Entered , according to Act of Congress , in the year 1872, By JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. * v.t r-W. a. -:4< &J. x:.<: LIST OF PASSENGERS BY THE B. & N. A. R. M. S. u ETHIOPIA.” Hon. L. A. Beaconstreet, M. C., and servant , Mrs. and Miss Beaconstreet and maid. Boston. New York. Mr. Brownstone Front and servant, Mrs. Brownstone Front and maid, The Misses Fronts Madame Triste, Boulogne. Sir Mungo Murgatroyd, Pepper-pot Castle, Hants, England. Lady Murgatroyd. Miss Murgatroyd. Miss Geraldine Murgatroyd. Master Murgatroyd. Sir M. Murgatroyd' s man-servant. Lady Murgatroyd' s maid. Rev. Lchabod Barnes, Pohunk, Mass. Signora Vocferosa, Milan. Roger Williams Chlam, Rhode Lsland. John Smith, Chiel of the Senecas. Oriole Toucan, ) y Mexico. Felix Toiccau, ) Madder Brown, Birmingham. Sol. Bison, Denver City, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. John Tobias , The Misses Tobias, > Liverpool. The Masters Tobias. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Spuytenteufel, two children, and nurse, Rotterdam. P. Malloy, Limerick. Professor Hare, Miss Blanche Hare, Foxboro ’, Lndiana. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Terrapin, and Miss Terrapin and Maid, Philadelphia. Miss Lda Duck and maid , Baltimore. L. McNamara, Derry. Miss Jane McNamara, Derry. Count Perigord, Strasbourg. Benj. Nevis, Scotland. A. Pinetree, Raleigh, North Carolina. Giovanni Macaroni, Naples. J. Lazzaroni , Naples. R. Sin, California. William Nye, Nevada. Prmce Nosemoff, Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith, ) > Kalamazoo, and five children. ) Van R. Hudson, Albany. M. Mal-au-Cceur, ) V Bordeaux. Mad. Mal-au-Caeur, ) Senor Honrades Cigarette, Habana, Cuba. Mr. Dooshe, Bath, Maine. Harry Wilmer, } > Baltimore. Miss Wilmer, ) Hon. Reginald Herbert, ) London. and man-servant. ) Mr. and Mrs. S. Sope, Castile. Elder Job. Wilbour and ladies, Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pope, Rome, N. Y. Miss Dolly Varden and Maid, England. R. Van Winkle. Kaatskill, N. Y. Robert Mavourneen, Miss Kate Mavourneen. A. Skeeter, Miss Skeeter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newland, Boston. Wrynecke Fooks, Berlin. Walter Goslin, N. Y. Algernon Shears, Sheffield. Lsle of Wight. J New Orleans. LIKENESSES OF SOME OF THE PASSENGERS. 1. Lady Murgatroyd. 2. Sir Mungo Murgatroyd. 3. Miss Murgatroyd. 4. Miss Geraldine Murgatroyd. 5. Master Murgatroyd. 6. “ Toots” the Murgatroyd Dog. 7. Sol. Bison. 8 . Rev. Ichabod Barnes. CiW HERE ARE SOME 1 . John Smith. 2. One of the Masters Tobias. 3. Hon. Reginald Herbert. 4. Miss Blanche Hare. 5. Benj. Nevis. 6 . Harry Wilmer. 7. Elder Job Wilbour. 8 . Oriole Toucan. 9. One of the little “ Fronts who keeps us all awake. 10. Miss Dolly Varden. 1 1 . Miss Skeeter. 12. Miss Terrapin. 13. Miss Wilmer. MORE OF THEM. 14- Robert Mavoumeen. 15. Miss Jane McNamara. 16. Mrs. Asa Smith. 1 7. Count Perigord. 18. Signora Vociferosa. 19. Mr. Robert New land. 20. Airs. Robert Newland. 2 x . Mrs. Sope. 22. Signora Vociferosa' s puppy , called “ Minimi' 23. Air. Terrapin , ( who always smokes before retiringl) 24. Giovanni Macaroni. SECOND DAY OUT FROM QUEENSTOWN. The weather gets “ so dirty" that nobody appears at dinner but Mr. Madder Brown of Birmingham, who is making his fifty-third voyage , and, who never misses a. meal. A GALE. (Inside Cabins No. ioi and No. \02.) The two Misses Murgatroyd prostrate , Lady Murgatroyd considerably discouraged , and Sir Mungo Murgatroyd endeavoring to relieve the distress of his family with BUSINESS AND PLEASURE. (i.) The next morning the sun comes out brilliantly , which induces L. A. Beacons treet , Esq., to make another attempt to get his poor wife on the zipper-deck for a little fresh air. Mrs. Beaconstreet being very sick and very stout , the operation becomes a serious one. (2.) Good-morning , Miss Mavourneen ! This lovely creature feels so well that she trusts herself to a promenade with the young Englishman from Sheffield. She finds the “ sivell" rather agreeable. ANOTHER FINE MORNING. — HEAVING THE LOG. The sick ones getting well , and the ship dandling along at fourteen knots. A COLLISION AT SEA. The “ Goshn of New York , having lost his “ reckoning overhauls the " Duck" of Baltimore , hoists his signals , «««' discovers that he is nearer soundings than he expected. ELEVATION AND DEPRESSION. Rev. Ichabod Barnes, of P chunk , Massachusetts, feeling particularly frisky, thinks he will expand his chest by climbing the rigging. Sudden revulsion of Feeling of the Rev. Ichabod after reaching the deck from his dizzy position. Beilin , SELLING “POOLS" IN THE “FIDDLES ’ on run of the ship. The P ool on 340 miles bid off at twenty sovereigns. j- he Rev. Mr. Barnes doesn t dare to go in where they are selling pools , but listens at the door. (i.) MORNING. The two belles are late at breakeast ; and Mr. Van R. Hudson, the Rich young Bachelor from Albany, exhibits his dexterity in making tea from his own “ caddy d A noticeable difference between “ shore-tea ” and “ sea-teal' (2.) EVENING. Game at cards and supper. MENU. Broiled Sardines on Toast. Devilled Ham. Welsh Rabbit. Grdled Bones , washed down with Hot Toddy. 6k SOUNDINGS. (x.) A Fog off the Banks. (2.) A dismal group around the smoke-stack before breakfast. (i.) PHOSPHORESCENCE. The most favorable time to witness this marine phenomenon is on some starry night in company with a young lady of an inquiring turn of mind. CHART OF THE RUN OF THE SHIP. 91' 8 Ul c ig CU1Y CiNItfi UBSAR>