iUv: lloyB CATALOGUE OF THE REMAINDER OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS ©f tbe £aiT\> lEngltsb School OF DR. WILLIAM BALLARD, Of 26 Manchester Square: L WHICH ®tll be Salb bg Auction tig Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT YM®m (&RMAT RQQM&, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALK. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. H. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. PORTRAITS—/)* the Folio. 1 Various Portraits 40 ' 2 Ditto 40 3 Ditto 40 4 Ditto 4 5 Ditto 12 BARTOLOZZI AND SCHOOL. 6 Ticket for the Ball at the Mansion House; and three others 4 7 Frontispiece for Bell’s British Poets— 'proof; and Giardini Ticket 2 8 Frontispiece to A Century of Drawings —in red ; and two others 3 9 Handel and C. Maratti— plates 2 10 Frontispiece for musical work— proof before letters 1 11 Book plates 12 12 Bookplates; &c. 11 B 2 4 13 Book plates; Tickets ; &c. 15 14 Mansion House Ticket; and two others 3 15 Frontispiece to Hollis Memoirs ; and three others 4 16 Cupid making his Bow— 'proof before all letters 1 17 Birth and Triumph of Cupid, by P. W. Tomkins— complete set 25 18 Polygamy, after Rowlandson, by E. Williams 1 19 “ A Loisir,” designed and engraved by J. R. Smith 1 20 The English and French Firesides, after Ansell, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 2 21 The English Fireside, after ditto, by ditto— proof in colours 1 22 Rosina, after Ansell, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 1 23 Gleaners, after Bunbury, by C. Knight— printed in colours 1 24 Sunday Morning, after M. Paye, by R. Pollard 1 25 Orange Girl, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 1 26 Princess Sophia, after Hoppner, by C. Watson ; and The Com¬ panion —proof 2 26a Rosina, after Ansell, by P. W. Tomkins; and another —in red 2 27 Empress Matilda Assembling the People ; and the Empress Refusing the Proposals of King Stephen, after Rigaud, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 2 28 The Months, after Hamilton, by Bartolozzi and Gardner— some open letter proofs (March missing) 11 29 The Young Florist, after D. Gardner, by Baldrey 1 30 Mrs. Crouch, after Romney, by Bartolozzi 1 31 The Chantress, drawn and engraved by J. R. Smith— in brown 1 32 Belisa, after ditto— printed in colours 1 33 Ditto, ditto —in broivn 1 34 Thoughts on Matrimony, after ditto —printed in colours, French 1 35 Miss Brown, after Russell, by Read; and Faith, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— proof \ both in red 2 36 Modesty Preventing Love Unveiling Beauty, after Cipriani, by Ryder —proof 1 37 Apollo and the Muses, after Guttenbrun, by B. Facius— printed in colours \ 38 Peasants with Flowers and Fruit, after Rev. W. Peters, R.A., by Michel —in red 1 39 Sylvia, after ditto, by White— in red 1 40 A Subject, after Westall, by S. Phillips— tinted 1 41 Miss Linwood, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 1 42 Liberality, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 1 43 The Moralist, after J. R. Smith, by Nutter— printed in colours (cut) 1 44 Meeting of Abelard and Eloisa, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi 1 45 Robin Gray, after Bunbury, by Bartolozzi; and another, after Kauftmann, by Ryder 2 46 Children Playing, after Stothard, by Knight; and the Duchess of Y ork, after Hone, by T. Burke ; and another 3 47 The Spinstress (Lady Hamilton), after Romney, by Bartolozzi 1 48 The Orange Girl, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi— proof 1 49 Filial Piety, after J. Russell, by C. Watson—printed in colours 1 50 Adoration ; and Leonora, by C. White— printed in colours 2 51 Vincent Lunardi; and a portrait of a lady— proof , after Cosway 2 52 Children Feeding Chickens, after Russell, by P. W. Tomkins- printed in colours Framed. 53 Children Relieving a Beggar Boy, after Sir W. Beechey, by C. Wilkin 1 54 A Lecture on Gadding, after J. R. Smith, by Bartolozzi 1 55 Calista, designed and etched by J. R. Smith B 3 6 56 Venus or Love Enamoured, after Hoppner, by P. W. Tomkins— proof 1 57 The Blind Beggar and His Daughter, after Bunbury, by J. Chapman— printed in colours 1 58 Meditation, after Westall, by S. Phillips— tinted 1 59 Young Fortune Tellers; and Sheltered Lambs, after Westall, by T. Gaugain— a pair, printed in colours 2 60 Innocent Amusement— printed in colours 1 61 St. Cecilia, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi -in red 1 62 Domestic Happiness— printed in colours (cut) 1 63 The Maid, by J. R. Smith; and Lingo and Cowslip, after Single- ton 2 In the Folio. A. KAUFFMANN. 64 King Psamitticus in Love with Rhodope ; and Rhodope in Love with iEsop, by Bartolozzi— a pair of ovals, printed in colours 2 65 Hammond’s Love Elegies, by Delatre— printed in colours 1 66 Churchill’s Gotham, by ditto— ditto 1 67 Rosalind ; and Caelia, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours, on satin 2 68 Colour ; Design ; Invention ; Composition, by Bartolozzi— in red 4 69 Adorning of Pan ; and Nymphs Awaking Cupid— in red 2 70 A Lady, in a Turkish dress, by W. Ryland— in red 1 71 Ditto— ditto, proof 1 72 Judgment of Paris, by Bartolozzi — large plate in brown 1 73 Ditto, ditto— open letter proof 1 74 An Oval, by W. Ryland— in red ; Cupid Disarmed, by W. Ryland; and another— in red 3 75 Abelard Offering Hymen to Eloisa, by J. Ogborne— in red 1 7 76 King Psamitticus in Lovo with Rhodope, by Bartolozzi —open letter proof in red 77 Maria, by W. Ryland —in red 78 Phoenissa, by Facius —printed in colours Framed. A. KAUFFMANN. 79 Una, by T. Burke— printed in colours 1 80 Abra, by ditto— ditto 1 81 Judgment of Paris, by W. Ryland— proof before all letters , in red 1 82 Elizabeth Vernon, Countess of Harcourt, by Bartolozzi—in red 1 83 Virgil, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 1 84 Harmony; and Felicity, by Bartolozzi—printed in colours 2 85 Lady Augusta Campbell, by G. Scorodomoff— in red 1 In the Folio. J. NORTHCOTE. 86 A Visit to the Grandmother, by J. R. Smith— mezzotint 1 87 The Village Doctress, by J. Walker— mezzotint 1 88 Country Girl of Tuscany ; and Blind Girl of Rome, by T. Gaugam —a pair , in red 89 The Pulse, by Parker—in red 1 90 The Alpine Traveller, by J. Ward- in colours , framed 1 91 Visit to the Grandfather; and The Visit to the Grandmother, by E. Dayes and J. R. Smith—a pair, printed m colours , ditto 2 F. WHEATLEY and OTHERS. 92 Lingo and Cowslip, after Singleton, by E. Scott 1 93 The Handmaid, after Walton, by J. Hogg 8 Framed. 94 Savoyards, after Singleton— printed in colours 1 95 Boaz and Ruth, after Wheatley, by W. Ward— mezzotint 1 96 A Cottage Girl Shelling Peas; and a Village Girl Gathering Nuts, after W. R. Bigg, by P. W. Tomkins 2 97 Dulce Domum; and Black Monday, after W. R. Bigg, by J. Jones 2 98 The Cottage Door, after Wheatley, by G. Keating 1 99 The Barn Door, after ditto— printed in colours 1 In the Folio. G. MORLAND. 100 The Farmer’s Stable, by W. Ward— printed in colours 1 101 The Country Stable, by ditto— ditto 1 102 The Woodcutters, by ditto — ditto 1 103 The Shepherd’s Boy, by ditto— ditto 1 104 The Fleecy Charge, by G. Shepherd— ditto 1 105 A Conversation, by W. Ward 1 106 Snipe ; Pheasant; Partridge; and Duck Shooting, by T. Row¬ landson, aquatinted by Aiken, in colours— first date 4 107 The Farmer’s Stable, by W. Ward 1 108 The Farmer’s Visit to his Daughter in Town 1 109 Selling Fish, by J. R. Smith 1 110 Breaking the Ice, by ditto 1 111 The Country Butcher, by ditto 1 112 Sailor’s Conversation, by W. Ward 1 113 The Happy Cottagers, by Grozer 1 9 114 The Gipsy Tent, by Grozer j 115 The Idle Laundress; and The Industrious Cottager— a pair, by W. Blake 2 116 Babbits — mezzotint proof ^ 117 Hare Shooting, by Simpson \ Framed. 118 The First Pledge of Love— printed in colours, by W. Ward : The Benevolent Lady, by Dumee 2 119 Strangers at Home, by W. Nutter— printed in colours 1 120 The Fisherman’s Hut, by J. B. Smith 1 121 The Warrener, by W. Ward 1 122 The Dram; and The Storm— a pair, by ditto 2 123 The Horse Feeder, by J. B. Smith 1 124 The Cottagers, by W. Ward 1 125 The Travellers, by ditto 1 126 Duck Shooting— printed in colours 1 127 Pheasant Shooting, after Ibbotson— ditto ; 1 128 Cottage Family, by J. B. Smith— ditto 1 In the Folio. SIB JOSHUA BEYNOLDS. 129 Birth of Bacchus, by Saillier; and Lesbia, by Bartolozzi 2 130 Duchess of Marlborough ; Henry Bunbury ; and The Countess of Coventry, by Spicer 3 131 Mr. Philip Yorke, by Bartolozzi 1 132 Una, by T. Watson— printed in colours 1 133 Angelica Kauffmann, by Bartolozzi— in red 1 10 134 Duchess of Rutland as the Vestal, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours 1 135 Muscipula, by J. Jones; and The Little Fortune Teller, by C. Turner 2 136 Comtemplation (Mrs. Stanhope), by C. Watson 1 137 Lady Fenhoulet, by J. McArdell 1 138 The Sleeping Child, by W. Doughty 1 139 Dr. Johnson, by ditto 1 140 St. Cecilia (Mrs. Sheridan), by W. Dickinson 1 141 Miss Bingham, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 1 142 Countess Spencer, ditto— ditto 1 143 Miss Kemble, by J. Jones— proof 1 144 La Petite Russe, by Bausse— proof 1 Framed. 145 The Snake in the Grass, by W. Ward— a mezzotint in colours 1 146 Cornelia and her Children, by C. Wilkin 1 In the Folio. SPORTING AND MILITARY, Etc. 147 The Bloomsbury Volunteer, after Howson, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours 1 148 Notions, by Henry Aiken— in colours 2 149 Moments of Fancy: a book with seven plates by H. Aiken 1 150 Jerry; and St. Giles, after Herring, by Sutherland and C. Hunt 2 151 Chatsworth ; and Pumpkin, after Sartorius 2 n Framed . • 152 Five Shooting Scenes, by Howitt— in colours, first state 5 153 A Set of Shooting Scenes, after Wostenholme, by Eeeve —in colours 4 154 Naval Battle Scene, after Loutherbourg, by Pollard— printed in colours 1 155 Eoyal Eeview in Hatfield Park, after Livesay, by Stadler— printed in colours 1 156 Coursing (Epsom) four plates, after S. H. Sartorius, by Pollard —in colours 4 157 The Marylebone Volunteer, aquatinted by F. C. Lewis— in colours 1 158 Pheasant Shooting, by Pollard— open letter proof in colours 1 In the Folio. VAEIOUS. 159 The Errand Boy, after Sir D. Wilkie, by Eaimbacb 1 160 Kitty Clive (Abelard and Eloisa in the Elysian Fields)— proof before all letters , very rare 1 161 Eloisa, by J. E. Smith; and Master Smith, after Hoppner, by W. Ward —mezzotints in colours 2 162 The Shepherdess, after Hoppner, by J. Dean 1 163 Devotion, after Pocock, by T. Cbeesman— printed in colours 1 164 Waltzing, water-colour drawing, by A. Buck 1 12 Framed. 165 Shipwrecked Mariner, after Thompson, by Dawe —'proof before letters, mezzotint 1 166 The Cottager’s Favourite, after J. Ward, by S. W. Eeynolds— in colours 1 167 William Coke, after Weaver, by W. Ward —in colours 1 168 Claremont, after Calvert, by T. Sutherland —in colours 1 169 Prince Leopold; and Princess Charlotte, after G. Dawe, by H. Dawe— in colours 2 170 Infant Care— printed in colours 1 171 Prudence and Beauty, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— in red 1 172 A Book containing a number of small prints FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.