J THE MINIATURE PAINTING AND PAINTERS OF PERSIA INDIA AND TURKEY Vol. 2 — Plates THE MINIATURE PAINTING AND PAINTERS OF PERSIA INDIA AND TURKEY from the 8th to the 1 8th Century. Vol. 2 By F. R. MARTIN LONDON BERNARD QUARITCH II GRAFTON STREET, NEW BOND STREET, W 1912 "Description of the "Plates VOLUME 2 1. The Musicians of the Sultan in a gateway (at Cairo?). From a manuscript probably executed for the Ortuqid Sultan Muhammad (A.D. 1170-85). F.R.M. 2. S. George on horseback above a domed building. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 3. An Automaton holding a jug. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 4. A Goose and three Peacocks in the old Egyptian style. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 5. A Boat on a river. From a manuiscript of Dio.scorides, dated A.H. 619 (A.D. 1222). F.R.M. A Pharmacy. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 6. A Consultation. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. A Physician declaiming on the virtues of a plant which stands between him and a soldier. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 7. (a) and (b) Physicians preparing medicine. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. 8. Two Drawings in red ink. Scenes from a manuscript of Hariri about A.D. 1250. B.M. (Add. 7293, ff. 16, 285). g, Scene in a Mosque. From the " Schefer " manuscript of Hariri dated A.H. 634 (A.D. 1237). B.N. (Arabe 5877). 10. Camel Riders arriving at a town. From the same manuscript. 11. A Shop and the Library at Hulwan. From the same manu.script. 12. Men on Horses and Donkeys, with drums, trumpets and banners. From the same manuscript. Men on Camels, etc., with drums, trumpets and pennants. From the same manuscript. 13. A Reception by the Caliph. From a manuscript of Galen, first half of the 13th century. B.I.V. (No. 1462). 14. The nine most famous Greek Physicians. From the same manuscript. A Physician coming to the aid of a Man attacked by a snake. From the same manuscript. 15. The Sultan on his throne watching an Acrobat. Second page of a manuscript of Fiariri dated A.H. 733 (A.D. 1334). B.I.V. (No. 372). 16. A Clinical Consultation. From the same manuscript. A Feast. From the same manuscript. 17. Animals. From a manu.script of Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan about A.D. 1250. B.M. (Or. 2784). 18. Birds. F'rom the same manuscript. 19. A Camel. From the same manuscript. 'Description of the T/ates Hares and fat-tailed sheep (Dumbah). From the same manuscript. S Georoe and the Dra£;on. From a manuscript of Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan d'lted A.H. 695 (A.D. 1295). Ch.V. Now belonging to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. Esau killing his brother Abel (?) From the same manuscript. Man and Woman. From the same manuscript. Two Elephants at play. From the same manuscript. A Leopard. From the same manuscript. Two Lions. From the same manuscript. Animals. From the same manuscript. Bears. From the same manuscript. A Mare. From the same manuscript. The Mountain Goat which can jump from a height of 100 spear lengths and alight on its feet. From the same manuscript. Animals (magpie, locust, hawk, fox and ape). From the same manuscript. The Nobles of Kashmir enthrone a Fakir. From the manuscript of Jami' al-Tawarikh dated A.H. 710 (A.D. 1310). R.A.S. The plate which Buddha had thrown in the Ganges comes up again. From the same manuscript. Jacob with Leah and Rachel and three of his sons. From the same manuscript. Noah's Ark. From the same manuscript. The Prophet Muhammad at the siege of the city of the Banu Nadir. From the same manuscript. Hamza, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, and 'Ali who were sent against the unbelievers. From the same manuscript. •Ala al-din, Sultan of Dehli, receives the kneeling Firuz Shah. From the same manuscript. Battle between the heroes of the Mahabharata. From the same manuscript. The Crystal Cupola of Buddha. From the same manuscript. The Sacred Tree of Buddha. From the same manuscript. The Mountains of India. From the same manuscript. The Women who live in the Indian Mountains. From the same manuscript. Chinese Women offering tea. Two drawings of the Yuan period (A.D. 1 279-1 376) found in a Persian album formed about A.D. 1600. Ch.V. Drawing of a Mongol with his horse. Persian copy of about A.D. 1500 after a Chinese original of the Yuan period. F.R.M. Battle Scene. Drawing heightened with pale colours probably made for an embroiderer of the Yuan period. Bellini Album, now V.G. -39. Drawings in ink from a manuscript of a work on Astronomy, about A.D. 1300. B.M. (Arabic 5323). Animals. From a manuscript of Kalilah wa Dimnah, dated A.H. 660 (A.D. 1262), showing how the Chinese style of drawing the outlines had already been Introduced in Persia. D.P. The Sultan on his throne. From the same manuscript. Birds. From the same manuscript. ^Description of the 'Plates 3 41. Animals. From the same m;inuscript. 42. The Siege of Baghdad by Hulagu Khan. Two miniatures from a manuscript of Jami' al- Tawarikh about A.D. 1315. B.N. (Supp. Persan. 1113). 43. The SuJfan Ogotay on his throne receives two MongoHan ambassadors. From the same manuscript. A Mongol Court Procession. From the same manuscript. 44. Mangu Khan, with his wives and sons. From the same manuscript. The nine sons of Tuluy Khan. From the same manuscript. 45. A Garden Scene from a manuscript of Khwaju Kirmani dated Baghdad A.H. 799 (A.D. 1396). B.M. (Add. 18113). 46. A Court Scene. Signed on the window above the princess by Junaid Naqqash Sulfani. From the same manuscript. 47. The King drinking. From the same manuscript. 48. King Aniishirwan with his minister Buzurjmihr, the celebrated Persian philosopher. From the same manuscript. 49. A Lover and his Lady. From the same manuscript. 50. Two Warriors fighting. From the same manuscript. 51. A Prince with his Wife, a Courtier and Musician. A miniature on silk. The tree and the bird are Chinese work, the figures Persian. An inscription on the back of the silk states that it was made at Herat. About A.D. 1430. From the Bellini Album, now V.G. 52. Arrival of Humay at the Court of the Emperor of China. Copied from a Chinese picture of the Ming dynasty. Herat, about A.D. 1430. A.D. 53. Sikandar and the Dragon. From a manuscript dated A.D. 1436. F.R.M. Shirin receiving the portrait of Khusrau. From a manuscript dated A.H. 813 (A.D. 1410.) B.M. (Add. 27261). The Ka'ba at Mecca. From the same manuscript. 54. A Reception by a Sultan. Two miniatures. From a manuscript of about A.D. 1440. F.R.M. 55. Warriors of Timor. Two drawings heightened with gold. About A.D. 1430. From the Library of the Shah. V.G. and F.R.M. 56. The Angel Gabriel and Muhammad on Buraq. From a manuscript of the Mi'raj Namah executed for Shah Rukh, dated Herat, A.H. 840 (A.D. 1436). B.N. (Supp. 190). Muhammad guided by the Angel Gabriel arrives at the basin Kauthar in Paradise, on the edge of which are cupolas of rabies, emeralds, and pearls. From the same manuscript. 57. Scene from a Fairv Tale. Drawing touched with a little gold. From the Library of the Sultan at Yildiz. Herat, about A.D. 1440. F.S. 58. .Scene from a Fairy Tale. Drawing touched with a little gold. From the Iniperial Library of the Sultan at Yildiz. Herat, A.D. 1440. F.S. 59. A Saint riding on a Lion with an Angel pouring gold on his head. Herat, about A.D. 1440. Ch.V. 60-61. A Hunting Scene. From a manuscript. Herat, about A.D. 1460. St. P. 62. Majnun meeting the Nurse of Laila. Herat, about A.D, T450. H.V. A Warrior visiting a Dervish, Herat, about A.D. 1450. H.V. 6 ^description of the Tlates The Dog with a bone in his mouth. From .Esop's Fables. Herat, about A,D, 1450. BeUini Album, F,R,M, Two Ducks, Drawing by a Chinese artist or in the Chinese style, Herat, about A.D. 1440, From the Library of the Sultan. F.R.M. Elephant. Drawing;. Herat, about A.D. 1450. V.G. 64 Lion trying to climb a tree in which monkeys are teasing him with leaves. Persian drawing after a Chinese picture of the early Ming period. About A.D. 1450. F.R.M. Bears in a tree. Persian drawing probably after a Chinese picture of the early Ming period. About A.D. 1450. V.G. 6 s Kai Kaus receiving an envoy. From a Shah Namah made for Sultan Mirza 'Ali of Gilan. About A.D. '"ugo, now in the Monastery of Dancing Dervishes at Pera, Constantmople. Kai Khusrau giving his testament to the hero Gudarz, From the same manuscript, 66, Landscape, From the same manuscript, 67, Shirin, Signed Bihzad. From a manuscript of the Haft Paikar of Nizami, B,Q, Bahram Gur hunting the Lion. Signed Bihzad. From the same manuscript. 68, A Garden Scene, An unfinished miniature. By Bihzad in his early manner, C,R, 69, Timur on his Throne, From a Safar Namah dated A,H, 872 (A,D, 1467). Written by Shir 'All and illustrated with twelve miniatures. By Bihzad. V.G. 70, A Scene from the Biistan. From a manuscript, with six miniatures by Bihzad. In the Khedivial Library at Cairo. Dated A.H, S94 (A,D, 1488), 71, Scenes from the Bustan of Sa'di, From the same manuscript, 72, Sikandar sitting with the Seven Sages, By Bihzad, From a manuscript of Nizami dated A,H, 899 (A,D, 1493)- B,M, (Or, 6810,) Sultan Husain Mlrza in the guise of Sikandar visiting a hermit. By Bihzad, From the same manuscript, 73, The building of a Mosque, By Bihzad, From the same manuscript. Interior of a Bath, By Bihzad, From the same manuscript, 74, Teachers with their Pupils, Two miniatures. By Bihzad in his later style, St. P, 75, Two Scenes, By Bihzad, From a manuscript of the Khamsah of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi dated A,H, 890 {A.D. 1485). F-R-M. 76 Dancino- Dervishes. From the same manuscript. Khusrau and Shirin in her palace in Armenia. The musicians Barbad and Nahira playing. From the same manuscript. 77. Khusrau arriving at the palace of Shirin in Armenia. From the same manuscript. 78. The Birth of Majnun. From the same manuscript. 79. Laila and Majnun. By Bihzad. From a Nizami manuscript by Bihzad in his later style. St, P, Majnun in the desert. From the same manuscript. 80. A Noble transacting business. By Bihzad. St. P. A Teacher and his Pupils. By Bihzad. St. P. 81. Portrait of Sultan Husain Mirza. By Master Bihzad. Unfinished drawing on apple-green .jround. Bellini Album. F.R.M. 'Description of the 'Plates 5 82. Portrait of a Mongol Prince as prisoner. Painted on silk, probably by Bihzad. J.D. 83. Portrait of IWurad Akkuyunli who was made prisoner, A.D. 1502, by Shah IsmS'll. Probably by Bihzad. R.K. 84. Portrait of the same. Drawn by the Court artist of Akbar, Farrukh the Calmuc, about A.D. 1580. L. Portrait of the same. A copy executed perhaps by Sultan Muhammad about A.D. 1520. From the Bellini album, now V.G. 85. Portrait of a "Dervish from Baghdad, by Master Bihzad." From the Bellini album. F.R.M. 86. Head of a Lion. Signed later, " made by Master Bihzad." St. P. The same Lion. The round bo.\ fixed at the neck contains perfume. Signed later, " made by Master Murad." F.R.M. The same Lion. Signed later, " made by Master Bihzad." St. P. Two similar drawings of greater style are in the B.N., Arabe 6075, with the real signature of Bihzad. 87. A Mongol on horse back. Probably a copy of a Chinese drawing from the Yiian period. By Bihzad. F.R.M., now V.G. A wounded Warrior supported by two comrades. Drawing by Bihzad. B.N. An Archer on horseback. Drawing by Bihzad. F.R.M., now V.G. A Dervish. By a pupil of Bihzad. F.R.M., now V.G. 88. A Dervish. By Bihzad. One of his masterpieces. The violet cape reminds one of the colour of G. Bellini. B.N. Od. 41, 17. An outline drawing copied after the same, probably by Sultan Muhammad about A.D. 1520. Ch. V. A copy of the former with several smaU additions about A.D. 1560. Signed Mu'in al-dm. V.G. A later interpretation of the same about A.D. 1600. F.R.M. 89. Portrait of Amir Shuja' al-din Sayyid Badr. Signed, " Bihzad Sultani." F.R.M. Portrait of Sultan Husain Mirza, a later copy after a lost original by Bihzad. About A.D. 1540. F.R.M. Portrait, probably a copy after a lost Bihzad. Signed, " Drawing of Man! the famous painter." About A.D. 1540. C.A. Portrait of a miniature painter, probably a copy after the former. About A.D. 1600. B.N. 90. Unfinished portrait of an Amir, painted on silk. School of Bihzad. F.R.M. 91. Portrait of a Dervish. Bihzad. J.D. 92. Portrait of an Amir. Signed, "made by Sadiq." About A.D. 1520. V.G. 93. Sketches of Lion, Hawk and other animals. Probably by Sadiq. From the Bellini Album. F.R.M. Sketch of a man on horseback. Probably copied from a Chinese original of the Yiian period. By Sadiq. From the Bellini Album. F.R.M. 94. A Reception by a Prince. Two miniatures. Signed, " Mirak Khurasani." From a manuscript of Nizami, dated A.H. 899 (A.D. 1493). B.M. (Or, 6810.) 95. A Reception by Shirin. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. Shirin receiving the portrait of Khusrau. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. 6 ^description of the Tlates 97 96. Ladies in a garden. By Mirak. St. P. Unfinished miniature. By Mirali. F.R.M., now V.G. Two Dragons figliting. Drawing signed, "Aqa Mirak." .St. P. Khusrau on his throne. By IVIirak. From a manuscript of NizamI, dated A.D. 1524. From the Library of the Shah. F.R.M. Bahram Gur with one of his wives. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. Bahram Gur with one of his wives. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. Khusrau and Shirin. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. Bahram Gur with one of his wives in the black pavilion. By Mirak. From the same manuscript. . The same scene enlarged and a little changed. By Mirak. In a manuscript of M,r Ah Sh.r Nevai. Dated A.H. 933 (A.D. 1527)- B.N. (Supp. turc 316). (a-) Youno- Lady holding a book. By Mirak. Bellini Album. F.R.M. (i) The same subject and probably the original of (c). Signed, "made by Master P.r 'Ali." St. P. (<;) A Princess holding a (lower. By Mirak. L.C. Young Man reading a book. Signed " 'Abdallah." About A.D. 1500. W.S. Young Man. Probably painted by the same. H.V. A Lady of Georgia. Drawing probably by the same. B.N. Two drawings partly inspired by or copied after originals of the celebrated Chinese master Li Lung-mien at the end of the eleventh century. Drawn by Sultan Muhammad. About A.D. 1520. From the Ardabil Library. St. P. Kiosk in a landscape. Drawing in the style of Bihzad. B.N. Country Scene. Sketch for a miniature in the style of Sultan Muhammad. Ch. V. Country Scene. Drawing, signed Muhammadi." B.N. Suppl. Persan 1572. The same subject as Plate 104. A Country Scene. Drawing with the faces and leaves in colour. By Sulfan Muljammad. About A.D. 1530. C.R. 05. A Pleasure Party. Drawing pardy in colour. By Sultan Muhammad. About A.D. 1530. B.N. 06. Portrait of a young Prince in a blue coat on golden ground. By Sulfan Muhammad. About A.D. 1520. Bellini Album. F.R.M. Portrait of a young Prince. Copy by Aqa Riza, after an original by Sultan Muhammad. (The inscription is later.) B.N. Arabe 6075. Portrait of a Princess. By Sukan Muhammad. B.N. Suppl. Persan 1171, 43- ,07. An Angel kneeUng. Drawing by a pupil of Bihzad. Bellini Album. Now V.G. A Young Man kneeling, in an apple-green dress. A figure for a great composition. By Sultan Muhammad. F.R.M. , , c -aw A Young Man holding a book with the inscription "Servant of Hazrat Shah Sayyid Ah ibn Sayyid Muhammad." Drawing by Sultan Muhammad. Ch. V. A Prince with a hawk perched on his right hand. School of Bihzad. B.N. Arabe 6074. ,08. Portrait of an Amir. Drawing by Sulfan Muhammad. About A.D. 1530. Ch. V. Portrait of a Young Man with a book. Signed " Shaikh Muhammad." R.K. A Pleasure Party. Drawing heightened with colours. Signed, " Master Muhammadi." V.G. Portrait of the young Shah Tahmasp with a book in his hand. By Sultan Muhammad. D. 104. 109. Description of the 'P/ates 7 no. Shah Tahmasp as a youth. By Sultan Muhammad, falsely signed " Bihzad." St. P. The same portrait copied by Aqa Riza after a similar miniature with inscription falsely attributing- it to Riza 'Abbasi. B.M. The same portrait by Sultan Muhammad. St. P. 111. Portrait of Shah Tahmasp as a youth. By Sultan Muhammad. About A.D. 1540. St. P. 112. A Love Scene. Copied by a pupil of Sultan Muhammad, after an original by Mirak. V.G, 113. Portrait of an Amir. By Sultan Muhammad. F.R.M., now V.G. 114. Shah Tahmasp in a landscape. By Sultan Muhammad. St. P. 1 1 5. Shah Tahmasp hunting. By Sultan Muhammad. St. P. 116. 117. Hunting Scene. — Shah Tahmasp, recognisable by the double feather in his turban, is in the right corner of Plate 116. The greatest composition known by the author and one of the greatest miniatures existing. By Sultan Muhammad. St. P. 118. A Camel with his driver. Drawing by Sultan Muhammad. Probably from a composition similar to Plates 116 and 117. Ch. R. 119. A young man playing on a lute. About A.D. 1540. B.M. (Or. 1373.) A Princess reclining by a river. Probably by Shah Quli Naqqish. About A.D. 1550. C.A. 120. A Figure. Signed, " Kamal." From the Bellini Album. F.R.M. A Young Girl wrapping a bathing sheet around her legs. Signed, " Kamal." F.R.M. A Man. Signed, " Kamal." From the Bellini Album. Now V.G. A Lady reclining. Probably by Kamal. Ch. R. 121. Anushirwan and his minister Buzurjmihr in a garden. Signed "made by Mahmud." From a manuscript of Nizami dated A.H. 944 (A.D. 1537). B.N. Supp. Pers. 985. Men on Horseback. Signed, " Mahmiid." Dated A.H. 952 (A.D. 1545). From the same manuscript. 122. An episode from the Shah Namah. From the manuscript executed for Shah Tahmasp. Dated A.H. 944 (A.D. 1537). Collection of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. 123. Rustam catching his horse Rakhsh. From the same manuscript. 124. An episode from the Shah Namah. From the same manuscript. 125. An episode from the Shah Namah. From the same manuscript. 126. Zatlhak killing the cow that gave milk to Faridun. From the same manuscript. 127. An episode from the Shah Namah. From the same manuscript. 128. An episode from the Shah Namah. From the same manuscript. 129. The horse of Rustam fighting with a lion. From the same manuscript. 130. An old woman appealing to Sultan Sanjar to redress a wrong done to her. From the manuscript of Nizami executed for Shah Tahmasp, A.D. 1539-1543. B.M, Or. 2265. 131. The two Physicians quarrelling. From the same manuscript, 132. The painter Shapur bringing the portrait of Khusrau to Shirin, From the same manuscript. Signed, " Mirza 'All." 133. Khusrau, on his way to Armenia, sees Shirin bathing. Signed, " Sultan Muhammad." From the same manuscript. 134. Shapur's return to Khusrau bringing news of his visit to Shirin. Signed, "Mirak." From the same manuscript. 8 Description of the Tlates ,35. Coronation of Khusrau after the death of his father. Signed, M>ral<." From the same manuscript. 136. Khusrau and Shirln listening to stories told by Shirin's maids. Signed, " Mirak." From the same manuscript. ,37. Khusrau listening to the music of Barbad. Signed, " Mirza 'Ali." From the same manuscript. ,38. Bahram Gur hunting the lion. Signed, " Sultan Muhammad." From the same manuscript. ,39. The old woman bringing Majnun to the camp of Fails. Si,gned, " Mir Sayyid -Ali." From the same manuscript. 140. Muhammad on Buraq. Probably by Mirak. From the same manuscript. 14,. Scenes from Hrtali's mystical poem Shah u Gada (King and Beggar). From a manuscript dated A.D. 1539. 142. Scenes from Hllali's mystical poem Shah u Gada (King and Beggar). From a manuscript dated A.D. i539- F.R.M. 143 Battle Scene. From the same manuscript. Two Men on horseback hunting a lion. Drawing copied at Bukhara after original by Bihzad. About A.D. 1540. B.M. Kai Khusrau and his Army crossing the Lake of Zarah. From a manuscript of the Shah Namah executed for Shah 'Abbas. Dated A.D. 1590. R. The Sultan watching water-sports, and Scene at a mosque. From a manuscript. B.M. (Add. 27944.) A Wrestling Match. Signed, " Shaljim Muzahhib." From a manuscript of the Gulistan written at BukhariJ. A.H. 975 (A.D. 1567). B.M. Or. 5302. A Reception. Signed, " Shaljim Muzahhib." From the same manuscript. ,48. Sikandar fighting with the Dragon. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1550. Ch. R. Portrait of a Holy Man. Signed, "painted by Afzal." Bukhara School. About A.D. ,670. C A Portraii of 'Abdallah Khan Uzbeg, ruler of Turkestan, a contemporary of Akbar. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1570. Young Man. Copied after Aqa Mirak. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1 580. Ch. R. A later interpretation of the same subject is in B.N. Od. 44, res. 42. A Young Prince with a hawk. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1570. Ch. R. Portrait of a Young Man. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1570. Ch. R. Portrait of a Prince making a horseshoe. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1570. Ch. R. A Love Scene. Inspired by Mirak. Signed, Muhammad Yusuf abHusainl." Bukhara School. About A.D. 1580. Ch. R. A Young Lady sitting in a landscape. Drawn in gold of different tones. Bukhara School. About A.D. 1580. R. A Dervish. Persia. About A.D. 1520. B.M. Or. 1373. Portrait of an ape-looking Man. Certainly a Persian interpretation of, or a copy of, a portrait of the same style as that of the Japanese calligrapher Tofu Ono. By Rayu \see Kokka, 156). Inscription in later Turkish (?) writing " Darvish Husam Naqqash. About A.D. 1530. V.G. A Monk playing with a Cat. Persia. Middle of the sixteenth century (?). B.N. Od. 41. 144. ■45- 146. 147 1 48 149. 150 151 153- 154- res. 22. ^Description of the Tlates 9 155. Man feeding a gazelle. Drawing, signed "Yusuf" and dated 1014 (A.D. 1605). Ch. V. Servant in a rich costume. Probably by Yusuf. About A.D. i6oo. F.R.M. 156. Man in European dress playing a lute. Probably by Yusuf About A.D. 1600. F.R.M. Servant in a rich European dress. Signed, " Mir Yusuf" About A.D. 1600. C.A. 157. Portrait of a Lady. Drawing signed, " Riza 'Abbasi." About A.D. 1620. F.R.M. 158. Drawing. Signed by Riza 'Abbasi. Friday to, Shawwal, 1041 (A.D. 1633). De. A Man holding a bow. Signed and dated Wed. 1038 (A.D. 1629). B.N. Drawing probably by Mubammad Riza-i-Tabrizi. Dated Wed. 15, Rajab, 1601. Finished by Riza 'Abbasi, Jumada I.. 1041 (A.D. 1631). Painted for Darvish 'Abd al-Malik Astarabadi. F.R.M. 159. Picture of Dervish 'Abd al-Muttalib, 1041 (A.D. 1631). By Riza 'Abbasi. A Man with a .goat. Inscription partly cut away. Riza 'Abbasi. A Loving Couple. Riza '."Vbhasi, painted in Herat. A Man smoking a kalian. Riza 'Abbasi. All four miniatures on one leaf St. P. 160. Two figure scenes on one leaf. Signed, " Riza 'Abbasi by order of Hakini Shamsa Muhammad. Fri. 18 Rajab, 1042" (A.D. 1632). St. P. i5i. A Horse from the stables of the Shah. Signed, " Aqa Riza." About A.D. 1570. C.A. 162. A Servant serving tea to an Old Man. Ch. V. A Dervish. Signed, " Lutf Allah. A.H. 997" (A.D. 1589). De. A Love Scene. B.N. Arabe 6074. A Young Man with a flower in his hand. Signed, "Riza 'Abbasi." B.N. Arabe 6074. 163. A Lion attacking a Man. Signed as follows: "It was the day of Monday on the feast of Raniazan in the year 1082, when the Ambassador from Bukhara brought, £is a present to Shah Sulaiman. a lion and a rhinoceros. At the gate of the palace the lion attacked a boy from a grocer's shop, 15 or 16 years old, and tore off half of his face. He died immediately .... In the same year the snow fell from the beginning" of the month Sha'ban until the 8th of the month Shawwal. This caused great damage to many people ; the price of all kinds of food went up, the price of wood extraordinarily. It has been colder than anyone remembers. This has cut the communications, and, as the snow falls and I am locked up in my house. I will draw this to amuse myself Work of Mu'in Musavvir." F.R.M., now V.G. Man on horseback in a shower of rain. Signed, " Riza 'Abbasi." C.A. 164. Owl, with prey, surrounded by birds. Copied after an engraving of a German Little Master of the i6th century. .Signed, " Minuchihr." V.G. Portrait of a Man. Signed, " Mu'In Musavvir." De. Four Lions with one head. Dated 1088 (A.D. 1677) and signed Mu'in Musavvir. De. A Lion and a Kilin. Dated 1119 (A.D. 1707) and signed Mu'in Musavvir. De. 165. A Dervish. Probably by Muhammad Oasim. F.R.M. A Dervish preaching in the open air. Probably by Muhammad Qasim. M.S. A Servant offering tea. Signed, " Muhammad Qasim." B.N. Od. 71, res. 33. 166. An Old Man. Signed, "Muhammad Yusuf" Dated 1055 (A.D. 1645). Ch. V. Head of a Dervish. Probably the same as the preceding. By Muhammad Yusuf Ch. V. A Man holding a flower. School of Riza 'Abbasi. About A.D. 1650. Ch. V. 171. io T)escription of the Tlates ,67 Four Members of a Tartar Embassy. The chief ambassador, another ambassador named Nazar Mahmud, with his wife and servant. Painted hy Muhammad Musavvir, 1112 (A.D. 1700). B.N. Suppl. Pers. 1572. 168. Portrait of Nadir Shah of Persia, A.D. 1736-1747. Painted by Muliammad Panah. F.R.M. 169. Portrait of a Mirza. About A.):), i860. F.R.M. 170. Portrait of Charles V. as a young man. Inscription says wrongly, " Chardin." Persia. about A.D. 1650. J.D. European in the dress of Louis XlV.'s time. Signed. Persia, about A.D. 16S0. Loving Couple. After an Italian painting of the end of the i6th century. Persia, about .A.D. 1650. F.R.M. ,70 Portrait of a French Prince, the Young Prince of Condi? Probably after a picture by Philippe de Champagne. Persia, about A.D. 1650. Signed, " '.Ah Ouh Chubahdar. F.R.M. The Pope blessing a legate, Francisco Acosta, starting for the East. Copied after a European painting of the beginning of the 17th century. Persia. F.R.M. 173 Elizabeth visiting the Virgin. After an Italian painting. Signed, "By the pen of the most humble of creatures, Ibn Haji Yusuf Muhammad Zaman, m the year .089 (.A.D. 1678), for his Imperial Majesty." F.R.M. The Fli^rht into Egypt, after an Italian painting. Signed, " In the month of Zu'l-qa'dah, in the'' capital, Isfahan, is this finished by the most humble of creatures, Ibn Haji Yusuf Muhammad Zaman, for his Majesty, may God always exalt his banner, his rule and his caliphate over all the world till the day of judgment." F.R.M. Reception Scene. After Bihz.ad. About A.D. 1580. School of Akbar. St. P. A Saint, either Nizam al-dtn Auliya or Mu'in al-din Chishtl. Copied after Sultan Mubammad. .About .A.D. 1590. School of Akbar. St. P. 176. Sultan 'Alaal-din Firuz Shah, King of Bengal (A.D. ,53=), and his secretary, Khwajah Hasan. By an artist of the school of Bihzad. B.M. ,77. A Prince on Horseback. By an artist of the School of Sultan Muhammad. About A.D. ,540. B.M. Add. ,8Soi. ,78. Majnun at the tomb of his Father. From a manuscript of Nizam!, belonging to Mr. Dyson Perrins. By Manohar. Hunting scene. By Khwajah 'Abd al-Samad. From the same manuscript. The sLy told to Bahram Gur by the Indian Princess. By Dharm Das. Front the same manuscript. ,8,. Plato charming the wild beasts with his music. By Madhu Khanahzad. From the same manuscript. ,82. A Royal Audience. From a manuscript of the Akbar Namah, executed for the Emperor Akbar. B.O. Humayiin hunting. From the saine manuscript. 183. Humayun watching Dancing Women. From the same manuscript. Death of Bahadur Shah. Sultan of Gujarat, while visiting the Portuguese Fleet. A.D. ,53?- From the same manuscript. 184. The Court of ShSh Jahan. By Anupchatar. About A.D. ,640. Plates ,84-197 are all from B.M. 18801. 174 175 179. ,80. Description of the Tlates 185. Portrait of Mirza Nauzar. Portrait of the Physician of Akbar. Signed, " Mir Hashim." 186. Portrait of Aurangzlb, By Mir Muhammad Hashim (?). About A.D. 1660. 187. Portrait of 'Ala al-Mult; Tiini (t A.D. 1663), Lord Steward under Shah Jahan. By Chitarman. Portrait of Ja'far Khan, son of Sadiq Khan. By Chitarman. 188. Portrait of 'Izzat Khan (t A.D. 1633). By Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. 189. Portrait of Baqir A'zam Khan Savaji. By Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. 190. Portrait of Khalil Allah Khfm (t A.D. 1662), grandfather of Amir Khan. By Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. 191. Portrait of Asaf Khan (t A.D. 1641). By Nadir Muhammad of Samarqand. 192. Portrait of Lutf Allah Khan. Signed, " Hiinhar." Portrait of Mirza Abul Hasan. Signed, " Hllnhar." 193. Portrait of .Sa'id Khan Bahadur (t A.D. 1652). By Hflnhar. Portrait of Ilahwardi Khan the elder (t A.D. 1660). By Hunhar. 194. Portrait of Mulla Sa'd Allah (t A.D. 1656). Signed by Anupchatar. 195. Portrait of Mir Muhammad Sa'id Mir Jumlah. By Govardhan. 196. Portrait of Maharaja Jasvant Singh. 197. Portrait of Mulla Shafi'a (t A.D. 1661). By Hunhar. Portrait of Hakim Daud Taqarrub Khan (t A.D. 1672). 198. A Portrait. V.G. A Portrait of Shaikh Shir Muhammad. Signed by Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. B.M. Add. 18,801. Portrait of Asalat Khan. F.R.M. 199. Portraits of two young Princes. F.R.M. 200. A Dying Man. perhaps the Emperor Jahangir dying. The sketch and the finished miniature. School of Shah jahan. B.L. and V.G. 201. Two Men conversing. V.G. Jahangir and a Wife. F.R.M. A Dervish. F.F. A Love Scene. F.R.M. Sultan Parviz and the Dervish. F.R.M. All dating from the beginning of the 17th century. 202. Portraits of Sultan Parviz, son of Jahangir. Portrait signed by Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. Jahangir with the portrait of Akbar. (L.) Shah Jahan. Jahangir. Sultan Parviz. B.M. Add. 18,801. F.R.M. V.G. 203. Portrait of Shah jahan. A.D. 1628-1659. St. P. 204. Portrait of Shayista Khan. B.N. Od. 44. 205. Portrait of Aurangzlb. A.D. 1659-1707. B.N. Od. 44, 24. 206. Oil Painting on canvas in the style of Bihzad. A.D. 1556-1605. V.A.M. 207. A Warrior conversing with a Saint. School of Aurangzlb. A Visit. School of Aurangzlb. T)escription of the Tlates A Royal Procession. School of Aurangzib. St. P. -o. The first two leaves of a copy of the Akbar Namah, executed for the Emperor Akbar. B.Q. (see Plates 182, 1S3). Portrait of Humayun. School of Shah Jahan. De. Portrait of Humayun. School of Shah Jahan. De. Portrait of Akbar. School of Shah Jahan. De. Portrait of Timf.r, with Babar on his right and Humayun on his left. Signed, " Hashim." De. Portrait of Sultan Murad IV. A.D. 1623-1640, De. The Court of Jahangir. V.G. The Funeral of Dubun Bayan. From a destroyed manuscript. About A.D. 1600. W.S. Antelopes. B.M. and De. Shah Jahan on an Elephant. Ke. Fighting Elephants. Sketch. B.N. Od. 4=. re^- 30- A Bird. A Hawk. By Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand. B.M. Add. 18801. A Partridge. By Mansur. V.G. A Pheasant. By Mansur. B.Q. A Hawk. From a work on natural history executed for Jahangir. F.R.M. A Vulture. From the same manuscript. F.R.M. Flowers paimed on a golden ground. From a manuscript. Dated A.D, 1732. B.I.V. Flowers. School of Shah Jahan, St. P. (a) Portrait of a Turkish Prince. By Gentile Bellini. Executed at Constantinople. A.D. 1480. Bellini Album, now J.G. {b) Copy of the same picture. By Bihzad. About A.D. 1500. J.D. A Ceremony and a Funeral at the Court of Sulaiman the Great. A.D. 1 520-1 566. In the style of Gentile Bellini. About A.D. 1530. V.G. Portrait of Fran9ois I. By Clouet, copied by Haidar Bey, Court painter of Sulaiman the Great. A.D. 1520-1566. Bellini Album. F.R.M. Portrait of Salim I. A.D. ,5.2-1520. Probably by Uaidar Bey. B.N. Od. res. 41, 44- Portrait of Charles V. By Cranach (?) Copied by yaidar Bey, Court painter of Sulamian the Great. A.D. 1 520-1 566. Bellini Album. F.R.M. Portrait of Sultan Salim II. of Turkey. A.D. 1 566-1 574- Belongs to a dealer in Paris, Portrait. By Wah Jan. About A.D. 1570. M.S. Portrait of a Dervish. By Wah Jan. About A.D. 1570. V.G. Portrait of a Sultan. About A.D. 1600. F.R.M. Turkish copy. After an original of Bihzad. About A.D. 1580. B.N. Od. res. 41, 44- Horsemen. Middle of the i6th Century. Ch. R. AnimaLs on marbled paper. About A.D. 1550. Ch. R., V.G. and F.R.M. Imitation of an Italian engraving. Dated A.D. 1576. Turkish. F.R.M. 'Description of the Tlates 13 233. First leaves from a manuscript of the Koran, on vellum. Given A.H. 298 (A.D. 910) to the great Mosque at Damascus. F.R.M. First leaves from a manuscript of the Koran, on vellum, gth Century. F.R.M. 234. Leaves from Kufic Korans. 9th Century. F.R.M. 235. Leaves from a Kufic Koran, gth Century. F.R.^L 236. Ornaments from a Kufic Koran, gth Century. F".R.AL 237. Leaves from a manuscript of the Koran. About y\.D. 1260. F.R.M. 238. First leaf from a manuscript of jami' al-Tawarikh. Dated A.D. 1310. B.N. 239. Leaves from a manuscript. Dated A.D. 1410. 1^.^L Add. 27261. 240. Leaves from a manuscript. About A.D, 1410. V.G. and F'.R.M. 241. Ornamental Border from a manuscript. About A.D. 1410. G. 242. First leaves from a manuscript. Written for Shah Rukh. Dated A.D. 1434, Herat. F.R.M. 243. F^irst leaves from a manuscript. About A.D. 1440. F.R.M. First leaves from a manu.script. Dated A.D. 1434, Herat. F.R.M. 244. Second leaf from a manuscript. Dated A.D. 1524. F'.R.M. 245. Second leaf from a manuscript. Middle of the i6th Century. B.M. 27263. 246. First page from a manuscript. Written at Herat in A.D. 1477. By Sultan 'Ali Mashhadi. F.R.M. Second leaf from a manuscript. Dated ."^.D. 1523. By Muhammad Oasim ibn Shadi Shah. F.R.M. Last page from a manuscript. Written at Herat in A.D. 1477. By Sultan 'All Mashhadi. F.R.M. 247. First leaves from a manuscript of the Koran, About A.D. 1510, F.R.M., now V.G. 248. Fourth page from a manuscript of the Koran, About A,D. 1510. F^R.M., now V.G. 249. The " ex-libris " of Shah Tahmasp. F'rom the manuscript executed for Shah Tahmasp. Dated A.H, 944 (A,D. 1537). Collecdon of Baron E. de Rothschild. 250. Ornamented Margin. From a manuscript of Hafiz. Copied by Sultan 'Ali Mashhadi. About A.D. 1520. F.R.M. 251. Ornamented Margin. F>om a manuscript of ysfiz. Written by Sultan 'Ali Mashhadi, About A,D, 1520, F.R.M. 252. Ornamented Margin. From a manuscript of Nizami, Written for Shah Tahmasp. Dated A.D. 1539-1542. B.M. (Or. 2265). 253. Ornamented Margin. F'rom a manuscript of Nizami. Made for Shah Tahmasp. Dated A.D. 1539-1542. B.M. (Or. 2265). 254. Ornamented Margin, F'rom a manuscript of Nizami, Made for Shah Tahmasp, Dated A.D. I539-IM2. B.M. (Or. 2265). 255. Ornamented Page. From a manuscript. Made for Shah Tahmasp. About A,D, 1550, T. 256. Ornamented Page. From a manu-script. Made for Shah Tahmasp. About -\.D, 1550. T, 257. Ornamented Page, From a manuscript. With seal of Aurangzib, About A.D. 1580. De. 25S. Ornamented Page. From a manuscript. Made for Shah Tahmasp. About A.D, 1550, T. 25g, Ornamented Page. From a manuscript. About A.D. 1560. St. P, Description of the l^lates 260. First page from a manuscript. About A.D. 1600. B.M. 261. First pages from the "Vignier" album. About A.D. 1620. H.V. 2S2. Leaves from the "Vignier" album. About A.U. 1620. H.V. 263. Ornamented page. Signed, " Muhammad Murad Samarqandi." About A.D. 1630. De. 264. Page from a manuscript of the Koran. Written for Sultan Bayazid. A.D. 1481-1512. G. 265. Page from a manuscript of the Koran. Written for Sultan Bayazid. A.D. 1481-1512. G. 266-267. Two Pages from a manuscript of the Koran. Written for Sultan Bayazid. A.D. 1481-1512. 268. Pages from a manuscript. Decorated for Sultan Sulaiman (A.D. 1520-1566). The manuscript itself is of Persian, 15th century, work. F.R.M. Unfortunately one of the two pages on this plate has been reversed in the printing. 269. Details from the first leaf of the BeUini Album. About .A.D. 1600. F.R.M. 270. Ornamental drawings in the Chinese style. About A.D. 1450. The Dragon. B.M., Od. res. 41, 12 ; the other F.R.M. 271. Ornamental drawings in the Chinese style. About A.D. 1550. C.R. Plate 3 An automaton holding a jug End of the 12th century FATIMID SCilOOL, IN MESOPOTAMIA Plate 5 A PliARMACV From a Manuscript of Dioscorides. Dated A.D. 1222 ABlSASfD SCHOOL A Physician declaiming on the Virtues of a Plant From a Manuscript of Dioscorides. Dated A.D. 1222 abhasid school Plate 9 ARBASID SCHOOL A Plate 10 Camel Ridkrs v\rrivino at a Town From the " Schefcr " Alaimscript of Hariri. Dated A.D. 1237 ABBASID SCHOOL Plate 13 A Reception by the Caliph From an Arabic translation of Galen. First half of the 13th century ABBASID SCHOOL Plate 14 A Physician coming to the aid ok a man attacked by a s> From the Manuscript of Galen. First half of the 13th century ABBASID SCHOOL Plate 16 A Clinical Consultation A Feast From a Manuscript of Hariri. Dated A.D. 1334 MONGOLIAN SCHOOL OF PERSIA Plate 18 Birds From a Manuscript of Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan. About A.D. 1250 ABBASID SCHOOL Plate 19 A Camel From a Manuscript of Ibn Bakhtishu's Maniifi' al-Hayawiin. About A.D. 1250 ABBASin SCHOOL Plate 20 Hares and Fat-Tailed Sheei" (Dumbah) From a Manuscript of Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan. About A.D. 1250 ABBASID SCHOOL Plate 21 Esau killing his brother Atikl (?) From a Manuscript of Ibn Bakhtishu's Manafi' al-Hayawan dated A.D. 1295 mongolian school I I I f Plate 26 MONGOLIAN SCHOOL Plate 29 Hamza and 'AlT sekt against the Unbelievers From a Manuscript of Jami' al-Tawfirlkh. Dated A.D. 1310 MONGOLIAN SCHOOL Plate 31 The Sacred Tree of Buddha From a Manuscript of Jami' al-Tawarikh. Dated A.D. 1310 MONGOLIAN SCHOOL Plate 33 Plate 36 Drawings in ink from a Manuscript of a work on Astronomy About A.D. 1300. mongolian school 9 Plate 39 Drawings in ink from a Manuscript of a work on Astronomy About A.D. 1300, mongolian school GlIAZNAVID SCHOOL Plate 41 Animals From ;i Manuscript of Kalilah wa Dimnah. GIIAZNAVID SCHOOL Dated A.D. 1262 Plate 45 A Garden Scene From a Manuscript of Khwaju Kirmani. Dated A.D. 1396, Baghdad TIMURID SCiTOOL Plate 47 The King Drinking From a Manuscript of Khwaju Kirmanl. Dated A.D. 1396, Baghdad TIMURID SCHOOL Plate 48 King Anushirwan and his Minister, Buzurjmihr From a Manuscript of Khwaju Kirmani. Dated A.D. 1396, ]iaghdad TIMURID SCHOOL Plate 50 Two Warriors Fighting Miniature from a Manuscript of Kliwiiju Kirmani. Dated A.D. 1396, Baghdad TIMURID SCHOOL 1 I I Plate 56 The Angel GAnuiicL and Muhammad on Buraq Muhammad and the Angel Gabriel arriving at Paradise From a Manuscript dated Herat A.D. 143O TIMURID SCHOOL Plate 57 SCENI-: FROM A i'AIKV TaLL Herat. About A.D. 1440 TIMURID SCHOOL Pl.ATH 58 TIMUKIl) SCHOOL Plate 59 A Saint Riding on a Lion Herat. About A.D. 1440 TIMURID SCHOOL Plates 60. 61 A Hunting Scene (mongolian style) About A.D. 1460 TIMURID SCHOOL Plate 62 Majnun meeting the Nurse of Laila A Warrior visiting a Dervish Herat. About A.D. 1450 TIMURIH SCHOOL (ff) The Dog with a bone in his mouth From yEsop's Fables. Herat. About A.D. 1450 •^.i&s.. Plate 71 i z Q 6 j 4^ Plate 85 Portrait of a Dervish from Baghdad By Bihzad About A.D. 1490 •-■ft; ,. Plate 86 A Royal Lion, Signature (added later), " Bihzad SCHOOL OF niHZAD A Mongol on Horseback After a Chinese Original. By Bihzad An Archer on Horseback By Bihzad Plate 87 / A Wounded Warrior By Bihzad A Dervish school of bihzad About A.D. 1500 i Plate 92 Portrait of an Amir. Signed Sadiq About A.D. 1520 SCHOOL OF BIHZAD Plate 93 SCHOOL OF BIHZAD ( .1 \m\ ■^KWii 3 Plate 104 A Country Scene Suitan Muhammad About A.D. 1530 Plate 105 A Pleasure Party About A.D. 1530 SCHOOL OF SHAH TAHMASP Plate 107 Plate 115 SiiAii Taiimasi' Hunting B)- Sultan Muljammad. About A.D. 1540 Plates 116, 117 SiiAii Taiimasp Axn the Imperial Princes Hunting By Sultan Muhammad. About A.D. 1540 Plate 120 A Ladv going to tiik Bath Signed Kamfil A LAip\ 1 I.IMNi. SCHOOL OF SHAH T^HMASP Middle of the iGth centuiy Plate 124 An episode from the Shah Namah From the Manuscript executed for Shah Tahmasp. Dated A.D. 1537 Plate 129 The Horse of Rustam fighting with a Lion From the Manuscript executed for Shah Jahmasp. Dated A.D. 1537 Plate 138 Plate 143 Battle Scenk. From a Manuscript dated A.D. 1539 SCHOOL OF SHAH TAHMASP Plate 146 A Wrk^^ti.ino Match From a Manuscript nf the Gulistan. Dated A.D. 1567 Signed " Sliatiim Muzahhib " RUKITAliA SCHOOL Plate 147 A Reception From a Manuscript of the Gulistan. Dated A.D. 1567 Signed "Shahim Muzahhib " BUKHARA SCHOOL Plate 150 Portrait of a Young Man After Mlrak. About A.D. 1580 BUKHARA SCHOOL BUKHARA SCHOOL Plate 156 Plate 158 I Jl Plate 162 SCHOOL OF RIZA 'ABBXSI Plate 179 Hunting Scene From a Manuscript of NizamT B)' Khwajah 'Abd al-Samad SCHOOL OK AKIiAli Pi^atl: 181 Plato ciiARMiNr, tme wild hearts with his music From a Manuscript of NizamT By Madhu Khanahzad SCHOOL OF AKHAR The Court of Shah Jauan By Anupchatar. About A.D. 1640 Plate 185 Portrait of Mirza Nauzak Portrait of 'he Physician of Akbar Signed Mir Hashim SCHOOL OF SHAH JAHAN Plate 190 i i; f V! I 1 f 'A' 1 f (;■' H f \ i i ' 1 V 1 ;/ V I Portrait of KhalIl Allah Kuan (t A.D. 1662), Grandfather of Amir Khan. By Muhammad Nadir of Samarqand Plate 191 Portrait of Asaf KhSn (t A.D. 1641) By Nadir Muhammad of Samarqand Plate 195 Portrait of MIr Mliuammad Sa'Id Mir Jumi.ah By Gnvardhan SIIAI! jAIIAN SCHOOL I Plate 198 Plate 204 Portrait of Shavista Khan > Plate 206 Oil Painting on Canvas in the style of Bihzad SCHOOL OF AKBAR A.D. 1556-1605 Plates 209, 210 ! i 1 lit * I I 1 The first two leaves of a copy of the Akbar Namah, executed for the Emperor Akbar Plates 211. 212 Portraits of Humayun SCHOOL OF SHAH JAIIAN Plate 219 A PARTlilDGK B}' Mansur SCHOOL OF JAIIANGIR I SCHOOL OF JAHANGIR Plate 226 Plate 232 Imitation of an Italian engravinq- Datcd A.D. 1576 TURKISH SCHOOL I' I Plate 239 ill 1/ ij_ ^p. j-^iA; J, ij-'j •yiii^y^'i/i.'^u.j.'ii slij^^jC jCl,;.,c?"--u.i>^-j^ijl5j.()U^i,/Xi-rtSf-,<;^i>.^jS-'jCiji ^^'n.^j^AXr-^ y.jun.^j>ii.:K ^f--:^t-pi«j.-;i:.i- ii/;'i^i>i^ t;. u., -ji jtji I, .i^^u kit-^jt, i^'^-f ^^}' iy^ •■• '■i'' -lie?:.! ^ t. -j-vi V ■-i^w;i.:;i..:,4i.,i;^^->:.i.:,.f_>i>''j^o;/ 1 r-