Price Sixpence. Hewlett and Brimmer, Printers, 10, Frith Street, Soho. 7=r~~7=r — TTT L EXETER HALL EXHIBITION OF PAIMl IMGS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF SACRED HISTORY, BY ANCIENT MASTERS. Wi jri — m » m In introducing this Collection to the notice of the Public, the Directors of the Exhibition beg to offer a few remarks. — It is entirely of a Sacred character, in the choice of its subjects. The Sacred Histories offer, perhaps, a wider field for the display of the Arts, than any other. And it must be recollected, that in the service of Religion, the Arts have received their greatest consideration and brilliancy. The Church of Rome, in particular, early called in the assistance of Painting, in aiding her in her emblematic display ; and the age of Leo the Tenth produced those sublime works which have laid the foundation of all subsequent perfection. We still look back with rapture on the productions of that golden era — productions which are still made the models and study of our modern Artists, and which are justly considered to contain the fixed and best rules of perfection and truth. Among this Collection will be found the Works of the above-quoted age — with a continuation of its several imitators, by Masters of the greatest fame and eminence ; — and the Directors trust, that such a Collection as is here offered to the notice of the connoisseur, will be found as interesting to him as it must be instructive to the pupil. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 CATALOGUE RAISONNE. 1 Andrea del Sarto.— Bom 1488 ; Died 1530. The Holy Family and St. John. On panel. An early picture, and a good specimen of grouping. 2 Bartolomeo Schidone. — Born 1560; Died 1616. The Holy Family, with St, John — in a Landscape. 3 Bertholet Flameel. — Born 1614; Died 1675. The Dead Christ, attended by Angels lamenting, and bearing away the Cross. This picture — the subject of which is managed so as more generally to shock than please — is here treated in an unusually different manner, and the Artist has judiciously managed his colouring in strict accordance with the subject. 4 Antonio Bellucci. — Born 1654; Died 1721. St. Sebastian Wounded, attended by Females with the Cross. From the Truchsessian Gallery. — A fine specimen of grouping, with good disposition of the lights. 5 Michael Angelo Amerigi da Caravaggio. — Born 1569; Died 1609. The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth. From the King of Spain's Collection. — This picture is painted with great force, while the composition is of that simple character which prevails throughout Caravaggio's works. 6 Ludovico Caracci. — Born 1555 ; Died 1602. The Entombment. A grand composition by the founder of the Bolognese School, who was distinguished for his breadth of light and shadow, the simplicity of his colouring, and that solemn effect of twilight, which seems diffused over the whole of this masterly perform- ance. — It is a fine study of anatomical drawing — for which this School is so justly celebrated. 6 7 JBartolomeo Estavan Murillo.— Born 1613 ; Died 1682. The Infant Saviour, surrounded with Cherubs, reposing on the Cross ; an emblem of his after sufferings. A master-piece of elegance and taste. — Formerly in the collection of Prince de Carignan. 8 Jan Miel, called Giovanni della Vite. — Born 1599; Died 1664. St. John and the Lamb — in a Landscape. 9 J. Roth en ham er. — Born 1564; Died 1606. Virgin and Child. 10 Herman Swaneveldt, called the Hermit of Italy. Born 1620 ; Died 1690. A warm Landscape ; In which the Artist has introduced a procession, with the story of the woman touching the hem of Christ's garment. ] J Cima da Conegliano.— Born about 1495. The Holy Family and Saints— with a Landscape back- ground. 12 P. della Francesca, called Pietro Borghese. — Born 1398; Died 1484. The Holy Family and Saints — in a Landscape, with architectural back-ground. Circular, on thick panel. This fine specimen of so old a Master is in a perfect state of pre- servation, and evinces the dawn of that great style which was afterwards improved by his scholar Perugino, and perfected by Raffaelle. Cavaliere Francesco Vanni. Born 1563; Died 1610. St. Ursula and her Virgins pierced with Arrows, attended by a Bishop. From the collection of the Marquis de Montalto, who deposited it in the Convent of Santa Clara, near Cordova, at which place it was purchased in 1812. J. Hemmelinck. — Born 1450. The Virgin seated in a Landscape, with the Infant Saviour in her lap. Panicale da Massolino. — Born 1413; Died 1450. Christ in the Temple, discoursing with the Doctors. Simone Cantarini.— Born 1612; Died 1648. St. John baptising Christ. Antonio Solario. — Born ; Died 1455. The Virgin and Child. Painted on thick panel. Benevenuto Cellini.— Born 1500; Died 1570. The Crucifixion. Carved in ivory. " No. 18 is ' A Crucifixion/ in ivory, carved, by Benevenuto Cellini, of such exquisite execution, that to write of it is delight- ful, and to remember it a gratification. The agony of the coun- tenance, expressing pain far more severe than physical torture — the lips, which have tasted the vinegar of mockery, and are yet uttering the " Eloi, Eloi, lama Sahacthani!" — the inverted eye- ball — the strained sinews — the sudor sanguinis, which, on the cross, as in the garden, appears to breathe through every pore — the pro- found anatomical knowledge, which gives almost creative skill to the artist, down to the minutest detail, even the plies of the cord, and the folds of the garment — all distinguish this splendid work, and place it beyond all praise, short of the adoration which, in some countries and ages, it would have been deemed infidelity to have withheld from it." — Atlas, 19 J. Van Eyck.— Born 1370; Died 1441. The Virgin suckling the Infant — with a Landscape back-ground. A finely-preserved specimen of an Artist who is always quoted as the founder of the art of painting in oil.— Circular, on panel, which forms the frame. 20 Raffaelle, da Rhegio, called Raffaellino.— Born 1552; Died 1580. The Resurrection of Christ. On panel — arched top. 21 Sir Anthony Vandyck.— Born 1598; Died 1641. Christ healing the Sick. A sketch, on panel. 22 Do Menechino.' — Born 1581 ; Died 1641. Jacob's Dream. An effective little Picture ; the defects in drawing are balanced by its general beauties, and sweet and simple arrangement. This sublime Picture of the Spanish school, is alone sufficient to justify the appellation given to this highly-distinguished Artist, in his own country, of the " Divine Morales/' Specimens of this Master are very rare. The altar-piece of Magdalen Chapel at Oxford is generally attributed to him, and therefore parti- cular attention is invited to this picture. The meekness and resignation pourtrayed in the suffering countenance of the Saviour, must strike every beholder, and we think it will be allowed to surpass the Oxford altar-piece, favourite as it is in that University .—From the Calonne Collection. 23 Bonifaccio, called Veneziano. — Born 1491; Died 1553. Stoning the Elders. 24 Morales.— Born 1509; Died 1586. Christ bearing his Cross g 25 Ludovico and Agostino Caracci Born 1555, and 1558 ; Died 1602. The Dead Christ, and the Marys* A splendid specimen of the combined talents of these great Artists, and, for feeling and vigour of pencil, may be considered not unworthy of being placed in competition with the celebrated picture of the same subject, though differently treated, by their brother Annibale, and now in the collection of the Earl of Carlisle. 26 Titian.— Born 1477 ; Died 1576. The Holy Family, with a female Saint and a white Rabbit, reposing in a brilliantly-coloured Landscape. 27 G. Van der Eckhout.— Born 1606 ; Died 1674-1688; and Rembrandt.— Born 1621; Died 1674. The Presentation in the Temple : — Simeon, the Infant Jesus, and the Virgin. From the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds — who is thought to have borrowed from this Picture much of that colouring which he imparted to his own works. 28 Eustace le Sueur.— Born 1617; Died 1655. Adoration of the Magi. 29 Orazio Farinato. The Saviour delivering Souls from Purgatory. On slate. Painted with great force, and excellent texture. 30 Paola Cagliari, called Veronese. — Born 1532. Jairus beseeching the Lord to heal his Daughter. A well-arranged picture, and treated in the peculiar manner of this Artist. 31 Alonso Cano.— Born 1600; Died 1676. St. John and the Lamb — in a Landscape. A beautiful specimen of colouring. 10 32 Gerolamo Forabosco.— Born 1600; Died 1660. David with the Head of Goliah. 33 Baroccio.— Born 1528 ; Died 1612. The Head of Christ. 34 Charles Le Brun.— Born 1619 ; Died 1690. Moses driving away the Herdsmen, that the Daughters of Jethro might water their Flocks. 35 Santi da Titi.— Born 1538; Died 1603. A Group of Angels Singing and Playing on an Organ. Panel. 36 Taddeo Zucchero.— Born 1529; Died 1566. Isaac blessing Jacob. A rare cabinet specimen of this distinguished Artist, and finished with all the delicacy of a miniature. 37 H. Steen wyck.— Born 1550 ; Died 1603. St, Peter delivered from Prison. This Picture must command attention, as a most forcible piece of perspective. The French School have latterly much indulged in these subjects. His late Majesty George the Fourth was particularly partial to those specimens he possessed ; — but the one here seen was formerly in the collection of King James the Second, and has no equal in modern art, 38 Lodovico Cardi, called Cigoli. — Born 1559; Died 1613. The Holy Family, with St. Francis. 39 Bar. Biscaino.— Born 1632; Died 1657. Jephtha's Rash Vow. The countenance of Jephtha is strongly expressive of that agony which, as a father, he must have felt at the discovery of the application of his vow. 11 40 Cornelius Poelemburg,— Born 1586; Died 1660. Landscape, with the Holy Family returning from Egypt, accompanied by an Angel. A delicate little picture, and full of air. 41 Benvenuti Garofalo.— Born 1481; Died 1559. St. James Standing, in a Landscape, with architecture. From the Buona Campagna Palace. 42 Francesco Francia, or Raibolini.— Born 1450; Died 1518. St. Roche Pleading with God. A magnificent performance for drawing, colouring, and finishing, and a rare specimen of the talents of this great and early Master, to whose judgment Raffaelle submitted his own productions. — To this picture the Artist has inscribed his his name, and the date, 1502. 43 Giorgio Vasari.— Born 1512; Died 1632. Christ bearing his Cross. On panel. 44 Guido Reni.— Born 1574 ; Died 1642. Lot and his two Daughters on their Journey. One of the most esteemed productions of this graceful Artist, and painted with great breadth. 45 Guercino, or, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri.— Born 1590; Died 1666. The Dead Christ in the Sepulchre, with Angels. Painted with great effect of light and shadow. 46 Otho Venius.— Born 1556; Died 1634. St. John Preaching — in a Landscape. Painted on copper, and inscribed with his monogram. 12 Jan Steen.— Born 1636; Died 1689. Samson and Dalilah. Here is a subject treated totally different to the usual manner. In this Picture the humorous Artist has inculcated a great moral lesson, in the fate of Samson, who appears on his knees, just " shorn of his strength/' while " harlot Dalilah" is busy with the money which she has received as his price. The story is told much in the way that Hogarth would have treated it, but painted in a manner that that artist could not attain to. It is a singularly fine specimen of the Master, painted in his best time, and contains all his excellencies. Spanish School. Virgin and Child. Laurence de la Hire.— Born 1606; Died 1656. The Children devoured by Bears, for having reviled the Prophet Elisha. Painted with great attention to aerial perspective. Guercino, or, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri. — Born 1590; Died 1666. The Dream of St. Jerome. A brilliant specimen, painted with great power and facility, in his best manner. F. Filippo Lippi.— Born 1421; Died 1469. A whole-length figure of a Sacred Warrior, holding in one hand a banner, and in the other a shield. A finely preserved specimen of the early Florentine School. Guido Reni.— Born 1574; Died 1642. The Head of St. Peter. A chef-d'oeuvre. 13 J. de Mabusb.— Born 1492; Died 1562. The Virgin and Child. Elaborately finished, and in fine preservation. Giacomo Palma.— Born 1540 ; Died 1588* The Holy Family, with Saints. On panel. A brilliant example of colouring, much in the tone of Titian. Gerard Honthorst, called Gerardo dalle Notte. — Born 1592; Died 1660. St. Sebastian pierced with Arrows — in a Landscape. Finely drawn and coloured. Schedoni.— Bom 1560 ; Died 1616. The Holy Family, with St. Paul— in a landscape. Sir Joshua Reynolds.— Born 1733; Died 1792. The Head of St. Peter. Frate. Bartolomeo. — Born 1469; Died 1517. The Ascension of St. Mary of Egypt*— -who is repre- sented kneeling, and borne up to Heaven by a beautiful group of infant Angels. The character of St. Mary is finely conceived, and so ex- pressed as to produce the most awful effect upon the spec- tator. The portrait of Petrarch is introduced below, reciting her praises:— a curious piece of anachronism, frequently occurring in the ancient masters. It is on very thick panel , and appears to be unfinished, having apparently in some parts received only a second coat of paint, though the head of St. Mary is nearly finished, with a tone of colouring, and lightness of pencil, somewhat resembling the latter works of Guido, — Raffaelle, during his stay at Florence, improved in his colouring under Ihe tuition of the Frate, to whom, in return, it is said, he taught the rules of perspective. * St. Mary of Egypt lived forty years in the Deserts a life of fasting and mortification. 14 59 Antonio RafpaelleMengs.— Born 1728; Diedl779. The Young St. John. In painting this picture, the Artist has evidently had in view the celebrated " Notte" of his admired Corregio. 60 Ippolito Scarsella, called Scarsellina.— Born 1560; Died 1621. Judith and Attendant, with the Head of Holofernes. On thick panel. 61 PlETRO DA CORTONA BeRRETINI. — Born 1596; Died 1669. Landscape, with the Prophet Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath and her Son. A picture of great breadth and clearness. 62 Domenico Riccio, called Brusasorci. — Bom 1494 ; Died 1567. The Marriage of St. Catherine. Warmly coloured ; and the child's face containing much expression. 63 Bonefacio, called Veneziano. — Born 1491; Died 1553. Isaac blessing Jacob. The draperies are well cast, and in nowise inferior to Titian. 64 Adrian Vandevelde.— Born 1639 ; Died 1672. The Annunciation. A splendid historical specimen of the talents of this highly- esteemed Artist. — Pictures of this size are rare by this Artist: he is better known by his small cattle pieces, which are highly and justly appreciated. 15 Giacomo Carucci da Pontormo.— Born 1493 ; Died 1558. The Holy Family. Painted on thick panel. In the foreground is seated the Virgin, with her right hand resting on an open book, and her left thrown lightly over the finely- drawn body of the Infant Saviour, who, on his knees, is resting his head on her lap : in the rear, near some steps leading to an arch-way, is St. Joseph conversing witli the young St. John : further on are buildings, and St. Elisabeth reading. — The composition of this fine picture, which is much in the style of Michael Angelo, shews that the commendations of that great Artist, said to have been bestowed on Pontormo, and to have created the jealousy of Andrea del Sarto, were not unmerited. Domenicho Ghirlandio.— Born 1449; Died 1493. Salvator Mundi. An exquisite specimen of the Master of Michael Angelo. On thick panel, and in fine preservation. — The allegory of reproving Sin under the form of a Serpent, is well treated. Parmegiano.— Born 1503; Died 1540. Virgin and Child. An early production. — Circular — on stone. C. Sch warts.— Born 1550; Died 1594. The Adoration of the Shepherds. Painted on panel. A singularly fine specimen of the Artist, who is known by the appellation of the " German RafFaelle." Peter Neefs.— Born 1570; Died 1651. The Interior of the Great Church at Antwerp. In this elaborate work, the Artist seems to have determined that every part of the building should be known as well as its general appearance. The clear and beautiful stream of light which pervades every part, exhibits the minuter parts to per- fection ; and even the several decorations of the altar pieces are distinguishable in their subjects. To render this work more valuable, his skilful friend Gonzales seems to have introduced the figures. 16 70 J. Van Hoeck.— Born 1600; Died 1650. The Nativity. This Painter was called the Little Rubens, from the striking resemblance in his small pictures to those of that great Artist, of whom Van Hoeck was one of the most distinguished Scho- lars. 71 J. Stradanus.— Born 1536 ; Died 1604. The Assumption of the Virgin. On thick panel. A grand gallery picture, and was formerly an altar-piece. 72 J. Van Eyck.— Born 1370; Died 1441. The Nativity. 73 Frate Bartolomeo di St. Marco.— • Born 1469; Died 1517. The Holy Family — with an Angel offering fruit to the Infant Saviour. Infantine simplicity and maternal fondness are here happily blended, and the whole picture treated in a poetical manner, while its colouring and arrangement are exquisite. 74 Elisabetta Serani. — Born 1638 ; Died 1664. A Magdalen reposing — in a Rocky Landscape. Treated with ail the grace and softness of Guido. This is a subject often painted, but seldom properly. The beau- tiful Magdalen in this Picture possesses all the grace of woman, combined with the majesty of divinity ; the hair is so arranged as to conceal any thing that might associate with our human passions, while the quiet and serene back-ground gives a fine situation for holy contemplation. — From the col- lection of H. Hope, Esq. 75 Bartolomeo Manfredi.— Born 1574; Died young. Judith and Attendant with the Head of Holofernes. Painted with all the breadth of light and shadow, for which this celebrated artist is distinguished. 17 76 Pierino del Vaga.— Born 1500; Died 1547. The Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin, supported by Angels. On thick panel. 77 Sebastian Bourdon.— Born 1616; Died 1671. Moses driving away the Herdsmen, that the Daughters of Jethro might water their Flocks. 78 H. Van Balen.— Born 1560 ; Died 1632. The Last Supper. The effect of candle-light is preserved throughout the picture with a faithful adherence to truth. 79 Luca Giordano, called Luca Fa Presto.— Born 1629-1632; Died 1704. Christ Scourged. Painted with great freedom, much in the manner of Salvator Rosa. 80 Cavaliere Benaschi. — Born 1634; Died 1688. The Assumption of the Virgin, surrounded with Angels and Saints. Oval. 81 Andrea Schiavone. — Born 1522; Died 1582. The Conversion of Constantine. 82 F. Zurbaran.— Born 1596; Died 1662. The Holy Family. A beautiful specimen of this rare and esteemed Master of the Spanish school. 18 83 Adam Elsheimer.— Born 1574 ; Died 1620. St. John Preaching, in a Landscape, to a numerous Group of Figures. Most elaborately finished. — The attention of the congregation is well expressed in their countenances, many of which merit the closest attention. 84 Peter Neefs.— Born 1570; Died 1651. A pair of small Interiors of Churches. Painted with an oval border on copper. Highly finished. 85 Gentile Bellini.— Born 1421; Died 1501. The Ordination of St. Stephen. A beautiful little specimen of early art — rich in colour, and simple in design. g(3 Lodovico Cardi, called Cigoli. — Born 1559; Died 1613. The Extacy of St. Francis. 87 Giacomo da Ponte, called II Bassano,— Born 1510 ; Died 1592. Christ Mocked. A cabinet specimen, with all the depth and force of Rembrandt. 88 Simone Cantarini.— Born 1612; Died 1648. The Holy Family, with Angels— in a Landscape. A beautiful little specimen painted on copper. 89 Giovanni Francesco Romanelli.— Born 1617; Died 1662. Virgin, Child, and St. John— in a Circular Landscape. Painted on copper. 19 Adrian Vanderwerf.— Born 1659; Died 1727. The Magdalen in a Landscape. A Picture pleasing from its simplicity, and painted with great clearness. Spanish School. Brilliant Architecture, with the Story of the Woman taken in Adultery. Painted much in the style of Canaletto. Raffaelle, or Raffaello Sanzio.— Born 1483 ; Died 1520. The Massacre of the Innocents. Containing a great deal of good drawing, and strong expression— on thick panel. Andrea Sollinus. The Raising of Lazarus. On thick panel. Inscribed with the Artist's name, and dated 1490. It is probable Sebastian del Piombo had this Picture in view when he painted his grand work on the same subject, now in the National Gallery. Cavallere Mattia Preti, called Calabrese.— Born 1613 ; Died 1699. The Prodigal Son. This noble gallery picture displays a grandeur of conception, and greatness of execution, that entitles it to considerable distinc- tion : the composition is masterly and striking — the drawing correct and beautiful — the finishing elaborate, and such as is seldom seen in so grand a performance. The poor prodigal, corrected of his vices, returns humiliated to the house of his affectionate father, who, with the rest of the family, come out to meet him. The Head of the Mother, in particular, merits attention, as finely possessing a mixed feeling of pity and delight. The bold management of the chiaro-scuro, for which this celebrated Artist was distinguished, gives a powerful effect to the figures, and shews the architectural back-ground to great advantage. 20 Albano.— Born 1578; Died 1660. The Flight into Egypt, with Angels bearing the Cross. The Children painted with that delicacy and truth, which are the chief characteristics of this Master. Raffaelle, or Raffaello Sanzio. — Born 1483 ; Died 1520. The Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John — in a Landscape, with an Antique Ruin in the back-ground. A picture known by the name of the " Sleeping Jesus." Painted on thick panel. The young St. John, in an attitude of religious admiration, with his mouth half open, and hands scarcely closed, seems to have fixed his eyes on his beloved Master, expressive of a desire to behold hirn ; and the fond mother acceding* to his desire, gracefully and softly, raises the transparent veil that covers him. Michael Angelo Buonarotti. — Born 1474; Died 1563. The Holy Family. Formerly in the collection of King Charles the First. On panel. Schidone.— Born 1560 ; Died 1616. The Angel appearing to St. Joseph in a Dream. Painted on panel. — Circular. Simone Memmi.— Born 1285; Died 1345. The Virgin, seated in a Landscape, with the Infant Saviour in her lap. A beautifully preserved specimen of the celebrated scholar of Giotto. J. Roth en ham er. — Born 1564; Died 1606. The Crucifixion, with a view of the Holy City in the back- ground. On copper. — Highly finished. 21 101 Guido Ren i.— Born 1574; Died 1642. Landscape, with St. Joseph in a Sitting Posture, bend- ing the stem of a Lily in blossom towards the Infant Saviour, who is leaning over the right knee of his father, and extending his hand to reach the flower. The head of St. Joseph is particularly fine, and the whole compo- sition treated with great elegance.— From the collection of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes. 102 Nicolo Poussin.— Born 1594; Died 1665. A Grand Landscape, with the Holy Family, and St. John and St. Elizabeth: a group of Angels bringing Flowers. 103 Adam Elsheimer.— Born 1574 ; Died 1620. The Death of the Virgin, attended by Saints. Arched top, on copper. From the Marlborough Collection.— A delicate and highly-finished picture, much in the manner of Domenichino. 104 Cavaliere Sebastian Conga.— Born 1676 ; Died 1761. The Holy Family, with Simeon and Anna in the Temple. A bold and spirited sketch. 105 Pietro Francesco Mola.— Born 1609 \ Died 1665. The Holy Family reposing — in a Landscape. 106 Giulio G. Clovio.— Born 1498; Died 1578. A copy in miniature, by this highly-esteemed Artist, of the great picture in the Vatican of the Last Judgment, by Michael Angelo. — This beautiful gem was formerly in the collection of Pope Clement the Eleventh, and His Holiness presented it to Cardinal Janson, who attended his inauguration, as Charge des Affaires de France, in whose family it remained till after the French Revolution. The numerous figures it contains are a study of drawing and variety, such as is seldom met with. ^ 22 107 Peter Lastman.— Born 1581 ; Died 1649. The Judgment of Solomon. On panel. 108 Cavaliere Ventura Salimbeni, called Bierlaqua. — Born 1557; Died 1613. Landscape, with the Virgin and Child, St. John and the Lamb. Annibale Caracci.— Born 1560; Died 1609. The Magdalen — in a Landscape. From the Orleans Collection. Nicolo Poussin. — Born 1594; Died 1665. Christ on the Mount of Olives. The visionary part of this exquisite little picture is equal to any of the finest works of this great Master ; and the three Disciples sleeping on the foreground, are very grand. It was brought from Italy by M. Joubert, and passed into the collections of M. La Rouge, and John Trumbell, Esq. Giacomo Palma, called II Vecchio.-— Born 1540, 1548 ; Died 1588, or 1596, or 1623. The Holy Family. Painted on thick panel — with arched top. Bernardo Strozzi. — Born 1581 ; Died 1644. The Tribute Money. A free and spirited sketch. 113 J. Rothenhamer.— Born 1564; Died 1606. The Last Judgment. An elaborate performance, on copper, displaying the genius and invention of the Artist, upon the plan of the celebrated large picture in the Vatican, by Michael Angelo.— Rothenhamer resided many years at Venice, and studied that fascinating school of colouring which is so visible in this fine picture. 109 110 111 112 23 114 Ludovico Caracci.— Born 1555; Died 1602. The Angel recalling the Holy Family out of Egypt. From the collection of President West. 115 P. Piola.— Born 1617; Died 1640. Virgin, Child, and Female Saint. 116 Bernardino Pinturicchio.— Born 1454; Died 1513, The Coronation of the Virgin. Much in the style of Raffaelle. — On thick panel. 117 Arnold Boonen.— Born 1669; Died 1729, Herodias with the Head of St. John* 118 Giovanni Batista Tiepolo.— Born 1697; Died 1770. St. Augustine writing his Homilies. Arched top. An excellent little picture, much in the manner of P. Veronese. 119 Hubert Goltzius.— Born 1520; Died 1588. The Marriage Feast of Cana — on panel. 120 Lucas Van Leyden.— Born 1404; Died 1533. The Dead Christ. 121 Vittorio Carpaccio. — Flourished about 1500. The Adoration of the Magi. On panel. 122 Arnold Boonen.— Born 1669 ; Died 1729. Judith with the Head of Holof ernes. 123 Giorgio Vasari.— Born 1512; Died 1632. A finished sketch for an Altar- Piece. On panel, and a most ingenious specimen of arrangement. 125 24 124 Andrea CoMODi.-Born 1560 ; Died 1638. The Vision of Ezekiel. After Raffaelle. On panel, highly finished, in the style of that great Master. DoMENicHiNO.-Bom 1581; Died 1641. The Communion of St. Jerome. n„ P of those finished small Pictures on copper, which this Artist m lde Tom his celebrated large work; delighting to repeat what he considered his chef-d'oeuvre. Georgione, called Barbarelli del Castel- Franco.— Born 1478; Died 1511. Tobit with the Angel-in a Landscape. Very brilliant in colour, and much grace in the composition. 127 Giuseppe Ribera, called Spagnoletto.- Bornl589; Died 1656. The Conversion of Saul. A fine study of correct drawing. 126 FINIS. HOWLETT ANB BRI MMER, PRINTERS, 10, FRITH STREET, SOHO.