Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_80 OA.T AH.OOXJE OF THE COLLECTION OF OLD PERSIAN FAIENCE FORMED BY THE LATE SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, When Minister to Persia at Teheran; E Small Collection of porcelain (PRINCIPALLY ORIENTAL), THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE DR. BRAXTON HICKS; AND OBJECTS OF ART AND DECORATION AND SCULPTURED MARBLE FROM MANY PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill fau junction bn Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT fHEIB GBSAV ROOMS* 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, hit. James's Square, S. W. OL CONDITIONS OF SALE. - O - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. TV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VTI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -K> On FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Collection of PERSIAN FAIENCE formed by the late SIR WILLIAM THOMSON , when Minister to Persia at Teheran. ) 1 Eight Persian tiles, with rliamond-shaped panels of conventional flowers in blue, green and yellow ‘ 2 A pair of Persian tiles, with geometrical design in red, blue and . , brown -* 3 A star-shaped tile, in two divisions, with arabesques in white on y a blue ground 4 An Octagonal Tile, with fine interlaced ornaments in black and white on a blue grouud —velvet frame ; and one, nearly^ y f similar A Star-Shaped Tile, enamelled in a lustred yellow with figures in the centre, inscription in white on a blue ground on tbe borders —velvet frame-, and one, of similar colouring, witli^/^ ^, ^ arabesque ornaments— framed 6 Four star-shaped tiles, with arabesques in lustred browns—in ✓ , shield-shaped frame /6a A brass bowl, with raised centre, entirely engraved with £> 7 Two upright tiles, with an inscription in high relief on a lustred brown ground with birds and flowers 6- S'. O 8 A fragment of tile, mosaic, of an interlaced arabesque design in blue, black and orange (1/ $ • t? * & 9 A large Persian dark celadon dish, with diaper pattern in slight relief in the centre—21^ in. diam. ; and a similar dish smaller, with an aster in the centre—17 in. diam. 10 A Persian celadon dish, with a dragon in the centre—13^ in, diam. ; and a small dish, with shaped border, similar £*/*. o 11 A dish, painted with a dancing girl in blue, landscape on tho border in the Chinese taste—10 in. diam. /12 A dish, curiously enamelled with vine ornaments in blue and y I gold— 9f in. diam. ; one, with star and dotted ornaments : b./r.os and a plate, painted with a rose in the centre, diapers on the / border 113 An engraved white oviform jar, with open lip—5^ in. high ; and two saucers, similar 14 A pear-shaped pipe-bowl, of white glaze—4^ in. high ; a coffee- cup ; a stand, pierced under the glaze ; and a small owiform jar, with birds in black, grey and blue—4 in. high T5 A faceted pear-shaped bottle, with alternate panels of flowers in blue and red—5^ in. high 16 A small jar, with a landscape in blue in the Chinese taste; and a small barrel-shaped vase, with panels of palms in black and blue //> /V, O 17 A Globular Bottle, with arabesque and conventional foliage in brown and red on a pale blue ground, star ornament on the neck—7 in. high /rc r. O’ > 5 23 24 25 26 27 >28 29 ^30 > . 31 ith con™*- y r Q^ A Bottle, with cylindrical neck, pencilled in blue with palm- leaf shaped panels, bands of diaper pattern, etc^ in the Chinese taste—15^ in. high A Globular Sage-Green Glaze Bottle, with zigzags in low relief, sprays of carnation in mauve—7 in. high A Narghile, of globular form, with curious figure subjects in Jh '— black and blue— in. high A Chinese Bottle, with a procession of a mandarin in blue an 40 A pair of cylindrical spill-vases, with shaped panels of figures on a groundwork of arabesques and characters— IZ^.in. high & (11 A pair of depressed bowls, with circular panels of figures on a V groundwork pierced with conventional asters * 142 A pair of incense burners, with flattened tops, fastening by a hinge, pierced with foliage and birds, inscriptions round the borders 43 A stone relief, with three figures before a ruler, on a throne, crucifixion inscription— said to he from Babylon 7 The following were the Property of the late DR. BRAXTON HICKS. OLD NANKIN. 44 A pair of round dishes, with dragons and waves in the centres, ' and prunus and waves on the borders—101? in. diam. r 45 A pair of ditto, with prunus foliage in white on blue ground— . 8 in. diam. A>7 r '46 A pair of ditto, with flowers and foliage in white on blue ground; and one, smaller, with dragons and waves sty V o o o 48 A circular old Nankin dish, with escalloped border, paiuted with branches of flowers and birds, and with an open peony and scroll foliage in white on dark blue ground in the centre— 9f in. diam. 49 A pair of ditto circular dishes, painted with flowering prunus branches in white on marbled blue ground in the centres and- on the borders—lOf in. diam. 2y 50 A white dish, with raised centre, and landscapes in blue in six medallions—14 in. diam.; and one, with plants and rocks in - lotos-; etal border—13^ m. diam. '51 A pair of plates, with lady and child in a garden, and children <■ and plants in alternate compartments on the borders 52 A larger ditto, with a basket of flowers, plants and rocks ; and one, with arabesque foliage 53 A dish, with Lange Lysen and border of arabesques ; and tw. smaller dishes, with a garden scene and Lange Lysen 54 A d^ep dish, with flowers, vases, &c. in compartments; a plate ' with prunus blossom ; one other; and a small plate 55 A circular dish, with arabesque foliage in white, on blue ground —13^ in. diam. ; and one, with birds, plants, rocks, &e. 14 in. diam. ^ 56 A bowl, painted with birds, prunus and rocks—8^ in. diam. d twp . 8 /4/~ 67 fid A ^rr) ( co A 6i a£ * 0 —^za 62 63 y* p~j-& 64 A ^ .0 65 (^' J , 0 66 /A 67 / 73 An oviform jar and cover, with ladies and boys playing, utensils on the neck—18 in. high 74 A Vase «and Cover, painted with Sowers and rocks in numerous shaped panels on blue groundwork with flowers in white- 23 in. high white— J CHINESE ENAMELLED PORCELAIN. Q 75 A plate, enamelled with figures in pink trellis border; a small X— bowl, with dragon on yellow ground ; one, with flowers on green ground ; and a small vase, with figures, &c. . 76 A dish, enamelled with pomegranates, bat and rocks in a medal- lion, fruit and foliage outside—9^ in. diam. 77 A dish, enamelled in brilliant colours with a vase of flowers in // y border with flowers on dotted green ground—15 in. diam. 78 A shaped Imari dish, with flowers and landscapes in shaped panels on blue ground on the border; a basket of flowers in the ^ y centre—12 in. diam.; and a pair of plates, with flowers, birds, &e., in colours p vase, enamelled with pomegranates and flowers in brilliant X ’ / 17 . , dX>7 colours—17 in. high ^ 0 79 A 0 A small apple-green bowl, engraved with dragons and jewel; a small yellow' crackle vase; an apple-green ditto; and a small^ ^ fluted green bottle £77 81 A small pale green bowd and cover; a larger ditto bo wd ; and a r small glass vase 82 A shaped celadon dish, with slightly raised flower in the centre, 7 } and key-pattern ornament—9^ in. diam. 83 A small bottle, with flowers in shaped panels on powdered-blue ground—6 in. high #84 A noazarin-blue jar and cover, sliglitly pencilled with gold— XX 10^ in. high B 3 10 / * -A . /. /& (85 O 86 , ^87 - A / ^,0 88 A brown bottle, with crimson lip—11^ in. high A dark blue bottle—11^ in. high & A double square-shaped vase, of coarse yellow crackle—13 in. high An old Japanese cloisonne enamel dish, with flowers and diaper ' patterns in colours in shaped panels on turquoise ground— / 15 L in. diam. A Satsuma vase, with pierced panels enamelled with flowers in colours, the Tokugawa crest on the neck—17 in. high 4/. .^rz? 60 * 92 » & 94 Pair of Chelsea Candlesticks, the nozzles supported by bosquets of coloured flowers, on coloured and gilt scroll plinths, with groups of a hen and chicken and two cockp^ fighting—9^ in. high A Pair of Larger Ditto, with seated figures of a lady and gentleman, with a bird-cage, bird, lamb and dog, in bosquets, on pierced scroll plinths—111, in. high A shaped Chelsea vase, with white and gold handles, and raised i sprays of flowers, white and green, on pale pink ground— in. high —on white and gold pedestal with rams’ head* and > festoons in relief A small Bow group of a cow and calf, in bosquet; and a Chelsea figur i of a child, with basket of flowers Thompson, Sir Henry: Catalogue of Nankin Porcelain, illustrated . by himself and J. Whistler, 1878 —only 220 copies printed fcSTi The property of A GENTLEMAN , deceased. CHINESE CARVINGS IN JADE. 7^95 — x? 96 * ro 97 —p 98 V# 99 O 100 ; o ioi 102 103 104 & A group, in pale green jade, of two lotos pods— carved and pierced^? wood stand A Paib of Bowls, on finely pierced and fluted stands, with conventional monsters and interlaced scrolls—44 in. high ^t// 6| in. diam.—on carved and pierced wood stand A Bowl, with open lip, of the finest pale green jade—3^ in. high 7 in. diam—carved and pierced wood stand yyyd A Pair of Quatrefoil-Shaped Vases, of dark green jade r carved with four ridges in low relief, leaf and conventional ornaments—lOf in. high, 6 in. diam. A Fine Bowl, of Dark Green Jade, carved and pierced with peony handles, conventional asters on the body in lo\y_^elief —2§ in. high, 5 in. diam. A small bowl, of pale green jade, carved and pierced, with, prunus handles— in. Jong A cover, of pale green jade, pierced and finely carved with peonies A Tripod Vase and Cover, of pale green jade, carved with lotos-pattern handles, the whole minutely carved and pierced / with minute lotos-pattern ornaments, fluted handle abo —6-^ in. high, 6 in. diam.—carved and pierced wood stand 6 A Pair of Bowls, of fine marbled green jade—3f in. high, 7^ in.^ diam.—on lotos-pattern dark wood stands A Shallow Bowl, on five small feet, of fine pale green jade, with curious cloud and ring handles, carved on either side in relief with two characters and mythical animals, autumn flowers in the interior—3^ in. high, 7 in. diam. — carved and pierced open wood stands 12 iOy A Bowl, of pale green jade, carved round the outer edge with 10G A //ST. seven seated figures of Buldha, in low relief, Buddhistic ornaments and festoons of jewels in between, wave-pattern base 3 j* in. high, 9 in. diam.—on carved and pierced WQod 0 stand LARGE TWO-IIANLLED DARK GREEN JADE VASE AND COVER, with conventional lion and loose ring handles, fluted centre and cover with key pattern in low relief, the whole surmounted by a coiled figure of a dragon— * 8j- in. high, 7^ in. diam.—carved and pierced wood stand 107 An Altar Set, of Old Cloisonne Enamel, consisting of an oblong-shaped koro and cover, a pair of pricket candlesticks and a pair of beakers. 1 he whole of the decoration consists of the conventional emblematical design, executed in brilliant colours on a key-pattern turquoise-blue ground, the koro surmounted by a kylin, chased metal-gilt castellated ridges in low relief height of the lcoro, 17J in .; height of the candle¬ sticks. 174- in.: height of the beakers, 15^ in. Kien Lung Dynasty From the Summer Palace , Pekin DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. iff. 7, * A Dresden vase-shaped salt-cellar, with scrolls and cherub heads in relief, painted with Watteau figures and flowers " 109 A Triple Leaf-Shaped Box, of pale green jade, carved in low' relief with lotos-branch handle, and flowers at the top and bottom iJ 0 A Small Parcel-Gilt Casket, engraved with figures in early 1 / 17th century costume, birds and arabesques, and the horse of Hanover beneath, with elaborate lock of blued steel inside the lid— German, 17 th century From the Pernal Ccllection 13 111 A Louis XV. oblong fluted metal-gilt snuff-box, the lid chased , 0 with shell and scroll ornament; and a coloured Vernis- Martin needle-case, mounted with gold 112 Two marble paper weights, inlaid with Roman mosaics of figures in Turkish costume ; and a pair of small bronze ewers, with battle subjects in relief 113 An octagonal-shaped Biddri box and cover, inlaid with ornament in silver ; and a smaller ditto, inlaid with flowers^^^^t^C J-T OLD ENGLISH CUT-GLASS. Q 114 A bowl, with shell-shaped edges, mounted with silver handle, stem and foot ^ 115 A bowl and cover, on foot, cut with diamond pattern—6^ in. high (116 A circular dish, with star ornament in the centre—10^ in. diam. /ll7 An oviform vase and cover, on square-shaped foot, cut witl diamond pattern—11 in. high ■6 L8 A pair of ditto, nearly similar, on circular feet—8^ in. high O 119 A pair of larger ditto—10 in. high rjhr t q 120 A pair of ditto, cut with circular medallions of diamond pattern, on square feet—101 in. high & 121 A pair of vases, with open lips, cut with diamond pattern, on Jh— square feet— in. high 122 A Circular Bowl, Cover and Stand, cut with diamont pattern, and with silver rim—11J in- high ’iW™ - 123 A Worcester dessert service, the centres painted with flowers on white ground, and flowers in medallions on blue ground on / <• , / the border, consisting of centre-dish, on foot, a pair ofA/? Lc /rt/ square-shaped dishes, a pair of circular-shaped dishes, and twelve plates 121 A bronze group, of a warrior driving a Roman chariot, on black - marble plinth and claw feet sf 's A/rU- ' 14 126 A Worcester Dessert Service, painted with named flowers in bright green borders, with gilt foliage and white and gold gadroon edges, with a Maltese cross crest in laurel and rose wreath— impressed mark under glaze “ Chamberlains ”—con¬ sisting of— Oblong centre-dish, on foot Pair of low ditto Pair of shell-shaped dishes Pair of kidney-shaped ditto Four square-shaped ditto Sugar-vase and cover, and Twenty-four plates 126 Six small plates, of old Worcester porcelain, with waved edges, painted with flowers in red, green and gold in Japanese style, and broad dark blue and gold radiating bands 127 Six large breakfast-cups and saucers, similar 128 A circular white and gold plateau, painted with horses at the fountain, after Landseer; a small Crown Derby vase and bottle ; and an egg-cup, on gilt tripod 129 A Hague coffee-pot and three cups and saucers, painted with bouquets of flowers on white ground; and a pair of Fulda white and gold brackets, painted with flowers /• /*• * 130 A small ^bronze figure of Time with a broken column, on giajlo. marble plinth /r/ < 1 $ > 0 / ,, , * /. /*.. e> aJZ* p-p? 181 132 /JL . V o A Shepherd and Shepherdess, with bagpipes and a basket of eggs, three sheep and a dog, on coloured and gilt scroll plinth ; and a Frankenthal group—6^ in. high z/j Silentjs, on an ass, with attendant and Infant Bacchanal: an old Dresden group, on white and gold scroll plinth— r l\ in. higfy\ An Old Chelsea Vase, lake, white and gold, with scroll handles terminating in lions’ masks, painted with insects and with laurel festoons, pale blue, white and gold, in relief, spiral flutings on the neck and acanthus foliage on the lower part, on white and gold pedestal with masks in relief at the angles—Ilf in. high 4 15 134 135 136 j£>187 kJt— A Marcolini Dresden Dinner Service, painted with bouquets £ and sprays of flowers, consisting of— ^ Soup-tureen, stand, and cover .with sliced lemon knob Three dishes, in sizes Twenty dinner-plates, and Six soup-plates; * and four soup-plates, of a different pattern A Set of Three Chelsea Vases, with white and gold scroll handles ifnd raised _ white hawthorn blossom, tendrils and berries on turquoise ground—8 in. high A Pair of Battersea Enamel Spiral Column Candlesticks, on square feet with oval dark blue panels, paintec flowers in white in gilt borders A set of three Crown Derby two-handled vases, painted witl flowers and foliage in red, blue and gold— centre vase 11| in., pair 9 in. high An old Wedgwood vase, of black basalt, with a freize of classical figures and the signs of the Zodiac in relief A Turner ware white jug, with a hunting subject in relief, and brown neck, mounted with silver rim and cover, engrawed with monograms and date Sept. 23, 1795 p 140 A Pair of Chippendale Mahogany Window Seats, with carved borders and legs, covered with striped yellow and white flowered brocade Formerly the property of Lord Fitzhardinge O 141 A Mahogany Four-Fold Screen, painted on one side with the race for the Clarence Gold Cup, June 21,1815, Hami 5 ft. 10 in. high ■& 142 A Sofa and Eight Chairs, gilt, and boldly carved with immks r s and scrolls, and covered with crimson satin damask 138 0 139 16 The follo’vinr) are the Property of the DUCHESS HI SANTO TEODORO. AN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN DESSERT SERVICE, beautifully painted with medallions of Cupids, doves, clouds and emblems, baskets of flowers and laurel wreaths in narrow gros-bleu borders, richly gilt with foliage and scrolls, and with monogram L.C. in roses, cornflowers, &c., surmounted by a coronet of roses—1773— painted by Baudouin, Fontaine, Hilhen, Tand art , Taillandier, &c., consisting of /J2'. 143 6 0 a 144 ^ V 145 c? / e r 146 *20 , nr-fP 117 #0, 0-r* 148 /JT 0.0 149 , > '150 2 /„