Telegraphic Address i "GALHRADA, LONDON." Telephone No. 1117, MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attentioQ of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Pastel, to the works of Mr. E. F. Wells, the clever painter of Portraits In Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Hubert Coop and Mr. Gregory Robinson, exceptionally clever painters of Marine and Landscape Pictures in Oil and Water Colour, and to the exceedingly fine Portraits of Horses by Mr, Lynwood Palmer. THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OP FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Rbstored. Valuations madk for Probate or otherwisb. Collections Classified and Arranged. GowANs's Art Books npHIS Series, published at a very low price and con- taining Sixty beautifully-printed reproductions of the best pictures oi the great masters, is intended to give the lover of art a general idea of the style and characteristics of the most famous painters of the world. No. I. — The Masterpieces of Rubens No. 2. — The Masterpieces of Van Dyck No. 3. — The Masterpieces of Rembrandt No. 4. — The Masterpieces of Raphael No. 5. — The Masterpieces of Reynolds No. 6. — The Masterpieces of Teniers No. 7. — The Masterpieces of the Early Flemish Painters No. 8. — The Masterpieces of Titian No. 9. — The Masterpieces of Franz Hals No. 10. — The Masterpieces of Murillo. No. II. — The Masterpieces of Wouwerman No. 12. — The Masterpieces of Velazquez No. 13. — The Masterpieces of Holbein No. 14. — The Masterpieces of Veronese others in Preparation. Prices: Parchment Covers, 6d. Net. Cxx»th, is. Net. Leather, 2s. Net. Postage, id. Each. Gowans & Gray, Ltd.^ London & Glasgow The . . . Connoisseur treafA on off Bufifecfa {nttrt&dnci to Coffecfors and pttBom of cuffure> THE articles arc written by acknowledged experts, and are illustrated by unique photographs and drawings of im* portant examples and collections from every part of the world. The high standard of excellence by which the magazine has been distinguished during the three years of its publication is fully maintained, and when bound it forms a standard work of reference. If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production of a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and interesting publication. 1«. NcT. 12*. Pen Annum, op all BooxasLUKiia. 16«. Post Prbb for thk Unitko Kinqoom. 17«. Post Frcc fou Abroad. Publishers: l Carmelite House, E.G. Advertising & Editorial Offices: 95 Temple Chambers, E.C Drawings , . . from the Old Masters. 'THESE artistically got up little books are uniform in size with Gowans's Art Books, and will be found of absorbing interest by every student of Art. FIRST SERIES.— Containing sixty reproductions of Drawings by famous Artists in the Albertina Gallery, Vienna. SECOND SERIES. — Containing sixty reproduc- tions of Drawings by great Japanese Artists in the British Museum, London, Selected by Laurence Binyon. THIRD SERIES. — Containing sixty reproductions of Drawings by Dutch and Flemish Masters in the State Museum, Amsterdam. FOURTH SERIES.— Containing sixty reproduc- tions of Drawings by famous Artists in the British Museum, London. Selected by Sidney Colvin. Paper Cover. 6d. Net. Each, Gloth, is Net. Each. Postage. Id. Each. OCWANS ^ GRAY, Ltd., London ^ Glasgow. MODERN GERMAN ARTISTS THE PLATES IN OUR NEW WORK NOW COMPLETED One Hundred Masters IN COLOURED REPRODUCTION KEACH THE HIGH-WATER MARK OF EXCELLENCE IN COLOUR-PRINTING They are published in Twenty Parts at Two Shillings net each, and the Publishers will be pleased to send a Specimen Copy of Part I., containing five magnificent Plates, Post Free on receipt of P.O. for 2s. PRICE Bound Compleie in One Volume^ Half Crushed Persian^ Gilt Edges^ 42^". net GO WANS & GRAY. Ltd., London and Glasgow OF THE Present LES CHEFS D^CEUVRE DE LA POESIE LYRIQUE ^ ^ FRANCAISE ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b Selected, with Biographical Introductions, by AUGUSTE DORCHAIN, the well -known French Poet and Critic. Les Chefs-d*CEuvre lyriques de Ronsard et de son Ecole. Les Chefs-d'CEuvre lyriques d'Alfred de Musset. Les Chefs-d'CEuvre lyriques d^Andre Chenier. Others to follow. These pretty little volumes contain the best poems, and those only, of the authors included. Price of each volume: in parch?nent cover ^ Qd. net.; in cloth^ l.r. net.; in leather,^ 2j-. net.; postage^ Id. extra. J' GOWANS ^ GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow. THE GETTY CE^^T?^ R LIBRA Uniform with out "Pockbt Anthologiis* Le Cento migliori Liriche della Lingua italiana SCELTE DA LUIGI RICCI The selection has been made by Signer Luigi Ricci, who is Professor of the Italian Language and Literature at King's College, London, and the Publishers believe that it will be welcomed in the same hearty way by students of Italian as their other Anthologies. PRICES Papery td. net Cloth^ \s. net Leather ^ 25, net Postage^ id, GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow MISCELLANEOUS NEW SIXPENNIES CHRISTMAS, 1907 THE MASQUE OF THE TWO STRANGERS BY LADY ALIX EGERTON A delightful little play which was performed with great success at Stafford House. PARCHMENT COVER, 6d, NET. POST FREE, 7d. PILGRIM'S PASSAGE BY THE Rev. a. BOYD SCOTT, B.D. Seven pleasant addresses in a simple and uncon- ventional style dealing with man's pilgrimage through this world. PARCHMENT COVER, 6d. NET. POST FREE, 7d. CHARDIN AND HIS TIMES BY HERBERT E. A. FURST WITH 24 ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE SAHB STYLE AS OUR ART BOOKS. A lecture delivered at the Whitechapel Art Gallery. Deals with the great French painter in a popular and very instructive way. PARCHMENT COVER, 6d. NET. POST FREE, 7d. Gowans & Gray, Ltd., London & Glasgow GowANs's Art Books, No. 13 The Masterpieces of Holbein CARSON & NICOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EDINBURGH. 49 Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artiste QVallace Collection^ London) {Collection Wallace^ Londres) Selbstbildnis {London^ Sammlung Wallace) F, llan/staengl^ Photo. THE MASTERPIECES OF HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER Sixty reproduciions of photographs from the original paintings^ principally by F. Hanfstaengl, affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1908 First Edition^ December^ 1907. Reprinted, January, igo8. JN order ihat this volutne might present as representative a selection as possible of the masterpieces of Holbein, the publishers have follo7ved Mr. Davies*s large and authoritative monograph. Of the pictures that foUoiv Mr. Davies accepts fully as genuine those on pages /, 6-jo, 12-21, ^j, 24y 26-40, 43-49, S^-54, 63, and 64, Regarding those on pages 11, 22, 2J, 41, 42, jo, SO-62, Mr. Davies considers that reasonable doubt exists, and cannot therefore with certainty either afjirtn or deny their authenticity. The publishers beg to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness with which he has permitted them to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of Art will no doubt wish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures than these given in this little book, zvhich are necessarily very S7nall. The publishers beg to rep'er such readers to (ages 6^ et seq., for particulars. 6 The Artist's Wife and La Ficmme et les deux Enfants Children de ..Artiste iPaliery, Basel) {Gucerie, Bale) Die Frau und Kinder des Kunstlers {Basel, Galerie) W. A. Manseli ^ Co., Photo, 7 Henry VIII. Henri VII!. {Earl Spencer, Althorp) (Comte Spencer, Althorp) Heinrich VIII. {Althorpy Graf Spencer) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 8 QiTEEN Jane Seymour La Reine Jane Seymour {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie imperiale^ Vienne) KoNiGiN Jane Seymour (IVien, Kaiser/. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. Queen Anne of Cleves La Reine Anne de Cleves {Louvre, Paris) {Louv?-e^ Paris) Konigin Anna von Cleve {Paris, Louvre) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. lO Queen Catherine Howard La Reine Catherine Howard {IVindsor Castle) {Galerie royale, IVindsor) KoNiGiN Katharina Howard (JVmdsor, Kgl. Schloss) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, , Edward VI. Edouard VI. (JMuseum^ Hanover) (Musee, Hanovre) Eduard VI. (^Hannover y Museufti) v.- A. Bruckmann^ Phoio, Christina of Denmark Christine de Danemark {^National Gallery ^ London) {Galerie nationale, Londres) Christine von Danemark {London, Nationalgalerie) F. Han/siaengl, Photo. 13 William Warham, Guillaume Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury Archeveque de Cantorb6ry {Louvre, Paris) {Louvre, Paris) Wilhelm Warham, Erzbischof von Canterbury {Paris, Louvre) IV. A. Manse U Co., Photo, E Duke of Norfolk Le Due de Norfolk (IVmdsor Castle) {Galerie royale^ Windsor) Dek Herzog von Norfolk (H^ indsory Kgl. Schloss) F, Hanfstaengl. Phoio. Sir Brian Tuke Sir Brian Tuke {Pinakothek, Munich) [Pinacotkeque, Munich) Sir Brian Tuke {Milnchen, Pinakothek) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, id Sir Henry Guildford Sir Henri Guildford {Windsor Castle) {Galerie royale, Windsor) Sir Henry Guildford {Windsor, Kgl. Schloss) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 17 x8 Sir Richard Southwell Sir Richard Southwell {Louvre^ Paris) {Louvre, Paris) Sir Richard Southwell {Paris, Louvre) W, A. Mansell 6^ Co,, Photo, Sir Henry Wyatt Sir Henri Wyatt (^Louvre, Paris) {Louv/e, Paris) Sir Henry Wyatt {Paris, Louvre) W. A, Mansell eriale, Vienne) Dr. Johann Chambfps {Wien^ Kaiser L Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 36 Geokge GissE, Merchant Le N6gociant George Gisse {Royal Gallery^ Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) Der Kaufmann Georg Gisse {Berlin, Kgl. Gale?''e) F. Han/staengl, Photo. Robert Cheseman, Robert Cheseman, Falconer to Henry VIII. Fauconnier de Henri VIII. {Royal Gallery, The Hague) {Musee royal, La Haye) Robert Cheseman, Falkner Heinrichs VIII. {Haag, Kg I. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengly Photo. 38 Thomas Godsalve and his Son Thomas Godsalve et son Fils {Royal Gallery, Dresden) {Galerie royale^ Dresde) Thomas Godsalve mit seinem Sohnk {Dresden, Kgl. Gaierie) F. Hanfstaengl, Phoio, 39 Derich Tybis Derich Tybis {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie imperiaht Vienne) Derich Tybis {IVien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F, Han/staenglt Photo, 40 s Hans of Antwerp Hans d'Anvers ^Windsor Castle) {Galerie royalty Windsor) Hans von Antwerpen {Windsor^ Kgl. Schloss) F. Hanfstacngl^ Photo. 41 Sir William Butts Sir William Butts (At one time in the {Autrefois a la National Gallery, London) Galerie nationale, Lomhes) Sir William Butts {Einst in der Nationalgalerie, London) Han/staengl, Photo, 42 Lady Butts Lady Butts (A^ one time in the {Autrefois a la National Gallery^ London) Galerie nationale, Londres) Lady Butts {Einsi in der Nationalgalerie^ London) F, Han/staengl, Photo, 43 Portrait of a Young Man Portrait de jeune Homme {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal^ Berlin) BiLDNIS EINES JUNGEN ManNES (^Berlin, Kj^l. Galerie) F, Han/staengl^ Photo, 44 ^^^^^^^^^^ > % \ \ f ! fx 1 m m Portrait of a Woman Portrait dk Femme {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie imperiale, Vienne) BiLDNIS EINER FrATJ {IVien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) {Gakrie imperiale, Vienne) BlLDNlS EINES MaNNES (IVien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F. Han/siae?igl, Photo. POKTRAIT OF A MaN PoRTRAlT d'HoMME (Jm/erial Gallery^ Vienna) (Galerie ifn/>eriale, Vienne) BiLDNIS EINES MaNNES (IVien, Kaiser I. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 47 Portrait of a Woman Portrait de Femme {IfnJ>erial Gallery y Vienna) {Gale^-ie impMale^ Vienne) BlLDNIS ETNER FrAU {Wien, Ka'serl. Galerie) F. Han/stc:engl, Photo. Portrait of an Elderly Portrait d' Homme AVANCit en Man Age {Royal Gallery^ Berlin) {MusSe royal, Berlin) BlLDNIS EINES ALTEREN MaNNES {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 49 Portrait of a Young Man Portrait de jeune Hommr {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) BiLDNIS EINES JUNGEN MaNNES {Berlin, Kg I. Galerie) F. H anfstaen^li Photo. 62 Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Hommk {Royal Gallery , Thi Hague) {Musee royal^ La Haye) BlLDNlS EINES MaNNES {Haag, Kgl. Galerie) f^. Han/staengl, PhotQ, I 51 Portrait of an Old Man Portrait d'Homme Aofi {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) BiLDNIS EINES ALTEN MaNNKS {Madrid, Prado) J^. Hanfsiaengl, Photo. The Ambassadors Les Ambassadeurs {National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationale, Londres) Die Gesandten {London, Nat ionalgalerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 53 The Nativity La NATiviTit {Cathedralt Freiburg) {Cathedrale^ Friburg) Die Geburt Christi {^Freiburg i.B., Miinster) G. Robcke, Photo, 54 — The Adoration of the Magi L'Adoration des Mages {Cathedral^ Freiburg) {Caikedrale^ Friburg) Die Anbetung der Weisen {^Freiburg t.B., Milnster) G. Robcke, Photo, Christ praying at Gethsemane La Pri^re de J6sus a Geths6mani {Gallery, Basel) {Galerie^ Bale) Christi gebet am Olberg {Basel, Galerie) IV. A, ManscU 6- Co., Fhoto. HE Kiss of Judas Le Batser de Judas {GaUeryt Basel) {Galerie, Bale) Der Kuss des Judas {Basel, Galerie) W. A. Manse II &^ Co., Photo, Christ before the High Le Christ devant le Grand Priest Pretre {Gallery, Basel) {Galerie, BAle^. Christus vor dem Hohenpriester {Basel, Galerie) IV , A. Manse II <5r' Co., Photo. 58 Christ scourged La Flagellation ifialUry^ Basely {GaleriCt Bale) Die Geisselung {Basely Galerie) W. A. Mansell Co., Photo. Christ mocked Le Christ bafoue {gallery, Basel) {Galerie, Bale) Die Verspottung Christi {Basely Galerie) W. A. Mansell ^ Co,, Photo. ^RIST BEARING THE CrOSS J^SUS PORTANT LA CrO {^Gallery, Basel) {Galerie, Bale) Die Kreuztragung {Basel, Gaurie) W. A, Mansell dr» Co., Photo. Chktst on the Cross Lb Christ fn Croix {Gallery, Basel) {Galerie, Bale) Christus am Kreuz {Basel, Galerie) W. A. Mansell &^ Co., Photo. The Entombment La Mise au Tombeau {Gallery^ Basel) {Galerie^ Bale) Die Grablegung Christi {Basel, Galerie) W. A. Mansell ^ Co., Fhotp. 63 The Madonna of Solothurn La Madone de Soleure {Gallery^ Solothurn) {Galerie, Soleure) Die Madonna von Solothurn [Solothurn, Gale?'ie) Jleproduced from a carbon prijit by Jirauu, CJenient & Co., Dornach. The Madonna of Burgomaster La Madone du Bourgmestke Meier Meier {Grand-ducal Gallery^ {Chateau grand-ducaly Darmstadt) Darmstadt) Madonna des Burgermeisters Meier {Darmstadt, Grossherz. Schloss) H anfstaengl. Photo. 66 A Complete List of Published Photographs of HOLBEIN'S PICTURES to he had of Mr, Frari% Hanfstaengly l6 Pall Mall East, London, SJV. SIZES AND PRICES or PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (io''x 8") SilverPrint, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/. R = Royal (is^x 12") - - ,, 6/- I = Imperial (21" X 16") - - 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" X 20^") - ,, 30/- E = Extra (34i"x26") - - „ 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordtfitig- it is essentiml that both Galltry and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. TlTL». Gallery. No. Size, a 5 a 2 Portrait of Desiderius Erasmus, - Antwerp B E F I Portrait of a Man, B Fat 5/ The Virgin aud Child (M.tnr Basle B F at 5/ R A 8choolina«ter teaching two workmen to write, •* B I A Bchooltn aster and his VfiU teaching; children, - M B I Adam with Eve who is holdiug the AppU. .... t* B F at 5/ R Christ Crowned with Thorns, - B F at 5/ Mater Dolorosa, .... *t Jtt Fat 5/ Ths Last Supper, .... B F at 5/ I The Body of Jvsus Christ laid in the roinb. .... B F at 5/ I B Profile Bust of Erasmus, writing. turned to the left. • B F at 5/ I Head of a Saiut, - - . . B F at 5/ Head of a Saint, .... B Fats/ Portrait of the Burgomaster Jacob Meier " xum H*s«u,' . B F at 5/ 1 Portrait of Doroth^e Kannen- giesser, his wife. B F at 5/ 1 Port! ait of Erasmus (Miniature), B Fats/ Portraits of Holbein, Wif«, and two Children, * B F at 5/ 1 6(5 A lAdjr of the Family of Offen- bourg, represented mm Venut, a nude figure of a child at her •ide, - - - - - The Pasition of Christ; Altar Piece in eight compartments, A Lady of the Family of Offen- bourg, ** Lais Coriuthiac*." - Portrait of Boniface Amerbacb, - Bust of Jean Frobeu, - Portrait of a London Merchant in Fur Habit, Portrait of the Merchant Georg Gisze, - - . - Portrait of a Man, Portrait of a Young Man, - Portrait of an Old Man, Portrait of Eiasmus, reading, three-qu;irter length. Portrait of Thomas More, Chan- cellor of England, - The " Meyer " Madonna, The Meyer " Madonna, Portrait of More tte. Portrait of Sir Thomas God M M M M M M M M 171 339 523 529 B L 263 F at 5/ I I F at 5/ I F at 5/ I Fats/ Fats/ FRI FacsE F R I F 11 I F R Fat 5/ F R RI FBI Facs E R I Facs F R I I I F I F R at 8/ I F R at 8/ 1 F at 5/ F at 5/ I F Pat 5/ I FRI F 11 I F R F Sepia Plitinotype at 3/ F R Facs E F R I K FRI FRI fF at 3/611 ] (Silver V I uly) j F 11 67 Portrait of Nlcolai Kra^z«r. Astronomer to Henry VIII., Portrait ot William Warliaui, Archbishop of Canterbary, 1504, Portrait of Erasmus, . - - Portrait of au Old Man, Portrait of Thomas More, be- headed 1SS8, . . . . Portrait of Anne of Clives, 4 th wife of Henry VIII., - Portrait of Sir Kichard South- well, Portrait of a Man, Portrait of an Unknown Man, - Portrait of Erasmus of Rotter- dam, - . - . . Portrait of Luther, Portrait of Luther's Wife, - Half-length Portrait of Brasmns, Portrait of a Man, La Madone de S jleure (Zelter), • Portrait of Margareta Ziffer, Portrait of Jane Seymour, 3rd wife of Henry VIIL, - Po trait of a Lady, Portrait of a Man— Portrait of a Lady, Portrait of John Chambers, (?) Physician to Henry VIII,, - Portrait of a Man, ... Portt-ait of Dick Tybls, Gallkrt. No. SlZK. Paris, I>ouTre B — F at 5/ I B F 5/ I B F ;it 5/ I B F «t 5/ B F at 5/ B F at 5/ I B F at 5/ 1 B F at 5/ Parma, Pi na^oteca F A L F Rome, Corsini A F St. Petersburg F K I ft Soleure B T B F at 5/ 1 E 1 Palermo, | -! Chiaromonte > A L F 1 Bordonaro | Vieana 292 B RI 293 F {is} R 296 B R I 297 R 298 B R I es PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. TlTL Gallbrt. No, 8l7B a 3 a Portrait of a Youiif Man, - Cook Tt Fat 5/ Portrait of Don Ju»n of Austria, Czartoryski, Paris B V at 5/ P Ttrait of Anne Boleyn, B F ^t 5/ Portrait •i Thomas Mora, • B Fats/ Jrortrall ol Henry Vlli., / DeTonsh're, \ \ Chatsworth J 30 F R Portrait ©f G. d* Meunf, called Clopinel, Farrer B Fats/ Portrait of Edward VI., n F at 5/ Portrait of a Man (Bust), Liechtenstein B F at 5/ 1 Portrait ef J"dfe More, Portrait of John Cmlvin, Pembroke B Spencer 33 F Port-aitof the Artist. - 34 F Portrait of Henry VIII., Princess Marf, and William Somers, the Jester, .... J, 35 F R Portrait of Henry VIII , 36 F R Portraitof Henry VIII., - Windsor 38 F R I Portrait of Id ward VI., three- quarter le'^gth. 39 F R Portrait of Edward VI. standing, 40 F R I Six Medal Por^raita (Heary VIII., Henry VIII. In his 3 th yc*r, Qaeen Catherine Howard, Lady and Bey, Henry Bran- don, •Idest son ef Duke of Suffolk ; Charles Brandon, yonnfeit sou of Duke of Suffolk). 41 F R Portrait of Sir Henry Guildford, 1527, B41 F R I Portrait of the Duke of Norfolk, *3 FK I Portrait of a Merchant in tie " Steelyard " of f-ondon, 1532, 44 F R Portrait of Dierich Born, - Portrait of Dr. Stokesley, Bishop B45 B R I of London, 46 FR Holbein Drawings at Windsor Castle. Average Size, 10x8 inches. First Series. Price ^5 5s. bound complete, or 5s. each. 1. Queen Jane Seymour, "Wife of Hsnry VIIT. 2. Edward, Princ* of W»les, afterwards Edward VI. 3. S.r Thos. More. *. Sir John More, Father of Sir Thos. More. 5. Elizabeth D&ncy, Daughter of Sir Thos. More. 6. Cicely Heron. Daughter of Sir Thos, More. 7. John More, Son of Sir Thos. More. 8. Anne Crfsacre, Wife of bir Thos. More. 9. Margaret Clement, a relative of Sir Thus. Mor«. 10. (ti Mother Jack, Nurse to Edward VI. 11. Si- Henry Guildford, K G. 12. William Warhatc, Archbishop of Canterbury. 15. John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. 14. John Russell. Earl of Bedford, K.G. 15. William Parr, Marquis of Northampton, K.G. 16. Thomas Boleyii, Earl of W Itshi e and Ormonde. K.G. (?) 17. William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton, K.G. 18. Edward Stanley, Earl Derby, K G. 19. George Brooke, Lord Co^ham, K.G. 20. Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, afterwards Duke of Norfolk. 21. The same. 22. Francis, Wife of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. 23. Thomas. Lord Vaux. 24. Lady Vaux. 25. Unknown. 26. Catherine, fourth Wife of Ch. Braufion, Duke of Suff. Ik. 27. Elizabeth, Wife of Sir Heury Parker. 28. Jane, Wif« of Sir R. Lister, 29. Lady Ratcliffe. 30. Joan, Wife of R. Zouch (?) 31. Thomas, Lord Vaux. 32. Sir Thomas Wiatt 35. Sir John Gage, K.G. 34. Sir Richard SouthweU. 55. Charles Wingfleld(?) 36. Sir John Gt dsalre. 37. Sir Nicolas Poiutz. 38. Sir Thomas Klyot. 39. Margaret, Wife of Sir Thomas Elyot. 40. Sir Philipp Hobby. 41. Elizabeth, Wife of Sir Phillpp Hobby. 42. 45. 44, 45. Unknown. 46. Sir Thos. Parry. 47. John Poyntz. 48. John Reskimer. 49. Simon George of Quocote. 50. 51, 52. Unknown. S3. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's :?) 64. Nicholas Bourbon (?) 70 Holbein Drawings at Windsor Castle— c^?^//. Second Series. Price £7, 15s. bound complete, or 5s. each. 1. Edward VI. 2. Anne of Cleve*. 3. Sir 'I'homas Weiitworth. 4. Sir William Sherington. 5. Edward, L .rd Clinton. 6. Sir Thos. Lestrange. 7. Unknown. 8. Sir George Carew. 9. Kich, Lord Chancellor. 10. Elizabeth, Wife of the former. 11. Unknown. 12. Lady Henegham. 13. Lady Butts. 14. Marchione-'B of Dorset. 15. Lady Mary, afterwards Queen. 16. Lady Meutas. 17. Unknown. 18. Sir Thomas More. 19. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. 20. Sir Gawen Carew. 21. Catherine, Wife of William, Lord Borough. 22. Lady Monteagle. 23. Mary, Wife of Henry, Duke of Richmond. 24 and 25. Unknown. 26. N. Poines. Knight. 27. LadyAudley. 28. Four Miniatures: Lady Aaidley. Charle s younger San < f Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Catherine Howard, fifth Wife of Henry VIIL Henry, eldest Son of Charles, Duke of Suffolk. The Children's Bookshelf IRETTY little Books with about a dozen coloured illustrations by wcll-knowa artists. No. X.— THE UGLY DUCKLING, by Hans Andersen. Coloured illustrations by Stewart Orr. a.— LITTLE KLAUS AND BIG KLAUS, by Hans Andersen. Coloured illustrations by Charles Pears. No. 3._THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, by Robert Browninc* Coloured illustrations by Charles Robinson. No. 4.--THE STORY OF CHANTICLEER. Re-told from Chaucer, by R. Brimley Johnson. Coloured iHustrations by Stewart Orr. FmoB, 6d. Each in Parchmknt Covbrs. Post Frek 7». GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd^ Londoa & Glasgow Price Sixpence Each Net "Pcautifully'produced little volumes in parchment covers, with pretty designs in colour by Charles Robinson. No. I. -SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE. By Mrs. Browningf. No. 2.— A ROYAL PRINCESS AND OTHER POEMS. By Christina G. Rossetti. No. 3.— THE STORY OF RICHARD DOUBLEDICK. By Charles Dickens. No. 4.— LAMIA. By John Keats. No. 5.— HUNTED DOWN. By Charles Dickens. No. 6.-ENOCH ARDEN. By Lord Tennyson. No. 7.— THE HAPPY LIFE. From Seneca. No. 8. -HAMLET. A Tale from Shakespeare. By Charles Lamb. No. 9. — OTHELLO. A Tale from Shakespeare. By Charles Lamb. No. 10.— KING LEAR. A Tale from Shakespeare. By Charles Lamb. No. II.— THE DESERTED VILLAGE AND OTHER POEMS. By Oliver Goldsmith. No. 12.-FRIENDSHIP. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow