The Metropolitan Museum of Art PRICE-LIST SUPPLEMENTARY TO HAND-BOOK No, 7 anxa 92-B 8503 Sculptural Plaster-casts Reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art FROM ITS OWN COLLECTIONS Exhibited in Halls 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ARTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ART AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDENTS, LIBRARIES, AND ALL INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OR DESIGN PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 The Metropolitan Museum of Art PRICE-LIST SUPPLEMENTARY TO HAND-BOOK No. 7 Sculptural Plaster-casts Reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art FROM ITS OWN COLLECTIONS Exhibited in Halls 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ARTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ART AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDENTS, LIBRARIES, AND ALL INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OR DESIGN PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NOTE. '■pHIS Price-list is issued to meet the desire frequently expressed for a Catalogue of reproductions in plaster, of ancient, mediaeval, and Renaissance works of art, obtainable at home, to the saving both of time and the costs of transportation from Europe, together with the repair of damages sustained on the way, Custom-house fees, and other charges. It embraces all the more import- ant masterpieces, exclusive of the largest in size, now on exhibition in this Museum, together with a few hitherto unseen from lack of space; and the selection has been made in anticipation of such as would be most naturally wanted. It does not repeat all the particulars descriptive of the subjects, such as, Names of Authors, Material of original Object, Locality of ancient Exposition or Dis- covery in recent years, and Place of Exhibition in Euro- pean Museums to-day, on account of the limitation of length: all these items will be found in Hand-book No. 7, published by this Museum, to which the present arrange- ment and enumeration conform. In harmony with the aim of this Museum to create a larger interest and to cultivate a truer taste in aesthetic and artistic subjects, the prices of the casts here offered have, in every instance, been placed below those quoted by foreign makers. ( 8 ) 4 NOTE. It should be plainly understood, however, that these prices do not cover the expenses of cases and packing for shipment, which will be additional, yet not exceeding the value of material and labor. Asterisks indicate that the pieces so marked may be delivered without delay. Details of statues are subject to order. MARQUAND COLLECTION. EGYPTIAN SECTION, Hall 6. 1. Statue, with Relief and Inscription.* Subject: Portrait of King Kha-f-ra. Height : 48 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 7 inches. Depth “ “ 31 inches. Price: $22.50. 2, 3, 4. Low-reliefs, with Legends.* Panels of the Scribe Hesi-ra. Height: 34 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Price: $2.00 each. 5 H alf-size Statue. Portrait of the “Shaikh el-Beled,” or ‘Native Chief of the Village.' Height: 48 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 16 inches. Depth “ “ 19 inches. Price : $50.00. 10. Low-relief, with Legend.* Donkeys fording Inundation. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: 45 inches. Price : $2.50. 11. Low-relief, with Legend.* Procession of Victims for Sacrifice. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Price: $2.00. (7) MARQUAND COLLECTION. 8 18. Low-relief, with Legend.* Flock of Numidian Cranes. Height: 15 inches. Breadth : 41 inches. Price: $2.50. 21. Hollow-relief, with Inscription.* Sepulchral Tablet of An-tef. Height: 32 inches. Breadth ; 21 inches. Price: $2.50. 22. Statuette.* Amen-em-hat, Chamberlain to the King. Height ; 23 inches. Breadth of Plinth: 7 inches. Depth “ “ 14 inches. Price: $2.25 25. Low-relief.* Portrait of the Queen of Pun-t. Height: 16 inches. Breadth : 10 inches. Price: $1.00. 28. Statue, colossal: with Relief-.* Portrait of King Amenophis III., enthroned. Height: 93 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 32 inches. Depth , “ “ 46 inches. Price: $45.00. 29. Head.* Portrait of Queen Thi ? wife of King Amenophis III. Height: 32 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 15 inches. Price: $4.00. EGYPTIAN SECTION — HALL 6. 9 30. Monument, with Inscription.* Recumbent Lion of Amenophis III. Height: 43 inches. Breadth: 81 inches. Depth: 35 inches. Price: $25.00. 32. Statue, with Inscription.* Portrait of Kan-nekht, squatting : dedicated to the deity Osiris. Height : 36 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Depth: 22 inches. Price: $8.00. 33. Carving, with Inscription.* Sepulchral Tablet of Neb-sa-i-u, High-priest of Osiris. Height: 32 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Price: $2.50 34. Low-relief, with Legend.* Ptah-mes, Superintendent of his Majesty’s Memo- rial Works in the Temple of Ptah. Height: 26 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Price: $2.00. 36. Hollow-relief, with Inscription.* King Seti I., warring against the Syrian Bedawin at the Fortress of Kanana (Canaan). Height: 106 inches. Breadth: 243 inches. Price: $45.00. 37. Bust, with Cartouches. Portrait of King Rameses II., from a seated Statue. Height: 38 inches. Breadth: 23 inches'. Depth: 19 inches. Price: $3.50. MARQUAND COLLECTION. 38- Bust, colossal: with Inscription (upon pilaster).* Portrait of King Rameses II.: Belzoni’s “ Mem- non." Height: 106 inches. Breadth: 82 inches. Depth: 55 inches. Price: $67.50. 39. Half Statue, with Cartouches.* Portrait of King Rameses II. Height : 63 inches. Breadth : 28 iaches. Depth: 20 inches. Price: $22.50. 41. R elief, with Cartouches.* Naos-fa§ade, bearing Portrait of King Rameses II. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Price: $3.00. 42. Statue, with Inscription.* Portrait of Prince Seti II., son of King Mene- phtah. Height: 65 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 2 1 inches. Depth “ “ 34 inches. Pidce: $22.50 45. Statue, with Inscription .* Portrait of Queen Ameniritis, mother-in-law of King Psammetichus I. Height: 67 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 18 inches. Depth “ 29 inches. Price: $22.50. EGYPTIAN SECTION — HALL 6. 11 46. Head.* Portrait of the Ethiopian Conqueror Taharka, mutilated. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 10 inches. Depth: 14 inches. Price: $1.00. 47. Hollow-relief, wtth Inscription.* King Apries (Haa-ab-Ra, son of the Sun, Uah- ab-Ra), offering Symbols of Truth to the god- dess Sekhet. Height: 9 inches. Breadth: 7 inches. Price: $1.00. 50. Monument, with Phoenician Inscription.* Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar, King of Sidon, about B. C. 360. Height: 39 inches. Breadth: 56 inches. Length: 102 inches. Price: $14.50. 51. Monument, with Inscription.* One side of an Obelisk erected by Nekht-heru- heb (Nektanebo I.), before a Temple of the deity Thoth. Height: 109 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Price: $7.00. 52. Group, with Inscription.* Portrait of Psamthik, a deceased “ Recorder of Offerings," conducted by the goddess Hathor, under the figure of a cow, to the Judgment- hall of the god Osiris. Height: 39 inches. Breadth of Plin th : 12 inches. Depth “ “ 42 inches. Price: $22.50. 12 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 53. Statuette, with Inscription.* Deity Osiris. Height: 35 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 1 inches. Depth “ “ 19 inches. Price: $5.00. 54. Statuette, with Inscription.* Goddess Isis. Height: 35 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 8 inches. Depth “ “ 19 inches. Price: $5.00. 56 - Low-relief.* Deity Bes. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Price: $1.50. 57. Head.* Egyptio-Grecian Portrait. Height : 15 inches. Breadth: 6 inches. Depth: 6 inches. Price: $i.oo. 58. Hollow-relief, with Hieroglyphic, Demo- tic, and Greek Inscriptions.* Stela of Kanopos : a Decree issued by the Priests of all Egypt assembled at Kanopos, relating to the Honors to be paid to Ptolemy III. (Euergetes I.), to his queen Berenice, and to their daughter Berenice. Height: 89 inches. Breadth: 32 inches. Price: $8.00. EGYPTIAN SECTION — HALL 6. 13 59. Trilingual Inscription — Hieroglyphic, De- motic, and Greek.* Rosetta Stone : a Record and Decree by the Priests of Memphis conferring Divine Honors upon Ptolemy V., Epiphanes. Height: 39 inches. Breadth : 30 inches. Price: $2.25. 60. Low-relief (cartouch not original).* Portrait of Queen Kleopatra VII., wearing the Mena- necklace, and the head-dress of Maut, Hathor and Isis. Height: 51 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Price: $3.00. 61. Low-relief.* Portrait of Queen Kleopatra VII., wearing the Mena- necklace and a crown of Royal Asps. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 21 inches. Price: $2.50. 62. Low-relief.* Portrait of Kleopatra VII. Height: 11 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Price: $1.00. 63 Low-relief.* Kleopatra, robed as the goddess Maut. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: pinches. Price: $1.00. 64 Low-relief, with Legend.* Goddess Hathor. Height: 35 inches. Price: $2.50. Breadth: 19 inches. 14 MARQUAND COLLECTION. ^ 5 - Low-relief, with Legend.* Goddess Isis. Height: 35 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $2.50. 66. Low-relief.* Goddess Sekhet. Height: 35 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $2.50. 68. Low-relief.* Sculptor’s Model of Bull. Height: 6 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Price: $1.00. 69. Low-relief.* Sculptor’s Model of Ram. Height : 6 inches. Breadth: 10 inches. Price: $1.00. 70. Low-relief.* Sculptor’s Model of Lion. Height: 6 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Price: $1.00. 71. 72. Heads.* Sculptor’s Models for Royal Portraits. Height : 6 inches. Breadth : 5 inches. Depth: 2 inches. Price: 50 cents each. 73. Architectural Fragment.* Cornice of Royal Asps. Height: 11 inches. Breadth : 20 inches. Price: $1.50. EGYPTIAN SECTION — HALL 6 15 74 O RNAMENTAL STANDARD FOR THE BALANCE, OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED BY A PHCENICIAN Inscription signifying, Found correct by the Commissioners for Money.”* Weight, in form of a Lion. Height : 6 inches. Breadth : 5 inches. Depth: it inches. Price : $2.00. ASSYRIAN SECTION, Hall 7. I. Statue, with Inscription.* Subject: King Gudea, as an Architect with Plan of Fortress. Height: 37 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 9 inches. Depth “ “ 25 inches. Place: $10.80. 8. Low-relief, with Inscription. Two Kings in Posture of Adoration on either side of Sacred Tree, attended by Cherubim. Height: 70 inches. Length: 133 inches. Price: $40.50. 9 . Low-relief, with Inscription. Cherubim kneeling in Adoration of a Sacred Tree, whose foliage takes the form of the Honey- suckle-ornament so-called. Height : 30 inches. Length : 62 inches. Price: $9.68. 10. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King hunting Wild Bulls. Height : 36 inches. Length : 88 inches. Price: $9.68. 11. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King offering Libation after Bull-hunt. Height: 38 inches. Length: 88 inches. Price: $9.68. ( 16 ) ASSYRIAN SECTION — HALL 7. 17 12 . Low-relief, with Inscription.* King hunting Lions. Height: 36 inches. Length: 88 inches. Price: $9.68. 13. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King offering Libation after Lion-hunt. Height: 37 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $9.68. 14. Low-relief, with Inscription. Cherub and Eunuch (Attendants of the King). Height: 95 inches. Breadth: 81 inches. Price: $31.50. 15. Low-relief, with Inscription. King Ashur-nazir-pal, Seraphs and Sacred Tree. Height : 87 inches. Length: 176 inches. Price: $63.00. b6. Low-relief, with Inscription. King Ashur-nazir-pal. Height: 90 inches. Breadth: 58 inches. Place: $23.63. 17, 18, 19, 20. Low-relief, with Inscriptions.* King Ashur-nazir-pal going forth to Battle. Height: 36 inches. Length: 338 inches. Price: $38.70. British fluseum, No. “7B.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* King Ashur-nazir-pal and his Army crossing a River. Height: 38 inches. Length: 85 inches. Price: $9.68. 18 MARQUAND COLLECTION. British fluseum, No. “ 8B.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* King Ashur-nazir-pal and his Army crossing a River. Height: 38 inches. Length: 85 inches. Price: $9.68. British riuseum, No. “ 9B.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* King Ashur-nazir-pal and his Army crossing a River. Height : 36 inches. Length : 88 inches. Price: $9.68.' British fluseum, No. “ 10B.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* Capitulation of a City, with Reception of Prison- ers, by King Ashur-nazir-pal. Height: 36 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $9.68. 21, 22, 23. Low-relief, with Inscriptions.* King Ashur-nazir-pal returning from Battle to Camp. Height: 35 inches. Length: 253 inches. Price : $27.03. 24. Low-relief, with Inscription.* Lion, wounded. Height : 36 inches. Length: 55 inches. Price: $4.84. 25. Low-relief, with Inscription.* Royal Chariot. Height: 37 inches. Length: 55 inches. Price: $4.84. ASSYRIAN SECTION — HALL 7 . 19 26 Low-relief, with Inscription.* King attacking a City. Height: 35 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $9.68. British Huseum, No. “6A.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* Fugitives swimming to a Fortress. Height: 35 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $9.68. 27. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King receiving Prisoners. Height: 36 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $9.68. 28. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King receiving Prisoners and Spoil. Height: 36 inches. Length: 88 inches. Price: $9.68. 29. Low-relief.* King taking a City. Height: 36 inches. Length: 86 inches. Price: $9.68 British fluseum, No. “ 14B.” Low-relief, with Inscription.* Siege of a City by King Ashur-nazir-pal. Height: 36 inches. Length: 84 inches. Price: $9.68. 30. Monument, with Low-reliefs and Inscrip- tion.* Obelisk of Shalmaneser II. Height: 80 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Depth: 25 inches. Price: $13.50. 20 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 31. Monument, with Low-relief and Inscrip- tion.* Portrait-stela of King Sargon, set up to commemo- rate his Conquest of the Island of Cyprus. Height: 83 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Depth: 15 inches. Price : % 17.50. 32. Low-relief.* Royal Party hunting Lions. Height: 24 inches. Length: 140 inches. Pidce: $13.50. 33. Low-relief, with Inscription.* King offering Libation after Lion-hunt. Height: 23 inches. Length: 106 inches. Price: $6.75. 35. Low-relief.* King and Queen banqueting in Garden. Height: 22 inches. Length: 55 inches.. Price: $4.75. 36. Low-relief.* Musicians, with their Instruments. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Price: $1.75. 37. Low-relief.* Lioness wounded unto Death. Height: 27 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Price: $1.75. 38. Low-relief.* Human-headed Lion. Height: 26 inches. Breadth: 33 inches. Price: $3.38. ASSYRIAN SECTION— HALL 7 . 21 39. Low-relief.* Return from the Chase : Hunting-dogs held in Leash. Height : 44 inches. Breadth : 40 inches. Price: $5.00. 40. Relief.* Detail of Horses’ Heads. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Price: $0.50. 41. Relief, colossal.* Detail of Human Nose and Mouth. Height : 1 1 inches. Breadth : 7 inches. Price: $0.50. 42. R ELIEF, COLOSSAL.* Detail of Human Beard. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: 7 inches. Price: $0.50. 43. Relief.* Profile of Human Face. Height: 6 inches. Breadth : 4 inches. Price: $0.50. 44. Low-relief.* King Ashur-nazir-pal receiving an Envoy suing for Peace. Height: 37 inches. Price : $5 . 00. Breadth : 36 inches. PERSIAN SECTION, Hall 6 . 13. Half-size Statue. Subject; Persian Warrior, cowering; Group rep- resenting the Battle of Marathon. Height: 25 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 5 inches. Depth “ “ 27 inches. Price: $8.10. 14 H alf-size Statue. Persian Warrior, defending himself: Group com- memorating the Victory at Marathon. Height: 29 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 7 inches. Depth “ “ 30 inches. Price: $14.40. 15 - H alf-size Statue.* Persian Warrior, fallen: from the Group of the Battle at Marathon. Height: 12 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 24 inches. Depth “ “ 38 inches. Price: $8.10. ( 22 ) ARCHAIC GREEK SECTION, Hall 7 . i. Monument, with Phcenician Inscription.* Subject: Historical Stela of Mesha, King of Moab. Height: 50 inches. Breadth: 28 inches. Depth: 15 inches. Price : 2 High-relief, colossal.* Lions, facing one another, and with fore feet raised upon the base of a column. Height: 122 inches. Length: 132 inches. Depth: 14 inches. Price : §6 7.50. 3. Low-relief.* Fragment of Doorway-decoration. Height: 17 inches. Length: 32 inches. Price: $1.35. % 4. Low-relief.* Fragment of Architrave-decoration. Height: 19 inches. Length: 35 inches. Price: $1.47. 5. Low-relief. Fragment of Ceiling-decoration. Height: 37 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $1.35. 9. Relief.* Perseus beheading Medousa. Height : 54 inches. Breadth : 44 inches. Depth: 7 inches. Price : § 15.75. 03 ) 24 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 23. Statue, with Inscription in Greek.* “I am Chares, son of Kleisis, and Ruler of Teich- ioussa. My statue belongs to Apollo.” Height: 59 inches. Breadth: 35 inches. Depth: 44 inches. Price : $ 27.00. British Museum, No. (?) Bust.* Portrait of a Man. Height: 18 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 6 inches. Depth “ “ 6 inches. Price: $1.35. ' 25. Low-relief.* Chorus of Dancers, in a Dionysic Festival. Height: 22 inches. Length: 35 inches. Price: $2.25. 26. Relief. (Hall 8: Hellenic Section.)* Figure of the god Apollo? fragments of a Column offered by King Kroisos. Height: 71 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Depth: 6 inches. Price: $6.30. 29, 30, 31. Reliefs.* Lykian Motives. 29. Lion devouring Deer. 30. Satyr in conflict with Boar. 31. Lynx. Height: 31 inches. Length: 259 inches. Price: $36.00. ARCHAIC GREEK SECTION — HALL 7. 25 3 2 to 36. Low-reliefs.* Lykian Motives. 32. Hen standing still. Height : 17 inches. Length: 24 inches. 33. Cocks fighting. Height: 17 inches. Length : 34 inches. 34. Hen stalking. Height: 17 inches. Length: 42 inches. 35. Cocks fighting. Height: 17 inches. Length: 60 inches. 36. Cocks fighting. Height: 17 inches. Length: 68 inches. Price: $15.50. 37 to 40. Reliefs.* Lykian Mythology of the Dead : engraved upon four sides of a Tomb. 37. Southern side. Height: 41 inches. Price : $10.25. 38. Western side. Height: 41 inches. Price: $10.25. 39. Eastern side. Height: 41 inches. Price: $10.25. Length: 90 inches. Length : 97 inches. Length: 96 inches. 40. Northern side. Height: 41 inches. Price: $10.25. 41. Relief.* Funeral-procession of Foot-soldiers. Height: 34 inches. Depth : 8 inches. Length: 91 inches. Chariot, Horsemen, and Length: 157 inches. Price: $18.23. 26 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 42. Low-relief. Grave-monument — a filial Tribute to a Mother: formerly styled the “ Leukothea Relief.” Height : 54 inches. Breadth: 46 inches. Price: $18.00. 49. Low-relief. Charioteer (or, The god Apollo ?) and his Quadriga. Height: 48 inches. Breadth: 43 inches. Price: $4.50. 55 to 64. Statues. Struggle between Greek and Trojan Heroes over the body of Achilleus. Greeks (on the left to the spectator). 55. Wounded Warrior. Height: 22 inches. Length: 62 inches. 56. Ajax, son of Oileus, in watchful attitude. Height: 41 inches. Breadth: 41 inches. 57. Teukros, kneeling behind Ajax Telamonios and shooting with bow and arrow. Height: 45 inches. - Breadth: 29 inches. 58. Ajax Telamonios, standing and covering the head of Achilleus with his shield. Height: 58 inches. Breadth: 42 inches. 59. Achilleus, fallen and protected by the goddess Athene. Height: 28 inches. Length: 57 inches. 60. Goddess Athene, in the centre of the Tympanum. Height: 71 inches. Breadth: 36 inches. Trojans (on the right to the spectator). 61. jEneas, standing and aiming his spear against Ajax Telamonios. Height: 61 inches. Breadth: 44 inches. ARCHAIC GREEK SECTION — HALL 7. 62. Paris, distinguished by Phrygian cap, opposed to the archer, Teukros. Height : 44 inches. 63. Kneeling Contestant. Height : 39 inches. 64. Wounded Warrior. Height: 19 inches. Price of each Statue: $29.25. Breadth: 36 inches. Breadth: 37 inches. Length: 54 inches. 72 . 73 65 to 69. Statues. Struggle over the body of Oikles, in which the /Eacid Telamon and Herakles were engaged. 65. Dying Trojan (on the left to the spectator). Height: 29 inches. ^ Length: 73 inches. 66. Foremost Champion of the Trojans. Height: 62 inches. Breadth : 41 inches. 67. Fallen Warrior. Height : 38 inches. Length: 60 inches. 68. Youth stooping to raise and bear away the Fallen Warrior. Height: 41 inches. Length: 53 inches 69. Herakles, distinguished by a helmet formed from the skin of a lion’s head. Height: 34 inches. Breadth: 33 inches. Price: $29.25 each. Half-size Statue.* The god Apollo ? Height: 36 inches. Breadth of Plinth : Depth “ “ Price: $6.75. 12 inches. 12 inches. Half-size Statue.* Apollo ? Height : 44 inch es. Depth: 13 inches. Breadth : 15 inches Price: $9.00. 28 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 75. Statue.* Apollo. Height : 88 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 23 inches. Depth “ “ 26 inches. Price: $22.50. 77. High-relief : end of sepulchral Chest.* Lion, recumbent, seizing a Bull by the throat. Height: 39 inches. Length : 48 inches. Depth: 32 inches. Price: $5.40. 78. H IGH-RELIEF : END OF SEPULCHRAL CHEST.* Lioness, recumbent, playing with her Cubs. Height: 30 inches. Length : 44 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $5.40. 79. Relief : Gable-end of a Tomb.* Sphinx, wearing no Cap, but a broad Taenia, and pendent Ear-ring : above, a Lion facing inwart Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 38 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $2.93. 80. Relief : Gable-end of a Tomb.* Sphinx, wearing a Cap, a narrow Taenia, and pendent Ear-ring ; above, a Lion facing in war . Height: 44 inches. Breadth: 37 inches, j Depth: 9 inches. Price: $2.93. 81. Relief: Gable-end of a Tomb.* Aged Lykians seated facing one another, on eithr side of a low column surmounted by an lor: capital and a Siren standing to the front. Height: 31 inches. Length: 40 inches. Depth: 3 inches. Price: $4.50. ARCHAIC GREEK SECTION — HALL 7. 29 82. Low-relief : side of a sepulchral Chest.* Eastern Theme: Hero killing a Lion. Height: 37 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 8 inches. Price: $5.40. 83. Low-relief: side of a sepulchral Chest.* Cavalier, Attendant and Foot-soldier fully armed. Height: 37 inches. Length: 41 inches. Depth: 5 inches. Price: $5.40. 86. Statuette.* Priestess (?) holding a Bird. Height: 35 inches. Breadth: ir inches. Depth: 11 inches. Price: $5.63. 91. Architectural Ornament. One of four Griffins, decorative of Roof-corners. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 23 inches. Price : % 11.25. 93. Architectural Ornament.* Lion’s Head. Height: 20 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Depth: 16 inches. Price: $1.80. British Museum, Phoenician Room, No. “ 2, Case VII.” B ilingual Li byan and Phcenician Inscription, in seven lines.* The Dugga Stone. Height: 28 inches. Price: $6.75. Length: 81 inches. 30 MARQUAND COLLECTION. British Museum, No. (?) Stela.* The Lykian Monument inscribed upon four sides. Height of each Inscription: 160 inches. Breadth “ “ 66 inches. Price: $108.00. British Museum, No. “ T. 88.” B UST.* Portrait of Periander, Tyrant of Korinthos. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $2.50. OLYMPIAN SECTION, H ALL 7 . I, Statue. Subject: Achiileus? or The god Ares. Height: 87 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Depth: 28 inches. Brice: $30.60. 2. Statue. * Ephebos, or Adolescent Youth. Height : 40 inches. Depth: 10 inches. 5. Statue.* The god Apollo. Height: 75 inches. Depth: 17 inches. Breadth : 1 4 inches.. Price: $6.75. Breadth : 26 inches.. Price: $31.50. Berlin Museum, No. “ 1878.” H EAD.* Apollo, from the Western Pediment of the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: 17 inches. Price: $3.60. 6 . Statue.* “ Spinario,” or Boy extracting a Thorn from his Foot. Height: 32 inches. Breadth: 21 inches. Depth : 24 inches. Price : $15.75. ( 31 ) 32 MARQUANP COLLECTION. 7 - Statue. Victor in a Foot-race by Maidens, celebrated ii honor of the goddess Here at Olympia. Height: 65 inches. Breadth: 32 inches. Depth : 2 2 inches. Brice : $32. 40. 12. Statue.* Diskobolos, in the Act of hurling the Diskos. Height : 69 inches. Breadth: 42 inches. Depth: 24 inches. Price: $33.75. 16. Statue.* Diskobolos, at rest. Height : 70 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Breadth : 34 inches. Price: $22.50. 19. Statue.* Goddess Aphrodite: “Venus Genetrix.’ Height: 69 inches. Depth: 20 inches. 20. Statue. The Lemnian Athene. Height: 82 inches. Depth: 19 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Price: $28.80. Breadth: 32 inches. Price: $45.00. 22 to 44. Reliefs.* Contest between Centaurs and Lapiths : in eleve Slabs, viz.: Western Wall of the Celia. 22. On the left, a Centaur carries off a Lapith woman. Height: 26 inches. Length: 34 inches. 23. A Centaur treads down an armed Lapith warrior. Height: 26 inches. Length: 50 inches. OLYMPIAN SECTION — HALL 7. 33 24. A Centaur draws a resisting Lapith woman, bearing a child on her left arm, to himself. Height: 26 inches. Length: 50 inches. 25. Apollo and Artemis, transported in a chariot drawn by two stags, arrive in aid of the Lapiths. Height: 26 inches. Length: 47 inches. 26. Two Lapith women have taken refuge at a Shrine of Artemis, and at the feet of her Statue. Height: 26 inches. Length: 55 inches. 27. Pursuit of an armed Lapith warrior by a Centaur. Height : 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 28. Close engagement. Height: 26 inches. Length: 50 inches. 29. Death-struggle. Height: 26 inches. Length: 51 inches. 30. A Lapith man drags away by the hair a Centaur obliged to succumb, yet thrusting his right arm backward to protect himself from the blow of another antagonist. Height : 26 inches. Length: 48 inches. Northern Wall of the Celia. 31. On the left, a Lapith and a Centaur wrestling together. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 32. The principal Group in this portion of the Frieze. Height: 26 inches. Length: 64 inches. Contest between Greeks and Amazons : in twelve Slabs, viz. : 33. A conflict, and a misfortune. Height: 26 inches. Length: 56 inches. Eastern Wall of the Celia. 34. Resistance. Height: 26 inches. Length: 56 inches. 35. Three actions. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 34 MARQUANA COLLECTION. 36. Reprisal. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 37. A sacrilege. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 38. Unequal struggles. Height: 26 inches. Length: 56 inches. 39. Two Greeks encounter two Amazons. Height: 26 inches. Length: 53 inches. 40. Two groups, with divided victory. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 41. A Greek defeat. Height: 2 6 inches. Length: 57 inches. Southern Wall of the Celia. 42. Tardy help, and a strife for life. Height: 26 inches. Length: 54 inches. 43. The principal Group in this portion of the Frieze. Height: 26 inches. Length: 70 inches. 44. The one and only instance of Mercy toward an Enemy, in the entire Series. Height: 26 inches. Length: 50 inches. Price of any one Relief : $6.00. Price of the entire Series: 135.00. 47. Head.* Goddess Here. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. Depth: 15 inches. Price: $2.25. 50. Head : shaped below the neck for inser- tion in a Statue of Wood.* Goddess Here, or Aphrodite ? Height: 44 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Depth: 26 inches. ' Price: $ 14.18. OLYMPIAN SECTION — HALL 7 . 35 i. Relief. Orpheus losing Eurydike : Hermes reclaiming her. Height: 43 inches. Breadth: 38 inches. Price: $5.40. 3. Group. Aristogeiton and Harmodios; Tyrannicides. Height: 81 inches. Height: 86 inches. Breadth : 64 inches. Breadth : 44 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Depth: 22 inches. Price: $24.75 each. 5. Low-relief. Sepulchral Stela of a Man leaning on a Staff. Height: 96 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Price: $8.10. 7. Low-relief, with Inscription in Greek. “ Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos.” Height: 60 inches. Breadth: 39 inches. Pidce: $18.00. 8 . Statue.* Doryphoros, or Athlete-victor in the Olympic Con- tests, bearing a Spear. Height: 83 inches. Breadth: 30 inches. Depth: 29 inches. Price: $27.00. 9. Statue.* Diadoumenos, or Athlete-victor in the Olympic Games binding his Head with the broad Fillet. Height: 79 inches. Breadth: 38 inches. Depth: 28 inches. Price : $45.00. 36 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 70. Statue.* * = Diadoumenos. Height: 62 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 20 inches. Depth “ “ 14 inches. Price: $18.00. 72. Statue. Amazon, about to mount her Horse? Height: 81 inches. Breadth: 35 inches. Depth: 34 inches. Price: $54.00. .2 if 73. Statue. Amazon, wounded. Height: 82 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 27 inches. Depth “ “ 22 inches. Price: $36.00. | 74. Archaic Greek Inscription, reading in bou STROPHEDON.* Laws of Gortyn, relating to Inheritance, Adoption Heiresses, Marriage, Divorce, Slavery, Tenure of Land and Personal Property, the Organi | zation of Courts, etc. Height : 69 inches. Length: 348 inches. Price: $90.00. 105. Statue. Nike, the goddess of Victory, descending througl the air with outstretched wings. Height: 90 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 53 inches. Depth “ “ 44 inches. Price: $49.50. OLYMPIAN SECTION — HALL 7. 37 6. Greek Inscription.* Epigraphic Record declaring both Donors and Sculptor of the Nike. “ Messenians and Naupaktians dedicated [this monument] to the Olympian Zeus, being a tithe of the spoils taken from their enemies. Paionios of Mende executed it ; who, also, was victorious in making the akroteria upon the Temple.” Height : 9 inches. Length: 51 inches. Price: $0.68. IO. 21 . 30 . Architectural Ornament, sculptured in RELIEF. * Fragment of Cyma, having for its design an anthe- mion, with volutes, each of the smaller ones sustaining a bird — the Zeus-cuckoo ? Height : 9 inches. Price : $2.00. Head, taken from ; Amazon, wounded. Height: 24 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Low-relief.* Bellerophon killing the Pegasos. Height: 1 o inches. Price: $0.35. Length: 23 inches. . Statue. Breadth : 13 inches. Price: $1.58. Chimaira with the help of Length: 12 inches. 31 Low-relief.* Perseus, Medousa beheaded, and Chrysaor spring- ing from her neck. Height: 12 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Price: $0.35. 38 MARQUAND COLLECTION. 132. Low-relief.* Colloquy between the lyric poets Alkaios and Sappho. Height: 11 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Price: $0.35. British Museum, No. “ T. 91.” Head.* Portrait of Perikles. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $1.58. British Museum, No. (?). Head.* Apollo ; from Kyrene. Height : 1 6 inches. Breadth : 8 inches. Depth .: 9 inches. Price : $1.50. CULLUM COLLECTION. PARTHENON SECTION, Hall 8 . 2. Statuette. Subject: The goddess Nike. Height: 36 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. Depth: 1 1 inches. Price : $27. 00. 3 Statuette. Amazon. Height: 35 inches. Depth: 12 inches. 7. Low-relief.* Shield of the Statue of Athene Parthenos. Height: 16 inches. Length: 19 inches. Price: $0.80. 12. Low-relief. Goddess Athene, pensive, leaning on her lance before the Cippus of a fallen Hero. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Price: $4.50. 14 to 21. High-reliefs. Contest between Centaurs and Lapiths, at the Marriage-feast of Peirithoos. 14. Advantage with the Centaur. Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 50 inches. Price: $11.25. 15. Advantage with the Lapith. Height: 53 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Price: $7.88. ( 41 ) Breadth: 15 inches. Price: $5.40. 42 CULLUM COLLECTION. 16. An attack from the rear. Height: 52 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Price: $9.00. 17. A victory for the Centaur. Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Price: $9.00. 18. Another Centaur rearing, from the opposite direction, against his assailant. Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 54 inches. Price: $7.20. 19. An undecided battle. Height: 53 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Price: $7.88. 20. A Lapith’s superior prowess.* Height: 53 inches. Breadth : 52 inches. Price: $8.33. 21. Victory for the Centaur. Height: 53 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Price: $7.88. 22 to 32. Low-reliefs. Panathenaic Procession, at Athens, in honor of Athene Polias. Southern Half of the Procession. 22. Two Officers facing one another. Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Price: $2,15. 23. A group of gods — Eros and Aphrodite.* Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Price: $2.25. 24. Group of Deities — Demeter (or Peitho ?), Dionysos, and Poseidon.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 53 inches. Price: $2.25. B. M., No. “ 18.” Group of Deities — Athene and Hephaistos.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 47 inches. Price: $4.50. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8. 48 25. Folding of the Peplos : two Diphrophori.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 75 inches. Price: $9.00. 26. Group of Deities — Zeus, Hera, and Iris.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 5 1 inches. Price: $9.00. Detail of No. 26 Head.* Iris, messenger of the gods, and goddess of the Rainbow. Height : 9 inches. Length : 1 1 inches. Price: $0.75. 27. The god Ares, and the goddess Artemis.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 54 inches. Price: $4.50. 28. The god Apollo, and the messenger of the gods Hermes.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 53 inches. Price: $4.50. 29. Four Archons, or Athlothetae.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 53 inches.' Price: $4.50. Northern Half of the Procession. 30. Officer, holding sacred dish, faces advancing Maidens (Kanephori). Another officer (a Herald ?).* Height: 40 inches. Length: 44 inches. Price: $3.60. 31. Maidens marching.* Height : 40 inches. Breadth : 30 inches. Price: $2.70. 32. Maidens carrying Thymiaterion, with conical cover, used for burning Incense. * Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 38 inches. Price: $3.15. Statuette.* Goddess Athene Parthenos. Height: 41 inches. Breadth of Plinth: 16 inches. Depth “ “ 17 inches. Price: $36.00 44 CULLUM COLLECTION. 37. Statue, colossal. Goddess Athene: “Pallas of Velletri.” Height: 129 inches. Breadth: 67 inches. Depth: 50 inches. Price: $90.00. 38. Bust.* Goddess Athene. Height: 54 inches. Depth: 24 inches. 39. Statue. Goddess Athene : “ Pallas Giustiniani.” Height: 87 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 38 inches. Depth “ “ 21 inches. Price: $54.00 41. Statuette. Goddess Athene Parthenos. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price: $3.00. Breadth: 35 inches. Price: $22.50. 42 to 63. Low-reliefs. Panathenaic Procession, at Athens, in honor of Athene Polias. Northern Half of the Procession. 42. Troop of Cows, led by Theori.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 56 inches. Price: $4.50. 43. Troop of horned Sheep, led by Boys.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 49 inches. Price: $4.50. 44. Tray-bearer — Skaphephoros.* Height : 40 inches. Price: $1.80. Bread, th : 1 7 inches. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8. 45 45. Hydria-bearers — Spondophori. * Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 48 inches. 47. Chariot-driver, Apobates carrying an Argolic Buckler, and Attendant.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 42 inches. Price: $4.50. 48. Chariot-group — Quadriga accompanied by a Pompeus. Height: 40 inches. Length: 50 inches. Price: $4.50. 49. Athenian Cavalry. Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length : 49 inches. 50. Cavalry. Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 50 inches. 51. Marshal beckoning to Riders. Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 48 inches. 52. Cavalry.* Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length : 49 inches. 53. Horses and Riders. Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 48 inches. 54. Cavalry. Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length : 48 inches. 55. Cavalry.* Height : 40 inches. Price : $4.50. Length : 48 inches. 56. Cavalry.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 48 inches. Price: $450. 46 CULLUM COLLECTION., 57. Cavalry.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 48 inches. Price: $4.50. 58. Horsemen, wearing crested Helmets.* Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. 59. Cavalry.* Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length : 48 inches. Length : 49 inches. 61. Cavalry.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 55 inches. Price: $4.50. 62. Rider, standing by, and holding in, his rearing horse.* Height : 40 inches. Breadth : 30 inches. Price: $4.50. 63. Rider, drawing down his chiton below the girdle, assisted by his Attendant.* Height ; 40 inches. Breadth ; 36 inches. Price: $4.50. 65 - Low-relief.* Young Man, training a Horse. Height: 30 inches. Length: 40 inches. Price: $2.25. 66. Relief.* Votive Offering for Victory by an Apobates. Height: 32 inches. Length : 39 inches. Price: $4.50. 67, 68, 69. Frieze-reliefs. Victories, variously employed. 67. Victory, winged, decking a Trophy. Height: 42 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Price: $10. 80. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8. 47 68. Victory, winged, adjusting or removing her Sandal.* Height: 42 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Price : $1 1. 70. 69. Two Victories, winged, leading a Bull to Sacrifice.* Height : 42 inches. Length : 48 inches. Price: $13 50. British riuseum, Nos. “ 257, 258.” High- reliefs.* Temple of Athene Nike : Frieze. Height: 1 8 inches. Length: 147 inches. Price: $6.53. 70 to 77. Statues, colossal. Birth of the goddess Athene from the Brain of the deity Zeus. 70. Helios in his Chariot, rising from the Sea.* Height: 14 inches. Length : 49 inches. Price: $3.60. 71. Two Horses of Helios.* Height : 29 inches. Length : 45 inches.. Price: $6.75. 72. Kephalos, the beautiful hunter carried off by Eos.* Height : 5 r inches. Length : 68 inches. Price : $20. 25. 73. Horai : the Seasons. Spring and Autumn, Thallo and Karpo. Height: 59 inches. Length: 69 inches. Price : $81.00. 74. Hebe, terrified at the sudden manifestation of Athene, and hastening away. Height: 71 inches. Breadth: 48 inches. Price: $22.50. 48 CULLUM COLLECTION. 75. Moirai : the Fates. Klotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Height: 55 inches. Breadth: 44 inches. Price: $31.50. Height: 49 inches. Length: 91 inches. Price: $81.00. 76. Nyx, driving a quadriga. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Price: $4.50. 77. One Horse of Nyx.* Height: 21 inches. Length: 33 inches. Price: $2.70. 78 to 85. High-reliefs. Contest between Centaurs and Lapiths at the Marriage-feast of Peirithoos. 78. An unexpected fall. Height: 53 inches. Price : $7.88. 79. Methods of offense.* Height: 53 inches. Price: $8.33. 80. A Lapith’s success.* Height: 55 inches. Price: $9.00. 81. The Centaur triumphant. Height: 55 inches. Price: $9.00. 82. A prize borne away. Height: 55 inches. Price: $7.88. 83. A Centaur overcoming a Lapith man.* Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Place: $9.00 84. The Centaur throwing a Lapith. Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 53 inches. Price: $9.00. Breadth: 52 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Breadth: 53 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Breadth : 5 2 inches. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8. 49 85. An unsettled affair. Height : 54 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Brice: $7.88. to 95. Low-reliefs. Panathenaic Procession, in honor of Athene Polias, at Athens. Northern Half of the Procession. 87. Herald, leading the march of Cavalry following.* Height : 40 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Brice: $1.58. 88. Two mounted figures. Height: 40 inches. Length: 66 inches. Brice: $4.50. 8g. Rider, as yet unmounted, inserting Bit in his Horse’s mouth. Height: 40 inches. Length: 56 inches. Brice: $4.50. go. Two mounted Horsemen.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 56 inches. Brice: $4.50. gi. Cavalier, protected by elaborately decorated Armor, upon a Horse represented as having left the ground as he prances : a dismounted Companion tying his Boot.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 5 2 inches. Brice: $4.50. ga. Rider trying to control his rearing Horse.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 56 inches. Brice: $4.50. g3. Cavalier wearing a Petasos, or broad-brimmed hat chosen by travelers.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 55 inches. Brice: $4.50. g4. Cavalry. Height: 40 inches. Brice: $4.50. Length: 56 inches. 50 CULLUM COLLECTION. 95. Equestrian Parader standing at his Horse’s Head ; Marshal; and an Attendant.* Height : 40 inches. Length: 56 inches. Price : $4.50. British riuseum, No. “ A. 87.”* A Horseman, dismounted, with Petasos ant Chlamys thrown aside, drawing on his lef Boot. Height: 40 inches. Length: 41 inches. Price: $4.50. 98. Monument, with Reliefs. A Puteal, decorated with Birth of Athene. Height: 39 inches. Diameter: 34 inches. Price: $13.50. 100. Half-size Statue. Goddess Demeter, or Kore ? Height: 43 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $14.40. 107 to 129. Low-reliefs. Panathenaic Procession, at Athens, in honor o Athene Polias. Southern Half of the Procession. 107. Marshal, looking back toward the advancing procession. Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Price: $2.03. hi. Cows and their Keepers.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 48 inches. Price: $4.50. 1 12. Youths, or Thecri, restraining a Victim.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 47 inches. Price: $4.50. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8 . 51 1 13. Escort leaning backward and obliged to brace his foot against a Rock in order to check an impatient Animal.* Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length : 43 inches. 1 15. Quadriga — Warrior wearing the Corinthian Helmet.* Height : 40 inches. Length : 48 inches. Price: $4.50. 1 16. Chariot-horses. Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 45 inches. 1 17. Marshal, giving an order to Hoplites.* Height: 40 inches. Length: 48 inches. Price: $4.50. 124. Group of Cavalry.* Height : 40 inches. Price: $4.50 Length : 49 inches. 125. Rider wearing a Cuirass.* Height: 40 inches. Price: $4.50. Length: 48 inches. o to 138. Statues, and Portions of Figures, . colossal. Contest of the deity Poseidon with the goddess Athene for the Supremacy of Attika. 130. Bouzyges, legendary first plowman in Attika. Height: 31 inches. Length: 76 inches. Price: $22.50. 131. Hermes, the messenger of the gods.* Height: 48 inches. Breadth: 27 inches. Price: $6.75. 132. Goddess Athene. Height: 32 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Price: $2.70. 133. Deity Poseidon. Height: 43 inches. Breadth: 40 inches. Price : $9.00. 52 CULLUM COLLECTION 134. Iris ? or Nereid ? Height: 52 inches. Breadth: 27 inches. Price: $6.75. 135. Amphitrite. Height: 49 inches. Breadth: 28 inches. Price: $4.50. 136. Oreithyia, daughter of Erechtheus. Height: 32 inches. Length: 33 inches. Price: $10. 13. 137. Kreousa, daughter of Erechtheus. Height: 37 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Price: $3.38. 138. Boutes, son of Pandion. Height: 38 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Price: $6.75. I55» 156. _ Group. Kekrops, legendary first king of Attika, and hi daughters. 155. King KekrSps, and his youngest daughter, Pandrosos. Height: 16 inches. Length: 21 inches. Price: % 13.50. 156. Herse, second daughter of King Kekrops. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Price: $6.75. 157. Group. Oreithyia, daughter of Erechtheus, and her so* Kalai's. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 10 inches. Price: $6.75. 159. Head.* Goddess Nike. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth : 1 o inches. Price : $ 1 . 80. PARTHENON SECTION — HALL 8. 53 >o. H EAD, ORIGINALLY INSERTED IN A STATUE. Goddess Aphrodite: “Venus Urania,” or “ Gene- trix,” with hair bound by a sphendone. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Brice : $2. 70. >3. H IGH-RELIEF. Maenads leading a Bull to the Altar of Dionysos. Height: 27 inches. Length: 36 inches. Brice: $5.40. ; 66. H IGH-RELIEF. Votive-offering by an Apobates for Victory in a Chariot-race. Height: 16 inches. Length: 34 inches. Brice : $1.80. HELLENIC SECTION, Halls 8 and ii. I. High-relief. Subject : Athenian Cavalier dispatching a fallen Fc Height: 72 inches. Length: 89 inches. Price: $45.00. 3. Low-relief, with Inscription in Greek.* Memorial-portrait of Xanthippos, the Shoemaker Height: 39 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Price : $2.25. 5 H IGH-RELIEF. Portrait of an Hydrophoros. Height: 70 inches. Breadth: 41 inches. Price: $28.80. 8. High-relief. Portrait-stela of Philino, deceased. Height: 74 inches. Breadth: 48 inches. Price: $72.00. 13- H IGH-RELIEF. A Father’s Offering to the Memory of his Son- Young Huntsman. Height: 65 inches. Breadth: 44 inches. Price: $57.60. 14. Monument, with Low-relief and Inscri tions in Greek.* Sepulchral Stela of Archedemos. Loutrophoros decorated with three Figures. Height: 60 inches. Breadth: 21 inches. Price: $1.80. ( 54 ) HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11. 55 Monument, with Low-reliefs. Colossal Sepulchral Lekythos commemorating certain Members of a Family-circle. Height: 95 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Brice: $28.80. Head.* Demeter, goddess of Agriculture and Rural Life. Height: 16 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price : § 2.25. Statue. Maenad, dancing. Height: 51 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 18 inches. Depth “ “ 18 inches. Price: $20.25. Statue. Ephebos : “ Apollo Sabouroff.” Height: 50 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Depth: 23 inches. Price: $15.75. Statue. Satyr, at rest, after playing the flute : the “Marble Faun,” of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Height: 70 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 28 inches. Depth “ “ 20 inches. Price: $42.75. Grou r. Seilenos, the Satyr, tending the infant Dionysos. Height: 80 inches. Breadth: 35 inches Depth: 33 inches. Price : $36.00. 56 CULLUM COLLECTION. 22. Statue. Satyr, pouring wine. Height: 61 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 7 inches. Depth “ “ 18 inches. Price: $27.00. 23. Statue. “ L’Apollino.” Height: 60 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 23 inches. Depth “ “ 13 inches. Price: $16.20. 25 Statue. Apollo Sauroktonos. Height: 41 inches. Depth: 29 inches. 26. Statue. Apollo Sauroktonos. Height : 69 inches. Depth: 31 inches. 30. Grout. Eirene, goddess of Peace, holding on her arm the infant Ploutos, god of Riches. Height : 85 inches. Breadth : 40 inches. Depth: 28 inches. Price: $60. 75. 31. Statue. Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty and Love. Height: 69 inches. Breadth: 27 inches. Depth: 23 inches. Price: $45.00. Breadth: 24 inches. Price : $12.60. Breadth : 33 inches. Price: $39.60. HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11. 57 33 Statue. The goddess Aphrodite : Knidian Type. Height: 74 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 23 inches. Depth “ “ 29 inches. Price: $45.00. 34. Statue. Goddess Aphrodite. Height: 84 inches. Breadth: 42 inches. Depth: 26 inches. Price: $72.00. 36 . H EAD. Goddess Aphrodite. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price : $5.63. 38. Statue. Hermes enagonios, or god of the Palaestra, at rest. Height: 82 inches. Breadth: 31 inches. Depth: 27 inches. Price : $36.00. 40. Statue.* Goddess Aphrodite : Melian Type. Height: 83 inches. Breadth: 43 inches. Depth: 26 inches. Price : $27.00. 41. Statue.* “ Psyche.” Height: 33 inches. Depth: 10 inches. 42. Statue.* Goddess Aphrodite. Height : 83 inches. Depth: 25 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $14.40. Breadth: 26 inches. Price: $25.20. 58 CULLUM COLLECTION. 43, Statue. Eros, god of Love. Height: 36 inches. Depth : 1 4 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $10.80. 44. Statue. Aphrodite Anadyomene. Height: 59 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Price: $27.00. 45. Statue. Goddess Aphrodite: Melian Type. Height : 82 inches. Breadth: 38 inches. Depth: 26 inches. Price: $28.80. 46 Statue.* The god Eros. Height: 57 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 20 inches. Depth “ “ 17 inches. Price : $11.70. 47. Portion of Statue.* Aphrodite. Height: 32 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Depth: 11 inches. Price: $2.03. 48. Portion of Statue.* “ Ilioneus,” the last of the Children of Niobe to die e Height : 39 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 17 inches. Depth “ “ 25 inches. Price: $18.00. HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11 . 59 49. Statue. Second Daughter of Niobe. Height : 69 inches. Breadth: 42 inches. Depth: 27 inches. Price : $58.50. 50. Statue. Eldest Daughter of Niobe. Height: 69 inches. Breadth: 32 inches. Depth: 23 inches. Price: $47.00. 51. Group. Niobe sheltering her youngest Daughter Height : 90 inches. Breadth : 60 inches. Depth: 35 inches. Price: $78.75. 52. High-relief: from a frieze that decorated a Temple or a Tomb. Destruction of Niobe’s Children. Height: 20 inches. Length: 82 inches. Price: $13.50. 54. Relief. Apollo Kitharoedos, receiving a Libation from Nike. Height: 25 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Price: $1.80. 55. Relief.* Apollo Kitharoedos, receiving a Libation from Nike, Leto, and Artemis. Height: 28 inches. Length: 40 inches. Price: $3.38. 61. Statue. Nereid. Height: 74 inches. Breadth: 39 inches. Depth r 27 inches. . Price : $31.50. 60 CULLUM COLLECTION. 62 to 65. Reliefs.* Contest between Greeks and Asiatic Warriors. One of the latter mounted. Height of each Slab : 40 inches. Length “ “ 54 inches. Price: $33.30. British Huseum, No. (?). Architectural Design.* Column, of the Ionic order, from the Nereid Monu- ment. Height, over all : 122 inches. Height of Base : 1 1 inches. Breadth and Depth : 2 1 inches. Height of Shaft : 102 inches. Diameter ■ “ at bottom: 15 inches. Diameter “ at top: 13 inches. Height of Capital : 9 inches. Breadth “ 23 inches. Depth “ 16 inches. Price: $20.00. 67. Statue.* Artemis Brauronia. Height: 70 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 18 inches. Price: $32.40. 70, 71, 72. Reliefs.* Combat between Greeks and Amazons. Height of all three Pieces .-35 inches. . Length of Ho. 70 : 50 inches. " Ho. 71: 55 inches. Ho. 72: 49 inches. Price : $30.38. HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11. Cl 73 to 78. Reliefs. Wedding-procession of Poseidon, god of the Sea, and Amphitrite. Height of each Section : 31 inches. Length of No. 73 : 63 inches. No. 74 •' 47 inches. No. 75 : 55 inches. " " No. 76 : 52 inches. " " No. 77 : 65 inches. No. 78 : 69 inches. Price : $101. 25. 79 Statue. Ares, god of War. Height : 64 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 28 inches. Depth “ “ 49 inches. Price: $63.00. 81. Monument, with Reliefs.* Return of Alkestis to Admetos. Height: 73 inches. Diameter: 156 inches. Price: $112.50. 82. Group : decoration to a Candelabrum. Ganymedes, carried off by the Eagle of Zeus to Olympos. Height: 42 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Depth : 1 9 inches. Price : $21.60. 83. Statue. Apollo Alexikakos Height: 91 inches. Depth: 46 inches. Breadth: 53 inches. Price: $72.00. 62 CUXLUM COLLECTION. 84. Group. Artemis, goddess of the Chase, as Huntress, with Hind. Height: 83 inches. Breadth: 52 inches. Depth: 41 inches. Price : $54.00. 85. Statue. Portrait of Sophokles, a tragic poet of Athens. Height : 84 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 31 inches. Depth “ “ 22 inches. Price: $45.00. 86. Statue. Portrait of Aischines, an orator of Athens. Height: 83 inches. Breadth: 36 inches,. Depth: 23 inches. Price : % 20.25. 90. Statue. Apoxyomenos. Height: 81 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 2 7 inches. Depth ** “ 48 inches. Price: $36.00. 91. Statue. (Hall 7 : Olympian Section.) “ L’Idolino,” or young Athlete. Height: 62 inches. Breadth: 26 inches. Depth: 24 inches. Price: $14.40. 92. Statue. The god Eros, stringing a Bow. Height: 52 inches. Breadth: 36 inches. Depth: 21 inches. Price: $27.00. HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11 . 63 93. Half-size Statue. Boy, praying ? Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Depth: 22 inches. Price: $22.50. 99. Head.* Kore (Persephone) ? with hair bound by an opis- thosphendone. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: 7 inches. Depth: 8 inches. Price : % 0.80. 102. Head, with the attribute of the wings of a night-hawk : fragment of a Statue.* Hypnos, god of Sleep. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price : % 2.70. 105. Statuette.* The god Apollo, with locks confined by a narrow band and chlamys suspended from the left shoulder. Height : 30 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $3.38. 107. Head, antique : upon a bust dating from tfie Seventeenth Century, a. d.* Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty and Love: Knidian type. Height: 27 inches. Breadth : 14 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $2.70. 109. Head : remnant of a Statue.* Apollo, god of Music. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price: $2.25. CULLUM COLLECTION. 64 1 12. Low-relief : probably from the base of a Statue or Group. * Goddess Gaia kourotrophos, children-rearing, re- ceiving the offerings and listening to the petitions of Mothers. Height: 14 inches. Length: 60 inches. Trice: $3.38. I27. H EAD, broken off its statue.* Apollo Kitharoedos, under the spell of musical delirium. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 17 inches. Price : § 4.50. 130. Statuette.* Tyrian Herakles, carrying off the Apples from the Garden of the Hesperides. Height: 33 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 1 3 inches. Depth “ “ 13 inches. Price: $3.38. 133- H EAD.* Demeter, goddess of Agriculture, veiled. Height: 30 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 22 inches. Price: $27.00. 137. Bust : restored as if intended for resting UPON AN HERMES. Portrait of Sappho, of Mytilene, lyric poet. Height: 20 inches. Breadth of Base : 1 2 inches. Depth “ “ 9 inches. Price: $4.50. HELLENIC SECTION — HALLS 8 AND 11 . 65 139. Bust, with later Inscription incorrect : ADAPTED FOR AN HERMES.* Portrait of Plato. Height : 20 inches. Breadth of Base : 1 3 inches. Depth “ “ 11 inches. Price : $4.50. 140. Bust.* Portrait of Plato, the Philosopher. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: pinches. Price : $ 1.50. 541. Vatican Museum No. (?). Bust.* Kronos, the Titan, father of Zeus. Height: 28 inches. Breadth of Base : 20 inches. Depth “ “ 11 inches. Price: $5.40. 142. High-reliefs, from the Temple to Athene Polias at Priene.* War between Giants and the Gods. Height: 31 inches. Length: 77 inches. Price: $18.00. 243. British Museum No. (?). Head.* Colossal Head of a woman, from Priene. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 14 inches. Price: $3.00. HELLENISTIC SECTION, Hall 8. 4. Statue. Subject: Portrait of Demosthenes. Height: 82 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 32 inches. Depth “ “ 21 inches. Brice: $45.00 5. Group.* Boy, struggling with Goose. Height: 37 inches. . Breadth of Plinth : 18 inches. Depth “ “ 28 inches. Price : $18.90. 6. Group. Wrestlers. Height: 40 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 25 inches. Depth “ “ 48 inches. Price: $32.40. 8. Relief. Maenad, in ecstasy. Height: 62 inches. Breadth: 30 inches. Price : $9. 90. 11. Statue. (Hall 11: Hellenic Section.) Goddess Aphrodite, cowering. Height : 44 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 20 inches. Depth cs “ 27 inches. Price: $14.40. ( 66 ) HELLENISTIC SECTION — HALL 8. 67 . 12. Statue. (Hall ii: Hellenic Section.) Goddess Aphrodite, cowering. Height: 35 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 16 inches. Depth “ “ 21 inches. Price: $36.00. 16. Statue, colossal. Goddess Nike: a Votive-offering to commemorate the Victory of Demetrios Poliorketes, king of Macedonia, over Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, in a naval Battle off the Island of Cyprus. Height: 113 inches. Breadth: 60 inches. Depth: 85 inches. Price: $54.00. 17. Statue, with Inscription in Greek. Portrait of an Athlete, leaning upon a Spear. Height: 97 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Depth: 34 inches. Price : $43. 20. 19. Statue. Galatian Warrior, wounded. Height: 36 inches. Length of Plinth : 74 inches. Depth “ “ 36 inches. Price: $43.20. 22. High-relief. Overthrow of Giants by the Gods: Zeus Group — Zeus, chief of the gods, against Porphyrion, king of the giants. Height: 96 inches. Length: 146 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Price: $112.50. 68 CULLUM COLLECTION. 24 H IGH-RELIEF. Overthrow of Giants by the Gods: Athene Group — Goddess Athene, Alkyoneus, Ge, and Nike. Height: 96 inches. Length: 147 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Price: $135.00. 26. Group.* Laokoon, and his Sons, attacked by the serpents of Apollo. Height: 92 inches. Breadth: 65 inches. Depth: 33 inches. Price: $90.00. 27. Statue, with Inscription. (Corridor of Bronzes, Hall 2.) Armed Warrior in attitude both of Defence and Attack. Height: 65 inches. Breadth: 50 inches. Depth: 61 inches. Price: $36.00. 28. Statuette. Satyr, dancing and keeping time by the snapping of his fingers. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price: $5.40. 31. h IGH-RELIEF.* Dionysos, god of Wine, returning from India* welcomed as a guest by Ikarios in Attika. Height: 37 inches. Length: 60 inches. Price: $9.45. 35. Cameo-relief. Ptolemy I. Soter, and his wife Eurydike? Height : 7 inches. Breadth : 6 inches. Price: $0.35. HELLENISTIC SECTION — HALL 8. 6 & 36. Vase, decorated in relief. (Willard Collection of Architectural Casts ; Hall 12.)* Celebration of a Dionysiac Festival. Height: 39 inches. Diameter : 23 inches. Base: 14 inches. Price: $4.28. Florence fluseum, No. 318. Bust.* Portrait of Alexander the Great (?), dying. Height: 34 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Depth: 16 inches. Price : % 9.00. Naples riuseum, No. 6012. Half-size Statue.* Amazon, overcome in mortal combat. Height : 1 1 inches. Length of Plinth : 49 inches. Depth “ “ 25 inches. Price: $9.00. GRAECO-ROMAN SECTION. Hall 8 . I. Portion of Statue, with Greek Inscription. Subject: Herakles : “Torso cf the Belvedere.” Height : 50 inches. Breadth: 34 inches. Depth: 33 inches. Brice : $36.00. British nuseum, No. (?). Herakles. Height: 38 inches. Depth : 20 inches. Bust, colossal.* Breadth: 25 inches. Brice: $6.75. 2 . Statue. Portrait of a Roman Orator, as Hermes Logios. Height: 75 inches. Breadth: 31 inches. Depth: 20 inches. Brice: $32.20. 3. Statue, with Inscription in Greek. “ Orestes ” ; Ephebos ; or, more properly, an Athlete- victor. Height: 60 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Depth: 18 inches. Brice: $21.60. 5. Statue.* Maiden, binding her hair with a long fillet in preparation for the bath. Height: 62 inches. Breadth of Blinth : 22 inches. Depth “ “ 1 6 inches. Brice: $27.00. 10. H IGH-RELIEF *. FRONT OF A SARCOPHAGUS.* Amazons, at rest after a battle. Height: 12 inches. Length: 75 inches. Brice: $7.88. ( 70 ) GRiECO-ROMAN SECTION — HALL 8. 71 14. Relief. Daidalos finishing the wings of Ikaros. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $0.90. 18. H IGH-RELIEF, REPRODUCED FROM THE VaSO Mediceo. Pylades, companion to Orestes. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Price: $2.16. 19. H IGH-RELIEF, REPRODUCED FROM THE VaSO Mediceo. Orestes, having arrived in Tauris for the purpose of carrying off the image of the goddess Artemis to Attika, recognizes Iphigenia her priestess as his own sister. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $2.88. 31. Inscription in Greek. Public Notice forbidding Gentiles to pass from the Court into the Sanctuary, or sacred precincts of the Temple, reserved to Hebrews alone. Height: 23 inches. Length: 36 inches. Price: $2.50. 32, Low-relief : a Panel from ceiling-decora- tion. Archaistic Victory, alighting and bearing a crested Helmet in her Hands. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Price: $2.25. 72 CULLUM COLLECTION. 33. Low-relief : a Panel from ceiling-decora- tion. Archaistic Nike, poised upon the rim of a campan- ulate flower. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Price: $1.00. British riuseum, No. “T. 29.” Statue.* Paniskos: human type of the youthful Pan. Height : 46 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Depth: 14 inches. Price: $5.63. British riuseum, No, “ T. 82.” H EAD.* Satyr, laughing. Height: 17 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $1.25. British riuseum, No. “ 181.” Head.* Satyr, of the Rondinini Palace, Rome. Height: 18 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $1.50. British fluseum, No. ‘‘VI. 56.” Decorative Figure. Sphinx, intended to support a candelabrum or table. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Depth: 31 inches. Price: $11.25. British fluseum, No. (?), Low-relief.* The Winning of Thetis by Peieus : Portland Vase. Height: 10 inches. Diameter: 7 inches. Price : $1.13. ROMAN SECTION, Hall 8. 2. Statue. Subject: Portrait of the Emperor Augustus, robed in the Toga for appearance in the Senate. Height: 88 inches. Breadth: 35 inches. . Depth: 23 inches. Price: $32.40. 4. Statue. (Hall ii: Hellenic Section.) Goddess Aphrodite, holding a Shield. Height: 84 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Depth: 33 inches. Price: $31.50. 5. Statue.- (Hall ii: Hellenic Section.) Nike, goddess of Victory, in the guise of Aphrodite. Height: 82 inches. Breadth : 48 inches. Depth: 58 inches. Price: $.50.00. 9. Statue. Satyr, of the Vintage. Height: 72 inches. Depth: 30 inches. 10. Statue. Antinous, as Hermes Height: 75 inches. Depth: 22 inches. 11. High-relief: colossal. Portrait of Antinous. Height : 44 inches. Depth : 1 2 inches. Breadth: 39 inches. Price : $21.60. Breadth: 41 inches. Price: $54.00. dolios : or, Narkissos ? Breadth: 26 inches. Pidce: $41.40. ( 73 ) 74 CULLUM COLLECTION. 13. Cameo-relief. Emperor Augustus, enthroned as Jupiter beside Roma deified, and crowned by Livia as Kybele (?), in the presence of the victorious Tiberius and the youth Germanicus. Height: 8 inches. Length: 9 inches. Price: $0.35. 14. Cameo-relief. Emperor Tiberius, enthroned as Jupiter, and accompanied by his Family also with divine attributes. Height : 1 2 inches. Breadth : 1 1 inches. Price : $0.35. British iluseum, No. (?). Bust.* Portrait of Caius Julius Caesar, first Emperor of Rome. Height: 19 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $1.35. Malpieri No. “2.” Bust.* Augustus, in youth. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $2.70. British fluseum, No. (?). Bust.* Portrait of Caius Octavius Caesar Augustus, second Emperor of Rome. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: n inches. Price: $2.25. British Jluseum, No. (?). Bust.* Portrait of Nero, the Emperor. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: n inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $1.58. ROMAN SECTION — HALL 8. 75 British fluseum, No. “ T. 98.” Bust * Portrait of Domitia Longina, wife of the Emperor T. Flavius Domitianus. Height: 25 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. Depth: n inches. Price: $2.25. British fluseum, No. “ T. 94.” Bust.* Portrait of P. iElius Hadrianus, the Emperor. Height: 30 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price: $3.38. British riuseum, No. “ T. 96.” Bust.* Portrait of Julia Sabina, wife of the Emperor Hadrian. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Depth: 11 inches. Price: $3.38. British fluseum, No. “ T. ioi.” Bust.* Portrait of Annia Faustina Junior, wife of the Roman Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus. Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 11 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $1.47. COLLECTION OF BRONZE-REPRODUCTIONS FROM ORIGINALS IN BRONZE RECOVERED AT HERCULANEUM FROM A VILLA BURIED IN THE YEAR 79 A. D., BY AN ERUPTION OF MOUNT VESUVIUS. ( 77 ) GRECIAN SECTION, Hall 11. 2. Bust, squared at the base for re-sting upon AN HERMES : WITH GREEK INSCRIPTION. Subject: Doryphoros : ‘Spear-bearer.’ Height: 21 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Depth: 11 inches. Brice : $3.60. 3. Bust, adapted at base to be borne upon an HERMES. Amazon. Height: 20 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Depth: 1 1 inches. Price: $3.60. 12. Bust, cut from a Statue. Portrait of Sappho (?) of Mytilene : lyric poet of the ^olian School. Height : 18 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $3.60. 13. Bust, detached from a Statue? Ephebos, or Diskobolos. Height: 16 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price : $2. 70. 14. Statue : looking toward the right. Wrestler, stooping to grapple with his opponent. Height: 46 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 17 inches. Depth “ “ 43 inches. Price: $9.00. ( 79 ) 80 CULLUM COLLECTION. 15. Statue : looking toward the left. Wrestler, stooping to engage with his antagonist. Height: 47 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 18 inches. Depth “ “ 42 inches. Price: $9.00. 16. Statue. Hermes, messenger of the gods, at rest. Height: 47 inches. Breadth: 30 inches. Depth: 44 inches. Price: $12.60. 17. Bust. Artemis agrotera, goddess of the Chase. Height: 20 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: 1 1 inches. Price: $3.00. 18. Statue. Satyr, inebriate, displaying neck-glands and bud- ding horns, crowned with ivy-fruit, half reclining on a lion’s pelt, leaning his left elbow upon a leathern wine-bottle almost empty, and raising his right arm in the act of snapping his fingers. Height: 59 inches. Breadth: 31 inches. Depth: 71 inches. Price: $100.00. 19. Statue. Satyr, characterized by capric glands and horns, though sitting nearly upright sleeping and keeping his right arm bent over the head droop- ing toward the left. Height: 55 inches. Breadth: 30 inches. Depth: 34 inches Price : $12.60. GRECIAN SECTION— HALL 11. 81 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24. 25 - Bust. Portrait of Herakleitos (?), of Ephesos: philosopher of the Ionian School. Height: 21 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $4.50. Bust. Portrait of Demokritos (?), of Abdera : philosopher. Height: 24 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Depth: finches. Price: $4.50. Bust. Portrait of Archytos (?), of Tarentum : philosopher of the Pythagorean School, statesman, and military general. Height: 20 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Place : $4.50. Bust, with Greek Inscription : one-quarter size. Portrait of Demosthenes, of Athens : statesman and orator. Height: 6 inches. Breadth: 3 inches. Depth: 3 inches. Price: $0.90. Bust : one-half size. Portrait of Demosthenes, of Athens : statesman and orator. Height: 11 inches. Breadth: 5 inches. Depth : 5 inches. Price : $0. 90. Bust, with Greek Inscription : one-third size. Portrait of Epikouros, of Athens : founder of an independent school in philosophy. Height: 8 inches. Breadth: 4 inches. Depth: 4 inches. Price: $0.90. 82 CULLUM COLLECTION. 26. Bust : one-third size. Portrait of Epikouros, of Athens : founder of the Epicurean School in Philosophy. Height : 7 inches. Breadth : 4 inches. Depth : 4 inches. Price : $0. 90. 27. Bust : one-quarter size. Portrait of Metrodoros (?), of Athens: philosopher of the Epicurean School. Height : 7 inches. Breadth : 3 inches. Depth : 3 inches. Price : $0. 90. 28. Head. Portrait of Philetas (?), of Kos : grammarian, phi- losopher, and elegiac poet. Height: 12 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 11 inches. Price: $3.60. 29. Bust, with Greek Inscription : one-third size. Portrait of Hermarchos, of Athens : rhetorician and philosopher. Height: 8 inches. Breadth: 4 inches. Depth: 4 inches. Price: $0.90. 30. Bust. Portrait of Ptolemy I. Soter (?), wearing a diadem ? Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price: §3.60. 32. Bust. Portrait of Ptolemy II. Philadelphos (?), crowned with a wreath of foliage and buds. Height: 19 inches. Breadth: 14 inches. Depth: 11 inches. Price: $3.60. GRECIAN SECTION — HALL 11. 83 33 Bust. Portrait of Ptolemy X. Soter II. (? Lathyros), crowned with a diadem ? Height: 22 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $3.60. 34 . Bust. Portrait of Ptolemy XI. Alexander I. (?), bound by a diadem or fillet. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price : §5.6 o. 36 . Bust. Portrait of a Warrior, bearded, and wearing a chlamys fastened by a clasp. Height: 21 inches. Breadth: 15 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Pr ice : $3. 60. GRAECO-ROMAN SECTION, Hall ii . I. Bust. Subject: Portrait of Publius Cornelius Scipio Afri- canus (?), the Elder, of Rome : consul, princeps senatus, and military general. Height: 19 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. Depth : 1 1 inches. Price : $4. 00. 4. Bust, with Greek Inscription : one-quarter size. Zenon, of Sidon (?), Epicurean philosopher contem- porary with Cicero. Height : 7 inches. Breadth : 3 inches. Depth: 3 inches. Price: $0.90. 5. Bust : one-quarter size. Portrait of Agrippina (?), the Elder : daughter of M. Vipsanius Agrippa, and wife of Germanicus Ceesar. Height : 7 inches. Breadth: 4 inches. Depth : 3 inches. Price : $0. 90. 11. Figurine. Satyr, dancing wildly and flourishing a thyrsus- staff in his right hand. Height: 9 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Depth: 4 inches. Price : % 2.50. (P4) GRAECO-ROMAN SECTION— KALI 85 12. Figurine : an imitation of the Villa Bor- ghese Statue. Seilenos, bearded, ivy-crowned, dancing and play- ing upon a musical instrument (the tibia ?) held in both his hands. » Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 4 inches. Depth: 3 inches. Price : $3.00. # 13. Statuette : a fountain-figure. Seilenos, bearded, shaggy, crowned with ivy, shod with sandals, riding astride of, and holding on to the fore-legs of, a large skin-bottle, whose mouth served as an outlet for water. Height: 15 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price : % 5.40. 54. Statuette : a fountain-figure. Seilenos, hirsute, curly bearded, ivy-crowned, scantily draped by a long narrow scarf, one end of which covers his right limb, the other falling from over his left shoulder, seated upon a rock,, and caressing a little panther, from whose mouth water issued. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price : % 5.40. 15. Statuette : a fountain-figure. Seilenos, hairy, his beard in curls, crowned by a wreath of ivy, partly covered by a long strip of drapery thrown over his lap and dropping from the left shoulder, half reclining upon rock-work, holding up the neck of a skin-bottle to do service as a water-spout. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 9 inches. Depth: 13 inches. Price : $5.40. CESNOLA COLLECTION. CESNOLA CYPRUS COLLECTION OF STONE SCULPTURES, Hall 3. I. Sphinx.* Detail of Sarcophagus in calcareous stone, found at Amathus. Height : 1 5 inches. Breadth : 4 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price : % 5.50. 9. Part of a Statue.* In calcareous stone, found west of the Temple at Golgoi. Height: 39 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Depth: pinches. Price : $15.00. s6. Statue.* In calcareous stone: Temple at Golgoi. Height: 42 inches. Breadth : 20 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $15.00. 48. Stela.* In calcareous stone: Necropolis at Golgoi. Height: 54 inches. Breadth: 32 inches. Depth: 8 inches. Price : $16.00. 1286. H EAD.* Portrait of a Graeco-Roman man. In calcareous stone: Temple at Golgoi. Height: 11 inches. Breadth : 8 inches. Depth: pinches. Price: $5.50. ( 89 ) 90 CESNOLA COLLECTION. 1401. Low-relief.* Herakles, attacking Eurytion, the herdsman of Geryon’s cattle. Height: 21 inches. Length: 36 inches. Price: $5.00. Old No. 566. Head * Portrait of a man crowned with laurel. In cal- careous stone. Height: 12 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Depth: 10 inches. Price: $5.50. JOHNSTON COLLECTION. ( 91 ) ITALIAN RENAISSANCE, Hall 9 - to 26. Monument, with Reliefs and archi- tectural Decoration. Subjects: Old Testament Histories, represented in perspective relief. 11. Panel 1. The Garden of Eden. Height: 36 inches. Price: $23.40. Length: 38 inches. 12. Panel 2. Cain and Abel. Height: 36 inches. Price : $23.40. Length : 38 inches. 13. Panel 3. Noah. Height: 36 inches. Price: $19.80. Length : 38 inches. 14. Panel 4. Abraham. Height: 36 inches. Price: $19.80. Length : 38 inches. 15. Panel 5. Esau and Jacob. Height: 35 inches. Price : $19 80. Length: 38 inches. 16. Panel 6. Joseph. Height: 35 inches. Price: $19.80. Length: 38 inches. 17. Panel 7. Moses. Height: 36 inches. Length : 38 inches. Price: $19.80. 18. Panel 8. The Passage of the River Jordan. Height : 36 inches. Length : 38 inches. Price: $19.80. ( 93 ) 94 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. ig. Panel g. David. Height : 36 inches. Length : 38 inches. Price: $23.40. 20. Panel 10. Solomon. Height : 36 inches. Length: 38 inches. Price: $23.40. 21. At the top and the bottom, upon transverse bands of the frame, Personifications of the Four Seasons are intro- duced : Above the Creation-panel, Spring, under the form of a Woman recumbent and holding a Flower. Above the Cain-and-Abel-panel, Summer, represented as a Man reclining and grasping a Hoe. Below the David-panel, Winter — a bald Old Man, reclining. Below the Solomon-panel, Autumn— a Woman recumbent. Height: 11 inches. Length: 38 inches. Price: $7.20. 22. On all sides, upon the upright bands of the Frame, twenty Statuettes are inserted, representing Historical Person- ages, or Symbolical Types. Among Historical Personages may be recognized : To the right of the Noah-panel, Tobias holding a Fish in his hand. To the right of the Abraham-panel, Samson grasping a Column by his left arm and the Jaw-bone of an Ass in his right hand. To the left of the Moses-panel, Miriam playing on a Tam- bourine. To the right of the same panel, Moses extend- ing a burning Flame in his left hand. To the left of the Joshua-panel, Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still. To the left of the David-panel, Judith carrying in her left hand the head of Holofernes. Height: about 17 inches. Breadth: “ 7 inches. Price: $2.16 each. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9. 95 23. Among Symbolical Types may be pointed out : Upon the right of the Cain-and-Abel panel, A Warrior leaning upon his Shield. Upon the right of the Toseph-panel, a Prophet bearing a Book. Under half a dozen niches, Sibyls flourishing long Scrolls. Height: about 17 inches. Breadth: u 7 inches. Price : $2.16 each. 24. Over against the corners of Panels twenty-four Heads are added. These include Portraits of the Author of the Work himself, Lorenzo Ghiberti, and of his father-in-law as well as Master, Bartoluccio, a skillful goldsmith who aided him greatly in the execution of the task — placed in the cen- tral vertical bands mid-way between top and bottom of the Door, or more exactly, fourth in the series from the top, third from the bottom. Height : 6 inches. Breadth : 6 inches. Price: $1.08 each. 25. Upon the Casement, an elaborate Decoration of foliage, fruits, birds, and animals, springing from Vases, is designed. Sides. Height : 200 inches. Breadth: 10 inches. Top. Height: 10 inches. Length: 160 inches. Price : $90. 00. 26. The whole is surmounted by a Cornice made up of classical details — mouldings, echini, dentals, etc., etc. Height: 13 inches. Length: 185 inches. Price: $15.00. Door-way, complete. Height: 236 inches. Breadth: 161 inches. Depth: 19 inches. Price : $226.80. 96 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. 27, 28, 29. MONUMENT^ WITH RELIEFS. Subject: Miracles of Saint Zenobius, thrown into perspective relief. 27. End-piece, on the left Hand — Saint Zenobius, restoring to life a Child crushed under the Wheel of a Cart. Height: 18 inches. Breadth : 18 inches. Brice: $2.16. 28. Front — Resuscitation of a Young Person, by the Saint, in the Presence of the bereaved Mother and a Throng of Spectators, the Body lying in the foreground and the Spirit hovering over. Height: 19 inches. Length : 64 inches. Brice: $16.20. 29. End-piece, on the right Hand — Saint Zenobius bringing to life a Servant of his, who had died in the Alps. Height: 18 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Brice: $2.16. 30. 31, 32. Low-reliefs. Subject : Angels variously engaged. 30 and 32. Angels, singing and playing upon Instruments of Music. Height : 28 inches. Length: 34 inches. 31. Angels, exalting Emblems of our Lord’s Passion. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 27 inches. Brice: $6.75. 33. 34 35- Low-reliefs. Subject: Angels variously employed. 33 and 35. Angels, playing upon Musical Instruments. Height: 30 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. 34. Angels, holding aloft Emblems of our Lord’s Passion, or clasping to their breasts the Hammer and Nails. Height: 26 inches. Length: 27 inches. Brice: $9.00. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9. 97 37. Monument, with Low-relief. Subjects: Statue — Saint George. Bas-relief— Saint George slaying the Dragon. Height : 216 inches. Breadth: 69 inches. Depth: 33 inches. Brice : % 277.20. 40 to 45. Reliefs. Genii, dancing and playing. Height of each Panel : 38 inches. Length “ “ 47 inches. Price: $126.00. 46. Relief. Genii, dancing and playing. Height: 31 inches. Length: 39 inches. Price: $10.80. 50. Low-relief. Saint Cecilia. Height : 22 inches. Breadth .-15 inches. Price: $1.44. 51. Relief. Madonna and Infant: Seraphim. Height: 45 inches. Breadth: 39 inches. Price: $9.00. 52 to 61. Reliefs. Subjects: Dancing, Singing and Playing Children. Height of Panels : 40 and 41 inches. Breadth “ 26 to 38 inches. Price: $144.00. 62. H igh-relief. Subject: Resurrection of our Lord from the Tomb Angels and Roman Guard. Height: 80 inches. Length: 105 inches. Price: $108.00. 98 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. 64. Monument, with High-reliefs and Latin Inscription. Coronation of the Madonna: Angels and Saints. Below : Annunciation ; Assumption of the Virgin; Nativity. Height: 134 inches. Breadth: 93 inches. Price: $180.00. 65 Relief. Madonna in Adoration: Holy Spirit. Height : 34 inches. Price: $2.70. 69. Group. Visit of the Virgin to Saint Elizabeth. Height: 59 inches. Breadth: 57 inches. Price : $1 26.00. 70. High-relief. Annunciation to the Virgin, by the Angel Gabriel; between them, a Lily springing from a Vase; on high, God the Father surrounded by Angels. Height: 63 inches. Length: 114 inches. Price : $144.00. 73. High-relief. Madonna and Infant: Emblems of God the Father and of the Holy Spirit. Height: 45 inches. Breadth: 29 inches. Price: $9.00. Face of Pier, in Corridor No. 2. Relief.* Assumption of the Madonna: Cherubim, Angels, and Saints. Height: 119 inches. Price: $100. co. Angels and Symbol of the Breadth .- 24 inches. Breadth : 88 inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9 . 99 76 H IGH-RELIEF. Coronation of the Madonna : Saints. Height: 83 inches. Length : 117 inches. Price : $270.00. 78 Statue, with Inscription in Latin. John the Baptist, when a Child. Height: 39 inches. Breadth: 20 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $27.00. 79. Relief. Madonna “del Latte”: a Monument to Francesco Neri. Height : 44 inches. Breadth : 35 inches. Price: $9.00. 80. Relief. Adoration of the Infant by the Madonna, and the Shepherds. Height: 45 inches. Breadth: 45 inches. Price: $27.00. 81. Low-relief. Madonna, presenting Infant. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 22 inches. Price: $2.16. 82. 83 - Statuette. Christ-child: “ Gesu Bambino Height: 23 inches. Depth: 7 inches. Low-relief. Madonna and Infant. Height: 25 inches. Price: $1.80. Breadth: 10 inches. Price : $2.70. Breadth : 1 5 inches. 100 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. 84. Low-relief. Madonna and Infant. Height: 28 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $3.60. 88. H IGH-RELIEF : RONDEL RESTING UPON BRACKET. Madonna and Infant. Height : 50 inches. Breadth: 40 inches. Price: $18.00. 89. H IGH-RELIEF. Madonna and Young John the Baptist adoring the Infant Christ : San Lorenzo and San Remigio in side-niches. Height: 52 inches. Length: 54 inches. Price: $54.00. 90. High-relief. Madonna, presenting the Infant. Height: 27 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $5.40. 91. Statuette. Genius, flying and running off with a Dolphin. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Depth: 14 inches. Price : % 7.20. 9 2 . Statuette. Boy, in pose similar to that of the Fountain-genius. Height: 29 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $5.40. » 93, 94. Half-size Statues. Angels, kneeling in Adoration. Height: 38 inches. Breadth: 30 inches. Depth: 18 inches. Price of each : § 18.00, ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9 . 101 97. Relief. Faith. Height: 41 inches. Price: $9.00. 100. Relief. Madonna and Infant. Height: 42 inches. Price: $9.00. 106. Statue. John the Baptist. Height: 57 inches. Depth: 14 inches. 107. Relief. Madonna and Infant. Height: 32 inches. Price: $14.40. Breadth: 24 inches. Breadth: 32 inches. Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $14.50. Breadth: 29 inches. so8. Relief: Rondel-frame of flowers, fruits, and Cherubim. Madonna and Infant. Height: 40 inches. Breadth: 40 inches. Price: $6.30. 109. Group. Bacchus when a Boy, and Faun. Height : 59 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Depth: 29 inches. Price : $27.00. no. Statue. Mercury, flying. Height: 72 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Depth: 43 inches. Price: $32.40. 102 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. H 2 . Relief. (Hall io.) Subject: Mask of a Faun. Height : 9 inches. Breadth : 8 inches. Price : $0.90. 114. Statue. John the Baptist. Height: 57 inches. Depth: 16 inches. 115. Group. Bacchus drunken, and Faun. Height : 82 inches. Breadth: 33 inches. Depth: 19 inches. Price: $45.00. 1 16. Statue. Cupid. Height: 42 inches. Depth: 21 inches. 1 18. Head. David, about to attack Goliath : “ II Gigante.” Height: 46 inches. Breadth: 31 inches. Depth: 28 inches. Price: $18.00. 119. Relief. Madonna, the Divine Child, and Young Saint John the Baptist. Height : 44 inches. Breadth: 42 inches. Price: $11.25. 12 1, 122, 123. Statues. Monumental Figures. 121. Portrait-statue of Giuliano de’ Medici, seated. Height: 72 inches. Breadth: 33 inches. Depth: 38 inches. Price: $108.00. Breadth: 25 inches. Price: $16.88 Breadth: 19 inches. Price: $22.50. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9. 103 122. Night, sleeping. Height: 52 inches. Depth : 34 inches. 123. Day, awaking for Labor. Height: 52 inches. Depth : 34 inches. Length: 79 inches. Price : $117.00. Length: 77 inches. Price: $117.00. 124, 125, 126. Statues. Monumental Figures. 124. Hero, seated and helmeted : ‘ II Pensiero,’ allegorical of Profound Thought. Height: 73 inches. Depth: 36 inches. 125. Evening. Height: 48 inches. Depth: 35 inches. 126. Dawn. Height : 48 inches. Depth: 38 inches. Breadth: 31 inches. Price: $108.00. Length : 7 7 inches. Price: $117.00. Length: 71 inches. Price: $117.00. 129. Statue. Jason, with the Golden Fleece. Height : 74 inches. Breadth : 30 inches. Depth: 22 inches. Price: $33.08. 131. Statue. Moses, the Lawgiver, Height : 99 inches. Breadth: 44 inches. Depth: 50 inches. Price: $144.00. 132. Statue. Captive, wearied or musing. Height : 89 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 28 inches. Depth “ “ 22 inches. Price: $25.20. 104 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. 133. Statue. Captive, struggling to burst his bond. Height: 85 inches. Breadth of Plinth : 2 1 inches. Depth “ “ 32 inches. Price: $22.50. 134. Group. Adonis, dying from the Wound of a Boar. Height : 26 inches. Length of Plinth : 66 inches. Depth “ “ 25 inches. Price: $45.00. 141. Architectural Ornament. Flag-bracket. Height: 31 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Projection: 23 inches. Price: $7.60. 163. Relief. Madonna, nursing Infant: Cherubim. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Price: $2.70. 166. Relief. Madonna, presenting Infant. Height: 25 inches. Breadth: 18 inches. Price: $2.70. 169. Relief. Trial of Abraham’s Faith. Height: 18 inches. Price r $3.38. Breadth: 17 inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9 . 105 170. Relief. Trial of Abraham’s Faith. Height: 18 inches. Breadth: 17 inches. Price: $3.38. 175 - H ead, of a Statue. Grand Crucifix. Height: 23 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Depth: 12 inches. Price: $4.50. 177. Head. Portrait of Niccolo da Uzzano. Height : 13 inches. Breadth: 8 inches. Depth: 9 inches. Price: $1.44. 178. Low-relief. Madonna, and Infant : Cherubim. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $3.60. 179. Bust. Saint John the Baptist. Height: 14 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 7 inches. Price: $1.44. 180 Head. Saint John the Baptist. Height: 16 inches. * Breadth: 1 r inches. Depth: 6 inches. Price: $1.44. 181. Bust. Saint John the Baptist. Height: 15 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 8 inches. Price: $r.8o. 106 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. Lelli, No. “204.” Bust * Portrait of Boy laughing. Height: 13 inches. Breadth: 12 inches. Depth: 7 inches. Price: $0.90. 182. Relief. Madonna, kneeling and adoring Infant cradled upon turf beneath a lily-plant in bloom : above the Mother a crown sustained by hands, Cherubim. Height : 33 inches. Breadth ; 24 inches. Price: $5.40. 183. Relief. Madonna, and Infant, standing: Cherubim. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 26 inches. Price: $2.70. 187. High-relief. Madonna, presenting Infant. Height: 33 inches. Breadth: 23 inches. Price: $4.50. 188. Relief.* Profile of John the Baptist, in Youth. Height : 1 7 inches. Breadth : 1 2 inches. Price: $1.80. 189. 190. High-reliefs.* Angels, singing and playing upon Musical Instru- ments. i8g. Angel beating tambourine. 190. Two Angels singing from a note-book. Also ten others. Height of each : 2 3 inches. Breadth u 8 inches. Price, of each one : $1.25. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE — HALL 9 . 107 192. Low-relief. Entombment of Christ crucified. Height : 5 inches. Length : 8 inches. Price: $0.27. 193. Relief. Entombment of the crucified Christ. Height: 13 inches. Length: 17 inches. Price: $1.35. 194. Low-relief.* John the Baptist adoring the Christ, both in Child- hood. Height: 16 inches. Breadth: 16 inches. Price: $0.81. 196. Relief. Tabernacle: four Angels in worship. Height: 34 inches. Breadth: 27 inches. Depth: 5 inches. Price: §5.63. 198. High-relief. Andromeda delivered from the sea-monster by Perseus. Height: 34 inches. Length: 39 inches. Price: $9.00. 199. High-relief : Lunette. Evangelist John, with his symbol the Eagle, receiving the homage of members of the School of Saint John in Venice. Height: 31 inches. Price: $6.75. Length: 56 inches. 108 JOHNSTON COLLECTION. August Gerber, No. “ 1803.” Group.* Madonna, and Christ-child, by Michel-angelo : Church of Notre Dame, at Bruges in Belgium. Height : 52 inches. Breadth: 24 inches. Depth: 23 inches. Brice: $63.00. Lelli, No. “ 903.” Bust.* Portrait of a Condottiere, by Antonio del Pollajolo. Height: 19 inches. Breadth: 13 inches. . Depth: 10 inches. Price: $2.70. Lelli, No. “ 982.” Monumental Design. Portion of the Sarcophagus in the Monument Tartagni, by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci: Church of San Domenico, at Bologna. Height: 25 inches. Breadth: 25 inches. Price: $7.20. Ecole des Beaux Arts, No. 46 2629.” Monu- mental Decoration. Portion of the Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Oddo Altovite, by Benedetto da Rovezzano : Church of SS. Apostoli, at Florence. Height: io inches. Length: 67 inches. Depth: 8 inches. Price: $11.70.