IPS m •••• ir Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofvaluaOOgera U^t w4 C AT ALO GUE OF THE VALUABLE M U S E U M OF THE LATE MATTHEW DUANE, F. R. & A.S. PART II. CONSISTING OF His fuperb Collection of antient and modern GEMS, Statues, Bufls, Lares, Infcriptions, Vafes, Lamps, Fibulas, and other Re- mains of Antiquity ; Together with his Collection of BOOKS relating to Coins and Antiquities : As alfo various Copper-Plates of Coins and Medals, by Barto- lozzi and Others, particularly the Heads of Jupiter Dodo- nasus and Tryphon ; with his complete Series of Syrian Kings, in Twenty-eight Plates, all by Bartolozzi. WHICH WILL BE SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. GERARD, At his HOUSE, in LITCHFIELD-STREET, St. ANNE's, SO HO, On Monday, the 13th of June, 1785, and the Four following Days. To be viewed on Friday, the nth, Saturday, the 12th, and each Day till the Time of Safe, which will begin at HALF after ELEVEN o'Clock precifely. CATALOGUES to be had at Mr. Gerard's aforefaid. Conditions of Sale, I. cr*HE highejl Udder to be the- buyer; and, if any difpute Jhall arife between any two or more bid' ders, the lot fo difputed to be put up again. II. No per f on to advance lefs than fixpence; above one pound, one Jhilling ; above five pounds, two (hil- Ungs and fixpence ; andfo in proportion. III. The pur chafers are to give in their names and places of abode ', if required, and to pay down five fhiU }ing$ in the pound in part of the pur chafe-money ; in de- fault of which, the lot or lots fo pur chafed to be imme- diately put up again and re-fold. IV. 'the lots to be fetched away, with all fault s 9 at the buyer's expence, within one day after the f ale. Lajlly. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money, fo depofiled in part cf payment, jhall be forfeited', the lots, uncleared within the time a- fcrefaid, Jhall be re-fold by public or private fale ; and the deficiency, (if any,) together with the charges atten- ding fuch re-f^le, Jhall be made good by the defaulters at ibis fale* ( 3 ) A CATALOGUE, &c* Second Part. FIRST DAY's SALE. Monday, June 13, 1785. Unftt Gem, Lot 1 X T ARIOUS imprcffions of antient and modern gems, in V wax, fulphur, &c. 2 Fifty various antient gems. 3 Fifty ditto. 4 Fifty ditto. 5 Fifty ditto. 6 Fifty ditto. 7 Fifty ditto. 8 Five large entaglios. 9 Three fine entaglios and two cameos. 10 Nine fcarabzei, antique. 1 1 A fine large cameo, blood-ftone. 1 a Twelve neat entaglios, fome antique* 13 Six neat cameos. 14 Sixteen antique entaglios, nicolo. 15 Twenty ditto, with infcriptions. 16 Seven ./Egyptian, fome with infcriptions. 1 7 Twelve antique entaglios . 18 Twenty-eight with oriental infcriptions, two fet in rings. Various Bronzes, &c. •lo. Various antient Gothic feals — — — — — 10 A 2 20 Eleven 4 Firji Day's Sale. 20 Eleven metal rings, two fet. Tbefe ufed to be worn by tie Roman Jlwues of ihe lomoer clafs. 21 Six antique heads and a lamp in terra cotta, two Indian de- ities in bronze, a bronze head, a ileelyard, and other antiquities. 22 A bull of Serapis, a figure of Ifis and Orus, 1, ditto of Ills 2, Canopus 1. 23 A bull of Serapis, a figure of Ifis and Orus, five figures of Ifis, and a bull. 24 A fine figure of Jupiter, a bull of Juno, Venus juft come from bathing, and a figure of Minerva, 25 A very elegant figure of Apollo and one of Juno. 26 Perfeus with the head of Medufa. 27 Juno, and a Venus juft come from the bath. 28 A fine figure of Ifis and Orus. 29 A fine figure of Angerona, very remarkable, not only on account of the fcarcity of figures of this goddefs, but alfcL for the Angularity of the veilments. It is the very figure defcribed by Count Caylus in his Recueil d* Ant i quite s. 30 Three antique bronze figures, a bronze head, and two lamps. ji^Three antient oriental bowls, with infcriptions. Various Curiojities. 32 A very curious magnet, compofed of fixteen bars. 33 The great feal of Henry VII. appending to a curious illu- minated deed, and a grant of Robert de Tbornham-to the monaltery of Reinalle, in the 9th of King John, with a very fine and perfedl feal appending, on the re- verfe of which is a beautiful antique head of Plato. 34 The great feal of Elizabeth, two antient deeds, and a cu- rious paper relating to the pretender. 35 A book containing various fpecimens of writings, of diffe- rent kinds of paper, &c. and a great number of engra- vings of coins and other antiquities. 36 Various engravings of coins, gems, and other antiquities. 37 A very curious MS. of the book of Either, in Hebrew, or- namented with a great variety of curious drawings. 38 Ditto, in a fmaller letter. 39 A variety of MSS. in the Arabic, Turkifh, Perfian, Tan- gutic, Chinefe, and other oriental languages. 40 Two very curious Greek MSS. and a printed Greek indul- gence. Antique Gems, fet. 41 Six curious cameos, fet as ornaments., 42 Seven Flrfl Day's Sale. e 42 Seven ditto and a ring. 43 Three large entaglios and a cameo ring. 44 A curious antient gold ring with an infcription, a filver ditto, and a fibula. 45 A large and curious gold ring, fet with a very fine fapphire, J aid to be found in digging a grave in Wincbefter cathedral. 46 The head of Velta, in cameo, jacinth, fet round with garnets. 47- A very elegant fcarabs-us, fardor.yx, fet in a ring ; a cameo in the original Roman fetting, and a gold ring of the lower empire fet with a fapphire. 48 An ^Egyptian abraxas, with Greek characters, in the ori- ginal gold fetting. 49 The head of Maecenas, a cameo, onyx, and a Grecian philofopher, in entaglio, amethyit, with a palle from it. 49*Head of Severus, in entaglio, onyx, and Perfeus with the head of Medufa, in entaglio, cornelian, and one more* 50 A head of a Roman matron, on entaglic, very fine, corne- lian. 1 A boy's head in cameo, elegant, amethyft. ■*Auguftus and Livia, in entaglio, green jafper, and 2 more. 2 The head of' Ahenobarbus and his wife, in entaglio, root of emerald, in a ring, very curious t and undoubtedly an- tique. 3 A Pegafus, in entaglio cornelian, and a Cupid, ditto, Sy- rian garnet. 4 A nymph ileeping, and a melTenger of vidlory, both enta- glios in cornelian. 5 The head of a bacchante and two mafks, onyx, both in car meo. 6 A fow in entaglio, nicolo, a Ganymede in entaglio,cornelian, fine work, and undoubtedly antique. 7 A young head, in entaglio, cornelian, infcribed — — » ttruvpettofm 8 A hunter killing a lion, in entaglio, cornelian, good work. 9 Ptolemy Neoteros, in entaglio, cornelian, fine work. 60 A. bearded head, in entaglio, infcribed sabin. and, be* hind, a palm-branch. 61 A fatyr teaching a young faun to play on the pipe, in en- taglio cornelian, and a Bacchus, ditto, nicolo. 62 Bacchus and Ariadne riding on a tiger, in entaglio, jafper, , fine nuork. 63 Diana of Ephefus with her attributes, and Cupid riding on a dolphin, both entaglio, cornelian. 64 A Chimera in entaglio, red jafper, and Bacchus and Ariad- ne, in entaglio, cornelian, 65, A L Firji Day's Sate. 6$ A head of a faun, Greek work, in entaglio, cornelian ; and a winged Minerva, in her right hand her father's thun- der, in her left the segis, on her left wing fits the owl, infcribed p.vibit, 'very antient. 66 A facrifice, with three figures, in entaglio, cornelian. ■6y Silenus and another figure facrificing, in entaglio, agate. 68 Ifisand Orus, before, afcarabasu9, behind, a hawk, enta- glio, jafper, and a female bud in cameo onyx. 69 A beautiful mafk in entaglio cornelian, and a head of Pla- to, ditto jafper. 70 A very fine old head in entaglio, amethyft ; and a Chimera, ditto cornelian. 7 1 A Parthian king on horfeback, with Greek characters, in entaglio, yellow jafper. 72 Three warriors going to facrifice, in entaglio, jade. 73 Night diftributing her poppies, as emblems of fleep, to the different inhabitants of this earth ; a child and an elderly man already feel the effedts, a woman begins to be ileepy, and (he is giving fome to a ftrong young man. A copy from one in the third day ; agate. 74 Julius Csefar, an entaglio cornelian. 75 Severus and Caracalla, ditto. 76 An old foldier refting himfelf behind his fhield, ditto. 77 A centaur with a bow, ditto. 78 Auguftus and Livia, ditto, blood-ftone. 79 The head of Socrates, ditto, cornelian, very fine* 80 The head of Vefta, white cornelian, by Wray, very fine. Marble Urns and Infcriptions. 81 A cinerary urn for a child, of an uncommon fhape, infcri- bed C. TREBATIVS. FLORVS. vIxiT. ANNIS. VII. 82 A ditto, very elegant, infcribed - l. arieno. alvpo, ARIENA. PROCLA. LIB. B. M. FECIT. 83 Three Roman marbles with infcriptions. 84. Three ditto. 85 Three ditto. 42 A Greek tomb-flone to the memory of Ares, who has deli- vered up his armour to Mars, and given up his warfare, and thefe things for another world where there is only daiknefs, in the 29th year of his age. Over the in- scription is a bas-relief of two bearded figures and two altars : on one is placed a helmet. From the letters and nuorkmanjhip., it appears to have bien done about the time of the, emperor Philip. S.ECOND ( 7 ) SECOND DAY'$ SALE. Tue/day, June 14, 1785. Lot 1 ^"T^WENTY various unengraved itones. 2 X Fifty various antient gems. 3 Fifty ditto. 4 Fifty ditto. 5 Fifty ditto. 6 Fifty ditto. 7 Fifty ditto. 8 Three large cameos, and an antient cornelian ring with Greek characters and hieroglyphics. 9 A cornelian with Palmyrene characters, and a bull, «*, doubt edly antique and very rare* 10 Two entaglios, Domitia and Julia Domna, antique* 11 Six antique entaglios. 1 2 Ten ditto. j 3 Fifteen ditto. 14 Nine ditto, nicolo. 15 Eleven ditto, fome with infcriptions. 16 Six ^Egyptian. 17 Thirty-two antique entaglios, root of emerald. 18 A fine head of Galea, cut in cameo on a flint. Various antique Bronzes* &c» 19 Eleven Greek and Roman feals. 20 Twelve antient weights, five keys, a Celt, and other anti- quities. 21 Four fibulas, a pair of nippers, two flyles, eleven fpear- heads, and other pieces of antiquity. 22 An elegant bronze figure of Time, and two boys. 23 Three boys in bronze, a buft, and a pair of goats. 24 A pair of votive feet, Venus putting on her fandal, Jupi- ter, and another figure. 25 A fine figure of Mercury and one of Antinous. 26 A fine head of Germanicus. 27^ Venus rifing from the bath, and two other figures, both fine and antique, 28 An Etrufcan bronze figure, with an infeription in Etrufcan. characters, very fine and rare. 29 A bronze buft of Henry IV. of France, and one of his queen. 30 A, $ Second Day's Sale. 30 A figure, cut in black ftone, holding a fcroll with AIIOAYM. and an antient bronze, in bas-relief, of the judge- ment of Midas. 3 1 Three antient oriental bronze cups, with Giver letters and ornaments. 32 Six plates of different coins, with the impreffions. 33 Plates of different coins, with the impreffions. 34 Two plates of curious Saxon coins, ditto of Englifh pattern- pieces, ditto of antient Irifh, with the impreffions. 35 Two plates of Samaritan coins, ditto of the SafTanides, ditto of Alexander the Great, and a plate of reflored coins, by Gallienus, with the impreffions. 36 Five plates belonging to Dr. Kennedy's pamphlets refpedling Oriuna, Caraufius, and Alettus, complete. 37 Twenty-fix plates of Syrian coins, being the complete fe- ries, by Angel Carmey. They ivere never publijbed, be dying jujl as they nuere finijhed. 38 Nineteen plates of antient Greek and Phenician coins, be- longing to Mr. Dutens' DifTertations. 39 A head modelled by Simon, three Indian divinities, two carvings in ivory, and two models by Albert Durer ; a medal in flate, and two miniatures. 40 An oblong-fquare brafs plate, with a handle engraved with unknown characters, and feveral figures ; from the late Dr. Mead's collection. 41 Ditto. 42 Ditto, iron, the letters and figures inlaid with gold and fil- ver. Gems, fet. 43 A large metal ring, fuppofed to have belonged to a colofTal ftatue, a malk of Bacchus, entaglio, jafper, and one more. 44 Three gold rings and an antique cameo. 45 Three antique gold rings, one with an infcription, a fmall figure in gold, and an enamel in gold of Henry III. of France, ornamented with pearl. 46 Two cameo rings and an entaglio. 47 A large entaglio, green jafper, engraved on both fides : on one, an Ave Maria; on the other, two ox -herds and cattle. Moderno antique. 48 A very fine peridot fet in a ring. 49 A carbuncle ditto. 50 A cat's-eye ditto. 51 An onyx cat's-eye and anavanturine. 52 Three large cameos, all Jet. 53 A large onyx cameo, two heads, a beautiful Jl one. 54 A Second Day's Sale. 9 54 A large entaglio in green jafper, a bacchante, fintery fine, 20 A gladiator and a Mercury in bronze. 21 Venus juft come from the bath, and. a curious antique bronze with a fingular head-drefs. 22 Two elegant bronze figures. 23 A fine bronze head of Brutus on a fland. 24 A very fine antique marble bull of Plato on a /land. 25 Ditto of a child. 26 An antique marble Roman bull. 27 Ditto, a female head, in black marble. 28 A very elegant antique fmall head of Plato in marble. 29 Ditto, and the buftof a young Bacchus. 30 An antique bun of an infant, in marble, very fine. 31 A very fine head of Dejotarus, king of Armenia, on a (land. 32 A very fine marble head of Pan, fine Greek work- 33 A very fine groupe of Laocoon and his fons, in bronze, on a (land. 34 A young head of Hercules, afea-horfe and a griffin, and three fine figures, all in ivory, the Virgin, St. John, and St. Lewis, and an emaciated old man in ebony. 35 Two copper-plates engraved by Bartolozzi : one, the head of Jupiter Dodonaeus, from a gold coin of Alexander, (the fon of Neoptclemus,) king of Epirus ; the other, of Tryphon, king of Syria, from a tetradrachm in di- ver of that prince. 36 Twenty-eight copper-plates, engraved by Bartolozzi, of the kings of Syria, from Mr. Duane's collection now in the Hunterian mufeum. 37 Eight copper plates, engraved by Bartolozzi, of the kings of Macedon, and a coin of Alexander, fon of Neopto- lemus, king of Epirus, with the head of Jupiter Do- donaeus. 3S Three cafes of models (by Benvenuto Cellini) for medals and coins, undoubted originals of that great artifi, 39 An enamel piclure of Louis XIV. when young, by Petti- toe, perhaps the finefl fpecimen of the work of this celebra- ted majter. 40 A moft elegant gold Roman fibula, ornamented with ena- mel and pearls. This appears to have been made abcut the age of Conftantine, and is afuperb and mat chiefs curiosity. Gems, ftt. 41 Two entaglios and one cameo. 4« Three cameos. 43 Head of Homer in cameo, onyx. 44 Four cameos. 45 Two Egyptian divinities in cameo, green jafper. B 2 46 A 177Z 25 Relandus de Nummis vet. Hebrasorum Traj. ad Rhe. 1709 26 D'Arnaud de Diis nAPEAPCHE — ■■ Hag. Comit. 173Z 27 Hiftoire d'Hercule, le Thebain - — - Paris* 1758 28 Laftanofa de las Medallas Efpanolas Huefca,\b\$ 29 Spizelius de Re literaria Sinenfium — Lugd. Bat. 1660 30 Lives of Spanifh Painters, tranflated from Velafco Lond. 1737 3 J Sicilian Namifmata, 5 copies - - - - Panorm.nd^ 32 Edward and Henry Leigh's Obfervations of all the Roma Emperors, illuftrated by their Coins - - Lond. 1664. 33 Offervazioni litterarie, 5 torn. - - Verona, 1737* &c. 34 Pierres precieufes et fines, par Monfieur Dutens Paris, 1776 35 Hiftorical Account of Englifh Money, by Stephen Martin Leake — - ■ 1 — '■ - - - « — — Lond. 1745 36 Obfervations on Money, Bullion, and Britifh Coinage Lond. 1772 37 Catalogus Numifmat. Muf. Lefroyani — Liburn. 1763 38 Hiftoire de Zenobie » " — • *- Paris, 1758 39 An Account of a Roman Pavement lately found at Stuns- field, by John Pointer — - — - Oxford, 17 1 3 Roman Antiquities in Britain, by Ditto — Oxford, 1724 And the Antiquities of Arundel — — — Lond. 1766 40 Seven pamphlets relating to antiquities. 41 Hiftoire monaftique d'frl an de - *— - - Paris, 1690 42 Somner & Du Frefne, Portus Jccius - - Oxford, 1694 Q. U A R T O* 43 Various quarto pamphlets. 44 Chorea Gigantum, or an Account of Stonehenge, by Dr. Charleton — — » ■ " ■ • ■ — — Lond. 1663 Narrative of finding the Crucifix and Gold Chain of St. Edward, by Ch. Taylor ■ ■ ■ Lond. 1668 True Relation of the Faclion begun at Wifbich, by Wef- ton, a Jefuit, &c. - — — — - J 601 45 Letter to Dr. Mead on fonie Antiquities in Berkfhire, by Fr. Wife * — — — — - Oxford, 1738 Conjectures on an antient Piece of Money found at Eltham, in Kent, by Ch. Clerke — — — — Lond. 1751 46 Bayer \6 Fourth Day'' s Sale, 46 Bayer de Nummis Romanis in Agro Pruffico repertls Lipfia, 1722 Brenner de Regibus Armeniorum et Parthorum Stockholm, 1 725 Appendiculaad Numifmata Grasca, a Comit. Chriitiano Vienna, 1769 47 ^Eneas Vicus, — and two more. 48 Hiftoire des Rois de Thrace, par Cary ■ Paris, 1752 Numifmatum Antiquorum Sylloge, ex Cimeliarchio Dn. Wren — — - — — - Lond 1708 Explication de quelques Medailles, par Monfieur L. Du- tens — — — - — ■ - Lond. 1774 49 Catalogus Nummorum Sueo-Gothiccrum in Mufeo Grain- geriano, a Nic. Kedero ■ — Lond. 17 28 50 Two Placarts, bound in one. 51 De Csefaie defignato Succeflore Commentarius, a G. L. Hausfriz — — — - — — — Ncrimb. 1737 52 De Ciftophoris, a A. Xaverio ' — Lugd. 1734 53 Numifmata maximi Moduli, e Mufeo Fr. de Camps Paris, 1695 54 I Difcorfi del Sen. D. Ant. Agoilini fopra le Medaglie, — MSS. 55 Lettere fopra alcune antiche Infcrizione di Sert. Orfato, a Bapt. Nani - - — ■ — Padoua, 1659 56 Sigel. Havercampi Diflertationes de Alexandri Magni Nu- mifmate, et de Nummis contorniatis — Ludg. 172* 57 Joh. Macarii Abraxas,— and five more. 58 Diflertatio de Nummis non cufis, a Ott. Sperlingio Amft. 1700 59 Hiftoire des Rois de Thrace, par Monfieur Cary Paris, 1752 60 Moneta di Friula, di Giang, Liruti « Venex. 1749 61 MifcellaneaNumifmatica, a P. D. Magnan, 4 torn. Roma, 1772, &c. 62 Les Cefars, de l'Empereur Julien, par le Baron de Span- heim — — m ■ — Amft. 1728 63 Chiflet de Othonibus iEreis, &c. — Anfw. 1656 64 Cafp. Wefer de antiquis Nummis Hebraeorum, &c. Tigur. 1605 65 Jacobi de Bie Numifmata aurea, aSig. Havercamp. Amft. 1738 66 Medals, Coins, great Seals, &c. of T. Simon, by G. Virtue ■ — — 1 - Lond. 1753 67 Phil. Argelatus de Monetis ltaliae, 4 torn. Mediol. 1750, &c. 68 Gori Fourth Day's Sale. 1 7 68 Gori il Fiorino d'Oro antico • — Firenze, 173? 69 Dialogos de las Medallas, Ant. Augultino, por Man. Sebait. de la Quadra — — — — — Madrid, 1744 70 Ditto, tradotti nella Lingua Italiana — — — Roma, 1592 71 Congeturas fobre las Medallas de los Reyes Godos, por DonL. J. Velafquez Malaga, 1759 Annales de Efpanola, por Don L. J. Velafquez Malaga, 1759 72 Obelifchi& Colonni di Roma — — ■ Roma, 1651 73 Recueil des Medailles, par Monfieur Pelletin, avec toutes Jes Supplements, complet, en 10 torn. Paris, 1762, &c. 74 Obfervations fur quelques Medailles de Monfieur Pellerin, par l'Abbele Blond ■ Paris, lynx 75 Explication de quelques Medailles Grecques et Pheni- ciennes, par Monfieur L. Dutens — — Land, 1773 76 Ditto, avec Additions — — — - Lond. 1776 77 Numifmata Imperatorum Romanorum praeftantiora, a Jo- ann. Vaillant, 3 torn. — ■ ■ - Roma, 1743 78 Supplementum ad Numifmata praeftantiora Vaillantii, a Jof. Khell - _ Vindob. 1767 79 Haym, Teforo Britannico, 2 vol. ■ Lond. 17 19 80 Ditto . — Lond. 1719 81 Ditto, gr.pap. cum Notis MSS. CI. J. Maffon Lond. 1719 82 Florez Medallas d'Efpana, 2 vol. gr.pap. - Mad. 1757 83 Theupoli Numifmata antiqua, 2 torn. - — Venet. 1736 84 Contemplatio Gemmarum etCranae Infula, a Laur. Beger Brand. 1 696 85 Nummi veteres Anecdoti, a Jof. Eckhell — Vienn. 1775 86 De Wilde Numifmata antiqua - Amjlel. 1692 87 Ad Numifm. Regum veterum Acceffio nova, ab Erafmo Froelich ■ ■ Vienn. 88 Diflertationes variae, a Joanne Swinton Oxford, 1750, &c. 89 Offervazione iftoriche fopra alcuni Medaglioni antichi di Granduca ■ ■ ■ - Roma, 1698 90 Ditto. 91 Sele&a Numifmata ex Mufeo Seguini - — Lutet.i68± 92 Thefaurus Numifmatum ex Mufeo Patini ■ 1672 93 Conft. Landi Numifmata fele&ioria •• — - Lugd. 1695 94 Alius. 95 Erafm. Froelich, NotitiaElementaris Numifmatum Vienn* 1 75 8 96 ■ Qnatuor Tentaminain Re Numaria Vienn. 1750 97 Edw. Corfini Diflcrtatio de Nuramo Minifari Regis, &c. Roma, 1757 C 98 Lud. 1 8 Fourth Bafs Sale. 98 Lud. Smids de duodecem Tmperatorum Nummis Amfi. 1699 99 Marq. Freheri Diflertatio de Numifmate - Heidelb. i6c.g Petri Burmanni Jupiter Fulgerator in Nummis Cyrrhefta- ium, et alia, 3 bound in one — — Trajeft. 1 700 100 Gronovius de Seftertiis, — and two more. 101 Car. Patin de Numifmatibus quibufdam Imp. Neronis Br em. 1 68 I 102 Punet. de Colonise Tarraconse Nummo - Tigur. 1 748 103 Infignia Numifmata Imperatorum veter. Romanorum. iO-f And. Morellius de Nummis Confu'.aribus - Amft. 1701 Ever. Otto de Servio Sulpicio Rufo - Trajeft. 1725 Henr. Ncris Diflertatio de duobus Nummis Dioclefiani etLicinii, 3 bound iu one • ■ F/or. 1675 05 Numifmata antiqua Com. Pembrochia?, 2 torn. Lond. 1746 c6 Nummi veter. Populorum et Urb. a Mufeo Dodt. Hunter, Lond. 1782 07 Ditto. 08 Ditto. 09 Ditto. jo Henr. Noris Epochs Syro-Macedonum - Florent. 1689* 1 1 Lawr. Paterol Opera omnia, 2 torn. — - Venet. 1743 12 Hanthaler de Nummis, 2 torn. ■ — Vindob. 1756 1 3 Phil. A. Furre de Annis Imperii M. Aur. ant. Elagabali Batwu. 1713 »4 Vigniolii de Anno primo Alexandri Severi Roma, 1714 15 L. Savct, Difcours fur les Medailles ———— Paris, xbij 16 Mifcellanea varia Antiqua et Numifmatica - 1676, &c. 17 EledlaRei Nummaria; — — — Hamb. 1709 18 Alius. 1.9 J. F. Vaillant Hiitoria Regum Syrisc — Lutet. 168 1 20 Jac. Oifelius, Numifmata antiqua — — Amft. 1677 21 De Bie Numifmata aurea Imperat. Romanorum Ant. 1627 22 Hifloire de l'Academie des Infcriptions et Belles Lettes, 37 torn. ■ ■ 1 ■ u . Paris, 1736, &c. 23 Rowland's Mona antiqua »■ ■ Lond. 1766 24 Roma antiqua Nardini ■ > Roma, 1704 Rofmi Romanae Antiquitates • — — Amji. 1685 25 Fr. Ficoroni Veftigia et Rarita di Roma anticha Roma, 1 744 26 Wogen Alterthumer der Obotriten Berlin, 1771 27 Montfaucon, Diarium Italicum " ■ ■ - Paris, 1702 28 Marmora Arundeliana. 129 Infcriptione? Fifth Day's Bale. 19 129 Infcriptiones Regime — — — — — KeapoLi-jyo 130 Corfini Fafti Attici, 2 torn. > — — Flor. 1744 FIFTH D A Y's SALE. Friday, June 1 7, 1785. Lot 131 "TXICTIONNAIRE des Monnoies, par Monfieur de 1 3 Salzade — — — — — — Brux. 1767 132 Ben. Floravanti Denarii Pontif. Romanorum Roma, 1734 133 Orfini della Monete Fiorentina, 2 torn. — Firenze, 1760 134 VenutiNumifmatapraeft. Pontif. Romanorum Roma, 1744 135 Brenner Nummi Sueo-Gothici - Holm, 1731 136 Virtue's Medals, Coins, Seals, &c. of J. Simons Lend. 1780 137 Martin Folkes on Englifh Coins — Lond. 1745 138 Clarke on Coins ■ » ■ Lond. iyby 139 Pettingal and Pegge's Trails ■ Lond. 1763, &c. 140 Pegge on the Coins of Cunobelins Lond. 1766 141 Ryal and Witney's plates of Englifti coins £