fe£v.'rt!'<- vy.' B'U'l” A CATALOGUE OF Ap*' ‘ 255 THE EERY CHOICE AND EXTREMELY PRECIOUS CABINET LoCl- 0 C^Tcffg of iTlcmi'!^® anti ©ntcfi ^ ^ PICTURES, ^OME OF WHICH WERE PURCHASED IN THE S\LE OF THE FAMOUS HOLDERNESSl COLLECTION, AND FROM OTHER DISTINGUISHED CABINETS; THE PROPERTY OF JOHN DENT, Esq., Deceased, And removed from his late Residence in Hertford Street, May Fair ; AMONG THEM ARE A Jii>ble Landscape by Hobbema, of his finest time and manner, from the Collection of Sir Ueo. Yong'e, Bart. ; an Interior by A. Ostade, from that of M. De Calonne ; an Exterior by D. Teniers ; a Conversation, with Still Life, by W. Mieris; a rare Specimen by Sling'c- laudt; and a Frost Piece by Schweickhardt, painted expressly for the late Earl of Holder- nesse ; AND PAR 10 US BIJOUX BY A. DURER PATEL ROTENHAEMER BREUGHEL P. XEEFS STEENWYCK REMBRANDT G. DOW DE MONI HOREMANS WYNANTS V. DER HEYDE ZACHTLEYEN S. RUYSDAEL PEETERS LE DUC BREDAEL ZEEMAN HONDIKOETER SWANEVELDT TREVISANI NOGARI CANALEl’TI G. OCCHIALI ALSO, AN ORIGINAL PORTRAIT of Mr. PITT, by HOPPNER ; AND A SMALL ORIGINAL STUDY BY HOGARTH ; WITH A FEW ITALIAN AND FRENCH BRONZES ; Which (By order of the Executors,) TOfli fit ^oia fig auttfon, BY MR. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, NO. 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, APRIL the 28th, 1827, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had at Mr. Christik’^^ Office, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square. 3';12 CONDITIONS OF SALE. L THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot in dispute shall be immediately put up and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.— Above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. IIL The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of Payment of the Purchase-Money, if required, in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Four Days from the Sale. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot on any account can be removed during the time of Sale ; and the money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the defi- ciency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the De- faulter at this Sale^ A CATALOGUE, &c. SATURDAY, APRIL the 28th, 1827, .r, /f. / 1 ^ y/^^Wouvermans ^ ^ Lauri /- /A ^'erboom ^iNIonamy .... ^)itto t-^Fabris J /:/0. Franks 9 /, y^./^lonainy 10 Oitto 1 1 n /o /snooker 12 13 AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. A SMALL upright Landscape and River Scene, with a Figure and Com's, (style of Berghein,) and a modern small Landscape, with a Canal or River Cavaliers mounting at the door of a Cabaret A Hermit with a Book ; — a pleasing high- finished copy The Bath of Diana; small Figures, extremely elegant A small Wood Scene with Figures A Calm, with a Ship saluting A Harbour Scene, with Buildings A River Scene View in the South of France, with a Ferry Boat and Figures A Wedding (subject from a pastoral romance), witli many Figures ; the Landscape by Breughel A Harbour with Vessels, Figures, and Buildings ; warm sun- set, in the manner of Vernet A small Sea-Port, moon-light, with Fishermen in the front ground ’ Part of Pevensey Castle, Sussex. View of the Strand Gate, Winchelsea, Sussex / / J. /J Ostade 14 15 16 ,y. 1‘. l* Molyii J..t /’PoMs ^Caiialctti 17 7 ^ 7 Z'? A Frost Piece, with Figures on the Ice Figures by a road side, in a Landscape with a Cottage Ruins and Figures, with Trees and Water in the dis- tance ; — in the manner of S. Rosa View of the Quay of St. Mark, at Venice, with the Palace of the Doge towai'ds the Water, with Figures View of a Village during the time of a Fair, with many Figures merry-making, and the Seigneur and his Lady witnessing the rural Sports : — very pleasingly and neatly finished View of Lancaster, the Church and Castle, vvith a Ship on the stocks, and various Figures View of St. Augustine’s Gate, Canterbury, with Figures; painted in a 'clear and pleasing tone View of the Gate of All-Souls’ College, and other buildings in the High Street at Oxford, with Figures ; — the companion ■ i'l Heideloff 22 Interior of the Opera House during a performance, with numerous Figures; — a drawing in water colours The Triumph of Bacchus, with various Figures ; a fine Italian drawing, in black chalk, framed and glazed Brecklencamp... /'' Ibbetson 18 19 y Rooker 20 Ditto 21 23 BRONZES. 2, 2.^'^ 24 Four. Mercury, small, on a gilt pedestal ; a dancing Figure with Cymbals ; a Goat on a plinth of statuary ; and a small Figure of a Lion devouring the head of an animal A small sitting Figure of Vishnu playing on the Vina ; a small ditto of Buddha ; one Egyptian of very low time, of rosso, on a grey mar- ble pedestal ; a small Figure of a Fish ; and ditto of a Chimsera,. on black marble plinths 5 2. /- 2-x J // 7^9 , 7 /. /m \ ,2//). /^/’SS £ /? ^ 4^39 ?2J. 2m S./2.2^\ ^ /<^4S A Satyr kneeling ; a female ditto 5 and a sleeping figure, in terra cotta, on a pedestal of Derbyshire spar The Mercury of G. di Bologna, on a pedestal of green variegated marble, mounted, with or-moulu ; and a pair, the Apollo of the Capitol, and Venus Callipyga, on statuary, ditto A small bronze bust of Homer A Female Figure, allegorical of Architecture, reclining, the Wolf of the Capitol, and a Bull, on oval bronze pedestals A Female Figure of Silence, and a Priestess sacrificing, on triple plinths of black /nai^le, a aair ✓ Two. S criiurn wiw wy Chil y , and'a Female Figure with a Cup and a Vase, Italian . A small Bust of Bacchus Nyctelius, antique ; a Lioness, very small ; and a ditto Pelican devouring a Fish A Bull from the antique, and two different Figures of Venus after bathing An Italian Peasant bearing a load on his back ; and a pointer Dog on a pedestal mounted with or-moulu Two. A dancing Nymph with Cymbals ; and Mercury Two. Bacchus, and a marine Venus with a Lobster Two. Ganymede Avith the Eagle ; and Hymen Two. Antinous ; and the Venus de Medici Three. Mercury, from G. di Bologna ; Neptune, ditto ; and a figure of Orpheus, on a plinth of statuary A pair of groups, Hercules and Antaeus, and Hercules and the Nemean Lion Neptune, from G. di Bologna ; on a pedestal of griotta A pair of male Wrestlers ; and the companion group, a pair of female ditto A pair of Centaurs 6 /? , ^ Breughel 44 r /. ^ V. Goyen 45 L. V, Leyden ... 46 (Fabris 47 /s./jiA ( Ditto 48 Feuquieres 49 y l) Zeeman 50 /S.4. / Ditto 51 Hogarth 52 Marlow 53 7 7/ A- 7 /pj- /- .Sir A. More ... 54 Rooker 55 Hondikoeter ... 56 G, Occhiali ...... 57 PICTURES. A very small River Scene, with figures, and a ditto, by Ferg A small Landscape and Figures A set of the Four Evangelists writing the Gospel ; in four small cabinet pictures \ — with arched tops engraved A View of a part of the City of Naples, and the Quay, the Bay, and Vesuvius in the distance A View of the Mole at Naples, the inner harbour crowded with shipping, and numerous minute figures A Chateau in a Lake frozen over, with many figures on the Ice, and a f4te champ4tre in the environs of a Chateau ; — a pair, small A Harbour Scene, with vessels and boats at anchor or in movement, and fishermen in their boats hauling their nets The Companion Picture A Young Woman Singing, and accompanying herself upon the hurdy-gurdy ; — painted with great truth and spirit A View of Florence, crowning the bank of the Arno, which is gliding in a transparent stream, with boats and lighters navigating it, and figures Portrait of Queen Mary, the wife of Philip A View of Temple Bar, with figures A Cock, and domestic Poultry, in a landscape ; — finely painted A View of Florence, the celebrated Bridge of Santa / / ? J? C. Dolce 58 VfZ 3 XParmegiano...... 59 ^ ^ Albatio 60 8* ^ ^ ^Braiiwer 62 y. 'J. an Os 63 y ^Ruben’s School . 64 • /"fechvveickhardt .. 65 Neefs 66 Horremans 67 W/a Ditto 68 a/i(^ Schweickhardt.. 69 Nogari 70 /^Carr^ 71 y Steen vvyck 72 Trinita, and the Arno ; — painted with clear and pleasing effect Head of St. Peter Glaucus and Scylla Salmacis and Hermaphroditus ; — oval, very elegant Bacchanalians in a Landscape An Interior, with a group of smokers A River Scene, with cottages, boats, and figures The Saviour in Glory, judging in the Last Day ; — a spirited sketch, with numerous figures A Landscape, with a road and river scene Interior of a Church in Flanders, with small figures ; minutely and very neatly pencilled ; from the collection of Lady Holdernesse A Village School; a school-master within the in- closure of his desk, surrounded by four pupils, one of whom is discharging his school account, by a lapful of eggs, which he is presenting; — highly finished A School-mistress, with an uplifted rod, enforcing her instruction to a party of young female pupils, assembled round her, and employed with the lace pillow, or reading ; — the companion Picture A River Scene, by moonlight ; a village on the fur- ther bank, and fishermen landing from a boat on the front-ground Head of a Child, with a pear in its hand ; — coloured with rich effect, and agreably finished A Landscape and Cattle, with a road Avinding On the left of a river, where figures are reposing Interior of a Church, wdth figures ; in solemn evening tone, very neatly finished. A little beautiful bit, from the Holderness Collection ? J " 8 // Le Due 73 Trevisani. 74 ^ y P Rotenhaemer ... 73 ^ //J , S. Ruysdael 76 ^2. X ^ Breughel 77 (} Ditto 78 X 2 , Rembrandt.... .. 79 ^2^ X ^ Vosterman .... /7 DitfcA .......... .. 81 V-/ Sampson sleeping in the lap of Dalilah, while the Philistines are cutting off the lock of hair. The rich colour of the draperies, and that of the ar- mour of a soldier kneeling on the front-ground, form a union of great warmth and richness ; it is exquisitely finished A half-figure of a Young Female, with a pair of Com- passes, the right arm elevated, and one hand resting on a bust ; — allegorical of sculpture The Cyclops furnishing Armour, at the request of Venus, attended by the Graces. The female figures are treated with a Venetian freshness of colour, and pleasingly contrasted with the deep>er tone of the Cyclops at the forge A Landscape, Forest Scene ; a bank, crowned by a clump of trees on the left, with a cow and one figure. The view is enlivened by a very brilliant sky A small Romantic Landscape with buildings, and figures passing a rustic wooden bridge, thrown aci’oss a torrent. . From the Collection of Lady Holdernesse A Landscape, with figures on horseback advancing through a wood, where they salute a water party landing on a river bank. From the same Collec- tion ^ A Man with a Book, writing by the reflected light of a lamp ; — in his high-finished manner A View of the Rhine, in its oblique descent between two ranges of mountains, with buildings and market figures on the bank j— -very highly finished, from the Collection of the late Lady Holdernesse Romantic Mountain Scenery, with a town on the 9 Rhine at the base: boats and figures near the front-ground ; — the companion Picture 82 A Man seated at a Table, within the opening of a window, with a glass of liquor in his hand, and shrimps upon a table before him ; a female do- mestic, with her back turned, appears behind 83 A Field of Battle, with a combat of cavalry covering an attack upon a fortified town or lines in the distance ; — spirited, and highly-finished 84 The Companion 85 A River Scene, with a yacht saluting, upon being ap- proached by a state barge ; shallops moored in the front, where a boat, with several figures, is putting off ; — a very surprising Picture, and very richly coloured; from the , Collection of the late Lady Holdernesse / 86 Buildings and Wood on the bank of a River, on which are boats, and fishermen hauling their net ; from the same 87 Market Waggons and Figures upon a road through a Village, with a wind-mill ; — highly- finished 88 An Old Woman in Prayer, her hands clasped, and rest- ing upon a book, which is open before her : some utensils near her; — the whole admirably finished 89 A pair of small upright Views of the Rhine : a bird’s- eye view ; highly- finished. From the Holdernesse Collection 2^'' 90 A Forest Scene, with cattle advancing upon a wind- ing road ; a peasant resting beside it — a beautiful distance. The view is warmed by an evening sun, — fron> the Collection of the late Sir G. Yonge, Bt. 91 A Trumpeter, his left arm resting upon a stone balus- trade on the descent to the garden of a palace, C 10 tX X ^ Breughel .. 92 V. der Heyde ... 93 4X/. ^ GrifFier 94 Slingelandt 95 D. TENIERS ... 96 // / ^ Patel 97 Wm. MIERIS... 98 is blowing his trumpet. An exquisitely- finished specimen View of a Village on the bank of a River, where a post-waggon is arrived, with figures who are bargaining with boatmen Interior View of a Town in Holland, with a religious procession ; — touched with minuteness and de- licacy, and illumined with a clear day-light. The figures by A. V. de Velde. Fron^^e Collection of the late Lady Holdernesse A magnificent View of the Rhine, with a range of hills in the distance ; a castle crowning a fine site, buildings, and a cabaret with figures regaling in the front-ground ; — exquisitely finished ; from the Holder ness Collection A Pilgrim reposing under an Arcade of the Colos- seum, with his hat in one hand, and a staff in the other ; his left arm rests upon a basket ; — the co- louring warm, and the finishing elaborate EXTERIOR of a FARM HOUSE, with a woman looking out at the door. The farmer, with his dog on the left, is setting off to his work, leaving his wife at her spinning-wheel, with poultry feeding at her feet — vegetables and utensils on the right, in front — a village seen in the distance. The touch very neat and spirited — the tone fine. and silvery A Ruined Temple, with fragments of sculpture near a wooded knoll — a river and a bridge beyond — cattle are driven in the half-distance — ^a hawking party mounted, occupy the front- ground The celebrated Picture known by the name of “ The Cat .” — A FISHMONGER, with a basket flung over his shoulder, offering fish for sale to a kitchen- maid at an arched opening, which admits a view 11 into the interior of a kitchen; while before the fe- male, and under her hand, are poultry, fish, and vegetables A marble pannel beneath the opening is em- bellished with a bas-relief of IVitons and Sea- Nymphs, executed with great taste and delicacy ; a tortoise-shell cat in the front, below, is eyeing the poultry with eagerness, as if about to spring up to the object of its longing ; — an elaborate and Scii^i'eickhardt. beautiful chef d’ceuvrc . 09 View of a River in Holland, frozen over, with va- rious figures skating ; a village and farm-build- ings on the left bank ; — the colour rich and OSTADE ... agreable, and beautifully finished This Picture was painted by Schweickhardt, expressly for the late Earl of Holdernesse 100 INTERIOR of a FARM HOUSE, with many figures merrymaking, and a man and woman dancing in the midst of the happy group, who are looking- on ; one of these, mounted upon a bench, is play- ing on the violin ; two children on the ground are appropriately represented amusing them- selves, the boy with his dog, a girl with a doll. A sweet bit of landscape appears through the open- ing of a door behind y/,/9. HOBDEMA ... Thisf Picttire, which may rank among the finest of the 31aster, for character, spirit, and rich har- mony of colour, teas formerly in the Colfeption of MOySIE UR de CAL ONNE. Jf(f f 101 A WOOD SCENE, with COITAGES and FIGURES, a brilliant chef d’oeuvre of this delightful pour- trayer of wild and rustic nature The nearer objects in the scene, are a winding' road on the left, brought down between a wooded 12 //2uK hoppner < 2/ y^. ^ Swaneveldt 102 103 hedge- bank, and a group of trees, the feathered branches of which overhang the center of the forest scene, and give a brilliant effect to a gleam of light which darts across the half distance, and there lights up a cottage with figures, and other rustic buildings, which fade away in a beautiful perspective ; a glassy pool, through which figures are wading, in the front-ground, reflects a variety of lively tints. Every part displays a very su- perior taste in the design, with a looseness and freedom of touch, rarely if ever surpassed in the best works of this Master ^ This chef d'ceuvre was formerly in the Collec- ^ tion of the late SIR GEO. YONGE, BART. 'I AN ORIGINAL PORTRAIT of the RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT A grand upright Landscape, with Roman ruins en- veloped in wood, and figures in the front-ground, upon the rocky bank of a river ; designed to re- present Philip baptizing the Eunuch. The dis- tance glows with a sultry evening sun FINIS. t y I I iP^^H9iliw^SillQ^B»«BH^^^^^HAuK^^^I^I m&mm B5& Wm t*: '*£