated. Hence the wondrous skill evinced in the vaulted roofs and ceilings, in the towers and lofty spires, of some of our Pointed cathedrals for the one, and the splendid piece of construction in the roof of Westminster Hall for the other. To this point Sir William Chambers, who was no depredator of the merits of the Romans in architecture, says, “ In the constructive part of architec- ture the ancients do not seem to have been great profi- cients i” 1 then having referred many of what he calls the “ deformities observable in Grecian buildings” to want of skill in construction, he continues, “ neither were the Ro- mans much more skilful ; the precepts of Vitruvius and Pliny on that subject are imperfect, sometimes erroneous, and the strength or duration of their structures is more owing to the quantity and goodness of their materials than to any great art in putting them together. It is not, therefore, from any of the ancient works that much infor- mation can be obtained in that branch of the art. To those usually called Gothic architects we are indebted for the first considerable improvement in construction. There is a lightness in their works, an art and boldness of execu- tion, to which the ancients never arrived, and which the moderns comprehend and imitate with difficulty. Eng- land contains many magnificent specimens of this species of architecture, equally admirable for the art with which they are built, the taste and ingenuity with which they are composed.” To this Mr Gwilt, in his new edition of Sir William’s work, adds in a note, “ there is more construc- tive skill shown in Salisbury, and others of our cathedrals, than in all the works of the ancients put together.” E C T U II E. 19 Pointed architecture took root and grew with the great- History, est vigour in Germany and Great Britain, and in those provinces, principally, of France which were connected with England; but in this country its course is the most marked, and its advances are the most easily traceable. We find in various portions of the same edifice, according to the period of its construction, exemplifications of the style, from the ingrafting of the simple lancet arch on the Norman or Gothic piers in the time of Henry II. to the highly enriched groinings and ramified traceries of the age of Henry VII.; but the changes are so gradual, and are so finely blended, that the one in advance appears natu- rally to result from that which comes before it. Whether the nations of the Continent, then, borrowed from us, or were themselves originators, it is very clear that we did not borrow ; for our structures bear the strongest pos- sible marks of originality, as the advances can be traced from one thing to another on them ; and such is not so com- pletely the case with theirs. Moreover, the latest manner, and certainly not the least beautiful, the Corinthian order of Pointed architecture, is almost peculiar to this country. Neither Germany nor France can produce edifices in the style of St George’s Chapel at Windsor, King’s College Chapel at Cambridge, and Henry VII.’s Chapel at West- minster. The structures of Scotland in the Pointed style so much resemble those of England, that they must be considered of the same school ; Roslin Chapel is one of the few specimens which indicate a connection with the Continent. Ireland contains but few examples in any degree of perfection, and they are, of course, of the Eng- lish school. The German school was next in merit to the English in the practice of Pointed architecture. In the extent and magnificence of its attempts, perhaps, that country excelled ; but few of the great structures in Ger- many were ever completed. In regularity, however, they have generally an advantage over those of England, being mostly in the same manner throughout, as far as they were carried ; whereas few of the greater edifices of this country were begun and completed without considerable variations in the style. But the Germans were never so successful in the splendour and beauty of their interiors as the English ; indeed in that particular our Pointed struc- tures are strikingly superior to every other ; nor is their ornament generally so effective as ours. The Flemish style of Pointed architecture is hardly a variety of the German, but may be classed with it through the whole course of its history. Italy, we have said, possesses but few structures in the Pointed style, and they are for the most part the work of German architects, which their appearance indeed bespeaks. Milan cathedral, or “ the Duomo,” as it is called, is the most renowned edifice in the style that Italy contains; but it has few beauties in the eyes of those who are accustomed to the models of Great Britain, Normandy, and Germany. The Patri- archal Church of St Mark at Venice is a genus per se. It was constructed by a Constantinopolitan architect in the ninth or tenth century, and may be a specimen of the ar- chitecture of the Byzantine capital at that time. The few examples in Sicily of the pointed arch may be attributed to the Norman conquerors of that island; and so indeed may most of those which are found in the continental part of the same kingdom. Although France contains many fine specimens of Pointed architecture, it can hardly be considered indigenous to that country. On the Ger- man frontier they resemble the German style; and in the provinces which were formerly connected with England they are different, and more like the English styles : cer- 1 Gwilt’s Chambers's Civ. Arch. p. 128. 20 ARCHITECTURE. History, tain it is, that after their connection with this country was broken off, its practice fell into disuse, and nothing of consequence in it was posteriorly produced in any of them. This fact is an argument against the presumption that England was indebted to Normandy and Norman architects for its improvements in Pointed architecture ; it tends rather to prove the opposite. It must be con- fessed, moreover, that there is an air of cumbrous mas- siveness in the Pointed style of Normandy which renders it peculiar, and perhaps marks its more close relationship with the earlier Norman Gothic. Like the German examples, too, those of France are generally inferior in in- ternal richness and beauty to those of England. Pointed architecture in Spain never acquired that degree of con- sistency and elegance which might justify us in speaking of the Spanish specimens of it as forming a style. The edifices in Spain of the ages of Pointed architecture are more in accordance with the Moorish than with the Euro- pean manner, and may perhaps be more correctly con- sidered as an off-shoot of the former than of the latter. Though not in the Pointed style, the Moorish or Saracenic structures in Spain may be referred to here. They are in a very peculiar manner, which, it would appear, their authors brought with them from the East. Probably it grew out of some of the earlier styles of architecture, as the Gothic and Pointed did out of the Roman, and was not the result of design. The really distinctive feature of the Saracenic style is the horse-shoe arch, which is the greater segment of an ellipsis, nearly, on a conjugate chord. The columns from which the arches are sprung are slender, and the superincumbent masses are broad and heavy, giving an air of the intermingling of Chinese and Egyp- tian, both of which this style may be said to assimilate. The enrichments of Saracenic architecture are very much confined to flat surfaces, the walls being sculptured all over with monotonous ornaments, which produce an effect verv similar to that produced by the hieroglyphics on the flat surfaces of the Egyptian temples, and possibly were derived from them. The most distinguished monument of this style in Spain is the Alhamra at Granada. The most distinguished specimen of Pointed architecture in Portugal is the church of the convent of Batalha, which was constructed by an Irish architect, who appears to have modified the style of his own country (the English), by the manner of the country itself, which is nearly that of Spain. What the expansive dome is to Roman architecture, the graceful spire is to Pointed. Bell-towers appear to have been added to Christian churches at a very early period ; but it is much to be doubted whether the pyramidal pin- nacle or spire was ever used before the introduction of the pointed arch, though one or two doubtful examples exist. These, certainly the earliest specimens of it, are simple cones, whose vertical bisection would be nearly an equilateral triangle : the angle at the apex was gradually made less, and as it diminished the altitude was increased, till at length resulted an object even more beautiful than an Egyptian obelisk, which would of itself indeed be a sufficient warranty for the appellation we have given to the style that it crowns. The spire was at first round, solid, and unornamented; it then became polygonal, and finally octagonal, though there are examples of square spires. They were sometimes plainly ribbed, sometimes crocket- ed, and in some instances were pierced ; and were almost invariably surmounted by a rich finial in the style of or- nament peculiar to the time of its execution. In some cases the whole structure was a pyramis or spire, and in others the spire rested on a rectangular and upright tower. The Rev. W. L. Bowles has suggested that the spire was at first built on the bell-tower as a beacon or land-mark for the guidance of the traveller and the distant parish- History ioner ; and adduces as evidence, the fact, that in the hilly parts of England spires are hardly to be found except, in modern churches. The old village church on a hill has a plain square tower, merely consisting of about two cubes, which can be seen at the greatest distance the nature of the country will allow any object to be distinguished ; whereas in the level parts of the country, where a low tower would be lost amidst the foliage of its own church- yard, and be completely indistinguishable at a very short distance, spires are their almost invariable accompani- ment. It may be added, that the tapering spire is almost unknown in Italy and France, except Normandy ; and in no part of the Continent is it so common as in this coun- try. We have already given our reasons for thinking that the pointed arch originated in the East ; but whether it did or did not, it has been very extensively used in various parts of Asia, and nowhere in more sumptuous edifices, or to such effect, as by the Mohammedan conquerors of India in various parts of that country. The opening of the Italian school of architecture on Italian the resuscitated dogmas of Vitruvius was the signal for school of the extinction of that of the beautiful Pointed style. For- arcll * tec * tunately, however, its effects were a full century in reach- ture ' ing this country, and during that period many of our most elegant structures came into being; and many of those of earlier date which had been commenced before, or during the wars of the Roses, and left unfinished, were completed. The first indication we have of the pre- sence of the Cinquecentist , the real Goth, is in the tomb of Henry VII., which was executed by Torregiano, an Italian artist, who, it would appear, was obliged to have some respect to the style of the edifice in which his work was to rest ; but his preconceived ideas of propriety and beauty were too strong to allow him to omit the cha- racteristics of his school, and the result is a strange mix- ture of both. From that time the Pointed style was rapidly deteriorated, being overborne by the devices of Italy. On the Continent the latter were already predo- minant, for during the whole of the fifteenth century the current had been setting from Italy over every part of Europe which received its religion from Rome ; and this country was only the last to be overwhelmed by it. Be- fore quitting the part of the subject having reference to our national style of architecture, it may be well to con- trovert the absurd but too prevalent idea, that we are in- debted to foreigners, and particularly Italians, for the ex- cellence of our ancient works. After what has been al- ready said, perhaps it may be unnecessary to do so here, seeing that we have described our specimens of the Point- ed style as being not only fully equal in composition, con- struction, and execution to those of any other country, but that they are absolutely in a different manner, having peculiarities which no other nation has ever equalled in beauty and elegance. But, to put the case in a clear point of view : If foreigners were employed to design and ex- ecute for us, it is not less strange that they should sur- pass their own works at home, than that they should make inventions and improvements for us (or let them be call- ed mere variations) which were not in turn executed in their own countries. We know very well that works of architecture and sculpture which have been executed by foreigners in this country, since the explosion of Pointed architecture, are in the style of Italy or France, and not according to the manner prevalent in this country at the time of their execution. Moreover, for one whole cen- tury this nation alone adhered to the Pointed style, dur- ing which works were produced, that, for originality, exu- berance of fancy, and beauty, spirit, and excellence of ex- ARCHITECTURE. History, ecution, have been seldom equalled and never surpassed ; feet this? Did they examine and study the remains of History, while all the architects, artists, and workmen of the Con- antiquity in Greece and Rome, in Italy and elsewhere ? tinent were rendered totally unable to assist us by the No ! they referred to the writings of an obscure Latin change which had taken place in their practice. If this author, who professed to give the principles and practice required proof, it is proved in the case of Torregiano of architecture among the Greeks and Romans, but paid just referred to, who sculptured Henry VII.’s tomb, and no more attention to the existing architectural works of in that of Hans Holbein, who designed architectural works those nations than if they had never been, although one for us in the classical manner ; and if the Torregianos could hardly walk the streets of any of the old cities in and Holbeins had been employed during the 15th century, the south of Italy without seeing Roman edifices, whilst would they not have done the same ? Rome and its vicinity was, as it still is, full of them. All If the architecture of Italy never fell away so much the use, however, that these self-called “ restorers” of from the more classic style of Imperial Rome as that of architecture made of the works of the ancients, was to use the northern nations did, neither did that country ever them as lay-figures, or frame-work, to model on, according possess that more than equivalent, whose splendid course to the proportions and directions given by Vitruvius ; and we have last noticed. Whilst the Pointed style was al- the effect was formality and mannerism in those who ad- most exclusively known and practised in Germany, France, hered to the dogmas of the school, and wild grotesqueness and the British Islands, the Italians were gradually im- in those who allowed themselves to wander from them, proving on their Gothic style ; yet the improvement was whilst simplicity, and its consequence good taste, were more evinced in their secular than in their ecclesiastical effectually banished from the works of them all. structures. Florence, Bologna, Ferrara, Venice, and many It will be necessary here, perhaps, before we advance other cities of Italy, contain palaces and mansions of the further in our remarks on the Italian school, to disabuse twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, which for the public mind as to the merit of the works of Vitruvius, simplicity and classical beauty far excel most of those in whose anilities have so long passed for authorities, that a the same and other places of the three subsecutive cen- writer would be suspected of prejudice who spoke of them turies. The contemporary churches, however, do not ex- slightingly without adducing reason and evidence to prove hibit the same degree of improvement, forming, as it were, them valueless ; except, indeed, as records of the architec- an anomaly in the history of architecture ; a change in it tural practice, and the opinions and acquirements of an ar- being first developed in secular structures, and then ap- chitect of a distant age. It is of very little consequence plied to those devoted to the worship of the divinity ; for that Vitruvius is only known by his own writings, but that many of the churches of the fifteenth century are in this, mention of him by a contemporary or other ancient author which may be called the early Italian style, or Trecento, as would probably determine the age in which he lived, that which followed it is known as the Cinquecento d Cir- From several things he mentions, and his inscription or cular arches, and plain continuous horizontal cornices, and dedication to the “ Imperator Caesar,” it has been con- pilasters but slightly projected, with simple but generally eluded that he lived in the time of Augustus ; but certain- tasteful and elegant enrichments of foliage and carved ly without sufficient reason ; for if the man he speaks of mouldings, are the most striking characteristics of the Tre- as the son of Masinissa had been the son of the celebrat- cento ; but columns, and the arrangements depending on ed Numidian of that name, in the course of nature neither them, except as collocated with pilasters, are very infre- he nor Vitruvius could have lived to the time of Augustus, quent in it. In various parts of Italy, and particularly in But he addresses an emperor who succeeded his father Venice and some of the Venetian cities, this style pro- an emperor, and speaks of a temple of Augustus; so that duced many of its best works, both secular and ecclesias- he must have been a contemporary of some period of the tical, even during the fifteenth century ; but it gradually empire. If that period had been the Augustan, he would gave way to, though in some instances its influence may doubtlessly have made some reference to some of the be traced even when it had been overborne by, the new many distinguished men of that age, or have been refer- style. red to by some of them if he had himself been at all The first step taken towards the reformation of archi- known or distinguished as his admirers insist he was; lecture was by Filippo Brunelleschi, a Florentine archi- neither of which is the case; and, moreover, his language tect, who was employed to finish the cathedral or duomo is not that of an educated man of the Augustan age. of his native city early in the 15th century ; a work which This, however, does not affect the merit of his work as had been commenced more than a century before on the a treatise on architecture ; but his fables about the ori- design of Arnolpho, a Florentine also, but which still re- gin of building, the invention of the orders, and the ar- quired the cupola when its completion was intrusted to rangements which grew out of certain modes of construc- Brunelleschi. The edifice is in the Italian Gothic style, tion, do so ; by proving his total ignorance not only of slightly modified by what we have termed the Trecento , the architectural works of the more ancient eastern na- which his superior taste and talent induced him to at- tions, but of those of Greece itself, which he professes to tempt to supersede, and bring the world back to the clas- describe. Now his classical taste, in consequence of his sic style of ancient Rome. The construction of the cupola knowledge of antiquity, is vaunted by Perrault, one of gained him great reputation and the confidence of the pub- his commentators, and given by him as a reason why Vi- lic, which he employed to advance his favourite scheme, truvius was not much employed by the whimsical Romans To use the words of an Italian writer on the subject, in tbeir love of variety, to which he would not administer. “ On the example of so wise and skilled a man, other How far his knowledge of antiquity, that is, according to architects afterwards devoted themselves to free architec- himself, of the works of the Greeks, extended, may be ture of the monstrosities introduced by barbarism and ex- readily determined by comparing the designs of Greek cessive license, and to restore it to its primitive simplicity structures, made by Perrault and others, according to and dignity.” * 2 But to what did they have recourse to ef- the directions of Vitruvius, with the Greek structures Cinquecento means literally five hundred , but it is used as a contraction for fifteen hundred, or rather for one thousand five hundred , by the omission of mille , the century in which the revival of architecture, of which we are about to speak, took place ; and the manner consequent is so designated. Trecento would be three hundred, or the third , for the thirteenth century. 2 I.e Fab. e i Disegni. di A. Palladio da O. B. Scamozzi, tomo i. p. 4. 22 ARC H I T History, themselves as they exist at the present time, and are faithfully delineated in various modern works, but espe- cially in Stuart and Revett’s Antiquities of Athens. It is indeed not less strange than true, that not a single ex- ample of Greek architecture will bear out a single rule which Vitruvius prescribes, professedly on its authority ; and not an existing edifice, or fragment of an edifice, in form or proportion, is in perfect accordance with any law of that author, nor indeed are they generally referable to the principles he lays down. Examples might be cited almost to infinity in support of this statement, and to prove the inutility of a work consisting of mere descrip- tions without delineations, even if it were otherwise cor- rect. The latter may certainly be supplied from the an- cient remains when they exist ; but to a man in posses- sion of the specimens, descriptions and directions for their composition are quite unnecessary. Even Sir Wil- liam Chambers, a distinguished disciple of the Italian or Vitruvian school, speaks very lightly of the advantage to be gained from the study of the Vitruvian principles of construction ; and Mr Gwilt, in the introductory treatises to and notes on Sir William Chambers’s work, has done much to undermine the authority, by exposing the absur- dities and fallacies of the Magnus Apollo of pseudo-classi- cal architecture. A student would acquire as correct a knowledge of history and geography from the Seven Champions of Christendom and Gulliver’s Travels, as of architecture from the text of Vitruvius 1 The adoption of the Vitruvian laws by the Italian archi- tects of the 15th century led to the formation of the “ Five Orders.” It will have been observed that, in speaking of the course of Greek and Roman architecture, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles were mentioned. Vitruvius describes, in addition to these, another, which he calls Tuscan — possibly a style of columnar arrange- ment peculiar to Italy, and most likely of Etrurian ori- gin ; but, in the absence of delineations, the Cinquecentists could only apply the proportions he laid down for it, to what appeared to approximate them in the ancient re- mains ; and hence arose a fourth, or “ the Tuscan Order.” It is, however, a mere modification of the Roman debase- ment of the Doric, and may be considered, in its present form, as of purely modern Italian origin. The same “ Revivers,” on looking among the ruins of ancient Rome for the forms of their Vitruvian orders, found specimens of a foliated ordinance, which the bad taste of the Ro- mans had compounded of the foliated and voluted styles of the Greeks. This was seized upon as a fifth style, sub- jected to certain rules and proportions, and called “ the Composite Order.” The very poor Roman specimens of Doric and Ionic fitted themselves without much difficulty to the Vitruvian laws ; but the examples Rome afforded of the Corinthian were less tractable, and being as various as they are generally beautiful, they were all passed over, and their places supplied by a mere changeling — an epitome of the Vitruvian theory. Thus we have the “ Five Orders” of the Italo-Vitruvian school, and in this manner they are arranged: First, the Tuscan, of which there is no re- cognised example of antiquity, but which owes its form to the descriptions of Vitruvius and the fancies of the re- vivers ; second, the Doric, a poor and tasteless arrangement of the general features of the style on a Roman model ; third, the Ionic, which is almost as great a debasement of the Grecian originals, and was produced in the same manner as the last-mentioned ; fourth, the Corinthian, a something totally unlike the ancient examples of both Greece and Rome in beauty and spirit ; and , fifth, the Composite, an inelegant variety of the Corinthian, or a hybrid mixture of the horned or angular-ionic volutes, with a deep necking of the foliage of the preceding order. £ C T U 11 E. The first to publish this system was Leon Battista Al- History, berti, a pupil of Brunelleschi. He has been followed by v ~^"'v^v- many others, the most distinguished of whom are, Pal- ladio, Vignola, Scamozzi, Serlio, and De Lorme, archi- tects ; and Barbaro, a Venetian prelate, and an esteemed translator of, and commentator on, Vitruvius. None of these, it must be understood, agreed with any other of them, but each took his own view of the meaning of their common preceptor ; and yet none of their produc- tions evince the slightest approach to the elegance of form and beauty of proportion which distinguish the classic models of the columnar architecture of antiquity. Palladio and Serlio were the first to publish delineations and admeasurements of the Roman architectural remains in Italy ; but the total absence of verisimilitude to the originals, and, in many cases, the absolute misrepresen- tations, in both works, prove how incompetent the au- thors were to appreciate their merits ; and the exagge- ration of their defects proves with equal clearness the general bad taste of the school in which they are masters. The worst qualities of the Roman school of architecture were embraced and perpetuated by the Cinquecento . The inharmonious and unpleasing combinations which arose out of the collocation of arches with columnar ordi- nances became the characteristics of the Italian : unequal intercolumniations, broken entablatures, and stylobates, enter alike into the productions of the best and of the worst of the Cinquecento architects. The style of this school is marked, too, by the constant attachment of columns and their accessories to the fronts or elevations of build- ings; by the infrequency of their use in insulated (their natural) positions to form porticoes and colonnades ; by the thinness or want of breadth in the smaller members of their entablatures, and the bad proportion of the larger parts, into which they are divided, to one another; by the general want of that degree of enrichment which fluting imparts to columns ; by the too great projection of pilasters, and the inconsistent practice of diminishing, and sometimes fluting them ; by the use of circular and twisted pediments, and the habit of making breaks in them to suit the broken ordinance they may crown ; and by various other inconsistencies and deformities, which will be rendered more evident when we come to treat of the style in detail. The merit of the Italian school con- sists in the adaptation and collocation of the prolate hemi- spheroidal cupola, which appears to have grown out of its opposite in the Roman works during the Gothic ages, as we find it in the early cathedrals ; though it is highly probable that the idea was brought from the East, in the forms exhibited by the cupolas of St Marks at Venice, and of Pisa cathedral. A very noble style of Palatial architecture also was practised by many of the Italian architects. It consists of the use of a grand crowning cornice, running in one unbroken line, unsurmounted by an attic, or any thing of the kind, superimposing a broad, lofty, and generally well-proportioned front, made into graceful compartments, but not storied, by massive block- ing courses and other things, which are at the disposal of the judicious architect. Not unfrequently, however, the faults of the school interfere to injure a composition of this kind ; for, to produce variety in the decorations of the windows, some of them have been made like doors, with distyle arrangements of columns, surmounted by alterna- tions of circular and angular pediments, and sometimes with all the vagaries which deform the front of an Italian church. It is indeed the ecclesiastical architecture of the school in which its faults are most rife and its merits most rare. An Italian church possesses nothing of the stern simplicity and imposing grandeur of an Egyptian sacred structure — nothing of the harmonious A R C H I T History, beauty and classic dignity of a Grecian fane — nothing of the ornate and attractive elegance of a Roman temple — and nothing truly of the glittering grace and capti- vating harmony of a Pointed cathedral. No other style of architecture presents so great a contrast, in any two species of its productions, as the Italian does, in one of its ordinary church fronts, with the front of a nobleman’s mansion or palace, in the manner already referred to ; and in no city of Italy is the contrast so strong, by the egregiousness of the examples it contains of both, as Rome. The stately portico is hardly known in Italian architecture ; and in the rare cases which exist in it of insulated columns, they are for the most part so meagre in themselves, and so thinly set, according to the Vitru- vian laws, that the effect produced by them is poor and wretched in the extreme. This applies most particular- ly to Italy itself: in some other countries, and especially in this, those architects who have been of the Italian school have generally preferred the proportions and ar- rangements which they found in the Roman examples of antiquity, to those laid down by their Italian masters. Still, Italian church architecture boasts the cupola, — cer- tainly its redeeming feature ; and the architects of Italy must have full credit for the use they have made of it, both internally and external ly. Perhaps no two edifices display Plates more > and in a greater degree, both the merits and de- LXVIII f ects °f the school which produced them, than the Far- LXIX. nese palace and the basilica of St Peter in Rome. The and LXX.principal front of the former edifice is exquisite in its pro- portions, but frittered in its details. It has an immense crowning cornice, whose general effect is surpassingly grand ; but the mouldings are too much projected, and its vertical parts want the breadth which the blocking courses possess. The lowest of its three tiers of windows is cha- racterized by the most charming simplicity and good taste in almost every particular ; but the other two are crowded with sins against both those qualities, in the dressings of the windows. The cortile and back front, though both very differently arranged from the front, and from each other, are not less filled with contrarieties ; and so of the structure throughout. The front of St Peter’s is not more distinguished by its magnitude than by its littleness and deformity. It contains the materials of a noble octaprostyle, and consists of an attached tetrastyle. It is divided into three unequal stories, within the height of the columns, whose entablature is surmounted by a windowed attic. In length it is frittered into a multitude of compartments, between which not the slightest har- mony is maintained ; while tawdriness and poverty are the distinguishing characteristics of its detail. A total absence of every thing which produces grandeur and beauty in architecture, marks, indeed, the whole of the exterior of the edifice, except the glorious cupola, than which architecture never produced a more noble and magnificent object. Internally, the structure is open to similar praise and similar dispraise. Gorgeousness in matter and meanness in manner characterize the interior of St Peter’s, except the sublime concave which is formed by its redeeming feature without. The Cinquecento architects of Italy were exceeding man- nerists : but besides the manner of the school, each had his own peculiarities ; so that there exists in their works what may almost be called monotonous variety 1 Brunel- leschi’s designs are distinguished by a degree of sim- plicity and comparative good taste, which cause regret that he had not referred more to the remains of antiquity in Italy, and sought out those of Greece, and less to the dogmas of Vitruvius ; for then his works would have been more elegant than they are, and the school he founded would have done him much more honour than it does. ECTURE. 23 The works of Bramante possess a more classical character History, than those of any other architect of the school. Bra- '-^ v ^- > mante’s design for St Peter’s was preferred by Pope Julius II. to a great many others by the most esteemed men of the time. He it was who suggested the cu- pola ; but, unfortunately, after his death men of less taste and talent were allowed to alter the design, and the edifice has resulted very differently from what it would have done had Bramante been adhered to. This we judge from his works generally, and not from any positive knowledge of the design, which indeed does not exist. The elder Sangallo w r as far inferior to his contemporary and rival Bramante, and his works are full of the faults of the school. Michel Angelo Buonaroti was a man of great genius, but of very bad taste in architecture ; and to him may be attributed many of the bad qualities of the Italian style. His principal works are the buildings of the Capitol, and the College della Sapienza in Rome, and the Laurentian Library at Florence ; and these are all dis- tinguished for their singular want of architectural beauty and propriety in every particular. Michel Angelo was the Dante of Italian painting, but the Berni of its ar- chitecture. Raffaelle, too, had a very bad style in ar- chitecture, and so indeed had almost all the painters who professed to be architects also. They generally car- ried to extremes all the faults of the school. Sansovino and Sanmichele were men of considerable talent: their works display more originality and less servility than those of most of their contemporaries. Peruzzi was less employed than many who had not half his merit: his productions are with reason considered among the most classical of the Italian school. Vignola had a more correct taste than perhaps any other Italian architect of the 16th century: his works are indeed distinguishable by their su- periority in harmony of composition and in general beauty of detail. Palladio very much affected the study of the an- tique, but his works do not indicate any appreciation of its beauties. He appears to have been very well qualified by nature for an architect, but spoiled by education. He did not look at the remains of antiquity with his own eyes, but with those of Vitruvius and Alberti, and of course was much influenced by the manner of the ad- mired works of his predecessors. Palladio made greater use of insulated columns than the Italian architects ge- nerally, but his ordinances are deficient in every quality that produces beauty ; his porticoes may be V itruvian, but they certainly are not classic ; and all his works evince that he studied the Colosseum, the Theatre of Marcellus, and the Triumphal Arches, more than the co- lumns of Jupiter Stator and Mars Ultor, the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, the Pantheon, the Portico at Assisi, and the other classic models, which he drew, but clearly did not appreciate. His columns upon columns, his attached and clustered columns, his stilted post-like columns, his broken entablatures, his numberless pilasters, straggling and unequal intercolumniations, inappropriate and inelegant ornaments, circular pediments and the like, are blemishes too numerous and too great to be passed over because of occasional elegance of proportion and beauty of detail. Scamozzi did not improve on the style of his master, which, however, he very much affected. Indeed the term PaUadian has long been in general use throughout the civilized world for beautiful and excellent in architecture, so that it cannot be wondered at that Palladio’s pupils and successors should imitate him; nor is it surprising that they did not surpass, or even equal him, for they were taught to look to his works as the no plus ultra of excellence. Giacomo della Porta, a con- temporary of Palladio, followed Michel Angelo in several of his works, and imbibed much of his manner, on which 21 ARCHITECTU R E. History. Influence of the Italian school. lie certainly improved ; but still bis own is far from being good. Della Porta was much employed in Rome ; and it fell to him, in conjunction with Domenico Fontana, to put the cupola on St Peter’s. Fontana’s style of architecture is not particularly distinguished for its good or bad quali- ties ; he obtained more reputation as an engineer than as an architect, having been engaged in removing and setting up most of the obelisks which give so much inte- rest to the architectural scenery of Rome. The Lunghi, father, son, and grandson, the Rainaldi, Maderno, Bor- romini, Bernini, Carlo Fontana, Fuga, Vanvitelli, and many others in the course of the 17th and 18th cen- turies, carried the peculiarities of the Italian school to the greatest extremes. Of those enumerated, Bernini was perhaps the least offensive, and Borromini the most ex- travagant ; but throughout that period, except in extreme cases, individual manner is less distinguishable, and that of the school more strongly marked. It may be gathered from the preceding remarks, that the secular architecture of the Italian school is generally preferable to the ecclesiastical, and that the architects of the 15th and 16th centuries were generally superior to those who followed them. In Italy the school has not yet ceased to exist, nor indeed has its style ceased to be studied. Designs are still made by the students of the va- rious academies in the manner of the Cinguecento , and on the models with which the country abounds. The pre- cepts of Vitruvius are yet inculcated, and the works of the men whose names we have mentioned are looked up to as master-works of architecture in the country which con- tains the Roman Pantheon and the Greek Neptunium, besides the power of referring to the more exquisite works of Greece herself. In the 15th century such was the reverence of men for the revived works of ancient literature and science, that the profession of the Italians, that they had restored ancient classical architecture on the precepts of an architect of the Augustan age, was sufficient to open the way for them all over civilized Europe. In the course of that and the following century Italian architecture was adopted and Italian architects employed in France, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, and their respective dependencies ; and now, in the 19th century, Vitruvius and Palladio are as predominant on the shores of the Baltic as on those of the Mediterranean Sea; though in this country and in some parts of the Continent their influence is consider- ably diminished since the time of Inigo Jones and Claude Perrault. It has been already remarked, too, that the Cinguecento was later in gaining a footing here than on the Continent, in consequence of the existence of a beautiful national style of architecture, which our ancestors do not appear to have been induced to resign to the barbarian innovators of the South, as readily as the interjacent na- tions were to give up theirs ; for which indeed the reason exists in the greater attractions of ours, and the conse- quent greater difficulty of inducing the nation to part with it. The French, though they received the Vitruvian architecture from the Italians, were patriotic enough, as soon as they had acquired its principles, to confine the practice of it almost entirely to native architects, in whose hands it assumed a different character from that which it possessed in Italy, and became what may be called the French style of Cinguecento. Its ecclesiastical structures are less faulty than are those of the corresponding period in Italy, but its secular edifices are as far inferior to those of that country. The grand palatial style, which is ex- emplified in the Farnese palace in Rome, never found its way into France ; but instead, there arose that monstrous and peculiarly French manner, of which the well-known palaces of the Tuilleries and Luxembourg are egregious examples. In the age of Louis XIV. the French appear to History, have reverted to the Italian manner in a certain degree, for the palace of Versailles includes almost all the extra- vagancies of that school in its worst period, and contains moreover architectural deformities which Italy never equalled till it imitated them. They consist in the style of enrichment which is distinguished by the name of that monarch in whose reign it had its origin, and of whose gross taste and vulgar mind it is an apt emblem. The same pe- riod produced one of the most classical architects of the French school — its Palladio or Inigo Jones, Perrault, whose design for the buildings of the Louvre was preferred to that of Bernini, though indeed the preference was no compli- ment to the one nor discredit to the other, considering to whom the decision was of necessity referred. The Hotel des Invalides is of the same age : it exhibits the graces of the Italian cupola, surmounting a composition which in- cludes more than all the faults of St Peter’s in Rome. The church of Saint.e Genevieve, or the Pantheon, a work of the following reign, was intended to be in the ancient Roman style, and of Roman magnificence ; but it is rather papally than imperially so. Ancient Rome was regarded in the columnar ordinance, but modern Rome in the ar- chitectural composition. In it the ecclesiastical style of the Cinguecento is commingled with the simple beauties of Roman architecture, almost indeed to the destruction of the latter : to this structure also there is a handsome cu- pola. Of late years the works of the ancients have been studied by the architects of France, greatly to the ameli- oration of their style ; as yet, however, they are but im- perfectly acquainted with the peculiarities of the Greek, and many of them still appear to retain their devotion to Vitruvius and the 15th century. Spain servilely re- ceived the Italo-Vitruvian architecture, and to the present day knows no other. Less patriotic than the French, the Spaniards have for their greatest works employed the ar- chitects of France and Italy ; so that of course the coun- try can boast of no peculiarity in the style of its archi- tecture redounding to its own credit. The palace of the Escurial being by a French architect, and abounding in the deformities of the French and Italian schools, cannot be cited in favour of Spain. The Italian Revival was the means of extinguishing the Pointed style of architecture in Germany, and certainly without affording it an equiva- lent. Italian architects were employed in Germany, and Germans acquired their manner; but they did not im- prove it, nor did they make it productive of so many good effects as the Italians themselves did. The change in re- ligion which supervened the change in architecture in so large a part of Germany, may have tended to prevent the latter from acquiring that degree of exuberance there which it did in Italy ; but even in Catholic Germany the splendid Pointed cathedrals have never given way to mo- difications of the pseudo-classic St Peter’s. In the use of Cinguecento architecture for secular structures, it may be truly said that the Germans have not excelled the Ita- lians ; nor, on the other hand, have they equalled them in the absurdities and extravagancies which are so fre- quently observable in the works of some of the latter. The Germans also have lately turned their attention to the works of the ancients, and the fruit of it is already , evident in many parts of the country, and most particu- larly in Prussia : still, however, they appear to have yet to learn the right use of the Greek models, and a proper sense of the exquisite perfection of their detail ; as well as to emancipate themselves from many of the trammels of the Vitruvian school. The northern continental na- tions have been dependent on Germany, France, or Italy for their architecture, and can produce nothing that gives them a claim to our consideration in such a review as the I ARCHITECTURE. History, present. St Petersburg is exclusively the work of ar- v -*"'v~ x ~ y chitects of the nations just enumerated, and presents a mass of the merest common-places of Italian architecture, in structures calculated by their extent, like Versailles, the Escurial and St Peter’s, to impose on the vulgar eye. We have already more than once had occasion to refer incidentally to the introduction of Cinquecento architec- ture into Britain ; and in noticing it more particularly, and tracing its course, we are saved the trouble of keep- ing up a distinction between the different parts of our triple nation, because, at the time it actually crossed the channel, the amalgamation of the kingdoms had taken place by the union of their crowns on the head of the Scotish sovereign. English ar- When the Pointed style received its deathblow in Eng- chitecture. land, in the reign of Henry VIII., it did not immediately cease to exist ; nor was it immediately succeeded by the Italian when it became extinct. It was gradually de- clining through all the 16th century, during the latter part of which period, what has been called the Elizabethan style became somewhat permanent. It consists of a singu- lar admixture of the Italian orders, with many peculiari- ties of the Pointed style, and in many examples the latter appears predominant. With such difficulty, indeed, did that fascinating manner give up its hold on the minds of men in this country, that the cinquecentists appear to have relinquished the hope of effecting its destruction, — unfor- tunately, however, not until the injury was done ; and for some time we were left without architecture of any kind, unless that may be called by the name which marks the edifices of the reign of James I., and of which the oldest parts of St James’s palace are a specimen. The destruction of the Pointed style has been referred by some to the change in religion which took place under the Tudor line of English monarchs ; but such was cer- tainly not the case. It was the “ Reformation” of architec- ture in Italy, and not that of religion in Great Britain, that affected it ; and it may be doubted whether the change would not have taken place sooner in this country, if its connection with Italy had not been so materially affected by the moral change here, and so delayed that of architec- ture; for it was Germany and France that supplied us with architectural reformers during the reigns of Henry VIII. and his children, and not Italy, whose professors might possibly have obtained more credit than their disciples did. So dilatory were we, indeed, in the cultivation of the Italian style, that the first professor of it who was actual- ly employed on edifices in this country came hither from Denmark ! It is true, he was an Englishman ; but so little hope did he appear to have of success at home, that he accepted an invitation from the king of that country, when he was at Venice, whither he had gone to study painting ; but becoming enamoured of architecture, as he saw it in the works of Palladio, he had made that his study instead, and had already acquired considerable reputation in that - city, when Christian IV. of Denmark invited him to his court to occupy the post of his first architect. A train of circumstances, to which we need not here advert, brought him to England a few years after James I. came to the Eng- lish crown, and he was appointed architect at first to the queen, and subsequently to Henry prince of Wales. But he does not appear in consequence to have then obtained employment; for after the death of the prince, he went again to Italy, where he remained till the office of survey- or general, which had been promised him in reversion, fell vacant. This was the celebrated Inigo Jones, who has been called the English Palladio ; and indeed he succeed- ed so well in acquiring the peculiar manner of that archi- tect, that he richly deserves whatever credit the appella- tion conveys, it is unfortunate, however, for his own re- 25 putation, that he had not looked beyond Palladio and their History, common preceptor Vitruvius, to the models the latter pre- v -‘*“ v '' v - // tends to describe ; in which case he might have been the means of restoring, or at least of introducing, to his own country, the truly classical architecture of the ancients. But instead of that he brought nothing home but Italian rules and Italian prejudices. Jones commenced the truly Gothic custom of thrusting Cinquecento fittings into our Pointed cathedrals, by putting up an Italian screen in that of Winchester ; and he barbarized the ancient cathedral of St Paul in London, by repairing it according to his notions of Pointed architecture, for it was in that style, and affixed to it an Italian front. Fortunately the great fire supervened, and made room for the present magnifi- cent structure, by clearing away that early specimen of pseudo-classic taste. Of the Palladian style, however, it must be confessed Jones was a complete master. He designed a royal palace which was to have been built at Whitehall, in a manner as far superior to those of Versailles and the Escurial, as the works of Palladio are to those of Borromini. The only part of it ever executed is the structure called the Banqueting-House in London, whose exterior is an epitome of many of the faults, and most of the beauties, of the Palladian school. It rises boldly from the ground with a broad, simple, and nearly continuous basement or stereobate, and the various compartments of its principal front are beautifully proportioned ; but the circular pediments to the windows, the attached unfluted columns, with broken entablatures and stylobates, the attic and balustrade, though they be the materials of Palla- dian, it may be confidently denied that they are consist- ent with classical architecture. Another well-known work of this architect is the Italo-Vitruvian Tuscan church of St Paul, Covent-Garden, whose eastern portico is well- proportioned in general, but grossly deformed in detail. Architecture was in abeyance in this country, again, from the troublous times of Charles I. till the restoration of the monarchy in the person of his son, whose French taste would have completely Gallicized the architecture, as well as the manners and morals, of the nation, if the resplendent genius of Sir Christopher Wren had not been present to avert the infliction, or rather to modify it ; for it cannot be denied that the influence of the French man- ner had an effect on the architecture of this country from that period down to the middle of the last century. In- deed Wren himself only knew the style he practised from books and the structures of France, except the few that existed of Inigo Jones in this country ; and, in conse- quence of his visit to France, the peculiarities of the French style are obvious in many of his less esteemed works. Fortunately, however, he was proof against the grosser peculiarities of the Cinquecento, whether in the books of the Italians or in the edifices of the French ; and his own productions evince that he had imbibed much of the spirit of the antique monuments of Italy, which he could have known only from engravings, and those very imperfect ones. The field that was opened to his genius by the great fire of London in 1666, and its re- sult, are equally well known. It is true that the general offuscation of taste and feeling with regard to the Pointed style extended even to him. Wren was guilty of many offences in that respect, besides giving authority to the opprobrious term Gothic ; and in no case more so than in the construction of the towers to Westminster Abbej, which are a lasting proof of his ignorance of its most ob- vious principles. Nevertheless, to the influence of our beautiful native style on his mind, architecture is indebt- ed for some of its most charming works. If Wren had not been accustomed to contemplate the graceful and elegant pyramids or spires of his native country, he would never 26 ARCHITECTURE. History, have originated the tapering steeple, in the composition which with the materials of Italian architecture he still stands as unrivalled as he was original. Witness the steeples of Bow Church and St Bride’s in London, the former of which is hardly surpassed in grace and elegance by the Pointed spires themselves. It must remain a con- stant subject of regret that this great head of the English school of Cinquecento architecture did not know the re- mains of ancient Greece and Rome from personal obser- vation. With his splendid genius and fine taste, if he had not been imposed on by the specious pretence of the Italo- Vitruvian school, his works would have been models for imitation and study, as they are objects of admi- ration : as it was, he avoided many of the faults of that school, and improved on many of its beauties. Without knowing the Greek style at all, and knowing the Roman only through imperfect mediums ; without, indeed, ever having seen an example of either; whenever he has varied from the Italian practice, it has been towards the propor- tions and peculiarities of the Greek ! The great west front Plate of St Paul’s, though it is said to be imitated from that of LXVIIT. St Peter’s in Rome, or rather from what it was proposed to be, with the two towers to form its wings, is a much finer, a more imposing, and more classical specimen of ar- chitecture than its prototype ; for the advantage the latter should have in being of columns in one height is lost en- tirely in their poverty and the miserable arrangement of the whole front; whereas that of St Paul’s is in two noble pseudo-prostyle and recessed porticoes, with the columns fluted, and generally conceived and executed in much better taste than those of the former. The entablatures, though massive, are finely proportioned, and sufficiently ornate to be elegant; they are, too, quite continuous, and the upper one is surmounted by a noble pediment, whose pyramidal form gives at the same time dignity and a finish- ed appearance to the whole front. The coupling of the columns, however, and the putting of one columnar ordi- nance over another, can only be defended by the practice of the Italian school; though, in the present case, both are rendered less offensive by the judicious management of the architect. Nothing shows more strikingly the supe- riority of St Paul’s to St Peter’s, as an architectural com- position, than a parallel of their flanks. The great mag- nitude of the latter may strike the vulgar eye with admi- ration in the contrast ; but the rudest taste must appre- ciate the surpassing merit of the former in the form and arrangement of the cupola, and the noble peristyle with its unbroken entablature and stylobate, out of which it rises, when compared with the sharper form and depressed substructure of that of St Peter’s. The superiority of St Paul’s in the composition of the main body of the edi- fice is not less in degree, though perhaps less obvious, than in the superstructure. In the one it is broken and frittered, and in the other almost perfectly continuous, in broad, bold, and effective masses. The history of the works of Sir Christopher Wren is the history of the architecture of the period in this coun- try ; and as it must be admitted that he was not so suc- cessful in the composition of the architecture of secular structures as of ecclesiastical, it will follow that our se- cular edifices of that time are of inferior merit. If it were not indeed an historical fact, it would hardly be credited, that Chelsea College, the old College of Physi- cians in London, and the halls of some of the city com- panies, are by the architect of Bow Church and St Paul’s. The style introduced by Sir John Vanbrugh, who may be said to have succeeded Sir Christopher Wren in the direction of architecture in England, was distinguished by massiveness unsuited to the style in which he built, which was of course Italian. It was, however, free from the va- garies and extravagancies which characterize that style History, generally in other countries at the same period, but was certainly more suited to the soberer character of ecclesi- astical than of secular structures, whereas his principal works were noblemen’s mansions. Vanbrugh’s faults were generally those ot Michel Angelo: he was a painter’s ar- chitect, and did not understand beauty of proportion and detail so well as the pictorial arrangement of lights and shadows; to produce which in the Cinquecento it is almost necessary to part with all the higher beauties of architec- ture. Hawksmoor added to the style of his master that noble ornament in which Italian works are so very deficient — a prostyle portico. His compositions are marked by severe simplicity, and only want to be absolved from a few faults and enriched with a few elegancies to be among the best of modern times. Not the least distinguished archi- tect of the same age (the first half of the 18th century) was the Earl of Burlington, who was a passionate admirer of the style of Palladio and Inigo Jones. Many of the edifices erected by Kent are believed to be from the de- signs of that amiable nobleman, who, with considerable talent, was, however, a somewhat bigoted devotee to Vitruvius and the Cinquecento generally, as well as to Pal- ladio in particular ; for he has frequently used columns representing half-barked trees, in conformity with the silly tales of Vitruvius, and the sillier whims of his disciples. The portal of his own house in Piccadilly, and that of the King’s Mews, are special examples of this bad taste, and of other faults of the school besides. Lord Burlington built for himself at Chiswick a villa on the model of the Villa Capra, or Rotonda, near Vicenza — a structure which has been called the masterpiece of Palladio. In form and proportion it is certainly elegant, but its details strongly exhibit the poverty of Italian columnar architecture, when unaided by the frittering which is its bane, and almost its sole dependence for effect. Gibbs was a contemporary of the same period. He too, like Hawksmoor, had imbibed a taste for the classic prostyle portico, which he evinced in St Martin’s church in London ; but that he also was in the trammels of the Italian school is no less evident, in the same structure, to a considerable extent, and still more so in the church of St Mary in the Strand, which is a bad specimen of architecture, and a favourable one of its style. During the following half-century (the latter half of the 18th) Sir William Chambers and Sir Robert Taylor were the most distinguished architects of this country. They were both men of talent and genius, who had availed themselves of the remains of Roman antiquity to good purpose ; for as yet those of Greece were either unknown or unappreciated ; and the former of them has left us, in the Strand front of Somerset House in London, perhaps the best specimen of its style in existence. Other parts of the same edifice, however, are far from deserving the same degree of praise : indeed, as an architectural composition, the river front is altogether inferior in merit to the other, though of much greater pretence. The inner fronts to the great quadrangle, though exhibiting good parts, are, as a whole, not above mediocrity. An air of littleness pervades them ; and the general effect of the fronts themselves is made still worse by the little clock towers and cupolas by which they are surmounted ; and to this maybe added the infinity of ill-arranged chimneys, which impart an air of meanness and confusion that no- thing can excuse. While Sir William Chambers and a few others were applying the best qualities of Italian ar- chitecture, indeed improving its general character, and, it may be said, making an English style of it, there were many structures raised in various parts of the country in a manner hardly superior to that of the time of James I ; structures in which all the meanness ana poverty of the ARCHITECTURE. History. Cinquecento are put forth, without any of its elegance of proportion, or that degree of effectiveness which men of talent contrived to give it. During the same period, too, the seeds of a revolution were sown, which has almost succeeded in ejecting the Italian style and its derivative from this country, without perhaps having as yet fur- nished a complete equivalent. In the year 1748 James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, two painters pursuing their studies in Rome, having moreover paid some attention to architecture, issued “ Proposals for publishing an accurate description of the Antiquities of Athens, &c.” These proposals met with general approbation, and in consequence they determin- ed on prosecuting their plan ; but various hinderances prevented their arrival in Athens till March 1751, when they commenced measuring and delineating the architec- tural monuments of that city and its environs. In this work Messrs Stuart and Revett were unremittingly em- ployed (as far as their own exertions went, for they were frequently interrupted by the Turks) for several years, so that they did not reach England with the re- sult of their labours until 1755 ; and, by a series of al- most unaccountable delays, the first volume of their work did not appear until the year 1762. Sixteen years more expired before the second issued from the press; and the third was not published until 1794, being nearly fifty years from the time the work was first announced ! Avarice and envy had induced a Frenchman of the name of Le Roy, who was at Rome when our countrymen is- sued their proposals, to forestall them with the public, and rob them of the profit and reputation they were so hardly labouring to earn. This man went to Athens, and in a very short time collected some loose mate- rials, with which he published at Paris, in 1758, a work which he called Les Ruines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece, Sfc., in which he makes not the slightest mention of Stuart and Revett, nor of their labours or in- tentions, with all of which he was well acquainted. This work is moreover notoriously and grossly incorrect ; so incorrect indeed, as to make it difficult of belief that its author ever saw the objects of which he professes to give the representations. Such as it is, however, it was from M. le Roy’s work that the public had to judge of the merits and beauties of Greek architecture ; for we have said that the first volume Of Stuart and Revett’s did not appear for several years after it, and that does not con- tain any pure specimen of the national or Doric style : the second, which does, .was not published for twenty years after Le Roy’s. Considering, therefore, the source from which the public had to derive information on the subject, it can hardly be wondered at that Greek ar- chitecture was vituperated on all sides ; and by none with greater acrimony than by Sir William Chambers, whose apology must be, ignorance and the prejudices of education. He really did not know the style lie carped at ; and his education in the Italo-Vitruvian school had unfitted him for appreciating its grand, chaste, and simple beauties, even if he had known it. Notwithstanding the misrepresentations of Le Roy, the vituperations of Cham- bers, the established reputation of Italian architecture, and the trammels which Vitruvius and his disciples had fixed on the public mind, when Stuart and Revett’s work actually appeared, the Greek style gradually advanced in esteem, by dint of superior merit alone — for it has had no factitious aids ; and since that period Greece and all her colonies which possess remains of her unrivalled archi- tecture have been explored, and we now possess correct delineations of almost every Greek structure which has survived, though in ruins, the wreck of time and the de- solation of barbarism. To our country and nation, then, is due the honour of opening the temple of Greek architec- Historv. tural science, — of drawing away the veil of ignorance which obscured the beauties it contains, — and of snatching from perdition, and consequent oblivion, the noble relics of an- cient architecture which bear the impress of the Grecian mind. Not only indeed were we the first to open the mine, but by us it has been principally worked ; for among the numerous publications which now exist on the Hel- lenic remains, by far the greatest number, and indisput- ably the most correct, are by our countrymen, and were brought out in this country. It required, however, a generation for the effects of ignorance and prejudice in some, and imperfect knowledge in others, to wear away, before the beneficial effects of the Greek style could be obvious in our structures. The works of the Adamses, who were contemporaries of and immediate successors to Sir William Chambers, evince a taste for the beauties of Greek architecture, but a very imperfect knowledge in- deed of the means of reproducing them. The architects who have had the direction of our principal works during the first quarter of this century had the disadvantage of being pupils of those who were themselves, as we have shown, incompetent to appreciate the Greek style ; and at a time too when the state of Europe shut up all access to the remains of Greece and Rome ; so that no great improvement could perhaps be expected from them. When they shall have passed away, it is to be hoped that we shall find a new class, some of whom, indeed, are al- ready before the world, who, having received their edu- cation since peace has opened the Continent, are prepared by the actual contemplation and study of the works of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Italy, in all their varieties, to form new and pleasing combinations of their beauties, adapted to our wants, — to produce what may equal, if not surpass them all The structures of Egypt may show how to arrange large masses harmoniously and effectively ; those of Greece and Rome how to impart grace and dig- nity; and the structures of Italy how the materials of an- cient architecture maybe moulded to modern uses, while at the same time they give practical warning of what may result from the abuse of the most obvious principles of the science. The difference between the representations of the Athenian antiquities by Stuart and his colleague, and the misrepresentations of them by Le Roy, appear to have opened the eyes of the world to those of ancient Rome, to see if they too had not been dealt with unjustly ; for of late years much more correct delineations of them have appeared than those of Palladio and Desgodetz, — delinea- tions of them as they exist, exhibiting the spirit of the originals, and not warped to the Vitruvian precepts, and thereby stripped of their best quality, truth. The exca- vation of the ancient cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii has opened to us much interesting matter, and some that is instructive : their ruins too have the advantage of being correctly delineated ; so that we are at this time in pos- session of more knowledge of the architecture of the an- cients, acquired in a few years by the actual examination of its relics, than our predecessors of the last generation were, after talking, and writing, and reading Vitruvius about it, for nearly four centuries. It is an argument in proof of the classical beauty of the Pointed style, that when the eyes of men were opened to the perfections of Greek architecture, they began to dis- cover its merits also. Pointed architecture, under the op- probrious name Gothic, had long been a subject of discus- sion among antiquaries ; that is, essays were written by them to prove how the Pointed arch originated, but none appreciated its beauties. Our Pointed cathedrals and churches were, after the example of Inigo Jones, ruth- 28 ARCHIT History, lessly barbarized in repairing and fitting up. If an archi- tect were employed to do any tiling in or to one of them, he appears to have thought it incumbent on him to con- vert it to the doctrines of his own faith — to Italicize it. Deans and chapters for the most part intrusted their commissions to country masons and plasterers, who also operated according to the laws of the “ five orders.” About the middle of the 18th century one Batty Lang- ley endeavoured to draw the attention of the world to Pointed architecture, by reducing it to rules, and dividing it into orders. Fortunately he was only laughed at, and both he and the book he published on the subject were soon forgotten. One of the first men in rank and influ- ence of his time, in matters of taste particularly, Horace Walpole, ’patronized Pointed architecture, hut ineffec- tually. He had himself neither taste nor feeling to ap- preciate its beauties, as his Strawberry Hill clearly evinces; so that his patronage of it must have been the effect of mere whim, or a wish to lead a fashion. Delineations were indeed put forth from time to time, but generally so rude and imperfect, that, like M. le Roy to Greek architecture, they did more harm than good. The So- ciety of Antiquaries, however, at length took up the sub- ject, engaged Mr John Carter, an ardent and judicious ad- mirer of our national architecture, and commenced the publication of a series of splendid volumes, containing en- gravings of its best specimens, from drawings and admea- surements by him. The “ Antiquities of Athens” had al- ready done much to dispossess men of their prejudices, by showing that Greek architecture, though neither Vi- truvian nor Palladian, was nevertheless beautiful ; and the great work of the Society of Antiquaries did the same for Pointed architecture. Since the death of Mr Carter, our native style has been beautifully illustrated, in a series of valuable works by Mr Britton, and elucidated in detailed “ specimens,” by Mr Pugin, a French gentleman but an English artist, and by a great variety of other useful and excellent publications; so that, at the present time, the Pointed style, too, is studied and understood, and not a few of our architects are now competent, not only to be intrusted with the repairs and restorations of the ancient structures, but also to originate new ones, which may rival all but their prototypes in beauty. We have now, in this part of the subject, only to add a few remarks on the improvement which has taken place in domestic architecture, since men have begun to consider their own comfort and happiness of as much importance to them as the splendour of their religious edifices. The exhumated city of Pompeii lias very clearly proved, that notwithstanding the extent and general beauty of the pub- lic buildings of the Romans, the houses of the common- alty were exceedingly plain and confined, while those of the higher classes, though internally elegant, were exter- nally unpretending. The rooms were small and badly ar- ranged, imperfectly secluded from the public gaze, and quite exposed to the inmates ; pervious alike to the sum- mer’s heat and winter’s cold. Indeed, the house of a Ro- man gentleman presents a very convenient model for a prison, but without many of the comforts which in mo- dern times are thought necessary even in such places. Of this, however, we shall treat more in detail when we come to consider Roman architecture as a style. It has been stated as probable, that the use of wooden floors, and the consequent power of making additional stories without enormously thick walls, arose during the middle ages. That improvement, together with the use of glass for win- dows, gives an air of comfort and convenience to the ear- liest domestic structures of modern times, of which the ancients could have had no idea ; but the latter were de- ficient in elegance, though indeed the use of windows E C TU-RE. tended to the introduction of external architectural deco- History, ration. With learning and civilization came refinement — — ** and luxury, and men began, though at a great distance, to imitate in their houses what they found of beautiful and splendid in the churches and monasteries. The exclusion, by glass windows, of currents of cold air, which carried the smoke off to the funnel in the roof of a hall or large room, when the fire was exposed in the middle of it, led to the invention and use of chimneys, which should convey it away without occupying the room at all. This is more particularly applicable to the colder countries north of the Alps, and it is in them that domestic building is best understood, and is best applied to produce comfort and convenience. Not that the Palazzi of Italy are not gene- rally more pretending in their externa! architecture than the town mansions of this country; but they are deficient in those internal arrangements which tend to produce the greatest possible advantages, which, indeed, promote the enjoyments of domestic life. In consequence of the refinements which now pervade the manners, habits, and customs of civilized life, and civilization having extended itself from the noble and the learned through almost the whole social system, men are no longer contented to admire the beauty and magnifi- cence of public edifices, whether ecclesiastical or civil, and to witness the splendour and elegance of the palaces and mansions of the wealthy; but all are anxious to see in their own habitations that degree of decoration and beauty which they find so productive of pleasure and pleasurable emotions. Thus architecture is no longer confined to the temples of the divinity and the palaces of the great, but its beauties are sought everywhere. In every edifice whose inhabitant lias been fitted by education and habit to appreciate and enjoy the charm which arises from sym- metry of form, beauty of proportion, and elegance of de- tail, the aid of architecture is required. Of Egyptian Structures. The architecture of ancient Egypt is characterized by the boldness and magnitude of its parts, and the almost monotonous uniformity which pervades its features. The existing monuments of Egyptian architecture consist for the most part of temples and pyramids. Obelisks are gene- rally found in connection with the former, so that perhaps they can only be considered as belonging to them, and not as distinct architectural works, or the sphinxes and other things of a similar nature must be considered as such also. Neither can the hypogea or excavations be correct- ly described as belonging to architecture, though they bear many of its features, and were perhaps the antitypes of regular architectural combinations. The pyramids are almost solid masses of masonry, whose bases are squares, and whose inclined sides are nearly equilateral triangles : some of them are truncated, and some run up to a point. They are generally much injured on the surface by long exposure, so that it is impossible to say whether any of them were considered finished while in steps or receding courses, or if the angles were either filled up or worked off, to make smooth surfaces on the exterior. Some of them not only were made plain by working off, but remain so still ; whilst others bear no in- dication of ever having been finished in that manner. In one existing example, that of the great southern pyramid of Dashour, the angles of the receding courses have been wrought oft’; and it is singular that the blocks of stone are not laid in horizontal courses, but at an angle inclined to the base ; nor are its sides carried up to the top in one continued plane, but at about two thirds from the base they incline towards each other under a more obtuse angle. It has been imagined, but not determined, that most of ARCHITECTURE. 29 Egyptian them have natural hills, either of earth or stone, for cores, Structures.g r rather that hills have been cut to the shape, and built over with large courses of stone to give them the appear- ance of being solid masonry. If this be the case, the chambers and the passages to them, which have been dis- covered in some of the pyramids, have been carefully built around to have the appearance of being left in the construction, which is not very probable. Another sug- gestion, to account in some measure for the immense quantity of matter in them, is, that they are actually cut in living rock to a considerable height, and built above. This may be the case with regard to those which are of the stone the place affords ; but some of them are of foreign material, externally at least, and of consequence cannot have been hewn in the native rock. More consistent with the genius of Egyptian undertakings, but hardly more pro- bable is it, that the pyramids include or cover some such constructions as the labyrinth beyond Lake Mceris, spoken of by Herodotus, according to the suggestion we have made in another place, or chambers of some kind which may have been the depositories of the arcana of Egyptian learning and science. Such indeed is the immense extent of some of these extraordinary monuments of human in- dustry and human folly, that no suggestion with regard to them can be considered wild, as they afford full scope for the imagination, without presenting any thing to sup- port or refute any theory that may be applied to them. The Egyptian temples, without possessing that entire uniformity of plan which those of the Greeks do, are very similar in arrangement and manner. The larger and more perfect structures do not externally present the ap- pearance of being columned, a boundary wall or peribolus girding the whole, and preventing the view of any part of the interior, except perhaps the towering magnificence of some inner pylones ; of the lofty tops of an extraordinary avenue of columns, with their superimposed terrace ; of the tapering obelisks which occupy, at times, some of the courts ; or of a dense mass of structure, which is the body of the temple itself, inclosing the thickly columned halls. The immense magnitude of these edifices may perhaps have made them independent, in their perfect state, of considerations which have weight in architectural compo- sition at the present time, and on which indeed its har- mony depends. The various portions of the same temple differ in size and proportion ; and being intermingled, the cornices of the lower abut indefinitely against the walls of the higher parts, while the latter are not at all in accord- ance among themselves. Pi. LVI. The structure we produce to exemplify Egyptian archi- tecture, though not, according to Mr Champollion, one of the Pharaonic monuments, is perfectly characteristic of the style and arrangement of Egyptian temples, and is a more regular specimen than any other possessing the na- tional peculiarities. It is known as the temple of Apol- linopolis Magna, or of Edfou, in Upper Egypt, on the banks of the Nile, between Thebes and the first cataracts. The plan of the inclosure behind the propylaea is a long parallelogram, the moles or propylaea themselves forming another across one of its ends. The grand entrance to the great court of the temple is by a doorway between the moles, to which there may have been folding gates, as the notches for their hinges are still to be seen. Small cham- bers, right and left of the entrance, and in the core of the propylaea, were probably for the porters or guards of the temple : a staircase remains on each side, which leads to other chambers at different heights. To furnish these with light and air, loop-holes have been cut through the exter- nal walls, which disfigure the front of the structure. The court-yard, cloister, or vestibule, has on three of its sides a colonnade, against the wall of the peribolus, forming a covered gallery. This, and the gradual ascent by corded Egyptian steps to the great portico or pronaos, will be better under- Structures, stood by reference to the plan and section. The pronaos, or covered portico, consists of three rows of six columns 3 & ' 4 ' each, parallel and equidistant, except in the middle, where the intercolumniation is greater, because of the passage through. The front row of columns is closed by a sort of breast-work or dado, extending to nearly half their height, in which moreover they are half-imbedded ; and in the central opening a peculiar doorway is formed, consisting of piers, with the lintel and cornice over them cut through, as exhibited in the elevation of the portico. From the Fig. 2. pronaos another doorway leads to an atrium or inner ves- tibule, consisting of three rows of smaller columns, with four in each, distributed as those of the pronaos are. Beyond this vestibule there are sundry close rooms and cells, with passages and staircases, whose intention is not obvious. The insulated chamber within the sixth door was most probably the adytum or sanctuary, the holy of holies, which was honoured by the presence of the divi- nity: the rest is inexplicable. In many cases the temples are without the peribolus and propylaea, the edifice consisting of no more than the pronaos and the parts beyond it ; and in others, parti- cularly in those of Thebes, this arrangement is doubled, and there are two pairs of the colossal moles, the second being placed where the pronaos is in this, and another open court or second vestibule intervening them and the portico. In these the central line across the courts is formed by a covered avenue of columns, of much larger size than ordinary ; and the galleries around are of double rows of columns instead of one row with the walls, as in this case. The obelisks marked in the plan, and indicat- ed in the section, before the propylaea, occupy the situa- tion in which they are generally found, though they do not exist with this example. Colossal sedent figures are sometimes found before the piers of the gateway ; and from them, as a base, a long avenue of sphinxes is frequently found ranged like an alley or avenue of trees from a man- sion to the park-gate, straight or winding, as the case may require. The longitudinal section of the edifice shows the relative Fig. 3. heights of the various parts, and the mode of constructing the soffits or ceilings, which are of the same material of which the walls and columnar ordinances are composed : this is in some cases granite, and in others freestone. The elevation of the pronaos shows also a transverse sec- Fig. 2. tion of the colonnades and peribolus. It displays most of the general features of Egyptian columnar architecture ; the unbroken continuity of outline, the pyramidal tendency of the composition, and the boldness and breadth of every part. The good taste with which the interspaces of the columns are covered may be remarked. Panels standing between the columns would have had a very ill effect, both internally and externally ; and if a continued screen had been made, the effect would be still worse, as the columns must then have appeared from the outside ab- surdly short ; but as it is, their height is perfectly obvious, and their form is rendered clear by the contrast of light and shade occasioned by the projection of the panels, which would not exist if they had been detailed between the columns. The lotus ornament at the foot of the Figs. C &. 7* panels is particularly simple and elegant; and nothing can be more graceful and effective than the cyma above their cornice, which is singularly enriched with ibis mummy- cases. The jambs forming a false doorway in the central interspace, are a blemish in the composition ; and they in- jure it very much by the abruptness of their form, and their want of harmony with any thing else in it. It may be remarked, that the effect of the front generally is that 30 ARCHITECTURE. Egyptian of an excavation rather than of a structure, the end piers Structures. an( J entablature having a unity of purpose, which leads to t ] ie idea that the rest was similar, or the whole at first a plain wall afterwards pierced and carved into its present form. This view of it would support the supposition that the excavations or hypogea are the antitypes of columnar architecture. Fig. 1 . The front elevation of the moles or propylasa, with the grand entrance between them, is peculiarly Egyptian; and very little variety is discoverable between the earliest and latest specimens of this species of structure. It is an ob- ject that must be seen to be appreciated ; simplicity and an inherent impressiveness in the pyramidal tendency are all on which it has to depend for effect, except magnitude, which alone would certainly make no agreeable impres- sion on the mind. The projecting fillet and coving which form a cornice to the structures, though large and hold, appear small and inefficient when compared with the bulk they crown ; and there is nothing particularly striking in the torus which marks the lateral outline and separates the straight line of the front from the circular of the cor- nice. Neither are they dependent for their effect on the sculpture, for their appearance is as impressive at such a distance as to make the latter indistinct, as near, if not more so. The effect of the sculptures and hieroglyphics generally on Egyptian architecture is to enrich the sur- faces, but not to interfere with the general form of a struc- ture, or even with those of its minor parts. A portion of the portico is given on a larger scale, to show more clearly the forms and arrangement of Egyptian columnar composition. The shaft of the column in this Fig- 5. example is perfectly cylindrical. It rests on a square step, or continued stylobate, without the intervention of a plinth or base of any kind ; and has no regular vertical channelling or enrichment, such as fluting, but is marked horizontally with series of grooves, and inscribed with hieroglyphics. The capitals are of different sizes and forms in the same ordinance. This example is about one diameter of the column in height, exclusive of its receding abacus. Its outline is that of the cyma, with a reversed ovalo fillet above, and its enrichment consists principally Fig- 2- 0 f l 0 t us flowers. The capital of the column next to this, in the front line, is much taller, differently formed, and ornamented with palm leaves ; the third is of the same size and outline as the first, but differently ornamented; and the corresponding columns on the other side of the centre have capitals corresponding with these, each to its fellow, in the arrangement. Above the capital there is a square block or receding abacus, which has the effect of a deepening of the entablature, instead of a covering of the columns when the capitals spread, as in this case. In the PI. LV. earlier Egyptian examples, however, in which the columns Fig- 7- are swollen, and diminished in two unequal lengths, the result is different, and the form and size of the abacus PI. LVI. appear perfectly consistent. The height of this column Fig- 5- and its capital, without the abacus, is six diameters. The entablature consists of an architrave and cornice, there being no equivalent for the frieze of a Greek entab- lature, unless the coving be so considered, in which case the cornice becomes a mere shelf. The architrave, in- cluding the torus, is about three quarters of a diameter in height, which is half that of the whole entablature. The architrave itself is in this example sculptured in low relief, but otherwise plain. The torus, which returns and runs down the angles of the building, is gracefully band- ed, something like the manner in which the fasces are represented in Roman works. The coving is divided into compartments by vertical flutes, which have been thought to be the origin of triglyphs in a Doric frieze ; but these are arranged without reference to the columns, and are in other respects so totally different from them as to give Hindoo but little weight to the opinion. The compartments are Structures, beautifully enriched with hieroglyphics, except in the V ^^ v ^ w ' centre, where a winged globe is sculptured, surmounting another on the architrave, as shown in the elevation of the pronaos. The crowning tablet or fillet is quite plain and unornamented. Angular roofs are unknown in an- cient Egyptian buildings, and consequently pediments are unknown in its architecture. Of the style of architecture used in the domestic edi- fices of the Egyptians we can give no idea, as no docu- ments remain by which it may be known ; neither can we judge of it by analogy from what we know of that of other nations of antiquity, for no direct analogy exists between the styles of their mutually existing structures. Indeed the Romans are the only people, above the Chris- tian era, of whose domestic architecture we know any thing with certainty; and the advantages they possessed over their predecessors in their knowledge of the use of the arch was so great, for that purpose especially, that theirs affords no ratio for that of the Greeks even, and still less for that of the Egyptians. Of Hindoo Structures. From local circumstances, structures in India are ex- posed to rapid destruction as soon as they lose the pro- tecting power of man ; and thus the absence of any posi- tive architectural works in that county which can be de- termined to be of high antiquity may be partly accounted for. But religious intolerance and devastating war have conspired together to aid natural causes in the destruc- tion of the ancient edifices of the Hindoos. Whatever of antiquity fell in the route of that ruthless conqueror Mali mood of Ghizni, in his twelve expeditions into India, was defaced or destroyed ; and those structures in the more remote parts, impervious to his march, either want data to pronounce on their antiquity, or, when they possess any, it is in a character still unintelligible to the learned. But there are some to which tradition — and this we should not altogether reject — assigns a date beyond the age of Alex- ander ; and we understand that the unity of style of these warrants the assumption of immense priority for them to all now existing in Gangetic India. It is from Rajpootana that we may yet look for developments of the ancient architecture of the Hindoos ; a field of great magnitude, only just begun to' be explored, and still remaining unde- lineated. Extensive excavations, however, of much greater magnitude even than those of Egypt, and, it is presumed, of at least equal antiquity, are found in various parts of In- dia ; and they may be supposed to bear some resemblance to their contemporaneous structures, of which, most like- ly, they were either the representations or the originals. But we thus arrive only at the style: the composition and arrangement of structures cannot be deduced from the hypogea; for though these latter in Egypt agree in style with the architecture, they would not suggest the other particulars. The most common Hindoo pagoda of the present day is composed of a rectangular mass, surmounted by a gra- duated truncate pyramid. That this species of structure is of very considerable antiquity, may he concluded from the fact, that every thing in its composition and arrange- ment is determined by immutable precepts of a religious nature. This was ascertained by Colonel Tod, the learned annalist of Central India, from a man to whom the pre- cept had descended with his profession from his ancestors through more than forty generations. These kinds of evidence, however, though interesting, are not conclusive; and we must consent, for the pre- sent at least, to remain in ignorance of the Hindoo archi- ARCR1T Grecian tecture of the early ages, to which our inquiry is more Structures. i mmec Ji a tely directed. The splendid works of the Mos- lem conquerors of that country bear no relation whatever to its indigenous architecture. Of Grecian Structures. As no nation has ever equalled the Egyptians in the extent and magnitude of their architectural monuments, neither have the Greeks been surpassed in the exquisite beauty of form and proportion which theirs possess. Ex- treme simplicity and perfect harmony pervade every part of a Greek structure ; and to the evanescence of the finer spirit of these qualities may be referred the difficulty — for great difficulty certainly exists — of applying Grecian architecture to modern practice. The national style, or Doric Order, is in every respect the most distinguished and the most intractable. The voluted Ionic being more complicated, is more plastic ; and the foliated Corin- thian, from its still greater divergence from Doric sim- plicity and harmony, is the most easily moulded to various purposes. Unfortunately nothing remains from which we might acquire a knowledge of the practice of the Greeks themselves in the architecture of do- mestic and general structures ; but it may be inferred from some existing edifices, particularly the Choragic monuments, that the Doric columnar style was not used by them except for the temples of the gods and some of their accessories. But whether this arose — if the feeling really did exist — from the sanctity of its cha- racter, in consequence of that appropriation, or from the difficulty of moulding it to general purposes, cannot be determined. It is very certain, however, that the few structures which do exist of Greek origin, not of a reli- gious character, are either Ionic or Corinthian, or a mix- ture of one of them with some of the features of the Do- ric ; and in all Greece and the Grecian colonies, except Ionia, there are very few examples of religious edifices not of the Doric order, and none which are of the Corin- thian. We have already given our reasons for mistrusting the descriptions of ancient writers on architectural subjects ; and when they merely make reference to different parts of a structure, without pretending to describe, in the ab- sence of examples or models they must be unintelligible, and therefore no more valuable to the architectural anti- quary than those of the others, whom existing specimens of what they profess to describe prove to have been to- tally ignorant of their subject. We shall therefore not attempt to develope what does not exist, either from in- ferences to be drawn from Homer and others, from the professional dicta of Vitruvius, or from the description of Pausanias ; but confine ourselves to the remains of the architecture itself of the Greeks, which are actually be- fore our eyes, for the elucidation and exemplification of the Grecian style. Like the architecture of Egypt, that of Greece is known to us principally by means of its sacred monuments, and from them is deduced almost all we know of its principles. The Doric temples of the Greeks are uniform in plan, and differ only in arrangement and proportion, as they are of greater or less size ; for every part depends on the same thing. If the dimensions of a single column, and the pro- portion the entablature shall bear to it, were given to two individuals acquainted with the style, with directions to compose a hexastyle peripteral temple, or one of any other description, they would produce designs exactly similar in size, arrangement, features, and general proportions, differing only, if at all, in the relative proportions of mi- nor parts, and slightly perhaps in the contour of some of the mouldings. This can only be the case with the Do- ECTURE, 3i ric, and it arises from the intercolumniation being deter- Grecian mined by the arrangement of the frieze with triglyphs Structures, and metopes; the frieze bearing a certain proportion in'^^' ,/ ^- y the entablature to the diameter of the column, and so on, in such a manner that the most perfect harmony is pre-Pl. LVI1. served between every part. Thus, in the example, the Figs. 1 & 4. column is so many of its diameters in height ; it diminishes gradually from the base upwards, with a slightly convex- ed tendency or swelling downwards ; and is superimposed by a capital proportioned to it, and coming within its height. The entablature is so many diameters high also, and is divided, according to slightly vai’ying proportions, into three parts — architrave, frieze, and cornice. A triglyph bearing a certain proportion to the diameter of the co- lumn is drawn immediately over its centre ; the metope is then set off equal to the height of the frieze ; another triglypli is drawn, which hangs over the void ; then a me- tope as before ; and a second triglyph, the centre of which is the central line for another column ; and so on to the number required, which, in a front, will be four, six, eight, or ten columns, as the case may be, the temple being tetra- style, hexastyle, octastyle, or decastyle; and on the flanks twice the number of those on the front and one more, PI. LVIII. counting the columns on the angles both wavs. Thus Fig- 3. a hexastyle temple will have thirteen columns on eachtjk . ViI ’ flank, an octastyle seventeen, and so on. It must be °b- j--“ s & 4 served, however, that to ease the columns at the angles, ° ’ they are not placed so that the triglyph over them shall impend their centre as the others, but are set in towards the next columns so far that a line let fall from the outer edge of the triglyph will touch the circumferential line of the column at the base, or at its greatest diameter. It has been generally thought that the object in this dispo- sition was to bring the triglyph to the extreme angle, to obviate the necessity of a half-metope there ; and many imitators have puzzled themselves to no avail to effect it, without contracting the intercolumniation or elongating the first metope ; though it is perfectly obvious that the intention of the Greek architects was to ease the columns in those important situations of a part of their burden, and for no such purpose as Vitruvius and his disciples have thought. Indeed, this has been a problem to the whole school, which their master proposed, and which they have settled only by putting a half-metope beyond the outer triglyph ; thus preserving the intercolumniation equal, but rendering the angles more infirm, or perhaps less stable, than the Greek architects judiciously thought they should be. Besides contracting the intercolumnia- tion, the Greeks also made the corner columns a little larger than the rest, thus counteracting in every way the danger that might accrue to them, or to the structure through them, from their exposed and partly unconnected situation. The graduated pyramidal stylobate on which the structure rests also bears a certain proportion to the standard which is the measure of all the rest ; and so every part is determined by the capacity of the sustain- ing power. Though the Doric order thus possesses, as it were, a self-proportioning power, which will secure har- mony in its composition under any circumstances, yet skill and taste in the architect are necessary to deter- mine, according to them, the number of diameters the column shall have in height, and according to that assign the height of the entablature. For these two points in proportioning, and for appropriate detail and enrichment, lie may, without servility, refer to the ancient examples ; with the confidence, moreover, that in availing himself of their beauties he acquires the power of producing an ob- ject that shall be itself beautiful, while he can avoid being a mere copyist in the adaptation and arrangement of the materials of his composition, as well as in the selection S c 2 ARCHITECTURE. Grecian of them. We cannot discover that the elevation of the Structures, pediment depended so immediately on the common stand- W*"" 1 ard, though in the best examples the tympanum will be found to be about one diameter and a half in height. The Ionic and Corinthian, or Voluted and Foliate orders, do not possess that innate principle of harmony which pervades the Doric, and therefore they are, as styles, less perfect, and depend more on factitious combi- nations. The Greek compositions of Ionic and Corinthian are of such consummate beauty in every particular, that their examples appear perfect, and may therefore be taken as models for study, in preference to the rules which have been laid down for those orders, without a knowledge of these exemplifications. With a consciousness of their in - ferior capacity to produce grand and harmonious effects in such arrangements as their temples require, the Greeks never applied either the Ionic or the Corinthian peripte- rally, and, as far as we have certain knowledge, only the latter in prostyles. Whether the Ionians did or did not, cannot be satisfactorily ascertained, as their temples are in every case so much destroyed, that it is impossible, at least without more care and attention than they have yet re- ceived, to make out satisfactorily what their plans were. In the Ionic and Corinthian orders, the proportions of the various parts are generally made dependent on the diame- ter of the column, as in the Doric ; but the intercolumni- ations, and consequently the general proportions, of a com- position, are not determined by the column and its acces- sories according to their capacity, but must be left to the taste and skill of the architect, as well as the columnar proportions themselves. This gave rise to the rules re- ferred to, which are laid down by Vitruvius, for what he calls the “ Five Sorts of Edifices,” or, more correctly, species of intercolumniation. They are pycnostyle, systyie, diastyle, arasostyle, and eustyle, to each of which a fixed space is assigned. Architects will, however, act more wisely in judging for themselves, by reference to the best models of antiquity, what proportion constitutes an Eustyle intercolumniation, according to the application of his ordinance, than by attending to such irrational dogmas as are contained in that classification. The temples of the Greeks are described, according to their external arrangement, as being either in antis, pro- style, amphiprostyle, peripteral, pseudo-peripteral, dip- teral, or pseudo-dipteral ; and internally, as cleithral or hypaethral. The columnar arrangement in antis is not com- mon in Greek architecture, though there are examples Ft. LVII. of it, generally of the Doric order. The inner porticoes or F>g- 2, andpronaoi of peripteral temples are for the most part placed l-JUU^'in antis, as may be seen by reference to the examples, in which columns stand between the antae. The Ionic temples of Athens are the principal examples of the simple prostyle. They may be called apteral, if it be ne- cessary to distinguish them from peripteral, as the latter are prostylar ; but the former term alone is sufficient. Neither does Greek architecture present more than one example, and that is at Athens also, of an amphiprostyle, except in the same peripteral structures, which are also amphiprostylar. Almost all the Doric temples are perip- teral, and being peripteral, they are, as a matter of course, amphiprostylar, as we have just remarked ; so that the for- mer term alone is used in describing an edifice of that kind, with the numeral which expresses the number of columns in each of its prostyles. There is but one known example of Greek antiquity of a pseudo-peripteral temple, and that is the gigantic fane of Jupiter Olympiusat Agri- gentum in Sicily. It is not even prostylar, for the columns Grecian on its fronts are attached, as well as those on its flanks. Structures. The dipteral arrangement is found at Selinus, in an octa- ^ style temple ; and in some cases the porticoes of peripteral temples have a pseudo-dipteral projection, though no per- fect example of the pseudo-dipteros exists. Most of the temples of the Greeks were cleithral ; those to the inferior and demi-gods were invariably so. The fanes of the supreme divinity were almost as invariably hypaethral, and frequently those of other superior gods were of the latter description also. The Doric order was never used by the Greeks in mere prostyles ; consequent- ly there is no Doric temple of the tetrastyle arrangement, for it is incompatible with the peripteral, the tetrastyle examples which do exist being all Ionic. 1 With very few exceptions, all the Doric temples of the Greeks are hexa- style. Their queen, however, the unmatched Parthenon, PI. LIV. is octastyle ; and the pseudo-peripteral fane of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigentum, just referred to, presents the singular arrangement, heptastyle. No example exists in Greek architecture of a portico of more than eight columns, except the mis-shapen monument called the Basilica at Psestum, theThersites ofits style, be so considered, and that has a front of nine columns, or an enneastyle arrangement. It may be here remarked, in support of the opinion we have given as to the authority of Vitruvius, that, ac- cording to him, peripteral temples have on each flank twice the number of intercolumniations they have in front ; thus giving to a hexastyle eleven, to an octastyle fifteen columns, and so on, whereas in the Greek temples this is never the case, for they always have more. The best ex- amples have two, some have but one, but many have three, and in one instance there are four intercolumniations more in flank than in front. Again, he limits the internal hy- pscthral arrangement to those structures which are exter- nally decastyle and dipteral, though an example, he says, existed in Greece of an octastyle hypaethros, and that was a Roman structure. Now, the Parthenon is an octastyle hypaethros, but all the other hypaethral temples, both in Greece and her colonies, are hexastyles, except perhaps the octastyle dipteral at Selinus ; and there is no evidence in existence that the Greeks ever constructed a decastyle dipteral temple. A Greek temple, whose columnar arrangement is sim- ply in antis, whether distyle or tetrastyle, consists of pro- naos and naos or cella. A tetraprostyle may have be- hind it a pronaos and naos. An amphiprostyle has, in ad- dition to the preceding, a posticum, but is not understood to have a second entrance. The porticoes of a peripteral temple are distinguished as the porticus and posticum, and the lateral ambulatories are incorrectly called peri- styles. It may indeed be here suggested, that as the ad- mixture of Latin with Greek terms in the description ot a Grecian edifice cannot be approved of, it would perhaps be better to apply the term stoa to the colonnaded plat- form or ambitus altogether, and distinguish the various parts of it by the addition of English adjectives : or the common term portico would be quite as well with front, back, and side or lateral, prefixed, as the case may be. Within the back and front stoas or porticoes, then, a pe- Pl.LVIII. ripteral temple has similar arrangements in antis, which Fig- 3. are relatively termed the pronaos and opisthodomus, with an entrance only from the former; unless there should exist, as there does in the Parthenon, a room or chamber PI. LVII. within the opisthodomus, supposed to be the treasury, Fig. 3. when a door opens into it from the latter. Besides these. 1 Athens itself containing a Doric tetraprostyle, may seem to contradict this ; but it must be recollected that we have already said (page 410), that in speaking of Greek architecture, we exclude all the examples, even in Greece itself, which were executed under the Roman dominion, for they bear the Roman impress ; and that is one of them. ARCHITECTURE. Grecian a Greek temple of the most ramified description consists Structures. on ]y 0 f a ce ll, j n those which are cleithral; and of a naos, which is divided into nave and aisles, to use modern eccle- siastical terms, in an hypaethral temple. The only pure Greek architectural works that remain to us, and of which we have certain information, besides temples, are, it has been already stated, propylaea, cbora- gic monuments, and theatres. The Propyla?um, by way of eminence, that to the Acropolis of Athens, is the entrance or gateway through the wall of the peribolus into it. It consists of a Doric hexaprostyle portico internally, with a very singular arrangement of its columns, the central intercolumniation being ditriglyph. This was done pro- bably to allow a certain procession to pass, which would have been incommoded by a narrower space. Within the portico there is a deep recess, similar to the pronaos in a temple, but without columns in antis ; a wall pierced with five doorways corresponding to the intercolumniations of the portico, close the entrance ; and beyond it is a vesti- bule, divided into three parts by two rows of three Ionic columns, and forming an outer portico, fronted externally by a hexaprostyle exactly similar to that on the outside. Right and left of it, and setting out about one intercolum- niation of the portico from its end columns, at right angles, are two small triastyle porticoes in antis, with chambers be- hind them. These have been called temples, but most probably they were nothing more than porters’ lodges or guard-houses. The whole structure, though extremely elegant, and possessing many beauties, is not a good ar- chitectural composition : the unequal intercolumniation detracts from its simplicity and harmony. The use of Ionic columns in a Doric ordinance is equally objectionable; and their elevation from the floor of the portico on insu- lated pedestals is even worse, though their intention is obvious ; and without raising them, the ceiling might have been too low, or they must have been made taller. 1 The uneven style of the small temples or lodges is not pleasing, even though they be taken as flank and not as front com- positions ; and, moreover, their entablature abuts indefi- nitely against the walls of the larger structure, both in- ternally and externally, to the total destruction of the harmony of the general composition. Indeed the unequal heights of the entablature of the greater ordinance in- volves a fault, if there were not something to prevent them from being seen in the same view, which it requires more than all the beauties of detail and harmony of pro- portion to countervail. PI. LX. The choragic monument of Lysicrates, vulgarly called Fig. 1 &2. th e Lanthorn of Demosthenes, at Athens, is a small struc- ture, consisting of an elegant rusticated quadrangular basement or podium, which is more than two fifths of the whole height, surmounted by a cyclostyle of six Corin- thian columns, attached to, and projecting rather more than one half from, a wall which perfects the cylinder up to the top of their shafts, where it forms a podium for tri- pods the height of the capitals. A characteristic enta- blature rests on the columns, and receives a tliolus or dome, which is richly ornamented, and terminates in a foliated and heliced acroterium. To this Stuart has add- ed dolphins as supporters, and has placed on the summit a tripod, which was the prize in the choragic festival ; thus completing perhaps the most beautiful composition in its style ever executed. In Vitruvian language the ar- rangement of this edifice would be called monopteral ; but it is more correctly cyclostylar, or, perhaps, because of the wall or core, it may be termed a pseudo or attached DO cyclostyle. The basement of this monument is eminently Grecian bold and simple, admirably proportioned to the rest of the Structures, structure, and harmonizing perfectly with it. The lumnar ordinance is the only perfect specimen of the style 1 in existence of pure Greek origin, and it has never been surpassed, perhaps not equalled, in beauty elsewhere. The most exquisite harmony reigns throughout its composi- tion : it is simple without being poor, and rich without being meretricious ; and the same applies to the super- imposed tripod and its supports. Totally different in style and arrangement, and far in- ferior in merit, is the choragic monument of Thrasyllus. It bears, however, the impress of the Grecian mind. This composition is merely a front to a cave, consisting of three pilasters proportioned and moulded like Doric antse, and supporting an entablature similar in style, but too shallow to harmonize with them. Above the entablature there is an attic or parapet, divided into three compartments hori- zontally. The two external form tablets with a cornice or impost on them, and the central is composed of three re- ceding courses, on the summit of which is seated a draped human figure, whether male or female, in its mutilated state is not determinable. The entablature, instead of triglyphs in the frieze, has laurel wreaths; and it would appear as if the absence of that feature had deranged the whole composition. The two outer pilasters are of good proportion, and the architrave is well proportioned to them ; but the frieze and cornice are both too narrow, and the spaces between the pilasters, equivalent to interco- lumniations, are too wide. The third pilaster, itself in- harmonious, is absurdl} r narrow, being narrower than the others; and, standing immediately under the statue, evi- dently to support it, its meagreness is the more obvious and striking. In spite of all this, the general outline of the structure is simple and pleasing, the detail is elegant, and the execution spirited and effective. This little mo- nument is, however, a proof that the Greeks were not so excellent in architectural compositions at all times, as in the self-composing Doric temples, and in the choragic monument of Lysicrates ; and to this evidence may be added that of the triple temple in the Acropolis of Athens. It consists of an Ionic hexaprostyle in front, resting on a PL LIX. bold, continuous, and well-proportioned stylobate, and forming the entrance to a parallelogramic cella, but, from all that has yet been discovered, without a pronaos in antis. The back-front consists of four columns like those of the portico, attached in antis ; and the flanks are broad and bold, crowned by the well-proportioned and chaste entablature, with the enriched congeries of mould- ings and running ornament of the antae under it. In the absence of a pronaos to give depth to the portico, the composition was defective, but otherwise simple and har- monious. It was, however, completely spoiled by the at- tachment of a tetiaprostyle to one of its sides, Ionic cer- tainly, like that in front, but not only in a different man- ner, but of a different size ; beautiful in itself, but a blot on the main building, with which it harmonizes in no one particular, being altogether lower ; for the apex of its pe- diment only reaches to the cornice of the former. This and the Caryatidean portico are omitted in the example. In a similar situation, against the other side is attached a similar arrangement of Caryatides, ate traprostyle of female figures raised on a lofty basement, and yet not reaching to the entablature of the main building, — according in no one particular either with it or with the portico on the other side, and altogether forming the most heterogeneous. 1 An editorial note in the new edition of The Antiquities of Athens says that “ they are incorrectly mounted on pedestals” in Stuart and Revett’s Restoration. This structure cannot perhaps fairly be judged of, until its site and remains shall have been examined without the jealous supervision of a Turkish governor. 34 ARC H I T Grecian and inharmonious combination imaginable. Yet the two Structures. Ionic porticoes are the most beautiful examples of their order in existence, and perhaps, it may be added, that were ever executed, — arranged in the finest proportion, and with the most exquisite details and enrichments. The Caryatidean frontispiece, also, for more it cannot be called, is full of architectural beauties, though it is most injudiciously collocated. The theatres of the Greeks, it has been already inti- mated, present but little to interest in the view we are taking of architecture. They were not structures, but ex- cavations ; and whatever decoration they may have re- ceived to make them objects of interest externally, is, in every known example, entirely gone ; and attempts to re- store them from their existing remains, and the informa- tion to be derived from ancient writers, would be futile, without a knowledge of Greek architecture gained else- where, proving that they themselves cannot furnish it, and of course cannot yield it to us. No example of it furnishing us with matter for architectural illustration, we should gain no information in furtherance of our present subject by treating of it here. The division of the columnar architecture of the Greeks and Romans into orders by the Italian architects of the fifteenth century, according to the laws of Vitruvius, and the universal reception of that mode of arranging it, al- most imposes on us the necessity of adopting the same course, and laying down a standard or model for each. But instead of so doing, we think it better to give each school separately, and describe the general features of the orders as they occur in the works of each, — pointing out, moreover, the varieties that exist, and prevent the mono- tony consequent on restricted forms and proportions. We retain, too, the term “ Order,” and the names in general use, without consenting to the propriety of either the one or the other ; for if it be judicious to divide Greek and Roman columnar architecture into orders, there can be no reason why Egyptian, Hindoo, Persian, or any other style, should not be classed in a similar manner. More- over, there is nothing in any one “ order” that, were it not for custom, would not be thought as fitting in any other as in that to which it may belong. The Greeks did not hesitate to put triglyphs in the frieze of an entablature whose columns were fillet-fluted and had foliated capi- tals, as some ruins at Paestum attest. As to names, the Doric might, as we have said, be called Corinthian with more propriety; the Ionic, Samian; and the Corinthian, Athenian ; referring to the oldest known examples of each. The term Style would be more correct than Order, as it would indicate the column as the feature referred to, without conveying the idea of fixed rules ; and archi- tectural works into which columns do not enter need not be constrained to admit the arrangement of some Order in the composition, proportion, and detail of its various parts. In naming, too, the Doric might be called the Greek sacred or triglyphed style; the Ionic, the Voluted style ; and the Corinthian, the Foliated ; thus admitting any varieties of combination which could be expressed as composites of the voluted and foliate, or of the foliate and triglyphed, as the case might be. An Order, according to Mr Gwilt, is “ an assemblage of parts, consisting of a base, shaft, capital, architrave, frieze, and cornice, whose several services requiring some distinction in strength, have been contrived or designed in five several species,... each of which has its ornaments as well as general fabric proportioned to its strength and character.” Perrault says that an order may be defined “ a rule for the proportion of columns, and for the form of certain parts which belong to them, according to the different proportions which they have.” We would have ECTUR E. it understood to be a species of columnar arrangement, Grecian differing in its forms and general proportions, and in some Doric, leading features, from any other. Greek columnar archi- tecture may thus be divided into the three arrangements or orders, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, which form its classes or styles. In considering them, however, it is necessary to discharge the mind of all the absurdities of the Italo-Vitruvian school about the proportions of the human figure being applied to columns, whether virile, ma- tronal, or virginal ; about the trunks of trees and rafters’ feet ; whether Doric columns should not have bases be- cause men have feet, or that Ionic columns should have them because women wore sandals ; that the guttae in a Doric entablature should be conical, and not pyramidal, because they are to look like drops of water ; that sculls, furies, thunderbolts, and daggers may be used to enrich a Doric frieze, but that spears, and swords, and stars, and garters may not; — these, with the thousand other puer- ilities of the Cinquecentists, whether Italian, French, or English, — whether acquired from the writings of Palladio and Scamozzi, of Perrault and Leclerc, or of Wotton and Chambers, — must be forgotten, and the greater or less degree of beauty resulting from this or that mode of ar- rangement and detail alone attended to. Not to induce the idea that the quoted examples of the antique should be imitated to the line and letter, but ra- ther in spirit, we shall speak of the proportions of their various parts generally; though it must at the same time be understood that much of the beauty of a columnar composition depends on its minutiae : still it is not neces- sary that these minutiae should be mere repetitions of an original ; it is in the spirit of the antique models that ex- cellence is to be sought, and not in crude rules for their reproduction. Of the Grecian Doric. This order may be divided into three parts, Stylobate, Column, and Entablature. The stylobate is from two thirds to a whole diameter of the column in height, in three equal courses, which recede gradually the one above from the one below it, and on the floor or upper step the column rests. That graduation, it may be remarked, does "not appear to have been made by the ancients to facilitate the access to the floor of the stoa or portico, but on the principle of the spreading footings of a wall, to give both real and apparent firmness to the structure, both of which it does in an eminent degree. The column varies in different examples from four to PI. LV. six diameters in height, of which the capital, including Fig- the necking, is rather less than half a diameter: in those ^11. cases in which a necking does not exist, the capital itself pi^j/VIII. occupies nearly the same proportion. The shaft dimi- p;,, 4> nishes in a slightly curved line, called entasis, from its base or inferior diameter upwards to the hypotrachelium, leav- ing it at that place, or at the superior diameter, from two thirds to four fifths of the lower or inferior, which latter is the diameter always intended when the term is used as a measure of proportion. The capital consists of a neck- ing, an echinus or ovalo, and an abacus ; the necking is about one fifth of the height of the capital, and the other two members equally divide the remaining four fifths : when there is no necking, the ovalo occupies the greater proportion of the whole height. The abacus is a square tablet, whose sides are rather more than the inferior dia- meter of the column. The corbelling of the ovalo adapts it to both the diminished head of the shaft and the ex- tended abacus, flowing into the one, and forming a bed for the other by means of a graceful cyma-reversa ; but Fig. C & 7 . its lower part is encircled by three or four rings or annu- lets, which are variously formed in different examples, ARCHITECTURE. 35 Grecian and which are the means of giving the echinus form to Doric, the great moulding, although it is, as we have said, part of a cyma-reversa. The shaft is divided generally into twenty flutes; but there are several examples with sixteen, PL LVII. ant [ there is one with twenty-four. The flutes are some- pi VIII t ‘ mes se g ments of circles, sometimes semiellipses, and Fie it &14 sometimes eccentric curves. They always meet in an arris ° or edge, and follow the entasis and diminution of the column up through the hypotrachelium to the annulets, under which they finish, sometimes with a straight and sometimes with a curved head. At the base they detail on the pavement or floor of the stylobate. Fig. 4. The third part of the order, the entablature, ranges in various examples from one diameter and three quarters to rather more than two diameters in height, of which about four fifths is nearly equally divided between the architrave and frieze, and the cornice occupies the remaining one fifth : this is in some cases exactly the distribution of the entablature. The architrave is in one broad face, four fifths, and sometimes five sixths of its whole height; and the remaining fifth or sixth is given to a projecting con- tinuous fillet called the taenia, which occupies one half the space, and a regula or small lintel attached to it, in lengths equal to the breadth of the triglyphs above in the frieze. From the regulae six small cylindrical drops called guttae depend. There are examples to the contrary, but it may be taken as a general rule, that the architrave is not in the same vertical line with the upper face of the shaft, or its circumferential line, at the superior diameter, but is projected nearly as much as to impend the line or face of the column at the base. The frieze, vertically, is plain about six sevenths of its whole height, and is bounded above by a fascia, slightly projecting from it, which oc- cupies the remaining seventh. Horizontally, however, it is divided into triglyphs and metopes, which regulate the intercolumniations in the manner that has been al- ready described ; the former being nearly a semidiame- ter in width, and the latter the space interposed between two triglyphs, generally an exact square, its breadth being equal to the whole height of the frieze, including the fascia. This latter breaks round the triglyphs hori- zontally, and is a little increased in depth on them. Each glyph, of which there are two whole ones and two halves to every tablet, is one fifth of the width of the whole, and the interglyphs are each one seventh of the whole tablet or triglyph. The glyphs detail on the taenia of the architrave, but are variously finished above. In some ex- amples they are nearly sq.uare-lieaded, with the angles rounded off; in others the heads are regular curves, from a flat segment to a semiellipsis. The semiglyphs are finished above in a manner peculiar to themselves, with a turn or drop ; but hardly two examples correspond in that particular. The tablets in which the glyphs are cut are vertical to the face of the architrave, the metopes recede from them like sunk panels ; these are often charged with sculptures, and indeed almost appear contrived to receive them. The third and crowning part of the entablature, the cornice, in what may be considered the best examples, projects from the face of the triglyphs and architrave about its own height. Vertically, it is divided into four equal parts, one of which is given to a square projecting fillet at the top, with a small congeries of mouldings, dif- ferent, and differently proportioned to each other, in vari- ous examples. Two other parts are given to the corona, and the remaining fourth to a narrow sunk face below it, with the mutules and their guttae. These latter form the soffit or planceer of the cornice, which is not horizontal or at right angles to the vertical face of the entablature ge- nerally, but is cut up inwards at an angle of about 80°. The width of the mutules themselves is regulated by that of the triglyphs over which they are placed, to which it Grecian is exactly equal. They are ornamented each with three Doric, rows of six small cylinders, similar to those which depend ’'■“’’'Y'** from the regulae under the triglyphs and on the archi- trave. There are twice the number of mutules that there are of triglyphs, one of the former being placed over every metope also in the manner the examples indicate. This completes the Greek Doric Order according to the generally received sense of the term ; but there are other parts necessary to it. In the front or on the ends of a PI. LVII I. temple, or over a portico, a pediment is placed. Its in- Fig. 1. tention is obviously to inclose the ends of the roof, but it forms no less a part of the architectural composition. In reason, it should be raised as much as the roof required; but when the span is great that would be unsightly ; and reference appears to have been made to the common standard of proportion, as the pediments of most Doric temples are found to be about one diameter and a half in height at the apex of the tympanum, which in a hexastyle arrangement makes an angle at the base of about 14°, and in an octastyle about 12^°. The pediment is covered by the cornice, without its mutules, rising from the point of its crowning fillet, so that no part of it is repeated in profile. Another moulding, however, is superimposed : sometimes this is an ovalo with a fillet over it, and some- times a cymatium. It varies much in its proportion to the cornice, but in the best examples it is about one half the depth of the latter without its mutules. Ornaments of various kinds, statues or foliage, are believed to have been placed on the apices and at the feet of pediments as acroteria. Of these, however, we have no actual remains; but indications of the plinths or blocks which may have received them exist, and such things appear represented in ancient coins and medallions. The tympana of pedi- ments are well known as receptacles of ornamental sculp- ture. On the flank of a Doric temple, the cornice sup- pp LVII ported a row of ornamented tiles called antefixae. These Fig. 1. formed a rich and appropriate ornament, but they rather belonged to the roof than to the columnar arrangement or order. The antefixae covered the ends of the joint-tiles as the pediments did those of the roofs ; and correspond- ing ornaments called stelai rose out of the apices of the joint-tiles, forming a highly enriched ridge. A secondary Doric order arises in the disposition of a Fig. 9. Grecian temple, from the columns of the pronaos and the inner part of the external entablature continued and repeated. Of this the frieze is generally without triglyphs, though there may be regulae and guttae on the architrave. The fascia of the frieze is either moulded or enriched on the face ; and, instead of a cornice, the beams of the ceiling are laid at equal intervals to support sunk panels or cof- fers, in which there may be flowers or other enrichments. The proper composition and arrangement of antae are as necessary to the perfection of the Doric order as that of the columnar ordinance itself, especially if the latter be in antis. A slight projection is made from the end and Fig. 2, 3, side face of a wall, forming a species of pilaster, whose & 10; and front shall be nearly equal to the diameter of the columns LVIII. to which it is attached, exactly equal indeed to the soffit 3 ’ of the entablature, whose faces have been described to impend the circumferential line of the column a little above its base. This rests on the stylobate in the same manner as the columns do, with sometimes a small conti- nuous moulding as a base; and its capital is a congeries of mouldings, about the depth of the abacus, with a plain fascia corresponding to the ovalo of the columnar capital. The entablature of the order to which it is attached rests on it, and, continuing along the flank of the building, is re- ceived by a similar combination at the other end. These, it may be remarked, were never diminished or fluted. 36 A R C II I TEC T U 11 E. Grecian Being projections from the ends of walls, they could not Ionic. ij e diminished without involving an absurdity ; and fluting on a straight surface must be productive of monotony, as the flutes can only project a series of equal and parallel shadow's. Not so, however, with columns, on whose ro- tund surface fluting produces a beautiful variety of light and shade in all their gradations, which it could not pos- sess without that enrichment; for on a plain column nei- ther are the lights so bright nor the shadows so dark as in the former case, nor are they so finely diffused over the whole surface in the one as in the other. In the only example which occurs in the ancient archi- tectural remains of attached Doric columns, that of the pseudo-peripteral temple of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigen- tum, the stylobate is peculiarly arranged. The upper gradus is grooved, and detailed round the columns and along the walls between them ; and a congeries of vertically arranged mouldings and fillets rests on it, and receives the base of the column. Such are the materials of which the Greeks composed their beautiful temples, the manner of whose composition has been already described. Of their effect, however, it is impossible to form a competent idea without seeing one. And whence, it may be asked, does their interest arise ? PI. LIV. From their simplicity and harmony; — simplicity, in the long unbroken lines which bound their forms, and the breadth and boldness of every part ; such as the lines of the entablature and stylobate, the breadth of the corona, of the architrave, of the abaci, of the capitals, and of their ovalos also ; in the defined form of the columns, and the breadth of the members of the stylobate ; — harmony, in the evident fitness of every part to all the rest. The en- tablature, though massive, is fully upborne by the columns, whose spreading abaci receive it, and transmit the weight downwards by the shafts, which rest on a horizontal and spreading basement ; the magnitude of every part, as we have before had occasion to remark, being determined by the capacity of the sustaining power. Besides graceful and elegant outline, and simple and harmonious forms, these structures possess a bewitching variety of light and shade, arising from the judicious contour and arrange- ment of mouldings, every one of which is rendered effec- tive, — by the fluting of the columns and the peculiar form of the columnar capital, whose broad, square abacus pro- jects a deep shadow on the bold ovalo, which mingles it with reflections, and produces on itself almost every va- riety. The play of light and shade, again, about the in- sulated columns, is strongly relieved and corrected by the deep shadows on the walls behind them; and in the fronts, where the inner columns appear, the effect is en- chanting. For all the highest effects which architecture is capable of producing, a Greek peripteral temple of the Doric order is perhaps unrivalled. Of the Grecian Ionic. Not less Hellenic in its detail than the national Doric is the graceful and elegant style called the Ionian, whose proportions and peculiarities we take from the perfect ex- amples of the Athenian Acropolis. PI. LIX. This order may also be considered in three similar parts, Stylobate, Column, and Entablature. The stylobate is in three receding equal courses or steps, whose total height is from four fifths of to a whole diameter. The column, consisting of base, shaft, and capital, is rather more than nine diameters in height, of which the base is two fifths of a diameter; and the capital, including the hypotrachelium, is in one case three fourths, and in the other seven eighths of a diameter high. The base consists of a congeries of mouldings, extending gradually from one diameter and a third to a diameter and a half, and its height is in three nearly equal parts, with two equal fillets separating them. Grecian The lowest, a torus, rests on the top of the stylobate or ^ Ionic, floor of the portico, a fillet divides that from a scotia, a — second fillet intervenes that and a second torus, and a third fillet bases the apophyge or escape of the shaft. The upper torus of the base is, in one example, fillet-fluted horizontally; and, in the other, the same member is en- riched with the guilochos. The shaft diminishes with en- tasis from its lower or whole diameter, to above five sixths of it immediately under the hypotrachelium. It is fluted with twenty-four flutes and alternating fillets, which fol- low the diminution and entasis of the column. The flutes in plan are nearly semiellipses, and they finish at both ends with the same curve : a fillet is in thickness nearly one fourth the width of a flute. The difference in the height of the capital is in the length of the necking, which in one case is separated from the head of the shaft by a carved bead, and in the other by a plain fillet. Above the necking, a height of about one third of a dia- meter is occupied by a congeries of three spreading or corbelling mouldings, a bead, an ovalo, and a torus, which are all appropriately carved. On these rest the parallelo- gramic block, on whose faces are the volutes, and whose ends are concaved into what is technically termed a bol- ster, to connect them. This part is about one third of a diameter in height, and includes a rectilinear abacus, whose edges are moulded to an ovalo, and carved with the egg and tongue ornament. The volutes are three fifths of a diameter in depth, and extend in front to one diameter and a half ; and they are nearly a semidia- meter apart. The flowing lines which connect the volutes can only be understood by reference to the example. The Fig. 5. bolsters are fluted vertically, with alternate fillets, on Fig. 12. which are carved beads. An ornament composed of the honeysuckle with tendrils encircles the necking of the column. It must be remarked, that as the capitals are parallelogramic, and present but two similar fronts, to pre- serve the appearance of volutes externally on all sides, the capitals of those columns which occupy the external angles of porticoes are differently arranged. The outer Fig. 13. volute is bent out at an angle of 45°, and volutes are put on the end or side-front of the capital also, the outer one being the other side of the angular, volute of the front. To suit the angle internally, the two volutes of the inner face are placed at right angles to each other : this is, however, at best but an awkward expedient, and need not be employed when a portico projects only one inter- columniation. The entablature, which is rather more than two diame- Fig. 5 ters in height, is also divided into three parts — architrave, frieze, and cornice — which may be proportioned by divid- ing the whole height into five parts, four of which, as in the Doric, may be again equally divided between the ar- chitrave and frieze. The cornice, however, in the exam- ples referred to, does not occupy one fifth of the entabla- ture; but if it had a fillet over the upper moulding, which it appears to want, that would be just its proportion. If the architrave be divided into nine parts, seven of them may be given to three equal fascias, which slightly pro- ject the one before the other ; the first or lowest, which is vertical to the circumferential line of the inferior dia- meter, being covered by the second, and the second by the third. The remaining two ninths form a band of mouldings corbelling a broad fillet, which separates the architrave from the frieze : these mouldings are enriched. The frieze, which does not project quite so much as the lowest fascia of the architrave, is, in the Athenian exam- ples, quite plain ; but it may be enriched with foliage, or made the receptacle of sculpture in low relief. The cor- nice projects from the face of the frieze rather more than ARCHITECTURE. 37 Grecian as much as its whole height, and is composed of bed Ionic, mouldings, a corona, and crown mouldings. The first are a carvec j b eat i and carved cyma-reversa, the former of which only occupies a portion of the height of the cor- nice, as the planceer is cut up inwards in the manner re- presented by dotted lines in the example, to a sufficient depth for it ; the crown mouldings, which consist of a carved ovalo above a carved bead, are rather more than one fourth of the whole cornice; and the corona occupies the rest of its height, except that small portion given to the bead of the bed mould. A fillet above the crown mouldings, as already intimated, is certainly necessary to complete the order and receive the antefixae, as described in the Doric, for the flank of a temple. Fig. 1 & 2. The pediments in the Ionic examples are rather flatter than in the Doric, the angle made by the covering cor- nice with the base being, in a hexastyle, less than 14°. A vertical fillet, with a small moulding, equal in depth to the two crown mouldings of the cornice, covers them in the pediment, in the place of the cyma-recta or ovalo used in the Doric order. The intercolumniation used in these examples is, in the one two diameters, and in the other three diameters and one sixth. A much greater variety is found in the composition of the Ionic than of the Doric order. Indeed the examples of the Athenian Acropolis alone have neckings ; in all the others the shaft runs up to the corbelled mouldings, which bed the block of the volutes, and the flutes finish under them. Neither have they a torus in that congeries, but a bead and ovalo alone, which latter makes an incon- venient projection under the pendent lines that connect the volutes, and thus the capital is not more than half a diameter in height. The Ionian or Asiatic examples of this order are far inferior to those we have referred to. Their bases are dif- ferently, and certainly less elegantly composed. They are without hypotrachelia, as may have been inferred ; they want the torus in the capital ; and, in most cases, in- stead of flowing, pendent lines, they have straight lines connecting the volutes. Their entablatures are not so finely proportioned, nor so delicately executed. The coro- nas want breadth, and the bed moulds of the cornice are as much too heavy as those of Athens are perhaps too light. Indeed, upon the whole, they have more of the grossness of Roman architecture than of the delicacy and elegance of Grecian, though the Ionian examples are supposed to be the models of those of Athens. Fig. 10. The width of the ante of the Ionic order is determin- ed, as in the Doric, by the soffit of the entablature; and it will, of course, be exactly the same as, or rather less than, the inferior diameter of the column. It is slightly raised, too, from the face of the wall at the ends of which it stands. The base of the ante is, in one of the two ex- < amples of the Acropolis, a little deeper than that of the column, having a small projecting moulding between the lower torus and the floor ; and the lower torus itself is reeded. In the other example there is no difference in the form and proportion of the ante and columnar bases, but both the tori are fluted horizontally, with beaded fillets between the flutes. The ante cap consists of a congeries of corbelling mouldings, nearly one third of a diameter in height. It is divided into three nearly equal parts, the lowest of which is composed of a bead and an ovalo ; the second of another bead and a cyma-reversa, all carved ; and the third of a plain flat cavetto, with a narrow fillet and small crowning cyma-reversa, forming an abacus. The necking is like that of the capital, and is enriched in the Fig- 3. same manner. The cap or cornice thus formed breaks round the projection of the ante, and is continued along the wall under the entablature the whole length of the building, or till it is impeded by some other construction, and the base is continued in like manner. Attached columns have the voluted capital, but their base is that of the ante; and it is detailed round them and along the wall to which they belong, as with the ante. It must be remembered, however, that the attached columns in the triple temple are about one ninth less in diameter than those which are insulated, though they are similar in other respects, and have the same entablature. The back of the triple temple, between the attached columns, presents the only example in Greek architec- ture of windows. These are rather more than twice their width in height, and are narrower at the top than at the bottom. They rest on a broad, bold sill, which is equal in depth to two sixths of the opening, and are surround- ed externally by a congeries of mouldings, which, with a plain fascia, constitute an architrave. This architrave is one fourth the opening in width; it diminishes with the window, and in the same proportion, and is returned above in two knees, which are made vertical to its extreme point at the base. Grecian Corinthian, Fig. 2, Of the Grecian Corinthian. The importance which the Greeks attached to a gradu-Pl- I.X. ated stylobate, and the necessity of giving it a relevant Fig- *- proportion in a columnar ordinance, are evinced in the only example of this order which remains to us of Gre- cian origin. Unlike the Doric and Ionic in its applica- tion, which is in temples of rectangular form, whose whole height they occupy, this is attached to a small circular structure, resting on a lofty square basement ; and yet, like those orders, it has a stylobate in receding courses, and in plan, too, corresponding with the arrangement ofFig. 2. the columns, and not with that of the substructure ; thus offering further proof that the stylobate was considered a part of the columnar ordinance. Thus the Corinthian Fig. 1 & 3. order also consists of stylobate, column, and entablature. The stylobate is rather more than a diameter in height, and is divided into three parts, but not equally, in con- sequence, it is probable, of the peculiar position of the ordinance. The two lower grades have vertical faces, are of equal depth, and they occupy three fourths of the whole height ; the third step occupies the remaining one fourth, and is moulded on the edge, in exquisite harmony with the more ornate style, of which it forms a part. Like the column of the Ionic order, that of the Corinthian consists of base, shaft, and capital: it is ten diameters in height. The base is rather more than one third of a diameter high, and is composed of a torus and fillet, which are nearly two fifths of its whole height ; a scotia and another si- milar fillet, rather less than the former ; and a second torus or reversed ovalo, one fifth the height of the base, on which rests a third fillet basing the apophyge of the shaft. The extent or diameter of the base, at the lower torus, is rather more than one diameter and a half. The shaft diminishes with entasis to five sixths of its diameter at the hypotrachelium, and, like that of the Ionic order, has twenty-four flutes and fillets. The flutes are semiellipses, so deep as nearly to approach semicircles : they finish in the apophyge at the foot of the shaft, in the same manner and form ; and at the head they terminate in leaves, to which the fillets are stalks. The fillets are rather more than one fourth the width of the flutes. The hypotrachelium is a simple channel or groove immediately under the capital. The capital itself is a diameter and rather more than one third in height : its core is a perfect cylinder, in bulk rather less than the superior diameter of the shaft. This is band- ed by a row of water leaves, whose profile is a flat cavetto, one sixth of the whole height, and another of leaves of the acanthus, with flowered buttonsattachingthem to the cylin- 38 ARCHITEC T UUE. Grecian der. These latter have the contour of a cyma-recta, and Corinthian. are twice the height of the last, or one third of the whole capital. Rather more than another third is occupied by helices and tendrils, which latter support a honeysuckle against the middle of the abacus; and the abacus itself, resting on and covering the whole mass, is but little more than one seventh of the whole height. This member in plan can only be described as a square whose angles are cut off at 45°, and whose sides are deeply concaved. In profile it consists of a narrow fillet, an elliptical cavetto or reversed scotia, and another fillet surmounted by a small ovalo, or rather a moulding whose profile is the quadrant of an ellipsis. The entablature of this order is two diameters and two sevenths in height. It also consists of architrave, frieze, and cornice, of which the first occupies one tenth more than a third, the second rather more than as much less than that proportion, and the cornice is so much more again above one third. The architrave is divided, like that of the Ionic order, into three equal fascias, which occupy all but one sixth of its whole height, and that is given to a corbelled band, consisting of a bead, cyma-re- versa, and fillet, separating the two members of the en- tablature. The fascias of the architrave, it must be re- marked, are not perpendicular, but incline inwards, so that their lower angles are all in the same vertical line, which impends the surface of the shaft about one third of its height from the base. The frieze is one plain band, slightly inclining inwards, like the fascias of the archi- trave, and slightly projected beyond them : in this ex- ample it is enriched with sculptures. The cornice con- sists of a deep congeries of bed mouldings, and a corona, with the accustomed small crown mouldings and fillet. Its extreme projection is nearly equal to its whole height : of this the bed-mouldings project about two fifths. As in the Ionic cornice, additional height is given to the bed- moulds, by undercutting the planceer. In this case, indeed, it is done to nearly one fourth the height of the corona. One sixth the height of the cornice is given to a flat bead and an ovalo, which are immediately above the frieze, and which base a broad dentilled member that occupies more than one fourth of the whole cornice. This is sur- mounted by a listel or broad fillet, above which is a cyma- recta, whose narrow fillet nearly reaches the horizontal plane of the planceer, and separates it from a cyma-reversa that beds the superimposed projecting corona. This lat- ter is only three eighths of the whole cornice, and nearly one of the three is given to the ovalo and fillet, the bed- moulds alone occupying five eighths. The cornice is sur- mounted by a cut fascia supporting honeysuckle antefixse, which may indeed be taken as a part of the order, as the solitary example in question presents it. This, however, we know, from the Doric and Ionic structures, to be a modification of the flank ornament of temples ; and we may suppose from analogy, that if used in a portico the cornice of this order would have a cyma-recta to ciown it on the inclined side of the pediment. The intercolum- niation of this example is two diameters and one third. Of Corinthian antae we have no examples, nor indeed have we of insulated columns ; but as we find in the Ionic examples quoted, that the attached columns are less in proportion to the entablature than those which are insu- lated, we may conclude that it would be the same with this ; thus reducing the entablature to two diameters, the ordi- nary average of that part in Greek columnar architecture. Of the Caryatides , or Caryatic Order. Fig. 4, C & The solecism in architecture of which we have now to speak has but the one existing example in the works of the Greeks, to which we have already referred. It is the third portion of the triple temple in the Athenian Aero- Carvatic polis, and is a projection from the flank of the principal Order. Ionic structure, formed by a stereobatic dado raised on the stylobate and antae-base mouldings of it, with a sur- base consisting of a carved bead and carved ovalo corbel- ling a broad lintel, with a narrow projecting fillet above it. On this rests a square plinth, which bases a draped female figure, on the head of which there is imposed a circular moulded block, with a deep rectangular abacus, two thirds of whose face is vertical, and the other third is a cavetto, fillet, and small cyma-reversa. The stereobate, including the moulded base of the temple, is about three fourths the height of the statue-pillar with its base and capital. The entablature is rather less than two fifths of the same, but it consists of architrave and cornice alone, between which parts the height is nearly equally divided. Rather more than one fifth of the former is given to a carved bead and carved cyma-reversa, with the flat, plain cavetto and fillet which they corbel ; the other four fifths are di- vided nearly equally into three fascias, of which the third or upper one has a fraction more than the other two, and is studded with plain circular tablets, whose diameter is five sixths of its depth. The cornice consists of bed- mouldings, corona, and crown mouldings. Two fifths of its whole height is given to the bed-mould, to which one seventh of that may be added for the portion cut up in the planceer. Half that increased height is occupied by a dentilled member, and the other half by a broad plain fillet, a carved bead, carved cyma-reversa, and a narrow fillet above it. The remaining three fifths of the whole cornice being again divided into five parts, rather less than two of them is given to the corona ; a little more than one to a plain cyma-reversa and fillet, of which the latter is the wider; and of the rest a carved ovalo occupies five sevenths, and a listel or crowning fillet, with a carved bead on it, the other two. A pier, pilaster, or antse, projects from the wall of the greater temple, and receives the end of the entablature behind the inner figure ; for the projec- tion is of two statues and their interspaces. It does not, however, rest on the stereobate, but runs down to the base- mouldings of the temple, the dado and surbase abutting against it. The antse is capped by a congeries of carved mouldings, which support a narrow cavetto and fillet ; the height of the cap is half the diameter of the antse. There is also a hypotrachelium, consisting of a carved bead and the honeysuckle ornament, occupying about one third of a diameter in height. This Caryatidean portico displays very clearly the arrangement of the ceiling, with its coffers or cassoons. Internally the architrave is plain two thirds of its height ; of the remaining third rather more than one half is a plain, slightly projected fascia; and the other is occupied by a carved bead and ovalo. In the absence of a frieze, the ceiling rests on this, and is divided by carv- ed beads into panels, which are deeply coffered, and dimi- nished by three horizontal moulded fascias. Of Grecian Mouldings and Ornament. Greek architecture is distinguished for nothing more PI- LX] than for the grace and beauty of its mouldings ; and it may be remarked of them generally, that they are eccen- tric, and not regular curves. They must be drawn, for they cannot be described or struck ; so that though they be called circular, or elliptical, it is seldom that they are really so : not but that they may be, but, if they are, it is evidently the result of chance, and not of design. Hence all attempts to give rules for striking mouldings are worse than useless, for they are injurious : the hand alone, direct- ed by good taste, can adapt them to their purpose, and give them the spirit and feeling which renders them effec- tive and pleasing. ARCHITECTU 11 E. 39 Grecian The leading outline of Greek moulding is the grace- Mouldings. fully flowing cyma. This will indeed be found to enter into the composition of almost every thing that diverges from a right line ; and even combinations of mouldings are frequently made with this tendency. It is concave above and convex below, or the reverse ; and though a long and but slightly fleeted line connect the two ends, they will always be found to correspond ; that is, the convexity and the concavity will be in exactly the same curve, so that if the moulded surface were reversed, and the one made to assume the place, it would also have the ap- pearance, of the other, and the effect would be the same. It is, in fact, the Hogarthian line of beauty ; and it is not a little singular that Hogarth, in his well-known Analysis of Beauty , although he did not know, and indeed could not have known, the contours of Greek architectural mouldings, has given the principle of them, and, under his line of beauty, has described many of the finest Greek forms. The Roman and Italian mouldings were called Greek in his day, and he assumed them to be so ; but they evidently do not agree with his theory, whereas, in prin- ciple, the now well-known Greek forms do most com- pletely. The cyma-recta is generally found to be more upright and less deeply fleeted than the cyma-reversa ; it is al- most always the profile of enrichments on flat surfaces, of foliage, of the covering moulding of pediments, of the un- dercut or hooked mouldings in antae-caps, the overhang- ing not affecting the general principle ; and it pervades, as we have said, fleeted architectural lines generally, whether horizontal or vertical. The cyma-reversa has all the variety of inflection that its opposite possesses, but the line connecting its two ends is, for the most- part, more horizontal, and its curves are deeper. It pervades many architectural combinations, but is most singularly evinced in the composition of the Greek Doric capital, PI. LVII. which is a perfect cyma-reversa, with the ends slightly & LVIII. b u t sharply fleeted, as it flows out of the shaft below, and Fig. 6 & 7- turns in under the abacus above. The obviousness of the former is prevented by the annulets which divide the cyma into an ovalo and a cavetto, but the principle is PI. I.IX. clear. 1 * The cyma is the governing outline in the con- Fig. 5. geries of mouldings in bases also, as may be noticed in ^ ie Ionic and Corinthian examples quoted and referred to. ' ‘ An ovalo is but the upper half of a cyma-reversa, even when it is used as a distinct moulding, and unconnected PL LX I. with the waving form. Its name expresses its apparent rather than its real tendency ; for its contour is not that of an egg in any section, though the ornament which is carved on it, when used as a running moulding, is formed like an egg ; and from that it was named. The upper torus of a base forms, with the escape or apophyge of the shaft, a perfect cyma, and the scotia and , lower torus do the same ; so that the torus and scotia are referable to the same principle when in composition, and they are not found together except in the combina- tion referred to. The bead is an independent moulding, varying in con- tour ; but it is generally the larger segment of a circle. It is used, however, sometimes to mask the waving form, and sometimes to separate it. The cavetto, or simple hollow, is part of a cyma also, as we have shown ; but it is also applied independently, to obviate a sharp angle, or to take from the formality of a vertical line, as in the abaci of Ionic antae-caps. Its form, nevertheless, is not the segment of a circle, for the upper Grecian part of a cavetto is the most fleeted, and it falls below Mouldings, almost into a straight line. There is a hooked moulding common in Greek archi-Pl. LVII. tecture, particularly in the Doric antae-caps, which is Fig- 5& 11. technically called the hawk’s-beak. It is a combination ofpj L ym curves which cannot be described in words; but it has pj’ 5&10.' been already referred to in speaking of the cyma-recta, which is brought into its composition. The cyma-recta is never found carved, or sunk within PL LXI. itself; but it sometimes has the honeysuckle, or other ornament of the kind, wrought on it in relief, particularly when used as the covering moulding — the cymatium — of a pediment. The enrichment of the cyma-reversa consists of a contrasted repetition of its own contour meeting in a broad point below, and joining by a circular line above, and making a sort of tongued or leafed ornament, whose surface is inflected horizontally also. Between the leaves a dart-formed tongue is wrought, extending from the cir- cular flexure above to the bottom of the moulding, whose contour it takes in front alone. As this would not mitre or join well on the angles of the cyma, a honeysuckle is gracefully introduced in the manner, shown in the ex- ample. This enrichment is not wrought in relief on the moulding, but is carved into it, so that the surfaces of the parts of the ornament alone retain the full outline of the cyma. The ovalo is enriched with what is called the egg and dart ornament. This will be best understood by reference to the example. Its angles also are made with a honeysuckle, and the inflections are made in the mould- ing itself. The torus is sometimes enriched with the in- terlaced ornament called the guilochos: this too is cut into the moulding itself. We have no Greek example of an enriched scotia, and from its form and position, which, to be effective, must be below the eye, it hardly seems susceptible of ornament which could operate beneficially. The bead is carved in spheres or slightly prolate sphe- roids, with two thin rings or buttons, dilated at their axes, placed vertically between them. A cavetto is not enriched at all, nor is the hawk’s beak, except by paint- ing, which does not appear to have been an uncommon mode of enriching mouldings among the Greeks; that is, the ornament was painted on the moulded surface in- stead of being carved into it. Fascias are also found en- riched hy painted running ornaments, such as the fret or meander, the honeysuckle, and the lotus. Sometimes plain colour was given to a member, to heighten the effect it was intended to produce. Ornaments were painted and gilt on the cohered panels of ceilings too. The few examples which exist of sculptured ornament on straight surfaces exhibit varieties of nearly the same combinations as those last mentioned, — the honej'suckle with the lotus, and sometimes a variety of itself on scrolls, either throwing out tendrils, or plain. This is found on the necking of the Ionic columns of the Athenian Acro- polis, and on those of their antae, and continuing along under the congeries of mouldings, as previously described. The varieties of foliage used in the enrichments of Greek architecture are few, and will be found generally exem- plified in the Corinthian capital of the choragic monu-PL LX. ment of Lysicrates, and in the rich acroteral pedestal or* 1 ^ 3 ’ stem of the same edifice, than which we possess no more Fig- 1* elaborate specimen of foliate enrichment of the Greek school. There exist many specimens of architectural or- nament on vases and fragments, in marble and terracotta, 1 The presence of the cyma in the Doric capital was, we believe, first pointed out by Mr T. L. Donaldson, in the supplementary volume to the new edition of Stuart’s Athens , though the true contour of the cyma itself appears to have escaped that gentleman's attention. 40 A R C H I T Roman in which human figures, both male and female, are com- Scructures. posed, with a greater variety of foliage than is generally found in Greek architectural works ; and many of the beautiful marble and bronze utensils discovered in Her- culaneum and Pompeii have enrichments obviously of Greek origin, from which, as well as from the specimens of ornament on positive architectural monuments, we may judge of their productions generally, as well as acquire or imbibe somewhat of the fine taste which originated them. It would be puerile to speculate on the domestic edi- fices of the Greeks any further than we have done, as we possess no genuine data on which to proceed. Their sa- cred structures have taught us their style of architecture; but for its application to general purposes we have no re- source but to consult the Roman remains of the exhu- mated Campanian cities and other places, and gather from analogy what Greek domestic architecture was. Of Roman Structures. Temples With a treatise on Roman architecture by a Roman and other architect, in our hands, mere transcription would appear r’? i c to be all that is necessary in writing on the subject. But builaincrs. j . o a ' finding that author and existing specimens at variance, we cannot help determining in favour of the superior au- thority of the latter, to which, therefore, we shall refer to elucidate Roman edifices and the Roman style, as we did to the Greek remains to elucidate the Grecian. Though far inferior in simplicity and harmony to the columnar architecture of the Greeks, that of the Romans, whether derived from it or not, is evidently of the same family, and is distinguished by boldness of execution and elaborate profusion of ornament. The tastes of the two nations are exemplified in the Doric of the former PL LVII. and the Corinthian of the latter ; the one a model of & I VIII. simple grandeur, perfect in its peculiar adaptation, but al- most inapplicable to any other purpose ; and the other, PI. LXXI. less refined, but more ornate, making up in extrinsic what it wants in intrinsic beauty — imperfect in every combina- tion, but almost equally applicable to every purpose. As in Greece, so also in Rome, the noblest specimens of co- lumnar architecture are in the temples of the divinity ; but it does not appear that the Romans were in the habit of constructing them peripterally, as the Greeks so con- stantly did. There are indeed ruins which induce the belief that they at times built dipteral temples ; but their common practice (as far as existing examples are authori- ties) was to make them pseudo-peripteral, or apteral and prostylar : of an amphiprostyle, even, we have not an ex- ample. It certainly is the custom to restore the ruined temples, whose remains are a few columns only, as if they had been peripteral; but it isdone notonly without sufficient authority, but against that which the more perfect struc- tures present. The great projection, too, that the Romans gave their porticoes, is evidence that they were depend- ent entirely on themselves for effect ; for they are gene- rally projected three columns and their interspaces be- fore the cella, which, however, has no pronaos with co- lumns in antis ; nor does it appear from existing remains that the Romans were accustomed to use that arrange- ment. Circular or peristylar temples are not uncommon in Roman architecture ; and there are temples to which it can hardly be supposed that columns were ever attached: these are for the most part polygonal. Neither do the Ro- mans appear ever to have constructed hypasthral temples with columns internally, as the Greeks did. Indeed it is a question whether all their temples were not cleithral ; for it is not generally admitted that the Pantheon, which is hypasthral by the open eye of the dome, was originally a temple ; and where the structures remain tolerably per- ECTUR E. feet, the ceilings and roofs appear to have been formed Roman by arching from flank to flank, and thereby quite inclos- Structu-es. ing them. The application of columns internally is most strikingly PI. LXIV. effective in the Pantheon, where they are arranged in Pig- 4 & 5. front of niches, or deep recesses, composed with antae to carry a crowning entablature round under an attic on which the cupola rests. No representation can convey even the most incompetent idea of the effect of this ar- rangement, to those who cannot gather it from the plan. A section presents only one compartment correctly; all the rest must of necessity be foreshortened. It is far otherwise with the temple of peace and the hall of the baths of Diocletian, in which columns stand before the piers to have the entablature broken over them. This, in- deed, was the result, as we have before intimated, of the combination of columns with arches ; and it is most clearly exemplified in those works which most probably originat- ed the practice, and which are next in pretence to the temples : — these are the triumphal arches. The Romans had not adopted the simple graduated stylobate of Greek columnar architecture in their temples, but made the access to their porticoes in front with thin Fig. 6, 7, & steps, and built vertical stereobates along the flanks for 8. the walls of the cella, or as stylobates, if there were at- tached columns. In applying a columnar arrangement to Fig. 10 & the triumphal arch, this lofty stylobate was taken also. 1 L The breadth of the opening prevented the columns from being placed equidistant; they were, therefore, coupled, the entablature was broken over them, and necessarily the stylobate was cut through, leaving mere attached pedes- tals to stilt the columns, so that the whole ordinance was deprived of every thing that could render it as a composi- tion beautiful : its simplicity and harmony were entirely gone ; and instead of giving a graceful character to the structure, it became a mere attached frontispiece, that could only deform it. As if conscious that the Corinthian was too beautiful to maltreat in such a manner, the Ro- man architects produced the hybrid, which has since been called the Composite order, to use in these compositions : PI. LXIII. in them, indeed, it is chiefly found ; and if it were not Ex - 2 - evidently a mere deterioration of the Corinthian, it might with truth and propriety be called the Roman order. Coupled columns, broken and recessed entablatures and pedestals, and the Composite order, are among the greatest blemishes in Roman architecture ; for the mis- formed and inappropriate abortions which have obtained the name of Ionic and Doric, in Roman works, are hardly Ex. 3 & 4, to be attributed to the school, but to individuals of it, as they are of very infrequent occurrence, and generally ap- pear only in works which are otherwise ungainly. Such are the amphitheatres, whose elliptical forms can never be graceful, and whose architecture was invariably the worst the time produced. The immense structure in P1- LXIV. Rome, which, from its magnitude, has been called the^'S- *■ Colosseum, bears in relief the gross architectural solecism of columns in stories, which, moreover, have recessed sty- lobates and immense intercolumniations, with large arches in them, which again reduce the effect of the column still more, making the continuity of the entablatures themselves a fault, by their consequent infirmity. The architectura! details of this structure are coarse and inelegant, plain without simplicity, and laboured without elegance. But internally these blemishes disappear, columns and arches piled upon columns and arches give way to the long con- tinuous lines which graduated from the arena to the gal- lery, and must have produced as grand an effect as al- most any object in architecture : its magnitude and ruined state produce the imposing effect so striking at the pre- sent time ; but the mind can easily restore it, or it may ARCHIT Homan be contemplated in miniature in the amphitheatre at Structures. Verona. The most perfect specimens of the Roman theatre re- maining are those of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Like those of the Greeks, they, too, rest on the side of a hill ; but instead of being hewn, they are built in it, as there is no rock out of which they might have been excavated. Their general form, however, is very similar to that of the Greek theatre, but they received a greater degree of architectural decoration than the latter was susceptible of. Of this the theatre of Marcellus in Rome is an example ; for though otherwise destroyed, its external wall remains, and presents columnar ordinances, with intervening arches in stories, according to the vicious and inelegant practice of the Roman school. This, however, is on a plain, and presents external walls, which other examples do not so completely. The baths of the Romans were structures of immense extent, and of splendid appearance internally. What their exteriors were we have no competent means of determin- ing ; fragments, however, give us reason to believe, that in architectural merit they did not surpass the exteriors of the amphitheatres. The walls internally were covered with stucco, and painted with foliage, figures of animals, and compositions, architectural landscape or history : the floors were of mosaic, laid in compartments, and variously ornamented : the ceilings were vaulted and stuccoed like the walls ; sometimes they were enriched with coffered panels containing sculptured flowers or other architectural ornament, and sometimes they were merely painted with what are termed arabesques. Columnar ordinances do not appear to have been much used, and when they were, it was not always with good taste, as we have had occa- sion already to remark; though the structure called the Pantheon, which, with a great show of probability, is be- lieved to have been a saloon in the baths, perhaps of Agrippa, on the contrary presents a beautiful adaptation Fig. 2 & 3 . of one. That the Pantheon was part of a more extended edifice, is very clear from its external form and appear- ance, which are unsightly in the extreme, presenting a mis-shapen and unfinished mass. Now, domed chambers are very common in the baths and palaces of the Romans. They are not only more effective than rectangular apart- ments, but were much more convenient in the absence of glass; for a small opening left in the apex lights and ven- tilates the domed saloon most completely, whilst the rain that could pass through it was necessarily small in quantity, and could be easily avoided by those walking on the floor. In rectangular vaults this could not be effected, so that rooms of that form depended on lateral openings for light and air, and were thereby exposed and uncomfortable. Again, there is a rectangular portico attached to the Pan- theon, having no single feature in common with it, the former being a noble Corinthian octaprostyle of three in- tercolumniations projecting, with two others of antae and pilasters behind ; and the other a polygonal, bulbous mass of brickwork, much loftier than the portico, having cor- nices and blocking courses, too, none of which range with the entablature or any part of it. A conclusive argument, moreover, against the commonly received opinion, that the portico and the circular temple are an original composi- tion, proving indeed that the former was an adaptation of what most likely had previously existed elsewhere in a different situation, and of course could not be intended for its present adjunct, is, that it now fronts north, and consequently the sun never shines full on it, so that it is in fact always in shadow ; and that was never permitted by the ancients in their original compositions ; for two thirds of the beauty of a portico, consisting in the beauti- ful play and contrast of light and shade it affords, are thus ECTURE. 41 sacrificed. But in an after-appropriation, as we imagine in Roman this case, it might have been, and clearly was done ; pro- Structures, bably through ignorance, as well as bad taste, in those who did it. If, then, the Pantheon, whose diameter is nearly 150 feet, was but an apartment — suppose the grand saloon or xystum — in the baths, the whole structure must have been immense ; and if its proportions and internal archi- tecture be taken, as they certainly may be, as a specimen of the style and manner of the interior of the edifice gene- rally, we shall obtain a very high opinion of the magnifi- cence of the Roman baths or thermae. That they were adorned with admirable works of sculpture, too, is proved by the fact, that some of the noblest specimens of that art have been discovered in and among the ruins of the baths in Rome. It may be further remarked of the Pantheon, that its effect has been seriously injured since its original construction, by the removal of the columns from the re- Fig. 4 & 5 . cess opposite to the entrance, making the opening greater, fixing the columns before the antae with the entablature broken round them, and turning an arch over the whole ; thus destroying, as far as that part could affect it, the simplicity and perfect harmony of the primitive composi- tion. The same bad taste which dictated that alteration affixed little pedimented excrescences, now used as altars, against the piers which alternate with the compartments of columns. The still extensive remains of the villa of Adrian, near Palaces Tivoli, bespeak its original magnificence; and the archi- and villas, tectural fragments with which the site even now abounds, though it has furnished specimens to almost every coun- try in Europe, after having suffered the spoliation and destruction attending the incursions of barbarians and the lapse of so many centuries, attest its pristine beauty, and the fine taste of its imperial builder. This, however, furnishes no evidence that its exterior was attractive. Every thing about it appears directed to internal splendour and effect alone ; and indeed all collateral evidence tends to the same point, that the exterior of Roman palaces and mansions was not heeded, being merely plain brick walls. This is the case at Pompeii, as we shall see ; and the ruins of mansions in various parts of Italy, from that of Sallust on the Benacus or Lago di Garda, to those of other Roman nobles on the shores of the Bay of Baiae, present no indications whatever that their exteriors were subjected to architectural decoration. The palace of Diocletian at Spalatro, and the splendid remains of Bal- bec and Palmyra, some of which perhaps belonged to se- cular structures, offer evidence to the contrary of this, if they are correctly restored in the works which treat of them ; for they present in their elevations so many of the worst features of the Italian school, that there would be room for doubt, if views of the ruins did not help to bear the restorers out. But this does not appear to have been the case in the earlier ages of the empire, when archi- tecture among the Romans was in its best state. Notwith- standing the extent of the structure, and its general magni- ficence, however, the mouldings and ornaments in the in- terior of the villa of Adrian, though in themselves classical and elegant, are small, and have a general air of littleness, especially when compared with the apartments to which they belong ; — not that the apartments are generally large, but they are for the most part lofty. The ceilings appear to have been formed by vaulting ; there are no indications of windows, and none of stairs of any magnitude — so that the rooms must have been nearly if not quite open at one end, to admit light and air; and the probability is that there were no apartments above the ground floor, though it is likely enough that terraces formed on the vaulted roofs were used for the purposes of recreation and pleasure. The floors were of mosaic, several of 42 ARCH1TECTU R E. Roman which are preserved entire in the Museum of the Vati- Structures. can ; and many fine specimens of ornamental sculpture in vases and candelabra, besides busts, statues, and groups in bronze, marble, porphyry, and granite, of various styles, the remains of the noble collection Adrian made during his progress through his extensive dominions, found among the ruins of the villa, are conserved in the same place. The ruins of the palace of the Caesars present no forms or arrangements from which it would be possible to form a rational notion of its original plan, still less of its gene- ral elevation, or indeed of the elevation of any part of it. Large vaulted apartments, with here and there a little stucco, sometimes moulded and sometimes plain or painted, and a few small unconnected chambers scattered up and down in a mountain of brick and rubble, convey too vague an idea, or rather they are incompetent to con- vey an idea of a palace at all. Roman If evidence were required to prove the futility of writ- streets. ten descriptions of buildings when their general model is unknown, it would be enough to compare the house of a Roman gentleman in Pompeii with the various designs which have been made of the same thing from the de- scriptions and directions of Vitruvius, before the exhu- mation of that city. Their authors could only work upon the notion they had of laying out houses ; and therefore the plans produced are those of ill-contrived modern re- sidences, so arranged that they may present a uniform and architectural external elevation, which the Roman houses have not ; with windows properly lighting every apartment, which are totally wanting in the latter ; with staircases to upper stories that did not exist; with corri- dors and doors uniformly disposed, which was unheeded in laying out a Roman house. The Vitruvian restorers put columns wherever they could, whereas the Roman architects appear only to have put them where they could not avoid it. In dimensions, too, the former erred no less than in distribution ; they thought none too extensive for a Roman domicile : but the apartments in Roman houses, wherever they are, are generally small, and in ordinary cases their whole site is exceedingly restricted. In pro- portioning the various parts, they adhered to rules the Romans never heeded ; and applied the details of the architecture of temples and triumphal arches to domestic edifices, in whose composition the plasterer, painter, and mason, almost appear to have been the only architects ! Far inferior as Pompeii was to Rome in magnitude and splendour, there is no more reason for supposing that houses in the latter were so very dilFerently arranged from those in the former that the same general descrip- tion of them should not apply to both, than there would be for a future antiquary to hesitate in applying the plan of a Brighton or Bath house, which may be preserved, to a London mansion ; for we know that in ordinary cases they nearly coincide. It is, too, a recorded fact, that wealthy Roman citizens had mansions at Pompeii and Herculaneum ; and we have already stated that discove- ries made of ordinary houses under the present level of Rome show them to be exactly like the more perfect ones of the Campanian city, except in their state of preserva- tion ; so that, “ parvis componere magna ,” in Pompeii we may see the domestic as well as public architecture of ancient Rome. The streets of Pompeii are very narrow, their average width being not more than twelve or fifteen feet; fre- quently they are not more than eight feet wide, and very few in any part exceed twenty. The principal excavated street in the city, that leading from the Forum to the gate towards Herculaneum and the street of the tombs, is, at the widest, twenty-three feet six inches, including two footways, each five feet wide. The streets are all paved with lava, and almost all have side pavements or footways, Roman which, however, are for the most part so narrow, that, Structures, with few exceptions, two persons cannot pass on any them. That the cars or carriages of the inhabitants could not pass each other in most of the streets, is proved by the wheel-ruts which have been worn on the stones, and the recesses made here and there for the purpose of pass- ing. Their narrowness and inconvenience are aptly exem- plified in London by the narrow lanes which come be- tween St Paul’s and Thames Street, about Doctors’ Com- mons. The Forums, on the contrary, though not very spacious, are of regular forms, and have wide and con- venient footways, completely colonnaded. In immediate connection with them are the theatres, the principal tem- ples, the basilica, the courts of justice, and other public edifices : the amphitheatre is by itself, in an extreme an- gle of the city. The use of some of the buildings on one flank of the great Forum is not obvious : they are not ar- ranged like temples, and indeed possess no peculiar cha- racter by which they may be distinguished : it is tolera- bly clear, however, from circumstances, 'that they were for the use of the public. The temples differ but little from the ordinary Roman structures of that description, but are generally inferior to them in the quality of the materials of which they are constructed, in the style of their archi- tecture, and in the manner of its execution. The basilica is not unlike a modern church, it being a long rectangular edifice, having an arcaded porch at one end, being divided internally by rows of columns into nave and aisles, and having a columned recess at the west end of the nave for a tribunal. There are, however, no indications of win- dows, so that it was probably hypsethral, though that ar- rangement would have made the place very inconvenient for its purpose. The streets of Pompeii are lined on either side with PI. LXV. small cells, which served for shops of various kinds; and Fig- L they are strikingly like the ordinary shops in towns in the south of Italy 7 and in Sicily at the present time. Like them, too, there appear in very few cases to be accommo- dations in connection with the shops for the occupiers and their families, who must have lived elsewhere, as mo- dern Italian shopkeepers very commonly do. These pre- sent no architectural decoration whatever ; the fronts are Fig. 3. merely plain stuccoed brick walls, with a large square opening in each, part of which is the door, and part the window, for lighting the place and showing the goods. Whenever a private house or gentleman’s mansion oc- Houses curs in a good place for business, like the ground floor of a . n d domes, many modernltalian noblemen’s palaces, the street-front, or fronts, was entirely occupied with shops, a comparatively narrow entrance being preserved to the house in a conve- nient part between some two of them. The door to this is sometimes quite plain, but at times it is decorated with pilasters. When the site permitted such an arrange- ment, the entrance door being open, a passer by could look completely through the house to the garden, or, in the absence of a garden, to the extreme boundary wall, on which was painted a landscape or other picture. An ar- rangement, it may be observed, not unlike this, is com- mon in some of the Italian cities at the present day ; but the mansions being now built in stories, and the upper stories alone being occupied by the families, a merely pleasing effect is produced ; but in the former, persons crossing from one apartment to another were exposed, and domestic privacy thus completely invaded to produce a pretty picture. Within the entrance passage, which may be from ten to twelve feet in depth, there is a ves- tibule or atrium, generally square, or nearly so, on which various rooms open, that vary in size from ten feet square to ten feet by twelve, or even tw r elve feet square : they A R C H I T Roman have doors only, and were probably used as sleeping- Structures. chambers by the male servants of the family. In the centre of this court there is a sunk basin or reservoir for receiving the rain, called the compluvium, rendering it likely that this was roofed over, with a well-hole to admit light and air, and allow the rain to drop from the roof into the reservoir. Connected with this outer court was the kitchen and its accessories. If the site allowed the second court to be placed beyond the first in the same di- rection from the entrance, the communication was by a wide opening not unlike folding doors between rooms in modern houses, generally with a space intervening, which was variously occupied ; if the site did not allow of that arrangement, a mere passage led from one to the other. The second or inner vestibule, atrium, or court, is gene- rally much larger than the first, is for the most part paral- lelogramic, but variously proportioned. It forms a tetra- stoon, being open in the middle and arranged with a pe- ristyle of columns, colonnading a covered walk all round. On this the best and most finished apartments open; but they are of such various sizes, and are so variously ar- ranged, that it is not easy to determine more than that they included the refectory, the library, and sleeping- rooms. Some of them, indeed, are such as must have been useless except for the last purpose : these, perhaps, were the apartments of the female branches of a family, at least in most cases. Some houses, however, have a nest of small cells in an inner corner or secluded recess, which may have been the Gynasceum ; but that is far from being common. Exhedrae or recesses, open in front to the atrium, are common, and are often painted with more care and elegance than any other part of the house ; but generally the walls are everywhere painted — in the more common places flat, with a slight degree of orna- ment perhaps, and in the best rooms with arabesques and pictures in compartments. The architectural decorations are mostly painted : the ornaments are not unfrequently elegant, but the architecture itself of the mansions is bad in almost every sense. The rooms being windowless, would, when covered, be necessarily dark ; the doors are arranged without any regard to uniformity, either in size Fig. 8. or situation. The street-fronts of those houses which, not being in a good business situation, were not occupied with shops, were not merely unadorned, but were actually de- formed by loop-holes to light some passage or inner closet which had no door on one of the courts. The columns of the second courts are generally in the worst style possi- ble: those which have foliated capitals, and may be con- sidered compositions of the Corinthian order, are the best; but the imitations of Doric and Ionic are both mean and ugly. From the duty they had to perform, and the wide- ness of their intercolumniations, together with the fact that none of them remain, it is probable that the entabla- tures were of wood, and were consequently burnt at the , time of the destruction of the city, and broken up by the inhabitants, almost all of whom certainly escaped, and who, it is very evident, returned, when the fiery shower and the conflagration had ceased, to remove whatever they could find of their property undestroyed ; for it must be remembered that the roofs and ceilings all over the city are entirely gone, and the uncovered and broken walls remain, from eight to ten feet only in height. Every thing, indeed, clearly demonstrates that great exertions were used to recover whatever was valuable ; and it is very probable, moreover, that the place was constantly resorted to by treasure-seekers for perhaps centuries af- ter the calamity occurred. It may also be remarked that the loftier edifices, which would have been unburied by the ashes, had been thrown down by a terrible earthquake about sixteen years before the volcanic shower fell, and E C T U II E. 43 therefore were the more easily covered. Other showers Roman must have fallen since that which destroyed the city, to Structures, produce the complete filling up of every part and the ge- neral level throughout ; as the one must have been pre- vented by those roofs and ceilings which were fire-proof in the first instance, and the other would be the result of the same, if it were not deranged by the subsequent ex- cavations. It is indeed the fact, that the superstrata of ashes are evident and unbroken, while the substratum is mingled with ruins. Hence we are still uninformed as to the structure and disposition of the roofs and ceilings of the houses of the ancients. The doors, too, of whatever materials they were composed, are entirely gone : there remain, however, here and there, indications of wooden door-posts — in some cases, indeed, charred fragments of them — but they are to outer or street-doors, leaving it probable, as we have before suggested, that a matting of some kind, suspended from the lintel, formed the usual doors to rooms, — or perhaps they were closed by cur- tains only. In these particulars, unfortunately, Hercu- laneum affords but little assistance, as the mode of its destruction was similar to that of Pompeii, and it, too, was doubtlessly exposed in nearly the same manner ; its subterranean situation, moreover, at present, renders it difficult to examine ; but, upon the whole, Herculaneum is more likely to furnish information on these particulars than its sister in misfortune. Although it has been as- certained that the Romans understood the manufacture of glass, or at least that they possessed some utensils of that material, it must not be supposed that they were ac- customed to apply it to exclude the weather and trans- mit light ; for in no case has a glass window of any kind been discovered in any ancient structure ; and, without contemplating the houses of Pompeii, it is impossible to appreciate the advantages we derive in our habitations from the application of that beautiful production of the useful arts, and how much superior it alone renders them to those of the ancients. The floors of the houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum are all of mosaic work, coarser and simpler in the less esteemed parts, and finer and more ornate in the more finished apartments : the orna- ments are borders, dots, frets, labyrinths, flowers, and sometimes figures. In this, too, the superior advantages the moderns enjoy are evident. The ancients did not un- derstand how to construct wooden floors, at least the ap- plication of timber to that use was not made by them ; for, though it were admitted, which, however, it cannot be with justice, that, in the warmer climate of the south of Italy, lithic floors would be more grateful, that would not be the case in this country ; and we find the remains of Ro- man houses, baths, &c. in England, with floors of mosaic, as in Naples and Sicily. All the indications which are found in Pompeii of an upper story consist in a few rude and narrow staircases, which, it is very probable, were to afford access to the terraces or flat roofs, for they are not common, and no portion of an upper story remains in any part, though the lower or ground-floor rooms, it is most likely, were arched over. In one part of the city the houses on one side of a street are on a declivity : there a commodious flight of stairs is found to lead from the atrium in front, to another atrium and rooms below, not under the houses, but behind them ; for neither do we find an under-ground or cellar story in the Pompeian houses. On the shores of the Bay of Baias, and of the Gulf of Gaeta, at Cicero’s Formian Villa, however, there are crypts or arched chambers under the level of the man- sions ; for the sites require substructions ; but it may be questioned whether even these were used as parts of the house, and as we use cellars ; for they present no indica- tions of stairs, and have no regular means of intercommu- 44 ARCHITECTURE. Roman nication. Neither had the houses of the Romans chim- Structures. ne y S 0 f an y kind ; their only mode of warming their apart- ments was by means of braziers, many specimens of which have been taken out of both Herculaneum and Pompeii ; and their cooking fires were on fixed gratings over a sort of stove, but without Hues ; so that most probably char- coal alone was burnt for domestic purposes. In this re- spect the modern Italians are not far beyond their prede- cessors ; and the mode used by them of applying fire in warming and cooking appears very similar to that used by the Romans. Indeed many of the peculiarities we have noticed in the Pompeian houses are still found in various parts of Italy and Sicily; the cortili, courts, or cloisters of palaces, mansions, monasteries, and inns, are representatives of the cavacdia, vestibula, atria or courts, of Pompeian or Roman mansions. It is common, too, in the former, for bed-rooms to open on open galleries, as on the colonnaded courts of the latter. There are instances also in the countries referred to, of rooms wdiich have no aperture but the doorway. Shops, we have said, are frequently mere cells, having an opening towards the street, part of which is a door, and the other part, with a low dado, a window. It was only in the forums and pub- lic places, then, that architectural beauty and magnifi- cence were displayed in a Roman city. Street architec- ture was unknown, and the decoration of houses was the work of the plasterer and painter rather than of the ar- chitect. If such as we have described were the imperfections and inferiority of the domestic architecture of the Ro- mans, who knew that of the Greeks and Egyptians, and had, moreover, knowledge of the use of the arch, and were, we have reason to believe, better carpenters than either, besides possessing greater wealth, and a greater taste for luxury than they, with a less mild and serene climate than Greece and Egypt, — what must the domestic edifices of those nations have been ! A person accustomed to the comforts and conveniences of houses in this country finds much to complain of in a modern Italian mansion, but not so much as an Italian would in the house of an an- cient Roman ; and from analogy we may believe that a Roman of the empire would have had reason to complain of a Grecian domicile, even of the Periclean age ; and a Greek, again, might have been abridged of the comforts of his house in the palace of an Egyptian. Superior as the habitations of civilized men in modern times may be to those of the ancients, a degree of classic beauty and elegance pervaded the decorations and furni- ture, and even the domestic utensils, in the houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum, which we do not equal, though we imitate them ; and from the Hellenic taste which reigns in their forms and enrichments, their origin may generally be attributed to Greek artists ; so that, it may be supposed, in these particulars the Greeks even excelled the Romans. It is indeed not a little singular, that though the architecture of these cities is completely Roman, the painted ornaments and ornamental sculp- ture generally are in style and manner perfectly Greek. There are certainly modifications found of Greek Doric columns in Pompeii ; but they bear so slight a degree of relationship to their original, that its existence may al- most be denied, — they have the form without the feeling. Sepulchral As works of architecture, the sepulchral monuments of monu- the Romans were of more importance than their domes- ments. ti c structures. There is more architectural display in the street of the tombs at Pompeii, than in any street of the city itself ; and the mausoleum of Adrian on the right bank of the Tiber at Rome was a much more important object in its perfect state than his villa near Tivoli could ever have been. It was perhaps the most solendid struc- ture of the kind ever executed ; excelling the Memphian Roman pyramids as much in architectural pretence as they sur- Corinthian, pass it in magnitude. There was, too, a degree of har- v ^^ N ^ mony and simplicity in its composition, which can only be accounted for by supposing that the imperial builder, who was himself an adept in architecture, had acquired better taste than the architects of Rome generally pos- sessed, by the contemplation of the monuments of Greece and Egypt. It consisted of a deep quadrangular basement, each of whose sides was about 250 feet in length. This was surmounted by a lofty circular mass, on which was a gra- duated stylobate, supporting a noble peristyle of Corin- thian columns, with their entablature ; forming, with its circular cone, a species of peristylar temple, something like that below the cupola of St Paul’s Cathedral in Lon- don. Above this there was, most probably, a species of dome, whose acroterium is said to have been a metal pine- cone, which was the receptacle of the ashes of the empe- ror. The mausoleum of Augustus was inferior in size, in splendour, and in good taste, we may believe, from the descriptions which exist of it when in a more perfect state than it is at present, to that of Adrian; but it was nevertheless a magnificent monument. Its form was conical ; it diminished in stories and terraces, probably columned round, and terminated at the apex in a bronze figure of its founder. The sepulchral monuments of Ce- cilia Metella, of the Plautian family, and others, are evi- dences of the same fact. The sarcophagus from the first- mentioned of these is simple and elegant in the extreme ; and indeed it exhibits a greater degree of good taste than almost any thing of the same kind that remains to us of the ancients. Of the Roman Corinthian. Like the Greek orders, the Roman Corinthian may be PI. LXIV- said to consist of three parts, stylobate, column, and en-Fig- 6, 8, tablature; but, unlike them, the stylobate is much loftier, 9 ’ & and is not graduated, except for the purposes of access before a portico. Its usual height is not exactly deter- minable, in consequence of the ruined state of most of the best examples ; but it may be taken at from two and a half to three diameters. In the triumphal arches the height of the stylobate sometimes amounts to four, and even to five diameters. It is variously arranged, more- over, having, in the shallower examples, simply a congeries of mouldings forming its base, with perhaps a narrow square member under it, a plain dado, and a covering cornice or coping, on the back of which the columns rest. In the loftier examples a single, and sometimes a double plinth, comes under the base mouldings ; and a blocking cornice superimposes the coping, to receive the bases of the columns. This last is only necessary when the height of the stylobate is such as to take the columnar base above the human eye, when the coping cornice would in- tercept it if a blocking cornice did not intervene. The column consists of base, shaft, and capital, and PI. LXIL varies in height from nine and a half to ten diameters. The base has, ordinarily, in addition to the diminishingcongeries of mouldings which follows the circular form of the shafts, a square member or plinth, whose edges are vertical ; with this the whole height of the base is about half a dia- meter. The rest of this part of the column is variously composed, but it generally consists of two plain tori and a scotia, with fillets intervening, as in the Greek examples of this order, but differently proportioned and projected, as the examples indicate. Sometimes the scotia is divided into two parts, by two beads with fillets, as in the Jupiter Stator example, in which also a bead is placed between the Ex. I. upper torus and the fillet of the apophyge. The spread of the base varies from a diameter and one third to a dia- ARCHITECTURE. 45 Roman meter and four ninths. In the best Roman examples, as Corinthian. we j] as j n (q, e Greek, the shaft diminishes with entasis: the average diminution is one eighth of a diameter. The shaft was always fluted when the material of which it was composed did not oppose itself ; for the Romans often used granites, and sometimes a stratified or laminous marble called cipottino, for the shafts of columns ; the former of which could not be easily wrought and polished in flutes, and the latter would scale away if it were cut into narrow fillets. Like the Greek Corinthian and Ionic orders, the Roman Corinthian has twenty-four fil- lets and flutes. The flutes are generally semicircles, and they terminate at both ends, for the most part, with that contour. Dividing the space for a fillet and a flute into five parts, four are given to the latter, and one to the for- mer. The hypotrachelium is a plain torus, about half the size of the upper torus of the base, or half the width of a flute, as these nearly correspond : it rests on a fillet above the cavetto at the head of the shaft. The ordinary height of the capital is a diameter and one eighth ; but there is a very fine example in which it hardly exceeds one diameter, and another in which it is not quite so much. It is composed of two rows or bands of acanthus leaves, each consisting of six, placed upright, and ranged side by side, but not in contact ; of helices and tendrils trussed with foliage ; and an abacus, whose faces are moulded and variously enriched. The lower row of acanthus leaves is two sevenths the whole height of the capital ; the upper row is two thirds the height of the lower above it, and its leaves rest on the hypotrachelium below, in the space left between the others. They are placed regularly, too, under the helices and tendrils above, which support the angles, and are under the middle of each side of the abacus. The construction and arrange- ment of the next compartment above must be gathered from the examples ; for an idea of them cannot be con- veyed in words. The abacus is one seventh of the height of the capital ; in plan it is a square whose angles are cut off, and whose sides are concaved in segments of a circle, under an angle at the centre of from 55° to 60°. Its ver- tical face is generally a flat cavetto, with a fillet and carved ovalo corbelling over at an angle of about 125°. The cavetto is sometimes enriched with trailing foliage, and a rosette or flower of some kind overhangs the ten- drils from the middle of each side of the abacus. Every example of this order differs so much in the form, proportion, and distribution of the various parts, of its capital particularly, that it cannot be described in gene- ral terms, like the Greek Doric and Ionic : the example Ex. 1. we have referred to in this definition is that of the Jupiter Stator, the most elegant, perhaps, of all the Roman spe- cimens. The entablature varies in different examples from one diameter and seven eighths to more than two diameters ' and a half in height. Perhaps the best proportioned are Ex. 4 . those of the portico of the Pantheon, and of the temple Ex. 3 . of Antoninus and Faustina ; the former being rather more than two diameters and a quarter, and the latter rather less than that ratio. The entablature of the temple of Jupiter Stator is more than two diameters and a half in height, of which the cornice alone occupies one sixth more than a full diameter, leaving to the frieze and archi- trave something less than one diameter and a half be- tween them. In this latter particular it nearly agrees with the other two quoted examples, so that the great difference in the general height is in the cornice almost alone, the cornices of the others being about a sixth less, instead of as much more, than a diameter in height. The Roman Corinthian entablature may be taken, then, at two diameters and a quarter in height. Rather more than three fifths of this is nearly equally divided between the Roman architrave and frieze, the advantage, if any, being given Corinthian, to the former ; the cornice, of course, takes the remaining ' two fifths, or thereabouts. The architrave is divided into three unequal fascias and a small congeries of mouldings, separating it from the frieze. The first fascia is one fifth the whole height ; one third of what remains is given to the second, and the remainder is divided between the third fascia and the band of mouldings, — two thirds to the former, and one to the latter. A bead, sometimes plain and sometimes carved, taken from the second fascia, which is itself enriched in the Jupiter Stator example, marks its projection over the first ; and a small cyma-reversa, carved or plain as the bead may be, taken from the third fascia, marks its projection over the second. The band consists of a bead, a cyma-reversa, carved or plain according to the general character of the ordinance, and a fillet. In non-accordance with the practice of the Greeks, the face of the lowest or first fascia of the architrave, in the Roman Corinthian, impends the face of the column at the top of the shaft, or at its smallest diameter ; and every face in- clines inwards from its lowest face up. The whole projec- tion of the architrave, that of the covering fillet of the band, is nearly equal to the height of the first fascia. The frieze impends the lowest angle of the architrave. Its face is either perpendicular, or it slightly inclines inwards, like the fascias of that part of the entablature : in some cases it is quite plain, and in others is enriched with a foliate composition, or with sculptures in low or half relief. The cornice consists of a deep bed-mould, variously propor- tioned to the corona ; but it may be taken generally, when it has modillions, at three fifths, and when it has none, at one half the whole height. It is composed of a bead, an ovalo or cyma-reversa and fillet, a plain vertical member, sometimes dentilled, another bead, and a cyma-reversa and fillet or ovalo, as the lower may not be : this is sur- mounted, when modillions are used, by another plain member, with a small carved cyma-reversa above it. On this the modillions are placed, and the cyma breaks round them. They are about as wide as the member from which they project, and are about two thicknesses apart. In form they are horizontal trusses or consols, with a wavy profile, finishing at one end in a large, and at the other in a small, volute ; and under each there is gene- rally placed a raffled or acanthus leaf. In proportioning the parts of this bed-mould in itself, one third of its height may be given to the modillion member, and the other two thirds divided nearly equally, but increasing upwards into three parts, one for the lowest mouldings, one for the plain or dentil member, and the third and rather largest portion for the mouldings under the modillion member. The mouldings of this part of the cornice are carved or left plain, according to the character of the ordinance ; and its greatest projection, except the modillions them- selves, that of the modillion member, is about equal to half its height. The upper part of the cornice, — the co- rona, with its crown mouldings, — consists of the vertical member called the corona, which is two fifths the whole height; — this, in the examples of the temples of Jupiter Stator and Antoninus and Faustina, is enriched with ver- tical flutes ; — a narrow fillet, an ovalo, and a wider fillet, occupy one third of the rest, the other two thirds being given to cyma-recta, with a covering fillet which crowns the whole. Its extreme projection is nearly equal to the whole height of the cornice. The ordinance of the temple of Vesta, or of the sibyl Ex. 2 . at Tivoli, whose entablature is the very low one mention- ed, is not generally in accordance with the scale we have given, and it must be referred to for its own peculiar proportions. 46 ARCHITECTURE. Roman Pediments with the Roman Corinthian order are found Corinthian. be steeper than they were made by the Greeks, vary- ing in inclination from eighteen to twenty-five degrees ; but they are formed by the cornice of the entablature in the same manner. Antefixae do not appear to have been used on flank cornices as in Greek ordinances, in which the cymatium is confined to pediments ; but in Roman works it is continued over the horizontal or flank cornice, as we have described ; and frequently it is enriched with lions’ heads, which were at the first introduced as water- spouts. The planceer or soffit of the corona is, in the Jupiter Stator example, coffered between the modillions, and in every coffer there is a flower. The soffit of the entablature in this order is generally panelled and enrich- ed with foliate or other ornament. The intercolumnia- tion is not the same in any two examples. In the temple of Vesta in Rome it hardly exceeds a diameter and a quarter ; in the Jupiter Stator example it is a fraction less than one diameter and a half ; in that of Antoninus and Faustina, nearly a diameter and three quarters ; in the portico at Assisi, rather more than that ratio ; in the por- tico of the Pantheon, almost two diameters ; and in the Tivoli example, a fraction more than that proportion. The antae of the Roman Corinthian order is generally parallel; but pilasters are mostly diminished and fluted as the columns. Of two of the existing examples of antae, in one — that of the temple of Mars Ultor — they are plain, to fluted columns ; and in the other — that of the Pantheon portico — they are fluted, to plain columns. The capitals and bases are transcripts of those of the columns, fitted to the square forms. Ceilings of porticoes are formed, as in the Greek orders, by the frieze returning in beams from the internal archi- trave to the wall or front of the structure, supporting coffers more or less enriched with foliage or flowers. This, how- ever, could only have been effected when the projection was not more than one, or at the most two intercolumniations, if stone was used ; and it is only in such that examples exist. Porticoes ordinarily must have had arched ceilings, as that of the Pantheon has, or the beams must have been of wood ; in which latter case probably the compartments of the ceiling would be larger. How, in the former, it was arranged we cannot tell, as the arches only remain ; and they may not be of the date of the rest of the portico. The ancient examples of what is called the Composite order do not differ so much from the ordinary examples of the Corinthian as the latter do among themselves, ex- cept in the peculiar conformation of the capital of the co- lumn. In other respects, indeed, its arrangement and general proportions are exactly those of the Corinthian. The Composite was used, we have said, in triumphal arches, and, in the best ages of Roman architecture, in them alone. The difference in the capital consists in the enlargement of the volutes to nearly one fourth the whole height of the capital, and in connecting their stems hori- zontally under the abacus, giving the appearance of a dis- torted Ionic capital. The central tendrils of the Corin- thian are omitted, and the bell of the capital is girded un- der the stem of the volutes by an ovalo and bead, as in the Ionic. Acanthus leaves, in two rows, fill up the whole heightfrom thehypotracheliumto the bottom of thevolutes, and are consequently higher than in the Corinthian capi- tal ; this difference is given to the upper row. Besides this Composite, however, the Romans made many others, the arrangements and proportions of the ordinances being generally those of the Corinthian order, and the capitals corresponding also in general form, though in themselves differently composed. In these, animals of different spe- cies, the human figure, armour, a variety of foliage, and other peculiarities, are found. Shafts of columns also are Pl.LXIII Lx. 2. sometimes corded or cabled instead of being fluted : those Roman of the internal ordinance of the Pantheon are cabled one Ionic- third their height, and the flutes of the antae of that or- dinance are flat, qccentric curves. There are fragments of others existing, in which the fillets between the flutes are beaded ; some in which they are wider than usual, and grooved ; others, again, whose whole surface is wrought with foliage in various ways ; and it would be no less ab- surd to arrange all these in different orders, than it is to make a distorted foliate capital the ground-work of an order. Of the Homan Ionic. The only existing example of this in Rome, in which PL LXIV- the columns are insulated, is in the Temple of Manly For- Fig- 12. tune, except that of the Temple of Concord, which is too barbarous to deserve consideration. Its stylobate, like that of the Roman Corinthian, is lofty and not graduated, having a moulded base and cornice or surbase. The Pl.LXIII. column is nearly nine diameters in height; its base is Ex. 3. half a diameter in height, and consists of a plinth, two tori, a scotia, and two fillets ; the shaft has twenty fillets and flutes, and diminishes one tenth of a diameter ; the capital is two fifths of a diameter in height ; the volutes, however, dip a little lower, being themselves about that depth without the abacus ; the corbelling for the volutes is formed by a bead and large ovalo, half the height of the capital ; the latter of these is carved ; a straight band con- nects the generating lines of the volutes, whose ends are bolstered and enriched with foliage ; and a square abacus, moulded on the edges, covers the whole. The entablature is rather less than two diameters high ; three tenths of this are given to the architrave, the same to the frieze, and the cornice occupies the remaining two fifths. The archi- trave is unequally divided into three fascias, and a band consisting of a cyma-reversa and fillet ; the lowest angle impends the upper face of the shaft of the column. The frieze is in the same vertical line, and is covered with a fillet which receives the cornice ; it is also enriched with a composition of figures and foliage. The cornice con- sists of a bed-mould, two fifths of its height, and a corona with crown mouldings. The bed-mould is divided nearly equally between a cyma-reversa and fillet, a square den- tilled member and fillet, and another fillet and ovalo. The corona is two fifths the height of the rest of the cornice ; another fifth is occupied by two fillets and a cyma-rever- sa, and the rest is given to a cyma-recta and crowning fil- let. The whole projection is nearly equal to the height of the cornice. The cymatium is enriched with acanthus leaves and lions’ heads, and the mouldings of the bed- mould and architrave band are carved. The soffit of the corona is hollowed out in a wide groove, whose internal angles are rounded off in a cavetto, but without ornament of any kind, forming indeed a mere throating. Like the angular capitals of the Greek Ionic, the external volute of this is turned out and repeated on the flank: either that or the abuse of it in the Composite capital gave rise to distortions of this order, in which all the volutes of the capital are angular, and consequently all its four faces are alike. In other respects, however, it does not differ ge- nerally from the ordinary Roman examples of Ionic. The Temple of Manly Fortune is pseudo-peripteral, and con- PI. LX IV sequently has neither antae nor pilasters, nor do ancient Fig- 12. examples exist of either. Of the Roman Doric. This is even a ruder imitation of the Grecian original FLLXIIJ. than the mean and tasteless deterioration of the voluted Ionic is of the graceful Athenian examples. The speci-Ex. 4 men of it which is considered preferable to the others is ARCHIT Roman that of the theatre of Marcellus in Rome. The column is Doric, nearly eight diameters in height : it consists of shaft and capital only. The shaft is quite plain, except fillets above and below, with escape and cavetto; and it diminishes one fifth of its diameter. The capital is four sevenths of a diameter high, and is composed of a torus which forms the hypotrachelium, and, with the necking, occupies one third the whole height. Three deep fillets, with a semitorus or quarter-round moulding, are intended to represent the ovalo and its annulets of the Greek capital. They occupy three sevenths of the rest ; the other four sevenths are given to the abacus, three fifths of whose depth is plain and vertical ; and the other two are divided between a cyma-reversa and a fillet. The corona and crown mouldings of the cornice being destroyed, the whole height of the entablature cannot be correctly ascertained ; but from analogy it may be taken, with the bed-mould, part of which exists, at about two thirds of a diameter, making, with the architrave and frieze, an entablature nearly two diameters high. Of this the architrave is rather more than one fourth, indeed ex- actly half a diameter. Three tenths of its depth are un- equally occupied by the taenia, regula, and guttae, the first being rather the widest, projecting more than its own depth, and the second the narrowest. The guttae are six in number, and are truncate semicones in form. The rest of the surface of the architrave is plain and vertical, im- pending a point rather within the superior diameter of the column. The frieze is two fifths the whole height of the entablature. A fascia, one eighth of its own height, bands it above the triglyphs, and projects about one third of its depth ; the rest of its surface is plain vertically, but hori- zontally it is divided into triglyphs, which are half a dia- meter in width, and are placed over the centres of the columns. These are channelled with two full and two hemi-glyphs, whose heads are cut square on the outer edge, but inclined downwards at the angle of the glyphs. The space between the- triglyphs is equal to the height of the frieze without its plat-band or fascia, making in effect perfectly square metopes. All that can be traced of the cornice is a small cyma-reversa, immediately over the frieze, and a square member with dentils on it. In the example the cornice is completed from that of the Doric of the Colosseum. The temple at Cora presents a singular specimen of the Doric order, evidently the result of an examination of some Greek examples, but moulded to the Roman pro- portions and to Roman taste. The columns are enormous- ly tall, but the shafts are partly fluted and partly cham- fered for fluting, like the Greek. The capital is ridiculously shallow, but the abacus is plain, and the echinus of a some- what Hellenic form. The entablature is very little more than a diameter and one third in height, and the archi- trave of it is shallower even than the capital ; but the frieze and cornice are tolerably well proportioned, though the triglyphs in the former are meagre, narrow slips, and the latter is covered by a deep widely projecting cavetto, that would be injurious to even a better composition. In- stead of regular mutules with guttae, the whole of the planceer of the cornice is studded with the latter ; but, like the Greek, the triglyph over the angular column extends to the angle of the architrave, which does not appear to have been the practice of the Romans ; yet the reason for so doing does not appear to have been understood, for the external intercolumniations are the same as the others. As far as we have the means of judging, the Romans made the antae of their Doric similar to the columns, only that they were of course square instead of round ; though indeed an attached column appears to have been gene- rally preferred. E C T U R E. 47 It may, however, be here again intimated, that these two Roman orders, the Ionic and Doric of the Roman school, ought Mouldings, hardly to be considered as belonging to the architecture ' of the Romans. They are merely coarse and vulgar adap- tations of the Greek originals, of which we now possess records of the finest examples. If it were not, therefore, that custom required it, we should have omitted all men- tion of them, or at least have left them to the Italo-Vitru- vian school, to which they properly belong. Yet their meanness and tastelessness, when compared with the Grecian models, will more strikingly show the superiority of the latter, and show, moreover, how the architects of the Italian school must have been blinded by their system, when they fancied such wretched exemplars as those of which we have been speaking to be beautiful. Of Homan Mouldings and Ornament. The mouldings used in Roman architectural works are Pi. LXL the same as the Grecian in general form, but they vary materially from them in contour. The Roman cyma-recta is projected much more than the Greek, with a deeper flexure ; and the two parts or ends seldom correspond, the one being generally larger than the other. On the contrary, the Roman cyma-reversa does not project so much, or at so large an angle with its base, as the Grecian, nor is it so deeply fleeted as the Greeks made it. The upper or convex part of this moulding is almost always larger than the lower or concave ; and it is frequently allowed to finish below in a sharp arris projecting from whatever may be below it, and above it abuts the hori- zontal soffit of its covering fillet in a similarly harsh man- ner. The ovalo of Greek architecture is represented in the Roman style by a moulding whose outline is nearly the convex quadrant of a circle, or a quarter round, and sometimes it is nearly that of the quadrant of an ellip- sis. The Roman torus is either a semicircle or a semi- ellipsis ; and the bead is a torus, except in its applica- tion, and in being smaller, and generally projected rather more than half the figure whose form it bears. The cavetto, in Roman architecture, is nearly a regular curve, being sometimes the concave quadrant of a circle, or in- deed the reverse of an ovalo, and sometimes a smaller segment. A Roman scotia is more deeply cut, and is consequently less delicate than the same member in a Greek congeries : its form frequently approaches that of a concave semiellipsis. This correspondence in general form, and disagree- ment in spirit, of Greek and Roman mouldings, appear to have arisen entirely from the ignorance or inattention of the Romans to the governing principle of Greek combi- nations ; as we have seen that in these the individual mouldings are not independent, as the Romans made them, but that they take their contour and direction from each other, under a certain pervading outline. The enrichments of Roman mouldings are for the most part similar to those of the Greek, but less delicate and graceful both in design and drawing. Those of the cyma and ovalo are particularly referred to, but the Romans used others besides. Raffled leaves form a favourite en- richment in the architecture of the Romans : indeed these are hardly less frequent in their works than the honey- suckle is in those of the Greeks. Mouldings were en- riched with them; and a raffled leaf masks the angles of carved cymas and ovalos in the former, as a honeysuckle does in the latter. Nevertheless, the honeysuckle and lotus are both found in Roman enrichments, particularly the latter, and perhaps even more than in Greek. It is not uncommon to find examples of Roman architecture completely overdone with ornament, — every moulding carved, and every straight surface, whether vertical or 43 ARCHITECTURE. Italian horizontal, sculptured with foliage, or with historical or Arehitec- characteristic subjects in relief. This fault is most ob- ture. vious in those works which exhibit similar bad taste in v the general composition. The triumphal arch of Septimius Severus, the little arch of the goldsmiths, and the half- buried ruin called the temple of Pallas, in the forum of Nerva at Rome, are egregious specimens. The entabla- ture of the arch of Titus, too, is overloaded with orna- ment. Frieze enrichments, consisting of foliage composed with animals, and a variety of other things, are very common in Roman architecture. Many specimens indeed are not found in existing structures, hut there are numerous fragments of entablatures of destroyed edifices which ex- hibit them in great variety. Their general character is exuberance, and a tendency to frittering, from the variety and incoherence of form in their composition ; but their effect can only fairly be judged of when seen in appro- priate situations. One existing example of an enriched frieze of the kind referred to, that of the temple of Anto- ninus and Faustina, speaks strongly in its favour, for nothing can surpass its efficiency and simple beauty; but it must, moreover, be confessed that, when examined in detail, the enrichment is less exuberant, and is composed of fewer parts, than most others of the species to which that example belongs. Architectural ornament, however, is not confined to purely architectural works. We find many beautiful specimens of it on the vases and candelabra which decorated the baths and mansions of the ancient Romans, and whose elegance of form rivals even the beauty and delicacy of their enrichments. Whether these should be referred or not to the Romans, is doubtful ; for it has been already intimated, from the style of many of them, both in outline and ornament, which appertain more to the Greek, that they are the productions of Grecian artists; but indeed they belong exactly to neither, for they frequently possess the beauties, and sometimes exhibit the defects, of both. There are existing works, too, clearly of Roman origin, and far inferior in every respect to the things just quoted. These are for the most part ceno- taphial monuments, sarcophagi, and altars, whose compo- sition, details, and enrichments, are gross and inelegant when compared with the objects alluded to. The dif- ference may arise merely from the inferiority of the artists of the one to those of the other, and not from the difference of their schools ; but the prevalence of Greek taste in the superior productions is not the less striking because it was acquired by education, while it is wanting in the in- ferior, whose authors had not been imbued with the spirit and fine feeling of the Greek style. Of Italian Architecture. Gothic architecture, — that is, the style which preceded the Pointed, — being for the most part a mere deterioration of Roman, and possessing no peculiar character which can recommend it as a subject for study and imitation that may not be deduced from the Roman style, and Pointed architecture being a genus per se, we have thought it better to allow the Italian, or revived Roman style, to usurp its chronological place ; as the latter more naturally follows what it pretends to be derived from, than it would follow the Pointed, or than the Pointed would the Roman. We have already stated that Italian architecture, though professedly a revival of the classical styles of Greece and Rome, was formed without reference to the existing specimens of either, but on the dogmas of an ob- scure Roman author, and the glosses of the “ revivers” on his text. Vitruvius described four classes or orders of columnar composition; and, on the principles which go- verned him in subjecting to fixed laws all the varieties Italian with which he appears to have been acquainted, they form- Architec- ed a fifth, of a medley of two of his, thus completing tu ”^, the Italian orders of architecture. The school which was founded on the Vitruvian theories has systematized every thing, and laid down lav/s for collocating and pro- portioning all the matter it furnishes for architectural composition and decoration. It teaches that columns are modelled from the human figure; that the Tuscan column is like a sturdy labourer — a rustic ; the Doric is somewhat trimmer, though equally masculine — a gen- tleman, perhaps; the Ionic is a sedate matron; the Co- rinthian a lascivious courtesan ; and the Composite an amalgam of the two last ! In a composition which admits any two or more of them, the rustic must take the lowest place ; on his head stands the stately Doric, who in his turn bears the comely matron, on whose head is placed the wanton, and the wanton again is made to support the lady of doubtful character ! But as we in this place are neither apologists for nor impugners of any particular doc- trines, we proceed at once to point out the general fea- tures of the Italian style ; premising only, that, according to the practice of the school, every thing is confined to an exclusive use and appropriation ; such columns may be fluted, and such must not ; such a moulding may be used here, but not there ; and so on. The proportions and arrangements of an order, of any part of one, or of any thing that may come within an architectural composition, are fixed and unchangeable, whatever may be the purpose or situation for which it is required; whether, for instance, an order be attached or insulate, the column must have exactly the same number of modules and minutes in height. It is true that the masters of the school are not agreed among themselves as to those things in which they are not bound by Vitruvius; but every one not the less contends for the principle, each, of course, prescribing his own doctrine as orthodox on the unsettled points. Mouldings are considered as constituent parts of an or- der, and are limited to eight in number, strangely enough including the fillet. They are the cyma-recta, cyma-re- versa, commonly called the ogive or ogee, the ovalo, the torus, the astragal or bead, the cavetto, the scotia, and the fillet. They are gathered from the Roman remains, but reduced to regular lines or curves, which may be drawn with a rule or struck with a pair of compasses. Arranged according to certain proportions, with flat sur- faces, modillions, and dentils, a profile is formed ; no two conjoined mouldings maybe enriched, but their ornaments, as well as the modillions and dentils, must be disposed so as to fall regularly under one another, and, when columns occur, above the middle of them. An order is said to be composed of two principal parts, PI- LXVI. the column and the entablature ; these are divided into base, shaft, and capital, in the one, and architrave, frieze, and cornice in the other, and are variously subdivided in the different orders. The Tuscan column must be made seven diameters in height, the Doric eight, the Ionic nine, and the Corinthian and Composite ten. The height of the entablature, according to some authorities, should be one fourth the height of the column, and, according to others, two of its diameters. The parts of the entablature of all but the Doric may be divided into ten equal parts, four of which are given to the cornice, three to the frieze, and three to the architrave ; and in the Doric, the entab- lature being divided into eight parts, three must be given to the cornice, three to the frieze, and the remaining two to the architrave. For the minor divisions a diameter of the column is made into a scale of sixty minutes, by which they are arranged ; but this is obviously irrelevant if the whole height of the entablature is determined by ARCHIT Italian the height of the column, and not by its diameter ; in this Architec- case , therefore, they must be proportioned from the ge- , |' ure ]_i, neral divisions already ascertained. Columns must be diminished, according to Vitruvius, more or less as their altitude is greater or less ; those of fifteen feet high, or thereabout, being made one sixth less at their superior than at their inferior diameter, and that proportion is lessened gradually, so that columns fifty feet high shall be diminished one eighth only. On this subject, however, many of his disciples controvert the authority of their master ; and some of them have fixed the diminution at one sixth of a diameter for columns of all sizes in all the orders. The entasis of columns is disputed also, some authorities making it consist in preserving the cylinder perfect one quarter or one third the height of the shaft from below, and thence diminishing in a right line to the top ; while others, following Vitruvius, make the column increase in bulk in a curved line from the base to three sevenths of its height, and then diminish in the same manner for the remaining four sevenths, thus making the greatest diameter near the middle. It being difficult to determine among the masters of the Italo-Vitruvian school whose designs of the various orders are to be preferred, we have selected those of Palladio, certainly not for any superior merit they possess, but because he is more generally esteemed than any other, and because he the most strictly adhered, as far as he could understand them, to the precepts of Vitruvius. It should be remarked, however, that although Palladio has fluted all but the shaft of the Tuscan column, he very seldom fluted columns in his own practice ; and indeed it may be called the custom of the Italian school not to flute, how much soever their doctrine may be to the contrary; for fluted columns in Italian architecture are exceptions to the general practice. Swelled or pil- lowed friezes are not peculiar to Palladio ; they are more or less common to the works of most of the masters of the same school. Prostyles being almost unknown in Italian architecture, antae are not often required ; but when they are, the meanest succedaneum imagin- Pl. LXX. able is recurred to. Of this, Palladio’s Villa Capra, near Fig. 3. Vicenza, and Lord Burlington’s Palladian Villa at Chis- wick, afford striking examples. Pilasters, however, are very common, so common, indeed, that they may be call- ed pro-columns, as they are often used as an apology for applying an entablature. They are described as differing from columns in their plan only, the latter being round, and the former square ; for they are composed with bases and capitals, they are made to support entablatures ac- cording to the order to which they belong, and are fluted and diminished with or without entasis, just as columns of the same style would be. When they are fluted, the flutes are limited to seven in number on the face, which, it is said, makes them nearly correspond with the flutes of columns; , and their projection must be one eighth of their diameter or width when the returns are not fluted ; but if they are, a fillet must come against the wall. Pedestals are not con- sidered by the Italo-Vitruvian school as belonging to the orders, but they may be employed with them all, and have bases and surbases or cornices to correspond with the order with which they may be associated. The dado of a pedestal must be a square whose side shall be equal to that of the plinth of the column or pilaster which rests on it, or a parallelogram a sixth or even a fourth of a dia- meter taller. The intercolumniations of columns are call- ed pycnostyle, systyle, eustyle, diastyle, and araeostyle, and are strictly adhered to in Italian architecture when columns are insulated, and that is not very often ; when they are attached, the interspaces are not limited, except when a peculiar arrangement called arasosystyle is adopt* E C T U R E. 49 ed. This consists of two systyle intercolumniations, the Italian column that should stand in the mid-distance between two Arehitec- others being placed within half a diameter of one of them, , ^ ure - making in fact coupled columns or pilasters. It is applied to insulated columns as well as to those which are attach- ed. Following Vitruvius, the Italian school makes the cen- tral intercolumniation of a portico wider than any of the others. Arched openings, in arcades or otherwise, are Plate generally about twice their width in height; if, however, LX VII. they are arranged with a columnar ordinance, having co- lumns against the piers, they are made to partake of the order to which the columns belong, being lower in propor- tion to their width with the Tuscan than with the Doric, and so on ; and the piers are allowed to vary in the same manner, from two fifths to one half of the opening. With Fig. 11 & columnar arrangements, moulded imposts and archivolts 12. are used ; the former being made rather more than a semi- diameter of the engaged columns in height, and the latter exactly that proportion. Variously moulded key-stones are used, too, projecting so that they give an appearance of support to the superimposed entablature. Smaller columns Fig. 12. with their entablature are sometimes made to do the duty of imposts, and sometimes single columns are similarly ap- plied ; at others, columns in couples are allowed to stand for Fig. in. piers to carry arches. In plain arcades the masonry is gene- Fig. 13. rally rusticated, without any other projection than a plain blocking course for an impost, and a blocking course or cor- nice crowning the ordinance. Niches and other recesses are at times introduced in the plain piers, which are in that case considerably wider than usual, or in the spandrels over rvide piers. Very considerable variety is allowed in these combinations, which will be best understood by reference to the examples. Doors and windows, whether arched or square, follow nearly the same proportions, being made, in rustic stories, generally rather less than twice their width in height, and in others either exactly of that proportion, or an eighth or a tenth more. If they have columned or pilastered frontispieces, these are sometimes pedimented ; and, except in rustic stories, whether with or without columns, a plain or moulded lining called an architrave is applied to the head and sides of a door or window. This architrave is made from one sixth to one eighth the width of the opening it bounds, and it rests on a blocking course or other sill, as the case may be. In the absence of columns or pilasters in the frontispiece, their place is fre-Fig.2&4, quently supplied by consols or trusses of various form and and Plate arrangement, backed out by a narrow pilaster, which may^XX. be considered as the return of the frieze of the entablature, * and supporting the cornice. It is not uncommon for the architrave lilting to project knees at the upper angles, and this is sometimes done even with consols and their pilasters. With columned frontispieces to gateways, doors, and windows, arose the custom, so frequent in Italian architecture, of rusticating columns, by making them alternately square and cylindrical, according to the heights of the courses of rustic masonry to which they are gene- rally attached, and with which they are less offensive than in other collocations. The practice of the Cinquecento school of piling columns on columns, with their accessories, is warranted by the doctrine of its master ; but his pre- cepts not being practicable, recourse has been had to the inferior works of the Romans, which present examples ofPlate it. The difficulty of preserving any thing like a rational LX IV. arrangement is acknowledged on all hands to be great, if Fl §- not insurmountable ; for if the first or lowest order be at an intercolumniation fitting its proportions, the second or next above it, though diminished ever so little, is already deranged, for it has the same distance from column to column that the inferior order has, whilst the columns themselves are smaller in diameter, and their entablature 50 ARCHITECT IJ R E. Italian consequently shallower. This derangement must of course Architec- increase with every succeeding ordinance, rendering it . tur f' indeed impossible to make such a composition consistent. The most approved practice in arranging order above order appears to be, that the upper column shall take for its dia- meter the superior diameter of the one below it; that when the columns are detached their axes shall be in the same perpendicular line ; but when attached or engaged, the plinth of the pedestal of the upper shall impend the top of the shaft of the lower column. The most rational mode, however, for diminishing, if reason can be applied to such compositions, is to carry the diminution through, the outlines of the columns of the lowest order being drawn up in the same direction, and so the columns of every story would take up their place and be diminished in re- Pl. LXX. gular gradation. When columns are attached, or pilasters Fig. 2. used, in Italian architecture, the almost invariable custom is to break the entablature over every column or pilaster, Pl.LXIX. or over every two when they are in couples. Because of the great length of the intercolumniation, it would appear to have been done at first ; but it has frequently been done by some of the most esteemed practitioners of the school, even without that excuse, so that it may be held as approv- ed by them. A basement is either a low stereobate or a lofty story, as it may be intended to support a single ordi- nance the whole height of the main body of the structure, or indeed the lowest of two or more orders ; or as it may occupy the ground story of a building, and support an ordinance, or the appearance of one, above. In either case, much is necessarily left to the discretion of the architect ; but in the latter the height of the order it is to support is the generally prescribed height of the base- ment. A basement may be rusticated or plain; if it be low, and is not arranged like a continued pedestal, it must have neither cornice nor blocking course ; but if lofty, a deep, bold, blocking course is indispensable. An attic may vary in height from one quarter to one third the height of the order it surmounts ; attics are arranged with a base, dado, and coping cornice, like pedestals, and gene- rally have pilasters broken over the columns below. The rule for the form, composition, and application of pedi- ments in Italian architecture, if it may be gathered from the practice of the school, appears to be to set good taste at defiance in them all. We find pediments of every shape, composed of cornices, busts, scrolls, festoons, and what not, and applied in every situation, and even one within another, to the number of three or four, and each of these of differ- ent form and various composition. The proportion laid down for the height of a pediment is from one fourth to one fifth the length of its base, or the cornice on which it is to rest. Balustrades are used in various situations, but their most common application is in attics or as parapets, on the summits of buildings, before windows, in otherwise close continued stereobates, to flank flights of steps, to front terraces, or flank bridges. Their shapes and propor- tions are even more diversified than their application : that of most frequent use is shaped like an Italian Doric column, compressed to a dwarfish stature, and consequent- ly swollen in the shaft to an inordinate bulk in the lower part, and having its capital, to the hypotrachelium, revers- ed to form a base to receive its grotesque form. The base and coping cornice of a balustrade are those of an ordinary attic, or of a pedestal whose dado may be pierced into balusters. The general external proportions of an edifice, when they are not determined by single columnar ordi- nances, appear to be unsettled. The grand front of the PL LXX. Farnese Palace in Rome is in two squares, its length being Fig- L twice its height ; the length of each front of Vignola’s celebrated pentagonal palace of Caprarola is twice and a quarter its height above the bastions. In Palladio’s works we find the proportions of fronts to vary so considerably, Pointed as to make it evident that he did not consider himself Architec- bound by any rule on that point. In some cases we find ture * the length to be once and one sixth the height, in others once and a fourth, once and a half, twice, twice and a sixth, and even three and a sixth ; and elevations by other masters of the school are found to vary to the same ex- tent. The proportions of rooms, again, range from one to two cubes inclusive, though it is preferred that the height should be a sixth, or even a fifth less than a side when the plan is a square ; but the sesquialteral form, with the height equal to the breadth, and the length one half more, is considered the most perfect proportion for a room. There is considerable variety and beauty in the foliate and other enrichments of an architectural character in many structures in Italy, but very little ornament enters into the columnar composition of Italian architecture. Friezes, instead of being sculptured, are swollen ; the shafts of columns, it has been already remarked, are very seldom fluted, and their capitals are generally poor in the extreme ; mouldings are indeed sometimes carved, but not often ; rustic masonry, ill-formed festoons, and gouty balustrades, for the most part supply the place of chaste and classic ornaments. This refers more particularly to the more classic works of the school; in many of the earlier Trecento structures of Italy, and on monuments of various kinds, we find what may be called a graceful profusion of orna- ment, of the most tasteful and elegant kind ; few carved mouldings, however, and very few well-profiled cornices, are to be met with in Italian compositions of any kind. In many of the later architectural works of that country we find again a profusion of ornament of the most tasteless and inelegant description, chiefly in the gross and vulgar style, which is distinguished as that of Louis XIV. of France. Of Pointed Architecture. There are so many varieties of this beautiful style, and the variations are at the same time so considerable and so minute, that it is impossible to describe it generally. Every country in which it was practised had some pecu- liarities in its composition, and, to develope it perfectly, all of them should be pointed out. This, however, would far exceed our limits ; and as the specimens of our own are not excelled, if indeed they are equalled, by those of any other country, a consideration of the style as exhi- bited by them will afford us a better opportunity of de- veloping it than could be obtained by making our obser- vations more general. Various classifications of Pointed architecture have been made, and in almost all of them the arch is con- sidered the index, as the column is in columnar architec- ture ; for, like that, it is more expressive of variety than any other feature in the composition to which each be- longs. These, too, form the grand distinctions between the Greek and its derivative styles, and the Pointed; but, independently of the column in the one and the arch in the other, the two species of architecture may be said each to have certain governing principles, which sufficiently dis- tinguish and make it impossible to mould them together in one composition, and almost to apply any of the lead- ing forms of the one to the other. They may be thus generally laid down. In Greek and Roman architecture the general running lines are horizontal, as in entabla- tures and single cornices. In Pointed, the general run- ning lines are vertical. In the former, arches are not ne- cessary to a composition ; in the latter, arches are a really fundamental principle. In Greek and Roman, again, columns require an entablature ; in the Pointed style no such thing as an entablature composed of parts is appli- ture. 7, 8, & 9. A R C H I T Pointed cable to the pillars, columns, or shafts. ( Vide Rickman’s Architec- Attempt , &c. p. 110.) These, however, only determine the generic differences which exist ; the varieties in the former style we have found to be marked by such and such distinctive features in the columns and their accessories, which allowed them to be divided into orders. In the latter the varieties arise chronologically, and, consisting for the most part in the forms and arrangements of details, are not incoherent; nor are certain proportions either fixed or determinable, and consequently they cannot be rendered into orders. It has been customary, in treating of Pointed architec- ture, to class with it the Saxon and Norman Gothic styles. This is at least unnecessary, as they have no direct rela- tion to it, except that of immediate precedence in point of time, and that the one was the stock on which the other was grafted. The peculiarities of Pointed archi- tecture are indeed totally independent of those of its pre- decessor the Gothic ; nevertheless we should hardly be excused for passing over the latter in total silence. According to the best authorities, there are very few specimens of architecture now in existence in this coun- try which can properly be called Saxon, that is, of a date anterior to the Conquest, and not of Roman origin ; and those few are of the rudest and most inferior description. Saxon, therefore, as far as the architecture of this coun- try is concerned, is an improper term. All the ancient structures which are distinguished by the semicircular PI. LXXI. arch may be called Anglo or Anglo-Norman Gothic. It Pig- b 2, consists principally of massive columnar piers supporting a. find the same long narrow window systematically arranged, j singly or triply, with light clustered columns, against the jjjk ” j 52 A R C H IT EC T URE. Pointed piers which divide them, receiving the deep congeries of Architec- mouldings which forms the archivolt. Its columned pier, ^^too, consists of clustered shafts, generally on a round core, and always forming cylindrical masses, girded at different heights with slight rings or belts of mouldings. Their PI. LXXI. capitals consist for the most part of congeries of mould- ing- 14. ings following the form of the shafts, though rich and LXXIII ^ ovver ' n § capitals are not uncommon. Moulded bases, ‘ too, are generally used, not dissimilar in form to what is called the attic base of Italian architecture. The lancet arch is described from two centres about an acute-angled isosceles triangle in the line of its base, with a radius equal to twice and one third (in some cases more, and in some less) the length of that base, or of the span the arch is to embrace. This, though the ordinary, is not, however, the universal form of the arch in the first period ; but the absence of mullions, and in general of tracery, may almost be considered a criterion : yet foliations or featherings are not uncommon, especially in doors, and as enrichments to flat surfaces, though every thing of the kind certainly indicates an approach to the style of the succeeding period. Ribs on the angles formed by the in- tersections of arches in groined ceilings, not in ramified tracery, but with bosses at their apices alone, appertain to works of the first period. These ribs sometimes spring from corbels, and sometimes from the heads of slight shafts, which may run uninterruptedly from the floor to the springing of the arched ceiling, against the walls or against the columnar piers; and a small cornice or tablet continuing round them, runs along horizontally to sepa- rate the vertical from the vaulted surface. Buttresses in Plate general, of various forms, sometimes in diminishing stages LX XI I. and sometimes upright, with acutely gabled heads with- I'ig- out crockets, but having finials — and flying buttresses in particular — belong to this style. The tablets or cornices, mouldings, ornaments, and the variety and arrangement of niches, must be gathered from examples. The parapet or battlement is straight and uninterrupted, and is either plain or ornamented with series of arches or panels with foliations. Turrets are in some cases square, in others oc- tagonal ; but the pinnacles which surmount them are al- most always of the latter form, and plain or crocheted, as the work may be more or less ornate. Towers, in the style of this period, were generally made to receive that beautiful characteristic of Pointed architecture, the spire. This, in the best examples, is octagonal in its plan, and of pyramidal elevation, running to a point, or nearly so, under an angle of about 12°, the angle at the base being consequently 84°. In some cases the spire is richly crochet- ed like the pinnacles; but whether plain or crocheted, it is surmounted by a bold finial. The most perfect structure in this style throughout is Salisbury Cathedral, which, unlike any other Pointed cathe- dral in England, except perhaps that of Bath, was begun and finished in the same manner; and so excellent an example is it, that it has been proposed to call the style of the period the Salisbury style. Not inferior in merit, and hardly less perfect a model of the same, is Beverley Minster. That which is of later date in it is easily dis- tinguishable ; and being confined to particular parts, it hardly interferes with the unity of the composition. The transepts of York Minster are also of the first period, and so is a great part of Westminster Abbey. The fronts of Ely, Lincoln, and Peterborough Cathedrals exhibit good specimens of it. Indeed there is hardly one of all our Pointed cathedrals which does not partake of this style in a greater or less degree. It will be most generally found interwoven with and superimposing the Anglo- Gothic where that exists, and inferior to, when in con- nection with, works of a later period. Many of the mo- nastic structures with which this country abounds pre- Pointed sent very beautiful specimens of this style also. Among Architec - other excellent examples of it may be particularized the , • chapter-houses of Lincoln and Lichfield. Those beauti- ful monuments which the affection of Edward I. induced him to raise to the memory of his wife, called the Crosses of Queen Eleanor, are in the style of the first period, though they verge on that of the second, and indeed mark the transition which took place in the latter part of that king’s reign. Of the Second Period of Pointed Architecture. The style of this period, which is thought by many to be the classic age of Pointed Architecture, is described by Mr Rickman as being distinguished “ by its large win- dows, which have pointed arches divided by mullions, and the tracery in flowing lines forming circles, arches, and other figures, not running perpendicularly; its ornaments numerous and very delicately carved.” Mr Britton says that “ during this period the Pointed style received its greatest improvements ;” and that, limiting it to the time of Edward III., “ the form of the arch then principally in vogue admitted of an equilatei'al triangle being pre- cisely inscribed between the crowning point of the arch and its points of springing at the imposts.” The mullions of this style clearly result from the slender shafts which were used in that of the first period against the piers dividing a number of windows. The piers being removed, it be- came necessary that an arch should be turned from side to side, leaving a space to be filled up in the head above the smaller arches. This was done by repeating and con- tinuing their contours, and connecting them by gracefully flowing lines and foliations. It is indeed but an extension Plate of the former; for in some of the early examples theLXXII. mullions are thin columnar shafts having capitals and^‘§ ,2&3 * bases, and the head of the arch is generally filled up with regular figures, such as foliated circles, leaving spandrels or triangular circular-sided spaces in various parts. It is in the more advanced works of this period that the tracery Fig. 4 & 5, run through, and for the most part without the inter- vention of any horizontal mouldings at the impost or springing of the arch. Besides the ordinary covering cornice or drip-stone following the form of the arch, we find a moulded cornice, generally arranged pediment-wise, embracing a window or door, having crockets and finials, and resting on corbels, which are almost always masks. This may be called an attached canopy. The columnar Plate piers of this period are nearly square in plan, and areLXXIIl. placed diagonally. They are sometimes composed of Fl S‘ clustered shafts, and sometimes of shafts separated by deep hollows. Their capitals are either moulded simply in rather a deep congeries, or with woven foliage under a moulded abacus. Their bases are a diminishing series of bold mouldings, supported generally by a vertical-faced octagonal plinth. The shafts which support the ribs of the roof or ceiling tracery, in the finest examples of this style, spring from rich and bold corbels in the angles of the arches, or the spandrels, immediately above the piers. The groining ribs do not adhere to the angles of the groins mere- ly, but are set more profusely to form tracery ; and rich bosses are put at every intersection. Buttresses of the second pe- riod are exceedingly various : on angles they are mostly set diagonally. They either diminish gradually in heights or Plate stories, and finish under the cornice, or they run through LXXI V. and are surmounted by pinnacles. In some cases the sets- 1 ^ l - off in diminishing are made simply with an inclined shelf; in others every set-off is formed with a pediment properly becomes what may be truly called flowing. The mullion and 1 lats is angular and moulded, and the mouldings run all through t,!j j 1 ' the composition ; the jamb or architrave mouldings also ARCHITECTURE, 53 Pointed enriched, and the face of the buttress is generally orna- Architec- mented with blank tracery in panels or niches. Flying ' Ul re- buttresses in this style are also more ornate than those of ' the preceding; indeed in this they became ornaments, whereas in the former they appear to have been kept out of sight as much as possible. Parapets are either pierced or embattled, and a similar variety is maintained in pedi- ments. Pinnacles are generally square, but they stand diagonally with regard to the turret or buttress on which they are placed, their angles resting on the apices of the pediments which surmount the faces of the substructure. These pinnacles are richly ornamented with crockets and finials. Spires are less common in the more extensive works of this period than in the precedent ; but in those of minor importance they are frequent, differing little, however, from the same object in works of the first period, except in being more highly enriched. Towers are richly pinnacled; but the pinnacles rest for the most part on small turrets rising from the angles of the tower itself, and seldom from projecting turrets or from the heads of buttresses, which latter are generally found to die away below the cornice. The details and enrichments of this style are too curious and complicated for verbal descrip- tion, but they may be gathered from the examples. We possess no one complete cathedral of the second period, but almost all our larger Pointed structures pre- sent specimens of it in a greater or less degree. Except- ing perhaps the upper story or belfries of the towers of York Minster, which are of the third period, its west front is a model for this style, and it presents specimens of almost all its external peculiarities. The nave of the same edifice, and the interior of Exeter Cathedral, are perhaps the finest examples of the second period. The latter edifice, indeed, has the reputation of presenting a greater and more pleasing variety of tracery than any other of the same style. To these may be added the cathedrals of Lincoln and Ely, both of which contain much that is valuable. Next to these cathedrals may be placed Beverley Minster, which is not only a mine of beauty of the first, but it presents many exquisite specimens of this period also. The steeple of St Mary’s Church, Oxford, is a fine example in this style of the combination of tower and spire. Many minor works in England, and several in Scotland, are excellent; particularly much of what re- mains of the High Church, Edinburgh, much of the re- mains of Elgin Cathedral, and the largest portion of those of Melrose Abbey, which, it would appear, was not ex- celled, when perfect, by any thing in the kingdom. Plate LXXIV. Fig. 1. Of the Third Period of Pointed Architecture. This is that period of the style commonly known as florid Gothic. The first authority quoted with regard to the styles of the two preceding periods calls it the Per- , pendicular English, and says that this name clearly desig- nates it ; “ for the mullions of the windows and the orna- mental panellings run in perpendicular lines, and form a complete distinction from the last style.” Mr Britton, however, insists that the term perpendicular, though per- haps proper enough, if the style could be sufficiently dis- tinguished by the mullions of the windows and the up- right forms and continuity of the panelling over entire surfaces, “ gives no idea of the increased expansion of the windows, nor of the gorgeous fan-like tracery of the vault- ings, nor of the heraldic description of the enrichments which peculiarly distinguished this period; neither does it convey any information of the horizontal lines of the door-ways, nor of the embattled transoms of the windows, nor of the vast pendents that constitute such important features in the third division.” Although windows with tracery in them may be determined as belonging to this period, by the perpendicular and parallel lines found in the Pointed head or arch, and by the use of transoms to divide the Architec- bays into heights, yet the presence of a window of kind does nothing towards fixing the style of the edifice p] ate generally to which it may belong ; for in hundreds of cases LXXII. this sort of window will be found where it is the only Fig. 6. specimen of its age or style in the structure. Other points must therefore be attended to. The simpler arches of this style are, like those of the pre- ceding periods, struck from two centres only ; the two sides or halves of the arch are similar segments of a circle whose Plate radius in this case is about three fourths the width of theLXXV. opening. Others are segments of ellipses, and are of course Fig- l. struck from four centres ; but some are eccentric curves, which may be drawn, but cannot be described. Many of both the latter descriptions are extremely flat or depressed, the angle at their apex being very obtuse. The ogee or con- Fig. 8 & 11. trasted arch is also found in works of this period, but this is more common in internal tracery than in external form. The modes of arranging tracery must be gathered from examples, for they possess no degree of regularity to ren- der it possible to describe them generally in words. Mul- lions are richly moulded, and so are the architraves of both doors end windows ; the deep congeries of mould- ings forming architraves are not intercepted by horizontal or impost mouldings, but run through from the head down the sides or legs. The angular or pedimented canopy to Plate an arched opening in the style of the second period as- LXXIV. sumes in this the form of a contrasted arch ; it is corbell-Fig- 1. ed and enriched with crockets and finials as in that. Doors, however, in this style are peculiar, because whatever the-pj ate form of the arched head may be, it is inscribed in a square LXXV. frame or canopy, the spandrels being variously enriched. Fig. 1. Columnar piers of this period are of almost para! lelogramic Fig- 4. form, thinner in the direction of the arches, and generally plain on the longer sides, but deeply moulded and running to a thin shaft on the outer edges. These mouldings are those which enrich the arch, there being no capital of any kind to intercept them, so that they run, as in windows and doors, all round the opening. To this, however, there are exceptions. The thin shaft which is formed on the outer edge of the pier continues through from floor to ceiling, to receive the groining ribs ; and it has a thin con- geries of mouldings at either end to form base and capi- tal. The tracery of the ribs of groined ceilings of this period is most profuse, and beyond description intricate. To this also belongs the absurdity called basket groining, in which the arches are made to spring on one of their sides from a pendent mass, which, though rich and gor- geous in appearance, threatens constant ruin. Corner buttresses standing diagonally are not so common in this as in the preceding style : in form, however, they are not dissimilar, excepting that the sets-off are plain moulded slopes for the most part, instead of having pedimented or triangular vertical heads, as in that. Flying buttresses are, like the style generally, very much enriched, and are very commonly used. Parapets are variously arranged ; indeed they embrace almost every peculiarity, being either plain, panelled, pierced, or embattled ; and each of the latter modes is effected by different means. Pinnacles inFig.8&lL this style are generally square, but there are examples of them having a greater number than four sides; in the Fig. 1. former and most usual case they are sometimes placed with their sides parallel to those of their pedestals, and sometimes diagonally : they are of course in every case highly enriched with crockets and finials. Spires of this are hardly distinguishable from those of the preceding period; and towers, of which there are innumerable spe- cimens, may be known by the construction of their but- tresses, and by the arrangement of the tracery ip the heads 54 ARC H ITECTURE. Pointed of' their windows, as the windows of towers are generally Architec- contemporaneous with that story, or stage of it at least, tu re. t() they belong. Octagonal or otherwise polygonal ' turrets at the angles of buildings are not uncommon, and they generally finish with an embattled parapet. The pedestals which support the pinnacles on the angles of towers, and at the heads of buttresses, seldom have pedi- mented faces, as in the preceding period, but finish with a corbelled battlement, and not unfrequently send up minor turrets and pinnacles from its angles. In the more ornate works of this style the enrichment of flat surfaces is carried to great excess, and it is gene- rally effected by means of panelling. Niches with their canopies, tabernacles, screens, and stalls, exhibit the most exuberant profusion of ornament, for the most part effect- ed in this manner; but we find, besides, a considerable variety of ornaments, foliate and heraldic ; of the former the Tudor flower, which is a combination of the roses, is pleasingly predominant. The only one of the cathedrals entirely of this period is that of Bath ; but being generally inferior in merit to many other examples, it need not be cited. Many of the cathedrals, however, have large portions in this style, which can hardly be mistaken if the form of the arches, the arrangement of the tracery, and the mode of enrich- ment, be attended to. The finest west fronts to any of them are possessed by those of Gloucester, Winchester, m and Chester ; but that of Beverley Minster is by far the most perfect and most classic specimen in existence, if we Plate except the front of Westminster Hall, which is also of LXXV. surpassing merit, and is moreover a classic exemplification f'g- *• of most of the peculiarities of the style. Taken as sepa- rate edifices, the chapels of St George at Windsor, of Henry VII. at Westminster, and of King’s College at Cambridge, are the most complete, as they are entirely and peculiarly of the third period. The central towers of the archiepiscopal fanes of Canterbury and York, the tower of Gloucester Cathedral, that of Magdalene College, Oxford, Boston Tower, and the tower of St Mary Magda- lene at Taunton, are singularly excellent examples of the style. To smaller edifices, those of Wrexham and Gres- ford in Wales, and of St Neot’s in Huntingdonshire, are particularly beautiful. Of steeples, that is, towers having spires superimposed, there are many fine specimens ; but the most perfect, perhaps, in composition are those of Bloxliam in Oxfordshire, and of Louth in Lincolnshire: the former is most admirable rather in general than in detail. Many of the monastic ruins throughout the country pre- sent excellent specimens of this style also ; indeed it is to ecclesiastical structures we must look for architectural display in Pointed architecture, as in that of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. We have just specimens enough existing of the architecture of the secular structures of our ancestors to show how inferior it was in merit to that of the ecclesiastical ; and if the castellated mansions of the nobility, and the palaces of the sovereigns, cannot vie in excellence with the cloistered cells of the monks, we may be well assured that ordinary domestic architecture was of a still more inferior cast. Elements of Beauty in Architecture. Simplicity and harmony are the elements of beauty in architecture ; simplicity in the general form and arrange- ment of a subject, and harmony in the collocation and combination of its various parts. Without these qualities a structure can never possess either dignity or grace, and with them it will certainly possess the attractions of both. The outline, then, most conducive to beauty in architec- ture, is that which bounds the most simple forms. These are the parallelogramic and pyramidal, in which the lines are straight and uninterrupted throughout their whole Beauty in length. The ancient monuments of Egypt, of Greece, Architee- and of Rome, offer the most complete exemplifications of v tu re * this. No other than the long, unbroken line which bounds the temples of Egypt could produce an effect so grand ; PL LVI. and no other than the simple, square, and pyramidal forms, could be productive of so much dignity as they possess. In the pyramids and obelisks of the same coun- try the effect of this simplicity is even more obvious. In the temples of Greece, again, the same dignified simpli- PI. LIV. city is still predominant; for although in them the paral- lelogram and pyramid are combined, they are not con- fused ; their mass consisting of a parallelopipedon whose" ends are surmounted by vertically faced pyramids, con- nected by an unbroken line of ridge running parallel to the horizontal boundaries of the sides. Those of the Ro- man monuments which are deficient in simplicity are also deficient in beauty. Such are the triumphal arches, PL LXIV whose general form is broken by columns and arches Fig. 10 & which subject themselves to no commanding outline, but 11- are all at the same time prominent features of and ex- crescences from the general composition. In the temples which are on the Greek model it is not so ; nor is it so in the long series of arches in the Roman aqueducts, which are crowned and connected by commanding lines, unim- peded by projections or protuberances of any kind. The crucial form of the Pointed cathedral may be thought to detract somewhat from its simplicity, and so much from its beauty ; but it is an aggregation of simple forms, per- fectly coherent with the tendency of the leading lines in the style, which, we have seen, is vertical ; and the lines are therefore not broken by the projected masses of the tran- septs, as they would be in the Egyptian and other styles, the tendency of whose commanding lines is horizontal. Otherwise the Pointed cathedral is a modification merely of the form of a Greek temple, with other parallelogramic forms added to it, as towers, or pyramidal, as spires. The same principle will be found to pervade the best works of the Italian school, more or less modified according to its application. Next to the straight line is the circular ; but the greater complexity of this latter, and the variety of which it is capable, render it more subtile, and for the most part less competent to produce grand and impressive effects, ex- cept under peculiar circumstances of situation and combi- nation. A cupola such as the cupolas of St Peter’s atPLLXIX Rome and St Paul’s in London, if placed on its base on the ground, or even on a low structure, like a large bee- hive, would be not merely ineffective, but absolutely ugly ; and if, in the situations they occupy, the cupolas referred to were without the diminishing pinnacles above them, to bring their general outlines within that of the pyramid, it is a question whether they would possess the attractive beauty they now do. If St Paul’s be looked at in the gray twilight of morning or evening, or when a mist ren- ders its form indistinct, the impression conveyed by the mass is that of a lofty pyramid or cone, rising out of the substruction which the cathedral forms, and running off to a point in the sky. The superstructure of St Peter's is, as we have seen, more depressed, and less perfectly formed in this particular; yet nevertheless it maybe sub- mitted to the same test, and the same or nearly the same result will follow. Furthermore, let a hemisphere or an oblate hemispheroid be supposed in the place of the prolate hemispheroid, as at present, and this reason- ing will be rendered more clear; for neither of those forms, even with the accessories these possess, would be as beautiful ; and without them they would be ungainly deformities, as is proved by that example on the new palace in London, on the site of Buckingham House. ARCHIT Beauty in The cupola of the London University exemplifies this Architec- point also ; for though its profile is elegant, and its acces- , Ulre ' ; sories are generally good, the composition does not re- solve itself into a simple form, and the result is far from being beautiful. When the circular form is employed cylindrically, the utmost simplicity is required to be preserved in its hori- zontal, as well as in its vertical lines, or the result will be totally devoid of all architectural beauty. In proof of this, let the broken and dentilled columnar ordinance which surrounds the tholobate of St Peter’s be compared with the noble, unbroken peristyle in the corresponding part of St Paul’s. In the former the cylindrical mass is studded with a series of minute excrescences of coupled columns ; and in the latter it forms a grand, beautiful, and effective compartment of the composition. The preceding remarks do not of course apply to the interior of a structure in the same manner ; for although as high a degree of simplicity is required internally as ex- ternally, similar combinations are not necessary, nor are they indeed always available. A spacious concave, of what- ever form its profile may be, so that its plan be a perfect circle, is one of the grandest works of architecture, and at the same time one of the most simple, whether it occupy a compartment of the structure to which it belongs, as in St Peter’s and St Paul’s, or cover the complete edifice to PI LXIV. which it appertains, as in the Pantheon at Rome. In t 'g- *t. such situations it is indeed almost impossible to destroy its inherent simplicity ; and being unconnected with exter- nal circumstances, it requires no coherence with any thing else, being as independent of its substructure as of its ex- ternal contour for effect. Irregular and intricate forms, however, in works of architecture, whether internally or externally, will be found unpleasing. Few can admire the Fig. 1 & 2 . external effect of the Pantheon, or of the structure in London called the Colosseum, which has been subjected to the same arrangement, though certain features in both may be indisputably good. To these may be added the church in Langham Place, London, and indeed many others ; but that is an egregious example in point. The complication of straight and circular in their composition, and the consequent irregular forms and undefined out- lines, totally destroy both simplicity and harmony. The comparison of an Egyptian obelisk with a monumental column of the same relative size will afford the strongest proof of the superiority the more simple form possesses over the more complicate. None, however, but those who have visited Rome, in which city alone the comparison can properly be made, can duly appreciate this evidence ; but London furnishes a contrast almost as much to the purpose, in the monument on Fish Street Hill, and the lofty shot tower by the south-west angle of Waterloo Bridge. They are both of cylindrical form; but the one is crowned by a square abacus, and the other by a bold cornice, which follows its own outline. The greater sim- plicity and consequent beauty of the latter is such as to strike the most unobservant. Not only in general form and outline is simplicity ne- cessary to beauty in architecture, but in all its details, and even in its enrichments, also. In exemplification of this, a Greek entablature may be compared with one in the Roman style, in which every thing is sacrificed to profuse ornament; and the style of ornament in the latter may again with equal advantage be compared with that of the age of Louis XIV. of F/ance. In the arrangement of the parts of a composition, as well as in the composi- tion itself, simplicity is essentially necessary to the beauty of the whole ; every style will afford exemplifications of PI. LIX. this also, in the comparison of the more simple with the lig. £>. more complicate specimens of the same. Compare the ECTURE. 53 few simple and well-defined parts of a Grecian Ionic en- Beauty in tablature with a Roman or Italian example of that order: Architec- in the latter will be found a complexity and straining at t , effect not at all consistent with beauty and dignity, de-pj ^ termining the comparison much in favour of the first; jV. 3. and so in many other cases which might be cited. Thatpi. LXVX the more simple arrangement of columns at equal dis-Fig. 4 . tances is superior to that in which they are coupled or placed only alternately equidistant, is clear from the fact that the latter mode was first proposed, and is only used to obviate difficulties, and not from choice, except in the works of the merest pretenders. Harmony, concord, or fitness — of proportion, of form, of one part of a composition to another, and in the collo- cation of the various enrichments which architecture re- quires, — is as necessary to its beauty as simplicity. We do not speak of the agreement which should exist between the manner or character of a structure and its application, for that is purely conventional, and totally independent of any architectural consideration. The merit or demerit of a composition is not at all affected by the use to which the edifice is applied; neither would its front be more tolerable, nor its cupola less beautiful, if St Peter’s in Rome were, by the course of events, to become a demo- cratic forum instead of a papal basilica ; nor is the monu- ment of London a more or less elegant object, whether it be understood to record a triumph or a defeat — the burn- ing of the city, or its re-edification. Harmony in archi- tecture is that agreement which exists between its various parts, as in the relation of a column to its entablature and stylobate, in the accordance of a cornice with the eleva- tion it crowns, and in the coherence of one part of a com- position with another. It is that which exists in the com- mon tendency of the leading lines of a structure ; and it is that which blends the straight and circular in enrich- ment or decoration, as in the capital of an Ionic column whose square and horizontal form is harmoniously adapted to the vertical lines and cylindrical form of the shaft, by the intervention of the volutes. An inharmonious combi- nation arises out of the collocation of the same voluted capital with a pilaster or square pier. This quality re- quires a judicious arrangement of ornament. That a cer- tain degree of enrichment should pervade the whole of a composition, and not be confined to one part of it — for in- stance a Corinthian ordinance, in which the columns are unfluted and the entablature is quite plain — is inharmoni- ous ; for the capitals being masses of rich foliage, are spots, having nothing to connect them with the rest. A degree of harmony must exist, too, between the solids and vacuities of an edifice. An Italian portico, with its thin and straggling columns, is an inharmonious object, for it conveys an idea of infirmity and poverty, which is not the case with one proportioned like the best Greek and Ro- man examples. In the front of a house, windows and the piers between them being too wide or too narrow will af- fect its character in this respect. The comparative size of various portions of the same composition, though they be in themselves simple and harmonious, may be such that they shall not be so in combination. The portico of the London University is of almost unequalled magnificence and beauty, and the cupola behind and above it is of elegant form, though deficient in another particular, as we have already stated; yet they do not harmonize — the one is much too large for the other, and their forms are incoherent. Thus harmony has reference to comparative magni- tude, strength, decoration, disposition, and proportion. To acquire a knowledge of all these sufficient to produce a worthy result, a long course of study and careful obser- vation are necessary : but such can only be necessary to the architect ; it is enough for the general student to be 56 ARCH! T E CTUR E. Composi- able to appreciate them when present, and to detect their tionf absence. ' -l ' Principles of Architectural Composition. These must be different in the widely differing species of architecture, whose tendencies in the one are to hori- zontal or depressed, and in the other to vertical or upright lines and forms; the former including all those varieties which derive from the Greek and Roman modes of de- sign, or columnar and circular-arched architecture ; and the latter embracing those which arise out of the pointed arch, and which we have distinguished by the term Pointed. Except in the elements of architectural beauty, which must be the same in all architectural works, there is no similarity whatever between the principles which govern composition in the two species. Simplicity of form, and harmony between the parts, are as essentially neces- sary to the one as to the other ; but instead of the leading horizontal lines required by the former, the latter is dis- tinguished by the absence of commanding lines having that tendency, and by the presence of strongly marked lateral projections and vertically inclined lines. The rec- tangular figure formed by the front of a Greek temple, below the pediment, rests on one of its longer sides as a base. In a Pointed composition that order is reversed, and one of the shorter sides becomes the base ; and the pediment, instead of being a depressed obtuse-angled tri- angle, becomes upright and acute-angled ; the whole mass, moreover, follows the change thus described, so that the same figure, a parallelopiped, is set for horizontal or ver- tical composition, as a larger or smaller side is made the base. This being the case, it will be necessary to treat of them separately; for rules which apply to the one are totally inapplicable to the other, and the former, being of most common application, may be taken first. We shall quote the principles which appear to have actuated the Greek and Roman architects in the production of their best works, or rather the principles which those works de- velope, instead of citing all existing ancient works as au- thorities; and determine on those principles how to pro- duce similar results in cases of which examples do not appear in ancient practice. In the same manner, we must deduce the principles for general composition in the Pointed style, from those which appear to enter into its best existing works. Of Horizontal Composition. Every thing tending to break the continuity of the lead- ing horizontal lines in a composition should be avoided. The advantage of adhering to this, and the disadvantage PI. LXX. resulting from the breach of it, are clearly exemplified in P’g- 1- the front of the Farnese Palace, and in the flank of St PI. LXIX. Peter’s at Rome. In London, too, the fronts of the Ban- Fig- 2. queting House at Whitehall, and of Somerset House to the Strand, offer similar exemplifications of the principle; the former having both the entablatures and the stylobate of the upper ordinance broken round every column, which makes the ordinances mere excrescences, and the latter pre- serving the leading lines continuous and unbroken through- out, to the manifest advantage of the whole composition. This applies equally to columned and arcaded ordinances, and to compositions in which neither is used; and it is as much opposed to the projection of masses to form wings and centres, whether shallow or deep, as to the breaking of an entablature or stylobate round one or two columns. Sufficient variety of light and shadow is attainable with- out the use of columnar ordinances at all, as the Farnese Palace evinces. But if, however, it be required to give a greater degree of importance to an elevation than can be attained in that manner, it may be produced without Compcsi- either attaching or insulating columns the whole extent, tion - by means of antae and recessed compartments with co-'^~ v-x ^ / lumns in them, as on either side of the gates in the north or Lothbury front of the Bank of England, and on the flanks of the churches of St Pancras and St Martin in London ; but a mere pilastraded ordinance, or pilasters with an entabla- ture and without columns, is bald, tasteless, and unmean- ing, as the front of Crockford’s Club-house, in London also, very clearly shows. In speaking of the Italian style, we have shown the injudiciousness of putting order above order, because of the impossibility of maintaining a ra- tional arrangement with regard to diminution and inter- colunmiation. We made that, too, an objection to the ele- vation of the Roman Colosseum ; but the practice is more- PI. LXI V. over objectionable, because of the repetition of the simi-Fig. l. lar parallel lines of the entablatures, similarly projected too, which destroy the breadth a composition should possess ; and because the upper and crowning cornice, if in propor- tion to its own ordinance, must be disproportioned to the whole elevation which takes from that member a charac- ter of grandeur or meanness, as it may or may not be fit- ted to its whole height. This is made very evident by the opposed fronts of the United Service and Athenaeum Club-houses in London, the former of which is finished by the thin shelf-like cornice of a second order, and the latter by a bold massive crowning cornice in the style of that of the Farnese Palace. In a similar manner, and for the same reason, the practice of raising lofty basements to support columnar ordinances is injudicious ; and this detracts much from the merit of the front of Somerset House just referred to, by making the crowning cornice of less importance than it should be. In St Paul’s this fault is partially relieved by the somewhat exaggerated size of the cornice of the upper order, and by the insertion of cut blocks, in the manner of upright modillions, under it the whole depth of the frieze. Nothing, again, should be allowed to superimpose a crowning cornice, except what may form a part of itself, as antefixae ; where, however, something is absolutely necessary, as on a bridge, a close simple parapet, as low as it may be conveniently, should be resorted to. On the principle first developed, porti- coes should not be projected from the front of a building, unless they occupy the whole extent of it, as in a Greek or Roman temple, and so carry the horizontal lines unbro- ken to the flanks ; or they should be made distinct and independent objects, to which the rest of the composition may be subservient, as in the London University. A porti- co should moreover be considerably projected, or the sur- face behind it recessed, that the columns may have a back- ground of shadow, otherwise it will be poor and inefficient. Of this the Greek temples offer a favourable exemplifica- tion; and most of our churches, and other modern edifices which have porticoes to them, prove the correctness of the principle in the breach of it. Exceptions more or less favourable certainly exist, whose superior merit is suffi- cient to indicate them. A pediment should never be used unless it is made to embrace the whole of the end or front to which it is attached. Numberless absurdities have arisen in Italian architecture from the injudicious application of this form ; so general, indeed, is it, that the fact of a pediment existing under any circumstance in a work of that style is almost a sufficient reason for avoiding a similar use of it. Nothing is more difficult than to combine straight and circular, or otherwise bend- ing lines, with propriety and good taste, and therefore their collocation, in general composition particularly, should be seldom attempted. It is when they harshly contrast, as in circular pediments, and in mixed compositions of columns or pilasters, with their accessories, and arches and ARCHIT Composi- their piers, that the combination is bad ; but not so in tbe tion. connection of the arch with its pier, so that the former be semicircular or semielliptical, and not smaller segments, in which cases they fall naturally and gracefully together. The incoherence and inelegance of contrasted straight and circular forms are very evident in the New Exchange at Paris, where two tiers of circular-headed windows are seen within a Corinthian peristyle. Circular prostyles or cvr- toprostyles should be avoided, as their horizontal lines cannot be made to harmonize perfectly with any form to which they may be attached. This however does not apply to peristyles ; and both the one and the other are exempli- fied by the transept porticoes and columned tholobate of St Paul’s. The use of coupled columns is so absurd, and they are confessedly so inelegant, that it seems almost unnecessary to proscribe them. Suppose apertures, such as windows, arranged in couples throughout an elevation, with very narrow and very wide piers alternating, and both tbe absurdity and the inelegance become manifest : now, neither the one nor the other can be either lessened or changed by reversing the case, and putting alternately wide and narrow openings, as in coupled columnar ordi- nances. Columns may with propriety be put further apart when they are attached than when they are insulated, because the entablature, resting in part on the wall, is neither in fact nor in appearance made infirm by tbe dis- tension, as it would be if it rested on the columns alone. All the parts of the same edifice which come into view, under any circumstances at the same time, should corre- spond ; but insulated and attached columns of the same ordinance and in the same elevation may, under certain circumstances, without impropriety be arranged with a dif- ferent intercolumniation. An arcaded ordinance should be considered as only more massive than, and differently shaped from, a colum- nar, and may therefore be governed by nearly tbe same principles. A pier is but a differently shaped and more massive column, and the archivolt but a succedaneum for the architrave ; while a bold blocking course, or a com- mensurate cornice and frieze, as the composition may be more or less ornate, will complete the ordinance. Under this view nothing can be more absurd than to affix columns or pilasters to the piers of an arcade to support an enta- blature, and certainly nothing can be more inharmonious, from the contrast which arises, as we have just remarked, between the rectangular lines of the latter, and the in- scribed circular lines of the arch, as well as the incon- gruity necessarily attending the interspaces of the columns. In speaking of Greek and Roman architecture, we have shown why columns should, and why anta; and pilasters should not, be fluted ; and have shown also, that a certain degree of richness or plainness of surface should pervade a composition, and not be confined to particular parts of it. It will now be enough to add, that in composing, lights and shadows should not be scattered on a surface as they are on the front of the Banqueting House, by broken ordi- nances ; nor should either be too much narrowed, as the light on the corona of a Roman cornice too frequently is, by the too great projection of the cymatium. It will be found, moreover, that shadows projected horizontally are more in coherence with the horizontal style of composi- tion, than those which fall laterally, or from a vertically projecting object. Columns, 8fc . — Tbe proportions of the columnar orders will be best sought in the existing examples of the an- cients ; and those we give of them afford sufficient va- riety. What is deficient in one may be made up from another; and what appears superfluous in one example may be omitted, as its omission may appear beneficially to affect another. The Doric may be adopted from the E C T U R E. 57 Parthenon or the temple of Theseus, as tbe best existing Composi- models of the order. If an ungraduated stylobate be tion - used, which should be avoided if possible, it should not exceed one diameter in height. The intercolumniation £ lyj]J should not exceed one triglyph, as in the Greek temples, though for compositions of a generally less dignified cha- racter it may, perhaps, be extended to two. A good mo- dern example of the Doric order, in a work of the latter description, may be seen in the small entrance portico to the University Club-house in London. The Ionic example PI. LIX. from the Erechtheum, which we have given, may be used as a model for that order, with the same restriction with regard to the stylobate which is made to the Doric. Additional depth may with advantage be allowed to the bed-mould of the cornice, and it may be effected by the insertion of a dentilled member, which indeed some of the ancient Greek (though not Athenian) examples pos- sess. The intercolumniation should not be less than one diameter and a half, nor should it exceed two diameters. In London this order is admirably applied in tbe front of an Episcopal chapel on the east side of North Audley Street ; and this particular example is very correctly co- pied on the exterior of the church of St Pancras. The Pl.LXIII. great inferiority of the Roman examples of the Doric and Ex. 3 & 4 Ionic orders is too evident to require that what it consists in should be pointed out, and they are the models of the Italian. The Greek example of the Corinthian order PI. LX. might perhaps be improved by making the dentil member Fig- 3. of the cornice a little shallower, by projecting the corona rather less, and by correcting the form of some of the mouldings of the entablature generally. If the columns be used in a prostyle or other insulate position, they may with advantage be made half a diameter less in height ; and the intercolumniation also should be made less than it appears in the original, where the columns are attached. This example has been well executed in the entrance to the Philadelpheion or Exeter Hall, in the Strand ; but the pedestals and the attic are blemishes in the composition. Of the Roman examples of this order, that of the temple PI. LXII. of Jupiter Stator is certainly the best. Its greatest faultFx. 1. is the too great magnitude of tbe cornice, of which every member, except tbe corona, might advantageously be re- stricted one tenth of its height; that which is dentilled might indeed be reduced one fifth. The projections might also be diminished in the same proportion, removing the greater diminution of one fifth in this particular from the dentilled member to the cymatium, and the ovalo under it, both of which project by far too much. The three fas- cias of the architrave are too unequally divided. The lowest may be made as wide as the middle one, by de- ducting their difference from the third or upper one. In the Tivoli example the architrave is too shallow, and so Ex. are the dentil band and corona of the cornice ; and the cymatium is both too deep and too much projected. The cornice would moreover be improved by denticulating the dentil band, and by enriching the frieze with an ornament less coarse and less massive. If this example be used in a generally ornate composition, some of the mouldings of the entablature should be enriched. The parts of the entablature of the temple of Antoninus and Faustina are Ex. 3. well proportioned to each other. The cornice of this ex- ample would be improved by giving additional height to the dentil band at the expense of the moulding above it, and by denticulating it also. The cymatium is rather too shallow, and may be widened out of the moulding under it; and both should be restricted in their projection at least one fifth. The capital of this example is poor, and its abacus is too shallow. The shaft requires fluting, and one half the depth of the upper fillet of the base might be added with advantage to the tori and scotia. The cited 58 ARCHITECTURE, Composi- example from the portico of the Pantheon has, like the Aon. last mentioned, the parts of its entablature well propor- tioned to each other. As in the Jupiter Stator example, PL LXII. {fog architrave should be more equally divided. The k x ' mouldings, too, separating the fascias, should be made less ; and the superior moulding, at least of the archi- trave, carved, unless the frieze were enriched, and then it would not be necessary. In the cornice a fifth or sixth should be taken from every member of the bed-mould and added to the corona. In the presence of modillions, however, the dentil band is judiciously kept plain, though the moulding below it would be better if enriched. The capital of this example is as faulty as that of Antoninus and Faustina, and in the same particulars. The shaft also requires fluting, and the base might with advantage be made to spread more. The ordinance of the temple of Pl.LXIII.Mars Ultor, though the most masculine, is, from its good Ex. 1. proportions, and the bold character of its foliage, one of the most excellent of the Roman Corinthian examples. Most of the entablature being supplied from a not well authenticated source, may not be original ; but that is of no consequence, if it be beautiful. The corona, like that member in most Roman entablatures, wants greater depth ; and the cymatium perhaps less, and certainly less projec- tion. In this, as in the first-mentioned Roman example, with modillions there are dentils. This is injudicious; the member would be better plain, as in the Pantheon ordinance. The architrave, which is authentic, is exceed- ingly well proportioned, and the column is fine in all its parts. These examples all vary in their intercolumnia- tion, from rather less than one diameter and a half to a fraction more than two diameters, beyond which propor- tions, either less or more, it would not be well to go. A stylobate to the order might judiciously be adapted from the Greek ; for the stilted effects produced by insulated pedestals, and even by continuous vertical stylobates, are injurious to the general appearance of a columnar compo- sition ; and the thin steps in common use detract exceed- ingly from its beauty under any circumstances. There are many varieties of the foliate capital which may be used with advantage ; one of the least elegant, however, is that which assumes the distinction of being called the Composite order. The example of it from the Ex. 2. arch of Titus is one of the best, if not the best ; but it will be seen, on comparison, to be strikingly inferior to the Corinthian examples, or those in which the volutes of the capital are made subservient to the foliage, instead of being distended into huge mis-shapen knobs. The en- tablature, too, is only an exaggerated Corinthian. If it be wished to use foliate capitals differently composed from the ordinary, it may be well to preserve the character and proportions of the entablature the same, or nearly so. Under any circumstances, however, care should be taken in composing an entablature, that it have sufficient height, and yet not be too heavy ; that it be sufficiently divided, and yet not frittered ; that the parts have sufficient breadth, and be not so much projected as to bury all that is below them in shadow ; and that ornament be pro- perly distributed, and in sufficient quantity, without over- loading the composition with it, as in the ordinance of the arch of Titus. If again it be wished, under any circumstances (though PI. LX. the practice cannot be recommended), to use human Fig. 4. 5, figures as columns, there appears to be no reason why & the entablature should be executed without a frieze, as it is in the example of the Pandroseum ; and if a frieze be inserted, it should be by lessening the other parts, and not by increasing the whole, as that entablature (taking it as a model) is quite deep enough in proportion to the height of the ordinance. Entasis in columns need not be regarded, unless they Composi- exceed eighteen or twenty feet in height; but it adds tion- much to their beauty, and should not be neglected when they ai’e above that magnitude. No rule can be given for its production, but it may be thus described. The shaft, instead of being the frustrum of a regular cone, is the frustrum of a cone whose outline is not straight, but slightly convex ; so that if it were perfect, its vertical sec- tion would have the form of a very acute pointed arch. This convexity should, however, be so slight as in the finished shaft to be hardly perceptible. Its abuse is evi- dent in the columns of the east front of the church of St Paul, Covent Garden, and indeed in some of the less es- teemed works of the Greeks themselves. The modes of fluting in the different orders may be gathered from the examples. The flutes should be deeper or shallower, as the collocation of the ordinance may require a greater or less depth of shadow on the surface of the columns. The elliptical or nearly elliptical contour seems to be the most generally pleasing. The flutes meet in an arris on columns of the Doric order, and are separated from each other by alternating fillets in the Ionic and Corinthian. Antce and Pilasters . — These should seldom be used, ex- ternally at least, unless with columns, for their real use is to connect a columnar ordinance with the walls to which it is attached ; and being, as they are, but slight projec- tions from walls for that purpose, nothing can be more absurd than to give them the features of columns, either by the application to them of similar capitals and bases, by diminishing, or by fluting. The use of antse was right- ly understood by the Greeks, but not by the Romans ; and their proper use may be seen in the works of the former. The examples in London of their judicious application, most worthy of remark, are in those edifices already men- tioned as exhibiting good specimens of the Greek orders, in the Bank of England, and in the portico only of the London University. The adaptation in these of other than the bold foliage and branching cauliculi of the columnar capitals in the Corinthian ordinances to the antae caps is particularly worthy of notice (though they are not all of equal merit as compositions), as the Greek remains are without a regular example of Corinthian antse, and the Roman practice is inelegant. Pediments . — As there is no mode by which the pitch of a pediment can be determined, it must be left to the taste of the designer to be governed or not by the examples of Greek and Roman antiquity: it may, however, be pre- mised of them generally, that those of the former school are too flat, and those of the latter too steep. The pedi- ment of the portico of the London university is admirably proportioned to the rest of the composition, but its pitch would be absurdly flat if applied to a tetrastyle portico. The inclined sides of a pediment are covered by a cornice similar to that which forms its base, except that all blocks, modillions, and dentils are omitted, even if the bed-mould itself be retained, and a cymatium superadded. Cornices , fyc . — Although a perfect entablature should not be applied to crown an edifice, except it be in con- nection with columns of some sort, or their legitimate re- presentatives, piers, yet a single cornice, or a cornice and frieze, is not so ; and it forms the most pleasing termina- tion to an elevation in which columns are not used. The proportion of one or the other may be best found by set- ting out a columnar ordinance of the style preferred at the height of the elevation ; and the size of the cornice or cornice and frieze thus given will aptly become it. The Vignolan or block cornice, in which the frieze is occu- pied by cut blocks, is exceedingly effective : it is this which Sir Christopher Wren has employed in the upper pi. LXX. entablature of St Paul’s, and Vignola himself in the front Fig. 2. ARCHITECTURE. 59 Composi- of the Villa Guilia. With these cornices rustic quoins tion. consort very pleasingly, and so they do indeed with all single cornices which are of a bold character, and all such should be so. PI. LX VI. Arcades, fyc. — The most graceful average proportion for these is, that the opening be twice the width of the pier, and twice its own w’idth in height to the crown of the arch. The practice of the Italian school in the com- position of arcaded ordinances may be generally followed with advantage, except in mingling and confusing them with columnar. The pier is based by a deep square plinth, and surmounted by a square or moulded cap or impost, the upper surface of which is the base line of the arch. In rusticated work the radiating stones of the arch show their joints, and are cut to a uniform appearance with the ordinary surface of the wall. In other cases there is a moulded arcliivolt, whose width varies from an eighth to a tenth of the opening of the arch. A dropping keystone is generally used; but this very much injures the simpli- city, and consequently the beauty of the arch, and should be avoided. Doors and Windows, 8fc . — The most approved propor- tion for these apertures, also, is twice their width in height. In an elevation which comprises several tiers or stories, it is customary to make those of the lowest or ground story rather less than that proportion in height; those of the first or principal story rather more ; those of the second somewhat less again ; and those of the third (if there be so many) square or even lower. If, however, the eleva- tion consist of but two, the ground story should be the principal, and its windows of the most importance (if any difference be made between them at all), those of the upper story being then less than the stated proportion in height. The modes of ornamenting doors and windows are so various, and they depend so much on the coherent parts of the composition, that it is impossible here to go into their varieties, or to give particular instructions for their adaptation. The practice of the Italian school may in this case also be generally followed, avoiding those things in it which are injurious, and referring to the Greek for the details of mouldings and ornament. The applica- tion of a columnar ordinance to every door or window, giving it the effect of a little edifice in relief, exemplified by the windows of the principal story of the Farnese Pa- lace, must be censured as injudicious ; and so must pedi- ments of all kinds, but particularly those formed with cir- cular lines, or lines twisted in any way, or, though right lined, not meeting in a point at the apex. In basements or ground stories windows or doors may be lined with rustic courses with good effect, though the face of the wall be not rusticated; and if it be so, no other lining is thought necessary. The windows of a principal story may he lined with an architrave, either quite straight or re- turning in knees at the head, and resting on a continuous blocking course below. This architrave may be surmount- ed by an enriched frieze and cornice, the former bounded at the ends, and the latter upborne by trusses or consoles, which may rest on or be affixed to a species of pilaster, outside the architrave, and parallel to it; if detached sills are preferred, a shorter and bolder truss may be judicious- ly applied below the sill, under the foot of each pilaster, to complete the composition : the architrave is generally a sixth or a seventh of the opening in width, and the con- sole and its pilaster about a ninth or tenth. Upon no ac- count should rustics be run through the architrave lining of a window, as on the flanks of St Martin’s Church in London. A series of circular-headed windows conjoined, as in the earlier works of the Venetian school, is produc- tive of a pleasing effect; but the large circular-headed, with two conjoined smaller rectangular windows, found in the later works of the Italian school, and called Venetian, Composi- is radically inelegant ; and there is such a one in the tion - east end of the structure last mentioned. Blank windows should be recurred to as seldom as possible ; and when they cannot be avoided, they should have sash-frames and sashes as if they were real windows, otherwise they give a maimed effect to an elevation. Niches . — There are very few cases in which these do not act injuriously on a composition, from the difficulty of making them cohere with the other parts : the usual mode in Italian practice is to give them the effect of win- dows, which cannot be approved of. Internally they may be used with much better effect than on exteriors. If a niche is intended to receive a statue, it should have a cir- cular head ; if a vase, it will perhaps be better straight ; the plan of a niche is semicircular. Parapets. — The pierced parapet or balustrade is not in- elegant when the forms of which it is composed are sim- ple and chaste, as piers ; but the close continuous parapet is generally preferable, because of its greater simplicity, and its accordance with the principles developed in the most classic works of architecture. The parapet of a pro- jected balcony, to give an appearance of lightness, may perhaps be better pierced ; but if a stereobate continue straight through a window without projection, it should remain close and uncut, unless there exist some special reason for wishing to make the window appear so much higher. Balconies . — These, whether continuous or broken to every window, act for the most part injuriously in a com- position. In the former case they cannot be kept sufficient- ly under not to appear of too much importance ; and in the latter they have the effect of a broken cornice or en- tablature. In both cases, when a balcony is above the eye, it destroys the proportion of the windows opening on it, by intercepting more or less of their height. Proportion and Arrangement of Booms . — Whatever the length of a room may be, it will not be disagreeably pro- portioned if its height and breadth are the same; and if the length may be limited, once and a half the breadth is the most pleasing. Galleries, of course, will be much longer than that proportion ; and corridors will necessarily be narrower than they are high. Entrance-halls should be cubical, regularly polygonal, or circular. Access should be given to a room by the end; it should be lighted on one side, and the fire-place may be at the other end, or on the other side : if the former, there should be two doors, or one and the appearance of another, that the fire- place may not be immediately opposite to a door. Many things, however, from localities and otherwise, constantly occur to make it absolutely impossible to attend to such suggestions as these. In halls and saloons not command- ing a pleasing view, the windows may be advantageously placed above the usual level, for agreeable effect, for light, and for ventilation. In rooms lighted from above, as the Pantheon in Rome is, a columnar ordinance may be judi- ciously adapted; but otherwise columns and their acces- sories can seldom be well disposed internally. Chimneys . — If a chimney be in the end of a room, it should be similarly proportioned, the height and breadth of its opening corresponding with the height and breadth of the room; if it be on a side, it should be somewhat wider than it is high ; if the room be longer than the sesquialteral proportion, it should have two fire-places, either at the two ends or equidistant from the centre of one of the two sides. The chimney-piece should be bold and massive, not frittered into small parts and much mould- ed ; it may, however, have its vertical faces enriched with great advantage. Ceilings . — The ceiling of a room should be nearly plain, (50 ARCHITECTU R E. Composi- but it may rest on a bold and enriched cornice, not com- tlo n - posed like an external cornice, as it is differently lighted, but with deep covings instead of broad flat surfaces. Such cornices are highly susceptible of ornament, and they may have additional effect given to them by means of colour. In large rooms the area of the ceiling may be pleasingly contracted, and so made to appear lighter, by coving the angles altogether, and thus bringing the cornice on which it rests lower down on the walls. This mode of arrange- ment is used, too, in the small rooms of a lofty story, to take off from their too great height. The horizontal sur- face of a ceiling may be treated like a large panel, with broad borders and slight sinkings ; or, if it be very large and lofty, coffering or panelling all over, with moulded or painted ornaments, will produce an agreeable effect. Domed ceilings should be coffered, especially when they are lighted from above ; but if the light be from below, as in St Paul’s and St Peter’s Cathedrals, ribbing is far better. Heavy cumbrous masses of foliage in a ceiling should be avoided ; frets, guiloches, and arabesque orna- ments, are the best suited enrichments for a ceiling on which ornament is necessary. Stabs . — In a structure whose principal apartments are on the ground floor, the staircase is a secondary considera- tion, and should be secluded ; but where they are above the level of the entrance door, it becomes an important part of the interior, and should be of immediate and easy access. The rise of a step should not be more than six inches, and the tread not less than twelve. In a square staircase winders should not be used ; and in no case should there be more than ten or twelve flyers without a quarter or half space, both to prevent fatigue in ascending, and to avoid even the appearance of danger in the de- scent. Winding staircases are less convenient and less pleasing in effect than those which are square and with- out winders. Much room may be saved, however, where it is of consequence, by using the former. Handrails should follow the character of the staircases to which they are attached ; but a somewhat square form, with the sides or edges moulded, should be given to them under all circumstances, because of its simplicity, as well as the greater degree of firmness or solidity which the whole composition derives from it, both in effect and in appear- ance, than can be acquired for it otherwise. The hand- rail and balusters of an in-door staircase is indeed but the parapet of an external flight of steps or of a terrace, exe- cuted with more lightness and a greater degree of deli- cacy because of their location. The balustrading, also, should therefore be characterized by boldness and sim- plicity, though it is indeed a difficult thing to compose with propriety, because of its inclination, and the want of parallelism between the graduating base formed by the ends of the steps and the hanging level of the coping or handrail. The first step of a staircase has a voluted or curtail end (or ends if it be insulated, as in a staircase with a double returning flight) supporting a column or newel, on which the voluted or scrolled end of the hand- rail rests. The steps of a staircase are wrought with moulded nosings, which are returned at the exposed ends ; the under surface is either cut straight and parallel to the inclination of the flight, or moulded to form a pleasing ob- ject when seen from below. Mouldings and Ornament . — The Greek examples offer the most beautiful forms for mouldings, and the Grecian mode of enriching them is unsurpassed for beauty and effi- ciency. By adhering to them, and observing the manner in which they are produced and combined, it will not be difficult to produce and combine mouldings in sufficient variety for every purpose. For ornament the Homan examples may vie with the Greek ; but in composing or adapting, it is necessary to Composi- avoid alike the tendency to too great luxuriance in the one, and to poverty in the other. The remains of Her- culaneum and Pompeii have furnished us with a great deal of ornament that is new and beautiful ; and much that is excellent may be found on the earlier architectural and sculptural monuments of Italy of the middle ages. It should nevertheless be always borne in mind that the object in architectural enrichment is not to show the or- nament, but to enrich the surface, by producing an effec- tive and pleasing variety of light and shade ; but still, al- though the ornament should be a secondary consideration, it will develope itself, and should therefore be of elegant form and composition, as well as the means of producing a good effect on the architecture to which it is attached. Of Vertical or Pointed Composition. The towers of Westminster Abbey are an excellent practical illustration of the essential difference which exists between the horizontal and vertical styles of archi- tectural composition. In general form they belong to the Pointed style, and in so far cohere with the structure generally; but the running lines of the buttresses, if their angle piers may be so called, are constantly intercepted by transverse cornices ; and all the details are strangely in dis- cordance with the character derived from the pointed arch. Buttresses in a Pointed composition must not be con- sidered simply as buttresses, or supports to the angles, or sides of a structure, any more than a cornice in horizon- tal composition may be thought only necessary to cover or protect the wall on which it rests. That these were the uses for which they were severally applied originally, cannot perhaps be doubted ; but although they may be useful as such, we must now consider them as aids to ar- chitectural effect. Buttresses, then, are of the same use in the vertical style that cornices are in the horizontal — to give character to an elevation, by throwing a mass of shadow, to relieve it of the monotony necessarily attend- ant on a flat surface, however it may be pierced or en- riched. The sides of the buttresses should be either quite perpendicular the whole height they have to run, or be slightly diminished, if the wall behind them dimi- nishes, in lengths and not by inclined lines. Their faces also must run up vertically to the sets-off, and these should be in the same inclined line, and that line pointing to the apex of their pinnacles, when pinnacles surmount them. Indeed it cannot be too strongly enforced that there should be a constant tendency in the outlines of compositions in this style to meet, although the surfaces be themselves so generally perpendicular; and the more acute the angle under which they incline, the more graceful and becoming the style the result will be. The commanding lines of every part of a composition should lead through from its summit to the base. Thus, a spire or pinnacle should rest on a tower or turret whose angles are not interrupted, but never on a merely flat wall, however it may be faced with but- tresses to give an apparent projection. Neither should low porches be projected from the face of a structure, lor such can only have the effect of excrescences, and tend to injure a composition ; nor should external doors be made but in places where the harmony of the composition is not injured by them as irregular apertures. Internally, square forms are seldom used ; but piers consist of clustered cylindrical shafts, and thin shafts of the same form, lofty, and uninterrupted by crossing lines, act as pilasters. On these, capped with deeply inflected congeries of mould- ings or foliage for the former, and lighter ones made con- tinuous and breaking round them for the latter, rest the arches and arched ceilings. Flat surfaces are susceptible of high enrichment by means of tracery and panelling ; ARCHITECTURE. 61 Glossary, mouldings are enriched, not by carving on them, but by rounding out foliage and other ornament in covings and other deep inflections. Corbels should not be substituted for shafts to support arches when it can be avoided; but they have a pleasing effect as supports to the dripstone or canopy of a door or window ; and indeed there are many other situations in which they are almost necessary, but they should always be considered as succedaneous, and not as necessary to a composition. To avoid glaring inconsistencies in composing, it will be well to adhere generally to the style of some particu- lar period, and to employ the proportions and enrichments, as well as the forms, peculiar to it ; but, nevertheless, a more ornate may superimpose a plainer part, so that the difference be not violent. Windows of the second period may be placed over an arched composition of the first, and appear naturally to result from it; but the transition would be so great from the first to the third, as to make the result inharmonious. It need not however be denied, to those who feel themselves competent to use the mate- rials with good taste and propriety, to select matter from examples of the various periods, and make compositions not exactly in the style of any of them. With a clear perception of the principles of the style generally, which we have endeavoured to point out, and a practical ac- quaintance with the classic exemplars of it, such may Glossary, certainly be produced ; and they may as certainly be ''‘’""T''*"' adapted to all the purposes to which any species of archi- tecture can be applied. Rules for practice might be made to infinity, but they are unnecessary in this case, there being no authorized modern practice, like that of the Italian school in horizon- tal composition, to counteract. It is but to use the forms, proportions, decorations, and enrichments, and follow the mode of combination, which appear in the examples : these, with constant reference to the principles we have attempt- ed to develope, will be the surest and safest guides in composing and arranging any subject. They are, too, so rife with materials for general purposes, that few cases can occur in which there need be any difficulty in finding parallels. Buttresses, piers, shafts, arches, pediments, parapets, turrets, pinnacles, windows, doors, niches, ceil- ings, tablets, with mouldings and ornaments in great profusion, — indeed almost every thing that can be re- quired in practice, — appear in existing works of the style; preventing the necessity of determining from the mode of procedure in one case how we should act in another, as the comparative paucity of materials in the Greek and Roman remains rendered it necessary to do in developing the horizontal style. (h. h.) GLOSSARY OF NAMES AND TERMS USED IN ARCHITECTURE . 1 Abaciscus (diminutive of Abacus, q. v.). This term is applied to the chequers or squares of a tessellated pave- ment. Abacus (Gr. a£a£, a square tile or table). The rectan- gular and equilateral tablet covering the ovalo of the capital of the Doric column, and on which the super- imposed entablature rests, is called the abacus; and from it the similar part (though differently shaped) of all capitals is distinguished by the same term. Abacus means the same thing, but is opposed in application to Plinth, q. v. See also Plate LXVI. fig. 1. Acroterium (Gr. uxgurrigiov, the summit or vertex), a statue or ornament of any kind placed on the apex of a pediment. The term is often incorrectly restricted to the plinth, which forms the podium merely for the acro- terium. The statue of the saint on the apex of the pediment of the western front of St Paul’s is an acrote- rium ; the other statues may be called acroteral figures. Amphiprostyle (Gr. ay=-, and, therefore, the distance of the neutral point from the axis is d? // sin. a \ 121 \-y ) \ cos. a — J j (9.) 38. The value of z for a rectangular section being deter- mined, the magnitude of the straining force is easily found, so that it may not exceed the power of the material ; for, by the properties of the lever, pdC W cos. a=-;-A l sin. a and since C +y-\-\p d + z Q-—p) cos. a —fbgdd+z) by equation (6), and d? /I sin. « \ 12 +y) \ cos. a ) of the section, we have fbd 1 by equation (9), and g~\ by the form W — -V ( 10 .) d cos. a-j-6/ sin. a-f 6y cos. a 39. In particular cases this formula becomes more simple ; as, for example, when the distance of the point g from the axis ab is o, that is, when y~o, W= f M \ < 1L ) d cos. «-f-6/ sin. a In a column, or pillar, the section of greatest strain will be at the middle of the length, as at BD in fig. 2 ; and the direction EF of the straining force is usually parallel to the axis; and then sin. a=o, and cos. a= 1, and therefore, fbd 2 W= d+6y ( 12 .) When the direction of the straining force coincides with 112 MASONRY. Masonry, the axis, or when y—o, the strain on a column or pillar is V v expressed by the equation W=r fbd (13.) These equations apply also to tensile forces. When the strain becomes transverse, or when EF is per- pendicular to the axis, as in fig. 3, then cos. a~o , and sin. a— 1, hence W (14.) If the block be supported at the ends, and the load be applied in the middle of the length, as in fig. 4, the fracture will take place at BD ; and W in equation (14) will be the pressure on either supDort, which is obviously half the load in the middle. 40. In any of these equations it is perfectly immaterial how the load be distributed, provided the line of direction be that which passes through the centre of gravity of the mass supported, and the weight be the whole weight of that mass. Or, if the strain be the combined effect of several pressures, then the direction must be that of the resultant of these pressures, as determined by the principles of me- chanics. (See the article Carpentry.) 41. If a slab of equable thickness and width be supported along two of its sides, as at AC, AB in fig. 5, and it be strained by a force acting at D, in a direction perpendicu- lar to its surface, and DE be made equal to DB, then the fracture will take place in the direction EB ; for it may be shown, by the principles of the maxima and minima of Masonry, quantities, that the resistance, according to that line, is a ^ minimum. And since, in that case, EB=2 FD, we shall fd 2 have, by equation, (14), W= - (15.) A force uniformly diffused over the surface of the slab would fracture it in the direction CB, shown by a dotted line in the figure, and if w be the load in pounds upon a square foot of the surface, then the proper values being substituted for the leverage and breadth in equation, (14), fd 2 (CD 2 + DB 2 ) w — — (lb-) CFF-j-DB 2 v The strength of a seines of steps bearing upon one ano- ther, as in the perspective sketch, fig. 6, may be determined with sufficient accuracy by the last equation, supposing the depth to be the mean vertical depth of any one step ; as, for example, taken at GFI in fig. 7, the figure showing the ends of the steps. 42. The case to which equation (14) applies, affords the most convenient, as well as the most accurate, means of determining the value of f for any material ; and, suppos- ing it to be one-fourth of the absolute cohesion (§ 34), the last column of the following table of experiments gives its value for various stones, mortars, & c. in the nearest simple numbers under the calculated value. Table I — Experiments on the Transverse Strength of Stones , fyc. to the Case Equation (14.) No. of Expts. Substance tried- Weight of a Cubic Foot. Length l. Depth d. Breadth b. Breaking Weight. Values off= i of the absolute strength of a Square Foot. 1 Statuary marble, 169-12 lbs. 15 inches. 1-075 in. 1-075 25 lbs. 65,000 lbs. 2 Ditto, • • • 7-5 1-08 1-05 55 73,000 3 Ditto, • • • 7 1-075 1-075 65 78,000 4 Dundee stone 163-80 7 1-5 1-45 207 95,000 5 Portland stone, 132 21 1-5 2 28 28,000 6 Ditto, ... 12 1-45 2 50 30,000 7 Ditto, 6 1-55 2-07 135 35,000 8 Ditto, 15 1-25 1-2 30 26,000 9 Craigleith white sandstone, 147-6 7 1-55 1-55 68-5 26,000 10 "White sandstone from Hailes Quarry 134-8 7 1-5 1-55 61-5 26,000 11 White sandstone from Longannet,... 138-25 9 1-525 1-45 46 26,000 12 Ditto, 4-5 1-45 1-525 80 23,000 13 Ditto, ... 3.5 1-55 1-55 116-5 24,000 14 Bath stone, ... 2-75 1 1 29 17,000 15 Red porphyry, 2-5 0-4 1 60 101,000 16 Welsh roof slate, 6 0-25 n 30 414,000 17 Scotch roof slate, 6 0-25 H 25 345,000 18 Common brick, new, ... 4 2-5 4 201-5 6,900 19 Ditto old, ... 4 2-5 4 171-5 5,900 20 Best stock brick, ... 4 2-5 4 222 7,600 21 Mortar from an old castle in Sussex, ... 3 1 1 18-5 12,000 22 23 Mortar, common, Mortar in the joints of two inch 4 • • • 0-75 0-35 1-5. 11-5 9,300 cubes of stone, one month after > being joined, ) ... 8 pou. 2 pou. 2 pou. 6-75 liv. 1,400 Numbers 18, 19, and 20, are from Barlow’s Essay on the Strength of Timber, (p. 250), each being a mean of three trials. Number 23 is from Rondelet’s Traite de V Art de batir , (tome iii. p. 377), lowest result; the rest of the ex- periments were made by the writer of this article. We have not here availed ourselves of the experiments of Gauthey (Rozier’s Journal de Physique, tome iv.) on the transverse strength of stones ; because those he fixed at one end appear to have been injured in fixing, and only a cal- culated result is given for the other specimens supported at both ends. As to this, see the article on the Strength of Materials. 43. Several experiments have also been made, with the intention of measuring the direct resistance to extension or compression ; but theory indicates so nice an adjustment of the direction of the straining force as necessary in these experiments, that the reader may expect the results to differ as widely amongst themselves as they are found to differ from theoretical calculation. 4v MASONRY. 113 Masonry. Table II — Experiments on the Direct Resistance of Stones, fyc. to the Case Equation (]3.) Masonry. No. of Expts. Substance tried. Wejght °f Areaof a (26.) The tan. i being the co-tangent of the angle of repose, if the matter to be supported be of so fluid a nature that it naturally assumes a sensibly level surface when at rest, the tan. \i becomes equal to unity, and consequently, R=~ (27.) The same result may be obtained from the common prin- ciples of hydrostatics in the case of fluids. Since the only variable quantity which enters into the calculation of the distance of the centre of pressure is the height h, whatever the nature of the supported material may be ; therefore that distance counted from the base will always be ^h, as in the pressure of fluids. (See Hydro- statics.) 52. Table IV. — Table of Constant Quantities necessary for calculating the Pressure of some Materials. Substance. Angle of Repose. Weight of a Cubic Foot = S Value of R in Equation (26.) Value of R in Equa. (25) when C2=10°. 1 Water, 0° 62-5 lbs. R=31 \h°- R=31-]-/t 2 2 Fine dry sand, 33° 92 — R=13-8 h 2 ll=4-8/i 2 3 Do. moist, — 119 — R=17-85/< 2 Rz=6-2/t 2 4 Quartz sand (dry), 35° 102 — R— 13-77/t 2 R=4-64/t 2 1 Gauthey, Construction des Fonts, tome i. p. 273. 2 La charge considerable que cette voOte devait porter k son sommet, a determine h choisir pour la courbe de son ceintre la chainettt. ( TraitS l Art de bdlir, ii. 308.) 116 M A S O N II Y. Masonry. In sand, clay, and earthy bodies, the natural slopes should '“"~v J be taken when the material is dry, and the clay and earth pulverised. When any of these bodies are in a moist state, the parts cohere, and the angle of repose is greater, though the friction be actually less. The preceding Table shews that the pressure of water is greater than that of any of the other kinds of matter, and from the nature of fluids it is evident, that if water be suffered to collect behind a re- taining wall, calculated to sustain common earth only, it will most likely be overturned. Such accidents may be prevented by making proper drains. 53. The preceding analysis will apply, without sensible error, to the curved walls which have lately become fashion- able. Fig. 10 is a section of one of these walls, as execut- ed from a design by Rennie. The vertical height, AB, 21 feet ; the wall of uniform thickness, with counterforts 1 5 feet apart ; and the front of the walls described by a 69 feet radius, with the centre in the horizontal line DA produced. The wall is built of brick, and the uniform part is 4‘5 feet thick. The radius is usually thrice the vertical height of the wall ; when this proportion is adhered to, the angle c will be ten degrees, for which the value of R is calculated in the Table. Resistance of Walls. 54. In the first place, we propose to investigate the re- sistance a wall offers to being overturned ; and, in so doing, it appears desirable that the resistance of the mortar in the joints should be considered one of the elements of the strength of the wall. Good mortar adds much to the firmness of walls, and still more to their durability, and, all things considered, its first cost is less than that of bad ; be- sides, the resistance of mortar to compression must be con- sidered, for, in practice, we have no perfectly hard arrises to fulfil the conditions of common mechanical hypotheses. Put Ar=the area of the wall. «'=tlie weight of a cubic foot of masonry. y— the horizontal distance, go, between the vertical passing through the centre of gravity of the wall, and the point where the axis cuts the plane of fracture, the same notation being applied to the other quantities as in the foregoing equations. Let G, fig 9, be the centre of gravity of the wall ; and on the vertical Gg set off gl, the height of the centre of pressure : also, let IK represent A x w— the weight of the wall, and HI the force R of the earth. Then, completing the parallelogram, El will represent the direction and intensity of the straining force ; conse- Resistance of walls. , R quently, . == tan. a Which determines its direction, and its intensity is A w COS *Ci But, we have found, equa. (10), w (28.) ; and as W= - ; equa. (28.) ; l—fh, art. d cos. a-j-6/ sin. a -j- Gy cos. a Aw f , . \ R equa. (29.) ; tan.a=:- — cos.av / A w 51 ; and bz= unity ; the equation reduces to fd - — Adw — 6 Awy=.2Rk. (30.) If the section of the wall be a parallelogram, then A— hd, and — \h tan. c= y ; these values of A and y being substi- tuted in equa. (30), it becomes — ichd'- -\-f d- -{- 3h 2 wd tan. c=2Rh. (31.) Or, d = h-w + A 9 tan. 2c\ — * i~' )• -3 tan. c ( f2\\(f — hw) 2 * h‘‘w 2 When the section of the wall is a rectangle y~ o, therefore Masonry, equa. (31) reduces to (33.) d—J 2RA f—hw This last equation is also correct for a wall of which the back is vertical, and the front sloping. We suppress the in- vestigation, to afford the young student an opportunity of proving that the diminution of weight is exactly counter- balanced by the alteration of the distance of the centre of gravity from the axis. The tendency of a wall to slide forward may be easily prevented, by giving an inclination to the joints. 55. To illustrate these rules we shall give two examples, and in these shew the construction of a table, which the reader may enlarge at his pleasure. Example I. Let it be required to determine the thick- ness of a rectangular wall for supporting the front of a wharf 10 feet in height, the earth being a loose sand, and the wall to be built of brick. The weight of a cubic foot of brick-work may be esti- mated at 100 lbs., and the resistance of mortar being valu- ed at 5000 lbs .per superficial foot, the experimental value being 7900 lbs., Table III. Experiment 42, and the differ- ence an allowance for any irregularity in building, conse- quently, f= 5000 ; ?e=:100 ; and by Table IV. R = 13’8A 2 ; hence equa. , d= J 2R/< = J 2 X 13-8 f—hw 5000 — 1 00/« Z»3 . When h— 10 feet, then the thickness of 181— 3-62A the wall d— 2‘644 feet. If h be made successively 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. feet, the numbers under the head of dry sand in the following Table will be obtained, observing that they are only calculated to the nearest tenth of a foot. The proper thickness being found for supporting one kind of material, that for any other may be easily deter- mined ; as the thickness varies as the square root of R, equa. (33)- Let the thickness for dry sand be d, then */l3 - 8 i av/31'25 : : d‘. L 5d the thickness for supporting water, 1 3"8 :*/ 17*85 ’ 'd lT4rf the thickness for sup- porting moist sand. In this manner, by means of Tabie IV. the thicknesses for other kinds are easily calculated. Example II. If a retaining wall be intended to support a sandy and loose kind of earth, to be constructed of brick, and to be inclined 10 degrees from the vertical, the thick- ness being uniform ; it is required to determine that thick- ness for any given height. _ , . , h s w f 3 tan. c By equa. (32), d=^-—f + (33) J m c=10°, tan. c-18, lienee — = - 27, and its square = '0729. Also /— 5000, and W— 100, consequently, d= h- 50 ~—h (_.2- + yA^%. 0729 ) Id For sandy earth R=4-8/< 2 , therefore d =— — 5 " 50 — n (32) t . - 4*3 \ [ — -J '0113) ; and making h successively 10, 20, & c. feet, the numbers obtained will be the same within MASON R Y. 1 17 Masonry, one-tenth of a foot, as those in the following Table, co- lomn fifth. 56. Table V A Table of the Thicknesses for Retaining Walls, Revetments, Dock-walls, §c. Height of Wall. Thickness of Rectangular AValls to support. Thickness of Leaning and Curved Walls for supporting Dry Sand, the angle of incli- nation being 10°. Water. Dry Sand. Moist Sand 1 0 feet 20 30 40 4-0 feet 12-9 29-2 62-5 2-7 feet 8-6 19-4 41-7 3T feet 9-8 22-2 47-5 M feet 2-8 5-2 9-2 Our investigation informs us that the mortar of high walls must be of a superior strength ; indeed, we know that when its consolidation takes place, under considerable pressure, it is of much greater strength. According to what function of the pressure the strength increases, we have not experi- ments to determine, and we therefore point out the circum- stance to the notice of experimental inquirers. Construe- 57. The preceding analysis being confined to the condi- tion of tions under which the equilibrium could not be disturbed by M alls. jpg pressure, it would he quite unnecessary to consider the phenomena of actual fracture, if it were not for the proof which even these phenomena afford of the defects of the common mode of constructing these walls. The back of the wall is generally formed of inferior materials, hence the technical term /ace mortar and backing mortar ; but, even with inferior mortar, the workmanship is so carelessly done, towards the back of the wall, that when it fractures a por- tion is left behind. A moment’s attention to the direction of the pressure (see fig. 9) must shew the importance of using good mortar, and making good bond at the back of the wall ; if any part be neglected it ought to be the middle, which is of least importance, provided the wall be well bound together by cross bond stones. The strength of a wall to sustain earth will always be greatly increased by any roughness or irregularity in the back of the wall, such as projecting stones or bricks ; in stone work it is easy to gain much stability by this means. The friction against a smooth M r all must add much to its strength ; we have not thought it necessary to include its effect in our calculations, but intend that, with counterforts, it should be considered as a set-off against accidental pres- sures, &c.’ Counterforts are usually placed at about three times the thickness of the wall apart, and are made of the same width as the thickness of the wall. In fig. 1 1 is shewn a plan for building a wall to sustain the pressure of earth according to the form proposed by Vitruvius, (lib. vi. cap. ix.) And fig. 12 is a plan from Perrault’s Notes. Various other plans have been proposed, the chief of which Colonel Pasley has collected in his Course of Fortification ; but most of them have little to recommend them. It seems desirable that every kind of curved work should be avoided ; and perhaps that plan which unites the most economy with the greatest stability is shewn by figs. 13 and 14, Plate CCCXLVI. The spaces A, A, A, are proposed to he filled with gravel or fragments of stone ; the whole of the stone-work to be well bonded ; and the front and back wall of that thickness which is best suited for bond, in the kind of material to be employed. Masonry. Bond of Walls and Cramps. 58. It is not sufficient to depend entirely upon the ce- ■ Bon(1 °* menting power of mortar in the construction of walls ; the wa s ‘ stones themselves should also be bound together by their disposition. The art of disposing stones for this purpose is called bonding. Part of the longest stones should be em- ployed to bind the M ali in length, and the other part to bind it cross-ways ; the former are called stretchers, the latter headers. Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, shew various methods of bonding walls ; these are selected from Greek and Roman examples. The courses of stone are often irregular, as in fig. 17 ; and in some works we find both irregular courses and broken ones ; that is, such as are intercepted by large blocks of stone. Broken courses should be avoided, because they occasion irregular settlements. The bond of walls requires to be most carefully attended to in the construction of piers, angles, and, in general, every part exposed to great strain. On this subject it may also be remarked, that crossing the joints properly is a more effectual means of bonding a wall than that of employing very long stones, unless they be very strong ones. For if a stone exceed about three times its thickness in length, it cannot be so equally bedded but that it is liable to break from unequal pressure ; and the fracture commonly takes place opposite to a joint, and there- fore destroys the bond of the wall. This defective mode of construction we have often had occasion to notice. In works of hewn stones destined to support great pres- sure, or to bear the action of a heavy sea, it is necessary that the stones should be of great bulk, and connected in the firmest manner. Sometimes this is effected by forming the stones so as to lock them together. The Eddystone and Bell-Rock Light-houses are bound together at the base on this principle. Where less strength is required, iron cramps are used, and sometimes pieces of hard stone are dove-tailed into the adjoining blocks. We think cramps of cast-iron might be employed with much advantage in all these cases. 59- The proper quantity of mortar to be employed in stone-work is another point to which it M ill be useful to di- rect the mason’s attention. A stone cannot be very firmly bedded upon a very thin layer of mortar ; and if the stone be of an absorbent nature, the mortar will dry too rapidly to acquire any tolerable degree of hardness, (Vitruvius, lib. ii. cap. viii.), however well it may have been prepared. On the other hand, if the bed of mortar be thicker than is neces- sary to bed the stone firmly, the work will be a long time in settling, and will never be perfectly stable. When the internal part of a wall is built with fragments of stone, they should be closely packed together, so as to require as little mortar as possible. Walls are often bulged by the hydrostatic pressure of mortar, M’hen it is too plen- tifully thrown into the interior, to save the labour of filling the spaces with stones. The Myalls of houses are frequently built with hewn stone on the outside, and rubble stone on the inside. The settle- ment of these two kinds of stone-work during the setting of the mortar are so different, that the walls often separate ; or where this separation is prevented by bond stones, the wall bulges outwards, and bears unequally on its base. These evils are best prevented by using as little mortar as possible in the joints of the interior part of the M all, and not raising the wall to a great height at one time. Foundations. 60. The nature of the materials employed in masonry 1 0lin< ’ a ‘ 1 J J tions. 1 See Philosophical Magazine, vol li. p. 401, where the effect of such friction is considered. 118 MASONRY. Masonry, having been considered, and also the methods of uniting "■“"v— them, we have, in the next place, to turn our attention to the nature of those foundations on which it is commonly re- quired to raise permanent structures of such heavy matter. In founding on dry ground, the nature of the foundation is ascertained without much difficulty. When it is found to be of firm hard rock, that will bear the action of the weather, no particular precautions are necessary ; but in all other cases it is desirable to level the trenches to such a depth as will prevent them from being affected by the change of sea- sons. Frost, we believe, seldom penetrates so low as two feet below the surface, (see the article Climate) ; but in clayey ground, the effect of shrinkage, by heat, is often sensible at four feet below the surface; for to that depth the cracks in summer often extend. Consequently, in clay, the depth of the foundations should never be less than four feet, and in heavy buildings, deeper in proportion to the weight they are to support. In large works it is also necessary to examine the matter, inclination, and thickness of the under strata, particularly when the upper stratum is of inconsiderable thickness. For this purpose, the older writers on architecture, with much propriety, recommend that a well should be dug near the place, to ascertain these points. A knowledge of the incli- nation and nature of the strata will also be of use in plan- ning drains, a subject of no small importance to the durabi- lity and comfort of a mansion. In soft ground the base of the wall should be made wide, and it may be reduced to the proper thickness by small off- sets or steps, as in fig. 20. On clay or dry sand the breadth at the bottom may be double the thickness of the wall. On compact gravel or chalk the breadth may be to the thickness as 3 is to 2. If the ground be soft and wet, with a firm bottom within the reach of piles, then piles may be employed with advan- tage ; but they are very likely to rot in a few years, where the ground is not wet ; and, therefore, in the case of soft ground, not sufficiently wet to preserve piles from decay, we should recommend, in preference, a very wide base or foot- ing, well bonded together with bars of cast-iron, disposed so that one part could not settle without causing the adjoining ones to go down at the same time ; and the whole of the base should, for greater strength, be built in the best water cement. It is a practice with some architects to employ timber beams and planking in such cases, and in consequence of its decay, in many instances it has been necessary to replace the timber with stone and brick at an enormous expense. It should be a maxim in construction never to employ tim- ber in a permanent structure, where it is not either abso- lutely wet or perfectly dry. When ground is very soft and wet, and the solid stratum is beyond the reach of piles, a solid mass may be formed to erect the superstructure upon, by means of a grating of tim- ber, planked over. The brick or stone-work which is built upon the planking should be joined with a water cement. When such ground is not absolutely wet, instead of plank- ing we would employ a connected grating of cast-iron, with stone or brick-work built in water mortar. In all these cases the greatest difficulty consists in pre- venting irregular settlements ; and hence the advantage of employing wood or iron to bind the base together, and ren- der it as far as possible an inflexible and solid mass. In all edifices which press perpendicularly on their foun- dations, the centre of pressure should coincide, as nearly as may be, with the centre of gravity of the surface which sus- tains it. In wharf walls, terrace walls, abutments and piers of bridges, and the like, the resultant of the pressures should fall in the centre of gravity of the surface which supports it. Masonry. Foundations are most difficult to manage where the ground v — is irregular, particularly for highly finished buildings, which are so much disfigured by a small settlement. In such cases we would endeavour to procure an inflexible base by means of cast-iron beams. It is a good plan to form counter arches under the openings, provided these arches be carefully built; but where they are not well built, they yield so much as to be no better than common walling. Excavating and re- moving the earth from foundations is frequently a consider- able part of the expense of large works ; hence the peculiar species of management which will economize this branch of labour, has become an interesting subject of investigation. We intended to give an outline of the manner of treating it, but we find that it would extend this article far beyond its proper limits. 61. Founding in water may be done in various ways ; but New me- most of them are very expensive, presenting many difficulties thod of in deep and rapid water. We shall confine our attention to this founding in case only. The best method now in use consists in exclud- vvater> ing the water from the space to be founded upon by means of a dam, called a coffer-dam, formed by rows of piles, with bricks or clay between the rows. When bricks are used, it is necessary to caulk the interstices between pile and pile. The space is kept clear of water by means of engines, and the foundation deepened and piled if necessary. Considering the immense expense and risk of life which is encountered in excluding water of thirty or forty feet depth, we shall here propose, for suitable ground, a more economical and safe method, which is adapted for founding piers, abutments, sea-walls, & c. The space for the founda- tion being cleared, let the space it is to occupy be inclosed by a single row of piles, driven near to one another, but not so close as is necessary for a dam. The upper ends of these piles must be high enough for a stage to be formed upon them; which should be just above the height of floods or tides, as the case may be. From this stage the ground within the inclosure may be excavated, by means of a ma- chine, formed so as to combine the principle of the field plough with that of the dredging-machine. (See Dredg- ing-Machine.) When the foundation has been cleared to a proper depth by this process, and levelled, the stone-work may be built in courses with a proper bed and joint of water cement. (See sect. i. art. 22.) A simple machine might easily be contrived for the purpose. If brick be employed instead of stone, it may be done by forming the bricks into blocks of three feet long and eighteen inches square, with cement, and using these blocks instead of stones. This method of building with blocks is already in use for con- structing sewers in London. When the work is brought to that height which will enable the workmen to proceed in the ordinary manner, either then or afterwards, the piles may be cut off at low- water line, and a cap-sill being fixed upon their tops, they will remain, and serve as a protection to the work below water. 62. For many purposes it would not be necessary to ex- cavate, nor yet to build in courses ; for example, let us sup- pose it to be the pier of a light bridge, the row of piles being driven in an elliptical form, a strong chain should en- circle it at one or two places, and the internal space filled with rough stones, thrown in with water cement, to fill the interstices between them. As the cement indurated, the whole mass would become one solid stone. This mode of construction is effected on the same principle as that which the French term “ Lesenrochements en be ton;” 1 and wehave the advantage of a much superior cement to any they have employed. Gauthey, Construction des Fonts, li. p. 276. M A SO N R Y 119 Masonry. III. STONE-CUTTING. Of the beds 6.3. Before we proceed to explain the methods of forming or joining stones to the particular shapes required for arches, vaults, surfaces. Sec., it may be remarked, that the young mason shovdd be extremely careful to avoid making the beds of stones con- cave or hollow ; for if this be done in any case where the stones have to bear much pressure, they will flush, or break off in flakes at the joints, and entirely disfigure the work. It is better that they should be slightly convex. In the con- struction of piers and columns, where perfectness of form is at least as much regarded as strength, this maxim should be carefully attended to. Nothing can be more offensive to the eye than a flushed joint, since it not only deforms, but also gives the idea of want of strength. Methods of 64. Stone-cutting may be equally well done by various stone-cut- methods ; the most certain consists in forming as many tin £ - plane surfaces to the stone as may be necessary, in such manner that these surfaces may include the intended form, with the least waste of stone, or in the most convenient way for applying the moulds. Upon the plane surfaces thus pre- pared, the proper moulds are to be applied, and the stone worked to them. It will generally happen that the bed of the stone will be one of the first plane surfaces, and the ar- rangement should always be made, so that there may be as little re-working as possible. 1 Describing 65. When an arch is square to the face of the wall, the arches. only difficulty is in drawing it to the proper curve. When the arch is circular, it may be described from a centre, unless . the centre be very distant ; and in that case a method pro- posed by Dr. T. Young 2 will be found extremely convenient for the mason’s purposes. Fig. 21 represents the instru- ment. Three points in the curve being known, it is easily adjusted to the curve, and will also answer as a mould in many cases. AB is a straight bar of any convenient length ; at each end, a small roller is fixed by means of two plates of brass ; against these rollers the elastic bar CD slides as it adapts itself to a regular curvature, when moved by the screw E. The natural form of the elastic bar is shewn by C' D', the depth in the middle, H, should be double the depth at either end, and the breadth uniform throughout the length. This bar, when of wood, should be of straight- grained ash, or lance-wood ; the latter is best. An elliptic arch may be' described by continued motion, in the following manner. On a straight bar AB, fig. 22, if AC be made equal to the height of the arch, and CB equal to half the span, then if the. end A be moved along a straight edge, ED, while the point B moves along another straight edge, ED, the point C will describe an ellipse. 3 If the bar be made to move on rollers, an arch on a large scale may be easily and accurately described in this way, when a tramnael would become very unmanageable. For other methods see ' EuLIPTO GRAPH. To find the direction of the joints, with a radius equal to half the span, from the point K, fig. 22, as a centre describe the arc GH, which determines the points G, II, called the foci. Let it now be required to draw the joint I, join IG, and IH, draw LI to bisect the angle GIH, and it is the joint at I. A parabolical arch may be drawn very easily on a large scale by means of tangents. Make AE, fig. 23, equal to the rise CA, and join ED and EB. Draw FG parallel to DB, and divide DF and EG (which are equal) each into the same number of equal parts, then join 11, 22, 33, &c., as is shewn in the figure ; a curve drawn to touch these tangents Masonry, is a parabola. Arches are most conveniently drawn on a v -— ■ large scale by means of parallel ordinates ; and an extremely simple method of this kind, for a parabolic arch, has been described by Sir John Leslie. (Inquiry into the Nature oj Heat, p. 503.) Let AB, fig. 24, be the span, and CD the height. Divide AB into twenty equal parts, and raise a perpendicular from each point of section. Let CD be 100 by a scale of equal parts, make the next ordinate on each side 99 parts, or 9 X 11, by the scale ; the next pair of or- dinates make 96 parts, or 8 x 12, and so on ; those numbers being respectively as the rectangles of the segments into which AB is divided. To draw the joints of a parabolic arch, let I be a point, at which a joint is to be drawn, fig. 24; draw Id parallel to BA, and make DT equal to Y)d ; join IT, and make El perpendicular to IT, which is the joint required. 66. The finest form for a Gothic arch is a cubic parabola, Gothic which is easily constructed from its equation. Observing that arches, the vertex of the curve is at the springing of the arch, and making x the abscissa, and y its corresponding ordinate, by y 3 the nature of the curve x——. Now, if we make y suc- cessively equal to 1, 2, 3, &c., feet, we shall have -=A; 8 ii 27_ hi 64_ iv 1 25 v 216 vi 343_ vii a a 'a ’a ’a ’a 512 viii 729 ix — =x =:x ;&c. a a To find a, when x is equal to half the span CD, fig. 25, Plate CCCXLVII, and y— the height AD 3 AD ; we have a — - , . . . If it be desirable that the ordi- L U nates should be 1 — nth part of a foot apart, then divide each by the n 3 , which gives the dimensions in feet. Example. In a Gothic building it is proposed to make an arch to an opening 10 feet wide, the height of which is to be 4 feet 6 inches above the springing line. There CD = 5 feet, and AD = 4-5 feet, therefore =— - — = CD 5 18‘225. And using this number for a divisor, the ordinates are easily found, by once setting a slide rule, to be, x = ■0548 feet o =-0068 feet ii a = -438 ... hi a = 1-48 ... IV X - 3 51 ... v x — 6'86 ... ii o = -185 = -857 And dividing the first, third, and fifth, each by 8 (consider- i ii hi ingwzz 2),givesthe intermediate ordinates; o , o ,o . The advantage of this method consists in the facility of setting out the work on either a large or small scale. Every prac- tical man is aware of the trouble of dividing a distance into equal parts, or of performing other geometrical operations on a platform or floor ; but here, by an easy arithmetical ope- ration, this is avoided. Draw the springing line CD, and the middle line AD, and let the line EC be drawn parallel 1 Frazier may be consulted with advantage on this subject. Coupe des Pierres, tome ii. p. 14. v Lectures on Natural Philosophy, vol. i. plate vi. fig. 83. This instrument might be usefully applied in ship-building. 3 See Edinburgh Review, vol. vi. p. 387- A most ingenious extension of the principles of describing curved lines has been invent- ed by Mr. Joseph Jopling, and promises to be of much use in the arts, as well as a curious subject for mathematical speculation. I he system is somewhat obscurely announced in a pamphlet, entitled The Septenary System of Generating Curves by Continued Motion. Lon- don, 1823. 120 M ASON R Y. Masonry. to AD. Beginning at D, make a mark at every six inches tion of the joint. To find the depth of the key-stone, let Masonry. the horizontal thrust m — 935 be multiplied by the mean' specific weight of a cubic foot of the materials to form the bridge, and calculate the depth by equation (17). Suppose the mean to be 160 lbs., then the horizontal pressure will v — on DA, and also on CE, beginning at C ; then, through these divisions draw the parallel ordinates. Let the ab- scissas be measured off on these ordinates, from the line CE, by a rod divided into feet, tenths and hundredths of a foot. Put a nail in at each point found in the curve, and bend an uniform lath against the nails, and mark the curve. Arches for 67. Our next example is for the purpose of shewing the large principles of constructing an arch for a bridge, when the bridges. S p an ; s considerable. In the article Biudc.e, prop. S, the equation of the curve of equilibrium is found to be y— Y i Y* f or a disposition of the load which has place in Making x successively 10, 20, 30, commonly in bridges. &c. feet, we have i y =^(«+ ie #)- n 200 / .Tran y = — (a 4 - bbr-.b). m :J" = 4 A l (a+ ,50i). V = m — (a + 2 mU). 7)1 1 9A0 (a + 4l6§5). VI y ‘ i= (a-}-600ft). y -(a-f 8l6§ft), &c. &c. The curve of equilibrium being to pass at the middle of the depth of the arch-stones, CB, PI. CCCXLII. fig. 26, will be the height = h, and AB the semi- span = S; also let the depth of the arch and roadway at the crown, or a, be 7 feet; andsup- pose the quantity of matter be so regulated by hollow span- drils that ft= — Under these conditions we shall have S 2 :S *(“+-H= If the semi-span be feet, and the height 24 feet, then m— 936, and ft = ‘00193. Calculating the ordinates from these data, we shall have i in y — IV y •375 1-52 3-5 = 6-4 = 1 0-4 = 15-7 be 149,760 lbs., and -—- = 149,760; which, considering ft y VII =22-4 AD =24-0 Construct the curve according to these ordinates, and divide it for the arch-stones. The joints should be perpendicular to this curve ; but great accuracy is not necessary in this respect, provided the inclination from that perpendicular be considerably within the angle of repose. (See article Bridge, prop. Z.) The joints may be drawn thus, with any radius: from the next division on one side of the joint, a describe an arc, and from the next division on the other side, with the same radius describe another arc to intersect the former one, through the intersection and the division a draw the direc- = unity, gives eft- 599,040 f ' For Craigleith stone, No. 15, Table iii., the key-stone should be six feet deep. To find the depth of the arch-stones at any other part of the arch, set off Be equal the depth at the key-stone, and draw be parallel to a tangent to the curve of equilibrium at the point where the depth is to be determined, then be is the depth at that point. The depth at a sufficient number of points being found as above, and set off equally on each side of the curve of equilibrium, the form of the intrados will be deter- mined, which may be terminated by a circular arc at the springing ; and it is not a little remarkable that the arch, thus described from principle, is a pointed arch. 68. When an arch cuts a plane wall in an oblique direc- Oblique tion, there is a little more scope for the art of the sto»e- arches, cutter. But previously to attempting to proceed further, we would recommend the young student to make himself master of the principles of projection, development, and solid angles. The first section of the article Joinery is wholly restricted to these principles ; all of which being equally applicable to both arts, it will be unnecessary to re- peat them in this place. Let an elliptical arch be supposed to cut a plane wall obliquely, and the walltobe inclined, ABCD, fig. 27, is the plan of the arch ; EF a section at right angles to its direction ; IH a section at right angles to the line AB. Project the inclined face of the wall, as shewn at AO PB, by the method of projecting planes (Joinery, sect. 1 and 7) ; and in doing this it will be found an advantage to produce the joints till they cut the base line EF, because the angles will be set out with greater accuracy from long lines. In the case where the wall is vertical, the section and projection of the face are not required. Next let the soffit be devel- oped, on the supposition that the arch is a polygon of as many sides as there are arch-stones. (See Joinery, sect. 1, art. 13.) KLMN shews the development of the soffit or moulds. The form of the bed of each stone is shewn by the planes a, ft, c, and d, and is thus found, for the joint, 4, draw he and mf parallel to EF, and produce the joint 84 on the development to cut he in g ; set off ge equal to 4 i, and draw ef parallel to 48 ; then, a line drawn from e through the point 4, will give the bevel at one end, and a line drawn from f through 8 gives the bevel at the other end ; its width is equal to 4 k on the section. As there are no curved parts, except the soffit of the arch, the stones may be worked by means of bevels, without having moulds made tor the soffits and beds. 2 69- When a road crosses a canal in an oblique direction, Oblique or the bridge is often made oblique. When the angle does skew not vary more than ten or twelve degrees from a right angle, bridges, the arch-stones may be formed as already described ; but in cases of greater obliquity, a different principle of con- struction is necessary. These cases should, however, be avoided wherever it is possible ; as, however solid the con- struction of an oblique bridge may be in reality, it has neither that apparent solidity nor fitness which ought to characterise an useful and pleasing object. An oblique arch may be constructed on the principle of its being a right arch ' Monge, in an elaborate article on the application of Descriptive Geometry to the use of Architects, has drawn a very erroneous con- clusion respecting the joints of vaults and arches ; for it is the direction of the pressure, and not the form of the soffit, which determines the best direction for a joint ; but the views developed in the article Bridge were not known at the time Monge wrote. In othei respects, the article of Monge is well worthy of the attention of the mason. ( See Geometric Descriptive, article 130, 4me ed. Paris, 1820. ) 2 Our method is analogous to that called Biais par Ahrege by the French writers. (See Frezier, tome ii. p. 133.) Other methods are given by Frezier, Simonin, Rondelet, Nicholson, &c. in the works referred to at the end of this article- MASON!! Y. 121 Masonry, of a larger span, as is shewn in fig. 28. Let ABCD be the v -— -v — J plan, and EFGH the corresponding points in the eleva- tion, in this elevation the dotted lines shew the parts which would not be seen. The joints of the arch are supposed to be divided upon the middle section, and therefore drawn to the mean centre K, which corresponds to the point I on the plan. Divide AD into any number of equal parts as at 1, 2, 3, &c. and transferring these points to the elevation ; de- scribe the arch belonging to each point, and also draw the parallel lines 11, 22, & c. on the plan. To find the mould for the arris of any joint, as a, draw ab parallel to the base line EF, and from a , as a centre, transfer the distances of the points where the arches cut the joint, to the line ab. Then let fall perpendiculars from the points in the line ab to the lines 1 1 , 22, &c. in the plan, whence we find a, m, n, o, p, in the curve of the mould for the arris of the joint a. The mould for any other joint may be found in the same manner. The ends of the arch-stones will be square to the joints, sm&pcde will be the mould for one end, and acdf the mould for the other end. It will be of some advantage in working the arch-stones to observe, that the arch-stone being in its place, the soffit should be everywhere perfectly straight in a direction parallel to the horizon. 1 Arches in 70. If it be required to construct an arch in the wall of circular a circular building, as in fig. 29, where ABCD is the plan walls. of the wall, the elevation EF should be drawn, and the joints in the same manner, as if the arch were in a plane wall. The curved surface of the soffit should be correctly develop- ed by the process described in the article Joinery, art. 13, and the moulds made of some flexible material ; these soffit moulds are shewn at a , b, c, & c. The mould for the joint 2 may be found by dividing the joint into any number m, n, &c. parts ; and let a perpendicular fall from each point of division to the curved lines representing the faces of the wall on the plan, and from each point in which the curved lines are intersected by these perpendiculars, draw a line parallel to EF. Also, from 2, as a centre, transfer the di- visions on the joint to the horizontal line f 2, and from thence let perpendiculars fall, which will cut the lines that are parallel to EF in the points through which the curves of the mould must be drawn, as shewn by the shaded part P on the plan. Any other joint may be described in the same manner. 2 In the figure, the section is drawn, because it shews somewhat more distinctly the size of the arch- stones ; it is not necessary in finding the moulds, except the face of the wall be inclined, a case of very rare occur- rence in practice. An arch in a circular wall always has the appearance of a want of strength on the convex side ; and when the curvature is considerable, it becomes abso- * lutely insecure. The method describing the raking mould- ings, so as to mitre with horizontal ones, has been explain- ed in the article Joinery, and the same methods apply in masonry. Stairs. 71. Respecting the general principles of stairs, we may also refer the reader to Joinery, art. 39, 40, where the pro- portions of steps, &c. are shewn ; in masonry the kinds termed geometrical stairs are the only ones which offer any considerable difficulty in the execution. Each step of a geometrical stair is partly supported by wedging its end in- to the wall of the staircase, and it is further strengthened by resting upon the step below it. The outward end of a seriesof these steps is represented by fig. 7, Plate CCCXLV ; the line abc shews the form of the joint between two ad- joining steps ; in the straight part of a flight of stairs, ab is made about an inch, and the part be is made perpendicular to the soffit of the stair, and of such a depth as may be re- Masonry, quired for the kind of stone. As this depth is determined' by the mean depth necessary to render a stair safe, we shall here give an example of computing the mean depth of a step for Craigleith stone, by equa. 16 (art. 41). Put ?e=the greatest uniform load on a square foot, including the weight of the stone itself, — 300 lbs. the horizontal distance between C and D (fig. 6), =10 feet, and the length of the step BD * , . w X (CD) 2 x (DB) 2 Jo =6 feet, then y (CUS + DE ,- ) =» Frezier, entitled Coupe des Pierres et des Bois, 3 vols. 4to, France. 1739, all the leading principles are given and explained with tedious minuteness, offering a striking contrast to the brevity of our English writers. The first elementary work on that part of geometrical science, which contains the principles of joinery, appeared in France in 1705, from the pen of the celebrated Gaspard Monge, who gave it the name of Geometrie Descriptive. Much of what has been given as new in English works, had been long known on the Continent ; but there does not appear to have been much, if any, assistance derived from these foreign works by any writer prior to Nicholson. The latest French work which treats of joinery is Ron- delet’s Id Art de Bdtir. It is also the best foreign work on the subject that we have seen ; but it is not at all adapted to the state of joinery in England. In practice, the French joiners are very much inferior to our own Their work is rough, slovenly, and often clumsy, and at the best is confined to external effect. The neatness, soundness, and accuracy, which is common to every part of the works of an English joiner, is scarcely to be found in any part of the works of a French one. The little correspondence, in point of excellence, between their theory and practice, leads us to think that their theoreti- cal knowledge is confined to architects, engineers, &c. in- stead of being diffused among workmen, as it is in this country. In cabinet-work the French workmen are certainly su- perior, at least as far as regards external appearance ; but when use, as well as ornament, is to be considered, our own countrymen must as certainly carry away the palm. ‘ Travels in Sweden, p. 0. 124 JOINERY. Joinery. The appearance of French furniture is much indebted to a 'y - '-'' superior method of polishing, which is now generally known in this country. 1 For many purposes, however, copal var- nish (such as coachmakers use) is preferable ; it is more durable, and bears an excellent polish. Geometri- Geometry is useful in all, and absolutely necessary in cal know- some, parts of a joiner’s business ; but it is absurd to en- ledge ne- CO unter difficulties in execution, and to sacrifice good cessary. t as te, convenience, economy, and comfort, merely for the purpose of displaying a little skill in that science. It is, however, a common fault among such architects as are better acquainted with geometrical rules than with the production of visible beauties, to form designs for no other purpose than to create difficulties in the execution. But, when geometrical science is properly directed, it gives the mind so clear a conception of the thing to be executed, that the most intricate piece of work may be conducted with all the accuracy it requires. Practice of The practice of joinery is best learned by observing the Joinery, methods of good workmen, and endeavouring to imitate then?. But the sooner a workman begins to think for him- self toe better ; he ought always to endeavour to improve on the processes of others ; either so as to produce the same effect with less labour, or to produce better work. 2 We intend, in this article, to give a plain and simple ex- position of the most valuable principles of the art of join- ery, which will, we hope, place many parts of the practice under a new point of view, and ultimately tend to improve them. Cabinet- Cabinet-making, or that part of the art of working in Making, wood which is applied to furniture, has little affinity with joinery, though the same materials and tools be employed in both. Correctness and strict uniformity are not so es- sential in moveables as in the fixed parts of buildings ; they are also more under the dominion of fashion, and therefore are not so confined by rules as the parts of build- ings. Cabinet-making offers considerable scope for taste in beautiful forms, and also in the choice and arrangement of coloured woods. It requires considerable knowledge in perspective, and also that the artist should be able to sketch with freedom and precision. If the cabinet-maker intend to follow the higher depart- ments of his art, it will be necessary to study the different kinds of architecture, in order to make himself acquainted with their peculiarities, so as to impress his works with the same character as the rooms they are to furnish. In as far as regards materials, and the principles of join- ing work, the cabinet-maker will find some useful informa- tion in the second and third sections of this article. In ornamental composition he may derive much benefit from Tatham’s Etchings of Ancient Ornamental Architecture , London, 1799 ; Perrier and Fontaine’s Recueil des Decora- tions Interieures comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a VAmeublement , Paris, 1812; and, for general information, the Cabinet Dictionary , and the Cabinet-Maker and Up- holsterer’s Drawing-Book of Sheraton, may be consulted. Sect. I. — On maring Working Drawings. 1. In this section we propose to lay before the reader the most important part of .the principles of describing, on a plane surface, the lines necessary for determining bevels, forming moulds, or any other purpose required in the prac- tice of joinery. The limits within which such an article as joinery must be confined, in a work like this, will not permit Joinery, us to enter much into detail on the various points to be il- ' lustrated in this section ; but we hope, by judicious selec- tion, to place under one point of view the principles that are most useful to the joiner. Projection of Bodies. 2. A clear idea of the nature of projection is so essential Nature of in making working drawings, that, in our endeavours to il- Projection lustrate it, we cannot proceed upon principles too simple, illustrated. In the first stage of such an inquiry, experiment furnishes at once the most clear and satisfactory evidence, parti- cularly to those who are not familiar with mathematical subjects. If some small pieces of wood, or pieces of wire, were joined together, so as to represent the form of a solid body, a cube for example, and if this figure were held between the sun and the surface of a plane board, then the shadow of the figure upon the board would be its projection upon that plane. From this simple experiment, it will appear, that the projection of any line placed in the direction of the sun’s rays will be a point : the projection of any line parallel to the plane will be of the same length as the line itself, and the projection of any line inclined to the plane will be always shorter than that line. 3. We have supposed the board to be placed at any angle with the direction of the rays of the sun ; but, for our present purpose, it is sufficient to consider them to fall per- pendicularly upon it ; hence it is obvious, that to project a straight line upon a plane, a perpendicular to the plane should be let fall from each end of the line, and the line joining the points where the perpendiculars meet the plane will be the projection required. When a projection is made upon a horizontal plane, it is usually called a plan of the body. When the projection is upon a vertical plane, it may be an elevation or a section of the body ; it is a section when a portion is supposed to be cut off ; and the plane of projection is usually parallel to the plane of the section. 4. Bodies may be divided into three classes, according to the kinds of surfaces by which they are bounded. The first class, comprehending those which are bounded by plane surfaces, such are cubes, prisms, pyramids, and the like. The second class contains those which are bounded in part by plane surfaces, and the rest by curved surfaces, as cy- linders, cones, &c. The third, including those which are bounded by curved surfaces onlv, as spheres, spheroids, &e. The projections of the first class of bodies will consist of straight lines ; those of the second class, of curved as well as straight lines ; and those of the third class, of curved lines only. 4. Let ABCD, and CDEF, Fig. 1, be two plane sur- Projection faces, connected by a joint at CD, so that while the plane of lines. CDEF remains horizontal, the plane ABCD may be placed per- pendicular to it, and thus repre- sent a vertical plane. Then, if a line be so placed in space that ab is its projection on the vertical plane, and a'b' its projection on the horizontal plane, its projection on any other vertical plane, HGEC, may be determined. This is easily effected, for we have seen, that if a perpendicular be drawn 1 The method of making and using the French polish is minutely described in Dr Thomson’s Annals of Philosophy , vol. xi. p. 1 19 and 371. , 2 Descriptions of the tools, with instructions for using them, may be found in Moxon’s work before quoted, and in Nicholsons Mechanical Exercises, Taylor, London, 1812. JOINERY. 125 J oinery. To deter- mine the length of a projected line. Projection of planes. Projection of curved lines. Fig- 2. to the plane from each end of the given line, they will give the positions of the ends of the line in the projection (Art. 3). Now, the same thing will be done, by drawing a' a" and Vb" perpendicular to EC, and setting off the points a" and V at the same height above EC respectively, as a and b are above CD, then the line a”b" is the projection re- quired. The heights may be transferred from one vertical plane to another when they are both supposed to be laid flat, by drawing the line IC, so as to bisect the angle ECD, and if cb be parallel to CD, meeting IC in c, then a line drawn parallel to EC, from the point c, will give the height of the point b", and so may be found the height of any other point. 6. In the particular case we have drawn, none of the projections represents the real length of the given line. To obtain this length, draw a! e parallel to CD, and with the radius ab' describe the arc V e cutting a' e in e; draw de perpendicular to CD, cutting the line cb\nd\ join ad, and it is the length of the given line. The real lengths of lines frequently are not given, there- fore another general method of finding them will be found useful, and which may be stated as follows : the length of an inclined line projected upon a plane is equal to the hy- pothenuse of a right-angled triangle, of which one side is the projection upon the plane, and the other side is the dif- ference between the perpendicular distances of the extremes of the line from the plane. 7. In fig. 2, a'b' cd represents the horizontal projection, or plan, of a rectangular surface, and the elevation ab shows its inclination ; and its pro- jection against another vertical plane, making any angle ECD with the former, or plane of eleva- tion, is shown by a"b" d d'. GC being perpendicular to EC, and A C perpendicular to CD, the heights may be transferred by means of arcs of circles described from C as a centre. This is a better method than that by bisecting the angle given in fig. 1 ; but neither of them so good, in practice, as setting of the heights with the compasses, or with a lath. In our figures it is desira- ble to shew the connection of corresponding parts as much as possible; therefore, the reader will bear in mind that many of the operations we describe may be done with fewer lines when the operator is fully master of his subject. 8. It may be further noticed in this place, that when a point is to be determined in one line by the intersection of another, the lines should cross each other as nearly at right angles as possible ; for, when the intersecting lines cross very obliquely, a point cannot be determined with any to- lerable degree of accuracy. 9- A curved line can seldom be projected by any other means than by finding a number of points through which the projected line must be drawn, or finding a series of tangents to the section. In giving an example of the pro- jection of a body bounded by a curved surface, we shall select a case of frequent occurrence in practice, referring to the Geometrie Descriptive of Monge, for more general methods. Let ABC be part of the plan of the base of a solid, fig. 3, and FED its end elevation ; the upper side of the solid being bounded by the curved surface FD. This solid is supposed to be cut at AB by a plane perpendicular to the base, and our intention is to shew the form of the section. Draw EH parallel to BA, and GIHE will represent the plane upon which the section is to be projected. Set off any convenient number of points, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. in the given Joinery. curve FD,from each of these points v I *£• 3 - draw a line perpendicular to ED, to meet BA ; and from the points in BA, thus determined, erect per- pendiculars, which will cut HE at right angles. Make GH equal to FE, and set off the points 1, 2, 3, &c. in GHE at the same distances respectively from HE as the cor- responding points 1, 2, 3, &c. in EFD are from the line ED. A curve being drawn through the points E, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, G will com- plete the section. In large works, the joiner will often find it useful to put nails in the points, and to bend a regular lath against the nails ; with the as- sistance of the lath, the curve may be drawn with more regularity. 1 If the curve FD were very irregular, or a mixed line of straight parts and curved ones, the same method would de- termine the section ; all the caution required is, that a suf- ficient number of points should be fixed upon in the given curve ; and upon the proper selection of these points much of the accuracy of the section will depend. The angle ribs of groined ceilings, the angle ribs for coved ceilings, or brackets for large cornices, and the angle cantilevers for balconies or other works of a similar kind, are found by this method. If FD be the cross rib of a groin, then GE will be the form of the corresponding angle rib. Also, if the angle of a room be represented by LAC, and FD be the cove for the ceiling, then GE will be the proper angle rib for such a cove. In some cases, the section may be determined by means of the properties of the given curve, when the nature of that curve is known. Thus the oblique section of a cylin- der is an ellipse, and the sections of a cone are certain fi- gures depending on the direction of the plane of section (see the article Conic Sections) ; but if an architect were confined to the use of geometrical curves, there would be small scope, indeed, for a display of taste in his art ; there- fore the joiner must generally have recourse to the simple method we have described. 1 0. The section of a body may often be drawn by a more simple and direct process ; and yet where the principle is still the same. Thus the section of the half cylinder ACB, in fig. 4, being compared with the process in fig. 3, will be found to be the same in every respect, ex- cepting in the position of the parts of the figure. In fig. 4, ACB is the end or plan of the cylinder, and DE the inclination of the plane by which it is cut. Let the ordinates a 1, b 2, &c. in the plan, be drawn per- pendicular to AB, and con- tinued till they cut the in- clined line DE. Also draw the ordinates a! V, b' 2', &c. perpendicular to the line DE, and make the distan- ces a'V, V 2', &c. respectively equal to the corresponding distances a 1 , b 2, &c. upon the plan. Through the points E, 1', 2', See. draw the curve DFE. As the curve DFE is an ellipse, when ABC is a circle, in that case it will be better to draw an ellipse with a train- Fig. 4. 1 A simple and convenient instrument for this purpose is described in the Transactions of the Society of Arts, for 1817, vol. xxxv. p. 10b. 126 J O I N E R Y. Joinery, mel, or any other machine that produces the curve by a continued motion. (See the article Elijptograph.) DE is the transverse, and F d the semi-conjugate axis of the ellipse. The most important application of the case, in fig. 4, is to the hand-railing of a staircase, with a curvilineal well- hole, or opening down the middle. For, if Ae, or aB, show the breadth of the rail, ArCaB would be its plan ; and 1) e' F a' E the form of a mould, commonly called a face mould, for cutting out the rail by, when DE is the in- clination of the plank. We cannot, however, proceed di- rectly to the subject of stair-rails, without considering the development of the surfaces of bodies. To deve- lope a py- ramid. To deve- lopea cone, Development of Surfaces. 11. To develope the surface of a solid, is to draw, on some plane surface, a form that would cover it. If this form were drawn upon paper, and the paper were cut to it, the paper, so cut, ought to cover exactly the surface of the solid. Now, in joinery, it is often required that a mould should apply to a curved surface ; and, therefore, the deve- lopment of that surface upon a flexible material gives the form of the mould. The covering of a square pyramid may be found by erect- Fi°. 5 ing a perpendicular from the middle of one of the sides of its base, as from a in the side AB, fig. 5. Upon this perpendicular set off a C equal to the slant height of the pyra- mid ; then, with the radius AC and cen- tre C describe the arc A3, and set off the distance AB three times upon the arc. Join the points C3, C2, Cl, CA, and CB, and draw the lines 32, 21, 1 A, which determine the covering requir- ed. It is obvious, that we could develope a pyramid of which the base might have any number of sides, by the same me- thod ; and that a near approximation to the development of a right cone might be effected by the same means, which, in fact, is the means usually employed. But the fol- lowing method of spreading out the surface of a cone will be found more correct. 12. Let ABC, fig. 6, be the elevation of a cone, and ADB half the plan of its base. With the radius AC describe the arc AE, which will be the line bounding the development; and, to find the length of the arc, or rather the angle containing it, multiply 360 by the radius A a of the base, and divide the product by the slant height AC of the cone ; the quotient will be the number of degrees in the arc AE, when the surface ACE ex- actly covers the whole cone. Thus, let A a Fig. be 12 feet, and AC 40 feet ; then 360 X 12 _ 40 = 108 degrees, ana making ACE an angle of 108 degrees, we have the sector ACE that would cover the cone. This applies to the soffits of windows, where they are enlarged towards the inside, to admit light more freely than square recesses would do. If ab be the width of the soffit, draw cb parallel to AB, and from the centre C describe the arc cd. Then half the developement AE cd will be the mould for the soffit ; or the form of a veneer that would cover it. To deve- 13. The development of a cylinder is also of use in Under C ^" f° rm ' n g tlie mould for soffits, but is still more useful in the construction of stairs ; and, as we are obliged to consider it as a prism with numerous sides, it is obvious that anv Joinery, other body of a like kind may be developed by the same v «— - v— ~ means. Let ABC, fig. 7, be the plan of half a cylinder, and A'E its height. Divide the curve ACB into any convenient Fig. 7. number of equal parts, and let these parts be set off from C to A, and from C to B'. When the curve is a semicir- cle, divide the diameter AB into the proposed number of parts, and make «D equal to three-fourths of the radius. From D, through the points A and B, draw the lines DA', DB', then A'B' is nearly equal to the curve ACB stretched out and, by drawing a line from D through each of the divisions in AB, the line A'B' will be divided into the, same number of equal parts. In either case, erect a perpendicular from each point of division, and EA'B'F will be the development of the sur- face. If we suppose A'B' to be divided into the number of steps that would be necessary to ascend from B to A, in a circular staircase, the development of the ends of these steps may be drawn as in the upper part of the figure. The projection G of the cylinder, with the lines of the develop- ment drawn upon it, and the ends of the steps, shews the waving line formed by the nosings of the steps, and conse- quently by the hand-rail of a circular staircase. When a part of a cylinder is cut off by a plane, the line of section will be a curved line upon the development, as is shewn in the lower part of the development, fig. 7- The faint lines shew the manner of finding the edge of the co- vering, and is the same as finding a mould for a soffit form- ed by an arch cutting obliquely into a straight wall. 14. In an oblique cone, the lines drawn on its surface, To deve- from its base to the vertex, would be of different lengths ; lope an ob- and as those lengths are not shewn by the plan or eleva- li( l ue cone * tion, they may be had by means of the principle stated in art. 6. Let ABC, fig. 8, be the given cone, and AEB a plan of Fig. 3. 1 This has been shown by Dr C. Hutton, in his Mathematical Tracts, vol. i. p. 160. JOINERY. 127 Joinery, half its base ; to find the development, produce AB, and -v— '"from the vertex C let fall the perpendicular CD. Divide the circumference of the base into any number of equal parts, and from each point of division describe an arc from D, as a centre, to cut the line AB at 1, 2, 3, &c. From C, as a centre, describe the arcs A A', 11, 22, &c. and with a radius equal to one of the divisions of the circumference of the base, and the centre B cross the arc 55, which de- termines the point 5 in the development, with the same radius, and the point 5, as a centre cross the arc 44, and so on for the remainder of the arcs. Join A'C, and draw a curve line through the points A', 1 , 2, &c. which gives the covering for half an oblique cone. If the cone be cut by a plane, a b, parallel to the base, the surface B b a' A! will be the covering of a soffit for a conical arch cutting obliquely into a straight wall. To find the 1 5. As it often happens that there is not a sufficient covering of space between the head of a door, or a window, and the cornice of the ceiling, to admit of the same bevel being preserved at the crown or top, as at the sides of the win- dow ; in such cases the soffit is made level at the crown, or with such an inclination only as will prevent the architrave cutting into the cornice of the room. Let ABCD, fig. 9, be the plan of the space to be cover- ed with a soffit, ED the arch of half the opening, which is Fig. 9. a soffit. in its proper position when set perpendicularly over the line CD ; and let F c be the height of the arch over AB. Pro- duce AC. and BD to meet, at G ; set off cm equal to c F, and 3 n equal to 3 E, then draw a line through the points m n, which will give the inclination of the soffit at the high- est part of it. Divide the arch ED into any number of equal parts (in our example we have only divided it into three parts), and from each point of division let fall a per- pendicular to CD, meeting the line CD in the points 1, 2. Through these points draw the lines G a, G b, cutting the line AB in the points a b, and from each point erect a per- pendicular to AB. Set off, on 3 n, the heights of the points in the curve ED, and divide the line me in the same pro- portion as n 3, which will give the corresponding heights for the arch FD, and through the points thus found the arch FD should be drawn. Make G o perpendicular to GE, cutting a line passing through the points m n in o, and draw lines through the corresponding points of division in the lines me, 7i 3, so that G o may be divided in the same proportion as n 3. Draw Gp perpendicular to GD, and equal to Go, and set off upon it the same distances as are upon Go. Then, with a radius Gl, and the first division on Gp, as a centre, de- scribe an arc at s, and with a radius equal to one of the divisions of the arc ED and D as a centre, cross the arc s, which gives one point. Also, with a radius G 2, and the Joinery, second division on G p as a centre, make an arc at t, which, ~ v — - / being crossed by an arc described with a radius, equal to one of the divisions of the arc ED, and s as a centre, de- termines another point in the edge of the covering. Pro- ceed in the same manner till half the development of one edge be completed ; the other edge will be obtained by drawing lines through the points s, t , u, from the corres- ponding points in G p, and making sw equal to a 1 ; tx equal to b 2, &c. As both sides are the same, the soffit mould for one side requires only to be reversed for the other side. If the sof- fit be level at the crown, the process may be rendered shorter ; but, where it is possible to get space for a slight inclination, the appearance of the soffit is always materially improved. If the plan of the wall be circular, find the develop- ment of the arc ED as before, and transfer the distances from CD of the points in the curved wall, to the corres- ponding lines in the development, in the same manner as was done to find the edge B w x y. 16. The development of a sphere, or globe, can be ef-To deve- fected only by an approximate process, as it is impossible l°P e a to apply a plane surface so as to touch more than one point s P here * at a time ; but various methods may be employed which are useful in forming spherical surfaces. A sphere may be divided into numerous zones, the sur- face of each zone may be considered as that of the frustum of a cone, and developed in the same manner as has been described for a portion of a cone in art. 1 2. The upper part of fig. 10 shews half a sphere developed in this man- ner : and when it is divided into very T; fr . [q. narrow zones, the covering found by this process has some advantages, in practice, that are peculiar to it. 17. The surface of a sphere may also be developed by inscribing it in a cylinder, LMNO, fig. 10, and con- sidering a small portion, or gore, ABD, to coincide with the surface of the cylinder. Then, if the portion ABD, considered as part of a cylinder, be developed by the process described in art. 13, one gore, ABrf will be obtained ; and by dividing the circumference of the sphere into any number of equal parts, and making AB equal to one of these parts, the same mould will serve for the whole of the sphere. Another method of developing a sphere consists in sup- posing it to be a polyhedral, or many-sided figure ; but this method has no advantage over the preceding ones, while it has the inaccuracies of both of them. In lining and boarding domes, the position of the ribs to which the boards are to be fixed will determine the method of developement that ought to be adopted ; but the form of the veneers for a spherical surface may be determined by either method. To determine the Angle formed by two Inclined Planes. 1 8. The angle made by two planes which cut one ano- To find the ther, is the angle contained by two straight lines drawn angle of from any, the same, point in the line of their common sec- planes in- tion, at right angles to that line ; the one in the one plane, t ' inc< * to and the other in the other. 1 This angle is the same as^® r ano ' that which the joiner takes with his bevel, the bevel being always applied so that its legs are square from the arris, or common section of the planes. 1 This is the definition given by Professor Playfair, in his Elements of Geometry, and it is better suited to our purpose than Euclid’s definition. VOL. XII. 4 H 128 JOINER Y. Joinery. If two lines, AB and CD, be drawn upon a piece of paste- board, at right angles to one another, crossing at the point E, and the pasteboard be cut half through, according to Fig. II the line AB, so that it may turn upon that line as a joint ; then, to whatever angle, CED, fig. 11, the \ parts may be turned, the lines EC and ED will be always in the same plane.' Also, a line FD, drawn from any point D, in the line ED, to any point, F, in the line EC, will be always in the same plane. From these self-evident properties of planes, it is easy to determine the angle formed by any two planes, when two projections, or one projection and the develop- ment of the surfaces, are given. 19. Let ABC, fig. 12, be the plan of part of a pyramid, Fig. 12. and BD the elevation of the arris, or line formed by the common sec- tion of the planes in respect to the line EB ; EB being the projection of that arris upon the plan. Draw AC perpendicular to EB, cutting it in any point E, and from E draw EF perpendicular to DB. With the radius EF, and centre E, cross EB in f, and join A/ and fC, then the angle A/C is the angle formed by the planes of the pyra- mid. The angle may be constructed when the plan and elevation of any two lines drawn in thepla nes, so as to intersect in the arris, are given ; but as these projections are not often given in drawings of joiners’ work, we have inserted the preceding, though it be a less general method. 1 The backing, or angle for the back of hip-rafters in car- pentry, and of hipped sky-lights, is found in this manner ; ABC being, in that case, supposed to be the plan of an angle of the roof or sky-light, and DB the inclination of the hip-rafter. 20. To shew how the angle formed by two planes may be found when the plan and development are given, let it be required to find the angle contained by the two faces of a square pyramid, fig. 5. Draw FB perpendicular to AC, and with the radius BF, and centre B, describe the arc FG. Then, with the ra- dius DB, and centre F, cross the former arc in G, join BG, and FBG is the angle formed by two, the inclined faces of the pyramid. Raking Mouldings. Kaking 21. When an inclined or raking moulding is intended to mouldings. join with a level moulding, at either an exterior or an in- > terior angle, the form of the level moulding being given, it is necessary that the form of the inclined moulding should be determined, so that the corresponding parts of the sur- faces of the two mouldings should meet in the same plane, this plane being the plane of the mitre. It may be other- wise expressed, by saying that the mouldings should mitre truly together. If the angle be a right angle, the method of finding the form of the inclined moulding is very easy ; and as it is not very difficult for any other angle, it may perhaps be best to give a general method, and to illustrate it by examples of common occurrence. Fiff. 13. General Method of describing a Raking Moulding , when Joinery- the Angle and the Rake, or inclination of the Moulding, s — — - ' 1 is given. Let AB C, fig. 1 3, be the plan of the angle of a body, General which is to have a level method, moulding on the side AB ; and this level moulding is to mitre with an inclined moulding on the side BC. Also, let CBD be the angle the inclined moulding makes with a level or hori- zontal line BC. Produce AB, and draw C b perpendicular to AB ; also make DC perpendicu- lar to BC, and d C perpen- dicular to b C. Set off C d equal to CD, and join bd ; then the inclined moulding must be drawn on lines parallel to b d. Let 1, 2, 3, 4, & c. be any number of points in the given section of the level moulding ; from each of these points draw a line parallel to b d, and draw A 6' perpendicular to bd. Set off the points 1', 2', 3', 4', &c. at the same dis- tances respectively from the line A 6', as the correspond- ing points 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. are from the line AB, and through the points V, 2', 3', Sec. draw the moulding. The mould- ing thus found will mitre with the given one ; also, suppos- ing the inclined moulding to be given, the level one may be found in like manner. If the angle ABC be less than a right angle, the whole process remains the same ; but when it is a right angle, BD coincides with bd; and the method of describing the mould- ing becomes the same as that usually given ; as it does not then require the preparatory steps which are necessary when the angle is any other than a right angle. 22. It is in pediments, chiefly, that the method of form- p or Fig. 14 represents part of me nts. Fig. 14. ing raking mouldings is of use. a pediment ; AB is that part of toe evel moulding which mitres with the inclined moulding; all that part of the cor- nice below B, being continued along the front, the lower members of the raking cornice stop upon it, and, therefore, do not require to be traced from the other. In that part of the cornice marked AB, set off a suffi- cient number of points ; and from each of these points draw a line parallel to the rake, or inclination of the pediment. Also, let a verticle line be drawn to each of the same points from the horizontal line rs. Make s't perpendicular to the inclination of the pediment, and with a slip of paper, or by 1 On this subject the reader may consult Monge’s Geometric Descriptive, Art. 19 et 20, par. 23 and 24, 4th edition, Paris, 1020. JOINERY. 129 Joinery, means of arcs of circles,' transfer the distances on rs to “V— — ' the line r's, and from the points thus found, draw lines parallel to st ; the intersection of these, with the inclined lines, will determine the form of the moulding, as is indi- cated by the letters. When a pediment has a cornice with modillions, the caps of the modillions require to be traced by the same method. For skirt- 23. It sometimes happens, that an inclined base-mould- ings. ing has to mitre with a level one at an angle ; and as the same thing occurs still more frequently with other mould- ing, such as cornices under the steps of stairs, &c. we shall give another example, which will serve still farther to illus- trate the method of proceeding in such cases. In fig. 15, a raking base-moulding is shewn, where the Fig. 15. Remarks inclined moulding B is traced to mitre with the horizontal moulding C ; and the horizontal moulding A is traced to mitre with the inclined one B. The preceding examples being understood, the lines and letters in the figure will be sufficient to show the mouldings are traced. 24. Mouldings being almost the only part of modern on mould- joiners’ work, which can, in strictness, be called ornamen- ings ‘ tal, and consequently that in which the taste of the work- man is most apparent, we shall offer a remark or two that may have their use. The form of a moulding should be distinct and varied, forming a bold outline of a succession of curved and fiat surfaces, disposed so as to form distinct masses of light and shade. If the mouldings be of consi- derable length, a greater distinction of parts is necessary than in short ones. Mouldings for the internal part of a building should not, however, have much projection ; the proper degree of shade may always be given, with better effect, by deep sinkings judiciously disposed. The light in a room is not sufficient- ly strong to relieve mouldings, without resorting to this method ; and hence it is that quirked mouldings are so much esteemed. Qualifica- tions of a good joiner. Sect. II. — On the Construction of Joiners’ Work. 25. The goodness of joiners’ work depends chiefly upon the care that has been bestowed in joining the materials. In carpentry, framing owes its strength to the form and position of its parts ; but in joinery, the strength of a frame depends upon the strength of the joinings. The import- ance, therefore, of fitting the joints together as accurately as possible, is obvious. It is very desirable, that a joiner should be a quick workman ; but it is still more so that he should be a good one ; that he should join his materials with firmness and accuracy ; that he should make surfaces even and smooth, mouldings true and regular, and the parts intended to move so that they may be used with ease and freedom. Where dispatch is considered as the chief excellence of a workman, it is not probable that he will strive to improve angles. himself in his art, further than to produce the greatest Joinery, quantity of barely tolerable work with the least quantity of^— labour. In some articles of short duration, dispatch in the manufacture may be of greater importance ; but in works that ought to remain firm for years, it certainly is bad eco- nomy to spare a few shillings’ worth of labour at the risk of being annoyed with a piece of bad work as long as it will hold together. We have seen, with no small degree of pleasure, the effect of encouraging good workmanship in the construc- tion of machinery, and would recommend that a like en- couragement should be given to superior workmen in other arts. Joining Angles. 26. When the length of a joint at an angle is not con- On joining siderable, it is sufficient to cut the Fig. 16. joint, so that when the parts are join- ed, the plane of the joint shall bisect the angle. This kind of joint is shewn for two different angles, by fig. 16. When an angle of considerable length is to be joined, and the kind of work does not require a joining should be concealed, fig. 17 is often employed ; the small bead renders the appearance of the joint less objectionable, because any irregularities, from shrinkage, are not seen in the shade of the quirk of the bead. A bead upon an angle, where the na- ture of the thing does not determine it to be an arris, is attended with many ad- vantages ; it is less liable to he injured, and admits of a secure joint, without the appearance of one. Fig. 18 shews Fig. 18. Fig. 16. Fig. 20. a joint of this description, which should always be used in passages. Fig. 19 represents a very good joint for an exterior angle, whether it be a long or short one. Such a joint may be nailed both ways. But the joint represented by fig. 20 is superior to it ; the parts being drawn together by the form of the joint itself, they can be fitted with more accuracy, and joined with certainty. The angles of pilasters are often joined, as fig. 20. Interior angles are commonly joined, as shewn by fig. 21. Fig. 21. If the upper or lower edge be visible, the • 1 joint is mitred, as in fig. 16, at the edge only, the other part of the joint being groov- ed, as in fig. 21. In this manner are put together the skirting and dado at the inte- rior angles of rooms, the backs, and back- linings of windows, the jambs of door-ways, and various other parts of joiners’ work. Framing. 27. Frames in joinery are usually connected by mortise The object tenon joints, with gooves to receive pannels. Doors, win-offram- dow-shutters, &c. are framed in this manner. The object in S- in framing is, to reduce the wood into narrow pieces, so that the work may not be sensibly affected by its shrink- 130 Joinery. JOINERY. Joining curved pieces. age ; and, at the same time, it enables us to vary the sur- face without much labour. From this view of the subject, the joiner will readily per- ceive, that neither the parts of the frame nor the pannels should be wide. And as the frame should be composed of narrow pieces, it follows, that the pannels should not be very long, otherwise the frame will want strength. The pannels of framing should not be more than 1 5 inches wide, and 4 feet long, and pannels- so large as this should be avoided as much as possible. 1 The width of the framing is commonly about one-third of the width of the pannel. It is of the utmost importance, in framing, that the tenons and mortises should be truly made. After a mortise has been made with the mortise chisel, it should be rendered perfectly even with a float ; an instrument which differs from a single cut, or float file, only by having larger teeth. An inexperienced workman often makes his work fit too tight in one place, and too easy in another, hence the mor- tise is split by driving the parts together, and the work is never firm ; whereas if the tenon fill the mortise equally, without using any considerable force in driving the work together, is is found to be firm and sound. The thickness Fig. 22. of tenons should be about one-fourth of that of the framing, and the width of a tenon should never exceed about five times its thickness, otherwise, in wedging, the tenon will become bent, and bulge out of the sides of the mortise. If the rail be wide, two mortises should be made, with a space of solid wood between ; fig. 22 shews the tenons for a wide rail. In thick framing, the strength and firmness of the joint is much increased by putting a cross or feather tongue in on each side of the tenon ; these tongues are about an inch in length, and are' easily put in with a plough proper for such purposes. The projected figure of the end of a rail, fig. 22, shews these tongues put in, in the style there are grooves ploughed to receive them. Sometimes, in thick framing, a double tenon in the thick- ness is made ; but we give the preference to a single one, when tongues are put in the shoulders, as we have describ- ed ; because a strong tenon is better than two weak ones, and there is less difficulty in fitting one than two. The pannels of framing should be made to fill the grooves, so as not to rattle, and yet to allow the pannels to shrink without splitting. 28. When a frame consists of curved pieces, they are Fig. 23. often joined by means of pieces of ^ ^ hard wood called keys. Fig 23 is JiSiJU the h ea d of a Gothic window frame, joined with a key, with a plan of the joint below it. A cross tongue is put in on each side of the key, and the joint is tightened by means of the wedges a a. It is, however,, a better method to join such pieces by means of a screw bolt instead of a key, the cross tongues being used which- ever method is adopted. Joining with Glue. Joining 29. It is seldom possible to procure boards sufficiently with glue, wide for pannels without a joint, on account of heart shakes, which open in drying. In cutting out pannels, for good Joinery, work, shaken wood should be carefully avoided. That part — —n J near the pith is generally the most defective. If the pannels be thick enough to admit of a cross or feather tongue in the joint, one should always be inserted, for then, if the joint should fail, the surfaces will be kept even, and it will prevent light passing through. Sometimes plane surfaces of considerable width and length are introduced in joiners’ work, as in dado, window backs, &c. ; such surfaces are commonly formed of inch, or inch and quarter, boards joined with glue, and a cross or feather tongue ploughed into each joint. When the boards are glued together, and have become dry, tapering pieces of wood, called keys, are grooved in, across the back, with a dovetail groove. These keys preserve the surface straight, and also allow it to shrink and expand with the changes of the weather. 30. It would be an endless task to describe all the me- Glueingup thods that have been employed to glue up bodies of such curved varied forms as occur in joinery; for every joiner forms wor ^* methods of his own, and merely from his being most fami- liar with his own process, he will perform his work, accord- ing to it, in a better manner than by another, which, to an unprejudiced mind, has manifestly the advantage over it. The end and aim of the joiner, in all these operations, is to avoid the peculiar imperfections and disadvantages of his materials, and to do this with least expense of labour or material. The straightness of the fibres of wood ren- ders it unfit for curved surfaces, at least when the curva- ture is considerable. Hence short pieces are glued toge- ther as nearly in the form desired as can be, and the ap- parent surface is covered with a thin veneer ; or the work is glued up in pieces that are thin enough to bend to the required form. Sometimes a thin piece of wood is bent to the required form upon a cylinder or saddle, and blocks are jointed and glued upon the back ; when the whole is completetely dry it will preserve the form that had been given to it by the cylinder. The proper thickness for the pieces to be bent may be To deter- easily determined by an easy experiment on a piece of the mine the same kind of wood. Thus, select a piece of wood, of the thickness same kind as that to he used, and bend it as much as it ° - e ^g to be will bear without injury ; then ascertain the radius of cur- gjuTd to- vature, and also the thickness of the piece, at the most gether. curved part of it. From these data the proper thickness for any other curve will be determined by the following proportion : As the radius of curvature, found by experiment, is to the thickness of the piece tried ; so is the radius of any other curve to the thickness of the piece that may be bent into it. 1 For example, we have found that a piece of straight grained white deal, of an-, inch in thickness, may be bent, without injury, into a curve of which the radius is 120 radius inches, therefore, 120:1:: radius : thickness = ^ That is, a piece of deal of the same quality may be bent into any curve, of which the radius is not less than 120 times its thickness. A piece of work glued up in thicknesses should be very well done ; but it too often happens that the joints are vi • sible, irregular, and in some places open ; therefore other methods have been tried. 31. If a piece of wood be boiled in water for a certain Bending time, then taken out and immediately bent into any parti- f’J steam - ‘'I lnrr nr cular form, and it be retained in that form till it be dry, a boiling. 1 Pannels of external doors and shutters may be rendered more secure by boring them, and inserting iron wires. See Trans, of the Society of Arts, vol- xxv. p. 106. 2 The reader will find some interesting propositions relating to fixture in the Article Carpentry, p. 624, vol. ii. JOINER Y. 131 Joinery, permanent change .takes place in the mechanical relations of its parts ; so that though, when relieved, it will spring back a little, yet it will not return to its natural form. The same effect may be produced by steaming wood ; but though both these methods have been long practised to a considerable extent in the art of ship-building, we are not aware that any general principles have been discovered, either by experiment or otherwise, that will enable us to apply it to an art like joinery, where so much precision is required. We are not aware that it has been tried; but, before it can be rendered extensively useful, the relation between the curvature to which it is bent, and that which it assumes, when relieved, should be determined, and also the degree of curvature which may be given to a piece of a given thickness. The time that a piece of wood should be boiled, or steam- ed, in order that it may be in the best state for bending, should be made the subject of experiments ; and this being determined, the relation between the time and the bulk of the piece should be ascertained. For the joiner’s purposes, we imagine, that the process might be greatly improved, by saturating the convex side of each piece with a strong solution of glue, immediately after bending it. By filling, in this manner, the extended pores, and allowing the glue to harden thoroughly before relieving the pieces, they would retain their shape better. 32. Large pieces of timber should never be used in join- ery, because they cannot be procured sufficiently dry to prevent them splitting with the heat of a warm room. Therefore, the external part of columns, pilasters, and works of a like kind, should be formed of thin pieces of dry wood ; and, if support be required, a post, or an iron pillar, may be placed within the exterior column. Thus, to form co- lumns of wood, so that they shall not be liable to split, nar- row pieces of wood are used, not exceeding five inches in width. These are jointed like the staves of a cask, and glued togethei - , with short blocks glued along at each joint. Fig. 24 is a plan of the lower end of a column glued up Glueing up wooden columns. Fig. 24. in staves ; the bevel at A is used for forming the staves, that at B is used for adjusting them when they are glued together. A similar plan must be made for the upper end of the co- lumn, which will give the width of the upper end of the staves. The bevels taken- from the plan, as at A and B, are not the true bevels ; but they are those generally used, and are very nearly true, when the columns are not much diminished. To find the true bevels, the principle we have given in art. 1 9 should be applied. The same method may be adopted for forming large pillars for tables, &c. . If a column have flutes, with fillets, the joints should be in the fillets, in order to make the column as strong as pos- sible ; also, if a column be intended to have a swell in the middle, proper thickness of wood should be allowed for it. When columns or pillars are small, they may be made of dry wood ; and to secure them against splitting, a hole may Small co- lumns, ta- ble legs, be bored down the axis of each column. & c. Fixing work to- gelher. Fixing Joiners’ Work. 33. We have hitherto confined our remarks to that part of joinery which is performed at the bench ; but by far the most important part remains to be considered. For, how- ever well a piece of work may have been prepared, if it be not properly fixed, it cannot fulfil its intended purpose. As in the preceding part, we shall state the general prin- ciples that ought to be made the basis of practice, and il- lustrate those principles by particular examples. If the part to be fixed consist of boards jointed together, but not framed, it should be fixed so that it may shrink, or Joinery, swell without splitting. The nature of the work will gene- ' rally determine how this may be effected. Let us suppose that a plain back of a window is to be fixed. Fig 25 is a Fig. 25. section shewing B the back of the win- dow, A the window-sill, D the floor, and C the skirting. The back is supposed to ^ be prepared, as we have stated in art. 29, and that it is kept straight by a dovetail- ed key a. Now, let the back be firmly nailed to the window-sill A, and let a nar- row piece d, with a groove, and cross tongue, in its upper edge, be fixed to bond timbers or plugs in the wall ; the tongue being inserted also into a corresponding groove in the lower edge of the back of B. It is obvious, that the tongue being loose, the back B may contract or expand, as a pannel in a frame. The dado of a room should be fixed in the same manner. In the prin- -p— cipal rooms of a house, the skirting C is usually grooved skirting into the floor D, and fixed only to the narrow piece d, for rooms, which is called a ground. By fixing, in this manner, the skirting covers, the joint, which would otherwise soon he open by the shrinking of the back, and from the skirting being grooved into the floor, but not fastened to it, there cannot be an open joint between the skirting and floor. When it is considered, that an open joint, in such a situa- tion, must become a receptacle for dust, and a harbour for insects, the importance of adopting this method of fixing skirting will be apparent. In fixing any board above five or six inches wide, similar precautions are necessary ; otherwise it is certain to split when the house becomes inhabited. We may, in general, either fix one edge, and groove the other, so as to leave it at liberty, or fix it in the middle, and leave both edges at liberty. Sometimes a wide board, or a piece consisting of several Fixing boards, may be fixed by means of buttons, screwed to the landing of back, which turn into grooves in the framing, bearers, or stairs, joists, to which it is to be fixed. If any shrinking takes t0 P s place the buttons slide in the grooves. In this manner the ta) es ’ &c landing of stairs are fixed, and it is much the best mode of fixing the top of a table to its frame. 34. The extension of the principle of ploughing and Forming tonguing work together is one of the most important ofarchi- the improvements that have been introduced by modern traves, &c. joiners. It is an easy, simple, and effectual method of combination, and one that provides against the greatest de- fect of timber work, its shrinkage. By means of this me- thod, the bold mouldings of Gothic architecture can be ex- ecuted with a comparatively small quantity of material ; and even in the mouldings of modern architecture it saves much labour. For example, the moulded part of an architrave Fig. 26. may be joined with the plain part, Iff as shewn by fig. 26. If this me- 1L ; thod be compared with the old method of glueing one piece upon i f another, its advantage will be more evident. 33. The architraves, skirtings, and surbase mouldings, Fixitr? are fixed to pieces of wool called grounds ; and as the grounds, straightness and accuracy of these mouldings must depend upon the care that has been taken to fix the grounds truly ; it will appear, that fixing grounds, which is a part often left to inferior workmen, in reality requires much skill and at- tention ; besides, they are almost always the guide for the plasterer. Where the plasterer’s work joins the grounds, they should have a small groove ploughed in the edge to form a key for the plaster. 36. In our remarks on construction, we must not omit Laying to say a few words on laying floors, because it will give us floors. 132 JOINERY. Joinery, an opportunity of pointing out a defect which might be — ' easily remedied. The advice of Evelyn, to tack the boards down only the first year, and nail them down for good the next, is certainly the best, when it is convenient to adopt it ; but, as this is very seldom the case, we must expect the joints to open more or less. Now these joints always admit a considerable current of cold air, and also, in an upper room, unless there be a counter floor, the ceiling be- low may be spoiled by spilling a little water, or even by washing the floor. To avoid this, we would recommend a tongue to be ploughed into each joint, according to the old practice. When the boards are narrow, they might be laid without any appearance of nails, in the same way as a dowelled floor is laid, the tongue serving the same pur- pose as the dowels. In this case we would use cross or feather tongues for the joints. Folding There is a method sometimes used in laying floors, which floors cen- W orkmen call folding; according to this method, two boards are laid, and nailed at such a distance apait, that the space is a little less than the aggregate width of the boards in- tended for it ; these boards are then put to their places, and, on account of the narrowness of the space left for them, they rise like an arch between its abutments. The work- men force them down by jumping upon them. According- ingly, the boards are never soundly fixed to the joists, nor can the floor be laid with any kind of evenness or accuracy. W e merely notice this method here, in order that it may be avoided. As boards can seldom be got long enough to do without Fig. 27 . Fig. 28. ^ A Headin. joints. |L Sill joints, it is usual, except in very inferior work, to join the ends with a tongued joint, as shewn in fig. 27, where B is the joist. The etched board is first laid, and nailed to the joist. In oak floors, the ends are forked together sometimes, as shewn at A, fig. 28, in order to render the joints less con- spicuous. The joints should be kept as distant from one another as possible. Hinging. Binging. 37- It requires a considerable degree of care to hang a door, a shutter, or any other piece of work in the best man- ner. In the hinge, the pin should be perfectly straight, and truly cylindrical, and the parts accurately fitted together. The hinges should be placed so that their axes may be in the same straight line, as any defect in this respect will produce a considerable strain upon the hinges every time the hanging part is moved, which prevents it from moving freely, and is injurious to the hinges. In hanging doors, centres are often used instead of hin- ges ; but, on account of the small quantity of friction in centres, a door moves too easily, or so that a slight draft of air accelerates it so much in falling to, that it shakes the building, and is disagreeable. We have seen this in some degree remedied by placing a small spring to receive the shock of the door. The greatest difficulty, in hanging doors, is to make them to clear a carpet, and be close at the bottom when shut. To do this, that part of the floor v/hich is under the door, when shut, may be made to rise above a quarter of an inch above the general level of the floor ; which, with placing the hinges so as to cause the door to rise as it opens, will be sufficient, unless the carpet should be a very thick one. Several mechanical contrivances have been used for either raising the door, or adding a part to spring close to the floor as the door shuts. The latter is much the better method. the reader who may be desirous of examining .Toinerv. this method, may consult the Transactions of the Society of Arts, (vol. xxvi. p. 196.) 38. \ arious kinds ol hinges are in use. Sometimes they are concealed, as in the kind of joints called rule joints ; others project, and are intended to let a door fold back over projecting mouldings, as in pulpit doors. When hinges project, the weight of the door acts with an increased lever- age upon them, and they soon get out of order, unless they be strong and well fixed. I he door of a room should be hung so that, in opening Room the door, the interior of the room cannot be seen through doors, the joint. I his may be done by making the joint accord- ing to fig. 29. I he bead should be continued round the door, and a common but- hinge answers for it. The proper bevel for the edge of a door or sash may beTheproper Fig. 29. Fig. 30. bevel for joints of a door. found by drawing a line from the centre of motion C, fig. 30, to e, the interior angle of the rebate, draw ed per- pendicular to C e, which gives the bevel required. In prac- tice, the bevel is usually made less, leaving an open space in the joint when the door is shut ; this is done on account of the interior angle of the rebate often being filled with paint. Stairs. 39. The construction of stairs is generally considered Stairs, the highest department of the art of joinery, therefore we treat of it under a distinct head. The principal object to be attended to in stairs is, that they afford a safe and easy communication between floors of different levels. The strength of a stair ought to be ap- parent as well as real, in order that those who ascend it may feel conscious of safety. In order to make the com- munication safe, it should be guarded by a railing of pro- per height and strength ; in order that it may be easy, the rise and width, or tread, of the steps should be regular and justly proportioned to each other, with convenient landings; there should be no winding steps, and the top of the rail should be of a convenient height for the hand. The first person that attempted to fix the relation be- p tween the height and width of a step, upon correct princi- proportion pies, was, we believe, Blondel, in his Cours d’ Architecture, for stairs. If a person walking npon a level plane move over a space, P, at each step, and the height which the same person could ascend vertically, with equal ease, were H ; then, if h be trie height of a step, and p its width ; the relation between p and h must be such, that when p — P, h = o; and when H — h, p — o. These conditions are satisfied by an equa- tion of the form h — H 0-0 . Blondel assumes 24 inches for the value of P, and 12 inches for that of H; substituting these values in our equation, it becomes h — ^ (24 — p), which is precisely Blondel’s rule. We do not think these the true values of P and H ; indeed, it would be difficult to ascertain them ; but they are so near, and agree so well with our observations on stairs of easy ascent, that they may be taken for the elements of a prac- tical rule. Hence, according as h or p is given, we have h z=. ^ (24 — p, or p — 24 — 2 h. Thus, if the height of a step be six inches, then 24 — 1 2= 12, the width or tread for a step that rises six inches. 40. The forms of staircases are various. In towns, where JOINERY. 133 Joinery, space cannot be allowed for convenient forms, they are often made triangular, circular, or elliptical, with winding steps, or of a mixed form, with straight sides and circular ends. In large mansions, and in other situations, where convenience and beauty are the chief objects of attention, winding steps are never introduced when it is possible to avoid them. Good stairs, therefore, require less geometri- cal skill than those of an inferior character. The best architectural effect is produced by rectangular staircases, with ornamented railing and newels. In Gothic structures scarcely any other kind can be adopted, with pro- priety, for a principal staircase. Modern architecture ad- mits of greater latitude in this respect ; the end of the stair- case being sometimes circular, and the hand-rail continued, beginning either from a scroll or a newel. 41. When a rectangular staircase has a continued rail, it is necessary that it should be curved so as to change gra- dually from a level to an Rectangu- lar stair- case. Fig. 31. To find the cap for newel. inclined direction. This curvature is called the ramp of the rail. The plan of a staircase of this kind is represented by ABCD, fig. 31, and fig. 32 shews a section of it, supposing it to be cut through at ab, on the plan. The hand-rail is sup- posed to begin with a newel at the bottom, and the form of the cap of the newel ought to be deter- mined, so that it will mi- tre with the hand-rail. Let H, fig. 33, be the section of the hand-rail, and ab the radius of the newel ; then the form of the cap may be traced at C by the method we have already described. (Art. 9 and 10.) The sections of hand- rails are of various shapes ; some of the most com- mon ones are too small ; a hand-rail should never be less than would re- quire a square, of which the side is 2| inches, to circumscribe it. For the level landings of a staircase the height of the top of the hand-rail should be about 40 inches, and in any part of the inclined rail the height of its upper side above the middle of the width of the step should be 40 inches less the rise of one step, when measured in a verti- cal direction. To describe To describe the ramps, let rs be a vertical line drawn the ramps through the middle of the width of the step, fig. 32 ; set ru equal to rs, and draw ut at right angles with the back of the rail, cutting the horizontal line st in t. From the point t , as a centre, describe the curve of the rail. When there is a contrary flexure, as in the case before us, the method of describing the lesser curve is the same. 42. The hand-rail of a stair often begins from a scroll ; and that kind of spiral which is called the logarithmic spi- ral, has been proposed as the best for the purpose. It is shewn by writers on curve lines, that any radial lines drawn from the centre will be cut by the logarithmic spiral in one Height for rail, &c. of rails. To draw the loga- rithmic spiral. and the same angle. By means of this property of the joinerv. curve, it may be described as follows : and draw AB perpendicu- lar to DE, crossing it in C. Bisect the angles by the lines ab, cd. Draw eBb to cut CB at the an- gle proposed for the curve, and to meet C b in b ; draw cb perpendicular to be, cutting C c in c ; draw c a perpendicular to c b cut- ting C a in a; and pro- ceed round with as many revolutions as may be re- quired in the same man- ner. Then B, E, A, D, F, G, &c. are points in the curve, and the lines eb, cb, ca, ad, &c. are tangents to the curves at these points. Therefore, the curve may be either drawn by hand, or by means of circular arcs. Also, any number of interior or exterior spirals may be drawn by drawing lines parallel to the tangents, as xy, yz, &c. If eb were to cross BC at a right angle, the curve would be a circle. 43. The scrolls and volutes used in architecture are al- a new gp i_ ways made to terminate in a circle at the centre ; conse- ral propo- quently none of the curves described by mathematicians sed for vo- are adapted for these purposes. But the construction we lute ?^ have employed for the logarithmic spiral readily leads to a scrt>1 ’’ c ‘ species of spiral that appears well suited for scrolls or vo- lutes. In the logarithmic spiral the angle of the curve is constant ; but imagine the angle to change regularly, and to become a right angle at the point where the circle called the eye begins. This would afford us a regular and pleas- ing curve, unfolding itself from a circle in the centre. This curve might be called the Architectural Spiral. Let C be the centre, fig. 35, and round this centre de- Fig. 35. scribe a circle for the eye of the scroll, or volute. Divide this circle into eight equal parts, and draw lines from the centre through the points of division. With any radius a C, and C as a centre, describe the arc ac, and upon this arc set oft any number of equal divi- sions. The extent of a division must be regulated by the quantity the curve may unfold at each revolution, and the number depends on the number of revolutions. Then, beginning at A, draw Ab perpendicular to C a; db parallel to C' ; de perpendicular to C2 ; ef parallel to C3 ; and so on for any number of revolutions. The points A, B, D, E, F, G, and FI, in the curve, and the tangents to these points, are found ; therefore the curve may be de- scribed by hand, or by means of circular arcs. The tangents to any interior or exterior spiral will be parallel to the ones first found, and, therefore, any number may be drawn with the greatest facility. Let C be the centre, fig. 34, Fig- 34. 134 JOINER Y. Joinery. Neither the logarithmic nor the architectural spiral can — v— be drawn truly by circular arcs ; but we shall here point out the principle by which such spirals may be drawn. When a spiral is drawn by means of circular arcs only, the centres of the adjoining arcs must always be upon the same straight line ; and the regularity of the curve will depend on the number of arcs employed to describe one revolu- tion. Let the proposed distance between the revolutions be divided into as many equal- parts as there are to be cir- cular arcs in one revolution ; and, on the eye as a centre, construct a regular polygon of the same number of sides as the number of divisions, and on each side equal to one di- vision. Then the angles of the polygon will be the centres for describing the spiral, as shewn by the figures below, where the triangle, square, and hexagon, are given as ex- amples : Fig. 36. Fig. 37. If a spiral be drawn to begin from a circle at the cen- tre, let the arcs be described from the angles of a rectan- gular fret, as in fig. 39, the sides of which may increase in any regular proportion. Or, a figure may be drawn in the same manner as the tangents of the spiral, fig. 35, and the arcs described in the angle, as in fig. 40. By either of these methods a pleasing curve may be obtained. 44. Fig. 41 represents the plan of a staircase, beginning with a scroll, and having steps winding round the circular part of the well -hole. In the first place, let the end of the steps be developed Joinery, according to the method we have given in Art. 1 3. Fig. 43 ~ N .— — 4 shews this development. 'Now, the hand-rail ought to follow the inclination of a line drawn to touch the nosings of the steps, except where there is an abrupt transition from the rake of the winding to that of the other steps ; at such places it must be curved ; the curve may be drawn by the help of intersecting lines, as in fig. 44, if the work- man cannot trust to his eye. The part which is shaded in fig. 43, represents the hand- Develop- rail and ends of the steps, when spread out, and the hand- ment of the rail is only drawn close to the steps for convenience, as it circular would require too much space to raise it to its proper posi- * ,ai *" tion. This development of the rail is called the falling mould. The wood used for hand-rails being of an expensive kind, it becomes of some importance to consider how the plank may be cut so as to require the least quantity of ma- terial for the curved part of the rail. Now, if we were to suppose the rail executed, and a plain board laid upon the upper side of it, the board would touch the rail at three points ; and a plank laid in the same position as the board would be that out of which the rail could be cut with the least waste of material. Let it be required to find the moulds for the part ab of To find the rail, fig. 41, and to avoid confusing the lines in ourthef'ace- small figure, the part a b has been drawn to a larger scale rnou ^ s ’ in fig. 42. The plain board, mentioned above, would touch Fig. 42. the rail at the points marked C and B in the plan ; draw the line CB, and draw a line parallel to CB, so as to touch the curve at the point E. Then E is the other point on the plan ; and a', e\ and V, are the heights of these points in the development, fig. 43. Erect perpendiculars to CB, from the points C, E, and B, fig. 42, and set off C a, on fig. 42, equal to a!c, fig. 43 ; Ee equal to dd, and B b equal to fb. Through the points C and E, draw the dotted line C/i ; through ae draw a line to meet CE in h ; and through the points ab, draw a line to meet CB in g ; then join kg, and make C i perpendicu- lar to hg. Now, if Cd be equal to Co, and perpendicular to C i ; and di be joined, it will be the angle which the plank makes with the horizontal plane, or plan. Therefore, draw FD parallel to C and find the section by the process de- scribed in Art. 10. This section is the same thing as would be obtained by projecting vertical lines from each point in the hand-rail against the surface of a board, laid to touch it in three points. The inexperienced workman will be much assisted in applying the moulds if he acquires a clear notion of the position when executed. To find the thickness of the plank, take the height to Xo find the the under side of the rail cr in the development, fig. 43, thickness of and set it off from s, in the line C i, to r , in fig. 42 ; from the plant JOINER Y. Joinery, the point ? draw a line parallel to di, and the distance be- v '- — v"-" tween those parallel lines will be the thickness of the plank. To apply The mould, fig. 42, which is traced from the plan, is die called the face mould. It is applied to the upper surface moulds. 0 p t ] ie p] an ]^ which being marked, a bevel should be set to the angle id C, and this bevel being applied to the edge will give the points to which the mould must be placed to mark out the under side. It is then to be sawn out, and wrought true to the mould. In applying the bevel, care should be taken to let its stock be parallel to the line di, if the plank should not be sufficiently wide for di to be its arris. After the rail is truly wrought to the face mould, the falling mould, fig. 43, being applied to its convex side, will give the edge of the upper surface, and the surface itself will be formed by squaring from the convex side, holding the stock of the square always so that it would be vertical if the rail were in its proper situation. The lower surface is to be parallel to the upper one. The sudden change of the width of the ends of the steps causes the soffit line to have a broken or irregular appear- ance ; to avoid it, the steps are made begin to wind before the curved part begins. Different methods of proportion- ing the ends of the steps are given by Nicholson, Roubo, Rondelet, and Krafft. We cannot in this place enter into a detail of these methods, but for the reader’s information a list of the principal writers on staircases is subjoined. Price, in his British Carpenter, 4 to. 1735 ; Langley, Builders’ Complete Assistant, 8vo, 1738; Frezier, Coupe des Pierres et des Bois, 4to, 1739 ; Roubo, L’Art du Me- nuisier, folio, 1771 ; Skaife, Key to Civil Architecture, 8vo, 1774; Nicholson, Carpenters’ New Guide, 4to, 1792 ; Carpenters’ and Joiners’ Assistant, 4to, 1792; Architec- tural Dictionary, 4to ; Transactions Society of Arts, &c. for 1814 ; Treatise on the Construction of Staircases and Handrails , 4to, 1820 ; Rondelet, Traite de l’ Art de Bd- tir, tome iv. 4to, 1814 ; and Krafft, Traite sur l’ Art de la Charpenter, part ii. folio, 1820. Sect. III. — Os Materials. Import- 45. There is no art in which it is required that the struc- am-e of theture and properties of wood should be so thoroughly under- subject. stood as in joinery. The practical joiner, who has made the nature of timber his study, has always a most decided advantage over those who have neglected this most im- portant part of the art. In the article Anatomy, Vegetable (vol. iii. p. 61 and 82), the structure of wood is described ; in this place, there- fore, we shall only show how the joiner may, in a great measure, avoid the warping caused by its irregular tex- ture. Boards cut 46. It is well known that wood contracts less in propor- in a parti- tion, in diameter, than it does in circumference ; hence a tki^wili. 60 " w h°l e tree always splits in drying. Mr Knight has shown not retain that, in consequence of this irregular contraction, a board their form, may be cut from a tree that can scarcely be made, by any means, to retain the same form and position when subject- ed to various degrees of heat and moisture. From the ash and the beech he cut some thin boards, in different direc- tions relatively to their transverse septa, so that the septa crossed the middle of some of the boards at right angles, and lay nearly parallel with the surfaces of others. Both kinds were placed in a warm room, under perfectly similar 135 circumstances. Those which had been formed by cutting Joinery, across the transverse septa, as at A in fig. 44, soon changed their form very considerably, the one side becoming hollow, and the other round ; and in drying, they contracted nearly 14 per cent, in width. The other kind, in which the septa were nearly parallel Difference to the surfaces of the boards, as at B in fig. 44, retained, in shrink- with very little variation, their primary form, and did not a S e- contract in drying more than three and a half per cent, in width. 1 As Mr Knight had not tried resinous woods, two speci- mens were cut from a piece of Memel timber ; and, to ren- der the result of our observation more clear, conceive fig. 45 to represent the section of a tree, the annual rings beii g shewn by circles. BD represents the Fig. 45. manner in which one of our pieces was cut, and AC the other. The board AC contracted 3 - 75 per cent, in width, and became hollow on the side marked b. The board BD retained its original straightness, and contracted only 0*7 per cent. The difference in the quan- tity of contraction is still greater than in hard woods. From these experiments, the advantages to be obtained merely by a proper attention in cutting out boards for pan- nels, &c. will be obvious ; and it will also be found that pannels cut so that the septa are nearly parallel to their faces, will appear of a finer and more even grain, and re- quire less labour to make their surfaces even and smooth. The results of these experiments are not less interesting to cabinet-makers, particularly in the construction of bil- liard-tables, card-tables, and indeed every kind of table in use. For such purposes, the planks should be cut so as to cross the rings as nearly in the direction BD as possible. We have no doubt that it is the knowledge of this property of wood that renders the billiard-tables of some makers so far superior to those of others. In wood that has the larger transverse septa, as the oak, for example, boards cut as BD will be figured, while those cut as AC will be plain. 47* There is another kind of contraction in wood whilst Cause of drying, which causes it to become curved in the direction pieces of its length. In the long styles of framing we have often observed it; indeed, on this account, it is difficult to pre- t - on 0 f tll vent the style of a door, hung with centres, from curving, l e ny 2 xdy yclx ■ U dx ( 1 — tj) — -^sr- y (h J- But 1 r r 2 — —5-5 and r* ydy — xdx. therefore the fluxion is a 2 ydx 3 cdydx 4 x 2 ydx -fT + ’ ~ ^ ; consequently the fluent of 2 x-ydx is \Fz — v, which, when y — 0, becomes \Fz, or one fourth of the product of the square of the radius by the area of the section, while the fluent of 2 rx 2 dx, that is, | -rx 2 , the force of the prism, becomes § r 4 or ^ r 2 X 2 r 2 , one third of the pro- duct of the same square into the area of the section of the prism. lienee the radius of curvature of a cylindrical column, , „ M aa , . T , , M aa , instead of ■ . (Art. Bridge, Jrrop. (jr), will be 77-71 the 12 fy y . / R>/y weight of the modulus M decreasing in the same propor 140 CARPENTR Y. Carpentry, tion as the bulk when the prism is reduced to a cylinder. The force is supposed in this proposition to be either transverse or applied at a considerable distance from the axis; but the error will not be material in any other case. B. When a longitudinal force f is applied to the extremi- ties of a straight prismatic beam, at the distance b from the axis, the deflection of the middle of the beam will be b ^secant W(ff) • ~] — 1^ ; M being the weight of the modulus, e the length of the beam, and a its depth. The curvature being proportional to the distance from the line of direction of the force, or to the ordinate, when that line is considered as the absciss, the elastic curve must in this case initially coincide with a portion of the harmonic curve, well known for its utility in the resolu- tion of a variety of problems of this kind. Now if the half length of the complete curve be called h, correspond- ing to a quadrant of the generating circle, and the great- est ordinate y, c being the quadrant of a circle of which the radius is unity, the radius of curvature r correspond- hk ing to y will be — — , that is, a third proportional to y and — the radius of the generating circle ; consequently kk , , Maacc , , , , M , , , = , kk — , - - . , and k — a »/-; ac ; but by the na- ccy 12 J - 3/ ture of the curve, y : b = 1 : cos. 2k 'J at the middle ; and the deflection from the natural situa- tion is y — b. It follows that, since the secant of the quadrant is infi- nite, when ¥ M ' — becomes equal to c, the deflection will a be infinite, and the resistance of the column will be over- come, however small the distance b may be taken, provid- ed that it be of finite magnitude; and since in this case 3fee _ . _ Maa ~ M aacc 3ee = ‘8225 M — , which is the utmost ee comes d — at monic curve ; and supposing the quadrantal length ofCarpentr this curve k, we have again, as in the last proposition, '—■'n-"- h — \ ^ — .ac, or, for a cylinder, k = V . ac. Now, 6 J J the tangent of the inclination of the harmonic curve varies as the sine of the angular distance from the middle ; con- sequently, as sin. • c > or cos. -p is to the radius, so is the tangent t, expressing the difference of inclination of the end of the beam and the direction of the force, which is also that of the middle of the supposed curve, to the tangent of the extreme inclination of the curve to its ab- . . . 6C sciss, which will therefore be t sec. -r - ; consequently the ft greatest ordinate will be — sec. and since the ordi- c k nates are as the sines of the angular distances from the origin of the curve, the ordinate at the fixed end of the €C beam, corresponding to the angle — , that is, the deflec- ft lit PC PC tion, will be — sec. — . sin.— c k k kt ec , ,M TANG. — /f-^-at c A 2 3 f 2e 3 f . M \e tang. — or, for a cylinder, ^ V~ • at tang. — - a — sec. — r : 1, and 2k — b sec. — b sec. • -» which is the ordinate 2k v iVl a f a force that the column will bear : and for a cylinder we find, by the same reasoning, f — — -6169 M — . If b be supposed to vanish, we shall have in theory an equili- brium without flexure ; but since it will be tottering, it cannot exist in nature. By applying this determination to the strength of wood and iron, compared with the modulus of elasticity, it ap- pears that a round column or a square pillar of either of these substances cannot be bent by any longitudinal force applied to the axis, which it can withstand without being crushed, unless its length be greater than twelve or thir- teen times its thickness respectively ; nor a column or pil- lar of stone, unless it be forty or forty-five times as long as it is thick. Hence we may infer, as a practical rule, that every piece of timber or iron intended to withstand any considerable compressing force, should be at least as many inches in thickness as it is feet in length, in order to avoid the loss of force which necessarily arises from curvature. C. When a beam, fixed at one end, is pressed by a force in a direction deviating from the original position of the axis in a small angle, of which the tangent is t, the deflection be- M / 12 f e\ -nr IABO YM -■-»)■ The inclination of the curve to the absciss being incon- siderable, it will not differ sensibly from a portion of a har- By means of this proposition we may determine the ef- fect of a small lateral force in weakening a beam or pillar which is at the same time compressed longitudinally by a much greater force, considering the parts on each side of the point to which the lateral force is applied, as portions of two beams, bent in the manner here described, by a single force slightly inclined to the axis. D. A bar fixed at one end, and bent by a transverse force applied to the other end, assumes initially the form of a cu- 4 s proportional to CB, and may therefore be represented by the product tv X CB ; that is, by the product of the number of tons, pounds, &c. which measure the straining force, and the number of feet, inches, &c. contained in CB. As the loads on a beam are easily con- ceived, we shall substitute this for any other straining force. 2. If the strain or load is uniformly distributed along any part of the beam lying beyond C (that is, farther from A), the strain at C is the same as if the load were all col- lected at the middle point of that part ; for that point is the centre of gravity of the load. 3. The strain on any section D of a beam AB (fig. 16) • , , A , „ . ADXDB resting freely on two props A and 13, is tv X — . (See Roof, No. 19, and Strength of Materials, No. 92, &c.) Therefore, 4. The strain on the middle point, by a force applied there, is one fourth of the strain which the same force would produce if applied to one end of a beam of the same length having the other end fixed. 0.0 5. The strain on any section C of a beam, resting on two props A and B, occasioned by a force applied perpendicu- larly to another point D, is proportional to the rectangle . . . . ACXDB of the exterior segments, or is equal to tv X beams. 7VB ’ Therefore, The strain at C occasioned by the pressure on D is the same with the strain at D occasioned by the same pres- sure on C. 6. The strain on any section D, occasioned by a load uniformly diffused over any part EF, is the same as if the two parts ED, DF, of the load were collected at their mid- dle points e and / Therefore, The strain on any part D, occasioned by a load uniform- ly distributed over the whole beam, is one half of the strain that is produced when the same load is laid on at D ; and The strain on the middle point C, occasioned by a load Carpentry uniformly distributed over the whole beam, is the same which half that load would produce if laid on at C. 7. A beam supported at both ends on two props B and C (fig. 14), will carry twice as much when the ends be- yond the .props are kept from rising, as it will carry when it rests loosely on the props. 8. Lastly, the transverse strain on any section, occa- sioned by a force applied obliquely, is diminished in the proportion of the sine of the angle which the direction of the force makes with the beam. Thus, if it be inclined to it in an angle of thirty degrees, the strain is one half of the strain occasioned by the same force acting perpendi- cularly. On the other hand, the relative strength of a beam, or its power in any particular section to resist any transverse strain, is proportional to the absolute cohesion to the sec- tion directly, to the distance of its centre of effort from the axis of fracture directly, and to the distance from the strained point inversely. Thus, in a rectangular section of the beam, of which b is the breadth, d the depth (that is, the dimension in the direction of the straining force), measured in inches, and / the number of pounds which one square inch will just support without being torn asunder, we must have/ XbXd 2 , proportional to tv X CB (fig. 15). Or,/ X b X d 2 , mul- tiplied by some number m, depending on the nature of the timber, must be equal to tv X CB. Or, in the case of the section C of fig. 16, that is strained by the force tv ap- , „ . , „ _ ACXDB plied at D, we must have m X fbd 2 — tv X . 1 J AB Thus, if the beam is of sound oak, m is very nearly = ^ (see Strength of Materials, No. 116.) There- AC X CB .p, XT T , T . . tv x tv; • (See Note FI.) r r fbd 2 tore we have ^ — = AB Hence we can tell the precise force tv which any sec- tion C can just resist when that force is applied in any way whatever ; for the above-mentioned formula gives w — for the case represented by fig. 15. But the case represented in fig. 16, having the straining force ap- plied at D, gives the strain at C (= tv) =.f X r *7^ y A C X Ld Example. Let an oak beam, four inches square, rest freely on the props A and B, seven feet apart, or eighty- four inches. What weight will it just support at its mid- dle point C, on the supposition that a square inch rod will just carry 16,000 pounds, pulling it asunder? , . , 16000 X 4 X 16 X84 1 he formula becomes tv = 86016000 9 X 42 X 42 ~ , = 5418 pounds. This is very near what was employed in Buffon’s experiment, which was 5312. Had the straining force acted on a point D, half way between C and B, the force sufficient to break the beam at C would be = 16000 X 4 X 16 X 84 = 10836 lbs. 9 X 42 X 21 Had the beam been sound red fir, we must have taken / = 10,000 nearly, and m nearly 8 ; for although fir be less cohesive than oak in the proportion of five to eight nearly, it is less compressible, and its axis of fracture is therefore nearer to the concave side. Having considered at sufficient length the strains ofOf joints, different kinds which arise from the form of the parts of a frame of carpentry, and the direction of the external forces which act on it, whether considered as impelling or as supporting its different parts, we must now proceed to con- CARPENTRY. Carpentry, sider the means by which this form is to be secured, and ''—'■'y the connections by which those strains are excited and communicated. The joinings practised in carpentry are almost infinite- ly various, and each has advantages which make it prefer- able in some circumstances. Many varieties are employed merely to please the eye. We do not concern ourselves with these : nor shall we consider those which are only employed in connecting small works, and can never appear on a great scale ; yet even in some of these, the skill of the carpenter may be discovered by his choice ; for in all cases, it is wise to make every, even the smallest, part of his work as strong as the materials will admit. He will be particularly attentive to the changes which will neces- sarily happen by the shrinking of timber as it dries, and will consider what dimensions of his framings will be affected by this, and what will not; and will then dispose the pieces which are less essential to the strength of the whole, in such a manner that their tendency to shrink shall be in the same direction with the shrinking of the whole fram- ing. If he do otherwise, the seams will widen, and parts will be split asunder. He will dispose his boardings in such a manner as to contribute to the stiffness of the whole, avoiding at the same time the giving them positions which will produce lateral strains on truss beams which bear great pressures ; recollecting, that although a single board has little force, yet many united have a great deal, and may frequently perform the office of very powerful struts. Our limits confine us to the joinings which are most essential for connecting the parts of a single piece of a frame when it cannot be formed of one beam, either for want of the necessary thickness or length ; and the joints for connecting the different sides of a trussed frame. Ofbuilding Much ingenuity and contrivance has been bestowed on up beams, the manner of building up a great beam of many thick- nesses, and many singular methods are practised as great nostrums by different artists ; but when we consider the manner in which the cohesion of the fibres performs its office, we will clearly see that the simplest are equally effected with the most refined, and that they are less apt to lead us into false notions of the strength of the as- semblage. Building Thus, were it required to build up a beam for a great up a girder ] ever or a girder, so that it may act nearly as a beam of or lever. t ]ie same s ; ze 0 f one ] 0 „ ; t raa y either be done by plain jog- gling, as in Plate CXLIX. fig. 17, A, or by scarfing, as in fig. Joggling 17, B or C. If it is to act as a lever, having the gudgeon preferable on t h e lower side at C, we believe that most artists will to scar ng. p re fg r the form B and C ; at least this has been the case with nine tenths of those to whom we have proposed the question. The best informed only hesitated ; but the or- dinary artists were all confident in its superiority, and we found their views of the matter very coincident. They considered the upper piece as grasping the lower in its hooks; and several imagined, that by driving the one very tight on the other, the beam would be stronger than an entire log ; but if we attend carefully to the internal pro- cedure in the loaded lever, we shall find the upper one clearly the strongest. If they are formed of equal logs, the upper one is thicker than the other by the depth of the joggling or scarfing, which we suppose to be the same in both ; consequently, if the cohesion of the fibres in the intervals is able to bring the uppermost filaments into full action, the form A is stronger than B, in the propor- tion of the greater distance of the upper filaments from the axis of the fracture. This may be greater than the difference of the thickness if the wood is very compres- sible. If the gudgeon be in the middle, the effect, both of the joggles and the scarfings, is considerably diminished ; and if it is on the upper side the scarfings act in a very 149 different way. In this situation, if the loads on the arms Carpentry, are also applied to the upper side, the joggled beam is still more superior to the scarfed one. This will be best understood by resolving it in imagination into a trussed frame. But when a gudgeon is thus put on that side of the lever which grows convex by the strain, it is usual to connect it with the rest by a powerful strap, which em- braces the beam, and causes the opposite point to become the resisting point. This greatly changes the internal ac- tions of the filaments, and in some measure brings it into the same state as the first, with the gudgeon below. Were it possible to have the gudgeon on the upper side, and to bring the whole into action without a strap, it would be the strongest of all; because in general the resistance to compression is greater than to extension. In every situa- tion the joggled beam has the advantage, and it is the easiest executed. (See Note GG.) We may frequently gain a considerable accession of strength by this building up of a beam, especially if the part which is stretched by the strain be of oak, and the other part be fir. Fir being so much superior to oak as a pillar (if Muschenbroeck’s experiments may be con- fided in), and oak so much preferable as a tie, this con- struction seems to unite both advantages. But we shall see much better methods of making powerful levers, gir- ders, &c. by trussing. Observe that the efficacy of both methods depends en- tirely on the difficulty of causing the piece between the cross joints to slide along the timber to which it adheres. Therefore, if this be moderate, it is wrong to make the notches deep ; for as soon as they are so deep that their ends have a force sufficient to push the slice along the line of junction, nothing is gained by making them deeper ; and this requires a greater expenditure of timber. Scarfings are frequently made oblique, as in fig. 18 ; but we imagine that this is a bad practice. It begins to yield at a point where the wood is crippled and splintered off, or at least bruised out a little. As the pressure in- creases, this part, by squeezing broader, causes the solid parts to rise a little upwards, and gives them some ten- dency, not only to push their antagonists along the base, but even to tear them up a little. For similar reasons, we disapprove of the favourite practice of many artists to make the angles of their scarfings acute, as in fig. 19. This often causes the two pieces to tear each other up The abutments should always be perpendicular to the di- rections of the pressures. Lest it should be forgotten in its proper place, we may extend this injunction also to the abutments of different pieces of a frame, and recom- mend it to the artist even to attend to the shrinking of the timbers by drying. When two timbers abut obliquely, the joint should be most full at the obtuse angle of the end ; because, by drying, that angle grows more obtuse, and the beam would then be in danger of splintering off at the acute angle. It is evident that the nicest work is indispensably ne-We must cessary in building up a beam. The parts must abut on not wedge each other completely, and the smallest play or void takes t0 ° away the whole efficacy. It is usual to give the butting joints a small taper to one side of the beam, so that they may require moderate blows of a maul to force them in ; and the joints may be perfectly close when the external surfaces are even on each side of the beam. But we must not exceed in the least degree, for a very taper wedge has great force ; and if we have driven the pieces toge- ther by very heavy blows, we leave the whole in a state of violent strain, and the abutments are perhaps ready to splinter off’ by a small addition of pressure. This is like too severe a proof for artillery; which, though not suffi- cient to burst the pieces, has weakened them to such a 150 CARPENTR Y. Carpentry, degree, that the strain of ordinary service is sufficient to complete the fracture. The workman is tempted to ex- ceed in this, because it smooths off and conceals all un- even seams ; but he must be watched. It is not unusual to leave some abutments open enough to admit a thin wedge reaching through the beam. Nor is this a bad practice, if the wedge is of material which is not com- pressed by the driving or the strain of service. Iron would be preferable for this purpose, and for the joggles, were it not that, by its too great hardness, it cripples the fibres of timber to some distance. In consequence of this it often happens, that in beams which are subjected to de- sultory and sudden strains (as in the levers of reciprocat- ing engines), the joggles or wedges widen the holes, and work themselves loose ; therefore skilful engineers never admit them, and indeed as few bolts as possible, for the same reason ; but when resisting a steady or dead pull, they are not so improper, and are frequently used. Beams are built up, not only to increase their dimen- sions in the direction of the strain (which we have hither- to called their depth), but also to increase their breadth, or the dimensions perpendicular to the strain. We some- times double the breadth of a girder which is thought too weak for its load, and where we must not increase the thickness of the flooring. Building The mast of a great ship of war must be made bigger of masts, athwartship, as well as fore and aft. This is one of the nicest problems of the art; and professional men are by no means agreed in their opinions about it. We do not presume to decide, and shall content ourselves with exhi- biting the different methods. The most obvious and natural method is that shown in fig. 20. It is plain that (independent of the connection of cross bolts, which are used in them all when the beams are square) the piece C cannot bend in the direction of the plane of the figure without bending the piece D along Method w 'th it. This method is much used in the French navy ; used in the but it is undoubtedly imperfect. Hardly any two great trees are of equal quality, and swell or shrink alike. If C shrinks more than D, the feather of C becomes loose in the groove wrought in D to receive it; and when the beam bends, the parts can slide on each other like the plates of a coach-spring ; and if the bending is in the di- rection cf there is nothing to hinder this sliding but the bolts, which soon work themselves loose in the bolt-holes. Fig. 21 exhibits another method. The two halves of the beam are tabled into each other in the same manner as in fig. 17. It is plain that this will not be affected by the unequal swelling or shrinking, because this is insen- sible in the direction of the fibres ; but when bent in the direction a b, the beam is weaker than fig. 20 bent in the direction cf. Each half of fig. 20 has, in every part of its length, a thickness greater than half the thickness of the beam. It is the contrary in the alternate portions of the halves of fig. 21. When one of them is bent in the di- rection AB, it is plain that it drags the other with it by means of the cross butments of its tables, and there can be no longitudinal sliding. But unless the work is accu- rately executed, and each hollow completely filled up by the table of the other piece, there will be a lateral slide along the cross joints sufficient to compensate for the cur- vature ; and this will hinder the one from compressing or stretching the other in conformity to this curvature. The imperfection of this method is so obvious that it has seldom been practised ; but it has been combined with the other, as is represented in fig. 22, where the beams are divided along the middle, and the tables in each half are alternate, and alternate also with the tables of the other half. Thus 1, 3, 4, are prominent, and 5, 2, 6, are depressed. This construction evidently puts a stop to French navy. Another method. Its imper- fection. both slides, and obliges every part of both pieces to move Carpentry, together, a b and cd show sections of the built-up beam ■'Y"'-"' corresponding to AB and CD. No more is intended in this practice by any intelligent artist, than the causing the two pieces to act together in all their parts, although the strains may be unequally dis- tributed on them. Thus, in a built-up girder, the binding joists are frequently mortised into very different parts of the two sides. But many seem to aim at making the beam stronger than if it were of one piece ; and this inconsider- ate project has given rise to many whimsical modes of ta- bling and scarfing, which we need not regard. The practice in the British dock-yards is somewhat dif- British me. ferent from any of these methods. The pieces are tabled th°d. as in fig. 22, but the tables are not thin parallelopipeds, but thin prisms. The two outward joints or visible seams are straight lines, and the table No. 1 rises gradually to its greatest thickness in the axis. In like manner, the hollow, 5, for receiving the opposite table, sinks gradually from the edge to its greatest depth in the axis. Fig. 23, No. 1, represents a section of a round piece of timber built up in this way, where the full line EFGH is the section corresponding to AB of fig. 22, and the dotted line EGFH is the section corresponding to CD. This construction, by making the external seam straight, leaves no lodgment for water, and looks much fairer to the eye ; but it appears to us that it does not give so firm a hold when the mast is bent in the direction EH. The exterior parts are most stretched and most compressed by this bending; but there is hardly any abutment in the ex- terior parts of these tables. In the very axis, where the abutment is the firmest, there is little or no difference of extension and compression. But this construction has an advantage, which, we ima- gine, much more than compensates for these imperfec- tions, at least in the particular case of a round mast; it will draw together by hooping incomparably better than any of the others. If the cavity be made somewhat too shallow for the prominence of the tables, and if this be done uniformly along the whole length, it will make a somewhat open seam ; and this opening can be regulated with the utmost exactness from end to end by the plane. The heart of those vast trunks is very sensibly softer than the exterior circles ; therefore, when the whole is hooped, and the hoops hard driven, and at considerable intervals between each spell, we are confident that all may be com- pressed till the seam disappears ; and then the whole makes one piece, much stronger than if it were an original log of that size, because the middle has become, by com- pression, as solid as the crust, which was naturally firmer, and resisted farther compression. We verified this be- yond a doubt by hooping a built stick of a timber which has this inequality of firmness in a remarkable degree, and it was nearly twice as strong as another of the same size. Our mast-makers are not without their fancies andwhims; and the manner in which our masts and yards are gene- rally built up is not near so simple as fig. 23 ; but it con- sists of the same essential parts, acting in the very same manner, and derives all its efficacy from the principles which are here employed. This construction is particularly suited to the situation Attended and office of a ship’s mast. It has no bolts; or, at least, with pecu- none of any magnitude, or that make very important parts liar advan * of its construction. The most violent strains perhaps ta ^ es ‘ that it is exposed to, is that of twisting, when the lower yards are close braced up by the force of many men act- ing by a long lever. This form resists a twist with pecu- liar energy ; it is therefore an excellent method for build- ing up a great shaft for a mill. The way in which they are usually built up is by reducing a central log to a poly-? CARPENTRY. 151 Carpentry, gonal prism, and then filling it up to the intended size by ^ ■'Y'*-' •planting pieces of timber along its sides, either spiking them down, or cocking them into it by a feather, or jog- gling them by slips of hard wood sunk into the central log and into the slips. N.B. Joggles of elm are sometimes used in the middle of the large tables of masts ; and when sunk into the firm wood near the surface, they must con- tribute much to the strength. But it is very necessary to employ wood not much harder than the pine, otherwise it will soon enlarge its bed, and become loose, for the tim- ber of these large trunks is very soft. The most general reason for piecing a beam is to in- crease its length. This is frequently necessary, in order to procure tie-beams for very wide roofs. Two pieces must be scarfed together. Numberless are the modes of doing this, and almost every master carpenter has his fa- vourite nostrum. Some of them are very ingenious ; but here, as in other cases, the most simple are commonly Various the strongest. We do not imagine that any, the most in- methods ofgenious, is equally strong with a tie consisting of two scarfing, pieces of the same scantling laid over each other for a certain length, and firmly bolted together. We acknow- ledge that this will appear an artless and clumsy tie-beam, but we only say that it will be stronger than any that is more artificially made up of the same thickness of timber. This, we imagine, will appear sufficiently certain. The simplest and most obvious scarfing, after the one now mentioned, is that represented in fig. 24, No. 1 and 2. If considered merely as two pieces of wood joined, it is plain that, as a tie, it has but half the strength of an en- tire piece, supposing that the bolts (which are the only connections) are fast in their holes. No. 2 requires a bolt in the middle of the scarf to give it that strength, and in every other part is weaker on one side or the other. (See Note HH.) But the bolts are very apt to bend by the violent strain, and require to be strengthened by uniting their ends by iron plates ; in which case it is no longer a wooden tie. The form of No. 1 is better adapted to the office of a pil- lar than No. 2, especially if its ends be formed in the manner shown in the elevation No. 3. By the sally given to the ends, the scarf resists an effort to bend it in that direction. Besides, the form of No. 2 is unsuitable for a post ; because the pieces, by sliding on each other by the pressure, are apt to splinter off the tongue which confines their extremity. Fig. 25 and 26 exhibit the most approved form of a scarf, whether for a tie or for a post. The key represent- ed in the middle is not essentially necessary ; the two pieces might simply meet square there. This form, with- out a key, needs no bolts (although they strengthen it greatly) ; but, if worked very true and close, and with square abutments, will hold together, and will resist bend- ing in any direction. But the key is an ingenious and a very great improvement, and will force the parts together with perfect tightness. The same precaution must be ob- served that we mentioned on another occasion, not to pro- duce a constant internal strain on the parts by overdriv- ing the key. The form of fig. 25 is by far the best ; be- cause the triangle of 26 is much easier splintered off by the strain, or by the key, than the square wood of 25. It is far preferable for a post, for the reason given when speaking of fig. 24, No. 1 and No. 2. Both may be form- ed with a sally at the ends equal to the breadth of the key. In this shape fig. 25 is vastly well suited for joining the parts of the long corner posts of spires and other wooden towers. Fig. 25, No. 2, differs from No. 1 only by having three keys. The principal and the longitudinal strength are the same. The long scarf of No. 2, tightened by the three keys, enables it to resist a bending much better. None of these scarfed tie-beams can have more than Carpentry, one third of the strength of an entire piece, unless with the assistance of iron plates ; for if the key be made thin- ner than one third, it has less than one third of the fibres to pull by. We are confident, therefore, that when the heads of the bolts are connected by plates, the simple form of fig. 24, No. 1, is stronger than those more ingenious scarfings. It may be strengthened against lateral bending by a little tongue, or by a sally, but cannot have both. The strongest of all methods of piecing a tie-beam would be to set the parts end to end, and grasp them be- tween other pieces on each side, as in fig. 27, Plate CL. This is what the ship-carpenter calls fishing a beam, and Fishing a is a frequent practice for occasional repairs. M. Perronet beam, used it for the tie-beams or stretchers, by which he con- nected the opposite feet of a centre, which was yielding to its load, and had pushed aside one of the piers above four inches. Six of these not only withstood a strain of 1800 tons, but, by wedging behind them, he brought the feet of the truss 2J inches nearer. The stretchers were 14 inches by 11 of sound oak, and could have withstood three times that strain. M. Perronet, fearing that the great length of the bolts employed to connect the beams of these stretchers would expose them to the risk of bend- ing, scarfed the two side pieces into the middle piece. The scarfing was of the triangular kind ( Trait de Jupiter ), and only an inch deep, each face being two feet long, and the bolt passed through close to the angle. In piecing the pump-rods and other wooden stretchers of great engines, no dependence is had on scarfing ; and the engineer connects every thing by iron straps. We doubt the propriety of this, at least in cases where the bulk of the wooden connection is not inconvenient. These observations must suffice for the methods employed for connecting the parts of a beam ; and we now proceed to consider what are more usually called the joints of a piece of carpentry. Where the beams stand square with each other, and the Square strains are also square with the beams, and in the plane ofjoints. the frame, the common mortise and tenon is the most per- fect junction. A pin is generally put through both, in order to keep the pieces united, in opposition to any force which tends to part them. Every carpenter knows how to bore the hole for this pin, so that it shall draw the te- non tight into the mortise, and cause the shoulder to butt close, and make neat work ; and he knows the risk of tear- ing out the bit of the tenon beyond the pin, if he draw it too much. We may just observe, that square holes and pins are much preferable to round ones for this purpose, bringing more of the wood into action, with less tendency to split it. The ship-carpenters have an ingenious method Fox-tail of making long wooden bolts, which do not pass complete- wedging, ly through, take a very fast hold, though not nicely fitted to their holes, which they must not be, lest they should be crippled in driving. They call it fox-tail wedging. They stick into the point of the bolt a very thin wedge of hard wood, so as to project a proper distance ; when this reaches the bottom of the hole by driving the bolt, it splits the end of it, and squeezes it hard to the side. This may be practised with advantage in carpentry. If the ends of the mortise are widened inwards, and a thin wedge be put into the end of the tenon, it will have the same effect, and make the joint equal to a dove-tail. But this risks the splitting the piece beyond the shoulder of the tenon, which would be unsightly. This may be avoided as follows : Let the tenon T, fig. 28, have two very thin wedges a and c struck in near its angles, projecting equally ; at a very small distance within these, put in two shorter ones b, d, and more within these if necessary. In driving this tenon. CARPENTR Y. 152 Carpentry, the wedges a and c will take first, and split off a thin slice, which will easily bend without breaking. The wedges b, d, will act next, and have a similar effect, and the others in succession. The thickness of all the wedges taken to- gether must be equal to the enlargement of the mortise towards the bottom. When the strain is transverse to the plane of the two beams, the principles laid down in No. 85, 86, of the article Strength of Materials, will direct the artist in placing his mortise. Thus the mortise in a girder for receiving the tenon of a binding joist of a floor should be as near the upper side as possible, because the girder be- comes concave on that side by the strain. But as this ex- poses the tenon of the binding-joist to the risk of being torn off, we are obliged to mortise farther down. The form (fig. 29) generally given to this joint is extremely judicious. The sloping part a b gives a very firm support to the additional bearing e d, without much weakening of the girder. This form should be copied in every case where the strain has a similar direction. Oblique The joint that most of all demands the careful attention mortiseand of the artist, is that which connects the ends of beams, tenon ' one of which pushes the other very obliquely, putting it into a state of extension. The most familiar instance of this is the foot of a rafter pressing on the tie-beam, and thereby drawing it away from the other wall. When the direction is very oblique (in which case the extending strain is the greatest), it is difficult to give the foot of the rafter such a hold of the tie-beam as to bring many of its fibres into the proper action. There would be little diffi- culty if we could allow the end of the tie-beam to project to a small distance beyond the foot of the rafter ; but, in- deed, the dimensions which are given to tie-beams for other reasons, are always sufficient to give enough of abut- ment when judiciously employed. Unfortunately this joint is much exposed to failure by the effects of the wea- ther. It is much exposed, and frequently perishes by rot, or becomes so soft and friable that a very small force is sufficient either for pulling the filaments out of the tie- beam, or for crushing them together. We are therefore obliged to secure it with particular attention, and to avail ourselves of every circumstance of construction. One is naturally disposed to give the rafter a deep hold by a long tenon ; but it has been frequently observed in old roofs that such tenons break off. Frequently they are observed to tear up the wood that is above them, and push their way through the end of the tie-beam. This in all probability arises from the first sagging of the roof, by the compression of the rafters and of the head of the king-post. The head of the rafter descends; the angle with the tie- beam is diminished by the rafter revolving round its step in the tie-beam. By this motion the heel or inner angle of the rafter becomes a fulcrum to a very long and power- ful lever much loaded. The tenon is the other arm, very short ; and being still fresh, it is therefore very powerful. It therefore forces up the wood that is above it, tearing it out from between the cheeks of the mortise, and then pushes it along. Carpenters have therefore given up long tenons, and give to the toe of the tenon a shape which abuts firmly, in the direction of the thrust, on the solid bottom of the mortise, which is well supported on the un- der side by the wall-plate. This form has the further ad- vantage of having no tendency to tear up the end of the mortise. This form is represented in fig. 30. The tenon has a small portion ab cut perpendicular to the surface of the tie-beam, and the rest be is perpendicular to the raf- ter. (See Note CC.) But if the tenon is not sufficiently strong (and it is not so strong as the rafter, which is thought not to be stronger than is necessary), it will be crushed, and then the raf- ter will shade out along the surface of the beam. It is Carpentry, therefore necessary to call in the assistance of the whole ''■“'"v'-w' rafter. It is in this distribution of the strain among the various abutting parts that the varieties of joints and their merits chiefly consist. It would be endless to describe every nostrum, and we shall only mention a few that are most generally approved of. The aim in fig. 31 is to make the abutments exactly Most ap. perpendicular to the thrusts. (See Note CC.) It doesP rove d this very precisely; and the share which the tenon and^ orms- the shoulder have of the whole may be what we please, by the portion of the beam that we notch down. If the wall-plate lie duly before the heel of the rafter, there is no risk of straining the tie across or breaking it, because the thrust is made to direct to that point where the beam is supported. The action is the same as against the joggle on the head or foot of a king-post. We have no doubt but that this is a very effectual joint. It is not, however, much practised. It is said that the sloping seam at the shoulder lodges water ; but the great reason seems to be a secret notion that it weakens the tie-beam. If we consider the direction in which it acts as a tie, we must acknowledge that this form takes the best method for bringing the whole of it into action. Fig. 32 exhibits a form that is more general, but cer- tainly worse. Such part of the thrust as is not borne by the tenon acts obliquely on the joint of the shoulder, and gives the whole a tendency to rise up and slide out- ward. The shoulder joint is sometimes formed like the dotted line abedefg of fig. 32. This is much more agreeable to the true principle, and would be a very perfect method, were it not that the intervals bd and df are so short that the little wooden triangles bed, def, will be easily pushed off their bases bd, df. Fig. 33, No. 1, seems to have the most general appro- bation. It is the joint recommended by Price, and copied into all books of carpentry as the true joint for a rafter foot. The visible shoulder-joint is flush with the upper surface of the tie-beam. The angle of the tenon at the tie nearly bisects the obtuse angle formed by the rafter and the beam, and is therefore somewhat oblique to the thrust. The inner shoulder ac is nearly perpendicular to bd. The lower angle of the tenon is cut off horizontally, as at ed. Fig. 34 is a section of the beam and rafter foot, showing the different shoulders. We do not perceive the peculiar merit of this joint. The effect of the three oblique abutments, ab, ac, ed, is undoubtedly to make the whole bear on the outer end of the mortise, and there is no other part of the tie-beam that makes immediate resistance. Its only advantage over a tenon extending in the direction of the thrust is, that it will not tear up the wood above it. Had the inner shoulder had the form eci, having its face ic perpendicular, it would certainly have acted more powerfully in stretch- ing many filaments of the tie-beam, and would have had much less tendency to force out the end of the mortise. The little bit ci would have prevented the sliding upwards along ec. At any rate, the joint ab being flush with the beam, prevents any sensible abutment on the shoulder ac. Fig. 33, No. 2, is a simpler, and in our opinion a prefer- able, joint. We observe it practised by the most eminent carpenters for all oblique thrusts; but it surely employs less of the cohesion of the tie-beam than might be used without weakening it, at least when it is supported on the pther side by the wall-plate. Fig. 33, No. 3, is also much practised by the first car- penters. Fig. 35, No. 1, is proposed by Mr Nicholson as prefer- able .to fig. 33, No. 3, because the abutment of the inner CARPENTRY. 153 . Carpentry. part is better supported. This is certainly the case; but it supposes the whole rafter to go to the bottom of the socket, and the beam to be thicker than the rafter. Some may think that this will weaken the beam too much, when it is no broader than the rafter is thick; in which case they think that it requires a deeper socket than Nichol- son has given it. Perhaps the advantages of Nicholson’s construction may be had by a joint like fig. 35, No. 2. Cireum- Whatever is the form of these butting joints, great care stance to should be taken that all parts bear alike; and the artist ed tQ ten< *' W ‘M attend to the magnitude of the different surfaces. In the general compression, the greater surfaces will be less compressed, and the smaller will therefore change most. When all has settled, every part should be equally close. Because great logs are moved with difficulty, it is very troublesome to try the joint frequently to see how the parts fit; therefore we must expect less accuracy in the interior parts. This should make us prefer those joints whose efficacy depends chiefly on the visible joint. It appears from all that we have said on this subject, that a very small part of the cohesion of the tie-beam is sufficient for withstanding the horizontal thrust of a roof, even though very low pitched. If therefore no other use is made of the tie-beam, one much slenderer may be used, and blocks may be firmly fixed to the ends, on which the rafters might abut, as they do on the joggles on the head and foot of a king-post. Although a tie-beam has com- monly floors or ceilings to carry, and sometimes the work- shops and store-rooms of a theatre, and therefore requires a great scantling, yet there frequently occur in machines and engines very oblique stretchers, which have no other office, and are generally made of dimensions quite inade- quate to their situation, often containing ten times the ne- cessary quantity of timber. It is therefore of importance to ascertain the most perfect manner of executing such a joint. We have directed the attention to the principles that are really concerned in the effect. In all hazardous cases, the carpenter calls in the assistance of iron straps ; and they are frequently necessary, even in roofs, notwith- standing this superabundant Strength of the tie-beam. But this is generally owing to bad construction of the wooden joint, or to the failure of it by time. Straps will be considered in their place. There needs but little to be said of the joints at a jog- gle worked out of solid timber ; they are not near so diffi- cult as the last. When the size of a log will allow the joggle to receive the whole breadth of the abutting brace, it ought certainly to be made with a square shoulder ; or, which is still better, an arch of a circle, having the other end of the brace for its centre. (See Note EE.) Indeed this in general will not sensibly differ from a straight line perpendicular to the brace. By this circular form, the settling of the roof makes no change in the abutment ; but when there is not sufficient stufl’ for this, we must avoid bevel joints at the shoulders, because these always tend to make the brace slide off. The brace in fig. 36, No. 1, must not be joined as at b, but as at a, or in some equivalent manner. Observe the joints at the head of the main posts of Drury Lane theatre, fig. 44, Plate CLII. Butting When the very oblique action of one side of a frame of joints. carpentry does not extend, but compress, the piece on which it abuts (as in fig. 11), there is no difficulty in the joint. Indeed a joining is unnecessary, and it is enough that the pieces abut on each other ; and we have only to take care that the mutual pressure be equally borne by all the parts, and that it do not produce lateral pressures, which may cause one of the pieces to slide on the butting joint. A very slight mortise and tenon is sufficient at the joggle of a king-post with a rafter or straining beam. It is best, in general, to make the butting plain, bisecting the angle formed by the sides, or else perpendicular to one of Carpentry, the pieces. In fig. 36, No. 2, where the straining beam, ab, cannot slip away from the pressure, the joint a is preferable to b, or indeed to any uneven joint, which never fails to produce very unequal pressures on the dif- ferent parts, by which some are crippled, others are splin- tered off, &c. When it is necessary to employ iron straps for strength- Directions ening a joint, considerable attention is necessary, that wef° r placing may place them properly. The first thing to be deter- lron stra P s- mined is the direction of the strain. This is learned by the observations in the beginning of this article. We must then resolve this strain into a strain parallel to each piece, and another perpendicular to it. Then the strap which is to be made fast to any of the pieces must be so fixed that it shall resist in the direction parallel to the piece. Frequently this cannot be done ; but we must come as near to it as we can. In such cases we must suppose that the assemblage yields a little to the pressures which act on it. We must examine what change of shape a small yielding will produce. We must now see how this will affect the iron strap which we have already suppos- ed attached to the joint in some manner that we thought suitable. This settling will perhaps draw the pieces away from it, leaving it loose and unserviceable (this fre- quently happens to the plates which are put to secure the obtuse angles of butting timbers, when their bolts are at some distance from the angles, especially when these plates are laid on the inside of the angles) ; or it may cause it to compress the pieces harder than before, in which case it is answering our intention. But it may be producing cross strains, which may break them, or it may be crippling them. We can hardly give any general rules ; but the reader will do well to read what is written in No. 36 and 41 of the article Roof. In No. 36 he will see the nature of the strap or stirrup, by which the king-post carries the tie-beam. The strap that we observe most generally ill placed is that which connects the foot of the rafter with the beam. It only binds down the rafter, but does not act against its horizontal thrust. It should be placed farther back on the beam, with a bolt through it, which will allow it to turn round. It should embrace the rafter almost horizontally near the foot, and should be notched square with the back of the rafter. Such a construction is represented in fig. 37. By moving round the eye-bolt, it follows the rafter, and cannot pinch and cripple it, which it always does in its ordinary form. We are of opinion that straps which have eye-bolts in the very angles, and allow all motion round them, are of all the most perfect. A branched strap, sucli as may at once bind the king-post and the two braces which butt on its foot, will be more serviceable if it have a joint. When a roof warps, those branched straps fre- quently break the tenons, by affording a fulcrum in one of their bolts. An attentive and judicious artist will consi- der how the beams will act on such occasions, and will avoid giving rise to these great strains by levers. A skil- ful carpenter never employs many straps, considering them as auxiliaries foreign to his art, and subject to im- perfections in workmanship which he cannot discern or amend. We must refer the reader to Nicholson’s Car- penter and Joiner s Assistant for a more particular account of the various forms of stirrups, screwed rods, and other iron work for carrying tie-beams, &c. As for those that are necessary for the turning joints of great engines constructed of timber, they make no part of the art of carpentry. (See Note II.) After having attempted to give a systematic view of Examples the principles of framing carpentry, we shall conclude by ot'ditferent giving some examples which will illustrate and confirm pieces ot the foregoing principles. carpentry. 154 CARFEN T R Y. Carpentry. ltoof of Greenwich chapeL St Paul’s, Covent Garden. Birming- ham theatre. Fig. 38, Plate CLI. is the roof of the chapel of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, constructed by Mr S. Wyatt. Inches Scantling. A A is the tie-beam, 57 feet long, spanning 51 feet clear 14 by 12 CC, queen-posts 9 X 12 D, braces 9 X 7 E, straining beam 10 X 7 F, straining piece 6 X 7 G, principal rafters 10 X 7 H, a cambered beam for the platform 9 X 7 B, an iron string, supporting the tie-beam 2 X 2 The trusses are seven feet apart, and the whole is co- vered with lead, the boarding being supported by horizon- tal ledgers h, h, of six by four inches. This is a beautiful roof, and contains less timber than most of its dimensions. The parts are all disposed with great judgment. Perhaps the iron rod is unnecessary, but it adds great stillness to the whole. The iron straps at the rafter feet would have had more effect if not so oblique. Those at the head of the post are very effective. We may observe, however, that the joints between the straining beam and its braces are not of the best kind, and tend to bruise both the straining beam and the truss beam above it. Fig. 39, the roof of St Paul’s, Covent Garden, designed by Mr Hardwick, and constructed by Mr Wapshot in 1796. AA, tie-beam spanning fifty feet two inches... 16 X 12 BB, queen-posts 9 X 8 C, straining beam 10 X 8 D, king-post (fourteen at the joggle) 9X8 EE, struts 8 X 71 FF, auxiliary rafters (at bottom) 10 X 8| HH, principal rafter (at bottom) 10 x 8-1 gg, studs supporting the rafter 8 X 8 The trusses are about ten feet six inches apart, and the dotted lines in the middle compartment show the manner in which the roof is framed under the cupola. This roof far excels the original one put up by Inigo Jones. One of its trusses contains 198 feet of timber. One of the old roof had 273, but had many inactive tim- bers, and others ill disposed. The internal truss FCF is admirably contrived for supporting the exterior rafters, without any pressure on the far projecting ends of the tie-beam. The former roof had bent them greatly, so as to appear ungraceful. (See Note KK.) We think that the camber (six inches) of the tie-beam is rather hurtful, because, by settling, the beam lengthens ; and this must be accompanied by a considerable sinking of the roof. This will appear by calculation. (See Note LL.) Fig. 43, Plate CLII. the roof of Birmingham theatre, con- structed by Mr George Saunders. The span is eighty feet clear, and the trusses are ten feet apart. A is an oak corbel 9X5 B, inner plate 9x9 C, wall-plate 8 X 51 D, pole-plate 7X5 E, tie-beam 15 X 15 F, straining beam 12X9 G, oak king-post (in the shaft) 9 X 9 H, oak queen-post (in the shaft) 7x9 I, principal rafters 9x9 K, common ditto 4 X 21 L, principal braces 9 and 6X9 M, common ditto 6X9 N, purlins 7X5 Q, straining sill 51 X 9 S, ridge piece This roof is a fine specimen of British carpentry, and is Carpentry, one of the boldest and lightest roofs in Europe. The straining sill, Q, gives a firm abutment to the principal braces, and the space between the posts is 191 f ee t wide, affording roomy workshops for the carpenters and other workmen connected with a theatre. The contrivance for taking double hold of the wall, which is very thin, is excellent. There is also added a beam (marked R), bolt- ed down to the tie-beams. The intention of this was to prevent the total failure of so bold a trussing, if any of the tie-beams should fail at the end by rot. Akin to this roof is fig. 44, Plate CLII. the roof of Drury- Drury- Lane theatre, eighty feet three inches in the clear, and Lane the trusses fifteen feet apart, constructed by Edward Grey theatre* Saunders. A, beams 10 by 7 B, rafters 7x7 C, king-posts 12 X 7 D, struts 5 X 7 E, purlins 9x5 G, pole-plates 5X5 H, gutter plates framed into the beams 12 X 6 I, common rafters 5 X 4 K, tie-beam to the main truss 15 X 12 L, posts to ditto 15 X 12 M, principal braces to ditto 14 and 12 X 12 N, struts 8 X 12 P, straining beams 12 X 12 The main beams are trussed in the middle space with oak trusses five inches square. This was necessary for its width of thirty-two feet, occupied by the carpenters, painters, &c. The great space between the trusses afford good store-rooms, dressing-rooms, &c. It is probable that this roof has not its equal in the world for lightness, stiffness, and strength. The main truss is so judiciously framed, that each of them will safe- ly bear a load of three hundred tons ; so it is not likely that they will ever be quarter loaded. The division of the whole into three parts makes the exterior roofings very light. The strains are admirably kept from the walls, and the walls are even firmly bound together by the roof. They also take off the dead weight from the main truss one third. The intelligent reader will perceive that all these roofs .Remarks, are on one principle, depending on a truss of three pieces and a straight tie-beam. This is indeed the great prin- ciple of a truss, and is a step beyond the roof with two rafters and a king-post. It admits of much greater variety of forms, and of greater extent. We may see that even the middle part may be carried to any space, and yet be flat at top; for the truss-beam maybe supported in the middle by an inverted king-post (of timber, not iron), car- ried by iron or wooden ties from its extremities ; and the same ties may carry the horizontal tie-beam K ; for till K be torn asunder, or M, M, and P be crippled, nothing can fail. The roof of St Martin’s church in the Fields is con- structed on good principles, and every piece properly dis- posed. But although its span does not exceed forty feet from column to column, it contains more timber in a truss than there is in one of Drury-Lane theatre. The roof of the chapel at Greenwich, that of St Paul’s, Covent-Gar- den, those of Birmingham and Drury-Lane theatres, form a series gradually more perfect. Such specimens afford excellent lessons to the artist. We therefore account them a useful present to the public. There is a very ingenious project offered to the public Project by by Mr P. Nicholson. ( Carpenters Assistant, p. 68.) HeMrNi- proposes iron rods for king-posts, queen-posts, and all cholson. CARPENTRY. Carpentry, other situations where beams perform the office of ties. He receives the feet of the braces and struts in a socket very well connected with the foot of his iron king-post ; and he secures the feet of his queen-posts from being pushed inwards, by interposing a straining sill. He does not even mortise the foot of his principal rafter into the end of the tie-beam, but sets it in a socket like a shoe, at the end of an iron bar, which is bolted into the tie-beam a good way back. 1 All the parts are formed and disposed with the precision of a person thoroughly acquainted with the subject; and we have not the smallest doubt of the success of the project, and the complete security and du- rability of his roofs. We abound in iron ; but we must send abroad for building timber. This is therefore a va- luable project; at the same time, however, let us not over- rate its value. Iron is about twelve times stronger than red fir, and is more than twelve times heavier ; nor is it cheaper, weight for weight, or strength for strength. Our illustrations and examples have been chiefly taken from roofs, because they are the most familiar instances of the difficult problems of the art. We could have wish- ed for more room even on this subject. The construction of dome roofs has been, we think, mistaken, and the dif- ficulty is much less than is imagined ; we mean in re- spect of strength ; for we grant that the obliquity of the joints, and a general intricacy, increases the trouble of Wooden workmanship exceedingly. Wooden bridges form another bridges. class equally difficult and important; but our limits are already overpassed, and will not admit them. The prin- ciple on which they should all be constructed, without ex- ception, is that of a truss, avoiding all lateral bearings on any of the timbers. In the application of this principle we must further remark, that the angles of our truss should be as acute as possible ; therefore we should make it of as few and of as long pieces as we can, taking care to prevent the bending of the truss beams by bridles, which embrace them, but without pressing them to either side. When the truss consists of many pieces, the angles are very obtuse, and the thrusts increase nearly in the dupli- cate proportion of the number of angles. Framing of With respect to the frames of carpentry which occur great le- in engines and great machines, the varieties are such that vers. it would require a volume to treat of them properly. The principles are already laid down ; and if the reader be really interested in the study, he will engage in it with seriousness, and cannot fail of being instructed. We re- commend to his consideration, as a specimen of what may be done in this way, the working beam of Hornblower's steam-engine. (See Steam-Engine.) When the beam must act by chains hung from the upper end of arch-heads, the framing there given seems very scientifically con- structed; at the same time we think that a strap of wrought iron reaching the whole length of the upper bar (see the figure) would be vastly preferable to those par- , tial plates which the engineer has put there, for the bolts will soon work loose. But when arches are not necessary, the form employed by Mr Watt is vastly preferable, both for simplicity and for strength. It consists of a simple beam, AB (fig. 45, Plate CLII.), having the gudgeon, C, on the upper side. The two piston rods are attached to wrought-iron joints, A and B. Two strong struts, DC, EC, rest on the upper side of the gudgeon, and carry an iron string, ADEB, consisting of three pieces, connected with the struts by proper joints of wrought iron. A more minute descrip- tion is not needed for a clear conception of the principle. No part of this is exposed to a cross strain ; even the beam 155 AB might be sawed through at the middle. The iron Carpentry, string is the only part which is stretched ; for AC, DC, EC, BC, are all in a state of compression. We have made the angles equal, that all may be as great as possible, and the pressure on the struts and strings a minimum. Mr Watt makes them much lower, as AcfeB, or AdsB. But this is for economy, because the strength is almost insu-* perable. It might be made with wooden strings ; but the workmanship of the joints would more than compensate the cheapness of the materials. We offer this article to the public with deference, and we hope for an indulgent reception of our essay on a sub- ject which is in a manner new, and would require much study. We have bestowed our chief attention on the strength of the construction, because it is here that per- sons of the profession have the most scanty information. We beg them not to consider our observations as too re- fined, and that they will study them with care. One prin- ciple runs through the whole ; and when that is clearly conceived and familiar to the mind, we venture to say that the practitioner will find it of easy application, and that he will improve every performance by a continual reference to it. iv. — NOTES. A A, p. 158. This rule may be somewhat more accu- rately expressed in these words : From the point at which any three forces meet and balance each other, draw a line in the actual direction of any one of them, and from the extremity of this line draw two others, parallel to the di- rections of the other two forces respectively ; then sup- posing the pieces affording these two forces to be produ- ced indefinitely at their remoter ends, either of them which is cut by one of the two lines will be compressed, and act as a brace, and either of them which is not cut will be stretched, and act as a tie. BB, p. 159. It is, however, difficult to imagine how the beam DA can furnish a force iA, to prevent the force A f from carrying the beam BA towards H, when DA only affords a repulsive abutment. The true resolution of the force AE is found by considering the intersection of GE with Ae, which are the directions of the separate forces composing it: these lines meeting in a point a little above r, we may call their intersection r * : then in the triangle AEr*. the side Ar* will represent the pressure on the mitred joint, and r*E the pressure on the beam HD; and the former being again resolved into AG and Gr*, we have ultimately AG and G r* + r*E = GE = AF, for the ho- rizontal and vertical forces, however they may be modi- fied by intermediate combinations. CC, p. 160. The reasoning contained in this and some of the subsequent articles may serve as an approximation to the truth in many cases of common occurrence ; but the supposition on which it is founded is by no means generally admissible as affording a result mathematically accurate ; for, in reality, the distribution of the weight of a roof over the whole extent of the rafters, or the concen- tration of the whole weight in the point where they meet, is far from being an indifferent alternative, either with re- spect to the magnitude of the thrusts, or to the proper di- rections of tlTe abutments or joints. In the case here dis- cussed, where there is no king-post, it is clear that the centre of gravity of the whole roof must be much nearer to the middle of the figure than the angular point, and that consequently the weights supported by the two walls will be very different from those which would be support- 1 See figures 40, 41, 42, Plate CLI. and Mr Nicholson’s work, p. 68, where these figures are particularly described. 156 CARPENTRY. Carpentry, ed if the whole load were placed at the summit ; although, where there is a heavy king-post, supporting also, as it ought to do, about half the weight of the tie-beam, with its floors or ceiling, the case will approach much nearer to the supposition here assumed. For a common light roof, without a king-post, the cal- culation or construction is very simple. When two rafters only meet at the summit, they must support each other by a horizontal thrust (see Art. Bridge, Prop. Y) ; and this thrust, acting on each rafter as a lever, of which the lower end is the fulcrum, must be equivalent to the weight, act- ing at the horizontal distance of the centre of gravity from the fulcrum, which is a quarter of the whole span ; conse- quently the thrust must be to the weight as a quarter of the span to the height, and the compound oblique thrust on the abutment will be represented by the hypotenuse of the triangle of which those lines are the sides ; so that if we had a roof of the same height, and of half the breadth, the direction of its rafters would exactly represent the actual direction of the compound thrust on the end of the tie-beam, and would consequently indicate the proper form for the abutment of the given structure. But in the case of the unequal rafters represented in the figure, the determination becomes more complicated, and we must first find the direction cf the mutual thrust of the rafters, wdiich must evidently be such, that the per- pendiculars falling on it from each end of the tie-beam may be in the inverse proportion of the motive powers of the weights of the rafters, that is, of the products of those weights into the horizontal distances of the centres of gravity from the respective fulcrums, or into the segments of the tie-beam made by a vertical line passing through the summit, which are proportional to these distances ; and if we produce the base of the triangle, and find in it a point, of which the distance is to the length of the tie- beam as the smaller product to the difference of the pro- ducts, a line drawn from the summit to this point will show the true direction of the thrust ; and its magnitude may then be readily determined by dividing either of the pro- ducts by the respective perpendicular falling on this line. Where, however, there is a king-post supporting a heavy tie-beam, it is necessary to determine the centre of gravity of the half roof, together with this addition ; and the dis- tance of the centre of gravity from the middle will then be to the half span, as the weight of one of the rafters with its load is to the weight of the whole roof, including the tie-beam and ceiling; and if we erect a perpendicular pass- ing through the centre of gravity thus found, and equal to the height, the oblique thrust on the abutment will be in the direction of the line joining the upper end of this per- pendicular and the end of the tie-beam. DD, p. 162. In order to obtain a distinct idea of the ope- ration of the forces concerned in this experiment, we must have recourse to proposition C of this article, and substitute in the formula for the deflection 7 - 7 / M d - at ^Uf _ 8 _ 1 a - f - 6720 - 840’ / I6f e\ TANG - VWa} M = 1,900,000 pounds, the specific gravity of fir being *56, f — 6720, and e — 6, the middle of the pillar being considered as the fixed 16/' e point : we then find • - = 1*427, which is the length of an arc of 81° 45', and the tangent becomes 6*9, whence we have d= -j- X 4*2 X 6*9 = *0345, or somewhat more than the thirtieth of an inch : consequently the strength must have been reduced in the proportion of 1*207 to 1. Carpentry. (Art. Bridge, Prop. E.) But considering how near the arc thus determined approaches to a quadrant, it is obvi- ous that any slight variations of the quantities concerned in the calculation must have greatly affected the magnitude of the tangent ; so that the loss of strength may easily have been considerably greater than this, as it appears to have been found in the experiment. It would, however, scarcely have been expected that such a pillar, however supported, could withstand the pressure of ninety hun- dredweight, since Emerson informs us that the cohesive strength of a pillar of fir an inch in diameter is only about thirty-five: but supposing the facts correct, the coincidence tends to show the near approach to equality of the forces of cohesion and lateral adhesion, as explained in the in- troduction to this article. EE, p. 163. A similar remark of the author has already been noticed in the article Bridge, at the end of the fifth section. In the form in which it is here expressed, it be- comes still more objectionable ; for with whatever part of a circular abutment a rafter equal to the radius may be brought into contact, it is very plain that its opposite end can never be either higher or lower than the original cen- tre of curvature : and even if the curvature were made twice as great, so that the rafter might be equal to the dia- meter of the circle, it would be necessary that the lower end should slide upwards on the abutment as much as the up- per end fell, in order to preserve the contact ; and there would obviously be no force in the structure capable of producing such a change as this. Any general curvature of the joint must therefore be totally useless; but a judi- cious workman will make it somewhat looser below than above, when there is any probability that the rafters will sink, taking care, however, to avoid all bearing too near the surface, lest it should splinter, and, for these reasons combined, making the end a little prominent somewhat above the middle of the surface which rests on the abut- ment. With this precaution, the direction of the joint between a rafter and a tie-beam ought to be made precisely perpen- dicular to the true thrust of the rafter, determined as al- ready explained (Note CC) ; for, in the first place, unless we trust either to the friction, or to straps, the bearing cannot be more nearly horizontal than this, without danger of the rafters sliding outwards ; and, in the second place, if we made it more nearly vertical, we should lessen the verti- cal pressureon the end of the tie-beam, immediately beyond the joint ; a pressure which gives firmness to the wood, by pressing its fibres more closely together, and increas- ing their lateral adhesion, or rather internal friction. If, however, the tie-beam were not deep enough to receive the whole of the rafter so terminated, without too great a reduction of its depth, it would be proper to make the joint a little flatter, or more horizontal, and to restrain the end from sliding upwards by an iron strap fixed in a proper di- rection. We should preserve the end of the rafter as little diminished in breadth as possible, when the tie-beam is wide enough to receive it ; a moderate thickness, left on each side of the mortise in the tie-beam, being sufficient to assist in securing the connection of the ends of the beam with the intermediate parts. FF, p. 163. The doctrine of the initial equality of the resistances to compression and extension, as stated in the article Bridge, enables us to demonstrate that the trans- verse strength can never exceed one sixth of that which would be derived from the resistance of all the fibres, co-operating at the distance of the whole depth from a fix- ed fulcrum, and acting with the weaker of the two powers appropriate to the body. It is true that the results of some direct experiments seem to favour the opinion that CARPENTRY. 157 Carpentry, the cohesive power is the weaker ; but where the flexure " ""v"— is already considerable, it is probable that this circumstance materially diminishes the primitive power of resisting com- pression, so that the principles on which the calculation proceeds are by no means strictly applicable to the case of a bar so broken. GG, p. 164. There seems to be a little confusion in the idea of the possibility of altering the nature of the ac- tion of the fibres of a beam by altering the place of the gudgeon in this manner ; but the author has very proper- ly abstained from making any practical application of the supposed modification thus introduced. With respect to the strength required for scarfing or joggling, it may be observed, that the whole of the compressed fibres of the concave side may be considered as abutting against the whole of the extended fibres on the convex side ; and this abutment is equally divided throughout the length of the beam ; so that if the scarfings or joggles in the whole length of the arm of a lever, taken together, are as strong as one half of the depth of the lever, exerting half its powers, from the inequality of tension there will be no danger of the failing of these joints ; and from this prin- ciple it will be easy to determine the depth to which the joints ought to extend in any particular case. Hence also we may understand how a beam may become so short as to be incapable of transverse fracture in its whole extent ; for the lateral adhesion between the dilferent fibres of „ wood is generally far inferior to the longitudinal strength of the fibres : and if, for example, it were only one fourth as great, a beam less than twice as long as it is deep would separate, if urged in the middle by a transverse force, into two strata, from its incapacity of affording sufficient abut- ment, before its longitudinal fibres would give way. HH, p. 166. If the bolts were sufficiently numerous and sufficiently firm, so as to produce a great degree of adhesion or of friction between the parts, this joint might be made almost as strong as the entire beam, since there Carpentry, is nothing to prevent the co-operation of each side with ' the other throughout its extent ; but much of the strength would be lost if the bolts became loose, even in an incon- siderable degree. II, p. 169. The author has reasoned upon the direction of straps, as if it were universally necessary to economize their immediate strength only, without regard to the effect produced on the tightness of the joint ; but it may happen that the principal purpose of the strap will be answered by its pressing the rafter firmly upon the beam, and this effect may be produced by a certain deviation from the horizontal position, with but little diminution of the strength of the strap ; a deviation which has also the ad- vantage of allowing the strap to embrace the whole of the beam, without weakening it by driving a bolt through it. We must not, however, run the risk of crippling the end of the beam ; and the straps represented in fig. 38 may be allowed to be somewhat too erect. KK, p. 169. It does not appear to be desirable that the ends of the rafters should be supported without any pres- sure on the ends of the beams, since these ends would bear a small weight without any danger of bending, and would thus lessen the pressure on the king-post. LL, p. 169. The half length being 25 feet, and the camber 6 inches, the excess of the oblique length will be a / 625 - 25 — 25, or of a foot, that is, of an inch, which is all that the beam would appear to lengthen in sinking ; nor would the settling of the roof be more “ con- siderable” than about a quarter of an inch. But there seems to be no advantage in this deviation of the tie-beam from the rectilinear direction ; and the idea, which appears to be entertained by some workmen, that a bent beam partakes of the nature of an arch, is one of the many mis- chievous fallacies which it is the business of the mathe- matical theory of carpentry to dispel. ARCHITECTURE PLATE LIT. ■- The Temple of, Ultima 'Parthenon at Athens l Xertli -west view.) In its present state Restored PLATE IJ A R C H I T E C T U R E . Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. h: u .///' K„., J h <: Alim.!* . ■ ■■ ■ . .. --- ■* g M 1 . j « - ■ • - * ; .i • - • . . . •- ..-v ; •' ' . : . •• ■ r in.Edi* r . V ; 1 v •- . . ARCHITECTURE . PLATE LVII. Flank & Sectional Elevation of a Greek 1) eric Peripteral &Hy peethral Temple . f Section/ on/ the dotted, lines' of Flan/ below J • •••••••••••••••• W.B.tUlP FUat/ of w Greek- Ortas tyle Teripleral SHypatJinil Temple Etui 'l ly (• AiA'Mti/t ,Iuhn ' : $ : - 'x \ u . - /■ * ‘ * ■ r PLATE LVUI. ARCHITECTURE. fzfl BL Ii0.ll. H’Ji.fi.-n Plan/ of tv Greek J/oxa.s'nle-penpteml »t- Clsuhml lorn phi nil n ARCHITECTURE. PLATE LIX. I ' I’hiii of a finvk /A'.iv/ /'/ vm/iA* /<•//// m ARCHITECTURE. PLATE LX. Fill . 6. IV // ,M! /’i t'< . lil’/nun .IMi/i f . :•« S K ' ' t »■ ; * -- ' > ' . . V ./ ' I ■ ‘ * - . - . • 1 A R C H I T E C T l R E . PLATE LAI. Grecian. M O IT L D IN G S Roman Bend, 1 O R N A ME N T (ire cian. K o in a n ■ .. ' A — i Fin. /. Ex. 3. ARC FI ITECT l T RE. Extmiples of the, Horn an Corinthian m mm mm mmF I 1 LATE LXIJ. \ Ex. 2. jtrouuuuuarjDi ! j i ( ARCHITECTURE. PLATE LXW. W.HJ/K I'.Ati m f>/t’s of' the Roman Onfcrjt A li ( H ITECTFR E . PLATE LT V. Plan of a. Portion jfFaasion . with, the houses, shops S- streets, surroimdinp it , from Pomp e i i . Sketch of the Entrance to the Jfei/isien fFipfi. 2 S3 Jin its present state. Fip. 6. Specimen of tire mode oforname/rti/ip the sides of rooms in Ponrpeit . t — | 1 1 i |i — n~r Plan et a Form/// . Hans/on in ■/ £ lit/ 1 /•// Athttan . A', tin r \jierf-HWtdd\ fu/r/uirium < 'OTOTICL J/odtiUvris Jjcfttils '^db(t€7(,s' !<•////<■. .T C \]ldicr.rtu,y /< ' < //< / //tr/tTx ') '//,////<•/< /. r Mi! n 't ;>n 'i ?r hj / ARCHITECTURE. PL A TE LXVII . lur.dci'. Eva ,l by 0. Aiknuui . Edh /'LAT/; LXV/II ARC HITE CTFRI Drawn h/ J. /’. Il / . JShy 't by ( mn.dei* G Aik/n -in Klin.? PLATE LAX III ARC HITE C TURE. Sectionah comp artLnent of * the Nave of 'Zinco In Gxthedral . ARCHITECT U K E . /•/.. / n: lxxiv. Jfiult b it O .lihna PLATE LAA’V. ARCH ITECTURE . rymmnTirM;i sjr* sju s j. ^SMSJr T'ff- il- ly. JO. <1 '--—I- r v ¥ \ T ~ ' /- S/ / j ' ,1 U ' i T L fi// > J 1 I \mr~~' t"’ r A *' V *1" / i: J ... 7 ...jf? - N 1 ^ j _/• .h r ^ rn n; V'-' " t‘” < " _ r " r- > T ’T ’TW f- B I I L I) 1 X (. . ri.ATi: cxxxm. Fig .1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 rn rn rn rn 1 1 1 i i i,i ,i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i m 1 1 1 i V V n^ V n^ n 1 1 1 11 II II 11 1 1 II III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < d » b c < e > * / English TSoiui r Fig . ■ > . - - S w.n .id' ]} r 1 LD I X G . PLATE rxxxfx. Fui. 29. r L i -= = — - - - = - — — = = - t t = = — F 1 — f= r= = -= - - == - - -= - - 1 - - -- - .= - - - = - = - = J = i (__ =J I § = = -= = = i - |-= = J - 1 U- __ _ _ ■§ L _ _ __ < ! , = - - -- = - - >5 = = = = = _ ‘c In — — — -j n — — — — - - - — _ i— - - — — — J 2K 4 . JSf? 3 . 30 . PLATE (XL. w.ir.dM Fig. 6. MASONRY. PLATE CCCXLVI. Fig. 17. Fiig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 19. MASONRY PL A TE C CCAL VII. Fiq. 26. Line, of Road, wav $$gp8f MS Fig: 29. Fie/. 28. C B Fig. 27. Fiq. 23. '* T. TralgoLL.Ui'L 1 . Aikman, Sculp' CARPENTRY. PLATE (.MAH. CART ENTRY PLATE ( ATM II. Fig. 10. CARPENTRY PLATE CXLLX Fig. 21. A Fig. IS. Fig. 24. w°. 3. Fig. 25.N91 . Fig. 25. N? 2 . tinn'i by i C AR PENTRY. PLATE CL. Fuf.36.N91. Fig .36. N? 2 . , ' .tikn CARPENTRY PLATE ELI Fig . 38 . Fig .39 . Fig .40. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. -• CARPENTRY PLATE CL II Fig. 4 3 . Fig. 44.. F x imiuiiii I 1 . ■ ’ ■ • ■ • Fig. 45. v . .-7 , • ; V ' '/ < ** ' \M . - $ r . v ■ • •■ ~ .■ ■ v ■ ';.v ■