I SEWING MACHINE: ITS HISTORY, CONSTRUCTION, AND APPLICATION. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF DR. IIERZBERG ILLUSTRATED By SEVEN PLATES. LONDON: E. AKD t. S POX i. ISITKIEE. :> i'll V. IRi.-l. 2-3 35 " Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class Book ' t c445' Accession 2-335 Article V.—The Library shall be divided into two classes ; the first comprising such work as, from their rarity of value, should not he lent out, all unbound periodicals, and such text books as ought to he found in a library of reference except when required by Committees of the Institute, or by members or holders of second class stock, who have ob¬ tained the sanction of the Committee. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation. Article VI.—The Secretary shall have authority to loan to members and to holders of second class stock, any work belonging to the second class, subject to the following regulations. Section 1 .—No individual shall be permitted to have more than two books out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two members of the Library Committee, nor shall a book be kept out more than two weeks; but if no one has applied for it, the former bor¬ rower may renew the loan. Should any person have applied for it, the latter shall have the preference. Section 2 .—A fine of ten cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of a book beyond the limited time; and if a book be not re¬ turned within three months it shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to his fines, forfeit its value. Section S .—Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace the book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall replace them or make full restitution. Article VII.—Any person removing from the hall, without permis¬ sion from the proper authorities, any book, newspaper or other property in charge of the Library Committee, shall be*reported to the Committee, who may inflict any line not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Article VIII.—No jneiqber q^'holder of seqpnd class stock, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library or Reading Room. Article IX.—If any member or holder of second class stock, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the foregoing rules, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report him to the Committee on the Library. Article X. —Any member or holder of second class stock, detected in mutilating the newspapers, pamphlets or books belonging to the Insti¬ tute shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. THE SEWING, MACHINE: :• - :: : : : : : : : : : :* ,: z -.. .. .«- - . • - - •••/•• CONSTRUCTION, AND APPLICATION. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF DR. HERZBERG, ILLUSTRATED BY SEVEN PLATES. LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 16 , BUCKLERSBURY. CONTENTS. PAGE 1. The Formation op the Seam . 1 A. —The Hand Seam: . ib . B. —The various Descriptions oe Machine Seaming . . . . 5 The Formation oe the Stitch . 14 The Single-thread Chain-stitch . 19 The Reciprocating Hook. . . 20 The Rotatory Hook . 21 2. The Double-thread Chain-stitch . 23 The Quilting-stitch .28 Machines with Travelling Shuttle. ib . Shuttles with Horizontal Rectilinear Motion.29 Shuttles eor Horizontal Curvilinear Motion.34 Shuttles with Vertical Curvilinear Motion . 35 Shuttles with Piked Spools.37 II. The Mechanical Arrangements oe the Sewing Machine . . 40 The Mechanism por Communicating Motion to the Needle . . 41 The Transmission oe motion to the Lower Mechanism . . . 46 1. The Revolving Hook.47 2. The Hook with Reciprocating Motion. ib . 3. Shuttles with Curvilinear Oscillating Motion . . .49 4. Shuttles with Rectilinear Motion . 54 5. Looper with Long Reciprocating Motion.55 The Mechanism por Imparting Motion to the Material . . . ib . I. —Feeders Working prom Below.56 The Peed Wheel . 61 II. —Feeders working prom Above . 64 AJbV'S IV CONTENTS. PAGE The Stitch Regulator .®7 D.—The Tension Apparatus. Tension by Friction op the Thread. 68 Tension by Friction on the Spool.*'*• Tension by a Roller.70 The Thread Guide. III.— The Sewing Machine.73 A.—The Machines with Oscillating Looper eor Single-thread- Chain-stitch.77 The Single-thread Chain-stitch Machine with Rotating Hook . . 84 Machines eor Double-thread Chain-stitch.86 D. —Machines eor Quilting-stitch, with Moveable Shuttles . . 92 1. —Singer’s System.93 2. —Hoemann’s System .99 3. — Grover and Baker’s System .102 Thomas’s System.105 The Quilting-stitch Machine with Fixed Bobbin . . . .109 THE SEWING-MACHINE. I. THE FORMATION OF THE SEAM. A.-THE HAND SEAM. The seam, formed by band, by means of a needle and thread, is generally intended to connect two pieces of material, either in a straight or curved direction. The construction of the seam itself varies according to the purpose of its application. The three principal varieties are: 1 . The tacking , or chain-stitch seam. 2. The whip , or overcast-stitch seam. 3. The quilting-stitch seam. The latter description of seam (Plate II., Fig. 17) varies in appearance on each side of the material, as on the one side each stitch adjoins the other; while on the reverse, each stitch covers half of the preceding one. A varia¬ tion of the quilting-stitch is the hack stitch (Fig. 18), the derivation of which from the former is evident, by imagining between each two stitches a vacant space on the one side of the material of the length of a single stitch, causing each stitch on the other side only to cover a third of the preceding one. The whip-stitch seam con¬ sists of a series of stitches running spirally round the B / 2 THE SEWING-MACHINE. edge of the material, close to the border of which the thread penetrates. In the tacking-stitch seam (Fig. 19), the thread runs alternately from one side of the material to the other, leaving on both sides a vacancy between each stitch. This stitch has the disadvantage of easily becoming undone, as the thread can be drawn through the material with great facility, owing to the small amount of friction. This peculiarity makes it, on the other hand, indispensable as a provisional method of fastening, the thread being again capable of use. For this purpose, the stitches on the one side are made long (1 to 1’- in.), on the other side short (a in.). From this application the stitch takes its name. This stitch has also the advantage of great elasticity, is quickly formed by hand, and is especially made use of in forming folds in dresses, &c. The whip stitch is employed in connect¬ ing the edges of two pieces of material, as it allows of their being drawn close together, without forming a perceptible elevation. It is mostly made use of for articles of clothing, the seams of ivhich are in contact with the body, as shirts, gloves, &c.; or for such articles as are intended to apppear seamless, as sheets, &c. There is more friction in this stitch between the ma¬ terial and the thread, and it is therefore much less liable to become unfastened. The quilting-stitch is the strongest, and also presents the best appearance. It is the most in use, and is indispensable in nearly all de¬ scriptions of needlework. The stitches are generally made very short on the surface of the work, and longer on the wrong side, and then answer the same purpose as the tacking stitch. The first attempts which were made to accomplish THE HAND SEAM. 3 needlework by means of machines, were confined, as might be expected, to an exact imitation of sewing by hand. The process of gathering, especially in the ma¬ nufacture of calico, was of sufficient importance to induce attempts at the construction of machinery to supersede manual labour. For this purpose an appa¬ ratus was for a long time in use, by which the calico in its passage between two fluted rollers was so folded as to allow of needles, which were fixed at various points of the extreme circumference of the rollers, penetrating several folds of the material at once. This arrangement underwent many modifications, and remained in use till its final displacement by the modern sewing-machine. The introduction of the needle with two points, and the eye in the centre, occurred in 1755, and was primarily intended to dispense with the continual inversion of the needle in sewing by hand. It was, however, soon em¬ ployed in the construction of machines which were in¬ tended to imitate hand sewing, and nearly all machines which were constructed with this view, were on the principle of a double-pointed needle. The end of the thread was usually fastened to the eye in the centre, and the needle in its passage through the cloth Avas alternately drawn baclovards and forwards by means of tAVo grippers; the one above releasing its hold of the needle on the latter being caught by the gripper below. It Avas on this principle that the embroidering machine of Heilmann was constructed, which created so great a sensation at the time of its introduction, and in Avhich several double-pointed needles Avere simultaneously in motion. The construction of the so-called cobblers or saddlers b 2 4 THE SEWING-MACHINE. seam , is somewhat similar (Plate VI., Fig. 19), being in reality only a double-tack stitch made by two threads crossing each other in their passage through the same needle-hole, so that the space left on either side between the stitches of each thread is covered by those of the other. Of course, a needle is required for each thread, and for these needles, two grippers are necessary on each side. The action of the grippers is, however, far from regular, which induced the construction of needles with a small barbed point, similar to those employed in crochet work. These penetrating the material without being drawn through caught the thread, and on their return drew it through the needle-hole. These needles could, therefore, be fastened to a holder, and their motion regulated with great certainty. To form the cobbler’s seam, the two needles must work from opposite sides of the material, the holes in which may, in the case of very tough materials, as leather, be made by a stiletto-like instrument, to prevent injury to the needles. This description of machine has not, however, found much favour; and, in fact, all machines in which hand sewing is at¬ tempted to be imitated, whether with double or hook- pointed needles, whether forming tack, whip, or quilt¬ ing-stitch, are of but small practical importance. In sewing by hand, the thread cannot be used of a greater length than the distance the hand can be stretched from the material to be sewn. The length of thread must always remain very limited, and the consequent frequent interruption in the work causes both delay and hindrance. This disadvantage has, in machines imitating hand sewing, up to the present not been re¬ moved, and should even this imperfection be surmounted, THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINE SEAMING. two still greater difficulties would present themselves, as the thread becomes much worn from its constant pas¬ sage through the material, and each stitch requires much time in its formation. B.-THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. It having been soon perceived that the imitation of hand sewing by machines was attended by difficulties so great as to be almost insurmountable, induced the discovery of some other description of stitch which could be more easily effected by a machine, and which should both possess the most valuable peculiarity of the whip and quilting-stitches in not being liable to come un¬ done, and also allow of the use of a thread at least some yards long. One of the best of such seams formed by a single thread is shown, Plate VI., Figs. 22 and 23. The second of these differs from the first only through the thread of the loops on the under side of the material being twisted half round. Another seam varying but slightly from the preceding is shown in Fig. 24. Its appearance is not so fine and regular as that of the others owing to the spaces left between the stitches, and requires nearly the same quantity of thread. Its ad¬ vantage consists in a smoother join on the wrong side of the material. But few of such machines have, how¬ ever, been constructed and come into use ; still less such machines as are intended to produce the seams described below, and for which a double thread is required. It is true they produce a seam which cannot come undone, and show on the surface a plain smooth series of stitches, but the mechanical arrangements are so complicated that there is but small probability of their coming into 6 THE SEWING-MACHINE. general use. Fig. 20 shows a description of quilting- stitch with a knot in the lower side, which forms a heavy- ridge, and has a very irregular appearance. This is in a less degree the case in the seam shown in Fig. 25, in which the loops on the lower side are more simple, and the knots not so thick, while in that shown in Fig. 26, the bottom thread simply connects the loops of the top thread by means of a knot. The only practical perma¬ nent machine stitch is the so-called machine quilting- stitch, which is also formed by a double thread, and which we shall in future simply call the quilting-stitch. A very similar one, hut formed by a treble thread, is represented in Fig. 21, in which the lower side is also shown. On account of the inconveniences attaching to it, it is hut seldom employed. The seams which have been enumerated have been styled permanent. By this is not intended to be said that they cannot be undone, but that by simply pu llin g the ends of the thread the seam does not rip without the thread breaking. A permanent seam has therefore the peculiarity of remaining perfectly secure and lasting, even if here and there a stitch should be broken or the thread worn. Other descriptions of seams may be divided into such as are easily and such as are with difficulty un¬ done. The latter remain perfect if only the end of the thread, or the end of one thread of such as are formed by a double or treble thread, is pulled. Of these the stitch invented by Grover and Baker, a description of which will be given later, deserves the preference. A somewhat similar stitch formed by needles passing di¬ agonally through the material, which is thereby much THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OE MACHINE SEAMING. 7 weakened, is shown in Fig. 27. The stitch shown in Fig. 28, belongs also to this category, is simple and lasting, consumes but little thread, and presents a very good appearance, but the mechanism by which it is produced does not possess the necessary simplicity and certainty. The same fault attaches to the stitch shown in Fig. 30, which is also distinguished by durability, elasticity, and appearance. It possesses the peculiarity of allowing two needles to work, one within the other, on the same side of the material, and has therefore been applied to fastening the soles of boots to the uppers. Fig. 31 can hardly be said to belong to this category, being formed by two threads, the end of one of which being pulled allows the seam to become unravelled, while the other does not allow of it. No advantage is attached to this stitch, as it consumes much thread, weakens the material, and has neither a smooth nor even appearance. It may be considered as the transi¬ tion to the class of seams which may be readily undone, the type of which is the simple chain or tambour-stitch. This is the third description of stitch which has been extensively practically employed, and will, therefore, be specially treated of later. The following descriptions may also be noticed, though partly on account of the difficulty and uncertainty attending their formation, partly on account of their inferiority to the chain-stitch in simplicity, appearance, and consumption of thread, they have scarcely any practical importance. Fig. 29 shows, as do all seams of this description, on the one side a line of even stitches, and on the other a row of interlocked loops consuming a large quantity of thread, and presenting a very heavy appearance. Fig. 8 THE SEWIN' 6-MACHINE. 36 differs from Fig. 37, inasmuch as the loop of the chain on the lower side is apparently knotted in each stitch in the former, and only in every other stitch in the latter. Figs. 38 and 39 also show a series of loops interlocked in each stitch, without being on that ac¬ count any more durable than the simple chain-stitch. We may here mention Singer’s chain-stitch machine, which created so great a sensation at the time of its appearance at the Paris Exhibition, on account of its forming a knot to every seven chain-stitches, although this did not in any way increase the durability of the seam. There remain oidy to be mentioned two descriptions of seam intended to take the place of the whip-stitch in hand sewing, whether this is intended to connect the edges of two pieces of material, or to sew round the edges of the material in order to prevent it fraying, as in button-holes, &c. Seams for the first purpose, pro¬ duced by a double thread, are shown in Figs. 32, 33, and 34. They are all modifications of the quilting-stitch, produced by an alteration in the direction of the stitches. Fig. 32 deserves, on account of its simplicity and regularity, the preference. The seam, Fig. 35, may be considered as valueless, owing to the employment of five threads. In the whip-stitch, or button-hole machine stitch, the same distinction of durability exists. The button-hole stitch represented in Fig. 42, which is a modified quilt¬ ing-stitch, and might be produced on a common quilt¬ ing-stitch machine with a slight mechanical alteration, belongs to the permanent class, while Fig. 43 shows one of those that are with difficulty unravelled. It is - i 7 / ,• ' \ THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING.' 9 also formed by a double thread, and is a slightly varied imitation of the Grover and Baker stitch. In Figs. 40 and 41, two button-hole stitches, which can be easily undone, are represented, and may be considered as a modification of the simple chain-stitch, being formed similarly to this with a single thread. Much attention has been paid to the construction of so-called button-hole machines, the process of making button-holes by hand being both tedious and time con¬ suming. All attempts, however, to construct a practical button-hole machine have hitherto failed, and we are thus induced to consider the causes of the non-success of these endeavours. The needles which are employed for sewing-machines are very thick compared with those for sewing by hand, for reasons which will be explained hereafter. In making button-holes in stout and firm materials, which are best suited for this description of ■work, the needle penetrates the material close to its edge, and the large holes made by the needle in its passage frequently cause the material to tear and the seam to rip. On the other hand, soft materials, which would not suffer from this cause, cannot be well sewn on a whip-stitch machine on account of their pliability and the rottenness of their edges. In reality, the only three seams wdiich have hitherto met with extensive practical application, are the simple chain-stitch, the Grover and Baker stitch, and the quilting-stitch seams. Though not all possessing the same degree of durability, they have all the important property of being produced without frequent interrup¬ tions and delays from the replacement of the thread consumed. The formation of the stitches of these seams 10 THE SEWING-MACHINE. also fulfils the condition, that the thread should return through the same hole through which it has been passed by the needle. A loop is therefore formed on the lower side of the material, and is fastened in various manners, according to the description of seam. The loop is either fastened by the succeeding one passing through it (Plate I. Fig. 17), or a second thread is specially em¬ ployed for this purpose, which, having passed through the loop, again returns through it, forming a second loop, which is itself fastened by the following stitch (Fig. 18); or sometimes the second thread runs through the loops for the entire length of the seam. At first sight, a similar inconvenience to that found in hand sewing, would appear to arise, viz.—that the whole length of the second thread must be drawn through the loops of tire first at every stitch ; but these loops may be readily made to admit of the passage of a bobbin on which the thread is wound. The first of the seams described in detail above, and which is formed by a single thread only, is called the single-thread chain-stitch, or tambour-stitch seam, and each stitch of it is called a single-thread chain, or tam¬ bour-stitch. The second, formed by two threads, is called the double-thread chain-stitch seam ; or, after its inventors, the Grover and Baker stitch seam ; and each stitch, the double-thread chain-stitch, or Grover and Baker stitch. The third, which is also formed by a double thread, is called the quilting-stitch seam; and a single stitch, the quilting-stitch. The tambour-stitch seam, which is the simplest of the three, has the advantage over the others of simplicity of construction, from the fact of one thread only being TIIE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 11 employed. The seam requires about to 4 times its own length of thread, which proportion is somewhat increased if the stitches are made small, or if the ma¬ terial is unusually thick. It easily comes undone, and a single imperfect stitch, C (Plate I., Fig. 17), may cause the failure of the whole seam. Such an imperfect stitch may be caused by the loop of a stitch not being caught by the succeeding one. This is the principle defect of the tambour-stitch, and it is on this account but seldom employed when strength and durability are required. It has been employed for sewing sacks, &c., and when perfect, has been found, from its great elasticity, to be as durable as hand sewing. In calico factories it is nearly always employed for connecting the pieces, and has answered exceedingly well, even when only cotton thread is employed. Its principal application is, however, to ornamental work, for which both the upper and lower surfaces of the stitch are made use of. The upper for sewing cap-linings, mantles, ties, &c., the lower for these articles also, but more particularly in the manufacture of gloves. The double-thread chain-stitch is, in almost every respect, the transition from the tambour-stitch to the quilting-stitch. Its upper surface resembles in appear¬ ance the former; its lower surface presenting a kind of chain, composed of two threads. It requires 5 to 6 times its own length of thread (according to the thickness of the material, and the distance of the stitches apart). This large consumption of thread is a great drawback, especially when silk thread has to be employed. In this case, however, common cotton is generally employed for the lower thread, so that the cost of the double-thread 12 THE SEWING-MACHINE. chain-stitch is not greater than that of the single-thread chain-stitch in silk only. The former is also infinitely to be preferred to the latter where durability is required; as although in the case of a stitch being dropped, it would be possible to unravel that portion of the seam which was already completed, the seam seldom comes undone through wear alone of the article sewn. An imperfect stitch may occur in two ivays; either the loop of the lower thread c (Plate I., Fig. 18) is not caught by the succeeding one of the upper thread, in which case the seam would not of itself come undone, the loop e being held by the loop c, which is again held by the loop e, being tightly drawn together; or the loop of the upper thread b is not caught by the succeeding one of the lower thread /, and in this case the loop b would be entirely drawn out of the material by the tension of the upper thread, as would also the loop / by that of the lower thread causing the stitch g h double the length of the other stitches, and containing the same imperfect stitch cl, already described, which does not involve a further unravelling of the seam. The double-thread chain-stitch can, therefore, very well be applied where durability and strength are required for articles of dress, caps, cloth boots, gloves, &c.; it is also frequently made use of in sewing stays, both for its appearance and strength. The lower side is generally employed in the decoration of mantles, caps, ties, gloves, &c., as from the employment of two threads, a variety in colour may be produced, as may also the effect of braiding by taking the lower thread of sufficient thickness, and al¬ lowing the tension to be as slight as possible. The thickness of the seam on the wrong side, which causes THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 13 articles of dress to wear soon out at the point of con¬ nexion, is diminished by using very fine cotton for the lower thread, so that the chain has almost the appear¬ ance of a single thread. The quilting seam is the most perfect which can be produced by the sewing-machine. The advantages of the single and double-thread chain-stitch, are retained without their inconveniences. It is true that should the lower thread, which passes through all the loops of the upper one, be drawn out, the whole seam would become unravelled. But we are enabled, by means of the loops of the upper thread, to draw the lower thread into the material to be sewn, when the seam presents the appearance shown (Plate II., Fig. 16 to the right-hand side), which is the true machine quilting, or back-stitch seam, that can no longer come undone. This further ad¬ vantage is also gained, that the seam is alike on both sides. An imperfect stitch can also occur in this description of seam, from the lower thread not passing through the loop formed by the upper one, which is then drawn back out of the material, causing a stitch double the length of the others, without in any way impairing the durability of the seam. The thread consumed by this description of seam is proportionately small, about 2± times the length of the seam itself. The stitches being moderately long, and the material not too stout, the proportion of thread consumed by quilting, single and double-thread chain-stitch seams, may be taken as 2, 3, 4. Another quality in favour of the quilting-stitch. This stitch is, therefore, the most extensively employed, both for ornamental and durable work—for shirts, coats, dresses, caps, gloves, stays, shoes, saddles, in fact, for every 14 THE SEWING-MACHINE. description of sewing. These seams are all fastened off by enlarging the last loop of the upper thread, drawing it through the needle-hole, and tying it to the lower thread. In the quilting-stitch seam, 3 or 4 stitches backward answer the same purpose. THE FORMATION OE THE STITCH. The needle employed in machine sewing differs from that employed in sewing by hand, as instead of having the eye at the head of the needle, it is constructed close to the point. The machine needle consists, therefore, of a short conical point and a long cylindrical body. The point must not be too stout, as it would otherwise meet with too much resistance in its passage through leather, pasteboard, &c. A special apparatus for piercing the holes for the passage of the needles is no longer em¬ ployed, and the needles are now constructed angular, with two, three, or four sides for heavy work. The two- edged needle has, perhaps, come most into use, the flat sides of which have a direction diagonal to that of the seam, and the stitches also have this direction, so that the seam resembles the saddler’s seam (Fig. 23). The length of the point of the needle (reckoning from the eye) varies from j t to —■ in. Circumstances at times re¬ quire a longer or shorter point, but as a rule, short points are to be preferred, as a long point requires a longer stroke of the needle, which is disadvantageous in a machine which is required to work with rapidity. On the other hand, long points have the advantage of allowing of their being re-ground when blunt. The eye of the needle is a cylindrical hole, the outer edges of which aie rounded off. It is important that the interior sur- THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OE MACHINE SEAMING. 15 face of the eye should he perfectly smooth, so that the thread, which does not as in hand sewing retain a fixed position in the eye, but passes backwards and forwards in it at each stitch, should not become frayed by the constant friction, and at last break. The eye must also on this account be made proportionately large, and its edges rounded off, giving to it the appearance of being conically enlarged on each side. Fig. 24, in Plate II., shows a perfectly cylindrical eye (/) on an enlarged scale, in which the thread evidently suffers more from friction than in the conically enlarged eye (c). The eye being larger in proportion to the thread than that of the common sewing needle, and the size of the body of the needle being conditional on the size of the eye, the exterior of which must be made sufficiently stout as not to weaken the needle, it follows that for thread of a given thickness a stouter needle must be employed in machine than in hand sewing. Owing to this the hole made by the needle is too large in propor¬ tion to the thickness of the thread, which though un¬ important for soft materials, as cloth, silk, cotton goods, &c., is a great objection when the material is tough and hard, as leather. Especially when the stitches are very small the material is apt to rip in the direction of the seam. In the seam made by shoemakers, by means of an awl, the thread not only entirely occupies the space made by the awl, but is actually compressed into the puncture, while the thread of a machine-made seam has always more or less play in the hole made by the needle. In order to assist the passage of the needle, with the thread on each side of it, through the material, the needle is grooved on both sides from the eye as far as 16 THE SEWING-MACHINE. the needle penetrates. The length of this groove is from 7 to IT", according to the construction of the machine. The depth depends naturally on the stout¬ ness of the needle, but is always made as deep as pos¬ sible without impairing the strength of the needle. Sometimes the groove is continued on towards the point yV to -§■as on the withdrawal of the needle from the material the thread lies close to the needle in the direction of the point. (See Fig. 21, a e.) The needle is affixed to the so-called needle carrier , the distance of the eye from which varies according to the construction of the machine. As a rule, the dis¬ tance should be as short as possible, never exceeding 1 in., except in machines in which very stout needles are employed, as the shorter the needle the greater strength it possesses. That part of the needle fitting into the needle carrier is generally somewhat thicker than the rest, and is made of the same thickness for needles of all dimensions. This arrangement imparts greater strength to thin needles, and also allows both thick and thin needles to be so inserted that the points of either move up and down in a certain fixed straight line. Many needles are, however, made without being thus strengthened, owing to their greater cost, whether constructed of one piece or with a shank soldered on. The steel of which the needles are manufactured must not be so hard as to allow of their easily breaking, but must possess sufficient elasticity to prevent their becoming bent. The shank only, which is inserted in the needle carrier, is usually made softer. The thickness of the needles varies from to y'y in., according to the description of thread and material. The finest needles would break even with thin leather. The needle having pierced through the material with the thread drawn tightly in the grooves on either side, and commencing to ascend, the thread is retained in the material by friction, and being lifted by the eye of the needle, assumes the form of a loop (a, Plate II., Fig. 25), which is then caught by a pointed instrument for the purpose of completing the stitch. If the needle is-similarly constructed on both sides, equal sized loops will be formed on each side, and therefore the groove on that side of the needle where the loop is intended to be formed is made shorter than on the other (a b, Fig. 21), causing the thread to have a tendency to more readily leave the needle on this side, and to form the loop A and B, Fig. 25. Such needles as are made with grooves equally long on both sides more frequently make an im¬ perfect loop, involving often an imperfect stitch. The thread employed must be pliant, flexible, and soft. If stiff and hard thread is employed a bend (c, Fig. 25) is caused by the eye of the needle which prevents the formation of the loop. Sewing-machine thread must therefore not be stiff, thus excluding the use of Avax, pitch, &c. Silk is better than cotton, and this again better than linen thread. Another requisite of good thread is evenness. If the thickness of the thread varies frequently and suddenly, the loops formed at such parts are generally imperfect. Machine thread must also be tAvisted more than common thread. Too great a twist, hoAvever, causes it to kink, Avhich is also to be avoided. It is evident from the foregoing, that c 18 THE SEWING-MACHINE. common sewing-thread cannot with advantage he em¬ ployed. The finish alone of ordinary thread involves stiffness and a want of pliability. Some time elapsed before the idea of forming the loop by a short upward motion of the needle was adopted. At first a semi-circular form was given to the needle just above the eye, and above this curve a second eye, both eyes being connected on the exterior periphery of the curve by a groove in which the thread ran, and by which the bend necessary for the formation of the loop was caused. The objections to this arrangement are evident. After the introduction of the straight needle, a kind of gripper was invented to catch the thread on that side of the needle where the loop was intended to be formed, but this arrangement has also been discarded. As the first requisite in a sewing-machine is cer¬ tainty in the formation of the loop, the height to which the needle must rise before the mechanism intended to catch the loop can commence its action is important. As, however, silk more easily forms a loop than cotton, and this again than linen thread, and as the shape of the loop should be adapted to the point by which it is intended to be caught, this height should also vary ac¬ cording to the circumstances. But this would involve a complication of the mechanism, and a distance of to {- in. has been adopted, generally -§-, in. not being sufficient for thread of inferior quality. After the formation of the loop the mechanism situated below the material, and which is intended to perfect the stitch, comes into play. The arrangement THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 19 of this varies according to the description of seam in¬ tended. THE SINGLE-THREAD CHAIN-STITCH. The needle with a hook point, first introduced by Thimonnier, a Frenchman, in 1830, for the purpose of forming the chain-stitch, has given rise to the most varied constructions of tambour-stitch machines. In the machine originally constructed by Thimonnier, the crochet needle works from above, while below the material the thread is conveyed from a spindle by means of the so-called thread carrier to the hook of the needle, which conveys it upwards as a loop passing the loop of the previously formed stitch. The chain is thus formed on the upper side of the material, while in the machines of a later construction it is on the lower side, the needle working from below and having a reciprocating motion, which not only dispenses with a special arrangement for pro¬ pelling the material, but permits of the reel conveying the thread being a fixture, the thread being caught by the hook alone. The American Singer, a German by birth, introduced in 1854 a new principle, which is still in use. His machine has on the one side an eye-pointed needle, and a reciprocating hook or looper on the other. A closer examination of the motion of this hook shows that it consists of two motions, one perpendicular to the other. These two motions have also been given to two separate hooks work¬ ing together, which at the same moment hold open the loop of the thread. Another inventor has dispensed with the horizontal vibratory motion, and introduced a perpendicular one; another causes the needle to vibrate, 20 THE SEWING-MACHINE. making the hook a fixture; and a third causes the hook, which is affixed to a spring, to be pushed aside by the needle in its descent. Another has introduced an eye- pointed needle on the one side, and a hook-pointed needle, by which the thread is caught and retained till the descent of the upper needle, on the lower side. Machines constructed on this system are still in use, one of which is delineated in Plate I.; but they are being gradually displaced by more practical ones, con¬ structed on the system introduced by James Wilcox, in 1860. A machine of this description is represented in Plate II. THE RECIPROCATING HOOK consists merely of a conical point (b c, Fig. 21, Plate I.) with a triangular base, B. The point forms therefore a three-sided equilateral pyramid. The surface cl b lies hori¬ zontal, the surface cl c perpendicular, so that the latter during the motion of the hook from left to right, and right to left, passes close to the needle. Fig. 19, A, represents the hook in its extreme position to the right, C, D, and E in its extreme left. In the first position it is about J- to -Js i n - distant from the needle, and is calculated to arrive at this position when the needle has reached its deepest point. The needle having risen about i to W in., so as to form the loop, the hook has moved so far from the right to the left that its point almost touches the needle, being about T ’v in- above the eye, or just at the widest point of the loop, Fig. 19, B. The needle rising still farther, the hook continues its motion to the left, catches the loop and holds it in that position, C, till the needle is withdrawn from the material and reaches its highest position. At this moment the material to be THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 21 sewn is moved the distance of a stitch in a direction contrary to that of the hook and the needle, and the needle in its descent penetrates through into the loop E. To ensure this the hook, after reaching its extreme po¬ sition on the left, moves in a direction perpendicular to its former one as indicated by the arrow, Fig. 21, A. The loop held by the hook becoming narrower towards the left, it is necessary for the needle to pass as close as possible behind the hook, the hack of which, e, is therefore sometimes hollowed out (the hollow, e /, de¬ creasing downwards) in order to allow the needle to come close to the foremost end of the loop. Directly the needle has caught the loop the hook is thrown back so quickly that the back part of it passes T \r t° tV ' m - below the eye of the needle, as it would otherwise in passing so close to the needle fray and injure the thread. The backward motion of the hook must there¬ fore be very rapid, and as it is of advantage that all the motions of a machine should be as slow and small as possible, it follows that the point of the needle should be as long, the hook as short, as possible. The needles for these machines are therefore generally made with a point of -|in. and more. The projecting point of the hook T 3 -g in., or, reckoning to the hollow before men¬ tioned, -pb in. THE ROTATORY HOOIC. We have now to consider a rotatory hook, which catches the loop and holds it till the needle in making the succeeding stitch has descended and passed the loop. In this instance, also, the needle is calculated to have risen T '- 2 in. at the moment of the hook, which is 22 THE SEWING-MACHINE. of a very pointed shape, passing T V in. behind the needle, and catching the loop, which has just been formed. Fig. 8, Plate II., shows the shape of the hook. From a front view, A, its motion is in a contrary direc¬ tion to that of the hand of a watch. B presents the reverse side. Taken at the moment when its point is directed upward, C gives its appearance from below, D from the left, E from above, and F from the right. It consists of two parts diametrically opposite to each other, viz. the curved catch for retaining the loop, and the cast off, having an inclination towards the axis of the hook, which is intended to throw off the loops for the completion of the stitch. The cast off is affixed with its smaller side, «/s y 8, the sides of which are almost radial to one another, to a disc attached to the square of the axis of the hook. The needle having risen sufficiently to allow of the formation of the loop, the catch has advanced so far to the left that its point passes close to the needle (Fig. 15, A), which shows also the release of the previous loop. Continuing its motion to the left, it penetrates the loop as shown in B, and commences to move towards the right at the moment the needle has completed its ascent, C. The material is now moved from right to left the length of a stitch, which movement is accomplished just previous to the needle again penetrating it. The cast off has in the mean time advanced from a horizontal to a perpendi¬ cular position, D, and the front thread has slipped down the inclined side off the same; the hinder thread is now caught by the other side of the cast off, E, and is thus inclined forward, while the thread which was previously in front is now behind, and the loop, having made half THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINE SEAMING. 23 a turn on its axis, now lies in a hollow, e (3, Fig. 8, C, formed by the junction of the catch and cast olf, in which it is retained till the catch having penetrated the new loop, it is released and drawn tight by the tension of the thread. The needle having in its descent passed through the old loop, has commenced to rise at the moment of this being released, but is still in a position, to catch and retain it. Were the old loop to be released before the entrance of the catch into the new one, it might happen to be again caught, and carried round with the new one, which would inevitably cause a breakage of the thread. The point of the needle would also in this case be made as long as possible, in order to make more certain of its catching the loop, were it not that in its descent it would certainly strike the steel hook and break. This would even be the case with a point -§• in. in length, such as is commonly used with these machines, were the hook not provided with a grove, y , Fig. 8, E, at this point. '.From this description it will be perceived that the loops on the lower side of the seam have a twist of 180°, which constitutes the difference between the stitch formed in this manner, and that formed by the reciprocating hook. 2. THE DOUBLE-THREAD CHAIN STITCH. The hook which catches the loop on the ascent of the needle is in this case also intended to carry a second thread through the loop of the upper one in such a manner that the former also forms a loop, which is caught by the needle in its descent passing through it. For this purpose its shape is somewhat altered. Fig. 22, Plate I., delineates it in A from above, B from behind, 24 THE SEWING-MACHINE. C from the front, D from the left, and E from the right. It is longer than that for the tambour-stitch, and ends like it in a point, its front flat surface passing close to the needle to ensure catching the loop. The hook cannot in this case be so pointed, as it has also to con¬ vey a second thread, which passes through a hole drilled in it from the back to the front. This hole must allow of the thread intended for the lower chain passing freely through it; \is generally taken. The thread before entering this eye runs in a groove passing hori¬ zontally along the exterior side of the hook, and con¬ tinues through another hole drilled in the back of the hook, to the reel supplying it. In the passage of the hook through the loop of the upper thread, this must of course slide along the groove over the lower thread, and the groove is for the purpose of protecting the lower thread, and preventing unnecessary friction and fraying of both threads. Fig. 20, A, shows the hook in its extreme position to the right with the point about i in. from the needle. The construction is in this in¬ stance, also, such that this position occurs at the mo¬ ment of the needle reaching its lowest point. The needle having risen sufficiently, about j in., to allow of the formation of the loop, the hook has advanced so far from right to left, that its point is close to the needle (B), about to j, in. from the eye. The needle continuing its ascent, the hook still advances and re¬ tains the loop in its extreme position to the left (C). At the moment of the needle completing its ascent, the material commences to move in a contrary direction to that of the hook, the distance of a stitch, and com- THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 25 pletes this movement before it is again reached by the point of the needle. The needle now in its descent reaches the loop of the lower thread below the ma¬ terial (E), but without in this case passing through the loop of the upper thread. It is on this account that the hook is made longer and thinner, so as to allow of its passage through the loop without carrying it forward. To ensure the needle passing through the loop of the lower thread, the hook must in this in¬ stance also, on reaching its extreme position to the left, make a slight lateral motion perpendicular to the previous one c (Fig. 22). The loop itself affords a free passage to the needle, owing to the hook being hollowed out a little at the point of descent of the needle. The loop being caught by the needle, the hook is thrown back so quickly that the back part of it passes under the needle. The point of the needle is generally in. long, the size of the looper is shown, Fig. 22. Attempts have been frequently made to construct the looper so as to allow of its application both to the single and double-thread chain-stitch. A steel piece, /, is screwed on to the looper (Fig. 22, F, Plate I.), which is employed for the double-thread stitch, or a steel wire is passed through the holes drilled in the looper, but both these methods require the hook to be longer than usual from the point to the first hole, so that it is almost as long as that of the tambour-stitch looper, T 3 T in. A se¬ parate looper for each description of work is, however, preferable, but it does not on the whole appear advan¬ tageous, as will be shown later, to employ the same machine for two descriptions of sewing. 26 THE SEWING-MACHINE. The double-thread chain-stitch looper has also under¬ gone several modifications. It has been replaced by a simple eye-pointed needle with a horizontal to-and-fro motion, carrying the second thread, and forming like the upper needle a loop by a slight side motion on the completion of its stroke. Grover and Baker’s modifica¬ tion of the double-chain-stitch (Plate III., Fig. 14), originated from the needle having a curved shape given to it. The needle by its ascent causes a loop, which is caught and held by the hook till the needle on its return has caught the loop of the lower thread. This description of double-chain-stitch hook differs but slightly from the above-described looper ; it has a point to catch the loop, and this point is also bored to allow of the passage of the lower thread, which is conveyed to the point in a groove on the outer surface of the hook. The hook is almost circular, and vibrates on its axis horizontally about 180° right and left. The radius of its inner curve, a g h (Fig. 14, A, Plate III.), increases gradually from the point T l T . to -J^-in., so that it is only the point which passes close to the needle, the hind part leaving the above space between it and the needle. The drawings show the correct form and proportions of the hook, which are seldom deviated from by the makers. A line drawn from the point of the hook to the centre, is calculated to fall perpendicularly on the radial piece, e /, which is, therefore, parallel with the direction of the point of the hook. From the point to the eye is about {- in., and the eye itself, as in the other hook, \ The groove running round the extreme peri¬ phery from the eye, has a section of — T v"' breadth TIIB VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 27 and depth. The hinder part of the hook, d, is filed flat, and also bored through in the direction cl e. The thread running from a spindle passes through the opening along the groove, which is covered at the point c to prevent the thread leaving it, and then through the eye at the point. Both the axis and the hook itself are {- in. thick. Fig. 14, A and B, show the hook in its extreme left position, in which its point is distant about 4 in. from the needle. It is in this position when the needle has com¬ pleted its descent, and remains so till the needle by its ascent has almost completed the loop, so that its point on its return reaches the needle at the moment of the completion of the loop. For reasons which will be ex¬ plained hereafter, the loop is not complete till the needle has risen in. At this moment the point of the hook is still T V in. above the eye of the needle (Fig. 14, C.). The needle continuing its ascent, the hook advances into the loop of the upper thread, and reaches its ex¬ treme position, right, at the moment of the eye of the needle leaving the material (Fig. 14, E.). The hook com¬ mences its return when, on the descent of the needle, the eye has again reached the material. The loop of the upper thread is drawn somewhat on one side of the hook, so that the needle in its descent penetrates the loop, m n o j), Fig. 14, F, of the lower thread formed by the return motion of the hook, similarly to the side motion of the needle, and still retains it when the hook has finished its return. The material, of course, also in this instance, is advanced the length of a stitch at the moment of the needle commencing its descent. Fig. 14, A to F, shows the various positions of the hook from 28 THE SEWING-MACHINE. above and below. A further but unimportant variation of the Grover and Baker looper has been attempted by making the axis horizontal, the principle remaining the same. The question naturally arises, whether a looper might not also be constructed for the double-chain-stitch having a constant rotary, instead of an intermittent vibratory motion. The possibility is granted; but one difficulty arises to prevent the introduction of such a looper, which is this : The lower thread would, before entering the hole drilled in the looper, have to pass through the axis of the shaft of the looper, which would much increase the difficulties attending the construction of such a machine. THE QUILTING-STITCH is formed by the entire length of the lower thread pass¬ ing through the loops of the upper thread formed by the ascent of the needle. For this purpose the lower thread is wound on a reel, which, passing through the loop, carries the thread with it. But as the loop is not sufficiently large to allow of the passage of the bobbin, it must first be enlarged, which is accomplished either by enclosing the bobbin or spool in a shuttle running to a point, and gradually increasing in size, or a catch is constructed, by which the loop is lengthened and drawn over the bobbin, which in this case remains stationary. The quilting-stitch machines may thus be divided into those with travelling shuttle, and those with a stationary bobbin. MACHINES WITH TRAVELLING SHUTTLE. Walter Hunt was the original inventor of this com- THE VARIOUS bination of the eye-pointed needle and travelling shuttle. The shuttle has naturally from time to time been im¬ proved upon and altered in form, but the peculiarities of a point by which the loop is caught, and the being made as narrow as possible consistently with carrying the bobbin, have always remained the same. Both the point and the body of the shuttle must pass as close as possible to the needle, to avoid the necessity of too great an enlargement of the loop. The shuttles travel either in a straight or curved line, in some cases horizontally, in others perpendicularly. There are, therefore, three distinct descriptions of shuttles. First, those having rectilinear motion; next, those with a perpendicular curvilinear motion; and, lastly, those with a horizontal curvilinear motion. The old and impracticable arrange¬ ment may also be noticed, in which the shuttle has a continuous circular motion. SHUTTLES WITH HORIZONTAL RECTILINEAR MOTION. To ascertain their correct form we must examine the manner of their application. The one side of the shuttle generally fits close to a perpendicular surface, in which a groove runs perpendicularly for the passage of the needle up and down, passing therefore close to the latter. Fig. 26, Plate II., shows the exterior of' the shuttle. The shuttle is also sometimes constructed with a point at either end, so that in its passage both back¬ wards and forwards it traverses a loop of the upper thread, thus completing two stitches. In Fig. 22, Plate IV., where the various relative positions of the needle and shuttle are shown, the shuttle is assumed to pass from 30 THE SEWING-MACHINE. left to right behind the needle so as to afford a view of its interior. This is usually the arrangement, although the direction is immaterial in principle. For a shuttle passing behind the needle the motion must be from right to left. The needle having reached its deepest point, the shuttle has arrived at its extreme position, left, Fig. 22, E, and its point is there to in. distant from the needle; some manufacturers, however, leave but a. to J-rr in. The shuttle noiv commences its motion from left to right, and reaches with its point the needle at the moment of the completion of the loop, Fig. 22, A. In machines with travelling shuttles in which thread is generally employed, the ascent of the needle, necessary for the formation of the loop, is mostly made longer than usual, about a in. The eye of the needle is also arranged to be about a in. from the point of the shuttle, as the widest part of the loop falls somewhat higher than usual, owing to the increased loop forming ascent of the needle. Were the ascent of the needle now to be con¬ tinued, or were it to remain stationary, the lower edge of the shuttle would, in passing the eye of the needle, be liable to fray or break the thread. The needle is there¬ fore allowed to again descend so far as to allow of the eye continuing below the shuttle (Fig. 22, B) till the hinder part of the latter has reached the needle (Fig. 22, C). The needle then again commences its ascent, the shuttle remaining stationary till the upper thread has been drawn back sufficiently (Fig. 22, D) to allow of the return of the shuttle without the latter coming in contact with the loop. The return of the shuttle to its extreme left occupies the time necessary for the completion of the ascent and descent of the needle, and while the THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP MACHINE SEAMING. 31 needle is at its highest point of ascent, the material is moved forward the length of a stitch. In the above construction of the shuttle an inter¬ mittent motion is necessary, which prevents the applica¬ tion of the common treadle and crank. By lengthening the heel of the shuttle, so as to allow the motion of the shuttle to the right to be continued till the needle has ascended sufficiently to allow of its free return, we are enabled to apply the crank motion, particularly as this possesses the peculiarity of retarding its motion at the moment of turning the centre. Attempts have also been made to simplify the motion of the needle. As before described, the needle on the completion of the loop must again descend so as to allow of its eye being below the lower edge of the shuttle during the side motion of the latter. This can be avoided by so arranging that the eye of the needle, at the moment of the completion of the loop, is already below the shuttle, Plate IV., Fig. 22, A. The point of the shuttle must in this case be bent downwards, so that the requisite distance, as before mentioned, still con¬ tinues between it and the eye of the needle. The surface of the shuttle must be perfectly smooth and polished to allow of the thread slipping freely over it. It is constructed of steel of about ~ to At Fi. thick. The thinner it is, the more room in the interior, the larger the bobbin can be, and the longer a thread can be carried. The bobbin consists of a steel axis, a b, Fig. 28, Plate II., the ends of which a and b are hardened, and to Avhich two round discs are affixed, between which the thread is wound. These discs are rounded off on their interior surface, so that in winding the thread each 32 THE SEWING-MACHINE. layer may lie evenly on the preceding one. The pivots of the bobbin run in two sockets, one of which is drilled in a small piece of steel brazed to the front end of the shuttle, the other in a sliding piece which is pressed forward by a spiral spring. The hinder pivot of the bobbin is first introduced into e, and the other then slides in a groove into the other socket. The bobbin is thus prevented from shifting longitudinally, and can at the same time revolve freely without much friction. The sliding piece has also been inserted in the front part of the shuttle, Fig. 29, which arrangement allows of the bobbin being made longer, and has therefore mostly been adopted. The shuttle is also generally fur¬ nished with a cover, but this is unnecessary as long as the flanges of the bobbin do not come in contact with the surface along which the shuttle has to pass. To regulate the pressure of the sliding piece on the pivot of the bobbin, it has been proposed to insert a sunk screw at the back of the shuttle to compress the spring as much as necessary. This arrangement, however, shortens the length of the bobbin. The pivots and sockets are very liable to wear unevenly, causing the bobbin to wriggle, and attempts have therefore been made to in¬ troduce in their place axles working in circular bearings, Fig. 26. The exterior surfaces of the flanges of the spool aie in this case also rounded off so as to cause the least amount of friction when brought in contact by the tension of the thread, alternately with one or other of the bear¬ ings. The diameter of the axles is from - 1 - to T V in. The difficulty is in this case to prevent the bobbin shifting longitudinally, and thus causing irregularity in the ten¬ sion of the thread. In fact the desideratum in the construc¬ tion of the shuttle and bobbin is to allow the tension of the THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP SHUTTLES. 33 thread to be varied at will without being liable to acci¬ dental alterations. A greater power being necessary to overcome the friction of the spool, as the thread runs off, owing to the diminished leverage, it follows that the tension of the thread itself must vary according as the spool is more or less full. This variation does not allow of the axis of the bobbin being made thin so as to take as much thread as possible on the spool, and it is therefore generally made T V to At i n - diameter. Springs pressing- cither on the flanges of the bobbin, or the thread itself have been tried, but these are only applicable to bobbins running in bearings, the disadvantages of which arrange¬ ment have been before shown, and the construction in Fig. 29 has therefore been generally adopted. The friction of the bobbin is, however, not sufficient for the tension of the thread, and the exterior of the shuttle is therefore provided with a row of eyes, i h, through which the thread is passed. Their diameter is generally At in., so as to allow the thickest thread to pass freely through them, and they must be perfectly smooth and without sharp edges. The thread is conducted through these holes, either alternately from the in to the outside, or passes through each eye from the exterior, being carried thither through the slit, h, parallel with the eyes. This increases the tension of the thread and enables it to be regulated by passing the thread through a greater or less number of eyes. The thread is not conveyed direct from the bobbin to the eyes, as this would again in¬ crease the variation in its tension, but passes through a slit, /, in the lower surface of the shuttle over the upper edge, g, into the eyes. The upper part of the shuttle is rounded off where the thread passes over to D 34 THE SEWING-MACHINE. prevent the thread coming in contact with the shuttle race and becoming frayed. This is the simplest manner of stretching the thread as required; other methods have been tried, but the above described has always again been reverted to. The original shuttle presented a rectangular section, and the spool lay loose in it, so that the thread fre¬ quently became entangled and sudden alterations in the tension occurred. SHUTTLES FOR HORIZONTAL CURVILINEAR MOTION. The shuttle in this arrangement runs with one side against a cylindrical surface in which is the vertical groove for guiding it. The shuttle can retain the shape previously described, except that its surface running on the cylinder, or at least its point, m n, Fig. 26, must be rounded off A new description of shuttle of a cylin¬ drical form, Fig. 30, has, however, come into general use. It is constructed as thin as possible, to h- in., with a solid point, and cut off at its heel at an obtuse angle. The point is also rounded off on the side next the guide plate, forming the surface, A, which serves to keep the shuttle, which would otherwise be apt to turn on its axis, in its right position. This shape might also be applied to shuttles having a rectilinear motion, by slightly altering the form of the point. A slit, A, is made on the side opposite to the surface, A, 1"' in width, parallel to the axis, and running nearly the whole length, of the shuttle. This is intended to guide the steel- plate, c e, by which it is entirely filled, and to which two cylindrical plates are attached at right angles, the 011 e > 9i as a cover to the shuttle, and for the one pivot of the spool to work in, and the other to support the box, cZ, containing the spring for the moveable socket, /. The thread on leaving the spool passes through the curved opening, i k, and then through a series of eyes in the plate, Z to, which is brazed on parallel to the axis on the top surface of the shuttle, so that the one side of it runs along the guide plate of the shuttle, and assists in keep¬ ing the latter in its correct position. To insert the spool in the shuttle it is first placed in the holder, the end of the thread passed through i k from the interior, and the holder is then slipped into the shuttle. The chief advantage of this description of shuttle is that the needle need not descend so low, as there is no edge round which the thread can twist. The needle has also not again to descend, after completing the loop, to allow of the passage of the shuttle through the loop, but only to stand still, or may even slowly continue its ascent; but must, at the moment of the shuttle quitting the loop, still be some distance from its extreme point of ascent. SHUTTLES WITH VERTICAL CURVILINEAR MOTION. For this motion the shuttle itself must be curved correspondingly to the arc of the circle described by it, Fig. 27. It is evident that this description of shuttle cannot contain so large a spool as the straight shuttle above described, and attempts have therefore been made also to employ the latter for vertical curvilinear motion, but without success, as the eye of the needle must then always remain below the lower edge of the shuttle; this increases the necessary length of the shaft of the needle, which should always be round. A straight cylindrical d 2 36 THE SEWING-MACHINE. shuttle would answer better, and is occasionally em¬ ployed. To enable tlie curved shuttle to accommodate a larger quantity of thread the spool has also been entirely discarded, and the thread is laid in a kind of ball or cop loose in the shuttle, which is then enclosed on all sides. It is necessary in this case for the thread to be very carefully wound by means of a peculiar con¬ trivance. The thread runs from the interior of the ball, but is so apt to get entangled that this arrange¬ ment has come but little into use. The shuttle runs in grooves varying in shape according to the direction of its motion, and is put in operation by a so-called shuttle driver. It is evident that the entire length of the shuttle having to pass through the loop, it cannot be connected with the driver, which must therefore only act on such parts of the shuttle as are for a time free from the loop, viz. : at the commencement of the ad¬ vancing and the end of the returning motion on the heel, and at the commencement of the returning and the end of the advancing motion on the point of the shuttle. In the original arrangement, therefore, two drivers were made use of, which were, however, soon combined by drilling a hole in each extremity of the shuttle, in which two corresponding catches of the shuttle driver fit, the one relinquishing its hold when the other commences its action. In 1849 Morey intro¬ duced the shuttle driver now in use in which these two studs are omitted, consequently dispensing with the corresponding holes in the shuttle, and which consists of a lever with a projection at either end, by which the shuttle is alternately driven backwards and forwards. The shape of these projections has undergone many THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OP SHUTTLES. 37 alterations, instances of which will be adduced. The driver has been still more simplified by applying it to the heel only of the shuttle, in place of at its front and back extremities; to the heel of the shuttle a pro¬ jecting lip is attached forming a socket for the reception of the nose of the hammer-shaped reciprocating driver. This arrangement cannot, however, be recommended, as it allows the point of the shuttle too much play in an upward direction. As unimportant variations, may be mentioned the construction of the driver for various sized shuttles, the imparting to it a slight return motion to allow of the loop slipping freely from the shuttle, as also by the application of a crank motion to propel the shuttle faster in its advance than its return, so as-, to shorten the dwell of the needle in its deepest position. To avoid the friction of the thread on the exterior- surface of the shuttle, and the necessity of the needle standing still, by which the application of a crank motion- is precluded, a moveable hook attached to the driver- lias been introduced, which catches the loop, and holding it open allows of the passage of the shuttle without the thread of the latter coming in contact with the loop. This may be considered as the transition to SHUTTLES WITH FIXED SPOOLS. The spool on which the thread, by which the loops of the upper thread are fastened, is wound, has in this arrangement only a revolving motion. A hook catches the loop and draws it over the spool. This hook, or looper, has either a reciprocating or rotating motion. The former is, however, but seldom employed owing -to the complicated arrangements necessary, and develop- 38 THE SEWING-MACHINE. ments of the rotating looper appear to he the direction in which we must look for further improvements in the construction of sewing-machines. The spool, Fig. 10, A B C, Plate VII, is so constructed that the thread of the loop slips easily and without friction over it, and owing to its answering the purpose of a shuttle it is not unfrequently so called. It consists of two halves brazed together formed of steel plate \ to thick, well turned and polished, and the thread passes through the slit formed by the edges of the two halves. The slit is usually in., as this description of machine is mostly employed for fine work, and the edges must of course be rounded oft’ so as to avoid fraying the thread. There are two requisites in the construction of the spool, viz. to allow as much interior space as possible, and to avoid too great a difference in the circumference of the thread when the spool is full and nearly empty. The spool is therefore generally made broader towards its axis, having generally 2"' as its greatest breadth, and the axis itself varies from f to y of the diameter of the spool, which is between 14 to 15'". To still further diminish the friction of the loop passing over the spool, the axis is sometimes sunk as in C, Fig. 10, Plate VII. The spool is contained in a hollow on the front side of the looper, so that the surface of the former exposed to view, q, Fig. 7, appears as a continuation of the front surface of the looper. The shape of this hollow, r s, is shown in the drawing. Between the hinder surface of the spool and that of the hollow is a space of in. The needle having ascended T V in., the point of the looper rotating in the direction of the hands of a watch, THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OE SHUTTLES. 39 reaches tlie needle -§. to yV in. above its eye, big. 22, A, and the needle continuing its ascent, the point pene¬ trates still further the loop, Fig. 22, B, till the latter can slip no further on the projecting point, big. 22, C, and therefore falls into the groove, e f. Fig. 7, which runs round the periphery of the cylindrical surface of the looper, becoming narrower and shallower till it termi¬ nates in the vertical surface g. The farther the looper advances the longer the thread of the loop is extended in the groove, while the one side of the loop is com¬ pelled to slip behind the spool, and the advance being continued, Fig. 22, D, the thread conveyed by the groove reaches the above-mentioned vertical surface, and slips from it over the front surface of the spool. The loop has now reached a perpendicular position, Fig. 22, E, twisted diametrically round the spool, and would, the motion of the looper being continued, slip still farther to the left, passing over the spool, and at once quitting the looper, were it not for the so-called break acting against the cir¬ cumference of the looper, Fig. 22, A, by which the loop is retained till the point of the looper has entered the fresh loop, Fig. 22, B, and there is no longer any fear of the old loop being again caught. The loop is freed from the break on the vertical surface of the looper reaching the latter, and leaving sufficient space for the thread to pass. The second point of the looper is only of secondary importance. A portion of the thread of the loop slips over its front surface, Fig. 22, E, when the loop commences to leave its perpendicular position and approaches the break, which being reached, the hinder thread of the loop slips off this second point, which is calculated to reach the needle at its deepest 40 THE SEWING-MACHINE. point of descent. It is therefore evident that the looper must have travelled the distance of the two points from one another, while the needle has ascended t L- to T V in. Their distance from one another will therefore be 4- in., o / if we reckon them to be di in. from the centre of the looper. If the diameter of the looper is in., it follows that the points are -L- to in. distant from the extreme periphery of the looper. The hinder surface of the second point is also flat, but lies a little more forward than that of the first, so as to allow of sufficient space between it and the needle (j,-'"). This arrangement was first introduced by the Americans, Wheeler and Wilson, though not exactly as has been described, having under¬ gone many modifications and improvements. In some machines the spool has a reciprocating motion given to it in the direction of the axis of the looper, which is in this case hollow to allow of the passage of the spool. II. THE MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SEWING- MACHINE. It has been shewn that all sewing-machines have a needle operating from above, and a contrivance below operating with it, the motion of each being dependent on that of the other. The mechanism by which the necessary motion is imparted to the needle is separated from that of the lower portion of the apparatus by the so-called serving plate , containing the needle hole , through which the needle passes in its ascent and descent. The material to be sewn rests on the sewing plate, and is advanced the length of a stitch after the completion of each stitch by THE NEEDLE MECHANISM. 41 means of the feed motion. There is also an arrange¬ ment for regulating the tension of the thread. Affixed to the sewing plate, at a distance varying from 3 to 12 in. from the needle hole, is a bent arm, or overhanging bracket, the head of which terminates above the needle hole and serves to support part of the mechanism. The height of the head from the needle hole varies from 1 to 5 in., but is generally above 3 in. A line drawn from the needle hole to the base of the arm is called the axis of the machine. Looking from the needle hole towards the base of the bracket are the right and left sides of the machine. The bracket is affixed to the hinder part of the machine, the needle hole is situated in the front. THE MECHANISM FOR COMMUNICATING MOTION TO THE NEEDLE. The needle has an ascending and descending motion perpendicular to the sewing plate, and is affixed to the lower end of a shaft working in perpendicular guides, and called the needle carrier. To compensate for the wear by friction of the guide plates, the needle carrier shown in Plate VI., Figs. 1 and 2, „ Kp , allows of the plates being adjusted to it by means of a screw, the friction being also much lessened. The shape shown, Plate V., Fig. 10, is almost equally good, but is surpassed by that of Fig. 9, Plate IV. The one prism-shaped guide of the carrier is a fixture, while the other, admitting of a slight horizontal movement, can be tightened up by a screw when either the carrier or the guide has become 42 THE SEWING-MACHINE. worn. Both right-angled and cylindrical carriers are very liable to work loose. The needle is attached to the carrier by a screw in various manners. In Plate IV., Figs. 1 and 2, it is shown fastened in a groove running parallel to the axis of the carrier by the head of a square bolt passing through the carrier, and tightened by a screw and nut. In Fig. 1,. Plate \ I., it is fastened by a wedge, P , to which a screw is attached. In larger carriers the needle is fastened in a perpendicular bore provided with a set screw, o, Plate V., Fig. 1. In round carriers, or such as have their lower extremity round, a nut, B, Plate II., Fig. 12, with a conical bore, compresses the cone-shaped slotted end of the carrier on the needle. It is absolutely necessary that the needle should be perfectly parallel to the axis of the carrier, and should this not be th'e case when fitted, it must be bent in the right direction, and the shanks of the needles are there¬ fore generally left untempered. The needle carrier must be constructed as light as possible, consistent with the necessary solidity, but owing to the friction even then attendant on its use, the needle has been attached to the end of a lever, 6 to 8 in. in length, moving in a perpendicular plane. This is in fact the first arrangement, the needle carrier having been first introduced in 1846. It is chiefly employed for light work on account of the weakness of the needles, owing to the curved form which must be given them corresponding to the arc described by them. As this curve must exactly correspond to that described by the end of the lever, this description of needle is generally pro- THE NEEDLE MECHANISM. 43 vicled with a flat shank to prevent the needle from turning. Motion is communicated to the needle by means of a shaft, with either a crank worked by hand, or a fly¬ wheel connected by driving bands with a treadle. This shaft is called the main or driving shaft, and is always horizontal. Its position varies, being in some machines above, in others below the sewing plate; it is also placed sometimes parallel, sometimes perpendicular, to the axis of the machine. The means of transmission of motion from the main shaft to the needle also vary, a crank being generally sufficient, otherwise an eccentric slot is employed. There are therefore eight various combinations which will be described below. The main shaft lies above the seioing plate, parallel with the axis of the machine , and motion is transmitted by means of a crank. Instead of an ordinary crank a round plate, or disc, is generally affixed to the front end of the main shaft, having a projecting stud passing through one end of a connecting rod, the other end of which is attached to the needle carrier. As it is gene¬ rally advantageous to cause the needle to dwell at its highest and lowest points of motion, the connecting rod is usually made short in proportion to the length of the crank—it is frequently not more than 4 - in. longer than the latter. The main shaft lies above the sewing plate, parallel to the axis of the machine , and motion is transmitted by means of an eccentric slot. This arrangement is similar to the one just described, except that the disc is provided on its front surface with an eccentric slot in which a 44 THE SEWING-MACHINE. friction roller, attached by a pin to the needle carrier, works. (See machine shown in Plate I.) In this instance the slot revolves while the pin has the ascending and descending motion. In Plate IV. a machine is shown in which the roller is attached to a pin in the disc, while the needle carrier itself is slotted. The main shaft lies above the sewing'plate perpendicular to the axis of the machine and motion is transmitted by a crank. It is evident that in this arrangement the main shaft must be placed in the rear of the bracket, as its transmission gearing would otherwise diminish the space for the passage of the material to be sewn. This position of the main shaft also requires the circular motion of the crank changed, by a connecting rod, into a rectilinear one to be transmitted to the needle carrier by a lever. If the guide of the connecting rod is perpendicular the lever must be straight, if diagonal or horizontal, a bent lever must be employed. In the first case, Plate VII., Fig. 24, the shaft would be placed but a slight distance above the sewing plate; in fact, it would be most advantageous in machines having the main shaft perpendicular to their axis to place it below the sewing plate. In the second case the back of the machine would have to be disproportionately lengthened, and this arrangement is therefore but seldom employed. The main shaft lies above the sewing plate perpendicular to the axis of the machine , ancl motion is transmitted by an eccentric slot. This slot is constructed in the plate at¬ tached to the front end of the main shaft, and the transmission roller forms the end of a lever communi¬ cating motion to the needle carrier. The arrangements THE NEEDLE MECHANISM. 45 vary slightly, according as a straight or bent lever is employed, but the principle remains the same. The main shaft lies beloiv the sewing plate, parallel to the axis of the machine, and motion is transmitted by a crank. The crank is affixed to the back end of the shaft, and gives motion by means of a universal joint to a con¬ necting rod moving in a perpendicular plane, to the other end of which the end of a horizontal lever is attached by which the motion is transmitted to the needle carrier. See Fig. 29, also machine shown in Plate II. The mean shaft lies below the sewing plate, parallel to the axis of the machine, motion being transmitted by means of an eccentric groove. (See machine shown in Plate Y.) The groove is in this instance on the exterior of a o cylinder attached to the main shaft, and the roller transmitting the motion to a bent lever has a recipro¬ cating motion, almost rectilinear, horizontal to the sur¬ face of the cylinder, Plate VII., Fig. 30. The path of the roller is a flat curve, the plane of which is perpen¬ dicular, parallel to the axis of the shaft, and touching the cylinder in a straight line from which the curve described deviates but slightly. To reduce this deviation as much as possible, the lever arm to which the roller is attached, as also the diameter of the cylinder, are made as large as possible, and the curve described by the roller is so arranged that its extremities are just the same height above the point of contact as its centre is below. The main shaft lies beloiv the sewing plate, perpendicular to the axis of the machine, and motion is transmitted by a 46 THE SEWING-MACHINE. cranJc. The principle of this construction, Figs. 31 and 32, does not differ from that shown in Figs. 24 and 25. The proportions of the parts alone vary. The main shaft lies below the seioing plate, perpendicular to the machine axis , ancl motion is transmitted by an eccen¬ tric groove. This arrangement, Figs. 33 and 34, also corresponds with that shown in Figs. 27 and 28, except that the straight lever shown in Fig. 27 is replaced in Fig. 33 by a lever bent at an obtuse angle, and that the proportions of the various parts differ. Assuming the main shaft in the front part of the machine, the lever takes the form of ID . By giving the roller the rotating, the groove the reciprocating, motion, and making the groove rectilinear, we obtain the form of arrangement shown in Plate III. In most of these arrangements motion is transferred to the needle carrier by a lever which is attached in various manners. Either the end of the lever has a slot, in which a stud attached to the needle carrier travels, or a short connecting rod is employed. This arrangement with levers alone makes it possible to dis¬ pense with the needle carrier, and to employ curved needles. As, however, when curved needles are made use of, the fulcrum of the lever must he but slightly above the sewing plate, a straight lever is inadmissible. In Plate VII. a machine of this description is shown according to the plan of Fig. 31. THE TRANSMISSION OE MOTION TO THE LOWER MECHANISM. The arrangements below the sewing plate vary much in different machines. They may be thus classified: Those with a rotating motion, including the revolving THE MECHANISM OF 47 hook of the single-thread chain-stitch machine, and the revolving looper of the quilting-stitch machine, and those with a reciprocating or oscillating motion. These latter may be again divided into those with cur¬ vilinear and those with rectilinear motion. Those with a curvilinear motion describe either an arc with a very small angle, as the looper of the single-thread chain- stitch machine, and the similarly constructed double¬ thread chain-stitch machine, or an arc with a larger angle, as in machines with travelling shuttles ; or, lastly, almost a perfect circle, as the looper of the double¬ thread chain-stitch machine of Grover and Baker. I. THE REVOLVING HOOK is always attached to the end of the main shaft, which must therefore in this arrangement be below the sewing plate, and the mechanism for communicating motion to the needle must be arranged accordingly. (See machines shown, Plates II. and VII.) II. THE HOOK WITH RECIPROCATING MOTION. This hook makes, as previously described, a short motion from left to right, and then a still shorter lateral one; a pause occurs, and it then retraverses the same path. The motion from left to right and right to left is called the main motion, the other the side motion. The latter is effected in the following manner: The looper is affixed to a double-jointed lever swinging in a horizontal plane by means of a hinge, the axis of which is perpendicular. Lines drawn from the centre of the hinge to the point of the looper, and to the ful¬ crum of the lever, form an obtuse angle with its opening to the right. A spring, Jc, attached to the lever and 48 THE SEWING-MACHINE. pressing against a projection, h, of the looper (Plate I., Figs. 21 and 22), the so-called heel, endeavours to diminish this angle, but can only effect this in a limited degree on account of the pin i. The looper having concluded its motion from left to right, a part of it impinges on the pin m, and the lever continuing its motion, the point of the looper must move forward in the direction of the arrow. The side motion need therefore not be brought into consideration. The crank motion is inapplicable in this arrangement, and an eccentric groove must im¬ part the necessary motion. The main motion must always be in the same direction as the movement of the material to be sewn, perpendicular to the axis of the machine. We have therefore only four arrangements to consider, according as the main shaft is above or below the sewing plate, parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the machine. By taking into consideration that tne plane of oscillation of the looper might be perpen¬ dicular the number of arrangements might be increased to eight, but only the four following will be described: The main shaft lies above the serving plate , and parallel to the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation of the looper is horizontal. At the rear end of the shaft is a disc with an eccentric slot, in which a roller rotates, attached to the end of a lever vibrating in a plane per¬ pendicular to the axis of the machine. Plate VII., Fig. 3o. The hinder end of the lower lever presses against the end of the lever vibrating horizontally. The roller therefore only comes in contact with the interior side of the eccentric groove, and a plate of an eccentric form is therefore frequently substituted. (See arrange¬ ment of machine in Plate I.) THE SHUTTLE MECHANISM. 49 The main shaft lies above the sewing plate , and perpen¬ dicular to the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation of the looper is horizontal. A cylinder is attached to the shaft in which is the groove. The hinder end of the lower lever is turned upwards, and supports on a vertical pin the roller running in the groove perpendicularly below the main shaft. (Plate VII., Fig. 36.) The main shaft lies below the sewing plate perpendicular to the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation of the looper is horizontal. This arrangement differs but little from the preceding ones, except that the end of the lever need not be turned up. The main shaft lies below the sewing-plate, parallel with the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation of the looper is perpendicular. The disc with the eccentric slot is attached to the end of the shaft and the roller between the looper and the pivot of the lever, Fig. 37. If, however, it is intended to give the vibrating motion to the groove, the roller is attached to a crank plate on the main shaft, Fig. 38. 3. SHUTTLES WITH CURVILINEAR OSCILLATING MOTION. The shuttle is situated at the end of a lever describing- o in its motion an angle of generally 45 to 60 deg., but seldom exceeding 90 deg. The lever vibrates either in a vertical or horizontal plane, and the chord of the arc de¬ scribed can be parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the machine, of course always in a horizontal plane. As the main shaft can also be parallel or perpendicular to the axis [of the machine, the position of the chord of the arc to the main shaft must be either parallel or per¬ pendicular. Taking into account that the shaft can E 50 THE SEWING-MACHINE. either be above or below the sewing-plate, and that the motion can be imparted either by a crank or eccentric groove, sixteen different variations can occur, the prin¬ cipal of which are described below. The plane of oscillation is horizontal, the main shaft lies below the sewing-plate , parallel to the chord of the arc of oscillation , and motion is transmitted by means of an eccentric groove. The groove is situated either on the plane surface of a disc on the main shaft, Plate VII., Fig. 39., or on the circumference of a cylinder attached to the shaft, Fig. 40. In both cases a two-armed lever transmits the motion by means of a connecting rod to another two-armed lever which is straight when the groove is in a disc, and bent when the groove is in a cylinder. The plane of oscillation is horizontal, the main shaft lies above the sewing-plate perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation , and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove. A two-armed straight lever transmits the mo¬ tion from the eccentric grove, by means of a connecting- rod, to a second lever actuating the shuttle. This latter lever is single when the grove is in a disc and the main shaft is perpendicular to the axis of the machine, Fig. 41. It is two-armed and bent when the groove is in a cylinder, and the shaft runs parallel to the axis of the machine, Fig. 43. If the groove is in a cylinder and the shaft perpendicular to the axis of the machine, the lever assumes dimensions presenting considerable difficulty. The plane of oscillation is horizontal, the main shaft beloio the sewing plate, parallel to the chord of the arc of oscilla¬ tion, and motion is transmitted by a crank. The shuttle is situated on the long arm of a bent lever, the short THE SHUTTLE MECHANISM. 51 - arm of which is joined to the crank by a connecting- rod. As the crank is very short a simple crank-pin would be sufficient, lever and connecting-rod being joined by a universal joint, Fig. 44. The plane of oscillation is horizontal , the main shaft below the sewing-plate parallel to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove. This combination allows of the very simple arrangement shown in Figs. 45 and 46, the latter of which is par¬ ticularly applicable when the shaft is parallel to the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation is horizontal , the main shaft below the sewing-plate perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by a crank. The shuttle is placed at the end of a straight two-armed lever, the short arm of which is attached to the crank by means of a connecting-rod, both ends of which are fitted with universal joints, except when it is very long, when a simple cylindrical crank-pin will be sufficient, Fig. 47. The plane of oscillation is horizontal , the main shaft be¬ low the sewing-plate perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove. The shuttle is situated at the end of the longest arm of a bent lever to the other arm of which the roller is attached, running in the groove of a cylinder, Fig. 48. See also arrangement of machine, Plate V., Figs. 20 and 21 . The plane of oscillation is perpendicular, the main shaft above the sewing-plate parallel to the chord of the arc of os¬ cillation and motion is transmitted by a crank. The lever carrying the shuttle is attached to a horizontal shaft e 2 52 THE SEWING-MACHINE. running parallel to the axis of the machine, and to the hinder end of which a short lever having a horizontal mo¬ tion is attached receiving motion from the crank by means of a connecting-rod with a universal joint. This arrangement, Fig. 49, is, however, only practicable when the shaft is perpendicular to the axis of the machine. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft above the sewing-plate parallel with the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove. To the main shaft a cylinder is attached with a groove giving motion by means of a roller to a lever with per¬ pendicular motion. Parallel to the axis of this lever is a shaft below the sewing-plate, to the front of which is attached the lever with the shuttle, the other end being -connected with a small lever bent upwards, and connected with the end of the lever carrying the roller, Fig. 50. This arrangement can only be employed when the main shaft is perpendicular to the axis of the machine. Other¬ wise the lower end of the lever carrying the roller is joined to the shuttle-lever by a connecting-rod, Fig. 51. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft above the sewing-plate perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by a crank. This combination can only be effected when the shaft is paral¬ lel to the axis of the machine. The crank-pin is attached to a horizontal lever by means of a connecting-rod at¬ tached to the hinder end of a shaft haying the shuttle- lever at the other end, Fig. 52. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft above the seising-plate perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove. The construction, necessary in this case, is similar to that THE SHUTTLE MECHANISM. 53 shown in Figs. 50 and 51, substituting for the cylinder a plate with eccentric groove, Figs. 53 and 54. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft below the sewing-plate , parallel with the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by a crank. The con¬ struction necessary in this case is similar to that shown in Fig. 49, except that the shaft is below the sewing- plate. This arrangement cannot, however, be recom¬ mended, as the connecting-rod must be so much shortened that the friction of the joints becomes disproportionately increased. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft beloiv the sewing-plate , parallel with the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric groove'... If the main shaft is perpendicular to the axis of the ■ machine, a cylinder with the eccentric groove is at¬ tached to it, by which a short perpendicular lever is- put in motion, communicating with the hinder end of a shaft to the front end of which the shuttle is affixed, Fig. 55. The lower lever-shaft can be also so shortened that both levers fall together, and the roller is attached to the shuttle-lever direct. If the shaft is parallel to the-- axis of the machine the cylinder with the groove in it; puts a short lever moving in a perpendicular plane in motion. This is again connected by a rod having a hori¬ zontal motion -with a corresponding point of the shuttle- lever by a hinge, Fig. 56. Dispensing with the connect¬ ing-rod the two levers become united, and the roller is attached direct to the shuttle-lever. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular, the main shaft beneath the sewingplate, perpendicidar to the chord of the arc of oscillation and motion is transmitted by an eccentric 54 THE SEWING-MACHINE. groove. This construction is similar to the foregoing, substituting for the cylinder a disc in which is the groove, Figs. 57 and 58. In this case the oscillating motion is frequently given to the groove, the rotating motion to the roller, especially when the groove is recti¬ linear. The plane of oscillation is perpendicular , the main shaft below the sewing-plate , perpendicular to the chord of the arc of oscillation , and motion is transmitted by a crank. The crank pin is connected by a rod having a horizontal mo¬ tion to a suitable point of the shuttle lever. 4. SHUTTLES WITH RECTILINEAR MOTION. The shuttle is propelled, as before described, by the driver, which is attached, in the case of shuttles with curvilinear motion, to the end of a lever arm. With shuttles, however, having rectilinear motion, the driver generally consists of two parts, the one for imparting motion to the shuttle, the other, the so-called slide, serv¬ ing as a guide. They are attached by means of screws. The section of the slide like that of the needle-carrier, to which it may be compared, varies considerably. The shapes most in use are shown, Plate IV., Figs. 1 and 18; Plate V., Figs. 1, 14 and 15; Plate VI., Fig. 9. The horizontal race in which the shuttle runs is either paral¬ lel or perpendicular to the axis of the machine ; and as the main shaft can also be parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the machine, it must also be either parallel or perpendicular to the shuttle-race. The shaft can also be either above or below the sewing-plate, and motion can be transmitted either by a crank or eccentric groove, making in all eight varieties of construction, details of THE FEED MOTION. 55 which are, however, unnecessary, as those previously given may be readily modified to suit the rectilinear motion, it being only necessary to connect the lever, to which, in shuttles with curvilinear motion, the shuttle was attached, by means of a rod to the shuttle-driver slide. In many cases the lever may be entirely dispensed with by attaching the connecting-rod to the shuttle- driver slide by means of a hinge, especially when motion is transmitted by a crank, as shown (Plate IV., Fig. 1; Plate V., Fig. 1). If the eccentric groove is used the roller is attached to a prolongation of the slide, which much simplifies the arrangements (see plate VI., Fig. 4). 5. LOOPER WITH LONG RECIPROCATING MOTION. The double thread chain-stitch looper of Grover and Baker reciprocates on a perpendicular axis, and describes almost a perfect circle. The following is the arrange¬ ment now generally employed for communicating mo¬ tion to the looper: To the axis of the looper a small cylinder is attached, round which an eccentric groove runs and a roller attached to the end of the p shaped needle-lever imparts a reciprocating motion to the cylin¬ der. Latterly this arrangement has been somewhat modified by employing a nut instead of the roller, and giving the groove a screw form. THE MECHANISM FOR IMPARTING MOTION TO THE MATERIAL. The material to be sewn is advanced at the comple¬ tion of each stitch the length of a stitch. The sewing plate itself is constructed generally of cast-iron, less fre¬ quently of brass or steel; but the sewing hole is almost 56 THE SEWING-MACHINE. invariably constructed in a piece of steel screwed into the plate, as the friction of the thread would otherwise be apt to enlarge the hole. This sewing-hole plate is made as thin as practicable ; as the thinner this is the less dis¬ tance need the lower mechanism be from it, and the shorter the needle. It is never more than T ' T in. thick, frequently only in. The hole’must only be suffi¬ ciently large to admit of the free passage of the thickest needle with the thickest thread that is to be employed, as, if it is too large, the material is apt to be drawn down into it during the descent of the needle, and if too small, the thread is liable to fray and break. Machines for sewing thin materials, as shirt-fronts, &c., have a sewing-hole of ± diameter, and the size increases according to the thread employed up to in. for sewing sail-cloth. The most usual sizes are between in. and tV in- The sewing hole must be well rounded off, and is generally enlarged downwards so as to give play to the thread and cause as little friction as possible. The material is held down by the so-called presser during the formation of the stitch, and at the completion of the stitch, is advanced by the feeder the length of a stitch. This feeder is roughened on its surface, and is situated beneath the presser and rising out of the sewing- hole plate, advances, carrying the material with it. Sometimes the feeder is dispensed with, and in this case the surface of the presser foot is roughened, and it is so constructed as to make the necessary advance. The mechanism has therefore to be arranged for I.-FEEDERS WORKING FROM BELOW. The presser, in this case, consists of an iron rod, to the lower end of which a steel piece is screwed, called the foot. As the pressure requires to be applied as near the needle-hole as possible, it would appear most advantageous to place the presser immediately above the hole, leaving in it an aperture sufficiently large for the passage of the needle and thread. This, however, prevents the requisite direction being given with exacti¬ tude in other than straight seams, and a slit is therefore made in the foot rather wider than the diameter of the sewing-hole, or a piece of glass having a hole in it is inserted in the foot. A guide-plate is however now generally attached by screws to the sewing-plate, and the foot of the presser is so constructed that its side only slightly projects over the sewing-hole, and a semi-circular groove in this side allows of the passage of the needle. The presser foot is always situated on the front side of the sewing-hole, as otherwise the material would have to pass through the aperture between the bracket-arm and the sewing-plate. The presser rod is placed either to the right or left of the needle-carrier. In machines whose axis lies crossways, the rod is placed to the left so as not to impede the view of the person working. See machines shown, Plates II., III., IV., and Y. The rod itself may be either round, square, or rec¬ tangular. In the first two cases the lower end of the rod is made square and fitted with a screw or matrix, and the foot fitting on the square is attached by a screw to the rod. Seep, Fig. 2, Plate V.; S, Fig. 2, Plate II. If the rod is rectangular the foot is generally spliced on and attached either by rivets or a screw, see Plate IV., Fig 2. A round rod works in two sockets, and is pre¬ vented from turning by a small stud working in a vertical slot, Plate VII., Fig. 16 ; Plate II., Fig. 2. The pressure is applied by means of a spiral steel spring 58 THE SEWING-MACHINE. encircling the rod and pressing against the before-men¬ tioned stud, Plate III., Fig. 2. This arrangement is also made use of with square rods, the spring in this case pressing direct on the foot, Plate V., Fig 2, and the rod working in sockets; rectangular rods, on the con¬ trary, generally work on one of the perpendicular sides of the bracket-arm, Plate IV., Fig. 2. To place the material to be sewn in its right position the presser must be raised, which is effected by an ec¬ centric attached to a lever. This eccentric is either attached to the presser itself, or to the arm of the machine. Various modes of application are shown, Plate II., Fig. 12, A a, Plate III., Figs. 1 and 2 ; Plate IV., Fig. 2; Plate V., Fig. 2, and Plate VII., Figs. 1 and 2. The presser is raised from T 3 T to f T in. accord¬ ing to the thickness of the material to be sewn. The distance is always made as small as practicable, as the length of the needle increases in proportion so as to prevent the needle carrier coming in contact with the foot. The feeder itself consists of a flat rectangular roughened steel plate which, rising from an opening in the sewing-hole plate, advances the material the length of a stitch, then sinks and returns to its former position. A feed-wheel, the circumference of which is roughened, is sometimes employed, to which an intermittent cir¬ cular motion is given. The feed-plate has a breadth of from -fls to i in. according to the material to be sewn, and is generally \ in. in length. Sometimes the part behind the sewing-hole is made narrow, Plate VII., Fig. 12. The flutes of the surface of the feed-plate have the sectional form of a right-angled triangle having its hypothenuse in the direction of the motion of the THE FEED MOTION. 59 material, and vary in fineness, some being T V in. from each other, and f of this in depth, others being so fine that 3 or 4 are contained in a line. The opening in the sewing-hole plate is of exactly the same breadth as that of the surface of the feed-plate, and of a length equal to that of the latter and the length of the stitch to be made. The roughened plate is attached to a larger piece to which motion is applied by the co-called feed eccentric which is affixed to the main shaft, and consists generally of two separate eccentrics, the one commu¬ nicating the ascending and descending, and the other the to and fro motion. It ivill be perceived that in this arrangement the main shaft must be below the sewing plate. In Fig. 2, Plate II., the feeder, CC., slides on the pin bolt round which it has also a slight circular motion. The same principle is employed in the arrangement shown in Plate V., Fig. 2, but in this case the sides of V, a section of which is shown in Fig. 7, serve as a guide to the feeder. In Fig. 21, Plate VII., the feed-plate is attached to the end of a lever turning horizontally on, a b, running in regular guides. The horizontal motion is given to the feeder by attaching a horizontal plate against which the eccentric presses. The return motion is effected by a spring. The shape of the eccentric varies according as the direction of the feed is parallel or perpendicular to the main shaft. In the first case the face and the circum¬ ference of the eccentric give respectively the up and down and to and fro motions, in the latter two separate eccentrics are employed for each motion. The advance of the material must take place when the needle is at its highest point, so that it neither bends the needle nor is 60 THE SEWING-MACHINE. retained by it. Another reason for causing the advance to take place at the moment of the needle commencing its descent, is that the thread has then already attained its maximum amount of tension which would have pre¬ viously been too much increased by a forward motion of the material and would have caused the latter to be drawn together. The rise of the feeder takes place just previous, and the fall just subsequent to the advance of the material. The advance of the feeder in the case of shuttle machines takes place when the shuttle has half penetrated the loop. The rise and fall of the feeder is generally T '— in., half above, half below the surface of the sewing plate. Attempts have been made to communicate to the feeder simultaneous rise and advance, as also fall and return motion. The roughened foot is attached to a lever, a b, Fig. 16, Plate III., consisting of two parts, a and b, connected by a hinge. The motion of b is, how¬ ever, circumscribed by a pin, c, below the fulcrum, striking the lever, a, when the angle formed by the two arms approaches 180 deg. A weak spring attached to 6, and pressing against a, retains the lever in this posi¬ tion until its resistance is overcome. The lever, a , being raised by an eccentric in the direction of the feed, the roughened plate rises, presses against the lower side of the material and advances with it. On the lever, a, commencing its return, the spring connecting a and b, yields, the angle of the two levers is diminished, and the roughened plate returns below the material without pressing against it. This arrangement is simple, but is not sufficiently accurate, and has therefore not been much adopted. THE FEED MOTION. 61 THE FEED WHEEL. For the purpose of communicating an intermittent motion the wheel is provided with a flange of about i in. in height, and -§■ in. thick, to which is affixed a kind of break, one of the simplest forms of which is shown, Fig. 14, Plate IV. The spring, dee, is con¬ structed of a somewhat larger diameter than that of the flange, so that when inserted in it it has an outward pressure. The two ends, d and e, are hinged on to a lever, d, f having a radial position. The lever end,/, moving in the direction of the arrow, the spring is extended, and pressing on the flange, carries the wheel with it. On the return of the lever end the spring contracts and is carried back without moving the wheel. The pressure of the presser on the material would alone suffice to pre¬ vent a return of the wheel; but a spring is also fre¬ quently employed, pressing either against the edge or side of the wheel. This latter arrangement is shown in Fig. 14, Plate IY. The side of the wheel on which is the flange is covered with a plate, g, brazed on to the pivot on which the wheel works, so as to prevent the spring from flying out. Another and earlier arrangement is shown in Fig. 15 ; it consists of a disc, m, n, having a circular motion independently of the wheel, but rotating on the same pivot. This disc has two prolongations almost diame¬ trically opposite to one another, to the one of which Jc, a to and fro motion, is imparted, while to the other, l, a spiral spring, / is attached, pressing the moveable pin, d, against the inner surface of the flange. This pin, d, rests against m, n , its rounded end fitting into a hollow in the same. The lever, Jc, being moved in the 62 THE SEWING-MACHINE. direction of the arrow, the pressure of cl against the flange is increased proportionately, as the direction of cl is more or less radial, and the ensuing friction causes the wheel to follow the motion of m n. The spiral spring connecting cl with l initiates the pressure which is increased by the movement of the lever. On the return of the lever end, k, the pressure of d against the flange ceases, and a spring applied, as before described, prevents the return of the wheel. For the sake of cer¬ tainty, a second pin, c, similar to d, is employed, having a somewhat different action. It contains a notch, p, fitting over the flange and rests with its other end in a hollow in the centre, m n. A flat spring g, attached to the prolongation Z, and pressing against c, near the flange, causes the latter to catch in the notch, p. The friction thus caused between c, and the wheel is increased by the motion of k, in the direction of the arrow, so that the wheel must follow the motion of m n. On the return of k, the pressure between the flange and the inner surface of the notch p, ceases, and the friction is diminished to a degree preventing the return of the wheel. To obviate any lateral motion either of the wheel or disc on the axis, a small spiral spring, not shown in the drawing, is applied, pressing against both. Figs. 1, 2, and 4, show the usual construction of the break. It consists of a kind of nipper catching the flange of the wheel constructed with two arms, p and £, connected by a hinge. One of these arms, p, runs in a guide attached to the nave of the wheel, so as to allow of a slight horizontal motion. The two arms are almost at right angles to each other, one being nearly horizontal, the other nearly vertical. On the lower end of the vertical arm moving in the direction of the arrow, THE FEED MOTION. the cam of the arm g (a, Fig. 11) presses against the ex¬ terior surface of the flange, as does also the cam, Fig. 4, attached to the other end of the arm p (see Fig. 6.) The spring • removed from th needle. The path 23 of the first roller is symmetrica with 12, the needle sinking the same distance as it had\A risen • in the same time the second roller has reached point 3, the radius of which is again shortened the length of the shuttle point as the cylindrical part of the shuttle must then just have reached the needle. The groove of the second roller now continues to approach the centre of the disc to point 4, corresponding with the position of the shuttle after the completion of its stroke. Till this moment, the needle has remained sta¬ tionary, on which account 34 of the path of the first roller is circular shaped. From 4, the larger groove has only to fulfil the condition that its radius shall diminish as much as requisite, increasing on its return to point 1. The groove can therefore be sym¬ metrical, and the axis of symmetry is found by connect¬ ing the centre of the disc with point 2. The point a of the groove, where the smallest radius occurs, must also lie in this axis. When the first roller has reached point 4, the shuttle must stand still till the eye of the needle has reached the sewing plate, this corresponds to the point 5 in the groove of the second roller. The piece 45 of the inner groove consists, therefore, of a concentric curve. The inner curve from 5 having no other condi¬ tion to fulfil but that its radius should again increase to point 1, may also be made symmetrical. The curve 45 is halved, this central point connected with the centre of the disc, giving the axis of symmetry. The con- 108 THE SEWING-MACHINE. centric curve 1 e having the radius, 0 1 is described. The choice of the point 1 is of importance for the size of the exterior curve. It is of course brought as near the inner curve as possible, but only so near that there may be at least d in. between the two grooves at their nearest points. The disc is screwed on to the shaft which runs on a bearing 2 in. long. The other end of this shaft carries the feed eccentric, pq. Attached to the extreme end of the main shaft is the driving sheave. The feed eccentric imparts motion to the feeder by means of a two-armed lever, y* z v, moving in a perpen¬ dicular plane, having its fulcrum at z, and a lever shaft, e, Fig. 15, running on screw points. The feeder arm, x, Fig. 1, runs in a slot in the bracket arm, in. broad and •§■ in. deep, and is forked at its upper extremity. A flat spring presses against the feeder from left to right. The front end of the lever vibrating perpendicularly is attached to the feeder, being pressed downwards by a spiral spring -attached to £ and At its hinder end, on a horizontal pin, is a roller travelling on the cylin¬ drical edge of the eccentric, thus effecting the rise and fall of the feeder. The lever shaft , Fig. 15, that is a shaft running parallel xvith the axis of the machine, has attached to both ends, and perpendicular to it, levers, the one of which, a, carries a rotating roller, c, work¬ ing on the second screw-shaped surface of the feed eccentric, while the other, b, has affixed to its lower end a horizontal projecting stud, shown in Fig. 12, pressing the feeder from right to left, effecting its backward and forward motion. The stitch regulator acts on the THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINES. 109 hinder lever of the lever shaft, and the arrangement is shown clearly in Fig. 8. The feed motion just described only allows of the material when of a hollow shape, as coat-sleeves, uppers of boots, &c., being sewn round. But it is often neces¬ sary to sew these articles also longitudinally, and a second feed motion is therefore introduced, by which the material is advanced from the front towards the hinder part of the machine. This feeder is similarly constructed to the one just described, having for its guide the perpendicular groove, K in the head of the bracket. The shape of this feeder is shown in Fig. 11, while that of. the first is represented in Fig. 10. A spring pressed feeder f.fowkpds. .t-foe ^ front of the machine, and for .the purpose erf-imparting life a-’eqitisite motion, the front fever of-the le-yer. shaft has afiixeVl to its lower end, d, Fig. 12, not only. fiie".Ahd, c, but also a conical piece, e, acting upon the second feeder, and giving it a forward motion. Of course both feeders cannot be employed at the same time. This machine is especially applicable to saddlers’ work, the manufacture of boots, shoes, &c. The feed motion from above allows of very sharp curves being- made, which are requisite in ornamenting the fronts of shoes, slippers, &c. THE QUILTING-STITCH MACHINE WITH FIXED BOBBIN. The lower part of the machine, Figs. 1, 2, and 3, Plate VII., consists of a cast-iron plate, a, provided with two bearings, b and d, in which the main shaft works, carrying the looper, j\ constructed of steel. Between 110 THE SEWING-MACHINE. these bearings is a cast-iron cylindrical piece, p s cast in one piece, with the feed eccentric, y, and the eccentric, r, for imparting motion to the needle by means of the needle lever, q s, working on the screw points, v v. Close beneath the sewing plate, above and parallel to the main shaft, is the wrought-iron piece, s s, working in a guide in the direction of the shaft. This piece (shown in Fig. 21) has a slot in the same direction, in which is a steel tongue, the right end of which is the serrated feeder foot, c, Avhile the left end is fastened by a pin, e, in the slot. The rise of the tongue is effected by the feed eccentric pressing against the projection, b, the descent by its own weight. The forwarct motion is effected by the. .eccentric preying .against the (farrier, s s, and" The fretarja; b'y-a- spiral spring. . The stitch regu¬ lator, 8, Figs. 1,^2,. 3j-and Fig-,; 6, ^provided with an index, is inserted in the- sewing plate to the left behind the feeder carrier. The break or drag, Fig. 5, pressing against the cylin¬ drical surface of the looper, consists generally of a small brush, less frequently of a piece of leather, and is at¬ tached by the screw, cl, to an iron piece in the plate, a, which is screwed on to the right side of the right bear¬ ing, so that the brush may act upon the looper as before described. The spool or the shuttle is fitted in a recess of the looper, and to prevent its falling out, the so-called eye¬ piece is employed, Fig. 8, consisting of a circular cast- iron ring having the same axis as the main shaft, attached at right angles to the carrier, d, on the lower surface of which is the guide, c, working in a corre¬ sponding slot in the bed-plate. This carrier is affixed THE VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINES. Ill to the becl-plate by a thumb-screw, and has at its hinder end a projection, f which is also provided with a screw by which the distance of the eye-piece from the looper is regulated. The spool has a diameter of 14 which is also that of the periphery of the eye-piece. To facilitate the passage of the thread, the eye-piece is filed flat at the points, b and c; 6, the section of which is shown, is the point at which the thread enters between the spool and the eye-piece, while c is the point at which the loop is detained by the drag, and drawn tight. The eccentric, Fig. 15, attached to the main shaft, actuates by means of a connecting rod the lower end of the perpendicular arm of the needle lever. Ihis arm is not, however, cast on to the lever axis, but so screwed on that it can be lengthened or shortened at will by means of a -§- in. screw, t, Figs. 1, 2, and 3. The rise of the needle can be thus regulated, as also the space between the eye of the needle and the looper point, at the moment of the latter entering the loop of the upper thread. The needle hole, Fig. 12, has a diameter of T V in., and is enlarged conically in a downward direction. It is the termination of the slot, a b, T V in. in breadth, by means of which the lower thread is conducted through the needle hole before commencing to sew. The two screw points, on which the needle lever works, serve to keep the needle true to the centre of the needle hole. The needle lever vibrates on the left side of the bracket head, and generally has the tension apparatus, g f, attached to its hinder end close to its fulcrum. 112 THE SEWING-MACHINE. The driving wheel attached to the fly-wheel shaft is 7y in. in diameter, enabling 1000 stitches to be com¬ pleted in a minute. Owing to the slight tension neces¬ sary, very thin thread can be employed, and these two qualities, combined with the almost perfect noiseless¬ ness of the machine, make it the most adapted for use in private families, and for every description of light work. It is, however, the most difficult to learn the use of, and great nicety is required in the construction of the various parts. THE END. C. WHITING, BEAUFORT HOUSE, STRAND. Fiy.J.f'/sJ J'u/. S. ffij ■fffj Buddersburc/. Fu?.4/ffy 4ililihlilililili|— | [ IhlilililililililiPH It HHBUBHliM Bi Fy.S/.fXJ Fiff.27.f4/ LifadnsOo. tyuicktbnaar .i. London,' E. ScF.N'.djion/, 16, EMldwobivrg. 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Spon, 16, Buckleksbuby. Royal 4to, cloth, Illustrated by 84 Plates of Furnaces andMachinery, price £3 10s,, THE IRON MAIUFACTURE OF GREAT BRITAIN, THEORETICALLY AND PRACTICALLY CONSIDERED; Including Descriptive Details of the Ores, Fuels, and Fluxes, employed; the Preliminary Operation of Calcination ; the Blast, Refining and Puddling Furnaces; Engines and Machinery ; and the various Pro¬ cesses in Union, &c. By WILLIAM TRURAN, C.E., Formerly Engineer at the Dowlais Iron Works, under the late Sir John Guest,Bart, subsequently at the Hirwain and Forest Works, under Mr. Crawsliay. SECOND EDITION. Revised from the Manuscript of the late Mr. W. Truran, By J. ARTHUR PHILLIPS, Author of “ A Manual of Metallurgy,” *• Records of Mining,” &c,; AND W. H. DORMAN, C.E. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. “The book treats of every detail connected with the arrangement, erection, and practical management of Iron Works, in the most minute and careful manner; and the various oree and the materials employed in reducing the ores, and in producing the metal in its various stages up to the finished metal—in the form of Rails, Merchant Bars, Rods, Hoops, and Plates—are most thoroughly and scientifically dealt with, and in the most intelligible manner brought before the reader.”— Artixan , October, 1862. 1 “The most complete and practical treatise upon the Metallurgy of iron to be found in the English language .”—Colliery Guardian , November 29, 1862. “ Mr. Truran’s work is really the only one deserving the name of a treatise upon, and text-book of the Iron Manufacture of the Kingdom. It gives a most comprehensive and minute exposition of present practice, if the term may be applied to Iron Manufacture as distinguished from strictly professional subjects. The Author does not go out of his way to theorise how Iron should or may be made, but he describes how it is made in all the Iron Districts of the Kingdom.”— Engineer , December 26, 1862. “ It has seldom fallen to our lot to introduce to the notice of the scientific public, a more valuable work than this. It is evidently the result of long, careful, and practical observation, and it forms at once a glorious monument to the memory of its author, and an excellent guide to those who are directly and indirectly interested in the great subject of which it treats.”— Mechanics' Magaxine , Sept. 26, 1862. “ To the valuable character of Mr. Truran’s work, we fully referred upon the publication of the first edition, and we cannot say more in praise of the very handsome volume before us, than that whatever information was wanted in the former has now been carefully supplied, and that the whole work appears to have been subjected to an amount of careful revision which has rendered it as near as may be perfect, and consequently gives it a just claim to the highest position as a standard work upon the Metallurgy of the Metal of which it treats. Scientific knowledge and practical experience have been brought to bear in its production, and all the valuable elements of each have been most judiciously combined.”— Mining Journal , September 20, 1862. London: E. and F. N. SPON, 16, Buoklorsbury. Date Due ~ ■ -— irt - -■ - - - L V ?g- -?2 ggggr. A ><■> Third edition, Svo, cloth, price 9s., n.r.i s'nmr.i) with mmeikhs emriti\'«s ov smee isb woob, ■ N ELEMENTARY TRE VTISE ^ ON 01! T H 0 0 It A PHIC PROJECTION; BEING A NEW METHOD OF TEACHING Ebe Srtcncc of |ffccljamtal anb (%ghiwmj gracing, INTBHPEl) FOTl THE iNSTRUCTION OP'ESPINEEES, ARf'TIITECTS, BUILDERS, SMITHS, MASONS, AND HIM CEE AYERS, AND FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. By WILLIAM BINNS, Assoc. Inst. C.E.; f.atc Master of the. Mechanical Drawing Class at the Department of Science and Art , and at the Government School of Mines: formerly Professor of Applied Mechanics at the College for Civil Engineers. LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 16, BUCKLEBSBURY. bodies, but bow tow thoroughly! We ro¬ of the present “El- graphic IV<; ir-ei ion scientific sc-no sue:- of education : !e-l College of i.V.-b Vr.:, practice hi ci: rs tea.- sent work. Mr. Bit ns has tre and masterly ujamic. OPINIONS OF An Elementary Treatise on Orthographic Pro¬ jection: being a New Method of teaching the 'Science of Mechanical and Engineering Draw¬ ing. By William Binns, Assoc. Inst. C.E. How many authors of a “ Guide to Perspective Drawing,” “APractical Draughtsman’s Book of Industrial Designs,” “An Engineer and Ma¬ chinist’s Drawing Book,” or "Complete Hand- Book to Orthographic Projection,” profess to thoroughly elucidate and make plain to the meanest capacity the principles and practice of orthographic, or tin- osional projection of sold . * Mil this professed object i>cr Mr. Binns, the ;*.ut lior ntary Treatise on Ortlio- : .;>n most ably, and in a c . pract -imr hi.; syv mvi < dlesson- at the I‘ d <-v : a, -art o his tlmivi ■ ’ r ; s i-ti.»bodv • us ;hc pge- ! 's subject in t». practical __ , t , _ okling theoretical disqui¬ sitions on tin art, and giving direct a rid.applicable examples, advancing progressively from the cor¬ rect orthographic projection of the most simple to the more complex forms, thus clearing away the mist from the mind of the student, and leading him gradually to a correct and thorough appreciation of what he has undertaken, and to that which it is his desire to attain. We trust Mr. Binns will follow out the design which he has commenced and announced in the present work by applying his system of treatment to the more advanced subjects for delineation by orthographic projection.— The Artisan. Mr. Binns here undertakes to teach the elements of mechanical and engineering drawing. He very properly insists that, in a subject like this, the student shall make himself master of all pre¬ ceding parts before proceeding to subsequent por¬ tions. The Author’s explanations are full and clear, and his book forms one of the best intro¬ ductions to the stn'-v »«, which it treats that no have met with. i : * 1 which ’•e.sulfsfruui crpvrifu.e; ill teaet.ing. The exam pc'* are v. : *o : i *i,clearly Mr. L the United K THE PRESS. worked out, and the work generally shows that the writer has in a high degree that perceptive faculty which often serves instead of systematic study m giving insight into geometrical principles.— Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. This treatise, by the master of the Mechanieal Drawimr Class at the Department of Science and An. and ai th 'Jovt-rmnent School of Mines, is •really a practical work. Engineers may possibly not. recognise their ordinary method of delineating machinery under the term, “ Orthographic Projec¬ tion,” bur it. is more dofinuc-aud explanatory than the usnai ter;r. i* Moo ban seal Drawi ng.” . . . . V*A cannot l.-eVt r , Mr. Binns’ ‘‘New Method of Teaching'’ drawing than in his own words (see L i j ice, p. v.). ... The book contains very numerous plates, excellently de¬ signed. drawn, and engraved ; and arranged so as to unfold quite clear of the book when referred to. \Ve o’wji .v sj >-• hty ammatical inaccuracies; in vne » • * . 1 book can scarcely be im¬ proved.- The /•'. in: In giving om educational institutions a more practical character, geometrical drawing must be especially provided for. Looking at Mr. Binns’ work (which has just been published), and looking, on tlie other hand, at our schools of art, mechanics’ institutions, aud elementary schools, we cannot say that such essential and practical knowledge is adequately inculcated; and yet there is hardly a profession or trade connected with the engineer, the machinist, the architect, the builder, the mason, bricklayer, carpenter, joiner, cabinet maker, which does u ■■■ absolutely require an acquaintance wb -* th* .'-'t. In fact, the lower we go the more dr this kn nvledge seem imperative, for the lower workmen can better do without writing, if not without reading, than he can without a knowledge of drawing; and to the master it is as essential as either of the other common acquirements. It should be begun at the elementary school; if not it should be taught to adults in special classes. . The author of this work, now spoken of, bemga pm :-tl ni«’*,b,-;;.. - in J.S4G Professor of Applied Mechanics m (.'.-liege for Civil Engineers ';i;(*v, a i:< !• : - ght geometrical drawing i .. Latterly he has been master of the mechanical drawing class at the Department of Science and Art, and at the Govenn.eut School of Mines. It is a noteworthy feature in Mr. Binns’ book—and wo suppose we may say system—that his great endeavour is to do without copying from the “fiat,” and to bring the student to the practical projection of buildings or machinery. . , Of the work, which is practical in character, we dial! : k more fully on another occasion .—The PitiUfng News. ... i,, a, ■ . ; fid opcroV m in all the Art Schools of ii/joc