Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/reproductionsincOOsoul Copyrighted 1902. SoutE Art Company. All rights reserved. SOULE ART COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PREFACE UR policy is to obtain original negatives of the masterpieces in painting, sculpture and architec- ture in Europe and America, and print them in carbon and platinum in this country. The present catalogue is a list of the subjects of which negatives were made during the Summer of 1901, comprising a careful selection of the paintings, sculpture and architecture of Spain and Italy. It also contains an interesting series of Egyptian views, the gems of the Boston, Chicago and Milwaukee galleries and many well known paintings by representative American artists ; also a beautiful series of photographs of our own wonderful scenery. We call attention to our facilities for framing. We are one of few concerns who saw the moulding unstained, and after joining stain it to match the print, thus obtaining a harmony of tone not otherwise possible. Our framing is done in our own factory under our personal supervision. We are prepared to furnish lantern slides of any of the subjects herein named, and from these original negatives can guarantee the finest results. In addition to the subjects mentioned herein we are in a position to supply at the lowest market prices the art publi- cations of other houses either foreign or American. Correspondence solicited on all art subjects. ADAM, Jules (Modern) Cat and Kittens at Play, 3 4\ C 18 x 24 in. $5.00 ALBA, Eduardo de (Modern Spanish) Flock of Sheep, 3, 4\ Madrid, Museum Modern Art ALBERTINELLI, Mariotto (Florentine School) Visitation, 4\ Florence, Uffizi ANGELICO, Fra (Florentine School) Coronation, 3, 4-i Florence, Uffizi The Same, Angel detail, 4 \ an The Same, Angel detail, 4\ a a Madonna of the Great Tabernacle, 3 “ “ Descent from the Cross, 3 “ Academy ARAUJO, Joaquin (Modern Spanish) On the March, 3, 4\ Madrid, Museum Modern Art In Camp 3, 4-| “ “ “ “ BARSE, George R., Jr. (Modern American) An Old Time Favorite, 3-i, 4\ BEMISH, R. H. (Modern American) Moonrise on the Coast, 3-J, 4\ BERNIER, Camille (Modern French) Landscape, 3, 4| Madrid, Museum Modern Art BICCI, A (Modern Italian) A Difficult Task, 4, 41- Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4j4, about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 1 BICKNELL, A. H. (Modern American) Battle of Lexington, 2, 3, 4-| BIRNEY, William V. (Modern American) Reveries of a Bachelor, 3, 4, 4^ Springtime, 3, 4, 41- Duet, 4, 41- Solid Comfort, 4, 4-1- Dry Politics, 4, 4^ The Train “Here it Comes,” 4, 4|- BLASHFIELD, Edwin Howland Music and Dance 3 Music, 3 The same, detail 3, 4 The same, detail 3, 4 The same, half detail 3 The same, half detail 3 Dance 3 The same, detail 3, 4 The same, detail 3 The same, half detail 3 The same, half detail 3 (Modern American) Waldorf Astoria, N. Y. BOSTON, Frederick H. Fairy Tales, 4 \ BOTTICELLI, Sandro Portrait of P. di L. di Medici Coronation of the Virgin The same, with frame Annunciation Madonna, Child and Angels (Modern American) (Florentine School) 4 \ Florence, Uffizi 3, 4 \ 41 <4 (i ~ 2 41 ( 6 a ^ o' 41 £, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4)£, about 7 x 9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 10 Martha Washington G ilbert Stuart George Washington G ilbert Stuart Music Blashfield Education of the Virgin Murillo Ocean Race Valenkamph Fog Warning Winslow Homer The Beggar Irureta Close of Day Davis LIPPI, Fra Filippo (Florentine School) Madonna, Child and Angels 3, 4| Florence, Uffizi Madonna and Child 3, 4* a Pitti The same, detail (head of Madonna) 3 u it Coronation of the Virgin 3 a Academy The same, detail (group of angels) H a a Annunciation H 1 1 t i Nativity, detail (head) H a a LIPPI, Lorenzo St. Catherine, 3, 4-^ (Florentine School) Florence, Uffizi LORENZO MONACO, Don Angel, detail of Coronation, 4-£ (Florentine School) Florence, Uffizi LOW, Gilman (Modern American) Waiting (horse’s head) 3, 4, 4£ LIJTI, Benedetto Head of Cherub, 4£ (Florentine School) Florence, Uffizi MADRAZO, Federico de Two Studies of a Head, 4 \ (Modern Spanish) Madrid, Museum Modern Arts MARCKE, Emile van (Modern French) The Water Gate, 3, 4, 4-J- Milwaukee, Layton Gallery A Golden Autumn Day, 18 x 24 in, $5.00, 3^, 4 % Chicago, Art Institute Study of a Cow, 3, 4£ Chicago, Art Institute (Modern Spanish) MARTINEZ, Serafin Spanish Courtship 3 MAUVE, A. In the Forest, 4 McEWEN, Walter (Modern American) The Judgment of Paris, 3J, 4 \ Chicago, Art Institute ll McCORD, George H. '(Modern American) Signal Bell 3, 4, 4i Outlying Reef 3, 4, 4| Evening on the Thames 3, 4, 4i Evening in the Harbor 3, 4, 4i Freshening Breeze 3, 4, 4£ Haven Under the Hill 3, 4, English Channel Smacks 3, 4, 4* Barnegat Bay 4, 41 Mackerel Schooners 4, 41 Evening Near Gloucester 4, Chester, England 4, 41 Clovelli, England 4, 41 Moonlight, Long Island Sound 4, 41 - Chalk Cliffs, 4, 41 Moonlight at Sea 41 In Bristol Channel 41 McCORKLE, James H. (Photographs from Life) Company Front (rabbits) 16x8 in., $2.50 Prize Winners (rabbits) 16x8 in., $ 2.50 MEILSNER, E. Return of the Flock, 4, 41 MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (French School) The Yidette, 31, 4 1 Chicago, Art Institute MELIDA, Enrique (Modern Spanish) The Interrupted Feast, 41 Madrid, Museum Modern Art MENGS, Raphael (German School) Daughter of the Artist, 4 % Rome, Barberini Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4 about 7 x9in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 12 Feeding Time Jacque Amateur Surgeon Graves Her Tribute Kline In Camp Araujo Leaving Mt. Vernon Howard Pyle Lorna Doone Garrett A Maiden Claus Dawn Eggleston To the Fields F erroni Palada Bridge S heppard MERLE, Hughes (Modern French) Beatrice and Benedict, 3 MERSFELDER, I. Storm on the Pacific, 4, 4\ MICHELANGELO (Buonarroti) (Florentine School) Holy Family 3, 4\ Florence, Uffizi The Fates 3, 4\ “ Pitti MIGNARD, Peter (French School) Countess of Grignan, 4\ Florence, Uffizi MILLET, Jean Francois (French School) Bringing Home the New Born Calf, 3, 4\ Chicago, Art Inst. Feeding Her Chickens 4\ “ “ “ MOELLER, Louis (Modern American) A Rare Old Document 4\ The Argument 4| MORELLI, D. (Modern Italian) Madonna and Child, 3, 3\, 4 MORSE, Samuel F. B. (Modern American) Portrait of Marquis de La Fayette, 3, 4 New York, City Hall MULHOLLAND, S. A. (Modern American) Off the Coast of Scotland, 4 Near Venice 4 Marine. 4 MURILLO, Bartolome Esteban (School of Seville) Madonna and Child, 3> 4-j Florence, Pitti The Same, detail <( a Marriage of St. Catherine, 3 Rome, Vatican Conception, 3, H Seville, Museum St. Anthony of Padua, (detail) | 3 H it Madonna and Child, (detail) H a a 13 Madonna de La Servilleta, H Seville, Museum St. Felix of Cantalicio, H <( <( Dream of a Roman Patrician H Madrid, St. Ferdinand The Patrician asking permission of the Pope to realize his dream, 4\ Madrid, St. Ferdinand St. Elizabeth of Hungary, H ( < ( < Conception of the Virgin H ( ( Prado Immaculate Conception, 3, 4* a ( ( The Same, detail 3 t « ( ( Holy Family of the Bird, H < < ( ( Apparition to St. Bernard, H i i i i Divine Shepherd, 3, H 6 ( ( ( St. John the Baptist, 3, H < i 6 ( Children of the Shell, 3, 4^ < ( ( ( Rebecca and Eleazer, H i 6 i ( Annunciation, H ( t ( i The Same, detail, the Virgin, H ( 6 ( t Education of the Virgin, 3, H ( ( 6 ( The Same, detail H ( ( ( i The Crucifixion, H < ( ( ( Madonna of the Rosary H 6 ( i < The Same, detail H ( ( i i NAEGELE, C. F. Contemplation, 3, 4% The Future, 3, 4-J- NORTON, WM. E. (Modern American) Crossing the Grand Banks, 4 NOURSE, Elizabeth (Modern American) Mother and Child, 18 x 24 in. $5.00 3^-, 4\> Chicago, Art Institute Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4 about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 14 Alexander Hamilton Trumbull Franklin Duplessis Lincoln Fenety Paul Revere Gilbert Stuart Faneuil Hall— Boston Company Front From Life Lower Falls — Yellowstone Park Ann Hathaway’s Cottage — Stratford NOYES, George (Modern American) Autumn Landscape, 4 A Brittany Peasant, 4 PERUGINO, Pietro (Umbrian School) St. Michael, (head) 4% Florence, Academy PHELPS, W. B. (Modern American) The End of Day, 3, 4 PIOMBO, (Sebastian del) (Venetian School) La Fornarina (Formerly attributed to Raphael) 3, 4\ Florence, Uffizi POTT, Laslett J. (Modern British) News of the Victory, 3, 4 \ Milwaukee, Layton Gallery POTTHAST, Edward (Modern American) Return of the Fisherman, 3, 4, 4\ Old Companions* 3, 4,4^ The Fisherman 4, 4\ POWELL, WM. H. (Modern American) Portrait of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, 3 New York, City Hall PRADILLA, Francisco (Modern Spanish) Dona Juana da Loca, 3, 4-J Madrid, Museum Modern Art The Same, detail, 4\ “ “ PYLE, Howard (Modern American) Washington in his Garden at Mt. Vernon 3, 4, 4* Virginia Planter 3, 4, 4i They Read Only on Occasions 4 Sir William Berkeley Yielding 4, 4± Washington’s Retreat from Great Meadows 4, 4| Braddock’s Defeat, Battle of Monongahela 4 The Burial of Braddock 4, 4* Washington and Mary Phillips 4, 41 15 In the Old Raleigh Tavern 4, 4-J Leaving Mt. Vernon 4, 4 % Lady Washington’s Arrival in Cambridge 4, 4-J- Washington and Steuben at Valley Forge 4, 4-J- Escape of Arnold 4, 4-J- Mustered Out, — Rest by the Wayside 4, 4 \ Washington bringing his Mother into the Ball- Room at Fredericksburg 4, 4% Clerk of Congress announcing to Washington his Election to the Presidency 4 , 4 % Washington and Nelly Custis 4, 4% Death of Washington 4, 4% A Virginia Plantation Wharf 4, 4^ The Capitol at Williamsburg 4, 4\ RAPHAEL, Sanzio d’ Urbino (Roman School) Madonna del Cardellino 3, H Florence, Uffizi Portrait of the Artist by himself H a a Madonna della Sedia 3, H “ Pitti Madonna del Granduca 3, H H ( ( La Fornarina H Rome, Barberini Transfiguration 3 Rome, Vatican Parnassus 3 a <( Angel detail of Madonna di Foligno 3 a n Burning of Borgo 3 (C (( Madonna of the Fish 3, H Madrid, Prado Head of Heliodorus, (drawing) 3 Mahl Collection REGNAULT, Alexandre Georges Henri (Modern French) Automedon and the Horses of Achilles, 2, 3, 4 Boston, Museum Fine Arts Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3>£, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4}£y about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 16 REMBRANDT van Ryn (Dutch School) Portrait of the Artist by himself, 3, 4\ Florence, Pitti Queen Artemisia receiving the urn containing the ashes of Mausolus, 4 Madrid, Prado RENI, Guido (Bolognese School) Cumaean Sibyl, 4\ Florence, Uffizi Beatrice Cenci, 4\ Rome, Barberini RICHARDS, William T. The August Moon, 3, 4\ RIECKE, George Sunset Glow, Road to the Village, In the Marshes, Cows’ Meeting Place, Cedar Bluff, Mountain Road, In the Meadows, Bay Pastures, Spring Day, Pasture Near Home, Return from Pasture, Edge of the Woods, Cattle at Rest, Corner of the Barnyard, Sheep at Rest, Spring Pastures, Within the Fold, Meadow Pastures, Early June, Among the Hills, Valley Pastures, Barnyard Fowl Valley Homestead, (Modern American) Chicago, Art Institute (Modern American) 3, 4 3, 4, 4£ 3, 4, 4-g- 3, 4, 4£ 3, 4, 4 \ 3, 4, 4* 3* 4, 4i 3, 4, 4£ 3, 4, 4* 3, 4, 4£ 4, 4i 4, 4£ 4, 4* 4,4* 4, 4* 4, 4, 4* 4, 4* 4, 4i 4, 4* 4, 4, 4, 4* 17 Beside the Bank, 4, H Crossing a Mountain Stream, 4, 4\ Shepherd’s Home, 4, H Idlers, 4, 4* Highland Pasture, 4, 4| Merino Sheep, 4, 41 Sheep Grazing, 4, 41 In the Birch Woods, 4, 41 Evening, 4, 41 Battle Roaming, 4, 41 Under the Trees, 41 In the Fields 41 Cows in Pasture, 4! On the Hillside, 41 Southdown Sheep, 41 Early Summer, 41 Duck Pool, 41 In the Pasture, 41 ROMANO, Giulio (Roman School) Apollo and the Muses, 3 Florence, Pitti RONNER, Henriette (Modern French) Cat and Kitten, 18x24 Trilby, 41 in. $5.00, 4i ROSALES, Eduardo, (Modern Spanish) Tobias and the Angel, 3, 4* Madrid, Museum Modern Art ROSELAND, Harry (Modern American) Bottomless Pit " 4,4* A Serious Case 3, 4, 4i Young Opponent 3, 4, 4* Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3%, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $ 2.00 ; 4 about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 18 An Apt Pupil Dictating the Letter The Answer Aunty’s Knitting Lesson 3, 4, 4* 3, 4, 4i 3, 4, 4£ 4, 4* ROSSO, II. (Giovanni Battista di Jacopo di Guasparre) (Florentine School) Angel with Mandolin, 4% Florence, Uffizi ROUSSEAU, Theodore Landscape, 41 (Modern French) Chicago, Art Institute RUBERS, Peter Paul (Flemish School) Portrait of the Artist by himself 3 Florence, Uffizi Portrait of Helen Fourment, wife of the Artist, 41 “ “ Portrait of an unknown man 41 “ “ Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham 41 “ Three Graces 4\ Fortune 4\ The same, detail 41 Perseus and Andromeda 41 Portrait of Marie di Medici 41 Study, head, old man (Drawing) 4 “ Pitti Madrid, Prado Mahl Collection SANDHAM, Henry (Modern American) Dawn of Liberty, or Battle of Lexington, 3, 4 (Florentine School) SARTO, Andrea del Madonna of St. Francis Holy Family St. John The same, detail (head) Madonna and Child Portrait of the Artist and his Wife 4\ St. Michael (detail of four saints) 3, 4-J- Two Angels 3, 41 Mystic Assumption of the Virgin 3, 41 3, 4* 3, 4£ 3, 4 1 41 3, 41 Florence, Uffizi “ Pitti Acad. Madrid, Prado 19 SASSOFERRATO, (Giovanni Battista Salvi) (Bolognese School) Mater Dolorosa, 4\ Florence, Uffizi SCHRBYER, Adolf (Modern German) Arab Scouts, 18 x 24 in., $5.00, 3-J-, 4\ Chicago, Art Institute Cossacks Driving Wild Horses, 4 SEELEY, G. B. (Modern American) Taking a Pilot 2, 3, 4, 4\ Homeward Bound 3 SHAW, Annie Coolidge (Modern American) The Russet Year, 4 ^ Chicago, Art Institute SHEPPARD, Warren (Modern American) Palada Bridge, Venice 3, 4 Entrance to Public Garden, Venice 3, 4, H Desdemona’s Palace, Venice 3, 4 The Grand Canal, Venice 4 Garden in the Guidecca, Venice 3, 4 Near All Saints, Venice 4, H Venice 4, H Evening on the Lagoon 4, H Off the Coast of Maine 3, 4 A Breezy Day 3 Moonlight H Becalmed H Fishing Boats H SHIRLAW, Walter (Modern American) The Flower Market, 4, 4-1- Death Song 4, 4\ Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4 ]/ 2) about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 20 SIEBER, Edward G. (Modern American) The Meadow Pool, 4, 4-£ SODOMA (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi) (Sienese School) St. Sebastian, 4 \ Florence, Uffizi STUART, Gilbert (American School) Portrait of Paul Revere, 3 Lexington, Town Hall George Washington 3 , 44- (Athenaeum Portrait) Boston, Museum Fine Arts Martha Washington, 4 % (Athenaeum Portrait) Boston, Museum Fine Arts SULLY, Thomas (Modern American) Portrait of Commodore Decatur, 3, 4 New York, City Hall THAYER, Abbott (Modern American) Caritas, 2, 3, 4, 4-^ Boston, Museum Fine Arts THOMPSON, Harry (Modern British) Landscape and Sheep, 18 x 24, $5.00, 3 %, 4-J Chicago, Art Inst. Sheep in Picardy, 3, 3 ^, 4 \ “ “ “ TITIAN (Ticiano Vecelli) (Venetian School) Flora 3, 4 \ Florence, Uffizi Bella, 3, 4£ “ Pitti Mater Dolorosa 4£ Madrid, Prado TORRE, Antonio (Modern Spanish) On the Beach in Spain, 3, 4 \ Madrid, Museum Modern Art TROYON, Constant (Modern French) Returning from Market, 18x24 in., $5.00, 4-£, Chicago, Art Inst. TRUMBULL, John (American School) Portrait of Gen. Geo. Clinton 3 New York, City Hall The same, detail 4 “ “ “ “ Portrait of Alexander Hamilton 4 “ “ “ “ The same 4 Boston, Mus. Fine Arts 21 TURNER, Charles Y. (Modern American) Mural Decorations. Frieze in Waldorf-Astoria, N.Y. Lunettes (4) . The Lute. The Square Panels (2) Pendentive (3) Corner Pair (3) Right Spandril (10) Left Spandril (10) UNKNOWN ARTISTS Portrait of Peter Stuyvesant 4 Thread of Life H Confidence H Cupid H VALENKAMPH, T. V. c. Ocean Race Around Cape Horn, Homeward Bound Coming into Port iol. 3, 4 4 4 4 4 4 New York, City Hall (Modern American) h H VANDERLYN, John (American School) Portrait of President Monroe 4 New York, City Hall Portrait of Gov. Yates of New York 4 “ “ “ “ VANDYKE, Anthony (Flemish School) Repose in Egypt 3, 4 \ Florence, Pitti The Same, detail 4-| “ “ Count of Bristol and Van Dyke 4 ^ Madrid, Prado VAN SCHENDEL, P. The Fish Market, 4 \ VERBOECKHOVEN, Eugen Joseph (Modern Flemish) Summer’s Evening, 4 \ Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $ 12.00 ; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $ 4.00 ; 3J4, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4>£, about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 22 Spanish Courtship Martinez A Golden Autumn Day Van Marcke The Bugler W. M.Hunt Lincoln St. Gaudens Palazzo Vecchio— Florence View Magnificent.— Philae Pharaoh’s Bed.— Philae Pyramids and Desert Leaning Tower — Pisa VELASQUEZ, Diego de Silva (School of Seville) Portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos (Prince Charlie) in hunting costume 4 \ Madrid, Prado The same, detail 4 \ “ “ Equestrian Portrait of Don Balthazar Carlos (Prince Charlie) 3, 4 % “ “ The same, detail 3, 4 \ “ “ Crucifixion 4 % “ “ Coronation of the Virgin 4 \ “ “ The same, detail, head 4-J- “ “ Tapestry Weavers 3, 4 \ “ “ The same, detail 4 % i( “ Surrender of Breda (Las Lanzas) 3, 4 \ “ “ Forge of Vulcan 3, 4 \ “ “ The same, detail, Apollo 4 \ “ “ The same, detail, Apollo, head only 4 \ “ “ The Topers, (Los Borrachos) 4-J- “ “ Aesop 3, 4 \ “ “ Mennippus 4 \ “ “ The God Mars 4-J “ “ Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV. 4 \ “ “ Philip IV. in Hunting Costume 4 \ “ “ Don Ferdinand of Austria 4 \ “ “ Portrait of the Artist, Martinez Montanes 4-J- “ “ Portrait of Marie Theresa of Austria, 4 ^ “ “ The same, detail, head 4 \ “ “ Mariana of Austria, wife of Philip IV. 4-J- “ “ Equestrian Portrait of Duke of Olivarez 4 \ “ “ Portrait of Juana Pacheco, wife of Velasquez 4 ^ “ “ Portrait of a Child, (daughter of Velasquez?) 4 \ “ “ Portrait of Don Sebastan de Mora 4 \ “ “ Portrait of a Jester, “Don John of Austria” 4 \ “ “ Portrait of a Dwarf of Philip IV. nicknamed Don Antonio, the Englishman 4 \ “ “ A Boy of Vallecas 4 % “ “ 23 Pablillos of Valladolid, Jester of Philip IV. 44 Madrid, Prado The same, detail head, 44 “ “ The Idiot of Coria 44 “ “ VINCI, Leonardo da Annunciation, 44 (Florentine School) Florence, Uffizi VOLKMAR, Charles (Modern American) By the Brook 44 Duck’s Paradise 44 Happy Family 44 WAHLBERG, Alfred (Modern Swedish) Bright Moonlight in Sweden, 34, 4| Chicago, Art Institute WATTS, F. View on the Rhine, 3 WHITTAKER, J. B. (Modern American) The Puritan Maiden 3, 4, 44 The Old Puritan 3, 4, 44 WIEGAND, Gustave (Modern American) Bit of Old Jersey 3, 4 Spring Morning, 20 x 27 in., $10 3, 4, 44 Staten Island Homestead 3 Willow Brook 4, A\ Under the Willows 4, 44 The Old Farm A, A 4 Gardener’s Cottage A\ November 44 June 44 Midsummer 44- Winter A\ Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3J^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 4 1 / 2 , about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 24 St. John The Baptist Murillo Madonna of the Fish Raphael The Lute Turner Arctic Whaler Bradford Arab Scouts Schreyer Ave Maria Stella Chartran Fairy Tales Boston Moses Michelangelo The Bathers Bouguereau WILLARD, A. N. (Modern American) Spirit of ’76, or Yankee Doodle 2, 3, 4, 4 \ Marblehead, Mass., Town Hall PORTRAITS Angelico, Fra, by Carlo Dolce, 3, Florence, Uffizi Antonelli, Cardinal; by Keeley Halswelle, 3. Milwaukee, Lay- ton Gallery. Bainbridge, Commodore William; by John Wesley Jarvis, 4. New York, City Hall Clinton, Gen. George; by John Trumbull, 3,4. New York, City Hall. Decatur, Commodore Stephen ; by Thos. Sully, 3, 4. New York, City Hall. Fenton, Rueben E., Gov. New York, 1864-6; by William Page, 4. New York, City Hall. Franklin, Benjamin, by J. A. Duplessis, 3, 4. Boston, Mus. F. A. Goya, Francisco; by himself, 4 \. Madrid, Acad. St. Ferd. Hancock, John; by John Singleton Copley, 4. The same, detail, 4. Hamilton, Alexander ; by John Trumbull, 4. Boston, Mus. F. A. Hamilton, Alexander ; by John Trumbull, 4. N. Y., City Hall Kaufmann, Angelica ; by herself, 3, 4 \. Florence, Uffizi LaFayette, Marquis de ; by Samuel F. B. Morse, 3, 4. New York, City Hall. Le Brun, Mme. Yigee ; by herself, 3, 4 ^. Florence, Uffizi Lincoln, Abraham; A. C. Fenety, 3, 4, 4 Lincoln, Abraham ; portrait statue, by Augustus Saint Gaudens, 2, 3, 4-J-. Chicago, Lincoln Park. Macomb, Gen. Alexander ; by Waldo, 4. New York, City Hall Marshall, John, Chief Justice ; by Chester Harding, 3, 4, 4 \. Boston Athenaeum. 25 McClellan, Gen. Geo. B. ; byWm. H. Powell, 3. N.Y., City Hall Monroe, James, President; by John Vanderlyn, 4. New York, City Hall. Morgan, E. D.,War Governor of New York, 4. N.Y., City Hall Paez, Gen. Jose Antonio, Yenzuelan Dictator, 4. “ “ “ Perry, Com. O. H. ; by John Wesley Jarvis, 3. “ “ “ 3, 4. N. Y., City Hall A\. Florence, Uf&zi 3, 4i “ Pitti Lexington Town Hall Florence, Uf&zi The same, detail Raphael ; by himself, Rembrandt van Ryn ; by himself Revere, Paul; by Gilbert Stuart 3. Rubens, Peter Paul ; by himself 3. Sarto, Andrea del and wife ; by Del Sarto, 4\ Florence, Uf&zi Seward, Wm. H., Governor New York, 1835-40, 4. New York, City Hall. Stuyvesant, Peter 4. N.Y., City Hall Throop, Enos T., Governor New York, 1829-30; by Weir, 4 New York, City Hall. Tompkins, Daniel D., Governor New York, 1807-1816, vice president under Monroe 4. N.Y., City Hall Van Buren, Martin, President ; by Inman, 4. “ “ “ Vinci, Leonardo da ; by himself 3. Florence, Uf&zi Washington, George ; by Gilbert Stuart 3, 4\ Boston, Mus. F. A. Washington, Martha ; by Gilbert Stuart A\ “ “ “ Daniel Webster ; by Chester Harding 3, 4, 4\ Boston Athenaeum Yates, Governor New York, 1822-4 ; by John Vanderlyn, 4 New York, City Hall Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3 y 2) about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; 434, about 7x9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 26 The Mirror Eggleston The Duet Birney Moonlight at Sag Harbor Kluth Dona Juana P radilla Caritas Thayer Court of Lions, Alhambra Washington’s Home, Mt. Vernon Lance of XVII Century Avenue of Sphinxes, Karnak Cloisters of St. John Lateran — Rome Capitol — Washington SCULPTURE Greco Roman Antinous 3, 41 Rome, Vatican Apollo Citharaedus t ( Apollo Belvidere 3 ( ( Ariadne 3 ( ( La Biga H £ £ The Same, detail H £ ( The Same, detail 41 i ( Discobolus 3, 41 ( ( Jupiter Otricoli 3, 41 i 6 Mercury Belvidere 3, 41 6 6 Caesar Augustus 3 ( 6 Meleager 3, 41 6 ( Laocoon 3, 41 < i Minerva 41 ( ( The Nile H 6 ( The Same, detail H ( i Mask 41 ££ Genius of the Vatican 41 £ £ Torso Belvidere 41 £ £ Boy Extracting a Thorn H Florence, Uffizi Crouching Venus 41 £ £ £ £ Knife Grinder 41 £ £ ££ Wrestlers 41 £ £ ££ Venus di Medici 41 £ £ ££ Hercules and Centaur 41 Florence, Loggia dei Lanzi Ajax and Patroclus 41 ( ( £ £ ££ Marcus Aurelius 41 Rome (VfODERM CANOVA, Antonio Perseus 3, 41 Rome, Vatican Boxer, (1) 41 ( £ ££ Boxer, (2) 41 ££ ££ St. Peter 41 “ St. Peter’s Triumph of Army and Navy 41 Rome, Pincian Hill 27 CELLINI, Benvenuto (Florentine School) Perseus, 3 Florence, Loggia dei Lanzi DONATELLO, (Donato di Betto Bardi) (Florentine School) St. George 3, 4£ Infant St. John H David H Marzocco H Florence, National Museum FRENCH, Daniel Chester The Minute Man, 3 , 4 ^ (Modern American) Concord, Mass. GIOVANNI DI BOLOGNA Flying Mercury, 4 ^ MacMONNIES, Frederick Bacchante, 3 MICHELANGELO Tomb of Lorenzo di Medici Tomb of Giuliano di Medici 3 , 4-J David, 3 , 4-J Dying Adonis, 4 % Bacchus, 4 % Madonna, 4+ Mask of Satyr, 4-| Moses 3, 4 % The Same, with side statues 3, 4-J- ROBBIA, Andrea della Madonna and Child, 4-J- ROBBIA, Luca della Madonna and Child, 4 % Madonna Adoring, 4 % SAINT GAUDENS, Augustus Abraham Lincoln, 2, 3 (Florentine School) Florence, Museum (Modern American) “ Academy “ National Museum a t c a a t ( a Rome, S. Pietro in Vinculi < f ft (Florentine School) Florence, Nat’l Museum (Florentine School) Florence, Nat’l Museum it ft ft (Modern American) Chicago, Lincoln Park (Florentine School) 3 , 4 \ Florence, Church S. Lorenzo n it 28 Jupiter Otricoli Flora Titian Silence Broken DeForest Brush The Poetess Kauffmann The Vidette Meissonier Shepherd’s Star Breton Autumn Haze C urran Waiting Gilman Low Immaculate Conception Murillo Evening ✓ Jules Dupre In Rosshire Davis Cossacks Driving Wild Horses Schrever Amateurs Alex. Harrison Sunset on the Meadow Griffin Lookout “All’s Well” Winslow Homer The Train— “Here It Comes” Birney The Wave James THORWALDSEN, Bertel Panel to G. Yacci, 4\ MISCELLANEOXJS Portrait Statue of Velasquez The Same Portrait Statue of Murillo The Same Hercules and Caesar Cervantes Velasquez The Same, side Equestrian Statue of Cosimo I Dante Victor Emanuel Pisa, Campo Santo u Seville H ( t H t ( H u H t ( H Madrid H (( H (< H Florence AX << H Rome Sizes: 2, about 25 x 34 in., $12.00; 3, about 16 x 20 in., $4.00; 3)^, about 13 x 15 in., $3.00; 4, about 9 x 12 in., $2.00; about 7 x 9 in., platinum, $1.00, carbon, $1.50. 29 VIEWS IN UNITED STATES Photographs prom Nature by Henry G. Peabody. Grand Canon **From Bright Angel Trail From Grand View Trail From Head of Grand View Trail From River Trail From Bissell Point From Grand Scenic Divide From O’Neill Point From Rowe Point Powell Plateau from Stage Road On Grand View Point After the Storm Yosemite Valley **From Artist’s Point From Bridal Veil Meadow High Sierra from Glacier Point Merced River from El Capitan Bridge Domes of Yosemite North Dome, Royal Arches, and Washington Column South and Half Domes Cap of Liberty and Nevada Fall Sentinel Rock El Capitan **Yosemite Falls Vernal Fall Nevada Fall Mariposa Grove of Big Trees Yellowstone National Park **Lower Falls Minerva Terrace Beehive Geyser at Work Miscellaneous tFaneuil Hall, Boston tCapitol, Washington tWhite House tWashington’s Home, Mt. Vernon New England Farm House tFairbanks House, Dedham tSurf at Nahant, Mass. Woodland Scene Woodland Road through Pines Mountain Path among Birches Cascade Mountain, Canadian National Park **Bow Valley from Upper Spring, Banff. tShakespeare’s House, Stratford, Eng. tAnn Hathaway’s Cottage, Strat- ford, Eng. The above views are published in 18 x 22 size, plantinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked * * are also published 25 x 36 in carbon only at $12.00 each. Those marked t are also published in 8 x 10. 30 V!EWS IN MEXICO City of Mexico Plaza and Zocalo Castle of Chapultapec Grove of Chapultapec Cathedral from National Palace Cathedral, interior. Church of Guadalupe El Arbol de Noche Trieste A Pulqueria On the Viga Canal Chapel of theWell of Guadalupe Mitla *South Facade Northeast corner Hall of Monoliths Audience chamber, West side Audience chamber, Northwest corner Corridor of Mosaics Cuernavaca Palace of Cortez A corner of the Cathedral Roof Scene In the Jardin de la Borda Looking N. W. from Palace Puebla View: Volcanos in distance Cathedral, interior *Popocatapetl Popocatapetl and Ixtaccihuatl Queretaro From Cerro de Compagna, place of Maximilian’s Execution Street Scene Uruapani Street Scene Waterfall On the River Miscellaneous Old Highway Bridge, Chiqui- huti River Coffee Plantation and Mt. Ouiz- oba. Metlac Ravine, Mexican Rail- way. Coffee Ranch near Orizaba Maguey (Pulque) Ranch near Ometusco Pyramid of Cholula Cholula from Pyramid Cactus Pitaya Old Bridge between Iguala and Tasco *View in Tasco Plaza at Morelia View in Zacotecas Barranca del Portilo, near Guad- alajara Guanajuato from East Olla de la Presa, Guanajuato A'\ these views are published in 8 x io size, plantinum at 75 cents each, $7.50 per dozen, or in carbon at Si. 50 each. Those marked * are published in 18 x 22 size platinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked * * are also published in *5 x 34 size, carbon only at $12.00 each. 31 VIEWS IN EGYPT, ETC. Gizeh * Pyramids of Cheops, Cephren and Mycerinus from east * Sphinx, front view **Sphinx with Cephren and Mycerinus * Pyramids and Desert Thebes * Plain from Bab-el-Malouk * Luxor and the Nile * Colossi, or Statues of Memnon * Ramesseum * Prostrate Statue of Rameses II * Medinet Abu Karnak * General View from Lake * Avenue of Sphinxes and Pylon of Ptolemy Euergetes * Columns and Obelisk * Hall of Columns Abu-Simbel * Great and Small Temple from across the Nile * Profile of Great Temple ** Great Temple, front view * Great Temple, interior * Small Temple, facade Phiiae * Temples from Across the Nile **Temple of Isis and Pharaoh’s Bed, from South **Pharaoh’s Bed * View Magnificent : Columns from Temple of Isis *West Colonade from South, Temple of Isis Miscellaneous * Temple of Edfu, Grand Facade from Hypostyle Hall * Temple of Denderah * Maharrah, the Temple * Ptolemaic Land Grant Stone Raalbec, Syria * Temple of the Sun and Baal Temple of Baal, details Jerusalem, Palestine Garden of Gethsemane City, from Mt. of Olives From Mt. Calvary to Olivet North from Tomb of Absalom Mt. of Olives from St. Stephen’s Gate Village of Siloam Valley of Hinnon, 2 views Valley of Jehosaphat, 2 views Mosque of Omar — front Mosque of Omar — interior Arabia Ascent of Mt. Sinai Mosque, Summit of Mt. Sinai Gates of Sinai Well of Moses Rock of Moses Gathering Manna Bedouin Shepherdess Bedouin Judge Dragoman All these views are published in 8 x io size, platinum at 75 cents each, $7.50 per dozen, or in carbon at $1.50 each, Those marked * are published in 18 x 22 size platinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked ** are also published in 25 x 34 size, carbon only at $12.00 each. Vandyke and Count of Bristol Vandyke Spring Morning Wiegand Bringing Home the New Born Calf J. F. Millet Com. Perry Jarvis Battle of Lexington Sandham Landscape Bernier Landscape Inness Meadow Pool S ieber The Marsh D aubigny Holland Landscape De Haes Taking a Pilot Seeley Landscape Corot Great Patio, Alcazar Madonna Morel li The Water Gate Van Marcke Forge of Vulcan Velasquez Oaks in Autumn Hart Signal Bell McCord End of Day Phelps Cat and Kittens Adam Surrender of Breda Velasquez VIEWS I/M SPAIN Seville * Cathedral, Giralda Giralda and Palms Giralda, near view Giralda, detail Giralda, detail Gate of Pardon Gate of Parish Church Main Portal Door of St. Michael Door of Palos ^ Detail of Dome * Alcazar, Facade Entrance Entrance, detail * Great Patio Great Patio Gallery Twin Window Corner Door Alcove Puerta Tapiada Hall of Ambassadors Entrance from Patio Triple Arch Open Door Detail Bedroom of Moorish Kings Detail of Entrance End Patio of Munecas Balcony, 3 views Gate of the Crest Fountain of Charles V. Garden of Charles V., 2 views Tower and Balcony of Peter the Cruel House of Pilate, exterior Entrance to Courtyard Court Yard Court Yard, details 6 views Balcony and Roof Iron Gate Iron Window Birthplace of Murillo Archbishop’s Palace Doorway Palace of San Telmo Doorway Church of St. Mark Doorway Church of St. Pauline Tower Statue of Velasquez Nearer view Statue of Murillo Nearer view Statue of Caesar and Hercules Tower of Gold Cordova Cathedral or Mosque Spire from Street Spire from Courtyard 3 views Gate of Pardon Gate of Benedictions Nearer view Old Moorish Portal Lateral Portal Gate of St. Cathernie Spire with Statue of St. Ra- phael Roman Bridge and City And Old Mill Entrance to City from Bridge Fisherman in Gaudalquiver Gate of Almodovar Oldest Signal Tower Statue of St. Raphael 33 VIEWS IN SPAIN — Continued Fountain of Tobias Church of St. Paul Church of St. Jacinto Church of St. Nicholas House of Marquez de la Fuente Santa Polytechnic Academy entrance Madrid Bank of Spain Gate of Alcala Fountain of Cibeles Fountain of Neptune Prado Museum Statue of Velasquez Side Statue of Cervantas Granada General View from Alhambra Through twin window Archbishop’s Palace Cathedral, side door Balcony and Roof Rear University of Granada, doorway College, rear door College of Aesculapius Moorish University Detail Residence of Isabella Detail Church of St. Juan de Dios Doorway Lunatic Asylum, doorway Two Windows Courtyard Courtyard, Colonnade Fountain of Bomba Statue of Columbus and Isabella Sierra Navadas from Alhambra Generalife from Alhambra Garden looking North Garden looking South Arches Alhambra From Generalife Tower of Justice and Fountain Nearer view Inside Gate Palace of Charles V. Entrance Interior * Court of Myrtles Trans-section Sentry Box Large Doorway Small Doorway Ornamental Detail Ornamental Detail * Court of Lions, Bast * Court of Lions, North * Court of Lions, West Pavilion From Above Detail Arcade Detail Triple Arch Details, 4 views Fountain Tower of Comares from Myrtles Side, with Balconies Tower of Infanta, interior Gallery All these views are published in 8 x io size, platinum at 75 cents each, $7.50 per dozen, or in carbon at $1.50 each. Those marked * are published in 18 x 22 size platinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked ** are also published in 25 x 34 size, carbon only at $12.00 each. 34 Shepherd and His Friends Knight Song of the Lark Breton Old Companions Potthast On The Beach in Spain Torre Landscape Rousseau In the Harvest Field Julien Dupre Holy Family Michelangelo Supper at Emmaus Lhermitte Off the Coast of Maine Sheppard Marine H. Chase After the Shower Ferriz VIEWS IN SPAIN — Concluded Tower of Captive Princess, detail Tower of Minrab and Balcony * Hall of Two Sisters From Balcony * Hall of Ambassadors Details, 3 views Hall of Barca, detail Hall of Justice, detail Patio of Mosque, 2 views Chapel of Charles V. Ronda Casa de Mondragon, facade Doorway Well Corner of Court Yard Inner Court Yard Corner Balcony Rear Rear perspective Cathedral Front Side with Tower West Door Tower from N. W. Private House, doorway Gateway Bull Ring, entrance Interior Church of FI Socorro Donkey and Boy Donkey (head) Street View View across River Church of Fas Descarsos Front Door of Sacristry Bridge Avila Cathedral : Side Doorway Front Portal Tower Detail Detail Church of St. Thomas : Portal Bosses on Door Church of St. James Church of St. Peter : Doorway Apse Doorway of Archbishop’s Palace MoorishWall and Church Tower With Gateway Section Gateway Detail Private House, Doorway Private House, Doorway Toledo General View with Alcazar Bridge of Alcantara, 3 views St. Martin’s Bridge, from above Housetops and Churches 35 VIEWS IN ITALY Certosa in the Val d' Ema Church, Facade. Church from Courtyard Cloisters Cloisters with Monk Well with Monk, 2 views Fiesole Amphitheatre Amphitheatre Cathedral and Campanile Florence Arno from Ponte Vecchio * Bargello Palace, Courtyard Baptistery, Cathedral and Cam- panile * Campanile from the East Cathedral, facade, 2 views Main Portal Lateral Portal and Windows From Boboli Gardens Church of St. Mark Church of S. Miniato al Monte Church of Santa Croce, facade Main Portal Lateral Portal With Statue of Dante Church of S. Maria Novella Doorway Cloisters Loggia del Bigallo Detail Ornament * Loggia dei Lanzi * Palazzo Vecchio from Uffizi Panorama with Cathedral With Palazzo Vecchio From San Miniato, 2 views Piazza d’ Annunziata Bronze Fountain Pitti Palace and Palazzo Vec- chio * Ponte Vecchio from Uffizi Porta San Gallo Riccardi Palace Salon of Luca Giordano Open Closet Statue of Dante Strozzi Palace Triumphal Arch Pisa * Baptistery, Cathedral and Leaning Tower * Cathedral and Tower * Leaning Tower from West Leaning Tower from East Campo Santo, Courtyard Gothic Window 3 Byzantine Panels Byzantine Panel Byzantine Capitol Etruscan Vase Roman Sarcophagi, 5 views Panel by Thorwaldson Church of S. M. della Spina Door Corner Rear All these views are published in 8 x io size, platinum at 75 cents each, $7.50 per dozen, or in carbon at $1.50 each. Those marked * are published in 18 X22 size piatinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked ** are also published in 25 x 34 size, carbon only at $12.00 each. 36 Divine Shepherd Murillo Spirit of ’76 Willard The Sphinx Outlying Reef McCord After the Storm.— Grand Canon Return of the Flock Meilsner Returning from Market Trovon VIEWS IN ITALY — Continued Rome * Appian Way and Tomb of Ce- cilia Metella And Tomb of Seneca And Tomb of Marcus Ser- vilius Quartus * Arch of Titus, Four Views Detail, 2 views And Coliseum * Arch of Constantine From West From Coliseum With Portion of Coliseum With Coliseum With Coliseum, diagonal Arch of Septimus Severus Diagonal view Arch of Drusus Arch of Giano Barberini Palace, 2 views * Basilica of Constantine, 2 views Basilica of San Lorenzo Detail * Basilica of St. John Lateran * Interior Apse * Cloisters, 2 views Courtyard Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls * Interior Diagonal view Apse Courtyard * Cloisters Basilica of S. M. Maggiore Baths of Caracalla, 12 views Bernini Fountain Capitol, facade and Stairs * Castle of St. Angelo and Tiber Across the Tiber and Bridge * Church of Dominie Quo Vadis Church of St. George Coliseum, Exterior * Interior, 4 views Interior, detail Entrance Through Arch of Titus From West From Temple of Venus * With Arch of Constantine Farnese Palace Hilda’s Tower House of Rienzi, 2 views Island of the Tiber Palatine Hill, House of Livia Caligula’s Bridge Palace of Septimus Severus Details, 5 views Circus of Domitian Imperial Box Three Capitals One Capital Barracks of the Pedagogium Two views * Pantheon Rear view Detail Piazza del Popolo, 3 views **Roman Forum Panorama * From Arch of Severus * With Castor and Pollux With Temple of Jupiter Through Arch of Severus With Coliseum Temple of Saturn Temple of Fustina Hall of Vestals 37 VIEWS IN ITALY- Concluded Round Temple House of Augustus Rospigliosi Palace Spanish Stairs and Church of Trinita de’ Monte * St. Peters, Facade Interior Transept Tomb by Canova, detail Dome from Vatican Square in detail, 5 views Statue of Marcus Aurelius Statue of Victor Emanuel Tasso’s Oak Tree Temple of Fortuna Virilis Detail, Cornice Temple of Mars Ultor Temple of Minerva Temple of Venus Temple of Vesta Detail Tomb of Caius Cestius and St. Paul’s Gate Tomb of Cecilia Metella Tomb of Nero, Flaminian Way Trajan’s Forum Trajan’s Column Trevi Fountain Vatican Hall of Sculpture Wall of Aurelian All these views are published in 8 x io size, platinum at 75 cents each, $7.50 per dozen^ or in carbon at $1.50 each. Those marked * are published in 18 x 22 size platinum or carbon at $4.00 each. Those marked ** are also published in 25 x 24 size, carbon only at $12.00 each. 38 Apollo Belvidere Meleager Mercury Belvidere Profile of Great Temple — Abu-Simbel Evening on the Thames McCord A Serious Case R oseland In the Fighting Top Gibbs Marine Clays Bit of The Barnyard Jacque ?£>-Ss33/ OXFORD - mf*T l«6$1