A CATALOGUE OF THE Houfhold Furniture, BOOKS of PRINTS, HARPSICHORD, ano MUSICK, Bay manag’d HORSE,. POST CHARIOT, And Other Effects, , O F Sir WILLIAM BRETON, Deceafed, Which (by Order of the Administrator) will be Sold by AUCTION, By Meff. LANGFORDS, On Wednefday , the 24th of March , 1773, and the three following Days, At his late Dwelling-Houfe in Cliffbrd-Street , the Corner of Burlmgton-Street. * The faid HOUSE and EFFECTS may be viewed on Monday the 2zd,_ and every Day after till the Time of Sale, which* will begin each Day punctually at Twelve o’Clock. CATALOGUES of the Goods may be had on the Days of Viewing, at Meffrs. Langfords aforefaid; and alfo fe- perate Catalogues of the Books. CONDITIONS of SALE as ufual. PLATE, LINEN, CHINA, PICTURES, DRAWINGS, LIBRARY, Firft Day’s Sale, JVednefday , March. 24, Numb. I. The Garrets . In the Front Garret. 1,0 T . a Font- poll bedftead, with camblet furniture , A A feather-bed andboltfter, 4 blankets and a. coverlid 3 Three chairs, and a large linen-cheil covered with leather In the Clofet . a. Two mori'ne window curtains In i he little hack Garret. » An half teller bedhead, with blue camblet furniture 6 A feather-bed, bollter, 3 blankets, and a quilt pj A window curtain and rod, a japan’d table* a leather truntc* a chair, 3 jars, and a bafon Numb. II. The middle Garret. 1 Two old ftoves, a chaifetrunk, & 3 others cover’d with leather 2 A remnant of morine, 2 old bed-ticks, 2 quilts, 1 blanket, a boltfter, and fome hair line 3 Three leather portmanteaus, fome old bridles, 3 cane win- dow blinds, an elbow chair, 2 others, an ironing board, fome old packing cafes, 2 leather trunks, & 2 bird cages The LEASE of the PREMISSES, Which are three ftories, high, and confift, on the upper Floor, of' 4 fervants bed chambers, 2 of which have chimnies On the Attic Story. A large well proportion’d room, with a marble chimney piece and flab, and crimfon flock paper hangings ( 3 ) A bed-chamber, with an arch’d recefs for a bed, hung with the fame paper ; and there are 3 large and light clofets On the principal Floor. A drawing room hung with crimfon flock paper, flucco’d del- ing, and a marble chimney piece, with gilt mouldings A library, hung with crimfon flock paper, with a marble chim- ney piece and flabs, and a drefling room On the ground Floor . A neat dining parlour, hung with green flock paper, flucco’d deling and cornice, and a marble chimney piece, ornament- ed with carved and gilt mouldings A hall, with a chimney and a bed-chamber for a fervant The flair cafe is neatly linifhed ; and there is alfo a back flair cafe Below Stairs. A light convenient kitchen, fitted up with dreflers and (helves, and dewing ftoves ; a back kitchen, with dreflers' and (helves ; a complete pantry, a powdering room, a wine vault, with brick binns, a beer vault, 2 coal vaults, and a fcul- lery, with a lead fink ; behind the houfe, a large airy yard, with a door opening into ClifFord-Street ThefaidPremiflesareheldbyleafefor a term of 7 years and a half, to come from Lady-day, 1773, fubjed to the payment of a ground rent of 7 £. per annum ; and together with the feveral fixtures fpecified in the fchedule annexed to the leafe, will be put up at— —whatever fum the company (hall ap- prove Numb. III. The check Bed-chamber, two Pair of Stairs forward. 1 A Bath ftove, (hovel, tongs, 2 fenders, bellows, and bru(h 2 Two deal painted book (helves, 2 matted chairs, and a deal. table 3 A 4-poft bedflead, with red and white check furniture 4 Two mattrafles, a bolder, and 2 pillows' 5 Four blankets and a quilt 6 A fine white callico quilt 7 Three check feftoon window curtains 8 A chimney glafs in a painted frame ( 4 ) 0 A large japan clothas prefs _ jo Two oval Iconces in party gilt frames 1 1 A mahogany bureau 12 A mahogany night ftool, a walnut-tree elbow chair, and a fmall mahogany cupboard 13 A writing box, 3 leather cafes, 2 filk damalk ditto, a pair J of mahogany brackets, a hiking rod, and a whip 1 4 A violin and cafe j 5 Four large prints of landfcapes framed and glaz’d, by Gtufy 16 Five ditto, the Earl of Bute, Bellifarius, and 3 others 1 7 Thirteen Ioofe prints 1 8 A half length of Lord Bolingbroke 19 A ditto of a lady 20 Two ditto of the King and Queen si A portrait in crayons In the Back Room. 22 A portrait half length, 2 chimney blinds, 3 hair trunk, 3 iron rods, and a mufick hand 23 A fix-leav’d gilt leather fcreen, 2 plaiftcr bulls, 4 vafes, and 3 maps Numb. IV. Fire Arms, &c* 1 A brafs mounted fowling piece, by Griffin 3 A ditto, by ditto 3 A pair of heel and filver mounted pillols, by ditto 4 A fteel mounted fowling piece, with agold touch-hole, by Smart 5 A filver hilted fword 6 A Heel inlaid ditto 7 A filter mounted hanger and bell Numb. V. Linen . 1 Two damalk table cloths, and 12 napkins 3 Two ditto, and ditto 3 One diaper table cloth, and 1 2 napkins 4 One ditto, and ditto 5 Three diaper table cloths, and 1 8 napkins 6 Three ditto, and ditto 7 Five diaper table cloths 8 Four ditto 9 Two ditto table cloths, and 1 3 fine napkins »o One old diaper tablecloth, 12 glafs cloths, and 6 diaper long towels r 11 Nine ( 5 ) 1 1 Nine old draper long towels, & 2 doz. & a half of fhort ditto 12 Nine ditto, and 2 dozen and a half of fhort ditto 13 Three dozen and 10 breakfaH fring’d towels 14 Two pair large Ruflia iheets, and 2 pair of pillow cafes 15 Two pair ditto, a nd ditto 16 Two pair ditto, a nd ditto 17 Two pair of Holland fheets, and one odd ditto 1 8 Two pair of fervant’s fheets 1 9 Two pair ditto 20 Three pair ditto 2 1 Three pair ditto Z 2 Four kitchen towels, 18 dufters, and 6 knife cloths Numb. VI. The Hall and Stair-Cafe. 1 A Bath flove fet in Hone, fhovel, tongs, poker, and fender 2 A deal painted cloths prefs, and 4 hall chairs 3 A marble fide table 4 Three mahogany fide lanthorns, glafs fhades and hooks 3 Scotch carpetting to the hr ft flight of flairs, and 4 matt? 6 A mahogany two flap dining table 7 An eight day clock, by Arnold In Mr. piper's Room adjoining. 8 A 4-poft bedftead, with green lincey furniture 9 A feather-bed, a pillow, 3 blankets, and a quilt Second Day’ s Sale, Thurfday , March 2 5 . Numb. YII, 5 The Kitchen. 1 A range, cheeks, keeper, iron back, crane, and hooks. 2 A large iron fendei, a fhovel, tongs, poker, a hanging iron, a pair of fpit racks, a gridiron, 3 trevets, a footman, 2 cleavers, a falamander, a beef-fork, 2 frying-pans, 6 flat irons, 2 box irons, 2 Hands, a meal faflner, an iron candleftick, and 3 pair of fnuffers 3 A jack complete, with multiplying wheels, & lead weight 4 Two copper boiling pots, and 1 cover 3 A copper fifh kettle, plate, and cover 6 Two ditto Hewing pans 7 Six ditto faucepans, and 4 covers 8 A tea kettle, a coal fcuttle, a bottle ciftern, a chocolate pot, and two warming pans 9 Two ( 6 ) 9 Two pair of French plate candle flicks and noflils, 5 flat brif* eandlefticks, 2 high dit. a peflle & mortar, & a ladle & flice 10 A brafs plate warmer, a japan’d ditto, and a brafs pail 1 1 Twenty-four pewter table plates, and 6 diihes 1 2 Eighteen dit. plates, 5 difhes, a funnel, an ink ftand & 2 pans 13 A floor cloth, 7 chairs, a ftool, a wainfcot flap table, 2 deal ditto, a. walnut-tree corner cupboard, a deal ditto, a marble mortar and peflle, a mahogany tea board and waiter Numb. VIII. Sundries. 1 1 A miniature of a lady in a fhagreen cafe ftudded 2 Two gold feals, a mourning ring, 3 ftone rings, a garnet hoop ring, a fmall miniature, and a gold fitting of a ring 3 A pair of ftone knee buckles, an odd ditto, a pair of fleeve buttons, a pencil cafe, a filver medal, z fpunge boxes, 2 filver eggs, a nutmeg grater, a flock buckle, and fome bitts of gold and filver lace 4 An agate fnufF box, a tortoifefhell ditto, and 3 papier ditto 5 An enamell’d fnufF box, an ivory ditto, a metal ditto, 3 P a ^ r fpe&acles, a fteel feal, and a reading glafs 6 d liree miniatures, a pocket fun dial, 2 fpying glafles, and three ivory quadrille boxes 7 A pair of fteel fnuffers, 2 pen knives, a rule, 2 pocket glafles, 4 lapus lazuli tops and bottoms for fnufF boxes, & 2 others 8 Two fmall candle fcreens mounted with filver, 2 ivory tooth. pick cafes, fome ivory fifties and counters, fundry fmall fhagreen cafes, fnufF boxes, &c. 9 Fifteen filver, and two copper coins 10 A parcel of fifhing tackle, a pair of money fcales & weights, 4 powder horns, a powder tryer, 10 gun chargers, fome agate counters, tennis balls, &c. 11 Two German flutes, by Schucbart , in a cafe 12 Two ditto, and a common flute 13 A box, containing a parcel of tools Numb. IX, The Library , 1 A Bath flove fet in ftone .2 A chimney glafs, the plate 34 inches by 18, in a gilt frame 3 A mahogany 2 flap dining tabie 4 A mahogany bureau 5 A mahogany book cafe, with glaz’d doors and drawers, 8 ie*t 3 inches, by 4 feet 10 6 A ditto, with, a cloths prefs at bottom 7 Two nefts of mahogany book ‘helves B A (7 ) . $ A fmall barometer by Watkins and Smith, a plafter buft, and 2 mahogany brackets PICTURES, &c. 9 A portrait J-quart. of Brig. Breton 10 Ditto of the King of France OoupY ii Ruins and figures Br.ughkli 12. A landfcape and figures 13 Two, a fruit piece by. Cooper, and dead game 14 A view of a gentleman’s feat, 2 drawing 15 A ditto of Henley npon Thames, in water colours 16 Two mezzotintos of the King and Queen 17 Two, a gentleman on horfeback, and I of Mr. Handel Numb. X. Plate , &c. I A pair of filver candlefUcks 2. A flat ditto, and a fnuffer pan 3 A pair of butter boats 4 A fcallop’d waiter 5 Two fmaller ditto 6 A crewet frame, with 3 caftors 7 Two pair of gadroon’d falts, and 3 fpoons g A lhagreen cafe with 12 filver handled knives, 12 three- prong forks, and 1 2 fpoons o Di tt0 , , c , , 10 A ditto, with 6 defert knives, 6 three-prong forks, and 6 fpoons I I A fcallop’d foup ladle . , 12 A filver handled knife, fork, and fpoon, lii a. calc, ana 2 marrow fpoons . 13 Four bottle tickets, 8 tea fpoons, a pair of tongs, 2 limners, and a bougie 14 Eleven filver handled knives 1 5 A gold fnuff box * 16 A gold dumb repeater, by Delander, and a gold leal 17 A metal watch, by Arnold, in a filli firm cafe jg A mother of pearl fnuff box mounted in gold, and an agate ditto N um'p^ Numb. XI. Phe Dining Parlour i 1 A Bath ftove, fhovel, tongs, poker, fender, and brufli 2 Three green damafk fefloon window curtains 3 Six walnnt-tree chairs, with damafk feats 4 Three mahogany elbow chairs, with ditto feats 5 A pair of oval fconces, the plates 25 inches by 20 i-half la painted frames 6 Two mahogany card tables lined 7 A fine toil’d piano forte, by Zumph , and a muflc Hand 8 A lyrichord and cafe 9 A mahogany dumb waiter 10 A back-gammon table, boxes and men 1 1 Three pair of mahogany window blinds, a pole fire fcreeil^ and an ink Hand 12 A Scotch carpet 1 3 Twelve Prints of views in Rome, fram’d and glaz’d 3 4 Eight landfcapes. Sec. 15 A picture of a horfe and groom 16 A view of Greenwich Numb. XII. Wines. 1 Fifteen bottles of mountain, and 8 pints of old ditto 2 Five dozen of red port 3 Thirty bottles of old ditto 4 Seventeen bottles of Madeira, and 10 pints of claret 5 Five dozen aud a half of Lifbon »O<)O<><£> < ><>O<>O*O*OO<>O<>O < >©0O0OO< Third Day’s Sale, Friday , March 26 » Numb. XIII. The Back Kitchen , 1 A copper and iron work, fix’d 2 A lead ciftern 3 Three wafhing tubs, a chopping block, a tray, 3 clothes bafkets, a form, a coal tub, 2 pails, an iron mortar, 3 clothes horfes, 2 pair of fteps, a plate rack, & a bottle rack 4 Thirty-fix table plates, 12 defert ditto, 6 foup plates, 14 long difhes, 4 round ditto, 2 tureens and covers, a tureen difh, 2 fallad difhes, and 3 fifh plates, all of the Queen’s ware 5 A parcel of tin, ftone, and wood ware Pantry, In the Pantry. 6 A mahogany butler’s tray, a pair of fcales with 12 lean and brafs weights 7 Five leather bottle hands, 4 quart decanters with hoppers, , 4 pint ditto, 7 water glades, 4 crewets, 4 fait glades, and 4 cyder glaffes . 8 Five large wine-and-water glahes, ioengrav d wine giants, and 20 others 9 About clb. of wax candles, and 51b. of chocolate 10 Three lhagreen cafes with bottles, and a mahogany tea cheh . 1 1 A Dutch tea kettle, lamp, and hand, a coffee-pot, 2 maho* gany candle hands, and 2 leather cafes with bottles 5 6 8 9 10 1 1 12 23 H 15 18 39 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 26 with gold, and a ?old, and a Numb. XIV. Wearing Apparel. A plain blue cloth coat and breeches, and fcarlet cloth waihcoat A ditto coat and red waihcoat A light colour’d cloth fuit,. full trimm’d A blue cloth coat and waihcoat, laced pair of breeches A fcarlet cloth fuit laced with gold _ A light colour’d coat and waiiicoat laced with pair of breeches . , ,, , A light blue cloth coat and filk waihcoat, with goid lace, and a pair of breeches A flowered filk fuit A black coat, waihcoat, and breeches A ditto full-trimm’d A Bath coat, with a velvet.cape, Ten plain fine Holland fhirts Eleven ditto Eight ditto, with plain ruffles Ten night fhirts rufhed 36 Twenty muflin hocks 37 Seven ditto, and 10 long lawn ditto, plauea Twelve ditto handkerchiefs Twenty-fix coloured ditto Three pair of fine laced ruffles and besoms Three pair ditto, and 2 ditto bofoms Three ditto, and ditto Four ditto, and ditto Four pair ditto, and 3 bofoms Three pair ditto, and ditto Three pair ditto, and ditto and 3 plaiu hats £7 Feu? ( 10 ) 27 Four pair ditto, and ditto, and one pair work’d dit. & bofom 38 Four pair of new white filk dockings 29 Two pair of grey ditto, 1 pair of black, & 1 pair white ditto 30 Three white waiftcoats, 7 pair of worded dockings, 1 pair of boots, 3 woollen night caps, 2 cotton ditto, 8 pair of gloves, and 3 cravats Numb. XV. China , &c. 1 A large blue and white jar '2 Three burnt-in mugs, an enamell’d -tea pot, with a filver Ipout, 6 enamell’d cups, and 4 faucers 3 A ieather cafe, with 4 blue and white chocolate cups, as fmall imag’d jar, 12 white embofs’d tea cups, 10 faucers, 1 8 handled cups, 2 bafons, 3 cream pots, and fugar difh 4 Eight blue and white Worcefter tea cups, 8 faucers, 6 han- dled cups, 10 coffee cups, 10 faucers, a tea pot and dand, a fpoon tray, fugar difh, 3 bafons, and 2 milk pots 5 Nine blue and white round didies 6 Siu oblong ditto, and 2 foup didies 7 Ten old blue and white fruit plates 0 Thirty- live table patty pans 9 Six foup plates, 2 fauce boats, a japan’d fugar difh, and 4 blue and white plates 10 Four blue and white bafons, a fugar dilh and cover, 2 glafs dower pots, 2 brown tea pots, 2 glafs candle Blades, find a mahogany fret work tea board Numb. XVI. The Drawing- Re cm. 1 A Bath dove, a dee! fret-work fender, lhovel, tongs, and poker 2 A chimney glafs in a gilt frame 3 Two red and white check fefloon window curtains 4 Three mahogany elbow chairs, covered with blue worded damafk 5 A pier glafs, the plate 43 inches by 22, in a carved and painted frame '6 A fmall mahogany flap table 7 A mahogany couch bedhead, with check furniture, a fquab covered with filk, a check mattrafs, 3 holders covered with filk, a ticken ditto, and 2 fetts of check cafes t Four blankets, a quilt, and a check counterpane 9 A mahogany card table liqed 10 A writing table ditto on a pillar and claw 11 A C II } 1 1 A final! mahogany deik zz Two pair of double brafs fcreen arms, and a mahogany pole fire* 13 A concave mirror, and a mahogany pole cupboard 14 An ink hand, a plaifterbuft of Shakelpear on a gilt bracket ' a thermometer, a fpyingglafs, and a mufick hand 15 An alarum, byDunlop, on a bracket 16 A walnut-tree chair, a two-leaf canvas fcreen, a mahogany cat, a bafon hand, and a mahogany tea chefl: 17 A ton’d double key’d harpfichord, by Plenius 18 A Turkey carpet 9 feet by 10 feet 6 PICTURES mid DRAWINGS. 19 Sir William. Bretou and his mother half length £0 Brigadier Breton, ditto 21 Sir Philip Stapleton, ditto Sir P. Lely 22 Two ladies, ditto Tyte 23 Still life Cannautti 24 A view in Venice Ditto 25 A ditto in Rome JORDAENS 26 An holy family P. Pannini 27 One of ruins and figures Ditto 28 Ditto its companion Goupy 29 Ditto Ditto 30 Ditto Albano 31 The virgin and child Sal. Rosa 32 Two landfcapes with ruins figures, in water colours Seb. Ricci 33 Two ditto Ditto 34 Two ditto Numb. XVII. 1 A fine manag’d bay horfe 2 A poll: chariot lined with light cloth, and whole glafles N. B. The Horfe to be fecn at Mr. King’/ Stables, Hyde - Park Corner. PINT A