^^ ^^^:^ / -^x: r /<^ /O " . ^' ' ^^UtVi^tp^ 'yAl7Llj\ M^rKj r/i,,PUHtl ^^U^^/\ r J /if^ ^ yj^u^i./iO ^rii^i./ll, o^/a-pfut-^. A^£2 H^^y.lA.^>7 /fy?'^, 0YIJ.6' /^l^4filZ.r/ (yC/tJ-^i-L (*dy, ^/Arr^Al. y^v ^ M^^^ - /-H, i t^^C^//, z^^^^^t/ ^^^.^.^^^ft. . /^t:/ ,^/..^> /2fe/rw^ /^^^^/ — 3f~^^^ — ^ — — ; ■" ■ ; — ', ir — Tj TTI tS — ""^ )f /jM^^'^^-^ \ I /s^ CATALOGU E j^^ OP A "Z^ SELECT COLLECTION OF GEJ^UIj^E A^'^B CAPITAL DRAWINGS, BY THE , mm $pafier0 of all m ^t\fio% O^it^v of tl)C Italian, FORMING A SERIES OF ARTISTS, FROM A VERY EARLY PERIOD DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME: COMPRISING UNDOUBTED SPECIMENS JULIO ROMANO POLIDORO PTERIN. DEL VAGA FRA. BARTOLOMEO CORREGGIO PAOLO VERONESE The CARRACCI The ZUCCHARI GIOTTO, AND SOME OF HIS I^ISCIPLES; KFKOZZO PIETRO PERUGINO F FILIPPO LIPPI LUCA SIGNORELLI MAsi'cCIO LEON. DA VINCI A DE CASTAGNA DOM. GHIRLANDAJO |?^POrLAJOLA A-MA-E--,, 2g1Sv i^^^^'^^ I RAFAEL-TITIAN Early German ajid Dutch Mafters: t<;RAFL VAN MECK-MARTIN SCHOEN-ALBERT DURER. '^ AI BERT ALTDORFFER-L. V. LEYDEN. &c. &c. The whole tlie Genuine Property, and (without any Thmgj;elerve^^ - . Cabinet of C. M. METZ, Efq.jonejibroadi _ Formedi-^^UhiSTc;;^^^ ^oUeaions that have been i. * the Market for many \ ears paft. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, V. A few'SpECiMENS of the Talents_£his_Da^^ Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, Under the Direftion of Mr. T. PHILIPE, AT HIS ROOMS, IN WARWICK STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE, (adjoining the CHAPEL,) On MONDAY, May the 4tb, 1801, and Two following Days, at Twelve o'Clock. To he 'Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, vjhen Cdtahgues may he had. Printed by George Hay den, ) JRussell Court, Cov . Garden. > i^fi .>X4 v"^' '•'•*'^'^- ,:jj** * ^^ .ji^att. CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. A HE highefl Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo in difpute fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot, or Lots, fo purchafed to be imxnediatcly put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer's Expence, within three Days after the Conclulion of the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutcly paid on, or before, Qelivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Pay- ment Ihall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fliall be re-fold by pub- lic or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) at- tending fuch Re-falc fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ^/l^ CATALOGUE. Firft Day's Sale. MONDAY 4th of MAY, i8of Lot 1 r-pHREE-a Gladiator, by N. Poufftn; Madona and JL child, by Zucchcro ; and three ftud.es of feet 2 Two, by Giufeppo a/.ri-Death of JoTeph black a..d white chalk,^" f^i-^e P^P''-' ^"^ lady fucklmg her child, by Trcvifani, black chalk— ^r««/«/ dc/tgn 3 Two, by Jndrea Bofcoli, mafterly pen and bljlre 4 Two— Tobias reftored to light, by Luca Giordano, free pen and Indian ink ; and Madona and child, by Uo- fiato Creti, free pen tt i tt -i z, • u*.*, 5 Two, by Palma,;..n and bi/Ire-Uoly Family, heighten^ cd\ and Coronation of the Virgin 6 Two, hiftorical,-one, by Eljhemeu light pen ^J^dhjly^ the other, by Diepenpeck,/r^^/.^« A/^'^, '^nh Indian 7 An devation, by Sir James ThornMll--dcg^nt architec- ture, with a view Teen through the portico, =.« colours 8 Four of ftudies, hy Du Jardin, muivermans, l£c. one a maf.crly jketch, in red chalk ; another of cavaliers, irt Indian ink — very fine ^ , r. u„ r,.!; 9 A monument in St. Peter's Church, at Rome, by Guli- elmo della Porta— fine pen and bifire 10 The Laft Supper, by Martm Hemjkerck-pen and greemjfj 11 ThrBlrth of the Virgin, by Horatio Samachini^ free pen and bijire^vtry fine ■ A 5 t)RA\VlNG2. lit Day J 12 Holy Family, with the two St. Johns, by Bartolomio AIa>i/rcdi — pen and bijhc — very Jine 13 Antique vafes, by Polidoro — -free pen and Indian ink 14 Three — Madoiia and child, by Eliziibeth Sirani, free pen Jketchy zi'iih Indian ink ; and two, by Pomerancia — one of them painted in the cupolo at Lorctto 15 The Annunciation, by Alarc Antonio Francejchini — -fret pen and Indian ink 16 Two — a buft, by Don Diego Velafquez, pen and b fire, and Chrift betrayed, by Luca Cangiagio^ cubic man'- ncr, pen and Indian ink 17 Two, by Spagnolet — St. Jerome, very fine, in red chalk ; and X.XVO free pen JkiCcIjci of old men, hi attitudes of devotion 18 One hiftorical, by Carlo Lottiy free pen and Indian inky on blue paper, heightened 19 A young man playing on the guittar, by Watteau — fine^ in red chalk 20 Two heads of boys, by Lawrence ; one in red chalky the other in red and black chalk — both fine 21 A capital hiftorical fubje6l, by Julio Campi of Cremona — black chalk, flumped and heightened 22 Two, by France fco Vanni, of Siena — Madona, v.'ith St. Francis kneeling, />f« and bijlrc — the pi<5lure is in the Church of this Saint at Lucca — and the Virgin in the clouds, embracing St. Catharine — red chalk 23 Two — Sacrifice on the return of the Ark, by Rubens, free fketch in red chalk ; and St. Francis, praying, fupported by an angel, by Vandyck, black chalk, on hro-jon paper, height encd.^ flrong touches of Indian ink in ihefhade 24 Jupiter and Ganymede, by Giufeppino, after Raffaelle — one of the angles of the Palazzo Cbighi — a vigorous defign^ in red and black chalk 2<5 An angel miniftering to Elias in the defart, by Theodore van Tidden— free pen and Indian ink — very fine 26 Three, by Boucher — tvco ovals, in red chalky one very fine — Cupids playing with armour — the other, Madona, &c. after Parmeggiano — the third, ftudies, in black and white chalk '•11 A battle, by Ant. Tempefla — maflerly pen and bifire 28 M.ndona and child appearing to a faint at prayers, by A. Diepenbeck — pen and h\{\.xc— fine 29 QuiNTUs CuRTius, by Luca Penni-^pen and bijlre, on. brown paper, heightcned-^^ery fine /^ sftDay. DRAWINGS. 3 30 A lanilfchapr, l>v Paul Sandby, with a team of horfes, drawing a inachine, loaded with a large trunk of a tree — free pen and Indian ink 31 A young man in an attitude of terror, by P'tnturicdo — pen and bljirc ; an angel on the back, in the' fame maimer 32 A monk reading, by Gucrcino—free pen and hiflre 33 Buft of a lady, by Raphael A4engs, feemingly by candle- light — black and '•Ji'bitc chalk, on brown paper — highly jimfned 34 The interior of a houfe of entertainment, with a great many figures, by Andrea BofcoH — three figures are fitting at a table, meant, perhaps, for the difciplcs at Emmaus — majlerly light pen and Indian ink 35' A fubje6l of eight figures, by Giovanni San Giovanni — pen and indigo 36 Madona and child, with St. John, by Raphael Schiami- noji — pen and Indian ink, on blue paper, heightened — -fine 37 The ftoning of St. Stephen, by Lodovico Cardi, detio Ci- goli — a majlerly fketch in Indian ink 38 The aflTumption of the Virgin, by ditto — free pen andin* di^o — engraved in Mr. MetT^ % work of imitations 39 Le Pere Eternel, by Horatio Sammachini — a majlerly defigHy in bijre 40 A faint fubjecl, by Pieiro Rottariy pen and bijrc—very fine 41 Two — ftoning of St. Stephen, by Palma, pen and bi/lre ; and St. Jerome, pen and biJlre,on broivn paper, height- ened 42 Two, by Bifchop, after Michael Angelo and Raphael — pen and bijlre — -fine 43 Two — a faint fubjedl, by Palma, pen and biJre, height- tned ; and figures for ornament, by Rojfo Fiorentino, perhaps executed at Fountainebleau — free pen and hifire 44 Two, by Palma — martyrdom of St. Agatha, pen andbif- tre, on blue paper, heightened, defigned i?t 1 6i27 ; and dead Chrift, fupported by angels, in the fame manner 45 Magdalen, fupported by an angel, by Carlo Alaratte — very fine, in red chalk 46 The baptifm in the river Jordai>, by ditto— fine compoj- tion, in red chalk 47 Two — a faint fubjedl, by Lanfranco, Indian inky onbroivn papery heightened; and a ceremony of benedidlion, by M, A, Francejchiniy i;. ud chalh-^fine '■'»i ^ DRAWINGS. «n Day. 48 Two figures of prophets, by Paolo FartnatU free pen and InJian inky on a yellow paper ^ vigoroiijly heightened 49 St. Anthuny holding the child, by Antonio Balejlra^free pen and bijlrcy heightened 50 Madona and child, adored by St. Peter and St. Jerome, by Palma Vecchio, free pen and b'lfire — very fine 51 The Holy Family, with St. John, by Baffano — pen and Indian ink^ 'on blue paper heightened — curiowi and rare 52 Diana, dilcovering the pregnancy of Califtho, by Rot- tenh^^mmcr^ h. >cd chalk and Indian ink — CAPITAL 53 Two hrads-— one of an artift, by Giufeppo Nogari, in b'ack chalky one with a Utile red chalk 54 A faint difcovered expiring, by Girolamo Aduziane, very fine, in black chalk 55 Twx» — fludies of boys, by Ciprians, very fine, in red chak 56 The Lecture of Death, by Baccio BandineUiy pen cndbif- tre ; with the print, by Marc de Ravenna 57 Tb.e Continence of Sipio, by Le Sueur — fine, in red chalk 58 Two — buft of a young man, hy Giorgionc, in red chalky ivith a touJ} of blacky very fine ; and a ladv's liead, by Leonardo da Fir.ci, flumped black chalk, on blue paper, heightened 59 The Laf> Judgment, by Frederico Zuccharo, free pen and bifirc — a capital defgn 60 A ca^jital compofition of many figures, a fubjedt of the Apocalypfe, ditto — pen and bijhe 61 A fimilar lubjt<5t, by ditto, in the fame manner 62 A fimilar ditto, by ditto, in the fame manner, with fome pink wafh 63 Two — angels fupporting the dead Chrift, by Agoflina Canacci ; and a pen Jketch, by Cavgiagjo 64 Two, by Anibal Carracci — a faint fubjefl, pen and Indi- an ink ; and a boy afleep, black chalk, heightened 65 Saint Raymond failing on his cloak, by Lodovico Car- racci — a charming defign, light pen and bijlre, height^ cncd 66 Two grotefque friezes, with boys, by fulio Romano, pen and biJhc 57 The Afcent of Elias, by ditto, in the fame manner 68 A grottfque — a tritcii with dolphins, defgn for an arch, by ditto, i>i the fame manner— very fine 69 Mador.a ;.nd child in the clouds, with St. Charles Boro- raco and a bilhop kneeling, black and red (balk, heightened — fine . y'^ ,tl Day DRAWIJJCS. 5 70 Two — a ceremony of ordination, .by Andrea LeVto^ pen mid b'ljlre ; and a faint fubjeit, by Ccsjare Nebbia, pen and Indian ink 71 Temptation of St. Anthony, by Martin de Fos, pen and bijire — curious 72 Two — an expiring faint, fupported by an angel, by Ra^ phael da Re^gio ; and a prieft, officiating at the altar, by Andrea Lelio — both pen and bijire 73 A woman nging, by Jordaen^y ftudy for the pidure of Soo de Ouden Songen, isfc. black and red chalk — -fine 7-i: Three — fall of the damned, by La Fage^ free pen \ fludy for a cieling, by Pietro 'Y ^^-^^ free pen ^ on blue paper \ and a ftudy of an arm and han.d, by pafjcretio — pen 75 A fliepherd and fheep, by Francefco Londonio, black chalk, heightened — fine 76 Boys blowing bubbles, by Sir C. Knclkr, fee f^eich, in Indian ink and bifre 77 Three, by Abraham Blocmart — dead Chrifl, free fketch, in black chalk and Indian ink, heightened ; a lady, with flowers, ditto \ and a female hermit, pen, Indi" an ink, and bifirc 78 Tvvo by ditto — Lot and his daughters, pen and Indian ink^ heightened ; and the difcovery of Califtho's pregnan- cy, black chalk andbifire, heightened 79 The death of Jacob, by Lambert Lombard^ pen^ tviih In- dian ink and indigo, heightened — capital 80 Two, by Francefco Cozza, (difciple of DominichinoJ In- dian ink, on brozun ground, vigor oufly heightened \ and St. Catharine, {landing, pen and Indian ink, on blue papery heightened 81 Two, by Carlo Cignani — Diana and Endymion, pen and Indian ink, heightened ., and a leaf of free deligns, on both fides, black chalk and broad white 82 A capital ftudy, in oil colours, on blue paper, by Cafligliont 83 A facred emblem, within a rich border of angels, &c. by Roffo Fiorentino, pen and Indian ink — vtryfne 84 A long frieze of boys, by ditto, in the fame manner 85 One of the labours of UlyiTes, by Primdticcio, painted in the Royal Palace at Fountainebleau 86 Three, various, by Anibal Carracci, Cajiiglionc, &c. 87 A capital defign, by Giiifeppo Najini, (difciple of Cyro FcrriJ fen and Indian ink, heightened — vigoroufly touched 88 Two — an angel, and a family, fitting near its cottage, by Abraham Bloemart — pen and bijire 89 Two — Madona and child, &c. by Simone da Pefaro, red chalk ; and a defign, by Bonini, pen and bi/Ire—fne /^ t> DRAWINGS. Id Day. 90 A defign for many figures, by Primaticcio, pen andbijire 91 A frieze of boys, &c. by dhto^ pen and Indian ink 92 Two — a fine fketch of two young men ftanding, red chalky on brown paper ^ heightened \ and a bacchanaliaa fubjedl, free pen fketch, by P. F. Mela 93 Three — two long grotefque ornaments, by Ouil/inusy free pen and Indian ink, heightened; and two military figures, by Goitzius, pen and Indian ink 94 Two — a frie/.e of boys, by Baptijia Franco^ fine light pen ; and a penjketch, by Primaticcio 95 Two — Holy Family, with a concert of angels, by Spranger, pen and Indian ink ; and a free pen land- fchape, with fheep, &c, by CaJligUone 96 Madona and child, with St. John, by Andrea del Sarto — prima manicra — Indian ink and bijire, heightened. See a remark on the back 97 The Nativity, by ditto, Indian ink and bi/ire, heightened — CAPITAL 98 A figure, Handing, back view^ by ditto^freejketch^ in black chalk, within an ornament, by Vafari — pen and bijire 99 An hiftorical defign of three figures, by ditto, red and black chalk — -fne 100 Two — a figure {landing, largely draped, by Lodovico Cardi, dctto Cigoli, in red chaik ; and a fludy of young pilgrims, by Vanni, in black chalk 101 Gladiators fighting, by Frederico Zuccaro, pen and purple ink — a circle 102 A procelTion at Rome — the Pope kneeling, and implor- ing the ceflation of the pell, vidlims of which are laying on the fore-ground, by ditto, pen and bifire — engraved 103 A foint fubjefl, by Taddeo Zuccaro, free pen and biJIre, heightened — c apital 103 Two, by Raffaellino da Reggio — Jofeph of Arimathea, fupporting the dead Chrill ; and an angel, comfort- ing a faint, or prophet — both pen and bifire 105 A fheet of mallerly pen ftudies, by PaJJerotto, on both fdes 106 A capital emblematical fubjefl, perhaps the Fatal Sif- ters, by Vefpafian Strada, pen and bifre, heightened 107 St. Andrew carrying his Crofs, with other /aints, &c. by Antonio Bilivetti, [difciple of CigoliJ pen, Indian ink, red chalk, he. — fine compojition 108 Two — an hiftorical fubje6l, by Pierino del Vaga, free pen— a circle ; and St. Mathew, by Pqffari, pen, In- dian ink, and red chalk wafJ?^ heightened j^/r ift Day. DRAWINGS. ^ 109 The Annunciation, by Girolamo Boncji, (d'lfciple of Car^ lo Ci^naviJ black chalk and Indian ink, on blue paper^ vi-yorouPy heightened— a fine compojition 110 A landlchane, with a fubjedl from Ovid, by Calkar^free pen and purple wa/h 111 St. Paul, the hermit, by Girolamo Muziano-^a CAPIT At dcfign^ in black chalk 112 A river god, by Baptijia Franco, pen and bijire, height- ened — highly jinijhed 113 The Deluge, by Cajliglione-— free pen and bijire, height- ened 114 A fubje6l from Ovid, by Pietro Tejia— black chalk and hi ft re — capital 11,5 Two — the Crucifixion, by Baccio Bandinelli, majierly pen ; and a niagdalen in the defart, by EmpoHy pen, and bijire 116 A gentleman on horfeback, by Baptijia Franco, veryfine^ in red chalk — ivas Sir P. Lelys 117 A hermit, &c. by ditto, very fine, pen and biJlre 118 Two — figure", with a dog, by Titian^ pen and bifirc, on blue paper y heightened ; and a facred emblem, by Ca-* millo Procacciniy red chalk — -fine 1-19 Two — a frieze, by Polidoro, free pen and biJIre ; and St. Sebaftian, by F. Zuccharo, fine pen and Indian ink 120 An hiftorical fubjeft, by Giacomo da Empoli, free pen and Indian ink, iffc, ' G-nD of tlje i?irst HDa^^si fs^e. Second Day's Sale. TUESDAY 5th of MAY, i8oi, Lot ^ T) ACCHUS and Ariadne, by Spranger, pen and Indian JL> ink~fine-^anno 1598 2 Two landfchapes, with figures, by Abx ^loemart-^pen end Indian ink -yi^ 8 • DRAWINGS.. iftBay. 3 An emblematical fubjeft, by Gerard dc Laircffe — pen and Indian ink — -fine 4 Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, by Pa/ma, dated 1628 — free pen and Indian ink, heightened 5 A large hiftorical fubjedl, in red chalky by Romanelli 6 Madona and child, by Polidoro da Venezia, pen and bijlre., "ji'ith a print 7 A lady, holding a glafs in her hand, by G. S. Muller, in 161 'd—free pen, highly finijhed 8 Vertumnus and Pomona> by A. Bloemart-—fine^ in red chalk 9 The flicpherd's offering, by ditto — pen and Indian ink — •very fine 10 The feaft of the gods, by ditto — in the fame manner, with a little red chalk wajh — ditto 11 An emblematical fubje6l of harveft — black and white chalky on brown paper 12 Two — little angels, by Paolo Farinati, pen and bijlre, on blue paper, heightened; and a Iketch, in Indian ink, by Paolo Veronefe 13 The Crucifixion, by Pordenone — pen and bijlre, height' ened 14 Two — St. John the Evangelift, by Giovanni de Fecchi, free pen, vigorotjly heightened ; and a Sybil, by Andrea del Sarto, black chalk, on blue paper, heightened 15 Mofes llrikingthe rock, by Boiichardon, in red chalk 16 The Triumph of Cupid, a circle for the bottom of a dijh, 16y Inches diameter, by Polidoro da Caravaggio—fne pen andhifre, heightened — very fine 17 A battle, by Antonio Tcmpejla — very maflerly pen and bijlre 18 The Trinity, by Frcderico Zuccharo — pen and Indian ink — fine 19 A faint fubjc6l, by F. Cozza — pen and bijlre, heightened 20 Two, by Baptijla Franco — an antient facrifice, fine pen and Indian ink ; and a youth in defpair, black chalk — fine 21 Diana confoling Egeria, by Ftancejco Ficira, in red chalk, fine, with the print 22 The Alfumption of the Virgin, by Fandyck, majlerly, in Indian ink 23 Buft of a woman, by ditto — black chalk, on blue paper, heightened 24 A fubje6t from Ovid, by Diepenhcck, majlerly pen and In- dian ink, with the imitation, by Mr. Melz 25 Saints in the Wildernefs, by Pordenone— pen and bijire^^ CAPITAL /6 3d Day. DRAWINGS. 9 26 Two ladies, with a child, by R. Schiamlnoji^a graceful deftgn, in black chalky lightly handled 27 Sybils, a mafterly pen defign, by Baccio Bandinelll 28 Alandfchape, with a concert of mufic, by Giorgione— free pen and bi/he— C A? it AL 29 Two, by Paolo 'Feronefe—?re(ent^tion m the Temple, pen and bi/Iic ; and an emblematical fubjefl, pen and Indian ink 30 The Murder of the Innocents, by Luca Giordano — maf- terly pen and Indian ink — CAPITAL 31 The Madona of Loretto, by Gucrcino—peny ivith the old print, bv Pafqualino 32 Cadmus and the Dragon, by Jnibal Carracci, maferlypen and bifirc ; '■jcith the imitation, by Mr. Metz , 33 The martyrdom of a female faint, by Frnncefco Fannie in. black chalk, with a little bif re— CAPITAL 34 An hiftorical or fabulous fubjed, by P. da Cortona—ptn and bijlre, heightened — capital 35 A ditto, by ditto — a fine compcfition, in black chalk — ditto 36 Two— a mafterly ftudy, by Taddeo Zuccharo, pen and In- dian ink ; and a ditto, by Frederico Zuccharo, pen and bijire ^,.. 37 Two ftudics, by Frederico Zucchero— mafterly pen and bif^ tre 38 The Nativity, by ditto— fine light pen ^9 Five— the ordination of a cardinal, maferly pen and biftrc; and four of the fcienes, in the fame manner 40 Chrift praying in the garden of olives, by dhto—his perfecutors approaching to take him— /r^f pen and bijlre 41 An emblem of pride, by ditto— maferly pen, Indiamnk, and a tinge of calour 42 Efop advifmg his mafter to order the other flaves to drink water, in order to difcover who had eaten the figs, by Taddeo Zuccharo—free pen and bijire 43 The woman taken in adultery, by Don Julio Clovio—a capital defign, in black chalk, highly finfhed 44 An emblematical fubjea, by Lelio da Nouvellara—pen and bijire — capital 45 A capital landfchape, with the ftory of St. George and the Dragon, by Gieronyme Mu-ziano—maprly pen 46 An emblematical fubjed of the Madona, who is feated on the clouds, with many faints below, by Ttntoret—^ vigorous Jieich, engrijaille B ^r^ JO DRAWINGS. td Bj>', 47 A faint holding a book, open in his hand, by ditto — Hack chalky on brozcn paper, vigor ov.Jly heightened 48 The Refurreftion of Chrift, by Giorvio Vafari — -fine pen and bijhe •49 Two, by Dominichino — St. John, and an hiftorical fub- ']c€\ — both in red chalk <50 The climbers, (GrimpcursJ by Marc Antonio ^ ziitx '^W- chael Angelo — -fine^ in bijire <51 The flagellation, by Tintorett Indian ink and bijire^ height' encd — very fine 52 Diana and A^lcon, by Paolo Veronefe — red chalk and In- dian ink 53 The interior of a church, with figures, by B. Poccetti— majle) ly^ in black chalk afid Indian ink 54 The Repofo, by CctJligUonc — red chalk — capital N. B. It is engraved in the fame manner^ by Barto- lozzi 55 The Crucifixion, with St. John and the yirgin, ftancj- ing, by Pcllegrino Tibaldi — pen and biftre — very fine 56 A grotefquc ornament, a faint fubjeiSl at top, by Giorgio Vafari — fine pen and Indian ink 57 The Good Samaritan, by Bnjfano — Indian ink, onrcd pa- pir — a Vigorous dejign 58 Two — a frontifpiecc, with two faints, in niches, by Balthazar Pcruzzi da Sicna^ black and white, on green ground, fine ; and a ftudy, by Carlo Alaratte, red and white chalk, on blue paper 59 Madona, in a glory, in the clouds, two faints Handing below, by Gaudenzio Ferrari — pen and Indian inky on a blue ground, heightened — capital and rare 60 Madona and child, with two faints, by Bartolomeo Ra- menghiy detto Bagnacavallo, pen and bijlr. , heightened—' from the Duke of ArgyWs colle^lion 61 Madona and child in the clouds — St. Roch and a bifliop fitting below — by Balthazzar Peruzzi — pen and bif- tre, heightened — very fine 62 Two faints fitting, by ditto, a defign for the arch of a vault — fine pen and biflre^ heightened 63 St. Paul appearing to a faint bimop while officiating at the altar, by Vafari— fine pen and biflre 64 Two of faints, arched, by ditto, in the fame manner, ditto — one imitated by Mr. Metz 65 A naval fight, by Polidoro — pen and biflre, with a littU eoloury touched upon by Rubens— -CAVITAL V xd Day. bRANVINGS. I I AjXTIEA^T GERMAN masters, VARIA. 66 The ftoning of St. Sepbcn, by Dirk von Sum — pen and Indian ink, fine — a circle 67 Abrahnm's Sacrifice, by Tobias Slimmer — very fine peri'—' a circle 68 A fubjedl unknown, by Joji. Ammon — mafierly pen 69 A young Vv^oman, fianding, naked, Death paying his ad- drefjes to her, by Hans Baldung Grunn — majlerly pen,, on a hroivn groiind, hc'ightencd-^dated \5\5 70 An hiflorical lubjedl, by Liuas van Cranach—pen and In-' dian ink 71 A Jaudfchape, with hiftoricd^I figures, by Hieronymus Hoe kins y HK 151 8 — mafierly pen 72 A Ibldier flanding, by Jibert Aitdorffcr, 1513 — free pen 73 Two landfchapes, by Albert Aitdorffcr — ve\y mafierly pen ^one with Indian ink 74 The Holy Family, in a landfchape, by ditto — ISK — very fine pen^ heightened 7b Madona and child, by M. Wolgcmnihy (mafler of Albert DurerJ — fen — a circle 76 A man, fitting in a devout attitude, by ditto — pen > 77 Chrift {landing, with an open book in his left hand, by Afartin Schrengauer, (alias, Hubfch Afartin, 1469/* — mafierly pen 77* Sufannah and the elders, by Virgilius Solis — pen, red and blue ink ISRAEL VAN MECK. 78 An old man, with a long beard, whole length, [landing — pen 79 A ditto, kneeling, holding a lighted candle— /^r^? a^id hands in colour — the drapery, pen 80 St. Jerome, fitting in his chamber — pen, highly finifhed 81 The Nativity, fhepherds offering — pen 82 A faint, fianding, largely draped, a book under his arm — P^*^ 83 Two faints, one kneeling, the other Handing with a book in one hand, and a crozier in the other — pen and In- dian inky on brown ground, heightened — very fhie. fn 11 DRAWINGS, ad-Biy. MARTIN SCHOEN. 84 Holy Family, in a landfchape, Jofeph afleep— ^;-«/»^« very fine 85 Defcent from the Crofs — pen and Indian inkt l^c. part heightened 86 Holy Family, &c. preparing for the circumcifion — Indi- um ink, on purple paper, heightened — the carnations in colour 87 A young man and woman walking — majierly pen ALBERT DURER. 88 St. Nicholas and Mary Magdalen, ftanding, each within an ornament — majjfrly^ in black chalk 89 Two — a group of three figures, fret pen Jketch ; and Faith, by Ifrael van Meek — pen 90 Two — Madona fitting, with the child a crofs her l^p; and Faith — both free pen 91 Two — Chrifi: and St. Peter, and Faith — both free pen 92 Two — the flagellation, and a centaur, with a woman — both pen 93 Two — St. Catharine, free pen ; and grotefque orna- ments, pen and 'colour 94 Two— >a naked woman {landing, dated 1493, /)^« 4 and a young hercules flanding, ditto, relieved by a green ivafh, i^c. — very fine — with imitation, by Air. Meiz 95 A youth on the back of a dolphin, in colours, very fine, among Mr. MctvCs imitations 96 The Baptifl's head in a charger, in diflemper^ in colours ITALIAN MASTERS. 97 Apollo and tlie Mufes, by France fco Penni — pen and black chalk, ftumped and heightened — a capital compofition 98 The return of UlyfTes, by Primaticcio — fine pen and Indi- an ink, heightened — capital 99 Two, by Francksco Mazzuoli, detto Parmeggiano — free pen [ketches, with a flight waffy of Indian ink 100 The Holy Family— -/r^T pen and Indian ink, on a green ground, heightened — graceful and elegant 101 Two — a figure running 2.\\\-^, fee penfhctch ; and two bufts together, in red chalk, heightened ,-^^ %M,rf: DRAWINGS. 1 3 102 'YvfO—a free pen fkctch ; and tlie Magdalen's bufl, in a circle, in bijire — fine 103 Madona and child, black chalk and Indian ink — capital — engraved in Mr. Mel-zs ivork 104 Two majicrly pen jludies 105 Chrift liealing the fick, a compofition of fixteen figures —free pen and bi fire — CAPITAL 106 The fhepherd's offering — majierly pm andblflre— capi- tal VARIA. 107 The battle of Conftnntine, by Plerino del Faga, ajier Raphael, with the imitation, by Mr. Mcvz. 108 Two fubjecSls, on one leaf, by Innocenzo da Imola — maf-^ terly pen and bifire, zvithin an ornament, by P'afari 109 Two, by Tilian — black chalk and Indian ink, on blue pa- per, heightened — one the portrait ofCarnaro. -• 110 Two, by Jidio Romano — mafierly pen dcfigns — one, oxen drawing the plough 111 Venus attired by the graces, by Guido — free pen and bifire, within a pretty grotefquc border, by Air. Mei%^-^ capital — the fubjed is engraved by Strange from the pic' iure 112 Chrift feeding the multitude, by Julio Romano— pen y Indian ink, and bifire, heightened — cvpital 113 The Afcenfion, by Dominichino, defign for a cieling — black chalk, fumped and heightened— CAPVTAL 114 The coronation of the Virgin, by Fra. Bartohmeo — black chalk and biftre, heightened-— CA?nAL— with the imitation, by Mr. AJetz 115 11 Padre Etlrno, by Benvenuto Garofalo — pen, red chalk, and Indian ink, on blue paper, heightened, arched at top — capital 116 Meleagre and Atalanta hunting the wild boar — pen and bifire, on blue paper, heightened — capital 117 A leaf of mafterly ftudies, on both fides, by Girolamo da Carpi— fine, with imitation of part of one 118 A fketch for a culinary fubjedl, by Bafjano — pen and bifire, heightened 119 A Roman iacrificc, by Paolo Veronefe, a capital /w^- jeii for a cieling — pen, bifire, and Indian ink 120 A ftudy of two figures — Diana, ^cc. by ditto — a capita* Jketch,free pen and bifire Cnt) of tl)c %%vm SE>a]?'£; ^alf > ■^ ^4 DRAWINGS. 3rd Pay: Third Day's Sale. WEDNESDAY 6th of MAY, i8or. DUTCH AND FLEMISH MASTERS. VARIA. Lot 1 nr^HE departure of the Prodigal Son. by Jerome Bos — JL yrec pen. See note on the back 'y A a^'yn C~ 2 A young woman, flanding, by Roger Zander fVcydt, (d'lf- c'tple of the brothers Van Eyk) — pen defign /^ („yy\ h J 3 Two young wojcnen, kneehng, by ditto — imitated by Mr, Metz /^^ LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 4 The Wifemen's offering — black chalk, heightened J cvrr^lnA wfc *^ b The Circumcifion — pen dejign — 'fine /^ ciA'iM. i 6 A fubje6l of affafTination — metal pointy with Indian inky on a blue prepared ground^ heightened — a cirele Ot^<^) 7 A gentleman and lady, with two children, in a chamber M — pen 00 blue diftempered ground, heightened — very fine y^A-i-U^i^ JOHN DE MABEUGE. 8 A young hercules, back view, (landing — fine pen Ofd'^^ 9 Nativity, with the Ihephcrds offering, fl^/Yfl/ mflwy/^«rfj. 3' — -Jree pen — very fine \ fic^ryJ^ HANS HOLBEN. 10 Artificers ere6ling a ftatue — free pen ^ /-» oc^--'-^-'' - ^ 1 1 A fubjedl unknown — pen and Indian ink, heightened, with ^ A- the imitation, by Mr, Metx p^.i 'U/,^ j^ y^/^ ^cy^4 A 3f C ■ J)/) y w'* Greek artijiy fuppofed of the tenth century — pen and In- /^ — o Ja ■ o 9?uf'^<^ ^^^^ ^^^' <"^ broivn prepared ground^ heightened C^€L^t O d GIOTTO— ^(jr// 1265. 14 A con verfation of five figures — pcrf/d a/?-* A J - -.- Z-6 15 A fubjedl of the ^xinxtj, fmaU oval, with many figures on / • u the ground, kneeling — -fine pen J'^'^/i >j c_ 16 Chrifl;, fitting on a tribunal, crowning the Virgin, /«r- 3' ''•^ • rounded by many faints, four on the foreground kneel- ing — pen and Indian ink, on a redifh ground heightened \ with an elegant border, by Vafari — pen and biftre — en- graved in imitation, by Mr. Mefz ^^»< A/- l> 17 A defl gn for his celebrated bark, fuppofed to be_a_copyhy /• /I ' _ Giovanni da^Fiefole, b ornjn^ 1386, but judge dj mther^ hy _, T^ j^^' ^^^'^^-> ^°^^ a frjftho^ight, by Giottohmfelf^ ___B££. writing orTihe back. Pen dejign Ottc'ij 18 Another defign for the fame, (3'i^m2^/)/^(?w/K3/f^,yrf^>j!i^;;, / ^ ■ o 20 Pope Clement V. on horfeback, a hawk on his left arm t^u — pen and Indian tnk. See a long account of ihis Pope, "^ by Padre RcjUy on the back. Imitated by Mr. Metz GIOVANNI GADDI, Son of Agnoh Gaddi, born about the year 1360. J. - 21 Several fcripture and faint fubjecls, in diviJionSf on both Oti^ Jides of a piece of vellum — pen dejigns ALESSIO BALDOVINETTI, Born t according to Vafariyin 1368 — but ^ according to Bottariy in 1425. Z- ~ ^ Portrait of Dante — proRlcy in red chalk, Indian ink^ and ^'^rr*^^" ( red chalk ivafjj. See note on the back , /O . ' 23 A young foldier, holding a fpear, metal poi7it^ on bro'wn^'^^P^ prepared ground, heightened 0)jP J -r^ -r ^ 24 Whole length figures, on a half/heet, drawn on both '^'^'^'/'^ / ' / fides — three (landing, o'n one fide, and two fitting on the other — metal point on a crimfon prepared ground, heightened — capital— engraved in aquatinto, by Mr, 'Metz GIOVANNI ANGELICA DA FIESOLE, Born in 1387. / ^ 24*Two— Death's head, white, upon a prepared ground— from ^-^ 'V' ' "^ ' D. of Argyll's collenion; and a Lyon, pen andbtjlrti heightened PIETRO BELLA FRANCESCA, Born in 1370^ died in 1458. ^^ . - 25 An old man fitting, reading in a book— ^f«, bi/ire, and i''^H Indian ink, heightened. See long infcriptions on the back r^(ngrav(4 h ^' ^ff^t '« his work of imitations // S.'dDay. DRAWINGS. BENOZZO GAZZOLI, FIORENTINO, Born in 1400. 26 Two figures in converiation, one Handing, tlie other ^ ' • fitting — pen J on blue paper, heightened f ^ t' i >vJ\^ FRA. FILIPPO LIPPI, Born at Florence y about 1400. 27 A man, {landing — metal pen, on prepared groioidy heightened . /$ , -- '—from the Duke of ArgyWs colled'ion ^hiU^A. 28 A man, fitting, his hand refting on a book, in the fame - - 3 - " manner, from the fame collecli'on Ctic^ 29 A faint figure kneehng — pen and Indian ink^ heightened Z- <■ ■ ^ — a naked figure on the back — both fubjeds adorned by Vafarlyzvlth grotcfqueornamints. In Mr. Mit% s vjork . of Imitations (jtu-y MkSl\CClO.—Born in 1402. 30 Two whole length- figures, Handing : one ivhlte, upon a - ^ /3 ■ — coloured ground ; the 0X.\\c\- black chalk, on ditto, helght- ^ ened cffcc^ >y^*^ 31 A buft of a fat man, three quarters view — metal point, on — /^^ "" a prepared purpll/h ground, heightened, with touches of vj ^.'/•i 1^^ colour — CAPITAL— from the Duke of Argyll's collefllon ANDREA DEL CASTAGNA, Born about 1406. 32 A faint, holding a croziejr in his right Iiand, and a book — « //• u under his left — majierly pen ^f/l^^ ANTONIO DEL POLLAJOLO, Born at Florence, /;z 142S. 33 Chrlll and St. John Baptift — pen and I' f ye ^ en ochre co- -• //' - loured ground — Imitated by Mr. Alctz C^AiU/* c GENTILE BELLINI.— i?or« /;; 142 1. - — /^ • 6 "• '^overal Iketchcs of the Madona — free pen ^^ (Tt'ilA^ C ' ^ M I 8 DRAWI^fGS. 3rd Day. GIOVANNI BELLINI, Brother of Q^^'YYLEy horn in \ ^22. Jo . -^ 34*Madona and cM d — metal pen^ on prepared ground-, height- /i.-^-t^ h- ened ^ fi _ 35 The Wifemen's ofFering— 3/rff ^f« <3«^ ^i/?>(r - — JlCcy ANDREA VERROCCHIO, Born at Florence y in 1 43 2 . S' - 35*A faint fubjefl — majierly pen -— ^/Uy / . //' ij 36 Two — a hoy ftandiug in each— ;/rff />^;; _- ufCui^ SANDRO BOTTICELLI.— 5or« in 1437. /}, jQ' u 37 A naked figure of a man — metal pent on yellow ground, OTCl*, J/ > heightened /O ■ 6> 38 Two — St. John Baptift, fittirig, naked ; and a draped fi- gure flanding — both in the fame manner y with imitations of both by Mr. Metz f^/U^^p «_^ FRANCESCO SQUARCIONE. /• - 39 The Annunciation — pen and Indian ink ^ on a grey ground^ heightened^ and highly finifhed ^A^U^^t^ PIETRO PERUGINO, Born in 1444 — Mafler of Raphael. Y" C -40 St. Jerome — light pen and bijlre— fine ^^ j' . ^ 41 Adam and Eve — majierly pen, and a little Indian in^,(/'^i -'i/'^ heightened ^. .. /'}. ' 42 The Angel G7ik>x\t\^ free pen,in a pi£lure of the Annun- /^^'N*^ ciation at Perugia i l jt // • ' 43 Figure of a king, for the Wifemen's offering, fuppofed'^'*^""' '^ an early work of Raphael — fee note on the back — metal pen^ on prepared ground, with Indian ink, heightened — 1 imitated by Mr. Afetz /C- 44 II Padre Etkrno — many figures at bottom, kneeling, Ji-^^'^' fcemingly portraits — black chalk, heightened ^y I /. /« ^ 45 An angel, flying — metal pen, on prepared ground^ height- />''"''» encci, ivith the imitation by Aletz , ^ / /3' - 46 Madona and child fitting— fflr{/«//>f«—/ntf a> : Qj^'"" ■ ^ •v-? idOiy. DRAWINGS. J^ i7 The Saviour, embracing; St. John— /ree pen— fuppofed tt - /2 . be an early dejt^n of Raphael, zvhb A^r. Metz^s imita- tion O^CCt^ LUCA SIGNORELLL— ^or« 1444. 48 IlFadreEtekso, tnelal pen and bi/ire, o^iprtparedpapfry -^ j? - — heightened; and an angel, playing on the violin, fl« the back, in the fame manner i)/'-^^ LEONARDO DA VINCI. 49 Tvvo-^a man's head, charadler of Defpair, black chalk, / • 3 * -5 flumped, on brown paper, and heightened ; and a lady 's head, pen and Indian ink, heightened j^H^-CC'i^ J^ ^^'i Ic /a '^th, 50 Defign for an ornament — fine pen and black chalk y'JXt^i / . / .- o' il Two — head of a piping boy, metal pen, on carnatiojn A^ , ^ ground, heightene d, fine, another boy's head on the '^'^ Tack, /rfg j&^« ; and a Itudy ot heads, metal p oint, ' __^l£lihtcned' J A] li/^u. ~ ! " 52 Madona^ and ^lild, in the fame manner, on brown paper, / * /^ * *^ with other Jketches ::::zSicry fine ^ i^fcL^r^i^ DOMENICO DEL GHIRLANDAJO. ~53 Holy Family, with miniftering angels — pen and Indian / ^ - *> ink, on a brown ground, vellum., in a grotefque ornament^ by Vafari ; with the imitation by Air. MefK ij-t^tj^ ANDREA MANTEGNA. 54 A lady running, drefled in a turban, holding over her - - 2 ■ d head a live ferpent^ perhaps intended for Cleopatra — a vigorous defign, pent with a little indigo, heightened ^^t'^*^ \ 55 An old man ftanding, in biflre, heightened ^.- fft^/^'-A*^ — ^'J' - u 56 A bacchanalian, pen and biflre, prima maniera — many fi" "i ^ - ] gures c^ u*-r^ i.-o^^~ MICHAEL ANGELO BUONAROTA. 51 Three ftudies, in black chalk \ two of figures, the other of -^ - /t ' — knees ^' ]f^ t^\>Ky^^''hji^ 58 An old woman's head, -and fketch of a whole length fe- - • // • — ra i!e figure, in the fame manner /^ ayr\ Jl J ■ /F3 20 t»RA\VINGf. 3rd Day. t^ /(^ .(^ 59 Two — a young foldier, his finger m his mouth ; one pen if'/ii ft/^». , and b.ack ckalk, the other in red and black chalk, with another figure, &c. VARIA. 3\ - 60 Two — Madonrx and child, with angels and adoring ^Jj^^^h f;tii>ts, by Z^omailco d'l Paris, diiciplc of Pictro Peru- giiio — and a wl'io'e length figure of a man, on blue paper, hetghtvned. hy GiJi'dcntio Ferrari ^ ... a . ^ 6i Job infuUed by his wife and friends, by Ugolino Sancfe — y/»-«^^>* fine pen^ wiih Indian ink^ highly finijhed , /* S^' 62 A faint fuI)jtvSl, h^ Faolo Vcronefe — red chalk and Indian "^ '*■ 1^^'*^ ink (^63 The Lafl; Supper, by Bajjano — pen and Indian ink^ on blue ■2 } paper heightened /64 The "Wifemen's offering; by Paolo Vcroncfef-majierly , pen and Indian ink, heightened !PAt.fyvpi^ -^ /J. o 65 Grotefque ornaments for a cieling, by yafari, "joiih the ^y{cc<.vxj print, by Mr. AIcl-z. '3 . - 66 Two — head of Chrift, by Wcjl \ and a hiftorical fketch, _ by li eftali — both in pen and bijlre .. ^.l-.b>-> ■ ^ ' ^ :^^ Third Day's Sale. BOOKS OF PRINTS. \_immediately after the Drawings.'] Lot - . ,, 1 A yf R- Metz's Work of Imitations, difplaying x.ht S < <^ • J ..V; XVJl progrefs of the art of defign, froni*Tfi^*i^ft!)ratiori j <»» - - ef*tifg*yff f? 'tr H ' L 'Wii^'down to the end of the feven- teenth century, after original drawings m't'He principal cabinets of En?Jand^ many of them in his o'vuji,^mamr' -frftwg of |f^^-fiv'"j"-Q-°7-''^^Q'^'^"'^-°'-°"'- maders— *M 2 Another copy _ - — Jyv-id^At. — ^' 'J ' ^. 3 Ditto — >—^ '-- — c^trrt^Jr S' 2-6 4 Ditto ^..^- ^_ ^^KtUA^ __vjf ,5.- «5 Ditto , iPu^i^f,^ — 3* • a 6 Ditto -^.^ -. jj:%i^5-^=er ^ P/^t4 * >/ *f ^ ~. A' 12- o^, 7 Ditto __^ , — S — jCcc-/,W- - S- ^^- ^ 8 Ditto ^-.^ -— -^ J^^^^K^ 4*^"^ I 9 Ditto lil-Li-- c^/^iy\i^^ /f-a-O 10 Ditto _... jlecvVL -^-./O'w? 11 Ditto - -- — J?...^ . 4-/2- - -ICt'- 14 Ditto _-- „ ^^^./-'/j?-- 15 Ditto _ _ . M/M^' / o o fc;h C 16 Ditto _ _ _; Jfv/ /• / 17 Ditto . _ ■ _ _^'».^l./m/>//^'. /' i^- ^ 18 Ditto _ :IZ1_ _-__- S^- "/^n " 19 Ditto _ _ ,M:r/i*- >^ • 6 29 Various prints, froni Parmeggiano — mounted ^o^ ^ «-^/- >• - 30 Ditto Jjv) ^ ^' c 31 Ditto ,/^-y iP^'*^j/u^u x^y ' 32 Ditto o.'V* C^^./T-rM^jt-*.^ €• * 33 One Copper-plate, of children on ed and engraved in the chalk manner. —UNPUBLISHED < S' ■ O Zi A DITTO — children romping, in the fame manner, by V^A-i/Uft^ /» DlT 'i^g, UNPUBLISHED, entitled "P AS ENCORE , /S-J^, (f 35 SijTplates — children at pI^L ■ j i^^^^^ V ^ ei^zraved b y J^/ft/t/^i. ^■■, Mr. Metz, in the fame manner, "with a fpecimen /5". /5"- o 36- The plates o f Mf.Me tz *s imitations o f Par ^iegj;:^ i- ^/icuAi_ A^p. thirty-ihree ' m'^timber, cont^mng kventy- two fubjedls, with a fpecimen Copy, an^ all the odd prints jy/' /c ' o "hi The plates of imitations of Polidoro's drawings, flxty- T'X^^id/k.i-. two in number, with a proof fet of prints, and all the odd impreffions ^ ..^ 63 • ^y^ ^MDayt DRAWINGS. 2t 75 A faint fubje<5l in the temple — pen and hi/ire, heightened—' — • //' ^ capital ^7^^*^ 6-fv^ CORREGGIO. 76 Madona and child in the clouds — majierly black chalky — • /' - heightened J^/l*^*/}i^ ^ --^ 77 A man landing, looking up — pen and Indian inky vigor" _ - ■^ • ^ oufly heightened .//^-<^/^t_-" ^- 78 Figure of an angel, defign for a cupolo or cieling — ntaf- '/ Cj • >^ " rerly black chalky from the caS'itfer df'King CiiarJAi i» .j^^ZiCu; 79 Boys, in red chalky fine, let into a rich ornament ^—b^'Rtffs /. // -o Fiorcntino — pen, Indian ink, and bijlrey heightened ^7^/fi/ipc_ VARIA. 80 A faint fubjetfl, by Baptijla Bracci — pen and indlgoVlo^ ^^-^ ~ /• 3 ■ 81 Wifemen's offering, by Paolo Veronefe — pen and bijire, on / ^ /J ' C7 blue papery heightened — CAPITAL — imitated by Air, MetZ ^c^ro ^^cU*^ lof^^ ' _ ^ 82 The Repofo in Egypt, by Lod, Carracci — Indian inky on '2 - ■'^' O grey paper — very tajlef id and elegant ^/ii^i^i_ / / .> 83 Diana and A6leon, by Titian — majlerly pen and bijlre— ^^ ' ^^ ' ^ CAPITAL jPA^'t //> ■C- DRAJFIKGS, FRAMED AND GLAZED. ,0 . _ 84 A young fliepherd, leaning on his ftick, hj Francefco — Londonio — black chalk, heightened cv a-tj^ t-t^r't: 85 St. John the Evangelift, by Raphael-^pen and hijlre^ — • C - — heightened .PAi/i/,^ 86 A man, with a long beard, landing, by Rembrandt — maf . 4- • - terly pen /-i ^-^ A ij 87 Two — a young woman, whole length, by i?a/»r//?aFr<3M£'i?, - U ■ Li free pen ; and the buft of a poet, red and black chalk ^t'c'o 88 St. Luke painting the Virgin, by Lucas van Leyden — pen ^ . J . Q and Indian inky on blue paper, heightcued^a circle — imi-' tated by Mr. Melz CTiL*^ S%'ly-^^9 The marriage of the Virgin, by Affl;7/« 5(:/6<3(f« — pen — • c^- 6 ^90 A Pope, writing under the divine infpiration, with an- / . J . o vV) j^f, RAWL\GS. jrJ D.y. /^. /O- 92 A CAPITAL emblematical fubjtcfl, by Ditto — pen and h'ljlre^ with a little colour — it reprefents the Triumph of Vice — from the fame colic fiioUy alfo engraved in aquU" tinto, by Mr. Metz M^'//-c.^i^AL ./ Jr^/..U c^^lL 2 '2- t^' 93 A CAPITAL DESIGN by RAPHAF.L—nhe Transfiguration on Mount Tabor — Indian ink and hijhe^ on blue pa^ per, vigoroujly heightened ; on the back, is a Triumph of Bacchus, in the fame manner J^^<^/«y^t_ / . ^ . ^ 94 A boy's liea cLhy ^ ^iiiMetT^ f'rtm na ture, highly fni fhtd *• *•*' ' hW bla cT^F^ ... " '?/7cry^iAi 2>' O 'G 9^*'r'ff'e"TJHiklren Tn the Wood, afleep, by Miss Metz — a charming compojitionj in colours 9rto7^-<^ ^^, S'C 9S Children's Iports, by Ditto — a pleafing compojitionj in form of a frieze, confifting of twenty-five figures— very fine i in colours JPA-/ UV) i. FINIS. ^M 7(,^Vu4 1 r.v^ r 'mra.i.m. B^^^SP? >f'^[\