1/6/94 to 5/29/9 It R,W: LLOYD ' CATALOGUE 1811 A COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS & ENGRAVINGS lin uni} after % <®Itr Masters, MEZZOTINTS AFTER SIR J. REYNOLDS AND OTHERS, TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM, &c. &c. THE PROPERTY OF W. CHAMBERLIN, ESQ., Deceased, iate of Brighton: which (by Order of the Executor) fl&till he £o\h 1)|) Auction H> Messes. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THKIB GtEHAT RQ@MS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 lung Street, St. James* Square , S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - O - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bicl on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI, To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 1 Various prints, after Raphael, Berghem and others 2 The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Tuscany, after Rubens ; and others, after Rubens ^ 3 Vandyck’s Heads, by Pontius ; and others 23 4 Plates from Claude’s Liber Veritatis —some fine 5 The Holy Family, by Goltzius; The Adoration of the Magi, after Lucas Van Leyden fine ; and othcis ^ 6 The Apostles, by Goltzius ; and other subjects 15 7 Various portraits, after Rembrandt, by Claessens, Schmidt and others 8 Lady Carlisle, after Vandyek, by Guest; and others 8 9 The Burgomasters, after Van dor Heist, by Hulmcr; and different subjects, after Bembrandt 7 10 Various subjects, by Cornelius Oort, Gheyn and others 17 11 Etchings, by Salvator Rosa, Guido, &c. 12 The Flagellation, by Sadler; and subjects by and after Goltzius^ 13 Various Scriptural subjects, after Kaphael, Poussin and others 4 14 Landscapes, after Rubens 11 15 The Village Politicians, after Wilkie, by Raimbach; The Jew’s Harp, after Wilkie ; and others 5 16 The Battle of Trafalgar, after Stanfield, by Miller ; and other English engravings 7 17 Plates from The England and Wales Series, after Turner 14 18 Fall of The Tees, after Turner, by Landseer— proof-, and other plates of The Yorkshire Series 12 19 Thomas Norris, by Linnell; Chelsea Pensioners, after Burnet; and others 8 20 Various engravings, after Ostade, Boucher, Teniers, &c. 13 21 Etchings, after Karl du Jardin, Ruysdael and others 15 22 Soldiers in Repose; and The Companion, after Dietricy— proofs ; and others 7 23 The Virgin Enthroned, after Rubens ; and others 10 24 The Last Judgment, after Rubens, by Van Orley; and other subjects from celebrated pictures 10 25 Various plates from Boydell’s Shakespeare 9 26 Landscapes, after Cuyp, Rembrandt, Wouvermans, &c. 24 27 Kilgaran Castle, after Wilson, by Elliott; and various plates of The Finden Gallery 17 28 Classical Landscapes, after Claude, by Morel; &c. 13 ALDEGRAVER. 29 Rhea Sylvia (B. 66); and various plates from the History of Adam and Eve 7 30 Seven plates of the Labours of Hercules 7 ANDERLONI. 31 The Woman taken in Adultery, after Titian ; and The Depo¬ sition, after Caravaggio 4 5 BAKTOLOZZI. 32 Napoleon as First Consul, after Appiani— open letter proof 2 33 Death of Lord Chatham, after Copley; and The Attack on Valenciennes 2 BEGA. 34 Boors Eegaling ; and other etchings, by Bout, Ac. 5 BERGHEM. 35 Crossing the Ford ; &c. BEHAM. 36 Christ before Pilate; and others of the German School 7 BROWN. 37 Landscapes, after Eubens ; and others— some proofs 38 Cephalus and Procris, after Claude— proof ; &c. 4 BOLSWEET. 39 The Crucifixion, after Vandyck ; and others, after Eubens— some fine 6 40 The Crucifixion, after Vandyck— fine ; and others, after the same master 3 BLOOTELING. 41 De Euyter— fine ; Queen Charlotte, by Burke 3 BUONAFEDE. 42 11 Suonatore, after Eaffaelle; The Judgment of Paris, after Vaudenverf, by G. Blot 3 6 CALLOT. 43 Pandora— fine ; and others— some rare 20 LUCAS CRANACH. 44 The Penitence of Saint Chrisostom; and others 3 COUSINS. 45 Canning, after Lawrence; and Queen Catherine, after Barlow, by Clint 3 DE JODE. 46 Charles I. ; and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyck 2 DESNOYERS. 47 Napoleon, after Gerard— fine; and Talleyrand, after the saino 2 48 Foligno Madonna, after Raffaelle; and Phedre 2 DREVET. 49 Guillaume do Yintrinillo ; Robert Cotte ; &c. 3 DIXON. 50 Garrick as Richard III.; George III. and Queen Charlotte, after Gainsborough, hy Dupont 3 A. DURER. 51 The Nativity (B. 2) ; and The Copy 3 52 St. Anne and the Virgin (B. 29); and Tho Virgin and Child (B. 36)— fine 3 53 The Virgin and Child (B. 34); and The Copy 64 The Virgin, with a pear (B. 41) 55 The Virgin and Monkey (B. 42 )—-fine 2 A. DURER. 56 St. Bartholomew (47) ; St. Simon (49); and St. Christopher (51) 3 57 St. George (B. 53) 58 St. Genevieve (B. 63) 59 La Famille du Satyre (B. 69) ; and The Copy 2 60 Ravissement d’nne jeune Femme (B. 72) 61 Effects of Jealousy (B. 73) 62 The Large Fortune (B. 77) 63 Justice (B. 79) ; and The Peasant and his Wife (B. 83) 2 64 The Three Peasants (86); The Peasant at Market (B. 89) ; and Man and Woman Dancing (B. 90) 65 Les Offres d’Amour (B. 93)— -fine 66 Lady and Gentleman (B. 94) ; aud The Little Horse (B. 96) 2 67 Arms with the Death’s Head (B. 101) 68 Albert de Mayence (B. 102); and Frederick of Saxony (B. 104; 3 69 Pirkheimer (B. 106 )—;fine 70 Erasmus (107) 71 Various plates from The Life of Christ; and other woodcuts 16 EARLOM. 72 The Larder, after Snyders— -fine; and two others, both by the same 3 73 Una, after West —proof before any letters ; and Hippolitus open letter proof % 74 The Larder, after De Vos —proof before letters 75 Fish Market; and Fruit Market, after Snyders 2 76 The Watermill, after Hobbema; and A Landscape, after Wilson —proof 8 FORSTER. 77 The Virgin and Child— proofs, with artists' names only 4 GIBBON. 77a Tho Twa Dogs; and others, after Landseer COUNT GOUDT. 78 Tobit and the Angel, after Elsheimcr— fine ; and others 9 V. GREEN. 79 Portrait of Mrs. Green; Q.neen Charlotte, by Frye; &c. 3 89 The Deposition, after Carracci; and The Temptation, after Giordano 2 HA DEN. i 81 The Agamemnon— first state HAID. 82 Achilles, after Rembrandt— proof HEATH. 83 Portrait of Washington, after Stuart G. HOPFER. 84 The Last Judgment— fine and rare ; and others 3 HOLLAR. 85 Charles II., when young, after Vandyck 7 II ENRIQUEZ. 86 Louis XVI.; and Charles V., after Titian 0 JOSI. 87 The Labourer’s Rest; and the Peasant’s Repast, after Morland 3 L. VAN LEYDEN. 88 Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise (B. 11); Lot and his Daughters ; Lamech and Cain 3 89 Potiphar’s Wife accusing Joseph (B. 21); Esther before Ahasuerus (B. 31) 90 Abraham sending away Hagar (B. 18 )—fine 91 Samson and Delilah (B. 25); The Triumph ofMordecai (B. 32) 92 The Adoration (B. 37), and The Copy 2 93 Christ Tempted (B. 41); and The Baptism (B. 40) 2 94 Christ Presented to the People (B. 50); The Resurrection (B. 56); Christ Mocked (B. 68) 5 95 Christ Praying on the Mount of Olives (B. 57) ; Christ before the High Priest (B. 59); Christ Presented to the People (B. 63)— all rare 96 The Resurrection of Lazarus (B. 42) 97 The Crucifixion (B. 74); Christ Appearing to the Magdalen (B. 77) 98 St. Thomas (B. 92) ; and St. Phillip (B. 95) 99 The Conversion of St. Paul (107 ) 100 St. Christopher (108 )—fine 101 St. Jerome (B. 113); St. Jerome (B. 114) 2 102 St. Sebastian (115); and St. Anthony (B. 117) 103 St. George (B. 121); and The Magdalen in the Desert (B. 123) 104 The Monk Sergius (B. 126); Pyramus and Tkisbe; and The Promenade (B. 144) 3 105 Justice (B. 132); The Musicians (155) 3 106 Children carrying a Helmet (B. 166) 107 The Portrait of Leyden (B. 173); and The Old Man with a Bunch of Grapes (B. 155) 2 10 LONGHI. 108 Tlic Reading Magdaleu, after Correggio 109 The Virgin and Child, after Raffaelle, and others LINGEE. 110 Napoleon ; after Isabey LUCAS. 111 Hadloigh, after Constable —proof before letters MAYHAM. 112 Portrait of Rcgnicr Paaw, after My tens; and others 3 A. MANTEGNA. 113 A Roman Triumph (B. 13) 2 MEYER. 114 Lady Leicester, after Lawrence —proof 1 MoARDELL. 115 Mr. Pine, after Hogarth; and Prince William of Orange, after Vandyck, by Michelis 2 R. MORGHEN. 116 The Sports of Diana, after Domenichino; Angelica and Modora ; and others 117 Iho Repose in Egypt, after Poussin ; and Two Landscapes, after S. Rosa 6 118 The Transfiguration, after Raffaelle 119 Pho Portrait of Napoleon ; Lady Hamilton 3 R. MORGHEN. 120 The Holy Family, after Andrea del Sarto; and others 3 121 Time and the Seasons, after Poussin ; Theology, after Raffaelle; &c. 4 122 The Magdalen, after C. Dolci; The Head of Christ, after L. da Vinci 3 123 Jurisprudence ; The Fornarina ; and others 4 MULLER. 124 Madame Le Brun; and St. Cecilia, after Domenicliino 2 A. OSTADE. 125 The Fishermen ; The Doll; The Man leaning out of his Door ; and others —some fine 14 PERFETTI. 126 Sibylla Cumea, after Domenichino ; and others 3 G. PENZ. 127 The Rich Man and Lazarus; and Artemisia 2 W. PETHER. 128 The Orrery, after Wright— proof before letters PAUL POTTER. 129 The Shepherd (B. 15) MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI. 130 Copies after Albert Durer’s woodcuts; and others of the school 12 RAJON. 131 The Legend, after Chalmers —first state REMBRANDT. 132 Rembrandt with the Sabre (18); and Rembrandt and his Wife (19) 2 133 The Angels appearing to the Shepherds (W. 49) 134 Joseph telling his Dream (W. 41); Tobit and the Angel (45); aud others 4 135 The Flight into Egypt (W. 57) ; David Praying (45) 4 136 The Adoration (W. 51); The Circumcision (W. 53); The Presentation with the Angel (W. 56) 137 Abraham and Isaac (W. 38) ; The Repose in Egypt (W. 62); The Virgin and Child (65) 3 138 Christ Disputing (W. 68) ; the large plate (W. 69) 2 139 The Triumph of Mordecai (W. 44) ; The Crucifixion (86) 3 140 The Raising of Lazarus (W. 77); St. Peter and St. Paul (W. 98) 3 141 The Good Samaritan (W. 95); and The Decollation of St. John 2 142 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen (W. 102) 143 The Baptism of the Eunuch (W. 103); St. Jerome (110) aud (107) 3 144 Marriage of Jason aud Creusa (W. 116); Academical figures (W. 191) 145 Fortune (W. 115) ; The Draughtsman (W. 133) 146 A Man Meditating (W. 116) ; Pancake Woman (W. 128) 4 147 Two Beggars coming from behind a Bank (W. 162 )— second state 148 Two Beggars Conversing (W. 161); Three Oriental Figures (W. 122)-/me 5 a 13 REMBRANDT. 149 The Dutch Hay Barn (W. 222)—fine; and The Copy 2 150 Village, with a canal; and A Boat, sailing (W. 219) 2 151 Antonio Van der Linden (W. 266)— two impressions 2 152 Abraham Franz (W. 275) ; Manasseh Ben Israel (W. 271) 2 153 Jan Silvius (W. 268) 2 154 Uytenbogaert (W. 283) 155 UUenbogardus (W. 281) 156 Old Man with large White Beard (W. 264); Bust of an Old Man, with large beard (W. 292) 2 157 Profile of a Bald Headed Man (W. 295); Rembrandt’s Mother (W. 344) ; Man with Mustaches (W. 319) 3 158 Sketch with the head of Rembrandt (W. 357) ; Rembrandt’s Wife, and five other heads (W. 359) 2 158a Various Heads, by De Vliet 5 REYNOLDS. 159 Mrs. Mathew, by Dickinson 160 Duchess of Buccleuch, by Watson; Duke of Orleans, by J. R. Smith 2 161 Mrs. Crewe, by Thos. Watson 162 Miss Price, by Jas. Watson— proof 163 Duchess of Manchester, by Jas. Watson— proof 2 164 Miss Palmer, by J. R. Smith 165 Lady Sarah Bunbury, by E. Fisher 166 Lord Thurlow, by Bartolozzi— proof 2 167 Lady Harcourt, by S. W, Reynolds r 3 14 REYNOLDS. 1C8 Lord Lifford, by Dunkarton 1G9 Lord Heatbfield, by Earlom —proof with arms only 2 170 Mrs. Siddons, by Ha ward 171 Lady Waldegrave, by Houston; Lady Melbourne, by Finlayson 2 172 Fortune Teller, by Skerwin 2 173 Holy Family, by Sharp— proof with artists' names only RYMSDYCK. 174 Frederic William of Orange and his Wife, after Yandyck 3 MARTIN SCHONGAUER. 175 Christ before Pilate (B. 14 )—;fine 176 Christ Carrying the Cross (B. 16); and The Entombment (B. 18) 2 177 Christ Bearing his Cross (B. 21) 178 Christ Crucified (B. 25) W. SAY. 179 Portrait of Benjamin West, after Green; and the same, after Lawrence, by Rolls 2 W. SHARP. 180 The Magdalen, after Guido— proof ; Doctors of the Church; &c. 181 Infant Christ Asleep, after Diogenes; and others 3 SHER WIN. 182 Captain Cook, after Dance 15 STRANGE. 183 The Magdalen, after Correggio; Tho Angel of tlio Annun¬ ciation ; and others 5 181 Cupid, after Schidoni; Venus and the Graces ; &c. 3 185 Fortune, after Guido ; and St. Cecilia, after Raffaelle 2 186 Meekness, after Raffaelle ; The Annunciation, after Guido ; and others 7 187 Tho Horn Book, after Schidoni; and Venus blinding Cupid 2 TENIERS. 188 An Interior of a Kitchen— fine; and other etchings, by Both, &c. 9 C. TURNER. 189 Alexander Adam, after Raeburn— open letter proof ; Francis Horner, by S. W. Reynolds 3 J. M W. TURNER, R.A. Liber Studiorum, &c. 190 Hedging and Ditching; Loch Tyne; &e. 4 191 Martello Towers, Winchelsea; Woman, with tambourine 3 192 Rivaulx Abbey— fine’, and others 3 193 .ZEsacus and Hesperie 194 The Calm 195 Raglan ; Jason— second state 2 196 The Fifth Plague— second state 197 Inverary Castle and Town; East Gate, Winchelsea 2 198 Oberwesel, by J. T. Willmore— open letter proof) &c. 3 199 Ancient and Modern Italy; &c. 3 200 Richmond ; Dartmouth ; Saltash; Fowey ; Tynemouth— proofs on Indian paper —from The England and Wales Series 5 201 Various plates from The Rivers of England 7 16 VANDYCK. 202 William Marquis— proof ; The Ecco Homo; &c. 13 C. VISSCHER. 203 Tlie Rat Catcher ; and others 3 VOLPATO. 204 The Deposition, after Raftaelle; Neptune and Amphitritc, by Richomme— fine WATSON. 205 Miss Kitty, dressing, after Wright— fine 206 Lady Bingham, after Angelica Kauffmann— proof 2 207 Lady Boynton, after Cotes A. WIENIX. 208 The Virgin and Child and St. John; and Two Saints 3 JOHN GEORGE WILLE. 209 The Dauphin, after Klein; Marshall Foucquet; and Jean Baptiste Masse 3 210 The Repose of the Virgin, after Dietric j—proof in the second state —-fine 211 Ihe Death of Cleopatra, after Netscher; La Menagere Holland- aise; La Cuisiniere Hollandaise 3 212 Agar and Abraham, after Dietricy— proof before any letters 213 Les Offres Reciproques, after Dietricy; La Tante, after G. Dow ; and others 5 211 Les bons Amis, after Ostade— fine; Le petit Pliysicien ; and La petite Ecoliere 3 215 Frederick II. of Prussia ; Cardinal de Teucin j The Swiss Guard proof , with the arms and Wille's name etched 3 WITDOECK. 216 The Crucifixion, after Rubens, in three sheets —-fine WOOLLETT. 217 The Shooting Pieces, after Stubbs, plates 1, 2, 3 — proofs with artists' names only ; plate 4 a print 4 218 The Apple Gatherers, after Smith— proof, ivith artists names only 219 Niobe, after Wilson; Landscape, after Claude 220 The Fishery, after Wright— fine; and the Premium Landscapes, after Smith 221 Ceyx and Alcyone, after Wilson ; Evening and Morning, after S wane veldt 3 222 The Cottagers ; and The Jocund Peasants, after Dusart; Dido and iEneas ; and The Temple of Apollo, after Claude 4 ENGR A VI NGr S —Fra met!. 223 The Maid and the Magpie, after Landseer, by Cousins—A. P. signed 224 Midsummer Night’s Dream, after Landseer, by Cousins —proof before letters 225 Six small portfolios FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. T