Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/uniquesplendidefOOphil THE SECOND PART OF UNIQUE AND SPLENDID EFFECTS. 176 Twenty-eighth Day’s THURSDAY, the 16th day of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 9G1 to Lot 1080, will he Sold this Fay, Being the NINTH DAY of FURNITURE. Waiting Room, and Southern Rntrance Hall. No. 2. A LOT Pier or chimney glass, rich gilt frame 901 962 A bracket clock, in rich old or-molu case 963 Six Gothic chairs, hair seats, covered with red morocco 964 A mahogany hvffet or commode, with bronze busts and marble slab top 965 A Gothic shaped cabinet bookcase, with drawers and shelves 966 Three carved Ivories 967 Three ancient paintings THE TWO YELLOW DAMASK DRAWING R0031S No. 72 and 73. 968 The YELLOW silk curtains for two windows (not the rods) 969 The ditto for the three bay windows (not the rods) 970 The ditto for the large door and two recesses (not the rods) 971 Six window stools, covered in yellow damask, and finished with silk fringe, with loose serge eases .972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 ^ 961 982 983 9S4 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 177 A suite of eight Gothic framed chairs, stuffed backs and seats, covered vvith yellow morocco, iinished with large gilt studs and silk fringe, and loose yellow serge cases Four black and gold ARM DITTO, covered in yellow velvet, and loose serge cases A CMIMNEA GLASS, in richly gilt gothic head frame, 79 inches by 52 An oriental ALABASTER SLAB, mounted on an ebonized frame as a table A pair of sniall turqn.oioe basons, coloured, mounted in the taste of Buhl A pair of black and gold Japan sprinklers A beautiful ijorcelaiie ECRI roiRE, enamelled in flowers, fitted witii bronze liners and enrichments, in or-mat A pair of beautiful AMARANTH WOOD TRIPODS, or TORCHERES, pannelled with iSeaepo/’ce/aHe, and Splendidly mounted and decorated in or-moulu iS. superb OR-MOULU and SEYRLS rORCELANE VASE CLO CK, with hoiizontal movement and vertical dial, the hour indicated by a Serpent springing from the pedestal with the fang set in brilliants; mounted on a PEDESTAL, richly chased and gilt, and pannelled with 2 ^<^rcelane the jilynth of Yerd-de-mer, glass shade and stand A curious bronze Japanese incense burner, with masks and peri’orated top A pair of BRILLIANT French plate pier GLASSES, measuriiig9G inches by 38, in carved and gilt frames A pair of elegant VASES of the SEVRES FORCE- LANE, mazarine blue ground and gold enrich¬ ments, with embossed festoons of flowers, and two Marine Views, enamelled in colours from designs by Vernei, and two allegorical medallions on the reverse, richly mounted in BRONZE gilt A SUPERB Buhl and or-moulu PIER CABINET, the door formed by a fine pannel of gold Japan, framed with Buhl inlaying; the friezes and enrichments highly chased and gilt, surmounted by a slab of Italian marble N 2 118 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 985 A ditto mounted in a correspondent style of decora¬ tion and splendour, the pannel of the door being formed of an elaborate specimen of Buhl in¬ laying 966 A SUPERB circular BOUDOIR TABLE, formed of scarce and beautiful Brazilian wood, and sumptu¬ ously mounted in or-moulu of exquisite chasing and finish, by Thomire of Paris, from a design and counterpart ?Li the palace of St. Cloud 987 A pair of splendid candelabras sumptuously gilt in or-mat and chased in bronze, enriched with drops, &c. in rock crystal, on Greyot marble plynths 988 A pair of ditto en suite GOLD JAPAN. 989 A pair of small CANTEENS of JAPAN, in imitation of the grain of wood, with trays, compartments, and cassoletes; from the Collection of the Due DB Bouillon 990 A pair of hexagonal ditto, with four compartments and trays,with birds and plants upon a dead gold ground,, and a cassolete on the top of the cover 091 A curious red, basket-work, Japan box, with divisions inside, chimeras outside, and a black and gold Japan box, with a tray 992 A nest of boxes and a tray, in gold Japan, with cover, black speckled with gold and butterflies 993 A pair of round gold JAPAN BOXES and covers, with gold landscapes 994 An HEXAGONAL BOX, representing a basket, with tray and seven apples inside, embellished with loose flowers .0,95 A red japan sculptured square box, and a small one in the shape of two plums 996 A pair of Japan boxes with trays in the shape of a fruit, ornamented with landscapes upon a black ground, the inside avanturine TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 179 i)97 A rare and beautiful gold Japan box, with flow^ and fruits in relievo upon gold ground. From the collection of the Due de Bouillon 998 A pair of black and gold Japan, shaped, boxes, cottages and Mosaic ornaments upon the ground, avanturine inside, and travs 999 A round shaped box of old black Japan, decorated with landscapes and gold ornaments 1000 Three small caskets, one with a tray, of the flat black and gold japan, birds on the tops JOOl A MAGNIFICENT GOLD JaPAN BASON and COVER, spotted with solid Sold pins, with landscapes and waved surface, the inside is ornamented with water plants upon avanturine. This beautiful gem was one of the most esteemed in the collection of the JDup DE Bouillon 1002 An HEXAGONAL JAPAN BOX, covered with silver wire net work and squirrels, upon black ground, with tray inside, and SEVEN silver APPLES, v/ith gold leaves, raised and studded with silver 1003 A pair of small gold Japan cabinets, with trays, and two small boxes in each drawer 1004 A pair of black and gold Japan cups and saucers, and a small black Japan box, in three compartments, sprinkled with red and gold flowers 1005 A pair of barrel-shaped boxes and stands, the outside imitating the grain of wood : gold chimeras on the tops, and trays with landscapes, and six boxes of gold Japan inside, formerly in the collection of the Due DE Bocilcon 1006 A pair of circular pedestals, on black ground japan, representing bird-traps, pencilled on gold 1007 A square Japan !)ox with tray inside 1008 An oval black and gold raised Japan toilette box^ with tray, the inside avanturine 1009 Five small Japan boxes, in the shape of apples, the insides avanturine 1010 A cup and cover of the RAISED CARVED JAPAN, with a jad ornament upon the top of the cover 180 TWENTY-EIGHTH DA'Y. 1011 AVERY CUEinus JEWEL CASKET, in the shape of a Japanese musical instrument, ornamented with paia o!- in difTeient colours It formerly belonged to the DUCHESS of KiKGSTOK 1012 An EXTREMELY CURIOUS CHINESE SCEP¬ TRE, formed of Chinese wood, worked in a kind of rock work, in an upper recess of which is their superior Deity ToNFONGSOK, and the Eight Tcltin, wit!) their symbols on different stages below 1013 A pair of superb PERSIAN SILVER FiLLACREE PAGODAS, elaborate in point of execution ; ni per ounce 1014 A pair of hawks, beautifully coloured and 'modelled in china, and mounted on marble and or-molu pedestals 1015 A pair of gold JAPAN jars and covers, enamelled in compartments 1016 A most elaborate sculpture in ivory, the Rape of the Sabines, superbly mounted in silver gilt, as a tankard 1017 A pair of large French porcelain flower pots and stands, pencilled in figures and decorations from the antique, and gold bordering 1018 A pair of SUPERB or-inoulu and bronze on plynths, supporting VASES, (imitative of verd mar¬ ble) correctly designed from the Antique 1019 A small PIER TABLE, with twisted legs and Mosaiciog, bearing an oriental Alabaster slab, beautifully inlaid in flowers and, insects, of the fine and rare Florentine work 1020 A ditto of lapis lazuli, with shells and pearls 1021 An Italian bronze GROUP of theLAOCOON, on a rare and fine slab of Fryuplian green granite 1022 A pairofo/r/ Dresden PORCELAIN Storks, closely imi¬ tative of nature, and mounted on gilt metal plynths 1023 A pair of bronze lamps of Antique character, with handles formed by figures reading, &c. finely chased TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 181 1024 A pair of octagonal jars and covers, of the finest Japan china 1025 A pair of sea green Cracklin vases 7023 A pair of ditto 1027 A pair of two-light or-moulu candelabras, borne by figures of Negro Girl and Boy —on dove marble pedestals 1028 A SUFERBE OR-MOULU CLOCK, with figure of Cupid, and movement by Cronier of Paris, glass shade and stand 1029 A pair of BRONZE URNS (from the Antique) supported by Satyr Boys, and mounted on red niarhle plynths 1030 A group formed of AMBER, of the Wise Mens’ Offering, rare and curious, and a case, lined with silk, to protect it 1031 An elegant old Sevres porcelane dejunS, richly gilt in arabesque, on mazarine blue ground, pencilled in Military Subjects 1032 A COFFER or jewel casket, of tortoiseshell, curiously inlaid with mother-o’pearl, engraved in various figures, and lined with velvet 1033 A beautiful Florentine mosaic slab, inlaid in birds, fruits and flowers, and mounted as a lady’s work table, on ebony frame, splendidly decorated in or-moulu 1034 A highly curious miniature carving, in ivory, of a Pedlar, on a square silver gilt plynth, set with rubies and emeralds 1035 A miniature of the Duchess of Somerset, by Cooper 1036 A circular mosaic medallion of a Bird, &c. 1037 A shaped box of LAPIS lazuli, highly wrouglit, mounted in goN, and set with rubies 1038 A ditto formed of olood-stone, finely sculptured, and mounted in gold 1039 Two large and fine black Japan and pearl China bottles 1040 A noble vase of Swedish porphyry 182 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 1041 A TRIPLE JEWEL CABINET, of opaque and transparent AMEER, carved with sacred, legendary and other subjects, in relief, separated by cameos of WHITE AMBER—'Hie Zoiocr casket of the three, is ornamented with miniature figures of Saints, of white amber, on brackets; the whole snp[)oited on feet shaped as bunches of grapes, of yellow amber. This rare and costly article, was made for the Prin¬ cess of Bavaria, in —Also a glass case for ditto 1042 An elegant PERSIAN CABINET and STAND of ebony and ivory, richly mounted with or-moulu 1043 A fine amber cabinet, with rich carved devices, and glass shade 1044 A CABINET of the GREATEST CURIOSITY, composed of Pear-tree and other woods, from the PALACE at WHITEHALL, and executed from designs of HOLBIEN for KING HENRY the Vlllth The four fronts present each an Architectural Facade, with two folding doors, on the pannels of which is sculptured a Battle, with Figures in high Relief, and spiritedly executed The doors within are inlaid with designs in the taste of that time. The drawers are separated by beautifully carved Terminal Figures, and the frontsi of the drawers with Historical Subjects, in Bas- relief, with moral inscriptions in Latin verse The whole is supported on a Sculptured Arcade, inlaid with Heraldic Devices 1045 A NOBLE and MAGNIFICENT EBONY CABI- NET, (architecturally formed), enclosed by fold¬ ing doors of exquisite workmanship in basso relievo, representing the magnanimous example of Mutius Scevola; and Quintus Curtius leaping into the Gulf, and friezes of Bacchanalians and allegorical sub¬ jects at the extremity, with three solid ebony columns, most elaborately carved, and supported by SIX VASES, with massive mouldings, caps and bases, finely chased TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. isa 1046 Aa ORIENTAL CALCEDONY, finely mammillated, with foot aiul stem, superbly mounted in silver gilt, pierced, engraved, and chased 1047 A precious Mocoa maniniillated CALCEDONY ewer, niounfed in silver gilt, elaborately and delicately chased and engraved, with fluted lip, tendril handle and figured ornaments 1048 An Oriental CUP and COVExl of agate, mounted on a pedestal, with vase of silver chased and gilt, orna¬ mented with three chimeras, the whole surmounted with a ribband onyx, in the shape of a mitre 1049 An ORIENTAL SCULPTURED TAZZA of LAPIS LAZULI, mounted in silver gilt, and set with lapis lazuli intaglios {see the inside). From the Garde Meuble of the late King of France 1050 A ditto 1051 Twelve Rogal Dresden tea cups and saucers, sugar and slop basons, pale green ground, rich gold borders and landscapes, inside and out, of a very superior quality 1052 A Dresden cream ewer to correspond, massively mounted, and richly covered in silver gilt, in a gilt glass dish 1053 An engraved rock-crystal flower vase, handles, foot, and mouth, attached by enamelled gold, of curious shape 1054 A small and choice oval cup, cover, stand, and foot, of Mocoa agate, eleganthj mounted, elabo¬ rately engraved, and surmounted by a Bacchante, all ol si:ver gilt 1055 A large agatrized jasper tazza, sculptured in eight gadroons, mounted in silver gilt, and engraved 1056 An OVAL CUP of red and yellow .JASPAR, scal¬ loped in eight divisions, engraved, the mounting silver gilt, iucrusted with sixteen turquoise and FOUR VERMILLIONS 1057 A rock-crystal bason, mounted on silver gilt vase and foot, most elaborately chased in flowers, masks, &c. )84 nVENtY-EIGHTH DAY. 1058 A large two-handled cup of rock-crystal, on a foot, mounted in fine gold, enamelled and engra¬ ved in intaglio, arabesque ornaments, of the finest Italian workinanship 1059 An OVAL CUP of ORIENTAL SARDONYX with crystallizations, mounted on four stems of double goat’s feet and foliage, on a solid pedestal of or-moulu loco A sculptured ONYX CUP and Cover, on a vase, and foot of the same, mounted in fine open work and enamelled GOLD, much enriched with RUBY and DIAMONDS, on three tortoise feet formed hy large PEARLS, surmounted by a gold engraved figure of Minerva, with a rw&y shield of the finest cento workmanship 1061 A SILVER CUP, externally engraved, with Noah’s sacri-* fice, by A. Wigbels, a German artist, whose name is engraved upon it; it also bears the engraved name of the original proprietor, with the date 1624. It is lined with silver gilt, and mounted upon a chased socle of the same. It belonged to the Margravine of Anspacii 1062 A LARGE OVAL ENGRAVED ROCK CRY¬ STAL CUP, with the figure of a Syren, carved from the solid block, and embracing a part of the vessel with her wings, so as to form a handle —from the ROYAL COLLECTION of FRANCE 1062* An elegant Florentine Mosaic pier table, inlaid in birds, fruits and flowers, mounted on an EBONY frame, enriched with or-moulu 1063 AN IMPERIAL CHINESE SCEPTRE, formed of Jad; a present from KIEN LONG to GEORGE the THIRD; brought over by Lord Macartney; sculptured into symbolic representa¬ tions of the Elements: of extreine beauty and raritv 1064 Oite very rare Japan cup, mounted as milk and sugar buckets, with silver rims, gilt and chase4 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. 185 A CRYSTAL FLOWER VASE, of antique form, witli handles and spouts engraved, mounted in GOLD, and set with rubies: from the Garde Meuble of the KING of FRANCE Two oriental white Mocoa agate ladles, with long handles of the same, and chased silver mountings A valuable GOLD BOX, chased and engine turned with three miniatures of the Emperor Napoleon, the Empress Ma ie Louise, and their Son, the two latter are ingeniously secreted A parti coloured STRIATED AGATE CUP and COVER, richly mounted in silver gilt, engraved An ancient vase, silver gilt, and engraved, of German work A PERSIAN VASE and STAND, silver gilt, of the finest perforated Shiraz workmanship A pair of Oriental china garden seats, highly enamelled in Flowers Five while Lotus cups, mounted as milk pails, and two octagon Japan trays Two flasks, very fine, with raised flowers A matchless Japan bowl and dish A lady’s ebony secretaire, with fall-down front and drawers, pannelled with beautiful specimens of the rare Florntine Mosaic, in high relief, and superbly mounted and enriched witli bronze, gilt in or-mat—theinterior fitted and lined with satin wood, and surmounted by a slab of black and gold marble An uncommonhj fine porphyry plyntii, for a bronze or marble group or vase, belted with a Mas- sini and finely chased stand, in bronze and or-moulu A crimson silk QUILT, lined with purple silk A fine ebony cabinet, supported by columns, the doors elaborately carved, and represent the Triumph of Bacchus, rich antique scroll friezes, &c. A four-tier music stand, with black turned balustres A square Buhl coffer, richly mounted End of the Twenty-eighth Day. O 186 Twenty-ninth Day^s Sale^ FRIDAY, the 17th day of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From hot 1081 to hot 1200, will be Sold this Day, Being tlie TENTH DAY of FURNITURE. CRIMSON BREAKFAST PARLOUR. No. 28. LOT "O 1081 Al IVE dessert dishes of fine old enamel 1082 Six enamel plates, with landscapes and flowered borders 1083 Eight extremely rare embossed Japan dishes, with scalloped borders 1084 Ten enamelled plates, viz. (> octagonal and 4 round ditto, crimson and gold, bird pattern 1085 A two-handled broth bason, cover and stand, painted with insects 1086 Two red and pencilled gold egg-shell jars, with figures 1087 One white and gold ditto, ditto 1088 Tv\ o mazarine blue and gold dishes 1080 Twelve burut-in plates with rich borders 1000 A pair of solid dwarf columns of Italian marble, with belt chased in bronze and or-molu 10.91 A pair of sexagon snulf or herb canisters, formed of hava, and beautifully coloured in paunels of flowers, with or-mclu rims and stoppers TWENTY-NINTH DAY. 187 1092 A fine gold japan trinket box, lined with green velvet and fitted for rings, snuffboxes, &c. 1093 A square black and gold japan flower stand 1094 A pair of bronze Dogs, finely chased and modelled, on Vienna ply nibs 1095 A grey Oriental china bottle (imperfect) in a rich and massive or-molu mounting MISCELLANIES. 1096 Six carved oak chairs, with cane seats and cushions 1097 A circular rose-wood breakfast table, on stout pillar and claw 1098 A cloth cover for ditto 1099 An elegantly shaped pier table, pannelled with cameos in biscuit porcelane, expensively decorated with or-moulu, and surmounted by a slab of Greydt d’ltalie 1100 A brilliant plate CHIMNEY or PIER GLASS, in rich carved and gilt frame, 78 inches by 40 1101 A two-flap mahogany framed fire screen, filled with red serge 1102 A buffet, or console, formed of fine mahogany, and. enriched with oak carvings, by Gibbon, in alto relief, centi’e enclosed by folding doors, filled with plate glass, and shelf 1103 An elegant breakfast service, painted in roses and heart’s-ease, containing 6 dejune basons and saucers, 6 coffee cans and saucers, 6 plates, 6 egg cups, bowl, sugar and cream urns 1104 An excellent telescope by Dollond, in a mahogany case 1105 A pair of beautiful paintings on glass of Moths, framed 1106 A pug dog, beautifully modelled in Dresden porcelane, and coloured from nature G 2 188 TWENTY-NINTH DAY. 1107 A pair of massive bronze and or-moulu candlesticks, supported by chimeras, highly chased 1108 A pair of ditto, en suite 1109 Asuperbe French porcelane dessert service. elaborately enamelled in Birds, &c. from Buffons Natural History, and gold border, comprising 4 compotiers and 2 square ditto, and 24 plates 1110 Six large oval dishes to match 1111 Twelve soup plates, same pattern 1112 Twenty-four plates, beautil’ully painted in Birds 1113 A Dresden tea set, painted in Birds, containing 4 cups and 4 trays, tea pot and bason 1114 A CxVPiTAL LIBRARY CLOCK, by Xe of Paris, in mahogany case Jn King EdwariPs Gallery. No. 32. RARE AND FINE GOLD JAPAN. 1115 A singularly beautiful Japan cabinet, the ground avanturine, sprinkled with studs of gold, and orna¬ mented throughout with flowers and birds in relief of SOLID GOLD, SILVER, MOTHER of PEARL, and CORAL, mounted with silver, and having 6 drawers inside—from the Collection of the Due de Bou¬ illon 1116 Avery curious box of Gold Japan. From the col¬ lection of the DUCHESS of PORTLAND. The outside enriched with gold flowers and hexagons in relief, with 4 fan shaped boxes inside. It was es¬ teemed the most precious Japan in that celebrated collection 1117 A veiy curious box, in the shape of a Fowl, of gold Japan, the inside avanturine 1118 A nest of live small boxes of Gold Japan of very superior quality, with tray and cover, ornamented with landscapes TWENTY-NINTH DAY. 189 1119 A pair of fan-shaped boxes, with tray, and two boxes inside, of'gold Japan enriched with landscapes above, from the collection of the Duc DE Bou¬ illon 1120 A stand, with two boxes and a stool shaped cover, of very delicate black and gold Japan, with domestic fowls on the top, and mosaic ground 1121 A shaped Gold Japan box, representing the Deux of Diamonds and the King of Hearts, from the Spa¬ nish playing cards, in relief upon gold ground : within avantiirine 1122 A ditto in two compartments, ornamented with gold flowing upon avanturine 1123 A fine small s(|uare box of gold Japan, with com¬ partments inside, ornamented with flowers in relief, upon pique ground 1124 A triple nest of boxes of gold Japan, in a tray, with a cover of the black, gold, and pearl Japan, of supe¬ rior quality—from the cabinet of the Duc DE Bouillon 1125 A very small black and gold Japan cabinet, with folding doors, ornamented with or-moulu, contain¬ ing 4 drawers, a tray and a cassolette with a small tray, the inside of the drawers is avanturine 1126 An extremehj CURIOUS specimen of the old gold Japan, with the five-claw dragon in gold relief,with 4 boxes inside, the centre one bearing the Imperial mark, and the others have mythological figures represented by different animals in gold relief.— This specimen, of the greatest rarity, belonged to the Duo DE Bouillon 1127 A pair of black Japan pastile boxes vvith 4 compart¬ ments each, ornamented with birds, chimasras and plants in relief: very curious of their kind 1128 A very rare shaped gold Japan box, enrichea witn parses and other devices in gold relief. From iho Collection of the Due de Bouillon 190 TWENTY-NINTH PAY. CRIMSON DRAWING ROOM. No. 23. 1129 The large crimson cloth curtains, bordered with rich silk lace, and fitted to the large gothic window (not the rods) 1130 A CABINET CUP and saucer of the rare old Sevres, with two exquisite MINIATURE enamelled Ma¬ rine Views, from Ve7nef, rich mazarine blue ground, pencilled in gold >1131 A ditto, equally rare, the enamelled medallions are Landscapes with Turkish Figures 1132 An EBONY COFFER, witi) mouldings of or-moulu, lined with ivory, the pannels of rock-crystal, engraved by VALERIO DI VICENZA 1133 A pair of dwarf columns of serpentine marble, richly mounted with or-moulu 1134 Two tea-pots of Steatite 1135 A carved and gilt toilette table with leather cover 1136 Two olive ground Tartarian blue and red enamelled coffee pots, rare and curious .1137 A fine black japan bottle, delicately pencilled in gold, expensively mounted in or-moulu, chased and engraved, surmounted by a Mango 1138 An EBONY COMMODE, with MOSAIC PAN¬ NELS, architectural centre and wings, richly orna¬ mented with or-moulu, 5 feet 3 long, with black marble slab 1139 A Japan bowl, a rare specimen, on massive or-moulu pedestal, after the antique, by Moiette and Auguste, of Paris, formed of winged chimeras, and rim, on ebony plynth, very rare and perfect TWENTY-NINTH DAY. 191 1140 A SPLENDID SALOON TABLE, formed of a circular t>LAB of the very rare BREECHE UNI- VERSELLE, of extraordinary size, the diameter being 4 ft. 8, on a grand STAI\ DARD, formed of three bronze dolphins, sumptuously GIL'l, in or-mat, on a corresponding PLYNTH and EBONY PEDESTAL, and cover to ditto This extraordinary SLAB was brought from Egypt by the Emperor Buonaparte, and presented to the Empress Josephine, and was purchased at the sale at Malniaison, in 1816 1141 One pair of black twisted candelabra stands 1142 A TRA.NSPARENT CASKET, the frame of ebony, delicately pencilled in gold to imitate Japan lacquer: the general design architectural, with pannels of the must l)ri!liant and pure rock chrystal, separated by groups of twisted columns of crystal, and gems of crystal, rose-cut, interspersed 1143 A DITTO. 34iese very curious reliquaries belonged to Pope Paul V. of the Borghese family, and are designed in the style ofCamillo Maderno 1144 A SUPERB CONSOLE of EBONY with carved door, supported on each side by ebony columns with OR-MOULU caps, bases and mouldings, and black gold MARBLE SLAB 1145 A DITTO, the companion 114G A most curious and beautiful canteen of Japan, from the collection of the Due de Bouillon, con¬ sisting of a portable frame, within which is a Mandarin seated with a taper in his hand, the flame of which is silver: —the figure, being hollow, is to be used as a bottle, the liquor designed to be ad¬ mitted through the tube of the taper, and the ears of the figure being perforated for the air to escape on filling it:—beside him a nest of four octagonal boxes, alternately ornamented with shell-fish, plants, and the shell of the tortoise ofFohi; also three tray above, and glass shade 192 TWENTY'NINTH DAY. 1147 1148 ^xi. 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 A gold Japan tray, with musical instruments repre* sented upon it, and flowers on avanturine ground A VERT EXTRAORDINARY LARGE NAU¬ TILUS SHELL, finelij enffraved by HlIjhIK.^N : the subject the Triumph of Neptune and Amphi- trile, mounted in the most elegant manner in silver gilt embossed, and minutely engraved shells, decorated by finely-mounted and chased ornaments, of masks, cupids, and figures, and shell handle; the arms and helmet beautifully pierced and en¬ graved in gold; one of the most noble and pic¬ turesque objects of this valuable collection A noble Japan bowl, mounted on massive SILVER GILT stand, with chimera legs and snakes entwined in has relief Ditto A MAGNIFICENT EBONY COFFER, the pan- nels of beautiful Florentine mosaic, on the corners are bunches of fruit of raised mosaic, with or-inoulu feet and ornaments, exquisitely chased and gilt, fitted up with internal tray, lined with crimson velvet, with chased handles, locks, and hinges silver gilt, from the Pitli palace A pair of elegant Medici Seve VASES, rose ground with medallions, ricldg mounted in or-mat, and designed froin the antique Six ■cabinet plates, enamelled roses and boquets, with lilac and gold border Apair of beautiful Sevres porcelain vases (Medici shape) with landscape medallion on green, and rich or-moulu embellishments, and antique masque handles A superbe RED TORTOISESHELL and BUHL ARMOIRE, most exquisitely iirlaid, enclosed by folding doors, with hinges, feet and enrichment highly chased in bronze and gilt, in or-moulu; the interior lined with crimson. This splendid object originally stood in the King’s Cabinet at Versailles^ and ivas executed expressly for Louis XV. TWENTY-NINTH DAY. 193 1156 A large and^«e blue INDIA BOWL and COVER, superbly mounted in or-mouhi in the style of Buhl 1157 A MAGNIFICENT JAPAN COMMODE, sump¬ tuously mounted and enriched with or-moulu: the pannels presenting specimens of the rarest Japan, and surmounted by a dove marble slab 1158 A pair of MEDICI VASES, sculptured in marble from the solid, and finely chased in relief in arabes¬ que scrolls, and enrichments from the Vatican 1159 A ditto URN, forming a centre to the preceding lot 1160 A MAGNIFICENT PERSIA CARPET, of elegant pattern, crimson ground and border, with silk fringe, scrolls, and fiowers of various colours, 9 yards by 4 1161 A two-tier ebony music stand, with or-moulu and gilt mouldings, and green velvet top 1162 A GRAND riANO-FORi’E, by Broadwood, of superior and brilliant tone, in handsome mahogany frame 1163 A pair of rich or-moulu four-light candelabras, borne by a finely modelled Group from Cellini 1164 A fine Oriental alabaster vase, enriched wRh masks and festoons of flowers, in bronze gilt 1165 A beautiful Etruscan vase in ROSSO ANTico, im¬ perfect 1166 A pair of MEDICI URNS, formed of porcelane of the ROYAL SEVRE MANUFACTORY, em¬ bellished by boqiiets in enamel, and pencilled with great truth to nature, relieved by mazarine blue^ and gold devices, and tastefullij and sumptuously mounted in RICH OR-MOULU 1167 A pair of massive OR-MOULU candlesticks, sup¬ ported by chimeras, richly chased and gilt 1168 A pair of ditto 1169 A trumpet-mouthed China jar, beautifully pencilled in red and gold, very fine 1170 A Seve Porcelane Vase, blue mazarine ground, with landscape medallion, richly mounted in or- moula as an Etruscan lamp 194 TWENTY-NINTH DAY, 1171 TWO BLACK /KTIQIJE SHAPED ELBOW CHAIiiS, wit’] gilt ornaKrieiits, the hacks aud seats covered with crimson morine, with silk fringe .1172 TWO DITTO 1173 TWO DITTO 1174 TWO DITTO .1175 An ebony sofa table, with ivory ornaments, solid legs and frame, and two drawers on silvered castors 1176 A SUPERBE Japan commode, richly mounted in or- inouln, the top surmounted by a fine slab of Orien¬ tal ALABASTER, formerly in the possession of Ihe late Queen of France 1177 A n ivory and sandal wood cliess and backgammon board, with chess men, boxes, &c. 1178 A Persia carpet of elegant pattern, on crimson ground, bordered and fringed with silk, in colours 27 feet long by 11 feet wide, finely preserved 1179 A Japan china sugar urn, silver gilt mounting 1180 A nautilus shell in mounting, silver gilt, chased and engraved, with a figure of Neptune on the top 1181 A ditto 1182 A Japan china ewer, mounted in silver^ engraved, and gilt 1183 A pair of marble trays with rose-wood mountings 1184 Six small antique shaped chairs with twisted legs 1185 Six ditto 1186 A PLATEAU of ROCK-CRYSTAL, with border of gold, enamelled on a silver frame, with eight scroll ornamental legs 1187 A SARDONYX CUP and saucer 1188 A two-handled cup of Calcedony, very fine 1189 A rare specimen of Japan china, mounted as an ewer, in silver, enamelled and gilt 1190 An ancient tea kettle, with stand and lamp, covered with engraving of scroll work, and gilt in or-mouls TWENTT-NINTH DAY. 195 1191 Two extra fine Japan jars and covers, blue and gold ground, with labels and flowers 1192 A Seve Porcelane Vase, enamelled in flowers relieved by gold pencilling, and mounted in bronze and or-mat, as an Antique lamp —forming com¬ panion to Lot 1170 1193 A magnificent ORIENTAL CHINA VASE, highly ena¬ melled in relief with Dragons and large pannels of Interior with Figures, 37 inches high 1194 A ditto, equal in height and similar in form, but varied in the enamelling 1195 A SUPERBE JEWEL CABINET OF EBONY AND OTHER COSTLY MATERIALS, in im¬ itation of an architectural facade: the nitches, in the center, are filled with small groups by Bo it¬ ch ardon, being the original models, in miniature, by that distinguished French sculptor, for the em¬ bellishment of a Public Fountain, constructed by him in Paris. They are placed within columns of Rossa-Antico; the pannels of the drawers are of lapis-lazuli and blood stone, set with 40 RUBIES and emeralds; the ornaments are richly chased and gilt, and the stand is in correspondent taste 1196 A pair of black and gold India cabinets, on a frame, for porcelane 1197 An UNIQUE VASE, formed of the rare ROSE CHRYSTAL, and mounted in or-moulu 1198 A pair of elegant urns, imitative of lapis-lazuli, richly mounted with or-moulu, on pedestals 1199 A pair of three-light or-moulu candelabras, formed as scrolls, issuing from vases of Sevres porcelane, of mazarine blue, and mounted on plynths 1200 A GROTESQUE INKSTAND,'formed of bronze and or-moulu End of the Tiventg-ninih Day. 1% Thirtieth ^ale^ SATURDAY, the 18th day of OCTOBER, 1833, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lots 1201 to Lots 1320, will he Sold this Da]/, Being the Eleventh Day of FURNITURE. St. MICHAELS GALLERY. No. 74. LOT 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 An agate SUGAR bason, mounted in chased silver gilt Around cup of BLOODSTONE, with sculptured border, mounted with scroll handles and rims Two oriental agate cups and saucers A siVuer gilt fillagree CASKET, on feet, with bandies, at per ounce A pair of Oriental grey jars, of compressed shape, with the sacred peach in relief; the necks superbly mounted, and the’feet also of or-moulu Two ditto, mounted as ewers, in or-moulu A pair of riNK jars, beautifully enamelled, rare An oriental sea green CHINA VASE, (25 inches in height) enamelled in high relief with flowers and shrubs Two ROSE COLOURED JARS and COVERS, fine and rare Two..ditto and ditto Two very ancient buff crackle flasks, green, and hlue enamel, on or-moulu stands, with feet Two ditto THIRTIETH DAY. 197 1213 A Seve cup and saucer, exquisitely painted 1214 A suite of Six Gothic chairs, with ivory studs and mountings, cane seats and loose cushions 1215 Two blue and gold china cruets, beautifully shaped, and with costly silver gilt mountings 1216 A Chinese bronze Deity, seated upon an animal, a choice specimen, and elaborately wrought 1217 An agate jaspar oval cup, mounted on a silver gilt stem, formed as a kneeling Slave 1218 A ditto 1219 An INKSTAND, formed of BiM and ebony, with trays and fittings in oi’-moulu 1220 A cup, cover and foot of oriental WHITE AGATE, sculptured, and mounted with silver gilt, and set with 12 turquoises 1221 An oriental moss agate, mounted in silver, engraved and gilt 1222 An oriental sardonyx round cup, finely mounted with silver, engraved and gilt 1223 An OVAL CUP of ribband agate, mounted with silver gilt 1224 A square oriental Blocoa cassolette, mounted in chased silver 1225 Two shaped mazarine blue and gold bottles, with birds and flowers in compartments 1226 Two black Japan and pearl bottles, with landscapes and figures, most expensively and elegantly mounted, chased and engraved with apple tops 1227 Two escalloped Japan basons, mounted on engraved or-inoulu stands 1228 Two PINK JARS AND COVERS, richly enamelled, very rare 1229 A curious alarum clock, the movements transpa¬ rently mounted in or-moulu, and glass ^hade 1230 A pair of valuable ebony candelabras or tri¬ pods, elaborately carved in the solid 1231 A ditto Gothic table, highly carve^ and enriched 198 THIRTIETH DAY. 1232 An oriental metal gilt cup and saucer, chased in high relief 1233 A very fine group, in ivory, by Fiamingo, represent¬ ing Youth and Age; an undoubted specimen of this celebrated master’s talent 1234 A small jar and cover, and 4 Japan basons 1235 A choice specimen of sea-green china, beautifully tooled in scrolls and flowers, with Mosaic characters round the collar 1236 A vase or pot pourie, enamelled with the lotus plant on sea green ground, and superbly mounted in or-moulu 1237 A beautiful Florentine Mosaic slab, on an ebony frame, sumptuously enriched with bronze friezes in or-mat 1238 A pair of Italian marble pedestals, with chased oak leaf belts in bronze and or-mat, on plynths of Broca- della 1239 A SARCOPHAGUS of red potphyry, mounted on a block of Sienna, with bronze gilt rim 1240 A JAPAN CHINA VASE, embellished with flowers, enamel, and richly mounted in or-vioulu, with mask handles, &c. 1241 An EBONY CABINET, mounted with or-moulu, richly gilt, j)Iate glass folding doors, lined with rose coloured watered silk 1242 An EBONY table, with carved and twisted legs, ornamented with or-molu, and slab of redporyhyry, with black border 1243 A NOBLE and MAGNIFICENT CISTERN, 24 inches in diameter, 18 inches high, Mazarine blue and gold ground, with red mosaic border, enamelled with flowers in compartments, and with plants and fish inside, on a japanned pedestal 1244 A DITTO, on ditto 1245 A pair of fine verde-antique SLABS or plynths, measur¬ ing Ilf inches by 6, fitted in chased water-gilt mounting's THIRTIETH DAY. 199 1246 A yellow jasper cup, mounted on six feet, chased and engraved in or-raolu 1247 An oval cup of brown agate, as a font: mounted in silver gilt, with mask handles, chased and en¬ graved, and set with 16 oriental garnets 1248 A PERSIAN JAD VASE AND COVER, inlaid with flowers and ornaments, composed of oriental rubies and emeralds, on stems of fine gold 1249 A circular cup of Egyptian pebble, with pillar and font, tastefully mounted in silver, chasqd and gilt 1250 An oval Sicilian jasper cup, with stem and foot mounted in chased silver, and watered leaves, gilt 1251 Two Japan China basons, of a very rare kind, mounted on or-moulu stands 1252 Two beautiful blue and gold bottles, in compartments, richly embellished with silver, engraved and gilt 1253 A raammillated Oriental calcedony cup, with silver gilt and engraved mounting, enriched with a circle of 16 rubies 1254 An EBONY BUHL and TORTOISESHELL CA¬ BINET, enclosed by plate glass folding doors, richly mounted in or-moulu, lined with crimson silk tabaret, and surmounted by a black marble SLAB— same as lot 1304 1255 An EBONY TABLE OH carved and twisted legs, with or- moulu ornaments and verde antique slab—same as lot 1305 1256 A matchless suite of fine gold japan jars and BEAKURS 1257 An EBONY CABINET, mounted with or-moulu, richly gilt, plate glass doors and rose silk lining 1258 A DITTO 1259 An EBONY table, with carved and twisted legs, or- moulu mountings, and red porphyi^ slab, with black border 1200 A ditto 1231 Two ROSE COLOURED JARS, enamelled 1262 Two dove coloured vases, mounted in or-moulu 200 THIRTIETH DAY". 1263 A GREEK SHRINE of metal, for containing relics. On one side of it, in compartments, are a Crucifix and various figures of Saints, the heads of metal, gilt and embossed, the draperies of coloured enamel, M . mounted on two steps of black warble. This extremely curious article teas brought by St. Louis from Palestine, and had been deposited at St. Denys, whence it was taken during the French Revolution 1264 An ebony, buhl and tortoiseshell cabinet, enclosed by plate glass doors, mounted in or-nioulu, lined with crimson silk, and surmounted by a black marble slab 1265 An EBONY TABLE, on caived legs, with enrichments in or-molu, and verde antique slab 1266 A FIGURE of the JAPANESE IDOL AMIDA, standing on the water, and supported on a base of rock-work, with marine plants and reptiles. This figure is of the most exquisite Japan lacquer, on wood of an olive colour, llie drapery bordered with arabesques, very freely and delicately pencilled in gold 1267 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL SILVER GILT CAN¬ DLESTICKS, of GOTHIC DESIGN, by the celebrated AUGUSTE, of Paris, expensively chased and gilt 1268 A PAIR of DITTO 1269 Two curious brown and gold bottles, embellished with birds and plants, mounted with silver gilt 1270 Two grey Japan jars, 9 inches high, embossed with water plants and birds, massively mounted in or-molu 1271 A VARIEGATED and UNDUL4TED AGATE CUP, mounted with scrolls, gryphons’ heads and claws, upon a SARDONYX PLYNTH, embel¬ lished with or-.moulu THIRTIETH DAY. SOI 1272 Two Japan red ground and enamelled basons, on or- moulu stands, with goats’ legs, foliage, and busts 12:3 A CASSOLETTE of SARDONYX, mounted in foliage, of tripod shape, with cover of or-moulu J274 The Annunciation, (in metal gilt,) a BASSO relievo, a rich gilt frame 1275 An EBONY CABINET, mounted with or-mouIu richl}' gilt, with plate glass doors, and lined with rose-coloured watered silk 1276 An ebony table for the preceding 1277 A small salver, of blood stone, mounted with silver gilt chasing 1278 Two puce-colour bottles, elegantly mounted in Chinese taste, with rims and handles gilt 1279 Two blue and gold enamelled chocolate pots and covers 1280 A lady’s small enamelled jewel coffer, with moss agate pannels, on agate feet 1281 A black and gold Japan pedestal or stand 1282 A pair of ebonized reading desks, on swivel 1283 A carved EBONY table, oi elaborate workmanship 1284 A ditto 1285 An onyx cup, of very fine colour, and beautifully marked 1286 Two matchless flasks and stoppers, red, blue, and gold borders, and flowered pannels 1287 Two blue mandarin bottles, black handles and collars 1288 An ebony coffer, with raised Florentine mosaic pannels, and or-moulu mouldings 1289 One pair of metal-gilt Gothic candlesticks, most ela¬ borately chased 1290 A pair of ditto 1291 A beautiful Oriental LAPIS LAZULI VASE, enriched with or-mat mountings 203 • THIRTIETH DAf. 1292 A pair of fluted piflar cancel\bras, formed of petrified 'vcood, oiouiited in or-moulii 1293 A BOTTLE of PALE SEA GREEN ORIENTAL CHINA, of great anliquihj, iucrusted with flowers in relief, in compartments, with silver gilt spout and handle in the Gothic taste. The cover is em¬ bellished with paintings in enamel and the arms of Joan of Arragon, Queen of Naples, the friend of Petrarch. The handle, rim and foot bear the legend of the House of Anjou in Gothic characters upon blue enamel N.B, This Vase, besides the value it derives from the historic circumstances connected ivith it, is further curious being the earliest known specimen if Porcelain introduced from China into Europe,- as it refers to a period earlier than the circumna¬ vigation of the Cap)s of Good Hope hg the Por¬ tuguese 1294 A MAGNIFICENT silver gilt CASKET, pannelled with 36 of the most beautiful specimens of Oriental OMfl ntoss AGATES, jaspers, BLOODSTONES, &C. the friezes elaborately chased in arabesque devices from the Vatican—the interior lined with crimson, velvet 1293 Two extremely rare and early specimens of PORCE¬ LAIN, with crackle grounds, richly embossed with white and blue flowers 1296 Two red and gold ground jars, exquisitely enamelled in compartments, with figures and butterflies 1297 A FINE BUHL and TORTOISESHELL CABI¬ NET, inclosed by Plate Glass, richly mounted in or-mou!u, and lined with crimson silk tabaret, sur¬ mounted by a black marble slab 1298 A ditto THIRTIETH DAY. 203 12.99 An EBONY TABLE with carved and twisted legs, having ornaments of or-nioulu, and marble slab of VERDE ANTIQUE 1300 A ditto 1301 SIX carved and gilt CHAIRS, covered with CRIM¬ SON SILK DAMASK, and with silk fringe, stuffed backs and seats, with loose crimson cloth covers 1302 SIX gilt stools, covered with CRIMSON SILK DAMASK, fringed with silk, and exterior cases 1303 TWO CARVED and GILT ELBOW CHAIRS, covered with CRIMSON SILK DAMASK, and exterior cases 1304 An EBONY, BUHL and tortoiseshell cabinet, similar to lot 1254 1305 An ebony table, same as lot 1255 130G An ebony Buhl and torloiseshell cabinet, enclosed by j)late glass dooi’s, richly mounted with or-moulu, lined with crimson silk tabaret, and surmounted by a black marble slab 1307 An EBONY TABLE, on carved and twisted legs, with or-moulu enrichments, and verde antique slab 1308 A pair of beautiful Raphael ware plates, Satyr and Cupid and companion 1309 An oblong coffer of fine Limoge enamel, the friezes most elaborate 1310 A Dresden group of two figures. Harlequin and Co¬ lumbine, glass shade and stand 1311 A remarkably fine striated bottle of oriental china 1312 A grey ditto, enamelled with the lotus flower, and a pair of japan china salt stands and covers 1313 A carved and gilt eight-leaved screen, filled with crimson damask 1314 A large enamelled font and ewer 1315 A Sevre porcelane pot Pourie, richly mounted in or-rao!u, with perforated border P2 204 THIRTIETH DAY. 1316 A square ebonized pedestal or dwarf armoire, richly decorated and mounted in or-moulu, in the style of buhl 1317 A ditto 1318 Four richly carved and gill X stools, covered in damask 1319 Four ditto 1320 Four ditto End of ths Thirtieth Day. 205 Thirty-Jirst Day^s Sale^ TUESDAY, the 21st of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing al Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 1321 to Lot 1459, will he Sold this Day, Being the Twelfth Day of FURNITURE ORIENTAL AND SEVRES PORCELAIN, Ac. LOT \ 1321 Sevres porcelain cabinet cbp and saucer, painted in roses on gold ground 1322 A ditto ribbed, trellis and vine leaf pattern 1323 A beautiful cabinet cup and saucer, enamelled in cameo on chocolate ground, and studded with imi¬ tative gems 1324 A tea-pot, sugar urn and cover, cream ewer and bowl, rich blue ground, enamelled in medallions of pheasants, &c. 1325 A pair of cabinet plates, painted in flowers, &c. on lilac and gold ground 1326 A pair of ditto, rich green Mosaic 1327 A bowl, cover, and plateau, rich arabesque scroll on pale-green ground 1328 A cup and saucer, landscape medallion, blue mazarin ground, richly gilt 1329 An urn-shaped cup and plateau, in cameos, on jonquil ground, and imitative gems 1330 A ditto 1331 A pair of cabinet plates, enamelled in flowers, rich gold and lilac border 1332 A pair of ditto, rich green and Mosaic 206 THIRTY-FIRST DAY. CRIMSON DRAWING ROOM. No. 23. 1333 A Superb Italian MOSAIC TABLE, composed of various specimens of marble, on four solid fluted ebony colums, raised on a plynth of solid Sienna 1334 A line bow! and cover, of Cracklin china, in a rich chased or-moulu, and buhl mounting 1335 A suite of three blue vases, richly mouiitecl in bronze, and gilt in orniat 133G A PAIR of ELEGANT GIRANDOLES, vase shaped, of the root of amethyst, with female terminal figures beneath the handles, and 3 spiral or-molu branches above for lights. 1337 Four X window stools, richly carved and gilt, and covered with damask 1338 Four ditto 1339 Six sinyle CHAIRS, ea suite with preceding 1340 A pair of ditto superb carved and gilt fauteuils, en suite 1341 A pair of ditto 1342 A pair of ditto 1343 Six ditto chairs, en-suite 1344 A capital eight-leaved INDIA Japan screen, 11 feet high 1345 A SUPERB LIBRARY TABLE, suinptuously decorated with or-mouIu mouldings, and foliage angles, containing three drawers, tup covered with purple velvet 134G A beautifully chased bronze group, of Shepherdess, &c, gilt in or-moulu, and mounted on solid plynth of Greyot marble 1347 A beautiful and costly ARMOIRE, formed of ebony, the centre supported by two fluted columns, with capitals of or-moulu, and enriched with a superb central pannel of Florentine Mosaic; a vase of flowers, composed of the rarest gems, and a tablet of the same above ; 4 small drawers with birds on each THIRTY-FIUST DAY. 207 side: above, is a low glazed repository, and a small door at each end, fronted with Florentine gems; the mouldings are of chased or-mola C> 1348 A pair of massive or-moulu oandelabras, finely chased after the antique, and supporting four lights each 1349 A pair of ditto 1350 A pair of massive or-mowlu CANDLESTICKS, supported by chimeras, richly chased and gilt 1351 A pair of ditto 1352 A small BuM pier cabinet, richly chased mould¬ ings and friezes, and serpeniiae green marble slabs 1353 A ditto 1354 Eight solid antique shaped chairs of king-wood, cane seats and cushions, covered with chintz 1355 Six ditto and cushions, covered with yellow morine 1356 Twelve ditto and ditto 1357 A SUPERBLY ELEGANT GOLD BOX, chased and engine turned, with signal taste, and embellished with a foliage bandeau of coloured gold, encircling an View on the Lake of Como, with the mountainous acclivities in perspective; within is secreted a bird, wliich mechanically warhles the notes of thecanarg, with \\\^ svoeetness and correcfness of nature herself 1358 A MAGNIFICENT OR-MOLU CLOCK, with finely mo¬ delled Group ot Figures, on a plynth, subject from the Grecian History 1359 A pair ofsuperhe EBONY and BUHL CANDE- LABRAS, massively mounted with or-niolu, finely chased and gilt, surmounted by green marble slabs 1360 A pair of boudoir candlesticks, formed of petrified wood, mounted in or-moulu 1361 A SPLENDID BUHL ARMOIRE with figures and ornaments, chased and gilt. From the collec-^f^ tion of the Due d’Aumont. This costly and superb ’X piece of furniture was designed by the celebrated Le Brun. 10 feet high by 5 feet wide 1362 A DITTO 208 THIRTY-FIRST DAY. 1363 An IVORY VASE, mounted in silver-gilt. Dance of Bacchantes yiroHi Rubens ; elaborately sculptured in high relief 1364 A DITTO. The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite 1365 A LARGE COFFER, with lid and tray, of the VERY FINEST JAPAN, representing-, on the top, the Arrival of Ambassadors at a Palace, and various Landscapes on the sides. On the tray is a neatly pencilled Landscape, within a scalloped gilt and eni’iched border. This rare specimen was made for MARIA VAN DIEMEN, the daughter of the celebrated GOVERNOR of BATAVIA. Her name is in capitals of gold within the lid. Madarae* de Pampadour became the possessor of it, and at her death it was purchased by the Due de Bouillon. 1366 A superlatively elegant SALOON COMMODE, formed of ebony, and pannelled with specimens of the iinest old Japan, the angles formed by antique trusses, elaborately chased in bronze and gilt, in or-monlu, the feet, scroll enrichments, and mould¬ ings, in the finest taste, and most superior in point of chasing and gilding, with solid slab of Italian marble 1367 A SUPERB OR-MOULU CLOCK, of classical design, with finely modelled figures of Time and Genius, contemplating the bust of Jlomer; mounted on a bold and massive plynth, relieved by bas- reliefs, elaborately chased in subjects from the Iliad—the movement of a most superior description 1367* A pair of MAGNIFICENT CANDELABRAS for six lights, borne by figures of Victory, most elabo¬ rately modelled in bronze from the antique, and mounted on bold pedfstals of greyot marble, sumptuously mounted in or-molu, with decorations in alto relievo 1368 A fine large Turkey carpet, 27 feet by 20 feet 6 1360 A LARGE ORIENTAL VASE (trumpet-mouthed) enamelled in dragons, on a blue ground 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 THIRTY-FIRST DAY. 209 A delicate sea-green bottle, embossed with an etruscan bower, and or-moulu mounting An uncommonhjJim VASR and cover, rich mazarine blue, expensively mounted in chased bronze and or-mat A LADIES 'jcriling iahle, the top formed by a rare and beautiful slab of MOSS AGATE, superbly mounted in or-moulu on an ebony frame, enriched with arabesque friezes and mouldings ; top covered with velvet, and drawer fitted with or-moulu pen- tray, ink, and sand-boxes A SUPERB EBONY COFFER, with or-moulu mouldings, the pannels filled with the finest FLO¬ RENTINE MOSAICS, representing flowers and arabesques A curiously inlaid cabinet of ORIENTAL WOOD, having 9 drawers of ebony and ivory, on a table to correspond, solid ebony legs, and carved mouldings, chased, the mountings very richly gilt A stout BUHL jewel TRUNK, formed of ebony and rose-wood An Italian slab, most beautifully inlaid with ara¬ besque scroll and fancy devices, and mounted on a carved and enriched frame CHINA. Seven enamelled plates Eight ditto Ten enamelled plates One blue, with enamelled plants and birds, and onn red streaked bottle Twelve blue and gold Nankin dessert dishes Twelve burnt-in red and blue ditto, very rich Three fine old Mandarin dragon basons, enamelled Two most precious and scarce Japan bowls Six old Japan tea cups and saucers A very fine Japan bowl Five shaped Japan fruit plates, with blue border and plants, and brown edge 210 THIRTY-FIRST DAY. 1388 Four Japan tea caps and saucers, sugar and slop bason 1389 Four ditto basons, 2 with covers and 2 odd ditto 1390 Four figured egg-shell cups with covers and stands 1391 Two egg-shell basons, with dragons and plants 1392 Three pair of cups and saucers and blue basons 1393 Three Japan flat bowls, very richly enamelled—3 sizes 1394 Four Mandarin basons and 2 covers, dragons and insects 1395 A tea pot, jelly pot and cover, and cups and stands, fine Japan 1396 Six extremely delicate small striped cups and saucers with figures, and 2 rich Japan cornpotiers 1397 One pair of large Japan dishes, heptagonal and very curious 1398 An old Dresden butter tub and plate, with landscape 1399 An old Seve and a Dresden plate, ditto 1400 Six egg-shell plates, of the finest quality, with figures, and 2 with flowers 1401 Eight Japan cups and saucers, and a bason with itetl ground, curious 1402 Ten Japan tea cups and covers 1403 A square rosewood carved tray, one round ditto and one long ditto 1404 Four very fine small basons and covers 1405 Two chocolate cups and saucers, two tea cups and saucers, and green bason and stand 1406 Twelve burnt-in and enamelled plates 1407 Four very fine flat Japan dishes, 2 and 2 1408 Five egg-shell bread and butter plates 1409 Thirteen enamelled plates, 3, 4, and 6 1410 Two Japan shaped dishes of the finest kind 1411 A basso relievo, representing a Battle, by Le Brun, in or-moulu, and a circular Bacchanalian bronz® basso-relievo 1412 Two very fine old Japan basons THIRTY-FIRST DAY. 2U RICH CUT GLASS AND ORIENTAL CHINA, 1413 Four quart decanters 1414 Four ditto 1415 Four pint ditto 141G A pair of water ewers 1417 A handsome centre 1418 Two sugar urns, covers and trays 1419 Ten dessert dishes and centre 1420 A sugar Ijason and cream pail 1421 A pair of handsome water ewers 1422 A ditto dessert service, comprising centre and 6 fruit dishes 1423 Thirteen wine coolers 1424 Twelve linger cups 1425 Two pair of salts and trays 1426 Eight fine Dresden cups and 4 saucers, gilt inside 1427 A pair of beautiful vase tripods of French porce¬ lain, highly gilt in relief, and enamelled in Baccha=: nalian Figures 1428 A Worcester tea and coffee set 1429 Four pair of Japan dishes, small 1430 Five enamelled large coffee cups and saucers, and 5 blue and gold tea ditto, figured 1431 Nine gold-ground French cups and saucers, and a bason, painted with wreaths of roses 1432 Seven hurnt-in plates, red and blue 1433 Twelve ditto 1434 Thirteen enamelled ditto, with figures 1435 Two jelly pots and covers of Dihl china, white and gold, blue border and gold arabesque 1436 Four cups and saucers, tea pot, and cream pot, corresponding with the preceding lot THIRTY-FIRST DAY. 1437 A globular jar with open neck, covered with cherry- tree blossonas in white, raised on a speckled tea^ green ground 1438 A service of fine Old Derby j9orce/a»?e, containing 2 MONTEPHS, blue and gold, with borders of flowers, equal to Old Seve, 17 compotiers and 46 plates 1439 Six shaped Japan dishes of slate colour, bordered, and with flowers in the centre 1440 Six egg-shell landscape plates, very fine 1441 Four shaped richly enamelled Japan dishes 1442 Six shaped old Japan fruit dishes of blue piony pattern 1443 Six uncommon circular trays of oriental china ^ COPPERS, 1444 A 23 inch turbot kettle, plate and cover 1445 A 22 inch ditto 1446 A 17 inch ditto 1447 A 21 inch preserving pan and cover 1448 A 14 inch ditto 1449 A 20 inch stock pot and cover 1450 A 12 inch ditto and ditto 1451 A 11 inch ditto 1452 A suite of 7 stewpans and covers, in sizes 1453 Seven ditto 1454 Seven ditto 1455 A 20 inch fish kettle, plate and cover 1456 Twelve cake and jelly moulds, various 1457 Twenty-five ditto small 1458 A 24 inch fish kettle, plate and cover ' 1459 Sundries Knd of the Thirty-Jirst Day^ 2\3 Thirty-second Day^s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the 22d of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Let 1460 to Lot 1588, toill he Sold this Day, Being the Thirteenth Day of FURNITURE CHINA. LOT 1460 Jl OURTEEN blue and red Japan plates 1461 Eleven ditto 1462 Five scalloped dishes for fruit—of the most rare quality , 1463 Eleven burnt-in plates, blue and red 1464 Two two-handled cups, one dish and cover, Japan china 1465 Seven enamelled plates 1466 Four old green ditto, with waved borders, scarce 1467 Two noble Japan dishes 14(58 Twelve blue and red burnt-in plates with borders 1469 Fourteen burnt-in blue and red plates 1470 Twelve handled cups and saucers, sugar and slop vases of French porcelain, salmon-coloured ground, pencilled in gold, in Greek borders of the most elaborate and delicate design, all different; executed with a precision and truth perhaps not to he equalled—a chef-d'oeuvre of its kind 2U THIRTY-SECOND DAY. 1471 Sis Wedgewood cups and saucers, and two cut glass ewers 1472 Two large Japan jars, blue and gold ground 1473 A very curious piece of Japan china, in the form of a TOETOtSE, bearing a jar on his back' and a Siphon, with a Frocj seated on a water-lily within 1474 Eight Mandarin dessert plates, of various colours and patterns 1475 Acavita.l. six-leafhlack and gold ^ KF KN SCREEN 1476 Six Japan coffee cups and saucers, and six tea ditto, cream, tea, and jelly pots 1477 Sis ditto breakfast cups and saucers, four tea and four coffee ditto, jelly and cream pots 1478 Six very scarce enamelled buff cups and saucers 1479 Twelve burnt-in plates, viz. 5, 4 and 3 1480 Two very large Japan dishes, flowered 1481 Twenty burnt-in plates, with blue and red flowers and red borders 1482 Nine burnt-in and enamelled plates, fine 1483 One Japan bason and cover, mounted in silver, gilt 1484 Nineteen burnt-in blue and red plates 1485 Four burnt-in and 4 landscape enamelled ditto 1486 Twelve burnt-in ditto 1487 Six ditto with embossed borders, and 4 enamelled ditto 1488 Two Japan basons 1489 Two gold ground French cups and saucers, exquisitely painted in roses and heart’s-ease, by F«2i Spandonck 1490 Two ditto, wild poppies and anemonies 1491 Six pair of red and gold Japan cups and saucers 1492 Sixteen delicately pencilled plates, with flowers, shells and insects 1493 Eleven burnt-in plates, 5 and 6 1494 Nine ditto red carp pattern blue plates, with enamelled border THIRTY-SECOND DAY. 2\B 1495 Thirteen ditto square, with painted borders 1496 Six very curious pattern enamelled plates, with shells, &c. 1497 Four fruit dishes, fine enamelled red, with bats on the border 1498 Two Mazarine blue and gold Japan dishes, flowered 1499 A Japan bason and cover, mounted in silver gilt ANTI-ROOM. No. 59. Next Oak Dining Room. 1500 A buhl CHANDELIER for eight lights 1501 A square ebony table, beautifully inlaid in Mar- queterie de Buhl, on enriched frame, with chased or-moulu claws, masks and friezes 1502 A VERDE antique slab, on mahogany standard, finely carved in lion’s masks, &c. 1503 A pair of elegant column lamps, richly decorated in or-moulu, with engraved globe shades 1504 A circular rose-wood TABLE, on enriched and deco¬ rated standard 1505 A curious ebony coffer, of architectural design (antique) curiously pannelled with porphyry, the top formed by an extremely beautiful FLORENTINE Mosaic, Landscape with Houses, &c. GREAT WESTERN ENTRANCE. 1506 A fine marble statue of the late AldermaI? Beckpord, by J. F. Moore 1507 A finely sculptured marble figure. La Baigneuse 1508 A ditto of Antinous 1509 A PAIR OF NOBLE BRONZE VASES, from ihe Gardens of the Palace of Versailles THIRTY-SECOND DAY. Sl6 The Gallery Cabinet. No. 12. 1510 A supeihe CONSOLE or PIER TABLE, formed of satin wood, and sumptuously decorated with or-mou!u frieze, plate GLASS back, and marhle slab and shelf 1511 Six black twisted frame chairs, cane seats with cushions, covered in red damask 1512 Four Royal Dresden cups and saucers, slop bason and cream ewer, mounted in silver gilt, painted in a masterly manner, with landscapes and sea views 1513 Four Japan chocolate cups and covers 1514 Three old white and gold Japan basons, speckled with flowers, and brown edges 1515 A curious and valuable clock, which goes twelve months, in an or-moulu case, style of Buhl 1516 A superbe bronze and or-moulu bracket to ditto 1517 A valuable and unique specimen of amalakite, richly decorated in or-mat, and mounted on bronze stand, to form a clock; the movement by Le Seur, of Paris, glass shade and stand 1518 An EBONY and buhl cabinet, of architectural design, paunelled with beautiful specimens of Florentine mosaics, of birds, flowers, &c. on stand 1519 A finely marked onyx cup 1520 A black and gold India Japan cabinet, with finely chased or-moulu mouldings, a fall-down front, covered with green leather, forming a SECRETAIRE, with brass gallery and Brocadella slab 1521 A DITTO 1522 A lady’s ebony and bull! pier cabinet, enclosed by glazed doors, lined with silk 1523 A pair of bronze Cupids, on pedestals of verde antique THIRTY-SECOND DAY. 217 St. Michael's and King Edward'^s Galleries, Nos. 32 and 74, And the Octagon Cabinet. No. 26. 1524 A rare and fine CIRCULA.R SLAB of AMALA- KITE, superbly mounted on an ebony standard, of antique model, enriched with chased bronze and or- moulu, as a dejune table 1625 An elegant or-moulu lustre for five lights, with bronze figures supporting the branches 1526 A pair of elegant X stools, gilt frames, covered in red velvet 1527 Two pair of ditto 1528 A splendid EBONY CABINET or SECRETAIRE, enriched with fine specimens of Florentine Mosaic in 1 igh relief, with superb friezes, mould¬ ings, and other decorations in bronze and or-mat — the interior arranged with drawers for trinkets, writing and reading, composed of satin-wood 1529 Six gallery stools, on ebonized and twisted legs, stuffed and covered in purple cloth, and fringed 1630 Six ditto Ute Grand (Damask) Drawing Room. No. 24. 1531 A MxVGNlFICENT BUHL CHANDELIER for twenty-four lights, of elaborate design and work¬ manship, enriched with masks, arabesque scrolls and foliage, forming a splendid specimen of that suinptuous style of decoration 1532 A SUPERB carved and gilt sofa, designed from the antique, and stuffed and covered in blue damask 1533 A superb BUHL AND EBONY CONSOLE, or BOOK-CASE, enriched with mouldings, masks, and friezes in bronze gilt, enclosed by two glazedand one pannelled door, and surmounted by a line slab of Verd-de-nier marble Q 2!8 THISTY-SECOND DAY. 1534 A splendid suite of six Saloon fauteuils, richly carved, and gilt, and designed from the ANTIQUE, slufl'ed and covered in purple damask, each at 1535 Six ditto chairs, en suite, each at 153G Six ditto X stools, or window seats, each at 1537 A pair of ditto FAUTEUILS, each at 1538 A pair of ditto 1539 A pair of ditto 1540 Two pair of ditto 1541 A MATCHLESS SPECIMEN of CARVED JAD STONE, of compressed globular shape, most superbly mounted in gold and silver gilt, as an ORIENTAL HOOKAH, and set with a variety of real and line GemS; among which will be found diamonds, emeralds, opals, avanturiue, chrysopJias, lapis, 6tc.—the pedestal is elaborately chased, and enriched with antique scroll borders and medallions in bas relief. This unique and princely object of luxury formerly belonged to Tippoo Saib, and formed a part of the plunder at the taking of Seringapatam 1542 A MAGNIFICENT SILVER GILT BASKET, formed of ears of v/heat, of the finest workmanship ; at per oz. 1543 A DITTO 1544 A PAIR of CANDELABRA of SILVER chased and gilt, supported on shaped lizard feet 1545 A PAIR of DITTO These superb pieces of plate are truly in classical taste, being executed from the design of a candela¬ brum found at HERCULANEUM 154G A matchless and MAGNIFICENT CARPET, of the celebrated Aubusson Factory, of beautiful and rich antique pattern, 25 feet by 24 feet—this splen¬ did object was manufactured expressly for the Chateau at St. Cloud, in 1814, previous to the Abdication of Buonaparte THIRTY-SECOND DAY. 219 1547 A ditto rag 1548 A semi-circular PIER table, formed of buhl, splendidly mounted in or-moulu, with large chimera MASKS, &c. 1549 A pair of NOBLE EBONY & BBONZE COLUMNS, correctly modelled from llie originals in the Louvre, enriched with festoons, and rich belt of OAK FOLIAGE, on square plynths 1550 A pair of ditto, en-suite 1551 A noble bronze bust op Louis XIV. 1552 A BRONZE BUST of the GREAT CoNDE 1553 A ditto of Turenne 1554 An elaborate and fine marble bust of Ganganelli 1555 A handsome agate and gold box 1556 A BEIAUTIFUL CAMEO of Clipid and Psyche, mounted in gold as a snuff box, engine turned and cliased 1557 The MEDICI VENUS, a finely modelled BllONZE, size of life 1558 A pair of dwarf columns, fluted and gilt, and japanned red porphyry 1559 A tortoiseshell and ebony cabinet on frame, enriched with chasings, in silver and alto relief 1560 A BBONZE VASE clock, elaborately chased and finished 1561 A suite of three MATCHLESS KOYAL SEVBES URNS and COVERS, fluted, pencilled in cameos, on mazarine blue, relieved and enriched by gold decorations on plynths of or-moulu and Sevies 1562 The LAOCOON, modelled from the celebrated original, cast and chased by Carhonneau of Paris, and for which the GOLD medal of the Institute was awarded to him; the elaborate finish, and exquisite moulding of this splendid object of art, stamps it as one of the finest specimens of bronze existing 220 TJJIRTY-SECOiVD DAY. 15G3 A SUPERBE EBONY and BUHL CONSOLE, enclosed by two glazed and one inlaid door of beau¬ tiful design, enriched with bas relief, friezes and mouldings, in chased or-moulu, and surmounted by a marble slab j 1564 A handsome CHIMNEY GLASS, in a carved oak FRAME, appropriately designed 1565 A satinwood console or pier table, with 8 mai’ble slabs for china, and or-moulu mouldings, &c. 1566 A beautiful specimen ofFlorentine mosaic, in an ebony frame ' 1567 A VASE, perfectly unique, formed of the LARGEST KNOWN BLOCK of HUNGARIAN TOPAZ, hollowed out with vast labour, and externally sculp¬ tured, mounted with a Dragon handle of gold en¬ amelled, set with Diamonds, and supported on a tripod stand, formed of three small Dragons of green and blue enamel: the feet connected by fes¬ toons and scroll-work of rich cinque-cento designs, set with diamonds and a variety of precious stones The whole of the UNDOUBTED EXECUTION , OF BEVENUTO CELLINI, and intended as a, Marriage Present to CATHARINE CORNARO, whose PORTRAIT is in this COLLECTION] 1568 A HANDLED TAZZA, and liner of gold, on plinths, supported by four winged chimeras, de¬ signed by Moiette, and executed by Auguste, 1793, at Paris, ornamented by a border of arabesque figures and Cupids, with mask and snake handles; the whole finished with unrivalled excellence 1569 A DITTO 1570 A fine Old Sevres bason, cover and plateaux, rich green Mosaic ground,, with Landscapes and Figures, exquisitely enamelled THIRTY-SECOND DJLY. 221 1571 A pair of magnificent ORIENTAL FILLAGREE PAGODAS, of matchless and elaborate workmanship; at per ounce, and a pair of glass shades and standsybr ditto 1572 An UNIQUE VASE, formed of Pierres des Amazones, mounted in chased or-moulu 1573 A pair of MAGNIFICENT JARS, of EXTRA¬ ORDINARY SIZE, embellished with landscapes, buildings and figures, descriptive of the various processes in the manufacture of porcelain, of the most exquisite enamel These grand and unique pieces of Porcelain were formerly the property of a DISTINGUISHED PERSONAGE OF RANK IN PORTUGAL 1574 A MATCHLESS RIESNER COMMODE, most elaborately inlaid, and sumptuously decorated with bronze cariatides, friezes and masks, sharply chased and highly gilt in or-mat; lop formed by a solid marble slab 1575 A matchless and splendid secretaire, most elabo¬ rately inlaid by Riesner in fanciful designs, sumptuously mounted and enriched in highly chased bronze, gilt in or-mat-, the interior fitted with a great variety of secret and other drawers and recesses; the whole finished and executed with that degree of elaborate care, for which the Artist was so justly celebrated. The lock of a superior ex¬ cellence, the mechanism of which embraces every part of this Princely piece of furniture— from the Garde Meuile at Paris 15T6 A lady’s dejunS or WORK TABLE, curiously worked in mother-o'pearl, and mounted on ebony stand, most expensively enriched with or-molu, the drawer lined with mahogany, and secret spring, on castors 1577 A handsome Wilton carpet, 11 feet 6 by 9 feet 6 1578 A superb silver gilt lamp, beautifully chased in high relief, as suspended in the Sanctuary 222 THIRTY-SECOND DAY. 1579 A lady’s Japan secretary and cabinet, superbly mounted and enriched with or-moulu, the interior lined and fitted with satin-wood, and surmounted by a marble slab top, formerly in the possession of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France 1580 Two pair of carved and twisted black Japan tripods, with gilt ornaments 1581 An agate coffer, mounted sumptuously 1582 A pair of dwarf columns, fluted and gilt, and japanned red porphyry 1583 A curious Persian Calendar, highly illuminated, in a frame 1584 A rose granite column with bronze belt and plynth 1585 A pair of mazarine blue pot pouries, mounted in or-moulu, on antique tripods 1586 A pair of octagonal gold japan jars and covers 1587 An Ostrich egg, beautifully painted and mounted on an or-moulu plynth 1588 A beautifully modelled bust of Scipio, in rosso-antica End of the Thirty^second Day. THE THIRD PART OF BOOKS AND BOOKS OF PRINTS- • yV- r. .H'-i ^>?‘r / _ ,, - — ^ .•.’• ! .: - If ■ i r ■■ r* t-t'; ' "" ■ ‘ ■ < - ...V . i ,4'i.l 1.. « ,i i-v > ■ , k: ^'' Y'jb-A : ■■' -v '. . t ‘ . -‘f . s ' 4'% - . >v :■ ... : , 'J f 4 ,}faC: , . ._ ,.j, ', ■ ' ' 'J ■ ..*■'■ . ; . r.i':V.'••. ' ' I"'-.. ■';: '-'y^li*' ^ - '. ^ - .' I '*-■/ ■'_ ‘'^ ': . o'-.- 'i. ^ 1 i ‘i'i'OH »■ ■ . ’ :■-■> It'll tati . '!■' I ' ■ ■’'' ■ t- ri/.-li'.l d * mit: >■ ■<■:< ,. ..',^(.,",<3 'J.i'.b-.(i .'^1 itifi-. '' - ■ ‘ .'■ i.'U'- V -•!'«:■ : i *i'>. !. J. ■.':' t-', ^ 7 ' ■ ■ i •’-■ , ‘ . • • >.(■.' ,t.. t.' ■j,“i ' V-"V '■ ■ ■ ■ i.'f’V; ^ :-, ' r i' . '/i- ’' ..: ■ 'JiJ* -i ^ -,' ■ ' - •■ ■'■ . ' ' jj iVif.ki i' i-iiVti y. •■■•i.y X f: '.. . 343 Thirty-third Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, the 23d of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. -'t- From Lot 3026 to Lot ^16 will be Sold this Day, Being the SIXTEENTH DAY of BOOKS. CASE No. 36, continued. lot 3026 \^LINA (Pietro) Uccelliera Overo Discorso della Natura, 4to — — Rom. 1622 3027 Batrachomyotnachia, Graece a Mailtaire, 8vo L. P. Land. 1721 3028 Pindarus, Grae. et Lat. Benedict!, 4to Salm. 1620 8029 Froissart’s Cronycles of Englaiide, Englysshed by Lorde Berners, fol. — printed by Pinson 1525 3030 Histoire Genealogique de la Maisoii de Gondi, fol. 3031 Isolario, di Benedetto-Bordone, fol. Feae. 1534 3032 Chifletii, Lilium Francicum, Veritate Historica Botanica et Heraldica, fol. — Antv. 1658 3033 Genii Nuptialis, Pliillijrpus, Wilhelmus et Annae Catliarinae, en 1642 Regis Polouiae, fol. Col. 1642 3034 Velseri (Marci) Res Augustanae Vindelicaa, fol. Ven. 1594 3035 Jerosolymitana Peregrirfitio, Principis Radzivili, fol. Jnlv. 1614 2 A 2 344 THmTY-THIRD DAY. 3036 Tavernier’s Voyages, translated by J. Phillips, 3 vol. in 1, fol. — — Loud. 1678 3037 Recueil de Testes de Caractere et de Charges, par Leonard de Vinci, fol. 60 plates — 1730 3038 Buonarruoti, Osservazioni di Vasi Antichi di Vetro, fol, . . Fir. 1716 3039 Month Theatrum Temporaneurn .Sternitati, fol. Aiefi?. 1636 3040 Bcrtoldo, con Bertoldino e Cacasenno in Ottava Rima, 4to — — Bolog. 1736 3041 Puteani (Eryci) Bruxella Septcnaria, fol. Brux. 1646 3042 Annales Genealogiques de la Maison de Lynden, fol. Anver. 1626 3043 Wormii, Danica Literatiira Antiquissima, fol. Hafn. 1651 3044 Kircheri, Vetus et Novum Latiuni, foi, Amst. 1671 3045 Winckehnann, Monumenti Antichi Inediti, illustrated with numerous plates, 3 torn. fol. Rom. 1767 3046 Perrault, Ordonnaiice des Cinq Especes de Colonnes, fol. Par. 1683 3047 La Vie de. St. Bruno, Peinte an Cloistre de la Chartreuse de Paris, gravee par Francois Chavueau, fol. ib. 1689 3048 Collins’s Historical Collection of the Noble Families, por¬ traits, &c. fol. — Bond. 1752 3049 La Genealogique et Descente de la Maisoo de Croy 3050 Relation du Service Solennel de St. Louis a Rome ponr M. Louis Dauphin de France, 1711, fol. Rom. 1713 3051 Imagines Farnesiaiii Cubiculi, cum Ornamentis, ab Annibale Carraccio, 13 plates, foi. ib. 3052 Relation en forme de Journal du Voyage et Sejour De Charles 11. illustrated with five fine plates 3053 Libro D’Antonio Labacco, del Architettura, fol. Rom. 1567 3054 Bircherodius Breviarium Equestri de Ordine Etephantino, fol. — — Haun. 1704 3055 Van Gestel {Cornelii) Historia Sacra et Profana, 2 tom. fol. — Hague, 1725 30-56 Relation du Voyage de sa Majeste Britaniiique eii Hollande, enrichie de figures, fol. La Haye, 1692 3057 Pisonis (Guilielmi) Historia Naluralis Brasilise, in Plantis et Animaiibus, fol. — Amst. 1648 THIRTY-THIRD DAT. 345 3058 CEUVHES DE VOLTAIRE, Edition Beaumarchais, 70 tom. 8vo — hehl. 1785 JS'o/c. A double set of “plates, viz. oneproof before the letters, n» ! one. after. 3059 Fabmaux kt Contes des Poetes Francois de«' XI. XII. Xiil, XIVC Siecles, 4 turn. 8vo. L. P. Par. 1808 3080 The History of Arthur of Little Britain, a Romance of Ciiivalry, translated by Lord Berners, illustrated, 4to — Land. 18l4 3061 HLDIBRAS, Notes by Dr. Grey, and Hogarth’s Pla i’ES, 2 vol. 8vo, large paper Cum. 1744 3062 GILPIN'S (William) WORKS, 11 vol. 4to viz. Forest Scenery 2, The Wye 1, Picturesque Beanty 1, The Lakes of Cumberland 2, The Highlands of Scotland 2, The • Western Parts of England 1, Hampshire 1, Essay on Prints 1, numerous plates, all large paper ' 3060 Gilpin’s Observations on the River Wye, plates, 8vo Land. 178^ 3064 De Marini, Historia et Relatione del Tunchino, e del ‘ Giappone, 4fo — Itom. 166$ 3065 Tollii (Jacobi) E,pistolae Itinerariae, Tollii Insignia Itinerarii Italici,'the 2 works bound in 1, 4to Amst. 1700 3066 De Maillet, Description de L’Egypte, 4to Par. 1735 3067 Leo's (John) Geographical Description of Africa, fol. ' Land. 1600 3068 Le Grant Voyage de Iherusalem, fol Par, 1517 3069 D'Oiiaglie, (Alfonso) Historica del Regno di Cite, 4to Rome, 164H 3070 Parsons’s Travels in Asia and Africa, 4to, plates Lond. 1808 3071 Horneman’s Travels in Africa, maps, 4to ib. 1804 3072 Whit.man’s Travels in Turkey, 4to i/». 1803 3073 Wathen’s Voyage to Madras and China, 24 coloured plates, 4to -- — ib. 1814 3074 Grant’s Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to New South Wales, in 1800-1 and 2, coloured and plain plates, 4to ib. 1803 3075 Collins’s Account of New South Wales, 33 plates, plain and coloured, 4to — ib. 1798 345 THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 3076 De Benyowsky’s (Count) Memoirs and Travels 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1790 3077 Burnaby’s Travels in North America, plates, 4to ib. 1798 3078 Madrignano, Itinerarium Portugallensium ex Ulisbona, &c. fol. — — 1508 3079 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, 2 vol. large paper — Lond. 1794 3080 Dillon’s Travels through Spain, plates, elegantly bound, 4to — — ib. 1782 3081 Sonnini’s Travels in Egypt, 24 plates, 4to ib. 1800 3082 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, and parts adjacent, with plates, 4to — ib. 1756 3083 Walsh’s Journal of Campaign in Egypt, 35 coloured and ^ plain plates, 4to — ib. 1803 3084 Paterson’s Journies through the Country of the Hottentots and CafFraria, 4to — ib. 1789 3085 Wilson’s History of the Expedition to Egypt, 4to, large paper — — ib. 1803 3086 Anderson’s Narrative of the Embassy to China 1792-3, and 4 — — ib. 1795 3087 Dallaway’s Tour in the L.v.\xkt, elegantly bound, coloured plates, \diYge — ib. IIQI 3088 Hodges’s Travels in India, 4to, expensively bound, 14 plates — ib. 1793 3089 Hume’s History of England, 10 vol. large paper, elegantly bound and gilt, 8vo — ib. 1803 3090 Secret History of the Court of James I. plates, 2 vol. 8vo, large paper — Edin. 1811 3091 Memoirs of Sir Henry Slingsby, &c. large paper, 8vo ib. 1806 3092 Richard otCirencester’s Description of Britaiir, 8vo 1. Lond. 1809 3093 Memoirs of Captain George Carleton, 8vo, 1. p. Edin. 1808 3094 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion and the Life, con¬ taining several extra fine portraits, by Hollar, &c. large paper, 9 vol. 8vo. — Oxf. 1705 3095 Relacion del Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, 4to Mad. 1783 3096 Scheffer, Histoire de la Laponie, 4to Par. 1678 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 347 Descripciones de las Islas Pitisiiisas y Baleares, 4to Mad, 1787 Bligh’s Voyage to the South Seas, plates, 4to Lond. 1792 Bligh’s Narrative of the Mutiny on board the Ship Bounty, maps, 4to — — ib. 1790 Dixon’s Voyage round the World, plates and maps, 4to 1789 Browne’s Travels in Africa, large paper, plates and maps, 4to — Lond. 1799 Campbell’s Journey over Land to India, 4to ib. 1795 Long’s Voyages of an American Indian Interpreter, 4to ib. 1791 Broughton’s Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, ])lates and maps, 4to — ib. 1804 SONNERAT, Voyage aux Indes et a la Chine 1774 1781, 140 plates 2 tom. 4to Par, 1782 Anderson’s Journal of Abercrombie’s Campaign in Egypt, plates, 4to — — Lond. 1802 Hunter’s Voyages to New South Wales, plates and maps 4to •— — ib. 1793 Hearne’s Journey from Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean, maps, 4to — — ib. 1796 Phillips’s Voyage to Botany Bay, 110 plates, with coloured duplicates, 4to — ib, 1789 White’s Voyage to New South Wales, 65 plates, 4to ib. 1790 Mears’s Voyages from China to the North West Coast of America, 16 plates, 4to — 1790 Gilbert’s Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in 1788, plates, 4to — ib. 1789 Portlock’s Voyage round the World in 1785-6-7 and 8, proofs with and without letters ib. 1789 Yellow Damask Rooms, CASE No. 39. Marsolier, Histoire de Henry VII. Roy D’Angleterre, 2 tom. 12mo — — Par. 1700 Les Odes D’Anacreon et de Sapho, 12mo Rott. 1712 Petronii Arbitri Satyricon, Com-Bourdelotii, 12mo Par. 1618 THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 348 3117 Moneti, (Michaelis) Sermones-Quadragesimales, 12mo ib. 1526 3118 Memoires du Comte De Brienne. 3 tom. 12mo Amst.VllQ 3119 Morceaux choisis des Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, par A. C***, 2 tom. 12mo. — Par. ISIO 3120 Boccaccio (Giovanni) Vita di Dante, 12mo Firenz. 6979 3121 La Demonomanie de Lodun, &c. 12mo a la Fleche 1634 3122 Recit Veritable, et Les Diable de Picardie, 12mo 3123 Declamation Centre L’Erreur, des Maleficiers, Sorciers, &c. 12mo — Par. 1598 ^124 Du Lnssan, Histoire de la Revolution du Royaurae de • -■ Naples, 4 tom. 12mo — Par. 17A7 8125 Instructions Fatriotiques et Militaires, 12mo Lend. 1780 3126 Le Notrveau Pantheon, on le Rapport des Divinites, 12tDO Par. 1686 8127 Alcorani Seu Legis Mahometi et Evangelistarura Cocordia, 12mo — — Par. 1543 3128 La Vita Metamorfoseo D’Ovidio, configurate da M. Gabriello Syraeoni, 8vo — a Lione, 1559 8129 La Guerre Seraphique, ou Histoire des Perils qua Courus La Barbe des Capucins, 12rno •— 1740 3130 Scheuchzar (Jacobus) Museum Diluvianum, 12mo Figurii, 1716 3131 Angenia (Par. J. B.) Le Fleau des Demons et Sorciers, l2mo — — a Nyort. 1596 3132 Les Genealogies des Tres lilustres et Tres-Puissaris Princes les Duez de Lorraine, Marchis, 12mo Par. 1549 3133 Scherertrius, (Sigismunduin) Libellus Consolatorius de Spectris hoc est Apparitionibus, 12mo Witteb. 1621 3134 La Sage, et Delectable Folie-Fontaine D’AHegresse, 12rao a Lyon, 1650 3135 Le Vainqueur de la Mort, ou Jesus-Mourant, Poeme enrichi de Figures, 12mo — Par. 1652 3136 Orus Apollo Niliacus, de Sacris-Hierogiyphicis, 12mo ib. 1551 3137 Maurice’s Ancient History of Hindostan, 2 vdl. numerous plates — — Lond. 1795 3136 Vignettes des Metamorphoses D’Ovide, par Chaufiard, proof impressions —- ^ - —•« 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3166 3157 3158 3159 3160 THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 349 Home’s Select Views in the Mysore, the Country of Tippoo Sultan, choice impressions of the plates Lond. 1794 Cordiner and Mazell’s Views of Remarkable Ruins and Romantic Prospects in North Britain — ib. 1788 Di Torcello, Osservazioni Intorno alia Chiesa Catted rale, 12mo •— — 1748 De Boufflers (CEuvres de M. Cheval.) l2rao Par. 1795 Di Nocera (Paolo G. Vescuo) Dialogo dell imprese Militari et Amorose, 8vo — in Lyone, 1574 De Boot (Asselem Boice) Histoire des Pierres and Pier- reries en general, 8vo — ib. 1644 Menestreii (C. F.l Philosophia Imaginum Sylloge Sym- bolorom, 8vo — — Amst. 1695 Partbeneia Sacra, or the Mysterious and Delicious Garden of the Sacred Parlhenis, enriched with Emblems, 8vo . 1633 Haefteni (Benedict!) Regia Via Crucis, Svo Anto. 1635 Bezae (Theodori) Vezelii Poemata, i2nio Lutetsae, 1548 Aeschyli Tragoediee Graece apud Adrianum Turnebura, Svo Par. 1552 De Lussau Histoire et Regne d« Louis XI. 6 tom. l2mo — — ib, 1755 Boissier (Le Sieiir) Recueil de Lettres, au Siijet des Malefices et du Sortilege, l2mo — ib. 1731 Joyeaux (Jean) Le Magnificat du Pape et de S. Mere Eglise Romaine, l2mo — 1586 Erasure L’Eloge de La Folie, par M. Gucudeville, l2nio Leide. 1713 Andre (Lettres de M. de St.) au Sujet de la Magie ties Malefices et des Sorciers, l2mo Par. 1725 Ludul (Leon) Discourses D’Aucuns Propos Rustiques. et Facecieux, l2mo — — 1732 Meursius (Joannes) de Vita et Pass.*-ne S. Canuti, Regis Daniae, 4to — — Ha/n. 1631 Klimii (Nicolai) Iter Subterraneum, ]2ino ib. 1754 Traite de la Comedie et des Spectacles, l2rao Par. 1678 Dialogues, sur L’lmraortalitie de I’.Arae, l2rao ib. 1690 Dolce (M. Lodovico) La Vita di Appolonio, 12mo in Vincg. I5i9 S50 THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 3161 De Andrada (J. F.) Vida de Dom. Joa6 De Castro, Quarto Viso-Rey da India, l2mo — Par. 1759 3162 Anacreon Graece apud Bodoni, 12nio Parma. 1791 3163 Tanzai et Neadarne Histoire, Japonoise, 2 vol. I2nio a Pekin. 1740 3164 Kempio, (Cornelio) Antiqua Frissia, l2mo Colon. 1588 3165 Cocaii (Opus Merlini) Poetae Mantuaui Macaronica, l2mo — — Ven. 1564 3166 Le Awenture di SafFo, 12mo — Parigi. 1790 3167 Longolii (Gyberti) Dialogus de Avibus, &c. J2mo Colon. 1544 3168 Les Triomphes entres Tournois et autres Ceremonies Magnificentes, faites en Angleterre and au Palatinat, pour le Marriage de M. le Prince Frederic V. Comte Palatin et de Madam Elisabeth, Princes de la Grande Bretagne, l2mo — — Heidel. 1G13 3169 Commentario de le Cose de Turchi et del S. Georgio, Scanderbeg Principe di Epyrro, 12mo 'Pen. 1544 3170 Figure del Nuovo Testamento Illustrate da Versi Italiani, l2mo — — in Lione, 1559 3171 Les Amours D’Ismeneet D’Ismenias, l2mo o La 1743 3172 Sorbin (A.) Histoire de la Vie et Moeurs de Charles IX. l2mo — — Par. 1574 3173 Marguerite de France, L’Histoireet Description du Phcenix, a book printed on vellum — ib. 1550 (See curious MS. Note on fly leaf.) 3174 Astolfo Innamorato, Libro D’Arme e D’Aniore, 12mo in Lucca, —— 3175 Gillii (Petro) DescriptioNovaElephaiiti, 12mo Herin. 1614 3176 Vita di Jesu Christi, l2mo — Antw. 1537 3177 Arelini (Leonard!) Epistoire, 12nio Basil. 1535 3178 Olai (Io. Blagno.) Gothorum Suconumque His- toriae, folio — — Rom. 1554 3179 Regnier (Les Satyres ct Autres CEuvres de) avec Remar¬ ques, large paper, 4 to — Bond. 1729 3180 Desmarests Clovis, ou La France Chrestienne, Poeme Historique Grand Papier, 4to — Par. 1657 3181 Tasso La Gerusalemme Liberata, fine plates, folio — — Pen. 1745 THIRTY-THITID DAY. 351 81S2 CARTER'S (John) SPECIMEN of ANCIEOT SCULP¬ TURE and PAINTING 7iow remaining in this King~ dom, richly hound, 2 vol. folio — Land. 1786 3183 Taillepied, Traite de L’Apparition des Esprits, 12ino Roen. 1802 3184 Le Cabinet Jesuitique, contenant Pieces tres Curieuses, l2mo — —• Col. 1687 3lS5 Bekker (Balthasar) Le Monde Enchant^, 4 vol. l2mo Amst. 1694 3188 Recueil des Pieces du Regiment de la Calotte, J 2!00 Par. 1746 Sl87 De Camoens (Obras de Luis) 3 tom. 12mo Var. 1769 3188 Memoires de Conde et Suite des Mem. de Conde, 5 tom l2mo — — 1565 3189 De Brantome (CEuvres) 15 tom. l2mo La Haye, 1740 8190 Le Decameron de Bocace, traduit par Antoine Le Macon, 2 tom. l2mo — — Par. 1569 3191 Beatse Marise Virginis Ofiiciura. l2nio Venet. 1740 3192 Lc Juge (Pierre) L’Histoire de Sainct Geueviefue, 12mo Par. 1586 3193 Meursii (Joannis) Sermouis Latin! Elegantiae, 12mo Land. 1781 3194 Dutens, des Pierres Precieuses, et des Pierres Fines, l8mo Par. 1776 3195 Les Avantures du Philosophe Iiicounu, l2ino ib. 1874 3198 Le Priutemps D’ Yver, contenant Cinq-Journces en une Noble Compagnie an Chasteau du Priutemps. l2mo Anvers, 1572 3197 Helisenne de Crenne (Les CEuvres de Mad.) lOino Par. 1500 3193 Traite Historique des Dieux et des Demons du Pagaiiisme, avec Remarques Critiques sur le Systemede Mr. Bekker, 12mo — — Amst. 1099 3199 Prideaux, la Vie de Mahomet, l2ino ib. 1098 3200 Apocalypsis Insignium Aliquot Ilacresiarcharum, l2mo Lug. Bat. 1608 3201 Balli, Ac. 24 plates, oblong l2iuo 3202 Beverley’s History of Present State of Virginia, 8vo Jrjud !7i'5 352 THIRTY-THIRD DAY.^ 3203 Spencer’s Works by Hughes, printed by Tonson, 6 vol. 8vo ib. 1715 3294 Seissel, (Ckiude De) Histoire Singuliere du Roy Loys XII. 12mo — — Par. 1558 3205 De L’Estoile, (M. Pierre) Journal de Henri HI. Roy de France, 5 tom. 8vo a la Hajfe, 1744 3206 De L’Estoile, (M. Pierre) Journal du Regne de Henri IV. Roy de France, 4 tom. 8vo — ib. 1741 3207 Apologie Des Veritables Meraoires de Madame la Con- netable de Colonna Maria Mancini, ecrits par elle meme (Note—A Manuscript fairly written) with a date of 1678 3208 Diversarum Gentium Armatuba Eciuestris, execud. Bruy- nus, 4to — — 1515 3209 Recueil des Estampes de H. Wierix, 4to, plaits 3210 Biblesch Historica—N ote—This volume contains three valuable specimens of scarce and beautiful Wood Cuts, between 1533—1587, together with others of un¬ certain date 3211 Mirabilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders, 4to Land. 1661 3212 Another Copy — — 1661 3213 DEL MUSEO CAPITOLINO, 4 tom. folio Rom. 1755 3214 The Lord’s loud Call to England — 1680 3215 IcoNEs Ducalis Regia Lararium, sive Venetas, portraits, fol. ■— — Vtn. 1659 3216 Scriptores Artis CabaUsticfe in Theologia, plates, fol. Bast. 1628 End'of the Thirty-third Day. 353 Thirty-fourth Day’s Sale, FRIDAY the 24th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 3217 to Lot 3401 will he Sold this JJay, Being the SEVENTEENTH DAY of BOOKS. CASE No. 40. LOT 3217 -I. ARETI et Pavimenti del Antica Pompei e Pavimenli di Piielves,fol. Naps. 1796 3218 The Architectural Works of Robert and James Adam, sajjcrbly hound and gilt, plates, imperial folio. Land. 1778 3219 Some Account of Cathedral Church of Durham, and St. George’s Chapel Windsor, (the Antiquarian Society set) 8 proof plates — ib. 1801 3220 Account of the Abbey Church of St. Albans, and of Glou¬ cester Cathedral, 36 plates, imperial folio ib. 1813 3221 Mellan (Claudius) {an assemblage of fine prints, by and after) mounted in an imperial folio. 3222 Descrizione delle Feste Celebrate, in Parma VAnno 1769, 35 plates, fol. — Parma, 1770 3223 Millin (A. L.) Description des Tombeaiix de Canova, 14 plates, fol. — Par. 1816 3224 Denon, voyage DANS LA BASSE ET LA HAUTE EGYPTE, 2 vol. atlas folio — ib. 1802 3225 An imperial folio volume, containing one hundred and seventy-five most exquisitely coloured CHI¬ NESE DRAWINGS of BIRDS, local to China, with their names in Cliinese Cliaracler'', at [ler Drawing - 354 THIRTY-FOtfllTH DAY. Sf226 A ditto, containiug one hundred and forty-eight, at ditto — — - 3227 A ditto, containing one hundred and eighty Jive, of In¬ sects and Plants, at ditto — -- 3228 Shake-spbare, WjGollegtion (Bo.ydel’s) of \Q0 Beau¬ tiful Engravings after Pictures by the most eminent Pamters of tWe A%e, viz. Sir Jos.* Reynolds, B. West, B^rry, Romney, Opie, Northcote, Stotbard, Beecby, &c. &c. in Illustration of the Plays of Shakespeare, and engraved by the first-rale Artists, 2 vol. atlas folio, proofs and etchings, grten moracco, elegant Lend. 1803 3229 iloH&HTON Gallery—A series of 133 prints, engraved after the most capital Paintings (by Bartolozzi, V. Green, Sherwin, Ravenet, Sharp, &c.) in the Collection of the Empress of Russia, formerly in the possession of the Earl of Orford, at Houghton hall, in Norfolk, with Plans, Elevations, Sections, &c. '2 vols. atlas folio, half-hound russia — ib. 1798 3233 Hogarth’s Works, atlas folio, half-bound ib. 1822 3231 Memoires pour Servir a hi Histoire des lioin'mes II- lustres dans la Piepubiique des Lettres, 48 tom. i2nu> Par. 1727-4-5 3232 Amorum Emclemata, Figura^ /Eneae Incism Studio Othonis Vssnii, oblong 8vo — Aniv, !680 3233 Histoire dc Melusine Princesse de Lusignan, et Les Avan- tures et Voyage de Falaize', l2mo Par. 1700 3234 MISSALE, on vellum, M. S. with many notes at beginning and end, also 18 highly finished Drawings and a border most beautifully ornamented 3235 Merlin’s Prophecies and Pkeoictions, 4to£,(jH. 1651 3236 The Cry of a Stone, or a Relation of something spoken in White Hall, by Anna Trapucl, on the 11th of January 1G53, 4to — — ib. 1654 3237 L’Astree De Messire Honorc D'Urfe, enrichie de Figures,' 5 torn. 8vo — — Par. 1633 41238 The Famous History of Fryer Bacon, with the Life and' Death of Budecv and Vaudermast, 4to Lend. 1661 3239 Gale’s x'lntijpiilies of Vviucliester Cathedra!, plates, 8vo ib. 1715 3249 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, by an Adept, 3 vol. — — 1821 THIRTY-FODRTH DAY. 355 3241 Vie de Michel L’H6pital, Chancelier de France, 1. p. 8vo Lend. 1764 3242 Clark’s Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake, 4to ib. 1671 3243 Triumphus Jesu Christi Crucifixi, cum Figuris per Adrian Coliaert, 8vo — — Anto. 1608 3244 Mausoleum, Regni Apostolici, Regnm ac Primorum Mi- litantis Ungarise-Ducam, |)!ates, fol. Nurtmb. 1664 3243 Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Ariijicum per Joh: Episcopium et Nicolum Visscher, 57 plates, ful. Hague, 1671 Note.—The Autograph of Sir Joshua Reynolds 3246 Kleiner and Pfeffel, 133 fine views \a Vienna, ele¬ gantly bound, oblong folio Vien. 1724 3247 Solinus, Aulus Gellius et Macrobius apud Angelum Bri- tanicuin 1501, fol. 3248 Barclay’s Ship of Fools, fol. Lond. 1570 3249 Veues des Belles Maisons de France et D’ltalie, par Peretti, 204 plates, oblong folio 3250 Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works, from the Text of John. son and Steevens, Heath's beautiful edition, embellished with Boydell's 93 engravings, 6 vol. imp. 4to superbly bound in morocco, by Hering — ih. 1807 3251 Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, being a series of 338 views, maps, &c. &c. of the Kingdoms of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, oblong folio, no date, 3 tom. en I 3252 Suite D'Estampes par Mad. de Pompadour Gravee de Guay, 40 planches, fol. 3253 Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, fol. Sora. 1394 3234 PrjECLAra Ferdinandi, Cortesii Nova Maris Oceani Ilispania, Ac. fol. -- Novimb. 1524 CASE No. 41. 3255 HERE (M.) Recueil des Plans et Elevations des Cha¬ teaux et Jardins que le Roy de Pologne occupe en Loraine, 69 plates, 2vo\. gran. fol. — 3206 LE SACRE DE LOUIS XV. Roy de France e de Navarre, dans L’Eglise de Reims, Octobre 25, 1722 3257 Dichiarazione dei Disegni del Reale Palazzo del Caserta, ■ 14 plates, folio — — Napo. 1756 356 THIRTY.FOURTH DAY. 3253 Rbcueil D’Estampes dans le Cabine p u Roy^ iff, Lk Due D'Orleans ct aufres Cabinets, avec uii x\brege de !a Vie des Peiiitres, \S2 planches, 2 tom. en 1 -—— 3259 Specimens of .Ancient Sculpture, iEgyption, Etruscah, Greek and Roman, S4 plates, many duplicate proofs, without letters, published by the Dilettanti Society^ folio — — Lond. 1^09 3260 Holbein’s Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIH. in his Majesty’s Collection, folio, russia, joints, large paper copy — ib. 1793 8200* British Gallery of Engravings from Pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch and English Schools, with an Account of each Picture, in English and French. 52 Jim engravings, proof impressions Lond. 1807 8201 Recueil de PEINTURES ANTIQUES, trouvees a ROME, Imitees Fidelhnent pour Ics Couleurs et le Trait, par ' Pietro Santa Ba7’toli,'el erntres Dessinatciirs, IS plan¬ ches, S vo\. folio — Didot, a Par. Note— Printed on vellum, and the engravings most exquisitely coloured ' 8202 Stuart’s Antiquities of Athens, (vol. 1) 70 plates, folio — — Lond. 1702 3263 Recueil des Marbres, Antiques, &c. dans la Galerie du ’ Roy de Pologne, 230 plates, a Dresden, privately printed, folio — — 1733 3264 Statues et Bustes, Antiques au Palais des Thuilleries, 61 planches, folio — — -- 3265 Chambers's Designs for Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Sec. folio — — Lond. 1757 3206 Chambers’s Plans of Buildings, Ac. Gardens of Kew, Lond. 1763 3267 Recueil D’Estampes dans le Cabinet de M. Boyer d Aguilles, gravees par •/. C. D'Anvers, 60 proof plates, folio — — Par. 1744 3268 Description de la Place de Louis XV. a Reims, grand folio, (8 tine plates) — — ib. 1765 3269 Spencer’s Works, by Todd, 8 vol. 8vo large paper Lond. 1805 8270 The Antiquities of Ireland, by F. Grose, 2 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1791 THIRTY-FOURTH DAy. 357 3271 The Topographer, 4 vol. 8vo — Land. v.y. 3271* Warton’s (Thomas) Life of Sir Thomas Pope, 8vo ib. 1772 3272 Gregory’s (Dr. G.) Works of Thomas Chatterton, 3 vol. 8vo — — ih. 1808 3273 Thunberg (Caroli Petri) Flora Japonica, Svo lAys. 1784 3274 Zimmerman on the Elfecls of Solitude, 2 vol. 8yo Lond. 1607 3273 Hailes’ (Lord) Annals of Scotland from Malcolm III. to the House of Stewart, 3 vol. Svo Edin. 1797 3276 Vite di Plutarco, tradotte par M. Lodivico Domenichino, con la Vita dell Auttore de T. Porccacchi, 2 voL 4to — — in Fen. 1387 3277 Jansen Essai sur L’Origine de la Gravure en Bois et en Taille-Douce, et sur la Connoissance des Estampes des XV. et XVl. Seicles, 2 tom. Svo — Par. 1808 3278 De Berguen (Robert) Les Merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, 4to — — ib. 1069 3279 Gostling’s (William) Walk in,and about the City of Can¬ terbury, Svo — — Cant. 1777 3280 Lettres sur L’Atlantide de Platon et sur L'Ancienne Kis- toire tie L’Asie, Svo — — Lond. 1777 3281 Lettres sur L'Origine des Sciences des Peuples de L’Asie, par M. Bailly, Svo — — ib. 1777 82S2 La Geomauce du Seig. Christofe de Cattan, 4to Par. \b77 3283 Groses’ Antiquities of England, Wales, and Scotland; Military Ditto and Dover Castle, 13 voj. 4to — — ib. 1779 3284 D’Aussay (M. le Grand) Histoire de ia Vie Privee des Fraiifais, 3 vol. 8vo — — Pur. 1782 3283 Idee Generale D une Collection Complette D Estampes Svo — — Lips. 1771 3286 Istoria del Alfonso Giaccone, per di S. Gregorio Papa, 4to — — Siena. i59d 3287 Elegant Extracts, 18 vol. 12mo , Lond. - 3288 La Vie de Fhhlipe d’Espagne, C tom. 12 mo Antst. 1734 3289 Curtio (Cornelio) Virorum Illustrium et Ordinis Erimata- rura D. Augustini Eiogia, 4to — Ante. 16 .6 3290 Symeoni (Gabriel) Dialogo Pio et Specula’.ivo, ito in Lione, 1360 2 B 2 358 THIRTY-rOURTU DAY. ■* i ‘ : - r -rrr ^ - ■ .. . . . . . - 3201 The Temple of Solomon, and the Tabernacle of Moses, (a Description of) 4to — — Land. 1725 3292 L’Histoire du Noble et ties-Valliant Roy Alexandre le Grand, 4to — — Par. '- 3203 Synieon (Gabriel) Illustratione de Gli Epitaffi et Medaglii Antichi, 4to — — Lion, 165S 3294 Callot Theatre Des Nains, SVO — 1716 CASE No. 42. 329-5 Les Saisons, Poem^, 8vo — — Amst. 1775 3206 D'Oiidegherst (Pierre) Les Chroniques, et Annales de Flandres, 4to — — Anvers. 1571 3?97 The NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSEHOLD BOOK, 8vo Lond. 1770 3298 Cavacius (Jacobus) a plates, royal 4to Amst. 1734 3352 Gunton's (Si/mon) History op the Church of Pe TERBOROUOH, fol. large pa)»er Land. 1GS6 3353 Miener’s History and Survey of the Antiquities OF Winchester, plates, 2 vol. 4tol. p. superbly bound in blue morocco — Winchester, 1798 3354 Gladwin's Translation of Ayeen-Akbery, 3 vol. 4to, Ijrge paper — Calcutta, 1783 Note.—Mr. Gibbon’s Copy 3355 .FscTiiLii Tragcedi/E cum ScHOLis Grascis et Com¬ ment Thomas Stanleii, fol. Land. 1664 3356 STRUTT S CHRONICLES of ENGLAND, 2 vol. 42 pi lies, 4to, large paper — Land. 1777 3357 Strutt s Manners, Customs, Arms, and Habits, \C>0 p/ates, 3 vol. 4to — ib. 1775 33 )8 Xiinencz (Andres) Descripcion del Real Monasterio deSan Lorenzo del Escorial, tol. — Mad- 1765 3359 St. Jehan, (Le Mystere de L’Apocalypse)compose par Loys Chcefjuet, fol, — ‘ 1541 3360 Baker's Ciironicle of the Kings of England, with the portrait of P, (diaries, ful. — Pond. 1643 3361 Ilarshnet’s (Detection of that sinful, shameful lying and ndicalous Discovers of) 4to — Idctl 3362 San-Giovauni (Vittoria) Storia della Madre di dio Maiia Vergine, de Monte Berico, l2mo 1762 3363 Fragmeiis de Lettres Originales de Mad. Charlotte E. de Baiiere, 2 tom. !2mo — Hambourg, 17>8 3364 Mataiiasins (Cliriiosloine) Le Chef-D’GEuvres D’un lo- connu, 2 tom. r2;uo — a la Hope, l7 5 3365 (Ganganelli), I.a Vie du Pope Clement XIV. 12rno Par. 1776 3366 Ganganelli (Lettres lateressantes du Pape, 4 torn. 12mo ib. 17 6 3367 Horne’s (Thomss Hartwell) Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, 2 vol. 1. p. 8vo Land. IS 14 362 TtllRTY-FOURTH DAY 83G8 Conimelin (Caspaii) Praeludia Botanica, 33 plates, 4to Lug. Bat. 1703 3369 Glover’s Leonidas, duplicate set of proof plates, 2 vol, Svo — . — Land. 1798 CASE No. 44. a 3370 Goldsmith’s Poems, ditto blue morocco, Svo Lond. 1808 3371 Pope’s Rape of the Lock, ditto 8vo ib. 1790 3372 Gray’s Poems, ditto Svo blue morocco ib. 1800 3373 Thomson’s Seasons, 6 proof plates, Svo ib. 1802 The above Jive works are of the largest size edition,with an additional set of proofs on India Paper, and bound uniform. 3374 Le Grange (Lucrece 4’raduit avcc notes par M.) 2 vol, Svo grand papier — Par. 1768 3375 Noble’s Memoirs of the Protectorial House of Cromwell, portraits, 2 vol. Svo — Lond. 1787 3376 More’s (Sir Thomas) History of King Richard the Third, portraits, I. p. Chiswick, 1821 3377 Jauna (Dominique) Histoire Generale de Chypre de Jeru¬ salem et D’Egypte, maps, 2 tom. 4to a Leide, 1747 3378 Veneres ct Priapi, 36 plates, Svo Lug. Bat. - 3379 Bertholet, (Jean) Histoire de L’liistitution de la Fete-Dieu, 17 planches, 4to — a Leige, 1546 33S0 De Sacy (Silvester) Memoirs sur Diverses Antiquites de la Perse, 4to — — Par. 1793 3381 Exccrpta ex Tragoediis et Comoediis-Gr.-ecis, cum Latini Ver.sione Hugonis Grotii, 4to — ib. 1026 3382 Martorelius (Jacobus) De Regia Theca-Calamaria in Regia Academia, 2 tom. 4to — Aeapo. 1756 3383 Keating’s History of the Conquest of hlexico, 4to Loud. 1800 3384 NICHOLS’S (John) PROGRESSES and Public Proces¬ sions of QUEEN ELIZABETH, 3 vol. plates, red mo¬ rocco, 4to — — Lond. 1788 3385 Leus (Andre) Le Costume, ou Essai sur les Habilleinents et !es Usages des Peuples de L’Antiquite, 4to a Leige, 1776 3386 Le Regrars traversant les Perilleusses Voyages des Folles et Fiances du Monde, composee par Sebaslien Brandt, fob — Par. THIRTY-FOURTH DAY, 363 3387 Dodsley’s Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. 12tno Lond. 1708 3388 BOILEAU {(Euvres de M.) avec des Remarques par Saint-lNIarc, et Planches par Picart, 5 tom. handsomely bound, red morocco, 8vo — Par, 1747 3389 Histoire des Papes, depuisS. Pierre, jusqu’ a’Benoit XIII. 5 tom. 4to — ala Haye 1732 3390 Clery (M.) Journal A la Tour du Temple pendant la Cap tivite de Louis XVI. 8vo — Lond. 1798 3391 Rapin (Nicolas) CEuvres Latines et Francoises, 4to Par. 1610 3392 Decker’s Gull’s Horn Book, 4to Bristol, 1812 3393 Felebien, Entretiens sur les Vies des Pientres 2 vol. 4to Par. 1683 3394 Spon Histoire de Geneve, 2 tom. 4to Gen. 1730 3395 Louis XVI. (Journal Historique du Sacre et du Couron- nement de) enriche de 30 Figures par le Sieur Patas, 4to Par. 1775 3396 Roper’s Life ofSir Thomas More, I p. 8vo Chiswick, \%n 8‘397 Ouseley’s (William) Persian Miscellanies, plates, 4to Lond. 1795 3393 Steady '^Octavius) Simbola Romanorum Ponti- FicuM ET Imperatorum Orientalum, fol. no date Note.—Manuscript Copy, beside being most beau¬ tifully written, containing 300 spirited original pen and ink drawings 3899 De Choisy, Histoire de Charles VI. Roi de France, 4to Par. 1695 3400*^ Swift’s (Jonathan) Works, with Notes and Life by Hawkes- worth ; illustrated with engravings by Muller, 12 vol. 4to Lond. 1755 3401^ Fielding’s (Henry) Works, with the Life of the Author, 4 vol. 4to — ib, 1762 End of the Thirty-fourth Day. 364 Thirty-fifth Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, the 25th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half past Twelve precisely. From Lot 3400 to Lot 3590 will be Sold this Day, Being the EIGHTEENTH DAY of BOOKS. I.OT 3400 3401 3402 ■ 3403 3404 340.j> 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3114 CASE No. 45. OITURE, (Les (Eiivres de M.) r2m() Load. 1665 Taurello (Nicolas) Euiblemata Physico et Ethica, l2mo Novimb. 1.595 Priolo (M.)Memoirs de la Vie de Theodore Agrippa D’Au- bigne, l‘2nio — — Ann 1731 De Zur-Laubeii (M. le Baron) Menioires et Lettres de Henri Due de Bohan, 3 tom. 12 ni 0 Gene. 1758 Bocallar, Memoirs pour Servir a I'Histoire D'Espagne, sous le Begne de Pltillippe V. 4 tom. l2mo Amst. 1756 De Vertoi, (L’Abbe) Ambassadesde M.de Noailles, 5 tom. l2mo — — a Ltyde, 1763 Fortunatus, Les Riches Entretiens des Adventures et Voyages, l2mo — — Par. l637 Straparola(Gio. Francesco)Piaceuoli Notli, 12ino Ven. 1580 Holtzwartis Harburgensis (Malbia) Eikones cum Brevis- simis Descriptionibus, 12tno Venit. 1573 Le Comte de Gabalis, l2rao — Par. 1670 La Vie de Male; a ( urions manuscript on vellum, with illumina¬ tions, Heraldic and other ways, 4to no date —— 3855 Cartron and Rouille, llistoire Roniain depiiis la Fondation de Rome, 17 vol.4to. — — Paris 1725 3850 Richelct Dictionnairc dela Langue Frangoise, ancienne et moderne, 3 vol. folio. — Li/on, 1728 3857 Marsigli L’Etat Militairede 1’Empire Ottoman, folio, a la liaije, 1722 3858 Townsend’s History of the Conquest of Mexico, folio, Lond. 1724 3859 Miscellanea Eruditae Antiquitatis in Quibus Marmora, folio Lugdini, 1685 Dictionnairc de L'Academie Frangoise, 2 vol. folio, Paris, 1740 3860 THIRTY-SEVEXTH OAY, 3S8 38G1 3862 3803 3864 3865 3806 3807 3808 1809 38/0 387! 38/2 3873 38/4 3875 3876 3877 3878 3s;^9 3880 3881 3882 3683 3884 3885 3886 3887 38S3 3689 Paten FamiliiE Romaiize, folio — Paris, 1663 Ilistoire des Traites de Paix, 2 vol. folio Amster. 1625 Athanasii Kircheri e sog Jesn, folio ib. 1669 Atlianasii Kircheri fuldensis Bnchonii, folio 1046 llomani Collegii Socictatis Jesu Museum, Ac. folio ib. 1678 L’llistoire d’Heliodorus contenant dix livrcs, folio Paris, 1569 Cartes aiix Voyage d'Jtalie, folio Aquatiliiim Animalium Historia, folio Rom. 1554 UNBOUND BOOKS. QUARTO. The Castle of Otranto — Land. 1791 Ihe Portfolio for IS16 — ib. I816 Journal des Savans pour L’An. 17OI Par. 1701 Paper’s Dissertation on the Gipsies Land. 1787 Gunn’s Historical Enquiry respecting the Performance on the Harp in the Highlands of Scotland — Ediri, I8O7 Euripldis Tragoedia cum Scholiis et Notis Valckenar Oxf. 1796 Hargrove’s Account of the Walcheren Expedition Duh. 1812 Halliday’s Account of the Portuguese Army Land. 1811 Beatson’s Account of the War with Tippoo ib. 1800 Percival’s Account of the Island of Ceylon ib. 1803 Planta’s History of the Helvetic Confederacy, 2 vol. ib- 1800 Somerville’s Poem, “ The Chase,” wood cuts ib. 1796 Roscoe’s Poems “ The Nurse” — Liverp. 1798 Hoccleve’s Poems — — Land. 1796 Allwood’s Literary Antiquities of Greece — ib. 1799 Hayley’s'Essay on Sculpture, in a series of letters to Mr. Flax- man, illustrated by outline engravings —■ ib. 1600 Coi-aeiile (Theatre de P.) tome premiere Par. 1783 Metastanio (Opere Postume del Signor,) 3 tom. Fieri. 1795 Mitloia’s History of Greece, vol. 3 and 4 Loud. 1797-1808 Heywood’s Vindication of Fox’s History ex'James the Second Land. 1811 Musgrave’s (Sir Richard) Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland, 2 vol. illustrated by maps and plates Dub. 1601 3890 ssgi 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 390 i 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 39O8 S 9 O 9 3910 391 i 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 39 I 8 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 THIRTY-SEVENTH DAY. 389 Bolingbroke’s (Lord) Correspondence, collected by Gilbert Parke, 2 vol. fine paper — Lmd. 1798 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, with Notes and Glossary by' Tyrwhitt, 2 vol, — — Oxf, I 798 Athenian Letters, or Correspondence of the Agent of the King of Persia during the Peloponnesian War, 2 vol. the largest paper edition — Land. 1 798 Grove Hill, a Poem ; illustrated with most beautiful wood cuts ib. 1799 Richardson’s Specimen of Persian Poetry — lb. 1774 Woodward’s Olio of Good Breeding, illustrated by 12 coloured plates — — ib. 1797 Cupid and Psyche, fine plates — ib. 1800 Payne Knight on the Progress of Civil Society ib. I 79 S Edwy and Edilda, a Tale — ib, 1794 The Royal Investigation — I 8 O 7 The Castle of Athlin and Daubayne — 1799 Elizabeth — — 1808 Haunted Cavern — — 1796 Anecdotes — — Land. 1810 Burton’s Travels of Young Candid, vol. 2 and 3 - Strutt’s Queen Hoo-Hall, 4 vol. — Ecfin. 1803 Les Chevaliers du Cygne, 3 tom. — 179^ Pinkerton’s Poems “ The Bruce,” 3 vol. ~ ib. I 89 O Brown’s Sketches, 2 vol. — Land. La Chateau de Hoelberg, 2 vol. — Par. 1800 Mysteries of the Black Tower, 2 vol. — Lond. 1716 Lord Ruthw'en, 2 vol. — Martyn of Penrose, 3 vol. —- Nocturnal Visit, 4 vol. — Charles Ellds, 2 vol, — — Ha) ley’s Essay on Old Maids, 3 vol. — I’he Spirit of the Public Journals, 4 vol. Memoirs of M. de Brinboe, 3 vol. — Memoirs of Sir Roger de Clarendon, 3 vol Douglas, 4 vol. — — The Monastery of St, Columb, 5 vol. — Mademoiselle de la Fayette, 2 tom. — Lettres sur L’ltalie, 2 tom. — Ponz (Antonio) Viage Fuera de Espana, 2 tom ib. 1820 ib. 1801 ib. 1800 ib. 1806 ib. 1735 ib, 1805 ib. 1803 ib. 1793 ib. 1800 Land. 1813 Par. 1803 Laus. 1790 Mad. l/ilS sm THIRTY-SEVENTH DAY. 3g24 Theatro Comico Poi tuffuez, 4 tom, — List). 1777 3935 The Poetry of the V/orld, vol. 3 and 4 — 9026 Bell’s British Album, 2 vol. Load. 1792 39?7 Bell’s Fugitive Poetry, 16 vol, — ib. i;sg ODD VOLUMES. 8928 Basilii Fabri Thesaurus, tomus alter, fulio 8029 Journal du Chevr, Chardin, premiere partie, fol. Land. 1G86 8930 Architecture de Palladio par Leoni, tome premier, fcl. a la Huye, 172G 3931 Cornelii Taciti Opera, illustravit Gabriel Brotier, tom. 1, 2 et 3, L. P. — — Par. 1771 3932 Forbes’s full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, vol. 1, fol. — Pond. 1740 8933 Forster (George (F. R. S.) Voyage round the World in the Years 1772, 3, 4 and 5, vol. 2, 4to Land. 1777 3934 Topographia Galliae, tomes 1, 2, 4, lol. Amst. 1660 3935 Histoire de L’Eglise Ecrite par Socrate, tradiiite par Mons. Cousin, tomes 2, 3 and 4, 4to — Par, 1675 0936 Voyage en Arabic et en d’autres Pays Circonvoisons, par C- Niebuhr, tome premier, 4to — Amst, 1776 3937 Reciieii de difi’erentes Choges par M. le Marquis De Lassay quatrieme partie, 4to — Lausanne, 1756 3038 Histoire Du Pontilicat De St. Gregoire Le Grand, par Mons. Maimbourg, tomes XIIL et XIV. Par, 1686 et 1687 3939 Journal des Observations Physiques, Mathematiques, et Botaniques, par Louis Feuille, tome premier, 4to ib, 1714 3949 Table Alphabetique des Matieres, contenues dans I'Histoire des Sciences, &c. par M. Godin, tom. IV. ih. 1734 3941 Voyages de Monsieur Le Chevalier Chardin, en Perse, tomes I. et U. 4to. — — Amst. 1711 3942 Arabian Nigbts Entertainments, vol, 1, 3, and 4, 8vo 3943 Poole, (R,) A Journey from London to France and Holland, or the Travellers useful Vade Mecum, 2Hd vol. 8vo Lend. 1750 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 THIRTY-SEVENTH DAY. 391 Hoole (John) Orlando Furioso, translated from the Italian, vol. 1, 8vo — Land. 1773 Du Val, (P.) Le Voyage et la De.scription d’ltalie, 12mo 1st part — Par, 1651 Elite de Bons Mots, 2nd vol. 18mo Amst, 1731 Sundries Ditto D’ttc. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto '* Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto End of the Thirty-seventh Day, .T,\ ,r aTJjrm rT/nvtr ■ ‘lii ■ ff'Aj wiifu/'iO' ‘ ^vrrc mMS"- ' iivfr\ i-ft.-f ■ ■ ,'sl ';r<5rv'-:v (V? # - wiilbnuj t’xm ‘«>>iK ' mH ' . ' " -Vinji' •i' 'oi*'- ‘/fiiftr ♦ ifiktK ' - v'' '(tlitH. '.*»A / • ' • i ^ 5 1 ^ V t I I r- I i\ I 'I '1 ■'■I •Mf itf/ I 'i' a { •J m-{\r)r~J CrtTWUJfr Holl' u p*"' ^ - W£ GOTy CFmR ■ tIBft/lRY • I ,'•■1 H' 3 if' 17 i i' V I I 1 ■ •* A ff GETTY CENTER