CATALOGUE 33 . OF A COLLECTION OF \m 7 CdCUG- Objects of Art, and DECORATIVE FURNITURE, OLD GOLD AND SILVER COINS, LACE, 8 lq * THE PROPERTY OF A LADY, DECEASED »' CGxofiiow > Ajiss> J which (by Order of the Executors) Mill be ^olb bn Ruction bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON A WOODS, AT T«1B ©.BEAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897, .A.ND FOLLOWING DAY, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two ' Days preceding, and Catalogues had, c Messrs. Christie, Man^on and Wood’s Offices, 8 King Street, 0 James’s Square, S. W. | ^» 'C o~o~^CS 4-2- . Q3. /O4- ■ /j>~/ . /A> e t /t¥~. 2 3 . 2 6 3. /oo / / & Y tjfY /£+ Q , b. SbTo . /£&. 5Vy 2 . £> 2o. %.% . 2 b - 3 o . 3 /. 4.0 ^ 2 - . 1 / « / £-<3. 4fP\ -4^?. ^5"4 4 - ^o. £-7/./?£T■ /?• 9 3 -9^ 9 S’- /OS'. 7/ 4 ^ -. //^' */ / / / (Ux. /3 6 ~ /SS • /£> ^-. 74- 3. /&/. /S-UZ^ZZ^ I 3. u~. / 2 _. /¥-■ 2 3 . 2.V-.2?. 32 . 36 . 6 ^ 3 . 47 . 3-/. 5'5'. <5^. <^k ^ 5"— 2 /&o. . ///. foe. /ZS. /2f. /3v~. 73 /. /«£.£». 75 * 0 . /5z . /£ 2 . . /£ g- I 2 /o . / 2- ■ - <9 .23 . ZS'- 32. .3S~. aC.^’z. ./> . tS. ///. /s fr. /3o S34- . 23 r. / 3 c? /Scz . /6 6. /sr. 2 . c. /& ■ ZT■ 4-/ ^3 . S<=> . 6 3. So. F3. Q 7 , /oo. S/o_ /Z3. /ty- / • / $ *£> /b 3. / £ & • /oo. /£*Z. Ly . •- “2 $■. ^ 3 . /p~o. 3. ¥-■ / 2-i /y- . . 2 3 . 2.LJ-- 2^.z9. 3&. ^ 3 . 4 ^ 7 ; 6~o. S/. S2. ,5~S- dt> .£?>. Is. ^7-7' z / 7V-•^ 2 - -• ff’-fv-■'/ s /oo. /oS. /so - ///. ^ //r /2 o /2S. /Zlr. /3o. /fy-o , / 4 ui+-. /So, /ssi /St. /s/ /s. (ht /. 3 15. 2 j 3 3.3//~. 37. 3_£_ . 3y.9~o / / ^oyiaxx //cnsdi. / - 4 *. 5~, u S-. 4-9- 3~o S3. S3 TV. 7 /3ecvi>tt / . J p'. S8~. S9. 9a. . 9v , ^P, bQ.7o .73 . ' 7 /W 7 / 7"9 . . . 9 , Q^- V/' V9 .9 3 . 7 fcaeaU***~./ / ??-. /o/: /fas * , /^. //£ - (/J. , / * , ^ uT,Clc, SAl t 99' £2J.. CL2. /zr/2o . riu *™'""" ■■- ji -^- / jd— /££. /££. /9? . /TV. ^^-•'' T^T/'C /. fWw » ^ 3 . /£/-/, /t>o. / $ 3 . & . 1 , T. /O. /2..Z /£. /Q . 2 3. 2 4^.^ * 52 . .3S. 3b. 4Ld>.yr. dV- ■ &>- Ls. ^7'Z' 2 - 7 ^ '7/'^^ ■ ^^'7^ 7 6 " : /c>£>. /<3 5~. ///. //^ • /to, /Z5~. /2P. OucA 7? y 1. . S3o. /33 /3T. /<+<=>. /6~o / 3 ~/ . //^- /if- . 32 . . 3~S. 6~&. /o£ /// /3y-- ^UiCCcx.^3 3 . . 23 . /o o / 2 7 » ///. //r. /J^. xt-o. /tro. /sr /$ /<£>. 'O^L^-S Ct-Ji i S. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. i IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. GOLD COINS. * 1 Forty-Franc Piece, Napoleon I., 1810; four Twenty-Franc Piepes, various dates ; and four small Portuguese Coins ,2 Five Twenty-Franc Pieces, various; Ten-Franc Pieces (2); Five- Franc Piece; Portuguese Coin, 1722 ; Dutch Ducat, 1814 ; and , a small Turkish Coin 11 > • 3 Proof Sovereign and Half-Sovereign, George IV., 1821 ; ordinary Sovereigns (2), George IY. and William IY.; Seven-Shilling t . Piece, 1804; and two Quarter-Guineas, 1718— some rare 7 SILVER COINS. 4 Crowns (2) of William and Mary and George IV.; Half-Crowns (4) of William and Mary and George III. ; Shillings (20) of various reigns; Sixpences (12), various; Groat of Henry VI.; and Pennies (2) of Edward I. and Edward III. 41 5 Proof Crown, Half-Crown and Sixpence of George IV., 1821, in cases —very fine, and scarce 3 K B 2 4 S'' /* //'/* ? (p * t 0 *f~~ * Ch^O J ' / 0 ,o 0 6 Bank Dollars (2) of 1804; Tokens (2) for four Shillings, Bath 1811; others (3) for Three Shillings, 1811; Half-Crown Token Gloucester; Two-Shilling Tokens (2) of Bath; Eighteen-Penn; Tokens (6), Preston, Beading, Bank of England, , 7 Bath Token, Four Shillings; another, 1811, for Three Shillings' Half-Crown Tokens (2), Sheffield, 1812, and Newcastle-on Tyne, 1811 ; Two-Shilling Token, Frome, 1812 ; Eighteen Penny Tokens (2), 1811 ; Shilling Tokens (30) of various town? chiefly of the years 1811 and 1812 —mostly fine, and^cai^ 3> 9 8 Shilling Tokens (59) of various towns and tradesmen, 1&L1 an ; 1812 —in fine 'preservation ub 9 A similar lot „ 5 10 Sixpenny Tokens (28) of various towns; and Maundy Coins from Charles II. to George IY. 11 Foreign Five-Franc Pieces and smaller Coins, including a Drachm c Calymna and a few other Greek Coins— some false 12 A similar lot, including three Waterloo Bridge Medals— some fin!'. others of base metal M 13 Medals. Egypt, 1801; Queen’s German Kegiment {rare) Duke tO 3 A Fluted Tazza, carved from a fine single block of jasper, and mounted with stem, foot and lions’ masks of or-molu 7 4 A Peruvian casket, of tortoiseshell, inlaid with birds and arabesques of engraved mother-o’-pearl, curiously painted with flowers, &c. inside 5 A Louis XV. crystal scent bottle, with gold cage mount chased with figures and vine foliage 6 An oval-shaped ivory scent bottle, carved with amorini, &c. in high relief 7 A small agate bonbonniere, formed as a casket 8 An oval box, of Tonquin bronze, with gilt Chinese buildings and foliage in relief / 9 Six Louis XYI. metal-gilt snuff-boxes, of varied form and decoration A? 0 A large square granite paper weight, with bronze handle;-and an * a~ oblong ditto /A 1 A pair of cut-steel scissors ; a steel key, engraved with scrolls'; two clasp knives, with metal handles, chequer pattern ; a knife and fork, with silver handles ; and one fork, and two handles formed of buck-horn 9 2 A bronze plaquette, of St. John the Baptist; a circular ditto, of The Last Supper; two Russian icons; four other plaquettes ; two crucifixes ; three antique rings; three keys ; and two other pieces 18 » 3 An ebony frame, containing two electrotype plaques and three other small pieces of metal work; and two opening frames, on mounted in ebony 1 A pair of oval gilt frames, containing silhouettes 1a A Tall Cup and Cover, of ivory, boldly carved with river gods * and naiads in the style of Fiammingo, and mounted with Jhr~ " f,*£L 1b Two Italian oblong sculptured marble plaques, in oak frames^ a small ditto ; and one, unframed is ^ ; - silver-gilt PORCELAIN. /'/'& 55 ^ 56 tfr y , 6 57 AS JL,0 58 A Chelsea group of a river god and dolphin A pair of small Chelsea figures of a shepherd and shepherdess < ^ r A figure of Fame ; two small figures XttA&ts, A pair of Bow white basket-pattern bowls and covers, with foliage i relief, supported by boys Three octagonal Chelsea plates, painted with flowers X/ Twenty Salopian plates and a dish, with basket borders ancfflower in blue A pair of two-handled blue, white and gold bulb stands, of Chambei Iain’s Worcester Thirteen small porcelain trays, of different designs —bought c Queen Charlottes sale, 1819 DRESDEN PORCELAIN. /> /. 63 X. 64 J /^f *° 65 /J . 91 A round dish, with lotos and other flowers and foliage 92 Another, with a sham fight, with border of trellis and an landscapes / / 93 Another, with star-shaped medallion in the centre, and Towers a 1 ornaments in brilliant green and other colours 94 A pair of circular flat bowls, enamelled with flowers ; thn enamelled plates ; and a square vase and cover 95 A small globular crackle vase, mounted with or-molu ; a gr crackle bottle, with bronzed band and handles, mounted tjoi metal-gilt; a grey crackle bottle; and a leaf-shaped tray c/ 9G A pair of fluted green crackle two-handled vases, with or-m( mounts oorT-''iZ&s- ' 96a A small fluted tea-pot; and four other pieces (3 ^^*"* &/* 97 7 /- , 98 /6/. 99 M ioo FAIENCE. 4* /y. ioi <* 102 • & 103 A pair of Etruscan ware ewers, with figures, horses, &c. — mj t An oval-shaped ditto, with figures and a deer A small antique Greek glass ewer —from the Piraeus A small Abruzzo ware plate, painted with a landscape ; one, wii a man’s head; an oval two-handled cup ; and two rou plaques, with coloured portraits of Louis XYI. and Ma.:. Antoinette in relief sf- A small gres-de-Flandres jug, with raised ornament A canette, of terre-de-pipe, with coat-of-arms, figures and inscri tion, dated 1595 A larger ditto, with arms and arabesques ^ 11 DELFT WARE. A A blue and white vase, with flowers in the style of old Nankin 1)5 Two shield-shaped blue and white plaques, with Dutch views ^.apd one, with Chinese decoration )6 A bowl, with flowers and ornaments ; and a jug, with a f landscape )7 A blue and white bell, with inscription inside 18 A blue and white fluted jug, with metal-gilt top )9 A fluted square bottle, with animals, birds and foliage .0 A benetier, with angels in relief; a blue and white plaque, with ^ lovers; one, with a landscape; and a candlestick ^ 1 A dish, with fluted border, and Chinese subjects and flowers in com¬ partments ; a smaller blue and white dish ; and a shield-shaped Jty- plaque, with view of a palace .2 Ten Leeds-ware circular open baskets and eleven plates; and one, in glazed frame 3 A Wedgwood cabaret, consisting of oval plateau, sugar-basin, tea-pot and covers, muffin-dish and cover, and jug, painted with flowers .4 A circular plaque, of black Wedgwood, with a Bacchante and .. Centaur in relief ,/V 5 A pale blue Wedgwood plate, with the Infant Academy; an oval ditto tray; and a Worcester tea-pot and milk-jug, with leaves in gold 6 A black ware two-handled bulb stand, painted with foliage 7 Two red ware tea-pots and covers; a jug, with Bacchanalian subjects in black ; a lamp ; and four other pieces •8 A black and white sucrier and cover 9 A pair of large seaux, with landscapes in blue and white ;^pnd an oval earthenware bowl 12 /sf* //-, C'1—a /< / , O 120 A Wedgwood double cup; two partly fluted cups; and nine oth P ieces 121 A large gilt cup and saucer, by Dercbe; an ecuelle, coveraM stan with birds ; and other pieces /O+l 122 A pair of coloured earthenware jugs, with figures in relief and bottle GLASS. /fc 123 A large square-shaped decanter, two square engraved tattles; and y tumbler 121 Six tall goblets, engraved with subjects, coats-of-arms, &c. 125 A pair of spirally fluted glass horns ; three glasses withspiraj whi lines ; and six other pieces /'/*/ 0 & 126 Ten specimens of cut and gilt glass m j C? A large °f g reen glass, on foot with bosses ' ' f 1 128 A large engraved drinking-cup; one, enamelled in colours ; and foil other specimens METAL WORK. / /?. o /.<£.<> /. / . * /- /<*.» / •/&. a 129 A pair of Louis XYI. metal-gilt wall lights, with branches f three lights each, chased with foliage, and surmounted by vaset 130 A pair of ditto, with branches for two lights each 131 An oval metal-gilt sconce, with fruit and flowers in relief! ai branches for three lights /J/fa 132 A tall brass candelabrum for three lights 133 A pair of Louis XIV. or-molu table candlesticks ; and a pair of Lou XV. ditto 1 .j 4 Two or-molu wall lights, with two branches; and two table candl sticks ts 135 An old square brass lantern & 135 a A hanging lamp; a candelabrum for two lights ; a wine mullei and a Japanese bronze bottle /yic 13 ! A circular brass dish, embossed with a vase of flowers; and^a smaller ditto, embossed and engraved f A brass jardiniere, chased with foliage and lions’ masks and pierced 3 Two ditto, of nearly similar design ) A large brass bowl, with engraved centre ) A large brass censer, of trellis design, with cherubs’ heads L A brass canister, with upright handle ; two ditto vases; a braziej-; and a candlestick l Two tall brass altar candlesticks; one smaller ditto ; and a pair m table candlesticks ] A censer, with cherubs’ heads in relief; and five other pieces ^ 1 A brass censer, from the Chapel of the Chateau Chaumont ; an incense boat; and a benetier > An Elizabethan brass lantern ; a glass lantern, with brass,^nount ; ✓ y a pair of dwarf candlesticks ; and three other pieces 3 Two Oriental brass writing cases; and an oval-shaped box, chased with foliage /'/-£■ I A bronze bell, chased with figures and scrolls ; a censer ; a benetier ; and four other pieces t' 1 A Venetian tripod bronze ink-stand and cover ) Five Benares ware cups; three ditto bowls ; a pair of small vases ; and two embossed Persian bowls ) A circular brass dish, with The Spies’ Return ; and one smaller, with arms L A pair of sconces, embossed with amorini and foliage; and three other pieces of embossed metal work ! A Persian bowl; and a goblet, enamelled in colours I A Chinese bronze beaker, with dragon handles ; and five smalle^^^^^ ditto 1 A cast-iron vase and cover, with three lions’ masks; a bell, with fleur-de-lis in relief, supported by a wooden bracket; and a savage club > Three metal plaques, with figures—in glazed ebonised frame Jft I 14 /, /r. o X ■ /s~. * 156 A medallion head of Dante ; and one other—in black wood fram three others; a tobacco-box ; and three other pieces 157 A tall metal tankard, with a figure of Minerva in relief—in < case 157a A plaster statuette of Joan of Arc, after the original by Prince Marie d’Orleans at Versailles—in oak case l End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. •8 Two Malay kreeses ; an Oriental dagger ; and three others yf 9 A rapier, from the battle-field of Edgehill; a scimitar ; and two gongs and beaters '0 The Lion of St. Mark, in brass ; a smaller ditto; and nine other * objects in metal d A canister and cover, with figures in relief; a pastille burner; two s? paper-knives ; a metal dish, with portrait ; and a small bronze statuette 2 Two steel bits ; two hour-glasses; and nine other objects : 3 Eight small Chinese bronze ornaments X 4 An oblong ivory plaque, carved with three figures in low relief; a snuff-grater ; and six other ivory carvings—in glazed ebony / .- frame carved with foliage and fruit 5 Henri IV. and Sully: a pair of ivory busts in relief—in glazed ebonised frames a 6 Two alabaster bowls ; a veined marble ditto, with three goat’s-head handles ; an Oriental bowl, with flowers in blue ; two smaller ditto; seven small cups; a willow-pattern cup and saucer ; another, nearly similar ; a Wedgwood leaf-shaped dish; and a Japanese shell-shaped ditto — £ - •" '' 16 FURNITURE, Etc. O 167 An old English bracket clock, by Lewis Pantin—in ebonised well case < , —x? 108 A clock, by Bechers, London, with enamelled dial—in metal-g; case of scroll design 6 . 169 A toilet glass—in Oriental frame of ebony, inlaid with foliage jl engraved ivory, on stand with drawer 1 /* C/^— 9 V 170 A small oak cabinet, with folding doors ; and one, with glazed d A pair of carved oak stands, formed as lions holding shields ; a pair of brackets, with nude figures of boys; a pair of brackets, of dark wood, supported by eagles ; and a pair of small brackets, with cherubs’ heads 1 A pair of carved oak brackets, with cherubs’ heads and festoons of fruit; two brackets, with lions’ masks; two small brackets, with cherubs’ heads ; a pair of smaller ditto; and a bracket, with a lion’s mask 9. 1 A bracket, supported by three branches of acanthus scrolls ; another carved with two warriors’ heads ; a pair, carved with cherubs’ heads ; one, carved with a grotesque mask ; and one, with a hoy’s mask b A wooden cup, with inscription, “ He lived, not for an age, but tor all time ”—made from Shakespeares midberry tree ; a smaller ditto; two carved oak vases, with scrolls; and a wooden cup —from Stratford-on-Avon 5 0 18 /* & 197 /198 3L, , c? 199 J ' J ^ O 200 Four upright oak panels, carved with female saints ; and an obi ditto, carved with a sea-horse From Stratford-on-Avon An oblong panel, carved with St. Hubert; and a circuit’ car and painted panel of a monk, scroll and shell bordes^scl£^| A walnut-wood book rest, pierced with letters i . h . s, and dated 1 An oblong satin-wood specimen cabinet, with opening top, contaii) tn. 2. x 201 //, 0 , 6 202 203 /J' % 204 7 r/7 , ^200 emicirc /L J.VJ.A 206 (/» FINIS. -ondon : Printed by Wai. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. v iETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE