MANUFACTURER OF C. C. CALSOMINE. THEY CAN BE PREPARED AND USED BY ANYONE. No. I No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 26 READY FOR USE BY ADDiNC HOT WATER. No. 9 No. I 0 No. I 1 No. 27 No. 21 No. 22 No. 28 No. 25 These Sample Tints are made by applying our Calsomine with an ordinary Kalsomine Brash. Any Shade desired can be obtained by combining- Dry Colors to our White. -TOR. SALE BY These Goods are warranted equal to any in the market. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed . TRY IT AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. QUALITY IS UNEQUALLED. To the contents of a 6 pound package, add 3 pints boiling water, stir it thoroughly until the glue is completely dissolved and the mixture becomes smooth and free from lumps; then add 3 pints cold water (the colder the better, and be sure not to use any more water than the proportions given), and stir it thoroughly in the mix¬ ture, and apply with a Kalsomine brush in the usual manner. The Calsomine should be stirred well while it is being used. Be sure always to have the Calsomine cold before using it. When the mixture is in a semi-jellied state, it is in the best possible condition for use. In very warm weather, and in order to attain that condition, after the mixture is made with the boiling water and the glue is thor¬ oughly dissolved, instead of adding cold water add 3 pounds of ice and stir it about in the mixture until it is melted. The melting of the ice will supply the required amount of water, and the Calsomine will then be in a semi-jellied state. When the Calsomine becomes too strongly jellied for use, heat it enough to melt it, and then let it get cold before using; but do not add hot water to melt it, as the water would reduce the body and often render two coats necessary to cover, where one coat would do. When the Calsomine has stood over night or for days, and becomes thick from evaporation of the water, then add water suffi¬ cient to make the thickness of its original body. READ CAREFULLY 1 . prrp 1 piTTnw nr wnyc X •.*_*. X lWXl WX XX Before applying the Calsomine, it is first necessary to see that the walls are free from dust, dirt or cobwebs. Holes in the walls may be plugged with thick Calsomine. If the consumer is particular to have a fine job, and the walls have been white-washed, it will be necessary to go over them first with a glue size. If the walls have old Calsomine on them, it should be all removed before applying the new: this can be easily done by wash¬ ing with a sponge and warm water. In applying the coats of Calsomine—unless the operator is an expert—it is usually necessary to apply an alum size over the first coat when it is dry, then the second coat can be applied with less danger of the first coat rubbing up. It is possible to obtain good results on old calsomined walls without washing, by applying an alum size, but then being so many coats, it is more liable to scale. Always keep your brushes clean by frequent washing. Work as rapidly as possible to prevent laps. CLUB SZZB Is made by dissolving one-half pound of glue in one gallon of boiling or hot water. ALUM SZZB Is made by dissolving one pound of alum in one gallon of boiling or hot water. LOWE 4 CO., PRINTERS, 210 FULTON STREET, N. V. Hut Me gnrbe 511111 ©ebrnnrijc git iirnpnrircn, ucrfnl)rc nnf folijcnbe JGetfe: 9J?an tiiljte ein ^Saquet (fi ^funb) tangfatn ttitb tiiddig ntit 3 ipint t>ot(= lotninat ftebenbem SBaffer jufaittinett, t>i8 atle Stmnpen »erfd)touiibert uiib ber Seim aufgelbft, mtb fefje bcinn biefetbe Quantitat falteS SSJaffer Igitigu (tut @om» mcr fo Diet ©8, bas! 3 ^int JBaffer cittfpridft), tiilfre e8 tiieftig mtt, mtb bte garbe ift jum ©ebranepe bottftSnbig fertig imb famt mittelft ®aIfomiite^^infeI in getoolmtcr S33etfe aitfgetragen toerben. ®ie SKiftfmitg Innii langere 3eit ctufbctoaprt toerben, o^itc jit berberben, toitb aber fwiiptfadjlid) in faltcut SBettcr babnvd; jit bid uttb ntnjj burtfi novftc^tigeS SBarmeii, nid;t aber burdt 3 u 8’ e 6 en bon f)eifjeut SBciffer bitnner gemaefit toerben. 3m ridjtigeit SBerljattnifj angemadit, erfepeint bie garbe erfaltet in I>aI6 geHee* artigent gitflcmbe, mtb biefe? ift ba8 befte ©tabiuitt jutit ©ebrattd;e. ®er iBorjng biefer SOJifdqtttg ift git flat, tint toeitereS baritber jn fagett; abgerec^net bie SlrbeitSerfparnijj, bn feitt ©ifeu not^toenbig. StSanbc Don Srattfem jimtnern bantit angeftricf>en, beSinficirt biefetbett boflfotntnen, toitb toeber abfprtngen nod; ficf> abreibett taffen. 2Ittdj liijjt fief; bic trodene garbe japrelattg in irgcttb einem SHima att trodenett ifSlaljen attfbetoa^rett, of»te ittt geringfien bie 33ri(tanj feitter Eculeitt ;u beranbetti. Sin G 'Pfuiib 'Paquet etgeugt eitte ®attottc gar be, 400 Quabratfufj ein» mat bedt. ®ie SBaare recommanbirt ft