anxa 2634 -262 SPECIAL EXHIBITION CATALOGUE CITY ART MUSEUM SAINT LOUIS EXHIBITION OF FRENCH AND BELGIAN ART FROM THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 1915 Opening, February 6, 1916 Series 1916 No. 4 '■U ■ 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 SPECIAL EXHIBITION CATALOGUE Series of 1916; No. 4 EXHIBITION OF FRENCH AND BELGIAN ART FROM THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 1915 CITY ART MUSEUM ST. LOUIS FEBRUARY, 1916 THE CITY ART MUSEUM, ST. LOUIS ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OF CONTROL \VILLIAM K. BIXBY President SAMUEL L. SHERER Vice-President DANIEL CATLIN DAVID R. FRANCIS MAX KOTANY WILLIAM H. LEE EDWARD MALLINCKRODT CHARLES PARSONS PETTUS THOMAS H. WEST R. A. HOLLAND Director MADELEINE BORGGRAEFE Secretary CHARLES PERCY DAVIS Curator T he present Exhibition of French and Belgian Art which is being sent to various museums is the greater part of the French exhibit which was shown in the Palace of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, and represents in a most instructive manner the general trend of French art at the present time. It was the desire of those responsible for the collection to exhibit chiefly works produced within the last fifteen years and by men of recog- nized ability of every school. The major portion of the works here assembled was selected from the Fine Arts Section; but a few judiciously chosen additions, including the Belgian paintings, were made from the retrospective exhibition in the French Pavilion. It is fair to assume that all of the works presented are characteristic examples by the artists represented, and that they afford the American public an opportunity to study the typical, present-day art of France, the sort of art that one would expect to find assembled in the annual exhibitions of the Salon. Following as it does the big annual exhibitions of American paintings exhibited at most of our own museums, a splendid opportunity is given for comparison, and, as it were, to gauge our contemporary art. Moreover, it gives us an insight into the influences that tend to mould our own national art expression. It is no injustice to the other nations that have contributed so much to the upbuilding of those sound traditions upon which American art is founded to say that to France we are most deeply indebted. Our illus- trious painters and sculptors — Saint Gaudens, Bartlett, Inness, Whistler, Sargent, and many others, a long succes- sion of the most brilliant names in the history of American art — owe their success to the thorough training received at the hands of their French masters. It is to such men as Manet and Monet and their co-workers that the world is indebted for the great school of impres- sionism — the school that taught us to see the beauties of 5 light and atmosphere; the effect of which is manifest in the works of every artist of note in the civilized world. Such is the reward of that indomitable spirit which seeks the truth and perseveres against adverse criticism. One sees in the art of France a fidelity, a vigor and a striving to depict the life of the people; and here we may add they have pointed the way to that long-sought goal — the achievement of an American school of painting, a national art as distinctive from that of any other nation. It is gratifying to note that this exhibition contains works by men of all schools. Paintings by the more conservative artists who still cling to academic principles are shown by the side of the works of the leaders of the newer move- ments; and here again is evidence of the tendency toward democracy — all have a hearing. America boasts of democ- racy, but France has shown us a real democracy, at least in art. The City Art Museum and the citizens of St. Louis in general are greatly indebted to those in charge of the French Section of the Fine Arts Department of the Panama-Pacific Exposition for the privilege of this exhibition. That many of the men represented are in dire straits is well known, and a rare opportunity is afforded for the acquisition of works by some of the best painters of the present time. 6 PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS BY FRENCH ARTISTS ARTISTS AND TITLES LOUIS-EMILE ADAN 1 The Holy Family JULES ADLER 2 Christmas in the Faubourg ALFRED-PIERRE AGACHE 3 The Sword GEORGETTE AGUTTE 4 My Garden in Spring; from the Studio 5 The Lake of Compfere, Haute Engadine Water Color ALBERT ANDRE 6 The Old Castle Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel 7 Recumbent Woman Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel J.-FRANCIS AUBURTIN 8 The Swan 9 Landscape JOSEPH-MARIUS AVY 10 The Last Pin Water Color 11 Fruit 7 GASTON BALANDE 13 The Greased Pole 8 FRANCK-ANTOINE BAIL 12 The Kitchens; Chateau Fleury-en- Bierre GASTON BALANDE 13 The Greased Pole GEORGES BARBIER 14 Turandot Water Color 15 Gilles Water Color FRANCOIS-CHARLES BAUDE 16 Communicants, Flanders PAUL BAUDOUIN 17 Ivy Fresco on fibre cement HUGUES DE BEAUMONT 18 Room of the Collection of Henri Cain 19 Corner of the Room: Jacques Doucet Collection JEAN BERAUD 20 The Widower HIPPOLYTE BERTEAUX A 21 Goats Waiting to be Milked, Belle-Ile- en-Mer A 22 The Wild Coast, Goulphar, Belle-Ile-en- Mer 9 ALBERT BESNARD 26 On the Stairway in Benares 10 ALBERT BESNARD 23 Woman Asleep 24 The Gypsy 25 Dancer with the Yellow Mask Gouache 26 On a Stairway^ Benares Gouache 27 A Street in Madeira Gouache 28 The Man in Pink Gouache 29 The Bracelet Seller Gouache 30 The Brahmin Gouache 31 The Procession of Langar Gouache 32 A Curio Dealer in Delhi Water Color 33 Study for the “Dancer with the Yellow Mask” Gouache JACQUES-EMILE BLANCHE 34 Madame Ida Rubinstein in “Schehera- zade” by Rimski Korsakoff 35 Portrait of Henry James Lent by Mrs. Stanley McCormick MAURICE BOMPARD 36 Persian Pottery PIERRE BONNARD 37 Dining Room in tfie Country Lent by Messrs. Bernheim EMILE BOLLARD 38 Hayricks BERNARD BOUTET DE MONVEL 39 The Village 40 The Country Town 11 LOUIS BRAQUAVAL 41 The Mouth of the Somme ALEXIS DE BROCA 42 The Island of Arz^ Brittany ANDRE BROUILLET 43 Among the Dunes Lent by Messrs. Bernheim 44 The Painter's House Lent by Messrs. Bernheim PAUL BUFFET 45 Meadows; Evening ANTOUIN CALBET 46 Reading HENRI CARO-DELVAILLE 47 The Lady with the Hydrangea PIERRE CARRIER-BELLEUSE 48 The Ballet Slipper KARL CARTIER 49 Evening; Moret-Sur-Loing JULES-CYRILLE CAVE 50 Saint Cecilia in the Catacombs JULES CAYRON 51 Drawing Room of the Chateau 52 The Green Turban 12 JEAN-CHARLES CAZIN 53 The House of Socrates Lent by M. Knoedler, Paris 54 The Bear and the Garden Lover Lent by M. Knoedler, Paris MAURICE CHABAS 55 In Brittany ANDRE CHAPUY 56 The Banks of the Marne Lent by the French Government. EUGENE CHIGOT 57 The Grand-Trianon, Versailles GEORGES CLAIRIN 58 Moorish Women RAPHAEL COLLIN 59 Nonchalance MARCEL COSSON 60 The Salute 61 Dancing Girls HENRI DABADIE 62 Summer; Bouzareah^ Algeria 63 The Straits of Ferlez; Brehat, Brittany CHARLES-RENE DARRIEUX 64 Le Pardon of Treboul-Goz, Douarnenez^ Brittany ANDRE DAUCHEZ 65 The Walled Town: Concarneau, Brittany 66 The Dark Pool, Finistere 13 GERMAIN DAVID-NILLET 67 Notre Dame; Paris 68 Interior: Church of Saint-Maclou^ Rouen MAGDELEINE DAYOT 69 Still Life LEON DELACHAUX 70 The Convalescent ANGELE DELASALLE 71 The Bois de Boulogne MAURICE DENIS 72 Renaud and Armide 73 Communicants 74 Nausicaa Lent by Galerie E. Druet 75 Study for “Nausicaa” 76 Tennis Lent by Galerie E. Druet 77 Study for “Tennis” 78 The Bathers Lent by Galerie E. Druet 79 Study for “The Bathers” 80 Tennis Lent by Galerie E. Druet 81 Study for “Tennis” 82 The Beach Lent by Galerie E. Druet 83 Study for “The Beach” 84 The Cart Lent by Galerie E. Druet 85 Study for “The Cart” 14 G. D’ESPAGNAT 86. Little Garden in Sicily Lent hy Messrs. Durand-Ruel GEORGES DESVALLIERES 87 Sacred Heart Lent hy Galerie E. Druet MAXIME-PIERRE DETHOMAS 88 Yvonne 89 Jeanne JEAN-EMILE DIDIER-TOURNE 90 War EDOUARD DOIGNEAU 91 Guardian of the Camargue JEAN-GABRIEL DOMERGUE 92 The Frog or the Interrupted Toilette GEORGES DUFRENOY 93 Still Life Lent by Galerie E. Druet 94 Parodi Fountain^ Genoa Lent by Galerie E. Druet PAUL-MICHEL DUPUY 95 A Camp of Nomads, Alicante EUGENE-ANTOINE DURENNE 96 Breakfast in the Garden Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel 97 A Child Writing Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel CHARLES DUVENT 98 Boats on the Giudecca Canal, Venice 15 RAOUL DU GARDIER 112 A Summer Morning 16 iMimiui HENRI D’ESTIENNE 99 Arab Girl Carrying Bread HUBERT-DENIS ETCHEVERRY 100 Corner of the Market Place, Granada JULES-ABEL FAIVRE 101 Parisian Girl 102 Girl with a Hat HENRY FARRE 103 Portrait of IVIy Mother ADOLPHE FAUGEROxN 104 Night in Venice ERNEST FILLIARD 105 Dahlias 106 Red Roses FRANCOIS FLAMENG 107 Venetian Fete HENRI FOREAU 108 Funeral of a French Soldier JEAN-LOUIS FOUGEROUSSE 109 Marionnettes; The Attack CHARLES FOUQUERAY 1 10 The Invincible Armada LOUISE GALTIER-BOISSIERE 111 Musical Instruments RAOUL DU GARDIER 1 12 A Summer IVIorning 17 EUGENE HENRI GAUGUIN II2A Landscape, Brittany E. LOUIS GILLOT 1 13 Notre Dame, Paris CHARLES GODEBY 1 14 Autumn Sunlight; Douarnenez, Brittany ALBERT GOSSELIN 1 15 The Bridge, Hulay GEORGES GRIVEAU 1 16 Women at the Bath 1 17 The Church in the Clouds 1 18 The Silver Thread of the Marne Lent by the French Government LUCIEN GRIVEAU 1 19 Cows AT THE Pond; September HENRY GROSJEAN 120 The Lowlands of the Valromey JULES GRUN 12 1 Girl with a Glass of Water CHARLES GUERIN 122 Man with a Gourd Lent by Galerie E. Druet 123 Silver Goblets Lent by Galerie E. Druet 124 The Bouquet Lent by Galerie E. Druet 18 GASTON GUIGNARD 125 Cavalry Maneuvers^ 1808 ALBERT GUILLAUME 126 A Showman’s Speech 127 At Drill HENRI GUILLAUME Water Colors 128 Neptune Fountain, Versailles 129 Versailles 130 Roman Church 13 1 Auvergne 132 Chateau Renaissance 133 Espalon 134 Versailles Vase 135 Peasant House 136 Senlis Farmyard 137 Sunset, Luxembourg, Paris 138 In the Court 139 Entrance to the Palace of Horticulture 140 Netherlands Pavilion 1 41 California Building 142 Palace of Fine Arts 143 The Tower of Jewels 144 Court of the Universe 145 Horticultural Hall 146 California Gardens 147 The Tower of Progress 148 Arch of the Occident 19 GASTON LA TOUCHE 164 Hallali 20 ROGER-GUILLAUME 149 Winter^ Holland ANTOINE GUILLEMET 150 Moonrise Lent by the French Government 151 The Old Mills of Moret OCTAVE GUILLONNET 152 The Peacock Fountain AUGUSTIN HANICOTTE 153 Winter Scene in the Low Countries PAUL HELLEU 154 The Cathedral of Rheims (Before the Bombardment) CHARLES HOFFBAUER 155 Banks of the Nile Lent by M. Knoedler, Paris 156 The Metropolitan Tower at Night Lent by M. Knoedler, Paris PIERRE-GEORGES JEANNIOT 157 Alone 158 The Return of the Fishermen FRANCIS JOURDAIN 159 Verdure Lent by Galerie E. Driiet 160 Still Life Lent by Galerie E. Druet 21 HENRI LEROLLE 173 Rosy Morning 22 ANDREE KARPELES 161 A Fakir of the Jungle PIERRE LAPRADE 162 Still Life Lent by Galerie E. Driiet 163 Oranges Lent by Galerie E. Druet GASTON LA TOUCHE 164 Hallali 165 A Summer Night LOUIS LA VALLEY 166 Portrait Group LOUISE LAVRUT 167 Portrait of Senator Borne FERNAND LE GOUT-GERARD 168 The Pardon of Saint Anne de la Palud, Brittany GEORGES LEPAPE 169 Penelope Water Color 170 Gilles Water Color 171 Fancy Ball Water Color JOSEPH LEPINE 172 Argentat on the Dordogne HENRI LEROLLE 173 Rosy Morning 23 PAUL MADELINE 177 River in Brittany 24 GEORGES-PAUL LEROUX 174 The Lake 175 Luxembourg Garden MAXIMILIEN LUCE 176 Unloading: Quai D’Auteuil PAUL MADELINE 177 River in Brittany 178 The GeneTin Mill DIOGENE MAILLART 179 Domesticity FERNAND MAILLAUD 180 Autumn Landscape, Vallee Noire HENRI MANGUIN 1 81 Girl with Red Slippers 182 Landscape: Cassis-Sur-Mer ALBERT MARQUET 183 The Port of Rotterdam Lent by Galerie E. Druet 184 The Port of Rotterdam Lent by Galerie E. Druet CHARLES MARTIN 185 Beneath the Temple HENRI-JEAN-GUILLAUME MARTIN 186 The Lovers 187 My Portrait ANDRE MARTY 188 The Crinoline Water Color 25 FERNAND MAILLAUD i8o Autumn Landscape, Vallee Noire 26 JACQUELINE-MARIE MARVAL 189 Poppies Lent by Galerie E. Druet 190 Bouquet Lent by Galerie E. Druet AUGUSTE MATISSE 191 The Sea MAXIME MAUFRA 192 Palm Tree Plantation, Sahara Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel MATHURIN MEHEUT 193 On the Beach Water Color Lent by the Luxembourg 194 After the Storm Water Color Lent by the Luxembourg JEAN-LOUIS-ERNEST MEISSONIER 195 Antibes Lent by M. Georges Petit ANTONIN MERCIE 196 Young Parisian Girl FERNAND-ANTONIN MERCIE 197 The Bridge, Toulouse; Moonrise CHARLES MILCENDEAU 198 Washerwomen on the Marne CLAUDE MONET 199 Vetheuil Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel 27 ALEXANDRE NOZAL 200 Clouds; Pool of Saint-Quentin FERDINAND OLIVIER 201 The Old Mirror Lent by the French Government RENE PIOT 202 Flowers 203 Design for a Fresco Pencil Drawing 204 The Forum Water Color AUGUSTE-EMMANUEL POINTELIN 205 A Hillside in the Jura MAURICE REALIER-DUMAS 206 Roman Wall^ Seville ODILON REDON 207 Flowers Lent by M. Joseph Hessel EMILE RENARD 208 Evening PAUL RENAUDOT 209 The Red Jacket 210 The Red Peignoir PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR 21 1 A Garden^ Rue Cortot Lent by Messrs. Durand-Ruel 28 ALFRED-PHILIPPE ROLL 212 A Summer’s Day 213 Fighting Horses 214 In Belgium 215 Woman and Child 216 Self-Portrait KERN-XAVIER ROUSSEL 217 Eurydice Stung by the Serpent Lent by M. Joseph Hessel 218 Idyll Lent by M. Joseph Hessel 219 Spring Lent by Messrs. Bernheim DANIEL SAUBES 220 The Viaticum PAUL SIGNAC 221 Venice; Sails Lent by Messrs. Bernheim 222 La Rochelle: The Channel Water Color Lent by Messrs. Bernheim LUCIEN SIMON 223 The Bath Lent by Messrs. Bernheim 224 The Gondola Gouache Lent by Messrs. Bernheim JEANNE LUCIEN SIMON 225 Sainte Tranquilline Water Color OLGA SLOM 226 Gulf of Porto, Corsica Water Color 29 ALFRED SMITH 227 The Creuse in Winter 228 Creuse: A Winter Sun GEORGES-FRANCOIS SOUILLET 229 The Fete of Pallio, Sienna, July 2, 1913 EDMOND SUAU 230 The Cup of Tea 231 Still Life FRANCOIS THEVENET 232 Dressing; Little “Rats” of the Opera JEANNE-HENRIETTE TIRMAN 233 The Little Ardennaise HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC 234 Woman at Her Toilet Water Color FELIX VALLOTON 235 Reading Lent by the Galerie E. Druet 236 Painters Lent by the Galerie E. Druet EDOUARD VUILLARD 237 Woman in a Wood Lent by M. Joseph Hessel 238 The Lawn Lent by Messrs. Bernheim HENRY DE WAROQUIER 239 Lily HENRI ZO 240 The Patio 30 PRINTS EUGENE BEJOT 241 The Sully Bridge Etching 242 Rouen Etching 243 Saint-Bernard Bridge Etching JACQUES BELTRAND 244 The Deer Park Wood Engraving 245 Landscape with Rabbits Wood Engraving JACQUES-PIERRE-VICTOR BEURDELEY 246 Landscapes Etchings BERNARD BOUTET de MONVEL 247 The Return from the Market Color Engraving JEAN-LOUIS BREMOND 248 The Cloud Etching 249 Under the Pines; Cliffs at Caux Etching ALFRED-JEAN MARIE BROQUELET 250 The Pond After Corot Lithograph LOUIS-ALFRED BRUxNET-DEBAINES 251 The Ponds, Ville D’Avray After Corot Etching LOUIS BUSIERE 252 The Madonna of Saint Jerome After Correggio Steel Engraving AIME-EDMOND DALLEMAGNE 253 The Rue Malpalu, Rouen Etching 31 ANDRE DAUCHEZ 254 Route de la Palud Etching 255 Chapel of Saint Guido Etching PIERRE GUSMAN 256 A Frame Containing Three Original Woodcuts In Camay eu CHARLES-JEAN HALLO 257 Ironclad in Action Etching 258 The Wings at the Opera Etching FREDERIC-AUGUSTE LAGUILLERMIE 259 September Morn After Chabas Dry Point GASTON DE LATENAY 260 The Pond Etching GUSTAVE LEHEUTRE 261 The Sluice of the New Canal at Troyes Etching 262 Cottages at Saint Andre Etching GEORGES LE MEILLEUR 263 The Cathedral of Rouen Etching 264 The Road to Frequienne Etching ALEXANDRE LUNOIS 265 Moorish Dancers Lithograph ACHILLE OUVRE 266 Portrait of J. H. Rosny the Elder Color Engraving GEORGES PROFIT 267 Portrait of Madame de Pompadour After Boucher Etching 32 SCULPTURE ALBERT BARTHOLOME 268 Mourner: Study for His “Monument TO THE Dead” 269 At the Water’s Edge 270 The Awakening JOSEPH BERNARD 271 Girl with Water Jar HENRI BOUCHARD 272 Woman Nursing a Child EMILE BOURDELLE 273 Beethoven ANTONIN CARLES 274 Field Flower FERNAND DAVID 275 The Violinist LOUIS DEJEAN 276 Woman Seated JULES DESBOIS 277 Winter GEORGES GARDET 278 Sleeping Tiger JEAN-BOUCHER 279 Fra Angelico 33 GUSTAVE LAMBERT 280 Intaglios: Eleven Engraved Gems and Replicas RAOUL LAMOURDEDIEU 281 The Needle PAUL-MAXIMILIEN LANDOWSKI 282 Dancer with a Serpent ALPHONSE LEGROS 283 Torso of a Young Girl Lent by the Luxembourg ALBERT MARQUE 284 Recumbent Woman Nursing Child 285 Child Awakening MARIUS-JEAN-ANTONIN MERCIE 286 Michael-Angelo EDOUARD FELICIEN-EUGENE NAVELLIER 287 Alzonne HENRI PERNOT 288 Their Sunday; Zeebrugge^ Belgium PIERRE ROCHE 289 Loie Fuller 34 AUGUSTE RODIN Lent by the Luxembourg 290 Falguiere 291 Severed Head of John the Baptist 292 Eugene Guillaume 293 Alphonse Legros ALFRED-PHILIPPE ROLL 294 Flemish Girl YVONNE SERRUYS 295 Dancer with a Veil 296 Woman with a Cup JEAN TARRIT 297 The Road to Fez 35 HERMAN RICHIR 316 The Red Shawl 36 PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS AND ETCHINGS BY BELGIAN ARTISTS ALBERT BAERTSOEN 298 Mining Country Under Snow, Liege HENRI CASSIERS 299 The River at Edam 300 The Belfry 301 A Summer Day at Volendam Lent by M. Georges Petit FRANTZ CHARLET 302 Dressing Baby VICTOR GILSOUL 303 Evening in Antwerp 304 Dunes at Nieuport 305 The Grand Place, Brussels 306 Corner in a Beguinage 307 View from the Artist’s Studio in Brussels 308 Evening, Beaulieu MODEST IIUYS 309 The Market at Audenaerde CAMILLE-NICHOLAS LAMBERT 310 Twilight at Sea 37 ALEXANDRE MARCETTE 31 1 Fishing-Boats; Night Scene 312 Storm in the Dunes^ Nieuport Lent by Messrs. Chaine & Simonson 313 Fishing Boat in Nieuport Channel ISIDORE OPSOMER 314 Church of the Beguinage^ Lierre Color Etching PIERRE PAULUS 315 Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London HERMAN RICHIR 316 The Red Shawl 317 Looking Backward ALICE RONNER 318 Gillyflowers THEODORE VAN RYSSELBERGHE 319 The Path of Ste-Brelade^ Jersey 320 Fountain in the Garden of the Generalife, Granada 321 Garden of the Generalife, Granada 38 ► ■ £ , f f.- I -‘v / V ■‘is - ‘tJ "t? -H ’ 1 ’-1 1 i "j y GUIDE TO INSTALLATIONS CURRENT SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS An Exhibition of Portraits by American Artists galleries 18 and 19 An Exhibition of Works by French and Belgian Artists galleries 20, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 and 32 OTHER COLLECTIONS Recent Acquisitions gallery 1 Paintings, recent acquisitions, chiefly in galleries 2 and 3 Paintings belonging to the W. K. Bixby American Art Acquisition Fund Collection gallery 15 Paintings also in galleries 1, 14, 16, 20, 22 and 23 Print Collection: Etchings, Engravings, Lithographs, Arundel and other prints second floor, south galleries Greek Sculpture galleries 17 and 24 Roman and Renaissance Sculpture gallery 8 and northwest alcove of central sculpture hall. Antique Bronzes installed decoratively in various galleries Modern Sculpture principally in central sculpture hall Modern Bronzes gallery 28 Medallions, in cases second floor, west gallery Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, including sculpture — basement, east galleries Copper Plates, Coins, Medallions, lent by Mr. J. M. Wulfing — second floor, west gallery Metal Work, chiefly in gallery 29 Pottery, chiefly in gallery 13 also in galleries 10, 11 and 22 Ceramics by M. Taxile Doat, in gallery 12 Glass galleries 13 and 23 St. Elizabeth Mosaics (presented by Adolphus Busch, 1905) — central sculpture hall Fabrics, etc., chiefly in alcove H and gallery 13 also in Indian and other collections. Examples of wood carving gallery 21 American Indian Handiwork, Dyer Collection basement, east galleries Ezra H. Linley Collection gallery 22 Japanese and Chinese Art, chiefly in galleries 10 and 11 GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01045 1017 T he city art museum IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. OPENING AT TEN A. M. CLOSING AT FIVE P. M. . . . The Special Exhibition Catalogues of the City Art Museum may be subscribed for by the Year at a nominal price of One Dollar, which should be sent to the Secretary, with the mailing address of the subscriber. The Illustrated Bulletin of the City Art Museum will be mailed to any address at the subscription price of fifty cents a year. It supplies information as to coming exhibitions and other activities.