Ulrich Middeldorf USE OF STUDENTS; ILLUSTRATED BY FIFTY -ONE ENGRAVINGS, PLAIN AND COLOURED, CONTAINING SEVERAL HUNDRED EXAMPLES, FROM THE WORKS OF THE . GREATEST MASTERS. BY GEORGE HAMILTON, DRAWING-MASTER. Houtton : PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, No. 47, LUDGATE HILL ; AND TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS, WITH THE FULL ALLOWANCE TO MASTERS AND SCHOOLS. (Price Twenty -seven Shillings Half -hound.) 1812 . PREFACE. No Art is so instructive to the mind, so improving to the taste, and so pleasing an employment, as that of Drawing. Exercise and improvement in it bring us into contact, and intimate acquaintance, with every kind of object ; and an obligation to pourtray with accuracy, calls for the exertion of the most precise discrimination, and serves as a practical illustration of every species of knowledge. How vague are our conceptions of things before we have had occasion to draw their outline, shadow them, and colour them ! Drawing is, in fact, a universal lan- guage, intelligible to all nations, and in its exercise teach- ing universal knowledge. No study, therefore, is more beneficial to youth, none more useful in middle age, and none more gratifying in the listless period of decre- pitude. As a branch of liberal, and even of necessary and useful education, thi^ Art has long been generally IV PREFACE. recognized in considerable schools ; and if it has not been introduced more generally, the omission may perhaps be ascribed to the total want of an Elementary Book, serving as an Assistant to the Master, and as a practical guide to the Student. Such a Volume is here submitted to the Public ; its purpose being that of a book of examples, and a compendium of instruction for Drawing Masters — a substitute for living Instructors in Schools, where their assistance cannot be procured or afforded, — and a means, in many ne- cessary instances, of learning to draw without a Master. It is the Author’s presumption to believe, that the Student will be a Master of the Art as soon as he has produced perfect copies of the various examples con- tained in this Work, and has read, and studied with attention, the observations, instructions, and principles contained in the letter press. Aware, as the Author has repeatedly declared in the work, that none but superior examples should be copied and studied, he scarcely need to observe, that nearly the whole of his subjects are taken from the Works of the greatest Masters, and may therefore be PREFACE. V drawn with confidence, and relied on as authorities, in their outline and treatment. In this age of Art, when every well-educated person is either an amateur or con- noisseur, it would have been trifling to have exhibited an Elementary Work of the low character of the ordinary Drawing Books; the Author has, therefore, attempted to attain a character of novelty, and to soar above me- diocrity : — on that principle founding his claims to the preference and patronage of the Public. He has purposely confined his instructions to Drawing only, as practised in outline, in shadow, and in water-colours; and has not treated of other branches of the Art, because the major part of Students require nothing further, — because what he has done is the foun- dation of every other branch, — and because other branches, after what is contained herein, are rather con- sequential and mechanical, than novel or liberal. With respect to the mode of teaching or studying this Art, little can be added to the practical directions scattered through every part of the letter press ; but if the Author may advise with additional emphasis in this place, he would recommend, that freedom in each set of examples should be followed by the practice of VI PREFACE. copying those objects after nature. The effort may be difficult at first, but the difficulty will speedily vanish, while the advantages will be solid, and the gratification excessive. Not only will the facility of drawing be improved, and the manner become decided ; but the ideas of light and shade will be corrected, and the principles of perspective, established by practice, will be duly felt and ascertained. Let the Tutor and the Stu- dent bear in mind, that the means of this study are prints, and examples of Masters, but that its end is accurately to pourtray Nature. In taking leave of his readers, the Author may, perhaps, without improper egotism, remark, that his is the first arranged and comprehensive work on this Art ever published in England ; he calculates, therefore, on the cordial support of Masters in general, and on the liberal sanction and recommendation of his work among the intelligent part of the Public. London, July ^th, 1812. CONTENTS. Pag; DEFINITIONS 1 Invention, 3.. . Composition, 4... Design, . 5 .. .Designs, 6... Colouring, 7- IMPLEMENTS 9 Drawing-boards, 9.. . Pencils, 13... Indian Ink, 15.. .Chalks, 19, &c.. . Paper, 23. GENERAL DIRECTIONS 13 Study, 26.. . Outline. 29.. . Division, 33.. . Situation of Paper, 35. LIGHT AND SHADE 16 General Rule, 36.. . Relief, 37, &e.. . Distances, 40., . Lights, 42, &c. HUMAN FIGURE 19 Its parts, 46... Order, 47.. . .Proportions, 52.. . Of Children, 52.. . Statues, 52, Obs.. . .Care, 54, 55, &c.. . Proportion of head, &c.. . Figure, 63, &c.. . Opposing parts, 65.. . Portrait, 66, &c.. . Expression, 69.. . Air, 70.. .The passions, 71, &c. ..Attention, 78 Admiration, 79 Veneration, 81... Rapture, 82.. . Desire, 83.. . Laughter, 85.. . Pain, 86, &c.. . Weeping, 89, 90.. . Scorn, 91.. . Horror, 92.. .Terror, 93.. . Anger, 94.. . Hatred, 95.. . Despair, 96, anatomy 37 Its use, 97.. . Bones, 28, &c,. .Head, 102, &c.. .Trunk, 105, &c.. . Extremities, 110, &c.. . .Muscles, 118, &c.. . .Position, 124. > DRAPERY 4G Its folds, &c. 130, &c.. . Its motiph, 135, &c. vlii CONTENTS. Page PERSPECTIVE 48 Its object, 139... Its principle, 140, 141. ..The point of sight and ground line, 142, &c The point of distance, 145. The ground and perspective planes, 146.. . Diagrams, 147.. . Vanishing points, 148, and Obs. 149, &c. and Ob Prac- tical rules, 153, and Observations.. . .Proportion of objects, 155, &c,, . Arithmetical rule, 158, &c. ON COLOURING 57 Natural and artificial colouring, 161, &c... Their opposition and arrangement, l64, &c.. . Light and shade, 170, &c... Gradations of Indian ink, l63, and Obs, . .Varied tints, 175, and Observations.. . Primitive colours, 176, &c.. . Dark and light colours, I78.. . Single and compound colours, 179, 180. . . Mixed colours, 181.. . Composition of various colours, 181 Observations., . Colouring landscapes, 186, &c.. .Skys, &c, 188, &c.. .Trees, 19O, &c.. . Retiring hills, I93.. . Finishing, 194... Gum water, I94 Observation. .... .Liquid gold, I94 Observations. FLOWERS, ANIMALS, &c 75 Fruits, 195.. . Flowers, 196., .Trees, I97.., Birds and quadru- peds, 197-. . Particular fruits, 198,. . Particular flowers, 199, and Obs,. . Horses, &c. 200.. . Birds, 201 . ENLARGING AND CONTRACTING 84 Varying the size, 202, and Obs. BEAUTY, &c 85 Beauty, 204, 205,. . Simplicity, 206,. . .Uniformity 207-. • -Re- gularity, 208.. . Variety, 209.. . Proportion, 210, and Obser- vations., . .Colour, 212.. .Form, 213... -.Expression, 214... Grace, 215, &c. and Observations.. . Symmetry, 219, and Observation. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Oi LIST OF PLATES. Plate I,. . Elementary Forms. Plate II.. . The Nose. Plate III.. . The Eyes, Plate IV., . The Nose, Mouth, and Chin. Plate V.. . The Ear. Plate VI,. . Proportions of the Head. CONTENTS. IX Plate VII.. . Head, from the Cartoons of Raffaelle. Plate VIII.. . Head, from Ditto. Plate IX.. . Head, from Le Bren. Plate X.. . Admiration, from Ditto. Plate XI.. . Terror and Fright. Plate XII.. . Hands and Arms, from the Cartoons of Raffaelle. Plate XIII.. . Feet, from Ditto. Plate XIV.. . Children, from Cipriani. Plate XV.. , Boys, from Cipriani. Plate XVI.. . From Morland. Plate XVII.. . From Ditto. Plate XVIII.. . The Bones. Plate XIX.. . The Muscles. Plate XX.. . Ditto. Plate XXI.. . Ditto. Plate XXII.. . Hercules. Plate XXIII. , . Apollo Belvidere and Antinous. Plate XXIV.. . The Laocoon. Plate XXV.. . Heads of Animals. Plate XXVI... I he Goat. Plate XX VII... The Ass. Plate XXVIII... The Horse. Plate XXIX.. . The Wild Boar and Dog. Plate XXX., Bull and Cow. Plate XXXI,. . Outline Groups. Plate XXXII.. . Outline Groups. Plate XXXIII.. . Group of Horses, from Howett, Plate XXXIV.. . Military Macaw. Plate XXXV.. . Progressive Lesson — Cottages, Plate XXXVI., . Cottage Landscape. Plate XXXVII. . . Cottage Landscape. Plate XXXVIII... Ditto. Plate XXXIX.. . Ditio. Plate XL.. . Landscape, with Horses and Water, Plate XLL. , Sea Piece, from Vandervelde. Plate XLIL. . Plain Landscape, preparatory for colouring, Plate XLIIL. . Coloured Landscape, after Varley. Plate XLIV.. . Pink. — Progressive Lesson. Plate XLV.. . Flowe's, with Buds. Plate XLVL. . Group of Flowers, Plate XLVIL. . Cherries, from Whichelo. Plate XLVIIT.. . Peaches, from Ditto. Plate XLIX.. . Fishes, from Elmer. Plate L... Shells, Plate LI., . Butterflies, JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1. Blair’s Universal Preceptor; or, General Gram- mar OF Arts, Sciences, and General Knowledge. Price 4s. 6d. bound. 2. Goldsmith’s Grammar op British Geography, with Sixty-one Views, and five Maps. Price 4s. 6d. bound. 3. Blair’s Models of Juvenile Letters, for the use of Schools. Price 3s. fid. bound. 4. The Young Christian’s Library; or. Companion TO THE Bible, intended as a present for Children on going Apprentice, or into Service ; by the Rev. J. Barrow. Price 4s. or 13 to the Dozen. 5. Barrow’s Five Hundred Questions on the Old AND New Testament, being the only practical means ever adopted of teaching Young Persons the elements of the Christian Religion. Price Is. fi. Adair’s Five Hundred Questions on Goldsmith’s History of England, by means of which English History is rendered a practical branch of education. Price Is. 7. Six Hundred Questions on Blair’s Universal Preceptor. Price Is. 8. The Tutor’s Key, being Answers to the Questions in the preceding work, and in Goldsmith’s Grammar of General Geography, &c. Price 3s. fid. 9. A Grammar of Medicine and its collateral Sciences, intended for the use of Students, and of Young Persons designed for the Medical Profession. Price 5s. bound. ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. GENERAL DEFINITIONS. 1. The object of the Arts of Drawing is to represent Nature, animated or unanimated, so as to revive the recollection, or preseive the likeness, of any object or scene. This purpose is effected by means of pencils, chalk, crayons, indian-ink, or water-colours, on paper, vellum, or ivory. 2. Drawing, in a more general sense, is the art of repre- senting all objects of nature visibly, by lines and colours on a plain surface. It has also the power of expressing, by the same means, conceptions and images of the mind which do not actually exist in nature, and is to be considered as an art displaying, either conjointly or separately, the powers of ima- gination and imitation : being divided into Invention, Com- position, Design, and Colouring. Ohervalion. Amongst the artists of antiquity Appelles was the most eminent for the beauty of his drawing. Since the revival of the art, Michael Agnolo appears to have been the most learned draughtsman, Raffaelle the most correct and graceful. The Roman and Florentine Schools excelled all others in this fundamental part of painting, Of the former, Raffaelle, Romano, Polydore, and their B r> ELEMENTS OP THE ART OF DRAWING. scholars; of the latter, Agnolo, Vinci, and Sarto, have been the most excellent. In the Bolognese school, Annibal Caracci is par- ticularly distinguished. In the French school, Poussin, Le Sajur, and Le Brun. In our own, Mortimer and Barry have been the most celebrated. 3. Invisntion consists generally in the choice of such subjects as are best calculated to answer some great and inte- resting end; and particularly in discovering or selecting such subjects as are capable of being most appropriately expressed by painting, and of producing a powerful effect by such means as are within the compass of that art. 4. Composition regards the arrangement of the subject, both as to forms, and to the general effects of light and shade, and colour. It comprehends the general distribution and grouping of tlie figures, their combinations or contrasts, the choiee of attitudes, the disposal of draperies, the situation of the scene itself, as well as the distribution and connection of the various parts of scenery and ornament. Composition in architecture is the due arrangement of tlie parts of an or- der or building. Ohs. 1 . To make d good design or picture, the composition should not le overcharged. A composition is said to be overcharged when the component parts, either by their multiplicity, arrangement, or distribution, destroy the effect of the whole, or do not contribute to the object of the piece. It is not the quantity or number of subjects introduced that renders a composition rich ; but, on the contrary, they often destroy the simplicity and truth of the story intended to be related. Ohs. 1. In- composition those figures that particularly relate to the story are called principals, and the less essential ones that complete the groupe, accessories. In the language of the arts accessories are those objects which are introduced into a design without being indis- pensably necessary to the elucidation of the subject. In an historical design the figures which act and explain the subject are the principals, and the rest accessories, — As for instance : — In designing the story of Telemachus relating his adventures to Calypso in the cave, after bin ELEMENTS OP THE ART OP DRAWING. 3 shipwreck on the island of the Goddess j Calypso, Telemachus, and Mentor, are principals} but some Nymphs, introduced to perfect the grouping, are accessories. Fruit, vases, &c. are also proper acces- sories, which, at the same time, considerably enrich the composition, Ohs. 3. The artist who aspires above mediocrity, should he care- ful in the choice of accessories in his composition, as a superabundance, or improper application of them, will infallibly ruin the best com- position, He should use and dispose them in such a manner as not to spoil the effect of the principal groupe, with which they should always concur, and at the same time assist the general effect. The most skilful painters and sculptors of antiquity have avoided acces- soiies in their compositions, which, however, often occasions too great driness and insipidity } but omitting them altogether is much to be preferred to introducing them improperly, for nothing is more insup- portable to the eye of a true judge of perfection in art, than to see designs crowded with accessories which have no connection with the principal object, or where they are only introduced to fill up or con- ceal the vacuity of the principal object, or the want of genius in the artist. To avoid a poverty of grouping in composition is of as much consequence as its opposite extreme, and should be as carefully avoided. A just composition includes, of truth and propriety of group- ing, correctness of costume, and appropriate action and expression. Ohs. 4. The principal fgures, which decide what is the subject, should have the principal place in the picture, and should be so placed as to engage and strike the eye at the frst glance. This is one of the most important things to be remembered in composing a design, and is one of the most prominent excellencies- in the great masters.— Raffaelle particularly observed this j— St. Paul, in his cartoon of that Apostle preaching at Athens, stands decidedly principal ; his situ- ation, his attitude, his form, is most prominent. In Rubens’ De- scent from the Cross, the dead body of Christ is in the principal place, catches the principal light, and is altogether the principal figure. Paint not conspicuous on the foremost plain Whate’er is false, impertinent, or vain } But, like the Tragic Muse, thy lustre throw. Where the chief action claims its warmest glow." 4 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. Ohs. 5. The principal Jigures should not he hidden hy any of the other Jigures or accessories, however grouped ; on the contrary, the judicious artist should make all the second-rate figures and accessories serve to elucidate the story, and render the principal figure more obvi- ously in sight. Ohs, 6. The principal groupe should receive the principal light, and the principal figure of that groupe the principal light of that groupe. By this means, the attention of the spectator is immediately directed to the most important part of the picture, the subject sooner developes itself to his mind, and the subordinate parts arise in suc- cession, and prepossesses him more forcibly in favour of the work. Ohs. 7. In grouping (or in the composition of groupes) let every figure appear to hold a just situation, and without appearance of restraint conform to an agreeable form in that groupe j and if more than one groupe is introduced, let them, as well as the single Jigures, he different in general form and composition. A neglect of this precept will occasion a tiresome and blameable monotony, that will be de- structive to the best drawing, colouring, and expression individually painted. In the works of the great Raffaelle this beauty and fault are both perceptible. In the cartoon of Paul preaching at Athens, there is a wonderful contrast of the figures and grouping. 5. Design is the first idea of a large work, drawn roughly, with an intention to be executed and finished. The essential requisites of Design are correctness, taste, elegance, character, expression, and perspective. Correctness depends on the justness of the proportions, and knowledge of anatomy. Taste is a certain correctness of manner peculiar to the artist, derived either from nature, masters, or studies, or all of them united, producing elegance. Character is what is peculiar to each thing, in which there must be diversity, insomuch that every thing has Its peculiar character to distinguish it. Expressim is the representation of an object, according to the circumstances it is supposed to be in. Perspective is the representation of the parts of a paint- ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. 5 ing, or a figure, according to the situation they are in with re- gard to the point of sight and to each other. Obs. 1. Designs are sometimes drawn in crayons, or ink without any shadows. Sometimes etched j that is, the shadows are expressed by sensible outlines, usually drawn across each other with the pen or crayon. Sometimes the shadows are done with the crayon rubbed so as that there do not appear any line : at other times, the grains or strokes of the crayon appear, as not being rubbed : sometimes the de- sign is washed, that is, the shadows are done with a brush in indian- ink, or some other liquor : and sometimes the design is coloured, that is, colours are laid on much like those intended for the ground work. Ohs. 2. The art of designing is to be acquired chiefly by study and observation, rules being of less avail than in any other branch of art. The principal rules that regard design are, that novices should accus- tom themselves to copy good originals at first sight ; not to use squares in reducing, lest they stint and confine their judgment ; to de- sign well from life, before they practise perspective j to learn to ad- just the size of their figures to the visual angle, and the distance of the eye from the model or object j to mark out all the parts of their design before they begin to shade ; to make their contours in great pieces, without taking notice of the little muscles, and other breaks j to make themselves masters of the rules of perspective ; to observe the perpendicular, parallel, and distance, of every stroke j to compare and oppose the parts that meet and traverse the perpendicular, so as to form a kind of square in the mind, which is the great, and almost the only, rule of designing justly j to have regard not only to the model, but to the parts already designed, there being no such thing as designing with exactness, but by comparing and proportioning every part to the first object. 6. Designs are denominated Historical, Architectural, Landscape, Marine, Portrait, Still-life, Flower, Animal, ac- cording to their respective subjects. Historical Painting is that kind in which the figures are made to concur in representing sotne action described ia history. 6 ELEMENTS OE THE ART OF DRAWING. Ohs. Although this is the strict definition of the term, yet cus- tom has given greater latitude to the phrase, as it now comprises, in the language of the arts, subjects taken from mythology, allegory, battles, and sometimes even portraits. Historical design is, in the language of the elegant author of the Elements of Art, Big with the moral of each maddening age. War’s ruffian power, and revolution’s rage. Grave history presents her ample stores. And man’s fierce passions while she paints deplores.” Shee’s Elements of Art, Canto 4. v. 1 Q 5 . Architectural Drawings are representations of build- ings, drawn eitlier geometrically or perspectively, according to the rules of architecture. Ohs. This is a very important study, and is followed as a profes- sion, the professors of which are termed Architects. But to be a painter or draughtsman of architectural views already executed, does not re- quire so much study. An insight into the elements of the orders, their arrangement, and a knowledge of perspective, are sufficient. Archi- tecture is also an important accessory to the historical and portrait painter, and should be attentively studied. The blunders in architec- ture committed by modern artists is the less excusable, because it can be so easily remedied, and is such a palpable deficiency in any artist. Mr. Shee describes it as “ the stately art,” which Supplies of ornament and use she brings. Proud fanes for gods, and palaces for kings. To noblest acts a suited scene provides. And o’er the back-ground’s gorgeous store presides.” Elements of Art, Canto 2. v. pi. Landscape Drawing, or Landscape, as it is generally called, is that class of drawings, paintings, or engravings, which represent some view of the country. Ohs. This is a branch of art the most delightful in its effects and agreeable in its study. The great variety of beauties that it contains, render it among the most attractive of the arts of design. It calls in ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING. 7 all the accidents of nature, and even of art, to its composition, from the solitude and horror of the rocky desert, the sublimity of the forest, the calm beauty of the flowery meadow, the stillness of the limpid stream, to the destructive tempest. In short, every mild or strong effect that nature is capable of producing. “ The landscape artist, gay and deftly moves Through glade, glen, valley, woodland, green alcoves.” Tresham’s Sea-sick Minstrel, Canto 6 . v. 89. Marine Drawings are those which take into their re- presentation, not only views of the sea, but shipping, sea- ports, naval battles, and similar subjects. Ol)S. This is a branch of art connected with the last, as being derived from the same source, an attentive study of nature j but it requires, in addition, a knowledge of the naval sciences, naval archi- tecture, and perspective. Few men would, like Vernet, the most distinguished marine painter of the French school, venture to sea in the most tempestuous weather, when, made fast to the shrouds, he observed attentively, and treasured up incidents for the magical pic- tures which he has left. " What daring artist in a storm Grappled with terror, imitate Vernet, Or Wilson like, secure, sublimely flies Through troubled waters and ill-omen’d skies.” Sea-sick Minstrel, Canto 5. V. 47 . Portrait Painting is that department of art which represents, in any manner, the figure and exact resemblance of any particular person. Ol>s. This department of the fine arts is, next to its critical design, (which, to a degree, assimilates with it) one of the most use- ful and most interesting. It maintains among the arts a most distinguished rank, when performed with ability 5 but is, when ill- done, or even in mediocrity, unworthy of much estimation. The essential qualities to form a good portrait are, correct drawing, an ,Q ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. exact and perfect representation of the person represented, natural colouring, an easy unaffected air, attitude, and character. Animal Painting, unconnected with other divisions of the arts, is the representation of -the portraits of animals, either in action or at rest. Obs. To paint or design animals well, is a respectable province in art, and requires much study and perseverance. They should always be represented naturally j their action should be characteristic j and their anatomy well understood. Still-life, is the representation of inanimate substances, when unconnected with living nature and historical facts. Ohs. This department of art, although it has its merits, is one of the lowest. It embraces the correct copying of furniture, glasses, musical instruments, fruit, vegetables, &c. when mixed together on a table; but if each kind is taken separately, they are then classed under fruit, flowers, &c. The Dutch masters have long been cele- brated as excelling in this tedious and laborious branch of art, which requires but little invention, and less genius. Imitation of such dull fac-similies should be avoided by students of real genius; minutiae mongers,” “ Who spend on petty cares their puny powers. And live to polish pores and hairs, and flowers.” Elements of Art, Canto 5. v. 281. or who, like Batavians paint with microscopic truth. Foul linen, squalling brats, and feats uncouth ; Their native nature; native filth embrace. And chastely shun that foreign harlot— G race.” Sea-sick Minstrel, Canto 6. v. 75. Flower Painting, is the representation of flowers, arranged in some beautiful order, and composed only of flowers, with, perhaps, the addition of a vase or basket to hold them. Obs. Flower painting, when executed with botanical correctness, is an enticing and beautiful line of art. When flowers are used as accessories to history or portrait, a much less careful finishing and ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING, 9 arrangement are necessary than when they make a distinct picture of themselves. In this case, they should be careful portraits of the flowers, and a certain knowledge of botany is as indispensably neces- sary to excel in flower painting as anatomy in portrait or history. 7 . Colouring or Shadowing regards, first, the infinite variety of hues, with which nature distinguishes her forms, agreeably to the degree and mixture of the rays of light which their surfaces reflect ; and, secondly, the distribution, apposi- tion, and accompaniment, of various hues or tints, so as to produce the effect most pleasing to the sight ; a circumstance in which nature does not always delight. It embraces, also, the liglit and shade of objects, as far as by the diminution or in- crease of these the harmony of tints before-mentioned can be effected; but that mixed effect of colour and of light, and shade, w'hich is denominated chiaro-scuro, is more justly re- garded as a branch of composition. Ois. The perfection of an artist depends, therefore, on Inven- tion, Composition, Design, and Colouring, conjointly; yet it is by the last of these only that he can establish a special idea of his art, since it is by this that he gives effect to the former, whether he depend on light and shade, or endeavour to imitate the tints of nature. This subject will be resumed at length in the subsequent part of the work. IMPLEMENTS USED IN DRAWING. 8. The Implements necessary for drawing are, a drawing- board, a ruler, compasses, charcoal, black-lead pencils, pen- knife, porte-crayons, black, white, and red chalk, crayons, Indian- ink, crow-quill pens, camels’-hair pencils, boxes of colours, paper of several sorts, and poite-folios. 9. Drawing-boards are used to fix the paper so that it may not shift, and also to strain it, to prevent the colours, when laid wet on the paper, from causing it to swell, so as to become uneven. Tire simplest sort is made of a deal-board, framed 10 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING - square, with a strong piece across each endj to prevent warp- ing. Upon this the paper may be fixed with pins, wafers, or sealing-wax, or it may be strained wdth paste or glue. The best kind of drawing-boards, however, are made with a frame and moveable pannel, upon whieh the paper is simply put wet, and then forced into the frame, where it is confined by wedges at the back. This strains without the trouble of pasting, so that you may dry it at the fire ; and it also looks much neateiv Such drawing-boards may be bought at most colour-shops. 10. Parallel Rulers are used for drawing parallel lines; they are made of two pieces of ebony fastened together by brass bars, so as always to open parallel to each other. 11. Tee-squares are rulers made in the form of a T, which are used with drawing-boards ; the short end, called the stock, being applied to the edge of the board, so as to slide forwards and backwards, while the long part, called the blade, is used for drawing lines by. These are more convenient than parallel rulers, when a drawing-board is used, as by them you rule lines at right angles to each other at once, \vithout using the compasses. 12. Drawing -compasses are instruments of brass and steel, for dividing lines, and laying down measures from scales, &c. They are generally sold in cases, containing also a steel PEN, for drawing lines cleaner than can be done by a common pen, and are very useful where neatness is required ; and points with a black-lead pencil, for putting into the compass, when circles are to be described. These cases also contain scales of equal parts ; and protractors for laying down angles. 13. Black-lead Pencils are made of a mineral substance, called plumbago, or black-lead, sawed into slips, and fitted into sticks of cedar. They are either hard or soft ; the best are w'ithout any grit, not too soft, and cut easily without breaking. The inferior kind is made by mixing the dust of black-lead with gum or glue, and forming a composition ; these are gritty and brittle, and do not answer so well. ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWiNCf, 11 Ols. Accustom yourself to hold your pencil farther from the point than you do in writing, which will give you a better command of it, and contribute to render your strokes more fiee and bold. The use of your pencil is to draw the first sketches or outlines of your piece j as any stroke or line that is amiss may be more easily rubbed out j and when you have made your sketch as correct as you can with the pencil, you may then carefully mark the best outline you have got with the crow-quill pen and indian-ink. 14. Indian-rubber has the useful property of erasing lines drawn with hlack-lead, and is brought from South America, in the form of small bottles, which, for use, should be cut into slips. 0/:s. This very curious substance is originally the juice of a tree that grows abundantly in Surinam, and is like mil.< when exuded from the tree, but soon becomes solid. The natives form balls of clay, which they smear over with this milk, and when this coating is dry, they apply another, and so on, till it is of the required thickness j they then moisten the clay and wash it out. These bottles are used by the natives for carrying water, or other liquors. It is a production com- mon to the East Indies also, whence it is imported in various forms, more convenient for use than in the bottles above-mentioned. 15. Indian-ink is a very useful substance, brohght from China, where it is used for ordinary writing, which the Chinese perforrn with a brush instead of a pen. It is a solid substance, of a brownish-black colour, and is conjectured to be made of the gall of a species of cuttle-fish. When ground up with water upon a clean tile, shell, or earthenware plate, it may be made either lighter or darker, as required, by adding to it more or less water. The best is always stamped with Chi- nese characters, breaks with a glossy fracture, and feels smooth, and not gritty, when rubbed against the teeth. An inferior kind, made in this country, may easily be known by its grit- tiness. Obs. Having completed the outlines, indian-ink is used for sha« dowing, as it may be diluted with water, so as to be of any required 12 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. darkness, and may be softened or fined off, where the objects require it, with water only and a clean hair-pencil. ] 6. Hair-pencils are made of camels’-hair, put into a goose or swan's quill. Moisten them a little, and if they come to a point without splitting, they are good ; if not, they are not fit for drawing. The brushes used by the Chinese, made of a white hair fitted up in reeds, are very excellent for drawing, as they are more elastic. They are not sold in common, but may sometimes be met with. 17* Charcoal is used for slightly sketching the outlines of figures, in order to get the proportions previous to making a drawing in chalk. The best charcoal for this purpose is that of the willow ; it is cut into slips, and the strokes made with it may easily be rubbed out with a feather of goose’s or duck’s wing. 18. Porte Crayons, are tubes made of brass or steel, and calculated to hold chalks, pencils, crayons, charcoal, &c. 19. Black-chalk is a fossil substance, resembling slaty coal, and is cut into slips for drawing. It is generally used in aporte-crayon. It is much employed for drawing figures, and is the best substance for the purpose of making drawings from plaister, or after the life. It is more gritty than black-lead, but is of a deeper black, and has not the glossiness of the former. It is of two kinds, French and Italian ; the former is soft, the latter hard. Obs. For mellowing and softening the shadows into each other, when black-chalk is used, stumps are necessary. They are pieces of soft shamoy leather, or blue-paper, rolled up quite tight, and cut to a point. 20. White-chalk is used, together with black, for lay- ing on the lights. This is different from common chalk, be- ing much harder, and tobacco-pipe clay will do very well in- stead of it. 21. Red-chalk is a fossil substance of a red ochre co- ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. 13 lour, sometimes used for drawing, but not so much as for- merly, the black being preferred to it ; but the red, being cheaper, does very well for some purposes. Obs. Red-lead, and red or black chalk, are used in the same maner as black-lead. White-chalk and tobacco-pipe clay are used in heightening, or giving strong lights, and in drawing on coloured pa- per. Pastils, or crayons, are any colours mixed with tobacco-pipe clay, which, while soft and in the consistency of a paste, is rolled up in pieces, about the thickness of a quill, and two or three inches in length, and then dried : they are generally used on coloured paper 3 and the colours are rubbed and wrought one into another in such a manner that no strokes appear, but the whole looks as if it was done with a brush. 22. Drawing-paper, made without any wire-marks, called wove-paper, is generally used. It is made of various sizes and thickness, and may be had of every stationer. Mid- dle-Tint Paper, is paper of a brownish or of a grey colour, which is used for drawing upon with black and white chalk. 23. Crow-pens, or Reed-pens, are used for fixing the, outlines with ink, after it has been determined by the pencil. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. 24. Having provided yourself with the above-mentioned necessary materials, begin by drawing upright lines, and simple geometrical figures, both straight and curved, either with tlie pencil or chalk, holding them a greater distance from the point than the pen in writing, to give freedom and command to the hand. After being able, from some practice, to draw upright lines, squares, polygons, ovals, &c. without rule or compass, proceed to the elementary parts of the human head ; a few examples of which are given in the plates. Ols. The circle is of use in the several orbicular forms, as the swn, moon, globes, See. The oval, in giving a just proportion to the 14 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. face or mouth ; and the square confines any picture you are to copy. The triangle is of use in drawing a side or half- face j angles, and arches, in perspective ; and the polygon in ground-planes, fortifica- tions, &c. The cone, in spires, steeples, tops of towers, &c. 25. Having placed whatever you mean to copy before you, proceed to draw it slightly with a pencil or chalk. Then look closely into it, and proceed to mend those parts that are deficient, correcting it by degrees till you have brought it to the highest degree of perfection. 26. Before you begin, view the original with attention ; divide it in your mind into its several parts ; observe its length, its breadth, and the similitude of each part ; consider their proportion to each other and to the whole ; the distances from one part to the other, and the parts that lie opposite to each Other. 27. Whatever copies or examples you draw from, reduce them to other proportions, either larger or smaller, till by re- peated trials you acquire correctness of copying. Obs. It is better to depend on the eye than on the mode of reduc.. ing by corresponding squares, except when great accuracy is required. 28. Correctness of drawing should be attained before you attempt either colouring or painting. If this is not acquired, no perfection can be attained. The first grand requisite for an artist is draujmg ; the second, drawing; and the third, drawing. Mr. Shee impresses this subject very forcibly. Ply then, the bright port-crayon till you find Correctness with facility combin’d : Till the firm outline flows at your command. And forms become familiar to your hand.” Elements of Art, Canto l. v. 317. 29. Outlines must be drawn in a gliding manner, large and smooth, which will give them the resemblance of life and motion. Correctness of outline is the first point to be attained. ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. 15 and can only be the result of patient diligenccj long practice, and varying the size of your copies. Ohs. Here it is proper to admonish (he student never to be in a hurry ; but to make himself perfectly master of one figure before he proceeds to another, and the advantage of this will appear as he pro- ceeds. Two other observations may also be added ; — 1. That he ac- custom himself to draw all his figures very large, which is the only way of acquiring a free, bold manner of designing. 2. That he practise drawing till he has gained a tolerable command of his pencil, before he attempts to shadow. 30. In drawing figures in indian-ink, the use of the pencil is to draw the first sketches or outlines ; as any stroke or line that is amiss, may in this be more easily rubbed out than in any other material ; and when you have made your sketch as correct as you can with the pencil, you may then draw carefully the best outline you have got, with your crow- quill pen and ink. After using the ink you may rub out the pencil-lines. 31. The outlines next the light should be drawn more famt ; and when you have drawn one feature, it should be a direction for you, in some measure, to draw another, by ob- serving with your eye the distance from that to the next fea- ture, making a small mark at the place with your pencil j then draw it, and so on to the next, till you have drawn the whole subject. 32. Observe the middle of the picture you WDuld copy, and touch it upon the paper with your pencil; afterwards ob- serve the more conspicuous and prominent figures, if there are more than one, which touch lightly in their proper places. Observ'e also the distance of one limb, joint, or muscle, from another, and the same in all other accidents of a figure; as the length, breadth, turnings, &c. 33. Having drawn the outlines true with a pencil, you are to proceed to trace the true lines again with a pen and Indian - ipk, &c. dravving them with exactness, and imitating all the 1<5 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. touchings and waivings, with their exact distances one from another, and their erossings, turnings, and windings, with boldness and freedom. 34. Having acquired some facility in handling the port- crayon or pencil, in copying other drawings, you may proceed to copy from a plaister cast, or other model, set before you, of the size of nature or not, to use yourself to correctness of eye. To do this the figure should be set in an advantageous light, which should proceed from the left-hand side, the draughts- man should sit opposite to it at some distance, at least more than twice the height of the figure he copies, with the light to his left-hand. 35. Begin the draught on your own left side, as Is cus- tomary in writing, and by so doing, you will always have the part that is done before your eyes, and the rest will follow with easej whereas, if you begin on the right side, your hand and arm will cover what you do first. OF LIGHT AND SHADE. 36. The best rule for the correct distribution of Lights and Shades is, to consider from what point, and in what direc- tion, the light falls upon the objects, and to let all the lights and shades be placed according to that direction throughout the whole. It is the skilful management of light and shade that gives the appearance of substance, roundness, and dis- tance, and which raises the subject from the paper. Ols. Draw a circle on a piece of paper ; fill it up with any even colour, and it will appear to be a surface with a round circumference j but by shadowing it stronger in the middle, and causing the colour gradually to weaken towards the circumference, it will receive a con- vex appearance like that of a ball or globe : wherever the vivacity of colour is strongest, that part of the object catches the sight first, and appears nearest to it j whereas its weakness seems to fiy farther from ELEMENTS OP THE ART OP DRAWING. the sight. In rounding the parts of any object, the extremities in turning must lose themselves insensibly and confusedly, without pre- cipitating the light on a sudden into the shadows, or shadows into the light, but the passage of the one into the other must be imperceptible 5 or by degrees of light into shadow, and shadow into light. 37 . Objects that are drawn light, must have a sufficient breadth of shadow to sustain them; and dark bodies must have a sudden light behind, to detach them from the ground, or from those objects that are placed behind them; otherwise they will appear coniuscdly, as sticking upon each other; whereas the opposition of shade to a light object, and of light to a daik one, gives a projection, and separates them from other bodies. 38. There should be a balance preserved between the lights and shadows : a broad light ought not to be introduced into a draught without a large shadow. The nearer any ob- ject IS to the eye, it is seen so much the stronger and plainer : the sight IS vyeakened by distances, and the more remote any object IS, It IS seen in a more imperfect manner. Therefore, those objects which are placed foremost ought to be more finished than those that are cast behind ; and objects should have a dominion over each other, so that one object by its high finish should seem to cause others to retire. Titian used to say, that he knew no better rule for the distribution of lights and shadows, than the observations to be drawn from a bunch of grapes. 39. That part of the object, whether in naked figures, rapery, or buildings, that stands farthest out, must be made the lightest. Satins and silks, and all other shining stuffs, have glaring reflections, exceedingly bright where the light falls strongest. So in armour, brass pots, or any other glittering metal, a sudden brightness in the middle or centre of the light, distinguishes their shining nature See the Plates. 40. It is not sufficient that remote objects be coloured IS liLBMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. more faintly ; but, according to their distance, the parts must appear more or less distinct. Pure white, unless supported hy black, will seem to fly off to the remotest parts. Pure black brings the objects nearer to the sight, and must he placed in masses in the foreground. A strong light requires a strong shade ; a fainter light a fainter shade ; and an equal balance must be preserved throughout the piece, between the lights and shades. Parts which are to appear round require but one stroke in shading ; and parts which are to appear steep or hollow, ren quire two strokes across each other, or sometimes three. Care should also ’be taken to make the outlines faint and small in such parts as receive the light j but where the shadows fall, the outline should be strong and bold. 41. If the objects are in the fields, or open air, or ob- scured by clouds, you must then introduce a universal light, and the shades must be faint. . When the sun is conspicuous, and shines in full lustre, the light must be very stiong and bold, and the shadows very dark. 42. A small light occasions the shadow’s on the daik side to be large, and their extremities to be very bold. On the other hand, a broad light makes the shadows on the daikei side to be more distinct and more soft. 43. If the light falls sideways on the picture, the other side, which is the farthest from the light, must be made the darkest. That part of the body must be made lightest which has the light most opposite to it; if the light be placed above the head, then the top of the head must be made lightest; the shoulders. must receive the next degree ot Hgnt; ccc. 44. Shadowing is performed with the hair-pencil, in which gi’eat taste and judgment is required. The light comes in, if . tiaiural, either from the right-hand or left. Whenever the light appears in the middle of a picture, and glares more than ordinary, it is caused by a candle, or other luminous body, and is called artificial light. Two equal lights must never be made in the same picture ; and the strongest light should tall upon THE HUMAN FIGURE. 19 the middle of the piece, where the principal figure ought to stand, diminishing the effect gradually towards the extre- mities. OF THE HUMAN FIGURE. 45. Drawing the Human Figure has always been considered as the most important branch of ait. The study of the human figure includes all the finest principles ; and when the eye of the student has been accustomed to copy faithfully all the minute circumstances which constitute the character of man, and to attend to the innumerable beauties and graceful forms which he presents, it will be better qualified to pursue every other branch of the fine arts. 46. In drawing the human figure, it is necessary to begin with each part separately, and, after sufficient practice in that, to proceed to put them together. The head being the most im- poitant part of the human body, it should be studied first. For this purpose, the student should copy the best drawings he can procure of the nose, eye, mouthy and ear, separately, and on a large scale; and of these a front view, profile or side view, oblique view, Sic.See the Plates. Obs. The readiest materials for drawing these, as well as all other parts of the figure, are black-lead, or black-chalk ; the former to be used upon white paper, and the latter upon middle-tint paper. The false lines of the black-lead may be removed by the indian- rubber : but the student must remember to be as sparing as possible of this, as it is more improving to endeavour to draw every thing correct and decided at once. The shadows may be laid on by drawing parallel curve lines, according to the situation of the part, crossing them occasionally, and softening them in with more delicate lines. Sometimes the shadows are rubbed in, or their edges are softened, with a stump, which is a very expeditious way, and produces fine effect; but it should be used with discretion, as it is better to c 2 ^ ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING. execute the shadows in a clear and regular manner by soft lines. Care should be taken not to make the lines harsh and hard, like those of an engraving j they should be softer and more mellow. 47. In drawing the human figure, whether from nature er otlierwise, observe the following order : — <(, Mark out the extent on the paper that you propose the figure to occupy. 'b. Sketch in the outline of the head, according to the regular proportions. -c. Proceed with the shoulders, trunk, and arms. d. Draw ^rst the leg on which the body principally stands, i«n J then the other ; find finish as before directed. ^8. In drawing after a naked body, all the muscles are not tpD be «xpressed as in anatomical figures. In drawing young- persons, the muscles must not appear so hard as in elder and ^11-grown persons ; the same thing is to be observed as to fat and fleshy persons, and such as are very delicate and beautllul ; *nd in women scarcely any muscles are to be expressed. 49. The motion of the body must be considered in draw- ing the muscles ; as in the rising and falling of the arms, the muscles of the breast appear either more or less ; the hips do the like, as they are bent outward or inward ; and it is the same in the shoulders, sides, and neck, according to the several actions of the body. 50. All the parts of a human figure are composed of curved surfaces; no straight lines are ever admissible, but every line should have a graceful turn ; and it is this circum- stance particularly that occasions the study of the figure to give so much freedom in drawing. 51. Care should be taken that no lines cross each other at right angles, which gives a disagreeable appearance ; neither should the crossingbe too oblique, as then they appear confused; a proper medium will be acquired by the study of good draw- ings or prints ; in general, however, crossing should be avoided as. much .as possible. THK HUMAN FIGURE. Ohs. In learning to draw, it is of more importance than ft generally supposed, to copy from the finest works only. The most pre- judicial quality of a model is mediocrity. The bad strike and disgust, but those that are not good, nor absolutely bad, deceive us, by offering a dangerous facility. Having copied frequently the parts of a face, proceed next to the entire head, drawing first a front view, then a profile, a three-quarter figure, and so on, varying it in every possible direction, till thoroughly acquainted with the appearance of all the principal lines in every situation. The student should then ac- company his lessons by making observations on good casts and living models j but more particularly the former, as individual nature is seldom fine, and there is danger in copying what is bad, and acquiring false ideas of beauty. By these exercises he will have acquired some facility in handling his pencil, and he will be thus prepared for the study of the whole figure. But before he can proceed to this with advantage, we would recommend to him the study of anatomy. But it is to be remarked, that it is not necessary for the designer to study anatomy as a surgeon, nor to make himself acquainted with all the nerves, veins, &c. It is sufficient to study the bones, and thf muscles which cover them, and of these he should more particularly make himself familiar with those muscles which most frequently appear and come into action. For this purpose, he should procure plaster casts of the anatomy of the human body, and consult treatises written upon the subject j and if he has opportunity, it may be proper afterwards to attend dissections and lectures on anatomy. Until the student has imbibed a proper relish for beautiful proportions, and been well-grounded in their principles, he should not proceed to draw from living models. In drawing from plaster casts, a good deal depends upon choosing a proper view, and placing the model properly with regard to the light, which should come in obliquely from above, as it generally does in the day-time. If a candle is used, it should be so high as to cast the light downwards upon the model. The light should only come from one part, as cross-lights distract and spoil the shadows 52. In measuring of the several pafts ^ the hmns^i tht moderns ordinarily divide it into ten fauifs ; th^t is^ froi» 22 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, in the manner following; all of which should be committed to memory; — From the crown of the head to the forehead, is the thkd-part of the face. The face begins at the lowest hairs which are upon the fore- head, and ends at the bottom of the chin. The face is divided into three proportional parts : the first contains the forehead, the second the nose, and the third the mouth and chin. From the chin to the pit between the collar-bones are two lengths of the nose. From the pit betwixt the collar-bones to the bottom of the breast, one face. From the bottom of the breast to the navel, one face. From the navel to the genitals, one face. From the genitals to the upper-part of the knee, two faces. The knee contains half a face. From the lowet' part of the knee to the ancle, two faces. From the ancle to the sole of the foot, half a face. A man, when his arms are stretched out, is from the longest finger of his light- hajid to the longest of his left, as broad as he is long. From one side of his breast to the other, two faces. The bone of the arm, called humerus, is the length of two faces, from the shoulder to the elbow. From the end of the elbow to the root of the little finger, the bone called cubitus, with part of the hand, contain two faces. From the box of the shoulder-blade to the pit betwixt the collar-bones, one face. The sole of the foot is the sixth-part of the figure, ■ The thumb contains a nose. The inside of the arm, from the place where the muscle dis- appears, which makes the breast, called the pectoral muscle, to the middle of the arm, four noses. THE HUMAN FIGURE. 23 From the middle of the arm to the beginning of the hand, five noses. The utmost •parts of the teats, and the pit hetwioct the collar-bdnes of a woman, make an equilateral triangle. The hands are twice as long as they are broad, and each of their parts has its length, breadth, and thickness. The length of the foot is -a sixth-part of the height. The length oj the face and hands ought to be exactly equcd, and it makes just the tenth-part of the height. 53. The rules in drawing children are as follow : — A child contains five measures of the head. From the top of the head to the privities, three heads, and in the thighs and legs, two more. The breadth betiveen the two shoulders, is the length of a head and a half. The bi’eadth of the body above the navel, the length of one head. The small of the leg, and the brawn of the arm, are of the thickness of the neck. Ohs. The following Table exhibits the proportions of the parts of the famous Apollo Belvidere and Venus di Medici. Supposing the figures to stand upright and duly poised on both legs, the whole heighth of the former is divided into thirty-one and a half partner fourths, being seven heads, three-fourths, and six-twelfths 3 and that of the latter, into thirty-one parts, being seven heads and three parts. Length of the Head and Trunk of the Body. Apollo. H. F. T. From the top of the head to the bottom of the chin four-fourths, or 1 0 0 the bottom of the chin to the top of the sternum, or breast-bone 0 1 7 the top of the sternum to the pit of the stomach 0 3 10 the pit of the stomach to the navel. ... 0 210 the navel to the pubis 0 3 Q Venus. H. F. T. 1 0 O 0 18 0 3 6 027 039 Length of the head and trunk of the body. , . 3 3 9 336 24 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING, Length of the Lower Extremities. From the pubis to the small of the thigh, H. F. T. above the patella, or knee-pan 12 6 the small of the thigh to the joint, or middle of the knee 0 1 g the joint of the knee to the small of the leg above the ankle i i g the top to the bottom of the ankle 0 1 0 the bottom of the ankle to the bottom of the heel 0 0 g Length of the lower extremities 3 5 g Length of the head and trunk, as above. .. 339 Total length of the figures. .73 6 Length of the Arm. From the top of the shoulder to the elbow. . . l 2 3 the elbow to the hand ] 1 2 the joint of the hand to the root of the middle finger 0 1 8 the root to the top of the middle finger O 110 Length of the upper extremities. .3 2 11 H. F. T. 1 2 3 0 1 6 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 3 3 6 3 3 6 7 3 0 1 2 3 1 0 6 0 1 6 0 1 7 3 1 10 Side View. Length from the top of the head to the shoulder 1 1 8 the top of the shoulder to the loins above the hip 1 3 3 the loins to the lower part of the hip 1 0 2 the hip to the side of the knee, opposite to the top of the patella 1 2 0 the side of the knee to the bottom of the heel 2 0 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 0 11 2 0 11 Length of the figure. .736 730 Other antique statues differ a little from these proportions, the Laoqoon measuring 7h. 2f. 3t. the Hercules, 7h. 3f. yt. the Pyramus, 7h. 2f. the Antinous, 7h. 2f. and the Shepherdess, ^h. 3f. 6t. But all their proportions are agreeable to the characters they THJ5 HUMAN FIGURE. 2 $ represent. The most remarkable differences of the symmetry of a man and woman to be observed from the table are : First, the shoulders of a man are broader, measuring two heads ; and the haunches narrower, measuring ih. If. 5t, whereas the shoulders of a woman measure only ih. 3f 8t. and the haunches measure ih. 2f 3t. The sternum, or breast-bone, of a man is longer, measuring 3f 8t, and the sternum of the woman only3f 3t. On the contrary, the pelvis of a man is less, measuring from the top to the bottom only 4f. whereas the pelvis of a woman measures from the top to the bottom 4f. 3t. 53. Mark the exact extent which you propose to give to the figure, both in height and breadth ; next, divide agreeable to the above general proportions ; and having thus ascertained the place where each part is to be drawn, sketch the head, then the shoulders, in their exact breadth; then the trunk of the body, beginning with the arm-pits, (leaving the arms till after- wards) and so down to the hips on both sides, being sure to observe the exact breadtlt of the waist. When you have done this, draw that leg upon which the body stands, and after- wards the other ; then draw the arms, and last of all the hands, 54. Endeavour to form all the parts of the figure with truth, and in just proportion, not one arm or one leg bigger than the other ; not broad shoulders with a slender waist, nor raw and bony arms with thick gouty legs ; but let there be a regular harmony among the members, and an agreeable symmetry throughout the whole figure. 55. As the essence of drawing consists in making at first a good sketch, you must, in this particular, be very careful and accurate ; finish no part, till you have seen wliether the whole draught be good ; and when you have altered that to your taste, you may then finish one part after another as precisely as you can. In drawing the eyes, ears, legs, ai’ins, hands, feet, &c, great care, study, and accuracy are requisite. 26 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING. 56. In drawing a labouring man, you must represent him •with strong limbs and raised muscles, swelling and standing out, especially in bearing burdens, drawing weights, leaping, running, combating, or such violent exercises. 57 . The actions and postures of the hand are so many and various, that no rules can be given for drawing them that will universally hold good ; and as the hands and feet are difficult members to draw, it is necessary to bestow due time and pains about them, carefully imitating their various postures and actions, so as not only to avoid deformity and imperfection, but to give them life and spirit. 58. It is usual to divide the head into four equal parts. 1. From the crown of the head to the top of the forehead. 2. From the top of the forehead to the eye-brows. 3. From the eye-brows to the bottom of the nose. 4. From thence to the bottom of the chin. But this proportion is not constant; those features in different men being often very different in length and shape. In a well-proportioned face, however, these proportions are nearly correct. 59. In forming a perfect face, the first business is to draw an oval, or rather the form of an egg ; down the middle of which, draw a perpendicular line, and through the centre, or middle of this line, dra\^ a diameter. — On these lines all the features of the face are to be placed as follows : — Divide the perpendicular line into four equal parts : the first is appropriated to the hair ; the second extends from the top of the forehead to the top of the nose ; the third extends from thence to the bottom of the nose ; and the fourth in- cludes the lips and chin. 60. The diameter line, or the breadth of the face, is al- ways supposed to be the length of five eyes ; you must, there- fore, divide it into five equal parts, and place the eyes upon it, so as to leave exactly the length of one eye betwixt them. This is to be understood only of a full front face ; for if it turn to either side, then the distances are to be lessened on that THE HUMAN FIGURE. 2/ aide which turns off, more or less, in proportion to its incli- nation. 6 1 . The top of the ear is to rise level with the eye-brows, at the end of the diameter line ; and the bottom of it must be level with the bottom of the nose. The nostrils ought not to come out farther than the corner of the eye in any face ; and the middle of the mouth must always be placed upon the per- pendicular line. 62. If the face be fat, the cheeks will seem to swell ; if lean, the jaw-bones will stick out, and the cheeks fall in ; but if it be neither too fat nor too lean, it will be nearly round. Touch the surface slightly, where the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin should stand ; then begin to draw them exactly, and so proceed till you have finished the face; after which draw the hair, its inflections, and shadows. 63. To draw the whole of the human figure in length, first sketch the head; then draw a perpendicular line from the bottom of the head seven times its length, the length of the head being nearly one-eighth part of the length of the figure. The best proportioned figures of the ancients are seven heads and three-fourths in height. If, therefore, the figure stands up- right, draw a perpendicular line from the top of the head to the heel, which must be divided into two equal parts, the bottom of the abdomen being exactly the centre. Divide the lower part into two equal parts again, the middle of which is the middle of the knee. 64. For the upper part of a figure, take with your com- passes the length of the face, which is three parts in four of the length of the head ; from the throat-pit to the pit of the stomach is one face, from thence to the navel is another, and from thence to the lower rim of the belly is a third. The line must then be divided into seven equal parts. At the end of the first division place the breasts ; at the second, the navel ; at the third, the privities ; at the fourth, the middle of the thigh ; at the fifth, the lower part of the knee ; at the sixth. 38 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. the lower part of the calf ; and at the seventh, the bottom of tlie heel, the heel of the bearing leg being always exactly under the pit of the throat. Ols. Let the learner remember, in whatever he intends to draw, first to sketch its several parts, measuring the distances and propor- tions between each with his finger or pencil, without using the com- passes, and then judge of them by the eye, a practice which, by degrees, will teach him to judge of truth and proportion, and will become his best and principal guide. 6b. If one side of the body bend in, the other must stand out ; if the back bend in, the belly must stick out ; if the knee bend out, the ham must fall in ; and so of any other part of the body. If a figure is standing, the foot must be placed in a right line, or perpendicular to the trunk or bulk of the body, where the centre of gravity is supposed to fall. The centre is determined by the heel ; or, if the figure is on tiptoe, then the ball of the great toe is the centre. The muscles of the leg which supports the body ought to be swelled, and their tendons drawn more to an extension than those of the other leg. Ois. Suppose Hercules, with a club, striking at any thing before him towards the left-side : then let his right-leg be placed so as to receive the whole weight of the body, and the left loosely touch the ground with its toes. Here the external muscles of the right- leg ought to be expressed very strong ; but those of the left scarcely appearing. The foot being extended, the muscles which cwn- pose the calf of the leg are in action, and appear very strong j though it is not meant that al/ the muscles of the right-leg, which supports the weight of the body, should be expressed very strong. If either of the mastoid muscles act, the head is turned to the contrary side, and the muscle which performs that action appears very plain under the skin. If the arms are lifted up, the deltoid muscles placed on the shoulders, which perform that action, swell, and make the extremities of the spines of the shoulder-blades, called the tops of the shoulders, appear indented or hollow. The shoulder-blades following the elevation of the arras, their bases inclining at that time obliquely downward. If tlte arms are drawn down, put forwards, or pulled backwards, the TUB HUMAN FIGURE. 29 shoulder-blades necessarily vary their positions accordingly. When the cubit, or fore-arm, is bent, the biceps has its belly very much raised. The same happens in the triceps, when the arm is extended. the thigh is extended, as when the whole weight of the body rests on that side, the glutasus or buttock muscle makes a very different appearance from what it offers at another time } but if the thigh be drawn backwards, that muscle appears still more and more swelled. When the whole leg is drawn upwards and forwards, and at the same time the foot is inclined inwards, the upper part of the sartorius ttius- de appears to rise very strong j in other positions of the thigh, that ruusdle makes a furrowing appearance in its whole progress. If a man is upon tiptoe, the extending muscles of the leg placed on the fore part of the thigh, and those of the foot that compose the calf of the leg, appear very strong, and the long peronceus makes a considerable indentation or furrowing at that time, in its progress on the outside of the leg.-— See the subsequent Pages. 66. In drawing after the Life, the greatest perfection of a Portrait is extreme likeness. The resemblance of men to one another is seldom or ever so complete, but that some particular turn or view of the face will indicate a difference j and it is the business of the artist accurately to discriminate, and nicely appropriate, those peculiar features, lines, and turns of the face, the representation of which will effectually convey the distinct and special idea of the very person whose portrait is to be drawn and no other. 67 . The resemblance, as well as every other excellence, of a Portrait, depends on the Features, Expression, and Am. Man s changeful race, the sport of chance and time. Varies no less in aspect than in clime; Mark well the difference, and let each be seen. Of various age, complexion, air, and mien.” Mason’s Febsnoy. 68. The Features require to be carefully examined and studied, by inspection in many different views, so that at tlie so ELEMENTS OP THE ART OF DRAWING. moment when the painter puts his pencil to the canvas, he may be possessed, not only of the apparent form of each particular feature in the view in which he represents it, but of its rela- tive and characteristic form also, the full expression of wdiich is not discernable in every view. Each particular feature should appear so distinctly shaped, that an exact model of the real head may be formed from the picture, if requisite ; and they must, at the same time be, so blended in the general mass of the face, that no one shall obtrude itself on the eye beyond the rest. The peculiar mode of touch, or execution, whereby each feature is best discriminated, can only be learnt by practice, and by the attentive study of the best masters. 69. In Expression, the student should observe, that the greatest care is to be used in drawing a portrait, that the fea- tures may be uniform and consistent with each other. The mouth is sometimes represented smiling, while the eyes are sad, and vice versa. The painter must, therefore, constantly bear in mind the general idea he has formed of the countenance he intends to express, and must be watchful of the corresponding forms of the features in moments of similar expression. The same remark may be extended to the larger portions of the figure. The same expressions must be clearly depicted in the motion or direction of the hands, arms, legs, and body, that appears to prevail in the countenance and turn of the head. It is this combination only which can give the exact resem- blance of the expression of nature, under the impulse of which no particular limb ever deviates from the general inten- tion of the whole body. 70. The Air principally regards the lines of the face or figure ; the attire of the head or person ; and the stature, or make of the general form. The proper lines of the face or figure depend on accuracy of drawing, and an entire agree- ment of the parts of the same form with one another. No- thing so entirely disguises or alters the appearance of an indi- vidual person as a change of head-dress, whether it is the THE HUMAN FIGURE. 31 adjustment of liair or attire. The greatest attention, therefore, is to be used in adapting the arrangement of this part of the portrait to the general costume of the person represented. The stature and make, in the same manner, contribute to the force of resemblance, and never fail considerably to influence the air of the person. It is, therefore, requisite to the truth of a portrait, that this part of the picture should be as faith- fully studied from the sitter as the face itself. Ols. Vandyke’s custom in painting portraits, was to appoint the day and hour for the person’s sitting, and he worked not above an hour on any portrait, either in rubbing in, or finishing; so that as soon as the clock informed him that the hour was out, he rose, and dismissed his sitter, appointing another hour on some other day. His servant then came to clean his pencils, and brought a fresh pallet, while he was receiving another sitter, whose day and hour he had appointed. After having lightly dead-coloured the face, he put the sitter into some attitude, which he had before contrived; and, on grey paper, with white and black crayons, he designed, in a quarter of an hour, his shape and drapery, carrying it to the canvas at his leisure. 71* Though every part of the face contributes towards expiessing the sentiments of the heart, yet the eye-brow is the principal seat of expression, and there the passions best make themselves known. The pupil of the eye, by its fire and motion, shows tlie agitations of the soul ; but tlien it does not express the kind or nature of such agitation ; whereas the motion of the eye-brow differs as the passions change their nature. 72. To express a simple passion, the motion is simple ; to express a mixed passion, the motion is compound : if the passion be gentle, the motion is gentle ; and if it be violent,, the motion is so 'too. We may observe further, that there are two kinds of elevation in the eye-brows. One, in which the eye-brows rise up in the middle; this elevation expressing agreeable sensations, and it is to be observed, that then the mouth rises at the corners ; another, in which the eye- brows 32 ELEMENTS OP THE ART OP DRAWING. rise up at the ends, and fall in the middle ; and this motion de- notes bodily pain; and then the mouth falls at the corners. 73. In Laughter all the parts agree; for the eye-brows, which fall toward the middle of the forehead, make the nose, the mouth, and the eyes, follow the same motion. In weep- ing, the motions are compound and contrary; for the eye- brows fall toward the nose and over the eyes, and the mouth rises that way. 74. The mouth is a part of the face, which particularly expresses the emotions of the heart : for when the heart com** plains, the mouth falls at the corners ; when it is at ease, the corners of the mouth are elevated ; and when it expresses aver- sion, the mouth shoots forward, and rises In the middle. 75. The head contributes more to the expression of the passions than all the other parts of the body put together. As humility, by hanging it down ; arrogance, by lifting it up ; languishing, by rttclining it on one side; and obstinacy, when, with a stiff and resolute air, it stands upright, fixed, and stiff between the two shoulders. The lipad also best show* supplication, threat, pride, love, joy, and grief. 76 *. The whole face, and every feature, contribute some-» thing; especially the eyes, which are the windows of the soul. The passions they more particularly discover are, pleasure, languishing, scorn, severity, mildness, admiration, and anger; to which we may add joy and grief, if they did not proceed more particularly from the eye-brows and mouth ; l)ut wheit those two passions concur with the language of the eyes, the harmony is wonderful. 77. Though the passions of the soul are most visible in the lines and features of the face, they often require the as- sistance also of the other parts of the body. Without the hands, for instance, all action is weak and imperfect ; their motions, which are almost infinite, create numberless expres- sions ; it is by them that we desire, hope, promise, call, send Jiack ; they are the instruments of threatening, priyer, horror. OP THE P4S&IONS. 53 and praise ; by them we approve, condemn, refuse, admit, fear, ask ; and express our joy and grief, our doubts, regrets, pain, and admiration. 78. The effects of Attention are to make the eye-brows sink and approach the sides of the nose ; to turn the eye-balls to- wards the object that causes it j to open the mouth, and espe- cially the upper part; to decline the head a little, and fix it without any other remarkable alteration. 79. Admiration causes but little agitation in the mind, and therefore alters but very little the parts of the face ; neverthe- less the eye-brow rises ; the eye opens a little more than or- dinary ; the eye-ball, placed equally between the eye-lids, appears fixed on the object; the mouth half opens, and makes no sensible alteration in the cheeks. 80. The motions th^taccompsiny Admiration with Astonish- ment are little different from those of simple admiration, only they are more lively and stronger marked ; the eye-brows more elevated; the eyes more open; the eye-ball further from the lower eye-lid, and more steadily fixed ; the mouth is more open, and all the parts in a much stronger emotion. 81. Admiration begets esteem, and this produces Veneration, which, when it has for its object something divine, or beyond our comprehension, makes the face decline, and the eye-brows bend down ; the eyes are almost shut and fixed ; the mouth is shut. These motions are gentle, and produce but little alte- rations in the other parts. 82. Although Rapturehas the same object as veneration, only considered in a different manner, its motions are not the same; the head inclines to the left side, the eye-balls and eye-brows rise directly up ; the mouth half opens, and the two corners are also a little turned up : the other parts remain in their nat Ural state. 83. The passion of Desire brings the eye-brows close toge- ther and forwards towaids the eyes, which are more open than Oldinary ; the eye-ball is inflamed, and places itself in the middle D 34 ELEMENTS GP THE ART OP DRAWING. of the eye ; the nostrils rise up, and are contracted toward* the eyes ; the mouth half opens, and the spirits being in mo- tion give a lively glowing colour. 84. Very little alteration is remarked in the face of those who feel within themselves the Sweetness of Joy, or Joy with Tran- quillity. The forehead is serene; the eye-brow without mo- tion, elevated in the middle ; the eye pretty open, and with a laughing air ; the eye-ball lively and shining ; the corners of the mouth turn up a little; the complexion is lively, the cheeks and lips are red. 85. Laughter, which is produced by joy mixed with surprise, makes the eye-brows rise towards the middle of the eye, and bend towards the sides of the nose ; the eyes are almost shut, and sometimes appear wet, or shed tears, which make no alteration in the face ; the mouth half open shews the teeth ; the corners of the mouth drawn back cause a wrinkle in the cheeks, which appear so swelled, as to hide the eyes in some measure; the nostrils are open, and all the face is of a led colour. 86. Acute pain makes the eye-brows approach one anothei, and rise towards the middle ; the eye-ball is hid under the eye- brows ; the nostrils rise, and make a wrinkle in the cheeks ; the mouth half opens and draws back ; all the parts of the face are agitated in proportion to the violence of the pain. 87. Simple bodily pain produces proportionately the same motion as the last, but not so strong : the eye-brows do not ap- proach and rise so much ; the eye-brow appears fixed on some object ; the nostrils rise, but the wrinkles on the cheeks are less perceivable ; the lips are further asunder towaids the middle, and the mouth is half open. 88. The dejection that is produced by Sadness makes the eye-brows rise towards the middle of the forehead more than towards the cheeks ; the eye-ball appears full of perturbation ; the white of the eye is yellow ; the eye-lids are drawn down, And a little swelled; all about the eyes is livid; the nostrils OP THE PASSIONS. 35 are drawn downward ; the mouth is half open, and the corner* are drawn down 5 the head carelessly leaning on one of the shoulders j the face is of a lead colour ; the lips pale. 89. The alterations that Weq)ing occasions are strongly marked ; the eye-brows sunk down towards the middle of the forehead; the eyes are almost closed, wet, and drawn down towaids the cheeks; the nostrils swelled; the muscles and veins of the forehead appear; the mouth is shut, and the sides of it are drawn down, making wrinkles on the cheeks ; the under lip pushed out presses the upper one : all the face is wrinkled and contracted ; its colour is red, especially about the eye-brows, the eyes, the nose, and the cheeks. 90. The lively attention to the misfortunes of another, which is called Compassion, causes the eye-brows to sink towards the middle of the forehead ; the eye-ball to be fixed upon the object; the sides of the nostrils, next the nose, to be a little elevated, making wrinkles in the cheeks ; the mouth to be open, the upper lip to be lifted up and thrust forwards ; the muscles, and all the parts of the face, sinking down and turning towards the object which excites the passion. 91. The motions of Scorn are lively and strong : the fore- head is wrinkled ; the eye-brow is knit; the side of it, next the nose, sinks down, and the other rises very much; the eye is very open, and the eye-ball is in the middle ; the nostrils rise and draw towards the eyes, and make wrinkles in the cheeks; the mouth shuts its sides, sinking down, and the under lip is pushed out beyond the upper one. 92. An object despised sometimes causes Horror, and then the eye-brow knits and sinks a great deal more. The eye-ball, placed at the bottom of the eye, is half covered by the lower eye-lid ; the mouth is half open, but closer in the middle than the sides, which being drawn back makes wrinkles in the cheeks ; the face grows pale, and the eyes become livid ; the muscles and the veins are marked. 93. The violence of Terror or Fright alters all the parts of the D 2 3G elements of the AR.T OF DRAWING, face j the eye-brow rises in the middle j its muscles are marked, swelled, pressed one against the other, and sunk to- wards the nose, which draws up as well as the nostrils ; the eyes are very open ; the upper eye-lid is hid under the eye- brow j the white of the eye is encompassed with red; the eye- ball fixes towards the lower part of the eye ; the lower part of the eye-lid swells, and becomes livid; the muscles of the nose and cheeks swell, and these last terminate in a point toward the sides of the nostrils; the mouth is very open, and its cor- ners very apparent; the muscles and veins of the neck stretched; the hair stands on end; the colour of the face, that is, the end of the nose, the lips, the ears, and round the eyes, is pale and livid ; and all ought to be strongly marked. 94. The effects of Anger shew its nature : the eyes become red and inflamed; the eye-ball is staring and sparkling; the eye-brows are sometimes elevated, and sometimes sunk down equally ; the forehead is very much wrinkled, with wrmkks between the eyes ; the nostrils are open and enlarged ; the lips pressing against one another, the under one rising over the upper one leaves the corners of the mouth a little open, mak- ing a cruel and disdainful grin. 95. Hatred or Jealousy wrinkles the forehead; the eye-brows are sunk down and knit; the eye-ball is half hid under the eye-brows, which turn towards the object ; it should appear fidl of fire, as well as the white of the eye and the eye-lid ; the nostrils are pale, open, and more marked than ordinary, and drawn backward so as to make wrinkles in the cheeks ; the mouth is so shut as to shew the teeth are closed ; the corners of the mouth are drawn back, and very much sunk; the muscles of the jaw appear sunk; the colour of the face is partly inflamed, and partly yellowish; the lips pale or hyid. 6G. As Despair is extreme, its motions are so likewise: the forehead wrinkles from the top to the bottom ; the eye-brows bend down over the eyes, and press one another on the sides of the nose; the eye seems to be on fire, and full of blood, the OF ANATOMY. 37 eye-ball is disturbed, hid under the eye-brow, sparkling, and unfixed j the eye-lid is swelled and livid; the nostrils are large, open, and lifted up ; the end of the nose sinks down ; the muscles, tendons, and veins, are swelled and stretched ; the upper part of the cheeks is large, marked, and narrow towards the jaw ; the mouth drawn backwards, is more open at the sides than in the middle ; the lower lip is large and turned out ; they gnash their teeth ; they foam ; they bite their lips, which are pale, as is the rest of their face ; the hair is straight, and stands on end. OF ANATOMY. 97 . To ask if the study of Anatomy is useful to the per- fect artist, is the same thing as to ask if, in order to learn any science, a man must first make himself acquainted with the principles of it. Nor is it merely to represent athletie and vigorous bodies, in which the parts are most bold and deter- mined, that anatomy is requisite : — it should be understood to represent correctly persons of the most delicate frame and condition, even women and children, whose members are smoothest and roundest. But it is unnecessary for an artist to study systems of nerves, blood-vessels, and viscera, which are removed from the sight. It is enough to be acquainted with the skeleton ; in other words, with the figure and con- nection of the bones, which are the props of the human body; with the origin, progress, and shape of the muscles, which cover those bones ; and with the different degrees in which nature has clothed the muscles with fat. Above all, he should know in what manner the muscles effect the various motions and gestures of the body. 98. Bonks are the frame or prop-work of the body, and give if firmness and shape ; but for their motions they are in- debted to the muscles, A bone is generally distinguished by 38 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING. anatomists, as having two parts, viz. its body and extremities. The body is called the diaphysis ; and the extremities are di- vided into processes and epiphyses: the former is an eminence continued from the body of the bones ; but the latter is a sort of an appendage to the bone by means of a cartilage or gristle. Processes generally obtain their names from their shape, size, or use : thus a large process, of a spherical form, is called the caput, or head j if the head be flatted, it is termed condyle, See. 99. Bones are adapted to each other with that nicety, that the end of every bone is exactly received by, or admits, the end of another. This connexion of the bones is called their articulation, and is divided into moveable, immoveable, and mixed articulation. 100. Bones are united by means of cartilages, and by liga- ments. Cartilages are white, solid, smooth, substances, of an elastic nature, and of a fibrous texture ; between the hardness of the bones and ligaments. Ligaments are white inelastic bands, very compact in their substance, and serve to connect the bones together. 101. The bones in the human frame are divided by ana- tomists into the head, trunk, and extremities. — The first divi- sion includes the bones of the cranium and face. The bones of the trunk are the spine, ribs, sternum, and bones of the pelvis. The upper extremity, on each side, consists of the two bones of the shoulder : namely, the scapula and clavicle ; the bone of the arm, or os humeri, extending from the shoulder to the elbow ; and bones of the fore-arm, from the elbow to the wrist, with those of the hand. The lower extremities, on each side, consist of the bones of the thigh, leg, and foot. 102. The Head is of a roundish figure, rather oval ; its greatest diameter is from the forehead to the occiput. The upper part of the head is called the vertex, or crown of the head ; the anterior, or the fore part, is the face ; the upper of OF THE BONES. 39 this the sinciput, or forehead; its sides the temples; its poste- rior, or hind part, the occiput ; and its interior part, the basis. 103. The bones of the head are divided into those of the cranium and face. — The cranium consists of, — 1. The coronal bone, or os frontis. 2. The two parietal bones, or ossa breg- matis. 3. The os occipitis. 4. The two temporal bones. 5. The sphenoid bone. 6*. The os ethmoides, or cribriforme. — All these, except the os occipitis and ossa bregmatis, are common both to the cranium and face. 104. The face is divided into the upper and lower jaws. The upper jaw consists of thirteen bones, exclusive of the teeth; six being placed on each side of the maxilla superior, and one in the middle. Of those which are in pairs are the ossa malarum, ossa maxillaria, ossa nasi, ossa unguis, ossa palati, and ossa spongiosa inferiora; the single bone is the vomer. 105. The Trunk consists of the spine, thorax, and the pelvis. 106. The spine, or vertehrcc, consists of a great number of bones, forming a long bony column, somewhat bent at each end, and is generally described as like the letter f. It extends from the head to the lower part of the body ; and is divided principally into two parts, tlie upper of which is called the true vertehrcB, and the lower one, the false vertebra, from the joints being immoveable in the adult. It is upon the bones of the spine that the body turns. 107 . The spine answers many great and important uses : in its canal it secures the medulla spinalis from injury. It serves as a defence to tlie abdominal and thoracic viscera. It supports the head, and gives strength, grace, and motion, to the whole trunk of the body. From the number of its articu- lations it admits of a very free motion ; and from its numerous processes, ligaments, cartilages, &c. it partakes of the strength and firmness of one entire bone. At the top, in the neck, it projects somewhat forward, in order to support the head. 40 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING^ Lower down in the thorax it curves outwardly, and thereby increases the cavity of the chest. In the loins it again pro- jects forward, approaching the centre of gravity. Towards its inferior extremity it again recedes backward, and affords room for the cavity called the pelvis. 108. The Thorax, or chest, consists of the sternum, ribs, and dorsal vertebrae. The sternum is that long bone, which extends from the upper to the lower part of the breast ante- riorly. It is articulated with the clavicle on each side, and also joined to the fourteen true ribs, viz. to seven on each side. The ribs are those bones formed like a bow, composing the sides of tlie chest. They are twenty-four in number, twelve on each side, distinguished into true and false ribs : the former are the seven upper ones articulated to the sternum ; the other five, on each side, are called false ribs, and are not immediately attached to the sternum. 109. The Pelvis is that cavity of the body which contains the urinary bladder, intestinuni rectum, and other viscera. It is composed principally pf the os sacrum, os coccygis, and ossa innominata. 110. The Extremities are divided into the upper and lower extremity. The upper extremities consist of the shoul- ders, arms, and hands. The lower extremities contain the thighs, legs, and feet. The shoulder consists of two bones, the clavicula and the scapula. The clavicula, sometimes called the jugulum, or collar-bone, is not thicker than the little finger, but longer. The scapula, or shoulder-blade, is fixed to the hinder part of the true ribs, somewhat in the manner of a buckler. In shape it is nearly triangular ; convex externally, and internally concave, to fit it to the form of the ribs. 111. The arm is divided into two parts, articulated together at the elbow ; that part from the shoulder to the elbow is pro- perly called the arm. The other part, from the elbow to the wrist, is called the fore-arm. The bone of the arm, or os humeri, is of a cylindrical shape, except at its extremities. The OF THE BONES. 41 fore-arm consists of two bones : the ulna, or elbow-bone, and the radius. The former is less than the os humeri, and be- comes gradually smaller as it approaches the wrist ; there are two processes, and two cavities, at the upper part of this bone. The radius supports the two first bones of the wrist on the sides of the thumb ; and the ulna is articulated with that bone of the wrist which corresponds with the little finger. The space between the ulna and radius is filled up by a ligament. 112. The hand comprises the wrist, and hand properly so called. The carpus, or wrist, consists of eight small irregular shaped bones, placed in two unequal rows. Those of the upper row are aiticulated with the ulna and radius ; and those of the lower row with the metacarpus. The metacarpus, or hand, consists of four bones, which serve to support the fingers. The five fingers of each hand consists of fifteen bones, disposed in three ranks, called phalanges : the bones of the first phalanx are the longest, and united to those of the metacarpus ; those of the next phalanx less in size ; and those of the last phalanx the least. All the bones of the wrist, hand, and fingers, (amounting to twenty-seven in each hand) are articulated to each other, and their articulations strength- ened by ligaments. 113. The lower extremities consist of the thighs, legs, and feet. Each lower extremity contains — 1. The os femoris, or thigh-bone : 2. the rotula, or knee-pan : 3. the leg : and, 4. the foot. 114. The os femoris, or thigh-bone, is the largest and strongest in the human frame ; of a cylindrical shape, convex before, and behind somewhat concave, where it receives several muscles. 115. The rotula, patella, or knee-pan, is a flat bone about four or five inehes in circumference, placed at the fore part of the joint of the knee. Its use is to defend the articulation of the knee from external injury ; it also tends to irrcrease the power of the extensor muscles of the legs, by removing their 43 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. direction favtlier -from the centre of inotloiij in the manner of a pulley^ 116 . The leg Is composed of two bones : the tibia, which is the larger and inner one, and the fibula, which is less. The tibia is of a prismatic form : the hinder part is the broadest ; anteriorly it hag a prominent ridge called the shin. The fibula is less than the tibia, and situated on the outside thereof ; it is of a triangular form, somewhat hollowed internally. Its upper extremity does not reach quite so high as that of the tibia j but its lower extremity extends beyond the extremity of that bone. 117. The foot is distinguished as divided into three parts, viz. the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes. The tarsus consists of seven bones. The metatarsus consists of five bones, arti- culated by one extremity with the cuneiform bones and the os cuboides ; and by the other extremity with the toes. Each of the toes consists of three bones, except the great toe, which has only two. The bones of the four smaller toes, like those of the fingers, are divided into three phalanges. The toes serve to bring the centre of gravity of the body perpendicular to the advanced foot : they also increase the concavity of the foot, and thereby enable it to adapt itself to any inequalities that may occur in walking. 118 . The motions of the human body, are performed by means of muscles. These are distinct portions of flesh, capa- ble of contraction and extension : and are divided into voluntary and involuntary muscles. Some muscles act in opposition to each other, from whence they are called antagonistcB : thus every extensor muscle has a flexor one for its antagonist, and vice vei'sa. Those muscles which concur in the same action are styled congeneres. That end of a muscle which adheres to the more fixed part of the bone is usually called the on~ gin ; and that which adheres to the more moveable part the insei'tion. 119 . Each muscle contains two kinds of fibres ; viz. one of a soft nature, red in colour, sensible, and irritable, called OP THE MUSCLES. 43 JJeshy ^hres’, the other kind, called tendinous fibres, are of a firmer texture, of a white glistening colour, insensible, and without irritability, or the power of contracting. The former generally prevail in the belly or middle part of the muscle, and the Ifittei at the extremities : sometimes they are intermixed. If the tendinous fibres are formed into a round slender shape, they form what is called the tendon of the muscle ; but when they aie spread into a broad fiat surface, the extremity of the muscle is called aponeurosis. Obs. A muscle is composed of two tendinous and slender parts, one called the head, the other the tail, both terminating at the bones j and of an intermediate part, called the lelhj. The action of a muscle consists in an extraordinary swelling of this intermediate part, while the head remains at rest, so as to bring the tail nearer the head, and consequently the bone, to which the tail of the muscle is fixed, nearer to that bone on which the head is inserted. There are many motions, to effect which several muscles (called co-operating muscles) must swell and operate together, while those calculated to effect a contrary motion (called antagonist muscles) appear soft and flaccid. For example, the biceps and the brachioeus internus labour when the arm is to be bent, and become more prominent than usual while the gemellus, the brac/iicsus externus, and the anconceus, whose office is to , extend the arm, continue, as it were, flat and idle, The same hap- I pens respectively in all the other motions of the body. When the antagonist muscles of any part operate at one and the same time, such part becomes rigid and motionless, Mr. Bell has lately published a work on the Anatomy required by painters, and to that work we shall refer the student who is anxious to perfect himself in this branch of art. 120. A muscle when in a state of action, and, consequently, contracted in its length, is increased in hulk, and thereby increases the surroundirig parts; and when in a state of rest, and extended i to Its full length, its bulk and the surrounding parts are diminished. ; This is the unavoidable consequence of the effect of muscular motion, which is performed by a dilatation in the breadth, and consequent contraction in the length of the muscle, and vice 44 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF DRAWING. versa. A member therefore by this means Requires an addi- tional bulk : this appears conspieuously in the arm ; for when both parts of that member lie in the same line, it is nearly an eighth part of its eircumference less, than when bent at the elbow ; for the os humeri, withdrawing from the cavity of the cubitus, adds the circummensuration of an angle, formed by that motion, to the length of the arm ; and this addition is greater or less as the angle made by bending is more acute or obtuse. 121. The arm, by its articulation at the shoulder, is capa- ble of being moved in every direction ; the farthest extent of the arm across the stomach, brings the elbow even with the pit of the stomach, whereby the two shoulders and that elbow form an equilateral triangle. When the two arms are extended behind the back, the elbows are distant from each other just the length of the fore-arm, from the elbow to the fingers’ end ; so that the two arms form a square. This member, when farthest removed from its natural posture, exerts the greatest force to recover its original station. Thus, in throwing a dart oi stone, the arm is drawn back, to such a distance from the body, as to acquire a rapid motion in returning to its natural posture : and the force is greater or less, as the arm is drawn farther or less backward. 122. The wrist experiences a change in its dimension from the opening or shutting of the hand. When the hand is shut it becomes less than when the hand is open ; the arm, on the contrary, becomes larger when the hand is shut, and less when it is open; the reason is, that in opening the hand, the mus- cles are extended ; and when the hand is shut, contracted in length, and thereby dilates the arm. The fingers, as well as the toes, partake of the customary changes, of enlarging them- selves on all sides, when the joints are bent; and suffering a proportionable decrease when extended. 123. The legs are more circumscribed in their motions than the arras. The chief use of these members, being either OP THE MUSCLES. 45 to support the body, or as a mean of walking, their muscles and bones are much stronger than those of the arms, whereby they are capable of bearing longer and greater exercise. Their motions are more direct ; and to turn the foot or leg outwards or inwards, requires a motion from the upper part of the os femoris or thigh-bone. The knee is the only joint that is dimi- nished in bending, and augmented in its bulk by being straight- ened. 124. Upon every change of motion or attitude of the body a great variation is observable. For instance, in a figure standing perfectly still, resting equally on both feet, each leg sustains an equal weight, and the pit between the clavicles hangs in the perpendicular line, which rises from between the feet ; but if the figure extend one arm, that pit quits its station, and reeedes towards the other side ; or if he move his leg, the pit is also moved. By the extension of his arm, the weight of his hand, together with that of his arm, act like a lever, and thereby alter the centre of gravity in his body, and render it necessary that he counterpoise it by some addition on the oppo- site side of the body, otherwise he' would fall j therefore he inclines his shoulder to the contrary side : this inclination of the shoulder is observable, chiefly by the hips. 125. When a person from a state of rest proceeds to walk, he, in a similar manner, protrudes the centre of gravity for- wards, and that in proportion to the briskness of his pace. In walking leisurely this is scarcely perceivable ; but in one run- ning swiftly it becomes very apparent ; his head and shoulders advancing considerably before that foot which springs from the ground : and if he run against a strong wind, in order to over- come its resistance, he throws the centre of gravity still more forwards j and protrudes his head and shoulders so much, that, were the wind suddenly to stop, he would inevitably fall forwards. 126. In endeavouring to leap, a man bends his body to acquire a spring, thus quickly extends the junctures of the 46 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OP DRAWING. tliighs, knees, and feet : by this extension, the body describes an oblique line inclining forwards, and rising upwards ; the motion directed forwards carries the body in that direction ; and the motion intended upwards elevating it ; these conjoined motions enable the body to describe a large arch, which is the direction described in jumping. OF DRAPERY. 127- The beauty of drapery depends in a great measure on the form and disposition of the folds. Their construction should therefore form a principal object of the student’s atten- tion. The general form of the clothing must also be particu- larly regarded. 128. The drapery must be adapted to the quality of the wearer : kings, magistrates, the clergy, &c. are to have large ample draperies with flowing graceful folds; ladies, nymphs, &c. should have light soft draperies, with more numerous folds, and softer shades ; peasants, slaves, &c. must have coarse short draperies, with fewer folds, agreeable to the coarseness of their garments. 129. The drapery is not so much intended to conceal the limbs or parts of the body which it covers, as to shew us the true shape thereof, as far as probability and experience will justify. Many artists were so sensible of the necessity of this rule, that they first drew the naked figure, and afterwards clothed it. 130. The drapery must however not appear to bind the body; but should flow round it, and yet embrace it; and in such a manner that the body may seem to have a free motion, perfectly unencumbered. 131. The greater folds should be drawn first, and then divided into -lesser ones ; they should however be all as large as possible ; that is, as far as the quality of the stuff, and quan- OF DRAPERY. *7 tity of the clothing, will make probable. They must not cross each other injudiciously j nor run in a direction contrary to the natural inclination of the motion of the drapery. 132. A repetition of folds of a circular form serves to indi- cate a fore-shortened limb. In the order of drawing the dra- pery, it must be observed, that those parts which adhere closest to the body are to be described first, before the other parts which fly loose ; otherwise the student may place his figure in a wrong position, if he draw the looser parts first. 133. The clothing must partake of the attitude of the figure. Where the figure inclines inward, the drapery must also incline the, same way, if it sit close to the bodyj but, if it be loose, it will hang pendant : where the body bends out- wardly, the garments will also have the same appearance ; in which place they will be nearly, and sometimes wholly, des- titute of folds. 134. Ihose parts where the drapery sits closer to the body must have smaller and narrower folds. Folds not only give grace and dignity, but, if judiciously constructed, impart much spirit and vivacity, as they may be made to represent motion, more or less violent, by the moving member which create* tliem, drawing them with different degrees of force. 135. If the figure be in motion, the drapery should flow gently the contrary way, as if gently blown by the wind ^ and if the motion be swift, the drapery should flow to a greater extent, the wind acting upon it with more violence. 136. If the figure be at rest, the drapery should indicate no motion, but fall in easy graceful folds. In shading the drapery, it must be remembered, that each fold consists of two shades, and no more ; the inner side being shaded the deepest. The lighter parts of the figure are not to have very deep shades, lest they appear too much indented ; and by these means the members appear broken. 137. In silks and fine linen, the shades should be thick and soft, consequently, the shadows must be light, and the fold# 48 ELEMENTS OR THE ART OF DRAWING. small. In a word, the learner must be very attentive to naturs. The young artist must be careful not to be led astray by the ambition of composing easily, or attaining what is called a mas~ terly handling of the chalk or the pencil a pernicious attempt, by which students are excluded from all power of advancing in real excellence. A student should apply his strength to that part of art where real difficulties lie j to that part which distinguishes it as a libe- ral art, and not by mistaken industry lose his time in that which is merely ornamental, He who endeavours to copy accurately the figure 92 ELEMENTS OP THE ART OP DRAWING. before him, not only acquires a habit of exactness and precision, but is continually advancing in his knowledge of the human figure ; and though he seems, to superficial observers, to make a slower progress, he will be found at last capable of adding that grace and beauty which is necessary to be given to more finished works. Sir Joshua Rey- KOLDS recommends to students to keep their minds fixed on th& highest excellencies.— If you compass them, and compass nothing more, you are still in the first class. We may regret the innumerable beauties which you may want : you may be very imperfect j but still you are an imperfect person of the highest order. I inculcate as fre- quently as I can your forming yourselves upon great principles and great models. — Your time will be much mispent in every other pui- fiuit. Small excellencies should be viewed, not studied j they ought to be viewed, because nothing ought to escape a painter s observation, but for no other reason. There is another caution which I wish tb give you. Be as select in those whom you endeavour to please, as In those whom you endeavour to imitate. Without the love of fame you can never do any thing excellent ; but by an excessive and undis- tinguishing thirst after it, you will come to have vulgar views ; you will degrade your style j and your taste will be entirely corrupted. It is certain, that the lowest style will be the most popular, as it falls within the compass of ignorance itself, and the vulgar will always be pleased with what is natural in the confined and misunderstood sense of the word.” ^ Some lofty theme let judgment first supply, .S I Supremely fraught with grace and majesty j *S S J For fancy copious, free to every charm .H 'I* \ That lines can circumscribe, or colours war.m j g I Still happier, if that artful theme dispense * A poignant moral and instructive sense. % . ( Then let the virgin canvas smooth expand, M .5 /To claim the sketch and tempt the artist’s hand ; €0 V I Then, bold Invention, all thy powers diffuse, i jOf all thy sisters thou the noblest Muse : I’ g I Thee, every art, thee, every grace inspires, ^Thce, Pbffibus fills with all his brightest fires. Cra<-e. Pfirtlnence. Truth. Disposition. ON CHOICE OF SUBJECTS. 93 { Choose such judicious force of shade and light As suits the theme, and satisfies the sight ; Weigh part with part, and with prophetic eye The future power of all thy tints descry ; And those, those only on the canvas place. Whose lines are social, whose effect is grace. Vivid and faithful to the historic page. Express the customs, manners, forms, and age j Nor paint conspicuous on the foremost plain Whate’er is false, impertinent, or vain j But, like the Tragic Muse, thy lustre throw. Where the chief action claims its warmest glow. { This rare, this arduous task no roles can teach. No skill’d preceptor point, no practice reach ; ’Tis taste, ’tis genius, ’tis the heav’nly ray Prometheus ravish'd from the car of day. Mason’s Feesnoy. OF TERMS USED IN DRAWING AND PAINTING. Abrial Perspective, is a gradation of the tones of colours, which throws olF the distances of grounds and objects; and which judiciaus artists practice, by diffusing a kind of thin vapour over them, that deceives the eye agreeably. It shews the diminution of the colours of objects, in propor- tion as they recede from the eye, by the interposition of the air between the eye and the object, as if the object was seen through a column of air. Antique. By this term are implied and understood, such painting and sculptures as were made at tliat period of time, when those arts were in their greatest perfection among the ancient Greeks and Romans, from the age of Pericles to that of Caracalla. The term Antique is more particularly ap- plied to the sculptures of the period before mentioned ; such as statues, basso-relievos, medals, intaglios, or engraved stones. However, all those remains of antiquity are not equally excel- lent or good : but even in those that are indifferent, there is a certain degree of, beauty which distinguishes them from the works of the moderns. But it is the most perfect of the works of the ancient great masters which are to be the objects of our taste and imitation, as they continue still to be the objects of our w^onder and astonishment. Attitude, in painting, is the posture or disposition of the limbs and members of a figure, by which we discover the action in which it is engaged, and the very sentiment sup- posed to be in the mind of the person represented. It com- prehends all the motions of the body, and requires a perfect knowledge of ponderation, and whatever refers to the centre of gravity ; but whatsoever attitude be given to any figure, that attitude must shew the beaiitiful parts, as much as the subject will jipermit, let the subject be what it will. It must, besides. clossary op terms. 95 liaYe such a turn, as, without departing from probability, or from the character of the figure, may diffuse a beauty over the action. It is allowed, that the choice of fine attitudes consti- tutes the greatest part of the beauties of grouping. Casting of Draperies. By this term is implied, the distribution of the folds ; and draperies are said to be well cast, when the folds are distributed in such a manner as to appear rather the result of mere chance, than of art, study, or labour. In that manner or style of painting, which is called the Grand, the folds of the draperies should be great, and as few as possible, because their rich siinplicity is more susceptible of great lights. But it is an error to design draperies that are too heavy and cumbersome ; for they ought to be suitable to the figures, with a combination of ease and grandeur. Order, contrast, and a variety of stuffs and folds, constitute the ele- gance of draperies; and diversity of colours in those stuffs contributes extremely to the harmony of the whole in historic compositions. Charge, or Charged, is a term used by artists to signify any thing that exceeds ; such as exaggerating the out- lines, in order to shew a superior degree of skill, and by that means exceeding the bounds of a regular simplicity. Yet (De Piles observes) there are charged outlines that please, because they are above the lowliness of ordinary nature, and carry with them an air of freedom, with an idea of a great taste, which deceives most painters, who call such excesses the grand man- ner. And although, to such persons who have a true idea of correctness, simplicity, and elegance of nature, these excesses may seem superfluous, as they only adulterate the truth, yet one cannot forbear to commend some things that are over- charged, in great works, when the distance from whence they are to be viewed softens them to the eye ; or when they are used with such discretion, as makes the character of truth more I apparent. It is worthy of being remarked, that in the antique i statues, which are allowed to be the rule of beauty, nothing 96 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. appeared diaiged, nothing affected ; nor is there any thing of tliatdcind in the works of those who have always imitated them j as Raphael, Domenichino, Nicolo Poussin, and some others. Chiaro-Scuro, is the art of advantageously distri- buting the lights and shadows which ought to appear in a pic- ture, as well for the repose and satisfaction of the eye, as for the effect of the whole together. As to the meaning of the word Chiaro (translated clear or transparent), it implies not only any thing exposed to a direct light, but also all such colouis as are in their nature luminous. Scuro (translated dark or darkness), not only implies all the shadows directly caused by the privation of light, but likewise all the colours which are naturally brown j such as, even when they are exposed to the , maintain an obscurity, and are capable of grouping with the shades of other objects. Of which kind, for instance, are deep velvets, brown stuffs, polished armour, and the like, which preserve their natural or apparent obscurity in any light whatever. By the chiaro-scuro, objects recei\''e more relief, truths and roundness ; and it particularly signifies the gieat lights, and great shades, which are collected with such industry and judgment as conceals the artifice. 1 he distribution of the objects forms the masses of the chiaro-scuro, when, by an artful management, they are so disposed, that all theii lights are together on one side, and their darkness on the other. Contour, or Outline, is that which terminates and defines a figure j and the great part of the skill of a paintei consists in managing the contours judiciously. Contrast, is an opposition or difference in the posi- tion of two or more figures, contrived to make a variety in painting. Thus, in a group of three figures, when one appears in front, another shews his back, and a third is placed side- ways, there is said to be a contrast. A well-conducted con- trast is one of the greatest beauties of a painting. It is not only to be observed in the position of the several figuies, but also in that of the several members of the same figure. If GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 97 nature requires the painters and sculptors to proportion the parts of their figures ; it requires also that they contrast their limbs and their different attitudes. One foot placed like ano- ther, or one member extended or depressed like another, excites our disgust j because symmetry deprives us of the plea- sures arising from variety, and makes the attitudes appear too frequently tlie same ; as we may observe in Gothic figures, which, by want of that judicious contrast, always resemble each other. Correctness, is a term which implies a design that is without a defect in its measures and proportions. Costume, is an Italian word, which signifies custom or usage ; and the term implies, that a painter, in representing some historical passages, action, or event, must not only be exact in describing the particular fact, but he must also repre- sent the scene of action j the country where the action has passed ; whether it was at Rome or Athens ; whether at a river or on the sea-shore ; in a palace or a field ; in a fruitful or a desert country ; observing to distinguish, by the dresses, cus- toms, and manners, peculiar to each people, whether they are of one country or the other j whether Greeks, Romans, Jews, or Barbarians. Design, implies the representation of one or more human figures or animals ; or some parts or members of either; or a scene taken from nature ; a plant, fruit, flower, insect, or piece of drapery, all taken from the life, in order to be in- serted in some part of a picture ; and in this sense it is called a study. It is also taken for the outline of objects ; for the measures and proportions of exterior forms. Design consists of several parts, of which the principal are, correctness, style, character, variety, and perspective. Distemper, is a preparation of colours without oil, only mixed with size, whites of eggs, or any such proper, glutinous, or unctuous substance ; with which kind of colour H 9S GLOSSARY OF TERMS. all the ancient pictures, before the year 1410, were painted, as also are the celebrated cartoons of Raphael. Dryness, is a term by which artists express the com- mon defect of the early painters in oil, who had but little knowledge of the flowing contours, which so elegantly shew the delicate forms of the limbs, and the insertion of the mus- cles; the flesh in their colouring appearing hard and stiff, instead of expressing softness and pliancy. The draperies of those early painters, and particularly of the Germans, con- cealed the limbs of the figures, without truth or elegance of choice ; and even in their best masters, the draperies very fre- quently either demeaned or encumbered the figures. Elegance in a design, is a manner which embel- lishes and heightens objects, either as to their form or colour, or both, without destroying or perverting truth. It appears most eminently in the antiques, and next to those painters who have imitated them best, the principal of which is Raphael. De Piles observes, that elegance is not always founded on cor- rectness, as may be evident from the w'orks of Raphael and Correggio ; in the latter of whom, notwithstanding his incor- rectness of design, his elegance in the taste of it, and in the turn which he has giv'en to his actions, must needs be admired, for he rarely departs from elegance. Expression, principally consists in representing the human body, and all its parts, in the action suitable to it ; in exhibiting in the face the several passions proper to the figures, and marking the motions they impress on the other external parts. Frequently, the term Expression is confounded with that of Passion ; but the former implies a representation of an object agreeably to its nature and character, and the use or office it is intended to have in the work ; and passion, in paint- ing, denotes a motion of the body, accompanied with certain airs of the face, which mark an agitation of soul. So that every passion is an expression, but not every expression a passion. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 99 Fresco, is a kind of painting performed on fresh plas- ter, or on a Mjall covered with mortar not quite dry, and with water colours. The plaster is only to be laid on as the paint- ing proceeds ; no more being done at once than the painter can dispatch in a day. The colours, being prepared with water, and applied over plaster quite fresh, become incorporated with the plaster, and retain their beauty for a great length of time. Grace, principally consists in the turn that a painter gives to his objects, to render them agreeable, even those that are inanimate. It is more seldom found in the face than in the manner; for our manner is produced every moment, and can create surprise. In a word, a woman can be beautiful but one way, yet she can be graceful a thousand. Grace is neither found in constrained, nor in affected manners, but in a certain freedom and ease between the two extremes. Grotesque. This term, which is now familiar among all the lovers of the art of painting, was by the Italians appropriated to that peculiar manner of composition and inven- tion, observed among the antique monumental paintings which were discovered in the subterraneous chandlers, that had been decorated in the times of the ancient Romans. And as the Italians apply the word Grotto to express every kind of cave or grot, all paintings, which were in imitation of the antique designs, discovered in those subterraneous chambers, which for ages had been covered with ruins, are now called or grotesque; implying a style, in which the imagination, and the wildness of inventive fancy, are principally exerted, without any strict adherence to nature, truth, or probability. Group, is the combination or joining of objects in a picture, for the satisfaction of the eye, and also for its repose. And although a picture may consist of different groups, yet those groups of objects, managed by the chiaro-scuro, should all tend to unity, and one only ought to predominate. That subordination of groups creates that union and harmony, which is called the iouUensemble, or the whole together. By a predo- 100 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. minant group the eye is agreeably fixed ; and, by means of the reposes caused by breadth of lights and shades, neither the effect of the other groups, nor of the subordinate objects, is hindered. Local Colours, are such as faithfully imitate those of a particular object, or such as are natural and proper for each particular object in a picture. And colour is distinguished by the term Local, because the place it fills requires that par- ticular colour, in order to give a greater character of truth to the several colours around it. Linear Perspective, is that which describes, or repre- sents, the position, magnitude, form, &c. of the several lines' or contours of objects, and expresses their diminution, in pro- portion to their distance from the eye. Manner, is that habitude which painters have ac- quired, not only in the management of the pencil, but also in the principal parts of painting, invention, design, and colour- ing. It is by the manner in painting that a picture is judged to be by the hand of Titian, Tintoret, Guido, the Caracci, and others. Some masters have had a variety in their manners at different periods of life ; and others have so constantly ad- hered to one manner, that those who have seen even a few of them will immediately know them, and judge of them without any risque of a mistake. The variety observable among artists, in their manner and taste, arises from the manners of the diffe- rent schools in which they have received their instruction, or of the artists under whom they have studied. Yet there -are many instances of great artists, who have divested themselves of that early partiality to a particular manner, and have altered it so effectually, as to fix on one abundantly more refined, and better adapted to their particular genius, by which means they have arrived at excellence. Thus, for instance, Raphael pro- ceeded, and acquired a much more elevated manner, after he had quitted the school of Perugino. Oruonnance, is the arrangement of the figures, in GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 101 respect of the whole composition ; or particular disposition of figures as to the different groups, masses, contrasts, decorum, and situation. Outline, is that which traces the circumferences of objects in a picture. The outline is to be drawn as thin and fine as possible, so as scarcely to be discerned by the eye ; and it ought to be observed, that a correct outline may excite plea- sure, even without any colouring, but no colouring can afford equal satisfaction to a judicious eye, if the outline be incor- rect; for, no composition, no colouring, can merit praise, where the outline is defective. Passion, in painting, implies an emotion of the body, attended with certain expressive lines In the face, denoting an agitation of soul. Pastici, is a term by which the Italians distinguish those pictures which cannot be called either originals or cojiies; being the works of some artists, who have had the skill to imi- tate the manner of design and colouring of other eminent mas- ters; sometimes borrowing part of their pictures, sometimes imitating their touch, their style of invention, their colouring, or expression. Several painters, of considerable reputation for their own original performances, have made themselves remark- able in this way ; but none of them more than David Teniers, who so successfully counterfeited Giacopo Bassan, as to deceive the most judicious, in many instances, at the first sight; though upon a closer inspection, his light and easy pencil, and a predominant grey tint, which is observable in the colouring of that master, will shew a perceptible difference between his pencil and colouring, when they are carefully examined, and compared with Bassan’s ; for, although Teniers understood the union of colours extremely well, yet Bassan was superior to him in the sweetness and vigour of his tints. De Piles recom- mends it to all persons who would not wish to he deceived by Pastici, to compare the taste of design, the colouring, and the character of the pencil, with tlie originals. Teniers, Luca 102 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Giordano, and Bon Boullogne, are those who have appeared with the greatest reputation for imitating other great masters y and beside these, many other artists have employed themselves in painting Pastici. Site, in landscape, signifies the view, prospect, or opening of a countiy, derived from the Italian word Sito, situation; and it is in use among painters, as being more expressive. The preceding Elements and Principles of Art are, after all, subordinate to practice, and will chiefly be useful as con^ nected with the diligent copying of the following examples; first, of the given size ; then, of a size somewhat enlarged ; and then, of a reduced size; so that no dijfficulty shall afterwards arise in copying I^ature itself of any required size. r ‘■vj' PLATE I. The annexed Plate will be found very useful to the Student. Figure I, represents the way to form an oval. Figure II, describes the names of lines. Figure III, the way to raise a perpendicular from an horizontal. Figure IV, the way of shading a round substance gra» dually decreasing to a point. Figure V, represents a flat surface. Figure VI, represents a round substance. Figure VII, represents a concavity. Figure I, draw the line A, B, C, fix the compasses at B, and dot it at A, C j then from B to D, E, then from A to F, then divide F, B, into four equal parts, and dot the fifth G, extend the compasses from G to A, and strike from A, H, H ; then fix it at G, and strike H H ; then the same on the other side of the oval, extend the compass from H to H, and strike J ; then fix the compass at J, and strike H H ; the same on the other side. Figure II, represents a square. A, A, are perpendicular lines, B, B, horizontal lines, and C, C, diagonal. Figure III, to raise a perpendicular from a given hori- zontal, divide the line A, B, C ; fix the compass at A, and strike D ; then at C, and likewise strike D ; then draw a line from B to P, I PLATE IL THE NOSE. Th is is the centre feature of the face, and if well pro- portioned, is exactly the size of the ear. Profiles. Sketch with black lead pencil, or chalk the outline, of the external form, being particular to place the nostril in its proper situation. When you have obtained a cor- rect outline, touch in with firmness the nostril and under the aose ; then the most conspicuous lines ; after which, hatch up to the colour ©f the original, remembering that the most trifling touches are essential to the general effect. Front. As this is a front view you will of course draw a line down the centre, as in Plate VI ; then proceed as above described. / \ This lesson is in outline and finish. The outline of this subject must be extremely tender, and the outline of all Flowers should invariably be delicate. When you have it correct, pro- ceed to finish with colours to the effect of the original. The colours necessary for this subject are exactly the same as the last ; viz. Lake, Ultramarine, Indigo, Gamboge, and Vandyke Brown. PLATE XLYL GROUP OF FLOWERS. The colours necessary are Lake, Gamboge, Indigo, Ultra- marine, Vandyke Brown, and Burnt Sienna. After a correct out- line is obtained, with a Grey tint made of Lake, Gamboge, and Blue, wash in the rotundities of the different parts, leaving broad lights for the pure colours ; then mix pure colours, and wash them over the different parts. Finish with the Browns, &c. It is impossible by words to describe the exact tints used for the different Flowers; we must leave that to the genius, experience, and attention of the Student, PLATE XLVIL CHERRIES. This and the following Plate are Fruit subjects j the present is a sprig of Cherries, from a drawing by Mr, Whi- chelo. The same principle in regard to execution is requisite as in the three preceding Plates. In the outlining of this sub- ject, the Student must be attentive to the characteristic form of the Bough, Fruit, and Leaves ; in short, in delineating all objects, it is necessary to study their peculiar and natural cha- racteristics. The necessary colours for this lesson are Lake, Indigo, Gamboge, Burnt Sienna, and the Grey colour. PLATE XLVIII. PEACHES. This subject is likewise from a drawing of Mr. Whi- cH£LO. The same course must be pursued as in the last four plates. The necessary colours are Gamboge with a little Lake for the first tint of the Peaches j then wash a little Ultra- marine over the plum parts ; then with pure Lake finish them to the elFect of the original : the first tint for the plum is Lake and Indigo, shaded with the same strengthened for the leaves ; Gamboge and Blue mixed to a Green for the green leaves, shaded with the same colour mixed with a little of the Grey Tint ; for the decayed leaf. Gamboge and Lake, lightly tinted with Blue in parts, and finished in the spirited places with Lake and Vandyke Brown. M PLATE XLIX. FISH. This Lesson is engraved from Elmer, who stands conspi- cuous in this department of art. With a Ground Tint (com- posed of Gamboge, Lake, and Blue, with a little Grey Tint) work in the out-line, and shadowing so as to produce the rotundities of the Fish. Then with pure colour tint the different parts, as near the lesson as possible, from that state work up to the original. Lake, Indigo, Burnt Sienna, 2nd Gamboge, are the colours used for the Fish. She EE § i* V PLATE L. SHELLS. As brilliancy is as necessary in Shells as Flowers or Fruits, the principles of colouring must be followed as was recommended in them. Lake, Gamboge, Ultramarine, Indigo, Vandyke Brown, Burnt Umber, and the Grey Tint, are. colours necessary to be used in this department of drawing. The Student must be careful that the bright light of the Shells are of pure colour, and he should use a little of the Grey Tint in the shadows, which will give an additional lustre to the lights. PLATE LI. BUTTERFUES. This Subject requires the same treatment as the last. Lake, Gamboge, Ultramarine, Indigo, Vandyke Brown, Burnt Umber, and the Grey Tint, are the necessary colours. 0^1 G. Sidney, Printer, Northumberland-street, Strand, London, ‘W L ^"““5B«nchSrfor,heuTe:,f| 1 13 Hamilton (Cieorge; inc^xiiw.tSlr3-_- /-<;i;.nn I Branches, for the Use of Students . . . 1812. Illustrated zvttn 51 engravings i a number coloured. Original quarter roan. A nice fresh copy. $65.00 or £25 AC, ^ j _ ^ I