Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolleOOpres i A CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION of GREEK, ROMAN, l AND OTHER MEDALS and COINS, In Gold , Silver and Brafs , o F EDMUND HAMMOND, Of Whitton- Hally in Suffolk , Efq; deceafed, Likewife his curious ANTI QU E GEMS; CONSISTING OF CAMEOS, INTAGLIOS, fet and unfet, feveral Paftes and Im- preffions, Miniature PICTURES, a Gold Repeating WATCH elegantly Chafed , and a Cabinet for MEDALS ; his Col- lection of BOOKS, and other Curiofities. Which will he fold by AUCTION, By Mr. P R E S TA G E, At his Great Room the End of Saville-Row, next Conduit-Jlreet , Hanover-fquare , On Thutfday next, the 24th of JANUARY 1760. The faid ColleElion may be viewed on Tuefday the 2 2d. In ft ant, to the Time of Sale, which will begin punElually at Twelve o’clock. < CATALOGUES to be had gratis the Days of viewing at Mr. P R E S T A G E’s aforefaid. HZ - Pifc'H jk-'T*’* • 2 . 2.e. % % C 2 ] *2 * . 2 * 0- 7- o o- Thurfday, January the 24th, 1750. COPPER AND BRASS MEDALS. £. x rnpN Wenty-feven, of feveral Emperors, and a Spintria of Tiberius, moftly fmall Brafs O — 2 I Twenty-three, of different Emperors and Emprefles in middle Brafs 3 A Twenty-four, a Roman Weight, and feveral of Julius Caefar, Agrippina, Claudius, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Maximinus, Gordianus, Alexander, Philippus and Dioclefian, all large Brafs 4 Twenty-one, viz. four of Auguftus different, Agrippa two, Claudius two, Nero four, Titus one, Vefpafian one, Domitian three, Hadrian one, Antoninus Pius one, Crifpina two, ail middle Brafs * 5 Eight, viz. one Confular v and one of Auguftus, two more of Auguftus different, one with the £ e Q Heads of Auguftus and Agrippa, one of Agrippa, and two of Tiberius, all middle Brafs, and finely preferved S 6 Nine, viz. one of Tiberius, one of Drufus, three of Germanicus, one of Caligula, and two of O • 0 * Claudius, all middle Brafs and finely preferved 0 t (f . o 7 Five, viz. three of Claudius, two of Nero, all middle Brafs /■ 8 Twelve, viz. two of Nero, five of Galba, all middle Brafs, one Otho fmall Brafs, one of Vi- 0 • £ . U tellius, two of Vefpafian, and one of Titus, all middle Brafs 9 Eight, viz. one of Vefpafian, one of Titus, three of Domitian, two of Nerva, and one of 0, 3*0 Trajan, all middle Brafs ✓ 10 Eight, viz. two of Domitian, one of Nerva, one of Trajan, two of Hadrian, one of Antoninus 0 * $ Pius, two of Fauftina the Elder, all middle Brafs /x 1 Eight, viz. four of Hadrian, one of j*Elius,two of Antoninus Pius, and one of Fauftina the Elder, 0 - ©*V all middle Brafs 12 Ten, viz. four of Antoninus Pius, one of Fauftina the Elder, two of Marcus Aurelius, one of O • 0 Fauftina the Younger, one of Commodus, and one of Crifpina, all middle Brafs 13 Twelve, viz. one of Marcus Aurelius, one of Fauftina the Younger, one of Lucius Verus, one q of Lucilla, two of Commodus, two of Geta, one of Alexander Severus, one of Macrinus, and one of Gordian, all middle Brafs and finely preferved, and one of Gallienus, in final! Brafs . 14 Eight, viz. two of Julius Caefar, one of Auguftus with the Head of Livia on the reverfe ex- 'i tremely ficarce , two of Claudius, and two of Nero, all large Brafs Q *U \ 5 Eight, viz. one of Otho, four of Vefpafian, and three of Titus, all large Brafs /• /• f . Alb Seven, viz three of Domitian, two of Trajan, one of Hadrian, and one of Antoninus Pius, all a, //• forge Brafs large Brafs A A l 7 Eight, viz. one of Vefpafian, two of Hadrian, three of Antoninus Pius, one. of Marcus Aurelius, V • & and one of Fauftina the Elder, all large Brafs .j 8 Eight, viz. one of Hadrian, one of Antoninus Pius, one of Fauftina the Elder, one of Fauftina . 0 the Younger, one of Lucilla, one of Geta, one of Julia Pia, and one ofCaracalla with the Circus Maximus, all large Brafs A 1 9 Six, viz. one of Fauftina Junior, one of Crifpina, two of Maximinus, one of Maximus very O fine, and one of Gordianus Pius a — /?20 Eight, viz. one of Caracalla, one of Julia Mammaea, two of Gordian, two of Philippus Senior, " * 3 ’ W one of Otacilia Severa, and one of Philippus Junior, all large Brafs 21 Ten, viz. one of Maximus, three of Alexander Severus, one of Gordian, two of Philippus Senior, one of Otacilia Severa, and two Philippus Junior, aHJarge Brafs 22 Thirteen, viz. two of Alexander Severus, one of Trajanua Decius, three of Philippus Senior, , f . 0 three of Philippus Junior, one Hoftilian, one oT Trajanus Decius, one of Trebonianus Gallus, ' * one of Dioclelian, all large Brafs 23 Three of Carthage, and two of Grecian Cities <2 ^ nc » Claudius with Mefl'alina on the reverfe, extremely fcarce 0 - /2 0- I- y-o t. !%■(> 2 4 026 O 27 to - o ^ 2 ° 30 tt.O. 31 7-0 3 * SILVER MEDALS. Eight, viz. two of Grecian Cities, and fix Confular Medals Six, viz. two of Julius Caefar, one of Mark Antony, one of Mark Antony and Auguftus, and two of Auguftus Five, viz. one of Auguftus, one of Caligula and Auguftus, two of Tiberius, and one of Claudius bivt, viz. one of Claudius, reverfe Agiippina, two of Nero, one of Galba, and one of Otho Five, viz. one of Otho, one of Vitellius, three of Vefpafian Six, viz. two of V cfpafian, two of 1 itus, and two of Domitian Eight, viz, two of Titus, two of Domitian, one of Neiva, and three of Trajan Eight, viz. one of Nerva, three of Trajan, three of Hadrian, and one of Sabina Seven, viz. two of Trajan, two of Hadrian, two of Antoninus Pius, and one of Fauftina the Elder Ten, viz. oncofMarcus Aurelius, one of Fauftina Junior, one of Lucilla, one of Severus, one of Julia Domna, two of Caracalla, one of Geta, one of Alexander Severus, and one of Gordian 1-/2. ^ 3 & l./l.O 37 /. +.0'# 0- If- 0 39 0 - 6.0 +° *Jr. 41 o-Vf-' /. /•?• 0 ]l 'll 0~ /?• f 43 /. O. <5 44 0 /6- 0 J 5 »-/ 9 r t I- to o 47 /> #•<> " 8 iiiA^ 49 50 !/. n- (. - 12.0 Si . /«. « Si - / fc. o S3 • / o' , O -55 if.^t - 1-0 5 l I. *58 ■-«. ^? 9 f •« I * /*.-*■ - / 3 - ? jf. ki.v}s I - 16 ' a , 9 'b-n-o- /. ^.07° /• 7.0 71 TL. 2 • 0 72 1 /-n-on 3 .3.074 feM* W4, 0./3. <*■ I d. /7.0 82 Eight, viz. one of Pertinax, one ofSeverus, three of Caracalla, one of P]autilla,-and two ofiQeta Twelve, viz. one of Alexander Severus, two ofPupienus, one of Maximinus, one of Maximus," one of Philip the Elder, one of Gallicnus, one of Poftumus, one of JEmilian, and one of the Lower Empire GOLD M E D A L S. One of Syracufe with the Head of Ceres, finely preferved Two, viz. one Tiberius and one of Nero One of Hadrian MODERN COPPER MEDALS. Emperor Charles the VI. — King and Queen of the Two Sicillies — Ditto, Arms ditto Lewis the XIV. — Czar Peter the Great. — Cardinal de Fleury. — Sir Ifaac Newton, by Daflier Henry the VIII. — Queen Elizabeth. — Oliver Cromwell. — William the III. — Queen Mary. — George the I. — Queen Caroline, by Daflier Popes, Clement the X. — Clement the XI. — Clement the XII. — Innocent the XIII.— two of Benedict the XIII. — Benedict the XI V. by Hambranus MODERN SILVER MEDALS. The Duke of Brunfwitk Chriftina of Sweden. — Pope Benedict the XIV. — King of the T wo Sicilies. — Prince Belmonti A Crown Piece of Edward the VI. — A Medal of Charles the I. — Queen Anne, reverfe the taking of Vigo. — George the I. A Medal of Jealoufy. — Emperor Charles the V. King and Queen of the Two Sicilies. — Ditto, Arms ditto — Frederick III. King of Pruflia, and five odd Pieces of Silver The Chevalier and his Princefs. — The two Sons Two gold Coins of the Commonwealth of England GEMS and P A S T E S. A fly Cameo, the Head of Mercury in Agate, two Dogs ditto, a Bird, a Loblter, Mercury In- raglia Plafma, a Sow, a Shepherd drinking and an Abraxas in cornelian, a Sow and a Woman fitting in Agate, a Scarabeus in Cornelian, a Quadrigae in green Jafper, two Figures Hand in Hand Plafma, a Tree with a Fly on it in Cornelian, and a Head in Amcthyft unfinifhed A fine Pafte of Diana Montana, a ditto of the Medufa of Strozzi and a ditto of V enus Aphrodite Minerva Intaglia in Amethyfl,aMafk of the RomanTheatre in black Jafper, andMercury Cameo A Mafk of the Roman Theatre and an old Man’s Head in Cornelian A fmall Jupiter Serapis in Onyx and the Head of a Matron in red Jafper A King of Pergamus in Cornelian and a Bacchante Calcedonia A Terminus of Silenus in Onyx and a Malk Calcedonia A Serapis and Ifis in green Jafper A Numa Pompilius Calcedonia, and Plato in Cornelian A Malk of Silenus in Cornelian A Head like Ammon A Jole in Cornelia An jElius Caefar Calcedonia An Ifis, a Beiyl A Mafinifla very fine in Cornelian enamelled A Head of Drulus, a fine Cameo in Agate The Rape of Helen, an exceeding fine Cameo in Agate A full faced Bacchus in Cornelian A Minerva with five Malks in red Jafper Eighty- Paftes from the fineft Gems in the Cabinets at Rome, Florence, Naples, &c. finely polifhed A compleat Series in Sulphur, taken from the King of Spain’s fine Gold Medals Five Boxes of Impreflions in Sulphur, taken from the molt curious Gems m the Royal Cabinets at Rome, Paris, &c. SEALS and RINGS fet, a Watch, Cabinet for Medals, Snuff Boxes, &c. Two Seals fet in Gold The Mufe Thalia in green Jafper antique A Gieck Philofophcr in Cornelian A Head of a Bacchante in green Jafper 4 A Head of King Juba in Cornelian enamelled A Meleager with the Spoils of the Boar, in Plafma A Spes, Onyx A veiy large Intaglio of Jupiter Serapis, a Beryl, reverfe on a Abraxas A Cameo in a Ring, the Story of Bocchus delivering Jugurtha to SylJa in Agate, extreme pne A filver Pocket Compafs in a fhagreen Cafe, a (hagreen Cafe for Rings, two I ortoifclhell Snuff Boxes and a Bone of a Fifh A Tortoife with Greek Infcription Antique [ 4 ] #3 Five Miniatures, a F riar and Penitent, King and Queen of Spain, copied from the Pictures fent on ° Treaty of Marriage, a Head of Victoria Tefi a famous Italian ACtrefs, and a Lady’s Head in 4 ^4 A caft metal SnufF Box, on the Lid a fine BafTo Relievo of Alexander’s Entry into Perfepoli.-, ^nd a Box maiirof the Lave of Mount Vefuvius V /• h n je~ /(, _ Q --*7 A gold repeating Watch, by Go t ' l! 4"-—^ A neat WJ * nut ' tree Cabinet for I 85 A Tortoifelhell ^nufF Box with a gold Lip and Joint, and a Tortoifclhell Tooth pick C.fe inlaid O with gold 0 A Tortoifelhell Snuff Box richly ornamented with gold and a Pidlure of a L,dy in the Lid Goldsmith, elegantly chafed and a gold Chain r Medals 0 « *3 , (> . 1 0 . /• 2 o. ho [I 6 . t . o . 5 0 • 2. 0 - 8 0 . /- O- 9 0 > $-0 10 0 - e> 11 $• <-. 0 - 12 <5* *U.Or 1 3 Os/. Os /i 0-15 o . /. 0 Ib *7 OCTAVO, fcfr. BOOKS. A Dutch Bible and 1 1 more Rick’s (hort Hand Claudiani Opera Juftin, Ovidii Metamorph. Virgilii Opera Koopman’s Reckeningen and 12 more Twenty-eight Opera’s, by Metaftazio, &c. Le Nouveau Tcftament and 9 more Boyer’s French Dictionary Cole’.- Dictionary Recucil de Ver/ailles,y5 guris La Storiadell’ Anno 1730, & c. S tom. - ■ .. Vita de D. G10. D. Auftria, — Roma Antica e Moderna, 2 tom. Scienza dell Medaglio — Villa Borghefe Viaggio di D. Gio. Mar. Vidari and 6 more Dialog i di Luciano — L’Eheide d’ Annibale Caro Torriano’s Italian Grammar - . . L’lliade d’ Homero — L’Odiflea d'Omero jhnjl. 1677 1708 Os Is O 18 0 s 0 f 9 0 - //« 6 -21 Os (so 22 o-a.* 6 -*z 5 nx f-O 28 /. 0. 29 6- 6-20 V 6 k v 2- O 3 2 _ 33 /• alb • o 37 - /• 0 38 4.0 39 0 .. 7 .O 42 <7.3-0 « Q. U A R T O. Hiftoria Fiorentina di Malefpino— llloria del incendio del Vefuvio Rcmediodell’ Paralifio and 3 more Veneroni’s Italian and French Dictionary _____ Altieri’s Italian and Englifli Dictionary, 2 vofc Sewel’s Dutch and Enfpilh Dictionary _ Virgilii Opera, in Ufum Delphini Les Operc di T rajani Boccalini and 1 more Gemme -Antiche figurata di Agoftino, 2 torn. _ C. Tacito Uluftrata Giuftini Iltoriadd Pompeio „ “ Ethica Volgare d’Ariftotele . ^ L’Opera di Giufeppe, 2 tom. La Guerre de Greci da Senophonte . Erizzo delle Medaglie _ . Bibliotheca Italiana Hiftoria del Regno di Napoli de) Coftanzo . Htoria del Regno di Napoli da Giannone . . Hiftoria Naturali di Plinio Sccondo - __ Dante Inferno Purgatoria e Paradifo DiodoroSiciliano, 2 tom. — II Paftor Fido ___ Donzelh Rivol. di Napoli— Parthenopc liberata di Donzella, finely written Cartar. Imagini de i Dei dell' Antichi _ Le Orazione di Cicerone trad, di Dolce, a tom Gorlaei DaCtyliotheca A tiufto con Figura del Porro " * Jlmfi. — i6 73 Firenz. 1728 - Ve net. 1702 1726 1708 - Hag. 1723 *"T *743 - Roma 1686 ~ l6 44 - Venet. 1 596 Firenz. 1550 Vineg. 1582 Roma 1 650 — 1559 Venet. 1728 Napol. 1710 Napol. 1723 Venet. 1543 Vineg. 1575 * 1602 1730 Venet. 1580 Ventt. 1562 Lugd. 1655 Vinez. 1634 O • 2< ^44 L’Adone del Marino 0 • £.0 45 Deche di Tito Livio, tradotti del Nard folio. • y ■ fc/ TJ - "" imuuui Utl INd.IUI — ■ C ■ O.o 4 6 di Venetia, Sabbdico, Bembo, Paruta, &c. 2 tom O ■ o' .0 47 La Gerufalemme di Taflo, Figura di Caftello J _ / 4X T.t» Gerufiilemmf rli T ortU 2. £ 4^ La Gerufalemme di Taflo >?.0 49 Taflo Napolitano di Gab. Fafano /„ (/ 50 Funerali Antichi di Porcacchi 1 Mufcum Etrufcum, Ant. Fran. Ggrii, 2 tom. Parig. 1623 Vend. 1575 Venet. 1718 Genoa, ibij ' 1617 Napol. 1689 Venet. 156 * V3/ F I N I S.