EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY THE LATE : LORD LEIGHTON of STRETTON firattettf af 8 Ijt Hagai ^catentg. WINTER EXHIBITION, TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. MDCCCXCVIL LONDON: PRINTED BY WM. CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, 14 CHARING CROSS, PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY. The Exhibition opens on Monday, January 4th, and closes on Saturday, March 13th. Hours of Admission from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Price of Admission, Is. Price of Catalogue, 6 cl. Season Ticket, 5s. General Index to the Catalogues of tire first twenty Exhibitions, in two parts; Part I. 1870-1879, 2s.; Part II. 1880-1889, Is. 6d. No sticks, umbrellas or parasols are allowed to be taken into the Galleries. They must be given up to the attendants at the Cloak Room in the Entrance Hall. The other attendants are strictly forbidden to take charge of anything. The Refreshment Room is reached by the staircase leading out of the Water Colour Room. The Gibson (Sculpture) Gallery and the Diploma Galleries are open daily, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission free. Entrance by the door at the east end of the portico. All Communications should be addressed to “ The Secretary? CONTENTS. PAGE Oil Paintings— Gallery 1. 7 „ II. 12 Oil Paintings and Sculpture— Gallery III. 17 Oil Paintings and Sketches— Gallery IY. 24 Drawings and Sculpture— Water Colour Room . 41 Index in Chronological Order op the Principal Works now- exhibited . 55 Index of the Names of Contributors of Works . 61 PLAN OF THE GALLERIES. a 2 ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS IN LONDON, 1897 HONORARY MEMBERS. The Ahchbishop or Yoni:, Chaplain. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Professor of Ancient History. The Very Rev. Dean Liddell, Professor of Ancient Literature. Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks, K.C.B., Antiquary. William E. H. Lecky, Esq., M.P., Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. HONORARY RETIRED ACADEMICIANS. Dobson, Wm. Chas. Thos., Esq. Eaed, Thomas, Esq. Frith, William Powell, Esq. Marks, Henry Stacy, Esq. PlOKERSGILL, FREDK. RlCH., ESQ. Watts, George Frederick, Esq. HONORARY FOREIGN ACADEMICIANS. Dubois, Paul. I Guillaume, Claude J. B. E. I Menzel, Adolf. Gerohe, Jean Leon. | Knaus, Ludwig. ACADEMICIANS. Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, Esq. Armstead, Henry Hugh, Esq. Boughton, George H., Esq. Brock, Thomas, Esq. Burgess, John Bagnold, Esq. Calderon, Philip H., Esq., Keeper and Trustee. Cooper, Thomas Sidney, Esq. Davis, Henry Wm. Banks, Esq. Dicksee, Frank, Esq. Fildes, Luke, Esq. Ford, Edward Onslow, Esq. Gilbert, Sir John. Gilbert, Alfred, Esq. Goodall, Frederick, Esq. Gow, Andrew C., Esq., Auditor. Graham, Peter, Esq. Herkomer, Hubert, Esq. Hook, James Clarke, Esq. Horsley, John Callcott, Esq., Treasurer and Trustee. Leslie, George Dunlop, Esq. MacWhirter, John, Esq. Orchardson, William Quiller, Esq. Ouless, Walter William, Esq. Pearson, John Loughborough, Esq. Poynter, Sir Edward J., President and Trustee. Pisinsep, Valentine Cameron, Esq. Richmond, William Blake, Esq. Riviere, Briton, Esq., Trustee. Sant, James, Esq. Shaw, Richard Norman, Esq. Stone, Marcus, Esq. Thorneycroft, W. Hamo, Esq. Waterhouse, Alfred, Esq., Auditor. Waterhouse, John William, Esq. Wells, Henry Tanworth, Esq. Woods, Henry, Esq. Yeames, William Frederick, Esq., Librarian. HONORARY RETIRED ASSOCIATES. Le Jeune, Henry. Nicol, Erskine. Stacpoole, Frederick. Abbey, Edwin A. Aitchison, George. Bates, Harry. Blomfield, Sir Arthur William. Bodley, George Frederick. Bramley, Frank. Brett, John. Clausen, George. Crofts, Ernest, R.A. Elect. ASSOCIATES. Crowe, Eyre. Forbes, Stanhope A. Frampton, George James. Gregory, Edward John. Hacker, Arthur. Hunter, Colin. Jackson, Thomas Graham, R.A. Elect. Leader, Benj. Williams. Lucas, John Seymour. Macbeth, Robert Walker. Morris, Philip Richard. Murray, Dayid. North, John William. Sargent, John Singer. Solomon, Solomon J. Storey, George Adolphus. Swan, John McAllan. Waterlow, Ernest Albert. Wyllie, William Lionel. PROFESSORS. Of Painting, William Blake Richmond, Esq., R.A. Of Sculpture, vacant. Of Architecture, Geo. Aitchison, A.R.A. Of Anatomy, William Anderson, F.R.C.S. Of Chemistry, A. H. Church, M.A., F.R.S. Teacher of Perspective, Henry A. Bowler. Master of the Architectural School, R. Phene Spiers. SECRETARY —Fred. A. Eaton. FREDERIC LEIGHTON, 1st BARON LEIGHTON OF STRETTON. Born 1S30. A.E.A. 1864; E.A. 1868; P.E.A. 1878. Died 1896. Frederic Leighton was born at Scarborough on December 3, 1830. Both his father and grandfather were physicians. Before he was ten years old he went abroad, and in 1840 began to learn drawing at Borne. From there he was taken to Dresden and Berlin, where he attended classes at the Academy; and in 1843 was sent to school at Frankfort. It was at Florence, where his family resided in 1844, that his future was decided, and his artistic education began at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in that city. In the course of a few months, however, he returned to his school at Frankfort, and at the age of seventeen became a pupil in the Stadtelsches Institut. From Frankfort he went to Brussels in 1848, and in the following year to Paris, working during that time more or less without any master. It was at this period that he painted his first picture, “ Cimabue finding Giotto in the fields of Florence” (No. 177). Leaving Paris in 1850 he returned to Frankfort and became the pupil of Steinle, under whom he studied till the autumn of 1852, paying one short visit to London in 1851. At the end of 1852 he went to Borne, and very soon afterwards began painting his first well-known picture, “Cimabue’s Madonna carried in Procession through the streets of Florence” (No. 65), which was exhibited in the Boyal Academy in 1855 and purchased by ELM. the Queen. The next two years, 1856 and 1857, were passed in Paris, and the two following years partly in London and partly in the South of Europe. In 1860 he permanently settled in London, and in 1866 went to live in the house which he had built in Holland Park Boad. During this period 6 he contributed regularly to the Exhibitions of the Eoyal Academy, and in 1864 was elected an Associate. In 1866 he went to Spain, and the following year for the first time to the East. His election as an Academician took place in 1868, and in that year he went to Egypt. Other journeys to the East followed, the results of which are to be seen in many of the pictures painted at this period. Ilis first appearance as a sculptor was in 1877, when the “ Athlete struggling with a Python ” (No. 324) was exhibited. At the decease of Sir Francis Grant in 1878, he was, on November 13 in that year, elected President of the Eoyal Academy, an office which he con¬ tinued to hold till his death. The first of the “Discourses,” which in accordance with custom he addressed every other year to the students of the Eoyal Academy, was delivered on December 10 in the following year; in it he speaks of the “ relations which my office establishes between us, and which a deep and sympathetic interest in your artistic growth and welfare makes especially weighty in my eyes.” When, in 1870, the Eoyal Academy began the series of Winter Exhibitions of Works by Old Masters and Deceased British Artists, he was one of the most active supporters of the proposal, and as a member every year of the Committee, and as President, took a most active part in organising the Exhibitions and the keenest interest in their success. He was knighted on his election as President, and in 1886 was created a Baronet, the further honour of a peerage being conferred upon him by Her Majesty in 1896, only a few days before his death. Among many other dignities and honours which he received, in addition to those already spoken of, it may be mentioned that he held Honorary Degrees at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Durham; was an Associate of the Institute of France; an Honorary Member of the Eoyal Scottish and the Eoyal Hibernian Academies and of the Berlin Academy; and a Member of the Academies of Vienna, Belgium, Florence, Turin, Genoa, Perugia, Antwerp, and St. Luke, Eome; was a Commander of the Legion of Honour and of the Order of Leopold, and a Knight of the Prussian Order “ Pour le merite ”; and for seven years, from 1876 to 1883, commanded the 20th Middlesex (Artists) Biflc Volunteers, retiring with the rank of Hon. Colonel, and subsequently receiving the Volunteer Decoration. His death occurred on January 25, 1896. In Gallery III. there is a bust of Lord Leighton, the diploma work of Mr. Thomas Brock, E.A. CATALOGUE The Numbers follow from left to right. The Portraits are described under four sizes :—“ bust,” the head and shoulders ; “ half figure,” to the waist ; “ three-quarter figureto the Jcnee and below ; “ full length’’ the entire figure. The terms “ to right,” “ to left,” and “ on right,” “ on left f in all descriptions denote the right and left of the spectator. In the sizes of the Works the height is always placed before the width. The date of each Work is placed in brackets after the title. At p. 55 will be found an Index, in chronological order, of the principal Works now exhibited. GALLERY No. I. OIL PAINTINGS—Nos. 1-26. LENT BY 1 MORETTA (1873). Joseph Ruston, Esq. Bust, to 1., of a girl, in a green dress, with a red flower in her hair; dark background. Canvas, 201 by 141 in. 2 MICHAEL ANGELO NURSING HIS DYING SERVANT (1862). G. M. Smith, Esq. Three-quarter figures. The servant reclining in an arm-chair, with his head resting against the shoulder of Michael Angelo. Canvas, 43 by 36 in. 8 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 3 Portrait of MRS. FREDERICK P. COCKERELL (1868). Mrs. Frederick Pepys Cockerell. . Half figure, seated to 1.; white dress. Canvas, 231 by 191 in. 4 THE VESTAL (1896). Mrs. Harvey of Ickwell-Bury. Half figure, to r., of a girl, in white drapery, with auburn hair falling over her 1. shoulder, which she is holding with both hands. Left unfinished at the artist’s death. Canvas, 27 bv 201 in. 5 TRAGIC POETESS (1890). W. J. Pirrie, Esq. Full-length figure, less than life-size, in blue and purple drapery, seated facing the spectator on a terrace; her 1. hand rests on a lyre; beyond is seen the sea. Canvas, 63 by 34 in. 6 WEAVING THE WREATH (1873). Mrs. George Holt. Small full-length figure of a girl, in a blue velvet robe; she is seated on a stone step making a wreath like the one she is wearing on her head. Canvas, 244 by 23 in. 7 HERCULES WRESTLING WITH DEATH FOR THE BODY OP ALCESTIS (1871). Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart. The scene is represented near the sea-shore. The body of Alcestis, robed in white, lies under some large trees in the centre of the picture; on the h, a group of mourners, a kneeling girl and a woman, prostrate ; behind the bier are two other figures; on the r. is the figure of Hercules wrestling with Death. Canvas, 51? by 1041 in. In this year (1871) appeared Browning’s poem, ‘ Balaustion’s Adventure,’ which contains the following tribute to the picture and its painter:— “ I know, too, a great Kaunian painter, strong As Herakles, though rosy with a robe Of grace that softens down the sinewy strength; And he has made a picture of it all. There lies Alkestis dead, beneath the sun She longed to look her last upon. . . . .... I pronounce that piece Worthy to set up in our Poikile.” 1897] GALLERY No. I. 9 LENT BY 8 STUDY (1877). Mrs. George Holt. Small full-length figure, to 1., of a little girl, with fair hair, in a pink robe, sitting cross-legged on the floor, with a bookstand in front of her. Canvas, 24 by 28 in. 9 INVOCATION (1889). E. M. Denny, Esq. Three-quarter figure, to r., of a girl, in white robes, standing look¬ ing upward, her arms raised above her head. Canvas, 54 by 332 in. 10 A BACCHANTE (1896). J. E. Reiss, Esq. Half figure, to 1., of a girl, with fair hair, crowned with leaves, look¬ ing down over her r. shoulder, which is bare; a leopard-skin is thrown across her 1. shoulder; sky background. Left unfinished at the artist’s death. Canvas, 261 by 21 in. 11 ROMAN MOTHER (1867). George Aitohison, Esq., A.R.A. Bust, full-face ; black hair, dark dress. Canvas, 24 by 19 in. 12 SALOME THE DAUGHTER OF HERODIAS (1857). Henry T. Makins, Esq. Small full-length figure, in white drapery, standing to r., with her arms held above her head, which is crowned with flowers; behind her is a female musician. Canvas, 441 by 25 in. 13 “ HIT ! ” (1893). Elliott Lees, Esq., M.P. Two small full-length figures, almost nude; a young man, seated, with leopard-skin round his loins, is teaching a boy the use of the bow. Canvas, 29 by 22 in. 14 THE FAIR PERSIAN (1896). Elliott Lees, Esq., M.P. Bust of a girl, in Eastern dress, with flowing dark hair, crowned by a jewelled circlet. Left unfinished at the artist’s death. Canvas, 251 by 191 in. WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY ANTIQUE JUGGLING GIRL (1874). Geo. H. Hodges, Esq. Small full-length figure, almost nude, of a girl crowned with leaves, standing in front of a curtain, tossing up and catching balls; foliage and sky background. Canvas, 41i by 24 in. VESTAL (1883). Miss Lucy Cohen. Bust, to 1., of a girl, with her head and shoulders covered with white gold-embroidered drapery. Canvas, 24| by 17 in. CORINNA OF TANAGRA (1893). S. G. Holland, Esq. Half figure to 1., in coloured drapery, crowned with leaves, standing facing the spectator, resting her clasped hands upon a lyre. Canvas, 47 h by 27 in. DAVID (1865). Mbs. Leathart. Small full-length figure, seated on a house-top, gazing up at two doves in the sky above him. Hills in the distance. Canvas, 37 by 47 in. Exhibited with the quotation:— “ Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest .”—Psalm lv. SISTER’S KISS (1880). W. B. Greenfield, Esq. Full-length figure of a girl, in a green robe, leaning against a wall, holding her head back to receive a kiss from a child who stands on the wall behind her and clasps her neck with both hands. Canvas, 48 by 2l£ in. CYMON AND IPHIGENIA (1884). W. CUTHBERT QUILTER, ESQ., M.P. Iphigenia, in white drapery, is lying asleep under the shade of a large tree, with her arms above her head; several attendants asleep near her; on the r. the figure of Cyrnon, in red drapery, gazing down at her; sea in the distance, with the moon rising. Canvas, 64 by 129 in. 1897] GALLERY No. I. 11 LENT BY 21 PASTORAL (1867). Thomas Ashton, Esq. Two small full-length figures of a shepherd and a girl standing in a landscape; he is teaching her to play the pipes. Canvas, 51s by 26 in. 22 CLYTIE (1892). C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq. A small figure of Clytie is seen on the r. kneeling on a stone building, with arms outstretched towards the sun, which is setting behind a range of moorland hills. Canvas, 32§ by 53s in. 23 A NOBLE LADY OF VENICE. Lord Armstrong. Half figure, standing to 1., in brocaded robe and white head-dress, holding a vase of flowers. Canvas, 31 by 25£ in. 24 Portrait of MRS. SUTHERLAND ORR (1861). Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Sister of the painter. Bust to r., in black bonnet and dress. Canvas, 23 by 18 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Mrs. S. 0., a portrait.” 25 DAY-DREAMS (1882). James Mason, Esq. Three-quarter figure of a fair-haired girl, in purple drapery, standing facing the spectator, with her hands clasped against her cheek ; tapestry background. Canvas, 472 by 35s in. 26 THE MERMAID (1858). Mrs. Watney. Two small full-length figures ; the mermaid clasping the fisherman round the neck. Canvas, 26$ by 18| in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ The Fisher¬ man and the Syren. From a ballad by Goethe. * Half drew she him, Half sunk he in And never more was seen.’ ” 12 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 GALLERY No. II. OIL PAINTINGS—Nos. 27-52. LENT BY 27 Portrait of MRS. A. HICHENS (1885). Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. Half figure to L, full face, arms folded; brown dress, brown bonnet with yellow feather. Canvas, 261 by 20$ in. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM (18G2). T. B. Holmes, Esq. This picture when exhibited was thus described:— “ One of the Magi, from the terrace of his house, stands looking at the star in the east. The lower part of the picture indicates a revel, which he may be supposed iust to have left.” Canvas, 60 by 231 in. , 2Q Portrait of MRS. MOOATTA (1882). Francis A. Lucas, Esq. Bust to 1.; red dress; dark background. Canvas, 231 by 191 in. 3G THE NYMPH OF THE DARGLE (1880). Viscount Powerscourt. Small full-length figure, standing facing the spectator; with white drapery; her arms crossed on her bosom. Canvas,29-1 by 10 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Crenaia." It was subsequently changed to the present one, the Dargle being the river which flows through Powerscourt and forms the Powerscourt Waterfall, here represented iu the background. 1897] GALLERY No. II. 13 LENT BY 31 Portrait of AMY, LADY COLERIDGE (1888). Amt, Ladt Coleridge. Three-quarter figure, seated to 1., looking at the spectator; grey dress ; red curtain background; ostrich-feather fan in her hand. Canvas, 42 by 394 in. 32 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (1891). Messrs. A. Tooth and Sons. The nearly nude figure of Andromeda represented bound to a rock in the sea; the dragon is standing over her with outstretched wings, his head turned upwards towards Perseus, who is seen in the air above on his winged steed discharging arrows. Canvas, 91£ by 50 in. 33 THE JEALOUSY OF SIMCETHA THE SORCERESS (1887). Count Clarence von Rosen. Three-quarter figure, seated to r.,looking over her r. shoulder; her r. arm rests on the back of her chair; yellow and white drapery with purple mantle wrapped round her. Canvas, 35 § by 351 in. 34 THE ARAB HALL (1890). John Aird, Esq., M.P. Small full-length figure of a girl, in oriental costume, standing leaning against a marble pillar, with her hands clasped. Canvas, 33 by 16 in. 35 IOSTEPHANE (1880). James Mason, Esq. Three-quarter figure, less than life-size, of a girl, in light yellow drapery, with violets in her fair hair, standing facing the spec¬ tator, arranging the drapery over her r. arm; marble columns and fountain in the background. Canvas, 37 by 19 in. 36 ARIADNE ABANDONED BY THESEUS: Ariadne watches for his return: Artemis releases her by death (1868). W. J. Pirrie, Esq. Full-length figure of Ariadne, in white drapery, lying on a rocky promontory overlooking the sea. Canvas, 45 by 62 in. 14 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 37 KITTENS (1883). E. M. Denny, Esq. Full-length figure of a fair-haired child, in purple and embroidered drapery, seated on a bench covered with a leopard-skin, with a rose in her hand, looking down at a kitten which sits beside her. Canvas, 48 by 311 in. 38 GREEK GIRL DANCING (1867). Hilton Philipson, Esq. Two men and a woman seated on a terrace, watching and applaud¬ ing a girl in white drapery, who is dancing before them; beyond is seen a river and town. Canvas, 34 by 45 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Spanish Dancing Girl: Cadiz in the old times.” 39 THE GARDEN OE THE HE S PE RIDES (1892). George McCulloch, Esq. The three Hesperides are represented reclining under the tree with the golden apples, of which they were the guardians, and caressing the dragon who assisted them in their task; one of them on the 1. is playing a lyre; sea in the background. Canvas, 66 by 66 in. (circular). 40 GOLDEN HOURS (1864). Lord Davey. Half figure of a man, with long dark hair and dark dress, playing on a spinet, while a woman in white flower-embroidered dress leans on the instrument with her back to the spectator. Canvas, 36 by 48 in. 41 AFTER VESPERS (1872;. E. N. Buxton, Esq. Three-quarter figure of a girl, in a green dress, standing in front of a niche; her r. hand holds a string of beads. Canvas, 43 by 271 in- 42 Portrait of H. E, GORDON, Esq. (1877). H. E. Gordon, Esq. Bust to 1., profile; velvet coat. Canvas, 231 by 19 in. 1897] GALLERY No. II. 15 LENT BY .43 Portrait of MISS MAY SARTORIS (MRS, H. E. GORDON) WHEN A CHILD, H. E. Gordon, Esq. Full length, in a blue riding habit, with black hat and feathers and red scarf, standing in a landscape. Canvas, 59 by 34 in. 44 ATALANTA (1893). Harry J. Yeitoh, Esq. Bust, to r., of a girl, with dark hair, in purple and white drapery, her r. shoulder uncovered. Canvas, 261 by 19 in. 45 CLE0B0UL0S INSTRUCTING HIS DAUGHTER CLEOBOULINE (1871). E. N. Buxton, Esq. Two small full-length figures; the girl seated on a cushioned bench, with a scroll on her lap; the man sits opposite to her, with r. hand extended. Canvas, 24 by 371 in. 46 Portrait of MISS MABEL MILLS (THE HON. MRS. GRENFELL) (1877). Lord Hillingdon. Bust to r.; black dress, dark hat with coloured feathers; grey background. Canvas, 23 by 191 in. 47 MUSIC LESSON (1877). E. M. Denny, Esq. Two fair-haired girls seated on a black and white marble bench, in Eastern draperies, with bare feet; the elder one teaching the younger to play a stringed instrument. Canvas, 361 by 371 in. _^-48 Portrait of SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON, K.C.M.G. (1876). National Portrait Gallery. Bust to 1.; dark coat; dark background. Canvas, 231 by 191 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Portrait of Captain Pochard Burton, H.M.’s Consul at Trieste.” 49 AOTIEA, THE NYMPH OF THE SHORE (1868). E. Layton, Esq. Small full-length nude figure, lvmg on white drapery on the sea¬ shore. Signed “ F. Leighton.” Canvas, 22 by 40 in. 16 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 50 LENT BY Portrait of JOHN MARTINEAU, Esq., getat. 33 (1868). John Martineau, Esq. Bust, facing the spectator ; dark coat; dark background. Canvas, m by 191 in- 51 THE BATH OF PSYCHE (1890). President and Council of the Royal Academy (Chantrey Bequest), Small fall-length nude figure, standing on the edge of a marble bath, and holding up white drapery. Canvas, 75 by 24^ in. 52 Portrait of MRS. FRANCIS A. LUCAS (1889). Francis A. Lucas, Esq. Bust to 1., looking at the spectator; dark dress trimmed with lace; dark background. Canvas, 231 by 191 in- 1897] [ n ] GALLERY No. III. OIL PAINTINGS-Nos. 53-84. LENT BY 53 EGYPTIAN SLINGER (1875). Lobd Davey. Nude figure, standing on a raised platform in a field of wheat, in the act of slinging; moon rising in the background. Canvas, 591 by 43 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “Eastern Slinger scaring birds in harvest-time: moonrise.” 54 FATIDICA (1894). W. H. Levee, Esq. Full-length figure, less than life size, in white drapery, seated facing the spectator, leaning back in a chair, with legs crossed; a tripod stands beside her. Canvas, 591 by 43 in. 55 EUCHARIS (1863). Mbs. Stephenson Clabke, Half figure, to r., of a girl with auburn hair, in white drapery, with a basket of fruit on her head, which she is steadying with her 1. hand. Signed, “ F. L.” Canvas, 321 by 22 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Girl with a basket of fruit.” 56 VENUS DISROBING FOR THE BATH (1867). Alexandeb Hendebson, Esq. Full-length nude figure standing between marble columns, through which is seen a view of the sea; she is leaning her r. arm on a pedestal, and loosening the sandal from her r. foot; on the 1. two doves are fluttering on a vase in which is a rose-tree. Canvas, 79 by 351 in. B 18 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 57 CAPTIVE ANDROMACHE (1888). Corporation op Manchester. After the death of Hector, Andromache is a captive in Argos, where she is subjected to the scornful taunts of those among whom she goes to draw water at the Hyperian well. In the centre stands Andromache, in dark blue drapery; a group of women drawing water at the well on the r.; other groups on the 1. and in front. Canvas, 77 by 160 in. Exhibited with the following quotation : — “ Some standing by, Marking thy tears fall, shall say, ‘ This is she, The wife of that same Hector who fought best Of all the Trojans, when all fought for Troy.’ ” Iliad, vi. (Mrs. Barrett Browning’s translation). 58 THE SPIRIT OF THE SUMMIT (1894). Robert English, Esq. Full-length female figure, draped in white, seated on the summit of a rock, gazing upwards ; moonlight. Canvas, 77J by 39J in. 58 ROMAN LADY (1859). Edwin Lawrence, Esq., M.P. Half figure, standing facing the spectator; black hair, Italian costume. Canvas. 311 by 20£ in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “La Nanna.” 60 CLYTIE (1896). James Knowles, Esq. Full-length figure, in white and brown drapery, kneeling near a column and an altar, on which is fruit, her arms outstretched towards the setting sun, and head thrown back, with ruddy hair hanging loose. Canvas, 61 by 53s in. 61 ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE (1864). Francis Reckitt, Esq. Three-quarter figures; Eurydice represented clinging to Orpheus in supplication. Canvas, 49 by 42 in. Exhibited with the following quotation :— “ But give them me—the mouth, the eyes, the brow— Let them once more absorb me! One look now Will lap me round for ever, not to pass Out of its light, though darkness lie beyond! Hold me but safe again within the bond Of one immortal look! All woe that was, Forgotten, and all terror that may be, Defied,—no past is mine, no future! look at me! ” Robert Browning, ‘A Fragment 1897] GALLERY No. III. 19 LENT BY 62 COUNT PARIS, accompanied by Friar Lawrence, comes to the bouse of tlie Capulets to claim bis bride; be finds Juliet stretched, apparently lifeless, on her bed.— ‘ Borneo and Juliet,’ act iv. sc. 5. (1858.) William Ryland, Esq. Juliet, on her bed, on the 1.; her father and mother bending over tier; Count Paris and the Friar on the r.; through an opening beyond are seen numerous figures at the foot of a staircase. Canvas, 44 by C>8 j in. 63 RETURN OF PERSEPHONE (1891). Corporation op Leeds. Persephone, supported by Hermes, being brought back to the upper world, where she is waited for by Demeter with out¬ stretched arms. Canvas, 79 by 59j in. 64 SIBYL (1889). W. C. Watson, Esq. Full-length female figure, less than life-size, in lilac drapery, seated to 1. in a chair, with legs crossed, leaning her chin on her 1. hand and looking at the spectator; scrolls lie beside her ; sky background. Canvas, 59 by 34 in. C 5 OIMABUE’S MADONNA CARRIED THROUGH FLORENCE (1855). H.M. The Queen. (From Buckingham Palace.) This was the first picture exhibited by Lord Leighton. Its original title was:— “ Cimabue’s celebrated Madonna is carried in procession through the streets of Florence ; in front of the Madonna, and crowned with laurels, walks Cimabue himself, with his pupil Giotto; behind it, Arnolfo di Lapo, Gaddo Gaddi, Andrea Tafi, Nicola Pisano, Bufl'almacco, and Simone Memmi; in the corner, Dante.” Signed with a monogram. Canvas, 87a by 205 in. 66 WHISPERS (1881). Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. Full-length figures, less than life-size, of a young man and a girl seated on a bench; the young man is whispering in her ear and holding her hand; sunset sky. Canvas, 48 by 30 in. b 2 20 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [189 LENT BY 67 THE LAST WATCH OF HERO (1887). Corporation of Manchester. The picture is divided, into two compartments. In the upper one is a three-quarter figure of Hero, in pink drapery, leaning against a marble column, gazing out over the sea, with her r. arm over her head and her 1. holding hack a curtain. Canvas, 621 by 351 in. In the lower compartment is seen the body of Leander lying on a rock washed by the waves. Canvas, 12‘ by 291 in. Exhibited with the following quotation:— “With aching heart she scanned the sea-face dim. * * * * Lo! at the turret's foot his body lay. Rolled on the stones and washed with breaking spray.” * Hero and Leander ,’ Musxus (translated by Edwin Arnold). 68 ’TWIXT HOPE AND FEAR (1895). John Musker, Esq. Three-quarter figure of a dark-haired girl, in dark green and white drapery, sitting to L, her head turned back towards the spec¬ tator, and her 1. arm over the back of the chair. Canvas, 431 by 38s in. 69 D2EDALUS AND ICARUS (1869). Alexander Henderson, Esq. Two full-length figures, less than life-size, almost nude, standing on a stone platform, on a height overlooking the sea; Daedalus is fastening the wings on Icarus, who^fends with r. arm raised. Canvas, 531 by 401 in. 70 SUMMER SLUMBER (189<& Hilton Philipson, Esq. Full-length figure of a girl, in pink drapery, lying asleep on the edge of a marble bath, with her long fair hair hanging-down; her clasped hands rest on her bosom; garden seen through an arch in the background. Canvas, 45J by 621 in. 71 A PORTION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE GRAND MOSQUE OF DAMASCUS (1875). Lord Armstrong. Yiew looking towards the mihrab, with various figures, among them two girls in the foreground. This_mosque has since been destroyed by fire. Canvas, 62 by 47 in. GALLERY No. III. 21 1897] LENT BY Portrait of MISS RUTH STEWART HODGSON (1878). Jambs Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Full length of a little girl, standing facing the spectator, in a crimson coat and hat trimmed with fur; dark background. Canvas, 501 by 351 in. 73 Portrait of MRS. STEPHEN RALLI (1881). Mbs. Alex. P. Ralli. Three-quarter figure to 1., of a lady in black, standing facing the spectator, her hands crossed and holding a fan; architectural background. Canvas, 48 by 33 in. 74 HELIOS AND RH0D0S (1869). James Reiss, Esq. Full-length figures, less than life-size; Helios descending from his chariot, which is seen on a cloud above, to embrace the nymph Ilhodos, who has risen from the sea. Canvas, 651 by 421 in. 75 FLAMING JUNE (1895). Proprietors of ‘The Graphic.’ Full-length female figure, in orange-coloured drapery, lying asleep on a marble bench; the sea in the background. Canvas, 46 by 46 in. 76 HEAD OF A GIRL. J. W. Knight, Esq. Small bust, to r., of a fair-haired girl, in a light blue dress, with her back to the spectator, and her head turned slightly to r.; dark background. Canvas, 161 by 11 in. 77 HEAD OF A GIRL. Joseph Ruston, Esq. Small bust, to r., of a fair-haired girl, in a white dress, her head turned slightly to 1.; dark background. Canvas, 15 by 101 in. WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY MOORISH GARDEN: A DREAM OF GRANADA (1874). Sik J. W. Pease, Bart., M.P. View in the garden of Generalife, looking along a watercourse bordered by cypresses and leafy arches; in the foreground, a little girl carrying a copper vessel, followed by two peacocks. Canvas, 41 by 40 in. WINDING THE SKEIN (1878). F. H. Woodroffe, Esq. A terrace in the foreground, on which are full-length figures of two lair-haired girls; the one on the 1., in white drapery, seated, holds a skein of wool, which the younger one, on the r., in red and white drapery, is winding into a ball; sea and hills in the background. Canvas, 39J by 63j in. ELEOTRA AT THE TOMB OF AGAMEMNON (1869). Mrs. Watnet. Full-length figure, less than life-size, in black drapery, standing facing the spectator, with her hands clasped above her head, near a column, on which is a basket of roses. Canvas, 59J by 29 in. ^ , . THE DAPHNEPHORIA (1876). George McCulloch, Esq. This picture when exhibited was thifsMescribed:— A triumphal procession, held every ninth year at Thebes, in honour of Apollo, and to commemorate a victory of the Thebans over the iEolians of Arne. Its name was derived from thefiaurel branches carried by those who took part in the festival, the laurel—or more properly the bay—being sacred to Apollo. The procession is led by a youthful priest called the Dapkne- phoros (the laurel-bearer); before him a boy, his kinsman, bears a symbolic standard called the Kopo, and indicating the sun, moon, and stars. Behind the Daphnephoros, three lads carry a trophy of golden armour; they are followed by the choir of Theban maidens, who, crowned with laurel, and each bearing a laurel-branch, sing the hymn to Apollo under the direction of the chorus-leader. The procession is closed by boys carrying votive tripods. In the valley below is seen the town of Thebes. See Proclus, ‘ Chrestomath.,' p. 11. Canvas, 89 by 204 in. 1897] GALLERY No. III. 23 LENT BY 82 FAREWELL (1893). J. Senior, Esq. Full-length figure, less than life-size, of a girl in purple and brown drapery, standing to 1. on a marble terrace, outside a doorway, looking back, with her 1. hand raised to her chin; seashore in the background. Canvas, 63 by 26£ in. IDYLL (1881). 83 Mrs. Watney. Full-length figures, less than life-size, of two fair-haired girls, one in white, the other in orange-coloured drapery, reclining under a tree, on a height overlooking a winding river, listening to a youth who sits near them, with his back to the spectator, play¬ ing a flute; sea and hills in the distance. Canvas, 41 £- by 84 in. SUMMER MOON (1872). 84 Alfred Morrison, Esq. Full-length figures, less than life-size, of two girls, one in white drapery, the other in red, reclining in a marble alcove, leaning against one another, with clasped hands, asleep; behind them is a circular opening, through ■which is seen the moonlit sky. Canvas, 39j by 50j in. 24 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 GALLERY No. IY. OIL PAINTINGS AND SKETCHES-Nos. 85-203. LENT BY 85 A STREET IN LERICI. Wickham Flower, Esq. View looking along the street. Sketch. Panel, 7 by 4 in. 86 ALTAR WITH ERUIT. Henry L. Florence, Esq. Study for a portion of the picture “ Clytie ” (No. 60). Panel, 4f by 41 in. 87 KYNANCE COVE. Wickham Flower, Esq. View of sea and rocks. Sketch. 41 by 7J] in. 88 HEAD OF A GIRL. H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. Bust, to r., of a fair-haired girl, in green and gold dress and cap, looking down to r. ; dark background. Canvas, 18 by 14Gn. 89 Portrait of the late MISS LAVINIA I’ANSON (1864). E. B. I’ Anson, Esq. Head, turned slightlv to 1., looking at the spectator; sky back¬ ground. Canvas, 121 in. (circular). 90 HEAD OF AN ARAB. Geo. H. Hodges, Esq. Bust, head turned slightly to 1.; dark background. Sketch. Canvas, 171 by 141 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IY. 25 LENT BY 91 SOLITUDE. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture exhibited in 1890. Canvas, 6* by 3 in. 92 RETURN OF PERSEPHONE. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 63). Canvas, 9* by 7? in. 93 TRAGIC POETESS. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 5). Canvas, 81 by 41 in. 94 THE WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS. Hamilton Aide, Esq. Sketch for the fresco in Lyndhurst Church, executed in 1866. Canvas, 81 by 22J in. 96 Portrait of MRS. J. HANSON WALKER (1867). J. Hanson Walker, Esq. Bust to 1.; blue dress ; sky background. Canvas, 18 by 16 in. 96 A WOMAN’S HEAD : CAPRI; MOONLIGHT. Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., R.A. Bust to r.; white head-dress. Sketch. Canvas, 81 by 8f in. 97 A STREET IN DAMASCUS. Mrs. Matthews. View looking along the street; on the r. a mosque, and a donkey standing near a wall. Sketch. Canvas, 7 by 65 in. 98 IN THE OAMPAGNA. Miss Lees. View of a building on an eminence in the middle distance ; trees and wall in the foreground. Sketch. Canvas, 91 by 15? in. 26 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 LENT BY A VIEW IN SCOTLAND. A. F. Buxton, Esq. Heather-covered slope in the foreground, with hills beyond. Sketch. Canvas, 9 by 16 in. THE COAST OF ASIA MINOR, FROM THE ISLAND OF RHODES. Val. C. Pbinsep, Esq., R.A. Rocky foreground; sea in the middle distance; hills beyond. Sketch. Canvas, 81 by 16i in. Portrait of MISS NINA JOACHIM (1883). Professor Joachim. Bust of a little girl, with fair hair, in a blue frock, with crimson sash. Canvas, 16 by 13 in. SYRACUSAN BRIDE LEADING WILD BEASTS IN PROCESSION TO THE TEMPLE OF DIANA. Thomas Johnson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture exhibited in 1866. Canvas, 5i by 161 in. BAY SCENE, ISLE OF RHODES, J. F. Cheetham, Esq. View looking across a bay; rocks in the foreground ; hills in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 9 by 17 in. VILLA MALTA, ROME. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. View of the house seen between two cypress trees. Sketch. Canvas, 101 by 16 in. Portrait of the late EDWARD I'ANSON, Esq. E. B. I’Anson, Esq. Three-quarter figure, seated facing the spectator; dark background. Canvas, 35J by 27R 1897] GALLERY No. IY. 27 „— ao6 LENT BY CATHEDRAL, CAPRI. George W, Agnew, Esq. View of the cathedral, with garden in the foreground. Sketch. Canvas, 71 by 101 in. 107 VIEW NEAR CAIRO. Sir E. J. Poynter, P.R.A. Sketch. Canvas, 71 by 11 £ in. 108 “AND THE SEA GAVE UP THE DEAD WHICH WERE IN IT.” — Rev. xx. 13 (1892). Henry Tate, Esq. The principal figures are a man, a woman, and a child, rising out of the sea; other figures seen rising in the background. Canvas, 93 in. (circular). 109 ^ •"'N Portrait of MISS LAING (LADY NIAS) (1853). Lady Nias. Three-quarter figure standing to 1., her r. hand resting on a pedestal; blue dress, flowers in her hair; garden and sky back¬ ground. Signed with a monogram, and dated 1853. Canvas, 41 by 29 in. (no BROUSSA AND THE MYSIAN OLYMPUS. ^Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. View of the town and gardens in the foreground, and the mountain in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 101 by 16 in. — ni ASIA MINOR FROM RHODES. Joseph Ruston, Esq. View looking across a bay to the coast of Asia Minor. Sketch. Canvas, 6-2 by 161 in. 112 A WOODY HILL-SIDE. Joseph Ruston, Esq. Steep slope with trees on the 1.; the sea seen through trees on the r. Sketch. Canvas, 111 by 15 in. 28 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 113 A STREET SCENE, CAPRI. Lady Wantage. View looking under an archway; doorway on the 1. Sketch. Canvas, 12 by 81 in. 114 LETTY (1884). Henky Joachim, Esq. Bust, to r., of a fair-haired girl, with black hat tied under her chin, and yellow handkerchief. Canvas, 18 by 151 in. 115 CAPTIVE ANDROMACHE. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 57). Canvas, 71 by 151 in. 116 ON THE NILE. B. W. Leader, Esq., A.R.A. View looking across the Nile. Sketch. Canvas, 4 by 10 in. 117 GARDEN OF HOUSE AT CAPRI. Lady Wantage. View of the garden, with steps going up to the house on the 1. Sketch. Canvas, 12 by 91 in. 118 RED MOUNTAINS, EGYPT. B. W. Leader, Esq., A.R.A. View looking across the desert, with the mountains in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 51 by 161 in. 119 VIEW ON THE COAST OF DONEGAL. Mrs. Sutherland Orr. View from the seashore, with rocky promontory in the middle distance. Sketch. Canvas, 4j by 7 in. 120 THE COAST OF ASIA MINOR. The Misses Lawrence. Study for the background in the picture, “ Perseus on Pegasus,” left unfinished at the death of the artist. Canvas, 3 by 101 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IY. 29 LENT BY 121 THE STREET OF THE KNIGHTS, RHODES. Wickham Flower, Esq. View looking along the street. Sketch. Canvas, 11 by 91 in. 122 PERSEUS ON PEGASUS. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. Sketch for a picture left unfinished at the artist’s death. Canvas, 9| in. (circular). 123 WOMAN WITH POMEGRANATE. Mrs. Stephenson Clarke. Half figure, standing to r., holding a pomegranate in her 1. hand ; her r. hand holds a vase. Canvas, 34 by 251 in. 124 STUDY OF TREES AT OLIEYEDEN. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. View of a wooded slope; a large tree in the foreground, with a figure seated under it. Canvas, 17 by 101 in. 125 THE COAST OF ASIA MINOR, FROM RHODES. Joseph Ruston, Esq. Shore in the foreground, with the sea and hilly coast beyond. Sketch. Canvas, 71 by 151 iu. 126 THE GARDEN OF THE HESPERIDES. J. L. Pearson, Esq., R.A. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 39). Canvas, 7 in. (circular). 127 CERVARA, NEAR ROME. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. View of a rocky height, with buildings. Sketch. Canvas, 101 by 121 in* 30 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 128 THE BRACELET (1894). James Ogston, Esq. Full-length figure, less than life-size, of a fair-haired girl in light- coloured drapery, standing facing the spectator, clasping a bracelet on her 1 . arm; on the floor in front of her is a child sitting cross-legged, holding an open box and looking up at her; foliage seen between columns behind. Canvas, 59^ by 23 in. 129 Portrait of LADY CLEMENTINE MITPORD. A. B. Freeman Mitfobd, Esq., C.B. Three-quarter figure, seated to r. in an arm-chair, looking at the spectator; black dress, fur-trimmed cloak lined with pink; architectural background. Canvas, 46 5 by 38| in. 130 JANITA. E. N. Buxton, Esq. Small bust, to r., of a girl with dark hair, in a green dress. Canvas, 10 £ by 7j in. 131 COURTYARD OF A HOUSE AT DAMASCUS. H. E. Gordon, Esq. View of the interior of the courtyard, with the figure of a girl leaning against one of the columns. Sketch. Canvas, 12 by 9i in. 132 Portrait of JOHN HANSON WALKER, Esq. (1861). H.M. The Queen. The subject of this picture sat to Lord Leighton at Bath as a model for a pastoral subject. Small three-quarter figure of a boy in a smock frock, holding a shepherd’s pipe; farmyard background. Canvas, 23 by 17 in. 133 ST. MARK’S, VENICE. W. W. Ouless, Esq., R.A. View of a portion of the interior. Sketch. Canvas, 151 by 111 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IV. 31 LENT BY 134 HEAD Or AH' ITALIAN GIRL. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. Small bust, to 1., of a dark-haired girl, iu peasant dress. Sketch. Canvas, 9| by 74 in. 135 ELIJAH IN THE WILDERNESS (1879). Corporation op Liverpool. On the r. the nude figure of Elijah, reclining on a rock, with head and arms thrown back ; beside him stands an angel holding bread and water. Canvas, 91 by 81J in. 136 Portrait of A. B. FREEMAN MITFORD, Esq., O.B. (1891). A. B. Freeman Mitford, Esq., C.B. Three-quarter figure, seated to 1. in an arm-chair, with’ hands clasped; dark dress; dark background. Canvas, 46| by 38J in. 137 THE GARDEN OF GENERALIFE. W. W. Ouless, Esq., R.A. Study for the finished picture, “ Moorish Garden: a dream of Granada” (No. 78). Canvas, 10£ by llj in. 138 ANITA. Henry Lucas, Esq. Small bust of a girl, in a pink dress, looking at the spectator, with her head slightly inclined to 1. Canvas, 12 by 8j in. 139 ATHENS AND 51 GINA. A. F. Buxton, Esq. Yiew of Athens in the foreground, with iEgina in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 4| by 14& in. 140 NERHOOIA (1879). Mrs. C. E. Lees. Bust to L, less than life-size, of a girl, in a white dress, with a red flower in her dark hair; dark background. Canvas, 19 by 16 in. 32 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 141 A COFFEE-HOUSE AT ALGIERS. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. View of the interior, with figures on the r. Sketch. Canvas, 11 hy 15f in- 142 A STUDY. G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Small half figure of a man, nude to the waist, with his hands behind him. Sketch. Canvas, 101 by 7f in. 143 NAUSIOAA (1878). Alderman H. D. Davies, M.P. Full-length figure, less than life-size, of a girl, in green and white drapery, standing in a doorway, facing the spectator, leaning against a column, her r. hand touching her chin. Canvas, 571 by 251 in. 144 A STUDY. T. W. Bacon, Esq. View on the Arno. Canvas, 71 by 12 j in. 145 ST. MARK’S, VENICE. Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., R.A. Study for a picture, to be called “ The Mosaicists,” never executed (see No. 148). Canvas, 11J by 181 in. 146 TWO VENETIAN NOBLEMEN. II. E. Gordon, Esq. Small full-length figures, in flowing robes, standing on a terrace; a cat and a peacock beside them on the 1. Sketch. Canvas, 381 by 281 in. 14? LITTLE FATIMA (1875). R. Kirkman Hodgson, Esq. Small half figure of a little girl, in Eastern costume, standing facing the spectator; dark background. Canvas, 151 by 91 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IV. 33 LENT BY 148 THE MOSAICISTS. Val. 0 . Prinsep, Esq., R.A. Sketch for a picture never executed. Canvas, 7 j by 10 in. 49 ORPHEUS IN HADES. James Knowles, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture called “ The Triumph of Music,” exhibited in 1856. Canvas, 10j by 14^ in. 150 STUDY OF HOUSES : VENICE. T. W. Bacon, Esq. View looking across a canal, with houses on the far side. Canvas, 9J by 15£ in. 151 HEAD OF A MUSICIAN. Pandeli Rai.li, Esq. Study for one of the figures in the “ Procession of Cimabue ” (No. 65). Canvas, by 8^ (arched top). 152 RED MOUNTAINS, EGYPT. C. Morland Agnew, Esq. View looking across the desert towards the mountains, with a ruined mosque on the r. Sketch. Canvas, 51 by 16 in. 153 CITY OF TOMBS, ASSIOUT, EGYPT. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. View of the city, with the Libyan hills behind; water in the foreground. Sketch. Canvas, 51 by 10 in. 154 DOORWAY, NORTH AISLE OF ST. MARK’S, VENICE. William H. Cope, Esq. View looking up the aisle. Sketch. Canvas, 15j by 11 in. c i 34 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 165 156 157 159 LENT BY “ AND THE SEA GAVE UP THE DEAD WHICH WEEE IN IT.” Thomas Johnson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 108). Canvas, 311 in. (circular). BIANCA (1881). Arthur Lucas, Esq. Small half figure of a fair-haired girl, in a white dress, standing with her arms folded, looking at the spectator. Canvas, 18 by 121 in. CYMON AND IPHIGENIA. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture (No. 20). Canvas, 9 by 18 in. GREEK GIRLS PLAYING AT BALL. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for the finished picture exhibited in 1889. Canvas, 6 £ by 111 in. A COVERED STREET IN ALGIERS. William H. Cope, Esq. View looking along the street. Sketch. Canvas, 13? by 101 in. 160 161 162 CORONA. E. N. Buxton, Esq. Small bust, to 1., of a dark-haired girl; brown dress, Mute head¬ dress; dark background. Canvas, 12 by 9) in. THE COAST OF 2EGINA. Wickham Flower, Esq. View looking across the sea. Sketch. Canvas, 4 J by 16 in. Portraits of THE MISSES STEWART HODGSON (1888). James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Three-quarter figures of two girls; one in white, seated with a book on her lap; the other, in a yellow dress, leaning over her. Canvas, 47 by 391 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IY. 35 LENT BY 163 NATO. (1859). H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Half figure of a dark-haired girl, in Italian costume, with her back to the spectator, head turned to r.; peacocks’ feathers in the background. Signed “ L ” and dated ’59. Canvas, 23 by 20 in. The original title of this picture when exhibited was “ Pavonia.” 164 BIANCA. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Half figure, to 1., of a fair-haired girl, in a white dress embroidered with flowers, looking down, with arms folded; doves and flowers on a wall in the background, above which is seen the sky. Canvas, 23 by 19 in. 165 A STUDY. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. Small bust of a man to r. Canvas, 7 by 51 in. 166 VIEW IN SPAIN. J. Hanson WAlker, Esq. View looking across a plain to some hills in the distance, with buildings on the 1. Sketch. Canvas, 8 by 16 in. 167 COURTYARD OP A MOSQUE AT BROUSSA. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. View looking across the courtyard, in the middle of which is a. fountain. Sketch. Canvas, 14j by 10j in. 168 HEAD OF A GIRL. H. G. Willett, Esq. Small bust, to r., of a girl, in a black dress, with a black hat tied' under her chin. Sketch. Canvas, 11 j by 91 in. ,169 THE TOWN OF CAPRI. Sir T. D. Gibson Carmichael, Bart., M.P. View of the town with rockv heights on the 1,; s°a in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 10 by 15£ in. c 2 36 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 170 A NILE WOMAN (1870). H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Small full-length figure of a girl, balancing an empty pitcher on her head ; moonrise. Canvas, 21J by 111 in. 171 ACME AND SEPTIMIUS (1868). Mrs. Newall. Two small full-length figures reclining on a marble bench. Canvas, 37£ in. (circular). Exhibited with the quotation :—- “ Then bending gently back her head, With that sweet mouth so rosy red, Upon his eyes she dropped a kiss, Intoxicating him with bliss.” Catullus (Theodore Martin’s translation). 172 HEAD OF A GIRL. H.R.H. Princess Charles of Denmark. Small bust, to 1., of a girl, with auburn hair, which falls over her shoulders. Sketch. Canvas, 9,1 by 8 in. 173 THE CAMPAGNA. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. View looking towards Soracte; trees and buildings in the fore¬ ground. Sketch. Canvas, 10 by 16 in. 174 A VIEW IN SPAIN. Wickham Flower, Esq. View looking across a plain to some bills in the distance ; in the foreground is a wall. Sketch. Canvas, 10 by 151 in. 175 STUDY OF PINE-TREES. Andrew K. Hiohens, Esq. Sketch. Cauvas, 131 by 85 in'. 176 A STUDY. T. W. Bacon, Esq. Bust of an Arab, full face. Sketch. Canvas, 9 by 6 in. 1897] GALLERY No. IV. 37 LENT BY 177 CIMABUE FINDING GIOTTO IN THE FIELDS OF FLORENCE (1850). T. W. Bacon, Esq. Cimabue with two companions finding the shepherd boy Giotto drawing with a coal on a stone the figure of a lamb. Group of four small full-length figures. Canvas, 49J by 37 in. 178 LANDSCAPE: ITALY. Joseph Ruston, Esq. Yiew looking down a valley, with trees apd buildings in the foreground, and hills in the distance. Sketch. Canvas, 5 by C| in. 179 STUDY OF AN IRISH GIRL: DONEGAL. Val. C. Peinsep, Esq., E.A. Small three-quarter figure of a child. Sketch. Canvas, 65 by 3j in. 180 MALIN HEAD, DONEGAL. Wickham Flower, Esq. Yiew looking along the cliffs, with the sea on the 1. Sketch. Canvas, 91 by 10! in. 181 LANDSCAPE NEAR CAIRO. G. N. Stevens, Esq. Sketch. Canvas, 51 by 12| in. 182 A PERSIAN PEDLAR (1852). Norman Forbes Robertson, Esq. Small full-length figure of a man, in Oriental costume, seated cross- legged on a divan, with a long pipe in his hand. Sketch. Signed with monogram, and dated ’52. Canvas, 13J by 11 in. 183 A STUDY. W. Butcher, Esq. Small bust of a dark-haired girl to 1.; dark dress. Sketch. Canvas, 10 by 7| in. WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 184 THE ERECHTHEUM. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. j Sketch of the temple. Canvas, 6 by 3j in. 185 VIEW IN ALGIERS. J. Hanson Walker, Esq. Buildings, with a palm-grove behind them. Sketch. Panel, 4'i by 7 in. 186 STAIRCASE OF A HOUSE AT CAPRI. Lady Wantage. View of the loggia and staircase with landscape on 1. Canvas, 10 j by 111 in. 187 ON THE NILE. Wickham Flower, Esq. View, looking across the river. Sketch. Canvas, 5 by 10J in. 188 ST. JEROME (1869). Royal Academy. The saint, nude to the waist, kneeling to r. at the foot of a crucifix, with uplifted arms; the lion is seen in the background. Canvas, 72 by 55 in. A Diploma work deposited on the election of the painter as an Academician. 189 MRS. H. E. GORDON (1875). H. E. Gordon, Esq. Three-quarter figure,seated to 1., head turned over the 1. shoulder; red dress; a dog lies on a table beside her. Canvas, 35£ by 37 in. SCOTCH SCENE. 190 The Misses Lawrence. View of a loch surrounded by hills. Sketch. Panel, 3j by 5f in. 1897] GALLERY No. IY. 39 LENT BY 191 HEAD OF A GIRL. Feed. A. Eaton, Esq. Small bust, seen from behind, of a girl. Study for one of the figures in the “Industrial Arts of War’’ (No. 287). Canvas, 8 f by 61 in. 192 THE MOUNTAINS OF ASIA MINOR, FROM RHODES. Douglas W. Feeshfield, Esq. View from the shore, on which is a windmill. Sketch. Canvas, 3i by 15.) in. 193 A STUDY. ELM. The Queen. Head, to 1., of a girl. Sketch. Panel, 6) by 4| in. 194 STREET IN ALGIERS. Mes. Matthews. View looking along the street. Sketch. Panel, 8 by 41 in. 195 MUSIC. James Stewaet Hodgson, Esq. Sketch for a decorative frieze. Panel, 3 by 17 in. 196 A STUDY. H.M. The Queen. Head, to r., of a girl. Sketch. Panel, 5 by 3) in. 197 A STUDY. Joseph Ruston, Esq. Small bust, seen from behind, of a girl. Sketch. Panel, 5) by 3) in. 198 ATHENS. Andeew K. Hichens, Esq. View of Athens, with the Genoese tower; Pnyx in the foreground. Sketch. Canvas, 7£ by 15f in. 40 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 199 THEBES. A. F. Buxton, Esq. View looking across tlie Nile to the west bank. Sketch. Canvas, 4j by 15j in. 200 A STUDY. H.M. The Queen. Small bust, to r., of a girl, her head turned slightly over her 1. shoulder. Sketch. Panel, 6 J by 4§ in. laamil 201 COURTYARD IN ALGIERS. Mrs. Matthews. Sketch. Panel, 8 by 4j in. 202 A POOL ON THE EINDHORN, Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., R.A. Sketch. Panel, 4| by 65 in. 203 A STUDY. Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., R.A. Bust, to h, of an Arab, with turban and blue drapery. Sketch. Canvas, 9^ by 6 in. 1897] [ 41 ] WATER COLOUR ROOM. DRAWINGS AND DESIGNS—Nos. 204-311. LENT BY 204 Studies of Female Figures. Chalk. 8J by 12 in. Fine Art Society. 205 Head of a Female. Chalk. 8J by 6J in. Mrs. Earle. 206 Two Studies of Male Figures. (1) Subject unknown. Chalk. 15 by 11 in. (2) One of the figures in the picture “The Procession of Cimabue” (No. 65). Chalk. 16j by 11 in. South Kensington Museum. 207 Nude Study for the Fresco at the Eoyal Exchange : “ The Phcenicians bartering with the Ancient Britons.” Executed in 1895. Chalk. 14 by 10^ in. Fine Art Society. 208 Studies for “Cymon and Iphigenia” (No. 20). Chalk. 9 by 12j in. L. W. Hodson, Esq. 209 Studies for “Return of Persephone” (No. 63). Chalk. 8J by 11 in. Fine Art Society. 210 Head of a Girl. Signed with monogram, and dated 1855. Pencil. 7h by 6j in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 42 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 211 Nude Study for “ Solitude.” Exhibited in 1890. Chalk. 91 by 84 in. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., E.A. 212 Study fob “Summer Slumber” (No. 70). Chalk. 11 by 14 in. Fine Art Society. 213 Study for “ Cymon and Iphigenia ” (No. 20). Chalk. 8f by 124 in. Fine Art Society. 214 Two Studies for the “ Procession of Cimabue ” (No. 65). (1) A Man’s Head. Pencil. 7£ by 54 in. (2) Hands. Pencil. 7^ by 5 in. Sir E. J. Poynter, P.It.A. 215 Study for “ Solitude.” Exhibited in 1890. Chalk. 14 by 10 in. Yiscount de Yesci. 216 Sketch for the “Procession of Cimabue” (No. 65). 7 by 16£ in. J. P. Heseltike, Esq. 217 Studies for “ Hit ! ” (No. 13). Chalk. 8£ by 12J in. Fine Art Society. 218 Head : portrait of J. Hanson Walker, Esq. (1861). Signed “ Fred Leighton.” Chalk. 9f by 8 in. J. Hanson Walker, Esq. 219 Studies for “ Lachrymal” Exhibited in 1895. Chalk. 12£ by 94 in. Fine Art Society. 220 Studies for “Captive Andromache” (No. 57). Chalk. 104 by 14 in. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 1897] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 43 LENT BY 221 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church: “The Wise and Foolish Virgins.” Executed in 1866. Chalk. 10^ by 16i in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 222 Two Studies of Drapery. (1) Chalk. 17i by 8Jin. (2) Chalk. 16 i b y 8f in. South Kensington Museum. 223 Studies for “ The Bracelet ” (No. 128). Chalk. 13^ by lOj in. Fine Art Society. 224 Studies for the Fresco at the South Kensington Museum, “ The Arts of War ” (No. 287). Chalk. 9 by 12J in. Douglas VV. Freshfield, Esq. 225 Head of a Girl. Signed “ Fred Leighton.” Chalk. 8j by 6i in. Robert Nesham, Esq. 226 Three Designs for Mrs. Browning’s Tomb. (1) Pencil. by 13 in. (2) Pencil and water colour. 11 by 15 in. (3) Chalk. 8J by 11 in. South Kensington Museum. 227 Studies for “ Captive Andromache ” (No. 57). Chalk. 8£ by 12 in. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 228 Three Studies for a Decorative Frieze : “ Music.” (1) and (3) Chalk. 4^ by 4 in. (2) Chalk. 4 in. (circular). Fine Art Society. 229 Study for a Picture. Chalk. 10J by 10 in. Fine Art Society. 230 Two Studies of Hands. (1) Signed with monogram, and dated “ Roma 1854.” Pencil. 10 by 8 in. (2) Inscribed with the name “Lorenza,” signed with monogram, and dated 1853. Pencil. 12 by 8£ in. South Kensington Museum. 44 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 231 “ The Industrial Arts as applied to Peace.” Cartoon for the Fresco in the South Kensington Museum (1873). Monochrome in oil. 76 by 177 in. (lunette-shaped). South Kensington Museum. 232 Nude Study for the Fresco at the Royal Exchange, “ The Phoenicians bartering with the Ancient Britons.” Executed in 1895. Chalk. 14 by 9 in. Fine Art Societal 233 Three Studies for Pictures. Chalk. (1) and (3) 21 by 11 in. (2) 2f by If in. L. W. Hodson, Esq. 234 Three Studies of Hands. (1) Inscribed with the name “ Carlo,” signed with monogram, and dated “ Roma, 1854.” Pencil. 12 by 8f in. (2) Pencil. 5f by 4f in. (3) In¬ scribed with the name “Lorenza,” signed with monogram, and dated “Roma, 1853.” Pencil. 12 by 8f in. South Kensington Museum. 235 Two Studies of the Tombs of the Scaligers at Verona. (1) Inscribed “ Tombs at Verona,” signed, and dated 1852. Pencil. 11^ by 9 in. (2) Signed with monogram, and dated 1853. Pencil. 11 by 8f in. South Kensington Museum. 236 Two Studies for “The Daphnephoria ” (No. 81). Chalk. 6 by 9 in. South Kensington Museum. 237 Studies of Figures. Chalk. 10 by 8f in. South Kensington Museum. 238 Studies for “The Daphnephoria” (No. 81). Chalk. 7f by 111 in . Fine Art Society. 1897] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 45 LENT BY 239 Studies of Hands for the Fbesoo in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 16^ by 10 j in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 240 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 10-^ by 16 in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 241 Studies for “Cymon and Iphigenia” (No. 20). Chalk. 12^ by 8^ in. A. Lucas, Esq. 242 Studies for “Psamathe.” Exhibited in 1880; and other figures. Chalk. 8^ by 12J in. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 243 Two Studies of Heads. (1) Signed “ F. Leighton,” and dated ’50. Pencil. 9^ by in. (2) Inscribed with the name “ Stephano,” signed with monogram, and dated “ Roma, 1853.” Pencil. 10£ by 7£ in. South Kensington Museum. 244 Head of a Girl. Chalk. 11A by 8 in. Mrs. Earle. 245 Nude Study for the “ Tragic Poetess ” (No. 5). Chalk. 11 by 8^- in. Fine Art Society. 246 Studies for “ Captive Andromache ” (No. 57). Chalk. 10j by 13fin. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 247 Studies for “The Spirit of the Summit” (No. 58). Chalk. 11^ by 8 in. Fine Art Society. 248 Three Studies. (1) for “ The Painter’s Honeymoon.” Exhibited in 1866. Chalk. 5 by 4£ in. (2) for “Salome, the daughter of Herodias” (No. 12). Chalk. 9J by 5|*in. (3) for “Helen of Troy.” Exhibited in 1865. Chalk. 5 by 4| in. J. Hanson Walker, Esq. 46 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 249 Study for “ Captive Andromache ” (No. 57). Clialk. 19§ by 12 in. Fine Art Society. 250 Studies for “The Bath of Psyche” (No. 51), “Farewell” (No. 82) and “ Perseus and Andromeda ” (No. 32). Chalk. 11 by 14 in. Fine Art Society. 251 Nude Studies for “ Solitude ” (exhibited in 1890) and the “Tragic Poetess” (No. 5). Chalk. 10^ by 14 in. Fine Art Society. 252 Portrait of Walter Creyke, Esq. Signed with monogram, and dated 1855. Inscribed “ W. Creyke, from his sincere friend, Fred Leighton.” Pencil. 9 by 7^ in. Mrs. Walter Creyke. 253 Study for “Sibyl” (No. 64). Chalk. 7£ by 44 in. Fine Art Society. 254 Studies for a Picture. Chalk. 8^ by 12 in. Fine Art Society. 255 Italian Hill Town. Pencil. 9^ by 16 in. South Kensington Museum. 256 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 10j by 161 in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 257 Study of Heads for “ The Sea gave up the Dead which were in it ” (No. 108). Chalk. 12^ by 8^ in. E. J. Brown, Esq. 258 Studies for “Captive Andromache” (No. 57). Chalk. 9 by 11 in. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. 259 • Studies for “ Corinna of Tanagra ” (No. 17). Chalk. 14J by 10J in. Mrs. Charles Fowler. 1897] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 47 LENT BY 260 Study of a Female Figure. Chalk. 10j by 5 in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 261 A Child. Small full-length figure. Water colour. 4 by 2 in. South Kensington Museum. 262 Portrait op Fanny Kemble. Head, full face. Pencil. 8 by 6 in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 268 Study for the “Greek Girl Dancing” (No. 38). Chalk. 6 by in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 264 Study for a Picture. Chalk. 3^ by 5^ in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 265 Head of a Woman. Bust, full face, leaning on a balustrade; red dress. Water colour. 3 by 2 \ in. George Aitchison, Esq., A.R.A. 266 Frasoletta. Half figure of a girl, in gala costume, standing facing the spectator; her 1. arm rests on a marble pillar. Water colour. 3| by 3f in. T. .11. Pitches, Esq. 267 Head of a Woman. Bust to 1.; red dress, red head-dress. Water colour. 2 by in. George Aitchison, Esq., A.R.A. 268 Algerine Girl. Full-length figure of a ! fair-haired girl, in purple and white drapery, crouching cn a marble seat; a cat lies on the ground beside her. Water colour. 3f by 2 ^ in. Jamies Stewart Hodgson, Esq. 269 Head of a Lady. Pencil. 5f by 5 in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 48 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 270 Study for a Picture. Chalk. 4^ by 4j in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 271 Study of a Lamp. Signed with monogram, and dated “ Firenze, 1852.” Pencil. 11^ by 8 in. Fine Art Society. 272 Study for “ Summer Moon ” (No. 84). Chalk. 34 by 5 in. H. E. Gordon, Esq. 273 Nude Study for Fresco at the Royal Exchange of “ The Phcenicians bartering with the Ancient Britons.” Executed in 1895. Chalk. 13 by 104 in. Fine Art Society. 274 Studies for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 16L by 101 i n . Hamilton Aide, Esq. 275 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 164 by 101 in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 276 Studies of Hands. Signed with monogram, and dated “ Roma, 1854.” Pencil. 8f by 6 in. M. B. JIuish, Esq. 277 Studies for “And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it ” (No. 108). Chalk. 12 by 8f in. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., R.A. 278 Study for “ Summer Slumber ” (No. 70). Chalk. 5^ by 7^ in. Fine Art Society. 279 Two Studies for “Phryne at Eleusis.” Exhibited in 1882. Chalk. Ill by 7 j n . Fine Art Society. 1897] WATER jCOLOUR -ROOM. 49 LENT BY 280 An Italian Town, with Mountainous Background. Pencil. 9 by 16 in. Val. C. Prinsep, Esq., E.A. 281 Studies for “Idyll” (No. 83). Chalk. Ilf by 9 in. Fine Art Society. 282 Studies for “Whispers” (No. 66) and other Pictures. Chalk. 8£ by 12 in. L, W. Hodson, Esq. 283 Studies for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk.. 161 by lOf in. Hamilton A!de, Esq. 284 Two Studies for “Idyll” (No. 83). (1) Chalk. 5 by 114 in. (2) Chalk. 71 by 111 in. Arthur Lucas, Esq. 285 Studies for the “ Return of Persephone ” (No. 63). Chalk. 14 by 10J in. Fine Art Society. 286 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. I64, by 101 in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 287 “The Industrial Arts as applied to War.” Cartoon fob- the Fresco in the South Kensington Museum (1872).., Monochrome in oil. 76 by 177 in. (lunette-shaped). South Kensington Museum. 288 Study for “ Clytie ” (No. 60). Chalk. 7 by 6f in.'; Fine Art Society. 289 . Studies for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. by 10 J in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. Chalk. B 16 | 50 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 LENT BY 290 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Clialk. 16^ by 10j in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 291 Nude Study for “ Clytie ” (No. 60). Chalk. 14 by 10^- in. James Knowles, Esq. 292 Study for “ Corinna of Tanagra ” (No. 17). Signed “ Fred Leighton,” and dated 19 Nov. 1893. Chalk. 11 by 8b in. Mrs. Charles Fowler. 293 Studies for “ The Light of the Hareem.” Exhibited in 1880. Chalk. 81 by 10£ in. Dodglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 294 Studies for a Picture. Chalk. 9J by 12 in. Fine Art Society. 295 Study of Thistles. Oil. 7^ by 14^ in. Fine Art Society. 296 Study of a Fig-Tree. Pencil. 9f in. by 7£ in. M. B. llcisir, Esq. 297 Studies for “ Cymon and Iphigenia ” (No. 20). Chalk. 7J by 12 in. t L. W. Hodson, Esq. 298 Study for the Fresco in Lyndhurst Church. Chalk. 16^ by 10^ in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 299 Two Studies. (1) Study for “Whispers” (No. 66). Chalk. 5-1 by 31 in. (2) Study for “Idyll” (No. 83). Chalk. 4 by 7J in. Douglas W. Freshfield, Esq. 300 Studies for “Whispers” (No. 66) and for “Acme and Septimius” (No. 171). Chalk. 11^ by 9 in. James Knowles, Esq. 1897] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 51 LENT BY 301 Study fob the Fresco in Lyndhubst Church. Chalk. 16* by 10 * in. Hamilton Aide, Esq. 302 Nude Studies for a Picture. Chalk. 16f by 11 in. L. W. Hodson, Esq. 303 Three Studies for Pictures. (1) Studies for the “ Moorish Garden” (No. 78). Chalk. 6 by 5 in. (2) Subject unknown. Chalk. 8 by 6 in. (3) Study for “ Pastoral ” (No. 21). Chalk. 6 by 3* in. L. W. Hodson, Esq. 304 Studies for Pictures. Chalk. 10^ by 12* in. Fine Art Society. 305 Studies for a Picture. Chalk. 7 by 10* in. Fine Art Society. 306 Studies for a Picture. Chalk. 8 | by 12* in. A. Hacker, Esq., A.E.A. 307 Study for “ Lachrymal” Exhibited in 1895. Chalk. 18* by 9* in. Mrs. Charles Fowler. 308 Studies of Drapery. Chalk. 10* by 13i in. National Gallery of Ireland. 309 Studies for “ Cymon and Iphigenia ” (No. 20). Chalk. 8* by 12 * in- L. W. Hodson, Esq. 310 Studies for “The Daphnephoria” (No. 81). Chalk. 9* by 11* in. Fine Art Society. 311 Nude Studies for a Decoration. Chalk. 10* by 12 in. Fine Art Society. D 2 52 WORKS BY THE LATE LORD LEIGHTON. [1897 SCULPTURE—Nos. 312-324. LENT BY 312 Sketch Model for a Group op Three Figures in “ Thk Daphnephoria ” (No. 81). Bronze. Royal Academy. 313 Needless Alarms (1886). Nude figure of a girl looking over her shoulder at a frog. Bronze statuette. Sir Everett Millais, Bart. 314 Sketch Model for the Figure of Cymon in “ Cyhon and Iphigenia ” (No. 20). Bronze. Royal Academy. 315 Sketch Model for the Figure of Iphigenia in “ Cymon and Iphigenia T (No. 20). Bronze. Royal Academy. : 316 Design for the Reverse of the Jubilee Medallion executed for Her Majesty’s Government (1887). Piaster. Empire, enthroned in the centre, rests her right hand on the sword of Justice, and holds in her left the symbol of victorious rule. At her feet, on one side Commerce proffers wealth, on the other a winged figure holds emblems of Electricity and Steam-power. Flanking the throne, to the right of the spectator, are Agriculture and Industry; on the opposite side, Science, Literature and the Arts; above, interlocking wreaths, held by winged genii representing respectively the years 1837 and 1887, enclose the initials V.R.I. Royal Academy. 317 Sketch Model for the Statue of “ The Sluggard ’ (No. 323). Bronze. Royal Academy. 1897] WATER COLOUR ROOM, 53 LENT BY 318 Sketch Model for one of the Figures in “ The Daphne- phouia ” (No. 81). Bronze. Royal Academy. 319 Sketch Model for the Bronze Statue, “An Athlete struggling with a Python ” (No. 324). Bronze. Royal Academy. 320 Sketch Model for one of the Figures in “ The Daphne- phoria” (No. 81). Bronze. Royal Academy. 321 Sketch Model for the Group of Figures in the “ Garden of the Hesperides ” (No. 39). Bronze. Royal Academy. 322 Sketch Model for the Figures in “ Perseus and Andromeda ” (No. 32). Bronze. Royal Academy. (In Gallery No. III.) 323 The Sluggard. Plaster cast of the Bronze Statue. Exhibited in 1886. Royal Academy. 324 An Athlete Struggling with a Python. Plaster cast of the Bronze Statue in the Chantrey Bequest Collection. Ex hibited in 1877. Royal Academy. 1897] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 55 INDEX OF PRINCIPAL WORKS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, 1850 . Cimabue finding Giotto in the Fields of Florence . NO. IN CATALOGUE . 177 1852 . A Persian Pedlar .. . 182 1853. Portrait of Miss Laing (Lady Nias). . 109 1855 . Cimabue’s Madonna carried through Florence . . 65 1857 . Salome, the Daughter of Herodias. . 12 1858 . The Mermaid (Fisherman and Syren) . Count Paris, &c . . 26 1859 . Eoman Lady (La Nanna) . Nanna (Pavonia) . . 59 . 163 1861 . Portrait of Mrs. Sutherland Orr . Portrait of John Hanson Walker, Esq . . 24 . 132 56 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. [1897 Michael Angelo Nursing his Dying Servant .... 2 The Star of Bethlehem.28 1863. Eucharis (a Girl with a Basket of Fruit).55 1864. Golden Hours.*40 ■Orpheus and Eurydice.61 Portrait of the late Miss Lavinia I’Anson.89 1865. David.IS 1867. Roman Mother.11 Pastoral.21 Greek Girl Dancing (Spanish Dancing Girl) .... 38 Venus Disrobing for the Bath.56 Portrait of Mrs. John Hanson Walker.95 1868. Portrait of Mrs. Frederick P. CockerelL.3 Ariadne abandoned by Theseus. ...... 36 Actsea, the Nymph of the Shore.49 Portrait of John Martineau, Esq. ...... 50 Acme and Septimius.171 1869. Dadalus and Icarus.69 Helios and Rliodos.74 Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon ..... 80 St. Jerome.188 A Nile Woman 1870. 170 1897] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 57 HO. IN I 87 I • CATALOGUE. Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis. . 7 Cleoboulos instructing his Daughter Cleobouline ... 45 1872. After Vespers.41 Summer Moon.84 The Industrial Arts as applied to War.287 I873- Moretta.1 Weaving the Wreath.6 The Industrial Arts as applied to Peace.231 1874. Antique Juggling Girl. 15 Moorish Garden: a Dream of Granada.78 1875. Egyptian Slinger (Eastern Slinger scaring Birds in the Harvest- Time) .53 Portion of the Interior of the Grand Mosque at Damascus . 71 Little Fatima. 147 Portrait of Mrs. H. E. Gordon.189 1876. Portrait of Sir Richard Burton. 48 The Daphnephoria.81 1877- Study .8 Portrait of H. E. Gordon, Esq..42 Portrait of Miss Mabel Mills.. . 46 Music Lesson.47 Athlete Struggling with a Python. Statue .... 324 58 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. [1897 1878 . Portrait of Miss Ruth Stewart Hodgson . Winding the Skein. Nausicaa. NO. IN CATALOGUE. . 72 . 79 . 143 1879 . Elijah in the Wilderness . Neruccia. 135 140 1 S 80 . Sister’s Kiss. The Nymph of the Dargle (Crenaia) Iostephane. 19 30 l88l. Whispers . .G6 Portrait of Mrs. Stephen Ralli . . . . . . .73 Idyll ‘.83 Bianca.. . 156 1882 . Day-Dreams . . . . . Portrait of Mrs. Mocatta . 25 29 1883 . Vestal.16 Kittens.37 Portrait of Miss Nina Joachim.101 1884 . Cymon and Iphigenia.20 Letty.. 114 1885 . Portrait of Mrs. A. Hichens.27 1897] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 59 1886 . Needless Alarms. Statuette. The Sluggard. Statue. 1887 . The Jealousy of Simcetha the Sorceress . The Last Watch of Hero. .. Design for the Reverse of the Jubilee Medallion. Relief 1888. Portrait of Amy, Lady Coleridge Captive Andromache. Portraits of the Misses Stewart Hodgson . 1889 . Invocation. Portrait of Mrs. F. A. Lucas Sibyl. I 89 O. Tragic Poetess. The Arab Hall. The Bath of Psyche .... 1891 . Perseus and Andromeda . . . . Return of Persephone .... Portrait of A. B. Freeman Mitford, Esq. . 1892 . Clytie. The Garden of the Hesperides . . . . . “And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it” NO. IN CATALOGUE. . 313 . 323 . 33 . G7 . 316 . 31 . 57 . 162 9 . 52 . 64 5 . 34 . 51 . 32 . 63 . 136 . 22 . 39 . 108 CO CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. [1897 1893. “ Hit! ”. Corinna of Tanagra .... Atalanta ...... Farewell. NO. IN CATALOGUE. . 13 17 , 44 , 82 1894. Fatidica. The Spirit of the Summit Summer Slumber .... The Bracelet. 54 58 70 128 1895. “’Twixt Hope and Fear” Flaming June. 68 75 1896. The Vestal . A Bacchante. The Fair Persian . Clytie. 4 10 14 60 1897] INDEX OE NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. 61 INDEX OF NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS OF WORKS. H.M. The Queen, 65, 132, 193, 196, 200 H.R.H. The Pbxnce op Wales, 163, 164, 170 H.R.H. The Princess of Wales, 88 H.R.H. The Princess Charles op Denmark, 172 Agnew, C. Morland, Esq., 152 Agnew, George W., Esq., 106 Aide, Hamilton, Esq., 94, 221, 239, 240, 256, 274, 275, 283, 286, 289, 290, 298, 301 Aird, John, Esq., M.P., 34 Aitchison, George, Esq., A.R.A., 11, 265, 267 Armstrong, Lord, 23, 71 Ashton, Thomas, Esq., 21 Bacon, T. W., Esq., 144, 150,176, 177 Brown, E. J., Esq., 257 Butcher, W., Esq., 183 Buxton, A. F., Esq., 99,139, 199 Buxton, E. N., Esq., 41, 45, 130, 160 Carmichael, Sir T. D. Gibson, Bart., M.P., 169 Cheetham, J. F., Esq., 103 Clarke, Mrs. Stephenson, 55,123 Cockerell, Mrs. Frederick P., 3 Cohen, Miss Lucy, 16 Coleridge, Amy, Lady, 31 Cope, William H., Esq., 154, 159 Creyke, Mrs. Walter, 252 Davey, Lord, 40, 53 Davies, Aldermaii’H. D.,‘M.P., 143 Denny, E. M., Esq., 9, 37, 47 De Yesei, Yiscount, 215 Earle, Mrs., 205, 244 Eaton, Fred. A., Esq., 191 English, Robert, Esq., 58 Fine Art Society, 204, 207, 209, 2i2, 213, 217, 219, 223, 228, 229, 232, 238, 245,247 249-251, 253, 254, 271, 273, 278, 279, 281, 285, 288, 294, 295, 304, 305, 310, 311 Florence, Henry L., Esq., 86 Flower, Wickham,*|Esq., 85, 87, 121, 161, 174, 180, 187 Fowler, Mrs. Charles, 259, 292, 307 Freshfield,'Douglas W., Esq., 110, 122, 141, 167, 173, 192, 220, 224, 227, 242,246,293, 299 62 INDEX OF NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. [1897 Gordon, H. E., Esq., 42, 43, 131, 146, 189, 210, 260, 262-264, 269, 270, 272 “ Graphic,” Proprietors of The, 75 Greenneld, W. B., Esq., 19 Hacker, A., Esq., A.R.A., 306 Harvey of Ickwell-Bury, Mrs., 4 Henderson, Alexander, Esq., 56, 69 Heseltine, J. P., Esq., 216 Hichens, Andrew K., Esq., 27, 134, 175, 198 Hillingdon, Lord, 46 Hodges, George H., Esq., 15, 90 Hodgson, James Stewart, Esq., 72, 91-93 115, 157, 158, 162, 195, 268 Hodgson, R. Kirkman, Esq., 147 Hodson, L. W., Esq., 208, 233, 282, 297, 302, 303, 309 Holland, S. G., Esq., 17 Holmes, T. B., Esq., 28 Holt, Mrs. George, 6, 8 Huish, M. B., Esq., 276, 296 I’Anson, E. B., Esq., 89, 105 Joachim, Henry, Esq., 114 Joachim, Professor, 101 Johnson, Thomas, Esq., 102, 155 Knight, J. W., Esq., 7 6 Knowles, James, Esq., 60, 149, 291, 300 Lawrence, Edwin, Esq., M.P., 59 Lawrence, The Misses, 120, 190 Layton, E., Esq., 49 Leader, B. W., Esq., A.R.A., 116, 11S Leathart, Mrs., 18 Leeds, Corporation of, 63 Lees, Elliott, Esq., M.P., 13, 14 Lees, Mrs. C. E., 140 Lees, Miss, 98 Lever, W. H., Esq., 54 Liverpool, Corporation of, 135 Lucas, Arthur, Esq., 156, 241, 284 Lucas, Francis A., Esq., 29, 52 Lucas, Henry, Esq., 138 McCulloch, George, Esq., 39, 81 Makins, Henry F., Esq., 12 Manchester, Corporation of, 57, 67 Marlay, C. Brinsley, Esq., 22 Martineau, John, Esq., 50 Mason, James, Esq., 25, 35 Matthews, Mrs., 97, 194, 201 Millais, Sir Everett, Bart., 313 Mitford, A. B. Freeman, Esq., C.B., 129, 136 Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, 66 Morrison, Alfred, Esq., 84 Musker, John, Esq., 68 V National Gallery of Ireland, 308 National Portrait Gallery, 48 Nesham, Robert, Esq., 225 Newall, Mrs., 171 Nias, Lady, 109 Ogston, James, Esq., 128 Orr, Mrs. Sutherland, 24, 119 Ouless, W. W., Esq., R.A., 133, 137 Pearson, J. L., Esq., R.A., 126 Pease, Sir J. W., Bart., M.P., 78 Pliilipson, Hilton, Esq., 38, 70 Pirrie, W. J., Esq., 5, 36 Powerscourt, Viscount, 30 Poynter, Sir E. J., P.R.A., 107, 214 1897] INDEX OF NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. 63 President and Council of the Royal Academy (Chantrey Bequest), 51 Prinsep, Val. C., Esq., R.A., 100, 104, 124, 127, 148, 153, 165, 179, 184, 211, 258, 277, 280 Quilter, W. Cuthbert, Esq., M.P., 20 Rail), Mrs. Alex. P., 73 Ralli, Pandeli, Esq., 151 Reckitt, Francis, Esq., 61 Reiss, James, Esq., 74 Reiss, J. E„ Esq., 10 Riches, T. H., Esq., 266 Robertson, Norman Forbes, Esq., 182 Royal Academy of Arts, 188, 312, 314-324 Ruston, Joseph, Esq., 1, 77, 111, 112, 125, 178,197 Ryland, William, Esq., 62 Samuelson, Sir Bernhard, Bart., 7 Senior, J., Esq., 82 Smith, G. M., Esq., 2 South Kensington Museum, 206, 222, 226, 230, 231, 234-237, 243, 255, 261, 287 Stevens, G. N., Esq., 181 Tate, Henry, Esq., 108 Tooth, Messrs. Arthur, and Sons, 32 Yeitch, Harry J., Esq., 44 Yon Rosen, Count Clarence, 33 Walker, J. Hanson, Esq., 95,166, 185, 218, 248 Wantage, Lady, 113, 117, 186 Waterhouse, Alfred, Esq., R.A., 96, 145, 202, 203 Watney, Mrs., 26, 80, 83 Watson, W. C., Esq., 64 Watts, G. F., Esq., R.A., 142 Willett, H. G., Esq., 168 Woodroffe, F. H., Esq., 79 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. . : • f # f 1 •\JJPL Tj'^m j I rfpfjY^ i / JOSiLl? V ILEMl f f mJ Wf ~ ,/^Mbg «T '9km 'W i '^9 ¥ mMsUHt /^ / /"itvrjjr^-W M l ' 1 P; JB \ s • | f i i # ' j ij /