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We shall be pleased to receive orders for instruments to be imported under this Act, and on application we will give estimates and instructions tor proposed orders to be thus imported from any foreign country. The present duty on books aud engravings is twenty-five per cent, ad valorem , while instruments are assessed according to the component material of greatest value. TERMS CASH IMPORTING INSTRUMENTS FREE OF DUTY. QUEEN & CO., Incorporated. Philadelphia, 1897. Lecture Sets. Fine Photographic Views. UNCOLOREO, 50 CENTS EACH. AMBBIOA. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. With Reading. 1 Mount Vernon, Virginia 2 Christ Church, Alexandria 3 Old Carlisle House, Alexan- dria 4 Results of gradingthe streets 5 Pennsylvania Avenue 6 Capitol, N E 7 Panorama from Capitol 8 Panorama from Capitol 9 Panorama from Capitol 10 Capitol, S W 11 Senate, exterior 12 House of Representatives, exterior IS Dome of Capitol 14 Senate, interior 15 House of Representatives, interior 16 President taking the Oath of Office 17 White House, interior 18 White House, exterior 19 Inauguration Ceremony 20 Washington Monument 21 Dedication Ceremony 22 State, War, and Navy De- partment 23 Treasury 24 Corcoran Art Gallery 25 Lafayette Square 26 Columbia University 27 British Legation 28 Georgetown College 29 Panorama from Georgetown College 30 Panorama from Georgetown College 31 Home of the Man who lives in a tree 32 Soldiers’ Home 33 Howard University 34 Patent Office 35 Post Office 36 House in whichLincoln died 37 Lincoln Emancipat’n statue 38 Seward’s House 39 Garfield Tablet 40 Peace Monument 41 Congressional Cemetery 42 National Museum 43 National Museum, interior 44 Smithsonian Institute 45 Agricultural Department 46 Bureau of Printing and En- * graving 47 Fulton Statue, in the Capitol! 48 The Potomac 49 Negro Quadrille Party 50 Negro Sermon NIAGARA. With Reading. By the Rev. J. Comper Gray. 1 Diagrams— Upper Diagram: Geometrical plan of the Lakes, showing their rela- tion to Niagara. Lower Diagram : Vertical section of River Niagara, showing the dip of the River be- tween Lake Erie and Lake Ontario 2 Diagram— Geological, show- ing the cause of the rece- ding of the Falls 3 Plan of our Tour ; the spots showing the places whence some of tne prin- cipal Views were taken 4 View fromMonteagle House 5 Suspension Bridge. Railway Track 6 SuspensionBridge. Carriage- way under the Railway 7 Within the Carriage-way of the Suspension Bridge' 8 View of tne Falls from Vic- toria Point J The new Suspension Bridge. Near View 10 The new Suspension Bridge. The Buttresses 11 American Fall, from Clifton House 12 Horseshoe Fall, on leaving Clifton House 13 Horseshoe Fall, from the Custom House 14 Terrapin Tower, on verge of Horseshoe Fall, from Ca- nadian side 15 First Curve of Horseshoe Fall, from Table Rock 16 Second Curve of Horseshoe Fall, from above Table Rock 17 The Rapids 18 Nearer View of American Fall, from Clifton House 19 American Fall, from the Ferry, Canadian side 20 General View of the Falls from the Ferry, American side 21 General View of the Falls, from Point View 22 Bridge over the Rapids, to Goat Island 23 American Fall, from the Hog’s Back, Goat Island 24 First View of Terrapin Tow- er, from Goat Island 25 Second View of Terrapin Tower 26 Third View of Terrapin Tower 27 Fourth View of Terrapin Tower 28 Bridge leading to Terrapin Tower 29 Bridge from first to second of Three Sisters 30 The Rapids and Bursting Wave 31 Snow-wreathed Evergreens 32 Frozen Spray 33 View in Winter from the Hog’s Back, American Fall 34 American Fall, through the Snow Arch on Luna Island 35 Snow Arch, nearer View 36 Ice Columns under the Bank 37 Snow effect, Luna Island 38 Falls in Winter, from Point View 39 Below the Falls. Winter 40 Below the Falls, Winter. Nearer View of Ice Cone 41 Map of Niagara, for review of the Tour. 1 2 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON TO THE NORTHWEST. 1 The Capitol, Washington 2 Baggage Smashers 3 Locomotive 4 Interior Pullman Car 5 City Hall, Baltimore 6 Washington Monument Baltimore 7 Philadelphia— Public Buildings 8 Philadelphia— Indepen- dence Hall 9 Phi I adelphia— Liberty Bell 10 Philadelphia — Girard Col- lege 11 New York— Ferry Boat 12 New York — Panorama 13 New York — Panorama 14 New York — Broadway 15 New York — Brooklyn Bridge 16 New York— Elevated Rail- way 17 New York— Grand Central Depot 18 Albany — The Capitol With Reading. 19 Albany— The Senate 20 Albany — The House of As- sembly 21 Saratoga— Grand Union Hotel 22 Saratoga— Congress Park 23 Niagara Falls — Panorama 24 Niagara— Horseshoe Fall 25 Niagara — American Fall 26 Niagara— American Fall in Winter 27 Niagara— Rapids and Bridges 28 Detroit— City Hall 29 Detroit— Soldiers’ Memori- al and Opera House 30 Chicago— State Street 31 Chicago — Lake Steamer 32 Chicago— Post-Office 33 Chicago— Stock Yards 34 St. Paul — General View '35 St. Paul— The Capitol 36 Minnehaha Falls 37 Minneapolis— Bridge Square 38 Minneapolis — Mississippi River 39 Minneapolis— The Univer sity 40 Minneapolis — Mr. Wash- bouines Residence 41 Montana— Cattle Ranche 42 Montana— Cattle Ranche 43 Ascending the Rocky Mountains 44 Ascending the Rocky Mountains 45 Hayden Valley— Yellow- stone Park 46 Old Faithful Geyser — Yel- lowstone Park 47 Geyser Cave— Yellowstone Park 48 Grand Geyser— Yellow- stone Park 49 Mammoth Hot Spring — Yellowstone Park The Great Falls— Yellow- Park YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. All from Original Negatives. 1 Gardiner Canyon, Entrance to Park. 2 Mammoth Hotel and Stages. 3 Liberty Cap and Mammoth Hotel. 4 Minerva Terrace. 5 Pulpit Terrace. 6 East E n trance to Gold e n Gate. 7 Golden Gate and Bridge. 8 Obsidian Cliff, Beaver Lake. 9 Norris Geyser Basin. 10 Virginia Cascades. 11 Gibbon Canyon. 12 Gibbon Falls. 13 Mammoth Paint Pots. 14 Fountain Geyser. 15 Excelsior Geyser, from Road. 16 Interior Excelsior Geyser. 17 Excelsior Geyser in Action. 18 Sapphire Pool, Biscuit Basin. The above collection of is guaranteed perfect. 19 Riverside Geyser. 20 Grotto Geyser. 21 Giant Geyser. 22 Crater Oblong Geyser. 23 Punch Bowl. 24 Castle Well and Castle Cone. 25 Castle, Bee-Hive and Old Faithful. 26 Old Faithful Geyser. 27 Crater of Giantess Geyser. 28 Crater of Grand Geyser. 29 Keppler’s Cascades. 30 Lone Star Geyser. 31 Shoshone Lake. 32 Hot Spring Cone, Yellowstone Lake. 33 Yellowstone Lake. 34 Hayden Valley. 35 Sulphur Mountain. 36 Rapids above Upper Falls. 37 Upper Falls from Trail. 38 Grand Canyon from Brink. 39 Point Lookout and Great Falls. 40 Inspiration Point. 41 Up the Canyon from Inspira- tion Point. 42 Down the Canyon from In- Bpiration Point. 43 Canyon and Falls from Art- ists’ Point. 44 Great Falls from below. 45 Great Falls, near view. 46 Petrified Trees, near Yanceys. 47 Tower Falls and Canyon. 48 In Norris Geyser Basin in winter. 49 Foliage near Geysers in win- ter. 50 Great Falls in winter. are the finest published. Every slide Optical Lantern Slides of Wonderland A VISIT TO YOSEMITE VALLEY. Wawona Hotel Grizzley Giant Log Cabin in Grove Wawona, entire tree Wawona, Carriage passing through Mother of the Forest Stage passing Alder Creek Panorama of Yosemite Valley El Capitan and Bridal Veil 40 Views and Reading. El Capitan from S. W Bridal Veil Falls Bridal Veil from below Cathedral Spires Sentinel Rock Three Brothers Yosemite Falls and Merced River Yosemite Falls from below Yosemii-e Falls, Upper Falls The Two Domes North Dome and Washington Column South Dome and Cloud’s Rest Mirror Lake Vernal Falls Nevada Falls, Liberty Cap Glacier Point The Domes from Glacier Point JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LI L2 L3 14 15 16 17 18 FROM LONDON TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA. With Reading. By H. Gore, C. E. Euston Square Station Queenstown and Cove of Cork Saloon of Steamer North River Ferry Boat Shipping on River Bird’s Eye View of New York Canal Street View of Broadway Herald Office City Hall Stewart's New Store Central Park— The Lake and Bow Bridge The Fountain and part of the Wilderness The Rustic Arbor Sculpture in the Park— The Tam o’Shanter group River and Steamer Catskill Mountain House Bastion Fall and Terrace Cascade 19 The “ Kauterskill” Fall 20 Waterfall in Winter 21 On the Ramapo, near Au- gusta Furnace 22 Profile Rock on the Mo- hawk 23 View in Woods near Old Fort George 24 Steamboat on Lake George 25 Town of Rochester and Upper Falls 26 Portage Bridge and Middle Fall 27 Lower Genesee Falls 28 Channel below Falls, Gene- see 29 Suspension Bridge 30 Suspension Bridge and Falls 31 View of Rapids 32 View of Horseshoe Falls from Clifton House 33 Bridge to Goat Island 34 American Falls from the Hog's Back 35 Terrapin Tower and Horse- shoe Fall 36 General View of Falls- Winter 37 Below American Falls 38 Snow Effect and Icicle — Luna Island 39 Frozen Spray— Luna Is- land 40 Snow Arch 41 Sunshine on Luna Bridge after a Snow Storm 42 Capitol, Washington 43 East Portico of the Cap- itol 44 Interior of Rotunda and Statue of Abraham Lin - coin 45 Interior Patent Office 46 The Washington Monu- ment, Union Square \ FROM QUEBEC TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. QUEBEC. 1 Ocean Steamer 2 Iceberg. 3 Quebec from Poiut Levis, Panorama 4 Quebec from Point Levis, Panorama 5 Panorama from Laval Uni- versity. 6 View from Citadel 7 Point Levis from Dufferin Terrace 8 Montmorency Falls 9 Group of Indians 10 River Steamer to Montreal MONTREAL. 11 Montreal, View from Notre Dame 12 Montreal, Panorama from Mount Royal 13 Montreal, Panorama from Mount Royal 14 Montreal, Panorama from Mount Royal 15 James Street 16 Windsor Hotel 17 tyindsor Hotel, Interior 18 McGill College 19 River Front and Allan Steamer 20 Post-Office 21 Gathering Maple Sap j With Reading. 22 Iroquois in Canoe OTTAWA. 23 Public Buildings, General View 24 House of Parliament 25 House of Parliament, In- terior 26 Departmental Building, East 27 Departmental Building, West 28 Chaudiere Falls 29 Timber Raft 30 Timber Stacks 31 The Library 32 View from House of Par- liament Grounds HAMILTON. 33 Panorama of City 34 Panorama of City 35 The Market NIAGARA. 36 Falls, Panorama 37 Rapids above the Falls 38 American Falls from Cana- dian side in Summer 39 American Falls from Cana- dian side in Winter 40 Canadian Falls 41 Canadian Falls, centre with spray 42 Water Wheel to Whirlpool 43 Whirlpool TORONTO. 44 Lieut.-Governor’s House 45 Post-Office 46 Normal College 47 University College LAKE SUPERIOR. 48 Sault St. Mary Lock 49 Canal Locks 50 Port Arthur from Steamer 51 Water Street, Port Arthur WINNIPEG. 52 Winnipeg from Tower 53 Winnipeg, Main Street 54 Streets in Winter 55 Sleighing ROCKIES. 56 Train of Pullman Cars 57 Kicking Horse Pass 58 Group of Indians 59 Railway Tunnel 60 A View of British Colum- bia 4 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK TO THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. 1 New York Central Station 2 Newhaven, Yale College 3 Newhaven, Yale College Art Museum 4 Newhaven, Peabody Mu- seum 5 Newhaven, Centre Church and Avenue 6 Hartford, State House 7 Hartford, Old State House and City Hall 8 Hartford, Connecticut Mu- tual Insurance Building 9 Hartford, Mrs. Colt’s Resi- dence 10 Hartford, Mark Twain’s Residence U Worcester, Main Street 12 Worcester - , Bigelow and Sol- diers’ Monuments 13 Boston, 'Panorama 1 14 Boston, Panorama 2 15 Boston, Panorama 3 16 Boston, Panorama 4 17 Boston, Panorama 5 18 Boston, Old State House 19 Boston, Old State House 20 Boston, Bunker’s Hill Mon- ument 21 Boston, Faneuil Hall 22 Boston, Christ Church Tower 23 Boston, Franklin Monu- ment and Old King Chapel With Reading. 24 Boston State House 25 Boston, Old South Church 26 Boston Custom House 27 Boston Post Office 28 Boston City Hall 29 Boston, Quincy Market 30 Boston, Scollay Square 31 Boston, the Mall, Tremont Street 32 Boston, Washington Street 33 Boston, Tremont Street and Mall 34 Boston, Commonwealth Avenue 35 Boston, Latin Schools 36 Boston, Latin School Vol- unteer Parade 37 Boston, City Hospital 38 Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity 39 Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity Memorial Hall 40 Cambridge, Seavers Hall, Harvard University 41 Cambridge, University Sol- diers’ Memorial 42 Cambridge, Washington Tree 43 Cambridge, Longfellow’s House 44 Cambridge Russell Lowell’s House 45 Peabodv’s Tomb, Harmony Grove Cemetery 46 Portland Harbor 47 Portland City Hall 48 Portland. View from Obser- vatory 49 White' Mountains, Trestle Bridge, Notch Valley 50 White Mountains, Buck- board Carriage 51 White Mountains, Littleton and Mount Lafayette 52 White Mountains, Echo Lake 53 White Mountains, Profile House 54 White Mountains, Profile Rock 55 White Mountains, Flume Pool. 56 White Mountains, the Flume 57 White Mountains, the De- bris washed through the Flume 58 White Mountains, Mount Washington Railroad 59 White Mountains, Mount Washington Summit, Sum- mer 60 White Mountains, Mount Washington Summit, Win- ter 3HLT GKHiAYHSTID. A TRIP TO LONDON. 1 St. Paul’s Cathedral from the River Thames 2 St, Paul’s Cathedral from Ludgate Hill 3 St. Paul’s Cathedral Nave, looking East 4 St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir 5 Sr, Paul’s Cathedral Crypt 6 The General Post Office, St. Martins-le-grand 7 Cheapside 8 The Guildhall 9 The Mansion House 10 The Bank of England 11 The Royal Exchange 12 The London Monument 13 London Bridge 14 The Pool 15 The Tower of London from the River 16 The Tower of London 17 The Thames Embank- ment 18 St. Thomas’s Hospital V.9 Lambeth Palace With Reading. 20 The Houses of Parliament from the Thames 21 The Houses of Parliament looking to Westminster Bridge 22 The Houses of Parliament from below Westminster Bridge 23 The House of Lords 24 The House of Commons 25 Westminster Hall 26 Westminster Abbey 27 Westminster Abbey, West Front 28 Westminster Abbey, Nave 29 Westminster Abbey, the Choir 30 Westminster Abbey. Coro- nation Chair and "Stone of Destiny 31 Westminster Abbey, Poets’ Corner 32 Henry VII Chapel, West- minster 33 Henry VII Chapel, Inte- rior 34 Henry VII Chapel, Roof 35 Government Offices, from St. James's Park 36 The Horse Guards 37 The National Gallery 38 Trafalgar Square from Na- tional Gallery 39 Seven Dials 40 The New Law Courts 41 Ludgate Circus 42 Holburn Circus 43 Staples’ Inn 44 Regent Street 45 Piccadilly Circus 46 Burlington House and Pic- cadilly 47 St. George’s, Hanover Square 48 Buckingham Palace 49 Rotten Row 50 The Albert Memorial JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 5 A WALK IN THE “ZOO.” Plan of the Garden 1 American Black Bear 2 The Syrian Bear 3 The Polar Bear 4 Dromedary, or one-humped 5 Bactrian, or two-humped Camel 6 Babylonian or Asiatic Lion 7 African Lioness 8 I he Royal Tiger 9 Chimpanzee 10 Smoking Monkey 11 Gibbon 12 The Marabout Stork 14 The Cassabara 15 Wild Boar With Reading. By H. Gore, C. E. 16 The Wart Hog 17 West African River Hog 18 Collared Peccary 19 Sea Bear 20 Leucoryx 21 The Roba or Sing-Sing 22 Burchell’s Zebra 23 Quagga 24 Wild Ass of Abyssinia 25 Syrian Wild Ass 26 Rhea or American Ostrich 27 Emeu 28 Wapiti Deer 29 Gayal 30 Indian Buffalo 31 Cape Buffalo 32 Zebu 33 Brahmin Bull 34 Wolves 35 White or Common Pelican 36 Lima 37 Boa Constrictor 38 Great Kangaroo 39 The Markhoor, or Wild Mountain Boor 40 Indian Elephant 41 African Elephant 42 Indian Rhinoceros 43 Sumatran Rhinoceros 44 Hippopotamus 45 Giraffe 46 The Eland, or Camea 47 The Apteryx 48 Whit-Monday at the “ Zoo.’’ A TRIP DOWN THE RIVER WYE. 1 Hereford Bridge and the Wye 2 Hereford Cathedral— exte- rior 3 Hereford Cathedral — inte- rior 4 The Wye, at Holme Lacy 5 Old Market House, Ross 6 Ross— Broad Street 7 Wilton Castle, frem the Riv- er Wye 8 Goodrich Castle — exterior 9 Goodrich Castle— Remains of Banqueting Hall J.0 The Wye, at Walford and Kerne Bridge 11 The Wye, at Lydbrook 12 Lydbrook— the Railway Viaduct With Reading. 13 Whitchurch and the Wye 14 Symond’s Yat, from the Wye 15 Little Howard Hill, Sy- mond’s Yat 16 Symond’s Yat, from the Railway 17 Buckstone Rock, near Mon- mouth 18 Monmouth— general view 19 Monnow Street, Monmouth 20 Raglan Castle— the En- trance 21 Raglan Castle and the Moat 22 Raglan Castle, showing Bridge and Moat 23 Interior of Courtyard, Rag- lan Castle 24 Bigswear Bridge, over the Wye 25 Village of Llandogo 26 Village of Tintern 27 Road m Tintern Village 28 Tintern Abbey— exterior, from Southwest 29 Tintern Abbey— interior of Transept 30 Tintern Abbey — interior, looking East 31 Tintern Abbey— the West Window 32 Road under the Wyndcliff, Tintern 33 The Wye, from the Wynd- cliff 34 Chepstow Castle, from the Bridge 35 Chepstow Bridge 36 Chepstow— general view ENGLISH RIVER SCENERY. 1 Thames at London Bridge 2 The Pool below London Bridge 3 Greenwich, from the River 4 St. Thomas’s Hospital, Lam- beth 5 Moulsey Weir, Hampton 6 Thames, near Pangbourn 7 View at Clivedon 8 Iftley Mill, near Oxford 9 Nuneham Bridge, near Ox- ford 10 Cattle by the River 11 River Fail, near Truro 12 Collecting oak bark in the woods 13 Truro River, from the Hills 14 Flushing, near Falmouth 15 River at Portresco, Cornwall 16 Dartmouth 17 The Mouth of the Dart 18 Old Lighthouse on the Dart With Reading. 19 View at Lydford Bridge 20 Lynmouth, from the Bridge 21 East Lyn at Watersmeet 22 The Mouth of the Lyn 23 The Avon, from Clifton Downs 24 Clifton Suspension Bridge 25 Tintern Abbey, River Wye 26 The Wye at Tintern Parva 27 Tintern Village 28 The Wye, from Wyndcliff Road 29 The Wye at Symond’s Y at 30 Warwick Castle, from the River 31 Memorial Theatre, Strat- ford-on-Avon 32 The Derwent at Matlock 33 River at High Tor, Matlock 34 Dovedale— View in the Dale 35 Dovedale, from the Heights 36 Worcester, from the Severn 37 Knaresboro and River Nidd 38 The Dropping Well, Knares- boro 39 Dropping Well and Petre- factions 40 The River Nidd and Abbey Road 41 River Ure at Aysgarth 42 Aysgarth— the Lower Falls 43 Aysgarth— the Upper Falls 44 The Wharf— Bolton Woods 45 The Strid— Bolton Woods 46 Stepping-stones on the Wharf 47 Rvdal Beck Waterfall 48 Old Brathay Bridge 49 Rustic Bridge over the Brathay 50 Allington Castle on the Medway 6 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. TRIP THROUGH YORKSHIRE. 1 York, from Station Hotel 2 York Minster, from S. W 3 York Minster, from N. E 4 York Minster, Nave 5 York Minster Choir 6 St. Mary’s Abbey, York 7 The Multangular Tower, York 8 Mickelgate Bar, York 9 Ripon Cathedral, from S. E 10 Ripon Cathedral, West Front 11 Ripon Cathedral, Nave 12 Ripon Cathedral, Choir 13 Fountains Abbey, from the Surprise 14 Fountains Abbey, from W 15 Fountains Abbey, Nave 16 Fountains Abbey, Cloisters 17 Fountains Hall 18 Scarborough, from Spa Grounds With Reading. 19 The Spa, Scarborough, at noon 20 “.Children’s Corner,” Scar- boroug Sands 21 Valley Park, Scarborough 22 Foreshore Road, Scarbor- ough 23 The Keep, Scarborough Castle- 24 North Bay, Scarborough 25 Hayburn Wyke 26 Whitby, from the Station 27 Whitby, from Larpool 28 “ A Good Catch,” Whitby 29 The Piers, Whitby 30 A Shipwreck, Whitby 31 Whitby Abbey, from S. E 32 The Scaur, Whitby 33 Robin Hood’s Bay. 34 Rigg Mill, near Whitby 35 On the Esk, near Whitby 36 Beggar’s Bridge, Glaisdale 37 Runswick 38 Staithes 39 Fishing Boats at Staithes 40 Rievaux Abbey 41 Rievaux Abbey, Nave 42 Bolton Priory 43 Bolton Priory, Nave 44 Bolton Priory, Choir 45 Bolton Hall 46 Lord Fredk. Cavendish >. Monument 47 Stepping-stones on the Wharfe 48 The Strid. on the Wharfe 49 On the Wharfe 50 Kirkstall Abbey 51 Kirkstall Nave 52 St. George’s Church, Don- caster 53 St. George’s Church, For- man Chapel 54 Market Place, Doncaster 55 Conisborough Castle 56 Roche Abbey 46 Alum Bay, from the West 47 Alum Bay and Pier 48 Yarmouth, from the Bridge 49 Yarmouth — the High Street 50 Newport— general view 51 Newport— the High Street 52 Carisbrook Village 53 Carisbrook Village from the Brook 54 Carisbrook Castle— general view 55 Carisbrook C a s 1 1 e— the Front Towers 56 Carisbrook Castle— K i n g Charles’ Window 57 Arreton Church, Isle of Wight 58 Tomb of Dairyman ’ s Daugh - ter, Arreton 59 Cottage of Dairyman’s Daughter, Arreton 60 Whippingham Church 61 Osborne House, from the Northwest 62 Osborne House— the Ter- races 63 Osborne House, from the Upper Terrace 64 Osborne House, from the Lower Terrace 65 East Cowes and Harbor 66 West Cowes, from the Pier I 67 Study of Ferns and Flowers 1 Ryde, from the Pier 2 Rydc, the Esplanade 3 Union Street, Ryde 4 Wooton Bridge and Vil- lage r, 5 Wooton Bridge 6 Brading Church 7 Tomb of Little Jane, Brad- ing 8 Little Jane’s Cottage, Brad- ing 9 Sandown Bay 10 Shanklin Beach 11 Shanklin Chine— g e n e r al view 12 Shanklin Chine— the Water- fall 13 Shanklin Chine— Bridge in 14 View across Shanklin Chine 15 Shanklin Village 16 Luccombe Chine 17 Luccombe Chine— the Wa- tGrfBill 18 Landslip, Bonchurch 19 Bonchurch Old Church 20 Tomb of Shadow of the Cross, Bonchurch 21 Bonchurch Road 22 Bonchurch Pond and Vil- lage 23 Ventnor, looking West 24 Ventnor-the Esplanade 25 Ventnor, from Clitf Path ISLE OF WIGHT. With Reading. 26 Ventnor, “ Crab and Lobster Inn ” 27 City Missionary Home Vent- nor 28 Royal Cottage Hospital, Ventnor 29 Steephill Castle, near Vent- nor 30 Steephill Bay, near Ventnor 31 St. Lawrence Church 32 Road at Niton 33 View from Cripple Path, Niton 34 St. Catherine’s Lighthouse 35 Blackgang— t he Upper Chine 36 Blackgang, from the Beach 37 Freshwater Bay, looking West 38 Freshwater Bay, looking EaM 39 Arched Rock, Freshwater Bay 40 Cave at Freshwater Bay 41 Watcombe Bay, Freshwater 42 Tennyson’s House, Fresh- water 43 The Needles, from Scratch- ell’s Bay 44 Scratchell’s Bay, Isle of Wight 45 The Needles, Rocks, and Lighthouse JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PH IEA DELPHI A. 7 A TOUR THROUGH CORNWALL. 1 Saltash and the Royal Al- bert Bridge 2 The Cheese wring, near Liskeard 3 Launceston— General View 4 Launceston Church 5 Boscastle— The Harbor, etc. 6 Pentargon Waterfall, near Boscastle 7 Tintagel Cliffs and Castle 8 Tiniagel— Wallsof King Ar- thur’s Castle 9 Trevena— The Old Post-Of- fice 10 Bedruthen Steps— General V lew 11 Newquay— The Sands, etc 12 Truro, from the College Grounds 13 Malpas Roads— Truro River 14 St. Clement’s Creek, from Malpas 15 King Harry Village and Ferry 16 King Harry Ferry 17 Tregothnan View, fromTre- lissick Grounds 1 Weisbaden — Wilhelm Strasse 2 Weisbaden -The Cursall and Gardens 3 Frankfort on the Maine 4 Eisenach — Entrance Gateway 5 Eisenach — The Market Place 6 Eisenach — Luther House 7 Wartburg Castle, Eisenach 8 Wartburg Castle — The Rit- ter House 9 Gotha — The Town Hall and Market 10 Erfurt — The Cathedral 11 Weimar — Goetbe-S cli i 1 1 e r Monument 12 Halle — The Town Hall and Statue 13 Halle — Handel’s Birthplace 14 Leipsic — Augustus Plaz and Post Office 15 Leipsic — Monumental Foun- tain With Reading. 18 Road in the Woods, near Trelissick 19 Pond up the Channel Creek 20 Falmouth, from Pendennis 21 Falmouth— Market Street 22 St. Mawe’s Village 23 Flushing — from Falmouth 24 Penryn, from the Hills 25 Lizard Rocks and Light- house 26 Cadgwith Village and Beach 27 Devil’s Frying Pan— Cadg- with 28 Kynance Cove, from the West 29 Kynance Cove, from the East 30 St. Michael’s Mount 31 Market, Jew Street, Pen- zance 32 Penzance Esplanade 33 Bleu Bridge and Inscribed Stone, Gu ! va 34 Men-an-tol (Cromlech) 35 View from Rosewall Hill, near St. Ives GERMANY. With Reading. 16 Leipsic — Old Market Place 17 Leipsic — Bruhl Strasse 18 Dresden — Old Market and Church 19 Dresden — Schloss Strasse 20 Dresden — The Court Church 21 Dresden — The Hof Theatre 22 Dresden — View up the Elbe 23 Dresden — Augustus Bridge, etc. 24 Dresden — Houpt Strasse from Bridge 25 Wehlen — Village on the Elbe 26 Basteri Rocks, near Wehlen 27 Berlin — Frederic Street 28 Berlin — Leipziger Strasse 29 Berlin — Unter den Linden 30 Berlin — Palace of William I 31 Berlin — Church of St. tied wig 32 Berlin — The Hall of Fame 33 Berlin — Royal Palace and Bridge 36 St. Ives, from the Terraces 37 Potato Field (l'ealing ta- ters) 38 Treyrn Castle Headland 39 The Loggan Rock, near Land’s End 40 Armed Knight and Long- ships, Land’s End 41 The Land’s End 42 Newlyn— View in the Har- bor 43 Newlyn Beach and Pen- zance 44 Mousehole Village and Har- bor. 45 St. Mary’s Town, Scilly Isles 46 Tresco Abbey— Cactus and Palm Grove 47 Palms in the Long Walk, Tresco 48 The Old Abbey Ruins, Tresco 49 Tresco Gardens, from the Terrace 50 Wrecked Steamer on St. Ag- nes Island 34 Berlin — Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse 35 Berlin — The National Gallery 36 Berlin — The Exchange 37 Berlin Cathedral 38 Berlin — Theatre and Schil- ler’s Platz 39 Charlottenburg — The Royal Palace 40 Totsdam — General View 41 Sans-souci — Palace and Park 42 Potsdam — The New Palace 43 Ilalberstadt — Curious old houses 44 Ilarzburgh from the East 45 Ilarzburgh and the Burgberg 46 The Brocken — Distant view 47 Goslar — General view 48 Goslar — The Keiserworth and Market 49 Oassel — The War Monument 50 Cologne Cathedral — Interior 8 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. 1 General Ground Plan of the Castle 2 Windsor Castle, from Northwest 3 Gateway of Henry VIII 4 The Horseshoe Cloisters 5 St. George’s Chapel, South Front 6 Nave, looking East 7 Choir, looking West 8 Choir Stalls and Royal Pew 9 Interior of Albert Memori- al Chapel, looking East 10 Interior of Albert Memori al Chapel, looking West 11 The Round Tower 12 The Norm in Gate 13 Upper Ward, from the With Reading. Home Park 14 The Guard Chamber 15 The Presence Chamber 16 The Vandyke Room 17 The Rubens Room 18 The Waterloo Chamber 19 The Throne Room 20 The Grand Reception Room 21 St. George’s Hall 22 The East Terrace 23 The Corridor 24 The Corridor 25 “Allured to Brighter Worlds and Led the Way.” 26 The Dining-Room 27 The Crimson Drawing- Room 28 The Green Drawing- l-iooro 29 The White Drawing-Room 30 The Quadrangle 31 The South Front of Upper Ward 32 The Long Walk, from Snow Hill 33 Snow Hill 34 Virginia Water 35 Ruins at Virginia Water 36 Royal Mausoleum, Frog- more 37 The Interior of the Royal Mausoleum, Frogmore 38 Duchess of Kent’s Mauso- leum 39 Clewer Parish Church 40 Eton College A TRIP TO BRIGHTON. 1 Queen’s Road and Railway Station 2 West Street and St. Paul’s Church 3 The King’s Road, looking East «1 The Grand Hotel 5 Regency Square 6 The West Pier 7 Brighton from the West Pier 8 Beach and West Brighton from the Pier 9 Norfolk Hotel and King’s Road, Hove 10 Hove New Town Hall 11 Brighton and Esplanade from Bandstand 12 The Beach at the West Pier 13 West Street, from the King’s Road With Reading. 14 New Shelter Hall, Orleans Club-House 15 The Beach and Coastguard Station 16 The Yacht “Skylark” ready to start 17 The Yacht off for a Sail 18 Fish Market on the Beach 19 The King's Road 20 The Old Ship Inn 21 The Aquarium Clock Tower 22 Marine Parade from Aqua- rium End 23 East Brighton, from the Sea 24 Children on the Aquarium Beach 25 The Chain Pier 26 The Chain Pier from the Pier Head 27 Beach and Sea Wall, from the Pier 28 The Sea Wall, from the Ma. diera Road 29 Brighton, from the Marine Parade 30 Marine Parade, Kemp Town 31 Aquarium, etc., from the East 32 Brighton Town Hall 33 The Old Steyne Gardens, general view 34 The Victoria Fountain, Old Steyne 35 The Old Steyne. from the Esp anade 36 Royal Pavilion, West En- trance 37 Royal Pavilion, from the East Lawn 38 The Dome Assembly Rooms 39 The Devil’s Dyke 40 Swiss Gardens, Shoreham A TOUR THROUGH NORTH WALES. 1 Llandudno, from the Great Orme’s Head 2 Llandudn o— Beach and Pier 3 Mostyn Street, Llandudno 4 Conway Castle and Suspen- sion Bridge 5 Banqueting Hall, Conway Castle 6 Llanrwst Bridge 7 Valley at Bettws-v- Coed. 8 Beitws-y-Coed, from the Bridge’ With Reading. 9 Fairy Glen, Bcttws-y-Coed 10 Conway Falls and Salmon Ladder 11 Steppin g-stones, near Bettws-v-Coed 12 Miners’ Bridge over the Llugy 13 The Swallow Waterfall. 14 Moel Siabod, from near Capul Curig 15 Snowdon, from Capul Curig Lakes 16 Ogwen Lake 17 Waterfalls of the Ogwen 18 Penrhyn Slate Quarries 19 Bangor— general view 20 Bangor Cathedral — interior 21 Waterfall near Aber 22 Beaumaris Castle— the en- trance 23 Menai Suspension Bridge 24 Carnarvon Castle, from the Ferry 25 Carnarvon Fastle— interior 26 Llanberis Waterfall 27 Llanberis Church in the Pass JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 9 28 Llanberis Pass— Lakes in the distance 29 Llanberis Pass, from Pont- y-Cromlech 30 Summit of Snowdon 31 View at Nant Mill, near Car- narvon 32 Lake Cwellyn and Crag Cwm Bychan 33 Beddgelert Bridge 34 Old Mill and Bridge, Bedd- gelert 35 In the Pass of Aberglas- lyn 36 Pass of Aberglasyn, from the bridge 37 Pont Aberglaslyn 38 Tan-y-Bwlch, with Lake 39 Harlech Castle, from the Meadow's 40 Barmouth from the Shore 41 Barmouth, from the Jetty 42 Dolgelly Bridge 43 Torrent Walk, Dolgelly 44 Dolgelly and Cader Idris 45 Bala Lake 46 Llangollen Bridge 47 River Dee and Barber’s Hill, Llangollen 48 Llangollen and Valley, from Barber's Hill 49 Valle Crucis Abbey— exte- rior 50 Ruabon — Village and Church A HOLIDAY GLANCE AT THE SOUTH COAST. 1 Curtain with Title 2 Victoria Station— Interior 3 Clapham Junction Station 4 Hayward’s Heath 5 Lewes— the High Street, etc. 6 Hastings— the Beach, etc. 7 Hastings Castle 8 Hastings— the Pier and Town from Castle Hill 9 Fairlight Glen 10 Bodiam Castle 11 St. Leonard’s 12 Bex hill— near Hastings 13 Pevensey Castle 14 Battle Village 15 Battle Abbey 16 Eastbourne— from the West 17 Eastbourne— general view 18 Beechy Head— from the Beach With Reading. 19 Hurstmonceux Castle 20 Seaford— from the Beach 21 Brighton 22 Brighton— the Esplanade 23 Brighton Pavilion 24 Brighton Chain Pier 25 Brighton— the Grand Hotel 26 The Devil’s Dyke— view from 27 The Grand Aquarium— ex- terior 28 Shoreham— from the Ferry 29 Worthing— the Esplanade 30 Bramber Castle 31 Littlehampton— Church and High Street 32 Arundel— general view 33 Arundel Castle— the Keep 34 Black Rabbit Inn 35 Amberley Village 36 Amberley Castle 37 Bognor — from the Pier 38 Chichester Cathedral 39 Havant — from the Railway 40 Hayling — the Beach, Hotel, etc. 41 Portsmouth — the “ Hard ” 42 Portsmouth Harbor— the “ Victory ” 43 Portsmouth Dockyard 44 Kouthsea— from Portsmouth 45 Ryde— Pier, etc. 46 Brading Church 47 Sandown Bay 4S Shanklin Beach 49 Ventnor— from Cliff Path 50 Newport — general view 51 Cowes— East, and Harbor . 52 Osborne House 53 Pullborough— from the Railway 54 Box Hill A VISIT TO THE BRITISH MUSEUM. With Reading. 1 British Museum 2 Southern Egyptian Room 3 Northern Egyptian Room 4 Black Granite Statue of Pasht 5 Head of Rameses IT 6 Granite Head of Thothmes III 7 Basalt Sarcophagus 8 First Egyptian Room 9 Case of Mummies 10 Slade collection of Glass 11 Kouyunjik Gallery 12 Assyrian Bas-reliefs— Cap- ture of a City 13 Assyrian Bas-reliefs— Li on Hunt 14 Obelisk from Nimroud 15 Winged human -headed Lion 16 Winged human-h e ad ed Bull 17 Elgin Room 18 Hellenic Room. South side 19 Hellenic Room, North side 20 Mausoleum Room 21 Lycian Room 22 Grseco-Roman Basement Room 23 Venus Aphrodite 24 Discobolus 25 Towneley Venus 26 Clytie 27 Muse Thalia 28 Apotheosis of Homer 29 Mithraic Group 30 Head of Julius Ceesar 3-1 Roman Gallery, general view 32 Southern Zoological Gallery 33 Mammalia Saloon 34 Eastern Zoological Gallery. Swans and Ducks 35 Eastern Zoological Gallery. Great Bird of Paradise 36 Northern Zoological Gallery. Second Room 45 Northern Zoological Gallery British Room Northern Zoological Gallery. Fourth Room Shark First Geological Room. Coal specimens, etc. Second Geological Room. Fishes, etc. Third Geological Room Saurians, etc. Fourth Geological Room. Saurians, etc. Fifth Geological Room. Irish Deer, etc. Sixth Geological Room. Me- gatherium Sixth Geological Room. Mas- todon Italian Majolica Ethnographical Room. Arc- tic collection Royal Library Reading-Room 10 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. IRELAND. DUBLIN. WICKLOW, KILLARNEY, ETC. No. 1. 1 Kingstown Harbor, arrival of call Steamer 2 An Irish Jaunting Car 3 Saekville Street, Dublin (instantaneous) 4 General Post-Office and Nel- son’s Pillar 5 Grafton Street (instanta- neous), Dublin 6 Bank of Ireland, Old Houses of Parliament, and Statue of Henry Grattan, Dublin 7 Trinity College, Dublin 8 St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin 9 St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Choir, Dublin 10 Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 11 The Four Courts, Dublin 12 The Custom House, Dublin 13 O’Connell’s Monument, Glasnevin Cemetery, Dub- lin 14 The Vice-Regal Lodge, Phoe- nix Park, Dublin 15 Killiney, and the Vale of Shauganagh. Co. Dublin 16 Bray, and Bray Head, Co. Wicklow 17 The Scalp, Co. Wicklow 18 Cottage in the Dargle (sum- mer), Co. Wicklow 19 Cottage in the Dargle (win- ter), Co. Wicklow 20 The Dargle, Co. Wicklow With Reading. 21 Enniskarry, Co. Wicklow 22 Powerscourt Waterfall, Co. Wicklow 23 Powerscourt House, Co. Wicklow 24 The Vale of Clara, Co. Wick- low 25 The Valley of Glendalough, and the ruins of the Seven Churches, Co. Wicklow 26 The Vale of Ovoca, Co. Wicklow 27 The Lion Arch, Castle How- ard, Vale of Ovoca, Co. Wicklow 28 Johnstown Castle, the Seat of the Earl of Granard 29 Kilkenny, bird’s-eye view 30 Kilkenny, the seat of the Marquis of Ormonde 31 Jerpoint Abbey, Co. Kil- kenny 32 Lismore Castle, Co. Water- ford 33 Ruins on the Rock of Ca- shel, Co. Tipperary 34 Holycross Abbey, Co. Tip- perary 35 Patrick Street, Cork 36 Patrick’s Bridge, showing Father Matthew’s Statue 37 St. Finn-Barr’s Cathedral, Cork 38 Shandon Steeple, Cork 39 The Mardyke Walk, Cork 40 Queenstown Harbor, show- ing Haulbowline and Spike Islands 41 Sir Walter Raleigh’s House, Youghal 42 Blarney Castle, Co. Cork 43 Glengariff Harbor, Bantry Bay 44 Cromwell’s Bridge, Glen- gariff 45 Glengariff Waterfall 46 General View, Lakes of Kil- larney 47 The Upper Lake, Killarney 48 The Eagle’s Nest Mountain, Killarney 49 The Old Wier Bridge. Shoot- ing the Rapids, Killarney 50 The Middle Lake, from Din- nis Island, Killarney 51 The Colleen Bawn Cave, Middle Lake, Killarney 52 Muckross Abbey, Killarney 53 Interior of Muckross Abbey, Killarney 54 Glen a Bay, Killarney 55 O’Sullivan’s Cascade, Kil- larney 56 Brickeen Bridge, Killarney 57 The Meeting of the Waters, Killarney 58 Ross Castle, Killarney 59 Derrycunnihy Cottage and Waterfall, Killarney 60 The Gap of Dunloe, Killar- ney NORTH AND WEST. With Reading. 1 The Boyne Viaduct at Dro- gheda, Co. Louth 2 Ancient Cross and Round Tower at Monasterboice, Co. Louth 3 Warrenpoint, Co. Down 4 Rosstrevor Quay and Mourne Hotel, Co. Down 5 Carlingford Lough, Co. Down 6 Armagh, showing Cathedral 7 Donegal Place, Belfast 8 The Albert Memorial, Bel- fast 9 The Queen’s College, Belfast 10 Shane’s Castle, Antrim 11 Garron Tower, the seat of the Marchioness of Lon- donderry 12 The Rope Bridge, Carrick-a rede, Co Antrim 13 General View of the Great Causeway, Giant’s Cause- way 14 Lord Antrim’s Parlor 15 The Honeycomb 16 The Wishing Chair 17 The Ladies’ Fan 18 The Causeway Gate 19 The Giant’s Well 20 Dunluce Castle 21 Londonderry, Lough Foyle 22 The Cathedral, London- derry 23 Walker’s Monument, Lon- donderry 24 Bishop’s Gate, Londonderry 25 Horn Head, Donegal 26 Errigal Mountain. Donegal 27 Ruins on Devenish Island, Lough Erne, Co. Ferma- nagh 28 Holy Well of Tubbernaltha, near Sligo 29 Glencar Waterfall, near Sligo 30 Boyle Abbey, Co. Roscom- mon 31 Kylemore Castle, the seat of Mitchell Henry, Esq., M. P., Connemara 32 Kylemore Lake, Connemara 33 Ballinahinch and Lake, Connemara 34 The Killaries Bay, Conne- mara No. 2. 35 Dugort. Achill, and Slieve Mor Mountains 36 Sunset on Achill Sound 37 Rosserk Abbey, Co. Mayo 38 Cong Abbey, Co. Galway 39 The Fish Market, Galway 40 The Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare 41 The SpaWell.Lisdoon varna, Co. Clare 42 The Spectacle Bridge, Lis- doonvarna, Co. Clare 43 Kilkee, Co. Clare 44 The Natural Bridges of Ross, Co. Clare 45 Killaloe, on the Shannon, Co. Limerick 46 Rapids of the Shannon at Castle Connell, Co. Lim- erick 47 Askeaton Abbey, “the Nave,” Co. Limerick 48 Georges’ Street, Limerick 49 King John’s Castle, and Shomond Bridge, Lim- erick 50 The Treaty-Stone, Limerick JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 11 SCOTLAND. 1 Edinburgh from St. Antho- ny's Chapel 2 Holyrood Palace, Front 3 Holyrood Palace. Queen Mary’s Bedroom 4 Holyrood Chapel 5 Holyrood Chapel, Interior 6 Calton Hill 7 Holyrood Palace and Ar- thur’s Seat 8 Burns’ Monument 9 Princes Street from Calton Hill 10 Princes Street and Scott’s Monument 11 Statue of Sir Walter Scott 12 East Princes Street from Scott’s Monument 13 Old Town from Scott’s Mon- ument 14 Bank of Scotland from Scott’s Monument EDINBURGH. With Reading. 15 Castle and National Galle- ries from Scott’s Monu- ment 16 West Princes Street from Scott’s Monument 17 West Princes Street from the Mound 18 Castle Rock from West Princes Street 19 Prince Consort’s Memorial 20 St. Mary’s Cathedral, Exte- rior 21 St. Mary’s Cathedral, Nave 22 Edinburgh from Craigleith 23 Castle from Grassmarket 24 Castle Esplanade 25 “Mon’s Meg.’’ Edinburgh Castle 26 View from Castle looking North 27 Edinburgh from Castle 28 Corner of the West Bow 29 Old Houses in High Street 30 St. Giles’ Cathedral, Exte rior 31 St. Giles’ Cathedral, Inte- rior 32 Market Cross 33 Old-Parliament House 34 Royal Infirmary 35 New Medical Class Rooms 36 University Buildings 37 John Knox’s House 38 Canongate Tolbooth 39 White Horse Close 40 Queen Mary’s Bath House 41 Arthur’s Seat 42 Roslin Glen and Castle 43 Roslin Chapel, Exterior 44 Roslin Chapel , chancel 45 Roslin Chapel, Master Pil- lar 46 Roslin Chapel, ’Prentice Pil- lar THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND. Introduction Glasgow Cathedral George Square The University The Broomselaw Dunglass Castle Dunbarton Rock and Castle Greenock Inverary Oban Staffa, Fingal’s Cave Iona Glencoe Ben Nevis Fall of Foyers Inverness Kirkewall (Cathedral) With Reading. Duncansby Dunrobin Castle Elgin (Cathedral) Aberdeen Castle Street and Union Street King’s College Old Machar Cathedral Old Brig o’ Balgownie Balmoral Dark Loelinagur Dunnottar Arbroath Abbey Perth Dunkeld Hermitage and Bridge, Dun- kle Pass of Ivilliecrankie Blair Athole Falls, Moness Taymouth Castle The Pass of Leny Callander Pass of the Trossachs Loch Katrine Inversnaid Falls Loch Lomond Dumblane Abbey Craig Stirling Castle Dollar (Castle Campbell) The Devil’s Mill Lochleven Castle St. Andrews Dumfermline (Abbey) THE LOWLANDS OF SCOTLAND. Introduction Calton Hill Holyrood Palace Scott Monument Grassmarket Edinburgh, Old Town Roslin Glen and Castle Roslin Chapel The ’Prentice Pillar Craigmillar Castle Tantallon Castle North Berwick Law Dirlton Castle Norham Castle Twizel Castle Jedburgh Abbey With Reading. The Capon Tree Kelso Abbey Floors' Castle Branxholm Tower Dryburgh Abbey Melrose Abbey Melrose Abbey. East window Abbotsford Abbotsford. * The Stud" St. Ronan’s Well Peebles Neidpath Castle Newark Castle St. Mary’s Loch Gray Mare’s Tail Moffat Beld Craig, Linn Caerlaverock Castle Dundrennan Abbey Burns' Mausoleum Lincludon Abbey On the Nith Ary (“ The Twa Brigs ”) Burns’ Cottage Burns’ Monument The Doon below the Bridge Stair House Ballochmyle Bothwell Castle Falls of Clyde Cora Linn Stone byres Linlithgrow 12 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. GERMANY. 1 Railway Station, Alexander Place 2 King Street 3 Place of the Old Palace 4 The Chapel of the Palace 5 The Palace of the Crown Prince 6 Unter den Linden 7 Unter den Linden 8 Royal Palace Guard House 9 Palace of the Emperor 10 Statue of Frederick the Great 11 The Old Museum 12 From of Old Museum 13 Steps of the Old Museum 14 Old Berlin BERLIN. With Reading. 15 Old Berlin 16 Oldest house in Berlin 17 The River Spree 18 The Cathedral 19 St. Hedwig’s Church 20 The Thiergarten 21 Royal Dramatic Theatre 22 Schiller Monument 23 National Gallery 24 Statue of King William III 25 Statue of Queen Louise 26 A branch of the New Lake 27 The Lowenbriicke 28 Brandenburger Gate 29 Monument of Victory 30 Belle Vue Palace 31 Marble Palace 32 Leipsic Street S3 The French Church 34 Royal Opera House 35 Frederick William Univer- sity 36 The Arsenal 37 The front of the Arsenal 38 Entrance to Emperor Wil- liam Street 39 The Exchange 40 The Mint 41 Bruder Street 42 The Fisherbridge 43 Alexander Place Market 44 The Cycle Course 45 Charlottenburg Polytechnic 46 The Military Band THE RHINE TOUR. From Cologne to Schaffhausen, with some Peeps at the Black Forest of Germany. With Reading. 1 Cologne Cathedral, from the Railway Station 2 Cologne Market 3 Bonn, from the Pier 4 Konigswinterand the Ferry 5 The Drachenfteis, from the opposite bank 6 The Castle of Drachenfels 7 Rolandseck, from the Ferry 8 Remagen, from the West 9 Erpel, from Remagen 10 Andernach Castle 11 The Old Watch Tower, An- dernach 12 Coblentz and the Bridge of Boats 13 Ehrenbreitstein Castle 14 Ems and the Baderiei Hill 15 Ems, looking West 16 Boppard, Old Houses in the Town 17 Boppard, view looking down the Rhine 18 Rheinfels Castle, St. Goar 19 St. Goar, from the opposite hank 20 St. Goarhausen and the Katz Castle 21 St. Goarhausen, from St. Goar 22 The Lurlei Rock 23 Oberwesel, from the Castle Hills 24 Oberwesel, from the Pier 25 Bacharach and St. Werner’s Chapel 26 Rheinstein Castle, near Bin- gen 27 Bingen— the Mouse Tower 28 Mayence Cathedral, from S. W 29 Mayence Cathedral, from the Market Place 30 Mayence and Bridge of Boats 31 Heidelberg Castle, from the Neckar Bridge 32 Heidelberg Castl e— the Grand Facade 33 Heidelberg, from the Great Terrace 34 Raft on the Neckar at Hei- delberg 35 Baden-Baden, from the Hills 36 The Trinkhalle, Baden- Baden 37 The Conversation House, Baden-Baden 38 Strassbourg Cathedral, etc 39 Hornberg— Street in the Village 40 Hornberg, from the Castle Hill 41 Hornberg— View from the Bridge 42 Niederwasser Village, from the Railway 43 Triberg— General View 44 Triberg— Waterfall of the Fallbach 45 Basle, from the Old Bridge 46 The Old Bridge, Basle 47 The Rhinefalls, Neuhau- sen 48 Neuhausen — the Rhine be- low the Falls 49 Schaffhausen and the Rapids 50 Schaffhausen, from the Swiss side JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 13 SWITZEELAND. The Northern Lakes and Bernese Oberland. Tour No. 1, with Reading. 1 Basle, Old Bridge, and ‘ • Three Kings ’ ’ Hotel 2 Basle, The Upper Bridge 3 Basle, The Minster 4 Basle, The Minster, West Door 5 Basle, St. Paul’s Gate 6 Neuhausen, The Rhine, above the Falls 7 Neuhausen, The Falls of the Rhine 8 Schaffhausen, from the High Rock 9 Constance, from the Cathe- dral Tower 10 Constance, The Rhine Bridge 11 Zurich, from the Minster Tower 12 Zurich, View from Flaraten 13 Lucerne, and the Rigi 14 Lucerne, and Pilatus 15 Lucerne. The Hofkirche 16 Lucerne, The “ Lion ” Mon- ument 17 Lake of Lucerne, View from the Rigi 18 Lake of Lucerne, Toll’s Chapel 19 Lake of Lucerne, The Axen- strasse 20 Brunnen 21 The Sarnen Sea 22 Handeck, the Chalet 23 Handeck, Falls of the Aar 24 Grimsel Lake and Hospice 25 Rosenlau'i, Falls of the Reichenbach, No. 1 26 Rosenlau'i, Falls of the Reichenbach, No. 2 27 Rosenlau'i, The Wellhorn and the Wetterhorn 28 Interlaken, View at the Rugen 29 Interlaken, Hotel Beau- Rivage 30 Interlaken, The Giessbach 31 Lauterbrunnen, The Staub- bach 32 View at Miirren 33 Wengern Alp and Little Scheideck Pass 34 Grindelwald, The Wetter- horn 35 Grindelwald, The Eiger, etc 36 Grindelwald, The Upper Glacier 37 Grindelwald, on the Eis- meer 38 Spietz, Lake of Thun 39 Kandersteg, Bear Hotel and Mt. Lohner 40 Gasterin Thai, The Schild- horn 41 Blumlis Alp, from path to the Lake 42 Thun, from Belle Vue Pa- vilion 43 Thun, from the Church- yard 44 Thun, The Castle, etc 45 Fribourg, Lower Town Fountain 46 Fribourg, The Suspension Bridge 47 Fribourg, The Cathedral 48 Berne, from Rosengarten 49 Berne, from Schaenzli 50 Berne, The Clock Tower List of Slides to Illustrate the Reading. Nc. 2. 1 Geneva. From Bridge over Rhone 2 Chamounix and Mount Bre- vent 3 Tete Noire. First Peep of Mont Blanc 4 Tote Noire. Salvan Route 5 Tete Noire. From Roche Perc6e 6 Tote Noire Valley 7 Mer de Glace. From the Flegere 8 Mer de Glace 9 Mer de Glace 10 Dome de Goutez. Glacier des Bossons 11 Mont Blanc. From Gla- ciers 12 Mer de Glace 13 Vernayaz. Pissevache Cas- cade 14 Vernayaz. Gorge du Tri- ent 15 Vernayaz. ' Gorge du Tri- ent 16 Zermatt and the Matterhorn 17 Zermatt. The Ritfelhaus 18 Zermatt and the Matterhorn 19 The Matterhorn. From Mettelhorn 20 The Matterhorn. From Gornergrat 21 TheLyskamm and Twins 22 Monte Rosa 23 Brieg, Simplon Gorge, and Mont Leone 24 Brieg and Bel Alp 25 St. Gothard. Pont du Diable 26 Pont du Diable 27 Pont du Diable. St. Gothard 28 Hospenthal and Mont Tib- bia 29 Amstag 30 Maderaner Thai 31 Maderaner Hufihorn, and Breithorn 32 Maderaner. Stauerbach po cpo fl p 33 Amstag. From the Reuss Bridge 34 Viesch Glacier and Finster- 35 Aletsch Horn, Jungfrau, Little Aletsch Glacier S6 Meerielensee, Aletsch Horn and Glacier 37 Furca, Todtensee, and Fin- steraarhorn 38 Rhone Glacier and Hotel 39 Rhone Crevasse and Gla- cier 40 Grindelwald. Ice Cave 41 Kandersteg, Blumlis Alp and Oexhinen Lake 42 Loecheles Bains and Gem - mi Pass 43 Loeche les Bains. Ladder- Pass 44 Sion. Rhone Valley 45 Vevay, Montreux, and Dent du Midi 46 The Castle of Chillon. Front Entrance 47 The Castle of Chillon. From the Water 48 Ouchy Hotel. BeauRivage 49 Lausanne From the Promenade 50 Lausanne. Castle and Ca- thedral 14 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. THE ENGADINE, SWITZERLAND 1 Street in Coire 2 Coire Cathedral— Interior 3 Thusis— General View 4 In the Schyn Pass 5 The Pont du Solis, Schyn Pass 6 Tiefenkasten Village 7 Molins Village 8 Silvaplana Village and Lake 9 Silvaplana, from the Mead- ows 10 Haymaking going on 11 Group of Haymakers and Ox Wagon 12 The Surlei Cascade 13 Footpath along Lake Silva- plana 14 Lake Silvaplana, from the Woods 15 Sils Maria Village 16 Sils Maria, from the South 17 An Ox Load of Hay 18 Lake of Sils and IsolaVillage 19 Maloja, from Lake of Sils (Cattle) With Reading. 20 Maloja, from Promenade des Artistes 21 Oxen Carting Home the Hay 22 Campfer — the Lakes and Piz Margua 23 Campfer— the Valley and Lake 24 The River Inn, near St. Moritz Bad 25 St. Moritz, from Johansberg 26 St. Moritz Village, from the South 27 St. Moritz Bad and the Lake 28 Falls of the Inn, St. Moritz 29 The Lower Valley, from St. Moritz Hill 30 Path through the Woods to Pontresina 31 Young Engadine Cattle 32 Pontresina and Piz Lan- guard, from West 33 Road through Pontresina Village 34 Washerwoman at a Street Fountain 35 Pontresina and the Roseg Valley 36 The Roseg Glacier 37 In the Pine Woods, Pontre- sina 38 Pont Ota, Pontresina 39 The Morterasch Glacier 40 Samaden Village 41 A Diligence 42 Bevers Village 43 Ornamented Houses in Be- vers Village 44 Ponte Village, from the Meadows 45 Madulein and the Inn, from Ponte 46 The Albula Hospice or Inn 47 The Weissenstein Valley, Albula Pass 48 Bergun Village, Albula Route 49 Street in Filisur Village 50 Coire— General View THE FOREST CANTONS OF SWITZERLAND. Embracing a Trip over the Rigi by the Cog-wheel Railway, Pictures of the Beautiful Lake Lucerne, and the Roads up the St. Gothard. With Reading. 1 Lucerne— the Lake Steam- ers, etc. 2 Lucerne and Mount Pilatus 3 Lucerne — The Schweizerbof Hotel 4 Lucerne— The Kapell Bridge and Old Tower .5 Lucerne— The Lion Monu- ment 6 The Glacier Garden, Lu- cerne 7 The Swan Gardens on the Lake Lucerne 8 Lucerne and the Rigi, from the Giitsch 9 Stanzstad and the Biirgen- stock 10 Stanzstad— The Old Watch- Tower 11 Valley of Lungern, from the Brunig Pass 12 Kussnacht, Lake Lucerne 13 Weggis and the Rigi 14 Vitznau — The Mountain Lo- comotive, etc. 15 Vitznau, from the Rail- way 16 The Schnur-Tobel Bridge, with Train 17 The Grubis-Bahm Waterfalls Rigi 18 View from the Railway at Romiti Felsenthor 19 Rigi Karltbad— The Hotels, etc. 20 Chapel at the Sisters Foun- tain, Karltbad 21 Rigi Staffel 22 Rigi Culm, from Rigi Staffel 23 Klosterli Village on the Rigi 24 Bridge over t he Rothenfluh- bach Ravine 25 Arth.Rigi Railway— Cutting through Forest 26 Lake Lowerz and the My- tons 27 Valley of Goldau and the Rossberg 28 Goldau Church 29 Arth, foot of the Rossberg 30 Schwyz Market Place and the Mytons 31 Brunnen, from the Axen- strasse 32 The Axenfels and St. Goth- ard Line 33 Gersau, from the Pier 34 Gersau from the Hills 35 Lake Lucerne, from Tell’s Platte 36 Tell’s Chapel, Lake Lucerne 37 The Axenstrasse, above Tell’s Chapel 38 The Axenstrasse Turpiel, near Fluelen 39 Fluelen, from the Railway Bridge 40 Altdorf— Statue of William Tell 41 Amsteg and the Burgen- stock Mountain 42 Amsteg, from the Bridge 43 Wasen — General View 44 View from Wasen Church yard 45 Rolirbach Falls and Bridge, near Wasen 46 Geschenen, looking up the St. Gothard Pass 47 Geschenen, from the Rail- way Bridge 48 St Gothard Pass— the Schol- linen Gorge 49 The Devil’s ’Bridge, St. Goth- ard Pa-s 50 Hospenthal and the River Reuss JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA, 15 ITALY. With Reading. 1 Turin. Palazzo Carignano 2 Turin. Church of Gran Madre di Dio 3 Turin. Capuchin Mount and Monastery 4 Milan Cathedral 5 Orta Lake 6 Baveno. Lake Maggiore 7 Varenna. Lake Como S Venice. Cathedral of St. | Mark’s, Facade 9 Venice. Reliefs in Por- phvry of Knights 10 Venice. Palace of the Doges 11 Venice. Palace of the Doges, Bronze Fountain in Courtyard 12 Venice. The Bridge of Sighs 13 Venice. Grand Canal 14 Venice. Ponte Rialto 15 Venice. Ca d’Oro, Golden Palace 16 Bologna Church of San Giacomo Maggiore 17 Florence and River Arno 18 Florence. Cathedral and Campanile from Palazzo Vecchio 19 Florence. Palazzo Vecchio 20 Florence. Uffizi and Pa- lazzo Vecchio 21 Florence. Loggia dei Lanzi 22 Florence. Church of Santa Croce 23 Florence. Triumphal Arch at Porto Gallo 24 Arezzo. Birthplace of Pe- trarch 25 Naples, from S. Elmo 26 Naples. Harbor from the Arsenal 27 Naples. S. Elmo and Ma- rina 28 Naples. S. Lucia and Cas- tello dell’Ovo 29 Naples. Piazza del Plebiscito 30 Naples. Palazzo Reale 31 Naples. Palazzo Reale — the Scala 32 Naples. Church of S. Fran- cesco di Paolo 33 Naples. Villa Nazionale 34 Naples. Monument in the Piazza de' Marti ri 35 Pompeii. View with Vesu- vius 36 Pompeii. The Forum 37 Pompeii. The Basilica 38 Pompeii. The Temple of Venus .39 Pompeii. The Pantheon 40 Pompeii. The House of the Small Fountain 41 Pompeii. The House of the Faun 42 Pompeii. The Amphi- theatre 43 Pompeii. The Street of the Tombs 44 Palermo Cathedral 45 Pisa. Baptistery, Cathe- dral, and Leaning Tower 46 Pisa. Leaning Tower 47 Lucca Cathedral 48 Genoa. Above the Railway Station 49 Genoa. Palazzo Ducale 50 Genoa. Christopher Colum- bus THE ITALIAN LAKES. An Entirely New Series of Fifty Views. With Reading. 1 Street in Bellinzona 2 Locarno from the Pier 3 Locarno, the Grand Piazza 4 Madonna del Sasso from the Town 5 Madonna del Sasso from the Heights 6 Cannobo from the Steamer 7 Maccagno from the Lake 8 Luino from the Lake 9 Intra from the Pier 10 Laveno from the Lake 11 Pallanza, Piazza Garibaldi 12 Villa Clara, Baveno 13 Baveno from the Hills 14 Stresa, and Lake Maggiore from the Hills 15 1st da Bella from the Shore 16 Isola Bella, the Grotto in Gardens 17 Arona from the Lake 18 Lake Orta fr m the South 19 The Lake at Orta 20 Market Place, Orta 21 Street in Orta 22 Island of San Guilio, Lake Orta 23 Madonna del Monte, near Varese 24 Lugano and Monte Bffi 25 Lugano and Monte San Sal- vatore 26 Lugano and St. Lorenzo Church 27 Oxen Cart, Lugano 28 Lugano from the Lake 29 The Wood Market, Lugano 30 Fresco by Luine at the Lu- gano 31 Ostena, Entrance to the Grotto 32 Poreezza, the Landing-Place, etc 33 Menaggio, the Town, and Lake Como 34 Bellaggio, the Via Serbel- loni 35 Bellaggio, general view 36 View from Park of Villa Serbelloni 37 Tropical Plants in Garden of Villa Serbelloni 38 Lake Como, Lavedo and Isl- and Comacina 39 View from above Sala, look- ing north 40 Torrigia from the Lake 41 Como, the Harborand Land- ing-Place ‘ 42 General view of Como 43 Como and the Lake from Baradello Hill 44 Milan Cathedral from the Piazza 45 View on the roof of Milan Cathedral 46 Lecco, general view 47 Lake Lecco and Mountains from the Bridge 48 Lecco from the Shore 49 Gravedona, from the Lake 50 Colico, the Diligence Office. etc. 16 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. THE RIVIERA. From Marseilles to Genoa. 1 Marseilles — Quay de la Fra- ternite 2 Marseilles — Rue|Cannebiere 3 Toulon — Quay du Port 4 Toulon — Rue Lafayette 5 Hyeres, from Hotel de Pal- mi ers 6 Cannes— the Quay 7 Rue Centrale, Cannes 8 Cannes, from La Croix des Gardes 9 Boulevard de la Croisette 10 Grasse— General View 11 Nice— General View from the West 12 Nice— Promenade des Ang- lais 13 Nice— Harbor and Mount Boron 14 Nice, from the Villefranche Road 15 Nice— The Casino, etc. 16 Cimies, near Nice— Ruins of Theatre 17 Villefranee— the Harbor, etc. 18 Beaulieu— Little Africa 19 Eza. from the Corniche Road 20 La Turbie— the Roman Tower With Reading. 21 Monaco — The Promontory and Town 22 Monaco— from the Casino Terraces 23 Monte Carlo — General View 24 The Casino and Gardens, Monte Carlo 25 The South Front of Casino, from Gardens 26 View in Monte Carlo Gar- dens 27 Monte Carlo, from the Mo- naco Gardens 28 Roquebrune, from the Cor- niche Road 29 Distant View of Monaco and Tt'te du Chien 30 An Olive Grove near Cap Martin 31 Menton from the shore of Cap Martin 32 Menton— General View from the West 33 Public Gardens and Prom- enade du Midi 34 Menton Beach — Hauling in the Nets 35 Menton Old Town, from the East Bay BELGIUM. Introduction 1 Ypres, Hotel de Ville 2 Courtray — Bridge and Towers 3 Courtray — Hotel de Ville and Belfrey of St. Martin. 4 Tournay — The Belfry 5 Tournay — View of the Cathe- dral from the Belfry 6 Tournay Cathedral, The Nave 7 Namur-Interior of the Church of St. Loup 8 Dinant — General view 9 Dinant — The Roche A Bayard 10 Dinant — Anseremme 11 Huy — The Citadel 12 Liege — Grand Marche 13 Leige — Palais de Justice 14 Leige — Palais de Justice, the Arcade 15 Liege — The Cathedral 16 Liege — Cathedral, interior 17 Liege— The Church of St. Jacques, interior 18 Louvain — Hotel de Ville 19 Louvain — The Church of St. Peter 20 Brussels — The Hotel de Ville 21 Brussels Cathedral 22 Brussels — Colonnedu Congres 23 Brussels — The Bourse 24 Waterloo — Lion Mount 25 Waterloo-Hougoumont, south front of the Farm 26 Waterloo — La Belle Alliance 27 Waterloo — La Haye Saint 28 Oudenarde-The Hotel de Ville 29 Malines Cathedral, exterior 30 Malines Cathedral, interior 31 Antwerp — Hotel de Ville 32 Antwerp Cathedral, exterior 33 Antwerp Cathedral, the Nave 34 Antwerp — Place Verta 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 13 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 The Bed of the River a ( Mentone Pont St. Louis, boundary of France and Italy Ventimiglia, from the River Bed Bordighira, View looking East San Remo — West Bay and Promenade View in the Old Town— San Remo The Market Place— San Remo Street in Old San Remo Women Carriers of San Remo The Old Town of San Remo Villa Zirrio, Emperor Fred- erick’s Residence Diana Marina, ruined by the Earthquake Savina, Corso Principe Am- adeo Genoa— the Via Balbi Statue of Columbus, etc. from the Station Antwerp — Church of St. Jacques, Nave Antwerp— Church of St. Paul Antwerp — Calvary Antwerp — Church of the Jesuits Ghent — Church of St. Nicholas Ghent Cathedral, interior Ghent Cathedral, the Choir Ghent — Old Houses, from the Quai aux Herbes Bruges— Hotel de Ville Bruges — Palais de Justice, Council Chamber Bruges — The Cathedral inter ior Brgues — Notre Dame Bruges — Quai du Rosaire Bruges — The Belfry Ostend — The Harbor Ostend — The Lighthouse JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 17 i. View from the French Academy 2 St. Peter’s from the Vatican Gallery 3 St. Peter’s 4 St. Peter’s Facade and Dome 5 St. Peter’s, The Interior 6 The Vatican 7 Chiaramonti Corridor, The Vatican 8 The Vatican Ariadne 9 Ruins on the Palatine Hill 10 Temple of Vesta 11 Temple of Castor and Pol- lux 12 San Lorenzo, outside the Walls 18 Temple of Faustina from Palatine Hill 14 View from the Palatine Hill 15 Temple of Saturn ROME. With Reading. By Dr. Edgar. 16 Arch of Constantine 17 Arch of Titus 18 Arch of Titus, Bas-relief (7 Candlesticks) 19 Arch of Titus, Bas-relief (the Chariots) 20 Porta San Maggiore 21 Porta San Lorenzo 22 Porta San Paolo 23 Porta San Giovanni 24 Tomb of Cecelia Metella 25 Basilica of Constantine (dis- tant) 26 Basilica of Constantine (near) 27 Island in the Tiber 28 Palazzo Quirinale 29 Palazzo del Laterano 30 Villa Medici 31 St. Angelo 32 Fontana Paolino 33 Fontana di Trevi 34 The Coliseum 35 The Coliseum, the Interior 36 Piazza Navona 37 Piazza Colonna 38 Steps of Piazza di Spagna 39 View from Monte Pincio 40 Piazza del Popolo 41 Column of Immaculate Conception 42 Pincio Gardens 43 Pincio Gardens, Fountain of Moses 44 The Pantheon 45 San Paolo 46 Forum Romanum 47 Forum of Trajan 48 Column of Phoeas 49 The Capitol 50 Santa Maria Maggiore THE CITY OF FLORENCE. With Reading. 1 Church of St. Maria, Nov- ella 2 Pont Trinita 3 The Vecchio Bridge 4 View from the Vecchio Bridge 5 The Vecchio Palace and Logia 6 Court of the Vecchio Pal- ace 7 Great Hall of the Vecchio Palace 8 The Cathedral, fromVecchio Tower 9 Fountain and Piazza della Signoria 10 Logia de Lanzi 11 Florence Cathedral— t h e Front 12 Giotto’s Tower, etc., from the East 13 The Piazza del Duomo 14 The Baptistry— Florence 15 Front doorway of Florence Cathedral 16 Florence, from San Miniato 17 Monastery and Cemetery of San Miniato 18 View from Piazza, Michael Angelo 19 Florence and the Arno, from Piazza 20 Uffizi Colonnade and Vec- chio Palace 21 East Corridor of the Uffizi Gallery 22 Statue of Venus, Tribune Gallery 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 36 View from the Vecchio Gal- lery Pitti Palace, from Boboli Gardens Florence, from the Boboli Gardens A Statue Group in the Boboli Gardens The Pitti Palace — Exterior Church of St. Croce Court of Bargello Museum The Strozzi Palace Church of St. Marco Arch of Gallio The Villa Palmeria Distant View from Fiesole Carthusian Monastery and Monks The Cascine, near Forence THE MEDITERRANEAN. 1 Gibraltar 2 Gibraltar, from E u r o p a Point 3 Gibraltar Town and Bay 4 Barcelona. The Harbor 5 Marseilles from Notre Dame de la Garde 6 Marseilles. Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Garde 7 Marseilles. Fort Napoleon, 8 Marseilles. View in the Harbor 9 Marseilles. Museum Foun- tain With Reading. 10 Cannes, from La Californie 11 Cannes, from Mount Cheva- lier 12 Cannes. Mount Chevalier from the Beach 13 Cannes. Cathedral Tower, Mount Chevalier 14 Antibes 15 Nice, from Ville Franche Road 16 Nice. Jardin Anglais 17 Corsica 18 Nice. The Bay 19 Nice. Promenade des An- glais 20 Nice. View in the Har- bor 21 Nice. View in the Harbor with Piers 22 Nice. Les Quais 23 Monaco. Monte Carlo 24 Monaco. Monte Carlo Gar dens 25 Monaco. Monte Carlo Gar dens 26 Mentone. Old Town from Harbor 27 Mentone. Promenade 28 Genoa, from above the Rail- way Station 18 JAMES W. QUEEN 'nd Ornaments 13 View of the Large Theatre 14 The Small Theatre, from i the stage 15 Temple of Isis 16 Temple of vEsculapius 1 11 17 Court of the Gladiators 18 Excavators clearing the ruins 19 House of Cornelius Rufo 20 General View of Pompeii 21 The Ampitheatre, general view 22 The Stabian Street, and Stepping Stones 23 A Baker s Oven and Mills 24 House of Marcus Lucretius 25 The Street of Nola 26 A Wine Shop in the Street of Nola 27 A Wine and Provision Shop 28 A Bread Bakery, Street of Nola 29 House of the Chase 30 House of the Fawn 31 House with Columns— fpcfri ppd 32 The Street of Fortune 33 Temple of Fortune- restored 34 A Room in the Baths oi the Forum 35 House of the Poet 36 The Poet’s House— restored 37 Frescoes inside of a room 38 A Mosaic and shell fountain 39 The House of Pansa 40 Interior of the House of Pansa— restored 41 Statue of Diana 42 House of Sallust 43 Bronze Ornaments d Money Chests 44 Gate of Herculaneum 45 Gate of Herculaneum- restored 46 Seat of Mamia, outside the gate 47 The Street of Tombs 48 Villa of Diomede 49 A Portico and Inner Garden —restored 50 The Museum at Pompeii THE GREAT PYRAMID. (From direct negatives.) By Prof. PIAZZI SMYTH. 1 New Excavations of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 2 Second Pyramid, from the Libyan Desert. 3 Second and Third Pyramids. 4 Entrance Passage of King Shafre’s Tomb. 5 Alee Dobre cogitating in King Shafre’s To ltib. 6 Well Chamber o.f King Shafre’s Granite Tomb at 4 min. to 12. 7 Well Chamber of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb at 12. 8 Well Chamber of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb at 12.4. 9 The Western Aisle of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 10 The Great Sphinx. 11 Coffer in King’s Chamber of Great Pyra- mid. 12 Coffer in King’s Chamber of Great Pyra- mid, and Ghosts of Arabs. 13 The Broken South-East Corner of Coffer in King’s Chamber. 14 Base of Niche in the Queen’s Chamber, Great Pyramid. 15 Mouth of Entrance Passage leading into Great Pyramid. 16 The Third and Fifth Pyramids of Jeezeh. 17 North Front of Great Pyramid. 18 Mouth of the Entrance Passage, Side View of. 19 The Angle Stones over the Mouth of the Entrance Passage. 20 Ibrahim, the Cook, at the door of his Tomb Kitchen. 21 Sand Slope leading to West Entrance into King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 22 Side View of Beginning of Slope, Entrance Passage 23 Distant View of the Great Pyramid and 'the Second Pyramid. 24 A Portion of the Granite Casing in situ of the Third Pyramid. 25 A Burial Cave in the East Side of the Great Pyramid Hill. 26 Alee Dobre, Pyramid Aralb and Guide, at East Tombs. 27 Vertical Section of GreaJ Pyramid, as en- graved for Rl. Obserzatory, Edin- burgh. 28 The Great Pyramid and the Remains of the Old Causeway thereto. 29 The North-East Corner of the Great Pyi amid. 30 The Palm Trees of Egypt. 31 The Eastern and Northern Faces of the Great Pyramid. 32 The Northern or Entrance Face of the Great Pyramid. 33 The Great Pyramid and the Second Pyra- mid from the North. 34 Alee Dobre, Pyramid Arab, at East Tombs, Pyramid Hill. 35 The Close of the day at the Pyramid Hill. 36 The Day Guard at East Tombs. 37 The Second Pyramid from King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 38 All the Pyramids of Jeezeh, from the South. 39 The Southern Hill, and Three-Tree Valley. 40 The Corner-Stone Socket, North-East Corner. 41 The South-East Corner Socket — Hole of the Great Pyramid. 42 South-West Socket— Hole of the Great Pyramid. 43 The North-West Socket — Hole of the Great Pyramid. 44 The North-East Socket, repeated, but with measuring rods. 45 The Great Pyramid and its Hill of Rifled Tombs. 46 Part of the Western Excavated Enclosure of the Second Pyramid. 47 Abdul Samud, Sheik of the Northern Pyramid Village. 48 Engraved Vertical Section of King's Chamber and Howard Vyse’s Cham- bers. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 29 PICTURESQUE SCENERY OF DEVONSHIRE. 50 Views. Barnstable, the Old Bridge. Lynmouth, from the Footpath. “ Old Cottages from the Pier. Woodside Cottage and Bridge, River Lyn. The Falls at Watersmeet, River Lyn. Lyn Cliff and Lynmouth. Lynton, the Village. Valley of Rocks, Lynton. Castle Rock, near Lynton. Ilfracombe from Hillsborough. “ “ Capstan Hill. Beach at Ilfracombe. Bideford from Fort Hill. Westward Ho! from the Pebble Bridge. Clovelly from the Pier. Street in Clovelly, looking up. “ “ “ down. Cliffs and Beach at Clovelly. Torrington, from the Castle Hill. Okeharapton, General View. Chagford from the Hills. Old Water Mill at Chagford. Vixen Tor, Dartmoor. Tavistock, General View. “ the Abbey Buildings. Lydford Waterfall. Plymouth, View from the Hoe. Plymouth Hoe from the Pier. Fishing Boat Sailing out of Harbor. Plymouth, the Guildhall. Ivybridge, View on the River Erm*. Totnes, the High Street. Berry, Pomeroy Castle. “ “ “ (Interior;. 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Greve de Lecq, from the Heights. “ ‘‘ Exterior of Caves. A Jersey Cow. Bon Nuit Bay, Jersey. Lane and Cottage at Bouley Bay. Rozel Harbor, Jersey. Cottage at Rozel Bay. Road at Rozel Manor. Anne Port, Jersey. Druid’s Temple, Gorey. Mount Orguel Castle. “ “ from the Village. “ “ “ from Gorey Pier. Gorey, the Bay, etc., from the Castle, Mail Boat leaving Jersey- Arrival at Guernsey — Scene on landing. St. Peter’s Port, from the Harbor. The Town Church, from the Old Harbor The Constitution Steps. St. Peter’s Port, from the Cliffs. The Harbor at Guernsey. Jerbourg Point, from Petite Point. Water Lane, St. Martin’s. Moulin Huet Bay. Moulin Huet Bay, the Rocks and Beach, Petit Bot Valley. 30 JAMEs W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Le Move Point, from the Gouffre. Le Move Harbor. A Primrose Bank Boadeaux Harbor, St. Sampson’s. Granite Quarries near St. Sampson’s. Crenx Harbor, Sark. Road from the Harbor, Sark. The Coupd, Sark. Gouliot Rocks and Caves. A Sark Well. Isle of Marcliands, or Brechou. Moie de Moulin and the Autelets. .Natural Arch, Moie de Moulin. The Creux Terrible Rocks in Dixcart Bay. Sark Cottages. Alderney, Fort Torgee and Crabbe Bay. The Alderney Cow at Home — FortGros. nez and Pier in the distance. A New Series of 40 Photographs, Illustrating A VISIT TO WESTERN NORWAY. Nordfjord, Oldendal, Brynestad Sreter. “ View down Oldendal. “ Foot of Bricksdal Glacier. “ Children and Kids, Bricksdal. “ View up the Loen-Yand. Icefall, Kjendalsbrae, Lodal. on the Loen-Vand. Geiranger Fjord, the Knivslaafosse. Waterfall on the Geiranger Fjord. View up the Geiranger Fjord. Sondmore, Near Fibelstad-Hougen. “ Fibelstad-Hougen. Pass to Oie, and the Oienibba. “ Oie and Norangsdal. “ On Pass, Orstenvik to Standal. Standal, and the Hjorend fjord. Molde and Moldefjord, from the Rsek- nseshaug. Molde, from one of the Islands. Molde and Moldefjord from the Varde. Romsdal, Hotel Aak and the Romsdal- shorn. Romsdal, the Trolltinder. “ from top of Middags-Hougen. “ View on the Raurna. “ near Horgheim. “ the Verinofos. Jotunheim, the Semmeltind. “ Gjendebod and Svartdalspig. “ Group at Gjendebod. “ Gjendebod from Svartdal. “ Eldsbugaden. from the Skinegg looking W. Sognefjord, the Vettisfos, from below. “ the Afdalfos, near Vetti. ‘‘ the Gjellefos, near Vetti. from the Hotel Door, G u 1> vangen. Hardangerfjord, Odde and Sor Fjord. Married Woman, Odde. Girl, Odde. Skjseggedalfos. u a ROUND THE WORLD WITH A CAMERA. 60 Views. Chart. London. Gibraltar N aples. Valetta. Constantinople. Port Said. Cairo. Pyramid and Sphinx. Group on Board the “Cuzco.” Diego Garcia. Group on Diego. New Plymouth, New Zealand. Whare. Group. Bush. “Chapman’s” (Bush and River). Bush. Maori Girls. Auckland Harbor. Tauranga. White Terrace (A.) < . » « u It tl it U Pink U tc it U Tiki-teri. (B.) (C.) (D.) (E.) (F.) (G.) (H.) Mud Hills. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 31 White Island. 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He was wet and weary. Then he sat down to his meal. The fairest and youngest child lay dying. The father and mother were old and helpless now. The few who yet survived then knelt by their tomb. A rich and beautiful landscape was dis- closed. Lying at full x^agt'ii on the tombstone. The lantern, the spade, and the wicker bottle. He told his story to the clergyman and to the Mayor. JANE CONQUEST. Finely colored. The set $15.00. Uncolored. The set $9.50. This poem has been re-written by Dr. Croft, late Honorary Managing Director of the Royal Polytechnic. And her child was dying. Up to her feet rose she. She saw a gallant ship. She sank to her knees and made. Angel effect. Take though my boy. The snow lay deep. Stood the old gray church. And grasped the rope, sole cord of hope. And then it ceased its ringing. Midst the breakers. Saved from the wreck. Within the silent, darkened room. Sinks fainting on the ground. He finds her lying there. ’Tis Harry Conquest. The suffering boy, her darling boy. No. 5, angel effect, repeated with No. 16. 32 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK CITY. No. 1 Ocean Steamer. 21 New York, looking South. 3 [ New York, looking North. 4 j New York, looking East. 5 J New York, looking West. 6 Barge House. 7 Castle Garden. 8 Produce Exchange. 9 Mills Building. 10 Wall Street. 1 1 Treasury, Washington Statue. 12 The Stock Exchange. 13 Post-Office. 14 Broadway, from Post-Office. 15 City Hall. 16 Court House. 17 The Tombs. 18 Elevated Kail way and Cooper Insti- tute. 19 New York University. 20 Public Schools. 21 Broadway, from Stewart’s. 22 Fifth Avenue Hotel. 23 Fifth Avenue. 24 Florence Flats. 25 Stewart’s House. 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All the Negatives for the above Lecture si VENICE. 21 St. Zaccaria Church. 22 The Arsenal, entrance, 23 The Public Gardens, Venice. 24 St. Giorgio from the Piazzetta- 25 Venice from St. Giorgio Campanile. 26 Eastern Venice from St. Giorgio. 27 The Cavalli Palace, Grand Canal 28 The Grand Canal, from the Iron Bridge. 29 Church of S. Maria della Salute * 30 Quay and Canal from della Salute Church. 31 Group of Women at a Well. 32 The Foscari Palaces, Grand Canal. 33 The Ponte Rialto. 34 Grand Canal, from Ponte Rialto. 35 Grand Canal, South of the Rialto. 36 The Market, from Ponte Rialto. 37 Grand Canal, from the Turkish Palace. 38 Church of Gli Scalzi, interior. 39 A Paved Street, “ Calle del Sturion.” 40 Via Alla Posta, Street at the Post- Office. ?ts were taken in the Summer of 1884 QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series IV.— American History. Plain Photographs, 50 cents: Colored, 3 inches Diameter, $1.50 -• No. 1 Landing of Columbus, 1492. 2 Smith rescued by Pocahontas, 1607. 3 Marriage of Pocahontas, 1613. 4 Embarkation of Pilgrim Fathers, 1620. 5 Landing of the Pilgrims, 1620. 6 Landing of Roger Williams, 1630. 7 Roger Williams sheltered by Indians, 1636. 8 Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, 1682. 9 Retreat of Braddock, 1775. 10 Washington raising the British Flag at Fort Duquesne, 1758. 11 Boston Massacre, 1775. 12 The Boston Tea Party, 1775. 13 Putnam Leaving the Plough, 1775. 14 Struggle on Concord Bridge, 1775. 15 Battle of Lexington, 1775. 16 Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775. 17 Washington taking Command of the Army, 1775. 18 Capture of Fort Ticonderoga, 1775. 19 Putnam’s Escape, 1775. 20 Drafting the Declaration of Indepen- dence, 1776. 21 Declaration of Independence, 1776. 22 Lord Sterling at Battle of Long Is- land, 1776. 23 Defense of Fort Moultrie, 1776. 24 Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1776. 25 Battle of Harlem, 1777. 26 Surrender of Burgoyne, 1777. 27 Washington at Valiev Forge, 1777. 28 Moll Pitcher at Monmouth, 1778. 29 Indian Massacre at Wyoming, 1778. 30 Battle of Stony Point, 1779. 31 Gen. Marion and British Officer, 1780. American Battle of Malvern Hill. Battle of Newburn. Bombardment of Port Royal. Battle of Williamsburg. Attack on Kelly’s Ford, Va. Attack on Port Hudson. Battle of Mill Creek. Battle of Shiloh — Gen. Grant’s Charge. Attack of Gunboat at Memphis. Battle of Rich Mountain. Battle of Murfreesboro’. Massachusetts Troop3 passing through Bal* itnore. No. 32 Capture of Andre, 1780. 33 Surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. 34 Commodore Perry at Lake Erie, 1813. 35 Battle of New Orleans, 1815. 36 General Scott entering Mexico, 1847. 37 Bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861. 38 Battle of Bull Run, July 16-19, 1861. 39 Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Aug. 9, 1861. 40 Battle of Roanoke Island, Feb. 8, 1862. 41 Capture of Fort Donelson. 42 Battle of Pittsburg Landing. 43 Capture of New Orleans, Ap. 25, 1862. 44 Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. 45 Battle of Antietam ? Sept. 17, 1862. 46 Attack on Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. 47 Siege of Vicksburg, July, 1863. 48 Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. 49 Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19-20, 1863. [1863. 50 Battle of Lookout Mountain, Nov. 24, 51 Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864. 52 Attack on Fort Wagner. 53 Capture of Petersburg, Ap. 2, 1865. 54 Naval Combat between Monitor and Merrimac, March 9, 1862. 55 Naval Combat between Kearsarge and Alabama. 56 Surrender of Gen. Lee, Ap. 9, 1865. 57 First Reading of Emancipation Pro* clamation. 58 Sherman’s March through Georgia, December, 1864. 59 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1865. 60 Capture of Jeffi Davis, May 10, 1865. Civil War. Battle of Chantilly — Gen. Kearney’s Charge. Battle of Ball’s Bluff. Bombardment of Island No. 10. Bombardment of Mobile Bay. Assassination of Ellsworth. Ellsworth Revenged. Capture of Atlanta. Sherman’s Army entering Savannah. Gettysburg. Lookout Mountain. Fredericksburg. 50 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. Plain Photographs, 50 cents; Colored, 3 inches Diameter, $1.50 No. 1. Red Jacket. 2. The Death Whoop. 3. Combat between the Ojibewas and the Sacs and Foxes. 4. Emigrants attacked by the Coman- ches. 5. The Dog Dance of the Dacotahs. 6. Indian Council. 7. Hunting Buffalo in Winter. 8. Gathering Wild Rice. No. 9. Shooting Fish. 10. Indian Women procuring Fuel. 11. Indian Doctor preparing a Pot of Medicine. 12. Indian Seer attempting to destroy a female with Enchanted Sunbeams. 13. Indian Burial. 14. Nocturnal Grave Light, Indian Girl Watching by the Grave. Set of Twenty Illustrations of Ancient Greece. Beautifully Colored Photographs of Pine Engravings. 1. Plan of Athens. 2. Ancient Athens, Restored. 3. Ruins of Athens. 4. The Piraeus. 5. Mars’ Hill. 6. The Philosopher’s Garden. 7. Ruins of the Parthenon. 8. The Parthenon, Restored. 9. Temple of Jupiter Olympus. *0 Oracle at Delphia. 11. Sacrifice to Neptune. 12. “ to Mars. 13. Statue of Pallas Athenae. 14. Olympic Games. 15. Grecian Warriors. 16. “ Chariot. 17. “ Dwelling, Interior. 18. “ Ceremony before Marriage 19. The Areopagus. 20. The Assembly of the Gods. Egyptian Antiquities. 1. Egyptian Wine Press. 2. “ Capitals. 3. “ Royal Boat. 4. “ Ancient Armor. 5. Egyptian Harper, from Belzoni’s Tomb. 6. Egyptian Chair, from Tomb oi R» meses. A variety of other subjects. Assyria. 1. Mount Ararat. 2. Birs Nimroud. 3. Source of Tigris. 4. Ur fab. 5. Hamadan and Ruins of Castle Da- rius. 6. Ruins of Persepolis. 7 . Interior of a Caravansera. 8. Great Mosque of Urfah. 9. Ruins of Babylon. 10. “ Sus. 11. « Nineveh. 12. “ Palmyra. 13. Palace of the Caesars 14. City of Aleppo. 15. “ Damascus, • 51 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Set of Twenty Illustrations of Ancient Rome. Beautifully Colored Photographs of Fine Engravings. 1. Map of Rome. 2. Ruins “ 3. Trajan’s Arch. 4. Roman Cavalry. 5. War Elephant. 6. “ Engines. 7. Victorious General Thanking his Army. 8. Prisoners passing under the Yoke. 9. Roman Triumph. 10. Captives in the Forum. 11. Gladiators at the Theatre. 12. “ Funerals. 13. Sea Fight. 14. Roman Feast. 15. The Colosseum. 16. Section of the Colosseum. 17. Wild Beasts and Victims in the Colosseum. 18. Sacrifice in Rome. 19. Temple of the Sun in Rome. 20. Funeral of an Emperoi. Solomon’s Temple and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Illustrations from Paine’s Book. SOLOMON’S TEMPLE. 1. Side and Interior View of a Gate of th° Temple. 2. Gates of Solomon’s Temple. 3. North View of Solomon’s Temple. 4. Ground-plan 5. Solomon’s Temple, East View. 6. “ “ West “ 7. “ Front “ 8. Interior of Solomon’s Temple. 9. Ground-plan “ 10. The Tabernacle. 11. Interior of Tabernacle. 12. Tabernacle and Court. 13. Planks of the Tabernacle. 14. High Priest and Candlestick. 15. House of the King, Side View. 16. “ “ “ Interior. 17. Pavements of Solomon’s Temple 18. Herod’s Temple. 19. “ “ Gate and Substrnc tures. THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS. 1. The Tabernacle and Camp. 2. Holy Place and Most Holy. 3. High Priest in Linen Robes. 4. “ in “ Garments of Beauty.” V Brazen Altar and Covering. 6. Candlestick and Covering. 7. Ark “ “ 8. Altar of Incense and Covering, 9. Brazen Laver. 10. Table of Showbread. 53 QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series V. — Bible Illustrations. Beautifully Colored. Prom Designs by Neslie. Plain Photographs, 50 cents; Colored, 3 inches Diameter, $1 50. Ho. 1. The earth without form and void. Gen. i, 3, 4. 2. Waters gathered in one place — the dry laud appears. Gen. i, 9. 3. The earth yields grass and fruit trees. Gen. i, 11. 4. God places two great lights, and stars also. Gen. i, 16, 17. 5. God creates the fowls and fish. Gen. i, 20. 6. God creates cattle, creeping things, and beasts. Gen. i, 24. 7. God creates man and gives dominion. Gen. ii, 7. 8. God forms woman from the rib of man. Gen. ii, 22. 9. The woman, being tempted, eats. Gen. iii, 6. 10. The woman accuses the Serpent of beguiling her. Gen. iii, 13. 11. God drives Adam and Eve from the Garden. Gen. iii, 24. 12. Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel, the first human family. Gen. iii, 19. 13. Cain’s offering rejected. Gen. iv. 3-5. 14. Cain kills his brother Abel. Gen, iv, 8. 15. The curse of Cain. Gen. iv, 11, 12. 16. Cain builds the first city. Gen. iv, 17. 17. The Three Tribes descended from Cain. Gen. iv, 20-23. 18. The wickedness of mankind before the Flood. Gen. vi, 5, 6. 19. God commands Noah to build the Ark. Gen. vi, 14-22. 20. The Flood destroying man and beast. Gen. vii, 23. 21. The interior of the Ark. Noah and his family surrounded by animals. 22. The Dove coming to Noah with the olive branch. Gen. viii, 11. 23. Noah’s Sacrifice. Gen. viii, 20. 24. The scattering of the Tribes from Babylon upon the face of th> ■aartfcv Gen. xi, 7, 8. 25. Destruction of the Cities of the Plain. Gen xix, 24-26. 26. Joseph thrown into the well. Gen. xxxvii, 24. 27. Joseph sold by his Brethren to the Midianites. Gen. xxxvii, 28. 28. Joseph’s bloody coat shown to Jacob. Gen. xxxvii 33, 34. 29. Joseph interprets the Dreams of the Butler and Baker. Gen. xl, 8. 30. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s Dream. Gen. xli, 16. 31. Simeon detained by Joseph. Gen. xlii, 24. 32. Joseph makes himself known to his Brethren. Gen. xlv, 3. 33. Joseph meets his Father in Goshen. Gen. xlvi, 29. 34. Jacob blesses his Twelve Sons. Gen. xlix, 2. 35. The Angel of the Lord appears to Moses. Exod. iii, 2. 36. Pharaoh and his hosts drowned in the Red Sea. Exod. xiv, 28. 37. Moses strikes the Rock at Rephidim. Exod. xvii, 6. 38. Moses receives the Tablets at Mount Sinai. Exod. xxxi, 18. 39. Falling down of the Walls of Jericho. Josh, vi, 20. 40. Gideon defeats the Midianites with Lamps and Trumpets. Judges vii, 20. 41. Samson and the Lion. Judges xiv, 5. 42. Samson betrayed by Delilah. Judges xvi, 29. 43. Samson grinds corn in the Prison-house. Judges xvi, 21. 44. Samson destroying the Temple. Judges xvi, 29. 45. David slaying Goliath. 1 Sam. xvii, 49. 46. The raising of Samuel by the Witch of Endor. 1 Sam. xxviii, 11 47. Absalom entangled in the Oak. 2 Sam. xviii, 9. 48. Elijah ascending to Heaven in the presence of Elisha. 2 Kings ii, 11. 49. David bringing the Ark from Kirjath-Jearim. 2 Sam. vi, 5. 50. Children in Fiery Furnace. Daniel iii, 23. 51. Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Daniel vi, 16. 52 Jonah cast into the Sea. Jonah i, 16. 53. Jacob’s Dream. Gen. xxviii, 1 1. I QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. 54. Moses delivering the Law to the people. Exod. xix, 25. 55. The Golden Calf. Exod. xxxii,' 19. 56. Jeremiah weeping over Jerusalem. Jer. xxxix, 8. 57. The Death of Abel. 58. Abraham offering Isaac. 59. Hagar and Ishmael in Desert. 60. Jacob’s Dream. Plain Photographs, 50 cents;, Colored, 3 inches Diameter, $1.50. ADDITIONAL OLD TESTAMENT. SI. Adam and Eve in Paradise. Gosse. 62. The Sacrifice of Noah. Maclise. 63. Rebecca at the Well. Schopin. 64. Eleazar in the House of Bethuel. Schopin. 65. Arrival of Rebecca. Schopin. 66. Jacob waters the Flocks of Rachel. Glaize. 67. Joseph sold by his Brothers. Schopin. 68. Joseph’s bloody coat brought to Ja- cob. Schopin. 69. Joseph meets his Father in Goshen. Schopin. 70. Moses saved by Pharaoh’s Daughter. Schopin. 71. Moses assisting the Daughters of Jethro. Schopin. 72. Pharaoh’s host drowned in Red Sea. Schopin. 73. Jephthah’s Daughter meeting her Father. Glaize. 74. Samson betrayed by Delilah. Schopin. 75. David returns Conqueror of Goliath. Schopin. 76. David in camp of Saul. Schopin. 77. Saul and the Witch of Endor. Alston. 78. The Judgment of King Solomon. Schopin. 79. Solomon’s Reception of Queen of Sheba. Schopin. 80. Espousal of Esther by Ahasuerus. Schopin. 81. Esther implores Ahasuerus. Schopin. 82. Jeremiah weeping over Jerusalem. Bendeman. 83. The Feast of Belshazzar. Schopin. 84. Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Zeigler. LIFE OF OUR SAVIOUR. 85. The Annunciation of the Virgin. Jalubert. 86. The Angel appearing to the Shep- herds. White. 87. Holy Night. Correggio. 88. The Magi guided by the Star. JPortaels. 89. Adoration of Magi. Veronese. 90. The Presentation in the Temple. Dowling. 91. The Flight into Egypt. Portaels. 92. The Shadow of the Cross. Morris. 93. The Return to Nazareth. Dobson. 94. Jesus disputing with the Doctors. Hunt. 95. Miraculous Draught of Fishes. 96. The Baptism of Christ. Wood. 97. Christ tempted by the Devil. Scheffer. 98- Christ and the Samaritan Woman. Herbert. 99. Christ preaching on Sea of Galilee. Hoffman. 100. The Sermon on the Mount. Debufe. 01. Christ healing the Sick. West. 55 102. Christ raising the daughter of Jarius. Richter. 103. Christ walking on the Waters. Jala- bert. 104. The Miracle of the Loaves. Dubufe. 105. The Transfiguration. Raphael. 106. Parable of Prodigal Son, Carousal. Dubufe. 107. Parable of Prodigal Son, Swineherd. Dubufe. 108. Parable of Prodigal Son, Return. Dubufe. 109. Christ blessing the Little Children. Bida. 110. Mary Magdalen washing the feet of‘ Jesus. Bar Has. 111. Christ and the Rich Young Man. Lejeune. 112. The Parable of the Lilies. Lejeune. 113. Christ, the Outcast of the People. Herbert. 114. Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem. Dubufe. 115. The poor Widow’s Two Mites. Barrias. 116. Christ’s Charge to Peter. Raphael. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. 117. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. Eastlake. 118. The Last Supper. De Vinci. 119. The Agonv in the Garden. Scheffer. 120. Christ before Pilate. Munkacsy 121. Christ bearing the Cross. Veronese. 122. Christ arriving at Mount Calvary. Steuben. 123. The Crucifixion. Munkacsy. 124. Golgotha, “ It is finished.” Gerome. No. 125. The Descent from the Cross. Rubens 126. ’ The body of Christ laid in the Tomb. Jalabert. 127. The Marys at the Tomb. Schleh. 128. The Resurrection of Christ. Ram berg. 129. First Easter Dawn. Thomson. 130. Easter Morning. Plockhorst. 131. The Journey to Emmaus. Roberts. 132. The Ascension of Christ. Gieyre. Stations of the Cross. Station 1. — Jesus condemned to Death. — S. Luke xviii, 24. Station 2. — Jesus is laden with the Cross. — S. John xix, 17. Station 3. — Jesus falls the first time un- der the weight of the Cross. — Isaiah liii, 7. Station 4.— Jesus meets His most Holy Mother. — S. John ii, 1. Station 5. — Jesus is helped by the Cyre- ean to carry His Cross. — S. Luke xxiii, 26. Station 6. — Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. — Psalm xxvii, 8. Station 7. — Jesus falls beneath His Cross the second time. — Psalm xxxviii, 7. Station 8. — Jesus consoles the Women of Jerusalem. — S. Luke xxiii, 28. Station 9. — Jesus falls beneath His Cross the third time. — Psalm xxii, 15. Station 10. — Jesus is stripped of His garments, and is given gall to drink. — Psalm xxii, 15. Station 11. — Jesus is nailed to the Cross. — S. Luke xxiii, 33. Station 12. — Jesus is raised on the Cross and dies upon it. — S. John xix, 30. Station 13. — Jesus taken down from the Cross. — S. Mark xv, 46. Station 14. — Jesus laid in the Holy Sep- ulchre. — S. John xix, 42. Life of Moses. 1. Striking the Rock. 2. .Jethro bringing his Wife and Chil- dren. 3. Coming down from the Mount. 4. Destroying the Golden Calf. 5. The Rebellion of Korah. 6. Lifting up the Serpent. 7. Spoiling of the Midianites. Viewing the Promised Land from Pisgah. 9. Finding of Moses. 10. Slaying the Egyptian. 11. The Burning Bush. 12. Returning to Egypt. 13. Before Pharaoh. 14. Plague of Locusts. 15. Slaying the First-born. 16. The Departure from Egypt. 17. The Red Sea 18. Miriam, 56 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. From “ The Art Journal ” Illustrations. 1 The Genius of Art delineating Bunyan’s Dream. 2 Christian meditates his Departure. 3 Christian is met by Evangelist,. 4 Pliable consents to bear Christian com- pany. ' 5 Christian and Pliable fall into the Slough of Despond. 6 Christian’s Danger beneath Mount Sinai 7 Christain is released from his Burthen of Sin. 8 Christian endeavors to awake Sloth, Ig- norance and Presumption. 9 Christian is met by Fear and Mistrust. 10 Christian combats with Apollyon. 11 Christian vanquishes Apollyon. 12 Christian prepares to enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death. 13 The Meeting of Christian and Faithful. 14 Christian and Faithful mocked by the Scorners of Vanity Fair. 15 The Destruction of By-ends and his Com- panions. 16 Christian and Hopeful are seized by the Giant Despair. 17 Christian and Hopeful Escape from the Giant Despair. 18 Christian and Hopeful are shown the En- trance to the Bottomless Pit. 19 Christian and Hopeful behold the Fate of the Apostate. 20 Christian and Hopeful arrive at the Waters of Death. 21 Christian and Hopeful pass the Waters of Death. 22 Christian and Hopeful ascend into the Celestial City. II CURFEW MUST NOT RING TO-NIGHT. Reading by Rosa Hartwick Thorpe. $10.00. No. 1 . Introductory Design, with Title. 2. Country Landscape, with Sunset Ef- fect. 3. Bessie walking with the Sexton. 4. The Sexton refuses Bessie’s request. 5. Bessie climbing the Belfry stairs. 6. Bessie reaches the Bell. 7. Bessie clinging to the Bell and swing- ing to and fro (Lever Slide). 8. The Sexton Ringing the Bell. Q. Bessie pleading to Cromwell to spare her Lover. 10. Release of Basil Underwood. The Lovers’ meeting. Little Jim the Collier Boy. By E. Farmer. With Lecture, No. 1 . The Cottage was a thatched one. 2. With hands uplifted, see, she kneels. No. 3. With gentle, trembling haste, she held. 4. The Cottage door was opened. $3.00. No. 5. He knew that all was over.' 6. His quivering lips gave token. 57 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. 1. George Harris taking leave of his Wife. 2. An Evening in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 3. Escape of Eliza and Child on the ice. 4. Uncle Tom sold and leaving his family. 5. Eva St. Clair makes a friend of Uncle Tom. 6. Uncle Tom saves Eva from drowning. George Harris resisting the Slave Hunters. 8. Eva and Topsy. 9. Eva reading to Uncle Tom. 10. Eva’s dying farewell. 11. Legree’s Cruelty to Uncle Tom. 12. Death of Uncle Tom. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. and Heading. No. 7. Rip Van Winkle. With Reading. By Washington Irving. Seven Illustrations of the Romance, and Five Views from Nature of the Catskill Mountains, The Haunts of Rip Van Winkle. No. 1 Dame Van Winkle express- ing her mind 2 Rip Van Winkle’s perfect contentment S Derrick Van Bummil read- ing the news No. 4 Rip Van Winkle waiting upon the strange company 5 Rip Van Winkle after his long sleep 6 Rip Van Winkle relating his story 7 The Haunts of Rip Van Winkle No. 8 Sunset Rock, Catskill 9 The Catskill Water Fall 10 The Cascades of the Cats kill 11 Bastion Falls, Catskills 12 Cascade Profile Rock Life of Washington. Finely Colored. ] The Cherry Tree Incident. 2 Young Washington as a Peacemaker. 3 Courtship of Washington. 4. Washington Crossing the Delaware. 5. The Prayer at Valley Forge. 6. The Inaugural Address of Washington 7. Lafayette at Mount Vernon. 8. Last Moments of Washington. Series X.— INTEMPERANCE. Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. 1. The arrival at the “ Sickle and Sheaf.” - 2. Joe Morgan’s little Mary begs him to come home. 3. Slade throws a glass at joe Morgan and hits Mary. 4. Joe Morgan suffering the horrors of Delirium Tremens. 5. Death of Joe Morgan’s little Mary. 6. Frank Slade and Tom Wilkins riding off on a spree. 7. Willie Hammond is induced by Harvey Green to gamble. 8. Harvey Green stabs Willie Hammond to death. 9. Quarrel between Slade and his son Frank. 10. Frank Slade kills his father with a bottle. 11. Meeting of the Citizens in the Bar-Room. 42. The Departure from the Sickle and Sheaf.” 59 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. The Stomach of the Drunkard in its different Stages of Disease. Per Slide, $1.50. No. 1. Appearance of the Stomach of a Tem- perance Man. 2. Appearance of the Stomach of the Moderate Drinker. 3. Appearance of the Stomach of a Drunkard. 4. Appearance of the Stomach after a Debauch. NO. ' :/ 0 5. Appearance of the Stomach of a Hard Drinker. 6. Appearance of the Stomach of a Hab- itual Drunkard. 7. Appearanceof the Stomach of a Drunk, ard on the verge of the grave. 8. Appearance of the Stomach during Delirium Ts-emens. The Drunkard’s Career and End. Beautifully Colored Photographs of Fine Engravings. Per Slide, $1.50. 1. Domestic Happiness. The greatest of earthly blessings. 2. The Temptation. “ Lead me not into temptation.” 3 Introduction of Sorrow. A loving heart made sad. 4. The Rum-hole. A substitute for home. 5. Rum instead of Reason. 6. Degraded Humanity. 7. The Cold Shoulder by Old Friends. 8. Rumseller’s Gratitude. Rejection in- stead of Injection. 9. Poverty and Want. 10. Robbery and Murder. The result of drunkenness. 11. Mania-a-potu. The horror of horrors. 12. The Death that precedes Eternal Death. The Bottle. Eight Beautifully Colored Photographs of Fine Engravings. From the Originals, by G. Cruikshank. Per Slide, $1.50. 1. The bottle is brought out for the first time. The husband induces his wife “just to take a drop.” , 2. He is discharged from his employment ’ for drunkenness. “ They pawn their clothes to supply the bottle.” 3. An execution sweeps off the greater part of their furniture. “They comfort themselves with the bot- tle.” 4 . Unable to obtain employment, they are driven by poverty into the streets to beg, and by this means still supply the bottle. 5. Cold, misery, and want destroy then youngest child. “ They console themselves with the bottle.” 6. Fearful quarrels and brutal violence are the natural consequences of the frequent use of the bottle. 7 . The husband, in a state of furious drunkenness, kills his wife with the instrument of all their misery. 8. The bottle has done its work. It has de- stroyed the infant and the mother; it has brought the son and daughter to vice and to the streets, and has left the father a hopeless maniac. 60 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. New Temperance Set— Matt Stubbs’ Dream. ( Coto’d only.) 1 Title. 2 There came a woman in with a baby. 3 He was leaning over the hack of a chair 4 Opened the door letting out aglow of light 6 Kate’s gentle voice went through the chapter $ 12 . 00 . 6 Looking down on a wee hit of humanity 7 “Rum!” said Matt, opening his eyes 8 There was every class, from the king to squalid rags 9 Drape I from head to foot in black 10 “Oh! please don’t,” cried the boy 11 Grasping the hand-rail to steady himself 12 “ Uncle tell me a story,” said the little tyrant 13 Said with all her heart “God bless you. Matt ” Sam Bowen’s Dream. ( Colo’d only.) $ 10 . 00 . A Temperance Story, from original designs. 1 Introduction 2 A bleak afternoon in Feb’ry 3 As sulky as a bear 4 And then he had a row € The poor brute bolted and upset the trap 6 It was one of the first days of ' harvest 7 She helped me up-stairs 8 The room seemed queer and foggy With Reading. 9 “Gone,” says my wife 9a Effect 10 In the garden i0a Angel effect 11 Welcome home 12 The good old Bible 1 “ Had Rome been growing up to might, and now was queen of land and sea” 0 ‘ ‘ The Senator of haughty Rome impatient urged his chariot’s night ” 1 The Angry Sea 2 The Rock of Ages 3 Flashes of Lightning: 4 Rainbow 5 The Helping Hand A Christmas Hymn. With Reading. 3 “ Within that province far away went plodding home a weary boor ” 4 “ How calm a moment may precede one that shall thrill the world forever” The Rock of Ages. 6 Simply to thy Cross I cling 7 Angels Beckoning 8 Angel Crowns Faith 9 Ascension to Heaven 5“Athousand bells ring out, and throw their joyful peals abroad ’ ’ 6 “ For in that stable lay, new born, the peaceful Prince of earth and heaven ” 10 Heaven Nos. 3, 4, 7, and 8 can only be used with two Lanterns for Dissolving New Tale ol a Tub. Finely Executed Pictures. — A Comic Poem Illustrated. 1 Opening the Question. The I 3 The Artful Dodge I 6 Increasing the Interest of Bengal Tigers 4 Look before you leap the Tail 2 Bengal Cave I 5 Under Cover. | The Gambler’s Career. Beautifully Colored Photographs of Fine Engravings. 1 The first seed of the passion planted in the young mind 2 Tho development of the pas- sion with higher stakes 8 Finding himself always the loser, he resorts to false play 4 He is detected and roughly handled by his friends 5 Having finally lost his all, he leaves the gambling- house in despair and mad- ness 6 He ends his life in a mad house, still occupied with his ruling passion 61 SECRET SOCIETIES Series XII. — Masonic. Beautifully Colored, Per Sx, FIRST DEGREE. 1 Holy Bible, Square, Compass, and Warrant 2 Ancient Lodge in Valley 3 Form of Lodge 4 Supports of Lodge 5 Jacob’s Ladder 6 Furniture of Lodge 7 Ornaments of Lodge * 8 Lights of Lodge 9 Jewels of Lodge 10 Tabernacle in Wilderness. 11 St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist 12 Masonic Tenets 13 Points of Entrance 14 Chalk, Charcoal, and Clay. feleowcraft’s degree. 15 Pillars of the Porch 16 Five Orders of Architecture 17 The Five Senses 18 Seven Liberal Arts >e, $1.50. 19 Scene at the Waterfall 20 Corn, Wine, and Oil 21 Allusion to the Letter G master mason’s degree. 22 Building of King Solomon’s Tempta 23 Marble Monument 24 Ancient Three Grand Masters 25 Entered Apprentice’s Lodge 26 Fellow craft’s Lodge 27 Master Mason’s Lodge 28 Three Steps 29 Pot of Incense 30 Bee-Hive 31 Book of Constitution Guarded by Tyler’s Sword 32 Sword Pointing to Naked Heart, ami All-Seeing Eye 33 Anchor and Ark 34 Forty-seventh Problem 35 The Hour Glass 36 The Scythe 37 Emblems of Mortality QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. 25. The Burning Bush. Commandery of Knights Templar. 26 Angel at Sepulchre- 27. Three Marys at Tomb. 28. Ascension of Christ 29. Valiev of Dry Bones. 30. The Crucifixion. 31. Body of Christ lain in Tomb. 32. Resurrection of Christ. 33. The Cross. 34. The Pilgrim. 35. The Knight. 36. The Penitent. 37. Christ on the Cross. 38. Death on the Pale Horse. 39. Human Skull. 40. John at Patmos. 41. Faith at the Cross. 42. Cross and Crown of Glory, with mob to — “ Crown of Life.” (No. 28, Perpendicular Movement, $6.50.) Series XIII. — Odd Fellows. A new and Superior Series, from New Designs, fo r theNew Work of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Per Slide, IJU.oU. Initiatory Degree.— 1. All-seeing Eye. 2. Three Links. 3. Skull and Cross Bones. 4. The Scythe. First Degree. — 5. Bow and Arrow. 6. The Quiver. 7. The Bundle of Sticks. Second Degree. — 8. The Axe. 9. Heart and Hand. 10. The Globe. 11. The Ark. 12. The Serpent. Third Degree. — 13. Scales and Sword- 14. The Bible. 15. The Hour Glass. ♦ 16. The Coffin. Encampment Emblems. — 17. The Three Pillars. 18. The Tent. 19. The Pilgrim’s Scrip, Sandals, and Staff. 20. The Altar of Sacrifice. 21. The Tables of Stone, Crescent and Cross. 22. The Altar of Incense OUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. P. 0. S. of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Gallileo Expounding his Theories. Gallileo before the Inquisition. Columbus Discovering America. The Mayflower, handing of the Pilgrims. Battle of Lexington. Battle of Bunker Hill. Portrait of Washington Washington Crossing the Delaware. Washington at Prayer at Valley Forge. Battle of Bennington. Battle of Saratoga. Battle of Monmouth. Battle of Stony Point. Battle of Cowpens. 16 Battle of Eutaw Springs. 17 Surrender of Cornwallis at York- town. 18 Battle of New Orleans. 19 Hall of the Montezumas. 20 Firing on Fort Sumter. 21 Rally of Troops at Washington. 22 Battle of Gettysburg. 23 Battles of the Civil War (as many as desired). 24 Surrender of Lee. 25 Scene of Peace. 26 Public School House. 27 Goddess of Liberty. 28 Stars and Stripes. Knights of First Rank. 1 The Friends, Damon and Pythias. 2 Damon Condemned to Die. 3 Pythias’ Appeal to Dionysius. 4 The Flight of Damon to his Family. 5 Pythias in Dungeon, Calantha’s Appeal. 6 Damon’s Farewell to his Family. 7 Pythias at the Headsman’s Block. 8 Pythias Saved by Damon’s Arrival. 9 The Heroes Honored by the King. 10 The Beautiful Unknown Shore. Pythias. Third Rank. 1 Arts of Ancient Egypt. A Flower Bespangled Plain. The Mountain Side. A Sunless Sea. Where Hideous Creatures Climb. The Hero. Sixth Senator. The Deadly Conflict. The Fallen Soldier. The Wounded Soldier Assisted. 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Note. — T his set can be furnished in colored slides only. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series XV. — Comic Subjects. Plain, 50 Cents Each. •to. 1. A Lovely Calm, No. 1. 2. A Black Squall, No. 2. 3. “ Come into the Garden, Maud.” 4. “ We Met by Chance.” 8. “’Twere vain to tell Thee all I Feel.” 9. “Darling, I am Growing Old.” 10. “ ’Twas a Calm, Still Night.” L2. “Angel Voices Sweetly Calling.” 13. Laying back Stiff for a Brush, No. 1. 14. Hung up, with the Starch Out, No. 2. 15. The Parson’s Colt Trots if it is Sun- day. 16. Between Two Fires. 17- A Bare Chance. 20. A Game Dog. 21. Boss of the Road. 22. Bull- dozed. 27. Man as He Expects to be. 28. *' Triumph of Woman’s Rights.” 29. Five Degrees of Intemperance. 33. The Summit of Happiness. No. 1. 34. The Depth of Despair. No. 2. 35. Walked Home on his Ear. 36. Life in Death. 37. Trouble in de Church. No. 1. 38. “ “ “ No. 2. 39. “Go way' down dar.” No. 1. 40. “ Dar, I knew Mischief was Brew- in’.” No. 2. 41. The Attack on the Watermelon. 42. Profit and Loss. 44. “Coming Thro’ the Rye.” 45. We’ve had a Healthy Time. 47. “In Happy Moments.” No. 1. 48. Star of the Evening, Gently Guide Me. No. 2. 51. Golly, no wonder Missus don’t get up till 10 o’clock. 52. Venus Rising from the Sea. 53. She Stoops to Conquer. 54. “ I want to be an Angel.” 55. “Put my Little Shoes Away.” <56. Ignorance is Bliss. 57. Something has got to come. 58. “Shimply (hie) Waitin’ for a Fren’.” 59. “ They All Do It.” 60. O Where, O Where, has my Leedle Dog Gone? 61. What is Home Without a Mother- in-Law ? 64. Dot Leedle German Band. 65. What are the Wild Waves Saying, Sister?” No. 1. No. 66. “Scoot, Brother, Scoot.” No. 2. 67. “ Listen to the Mocking Bird.” 68. “That Husband of Mine.” 69. “Stolen Pleasures are Sweet.” No. i. 70. “ No Pleasure Without Pain.” “ 2. 73. “ Babies on our Block.” 75. Injured Innocence. 76. Moving Day. 78. Fatherless. 80. Three Systems of Medicine. 81. “ Excuse Haste and a Bad Pen.” 82. A Division of Labor. 83. Maternal Solicitude ; Monkeys. 84. Going ! Going ! Gone ! 85. Pleasure Before Business 87. The Finding of Moses, by T itian. 88. “ “ by Mark Twain. 89. Two Souls with but a Single Thought. 90. Don’t You Forget It. 91. A Mule Train on an Up Grade. 92. “ “ on a Down Grade. 95. “ Sure of a Bite.” 96. “ Bustin’ a Picnic.” 109. “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” 110. “ The Girl I Left Behind Me.” 111. “Too Late for the Train.” 112. First Lesson in the Battle of Life. 113 The Chinese Question — The Rivals. 114. “ “ The Contro- versy Settled. 115. A Ghost Adventure — A Moonlight Reverie. 116. A Ghost Adventure — A Ghostly Problem. 117. A Ghost Adventure — The Problem Solved. 118. The Pre-Historic Fop, According to Darwin. 119. The Modern Fop, According to the 15th Amendment. 120. Attack of the Monster — The Wicked Flea. 121. Attack of the Monster — Boarding- house Bedbug. 122. How Jones Became a Mason — Start- ing for the Lodge. 123. How Jones Became a Mason — Oath of Secrecy. 124. How Jones Became a Mason — Rid- ing the Goat. 125. How Jones Became aMason — Jones is a Mason 126. The Schoolboy’s First Cigar. 127. “ “ *" Its Result 67 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 128. The Onconvanience of Single Life. 129. The Raal Convanience of Married Life. 130. The Masher, 131. “ Crushed. 132. I Wonder if ’tis Loaded ? 133 It Was Loaded! 134. J oy ! 135. Horror ! 136. The Little Peach-Expectation. 137. “ “ Realization. 138. “ “ Termination. 139. Peace. 140. War. 141. Why Did You Sup on Pork? 142. A Coolness Between Friends. 143. Mr. Murphy is Rising in the World. No. 144. A Pleasure Party. 145. Two Heads Are Better Than On* 146. War Dance — Opening of the Ball 147. The Three Graces. 148. Richard is Himself Again. 149. The Three (Scape) Graces. 152. Victory Doubtful. 157. Something Did Come ! 158. The Pet of the Ladies — The Ex quisite. 159. The Pet of the Fancy — The Prize Fighter. 166. “Every Dog Has His Day.” 167. “Thou Art So Near and Yet So Far.” 168. “ Grab the Ball, Johnny, I’ll Wait.” 169. Great Expectations. Series XVI.— Choice Statuary. Photographs from the Originals, Backgrounds Blacked. Mounted in Wood Frames. By JOHN ROGERS, the Famous American Sculptor. Per Slide, $1.00, Framed; 75 Cents Unframed. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . n. 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Fairy’s Whisper. Fugitive’s Story. Council of War. Challenging the Union Vote. Taking the Oath. The Favored Scholar. The Foundling. Coming to the Parson. Courtship in Sleepy Hollow. One More Shot. Wounded Scout. Union Refugees. Country Post-office. Home Guard. School Examination. Charity Patient. Uncle Ned’s School. Returned Volunteer. Playing Doctor. 20. Parting Promise. 21. Rip Van Winkle at Home. 22. Rip Van Winkle on the Mountain. 2 i. Rip Van Winkle Returned. 24. We Boys. 25. Mail Day. 26. Town Pump. 27. Picket Guard. 28. Going for the Cows. 29. The Bushwacker. 30. The Village Schoolmaster. 31. The Checker Player. 32. The Sharpshooters. 33. Checkers up at the Farm. 34. Weighing the Baby. 35. The Shaugran and Tatters. 36. The Tap at the Window. 37. The Mock Trial. 38. George Washington. Choice Statuary by Thorwaldsen and other Eminent Artists. Night, by Thorwaldsen. Morning, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Apollo Belvidere. The Three Graces. The Greek Slave. 48. Eve before the Fall. 49. Night, by Copeland. 50. Morning, “ 51. Ariadne and the Tiger. 52. Flora. 53. The Serenade. 54. The Courtship. 55. Burd Family Monument. 56. Simply to thy Cross I Cling. 68 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series XVIII. — Choice Dissolving Views. Per Slide, $1.50. 1. a Voyage of Life, Childhood. Cole, b Voyage of Life, Youth. Cole, c Voyage of Life, Manhood. Cole d Voyage of Life, Old Age. Cole. 2. a The Seasons, Spring. 6 The Seasons, Summer, c The Seasons, Autumn. d The Seasons, Winter. 8. a Life’s Day, Morning. Bellows, b Life’s Day, Noon. Bellows, c Life’s Day, Night. Bellows. 4. a Prodigal Son. The Swineherd. Dubuje. b Prodigal Son. The Carousal. Dubuje. c Prodigal Son. The Return. Dubuje. . 5. a The Christian Graces. Hicks, b II Penserosa. Hicks, c L’Allegro. Hicks. 6. a The Contraband. b The Recruit. c The Veteran. 7. a Steamboat Race on the Mississippi. Wooding up b Steamboat Race on the Mississippi. The Start c Steamboat Race on the Mississiupi- The Explosion. 8. a Courtship for Second Wife. The Proposal. 6 Courtship for Second Wile. Ghost of First Wife appears, c Courtship for Second Wife. Great Consternation. 9. a Love and Marriage. The First Meeting. b Love and Marriage. Five Minutes After. c Love and Marriage. Five Years After. 10. a Brave Drummer Boy and his Father. Both Enlist in Union Army. b Brave Drummer Boy and lus Father. In Battle against the Rebels. c Brave Drummer Bov and his Father. Both Die upon the Battle-field. 11. a Heathen Chinee. Euchre. b Heathen Chinee. The Right Bower. c Heathen Chinee. Twenty-four J acks. 12. a Frigid Zone. b Temperate Zone. c Torrid Zone. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. 13. a Heart’s Ease. Baxter, b Lilies. Baxter. c Nora. Baxter. 14. a Faith. Palmer, b Hope. Palmer c Immortality. Palmer. 15. a The Friendly Meeting. b A Temperance Meeting. 10 . a Fondly Gazing. O Smith. THE DESTRUCTION OF POMPEII. 4 Slides, $7.50 a The Poet’s House, Pompeii. The beginning of the eruption of Vesuvius. b The Last Night in Pompeii. The inhabitants fleeing through the fiery storm. c Flight of the Pompeiians. The Terrified Populace are climbing a hill in the foreground; Vesuvius in eruption, and Pompeii and Herculaneum on the great mountain side, appear in the dis- tance. THE FAIRY FOUNTAIN. Two Slides, $5.75 a Beautiful G. lden Fountain. 6 The Waterc fall and ripple. 17 . a Fondly Gazing. b Empty Cradle. 18. a Ecce Homo. Beni. b Mater Dolorosa. Dolce. 19. a Jerusalem in her Grandeur. Selous, b Jerusalem in her Decay. Selous. 20. a Christus Consolator. A. Scheiffer. b Christus Remunerator. A. Scheiffer. 21. a Study. Holfeld. b Prayer. Holfeld. 22. a Mother’s Dream. Brooks. b Believer’s Mission. Brooks. 23. a Wife’s Prayer. Brooks. b Dream of Hope. Brooks. 24. a Aurora. Havion. b Feeding the Bird. Hamon. 25. a Beatrice Cenci. Ber anger, b Evangeline. Ber anger. 26. a English Farmyard. Herring, b English Homestead. Herring. 27. a The Luncheon. Brochart. b The Good Friends. Brochart. 28. a War. Landseer, b Peace. Landseer, 29. a To the Rescue. Landseer. b Saved. Landseer. Dog and Child. 30 a War. Dore. b Peace. Dore. 31. a Alexander and Diogenes. Landseer, b Jack in Office. Landseer. 32. a Distinguished Member cf the Hu-* mane Society. Bateman, b Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. Bateman. 33. a Lily of Ghent. Absolon. b Water Lilies. Bouvier. 34. a Cinderella. Lejeune. b Blue Bird. Lejeune. 35. a Mamma’s Birthday. Dobson, b Remembrance. Dobson. 36. a At her Toilet. Zuber Buhler. b The Little Gourmand. Zuber Buh' ler. 37. a Liberality of Roman Women. Coo- mans. b Cornelia and her Jewels. Schopin . 38. a The Abduction. Barrias. b Vengeance. Vernet. 39. a The Lake. Brochart. b The Glacier. Brochart. Very choice. 40. a Cattle at Watering Place. R. Bon • heur ■ b Sheep in Pasture. R. Bonheur. 41. a The Mother’s Joy. Amberg. b The Widow’s Comfort. Amberg. 42. a Morning Prayer. Meyer von Bre- men. b Evening Prayer. Meyer Von Bre- men. 43. a Saturday Night. Absolon. b Sunday Morning. Absolon. 44. a Going to the Club. b Returning from the Club. 45. a Going against the Stream. Jenkins, b Going with the Stream. Jenkins. 46. a High Life. Landseer, b Low Life. Landseer. 47. a Aspiring to Heaven. Zuber Buhler b Regretting the Earth. Zuber Buhler. 48. a The Temperance Meeting. Her- ring. b The Friendly Meal. Herring. 49. a My First Sermon. Millais. b My Second Sermon. Millais. 50. a By the Seaside. Brochart. b Near the Falls. Brochart. 51. a Joy. b Sorrow. 52 a Fairy Tales. , b Reading the Psalm. 53. a Grand Canal, Venice. Day. b “ “ “ Moonlight. 54. a The Evening Prayer. Frere. b The Morning Kiss. Frere. 55. a The Onconvanience of Single Life. b The Raal Convanience. (Comic.) 56. a The Quay at Liverpool. Outward Bound. I 75 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No, 56. b The Dock at Boston. (Comic.) Homeward Bound. 57- a The Settlement in the Backwoods. The Beginning. 6 The Settlement in the Backwoods. The Increase. 58. a Castle of Chillon, Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Day. b Castle of Chillon. Moonlight. Winter. 59. a Windsor Castle. Day. b Windsor Castle. Moonlight. 60. a Castle of Drachenfels. Summer. b Castle of Drachenfels. Winter Night. 61. a Castle of Ehrenfels on Rhine. Summer. b Castle of Ehrenfels on Rhine. Winter. 62. a Conway Castle. England. Day. b “ “ Moonlight. 63. a Isola Bella, Italy. Day. b “ “ Moonlight. 64. a Summer Landscape. b Winter “ 65. a Prize Fighter Pet of the Fancy. b Exquisite. Pet of the Ladies. 66. a Grace before Meat. b Grace after Meat. 67. a Temptation. b Perdition. 68. a The Man. Temperance. b The Animal. Intemperance. 69. a Death-bed of the Righteous. John Wesley Praying. b Death-bed of the Wicked. Car- dinal Richelieu Playing Cards. 70. a Abel’s Sacrifice Received. b Cain’s Sacrifice Rejected. 71. a Noah building the Ark. b Noah receiving Advice from above. 72. a Noah’s Sacrifice. 6 “ Appearance of the Rainbow. 73. a Israelites passing through the Red Sea. b Destruction of Pharaoh and his Host. '■ t a The Witch of Endor visited by Saul. b The Witch of Endor raising Samuel 75. a Flowers. Dahlias and Roses. b “ Asters and Poppies. 76. a Fruits. Grapes. b “ Currants. 77. a Before the Proclamation, n sad Negro Face. b After the Proclamation. A merry Negro Face. 78. a The Schoolboy’s First Cigar. Ver> manly. b The Schoolboy’s First Cigar. Verv sick. 79. a Good-night in Wreath of Flowers. b “ Moonlit Sky. 80. a English Landscape. Tempest. Lightning. b English Landscape. Rainbow. 81. a The Repentant Sinner. b Knocking at the Gate, c Led by Jesus. d The Shores of the Beautiful River. 82. a Steamboat Race on the Mississippi. The Race. b Steamboat Race on the Mississippi. The Explosion. 83. a Fire in Philadelphia. The Alarm. b “ “ The Flames. 84. a The Protecting Scout. The De- fenseless Woman. b The Protecting Scout. Appear- ance of Scout. 85. a Attack of the Monster. The Wicked Flea. b Attack of the Monster. The Board- ing-house Bed-bug. 86. a Fops of the Past and Present. The Pre-historic Fop, according to Darwin. b Fops of the Past and Present. The Modern Fop, according to the loth Amendment. 87. a A Ghostly Adventure. A Moon- light Reverie. b A Ghostly Adventure. A Ghostly Problem. c A Ghostly Adventure. The ProF lem Solved. 88. a American Meccas. Independenc* Hall, 1776. b American Meccas. U. S. Capitol, 1876. 89. a The Chinese Question. The Rivals. b “ “ Question Settled. 90. a Death of Sardanapalus. Schopin. b Socrates instructing Alcibiades. Schopin. 91. a House of a Poet. Last Days of Pompeii. Coomans. b Destruction of Pompeii. Schopin. 92. a How Jones became a Mason. Start- ing for the Lodge. b How Jones became a Mason. The Oath of Secrecy. c How Jones became a Mason, Rid> ing the Goat. d How Jones became a Mason Jones has become a Mason. 76 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 93. a Temperance — the Man. b Intemperance — the Animai. 94. a The Palace of Hell, built by Momus and his Crew. b Satan and his Chief Demons in Council. 95. a Going to Lodge. Leaves his Wife. b Returning from Lodge. Meets his Wife. 96. a Roman Chariot Race. The De- parture. b Roman Chariot Race. The Tri- umph. 97. a The Coliseum’s Martyrs. Wild Beasts and Victims. Bay. b The Coliseum’s Martyrs. Spirits hovering over the martyred forms in the deserted arena. A splendid night effect. 98. a French Wedding Party. b French Baptism Party. 99. a The Fountain of Love. Brochart. b Cupid a Captive. Brochart. 100. a The Age of Gold. Schopin. b The Paradise of Mahomet. Schopin. 101. o Hovering Angels. The Child Asleep. b Hovering Angels. The Cherub Choir. Reynolds. 102. a The Two Baths. Laughing Boy with Dripping Head. b The Two Baths. Laughing Girl Ducking a Kitten. 103. a The Lion and Lamb of the Golden Age. b The Lion and Lamb of the Pres- ent Age. 104. a The Jig : “St. Patrick’s Day in the morning.” b The Melody. “ The Angel’s Whis- per.” 105. a The Sculpture Gallery. Ancient Rome. Tadema. b The Picture Gallery. Ancient Rome. Tadema. 106. a How happy could I be with either, were t’other dear charmer away. Oliver. b Best be off with the old love, before you are on with the new. Oliver. nu. 107 a The Appian Way. Ancient Rome. Boulanger. [ Boulanger , 6 Ladies’ Apartment. Ancient Rome. 108. a The Promised Land. Schopin. b A Dream of Happiness. Fapety. 109. a F$te at Court of Cleopatra. Grol- leau. b Reunion at House of Aspasia. Orolleau. 110. a Christmas Night Without. b Christmas Night Within. 111. a Penna. Railroad Station, Broau St., Philadelphia. Exterior. b Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Broad St. Interior. 112. a Dance of the Veil. Richter. b Toilette of the Favorite. Richter. 113. a American Farmyard. Summer. b American Farmyard. Winter. 114. a Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Red Fire Effect. [Fire Effect. b Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Green 115. a Sunset Clouds. b Evening Clouds. 116. a The Smile. Webster. Full well they laughed, with counterfeited glee, At all his jokes, for many a joke had lie. b The Frown. Webster. Full well the busy whisper circling round Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned. 117. a The Chorister Boys. b The Foundling Girls. 118. a “ Tramp, tramp, tramp.” In the prison cell I sit. Thinking Mother dear of you. b Tramp, tramp, tramp. The Boys came marching, Like a grand, majestic sea. 119. a Village Church on a Summer Moving. b Village’ Church on Christmas Eve. 120. a Toll Demanded. b Toll Taken. 121. a Joan of Arc finding the Sword. b She makes a sortie. c She suffers martyrdom. 122. a An Affair of Honor. Two women fighting a duel. b Reconciliation. 123. a American Landscape. Winter.' b American Landscape. Summer. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series XIX— Superior Colored Dissolving Views. Producing Very Fine Dissolving Effects and Requiring t-lie use of Two Lanterns. No. 1. No Cross, No Crown. Four Slides, a Christiana gazing over the Sands of Time. b Christiana beholds the Cross of Christ, c Christiana dreams of the Beautiful Shore. d Christiana is Crowned by an Angel of Light. 2. Rock op Ages. Four Slides, a An angry Sea Swallowing a Wreck. b The Cross — The Rock of Ages — rises above the waters, c Faith, clinging to the Cross, is lifted above the waves. d Faith wings her flight heavenward. 3. The Ghost Scene. Three Slides for Dissolving Lanterns, A graveyard is represented ; Day, Night, and Effects : the covering of one of the vaults is raised by a skeleton, which appears ; other skeletons appear at different graves. Prior. $6 0(J 6 00 6 30 4. Origin of the Moss Rose. Four Slides. With Poem, . . . 6 00 5. Angel op Peace. Four Slides, 6 00 ‘a The Mother gazes fondly on her Babe. b The Mother sits beside an empty Cradle, c A Starry Sky above a Sleeping City. d The Angel of Death bears the Child heavenward. 6. Angel op Peace. Two Slides, 3 00 a The city lies beneath wrapped in slumber, and scarcely discernible by the light of the new moon. b The Angel of Death, with outspread wings, flies across the scene, bearing the spirit of a child. 7. Mercy’s Dream. Two Slides, 3 00 a A beautiful woman is sleeping beneath a wide spread tree. b The vision of an Angel bearing a Crown of Light appears above her. 8. Mother’s Grave Two Slides, 3 00 a Three children are engaged in placing floral tributes upon their Mother’s Grave. b Their Mother’s Spirit descends and hovers over them. 9, Beethoven’s Dream. Two Slides, 3 00 a The great Composer has fallen asleep at his piano. b The spirit of Music floats above him. 10. Martyred Christians. Two Slides, 3 00 , a The lifeless figure of a beautiful woman floats upon the midnight waters. b Her Spirit is borne by Angels. 11. Orphan’s Dream. Two Slides, „ 3 00 a Tired of play, the Orphan Boy has fallen asleep. b His Mother’s Spirit appears, bending lovingly over him. 12. Shipwrecked Mariners. Two Slides 3 00 a Two mariners cast upon a rocky coast, discover a ship in the distance at day-dawn. b Morning advances, and the ship approaches. 78 V JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. Price. 13. Abou Ben Adhem. Two Slides. With Poem, $3 00 a The first appearance of the Angel. b The second appearance of the Angel. 14. Star of Bethlehem. Two Slides, . . . . . . . 3 00 a Wise Men of the East journeying toward Jerusalem. b The Son of Man appears in a radiant light. 15. Vase of Growing Flowers. Two Slides, 3 00 a The Flowers in Bud. b The Flowers in full Bloom. 16. Falls of Niagara. Two Slides, . . . . . . . . 3 00 a General View of Falls in Summer b A beautiful Rainbow appears in the Mist. 17. Highlander’s Dream of Home. Two Slides, . . , «, . 3 00 a A Highland Soldier asleep by his Camp fire. b Vision of Home appears above the fire. 18. Rock of Ages Two Slides, 3 00 a The Cross — the Rock of Ages — rises above an Angry Sea. b Faith clinging to the Cross, is saved from perishing. 19. Birth of Venus. Two Slides, . 3 00 ' a Flying Cupids announce the coming of Venus. b The beauteous Venus is born of the Ocean’s foam. 20. Washington’s Tomb. Two Slides, 3 00 a Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon, on the Potomac. b The Spirit of Washington appears within the Tomb. 21. Washington’s Dream. Two Slides, 3 00 a Falls asleep over his war map at Valley Forge, Penna. b Beholds a vision of America’s future prosperity. 22. American Soldier’s Dream of Home. Two Slides, . . . . 3 00 a Asleep by the Camp fire. b A vision of Home appears in the smoke of the fire. 23 . Napoleon. Two Slides, . . . . . . * . 3 00 a Powerful at the head of his army. b Powerless on the barren rock at St. Helena. 24. White and Red Roses. Two Slides, 3 00 a White Rose, emblematic of Purity. b Red Rose and Cupid with Bow, emblems of Love. 25. The Bachelor’s Reverie. Two Slides, 3 00 a The Bachelor indulges in a twilight reverie. b A vision of his first love appears. 26. Mosque of Omar. Two Slides, 3 00 a Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, by day. b The Mosque illuminated by night. 27. Salisbury Cathedral, England. Two Slides, . . . . „ 3 00 a The beautiful Cathedral by day. b The illuminated Cathedral by moonlight. 28. Westminster Abbey, London. Two Slides, 3 00 a The magnificent Abbey by daylight. 6 The illuminated Abbey by moonlight. 29. Tower of London. Three Slides, . 4 59 a The Tower by day. b The Tower by night. c The Great Fire destroying the Tower. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. PRICE 30. Faust and Marguerite. Two Slides, $3 00 a Faust in his Laboratory tempted by Mephistopheles. b Flames dart from Mephistopheles’ lamp, and vision of Marguerite appears. '31. Look not upon the Wine when it is Eed. (Very good.) Two Slides, 3 00 a A beautiful Girl in the abandon of the dance, wine cup in hand. b A hideous Skeleton continues the dance, a serpent creeping from the cup. (Proverbs xxiii, 31.) 32. Good Morning! Two Slides, 3 00 a The Window of a Palatial Mansion, with shutters closed. b Shutters fly open and reveal a fair face and figure. 33. A Dream of Immortality. Two Slides, 3 00 a A beautiful Lady lies dreaming upon a couch. 6 Angels place a Crown upon the sleeper’s brow. 34. The Protecting Scout. Two Slides, 3 00 a A defenseless Woman and Children attacked by Indians. 6 Appearance of the Protecting Scout. 35. The Wood-nymph’s Bath. Two Slides, 3 00 a An embowered lake in the forest, by moonlight. b A Wood-nymph, upon a couch of lilies, floats upon the waters. 36. The Handwriting on the Wall. Two Slides, 3 00 a Belshazzar in the midst of a Bacchanalian Revel. b Daniel reads the words, “ Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.” 37. The Flight of Aurora and her Train. Two Slides, . . . 3 00 a A gorgeous mass of rosy clouds. b Aurora, followed by Apollo, and a host of Goddesses. 38. The Little Foxes’ Retreat. Two Slides, 3 00 a Trunk of an old hollow tree, in which is a large hole. b Three saqcy-looking little Foxes peep out of the hole. Series XX,— Dissolving Views with Magnificent Movable Effects. Two Lanterns are Required for the Exhibition of these Slides. 1. Water-mill in Pennsylvania. Four Slides, $10 00 a A summer day; (lie water-wheel in motion. b The moon rises and produces a rippling effect on the water, c The Mill in winter ; the ground covered with snow. d Snow-storm ; the white flakes fall thick and fast. 2. Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor. Four Slides, . . . . 7 50 a The Fort by daylight in time of Peace. b The Fort by moonlight in time of Peace, c On fire during Bombardment. d Fire and smoke curl upward from the Fort. 3„ Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. Three Slides, . . .6 00 a Grand Panorama by daylight. b Night; the mountain in eruption. c Fire and smoke rise from the burning crater. 4. Castle of St. Angelo and Church of St. Peter, Rome. Three Slides, 6 00 a The Church and Castle by daylight. b Gorgeous illumination on Easter night. » Fireworks fly through the heavens. 80 JAMES \V. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. No. 5. Life near the North Pole. Three Slides, ..... a The Arctic Regions by day. b Night among the icebergs. c Brilliant Aurora Borealis flashes upward in the northern sky. 6. Mount AStna, Island of Sicily. Three Slides, a The great mountain by day. b Volcanic eruption at night. c Fire and smoke pour from the flaming cone. 8. Magician and Cauldron. Two Slides, a A weird incantation scene. A Magician is standing within his cave, waving a wand over a bubbling cauldron. b Ghosts, Witches, Imps, Gnomes, etc., fly from the cauldron. 10. Naiad Queen of the River Rhine. Two Slides, .... a Moonbeams glisten on the Rhine, upon whose shore a castle rises in frowning outline. b The Naiad Queen appears seated upon her Throne of Shell, ai d glides over the waters playing her wonderful harp. 11. Express Train, a A railroad bridge by moonlight with a forest in the background. b A Locomotive and Train of Cars dash by, the headlight and spares making a brilliant effect. 12. The Serenade in Venice. Two Slides, a Grand Canal by moonlight. Castle in the foreground. b A Venetian Cavalier approaches in a Gondola and sings before U e Castle. A lady appears upon the balcony above him. 13. Steamer Leaving Port. Two Slides, a A vast harbor, and city in the distance. b A Steamer glides across the harbor and puts to sea. 14. Fire in Philadelphia. Two Slides, a Street by night. Fire over the housetops. The alarm. b A Steam Fire Engine dashes by, drawn by two prancing horses. 15. Lakes of Ktt.larney, Ireland. Two Slides, ..... a Angels fold their wings and rest In that Eden of the West, Beauty’s Home, Killarney. b Moon rises, and the waters ripple. 1 6. Martyred Christian. Two Slides, a The body of a beautiful woman floats upon the moonlit waters. b Her Spirit is borne upward by Angels. (Beautiful effect.) 17. Magic Lily. Two Slides, . a The Beautiful Lily of the East, the home of Fairies. b A Fairy with a golden wand rises from the bosom of the Lily. 18. Haunted Abbey. Two Slides, a Tomb in the ruins of an old English Abbey. b A Ghost rises from the Tomb. 19. The Skeleton Dance in Kirk Allow ay. Two Slides, a Ruins of Kirk Alloway, Scotland, scene of Tam O’.Shanter’s vision. b A Skeleton executes a fantastic dance among the ruins. 20. Water-mill in the Alps. Two Slides, .... a Summer in the Alps; revolving water-wheel. b Winter; snow-clad mountains; wheel frozen fast. 21. Holland Wind-mill. Two Slides, a A Dutch Wind-mill by moonlight. b Daylight; the fans of the Wind-mill revolving. 81 Prick. $3 00 6 00 6 50 4 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 4 00 4 00 6 25 4 50 4 50 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA- Series XXI. — Choice Colored Slides with Motion, These may be used in a Single Lantern, and produce very beautiful an ^ uo>w affects by giving revolving, slip, or eccentric motions to the scene. __ No. 1. *o. 1 The Dancing Skeleton, a new and very striking effect. By a peculiar Mechanical arrangement, the skeleton is made to bow with his head in his hand, to dance, etc., in a most Life-like man- ner. Music may be used, and the figure be made to dance to jig-time with the most mirth-provoking effect. 2 . Castle on Lake Maggiore, Italy. Very beautiful, .... An Italian night scene. A boat containing a Lover glides over the moonlit waters ; he serenades his mistress in the Castle ; after which she glides out upon the balcony. 3. Bombardment of Fort Sumter ; The Ironsides throwing shell, . 4. View of Old Ruins, which, by being turned around, changes to Portrait of an Old Woman, 5. Holland Wind-mill, with Revolving Fans, 6. Fountain, . . . ' ‘ 7. Newton’s Disk, Revolving Slides, with prismatic colors, for re-composing white light. Beautiful effect, 8. Ratcatcher — M an sleeping — Awakes and swallows one rat after another in quick succession. Very laughable, 9. Mount Vesuvius — E ruption — Throws out Fire and Smoke ' Good for one lantern, . c . . . . . . . . 10. Moving Waters. Represents the Waters moving in the Moonlight. A very beautiful and natural effect, . . 11. Good Night in Wreath. A Wreath of Flowers, in which appears a Young Girl holding a Candle. She disappears, and is succeeded by the words Good Night. Excellent for closing, . 14. The Dancing Sailor, a new and striking effect, having a motion similar to the Dancing Skeleton, 15. Swiss Water-mill; Wheel Revolves, 16. The Aquarium, in which fish move about, 17. The Beehive, surrounded b^ Flying Bees. Very fine, 18. Curtain Slide. One Slide, Represents the Rolling up of a Curtain, and discloses a very pleasing landscape for commencing a Dissolving-view Exhibition. 19. Gymnast, Best, 20. Moon Slide. One Slide, Lever Movement, 21. Rocket Slide. May be used with any night scene, causing rocket to rise and explode in the air, producing a shower of colored stars falling down, 22 . Aurora Borealis for use with arctic series, 82 Prick $4 50 3 50 3 50 00 00 50 3 50 4 00 4 50 2 25 3 00 50 50 50 50 50 4 50 8 00 2 25 00 50 I JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADEEPHIA. Ne^v Effect Slides for a Single Lantern. $2.25 Each. These are quite New and Beautifully Colored. 1, Fingal’s Cave. Interior seen by a torch and partly by daylight ; a brilliant red light gradually illuminates the scene. 2, Race-course at Munich. The familiar scene of the race-course, with crowd* of spectators, are here exhibited, when the running horses pass rapidly across. 3- Blue Grotto at Capri Island. The interior is seen by dim daylight coming through the entrance; a boat with torches comes across and illuminates the grotto, which, after the boat passes, appears again in blue, as at first seen. 4 . Railroad Train. A viaduct near Verviers, Prussia, by moonlight; a train with iighted-up cars passes across. 5. Burning House. A fire-engine, drawn by two galloping horses and a lot of firemen, passes across rapidly. 6. Sunset on the Alps. The Glacier of Loffel-Spitz is seen in full daylight ; evening approaches, and the shepherd is returning over the bridge across the limpid brook to his cottage when the sunset glow on the icy peaks illumes the seene. 7. The New Bridge across the St. Gothard. A beautiful day-scene, repre senting the usual Alpine travel across. 8. Castle Stolpen, in Germany. An evening scene ; the moon rises and lights up by degrees the castle and landscape. 9. Venice. View of the Grand Canal at evening — illuminated gondolas pass along the waters. 10. Balloon Ascension. A large number of spectators are collected on a public square surrounded by houses ; the balloon is already inflated and anchored in the middle ; at the signal the balloon begins to rise, and passes out of sight at last. 11 . View of the “Siebengebirge” (Seven Hills), Rhine. The scene is from the Terrace of Castle Ehrenfels, across the placid waters of the Rhine; the windows of the castle are lighted ; a steamboat passes along. 12. Polar Scenery. Showing a beautiful Aurora, with changing colors. 13. Light-house on the Coast. A steamer is passing. Extra Fine Dissolving Views, $3.50 the set. FOR DOUBLE LANTERN. 14. The Blue Grotto of Capri. Artificial illumination — visitors with torche# passing in boats. 15. Niagara. Horseshoe Falls ; day scene ; a rainbow appears in the spray. 16. The Thorstein. A natural bridge in ; day scene changing to moonlight. 17. Castle Eberstein in Bavaria. Day and night. 18. Stolzenfels on the Rhine. Day and night. 83 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Hew and Beautiful Dissolving + Views, FINELY PAINTED. Sach set is composed of several pictures, provided with mechan- ism for producing various interesting effects. 1. Viaduct Across the Loire in France [3 views and 3 changes]. A windmill with set of revolving fans is seen in the distance through the arches; evening comes on, and the lamps on the bridge ;ire lighted one by one ; a train with lighted-up cars passes across, $10 00 2. The Ill-Fated Steamer [4 views]. A vessel starts with a fair wind ; a storm comes up ; the ship is struck by l'ghtning and takes fire, which is seen curling up ; the wreck is finally left by the crew, which is saved on a raft, 10 00 3. The Forge in the Alps [4 views]. A beautiful mountain scene in full sunlight ; an approaching storm obscures the sky ; a flash of lightning strikes the house, and flames are seen issuing and increasing; the burning ruins are seen at night by moonlight, 10 00 4. A Swiss Mountain Scene [5 views], with a cascade of running water. A gang of brigands are seen passing a small bridge and entering a hut standing by the roadside, where presently a light appears, .... 10 00 5. A View of the Cathedral of Trieste [5 views]. On the plaza in the foreground a fountain of sparkling water, which at nightfall is illuminated with a varietv of colors, 84 10 00 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 6. Villa Ostia, Italy, on the Tiber [3 views]. The villa is illuminated at night and rockets are sent up from different points, which explode and display a shower of colored stars falling down, and are reflected in the water, f 7 5(1 7. Castle Hohenschwangau in the Tyrolese mountains [3 views]. A sunset view ; at evening the castle is illuminated, and a fountain in the foreground plays in all colors, . . . ' I be 8. Tropical Landscape, the sources of the Jumna, India [3 views]. A waterfall is rolling down a precipitous rock forming a pool of water below ; an elephant is enjoying a bath, 7 50 9. An Avalanche in the Alps [3 views]. A Swiss cottage is tumbled down the mountain by falling snow and rocks ; the moon lights up the place lately occupied by the cottage, 7 50 10. The Bay of Naples, seen from Virgil’s Tomb [3 views]. Mount Vesuvius is seen in the distance with a column of smoke issu- ing from its crater ; night comes on and the volcano becomes active, and emits fire and lava, 7 50 11. Palace Fredericsberg, near Copenhagen, Denmark [3 yiews]. The palace is illuminated at nigh t ; at times the moon emerges from the passing clouds and the light is reflected from the ripples of the water 7 50’ 12. The Wetterhorn, Swiss [3 views]. A verv characteristic landscape in full sunlight; evening comes on and darkens the scene ; soon after sunset the snowcapped mountain becomes brilliant by the Alpine glow ; the moon now appears in the sky, and lights in the cottages, 7 50 13. Ruins of Pompeii [3 views]. A magnificent painting; in the distance Vesuvius towers skyward; the day is past, and the scene changes, and Vesuvius hurls fire and lava high into the air, 7 50 14. The Imperial Palace, St. Petersburg, by day. The palace is illuminated at night, and sleighs pass in front, 7 50 15. Emperor Fountain at Aix la Chapelle. Palace illuminated at night; fountain plays all colors 7 50 JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Series XXVI- — Colored Photographic Comic Slides, with Movable Slip. Price. $1.00 each. No. 1. Backing out of Going to Market. 2. Spring and Fall. 3. Race Go-as-you-please. 4. Clearing the Letter-box. 5. Skipping Girl. 6. Boy and Donkey. 7. Dancing Imp. 8. Dancing Negro. 9. Good-night. JO. Man Beating his Donkey. 11. Irishman Driving Pig. 12. Boy Falling off Pig. 13. Man Asleep Swallows Mice. 14. Organgrinder and Monkey. 15. Man with Growing Tongue. 16. Performing Elephant. 17. Monkey Dipping Cat. 18. Boy Chasing Butterfly. No. 19. Boy Firing off Cannon. 20. Wizard Raises Demon 21. Dog Catches Monkey (Tail comes rsff 22. Monkey Teasing Cat. 23. A Pear — a Pair. 24. The End of the Tale (Tail). 25. Dentist. 26. Punch Bowl, 27. Man Shaving and Cat. 28. Frog Jumps out of Pie. 29. Blacksmith at Work. 30. Cow Tossing Dog. 31. Monkey Teasing Old Woman. 32. Lady on Kicking Mule. 33. Elephant and Keeper. 34. Boy Teasing Dog. 35. Boy on Two Stools. Series XXVIII.— Chromatropes, or Artificial Fire-works. 1 . “The National Flag” Chromatrope. Each, $3 00 From designs expressly made to introduce the colors of our glorious National Flag. We have five different patterns of this Chromatrope. ii. “The Geometrical” Chromatrope. Each, 3 00 A variety of entirely new and original patterns, of superior Chromatic and Geometrical effects. We have many different styles of this Chro- matrope. 3 . “ The Washington ” Chromatrope. Each, 3 75 A new and beautiful design, with a Photographic Likeness of Wash- ington in the centre (copied from Stuart’s celebrated painting in the Boston Athenaeum), and the Stars and Stripes revolving around it in glorious array. QUEEN Cj CO., PHILADELPHIA. Special Selection of Transparencies from the Works of Ganot’s Physics, Guillemin’s Forces c t Nature, Pepper’s Playbook of Science, Science for All, etc. ELECTRICITY. Iron filings attracted by bar magnet. Magnet formed by two compound bars. Natural magnet and its armature. Horseshoe magnet with armature and keeper. Magnetizing horseshoe magnet. Magnetic pendulum. Magnetic needle showing inclination and declination. Electricity excited by friction. Electrophorus. Electricity excited by influence. Electrical induction through a series of conductors. Electric flow. Gold leaf electroscope. . Gold-leaf electroscope in use. Coulomb’s electrometer. Otto von Guericke’s machine. Ramsden’s plate machine. Holtz machine. Carry’s di-electrical machine. Armstrong’s hydro-electrical machine Electric sparks. Electric chimes. Luminous tube. Volta’s pistol. Charging Leyden jar. Discharging Leyden jar. Battery of electrical jars. Universal discharger. Experiment of perforating glass. Leyden jar with movable coatings. Franklin’s kite experiment. Different kinds of lightning. Flash of lightning photographed. Lightning conductor. Limit of protection by conductors. MAGNETISM. Voltaic element. Voltaic pile. Electricity developed by chemical action. Daniell’s cell. Grove’s cell. Bunsen’s cell. Leclanche’s cell. Decomposition of water by Voltaic bat- tery. Faraday’s experiment in electrolysis. Oersted’s experiment. Ampere’s law. Schweigger’s multiplier. Astatic galvanometer. Ohm’s law. Resistancelpile. Wheatstone’s bridge. Voltaic element and galvanometer show- ing current. Action of magnet on a current. Rotation of current by magnet. Action of current on a solenoid. Rhumkorff’s coil and interrupter. Rhumkorff’s induction coil. Stclirer’s induction coil. Gramm’s mag-electro machine. Construction of Gramm’s armature. Diagram of apparatus in Morse teV > graphy. Hughes’ printing telegraph. Diagram of Hughes’ printing telegraph Electric bell. Jablochkoffe electric candle and lantern Foucault’s regulator for electric light Browning’s regulator for electric light Image of the carbon point. | Magnetic curves from catalogue, p. 130 qjLEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. MECHANICS. Action and reaction. Parallelogram of forces. Composition and resolution of forces. Parallel forces, the arithmetical lever. Equilibrium of two forces. The pulley. The compound pulley. Simple levers. Wheel and axle. Windlass. Inclined plane. The screw. The wedge. Elasticity — spring balances. Plumb-line, vertical to fluid surface. Centre of gravity. Different positions of equilibrium. Stable and unstable equilibrium. Attwood’s machine. Diagram of motion of pendulum. Pendulum, verification of law. Application of pendulum to clock. Tisley’s compound pendulum. Tisley’s compound curves. The Vernier. Cathetometer. HYDROSTATICS. Equality of liquid pressure. Hydraulic press. Hydrostatic paradox. Barker’s mill. Equilibrium of liquids. Equilibrium of liquid in communicating vessel. Artificial fountain. Artesian wells. Principle of Archimedes, demonstrated. Hydrostatic balance, of solid. Hydrostatic balance, sp. gr. of fluid. Specific gravity bottle. Nicholson’s hydrometer, Cohesion of liquids, dew drops. Capillary elevation and depression. PNEUMATICS. Illustration of atmospheric pressure. Madgeburg hemispheres. Torricellian experiment. Simple form of barometer. Wheel barometer. Aneroid barometer. Air pump. Mercury pump. Condensing pump. Fountain in vacuo. Hero’s fountain. The siphon. The suction pump. The forcing pump. Centrifugal pump. 1 Screw turbine. HEAT. Simple pyrometer. Unequal expansion of different metals. Compensating pendulum. Pendulum with compensating bars. Expansion of liquids and gases by heat. Filling a mercurial thermometer. Determination of freezing point. Determination of boiling point. Thermometer scales. Maximum and minimum thermometer. Maximum density of water. Cold produced by expansion of gases. Carry’s ice machine, Ebullition ; water singing. Ebullition ; water boiling. Comparative volumes of water and steam Construction of thermopile, Thermopile and galvanometer. Radiation of heat in straight lines. Radiation of heat ; law of inverse squares. Reflection of radiant heat. Burning mirror. Refraction of heat ; burning glass. Absorption of radiant heat by air. , Modern locomotive engine, section. ( Gas engine, Otto. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. SOUND. Propagation of pulse or wave. Propagation of sound from a bell to ear. Propagation of sound-wave in a tube. Speaking-tube, mouth piece, and whistle. Invisible woman. Reflexion of sound. Reflexion of echo. Refraction of sound. Refraction of sound by a sound lens. Velocity of sound in air. Velocity of sound in water. Savarte-toothed wheel experiment. Seebeck’s syren. Vibrations of tuning-fork. Lissajou’s method of showing same. Helmholtz double syren. Vibrations and nodes in a spring Melde’s experiment; string attached to tuning fork. Chladny’s sand figures. Sand figures on membranes. Propagation and reflection of liquid waves on the surfaces of an elliptical bath of mercury. Diagram of vibrating tuning forks in ;■ state of coincidence and interference. Mammetric flames. Mammetric flames, note and octave, note and third. TELEPHONE, MICROPHONE, AND PHONOGRAPH. Various uses of the telephone. Simple electro-magnet. Bell’s articulating telephone. Bell’s articulating telephone in circuit. Bell’s articulating telephone in use. Bell’s telephone, various forms. Proprietor communicating with factory. Telephone applied to warfare. Edison’s carbon telephone. Edison’s shouting telephone, principle. Hughes’ pencil microphone. Hughes’ pencil microphone in use. Watch ticking heard by microphone. Edison’s phonograph. Preice & Tyndall working the phono- graph. Phonograph with governor in use. Gramme’s magneto-electric machine. Gramme’s magneto-electric distributor. Brush magneto-electric distributor. MAGNETIC CURVES. Photographs from the Actual Figures made with Iron Filings by Professor S. F. Thompson, D. Sc. Magnetic curves of bar magnet. Magnetic curves of horseshoe magnet. Magnetic lines of force of single pole. Curves of attraction of two magnets. Curves of repulsion of two magnets. Two parallel magnets attracting. Two parallel magnets repelling. Lines of force of dissimilar poles. Lines of force of similar poles. Horizontal section of electro-magnet. Lines of force of electro-magnet. Action of magnetic field on a small mag- net. Circular lines of force round a galvanic current. Lines of force of current in horizontal wire. Magnetic field of a looped conductor. Field of two parallel attracting currents. Field of two parallel repelling currents. Attraction . of two parallel horizontal currents. Repulsion of two opposed parallel cur- rents Magnetic field of oblique currents. Field of horizontal and vertical cur- rents. Lines of force of current deflecting a needle. Stable position of needle near vertical currents. Neutral position of needle near vertical current. Unstable position of needle near vertical current. Field of force of a galvanometer. Field of magnetic needle in a circuit. Field of magnet attracting current. Attraction of North Pole into a simph circuit. Repulsion of South Pole out of a simple circuit. Mutual rotation of current and magnet pole. Spiral field of magnet rotated by current running through it. Conversespiral field of South Pole rotated by current running through it. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY SCENES AND VIEWS. MAPS AND CHARTS. 1 Plain and Table-land. 2 Hills, Mountains. 3 Valleys, Canons. 4 Glaciers, Icebergs. 5 Sea or Take. 6. Rivers, Water Falls. 7 Waterspout. 8 Cyclones, Sandstorm. 9 Avalanche. 10 Mirage. 11 Magnetic Chart lines of equal variations. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 Isobars for Tanuan 7 . “ “ July. Isothonical lines for January. Isothonical lines for July. Relief map of North America. “ South America. “ the United States. “ “ Europe. “ Africa. “ Asia. “ “ Australia. PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Lecture By the REV. H. N. HUTCHINSON, B.A., F. R. G. S. 1 The Seasons. 2 Circulation of Atmosphere. 3 Waterspout. 4 July Isobars and Prevailing Winds. 5 January Isobars. 6 Classes of Clouds. 7 Distribution of Rainfall. 8 P'ormation of Caverns in Lime- stone. 9 Stalactites. Jenolan Caves. 10 Grotto. Jenolan Caves. 11 Artesian Well. 12 Canon, Colorado. 13 Vishnu’s Temple (Horizontal Strata). 14 Pinnacle in Kanab Canon. 15 Niagara, Horseshoe Falls. 16 Vermillion Cliffs, Utah. 17 Vermillion Cliffs, Section. 18 Inversnaid Falls. 19 Loch Lomond. 20 Monte Rosa. 21 Rhone Glacier. , 22 Viesch Glacier. 23 Glacier and Crevasse. 24 Iceberg. 25 Greenland Glacier. 26 Stacks of Duncansby. 27 The Matterhorn. 28 Section across the Alps. 29 Concentric Earthquake Waves. 30 Gifu (Japan), after the Earth- quake. 31 Bridge Ruined by Earthquake, Gifu. 32 Earthquake Effects at Diana Marina. 33 Vesuvius in Eruption (1872). 34 Ideal Section of Volcano. 35 Vesuvius, Crator and Lava Stream. 36 Vesuvius. Lava Stream. 37 Fingal’s Cave, Staffa. 38 Basaltic Columns, Giant’s Cause way. 39 Grand Geyser, Yellowstone Park. 40 Foraminifera (Depth 1850 Fath- oms). 41 Globigerina Bulloides. 42 Foraminifera (Depth 2900 Fath- oms). 43 Orbulina. 44 Foraminifera (Magnified). 45 Polycistina (Bermuda). 46 Holtenia. 47 Ventriculites. 48 Depths of the Sea ( Atlantic Ocean). 49 Depths of the Sea (Pacific Ocean). 50 Coral Formations. Light and Optics. REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 1. Linear propagation of light. 2. The prism — deviation of light. 3. Decomposition of light by prism, solar spectum. 4. Unequal refrangibility of rays of light. 5. Formation of images by small apertures. 6. Experiments illustrating refrac- tion. 7. Forms of lenses. 8. Fresnet’s lens for light-house. 9. Formation of images by convex lenses. 10. Reverted image of landscape. 11. Intensity of illumination — law of inverse squares. 12. Index of refraction. 13. Chromatic aberration. 14. Achromatic prism and lens. 15. Spherical aberration. 16. Atmospheric refraction. 17. Effect of refraction on sun-set. 18. Diogram to explain wave-lengths. 19. Diagram to interference of waves. 20. Table of wave-lengths. 21. Double refraction Iceland spar. 22. Nicol’s prism and Polariscope. 23. Colored rings in crystals with Pola- riscope. 24. Recomposition of light by 7 mirrors. 25. Recomposition of complimentary colors by polariscope. 26. Reflection of light by plane mirroi. 27. Illustration of law of reflection. 28. Total reflection — limiting angle. 29. Phenomena of total reflection. 30. Reflection from concave mirrors. 31. Foci of concave mirrors. 32. Virtual and real image. 33. Scattering light by irregular sur- faces. 34. The rainbow. 35. Explanation of same. 36. Mirage. 37. Explanation of Pepper’s Ghost. Spectrum Plain Photos, 50 1. Sectional view of a Spectroscope. 2. Increased Dispersion by a series of Prisms. 3. Automatic arrangements for a Bat- tery of Prisms. 4. Necessity for the use of a narrow Slit. 5. Slit and Comparison Prism. 6. Use of Collimating lens. 7. Large Spectroscope with returning ray. 8. Solar Spectroscope. (Secchi.) 9. Star Spectroscope. (Secchi.) Analysis. cents per Slide. 10. Apparatus for the Spectra of Metal- lic Vapors. 11. Solar Spectrum, photographed by Draper. 12. Chart of Radiation Spectra. No. 1. 13. Chart of Absorption Spectra. No. 1. 14. Reversal of Sodium Lines on Screen. 15. Long and short Lines in Spectra, with explanation. 16. Long and short Lines in Solar Prominences. os Ol Ji. 00 to QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. A Set of Slides, Illustrating Spectrum Analysis. Finely Colored. Per Slide, $1.50. No. 1. Decomposition of Light by Prism (Solar Spectrum) 2. Comparative Intensity of Heating, Luminous, and Chemically Active Rays (in Spectrum). 3. Fraunhofer’s Map of Solar Spectrum (1814-15). 4. The Spectroscope. 5. Spectra of the Sun, Beta Cygni and Hydrogen. 6. Spectra of Potassium, Rubidium, So- dium, and Lithium. No. 7. Spectrr of Carbon, Comet II, Bror sen’s Comet (1868), Spark ai Nebulae. S. Spectra of Aldebaran and Alpha Orionis. 9. Spectra of Chlorophyll, Chloride of Uranium, Magenta, and Blood. 10. Gassiott’s Spectroscope, made by Browning. 11. Coincidence of Spectrum of Iron with 65 of the Fraunhofer Lines. 12. Spectra of Sun, Chromosphere, Prom- inences, and Corona. 13. The Atmospheric Lines. Geography. Uncolored, 50 c ents each. 1. Map of World, on Mercator’s projec- tion. 2. North America. 3. South America. 4 Europe. 5. Asia. 6. A frica. 7. Oeeanica. Set of Twenty Anatomy and Physiology. Beautifully Painted B'r 15. Brain and Spinal Co 'd. 16. General View of the Nerr«s 17. Fifth Pair of Nerve 1 . 18. Facial Nerves. 19. Diagram of the Eve 20. Anatomy of the Ear- QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA, A Set of Twenty on Hicroscopic Anatomy. THE HEART AND HOW IT BEATS. With Reading. 1 Introductory Slide 2 The Cavities of the Body 3 The Viscera of the Trunk 4 The Cavity of the Thorax 5 The Diaphragm, Ribs, and Muscles 6 The Framework of the Chest 7 The Organs of the Thorax 8 The Heart and Lungs 9 Transverse Section of the Thorax 10 The Pericardium. Posterior 11 The Heart and its Vessels. Anterior 12 The Heart and its Vessels. Posterior IS Interior of Heart. Right aide 14 Interior of Heart. Left side 15 Transverse Section through the Ventricles 16 The Valves of the Heart 17 The Semilunarsof the Pul- monary Artery 18 The Semilunarsof the Aorta 19 The Coronary Vesse s 20 The Superficial Muscular Fibres of the Heart 21 The Superficial Muscular Fibres of the Heart 22 Muscular Fibres of the Sheep’s Heart 23 Voluntary and Involuntary Muscular Fibres 24 Microscopio Structures of the Muscular Fibres 25 The Circulatory System 26 Pulmonary Circulation 27 ’t ransverse Section of an Artery and a Vein 28 The Capillary System of a Villus 29 The Valves of Veins 30 Blood Corpuscles 31 Air-cells of the Lungs 32 Diagram showing the posi- tions of the Valves 33 Diagram showing the posi- tions of the Valves 34 Circulation of Blood in the Web of a Frog’s Foot 35 The Uerebro-Spinal Nerve System 36 The Sympathetic Nerve System Human Physiology Popularly Explained; or, the House We Live In. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 *9 20 21 22 23 34 By Mr. William Furneadx, Introductory Slide. SKELETON, Human Skeleton Skull (side view). Skull (front, top, and section). Vertebral Column. Pelvis. Ribs. Clavicle, Scapula, Arm, and Hand. H’p, Leg, and Foot. Ligaments. Effects of Tight Lacing on the form of the Skeleton. MUSCLES. Muscular System. Natural Levers. DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Viscera of Human Body. Course of Ingesta. Jaws. Kinds of Teeth. Salivary Glands. Liver, Pancreas, Stomach (interior). Gastric Glands, Structure of Intestines. CIRCULATORY ORGANS. Systematic Circulation. Heart and Lungs (exterior). Heart (interior, right side) Blood Corpuscles (Human and Compar- ative' ^ 96 RESPIRATORY organs. 25 Pulmonary Circulation. 26 Trachea, Lungs (half section). 27 Transverse section of Thorax 28 Cavity of Thorax, Diaphragm. 29 Minute Structure of Lungs. 30 Absorbent System. 31 Lymphatics. 32 Kidney (exterior and section). 33 Renal Circulation. 34 Sections of Skin. 35 Liver, etc. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 36 Cerebro Spinal System. 37 Ganglionic System. 38 Section of Brain, showing twelve pairs of nerves. 39 Undersurface of Brain, showing twelve pairs of nerves. 40 Spinal Cord. SENSES. 41 Touch — nerve endings in skin. 42 Smell— sections of nose. 43 Taste— tongue. 44 Sight — sections of eye. 45 Sight — minute structures of eye. 46 Sight — muscles of eye and lachrymal ap- paratus. 47 Hearing— ear. 48 Speaking — larynx, etc. 49 Minute structure of Bone. 50 Minute structure of Teeth. 51 Minute structure of Muscle. 52 Structure and Growth of Nails and Hail Department of Astronomy riovable Astronomical Diagrams. The Motion Produced by Rack-work. Packed in a Box. 1. The Solar System, showing the Rev- olution of all the Planets, with their Satellites, round the Sun. 2. The Earth’s Annual Motion round the Sun, showing the Parallelism of its axis, thus producing the Seasons. 3. The cause of Spring and Neap Tides, and the Moon’s phases during its revolution. 4. The Apparent Direct and Retrograde Motions of Venus or Mercury, and its Stationary Appearance. 5. The Earth’s Rotundity, proved by a Ship sailing round the Globe, and a line drawn from the eye of an observer placed on an eminence. The set of 2>^ inch diameter, • 3 6. The Eccentric Revolution of a Comet round the Sun, and the appearance of its tail at different points of its Orbit. 7. The Diurnal Motion of the Earth, showing the Rising and Setting of the Sun, illustrating the cause of Day and Night, by the earth’s rotation upon its Axis. 8. The Annual Motion of the Earth round the Sun, with the Monthly Lunations of the Moon. 9. The various Eclipses ofthe Sun, with the transit of Venus ; the Sun ap-* pears as seen through a telescope. 10. The various Eclipses of the Moon ; the Moon appears as seen through a telescope. ith Lecture, . . $35 00 • 45 00 QUEEN & CO., PHIIjAI>EI.1’HJA Astronomical Diagrams. From Asa Smith’s Atlas. Plain Photographs, 50 cents each. No. 1. Vienna Observatory 2. Terrestrial and Celestial Globes. 3. The Solar System. 4. Signs of the Zodiac. 5. The Earth and Seasons — Solstices and Equinoxes. 6. Phases of the Moon. 7. Tides and inclination of Moon’s Orbit. 8. Moon’s Nodes and Eclipses. No. 9. Eclipses of &’;« and Moon. 10. Direct and Retrograde Motion of Planets. 11. Orbits of Asteroids, Mars and Jupiter. 12. “ Saturn and position of rings. 13. “ Uranus and Neptune. 14. Refraction, Parallax. 15. Kepler’s Laws. A. THE SUN. 1. Granular appearance of the surface under highest powers. C. Flammarion. _ 2. Sun spot, projecting radiations, penumbra feebly developed. C. Flammario* 3. Solar willow leaves, after Nasmyth. Secchi. 4. Sun spot. Langley. s„„ spot, 7. Photosphere and sun spot. Flammarion. 8. Partial view of sun disc during eclipse of May, 1882. 9. Solar prominence, 1872. Harvard TJniv. 10. “ “ 1873. «' 11. A solar explosion. ( 7 . Flammarion , 1882. 12. Total Eclipse, August 7th, 1869. Harvard TJniv. 13. « “ December 1st, 1871. Corona, photosphere, and prominences. 14. Comparative size of a prominence and the earth. 15. Panoramic view of a partial solar eclipse, May, 1882. 16. Wolfe’s sun spot numbers. B. THE MOON. 1. Map of Full Moon and Key to Craters. 2. Full Moon, photograph by Rutherford. 3. First Quarter, l ' “ 4. Last “ “ 5. Mare Crisium at Full Moon. Piazzi Smith. 6. Lunar Craters— A. Linni, Gassendi, Plato, Aristarchus, Herodotus, etc. B. Cassini, Plinius, Arzachel, etc. C. Hypatin, Guttenberg, Julius Caesar, etc. D. Torricelli, Agrippa, Godin, etc. 7. Ideal Lunar landscape. C. Flammarion. 8. Earth seen from the Moon. 9. Extinct Craters on the Earth, in Iceland. 10. “ “ “ “ in Auvergne, France. 11. An Eclipse of the Moon see? from the Earth. 12. Telescopic view of partial Eclipse of Moon. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. C. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. No. Solar System (scale of 1 millimeter to ten million Fr. miles). G. Flammarion, 1.8&% 2. Annual elliptic orbit of the earth round the Sun, “ “ 3. Comparative inclination of axes of Earth and Venus, “ '* 4. “ “ “ “ “ Jupiter, “ 5. “ sizes of Earth, Mars, and Mercury, " “ 6. “ “ “ and Jupiter, - « 7. “ “ “ Uranus and Neptune, “ '* Telescopic Appearance of 3- Mercury, April 14th, 1871, a little more than half-illuminated — South Pole very bright. Botlik. Obs. 10. Mercury, April 22d, 1871, crescent shape; two dark spots near the edge — NorU. Pole bright. Bothk. Obs. 11. Occultation of Venus by Moon. C. Flammarion. 12. Phases of Venus. C. Flammarion. 13. Mars, 1873. Harvard TJniv. 14. “ September 10th, 1877. Potsdam Obs. 15. Jupiter, 1873. Harvard Obs. 16. “ red spot from royal Astro, notices, 1886. 17. Saturn in four positions of his rings. 18. “ several divisions on rings. C. Flammarion. 19. “ rings as seen from the Planet. C. Flammarion. 20. “ 1872. Harvard TJniv . 21. “ ring system seen from above. C. Flammarion. 22. Comparative size of Sun and Planets. 1 . 2 . 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10 . 12 . 14. 16. 18. 23. 24. D. STARS— NEBULAE— AURORA, EtO, Star Cluster in Hercules. Harvard TJniv. “ Taurus. “ Perseus. King Nebula in Lyra. Harvard TJniv. Dumb-bell Nebula. A ndromeda “ “ Trifid Grand in Orion “ central part, “ in Canes Venat. in Taur'S. Spiral Crab The Pleiades. Double and Multiple Stars. Cluster in Greyhounds. Nebulae in Scutum. Sobiesky. Secchi. E. COMETS. t. Great Comet of 1811, with naked eye. Bruhn’s Atlas. 3. Halley’s Comet, October 28th, 1835, with naked eye. Bruhn’s Atlas. 5. “ ‘‘ “ 8th, 1835, telescopic drawing by B.essel. Bruhn’s Atlai 1 . Donati’s “ 1858, drawing by Bond Secchi. 8. “ “ October oth, 1858, telescopic. Bruhn’s Atlas. 10. “ “ September 30th, 1869, do. Harvard TJniv. 13. Coggia’s “ June 10th, 1874. “ * 4 . “ “ July 13th, 1874. “ (JUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. F. STAR MAPS. NO. 7 . 4 - 6 . 8 . 10 . 12 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 . 3 - 4 . 5 - 6. 7 - 8 . 9 - ! 3 - 14. 15 - 16. 17 - Northern Celestial Hemisphere. Kendall. Southern “ “ “ Constellations, visible January 21st to April 17th. “ “ April 18th to July 21st. “ “ July 22d to October 31st. “ “ November 1st to January 20th. DIAGRAMS OF THE CONSTELLATIONS. Scorpion. Lion. Ophiuchus. Hercules, Crown. Bull. Swan. Aquarius, Goat. Great Bear, Greyhounds. 9. Eagle, Antinous. 10. Orion. 11. “ Trapezium. 12. Dragon, Little Bear. 13. Virgin, Crow. 14. Pegasus. 15. Cassiopeia. 16. Andromeda. 17. Perseus. 18. Coma Berenice. 19. Fishes. 20. Twins. 21. Scorpion. ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT THE LICK OBSERVATORY. Published by kind permission of Prof. Holden. View of the Lick Observatory. 36-inch Equatorial of the Lick Observa- tory. Eye-end of the 36-inch Equatorial Tele- scope. Micrometer of the 36-inch Telescope. Spectroscope on the 36-inch Telescope. The Sun, showing Sun Spots and Faculse, August 28th, 1893, reduced from Nega- tive taken with the Photoheliograph. The Sun, showing Sun Spots and Faculse, August 30th, 1893, reduced from Nega- tive taken with the Photoheliograph. The Sun, showing Sun Spots and Faculse, September 3rd, 1893, reduced from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph. The Sun, showing Sun Spots and Faculse, September 4th, 1893, reduced from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph. (Nos. 6 to 9 show the same group of spots in its passage across the disc). Portion of the Sun’s Disc, showing Groups of Spots ; Contact Print from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph, May 15th, 1894. Portion of the Sun’s Disc, showing Groups of Spots ; Contact Print from Negative taken with the Photoheiio- graph, June 18th, 1894. Portion of the Sun's Disc, showing Groups of Spots ; Contact Print from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph, June 19th, 1894. Portion of the Sun’s Disc, showing Groups of Spots ; Contact Print from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph, June 19th, 1894, enlargement of the principal group of spots shown on No. 12. Portion of the Sun’s Disc, showing Groups of Spots ; Contact Print from Negative taken with the Photohelio- graph, June 20th, 1804. (Nos. 11 to 14 show the same groups of spots). Total Solar Eclipse of April 16th, 1893. Eight pictures of Solar Corona taken with the Photoheliograph Lens of 40 feet Focus, by J. M. Schaeberle, at Mina Bronces, Chile (Lick Observatory Ex- pedition). Total Solar Eclipse of April i6th,i893; taken with the 40 feet Photoheliograph by J. M. Schaeberle, at Mina Bronces, Chile. Exposure, 25 seconds. Total Solar Eclipse of April 16th, 1893; taken with the 40 feet Photoheliograph by J. M. Schaeberle, at Mina Bronces, Chile. Exposure, 8 seconds. 18. Total Solar Eclipse of April 16th, 1893 ; taken with the 40 feet Photohelio’graph by J. M. Schaeberle, at Mina Bronces, Chile. Exposure, 16 seconds. 19. Photograph of the same Eclipse taken with the Dallmeyer Lens of the Lick Observatory, by J. M. Schaeberle. 20. Portion of the Sun’s Limb during the same Eclipse, showing Solar promi- nences and lower portion of the Corona. Contact Print from the large Negative taken with the 40 feet Photo- heliograph, by J. M. Schaeberle. 21. Portion of the Sun’s Limb during the same Eclipse, showing Solar promi- nences and lower portion of the Cor- ona. Contact Print from the large Negative taken with the 40 feet Photo- heliograph, by J. M. Schaeberle. 22. Portion of the Sun’s Limb during the same Eclipse, showing Solar promi- nences and lower portion of the Cor- ona. Contact Print from the large Negative taken with the 40 feet Photo- heliograph, by J. M. Schaeberle. 23. Portion of the Sun’s Limb during the same Eclipse, showing .Solar promi- nences and lower portion of the Cor- ona Contact rriut from the large Negative taken with the 40 feet Photo- heliograph, by J. M. Schaeberle. 24. The Moon, taken 1890, July, 2od. 7h. 52m., Moon’s Age, 4d. 3I1. 25. The Moon, taken 1890, Nov., i6d. 5I1. 57m., Moon’s Age, 4d. 12I1. 26. The Moon, taken 1893, Nov., 13d. 7I1. 6m., Moon’s Age, 7d. 14I1. 27. The Moon, taken 1893, July, 2id. 9I1. tm.. Moon’s Age, 8d. i6h. 28. The Moon, taken 1891, Oct., nd. 7I1. 32m., Moon’s Age, gd. 2%h. 29. The Moon, taken 1892, Mar., 8d. 13I1. 16m., Moon’s Age, iod. 554b. 30. The Moon, taken 1890, Oct., 26d. ioh. 19m., Moon’s Age, 13d. ih. 31. The Moon, taken 1890, Aug., 4d. I2h. 39m., Moon’s Age, igd. 8h. 32. The Moon, taken 1890, Nov., 3d. 13I1. 58m., Moon’s Age, 2id. 5I1. 33. Jupiter, taken with enlarging Lens in 36 inch Telescope. 34. Jupiter, taken with enlarging Lens in 36 inch Telescope. (Sej>t. 26th, 1892). 35. Nubecula Major, or Greater Magellanic Cloud ; reduced from Negative taken with the Dallmeyer Lens by J. M. Schaeberle, April 9th, 1893; 3 hours Exposure. 36. Clusters in Perseus ; reduced from Nega- tive taken with the 36-inch Telescope. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Supplementary List. STARS. Algol during an eclipse. Proper motion of the stars, south of 70° north polar distanoe. “ “ “ north 75° “ “ « The Nebulae and Clusters of Sir J. Herschel’s catalogue. Epilon Lyrse and comps. Herschel’s star gauges in the southern heavens. Cluster in Perseus, direct photograph. Paris Obs., 1884. Star Sphere of Flaristed’s projection of all stars visible to the naked eyt The Pleiades, direct photograph by the Henry Bros ., Paris. Great Nebula in Pleiades, direct photograph, by Isaac Roberts , 1889. X The y Argus region and neighboring Clusters, S. Milky way, photo. Xa and /J Crucis and Coal- sack region. “ “ Multiple Stars drawn to scale by G. F. Chamber. X Region of Milky way about a Cygni. Dr. Max Wolf photo. Original design of the nebulosity of Merops. M. Temple. The Trapezium of Orion with the 36 // refractor. Milky way in Sagittarius, direct photograph. H. C. Russel . Belt and Sword of Orion, “ “ “ Apparent Orbit of C Hercules. “ r Sagittarii. “ “ c Ursse Majoris. “ “ 70 Ophinchi. '■ “ Satellite of Sirius. Cluster 2 M Aquarii — Lord Ross. SPECTROSCOPY. Stellar Spectra of 3d class. Duner. “ “ 4th “ 4< Spectrum of Hydrogen in White Star, compared with Spectrum of the Oriot nebula, Huggins. Photographic Spectrum of Grand Nebula, Orion. Huggins. Spectrum of Mira, showing lines of Hyd. and Calcium. Pickering. Spectrum of Uranus. J. E. Keeler. Spectra of gaseous stars. Vogel. Spectrum of Botalquesa (a Orionis) Harvard College. Changes in Spectrum of Nova Cygni. Vogel. Comet Spectra. Seccli i’s types of Stellar Spectra. QUEEN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. PLANETS. Transit of Venus, 1871, ingress and egress. R. A. S Chart of planet Venus, by Nusten, 1881-1890. Venus in 1881, by IV. F. Denning. 11 “ 1890, by Perrotin. Phases of Venus. J. V. Schiapparetti Plane map of Mars. “ “