lA/93 to U/29/93 * i THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF mmmm motto: (lEato-rfllflitr Draurings OF MR. HENRY WALLIS, DECEASED. O^T^ILOG-TTIE OF THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES AND WlaUi-tahmt H minings OF ME. HENEY WALLIS, DECEASED, Late of the French Gallery, 120 Pall Mall, and Effra Road, Brixton : which (bg Order of the Executors) Jiffiitu tif £oiD uy auction tu> Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT TMI8 ©EHAT a@@MS, 8 KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 17, And SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. T. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5*.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall bo re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. o>»ic First Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1893. AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. J. ABSOLON. 1 Telling her Beads A. BOUVIER, 2 A Girl with Jewels W. CALLOW. 3 In Wales L. CANNON. 4 Cavalier, Lady, and Attendant B 2 4 GEORGE CATTERMOLE. 5 The Armoury J. S. COTB1AN. 6 Ghent W. DIEZ. 7 Burning Church Treasures J. GOW. 8 A Cotter's Joy WM. HUNT. 9 A Park Scene W. L. LEITCH. 10 A Landscape J. F. MILLET. 11 The Stone-cutter W. M. MULLER. 12 An Interior E. A. PENLEY. 13 A Welsh Scene : Suuset R. T. PRITCHETT. 14 Pirate Prahub, Borneo R. T. PRITCHETT. 15 View at Abebgeldie R. T. PRITCHETT. 16 Jerusalem R. T. PRITCHETT. 17 New Brighton R. T. PRITCHETT. 18 Sandakan, Borneo R. T. PRITCHETT. 19 Schevening Beach R. T. PRITCHETT. 20 Dutch River Scene R. T. PRITCHETT. 21 View in Holland R. T. PRITCHETT. 22 On the Maas R. T. PRITCHETT. 23 On the Beach, Ostend DE RAINZ, 24 A Woody Landscape J. SCHAAP. 25 A Vihw at Amsterdam J. SHERRIN. 26 GteAPEB and Plums W. WYLD. 27 An Italian Landscape PICTURES. Z. AYDUKIEWIEZ. 28 Going to Market L. BACKALOWIEZ. 29 A Birthday Present J. BAUCK. 30 A Child's Head E. BERANGER. 31 The Toilette J. BERTRAND. 32 The Magdalen J. BERTRAND. 33 In the Cloisters R. BEAVIS. 34 A Vedette PIERRE BILLET. 35 Waiting tor the Boats BINNERMANN. 36 View in North Germany M. BISSCHOP. 37 A Mother's Jot G VON BOCHMANN. 38 Old Homestead, Hungary F. BODENMULLER. 39 Cupid PROF. H. BRELING. 40 The Welcome Draught 8 A. BUHLMAYEE. 41 Cattle Returning : Evening F. C4R0LUS. 42 A Morning Visit A. CHARNAY. 43 Low Tide: Yport J. CHELMINSKI. 44 Hunting in Hungary M. COLLART. 45 Evening Effect, with cattle DESCHAMPS. 46 Girl with Greyhound E. DUEZ. 47 View in Paris G. FAUVEL. 48 A Brittany Sheep Farm G. FEW AG A. 49 In the Garden 9 SCHOOL OF GAINSBOROUGH. 50 A Portrait PROF. GEERTZ. 51 The Shoe-black J. GISELA. 52 Gossips T. S. GOOD (of Berwick). 53 A Pinch of Snuff J. GOUPIL. 54 Anticipation H. GRANT. 55 A Summer's Day H. GRANT. 56 The Companion G. HAQUETTE. 57 A Signal PROF. K. HEFFNER. 58 A Study from Nature 10 PEOF. K. HEPPNER. 59 A Study from Nature PROF. K. HEFFNER. 60 Outskirts of Munich PROF. K. HEFFNER. 61 View on Lake of Zurich PROF. K. HEFFNER. 62 Spiez, Lake of Thun PROF. K. HEFFNER. 63 A Garden, near Rome PROF. K. HEFFNER 64 On Lake Zurich PROF. K. HEFFNFR. 65 Chioggia, near Venice PROF. K. HEFFNER. 66 A Study from Nature PROF. K. HEFFNER. 67 Boulogne Cliff 11 P. HEEWEGEN. 68 Palermo P. HEEWEGEN. 69 Castle Euins G. E. HICKS. 70 Emigrants C. KIECHMAYE. 71 Head of an Old Man H. KOEKKOEK. 72 Early Morning: Flushing A. KOZAKIEWIEZ. 73 Travelling in Eussia G. KUHL. 74 In the Studio SAMUEL LEWIN. 75 Eeading the News G. VON LEMPUTTEN. 76 Interior of Stable 12 STUART LLOYD. 77 Lingering : Autnmn W. MALECKI. 78 In the Champagne Country W. MALECKI. 79 Scene in Poland E. MEDAED. 80 Incident in the Franco-Prussian War B. MEYERHEIM. 81 A Cornfield C. MOREAU. 82 An Idyll PROF. L. C. MULLER. 83 Head of an Arab PROF. L. C. MULLER. 84 Study of Rocks PROF. L. C. MULLER. 85 Head of an Arab Boy 13 PROF. L. C. MULLEE. 86 Head of an Arab PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 87 Head op an Old Arab PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 88 Arab Boy's Head PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 89 Head op an Arab PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 90 An Arab Woman's Head PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 91 Head op an Arab PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 92 An Arab Boy PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 93 Head op an Arab PEOF. L. C. MULLEE. 94 An Old Arab 14 PROF. L. C. MULLER. 95 An Arab Encampment PROF. L. C. MULLER. 96 An Arab Girl PROF. L. C. MULLER. 97 Head of an Arab PROF. L. C. MULLER. 98 An Egyptian Boy PROF. L. C. MULLER. 99 An Old Arab PROF. L. C. MULLER. 100 Study of a Head PROF. L. C. MULLER. 101 Head of a Negro Boy L. MUNTHE. 102 A Winter's Day E. MURATON. 103 Still Life 15 F. NOAILLY. 104 Rest by the Wayside O. B. O'NEILL. 105 A Half-holiday C. PECRUS. 106 The Convalescent TH. REH. 107 The Lesson E. RICHTER. 108 The Billet-doux L. ROSSI. 109 Winter H. VON SASS. 110 A German Cafe Concert C. SCHRIEBER. 111 A Hobby C. SCHRIEBER. 112 The Connoisseur 16 J. SCHGOER. 113 Off Parade A. SEIFERT. 114 Cynthia A. SEIFERT. 115 Mabel R. SEVET. 116 Venice P. S1DOROWIEZ, 117 On the Road to ^APLE8 R. SORBI. 118 Neab Naples H. STAACKMANN 119 On the March F. STREITT. 120 A Gipsy Boy PROF. TAMDURINI. 121 Anticipation 17 PROF. TAMBURINl. 122 Forbidden- Fruit SIR JAMES THORNHILL. 123 Portrait of a Young Gektleman J. TRAYER. 124 The Wedding Gown PROF. WILLROIDER. 125 Near Munich, Bavaria RICHARD WILSON, R.A. 126 A Classical Landscape A. WINDMAIER 127 Sunset after Storm A. WINDMAIER. 128 Evening A. WINDMAIER. 129 A Showery Day a 1ft A. WINDMAIKR. 130 Sketch from Nature A. WINDMAlEli. 131 A Stormy Day A. WINDMA1ER. 132 Study from Nature End of First Days Sale. Second Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. PICTURES. A. ANKER. 133 The Sick Child E. ANSDELL, R.A. 131 Passing Clouds W. H. BARTLETT. 135 Fishing on thr Lagoones, Venice E. BERNE BELLECOUR. 136 Gkande Chaleur E. BERNE BELLECOUR. 137 A Hot Day c 2 20 J. BERTRAND. 138 Death op Virginia Vide Paul and Virginia L. BLANC. 1S9 Italian Models EUGENE DE BLAAS. 140 Wheedling A. BRA1TH. 141 Calves A. BRAMTOT. 142 Breakfast-time E. BULAND. 148 Return from the Wars R. BURMEISTER. 144 The Pretty Waitress J. CARAUD. 145 Blessing the Bread V. CHEVILLIARD. 146 Le Vin Nouveau 21 L. COUTURIER. 147 Off Duty L. DEUTSCH. 148 At School, Cairo J. R. DICKS EE. 149 Mat E. DUEZ. 150 Penury W. H. EICKELBERG. 151 Market Place, Holland R. ERNST. 152 Guard at Cairo R. ERNST. 153 Preparing for the Chase G. FAUVEL. 154 A Welcome Draught EUG. FEYEN. 155 Fish Market, Treport 22 EUG. FEYEN. 156 Fruit Market, Treport BIRKET FOSTER. 157 WlNCHELSEA A. DE GASSOWSKI. 158 Panbies P. J. C. GABRTEL. 159 Dutch Homestead B. GUILIANO. 160 The Surprise B. GUILIANO. 161 The Engagement Ring GUDIN. 162 For Dessert G. HAQUETTE. 163 Hauling the Nets 0. VAN HA AX EX 164 A Venetian Girl 23 P. HERWEGEN. 165 Naples D. HERNANDEZ. 166 Spking-time PEOF. K. HEFFNER. 167 Morning in the Forest PROF. K. HEFFNER. 168 Near Richmond, Surrey FROF. K. HEFFNER. 160 Autumn : Bavaria PROF. K. HEFFNER. 170 Study from Nature PROF. K. HEFFNER. 171 Evening in the Wood PROF. K. HEFFNER. 172 Evening : uear Munich PROF. K. HEFFNER. 173 A View near Munich 24 PROF. K. HEFFNER. 174 On Lake Starnbero PROF. K. HEFFNER. 175 A Study in March PROF. K. HEFFNER. 176 Tintern Abbey PROF. K. HEFFNER. 177 Neab Munich PROF. K. HEFFNER. 178 Blackfriars Bridge PROF. K. HEFFNER. 179 Near Beaumaris PROF. K. HEFFNER. 180 Sandy Shallows PROF. K. HEFFNER. 181 Return Home PROF. K. HEFFNER. 182 Study in Bavaria 25 PEOP. K. HEFFNEK. 183 On the Biver Inn PEOF. K. HEFFNEE. 184 In the Woods F. HEILBUTH. 185 ^OUGIVAL HUBERT. 186 Fresh Plucked J- SEF ISEAELS. 187 Interior at Sandvoort, Holland L. JIMENEZ. 188 Musical Critics P. JOANOWITS. 189 A Favourite Pastime P. JOANOWITS. 190 Dressing the Bride C. KAEGEE. 191 Beading. a Proclamation 26 A. KIEWSCHExNKO. 192 The Czar's Kennels J. V. KRAMER. 193 The Pharisee L. KURELLA. 194 The Picnic V. LAGYE. 195 The Naturalist at Home F. LAFFON. 196 Guitar Player L. LANCKOW. 197 Borders of the Chiemsee B W. LEADER, A.R.A. 198 A View in Surrey SAMUEL LEWIN. 199 Gaerikl Varden Vide " Barnabij Budge" E. LEVY. 200 A Faggot Girl 27 A. LESREL. 201 Lurking Foes W. LOWITH. 202 In the Studio W. LOMMENS. 203 Carting Timber : Black Forest A. MAIGNAN. 204 Admiral Carlo Zeno taking Leave op his Trophies R. MEYERHEIM. 205 A Courtyard E. MOUL1NET. 206 Boys Playing Marbles VON MERCK. 207 Soldiers Carousing P. MICHEL 7 208 MONTMARTRE M. MULLER. 209 Head of an Egyptian 28 A. MOREAU. f 210 The Promenade PROF. L. C. MULLER. ^ 211 Study of a Head £ ^ 4 /^aJ%<^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. J 212 Head of an Arab y ^ ^ ^^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. J y 213 Study of Eastern Ruins PROF. L. C. MULLER. j / 214 Head of an Arab // / v PROF. L. C. MULLER. J ,/_ 215 An Arab Woman £ ^ j- A*&^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. J/u 216 Head of an Arab ?*/' C&> PROF. L. C. MULLER. 3 217 An Eastern Woman

J " c£> PROF. L. C. MULLER. '/*. 218 Head of an Egyptian Boy ^ 29 PROF. L. C. MULLER. X/'X, 219 Study of a Head j, r - jfr#/6^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. X , 4, 220 On the Coast ; Egypt ^ , r ^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. /J ■ 221 An Old Arab Y/-J' / PROF. L. C. MULLER. /' 226 An Arab Woman PROF. L. C. MULLER. ^ /^ 222 An Egyptian Girl /? y 4 j&> PROF. L. C. MULLER. J? /^ 223 Head of an Arab & # ,- ^C^z^u^u PROF. L. C. MULLER. ^ 224 A Young Egyptian /o ^ /VxJl^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. J "~ 225 In the Arabian Desert ^%> ^ PROF. L. C. MULLER. J/i. 227 Outskirts of Cairo Pw 30 PROF. L. C. MULLER. J" 228 Study Head $ J. W. OAKES, A.R.A. / /? 231 Near Llanberris, North Wales PAGLIANO, /2 £ 232 The Seamstress J £ x 2 ? /Cr^'^z^, / /j. A. SCHEPP. X 6 237 The Fair Artist % f *./<*" A 31 G. SCHACHTNGER ^, / 238 Amongst the Hollyhocks A'/?//.j J /> ^ ^y G. SCHACHINGER. /X 239 Study of a Head x 7> y- rfJUl F. SCHNEIDER. //■ 240 The Minstrel J-VyjC y^^^c. H. SCHNEIDER. // 241 A Pompeian Maiden j£ x •? M. SCHMAEDEL. ^/^ 212 Dinner-time A//' R. SORBI. ^y 243 Leap-frog , / A //> B. VON SPANYI. £ ^ 214 Guarding the Flock //z.^? B. VON SPANYI. ( , r / 245 Austrian Pastubes y- ,, ^^ > & ^ JAMES STARK. -y^ 247 A Norfolk Landscape , /fr^iss// 32 A. STADEMAX '/4 248 Skating on the Rhine 910 A Way They Have in the Army J. C. THOM. A 250 Domestic Studies , -, y J. C. THOM. /^ 251 Summer Showers / 9 y *? # GEORGE VINCENT. > 252 The White Cliffs of England 7 /JL * /S W. VELTEN. 2 £ 253 Halt at an Inn o x /^ A. WAHLBERG. Z ^^ ^ ^ A. WAHLBERG. J j 256 On the Coast of Norway S. E. WALLER. 3 J 257 The White Cockade /lU-^-U-^i^^^t TH. WEBEE. 258 Entrance to Treport, Normandy R. WEISS ER. 259 Outside a Cafe PROF. J. WEISER. 260 Deep in Thought A. WEISZ. 261 A Chasseur PROF. J. WENGLE1N. 262 A Rainy Day PROF. J. WENGLEIN. 263 Study in Bavaria F. WILLEMS. 264 The Toilette F. WILL EMS. 265 The Pearl Necklace A. WINDMAIEE. 266 A Stormy Evening 34 A. WINDMAIER. 267 Sunset on Lake Starnberg A. WINDMAIER. 268 Sportsmen Returning Home A. WINDMAIER. 269 On Lake Starnberg A. WINDMAIER. 270 A Winter's Evening A. WINDMAIER. 271 Study from Nature A. WINDMAIER. 272 On Lake Starnberg SCULPTURE. F. CONOLLY. 273 Head of Christ CALLI RIZZARDO (of Milan). 274 Italian Mendicants finis. Lunilou : Priuted by "\Vm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. c ♦T^K W **^K^& \ { HI HSm^j** " '•• V - sfe,- ^fc*^ *'f"T- . i^-< Qirrr-s ^ GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 009871050