FIRST PORTION. \\ .^ ^ O.A.T^^IL,Oa-XJE ^- OP THE COLLECTION OF 'J A¥IH€ FORMED BY HIS GRACE THE LATK DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH. K.G., COMPRISING A very Complete Series of the Engraved Works of Sir J. Reynolds, TURNER'S LIBER STUDIORUM, &c. : aEtU be Solti tJg Auction, bg Messrs CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1887, ^\.utvyfsi, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. LjJ . H 4- May be viewed Saturday and jMonday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' ,Offices, 8 King Street, St. James s Square, S W. ^ cc. A CONDITIONS OF SALE. L THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5k. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Anctionet r shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if reqnired ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messks. Christie, Mansox and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI, To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be reTfioved during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase- Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all liota un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by tha Defaulter at this Sale. Fourth Day's Sale. o»?« On TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1887, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. slates of the plates are as described in the Catalogue Baisonne of the Engraved Works of Sir Joshua Beynolds, ly E. Hamilton, M.D., F.LS. I - U' 551 Abington (Mrs.), as the Comic Muse Whole length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters j I 552 The Same. Half length, engraved by J. Wilson 553 The Same, in a white cloak Half length, by E. Judkins First state, before the title A I ^ 654 The Same, as ' Roxalana ' Half length, in stipple, by J. K. Sherwin First state, before any letters I , ( ^ ^ 555 Albemarle (George, 3rd Earl op) Half length, by E, Fisher First state, before the artists' names ',,, 556 Ditto, by C. Spooner ,» L 557 Amherst (Sir Jeffery, K.C.B.) Three-quarter length, by James Watson First state, before the title, the plate uncleaned ^0 ^ 558 Ditto, by B.. Purcell 36 C G 559 A.NOASTER (Duchess of) Whole length, by John Dixon First state, with artists' names only 560 The Same, in circle, sitting at a table Half length, by R. Houston First state, before any letters 561 The Same, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 562 The Same, by C. Spooner 563 Ancbum (Countess of) Half length, in oval, by J. Spilsbury Second state, with artists' names only 564 The Same, by J. Wilson First state, before any letters 565 The Same, by Dixon First state, before any letters 566 Anson (George, Lord) Three-quarter length, by Jas. McArdell First state, before any letters 567 Ditto. Second state, with the first date 568 Armstrong (John, M.D.) Half length, by E. Fisher ^ - 569 Ash (John, M.D.) Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters 570 AsHBURTON (Lord), with Col. Barre and Lord Shelburne Three-quarter length, in a group, by J. Ward , Touched 2)roof [/ . >:> 571 The Same. First state, before any letters ^'^^ Banks (Sir Joseph, F.E.S.) Three-quarter length, by W. Dickinson First state, with inscription in the artist's autograpli fjf ^^ 580 Baretti (Joseph) Half length, by J. Watts First state, before any letters ^ - — ' 581 Ditto. Second state r- 582 Barker (John) Whole length, hy J. Jones Second state /^ -^ 583 Barrington (Admiral Samuel) Half length, by Earlora First state, before the title *) ^ 584 Barrington (The Hon. Mrs.) Half length, by Eichard Houston Second state. " Sold by Houston " ■^ ^^ 585 Barrington (General tue Hon. Joun), by Houston I ' Before any letters e 2 , If. L >>.n t 38 586 Bartolozzi (Francis, E.A.) Half length, by T. Watson Second state, before the title 587 Ditto, by R. Marcuard Second state ; and two other small portraits 588 Barwell (Mr.) and Son Whole length, by W. Dickinson Second state A\ A /O ^ 589 Bastard (Mrs.) Half length, by Jas. McArdell Second state ^ ^ — 590 Bath (William Pulteney, Earl of) Three-quarter length, by Jas. McArdell Second state ^ ^if^, a 591 Bayham (Viscountess) Whole length, in stipple, by L. Schiavonetti Before any letters jf . Cf "^ 592 Beattie (Dr. James) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 1^ fQ — 593 Ditto, by F. Bartolozzi n (%. U 594 Beauohamp (Viscountess) Half length, in stipple, by W. Nutter J J First state, icitJi the title in Italian hand ^ ' ^ * — 595 Beauclerc (Miss Elizabeth) Whole length, as ' Una,' in stipple, by T. Watson Second state, before the title 596 Beaumont (Sir Geo., Bart.) Half length, perhaps by Hodges First state, before any letters f x^-^ 597 Beaumont (Lady) t 4%"^ Half length, by J. R. Smith ■^ ^ ... o I - First state, with artists' names only, etched 39 ^ ({^^ fc> 598 Bedford (Francis, 5th Duke of), with his brothers, and Miss Vernon Whole length, by Val. Green First state, before the title } ^ ^__ 699 Belgioioso (Count) Half length, by J. E. Smith / 2, — ^^^ Ditto, by J. Jacobe . ^ 601 Beresford (The Hon. Mrs.), with the Marchss. Townshend and the Hon. Mrs. Gardiner Whole length, by T. Watson First state, before the title ' Cp 'VO ^^^ Berkeley (Countess of) ^ Half length, by J. McArdell L ^0 603 The Same, by E. Purcell First state Q y 604 BiLLiNGTON (Mrs.), as 'St. Cecilia' Whole length, by James Ward First state, before any letters ^ ^ 605 The Same, in stipple, by P. Pastorini Before any letters /( — 606 Bingham (The Hon. Miss) Half length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi, E.A. First state, before any letters 607 The Same, by Alessand. Furcey — coloured; and one the reverse way — printed in red 2 608 Blackwood (Col. John) Half length, by W. Say Proof \i • 609 Blake (Mrs.), as 'Juno' Whole length, by J. Dixon Proof before the artists' names on the ground J ^ ^ 610 Bonfoy (Mrs.) Three-quarter length, by Jas. McArdell First state, before the title ^ \ ' 40 ^10- 611 The Same, by R. Pnrcell First state *y , if ^ 612 BooTHBY (General Sir Wm.) Half length, by J. E. Smith Second state \ 't _ 613 BooTHBY (SiK Beooke) Half length, by J. R. Smith ( I . ^ 614 Ditto. Second state, the plate altered 615 BooTHBY (Miss Penelope) By T. Pfirk First state, with open letters ^Q — 616 Boscawen (The Hon. Edwd.) Whole length, by J. McArdell First state ^ 617 Five other Portraits op the same Person Three-qnarter length 1> I / ^ ^ 618 BosviLLE (Miss Jutja) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 619 BoswELL (Jas.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, before the title 620 BouRKE (Joseph Deane, D.D.) Three-quarter length, by J. R. Sniitb Second state ^O m-m 621 BouvERiE (Master Jacob) Whole length, by Jas. McArdell Second state V. o — 622 Ditto. The reverse ^^ ft^ 623 BouvERiE (Hon. Mrs.) and her Child ' "" Whole length, by J. Watson 2 Third sfate, vifh inscription in the autograph of Horace Walpole 41 f -^ 624 BouvBRiE (Mrs.) and Mrs. Crewe Three-quarter length, by Jos. Marchi Second state, with the first date, 1770 — 625 Bower (Archibald) Half length, by J. Faber / ^ 626 Bowles (Miss) Whole length, by Wm, Ward First state, before any letters j'"" — . 627 Another, by C. Turner Proof before letters V - * 628 Braddtl (Master Thomas) Whole length, by J. Grozer First state, before any letters fl^ - 629 Broughton (Lady) Whole length, by T. Watson 1*^" ,« 630 The Same. Three-quarter length, by J. Wilson ^ 631 Brunswick (Augusta, Princess of) "^ By J. McArdell ^ — 632 The Same, by K. Houston and 0. Corbutt __ _^ 633 BuccLEUOH (Duchess of), with her daughter By J. Watson Second state, before the title - *- 634 Ditto. Same ^ — 635 The Same. Third state (, ^ 636 BuNBURY (Sir Thos. Chas., Bart.) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters % r— . 637 Ditto. Second state (^^ 638 Bunbury (H. W.) Half length, by T. Blackiuorc Second state 42 ^ . ^ ' ^ 639 BuNBUBY (Mrs. Henry) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters / ^ -^ 640 BtiNBUKT Lady Sarah) Whole length by E. Fisher Fh-st state, before any letters C "^ 641 The Same, reversed, by J. B. Lucien Printed in red 1 ^•7 ) I i . - 642 Btjnbury (Master) Three-quarter length, by Francis Haward First state, with the date, November 12th. and before Harvard's name as publisher ICP "^ 643 BUEGHEESH (JoHN, LoRd) Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters 644 BuBKE (Edmund) Half length, by Jas. Watson First state, before the title 645 Another, in stipple, by M. Benedetti Two states 646 Another, in stipple, by Hardy 647 Burke (Etchard) Half length, by Jas. Ward 648 BuRNEY (Chas.) Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state 649 Cadogan (Lady) Half length, by J. Dean First state, before the title 650 Callander (Mrs.), of Craigforth Half length, by Dickenson First state, before any letters \ . 11- (, /t< > c Q lO -^ 1 ■ 1 — 10. ( 0. *• r- IC ■_ 43 I (I — 651 Camden (Chas. Pratt, Lord) Whole length, by J. Basire First and second state And another, by J. F. Eavenet First state 4 V ~ 652 The Same. Three-quarter length, by J. G. Haid ; &c. 3 tj~ ^ 653 The Same. Whole length, in mezzotint Engraver unknown ^ — . 654 The Same. Whole length, sitting, by J. G. Haid First state, before any letters , J) — 655 Campbell (Miss Sarah) Three-quarter length, by Val. Green First state, before the title Jl s- 656 Cardiff (John Stuart, Lord) Half length, by E. Fisher First state, before the title ^ V ^ 657 Cardross (Lord) Half length, by J. Finlayson First state, before the title {^ ^ ^ 658 Carlisle (Fred. Howard, 5th Earl of) Whole length, by J. Spilsburg Second state (j) — 659 The Same, in the robes of the Order of the Thistle Whole length, by W. Ward, jun. Before any letters ,, ff ^ 660 Carlisle (Margaret Caroline, Countess of) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before the publishers' names Second state, before the title I ^ O ^^2 Carpenter (Lady Almeria) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 661 Carnac (Mrs.) Whole length, by J. E. Smith -t 44 I C) — G63 Cathcakt (Chas., 9th Baron) Three-quarter length, by Jas. McArdell First slate f (V " 664 Cathcabt (Lady) and her Child Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, before any letters j %■ — 665 Cavendish (Lord John) Half length, by J. Grozer Second state, before the additional words to the title f(J » « 666 Cavendish (Lord Eichard) Three-quarter length, by J. K. Smith Second state, before the date was altered to May , (J . (^ 667 Chambers (Sir Wm., E.A.) Three-quarter length, by Val. Green First state, with the letters etched I , ( 1^ 668 The Same Half length, by S. W. Keynolds Unfinished proof and print '^\ 669 Chambers (Lady) Half length, by J. McArdell Second state 2. . /<^ ' "■ 670 The Same, by C. Corbutt Ditto — in an oval I- ^ 671 Chamieb (Anthony, M.P.) Three-quarter length, by William Ward First state, before any letters -V ^ ) ^"^ ^ 672 Charteris (Hon. Francis) Half length, by R. Houston First state, before any letters iJ^ . Lf 673 Cholmondeley (Geo. Jas.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, before the title 45 i *■ 674 Cholmondbley (Missj Whole length, by J. Marchi First state, before any letters '^ 675 Another. Smaller and reversed Before any letters jf^x h 676 Cholmley (Mrs.) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters > ^ 677 The Same, by C. Corbutt ^l» 678 Clinton (Lady Catherine Pelham) Whole length, by J. R. Smith ^'^'' , First state, with the open etched letters fe . (i> 679 CooKBURN (Lady) and Children Whole length, as ' Cornelia,' and her children, in stipple, by C. Wilkin First state, before the title "~* 680 Coke (Master), as ' Young Hannibal ' Three-quarter length, by Chas. Townley ^^ 68 1 Collier (Mrs.) Half length, by Jas. Watson First state, with artists' names only " / - b 682 The Same. Trial proof before the plate was cut down . - 683 The Same, by E. Houston 2 1^ ^ 684 The Same, by C. Graham '1 ^ 685 CoLMAN (Geo.) Half length, by (i. Marchi Second statu ^ /1 686 Compton (Lady Elizabeth) Whole length, by Val. Green First state, before the title 1/ f 687 Conway (Hon. Geo. Seymour) Half length, by E. Fisher Second state - 1 46 ^ > I 9 > ^^^ CoBNWALLis (Countess) * Three-quarter length, by Jas. Watson First state, before any letters C^^ •" "* 689 CovENTET (Countess of) Three-quarter length, by Jas, Watson First state, before the plate was cleaned ^ , Zj* — 690 The Same, by Spicer First state and second state 2 •9 CO" 691 The Same, by J. Dixon 692 Cbawfoed (John, Esq.) Half length, by J. Grozer j ^ I ') u 693 Crewe (Master) ' / ■ / Whole length, by J. K. Smith Second state, before the artists' names in the middle of the cleared space ^ i I ^ -» 694 Crewe (Mrs.), as ' Ste. Genevieve ' Whole length, by T. Watson First state, before the title Q Cs f iL'^^ 695 Crewe (Miss Emma and ]\Iiss Elizabeth) Three-quarter length, by John Dixon First state, the artists' names etched, the plate uncleaned -^ / C- "^ 696 The Same, by Brookshaw ^ C^^ ^ 697 The Same, by J. Paul 'f / // — ^^^ Crosbie (Viscountess) Whole length, by W. Dickinson i I First state, before the title 699 Cumberland (Wm. Augustus, Duke of) Half length, by E. Fisher First state, before any letters 700 The Same, larger, by C. Spooner First state 701 The Same, ditto, another plate ; and one, smaller / / [ 702 Cumberland (Hy. Fredk., Duke of) ' -^ * ^ Whole length, by T. Watson First state, before the title 47 "^ ^ 703 Cumberland (H.E.H. The Duchess of) Whole length, by J. Watson First state, with the publication line only r P . " 704 Oust (Rt. Hon. Sib John, Bart.) Whole length, by J. Watson y First state, before the title ((§ x> 705 Dalkeith (Chas. J as. Wm. Scott, Earl of) Whole length, by Val. Green First state, before the title 'G t V? 706 Ditto. Ditto ^«-- 707 Damer (Hon. Mrs.) ' "^ Thiee-quarter length, by J. R. Smith First state, before the title / / ^ ^ 708 Dashwoob (Lady) and her Son Half length, by C. H. Hodges Second state, before the title ^ 709 Davidson (Wm.) Half length, by J. Jones First state 'rC (* y 710 Davidson (Miss Susannah Jane) Half length, by J. Dixon First state, before any letters L 711 Dawson (Lady Anne) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, before the title (r- 712 The Same, by R. Purcell Second state 713 Delme (Lady Betty) Whole length, by Val. Green First state ; slightly damaged, with the French publisher's name [( 714 Derby (Countess of) Whole length, by W. Dickinson First state, before the title 48 '^ ^- — 715 Devonshire (Wm. Cavendish, 3rd Duke of) Three-quarter length, by J. Faber, jun. First state, before the publication line O ^ '2, . /— 716 Devonshire (William, 5th Duke of) Half length, by J. R. Smith First state, icith the artists' names, dc, etched I / ^ I Q -- 727 Devonshire (Georgiana, Duchess of) Whole length, i>y Val. Green First state, before the title 7^'^ "^^^ '^•'■^ Devonshire (Georgiana, Duchess of), with her daughter, Lady Georgiana Cavendish Three-quarter length, by G. Keating Second state, icith the title in open letters / ( ^ 719 DiGBY (Ho>f. AND Eev. W.) Half length, by S. W. Reynolds First state, hefor^ any letters I, ^ t C- - ""^ 720 Dilettanti Society. Portraits of some of the members of this famous Society By W. Say and C. Turner — a pair First states, before any letters 721 The Same, by C. Turner Proof touched from the original, by J. Jackson, B.A. 722 Dorset (John Fredk., 3rd Duke of) Half length, by T. Hardy First state, before any letters 723 The Same. Half length, by S. W. Reynolds First state, before all letters ^ 724 Downe (Henry Pleydell Dawnay, 3rd Viscount) Half length, by E. Fisher First state, before any letters ' 725 Dbummond (Robt. Hay, Archbishop of York) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson Second state 7. t fi- I « le /• 1 / V' (o* 49 f§ L ^ 726 DuNGANNON (Fked,, Visoount) Half length, by J. Grozer First state, before any letters "ill DxjNOANNON (Viscountess) Half length, by J. Grozer First state, hefore any letters ^ ^ 728 DuNDAS (Et. Hon. Henry) Half length, by J. E. Smith y^^ 729 Dunning (John) Half length, in stipple, by F, Bartolozzi First state, hefore any letters Q^X) 730 Dyer (Samuel, F.E.S.) Half length, by G. Marchi First state, hefore any letters Lh End of Fourth Day's Sale. Fifth Day's Sale. oJn Second state i(^(AjUL€*JljU(j G-J^aJJuJ — 800 Hamilton (Lady) If length, as First statg, in darlc border before any letters Half length, as a Bacchante, by J. R. Smith '' Inyy^ t-i^'C"^ Jjtrst statg, 'in daric border bejore any letters / 3^ 80i The Same. Third state '^ b -^Pvu^^^ct^ 'U * U^^-^ty-U-t 2^0 802 Another, the reverse Avay ^-j- (1. '' ' V^ Second state 803 Another, without the border; and 'a smaller ditto 3 / 804 Harcourt (Mary, Countess) ^ ^ Three-quarter leugth, by S. W. Reynolds First state, before any letters bf 805 Hakdinge (Mrs.) - \JL-<)4>UL Throe-quartor leugth, by T. Watson Second state, before the larye Italian letters I 56 806 Hare (Feanois) Half length, by S. W. Eeynolds Engraver's proof — in oval 807 The Same. First state and second state 2 808 Hare (Master Francis G.) Three-quarter length, in stipple, by Eichard Thew Second state 809 Hargrave (Francis), by J. Jones Second state and third state 2 810 Harrington (Jane, Countess of) Cj'-fU n, jT) Whole length, by "Val. Green \ Second state, before the title 811 Harrington (Countess), with her children, Lord Petersham, and Hon. Lincoln Stanhope ' /> , / In stipple, by F. Bartolozzi (^-^U/ (X^^tA^ First state, before the title * 812 Harris (Sir James), afterwards 1st Lord Malmesbury Three-quarter length, by Caroline Watson Second state 813 Harris (Miss Frances) Whole length, by J. Grozer First state, before any letters 814 Harrison (Sir Thomas) Three-quarter length, by E. Fisher ^, First state, before any letters Q _ 815 Hartley (Mrs. Elizabeth) and Child /, a ' Three-quarter length, by G. Marchi '-<^- t7t^ ^ Second state 5 — — 816 Another, in stipple, by G. Nutter First state, before the title 'I I 2 ^ 817 Hastings (Warren) ^ If I* Three-quarter length, by T. Watson '^^^'^W. C(y{M^ First state, before the title was erased L 57 - — 818 Hastings (Lady Selina) Whole length, by R. Houston First state, with artists' names only ) Ly 819 The Same, by C. Spooner [^ _ 820 Hawksworth (John, LL.D.) Half length, by J. Watson First state ' 821 Heathfield (Geo. Augustus Elliott,) Loed Three-quarter length, in stipple, by E. Earlom Second state H V C 822 Herbert (Master Henry George) Whole length, as the Infant Bacchus, by J. R. Smith First state, before the title 1/^ 823 Herbert (Lady Elizabeth) and Son CxO^-T/U-'^-^C^'-^ Whole length, by J. Dean \ First state, before the title ^ /? 824 Herbert (Lady Harriet) Three-quarter length, by V. Green First state, loith artists names only , -. 825 Hertford (Francis Seymour Conway, Marquess of, K.G.) Half length, by John Watts First state, before any letters I Q ^ 826 Hervey (The Hon. Aug. John, Captain R.N.) Three-quarter length, by E. Fisher First state, before any letters ♦) (> 827 HoARE (Master) Whole length, in stipple, by Charles Wilkin Second state ? ^ 828 Hood (Samuel, Lord) Three-quarter length, by J. Jones First state, with open letters 829 Hope (Henry E.) '-' Three-quarter length, by C. H. Hodges First state, before any letters 58 u I 4? - 830 Hope (Mrs. Mary) Half length, by E. Fisher n k Before any letters 5 I ^ , 831 Hope (Williams, Mrs.) Three-quartei- length, by C. H. Hodges First state, before any letters *'i 832 HoRNECK (Mrs.) Half length, by J. McArdell First state, before any letters ( , 7, — 833 The Same, by E. Purcell First state iO *? / /n 834 HoRNECK (Miss Mary) Whole length, by E. Dunkarton Second state fj ■ ji ^ ^ 835 Howard (Lieut.-Gen. Sir George, K.B.) Half length, by J. Watson /' fi First state, before any letters 1 / .^l Y 836 Howard (Lady Caroline Isabella) r*-<*'%/t--£.^ Whole length, by V. Green ^ 1, 11.(0 First state, before the title 837 Huddesford (Mrs.) Half length, by H. Meyer \ ^ ^^^ Hughes (Admiral Sir Edward) Whole length, by J. Jones Second state X-, V ^ C 839 Hume (Sir Abraham, Bart., F.E.S.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, with open etched letters — (5 — 840 The Same, by C. H. Hodges, and by T. Lupton 841 Hume (Lady) Half length, by E. Edwards Second state, before the title I .^ ( ^/> 842 Hunter (John, F.E.S.) Three-quarter length, by Wm. Sharp (in line) First state, before any letters Q 843 Ditto. I'hird state, and a lithograph 59 r. 844 845 ^2 846 Hutchinson (Et. Hon. John Hely) Three-quarter length, by J. Watsou First state, before any letters Hyndfokd (Countkss of) Half length, by J. McA rdell Second state I '4 In gram-Shepherd (The Hon. Frances) Half length, by J. E. Smith First state, loitJi the artists' names, title, &c., etched Innes-Noroliffe (Sir James, Bart.) Half length, by V. Green First state, before any letters OrLu.a,yU [jy^ti »*^ 848 Irwin (Mrs.) Half length, by J, Watsou First state, with Watson's name as publisher !» 849 Jacobs (Miss) Three-quarter length, by J. Sj)ilsbury First state, before any letters ((,- p 850 )f ^ 851 I ^>52 j^^^853 , (^ 854 James (Sir Wm., Bart., F.E.S.) Three-quarter length, by J. K. Smith First state James (Mrs.) Half length, as a Madonna, by T. Blackmore First state, before any letters Jenyns (Soame, Esq.) Half length, by W. Dickinson Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before the title ■A^ .iA^^^iyllyOV VL^U Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Half length, by Wra. Doughty First state, loith the artists' names, title, (ic., etched Ql^.io 855 Johnson (Miss) '^ ^ €i£e2LA<-<^ V^ ' Three-quarter length, by J. Grozer ' ^^ First state, before any letters ; and the etching '0 . / 4r . (3 856 Johnstone (Lady Charlotte) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before the publication line I I /-- 857 The Same, by Corbutt 858 Kaijffman (Maria Angelica, K.A,) In stipple, by F. Bartolozzi Second state AC ^ ^ 859 Another (in line), by E. Morace ^^"V^ ^^^j^'i^-^ 860 Kemble (Miss Frances), the White Dress Half length, by J. Jones First state, before any letters 861 Another Plate, with the Black Dress ,^/) f . ' ^ '^ First state, with Miss Kemble in etched letters w\ 862 E^NNEDY (Miss Polly) (or Jones) Three-quarter length, by T. Watson First state, before the artists' names in large letters 863 Kent (Mrs.), afterwards Lady Whole length, by J. Dean First state, with the date January 1779 864 Keppel (Hon. Augustus) Whole length, by E, Fisher Second state * 865 The Same Three-quarter length, by E. Fisher before any letters, and two later impressions 866 The Same. Another plate — nearly similar Before any letters 867 The Same Half length, by W. Doughty First state 1.7. t 2 ■ i'O t(^ SJ^'> Q -^.0 I ^ ^' /• S. S. ''^ ^0 .0 61 I ry< 868 Keppel(Lad7 Elizabeth) 4\ U^J kjuJ 6 Q ^ Whole length, by lO.Fisher ^^i-'^'^-^'O^^^ First state, before any letters I (^ s, 869 KiLDARE (James, Earl of) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, before any letters y/ {7 870 Kildare (Countess of) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell Second state / 871 KiNGSLEY (W., Esq.) Half length, by E. Houston First state and second state / \i . 872 Lamb (Peniston, William, and Frederick James) ' In stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters A/^ 873 Lascelles (Mrs.) and Child Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 874 The Same, by Corbutt / - 876 Lawrence (Stringer) Whole length, in stipple, by E. A. Ezekiel 10 -^ ^^^ "^^^ ^^^^ Half length, by E. Houston First state, before publication line 5 — 877 Another, by R. Purcell , ^ 878 Lee (John) ' Three-quarter length, by C. H. Hodges First state, before any letters a I i\l >V^ 879 Lee (Lady Elizabeth) ' ^ I ^ .0 Whole length, by E. Fisher /^ ^ fj fj/ 1 r/ V^ First state, before any letters '"' ' -^-^ CCt<~ /^ S^ _ 880 The Same. Engraver unknown Whole length, by V. Green (^PJAA-XAJ^ ^ First state, before the title v ' 904 Another, by C. Knight In stipple Second state 64 ? ? - (0 ^^'^ Mansfield (William Murray, 1st Earl of) Three-quarter length, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before the title /J ^ /I 906 Marchi (Guiseppe) Half length, by John Spilsbury Second state And the same, by Brookshaw and Wilson 3 ^- /^ >- 907 Markham (William, D.D.) Half length, by E. Fisher Unfinished proof r , — '^ 908 Markham (W., D.D.), when Archbishop of York Three-quarter length, by J. E. Smith First state, before the words '■'•from an original painting," dec. I ~ -. 909 Marlborough (Ch. Spencer, 2xd Duke of) Half length, by E. Houston First state, before any letters , \0 t. 910 Marlborough (George, 3rd Duke of) * By S. W. Eeynolds Before any letters 911 Marlborough (George, 3rd Duke of) and Family By Chas. Turner First state, before the title 912 Ditto (the small plate) Before all letters C / C- I 913 Marlborough (Duchess of), and her daughter, Lady C. Spencer Three-quarter length, by J. Watsou G First state, before the title 914 Another, by E. Houston First state, before the title 915 Another, by H. Fowler Third state 65 916 Mason (Rev, William) Half lengtb, by W. Doughty First state, before any letters Vi 917 Mathew (Mrs.) r^ n fl dl L Whole length, by W. Dickinson ^'MH^-^'^ ^ Second state, before the title End of Fifth Day's Sale. L-^L % I '\,. '^ Sixth Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1887, AT ONE O CLOCK PBECISELY. 3X>io 918 Melbotjene (Lady) Half length, by J. Finlayson First state, before any letters 919 Melbourne (Lady), with her sou, the Hon. Peniston Lamb Whole length, by T. Watson First state, before the title 920 Meyer (Miss) Whole length, as ' Hebe,' by J. Jacobe First state, before " Hebe " 921 MoLiNKux (Lady Isabella) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters 921a The Same. Second state 922 MoNKTON (Hon. Mary) Whole length, by J. Jacobe First state, icith the date January 1779, and before BoydelVs name 923 Montagu (Lady Elizabeth) Half length, by J. McArdell Second state, before the tiiU i.1^ 07 924 Montagu (Lady Cakoline) i-X-. ■< A Whole length, by J. R. Smith First strife, hefore the title 925 The Same. Second state 926 Montagu (Ladies Elizabeth and Henrietta) Whole length, by H. Meyer First state, hefore any letters 927 Montagu (Mrs.) Half length, by J. E. Smith First state, hefore the title, arms, dtc. 928 MoRANT (Mrs.) By Chas. Townley First state, hefore any letters - 929 MoBDAUNT (Mrs.) Half length, by J. R. Smith First state, hefore the title, &c. 930 Morpeth (George, Lord) Half length (in line), by Thomas Trotter First state ; and unfinished mezzotint and etching 931 Morris (Mrs.) Half length, by J. E. Smith First state, with etched letters 932 Morris (Miss), as ' Hope nursing Love ' Whole length, by E. Fisher First state, hefore any letters 933 The Same. Third state 934 MuDGE (Rev. Zachariah, D.D.) Half length, by J. Watson First state, hefore any letters 935 MuDGE (John, M.D., F.R.S.) Half length, by W. Dickinson First state, hefore any letters 936 The Same. Engraver unknown First state, hefore any letters 68 937 Muse (Miss) Half length, by J. Faber, jun. First state, artists' names only C ILO ^^^ MusTEBS (Mrs.) ^X^ Whole lengt Whole length, by J. R. Smith First state Title and line of puUication in MS. 939 Musters (Mrs.) Whole length, as ' Hebe,' by C. H. Hodge s First state, icith open letters 940 Newton (Thos., D.D.) Three-quarter length, by T. Watson First state, before any letters 941 Northumberland (Hugh Percy, Earl of) Half length, by E. Fisher First state, before any letters 942 The Same. Another plate, reduced First and second states 943 Northumberland (Countess of) Half length, by E. Fisher Second state 944 The Same. Whole length, by E. Houston First state, before the inscription icas erased 945 The Same. Two smaller plates, by Fisher and Houston 946 O'Brien (Miss Nelly) Three-quarter length, by Charles Phillips First state, before the verses from Dryden 947 The Same, by S. Okey First state, before the title 948 O'Brien (Miss Nelly) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson 949 Ditto. Proof touched by Sir J. Beynolds 950 Ditto, by J. Wilson. First state, before any letters 951 The Same, by C. Spooner; and small plates 69 952 O'Brien (Lady) Three-quarter length, by J. Dixon First state, before any letters 953 Oliver (Miss) Three-quarter length, by G. Marchi First state, before any letters And Sir J. Reynolds^ two receipts for the portrait 954 Omai Whole length, by J. Jacobe Third state 955 Orleans (Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke op) Whole length, by J. E. Smith First state, with the address, Oxford Street 956 Paine (James) and Son Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before letters 957 Palmer (Miss Mary) Half length, by W. Doughty First state, with the first date, January 29, 1779 958 Palmer (Miss) In stipple, by J. Collyer 959 Palmer (Theophila), by J. E. Smith First state, with the first date, the 11th of June, and before " buildings " after Bateman's 960 Palmer (Theophila) Small half length, in oval, by J. E. Smith Before any letters 961 Ditto. Second state ; and one other 2 962 Parker (Hon. Mrs.) Whole length, by T. Watson First state, before any letters 963 Paterson (John) Half length, by T. Wiitf^ou First state a 2 70 964 Pelham (Mrs.), Feeding Chickens Whole length, by W. Dickinson Fi7ie impression of the only state hnown 965 Pembroke (Henry, 10th Earl of) Three-quarter length, by J. Dixon First state, before the publication line 966 Pembroke (Henry, Earl of), with Elizabeth (Countess of), and their son, Lord George Herbert Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First stat^ before the title 967 Pembroke (Countess op), and her son, Lord G. Herbert Three-quarter length, by J, Dixon First state, with artists' names and publication line only 968 Penn Family (The) Whole length, by Chas. Turner Before any letters 969 Percy (Thomas, D.D., Dean of Carlisle) Half length, by W. Dickinson First state, before any letters 970 Pitcairn (Wm., M.D., F.E.S.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, before any letters 971 Portland (Wm. Henry Cavendish, 3rd Duke of) Three-quarter length, by J. Murphy First state, icith open etched letters 972 Pott (Percival, F.R.S.) Three-quarter length, by C. Townley First state 973 Pott (Miss Emily) Whole length in stipple, as ' Thais,' by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters 974 Powell (Miss Harriet) Three-quarter length, in character of ' Leonora ' in ' The Padlock,' by R. Houston First state, before the verses 71 975 The Same, by Elizabeth Judkins 976 PowLET (Lady Cathekine) Whole length, by J. R. Smith First state, with etched letters 977 Prick (Lady Caeoline) Half length, by J, Jones First state, before the title 978 Price (Miss) Whole length, by J. Watson Second state, with Watson's address 979 QUABRINGTON (MrS.) Three-quarter length, as ' St. Agnes,' by T. Chambers Second state, before title 980 Rawdon (Lord) Earl of Moira Whole length, by J. Jones First state, before the title 981 Reynolds (Rev. John) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, before any letters 982 Reynolds (Rev. Samuel) Half length, by S. W. Reynolds Before any letters 983 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) P.R.A. Half length, by J. Watson First state, before publication line 984 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Half length, by C. Townley And another, by J. K. Sherwin 985 Reynolds (Sir Joshua), as President of the Royal Academy Three-quarter length, by V. Green Without any letters 986 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Half length, by Caroline Watson And another, by (j. Clint 72 987 Eetnolds (Sir Joshua) Half length, by Caroline Kirkley First state, before any letters 988 Eeynolds (Sie Joshua) Half length, by S. W. Eeynolds First state, before the title 989 EoBERTsoN (W., D.D.) Three-quarter length, by J. Dixon First state, before the names of Boydell and other publishers 990 EOBINSON (ElCHABD, D.D.) Half length, by E. Houston First state, before the publication line 991 The Same Three-quarter length, by J. E. Smith First state, before the title 992 EoBiNsoN (Mrs.), as ' Perdita ' Half length, in stipple, by W. Dickinson First state, before any letters 993 The Same, as ' Contemplation,' by Wm. Birch Before any letters And the same, by T. Burke 994 EocKiNGHAM (Chas. Watson Wentwoeth, Maequess of) Whole length, by E. Fisher First state, before the title with the date July Ist, 1774 995 Anothee, three-quarter length, by W. Dickinson First state, before Freeman's name, and with the date 1785 996 Another. Half length 997 EoDNEY (Admiral Sir George) Second plate, by J. Watson Second state 998 The Same, by W. Dickinson Second state 999 Ditto lOOO The Same, Two smaller plates 73 1001 KoGERs (Chaeles, F.E.S.) Half length, by W. Wynne Eyland And another, by Cooke 2 1002 EoMNEY (Egbert Marsham, 2nd Baron) Whole length, by J. Finlayson First state, hefore the arms 1004 EoTHEs (John, Earl of) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, hefore any letters 1005 EussELL (Lady Caroline) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, hefore any letters 1006 The Same. Unfinished proof 1007 The Same. Third state 1008 EuTLAND (Charles Manners, Duke of) Whole length, by W. Dickinson Second state 1009 Eutland (Duchess op) Whole length, by V. Green First state, hefore the title 1010 The Plate, altered to Duchess of York Q 1011 Eutland (Duchess of) In line, by J. K. Sherwin Unfinished proof ; and print 2 X (Jt I 1012 St. Asaph (Lady Sophia) and Child ^ Whole length, in stipple, by J. Grozer The etching, only one Jcnoion ; and the engraving I 1013 St. Aubyn (Lady) Half length, etched by Miss Catherine St. Aubyn ^f^ 1014 Sackville (George Germain, Viscount) / ^ Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell /^T'^L-^t^^ Fiist state, before any letters 1 74 Q I ^ 1015 Salisbuby (Countess of) Whole length, by V. Green First state, before the title I A a/* ^016 Saunders (Sik Charles, Admiral) ' ^ ^ Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell First state, before any letters / /\ , 1017 The Same. Fifth and sixth states 1 1-- 1018 ScARSDALE (Lady Caroline), and son, the Hon. R. Curzon ^ ' Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before the title lER, reduced by S. 1020 SCHINDLERIN (MaDAMe) I ^ _ 1019 Another, reduced by S. Paul ^A lOZU OCHINDLERIN (MADAME) 'Z / / ' Half length, in an oval, by J. R. Smith First state, before any letters, the name written by Horace Walpole f) jJ^ 1021 Seaforth (Mrs.) and Child " Three-quarter length, by J. Grozer First state, before any letters I . \ , 1022 Sergius (Prinoe and Princess Gagarin), with their child Half length, by Caroline Watson 1 / /) 1023 Sharpe (\Y. Joshua) Half length, by C. H. Hodges Second state II ^_ 1024 Sheffield (John Baker Holroyd, Lord) Half length, in stipple, by J. Jones >»^ Second state ^So ' 1025 Sheridan (Richard Brinsley) Three-quarter length, by J. Hall . /} First state, before any letters ^ /J^ KiJKAjy^iCf^ Q(f\ 1026 Sheridan (Mrs.) as ' St. Cecilia ' I c - " - ^ " — ^'^^ ^ Whole length, by W. Dickinson First state, before " St. Cecilia " n yP 1027 The Same, in stipple, by T. Watson 1 V First state, before " Mrs. Sheridan " 1028 Ditto. Second state; and two small prints s<{r 75 L U 1029 Shipley (Dk. Jonathan) Half length, by J. R. Smith First state, before any letters 1030 SiDDONs (Mrs.) //[ / Jy^y// "Whole length, in stipple, by Francis Haward ' First state, before the title and printer^s name 1 1^ ) ^ 1031 The Same, by Dawe Two states 1032 Smith (John, D.D., F.S.A.) Half length, in line, by G. S. Facius Second state 5f '/^ 1033 Smith (Lady), and her children, George Henry, Louisa, and Charlotte Half length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi I Second state 'I '■ 1034 Spencer (Lady Charles) U P j/ Three-quarter length, by Wm. Dickinson *-A>-'*-' Vt^-- ""^T,- ^"t/^^ First state, before the title ' f toj__'\lQ^^ Spencer (Lady Charles) iAj<- Cl/^j/ !^ /> I J Half length, by J. Finlayson UAA^ First state, with only Heynolds Ft. and J. F. Proof, etched ■^ , ^'•^•'•lOSG Another, by J. Pott 1037 Spencer (Georgiana, Viscountess), and her daughter Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters Q Q 1038 The Same, by S. Paul. Print // ^ 1039 The Same. A smaller plate, by S. Paul /) 1040 The Same, by Corbutt fy Q 1041 Spencer (Geoegiana, Viscountess) ^ ^ Half length, by T. Watson Second state, before the title 3?^ 76 1042 Spencee (Lavinia, Countess), when Countess Althorp Half length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters Another, by Ant. Conte. ; &c. 3 1043 Spencer (Lavinia, Countess) /J ,^ Half length, by C. H. Hodges ^yl-^X-CO^ First state, before any letters Tlie name in H. Walpole's icriting 1044 Spencer (Lavinia, Countess), and her child. Lord Althorp Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi The etching 'l/ 1045 Spencer (The Ladies Charlotte and Anne) Three-quarter length, by Schiavonetti Proof before letters Another, by C. Turner — proof Another, by A. Zaffonati, The Mask . And the Ghost — the companion 4 / 6^ ' A 1047 Spencer (George John, 2nd Earl), when Lord Althorp Whole length, by C. Townley First state, before any letters, and before the plate was cleaned ?^ /\ 1048 Spenoek (Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte) ■ : ' Whole length, in stipple, by J. Jones First state, before the dedication 1049 The Same, by C. Turner Proof 1050 Stanhope (Hon. Lincoln) Half length, by T. Park Second state II lu (1 ^^^^ Stanhope (Hon. Leicester) Three-quarter length, in stipple, by F, Bartolozzi First state, before any letters ; a7ul an etching 2 /.A ^ 1052 Stanhope (Lady) ^^ Whole length, by J. Watson . First state, before any letters 3 J(j 1053 The Same, by C. Corbutt ' U^C^cJc Cu^ it 77 1054 Stanhope (Hon. Mrs.) Three-quarter length, by J. R. Smith (2 -3 Touched proof v , ^2^' Jit U -/ , '^ 1055 The Same. First state, with the title etched f^^AA-CcjS'^^Jl'^t^Amii^ ../^ f 1056 The Same, as ' Contemplation ' y / ' ' Three-quarter length, by Caroline Watson /Ip'ffl/d jua j y^ \' First state, before any letters 1057 Sterne (Rev. Laurence) Three-quarter length, by E. Fisher First state, before the plate was reduced __ 1058 The Same. Fourth state /— -^ 1059 Stewart (Andrew) Half length, by T. Watson ^^(7 1060 Strafford (W. Wentworth, 2nd Earl of) ,^''^Z-^r'Xd<,-«as^A.^iX/ Half length, by J. McArdell '' / First state, before any letters I ^ I 1061 Strafford (Countess of) ^ Half length, by J. McArdell y ^ Q 1062 The Same, by Spicer First and second states '" -^ 1063 The Same, by T. Johnson Q 1064 Strahan (W.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, before any letters iJ^^/wfu/y7~^ 1,^ . 1065 Talbot (Countess) (^^i-W^/'tT^ '' Whole length, by V. Green Q First state On 1066 Tarleton (Colonel) H (J f^ ^ Whole length, by J. R. Smith (H^tKAAjL- ^^{lAj First state, before the title n 78 Ll }lL in ^^^'^ Tavistock (Francis, Marquess of) Three-quarter length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters I ^-^ -^7/ 1068 Taylor (Mrs., afterwards Lady) /j - Jf- I Three-quarter length, by W. Dickinson ^U\ju£tJA \ Beautiful impression of the only state f I Q 1069 Temple (Earl, E.G.) I ' * ' Tliree- quarter length, by W. Dickinson First state, before the arms, and with the date 1777 fl^ ^ 1070 Thomas (John, D.D.) — ^ Three-quarter length, by T. Park Second state f2 / C) ■ 1071 Thuklow (Lord) *-* Three-quarter length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters if 0/^ lOTi TiTCHFiELD (Marquess of) / , IY]^ '^^ole length, by T. Jehner H dHA^/f, First state, before any letters '^ /r-^ 1073 Another, by W. Walker ^(/l/UiAjtJ^ ^ A First state I n « 1074 Tolcher (Mr.) — ^ '^ Half length, by T. Lupton ^ / ^0 1075 Tollemache (Hon. Mrs.), as ' Miranda ' O ' ' Whole length, by J. Jones Second state 1^ 5j 5 1076 ToMKiNs (Mr.) ^ ' Half length, by C. Turner First state 1077 TowNSHEND (Rt. Hon. Charles) Half length, by J. Dixon First state, with artists' names only Another, in stipple, by Cromek 1078 Townshend (Viscountess) Whfile length, by Y. Green First stale i>sX' CMvjloJ". 1^0 79 0^ /" 1079 TowNSHEND (George, 1st Marquis) t ^^H Qf "^ ft U- O Whole length, by C. Turner ' / / X^ ' ' Proof with open letters ^ 1080 The Same, by S. W. Eeynolds before any letters -) ^\ 1081 TowNSHEND (Lord John) ' ' Half length, by J. Jones Second state 1082 Trapaud (Mrs.) Half length, by E. Fisher '7/« First state, before any letters r C 1083 Turner (Mrs.) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell TJiird state ; and two small plates 3 [y 1084 Vernon (Lord) Half length, by Geo. Clint A 1085 Waldegrave (Countess) ' ■ Half length, by J. McArdell ^ First state, before any letters f^\ Q ^ , h 1086 The Same, by Corbutt, and by E. Houston 'CtHJ^U^Y^ ^/3l087 Waldegrave (Lady Elizabeth Laura), Lady Charlotte 'V^ Maria, and Lady Anna Horatia ^ ^ t A /" " * > Three-quarter length, by V. Green q First state, before the titles, the artists' names etched /^K^ 1088 Waldegrave (Maria, Countess), with her daughter, Lady i ^ Elizabeth Laura /^ y/ f ^ Half length, by E. Houston . J^^^^CU ^M^C , First state, before any letters (/ From the Lawrence Collection . c; 1089 The Same, by J. Smith and J. Watson 2 ^ fj 1090 Waldegrave (Maria), when Countess-Dowager Three-quarter length, by J. Finlayson First state, before the title and royal arms I _^. lO'^l Waldegrave (James, 2nd Earl) ^ Half length, by J. McArdell Second stat/^ 80 h ) I ^ y^^^ Wales (H.R.H. George, Prince, of), leaning on his charger ^ ^* ^ In stipple, by F. Haward ix^-O^U^ First state, with artists^ names and publication only \ )^^ O1O93 Wales (H.E.H. George, Prince of) Half length, by C. H. Hodges First state, before any letters 7 1 1^^ 109^ Walpole (Horace) Three-quarter length, by J. McArdell Second state I 0^0 1095 Warton (Key. Thos.) Half length, by C. H. Hodges First state, before the title And a small copy 2 ^ ^ 1096 Warton (Joseph, D.D.) — Half length, by J. R. Smith f Second state, before the title i^ jl/^^ 1097 Watson (Miss), by Val. Green ^ ' Proof with engraver^ s name only (0 1098 The Same. A smaller plate / 1099 Wedgwood (Josiah, F.R.S.) O. / " Half length, in stijjple, by W. Flaxman ' Another, by Conde, and by S. W. Harman 1100 Whitbread (Samuel) Three-quarter length, by S. W. Eeynolds Second state, with open letters 1101 Whitefoord (Caleb, F.R.S., F.S.A.) Half length, by J. Jones First state, with open letters 1102 The Head only, by S. W. Reynolds. Proof 1103 WiLMOT (Sir John Eardley) Half length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters And the same, by Evans f/ 81 1104 Windham (Rt. Hon. W.) Three-quarter length, by J. Jones l?roof in Italian hand .^ 1105 Anothek Plate, by S. W. Eeynolds Same state ^ 1106 Woodward (Mr. Henry) Half length, by J. Watson First state, before any letters . (p 1107 The Same, by C. Townley ' Before any letters „ !("\ ^1108 Wynn (Master) ' ' Whole length, as tlie Infant St. John, by J. Dean First state, before the arms and title 1109 Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams, Bart.) Three-quarter length, by S. W. Reynolds First state, before any letters 1110 Wynyard (Miss) Half length, by J. Finlayson Second state, before the title I .N '^ 1111 York (H.E.H. Frederick, The Duke of) Whole length, in stipple, by J. Jones First state, with open letters I 1112 YoRKE (Master Philip) / • Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters ./. All 13 YoRKE (The Ladies Amabel and Mary Jemima) ^^-^^^^^cl 1 Whole length, by E. Fisher First state, before any letters 1114 The Same. Third state End of Sixth Day's Sale. Seventh Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1887, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. SMALL PORTRAITS. 1115 Barry (Spranger) ; Sir W. Blackett ; Sir W. Blackstone ; and other small portraits 1116 Chauncey (N.) ; S. Croft; E. Doclsley ; Dr. Ferguson ; &c. 1117 Gibbon (E.) ; D. Garrick ; and Goldsmith ; &c. 1118 Grenville (Et. Hon. G.), by Dean Holderness ; (Earl of) ; &c. 1119 Hunter (Joseph, F.E.S.) 14 1120 Johnson (Samuel, LL.D.) 1121 Jones, (Sir W.) ; Leicester (Earl of) ; &c. 1122 Malone(E.); E. Milbanko; Sir Thomas Millington ; &c. 1123 Eeynolds (Sir J.), after C. F. v. Breda, by S. W. Eeynolds 1124 The Same, by Collyer ; Sievier ; Sherwin ; Meyer; C.Watson; &c. 39 1125 The Samk, when young — a sketch in colours ; autograph MS. six lines ; memorial card, engraved by Bartolozzi ; &c. 9 1126 EocKiNGHAM (Marquis of) ; Lord Eodney ; &c. 1127 Secker (Thomas, D.D.) ; Spencer (Earl) ; J. Stewart ; &c. 1128 Sheridan (E. B.) ; L. Sterne ; &c. 83 1129 Thrale (Mk. and Mrs.); &c. 1130 Lenox (Mrs. Arabella) ; Lady Baker, by Heath ; Duchess of Devonshire ; &c. 49 1131 Small Mezzotint Portraits of Ladies, by Corbutt, Spooner, &c. 69 1132 Small Portraits op Gentlemen, by S. W. Reynohls (A. to B.) Mostly proofs 15 1133 The Same. (C. to F.) 17 1134 The Same. (G. to H.) 20 1135 The Same. (J. to N.) 16 1136 The Same. (0. to R.) 20 1137 The Same. (S. to W.) 29 1138 Small Portraits of Ladies, by S. W. Reyuohls (A. to B.) Mostly proofs 28 1139 The Same. (C. to D.) 18 1140 The Same. (E. to H.) 24 1141 The Same. (J. to N.) 22 1142 The Same. (P. to W.) 27 1143 Portraits of Ladies, by various engravers 29 1144 Series of Very Small Engravings, by S. W. Ecynolds FANCY, HISTORICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS. 1145 Age of Innocence Whole length, in stipple, by J. Grozer Second state 1146 'Ariadne' Half length, by W. Doughty First state. Piihlished by DougJity 1147 Bacchante with Young Fawn (Lady Hamilton '?) Half length, by S. W. Reynolds Before any leHers H 84 1148 Banished Lord (The) Half length, by J. R. Smith First state, before Smith's address 1149 Beaufort (The Death of Cardinal), by Caroline WatRoii Fourth state 1150 Birth of Bacchus In stipple, by L. Saillier First state, before the title 1151 Bird (The) Whole length, by J. Dean First state, before the title and verses 1152 Boy Eating Grapes (?) Half length, by J. Spilsbiuy Before any letter's 1153 Boy (The Studious) Half length, by G. Keating First state, before the title 1154 Boy in a Venetian Dress Three-quarter lengtli, by J. Dean First state, before the title 1155 Boy with Cabbage-nets Three-quarter length, by C. Hardy Fii-st state, before the title 1156 Cartouche Three-quarter length, by J. Dean First state, artists' names only 1157 Children in the Wood (The) Whole length, by J. Watson First state, before the title 1158 The Same. In siipple, by J, C.aklwall First state, open letters 1159 Contemplation Three-quarter length, by R. Lane ; and the same, by W. Ward Before any letters 2 1160 Contemplative Youth (A) Three-quarter length, by 0. H. Hodges 1161 Conway Castle; and Richmond Hill, by W. Birch 1162 Cupid, ' as Love ' Three-quarter length, by W. Say First state, before any letters 1163 Cupid, as a Link-boy Three-quarter length, by J. Dean Second state 1164 Cupid and Psyche By W. Say First state, before any letters ; and the etching 1165 The Same. Second state 1166 Cupid Sleeping Whole length, by J. Dean First state, before the title 1167 Cymon and Iphigenia In stipple, by F. Haward First state, " etched by F. Haivard " 1168 The Same. Second state, with open letters 1169 The Same, by W. 0. Geller Proof before letters 1170 Design, Theory By J. Grozer First state, before any letters 1171 Dido (Death of) By J. Grozer Second state 1172 DioNYsius Areopagita Half length, by J. Johner Second state 1173 Edwin Half length, by C. H. Hodges Only state H 2 86 1174 Felina Whole length, in stipple, bv J. Collyer Third state 1175 Fortune-teller (The) Three-quarter length, by J. K. Sherwin First state, before the title and arms 1176 Gipsy Boy (A) Three-quarter length, by C. H. Hodges An engravers proof . • 1177 Girl with a Kitten Three-quarter length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi First state, before any letters 1178 Girl with a Lamb Half length, by G. Da we Third state 1179 Girl Laughing Three-quarter length, by J. F. Bause First state, before any letters 1180 Girl Eeading Three-quarter length, by G. Scnrodomow First state, before the title 1181 Girl Sleeping (The) Three-quarter length, in stipple, by J. Jones First state, before the title 1182 Guardian Angels Half length, by C. H. Hodges Second state 1183 Holy Family (The) "Whole length, by W. Sharp Second state 1184 The Same. Small plate Artist's proof ; and etching ; and six others g' j^ , 87 1185 Infant Academy By r. Haward First state, with the date, 19 April, 1783 1186 Infant Hercules (The) Whole length, by J. Walker 1187 The Same, by C. H. Hodges First state, tvith open letters 7 (^ 1188 Infant Hercules 'UL^^h^l'«-^£" f By W. Ward J^i-v , First state, before any letters -" f\ 1189 Infant Jupiter (The) ^ ' ^ Whole length, by J. E. Smith Second state, before the publication line Fourth state 2 l^' ^() 1190 Lear (King) ^ Half length, by Marchi ^ CinAjL.-^.-rL^ Before any letters 4A'-^1191 Lesbia r- Whole length, in stipple, by F. Bartolozzi, R.A. First state, before the verses 1192 Macbeth (Scene from) In stii)plej by R. Thew First state 1193 Mercury Three-quarter length, by J. Dean Second state, before the title 1194 Morning Amusement /if" Whole length, by J. Grozer /rV-^-Ct.<.^ First state, before any letters 1195 Moses in the Bulrushes ^ » /s Whole length, by J. Dean First stale, before the title 88 J/ 1 -■■■■ 1196 MusoiruLA Three-qnarter length, by J. Jones I First stale, iviili open letters ~ Half length, by J. Okey First state and second state ' ih I/) 1 1198 OxFOKD Window The West Window of the Chapel, New College, Oxford In stipple, by E. Earlom And the separate divisions, by G. S. and J. G. Facius; and portrait of Facius 16 First states % \.\ \ 1199 Puck /j 1 \ \ In aquafortis, by Tel'tolini and Schiavonetti {■c v^ "^ 10 Second state 1200 The Same, by C. Heath Proof before letters 1201 Eesignation Three-quarter length, by T. Watson Second state 1202 Eestjerection (The) ^^^' In stipple, by J. Jones { ^ 1203 EiOHMOND (View of Petersham Meadows), by J. Jones 1204 EOBINETTA / 1^^ b Three-quarter length, in stipple, by J. Jones First state, with open letters a ., 4f^JC^// r, , r^l205 St. John ( • \ ^ • ^ Whole length, by J. Grozer . First state, without any letters \/'YlA A *7l / ,, . 1206 Samuel (Calling of) Vj / ' 1 . V '^ Half length, by J. E. Smith Second state yi [AA/[/^*^ 1207 Samuel (The Child) ft . ]^J^ Whole length, by J. Dean Q^/uUv^Hl First state, before any letters ' j ' f I 1208 The Same. Second state i\ 1209 The Same, b}^ Dclatree, in stipple ; &c. 15 ^n 1210 The Same, by S. W. Enynnlds Before any letters ^ Q 1211 Schoolboy (The) n Three-quarter length, by J. Dean 4/KW»'*iTh' First state, before the title j Q n 1212 Shephekd Boy (A) Three-quarter length, by J. Barney First state, before any letters ij Q 1213 Shepherdess (The Careful) Whf>le length, by Elizabeth Judkins First state, before any letters ^^ n 1214 Shepherdess (The Studious) ^y__ Whole length, by J. Crozer First state, before any letters "^. -c^ , J ' 1215 Shepherdess (The Young) ^ ^\-'f^ -' Whole length, by J. Grozer WVl/TX C' W First state, before any letters ( 1216 Simplicity Whole length, by S. W. Eeynohls 1217 Sleeping Child (The) Whole length, by W. Doughty First state, before the title V" Q 1218 Snake in the Grass (The) In stipple, by J. R. Smith y^ 1219 The Same, by W. Ward , ' Y ' First state, before any letters jV*'^''^"'*'*''^ y t I. l'J20 Dkto S«««rf slate <\.-^_^^-t_S, ()U<_x ( l^(o no J^ 1221 Stkawbeury Giul (The) Three-quarter length, by T, Watsoii First state, before the title 1222 Study from Nature — Beggar Man ^ ^\ Half length, by J. E. Smith WuM.--S"'V Before any letters A / 1223 Student (The) Three-quarter length, by J. R. Smith First state, before any letters 1 ^ fi 1224 Ugolino (Count) and his Family in Prison, by J. Dixon First state, before any letters ;~^ ^ , , 1225 Venus and Cupid In stipple, by J. Collyer nu^^yiXf First state, with open letters / I I ^ • ^ 1226 The Same. Second state ; and six smaller ~^^^Xf v*^ €i^Z\ I 1227 The Same, by S. W. Reynolds f^ ^ "^^ ^ I '^ Before any letters ' '-^^ ^>^ 4^ , 3 1228 Venus chiding Cupid In stipple, by F. Bartoluzzi f^-GL-'xA.' Second state / And another plate, small oval ; Ac. 5 ^ . i:^ 1229 Vestal (The) hcrtJC d 'r^ ' ' Three-quarter length, in sti2)plc, by V. W. Tomkins ^ . '■ ,Q 1230 Virgin and Child (Madonna col Bambino) Three-quarter length, by J. R. Smith Second state C L •^ \ ?. t (. M- 1} f ? .0 MISCELLANEOUS. 1231 The Infant Academy; &c. wV^C-t-n^i , 1232 Snake in the Grass, by Dawe ; &e. /^/y,,.^ Jufy"^^ 1233 Crying Forfeits, by C. Turner ; and Strawberry Girl, by Meyer 1231 Fortune-teller, by W, Ward; ttc. 1"9 12 25 01 1235 Sleeping Boy, by Summeiiiold ; &c. 27 «, 1236 Mks. Siddons, by J. Bromley * ^ Three states : &c. 9 (T'D 1237 Miss Bowles, by C. Turner ; and Girl and Cliickeus, by J ' * Fairland Coloured 14 ^^ 1238 The Oxford Window, by S, W. Eeynolds (ip Proofs ^V^^^l^ 1 ' 1239 Fancy Subjects, by S. W. Eeynolds J I Mostly proofs 25 n 1240 Ditto. Bitto ,x 1241 Ditto. Bitto 30 / 1242 Countess Spencer, by S. Cousins . ' t> ^ Artist's proof, signed v. f /O 1243 The Strawberry Girl, by S. Cousins, R.A. ir-i^A fi >^ I * n A Artist's proof, signed (/''»-'•*%*' //'(A 1244 The Same. Artist's proof ^^j*-*-!^ tf^v-CD J It! 1245 The Age of Innocence, by ditto {' /^ Artist's proof, signed . ^ 1246 The Same, by C. Turner j . ^.^ cUC0^ > 7^ ' ' ' ' Proof before letters " - ^V^- 1 267 Hope nursing Love, by Josey /(ji a J ' * ' Artist's proof ^^\M^^ /O 1268 The Duchess of Leinster, by Josey L ' '^ Artist's proof ; &c. / !> 6'' l^^^ Litbeaet Party at Dr. Johnson's, after Doyle, by Walker ' Artist's proof ; and one, with facsimiles of autographs 2 » 1270 The Eoyal Academy, after Zoffany, by Earlom^ ^ l*h '(u " First stale, and key '^^^^^^'^'XxJA^ o;^ ,A /\ 1271 The Exhibition OF THE Royal Academy, 1787, after Eamberg, // ^^'^ by Martini H-^t^UH^^ U V • 1272 The Same, printed in colours as a fan mount, with key ^ / \^ - 1273 Maequis of Granby, after Hudson, by Johnson 2 VCc-*"^ C€^ -^r 1274 Lady Hamilton — The Spinning Wheel, after Eomney, by * Cheeseman \/P 1275 Miss Vernon— The Sempstress, after Romney, by Cheeseman ^9-^^X1.*^ aJv^ Proof i L '^ 1276 Emma, Lady Hamilton, after Romney, by Jones /' J {) ^ V- \ Proof <-t^>-iA^4^. k 1^ 1277 The Mill, after Rembrandt, by Brunet Debaines Proof, with remark rJ' 1278 PoBTRAiT OF Rembrandt, from the picture in the National Gallery, by C. Waltner Artist's proof End of Seventh Bay's Sale. Eighth Day's Sale. On MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1887, AT ONK o'clock PRECISELY. TURNER'S LIBER STUDIORUM. ^// 1280 The Frontispiece ' The Etching, second state, before the large hidldivg above the ruined Temple ^ , ^£'^-^ 1281 The Finished Plate First state, before the marh of retouch 2 . ± ^ O ^^^'^ Anotheb Impression /, 1283 The Bridge and Cows The etching J. n 1284 The Finished Plate First state, with open letters at top of plate j/^_ /f V 1285 The Woman with a Tambourine An engraver's proof I. ^^--x^ 1286 Flint Castle First state, with open letters at top of plate 2_y . i 1287 Basle I i/- An engraver's proof 1288 The Finished Plate First state, icith open letters ^ 95 1j^ 1289 Jason ¥irst state, before the dimensions of the picture near the title g^, (^1290 The Steawyakd First state, with open letters Signed by C Turnee ; and a drawing of the etching by C. TUKNER ^ t (2l291 Landscape, with Cows, a castle in the distance The etching , 1292 The Finished Plate I First state, with open letters U- |i ( 1293 Mount St. Gothakd i. I [ A iwoof with only the title roughly etched in the middle of the plate .7 / 1294 The First Published State P.^ ^ With open letters above the plate * / 1295 The Egremont Sea-piece / . / A proof before the title, ttc. The ivords " In the Possession h ^ of the Earl of Egremont " etched below ^"^ j '\ 1296 The First Published State //^ / ^ j Proof before the size of the pictures [^ ^■^^i't^ CiU/iAju - 1297 Holt Island Cathedral First state, with open letters Q^ 1298 Pembury Mill - ^ ' . ■ ' TU etcUn, ^ '--^fl^ i^ I) 1299 The Finished Plate First state, with "■proof" etched above the letter P,at top l^\ 1300 The Sun between Trees / /' , \r (J) nAJLOMA.^ The etching (5? t-U.-C«^. 1301 The Finished Plate First state, with open letters at top ^^J^^V^aXA/^ L 1302 DUNSTANBOROUGH CaSTLE ' f. In the same state |Opl303 The Lake of Thun ^ In the same state, and with the word " Proof" ^-^'HrTAJt'lA/^ 96 ^ /j/ . 1304 The Fifth Plague of EcxYpt *1a/ rt/t J I / In the same state — ^^ proof" Theetchmg '^^ t^^v*-^ t/t^V 1306 The Finished Plate First state, before high lights on the straiv I cf 'r, 1307 The Falls of the Clyde d O^,^ « ^-* First state, icith open letters at top of plate, the lights — , extending from left to right 41 5.1^ 1308 The Little Devil's Bbidge First state, icith open letters L/nAjuaJy, I 1330 From Spenser's 'Faerie Queene ' ( (P riA^(x~l In the same state 1 ^' J 1331 The Water-mill In the same state J If i. 1332 Italian Landscape, with a woman at a tank h -Tt~f^ — In the, ame state O'U.^^C^i^^r u^. U^Q 1333 The Crypt Second state A I Q^^^^ The Mildmay Sea-piece ^Vr J The etching — second state ^ ^ ■ ^ Q 1335 The Finished Plate h^Cfji^irJ Second state 98 1336 Prockis and Cephalus / Fnst state, before the mark of retouch ^l/i^'l 1337 WiNCHELSEA / ( The etching 6 IQ 1338 The Finished Plate First state, before mark of retouch I'j 1339 The Bridge and Goats In the same state I [ ip 1340 Calm In the same state 1341 Another Impression Second state 1342 Peat Bog First state, with the reflection of the fire r^ *l 1343 RiSPAH First state, before the mark of retouch 10 1344 Hedging and Ditching In the same state )X 1345 River Wye Same state -^W^t-^*.^p^^^ 1346 Chain of Alps Same state % an J n jl 1347 Mer de Glace C- j\ (^ Same state ' ' «^ '/- 1348 Rivaux Abbey A . ^,„— ^ •^ / ^ Second state ^^^'-^to^L^G^-O' * / 1349 SoLWAY Moss A' V First state, before the mark of retouch C'^yVL-^/MT I . 1350 Solitude (---\ ^ In the same state \f O ^ J 1351 Mill near the Grand Chartreuse In the same state o^-^l i^yy 352 Calais Harbour ^-^^UUj^'^ hr-CcyLM/ First state, before ivork on the stern of the nearest boat 353 Second State OhfelJ q.^^tTT /^ 15 'I A II % ^<^.c y 361 Twickenham Same state 362 Bonneville Second state >-—- ^*^'^""^i(' i4X 363 Inverart Castle and Town (' The etching 364 An Engraver's Proof f* , D /" " 365 ^SAOus and Hesperie / ''^^ The etching U^^.^ r? ^A.l An engraver's proof, elahorately touched and loorTced upon hy Turner 1379 An Impression of the Reprint 1380 An Aqueduct, with a stork An engraver's proof 1381 An Impression of the Reprint 1382 Apuleia J^ (XA^ f^^ The reprint L j I 1383 Flounder Fishing, Battersea ; Stonehenge ; Liaeolnsjjire ' ' Beprints (3(yCe^ ^Cct^ ^ I ft 13^^ ^ Study op Clouds and Sea ; a hulk in a storm ; Catania ^'^'^ Beprints 3 W^c=^ 10 2 i' Uu-c^ 101 1385 The Deluge; a Cutter Beprints An impression of the etching of Ploughing h TURNER'S RIVERS OF ENGLAND. Proofs before any letters, except Newcastle, Shields, and Eton, which have the title. 1386 ToTNES 1387 Dartmouth i 1388 Dartmouth Castle 1389 Stangate Creek 1390 Eochester 1391 Warkworth Castle I y.) 1392 KiRKSTALL Abbey j J 1393 KiRKSTALL Lock 1394 Norham Castle 1395 Newcastlk-on-Tyne 1396 Shields-on-the-Tyne Icf^ 1397 Brougham Castle I I Q 1398 Arundel Castle r/> 1399 Moore Park 1^(^1400 The Humbek , ■ 1401 Okehampton . /^ ^1402 Eton-on-the-Thames Tlie suppressed plate — proof ^% ^ Ol'i^S KiRKSTALL; Bolton Abbey; York; and Eipon — after Girtin 102 I \ c -^ 1404 St. Sebastian, after Correggio, by Lefevre Artist's proof 10-^ 1405 The Eaising of Lazarus, after S. del Piombo, by G. Doo, E.A. Artist's proof THE CORREGGIO FRESCOES, At Parraa ; engraved by Tosclii and others. Artist's proofs, with remarJcs. 1406 Diana ; Boys in tbe Chamber of St. Paul ; and portrait of Toschi 5 1407 St. John ; and two Saints, from the Church of St. John 2 1408 Subjects from the Chamber of St. Paul; and the group of Apostles from the Chiu'ch of St. John 5 1409 One of the Saints from the Cupola of the Cathedral ; and a group from the Church of St. Jolm 2 1410 A Similar Lot 1411 Groups of Boys from the Chamber of St. Paul 4 1412 The Madonna della Scala 1413 A Group of Apostles ; and the Coronation of the Virgin 2 1414 Groups of Boys from St. Paul's; and the Annunciation 5 1415 Groups of Apostles from the Cupola of St. John 2 1416 The Assumption of the Virgin; and Our Saviour in Glory 2 1417 Two Groups of Apostles from the Church of St. John 2 103 BOOKS. 1418 Claude Gelee de Loeeaine Libee Veeitatis, 200 Engravings after Designs by Claude, engraved in mezzotint by E. Earlom, 2 vols, in 1, beilliant peoofs, rough calf 1777 GOULD'S WORKS ON ORNITHOLOGY. 1419 Gould (J.) Icones Avium : Figures and Descriptions of new Birds, coloured plates, 2 parts {all puhlislied) 1837-8 1420 Gould, Birds of Europe, coloured plates, 5 vol. russia extra, gilt edges 1837 1421 Gould, Birds of Europe, coloured plates, part 28 1422 Gould, The Trogonidae or Family of Trogons, coloured plates, in parts 1838 1423 Gould, The Trogonidge or Family of Trogons ; second edition, coloured plates, in parts 1875 1424 Gould, The Eamphastidae or Family of Toucans, with the Supplement, coloured plates, 2 vol, russia extra, gilt edges 1834-55 1425 Gould, Birds of Asia, coloured plates, 7 vol. in parts 1850 1426 Gould, Birds of Australia ; with the Supplement, coloured plates, 8 vol. russia extra, gilt edges (the Supplement in parts) 1848-70 1427 Gould, Mammals of Australia, coloured plates, 3 vol. in parts 1845-63 1428 Gould, Handbook to the Birds of Australia, 2 vol. 1429 Gould, Trochilidae or Humming-Birds, coloured plates, 5 vol. and Supplement, parts 1 to 4 1850-85 1430 Gould, Macropodidse or Family of K&,ng(ivoos, coloured platss, 2 parts (all published) 1811-2 104 1431 Gould, Odontophorinse or Partridges of America, coloured plates, in parts 1850 1432 Gould, Birds of Great Britain, coloured plates, 5 vol. in parts, 1862-73 1433 Gould's Birds of New Guinea and of the Papuan Islands, coloured plates, parts 1 to 22 1875-86 1434 Thkee Folios, interleaved, whole hound, russia extra, lettered I., II., III., " Sir J. Reynolds. Fancy Subjects." 1435 Six Ditto, interleaved, whole hound, russia extra, lettered I., VI. " Sir J. Reynolds. Royalty, Nobility, and Gentry." 1436 Five Ditto, ditto, lettered I.-V., " Sir J. Reynolds. Ladies." 1437 Two Ditto, lettered, " Sir J. Reynolds. Portraits of Children." 1438 A Large Ditto, lettered, " Sir J. Reynolds. Varia." 1439 Two Portfolios, ichole hound, green morocco, lettered " Liher Studiorum. J. M. W. Turner, R.A." End of Eighth Day's Sale, and of First Portion. The Second Portion of the Collection, comprising the Works of Rembrandt, Ostade, A. DUrer, M. Antonio, Sec, WILL BE SOLD On Tuesday April 19, and following days. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street aud Charing Croes. :-rr^< » <. 9. % ^g^g^^gr 'i7 ii 1 , T>«L\.<;;" ,:^ 'IjHI^.v^.K''^ f i . '^^^^^^•v' i^ii^ MH^^^^I^lik 1 ii^>/'*^«^^ rll ^^^I^^I^B^^^r^ M ''L ef^CENTER LIBRARY HI'," 3 3125 00952 8866