CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF PICTURES , ROBERT L® NY, Esq. DECEASED; Which he formed during a long g rrinawaf Ynr without Regard to Expence, out of the principal Cabinets of Italy and elsewhere. CHEF DYEUYRES OF THE FOLLOWING AND OTHER GREAT ^§T^RS: COMPRISING PIETRO PERUGINO ifEd^-AR'bb 1 ks-k •vAdt ' - - FRA. BARTOLOMEO MICHAEL ANGELO S A phase; JULIO ROMAN O j ; ANDREA DEL SARTO CORREGGIO PARMEGIANO B. SCHIDONE TORINO LUDOVICO CARACCI ANNIBALE CARACCI VIDELICET : AGOSTINO CARACCI DON D. VELASQUEZ i GUIDO DIVLKO MOllALLSrS GUERCINO N1COLO POUSSIN SASSAFERRATO RUBENS D0MENICHINO VANDYKE A LBANO JOli DA fCN S TITIAN . SNYDERS GIORGIONE 1 ' REMBRANDT TINTORETTO PAOLO VERONESE BASSVN'n J " CLAUDE LORRAINE SALVATOR ROSA W. VAN DE VELDE BACKHUYSEN #C. 6ic~ Obtained principally OM^ v/ t.he y Cpbinets of . The King of Naples at Monte. The Duke ’ Cardinal Aldobrandinj. Marquis Pucci. Prince Chigi. Marquis Gerini. D. Livio Odeschalci, Duke of Brasehiano. Palavicini. Barbarigo. Signor Taddeo Taddei. Due de la Valiere. &c. 6cc. :aoq .L v- •n < Y: jO dvodfio.ij Hiiw T-ri' ! / 7 7 % Coates Flemish / *2 / / / 2 7 3 |, «^T ^Pp an ^°^ e1:t * 1 ' 3 Guercino Carravaggio Genere Barocci Ghisolphi /$? /*•* X WELVE Drawings, Rowlinson, two imi tations, and eight glazed frames 2 Four Portraits in Crayons 3 Two Heads and a Conversation 4 Two Ditto, and a Portrait of a Bishop 5 Two Studies of Heads 6 A Bacchanalian 7 The Tribute Money 8 The Reposo 9 Ruins 10 Seneca at the Bath 1 1 An Old Man’s Head 12 A Landscape I rfyMf Old Teniers' 3 2 Ditto - A 7 ™ - y j ^ S. Rosa /$ 6 / 0 $ Viviano 2 Dominichino Bodwyns A. Van Veldt /6 Backhuysen #; g L. da Vinci * ¥ Guercino \ i \ P. Vecchia - Ah 10 / ^ 4^ O L. da Vince a a [0 Sachleven ^ ^ D. da Voltera Rubens /? yxvieiger * Tj. / Glauber D JanMiel - 3 2 A * ts 6 3 % w f S3 #F. Mola - /7 /7 6 Corre § io ■ g \ % ^PBrughel- y a c Maratti " A A- ,F. Mola - 2 / * * t) / f> fa S. Rosa //, ^ * Breembergh - 2i> - Murillio 27 n / s ' Rosa ’ li Schidone ^ Brackenburgh ^ A. V. Bredel F. Furino 13 A Landscape, with Adam and Eve 14 A Female Head 15 A Pair of Landscapes, on copper 16 A Pair, Vertumnus and Pomona, and Time Clipping the Wings of Cupid 17 A Pair of Views in Italy 18 Mercury and Argus 19 A Pair of Landscapes and Cattle 20 A Pair of Cattle Pieces 21 A Sea Piece 22 A Female Head 23 Seneca in the Bath 24 The Sacrifice of Pelyxena, from the Harrington Collection 25 A Head, in a Circle 26 A Pair of Views in the Rhine 27 Lucretia 28 A Pair of small Landscapes 29 A Sea Piece 30 A' Landscape and "Figures 31 A Pair of Views in Italy 32 Head of St. John 33 Pair of Conversations 34 A Merry Making -35 The Flaying of Marcius 36 The Holy Family* in a Circle, a Cabinet Jewel 37 A Landscape and Figures 38 Cleopatra 39 St. Bruno, in a Solitary Desert, contemplating a Crucifix which he holds in his hand, ani mated and fine 40 A Landscape, very spirited 41 A Pair of Landscapes 42 St. Francis erjVbr&oing Christ on his Cross 43 A Pair of Incantations, Circular 44 A Magdalen C 5 ] / ■Zjft 5 - AO * /$ '/*T\< ' /p . Hu#* 37 - n f//- // / /O /6 'A /oo /?■ n /f A /? Vandyck L. Agricolo Vandyck Giorgione Caracci Guido Titian Guido 26 . .. L. Cangiagio del Sarto 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 U Afr A 37 Zuccliarelli - 76 46 Bolognese - D. Calvert - S. Rosa 77 78 79 3 b r 2 $- $■ / i grand stile ofcha- [ 6 ] A Reposo with a groupe of Angels dancing, and a choir of them in the Air playing on in- struments A View from Nature Esther and Ahasuerus A Portrait of a Young Man, racter and colouring Venus and Satyr The Infant Jesus Lot and his Daughters Venus embracing Cupid, large as life, the color- ing remarkably brilliant ; from the Salviati Collection Bathsheba at the Bath The Virgin seated, with the Infant Jesus on her Knee, embraced by her left Arm, his head turned towards St. John, who is supported by Elizabeth and two Angels, painted in the most finished manner, in perfect pre- servation. jtii jtpUtit £4* It was painted by order of Oclavio cte Medi„ who was Andrio’s great Patron. See Vasari, edition of 1550 , third part, page 768, it was bought of the Duke of Salviati at Florence A Landscape, Figures Bathing, one of the finest works of this esteemed Master A Landscape, a grand composition, very capital The Lyric Muse Fortune, represented by a Female Figure seated on a Globe, covering her eyes with one hand and with the other scattering riches oyer the World. The Globe is supported by three beautiful boys allusive of her in- stability This capital Picture was painted for the Marquis Girine during his residence with his Family at Florence A t/ / *£s'4**- / / M. Venusti - 80 [ 7 ] Michael Angelo’s Dream, executed from the celebrated design, universally known by that appellation, it represents Man in his natural State , seated on a Sarcophagus, on which are emblems of the deceptions which Man is subject to, when he places his de- pendance on the the things of this World. This interesting Picture belonged to Cardinal Aldobrandini of Florence. Its merits are too obvious to Prematiccio S. Bourdon - Ut Velasquez - P. Perugino Parmegiano Guido /C£ 40 ^ Ostade '4 Z/z 2q P. Neefs L. da Vinci the true Connoisseur to need any further encomium. 81 Hercules teaching Achilles the Use of the Bozo, a beautiful gem. This charming Picture was in the Collection of Dr. Mead 82 The Miracle of casting out the Devil into an Herd of Swine, a grand composition, and painted in the master's finest manner 83 The Gamesters, a fine clear picture 84 The Virgin seated, the Infant Jesus on her Knee, with Saints and Angels surrounding her in Adoration ; on a thick circular pan- nel, a fine specimen of the master, in the highest state of preservation, from the Sal- viati Collection, truly capital 85 The Marriage of St. Catharine, a cabinet Jewel 86 Lucretia medidating the Act she was about to put in Execution ; her Eyes looking up, her right Hand resting on the Dagger, on a Cushion ; her Body naked from the Waist : from the Salviati Collection 87 A rustic Scene, with Cottage and Boors; a fine Specimen of the Master ; in fine Preservation 88 The Inside of a Church, highly finished 89 A Portrait, called the Jocunda, Mistress of Francis I. King of France. — This exquisite Work is painted on Paper ; from the Col- lection of the Duke Salviati at Florence v [ 8 3 ? /$fA- 3 ■■ <3. a L. da Vinci. $ 7 23 6s Teniers Ditto Gaetano Fra. Bartolomeo /j/S- /$ 3 90 A Portrait of Francis the First-; half figure, large as life. It was brought from Spain by the old Earl of Harrington, who received it as a Present from the King of Spain, when he was Ambassador there : on a Medallion that fastens a Part of his Dress is a Portrait of his favourite Lady, called the Jocunda 91 A Flemish Fete, a charming Specimen of this highly esteemed Master 92 Ditto, its Companion, of equal Merit 93 The Annunciation of the Virgin, brilliantly coloured, and in fine Preservation 94 The Virgin with the Infant Jesus on her Knee, and St. John with his Hands clasped, in the act of Adoration, called La Madona della Seggiola; figures large as life, painted on a square board, the .corners rounded off within the frame. The following account of this Picture was given by the late Mr. R. Udney in his catalogue. This lovely and exquisitely fine Picture being exactly the same .composition as that in the palace Pitti at Florence by Raphael, which was supposed to be his original idea, ^ naturally has led most people who have seen this to conclude it must be a fine old copy from that ; instead of which, such documents were produced and are still existing, as prove the very reverse, and that Raphael took the idea from the Frate ; and to satisfy the curious of this absolute fact, the following is copied from an account written by Consul Udney of Leghorn, relating-, particularly to this Picture, and that of the Holy Family^K representing the Taddei family, by Raphael. (See No. “ Being particularly partial to the works of Fra. Bartolomeo, l made it my study to find them out, and examine them where they were to be met with. « The principal ones were collected by the Medici “ family in the gallery of Florence and palace Pitti ; “ and some others I found by records in the family of v A Au^f- 9 '"/TlU' '/j/S' /?> J >2 Rembrandt - j? Baroccio £A P - M1 - /6 '/a Bronzino - 95 ; 9 g 97 98 n M. Angelo Caravaggio 99 “ the descendants of a certain Signor Taddio Taddei, “ who in his time possessed a famous collection of “ Pictures, some of which still remained when I visited “ that house in the year 1778, though the greatest part “ had been sold before to many Florentine famiiies. It “ appeared that there had subsisted between Fra. Bar- “ tolomeo and Taddio Taddei a most intimate friend- “ ship, some time in- the fourteenth century ; that the “ Frate painted for him on a square board (the corners “ rounded off within the frame) the Virgin caressing “ Jesus on her knee, and St. John behind with his hands “ clasped. It is remarkable that Raphael, when sent “ from Urbino to Florence, was recommended to “ Taddio Taddei ; and seeing in his house the above “ Picture, took from it the idea, and painted the “ Madonna della Seggiola, now in the palace Pitti, “ which is in his last grand manner, imitating the Frate “ in every thing excepting the colouring, which is not “ so high. These Pictures, namely, the Madona della “ Seggiola by the Frate, and the Holy Family by “ Raphael, after passing through different hands, were “ found by me in the house of the Marquis Albergotti ** “ (of Perugia) at Arizzo, near Florence, from whom I “ bought them both." — “ Nothing proves stronger the “ esteem in which Raphael held Fra. Bartolomeo's “ compositions, than his painting this beautiful one of “ the Madona della Seggiola, and indeed evidently “ studying him in many other instances,” The above Picture was brought to this country at the same time the Danae by Corregio was, and has always had a glass before it. 2 feet 6 inches diameter within the frame. Head of a Rabbi Portrait of An. Carracci An Upright Landscape, Figures by Carracci The Adoration of the Shepherds, a small Model for his celebrated Picture in the Church of St. Lorenzo at Florence — Engraved The Gamesters Mp- A- * 100 The Portrait of a Cardinal Colonna; three Quarters; in the most delicate Style of this elegant Painter B t 10 1 > 0/S- /% / 21 7 %> Perino del Yaga 2% !/i Ditto - 3 i 1 L. Carracci - 4/ D. Velasquez / 2 Guido / Schidone 42 Raphael F. Bartolemeo /- /• 101 Sea Nymphs — (the upper Corners cut off.) This beautiful Picture was in the Catalogue of the Parma Pictures, call by Parmegiano : nothing can surpass the Elegance and Colouring of this fine Picture, and the Companion 102 The Companion, equally fine 103 The Angel appearing to Joseph and the Virgin, a beautiful small Picture called in the Colonna Catalogue this Master ; but it may be an highJinished work of Albano 104 The Portrait of Clement XIII. a true and faithful representation of Nature 105 A Magdalen, figure to the knee, large as life : Was brought last from the King of Naples's Collection at Capo di Monte; and was ever admired and esteemed as one of the finest Works of the Master 106 A Holy Family, one of the grandest pictures of this Master ; it was at Capo di Monte 107 The Portrait of Pope Leo the Tenth. It is the Picture for which Leo sat to him, and from which Raphael painted the large one 108 The Virgin seated, with the infant Jesus on her knee, St. John standing at her side, and’ Angels surrounding her ; all portraits of the Corsini family, for whom it was painted, and in whose palace it had' constantly re- mained till it was brought lately to this country. It is a sweet and beautiful com- position, and fine work of the master End of the Firft Day’s Sale. ^ccontj Bag’s g>ale, SATURDAY, MAY the 19th, 1804, PICTURES. Coates $ & C. Maratti » o'. ./? Ryckaert - f4f 4 Vernet y £ Poussin % Baroccio ■jL ^ ^ Kobinson ^ tO t> Bourgonraie r> /£ i Marlow • j,' /f V P ' Hackart ' / J 0 s - Ricci ^ JJ C Lanfranco - ^ ^ 0 P. Hackart - *2- ^ Teniers ^ Guercino _ _ 50 j Garofalo 66 .6 # 1 A Female Portrait 2 A Pair of Drawings 3 A Conversation 4 Italian Fisherman 5 A Sacrifice 6 A Reposo 7 A View of the Cascatelli at Tivoli 8 A Battle Piece 9 A View of the Adelphi 10 A View in the Neighbourhood of Naples, inclu- ding the King’s Garden at Caserta 1 1 The Sciences 12 An old Head 13 A View of Vaucleuse, the residence of Petrarch and Laura 14 A single Figure, small whole length 1 5 David, from the Salviati Collection 16 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus on her Knee holding a Carnation (which the Painter put to his finest works works, as a mark analo- gous to his name) f)0- ti- ff / . //• ff L. Carracci - 17 7 ff ff Albano 13 / 3 0 ff S. Rosa - 19 X 7 ff N. Poussin ■;> 20 4 /4 * Ditto ] - 21 3 rs / Murillio - • ■ ' - 22 4 // / Baroccio 23 7 ' Corregio 24 S S - ff D. Fetti 25 7 ' 7 ff Baroccio 26 33 /2 ff Ditto - 27 ff Dominichino 28 4 /ff, 4 Albano 29 %/• ff 0 Raphael 30 % 77 : '• ,6 ff A Del Sarto Ditto 31 32 //• ff t Guido 33 /* // 4 3 ■ & /$ ■ ff 4 - / - 7 C. Lorraine J. Romano Canaletti Titian 34 35 36 37 38 /// // ffy C.Doke - , /ff - ff S. Faratte - - 39 [ i* ] A Virgin and Infant Jesus standing by her side ; from the Salviati Collection Three Bacchanalians, crowned with Grapes A small circular Landscape ; a fine romantic scence The Burial of Julius Caesar; a slight sketch The Triumph of Bacchus; companion to the foregoing Children punishing a Satyr ; A Portrait A Head of the Virgin and Infant Jesus ; a fine study on paper, probably for the Parma picture A Beggar at the Gates of Rome, laughing at the Folly of Riches St. Catherine ; the face looking up in adoration ; from the Salviati collection The Vision of St. Francis The Baptism of the Eunuch The Rape of Proserpine ; in the style of Caracci The Virgin, Child, and St. John Petrach, from Fresco Paintings by Cimabua Laura, Ditto St. Gregory; a sketch for part of his large pic- ture at Bologna A small Landscape Jupiter and Ganymede, on slate, after RafFaelle A pair of Views in Venice, very fine Cupid standing on a Lion, emblematical of the power of Love, with a distant view of Venice ; described by Ridolfi in the life of that master ; it belonged to the family of Bernardi St. Agnes holding the Lamb in her Arms, painted on a gold ground ; from the Salviati col- lection A Magdalen in the Act of Devotion 4 * 7 - *'*• 2 d- Dominichino F. Mola 2/ G. Poussin - 7 * ' - ‘ J. Romano 42 Jordaens <- - /S- G. Douw fa. L. Caracci - a A. Del Sarto //. Parmegiano 16 Vernet 3 fa ' Rembrandt - S*- S. Bourdon - * r : ! : • : i.o ■ 3 & / ; : IS- Corregio - /?■ Guercino If i.: JZ*- xt- & /f /?■ L. Caracci - Vandeveldt - Corregio Parmegiano * G. Bassan - 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 D1 58 59 Snyders 60 Ditto - - 61 Bernards Strozzi, il 62 Genoese - &?/. /f -z t ij The Stoning of St. Stephen j Very fine The Death of Adonis A Landscape : The BirtH of Christ The Fable of the Satyr and the Traveller The Two Philosophers Europa; a study for the large picture of the same subject in the Farnese palace at Rome The Angel appearing to Zacharias, and the com- panion, The Birth of St. John The Portrait of Parmegiano, very fine The Bay of Naples The Head of an Old Woman and a Hermit A Pairs the Murder of the Innocents, and the Pest, itS !l Companion, in circles j painted at the time he was studying the fine Masters of Italy, spirited and fine The Virgin and Infant Jesus, after A Female Saint, full of expression A Crucifix from a Design of M. Angelo Psyche embracing Cupid, from the Salviati Collection A Fresh Gale The Madona and Infant Jesus, a beautiful and well-known Composition The Virgin seated with the Infant Jesus before her, resting upon a Globe, holding a Rose Lazarus at the Rich Man’s Table. The vo- luptuary is the Portrait of the Painter A Wolf Hunt, large as Life, capital A Boar Hunt, Ditto The Tribute Money, the coloring brilliant, design fine, and strong Expression in the different Characters It was last purchased from the Marquis Puco at Florence, and is described by Ceuchin in his Voyage Pittoresque d’ltalie ^i//. /r. t yUJyH 51 A. Del Sarto // L. Da Vinci MViC’Jl l£ SO£a( _, fv . ~ ' 24 Rubens h J. Romano - N. Poussin - 7 / Ditto - 77 J Rubens 27 - C. Lorraine - 42 _ Raffaelle AX> - [ i* ] 63 St. Joseph, the Virgin and Infant Jesus upon her Knee ; smaller than life, finely colored, and in perfect preservation : it is mentioned by Vasari, vol. ii. page 24, and also by Cinelli, page 273, from the Salviati col- * ^ lection 64 St. John the Baptist with his right Finger point- ing upwards, his left at his Breast, holding in his left Arm a Cane Cross ; as large as life : it was purchased last of the Caponi family at Florence, and was in the col- . lection of King Charles the 1st. ( vide King *,« Charles the Ist’s catalogue N°. 7.1 ) r St. Jerome at his Devotions, a Lion asleep at v his Side; large as life; the composition grand, and in the highest style of coloring . of the master Venus dissuading Adonis from going to the Chase, Figures as large as life, capital This well known Picture was one of the orna- ments of the Medician Villa, near Florence ^ A Landscape, representing a View of Neptune’s^®* «l v Grotto, the Sybil’s Temple, Rocco del Pape* n/J and the Town of Tivoli, a beautiful and interesting Picture 68 The Companion with a a View of the Lake of Albano, and the large Convent of the Car- thusians. 89 Andromeda chained to a Rock, whole Figure, large as life, capital * 70 A Maritime Landscape , possessing his usual glow ~ of colouring, capital 71 The Virgin seated with Infant Jesus on her Knee, upon a Cushion, his Left Hand resting on her Bosom V ' V v*» This was esteemed one of the finest works in •the Duke of Srjviati’s Palace, was one of the Collection * ' . ' - of Octaviano of Medici, and decended to the present ’ " * family, from whom it was purchased 65 66 67 ¥ T /vzS. / Giorgione nt C, Dolce "noi 21 biid £ Schfdone 22 V. Dyck - h Teniers hO Domenichino Jpl S. Rosa 30 Ditto - *9 Rembrandt - ^j^^Pynaker 2/2. a: /$■ . t >5 ] 72 A pastoral Poet; playing on a Musical Instrument to two Damsels seated on the Ground, the coloring equal to any of the finest works of Titian 73 The Triumph of Cupid, very fine It was-, well known in the Prince Chigi's Palace at Rome, presented by him to a Lady at Bologna, who sold it for 6000 Roman Crowns, in 1792 74 A large Landscape representing an Italian Sea Port ''ty 75 St. Roch healing the Sick in an Hospital, a* finished study for the large work by the same master, in the Church the Hospital, of St. Roch, at Venice, and which ewers one side of the refectory 7,6 A Musical Conversation, half figures, size of life, two of whom represent Petrarch and Laura, was bought of the nohle family Vendrameni of Venice, capital 47 • 77 A Holy Family, the Infant Jesus standing on a Cushion ; there is a sweetness of expression in flie countenance of him, as well as that of the Madona, that is not to be described 78 A Virgin and Child, the latter embracing the Cross, a charming expression of Character, undoubted 79 The Rape of .Sabines^ a sketch for a much larger work of the same subject, never executed *79 A Flemish Fete , painted with that spirit, for which he was so justly eminent fr/y - 80 . Angelica chained to a Rock, and rescued by Orlando 81 A Landscape; painted during the time that Master was at Rome 82 Its Companion, of equal merit 83 A Portrait of Rembrandt, painted with great truth and effect 84 A small Landscape, sun sitting, a cabinet jewel of the Master fyiy ■ $6 Schidone ifitffr- 6*0 " - Dominichino Titian /4f 3 Raphael /?* 0 ■ > $* [ ] 85 A Sea Piece 86 A Cattle Piece, a cabinet and undoubted Picture of the Master 87 The Virgin and Child attended by Angels 88 The Virgin holding on her Knee the Infant Jesus, supporting him on her right arm, in her left hand is a book; a beautiful and early Picture, painted on his first going to Flo- rence, is described by Cinelli, p. 286 89 The Sisters extracting the. Arrows from St. Sebas- tian ; was. in the old Parma Collection, and was plundered from Naples during the revo- lurion in Italy 90 A Magdalen, figure to the knee, large as life, A MOST CAPITAL AND GRAND WORK OF THIS MASTER' 91 A Portrait of the Mistress of Francesco Maria della Ravere, Duke of Urbino, and Nephew tp Julius the Second, painted with great spirit and sweetness of expression 92 The Holy Family ; the Virgin seated, holding a book s the infant Jesus on her knee, a bird in his hand, St. John near him in the act of; adoration ; Joseph resting his right hand on a stick, looks with complacency on the interesting objects before him. This Picture, independent of its excellence, is rendered still more interesting by its history. Raphael painted it when at Florence, residing in the house of Signor Taddio Taddei ; it repre- sents the portraits" of Signor Taddei, his wife and children; it was preserved witlf-. great care in the* Taddie family, and from them it was bought by the Marquis Chevalier- Albergotte' of Arizzo. See the paper on the back of the picture K collection Corregio $q?Z S • ^ 2477 ^ J Ifjl 2'^- $ ^ l 18, 1 99 The DANAE; whole Figures, rather smaller than Life. The following account of this Picture was given by the late 'Mr. Robert Udny in his Catalogue. The fame of this celebrated Picture is so generally known and well established, that is seems unnecessary to expatiate on its merits here, unless it is by transcri- bing the account giving of it by M. Mengs in his Life of th^ painter, for the satisfaction of those who may happen not to have met with it elsewhere, it is as follows: “ M. Mengs describes it to have “ painted by Correggio (on canvas) by order of the 44 Duke of Mantua, as a present for the Emperor 44 Charles the Fifth ; that it formed part of that Em- 44 peror’s Collection at Prague, which, on the capture “ of that city by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 44 were sent to Stockholm, where that Monarch never 44 returned' : that the Queen Christians! brought all that 44 Collection to Rome, which on her death was pur- 44 chased by the Pope’s nephew Odescalchi, and when 44 in his. possession an indifferent engraving was made 44 of the Danae. On the decease of Odescalchi, the 44 whole Collection was bought by the Regent of France, 44 the Duke of Orleans, and placed in the Palais “ Roy ale. It is a known fact, that about the year 44 1728, during a dangerous illness of the then Duke 44 of Orleans, son to the Regent, a bigotted friar, his 44 confessor, made the condition of his absolution the 44 ordering all the Pictures with naked figures in that 44 gallery to be destroyed; which was executed in his 44 presence by M. Charles Coypel, painter to the court : 44 he so contrived to cut the Danae in two places 44 without injuring the figures; and in four months 44 after, this Picture, with many others, was sold to 44 the noble Venetian Francis Lobia, as appears by 44 an original document in that family, where the other 44 Pictures remained, excepting the Danae, and in which 44 paper are specified the contents. That in the year 44 1776, the Danae being stolen from that family, 44 recourse was had to the inquisitors of the state, 44 when it was discovered that the youngest of the 44 three Lobia’ s had pawned it for a considerable sum. [ 19 ] That upon being called before the tribunal, he “ confessed the fact, but prayed that it might not “ return to the family as a token of a bad action u that he had committed, but that his brother should be ordered to charge him, out of his part of the u inheritance, at whatever sum it might be valued it. “ This being agreed to, and the Picture orderpd by “ the tribunal to lay concealed, it remained so till “ the next year, when the young Lobia going to “ Constantinople, made it over to the noble Venetian “ lady Madona latti Minotto, his friend, who recoveied “ it by disbursing the sum for which it was pawned # “ Whilst in her possession, she had it proposed to “ the Empress of Russia; but having demanded ten “ thousand sequins, the treaty did not take effect." After which, in the year 1780, it was proposed to Consul Udny at Leghorn, and, after much negotiation, he purchased it, and sent it to England in 1793; and it is now as pure and perfect as when it was first paintedjy rhere was in the Orle an s Collection an old copy of it. In short, it may be said without the smallest exaggeration, to be the finest and most perfect work of the master now in being. 5 ft. by ft 4 iu. ^ fay fa a yfat nn s. > , - | J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’* Lane. | [ ' ! ] ht ’■ ' I ' '