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COLLECTED AND EDITED BY Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE, K.H. OF THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW, KEEPER OF THE RECORDS IN THE AFORESAID TREASURY. PRINTED BY COMMAND OF HIS MAJESTY KING WILLIAM IV. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ADDRESS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF GREAT BRITAIN ; ANI> UNDER THE DIKECTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE KINGDOM . 1836 , RECORD COMMISSION, March 1831. THIS BOOK IS TO BE PERPETUALLY PRESERVED THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Jpril 1837. Grl ft e yi M C. P. Cooper, Sec. Com. Pub. Pec. y. l ') I- 6 COMMISSIONERS ON THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE KINGDOM, APPOINTED BY HIS MAJESTY’S COMMISSION OF THE 12 th of March 1831. HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD BROUGHAM and VAUX. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD CLERK REGISTER OF SCOTLAND. wm Samis® is.©. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, K. T. THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF LLANDAFF. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS GRENVILLE. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, M. P. Em p?©N©amai3iLi5 §>m mming, i®m©mEN&©s$. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY HOBHOUSE. Em mm$E $©N©©Mai33L15 ?1©KJ3 BtQVmix. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE MR. BARON PARKE. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE BOSANQUET. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, BART., M. P. LOUIS HAYES PETIT, ESQUIRE. HENRY BELLENDEN KER, ESQUIRE. HENRY HALLAM, ESQUIRE. JOHN ALLEN, ESQUIRE. EDWARD PROTHEROE, ESQUIRE. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQUIRE. WILLIAM BROUGHAM, ESQUIRE. CHARLES PURTON COOPER, ESQUIRE, SECRETARY. VOL. I. A 3 35^35 CONTENTS. VOL. I. A 4 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction _____ i Notes ______ cxxxi Description of the Plates - - cxlvii Bishop Stapleton’s Calendar — I. Preface or introduction, stating that the Calendar was completed A. D. 1323. ... 1 — 3 II. , III. Antient tables of contents. 4 — 8 IV. Papal Bulls 9 — 33 V. Deeds and Charters, principally relating to property acquired by the Kings of England 34 — 67 VI. Grants of lands, &c. made by the Kings of England 68 — 70 VII. Grants of lands and tenements made by or between private individuals 71 — 81 VIII. Statutes and ordinances, together with some Papal Bulls on National affairs. ... 82, 83 IX. Receipts of Cardinals and others for pen- sions granted by the Kings of England. 84 X. Receipts and acquittances for salaries and pensions granted by the King to various persons 85 — 87 XI. Miscellaneous documents and articles re- lating to England — Charters — writings books — registers — seals 88—107 XII. Wills of Kings of England — Grants made by Edward I. to his sons, &c 108, 109 XIII. Indulgences, masses, obits, chaplain- cies, &c 101 — 111 XIV. Extents of manors 112 XV. Wales — Charters, deeds, muniments, acquittances, &c 113 — 121 CONTENTS. Bishop Stapleton’s Calendar — continued. XVI. Ireland — Charters and other docu- ments 122 — 126 XVII. Scotland — Treaties, submissions, acts of homage, rolls, charters 127 — 137 XVIII. Holland — Treaties and public do- cuments 138, 139 XIX. County of Bar — Muniments relating to the marriage of the Countess of Bar. 140 XX. Brabant — Documents relating to loans made to John Duke of Brabant ; his marriage with Margaret the King’s daughter 141 XXI. Sicily — Documents relating to that kingdom 142 XXII. Ponthieu — Rights of Henry III. — Charters granted to Abbeville and other Towns, & c 143- — 145 XXIII. Flanders — Treaties; alliances; let- ters of the Counts of Flanders, &c 146 — 151 XXIV. Norway- — Letters ; proposals, & c. for the marriage of the Maid of Norway. ... 152 XXV. Castille —Treaties, &c 153 XXVI. Arragon — Treaties, &c. with the King of 154,155 XXVII. Burgundy — Instruments relating to the war against France 155 Memoranda of the Treasury 19 Ed. III. 156 — 160 20 Ed. III. 161 ... - - - 20 & 21 Ed. III. 162— 164 21 & 22 Ed. III. 164— 167 22 & 23 Ed. III. 168,169 - 24 Ed. III. 169—171 25 Ed. III. 171,172 26 Ed. III. 172,173 27 Ed. III. 173—176 28 Ed. III. 176,177 29 Ed. III. 177—179 30 Ed. III. 179,180 3lEd.HI. 181—184 CONTENTS. Memoranda of the Treasury. Records relating to the robbery at the Treasury * Page. 32 Ed. III. 184— -186 33 Ed. III. 1 86 — -189 34 Ed. III. 189 — -191 35 Ed. III. 191 — -193 36 Ed. III. 194— -199 37 Ed. III. 199— -201 38 Ed. III. 201— -203 39 Ed. III. 203, 204 45 Ed. III. 204 39 Ed. III. 205, 206 40 Ed. III. 206- -210 41 Ed. III. 211 — -214 42 Ed. III. 214 — -218 43 Ed. III. 218 — -223 44 Ed. III. 223- -229 45 Ed. III. 229- -232 46 Ed. III. 232- -238 48 Ed. III. 239- -243 49 Ed. III. 243- -246 50 Ed. III. 246- -250 31 Ed. I. 251- -299 INTRODUCTION. « INTRODUCTION. MATERIALS OF THE WORK. I. The History of public archives, is amongst the most interesting branches of diplomatic archgeology : but the investi- gator is too frequently disappointed by the scantiness of his materials. The sources of information, relating to His Majesty’s Treasury of the Exchequer, considered as the great depository of the Crown records, though not complete, are still existing to a greater extent than those of any other similar establishment : and they exhibit with much clearness, the mode and prin- ciple whereby this important repository acquired the documents which it now contains. A considerable number of the muni- ments noticed in the antient kalendars and inventories published in the three volumes of this work, are yet in this Trea- sury. And they acquire additional value Materials of the work. VOL. I. a 11 INTRODUCTION. Materials of from the proof thus furnished, of their the work. . 1 n . = being at the present day m the custody of the functionary, representing the antient officers, the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, to whom they were originally entrusted. Many documents, however, so enumerated, are no longer contained in this Treasury ; some may be in private hands, or deposited in other public repositories. In such cases these kalendars may be, and in one remarkable instance have been, the means of identi- fying them, and of establishing their authen- ticity : but other documents, which, from the descriptions preserved in the Kalendars, must have been objects of great curiosity, are, it is to be feared, irrecoverably lost. In another point of view, these kalendars and inventories possess much interest, de- rived from the particulars which they dis- close respecting the regalia, jewels, and other articles of curiosity or value antiently deposited in the Treasury, and which they describe equally with the records. They afford many subjects highly worthy of con- sideration, not merely in elucidation of cos- tume and manners, but also as furnishing important data to the statistical enquirer. INTRODUCTION. in BISHOP STAPLETON’S KALENDAR. II. The first of the published invento- ries is the Kalendar, compiled about the year 1323 under the direction of Walter Stapleton, Bishop of Exeter — the muni- ficent founder of Exeter College — and who then filled the office of Treasurer. The circumstances under which he advised the formation of this catalogue will be stated hereafter. (§ X.) It is methodized with considerable care, and, after the historical preface and tables of contents (§§ i., ii., iii., p. 1 — 8), it treats of the documents in the Treasury, under the following leading classes or divisions : § iv. Bullce Papales secundum materias , &c. — Papal Bulls, arranged in twenty- six subdivisions or sections, distin- guished by twenty-three letters of the alphabet and by arbitrary marks. § v. Anglia. — Deeds and charters re- lating to property conveyed, surren- dered, or granted to the Crown, or to the members of the Boyal Family. § vi. Anglia continued. — Grants of lands and tenements, &c. made by, or pro- ceeding from the Crown. § vii. Chartce , scripta , et munimenta , &c. — Materials of the work. Bishop Stapleton’s Kalendar. Vol.i. p. 1-155. (Note I.) Vol. i. p. 9-33. p. 34-67- p. 68-70. p. 71 -Si. IV INTRODUCTION. Materials of the work. Bishop Stapleton’s Kalendar. Yol. i. p. 82, 83. p. 84. p. 85-87. p. 88-107. p.108,109. Charters, writings, and muniments made between party and party. § viii. Statuta Regis , &c. — Exemplifica- tions of Statutes, Confirmations of Magna Charta, & c. together with do- cuments relating to the election and consecration of Bishops. § ix. Acquietancice Cardinolium, &c. — Acquittances for the payment of the annual tribute to St. Peter, and of pensions granted by Kings of England to Cardinals and others connected with the Roman court. § x. Acquietancice diversorum pro Rege . — Receipts and discharges for pensions and allowances made to foreign nobles and others. The like for monies bor- rowed by the King and repaid by him. § xi. Communia memoranda de partibus Anglice. — Acknowledgments of ho- mage, Letters of safe conduct, Rolls containing inrolments, Inquests taken upon various occasions, Testimonials, Books on devotional and other sub- jects, Correspondence, Matrixes of Seals, and various miscellaneous do- cuments and articles. § xii. Testamenta Regum Anglice. Litterce Obligatorice, &c. — Wills of the Kings of INTRODUCTION. v England, as indicated by the Rubric, Materials of fe / the work. Grants made to the King’s children, = together with some miscellaneous do- Stapleton’s cuments ; Bills of the expences of Kalendar * workmen employed in the Church and Palace of Westminster, & c. xiii. Litters diver sorum Prelatorum et Vol.i. P . no, 111. aliorum de diversis Ordinibus, &c. — Conformably to the Rubric, this head contains a specification of indulgences granted to such as should pray for the good estate of the King and Royal Family. Covenants from Prelates and Religious Orders to say masses, or to find chaplains for the same services, for the repose of their souls, &c. xiv. Anglia , de extends. — Extents and p-112. perambulations of manors, forests, &c. xv. Wallia. — Documents relating to p-H3-121. Wales and to Welch affairs, divided in an orderly manner, under several sections or subdivisions. — Deeds, charters, grants, and engagements made to or entered into with the King. — Miscellaneous muniments, do- cuments, and charters granted by the King, or other instruments contain- ing concessions made on his behalf, &c. — Acquittances made to the Crown VI INTRODUCTION, Materials of the work. Bishop Stapleton’s Kalendar. Yol. i. p. 122-126. p. 127-137. p.138,139. p.140,141. p. 142. p. 143-145. by Lewellyn, and by various other persons. § xvi. Hibernia. — Documents relating to Ireland, digested, like the preceding, under various sections or subdivisions. — Grants made to the King. — Oblige tions and manucaptions. — Instruments relating to the grant of Ireland made by Henry III. to Edward I. — Assays of the exchange of Dublin, & c. § xvii. Scotia. — Diplomatic and other documents relating to Scotland. — Obligations made or entered into by Scottish Kings. — The documents re- lating to the supremacy of the Kings of England over Scotland. — Papal Bulls and other muniments. § xviii. Hollandia. Littercs et memoranda de partibus terras Hollandics. — Princi- pally relating to matrimonial alliances. § xix. xx. De Comitatu de Bar. De Brabancia. — The like. § xxi. De regno Sicilies. — Acquittances for monies paid in relation to Sicilian affairs. — Charters bulled or sealed in gold by Edmund, the son of Henry III., as King of Sicily. § xxii. De Comitatu Terras Pontivi. — Accounts of revenues of the County, — INTRODUCTION. Vll Documents relating to Abbeville, and Materials of the work. to other cities and towns of ronthieu. = ... Bishop § xxiii., xxiv., xxv., xxvi., xxvn. Flandria. Stapleton’s Norwegia. Hispania ( i.e . Castille). vol.T^* Arragonia. Burgundia.^ Treaties, alii- P* 146_155, ances, and diplomatic documents. In the margin of this Kalendar, the various chests, & c. in which the documents were deposited are carefully noted : and drawings are added of the signs by which they were distinguished, according to the practice more fully described hereafter. MEMORANDA OF THE TREASURY, 19-45 Ed. III. III. Memoranda of the Treasury, Memoranda r»f fbp T rpn« 19 Ed. III. to 45 Ed. III. — This document S ury, 19-45 has no title in the original. It consists of twenty leaves of vellum, unbound, but p ' 156_204 '- stitched together as a book or quire, and in which the Chamberlains or their depu- ties from time to time made or entered their memoranda — evidently contempora- neous — of the muniments as well as of the jewels and other articles deposited in the Treasury or delivered out of the same. The entries are roughly and irregularly made, and often in a species of current hand. Materials of the work. Memoranda of the Trea- sury, Ed. III. to H. VIII. Vol. i. p. 205 -250. Vol. ii. p. 1-240. Vol. iii. p. 1- 97. vm INTRODUCTION. MEMORANDA OF THE TREASURY, Ed. III. to Hen. VIII. IV. Liber Memorandorum de tempore Domini Willielmi de Mulsho et Domini Johannis de Newenham, Camerar Receptee Domini Regis , videlicet , a festo Paschae anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii post con- questum trigesimo nono, usque , $c. — The volume thus entitled, is a fair vellum book, composed of 153 leaves, and containing entries of the same description as those in the preceding book of Memoranda (§ III.) ; and carried on from the 39th Ed. III. to the 35th Hen. VIII., in contemporaneous hands. These entries continue with tole- rable regularity until the reign of Hen. VII., when they become much broken. In the reign of Hen. VIII. they are still more scanty and interrupted. The entries of this reign are only of the following years, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 ; after which none occur till the 35th year. Many valuable instruments are inserted at full length in this book, and others are annexed to the leaves and bound up therewith. INTRODUCTION. ix INVENTORY OF THE REGALIA AND JEWELS OF HEN. VI. V. A book very fairly written, composed of 55 leaves of fine vellum, but many of them blank ; capitals and rubrics carefully illuminated in gold and colours ; containing an inventory of the regalia and Crown jewels of Hen. VI. in the Treasury, and also memoranda of the deposit and re- moval of various diplomatic instruments, together with various entries relating to the pledging and disposition of the regalia, &c. These later memoranda are omitted in the printed text, inasmuch as they are also found in the “Liber Memorandorum.” INVENTORY OF THE REGALIA AND PLATE OF HEN. VIII. VI. This inventory was formed in the following manner. — By commission under the Privy Signet, dated at Eltham, 2d June, 24PIen.VIII., Sir Thomas Awdeley, Knight, Keeper of the Great Seal, Sir William Powlett, Knight, Controller of the House- hold, Sir William Kingston, Sir Brian Tuke, and Sir John Daunce, were appointed to survey, view, and take account of the regalia, crown jewels, and plate, in the cus- Materials of the work. Inventory of the jewels, &c. of H.VI. Vol. ii. p. 24J-258. Inventory of the Regalia and Plate of Hen. VIII. Yol. ii. p. 259 -298. (Note II.) X INTRODUCTION. Materials of the work. Inventory of the Regalia and Plate of Hen.VIII. tody of Robert Amadas deceased, late Master and Treasurer of the jewels ; the same to be delivered to the keeping of the King’s right trusty councillor Thomas Cromwell, Esquire. The accounts taken in pursuance of such commission were entered in three books, “ declaring particularly the kinds, qualities, “ proprietaries, and poise, called Troy weight, “ of all the said jewels and plate.” The first of these books was “ signed with the hand “ of our said Sovereign Lord, and with “ the hands of the said Commissioners and “ the said Thomas Cromwell, their names “ subscribed,” and delivered to Elizabeth Amadas, the widow and executrix of Robert Amadas, for her exoneration and discharge in that behalf. The second book was “ signed “ likewise with the hand of our said Sove- “ reign Lord the King, and with the hands of “ the said Commissioners and the saidEliza- “ beth, their names subscribed,” and deli- vered to Thomas Cromwell “ for the just, “ true, and certain knowledge of his charge “ in that behalf.” And the third book was subscribed with the hands and names “ of “ the Commissioners, Elizabeth Amadas, “ and Thomas Cromwell, and with our said “ Sovereign Lord for his sufficient know- “ ledge, surety, and remembrance remain- INTRODUCTION. XI “ mg.” The last-mentioned book seems to be the volume now in the Treasury ; every page is subscribed by the Commis- sioners, but the signatures of Elizabeth Amadas and Thomas Cromwell are wanting. From this book, the inventory of the regalia and gold plate of Henry VIII. is ex- tracted. It is an important historical docu- ment, as illustrating the splendour of the royal household. The inventory of silver plate is scarcely less remarkable ; but it has been omitted, for the insertion thereof would have extended this publication to an inconvenient size. INVENTORY OF THE JEWELS OF JAMES I. VII. This is a book containing an ac- count of the regalia and jewels in the King’s Secret jewel house in the Tower of London, more antiently called “ the Treasury in the “ Tower of London,” according to a survey taken by the Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer of England, Charles Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral of England, Thomas Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamber- lain of the King’s Household, Edward Earl Materials of the work. Inventory of the Regalia and Plate of Hen.VIII. Vol. ii. p. 259-298. Inventory of the Jewels of James I. Vol. ii. p. 299-355. Vol. iii. p. 424. Materials of the work. Inventory of the Jewels of James I. Agarde’s Compen- dium. Vol.ii. p. 311-335. xn INTRODUCTION. of Worcester, Master of the Horse, and George Lord Hume of Berwick, Chamber- lain and Under Treasurer of the Exche- quer, by virtue of a warrant under the Privy Seal, dated 22nd March, 2 James I. In a second part of this book, is an account of the jewels delivered to the Queen. The sign manual is affixed and prefixed to each of the divisions. The book itself was delivered into the Treasury 10th August 1620. AGARDE’S COMPENDIUM. VIII. A Compendium of the Records in the Treasury, compiled in 1610 by the celebrated Arthur Agarde, as appears by a note prefixed to the same. It is followed by a kalendar (not printed) of the foreign leagues and treaties in the Treasury. The Compendium is very curious, as show- ing the general arrangement of the re- cords at the period when it was compiled : and the quaint originality of the writer relieves the dryness of his subject. INTRODUCTION. xiii MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. IX. Writs under the Great Seal direct- ing the transmission of records into the Treasury, Orders of Council for the same purpose, Indentures made upon the de- livery of records, Indentures executed by the Treasurers upon their appointment to the office, specifying the articles entrusted to their charge, Inventories of articles de- posited in the Treasury, and other instru- ments illustrating the history of this re- pository and its various branches, from 16 Ed. I. to 5 Geo. II., form the remaining portion of this work. The indentures begin in the reign of Edward I. Similar inden- tures of the reign of Henry III. are noticed in Bishop Stapleton’s Kalendar, but these have long since disappeared ; and it is evident that only a small proportion of those of the later reigns have been pre- served. The table of contents prefixed to the Third volume will show the general na- ture of these documents. Some information deduced from them will be found in this introduction : but a perusal of the whole will well reward the diligent reader, who may extract from them abundance of valua- ble information relating to manners and cus- toms. Many very curious and important Materials of the work. Miscella- neous docu- ments, writs, inventories, &c. Vol. i. p. 250-299. Vol. iii. p. 99-4)55. XIV INTRODUCTION. Treasury of Records. Its history. Ezra, v. 17. vi. 1. De Vaines, 1.131. Palgrave’s Common- wealth, 1.145. 11.347. Hist. Rams. 458. Monasticon, (N.E.) III. 36. Palgrave on Records, Quarterly Review, vol.39. p.41. (Note HI.) particulars can be here also collected of the prices of gold and silver plate, jewellery, and other articles of a similar description, at different periods of our history. TREASURY OF RECORDS.— HISTORY OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. X. The custom of depositing records and muniments amongst the treasures of the state, is grounded upon such obvious reasons, that it prevailed almost universally amongst antient nations ; nor indeed is it entirely discontinued at the present day. The earliest, and in all respects the most remarkable, testimony concerning this practice is found in the Holy Scrip- tures : “ Now, therefore, if it seem good “ to the King, let there be search made “ in the King’s Treasure-house, which is “ there at Babylon, whether it be so, that “ a decree was made of Cyrus the King “ to build this house of God at Jerusalem.” “ Then Darius the King made a decree, “ and search was made in the House of “ the Rolls, where the treasures were laid “ up in Babylon.” Treasures were not unfrequently placed in places of worship : the sanctity of the spot might be considered as repelling the INTRODUCTION. xv spoiler : the Fane itself was often a stronghold, — such, for instance, was the Athenian Acropolis ; and in these temple- treasuries, both in the cities of Greece and of Rome, the public muniments were de- posited in security. The same custom continued in many parts of Europe. The Royal Chapel and Treasury were thus united in France ; and the latter, as a permanent repository of re- cords, is supposed to have received its orga- nization in the reign of Philip Augustus, when, as it is said, the muniments which had followed the King’s person in the wars, were captured by the English enemy. In England, the Chapel and the Trea- sury, separated at an early period, both became the repository of different classes of muniments and records. To the Chapel, the King’s Chancery had always been an- nexed ; and the registration or inrolment of the documents, authenticated by the Great Seal, a practice of which there are no traces anterior to the accession of John, produced the rolls or records which con- stitute the nucleus of that repository. The Treasury contained the records of the Courts of Justice, and whatever more im- mediately concerned the property and per- sonal engagements of the Sovereign : and Treasury of Records. Its history. XVI INTRODUCTION. Treasury of we have very distinct evidence, that, ante Records. = rior to the Conquest, those solemn trans- its history. ac ^ ons re j a ting to land, which, concluded before the King, had the effect of ending and determining the rights of the con- tracting or litigant parties, were deposited in the Treasury in the care of his Bower Thane , Cubicularius, or Chamberlain. And in the legal custody of the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer (now repre- sented by the Keeper appointed by the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury) the records in this Treasury re- main at the present day. Into this repository then, as the King’s strong box, if such a term may be em- ployed, have the documents which it now contains, been from time to time delivered by competent authority. Sometimes the instruments were brought in by the hands of the King’s officers ; in other cases transmissions have been made by writ, by rule of court, or by order of Council; of which modes of practice various ex- amples will be found in the text of these volumes, and of which some will be here- after considered and quoted, in describing the several classes of records now existing in this Treasury. Considered as a Record Office, the Trea- INTRODUCTION. XVI 1 sury received a new and more efficient organization from Bishop Stapleton. He states, in the preface or introduction to his Kalendar, that the muniments relating to the rights and dominions of the Crown, as well as others affecting the interests of private persons, had, by the commands of the King for the time being, been re- moved or transferred from person to per- son and from place to place, — from the Wardrobe to the Chancery, from the Chan- cery to the Exchequer, and from thence to the Receipt or Treasury, — and often, by incompetent individuals ; and that thereby many inconveniences had arisen both to the Crown and the subject, inasmuch as, for want of proper arrangement and sufficient kalendars and registers, the documents could not be readily found. For these reasons, the King, after mature considera- tion, but upon the special motion of the Treasurer, had ordered that all the do- cuments and instruments in question should be properly digested and arranged, so that recourse might be had to them readily when required ; which plan was ac- cordingly effected, the arrangement being such as is displayed in the now published Kalendar. VOL. i. b Treasury of Records. Its history. Vol.i. p.l, 3. XV111 INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. Vol. iii. p. 104. DIPLOMATIC INSTRUMENTS. XL Amongst the documents so placed in the Treasury, a very prominent station must be assigned to the leagues, treaties, and instruments of every description, arising out of the transactions between the Crown of England and foreign powers. Those still extant — together with many noticed in the antient Kalendar and Memoranda, but now no longer to be found — relate to the Empire, France, Scotland, Spain, Castille, Aragon, Navarre, Portugal, Denmark, Sicily, Brittany, Burgundy, Flanders, Holland, Saxony, Juliers, the Hanse Towns, &c., the United States of the Netherlands, the Switzers League, Venice, Genoa, Florence, Lucca, Milan, &c. The documents thus connected with the diplomatic relations of the Crown, were, according to the antient course of business, deposited in the Treasury, and, as such, regularly transmitted from time to time. The custom was, without doubt, coeval with the monarchy, though no record showing the mode of transmission is extant earlier than the 31st Ed. I., when, as appears from a memorandum on the Pipe Boll, or rather on the Membrane of Memoranda, Master Robert Pickering, INTRODUCTION. XlX the King’s Clerk, one of the Masters of the History and Chancery, delivered to Sir Philip de Wil- ofThe^ 011 loughby, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Record^ ° f acting for the Treasurer, and to the Cham- ” ==s . ° Diplomatic berlains of the same Exchequer, various instruments, diplomatic instruments relating to France and Scotland. Another similar memoran- Vol. iii. dum of the 34th Ed. I. testifies the delivery to the two Chamberlains, of the Great Roll of Scotland. In the 10th Ed. II. very many treaties, protocols, and other documents arising out of the negociations with France, were delivered, pursuant to a writ under the Great Seal, to the Treasurer and Cham- berlains of the Exchequer. As far as the Memoranda are extant, these deliveries or transmissions regularly continue ; I cannot quote the examples, for they occur in every page ; the names of the officers by whom the documents were so brought in being generally mentioned ; and not unfrequently a note is added, stating by whose special directions the deposit was made. The last delivery took place in 1624. The series altogether is extremely important. Of the historical value annexed to such documents it is unnecessary to speak, and they are also of great curiosity as specimens of palaeography and of art. Vol.i. r r & . n . P- 102. 142. The golden bull of Leo King of Armenia, Vol.ii. p.227. b 2 XX INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. as well as the twenty golden bulls of Ed- mund titular King of Sicily, of which the Treasury could boast when Bishop Stapleton compiled his Kalendar, have long since been abstracted ; the golden seal of the Greek Emperor, noticed in the Memoranda of the Treasury, is equally absent, and had certainly disappeared before Agarde compiled his repertory : but the three “ Golden Leagues,” as he terms them, have escaped spoliation. Of these, the most antient is the charter by which Alfonso the Wise surrenders to Ed- ward I., then the eldest son of Henry III., all his right in Gascony, the seal or bull whereof is impressed in very pure gold. The Castle on the obverse, and the Lion on the reverse, — emblems rather than ar- morial bearings, — are finished with the graving tool. The charter itself has unfor- tunately sustained much injury from time, but the beauty of the character can yet be discerned, and it is subscribed by the very singular and elaborate Rueda or Orb, which, according to the practice of the Castilian Chancery, contains the name and style of the Sovereign, supported, as it were, on either side by the vassals, Moorish and Chris- tian, who owed allegiance to his throne. The second, is the treaty of perpetual INTRODUCTION. XXl peace concluded, 18 August 1527, between History and Francis I. and Henry VIII., to which is 0 f the P appended a golden seal of exquisite work- Records^ ° f manship, in the style of Benvenuto Cellini. Dipl ^7 tic On the obverse, is the monarch seated instruments, upon his throne, the reverse bears the shield of France encircled by the collar of the order of St. Michael. Partly chased, and partly composed of fillagree, it is as fresh as when it came from the hands of the artist. The ground is grained, and the under-cutting and fillagree are so deep, and yet so delicate, as to render it impracticable to allow any cast to be taken from it, since such an operation could not be performed without certain injury to the engraving. The third, is the papal privilege, dated 5 March 1524, by which Clement VII. confirms the title of Defender of the Faith to Henry VIII., and to which is ap- pended the golden bull. This is struck as a medal, like the ordinary leaden bulls, but with a die wholly differing from that which is usually employed ; for the type of the ordinary bull is according to the pattern of the middle ages, whilst the golden bull exhibits the perfection of Italian art. I have already observed that the di- plomatic documents form a palaeographic b 3 xxu INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. 15 March 1608. Devon’s Pell Records, James I. p. 308. museum, exhibiting specimens of the va- rious characters employed in Europe from the 13th to the 17th century ; but I regret to add that a large proportion of the docu- ments are in exceedingly bad condition. They appear to have sustained much damage from damp when deposited in the “ Old “ Treasury,” in the cloisters, (of which more hereafter,) and have afterwards suffered other injuries, so that many exist only in crumbling fragments, which no present care can preserve or retrieve. The transmission of the Treaties to the Treasury, their proper and legal place of custody, and where, according to antient precedent, they ought to rest, has been interrupted by the erection of the State Paper Office. A Patent issued by James I. recites the “ endeavours of Robert Earl “ of Salisbury, our Principal Secretary, “ and our High Treasurer of England, to “ reduce all such papers, as well those “ that heretofore remained in the custody “ of Sir Thomas Lake Knight, being “ the papers of some of the Principal “ Secretaries of our predecessors, Kings “ and Queens of England, as also such “ other papers as he shall think fit to de- “ part with, being either such as he hath “ collected of his own times, or such as INTRODUCTION. XXUl (t were left to him from his late father the “ Lord Burleigh, then Lord High Trea- “ surer of England, into a set form or “ library, in some convenient place within “ our palace of Whitehall, to be at all “ times the readier for our use, and for “ the use of any of our Principal Secre- “ taries hereafter, for the better enabling “ them to do us service — and the King thereupon appoints Levinus Monk, Esquire, one of the Clerks of the Signet, and Thomas Wilson, Esquire, to be Keepers and Regis- trars of the Papers and Records so to be collected and preserved : as well of such as then were, as of such as should thereafter be delivered unto them by the Lord Trea- surer, or any of the King’s Principal Se- cretaries ; the office to be held for life by the two Keepers so appointed, at a salary of three shillings and four-pence per diem, to be equally divided between them. But the Patent contains a proviso, “ That if our “ said Cousin and Councillor Robert Earl “ of Salisbury, now our High Treasurer of “ England, shall at any time, by writing “ under his hand and seal delivered or “ notified to the said Levinus Monk and “ Thomas Wilson, or either of them, de- “ clare or signify that the said Levinus “ Monk and Thomas Wilson, or either of b 4 History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. Yol. iii. p. 421-424. xxiv INTRODUCTION. “ them, shall be removed, and stand and “ continue removed from the place and “ office as aforesaid, the grant shall be- “ come void, and the office shall cease “ and be determined.” Under this Patent the State Paper Office, in whatever manner it may previously have existed, seems to have received its perma- nent establishment : but (so far as can be collected from the Patent) without any intention that it should retain the instru- ments relating to the diplomacy of the Crown ; and which, according to the con- stitution of the office, ought to have been regularly removed into this Treasury. Without ascending into earlier periods, the proofs of this position, namely, that the antient Treasury was, of right, the proper and legal repository for the diplomacy of the Crown, are found most conclusively in the transactions of the seventeenth cen- tury after the grant so made to the Keeper of the State Papers. In the 18 James I. Sir Thomas Wilson, Knight, Keeper of the State Papers, delivers to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer various treaties with France, with the United States, and with the Emperor, of various dates from 1522 to 1619, which are deposited in the Treasury, there to be safely kept. INTRODUCTION. XXV In the same year, Sir George Calvert, History and Chief Secretary of State, delivers to the of S the Ptl ° n Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Ex- Record*! ° f chequer the treaty concluded in 1621 „ . . ^ J Diplomatic between James I. and Christian IV. of instruments. Denmark. And in the 20 James I., Sir Robert Naunton, Knight, one of His Ma- jesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, having borrowed various instruments relating to the transactions between Queen Elizabeth and the United States, returns them into the Treasury, there to be safely kept amongst the King’s records. Here placed, they could not even be Vol.iii. p» 4395 444^ inspected without some special authority : 445. and an order of Council was required for their production even before that Board. With such a restriction upon them when required for affairs of state, it may be easily anticipated that private individuals would equally require a special authori- zation. Maturin Esnault, agent of the 1674. Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in France, was thus empowered to search the records, but only in the presence of a sworn officer, and no copies were to be delivered to him without the assent of the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. Elias 1660. Ashmole had a general order under the sign manual, when compiling his History XXVI INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Diplomatic Instruments. 6 Wm. & Mary. Vol. iii. p. 432. Mode of deposit, Signs, &c. of the Order of the Garter ; and he has printed several documents from this repo- sitory. Rymer obtained a very special writ under the Great Seal, quite in the antient form, addressed to the Lords Com- missioners of the Treasury and to the Chamberlains of the Exchequer, autho- rizing them to deliver out to him such and so many leagues, treaties, and other diplo- matic instruments as he should require, ac- cording to indentures to be made between him and them, and many of which inden- tures are now remaining in the office. MODE OF DEPOSITING INSTRUMENTS.— SIGNS. XII. The plans antiently adopted for the arrangement and preservation of the in- struments had many peculiarities. Presses, such as are now employed, do not seem to have been in use. Chests, bound with iron ; — forcers or coffers, secured in the same manner; — pouches or bags of canvas or lea- ther ; — skippets, or small boxes turned on the lathe ; — tills or drawers ; — and hanapers or hampers of “twyggys,” — are all enume- rated as the places of stowage or deposit. To these, reference was made, sometimes by letters, sometimes by inscriptions, some- times by tickets or labels, and sometimes by INTRODUCTION. xxvil “signs;” that is to say, by rude sketches, History and , . ... n description drawings, or paintings, which had generally 0 f the some reference to the subject-matter of Records!!^ the documents. ,, , — ~ , Mode of de- Thus the sign of the instruments re- P osit > Signs, &c. lating to Arragon is a lancer on a jennet ; — Wales, a Briton in the costume of his Vol.i. p.53, 88 98 11 ^ country, one foot shod and the other bare ; ns, 122, — Ireland, an Irisher, clad in a very singular y 0 uj. p.23, hood and cape; — Scotland, a Lochaber axe; y 5 ^ ;ii — Yarmouth, three united herrings; — the p- 56 , so. ’ 6 * (Note IV.) rolls of the Justices of the Forest, an oak sapling ; — the obligations entered into by the men of Chester for their due obedience to Edward Earl of Chester, a gallows, in- dicating the fate which might be threatened in case of rebellion, or which the officers of the Treasury thought they had already well deserved ; — Royal marriages, a hand in hand ; — the indentures relating to the sub- sidy upon woollen cloths, a pair of shears ; — instruments relating to the lands of the Earl of Gloucester in Wales, a castle sur- mounted by a banner charged with the Clare arms ; — and the like, of which various examples will be found by inspection of the Kalendars and Memoranda. Two antient boxes painted with shields of arms, part of the old furniture, are yet in ex- istence, together with several curious chests, XXV111 INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasur}^ of Records. Mode of de- posit, Signs, &c. Vol. ii. p. 5. coffers, and skippets of various sorts and sizes, all sufficiently curious and uncouth, together with various specimens of the hanapers woven of “ twyggys,” as described in the text. One of these hanapers was discovered under rather remarkable circumstances. On the 15th Feb., in the 3d year of the reign of Richard II., Thomas Orgrave, Clerk, deli- vers into the Treasury, to be there safely kept, certain muniments relating to the lands and tenements in Berkhampstead for- merly belonging to William the son and heir of John Hunt, and which the King had purchased of Dyonisia the widow of William de Sutton, and which are stated to be placed in a certain hanaper or hamper within a chest over the Receipt. Upon a recent inspection of a bag of deeds relating to the county of Berks, I found that it contained the hanaper so described, with a label ex- actly conformable to the entry in the Me- moranda ; crumbling and decaying, but tied up, and in a state which evidently showed that it had never been opened since the time of its first deposit in the Treasury : and within the hanaper, were all the several deeds with their seals, in the highest state of preservation. INTRODUCTION. xxix LETTERS AND STATE PAPERS. XIII. Closely connected with the di- plomatic instruments, are the Letters, Cor- respondence, and State Papers concerning the affairs of the Crown. The practice of preserving such muniments in the Treasury was established at an early period. Thus, it appears from Bishop Stapleton’s Kalendar that the letters addressed to Edward L, as well from persons in England as from be- yond the seas, of the 10th, 15th, 19th years, and from the 22d to the 35th year, or the conclusion of his reign, were placed in the Treasury in a great box bound with iron. Intercepted letters were deposited in like manner. In the 38 Ed. III., 16th April, the Treasurer and Chamberlains received from the Chancellor and the others of the King’s Council, ten bundles of letters of aliens, which had been seized by Robert de Hull and his officers in the port of Dover ; and they were placed in a chest with three locks in the chamber of the Tellers over the Receipt, in a bag of canvas. But on the 19th April these let- ters were, by order of Council, delivered out to certain merchants, who made oath that the documents did not concern the King, nor any person of the kingdom. It History and description of the Treasury of Records. Letters and State Papers. Vol. i. p. JOL 200, 201 . XXX INTRODUCTION. History and was probably suspected that these letters description .. p of the related to the remittance ol money to the Records^ ° f Papal Court, a practice which the Crown LetterTand took great pains to repress ; and repeated State Papers, mandates and writs were issued for the pur- pose of intercepting such communications. All the papers and correspondence of Car- dinal Wolsey were deposited in the Trea- sury after he had been found guilty of the praemunire. And the correspondence of Cromwell came in like manner into the Treasury. By such successive transmissions and deposits, the extremely valuable and im- portant collection of Letters and State Papers in this Treasury was formed ; a col- lection of which the following is a very brief and imperfect summary. I trust, how- ever, that means will hereafter be afforded of completing a full catalogue of them in detail. * Letters and despatches transmitted from Ponthieu, during the period of the dis- putes between Edward II. and the French Court, with much incidental intelligence relating to the affairs of France and Flan- ders and other current transactions. Originals and drafts of despatches and letters, some from the Council of Gascony, INTRODUCTION. XXXI or other persons in office there, others History and from Hugh le Despencer, and also letters of S th r e Ptl ° n addressed to him at various periods in the ^ords 7 ° f reign of Edward II. _ . ° > Letters and The largest and most curious portion State Papers. of this correspondence was found in bundles which evidently had not been opened since the period that they were first deposited in the Treasury. Many portions of this correspondence approach more nearly to the character of familiar letters than is usually the case with the epistolary communications of the period to which they belong. Correspondence addressed to Edward the Black Prince, about 16 Ed. III. — De- spatches, answers to applications for the loan of money, the supply of provisions, and other similar matters. Many of these letters are very charac- teristic and interesting. An ample correspondence relating to the affairs of Scotland in the reigns of James V., Mary, and James VI., including many original letters of James V. ; despatches of Archdeacon Magnus, Lord Dacre, &c. Letters and despatches of the Duke of Norfolk when employed in the suppression of Aske’s rebellion, and other correspon- XXX11 INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Letters and State Papers. (Note Y.) dence relating to the insurrections in the North. Letters to and from Lord Lvsle when •/ Deputy of Calais, bound in volumes, con- taining many very interesting details, both of public occurrences and private affairs. The Wolsey correspondence, bound in volumes, removed, as before mentioned, into this Treasury when the Cardinal was found guilty of the prmmunire. The Cromwell correspondence, com- prising, as it would seem from the bulk and number of the letters, almost the whole mass of the papers of this eminent states- man during the period that he continued in power ; and deposited, as before mentioned, in this Treasury under his attainder. The Wolsey and Cromwell collections, besides their great value as inedited illus- trations of the general history of the realm, contain many surveys of monasteries and other important documents, either collate- rally or directly affording evidence of rights of property. Correspondence from Dr. Croke and the agents at Rome and elsewhere on the Con- tinent, pending the proceedings for the divorce between Henry VIII. and Queen Katherine. INTRODUCTION. xxxm These letters contain many particulars of History and J 1 ^ description the negociations with the Court of Rome, of the and also afford a full view of the endea- Records, vours made to win favourable opinions from r “ , x Letters and the foreign universities. State Papers. And, in addition to the above, the Trea- sury possesses Cranmer’s Correspondence. Letters addressed to Henry VIII., Car- dinal Wolsey, &c. by royal personages, in- cluding many from Margaret Queen of Scots and Mary Queen of France. An ample series of letters from the Marquis Pescara, from the Duke of Milan, and other Italian princes. Notes of intelligence transmitted to Henry VIII. by his ambas- sadors. Letters in cypher, and a great num- ber of similar documents, partly belonging to the class of epistolary correspondence, and partly included in the class of diplomacy. Some of the letters addressed to Hugh le Despencer from Gascony are written on very stout and beautiful vellum, others, on paper, a sound and strong fabric, well sized, and such as may altogether be called a good article. And though in the Tower, there are a few letters upon cotton paper, yet parchment or vellum was generally used, and these are amongst the earliest examples of any continued correspondence upon the VOL. i. c XXXIV INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Letters and State Papers. (Note VI.) more commodious material, which in Eng- land was very rarely employed. It is highly probable that, in the South of France, the supply was received from the Moorish mer- chants or manufacturers of Spain. It is a curious fact, that amongst the an- tient correspondence some letters, appa- rently of the reigns of Henry VI. and Henry VII., yet remain unopened ; and I have thought it expedient rather to allow them to continue in this state, as specimens of the antient mode of sealing letters mis- sive, than to break the wax, for the pur- pose of becoming acquainted with the in- telligence thus concealed. Other examples of similar neglect or inattention may be adduced. Many of the military musters, required at the time with so much urgency, and grounded on events which put the whole kingdom in a ferment, were found closed with the seals of the commissioners. And we also have here numerous bundles of depositions of witnesses in suits in the Star Chamber, the Court of Requests, and the Court of Wards, still folded and sealed, even as when they were transmitted by the examiners : the eager and angry litigants having, whilst contending before an earthly tribunal, been snatched away from their disputes to the silence of the tomb. INTRODUCTION. XXXV History and description BILLS OF PRIVY SEAL AND PRIVY SIGNET. Treasury of Records. XIV. Connected in some respects with = the correspondence, are the Bills of Privy Seal and Signet and Privy Seal deposited in this Puv y s, § net - Treasury. In the earlier periods, these documents not only contained the warrant to the Great Seal, but also conveyed the King’s private directions and individual sentiments, besides being the means of exercising several branches of his royal prerogative. The documents in question extend, in very large quantities, from the reign of Edward III. to Charles L, though not so as to form a complete series. The Privy Signets and Privy Seals of the earlier reigns afford much historical information. The Privy Signets of Queen Elizabeth, solicit- ing loans throughout England for the de- fence of the kingdom against the Armada, and of which there are several hundreds, are singularly interesting, from the cir- cumstance that a large portion were re- turned into this Treasury with the amounts of the sums contributed by the parties. In the two more modern or last reigns of which the Privy Seals and Privy Sig- nets exist, viz. James I. and Charles I., XXXVI INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Bills of Privy Seal and Privy Signet. Vol. i. p. 104. the collection, though offering many chasms, is of great practical value. Registers were made in the reign of Edward I. of the writs, both under the Great Seal and under the Privy Seal, which had been directed into the Wardrobe, and, as appears from Bishop Stapleton’s Kalen- dar, they were deposited in the Trea- sury. Of the registers from the 12th to the 35th of Edward I., one year is stated to have been deficient, and of another, the quires containing the entries for two months only, were extant. These important records are no longer in the Treasury, but some documents of a class, not dissimilar, are still preserved. Such is the original register of the Privy Seal of Edward the Black Prince, from July, 20 Ed. III., to January, 21 Ed. III., forming one volume, on paper. This re- gister, when considered in connection with the correspondence of the Black Prince (see p. xxxi.), is of considerable import- ance in showing the manner in which he exercised his regalities in North and South Wales, the Marches, Flint, and Chester. And it is worthy of remark that commissions for holding the Great Sessions, &c. issued under this Privy Seal in the same manner as under the Great Seal. INTRODUCTION. XXXVll PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. FINES AND CONCORDS. XV. The proceedings of the King’s Courts of Justice were placed in the Treasury, the proper repository for do- cuments, justly reckoned the most im- portant muniments of the Crown. As I have before observed (p. xvi.), instruments analogous to the Fine and Concord, or the indentures evidencing the transfer of lands by the real or fictitious compro- mise of a suit in the King’s Court, were preserved, previous^ to the Conquest, in the Hoard or Treasury. In the reign of Henry II. this mode of conveyance by Fine and Concord appears as an established branch of the legal polity of the realm. The chirographs in this Treasury, which extend from Henry II. to George III., are the most perfect series known to exist in Europe, and probably in the world, of a strictly legal record. They also afford the most remarkable example of that adherence to antient usage and precedent, which, until the present era, characterized our nation and our law ; for, the first Fine in this repository, of the History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. XXXV111 INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. Vol. iii. p. 99, 102, 103, 110, 112, 113, 276, 278, 388. 25th Hen. II., and the last, which was levied previous to the 31st December 1833, — when by virtue of the statute 4 and 5 of His present Majesty, Cap.lxxiv., this mode of assurance was abolished, — exhibit an unaltered principle, and scarcely any sub- stantial variation in form. When documents were delivered into the Treasury, it was the custom to execute an indenture between the Functionary who made the transmission, and the Officers of the Treasury, the latter acknowledging the receipt thereof. (§ IX.) Of these inden- tures, it is evident that a large proportion are lost. The earliest existing instrument of this class relates to the deposit in the Treasury of certain “ pedes finium,” 16 Ed. I., such delivery being made to the Treasurer and Chamberlains by John Bacon, Clerk, Custos Brevium of the Common Pleas. When the documents accumulated, similar transfers were successively made, at various intervals, in the reigns of Ed. I., Ed. II., and Ed. III., as may be seen by reference to the indentures. In 48-50 Ed. III. the party delivering the “ pedes finium ” is described as the Chief Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, and the same Officer makes the transmission in the reign of Richard II. INTRODUCTION. xxxix The indentures of delivery made in the History and description reigns of Hen. IV., Hen. V., and Hen. VI. 0 f the are not to be found. In the 4 Ed. IV. Records^ Sir John Fogge, Knight, Gustos Brevium Proc ^ ngs of the Common Pleas, delivers the fines of the Courts of Justice, from the 21st to the 39th Hen. VI. From &c. hence, the indentures of the deliveries are wanting, until we arrive at the reign of Charles II., when a writ issued, directed to 4 Oct. the Gustos Brevium of the Common Pleas, y 7 o] C ^ 11 commanding him to deliver to the Trea- P >429 - surer and Chamberlains all the “ pedes ” of fines levied in the reigns of Hen. VI., Ed. IV., Ed. V., Bic. III., Hen. VII., Hen. VIII., Ed. VI., and Philip and Mary, remaining in his custody, the same to be kept in the Treasury “ prout moris est and they were brought in accordingly, and an indenture executed in the antient form. A similar writ issued in the reign of James II. 14 March, for the transmission of the “ pedes finium ” vohTiiT H of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. p ‘ 430 ’ 432 ' The same process issued in the reign of 12 June, Queen Anne for the transmission of the voi. iii.’ fines from the last year of James I. to the p ’ 433 ’ 434, 12 Charles II., and in both these last-men- tioned cases the transmission was also testi- fied by indenture. In the reign of George II. 3 George II. the last writ extant, and which is precisely J°^ 1- xl INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, ti-C. in the antient form, was issued for the transmission of the fines of the reigns of o James II. and Charles II. The Fines were duly delivered ; but the indenture, if any was executed, is not now to be found. From this period I cannot trace any fresh transmission until 1809, when ten cart-loads of chirographs, each cart-load being about one ton in weight, and con- taining in the whole upwards of 1,400 bundles, were, under the directions of the Commissioners on the Public Re- cords, and at the request of the Chiro- graphers of the Common Pleas, removed into this Treasury. They had been partly deposited in a vaulted chapel adjoining the Temple Church, — now demolished, much to the regret of the architectural antiquary, — and partly in the Chirographers office; and this delivery, which included some bundles as high as the reign of Edward II., completed the series to the last year of George II. The fines of the reign of George III. have continued in the Chiro- graphers office, w r ith the exception of one bundle which came to the Treasury. INTRODUCTION. xli PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURTS OF JUSTICE — continued : KING’S BENCH, COMMON PLEAS, GAOL DELI- VERY, JUSTICES IN EYRE, &c. XVI. In the same manner as the Fines are thus preserved here, so was and is this Treasury the proper and central repository for all the other records of the Courts of Justice ; and which have been transmit- ted here from time to time, by the Officers or Functionaries having charge of them. In their various classes, these records extend from the reign of Richard I. to George II. ; and the memoranda of the deliveries made thereof, though incomplete and offering many chasms and deficiencies, are amply sufficient to show the system which was pursued. In the 31 Ed. I. John de Berewick re- stored or returned into the Treasury various rolls of proceedings before the Justices Itinerant, as well rolls of com- mon Pleas as of Pleas of the Crown, which had been lent to him, probably for his own eyre. And he also returned in like manner an Estreat Roll, and certain proceedings begun as far back as the 12 Ed. I. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. Vol. iii. p. 103. xlii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. 29 April, 9 Ed. II. Vol. iii. p. 114. 21 Nov. 15 Ed. II. Vol. iii. p. 122. p.148-153. 7 Oct. 3 Ed. III. In the 9 Ed. II. the executors of the will of Robert de Retford, who repeatedly appears as one of the King’s Justices, deli- vered a very large number of the rolls and writs of the Justices in Eyre, viz. of John de Berewick, Martin de Littlebury, John de Insula, , and many others, who had acted in that capacity from the 39 Hen. III. to the 8 Ed. II. Later in the same reign various rolls of the delivery of the gaols of Huntingdon, Cambridge, Aylesbury, Oak- ham, Leicester, Waltham, and Bedford, from the 2d to the 6th Ed. II., were de- posited by Justice Mutford in the Trea- sury. In the 3 Ed. III. John de Stonore succeeded to William de Herle, in the office of Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. On this occasion a proceeding took place which, with other examples of the same nature quoted hereafter, will show how the business relating to the custody of the records was transacted. — A writ was di- rected to the Ex-chief Justice Herle, com- manding him to deliver all the Rolls and Records in his keeping to the Treasurer and Chamberlains, and accordingly he did transfer the rolls to them ; and an in- denture was executed between the parties. In this instrument the records, which ex- INTRODUCTION. xliii tend from Michaelmas Term, 11 Ed. II., to History and description Trinity, 3 Ed. III., are very minutely de- of the scribed, roll by roll : and it also specifies Record! ° f the number of membranes of vellum con- Pro “ji ng s tained in each roll, — a particular of con- of the Courts A ot Justice, siderable importance, — since it affords the &c. means of ascertaining whether the rolls now in the office are or are not complete. The rolls being thus in the custody of the Trea- surer and Chamberlains, and another writ being issued after the appointment of Chief Justice Stonore, commanding the Treasurer and Chamberlains to deliver the rolls to him, in order that he may be enabled to do the duties of his office, an indenture was executed accordingly, in which the rolls which he receives, are enumerated exactly as they were delivered ; that is to say, it repeats the instrument of 7 Oct. 3 Ed. III. word for word. In the 5 Ed. III. Stonore is amoved from office, and he re-delivers the rolls, with the addition of those to . Hilary, 5 Ed. III., pursuant to the writ directing him in that behalf, to the Trea- surer and Chamberlains ; and Herle, being is Oct. re-appointed Chief Justice, the rolls are VaUiV 1 ' re-delivered to him. P- 154--156. From this and other similar documents, we ascertain that the Chief Justice for the History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. 16 May, 5 Ed. III. Yol. iii. p. 157, 158. 25 Feb. 8 Ed. III. Vol. iii. p.161-163. xliv INTRODUCTION. time being, had the temporary custody of such records as were required for the cur- rent business of the court ; but that the real control over them continued with the Treasurer and Chamberlains, so that the transfer of them to a successor could only take place by their intervention. In the same reign John de Cantebrig’, who had been one of the Justices Itinerant in Bedfordshire, delivered numerous judi- cial records to the Treasurer and Chamber- lains. They consisted of rolls “ de juratis “ et assisis/’ presentments “ de corona ” made before the Justices, bags containing Coroners rolls, bags of proceedings before the Justices of the peace, and other records of a similar nature ; and it should seem that the Treasurer and Chamberlains were then calling in the records, for about the same time Adam de Stayngreve, Clerk of the Eyre in the counties of Northampton and Bedford, was commanded to remit all records in his possession ; and he accord- ingly did deliver up all original and judi- cial writs, rolls, and records touching his Eyres from the 1 Ed. II. to the 4 Ed. III. Being also Clerk of the Eyre in the county of Kent, he afterwards delivered up the writs, rolls, and records of such Eyres INTRODUCTION. xlv from the 15 to the 20 Ed. II., and from the History and description 1st to the 7th of the then king. of the Chief Justice Stonore, in the 13th Records^ ° f Edward III., transmits to the Treasurer ; Proceedings and Chamberlains all the rolls which he of the Courts had received, and these do not seem to & c . have been delivered out again. In the }t ^P" 1 * 37 Ed. III. a writ issues, by which Thorpe, Vo |' g “ i- Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, is 10 July) commanded to produce in the Exchequer y^-' 111 * all records, processes, and essoigns of p. 255-257. pleas determined in his Bench from the 14th to the 20th of the King, together with all rolls and memoranda concerning such pleas, the same to be delivered to the Treasurer and Chamberlains to be kept in the Treasury according to custom. And in pursuance of the writ, the Chief Justice makes the delivery of all the rolls of the court from Hilary, 15 Ed. III., to Michaelmas, 19 Ed. III. Deliveries of very numerous rolls and 42 Ed. III. J Vol. iii. records of Pleas of the Forests were made p.257-262. into the Treasury, 42 Ed. III., by William of Wickham, Bishop of Winchester, and Peter Attwood, as Keepers of the Forests south of Trent, and also by the same Peter Attwood as Clerk of the Iters of the Forests ; these include documents (though xlvi INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. 2 Ric. II. Vol. iii. p. 282-285. 15 Ric. II. Yol. iii. p. 300, 301. p. 368. p. 370. not forming a continuous series) from the 54 Hen. III. to the 41 Ed. III. In the 2d of Richard II. the Clerk or Custos Brevium of the Common Pleas delivers into the Treasury a great number of writs, as well original as judicial, rolls of eyres, and other proceedings, which extend from the 8 Ed. III. to the conclu- sion of his reign ; and in the 15 Ric. II. Robert Charlton, Chief Justice of the Com- mon Pleas, delivers to the Treasurer and Chamberlains the rolls of pleadings and essoigns of the Common Pleas from the 20th to the 30th Ed. III. The bundles of Trinity Term of the 23 Ed. III. are stated to be deficient, the court not having sat in that term, in consequence of the great pestilence. In the 6 Hen. V. the Clerk of the Assizes for the western circuit delivered to the Chamberlains the rolls and records of his circuit, together with the rolls of the delivery of the gaol of the castle of Exeter of the 14 Hen. IV. In the 15 Hen. VI. the usual writs issued, commanding Chief Justice Juyn to deliver to the Treasurer and Chamberlains the rolls and records of the Common Pleas from the 29 Ed. III. to the 1 Hen. IV., INTRODUCTION. xlvii in order that the same might be safely kept in the Treasury according to cus- tom. The Chief Justice delivered the re- cords accordingly, and the indenture made between him and the Treasurer and Chamberlains enumerates the rolls which they had thus received, being from the 31 Ed. III. to Trinity Term 23 Ric. II. It is noticed in this indenture, that the rolls of Trinity Term 35 Ed. III. are wanting, on account of the pestilence which pre- vented the sitting of the court. The rolls of Trinity Term, 5 Ric. II., are equally noticed as wanting, in consequence of the insurrection in the county of Kent, and other rolls are stated to be damaged and in part decayed. In the same reign the clerk of the Norfolk circuit delivers, 20 Hen. VI., the records of gaol delivery, writs, and other records of assize for all the several counties included in that circuit, from the 9th Hen. V. to the 19th of the King. In the reign of Edward IV. it appears from the memoranda of the 6th year, that Thomas Wymbysh, one of the Justices of gaol delivery in the city of Lincoln, deli- vered to the Treasurer and Chamberlains the rolls of gaol delivery for that city of History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. Vol. iii. p. 380. p. 7, 8, 12. xlviii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. 1 August, 22 Car. II. 1670. Vol. iii. p. 427, 428. (See p. xxxix.) the 1st of the King: and there are many other entries in the memoranda of the delivery of special assizes and judicial rolls for particular places in the preceding reigns. A chasm now ensues until the 22d Charles II., when, pursuant to a writ ad- dressed to Chief Justice Vaughan, the latter issued his warrant, addressed to the Keeper of the Records of the Common Pleas, com- manding such Keeper to deliver the rolls and other proceedings from the end of the reign of Richard II. to the 1st year of the reign of Henry VIII. This was duly obeyed, and an indenture was executed, in which the receipt of the records was acknowledged by Sir Robert Long, Baronet, Clerk or Deputy of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and Edward Fauconberge and John Lowe, Gentlemen, Clerks or Deputies of the Chamberlains of the Ex- chequer. The schedule specifies the rolls thus delivered, extending from Michaelmas, 1 Hen. IV., to Trinity, 23 Hen. IV., and notices some which are wanting. And, lastly, the bundles of judicial and other writs to the conclusion of the reign of James II. were removed at the same time and by the same writs, in the reigns of INTRODUCTION. xlix Charles II., James II., and George II., as the fines. The mandatory portions of the last writs of James II. and George II. direct the re- moval, not merely of the fines and judicial writs, but of all the rolls and records of the courts ; and it is probable that the rolls of pleadings were not delivered, in consequence of some want of exertion on the part of the Deputy Chamberlains or of the Keepers of the Records. The rolls therefore never came in. But a Sign Manual was issued by the Queen Guardian, dated 1st September 1732, noticing that there were divers books, records, and papers relating to the proceedings of the King’s Bench and Common Pleas, then lying in the dust and rubbish in a room over the House of Commons, in the cus- tody or possession of Thomas Spence, Esquire, Sergeant-at-arms attending the house ; and the warrant accordingly directs their removal into the Treasury. By means of the deliveries above noticed, and of other deposits and transmissions, of which the periods cannot now be ascer- tained, the great mass of judicial records now in this Treasury was accumulated. d History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. Vol. iii. p. 448. VOL. I. 1 INTRODUCTION. History and These records may be enumerated under description of the the following: general heads : — rp C O O lreasury ot Records. Proceedings Rolls and Pleadings at Common Law of Justice, ltS before the King’s Justices, usually deno- &Ct minated the Rolls of the Curia Regis, from 5 Ric. I. to 56 Hen. III. Although in this era the Courts of King’s Bench and Common Pleas became separated, yet the distinction between them is not sufficiently apparent in the records to admit of their distribution into classes, and they are therefore kept in one series. To these proceedings of the courts of the English common law, nearly the same remark applies as to the Fines, namely, that they constitute the most antient consecutive series of judicial proceedings now existing in Europe ; the only records of this nature approaching them in antiquity, being the Registers of the Parliament of Paris, which do not commence ’till 1254. I have recently edited the Rolls of the reign of Richard I. and of the first year of John ; and the continuation of the reign of John is now in the press. They abound with the most valuable information respecting our INTRODUCTION. li political and legal antiquities, as well as concerning the general state and condition of society. Rolls of the Court of King’s Bench, or of the proceedings “ coram Rege,” from 1 Ed. I. to 10 Hen.V. In the earlier portion of this series, the pleadings recorded on these rolls are of a very miscellaneous nature, and take a wide range. Besides the Pleas which are more usually considered as belonging to the Court of King’s Bench, we find here the trials or inquests arising out of bills or petitions presented to the King in Council, or to the King in Parliament : proceedings “ de probatione aetatis,” being the examinations by which the heir proved his full age, previously to obtaining livery of his lands ; and a variety of other legal transactions in which the prerogatives of the Crown were concerned. These rolls also contain numerous enrolments of deeds and charters. The rolls of some few terms are deficient. Rolls of the Court of Common Pleas, from 1 Ed. I. to 24 Hen. VII. These Rolls, from their first commence- ment, are less varied in their contents than d 2 History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. lii INTRODUCTION. History and the Bolls of the King’s Bench, although description 0 of the they present us with some intermixture, ReTord?! ° f in the earlier reigns, of parliamentary and Proceedings ot h er extraordinary proceedings. They of the Courts a l so contain valuable enrolments of deeds ot Justice, & c. and charters. Pleadings “ coram Bege et Consilio,” Hen. III. and Ed. I., of various vears. Pleadings before the Marshal of the King’s Household, Ed. I. to Ed. III. These, which have been always considered as a portion of the general series of judicial rolls, are retained amongst them. Bolls of Pleadings and Proceedings be- fore Justices Itinerant, the Justices of Assize, Justices of Oyer and Terminer, Justices of Gaol Delivery for the several counties of England, the Palatine juris- dictions only excepted ; proceedings before the Justices of Peace, and of Labourers, and Coroners rolls, from Hen. III. to Hen. VI. The nature of these rolls is indicated by their titles. Many proceedings upon special assizes are also included amongst these rolls ; and of these several are still remaining in the antient bags which con- tained them when first deposited. Their INTRODUCTION. liii contents afford much insight into the ge- History and i , , /» .1 , it description neral state of the country.* of the Treasury of Records. Pleas before the Justices of Trailbaston ; =7 Proceedings Inquests taken before the Justices ap- of the Courts • , j , • • , ,1 • of Justice, pointed to inquire into the oppressions & c . committed by the King’s ministers ; Quo Warranto and Hundred Rolls ; Hen. III. to Ed. III. A portion of these inquiries into the abuse or undue claim of liberties and franchises, or of the title under which they are held, have been printed ; but very many are inedited. Pleas of the Forest ; Perambulations, views, surveys, &c. ; Petitions presented to the Justice seat; Inquisitions “ de Statu “ Forestse Inquests, indictments, and presentments before the Justices of the Forest, from Hen. III. to 16 Car. II. The Justices of the Forest constituting only an occasional court, these records became peculiarly placed under the imme- diate direction of the Crown. Thus, upon the holding of the Iter and Court of Jus- tice seat for the Forest of Dean, 10 Car.I., a Vol.iii. Sign Manual issued, directing the Treasurer P ' * An inventory of these Rolls is now in preparation. a 3 History and description of the Treasury of Records. Proceedings of the Courts of Justice, &c. Vol. iii. p.444, 445. Hv INTRODUCTION. and Chamberlains to deliver the Regard Rolls “ and other the Rolls of former antient “ Iters of the Forest ” to the Clerk of the Iter, John Keelinge, Esquire. But with respect to the rolls of the Iter and Justice seat of Waltham Forest, as being nearer London, the Chamberlains are commanded, by warrant under the Sign Manual, to attend the Justice seat and the sessions thereof with all the writings and records in their charge, in such manner as the same should be required by the Solicitor General and the Queen’s Serjeant-at-law. In 1670 we find an Order of Council made, directing that the proceedings in the Eyre, 4 Ed. III., should be delivered to Aubrey Earl of Oxford, Warden and Chief Justice in Eyre of the Forests South of Trent, or that some fit and proper person should be sent to attend therewith during the Justice seat, and that they should be returned again into the Office. The then Keeper of the Records considered, how- ever, that, strictly speaking, this order was not sufficient. He states, in his reply, that an order ought to have been made by the Lords of the Treasury ; “ yet in regard that “ from the shortness of time they could “ not get such warrant, and rather that the “ King’s service should not be neglected, INTRODUCTION. lv u 66 66 66 66 he thinks fit and agrees that the records History and ° description should be delivered to one of the mes- of the sengers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, Records, to attend the Earl of Oxford with the ““ same at the justice seat.” RECORDS OF PARLIAMENT. XVII. The Records of Parliament, were, Records of like the proceedings of the King’s courts ^ h . ament - or tribunals, transmitted into this Treasury. P^ 2 ’ 102 > In the forcer of leather bound with iron, Vol.iii. p. 437* was deposited the exemplification under the 1 Great Seal, in Latin and in Roman , of the Statute of King Edward, the son of Henry, made at Gloucester in the month of August in the 6th year of his reign. This is an important entry, as showing that the French or Roman text and the Latin text are of equal authenticity. In the same forcer, was an exemplification of the Statute of Merchants, made at Westminster in the 13th year of the reign of the same king: and also another exemplification of the Statute in Latin, from which it should appear, that the first exemplification was of a French or Roman text : also an exemplification of the Statute of “ Quia Emptores a copy of the ordinance d 66 lvi INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Records of Parliament. Vol. iii. p. 183. “ Ne placitum de quo warranto alibi tene- “ atur,” &c., together with several docu- ments relating to the confirmation of the Great Charters. A pouch or sack of canvas contained the rolls and memo- randa of divers ordinances and councils of Edward I. The Statutes of Wales were placed, as appears by the Kalendar, in a wooden coffer with other records appertaining to the principality ; and in 16 Ed. II. the “ Liber de Parliamentis ” was delivered by Walter Stapleton, Bishop of Exeter, into the Treasury. This delivery appears from an entry upon the Pell Bolls ; and, as the book is not mentioned in the Kalendar, it proves, what we must regret, that, however ample, it does not afford a complete synop- sis of the contents of the Treasury. This “ Book of Parliaments,” described as con- taining 24 quires, was, on the 28th February, 31 Ed. III., delivered to David de Wollore, the same being to be brought back by him to the Treasurer and Chamberlains before Easter then next : but whether so returned or not, I have reason to suppose that it is the volume known as the Vetus Codex , containing proceedings of the Parliaments of Edward I. and II., and now in the Tower. INTRODUCTION. lvii At present there are in the Treasury History and 1 # ^ description eleven rolls of parliamentary proceedings of the ^ of the following years of Edward I., viz. Records. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, Rec ^7 of and 35, heretofore contained in a bag of Parliament - canvas, and which seem to be the rolls and memoranda to which the Kalendar re- fers. The other parliamentary documents are the following : Two antient rolls, containing the Statuta Walliae, both probably coeval, and being probably those noticed in the Kalendar. The Statute of Winchester. A bill or schedule, in a coeval hand, but evidently intended for use, and not a record. A portion of the Rolls of the Parliament begun the 2d December 8 Hen. V. The Act of Resumption, of 28 Hen. VI. Amongst the parliamentary documents, may be classed a great number of highly curious drafts of bills, either passed into statutes in the reigns of ITenry VII. and Henry VIII. or intended to be passed or presented to Parliament. Very many of these drafts relate to the reformation of the church and the establishment of the royal supremacy, and have received repeated alterations and amendments ; others, again, have the appearance of being merely abor- tive propositions or theoretical schemes for lviii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Records of Parliament. legislation. A considerable portion of these drafts seem to have been found amongst Cromwell’s papers ; others were evidently intended for the King. Here are also se- veral copies — broadsides — of the “ Acte “ declarynge the establysshment of the “ successyon of the Kynges moste Roy all “ Majestie in the Imperyall Crowne of “ this Realme,” (25 Hen. VIII. Cap. 22.) printed by Bertholet, and such as were probably transmitted for promulgation, to the Sheriffs throughout the kingdom. COURT OF WARDS AND LIVERIES.— COURT OF REQUESTS.— COURT OF STAR CHAMBER. Court of Wards and Liveries. Court of Requests. Star Cham- ber. XVIII. The proceedings of the Court of Wards and Liveries and of the Court of Requests seem to have been neglected and cast aside after the extinction of these Courts*; and being “ improperly placed * The Court of Wards and Liveries, suspended by the Commonwealth, was formally suppressed by the statute which abolished the military tenures. (12 Car. II. Cap. 24.) The Court of Requests, which in fact was a committee of the Privy Council, was declared an illegal court by a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the reign of Elizabeth (4 Inst. Cap. 9.), but it does not appear to have been entirely extinguished until the abolition of the Star Chamber by the statute. of the 16 Car. I. Cap. 9. INTRODUCTION. lix “ and decaying in certain rooms in His “ Majesty’s Palace at Westminster,” in the custody of the Usher of the Black Rod, they were, by the Sign Manual of the 1st September 1732, removed into this Treasury. The proceedings in these Courts corre- sponded, in most respects, with that of the equity side of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, and their records are of two descriptions : viz. — books, in which the various proceedings of the courts are en- tered, — and files or bundles of bills, an- swers, depositions, accounts, proceedings before the Master, and other documents of a similar description. The books of the Court of Wards con- sist of fifty-nine volumes of books of orders and decrees, 1 Edward VI. to 21 Charles I., the proceedings being entered, as before remarked, in the same style and manner as the orders of the Court of Chancery ; entries of sales of wards and of contracts for marriages, eighteen vo- lumes, 5 Henry VIII. to 21 Charles I. ; entries of petitions and compositions for wardships, seven volumes, 8 James I. to 20 Charles I. ; certificates of process issued by the auditors in the reign of James I., History and description of the Treasury of Records. Court of Wards and Liveries. Court of Requests. Star Cham- ber. lx INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Court of Wards and Liveries. Court of Requests. Star Cham- ber. (Note VII.) three volumes ; together with very many other volumes of accounts, surveys, ex- tents, transcripts of inquisitions, leases, par- ticulars of dowers, jointures, and other charges, as well as the minute books of the registrars. The books of the Court of Requests consist of the orders and decrees, affidavit and minute books, and books of miscellaneous entries, extending from Edward VI. to Charles I. The bundles and files of detached docu- ments belonging to both Courts, which are principally upon paper, are very numerous, but remain as they were first delivered, — heaped up in stacks and piles, — in a state in which it is not possible to use or con- sult them. A large sum would be required for the purpose of cleaning and binding them : and it is greatly to be regretted that the needful supplies, without which these records are as so much waste paper, have not hitherto been obtained. The books, however, are for the greater part quite fit for use. Those of the Court of Requests, which were decaying, have been repaired and bound, and they afford much valuable information. The Books of the Court of Wards are in every re- spect legal evidence, and contain most INTRODUCTION. lxi important proofs of descents and alliances, History and and of the various rights of property. ofThe^' 011 With respect to the Books of the Court Records^ ° f of Requests, doubts have been raised with Cou ^^ regard to their legal admissibility : be this Wards and as it may, they are nevertheless fully avail- Court of able for all points of literary inquiry, and sta^Cham- they contain an ample store of materials ber ‘ for local topography and family history ; but though fully accessible, they have not hitherto been so employed. Besides the transcripts of inquisitions in the books of the Court of Wards, there is an extensive series of duplicates of in- quisitions returned into the Court, and from which the transcripts were probably made. Very many original title deeds, delivered in by parties pending proceed- ings, yet remain amongst the documents of the Court ; these also are of great value. STAR CHAMBER. All the pleadings and proceedings of this Court which were on the file, that is to say, the bills, answers, replications, pleas, and demurrers, together with the depositions, are deposited in this Trea- sury, extending from the reign of Henry VII. to the dissolution of the Court. lxii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Court of Wards and Liveries. Court of Requests. Star Cham- ber. They are very numerous, and as important as they are extensive ; equally illustrating public and private history. They are now as they were brought in, tied up in bundles, and cannot be consulted with convenience ; it is, therefore, most desi- rable to bind them in volumes, the only form in which they can be preserved and made readily accessible ; and a portion of the proceedings of the reign of Henry VII. have been so arranged. None of the orders or decrees of the Court of Star Chamber are to be found. In the Report of the Committee of the House of Lords, in 1719, it is stated, “ the last notice of them that could be “ got, was that they were in a house in te St. Bartholomew’s Close, London,” and it is much to be apprehended that they have been destroyed. Anterior to the reign of Henry VIII. there are some pro- ceedings in suits by bill and answer before the Council, analogous to those of the Star Chamber, but it is not entirely certain whether they belong to the Court properly so called. INTRODUCTION. lxiii DOMESDAY.' History and description of the Treasury of XIX. The King’s Treasury would, un- Records ‘ der any circumstances, be the fitting re- Domesday, pository for all surveys or extents of the deduction to royal demesnes ; and the series of these documents commences with the most re- markable document of this description now in existence — the volumes of Domesday. Whether the Treasury in which the Domesday was first deposited, may have been at Winchester or at Westminster, the nature of the custody was the same ; and the mode of obtaining authentic tran- scripts of the Book, by writs addressed to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, resulted from their being the legal keepers of this, the most antient of our existing records. The two volumes are in excellent preservation, though it is to be deplored that they have been re-bound in russia-leather ; the antient covers, brass bossed and brass cornered, and of massy board, are however in existence, perfect and unimpaired. There would be no difficulty in replacing the volumes within them, and it is contemplated to perform this operation as soon as a convenient oppor- tunity shall offer. It is an antient rule of lxiv INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Domesday. the Treasury, that the text or writing of the volume must never be touched by the finger or by the paper of the transcriber ; and to this regulation the good condition of these volumes may be, in part, ascribed. Besides the original Domesday, the Treasury possesses an abridgment, forming a very beautiful volume, apparently com- piled early in the reign of Edward I. The handwriting is a fine specimen of cali- graphy ; the capitals are illuminated ; in the margins of some of the pages are circles of gold, containing heads or half-lengths representing the chief tenants whose lands are therein described. Prefixed, are leaves of vellum with six illuminations or pic- tures of incidents from the legend of Edward the Confessor. These are in a rude and singular stile of art, possibly not later than the reign of Henry I. Peter le Neve has written a note on the fly-leaf, in which he states his belief that the volume was illuminated and tran- scribed in the reign of Henry VII. ; a most singular error to have been committed by an antiquary of so much experience. INTRODUCTION. lxv History and SURVEYS OF CROWN LANDS. — KIRBY’S o“ t c h " pt,on QUEST. — COURT AND MANOR ROLLS.— Treasury of Records. BAILIFFS ACCOUNTS, &c. = XX. The other documents, relating to Surveys the territorial rights of the Crown, and of Lands, Kir- which the series, begins, as before men- Court and’ tioned, by Domesday, are ot the most Bailiff's Ac- multifarious description ; commencing with counts > &c - certificates of knights fees in the reign of Henry II. they extend to the reign of Charles II. In this place, therefore, I can only notice a very few particulars. Thus, amongst the more antient surveys, is an authenticated copy of the record called “ Kirby’s Quest. ” In 35 Edward I. Adam Kirkeby or Kirby, then Treasurer, and his fellows, made inquiry, according to the antient custom, by inquests or verdicts of juries, concerning the tenures in capite throughout several of the shires of England ; and the result of these ver- dicts or inquests was a volume, which in some respects is analogous to Domes- day, inasmuch as it comprehends all the immediate military tenants of the Crown. It is not sufficiently known that this and numerous other documents of the same class and description, furnish the vol. i. e lxvi INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Surveys of Crown Lands, Kir- by’s Quest, Court and Manor Rolls, Bailiffs Ac- counts, &c. materials for a connected history of the land, and also of the occupiers of the land in their several classes, from the Conquest to the abolition of the feudal tenures. And, although specially relating to England, they nevertheless greatly elucidate the ge- neral history of the progress of society in the European commonwealth. The very numerous Court or Manor Rolls in the Treasury are interesting, not only to the local topographer, but also as valuable elucidations of that customary law which has preserved so many portions of the antient policy of the Anglo-Saxons. And though I will not affirm that amongst them are the oldest specimens of such muniments extant, yet I do not recollect ever having seen any so early as the rolls, remaining here, of the manor of Ledcombe, 52 Hen. III. The accounts of bailiffs, re- ceivers, and ministers are as numerous and as valuable as the Court Rolls. A very impor- tant portion consists of the surveys and extents which were taken when lands became vested in the Crown, whether by reason of forfeiture, nonage, lunacy, idiotcy, or other incapacity. These records frequently re- cite at length the inquisitions by virtue whereof the Crown entered upon the pro- INTRODUCTION. Ixvii perty ; in the latter periods, the evidences of title are often fully set out. As branches of the general series, may be noticed numerous accounts of the Re- ceivers General of the Revenues of the Prince of Wales, and also of the Duchy of Cornwall. And another very large and spe- cial branch of extents and surveys, relates to abbey lands at the period of the disso- lution, or so long afterwards as they con- tinued in the hands of the Crown. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Surveys of Crown Lands, Kir- by’s Quest, Court and Manor Rolls, Bailiffs Ac-., counts, &c. INVENTORIES OF FORFEITED AND OTHER PROPERTY. XXI. In the same manner as the ex- inventories tents taken of real property which had been and other seized into the King’s hands, were returned Plopert3 ‘ into the Treasury, so were the inventories of personal property to which the Crown became entitled by forfeiture, or in any other manner, placed, as of course, in the same repository. A very curious volume of this description is the inventory of the goods of the ill- fated “ Duke of Ireland,” and of Tresilian and others of his party, as they were appraised upon seizure thereof, 11 Ric. II. lxviii INTRODUCTION. History and A portion of the spoils was applied by the description of the Bishop ot St. David s, the Treasurer, m Record! ° f payment of a debt due to Sir Edmund de Inventories ^ ^ e ' of forfeited Several of the inventories relating to and other ° Property. property actually brought into the Trea- sury, will be found in the text of these volumes. The indenture specifying the fittings up of the chapel, the hall, the bed- Vol.iii. p. 233 , chamber, and the ewery of Queen Isabella, 244 359. is so minute as to bring the whole scene before us. Not less interesting are the particulars of her plate, as well as of the goods and chattels of Richard II., as found in the castle of Haverfordwest. These include his banners, amongst which we find the Mystical “ Vexillum” of the arms of the Confessor. The inventory, extent, and other docu- ments relating to the seizure made of the personal property of Robert de Gyenne, p. 209-219. show, not merely the jewels and sideboard of a Bristol merchant in the reign of Edward III., but also the amount of his outstanding securities, at least of such por- tions as came into the King’s hands. No less a sum than ,£2,280 10s. 8 d. was due to this individual upon statutes merchant executed by the various debtors whose INTRODUCTION. lxix names are returned in that extent. The History and multiplication of the total by twenty , ofThe^ 1011 will probably be rather under than over ^ordY ° f the value which it represents in modern “ Tnvmitnrioc that which was taken ol the spoils Vol - n y p. 219 made by Jack Cade, “ otherwise Mortimer “ the Traitor,” exhibiting a strange and singular miscellany: — gold and silver plate, salt-sellers, and dishes ; chalices and sacra- mental vessels contributed by the churches ; an “ old vestment and a pair of sheets a primer with clasps of silver ; remnants of velvet and remnants of cloth of gold ; a musk ball to smell at ; a beryll for the eye ; the nozell of a candlestick ; a tankard without a lid ; a purse “ wrought in the “ stool” with counters of silver, and one hundred and five pounds and fifteen shil- lings ready money ; — the whole displaying in the most graphic manner the complete swoop made by Cade and his adherents, who neglected nothing which came in their way. — The heap of plunder is laid before you. The inventories of personal property of later periods are extremely numerous, but they particularly abound in the reign of money. Inventories of forfeited lxx INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Inventories of forfeited and other Property. Private or Family Papers. Henry VIII. As might be expected, the inventories of the property of Cardinal Wolsey hold a very conspicuous place amongst these documents. Nearly the same remark applies to Cromwell’s inven- tories ; they are valuable as portions of the biography of these distinguished per- sonages. The inventories of the property of persons in inferior stations and walks of life, — merchants, country gentlemen, small farmers, and even cottagers, — which exist in this Treasury are scarcely less interest- ing, as furnishing ample materials for the history of society in its different grades. PRIVATE OR FAMILY PAPERS. XXII. There are in the Treasury great numbers of documents, which may per- haps be best designated by the name of family papers. They consist of copies of wills and deeds, correspondence, bills of parcels, vouchers, and other miscellanea. A proportion of these papers may probably have been brought into court or before the masters pending proceedings in the Court of Wards and of Requests ; but others seem to have been brought in as connected with INTRODUCTION. Ixxi the property of crown debtors or account- History and r r J # description ants. These family papers, which are ex- of the tremely diversified, would, if examined, Reco^dZ ° throw much light upon private history : and Priv 7^“ through private history, upon the times to p a p^ lIy which they belong. MILITARY SERVICES. — DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO. XXIII. A very important class of the Military documents deposited in the Treasury re- Documents late to military services, the payments r f latin g made to the army and navy, and other matters connected with the war depart- ment. Amongst others, they consist of indentures between the King and the cap- tains who engaged or contracted to levy troops for the service of the King ; warrants for the payment of their wages ; accounts of the paymasters of fortresses and garrisons ; and muster rolls, of which a few may be particularized : — The very important roll, which has been called the Koll of Agincourt, but which in fact is the complete muster roll of the army of Henry V. The muster roll of the “ Baron de Carew,” on board the vessel called the Seint Esprit, taken at South- Ixxii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Military Services. — Documents relating thereto. ampton, 14th May, 8 Hen. V. A similar muster roll of the “ Ketinence” of Hugh de Courtenay Earl of Devon, on board the Grace-Dieu ; and the general roll of the men-at-arms, captains, esquires, vallets, and archers retained to proceed with the King, and taken at Southampton, 6th May, 8 Hen. V. The retinence of John Duke of Somerset, taken at Portsdowne in the county of Hants, 18th July, 21 Hen. VI. All these “ muster rolls ” are in the form to which the name, still employed in our military nomenclature, no longer applies ; that is to say, they are literally rolls of vellum or parchment, composed of membranes attached end to end, narrow in the breadth, but of several feet or yards in length. In the reign of Henry VIII. general musters of all the “ fencible men ” were made at different intervals in the several counties, by virtue of commissions under the great seal : and the forces thus called out, were assessed to arms according to their substance or property : from the cot- tager who could only provide a staff and sling, up to the Esquire, who was charged, in more senses than one, with all the pan- oply of chivalry. Amongst other informa- tion obtained from these documents are the data for a calculation of the population INTRODUCTION. lxxiii of England in the rural districts. The array comprised all able-bodied males be- tween the ages of sixteen and sixty ; and thus, by the ordinary rules adopted in statistics, some approximation may be made to the total number of the popu- lation. The accounts of the navy, which are principally of the reign of Henry VIII., are numerous and well preserved : and would, if diligently investigated by a com- petent inquirer, afford very ample materials for the history of naval architecture. Nor are earlier documents illustrating the history of the navy wanting. Such is the roll containing the whole expenses of the fleet stationed at Calais, 8 Hie. II., under the command of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem and Thomas Percy, Admirals as well of the Northern as of the Southern seas, the sum which on this occasion had passed through their hands being <£4,872 9s. 4 d. Another roll of the same class contains the particulars and expenses of the naval armament against Aquitaine, 17 Hen. VI. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Military Services. — Documents relating thereto. lxxiv INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Acts and Pro- ceedings of the Council. Yol. iii. p. 202, 203. Sir H. Nico- las’s Pro- ceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council, Vol. V. Pref. p. iv. Palgrave on the Council, p. 89. ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL. XXIV. In the Treasury were deposited the Acts and Proceedings of the Council. On the 29th October, 28 Henry VI., Ralph Lord Cromwell, one of the Chamberlains of tli3 Exchequer, delivered into the Treasury four rolls of such proceedings, — one roll of the 9 and 10 Hen. V. and the I, 2, 3, and 4 Hen. VI. ; — the second roll of the 5, 6, and 7 Hen. VI. ; — the third roll of the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th of the same King ; — and the fourth of the 12th and 13th. All which rolls were put in a bag of can- vas, remaining in a chest over the Receipt of the Duchy of Lancaster. These rolls are no longer in the Treasury, but they are unquestionably existing in the Cotto- nian collection *, though not in the shape of rolls, having been cut up and arranged in books, for the purpose of more convenient consultation. The period when they were * Sir H. Nicolas says, “ The identity of these records ” (i. e. the rolls he has published from the Cottonian collec- tion) “ with those which are mentioned in the annexed “ memorandum is indisputable.” Upon this fact the learned Editor grounds some sensible observations respecting the rules of evidence now adopted with respect to records removed from their original place of deposit, which are worthy of attention. INTRODUCTION. lxxv abstracted from the Treasury cannot be ascertained ; but, had they existed in Agarde’s time, they would, I think, have attracted his notice, and have been spe- cified in his repertory. In the Cottonian collection also are other records of the proceedings of the Council, including the rough minute books, extending from Ric. II. to Hen. VI., and which were pro- bably obtained in like manner from this repository. Some also are amongst the Spelman papers, now in private hands. Several bills addressed to the King and Council are extant in the Treasury ; they are analogous to those which were pre- sented to the Council sitting as the Court of Requests ; but it appears, from various cir- cumstances, that they were deposited here before the transfer of the proceedings of the last-mentioned Court in the reign of George II. EXCHEQUER AND OTHER REVENUE ROLLS. XXV. The Treasury contains a most extensive series of records relating to the revenue in all its branches, domestic and foreign, and to the business and operations of the Exchequer : — Liberate Rolls. The History and description of the Treasury of Records. ActsandPro- ceedings of the Council. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. lxxvi INTRODUCTION, History and description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. “ great membranes or pells of memoranda,” commonly called the Pell Rolls. The Issue rolls. The Receipt rolls. The “ Jornalia,” or rolls upon which, as the name imports, the transactions of the Treasury were en- tered day by day as they arose. Accounts of the receivers of subsidies and talliages. Ro]Is of talliages imposed upon the Jews. Accounts of receivers of the customs, as well in England as in Calais and other antient dependencies of the Crown. Ac- counts of butlerage and prisage, and books of account of the Treasury, extending from Henry III. to Charles II. Duplicates of various of these rolls are in the Tower, and others in the Pell Office.* This series of records is of the most comprehensive nature, and although offering many chasms, they may, nevertheless, be resorted to as the foundation for the financial history of the country. In the foreign department of the Trea- sury are included various accounts of the revenues and expenditure of the dominions * For a full and interesting description of the Pell Records I must refer to Mr. F. Devon’s Preface to his curious and valuable translations and selections from these documents; a work which, I believe, we owe to the exertions and zeal of the Right Honourable Sir John Newport, the present Custos of the Pell Records. INTRODUCTION. lxxvii of the Crown of England within the king- dom of France ; Rolls of Seisins, Tenures, Surveys, Accounts of Bailiffs and Receivers, &c. These records, extending from the reign of Edward I. to Henry VIII., and appearing to be the documents which De Brequigny saw when employed in his researches in this country, and to which he deservedly attached so much value*, relate toPonthieu, Gascony, Calais and its Marches, Harfleur, and to many other territories and cities either possessed by the English Crown or under temporary occupation by the Eng- lish. Such is the general character of these documents, which, whilst they furnish integral portions of English history, are also of the greatest value in elucidating the topography of France, but, as in similar cases, I can only particularize some few of the more prominent examples : — Great and other rolls of the Norman Exchequer, of the reigns of Henry II., Richard L, and King John. These records, which display the com- plete organization of the Duchy, will shortly * See the Preface to the Rotuli Normanniae, edited by Mr. Hardy, in which the quotation from De Brequigny will be found, with much other information concerning the subject. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. lxxviii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. be given to the public at the expense of the Society of Antiquaries, who have been liberally aided by the disinterested zeal of a gentleman (Mr. Stapleton) singularly quali- fied for the task, no less by his industry and archaeological knowledge than by his familiar acquaintance with the local topo- graphy of Normandy. Rolls of the accounts of the Re- ceivers of Ponthieu, and of the Bailiffs of Crescy, Waben, and other Baillages of that County, in the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. — Accounts of Nicholas de Louthe, Clerk, Treasurer, and Receiver of Ponthieu and Montreuil, from the 39th to the 42d Ed. III., in books, and with the duplicates of the Controller. These documents include very remark- able items relating to the repairs of the royal castles, expenses incurred at the Court of France, and other matters relat- ing to the dependence of the County upon the Crown of France. The accounts of Nicholas de Louthe in particular contain the receipts, as well ordinary as extra- ordinary, of those domains, and, like the other documents of this description, give very full details of the monies expended upon the buildings. The books are written INTRODUCTION. lxxix on vellum with neatness and regularity; and it may be remarked that the antient accounts are generally made out with great clearness. The opinion of a celebrated modern historian (M. Sismondi), that in the middle ages accounts were kept so inaccurately and rudely as to render it im- possible for a Sovereign to understand the state of his affairs, is entirely at variance with the facts, as exemplified by these and other records. The documents relating to Aquitaine are no less valuable ; in many of them will be found the homages rendered to the Black Prince when the Principality was trans- ferred to him by his father. Avery large roll, most carefully engrossed, containing a tabular return of the revenues of Aquitaine, as neatly and as regularly made out, as if it were intended to be brought before Parliament at the present day. The “ Process ” made upon the transfer of the Counties of Tarbes and Bigorre to Edward III., pursuant to the treaty of Bretigny ; — a very remarkable docu- ment in the Prove^al language, and sin- gularly illustrative of the great privileges History and description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. lxxx INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. and liberties enjoyed by the inhabitants of these provinces. Accounts of the Treasurer of Harfleur, 3 — 7 Hen. V. These accounts contain a rental of the Crown property in the town, consisting principally of houses, all let to the English residents ; accounts of the monies received from the Treasury for the maintenance of the garrison, and the payments made accordingly. The rental is very interest- ing, inasmuch as it constitutes a species of Harfleur directory.* * The following extracts will show how curiously the Harfleur accounts illustrate the antient topography of the town : De Willielmo Garlyng de Hampton pro firma cujus- dam domus voc’ le IKoosc m 2 e Hjoope sibi dimissa &c. a festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno sexto pro uno anno g C. sol. per annum, ac inve- niendo vigiles nocturnales secundum consuetu- dinem, &c., et manutenendo et reparando domum praedictam, videlicet pro uno anno integro et uno quarterio unius anni - - - - -650 De Johanne Gore pro firma cujusdam domus in qua Johannes Gourney nuper morabatur sibi dimissa &c. a festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno sexto praedicto pro uno anno, pro lxvi. sol’ viii. den’, solvend’ ut supra, ac inveniendo pro eadem vigiles nocturnales secundum consuetudinem, &c., et manutenendo et reparando domum praedictam sumptibus suis propriis videlicet pro quinque ter- minis - - - - - - - -43 4 INTRODUCTION. lxxxi The greatest bulk, however, is furnished by the documents relating to Calais, Guisnes, and the Marches. The im- portance of these possessions, whilst they necessitated a great annual expense, equally required a corresponding degree of vigilance on the part of the govern- ment : and the accounts of the receivers and treasurers are kept in such a business- like manner as to show how strict a responsibility was cast upon these officers. To these must be added the accounts of the Staple of Calais ; amongst which will be found many very interesting particulars relating to the wool trade. All these documents would be of great use in a history of English commerce, as well as of what may be termed the colonial policy of antient England. ROYAL LIBRARY.— BOOKS DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY. XXVI. A portion, at least, of the Royal Library was deposited in the Trea- sury ; nor will this circumstance excite surprize when we recollect the scarcity of books in the middle ages, — a scarcity f History ani^ description of the Treasury of Records. Exchequer and other Revenue Rolls. Royal Li- brary. Books de- posited in the Treasury. VOL. I. lxxxii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Royal Li- brary. Books de- posited in the Treasury. Yol. i. p.104, 105, 106, 116. Vol. ii. p. 97, 154. (Note VIII.) which, though rather exaggerated by modem writers, was yet sufficient to ren- der them objects of much care. In the reign of Edward II. some are noticed m the Inventory. The book “ De Regimine “ Regum,” bound in red leather ; the Rules of the Knights Templars, a little book \ the Life of Saint Patrick, in one quire ; and another book or quire containing the correspondence of Thomas a Beckett, probably the same which is now extant. The Treasury also contained a copy of the Chronicles of Roderick of Toledo, bound in green leather. Amongst these volumes also was kept a “ quire, ” or stitched book, described in the Inventory as written in “ a language un- “ known to the English,” and which thus begins, “ Edmygaw douit duyrmyd dinas .” The language is obviously Celtic, and one of the most learned of our Cymric anti- quaries considers it as showing that the original was a poetical composition, pro- bably of the twelfth or thirteenth century, and that the verse, which should be read as follows, signifies — “ Edmygav (I will “ honor) Ddovydd (the Deity) dwyrinnydd “ (the upholder) dinas (of the city).” — Yet in opposition to this version, m INTRODUCTION. lxxxiii I must not conceal the fact, that another authority has favoured me with a trans- lation in which only one word agrees with the preceding ; the second interpretation being to the following tenor : “ Edmygan “ (solemnity) donii (that overspreads) du “ (gloom) yn (opposite) myd (a circular en- “ closed) dinas (city).” Such are the expo- sitions of those who well understand the antient British language. If a conjecture might be offered by one who confesses that he does not, I should say that the book, seized perhaps by Edward I., probably con- sisted of those Bardic prophecies by which the Britons have been so often excited against the Saxon invader. The Treasury also con- tained other various quires and rolls in the Welch language — “ valde extranei,” all of which have been long since lost ; and the notice of them, like that of the Chronicle of England found in the Abbey of Aber- brothock, only remains to stimulate, with- out satisfying, our curiosity. On the 26th Nov. 6 Hen. VI. the De- puty Treasurer received live volumes, to be carefully kept in the Treasury ; viz. the entire Bible, a separate copy of the Book of Chronicles, a treatise on the Conception of the Virgin Mary, a Compendium of Theology, and the “ Libellus de emenda- f 2 History and description of the Treasury of Records. Royal Li- brary. Books de- posited in the Treasury. Vol. i. p. 104. Vol.ii. p. 97. ' lxxxiv INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Royal Li- brary. Books de- posited in the Treasury. Yol.ii. p. 154. “ tione vitae all of which, in the following year, were delivered to the monastery of Shene. On the 11th July, 12 Hen. VI., the Trea- surer and Chamberlains delivered out of the Treasury to William Toly, Secretary of the Cardinal of England, a book called “ Egesippus,” and another book called “ Liber de observancia Papas,” which the said William Toly was bound to return or restore on the 21st October then next. He does not, however, appear to have fulfilled his engagement ’till the 25th January following, when the books were placed in the chamber, or perhaps press, over the Receipt, with the other books. Afterwards the same books were lent again to William Toly, for a year and a half, by special command of the Treasurer of England. On the 15th July, 13 Hen. VI., Ralph Lord Cromwell, as Treasurer, and the Chamberlains of the Exchequer, by advice and assent of the Lords of the Council, delivered to Richard Caudrey, Master of King’s College in the University of Cam- bridge, divers books of the Civil Law, to be kept in the college so long as it should please the King, as appeared by an indenture thereof made, and which INTRODUCTION. ixxxv remained in the hanaper of Easter Term in that year ; which books were afterwards, by writ of Privy Seal dated 2d July, 18Hen. VI., directed to continue in the college for ever. And about the same time the Lord Crom- well took out of the Treasury, two volumes of chronicles late belonging to Henry V., and which were afterwards delivered to the Master of King’s College by the Lord Treasurer. There are now in the Treasury a great number of manuscripts : the majority be- longing to the time of Henry VIII., some treating upon politics, upon commerce, or upon law, but principally upon matters of religion. Of these, as a catalogue raisonnee of all the manuscripts in the Treasury is now in contemplation, I shall not speak further in this place, but dismiss them with the remark, that many of them seem to have been intended for the use of Henry VIII. : and that they show, in a very striking manner, the active spirit of investigation excited by the great changes which were then taking place in the eccle- siastical policy of the realm. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Royal Li- brary. Rooks de- posited in the Treasury. Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Black Book of the Ex- chequer. BLACK BOOK OF THE EXCHEQUER, XXVII. As part of the original stock or library of the Treasury we may reckon the volume, termed the •“ Black Book,” from the colour of its antient binding ; well known by that name, but of which no accurate synopsis has hitherto been pub- lished; and I therefore subjoin the following summary : — 1 A table or perpetual kalendar for finding the Dominical Letters, &c. from the year 1184, about which time it seems to have been made, to the year 1688 ; Memoranda for lunar calculations, &c. (p.l.) 2 A kalendar or almanac for the twelve months of the year, in which, at various periods, short notices or memoranda have been introduced of remarkable occur- rences, such as births and deaths of kings, battles, appointments of Treasurers, Cham- berlains, and other officers of the Exchequer, &c. From the colour of the ink, the character of the handwriting, and other similar circumstances, these entries appear to be coeval with the events which they commemorate. The earliest passages so interpolated relate to the battles of Lewes and of Evesham ; thus proving that the kalendar was written before these conflicts : INTRODUCTION. lxxxvii the latest incident thus noticed is the battle of Branxton Moor, (p.2 — 8.) 3 Drawings in outline, apparently co- eval with the kalendars ; viz. the Eagle, the emblem of St. John ; the Bull, the emblem of St. Luke ; an Angel, the em- blem of St. Matthew, and a winged Lion the emblem of St. Mark, accompanied by verses from the several gospels. It is possible, that these representations and verses were used for the purpose of ad- ministering an oath, as upon the gospels. In the cabinet of M. Baudot at Dijon I saw, in 1815, a volume, if it can be so called, consisting of four wooden tablets, containing paintings or representations of the Evangelists, together with the initial verses of each gospel, upon which the antient Dukes of Burgundy took the oath of inauguration. Tablets of the same de- scription are still used for the purpose of administering the oaths in some of the London companies, (p. 8, 9.) 4 Drawings in outline of the Cruci- fixion, the Virgin and Child, St. Michael, & c., with miscellaneous entries of writs and other documents relating to the Ex- chequer, — Latin and English verses, and proverbial or rhythmical lines, generally very idle. (p. 10 — 17.) History and description of the Treasury of Records. Black Blook of the Exchequer. lxxxviii INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. Black Book of the Exchequer. 5 The tract commonly known as the “ Dialogus de Scaccario.” It is the tra- dition of the Office that this manuscript is the original autograph of Gervase of Tilbury, but this opinion is evidently with- out foundation, (p. 18 — 45.) 6 Oath of the Teller of the Exchequer, (p. 46.) 7 Oath of the Messenger of the Ex- chequer. (p. 46.) 8 Survey of the manor of Istleworth or Isleworth, taken by order of the Treasury “ mense Maii anno xliiii t0 . [Ed. III.] ” (p. 46 b.) 9 16 July, 50 Ed. III. Deed of sale made by Adam de Burscombe to the Trea- surer and Chamberlains, on behalf of the King, of timber at Bodyham, to be em- ployed at Calais, (p. 47.) 10 Admissions of Chamberlains, Tellers, and Clerks of the Pells, in the reigns of Henry VI. and Edward IV. (p. 47, 48.) 11 More rhymes and other idle verses, (p. 49.) 12 Tables for the calculation of salaries by the half year, quarter, week, and day, apparently of the reign of Edward II. (p. 49 5—56.) 13 Numerous miscellaneous entries re- lating to the Beceipt of the Exchequer, INTRODUCTION. lxxxix admissions of Chamberlains, Tellers, Clerks or writers of the Pells, searchers, messen- gers, and of deputies in the various offices, orders of court, writs, deliveries of cocket and other seals, and other memoranda of a similar description, extending from 19 Ed. II. to the year 1715. Some original instruments are also inserted, or annexed to the leaves, (p.56 b — 103.) The second part of the Liber Niger is a modern volume, containing entries of ap- pointments of Treasurers and Chamberlains and other officers, orders of court concern- ing tallies, and other notices relating to the Receipt of theTreasury from the year 1698; the last entry being the appointment of the present Keeper of the Records. THE REGISTERS OR BOOKS OF REMEMBRANCE. XXVIII. The very valuable and impor- tant registers, — which in the Memoranda are designated as, the two books bound in wood and covered with red leather, and called the Books of Remembrances, other- wise the Registers, — also remain as part of the Treasury library. They appear to have been framed in the earlier part of the reign of Edward I., this fact being History and description of the Treasury of Records. Black Book of the Exchequer. The Regis- ters or Books of Remem- brance. Vol.ii. p.157, 23 6. xc INTRODUCTION. History and collected partly from the handwriting and description n of the partly Irom the instruments entered there- Records. in. Ihese volumes are m folio, written The*Regis- great care ; and are evidently in- ters °r Books tended as the commencement of a regular or Remem- _ _ ° brance. and continuous register of public docu- ments, but principally of those relating to foreign affairs and to the transactions of the dependencies of the English Crown. This plan, however, was not continued, and several blank leaves yet remain in the volumes. They contain as follows: — Vol. A. 1 Full tables of contents, specifying also the chests or other places in which the originals of the documents transcribed in the book were deposited, together with drawings of the signs. 2 Papal bulls relating to the grant of the tenths of ecclesiastical benefices for the recovery of the Holy Land. (p. 1 — 28.) 3 Papal bulls relating to Guido and Aymeric de Montfort, dispensations and authorities for the confirmation of prelates ; monitions addressed to the Kings of Scotland and the Princes or Kings of Wales for the observance of their fealty and obedience ; excommunications of the King’s enemies ; INTRODUCTION. XCl and also concerning other public affairs, (p. 33—89.) 4 Documents relating to the disputes between Hugh de Luzignan Count of March and Angouleme and Henry III. These are inserted, probably by error, amongst the preceding bulls ; but the misarrangement was noted by the maker of the antient tables of contents, (p. 77 — 81 6.) 5 Documents relating to the marriage of John, son of the Duke of Brabant Lor- raine and Limburgh, with Margaret the daughter of Edward I. (p. 117, 125.) 6 Powers, &c. relating to the treaty for the marriage of the Maid of Norway, (p. 127, 128 b.) 7 Chyrographs, contracts, articles, and other documents relating to the marriages between Johanna, daughter of Henry King of Navarre, Count of Champagne and Brie, and a son of Edward I., and between John, the eldest son of Florence Count of Hol- land and Elizabeth daughter of Edward I. (p. 129 6—132 6.) 8 Papal bulls and legatine letters, pow- ers, contracts, &c. relating to the marriage between Alphonso son of Peter King of Arragon and Eleanor the daughter of Ed- ward I; (p. 133, 143.) History and description of .the Treasury of Records. The Regis- ters or Books of Remem- brance. xcu INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. The Regis- ters or Books of Remem- brance. 9 Continuation of the documents re- lating to the treaty for the marriage of the Maid of Norway, (p.149 — 156.) 10 Grants of lands and tenements and other conveyances and assurances made to the Crown ; Obligations from ecclesiastical persons and communities for the perform- ance of obits and masses ; Extents of towns and manors, &c. ; Obligations and securities for the payment of monies to the King; Receipts and acquittances for pensions, annuities, and other gratifications granted by him ; Grants of aids and subsidies ; Institutions to pieces of ecclesiastical pre- ferment ; Obligations of fealty and homage, and other miscellaneous documents, (p. 205 —243.) 11 The process of the dispute or con- troversy between the Bishop of Winches- ter and the Monastery of St. Swy thin’s Church or Cathedral, in relation to the election of the Prior of the house, and other documents relating to the Priory, (p. 248—253.) 12 Constitutions made by John Peck- ham Archbishop of Canterbury in the Council held at Reading. These con- stitutions have been printed by Wilkins from other sources; but this text, which does not seem to have been known to INTRODUCTION. xciii him, affords some corrections, (p. 2 56 — 258.) 13 Award made by Richard King of the Romans concerning the manner in which the Earl of Gloucester is to proceed to the Holy Land, &c. (p. 258 b , 259.) 14 The Statute of Westminster ; the Sta- History and description of the Treasury of Records. The Regis- ters or Books of Remem- brance. tute “ pro Mercatoribus the Statute of Gloucester, in Latin and “ in Gallico.” (p. 160 — 178 b.) 15 Miscellaneous documents of different classes. The will of Edward I., made at Acres ; papal bulls and other documents relating to the liberation of Aymeric de Montfort; inquisitions concerning the parks of Freemantle and Howden ; leagues with Castille ; letters from the English Prelates concerning the war against the Welsh, (p. 308—314.) 16 Documents relating to Wales, con- cerning the principal transactions with the Welsh Princes during the reigns of Henry III. and Edward I. ; submissions, homages, and obligations ; admonitory and other letters and communications from the English Prelates in relation to the Welsh wars ; subsidies ; advances and payments of monies on account thereof. This division of the registers has evidently been compiled with much attention, (p. 327 — 415 b.) XC1V INTRODUCTION. History and description of the Treasury of Records. The Regis- ters or Books of Remem- brance. 17 Ireland. Grants of the seignory of Ireland, of the cities of Dublin and Lime- rick, &c., made by Henry III. to Edward, then his eldest son ; letters and obligations from the Prelates of Ireland and others ; King John’s letter declaring the reasons of his proceedings against William de Breosa. (p. 416 — 420 b.) is Norway. Treaties of peace ; Engage- ment to deliver up Guy de Montfort. (p. 442 — 444 b.) Vol. B. 1 Full tables of contents, as before. 2 Treaties and other diplomatic docu- ments passed between the Kings of France and England, including the award made by St. Louis, annulling the provisions of Oxford, (p. 1 — TO.) 3 Letters from the Count of Savoy, the Magistrates of various towns in Pon- thieu, &c. (p. 17, 19 6.) * Documents headed “ Francia,” being principally letters of homage, and acknow- ledgments for payments of money ; but including some instruments of a different description, and not corresponding with the Rubric, such as a safe-conduct granted by Florence Earl of Holland, &c. (p. 23 —27 6.) INTRODUCTION. xcv 5 Deed of covenant entered into by Ed- History and ward, then the eldest son of the King of o?the Ptl Doe certefie unto our said Sovayn “ Lorde the f daye of f the said xxiiii tb yere “ of his reigne that they have accordyng to theffecte and “ p'porte of his said comission at dyvse and sundry dayes in “ the monethes of June and Julye the said xxiiii th yere taken “ thaccompts of Elizabeth Amadas widowe late wyff executrix “ and admynistrix of the testament of the said Robt Amadas “ and the same accomptes have substancialli tried viewed caste “ and examyned aswell concernynge the bokes of all the for- “ said juells and plate being in the custody and charge of “ the said Robt Amadas as the forsaid boke namyd the ex r and “ also of all the juells and plate delyVed by the said Robt “ Amadas by indentures and w'oute indentures to sundry “ officers of our said Sovayne Lordes howsehold By the whiche “ accomptes the said Comissioners have not only driven and “ conveyed a clere pfite and certeyn remayne of all the said “ juells and plate but also have aswell tried and viewed the “ lacke and wante of certen juells and plate w 1 the weight of “ the same as of the lacke of weight of diVse pcelles of juells “ and plate that werne in the custody and charge of the said “ Robt Amadas j And over that the said Comissioners have “ tried by the said accomptes certen juells and plate beyinge “ in the charge of the said Robt Amadas & by hym avauncyd “ by indentures by y e comaundement [of o r Sovayne Lorde] “ by wey of lone to sundry psones as by sevall declaracyones “ by the said Comissioners theropon made aswell of the kyndes C£ qualites pporciones values and poiz called troy weight con- “ cernyng the lacke wante and lendyng of the [said] juells “ and plate as of the names of the pties that ben aunswerable “ to our said Sovayne Lorde for the same j Whiche forsaid “ remayne of all the juells and plate the said Elizabeth Amadas “ hath at dyvse and sundry dayes in the said monethes of “ June and Julye the said xxiiii Lh [yere] in the psens of the “ said Comissioners dely9ed to the custody of our said Sovayne “ Lordes right trustie Counsailo r Thomas Crumwett now M r “ and Treasourer of our said SoVayne Lords juells and plate “ to thuse and behoff of the same our Sovayne Lorde like as “ in three bookes theropon made j wherof thes psent booke is “ one declaryng pticlerli the kyndes qualites pporciones and i 4 CXXXV1 NOTES. “ poiz callid troy weight of all the said juells and plate more “ playnely it maye appere The firste boke signed w c thande ££ of our said So^ayne Lorde and w* the handes of the said “ Comissioners and the said Thomas Crumwett their names sub- ££ scribed and to the said Elizabeth Amadas dely9ed for her “ exoSacyon and dyscharge in that behalf The seconde boke ££ signed likewise w l thande of our said So^ayne Lorde and ££ w‘ thandes of the said Comissioners and the said Elizabeth ££ their names subscribed and to the said Thorrfs Crumwett “ for the juste treue & certeyn knowledge of his charge in that ££ behalf delyvbd And the iii de boke subscribed w‘ the handes “ and names of the said Comissioners Elizabeth Amadas & ££ Thomas Crumwett and w l our said So9ayne Lorde for his ££ sufficient knowledge suertie & remembraunce remaynynge as <£ heraft more playneli is expressid and declared at large.” Note III. p. xiv. An excellent dissertation upon the formation of the ££ Tresor ££ des Chartes ” may be found in that great storehouse of his- torical information, — the Transactions of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, tome xxx. Note IV. p. xxvii. The Records in the Office of the Custos Brevium, were, so lately as 1732, arranged under the five pictorial divisions of the Heart, the Ladder, the Crow , the Buckle, and the Bell (Report on Cottonian Library, B. iv.), all distinguished by the signs en- graved in the Report of the House of Commons, and which might be mistaken for Egyptian hieroglyphics. Assuming that the ladder stands for Scales, I suspect that in this case the signs were the rebusses of the names of the office clerks where the arrangement was made. NOTES. CXXXV11 Note V. p. xxxii. Upon an application made by the State Paper Commissioners in the time of my predecessor the late Mr. Caley, the Wolsey, Cromwell, and Lisle Correspondences, together with other letters, were ordered to be removed, for the convenience of the State Paper Commission, as I presume, to the State Paper Office ; but they are considered only as a temporary deposit, and as being still in the legal custody of the Keeper of the Records in the Treasury of the Exchequer. Note VI. p. xxxiv. (, See also plates III. & IV.) The letters being folded or plied , they were either tied round with a band of paper or parchment ; or the band was passed through the letter and secured by the waxen seal. The wax was not sufficiently adhesive to confine the contents without this precaution. In the fourteenth century, the wax was left uncovered ; in the fifteenth, it became the practice to cover the seal with paper; this paper protects the seal, but of course it greatly diminishes the sharpness of the impression. When the seal was not covered by paper, other devices were adopted to preserve the fragile wax ; a rush ring surrounding the impres- sion was not unfrequently used. Sometimes neat bands of platted paper were employed for this purpose. Leaves of trees, — the beech, the bay, and the oak, were also placed over the seals to keep them from injury. Pendent seals, whether the King’s Great Seal, or the seals of prelates or religious houses, were generally put in bags. These, as well as the strings by which the seals were appended, furnish many exceedingly curious specimens of antient manufactures, and such as, I believe, cannot be found elsewhere. In the reign of Henry II. linen cloth or knitted worsted are occasionally the materials, but more generally thick silk, with rich and varied patterns in colours and in gold ; the gold thread is still very bright. Early in the reign of Edward I. we find one example of a bag of linen cloth painted in oil colours. There is full historical evidence that the art CXXXV1U NOTES. or I'ather, trade of oil painting was known and practised in Eng- land at this period, but I do not know that any other specimen is preserved. In this instance, the bag is painted on either side with the leopard of England ; the or is nearly rubbed off, but the gules of the field is yet tolerably bright. Tin boxes, such as are now used, are first found in the reign of Henry VIII., and then only for the seals of ecclesiastical documents. I suppose the practice was introduced from Germany. The strings by which the seals are suspended, are sometimes flat ribbands, but more usually braids of silk, of different gay colours ; the green and the yellow are yet very bright, the red is usually faded. The composition of the wax or mastick changed at different periods. From Henry I. to the early part of Edward I. a species of pale red mastick was generally used ; often covered with a coat of resinous varnish. The seal is sometimes crossed with linen threads : and, when they remain, they are saturated with the varnish. I suppose that these threads were intended as further guards for the seal. Green wax was introduced in the reign of Henry III., and gradually superseded the pale red wax, and yellow wax subsequently superseded the green wax, which became appropriated to the King’s Courts ; but this yellow wax differed materially from the wax now employed for the Great Seal. Either from the want of proper consistency in the modern material, or want of due care in applying the seals, it rarely, if ever, happens that a good impression is obtained, whilst the antient impressions are beautifully sharp and clear. Note VII. p. lx. These books are so little known that I add some extracts from the volumes containing the Registry of the Sales of Wards. The genealogical inquirer will at once see their im- portance, and the value of the information which they disclose. A proposal for printing them has been submitted by me to His Majesty’s Commissioners on the Public Records. NOTES. CXXX1X a tin” jctoui 0 . Wardes. GEORGE P HARRY Book of the King's Wards, 18-38 Hen. VIII. IN this bocke enswith as well the names of all noble men T other gsons that by ther none age hathe bene acomptid T takyn for the Kingf wardes as the sales of the same psons w c suche somes of money dew to the Kingf grace and paiable to the Tresorer of the Kingf Chambre for the tyme being by vertu of suche bargaynes as hathe ben made by 'ffljonias JtnglefelB Esquier on of the Kingf Justicf of his Comon Benche and S r fflQilham ©aufet Knight Masters of the Kingf Wardes syns the x th day of Decembre in the xviii th yere of the reigne of o r seide SoVaigne Lorde unto thef cr T° Pasche an no xviii 0 R. H.VIII' cr Coin HERTFORD’. The warde and mariage of GEORGE AP HARRY and for defaut of hym the warde T mariage of his next heire T so frome heire to heire being w'in age tyll the effect of the mariage of on of them be hadd is solde to the Lorde of Burgavenny for ccxl 1 1 sterling payable to the Kingf grace by viii th sevall obligations delived to _ S r DaCCp (LOllStt Knight Tresorer of the Kingf Chambre whereof the first paiement schalbe at the fest of Seynt John Baptyst in the xix th of the King that now is c'xxxm 11 . vi s . viii d . and at the fest of the Purification of o v Lady then next enswing crxxxm 11 . vi s . viii d . and so at the saide feste yerly payable Tc. R.H.VIII vi . cr Sales. ccxl”. C;cnrB MAi&U cxl NOTES. Wardes. RICHARDE WALLER. THO: EARLE OF DOWNE. cr Com SUTH’T’ Wardschip and mariage of RICHARDE ' WALLER and for defaut of hym the warde T mariage of THOMAS WALLER his broder T next heire being w'in age and so frome heire to heire being w'in age tyll the efect of the mariage of on of them be hadd is solde to S r William Paulet Knight for cc. m a rcs sterling paible to the Kingf grace by iiii er seVall obligations defined to S r Still att Knight Tresorer of the Kingf Chambre / Whereof the furst payement schalbe at the fest of Seynt John Baptist in the xix th yere of the King that now is cr xxxni h . vi ? . vm d . and at the fest of the Purification of o r Lady then next enswing cr xxxni 1 '. vi s . vm d . and so at the same festf in the next yere foloing payable Tc. Book of Sales of Wards, 4-21 Car. I. 3nno €)ctatio Carolt OXON’ et al. The wa ip of THO: EARLE OF DOWNE cozen T heire of W m EARLE OF DOWNE I dec is graunted to Wittm Murrye Esquire for y e fine of 3500 11 whereof v cIi was p d in ready mony to the Receyvo r vj t0 Decern A° 7° Rf pd andv cl1 to him in ready mony 2 d° febr’ 1631 . and v cli to him in ready mony 17° Octobr’ 1632 and y e said W m Murrey of the pish of S' Martin in y e Feildf in y e county of Midd Esq r S r Henry _ Yelverton of Sculthorpe in y e county of Norff’ K l and Jo: Houson of y e pish of cr Sales. cc. m a rcf. l^enr? 2I2Hiat. 3500". M, f, Wardes. ROBERT BREWSTER. ROGER GOUGH. NOTES. S* Martin aforesaid Gent stand bound in foure se9aft obligations of 1000 11 a yeere daf 24 t0 April A 0 8° Rf pd for paym* in every I condicon as folio we th viz 1 v c 11 on y e second of February 1632 . v cl * on y° third of August 1633.v cl1 on y e second of Febr’ 1633 and v c '* on y e third of August 1634. NORTHTON The wa ip of ROBERT BREWSTER' sonne T heire of ROBERT BREWSTER dec is granted to Jo: Browne Gent for y e fine of v c nlkf whereof 13 1 '. 16 s . 8 d . was p d in ready mony to the Receyvor 23° Febr’ A° 7° Rf pd T 20 11 to him in ready mony . viij 0 Junii A 0 8° Rf pd and Henry Paynter of North 10 " in com North* Af Robert Sharrock of Drayton Parsloe in com Buck Clerke T Theodore Greene of Rugby in coin Warf Gen stand bound in six se9ah obligations of c 11 a yeere dat 27° April A° 8° Rf pd for paym* in every condicon as folio weth viz* L 1 * on y e first of February 1632 . l 1 ' on y e first of August 1633. l 1 * on y e first of February 1633. l 1 ’ on y e first of August 1634 . l ' 1 on y e first of February 1634 and l 1 ’ on y e first of August 1635. SALOPP. The wa ip of ROGER GOUGH sonne T heire of 77/0; GOUGH Gent dec is granted to Cecilly Gough Widow for y e fine of xl u p d in readie mony to y e Receavor 24*° Novem 1631. cxli cr Sales. v c mkf. am. iF» * XL 1 '. am* * Initials of William Fletewood. cxlii NOTES. Wardes. SUSSEX. cr Sales. JOHN S HURLEY. The wa ip of JO: SHURLEY sonne Tn heire of JO: SHURLEY Esq' dec is granted to S 1 ' Robert Honywood K l for y e fine of cc' 1 whereof c 11 was p d in ready mony to y e Receyvor 24 t0 Febr’ A 0 1631 and c u to him in ready mony j° August 1632. cc”. m. WILTES’ et al. ROBERT STRANGE. The wa ip of ROBERT STRANGE' sonne T heire of ROUTE STRANGE Esq r dec is granted to Jane Strange Widow for y e fine of cc m ’ kf whereof c m ’ kf was p d in ready mony to y e Receyvor 18° Novem 1631 and c m,kf to him in ready mony 14 t0 Maij 1632. cc. nlkf. M. JF. Note VIII. p. lxxxii. Upon the subject of the Welsh verse, I have been favoured with the following communication, made by Aneurin Owen, Esquire, to the Right Honourable C. W. Williams Wynn. “ I have endeavoured to ascertain the signification of the line “ of Welsh verse which you sent to me; but an obscurity, “ apparently in the third word, which I apprehend is owing to “ the scribe not being acquainted with the language he was “ copying, has prevented me from furnishing other than a “ conjectural explanation. “ It appears, from the orthography, to have been transcribed “ from some poetry, probably of the twelfth or thirteenth “ century, but not from any production which has been printed “ in the Welsh Archaeology. An usual metre of those periods “ was an eight syllable line, with some degree of ‘ cynghanedd ’ “ (or concatenation of similar sounds), which in later ages was “ carried to a great degree of intricacy. I conceive that the “ verse in question contains eight syllables. The first two words “ are perfectly intelligible, and the last admits of but two “ readings — dinas and divas. The first part of the third word, NOTES. cxliii “ as written, is to be read dwyr, and there is but one radix in “ the language containing those letters, signifying rising ; the “ next three upright parallel strokes may be in thus forming “ altogether dwyrinyd; an anomalous word, and unlikely to be “ the intended one. The whole will thus stand in modern “ orthography: “ Edmygav Ddovydd dwyrinydd dinas “ I will honour the Deity the upholder of the city.” Note IX. p. c. The statute 35 Hen. VIII. Cap. 1., concerning the establish- ment of the King’s Majesty’s succession to the imperial crown of the realm, declares that the King’s Highness shall have full power to appoint, declare, and limit, by his letters patent under the great seal, “ or else by His Highness’s last will and testament “ made in writing, and signed with his most gracious hand,” the crown of the realm to remain, succeed, and come after his decease, for “ lack of lawful heirs of either of the bodies of “ the King’s Highness and Prince Edward begotten, and also “ for lack of lawful heirs of the said Lady Mary and Lady “ Elizabeth to be procreated and begotten, as before is limited “ in this act, to such person or persons in remainder or rever- “ sion as shall please His Highness.” And in pursuance of this power, the King, by his will, declares, that upon failure of issue of Edward VI., of Mary, and of Elizabeth, the crown should remain to the heirs of the body of his nieces the Lady Frances and the Lady Eleanor, the daughters of his sister the Queen of France by Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk- The objection that the will was not executed in conformity to the power, or rather that it was wholly supposititious, was taken in the most positive manner by Maitland of Leithingtoun in his letter to Cecil, dated 14th January 1566, just twenty years after the date of the contested instrument. — <£ And to “ disprove that the will was signed with his own hand, you “ know that long before his death he never used his own “ signing with his own hand; and in the time of his sick- “ ness, being divers times pressed to put his hand to the will cxliv NOTES. “ written, he refused to do it; and it seemed God would “ not suffer him to proceed in an act so injurious and pre- “ judicial to the right heir of the Crown, being his niece. Anno Incarnacois Dm j millesimo j trescentesimo vicesimo tertio j °t regni dci Dni Regis decimo septimo. 4- ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p.3.) K $ r i OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 5 Bulle papales tangentes Pram Scocie. Bulle pples de p'vilegiis Prelato^ Angl. Bulle pples de annuo censu Romane Ecctie debito. Bulle papales tangentes Prelatos de partibj, exTis. o Bulle papales de recomendacoib} Nobiliu M ] catop \ aliofy. Bulle pples de recomendacoibj Prelatop. Bulle pples de nova creacoe P*p£. Bulle pples tangentes Regnu Sicilie. Bulle pples de Ordine Milicie Templi. Bulle pples de diPsis decimis '"t obvencioniby Bulle papales de diesis nuciis j T: ambassatriis. Bulle pples de dip sis mains ut de p'vilegns regiis tempalib 3 ac de eligendo gfessorem j ''t de absolucoib 3 impensis. Bulle pples de cdijusticia j % foro eccliastico . 6 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Bulle pples de pcessib3 gt* Guidonem T; Amaricu de Monte Forti. Bulla ppl de sentencia deposicois Frederici Impator. Bulla pplis ad punienct venientes 9t a ordinacoem ' p F & nc Regem factam in? Rege Angl j \ quosda P’latos ■> T; Nobiles ejusdem regni. Bulle JoTiis P’p e . xxn . E. Regi Angl dir c te respon- sales sr t a nslacoe Epo£ j Lincoln Wynton j Tt Bathon . , de diesis dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 7 III. (p. 7.) jf Tituli de cartis quietisclamacoib} scriptis obli- gacoibj acquietanciis j It aliis diPsis muni- mentis j r t memoranda j que in Tliesauraria Regis repiunt r j tam de Regno Angl j q a m de aliis diesis Regnis j T; T’ris j regist a tis j ''t intitulatis j T; per diversa signa compositis j scilt quodlibet Regnu j et T’ra per se j put in Libro ad certa signa pleni 9 apparet j cum titulis subsequentibus j videlt. jf Carte T; quiete clamancie Regib 3 J, Reginab 3 Angl facte. jf Carte p Reges Angl diesis qcesse. jf Carte in? div^sas psonas Angl de diesis terris facte. jf Obligacoes Regib 3 Angl p div^sas psonas facte. jf Statuta Regia j T: alia di 9 sa sub eodm titlo. p. 8.) jf Acquietantie Cardinaliu j 't alio£ de Cur Ro- mance p Rege Angl. jf Acq'etancie diPso^ Angl [T; alio^] p Rege. jf Comunia memoranda Angl. jf Testamenta Reg Angl j It alia div’sa sub eodm titlo. 8 ANTI ENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 9.) jf Indulgencie t Misse Reg j Reginab 3 Angl p Prelatos pcesse. jf Extenta diverso^ Manlio^ in Angl . jf Carte T; munimenta de tra Wallie. jf Carte 't munimenta de terra Hibn. jf Carte Ht munimenta de terra Scocie. jf Memoranda de ptib3 tre Flandr. jf Memoranda de partib3 Norwagie. jf Memoranda de ptib3 Holland T: Selandie. jf Memoranda de partibus Brabancie. jf Memoranda de Comitatu Pont'wi. jf Memoranda de Comitatu de Bar. jf Memoranda de Regno Sicilie. jf Memoranda de Regno Hispannie. jf Memoranda de Regno Arragonie. jf Memoranda de Comitatu Burgundie. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 9 (P- 11) jr dupplicaf. IV. jf [IIxviiii] Bulle p a ples de p* vilegiis Capella^. Regis. 1 jf Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiifi ' . de festis Natal Sci Edwardi Non January J, T a nslacois ejusdem Pcio Id Octobr j p Eccliam Univ’sale celebrand. 2 |f Bulla Gregorii P’p e . ix. de obsvando r t cele- brando festo j B’i Edwardi. 3 jf Bulla Alex' i P’p e . im tl . de carnib 3 ||comen- dendis in festis B’i Edwardi j si acciderint p dies Sabbti p Rege Henr T; cbvivis suis. 4) jf Bulla Innocencii P’p e . de Indulgencia Ecctie Westm concessa^ videlt uni 9 anni T: xl. die£ omib 3 venientib 3 ibidem in festo Sci Edwardi. 5 jf Bulla Urbani . iiiP * . de sentences [non pfe- rend J] in psonas Dni Reg f j T; Regine j aut inPdictu in Capellam j Pras j civitates j castra j It manlia sua pmulgand absq,, mandato speciali Sed Aplice ad temp 9 q j nquennii. 6 jf Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii tl . de pVilegiis Ca- pella^ Dni Regis [n5] inPdicend nec oSib 3 insolitis eis imponendis. 7 jf Bulla Innoc P’p e . HOP . de Capell Dni Reg£ non inPdicend nec oSib 5 eis tinsolidis imponendis. 8 jf Bulla JoHis P’p e . xxii. de inhibicoe ne aliquid attempted cont a exempcoem lifea£ Capella^ R\ VOL. i. ' c 10 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES duppf. 9 jf Bulla Gregorii P’p e . ix. de Capella Dili Regf non inVdicenda j 1 excoicacoe non ferenda in Regem vel Ux’mj vel Filios ej 9 sine niadato Sect Aplice spali . in. Id Marcii. Anno Pontif sui pimo. 10 jf Bulla Gregor P’p e . ix. de sentenciis excoi- cacois non ferend in psona Regis vel Capellam suam. xiii. kin Febr. A 0 Pontif sui q a rto. duppf ll jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . xiii. qd clici [V] laici familiares Regt p^sentes T; posti j q a ndo non pos- sunt Tiere copiam ppfii saSdotis j quociens op 9 fSit possint caplino tRegi confiteri. 12 jf Bulla Innocenc P’pe tcii . qd Rex vel Ca- pella sua infdici vel excoicari non possitv sine man- dato Sedis Aplice spali. Anno Pontific sui septimo- decimo. 13 jf Bulla dementis . P’p e . . dir c ta . E. Angl qd in psona sua j vel in capellas non possunt ferri sentetie excoicacois suspensionis vel intdci fa 0 Sedis Aplice mandato spali. A° Pontific sui phmo. (P-12) De capella Regia. If jf Bulla Gregorii P’p e . ix. consvator j Tt cog- nicional sup tempalib} j T: spualib} Capella^ Regis ac menbris ea£ continens j qd repta p inquisicom de jpmissis P’p e referant r . Anno Pont sui q'nto. 15 jf Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii t{ . consvatoria j ne Archidus Stafford exigat procuracoem in Capella de Bruges. Anno Pontific sui fcio. O OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 11 (p. 13.) Bulle p a ples de pVilegiis Regiis. duppf. 16 jj- Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii ti . de confirmacoe p'vilegio^ j It indulgencia^ concessa^ Dno Regi in Ecciis Angl It Hibn. Anno Pontif scdo. duppt. 17 j[ Bulla Innoc P’p e . iiii ti . de gfirmacoe p*vi- legio^ ||inmunitatu Tt indulgencia^ sup Ecciis Angl T; Hibn. Anno Pontif fcio. (p. 12.) [De p'vile- 18 j[ Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii^ . consvatoria pro- gnsiegns. g a , 5 ^j s ^mi de indulgecia CTico^ Dni Regis sup ordinib} T: residencia Abbati Westm directa. Anno Pontific sui decimo. 19 (T Bulla Innoc P’p e . iiiiP- . continens qd Epus Lincoln non cdpellat Clicos Dni Regf ad residencia cont a p'vilegia Regis. A° Pontific sui cfntoI\ (p- 13.) 20 jj' Bulla “Innoc” P’p e . iiii ti . ne aliquis trahat r ex a Regnu cont a pVilegiu Dno Regi indultum. 21 Jf Bulla Gregorii P’p e . ix. sup declarone qd ubi R ’ jurare Tit in coronacoe libtates dignitat./ ob^vare ||regales i "1 postmod jurat idm ^ de n5 re- vocand alienacoib 3 [p ipm in pjudiciu Corone factis] scdm juramentu llbj 9 non tenet. Anno fPonfic sui nono. iii. butt. 22 jf Tres bulle Gregorii P’p c . ix. de revocando que alienata sunt 9 t a dignitatem Corone j de annis Pontif ej 9 dm .“ x°. T: xi° .” dupplicat 1 '. 23 jj" Bulla Johis P’p e . xxii. de publicando sol- 12 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES lempni? excoicatos omes invasores Regni Angl j de anno Pontific sui p'mo. 24 f Bulla JoTiis P’p e . xxii. tangens sniam latam in omes pturbatores pads Regis \ Regni Angl T; eo£ valitores T: fautores. Anno Pontific sui q*rto. 25 jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. de rernissione T: donacoe fact E. Regi Angl de pcept decime t’ehii sibiconcess in subsidiuTVcySce. Anno Pontif sui.m 0 . (p- 14 ) 26 jr Bulla Alex' i P’p e . iiii. Dho R’ de monicoe facta de libtatib} Angl Ecce reddend infra festu Pasch. Anno Pontif sui scdo. 27 j l* Bulla Clementis P’p e . . concessa Regi Angl sup absolucoe a sentenciis suspension’^ T: absolucois 4» excoicacois p ppet a tis in guerris. A° Pont . p°. 28 jf Bulla dement f P’p e . . de absolucoe regia [a] ppet a tis tepe guerra^. A 0 Pont . iiii t0 . 29 jf Bulla Gregor P’p e ix. continens qd Epus f Elien ] possit excoicare laicos Pbatores pads Regni Angl. Anno Pontific sui q'nto. duppt. SO j[ Bulla Gregor P’p e . ix. de pvidendo Ecce Wynton de psona n5 suspecta Regi. Anno Pont . ... • x in 0 . / 31 jf Bulla Alex’i P’p e . HiP. de indulgencia ^ facta qd nullu pjudiciu genlet r sibi nec suis hedib 3 p hoc qd P’lati dant decima de manliis suis. Anno Pont sui scdo. 32 jf Bulla Alex’i P’p e , || Hi. de P’latis t a nsmittend ad Conciliu ge^ale ad mandatu P’p e eo qd ex hoc OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 13 mandato non debeat pjudiciu genlari nec trahat r in consuetudinem . xv° . ktn April sine dat. 33 jf Bulla Urbani . iiii*. de Statuto^ edito£ apud Lambelieth p Archiepm Cantuar T: SufFrag suos 9 fir- in acoe bn da p Sedem Aplicam denegata pp? favorem R ’ Tic. Anno PonF sui scdo. 34* Jf Bulla, Gregorii P’p e . 2 >.“cont a ” torniamenta . in quib 3 Hunt conventicla °t conspiracies cont a Dnm - Regem. A° Pont sui p l mo. 35 Jf Bulla Gregorii P’p e . x^ . p quam conces- sit H. R ’ Angtj qd possit sex clicos ad ecciastica bnficia pmotos in Cur sua retiSe dutn desviant ecciis suis cu idoneis sbstitutis. Anno Pont p'mo. (p. 15.) 36 jf Bulla Gregorii P’p® . jr mi . concessa R’ Angt de pVilegio concesso sibi p sex clicis suis de non facienda residencia in bnficiis suis. A° p'mo. 37 Jf Bulla Greg P’p e . ix. ne Justic Vic . \ Balli Dni . II. excoicari possint ab Ordinar absq^ manifesta It ronabili ca. Anno Port . qhito. 38 Jf Bulla Gregor P’p e . ix. executoria de non excoicandis Justiciariis nec cetis Ballivis. Anno Pon . t> t0 . 39 Bulla Innoc P’p e . ini*. dir c ta . II. R ’ Angt qd Clici ipi 9 pi.non compellant r ad residencia in ecciis suis faci da nec ad ordines suscipiendos p de- cenniu. Anno . P . sui decimo. 40 jf Bulla Honorii P’p e . iii. qd Archiepus Ebop T. sufFraganei ej 9 studiu T; diligenciam impendant cont a pturbatores pads Regni Angt. Pontificat 9 sui [anno] quint 0 . c 3 14 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 41 ff Bulla Honorii P’p e . Hi. qd postulacoib} Epo£ adhiberi debet T: requiri assensus Regis. Anno Pontificat 9 sui octavo. triplicat r . 42 f Bulla Martini P’p e . iiifi . p qua gcessit Wygorn T; Bangor en Epis potestat absolvendi Dnm . E. Rege j 't suos seq a ces in guerr in? ipm T: Simone de Monte Forti T; Lewelinu Principem Watt. Pontif anno iiii t0 . 43 jf Tres bulle divlsofy P’j» a £ de p'vilegiis tem- palib 3 Regibj Angl concessis p clicis suis in Eceliis Cathedralib} Angl pmovendis \ immunitate p>sta- cionis fructuu primo^ vacanciu in Pvincia Cantuar. (p.22.) duppl. 44 jf Bulla \_Urba7ii P’p e . Hii ti .'} sup absolucoe Regis T: Regine ac Libofy suofy de juramento pstito sup Ordinacoe Oxon T; sup irritacoe Ordinaconu ipa^v quodamm 0 9 gnicional est. Anno Pontificatus sui p'mo. adhuclfaB. 45 J Bulla Urbani . P’p e . iiii ti . p quem irritavit de pvilegiis CO nspiroes j conjuracoes T: obligacoes fcas p Mag- nates Angl \ a juramento sup eisdm pstito absolvit eosdm. Anno Pontific sui p Y mo. 43 Bulla Urbani . P’p e . iiii ti . qd Archieps Can- tuar j Eps Norwyc T; Thes Ecclie Ebo^ penitus revocent statuta j ordinacoes T: colligacoes fca p quosdam Magnates Angl in diminucoem potestatis R\ Anno Pontif sui p x mo. 47 Bulla Alex’i P’p e . HUP. de absolvendo Magnates Angl a q^d juramentis illicitis in pj u- diciu regiu tendentib} j 1 de compellendo ipos ad obediend Regi. A 0 Pontificat 9 sui seplimo. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 15 48 jf Bulla Alex' i P’p e . iiiiA. qd P'lati Magnates It alii clici T; laici Angt non teneant r ad observacoes juramenti sui p q’bjd Statutf j Ordinacoib} It Colliga- coib 3 observand in diminucoem libtatf R'. A° Pont sui . vii°. 49 jf Bulla Alex' i P’p e . iiii 1 ' . sup absolucoe R' Angl a q'b}d juramentis jpstitis in diminucoem sue regie libtatis. A 0 . Pontif sui . 50 jf Bulla dementis P’p e iiii ti . p quam quassat It irritat omes pvencoes Tt omes obligacoes initas cii Rege Angl p Barones ejusdem Regni. Anno Pontifi- catus sui p'mo. 51 jf Bulla dementis P’p e , iiii il . p quam excoi- cavit omes arma gientes seu guerrantes cont a Regem Angl ex parte Simonis de Monte Forti seu altius cuj 9 cumq v (p- 16 .) [xxi.] bulle tangentes pacem T; treugas in? Angt 'd Franc Reg j initas T: mrimonio^ cont a ctus cu. dotaliciis assignandis ^ q a £ .vii. sunt clause. 52 [jf Bulla Alex' i P’p e . iiii. p pacis reformacoe in? Angl T: R F d nc. Anno Pontif sui fciod] 53 jf Bulla Celestini P’p e . t> u . monitoria E. Regi Angl sup pace in? ipm % PTm Regem F' d ncie quo ad diPsas dissensiones in? eos. Anno Ponftijficat 9 sui p'mo. 54 jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. p qua rogat A hortat 1 ' Regem qd benigne recipiat j honeste pseq a t r It diligent? intelligat B. Albaneh j\ . S. Pelestrin Epos C 4 16 ANTI ENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Card in hiis que sibi diSent sr discordiis T: guerris in? ipm j Reg F a ncie. Anno Pontificat 9 sui p'mo. 55 j[ Bulla Bonifac P’p e . viii. p q a m hortaf Reg . E. ut reformet pacis T; concordie federa in? ipm j It Regem F^ncie de discordiis in? ipos suscitatis j qd beat eccas in regno suo comendatas. Anno Pont sui p'mo. (p. 17.) 56 Jf Bulla Bon ifacii P’p e . viii. missa Regi Angt [apud] Gandavu rogando ipm j qd mit?et ad Cur Romanam nucios suos cu potestate faciendi sup nego j quod est in? ipm j \ Regem Francie put Ecca Ro*na dux)it ordinandti. Anno Pontific sui fcio. 57 j[ Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. qd nuncii T; con- federati Reg f Angt compmiserunt [de] coi consensu in psonam P’p e tanq a m in p'vatam. A 0 Pont sui . iiii t0 . 58 j[ Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. qd non obstante absencia Regf Romano £ j nuncii Regis Angt pces^unt ad t a ctandu de pace sup guerr suis . T; compmi^unt in psonam P’p e tanq a m in pVatam psonam. 59 j[ Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. sup finali pnu- ciacoe °t arbit a tu factis de omimodis guerris It 9tro- ?siis 1c in? Reges Angt 't F & ncie. A 0 Pont . iiii t0 . 60 j[ Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. p qua P’p a hor- tat 1 ' Regem j qd terr vassallos T: bona que tenebat in Regno F a ncie assignet Epo Vicen n5ie P’p e custody con^vand quousq 1| P’p a aliud inde dux?it ordinandT:c. Anno Pontific sui cfnto . “ Vasconia.” 61 j[ Bulla clausa Bonifac P’p e . viii. qd Rex Angt libaret Duci Burgund r t Comiti Britann It Sci OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER, 17 Pauli ?ras \ alia j que tenebat in Vascon ex pte Dm P’p e custodiend. Anno Pontific sui q'nto. 62 jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e .57m. de p*ma progacoe sufferencie in? Reges Angt \ F a ncie facta p P’pm Bonifaciu. Anno Pont sui q'nto. 63 jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. de scda progacoe treuga^ in? Reges Angt T; F a ncie fca p P’pm. A° Pont sui sexto. duppi. 64 jf Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii. de ?cia progoe suflferenc p Dnm P’pm. Anno Pontific sui . vii mo . (p. 18,) 65 jf Bulla clausa Bonifacii P’p e . viii. monitoria Regi Angh continens quali? treuge inite fSunt in? Reges Angt j °t F a ncie j % q a li? fuit copmissu in P’p m ad faciend pacem in? eos. Anno Pontif sui q a rto. 66 jf Bulla [clausa] Bonifacii P’p e . viii. p quam significat Regi p R. Vicentin Epm j qd p matfinonia 9t a henda intendit pcedere in pcessu negocii sup discordiis T; guerris in? ipm j T; F a ncie j T: p eandm rogat^ T; hortat r , Jfc . sr ^illa4» [illicita] detencoe regni Scocie qd pvide se gerat. Anno Pontificat 9 sui . quarto. 67 jf Bulla clausa Bonifacii P’p e . viii. responsat ad Iras Regis p quas rogavit P’p a m ut veniret versus Lugduii p 9Sumacoe negocii in? ipmT; F a ncie. Anno Pontificat 9 sui quinto. 68 jf Bulla [clausa] Bonifacii P’p e . viii. respons quodamodo sup Iris . missis Dno P’p e p Epm Wyn- ton T; socios suos Nuncios ffc de quib} P’p a remisit R’ ad informand R' oreten 9 de volutate respons P’p e . Anno Pontific sui sexto. 69 jf Bulla clausa Bonifdc P’p e . viii. responsat 18 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Regi de Iris , quas portavit Magr JoTines de Castro Forti in qua hortat r R * ad pace T; qcordiam oimodam faciend cum F B ?icie sr discordiis T: c p qua sol- lempnes nucios R’ misit Pis TA Anno Pontific sui . fr t0 . 70 j[ Bulla [clausa] Bonifac [P’p e ] . viit. quali? P’p 3 - progavit treugas p q a £ progoe Rex ipm P'prn rogavit. Anno Pontific sui q'nto. 71 j[ Bulla [clausa] Clementis P’p e . P*. R* Angl dir c ta p pace in? ipm \ R ’ F a nc inita complenda T: fide adhibenda nuciis dci P’p e ad t a ctand de huj 9 - modi pacis complemento destinatis. Anno Pontific sui scdo. Bulle de fdespensacoib} sup mrimoniis. 72 j[ “ Quindecim” bulle divlsofy P’p B $. de dispen- sacoe fca cu Regib 3 Angl p ipis T; eofy libis de maPmoniis in gradu phibito cont a hendis qua£ una clausa. (p. 20.) j[ Bulle de cassacone Statute^. Oxoh j T: compois facte in? JoTim Ik Angl T: Barones Regni sui. 73 j[ xiii. bulle diPso^ P'p a £ de cassacoe Statu- to£ Oxon 'l de relaxacione juramento^ de ipis ser- vandis p Regem AngVX Nobiles Regni j^dc’i [Pstito^ j et de omib 3 Simoni de Monteforti in bj 9 statute^ ob- svacone adbentib 3 ad recedend a comitiva sua./ It Regi Angl obediend compellendis j \ de bj 9 receden- tib 3 absolvendis. (P-19.) 3 ) OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 19 74- jf Lit?a Epi Sabinen Sedis Aplice Legati de excoicando Simonem de Monte forti T: sibi ad- Hentes. 75 jf Una bulla Innocentii P’p e . Hi. de composicoe facta in? JoTiem Regem AngV\ Barones Regni sui . Ht irritata p P’pm. A 0 Pontificat 9 sui octavodecimo. 76 jf Bulla Johis P’p e . xxii. directa Cantuar T: Eboq. Archiepis T: Coventr \ LycTi . Elco de relax-' cone juramenti conspiracies cont a Hugone le Despensl seniorem It Hugone Jiliu ejus. Dat . Pontificat 9 sui anno sexto. (P-21.) B De subsidio Ere See. 77 jf “ xvi ” bulle divlso £ P’p 3 ^ cum filo de serico monitorie de Cruce suscipienda A de t a nsfretacone versus Tyrant Scam acceleranda A de pAilegiis j in- dulgences., inmunitatib 3 A pteccoib 3 tepalib 3 A [de] decimis j A vicesimis bono£ eccliastico^ A aliis ob- vencoib 3 Regib 3 Angt j A aliis quibuscumq^ rone Crucesignacois j A Bre See subsidii concessis cum Verbo Crucis univ’sali? pAlicand. Bulle executor de pAileg pAlcis. 78 jf « lx.” bulle divlsoip. P’p a £ executor de hujus- modi pAilegiis A aliis quibuscumq^ concessis Cruce » signatis Bre Sancte subsidium fPstant^. 20 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 23.) [.viii. bulle.] de pace firmanda in? Ro*no$ Regem alios Reges It Principes de ptib 3 exteris . videlt. 79 Bulla Bonifacii Octavi univ^sis dir c ta continens qd Rex Romano £ j T; Rex Francie suis finib3 [sint] contenti. Anno Pontificat 9 sui . iiii t0 . 80 Bulla Innocenc P’p e . iiiF. qd medietas 01m bnficio^ eccliastico^ [psona^ nb residenciu in eisdm] p Angt Scoc Ht Hibn in subsidiu Romani Impii p fenniu deputet 1 ' exceptis quibjdam psonis r t c . A 0 Pont . iiii t0 . 81 “ vi.” bulle divlsop P’p a $ Regi Angt j T; duobj Archiepis dir c te de pace firmanda in? Regem Francie It R* Arragoh r t alios P'ncipes de ptib 3 exfis j “ qua£ bulla^ una est clausa.” (P- 24.) I Vascon. jf ix. bulle sbsequentes tangentes Vascon. 82 jf vi. bulle divlsoq P’p a £ q a £ due tangut Cas- tru de \\Blanq a forctj T: una Comitatu Bigorr j \ ce?e decimas T: immunitates rone subsidii T^re Sancte Regi Angt concessas . “ qua£ una est clausa.” 83 ff Km. iii. bulle clause q a £ una tangit Cast m de Malo Leone j T: alia r' Cast™ de Milhahano r' It ?cia i nucia T ambassat'a. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 21 Watt. Bulle tangent Watt. 84 “.viii.” bulle di$so£ P’p a p tangent Walt de cbspiroib^ cont a Regem Angl non faciendis T; de in- munitatib 3 ||Forib 3 dee T’re 9 t a Archiepm Cantuar concessis. (p. 25.) 1 jf Bulle tangentes Hibn de psevanc P’lato^ °t Nobiliu in fidelitate Regf Angl T: de cast? s' reddendis. 85 jf xvi. bulle tangentes Hibn de psv’ancia P’la- to^j T: Nobiliu in fidelitate Reg£ Angl j \ de castris sibi reddendis. Et de tepalib 3 reddendis Archiepis j "t Epis in Ecctia Ro a na confirmatis. Et de p'vi- legiis f inmunitatib 3 Cleri dicte T're 9 ^vandis j et de Statuto facto p dictu Cleru in jpjudiciu Cleri Angl revocando. jf xix.” bulle tangent tVam Scoc . videlt j 86 ff Bulla Clementis P’p e . v tl . ad denuciandu Robtum de Brus exco ta p morte . J. Comyn . [A] de int’dicendo cast a j vitt Tt oia loca p q ipe T; seq a ces sui t a nsitu fecint. Dir c ta est Archiepo Ebo^ Epo Carliolh. Anno Pontif sui p'mo. 87 j]' Bulla Johis P’p e . xxii. de eadm matia di- r c ta Archiepo Ebofy t Epis London "t Carlioleh. Anno Pontific sui quarto. 88 ft Bulla Gregor P’p e . ix. p qua re^hend 1 Scoc eo qd n5 ^vavit juramentu fem R ’ Angl de homag. A° Pont sui decimo. Hibn. I 22 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES duppl. 89 Jf Bulla Gregor P’p e . ix. p qua supplicat Rege Scoc f qd ob^vet composicom f cam in? ipm i 'b Reg Angt vidett homagiu It fidelitate j 1 no insurgat cont a R ’ Angt. Anno Pontific sui octavo. (p. 26.) 90 j j' Bulla Bonifac P’p e .wm. qd Rex desistat a guerra Scocie in qua T’ra P’p* dicet se jus bere j Tt qd . p? . delibare faciat Epm Glasgueh j It WSodorieh quos fecit incarSari. A° Pontific sui . v t0 . 91 j[ Due bulle Bonifacii P’p e . viii. de pace pc r anda in? Angt "l Scoc Reges Epis Scoc dir c te. Anno Pontif sui octavo. 92 j[ Bulla Honorii P’p e . Hi. missa Epo Nor- wiceh . qd 9 firmet vel infirmet pvencoes fcas int Reg AngtX R ’ Scoc put meli 9 viderit expediri. Anno Pont sui tertio. 93 Bulla Innocenc P’p e . iiifi 1 . p qua n5 exaudit peticoes Regf Angt vidett qd R’ Scoc n5 possit inungi vel coronari sn lina sua X de deci a eccasti- co£ bnficio^ bnda. A 0 Pont sui . viii 0 . 94 j If iiii. bulle di$so£ P’p & $ de confmnacoe °t 9 sec a cione Epo^ Sci Andree r t Glaguen. 95 jf Itm . v. bulle div^so^ P'p a £ q a £ . iii. clause j X una tang 1 pace inf Angt "t Scoc [Reg] pc r anda^ alia J coltom libtatu Regni Scoc j p Honoriu P’p a m fcam . ?cia j t a nsloem Monasfii de Scone j q a rta T: q’nta J . tangentes pcessum Glasgueh It Sci Andr Epo^. 96 f Itm duodecim bulle Jotiis P’p e . xxii. qua£ j qbq^ clause de di?sis materiis X diesis dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 23 (P-27.) xvii. bulle de p'vilegiis Prelate £ . Angt . qua£ . iiii or sunt clause. “ It’ ii.” 97 j[ Bulla Innocencii P’p e . qd liceat Patronis Angt ad ecclias de eo£ collacoib} cu vacavW j j^sentare. Anno Pontificat 9 sui.* too. 98 j[ Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii ti . p P’latis Angt, non suspendendis p pvisione alicui gnlalr? fcam a bnficio^ cottone j nisi uno tin. A 0 Pont . sui fcio. 99 Jf Bulla Innocenc P’p e . iiii iK . qd Archiepi \ Epi libe possint bnficia ad eo£ cottoem sp c tancia conferre sine cont a dictoe aliqua. A° Pont sui ?cio. 100 j[ Bulla Innoc P’p e . HU". “ responsalis ” ad peticoes P'lato £ Angt missas P’p e p moderacoe seu minoracoe pvisionu facienda^ in Angt de alienigenis in qua P’p a pmittit se velle desistere ab huj 9 modi ne Ecctia Anglicana nimis g a vetur . Anno Pontific sui decimo. 101 j| ' Bulla Innoc P’p e . iiii®. continens Statutu suu qd licet psone non oriunde de Regno Angt bntes bnficia in Angt moriunt 1- vel cesserint in Curia Ro a na vel alibi j n^minus illi ad quos ptinent j possint illis bnficiis ordinare j consensu Sedis Aptice minime re- quisite j tn de epatu non facit mencoem. A 0 Pontif sui . xi°. 102 Bulla Innoc P’p e . feii . continens copiam Ire R y Jotiis 9 firmacoem ejusdem Ire j p quam idem Rex concessit j qd libe in qbjcuq^ Eccliis Regni Angt electoes fieri possent imppm. A° Pontific sui . xviii°. 103 j[ Bulla [clausa] j Clementis P’p e quinti 24- AN TIE NT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES directa . TP TVygorh Epo qd inducat Regem j qd a (p. 28.) g’Vaminibj inferendis psonis ecciasticis p officiates *1 mynistros suos j quiescat j t qd excoicati p Judices delegatos cum p . xl. dies in excoicacois sententia pduravit capiant r j 1 imp'sonent 1 p mandatu t ctifi- cacom ipo^ Judicuj sicut p ctificacom Prelatoy. Angtj T: qd ipe solvi faciat arreragia annui census mille marca^ que debet Curie Romane. Anno Pontificat 5 sui q*rto. 104 (~ Bulla [clausa] Clement f P 5 p e . q'nti diPta Epo TPigorn ad inducendu Regem Angt p refor- mandis [[excessub 3 Officialiu suo£. Anno Pontiricat 5 sui tercio. 105 j[ Bulla dementis P’p e q*rti dir°ta Regi Angt exhortator ad mansuetudinem penes Cleru *t P’ptm. Anno Pontific sui jfmo. 106 i~ Bulla . Clementis P'p e . q*rti directa P i mo- genito Regis Angt exhortatoria ad mansuetudinem penes Cleru t P’ptm Angt. Anno Pont .p°. 107 jT Bulla Honorii P’p e fcii , qd Re.r Angt pru- dent se heat erga Vassallos. Anno Pontifical sui octavo. 10S (T Bulla Nichi P’p e . iiir. directa R’ Angt de phiboib 5 regiis artandis j A non faciendis in p'judiciu eccliastice libtatis. 109 jT Bulla Innocencii Pp e . iiiP . directa Regi Angt sup moderacone pvisionu facienda in Angt. Anno Pontific sui q*rto. HO f Bulla NicJu P ! p e . iiii li . p quam supplicavit Regi Angtj qd non comitt et sub disposicoe^ T: aut a te regia j ea que libtate eccliastica gaudere de- berent. Anno Pontific sui tao. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 25 (p. 30.) (p. 29.) 0 Hi Due bulle clause “ Clementis P’p e quinti di- recte ” Regi Angt tarn p delibacoe Epo£ Coventr T: Lichefelct j ac Sci Andr * T; Glasguen a carce j q a m p fideli j T: diligenti con^vacoe bono£ que fuerunt Templar in Angl sine dist a ccoe facienda 1c. Anno Pontific sui tcio. 112 Bulla Bonifacii P’p e . viii . de p r gacoe Epi Cicestr sup objectis sibi in Curia Ro a na facta ibidem.. Anno Pontific sui nono. . xv. bulle de annuo censu mille marca£ de Regno Angl [pt T’ra Hibn\ Ecclie Ro a ne de- bita^. 113 jf Bulla Innocenc P’p e feii . dir'ta J. Regi Angt de subject'oe T: submissione Regni Angl Ro a ne Ecclie j et de mille marcis dee Ecclie annuatim sol- vend j in qua continet r copia carte ipius j p quam obligavit Regnu Angt [A T’ram Hibn\ dee Ro a ne Ecclie in mille m a rcis pdcis. Dat ap d Domu Milicie Templi juxta Dovorr . xv°. die Maii . a°. regni ipius Regis xiiii 0 . Dat vero bulle Lateran . sedo Non Nov’ j a° Dni miUmo . cc mo . xiii 0 . et Pontific Dni P’p e . x vi°. 114* jf Bulla Innocenc P’p e feii . continens teno- rem sup a noTate bulle de v’bo ad vW pter dat. Data cuj 9 j apud Scm Petru . xi° . K’tii Maii . Anno Dni miltmo . cc mo . xiiii 0 . Pontificatus vero P’p e xvii 0 . 115 Bulla Martini P’p e . iiii iK . de quietancia p octennio de annuo censu mille rnarca^. Anno Pon- tific sui p K mo. D 26 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Jf Bulla Nichi P’p e . Hi. de quietancia p oc- tennio testificans solucoem quinqj miliu. marca£ in psolucoem dci octennii de annuo censu. Anno Pon- tific sui p'mo. 117 Bulla Nichi P’pe . iiifi . de quietancia tes- tificans solucoem sex miliu marca^ p sex annis de annuo censu. Anno Pontific sui scdo. H8 jf Bulla Johis P’p e . xxii. de quietancia testi- ficans solucom mille marcaa de annuo censu videlt de anno Dni mittmo . ccc mo . rf, ^ a 0 Pontific sui p'mo. 119 Item viii t0 . bulle ” monitorie [A una Ira que fuit bullata] aivlsofy p annuo censu sol- vendo. 120 Itm acquiet Gifridi de Vezano fca E. Regi Angl auct a te Martini P’p e . mi ti . de . iiii ml . marcis annui census p manus m!cato£ Encah p . iiii. annis solut . sb dat . a 0 . Dni m°. cc°. Ixxxi. 121 Itm acq^etanc Nichi Camtar Innoc P’p e . iiii tK . de . D. m a r j sb dat a° Dni . m°. cc mo . xlviii 0 . (p.30.) “ in quad pixide ad tale signu.” 122 [“ Bulla Johis P’p e . xxii . de quieta clamanc “ mille rnarca^ census debit Cur * solut anno Ponti- “ ficat sui . x iiii 0 . ^ [“ Solut p mercat de Societate Bard et eade “ bulla libat r in Thes p Nichm Marini unu de Socie- “ tate pdca.”3 (Sched. 123 Bulla Nichi Pape fcii de aquietancia fca p. 28.) Regi Angl de.viii ml . m a r . p octo annis de annuo censu in quo Rex Romane Ecclie tenebaP. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 27 124 Bulla Bonifacii Pape octavi directa Regi qd solvi fac BartTio de Ferentino Canoico London noie Romane Curie xii ml . m a r . que aretro fuerunt de an- nuo censu videTt de duodecim annis tempore date bulle ejusdem. 125 Bulla Martini Pape quarti de acquietancia * m 1 . m a r . p octennio j in quib} Rex Cur Romane tenebaf. 126 Bulla ejusdem Martini p quam dedit potes- tate Magro Giffrido Camlario suo fac?e acquietanc Dno R' de . m 1 m 1 . m a r. 127 Bulla Nichi Pape quarti de acquietancia fca Regi de . vi ml . m a r . de annuo censu Itc . libaE Dno Pape p manus Ottonis de Grandissono 1 Frem . W. de Hothum. 128 Bulla JoTiis Pape vicesimi scdi de acquietanc. m 1 . m a r soluta^ p annuo censu de anno Dni milto c°c°c°. decimo septimo. (p. 30.) P De P’latis de ptib 3 extis in Angl pmotis tuendis. 129 jf «. ix.” bulle divlsofy P’p*$ Regibj Angl ■> T; P’latis dilute p Cardinal^ A aliis Clicis de ptib} extis in Eccliis Angl p Sedem Aplicam bnficiatis in eo£ bnficiis tuendis ; t de insurgedo cont a illos qui Nucios Sedis Aplice occiderut. d 2 28 antient kalendars and inventories (P-31.) Bulle pples de rec 6 mendacoib 3 [Nobiliu] nica- to£ It alio£. 130 j[ xviii.” bulle div’so^ P’p a £v qua£ “ nove” clause de rec5mendacoib3 Nobiliu 't “ nicator^d^^ 1 1 | de ptib 3 [ Angt 1] exfis j T: aliis diesis psonis ” q a £ . j i. clausa. Bulle pples de rec 5 mendacoib 3 P’lato^. 131 j[ “ xviii.” bulle divlsoq. P’p a £ Regib 3 Angt dir c te recbmendatorie q a £ una clausa videlt de Ar- chiepis Epis j Abbatib 3 j *• P i orib 3 Angt in Cur Ro*na confirmatis p eo£ tempalib 3 eis liband j f t aliis g a ciis eis p Regem faciendis./ T; de aliis Clicis Angtj p Sedem Apticam in Angt bnficiatis tuendis j q a £ bulla^ una est clausa. 132 j[ Itm una bulla Johis P a pe . xxii. clausa. Bulle pples de nova creacoe P’p"^. 133 jf . x. bulle divlsofy P’p a £ de nova creacoe eo^dem j qua£ una clausa j Regibj, Angt directe. Bulle pples de Regno Sicilie. 134 jf . lv. bulle divlsofy P’p*£ sup donacoe Regni Sicilie T: execucoe donacois ejusdem j qua£ . v. clause T; . iiii or . [illa^] fuerunt bullate. 135 [“ Itm . Hi.”] 136 “ Itm una bulla Johis P a pe . xxii. clausa.” OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 29 (P-32.) T X (p. 33.) . xxviii. bulle tangentes Ordinem Milicie Tem- pli videlt. 137 j[ Bulla Clementis P’p e . v x \ directa Regi Angt j) capcoe Templariop uno die in Angt. Anno Pontifi- cal 9 sui j fcio. 138 j[ Itm . xxvii. bulle qua£ una pva clausa de libtatib 3 \ pVilegiis Ordini Milicie Templi p divl sos P’p*s concessis. . Bulle pples de diesis decimis T; obvencoibj. 139 j[ “ lxviii.” bulle divlsofy Pontificu de diesis decimis bono£ eccliastico^ redituu in Angt j Hibh j W att It Scoc j et de obvencoibj "l legatis Regib} Angt p Sumos Pontidces in subsidiu T^re See con- cess. Et de donacoib} j * remissionib 3 dels Regib 5 p Sumos Pontifices feis de denar ex huj 9 modi decimis receptisv et in usus pp‘os p Regni sui regimine pv’sis . ac de aliis decimis eisdem Regib 5 p ! ncipaTr concess in subsid regimis Regni sup a dci. 1^0 jf Itm una bulla Johis ¥’p*.xxii. [in ligula pdea] dir c ta . JE. Regi Angt p quam concessit eidm Regi diloem qbiquennalem de pe c unia recepta de qud^da collcorib 3 x e sexannalis ex mutuo. AnnoPon- tificat 9 sui ^Vzo. 141 “ Itm una bulla JoTiis P°pe xxii. clausa.” 30 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 85.) 14-2 jf Bulla Clemett P’p e q'nti dir c ta Dno Regi p Hospitalar de tris Templariofy in Concilio GeSali Vienh eis coliatis ipis liband anno Pontificat 9 sui . septio. Ista bulla irrotulat r in Sc a cio in? recorda de ?mio Sci Hillar . anno r E j filii Regf E j septio. 143 jf Transcriptu bulle sup concessione fca Hos- pitali Sci JoTiis Jerlm de bonis Templar. Irr 'tc ut s a . anno ut s a . 144 jf Transcriptu Ire ||po a tis concesse p Magrm Hospitat Sci Johis Jerlm Fri Alberto de Nigro Castro Magno P’ceptori ejusde Hospital . anno Dni . m°. ccc°. xii°. Irr in Sc a cio . ut s a . 145 jf Protestaco fca p Dhm Rege sr restitucoe bono^ Templi fca Hospitalariis . anno Dni . m°. ccc°. x iii°. Et irr in Sc a cio ut s a . 146 jf Quitaco fca Dno Regi p Frem Albtum de Nigro Castro Magnu P’ceptorem Hospitat Sci * Jerlm T; Fres PTm de \\Gragnana Tt Leonardum de Tihris P'ores Urb \ Venacia £ de omib 3 bonis q°ndam Magri J Frm Milicie Templi p Ministros dci Regis conliscatis. Dat . anno Dni . m°. ccc°. xiii 0 . Et irr in Sc a cio . ut s a . 147 jf Transcriptu quitacois fee Dno Regi p Frem Albtum de Nigro Castro Magnu P’ceptorem Hos- pitat Sci Johis Jertm T alios duos Fres Socios ipi 9 ; cu variis ipo£ renunciacoib} Ht ptestacoib 3 de ipo Rege n c suis infestand rone aliquo^ eis p P’p a m ( (p. 40.) P I (P- 41.) 1 OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 31 gcesso^ de bonis q°ndam Magri T; Frm Milicie Tem- pli p dci p : Ministros confiscates. Da? Itc. anno . m°. ccc° x in. Et irr in Sc a cio ut s a . Bulle de diesis nuciis T; ambassatriis. 148 j]' “\\.x Hi” bulle clause “ divlsofy P'p a £ ” de diesis nunciis \ ambassatariis Regib 3 Angt directis.- 14-9 jf xxx “ix.” bulle divlsoty P’p*£ [qua£ una clausa .] de ma?iis diesis j videlt j de PVilegiis Regiis tempalibj j It aliis j ut de eligendo sibi Con- fessorem j T; de diesis absolucoibj sibi impensis. [It’m . i.] 150 jj' Itm una bulla Urbani . iiiP'. [ de num!o pdcaa ||xxxv. buR .3 p quam ratificavit Ordinacoem * O f cam p Regent Franc j inr Regem Angt T: Epos *1 Barones Regni Angt j da? a° Pontific sui fcio. 151 “ Item una bulla Johis P a pe . xxii. clausa.” Bulle tangentes Coem Justicia j It Foru Eccias- ticu. 152 j xiiii. bulle divlsofy P’p & fy cois justicie diesis Prelatis directe sup cais in? diPsas psonas penden- tib 3 . “ qua£ una fuit bullata.” D 4 32 antient kalendars and inventories (p. 42.) $ Jf .vii. bulle continent pcessus cont a Guidone [It 4 Almaricu] de Monte Forti. 153 j[ Bulla Gregor P’p e deciml continens pcessu.* cont a Guidonem de Monteforti j 't fautores suos de morte . H. de Alman j T; aliis contencoib} in? Regem j It ipm Guidonem. Anno Pontificat 9 sui scdo. 154 j[ Q'nc^ bulle ejusdm P’p e de pcessu pdco. 155 jj" Bulla Nichi P’p e . ui. de delibacoe Almarici de Monte forti T: quali? evacuavit Regnu Angl non redditur 9 . Pontific sui anno fcio. 156 Bulle Johis P’p e . xxii. E. Regi Angl di. recte responsales sup t a nslacone Epo^ Lincoln j Wyn- ton j T; Bathon de diesis dat. 157 j[ Bulla Innocencii P’p e . iiii ti . de sentencia deposicois Frederici [ImpatorisJ. Anno Pontific sui fcio. 158 Bulla XJrbani Pape . iiii ti . dir c ta Archiepo Cantuar . T: Abbti Sci Dionisii j ut ipi puniant veni- entes cont a Ordinacoem p F & ncie Regem fcam in? Regem Angl j I quosdam Prelatos j I Nobiles Regni \_Angt~\ pdci. Anno Pontificat 9 sui fcio. (p. 51.) in una li- gula in? bullas ad tale signu. 159 ([ Instra pupplica sr ^nsc'ptis bulla^ divlsoq. P’p*$. de pVilegiis Regib^ Angtj T: Reginis p capeft j castris j civitatib} j 'be ac Cticis sr non residencia j It ordinib5 aliis di?sis pVilegiis eis qcessis. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 33 n una li- jula in? Dullas ad ale signu. 160 jj* Instra pupplica de transcriptis bulla^ divlsofy P’p*$. j sr decimis T: obvencoib3 pVilegiis it inmunitatib} rone crucesignacois . IT . Angt 9cessis T: sup aliis diesis subsidiu Terre Sancte tangentib3. 34 antient kalendars and inventories (p. 59.) V. In lianapio de virgis ad hoc signu. ANGL. jf Carte [A sc’pta] de feoffamentis 'f donacoib} Reg Angt fcis. l Jf Carta Amicie Comitisse Devon f Dne Insule de Advocacoe Abbie Set Bhdci de Boclanct in Com Devon j Dno E. Regi % heredibj suis concessa j anno regni dci Regis . viii 0 . 2 jf Lira Comitisse Devon missa Abbi f Conventui Set Bndci de Bocland de intendendo Dno Regi T: heredib3 suis J anno Dni miltmo . cc mo . septuagesimo nono. 3 jf Carta Dni Petri de G avast on Comitis Cornub p quam feoffavit Dnm . E. Regem Angl filiu Dni p . j E. de Manliis de Crokham 1 Eeyclfmstede in Coin Berk? j anno . r . sui p'mo. 4 Pars feoffamenti fei Regi . E. de Pris It Comita- Bygout. tib3 Rogli By god quondam Comitis Norjf ’ . a 0 regni dci p . xxx°. 5 jf Carta Dni Johis Comitis Warennj p quam feoffavit Dnm E. Rege.fc de castris T; Pris suis in duplicaf. Coin Eboq. j Line j Surr "t Sussex ’ j et in Wallia j sine data. 6 jf Carta Dni Robti de Clyrffbrd p quam feoffavit Dnm E. fit P E. de oib3 Pris 't ten suis in MunemutU f: Valle de MunemutU una cu villa f bosco de Hode- nald j anno . r . sui quarto. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 35 7 Carta fca Dno H. fit p J. de tVis T: ten que Bndcus Clarice Judeus tenuit in Line cu . xx. solidatis reddit 9 ibid j sine dat. 8 jf Carta Witti de Sorn)feld le Taillour fca Dno E. fil.p :.H. de iilo mesuag quod fuit Salle Judei Cantuar f cu. quadam via j anno regni dci P E. xviii 0 . (p. 60.) 9 jj' Carta JoTiis filii Robti de Hardrez de . xxviii. denarratis annui reddit 9 . in Cantuar concess Dno Regi E. fit . p . H. a 0 , dci If . E, xviii 0 . 10 jf Carta Hugonis \de Plessetis de MaSio de Hedyndon cu membris f Hundris datis Dno Regi . E. fit p H . sine data j cu Iris p sei a bnda. 11 jf Carta Elie de Rabayn T: Matitt Ux?is sue de Pris T: ten eo£ in Netherlym cu Hameletto de la Burste T: Portu de Cobbe dat Dno Regi . E. "t Alianore R ne Angl sine data. 12 jf Carta Robti de By her Laderine Uxlis ejus de ten Dno p . E. fit . p . H. venditis in suburbio Novi Castri sr Tyna . sine data. 13 jf Carta Dni MatTii jit Jotiis de MaSio de Erlestold Dno Regi . E. fit . If . H. p . x. annos con- cesso anno regni dci p . E. xiiii 0 . 14 jf Carta Dni Jotiis de Littegreynes de decern marcatis annui reddit 9 dat Dno Regi E. fit . p . H. in Dalton juxta Bayntone sr Waldas in Coin Ebo^ dat anno f . dci p . E. xxix 0 . 15 j]" Carta Jotiis de Cancellis de MaSio de \\Lyfton cu pco \ Hundro de WLyftoii in Coin Devon concess Dno Regi . E. fit . p . H. dat anno regni ipius P . E. fciodecimo. 36 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 16 jf Carta Robti de Muscegros de tris T: ten suis Regi concessis j in Purbyk * infra metas warenn pdci Dm p de Corf . sine data. (p- 61 -) 17 jf Carta Magri Henr de Bray fca Dno Regi . E. fit p . II. de quodam mesuagio . xvi. virgatis ?re T; . vi. acris p a ti 1 . xix. solidatis reddit 9 in Watford "l || Siuelesworth . sine data. 18 jf Carta Witti de Langedon fca Dno Regi . E. duplicate fit p H. de quodam tenemento in Parochia de Lan- gedon dat a°. r . dci p E. sexto. 19 jf Carta Witti de Grandissono T: Sibille ux?is ejus fca Dno Regi E. fit p II. de MaSiis de Ihamme T: Ydenne cu Advocacoib} Ecctia^ Tt cu. feodis milit.u j p excambio Manlii de Dymmok ’ . xlvi. librata^ . vi. solidat . t'um denarrata^ Tt una quadrant; redditus annui in Bert ford . anno regni dci p . E. xv°. 20 jf Carta Hamonis Tegulatoris fca Dno Regi E. fit p . H. de quodam redditu in Parochia Set BotM ex a Alegate London in Estsmethefeld . sine data. 21 jf Carta Prioris Ecclie Xpi Cantuar de custuma j redditu T; ce?is libtat suis in Villa T; Portu de Sand- wyco . A. Regine AngV\ hereddnRegu^/zgf T; Corone donatis . sine data. 22 jf Reddicio It quietaclamacio . H. P’oris Ecdie Xpi Cantuar de redditibj libtatibj It custumis suis in Villa *1 Portu de Sandwyco fee Dno . E. p Angl fit P . H. anno xviii 0 . 23 jf Lfa . II. Prioris Ecclie . Xpi Cantuar directa Maiori It Baronib} de Sandwyco sup donacoe sua fca OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 37 (p. 62 .) duppi. duplica'. Sabaudia. . A. Regine Angl T; heredib} Regu Angtj sup custuma 't ||redditub 3 suis in dca villa j a 0 xviii 0 . 24 jf Carta Alicie de Bella Aqua de Bosco de Merstoh vendito Dno . J. Regi Angl . in Coin Buk ’ j sine data. 25 jf Carta Slephi Streyt de BaumburgU de empcoe tre j p Thom de Normanvitt in eadem villa j ad opus dni . . E. a 0 . ? . ej usd . vii°. 26 jf Carta Petri de Scoteny j p quam quietu- clain j Dno Regi E. q'nq^ feoda militu j rone me- dietatis Baronie de Scoteny j a 0 . ? pdci p; . cfrto. 27 jj" Carta Augustini Trode fca Dno Regi . E. de pastura vocata Wesseyl juxta Athelwelt cu quar- rera in eadem pastura contenta j sine data. 28 jf Carta Willi de Freyskenade de vendicoe tVe in Whetele j ad op 9 Dni p Thom de Normanvitt empte j a 0 r . _E. m°. 29 jf Quietaclamancia Isabelle q°ndam ux?is Hugonis Bardolfj fca Dno E. Regi de Manias de Wattoh in Com H’tford j Hadingtoh in Coin Surr T: Emlesworth in Com Suht j a 0 . dci Dni Ik xxxiii 0 . 30 jf Quietaclamancia Dolfine de Vyenh de bedi- tate sua in Angl p mortem Petri q°ndam Comitis Sabaucl pris sui . et de domo j quam buit apud Bolonid sup a Mare fca Alianore Regine Angl. 31 jf Quietaclamancia [ Amadei Comitis Sabaudie ] fca . E. Regi Angl de toto jure T; clam quod buit in Baronia \ Honore de Aquilaj et de Manlio de Costeseye j et de oib 3 aliis Pris antecesso^ ipius Comitis in Regno Angl j data . a 0 regni dci I> . xxvii 0 . (p. 63.) 38 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 32 Jf Carta Henr de Pynkeny fca . E. Regi Angl de MaSio de Wedone Pynkeny in Com NorTit 't ad- vocacoe Priorat 9 ejusdem Ville , et de Manlio de Wappenham in eodem Com' et multis homagiis T: feod eidem Regi in diesis Com concessis ■> put contie r in carta . dat apud Bothevitl ' a 0 dci p . xxix°. 33 ft Carta Henr de Pynkeny j p quam dedit "I concessit . E. Regi Angt capitale mesuag Manlii de Wedone Pynkeny ' et multa feoda A homag in diesis Com . sine data. 34 Carta Robti de Fyleby fris T; heredis Magri Ade de Fyleby j fca Regi . E. T: Alianore R ne ^ de Denham. MaSio de DenJAm. Dat a° . fPdci P . xv°. ad quam cartam sunt ligata div^sa munimenta Manliu j?dcm tangencia. 35 jj" Carta Henrici de Lacy Comitis Line fca . E. fit p.,E. P'ncipi Watt' ad istam intitulacoem Regi Angt ' de quodam mesuag cu suis ptin in pochia Sci Martini in Ismongereslane ' Dat a 0 . regni Pris dci Dni P'ncipis It Regis j xxxv to . ad quam cartam ligant r Ire dci Comitis p seis a dci ten libanda ., et feoffa- mentu Otonis de Grandissono eidem Comiti fcm de ten sup a dco. 36 Carta JoTiis de Aston fca . E. Regi Angt de toto jure T: clam-/ quod tiuit in omib3 tVis It ten in duppi. Angt j que aliq a ndo fuerunt Aline de Fortify It aliis diesis j put contie r in carta •> et etiam de toto jure *1 clam quod tiuit in Coin Albemarlie cu quibjdam Normania. pris in Normannia T: alibi ' sine data. (p. 64.) 37 ^ Q arta Guidonis de Bello Campo Comitis Warr fca . E. Regi Angl de Manlio de CheddeWorth in Coni Glouc , sine dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 39 in forSio de |]coreo ferro liga- to ad hoc signu.” vP* 65 -) 38 Carta JoTiis de Drolcnesford fca . E. Regi Angt de homag ^vicio Robti le Chaumbleyn Dni de Compton in Coin Wilts de tYis T; ten que idem Robtus de ipo JoTie tenuit in dca villa de Compton T. North- yntoh in pdco Com' et Dountone in Corn Buk\ Dat ap d Ebofy . xxiiij. die Apd . a 0 . ? . ipius p . xxx i°. ad quam cartam ligat r unu sc’ptti p quod idem Robtsj homag T; §vic pVlca eide J. qcessit. “ Div^se Ire ” T; quieteclamancie Reg Angt fee. 39 Quietaclamacia ELumfredi de Bohun Comit Hereford T Essex ’ fca . E. R. Angt fit . p . II. de omib 3 castr vitt ' maSiis terr f ten j que Eiuit in Angt \ Watt. Dat Tic anno r. R’ . xxx m0 . 4,0 jf tQnieclamancia Humfredi de Bohun Comitis Hereford T Essex ’ facta . E. p . fit . p . H. de jure j honore j T dnio j que Emit noie Comitis in Comi b> Hereford T Essex'. Dat Tc. anno . r p . xxx mo . 41 jf Un escrit endentez fait entre le Roi T le Counte de Hereford T de Essex ’ qe meismes le Counte fait le Roi son heir j sil meorge sanz autre heir Tc. Don Tic en lan de son regne • ocxoc™. 42 jf Scriptu p quod Humfridus de Bohun Comes Hereford T Essex ’ dedit Dno . p . oihia bona T catalla sua in castris ^ vitt j maSiis T omib 3 terr T ten suis in Angt T Watt exncia. Dat Tc. anno . r . p. xxx™. 43 jf Quietaclamancia Rogli le Bigod Comit Norff’ T Mariscalli Angt fca . E. Pi . fit p . H. de omib 3 40 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES dupplicar. castr j vili j jjnanliis] terr It ten j que tiuit in Angt It Watt exceptis quibjdam manliis noiatis in carta “ ” DaE T:c anno . r p . xxx mo . By god. 44 ft Quietaclamancia Rogli le Bigod Comit Norff ’ j It Mariscalli Angt de toto jure./ honore j It dupplicat r . dnio j que tiuit in Comitatu Norff ’ °t Marescalciam Angt facta . E. Regi Angt fit P H. DaE Tic. anno . r . xxx mo . 45 ft Quietaclamancia Rogli le Bigod Comitis By god. Norff ’ A Marescalli Angt fca . E. p Angt fit . p . H. de castris de Bristott t NotyngTi . Dat T;c anno r . p . p'dci . xxx mo . 46 ft Quietaclamancia Rogli le Bigod j ComiE Norff ’ T: Marisc Angt p qua dedit . E. p . fit . p . H. omia bona T: catalla sua in castris vilt . maSiis terr T: ten suis in Angt \ Watt exncia./ exceptis quibjd maSiis in sc'pto contends. DaE 1c./ anno.r.p. xxx^°. 47 ft Scutum factu . E. p . fit p . H. de quadam 9 vencoe in? ipm . p . T; Roglum le Bigod Coin Norff ’ j qd idm Comes redderet eidm Regi castra de Bristott A Notyngh scctm for a m qvencois pdce. Dat T;c anno regni Reg . xxx m0 . 48 ft Un escrit entre le Roi . E. fuiz le Roi . H. 'I le Counte Mareschal j qe meismes le Counte fait le Roi son heir j sil meorge sanz autre heir Ttc. Don etc. Ian de son regne . xxa ? cae . 49 ft Quieta clamancia Adomari de Valencia liedis Witti de Valecia fca . E. p fit p . H. de q°da feodo j q°d pcipiebat ad . Sc a cm ipi 9 Reg . DaE 'tc a 0 . G a cie j mitto . ccc mo . sexto. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 41 (p. 66.) Seg*ve. corodio mdo Glouc. 51 jf Due ptes indenfa^ de cartis T; sc’ptis libatis in Garderoba p . E. fit . p . H. p JoTim de Drokenes- ford anno r. p pdci . xxx mo . 52 (p Litta JoTiis de Seg*ve [tenentis locu Maris - calli J indentata testificans vendicoem veiragii pti- nentis ad Officiu Mariscalcie tam p Rege . q a m p Exclcitu suo in itinle . p . v'sus Scocia anno regni ipius . xxix no . 53 jp Lit?a Abbtis 1 Convent 9 [8ci Petri ] Glou- cestr indentata de quodam corrodio ad req'sicoem.p. E. fil p.iL cuidam ^vienti ipius Regf in eadem Ab- bathia concesso. Dat T:c anno . ?. ipius p . xxx mo . 54? jp Carta JoTiis Wake p qua feoffavit T E. R . fit . P .H. de Manlio de Ware j T; aliis div'sis Manliis cu advocacoib} ecclia^. Dal f tc j anno regni ipius . p . xxv t0 . 55 jp Lit?a JoTiis Wake de attornato ad liband seisinam Dno . E. [P .] fit p. H. de Manlio de Ware j It aliis Manliis put 9 tinet r in carta pnoiata. 56 jf LitPa JoTiis Wake p quam vendidit [dco Regi~\ omia bona sua mobilia T; inmobilia in pdco Manlio de Ware j T; aliis Manliis p mille marcis. Dat T:c anno . r . ipius . P . xxv t0 . 57 jp Carta JoTiis Wake p qua feoffavit . E. p . filiu p . H. de Manlio de Cotyngham \ aliis div’sis Manliis cu advocacoib 3 ecclia^ in Com Ebofy. Dat j “tc anno . r . p . pdci. xx vi t0 . (*> 58 jp Litta JoTiis Wake de attornato ad liband seisina Dno . E. P . fit . p . H. de Maflio de Cotyng- ham t aliis Manliis put 9 tinet r in carta pnoiata. VOL. i. E 42 antient calendars and inventories 59 “ [jf Lra Isabelle Regine Angt p quam reddidit “ concessit 1 quiet clamavit j Edwardo . p . Angt “ filio suo oia cast a ^ Villas MaSia ||Comitates./ Burgos “ Honores j Pras 1 ten cu suis ptin que frebat in “ Regno Angt 1 Marchia Walt . necn5 Comitatu “ Pontivi 1 MontistroTtPf (p. 67.) 60 jf LitPa JoTiis Waite p quam vendidit dco Regl cmia bona sua mobilia 1 inmobilia in pdco Manlio de Cotyngham T: aliis diesis MaSiis j pro mille libris. Da? 1 c anno . r ipius p . xxP 0 . 61 LitPa p . E. fit p . H. patens p quam assig- navit Reginalds de Wykwane ad recipient? noie suo seisinam Manlii de Ware 1 alio£ diPso£ Manlio^ j dat 1 c j anno . r . ipius . p . xxv t0 . 62 jf Scriptu Isabelle de Bello Monte Dne de Vescy p quod 9 cedit 1 reddit dno . p . [E. fit . p. HI] omia ten j que fruit in Welleburn in Com Line. Dat 1 c j anno . r . p . xxxiii 0 . duppf. 63 jf LitPa Isabelle de Fortib 3 Comitisse Albe Marlie p qua quieteclamavit dno . E. p . fit p . H. Insula de Wyght [1 Manliu Ecce Xpi de Twynha in eod Coin .] 1 quasda alias Pras in Coin Surr. Da? 1 c anno gre . m°. cc mo . nonag 0 fcio. 64? jf Carta Rici de Vernoun p quam dedit 1 9 cessit Diio . E. p . fit . p . H. Maniiu de Routheclvve in Coin Cumbland in exten? . xl. libr . Pre j 1 si extenta Manlii no sufficiat ad . xl. libr i tunc satisfaciat [dcoj p . de ppinq'orib} terr ad plena extenta pdcam . sine dat. I OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 43 In forcio de coreo ferro lig ad hoc signu. (p. 68.) vacat hie q, alibi. Bygod. jf . iiii. Jf Itm de cartis \ sc’ptis Angt feis Regi. 65 Jf Quietaclam Hugon le Despensl de MaSio de Curtlyngton in Coin Ox on fca . .E. p . Angt. Dat r tc anno . r . ipius Regf . xv mo apud Burdegalam. 66 Litra Hugon le Despensl dir c ta Ele Comitisse Warr j qd sit intendens Diio Regi de hiis que tagut MaSiu de Curtlyngton tanq a m dno suo . a° eodm . apud Bur deg. 67 jj' Scriptu Henr de Cramvitt fca E. p . Angt j qd si obierit sine ftede de corpe suo pereato ^ tfic post decesu suu T: Uxlis sue MaSiu de Cranefeud revW r eidm dno p . T: Redib 3 suis . Dat a°. r . p . ipi 9 xviii 0 . 68 ^ Carta Abbis T: Convent 9 de Melsa facta Dno .E. Ik . Angt j 'f fiedib 3 suis'de Villa Ae Wyk ’ sup Hutt cu omib 3 ptinenciis ad eandem ptinentib 3 j Dat T;c anno . f . ipius p . xxi 0 .^, 69 jy Quietaclamanc Dni . R\ de Scales fca Dno . E. Regi Angt super excambio de Havreford. Dat \c anno Dni mittmo . cc mo . nonagesimo. 70 J Carta Jotiis de Cardoyl\ Vinitarii in Villa Westm fca Dno . p . E. de quada placea in eadem Villa sine dat. 71 j \ Carta donacois Dni Rogli Bigod Comit Norff ’ fca Dno . E . p . Angt de MaSio de Suffeld . 1 aliis divsis MaSiis in diesis Comitatib 5 . Dat T:c. anno . r . p . decimo nono. 72 Quietancia Isabelle Dne de Croun fca Dno . E. p . Angt 1 de arrerag p ipm. P Angt [s 1 ] debitis; rone Mairio^ de Hammej Waletoiij Welt ~t Bourne j Et de . lx. m a r j quas . H. p . Angt eidm Isabelle E 2 l 44 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES contulit p mille libr Turon pvo£ apd Bur deg pci- piend 1 . Dat T;c anno Dni . m°. cc . Ixxxvii 0 . 73 Jf Reddicio tra£ G. Comitis Gloucestr in Angl fca Dno.EJ. p i.Anglj Dat ^c. anno. r. ipius p.xviii 0 . 74? jf Reddicio tra£ . G. Comit Glouc in Rowell 1 aliis ctis MaSiis fca Dno . E. p . Angl. Dat T: c. a 0 r . ipius . p . xviii°. (p. 69.) 75 jf Sc^tu reddicois factu Dno . E. p . Angl p G. Comite Glouc de terr suis in Walt J . Dat Itc. anno r . Pr . xviii 0 . 76 Jf Lit?a concessionis . G. Comit Glouc fca . E. ty.Angl de eo qd teneat r respondere de sibi impositis tam post restitucom tra£ sua£ q a m ante. Dat [ftc.J anno . r . ipius . p . xviii 0 . 77 Jf Reddicio Dni . G. Comit Glouc fca Dno . E. p . Angl sup vacacoe Epat 9 Eandaven j sibi red- dita. Dat dc j a 0 . r . p . xviii°. dupplicaf. 78 jf La Ire le Counte de Gloucestr mande a son Viesconte de Glamorgan p r le. xv me denier asser j It lever al oeps le Roy Edward. Don lan de son regne vyntisme. 79 Jf Litfa . G. Comit Glouc p quam concessit Dno . E. p . Angl . qd post decessum ipius p . por- tabit bona fidem tiliis f filiab} ipius Regf. Dat T:c. anno . r . ipius . p . xviii°. 80 jf Sc'ptum Willi de Appelderfeld j p quod con- cessit j qd si aliq a monumeta MaSiu de Bansted tan- gencia invenianf j p vacuis T; annullatis teneanf. Dat anno r . p . E. tcio. 81 Jf Renuciaco Edmi fris p . E. fca eidm . R’ . de Senescalcia Angl cu oib 3 ptin fad] eandm Senes - calcici sp c tantib 3 . Dat j anno . r . p . sccto. (P-70.) Estwod Rocheforct. Officiu Spiff nel. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 45 82 Jf Quietaclam Isabelle Comitisse Albemart fca E. Jfc . Angt de advocacoib} Ecca^ de Esyngton It Keynghd in Holdrenesse. Dat dc. anno . r . . xxi°. 83 jf Sc'ptu Rici || Munec Militis p quod remis* . E. Pr . Angt queda arr de tepib 3 . H. . ad Sc a cm suu ei debita j Dat anno scdo. 84? jf Sc’ptu Isabelle de Fortibj, Comitisse Albe- mart f Devon p quod remisb E. II . Angl viii ml . m a rs . de q°d debito . xx ml . m a r in q*b 3 idm . p- . eid tenebat r . Dat . a°. Dob m°, cc mo . lxx°. sexto. 85 jf Quietacl Edmi Comit Lancastr fca . E. p' . Angtj de Coin I Castris de Kerrr^dyn T; Cardigan in escambiu alia£ tra£. Da? . anno r dci p . vii°. 86 jj' Quietaclam Witti de Appelderfeld fca. E. II . Angt de MaSio de Bansted j cu ptin suis j tcu ad- vocacoib 3 ecca£ j sine dat. 87 jj" Carta Jokis de Burgo fca E. p . Angt de [Manlio] * Estwodi cu Hundred de Rocheford j I de diesis aliis MaSiis in diesis Comitatib 3 j sine dat. 88 jj" Sc’ptu Johis de Bohun j It JoTie Uxlis ej 9 p quod remi^unt . E. pr . Angl sjancia Capelle ipi 9 II . f Officiu Spig T nello$. bi’ia ipi 9 . p . in Cdcellar sigil- lanciu j sine da?. 89 jj" Quietaclam Dionisie dee la Curteyse fca . E. p . Angt de omib 3 exaccoib 3 q a s erga ipm . R’. Emit rone q a ^da domo£ . in Bristott . sine dat. 90 jj' Carta Manricii de Gaunt fca . H . p . Angl de Manliis de Bevlstan j Weston j 1 Albrighton. Da? anno . r . p . ipius “ ” xiiii 0 . 91 jf Quietaclamacia Pei de Monteforti fca . H. totojure quod Emit in boscis infra fo- e 3 46 antient kalendars and inventories restam Rot eland j Dat . anno Dni . m°. q'nq a gesimo . p°. 92 g Carta Joins de Burgo . fca E. 14 . Angl de MaSio de Basted cu ptin suis j sine dat. 93 g Carta P^oris T: Convent 9 de Benton . fca . E. 14 • Angl de advocacoe Ecce de Falmersham cu Ca- pelia de Pabham j sine dat. 94? g Itm lr'a P'or ej 9 ct Ht Covent 9 fca . E. |4 . Angl de mutacoe advocationu Ecca^ de Horsle in Dioc Coventr T: Falmlsh a m in Dioc Line. Dat . a 0 14. pdci . x ii°. (p.Tl.) 95 g Quietacl Johis Jit Niclii de Broholm de Magna Jememuta fca . E. 14 . Angl j de quada placea Pre in eadna villa. Dat 'fc anno.r.p ; . Edwardi . xviii 0 . 96 g Quietaclamacia Rogli \\Diddy J Agnetis Uxlis ej 9 . E. 'fy.Angl de q a tuor bovatis ||Pris./ una tofta ^t quadam piscaria in Villa de Schotewyk’ j Dat T:c anno . r . pr . xi°. . v . g Item de cartis It quietacl Itc. Inhanapio 97 g ||Quiclamacio Odon de Westm [“fca”] de de virgis Officio Fusorie Sc a cii ^fca4» E. |4 . fit . J4 . IA. anno . ad h c signu. j" . ... 1 sutinnufio r • SU1 x dj°. 98 g Quietaclamacio Marglie de Trewyk’ fca Dno. 14 . E. de jure quod fruit in Bulcstaynes j "t aliis tris ubiq^ in Pekko sine data. 99 g Quietaclamacio Galfri de \\Dne fca . FI. |4. de Manlio de Ospbig j in Com Kane sine data. XXVlll. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 47 100 JT Quietaclamacio Edithe le Escot j \ Ade lilii sui de denario diurno fca . E. Pr . fit H. anno . ? . sui xix°. 101 JT Quietaclamacio Dni Anselmi de Gyse fca Dno . E. p fit p^ . H. de . c. s. annuis j quos solebat pcipe in Manlio de Banstede j sine dat. (p.72.) 102 jf Qu'etact Pet * de Monteforti fca Dno . E. Pr . fit p ' . H. de jure quod Ruit in ||m .1. ti. annuis p boscis in Comitatu Rotheland anno . r . sui fcio. 103 jf IIQuitaclam Dni Witti de Leyburne de Forestaria de Ingelwod fca Dno . E. pr . fit Pr . H. a 0 Dni . m° cc mo . septuag 0 nono. 104< jf Quietaclam Edwardi Fromond fca Dno . E. Pr . fit . pr . U. T: Red de tVis f ten cu ptin in Beseby \\Gunresby Hawardeby T: Briggesle in Coin Line j anno . r sui . xxvii°. 105 jf Quitaclam Albti filii Albti de || Guaret de feodo . xxv. li. p H. pr . dco Albto Pad geessop fca Dno . E. Pr . a 0 r . sui sedo. 106 jf Carta BartTii de Capella de Moledino ex a Woxebrigg aliis datis Rico Jil Willi Molendinar de Woxebrigg sine dat. 107 jf Carte Magri Ade de Fyleby fca Magro Robto de Fyleby de Manlio de Denham sine dat. 108 jf Quitaclam Robti de Fyleby fca Dno . pr . Denham. E. fit . pr . H. 1 Alianore Uxli sue de Manlio de Den- ham T;c. Dat . anno . r . p . E. pdei q’ntodecimo. 109 jf Itm alia quitaclam dci Robi fca Dno . l^.E. t Regine de Manlio de Denham. Dat anno . r . p : .E. pMci . xv°. E 4 48 antient kalendars and inventories 110 ft Quitaclam Robti ad Molendinu de Denham facta Dno p . E. fit p . H. de quodam mes in Den- ham anno . r . T:c xv°. 111 (]■ Quitaclam Robti Jil Witti Molendinar de Woxebrugg fca Magro A. de Fyleby de quod mesua- gio in Denham sine dat. (P-73.) De Off’o 1 12 ft Quietaclam Johis Jil Regih milit fca Dno . Spifnel. p . E. fit . p . H. de jure quod fruit in 9cia pte feodi Spig T nett Cancelt Angt . fc. anno . r. dci p . E. xxii°. 113 Quitaclam Rici de || Suthwyk' milit fca Dno . Hatfelt. p . E. fil . p . H. de Maflio de Hatfeld in Com Essex' anno . r pdci p . E. xvii 0 . 114 ft Quitaclam Hugoh de Rlessetl fca Dno . E. Hedyngton. p . Angt de MaSio de Hedyngdoh sine data. 115 ft Remissio Johis de Cancelt fca . Dno . p . E. II Liston. fil . p . H. de Maflio de \\ Lis ton in Comitatu Devon cu Advocacoe Ecclie anno . r . dci p . E. x iii°. 116 ft Quietaclam Johis de Littegreyns fca . Dno . Mitteford. p . E. fil p . H. de quadam fra in Villa de Mitleford cu Advocacoe Ecce anno . r . dci . p . E. quarto. 117 ft Quitaclam Robti Burnel Bathoh \ Welleh Epi fca Dno p . E. fit . p . H. de homag j quod Cris- Bastingdeh. tiana de Marisco fecit eidm Epo de Bastyndeh in Com Berk', sn dat. H8 jf Quitacio Guidonis de \\Baucayo de . xxx. m a rcis annuis dudu 9 cessis Hugoni Chacepork j p H. p . Angt sn dat. 119 ft Copia litPa p.H. p Angt sr m a rca£ annua^ Hgcesso Hugoni Chacepork anno . r . dci . p . H. xxx i°. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 49 120 ft Acqui e tanc Dni A. de Valeric Comitis Pem- Penbrok. brock de feodo annuo j qd pcipe solebat ad Sc a cm tempe Dni . p . E. fit p . H. Dat . anno . xxxiiii to . (p. 74 .) 121 ft Remissio J. Comit Richemond de feodo Richemond. annuo j quod de p . pcipe solebat ad Sc a cm videlt de tempe Dni . p . E. fit p . H. Dal anno xxxiiii t0 , 122 ft Indent r a sub sigillo Dni Mathei Jit Joknis de quibjd 9vencoib3 in?Dnm.p . Angl j T; ipm apud Burdeg de quib3dca mes It ?ram cu ptin Johi Morice find T: tenend eide JoTii Morice 'l her suis de capit Dnis le. i^l jf Carta Dni Antonii Dunolm Epi indentata fca Dho . E. Regi Angl fit Reg E. T: fredit )3 suis de Castro de Somlton j cu ?ris \ ten que idem Antoni 9 fruit in Villis de Navenby j Botheby j Wadingtoii T: Basinglfm aliis Hamelettis diesis in Comitatu Lin- coln. Dat apud Somhon. x. die mens Aug 9 ti . anno r pdei p . feio. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 53 £k (p. 79.) “ R. de Ba- “ vent T P. “ deBrewosa “ T Joha “ Ux ej 9 .” 142 < c jj" Itm factu . Jo/iis de annuo censu Curie “ Romane solv in una pixide ad tale signu que non “ debet apiri sine pcepto R ’ spali.J 143 “ [jf I£m in Hanapio de virgis ad tale signu “ quinquaginta obligator Hoim Cestr It Corn ejusdem “ fee Edwardo Comiti Cestr si ali? q a m pacifice se u Ruerint erga dc’m Comitem.” 144 “ Et memorand j qd quinto die Mali anno . “ ccvii 0 . Jfc . E. feii post conquestu J . libata fuerunt “ dca obligatoria . . ||Ducy Cornub T; Comiti Cestr p “ man 9 Rici de Wolueston Clici sui j p bre de p’vato “ sigillo in? mand de ?to . Sci MicTds eode anno.” 145 jf" Sc'ptu Henr de Novo Burgo p quod geessit p se T; bedib3 suis j qd Abbas \ Convent 9 de Bynedon Ordinis Cistercien Advocatu vel Advocata p statu Abbathie sue eligie possint J . cuj 9 sc'pti virtute elegerut Dnam Alianoram Angl Regina j It omes alias Reginas Angl post decessu dc’e Regine p Advocata Abbie pdee j sine dat. 146 jj" Sc'ptu Afebis T; Convent 9 de Bynedon Ordinis Cistercien fem sr g cession e Henr de Novo Burgo j nt remissione de Advocacoe Abbie de Byne- don p quam quidem remissione elegiunt Dnam Alia- noram Angl Reginam j It onies alias Reginas Angl post decessu dee Regine p Advocata Abbie pdee sine dat. 147 ut possint construere novam Eccliam It Fresfldic edificia in area vocata Castru Baynardi juxta Lude- Lond. gate. Dat Tic. anno gre . m°. cc°. Ixxviii 0 . 5 jf Carta Hawys de la Pola de Manlio de Stret- ton in Corn Salop con cess Hamoni Fxtraneo j de reftndo Manliu pdcm . sine dat. 6 jf Carta Robti de Creuequer p quam dedit Bal- 72 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES dewy no de Frivytt totam Viliam de Worthingbury cu Advocacoe Ecclie ejusdem j End sibi hedib 3 T; assign sine dat. 7 jf Qhaclam Robti Jit JoTiis de Muro juxta Hautwysel fca Walfo Jit Rici le Sauv age de ten in Coin Kane apud NortJJiete. Dat \c. anno ? ft . .E. fit ft Id. viii. (p. 120 .) 8 jf Carta Symonis de Monte forti fca Thom de Menitt de MaSiis de Daggeworth f Thornton . hnd tc. quousejj eide Thorn assignent 1 ' de . xxx. ti Pre fc. sine dat. 9 jf Carta Henr Bacon de Norton fca Johi Ctico . de . iii. acris Pre in Norton . hnd s 1 T; hed suis Ic. sine dat. 10 jf Quietclaih Witti Jit JoTiis Ctici de Norton fca Elizabeth Dhe de Norton j de jPdcis tfbj acris Pre in Norton sine dat. 11 jf Carta JoTiis de Wyndesore Militis fca Ade de Stratton Ctico de Officio ponderie ad Severn Re- cepte. Dat a 0 , f . ft . H. xlviii 0 . 12 jf Quietaclam Ade de Strattone p quam quietu- clamavit Witto Jri suo decern marcas annuas de Officio ponderie ad Severn j Dat anno . f ,. ft . E. fit ft . II. xvi°. 13 jf Carta warantie fca p Rogm de Clyfford Johi ExJneo \ Lucie Uxli ejus de Pra in Dr ait one T; Mar- tinesg*ve . sine data. 14> jf Confirmacio S. Cantuar Archiepi sup dono di$s Pr It ten que Joties Ext & neus dedit Deo It Capelle B*e Marie de |l Rochio de Nesse 1 Capellano qui ibidem p tempe ministrabit cu aliis sive Cticis sive Laicis OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 73 Deo famulantib 3 . 1c. Dat 1c. anno . Dm m°. cc°. vicesimo sc (to. 15 jf Carta JoTiis Extend p quam dedit . “ W. de" \\Bruna div^sa ten in Eucham . sine dat. 16 jf Carta JoTiis Extend p quam dedit Alicie filie sue 1 heredib} suis feudu de Totyntone cu ptin. sine dat. 17 |f Carta Hamonis jilii \\ButeiTt p quam dedit (p. 121.) Jofri Ext a neo 1 her suis Rivam aque in? Feltu 1 Wy- vekote 1c. sine dat. 18 jf Carta JoTiis Extend p quam dedit Alicie jilie sue 1 heredib 3 suis dimidiu MaSiu de WLucham cu Curia . sine dat. 19 jf Carta Robti de Tregoz p quam dedit Alicie Jilie sue j q'cquid huit in Dreytune 1 Martinesg a ve cu oib 3 ptin suis j sine dal. 20 jf Carta JoTiis Exfnei p quam dedit Alicie * sue 1 heredib 3 suis dimidiu MaSiu de \\LuclT i m cu Advo- cacoe Ecclie ejusdem loci simul cu Curia . sine dat. 21 jf Quietaclam Radulphi de WFrausam p quam q'etuclamavit JoTii Exkneo [1 her suis] totu redditu 1 totam ?ram quam huit in Villa de \\Luch a m de dono pris ejusdem Johis. sine dat. 22 jf Carta NicTii de WillilegTi p quam dedit JoTii Ext a neo 1 hered suis totam tram suam cu ptin in Villa de \\Luch a m. sine dat. 23 |f Confirmacio Alex' i Coventr 1 EicTi Epi sup dono div^s ?r 1 ten que JoTies ExCneus dedit Deo 1 Capelle B’e Marie de Neisseclyf Dat 1c. anno Dhi m°. cc°. xxix°. VOL. I. G 74. ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 24- jf Quietaclam Jofiws Extranei fca sorori sue . [f Red] de decern solid reddit 9 in Totintone . sine dat. 25 jf Carta JoTiis Extranei p quam dedit Robto jilio suo T; Redib 3 T;c. dimidiu Maflium de \\Luch?m . sine dat. 26 jf Carta Willi jilii Thome de Dreitoh de . i. acra ?re ‘It di ||dat \\ Lucie . q fuit filia Robti de Tregoz Redib 3 . sine dat. (p. 122.) JT Septum p quod Dna Matild que fuit Ux Dni Elie de Rahayne concessit feoffare Dnm JoTiem de Vesci "t Isabellam Uxorem ejus de Manlio de Wellehorh in Com Lincoln. Ita qd si iidem Jolts T; Isabella obierlt sine Rede ||corpib 3 T:c. tuc dcm Manliu Dno Regi E.\ R* \ Redib 3 suis re9tat r . Dat T:c. anno ej 9 d P . xvi°. 28 jf Convened [fca in?] Ricm de Weylande j ex una pte j 1 Dnm . E. P'ncipe Walt j \ J. de Drolce- nesford ex alia./ de Manlio de Folkestah in Coin Kane j p [tno] . iiii. anno^ dimisso. Dat anno r . E . fit p H. xxxi. 29 j] - Carta || Henri Jil Geraldi T: Ermedrud Taleboth Uxis sue p quam dedit Wilto de Walda Ctico [t Red suis] una acr a m ?re T; di in Villa de Weng . sine dat. 30 jf Carta Dni JoTiis de Sco JoTie de Haunak* de Manlio de Middeltone in Coin Sussex ’ dat Dno Johi de Monte A Ito . a 0 , r . p . E. fit p * xviii 0 . 31 jf Carta Willi Giffard r t Gundr Uxis ejus fca Robto p'mogenito suo [T; her suis] de sua pte M’cati OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 7 5 (p. 123.) (p. 135.) [n for8io de :oreo ferro igato ad ale signum. @ c Ext a hit r ” ‘ istud for-” ‘ cef T rein” ‘in custo-” ‘dia Re-” ‘ memora- ” ‘ toris 1} ” ‘ ad Sc a cm” ‘ 9P” simplex. de “ Hornyng” don T: Balliva sua Hundr de Berde- staple in Coin Essex . sine dat. 32 g Carta . W. Comitis Albemarl fca Hugoni jilio Bhdci It heredib 5 suis de toto feodo Carrie sue Undo . sine data. 33 g Carta Hawisie Comitisse Albemarl fca Hu- goni Jilio Bhdci CaiSar suo \ heredib} suis de toto feodo exeunte de Talamo suo . sine dat. 34 g Con vencio inPDomu Hospit Sci JoTusJrlmj \ Cenobiu See Marie de \\Havlhol de Pris in \\Stalce- tima . sine dat. g Scripta T: Obligoes Reg Angl facC 1 g Scutum Rici Knut de . x ml . m a r . receptis de Thes pr . E. apd Ebofy p man 9 M’cato^ de Luca suo piclo cariandis de Ebop usq^ Novu Castru sup Tynam j T: omi piclo de eisdm respondend. Dat f anno . xviii 0 . 2 g LitPa JoTiis de Bohun Militis facta Magro Wilto de Luda Custodi Garderobe Reg. de . lxvi. ti. xiii. s iiii. d in Garder Dni . E. Angl eidm JoTii p ipm Wiltm mutuatis Dat dc j anno . r . Pr . xiii 0 . 3 g Obligacio Otonis de Grandissono de q'nq a ginta libr Dno E. pr filii . H. debit. Dat Itc a°. r viii 0 . 4 g Obligacio Jo bis Cogan Milit fca . E.1J . Angl de . xvi. ti. xiii. s. iiii. d. in Garderoba ipiu . R . eidin JoTii mutuatis. Dat T; c. anno . r. . xii°. 76 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 5 jf Obligacio Rogli Bigod Com Norff \ fca . E. Pr . Angt de . xl. li. sterl in Garderoba ipius . p . eid Comiti mutuatis Dat 1c. anno . r . Pr . E. fi . H. q'nto. 6 jf Lit?a obligatoria testificas j qd Roglus Ex^ne 9 Miles recep* de Waflo de Notynghfm Clico Dni If . x. li. s?lingo£ eidm Rogl o p pceptu Magri Wilti de Luda tuc C 9 todi Garderobe . p . mutuatis de denar ipius . . a 0 ej 9 d . xi°. simplex. 7 jf Obligacio Johanne de Clare Comitisse de “ Fyf ” fca . E. Pr Angt de m 1 . m a r p ipm . R; eidm Comitisse mutuatis Dat f tc. anno . r . pr . xx m0 . (p. 136.) 8 jf Sc'ptu Melioris de Bermyngeham fcm. E. Pr. Angt de eo qd no possit se maritare sine licencia ipiu s Pr sub pena . m 1 . li. Dat . anno . r P . xix°. 9 jf Obligacio Dni JoTiis de Sco JoTvne fca Dno simplex. p? . E. til . Pr . H. de . c. li. s?lingo£ sub dat j anno . r ipi 9 If . xxv t0 . to jf Obligacio Adomari de Valencia Comitis simplex. Pembr facta Dno . Jf . E. til Pr . E. de . fde . nfim 1 . li. solvend ad volutate Regis sub dat anno . r . Jf pdci . xiii 0 . 11 jf Obligacio Dni JoTiis de Hasty ng fca Dno . simplex. E. Pr . fit Pr . H. de . ccc. li. sterling sb dat a°. r . |f ipi 9 . xx xiii. 12 jf Septum obligatoriu Comitis Warrenne fca Dno . Pr . E. cc. li. solvend eidm Dno . Pr . lite pendente in? ipm Comite Ht TJx'em ipi 9 Comitis in Cur Xpianitatis sub dat j anno . r . ipius Pr . ix°. simplex. 13 jf Obligaco Magri Ref de Rectum fca Dno E. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 77 Regi Angt de centu marcis p quib} fine fecit cu ipo Dno Rege p ptib 3 t a nsgressi5ib3 . sine dat. 14 jf Sept Pet 1 Jit JoTiis de Notlee j testificans qcl si pa? suus quietclam Coin Albemarlie p cartam vt alio modo Battiam Camerarie de ?ris in Holdernesse j idem Petrus It Redes sui tenent r restituere Dno E. Regi Angt . xx. marcas. Dat anno r ipi 9 Regis . vui. (p. 137.) 15 jf Scriptu obligatoriu Antonii de Pessaigne de „ Gene Militis T: Witti Trente Civis London j p quod simplex, obligarut se Redes T: executores suos oia bona T; ten sua . Dno . E. fit . p . E. 1 Redib 3 suis in . xvii. milt. dc. xl. m a r sterling solvent! ad tmios infra scptu qtentos. Dat sub anno . r . ipius . Dni . p nono. IrrotlaU ad Sc a cm ?mIo Set Hillar in? recognicoes de anno T; ?mio j^dcis. 16 jf Lit?a Elie Russel Civis London testimo- nial^ j qd recepit de Johne [ de || Venduyn ] ad opus Dni . E. p Angt . fit . p . H. de mutuo . iiii c . ti. sterl. Dat apud Andewerp anno . r . p . sup a dci . xxv t0 . 17 jf Lit?a Galfridi le Taillourj Valletti Dni JoTiis de Vesci testimo 1 qd recep* de . Dno . E. p . fit p.i7. p man 9 Thes de Scc a io noie pstiti . Dat anno, r . p . ej 9 dm xxJ 0 . 18 jf Obligaco Witti de Vescy de . c. solid . Dno j p . E. fit p . H. reddend . sb dat j anno r . ip 9 R . jnto. 19 jf Obligaco Patricii de Cadurc . de . xl. ti. Dni . E. p . fit p . H. reddend . sub dat . anno p ipi 9 p . jnto. 20 jf Obligacio Hugonis de Viuon a fca Dno H. G 3 simplex. 78 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES simplex, p^.de. xxx. m a r eidem sol vend T;c. Dat a°. r ipius . р . H. vii°. simplex. 21 j]' Obligaco JoTiis Ducis Brabanc de . cl. m a r Brabanc. sterlingo^ Dno Regi . E. fil p . . H. deb j sub dat . a 0 . Dni . m°. cc mo . Ixxxi 0 . simplex. 22 j[ Obligacio Witti Vicar de Cukefeld Cicestr Dioc [de . xxx. m a r .] fca Dno . E. Regi Angl filio p . H. sub dal; a 0 Dni . m°.cc°.lxxxv t0 . ^ (P- 138 - } simplex. 23 if Lra obligator Dni Amadei Comitis Sabaudie Sabaudia. de . m 1 . m a rc sterling Dno . E. Regi Angl fit . pr . H. debR causa mutui J . sub dat anno Dni . mittmo . cc mo . lxxxvi to . simplex. 24 j[ Obligacio Robyni de \\Konerna Militis It Alemania. familiaris Pr Aleman de . xv. li. debit Dno p : . E. fit . Pr . H. sub dat . a°. Dni . mittmo . cc mo . lxxxxv t0 . simplex. 25 j[ Obligacio Willi Jil Warini fca . E. Regi Angt fil . Pr . H. de . x. m a r . et de . v. s. p duas pticulas put in lra 9 tine r . Dat . a 0 , r . pdci Pr . q'nto. 26 Obligacio Joins le Latymer . de . xl. s. recept de denar p^ E. fil p H. p manus Radi de Broghton Clici ipi 9 p. Dat a 0 , r . p . pMci . sexto. simplex. 27 Obligacio Dni JoUis Botetourt j Militis de . с. m a ? . Dno . E. Regi fil . p . H. reddend. Dat . a 0 , r ipius p . E. xi°. 28 Obligacio Labri Vulpelli de solvendo . mW. m a f . Dno . E. Regi Angt fil p IT. quas Prior T: Con- vent 9 Lewens eidem Regi debent j nisi ipi solv’int eidem Dno Regi pecunia pdcam j Dat anno r . ipius P . xx°. 29 J[ 8c‘ptu Rici de II Wycli de Derteford j p quod OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 79 tene r Isaac de Blangi Judeo London in . c. q a rtiis ffi vel in d! . m a r . p quoit quartio ej 9 dem fri reddend eide ad festu Nat Dili j a°. r . If . E. fit . If . H. xiii°. Dat . a°. If . ipius If . xii°. 30 ff Obligacio Hug Jit Silvestri de BynglJm de Coni NotingTi fca Leoni Jit Manseri Judeo Ville Not / de xx. li. Dat a°. r . |f . E. fit . If H. xviii 0 . (p. 139.) 31 ff Obligacio Matilde de Dagworth Uxis Johis de Daggeworth Milit de . xx. q a rt fri pc q a r?ii . v.s fca Isaac dco Sancl Judeo Colecestr. Dat anno . f . E. fi xviii 0 . 32 ff Obligacio Rici Barry de Torlastoh de Coni Notyngh fca Gente \jile Mass de Sudbur Judeo Ville de Not . de . Dat a 0 , r . |f . E. fit . If . H. xviii 0 . 33 ff Obligacio Johanne de Watevitt de Coin Essex ’ fca Moysi deClar de Subyr Judeo de . c.s. sibi debit. Dat a 0 , f . ^ . E. fil . Jf . H. xviii 0 . 34 jf Sc'ptu Johis de Daggewortti de Com Stiff’ p quod tenet r \_Elie~\Jilio Bhdci Judeo de Sudbury . in . viii. li. sterling solvend Tie. infra . xv* post Nat Sci Johis Bapte a°. r . If . E. xviii 0 . 35 jf Obligacio Andr de \\Chuey de Hundro de Tendringe fca Isaac dco Sand Judeo de Colecestr de . xl. q a rt fri pc q a rt . di . m a r. Dat . a 0 , r . ff . £. lit if . II. xviii 0 . 36 jj' Obligacio Anton de Pessaigne de Janua sup restitucoe 9 missionis sibi fee p Regem Angl de mutuo noie suo 9 a hendo usq^ sumam viginti mill libr sterling. Dat. a 0 . f. If E. til ff E. vi to . 37 ff Obligacio Watii Wigorh Ecclie Ministri j facta . H. ff . Angl de mille marcis novo£ J legaliu G 4 (p. 140.) In una pixide ad tale signu. 80 v^NTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES s?lingo£ eidem Ministro mutuat solvend Regi ad §tos ?mios put continet r in dca obligacoe pro quib 3 sol- vend obligavit se % eccliam sua . sb dat ej 9 d Reg anno . r . ipius . xxiii 0 . 38 jj' Quinq^ Ire Dni Rogli de Clyfford Militis i condicionales obligator j quib 3 dam M’catorib 3 in ptib 3 T^re See fee j de diesis p e cunie sumis tam de sterling q a m de Turon j in quib 3 Iris fit mencio j qd Magr T: Fres Milicie Templi ad instanciam Dni . E. fil . P ' H. in ptib 3 T J re See existentis j manucepunt ad satisfaciend M’catorib 3 pdcis in defeu ipius Rogli ad tWnos in Iris contentos. Et facit eciam in pdcis Iris mencoem j qd pdcus Dns . E. fit . p . H. manucepit ad satisfaciend eisdem i§c in defeu jPdco^ Rogli de Clyfford Magri T: Frm sub forisfeura qua^dam tra£ ipi Dno . E. fit . Pr . H. I her suis p ipm R. de Clyfford imppm concessa^ j put [|cont!e r in Iris pdcis j de diesis datis. 39 jj - Consimilis obligacio Hamonis ExPnei de . iii c . lxxv. m a r . sterling sub dat./ anno Dni . mittmo . cc mo . Ixxi 0 . 40 jf Consimilis obligacio Pagani de Cadurcis de . viii c . 1 . li. Turon sub dat a 0 . Dni' mittmo . cc mo . lxxii do . 41 If Consimilis obligacio JoTiis de Greilly de . m 1 m'.li Turon j sub dat j anno Dni sup a dco. 42 f Consimilis obligacio JoTiis de Vescy It Ottonis de Grandissono j de . ii ml . d . li. Turon j sub dat j a 0 . Dni mittmo . . cc m0 . lxxii io . 43 jf Consilis obligacio Dni Edmi fris dci Dni OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER- 81 de . m 1 . m a r argenti sub dat anno . ? . Pr H. fil Pr . J. lv?°. Britania. 44 g Consilis oblig Dni JoTiis de Bretaigne Co- mitis Richem de m 1 . d. Talento^ Saras j sub dat . a 0 . Dni . m°. cc. Lrxi 0 . (p. 141.) 4 5 f Itm una Ira obligator Dni Rogli de Clifford fca Dno . E. fil Pr . H. de . iiii c . m a r . sterl . qi a de matia s a dca sb dat . a 0 . Dni mitto . cc 1110 . lxxti°. 46 j[ Obligacio Johis de la Mare de . x. m a ? . re- ceptis de denar Dni Pr . E. fil . p . H. p manus Radi de Broghtoh Clici ej 9 dem Dni Pr noie mutui^ sub dat . anno regni pdci Pr . jnto. 47 (T Consimilis obligacio Hear de Ortye . de . c. s. receptis eodem modo j p man 9 p>dci Radi j sub dat a 0 pdci . Pr . v&°. 48 g Consilis obligacio Radi de Aubeney j de . vii. li. rec eode modo p man 9 p>dci Radi j sub dat a 0 . ? . Pr . {^dci . t ,to . 49 g Consilis obligac Elie de [\Hauuile j de . ix. li. rec eode modo j p man 9 pdci Radi j sub dat . a 0 , r . R . pdci . v to . 50 g Consilis oblig Thom de Multoh . de viii. m a r . rec eode modo j p man 9 j?dci Radi j sub dat pPdco. 51 g Consilis oblig Petri Jit JVarini de . v. m a r . rec eodem modo p m 9 pdci Radi . sub dat . a 0 , r . p. pdci . 0**°. 52 g Cons obligac Re si Vaghan Dni de Dynevour de . xx. m a rc j receptis eodem modo j p man 9 Pagani de Cadurcis j sub dat anno regni Pr p>dci jnto. 82 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 150.) In for8io de coreo ferro ligato ad hoc signu. VIII. JT Statuta Reg cu quib3d Iris de Magno Sigillo Reg Statuta tangenL 1 If Statuta Dni Reg E. fit Reg in Latino T: in Romano . cu explanacoibj q°^dam articlo^ sb Magno Sigillo suo fca apud Gloucester- mens Aug 5 6 * * 9 ti . anno regni ejusdem p . E. sexto . 2 jf Statuta M’cato^ sb Magno Sigillo Dni p.i£. fit p H. fca ap Westm . anno r . sui . xiii°. 3 jf Statuta Dni p . E. fit . p . H. sub Magno Sigillo suo in Latinis v^bis fca in Rliamento apud Westm j anno regni sui fciodecimo. 4 jf Lra pat Dni p . . E. fit p ' . H. sb Magno Sigillo suo ante passagiu suu in Flandr j Justiciar suis de Banco directa j p qua concessit It mandavit eisdem Justic. qd Magna Carta de Libtatib^ obsvet r in omib3 puctis suis . et simitr Carta de Foresta scdm articlos in dca lra qtenL Dat anno r sui . xxvii. 5 jf Quedam demonstraco T; requisico sb Magno Sigillo ^suo^ Dni P ' . E. fit P . H. p ipm fee ante passagiu suu in Flandr pb3 hoib3 f Coitati Regni sui . sine dat. 6 jf Quedam lra de assensu quern Dns . H. Rex AngL Comites Marescattj Hereford j Cornub j Surr j ^ ceti Magnates Regni feSunt Sentencie late cont a venientes vel delinquentes in articulis Magne Carte j Carte de Foresta \ de Libtatibj, Angt. Dat f c. anno . r . p . H. x xxvii 0 . OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 8 3 7 jf Lra Dni E. fit . H. patens j continens quoddam Statutu j quod s c incipit. Quia emptores . sine dat. 8 jf Una cedula in qua continet r copia cuj 9 dam ordinacois. Ne ptiturn de quo Warrento alibi teneat T q a m in itinle Justiciar io$. (p. 151.) 7 In forSio de 9 Processus in? Epm "t Conventu Sci Swithuni. hsaTacThoc Wynton de elcone Prioris loci ejusdem L aliis con- sign. tingentib} dcm P^oratum. Dat . anno T:c. m°. cc°. Ixxviii . 10 (f Processus Dni . J. Cantuar Archiepi in con- gregacoe sua Rading sr capto de baptio de qstitut Ottobon . sine dat. 11 Jf Instrm pub lieu continens tenore bulle Bo ni- facii . P’p e . viii. de corroboracoe pVilegio^ Afebtie Sci Augustini Cantuar j sine dat. 12 jf Lra . . Epi T; Capituli Hereforden directa Regi p nego canonizacois B’i Thorn de Cantilupo q°ndam Hereford: Epo q t a nsmissa fuit Regi in Plia- meto suo ap Westrh mense Octobr . anno r sui xxxiii. L anno Gre . m°. ccc°. v to . (p. 152.) In hanapio de v'gis ad hoc signu. 13 jf Transcripta bulla^ NicTd P’p e sub sigillo Dunolm Epi T: alio£ Epo£ de declaracoibj dubitaconu enigenciu in nego decie Dno Regi E. fit . H. concesse p Ordinacoem Concilii Lugdoh de Angl j Hibh \ Scocia. Dat ~tc anno r tc. m°. cc°. Ixxxxi 0 . 84 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 153.) In pvo ha- napio de virgis ad hoc signu. IX. l f “ Div^se acq’etac di$sa£ psona£ Cardinaliu “ aliop Curie Romane de pensi 5 ib 3 p Rege Angt eis “ concessis.” 2 jf Km . vii. quitancie Cardinaliu T; aliofy j de Curia Romana de pensiond^ p [. E .] Regem Angt eisdem concessis j de diesis tempib}. In ligula in? alias bull sig a ta p lram de 3 jf Bulla Johis P’p e xxii. dir c ta Magro Rigaudo de Asser Cappellano j "l ipius P’p e Nuncio j p annuo censu a Dno Rege Angt exigendo j dat pontificat 9 sui anno scd’o p qua bull recep 4 j a dco Dno Rege . V 3 a Dno Rege [. E fit Reg E. <=r m 1 . m 1 . m a r . et fecit acq'etanc. 4 Jf Bulla acquietancie ejusdem P a pe de . m 1 . m a r eidem j p annuo censu solutis p . A. Hereford: Epm anno pontific dci Dni P a pe j q a rto. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 85 X. (p. 154.) In una pixid adtalesignu. Acq^tanc div'so^ p Rege. 1 jf Lra Dni de Falkenburgh . de . c. ti. quas recepit London . xxvii 0 die Augusti j anno Dni mittmo . ccc m, \ scdo. Falken- burgh. Almania. Sabaud. 2 jf Acq^tanc . de . cccc m a rcis annui feodi Co- miti Sabaud p Rege Angt debiti p duob 3 annis, videlt de annis Dni m°. cc°. Ixxvii 0 . \ Ixx’viii 0 . Dal . a 0 Dni . m°. cc mo . Ixxxi 0 . s jf Acquietanc Amadei Comitis Sabaud fca . E. Regi fit . p^ . H. de . m 1 . It c. m a rcis in plena solucoem oTum debitor Dni Reg usq, ad xx. diem Augusti j anno . r . Dni pr pdci • 0C0C3C° % dal . die T; a 0 pdcis. * jf Sc’ptu Gerardi de Rodes p quod ptestat r l-ecepisse a Dno . E. filio Pr . H. septingentas T; . xlix. m a rc % v. solid . quos idem Gerardus mutuo recepat a diesis iScatoribj ad opus ipius Pr dat . anno regni sui quarto. 5 jf Acq’etanc Dni Arnaldi Guilli de Marsan. de cc. li. sterlingoa p vadiis suis tempe guerre . dat . a°. r . E. fit Pr . E. p'mo. Sabaud. 6 jf Acquietanc Phi Comitis Sabaud de feodo suo T: pdec suo£ usq^ ad annu Dni Ixxv. dat . anno pdco. 7 jf Acq'etanc Comitis Sabaud de feodo suo a Dno . E. fit . . H. pcepto de annis . x° It xi°. regni p- pdci. Dal . a°. xi° pdco, 8 jf Acq i etanc fris Robti dci \\Matidus fca Dno . p E. fit Pr . H. de c. ti. sterling . p remissione. xx. librata^ ?re . dat . a 0 , r . sui fcio. 9 jf Acq'etanc Henr Comitis Barr de x ml . m a rc Barr. 86 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES SabauCt. (p. 155.) jf Inhanapio de virgis ad tale signu. receptis a Dno . E. fit p . H. ex quibjda cont a ctib 3 sibi debitis dat . a 0 . Dm . m°. cc mo . lxxxxv t0 . 10 jf Lra acq'etanc Comitis Sabaudie de cccc. m a rc . receptis a Dno . E. Rege Angl p arrerag feodi pri suo ad Sc a cm ipius Dni Regis in Angl debiti sub dat a°. Dni mittmo . cc mo . lxxxvi to . 11 jf Lra acq'etanc Comitis Albemarl fca Regi Angl de xii ral . li [Paris] in ppacat xiiii ml . li . [Paris] sibi deb [p fra Pontivi] r tc. Dat dc. anno gre miltmo . cc mo . Ixxxxiii 0 . 12 jf Lra Regis Franc testificans se vidisse Iras JoTiis Comitis Albemarl de quietanc . xiiij. m1 ’ li Paris, p tra Pontivi . \c. Dat ''tc. a 0 , gre . m°.cc m0 . Ixxxxiii 0 . 13 jf Lra attornati Dni Comitis Bar eh testificans se recepisse ad Sc a cm note dci Comitis . decern milia marca£ in plenam soiucoem illius sume in qua idem Dns Rex eidem Comiti tenebat r p 9vicio suo p pdcm Comitem eide Dno Regi cont a Regem Franc R sibi adbentes pstando. Dat . T;c. a 0 . Dni miltmo . cc m0 . ixxxxvii 0 . 14 jf Acq'etanc “ Amadei ” Comitis “ Albemarl” fca P Angl . de . m 1 . ccc.lxx.Ii iiii s . xi. d. rec p expen suis morando cu Rege p pace in? Reges Angl It Franc reformanda Dat a 0 , r . p . E. fit . p . H. p'mo. 15 jf Itm due Ire obligator sub sigillo p . E. fit . p H. de decern milib 3 marca£ pdco Comiti deb in Tbria cu pdca acq'etanc resident. 16 jf Lit?e de mutuo. Ixx. miff libr Turon nigrox p Lodomcu p FHic Edwardo p'mogenito fit . p .Henr in voiagio suo $sus T’ra Scam fco j et Ire Phi Regis Franc successors dci Regis Lodowici acq'etanc re- cepcoem pffate sume testificant. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 87 (p. 156.) En forSio de- licto piano idtalesignu. (p. 157.) In una pixide ad tale signu. nnnr H ,iL_k , En hanapio le v'gis ad ale signum, 17 j f Lit?a acq'etance Comitisse Albe Marlie p qua fatet r de se recepisse a Dno . E. ^ . Angt sex mille marcas sterlingo^ p quibjd tris eidm Dno . p . venditis . anno . r . ipi 9 Dni . p . xxiii 0 . 18 jf Litta . . Priori Convent 9 Ecctie XpiCantuar acq’etanc de . xl. li recept ad Sc a cm j p arrer exituu de Villa j 1 Portu de Sandewico pvenienciu usq^ ad fm Nativitatis Sci JoTiis Bapt j a 0 , r . p . fp „ E. filii . P .H. xx° quos . p reddiderut imppm. Dat j a°., Dni . m°. cc mo . Ixxxx 0 . scdo. 19 Acquietanc \\Psone Lumbardi fca Dno . E. p . fit p . E. de . viii c . m a r . string./ de quib 3 pdonavit eidm Dno P . iii c . m a r . et de residuis . d. m a r . psol- vebat r . ad Sc a cm . xv. die Julii . anno ? . p . E. fit . p . E. fcio. 20 Acquietancie di9so£ j de denar receptis ad Sc a cm . p Angl in Angt de diesis . annis . p . H. fit . p . J. T: p . E. fit . p . H. de diesis datis. 21 Lre Coitatis Burgi T: quondam Burgensiu Ville Novi Castri sir Tynam de quitanc fca Dno E. Regi Angt fit Dni p . H. de m 1 . dc. iiii xx . v. m a r in quib> idem Dns Rex j Burgensib 3 dee Ville tenebat r j ex causa mutui p ex§citu suo Watt ut patet p Irani dci Regis patente dampnatam j quam restituerunt. Dat . anno r ipi 9 Regis . xxii. 22 jj' Diverse Ire acquietanc cu diesis Iris peura- tor fee Regib 5 Angt j vidett . H. Regi . E. fit p . H. "I E. fit p . E. de denar ipo£ Regu tarn in partib 3 t a nsmar q a m cismarinis j de diesis tempib 3 It diesis dat. 88 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 160.) In forSio de coreo ferro ligato ad tale signu. (p. 159.) In quada pixide ad tale signu. 4 - XI. jf Cdmunia memoranda de ptibj Anglie. l Lit?e pc r atorie \ de submissione Marinario^ de Quinq^ Portubj, °t de JernemutTi de discordiis T: damp- nis in? eos factis apud la Swyne in Flandr j T: quedam inquisicoes j sup eisdm discordiis T: dampnis in diesis Comitatib3 captis una cu aliis memoradis div’sis dcam ma?iam tangent^ annis diesis Dm . J . E. filii . P :.H. 2 Henricus Dei gra Rex Angl Dns Hibh Dux Norm Aquil T; Comes WAndes . Archieps . Epis . Abbtib3 . Priori . Comitib3 . Baronib3 . Justiciariis . Vicecomitib3 . Prepositis . Ministris T; omib3 Baftis T: fidelib3 suis saTm. Sciatis nos de Comuni consilio nro providisse f l ordinasse qd Ville de Stanford T; de Graham cum feodis militu It aliis ptinenc suis T: cum omib3 que eisdemVillis accidere poterunt inppetuum. remaneant Corone nre . Et volumus T: firmi? precipi- mus pro nobis tiedib3 nris qd pdce Ville cu feodis r t ptinenc suis "l cu omib3 que eis accidere po?unt ut pdcm est a pdca Corona nra nullo tempe sepa- rent r . Salvis tamen dilce Regine nre Alienore pdcis Villis cum omib3 appendiciis suis quas ei concessimus ad dotem suampost decessu nrm quofadvixlit possi- dendis. Et ad majorem huj 9 rei evidenciam 'f firmi- tatem . presentem cartam sigilli nri fecim 9 impressione roborari. Hiis testib3 Johe de Plessel . Comite Warr. Petro de Sabaud.Rado filio Nichi . Johe de Grey. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 89 Robto de Waler and . Magro Wittmo de Killeen . Ar- chido Covintr .Retro Chaceporc . A rchido || Walensi. Pho Luvelt . Henr de Wengham . Wiltu de Grey . NicTio de Sco Mauro . || Imbto Pugeis .Roglo de Lolcin- toh "I aliis. Data p manu nram apud Portesmuth vicesimo quarto die Jut . anno . Regni nri . tricesimo septimo. (p. 160.) In hanapio le virgis ad tale signu. 3 ff Pars indent r e p quam JoTies de Caurs j Abbas de Bur go Set Pet 1 recep' officiu Thesaurar . anno . r • \)e . II. filii p . JoTxis . xlv t0 . ad fin Aplo £ Simonis lb Jude j in qua facit mencoem de iff j quos in Thesau- raria ipi 9 Dm invenit j ut de denar j °t aliis diesis. jf Lit?a testificatoria re£ dimissa^ in Thes* tempe quo Magr JoTies de \\Chishulle dimis* Offm Thesj anno . r . ^ . H. fit . . J. liiii t0 . . o ^ 5 Litta testifical rea dimissa^ in Thes* tempe quo Magr JoTies de \ChushuTt dim is 1 Offm Thes j anno . r J. lv t0 . 6 Lit?a testificator re£ dimissa^ in Thes * tempe quo Magr . J. de ]| Chuskutt dimis 1 Offm, Thes j a 0 , r . j* . H. fit . J. lv t0 . (p. 161 .) 7 Lit?a testificator de reb3 inventis in Thes*. pr. in adventu Fris Joseph Thes j anno . r . p . E. fit . p- . II. p'mo. 8 j[ Inventariu fem in crastino Sci Bothi j anno . r . p . E. filii . p . H. octavo de dimisis j t inventis in Thes a Dhi . p . pdei j Fre Rico de Ware Abbate Westm tuc Thes sub sigiff . R. Bathoh It Welleh Epi Cancellar Angt pdei Thes T; alio£ div^so^. VOL. i. H 90 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 9 Jf Inventar de Thes Ip fact in? Abbem Westm j T: Johem de Kyrkeby Thes de Scc a io . a°. r . p . E. fit p . H. xii°. 10 jf Inventar de Thes Ip de Officio Thes lihato Magro Wittmo de Marchia . anno jr.Yk.T. fit | k. H. xviii 0 . 11 jf “Diverse” indent r e di$sa£ ma?ia£ facte in? Thes T: Camtar de SccHo j T alias div^sas psonas de Thesauro Regis [tam] ^ de4» recepto j q a m de Thes a ipius . p . lifeato j Tt ecia de bult j jocalib} j Iris j T: aliis diesis receptis "I lihatis annis diesis j p . E. fit . Reg . H. T: una indenfa dapnata. 12 jf Lit?a . G. Comitis Ptici de libtate concessa Odoni Civi Mauritanie ad instancia . Ip . Angl j sub dat j anno Dni . m°. c°. nonag 0 . ix°. 13 jf Carta Comitis de Gish de §vicio p ipm . J. P Angl faciendo pro ?ra sua in Angl put pdecessores sui fecWt sine dat. 14- jf Lit?a Hugoh de Malo Alneto j p quam cog- noscit j qd est bo ligi 9 . J. P Angl p ?ra qua ten 3 de ipo . p . in Angl sine dat. 15 jf Sc'ptu G. de MandeviU Comitis Essex ’ de bndo in Uxem Is cognatam . p . sine dat. (p. 162.) 16 jf Una cedula in qua 9 tinent r quedam rones p. W. Coventr 't Lichefeldeh Epm j It alios Magnates Angl j ac alios dipsos tangentes Insulam de Wyglit j MaSiu j Ecce Xpi de Twynham in Coin Suht j Ht MaSiu de Faukeshalle jux a Lambeheth in Coin Surr de locucoe ‘‘l qcessione in? Dnm E. p . Angt j T: Isabella de Fortibj, Comitissam Albemarlie fcis sine data. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 91 17 jf Una cedula de ordinacoe monete faciende in pbicipio Regni Dm Edwardi filii Regis Henr j anno . r sui . mi 0 . videlt apud London Cantuar Bris- toW\ Ebo$. 18 Jf Instrm publicu sub signo Ricardi nati Phi Lovecok ’ de Twyvertoh Exon Dioc de ptestacoe Dni . E. fit . p . E. q a ndo admisit Magrm Rigaudu de As- serio ad Epatu Wynton sb dat anno Dni . m°. ccc mo > vicesimo . ft de renuciacoe Magri Rigaudi fca de tepalitate dci Epat 9 ]. Et irrotlat 1 ad Scc a m in? recorda de T'mio Pasch j anno Dni . p . pdci . x Hi 0 . 19 jf Div^s cedul T: memo d ’ de diesis Consiliis j Ordinacbib} T: Avisiamentis di$so£ sup pollardis j crocardis j It aids mails monetis tempe Dni . U. p . filii . p . H. a ptib 3 ex?is in Angl portatis f defen- dendis annullandis . sine dal. In forSio de coreo ferro ligato ad tale signu. 20 jf Lit?a Johis de London \ Ade \_de~\ Wynton Clico^ Dni . E. Reg Angl fit . R\ H. de compoto Arnaldi Johis Civis Baionie de Insut de Gers j Jers t. aliis Insul ad dcas Insulas p costeram Normann ptinent audito j a festo Sci Johis Bapl j anno Dni . m°. cc mo . lxxi°. usq ^fm Pasch anno Dni . m°.cc mo .lxxv to . p tres annos % di. Dat anno . r . dci . p . cjnto. (p. 163.) 21 jf Lit?a sub sigillo . J. de Drokenesford testi- monial j qd idem Johes Custos Garde r Dni . J& . libavit Elie Russel j lram Dni . E. p Angl de . ii. mitt T: d. marc acq'etancie p . xv a . Civiu London j sub dat anno . ? . dci . p . xx ix°. 22 jf Lit?a patens Dni . II. Comitis Hereford de 9 cessione fca Dno . p . E. fit . P . H. de feodo suo in 9 °2 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES guerra Scoc rone officii sui Constabularie j anno . ? . dci Dni . . xxix 0 . 23 ft Pars indent r e fee in? JoTiern de Drokenesford Custode Garderobe Regis 'l Barones de Sc a cio de Jocalib 3 Reg eidm JoTii libatis. Dat anno . r . Regis . E. fit £ . H. xxv to . 24 j J Instra rotti "t me d ’ de g a vaminib 3 Ecclie An- glicane illatis T; p Clem Dno Regi suggestis j T; de pvocacoe Reg 9 t a Cleru de non pjudicando Corone in Congregacoe dci Cleri. Et de diesis Ordinacoib 3 ,/ It feis For u eccliasticu \ singlares psonas dci Cleri tangentib 3 . 25 j ] Indent r e j rotli j cedule j T; me ds ; de Ordi- nacoe fca sr gubnacoe Dni . E. fit . Pr . E. \ Regni Angt post passagiu p? pdei in Flandr tepe guerre Vasconj It de aliis ordinacoib 3 dem passagiu tan- gentib3- 26 ft Itm lit?e clause de statu dci Regni p Epm Cestr j T; alios de Consilio suo in Flandr t a nsmisse una cu rotlis j cedul j T; me* de ordinacoib 3 feis j sr re- tencoe hoim ad anna j \ alio£ cu dco Rege in pdeo passag pfectur. (p. 164.) 27 jf Transc i ptu obligacois JoTiis de Ferrariis fca Edmo fri . Pr . Angl de Comitatu de Ferrariis. Itm libellus dci JoTiis porr c t 9 cof Archiepo Cantuar virtute Bulle . B. P’p e s* dir c te. Et regia phibicio j ad impe- diend pcessu inde inchoatu. Et instrm pp ca sr renu- ciacoe dci Johis fca Bulle pdee j 'f 9 tinuacoi pcessus s a dci. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 93 In forSio lign ferro ligato ad tale signu. 28 jf LitPe de confederoib 3 p Dnm . E. p^ Angt fit . P ' .H. cont a Pfrm Franco £ Regem tempe guerre Vascon initis cu Rege Romano £ j Duce Brabanc Comitibj Barr j Holand It Seland j T: cePis q a mptib 3 Prelatisj T; Nobiltt )3 de ptib 3 Alem j \Burgundj \ cePis ptib 3 exPis. Itm indenture j rotuli j T; memo da . matiam pdcam tangentes. In hanagio de virgis ad tale signu. 29 jf . xv. Ire di$so£ Regu Franc de conductu p Regib 3 Angl in diesis tempib 3 concesso una cu quada Ira Phi Franc de conductu qcesso p Alia- nora pTnogenita Filia Dm Reg Angt de diesis dat. 30 jf Itm tres Ire quo^d Epofy Angl de insp c coe q a £dam lra£ PM p Franc de gductu Regi Angl gcesso de una maPia de $bo ad v’bu put apparet p easdem. Dat . a°. Dni . miltmo . cc m0 . Ixxix °. (p. 165.) In hanagio de v'gis ad tale signu. 31 jf Diverse litPe P’clum Regni Angt de tfedeli? tenendo cu Dno . J. p: . Angt j cum t a nsc ! ptis Butt de pace f unitate §vanda^ T; de recedendo a composicone facta in? eosdm. 32 jf Indent r e fee inP Carol ar de SccHo j Tt quos- dam alios de denar j T; rotulis receptis T: libatis p eosdm. 33 jf Indent r e facte in? divlsas psonas de denar in Garden libatis in deposito custodiendis tempe . p*. E. filii . p .H. 34? jf Pars indenfe cum quadam cedula inq^icois sigitt diPso£ sigillata de assignacoe Ville de Derteford h 3 94. ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES in Com Kane fca Witto de Grandissono j It Sibille Uxi sue p Dnm . E. Jfc . fit . . H. anno . r . sui q'ntodecimo in ptem escambii de Idenn T: Ihamm. 35 jf Lra Stephi Archiepi Cantuar faciens men- coem de quada carta . J. . Angl sr donacoe advo- cacois Ecclie Roffeh eid Archiepo fca sub gdicoe tenenda. Dat Wynton . p° anno relaxacois genlat in?dci in Angt . xxviii 0 . die mens Januar. 36 j]' Carta Epo£ Batlion It Wygorh gdicional p quib 3 d cards . J. . Angt reddend sedm geessionem [.£.] Cantuar Archiepi sine dat. In una puchea de canabo ad tale signu. 37 jf Rotli de t a nsc i ptis carta£ patenciii T; clausa^ de Magno Sigillo Dni . [PQ . E. fit . Pr . E. de diesis donis T; geessionib} 'f pdonacoib 3 p ipm Dnm . p? . diesis geessis . annis regni sui . p°. sccto . iii°. iiii t0 . w t0 . vi t0 . vii°. f viii°. cr Itm un 9 rotlus de assignacoe custuma^ lana^ j cor j T; pelliu lannut [tam in Angt. q a m in Vascon~\ j annis dci Dni . Pr . Hi 0 . iiii°. v t0 . vi t0 . vii°. T; ra°. (P-166.) .. .o In hanape- 38 jf Lre divso£ de Regno Anglj qd penes Regem rio de virgis J 0 % em ^ Regem Henr fidelitatem svabunt j nec ad. tale ° uncq a m juramentu cont a riu fecerunt vel facient in futuru. 39 ff Itm Ire di$so£ de manucapcoib 3 p diesis psonis Regni Angt de fidelitate §vanda.«7. Regi Angt. 40 (y Itm lra Majoris T; alio£ Civitatis Exon de obsidib 3 datis Dno . J. Regi Angt JX c. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 95 In puchea de canabo ad tale signu. fp. 167.) In una pixide ad tale signu. 41 Jf Unus rotulus de diesis articulis ad inqTend sr ministris cu copia cuj 9 dam bris sr declaracoe j?dco£ articulo^. 42 jf Una cedula mencoem [faciens] de appelloe fca p Impatore Frederico ad Conciliu Lugdun et de q i b 3 dam Iris diesis Cardinald^ missis T: etiam de div’sis articulis It g a vamib 3 Ecctia \_Anglicand ] tan- gentib3. 43 Unus rotulus mencoem faciens de quodam decreto Clem P’p e . dudu Regi Angl t a nsmiss. 44 Unu instrfn tangens pcessu Ritum in? Anion Dunolm Epm % Porem T: Conventu Ecclie Dunolm. 45 Transept div^so^ instrumental de confessione Templariofy fca in partiby Cnsmarinis in diesis locis. 46 jf Era testimonialis Regis Joliis T; quondam Magnatu Regni Angtj qua de causa \ p quo forisf co j Wilts de Breosa recessit a pdc’o Regno Angl T: etiam qd idem Witts tunc fuit utlagatus sedm lege T; con- suetudine pdei Regni Angl sine dat. 47 j J Compmissu fem in Lodewycu Regem Franc p Regem It Barones Angl sup Statutis Oxon j sub dat . a°. Dni miltmo . cc mo . Ixiii 0 . 48 j] ' Lra in qua Comes Sabaudie vult T; concedit j qd . E. Rex Angl j r t. A. mat sua psonam heredis ipius Comitis exp’mant T; declarent j quern p ipos heredem suu noiatu ||decernit fore Comitem Sabauct j post decessu suuv sub dat . a°. Dni miltmo ,cc mo . lxxxiiii to . h 4 96 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES In una pixide ad tale signu. 49 j[ Due comissiones Dni . R\ Cantuar Archiepi fee Dnis . . Cicestr T: Sa £ Epis ad coronand Dnm j E. filiu Pr . E. ipo Dno Archiepo in partil^ t a nsmar existente j sub dat j a 0 Dni mittmo . ccc mo . octavo. (p. 168 .) In hanapio de virgis ad tale signu. 50 Quedam inq'sicio cu quodam rotulo de deli- bacoe p'sonu in car$e detento^ p combustione I*orat 9 Normjc fca a°. r . . H. lvi to . 51 f Itm inq^sicoes capte coram . J. de Beeld f . R. de SamZcotes assign ad inq'rend de dampnis^ dep*- dacoib 3 f aliis injuriis j p M’catores Selandj quib 3 dam M’catorib 3 Angt feis in partib 3 Lincoln. A 0 , r . ^ . E. fit . H. ix°. f x ii°. In una pixide ad tale signu. 52 )p Pixis in qua est alia pixis que n5 debet apiri nisi in psencia Regis vel Thes . et antea signata fuit sigillo Reg j % apta apud Noting h a m de pcepto ipi 9 Regis mens Novembr. Anno r ipi 9 Reg xvii°. Et est sb sigillo Epi Exon Thes. In casseo nigro fco ad modu uni 9 cupe ferro ligato ad tale signu. 53 jf Carte Dni Regis . E. fil Dni Regis . H. fee Dne Alianore Consorti ej 9 dem Dni Reg E de diesis Pris in diesis ptib 3 Angt cu q^dam aliis me dis eande maPiam tangentd^. Et una Ira Dne Margarete Regine Angt testificans quodda escambiu in ipam j It Dnm . E. P'ncipem Wallie de div’sis terris in diPsis ptib 3 Angt factum . de div’sis dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 97 (p. 169.) In hanapio de virgis ad tale signum. In forSio nigro ferro ligato ad tale signum. In magno coffro ferro ligato ad tale signu. (p. 170.) In hanapio de virgis ad tale signum. 54 jf DiPse inquisicoes capte de f nsgressionib 3 foreste de tpe Dni Reg E. fit P . H. de divlsis annis cu aliis inq'sico^ captis coram diesis de navib^ ex tenets in divlsis locis in Angt tempe dci p E. appli- catis una cu quib 3 dam inq'sicoibj in q’nq^ Coin b3 Angt capt sup libtatib 3 Abbie Glaston j ac etiam cu qua- dam [inq'sicoe] fca j qd Villa de Sutton in Corn Devon ad dignitatem Corone p possit remanere. 55 jf Inq'sicoes capte coram diesis Escaetorib 3 j Vice b3 1 aliis Ministris Dni p tam cit a Trentam q a m ult a de diPsis Pris It ten j Advocacoib 3 Ecclia^ It huj 9 modi in divl sis ptib} Angt j de divlsis annis Regni Dni p . E. fit p . H. tam p Magnu Sigillu dci p . E. q a m pVatu. 56 jf Inquisicoes capte de tempe Dni . p . Henr filii p . Jotiis de g a vamib 3 T: oppWond^ p totu Regnu Angt fcis ante annu Regni dci Regis Hen . xE m0 . 57 Lre j instra j rotuli It me da de appelloib 3 ad Sedem Apticam in?j c tis p . E. p . Angt fit p . H. cont a Magrm . R. de Wynchelse Arctim Cantuar 1 Cleru Rvincie sue de non pjudicando dco Regi nec Corone sue Cticis suis nec Justic suis vet cePis Ministris 98 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES puchea de 58 j[ Rotuli cedule T: me da di?sa de Itinhbj canobo ad Foreste coram Justiciariis diesis j tam cit* Trentam tale signum. _ . .n . (fm alt a de tepe Jk E. fil Ik 11. annis r sui dm sis. In uno mag- no coffrofer- ro ligato ad tale signum. 59 j[ LibrL rotuli./ cedule T; pticule comp Garder tam de expn Hospicii Dni . E. fil Ik . H. q a m de expn Libofy suofy in divlsis annis \ tempibi ejusdem . Regis . E. de diesis dat. (p. 171.) InunoforSio de coreo fer- ro ligato ad tale signum. 60 Div’se carte Dni pr Henr j p quas dedit It concessit . Dno . E. Fit suo p'mogenito castra tVas ten warda L escaetas tam in Angl j Walt "t Hibn j q a m in Vascoh et in Insulis de Gerneseye T; Gereseye usq^ ad complecoem . xv. miliu marcata^ tYe de div'sis dat. In hanapio 61 jj' Lre T; instra de solucoib 3 . c. mill marca^ de vii'gis_ad p)no Regi . E. fil . R . H. fcis in subsidiu T’re See j tale signu. ^ r p M’catores de Soc Ricof. de Luca j ad mandatu Dni ✓K NicTii . P’p e . iiii ti . eisdem M’catorib 5 dir c tu j videlt de \*g7 . x a . Cleri Angt p ministros dci Dili P’p e in Angl 4 collca j sub dat . a 0 , pdei p . E. xix°. 62 j[ Lre instra T: alia me da div’sa de tractatu frito in? Dnos Reges Angt T; Arragoh °t alios div'sos Mag- nates sr deliberacoe [Dni] . . Principis Salernitani in car§e dci Regis Arragon detenti. De div’sis dat. In uno mag- no coffi’ofer- ro ligato ad tale signum. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 99 (p. 172.) In una pixide ad tale signu. w 63 jj" La Ire William Seign r de || Turnou sur le Rone endente tesmoniale del acord fait entre le Roi. E. filz du Roi H. f le dit Witt du trespas fait p lui au dit Roi Edward en son pelrinage v’s la T’re Seintej en quele Ire est contenuz j q le dit William fist homage au dit Roi . E. p r lui L p r ses heirs a tenir du dit Roi L de ses heirs de la seign r ye du Chastel dAizeraunt en lEvesche de Vienne jesqe a.l.R. de Pre p an de Vienneys j Et p quele Ire lavantdit Witt ad enfraunchi q'tement p r lui L p r ses heirs a touz jours de tutes maSes de paiages touz les Pelrins Engleis venauntz p mi sa Seign r ye j ou q ce soit sur peine de . c. li. de Vienneys ensemblementz od les damages encorruz j si trovez soit q nul de Pileryns soit destourbe ou empesche p lui ou p nul de seons en alaunt ou en retournaunt. Don au Chastel Seint George en Vienneys j lan de g a ce . m l . cc. Ixxiii. 64 jf Lra Dni Ottonis de Grandisono testificans qd Lahr Vulpelli Socii sui iScatores de Societate Ricardo £ de Luca t a diderut p annuo fsensu . m 1 . marca^ in quo Dns ^ Angtj Ecctie Romane tenets p vi. annis j sex . m 1 . marc . string . sb daf . anno Dni . m. cc . Ixxxix °. 65 j \ Itm una lra acquiet dci Dni Ottonis pldcis M’cator fca de diesis sumis pecunie ab eisdem M’cator recept p negoc dci ^ in Cur Romana expe- died sb dat pdco. 100 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 173.) In una 66 Rotuli "t cedule de Fnsc’ptis Magne Carte de canabo ad Libtatib3 Angl j confirmacoe ejusdem Carte j peti- tale signum. coib3 de g^vdib} Cleri T: hi 9 . T a nsc'pt qua^dam lra£ p Franc de conductu p Rege Angl cu tenore cuj 9 - dam Ire fee p Rege Angl ante passag suu in Flandr nna cu q i b3dam me dis de Fliamento apud Line j ac etiam de quada supplicat cuj 9 dam Clici Dhi P’p e Brio R’ fca simitr cu q^dam intimacoib} j p feis de expedicoe negocio^ suo£ in Cur Ro & naj et de quada Ordinacoe pacis p . E. fit p . E. "I Consiliu fca T; eidem p apud Gandavu missa j de discordia hita in? ipm p Comites T; Barones suos cu gfirmac dci p [fca] de pace pdca. It q ! dam pvisiones de lib- tatibj, statutis de Regno Sicilie p Sumu Pontificem edite \ p ipm j p Angl dir c te. In una puchea de canabo ad tale signu. 67 Ligula in qua 9tinent r ^ in diesis rotulis ce- dulis indenturis plura T: div’sa me da videlt de Feodis Angl T: visu slvicii Regi in guerra Scoc fei de Iris in Garder libat It Iris de Garder libat j De falsa moneta j De genlacoe Regu j De statu Hospicii sumi Cancellar Angl j De recfsicoib 3 It ambassatriis j D Cur Rodna j D Ordinacoe SccHi j D q a dam inq'sicoe de Foresta j D p r presturis 1 aliis t a ngr in Epatu Dunolrn p Epm loci 'I ballivos suos sup Regem feis j D q'b3dam articulis pambulacom for te tang j D compmissione . H. p . 1; Comitu T: Baronu in p Franc de discordia f tc. Et un 9 rotulus qui sic inti- tulat r in dorso. Intitulacio |j sc'ptoif p que sunt in libro coopto coreo vitulino j It duo rotuli de assig a coe dotis fca 'I concessa p Dnm E. p . fit p . H. p Alia- nora T: Margareta Consortib3 suis Reginis Angl. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 101 (p. 174.) In uno co- 68 jf Inquisicoes capte coram diPsis Ministris piano ad” 60 P • i£. fit p J2. de Pris "1 tenement ballivis T: tale signum. ^jantiis j It aliis [diesis] escaet eidem Dno Regi ptinentib} j tam in Scoc j Hibn "l Watt q a m in Angtj Tt p dcos Ministros in Gard dci Dni p tam p bria de Magno Sigillo q a m de P'vato Sigillo re- tornate . annis [r J p>dci p . p'mo j scdo j fcio . q a rto j T: q l nto. Itm quedam inquisicoes capte coram div’sis Minist's Dni I E. fit I \ . H. in una lrgula p se. In pixide ad tale signu. Sicilia. 69 jf Lre Dni Karoli Ik Sicilie p quas concessit Dno E. p'mogenito Dni . H. Ik Angl. qd possit cog- nosce It plenam justiciam faCe de omib 3 malefcoribj j It t a nsgressorib 3 de pp'a familia sua p Pras dci p . Sicilie v^sus T^ra Scam t a nseuntib 3 j cu Iris ejusdem p Sicilie de conductu p dco Dno E. T: familia sua T:c. Tt cu quadam alba carta sb sigillo p Sicilie pdci. In pixide ad tale signu. 70 jf' Due indent r e continetes tractatu Tt concor- diam inP Wittm de Breouse 'Tt Mariam que fuit Uxor Witti de Breouse sr q^dam discordiis inP ipos initis. Itm compot 9 j^dci . W. de Breouse de bonis T; catallis q fuerut . W. pris sui de q i b 3 idem . W. respondere debet pdce Marie j eo qd eade Maria obligat 1 ' ad Scc a m j ad reddendu Dno Regi j T; creditorib 3 dci defuncti omia debita T:c. cu q^d brib 3 T; panett idem compotu tangent . sb dat anno r pdci R . E. fit p.77. vicesimo. 102 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 175.) In puchea decanaboad tale signum. In hanapio de v r gis ad tale signu. In pva pixide ad tale signu. (p. 176.) In hanapio de v'gis ad tale signu. 71 Rotuli 7t me 4 ’ de diesis ordinacoib3 fcis in diPsis Pliametis T Consiliis Dni R . E. fit R H. cu quadam indentura de munimentis Edmudi Coin Cor- nub in Garder dci R . _E. libat que sunt in una ligula p se. 72 Itm in una alia ligula 9tinent r t a nsc 5 pta di$sa£ bulla^ divlsof P’p*fy tam in Gallico q a m Latino de div’sis tempib}. 73 ff ~D$se false Ire clause T patentes fabricate T: controfce PVato Sigillo Dni R . E. fit . R . E. p JoTiem de Redynges ad quasdam p e cunie sumas note dci R de div’sis psonis petendis Tfc recipiend cu quada indentura . . Poris de Monte Acuto de xx. m a rc ab eode p dcm . J. receptis anno dci . R . E. vi t0 . 74- ft Lra || Leuon Regis Ermenye j Bulla aurea signata directa. E. Regi Angl p nunciis ipius R Ermenie benigne recipiendis. 75 Tres Ire patentes de manucapcoe Hugonis Daudele senioris facta sb tali condicoe qd n5 sit ad dampnu Dni R Angl j una vidtt NicM fr is dci Hu- gonis de. cc. ti. sterling alia Robtifat Walfi . de. cc. ti. Et ?cia j JoTiis Butetourt . de . c. ti. Dat anno . r . R . E. fit R . H. xxvii°. apud TVestm. 76 ft Tres indenture in? Dnm . E. Regem fit R . H. 1 M’catores de Friscobald fee de minera ipius Dni R.E. in Com Devon . p 8tam ||formam % §tu OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 103 |?ciu ad §tu tempus put in eisdem indentur 9tine r concessa j de diesis dat. 77 ff Quedam indentura in? quosdam de Consilio Dni p . E. fit p . H. T; M’cator de Societate de Luca fca ad hnd tabulam escamb cupcuqj monete apud JernemutTi p expn divsox eunciu ext a mare Ht veni- enciu cit a mare. Dat , a 0 . p . p^dci xxvii 0 . 78 Quedam indentura in? quosdam de Con- silio Dni p . E. fit p . H. T: M’catores de Societate de Luca fca ad find tabulam escamb cuj 9 cuq^ monete apud Dovorr p expn diPso^. eunciu ext a mare It venienciu cit a mare. Dat . anno . p pdci j xxvii 0 . 79 Tres Ire . Dni . J. Dublin Archiepi testantes se vidisse Iras Dni Innocencii P’p e . iiii ti . Abbi Westfh dirTas ne pmittat Capellas Dni p ab aliquibj indebite molestari. (p. 177.) 80 j]' Copia Carte . J. p Angt fee Magnatib 3 Angl de libtatib} ejusdem post concordiam in? ipm It Barones fcam sb sigillis Archiepi Cantuar T: Dub- linie j Epo£ London j Wynton j Bath Ht Glastoh j Lin- coln j Wigorh j Coventr "t Roff\ Dat . a° . r j9dci . xvii 0 . 81 Jf Lfa Rectoris Ecctie de Acstede indentata de licencia erigendi T: construendi unam Capellam infra septa curie Aeline fit Dni Gilberti de Abernoun apud Blokesfeld j et hndi pp‘um Capellanu in eadem Capella T:c sine dat. 82 Recognico homagii T; juramenti fidelitatis facta Dno . L. Regi Angt fit p . H. T; bedib3 suis j p Olivlum Dnm de || dialers de Castro de \\Chales . sb dat . anno Dni mittio . cc . Ixix. 104. ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES In uno mag- no coffi’o fer- ro ligato ad tale signum. (p. 178.) Inunocoffi'O magno ferro ligato ad tale signmn. LRGT fyissa' 83 j]' Lre misse Dno Regi . E. fit . H. p div'sas psonas tam de ptib3 cismarinis j q a m de ptib} t a ns- marinis . annis r ipi 9 Regis . E. c r° . xv t0 . b xix°. Et annis ejusdem Reg E. xxii 0 . xxiii° . xxiiii 0 . xxv° . xxvi 0 . xxvii 0 . xxviii 0 . xxix 0 . xxx° . xxxi° . xxxii° . xxxiii 0 . xxxiiii t0 . T: xxxv t0 . Si ff Registra lra£ et eciam t a nscript lra£ j tam de Magno Sigillo q a m de PVato Sigillo Dni Regis . E. fit pr . H. in Garderoba ipi 9 lb . E. p pceptu suu fca£ . annis ? sui . videlt . xii . x Hi . xiiii . xv . xvi.xvii. xviii . xix . xx . xx i . xxii . xx Hi . xxiiii . deficiente .xxv. xxvi . xxvii . xxviii . xxix . xxx . deficiente . ex tis . ii. quatnis de mens Novebr T; Decembr ej 9 dem anni. Itm de annis be. xxx i . xxxii . xxxiii . x xxiiii .b xxxv t0 . In mia puchea de canobo ad tale signum. 85 jf Peticoes j querele j respopsiones j b alia me da div^sa de concordia b discordia in? Epm Du- nolrn j b Priorem b Conventum Dunolm j b holes ipi 9 Epi de dco Epatu hitis j tempe . E. fil . H. cr Itm un 9 rotulus de quib3dam peticoib3 dci . E. cr Itm unus rotulus de quib3dam cronicis Angt in Abbtia de Aberbrothok’ inventis. Itm unus rotulus de phibicoib3 fcis de tempe ^ . H. fil Pr JoTiis . cu uno rotulo de t a nscriptis qua^dam lra£ p Dno . E. fil dci . . H. ante passagiu suu Psus Tyrant Scam fca£. Et unus qua?nus in quo continent 1 j copie qua^d lra£ Sci Thome Cantuar Archiepi divsis psonis tam ad ptes t a nsmarinas q a m cisrgarinas directa^ ipo Archiepo exulato. OF THE TREASURY 0? THE EXCHEQUER. 105 In coffro ry- beo depicto ferro ligato adtalesignu. In coffro viridi de- picto ferro ligato ad tale signum. In uno ve?i coffro mag- no ferro ligato ad tale signum. (p. 180.) In coffro viridi de- picto ferro ligato ad tale signu. 86 Jf Carte scripta T: munimenta que fuerunt Thome de Weylande q°ndam Justiciar Dni Regis .E. fit p' . H. de Banco j de diesis tris 'J tenements in diesis locis p ipm Thom pquisit j existencia in The- sauria [dci] Dni p forisfcuram ipi 9 Thome. 87 Jf Me da Dni Pr . E. fit Pr . E. dum fuit P'nceps Wattj Dux Aqait j Comes Cestr j Pontivi \ Montis Trollii j anteq a m Regni sui gubnacula suscepit . de diesis da£. 88 jf DivW rotuli j cedule T; alia varia me da de tempe di$so£ Regu Angt j ac Coitatu pciu illa£ cu q a mpTib 3 aliis diesis me dis de minimo valore. 89 If Sigillu Dni Ed-war di [p-] filii Dni fy.llenrj quo locu suu tenentes utebanf dum fuit ult a mare in una pva nigra bursa sigillata. 90 Jf Sigillu Magnu de latuno cu gPsigillo de latuno j quod fuit dci Dni P i Edwardi anteq a m fuit Rex in una puchea de canabo sigillata. 91 jf Quodda Sigillu antiqu [de] Hibh in una bursa nigra de coreo sigillat. 92 jf Quoddam Sigillu eneu p curia || Sumi Podii deputatu j in una jjcluta non sigillat. 93 jf Unu Magnu Sigillu, fractu j quod aliq a ndo fuit deputatu p regimine [Regni] Scocie j in una magna bursa non sigillat. VOL. i. i 106 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (P-181.) “ In pixide “ ||lingneo “ ad h c sig- “ nu.” 94* jf Quodda Falsu Sigillu plumbeu cu stru- mentis ad ipm ptinentib 3 cont a fcm Magnu Sigillu Dni Ity Anglj in una pucli de canabo n5 sigiH. 95 jf Quedam pixis longa 't depicta de v’bis seq e ntib 3 billata. Hie sunt obligacoes pticulares clta^ psonafy de arreragiis decime 9 cesse in concilio Lug- dun. 96 jf Unus liber de regimine Regu de coreo rubeo cooptus. 97 jf Unus parvus liber de Regula Templariop. 98 jf Unus quatnus de Vita Sci Patricii. 99 jf Unus qua?nus de Ydiomate Anglicis igno- rato ^ qui sic incipiU Edmygaw \\douit duyrmyd H diuas. 100 jf Quoddam Sigillu Coitatis Oleronis j in una alba bursa de coreo sigillat. 101 Unus liber de Cronicis p Magrm Rodericu Tolletaneu Archiepm compositusy de coreo viridi cooptus. 102 “ jf Carta Rogli Baveni Militis p quam ” “ feoffavit Dnm . E drear dum Regem Angt T: Franc ” < bedes suos de Manliis de Molteston in Euyas ” £ T; Colwinston in Walt cum ptin \ de Manliis de ” < Horton Billeye Withyhitt Emwelt Fifhyde T: ” < Trorsoe cu ptin in Com Wiltes \ Dors Tt de dnio ” ‘ ac ?ris \ ten suis cu ptin in Putteford It || Hooches-” ‘ Dm in Com Surr T: de Manliis de Chibburn T: ” « Hailing cum ptin in Coin Kane j quadragiirta ” ‘ libratis annui redditus exeuntib 3 de Manlio de ” ‘ Braundeston cum ptin in Coin Suff ’ de Manliis ” •' de Wisteneston Irynglfm Asshehurst \ || Heen cum ” “In pixide” “ sup a .” * OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 107 4 ptin in Com Sussex' una cu feodis militu Advo- ” ‘ cacoib3 EccTia^ Abbia^ Prioratuu Hospitaliu ” 4 Capella^ T; alia£ Domo^ Religiosa^ redditib} ” 4 §viciis T: omib3 aliis ad pdca maSia dnium tVas ” ‘ It ten qualiPcuqj spectantib}. Concessit etiam p ” 4 se T: heredib3 suis qd Manliu de || Counbes cum ” 4 ptin in dco Com Stiff ’ quod Robtus Houel tenet ” c de hereditate ipius Rogli °t quod post mortem ” 4 ipius Rohti ad se It heredes suos rev^ti debet post ” 4 mortem ejusdem Rohti remaneat pfato Dno ” ‘ Regi T: heredib3 suis imppm. Dedit insup T; ” 4 concessit p se "t heredib3 suis dco Dno Regi ” ‘ omia alia tras T; ten sua cu ptin in Angl T : Watt” 4 que jam bet in dnico vel ad se jure beditario p ” * rev^sionem vel noie escaete seu quovis alio modo ” 4 ptinere potunt MaSiis de Chiltyngton ''t Sloghtre ” 4 in dco Coin Sussex ’ dumtaxat exceptis.” 103 44 jf Carta p quam Petrus de Bruouse 1 JoTma ” 4 Ux sua feoffaverut Dnm Edwardum Regem ” ‘ AngVX Franc T; Dnm Hibn heredes It assignatos ” * suos de toto MaSio suo de Qwhytfford in Com ” 4 Devon cum letis^ weyf./ It stray j infangenthef j ” 4 cu feriis iScatis pcis boscis molendinis past r is ” 4 piscariis bruariis ||warenniis simul cu medietate ” 4 Hundredi de Coliton t omib3 lifetatib3 jurib3 Tt ” 4 ptin suis qu^cuq, ad dcm MaSium quoquo- ” 4 modo spectantib3 . bend T; tenend dco Dno Regi ” 4 heredib3 T: assignatis suis ita libe cum omib3 lib-” 4 tatib3 jurib3 T: ptin suis sicut Dna Ada de Saun- ” 4 ford avia dee Johne Manlium pdem cum pdcis ” 4 libtatib3 eas libius tenuit.” i 2 I 108 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES XII. (p. 182.) Testamenta Regu Angt. In forSio ligneo ferro ligat ad hoc signu. 1 jf Quoddam testamentu Dni . p . E. fit . p . H. sub Magno Sigillo suo T; sigitt executo^ suo£ sine dat. 2 jf Itm quoddam aliud testamentu ipius fy sub Magno Sigillo suo T; sigiR executo^ suo£ sine dat. 3 jf Itm [Unseat] de quodam testamento dci Dni p . E. sine da?. 4 jf Itm quoddam t a nsc ! ptu de quodam testameto. H. R Angt scdi. 5 Itm testamentu Dni Edwardi Phnogeniti Dni Reg Henr ficii fcm apud Aeon sub dat . anno . r . dci p . Henr . lvi t0 . (p. 183.) Inpvo hana- pio de v'gis ad h sign. duppt. jf Lre obligatorie Dni p E. fit p H. de P*vato SigiS suo de tVis j redd j \ denar filiis T: filie suis qfered . V 3 . 1 jf Una Ira dupplicata dci Dni p E. de xvii. milib 3 marcat terre 'b reddit 9 ./ f Dni Thome T; Edmo filiis suis conferendis. Dat apud NeuhorgTi in Tyndale ultlo die Aug"ti anno p sui . xxxiiii t0 . 2 jf Itm Ira dci Dni p . E. duppt . de decern duppl. milib 3 marcatis tre \ reddit 9 Dno Thome filio suo conferend. Dat ut sup a . duppt. 3 jf Itm Ira dci Dni p . E. de septem milib 5 OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 109 marcat; tre Tt redd Dno Edmo filio suo gferend. Dat ut supra. 4 Jf It Ira dci Dni E. obligator de decern milib 3 Hbr sterlingo^ Dne Alienor e filie sue p maritag suo gferend'. Dat ut s a . (p. 184.) In hanapio de v'gis ad h° signu. 5 jf xiii. Ire obligator de Magno Sigillo restitute p quas Dns Rex E. fil . H. ||tenebat r divWs Bur- gensib 3 Angt in diesis sumis Upeccunie put pat 3 in eisdem. Dat; anno dci . x°. (p. 185.) In quatuor pucheis de canabo sb uno sigillo ad h° signu. West. 6 jf Quatuor puchie de canabo sub uno sigillo continent rotul T: tali de deb stipendio^ cu diesis empcoib 3 fcis p Ecclia T: Cur Westm j tpe Henr put p 3 in antiquis billis eisdem puchiis annexis. 110 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 186.) In forcerio de coreo ferro ligato adhocsignu, XIII. jf Lre di$so£ P’lato^ \ alio£ de diesis Ordinib} de Indulgences j Missis j *1 oroib3 p Re gib} "1 Reginis Angl \ eop lihis concessis . L p aia Dne . J. || R a F*nc. 1 jf Lra . H. Prioris Ecctie Xpi Cantuar 1 ejus- dem loci Conventus de Missis singulis diebj cele- brandis p Dno Rege E. fit p? H. It Regia T: eo£ lihis p dcos P'ore \ Conventu concessis. Da? T:c anno Dni m ° . cc° . lxxxv t0 . 2 jf It confirmaco . J. Cantuar Archiepi sr con- cessione Missa^ pdca^ imppet celeb a nd^ et de . xx. dieb3 indulgencie j p dcis Rege T: Regina eo£ liberis p ipm Archiepm concessis. Dat ut s a . 3 jf Itm lra indulgencie . xl. die£ concess p Dnm Radm Epm Lond j p pace r t statu Regis It Regni “ orantib3.” Dat Tie. m° . ccc° . vi t0 . 4 jf Itm lra Abbtis T; Convent 9 de Bardeneya de admissione Dni ffc E. fit H. in ffem dom 9 sue j f t de Missis f aliis bnfic eidem Diio Pr imppet concessis. Da? . anno . m° . ccc ° . f t0 . 5 jf Lra Abbtis \ Convent 9 de Burgo Sci Petri j de duob3 Monachis celebratur imppet p [aia] Alianore q°ndam R e Angl in Abbia pdca. Da?, anno . r $ E. fit p H. xix°. 6 jf I?m pars indent r e fee in? Dnm E. Rege Angl fit p? H. J. Abbatem '1 Conventu Westm de q^dam terris T: ten eisdem Abbi f Conventui p ipm Rege concessis p aia Alianore gsortis ipi 9 j t p OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. Ill (p. 187.) Irrotulatf in rubeo libr Sc a cii. anniv^sario ipi 9 Regie d pticoe uni 9 den singut pau- pib3 erogand j in Vigil Sci Andree de anno in annu imppet celeb a nd. Dat dc anno r p pdci vicesimo. 7 jf Octolre divlsofy\\Ordiniu de Missis d oracoib} p tempe p Rege d Regina d eop lihis concessis . de diesis dat. 8 jf Itm . xvi. Ire divlsop P'latofy d Fratru div]- sofy Ordinuj de missis d oracoib3 j d indulgenciis j p aia Dne JoTie q°ndam Regie Franc cocessis, De diesis dat. 9 jf Lra JoTiis Afebtis de Sco Albano d Prior is d Monacho^ de Bello loco que Dom 9 est Celia dee Abbie de concessione fca P [E.] qd die anniv^sar p aia Dne Alianore q°ndam R e Angl ||singlis annis facient j d ||nichilomi 9 singut annis j die See Marie Magdalene cent paupes pascent p aia ej 9 dem R e j V3 cuitt paupi ad valor . i 9 . den. Dat . anno r ipi 9 p . xii. 10 jf Lra . . Henr Decani d Capituli Lincoln de inveiendo unu Captm Vicariu dee Ecctie celebratur in dca Ecctia ^ Ecctia^ p Dno Rege . [J £.] dc. "I p dc’m Dnm p psentand j d hoc p gra q a m Rex eis fecit de vacacoe Epat 9 eis concessa ad §tum pciu. Dat . anno Dni . m ° . ccc ° . xv°. 11 jf Lra Dni. G. Conventr Epi p quam conces- sit . p J. ad inveiend tres capellanos imppet in Ecctia pdea singulis dieb3 missas celebrates p aib3 Dni . H. P Angl d antecesso^ suo^ dc sine dat. 12 jf Due lfe divlsofy Ordinu de Missis d oroib3 Dno Regi Angl pcessis de diesis dat. i 4 112 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 189.) [n cophino ligneo no ligato ad tale signu. XIV. . Angl . de extent di$so£ Mariiojp. 1 jf Extenta Manlio^ de Kyngeshcvwe j Meleburnj MenstrewortTi j Redeleye j \\Dilumj Maworthin j Lug- noardin \ Bere in diesis Coin fca p G. de P’ston T: soc suos j anno r . Jfc . H. ocliiii io . cu 9missione ejus- dem . H. de eisdem extentis faciend. 2 Jf Itm extenta [T; pambulaciones] MaSio^ de Hameledene Teokebur j Scardeburgh j Semere j Bis- sele j Rindecumbe j bosci de Cors qui est de Chacea Malvlnie cu extentis ten redd . hundredo^ T: Advo- cacoib3 Ecctia^ de ten Rici de Clare quond Comitis Gloac infra Purbik’ j It de vilt de Knolle Stipelt \ Brig j de terape p: . Henr. 3 Itm una cedula in qua continef extenta Manlii de Pokelyngton cum membr ad dcm Manliu ptinen- tib3 in Coin Ebofy sine dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 113 (p. 198.) In forSio de coreo ferro lig ad tale signu. XV. WALL. jf Carte “ It munimeta [|ft] div’so^ Wallen ” fca Reg Angl . 1 jf Carta “ Rici ” de Pyuelesdon j p quam red- didit . Regi E. omes tVas T: ten j que de ipo Rege tenuit in Worthingbury in ptib3 de Mayelor Seyse- neylc’ j dat anno regni ipius ffc . vii°. j “ et irrotul in rubeo libr Sc a cii.” 2 jf Carta Karine de Audeleye j fca Jacobo de Perers “ Militi ” T: Ele Uxi ejus [°t heredib3 snis] de Castro T: Villa de || Thanandeuery cu Comoto de Hyriurn j et Comoto de Pernet j set si contingat ipos Jacobu T: Elam j sine heredib3 de corpib3 eo^ pcreatis in fata decedere j pfata Castru T; Villa cu Comotis pdcisj Dno Regi T: heredib3 suis Regib3 Angl scdm tenorem carte remaneant imppm. Dat a°. r . ipius sexto . . “ Irr in Rub libro Sc a cii.” 3 jf Scriptu Burgensiu de Karnarvan j p quod obligant r . E. Regi fit . H. in . xl. libr sterlingo^ mutuo recept p manus Thes CaiSar de Sc a cio j solvend Regi p voluntate sua cu ad hoc fSint inp- pellati dat apud Westm j a° . regni ipius . xv°. 4 - jf Carta Rest Jilii Griffini T; “ Oweni” fris ejus j p quam dimiserunt \ imppm q^tuclamav^nt . J. Regi Angl p malivolencia sua eis relaxanda j totam Pram suam de Honore de Kardigan j totam Pram de Can- trebochan cu Castro de \\Lanandevery j It totam Pram de || Mathlaen sine data. 114 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 5 jf Carta Joliis jilii Reginaldi jit Petri j p quam feoffavit E. [Rege] filiu p . E. de omib 3 tris suis in Wallia j exceptis j una carucata tVe in Cumduy Ht una carucata tre in || WylfaitTi. Dat anno regni ipius P p'mo. 6 jf Carta Joke nate . P . E. Comitisse Glouc fca eidem Regi de Advocacoe Epatus de || Landa dat anno r . ipius p . xxv t0 . (p. 199.) 7 jf Carta Rici Bausan Militis p quam quietcla- mavit Dno . E. Regi T: heredib 3 suis tota ?ram sua cu ptin in Coin de Cardygan . sine . dat. 8 It due carte de eadem tYa Dno E. Regi p pdcm Ricm restitute. 9 Quietaclain Rest jit M’educi f ca . E. Regi Angt de Castro de Dynevour cu ptifi. Da£ . a 0 . p pdci . xi°. 10 jf Quietaclain . L. Phicipis Watt .fca . E. Regi Angt de quatuor Cantredis T: aliis diesis tris in Watt. eidem Regi T: heredib 3 suis p dcm . L. qcess. Dat . a 0 . Dni . mittmo . cc mo . Ixxvii 0 . 11 jf Sc'ptu.X. Pbcipis Watt p quod concessit Dno . E. Regi Angt j quicquid idem Phiceps fruit in Anglesey a frnd eidem Regi T; hered suis post decessu ipius P’ncipis si decesserit sine her de corpe suo pcreato. Dat j a 0 Dni mittmo . cc°. Ixxvii 0 . 12 jf Quietclam Thorn jit Maurici fca E. Regi . Angt de remissibe Cantrede de || Ocassih T: di Can- tred de Ohlyt j cu Advocacoib 3 Eccia^ I Capella^ in pdcis Cantred . sine dat. 13 jf Lra p quam David jilius Leulini q°ndam P'ncipis NorWatt fp quamf dedit Dno Regi. H. [It OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER* 115 (p.200.) In coffino ligneo piano no ligato ad tale signu. (p. 202.) In una pixide ad tale signu. In forSio de coreo ferro ligato ad tale signum v her suis] totam Pram P^cipat 5 Nor Watt cu ptin j si sine herede decederet de se genito. Dat j anno r p^ pdci . || visesimo q'nto. 14 ff Obligacio . L. P'ncipis Watt fca . E. Regi Angl . de d. m a rcis ad Sc a cm ipius p apud Cestr singulis annis eidem Regi T; heredib} suis p Pra de Anglesey a solvend. Dal a°. Dni mittmo . cc mo . Ixxvii 0 . 15 jf Lra . David Jit . L. q°ndam P'ncipis Norwatt p quam obligat se qd stabit judicio Dni., p sup porcoe Pra£ cu fre suo L de diesis articulis in eadem lra contentis dco Dno Regi . H. p ipm David concess . sine dat. De memo d ’ Watt. 16 jf Rotuli Ire L cedule de Statutis Watt. De navib 3 euntib} in 9vicio p in guerra Watt et de noib 3 in eisdem navib 3 ||exntib 3 . D comp opac de Aber- conwey. De fidelitate Regi Angt §vanda. D ||exem- plari Castri de Carnarvan. D Cantredis L Comotis Watt j Et de aliis diesis Pram Watt tangentib 3 de div^s dat. 17 jf Littere div’so^ Wallens j de . xv\ Dno Regi E. Angt p fil . p H. p eosdem de bonis suis in Wallia concessa . anno r dci Regis decimo nono. 18 jf Lra obligator Coitatis oihium Wallens de . x ml .li. Dno Regi Angt solvend: j si insurgant cont a eundem Dnm Rege vel heredes suos. Dal . anno r p E. fil p H. xi°. Ilm vii. Ire obligator fee p Coi- tates Cantredo^ de Englefeld j Arlevce j \\Dynnodyn j 116 antient kalendars and inventories (p. 203.) In una pixide ad tale signu. In cofino piano ferro no ligato ad tale signu. V (p. 204.) In forSio viridi ferro ligato ad tale signu. II Thlenj Aruonj M’ionitj'X || PeuJlyn continent. xiiii ml . li unde Coitas cuj 9 lib3 Cantredi obligat 1 in . ii™ 1 . li. sterling Dno Regi Angt solvend j si guerram movant cont a eundem Regem vel heredes suos . de diesis dat. 19 jf Div’se comissiones T; cirograffa p quas Thomas de Bray attornat 9 Dni Regis E. HI Yfr.H. cepit note dci Regf seisina omu castro^ fra£ T: ten que fuerut Comit Gloucester in Wallia cu uno rotulo continente noia eo£ j qui fecerut fidelitatem Dho Regi de feodis castro^ j ?ra£ T: ten pdco^ j de diesis dat. 20 jf Div^si qua?ni T: rotuli de idyomate Walt ad idioma Angt valde ext a nei j ideo bris est intitulacio ista. Carte It munimenta Regu Angt de tris T: libtatib} diesis Wallens p ipos Reges 9cess cu qud^d cartis j Iris \ memo dis Wallens tangentd^ . videlt. 21 jf Lre fee in? Reges Angf\ Leulinu P’ncipem Watt T; quosdam alios Wallenses de pacis concordia T; 9federacoe cu quibjda articulis f treugis in? ipos initis Ht cu quib3dam Iris div'so^ P’lato^ pdcas ma?ias tangent. 22 jf Itm Ire fee in? . L. Pncipem Watt Tt quosdam Wallens sup diesis compoionib3 de pacis concordia \ 9federacoe 1 treugis p vices in? ipos Iritis cu quib3dam Iris ma?ias pdcas tangent. 23 jf Itm lfe di$so£ Wallensiu in una ligula de homagio fidelitate Dno E. Regi Angt feis It sup OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 117 exheredacoe tra^ 1 ten eo^dem Wallens si 9 U dcm Regem aut heredes suos HeveSint de dat divsis. 24 jf Itm Ire diVso^ Wallen de fidelitate Dno p Angtfca.j videlt qd omibj dieb 3 vite illo^ dco Dno Regi 1 heredib 3 suis bn 1 fidelit svient 1c. Dat . a 0 , r . p. H. xx u to . 25 jf Comissio 1 ire Dni .E. p Angt 1 Archiepi Cantuar directe P'ori Frum P’dicato^ Rothelah Gar- diano Frum Mino^ de WLannuey 1 Rado de Brogh - . ton adinq’rend de dampnis injuriis 1 incendiis tempe guerre quib 3 da Wallens illatis j et eisdem p §tifi- cacoem p>dco£ Frum 1 Radi pdco Dno Regi fcam p eundem Regem restituend . cu qurt^dam aliis Iris de eadem matia. Et cu uno rotulo de pPdcis dampnis 1 incendiis faciente mencionem. (p. 205.) 26 jf Lre Meneveii Epi 1 alio£ directe quib 3 d ministris., sr psentacoe j institucoe 1 induccoe Anton de Beeld in Ecclia de Eampadevaur in Watt. 27 (T Lre quo^d P’lato^ fee sup t a nstone Abbie de Abberconzveye tempe p . E. fit p . H. 28 jf Sc'ptu indentatu . int Dnm . H. Rege Angt 1 WSenand Uxem Griffini Jit Leulini q°nd Piicipis Norzeatt sr manucapcoe 1 delibacoe dci Griffini 1 Ozcini fit sui incardato* cu quib 5 dam Iris de eadem o. r matia. 29 jf Aq^tanc . p . H. fca . L. Fncipi Watt de . iiii™ 1 . m'l . rec . a 0 , r . p . p>dci lii°. It due lre Mene- v eh Epi 9 tin tenorem bulle Martini P’p e sibi misse de dispensacoe sr mrimonio int Resu * M’educi 1 || Audam de Hasting. It lre Abbis P’monstrat de Missis 1 oroib 3 M’educo Jit Res 1c. It Ira Erancisci 118 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Accurst de Bonoh de fidelit . 1c. 1 de juramto con- ciliu R ’ celand. 30 jf Carta s^pta 1 munimenta in una ligula in? diPsos Wallens de ?ris 1 ten in diesis ptd >3 Watt de diesis dat tempe p . E. fi I . P . iif. 31 jf Acquietanc div’so^ P’lato£ Recto^ 1 alio£ Wallen de ||pecuniis p Dnm Rege eisdem cocessis j p restitucoe dapno£ j injuria^ 1 incendio^ eisdem tempe guerre illat. (p. 206.) 32 jf xiii. carte 1 munimenta Regu Angl in una ligula p q dederunt Reso Jit M’educi j M’educo Jilio Rest 1 David Jilio Griffini castra j tras 1 ten in Watt cu uno M’cato apud Manliu de Lampeter 1; unam feriam apud Mane? de Drosleyn 1c de diesis datis. (p. 207.) In quadam pixide ad tale signu. 33 jf Obligacoes di9so£ Wallens fee Regi . _E. fit . p . H. 1 aliis diesis p Wallens de quib 3 d sumis p c unie dco Regi 1 aliis Wallens debitis de diesis dat tempe p pdci. (p.208.) jf Lre Acq i etanc p Angl fee . L. Principi Watt cu qud^da Iris de diesis Ma?iis tram Watt tan- gent videlt In cophino 34- jf Acq^tanc p . H. 1 quondam Ministro^ suo£ ligneo ad no j e n, fee de diesis p e cunie sumis recent de . tale signu. A A r ^ t L. q°ndam [P^cipe] Watt juxta formam pacis int ipos Regem 1 P‘ncipem inite 1 firmate. 35 jf Itm Acq’etanc fee in? dipsos Wallens de diesis Hpc c unie sumis de tempe p , E. fit . p . H. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 1 19- 36 Lre Witti de Valenc q°nct Comitis Pembr "t alio£ Capitaneo^ exc?cit 9 P in Watt j diesis ministris Dni p dir c te p diesis p e cunie sumis j diesis Wallensib- tempe guerre solvend". 37 Jf II Ire T: indenture de manucapcoib} dco£ castr villa^ Trc j pdco Dno If liband . cu alia Ira duppt de bonis 'f catall dci Coin in eisde cast’s Trc. dco Dno p. liband . de dat . [p^dca.] It j una Ira dci Com qd ten sui in Hibh sit Dno p: ited. (p. 216.) In una pva pixide ad tale signu. 18 jf Obligacio Witti de Dene Militis condicionalis fca Dno . E. p'mogenito Dni.i7. Pr Angt de. vi ml . D.xl. m a r sterlings sub dat anno Dni mitto ducen- tesimo . lx°. 19 jf Obligacio \\Kathelis || Okonewer fca Dno E. Regi fit Pr . H. de mille marcis p pace ipius Dni Pr bnda j Dat a°. pr pdci xiiii 0 . % 20 Lra David Cassaleh Archiepi j de quadam can- taria in Ecctia B’i NicTii Cassaleh imppm sustinenda p quadam placea juxta Ecctiam Sci NicTii infra Civi- tatem Cassaleh p Dnm . E. Regem fit Pr . H. pfate Ecctie gcessa . sub dat . a°. Dni mitto cc°. Ixxvii 0 . 21 ^ Lre JoTiis fit Thome \ manucapto^ suo£ p . quas manuceperunt p eodem JoTie j qd stabit volun- l|$/ tati T: ordinacoi Dni Pr . E. fit p . H. sup q^jdam (P-217.) i [pva] ixide ad lie signu. (p. 222.) 1 forSio de )reo ferro gato ad Je signu. t’ppl. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 125 ||t a ngressionib 3 sibi irapositis j un occasional Hexsti tit- coram dco Rege E. a 0 , r. sui . xxiii 0 . 22 jf Quedam indentura fca in Hibn p Consiliu Dni pr ibidem existens . a° r. pr . E. fit pr . E. sccto de statu T’re Hibn et libata ibidem Johi de Hothum tunc uni Baronu de Sc a cio Pr ibidem j deferend dco Dno Regi in Angt p statu ej 9 dem T’re eidem Dno Regi intimando. 23 j f Itm quedam alia indentura fca int Wittm de Melton T: dcm JoTiem de Hothum testimonialis qd idem Witts dcam indenturam a pTato Joke recepit ex pte dci Dni pr. Dat anno pi dco. ff Carte . H. Pr . Angt sup coltone T’re Hibii fca E. fit suo T; her suis cu adjectoe qd dca Hr a nucq a m sepet r a Corona Angt. 24 Carta H. Reg Angt fca . E. filio suo sr col- lacoe T’re j Hibn T; Insula^ Castro^ ejusdem T’re except Civitat Dubt 't Lymerici cu adjectone qd nuq a m sepent r a corona Angt. Dat anno Pr pdci . xxxviii. 25 Lr'a H. Pr executoria dir c ta. Justic suo Hibn sup coltone T’re Hibn fca E. fit suo It her suis. Dat a 0 pr . H. xxxviii 0 . 26 Carta . H. Pr . Angt . fca E. filio suo sup coltone Civitatis Dublin It Lyinlyci cu Comitatib} suis T: Castri de || Daloh p 5 us sibi reservatis in coltone T’re Hibn . “ cu adjectoe qd nucq a m” separentur a Corona Angt. Dat a 0 , r . Pr . pVlci . H. xxxviii 0 . k 3 126 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES fippL (p. 223.) In pixide ad tale signum. (p. 225.) In quad pixide ad tale signu. 27 jf Itm carta pdci . P . . H. fca . E. filio suo sup eadem collone . Civita£ Dublin T;c. Dat sub sigillo ejusdem Tjc H. quo utebat 1- in Vascoii anno regni sui xxxviii 0 . 28 jf Lra executor .H. P^.p'dci dir c ta Justic suo Hibn p exitib 3 ejusdem T’re pdco E. filio suo liband. Dat a 0 . r .ty. H. xxxviii 0 . 29 jf Litta Dne Cristine de Mariscis de collone facta Dne Regine de t?r T: ten T: debitis ad que lit jus in Hibnia. Dat T:c. anno ? . Dni p 1 E. fit . p . H. fciodecimo. 30 jf Pars cirog a ffi Dne Cristine de Marisco de concessione tra£ sua£ in Hibnia Dnis Regi T: Regine [fca] T; est alia de eodm. 31 jf Pars cirog a ffi Dne Cristine de Marisco de cocessione ?ra£ sua£ in Hibnia fca Dnis Regi It Regine T; est alia de eodm. Hibn. 32 jf Assayu fcm de cambio Dublin in Hibn in Turri London die M’cur in festo Sci Petri ad Vin- cula j a 0 . r p^ . E. xxx mo . quod quidem assayu Dns TV. q°ndam Eps Coventr LycTi Thes Pr libavit in custodia Camdr j apud Ebofy xvm°. die Octobr . anno eodem . Et remanet in “una bursa” sig dci Thes signatu. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 127 (p. 230.) In hanapio de v'gis ad tale signu. XVII. jf SCOCIA. jf Obligacoes Ire indent r e j quitclam f alia me d ’ diPsa£ psona^ Scocie de diesis maPiis ut patet in eisdem. 1 jf Obligacio Willi Regis Scollop facta Johi Regi Angt de . xv m1 ’ . marcis sterlingo^ tWs infra- scriptis solvendis j sine dat. 2 jf LitPa Coitatis Insule de Man facta . E. Regi Angt p qua obligarut se ad subjeccoem T; dnacoem ipius . p . sub pena dua£ miliu libra^ si aliquo tempe cont a ipm Regem insurgant cont a huj 9 litte tenorem. Dat "tc anno Dni . m ° . cc mo . nonag °. 3 jf Obligacio Robti de Brus Comitis de Carry k’ facta . E. p Angt de . xl. li. p ipm . p . eidm Comiti mutuatis. Dat T:c anno Dni . m° . octog 0 p°. 4. jf LitPa pc r atoria Magnatu Scocie note toci 9 coitatis ejusdm T’re facta ad t a ctand cu Dno p Angt de statu ire ejusdm f ad faciend T: affirmand omia que eidm Dno . p . placSit faci da p statu T’re Tt Mag- natu pldco^ anno Dni . m° . ccc mo . t> t0 . It regni p Ed- wardi tricesimo icio. 5 jf Un endent r e entre le Roi j % ceux qi tyndrent le Chastel de Botheuitt de la rendue de meismes le Chastel lan . xxix. 6 jf La Ire William Counte de Rosse faite au Roi dEngt de son homage j f destre foial It loial au dit Roi lan . xxxi. 128 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 7 jf Resignacio Dni Johis Comyn Comitis de Buchan tra£ Galwid fca . “ J. p.” Angl j anno . r . ipius. p . sc do. (p. 231.) s jf Endent r e faite entre le Roi dEnglj T; la Countesse de Rosse T: Hugh son fuitz eynez dautre fdautre pt sur la venue . Wilt Counte de Rosse a la f’oi le Roi j r ‘t aussint de la demeore le dit Hugh en la compaignie le Roi lan . xxxi. 9 jf La Ire Weyland de Sti/celawe tesmoignant sa venue a la pees le Roi dEnglefre j "l aussint qe le Roi li bailla la garde du corps || Munes fuiz "I heir le Counte de Cateneys j lan . xxxi. 10 jf Lra p Franc missa . p . Angl apd Liston Temple . xii. die Julii sub sigitl q°^da Scott o^ j anno Dni . m° . cc . Ixxxviii 0 . Dat p copia. 11 jf La Ire Nicol de la Haye tesmoignant la resceite de son Litage en Escoce de la g a ce le Roi dEngl p r li T: p r ses heir si Gilbt son fuiz veigne a la pees le Roi dEnglefre . lan . xxxii. 12 jf Quietaclamancia Johis de Bar j p quam remisit T: q^tclamavit . Dno E. Regi Htjher suis mille marcatas t?re in Scoc q a mcito ad hoc facultas se offeret . p . m 1 . m 1 . m 1 . m a rcis . quas dcus Dns Rex concessit pdco Johi p manus M’cato^ Friscobaldo p °tc pcipiend. Dat Ttc anno Dni mitto . ccc mo . sexto. 13 jf Litta . W. Reg Scoc p quam 9 cessit . J. Regi Angl j ut maritet Alex’m filiu ej 9 dm . W. sicut hoiem suu ligiu infra sex annos % qd ipe T; diet 9 filius suus [fidelitatem] ^vabut dco . J. Regi T; Henr filio suo in omnib 3 T: cont a omes tanq a m ligio Dno suov sine dat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 129 (p. 232.) (p. 233.) In fcroffro ferro ligato ad tale signum. 14 jf Lra i . Archiepi Ebofy de inspexim 9 qua- lit 5 Edgarus Rex Scoc concessit queda Maflia Regni sui Sco Cuthbto T: Ecctie Dunolrh. Dat insp c cois ejusdem Ire r tc. a 0 . Dni mitto . cc mo . lxxxvi t0 . 15 jf Sc'ptu Isabelle de Bello Monte Dne de Vescy p quod 9cedit reddit Dno.E. Regi Angl 1 her suis Maniiu de || Carol cu Portu del || Can in Scoc. Dat a 0 . r . pdci xxxiii 0 . 16 Lra Dni [Joins'] de Balliolo q°ndam Regis Scoc sub Magno Sigillo suo original j fca Dno . E. Regi Angl fit Pr . H. sriori Dno Regni Scoc sup ac- qetacoe j cassacoe "l adnullacoe tam de 9vencoib3 pmissis j obligacoib3 T: penis p dcm Rege Angl dco Regi Scoc T: aliis de Scoc fc’is '"t concessis j anteq a m idem Rex Scoc seisina ejusdem tre recepisset q a m de sc'ptis p dcm Rege Angl apud Norlit . xxviii 0 . die Aug 9 ti a 0 . ? sui xviii 0 qud^dam Magnatb^ Scoc fcis sr plocucoe cuj 9 dam maritagii faciend int 5 film ej 9 dem Pr Angl T: filiam p? Norisceg Dnarn T; Reginam Scoc j in q’b3 sc'ptis 9tinebant r div^si articuli gces- siones j pmissiones affirmacoes Ht similia t legu T; juriu Ic. dci Pr Scoc "t inhitanciu ej 9 dem Regni tan- genL Dat apud Novu Castru sr Tyna scdo die Januar anno Incarnacois Dni mitto . cc mo . Ixxxxii. 1 Regni pdci Dni nri Edwardi . xxi°. et Regni pdci Pr Jo his j jjmo. 17 jf Itm due Ire de consimili maPia sigillo dci pr Scoc r t [sigiff] quondam alio£ Magnatu Scoc signat de daf pdcis. 18 jf Lra Dni Johis de Balliolo q°ndam p Scoc sub Magno Sigillo suo original de homagio suo p 130 antient kalendars and inventories Regno Scoc Dno . E. Regi Angl fi \fy.H. Sriori Dno Regni Scoc in psencia quondam P’lato^ It alio£ Mag- nate Scoc f co apud Novu Castru sup Tynam in cras- tino Nal Dili j a 0 . Incarnac ej 9 de . m°. cc mo . Ixxxxii. "t r . Jfc . E. pdci j xxi°. 19 jf Itm Ira dci Pr Scoc sub sigillo suo T; sigitt quondam Magnatu Angl "t Scoc testificans homagiu pdcm sub dat pdcis. (p.234.) 20 Jf Lra Johis quondam Regis Scoc de Magno Sigillo suo testificans fidelitatem quam fecit p Regno Scoc Dno . E. q°ndam Regi Angl Sriori Dno Regni Scoc j in psencia quondam Magnatu Scoc. Da? apud Novu Castru sr Tynam j anno Gre milto . cc mo . Ixxxxii. °t regni dci pr Angl. xxi°. 21 Jf Lra centu T: quatuor Magnatu de ptibj Angl *1 Scoc audito^ juriu T: plito^ Petenciu jus in Regno Scoc testimonialis qd satis ostensu fuit T: platu atq^ dcm p Robtm de Brus ex una pte L Johem de Bal~ liolo ex al?a j p quod Dns Rex pcedere po?it T; fa§e judiciu in? ptes pdcas.sub dat.a°. Dni m°.cc. Ixxxxii. It regni pdci Pr . E. fil p: . H. xx°. 22 r si rotuli sub sigillis quondam Magnatu Scoc continentes plitum in? . J. de Balliolo It R. de Brus sr jure Regni Scoc j Dat anno r . p . . E. fil Pr . II. xx m0 . 23 jf Lra testimonial sub sigiH Magnatu Angl It Scoc de ptestacoe pr . E. fil . H. qd lra quam ipe Rex fecit Magnate Scoc j qd pcessus plito^ peten- ciu jus in Regno Scoc detminari debet hac vice infra Regnu Scoc j non erit alias pjudicialis ipi Regi j q*n possit alias ext a Regnu illud in Angl vel alibi quo sibi placSit in sili casu fac?e quod sibi placSit vel OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 131 debebit sicut Supior Dns Scoc . sub dat . a 0 dci . E. xx°. (p.235.) 24 jf Septum p quod petentes jus in Regno Scoc obligant se ad petendu [T; recipiend] jus suu coram Rege Angl Sriore Dno Scoc ; Ip quod gcedunt qd ipe Rex audiat T; ?minet j ura sua in dco Regno Scoc sicut ei qui est Supior Dns Scoc competit in hac pte sub dat . a 0 Dni miltmo . cc°. Ixxxxi 0 . 25 jf Scptu de submissione omiu Petenciu jus in Regno Scocj qd p rato bebunt j quicq ! d eis con- siderate. fSitpjure suo in dco Regno p Dnm.jE. Regem Angl Sriorem Dnm Scoc j et qd concedunt ei seisinam de T’ris T: Castris toci 9 Scocj sub dat pdco. 26 jf Lre sub sigillis Dni . E. q°ndam Regis Angl fil I \ . H. ||alio£ Magnatu. Regnu Scoc ut jus Tt-i beditatem suam Eetenciu fee sup reddicoe Regni T: M| Castro^ Regni Scoc in custodia div^so^ Magnatu * ej 9 dem Regni existenciu p assensu dco£ Magnatu in manus dci Dni libat sub dat pdco. 27 jf Quedam patens comissio Dni . E. fil . H. sub sigillo ej 9 de I^ p regimine Regni Scoc de- putato i Epo Glasgueh dir c ta p fidelitate de Magna- tib 3 ej 9 dem Regni recipienda. Dat anno pdco. 28 jf Indenture fee in? Reges Angl T: Scoc T: quosdam ministros suos de diesis munimentis in Castro de EdenburgTi inventis que p pceptu dci Angl pdeo Regi Scoc libata fuerunt j sb pdeo dat. 29 Lra Dovenaldi de Insulis T; Alex’i de Argathih Dno E, Regi Angl fil . H. fca de bn "t fidelr se bndo erga eunde Rege a 0 r . ej 9 dem . xx°. {p. 236.) (p. 237.) 132 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 30 jf Lra Alex' i de Ergathil °t Johis fit sui j p quam pmiserunt in psencia Dni Ify Angl fideli? adjuvare Custodes Regni Scocie ad pacem ejusdem Regni §vand da? . a 0 pdco. 31 jf Lra Alex' i de Insults Scoc fit Anegus fit Dovenaldi j fca Dno . E. Regi Angl fit I \ .H. qd pacem custodiet in ptibj, suis insula £ usq^ ad plia- mentu Scoc in xv & . Sci MicTiis. Dat a 0 pdco. 32 jf Consimilis lra Alex' i de Ergathil de Insulis Scoc j eodem modo fca pldco Regi sub eodem dat. 33 jf Lra . J. Regis Scoc p quam reddidit Dno . E. Regi Angl fi \fy.H. Regnu Scoc j Dat sub sigillo p>dci I^i Scoc a°. r . sui iiii t0 . 34 jf Rotulus continens leges L consuetudines Burgo^ Scocie. 35 jf Ilm rotulus contines t a nscripta carta^ sc’p- to£ memo d0r ’ apud Edenehorgti invento^ in Thesaur Scoc . anno Dni m° . cc° . lxxxxi°. 36 jf Itm rotulus contines quedam t a nscr*pta bulla^ T: qua^da T; qua£ lra£ sb Magnis Sigillis Dno^ Rici . Henr Ht E. q°ndam Regu Angt j cu t a nsc‘ptis quondam ||instro£ Regnu Scoc tangent. 37 jf Itm una cedula continens tractatu pacis T; concordie fritum in? quosdam Reges Angt Tt Scocie. 38 jf Itm rotulus continens appellacoes Septem Comitu Regni Scocie sr jure ej 9 dem Regni ad eos- dem Comites ptinete coram Custody dci Regni p dcos Comites fcas platas. 39 jf Itm due Ire sigillis Comitum It Baronu Angt sigillate que ordinate fuerut Dho sumo Ponti- OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 133 fid t a nsmittende sr declaracoe juris Regis Anglie de Regno Scode j eide sumo Pontifici intimanda . sb dat anno Dni m°. ccc°. (p.238.) In forSio de cof ferro ligal ad tale signu. I 40 jf Sc*pta tangenc tractatu de mrimonio cont a - hendo in? . E. fit H. ify Angl 1 filiam Regis Norwag heredem Scoc . cu q^d Iris p Regem Norwagie qud^dam Magnate Scoc dirctis. In forcio de coreo ferro ligato ad tale signu. 41 jf Lre instra T; rotuli de articlis cont a Glasgueh T; Sci Andree Epos . sr adherencia ipo£ Robto de Bruys in p'ncipio rebellionis sue cont a Regem Angl T; de inquisicoib} T; aliis in pcessu inde cont a ipos ex pte Reg exhibitis. In puchea de canabo ad tale signuin. 42 jf Instrumenta P’p ca sr homagiis T: fidelitate . E. Regi Angl fcis p J. de Balliolo Regem Scoc J, P’latos Nobiles dci Regni./ T: de submissione dci J. fca dco Regi Angl r t libacoe ipi 9 JoTiis fca Epo || Vicentn ^ Epo ^ scdm ordinacoem Dni P’p e . cu quibjdam rotul T: aliis me d ’ de eadem ma?ia. In pva pu- 43 jf Rotuli T; cedule de ordinacoib} p Rege chea de can jBigt f*cis sr custodia T’re Scode It Marchie eius- dem j T: de municoib 3 Castro^ T; donacoibj r ra£ No- ad tal sign. * bilib 3 Angl p dcm Rege fcis. 134 antient kalendars and inventories In pucliea de canabo ad tale sign. AT In pixide lign ad tale sign. In hanapio de virgis ad tale signu. M (p. 240.) In puch de can ab ad tale sign. ym: 44 (f Duo instra P’p ca sb manu Magri JoTiis de Cadamo 4 unu instfm P’p^ sub manu Magri Andree de Tange de pcessib; cont a Scotos. 45 jf Quatuor Ire executorie Ebop Archiepi Tt Karl Epi divsis P’latis Angl directe p mandatu Cle- mentls P’p e tA ad denunciand Robtnm de Brus Co- mitem de Carrik* excoicatu p homicidio Joliis de Comyn in Ecclia Ffm Mino^ de Dunfres fco j et ad tras castra T; villas jpdci JRob/i. ^ alio£ sibi adherenciu in hac parte intdco supponend. 46 jf Quedam Ire Phi Regis Franc j Johis Reg Scoc T: Haqhii Reg Norwag de conductu p eosdem Reges Witto le TValeys concesso in regnis eosdem Regu eundo redeundo j cu quib^d Iris de ordina- coib; It confederation p quosdam Magnates Scoc pfato Witto fee que Ire invente f mint cu eodm Witto j q a ndo capt 9 fuit j \ Diio R apud Kyngestoii appor- tate [p Diim J. de Seg*ve.~] 47 jf Quedam Ira Alex’ i Reg Scoc [patens] cu Iris divso^ M’cato^ de denar ei libatis [p feodo quod pcipiebat de E. Rege Angl . [p manus Gaufridi Neu- baudj nup custod Epatus Dunohn. 4S jf Itm quedam instra tangent Jacobu Sen Scoc. Epm Sci Andr f Epm Biblieii cu quib^dam Iris eoxdem. 49 jf Itm rotuli plito^ de pliamento . R . J. Scoc apud Scone 1 Stryvelyn anno regni sui pmo. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 135 50 jf Itm quedam ordinacoes j indenture me da tangent ordinacoes de T’r Scoc. 51 jf Itm duo rotuli contin div^sas ordinacoes j * req'sicoes de diesis tVis dat p . E. Regem Angt. 52 jf Itm rotuli de noib} Magnatu qui morabant 1- cu Dno . Rege . E. in guerra Scoc j anno regni sui . xxxii io . 53 jf Itm rotuli redditales de valore tVe Scoc- p annu. 54- jf It quedam inq'sicoes capte in diesis ptib 5 Scoc . p bria de Magno °t P’vato Sigilt Dni . R . E. fit R II. annis divlsis de quib}d psonis qui venerunt ad pacem ipius Dni R j et eciam de q'bjd articulis tempalitat Ecctie JfS'cc. 55 jf It rotulus de noib 3 Magnatu 1 alio£ q* fecWt homag Dno . i£. R . Angt. 56 jf Itm quedam cedule ^nsc’pta lra£ R me da tangent T’ram Scoc. 57 jf It duo rotuli tangent locucoem de pace Jotiis Comyn Tt sibi adherenciu. 58 jf It rotulus respons Religioso^ Angt de cariagio accomodando Dno . R p guerra Scoc j a 0 r . R . E. fit . R . H. decimo. 59 jf Itm Ire quondam Magnatu t alio£ de T’ra Scoc de divsis mat’iis. 60 jf It rotuli cedule \ memo d ’ continent infor- macoem juris R Angt in Regno Scoc Curie Romane t a nsmissam j \ responsiones Scotoip. cont a informa- coem p'dcam T: alia divsa dcam informacoem 9 ting. jf It quatnus in quo contine r t a ctatus de vita 61 (P-241.) Inpucheade canabo ad tale signu. In forSio ligneo in pte ferro ligato ad tale signu. In hanapio de virgis ad tale signu. 136 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES T; 9 psacoe quondam Nobiliu Angl . T; David Reg Scoc. 62 jf It rotuli I me da de §viciis Angl pstitis cont a inimicos suos Scoc p nobiles T; ignobiles Regni sui 1, T’re Hibh j et de pvidenciis faciend in Hibh p guerra Scoc. 63 Quedam me da de cronicis j ad mandatu Dni 1^ . E. fit 1^ . H. ad informacoem p jure suo in Regno Scoc ftndam j p dipsos de Clero Angl tam religiosos q a m seculares fcis circa annu regni dci Dni I(( . xvii'f . vel . xix°. 64 jf Lre sub sigillis Magnatu \ Coitatu Villa^ T: alio£ div’so^ hoim de Regno Scoc j ad pacem Dni , E. Angl fil H. venienciu./ de bn T; fidelr se ftndo vWs eundem Dnm Regem j 1 de homag T; fidelitate eidem Dno Regi p dcos Scotos fcis j annis regni dci 1^ . xxiiii t0 . r t . xxv t0 . 65 Lre Phi Franco £ It alio£ Magnatu tangen- ciu treugas in? Dnm Regent Angl T; Scotos j ad in- stanciam dci Franc p aliquod tempus initas j de diesis datis. 66 jf Ifm diPse alie lre quondam Magnatu Scoc de car§e Dni Angl delibato^ j de bit 1 fidelr se Undo j in auxilio eidem Dno Regi Angl jpstando j in guerra mota in? eundem Dnm Rege Angl\ Dnm Regem Franc j de diesis dat. In puchea decanaboad tale signu. (p. 242.) In coSro ferro ligato ad tale signum. Incoffro fer- ro ligato ad tale signu. 5nn? In una puchea de coreo ad tale signu. jEF In magna huchea ad tale signu. m OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 137 67 jf Bulle P’p a les div!sop j plima^ maVia^ Regib} Scoc T: aliis divsis ejusdem T’re dirte p statu dee T° re de diesis dat. 68 jf Cofiru plenu de diesis rotulis cedulis ~t aliis me^ de tempe dfPso£ Regu Scoc j ac coitatum pciu illa^ ut de expn Hospic ipo^ Regu Ins ipis Regib} dhotis j ac Iris ipo^ Regu aliis directis j ac eciam q a mplib} aliis divsis de rainimo valore. 69 jf Itm sunt reposita in alio coffro de p>dcis memorandis usc^ ad plenu billato j de matia pdea . p una billam de vbo ad vbu. 70 jf Octo pecie cuneo^ Regni Scocie p moneta facienda q a i dampnate^ et sex pecie ponderu de piumbo j sedm consuetudine ej^dem T're |]fce. 71 jf Munimenta Regu Scocie X alio^ diYso^ ejusdem Regni ut de cartis Regiis p Reges ejusdem T’re j divsis feis ; act cartis \ sc’ptis divso^ Mag- natum T: alio£ dee T’re j una cu aliis variis me^j de quib} hie mencio expose fieri non potuit fpre confu- sione sc’pture \ ppt eo£ minimu valorem j set sunt reposita j videlt., in duob} forciis de coreo j ferro ligatis^ in quatuor hanapiis./ de coreo nigro cooptis. in . ix. forciis ligneis j in . xviii. hanapiis de virgis j et in . xxxii. pixidib} pter alia munimenta X me 3a ejusdem T’re^ antea in isto libro p divsas pticulas X drCsa signa j atq^ sedm ordinem nunii X sedm eo£ facultates intrata t registrata. vol. r. L 138 antient kalendars and inventories (p. 246.) In hanapio de virgis ad duppl. XVIII. f hollanB. jf Littere [f memoranda .] de ptib3 T’re Holland. 1 jf Litt’a Comit Holland de 9vencoib3 fcis in? ipm j Dnm . E. Regem . Angt sup 9t a ctu mat'mo- niali in? Alfonsum filiu Regf \ Margaretam filiam dci Comitis sub dat j anno Dni . m°. cc mo . lxxx mo . p'mo. 2 jf Lit?a testimonialis de divisione T’ra^ Comi- tat 9 Holland T: Seland facta j sub dat j anno Dni . m°. cc mo . Ixx. r mo p'mo. 3 jf Lit?a Florencii Comitis Holland de 9vencoib3 fcis in? . E. Rege Angt j T: dcm Comite sup 9t a ctu mafmonii in? Jilid ej 9 de . . T; Jiliu pfati Comitis sub dat j anno Dni . m°. cc mo . lxxxv t0 . 4 jf Lit?a Dni . I \ . E. de potestate comissa Dno J. de Vesci . J. de Lovetot j f Magro Thome de Soclyntoh de mrimonio 9t a hendo in? JoTiem filiu Comitis Holland j 1 Elizabeth filiam . I \.Angl sub dat j anno Dni m° cc mo Ixxx. q'nto. 5 jf Lit?a Comitis Holland de potestate cdmissa^ quib3 instris de guerra movenda in expedicoem negoc dci Dni ]$; Angl cont a Regem Franc . de diesis dat. In hanapio de v'gis ad tale signu. M 2 156 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 1.) Magna Co- rona R\ Scita Co- rona. “ Seda Co- “ rona.” MEMORANDA of the TREASURY, 19 Ed. III. to 45 Ed. III. 19 Ed. III. 1 ^ Me d ’ qd Magna Corona fy in psencia Dno^ W. de Edyntoh Thes Y JoTiis de || Ectoii Y JoTiis de II Houton Caniar posita fuit in una cista in Tliesau- raria 1^ inf a claust m Westm “||jux a ” Caplm cuj 3 * * * * * 9 clavis est in pvo coffro CaiSar in Recepta Scc a ii xvi. die Junii anno regni 1^ .E. feii a coquestu xix°. . . . . . . pte tcii folii . . . 2 Me d ’ qd seda Corona in psencia Dno^ TV. de Edyngtoh Thes . JoTiis de Ectoii Y JoTiis de “ Houton ” Caniar posita fuit in una cista in Thes inf a claust m Westm jux a Caplm cuj 9 clavis est in pvo coffro Camlar de Recepta Scc a ii xvi. die Junii anno ? 1^ # feii a conquestu . xix°. “ xxix 0 die || Junii ||porta r ad Hospiciu Thes T: reni “ in custod ejusd.” 3 Mem d ’ qd Corona pdea “ capta ” fuit “ p “ pYatos Thes CaiSar a cista h Thes pdcis T; por- “ tata Hospicio ejusdem Thes $tis de causis p'mo die “ Alight reportataad Tliesaur p'dcam Y . . . . posita in “ cista pdea viii. die ej 9 d mens. Postea eade Corona “ lihat fuit Tidmano de Limbergh p securitat cujusd “ same pecun qua mutuav Dno 1^ t?mio PascTi a 0 “ xx. qui ipam restituit ad Re tam Scc a ii xvii. die “ Fehruar a 0 xxii'C . \ reponif in cista sup a dca “ xi 'Hi. die ejusde mens.” OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 157 (p. 1 b.) Tcia Co- rona. “ T’cia Co- “ rona.” Quarta Co- rona vocata la Chapelette, Quarta Co- rona vocata la Chapellet. Magna Sigitt q° IV utit r I ptib3 F i ncie ex a hit r . f ut p 5 in gxia pa- ri elk. 4 Me d ’ qd ?cia Corona R< in psencia Dno£ Willi de Edyngtoii Thes It JoTiis de Ectoii 1 J. de Houtoii Caniar posita fuit in una cista in Thes R inf a Claustru Afebie Westm jux a Capitlm cuj 9 clavis est i pvo coffro CaiSario^ de Re ta Scc a ii . xvi. die Junii a 0 , f R . E. fcii a gquestu . xix°. “ xx ii. die Julii portat r ad ||hospicu Thes T; reiii “ in custod ejusd.” 5 “ Mem d> qd Corona pldca capta fuit p pTatos “ Thes \ Camef de cista R Thes pdcis f portata “ Hospicio ejusdemThes ctis de causis phno die Aug * ( T: reportata ad Thes pdcam T: ibid posita in cista “ ]9dca viii. die ejusd men's.” 6 Me d ’ qd quarta Corona R vocata la Chapelette in jpsencia Dno^ . W. de Edyngtoh Thes f J. de Ectoh R J. de Houtoh CaiSario^ posita fuit in una cista in Thesaurar R inf a claust m Abbie Westm jux a Capithn cuj 9 clavis est in pvo coffro CaiSario^ de lie ta Scc*ii . xvi. die Junii anno r R . E. fcii a con- questu . xix°. “ xxii. die Julii portat r ad Hospiciu Thes f rem “ in custodia ejusd.” 7 “ Mem d ’ qd Corona pldca capta fuit p pfatos “ Thes t Camer de cista \ Thes j?dcis Ht portata “ Hospicio ejusd Thes Stis de cais Rmo die Aug “ reportata ad Thes jpdcm \ ibide posita in cista ‘ ‘ pdca vii die ej 9 de mens.” 8 Me d ’ qd Magnu Sigillu R quo utebat r in ptit >3 Fincie positu fuit in una cista in Thes R inf a claust m Abbie Westm jux a Capittm cuj 9 clavis est in pvo coffro Caniar in Re ta in psencia Dno£ W. de Edyngtoh Thes It J. de Ectoh \ . J. de Houtoh Ca* m 3 (p. 2.) vacat. “ Magnu Si- “ gillu quo “ R utebat r “ in ptib 3 “ Alem “ Flandr “ Brabant “ 1 F*ncie.” Magnu Si - gillu dep p officio Cane Dunolm sede vac. 158 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES niar . xvi. die Junii a 0 regni R E. feii a conquestu . xix°. “ Ex a hit r ii. die Julii ” l< a 0 xix°. °t lit Dno R p “ Magr J. de Thoresby ap cl Sandeuycu . Hi. die Julii.” “ Postea . xxx. die Julii a 0 eod . restituit 1 Thes Ht “ Carfiariis p R, de Sadyngtoh Cancella? \ reponit 1 “ in loco phiri.” 9 ^ “ Mem d ’ qd virtute cuj 9 da bias sub PVato “ Sigillo R Thes 't Caniar directi sb dat xxx. diei “ Juh morant in Recepta R in? alia bria sua de “ ?tnino Pasch anno R sui . xix. iidem Thes T; CaiSar “ ceperunt Magnu Sigilt ejusd R quo nup utebat r “ in ptib3 Alem Flandr Brab T; F^ncie ext a cista in “ qua ponunt r . iiii. Corone ejusd R in magna Thes “ sua inf a Abbathia Westm cuj 9 clavis est in coffro “ CaiSar in Recepta et sigillu. pdem libaver Dno “ Thome de \\Ettoh Clico de Rec ta p'mo die Jut pxio “ seq ad portand pTato Dno R . apd Sandwycu T: “ eidem R ibide liband sedm tenore bris sup a dci.’\^ 10 M d ’ qd Dns JoTies de Mar ton libavit [p in- dent r am] Sigillu deputatu p offico Can cell libtatis Epatus Dunolm sede vacante Witto de Fdyndoh Thes JoTii de Fctoh . °t JoTii Houton Camiar . xii. die Julii . anno . xix no . quod quidem sigillu . positu est p eosdem Thes T: CarSar in cista ubi ponut r Corone Regis. “ M d ’ qd pdem sigilt . lib . Dno “ JoTii Farefax ’ ” “ x°. die Julii a 8 r R Rici sccti v t0 [ad deliband “ Hug oh Westuyk’’] p quod bre rmah in? Illegul t( [|briu de ?mio Pasch . a° iiii to . Reg sup a dci. Et “ restituit r p man 9 pdei Johis sub sigilt Hugoh de “ WestwyF . xx° die Febr a° v t0 et rpoit r in cist ‘ c sup a dca.” OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 159 Oblig de Bardes de xxx m '\ li. T indent Pcevali de Porche Magfi rao- nete R. “ Et sifit r “ una in- “ dent r a “ || Allex'o “ Flamee.” ll Me d ’ qd una obligacio fca Dno R; . p M’cator de Societ Bardop . de . xxx ml \ ti. % similit r una in- dent r a Percivalt de Porclie de Luk * Magri monete R; ponunt r in una pixide in magno coffro retro CaiSar in Recepta. “ Et sitit r una indent r a Allex’e Flamee “ It soc suo£ Merc de Luld ponit r in eade pixide.” c ‘ xxiiii t0 die Julii . ext a h . obligo T; indent r a Bardofy “ T: lib R. de Sadyngtoh Cancellar p . /. de Ectoh It “ J. de Houtoh Cai8ar . et indent r e monetario^ It bfib 3 jucli- cialibj. Magna Corona. Capa R T at jocat. (p. 3 b.) Indent a Aiuyno de lieulc. “ x xiiii t0 q a nda ptem indenture in? pdcm Dnm “ Rege T; Anton JBacke Marchant de Gene T: NicTim “ I| C/ione “Magros” monetel^in T*ri London confect 3 fm de eisd Maner. 29 Ed. III. 1 M d ’ qd . xi mo . die Octobr ,a° r I| f. fcii post conq . xxix 0 . Thes T; Camar de Sc a cio lib Rico de Ecclessale recept [den] R ap d Cales “sigillu ejusde” Ville. Et reportat r xv° die ejusd mens . et ponit r in magn cista [viridi] ad dorsu Cai§ar. Postea ||liht fuit fPdcm sigillu Dno Roglo de Bello Campo xxxi 0 . die Januar . a 0 xxix 0 . 2 M d ’ qd xxiiii 0 die Nov’, a 0 xxix 0 . StepTi \\Runny« lovoe custos Cast 1 1^ de Not libavit Thes % Caniar unam zonam corea nigr cu arg garniat cu uno pvo cultello It uno loculo de serico nigro f in ^ quo ponit r ||qo d da. sight que fuer Henr Horn. Itm ide StepTis libavit eod die xx. s. de pecunia que fuit pdci Henr, 3 M d \ qd xxix. die Not f a°. xxix 0 . recept fuerunt p Tb 1; Caniaf de bonis Rob Knollys ut pj p in- dent . q ponit r in pva cista alb cu . ii. clav T; bona pon in ii. mal de corio alb T: nigro q 1 ponut r in magna huch stante in Capeh Sci StepTi. 178 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES IT Miner Dui Reg* Instrm j) March Juliac. Indent r a II. Wheler. Bfe pates Abbis de Redyng. Indenfa de m 1 in 1 li. (P-10.) 4 M d ’ . qd tercio die Decembr anno xxix 0 , Dns Thes 1 CaiSar receput ptem uni 9 indentur cont a Magrm JoTiem \\Hauner h Hermanu de Reynesthorp de Minera Reg in Com Devon alibi in Angl j eisdm dimiss j et po r dca pars indent r e in alb cofir habent duas cerur j die T: a 0 . sup a dcis. 5 Me d ’ qd vii°. die Decembr anno xxix 0 . quoda instrm fcm int Dnm Ip . T: Wiltm Marchion Juliacen de di?s convencoibj ponit r ^in pva^ in alb coffr habent duas cerur die a 0 , supadcis. 6 M d> de i indent r a fca int Thes * CaiSar Tt Henr le Wheler de Craule p dom Magri Ger le Hewn! xi. die Dec a 0 , xxix 0 . scdm Scak’ que ponit r . in cofir cu . ii. serur. 7 M d \ qd ultimo die Januar a 0 , xxix 0 . quada Ira llpatens fca Rico de Mardyn concanoico Abbis de Redyng de jocalibj ipius Abbis restitut erat in Re ta Sc a cii T; dampnat r quia ide Abbas aliud fcm huit de eisd jocalib}. Et rem in hah de tlo Mich a®. eode. 8 M d \ qd xvi°. die M*rc . a °. xxix 0 . fca fuit . i. in- dents in? Tb . Angl T: Johm de Humbeltoh . de m 1 . m 1 . Ii. lib Constab Vascoh . T; poni r in pva cista cu . ii. serur. 9 Fait arem q . ii. Sealx d esteym q furent faitz p r Mons Lyoneli h: Mons John de Gaunt furent livez en garde as Tres T; Chambleines de lEscheqer . le xxi. jo r dApp'Tt 1 an xxix. Et demorent en un petit . box . deinz la cofiret de . ii. serres j dount les Cham- bleines ount les cliefs. 10 Fait areni q le xxx. jo r de Janev! Ian . xxix™ OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 179 furent recuz hors de la Chaunceftie . iiii. livrez co- Srez de quyrboiff rouge touchantes la Duche de Gascoigne J . queux 1 on r abel pier en Dieu . . Euesq^ de Bounds avoit nadgaires ovesq^ lui a Avynoh T; les reporta en la Chauncelf “ Tresorie Postea p “ bfe de Cancellar in? mandata ?ini Pascb a • oc cc cc • “ lib fuer jPdce f De vase 11 M d ’ qd xxviii. die Julii a 0 . xxx mo . Robtus de Jo fas Mai- Charwaltoii T: Jobes Bray de Upton libavYmt Thes'T: CarSar p indent r am vasa argent Johis Mabweyn cu quod coffr ligneo ferro ligato quod quid coffr cu vase ponit r in Thesaur in claust 1 " Abbie Westrh j et clavis ejusde coffr ponit r in q a da cista cu trib} serur in Cain’a nui§ato£ una cu indenfa pdca. Baddeby T 12 Indentur Thome de Baddeby una cu alia in- Clebury. dentur Rogli de Clebury de div^s jocalib} r t aliis )|ncc a iis Dne JoTme fit Dni Reg Angl inveniunt r in q a dam cista ffu cerur in Re ta Sc a cii videlt in “ eadem “ CaiSa ” jPdco^ nui§ato£. (p.ll.) 30 Ed. III. l M d \ qd quedam ps cujusd indenture quodd instrument!! duo script tangenc final comp T: acquiet. W. Marchion Juliaceh . rem in custod Thes T; Cam in quod coffino ligneo ad tale signu “ "t ponit r in “ quad cista cu trib 3 serr stanti in quod pvo solar in “ eade Re ta .” « Wynde - 2 M d * qd sc do die Marcii anno . r . 1^ E. fcii . “ sore.” xxx°. Dns Witts Mugge Gustos Collegii libe Capelle fy inf a Castru de \Wyndesore~\ libavit in Re ta quodd scriptu p quod idem Gustos T; Golleg Capelle pdce 180 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 13 Witts de Wyktfm Hrepoit oia I ista pceit content. Homag Dni Godefr de Harecourt. sursum reddiderunt dco Dno MaSiu de Vefi Wyndesore cu ptin T: quad gurgite vocata Horned were J . que remanet in quad pixide ad tale signu. 3 M d ’. qd xii. die Mali a 0 r E. foil post conq. XXX • p bre de cancel! Thes T; Caniar direct iidm Thes T: CaiSar lib Wiltmo de Wyltlfm Clico totu iter foreste de Pilcerynge quod continet r in lx. rotlis simul ligat T: iii. rotlos de clameis foreste in Coin Cestr ad ducend ad ptes Sa £ . p . itinle de Clary ndoh ibidm tenend coram Dnis Witto de Brewes W. de Thorp "l aliis. 4 M d ’ qd . xiii 0 . die Mali anno r E. ?cii post conquest . xxx°. omes carte indenfe \ memorand tangent dcm Dhm Ify que fue? in quadam cista alba cum duab 3 seruris ponunt r modo in quadam magna cista alba cu iii. «|> b ser que stat in quodam solar facto n computar ad argent f auru comp f ^nuni- andu.4* u ponderandu.” 5 M d ’ qd . viii 0 . die Aug anno r I \ . E. fcii post conq . xxx mo . libat erat Thes T: Cai§a? de Sc a cio Reg quadam Ira patens * sigillo Dni Godefridi de Harcourt p qua fecit homag T; fidelitate ipo Dho Regi T: ponit r in quada pixid lignea que pixis ponit r in cista cu <^duab 3 ^ [“trib 3 ”] seruris situata in cama Computato^ cu tali signo. a OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 181 (P-11 b.) Homag Dili Phi de Navarr. Instrm de affinitatib3 in? Dnm Rege T Karolu de Bloys. Convencio in? Dnm Rege T Ka- rolu de Bloys de redemp- coe ipius Karoli. 7 Sigitt God- friit de Hareco't . 31 Ed. III. 1 M d * qd xxi°. die Octobr anno . xxxi°. Thes It CaiSarii receperunt quand indenturam fcam in? Dnm Regem j et Dnm Phm de Navarr de homag eide Dno. IlDno Regi fco p ?ris quas ide Dns Rex concessit eide Dno Pho in Normann coquerend usq,, ad valore sexaginta miliu flor annui reddit 9 et ponit r ,in cista cu trib 3 seruris [“ inponit 1 in quad pixide situata in CaiSa comput cu tali signo. 9 2 M d \ xxv t0 . die Octobr a 0 , r I \ .E. \fcii ] . xxxi mo . Thes Cai§ar' recepunt de Witto de || Tyriton quodd instrm sup delihacoe corpis Caroli de Bloys T; aliis affinitatib 3 in? ipm Dnm Rege T dcm Karolu et po- nit r in quodam han in cista cu trib 3 seruris situata in Cania comp ad hoc signu. 35 3 M d . qd q'nto die Decembr anno . r E. fcii a conq Angl . xxxi 0 . Thes % Camar receperunt de Dno David de Wollore quandam convencom in? ipm Dnm Regem T Karolu de Bloys Duce Britann de re- dempcoe ipius Karoli nup in ptd >3 Britann capti de guerra. Et ponit r in quada pixide lignea j in magna cista cu trib 3 seruris situata in Cai8a computato^ cu tali signo. 4- Fait a Hrembrer q le . ix e . jo r de Decembr 1 an . xxxi e . Meistre Pieres Pygache clierc Monse Godefray de Harecourt liv^a as Tresores T: Chamhleins deux seals q furent a Mons Godefray de Hareco r t q est a 182 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (P- 12.) Indent in? JDnm j W T Prior T Con- vet Dunolm. Dieux comaunde. Et ponit r in quad pixide lignea in magna cista cu trib 3 seruris situata in cama com- putato^ cu tali signo 5 M d ’ qd ix°. die Decembr . anno . r p . .E. ?cii . xxxi°. Thes T; Cai§ar . receper duas indent in? Dnm Ify T: Priore It Convent . Dunolm . de appriac Ecclie de HemingburgTi T; de relaxac . xl. li. quas dci Prior T: Convent 9 recipe solebant apud Berewycu de den dci Dni Ht qua£ una reman in custod dco£ CaiSar apud Westm in quod cofir triu cerur situat in cania comp . (videlt in quad pixid ad hoc signu Carta p qua Thes Angt faciunt co- lacoem uni 9 pbende in Capella Sci Stepfti inf a Palacium Reg Westm. 6 Et alia ind rein in custod dco£ Caniar apud Turr London in quad cista de scda pticla vidj in una pixide ad tale signu 7 Eod die T: eod anno receper dci Thes Tt CaiSar quand cartam Regf p qua Thes Angt qui p tempe fuerint facient colacom pson idon de quad prebend in Cap ell Sci Stephi inf a palac Westm j Et ponit r in cista [ “ cu trib 3 seruris sup a Ret am Sc a cii ”3 sup a dca in quad pixid ad tie signu existente in quad baga de canabo.’ 8 Eait a remembr q le . x e . jo r de Decembr j 1 an du regne le Roi Edward tier *, . xxx'f. Sire David de Wollore Clierc de la Chauncellrie liv^a as Tres It Chambleins de lEscheqer . xxiii, chartres It relesses OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 183 Wesenlf-m de temporal Epat 9 Elien. . qd Thes T CaiSar de Sc a cio lifeaverunt \David de Wollore~\ xxviii 0 . die Febr anno xxxi 0 . p. E. fcii . virtute cujusdam bris de magno sig quon- dam Libru Pliamentofy continents xxiiij. quatnas ad retradend jpdeis Thes "t Cam citra f’m P ascii px futur. 12 M d ’ qd . xii°. die Mali anno regni p E. fcii Magne pi- chere lib Dne Is fit R. Vas argent Thorn de Rokeby. Vas arg Mallewayn. (P- 13.) Lra Reg Scoc. 184 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES post Conq x xxi° testat r qd VeSabil Pat Jokes Roffen Epus T; CaiSar de Sc a cio Dni p liftar apud Westm Wiffo de Huff Capelto Isabelle Jilie Dni Ify ad op 3 * 5 ejusdra Is j virtute privati sig JI dcis Thes T Caniar directi duas magnas picheras deaur p totu quoit picher cont i. lag L pond p nova monet . de gross . xiiii. li. ix. £. viii. d. In cuj 9 . rei 1c. 32 Ed. II L 1 M d ’ qd . x xiiii 10 . die Octobr anno regni II E. ?cii post conq . xxxii°. Jokes de Glaunviff Clicus Dni Leonelli fit Dni Regis recepit de Thes J Camar ad opus dci Dni Lionelli p bre de pVato sig eisde Thes T; Cai§ar direct xxiiii. esqueles \ tant de saus- sers d argent j deux, bacyns T: deux lavours xiiii. hanapes j v. esqueles potagers j quatre potz ove deux covercles un godet ove . vii. altrs godettes ove deux covercles . un grobbe ove le cov’cle "I quatre llglauues endorez L deux ewers j L deux bacyns L un lavo r le quele vessel estoit a Mons Thomas de Roheby j et poyse p monoye de grotes iiii xx xviii. li. viii. s. vi. d. Et lendent r e de mesme la * est ||mys en la cofir ove troys serures en la chaumbr des- countours. 2 “ Clavis coffer cu vase argent Job . Malewayn “ signat cu q a da billa pend sr clave ponit r in cista “ cu iii. serur in cam a numerator simili? It indent r a “ vas pdict in ead cista.” 3 M d ’ qd . viii 0 . die Nov’ anno . ? E. fcii . xxxii “ lihat” fuit Thes L CaiSar Hquada lra David de Bruys II Scoc dir c t consilio [Dni] Regis tang securitate Fines tang Dnm Regem. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 185 lfcomp expn de tempore quo fuit in prisona Angl et ponit r in cista cu tribj seruris in CaiSa ||nuato£ et est in pixid ad hoc signu 4- M d '. qd xvii 0 . die Mali . anno . xxxii 0 . p E. tcii post Conq Thes T; Camer receperut de Robto Homeby . ii. pedes finiu lev in? Dhm Reg . T: Johem de Sco Rhilbto ChivaTr.T; Mar gar Ux ejus j de MaSiis de || Eton Hastyngs WCarcexvelt j T; de Sou- thorp . qui ponut r in alba cista cu tribj ceruris stant in domo comput in quad pixid cu aliis ped finiu. 5 Edwardus Dei gra Rex Angl T: Franc T: Dns Hibh Thes T: Cai§ar suis j saTtm. Volentes §tis de causis §tiorari sup quadam ordinacoe dudu in? Dhm E. nup Regem Angl avu nrm et Eliam de Cas- tellione de Castro [TfJ Castellania de Podio Normanm || Beuang "t Castellioh fca ac eciam sup Stis Iris p quas idem Elias se submisit gre T: voluntati ipius Avi nri necnon sup aliis Iris p quas idem Elias remisit pTato Avo nro Vicecomitatu de || Beuang \ de Castellioh. Vob mandam 9 qd scrutatis rotulis T: memorandis phnissa tangentibus que; in Thesaurar nra T: in custodia vra existunt ut dicit r tenores or- dinacois submissions quietacois T: remissionis pdca^ nob in Cancellar nram sub sigillo Sc a cii pdci sine dilone mittatis T: hoc bre. T. me ipo apud Westm. xviii. die . Juh . anno . pr . n Angl tricesimo scdo . r . ?o n Franc decimo “ nono.” 6 Virtute huj 9 bris Thes T; CarSar libarunt xin die Julii anno tricesimo scdo Dno Regi in Cancellar sua t a nscr pcess in? dcm Dhm Regem r t Dham Mariam de Alba fra tang Vicecomif Castelloh qui VOL. i. o 186 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES quidem pcess sunt posit in Turr London in quadam cofir de quart pt ad hoc sigh 33 Ed. III. l Virtute cujusd bris rem in? mand de fto MicTiis a 0 xxxii'f lib fuerunt . v t0 . die Octobr anno, eod div*sa jocalia in dco bri content Thes Angl ad lib Dno que jocalia p’us fuer lib Thes T; Cai§ar de Sc a cio ejusd p Dnm Gilhm Chastelon. (p. 13 b.) 2 Me d ’ qd Henr Pycard Civis London cep 1 de Dno Rege omia escamb p Angl a festo Sci Micbis a 0 . xxxii io . usq,, ide fm anno revoluto p . cc. m a rc . ut patet p quand pte indenture dci Henr rem penes Thes CaiSar in qd pixid ||ligneo ad tale signu 3 M d ’ qd Thes T; Caniar recepunt . xii°. die Nov ’ a°. xxxiii 0 . quanda lram JVilti de Gledstanes Milit de Scoc cu quod instro fco sup eande testificanf qd pdcus Witt juravit qd nuq a m erit armat 9 con a Angl n c hered suos j nisi in psene Pr Scoc . et ponit r in quad pixid ||ligneo ad hoc signu <1 4 Fait a remembr qe le Tresorer "t Chambleins de lEscheqer nre Seign 1 le Roi livWunt le xv. jo r de Nov’ a Meistre Joldn de Cologne un septre d argent endorre de trois peces q estoit a nre Seign x le Roi piere le Roi qe ore est. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 187 Lfa cle ora- coibj g Rege 1 Regina ac lifts suis. (p- !■*.) Franc. 5 M d ’ qd Thes It CaiSar receperut xix. die Angus ti anno xxxiii 0 . E. fcii post conq de Afebte Tt Conventu de Middelton quandam lram oronu mis- sa£ \ alio^ bnhc Dno Regi It Is Re ne mat ' sue T: Pke Regin e consorti sue \ libis sms p ipos Abbem It Convent llimpptm concess . quequid Ira ponit 1 in “ quadam pixide de ligno facE ” que q ! d pixis ponit r in quoda coffro in uno “ bilanc ” in recepta ad hoc signu . b . 6 Me d ’ qd xii° die Februar anno regni Regis . E. fcii a conquestu . xxxiii 0 . Thes r t Camar recepunt in Re ta Dni Reg ad salvo custodiendu . vii. scripta re- laxacoes et alia monumenta tang eund Dnm Re- gem t Wiltm de la Pole Seniorem et filios suos r' que ponunt r in quod a m coffino ligneo in magna cista stante in domo balancia^ et qui coffin 7 * 9 signaf ad hoc signu 7 M d> qd x° die Septembr . anno regni . E. fcii a conquestu . xxxiii 0 . Magr Jokes de Branlcetre liba- vit Thes Tt Cam’ar Iras subsc’ptas V 3 . Comitu de Eu . de Vendosme WJuny r t de . Sarebriche de rev’tendo in Angl. IE una lram Regis Gallici sigillo suo magno signal j Tt una aliam decern prisonar Franc sigillis signat sup eade ma?ia. It una lram Marescalli de OuderihPm T Dni de \\Albeny de rev’tendo in Angl. It una aliam dci Reg . "I una alia octo prisonar Franc sigilt signat sup eadem maria. IE una aliam lram Comitis de Tan7cervilt reVtendo in Angt It una aliam Regis Gallici T una aliam sex p'sonario^ sigillis signat de eade ma?ia. lEm una aliam Comi- tis de Dampen ariyn j alia Regf Gallici 1 tciam sex prisonar sigillis signal Itm unu instrm sup jura- 0 2 188 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES mento 'I pmissionibj quo^da Com It alio£ . nobiliu Franc prisonar Dm nri Reg. It unu aliud instrm sup juramento 't pmissionib 3 Comitis de Longevitt p'sonar . que ponut r in quodam hah de virgis quod ponit r in quadam cista in domo computato^ . ad hoc signu {jfranc} (p.ll.) Indent r a Witti de Deynco't T aliog. 8 M d ’ qd . xi° die Septembr . anno regni Reg E. fcii . xxxiii 0 . lib at fuit Thes T: Caniar “ Hquedam ” in- dents facta in? Dnm 1 £ T; Wittm Deynco T t T; alios de custodia Johis Reg Franc . in custodia ejusdem Witti T: soc suo£ existent “ \ ponit r ” in coffro in caiSa nuniat. (p. 14.) 9 M d ’ qd ultimo die Sept anno . xxxiii 0 Thes Ht CaiSar recepunt de Dno Cancellar quoddam hah cont cartas "I alia memorand tang Dnm Roglm Ba - vent quod hah signat r cu «f*hoc^ signo sequenti 35 Et ponit r in cista cu trib 3 seruris stante in domo comput. (p. 14 b.) 10 M d ’ qd bre Dni de PVato Sigillo Dno Epo RqF t 11 M d ’ qd p bre Dni I£ de P‘vato Sigillo Dno Epo Roff' Thes Angl et Camer directu reman “ in? man data” ?mini Michis a 0 , xxxiiii t0 dci Thes T: Camer lib “ Venlabil ” Pri Wynton Epo.T; Angl Cancel! unu Magnu Sigillu p officio Cancellar ordinatu.p tempe quo Dns Rex ext a Regnu suu Angl absens fQit scdm tenorem dci bris. 12 Itm p aliud bre Dni JI . reman in? mand “ ||sp a dca ” pfati Thes T; Camer mutare T: de novo fiibricare feSunt unu Sigillu quond Leonelli fit Dni OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 189 p tunc Custod Angl .\ conv^ti sub noTe Thome de Wodestofce .fit ejusd Dm Ify . que id Dns Rex con- stituit Custod Angl ipo Dno Rege in remotis agente scdm tenorem dci bris j quod quid sig sic de novo fabric . lib fuit Jofii de JBukyngh a m custodi sub dco Custode p eund p H consiliu. Vessellame- 13 M d ’ qd xxiii 0 die Nov' anno r p E. ?cii ta h°sp ici1 cc xxiii 0 . vessellamta Dni p |Jrec p una indentur in? 7 ' Vic Kane T;c fcam j Thes T: Caniar rceperunt . q ) sunt in Thes Dni p in dips coffr billat p $titudie alias bnd de dcis vessellamentis q indentura poni r in q°d hanapio posito in cista cu iii. seruris stante in recepta ad dorsum CaiSar cu hoc signo J . !)• 34 Ed. III. D Castris T aliis ter? Dno R dimiss p Jo%am de Bares Comi- tissam Surr I Com Ebo £. l M d ’ qd xvii die Febr anno xxxiiii. R E. tercii post conq appon r in cista in Cania comp ult a It sup a Rgtam Sc a ii q ue 3 Indent r a sb sigillo Comitisse Surr p q a m dimisit Dho Regi omia Castra terras T; ten sua que tenuit in dotem ex assignacoe dci Dni p post morte J. Com Surr q°nd viri sui in Coin Ebop. (p. 15.) 2 M d ’ qd qued indentura facta in? Thes T: CajSarios "t Wittm WMakeuat Vic Kane de diesis vessalmtis argenteis Dni Regis libat pdcis Thes T; CaiSar p Nichm Espilioh Majore Sandwyci que quide indentura inponit r in q°da cista existente in Cania computato^. 3 M d ’ qd xiiii 0 die Jut a 0 xxxiiii 0 . Thes % Camer rcept Dni p* de Rob de Horneby ii. ptes finiu tang 390 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Magnu Sig de Cancel- lar. Duo hah tang p Franc Karo- lu de Blogs T alios pri- sonar Franc. Prival Sigillu p sub noie Thom de Wodestoke. (p. 15 b.) Fines tan- gen? Dhm Begem. Dhm Ity una vkp de . i. mesuag . lxxii. acr t?r viginti acr p a ti iiij or solid . T; x. denar redd in Chigewelt. Al?am v° pte de Maniio de Dene in Insula de Taneto. 4. M d ’ qd . xxiii 0 . die Aug . a° xxxiiii t0 lib at fuit “Ven Pri” Wynton Epo Cancellar Angl sigillu [de] Cancellar Dhi p [usitatuj in Cancellar Angl tem- pore quo Rex f8at in pt Franc p f 5 M d ’ qd xxiiii' 0 die Aug . a°. xxxiiii t0 libat fuer <^Ven Pri Wynton Epo Cancellar Angl^f \_J 0 T 1 de Codyngtoh Ctico Cane] unu hanapiu cu Ira obligator p Franc °t alio£ p‘sonar Franc T aliis inst u mentis eo^d p^sonar Itm unu hanapiu cu lfa peuratoria Karoli de Bloys sup solucoe pecunie j Itm in eode hah div^s instra dem Karolu tang p bre de Magh Sig. 6 M d \ qd . xxiiii t0 . die Aug anno xxxiiii t0 . libat fuit in Re tam Sc a cii . p Dhm J. Epm Rojf’ Thes Angli P'vatu Sigillu Dni p sub note Thom de Wodestoke filii p Custod Angl j ipo Dho P in ptib 5 Franc exist quod quidem sigillu “ in custod” Joliis de Bukynglfm [Clici] ad passag Dni p v^sus pt fPdcas./ p ipm Dhm p It consiliu fuit libat. Et rein in quod [coflino] <^pixide4> ad tale signu 7 M d ’ qd xvii a . die Novembr . anno . f p F. feii . a . conq . xxxiiii t0 . Dhs Cancellar Angl libavit Thes It Caniar duas pt finiu consut de MaSio de Benh a m Borhunt custod ad usum Dni Reg que ponut r in quodam coflino cu quibusdam al finibj ipm Dhm p tang T; ponit r coffin 9 in magna cista cu trib 3 serur stantc in domo n uniat. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 191 Oblig de v"' 1 multoa. Duo Magna Sigtlla. Oblig de v"' 1 multon. Quodda ignot “ Et libat “ JoM Male- “ weyn “ xxvii 0 . die “ Febr “ eodem “ anno.” Qued Carta. 8 M d ’ . q(t die Decembr anno xxx iiii to . \\ E. fcii p 9 conq Thes T: CaiSar recepunt de Jodie Bur - bacdi Clico p indent in? eos T: dcm JoTiem factam quamdam oblig- de v ml multon j que oblig cum in- dents ponit r in magna cista cu t i b 3 seruris in domo n uniat. 9 Item eodem die [T: a'V] Thes \ Caniar re- cepunt de Dno Cancellar Angl duo Magna Sigilla argentea j vid} unuv quo utit r p Regie Angl in ab- sencia ex a Regnu Angl. Et aliud quo utit r in psencia ipo in Angl existente^ Et ponunt 1- ./ in cista cu trib 3 seruris in Thes jux a Claustru Westih. 10 M d ’ qd . x m0 . die Decembr a° xxxiiii to . Thes T Caniar libaverunt Walfo de la llolce “p indenfam” in? eos 1 dcm Waltm j quandam obligacom de q'mp milia multon . p bre de p'vato sigillo in? mand de ?mio MicTiis anno xxxv t0 que indent r a ponit r in magna cista cu trib 3 seruris in caiSa nuniato^. 35 Ed. III. 1 M d ’ . qd . xvi°. die Febr .anno .xxxv to . Thes T: CaiSar recepunt quoddam ignotu trib 3 sigilt sig- natu recept de Dno Guidone de Bryane Tt ponit r in quodam hah in magna cista in cania nuniat billat cum hoc signo 2 M d ’ . qd xxiii 0 . die Febr . anno regni Reg E. fcii a conquestu xxxv t0 Wilts Epus Wynton Cancel! Angl libavit Thes T: CaiSar de Sc a cio quand cartam Robti de Morley Milit de advocacoe ecclie de Rey- doh in Coin Norff ’ cu ohiib 3 capellis eid ecclie 192 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES annexis . bend T: tenend eid Dno Regi T: her suis imppm. Et ponit r in quad cista infra caiSam Nu- merator in quad pixside cu tali signo (p. 16.) Lre obliga- tor Due Burgund. QuoS sigil- lu. Sigillu Reg F*ncie sine pixid tang . v ml multoii de Francia. 3 M d ’ qd w?. die Marc anno regni Reg Ed- war di feu post conquestu xxxv to . Thesaur Tt CaiSar ejusdem Dni Pr in p^sencia Dni Cancellar recepunt de Dno Nicho de TarrvwortK p man 9 Magri Johis de Branlcetre tres Iras obligator qua£ due sigillant r sigillo Ducis Burgundie j et feia sigillat r sigillis xx tt uni 9 Magnat de Ducatu Burgundie p §ta sm a fflorenor solvend £t ftnis eid Dno nro Regi Angl et ponut r in quad baga de canabo in cista cu t'bj seruris in cai§a nuiSator cu hoc signo .a. 4 Item m d ’ qd eodem die \ anno libat fuit eisdem Thes ^ CaiSar p man 9 Witti Wynton Epi Cancellar Angl quodd Sigilt argent de duab 3 ptib 3 fact [p magno Sc a cio Dni Reg] p Walfum Atte Halle Aurifab London et ponit r in magna cista infra caiSam nuiSat infra Re tam Sc a cii in quad baga de canabo sigillat sigillo offic de Re ta . 5 M d ’ . qd xix°. die Marc . anno . xxxv t0 . Thes \ CaiSaf recepunt de Magro Walfo de Roka quamdam lram sigillat cu sigillo p? Franc cum una Ira de papo MicTiis de Malab de societ Malabo tangent quam- dam obligacoem de.v m1 ’. multon de F & ncia p ipm Walfum de Roka dco Michi Malab ex pte [cons Dni] f dci^ lib. Et ponit r in cista [stante] in caiSa nuiSat . sine pixide han vel coffino. “ Postea . lib- “ ant r Dno NicTio de Lovayn . ut pat 3 p quand in- OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 193 c< dent inde in? Thes T CaiSar "t ipm fcam ex “ data . xx i. diei Ocl a 0 xxxv to . que ponit r in pdca “ cysta . nuiSat.” 6 M d ’ qct xxiii. die Octobr . a 0 . xxxv tG . Thes 1 Caniar recepunt de Dno Til de Douedale T; Witto de Tyryngtoh [p indent r am ] quasdam cartas sigift sigillo Dni F a nc in cera virid de div^s [priis] vitt It civitat in ||pt ^ F a nc ^ Aquitah que continent 1 in trib 3 coffinis alb '‘t nov qui cophini ponut r in cista cu iii. serur in caiSa nuniat It indent r a pdca inveniet r in uno dco£ . iii. cophin bnt tale signu r' 3 ' (p. 16 b.) 7 Fait a remembr de divises sealx li?ez au Coun- seil nre S’ r le Roi p Wau? Atte Halle Orfeure de Loundrs le . x. jour de Novembr . 1 an xxxv te . j c est- assavoir deux g a untz sealx ove deux [petitz] coun- tresealx f dount lune p r Caleys T; 1 autre p r Gynes furent liv^ez raesme le jour a S ,e Thomas de Bran - tyngham Tresorier de Caleys Itm il deli?a mesme le jo r au dit Counseil un G a unt Seal [d une pece] de la SovWnte de Bounty/ Gynes Merk* Ht Caleys. Itm deux au?s Sealx 1 une del Seneschalcie 1 1 autre p r les obligaciones de Bounty/ j queux deux Sealx furent deliPez a S’ e Nichot de Loutlie Receivo 1 de Bounty/ j T: le dit g a unt seal y est mys en une huche en la chaumbre des Counto r s de la Receite. 36 Ed. III. Pax Arujt T, Franc T ob- ligac sup l M d ’ de duob 3 coff? [cu clavib 3 suis] ferro ligat signat cum di?s scut tittulat de pace fact Coles ftibacoe Da- vid de Brus. Carte tang Com War- ren. (F Acquietanc Jo fits de Novo Castro Dni de |] Villanfant. Pixis cu die- sis tang J. de Seint Loo T M’^Gornay. Pixis cu Car? tang Afebiam de “Deneye.” 194 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES in? Reges It Regna Angl T; Franc. Et silr de obligacoib} sup delibacoe % redempc David de Brus sitr de uno cofino corio rub ligat continent; car? tangent Comitem Warred tradend Dho Ip cu eas pecierit que oia ponunt r in magna Thesaur in quod almariolo ||rubio . jux a bagas de finib 3 . x °. die Novembr anno xxxvi t0 scdm curs Sc a cii. 2 Me d ’ . qd xiii 0 die Novembr anno Dni Mittimo ccc mo sexagesimo primo Jobes de Noefchastett Dns de \\Villanfant remisit Dno Regi p scriptu suu oia que vendicare po?it a Rege vel subditis suis occone §vicii sui . quod q J de scriptu in una pixide sub tali signo supius signato . ponit r in cista triu ceruraa in cania comput juxta Receptam. 3 M d ’ . qd tercio die Decembr anno xxxvi to . Rec de Consilio Dni Ip p Thes It CaiSarios . una pixis cu diesis indentur sc'ptis billis j T: aliis tangent Dnos JoTiem de Seint Loo . "1 Mathm de Gorney . 1, pon r eadem pixis cu dcis indentur Itc in cista cu duab 3 cerur in camera comp juxta Recepta j % signat r dca pixis hoc signo sequenti. 4? If M d ’ . qd xi mo . die Dec . anno sup*dco . Thes T: CaiSar recep . de Cons Dni . Ip quamd cartam Dno Ip fcam . p Mariam de Sco Paulo Comitissam Pembr . de advoc . T: pat°natu Abbie Soro£ Minor- issa£ de Deneye . que carta po r in quad pixide signat de po 1 ' in magna cista . in caiSa comp. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 195 (p. 17.) Oblig Bar- ttd || Guy- dones T aliog de sex mi- lib 3 marcag. Baga Thom Wake. O uno disco argeni. R’man in? mad t) . Sci Mich . anno xxxvi 0 . 5 M d ’ qd . xii°. die Febr anno . xxxvi t0 . libat fuit p consiliu Thes It CaiSar qued Ira obligator p qua Barthus \\Gwydones . Henr Pycard Johes Pecche °t Thomas de NotyngPm obligant r Henr de Salbury in sex milib 3 marcis s?ling d; ponit r in pva pixide ad hoc signu 'f ponit r in magn cista in cai§a comp [“ libat r JoTii “ Peche Maiori Bond p° die Jut a 0 , xxxvi 0 in p^senc “ Cosilii 1^.”] 6 Eodem die T; anno Thes T: CaiSar receperunt de Witto de Skipwyth Capit Barone de Sc a cio unam bagam cor continent duos rotlos quo£ quidam est de plitis coram Thoma Waite It sociis suis Justic Dni Regis apud Ebop "t alt 1 de plitis Corone coram eodem Thoma "t unam pixidem cum trib 3 comis- sionib3. 7 M d ’ qd xv. die Febr anno quo s°. Johnes de WLaundelles libavit Thes It . CaiSaf unu discum arg signal de armis Due Regine p indentur sb sigillo officii Re te T: po r in cista ad dorsum CaiSar. 8 M d ’ qd . xvi°. die Febr anno [“ tricesimo sexto ”] sup a dco libat; fuit p consiliu dcis Thes Tt Cam unus cofinus Ulignius signatus sigillo Reg cu diesis jocalib 3 Dnm Wittm Bulmer tangent^ cu hoc signo Et ponit r in cista cu trib 3 seruris stante in cai9a computato^. “ Qui qd coffin 9 libat 9 fuit . Johanne “ Morys p pcept . Dni . Reg nunciante Dno Johe “ de BulcinglTm . p pb sigib.” 196 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Thomas de Branf. (p. 17. b.) Bull. 9 M d ’ . qd . viii die Marc a 0 , xxxvi Thomas de Brantynglfm libavit Dnis Thes 1; Cam de Sc a cio . i. obligator Dni Epi de Noioh continent ix ml . scut |]joh a ns . 1. m a rz arg 1; i. coursor pc c mot F a nc Itm . i. oblig noibj Comil de Tankervilt H Robti \\Lorrin obligat p pldco Epo. 10 Idem Thomas libavit eisdm eodm die quod- dam instrm obligat noibj Dni de Gdnsoh 1 alio^ Dno^ Burgund ad veniend in hostag apud Cales in medio quadragesime He “ H ponut r in lianapio “ ligfi cu indent r is dapnat de xv a . H . x a . ordinal p “ vad armat sup mar cu hoc signo 13 “ H han est in cista ad dorsum CaiSar de rcept.” 11 Me d ’.qd Dns [Thomas'] de Uuedale libavit [xviii°. die Marc . a 0 , r . E. feii post conquest a 0 xxxvi t0 ] Dno Thes H CaiSar Dni unam acquiet sub Sigillo Reg Franc fact Dno Regi Angl tangent Ducatu Burgundie Item unam obligacoem ejusdem Reg Franc p Ducat Burgundie de lvii ml flor de motons Itm unam oblig de Magnat Burgundie de eisd lvii. 1111 floren Itm unu peurat p Magnat Burg ad se obligand de novo p dca suma floren Item unam oblig de Dno de Graunsoh p Com de \\Juny . H a 1 de Ducat Burg. Et ponunt r in quod hah ad hoc signu. 12 M d ’ qd xxx die April a° xxxvi t0 ponebat 1- qued Bulla p a plis de c. milt floreh Dno P a pe cone p Cleru Angliej et Dno nro 1^ Angl assign p 1^ Francie in cista in cama s a Re tam cu trib 3 cerur. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 197 MorbeK. Carte Jspann. Fines de her de Leybourn. Instrument Ispan T nunciog suog. (P-18.) 13 Itm . xviii 0 . die Mail eod a°. lib Thes 1 CaiSar p Consiliu una pva forcera ferro ligata . coni qued m da tangent Dionisiu de Morbek ’ cu una cero- teca de plate quam 1^ Franc huit die qua capt fQat T; ponit' in cista pdca. 14 . Itm eodem die ponunt 1 in da cista due carte Ispanh bullate auro de Ducatu Vascon que qui- dem carte apportate fuer de Turr London “T re- “ portate fuer usc^ dcam Turr.” 15 M d ’ qd xxiii 0 die Mail anno xxxvi t0 . quedam Comissio sb sigillo Henr Due Lancaster . tang Dntn Walfum de Benteley ^ Dnm 4* Dnam de la Bele ville de Bretaigne de donacoe Baronie de la Roche libata fuit dcis Thes It CaiSar T: ponebat 1 in cista in caiSa sup a Recept. 16 M d ’ . qd sc do die Mail . a 0 xxxvi t0 . |]ven ad Recepta Sc a ii . due ptes cujusd finis levat inter Comitissam Huntyngdoh T; alias certas psonas de terr It ten feod T; advoc de hereditate de Leybourn . que quid hered p dem finem post morte dee Comi- tisse remanebit Dho Regi t her suis inppetuu et ponebant r dee ptes finiu in dca cista in camera sup* Rec. 17 It qhito die u Julii ” anno jPdco due Ire una V3 Dni Reg Castelle Legionis T; alia Ambassat suo£ de alliganciis confederac pactibibj T; aliis oblig Dho nro Regi fc’is p eosd It ponebant r inclus in i. hanapio de . virg . in cista cu t'bj cerur in cai§a comp . sup a Ret am . 18 M d ’ qd viii°. die Julii anno xxxvi to lib . fuit Thes "t Cam p execut testi Robti nup Epc Cicestr una coupa argent deaurat cu una aquef ejusd secte 198 antient kalendars and inventories ponde lxiiii. s viii. 3 p . pond aurifabr It un saffer It |]supi 9 lib paupib} indument dci Epi cu capelt ~ -v* negr Tc. 19 M d \ qd . x mo die mensis pi dci Thes T Carnar receperut de consilio Dni . R sex sc*pta pat T: unu scriptu clausu Dni Due Britanh T: Comitis de Mont- fort tam oblig . q a m remissibis q’eteclam "t al fca Dno nro Regi Angl. I> quibj rem penes J. de Branktre duo scripta 4> q rest r po r I [eodem hanapio] Et pon . in uno hanapio de virgis in cista cu Pbj cerrur in caiSa comp sup a Re tam cu tali signo signato. 20 It xx°. die [ Jut~\ px seqn ponebat r in dca cista unu aliud hanapiu cont scriptu Prioris \ Convent Dunolm . de . i. capellano Monaco p Rege apud Oxon imppet celebratur et Irani ejusd Prioris T; Convent 9 eid Dno Regi inde direct . . ad tale signu Carte Reg 21 M d ’ qd . xx ix°. die mens Jut anno xxxvt to . Ispann ve'tes extract fuerunt de Re ta Dni apud Westm p Thes 1 f Caniar ad yexemplicand in ^Thes^ Cancellar ad usum Principis Aquit 'F Watt T postea ad restituend in eandem Re tam j vid} . ii. carte Reg Ispann cu sigiff aur signat . i. carta cu sigillo ejusdem Ii de plumb T; . i. instrum cu ii. sigifi in cera rub “ T: re- “ portant r usq^ Turrim .” 22 ^ Me d ’ . qd viii. die mens Aug anno xxxvi t0 . libat fuerunt p Thes T: Carnar Magfo Elie de ||< Sudor duo libf quo£ unus de tractatu pads int Reges OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 199 Angl \ Franc It alius de diesis memorand tang Ducatu Aquit. ^ 23 Me d ’ qd . xx die Oct anno ? p F. fcii p* conquestu xxxvi. recepunt Thes T: CaiSarii pcessus T: instrumta fca de restitut T; rcepcoe pat'e de f Wy Vygorrie in Ducatu de Guyen p Dnm Adam de Hogliton Chivaler It po r in cista cu t*b3 clav in caiSa compot cu hoc signo e ' 1 Et eodem die rec ^ de Jo ^ una relax cu quietacl de maSio de Fressliewater cu ptin in Insula Vecta . fcam p JoTiem de Bello Campo de Alcestre Dno Regi 1 her suis inpptih cu clausul warantie It po r in una pixide in eadem cista ad hoc signu. (p. 18 . b.) Franc. “ Duces “ Aurelian “ Andeg “ Berren T “ Burbon “ obsides “ Regis.” 2F Tractat 9 hitus in? Duces Aurelian j Andeg .» Berren It Burbon obsides Angtj et Dnos Wynton 'i Elien Epos Cane Ht Thes T: Dnm Comit Arundett Consiliar dci Pr sup recredencia dco£ obsidum T elongancia ?mino£ solucois financie Fty Franc feus ad mediacoem Comitis de Tanharvilt in casu quo idem Franc tractatu eundem volQit acceptare . T ponit r in quodam ham exist in cai§a in cista sup a Re tam . ad tale signu Carl p Marik) de Worth. 37 Ed. III. l M d> qd Thes T: Cam rec fcio die Marc anno xxxvii 0 quod fem sigillat sigill Nielli de Loveyne 200 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES MiliE de maSio de Worth in Com Surr sursured Dno Pr 1; ponit r in mag cista in cania nuiSato^ in [coffyno] f q a da pixide <|p ad tale signu. 3 Carte Ifc 2 M d ’ qd Thes 't Cain rec fcio die Juh anno cTstrcfde xxxv ^°' ii cartas Dni Edwardi Balof Scotof Helicuria. factam Dno Regi Angl de Castro villa de Heli- curia in Vymeo sub dnio pfati Dni R/ Angl Et ponit r in quad Hpixide ad hoc signu Hh Que pixis remanet in magna cista cu trib 3 clavibj in domo comput. . “ Postea ponit r ead carta in . i. “ at pixid Urotundo ad hoc signu “ Qu 1 quidm pixis repoit r in cista jpdca.” 3 M d ’ qd xxvii die Junii anno xxxvii 0 . una Ira directa Dno Regi p Majorem °t Escavinos Ville de la Rochele lib p consiliu Thes It CaiSar ad salva custod in Thesaur J . ponebat r . in cista cu . trib 3 cerur in caiSa . compoto^ ad signu uni 9 navis eo qd tang tat ma?iam “ que quid Ira . viii die Julii px seq . libabat r jPcepto Dni Cancellar Johi Torgold ad restituend.” 4 Eode die lib p Dnm Epm Ellens Cancellar Thes 't CaiSar unu pVatu sigillu Dni Reg sine catena involuE T; sigillat signetto . Dni J. de Buk- yngh?m quod quide pVatu sigillu dcus Dns Johes de BuJcynglfm custodiebat T; gerebat. Et ponit r in jpdca cista triu cerura^. Et ponit r in uno cophino cu sigillo Thome Jit Dm Beg. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER: 201 (P- 19.) 5 ^ M d ’ q d ’ Tractat 9 Scoc in quodm coffino ling- neo [signato ut infer] delibat 1 ' in Re tam Sc a cii Thes T: Cain xiii 0 die Decembr [anno xxxvii°~\ X ponit r in cista dua£ cerura^ in cania sup a Re tam . «|p Lre R Franc. Lie. 38 Ed. III. l M d ’ p° die Febr a 0 , xxxviii 0 Thes T; CaiSar rceperunt i. pixid cu Iris Dni R Franc script! manu sua pp‘a tang Ducat Andegavens signal cu hoc Et poni r in magna cista q stat in caiSa comput claus cu t‘b 3 serur. 2 Itm xv i. die April anno . xxxviii 0 . ||Tres T: Caniar recepunt de Dno Cane L at de Consilio Dni R x bundelt lra£ alienig capt capt p Dnm Rohm de Herle T: Ministros suos in portu de Dovle. Et po r in cista cu iii. serur in carSa comp sup a Re tam in i. baga [de canevas] Et sitr i coff de neg Scocie. 3 Et postea vid 3 xix die April px sequent p pceptu Consilii Dni Regis . libabant 1 dee Ire j diesis i§catorib 3 r' qui pstiterunt saerm qd dee Ire no tangunt Dnm Regem j aut alique de Regno Angl un fraus r tc. 4 M d ' qd . xxvii 0 . die April anno . xxxviii 0 . Thes CaiSar receput unu cophiu sigillat ^sub<|» coni Iras || Hanoii et Zeland ut appet X pon r in cista exist in caiSa nuator sup a ||reta . ad hoc signu f) VOL. I. P 202 antient kalendars and inventories 5 M d ’ qd . xxx. die Afl anno . xxxviii 0 . Thes T: CaiSar receperut de CSsilio Dm Reg quemd cofinu continent . obligacones tangent Ducem de Berry 't JoTiem de la Mare qui ponit r in cista stante in Cania NuiSato^ sup a Receptam T; tit cofinus hoc seqns signu (p. 19. b.) Maniiu de Gumshelf 6 Memoranda qd Thes Ht Cain receper . vi t0 die Junii anno regni Regis E. ?cii a conquestu xxxviii °. cartas factas Dno Regi de manlio de Gumshelf ’ in Com Surr . p Andr Peverelt T: Andr filiu ejus Mi- lites T: Stephm Asshewy ^ pdcas cartas ^ cont in uno coffino ligneo ad tale signu signatu Et ponit r in cista cu tribus seruris stant sup a . Re tara Sc a cii in Cain Comp. 7 M d ’ . qd quinto die Julii anno . xxxviii 0 libant r Dno Thom de BrantyngEm Thes Cales obligacoes Ht memorand subscript tangent redempt Burgund vid3. 8 Una oblig Due Burgund de . cc ml . floren mul- ton de Franc. 9 Una at oblig sub noib 3 Dni Otonis de Graunsoh T: at Dno£ de ead suma cu xxii. [sigilt.] 10 Una at oblig Reg Franc de . lvii ml . floren mul- ton de p>dca suma. 11 Una at oblig sub noib 3 dci Dni Otonis Tt at Dno^ cu xxii. sig de ead suma. 12 Una at oblig Dno^ de Graunsoh . T; de \\Senecy \ Guilli de \\Marcilli obligat p Coin de Junky It at de Burgund. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 203 13 Una at lram pcura? Jacobi de Vyenne T: alio£ Dno£ de Burgund. 14 Una at obligat sub noib 3 Dno£ Guidonis de J | Froulays JoTiis de Mountmartyn 'l JoTiis de Bleysy. 15 Una at obligat Dno£ Otonis de Graunson \ Jacoby de Vyenn. 16 M d ’ qd una baga con? . vi. ti. xxi. d ve?um s?lingo£ raso£ libata [fuit] Thes T CaiSar p Rian de Grymesby tempore quo JoTies de Chesifeld fuit clicus Thes. Et postea [ ultimo die Augusti anno . xxxviii 0 . ] pdca bag poita fuit in cista cu trib} seruris in CaiSa NuiSato^ Et signat r billa ligata ad pdcam bagam cu hoc signo c — (p. 20.) 3 9 Ed. III. 1 M d ’ qd lib fuit Uquadam pixid Thes T: CaiSar . xxix. die Maii anno r 1^ E. icii post conq . xxxix 0 . in qua content sunt tractat 9 Flandr T; Stificatoriu Dni Johis Chaundos de tris in Fictavia It Zantonia. Et ponit r in [minori] cista de pcamino ^ cu tribj seruris stant sup a Re tam Sc a cii in CaiSa comput . cum hoc signo 2 M d ’ qd q'nto die Julii anno r R _E. icii post conq xxxix 0 Dns Thes lib in ||Ther Dni R . i. malam [sig] cu cartis It munimetis in eadem cont tang MaSiu de Portebrigg in Derteford. Et ponit r in magna cista alba sup a Receptam cu hoc signo P 2 204 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 3 M d ’ qd Dns Thes . vii die Julii anno r E. sup a dco . libavit in Thes [|i] unu hanapiu cu Iris Scoria. q indentur in eode cont tang regnu Scocie. Et ponit r in ^ alia 4^ [ minori ] cista f alba ^ [cu trib 3 serur] sup a Re tam f in? hanap4r cu hoc signo T 45 Ed. III. (p. 20. b.) l “ Me d ’ qd . i. bill sigillat cum sigiS offic “ Sc a cii R te lib fuit JoTii de WPolymoud Custurn SutTi “ p qua quidem billa Witts Strete Pincna R is “ manucepit solv^e in dco Sc a cio sm a in dca billa ** content . in fo Trinitat px futur post dat psen- “ ciu in psencia . ii. Cai§ar Dni Thome Org a ve T: (c at videlt ultimo die ApJ anno xlv t0 Dcc.xxix. Ii. “ viii. s. vii. d.” 4* 2 “ Me d ’ de uno sigillo p’vato T: alio sigillo “ Thome de Wodestolc’ inclus . in hanapio sub sigilt. “ Itm ^ unu4r [duoj Magna Sigilla Angt in ii. bag “ de cor sigiR restitut in Thes . viii. die mensis Jut “ anno r p.JS. fcii xlv t0 .” 3 M d ’ qd Joh de Hatfeld iSc solvet ad R ta Sc a ii in fb} sept Sci JoTiis Baple ccc u . 4 Itm Phs de Newentoh iSc sot ad eand R ta in Vigil Mar Magdat ccc Ii. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 205 MEMORANDA of the TREASURY, 39 Ed. III. to 50 Ed. III. (p- !•) f Liber memorando^ de tempe Dni Witti de Mulsho j T : Dni JoTiis de Newenham Carnar Recepte Dni Regf . vidett a festo Pasche anno regni Regf E. fcii post conq . xxxix 0 . usq^ T;c. 39 Ed. III. l M d qd . ix. die Julii j anno sup^dco j Dns Thes lit) in Thesaur JI quandam cartam p quam PTius fit Regf F a ncie L Dux dOrliens dedit Dno Thome fit que idem Dux liuit in dnio de Poitou \ Zaintoinge . Tenend eidem Diio Thome L her suis imppetuu. 2 jf Itm. quod dam scriptu p quod dcus Dux fecit attorn suos j vidett Comite de Tankervitt Tt at castelt ad liband seisinam eidem Dno Thome attorn suis. 3 jf Itm unu aliud scriptu p quod idem Dux mandavit omib 3 tenentib} suis ut sint intendentes dco Dno Thome fit Regf Angl L her suis. 4- Jf Itih unu ^nscTtu copias dco£ sc'pto^ con- tinens. Et ponunt r dca sc'pta in i. pixide nova in cista de pcamino sup a Receptam cum hoc signo Regf Angl oia castella villas ?ras L ten sua cu ptin 206 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Wykeham. lib est. (p. 1 b.) “ M’catores “ de Luk \ ” “ Broken- “ hurst.” Wykeham . 5 JT M d ’ qd xii. die Julii anno sup a dco j Dns Wilts de Wykeham Gustos p*vati sigilli libavit in Thesaur P una malam vetere in qua cont r 2ta vasa argent majora "t minora videlt j disc arg chargeours arg It salsar arg . ac at . [que fuerunt Mat hi Gourney Mi- litis.] Et po r in magna cista nova cu trib 3 seruris sup 8 Re tam . 6 f “ Et m d ’ qd quarto die Novembr tunc px “ seqn j pdca mala cum [oib 3 ] vas arg sup a dcis lib u fuit uxi Walfi Forster de London p consiliu Dni “ Regf.” 40 Ed. III. “ xl° ” 1 M d ’ qd Dns Thes lib in Re tam . Reg quinto die Nov* anno infrascripto j quandam lram pat [inden- tat] cu Magno sigillo Regf sigillat fcam inr Dhm Regem ex pte una j et Nichm Berthelmeu T; soc suos ^catores de Luk* ex al?a j et po r in quadam pixide cu isto signo que ||inveniet r in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup 8 Re 4881 . 2 M d ’ qd . cci. die Decembr anno infrascripto Dns Wilts de Wykeham Custos pVati sigilli Dni Reg libavit in Thes dci Dni Regis tres cartas 'l duas Iras attornati tangent Manlia de Brokenhurst in Nova Foresta j Worplesdoh in Coin Surr . Folye \\Johan j H iremie % Wicchemte T; Etohj r t at terr d ten in Wyndesore. Et po r . in minori cista sup 8 Re tara . cu trib 3 serur in quada “ pixide ” cu tali signo OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 207 Cane q, sol u! est Regi. Franc. 3 «|» M d ’ qd . xxi. die Januar anno xl°. sedm Sc a cm Dns Rex libavit p Thes T; Caniar de Sc a cio Jofii Duel de Berry T; dAuvlgne fit “ Regis ” Franc duo . m 1 . nobiliu de coinag T: moneta Angl de pstito . ad restituend eidem Dno Regi Angl in festo Sci Johis Baple px post dat pdcam p obligacbm ipius Dhi Duels remanent in cista sub trib} cerur in Cam! a numlatoq. ad tale signu. 4> “ qui q'dem Dux eandem [sumam] solvit p manus “ Simonis Bochett in Re tam Regis . xiii. die Junii . “ anno . xl°. Et ideo lib eidem Duel obligacoem “ suam sup a dcam.” 4* jf M d ’ qd . xx. die Aprilis . anno r p : E. feii post conq . xl°. lib fuit in Thes quedam Ira [“ sig cu magno sig ”] Karoli Reg Franc cont qd idem Rex Karolus mittet apud Belleville duos comissar T: unu peuratorem ad liband comissar Dni nri Regis Angl Stas tVas "l ten dnio de Belleville ptih. Et po r in uno hanapio de virgis in minori cista cu trib3 serur sup a Re tam . cum isto signo 5 jf “ Et memorand qd Dns Princeps Acquit It “ Watt postmodu [videlt s*dco anno~\ Stificavit p “ Iras suas de p'vato sig suo qd rec div^sas Iras Dni “ Regis Angl [p indentur] ad tractand cu comissar “ dci Reg Franc p tVis T: ten tang dniu de Bele- “ viltj que quidem Ire T; indentur po r in focerio “ minoris ciste sup a Re tam . cu trib} serur.” (p. 2.) 6 jf M d ’ qd . vii. die Mali . anno . xl°. Henr God- chepj T: Johes Doable nup Custodes subs panno£ in I 208 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Com Hertford \ Essex ’ libarunt in Thes Dni Reg . vii. sigilla j de dco subs Com pdco^ . una comissione 1 unam indenturam sigillat; cu magno sigillo Cancel- lar Reg . 't po r in viridi cista Recepte. “ Que “ quide . vii. sigilla lib fuer p Thes T Caniar . xx. die “ Junii a 0 . xl°. He fir Hereford \ Thome de Lok- “ ford qui cepunt idem subs de Dho Rege ad firma e: p indentuf T comissione Regis.” 7 jf M d ’ qd lib fait in Thes Dni . viii°. die Maii anno . xT. quedam Ira patens sig cu magno sigillo Dni Principis Aquit T; Watt fca in Vascoh j p quam idem Princeps confirmavit T appbavit totam ordina- coem \ convencoem fcas int Dnm nrm Regem Angt prem dci Principis ex una pte j et Lodezvicu Comite « maritag Flandr de maritagio faciendo int Dnm Edm filiu dci Dni Regis j et Margaretam filiam dci Comitis. Et po r in quodam hanapio in minori cista cu trib} serur sup a Re tam cum isto signo 8 jf M d \ qd . xx. die Maii . anno . xl°. lib fuit in Thes queda bulla de dispensacoe p duob 5 libis Regis de matrimonio cont a hendo cu aliis psonis in quarto g a du consanguinitatis vel affinitatis ex utroq. late. Et po r in quoda cophino in minori cista sup a Ret 2 ™ cum trib 5 serur cu isto signo. 9 jf M d ’ qd lib fuer in Thes . xvii. die Junii anno . x 1°. due Ire patentes sigillat sigillo Dni Witti “inquir.” Ducis JuUaceh qua^ una lfa testificans ipm Ducem homagiu fecisse Dno nfo Regi Angt j et aha lfa p OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 209 qua idem Dux remisit eidem Dno Regi arreragia de tepe Marcliionis pris dci Duels de diesis pecunia^ sumis a retro existencia. Et po r in quadam pixide in minori cista cu tribj serur sup a Re tam . cu hoc signo. (p. 2 b.) 10 jf M d ’ qd . xxix 0 . die Julii anno xl°. lit) fuer in Thes p . i. liber papiri T . ii. qua?ni papiri T . i. quatn 9 pcamini . It . i. copia di$sa£ lra£ patenciu j continent recepta valore ?ra£ Dni Thome de Wode- stoh? fit Reg Angl. [in Zaintoh in Vascon] Et po r sup a Re tam . sit ligat in minori cista cu trib 3 serur. 11 J[ M d> qd . xiiii. die Octobr anno pi dco lib fuer in Thes p div^i obligacoes p delibaeoe Witti * JoTiis Heroun \ Witti de Lillebourn T po r in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup a Re tam in quodam hanapio cu isto signo . P . 12 M d> de quadam indentura lib in Thes p [xx. « Scoria” die Octobr a°. xl°.~\ cont tractatu Scocie \ est sigitt cu sig Dni Thes 't po r in cista pdea in ||focerio ejusdem. 13 J f M d ’ de quadam indentura lib in Thes p . xxii. die Octobr a 0 . xl°. cont onus nuncio^ miss Regi Franc . sig cu sig Dni Thes j 't po r in cista jpdea in eodem ||focerio. 14 jf M d ’ qd . xiiii. die Novembr anno . xT. lib fait in Thes Reg unu hanaper cont quinq^ indentur de bonis que fuer Dhe Isabelle nup Regine Angt . "t po r sup a Re tam in minori cista cum trib 3 serur . cum tali signo VOL. i. Q 210 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 15 Jf M d ’ de una Ira oblig Thome Fauconberge de Skelton fca Dno Regi T: lib in Thes phno die De- cembr anno . x 1°. et po r in minori cista cu trib} serur sup a Re tam . in Hfocerio ejusdem. 16 Jf M d ’ de quodam disco arg cu . i. scut de armis Dne Regine Angl signat apposit in Thes Reg [et po r ] in i. panierio cu cipb arg deaur empt; de Rico de Ravenesere clico. (p.3.) 17 if M d ’ qd . xxiii. die Januar anno r E. fcii post conq . xl°. lib fuer in Thes . Reg . p cons . due Ire obligator . vid3 . una [sig sigillo] Lodervici Ducis Burboh Comitis Clermond It Caniar F & ncie hostagii Dhi Reg Angl recedent de London in Franc p licencia dci Dni Reg j ac obligant se de rev^tendo London in festo Pur B’e Marie anno Dni mittio . ccc mo . Ixvii 0 . sine fraude vel dilone faciend. Et al Ira . [sigillo] Johis til Reg Franc Ducis de Berry Tt dAuvlgne sig plegii dci Ducis Burboii j ac Dni WBeranl Comitis Dauphin dAuvlgne hostag ac obli- gant se p eisdem qd ipi erunt coram consilio Dni Pr ad dcm f’m Pur. Et po r in una pixide in cista minori sup a Re tam . cu isto signo “ Et lib Dno W. de Tiryngtoh ad exhibend Dno “ Regi T; cons . xv. die Julii anno . xli°. Postea . “ xxvi. die Januar a°. r . Jfc . E. fcii p 9 conq . x lii°. “ pTat 9 Diis . W. de Tiryngtoh restituit in Thes . p\ “ pTata pixide cu pfatis Iris oblig Et po r in cista “ ut s a .” OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 211 41 Ed. III. 1 jf M d ’ qd . xxix. die Januar . anno . xli°. Reg E. A 0 . xli°. fcii post conq . lib fuer in Thes p p cons ad custo- diend tres [at], Ire patentes oblig It duo instra ac due copie obligaconu j videlt . i. Ira oblig Dhi Ducis Burbon de se reddend p'sonar London j T; . ii. Ire oblig Johis Regis Franc j It alio£ Militu. de Franc j pleg T: manucaptor j Ducis Burbon j T: Comitis Dauphyn hostag Dni Angt ^ testific 4 ^ duo instra testific illas Iras oblig. Et po r in uno hanapio in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup a Re tam cu isto signo “ Ind lib Ira Militu p [eo qd] Ira Comitis Dau- “ phyn oblig ||restituit r . x. die Febr anno . xli°. p “ cons.” [“ Inde lib . W. Tiryngton . i. lram oblig Comitis “ Dauph \ . i. instrm Due Burbon ad exhibend Dno “ p T: cons . xv. die Jut anno xli°.”~\ “ Postea xxvi. die Januar a 0 , r. E. fcii p 9 conq . “ xlii 0 . pfat 9 . W .de Tiryngton restituit in Thes . p. £t pTata instrm It lram oblig. Et po r in hanapio “ ut s a .” 2 Jf M d ’ qd . fcio die Febr anno . xli°. p . E. fcii post conq . Simon Fakeman lib consilio Dni p ad custodiend duo scripta iScatoria j quodlt cont . m 1 . li . fca Rado de Hasty nges Militi p Thoma Faucon- berge. Et po r in quadam pixide in minori cista sup a Re tam cum trib 3 serur cum hoc signo c© 3 jf M d ’ qd . xvi. die Febr j anno . x li°. p . E. fcii post conq j lib fuit in Thes p . quedam Ira relaxac Q 2 212 ANT1ENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES "I quiete clam de Maniio de Brustivyk in Holdemesse j Brustwyk’ • It aliis Maner spectant ad dcm Maner de Brustxcyk j fca Dno Regi p Kafinam relicta Wilti de la Pole senioris rone dotis sue sen altius tituli cujuscumq^. Et po r in quadam pixide in minori cista sup* Re t8m cu trib3 serur cu hoc signo. J[ Eodem die lib * “ext a ” Thes p [T; in Cancellaf Pr missu] quoddam scriptu annui reddit 9 mille marca^ nup fcm Dno Regi p dcm Wittm de la Pole . p bre de magno sig remanens int mandata de tio Sci Michis anno . xli°. R. E. fcii p 9 conq. (p. 3 b.) “ Franc. ” “ Flandr .” “ Calcs. ” Branketre. “ Et po r in “ pane? ut sup 4 jf M d ’ qd . xvi. die \_Febr~] anno . xli°. p E. fcii post conq . Magr Jokes de Branketre lib in Thes Pr unu paneriu [magnu] de lignis fcm in quo continet r divs lfe [obligator] p Franc 'f al Magnat ejusdem Regni tangent tractat 9 pacis Coles j necnon tractat 9 Flandr fact apud Dovorr j ac Ire cujusdam Comitis de Scoc .1; al dips Magnat. Et po r in magna cista de pcamino in Capella juxta Re 18111 . Sc a ii ad custodiend. jf “ Itm . xvi. die Febr . a° . xlii 0 . lib in Thes p cC quanda lram oblig cu signo notar signat sub note “ Guilti le Mercier fcam j testificante ipm Guiltm esse “ juratu ad essend fidele hostagiu Dm Reg Angl p “ villa dAmens in Franc et al lram MarescaH F*ncie “ testific ipm Guilliu esse suffic Tic.” Flandr. 5 if Itm md ’ qd quinto die Maii anno . xli°. p E. fcii post conq lib fuit in Thes tractat 9 Flandr fact apud Westm mense Febr a° . xli° Et po r in una pixide in minori cista sup a Re tam cu trib} seruris cu hoc signo. rp* OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 213 Fraric Van Hale. Sigillu. Cobham Credence. Seryz sigitt. Branketre. 6 jf M d ’ qd . viii 0 . die Maii . anno . cell 0 , lib fuit in Thes . Pr . quoddam instrm signat signo Witti de Tiryngtoh j ac sigillatu sigillo Francii de Mirabele alias die? de Hallen Chivaler. Et po r in una pixide in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup 6 Re tam . cu hoc signo. 7 jf M d qd . xx. die Maii . anno . x li°. lib fuit [p consiliu] in Thes Pr quodda Sigillu nup ordinatu p brib 3 sigilland de Coi Banco. Et po r in quada pixide in ||fo§io minori ciste cu trib 3 serur sup 6 Re tam . cu hoc signo. 8 jf M d ’ qd fcio die Junii anno . xli°. lib fuit in Thes p^ ^quanda^ [una ptem] indentur credencie date ex pte Dni Regis Dno Johi de Cobeham misso v^sus Dnm Paparn i eadem mense. Et po r in forc?io minoris ciste cu trib 3 serur sup 6 Re tam . cu hoc signo ? 9 jf M d ’ qd . xiiii. die Junii anno . xli°. Dns Witts de Seryz Miles de Vascon lib in Thes . Pr . duo sigilla arg simul pendent p cathena argj que fuer sigilla Pr in Villa de Rupella j ante libacoem [de dca villa] fcam Dno Principi. Et po r in forcerio minoris ciste cu trib 3 serur sup 6 Re tam in quada bursa. 10 ^ jf M d ’ qd quint o die Januar anno r Pr . E. feii post conq xli °. lib fuer [Magro Johi Branketre~\ due Ire patentes sigillate una videlt sigillo Johis Comitis de Harecourt testificans se esse obligat 9 Dno nro Regi Angl de rev'tendo in Angl ; f se reddere fidelem hostagiu ^ London 4» Dno Regi Angl \ cons 214 antient kalendars and inventories (p. 4.) Tractat 9 Mediolani, suo London t 1 et alia sigillo Lodewici de Harecourt testificans ipm esse plegiu "I manucaptorem pTati Comitis de bene Tt fideli? reveniendo in Angl T:c.^ 11 Jf “Postea.^m 0 die Januar anno r.ffc.E. “ fcii p 9 conq . xlii°. idem Magr JoTies de Bran- “ Jcetre restituit [plfatas duas Iras] in Thes JE Et “ po r in pane? magno de lignis in? at Iras in magna “ cista in capella juxta Re tam . existente.” 42 Ed. III. l Jf M d ’ qd . xxvi. die Januar anno r E. fcii post conq . x lii°. Dns W. Tiryngton lib in Thes quandam ptem Indentur conf tractatu Mediolani j Tt quanda copiam instri signo notar signati j ac duob} sigiS sigillati j p quod instrm Galeas ^ Dns Vice- comes Mediolani dedit potestate pcurib} suis ad sponsalia in? Ducem Clarencie fit Dni Angt j T: Violantem filiam dci Vicecomitis j tractandi T; affir- mandi. Et po r in quoda hanapio in minori cista sup a Re^ 111 cu trib3 serur ad istud signu 2 jf M d ’ qd jjmo die Febr a°. xlii°. . E. fcii p 9 conq . lib fuer in Thes p Dnm JoTiem Atte Wode Milite di?sa munimenta in una baga de canevas sigillat sigillo pdci Dni Jotiisj tangent Ducem T: Ducatu Britann ut d c r Et po r in minori cista cu trib3 serur sup a Re tam . cu isto signo T. Britann. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 215 3 j[ M d ’. qd . xvi. die Febr a 0 . xlii°. lift in Thes Yk p ven prem Dnm Wittm Epm Wynton Cancellaf Angl viii. indentur de . viii. maner Dni Reg que fuer Hunt. Comitisse Huntyngdon in Com Kane ad tW . vii. anno£ ad firma dimisso^. Et po r in uno [hanaper] ^ pixide 4> in minori cista sup a Re tam cu trib 3 serur cu isto sig° 4 j [ M d ’ qd . a: vii. die mens Febr anno . x lii°. lib fuer in Thes p Waltm de Serleby . Tt JoTiem Halle [apruatores Dni Reg] una zona cu . viii. barf [unde iiii or gross . ] uno bokel T: uno pendent de argento supimposit . quatuor cocliar arg j unde . i. gross unus magnus anulus de arg cu uno lapide de cristad im- posito . una capsa de arg cu . i. capsa X [pecia] gdonar. de hired imposit p reliq'is imponend j T: unu cornu sufflatile cu arg garnisat . [que fuer div’so^ pdon- ario£ . vid 3 Rici Lacok j Wilti GoldsmytTi . T; Hug Sulg*ve~] Et po r in . i. hanaper in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup B Re tam . cu hoc signo. •(fi j[ “ Ind lib eidem Walfo de Serleby jPdcam zona . “ r t pTato JoTii apruator j pTatu cornu de dono Reg “ loco regardi sui j p ven prem Dnm . J. Elieii “ Epm Thes . videlt xvii. die mens Febr Tt anno “ s z dcis.” 5 j[ M d ’. qd sc do die Marcii . anno . xlii 0 . Reg . E. I cii post conq . lib fuit in Thes J£ . p Dnm JoTiem de Folkyngham clicum j quedam carta feoffamenti j p quam Henr de Bello “Monte” [Miles] dedit [eidem] Dno Regi unam placeam cu gardino cu ptin juxta 216 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Cliarryny Crosse. (p.4b.) Flandr. de liganc. Seint Tout Wykeham. Wode. Crucem de Cherryng in pochia ecclie Set Martini in Campis. Et po r in una pixide in minori cista sup a Ret am . cu hoc signo ^ “ Me d * qd JoTies de Bramton het carta jPdcam “ in custodia sua quousqj melius f8it sigitt ” ^ f ‘ [Cancell q* postea restituit eande carta.]” 6 M d ’ qd . xxv. die Aprilis anno . xlii 0 . Regis E. feii p 8 9 conq lib fuer in Thes Jfc due Ire patentes sigillatl sig Comitis Flandr testificantes qd idem Comes p se T: subditis suis ordinavit concordavit "t juravit p peures suos esse intim 9 [T: verus] amic 9 Dho Regi Angt. Et po r in uno hanapio in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup a Re tam . cu isto signo 7 Itm die % anno sup^dcis lib in Thes Jfc . quan- dam lram Comitis de Sco Paulo testificante se esse juratu de se reddendo fidelem p'sonariu T: hostagiu London. Et po r in una pixide in minori cista sup a Re tam . cu trib} serur cu hoc signo 8 M d ’ qd . xx. die Mail . a 0 , xlii 0 . ffc E. feii p 9 conq lib fuer in Thes Pr p ^ Dnm <|> Ven prem Dnm W. de Wykeliam Wynton Epm T: Petru Atte Wode duos saculos cont rotulos j indca It inquis foresta^ ciP Trenta p duas indentur que po r in una pixide in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup a Re tam . cu hoc signo OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 217 Tractat 9 Scocie. Bughe- brigge. (p.5.) Lydecroft. Carue. 9 M d \ qd . xx. die Maii a 0 , xlii 0 . p . E. fcii p 9 conq lib fuer in Thes p ad custodiend . i. hanaper cooptu cu nigro coreo T: ferro ligat ac sigillatu j T; . i. baga [pva] de canevas cu munimentis sigillat in eadem content . . i. pixis cu tractatu Scocie p'mo die Septembr anno x li° fco j in eade contento. Et po r in minori cista sup a Re tam . cu trib 3 serur cu hoc s ign° ~ Q> * 10 ^ M d ’ qd . xii. die Junii anno . xlii 0 . p E. fcii post conq . lib Dno W. de Bughebrigge Clico div^s bria T; rotulos tang foresta Lancastr p bre Dhi p °t indentura j que po r in foSio minoris ciste sup a Re tam cum trib 3 serur. ^ “ Postea idem Dns Witts restituit in Thes p>dcam “ oia bria T: rotul pdca videlt in crastino Sci Martini “ « x ui»r 11 Me d ’ qd xvii° die Octobr anno xlii 0 . Adam de Hertyngdon lib . iiii. cartas in uno hanapio de virg p quas div gen? dederunt Dno Regi . viii. acr ?r jacent in campo vocato Lydecroft subt 9 Cast? de Wyndesore cu hoc sig no 1 12 Me d ’ qd . xxv. die Octobr anno . xlii 0 . Reg . E. fcii p 9 conq lib fuer Nicho Carue locu tenenti Dni Witli Latymer Senescalli Hospicii Reg una mantica cum rotul T; memorand de tempe Jotiis Atte Lee nup Senescalli dci Hospicii ad execucoem inde faciend . p bre de pVato sigillo. 13 jT Me d ’ qd . xv. die Novembr anno . xlii 0 . p. E. fcii p 9 conq j Dns TTi de Brantyngham nup Thes VOL. I. R 218 antient kalendars and inventories sigilla. “ inquir.” Due Ire relaxat. Nowers. Due carte fee p In- gelram de Coucy. Cales libavit in Thes duo sigilla ad custodiend j unu videlt de Caleys T; Merle ’ j T: aliud de Gy sues Et po r in cista sup a Re tam cu trib 3 serur in [|focio ejusdem. “ Et sigilt de Caleys T: Merle’ lib fuit Dno Wilto “ de Guntliorp [Thes Cales~] x. die Febr a 0 , r J£. E. “ [feit] xliiii t0 .” 43 Ed. III. 1 j[ M d ’ qd ultimo die Januar anno xliii°. R E. %ii post conq . Dns Thomas de Brantyngham Thes Hospicii R lihavit quodda hanapiu ligneu in quo cont div^se Ire patent oblig % peur tam sig Reg Franc q a m Ducis Burg [sigilt] tang Dnos Burg. Et po r in minori cista cu trib 3 serur sup a Re tam . cu hoc signo 2 j[ M d ’. qd quinto die Martii anno xliii 0 . R E. feii post conq . libat fuerut in Thes Dni [1 p Ven Prera TV. Epm Wynton due Ire quiete clamanc tangent MaSiu de Saldeli cum ptin facte Dno R T: Ingelramo de Coucy Coin Bedd °t Is consort sue Et ponut r in minori cista cu trib 3 serur s a Re tam . 3 f Item eodem die lib fuer p pdem Ven Prem due carte tangent §ta tYas *1 ten que Johanna que fuit Ux Johis de Coupeland . tenet ad fminu vite . facte Dno R p concessions Ingelrami Coiii Bed. Et po r in eadem cista cum hoc signo OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 219 (p. 5 b.) 4 Item me d ’ qd David de Wollore lit) in Thesau- riam . xv°. die Mail anno . x p manus Rohti de Derby . ii. cartas T; duos pedes finiu de Maneriis de Gothurst T: Sto/cegoldyngtoh in Coin Buld r t de Manerio de Chestre sup Aquam in Coin NorTit ponut r in uno pvo coffyno in cista infra caiSam nuiSato^ de R ta . sub tti signo 5 Item me d ’ qd quedam obligaco lib fuit in The- sauriam x ix° die Jun cont qd Robtus de Er shine Miles T: JoTines de Carry Id obligant r Ven Prib 3 Epis Wynton T; Ellen . in sexcent marc solvend apud Berwic . de dat xvi t0 die mens Jun “ ” Et ponit r in uno pvo coffyno in cysta infra caiSam nuiSato^. de R ta sub tali signo. 6 JC It quedam obligacio sub noib} Thome de Erskyne Johis de Edmondeston Militu . T: JoTiis de Carryh custodis secreti sigilli Dni Regis Scocie facta Ven Prib 3 Epis Wynton T: Elieh de quadringent marc sPlingo^ solvend apud Berwyc de dat xxviii. die mens Jun anno gre m° ccc mo sexagesimo nono. Ponit r in coffino sup a dicto cont signu pdcm. 7 Jj» Sexto die Jut lib fuer . iiii. Iras obligator unam vidlt Coin Bedd de iiii ml * m a rc debit Res:. Itm aliam Coin Dalfini de vi ml . marc Reg debit. Itm ?ciam Coin de || Porcieu de iii m1 ’ marc Reg debit. Itm quartam fidejussor de eodm Com sub sigillo Com Bedd. Itm unu instrm publicu sup ptestacoe R 2 (p. 6.) Scocia. to Spayne. 220 ANTIENT KAKENDARS AND INVENTORIES Reg Angt fact sup pace apud Calls. Et ponit r ihd instrm in cista deput * Iras Reg F a nc sup pace jOdca. 8 Et iiij. Ire obligator pdce ponut r in quod hanapio in cista inf a caniam nuniato^ de R ta . sub tali signo. “ Et libant r in caiSam Regis de Thes p man 9 e ‘ Helmyng Leget una cum hanapio cont dictquatuor “ obligat . xiiii 0 . die Mali a 0 , xliiii t0 .” ^ [“ jOdce oblig lib fuer dno Th Org a ve ad delib “ Helmyng Leget xii. die Septemb'r.”~] 9 Me d ’ de i. Ira patent sigillat cum magno sigillo Reg Scocie et de alia Ira patent sigillat cum xvii . sigilt diPso^ Dno£ Regni Scocie continent modu \ formam treug Hrepat Ht captar in? Dnm nfm Regem Angt Illustrem T: dcm Regem Scocie a vicesimo die mensis Jnlii Anno dci Dni nri Regis Angt xliii 0 . Et dee due Ire lib fuer . in Thesaur p man us Dni Thome de Orgave xxix. die Aug 9 anno pldco j et ponut r in uno hanapio in cista inf a caiSam nuiSato^ de Re ta sub tali signo f de xiiii. ann. “ Et modo dcm hanapiu ponit 1- cum aliis me 4 ’ “ Scoc in i. cofr depict stant inf a magna cistam “ stant in Cap eh' Sci Step hi.” 10 Me 4 ’ de treug Ispah capt in? Illustrem Regem Angt It §tos M’catores Ispah indentat quo£ noia patent in eisdem indent r is de dat xvi. die Aug 9 . anno Dni mittmo ccc mo . lx°. nono. Et una ps diet indentur . rein penes Regem . “ lib ” fuit in Thesauriam p m 9 Dili Thome de BrantyngFm Thes Angt quinio die OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 221 Septembr anno sup a dco. Et ponit r in quad pixict in cista inf a caniam nuiSato^ de Re ta . sub tali signo. inr 11 ^ Me d ’ de una indent r a tang Dnm Ricm Coin Arundett cont . x ml . marc . ab eo mutual sup §t jocal specificat in eadm indent r a T: lib fuit in The- f ^ sauriam salvo custodiend p m 9 Dni Thome de “ restitut.” Org a ve sexto die mensis Septembr et ponit r in quad pixid in cista inf a caniam nui§ato£ de Re ta sub tali signo.^ 12 Me d ’ qd tria sigilla argent lib fuer rev*endo in Xpo pri ac dno . Dno . {_ W.~\ Dei gra Wynton Epo Cancellar . Angl in Hospicio ejusdem Cancellar . quo£ unu magnu sigill Angl sine supscripcoe bi 9 nois Francie T; aliud secretu sigillu eciam sine sup- scripcoe bi 9 nois Franc . f t ciu Dni Thome de Woddestok liber Pr s Angl Illustris quo utebat r in Angl Dno nro Rege pre suo existente in F a nc . in psencia Dni Willi de Mulslio . uni 9 Caniar . J£ is . p'mo die Septembr anno regni sup a dci If is . xliii 0 . 13 Me d ’ . de trib} Iris patent^ sigillat sigillo Dni Fdwardi Due Gelerie de tractat It concordia fact cu Dno nro Rege Angl et de una cedula sigillat cont duas Iras qua£ una missa p Dnam Philippa Regina Angl Ducisse Brabanc \ alia p eandem Regina missa Duci Baxter . T: alias cre- denc dicend p nuc Dni nri |& is Angl pdei Duci Gelre. Geler . “ que quidem Ire ” pdee T; cedula sigillat cu iiii. aliis cedul qua£ una de papir .°t lib fuer in Thesauriam p man 9 Dni Thome de Org a ve xii. die mensis Septembr anno . xliii 0 . Et ponut r in quad r 3 222 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 6 b.) in? R em T Hen? & Bruselee. || dest r . p Duce Burbon. pixid . in cista inf a tali signo. cam’am nuiSato^ de Re ta sub 14 Itm una alia Ira sigillat cu sigillo dci Due Gelerie lib Thes 1 CaiSar p man 9 Joftis Salman . Anglic comor . 'in Brugges . quinto die mens Jun . a°. xliiii t0 . Jfc E. feii . "I ponit r in pixid pdict . cu pdcis trib3 Iris . T: ad dem signu. 15 Me d ’. qd una obligacio cont sexcent [marc] tang Rodim Ersldne Milit T JoTiem Carry If Clicu de Scocia Et alia obligaco de quadringent marc tang Thom Ersldne . T: JoTiem de Edmondestoh Milites de Scocia T JoTiem de Carrylf Clicu de Scocia . delibat fuer p mandatu Thes Angl de Thes Dno Petro de Lacy Custod secret sigilli Dni R is Angl ad mittend pdc’as obligacoes Psus ptes T; villam de Bermc . xvii. die mensis Octohr . anno r IJ? . E. feii . xliiif 0 . incip in Sc a cio «|> “ q restitute.” 16 Me d ’ qd due obligacoes . qua£ una in? Regem T Henr de Bruselee T: Johem [_de~] Coleyne de min auri T arg in Coin Cornub Devon T Som . T; alia de respons con sit p is Angl fact di?s mercator de Ispania. Et ponut r in cista inf a cam’am nuiSato^ . de R ta . xviii. die Nov*. sub tali signo. © 17 Me d ’ de una obligacoe sub noie T sigillo Dni Lodowyci Due Burbon fact excellentissimo Principi Dno nro Regi Angl p consanghieo suo Dno Berardo Com Dalphin p hostag Reg F a nc. cont . xii m1 ’. nobt auri sol vend . m 1 m 1 m 1 . ad firi OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 223 P Duce Bretann. H. Scrop 1 soc sui, (P-7.) Anna Des- pens. O’im Scop ad fin Pascli inde px seqn . m 1 m 1 in 1 , nobt auri. Et ad fm Nativitcd Sci JoTiis Baple inde px seqn . m 1 m 1 m 1 . nobt auri. Et ad fin Sci MicTiis inde px seqn . m 1 . m 1 . m 1 . nobt auri libat in Thes p m 9 Dni Thome de Org a ve secur custodiend . fcio die mensis Decemhr. Et ponit r in cista inf a Caniam nui§ato£ de R ta fcio die pdict . sub tali signo. 44 Ed. III. 1 Me d ’ qd . vi t0 . die Decemhr anno xliiii t0 . libata fuit una Ira in Re tam . p man 9 Dni Thes sub sigillo Johis Ducis Britcinh j signat cu ||uno cor coro- nata . et ponit r in una pixide in quadam cista sup a . Re tam . 2 Me d \ de iiii. indenfis fact ex pte Dni Reg p Ducem Lane . in? ipm Ducem ex pte una . Dnos Henr le Scrope Dnm de Gomeney Godefr le Roos Ht Johem de Atherestoh ex pte al?a de custodia Villa^ T; Castr Calis j Arde j Oudrewyk’ "t Turris de la Chapelle . sub forma notat in eisdem indent r is . que quidem indentuf libat fuer in Thes p m 9 Thes Angt . vii. die Decemhr . It ponut r in pixide . in quad cist sup a Re tam ad tale signu. 3 M d ’ . de una carta feoffament fact Dno nr'o Regi p Annam que fuit Ux Edwardi le Despenser Militis de MaSio de Burghle cu ptih in Coin Rotel una cum quadam Ira attorn dci Dni P: is ad recipiend 224 antient kalendars and inventories 0 RaginalcP \\Shouevorst. Comitissa Hun f. J.% Cobtfm. Hereford. Coventr aunag. seisin am dci Manlii de Burghle in Com pdict . 1 ponut r in quad pixid in cista inf a Cai§am nui§ato£ de x. die Januar J|fcad tale signup “ Cancellat r qr infer . ad tale sig m ” “ Manlia de Morende It “ Burle.” 4 Itm . i. oblig tang Raginald de WShouevorst fact Duci Lane de c li. lib fuit in Thes x. die Januar It ponit r in pixide in cista inf a CaiSam nuiSato^ de R ta ad tale signu 5 Itm i. skyppet cont lx Hmunumenta tangent Manlia Comitisse Hunt in Coin Kane . lib fuit in Thes p m 9 Thome de Org & ve . x. die Januar . I ponit r in cista inf a CaiSam nuniato^ de R ta ad tale signu. A 6 Itm i. cart . feoffament . fact Dno nro Regi p Johem de Cobh a m Militem . de div’s Manlis suis cu una Ira attorn in . i. pixid . T; ponit r in cista inf a CaiSam nuiSato^ de R ta . x. die Januar. 7 Itm i. endent r a fact in? Regem 'k Wittm Leyghtoh de Hereford de subs panh T: aunag in Coin Hereford. 8 Itm i. alia indent r a in? Regem fact et Johem Ray de Coventre de aunag pann forisfact in Coin Warr Leyc Staff ’ \ Salop St lib fuer in Thes p m 9 Thome de Org a ve . xxiiii t0 . die Januar in i. pixid t ponut r in cista inf a Caniam nuniato^ de R ta ad tale signu } ! ! Retherhitft. g Dno Rege. (P- 7 b.) Restitui. O' navi de Januis. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 225 44 Ed. III. 9 Me d ’ ||qd ii. cart feoffament . ?r . ten r tc in Retherhithe . V3 Wal?i Fores? Thome de Pykenh a m Ht Simonis Lincoln que carte lit> fuer in Thes . p m 9 Thome de Org a ve . xxx . die Januar . a 0 xliiii t0 in i. skyppet 1 ponut 1- in cista inf a CaiSam nuiSato^ de R ta ad tale signu Et i. cart feoffamenti fact Dno Regi T; her suis p dcm Wallm Fores? Tt uxem ej 9 lih fuit in Thes p m 9 W. de Mulsho . p'mo die Marc. 10 Itm . iii. skyppettes cont div^s munument tan- gent tr f t ten pquis de diesis p Waltm Fores? Civem London It lit) fuer in Thes p eundem Wallm xx. die Febr anno xliiii t0 . 1 ponut r in cista inf a CaiSam nu- nJato^ de R ta ad capud hoiis coronal cu . ii. cart feoffament dci Wal?i Fores? in Rotherhythe. 11 Me d ’ de i. obligac tang Adam de Bury T Ricm Lyons Cives de London cont . m 1 . ccc. xii. Ii. vi. s. [viii d] deliftat fuit Dno Principi Walt p man 9 Dni Wilti de Fulbo T ne xxiiii t0 die Febr anno regni Regis Edwardi ?cii.2L conq xliiii t0 . 12 ^ M d ’ . de i. pva pec . argent; . viginti sex coclear argent in i. cophino de cor . signal cu tali signo D k invent in quadam navi vocal le Magdelene de Januis poit in Thes p man 9 Thome de Or grave xxviii. die Marc . anno r p. E. ?cii post conq . anno x liiii t0 . Et dicl pec \ coclear ponut r in cista inf a CaiSam nui§ato£ de Re ta . 226 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Sicilia de Sandeicic. « Cancellat r quia alibi « ad signu C” “ Rexcondo- “ navit p lfam “ de p'vat « sigifi.” Lesparre. (l Cancellant 1 “ q> Jls u me “ restituuntY 13 Med de iii. sigifi de laton lib Dno Thome de Brantynghlm Thes Angl p man s Jo fits JVliaddoh invent in custodia NicTii Aspiloh nup Majoris Ville de Sandextyco quo^ unu de custuma panno£ . cuj 9 c r cumscripco talis est Sigillu custume panno£ ext a Angl educend . circumscripco . altius sigifi talis est Sigifi p custum Regis in “ ” FaPjsham. Et tciu sigillu . de pva custuma Yille de Sandexcico . lib p dcm Thes dco Johi de Waddoh ad reportand [dee] Ville de Sandexcic . xx. die . Marc anno ? Pr . E. tcii post conq xliiii to . it ^ Med de q a dam obligacoe sub signo Com Bedeford T: sub sigifi suo de quatuor mitt marc mutuo recept lib in Thes p manf [Dni] JVilti de Mulsho uni 9 Camar Sc a cii. Itm de una alia obligacoe sub signo notar de Dno lEsparre de Acquit ~t sub sigillo suo de m 1 marc mutuo recept lib in Thes p man 9 dci Dhi JVilti de Mulsho . viii. die mens Maii. Et ponut r in cista inf a camam nunlato^ de Re u in quad [pixid] signat tali signo. ^ “ Itm i. obligac . m 1 . fi It . i. quietanc . xc iii. die “ Juh . a 0 , xliiii t0 . p m 9 J. Branktre 15 Me d ’ de xx . indenturis fact de aunag panno^ in divs Coiii lib in Thes . p m 9 Dhi JVilti de Mulsho Camar Sc a cii . viii. die mens Maii ~t ponut r in cista magna cu tribj serur stant in Capefi antiq a m Sci Stephi ppe . Re tam . 16 f Me d ’. de i. indent r a sigillat sigillo Comit Arundelt cont. xx” 1 . marc debit dco Com redd in Thes p m 9 Magri * Branktre . xviii. die Juh. [Et] ponit r OF THE TREASURE OF THE EXCHEQUER. 227 j> Com Arondett. g eodm Com. (p.8.) Erskine. Dunbarr. Scoc. in cist. inf a CaiSam nuniato^^ de R ta in quod hanapio ad tale signu. A 0 ^ ls E. t) cii xliiii 10 . 17 Item de alia Ira indentat voc defessaunce tang s a m p^dcam fcam eidemn Com T: ponit r in eodm hanapio cu dca indenta ad signu pdcm. Itm i. defesaunce p Coin Sap de m 1 . marc in eod hanap. 4> u Omes can- “ cell fuef “ xxviii. die “ Oct a 0 “ incip.” “ xxvi 10 . 18 Obligaco Hugonis Russy obsidis [p Reg libat r Dno de la Sparr p man 9 Magri JoTiis de Branktr in pPsencia Dni Willi de Mulsho . i. Caniar Dni lf i3 de Sc a cio jxviii. die Jun anno r . R ls . E. fcii post conq xliiii t0 . 19 ^ Med de una obligacoe facl venlabilib} in Xpo prib 3 Witto Wynton Epo Cancellar AngVXThome Epo Exonieh Thes Angl de quadringent marcis mutual ad usum Dni David |& is Scotto^ sigillal cu sigilt Thome de Erskine Milit t JoTiis de Dunbarr. 20 Itm de alia obligacoe fact pdcis veSabilib} in Xpo prib 3 de quadring marc mutual ad usum p)dci Dni David |& is Scollop sigillat cu sigilt Robti de Erskine Dni ejusdem T. JoTiis de Carry h’ canoic Glasgueh. Et dee due obligat reddit fuef in Thes p m 9 CaiSar . \ ponunt r in hanapio cu tractat Scocie . xxviii. die Juh anno r . E. Pcii p 9 conq xliiii to . 21 Itm quedam Ira sigillat sigillo Regis Scocie sup eo qd progacio §1 soluconu no fpjudicet Regi Angl nec obligacoib 5 inde fact T ponit r in hanapio coni sup a dicl obligac de Erskine T Dunbarr . cu t a ctatu Scoc ad istud signu. ^ J\ P 22 Me d de una indent ra Dni Robti Knolles facl in? Dnm Regem T ipm tang §tam formam duccois m 1 . m 1 . m 1 . m 1 . hoim $sus ptes F a nc. Et de una Ira Knolles. 228 antient kalendars and inventories voc defesaunce . sigillat cu sigillo dci Dni Robti de casteB T: aliis fortalic in? aquas de || Ley re Seyne . Et dee indent r a T: Ira portat fuer in Thes . ix. die Jul. Et ponut r in cista inf a caiSam nui§ato£ de R ta in quod hanapio j dco ix die Jul anno r JE E. feii post conq . xliiii 10 . ad tale signu. o I> juramenl 23 jf Itm de una alia Ira cont juramenl Dni eo b Robti Knolles T: soc suo£. 24? jf Itm de alia Ira sigillat sigill Dno^ Thome de |J Coueh JoTus Minstreworth milit r t Mathei Redeman . ad id signu . T: in eodm hanapio. 25 Me d ’ de una indent r a fact in? Magnates Regni Angt de consilio Dni Angt et Stos Mercatores Flandr. Burgens Flandr . cont Stos t a ctat 9 T; Stas locucoes ^t covencoes pacis reddit in Thes p m 9 Thome de Org*ve . xiii. die Jul Ht ponit r in pixid in cista inf a CaiSam nui§ato£ de R ta . anno dci Dni R is . xliiii t0 ad tale signu ^ “ cancel! qj non het signu.” Legg> 26 Me d ’ qd Johnes Legg sviens “ ” Dni aunag. p is ad arma cepit ad firma aunag pann in Coin Surr T: Sussex ’ p Thes Angt. Et decern sigill lib fuer eidem JoTii p CaiSar Sc a cii dci Dni Regis de eodm aunag sub condicoe qd eadem sigill restituet eisdem CaiSar in R ta dci Sc a cii in fine firme sue et hoc idem Johnes pmisit xviii. die Nov', anno Regni |£ is Edwardi ?cii post conq x liiii t0 . "I in dca R ta . xlv t0 . (p. 8 b.) 27 Me d ’j qd Dns Adam de Hertyngdoh “ un 9 ” Cai§ar Sc a cii delib in Thes unam lram attorn fact OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 229 R ex Naverr. p Regem Naverr £tis psonis in eadem noiatis T; unu rotul cont §tos punctus cujusdam tractat 9 con cor die 1 pacis init in? attornatos dci Regis Naverr . T; consiliu Dni nri Regis Angl Et ponunt r in quodam hanapio in cista inf a CaiSam ninSato^ de Recept . ad tale signu IWI Sexto die mensis Decembr anno r . E. fcii . xliiii t0 . 28 Item una indent r a fact in? Dnm Regem Angl T; Robtum Crutt Cleric de §tis ?ris T: ten in Retherhuth . lit) in Thes ix° die mensis Decembr anno xliiii t0 . T; ponit r cum cartis feoffamenti Dno nro Regi p Waltm Fores?, de eisdem ten in Rether- hutTi in cista inf a cai8am nuniato^ de R ta . ad signu p diet cart notat . ix°. die Dec . a 0 , pldco. 45 Ed. III. gcu? ville 1 Me d . qd Dns Thomas de Org & ve Clicus ven de Januis. pris Dni Thome Dei gra Exon Epi delife in Thes unu peuratoriu sub manu pu ca fact sigillat cum sigillo Ducts Ville de Januis T: cu at sigillo j cuj 9 - dam Epi 'f eciam cum sigillo coi dicte Ville T; ponit r in quodam hanapio in cista inf a Caniam nunia- to£ de Recepta ad tale signu xxi. die mensis Januar anno . r . E. fcii anno xlv t0 . “ T; dem peur libat r Magro JoTii de “ Branhtre \ restituit ultio die Febr 230 antient kalendars and inventories 2 Itm unu magnu instrm fact; in? excellen- tissimu Principem T; Dnm Dnm Edward Dei gra F a nc It Angt Regem Illustrem ex pte una \ po- tentem viru JoTiem de \\Murca tunc Ducem de Janhj ex pte al?a . sub manu pu ca T; signis “ triu ” notar . vidlt . Magri JoTiis de Branketre T; Willi de Tiryng- ton Angt. Et Bartholomew Antonii notar de Janh T; ponit r in eodem hanapio cu dco pcurator . xxi. die Febr . a 0 , f JE E. x lv to . Tt ad diet signu. Jene. (P- 9-) Flandr. 3 Item idem Dns Thomas Orgrave Clicus Thes Angt delib in Thes unu hanapiu . cont . vii. in- dent r as fcas in? Dnm Guidonem de Brienh admiral! flote navium Vsus ptes occidentals It §tos iScatores de Jene de diesis bonis T; catallis capt sup a mare in ij. Utarect . p dipsos magnates Angl T; ponit r dc’m hanapiu cum diet sept indent r is in cista inf a caniam nuniato^ de Recept ... ad . signu stater pdem xxiiii. die mensis Marc. anno xlv t0 . “ de quo hanapio “ ext a hit r tqndda acq’etanc fca Dno Pr. p Ducem T; “ Coitate de Jene de t T: libat r Epo Bangoreh. * e xxii io . die Januar a°. xlix 0 . 4> Me d . qd Dns Thomas Org've Clicus Re?endi viri Dni Rici le Scrop Milit Thes Angl libavit unam lram patent sigib cum sigillo Com Flandr . cont quadam composic pac. int Regem Angl ex una pte j Ht ipm Com Flandr . ex al?a pte de dat vii. die Ap'l “ a 0 , f P ,E. ?cii . xlv t0 .” in Thes salvo custod . xiiii. die mensis . Mali t ponit r in quad pixid in cista inf a CaiSam nuiSato^ R te . ad tale singnu i — r anno sup^dco “ Et libant r iii.” “ .” “ Quod “ quidem hanapiu rest fuit in Thes cu eisdem Iris OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 231 Concordia Guldeford. Hertyngdon. “ Rolli tan- “ gen? jus “ Regine in “ Coin Ha- “ non (p. 9 b.) Pro ala avi. “ sic lib Henr Scrop p m 8 9 JoTiis de Branktre xii . “ die April a 0 xlvi t0 .” [Et hanapiii cont . iii. Iras Coin Flandr lib Dnis Henr Scrop It Hug Seg 3 ve pficit r vWs Flandr p m 9 Dhi Willi clici dci Dni Henr Scrop ix. die Febr a° xlvi t0 . ] 5 Me d . qd Dns Wilts de Mulsho unus CaiSar . Sc a cii lib unam indent r am fact in? Dnm Regem Angt T: 2tos cives Civitatis London content in cedula huic indent r e consut in Thes salvo custodiend T: ponit r in quad pixid in cista inf a Cai§am nuiSato^ R te ad tale signu | | xxl - c ^ e Maii anno xlv t0 . 6 Med qd Dns Adam de Hertyngdon unus Ca- niaf Dni |f is de Sc a cio portavit ad R*’ §tos Rotulos sigillat cum trib 3 sigilt tang informac sup jure Dne Phe Regine Angt in Com Hanoh T; ponit r in cista inf a Caniam nuiSato^ R te in la tille ejusd ciste salvo custodiend decimo die mensis Julii . “ anno r . p . Edwardi . fcii ” post conq . quadra- “ gesimo quint o.” 7 M d ’ qd xxv i t0 . die Julii anno xlv t0 If E. fcii post conq . libat [fuit] Thes 'l Caniar quemd pixide . cont una lram acquietanc tang Robtum \\Erscyn Milite de Scoc . "I ponit r in cista sup a Re ta cum trib^ cerur . cu tli signo. 8 Me d ’ qd Dns Thomas Org a ve delib in Thes salvo custodiend unam lram patentem sigid cu magno sigitt Angt cont copiam cujusdam bulle de tempore Dni nri P a pe JoTiis de licenc appriandi 232 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 9 b.) (P-9.) Moubray. (p. 9 b.) (P-10.) ecclias po les de Worfeld It Chestretoh Lichefelden Dioc direct Epo Lichefelden p §tis Cantar fundand p aia Dni E. quond Pr Angl avi P: 1S nuc xix. die Aug 9 . anno . r p . E. tcii post conq xlv^° *1 ponit r in quod hanaper . in cista sup a Re 15 . cum trib 3 seruris ad tale signu. « 46 Ed. II I. 1 Me* 15 de uno sigillo coketti de Melcombe de laton libat Dno Guydoni Brieh in R 1 ’ Sc a cii . ad ducend T: liband Burgens vl pbis hoib 3 dee Ville de Melcombe p Thes It Camar septimo die Nov ’ a 0 xlvi t0 incip. 2 Me d \ qd Dns JoTines Moubray delibavit in Thes tres bagas cont rotulos ass briaT: panel! T: una bag. cont rotul delibc gaola^ de annis [xxxvi. xxxvii.J xxxviii. T xxxix. in Coin Sutli Somls Dors Wiltes Devon T Cornub Caniar Sc a cii xii. die Febr . a° . p i8 nc x lvi t0 . 3 Med de duab 3 cartis fact “ Dno Regi ” de $tis terris \ ten in Dertford . p Priorissam ibm T; Aliciam Perriers T; lib in Thes salvo custod. p man 9 Thome Org*ve in quad pva skypet poit in cista sup a R 1 ’ Sc a cii . xvi. die Febr ad tale signu . anno xlvi t0 . 4- Me d> . de i. pixide lib in Thes cont unam opposicoem Dni Willi Stile tang terr Dni Rogli Bavent salvo custodiend p m 9 Dni Ade de Her- tyngdon cof Consit Dni P: is Ponit r in cista sup a OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 333 IV* Sc a cii . scdo die Marcii anno xlvi t0 ad tale Bavensere. Tyndale. 5 Me d ’ de uno sigillo arg lit) in Thes . salvo custod p m 9 Dni Rici Ravenser xvi. die Marc . T: ponit r in cista sup a R*\ Sc B cii . eodm die j?dco anno xlvi t0 . quod quid sigilt fuit Philipp nup IV ne Angl in dominio suo de Tyndale. Flandr. 6 Med qd Magr JoTines de Branktr lihavit in Thes unam lram tractat 9 pacis in? Regem Angt et Comite "I Burgens Flandr . que quidem Ira sigillat est [tarn] cum sigillo ven Pris Simonis Dei gra sacrosce Romane ecclie Cardinal Cantuar * sigillo Ville de Caleys q a m sigilt Burgens Flandr. Et est dat dee Ire . xx. diei Marc . anno ? IV . F. feii post conq . xlvi t0 . Et ponit r in cista sup a R*’ Sc a cii . salvo custod in una pva skyppet . xii. die mensis April a° x lvi t0 . sup a dco ad tale signu. qd xix° die Augusti a° xlvi t0 E fcii post conquestu libat fuerunt Dno Wittmo de Mulsho ex a Thesaur p^ infra Abbiam tria sigilla r' unu videlt magnu sigillu de Cancellar . T: duo de p'vato sig ad differend Dno Regi "t ejus Consilio apud Sandemcu. 14 Me d ’ qd Simon de Burgh de Coin Kane recepit xvi mo . die Octobr . anno regni Reg_E. fcii post conq. xlvi t0 . p raa n 9 Robti atteForde deputat ejusde Simonis septem sigilla subsidii panno£ in Corn Essex ’ T: Hert- ford. que pdcus Simon vl Rohtus deputal ejusdem restituet in fine Pmi quinqj anno£. 47 Ed. III. 1 Me d ’ de una indent r a fca in? Relig Virum Abbem Afebie Set Aug Cantuar It Wittm Eyrmyn clicum uni 9 Galaye Dni nri p is Angt p ipm Wittm duct de ptib 3 Baon. Et dca indent r a lib fuit in Thes salvo custod T; ponit r in una pixid in cista cum trib 3 serur sup a Re*’ p'mo die Oct . anno xlvii incip ad tale signu. 1HHHHHL 2 Me d ’ qd Dns Jotines Moubray delibavit in Thes duas bagas cont Rotulos assisa^ [T: delib gaola^] in Coin Ebofy Lane Norhumbr Curnbr 1 Westmh de anno x 1° pr nc . xxvii. die Novembr anno r p : . E. fcii post conq . quadragesimo septimo. s 2 236 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Goldyng- harru (p. 12.) 3 Me d ’ de uno script quiet ||clamac fact Dno nro Regi AngV t Franc illustri "t heredib3 suis p Alexm de Goldyngham militem lib in Thes salvo custodiend tcio die Decembr anno xlvii m0 . Et ponit r in cista cum trib3 seruris sup a Re tam ad tale f 4 > Me d ’ qd Wilts de Walworth fCives London delib in Re 1 ’ Sc a cii unam obligacoem tangent Dnam Margaretam quondam uxem David Regis Scocie de d. m a rcis . septimo die Febr anno r ^ Edwardi fcii post conquestum quadragesimo septimo. Inde lit billam sub sigillo officii R w Sc a cii. Et ponit r in cista cum trib3 seruris sup a R t? in quad pixid ad tale signu. {iDatoiD Buis* S^argarete.} 5 Itm una Ira patens sub magno sigillo Dni Regis tangens diet Regem Scoc de redempcoe sua lib fuit in Thes salvo custodiend . xii. die Febr a 0 . xlvii 0 . T; ponit r cum dca oblig in eadem pixid r h ad idem signu. 6 Me d ’ de una Ira patent sigilt cu duob5 sigilE V3 cu si gib Prioris frm Augustin de Huntyngdon t Prioris pvincial ejusdem ordinis de quadam Can- taria fundat T: ordinat in domo diet frm apud Hun- tyngdoh pdict p salubri statu Dhi nr'i R is E. fcii . post conq T: libo^ suo£ dum supstites sint T: p aM>5 dci Dhi Edwardij PTie consortis sue fy^Angt'X dco^ libo£ cum [ab] hac luce discesserint de Trinitate. Et diet Ira lib fuit in Thes salvo custodiend xii. die Febr. Et ponit r in cista cum trib3 seruris sup a Re tJ . in quadam pixide signat cum talib5 v’bis. f ipuntpngbonb ) t ftOaubergb j Lokemaban. Derteford. “ MaSiil “ de Port- “ brugge.” (p. 12b.) Alliganc. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 237 7 Me d ’ qd Witts de Slapultoh Const Castri de Lokemaban in Regno Scocie delib in Recept Sc a cii to. die Marc anno regni Regis Edward fcii post conq quadragesimo septimo unu sigiff “ cupr ” de dnio ejusd Castri Et ponit r in cista cum tribj seruris sup a Re tam dci Sc a cii ad tale signu. { Cokntuilian. } “ n5 cop r ” 8 Me d ’ de una Ira de pVato sigillo direct ||Tes T: Caniar ad deliband omes cartas sc'pt monument T: fact tangenc “ tenement ” Robti Bykenore de MaSio de Portebrugg in Com Kane dat sororib} ordinis pdicator de Dertford que quidem Ira lib fuit in Thes salvo custodiend f ponit r in quad pixide inf a cistam cum trib3 seruris sup a Re 1 ’, xiiii. die Mail anno r Pr E. tcii post conq . xlvii. ad tale signu. 9 “ Virtute cuj 9 bris Witts de Mulsho CaiSar “ de Sc a cio 't Thomas Org a ve clicus . Thes libar “ xiii. die Jut Michi Skilly ng 't fri Walto Durant “ Attorn dee Priorisse unam manticam in qua con- “ tinet r sc'pta jPdc’a ||un nuiS 9 sc'pto^ continet r in “ quad indent r a fca p Ricm Norwich Joh Scot It at “ exec testi Robti Bikenore que quid indent'a “ reman in pixide Updco cu bri de p'vato sigillo.” 10 [“ Me d ’ qd una ista£ lra£ subscripta^ lifeat r “ Dno Cancellar p m 9 Joh Burgh p'mo die Decembr “ anno p'mo Jk Henr quinti. Et restituit r p m 9 “ ejusdem Johis Burgh iiii to . die Decembr tunc «px “ seqn”] 11 Fait a remembf q Mons r John Knyvet Chaun- cellere Mons r Richard lEscrop Tresorer dEnglefre S 3 {S3utcfort>M 238 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Portyngale . iP Dux Bri- tann. T: Mons r William de Latymer Chaumbleyn nre S r le Roy \ Nicolas Carreu Gardeyne du Prive Seal leRoy livWont as Chambleyns de lEscheqer le xiiii. jo r de Juyn 1 an xlvi'f une Ire patent pcuratorie desoutft le Seal le Roy de Portyngale T: une g a unde Ire contenantz les alyances entre nre S r le Roy dEnglefre 'l le dit Roy de Portyngale ensealez de les seales les pcurato r s au dit Roy de Portyngale les queux deux Ires sont mys en le coffre p desuis la Receyte [“ de la Duchie de Lancastr ,, ~\ ove auts Ires T; remembrancez en une hanp de verges a ceste signe (t cr unde ex a It libat Magro JoTii Kyngton alliganc “ Portyngale vid 3 q'nto die Julii anno q*rto p tl Henr quarti. Postea pdcus Magr Johes restituit “ V 3 xxii i0 die Octobr a 0 cjnto ej 9 d p.” 12 Me d ’ qd septimo die Julii anno xlvii mo . p E. fcii post conquestu. quoddam scriptu obligator p quod Jolines Dux Britanh Robtus de Neiytl Thomas de BradeweTt T; alii obligati sunt Dno Edwardo Regi Angl in novem mille libris stlingo^ solvend in festo Pasche px futur libat fuit Thes S CaiSar . It ponit r in uno ban in cista sup a Ret am Due Lane . cu hoc 13 Me d ’ de uno sc'pto de relaxacoe fca Dno Regi de custodia pci de Haddele p Roglm de WEstevoyk ’ lib in Thes salvo custodiend xxvi t0 . die Jut anno . xlvii. Et ponit r in una pixide in cista sup a Re tam cu trib 3 serur ad hoc signu. W OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 239 (P-12 A.) 48 Ed. Ill, Provan. Ingelby. u Normann.” Chaundos. l Me d ’ de iii. instrument T; . v. Iris nup claus de papir tangenc cr ix ml . T; ix c . li. lib Jacobo P’van p consil Angt ?mio MicTiis anno xlv i0 . pr nc Et ponut r in uno hanaper in cista sup a Ret am cum iii. serur . septimo die Nov* anno xlviii 0 . ad tale signu. 2 Itm . de i. rotulo cont ptict dci Jacobi P’van lit* in Thes . p Dnm Adam Hertyngdon xvi. die Novembr anno sup* did . T; ponit r in dco hanaper cum dcis instrument T: Iris. 3 Med . qd Thomas Ingelby lit* in Thes salvo custodiend duas bagas qua£ una continet bria ass finit coram Thoma de Ingelby T: JoTme Cavendissh Justic It alia bag rotul diet ass . in Coni Norkt Warr Leyc Derby NotingTi Rotel \ Lincoln de annis Reg E. feii post conq . x liiii t0 . xlv to . xlvi to . Et recepte fuerunt p man 9 Dni Ade de Hertyngdon uni 9 |JCai9a- to^ de Sc a cio . xxviii. die Nov’, anno xlviii °. in Sc a cio Regis jpdei. 4 Med qd xvi ii. die Decembr anno regni Regis Edwardi feii post conq xlviii. in Sc a cio lib fuit qued quietclamaco seu relaxaco fca Dno nro Regi Angt p Elizabet Chaundos de Baroniis Sci Salvatoris Vice- comitis de Daunvers T: || dOrgevitt ac terris It ten See Marie de Monte || Farsett "I de oinib} terris Tt ten T: possessionib 3 que fuerut Godfridi de Harecourt in || Insula Constantini in Normanh que quedam relaxaco ponit r in quad pixide in cista sup a Re tam S 4 240 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (p. 12 A. b.) i liber. “ Acquie- “ tan ” [« ali 9 lib.”] (p. 13.) cum . iii. seruris salvo custodiend ad tale signu. £‘ c no ext a hit r .”J {Cljamiboa.} 3 Me d> qd quarto die Febr anno r . E. fcii a conquest [_xlviii~\ compotus Alex’ i de Dolby nup Constabular Burdegat ac Receptoris div^o^ exituu Principat 9 Aquitanie de anno f fa?, ac eciam com- potus Dni Alani de Stoic’ nup Thes ejusdem Princi- pat 9 de anno f lxix°. ac eciam ||comptus Dni Jofiis de Carleton Thes dci Principat 9 de annis f Ixxi .1 flxxii . in uno libro continent sex qua?nos pcameni quo£ quilibet qua?n 9 continet . viii. fol pcameni. 6 Itm compotus Guilti Medici Receptore Dni Principis Aquit It Walt de [a 0 ] Uxvi. 7 Itm compotus JoTiis de Ludlf-m Clici Recep- toris oimfirma^'I; alio£ comodo^ in Principatu Aquit . de anno t Ixxi. 8 Itm compotus Joins Prepositi Receptor It fppoiti Angolrh . de omibj Recept mis \ expn Comi- tat 9 Engolism . de . a 0 , t Ixviii 0 . 9 Itm compotus Dni Willi de Osmundeston Clici Receptoris exit T; alio£ pvenient Sen e Limovic anno Ixviii. 10 Itm compotus Reymundi Guidonis Thes It Receptor exit Senes de Agenh de anno t lxvi t0 . in i. libro continent decern qua?nos pcameni quo£ quil 3 qua?n 9 cont viii. fol pcamini excepto penul- timo quatno cont vi. fol. Et isti duo libri com- poto£ delib fuerunt Dno Niclio Dagwortti Milit Johi Fastolf ’ Ht Thome Durant ad ducend penes Bordigat T: ibi deliband Magro Robto Wykforcl . OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 241 Archebaud. ( P .13b.) Indent T a monete de Caleys. Constabular ejusd Ville Bordigal sexto die Febr. anno r . E. fcii quadragesimo viii 0 . “ Postea xxiiii t0 . die Febr . anno pdco pdci libri “ restitut fuerunt p manus Thome Durant .” 11 Me d ’. qd xxvii 0 . die Febr anno r. 1 ^ . E. fcii post conquest xlviii 0 Witts Archebaud Vallettus Hospic lib Thes "t Carhar de Sc a cio una lram acquiet eidm Dno fact p quod annuo feodo . x. m a rz . p ipm Reg eidm Witto nup cone du in Hospicio Reg stePit sup a dict/f qd post recessu de hospicio pdco. licencia Reg sup hoc optent . x. li. ad totam vitam suam bend cone . r' que quidm acquiet ponit r in uno hah in cista cu trib 3 serur s a Re tam Sc a cii. 12 Me d ’ qd xiiii. die Maii . anno r . E. fcii post conq xlviii. qued Ira obligator Dhi JoTiis de Nevitt de quingentis marc solvend Dno nro . in xv* Set JoTiis anno pldco apport fuit ad R 1 ’ Sc a cii . p m 9 Dni Witti de Mulsho Caniar dci Sc a cii. Et ponit r in i. pixide in cista cu tribj serur sup a Re 1 ’ ad tale signu :> “ jf Et postea quinto die Augusti eod a 0 pdea Ira “ oblig cancellat erat \ libat fuit Johi de Kendale “ Clico pdei JoTiis de Nevytt.” 13 Me d ’ de una indentura in? Dnm Regem T; Bardet de Malepilys de Florence Magrm monete auri T: argenti in Villa de Cales. Et dca indent r a lib fuit in The! salvo custodiend p m 9 JoTiis Faryndoh. Et ponit r in una pixide in cista cu trib 3 serur in capella [R te ] . xxvii 0 . die Febr anno . xlviii 0 . 14- Me d ’ qd xiii. die Maii anno xlviii. restitute fuerunt due bulle de dispensacoe facta Dno Regi Flandr. (P* 14.) Worldham. BellemonL 242 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Angl Edwardo fcio de mathnonio cont a hendo [p ii. libis suis] in quarto gradu consang’nit 3 T:c eciam de utroq^ laPe. Et ponut r in uno hanapio salvo cus- todiend in cista cum tribj serur sup a Rec ad tale signu. 15 Me d ’ de xxiiii. rotul simt in capite firmat fact in div’sis hustang tent in Civitate London de diesis cantar in eadm Civitate ordinat .T: Dno Regi foris- facl ex Sta ca . in una baga content qui quedam baga ponit r in cista cum iii. seruris sup a Re 1 ’ salvo custodiend ad tale signu. i — h 16 Me d ’qd xii°. die Junii a 0 xlviii 0 lib fuit Thes ^t CaiSar de Sc a cio . qued Ira fca Dno p dipsos Mercatores Flandr . p delibacoe bend de vinis T: aliis iScandisis “ di9so^ M’cato^ Flandr” capt sup a mare put in dca Ira pleni 9 appet It ponit r in ||uno pixide in cista cu trib3 cerur s a Ret am . 17 Me d ’. qd. ix. die mensis Jut anno r I \.E. fcii post conquestu xlviii. lib fuer in Thes . i. Ira patens sub sigillo magno Angl direct Edwardo de Sco JoTme ad capiend seisina de parco de Worldham in Coin Sussex * p Dno nro Rege. 18 Itm una cart feoffamenti p Dno nro Rege de eodem pco de Worldham. 19 Itm una Ira attornati sub sigillo Johis de Burg- herssti . vendent dcm pcum Dno nro 20 Me d ’. qd . x. die mensis Jut anno . xlviii 0 I| 3 he lib fuit in Thes quedam lr'a acquiel fca Dno nro OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 243 Selby. Regi de q'nquaginta libris string . sigillat cum sigillo coi Abbis f tCont 9 de Selby T; ponit r in quad pixide in cista cum iii. serur s a Recept . ad tale nomen. Femandus de Castre. Joftnes de Cressewell. {0t 1 %} 21 Me d ’. qd xxvii 0 . die Oct a 0 xlviii 0 . lib fuerunt Thes Ht CaiSar due indent r e qua£ una testat r . qd Azolinus de Strozzo T: Jokes Crede senior M’cat Flor . receperut de Dno Thes . duo milia T; quingent marcas qua quide suma pmittut fidelr? solv’e Fer- nando de Castre .ad fin Mick px futur . alia vero testat r Reg Castelli T: Legion solvisse noie Reg Angt Joki Cressewell r t Galfro Seint Quyntyn sex milia floreno^ p custodia Castri de Lisinham . in Aquii J . que quide indent r e ponut r in uno hanapio in cista sup a . Re tam . (p. 14 b.) 22 Me d ’ qd quarto die Novembr a 0 . xlviii 0 . lib fuerunt p m 9 Thome de Org*ve in Re tam unu hah cont div 5 ! cartas feoffamet de di$s terris T ten in Northflete T: Suthflete pquisit p Dnm Reg de Joke Donat Apotecar London t Joke Pycot T; ||ponut r sup a Re tam in cista cu trib 3 serur. Northflete 4 Suthflete P Dno “ Rege.” Estworlde - ham. 49 Ed. III. l Me^. qd libate fuer in Thes Reg. una carta due Ire de attorn de MaSio de Fstworldeham .% ponunt r in cista f^dca in quodam hanapio ad hoc signu vid . xi°. die Novembr anno . xlix 0 . Azolinus de Strozzo Crede . Castru de Lisyelfm. “ no t r hit.” 244 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 2 Me d ’ qd ligate fuer in Thes Regis . iiii. Ire acquiet fact sub noib 5 Francisci Rygan . Francisci Ferrarii * MicTiis Benet de bonis capt in quadam caraka de Mallokre et ponunt r in cista sup a dca in quodam hanapio ad hoc signu . xxix 0 die Novembr a 0 pldco. {iHallofcrr.} Sigilla Kane. 3 Me d ’ qd xiii°. die Febr a °. xlix 0 . libat fuerunt JoTii atte Fretlie de Cantuar due ^ [septe] sigilla de aunagio in Com Kane. Dux T M’catores de Janua. 4 Me d ’. qd quinto die Mail anno xlix 0 . libat fuit in Thes Dni Reg . salvo custodiend quoddam in- struments procuratoriu tang Ducem T: M’catores de Janua T; ponit r in uno ban in cista . sup a Re tam . (p. 15.) Sigilla aunag Norff’ Suff.’ 5 Me 1 ’, qd xxii d0 . die Mail anno xlix 0 . libat fuer Petro Erchebold de Lavenlfm de Com Suffj septern sigilla de aunagio de Com Norff 1 \ Suff ’ f Swalloiv- feld. 6 Me d ’ qd xiii. die Jut anno xlix 00 libat fuer in Thes . p Adam de Hertyngdoh . ii. Ire de quiet- clam de Manlio de Sucalloueefeld . 't imponut 1 in qua- dam pixide in cista s a Re tam cu . iii. serruf . ad tale S ‘S" U - W “ Wadele.” 7 Me d ’ qd . xxv. die Octobr . anno xlix 00 . libat fuer in Thes p Thomam de Brailes una lfa [ R] pat fca Rico de Pembrugge de Maner de Wadele “ || Wykyng- \ Wykyngeslfm in Com Berk * It una lfa de “ tonr licenc fca Abbi de Stanley de Maner p>dco una cu ratificacoe diet Maner T. una carta feoffamenti fca p Witt de WikehPm 1 al pdeo Rico de Maner pklco T: div's munimenta tang Maner pklict , T; OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 245 imponut r in quod hanapio in cista s a Re ta ad tale signu 8 Me d ’ qd xxiiii. die Nov ’ anno xlix. lit) fuit in Thes quedam pixis cont duas relaxacoes videlt una R. Totesffm. Rici de Totesh a m Milit de Corn Kane Et alia re- J. Jocus. laxaco JoTiis Jocus administ a toris bono£ Walti Huwet Dno nro Regi fact. Et ponit r in cista s a Recept cum iii. seruris ad tale signu. (p. 15b.) 9 Med qd septimo die Decembr anno r ty . E. feii . a conq xlix 0 queda indent fca in? Dnm "l Roitus Roblrn Fyneaux Firmar MaSii dci Dni Regis de Fyneaux. \\Hdme juxta Sandewycum lib fuit in Thes \ ponit r in cista sup a Re tam cum iii. serur salvo custodiend in quad pixide ad tale signu o 10 Med qd xvii die Januar . anno r E. tcii . a conq . xlix 0 . quedam acquiet fca Dno nfo Reg p Leyk\ Wittm Ley Id de uno ten It schopis eidem ten adja- centib 3 cum ptin in London in pocb Sci Andr apud Castelbaynard lib fuit Thes T: CarSar salvo custodiend \ ponit r in cista sup a Re tam in quad pixide ad tale signu 9 ma “ Ac eciam quedam acquiet fact p peur Magr « Prucia.” “ de Prucia T; Comi Civitatu Almann de tde “ trescent . . nob! sot . p quad goggone de Jj Campe “ despot p raptores AnglA IV. Cantelou. (p. 16 .) 246 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES ll Med.qd x. die Febr anno ? E. feu a conq “ ” lit) fuer due indentur tang Wiltm de Canti- lupo . Thes It Camar de Sc a cio 1; ponut r in una skypet inf a cistam sup a “ Re tam ” cum tribj serur ad tale signu. tt ]yj e d» due indent r e libate fuer ex a ” “ Thesaur Reg Wilto la Zouche de Haryngworth ” “ xx°. die Febr . anno li mo v?ute cujusdam bris de ” “ magno sigillo Thes T; CaiSar de Sc a cio direct p ” “ eadem libac faciend./ quod quidem bre cu t a n- ” “ sc^t eo^dem indent r a£ rem in skipetto pdco.” 50 Ed. III. l Med . qd . xviii. die Febr. anno r R E. fed a conq quinquagesimo lib fuer una acq de xxxviii. li. in ptem solucois majoris s u me p vinis capt in quad navi de || Campeir \ una indentur Henr de Mordon Vic London Thes T Caniar de Sc a cio It ponut r in i. pixide inf a cistam sup a Re tam ad tale signu 2 Me d ’ qd xxvii 0 . die Marc anno l mo . lib fuit una indent r a in? Dnm Regem "t Rohm Hauley de ?cia pte dua^ pciu redempeois Comit de Dene capti in bello de Nazerz in Ispan T: ponit r in i pixid inf a cistam sup a Receptam . ad tie signu 3 ^ Me d ’ qd phno die April anno . l m0 . lib . fuer ii. instrum p que Dns Gaylardus Durefort Miles OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 247 Boulond. (p. 16 b.) Dns de Duras T: de Blancfort de Aquit Agen dioc . recogn teneri Dno Edwardo Regi Angt T: Francie . in duobj milibj florena^ auri voc franc 3 solvend eid Dno Senesc . vel Constabul Burdeg . in festo Nativil Sci JoTiis Bapte px futur It ||ponit r in i. pixid infra cistam sup a R tam ad tie signu ct Postea libate fuer jPdca duo instrum ext a Thes . “ xxix 0 . die Aug a° pldco “ dco Dno de Duras ” “ p man 9 Arnold de Cardeluys ex pcepto cons q, ; “ rest sumam subscript ad eade Re ta ut patet in “ pelle . xxix 0 . die Aug a° pdco.” 4- Me d ’. qd fcio die Julii . anno l mo lib . fuit una indent r a Thes T; Cai8ar de Sc a co fact in? Dnm Regem "t Moriciu Yong de ?ris T; ten eid Moricio ad fir- mam dimiss in Com Kane. Et ponit r in . i. pixid inf a cistam sup a Re tam . ad tale signu. 1 i\anc’. fB. i>ongT} 5 Me d \ qd treug de Scoc delib fuer Dno Jo'hi de Boulond quinto die Julii anno r . E. feii post conq . anno quinquagesimo.^ [“ Cancellat 1 quia restituit easd xiiii. die Jut a° “ Z mo .”] 6 Me d ’. qd xvi. die Mali anno l mo . delib fuer p Thes Ht Caniaf tria sigilla pva de subs panno^ in Civitate London Rico Baret de London quo£ duo de argento . T; ?ciu de cupro. ^ Et restituit pdcus Ricus dca sigilla p'mo die Octobr a 0 pi die T; ponunt r in coffro Camar.«|» [« Cane q^ in man pdei Rici.”~] 248 antient kalendars and inventories 7 «|* Med . qd lib fuit p Radm de Kesteven unu firmacim de iiii rubies xxv. diamandes xx. pies gross Tt i. gross saphier in medio loco . invadiat Dno 1^ p Din de Mussenden . et ecia quandam oblig sigillat sigillo ipius Dni de Mussenden T: ponit r in [magn] cist inf a Thes Abbie Westm. 4 “ jf Postea . xxix°. die Aug . a 0 pldco . pdca jocalia “ T: [obligac] capt fuer ext a Thes pdco Dno de “ Missendeh libat p Iram [sigiff] sub signo annuli “ Reg.” [“ Cancellaf ob causam subsc'ptam.”] 8 Me d ’ qd quinto die Jut anno quinquagesimo lib fuit qued relaxaco fact Dno nro Regi p executores Coin Pembr in quad [pixid] T: inponit r infra cistam sup a Re tam ad tale signu. | $RmtoF7} 9 ^ Me d ’ qd . xiii 0 die Septembr a 0 quinquagesimo . E. fcii post conq lib fuit in Thes quodd instfm p quod Reymundus Dns de Mussenden It Bernardus de la Sparre Dns de Lebard obligant r Dno Regi in ducent libris causa mut recepf solvend apud Bur* degalia in fest Pasche T: Sci MicTiis equali? a°. li°. 10 Itm lib fuit eisde die 1. anno . unu aliud instfm p quod Gerard 9 de Tartays Dns de Puyan . Dns de Mussenden. Mussenden . Dns de Duras "l le S’e Curtoh Chrs T: Bernard de la Sparre obligant 1- . Dno Regi in mille marcis p Dno de Boys de F a nc p^onar a dco Dno Rege p dcm Dnm de Puyan p eade suma empf solvend apud Burdeg videlt in fo Pasch . px fu?o . cxxv. m a r . % ad fest Mich It Pasch px seqn p duos a os . Ht di . quoit tiuio . cxxv. m a r. Et po- OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 249 nunt r in quada pixide inf a cistam sup a Re tara ad hoc signu. { ffilnsgotftot’. \ 11 “ Me d ’ qd pdca instrument libat fuer ex a Thes “ Dni Reg Dno Witto \\Chretoh Clico . xv°. die Sept (i a°. fcio . Reg Rici scdi.” 12 “ Cancellat r quia idem Wilt restituit pdca in- “ strument . x vii°. die Sept . a 0 , r p R. sup a dci.” 13 “ Me d \ qd inst u ment de m 1 marc p psonas “ sup^cptas . libat r Dho de Nevitt p pcept ||Concillii “ die Dune xxvii 0 die Mail . a 0 . iiii to . R Rici scdi p “ bre de p’vat sigitt Hremanent in «|> mandat ^ ligula “ briu de ?io Pasch ejusd'm anni.” (p.17.) 14 M d \ qd . ii. die Decembr anno l. p E. fcii post conq libat fuit p Dnm Adam de Hertingdoii in Thes quedam carta fca Dno Regi p Witlm Sandale de xxix acf terre T: . iii. rod.juxta boscum de || Benes- worth vocat Sandale Inliome una cu sex acf 1 viginti ptic terre T: dimid acr T: una roda p a ti cu ptih in forest de Wolmare inpcat infra pcum Dni Worldham. p de Worldham. 15 Item eodem die libat fuit p dcm Dnm Adam quedam carta fca Dno Regi p JoTiem de Romeseye de quatuor acf 9re f bosc jacent infra pcum de Estworldham j que quid carte poite sunt in quad pixide [infra cistam sup a Re tam ] titulat Worldham, Zona in- vadial p T. Percy. 16 M d \ qd iiii t0 . die Decembr . anno . /. p E. fcii post conq . Dns Thomas de Percy Miles invadiavit una zona auri cu pies ornat sigillo ipius T. signat p centu libris sterl . sot in festo Pur px seqii . et poit r diet zona in Thes in [magna] cista cu. VOL, I. T 250 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES, &c. trib3 serrur. ^ “ Postea . videlt xxx° die Mail . “ anno sexto Reg Rici scdi eadem zona relibata “ est eidem Thome . p eo qd solvit Regi Rico scdo . “ c. li pdcas . xxx° die Mail . jPdco ut pat} in Pelt est Tic. 10 jf Jur Warde d e Cordewanest a te j dicunt sup sacrm suu qd pdcs Rics de Podelicote culp est de fraccoe pdca Tic. Et qd Wittms du Paleis X Adam de Warefeld Sacrista Westm fuerunt in auxilio T: consensu. Item dicunt qd jPdcs Ricus fuit apud Northampton T; ibidem vendidit de jocat pdcis diPsis hoib3 Io inq r Tic. Item dicunt qd svientes ejusde Sac'ste 1 quidam Monachi de Abbathia j9dca q°£ noia ignorant fuerunt consencientes. Io ]p est Tic. 11 jf Jur Warde Ripe Regine j dicunt qd jpdcs Ricus de Podelic culp est de fraccoe Tic. et qd qui- dam Johes le Mazun qui est nuc in gaiola Tic. T; pdcus Sac'sta fuerunt consencientes Tic. 12 jf Juf Warda^ de Bisshopesg LymstHe Ti Por- solch j dicunt qd nichil sciunt de articlis unde oSant r Tic. 13 jf Jur de Warda Turrj dicunt qd pdcus Rics de Podelic culp est de fraccoe Tic Et qd Wilts du Paleis T: Adam Sac'sta fuerunt de auxilio Ti consensu Tic. Et qd Johes de Novo M' cat o emit jocalia de jPdco Rico scient felon Tic. Et qd svientes ejusdem Sadste T 4 c. 256 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES London. . f. London. e . n . (m. 2.) London. c . London. T: pies Monachi T;c. quo£ noia ignorant fuerunt con- sentient T:c. Io p est T:c. 14 Jf Jur de Warda Vinefe j dicunt qd i Adam de Warefeld Satista \ pdcus Rics culp sunt de fraccoe J:c. Et qd Witts du Raleys fuit consenciens. Et qd Joties de Novo M’cato huit quandam pet a m de pdco Rico pc . x. m a ? J; earn exposuit vendicoi p qd male credunt de eo T:c. Io p est 'Ic. 15 Inquis fee die Jovis px* seq’h in Aida de Plumbo Lond coram pfat Justic T;c. 16 Jf Jur Warda^ de Cornkutt f Bradestrate j dicunt qd pdcs Rics de Podelic fregit Thes pdcam. Et qd Witts del Paleys T: Adam de Warefeld Satista J; pies Monachi Tic q°£ noia ignorant fuerunt consen- tient. Et qd Joties de Novo M’cato emit aur jocalia J: pet a riam de pdco Rico scient felon. Et qd Galjrs de Bradele emit unam platam arg de eadem felon pond . xv. li. nescient felon T:c. Jtiomi 9 p est r tc. ppt suspic. 17 Jf Jur Warde de Walebrold j dicunt qd Adam de Warefeld Satista % Celerarius ejusdem Abbathie cuj 9 nomen ignorat T; pies alii de eadem Abbia quo£ eciam noia ignorant fuerunt consentient fraccoi pdc’e Jc. Et qd pdcus Ricus de Podelicote T; Witts du Paleis culp sunt de auxil T: consensu dee felon. Et qd Jobs le Boten i] 7 Baton ? fecit quenda barillu de ligno p totum claus ad quod nesciunt set tn male credunt de eo Io p est T:c. 18 Jf Jur Warde de Candelwikestrate j dicunt qd Rics de Podelic culp est de fraccoe pdca. Et qd Witts du Paleis J pdcus Sad si a \ Quatuor Moines ejus- dem Sa&ste quo£ noia ignorant fuerunt consent Jc. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 257 Et qd JoTies de Novo M’cato emit de pdco Rico aura jocalia 'd petrar scient felon T;c. Io p est T:c. London. 19 jj" Jur Warde Pontisj dicunt qd pdcus Ricus de Podet culp est de fraccoe pdca c. Et qd quidam Monciclius Westm fuit special amicus ejusdem Rici set nomen ignorant. Io inq r T;c. Et qd Sadsta Westm \ JoTies de Novo M’cato habuerunt ptem de jPdco thes cuj 9 pt ignorant. Et dicunt qd pdcus Ricus de Podet capt 9 fuit f ductus ad domu Hugoii Pourte Vic London T: ibidem imp'sonat 9 p quinq^ dies r t postea evasit usq^ ad eccliam Sci MicTiis p “ S ” consiliu T: auxiliu Rici vadletti Goscelini le S’iant. Io ipe cap. Et pdcus Hugo Pourte est p suffic manuc manucapcom ppt suspic evasionis pdce. London. 20 j\ Jur Warde de Billinggesgate j dicunt qd Ricus de Podelicote culp est de fraccone T:c. Et qd Witts du Paleis "t quidam Monachi J slvientes Abbie pdce quo£ noia ignorant fuerunt consenc. Et qd JoTies de Novo M’cato emit de pdco Rico aura jo- calia * pet a ria que fuef de thes p quod male credunt Htc. Et qd JoTies de Sco Albano Lathom 9 qui captus fuit apud Certes fuit consenciens fraccoi j^dce. Io p . e . "tc. London. 21 Jf Jur Warde de Douuegate j dicunt qd Rics c • de Podelicote culp est de fraccoe pdca Et qd Adam Sac'sta Westm , t Alex’ de Pershore J alii Monachi quo£ noia ignorant fuef consenc T:c. Et Witts du Paleis fuit consenc sEun j? est 'fc. London. 22 jf Jur Warde Castri Baynardj dicunt qd pdcus Rics de Podet r t Witts del Paleys culp sunt de fraccoe p>dca. Et qd JoTies de Sco Albano fuit consent Jc. Et qd pdcs Sadsta suspectus est eo qd concelavit quedam jocalia que prius inventa fuerunt in manibj 258 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES London. Inquis Aurifab? London. f. c . suis. Et qd JoTies de Novo M’cato emit jocal scient felon 1c. Et qd pies Monachi de Abbia 1c fuer consent 1c. quo£ noia ignorant. lo p e 1c. 23 J Jur Warda£ de Alegate 1 Langeborne j dicunt qd n5 possunt inquirere qd aliquis culp sit de frac- coe 1c nisi Wilts de Paleis de consensu 1c. Et qd huj 9 modi felon fi nd potuit nisi p assensum alicuj 9 de Abbia pi dca set noia ignorant. Ideo p est 1c. 24 - Inquis fca in Gihalda London coram pfat Justic pdco die Jovis 1c. 25 jf Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Wiltms du Paleis Ricus de Podelicote 1 i JoTies de Sco Albano Latliom 9 culp sunt de fraccone Thes pdce. Et qd Adam de Warefeld Sac’sta Westm Adam garco ejus 1 pies Monachi "I slvicntes de Abbatliia pdcia j quo£ noia ignorant fuerunt consent 1c. Et qd pdcs Jobs de Novo M’cato emit de pdco Rico auru jocalia 1 pet a riam de eadem Thes scient felon 1c. Et qd Walts de Walpol emit de pdco Rico tres j|anuli auri ponder . xi. den 1 ob. p pond den . xii. deh et illos vendidit Robto de Pipehurst pond den p . xv, den qui illos posuit in ope 1 vendidit in jocalib 3 j 1 hoc nescient felon 1c. Item Wilts Torel emit de pdco Rico duos anulos auri cum duob} rubet pond . v. den q a p pond den . xi. den unde vendidit auru quibus- dam Niello de Sco Botulpho 1 Wittmo de Beaupho socio suo pond den p . xii. den j et pdcos duos rubet vendidit Rico le Brim p . xix. den 1 hoc nesci- ent felon. Item JoTies de Brigeford emit de pdco Rico unu firm acfrn auri pond . v. s. x. den p . lxx. s. qui illud posuit in ope nescient felon 1c. Item Thomas de Fromk ’ emit de quadam Imania la Porte- OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 25 9 resse . v. rubet h quatuor amerald p . xx. s. Item idem Thomas emit de eadem Imania ix. rubetos h xii. amerald p . xx. s. et unde eadem Imania hint v. rubetos It iiii. amerald ex libacone Johis de Novo M’cato qui est in gaiola de Neag. Et pdcos ix. rub . h xii. amerald huit ex libacone NicTd de Sco Botulpho j qui quidem Nichs pdcam pet a riam emit de pdeo JoTie de Novo M’cato simul cum uno alio rubeto quern vendidit Johi le Perer . p . iii s. Xo p. est attach pdcm JoTim he. Item Witts Valettus Witti de Keles emit de pdeo Rico de Podet aurum de anulis fractis ponder . xiiii. den h illud vendidit Ade de BentleigTi pond den p . xv. den qui illud posuit in ope he. nescient felon he. Item JoTies Bonavenfe emit de pdeo Rico de Pod: xxviii plas de Scoc pc x. s. p estimacom nescient felon he. Itm Witts de Ebofy emit de pdeo JoTie de Novo M’cato j aurum pond . x. den h ob. pond den s' p xv. den h illud statim posuit in ope h vendidit in jocalib3 nescient felon he. Item JoTies de Brideport aurifab emit de eodem Rico auru pond vi. den ob q a pond den p xii. den h illud vendidit Robto de Pypehurst pond den p. xiiii. den qui illud posuit in ope et vend in jocalib3 nescient felon he. Idem JoTies emit de eodem Rico xv. minutas plas p v. sol h sex grossas plas p xl. d. quas quidem plas pdcus Jobs vendidit Robto le Convls et idem Robts vendidit Ade Aurifabro 1 ^ nesci- ent felon he h valent pdee . xv. pie xlv. sol et alie vi. pie . xii. li. p estimacom. Idem JoTies emit de eodem Rico unu. firmaclm auri pond xi. den p xi. s. nescient felon he. Item idem JoTies emit de pdeo JoTie de Novo M’cato unu firmaclm auri pond . ii. s. v. den pond den p . xiiii. den nesciente felon he. Item Galfrs de Bradelee emit de pdeo Rico unam 260 antient kalendars and inventories platam argenti pond . xv. li. nesciente felon Tic. Id p est Vicecom London qd cap eos [si] inventi fSint 1:0. et eos salvo Tic. Et similr qd salvo custod pdcas perlas amerald T; rubet suo piculo ad opus Dni Regf Tic. Et sciend qd omes p>dci aurifabri attach fuerunt Ti postmod quia ipi eniunt auru jocalia T; pet a riam ut supradcm est ||nesciente aliqua felon Tic J . dimissi fuert p manucapcom hndi corpa eop. quo Ti qn Tic. Veredcm 26 j[ Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Adam de Alderm Warefdd Sac’sta Westrh Alex’ de Person Ti Thomas de London. Dene Monachi eiusdem ecclie fuerunt ordinatores T; c • or • u pcuratores burgar Thes Dni Reg Tic. Et { JoTies 1 ' Alhoh Mazun Ti quida JoTies Valett 9 ejus et Ricus fit JoTiis de Podelicote freg? unt Thes pdcam Ti eandem int a verut * thes ibidem inventu et jocalia in eadem inventa asportav^unt. Dicunt eciam qd Rogs de Prestoh t a ctator §vis in celar Convent 9 Rohts de Clier- e. ringg JoTies de Nottele JoTies de Prestoh Thom de Liclieff Wills Vadlett 9 Dni Arnaldi de Campah Wilts Vadlettus JoTiis Shenche custod Palac Dni pi . Rogs Ti Adam Valletti pMci SacKste fuerunt consenc Ti auxiliantes ad felon pdcam. Dicunt T. qd pdcus Rics de Podel invent 9 fuit seis de pte jocat pdco^ ut in corned firmaculis auri zonis cyphis T; scutellis argent ad valenc dua^ miliu It ducenta^ ti. que re- manet in custodia Dni JoTiis de Drolcnesford j ut plenius patet p quandam indent r am Tc. Dicunt eciam q&pldcus Sac'sta fuit seis de una olla T, uno cypho arg cuj 9 pt ignorant llque Hremanet in custodia dci Dni JoTiis de Drokh p eandem indent r am Tic. Dicunt eciam qd JoTies de Novo M’cato invent 9 fuit seis de auro pond . vi. s. Ti de . iii. lapid preciosis . et ideo tint eum in suspectu j jjque ||remanet in custodia OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 26 1 Midd. Elethorn. .f. .f. . s . Spelethorn. .f. . s. Istelivortfi. dci Dni JoTiis de Drolm p predcam indent r am T;c. Dicunt ecia qd cc a Invent See Crucis ultimo pter JoTies de Uggele Wittms de Kynebautoh Tt JoTies fra? ejusdem Witti et Castanea la Barbere °t Alicia soror ejus covenmnt in quadam domo infra clausum p'sone de Flete una cu uno homTe equite T: quatuor ribald ignotis p duas noctes \ ibidem morantes cbmedendo T: bibendo t a xerunt mora usq^ mediam noctem T: tunc armati recesserunt ||eunde v^sus Westm T: in aurora redierunt \ sic feSunt p duas noctes T: ultius ibidem no venlunt. Et quia cc a idem temp 9 Thes fracta fuit j bnt eos suspectos de felon pdea T;c, Et quo ad jocalia 'd pet a riam JJqui j?dci aurifabri eiSunt de p^dcis Rico de Podet It JoTie de Novo M’cato f dicunt ut s a de inquis aurifabr r tc. Et est vie London qd cap pPdcos Ada de War ef eld T: at tc. "t eos salvo % c . 27 Inquis fee in Magna Aida Dni Regf apud Westm coram j9fat J ..Stic die Verdis seqn de singulis Hundred Coin Midd T:c. 28 Jf Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Ricus de Podelic culp est de fraccoe Thes T;c. \ quidam Wilts du Paleis fuit consenc eidem fraccoi. Et qd tint in suspectum dc’m Sadstam Westm put de jocalib 3 invent in Cimit’io Beate Morgan vetuit visum Coro- nator . 'I c. Io p e T;c. 29 jf Jiir dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Ricus de Podet "l Wittms du Paleis j culp sunt de pflca fraccoe j f qd tres Carpentar qui fuerut cu pdeo Sac'sta ac eciam idem Sac'sta suspect sunt eo qd dejocalt invent T;c. [no] revelavit visum Coronator. Io p e Htc. 30 jf Jur dicunt qd Witts \\de Paleis f Ricus de 262 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES .f. . s . Gorhundr. .f. . r . Edelmeton. .f. . s . Osolveston. f. s . Podelicote culp sunt de pdca felon. Et qd pdcus Sac'sta T: Carpentar quo£ noia ignorant suspecti sunt de pdca felon "tc. Et qd JoTies de Lyntoh T: Alex' de Per sore Supper ejusde Abbie suspecti sunt de eadem felon 'fc. Io p est ^c. 31 jf Jur dicunt qd pdci Wilts du Paleis *~t Ricus de Podelicote culp sunt de fraccone pdca. Et dicunt qd Adam Sac'sta Westm, recept Hquendam ptem thes pdci post felon fcam. Io p e T:c. 32 jf Juf dicunt qd Wilts du Paleis T; Ricus de Podelicote culp sunt de fraccoe pdca et qd Jotis de Lynton* Westm suspectus est de felon jpdca 'fc. Io \c. 33 jf Jur dicunt qd Wilts du Paleis fuit con sene p^dcis felon T:c. Et qd tres Carpentar pdei invenlunt in Cimit?io pdeo unam cuppam arg cum coopculo j It unu pichef arg que fuerunt de Thes fPdca et qd Quedam Muir ignota invenit ibidem unu picheru argnti. Item Coronator una cu aliis de pafa invenit duos picheros arg It unam zonam. Item Adam Garco Walti Bercar invenit in quodam loco vocato Hagge- hegh in Kentisshetoh unu panieru in quo fuerunt xxi. pec argenti fracti de eyphis coopcutt ped et pomelt fractis j et una puchea in qua erant . xi. pec argenti una cuppa auri cu pede J: coopcullo f t qua- tuor coclear auri in una catella argenti. Et postea p scrutineu Fade invent fueft in campis Rici de Glouc. viii. pec argenti de cyph. fract quequide pec T: vasa jPdca app^c fuerunt T: lib Dno J. de Drohi put pie- nius patet in fPdca indent r a. Item dicunt qd Rics de Podelicote culp est de fraccoe pdca. Et dicunt qd JoTies le Riche de Westm qui se facit appellare JoTi Ramage suspectus est de eadem felon [pro] eo qd OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 263 Braynford. Westm. .f. . s . . r. . r . S’vient Westm. fuit hie comorans in pat'a postq a m Dhs Rex arripuit i? suu v’sus Scociam 1 multu expend in lines "l appatu suo p quod male credunt de eo 1c. Io p) est 1c. 34 Jf Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Witts du Paleis 1 Rims de Podelicote fuerunt consenc felon j^dee. Et dicunt qd n 1 aliud sciunt nec Hinquirrere possunt de pdcis malefcorib}. Io 1c. 35 Adhuc de inquis feis in Coin Midd die Ven\ is pdeo anno supradco. 36 jf Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Rics de Podet 1 Witts du Paleis culp sunt de fraccoe pdca. Item dicunt qd JoTies films Galfridi le Carpenf de Lalldm 1 Jo ties Jit JoTiis le Verrer de Sutlvwerld sunt suspecti de ead felon. Dicunt ecia qd Pdelina Jit Nictii Coci receptavit jpdem Wittm du Paleis in domo sua post illam felon f cam yscient felon j Dicunt eciam qd Adam Crul Henr de \\Suthon 1 Witts Jit Witti de Sutlvwerk ’ Carpentar inveSunt unu pichef argenti deaur 1 unu cyphu arg deaur 1 ea t a diderunt Sac'ste Westm J Roglo de Ecctia garco ej 9 d Sac'ste. Dicunt 1 qd quedam mulr que vocabat r Isabella Lovet inve- nit in dco cimiPio unam cuppam arg deaur cu pede fracto ||que Sac'sta dee Eccie 1 Waifs Pviens ejus Euerunt 1 penes se detinuerut Et ideo male credunt de pklcis Sac'sta J Ad quia Henr de Cherringg ||Corronator accessit ad dem Sac'stam 1 petiit ab eo dca bona. Qui quidem Sac'sta 1 Alex' de Per sore Supprior clam pp'etatem in dcis bonis 1 dcus Sac'sta ea detinuit p sex septimanas 1 ampl. Et ideo de eis male credunt 1c. Io 1c. 37 jf Jur dicunt sup saerm suu qd quidam Roglus le Mareschal 9viens Ecclie jpdc’e invenit sub quodam . s . .f. . s. . r . Surr. Brixeston. .f Wymbeldon 'XLambehetfi. .f. . r . Batches d Wendles- wrth. • f. . r . 264 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES tumulo in CimiPio See M a rgar unam cuppam arg deaur sine coopculo et unu picher argenti deaur cu gemmis f/cosis et ea subtile sub gremio suo usq, ad Eccliam asportavitT; ea concelando inEcclia deposuit 'it p duos dies detinuit ||nemo sciente et postea ea libavit Sac'ste Ecclie. Dicunt T: qd Ricus de Podeli- cote T: Witts du Paleis culp sunt de fraccoe pdca. Dicunt eciam qd pdcs Sac'sta dca bona sibi voluit appriasse nisi de hoc fuisset indictatus et ideo de eo male credunt j Dicunt eciam qd Henr de Suthton Adam Crut \ Wal?s Jit Witli de Mulhurst Carper/? suspecti sunt de eadem rober T; fraccoe quia de nocte fuerunt vagantes in CimiPio ubi dem thes inventu fuit cum arcub} T; sagittis. Item dicunt qd Rics de Kent Clicus Ti Cecilia ux ejus manentes apd la Hop- pedelialle sunt receptatores pdcoip. malefco^ It alio£ latronu ex a neo£ p quod male credunt de eis de recep- tamento thes f/dci Tic. Io p) est 'tc. 38 Inquis fee apud Sutkwerk’ de singlis Hundf Com Surr coram pfat Justic die Sahbti pxia seq’nti anno ut sup a Tic. 39 jf Jur dicunt qd Wittms du Paleis T; Ricus de Podelicote sunt culp de pdc’a fraccoe Tie. Io Tic. 40 f Jur dicunt qd Wilts del Paleis T: Rics de Podel sunt culp de fraccoe |?dca. Dicunt Ti qd Jokes le Mazon de Certes est culp de eadem fraccoe. Et dicunt qd Sac'sta Westrn recept thes invent in cimiPio B’e JVPrgar Tic. Et p e Tic. 41 |f Jur dicunt qd Witts du Paleis Rics de Poet T; Jokes de Lynton culp sunt de fraccoe pdc’a Dicunt % qd quedd mutr invenit in cimiPio See M a rgar apud Westin unu cyphu de aur cu platea It duas ollas de OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 265 Suthwerk’. .f. . r . Coppede- thome. Waleton. e. Kyngeston. Batella? in aq a Tamis. argento T; una zona de filo aur "l arg que Sachta Westm T; holes sui de ||seia pdca quesierunt It rece- punt in custodia sua. Io p e T;c. 42 jf Jur dicunt qd Witts du Paleis It Rics de Podt sunt culp de fraccoe pdca. Dicunt eciam qd quedam mutr invenit Hquendam cuppam de argento in Cimi?io See Margar T: illam t a didit cuidam Ade Sac'ste Eccie Westm Ttc. Io Tie. 43 jf Jur dicunt qd quidam Witts du Paleis Rics de Podel It JoTies le Mazun de Certes j culp sunt de fraccoe pdca. Io Itc. 44 jf Jur dicunt qd in Marisco Epi Wynton in- vents fuit unu forsariu in man 9 Agn la Lavender et illud forsariu est in custodia J. le Blund Major London sub sigillo [Balti] Epi Wynton Itc. Io “tc. 45 jf Jur dicunt qd de fraccone Thes Dni p apud Westm T: ||eis consent T: auxiff \ recepl penit 9 n 1 sciunt. Set si inposterum inquirere possunt pati erunt T:c. 46 jf Batellar de Kyngeston Puttenheth It Lam- behetTi j dicunt sup sacrm suu qd de fraccoe pdca nich sciunt. Set batellar de Bai'cheseie j dicunt qd quidam Galfrs atte Stigle de Wendleswrth piscator j ante Natale Dni pp plter cum rete suo in Tamis t a xit unu coopclm de quodam picherio arg j set si fuit de thes [Regf J ignorant. Et idem Galfrs psens hie in Cur cognovit invencbm pdcam It dicit qd vendidit pdem coopclm cuid StepTio le Hatfe p sex solid. Io pdcs Galfrs custodial. Et p est attach pdem StepTim "le. Qui quidem Gafrs T: StepTis dimissi sut p manuc hndi corpa eo£ quo T; qn T;c. VOL. i. u 266 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES ]> visn Westm T Fletestrate. . M' 1 ’ . . o . Adhuc de visa Westm T Fletesfte. 47 Inquis fca apud Novum Templum London die M’cur pxla post festum Sci Pet ' ad Vincida coram pdcis Justic anno supradco. 48 jf Jur de eisdem visn dicunt sup sacrm suu qd quo ad fraccom T: burgar "t asptacom thes apd Westm nicft aliud sciunt p?q a m alias psentat est coram Justic p eosdem jur Tt alios j set dicunt qd [quando] Sac'sta Westm invenit unam ollam Tt quendam cyphu arg supaur put at psent est 1 idem Sac'sta cito post diem Invencois See Cruc£ px pder accessit ad frem Reymud de Wenlok Ale Pm de Neu- port John de Wenlok ’ J Wittm de Chalk ’ Monacti illius domus Westm intimando eis formam illius in- vencois de olla °t cypho. Qui quidem Monachi nescient de burgar seu asportacoe thes Regf dede- runt consiliu eundi ad John de Foxlee petendi ab ipo consiliu quid de cypho J; olla pdcis foret faciendu ob quod idem Sac'sta J Rics de Burgo Balts pdc'i Abbtis adiverunt pdem Jotim de Foxle ad Manliu suu de Braye in Com Berk ’ qui quidem JoTies ignorans de burgar J; asptacoe thes rone libtat dci Abbtis Dni sui salvande quia pdei cypb T: olla invent fuerunt inf a pcinctum Abbie pdee j jpbuit eis consiliu qd adirent Abbtem cum olla J cypho pdcis j et qd Abbas J; ipi advocarent pp’etatem in ipis sicut de re inventa inf a libtatem Abbie pVlce. Et dicunt qd de pi dels Ahhte Jolie de Foxt Rico de Burgo n c “ de “ Monachis pdcis in nullo male credunt dc.” 49 jf Jur dicunt sup sac a ment suu qd Gerinus de Sco Egidio asportavit de Abbia Westm jocalia que fuerunt de thes Jfc apud Westm ut in auro d arg in quodam paniero ad valenc cc. li. usq s ad domu suam OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 267 pp'am jux a Hospit Sci Egidii. Et a dca domo sua dca jocalia asptavit usq^ Haggeheg ubi quidam garco custod bident invenit dcm pane? cum jocal inf tt existent. Et jur ques qua roe idem Gerin 9 dca jocalia de domo sua sic asptavit J . dicunt qd f? timore scru- tinei in domo sua. Et ques ut ra ilia jocalia sic asptavit p diem vel p noctem j dicunt qd ignorant. Et ques p quem vel p quos d ex cuj 9 vel quo£ t a dicoe pdcm pane? cum jocaldn recepit ^ dicunt qd ex t a dicone Monachoq Domus pdce Westm de quo£ noib 3 ignorant. 16 p? est dc. 50 jf Die Lune in festo Sci Botulphi anno supra- dco Wittms le Palmle Valect 9 JoTiis Shenche Gustos Palacii Dni Regf Westm j venit coram R' de Sand- wico J. le Bland Majore London J. Clico yCorona- tore Bond 1 Simoe de Par Vic London j It dicit qd Adam de War ef eld Sac a sta Westm Alex' de Per sore Thomas de Dene d quid Jolts de Bytterle Redditar fabrice Capelle See Marie Westm d quidam Novicius qui tarde venit d ordinat 9 fuit ad Capllm cuj 9 nomen ignorat et JoTies Albon Mazun d quidam Jokes Vadlect 9 ejus j Witts Vallect 9 Dili Arnaldi de Campahj quidam Vadlect 9 de Essex' qui bet redditu in Civitate London cuj 9 nomen ignorat^ Jokes Jit Galfridi le Carpeni et quid Rogls de Wenlolc' Vail Sac l ste Rogls de Prestolc ’ dictator §vis in celar ad opus Convent 9 Afcbie Westm, Robts de Cherringg Jokes de Notele Jokes de Prestcote d Thomas de Lichefeld scivVmt omes d consens fue? burga? Thes Dni Regf Westm . Et dicit qd pdlcs Sac'sta decern sol ei t a nsmisit p pfatu John Albon ut consiliu eo£ occultasset. 16 p* e. dc. 268 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 51 jf Die Sabbti pxia post octab Sci JoTiis Baple anno . r. I \E. xxxi. dcus Witts le Palmle Custos Pallac Dni 1^ Westm venit coram R. de Sa?idmco J. de \\Bauquelt R. de Suthcote J. le Blund Majore Lond T: J. Coronatore London et dicit qd multociens vidit Adam de Warefeld Sac'stam Westm Alex’ m de Per- shore Supp'orem T; Thom de Dene Monach Westm T; unu Monachu de duob 3 f rib} de Bures int a re T: exire multociens sero T: mane ad burgar Thes 3^ et qd sepissie multa diferebant 9 eccliam set nescit quid n c q a ntum. Et qd Rogls de Wenlok’ T; Hamo Vallect 9 Sac'ste pMci multociens in societate eo^dem Mona- cho£ intfuerunt ibidem. Et dicit qd JoTies Albon fuit consent* j?dce felon et qd fuit ordinator quon- dam utensiliu ad dcam Thes frangend. Et dicit qd Alex' de Per shore Arch id Westm ipm minabat r qd eum in?fi$e faSet si consiliu eo£ alicui revelaret. Et (m. 4.) dicit qd quadam die cc a Pentec vidit Alex’m de Per- shore f unu de frib} de Bures. Thomam de Dene Simone de Henle \ Walfm de Erkesdale Monachos int a re quoddam batellu Abbie unde batillar vocabat r Godde ad pontem Dni Regf \ secum differre fe§unt duos panef magnos coreo nig 0 cooptos in quib} erat magna ponderositas set quid in?ius fuit nescit. Et eosdem panef secum London du2e feSunt 'f eos London dimiserunt set quo nescit j et sero in alio batello redierunt \ ad molendinu ejusdem Abbie ap- plicuerunt. Et dicit qd JoTies de Uggele est recep- tator quondam felon qui burgar pdcam fectant. Io p) est T:c. Et n^mi 9 Simon de Henle T; Waifs de Erkesdale Monachi T; pdcs Godde pp? suspicom [capti dimissi sunt p manucapcom hndi corpa eop. quo T: qn tc. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 269 Noina p'sonu in Turri Lonct existenc. Nola p'sonu cap? existenc in gaiola de Neugate. 52 jf Ricus de Podelicote Wittms du Paleis JoTies Alboti Mazun Adam de Warefeld Sac'sta Westm AleP de Pershore Supprior Radius de Mordoh Celerar Thomas de Dene Robts de Cherryngg JoTies de Notele JoTies de Prestcote Thom de Lichef * Rogl us de Bures [TQ JoTies de Bitfle Monachi Domus Westm \ sex garcoes pdci Sac'ste videlt Waltus de Eggeford Rogh de Wenlok ’ Hamo de Wenlold Adam le Peleter JoTies de Caumpes Hugo de Eye. Item Rogls de Prestok JoTies de Lyntoh Adam Crul JoTies Jit GalJ'ri de LalJf-m . Edelina jit NicTii Coci . Ricus de Kent CTicus f Cecit ux ejus de la Heppendale capti sunt It detent in Turri London. Item Gerin 9 de Sco Egidio capt 9 est It detent 9 in eadem Turri ut p 3 sup 3 p indictamtu. 53 jf JoTies de Novo M’cato Aurifaber Castanea la Barbere T: Alicia so tor ejusdem Castanee Jokes de Uggele JoTies Jit Jokis le Verrer de Suthwerk JoTia Jit Rici le Taillur Concubina pklci Rici de Podelicote JoTies le Bo ten] Latoner T: Petr de Hibh. 54 Item Gilbts le Wayte de Westm, capt 9 detent 9 in eadem * pp? suspicom quia stetit Custos vigilie tempe quo Thes ilia fracta fuit. Petrus le Sautreour T: Nicks le Taverner capti detenti pp? suspic quia inventi fuerunt in societate Rici de Podelicote in domo sua juxta Douueg quando idem Rics invent 9 fuit seis T: captus cu jocalib} Dni ]fy. Km Waifs Russel Brokour capt 9 ppt^ suspicom quia stetit in societate pdci Rici de Podet T; vendidit florin T; alia jocalia div^sa. Postea ad mandatu Dhe Regine pklca Castanea T; Alicia soror ejus dimisse sunt p manuc j ftnd corpa eo£ quo "t quando r tc. 270 antient kalendars and inventories No'ia p'son ape! Westm g eod. 55 jf Henr de Sutton "I; Waifs Jit Wilti de Mul- hurst indictati 'tc. 56 Norma eo£ qui sunt indictati It adhuc non sunt inventi T;c. jf Ricus Vadlect 9 Goscelini le S’iaunt Witts de Kynebautoh T: Jokes fra? ejusdem Wilti . Jokes le Riche de Westm qui se facit appellare Jokm Ramage T; Jacobus le Taviner qui quondam fuit cu Rico Golde de London Tavener. 57 jf M d ’ qd Abbas Westm manuc est eendi coram DnoRege vel Consilio suo tempibj locis T:c. corpus p corpe ‘‘tc. 58 jf M d ’ qd omes ^vientes de singulis officiii in Abbia Westm manucapt sunt quo£ noia sunt in quadam cedula in custodia R. de Sandwico "tc. 59 jf M d ’ qd omes subservient ejusdem Abbie Westm manucapt sunt ftndi corpa eo£ quo T; qn 'fc. 60 jf M d ’ qd Roglus de Westm Aurifaber j qui oparius est T; §viens ejusdem Abbcie de jocalib} It aliis J . manuc est corpus p corpe find quo \ quando 'tc. 61 jf M d ’ qd cum quedam indentura dptita fca fuisset Ik-* 10 die Junii anno regni Regf Edwardi xxx° jjmo in? Drim Jokm de Droknesf ’ Custodem Garde- robe Dili p pdc’i . R. de Sandemco . H. Spig T nel R. de Suthcote Priorem Westm J. le Blund Majorem London T; T. de Queorle de quibusdam jocalib} Dni p de Thesaur sua apud Westm, fracta subreptis T: as- portat et postea reinvent T; de quibusdam aliis jocalibj in eadem Thes invent T; non ablatis put in indentura OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. ^7* (Sched in. 1 .) pdca plenius continet r Postea vicesimo l bio die Mensis ejusdem Anno supradco queda alia jocalia ab eadem Thes ablata T: asportata in Civitate London inventa fuerunt quo£ aliquaps inventa fuit in manib 3 JoTiis de Lend Aurifabri Tt major ps in manib} Rici de Pudelcote put in quadam alia indentura t'ptita plenius continet 1 '. Que quidem jocalia ponderata 't appciata fuerunt in jfsencia Dno^ Joins de Berewico J. de Droknesf’ R. de Sandwico . II. Spigurnel . J. de Sandale Rogli de Suthcote \ J. le Blund Major Lo?id. Qui quidem J. de Berewico J. de Drokn Rads Henr JoTi de Sandale Roglus t J. le Blund pAce indenture Cptite sigilla sua apposuerunt f cuj 9 una ps remanet penes dcm Dnrn J. de Drokn Custodem Garderobe Dni Regf. Alfa pars penes dcm Radm de Sandwico Custodem Turf London in eadem Turri custodiend °t ?cia pars penes dcm JoTiem le Blund Majorem London in fCaiSar Gihalde ejusdem Civitatf custo- diend. 62 Et me d ’ qd oiiiia ista jocalia pdca remanent in custodia dci Dni JoTiis de Drokn in Turri London ibidem salvo custodiend tc. 63 Postea in adventu Thes Dni Epi Cestr apud London invent fuerunt imam cuppam arg deauf It aymeff cu pede sine coopculo T; in pede . vi. babe- wyni in fundo cuppe aymeft ponder . xi. m a f It di It v. den. Et unus picher 9 albus arg de ^vicio Aide ponder viii. m a r T: dece den put patet in [pdca] indenfa fptita fca pMco \\xxaP die Jun. 64- Edwardus Dei gra Rex Angt Dns Hibii It Dux Aquil dilco fideli suo Rad de Sandwyco saltm. Cum assignav^imus vos "I dilcos Tt fideles U 4 272 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES nros Waltrn de Gloucester JoTiem de WBauquelle r t Roglm de Suthcotes ad inquirend p sacrm tam mili- tum q a m alio£ pbo£ \ leg hoim de Civitate nra London ac de Comitatibj Midd T: Surr p quos rei veritas melius sciri posset qui malefcores *1 pacis nre pturbatores Thesauraria ufam infra Abbaciam Westmonasfii vi armis fregerunt fyc. ( ut supra ) put in assignacione pdca plenius continef j Nos sup fco vro in hac pte Sciorari volentes j vobis mandamus j qd de eo j quod sup pmissis feSitis j nos sub sigillo vro distincte "t apte reddatis sine dilone aliqua §ciores. Et hoc nullatenus omittatis . remit- tentes nobis hoc bre. T. me ipo apud Breghyn xiin. die Augusti anno r n tricesimo p'mo. (In dorso .) 65 Recordum 't pcess istius ||mandati put istud bre exigit patet in rotulo huic bri attach. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 3 II. (m. 1.) i Dns Rex mandavit bre suu in hec verba. Edwardus Dei gra Rex Angt Dns Hibn J Dux Aquil . dilcis T; fidelib 3 suis Roglo Brabazon Witto de Bereford Roglo de Hegliam Rado de Sandewico Walfo de Gloucestr . saltm. Sciatis qd assignavimus vos Justiciar nros ad inquirend sup sacrm tam mili- tum q a m alio£ pbo£ T; legaliu hominu de Civitate nra London T: Comitatib 3 Midd T; Surr . p quos rei veritas melius sciri pofit J qui malef cores pacis nre pturbatores nup furtive Thesaurariam nram apud Westm noctant freg?unt 'X thesaurum nrm in eadem Thesauraria inventum j ad valenc centu milium libr cepunt Tt asptavW alia enormia inestimabilia nobis ibidem intulerut in nri contemptu manifesto. It dis- pendiu non modicu J; cont a pacem nram \ ad nego- ciu illud audiend 1 ?minand scdm legem T: cons Regni nri. Et ideo vobis mandamus qd ad 2tos dies Tt loca quos ad hoc pvideritis inquisicom illam capia- tis negociu illud audiatis t tWnetis in forma {Pdca. fcuri qd ad justic ptinet scdm legem T: consuetu- dinem Regni nri. Salvis nobis aiSciamentis T: aliis ad nos inde spectantibus. Mandavimus enim Vice- comitibus nris London °t Comitatuu Middels Tt Surr p)dco£ . qd ad §tos dies 1 loca quos eis scire facietis j venire faciant coram vobis tot t tales tam Milites q a m alios pbos J, legales hoies de Civitate Ht Comitatib 3 Midd \ Surr pMc'is p quos rei veritas in pmissis melius sciri potit 't inquiri. In cuj 9 rei testimon has 274 ANTI ENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Iras nr’as fieri fecimus patentes. T. me ipo apd Kynlos x. die Novembr anno r n. tricesimo primo. 2 Pretextu cujus ipandati Regis p'fati Justic mandav^ut Vicecomitib3 Comitatuii pdco^ qd venire fa Sent coram eis apud Turrim London die Venfos pxla post Ephiam Dni pxio sequente r tot T: tales tarn Milites q a m alios pbos It legales hoies j tam de Civitate Regis London j q a m de aliis Comitatib3 sup a dcis Tic ad quern diem omes pfati Justic pter pdcm Roglm de Hegham j ibidem veSunt. Et similr jur tam de Civitate pdca q a m de aliis Comitatib3 Tic. 3 Et sup hoc Dns Rex mand eisdem Justic bre suu in hec verba. Edwardus Tic dilcis T; fide! suis Roglo Brabazon WiUo de Bereford Roglo de Hegham Rado de Sandewyco Ti Watio de Glouc saltm. Cum assignavW 9 vos Justic nros ad inqui- rend p sacrm tam Militu q a m alio£ pbo^ Ti legaliu % hominu de Civitate nfa London T; Comitatib3 Midd Ti Surr p quos rei veritas melius sciri pofitj qui malefcores Ti pacis nre pturbatores nup furtive The- saurariam nram apd Westm n octant 1 fregiunt It Thesauru nrm in eadem Thesauraria inventus ad valenc centu miliu libr cepunt T; asptavW T: alia enorTa inestimabilia nob ibidem intulerut in nfi contemptu manifesto, j T; dampnu non modicu Ti g a vamen j Ti cont a pacem nram j T; ad negociu illud audiend Ti Pminand scdm legem T; cons regni nfi ^ vob mandamus qd si ad Stos dies T; loca quos ad hoc pvideritis j vos omes psonalr intesse n 5 poPitis tuc vos pJati Rogls Brabazon T; Witts j una cum duob3 vel uno vestru pdco^ Rogli de Hegham OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 27 5 Surr. Radi It Walfi quos vel quem psentes vel psentem adesse contigfot:' omia phnissa expleatis Tt compleatis in forma pdca. T’ me ipo apd Kynlos . x. die Novembr anno r n tricesimo primo. 4 Ob quod iidem Justic n5 expectata psencia ipius Rogli de Hegharn pcesserut ad inquirend de fco pdco T; eciam de consencientib} consulentibj re- ceptatoribj T: de omib 3 aliis j ad quo£ manus the- sauru Dni p devenit j necnb de valore thesauri ejusdem p jur tam Milites q a m alios pbos It legales hoies j tam de Civitate p London q a m de aliis Comi- tatib 3 sup a dcis in forma que subsequit 1- . 5 a Inquisico. capta coram plfatis Justic j die Verdis supradco apud Turrim London p sacr a m JoTiis de Horne [Militis] ‘ de4» [p’ncipal de fco X~] consilio. Itm Rogls de Wenlok’j Hamo de Wenlolc j Adam le Skinnlej X Walts de Echelisford j svientes sub dco fre Adam fSunt in auxilio It con- silio X asportantes thesauru in Hayis X alibi. Itm dicunt qd Frater Alex’ de Perschoule Supprior Fra? Thom de Dene X Fra? Rogls de Bures Monachi Westm J . fSunt in auxilio 1 consilio ad burgariam j9dcam < 'tc. 11 Quesiti qua rone T: quibj evidences dicunt pdcos Wittm du Paleys T; alios esse culpabiles. 12 Qui dicunt. De Wittme du Paleys i par la reson qe il fust recevour T; recettour des larrouns en le Paleys X parmi le Paleys. 13 De Ric de Pudelicote par la reson qe il fust trove ove meyn llevere en la Cite de Loundr f od g a unt tresor de la Tresorie avauntdite. 14? De Johan ^»de^ Ramage p’mes apele Riche J . p la reson qe il avoit este longement en l Abbey c . It (m. 1 . schedf.) OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 277 en tens de la debrusure:' fust alaunt T: venaunt^ f sodeynement se apparailla des chivax T: des armes t sei mesmes se avaunta qe il avoit chatel de achater une vile. 15 De Johan de Seynt Alban i par la reson qe il fist fere les engins dount la brusure fust fete . T; il mesmes eydaunt. 16 De Johan de Linton pur ceo qe il fowa la terre la ou le chemyn fust./ vers la Tresoriej T: mustja le defoul de la t a ce des larrouns^ \ savoit de la brusure. - 17 De Eleyne ^ \Edeline~\ la jille Nicol le Keu i pur ceo qeele estputeyne Wittme duRaleysi \ savoit de sa mauveste. 18 De Daunz Adam de Warefeldl pur ceo qe il receut divers joiaux de la Tresorie qe Isabel Lovet trova./ It des joiaux qe deux carpenters troPent en le cimeter de Seynte Margarete de Westm f mesme les joiaux retynt T: councela j "f pur ceo qe le dit Secres- teyn % Rogl Hamond'X Waid ses genz clostrent les portes du cimeter J . \ defendirent 1 entre a un home qe avoit achate 1 erbage en le leu ou g a untment du tresor fust trove j le jour du cerch fet .*\c. 19 jf Oselveston. Sire Randoulf de Monchensi e se compaynous dient ke Willeme le Feuere Hpotor en 1 Abbeye porta i|g a ment ||dul t e sor a la meson Geryn le Lyndraper p le bayl Daunz Alisaundre de Neweport le Panier e p le bayl Daunz Thomas de Dene file ||Sak e ilekes la bayla a la meson Gerin tau ke il fust hors e pus kaunt il vint a meson e t°va la ||chosa il fust mout abay e porta la chose a Hagehegg e pus Jjviint le garchoun Midd. 278 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Wa ? le Chesman e t°va la chose en la haye Havauut dit e n 9 diums ke n 9 avons g a ment en schezpeciun Wa? le Chesman p r ce kil az remuwe son g a ar- choun ke la chose p'mes t°va. 20 (j Dors.') Jur hnt diem die Lime apd Turrim. 21 jf Wilts de Harpedeh socii sui jur de Com Midd dicunt Tic. j qe Ric de Pudelicote Wiltme du Paleys Johan de Linton Johan de Rippinghale Chapeleyn [“ cognovit ”] Johan de Seynt Alban Ma 5 oun j Tt Johan le Riche jadys §jaunt en la meson de Westm, sont copables de la brusure de la Tresorie noster Seign r le Roi Ti de son tresor larcinousement emporte. 22 II dient ensement qe une femme trova un hanap d argent ||a or.Ti le bailla «^al avauntdi^ [aj Adam de Warefeld Secresteyn de Westm T; a Rogl de Wenlok son ga^oun. 23 II dient ensement qe deux Carpenters trove- rent un pot d argent T; le baillerent al Secresteyn avauntdit . T; mesmes celi Secresteyn le hanap T; le pot avaunditz detynt . p r quei il unt le dit Adam T: Rog\ son garcoun en suspecion qe il sount cupables du fet. 24 II dient ensement qe un Adam le Skinnle ^iaunt en la Meson de Westm r' demaunda conge d aler parmi le meson Phelip le Carpen ? v^s la tre le Secreteyn avauntdit j T; porta en son geroun auqunes choses suspecenouses T; meyntenaunt revynt T; riens ne porta . T; tost apres trove fust un hanap T; un pot d argent $s celes pties ou il ala.les quex potT: hanap furent bailies a Johan le Convers . p quei il unt sus- pecion qe ceo estoit mesme le pot T; le hanap qe OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 279 (m. 1 . sched.) (m. ]. dors.) Adam le Skinnle porta en son geroun .9: pur ceo unt il en s 9 pecion Adam le Skinnle qe il soit capable du fet. 25 II dient ensement qe un Johan le Riche ^iaunt de Westrh fust receitaunt a la meson une Alice la Riche sa mere qe maneyt en la rue Seynt Gile . "t qaunt celi Johan oy avoit J . qe un cerch devoit estre fet J . il p r pour del cerch avauntdit prist g a unt ptie de cel tresor T: 1 emporta a, Hakehegg le quel tresor fust pus trove p . . . iers pur quei il dient qe le dit Johan est cupable. 26 II dient ensement qe Johan de Wytteneye j Alisaundr de Pershore It Thorn de Dene Moignes de Westrh furent assentaunz a cel fet . ausi come il unt leumentes enquis p veisins dedenz 9: dehors . \ c. 27 Jf Por ce ke charge nous avet de meus enquer coment e p ki le Psour ke trove fut en Haclcehet ffuti fut ilekes mis / nous dium ke ptye de cel Psour feut aporte a la messun Jerin le Lyndraper e ce saun seu de memes celi Jerin car il esteyt meme cel heur en loynteyn pays mes Jerin a soun revenir trova le Psour avant dit en sa messun e Use douta de est honni por memes le tsour f por koy il enporta ou enporP list en Haclcehet le tressur avant dit e ptie de memes cel Psour feut envee a la messun Jerin avant ||de e p un Thomas de Dene Moyne e ptie p Alisandr de Newport Moyne e cete chose |]afum vWblement enq's p gent de memes le vine. 28 (Dors.') Jur hnt diem die Mari apd 1 Turrim. 29 Adhuc de inquis captis coram R , le Rraha- zon f soc suis . T: c. 280 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Westm. 30 Jf Barths de Septem Fontifa, \ socii sui.xii. Jur de visn Westm dicunt sup sacr a m suu . qd Rics de Pudelicot Witts du Raleys Adam le Skinnle Custos ecclie Westm §viens Sacriste * Jobs de Linton fSunt p i ncipales ordinatores T; malefcores burgarie T: frac- tores Thesaurar Dni . Ify. apud Westm. 31 Et dicunt qd dcus Adam de ilia roberia posuit in quodam fossato jux a le Mues j ppe gardinum Henr de Dunolml unu ciphum argenti deauratum T; unam ollam argenti albi de §vico Regis cuj 9 j9ciu ignorant . T: unde Thes Dni huit visum Tx. 32 Itm dicunt qd Adam Sac^ta ex relatu t x um carpentarioq. quo£ noia ignorant:' T; qui sunt in p'sona f lcr' ivit ad quendam tumulu in cimit?io Beate Margarete . T: ibi invenit unam cuppam ar- genti deaur cum pede sine coopculo .'b aymelat ^ T: unam ollam argenti It eas t a didit Roglo de Wenlok ' 'Svienti suo ad asportand ad cai§am ipius Sac'ste . set pcium ignorant. 33 Dicunt 1; qd idem Sa&sta die Sci Barnabe Apli pxirn p?ito invenit unam cuppam argenti deaur sine pede T: cum coopculo J . ad modu inponend Corpus Xpi sub muro Palacii . cont a dcam ec- cliam.\ hoc p narracom Rogli Capetti poch ej 9 de ecclie . T: earn t a didit secum portand ad caniam suam cuidam Walfo de Echelisford . \ dicunt qd dcus Capetts illud huit p narracom I m ^ tild Lovet noie. 34 Dicunt "t qd Rogls de Wenlok' j Hamo §viens Ecclie Westm ^ Jobs Kempe J . Jobs le Riche qui se facit noiare Jobm Ramage j \ Jobes de Rippinghale cuj 9 dam mulieris Ma- OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 281 (m. 1. sched.) Capeffs f8unt consencientes T: agentes illius bur- garie. 35 Dicunt T; qd Edelina Jilia Nichi Coci receptavit Wiltm du Paleys T;c. 36 Dicunt % qd felones supradci de burgaria pdicta nullo modo potuerunt evenire ad claves hostio^ Ecclie p diem nec p noctem j ad faciendum feloniam j9dictam n 1 esset p assensum Ade de Ware- feltl Sac^te 1 JoTiis de Wytteneye Monacho^ ejusdem domus j 1 hoc scient felon pdictam. 37 Dicunt eciam qd Thomas de Dene * Alex’ de Pershoide Monachi fuerut Hconscencientes scient illam feloniam. 38 Dicunt eciam qd JoTies Albon Mac^oun fruit quedam utensilia p que idem r t socii sui predicti fre- gerunt f intraverunt dom 9 dicte Thesaur It jocalia in eadem inventa Hasptaverunt set q a ntu nec ubi devenit ignorant j set quo ad jocalia in quodam panerio invento apud Haggehegg j dicunt qd JoTies le Riche illud [jasptavit ibidem T: ex tradicone JoTiis de Lynton\Ade le Sldnnere T: hoc p assensu dco£ Monacho^ r t ex timore sc u tinii facti p pclamacom factam ex pte Dm Regis. 39 jf Barth de Septem Fontibj, T: ses copaignons dient p lour §mens qe le tresor q fust trove a Haggheg fu porte a la meison Geryn p [le bail] un Thomas de Dene Moigne de Westmins? p un port r q est apele Wilt le Feure T: fu bailie a la femme Geryn e le dist tresor demora en la garde la femme quinze jours devat q Geryn vint a 1 ostel. E puis q a nt Geryn vint a 1 ostel il demanda a sa femme p ki VOL. i. x 282 antient kalendars and inventories Westm. la chose vint iloeqes e ele respondi q p un de ses amys Dan Alisandr de Newport p r coverir la mauveite de 1 autre Moigne. E puis le dit Gerin p r sei de- liverer ||le porta memes a Haggeheg. E dient auci p lur entendement qe Wautier le Chesman savoy coment la chose e p ky vint iloeqes. 40 Jf Witts le Chaundeler T: alii de visneto Westrri dicunt sup sacrm j qd quidam Rics de Pidlicote cul- pabilis est de fraccone Thesaur Dni Regis t de thesauro ejusdem Regis asportator 1 quia inventus est seisitus de magna q a ntitate dco£ bono£. 41 Dicunt eciam qd Wilts de Palaco consenciens est eidem burgarie j quia claudebat portas hora no debita j t no pmisit vicinos intrare ad aquam j nec ad cloacam put soliti fuerunt. 42 Dicunt eciam qd quidam JoTies de Lynton consenciens fuit dicte burgarie quia seminavit cana- biu in Cimifio ubi nich. seminari solebat. 43 Dicunt eciam qd quidam JoTies le Ryche fuit consenciens dicte burgarie j quia male fame tempibus retroactis j T: sepius de diesis latrociniis in visibus francipt indictatus. 44 Dicunt eciam qd quidam Rogls de Ecclia qui stetit cu Sac'sta T: Adam le Skynnere socius ejus fuerunt consencientes dee burgarie quia huerunt in custodia sua claves porta^. j T; nocte It die vigilave- runt j ita qd nulli in Cimitio ubi burgaria f ca fuit intrare nec exire potuerunt j n 1 inde scivissent. 45 Dicunt eciam qd Adam de Warefeld consen- ciens fuit dicte burgarie et qd receptavit quamdam OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 283 ollam argenteam It quemdam ciphu argenti ut cre- dunt Tt ilia noluit ostendere Coronatori nec Baftis cu sup hoc fuerat requisitus J . Tt eo qd dedit cuidam mulieri paupi J . iiii. d. ut nemini revelaret. 46 Dicunt eciam qd pdictus Adam le Slcynnere portavit quamdam ollam T: quoddam ciphu argenti ad quamdam hayam ppe la Meuse T; ibi ea occul- tavit j quia sepius visus fuit ibidem eundo \ t a ns- eundo T; c. 47 jf Johan Packet e ses compaignouns j dient par lour §ement3 qe Willame du Paleys est coupable de la burgerie de la Tresorie noster Seignour le Roy a Westm j par 1 enchesoun qe il fust gardeyn du Paleys e par encheson qe en mesme le temps qe la felonie fust fete mesme celi Willame ne volleit sulfrir genz passer parmi le Paleys j come il soleient fere en autre temps j mes il tignt les portes fermeez en mesme le temps checuyn jour iesqe a houre de p'me ou plus. 48 E dient ensement qe Pdelyne qe fust la fille Nichol le Keu j fust recetteresse mesme cely Witte It q il ount suspecion qe ele savoit de la burgerie. 49 E dient ausi qe Pic de Podelicote est coupable de mesme la felonie p encheson qe g a nt partie du tresor fust trovee ove ly. 50 E dient ausi qe un Johan le Prestre qe est en prison a Westm j est auci coupable par encheson qe il fust pris ove raeyneov^e des autres brusures des eglises des g a ntz biens de vestiments Tt de plates de argent foundus "l puis est devenu appellour a ceo qe il entendent. E ensement fu^t trovee ove ly v un 284 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES chisel de fer j oue une maunche de fust j par quey il ount suspession. 51 E dient auci q il ount suspession qe Johan de Lyntoii fust a la burgerie j T; fust compaignon Ric de Pudlicote par encheson qe * hanaps de mazer./ 'f. xxxii. quilers d argent furent emblez en 1 Abbeye de Westm hors du Freytour e furent trovee od mesme cely Ric. E qe une clef fust trovee en le cofre mesme celi Johan acordaunt a mesme le clef del avantdit Freytour. 52 E dient ausi qe Adam de War ef eld Secresteyn savoit de la burger p encheson q il concela ptie du tresor qe estoit trovee en countre les ||ministris nos? Seignour le Roy. 53 E dient auci |]qe Rogl de Wenlok Serjaunt del Eglise de Westm j Hamon Serjaunt del Eglise A le Skynnere Serjaunt del Eglise auci j qe il ount suspession qe eux savoient de la burgerie par en- cheson q il furent serjaunz . ‘'t avoient les clefs del Eglise a garder. E qe nul home ne poeit aler ne isser parmi ||le Eglise tart ne tempre si par eux noun vs la brusure. 54- E dient auci qe Johan de Bitterle Rogier de Bui's Thomas de Dene \ Thomas de Lycliefeld Moignes de Westm j qe il les ount en suspession par encheson qe eux tindrent lour rigolage alant T: venant hors del Eglise iesqes al Raleys nos? Seig- nour le Roy en la compaignie 1 avantdit Witte du Raleys. 55 Jf Johes de WEuedehethe \ socii sui juf de yisn Westm dicunt sup sacr a m suu qd f JVestm. (in. 2.) Loundres. [Richer de Ref ham T. ses com- paynuns.] f. Ric de Pudlicote. f. Joti Albon. Witt de Palaco. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 285 56 jf Le voirdit Richer de ReflPm T: ses com- paignouns Jurours de Loundrj de une part Walebrolc’ vers Ludgate. 57 Les iurours j dient par leur serment j qe nn f Richard de Pudlicote est cupable de la brusure de la Tresurie nre Seign r le Rey a Westmoster e du tresor d iloques emporte a ceo q il entendent solom leur con- sciences j pur ceo qe il dient qe o meme celi Richard fu trove une graunt partie du tresor avantdist ben al amontance de m 1 . m 1 . livereez t plus./ la quele partie il avoitpur li °t pur aukuns de ses compaynons sicom al oes Johan Albon T: Willeme du Paleis % autres de sa compaynie les que 9 ne furent naent de la diste Eglise de Westmoster j a ceo qe il entendent./ e qe meme celi Richard set qi sunt le maufesour a lur entendement. 58 II dient ausi a lur entendement qe le dist Johan Albon fu assentant a la brusure °t al emporter du tresor avat dist pur ceo qe il entendent qe le dist Johan trova hustilementz oue les que 9 la diste Tre- surie fu debruse. 59 E estre ceo pur ceo qe meme celi Johan en temps de la brusure avantdite acata deiis liveresons de deus Moynes a Certeseie a terme des vies de li It de sa femme j par la ou meme celi Johan avant cel temps j ren ne out dount vivre si noun de son mester a ceo qe il unt entendu j par quei il unt ver li g a nt suspecion. 60 cr II dient ausi qe un Willeme du Paleys fust assentant a la diste brusure 1 enporter du dist tresor a ceo qil entendent j pur ceo qe ove meme celi Willeme fu trove le Caas del Crosseneith j It le corn x 3 286 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES de un unicorn qe furent de la diste Tresurie a ceo qil entendent j les que 9 choses furent trovez desouz son lit sicom est dist j dount il unt grant suspecion. 61 E estre ceo p r ceo qe meme celi Willeme fu Gardeyn du Paleys nostre Seign r le Rey T: aueit les clefs des portes T: des us j issi qe santz ceo qe il ne le eust aparceu r' nul ne pout illoqes aver eu entre ne issue. 62 Estre ceo meme celi Willeme avoit la garde de la Prison de Flete ou il soleit demorer ove sa femme ^mes en tens de la brusure avantdite continue- ment demora au Paleis ove une puteyne j It relinqui sa femme. 63 E estre ceo pur ceo qe meme celi Willeme coneust pmi sa bouche qe il avoit este a la diste brusure sicom il est dist. Geryn? le 64 II dient ausi qe un Geryn le Lyndrap fust Lyndrap. assentant al recettement de partie du dist tresor j e partie du dist tresor resceut de aucuns des Moynes de Westmosf cest asa$ de Daun Alisaundre de N ewe- port des autres mes queus il ne sevent ^ et quant il avoit [une pece] tenu ptie del tresor en sa meson 1 pur ceo qe sa femme \ sa norice sicom il est dist de ceo en parlerent^ mesmes les juweaus q il avoit j eta en son colomber j ou il gisoient par treis simaynes e plus sicom il est dist. E pus pur doute del enserch r' memes ceus joweaus prist l 't les porta en les champs e les gita en une haye qe est apele Haggeheg. Et il entendent qe meme celi Geryn ensemblement ove le dist Daun Alisaundre furent pcurours a recha? T; conceler la felonie avantdite issi qe la verite de ceo ne feust enquise. e Jofi de Novo M’cato. f. Fra? Adam de Warefeld Sacrista. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 287 65 II dient ausi qe un Johan de Novel Marche Orfevre apres la diste brusure fete acata du dist Richard de Pudlicote aucune parceles du tresor avantdist j e qe meme celi Johan ben pout aver entendu qe le dist Richard teu maSe de juweaus malement avoit purchace ; e qe meme celi Jon partie des distz joweaus en concelant vendi j e par taunt il le unt en suspecion mes ne pas de la brusure. 66 E estre ceo pur le bon marche qe il trova del tresor avantdit f partie de meme cel tresor il musscea en la meson de une lavendere en Suth- voerk. 67 E estre ceo pur ceo qe la femme [meme celi Johan ] peus qe le dist Johan feust attache par examinement qe le Visconle la examina f ap‘st le Visconte ou le dist Richard serreit trove j le quel Richard fu trove p la bone sute le Visconte qe adonqe fu r' ove tut le tresor avantdist. 68 E estre ceo pur ceo qe totes les pceles des distz jouwes a aucuns orfeures venduz f vindrent parmi la mayn le dist Johan sicom est dist. 69 II dient ausi qe Daun A dm de Warefeld qe fu Secresteyn de Westmosf savoit de la diste brusure a ceo qe il entendent a ce fu assentant a lur asscient j pur ceo ||qd le dist Willeme du Raleys ceo nageres reconeust T: counta sicom est dist. 70 E pur ceo qe meme celi Secresteyn nageres peus qe une coupe par une poure femme fu trove j meme celi Secresteyn meme cele coupe prist Tt la concela e dona a la dite femme . iiii. d. % une miche It la fist doner sa fiance qe ele de ceo ren ne 288 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES f. Ad'm le Skynn\ e Vallect? Sacriste T tres socii sui. .f. Fra? Alex’ dePerssliore c t alii octo Monachi. (m. 3.) contereit j sicom il est dist \ a ceo qe no 9 auom entendu. 71 II dient ausi qe un Adm le Skynnle Vallet le dist Secresteyn e treis ses compaynons qe furent assignez a soner les seyns en la diste Eglise saveient de la diste brusure a ceo qe il entendent j pur ce qe ii furent nutantre veilantz T; wacrantz en la diste Eglise \ denz le clos du dist Abbeye solom ceo qe appen- ded a lur office e qe teu manle de brusure ne pout naent aver este fet santz leur seu a ceo qil en- tendent. 72 cr II dient ausi qe Daunz Alisaundre de Per- shore j Rauf de Mortone j Roberd de Clierrynge Johan de Nutlelej Johan de Prescotej Thom de Liche- feld j Rog de Bures j Johan de Buterle Ht Thomas de Bene Moynes de la diste meson savoyent de la diste brusure T; furent a ceo assentanz T; avoient leur part sico il entendent pur ceo qe eus furent si sovent en la compaynie du dist Willeme du Paleys denz le gardyn de raeme le Paleys juauntz mangeantz d bevantz ove femmes de male vie desconeuz sic5 est dist j e dont il furent sovent repris de leur Priour. E il dient ausi qe si nul de est a nge pais Chivaler Esquier ou autre qi qe il feust a la diste brusure eust este r' iceus joweaus eust enporte d noun pas illoqes enfowi j par quei il entendent ||qd les juvveaus illoqes muscees furent leur part a eus or- dene e qe eus les mistrent illoqes a aver les prest qel oure qe il veissent leur temps de les emporter. 73 Estre ceo il dient qe il unt grant suspecion ver les Moynes avantdistz pur ceo qe ja quatre aunz passe si feust meme cele Tresorie comence a bruser dens leur Cloistre nomement desouz le eus de OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 289 mesme la Tresorie enver la Cloistre j dount qant cele bruseur feust aparceu j e le Abbe sour ceo avoit en partie la verite enq’s j il fist gre a nostre Seignur le Rey pur une certeyne q a ntite de avoir issi qe mes ne feust enparle a ceo qe il unt en- tendu. 74* Estre ceo par la ou il i avoit a fere une departison pur 1 alme la Reyne qe Deus assoille j noun pas grant temps passe j vindrent aucuns des Moynes mes queus il ne sevent j e bruserent le founz de la houche en la qiele le argent estoit qe deveit aver este departi pur 1 alme j e enporterent ben al amontance de . c. li. ou plus a ceo qe fu dist. 75 Et estre ceo par la ou touz leur hanaps de leur Freitt furent [nageres] en un jour robeez e enportez i touz meme ces hanaps si furent trovez en le pouwer e en la seisine le dist Richard de Rudlicotej sauve ce qe tut quant qe il i out de argent sour le distz hanaps j si fu nettement ouste e enrace par quei qe il entendent qe le dist Richard santz assent de auscuns des distz Moynes i a les distes chose en nule maSe ne poust estre avenu. Fratres Alex’ de Neiveport T Witt de Chelke. 76 cr II dient ausi qe Daun Alisaundre de Newe- port T; Daun Willeme de Chelke furent assentant a la diste bruseure sicom il entendent j pur ceo qe le avantdit Daun Alisandre avoit sa chambre join- ante a la Cimitere ou les Moynes sunt enseveliz qe est entre la diste Tresorie e sa diste chambre j issi qe nule noise illoqes ne poust auer este fete santz ceo qe il ne le eust aparceu . e il entendent qe par leur assent e des autres Moynes la diste Cime- tere fu seme de chanvre qe est en Evgleis apele 290 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES Jofi le Riche. ... la Bar- here soror . . . Uggele. hanep . issi qe cel chanvre crestreit enhaut en coun- tre le tens de la brusure issi qe il peussent ||lens musscer le tresor avantdist e qe leur maveiste ne feust aparceu. 77 E estre ceo pur ceo qe dist fu qe les avant- ditz Danz Alisaundre 'l Daun Willeme j entour le tens de la diste brusure devoient auer ale a leur Abbe a Pershore ou il sojorna It li devoient auer pffert j ii. potz T; ii coupes de argent de lur doun . les que 9 choses le dist Abbe refusa pur ceo qe il ne savoit coment il i furent avenuz j a ceo qe est dist. 78 c- Il dient ausi qe un Johan le Riche qe est apele Johan Ramage qe fu ne a Westmosf fu assentant a la diste brusure a ceo qe il entendent j pur ceo qe il fu valletj servant les ditz Moynes a aler en leur message la ou il voleient ; efu povre en tens de la dite brusure j e peus a pcure acune gentz de li acater terre al amontance de . ii. c. mars j e peus ala a les parties de Escoce o chivauz It armes ben mounte j e peus revint a Weimoster e illoqes demora ove les ditz Moynes e pus ore tart pur ceo qe il se dota de estre atache s en est defui issi qe horn ne set ou il est devenu j a ceo qe est dist. 79 cr II dient ausi qe une Chasteyne la Barbere f Alice sa seur en tens de la brusure avantdite recetta sis hommes desconuz qe vindrent nutantre a eus en la compaynie du dist Willeme \\de Paleis T; Johan de Uggele qe est en p j son et pur ceo il unt cele Chasteyne Alice T; Johan en suspecion mes que 9 furent les sis r' il ne sevent. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 2Q1 . . . . Baittif.’ Joti le Con- vers. Quid Ca- pellan 9 . 80 cr II client ausi qe il unt grant suspecion ver Richard le Baillif pur ceo qe il partie du dist tre- sor en jPsence de Sire Wait? de Gloucestre trova en ]a diste Cimitere ausi prestement cu il la eust illo- ques mis j e pur ceo qe meme celi Richard a espose la seur du dist Daun Willeme de Chellce par quei il est mult prive ove les distz Moynes a ceo qil en- tendent. 81 cr II dient ausi qe il unt g a nt suspecion v6rs un qe est vallet Johan le Convls qi noun il ne sevent noiS j qi ben par sis simaynes peus la dreyne troveure si trova un pot T; une coupe de argent en un fosse cu est dist j ausi prestement cu il mesmes les eust illoqes mis j par quei il entendent qe aukun qe savoit de la diste brusure li avoit a ceo ap's dount de celi vallet horn purra meuz enquere la verite. 82 cr II dient ausi qe coment qe un Chapeleyn qe est p 5 s a Westm se reconeusse estre copable de la diste brusure j il dient neqedent qe ceo ne en- tendent il pas si noun p sa reconusance demeyne . kar il dient qe si il du dist tresor eust eu nule partie J . il ne eust naent suffert tant de meseise cum il fist tant cu il demora en Londres avant ceo qe il enporta les bens del Eglise Nostre Dame Wolnoth . pur ceo qe avant ceo qe il fu pris o les ditz bens il ne avoit quei mang] ne beivre ne a peyne quei vestir. E il entendent qe si il eust este en la com- paynie du dist Richard de Pudlicote il ne li eust suffert aver eu tant de beal tresor e li memes nule ren dount quant a son dist il ne dounent for qe pen de fei. 292 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES (m. 3. d.) London. 83 jf London ex alia pte de Walebrok* versus Turrim London. O 84- jf JoTies le Cofrer Tt socii sui jur ex alfa pte de Walebrok ’ vers 9 Turrym London dicunt sup sacrm suu qd Adam de Warefeld Sac'sta Westm T: Subsac^ta Westm cuj 9 nomen ignorant Rads de Mordone USelrarius Rogls de Bures Thomas de Dene JoTies de Bitile Thomas de Lychefeld JoTies de Nuttele Robtus de Clierringge JoTies de Shroues- hery T: Alex’ de Psshore Monachi sunt p'ncipales factores de fraccone Thesaur Dni Regf apud Westm. 85 Dicunt eciam qd quidam JoTies le Magoun fregit mum delicti Thesaur cu inst^mentis suis . °t qd idem JoTies hoc fecit p abettu dco£ Monacho^. 86 Dicunt eciam qd Wilts de Palaco firit fcon- sensius ipo facto in toto. 87 Dicunt eciam qd Rics de Pudlicote dcam Thesauriam fregit T: bona in eadem inventa aspor- tavit * receptavit T; vendidit quamdam pte thesauri cuidam JoTii de Novo M’cato aurifabro . °t dicunt qd idem JoTies scivit qd ipe idem Rics adquisivit dca bona male. 88 Dicunt eciam qd quidam Gerin 9 le Lyndraper scient receptavit in domo sua 't in gardino suo j q a dam ptem thesauri p*dci T; de bona volutate eandem asportavit in campis Sci || Pancraci Tt ibidem jactavit. 89 Dicunt eciam qd quidam Cappellan 9 qui est in p’sona Westm . T; qui devenit pbator culpabilis est de facto. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 293 90 Dicunt eciam qd Robtus le Barber qui manet in Kandelwike St G te fuit consenciens Rico de Pud- licote T: stetit in societate sua p plres vices. 91 Dicunt eciam qd quidam Adam le Carped fuit cu JoTie le Maqoun ibidem Ht ipm JoTm auxiliavit. 92 Dicunt eciam qd Adam le Skynnere Thomas de Dene Roglus de Wenlok T: Hanecok svientes Ecclie 1 garco eo^dem cuj 9 nomen ignorant sciunt de factor It qd garco semp exp c tavit euntes T: re- deuntes T; opantes. 93 Dicunt eciam qd Adam le Orfevle j Thomas de Fronsik j Witts de Ebo^ j Waifs de Walpol . JoTi de Bruggiffeld JoTies Bonaventure j Witts Thorel Witts de Keles Vallettus Witti de Keles \ NicTis de Sco Botulpho aurifabr emerunt de dicto thesauro. 94 Dicunt eciam qd Alex ’ de Neuport Monachus asptavit q a dam ptem thesaur pdc’i ad domu dci Gerini T; qd ipe est culpabilis de fraccone. 95 Dicunt eciam qd quidam JoTies le Ryche de Wes tin . vallettus T; s>viens Monacho^ Wesirri fuit consensiens de fraccone Thesauri It ille idem JoTies in eadem domo tunc tempis manebat % postea re- ceptatus in dicta domo p Monachos p q'nq^ dies It q*nq^ noctes. 96 Dicunt eciam sup sacrm suu qd quidam Hen- ricus de WWantenge Monachus qui tunc tempis fuit custos noviciu Monacho^ fuit consenciens ipo facto . It qd post fcm ipe idem Henric 9 mandat 9 fuit ppe Sedbir ad quemdam P'oratu de Sco BartTio . eadem racone ad cdmorand ibidem quousq^ fc. 294 antient kalendars and inventories (m. 3. d.) 97 j Inquisicones fee coram R. le Brabanzon ''t sociis suis "le. sup burgar Thes Dni . apud Westih r tc. (m. 4.) 98 Ex ista pte Rotuli continent' noia manu- capt Aurifab? London qui de jocalib 3 Dni de Tlies sua furtive asportatis emerut qui eos manuc hndi corpora eo£ videlt corp 9 p corpore ubi T: qn p ipm seu Justic suo£ pmuniti fSint "le. 99 Manucaptores Rohti Ricus le Bret. Robtus de Boydeyn. Thomas de Wyke. Thom de Berkinge. Johes le Wympler. Gilbtus de Lesnes. de Pipehurst. Johes de Berkinge. W alius Sire. Rog de Boytoh. Wittus de Shordich. Simon de Burgh. Thomas de Brauncestr. 100 Manucaptor Robti le Ricus le Barber de Bred- strate. Rics de Shordich aur. Roglus le Cornur. Johes Trentemars. Walt le Chaundeler. Albinus le Mercer. 101 M’ Rici le Broun. Nichus Broun. Martinus de Ambisbir. Nich de Norhamptoh. Thomas de Keles. Robtus de Hungry. Wall de Ambesbir. Convers aurifabri. Hug le Armurer. Stephis le Cornur. Johes le Hoder. Nichs Beaubelet. Wittus le Barber de Flete. Rics de RokinglPm aur. Wilts le Bret. Hug atte More. Moricius de Herlowe. Thom de Dover. Wittus atte More. Johs de Storteford. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 295 102 M’ Thom de Frowyk NicTis Broun. Martinus de Ambresbir. Thom de Staundoh. Johs Pesemeirs. JoTies de Puntoyse. Adinet Taillour. Robtus Scot. Johs Lamayler. Thom Juvenal. Walt de Cicestr. Mich de Wiburh. Robtus de Berkinge. 103 M’ Galfri de Bradelee. Adam de Horslfm. Manekin 9 le Heaumer. Robtus de Worthestede. Robs de || Turuey. Rog le Viroler. Wall de Cavendichs. Wall de Norwiz. Jordanus de Lange- leigh. Johes Pesemerssch. Rads de \Brauthinge. Galfrs de Cavendichs. Wall de Idleshale. 104. M’ Willi Tor el. Galfrs de Bochum. Thom de Farindoh. Johes le Ay maler. Johes King. Wilts le Cordewaner. Wilts atte Hok\ Johs de Hortone. Regih le King. Johes de Bury. Johes Gerveys. Robtus le Barber. Rads Sporoun. 105 M’ Johis de Brugeford. Thom de Nuenh?m. Hug le Bret. Rads le Conuers. This de Dover. Galfrs de BokJfm. Robtus Michegros. Rics de Berdefeld. Johes Corbeyl. Robs de Bletnam. Wall de Hakebourh. Johes Reygner. Arnold de Neutoh. Rogs de Boytoh. 296 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 106 M’ Wittmi de Evervoyke. Petrus le Iireis. Thomas de Newenlfm. Herman le Heaumer. Ricus de Mountpellers. Wiltus le Lou. Jordan 9 de Langelee. 107 M’ Walfi de Walpol. JoTies de Castelacre. JoTies de Finclielfm. Wilts de Cumtevcorthe. Walt de Ambresbir. Ths le Neuman. Mich de Wymbourn. Rog de BekingbTm. Wilts de la More. Warinus l Orfeure. Thomas de Salford. Rics Borg aur. Nichs de Norlfmtoh. Martin 9 de Ambresbir. Jobs de Dittoh. Adam Cissor ArcTiepi. Warinus de Saumpford. Hug de Farndoh. Walt le Ureys. 108 M’ Johnis Bonaventure. Osbtus de Bray. JoTies le Puntoyse. JoTies Besaunt. Jobs de Castelacre. Jobs le Aimaler. JoTies Jukel. Tbs de Lincoln. Henr atte More. Walfus de \\Blecchenh?m. Rads Sporoun. Tbs Jovenal. Wilts le Bret. 109 M’ Willi vallet Willi Walts de Cicestr. Tbs Mel. Stepbs Picard. David de Fnef\ Walt de Ambresbir. Nicbs de Haleford. de Kele. Rads de Honilan aur. Walls de Tanregge. JoTies Besaunt. Walfus de Kingeston. Tbs de Keles. Wilts le Mazerer aur. 110 cr Walts de Glouc Escaetor Dni ^ . manuc Wiltm de Beufo aurifab? hndi eu in forma pdca. OF THE TREASURY OF THE EXCHEQUER. 297 (m. 4. d.) Gilbtus le Barber. Robtus le Traiere. Rics de Monte Pesul- lano. Tbs Box. Jobs de Dudingherst. Witts atte Stapeledhalle. 112 Henr de la Riole. Rics Deveneys. Jobs le Chaumbleyn. 113 M’ Jobis de Uggelee. Simon WDuucy. Adam le Fur bur. Jobes de Bickelee. Henr le Brewere. Thom Hellebek. Jobs Mariscett. Chastene 1 A lie jit Gilbti le Martin 9 de DidlingJfm. Rics atte Nok’. Jobs le Noreis. Robtus \\Lorechoun. Jobs Huret. Rogs de Chesthonte. Robtus de Garscbche. Simon de Haveringe. Thom Box. Thom Scarlet. Jobs de Kingeston. Ric le Tauerner. Jobs atte Legb. Witts le Barber de Flete Nicb Beauvallet. Walt le Cbaundeler. ill Manucaptores Barb. M’ Jobe jilie Rici Cissoris. pVic Midd. ii4? Rogs de AppelbyWc Midd, recepit istam manuc sBsc'ptam 1c. 115 M’ Stephi de Aldenb} Gilbtus atte Brok. Waltus de Pistrina. Ric de Heston. Jobs le Fever. Gilbtus le Taillour de Westm. Ric Flesmongl. 'm garcois Gerini. Witts le Fever. Witts de Nevoenltm CTi- cus. Thom de Dorset. Robtus le Fever. Augustinus le Taillour. VOT. I. Y 298 ANTIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES 116 M’ IJenr de Warefeld. Ric de Aqua. Witts Canoun. Jobs de Karliolo. Robtus Vyel. Witts de Padlgtoh. Jobs Peytevyn. Rics de Weston. 117 M’ Ivecte de Brokesheved. cr Gilbtus atte Brok Jobs le Fevre. Wilts de Neuwenh^m Cticus. Thom de Dorsete Cli- cus. Robtus le Fevre. Gerardus le Tulere. Jobs Nichole. Witts le Ko. Rads le Fisshere. (m. 4.) ns R. de Sandwyco recepit manuc sbsc’ptam T;c. 119 JJ" Manuc Abbtis Westm essendi coram Dno $ vl ejus Consilio tempib 3 T: loc "le corp 9

9 Lenton’, Prior et Conventus de, 46. Leonellus vel Lionellus filius Do- miniRegis, — Custos Anglia?, 168, 169, 184, 188, 189. Leo filius Manseri, 79. Lesnes, Gilbertus de, 294. Lesparre de Acquitannia, Do- minus, 226. Lessebury, 62. Leulinus filius Eynon, 120. Leulinus, filius Joruerd’ ab Eyner, 121 . Leulinus Princeps Wallias vel Nor- walliae, et David filius ejus, 114, 115, 116, 118. Leulinus quondam Princeps Nor- walliae, — Senana uxor Grif- fini filii ejusdem Leulini, 117. Leuon Rex Ermenyas, 102. Lewens’, Conventus, 78. Leyborn’,Henricus Dominus de,71. Leyborn’, Leybourn’, Willielmus de, 58, 197. Leyburn’, Roger us de, et Willielmus filius ejus, 57. Leyburn’, Willielmus de, 47, 59. Leycestriae, Comitatus, 63, 68, 224, 239. Leycestriae, Simon de Monteforti quondam Comes, 68. Leychamstede, Manerium de, 34. Leyghton’ de Hereford’, Willielmus, 224. Leyk, Willielmus, 245. Leyre, Aqua de, 228. Lichefeld’, Diocesis, 232. Lichefeld’, Episcopus, 25, 232. Lichefeld’ et Coventr’ Episcopus, Alexander, 73. Lichefeld’ et Coventr’ Episcopus, W., 90, 126. Lichefeld’, Lychefeld’, Thomas de, 260, 267, 269, 284, 288, 292. Lichelade, Manerium de, 67. Lillebourn, Willielmus de, 209. VOL. I. A A 330 INDEX. N Limbergh’, Limburgh’, Tidmanus de, 156, 170. Limovic’, 240. Lincoln’, Civitas, 35. Lincoln’, Comitatus, 34, 42, 47, 52, 63, 64, 65, 70, 74, 96, 168, 239. Lincoln’, Diocesis, 46. Lincoln’, Parliamentum apud, 100. Lincoln’, quondam Comes, Henricus de Lacy, 63. Lincoln’, Decanus, Henricus et Capitulum, 111. Lincoln’, Episcopus, 6, 11, 32, 103. Lincoln’, Episcopus, Thomas de Bek’, 164. Lincoln’, Simon de, 225. Lincoln’, Thomas de, 296. Linliscu, 252, 253. Linton, Lynton, Johannes de, 262, 264, 269, 276, 277, 278, 281, 282, 284, 288. Lisinham,Castrum de, in Aquitania, 243. Liston, Galfridus de, 60. Liston’, Manerium de, 48. Liston Temple, 128. Littegreynes, Johannes de, 35, 48. Lodewicus Comes Flandriae, et Margareta filia ejus, 208. Lodewicus, Lodowycus, Dux Bur- boniae, Comes Clermond’, et Camerarius Franciae, 210, 222 . Lodewicus, Lodowicus, Rex Fran- ciae vel Francorum, 86, 95, 146. Lokemaban’, Castrum de, in Scocia, 237. Lokford’, Thomas de, 208. Lokinton’, Rogerus, 89. London’, Civitas, 58, 64, 77, 79, 85, 91, 141, 149, 167, 169, 174, 176, 183, 192, 193, 206, 210, 211, 214, 216, 225, 231, 236, 242, London’ — continued. 243, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 285, 291, 292, 294. London’, Aula de Plumbo in, 256. London’, Ecclesia Bead Augustini apud, 255. London’, Fratres Predicatores de, 71. London’, Gihalda, 258. London’, Novum Templum apud, 266. London’, Turns, 126, 160, 162, 167, 169, 170, 175, 182, 186, 197, 269, 271, 274, 275, 298. London’, Coi’onator, J., 267, 268. London’, Episcopus, 21, 103, 153, 179. London’ Episcopus, J., 71. London’ Episcopus, Radulphus, 110 . London’ Major, J. le Blund’, 265, 267, 268, 270, 271. London’ Major, Johannes Louekyn, 167. London’ Major, Johannes Peche, 195. London’, Vicecomes, 260, 261. London’ Vicecomes, Henricus de Mordon’, 246. London’ Vicecomes, Hugo Pourte, 257. London’ Vicecomes, Simon de Pa- rishs, 267. London’, Johannes de, 91. Longa Compton’, Manerium de, 123. Longeville, Comes de, 188. Lorechoun, Robertus, 297. Lorrin, Robertus, 196. Lou, Johannes le, et Amicia uxor sua, 58. Lou, Willielmus le, 296. Louekyn, Johan, 183. INDEX. 331 Louekyn, Johannes, Major Lon- don’, 167. Loutlie, Nichol de, Receivour de Pountyf, 193. Louthre, Hugo de, 56, 66. Lovayn, Nicholaus de, 192. Lovecok’ de Twyverton’, Ricardus natus Philippi, 91. Lovel, Ricardus, 164, 174. Lovet, Isabella, 263. Lovet, Matilda, 280. Lovetot, J. de, 138. Loveyne, Nicholaus de, 199. Luca vel Luk’, Mercatores de vel de Societate de, 26,75, 103, 152, 159, 206. Luca, Mercatores de Societate Ri- cardorum de, 98, 99. Luca vel Luk’, Percivallus dePorche de, 159. Lucham cum Curia, Manerium de, 73, 74. Lucham, Villa de,Tenementa apud, 73. ' Lucia filia Roberti de Tregoz, 74. Lucia uxor Johannis Extranei, 72. Lucy, Thomas de, 163. Luda, Willielmus de, 75, 76. Ludegate, 285. Ludegate, CastrumBaynardi juxta, 71. Ludford’ et Staunton’ juxta Dun- steresdene, 176. Ludham, Johannes de, 240. Lugdun’, 17, 95, 106. Lugwardin, Manerium de, 112. Lu, J. le, et Amicia uxor ejus, 61. Lumbard’, Nicholyn, 167. Lumbard’ Persona, 87. Lumbard Strete in London’, 167. Lutton, 64. Luvell’, Philippus, 89. Lydcroft, Campus de, 217. Lyfton’, Hundredum de, 35. Lyfton’, Manerium de, 35. Lymerici, Civitas, 125. Lymstrate Warda, 255. Lyndraper, Gerinus, Geryn, Jerin, le, 277, 279, 286, 292. Lyons, Ricardus, Civis London’, 225. Lyouns, Novum Castrum juxta, 123. M. Macduel, Duncanus, 164. Maclesfeld, Manerium de, 62. Matpoun, Johannes le, 292, 293. Madoc filius Joruerd’ ab Eyner, 121 . Madoc filius Yeruerh’, 121. Magna Aula Westmonasterii, 261. Magna Jernemuta, 46. Magna Scherston, Ecclesia de, 62. Magna Scherston, Manerium de, 62. Makeuat, Willielmus, Vicecomes Kane’, 189. Malab’, vel de Societate Malab’, Mi- chael de, 192. Malepilys de Florence, Bardet de, 241. Malewayn, Johannes, 184. Mallokre, Caraka de, 244. Malo Alneto, Hugo de, 90. Malo Leone, Castrum de, 20. Malvernise, Chacea, 112. Malweyn, Johannes, 179. Man, Insula de, 127. Mandevill’, Tenementa apud, 54. Mandevill’, G. de, Comes Essex’, 90. Mannesford, 57. Marchia, Willielmus de, 50, 90. Marcilli, Dominus Guillielmus de, 202 . Mardyn, Ricardus de, 178. A A 2 332 INDEX. Mare, Johannes de la, 55, 81, 202. Marescallus Angliae, Rogerus Bi- god, 39, 40. Marescallus, Comes, 82. Marescallus, Willielmus Comes Penebrokiae, 65. Mareschal, Rogerus le, 263. Margareta Comitissa Gelren’, 145. Margareta filia Comitis de Holland’, 138, 139. Margareta filia Lodewici Comitis Flandriae, 208. Margareta filia Regis Angliae, 141. Margareta filia Regis Norwegiae et haeres Scociae, 152. Margareta Regina Angliae, 96, 100 . Margareta Regina Scociae quon- dam uxor David’ Regis Scociae, 236. Margareta uxor Bartholomaei de Badelesmere, 55. Margareta uxor Johannis deSancto Philberto, 185. Margaretae, Cimiterium Sanctae, 261, 264,265. Maria de Monte Farsell’, Sancta, 239. Maria uxor Willielmi de Breouse, 101 . Mariae de Haverhol’, Coenobium Sanctae, 75. Mariae de Neisseclyf, Capella Bea- tae, 73. Mariae de Rocherio de Nesse, Ca- pella Beatae, 72. Mariae Westmonasterii, Capella Sanctae, 267. Marini, Nicholaus, 26. Mariscell’, Johannes, 297. Mariscis vel Marisco, Cristiana de, 48, 122, 123, 126. Marsan, Arnaldus Guillus de, — Dominus, 85. Martinesgrave, Terra in, &c., 72, 73. Martinus in Ismongereslane, Sanc- tus, 38. Martinus Papa, 117, 154. Martinus Papa IV., ( Simon de Brie,) 14, 25, 26, 27. Marton’, Johannes, 158. Mass’ de Sudburi, Genta filia, 79. Mathaeus filius Johannis, 35, 49. Mathelwold’, Manerium de, 168. Mathlaen, Terra de, 113. Matilda de Dagworth’ uxor Johan- nis de Daggeworth’, 79. Matilda uxor Eliae de Rabayne, 35, 74. Maurici, Thomas filius, 114, 122. Mauritania, Odo Civis, 90. Maworthin, Manerium de, 112. Maydenestan, 61. Mayelor Seyseneyk, 113. Maylorsaxneth, 120. Mazerer, Willielmus le, 296. Mazon de Certeseia, Johannes le, 255, 264, 265. Medicus, Guillielmus, 240. Mediolani, Galeas Vicecomes, — et Violanta filia ejus, 214. Mediolani, Tractatus, 214. Mel, Thomas, 296. Melbourn, Thomas de, 234. Melcombe, 232. Meleburn’, Manerium de, 112. Melin Roal, 121. Melsa, Abbas et Conventus de, 43, 50, 51. Melton’, Willielmus de, 125. Meneven’, Episcopus, 117. Meney, Comotus de, 119. Menill’, Thomas de, 72. Menstreworth, Manerium de, 112. Mei'cer, Albinus le, 294. Mercier, Guillielmus le, 212. Mereduci, Resus filius, 114, 117, 118. Merionit, Cantredus de, 116. Merk, 193, 218. Merston, Boscus de, 37. INDEX. 333 Messynden, Abbas et Conventus de, 56. Meuse, la, 283. Michegros, Robertus, 295. Midd’, Comitatus, 63, 251, 252, 261, 263, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278. Midd’, Rogerus de Appelby Vice- comes, 297. Middelton’, Abbas et Conventus de, 187. Middelton’, Manerium de, 74, 177. Middleton, 64. Middleton’ in Insula Vecta, Mane- rium de, 57. Milhahano, Castrum de, 20. Miliciae Templi, Fratres, 80. MiliciaeTempli, Privilegia Ordinis, 5, 29. Minstreworth, Johannes de, Miles, 228. Mirabele, Franciscus de, alias dic- tus de Hallen, Chivaler, 213. Mistreton, 54, 68. Miton’ super Humbr’, 51. Mitteford, Advocatio Ecclesiae in Villa de, 48. Mohun, Johannes de, 123. Moign’, Robertus le, 59. Molendinum, Robertus ad, 48. Molhocke, Walterus de Monte, Dominus de, 119. Molteston’ in Euyas, Manerium de, 106. Monchensi, Randoulf de, 277. Monemuth’, Honor de, 56. Mongomery, Pastura de, 65. Monsterolli et Pontivi, Willielmus Comes, 143. Monte, Walterus de, 63. Monte Acuto, Prior de, 102. Monte Alto, Johannes Dominus de, 74. Monte Caniso, Radulphus de, 276. Monte Farsell’, Sancta Maria de, 239. Monte Flor’, Paulus de, 161. Monte Forti, Almaricus de, 6, 32. Monte Forti, Guido de, 6, 32, 152. Monteforti, Petrus de, 45, 47. Monteforti, Simon de, 14, 15, 18, 19, 72. Monteforti, Simon de, quondam Comes Leyc’, 68. Monte Pesullano, Ricardus de, 297. Montfort, Comes de, 198. ’ Montistroll’, 42. Montis Trollii, Comes, 105. Moore, Hugo atte, 294. Morbek’, Dionisius de, 197. Mordon’, Henricus de, Vicecomes London’, 246. Mordone, Radulphus de, 269, 292. More, Henricus atte, 296. More, Willielmus atte, 294. More, Willielmus de la, 296. Morende, Manerium de, 224. Morgannou, Dominus de, 162. Morice, Johannes, 52. Morley, Robertus de, 191. Morton, Radulphus de, 275. Mortone, Rauf de, 288. Mortuo Mari, Rogerus de, 67. Morys, Johannes, 195. Mot, Simon de la, 67. Moubray, Johannes de, 163, 232, 235. Moun, Johannes de, 174. Mouner, Petrus le, 299. Mounpellers, Alexander de, 299. Mountmartyn, Johannes de, 203. Mountpellers, Ricardus de, 296. Mues, le, 280. Mugge, Willielmus, 179. Mulhurst, Willielmus de, et Wal- terus filius ejus, 264, 270. Mulsho, Willielmus de, Camerarius Scaccarii, 205, 221, 225, 226, 227, 231, 235, 237, 241. A A 3 334- INDEX. Multon, Thomas de, 81. Munec, Ricardus, 45. Munemuth’, 34. Munes fuiz le Counte de Cateneys, 128. Murca, Johannes de, — Dux de Ja- nuis, 230. Murival’, Abbas et Conventus de, 66 . Muro, Johannes de, et Robertus filius ejus, 72. Muscegros, Robertus de, 36. Musgrave, Thomas de, 163. Mussenden’, 249. Mussenden’, Reymundus Dominus de, 248. N. Navarr’, Philippus de, 181. Navenby, Villa de, 52. Naverr’, Rex, 229. Nazerz, Bellum de, 246. Neale, Johannes de, 143. Neisseclyff, Capella Beat® Mariae de, 73. Nesse, Capella Beat® Mari® de Rocherio de, 72. Netherlym, 35. Neubaud, Gaufridus, 134. Neuborgh’ in Tyndale, 108. Neugate, Gaiola de, 259, 269. Neuman, Thomas le, 296. Neuport, Alexander de, 266, 279, 281, 293. Neuton, Arnaldus de, 295. Neuwith, Velin, 120. Nevill’, Dominus de, 163, 234, 249. Nevill’, Dominus Johannes de, 241. Nevill’, Radulphus de, 173. Nevyll’, Robertus, 238. Newehalle, Hugo de, 176. Newenham, Johannes de, — Came- rarius, 205. Newenham, Thomas de, 296. Newenham, Willielmus de, 297, 298. Newenton’, Philippus de, 204. Neweport, Alisaundre de, 277, 286, 289, 290. Neyth, la Croys, 167. Nicholai, Radulphus filius, 88. Nicholaus frater Hugonis, 102. Nicholaus Papa, 83. Nicholaus Papa III., ( Giovanni Gaetano,) 26, 32. Nicholaus Papa IV., ( Cardinal of Palestrina,) 24, 26, 27, 98. Nichole, Johannes, 298. Nigro Castro, Albertus de, Magnus Pr®ceptor Hospi- talis Sancti Johannis Jeru- salem, 30. Noefchastell’, Johannes de, Domi- nus de Villanfant, 194. Noion’, Episcopus, 196. Nok, Ricardus atte, 297. Noreis, Johannes le, 297. Norffolk, 191, 244. Norffolk’, Rogerus Bygod’ Comes, 34, 39, 40, 43, 52, 76, 124. Normannia, 38, 91, 162, 163, 181, 185, 238, 239. Normanvill’, Thomas de, 37. Northampton, 64, 129, 164, 175, 219, 235, 239, 255, 284. Northampton’, Comes, 162. Northamton, Nicholaus de, 294, 296. Northflete, 72. Northflete, Terra et Tenementa in, 243. Northlieu, Manerium de, 177. Northumbri®, Comitatus, 38, 62. Northwell’, W. de, 165. Northynton’, 39. Norton’, 72, 106. INDEX. 335 Norwalliae, David filius Leulini quondam Principis, 114, 115. Norwalliae, Senana uxor Griffini filii Leulini quondam Prin- cipis, 117. Norwegia, Norwagia, 8, 152. Norwegiae, Rex, 152. Norwegiae, Haquinus Rex, 134. Norwegiae, Norwagiae, filia Regis, 129, 133. Norwegiae, Margareta filia Regis — haeres Scotiae, 152. ( Norwich , Norwyc’, &fc.) Norwyc’, Prioratus, 96. Norwicen’, Episcopus, 14, 22. Norwich’, Ricardus de, 237. Norwiz, Walterus de, 295. Notingham’, Castrum de, 40. Notingham’, Stephanus Runnylowe CustosCastri Regis de, 177. Notingham’, Comitatus de, 54, 79, 239. Notingham’, Villa de, 79, 96. Notingham’, Thomas de, 195. Notingham’, Walterus de, 76. Nottele, Notele, Johannes de, 260, 267, 269. Nottle, Petrus filius Johannis de, 55. Nova Foresta, Manerium de Bro- kenhurst in, 206. Novo Burgo, Henricus de, 53. Novo Burgo, Johannes de, 59. Novo Mercato, Johannes de, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 269, 287, 292. Novum Castrum juxta Lyouns, 123. Novum Castrum super Tynam, 35, 65, 75, 87, 129, 130. Novum Templum London’, 266. Nuenliam, Thomas de, 295. Nuttele, Johan, Johannes, de, 288, 292. o. O'blyt, Cantreda de, 114. Ocassin, Cantreda de, 114. Odo Civis Mauritania, 90. Okonewer, Kathelis, 124. Oleronis, Sigillum Communitatis, 106. Oreford’, Villa de, 54. Orfevre, Adam le, 254, 293. Orfevre, Dyonisius le, 299. Orfevre, Warinus le, 296. Orgevill’, Baronia de, 239. Orgrave, Thomas Dominus de, — Thesaurarius Anglie, 204, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 237, 243. Orliens, Philippus filius Regis Francias et Dux de, 205. Ortye, Henricus de, 81. Oselveston’, Osolveston’, 262, 277. Osmundeston, Willielmus Domi- nus de, 240. Ospring, Manerium de, 46. Otonis, Hugo filius, 58. Ottobon’, 83. Oudenham, Marescallus de, 187. Oudrewyk’, Villa et Castrum, 223. Ouston’, Manerium de, 65. Owenus frater Resi filii Griffini, 113. Oweyn filius Wrenok’, 119. Oxon’, Comes, 162. Oxon’, Comitatus, &c., 43, 57, 60, 64, 198. Oxon’, Ordinacio de, 14. Oxon’, Statutum de, 4, 18, 95. P. Pabham, Capella de, 46. Pachet, Johan, 283. Padebury, Johannes, 167. A A 4 336 INDEX. Padington, Willielmus de, 298. Pakeman, Simon, 211. Palaeio vel du Paleis, Willeme vel Willielmus de, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 261, 263, 264, 265, 269, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 292. Palmere, Willielmus le, — Custos palacii, 267, 268. Panna, Ben Molin super Aquam de, 121. Paris’, Simon de, Vicecomes Lon- don’, 267. Paris’, 18. Patricii, Vita Sancti, 106. Parva Lanfare, 61. Pauli London’, Capitulum Sancti, 71. Paulo, Comes de Sancto, 216. Pecche, G., 57. Pecham, Petrus de, 76. Peche, Johannes, Major London’, 195. Peck’, Pecco, Pekko, tenementa, & c. in, 46, 60, 66. Pelestrin’, S. Episcopus Cardinalis, 15. Peleter, Adam le, 269. Pembrok’, Comes, 248. Pembrok’, Comes, Adorn ar us de Valencia, 45, 65, 76. Pembrok’, Comes Willielmus de Valencia quondam, 119. Pembrok’, Maria de Sancto Paulo Comitissa, 194. Pembrugge, Ricardus de, 244. Percy, Dominus de, 163. Percy, Thomas Dominus de, Miles, 249, 250. Pereres, Ricardus de, 56. Peres, Johannes le, 259. Pernet, Comotus de, 113. Perrers, Jacobus de, et Ela uxor ejus, 113. Terriers, Alicia, 232. Pershore, 290. Pershore, Persore, Perscliouere, Perschore, Alexander de, Alisaundre de, 257, 260, 262, 263, 268, 269, 276, 279, 281, 288, 292. Persore, Thomas de, 267. Pertici, G. Comes, 90. Pervan, Jacobus, 239. Pesemeirs, Pesemerssch’, Johannes, 295. Pesenatz, Comes de, in Aquitan- nia, 233. Pessaigne de Gene vel Janua, An- tonius de, 77, 79. Pestour, Henricus le, 298. Petri, Ecclesia Sancti, 25. Petri Gloucestria;, Abbas, et Prior et Conventus Sancti, 41, 160. Petri, Johannes filius Reginaldi filii, 114. Petrus filius Johannis de Notlee, 55, 77. Petrus filius Warini, 81. Petrus quondam Comes Sabaudias, 37. Petrus Rex Arragoniae, et Alfon- sus filius ejus, 154. Peuerlyn, Cantredus, 116. Peverell’, Andreas, et Andreas filius ejus, 202. Peytevyn, Johannes, 298. Philippa filia Guidonis Comitis Flandriae, 150. Philippa Regina Angliae, consors vel uxor Ed war di Regis, &c., 187, 221, 231, 233, 236. Philippus Comes Sabaudias, 85. Philippus filius Guidonis Comitis Flandriae, 148, 149. Philippus filius Regis Franciae et Dux de Orliens, 205. Philippus filius Willielmi, 148. Philippus filius Ythel, 12L Philippus Prior de Chirburv, 65. INDEX. 337 Philippus Rex Franciae vel Franco- rum, 15, 86, 93, 134, 136, 154. Picard, Ricardus, et Johanna filia ejus, 255. Picard, Stephanus, 296. Picheford, Galfridus de, 60. Pictavia, 203. Pidilicote, Ricardus de, 282. Pikard, Henricus, 160. Pikerynge, Foresta de, 180. Pipehurst, Robertus de, 258, 294. Pistrina, Walterus de, 297. Plessetis, Hugo de, 35, 48. Plessetis, Johannes de, 88. Plukenet, Alanus, 69. Podelicote, Johannes de, et Ricar- dus filius ejus, 260. Podelicote, Pudelicote, Pudelecote, Ricardus de, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 269, 271, 275, 276, 278, 280, 283, 284, 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 293. Podio Normanni, Castellania de, 185. Poitou, Dominium de, 205. Pokelyngton’, Manerium de, 112. Pola, Hawys de la, 71. Pole, Katerina relicta Willielmi de la, 212. Pole, Willielmus de la, 167. Pole, senior, Willielmus de la, 187. Polymond’, Johannes de, 204. Pontefracto, Castrum, Villa, Honor, et Manerium de, 64, 65. Pontesbury, Manerium de, 66. Pontifex, Summus, 100, 142. Pontis, Warda, 257. Pontivi, Comes, Comitatus, &c., 8, 42, 86, 105, 143, 144, 145, 219. Pontivi, Edwardus Princeps Wal- liae et Comes Comitatus, 145. Pontivi et Monsterolli, Willielmus Comes, 143. Pontivo, Johannes de, — Comes Al- bemarliae, 144. Pontivo, Petrus au Coste Receptor Domini Regis de, 144. Pontivo, Senescallus Domini Re- gis de, 144. Porcarise, Officium, 119. Porche de Luk’, Percivallus de, 159. Porsoken, Warda de, 255. Portebrigg’, Portebrugg’, Mane- rium de, 203, 237. Porteresse, Imania le, 258, 259. Portesmuth’, 89. Portyngale, Le Roy de, 238. Portyngalia, 238. Potto we, Manerium de, 177. Pountyf, Sire Nichol de Louthe Receivour de, 193. Pourte, Hugo, Vicecomes London’, 257. Poys, Dominus de, 248. Prepositus, Johannes, Receptor et Prepositus Angol’m’, 240. Prescote, Prestcote, Johan, Johan- nes de, 267, 269, 288. Prestok, Johannes de, 260. Prestok, Rogerus de, 260, 267, 269. Preston’, G. de, 112. Prestre, Johan le, 283. Provan, 239. Prucia, Magister Generalis de, 245. Puges’, Imbertus, 89. Puntoyse, Johannes, 295, 296. Purbik’, Purbyk’, 36, 112. Putteford’, 106. Puttenheth’, 265. Puyan’, Gerardus de Tartays Do- minus de, 248. Pycard, Henricus, 162, 186, 195. Pycot, Johannes, 243. Pygache, Pieres, 181. Pykenham, Thomas de, 225. 338 INDEX. % Pykeryng, 159. Pynkeneye Wedon’, Manerium de, 175. Pynkeny, Henricus de, 38. Pypard, Radulphus, 122. Pypehurst, Robertus de, 259. Pyuelesdon’, Ricardus de, 113. Q. Queorle, T. le, 270. Quinque Portubus, Marinarii de, 88 . Quyntyn, Galfridus de Seint, 243. Qwhytford’, Manerium de, 107. R. R. Bathon’ et Wellen’ Episcopus, Cancellarius Angliae, 89. R. Cantuar’ Archiepiscopus, 96. R. Ebor’ Decanus et Capitulum, 66 . Rabayn, Elias de, et Matillda uxor sua, 35, 74. Radulphus filius Geraldi, 69. Radulphus filius Nicholai, 88. Ramage, Johannes, 262, 270, 276, 280, 290. Rathtouthe, Manerium de, 57. Ravenesere, Ricardus de, 210, 233. Ray de Coventre, Johannes, 224. Rayley, Mercatus de, 67. Reda, Alexander de, et Johannes filius ejus, 58. Redeleye, Manerium de, 112. Redeman, Mathaeus, 228. Redyng’, Abbas et Conventus de, 49, 178. Redynges, Johannes de, 102. Refham, Richer de, 285. Reginaldi, Johannes filius, 48. Reginaldi filii Petri, Johannes filius, 114. Renygneyo, Richerus de, 140. Resi, Mereducus filius, 117, 118. Resus ap Howel, 66. Resus filius Griffini, etOwenus fra- ter ejus, 113. Resus filius Mereduci, 114, 117, 118. Retherhuthe, Retherithe, 229. Reule, Aluyn de, 170, 171. Reule, Godekynus de, 165. Reydon’, Ecclesia de, 191. Reygner, Johannes, 295. Reymundus Dominus de Mussen- den, 248. Reyndon’, Manerium de, 49. Reynesthorp’, Hermanus de, 178. Ricardorum de Luca, Mercatores de Societate, 98, 99. Ricardus Comes Arundel?, 221. Ricardus filius Johannis de Pode- licote, 260. Ricardus filius Willielmi Molen- dinarii de Woxebrigg’, 47. Ricardus natus Philippi Lovecok’, 91. Ricardus Prior de Sancto Neoto de Notele, 58. Ricardus Rex Anglias, 132, 146. Ricardus II., Rex, 158, 249, 250. Ricardus Vadlectus Goscelini le Seriaunt, 270. Riche, Alice la, 279. Riche deWestmonasterio, Johannes, Johan, le, 262, 270, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 290, 292. Richemond’, Comes, 144, 235. Richemond’, Comes, J., 49. Richemond’ vel Richemund’, Comes, Johannes de Breta- igne, 81. Richemund’, 69. Ridleye, Manerium de, 66. Rigton’, 49. INDEX. 839 Rindecumbe, Manerium de, 112. Ringildise, Officium, 119. Riole, Henricus de la, 297. Ripse Reginae, Warda, 255. Rippingale, Rippinghale, Johannes, Johan, de, 278, 280. Roberti filii Rogeri, Johannes filius, 65. Robertas Abbas Glaston’, 49. Robertus Comes Flandrias, 146. Robertus Episcopus Cicestriae, 197. Robertus filius Johannis, 52. Robertus filius Johannis Extranei, 74. Robertus filius Johannis de Muro, 72. Robertus filius Walteri, 49, 102. Robertus filius Willielmi Giffard’, 61. Robertus filius primogenitus Willi- elmi Giffard’, 74. Robertus filius Willielmi Molendi- narii de Woxebrugg’, 48. Roche, Baron ia de la, 197. Rocheford’, Rochefford’, Hundre- dum de, 45, 66, 67. Rochele, Villa de la, 200. Rocherio de Nesse, Capella Beatas Mariae de, 72. Rodericus, Archiepiscopus Tolleta- neus, 106. Rodes, Gerardus de, 85. Roffefeire, Tewgeret Voel de, 119. Roffen’, Ecclesia, 94. Roffen’, Episcopus, 103. Roffen’ Episcopus, Johannes, The- saurarius Angliae, 184, 188, 190. Roffen’ Episcopus, W., 69. Rogate, Alexander de, 298. Rogeri, Johannes filius Roberti filii, 65. Roka, Walterus de, 192. Roke, Walterus de la, 191. Rokebye, Thomas de, 163, 184. Rokesburgh’, Castrum de, 172. Rokingham, Ricardus de, 294. Romana Curia, 16, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 53, 84, 99, 100, 135. Romana Ecclesia, 5, 16, 21, 25 26, 99, 153, 233. Romanorum, Rex, 16, 20, 93, 138. Romanum, Imperium, 20. Romesaye, Johannes de, 249. Rone, William, Seignour deTurnou sur le, 99. Rongton’, Manerium de, 177. Roos, Godefridus le, 228. Roscre, Manerium de, 123. Roser, la, 56. Rosse, Countesse de, et Hugh son fuitz eynez, 128. Rosse, William, Willielmus, Counte de, 127, 128. Rossefeir’, Manerium de, in Comi- tatu de Angles’, 119. Roteland’, Rotheland’, 46, 47, 223, 224, 239. Rothelan’, Prior Fratrum Predica- torum de, 117. Roundhay, Manerium de, 65. Rous, DominusTerricus le, — Miles Alemanniae, 161. Rous, Ricardus le, 298. Rous, Willielmus le, 298. Routheclive, Manerium de, 42. Rowell’, 44. Rua, Burgenses de, 143. Rudby, Manerium de, 177. Rumiliaco, Prior et Conventus de, 61. Runnylowe, Stephanus, — Custos Castri Regis de Notingham, 177. Rupe, Emericus de, 123. Rupe, Thomas de, 63. Rupella, Villa de, 213. Russel, Elias, Civis London’, 77, 91. Russel, Walterus, 269. Russell, Willielmus, 254. Russy, Hugo, 227. Rygan, Franciscus, 244. 340 INDEX. % s. S. Cantuar’ Archiepiscopus, 72. Sabaudia, 37, 85. Sabaudia, Petrus de, 69, 88. Sabaudiae, Comes, 86, 95. Sabaudiae, Comes, Amadeus, 37, 78, 85. Sabaudiae, quondam Comes, Petrus, 37, 85. Sabinen’, Episcopus, 19. Sadyngton’, Robertus de, Cancel- larius Scaccarii, 158, 159, 165. Sadynton’, Thomas de, 138. Saham, 62. Salbury, Henricus de, 195. Saldenn’, Manerium de, 171, 175, 218. Salernitanus, Princeps, 98. Salford, Thomas de, 296. Salfordshire, 64. Salla vel Salamo Judaeus Cantuar’, 35. Salman, Johannes, 222. Salop’, 66, 71, 224. Sampford, Hugo de, 56. Sancta Maria de Haverol’, 75. Sancta Maria de Monte Earsell’, 239. Sanctae Marise Westmonasterii, Ca- pella, 267. Sancti Andreas, Episcopus, 133, 134. Sancti Andreas, apud Castelbay- nard’, Parochia, 245. Sancti Audoeni Hereford’, Porta, 67. Sancti Augustini Cantuar’, Abbas Abbatiae, 83, 235. Sancti Botolphi extra Aldgate, Lon- don’, Parochia, 36. Sancti Cuthberti, Manerium, 129. Sancti Edmundi de Bury, Ecclesia, 172. Sancti Egidii, Hospitalis, 267. Sancti Jacobi, Magister, 298. Sancti Jacobi de Stanstede, Eccle- sia, 69. Sancti Johannis Jerusalem’, Hospi- talis, 75. Sancti Martini in Campis, Ecclesia, 216. Sancti Mathaei, Prater Aufricus Monachus, 169. Sancti Nicholai, Ecclesia, infra Civi- tatem Cassalen’, 124. Sancti Pancraci, Campus, 292. Sancti Pauli London’, Capitulum, 71. Sancti Petri, Conventus de Burgo, 110 . Sancti Petri, Johannes de Caurs Abbas de Burgo, 89. Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Abbas, Prior, et Conventus, 41, 160. Sancti Salvatoris, Baron ia, 239. Sancti Stephani Westmonasterii, Capella, 164, 172, 174, 176, 177, 182, 220, 226. Sancti Swithuni Wynton’, Conven- tus, 83. Sancti Thomas Archiepiscopi Can- tuariae, Litterae, 104. Sancto Albano, Seynt Alban, Jo- hannes de, 257, 277, 278. Sancto Albano, Johannes Abbas de, 111, 258, 276. Sancto Audoin’, Probi Homines de, 147. Sancto Bartholomeo, Prioratus de, 293. Sancto Botulpho, Nicholaus de, 258, 259, 293. Sancto Egidio, Gerinus de, 266, 267, 269, 298. Sancto Johanne, Edwardus de, 242. Sancto Johanne, Johannes de, 76. Sancto Johanne de Haunak’, Jo- hannes de, 74. INDEX. 341 Sancto Mauro, Nicholaus de, 89. Sancto Neoto de Notele, Ricardus Prior de, 58. Sancto Paulo, Comes de, 216. Sancto Paulo, Maria de, Comitissa Pembr’, 194. Sancto Philberto, Johannes de, et Margareta uxor ejus, 185. Sanctus Petrus, 25. Sanctus de Colecestre, Isaac, 79. Sandale Inhome, 249. Sandale, Dominus J. de, 271. Sandale, Willielmus de, 249. ( Sandeioich , Sfc. ) Sandewich, 158. Sandewico vel Sandewici, Villa et Portus de, 87, 168. Sandewicum, Consilium apud, 235. Sandewicum, Manerium de Hame juxta, 245. Sandewyco, Nicholaus Aspilon Ma- jor Villae de, 226. Sandewyco, Nicholaus Espilion Ma- jor Villae de, 189. Sandewico, Sandewyco, Radulphus de, 251, 252, 253, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 298, 299. Sarebriche, Comes de, 187. Saresburgh’, Comes de, 152. Sarum, 180. Sarum, Comes, 227. Sarum, Episcopus, 96. Saumpford’, Warinus de, 296. Saunford’, Ada de, avia Johannae uxoris Petri de Bruouse, 107. Sautre, Johan de, 176. Sautreour, Petrus le, 269. Sauvage, Ricardus le, et Walterus Alius ejus, 72. Scales, R. de, 43. Scardeburgh’, Manerium de, 112. Scarlet, Thomas, 297. Schefteleseye, Terricus de, 60. Schenefeld’, 61. Scherston’, Manerium de Magna, 62. Schotewyk’, Villa de, 46. (Scoria, Scotia, Scotia, Scotto- rum, &fc.) Scocia, Scotia, 1, 5, 8, 17, 20, 21, 29, 41, 83, 101, 122, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 163, 186, 201, 204, 209, 220, 222, 227, 231, 237, 263. Scocia, la Blake Rode de, 160. Scociae, Guerra, 100, 135, 136. Scocia;, Magnates, 129, 130, 134. Scociae, Regnum, 105. Scottorum, Responsiones, 135. Scocias, Senescallus, Jacobus, 134. Scociae, Tractatus, 201, 209, 217, 227. Scociae, Regina, Haeres, et Do- mina, Margareta nata Regis Norwegiae, 129, 152. Scociae, Rex, 21, 22, 131, 137, 186, 219, 220. Scociae, Rex, Alexander, 134. Scottorum, Rex, David, 227. Scociae, Rex, David de Bruys, 184. Scociae, Rex, Edgar us, 129. Scociae, Rex, Edwardus, 164. Scottorum, Rex, Edwardus Balof, 200 . Scociae, Rex, J. de Ball iolo, Johan- nes quondam Rex, Johannes Rex, 130, 132, 133, 134. Scottorum, Rex, Willielmus, 127. Scociae, Margareta quondam uxor David Regis, 236. Scociae, Alexander de Insulis, — filiusAnegus filiiDovenaldi, 132. Scone, Monasterium de, 22. Scone, 134. Scot, Robertus, 295. Scot’, Johannes, 237. Scoteny, Baronia de, 37. Scoteny, Petrus de, 37. Scrope, Henricus le, 231. 342 INDEX. % Scrope, Henricus le, Dominus de Gomeney, 223. Scrope, Dominus Ricardus le, Miles, — Thesaurarius An- gliae, 230. Segbrok’, 63. Segrave, Hugo, 231. Segrave, Johannes de, 41, 134. Segrave, Nicholaus de, 68. Seint George en Vienneys, Chastel de, 99. Seint Gile, la Rue, 279. Seint Loo, Johannes de, 194. Seint Quyntyn, Galfridus de, 243. Selandia, 8. Selandi®, Comes, &c., 93, 138. Selandiae et Holland’, Comes, 139. Selandiae, Mercatores, 96. Selby, Abbas de, 243. Semere, Manerium de, 112, 177. Senana uxor Griffini filii Leulini quondam Principis Norwal- liae, 117. Senecy, Domini de, 202. Sep tern Fontibus,Bartholomeus de, 280, 281. Seriaunt, Goscelinus le, 257, 270. Serleby, Walterus de, 215. Seryz, Dominus Willielmus de, 213. Seyne, Aqua de, 228. Seys, Joreuorth’, 120. Seyseneyk, Partes de Mayelor, 113. Seyton’, 62. Shefteleseye, Terricus de, 55. Sheldon’, 60. Shenche, Johannes, 260, 267. Shordeslowe, Robertus de, et Ed- mundus filius ejus, 67. Shordich, Ricardus de, 294. Shordich, Willielmus de, 294. Shouevorst, Reginaldus de, 224. Shrouesbery, Johannes de, 292. Sibilla uxor Willielmi de Grandis- sono, 36, 94. Siciliae, Regnum, 5, 8, 28, 100, 142. Siciliae, Rex, 154. Siciliae, Rex,Edmundus, filius Hen- rici Regis Angliae, 142. Siciliae, Rex, Karolus, 101. Sidbir’, 293. Silveston’, Manerium de, 174. Simon sacrosanctae Romanae Ec- clesiae Cardinalis Archiepis- copus Cantuar’, 233. Sire, Waltei'us, 294. Siuelesworth’, Redditus in, 36. Skelton, Thomas Fauconberge de, 210 . Skillyng’, Michael, 237. Skinnere, Adam le,Custos Ecclesiae Westm’,Vadlettus Sacrist®, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 288, 293. Skipwyth’, Willielmus de, 195. Sloghtre, Manerium de, 107. Sodorien’, Episcopus, 22. Somerfeld’, le Taillour, Willielmus de, 35. Somerset, Comitatus, 59, 159, 176, 222, 232. Somerton’, Castrum de, 52, 59. Southorp’, Manerium de, 185. Sparre, Bernardus de la, — Do- minus de Lebard’, 227, 248. Spelethorn’, 261. Spicer, Ricardus le, 298. Spigurnel, H. Dominus, 270, 271. Sporoun, Radulphus, 295, 296, 299. Sprouston’, Manerium de, 122. Stafford’, Archidiaconus, 10. Stafford’, Comitatus, 224. Staketirna, Terra de, 75. Stanefeld’, Ecclesia de, 61. Stanford’, Villa de, 88. Stanley, Abbas de, 244. Stanstede, Ecclesia Sancti Jacobi de, 69. Stapeledhalle, Willielmus atte, 297. Stapelford’, Advocatio Ecclesi® de, 63. INDEX. 343 Stapulton’, Willielmus de, — Consta- bularius Castri de Loke- maban’ in Scocia, 237. Staundon’, Thomas de, 295. Staunton’ et Ludford’ juxta Dun- steresdene, 176. Staword’, Villa de, 56. Staworth’, Villa de, 66. Stephani, Capella Sancti, infra Pa- lacium Westmonasterii,172, 174, 176, 182, 220, 226. Stephanus ArchiepiscopusCantuar’, 94. Steurte, Manerium de, 54. Stigle de Wendlesworth, Galfridus atte, 265. Stikelawe, Weylandus de, 128. Stile, Willielmus, 232. Stipell’, Villa de, 112. Stocton’, Manerium de, 52. Stok’, Alanus de, 240. Stokegoldyngton’, Manerium de, 219. Stokeneyland’, 67. Stokheye, 68. Storteford’, Johannes de, 294. Stratton’, Adam de, et Willielmus frater ejus, 72. Strete, Willielmus, 204. Stretton’, Manerium de, 71. Stretton’, Redditus in, 54. Streyt, Stephanus, 37. Striuelin’, Johannes de, 163. Strozzo, Azolinus de, 243. Stryvelyn, 134. Subyr’ de Clare, Moyses de, 79. Sudbury, Benedictus de, et Elias Alius ejus, 79. Sudbury, Johannes de, 299. Sudbury, Mass’ de, 79. Sudor’, Elia de, 198. Suffeld, Manerium de, 43. Suffolk’, 63, 79, 106, 107, 244. Suffolk’, Comes, 162. Sulgrave, Hugo, 215. Sulihull’, Henricus de, 167. Sulveston’, Manerium de, 164. Sumercotes, R. de, 96. Summi Podii, Curia, 105. Super Tynam, Novum Castrum, 65, 75, 87, 129, 130. Surr’, 34, 37, 42, 56, 66, 71, 90, 106, 172, 200, 206, 228, 251, 252, 264, 272, 273, 274, 275. Surr’, Comes, 82. Surr’, Comitissa Johann a desBarres, 189. Surr’, Comes, Johannes deWarenna, 162. Sussex, 34, 52, 74, 106, 107, 228, 242. Suth’, Comitatus, &c., 37, 57, 90, 204, 232. Suthcote, Rogerus de, Prior West- monasterii, 251, 252, 253, 268, 270, 271, 272. Suthflete, Terra et Tenementa in, 243. Suthmolton’, Manerium de, 176. Suthorp’, 174. Suthton’, Henricus de, 263, 264. Suthwerk’, 264, 265, 287. Suthwerk’, Johannes filius Johannis le Verrer de, 263, 269. Suthwerk’, Willielmus de, — et Wil- lielmus filius ejus, 263. Suthwyk’, Ricardus de, 48. Sutton’, Henricus de, 270. Sutton’, Villa de, in Com’ Devon’, 97. Swallowefeld’, Manerium de, 244. Swalwefeld’, Manerium de, in Co- mitatu Berk’, 174. Swanlond’, Thomas de, 162, 163. Sweyneston’, Manerium de, 51. Swithuni Wynton’, Prior et Con- ventus Sancti, 51, 83. Swyne, la, in Flandr’, 88. Swyneho, 62. Swynford, Johannes de, 177. 344 INDEX. X T. Tadyngeston’, 57. Taillour, Adinet, 295. Taillour, Augustinus le, 297. Taillour, Galfridus le, 77. Taillour de Westmonasterio, Gil- bertus le, 297. Taillour de Sumerfeld’, Willielmus le, 35. Taillur, Ricardus le, et Johanna filia ejus, 269. Taleboth, Ermedrud’, uxor Henrici filii Geraldi, 74. Tamisis, Aqua, 265. Tamworth’, Nicholaus de, 192. Taneto, Insula de, 190. Tange, Andreas de, 134. Tankarvill’, Tankervill’, Comes de, 187, 196, 199, 205. Tanregge, Walterus de, 296. Tanschilf, Manerium de, 65. Taraseonia, 154. Tarasconias, Archiepiscopus, 154. Tartays, Gerardus de, — Dominus de Puyan’, 248. Taverner, Jacobus le, 254, 270. Taverner, Nicholaus le, 269. Taverner, Ricardus le, 297. Taylour, Warinus le, 299. Tegulator, Hamo, 36. Templarii, 25. Templariorum, Confessio, 95. Templariorum, Regula, 106. Templi, Fratres Miliciae, 80. Tendringe, 79. Teokebur’, Manerium de, 112. Terra, Sancta, 4, 19, 20, 29, 33, 80, 86, 98, 101, 104. Tettebury, Thomas de, 176. Tewgeret Voel de Roffefeire, 119. Thanandeuery, Villa et Castrum de, 113. Theodoricus Comes Flandriae, etH. filius suus, 146. Th’l’en, Cantredus, 116. Thomas Cantuar’ Archiepiscopus, Sanctus, 104. Thomas nuper Comes Lancastriae, 168. Thomas Comes Lancastr ias, et Alesia quondam uxor ejus, 63. Thomas Episcopus Exon’, The- saurarius Angliae, 227. Thomas filius Mauricii, 114, 122. Thomas filius Regis Angliae, 108, 200, 205. Thorel, Willielmus, 293. Thoresby, Johannes de, 158, 160. Thorley, 64. Thorneye, 52. Thornton’, Manerium de, 72. Thorp’, Willielmus de, 166,180. Tiberis, Leonardus de, 30. Tibtoft, Johannes Dominus de, — Custos Villas Berewyci, 161. Tiryngton’, Tyrington’, Willielmus de, 193, 210, 211, 213, 214, 230. Titebrust, Galfridus de, 299. Tolletaneus, Rodericus Archiepis- copus, 106. Torel, Willielmus, 253, 258, 295. Torgold’, Johannes, 200. Torlaston’, Ricardus Barry de, 79. Torpel, Manerium de, 62. Torueston’, Manerium de, 62. Totel’, Manerium de, 69. Totesham, Ricardus de, Miles, 245. Totintone, Totyntone, 73, 74. Traiere, Robertus le, 297. Trefgarnet in Angleseia, Gronou Gragh’ de, 119. Tregoz, Robertus de, et Alicia filia sua, 73. Tregoz, Robertus de, et Lucia filia sua, 74. Trentam, Inquisitiones captas, &c., citra et ultra, 97, 98. 216. Trentam, Halton super, 63. INDEX. 345 Trente, Civis London’, Willielmus, 77. Trentemars, Johannes, 294. Trewyk’, Margeria de, 46. Tristeldermod’, Manerium de, 123. Trode, Augustinus, 37. Trowe, Manerium de, 106. Tryngham, Manerium de, 106. Tulere, Gerardus le, 298. Turnai, Johannes de, 151. Turnou sur le Rone, William Seig- neur de, 99. Turns de la Chapelle, 223. Turris London’, Tour de Londres, 126, 160, 162, 167, 169, 170, 175, 182, 186, 197, 269, 271, 274, 275, 292. Turris, Warda, 255. Turuey, Robertus de, 295. Tusard, Cecilia, 58. Twynham, Manerium Ecclesiae Christi de, 42, 90. Twyverton’, Ricardus fihus Philippi Lovecok de, 91. Tynam, Novum Castrum super, 75, 87, 129, 130. Tyndale, Dominium de, 233. Tyndale, Neuborgh’ in, 108. Tyrel, Hugo, 122. Tyriton’, Willielmus de, 181. u. Ufford’, Johannes de, Cancellarius, 161. Uggelee, Uggele, Johannes de, 261, 268, 269, 290, 297. Upton’, Johannes Bray de, 179. Upton’, Manerium de, 62. Urbanus, Papa, IV., ( Jacobus Pan- taleon. Patriarch of Jeru- salem,) 9, 13, 14, 31, 32. Urbino, Prior de, 30. Uuedale, Thomas, 196. V. Vaghan, Resus, Dominus de Dyne- vour, 81. Vahan, Ythel, 120. Vale, Robertus de, 63. Valencia, Adomarus de, Comes Pembrochise, 40, 49, 76. Valencia, Willielmus de, quondam Comes Pembrochias, 40, 119. Valle, Robertus de, 120. Vallem, La Hulle juxta, 63, 120 . Vasconia, 17, 20, 51, 92, 93, 94, 98, 126, 139, 148, 151, 178, 197, 208, 209, 213. Vecta, Insula, 51, 63, 163, 199. Velin, Neuwith, 120, 121. Venaciarum, Prior, 30. Vendosme, Comes de, 187. Venduyn, Johannes de, 77. Vernoun, Ricardus de, 42. Verrer de Suthwerk’, Johannes le, et Johannes filius ejus, 263, 269. Verrer, Johannes filius Johannis le, 275. Vesci, Johannes de, 62, 77, 80, 138. Vesci, Johannes de, et Isabella uxor ejus, 74. Vescy, Isabella de Bello Monte — Domina de, 42, 129. Vescy, Willielmus de, 77, 122. Veteri Wyndesore, Manerium de, 180. Vezano, Gifridus de, 26. Vicentiniensis Episcopus, 16, 17, 133. ( Vienne , Vyenne .) Vienne, 30. Vienne, lEvesche de, 99. Vyenne, Dolfinus de, 37. VOL. I. B B 346 INDEX. ( Vienne , Vyenne — continued. ) Vyenne, Jacobus de, 203. Vienneys, Chastel de Seint George en, 99. Villanfant, Johannes de Noefchastell Dominus de, 194. Vineter, Johannes le, 162. Vinetriae, Warda, 256. Violanta filia Vicecomitis Medio- lani, 214. Viroler, Rogerus le, 295. Viuonia, Hugo de, 77. Voel de Roffefeire, Tewgeret, 119. Voyl Coh, 120. Vulpellus, Labrus, 78, 99. Vyel, Robertas, 298. Vygorria, 199. Vymeo, Castrum et Villa de Heli- curia in, 200. w. W. Archiepiscopus Eborum, 66. W. Episcopus Coven tr’ et Liche- felden’, 90, 126. W. Comes Albemarliae, 75. Wadele, Manerium de, 244. Wadenho, 64. Wadington, 63. Wadington, Villa de, 52. Wake, Johannes, 41, 42. Wake, Thomas, 195. Wakefeld’, Advocatio Ecclesiae de, 167. Walda, Willielmus de, 74. Walebrok’, 285, 292. Walebrok’, Warda de, 256. Walerand’, Robertas de, 89. Waleton’, Manerium de, 43, 265. Waleys, Willielmus le, 134. Walkringham, 68. X Wallia, 1, 4, 8, 21, 29, 34, 39, 40, 44, 59, 63, 87, 98, 101, 106, 107, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 161. Walliae, Guerra, 115. Walliae, Marchia, 42. Walliae, Rotulus de idyomate, 116. Walliae, Statuta, 116. Walliae, Dominus Princeps, 161, 162, 207, 225. Walliae, Dominus Princeps Aqui- tanniae et, 198, 208, 240. Walliae, Edwardus Princeps, 38, 74, 96, 105. Walliae, Edwardus Princeps, et Comes Comitatus Pontivi, 145. Walliae, Princeps Leulinus, 14, 1 14, 115, 116, 118. Walliae, Rex, 119. Walpol, Walterus de, 258, 293 296. Walteri, Robertas filius, 49, 102 Walterus filius Ricardi le Sauvage, 72. Walterus filius Willielmi de Mul- hurst, 264, 270. Waltham, Conventus de, 54. Waltham, Foresta de, 54. Walworth’, Willielmus de, Civis London’, 236. Wan tenge, Henricus de, 293. Wappenham, Manerium de, 38. Wardington’, 64. Ware, Manerium de, 41, 42. Ware, Ricardus de, Abbas Westm’, Thesaurarius Angliae, 89. Ware, Rogerus la, 57, 60. Warefeld’, Adam de, Sacrista West- monasterii, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 265, 267, 268, 269, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281, 282, 284, 287, 292. Warefeld, Henricus de, 298. Warennia, Johannes de, Comes Surr’, 1 62. INDEX. 347 Warennise, Comes, 168. Warenniae, Johannes Comes, 34. Warini, Petrus filius, 81. Warini, Willielmus filius, 78. Warr’, Comes, 88. Warrenne, Comes, 76, 194. Warrewyk’, Comes, 162. Warrewyk’, Comes, Guido de Bello Campo, 38. Warrewyk’, Comitatus, 123, 224, 239. Warrewyk’, Comitissa de, Ela, 43. Waterford’, Stephanus Episcopus, 124. Watevill’, Johanna de, 79. Watford’, Redditus in, 36. Watton’, Manerium de, 37. Wauberg’, 236. Wayte de Westmonasterio, Gil- bertus le, 269. Wedone Pynkeny, Wedon’ Pyn- keneye, Manerium de, 38, 175. Weibrigg’, Manerium de, 71. Welde, Willielmus atte, 299. Well’, Manerium de, 43. Welleborn’s Welleburn’, Manerium de, 42, 74. Wellen’ vel Walen’, Archidiaconus, 89. Wellen’ et Bathon’, Episcopus, 147. Wellen’, R. Episcopus Bathon’ et — Cancellarius Anglise, 89. Wendelyngburgh’, Gilbertus de, 162, 163. Wendleswrth’, 264. Wendleswrth’, Galfridus atte Stigle de, 265. Weng’, Villa de, 74. Wengham, Henricus de, 89. Wenlok’, Hamo de, 269, 276. Wenlok’, Johannes de, 266. Wenlok’, Reymundus de, 266. Wenlok’, Roger, Rogerus, de, 267, 268, 269, 276, 280, 284, 293. Werplesdon’, Villa de, 172. Weseford’, Comitatus, 122. Wesenham, Johannes de, 159, 183. Wesseyl juxta Athelwelle, Pastura, 37. Westclyve, Manerium de, 57. Westmerl’, Comitatus, 235. ( Westminster , Westmonasterium, &fc.) Westmonasterium, 65, 82, 83, 102, 113, 163, 166, 172, 185, 198, 212, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 275, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 286, 290, 291, 294. Westmonasterii, Abbas et Con- ventus, Abbatia, Ecclesia, &c., 9, 11, 69, 90, 103, 110, 158, 161, 270, 298, 299. Westmonasterii, Ecclesia et Curia, 109. Westm’,Freytour del’Abbaye, 284. Westm’, Monachi de, 257, 269. Westmonasterii, Abbas, Ricardus deWare Thesaurarius Regis, 89. Westmonasterii, Prior R. de Suth- cote, 270. Westm’, Thomas de Dene Mona- chus de, 268. Westmonasterii, Adam de Warefeld’ Sacrista, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 275, 276, 278, 280, 292. Westmonasterii, Hamo Serviens Ecclesias, 280. Westmonasterii, Capella Sanctae Marias, 267. Westmonasterii, Capella Sancti Ste- phani infra Palacium, 164, 182. Westmonasterii, Magna Aula, 261. Westmonasterii, Scaccarium apud, 124, 184. Westmonasterii, Seynte Margarete, 277. B B 2 318 INDEX. % ( Westminster , Westmonasterium, 8fc. — continued.) Westm’, Thesauraria infra Claus- trum Abbatia?, Thesauraria Regis apud Westm’, 156, 157, 160, 161, 164, 165, 168, 169, 179, 191, 248, 251, 252, 267, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 280, 283, 285, 292. Westm’, Vinetarii apud, 43. Westm’, Gilbertus le Taillour de, 297. Westmonasterio, Gilbertus leWayte de, 269. Westmonasterio, Johannes le Riche de, 262, 270, 293. Westmonasterio, Odo de, 46. Westmonasterio, Roger us de, 270, 299. Weston’, Johannes de, 57. Weston’, Manerium de, 45, 52. Weston’, Ricardus, 298, 299. Westwyk’, Hugo, 158. Wetewang, Walterus de, 160, 163. Weybrigg’, 71. Weylande, Ricardus de, 74. Weylande, Thomas de, 1 05. Whaddon’, Johannes, 226. Whcler de Craule, Henricus le, 178. Wherleton’, Castrum de, 177. Whetele, 37. Whetele, Manerium de, 54. Wiburn’, Michael de, 295. Wicchemere, Manerium de, 206. Wikeham, Willielmus de, 244. Wildemor, Mora de, 63. ( Willielmus , William , Sfc.) Willielmus Clericus Domini Henrici le Scrop, 231. Willielmus Comes Pontivi et Mons- terolli, 143. William Counte de Rosse, 127, 128. Willielmus Dux Juliacen’, 208. Willielmus Episcopus Wynton’, 218. Willielmus EpiscopusWynton’,Can- cellarius Angliae, 164, 168, 191, 215. Willielmus Episcopus Wynton’, Thesaurarius Angliae, 168, 221 . Willielmus Alius Guidonis Comitis Flandriae, 148, 151. Willielmus filius Johannis Clerici de Norton’, 72. Willielmus filius Rogeri de Ley- burn, 57. Willielmus filius Thomae de Drei- ton’, 74. Willielmus filius Warini, 78. Willielmus filius Willielmi de Suth- werk’, 263. Willielmus Marchio Juliacen’, 178, 179. Willielmus Rex Scociae vel Scot- torum, 127, 128. William Seignour de Turnou sur le Rone, 99. Willielmus, Vadlectus Domini Ar- naldi de Campan’, 267. Willielmus, Valletus Willielmi de Kele, 296. Willielmus, Vicarius de Cukefeld’, 78. Willilegh’, Nicholaus de, 73. Wiltes’, Comitatus, 39, 106, 232. Wissi, Thomas, 121. Witcherch’, Manerium de, cum Advocatione Ecclesiae, 57, 60. Withyhill’, Manerium de, 106. Wixbrigg’, Manerium de, 63. Wlleore, Davit de, 176. Wode, Dominus Johannes atte, 214. Wode, Petrus atte, 216. Wodeburgh’, Radulphus de, 56. Wodepury, Manerium de, 177. Woderewe, Manerium de, 62. Wodestoke, Edmundus de, Comes Kane’, 174. INDEX. 3F9 Wodestoke,Woddestok, Thomas de, 204, 221. Wodestoke, Dominus Thomas de, — filius Regis Angliae, 169, 189, 209. Wodestoke, Thomas de, — filius Re- gis, — Gustos Angliae, 190. Wolleore, Wollore, Sire David de, 181, 182, 183, 219. Wolmare, Foresta de, 249. Wolnoth, 291. Wolueston’, Ricardus de, 53. Worfeld’, Ecclesia de, Lichefelden’ Diocesis, 232. Worldham, 242, 249. Worplesdon’, Manerium de, 206. Worth’, Manex-ium de, 199, 200. Worthestede, Robertus de, 295. Worthingbury, 113. Worthingbury, Villa de, cum Advo- catione Ecclesiae, 72. Woxebrigg’, Willielmus Molendi- narius de, et Ricardus et Robertus filii ejus, 47, 48. Wren, 121. Wren Velin, 120. Wrenok’, Oweyn filius, 119. Wych’ de Derteford’, Ricardus de, 78. Wychehambrok’, Advocatio Eccle- siae de, 63. Wyght, insula de, 42, 90. Wygorn’, Episcopus, 14, 94. Wygorn’, W. Episcopus, 24, 103. Wygorn’, Episcopus vel Minister, Walterus, 79. Wyk’, Villa de, 43. Wyk’ sur Hull, Villa de, 50. Wyke, Thomas de, 294. Wykeham, 206. Wykeham, Dominus Willielmus de, 180, 206. Wykeham, Willielmus de, Episco- pus Wynton’, 216. Wykford’, Robertus de, 172. Wykford’, Robertus, Constabularius Villae Bordigal’, 240, 241. Wykwane, Reginaldus de, 42. Wylfaith’, Terra in, 114. Wylugby, Ricardus de, 159. Wymbeldon’, 264. Wymbourn’, Michael de, 296. Wympler, Johannes le, 294. Wynchelse, R. de, Archiepiscopus Cantuar’, 97. Wyndesore, Castrum de, 217. Wyndesore, Capella infra Castrum de, 179. Wyndesore, Foresta de, 54. Wyndesore, Manerium de, 206. Wyndesore, Manerium de Veteri, 180. Wyndesore, Johannes de, 72. ( Wynton ’ , Wi/ncestre.) Wynton’, 94. Wynton’, Episcopus, 6, 32, 83, 91, 103, 163, 199, 219, 265. Wynton’, Episcopus, Johannes, 51. Wynton’, Episcopus, Willielmus, 218. Wynton’, Episcopus, Willielmus de Wykeham, 216, 218. Wynton’, Episcopus, Willielmus, Cancellarius Angliae, 188, 190, 191, 192, 215, 221, 227. Wynton’, Episcopus, Willielmus, Thesaurarius Angliae, 164, 168. Wyncestre, 1 Evesq, de, Tresorier d Engleterre, 175. Wynton’, Prior etConventus Sancti Swythuni, 51, 83. Wyrardesbury, Advocatio Ecclesiae de, 160. Wyseton’, 68. Wytegish’, Manerium de, 65. Wytteneye, Johannes de, 279, 281. Wyvelcote, 73. % 350 INDEX. Y. Yaroum, Manerium de, 177. Ydenne, Manerium de, 36. Yeruerh’, Kenewreyk’ filius, 121. Yeruerh’, Madocus filius, 121. Yong’, Moricius, 247. Ythel’, Philippus filius, 121. z. Zaintoinge, Zantonia, Dominium, &c. de, 203, 205, 209. Zeland’, 201. Zouche de Haryngworth’, Williel- mus la, 246. END OF VOL. I. o N London : Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoodf., Printers to the King’s most Excellent Majesty. 1836. / s \ I \ 86 Mi '- v sS5i WnSS® hShhS^^k mhh ass s pap M ■■■■■ cate MWjgjg \ V ■ •'- gj pjppP ^ IwliB msBBSmmBM ■•>?: B MW ■ — CSy rmrtre ^‘, X s ‘X$£ 8EEteH' IwWMf ^SSSiS: BFMMv v> !!F XT l r .A wMaiamJB 68 Bfc