JOHN CO.. PRtNJMSj CHICAQO. Si-5-.] : ^StrTT" October 1, 1887. IBSON, Parish & Co.s ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE —OF— CABINET HARDWARE, Shade Hardware, Upholsterers’ Hardware, FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS’ AND CABINET MAKERS’ TOOLS. Upholstery Goods, Drapery Trimmings, Curtain Poles, Steel Wire Springs. Gibson, Parish & Co., Branch Offices: I 15 Worth Street, New York, N. Y. iPhelan Block, San Francisco, CaL 78 & 80 RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Factories: Chicago, Illinois. Fort Montgomery, N. Y. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 2 TO THE TRADE. We herewith present you with this Catalogue, in the compilation of which we have used our best efforts to accurately and completely show our different lines of goods. Our continued increase of patronage is the best assurance that our efforts to please, by prompt shipments, bottom prices and the carrying of a large and well assorted stock, have been appreciated by the trade. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a continuance of same, we are Most Respectfully, GIBSON, PARISH & CO. TERMS. We have adopted a uniform set of Terms for our different lines of goods. It is impossible to itemize all in this space, but for example we will mention a few of the staple goods: Plushes, Fancy Coverings, Terries, Hair Cloths, Cords, Gimps, Fringes, Tassels, Bindings, etc., are subject to 60 days less 4 per cent, 30 days less 5 per cent, 10 days less 6 per cent. All Hardware, including Tools and Springs, also Burlaps, Webbing, Cane, Twine, Hair, Moss, Tow, Excelsior, Feathers, etc.. Enameled Cloths, Curtain Poles, Shade Hardware, Carpet and Stair Trimmings, Picture Trimmings, etc., etc., are subject to 60 days net, 30 days less I per cent, 10 days less 2 per cent. Bills having run 6o days will be subject to our draft at sight. Accounts payable in funds at par in Chicago. If the prices and terms on invoices are NOT as agreed, notify us AT ONCE, as no claims made AT MATURITY of the invoice will be allowed. All goods at the risk of purchaser after being receipted for as in good order by the carrier. We cannot agree to inform our customers of every change in prices, but will fill all orders at prices ruling on day of receipt of order. When we are obliged to back order any portion of an order, we will always notify customers of the same, and when goods are received they will be forwarded, if not otherwise instructed, at the customer’s expense. All claims for damages and deficiencies must be made within ten days after receipt of goods. All prices subject to change without notice. Parties ordering from us for the first time, and having no recognized commercial rating, are requested to send references. Orders to be filled C. O. D., whether by express or freight, should be accompanied by a cash deposit, sufficient to cover transportation charges both ways. Respectfully, GIBSON, PARISH & GO. THE GETTV CENTER I IRRADV GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 3 Page. A cme locks .so Alarm Tills.369 Angle Joints..287 Angles, Post.279 Angular Borer.213 Arms, Umbrella.122 Artificial Leather.404 Asphaltum Stain.172 Attachments, Closet.165 , “ Wardrobe.165 Augur Bits.214 Augurs, Hollow.218 Awl Handles.223-225 Awls, Brad.223-224 ‘‘ Carpet.261 “ Scratch.225 y i B abbitt metal Back Flaps. Backing, Picture. Back Saws. Backs, Chair. Picture . Ball Cord. Bands, Curtain. Bangles, Brass. Banner Rods. “ Stands. ....386 .... 37 . ...179 .191 ....383 ....179 ....400 292-299 ....332 _340 339-342 Bar Brackets.. “ Rail Ends “ Rails. 279 278 278 Bars, Clothes. Bead Planes. Bed Fasteners ... “ Fast Nails. “ Lace. “ Rail Staples. “ Screws. ‘ ‘ Screw Wrenches “ Spring Links... “ Spring Staples.. “ Springs. Belting. Belt Punches. 372-373 ,205-206 158-161 .127 ....402 .129-131 .161 .161 .394 .130 .392 .384 . 222 “ Rivets and Burs.385 “ Studs.385 Benches, Cabinet.248 “ Carvers.248 Bench Screws.243 “ Stops. “ Vices.244-247 Bevels, Sliding T.233 Binding, Leather.397 “ Mattress.402 “ Oil Cloth.327 “ Petersham.402 Bit Gauges. “ Holder.213 Bits, Augur.214 “ Caster....218 “ Center.... << Drill.215-216 “ Extension.216 1 'r'* INDEX Page. Bits, Gimlet.. .216-217 “ Key Hole. . 49 “ Lock. .47-49 “ Machine. .214-216 “ Screw Driver. .219 “ Screw and Plug. .217 Blades, Saw. .... 193-195 Blind Butts. .37 “ Staples. .130 Board Measures. ...230 Boards, Lap. .369 Bolts, Barrel. .146 “ Flush. .145-147 “ Spring. .146 “ Stove . .136 Book Case Screws. .161 “ Shelves. .356-3.57 Boot Jacks. .370 “ Rests. .370 Borders, Brass. .336-337 “ Wood. .380 Box Catches. . 45 “ Chisels. .256 “ Corners. .45 “ Handles. .87-89 “ Hinges. .35 “ Hooks. .257 “ Legs. .30 “ Locks. . 45 “ Openers. .256 “ Scrapers. .257 “ Mitre. .198-199 “ Screw. .219 Bracket Butts. . 34 “ Hangers. .177 “ Saw Blades. “ Saws. . 4-195 Brackets, Bar. .279 “ Candle. .102 “ Corner. .353 Brackets, Candle. .102 Flower Pot.... .342 “ Grate. .282 “ 1 Mantle. .282 “ Mirror. .98-102 “ Picture rod.... .282 “ Pole. . .280-283 ‘ ‘ Rail. .279 “ Shade. .313 “ Shelf. .166 “ Side. .352 “ Toilet. .98-102 “ Vestibule. .282-283 Brad Awl Handles. .223-225 Brad Awls. .223-224 Brads, Wire. .124 . . .136 Brass Perforated Strips.. .336-337 .170 Broom Holders. .343 Brushes, Counter. .175 Page. Brushes, Furniture.175 “ Glue.175 “ Plush.176 “ Varnish.174 “ Window.175 Buckram.405 Bullion Fringes.399 Bung Hole Borers.173 “ “ Protectors.149 Burlaps.405 Burnt Umber..'..171 Buttons. Commode. .94-95 “ Door.147 “ Stair.324 “ Upholstery.409 Butts, Blind.37 “ Bracket.34 “ Broad Brass.33 “ Cast Brass.36 “ Conical Joint.36 “ Desk. 33 “ Loose Joint.33-36-39 ‘ Loose Pin .34-38-39 “ Middle Brass.33 “ Narrow Brass. 33 “ Nickel Plated.33-35 “ Parliament.33-39 “ Refrigerator.36-39 “ Table. 37 “ Wardrobe.38 “ Wrought Brass.33-36 “ “ Steel.37-39 C ABINET BENCHES.248 “ Clamps.241 “ Cloths,.405 “ Glues.168 “ Hangers.177 “ Keys. 67 “ Scrapers.196 “ Screws.161 Cabinets.355 Caddy Feet. 30 Calipers.234 Cambric.405 Candle Brackets.102 Cane. Cans, Oil.387 “ Varnish. 171 Carpenter’s Pencils.231 “ Pincers.235 Carpet Awls.261 “ Hammers.254 “ Needles.. . .260 “ Pins and Sockets.325 “ Shears.258 " Stretchers.262-264 “ Sweepers.374-375 “ Tacks.128M29-388 “ Thread.402 “ Trucks.377 Carriage, Lock. 50 4 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, Page. Carver's Benches. .248 Chisels. ...184-187 < ( Gouges. ....184-187 ( ( Punches. .187 < < Tool Handles. .189 t < Tools . ...184-187 Carvings. .378 Cash Drawers. .369 Caskets, Soldering. ., .386 Caster Bits. .218 << Nails. .127 i t Rings. . 29 Casters , Bed. . 9 C ( Bevel Wheel. .24-27 I8COU>rT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 5y CUPBOARD LOCKS. No. 143. No. 143—Iron, 3 inch, 12 keys to each dozen.per dozen, $1.00 No. 1001. 1 Inch. PACKED AND PRICED WITHOUT KEYS. No. 1001 . V/i Inch. SEE STYLES AND PRICES OF KEYS ON PAGE 67 2i No. 1001- 1001 - 1001 — 2 i 1001 — 2 i 1001—21 1001—21 1001—21 2^ inch Iron, Brass Selvedge, 2 inch to Key Pin, right or left hand .per dozen, 1| ( i ( I i i i i i i H li 7 R 3 (i 6 i i i i i 6 i i ( i i i t i L i i i i i i i 4 i i 6 4 4 4 4 4 Unless Left Hand Locks are ordered. Right Hand will be sent. $1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. 60 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CUPBOARD LOCKS. I No. 501. No. 501—Brass, inch, 12 keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, $1.00 No. 58—Iron, 12 keys to dozen, .per dozen, 137—Brass, 12 keys to dozen. “ $0.87 1.30 No. 6057. No. 406. No. 0057—Brass, 2| inch, all different, 12 - keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, $4.00 No. 406—Iron, 3 inch, | inch from selvedge to key pin; 12, keys to dozen, all dif¬ ferent .per dozen, $4.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ()! WARDROBE LOCKS. No 510. No. 510—Iron, 3xlf inches, 12 keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, $1.00 No. 396—Brass, Pattern same as 510. 2.50 No. 500. No. 500—Iron, 3^x2 inches, 12 keys to each dozen locks.per dozen. $1.87 No. 417. No. 417—Iron, 2|xli, 12 keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, $1.60 No. 418—Brass, 2|xli, 12 keys to each dozen locks..per dozen, 2.25 No. 415—Iron, 2|xl4, 12 keys to each dozen locks .*.per dozen, 1.50 No. 416—Brass, 2|xli, 12 keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, 2.00 Nos. 391 and 394. No. 391—Iron, 4x2,12 keys to each doz. locks, perdoz., $2.00 “ 394—Brass, 4x2, “ “ “ “ “ 3.50 SB3B3 DISCOUNT SHKET. 62 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WARDROBE LOCKS. No. 151 and 158. No. 151— Brass, 3xl|, 12 keys to each dozen; all diflPerent, per dozen, 15.50 158—Iron, all different. “ 8.25 / No. 508—Brass, 12 keys to dozen, .per dozen, $2.00 509—Iron, 12 keys to dozen... “ 1.50 J No. 571. No. 571—2^xH, Iron, 12 nickel-plated keys to , each dozen locks, all different..per dozen, $4.75 ! No. 573. No. 578—Iron, 2x^ inch, 12 nickel keys to each dozen locks.per dozen, $4.25 SEE IDISCOXJNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DESK AND CHEST LOCKS. (13 No. 64. No. 584. No. 64—Iron, 2-inch, 12 keys to dozen, per doz., $1.88 No. 584—Brass, 2-incb, 12 keys to dozen, all different.per dozen, $3.50 No. 55. No. 166. No. 55—Iron, 1| inch, 12 keys to dozen, per doz., $0.68 42—Brass, 1^ inch, same style... “ 75 No. 166—Iron,2|inch, 12 key8todozen,per doz.,$2.12 Chest Lock, No. 121. TER DOZEN. No. 121—Yale, Brass, If from selvedge to center keyhole, for IJ wood, case l|x4i, 24 keys to dozen, all different. $24.00 123— “ “ If “ “ “ “ “ “ lfx4i, 24 “ “ “ _ 24.00 125— “ “ If “ “ “ “ If “ “ lix4J, 24 “ “ “ _ 24.00 SKE rUSCOTJNT SHEET 64 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO DESK AND CHEST LOCKS. No. 187—Full Size. No. 187—Self locking chest, combination can be changed without taking lock off the chest; per doz. .S32.00 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 65 DESK AND CHEST LOCKS. All Packed with Brass Striker Plates. All Packed with Brass Striker Plates. No. 901. Standard. % from Selvedge to Center Keyhole; Case, 2 inches in Diameter; 24 Keys to Dozen, all different. No. 901—Brass, for h inch wood, per dozen, $8.50 903—Brass, for f 905—Brass, for 1 8.50 8.50 No. 941. Standard. % from Selvedge to Center Keyhole; Case, l%x2; 24 Keys to Dozen, all different. No. 941—Brass, for ^ inch wood, per dozen, $8.00 943—-Brass, for | 945 —Brass, for 1 8.00 8.00 CHIFFONIER LOCKS. No. 6089. No. 6089—Brass, 3|^xl, for § wood, 12 gold plated keys. $7.00 No. 6076. No. 6076—Brass, 34xl|^, made for ^ wood, with 12 gold plated keys, per dozen, $8.00 SKK IDISCOTJN'T SHKKT. - (ii) GIBSOX, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. I- ' PATENT ROLLING DESK LOCKS. .. IP* IflT 1 sill Silii ' ll Ip] ml S ^ E 111 J| \ 1 ^ ll [|B m • , -.0 iHiili III ■1 k No. 141—Yale. No. 141—Yale, Brass, for ^ inch wood ; ^ inch from selvedge to center of keyhole ; case, l|x2^ inches ; 24 keys to dozen locks, all difPerent...per dozen, $12.00 143—Yale, Brass, for inch wood ; ^ inch from selvedge to center of keyhole ; case 1^ x 2^ inches ; 24 keys to dozen locks, all different.per dozen, 12.00 No. 58—Patent Self-closi iriker. No. 58—Brass selvedge, strike and bolt, 6 secure levers, self locking, solid nickel bit keys, all differ¬ ent, bronze escutcheons, 1 inch from selvedge to center of tube, 24 keys to dozen... .per doz., $14.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET 1 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO i * ^ M i CABINET KEYS. No. 161. No. 1001. No. 12 ] 4 . No. 423 —Iron, fits lock No. 423. 12^ —^^Iron, fits lock No. 72. . 1001 —Iron, fits lock No. 1001. 161 —Iron, fits locks Nos. 161, 180, 185 and 240.1 143 —Iron, fits lock No. 143.. .. . . .. 510 —Iron, fits lock No. 510.,. j. I . No. 143. No. 1104. B ''pI i ( w IJ 1 H No. 100,i. No. 0724. No. 2007. No. 1104—Gilt, li and U inch. 1005—Gilt, 1^ and 1| inch. 0724—Gilt, li and li inch. 2007—Gilt, 1^ and 1^ inch 1007—Gilt, 1^ and 14 inch. No. 1007. per do 2 ;en, $0.75 ( i .75 6 6 .75 i 6 .75 i i . 75 Mention the number of the Lock you want gilt Keys to fit. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO (uS METAL ESCUTCHEONS. In Gilt, Nickel and Antique Finish. No. 90. Full Size Cut. Sheet Metal. No. 900. Full Size. Cast Brass. No. 983. Full Size. Sheet Metal. * No. 306. ■ % Size. Sheet Metal. No. 709. Full Size. Sheet Metal. No. 328. Full Size. Sheet Metal. No. 703. Full Size. Sheet Metal. No. 771. Full Size. Sheet Metal. No. 207. Size. Cast Brass. No. 243. ^ Size. Sheet Metal. No. 66. Full Size. Sheet Metal. No. 146. Size. Cast Brass. Sheet Metal Escutcheons, Cast “ “ per dozen, SO. 20 “ .40 SEE EISCOXJNT SHEEX GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO (59 METAL ESCUTCHEONS. In Gilt, Nickel and Antique Finish. No. 3U60—Full Size, Sheet Metal. No. 772—Full Size, Sheet Metal. No. 971—Full Size, Sheet Metal. No. 81—Full Size, Cast Brass. Sheet Metal Escutcheons Cast Metal ‘ ‘ No. 4256—Full Size, Cast Brass. SEE EISI TINT SHEET No. 82—Full Size, Cast.Brass. per dozen, 20 cents 40 “ 70 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. METAL ESCUTCHEONS. In Gilt, Nickel and Antique Finish. Sheet Metal. No. 4254—Full Size. Cast Brass. Sheet Metal Escutcheons, Cast “ “ No.'4258—Full Size. Cast Brass. No. 4071—Full Size. Cast Brass. Sheet Metal. No. 4105—Full Size. Cast Brass. .. per dozen, $0.20 .. “ .40 No. 48. No. 48—Brass 72— ‘‘ 470— “ No. 72. No. 470. per gross, $1.75 a 1 1 . <0 per dozen, . 40 THREAD ESCUTCHEONS. BRASS Full Size Cut of 9-16 Inch. ISize.incbl iA j i { Pergro. $ 1.00 1.80 SEE DISCOTJiv'^ SHEEX, r GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 71 / WOOD ESCUTCHEONS. In Walnut, Cheery and Ash. EASTLAKE. Cut of No. 40, showing Stamped Escutcheon. No. 1—14 inch, ^Rabbit, carved. 2-ii : ■ plain back. stamped. 8—li 40—1 50—li < i i < i i i i 10 11-1 12—1 13- i 14- i 15 - 1 ( i 6 ( i ( i i plain i Rabbit, plain ... i Rabbit. Full Size Nos. 16 and 17. No. 16 —1 inch, plain- 17 —^1 “ i Rabbit 5 —li “ plain.. .. 6 —li “ I Rabbit. 7 -li “ I 7i—li “ plain. Rabbit. 8 —li “ i Rabbit .... per gross, 6 i t < ROUND. Full Size Nos. 9 and 10. Full Size Nos. 11 and 12. Full Size Nos. 13,14 and 15. , per gross, 6 i i i i i i ( ^0.75 1.00 .60 .45 .45 ,27 .27 .27 ,27 .33 .33 .60 Full Size Nos. 5, 6 and 7. (( (( Full Size Nos. 74 and 8. . per gross, $0.38 .38 .65 “ .65 “ .90 “ 1.10 “ 1.10 SKE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. No. 1003—Full Size. No. 1003—Gilt.jDer dozen, $0.30 1002—Nickel. “ .30 No. 999—Full Size. No. 990—Gilt.per dozen, $0.30 998—Nickel. “ .30 No. 3131 ^—Full Size. No. 313|—Gilt, per dozen, $0.60 317—Nickel, “ .60 No. 90 Large—Full Size. No. 90—Large, Gilt and Nickel.. . per dozen, $0.40 90|^—Small, No. No. 78 Harge—Full Size. 78—Large, Gilt and Nickel.. .per dozen, $0.40 “ “ ... “ .40 78^—Small, No. 194—Full Size. No. 494—Gilt..per dozen, $0.60 497—Nickel, “ .60 No. 160—Full Size. No. 160—Gilt, per dozen, $0.50 160i—Nickel, “ .50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 78 DRAWER PULLS. No. 657—Full Size. No. 657—Gilt, per dozen, |1.50 No. 069—Full Size. No. 069—Ebony and Gilt, per dozen. 3oc. No. No. 924—Full Size. 924—Gilt. . . .per dozen, 75c. 923—Nickel, “ 75c. No. 881—Gilt, .per dozen, |1.00 880—Nickel, “ 1.00 No. 926—Full Size. No. 926 — Gilt. .. per dozen, 60c. 925 — Nickel, “ 60c. No. 524—Full Size. No. 524—Gilt.. per dozen, $1.50 525—Nickel, “ 1.50 No. 070—Full Size. No. 070—Ebony , and Gilt, per dozen. 35c. SEE EISCOtJNT SHEET. 74 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. No. 634—Gilt. . 633—Nickel No. 634—Full Size. I per dozen, $0.75 “ .75 No. 57 —^ Size. No. 57—Brass, polished.per dozen, $1.50 56— “ “ size smaller. << 1.50 No. 296-Full Size. No. 296—Brass, polished.per doz., $2.00 295— “ “ size smaller, “ 2.00 No. 4116—Full Size. No. 4116—Brass, polished.per doz.. $4.50 SEE DISCO UN a’ SHEET. 75 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. No. 707—Gilt i No. 626—Full Size. No. 626—Brass, unpolished No. 345—Full Size. No. 845—Gilt. 345—Antique .... per dozen, 40c. per dozen, 40c. SEE rUSCOTJNT SKEEX. per dozen, 75c. 75c. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO l » i <) DRAWER PULLS. No. 1099-Full Size.* No. 1099—Gilt... 1097—Nickel. 1099—Antique per dozen, 50c. “ 50c. “ 60c. No. 1085—Gilt.. . 1085—Antique per dozen, 75c. “ 80c. No. 709—Size Cut. No. 709—Gilt..., 709—Antique per dozen. 75c. “ 75c. SEE DISCOUNT &IIEEX. GIBSOX, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. I i DRAWER PULLS. % Size Cut No. 309. No. 309—Large, Gilt. .. . 308—Small. “ .... 1“ 309—Large, Antique 308—Small, •I, s, per dozen, $0.75 “ .75 “ .80 - .80 4 % No. (i i c 6 6 i i < ( % Size Cut No. 313. 313—Large, Gilt. 312— Small “ . 313— Large, Nickel.. 312— Small, “ . 313— Large, Antique. 312—Small, “ . per dozen, i i i i ( i i ( 6 ( $0.75 .75 .75 .80 .80 H Size Cut No. 307. .per dozen. No. 307—Large, Gilt. << “ 306—Small, “ . “ 307—Large, Nickel. “ “ 306—Small, “ ... “ 307—Large, Antique. << “ 306—Small, “ . .75 .75 .80 .80 SEE EISCOXIN'T SHEEX. 78 GIBSON", PARISH & CO., CHICAGO DRAWER PULLS. No. 591—Full Size. No. 591—Large, Gilt..., 590— Small, “ .... 591— Large, Antique 590—Small, ‘ ‘ No. 618—Large, Bronze 617—Small, “ per dozen, |1.00 1.00 ‘ V . 1.10 1.10 per dozen, SI. 00 “ 1.00 No. fiSO—Full Size. No. 680—Large, Gilt. 679— Small, “ . 680— Large, Antique. . 679—Small, ‘‘ SICK DISCOXJNfT SHKKT. per dozen, $1.00 “ 1.00 “ 1.10 “ 1.10 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 79 DRAWER PULLS. No. 4214—Full Size. No. 4214—Cast Brass, polished. 4214— “ “ antiqued per dozen, $1.00 1.10 No. 4051—Full Size. No. 4051—Large, Bronze Metal 4051—Small per dozen, $1.25 “ 1.25 No. 4019—Large, Cast Brass . 4018—Small, per dozen, $1.25 1.25 SEE discount sheet. 80 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. No. 2001—Full Size. No. 2001—Cast Brass, polished. 2001 “ antiqued. per dozen, $1.2 i.i; No. 682— Full.Size. No. 682—Large, 681— Small, 682— Large, 681—Small, Gilt . .. i i antique per dozen, $0.75 .75 1.00 1.00 6 • No. 674—Full Size. No. 674—Gilt. 674—Antique. SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. .. per dozen, $0.85 .95 Zil GIBSON, PAKISH & OO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. per dozen, $1.50 “ “ 1.75 per dozen, $2.00 “ “ 2.25 No. 4070—Cast .. per dozen, $2.00 ^-Size Cut. No. 361. SEE DISCOXJISrT SHEET. No. 10—Cast Brass, Polished 10— “ Antiqued, No. 361—Cast Brass, Polished 361— “ “ Antiqued, 82 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAWER PULLS. Full Size Cut. No. !>61. No. 961—Cast Brass, Polished. 601— “ “ Antiqued, per dozen, $2.00 2.25 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. No. 336—Cast Brass, Polished. 336— “ “ Antiqued Full Size Cut. No. 33B. per dozen, $1.50 “ 1.75 Full Size Cut. No 384. I per dozen, $1.75 < “ 2.00 I No. 384—Cast Brass, Polished 384— “ “ Antiqued t GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 83 /■ DRAWER PULLS. Full Size Cut. No. 4230. Full Size Cut. No. 4011. No. 4011—Cast Brass, Polished. 4061— “ “ Size Smaller. per dozen, |2.00 2.00 No. 4230—Cast Brass, Antiqued. 4229— “ “ Size Smaller per dozen, $2.50 “ 2.50 Full Size Cut. No. 4226. No. 4226—Cast Brass, Antiqued.per dozen, $2.75 -.4225— “ “ Size Smaller. “ 2.75 see: discount sheet. 84 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO DRAWER PULLS. Full Size Cut No. 772. No. 772—Cast Brass, Polished ....per dozen, $1.50 772— “ “ Antiqued. “ 1.75' Full Size Cut No. 700. No. 700—Sheet Metal Brass..per dozen, $0.45 700— “ “ Antiqued.”. “ 50 i No. 351—Sheet Metal Brass.... 351— “ “ Antiqued SKK DISCOTJNT SHEET, per dozen, $0.75 66 .80 V V GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DESK PULLS. Full Size Cut. No. 53. No. 53—Gilt per dozen, $1 00 ! No. 52—Gilt. 51— “ size smaller per dozen, ( i $2 00 1 50 % Size Cut. No. 177. No. 177—Cast Brass, Polished. 176— “ “ size smaller per dozen, $3 00 “ 3 00 Full Size Cut. No. 1308. No. 1308—Cast Brass, Polished. per dozen, $2 50 SKK ZDISCOXINT SHEET 86 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. IRON DRAWER PULLS. Full Size Cut, Nos. 0 and No. Of—Coppered Drawer Pulls. 0 —Japanned Drawer Pulls. o k/v . .. ^ Full Size Cut, No. 3327. No. 3327 Amber Bronzed, Packed with Screws, . per gross, $3.25 Full Size Cut, No. 01227. No. 01227—Amber Bronzed, Packed with Screws..! “ “ “ “ “ 3finch, per gross, $3.00 “ “ 2.75 " see: discount sheet GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 87 BRASS LIFTING HANDLES. Full Size Cut No. 486. No. 486—Brass, Polished. .,, per dozen, $7.50 Full Size Cut of No. 516. No. 516 —Brass, Polished, 2^ inch, i swing.per dozen pairs, 517 — 518 — 5161 - 517i— 518J— i i i i a i • 3 3i i i i i i i full swing i i i i 16.30 7.50 9.60 6.30 7.50 9.60 WOOD DRAWER PULLS. No. 2. No. 2—4-inch Walnut. 2—6 “ . 2—7 “ ., In any other woods, made to order only. per gross, $2.50 “ 2.50 “ . 2.50 SKK IDISCOXJNX SHEET 1 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. DOOR PULLS. I' I I ! I i I No. 1105—Japanned Full Size Cut No. 1106. per dozen, |0.55 i ] I \ No. 3208—Amber Bronzed Full Size Cut No. 3208. per dozen, $1.25 > t No. l69l—Brass, Polished Full Size Cut No. 1691. SKK UISCOXJIS'X SHEET. per dozen, $5.50 I I I GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. 89 I BRASS BOX HANDLES. . Foe Paper File and Light Wood Boxes. No. 20—Brass Box Handles.. . .per gross, $10.50 No. 10—Brass Ring Box Handles, |-in., pei gross, $2.35 10- “ “ “ “ ^ “ Q IK f-m. 3.45 BRASS FLUSH RINGS. Full Size Cut. Ko. U20. No. 1020—1-inch, Polished Brass.per dozen, $2.00 1021 — 1 ^. “ “ “ . “ 2.20 1022—H “ . “ 2.65 1024—IJ ‘i “ “ ... “ 3.10 BRASS FLUSH HANDLES. Full Size Cut. No. 724. No. 724—Brass, Polished per dozen pairs, $12.00 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. 1 90 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CHEST HANDLES. XT onn -1 * 1 Full Size Cut No. 3072. 807p “ “0 “f ‘tan cut. per dozen pairs, $2.85 oU73 “ “ one size larger than cut. << << 6 OO XT/u 1871 j T • . Size (Jut No. 1872. . Japanned Iron, one size smaller than cut i . 1872— “ “ size of cut . ... .per dozen pairs, $2.50 1873 “ “ one size larger than cut.. . “ << SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1)1 DRAWER KNOBS. Full Size Cut No. 8—1% inch. Diameter, inches No. 0—Walnut or Ash 8 — “ “ Full Size Cut No. 0—2 inch. Walnut or Ash. H 1| 2 $3.00 3.00 3.00 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.00 No. 4. Full Size Cuts. No. 3. No. 2. Nos.. 1 2. 3 4 5 Ebony and Gilt.$3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 per gross. Ebony and Nickel... 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 “ ’ Ebony and Antique. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 “ SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. <)L> ENAMELED KNOBS. Full Size Cut, inch, No. 42. No. 42—Ebony, with Bound Head Blued Screw.per gross, $2.50 METAL KNOBS. Full Size Cut, 114 inch, Nos. 12 and 13. Diameter...inches, 1 IJ 1| No. 12—Polished Brass.per gross, $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00 13—Antique Finish. “ 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 BRASS DOOR PULLS. Full Size Cut No. 1. Full Size Cut No. 4. No. 1—Polished Brass.per dozen, $0.45 3— “ like No. 4, 31 inch. “ .52 4— “ . “ .48 see: discount sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 9a DRAWER AND SHUTTER KNOBS. Full Size Cut of No. 331. % inch Diameter. No. 331—Ebony Knob, Gilt Base...per gross, $2.50 No. 231—Porcelain Knob, Silver Tip, Base and Screw.per gross, $2.25 No. 232 —% Inch Diameter. No. 232—Ebony Knob, Gilt Tip, Base and Screw.per gross. $2.25. No. 225—% Inch Diameter. No. 225—Porcelain Knob, Silver Tip, Base and Screw.per gross. $2.25 No. 325 and 326—% Inch Diameter. No. 326—Ebony Knob, Gilt Tip, Base and Screw.per gross, $2.25- 325—Ebony Knob, Silver Tip, Base and Screw.per gross, 2.25- No. 61—1% Inch. No. 51—1^ inch. Amber Bronzed, per gross, $3.00 No. 15—Porcelain Knob, Diameter, in., § 3. 4 li U Per gross.$3.35 3.50 3.75 5.50 6.75- CAST BRASS KNOBS TO SCREW. No. 105—Diameter, inches, Per gross. 7 TS" 3. 4 No. 106. Full Size Cut of Nine-Sixteenths Inch. ‘.’i!$1^25 1.^50 D95 2.75 3.55 4.30’ SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. 14 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1 COMMODE BUTTONS. Full Size Cut, No. 2. Full Size Cut, No. 3. No. 2—Ebony and Gilt.per dozen, $0.40 2—Ebony and Nickel. “ “ .40 No. 3—Ebony and Gilt.per dozen, $0.40 3—Ebony and Nickel.“ .40 Full Size Cut, No. 4. % Size Cut, No. 0. No. 4—Ebony and Gilt.. 4—Ebony and Nickel 0—Plain Ebony. per dozen, $0.40 “ “ .40 “ “ .30 No. 11— Walnnt Button, 12— Ash Fastened by glueing Shank into the Button. Wood Shank, Iron Tui’n. a a per gross, $2.50 “ “ 2.50 SEK DISCOXJ^TX SHEET 95 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. METAL COMMODE BUTTONS. Full Size, Nos. 919 and 020. Full Size, Nos. 921 and 922. No. 919—Nickel 920—Gilt.. per dozen, $1.00 “ 1.00 No. 921—Nickel 922—Gilt.. per dozen, $0.75 “ .75 I- Full Size, Nos. 112 and 113 No 112—Gilt., 113—Antiq' per dozen, $1.00 “ 1.10 Full Size No. 106 and l0C>}/2- Full Size No. 6. No. 106 —Gilt . . . 106^—Antique per dozen, $1.00 “ 1.10 No. 5—Gilt.per dozen, $1.25 15—Nickel ... . “ 1.25 25—Antique. “ 1.50 SKK riiscoxjisrx sheet. 96 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. TOILET SCREWS. • % Size Cut No. 4. % Size Cut No. 19. % Size Cut No. 20. • No. 4- -Gilt, 3^ inch screw. .per dozen. 11.25 19 Ci 01 £( ££ £ £ 0.60 20- . - “ 34 “ “ . £ £ 0.60 No. 519.—3 inch. No. 519—Gilt, 3 and 3^ inch per dozen, lO-dO No. 1—3-inch, Walnut. 2— 3^dnch, Walnut 3— 4-inch, Walnut. 12—3i-inch, Ash. . . per gross, $3. GO j 3.60 I 3.60 3.60 i 6 C ( ( i ; No. 2—Plain Walnut, inch thick, per gross, SO. 30 4—Black Enameled, “ “ .60 see: discount shkjet. XV * GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 97 TOILET OR MIRROR HINGES. Full Size, Forg’s Ko. 33, showing style of 33, 34, 35 and 36. Full Size, Forg’s No. 01, showing style of 01, 02 and 03. No. 33—Steel, small.per gross pairs, $5.00 34— ‘ ‘ 1 size larger... “ “ 6.00 35— “ 2 “ “ ... “ “ 9.00 36— 3 “ ‘‘ ... “ “ 11.00 Full Size Forg's, No. 8, showing style of Nos. 8, 9 and 10. No. 8—Iron, small.per gross pairs, $5.00 9— “ medium. “ “ 8.00 10— “ large. “ “ 10.65 Full Size, Safford’s No. 3, showing style of Nos. 3 and 1. No. 3—Iron, small.per gross pairs, $6.00 1— “ large. “ “ 7.50 No. 01—Iron, small.per gross pairs, $11.25 02— “ medium. “ “ 13,50 03— “ “ dbl. spring “ “ 15.00 Full Size, Forg’s No. 30, showing style of Nos. 30, 31 and 32. No. 30—Steel, small. ,... per gross pairs, $3.00 31— “ medium. “ “ 4.00 32— “ large. “ “ 5.00 Full Size, Eagle No. 1716, showing style of Nos. 1716 and 1720. No. 1716—Steel, small with screws, per gr. p’rs, $7.20 1720— “ large “ “ “ “ 12.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 98 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. I MIRROR BRACKETS. % Size Cut, No. 25. No. ... “ “ 9 fiO 25—Antique.•,.. % Size Cut, No. 412. No. 412—Brass....per dozen, 82.25 2.50 412—Antique, ii ii % Size Cut, No. 405. No. 405—Brass, Flat Bracket.per dozen, 84.00 415— “ Corner “ . “ “ 4.00 SEE DISCOUNTX SHEET. I I i 1 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. i)9 MIRROR BRACKETS. % Size Cut, No. 400. No. 400 Brass..(Jozen, |2.00 % Size Cut No. 4i,'4. No. 404—Brass.per dozen, $‘2.00 | No. 404^—Antique.per dozen, $2.25 Full Size Cut No. 1531. No. 1531—Brass.per dozen, $2.00 j No. 1531—Antique.per dozen, $2.25 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 100 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO MIRROR BRACKETS. Full Size Cut, No. 468. No. 468—Brass.. 468 —Antique per dozen, $2.25 “ “ 2.50 No. 582—Brass.. 582—Antique per dozen, S2.25 “ “ 2.50 SEE DISCOXJ^TT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 10] L*.- • , 1 • . ** MIRROR BRACKETS. i i i I f i s I ! ! % Size Cut No. 413. No. 413—Brass Swing 9 1 per dozen, 14.00 i i ( % Size Cut No. 431—Swing. Showing style also of No. 432 \ I )' I 5 i i {( . No. 431—Brass Swing Mirror Bracket (with nut) 431— Antique “ •' “ “ 432— -Brass Stationary Mirror Bracket “ 432—Antique per dozen, So. 00 ;j “ 5.00 ■ “ 4.50 “ 4,50 ) \ - SEE I3ISCOXTNT SHEET. 102 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CANDLE BRACKETS. No. 1—Brass. Height, 4 in.; length, 6 in.. • dozen, $15.00 2_ “ “ 6 “ 6 “ . “ 24.00 % Size Cut No. 434—Stationary. Showing Style aiso of No. 433. No. 433—Brass Swing Candle Bracket.per dozen, $5.00 433— Antique “ “ “ . “ 5.00 434— Brass Stationary Candle Bracket. “ 4.50 434—Antique “ “ “ .. “ 4.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 103 TOWEL RODS. No. 30—Brass, 14 inches long. per dozen, $1.75 30—Antique, 14 inches long. “ 1.75 per dozen, $1.50 “ 1.75 No. 9. No. 9—Brass, 14 inches extreme length 9—Antique, 14 “ “ “ No. 6. -No. 5—Brass, 14 inches long per dozen, $1.25 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 104 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO TOWEL RODS. No. 260 No. 260—Brass, 14 inches long per dozen, $5.00 No. 393 No. 393—Brass, 14 inches long.per dozen, $2.50 No. 393—Antique, 14 “ “ . “ 2.50 No. 505. No. 505—Brass, 14 inches long No. 505— “16 “ per dozen, $2.50 “ 2.50 SKK DISCOUNT SHKET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 105 TOWEL RODS. No. 1. No. 1—Brass, 14 inches long.per dozen, .$2.00 1—Antique, 14 inches long. 2.00 No. 987. No. 987—Genuine Bronze Brackets, Nickel-Plated Bods, 16 inches long.per dozen, $48.00 No. 4. No. 4—Brass, 14 inches long.. 4—Antique, 14 inches long per dozen, $3.00 “ 3.00 SKEl DISCOXJJSTT SHEET. 106 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. TOWEL RODS. No. 4273—Swing. No. 4273—Brass, 14 inches long.. . per dozen, $1.00 No._630—Brass, 16 inches long...I.per dozen, $2.50 No. 8—Double Swing. No. 8—Double Swing, Brass, 14 inches long.per dozen, $3.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 107 COAT AND HAT HOOKS. Full Size Cut, No. 21. No. 21—Bronzed Iron Hat Back Hooks, per gross, $1.00 | No. 1—Japanned Iron.per gross, $0.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 108 GIBSOIST, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. COAT AND HAT HOOKS. No. 14—Japanned Iron No. 140—iBronzed “ Nos. 14 and 140—Full Size Cut. per gross, $1.00 “ 1.00 NO''. 180 and 185—Full Size Cut. No. 180—Japanned Iron.per gross, $1.25 No. 185—Bronzed “ . “ 1.25 Nos. 24 aud 240—Full Size Cut. No. 24—Japanned Iron.,.per gross, $1.00 No. 240—Bronzed “ . “ 1.00 SEE UISCOEISTT SHEET. 0 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. 10',) COAT AND HAT HOOKS. No. 60—Full Size Cut. No. 60—2| inch Walnut Bronzed Wire... ........ per gross, $2 15 No. 80—Full Size Cut. - No. 80—3| inch Walnut Bronzed Wire..per gross, $3.20 SEE lOISCOTJN’X SHEET V no GIBSON, PARISH & CO,, CHICAGO. COAT AND HAT HOOKS. No. 4013—Amber Bronzed Coat and Hat Hooks.per gross, $4. CEILING HOOKS. No. 31Go—Full Size Cut. Nos. 2 and 20 -Full Size Cut. No. 2—Japanned Iron...per gross, ^1. No. 20—Copper Bronzed Iron. “ 1. No. 3165—Amber “ “ . “ 6. 00 00 00 00 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. Ill per dozen, $1.50 “ 2.75 per dozen, .$3.00 “ ^ 2.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. No. 744-—Iron, Brass Plated No. 0744—Ebony and Gold .. , per dozen, $4.00 2.00 I^os. 744 and 0744—Two Thirds Size Cut. Nos. 745 and 0745—Two Thirds Size Cut. No. 745—Brass. . No. 0745—Iron, Berlin Bronzed. No. Oil—Iron, Berlin Bronzed No. 11—Brass. Nos. 11 and 011—Two Thirds Size Qut. HAT PINS. 112 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAT PINS. No. 762—Full Size Cut. No. 752—Brass.$2.00 No. 505—Full Size Cut. No. 505—Brass..•..per dozen, $2.00 j SEE r)iscouisrT sheet. ^ __ , • GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 113 ! HAT PINS. % Size Cut. No. 28. No. 28—Polished Brass.per dozen, $2.00 % Size Cut. No. 36. No. 36—Polished Brass. , per dozen, $2.50 SKB3 DISCOUNT SHEET. ; No. 34—Polished Brass, per dozen, $1.50 Full Size. No. 34. 114 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAT PINS Full Size, No. 763. No. 753—Polished Brass.per dozen, $3.00 No. 100—Polished Brass.per dozen, $2.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 115 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAT PINS. No. 12—Polished Brass.dozen, $4.00 Two-Thirds Size Cut, No. 511. No. 511—Polished Brass ,per dozen, $4.50 No. 750—Polished Brass Full Size Cut, No. 750. per dozen, $4.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET I GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 11(> ■ ■ '>,‘s No. per dozen, $3.00 % Size Cut, No. 39. 39—Polished Brass, HAT PINS. ^ Size Cut, No. 430. No. 430—Polished Brass.per dozen, |4.00 Full Size Cut, No. 761. No. 751—Polished Brass, per dozen, $4.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 117 COAT AND HAT HOOKS. No. 2135—Three-Fourths Size Cut. No. 2135—Brass Coat and Hat Hooks..pei’ dozen, $4.25 No. 430—Brass, Double. , per dozen, $5.00 see: discount sheet. 118 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAT PINS. No. 26—Polished Brass % Size Cut No. 26. per dozen, $30.00 % Size Cut No. 42. No. 42—Polished Brass per dozen, $8.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 119 HAT PINS. No. 24—Polished Brass, k % Size Cut No. 25. 0 No. 25—Polished Brass, with a Swivel Mirror Center. per dozen, $36.00 per dozen, $40.00 STCTC DISCOUNT SHEET. 120 GIBSO]Sr, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1 I HAT RACK PANS OR DISHES. Polished Brass. No. 25—Polished Brass, 71 inch diameter.per dozen, .|4.00 26— “ “ 9“ “ ... “ 5.00 No. 5—Iron, Green and Gold Bronzed No. 6. per dozen, $3.25 Any color or assorted colors can be furnished to order. SEE DISCOXJNT SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 121 HAT RACK PANS OR DISHES. No. 3. No. 3—Iron, Green and Gold Bronzed. Any color or assorted colors can be furnished to order. No. 1. No. 1—Iron, Green and Gold Bronzed. t V ‘i '' Any color or assorted colors can be furnished to order. %■ per dozen, per dozen. $3.50 $3.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 122 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. » UMBRELLA ARMS. per dozen, $6.00 per dozen, $6.00 style of No. 11. No. 11—Burnished Brass, 9 inches diameter, ^ inch tubing style of No. 3. No. 3—Burnished Brass, 8x12 inches, | inch tubing. SEE DISCOUNT' SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 123 ESCUTCHEON PINS. No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. IB No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 PRICE LIST OF BRASS AND STEEL ESCUTCHEON PINS. Packed in one pound paper boxes. i n Length, Inches. } Steel. S Brass. I Steel. (Brass. I Steel. f Brass. I Steel. Brass. j Steel. f Brass. Steel .... Brass. Steel. Brass. Steel. , Brass. j Steel. f Brass. j Steel. f Brass. / Steel. f Brass..... j Steel... •; f Brass. Steel. Brass. .^.. ,$0.40 $0.33 .90 .83 .45 .35 .95 .85 .,50 .40 1.00 .90 .55 .45 1.10 1.00 .60 .50 1.20 1.10 .70 .55 1.35 1.20 .85 .65 1.55 1 35 1.00 .80 1.75 1..55 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.75 3 i 8 1 i $0.25 $0.28 .75 .73 .26 .24 .76 .74 .27 .25 .77 .75 .28 .26 .78 .76 .30 .28 .80 .77 .32 .30 .82 .78 .35 .32 .85 .82 .37 .34 .02 .89 .40 .36 1.00 .96 .50 .45 1.15 1.10 .60 ..50 1.25 1.20 .70 .60 1.45 1.35 .85 .70 1.60 1.45 I 10.22 .72 .23 .73 .24 .74 .25 .75 .26 .76 .28 .77 .30 .80 .32 .87 .34 .1)4 .40 1.05 .45 1.15 .'55 1.30 .65 ! 1.40 3 4 1 ! 1 n H If 2 $0.21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 $0.15 .71 .70 .69 .68 .67 .66 .65 .65 .22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .16 .72 .71 .70 .69 ■ .68 .67 .66 .23 .22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .17 .73 .72 .71 .70 .69 .68 .67 .67 .24 .23 .22 .21 .20 .19 .19 .19 .74 .73 .72 .71 ,70 .69 .69 .69 .25 .24 .23 .22 .22 .21 .21 .21 .75 .74 .73 .72 .71 .70 .70 ,70 .27 .26 .25 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .76 .75 .74 .73 .72 .72 .72 .72 .28 .27 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .27 .78 .76 .75 .74 .74 .74 .74 .75 .30 .29 r .28 .28 .28 .28 .29 .30 .85 .83 .81 .80 .80 .80 .81 .82 .32 .30 .30 .30 .32 .32 .33 .35 .92 .90 .90 .90 .92 .92 .93 .85 .35 .35 .38 .38 .38 .40 . 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.05 .40 .40 .45 .45 .45 . 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 . fiO an 1.30 70 1.35 1.35 . . . . i 1.45 . . . . . Carry in stock sizes and numbers priced in heavy type. SEK XUSCOTJlSrT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO li>4 WIRE BRADS OR MOULDING NAILS. PRICE LIST OF WIRE BRADS OR MOULDING NAILS. Adopted July 14, 1887. For Tinning add 50 per cent to list. Lf'ugth iDclies. i. 1 u H If u U 2 21 2i 2f 3 31 3l 4 41 5 51 6 Gauge 3 No. 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 $0 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12i 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 | $ 0.21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .*13 .12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 $0.22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 10 1.27 .24 .22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 .15 .14 .13 .13 .12 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 11 12 $0 27 $0.30 .24 .22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 .15 .14 .13 .13 .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 .26 .24 .22 .21 .20 .19 .17 .16 .15 .15 .14 .14 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 13 $0.32 .28 .26 .24 .22 .21 .20 .18 .16 .15 .15 .15 .16 .16 .16 .16 14 15 .31 .28 .25 .22 .21 .21 .19 .17 .16 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 $0 16 42 $0 34 30 26 23 22 21 10 18 18 20 20 20 ; 20 | 45 40 35 31 26 24 23 22 21 20 20 22 22 24 17 $0 47 42 37 33 28 26 25 24 23 22 22 25 26 18 ).50 .45 40 .35 .30 .28 .27 .26 .25 .24 .24 .26 .28 19 $0.58 .50 .45 .40 .35 .33 .32 .31 .31 .32 .33 20 I 21 $1.00 .80 .65 .55 .45 .40 .40 .38 .39 .40 $ 1.10 .95 . 75 .65 .55 .50 .55 .60 $1.30 1.05 .85, .70! .65| .70 Length inches. 3 16 ... I ... 4 ... i ...1 ...u ...u ...If . ..u ...ll .24 .3 .3f .34 .4 .44 .5 .54 .6 We carry in stock sizes and numbers priced in heavy type. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. u\-v>\ GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. 125 FLAT HEAD PLAIN WIRE NAILS. PRICE LIST OF FLAT HEAD PLAIN WIRE NAILS. Adopted July 14, 1887. H For Tinning add 50 per cent to list. Length. Inches. /e i. 1- It- i- 1 . H- U. 11. If. ^ . 21 . 21. 2f. 3 . 31 . 31 . 4 . 41 . 5 . 51 . 6 . Gauge 3 No. 10.17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .11 $0 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 • 7 $0 $0 $0 10 $0.27 $0.27 .24 .24 22 .22 .22 21 .21 .21 20 .20 .20 19 .19 .19 18 .18 .18 17 .17 .17 16 .16 .16 15 .15 .15 14 .15 .15 13 .14 .14 13 .13 .13 12 .13 .13 12 .12 .12 11 .11 .12 11 .13 .13 11 .13 .13 11 .12 .13 12 .12 12 .12 11 12 $0.30 .26 .24 .23 .21 .20 .19 .17 .16 . 1.5 . 1.5 .14 .14 . 1.5 .15 .15 .15 .15 13 14 15 $0.42 $0.32 $0.35 .38 .28 .31 .34 .26 .28 .30 .24 .25 .26 .22 .32 .23 .21 .ai .22 .20 .21 .21 .18 .19 .19 .16 .17 .18 .15 .16 .18 .15 .18 .20 .15 .18 .20 .16 .18 .20 .16 .18 .20 .16 .18 .16 .18 16 17 $0.45 $0.47 .40 .35 .31 .20 .2a .22 .21 .20 .20 .32 .22 .24 .42 .37 .33 .28 .26 .25 .24 .23 .22 .22 .25 .26 18 $0.50 .45 .40 .35 .30 .28 .27 .26 .25 .24 .24 .26 .28 19 $0.58 .50 .45 .40 .35 .33 .33 .31 .31 .32 .33 20 21 $1.00 $1.10 $1.30 .80 .65 .55 .45 .40 .40 .38 .39 .40 .95 .75 .65 .55 .50 .55 .60 1.05 .85 .70 .65 .70 Length. Inches. • A . i . t . i . i . i . i .1 ■ U • U • If .u •li o . /V .2i .2i .2f .3 A .4i .5 .5i .6 We cany in stock sizes and numbers priced in heavy type. SEE EISCOTJTSTT SHEET. 4.J 126 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO FLAT HEAD BARBED WIRE NAILS. PRICE LIST OF FLAT HEAD BARBED WERE NAILS. Adopted July 14, 1887. For Tinning add 50 per cent to list. Length. Inches, j Gauge 3 No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Length. Inches. 3 $1.01 $1.11 $1.31 .. .At ■■■ $0 43 $0 46 $0 48 $0 51 SO 59 81 96 1 06 •••16 .1 4 * • • • #.... $0.28 $0.28 $0.31 $0.33 $0.36 .39 .41 .43 .46 51 66 .76 .86 .... j .... i i . J .25 .25 .27 .29 .32 35 .36 38 41 46 66 71 . A 4.... $0.23 .23 .23 .25 .27 .29 .31 .32 .34 36 41 .46 .56 .66 .... 4 i. .. .! $0.22 .22 .22 .22 .23 .25 .26 .27 .27 .29 31 36 .41 .51 .71 .... f i. . . . .21 .21 .21 .21 .22 .23 .23 .24 .25 27 29 34 .41 .56 ... i 1 ... . $0.20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .21 .22 .22 .23 .24 26 28 33 39 .61 ... .1 li. . . .1 $0.19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .20 .21 .22 .22 .23 25 27 .32 .40 ... .H li.. . . $0.18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 .19 .20 .20 .22 24 ” 26 .32 .41 ... .If $0.17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 .18 .19 .21 .23 .25 .33 • ... .If u.... .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .17 .19 .21 23 25 34 ... .14 If. .. . $0.15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .16 .16 .16 .16 .19 .21 .23 .26 .27 ... .15 2 .... .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .15 .15 .15 .16 .19 .21 .23 .27 .29 ... 2‘ 2f.... .14 1 -14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .15 .17 .19 .21 .25 ....2f 2i.... .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .14 .14 .16 .17 .19 .21 ... .24 2 f. .. .13 i .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .16 .17 .19 . . . .2f 3'. ... .13 i .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .16 .17 .19 _3' 3J.... .13 1 .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 .16 ... .3f sl. ... .13 .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 .16 ... .34 4 .... .13 i .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 _4' 4i. ... .12 ! .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 .1-3 .13 . _4i 5 .... .12 ; .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 .13 .13 .5' 5i. ... .12 ; .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 ... .5f 6'.... .12 ! .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 ,...6 |i IVe carry in stock sizes and numbers priced in heavy type. SEE 3DISCOUNT SHEET. -ikN »nico Hao GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 127 %-13, Lock, Barbei. %-13, Lock, Barbed. SPECIAL WIRE NAILS. 1-13, Barbed Caster. Per lb. $0.28 .26 .22 .21 .22 Carry in Stock only the sizes illustrated above. .21 114-12 Shade. .17 SWEDES IRON FINISHING NAILS. M % % Vs 1 % w w i 24 Inch. Packed in one pound papers, 25 pound boxes, and 100 pound kegs. 1 li 1 Length, inches. f Price, per lb.$0.48 .32 I .26 3 1 7 F .22 .20 .18 .15 .14 ZINC GLAZIER’S POINTS. No. 1. Per paper (i lb).11c No. 2. Per paper lb)... 11c No. 3. Per paper lb).. 1 3 .13 2 .13 11c PICTURE FRAME POINTS. inch 6 i i i Packed in one pound papers ....per lb., $0.32 . “ .28 . “ .24 . “ .22 LOOKING CLASS TACKS. y 2 % ¥4 Vs Packed in one pound papers. ^ inch.. • • • -pei’ lb., 5 (< “ 8 ... a “ “ 4 . § ... “ $0.40 .36 .32 .28 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET; 128 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SWEDES UPHOLSTERER’S TACKS. 1 VA 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 oz. r T Packed one thousand in a paper, and one dozen papers in a package. Size, ounces. 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Perdoz. papers, fnllwt.$0.80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.20 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.80 4.00 Packed in bulk, in 25 and 50 pound boxes, and 100 pound kegs. Size, ounces. 1 IJ 2 2^ d 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Perpound. $1.00 .80 .66 .58 .52 .46 .36 .32 .30 .28 .26 .25 .24^ .24 .23 .22 SWEDES IRON GIMP TACKS. 2‘4 3 4 f) 8 10 T I Packed one thousand in a paper, and one dozen papers in a package. Size, ounces. 2 2^ 3 4 6 8 10 Per dozen papers, full weight.$1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 Packed in bulk in 25 and 50 pound boxes, and 100 pound kegs. Size, ounces.. 1| 2 2|^ 3 4 Perpound. $1.16 .90 .80 .70 .60 6 .44 8 .36 10 .32 6 T TINNED STEEL CARPET TACKS, 8 10 12 14 16 Packed in two ounce papers, and one dozen papers in a package. Size, ounces. 6 8 10 12 Per dozen papers. $0.50 .50 .50 .50 14 50 SKK DISCOUNT SHKKT. 16 ! ,50 I 1 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 129 STAPLES. OuB Own Make. DOUBLE POINTED TACKS AND STAPLES. Nos. 9, 90 and 900. Nos. 10,100 and 1000. Nos. 11,110 and 1100. Nos. 12,120 and 1200. Nos. 14,140 and 1400. BLUED STEEL. 2 Ounces in a paper. TINNED STEEL. 2 Ounces In a paper. Nob. Per Dozen. Papers. Per Pound, in Bulk. Nos. Per Dozen. Papers. Per Pound, in Bulk. Nos. Per Pound in Bulk. 9, $1.20 $0.36 90, $1.20 $0.44 900, $0.36 10, 1.20 .34 100, 1.20 .42 1000 , .34 11 , 1.20 .32 110, 1.20 .40 1100 , .32 12 , 1.44 .30 120, 1.44 .38 1200 , .30 14, 1.80 .28 140, * 1.80 .36 1400, .28 3, 1.80 .36 30, 1.80 . .36 300, .36 Carry only the Blued in stock. others made i o order. BESSEMER STEEL. 2 Ounces in a paper. STAPLES FOR PACKING HOOPS, BUTTER TUBS, BED RAILS, ETC. / Blued Steel_ 1 . /.per pound, $0.12 Bessemer Steel.. “ .12 Blued Steel.. .. .’. “ .12 Bessenler Steel. “ .12 Blued Steel. “ .12 i |x|, Bessemer Steel. per pound, $0.12 Blued Steel. “ .12 Bessemer Steel. “ .12 Hx|, Blued Steel. “ .12 l^xf, Bessemer Steel. “ .12 IJx^, Blued Steel.per pound, $0.12 ll^x^, Bessemer Steel. “ .12 l|x|. Blued Steel. “ .12 2x%. l|x|, Bessemer Steel.per pound, 2 x|. Blued Steel. 2 xf, Bessemer Steel. “ Carry only Bessemer in stock, others made to order. Bulk Tacks not sold in less quantity than 25, 50 and 100 pound boxes. ».12 .12 .12 • \ SKBJ DISCOUNT SBCKET. 130 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. STAPLES OuK Own Make. - inch. COPPERED BARBED BLIND STAPLES. Inch. F Yi Inch. , per pound, $0.35 .35 % Inch. % Inch. I inch.. per pound, $0.30 . “ .30 3 . a 4 COPPERED BARBED WIRE BED SPRINC STAPLES. % Inch. % Inch. i inch, Coppered.per pound. 1.30 .30 % Inch. Vi Inch. % inch, Coppered.per pound, 1.30 “ . “ .30 7 << F PATENT FLAT STEEL STAPLES. Inch. % Inch. % Inch. % Inch. 1 Inch. IJ/g Inch. 1’4 Inch. ^ inch Blued Steel.per pound, $0.34 ‘ ‘ Bessemer Steel, ‘ ‘ Blued Steel. . .. “ Bessemer Steel, ‘ ‘ Blued Steel. . .. ‘ ‘ Bessemer Steel ‘ ‘ Blued Steel. ... .34 .32 .32 .30 .30 .28 ^ inch Bessemer Steel.per pound, $0.28 1 1 “ Blued Steel.... ‘ ‘ Bessemer Steel. “ Blued Steel. “ Bessemer Steel... li “ Blued Steel. 1 i “ Bessemer Steel. ... Carry only the Blued in stock, Bessemer made to order. 28 28 28 28 28 28 see: discotjnt sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. i:h STAPLES. PATENT SHIPPING STAPLES. No. 120—Full Size. No. 72—Full Size. McMASTER’S PATENT. No. 95—Full Size. No. 60—Size, 1^x2^ inches, with wire nails.per 1000 Staples, $4.15 68— “ lix2| “ “ ‘‘ “ “ “ 3.95 72— “ 1^x2^ “ “ ‘‘ . “ “ 3.75 95— “ 14xl| “ “ “ “ “ “ 3.35 120— “ 1 xl| “ “ “ “ “ “ 2.70 We do not ask manufacturers to run any risk whatever in using these Staples, give satisfaction, you may retiu’n them at our expense. PATENT SHELF SUPPORT. No More Cleats. Advantages of Using this Support. If the Staples do not The labor of putting up shelves with these Supports is only about one-fourth of that where cleats are used, and about one-eighth as much as when grooves are used. These Supports take up no room; therefore, are not in the way. Shelves put up with these Supports are practically adjustable, as the Supports can be readily taken out and used again, thus enabling a change of the shelving to o' O O O accommodate any class of goods. Two Supports at each end of shelf are sufficient for shelves less than 16 inches wide ; from 16 to 20 inches use 3 Supports. A 4 foot shelf put up with these Supports, as directed, will hold ^ ton. No. 1—Japanned Shelf Staples.per 1000, $/.50 see: discount sheet. 132 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SCREWS. Quarter In. Three-eighths In. One-half Inch. 012 234567 23456 7 8 Five-eighths Inch. Three-quarter Inch. 34567 8 9456789 10 11 One and One-quarter Inch, One and One-half Inch One and One-half Inch. One and Three-quarter Inch. EXACT SIZE CUTS. SKK DISCOUNT SHEIDT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 133 SCREWS. 11 12 13 Two Inch. 14 15 Two AND One-quarter Inch 16 18 14 15 16 18 Round Head Screws in Lengths and Sizes same as Flat Head. see: discount shkest 184 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PRICE LIST OF ROUND AND FLAT HEADS, BRIGHT AND BLUED IRON SCREWS. XiIST OIF* O-TJUiY 1, 1887. 4 inch. 1 inch. ^ inch. ^ inch. f inch. ^ inch. 1 inch. No. 0. . .$0.30 No. 0. .$0.30 No. 1. .$0. 30 No. l..$0.30 No. 2. .$0. 30 No. 2. .$0. 33 No. 3. 0 m 40 1. . . .30 1. . .30 2. 30 2.. .30 3. , , 32 3. . 35 4. 42 2.. . .30 2. . .30 3. 30 3.. .30 4. 35 4. . 38 5. . 44 3.. . .30 3. . .30 4. 30 4.. .33 5. , , 38 5. . . 41 6. 4 47 4.. . .30 4. . .30 5. 33 5.. .36 6. 41 6. . 4 44 7. 4 51 5. . .30 6. 36 6.. .39 7. 43 7. , , 47 8. • 56 6. . .33 7. 39 7.. .41 8. 48 8. , , 52 9. 4 63 7. . .36 8. 41 8.. .44 9. 53 9. . 4 58 10. 4 . 69 8. . .39 9. 47 9.. .50 10. , , 59 10. 4 4 64 11. * 77 9. . .44 10. 53 10.. .56 11. 67 11. , 4 71 12. 86 11. 59 11.. .63 12. 75 12. 4 4 80 13. 4 96 12. 65 12.. .70 13. . 83 13. 4 4 90 14. . 1 05 13.. .77 14. 90 14. 4 4 97 15. . 1 20 14.. .85 15. . 1. 10 15. . 1. 15 16. . 1 35 16. . 1. 25 16. . 1. 30 17. . 1 60 18. . 1 85 20. . 2 10 inch. 1|^ inch. If inch. 2 inch. 2f inch. 24 inch. 2| inch. No. 4.. .$0.47 No. 4. .$0.55 No. 6. .$0. 75 No. 6..$0.95 No. 8. .$1 25 No. 8. .$1 45 No. 10. .$1 90 5.. . .50 5. . .60 7. 80 7.. 1.00 9. . 1 30 9. . 1 50 11. . 1 95 6.. . .54 6. .65 8. 85 8.. 1.05 10. . 1 35 10. . 1 55 12. . 2 00 7.. . .58 7. . .70 9. 90 9.. 1.10 11. . 1 40 11. . 1 60 13. . 2 05 8.. . .63 8. . .75 10. . 1 00 10.. 1.15 12. . 1 45 12. . 1 65 14. . 2 .10 9.. . .70 9. . .80 11. . 1 10 11.. 1.20 13. . 1 50 13. . 1 70 15. . 2 .20 10.. .75 10. . .85 12. . 1 20 12.. 1.30 14. . 1 65 14. . 1 80 16. . 2 .40 11.. . -83 11. . .95 13. . 1 30 13.. 1.40 ♦ 15. . 1 85 15. . 2 00 17. . 2 .65 12.. . .93 12. . 1.05 14. . 1 45 14.. 1.55 16. . 2 05 16. 2 20 18. 2 .95 13.. . 1.05 13. .1.20 15. . 1 60 15.. 1.70 17. . 2 30 17. 2 45 20. . 3 .60 14.. . 1.15 14. . 1.30 16. . 1 80 16.. 1.90 18. . 2 55 18. . 2 70 22. . 4 .35 15.. . 1.30 15. . 1.45 17. . 2 05 17.. 2.15 20. . 3 05 20. . 3 30 24. . 5 .05 16.. . 1.50 16. . 1.65 18. . 2 25 18.. 2.35 22. . 3 65 22. . 4 00 17.. . 1.75 17. . 1.90 20. . 2 60 20.. 2.80 24. . 4 15 24. . 4 55 18.. . 2.00 18. . 2.10 22. . 3 00 22.. 3.35 20.. . 2.25 20. . 2.45 24. . 3 50 24.. 3.80 22.. . 2.55 22. .2.75 24.. . 3.10 24. . 3.30 3 inch. 34 inch. 4 inch. 44 inch. 1 *.< 5 inch. 6 inch. No. 10. .$2.30 No. 10. .$2.95 No. 12. .$3 .90 iNo. 16. .J B5.40 No. 18. .17 .70 No. 20. $10 .50 11. . 2.35 11. . 3.00 14. . 4 .00 ; 18.. 5.65 20. . 8 .10 22. .11 .00 12. . 2.40 12. . 3.05 16. . 4 . 20 20.. 6.35 22. . 8 . 55 24. .11 .80 13. . 2.45 13. . 3.10 18 . 4 .80 1 22.. 7.30 24. . 9 .65' 26. .13 .30 14. . 2.50 14. . 3.15 20 . 5 .40 24.. 8.45 26. .11 .00 28. . 15 .00 15. . 2.60 15. . 3.20 22 . 6 . 30 26. . 9.65 28. .13 .25 30. .16 .70 16. . 2.70 16. . 3.30 24 . 7 .30 ' 17. . 2.95 17. . 3.60 26. . 8 .40 i 18. .3.25 18. . 4.00 i ! 20. . 3.90 20. . 4.60 22. . 4.75 22. . 5.50 1 24. , 0 . Oo 24. . 6.40 26. . 6.85 26. . 7.60 1 i V SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSOK, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 135 PRICE LIST SCREWS. LIST OF JULY I, 1887. FLAT AND ROUND HEAD, BRASS AND BRONZE METAL WOOD SCREWS. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 fts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 52 52 52 55 57 60 i . . . j_ ] j 58 62 67 71 78 61 67 71 79 86 98 109 123 59 64 70 78 86 96 109 123 140 156 175 • • 70 72 74 83 93 104 122 138 157 175 197 218 243 268 296 • ■ 90 92 95 98 101 116 135 153 173 195 218 242 269 298 329 j • • 101 104 107 110 127 148 168 191 214 240 267 297 328 362 435 135 138 141 144 147 173 197 213 252 283 316 351 388 429 .471 516 612 E' • ■ i 186 189 192 195 198 226 258 292 328 367 408 452 500 .549 601 713 245 248 251 254 291 330 372 417 464 517 568 .625 684 813 953 1107 t • • 314 317 320 323 326 370 418 468 521 578 638 .701 769 912 1070 1242 450 454 457 460 463 519 578 642 707 .779 853 1012 1187 fc • • • * L i 623 626 629 632 635 704 778 .855 938 1113 1304 1512 i 900 902 - 905 • 908 911 914 917 .... 1105 1312 1537 1782 2047 NICKEL-PLATED SCREWS. LIST OF JULY 1, 1887. FLAT AND ROUND HEAD IRON. d 4 5 6 t 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 In. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 1 145 150 160 2 1 J--40 145 L^O 145 ±^o 145 145 145 155 163 185 205 3 145 145 145 145 150 157 170 190 215 235 270 7 Ills 161 170 190 220 240 275 315 360 8 X‘±U 1 ^0 xou 1 xoo 168 175 195 225 245 280 325 370 li 155 ±oo 155 xoo 165 180 195 210 230 260 295 335 385 420 465 14 188 194 205 215 238 250 to 00 315 355 400 440 485 585 11 215 220 230 240 255 280 312 345 380 420 460 510 615 -^4 2 240 250 270 300 345 375 405 445 500 555 670 2i 285 300 325 375 400 430 480 530 610 725 "4 24 345 355 365 400 425 475 510 585 665 790 u 2 03 460 540 730 875 3 500 620 805 945 SEE IDISCOXJNT SHEET. 136 GIBSOlSr, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SOWLE’S PATENT DOWEL BRADS. No. 2. No. 2. No. 2. No. 2. No. 1. No. 2. No. 2. Size, inches. ^ f ^ | | No. 1 | No. 2 | 1 Per thousand. $0.13 .16 .19 .22 .25 .25 .27 .30 SET FOR DOWEL PINS. Price per set, $0.10 BOLTS. FLAT HEAD STOVE BOLTS. Length, inches. f 1 2 I 1 7 F 1 If 2 H 21 2| 3 A in. diameter, perl 00, $0.60 .60 .60 .60 .65 .65 .70 .70 .75 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 ^ in. diameter, per 100 .. .65 .65 .65 .70 .70 .75 .75 .80 .80 .85 .90 .95 ] l.OO 1.05 1.10 ROUND HEAD STOVE BOLTS. ^ X 11^ Length, inches.. f i I I ^ 1 H H If IJ 1| 2 2^ 2^ 2| 3 ^in.diameter, per 100, $0.85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 .95 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1 30 i “ " -95 .95 .95 1.00 1.001.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1 35 1 40 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 137 SCREW EYES. No. 214i—Iron No. 214‘/j. ..per gross, $0.95 | No. 114^—Iron No. 11414 . per gross, $1.00 No. 214. No. 213. No. 212. No. 211. No. 210. No. 209. No. 208 . Iron, $0.95 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.45 per gro Brass, 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 No. 108. Iron, $1.60 Brass, 7.00 109 1.45 5.00 No. 110. 1.35 4.00 W No. 111. No. 112. No. 113. No. 114. 1.25 3.00 1.15 2.75 1.05 1.00 per gro. 2.50 2.25 “ No. 14. No. 13. No. 12. No. 11. No. 10. i Iron, $1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 per gro. ! Brass, 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 SEE 3DISCOXJNT SHEET. HAT RACK EYES. No. 01. No. 01 Iron.per gross, $1.20 SEE DISCOUJ^T’ SHEEX 138 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SCREW EYES. No. 9. 1.50 per gro 6.00 “ No. 8. 1.70 8.00 BRONZED STAIR ROD EYES. No. 111 / 2 . No. II 3 Iron... .per gross, $0.75 Iron, $9.00 Brass, .... No. 0. 1 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 139 IRON CORNICE HOOKS AND EYES. Full Size Cut of 3-Inch. Length, inches. 2^ 3 Per gross. $7.00 7.50 Si 8.00 4 8.50 It 9.00 5 6 8 10 12 10.00 12.00 15.00 19.00 25.00 IRON-BRACED CORNICE HOOKS AND EYES. Cut of 4-Inch. Length, inches. Per gross. 4 $11.30 0 8 10 12 12.00 12.75 13.65 16.25 SCREW HOOKS. No. no. No. 112. Iron. .. ..$2.25 $1.80 Brass.. .. .. .. 5.25 3.50 No. 114. $1.60 per gross. 2.75 No. 108. Iron.$2.75 'Brass. 8.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. No. 106. $4.00 per gross, 15.50 “ 140 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. No. 8. I Iron.... $2.75 Brass.... 8.00 No. 61^. No. 6^—Iron.. per gross, SCREW HOOKS. No. 4. $3.50 I No. 4—^Iron. .. per gross, $6.00 No. 1—Iron No. 1. ..per gross, $10.00 No. 12. $1.80 3.50 No. 14. $1.60 per gross. 2.75 No. 10. $2.25 5.25 SEE EISCOXJN'T SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 141 BRASS CUP HOOKS. Full Size Cut of No. 0. No. 0—Brass. Full Size Cut of No. 1. Per Gross. .$3.25 I No. 1—Brass. Full Size Cut of No. 2. Per Gross. .$3.75 I No. 2—Brass. ... Full Size Cut of No. 3. Per Gross. 3-—Brass ....$4.75 BRASS SQUARE SHOULDER SCREW HOOKS. No. 19, No. 20. No. 22. No. 19—Brass... per gross, $1.70 | No. 20—Brass... per gross, $1.90 | No. 22—Brass.. .per gross, $^ No. 24. No. 100—Sheet Hooks TENTER HOOKS. No. 100. per 1000, $1.25 No. 23. No. 23—Brass. per gross. $ 2.20 per gross, $2.60 No. 24—Brass SEE IDISCOtJNT SHEET. 142 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CATE HOOKS AND EYES. Size, inclies Per gross. . Full Size Cut 2V4 Inches. Bright Iron Wire. S6.50 2 7.50 8.50 10.00 3i 11.50 4 12.50 4 ^ 14.00 OVAL HOOKS AND EYES. No. 50—Full Size Cut 2 Inches. No. 50, Bright Malleable Iron. Size, inches... Per gross, with eyes. ‘ ‘ without eyes. No. 60, Brass Oval Hooks and Eyes. $1.25 .85 2 1.75 1.30 Size, inches. f 1 1? 14 If Per gross. $2.50 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 CHANDELIER HOOKS. 24 2.50 2.00 2 4775 No. 31601^—Full Size Cut. No. 31604 —24 Inch Screw, Amber Bronzed. “ 326l|—3 “ “ “ “ . “ 32624 4 “ “ “ “ ]*er dozen, $ . 95 “ 1.25 1.30 SEE ruSCOUISTT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO CUPBOARD CATCHES. No. 1128—Full Size Cut. No. 1128—Japanned, Brass Knob. “ 1329— “ “ “ one size larger, No. 1195—Japanned, “ 1194— Porcelain Knob. “ “ one size smaller No. 3030—Amber Bronze, Bronze Knob. “ 3030^— “ “ Porcelain “ same size as cut, per gross, $4.00 “ 4.25 per gross, $6.50 “ 6.25 per gross, $6.25 6.25 No. 3041—Full Size Cut. No. 3041—Amber Bronze, Bronze Metal Knob, .per gross, $15.00 No. 3271—Amber Bronze, Bronze Knob, .per gross, $6.50 lu -- SEE lOISCOUI^T SHEET 144 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO SHOW CASE CATCHES. No. 0-—Brass, No. 363—Brass. Full Size Cut No. 0. QUADRANT OR BOOK CASE CATCHES. Full Size Cut No. 363. FLUSH RING CATCHES. / Full Size Cut No. 1410. No. 1410 —Cast Brass, 2-mch, with Flush Ring. per gross, |7.00 per dozen, $1.75 per dozen, $2,25 ELBOW CATCHES. No. 1622—Japanned Iron. Full Size Cut Nos. 1622 and 1623. ■ per dozen, $0.60 I No. 1623—Brass, per dozen, $1.75 ■ see: discount sheet GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 145 FORC’S PATENT CATCHES. Used on Wakdrobes, Commodes, Book Cases, Etc., Etc. ; Full Size. No. 11. No. 11—Brass, Brass Striker, per gross.17.50 No. 17 17 Full Size. No. 17. Per Gross. Composition, Iron Striker.$3.75 Composition, Brass Striker. 4.70 Full Size. No. 16. No. 16 — Composition, Brass Striker, per gro. ,$3.10 4 Drivers given away with every gross lot. Full Size. No. 22. No. 22—Patent Flat Steel Spring Catch, without Striker.per gross, $1.00 17—Iron Strikers, like in cut No. 17, used with No. 22 Springs. “ .33 FORC’S FLUSH BOLTS. Used on Wardrobes, Book Cases, Etc., Etc. Side View. Full Size. No. 3. Front View. In Operation. This Bolt works automatically when opening the first or closing the second door; either one or both bolts can be made stationary by simply turning the stop into the slot. The stop being much larger than in the ordinary flush bolt, it can be easily operated. As the bolt works automatically it is unnecessary to use a step ladder or other contrivance to fasten or unfasten the door. No. 1, Ifxf inches, style of cut, all Brass, with Strikers.per dozen, $0.52 2,2x1 “ “ “ “ ... “ .74 a “ _ “ 1.10 3, 2ix| 4, 3 x| shown in cut, “ style of cut. ( ( ( i ii a a c i 1.80 SEE EISCOXIISTT SHEENE 146 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1 BOLTS. GERMAN SPRING BOLTS. Full Size Cut. No. 200. No. 200. "Wrought Iron, Flat. Size, inches.:. No. 200—Per dozen. Flat. 202— Necked... 2 25c. 91 30c. 30c. NECKED SPRING BOLTS, No. 325- 325- 525- 525- Full Size Cut of 3-inch. Nos. 325 and 52.'i. -2^-inch, Japanned Iron Necked Bolts. per dozen, $0.40 -3-inch, Japanned Iron Necked Bolts.... " 45 -2|-inch, Brass Necked Bolts. “ 99 -3 inch. Brass Necked Bolts. “ 1.10 WROUGHT IRON SPRING BOLTS. Full Size Cut of 3-inch. No. 315. ROUGHT Iron, Japanned Plate Polished Bolt. No. 315—Length, inches . 2 21 3 Per dozen. 35c. 40c. 45c. WROUGHT IRON BARREL BOLTS. Full Size Cut of 2^-inch. No. 365. No. 365. Japanned Brass Knob. Size, inches. or Per dozen.~ SKK SHKnrr. 3 /DC. Og 55c. 4 85c. 4 60c. 41 70c. 5 6 $1.00 $1.15 GIBSON", PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 147 GERMAN FLUSH BOLTS. Kos. 43 and 44—2 inch. No. 43—2 inch, Iron.per dozen, $0.36 | No. 44—2 inch. Brass.per dozen, $0.40 CAST BRASS FLUSH BOLTS. No. 82— I Inch Wide. Length, inches.... 2 2^ 3 Per dozen.$0.90 1.00 1.20 31 4 1.40 1.60 No. 87 —h Inch Wide. Length, inches. 3 31 Per dozen. .$1.40 1.60 IRON DOOR BUTTONS. On Plates. No. 1121). 4 5 1.80 2.20 No, 1120—11 inch. Japanned Iron, 1121—11 “ “ “ , 1122—2 “ “ “ , per gross, $3.65 4.20 4.75 Without Plates. No. 1125. No. 1123—11 inch, Japanned Iron.per gross, $0.90 1124—11 “ “ “ . “ 1.00 - 1125—11 “ “ “ ... “ 1.20 SEK DISCOUNT SHEET. 148 GIBSON, PAKISII & CO., CHICAGO PAYSOIM’S PATENT REFRIGERATOR LATCHES. Nos. 95, 96 and 97. Opens the door with a single pull, and in closing wedges it tight to exclude the air. LARGE SIZE. No. 95—Plain Bronzed Iron.per dozen, $8.00 96— Plain Real Bronze. “ 24.00 97— Plain Nickel-Plated. “ 25.00 MEDIUM SIZE. No. 90—Bronzed Iron, ornamental.. 92— Real Bronze, plain. 93— Nickel-Plated, plain. ..per dozen, $6.00 .. “ 15.00 .. “ 20.00 FISHER’S PATENT LEVER LATCH AND HANDLES. For all sizes of Refrigerators, Ice Houses, Cooling Rooms and Packing House Doors, also for Closets, or on any door which it is desirable to keep tight, and it is intended particularly to prevent, as much as it is possible with a fastening, the leakage of Air either out or in. Patented Feb. 20, 1872. S'tA'e/t-co No. 3—Right Hand. There are Three Sizes. No. 2—Are suitable for Ale and Lager Beer Refrigerators. This size, with the Tap-Hole Protectors, make the best and handsomest trimmings for a Saloon Refrigerator ever used. No. 3—Are suitable for Stationary Refrigerators, for Families, Restaurants, etc. No. 4—The largest size, are for Markets, Hotels, Packing Houses, etc. D^^We designate these handles as right or left-hand, same as regular door trimmings. A right-hand handle LATCHES to the right; a left-hand handle latches to the left. List of Prices. No. 2—Malleable Iron and Black Japanned... .each, $0.75 3— “ “ “ “ _ “ 1.00 4— “ “ “ “ ... ‘ 1.25 2—Handsomely Finished Brass. “ 1.75 4—Brass, handsomely finished and Nickel-Plated . 3— Handsomely Finished Brass.each, 2.25 4— “ “ . “ 2.75 2— Brass, handsonieij finished and Nickel-Plated. “ 2.00 3— “ •• “ •• “ . 2.50 . “ 3.00 SIUFC 13ISCOTJ^7U’ SITElC'r. ^ J GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 149 REFRIGERATOR LATCHES. The Conroy Latch. No. 4—For Ice Boxes and Refrigerators, all Brass. No. 4— “ “ “ Nickel Plated per dozen, $7.00 “ 8.00 FISHER’S PATENT TAP-HOLE PROTECTOR. For preventing the Escape of Cold Air around the Faucets of Ale or Beer Barrels, when kept in a Refrigerator. FIG. 3. No. 1. For a Lift-Out Door. LIST OF PRICES. « Iron, properly finished and lacquered. Handsomely finished Brass... Brass, handsomely finished and Nickel-Plated. No. 3. For a Hinged Swinging Door. Number 1. For Lift-Out DoorB. .each, $1.00 . 2.00 . “ 2.50 Number 3. For Hinged Doors $1.25 2.50 3.00 i i ( SEE EISCOXJJvTT SHEET. 150 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS QUADRANTS. No. 364—Brass, 6-inch, with brass Striker Plates.per doz. pair, $8.00 n SECRETARY FALL LEAF SUPPORT. No. 1—Brass, size ll|x| inch . per dozen pair, $. 600 STANDARDS FOR DESK RAILS. Full Size, 1% inch Standards. 1|5 in. Cast Brass Standards only, ^ in. diameter, per set of 5 14 “ “ “ 3 “ “ “ 5. SJEJi: UlSCOUNT SJHEIilT. $ 1.00 1.25 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 151 HINGES. For High Chair Arms. Full Size Cut No. 3. No- 3—Iron.per 100, $1.60 CATCHES. For High Chairs. Full Size Cut No. 2. No. 2—Iron, Brass Spring.per 100, $3.00 SASH ROLLERS. Size—Inches. | | | 1 No. 10—Japanned Iron.per gross, $3.15 $3.75 $5.50 $7.50 $10.00 SCREEN DOOR CATCHES AND KNOBS. Full Size Cut No. 3052. No. 3052.—Amber Bronzed, complete with Knobs.. per doz. $5.00 ^ I SEE ElSCOENa^ SHEET, 152 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO STUART’S SCREEN DOOR CORNER IRON FRAME AND This Poor Frame is raade of carefully selected white wood, finished in black walnut stain. No caipenter work is required in putting the frame together, it being necessary only to saw the sticks the requir^ length and attach Stuart’s Patent Corner Iron, thus forming the most complete and simple Door Frame yet offered. Patented Octobee 12, 1886. OllUWlDg ivnODS. Stuart’s Corner Iron is provided with parallel tongues which enter firmly into the grooves in the wood as the screws are tightened, at the same time squaring the corners of the door perfectly and pre- t^nUng any sagging or settling It has a lacquered surface of beautiful design, and together with the blued screws which are used in fastening, forms a very tasty addition to the appearance of the door. Doors packed 2 dozen in a case. Two dozen sets of Stuart’s Corner Irons and the required number of Knobs packed with each case of door frames. List Price, includinq Corner Irons and Knobs. 22—Sticks ^x2 in., 3 x7 feet. 24— “ |x2 “ 34x8 ( ( 26— “ “ 3 x7 28— ix2I “ 3|x8 i i $ 11.00 12.00 12.50 14.50 SHKIG^r. SKK GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 153 STUART’S WINDOW SCREEN FRAME. PATENTED OCTOBER 13, 1885. Adjustable to Any Size. > Finished in Black Walnut Stain. These frames can be easily fitted to any ordinary window by simply sliding the sticks along on each other to the required size, fastening by nail or screw, and sawing off projecting ends. The frame thus made is much cheaper and in appearance far superior to those made by mechanics generally ; is capable of adjust¬ ment from sizes given down to nothing, and insures perfect fitting and accurate joints. Strip or slide for side of window and bead to attach screen cloth, as well as full instructions for putting together, are furnished with each set. Corresponding numbers in the two cuts indicate corresponding parts. Fig. 1 —Strip on which frame slides. 2— Side-stick of frame. 3— Cross-stick of frame. a —shows bead which tacks on over wire cloth. List Price. J No. 2—36x36 inches 3—42x42 “ 6— 48x48 “ 7— 54x54 “ per dozen sets, $3.50 “ “ “ 4.25 “ “ 5.50 “ “ “ 6.00 Packed 6 dozen in a case. No charge for case. / \ SEE EISCOXJIMT SHEET. 154 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO SAFE TINS. Size 10x14, Punched. Plain Tins, 10x14.per box of 224 Sheets, $6.00 WIRE CLOTH. For Safes and Screens. ilifliiilill r ^ i iiiiiii ; _ gjjSfir' Plain. Plain Green—all widths, from 12 to 48 inches Plain Drab— “ “ 12 to 48 “ .per 100 square feet, $3.00 . “ 100 “ 3.50 Figured. Figured—12 to 48 inches wide. .per 100 square feet, $6.00 Landscape—12 to 48 inches wide. Landscape.per 100 square feet, $35.00 discount sheet, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 155 WEATHER STRIPS. No. 0 No. 0. For Center of Window. per 100 ft., 11.25 No. 1. For around Upper, and will answer for Lower Sash. No. 1.. .per 100 ft., $1.25 No. 2. For Lower Sash and Sides of Doors. No. 2.per 100 ft , 81.25 No. 3 For Center of Double Windows. .per 100 ft., $1.75 No. 4. For Center of Double Doors. No. 4.per 100 ft., $2.50 ^ No. 5. ' -.j For the Bottom of Doors. I No. 5.per 100 ft., $2.50 4 ^: / No. 6. Adjustable—For Bottom of Doors. No. 6.per dozen, $4.80 156 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PLEUKHARP’S LEAF SUPPORTS. 1 ’i‘ice...per dozen sets, $ 2.00 Price. “ 100 “ 14.00 TABLE AND STAND LEGS. 2 in. Maple. i i 3 ( i ‘ ‘ fluted . 2 i i Walnut. 2 ^ i i 3 i i “ fluted, per set of 4, $0.35 4, .35 4, *60 “ 4, .75 “ 4,‘ .75 “ 4, 1.00 SKK DISCOshicjbit. 15? GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. TABLE SLIDES. 1 I I I I - I I I t I I No. 1. For Round Top. Sections are 32 inches long, with lap and extension suited to 40 inch top No. 2. For Square Frame. Sections are 26 inches long, with lap and extension suited to 45 inch top No. 3. For Fall Leaf Tables. Sections are 21 inches long, with lap and extension""suited to 60 inch top No. 4. For Fall^ Leaf Tables. Sections are 18 inches long, with lap and extension suited to 48 inch top 'A Number of Sections to each Set. ' Length of Table when extended. 4 6 feet. 6 8 i i - 8 , 10 ( ( 10 .12 U 12 14 i i L 14 16 i i > 6 6 feet. 8 8 10 10 it 1 12 12 14 14 w 16 16 “ .J r 6 6 feet '' 8 8 4 4 I 1 - 10 10 4 C i 12 - 11 4 4 i 1 14 12 4 4 1 16 14 4 4 J I 6 6 feet. 10 8 44 14 10 . i i w 18 12 4 4 1 Price per Section. 10.08] .07 .061 TABLE FASTENERS. Full Size Cut No. 00. No. 00—Japanned Iron per dozen,'"$0.35 SEE ElSCOTJiN'X SHEET. 158 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BED FASTENERS. SEPi: uiscoujsn.’ sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BED FASTENERS. Hi No. 9—Full size—Size of plate 114x4% inches, luo sets weigh 2.12 lbs. No. 9.per lb., $0.00 No. 605—Full size—Size of Plate, ^|x4% inches. No. 605.per set, $0.10 uiscoiJJsr^r sheet. 160 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. BED FASTENERS. THE Bradford JOINTS. Full Size. No. 6 B Used on common and medium quality of Bedsteads, 8 short Pins and 4 long ones to each set. No. 2 B—With Pins.per set, $0.10 Will hold any bedstead securely, 8 short Pins and 4 long ones to each set. No. 6 B—With Pins.per set, $3.11 it •: -4 ■' / ^0. 4 B. For large and heavy Bedsteads, 8 long Pins and 8 short ones to each set. No. 4 B—With Pins. .per set, $0.13 SKK laiscouisru' sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 161 I No. 1—Malleable Iron, Japanned RATCHET WRENCHES. Foe Cabinet and Bed Screws. No. 1. Half-size cut. per dozen, $4.00 PCRTABLE BOCK CASE, WARDROBE & BED SCREWS. Measure length from under the head. No. 3—Sizes, inches. fx4 |x4| |x5 fx5| fx6 |x6^ |x7 fx7^ |x8 Price per gross. $6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 SQUARE HEAD BED SCREWS. No. 1—Sizes, inones. Price per gross.. $4.00 I X 4f 4.25 |x 5 4.50 I X 5i 4.75 1x6 5.00 ROUND HEAD CABINET SCREWS. No. 2. % X 5Yt. Measure length from under head. No. 2—Sizes, inches. |x Price per gross. $5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 162 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO ROCKER SPRINGS. No. 1—Full Size. No. 1—Single, as in cut.pair, $0.35 No. 9—Large, “ style of cut .50 I SKPC lOISCOUINU' SHEKT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 165 WARDROBE AND CLOSET ATTACHMENTS. The above represents a wardrobe having two of Holzhalb’s Patent Slides with hooks attached, one of these slides being closed, the other di'awn out. The above represents a wardrobe having one of Holzhalb’s Patent Slides with Yokes attached—the same being drawn out. <0 H Z lU S z o < h I- < u z H u O H & E o (0 u o QJ a> tc o d 70 2 n S b£) o o X o d o w o rd rd o d .2 ^ d d O d ;h o lO -I.:} d o d ® ^ d 0) rd d Ph rH a) a, a. d a> __ Ph d Ph 0) d d ® o d ^ ® o a ^ d o be .a ’d d bD d rd rd sc d • ^ d d d d o CO d o d ® a ° i ® rd . ^ o ® !h d ® rd ® d rP HHJ d ® rP d d o CD ® rd O o m rd O O rd rd ® • r*^ rd d o HJ d Ph ® d > o !h d Ph O ® nO ® 2 ^ 5 ® d -+^ d rd O tl/) -J-=> •_r* ® • '■ ^ ^ cc o o ® ® d ffi a ® ^ CO w O HH d xn ® d o d d o • rH H.H d O Ph CO ® ® t>C .S r5 2 ® ^ 'o o d 2 ^ O 'P3 0^1 2 ® M rd d rkJ .HH rd ® rd rd HH> no ® HJ ® ® d CO d gsj o ® CD ® d rd O ® d d i ® H tiJD 2 CD ® rd d d ® ® rd ® rd ® rd o o rd -.S no -d S « d o o d TS 'd ® rd be ® 1 CD 2 § <1 d ® rP HH5 d d o ® rd HHJ O ® rd no d d CD ® • ^ no d § no ® d no d ® ® ."d Ph B r-M 2 3 O a 3 rrt tiD d d •3 ..q rP O ® d o m ® rd HHI HH3 P m xn d O O CD CO d no O ^ St' a ® ® rP r, rd § CD ® ® r^ b* ® rd o H "a 10 H-S d ® bj PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS; Slides, 50 cents each. Yokes (either kind), 50 cents per dozen. Hooks, 10 cents per dozen. SKK DISCOOlNT'r SHEET, 166 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SHELF BRACKETS. No. 44—Japanned. Size, inches. 4x5 Per dozen pairs. $1.36 6x8 3.00 8x10 4.20 10 X 12 6.00 12 X 14 9.00 No. 07—Berlin Bi’onze. Size, inches. Per dozen pairs. No. 05—Ebony and Gilt. Size, inches. Per dozen pairs. No. 06—Brass Plated. Size, inches. Per dozen pairs. . 07. Xos 05 and 06. 4x5 5x7 6 x8 7x9 8x10 9x11 10 x12 $2.25 3.25 4.00 5.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 .... 4x5 54 X 7 6 x8 7x9 8 X 10 9x11 lOx 12 12 X 15 .... 12.90 4“.10 5.00 6.00 7.50 8.25 11.00 15.00 .... 4x5 54x7 6 x8 7x9 8 X 10 9x11 10x12 12x15 .... $2.90 4.10 5.00 6.00 7.50 8.25 11.00 15.00 SKK SH:p:K'r. GIBSO^^", PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 167 I SAND PAPER. Vt REAM. 1 ROLL. BEST SAND PAPER IN SHEETS 9x1 i INCHES. 1 Numbers. . 00 0 1 2 3 Per Ream. .$4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 SAND PAPER IN 50 YARD ROLLS '■ Numbers. . 00 0 i 1 2 9L 3 234 in. wide, per Roll. .$5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 30 “ “ . . 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 36 “ “ . .10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 40 “ “ . .12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 CARNET PAPER IN SHEETS. Numbers.. . 00 0 i 1 2 2.1 3 Per Ream. .$5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 CARNET PAPER IN 50 YARD ROLLS. Numbers.. . 00 0 1 8 1 n 2 3 234 in- wide, per Roll. .$ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 7.25 8.25 30 “ “ . . 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 36 “ ' “ . . 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 40 “ “ . .13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 EMERY PAPER. Sold in not Less Quantities than One Quire of a Number. Numbers. 00 0 ^ 1 1^ 2 2^ 3 Per Ream.$6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 7.50 9.50 11.50 EMERY CLOTH. Sold in not Less Quantities than One Quire of a Number. Numbers. 00 0 J 1 1^ 2 2| 3 Per Ream. $18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 SEE EISCOENT SHICE'P. 168 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. CABINET CLUES. Packed in barrels of 150 to 200 lbs. All these grades are such as we can fully recommend to the furniture trade. Per lb. Per lb. less barrel lots. than barrel. D-1 —Stevens’ Standard Cabinet. 20 22 B-40—Imported Cologne. 25 27 C-40—Genuine Irish. 25 27 D-50—American Ground. 20 22 D-10—American Ribbon. 18 20 LE PACE LIQUID CLUE. It can be used cold, but when warm will go farther and penetrate and dry quicker. Small Bottles, per box of 12 Bottles... $1.00 Large Bottles “ “ “ . 1.50 Tin Cans, ^ pints. . t . • • ■ ^ .doz., 3.00 “ pints...;. “ 5.00 “ quarts. ‘‘ 8.50 “ i gallons.'.... “ 13.50 “ 1 “ .. “ 24.00 “ 2 “ . .. 48.00 ^ “ .. per gal., 1.60 Kegs, 5 to 10 gallons. “ 1.50 Barrels, 45 to 50 gallons. “ 1 40 METAL POLISH. PuTz Pomade. Used for cleaning and polishing all kinds of metals—Gold, Silver, Brass, etc. Its work is very rapid and brilliant, and its polish will remain longer than that obtained in any other way. It contains neither acid nor grit. ^ Small boxes.per dozen boxes, $1.20 2—Large boxes. “ ^ ‘ 3 00 ^ ^ it)- cans. .p 0 j. 28 ^ 75 _ _SEE x)iscoE>r"r sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ley LIQUID CEMENT DIRECTIONS. Apply thoroughly to both edges of article to be mended. Make a neat joint, BIND and set away to dry. If chilled place bottle in warm water to soften. If too thick add a little vinegar. Small Size, 2 oz. bottles, Large “ 4 oz. “ . per gross bottles, $6.50 “ 12.00 FURNITURE POLISH. DIRECTIONS FOR USING. Shake bottle, and mix well. Apply with old cloth or brush on Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sew¬ ing Machines, Billiard Tables, Burial Cases and Caskets, either Walnut, Rosewood or Enamel finish; Counter work, and all Woods finished with Varnish or Oil finish; Desks, Chairs, Iron Mantels, Japanned or Varnished Iron work. Bub off the Polish with old soft cloths, rubbing briskly until dry. No wash¬ ing is needed. The Polish removes easily all fly-specks, finger marks, etc. It cleans nicely all paint work of any color that has been varnished. Use as directed. No trace of oil or any substance is left to gum or catch the dust. This Polish is used andhighly recommended as a dressing for hardwood floors in Residences Hails, etc. Our Sterling Panel Polish is for using with Rottenstone, to produce the brilliant finish on Veneers, Panels, etc. Furniture and Piano Manufac¬ turers will find the Panel Polish a very desirable article. It is used by many of the Large ^Manufac¬ turers of the Country. HO NOT USE ON GOLD OR BRONZE. Sold by GIBSON, PARISH & CO.. Dealers in Cabinet Hardware and Upholstery Goods, 78 and 80 Randolph St., CHICAGO. j d-oz. Bottle, - - - 50 cents. oasBBBas 6 oz.' bottles 16 oz. “ 32 oz. “ i gal. “ 1 gal. “ 1 gal. bottles. 5 gal. buckets 25 gal. ^ bbls. 50 gal. bbls. ,. i.' r \ _ STERLING POLISH SUPERIOR STERLING PANEL POLISH. SEPI BlSCOXJI^'r SHEET. per dozen. |3.50 8.-00 “ 15.00 .each, 2.50 . “ 5.00 per gallon, $3.00 “ 2.75 “ 2.50 “ 2.25 170 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. COLD PAINT AND LIQUID. No. 4—Small Bottles, 1 bottle Powder, 1 bottle Liquid and two Brushes in box.. . . per dozen boxes, $3.00 No. 6 —Large “ 1 “ “ 1 “ “ “ “ .... “ “ “ 7.50 No. 7— “ “ of Powder only.... “ “ bottles, 5.50 No. 8 — “ “ Liquid “ .. “ “ “ 2.25 FLUID COLD, SILVER AND COPPER. OuK Favorite. No. 1—Gold, ready for use.pei" dozen bottles, $4.00 No. 2—Silver, “ “. “ “ 4.00 No. 3—Copper, “ “. “ “ 4.00 One Brush with each bottle. POWDERED BRONZES. Quality. No. 4000.... Color. .... Gold. .per lb.. $1.60 Quality. No. 6000. Color. .Gold .... $2.25 No. 4000.... .. . . Copper. ( ( 1.60 6000.. i i 2.25 No. 4000.... ( ( 1.60 6000. (( 2.25 No. 4000.... . . . . Silver. ( ( 2.25 6000. .Silver_ a 2.75 No. 5000.... .. .. Gold. i i 1.85 8000. .Gold. C i 2.75 No. 5000.... i i 1.85 8000. 66 2.75 No. 5000.... .. .. Bronze. i i 1.85 8000. 6 6 2.75 No. 5000.... .... Silver. 6 6 2.50 8000. Silver.... 66 3.50 WOOD VENEERS. State on orders the price of Veneers wanted. Plain Walnut.... French Walnut, Burl, common. “ “ “ medium. “ best. “ “ Stripe, common. “ “ “ best... American ‘ ‘ Burl, common.. “ “ “ medium.*.. “ “ “ best. “ “ Mottled. “ “ Blister. Mahogany, Plain.-. .. . “ Shaded . ‘ ‘ Figured. ‘ ‘ Crotch. .. Bird’s Eye Maple..%. Blister “ . Curly “ .. per foot. Cents. 6 6 6 3 to 6 6 6 7 to 12 66 15 to 25 6 6 1^ to 3 6 6 4 to 8 6 6 2 to 3 6 6 3ito 5 66 6 to 9' 6 6 2 to 5 6 6 3 to 8 6 6 2 to 3 i 6 3 to 15 6 6 5 to 15 66 8 to 15 6 6 2 to 6 6 6 3 to 8 66 2 to 6 PAPER VENEERS. THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL AND USEFUL. It is like Natural Wood Finish, and will not chip from abrasion or blows; will not warp or curl from dampness or change of temperature. It is Made in Large Sheets from 24 to 30 Inches wide, and 15 feet LONG, thereby avoiding waste. It is easily and quickly laid. Any one can do it. No stuffing to fill the pores, and numerous coats of varnish to get a finish are necessary, as with wood veneers. One coat of vaj’nish makes a good finish. It can be laid on round or uneven surfaces, or used in narrow strips. It can be rubbed and polished the same as wood, and is thoroughly practical in every way. Imitation French Walnut Burl. Imitation Mahogany. Brand C, per 100 square ft., $2.00 Brand C, per 100 square ft., $2.50 Imitation Ash. Brand C, per 100 square ft., $2.00 SEil DISCOUlSrT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 171 WOOD STAINS. G. P. & Co.’s. In Oil. No. 1—Best Walnut Stain. No. 2— “ Mahogany Stain. No. 3— “ Cherry Stain. A moderate charge for cans. See prices of cans below. per gal., 11.00 “ 1.25 “ 1.25 PRICE OF CANS FOR LIQUIDS. 1 gallon cans.. jq 25 9 ^ .,. “ .40 ^ “ .50 ^ “ . “ .60 “ “ .90 ♦ BURNT UMBER. G. P. & Co.’s. Burnt Umber for Stains, bulk.per lb., $0.06 WOOD FILLER. G. P. & Co.’s. Always state whether light or dark is wanted. 10 lb. cans, light or dark.per lb., $0.10 25 “ “ •' . OS 100 lb. kegs, “ “ ..... “ .07 No charge for packages. Silver White, for filling, bulk... SILVER WHITE. Pulverized Eotten Stone, bulk.. . ROTTEN STONE. * PUMICE STONE. Pulverized Pumice Stone, bulk.per lb., $0.06 SEK lOISCOEISr'l’ SHEET\ 172 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. VARNISHES. G. P. & Co.’s. G. P. & Co.’s. No. 1—Furniture Turpentine Varnish...per gal., $0.90 2— Extra Furniture Turpentine Varnish. “ 1.20 3— Cabinet Kubbing, Slow Drying Varnish. “ 1.30 ' 4— Furniture Rubbing, Quick Drying Varnish. “ 1.40 5— Flowing Varnish..... !. “ 1.75 6— Extra Flowing Varnish. “ 2.00 8—Coach Varnish. ( . “ 1.35 A moderate charge for cans on above. See prices of cans on page 171. j OIL FINISH. G.P. & Co.’s. • No- 1—Oil Finish.per gal., $1.25 2—Hard Oil Finish. “ 1.60 A moderate charge for cans on above. ' See prices of cans on page 171. OIL SHELLAC. G. P. & Co.’s. 1^0- 1 Oil Shellac.per gal., $1.25 2— “ . “ 1.60 A moderate charge for cans on above. See prices of cans on page 171. ASPHALTUM STAIN. G. P. & Co.’s. No. l—Asphaltum Stain.per gal., $0.75 A moderate charge for cans on above. See prices of cans on page 171. JAPAN. G. P. & Co.’s. No. 1—Japan.per gal., $0.70 A moderate charge for cans on above. See prices of cans on page 171. SEK lOlSCOTJNa'' SHEET. ' GIBSOISr, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 173 BUNG BORERS. OIL AND VARNISH GATES. ^ DOWEL SGREWS. r No. 8. 1^4 inch. No. 8—1^ inch...per gross, $0.69 10—2 inch.. “ .99 DOWELS. Diameter, inches. ^ f yV Per 1000 Dowels, 3 feet lengths.$5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 SEE EISCOXJISrT SHEET. 1 2 5.50 A i I 6.50 7.75 12.75 J . 174 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. VARNISH BRUSHES. EXTRA OVAL VARNISH BRUSHES. EXTRA-EXTRA CHISELED VARNISH BRUSHES. All selected white bristles; made on the new style handle, and recommended to manufacturers for use in either paint or varnish. Nos. 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 Per dozen.$16.00 20.00 23.00 26.00 All white French brushes, wire bound, chisel pointed, ready for use. Nos. 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 Per dozen.$20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 EXTRA FLAT BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. Medium, in Tin, fine Fkench Bristles. • Width, inches. 1 l^ 2 2| 3 3J 4 Per dozen.$2.40 3.80 5.00 7.50 10.00 13.00 17.00 CHISELED, FLAT, BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. Extra Thick, Finest French Bristles. Width, inches. 1 ii 2 2| 3 Per dozen...$3.25 5.00 7.00 9.00 19.00 VARNISH FLOWING BRUSHES. Fitch Flowing Brushes. FITCH FLOWING BRUSHES. Single Thick. Width, inches.. 1 IJ 2 24 3 3J 4 Each.$0,40 0,60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 160 CHISELED BADGER FLOWING BRUSHES. Same Style as Fitch Flowing. Width, inches.. 1 1| 2 2| 3 3f 4 Single thick,each $0.75 1.13 1.50 1.88 2.25 2.63 3.00 Double thick, each 1.10 1.65 2.20 2.75 3.30 3.85 4.40 EXTRA FITCH FLOWING BRUSHES. Double Thick. Width, inches.. 1 1^ 2 24 3 34 4 Square, each...$0.70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.45 2.80 Chiseled, each. 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 EXTRA CHISELED BRISTLE FLOWING BRUSHES. Same Style as Fitch Flowing. Width, inches,. 1 1| 2 24 3 34 4 Single thick, each $0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 I Double thick,each 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 sp:k loiscouisrx sheet. GIBSON, PARISIJ & CO., CHICAGO. 175 BRUSHES. Nos. Size, inches Per dozen.. EXTRA GLUE BRUSHES. All Bristles, Iron Handles and Brass Ferrules. . 000 00 0 . I I 1 . 15.00 7.00 8.50 1 1 11.00 2 3 li 14.00 16.00 ^.per dozen, 10 Wire Fastened. 12 “ “ . 13 “ “ . . $5.00 7.00 10.00 13.00 19.00 EXTRA COUNTER DUSTERS. No. 1 2 3 . 4 Bound End 0 All Bristles, Black Outside. per dozen, $4.00 5.00 “ 6.50 “ 9.00 “ 11.00 FURNITURE BRUSHES. No. 1.per dozen, $4.50 2 .. “ 6.00 3. “ 8.50 FURNITURE RUBBING BRUSHES. 3 Row, Shoe Handles.per dozen, $3.50 4 “ “ . “ 4.00 SEE EISCOENT SEEE'P. 176 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DUSTERS. SPLIT TURKEY FEATHER DUSTERS. Lengtli of Feathers, inches. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Price, per dozen. 112.60 15.00 18.00 21.00 23.40 25.20 28.50 OSTRICH FEATHER DUSTERS. V Length of Feathers, inches. 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 Price, per dozen. $3.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 17.00 20.00 24.00 27.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 30.00 WOOL DUSTERS. 1 ** Assokted Coloes. I ; Nos. 0 2 4 6 I Price, per dozen...$15.00 19.00 25.00 31.00 y HEMP DUSTERS. \ I Nos.... 0 g Price, per dozen...H 50 2.40 PLUSH DUSTERS. For Brushing Tufted Plush Creases and Corners. Plush or Button Dusters. ^.per dozen, $3.25 5.50 7.00 SEE r)iscotJ]S"^'r shee'u. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 177 BRACKET HANGERS A o o No. 27.—Full Size. For Hanging Brackets, Cabinets, Etc. No. 27—Wrought Brass, ^ inch. per gross, |0.50 LOOKING CLASS HANGERS. No. 11.—Full Size. Wrought Brass. Numbers.... Size, inches, Per gross.. r 10 1 12.75 11 12 H H $3.60 $4.80 13 H $6.50 14 If No. 717.—Full Size. No. 717—Brass.per gross, $3.00 | No. 785—Brass, (Wl No. 786.—Full Size. .per gross, $3.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 178 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO LOOKING CLASS. German and French, Plain and Beveled. Size, Inches. No. of Lights in Full Box. German Plain. List, per Light. German Beveled List, per Light. French Plain, List, per Light. Frenchliin.Bev. List per Light. 9 X 7 . 60 30 lOi X 8i. 32 36 12 X 9 . 32 58 14 xlO . 32 72 2!46 17 xlOi. 32 86 18 X 12 . 18 1.45 3.40 20 X 12 . 18 1.65 2.25 3.85 18 .. 14 2.80 3.80 5.75 20 . 12 3.50 4.25 6.25 22 X 13 . 18 2.05 2.60 24 xl4 . 18 2.40 3.05 3.75 5.50 18 . 12 3.65 4.50 4.80 6.75 20 . 12 4.15 5.05 5.90 7.90 22 . 12 4.90 5.75 6.45 8.60 26 X 15 . 14 3.15 3.90 16 . 14 3.35 4.10 4.65 6.60 18 . 12 3.90 4.85 5.75 7.75 20 . 12 4.60 5.50 6.35 8.50 22 . 10 5.20 6.15 7.00 9.20 34 .. 10 6.00 7.00 7.65 9.95 28 X 16 . 14 3.70 4.60 5.50 7.50 20 .. 12 4.90 6.00 6.85 9.05 22 .. 10 5.60 6.75 7.55 9.85 24 . 10 6.40 7.60 8.20 11.10 30 X 17 . 12 4.30 5.20 18 .. 12 4.55 5.50 6.60 8.80 20 .. 10 5.30 6.35 7.35 9.65 22 . 10 6.10 7.30 8.10 10.95 24 . 10 6.70 8.00 8.80 11.80 38 . 8 12.25 13.80 13.55 16.75 32 X 18 . 12 4.95 5.90 7.00 9.35 20 . 10 5.80 6.75 7.85 10.70 22 .. 10 6.60 7.75 8.60 11.60 24 . 10 10.35 11.75 12.40 15.50 26 . 8 11.75 13.25 13.40 16.60 28 .. 8 13.00 , 15.25 14.45 17.75 34 X 20 . 10 5.90 7.10 8.30 11.30 24 . 8 11.00 12.75 13.15 16.35 26 . 8 12.65 14.75 14.25 17.55 28 . 8 13.90 16.10 15.35 18.80 36 X 18 . 10 5.70 6.90 8.00 10.90 20 . 10 6.50 7.65 8.80 11.90 22 . 8 10.60 12.00 12.75 16.00 24 . 8 12.25 14.00 14.00 17.25 40 X 18 . 10 6.60 8.00 8.80 12.00 20 . 8 11.00 12.65 12.90 16.20 22 . 8 12.10 14.00 14.20 17.60 24 . 8 14.00 16.00 15.50 19.00 36 . 8 16.00 18.50 16.75 20.40 45 X 20 . 8 12.65 15.00 22 .. 6 14.00 16.75 48 X 20 . 8 14.00 16.30 15.50 19.25 No charge for package. Goods shipped at owners’ risk. No allowance for breakage or damage. PICTURE CLASS. Sizes. United Inches. Per Box op 50 Feet. Per Box of 50 Feet. 1st Single French. 1st Double French. A Single American. A Double American. 6 X 8 to 10 X 15. 11 X 14 to 16 X 24 . 25 40 50 54 60 70 80 84 90 94 100 10.50 13.00 16.00 20.50 22.00 25.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 31.00 32.50 36.00 8.00 12.00 18 X 22 to 20 X 30 . ii .ou 9.25 14.00 15 X 36 to 24 X 30 . iO .ou TTrST) 17.75 26 X 28 to 24 X 36 . io.ou 17 'Tp: 12.00 13.00 19.00 26 X 36 to 26 X 44 . 19.00 01 nn 20.25 26 X 46 to 30 X 50 . 13 . bO 21.25 30 X 52 to 30 X 54 . .uu 22.00 OQ nn 15.25 16.00 23. (M) 30 X 56 to 34 X 56 . 24..50 34 X 58 to 34 X 60 . •Co . uu 17.50 18.75 20.75 26.25 36 X 60 to 40 X 60 . on 29.00 , ou 31.75 JNo charge for package. Goods shipped at owners’ risk. No allowance for breakage or damage. SKJE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 179 PICTURE BACKING. Put up in bales of 250 feet; 8 feet long, 10, 12. 14, and 16 inches wide. .. I I ^ Inch, 8 feet long, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches wide. pgr jQOO feet I 7 50 A “ 8 “ “ 10, 12, 14 “ -lA “ “ . ’ ■ i “ 8 “ “ 10, 12, 14 ‘ 16 16 ( < if 9.50 12.00 CUT BACKS. 4x5 Inches.per 1,000, $1.50 ‘ . “ 2.00 4ix 61 4ix 7 5x8 ■6x8 6 ix 81 7x9 8 xlO 8ixl0i 81x21 9 xl2 10 xl2 10 xl4 10 xl7 101x131 104x17 11 xl4 11 xl5 11 xl8 llixl5i ( C f f f ( C f f ( f f f f ff 6 f f f 6 C 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.50 4.00 5.00 5.70 11.20 6.80 7.50 8.80 10.70 8.80 11.20 10.00 10.50 12.50 11.20 12 xl5 Inches..•.. .per 1,000 $11.30 . “ 12.00 . “ 13.50 . “ 14.00 .. “ 15.00 . ‘‘ 13.00 . “ 18.00 . ‘‘ 16.50 . “ 18.20 . “ 15.00 . “ 16.00 . “ 19.20 . “ 21.00 . “ 21.50 . “ 17.00 . “ 25.00 . “ 20.00 . “ 28.50 . “ 27.00 . ‘‘ 35.50 12 xl6 12 xl8 12 xl84 12 x20 13 xl6 13 x22 13^x194 134x214 14 xl7 14 xl8 “ 14 x22 “ 14 x24 “ 144x234 “ 15 xl8 “ 154x254 “ 16 x20 “ 164x274 “ 18 x24 18 x304 “ VENEER BACKING. For Mirrors, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Etc., Etc. 2 Ply-— inch thick, made of two layers of veneer, sandpapered on both sides, sizes to order..per 1,000 sq. ft., $30.00 3 Ply. —I inch thick, made of three layers of veneers, sandpapered on both sides, sizes to order.per 1,000 sq. ft., $40.00 -3 Ply.—thick, as three-ply above.per 1,000 sq. ft., $35.00 SEK DISCOUIS-T SHEET. 180 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CLASS CUTTERS. No. 0—Glass Cutters..price per dozen, 82.00 No. 13. No. 13—Glass Cutters.•.per dozen, 11.00 DUNHAM’S DIAMONDS. POSITIVELT NOT KeTUKNABLE. Cuts Single Thick,.... price each I 4.50 it ii ii ( 4 5.00 ii n a • • • • i i 6.00 Cuts Double Thick.... i 6 7.50 H i( ii i 4 9.00 ii n a i i 12.00 Pocket, open, ) ‘ ‘ closed, ) i 4 8.00 Plate Glass.. 4 4 18.00 PUTTY KNIVES. No 20. No. 20—Putty Knives.;.per dozen, 13.00 CLASS PLIERS. No. 44—Glass Pliers, forged steel, inch long, No. 44. per dozen, $11.50 >yd SEE EISCOUNT^ SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WASHER CUTTERS. 181 No. 591. No. 591—Washer Cutters.per dozen, $15.00 DOWEL PLATES. No 48. No. 48—6 inch, size of holes 5 to ^ inch.per dozen, $3.50 DOWEL POINTER. COUNTERSINK AND DOWEL POINTER. No. 3. No. 3—Small size.per dozen, $2.00 No. 5 . No. 5—Reversible.per dozen, $6.00 CAST STEEL REAMERS. No. 8. No. 8 —Square, best cast steel.dozen, $1.50 SKK lOISCOUlSTT SHEET. 182 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. r\ CHISELS. EXTRA SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS. No. 10—Width, inches... Price, per dozen, Handled. No. 10—Inch Blade, Handled. R 1 i i i i i i i 1 li 1 * li 2 1.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 EXTRA SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS IN SETS. No. 200—Handled and Sharpened. No. 200 12 assorted in Wooden Box, ^ to 2 inches.P 01 . ^5 Q(y BUTCHER’S TANGED FIRMER CHISELS. Width, inches. J i I i I 1 i 1 li IJ n 2 No. 1, per doz., without handles.. $2.12 2.12 2.38 2.75 3.00 3.25 8.75 4.00 5.50 6.75 8.25 10.00 “ 1 , 12 assorted, without handles, ^ to 2 inches. . g 0 t^ $4,65 SEE DlSCOXJISr"!’ SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 183 SUPERIOR SOCKET FIRMER GOUGES. ' No. 4—6J4-inch Blade, Outside Bevel, Handled. Width, inches. ^ i f i I I B 1 li H 1| 2 No. 4—Per dozen-$5.00 5.75 6.00 7.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 “ 4—12 Assorted, in wooden box, handled, ^ to 2 inches.per set, $10.00 BUTCHERS’ TANGED FIRMER GOUGES. No. 6—Without Handle. Width, inches. ^ i I a | I b 1 H 1^ 1| 2 No. 5—Price per doz., not handled..$2.63 2.63 2.88 3.25 3.50 3.88 4.38 4.63 6.50 8.00 9.75 12,00 “ 5—12 Assorted, not handled, ^ to 2 inches.per set, $5.50 ^ BUTCHERS’ TURNING CHISELS. No. 20—7-iDch Blade without Handle. Width, inches. i I i I I I 1 li li 1| 2 No. 20—Without Handles, per doz..$3.00 3.25 3.63 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.75 7.25 9.25 11.25 13.25 BUTCHERS’ TURNING GOUGES. No. 30—7-inch Blade without Handles. Width, inches..... \ f i f t i ^ li li If 2 No. 30—Without Handles, per dozen..$3.88 4.38 4.88 5.25 6.13 7.00 7.88 10.25 13.38 15.75 19.25 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 184 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CARVING CHISELS AND GOUGES. Addis’ Gilnuine. No. 1 —Straight Skew Chisel. No. 9 —Straight Gouge. No. 2 —Skew Chisel. No. 3 —Straight Gouge. No. 10 —Straight Gouge. No. 11 —Straight Gouge. No. 4 —Straight Gouge. No. 12 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 5 —Straight Gouge. No. 13 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 6 —Straight Gouge. No. 14 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 7 —Straight Gouge. No. 8 —Straight Gouge. No. 15 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 16 —Long Curved Gouge. PRICE PER POZEI^. No. iV t-o i In. § Ineli. 1 Inch. § Inch. 1 Inch. 1^ Inch. li Inch. If Inch. 1^ Inch. 1 $3.60 $3.60 $4.20 $4.80 $5.10 $6.30 $6.90 $7.50 $8.40 2 3.60 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.10 6.30 6.90 7.50 8.40 3 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9.90 4 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9.90 5 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9 90 6 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9.90 i 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9.90 8 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9 90 9 4.20 4.20 4.95 5.55 5.85 7.20 8.10 8.70 9 90 10 4.80 4.80 5.40 7.20 8.40 9.60 12.00 14.40 18 00 11 1 o 4.80 5.40 7.20 8.40 9.60 12.00 14.40 18.00 21 60 12 1 O 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16 80 lo i 1 A 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16 80 14 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 > 14.40 16 80 15 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 ' 14.40 16 80 lo 5.10 1 5.10 5.70 1 7.80 1 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 SEE RISCOXJlSrT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 185 CARVING CHISELS AND COUCES. Addis’ Genuine. No. 17 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 18— Long Curved Gouge. No. 19— Long Curved Gouge. No. 20 —Long Curved Gouge. No. 21 —Front Bent Chisel. r "ifi" \ 'u No. 22 —Front Bent Chisel, Right Corner. No. 23 —Front Bent Chisel, Left Corner. No. 24 —Front Bent Gouge. No. 25 —Front Bent Gouge. No. 26 —Front Bent Gouge. No. 27— Front Bent Gouge. No. 28— Front Bent Gouge. No. 29— Front Bent Gouge. No. 30 —Front Bent Gouge. No. 31— Front Bent Gouge. No. 32— Front Bent Gouge. miCK PER DOZEN. No. tV to i In. f Inch. f Inch. § Inch. 1 Inch. 1^ Inch. 1^ Inch. 1§ Inch. IJ Inch. 17 $5.10 $5.10 $5.70 $7.80 $9.00 $10.80 $12.00 $14.40 ' $16.80 18 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 19 5.10 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 20.40 20 5.10 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 20.40 21 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 22 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 23 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 24 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 25 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 26 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 27 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 28 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 29 5.10 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40, 16.80 30 5.10 .. 5.10 5.70 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 31 5.10 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 20.40 32 5.10 6.30 7.80 9.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 16.80 - ^ 20.40 SEE DISCOtJisr’^r sheet. / 186 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CARVING CHISELS AND COUCES. Addis’ Genuine. ■\ i No. 34 —Back Bent Gouge. No. 41— Straight Parting Tool. No. 37-Back Bent Gouge. No. 44— Front Bent Parting Tool. No. 38 —Back Bent Gouge. No. 39—Straight Parting Tool. No. 45—Straight Parting Tool. No. tV TO 1 Inch. I Inch. f Inch. ^ Inch. 1 Inch. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 •15.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 6.30 6.90 6.30 6.90 6.90 , 6.90 6.30 6.90 •15.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 7.80 8.40 7.80 8.40 8.40 8.40 7.80 8.40 $ 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 9.60 10.35 9.60 10.35 10.35 10.35 9.60 10.35 1 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 12.30 12.90 12.30 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.30 12.90 $ 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.30 15.90 15.30 15.90 15.90 15.90 15.30 15.90 SEE EISCOUISTT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 18T CARVING TOOLS. No. 10. Six Tools in a Walnut Box. No. 10—In a neat Walnut Box, containing 6' Tools, Handled.per set, $1.00 55—In a neat Pasteboard Box, containing 6 Tools: 2 Chisels, ^ and ^ inch; 2 Gouges, 1-16 and ^ inch; 1 Front Bent Carving Chisel and 1 Front Bent Parting Tool.per set, $2.25 70—In a neat Walnut Box, containing 12 Tools: 3 Chisels^ ^ and | inch; 5 Gouges, 1-16, 5-16, f and ^ inch; 1 Front Bent Carving Chisel; 1 Parting Tool; 1 Front Bent Carving Gouge; 1 Front Bent Parting Tool.per set, $5.00 All the above goods are forged from the best quality of steel and are fully warranted. They are sharpened and ready for use, suitable for the use of professionals or amateurs. CARVERS’ PUNCHES. No. 1. Square. No. 2. Round. No. 1—Assorted sizes.per dozen, $3.00 | No. 2—Assorted sizes.per dozen, $3.00 No. 1—Lignum vitse Mallets No. 1. .per dozen, $6.00 SEK DISCOXJI^X 188 GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. WASHITA OIL STONES AND SLIPS. WASHITA SLIPS. Sizes, 2^ to 5^ inches long by to 2 inches wide. . per lb., 10.50 WASHITA STONES. Extra No. 1. Sizes. 8x2x1^ 7x2 x"!^ Per lb. $0.35 .35 6x2x1^ .35 Assorted Sizes. .35 WASHITA STONES IN WALNUT CASES. Sizes of Stone, inches... 3ixlxi 6x2xl| 8x2x1^ Each. $0 50 .75 .90 OILERS. Zinc. Nos. 1 Per dozen.•. $1.25 2 1.50 3 1.75 Malleable Iron. Nos. 11 Per dozen.$3.60 12 4.00 13 4.40 SKK DISCOUNT’ SHiCJGT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 189 No. 204|—Large sizes, assorted, apple wood No. 204 —Medium “ “ “ per gross, $4.00 “ 3.50 TANGED CHISEL HANDLES. No. 203^—Large sizes, assorted, apple wood. No. 203 —Medium “ “ “ per gross, |6.00 “ 5.00 f No. ^205—Carving Tool Handles, assorted sizes, apple wood per gross, |4.50 SEE EISCOUIS'T SHEET. 190 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAND AND PANEL SAWS. No. 12—Disston’s Extra Refined London Spring, Steel Selected and highly Polished Blade, Handle Carved and Polished, 4 Raised Brass Screws, and Steel Washers, the finest Saw manufactured. RIP SAW. HAND SAW. PANEL SAWS. Length, inches. Number of teeth to inch Price per dozen. 28 4| to 5| $34.00 26 20 6 to 9 8 to 10 $30.00 $24.00 No. 7. 24 8 to 10 $28.00 No. 7—Disston’s Cast Steel, warranted. Beech Handle, Polished Edge, 4 improved Screws, Grained Blade, and Etched. RIP SAW. HAND SAW. PANEL SAW'S. Length, inches. . 28 26 16 18 20 24 Number teeth to inch. 41 to 5^ 6 to 9 9 to 11 8 to 10 8 to 10 8 to 10 Price per dozen. $23.50 20.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 19.00 No. 3—Bro\A6n’s, Beech Handle, Polished Edge, 4 Rivets, Grained Blade, Etched, full width. RIP SAW. HAND SAW. PANEL SAWS. Length, inches. 28 26 18 20 24 Number teeth to inch. 4|^ to 5^ 6 to 9 8 to 10 8 to 10 8 to 10 Price per dozen. $16.00 13.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 SKPC lOISCOXJlS^'r SHKET. GIBSON^, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 191 BACK SAWS. No. 1 Nobles’ Beech Handle, brass screws, length, inches... 8 10 12 14 16 18 Price, per dozen. ^3 00 jq qq 12 .OO 14.00 16.00 18.00 COMPASS SAWS. Xo. 1. No. 1—Jackson’s, length, inches, Price, per dozen. 10 12 14 16 18 $4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 SAW HANDLES. I No. 191—Beech, for Saws 26 to 28 inches long j 193— “ “ 16 “ 20 194_ “ Back Saws. .. . 6 — “ ‘‘ Compass Saws per dozen, $1.40 “ 1.35 “ 1.35 “ 1.25 SEE DISCOElSrT SHEE'E 192 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS SAW SCREWS. No. 4. No. 5—Brass Flush Screw.gross, $5.25 4 _ ‘‘ Eagle “ .. “ CIRCULAR SAWS. Patent Ground and Tempered Solid Teeth Circular Saws. Of Extra Quality, Superior Workmanship, and Guaranteed as per Warranty. Extra for each addi¬ Prices for Beveling New Diameter. Thickness. size of Hole. Price Each. tional Gauge Saws (Grinding or Bev¬ (heavier). eling Old Saws extra.) 1 inch. 24 gauge. ^ inch. $ .50 $ .01 $ .06 per gauge. 11 inches. 24 4 4 4 .55 .01 .07 2 23 4 4 3 . 4 4 .60 .OH .08 21 i ( 22 4 4 4 « .65 .02 .09 3 ( ( 21 4 4 J s ! 1 4 4 .70 .02i .10 “ 31 < < 20 4 4 1 4 4 .80 .03 .12 4 ii 19 44 1 4 4 .90 .03 .14 5 i i 19 4 4 a 4 4 4 1.10 .04 .16 6 H 18 4 4 3 ? 4 4 1.30 .05 .18 7 i i 18 4 4 1 4 4 1.50 .06 .20 8 i i 18 4 4 4 4 1.75 .08 .22 9 ( i 17 4 « 4 4 2.00 .10 .25 10 i ( 16 4 4 1 4 4 2.30 .12 .28 11 i ( 16 4 4 1 4 4 2.65 .14 .30 12 ( i 15 4 4 1 4 4 3.00 .17 .35 14 ( i 15 4 4 4 4 4.50 .21 .40 16 i ( 14 4 4 H 4 4 5.50 .25 .50 18 i i 13 4 4 n 44 7.00 .30 .60 20 4 4 13 4 4 lA 4 4 8.50 .35 .70 22 4 4 12 4 4 lA 4 4 10.00 .45 .80 “ 24 4 4 11 4 4 If 4 4 12.00 .55 .90 26 4 4 11 4 4 4 4 14.50 .65 1,05 28 4 4 10 4 4 4 4 16.00 .80 1.20 30 4 4 10 4 4 4 4 18.00 .90 1.30 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 193 < TURNING SAWS IN FRAMES. Numbers. 354 355 Length, inches. /. . 20 Price, per dozen, complete.114.75 15.75 357 24 17.50 360 30 20.50 TURNING SAW BLADES OR GHAIR WEBS. Length, inches. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Turning Saws, per dozen.$1.35 1.45 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.80 3.10 3.45 3.80 Orders will be executed in regular goods, unless size of teeth and gauge are stated in order. FELLOE WEBS. 10 inches, 18 gauge, to 1 2 inch wide. 12 18 i i i to 1 i i 1 85 14 i i 17 < i i to 1 2 < ( 2.10 16 i i 17 a 4 to ( ( 2.35 18 (< 17 i 6 ^ to 6 8 i ( 2.70 20 i i 17 i i ^ to i i 6 « 3.00 22 i i 17 i i ^ to 3 4 i ( 3.30 24 i i 17 i ( 4 to 7 F i ( ( ( 3.65 26 i i 17 (< i to 7 F (( i i 4.00 28 C i 17 i ( ■5 to 1 (( i i 4.40 30 i i 16 < 6 i to 1 (( 6 i 4.80 32 i i 16 i i i to 1 i ( i 6 5.20 34 ( i 16 i 6 ^ to 1 6 ( i i 5.60 36 16 i i i to 1 6 ( i i 6.00 One extra gauge in thickness, no extra charge. 5 per cent extra for each additional gauge to 14 gauge. Above 14 gauge, special prices. Extra widths, 10 per cent for each additional ^ inch wide. N. B.^—All Web Saws ^ inch and nairower will be made with wide ends, in order to give strength at the hole. Price, 25 per cent advance. FAY’S PATENT MAGHINE SGROLL SAWS. ' Length, inches. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 i Price, per dozen.$2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 X. ■- SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. /' ' -- - - 194 GIBSON, PARISH & OO., CHICAGO. THE LESTER BRACKET SAW. This saw is made of iron and steel, except Pitman and Arms, which are ash. All iron work J apanned. Driving Wheel is 15 inches in diameter. Has a Tilting Table. Automatic Dust Blower. This saw cuts lumber to 2 inches in thickness. Circular saw attachment with 1|^ inch saw. Solid Emery Wheel and Drilling Attachment and Drills. Each machine is furnished with 6 saw blades, 1 wrench, screw driver, 2 sheets of designs and box for small tools. No. 1 Lester Saw complete with lathe attachment, nickel plated table, circular saw and saw guide.. .each, $10.00 No. 2 Lester Saw, nickel table without lathe and circular saw.each, 8.00 Extra Drill Chuck for working metal and a tail stock with screw center. each, 2.00 Extra table for circular saw 6x7 inches, with guide for sawing straight edges.‘.each, . 50 PUTfo table No. 1. Lester. THE ROGERS BRACKET SAW. No. 2. Rogers. The entire frame work is iron Japanned; Arbors made of steel; Arms and Pitmans made of Sash. Dust Blower with each machine and full directions. The Balance Wheel is 4^ inches in diameter, with a rim of solid Emery No. 70, | x f. The Tilting Table is nickel plated. With each machine is furnished six saw blades, wrench, sheets of designs and drill point. No. 2 Rogers Saw.each, $4.00 rkik: DiscoTJN'r shekt GIBSO^T, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 195 GRIFFIN’S BRACKET SAW BLADES. HAND BRACKET SAW. i 4 BEST. S TRONGEST. FASTEST CUTTING. SHARPEST TEETH. No. 2. NICKEL PLATED, WITH ROSEWOOD HANDLE. IS^umbers. 000 00 0 1 Price.. .per gross, $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Numbers.. 5 6 7 Price. per gross, $1.00 1.00 1.10 3 3 4 1.00 1.00 1.00 8 9 10 1.20 1.30 1.40 Ihese sets are packed'in paper boxes, and em¬ brace a Spring Steel Saw Frame 5 x 12 inches, having Patent Clamps for holding the Saw Blades. Fifty full sized designs, embracing a great variety of fancy and useful articles; six Saw Blades, one Awl, one Sheet of Impression Paper, and full directions for using the Saw. .each, 11.25 HACK SAW FRAMES. per dozen, $4.80 No. 4—Iron Frame, Blade, adjustable No. 1—Nickeled, Extension Frame, 6, 7, 8 or 9 inch Blades 2— “ Solid Frame, 8 inch Blade. per dozen, $9.60 ‘‘ 8.40 BLADES FOR STAR HACK SAWS. Length, inches Price. . 6 7 8 per dozen, $0.55 .60 .65 SEE EISCOUISTT SHEET. 9 .70 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PATENT SAW VISES. No. 0. No. 0—Witli inch Jaw. No. 1. Planed Jaws. per dozen, $10.00 | No. 1—With inch Jaw per dozen, $21. OO' No. 2. Planed Jaws. No. 3. No. 2—With 9| inch Jaw.per dozen, 130.00 | No. 3—Adjustable to any angle.. .per dozen, *16.00 CABINET SCRAPERS. No. 1—2 x4.per dozen, 2—21x5. 8—3 X G. “ Siyle of Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 4—Swan Neck, $0.60 2.00 style No. 4. sp:p:: Discoujca" sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO.. CHICAGO. 197 SAW SETS. MORRILL’S PERFECT SAW SETS. ^o. I—For Band, Scroll, and Jig Saws.Each, $1.25 1—For Hand Saws of every description. “ 1.25 3—For Circular Saws. “ 2.00 LEACH’S PATENT SAW SETS. HALF SIZB CUT OF NO. 0. No. 0—7 inches long. per dozen, $8.00 AIKEN^S HAMMER SAW SETS. No. 1—Aiken’s Genuine..per dozen, $13.00 SJBJK I3ISCOU3Sr'r SHKKT. 198 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO LANCDON MITRE BOXES. Original Style Langdon Mitre Boxes. New Style Langdon Mitre See List and Sizes on next page. Numbers to 25. New Improved Style Langdon Mitre Boxes. See List and Sizes on next page. Numbers 26 to 34. Note —Each Mitre Box and its accompanying saw are adjusted to be used together, and should in no case be changed. SEE EISCOXJJ^T SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 199 LANCDON MITRE BOXES. CAPACITY OF BOXES. Size A.— Okiginal Langdon Only. Gives 3^ inches width at Right Angles, and 2^ inches at Mitre. Size B.—New Langdon Only. Gives 4 inches width at Right Angles, and 3 inches at Mitre. * Size 1.— Langdon, New Langdon and New Langdon Improved. * Gives 6 inches width at Right Angles, and 4 inches at Mitre. Size 2.— Langdon, New Langdon and New Langdon Improved. Gives 9 inches width at Right Angles, and inches at Mitre. Size 2^.—Langdon, New Langdon and New Langdon Improved. Gives same width as size 2, and are arranged for Saw 28 inches by 5. Size 3.— Original Langdon Only. Gives 12| inches width at Right Angles and 8^ ioches at Mitre, and is arranged for Saw 6 inches under back, giving a large range of work. PRICE LIST LANCDON MITRE BOXES. Original Style Langdon Boxes. Each. No. 1—Size A, with No. 4 Saw, for wood, 15 x 2|.....I 6.50 2— “ “ “ metal, 14 x 2^. 6.50 3— “ “ “ with both Saws. 8.00 4— Size 1, with No. 6 Saw, for wood or metal, 18 x 4. 9.00 . 9.50 5- ( ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20x4 6- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 X 4 7- 4 4 4 4 4 4 wood. 24 X 4 8- 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 X 4 9- -Size 2, 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 X 4 10- 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 X 4 11- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 X 4 12 Size 21 4 4 4 4 4 4 28 X 5 13- -Size 3, 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 X 6 14- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 X 6 15- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28 X 6 16- 44 4 4 4 4 k 4 ' 30 X 6 New Style Langdon Boxes. Style. 16i —Size B, with Saw. .12x2. 17 —Size 1, with No. 6 Saw, for wood. size of Saw, 18 X 4. 18 _ 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20x4. 19 _ 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 r4 4 4 4 22 X 4. 20 _ 44 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 24 X 4. 21 _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 X 4. 22 —Size 2, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ; 4 4 22 X 4. 23 _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24x4. 24 _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 X 4. 25 —Size 2i, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28 X 5.. 8.25 8.75 9.75 New Improved Style Langdon Boxes. Style. No. 26—Size 1, with No. 6 Saw, for wood, size of Saw, 18 x 4 27— ( ( ( ( ( i 28— 29— 30— “ 31— Size 2, 32— gg_ 34—Size 2h i i ( < { i ( 6 ( 6 6 i ( ( i 6 6 i ( i 6 i ( C i 6 i 6 i i i i i i ( ( ( i 6 ( 6 ( 6 ( ( i i ( 4 ( i 6 i i 6 .$9.00 20x4 . 9.50 22 X 4.10.00 24 X 4. 10.50 26 X 4. 11-00 22 X 4.11-00 24x4 ..11-50 26 X 4.12.00 28 X 5.ll-OO SEE DISCOUNT SHEE^r. I 200 GIBSON, PARISH & GO., CHICAGO. PATENT ADJUSTABLE JOINT CUTTER AND PLANER. DESCRIPTION. A, is a general view of the machine. B, the bench to fasten on. C, back rest, movable with lever a at¬ tached, which enables the operator to sever the molding \ in one or more cuts. See H, with portion cut out. D, is a graduated rule to measure sight rabbet or outside of frame. E, stop for lengths. F, an automatic steel spring catch for holding the large lever G. J, two joints ready to be nailed. Full working directions with each machine. Most complete mitering machine in the market. All Machines warranted to give satisfaction, and shipped in good working order. Parts of this machine furnished on short notice. No. 1—Cuts all moldings from J to 4 inches wide, 3J high on back.price each, $36.00 Extra Angle-Attachment, u^ed for cutting odd angles on moldings for doors, cars, coffins, etc. “ 2.50 Made entirely of iron, and is arranged for planing any desired angle on straight or curved work. In the sides of the quadrant are two adjustable guides or rests kept in position by set screws, D D. The special object of these rests is to enable one to finish the ends or angles on curved work with exactness. In preparing pieces for circular or oval work, frames, pulleys, emery wheels, circular patterns, etc., it is necessary to plane the ends of the various segments at varying angles. In planing these, the point of the quadrant near the plane and the adjustable guides form the rests required for accurate work. MADE IN THREE SIZES. No. 2—With 2-inch Plane Irons.price each, $20.00 3\_. “ 3^ “ “ . “ 25.00 4— “ 4 “ “ . “ 30.00 SaTCR DISCOUNT SHEIGT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 201 WARREN’S MITRE PLANE. The body of It cannot be No. 1—Price, each, the plane is iron, and runs in grooves on an iron bed. crowded oif from the moulding, and makes a perfect mitre on all kinds of wood work, with 34 inch plane irons. fl5.00 JOINTER GAUGE. No. 1. Can be attached to any wood plane. It is ad¬ justable for squaring, or to any desired bevel. No. 1—Price, each. $1.50 BAILEY’S VENEER SCRAPER. No. 12. No. 12—Adjustable Veneer Scraper, 3-inch blade. each, $3.50 TOOTH PLANES. No. 36. No. 36—Tooth Plane.each, $1.00 BAILEY’S SCRAPER PLANE. No. 112. No. 112—Adjustable Scraper Plane, 9 inches long, 3-inch blade.each, $3.00 SICK DISCOUN'r SriJEKT. 202 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WOOD PLANES. No. 3. 1% to 2J4-inch bits. No. 3—Smooth Plane, double bits, each $0.90 No. 5. 2 to 234-iiich bits. No. 5—Smooth, handled, double bit, each.. No. 13 No. 13—Jack Plane, double bit, 2 to 2|-inch, each. No. 19. No. 19—Fore Plane, double bit, 22 inches long, 2| to 2|; 22 inch long, each ..$1.75 ..$ 1.00 $1.40 No. 25—Jointer Planes, double bit, 2f to 2f; length Price each. SE£J DISCOUNT SHEET. 26 in. $1.50 28 in. 30 in. 1.60 1.75 GIBSOJSr, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 2()ti IRON PLANES. Nos. 1 to 43^. No. 1—Smooth Plane, in. length, inch Cutter.each, $2.25 2— Smooth Plane, 7 in. length, 1| inch Cutter.each, 2.75 3— Smooth Plane, 8 in. length, 1| inch Cutter.each, 3.00 4— Smooth Plane, 9 in. length, 2 inch Cutter.each, 3.25 4|—Smooth Plane, 10 in. length, 2§ inch Cutter.each, 3.75 No. 5—Jack Plane, 14 in. length, 2 inch Cutter.each, $3.75 6— Fore Plane, 18 in. length, 2§ inch Cutter.each, [ 4.75 7— Jointer Plane, 22 in. length, 2| inch' Cutter.each, 5.50 8— Jointer Plane, 24 in. length, 2| inch Cutter.each, 6.50 IRON BLOCK PLANES^ ' Nos. 110 and 120. No. 110—Block Plane, 7^ inches in length. If • inch Cutter.each, .60 120—Block Plane, adjustable, 7^ inches in length. If in Cutter.each, .85 Cast Steel Cutters, for above Block Planes each, . 10 BULL NOSE RABBET PLANE. No. 101. No. 101—Block Plane, length Sj in., 1 inch Cutter.each, . 20 Cast Steel Cutters, for above Block Plane each, . 08- ADJUSTABLE CIRCULAR PLANE. f No. 75—Bull Nose Babbet, length 4 inches. Cutter 1 inch.each, $ . 50 This will be found a very useful tool by all wood workers, enabling the owner to work close up into corners where it is found necessary to do so. No. 113—Adjustable Circular, If inch Cutter, each.$4.00 This Plane has a Flexible Steel Face, which can be easily shaped to any required arc, either concave or convex, by turning the Knob on the front of the Plane. By the peculiar construction of the Plane, a smaller arc, either concave or convex, can be obtained by this Plane than by any other similar tool. SEK loiscoxnsr’^i" shee^e •204 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO BAILEY’S IRON, WOOD BOTTOM, PLANES. Kos. 21 to 24, 35 and 36. No. 21—Smooth Plane, 7 inches in length, 1| H 13 inch £ i Cutter. 6 6 .each, 6 6 $2.00 2.00 ZL — O O i ( 66 6 6 6 6 2.00 23—■ V 8 “ 9 “ ii 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.00 24— 35— “ 2 6 6 ‘ ‘ Handled. 6 6 2.50 36— “ i 6 10 “ a 03 ^8 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.75 Nos. 26 to 34. 26—Jack Plane, 15 inches in length, 2 inch Cutter 27— “ 6 6 15 6 6 6 6 2^ ( 6 66 28—Fore 6 6 18 6 6 ( 6 2f 6 6 6 6 29— “ 66 20 66 66 2f 66 6 6 30—Jointer 66 22 6 6 6 6 21 66 6 6 31— “ 6 6 24 6 6 6 6 2f 6 6 66 32— “ 6 6 26 6 6 6 6 2| 66 6 6 33— “ 6 6 28 6 6 66 21 6 6 6 6 34— “ 66 30 6 6 6 6 2| 66 6 6 each, $2.25 “ 2.50 “ 2.75 “ 2.75 “ 3.00 “ 3.00 “ 3.25 “ 3.25 “ 3.50 WOOD PLANES. No. 60. 1^0. 60—Dado, 4, f, brass side stop... Dado Side Stop. |, I, I or 1 inch, with .each $1.10 No. 177. Table. No. 177—Table Plane, with fence, ^ and inch, per pair. $1.40 No. 146—Skew Babbet Planes. No. 150—Square Rabbet Planes. No. 146—I, I, I and 1 inch.each, $0.60 No. 150—1, §, I, § and 1 inch.each $0.60 SEE EISCOXJN’l' SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGO. 205 WOOD PLANES. MATCH PLANES. No. 100. No. 100—Match Planes, Iron Plated, f, i, | and |-inch.per SIDE BEAD PLANES. No. 47. No. 47—Side Bead, size inches, ^ ,t^ 6, i, f, I. each, $0.50 CENTER BEAD PLANES. No. 51. No. 51—Center Beads, f» I-inch each, $0.60 REEDING PLANES. .. No. 152. No. 152—Eeeding, to make 2 beads, i, f or ^-inch a a “ 3 “ I OJ'’ 2-inch n “• 4 “ t ^-inch 4< “ 5 “ i, I or |-inch each, $1.40 “ 1.80 “ 2.20 “ 2.60 SIDE EISCOUN'T SHEE'T. 206 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BEADING, RABBET AND SLITTING PLANE. No. 45. No. 4*5—Iron Stock and Fence.each |8.00 Each plane is accompanied by seven Beading Tools to ^ inch), nine Plow and Dado Bits to ^ inch), a Slitting Tool and a Ton going Tool. The Plane embraces in a compact and practical form. Beading and Center Beading Plane, Rabbet and Filletster, Dado, Plow, Matching Plane, and a superior Slitting Tool. HOLLOWS AND ROUNDS. With Cast Steel, Bits. These additional pieces can be used with entire satisfaction in combination with Plane No. 45. All parts of Plane No. 45 are made interchangeable, and these for Hollows and Rounds will fit any Plane of that style. Nos. 6 8 10 12 Works. f 1 1^ 1^ inch circle. Price, per pair. $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 I I i HAND DEADER. No. 66. No. 66—Pniversal Hand Reader, Iron Stock, 6 Steel Cutters.each $1.00 For Beading, Reeding or Fluting straight or irregular surfaces this tool is invaluable to wood workers. Six steel cutters go with each tool. Both ends are sharpened, thus embracing six ordinary sizes of Beads, four sets of Reeds and two Fluters. The cutter is firmly clamped to the stock. A gauge with long straight bearing surfaces is used in ordinary work; and a gauge with oval-bearing surfaces is used for curved or irregular forms of work. Either gauge can be shifted from one side of the cutter to the other without sep¬ arating it from the stock, and can be rigidly set at any required distance from either side of the cutter. loiscoxTN'r shket. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 207 CHAMFER PLANE. No. 72—Iron stock, 9 inches in length. 1| inch cutter.... .”.each, $2.00 The front section of this Plane, to which the cutter is attached, is movable up and down. It can be firmly secured to the rear section of the Plane at any desired point by means of a thumb screw. Without the use of any other tool this Plane will do perfect chamfer or stop chamfer work of all ordinary widths. When the two sections are clamped together so as to form an even base line, the tool can be used as nny ordinary bench plane. » No. 72|^—Is an additional section to this Plane, for beading, reeding or moulding a chamfer, and consists of six cutters sharpened at both ends, including a large variety of ornamental forms. Price, $1.00 additional. , Np. 72. PLOW, FILLETSTER AND MATCHING PLANE. No. 141. i; ' No. 141—Iron Stock and Fence.each, $7.00 Two interchangeable front parts go with this tool. With each tool eight plow bits to | inch), a filletster cutter and a slitting blade are furnished; also a tongueing tool (4 inch). SEE IOISCOIJ]SrX SHEEU’ 208 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PLANE IRONS. All Wakeanted. I lilli ""'it No. 10. Double Irons. DOUBLE CAST STEEL PLANE IRONS. Sizes, inclies. 1 3 1 '7 91 2i 21 'H 2i 2 | Price, per dozen.. S5.00 5.00 6.25 6.25 6.45 6.65 7.00 7.40 8.20 9.00 10.15 Sizes, inclies.... Price, per dozen. No. 20. CUT PLANE IRONS. 1| 1| li 2 2^ 2i 2| 21 2| 2| 3 $2.75 2.75 2.75 2.95 3.15 3.45 3.70 4.10 4.50 4.90 5.50 7.00 No. 30. SINGLE PLANE IRONS. Sizes and prices same as No. 20 Cut Plane Irons. No. 40. PLANE IRONS FOR BMLEY’S PATENT PLANES. (In ordering these, state by number the Plane for which they are wanted.) Sizes, inches. 14 1| 1| 2 2^ 2§ 2f Cut Irons, each. $0.20 .25 .28 .30 .33 .37 .40 Double Irons, “ . .40 .45 .50 .oo .60 .65 .70 SEIG UlSCOUN'r SHIGEll GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 209 No. 7. No. 7—2^ iach Cutter, adjustable cap and throat, price.per dozen, $4.50 IRON SPOKE SHAVES. No. 6. 6—2^ inch Cutter, asdjustable cap, raised handles, price.per dozen, $3.5Q No. 3. No. 3—2^ inch Cutter, jprice. per dozen, $3.50 per dozen, $3.00 No. 70. No. 60. No. 70—2f inch Cutter.per dozen, $7.50 | No. 60—2 inch Concave, walnut handles, per dozen, $8.50 No. 3o. Applewood. No. 30—Size of Cutter.inches, 2 Price.per dozen, $3.00 “ Chair Roughers. “ • ••• 3.00 Si 4.00 4 4.50 12.00 No. 2. 2—If inch Double Cutter, concave and straight, price • 6. No. 8. No. 5—2 inch Convex Cutter, walnut handles, per dozen, $8.50 | No. 8—2| inch Cutter. ..per dozen, $6.00 skp: i3iscoxj:Nru’ sh:ke::t. 210 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO GAUGES. MARKING AND MORTISING GOMBINED. No. 71. 71.—Beech wood, 'Marking and Mortising combined. . per dozen, $8.00 MORTISING .GAUGES. No. 73. No, 73—Boxwood, Plated Head, Brass Slide, Thumb Screw and Shoe, Oval Bar, Marked, Steel .per dozen, $8.00 No. 68—Boxwood, Plated Head, Adjusting Wood Slide, Brass Thumb Screw and Shoe, Oval Bar, Marked, Steel Point.^^ MARKING GAUGES No. 61. No. 61—Beech wood, Boxwood Thumb Screw. 65—Boxwood, Brass “ “ and Shoe per dozen, $1.00 “ 5.00 loisoouN'r sHKK'r GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 211 No. 10- Price . . -Length of Blade, inches, No. 10. Razor Blade. per dozen, $18.00 8 19.00 DRAWING KNIVES. * 9 20.00 10 21.00 DRILL BRACE. BREAST DRILL. Nos. 13 and 10. No. 13—Nickel plated, 6 inch driving wheel, for round and square shank tools.each, $4.00 10— smaller than above, “ “ “ . “ 3.00 SKE EISCOIJNU' SHEET. 212 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRACES. Barber’s Patent. No. No. Nos. 21 to 73. 21— Steel, Polished, 12 inch 22— 66 6 6 10 ( ( 6 6 23— 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 71— 6 6 not 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 72— 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 73— 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 No.s. 10 to 13. 10— Nickel 11 — “ 12 — “ 13— “ Plated, 14 inch sweep i( 12 “ “ “ 10 “ “ , ((. 8 “ “ . Nos. 30 to 123. Ratchet. per dozen, a fi 16 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 per dozen, 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.50 7.00 $33 00 30.00 27.00 24.00 No. 30—Nickel Plated, 14 inch sweep 31— “ “ 12 32— “ 10 33— “ “ 8 122— Steel Polished, 10 123— “ “ 8 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 per dozen, $42.00 “ “ 39.00 “ “ 36.00 “ 33.00 “ “ 18.00 “ “ 17.00 SKK UISCOUT^T GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 213 % ANGULAR BORER. EXTENSION BIT HOLDER. No. 1. No. 1—Barber’s Extension, 12 to 24 inches.each, $1.25 RATCHET BRACES. Bolen’s Patent. Nos. 18 Sweep. 8 Price, per dozen.$39.00 19 20 10 12 42.00 45.00 HAND DRILLS. 1.1 U. lU. No. 1 B, Double Gear, with chuck.each, $1.50 Six drill points with each of the above drill stocks. These drill stocks are made of malleable iron, with steel spindle, and rosewood head and handle. The jaws are of forged steel. They are the only drill chucks in use which will hold Morse Twist Drill from ^ to ^ inch. ( SEE DISCOXJlSrT SHEET. 214 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO I AUGER BITS. Jenning’s. No. Size, inches. 4 f iV 4 I' U I 1— Per dozen, R. Jenning’s.. $3.00 3.40 3.80 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 6.10 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 2— “ Cook’s Round Lip 4.00 4.25* 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.60 7.20 8.00 8.75 9.25 10.00 10. /5 3— Jenning’s Pattern 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 6.10 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 No. 30. No. 30-—Jenning’s Pattern, in Walnut Boxes.price per set of 13 bits, $5.00 MACHINE BITS. No. n. Graduated Anti-Friction Cast Steel Machine Bits, with spur and screw points. Regular Twist, 2 to 5 inches. Diameter, inches.... 4 1« 6 T?' 7 9 1 0 1 V H H —Price each. $0.55 .60 .65 .75 .85 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.40 1.50 Diameter, inches.... H n tI' H 2 0 2 T 1 r, n .—Price each. $1.60 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.10 2.25 2. 35 2 .50 2.60 2.75 For 6 to 8 inch Twist, add 10 per cent to above list. For 12 to 14 inch Twist, add 30 per cent to above list. For 9 to 11 inch Twist, add 20 per cent to above list. For 15 to 20 inch Twist, add 40 per cent to above list. Carry in stock 4 inch and |4 inch Shanks. SJKK UISCOTJNU* SHEPyr. GIBSON, PARISH &.CO., CHICAGO. 215 STEARNS’ DRILLS. No. 4 —Stearns’ Wood Drills for Chucks. No. 5—Stearns’ Wood Drills for Brace. Prices FOR Stearns’ Chuck OR Brace Drills. Numbers. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Diameter, inches. Price, per dozen. 1 . $1.60 A 1.60 1.60 A 1.75 A 2.00 A 2.50 3.00 A 3.50 A 3.50 A 4.00 Numbers. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Diameter, inches. Price, per dozen. . 3. $4.00 M 4.50 7 TB 4.50 5.00 5.00 if 5.50 A 5.50 H 6.00 6. of) MORSE TWIST DRILLS. No. 6—For Brace. For Wood or Metal. Diameter, inches. A A i A A A i A A H I if A if Price, per dozen. $1.50 1 65 2.10 2 60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4 70 5.40 6.30 7.20 8A^0 8Si 9.60 10.30 MORSE STRAIGHT SHANK DRILLS. No. 7. For Wood or Metal. Diameter, Inches. Length. Price per Dozen. , Diameter, Inches. Length. Price per Dozen. 1 ■^2 $1.00 •- ■ - A 4| $3.90 A 1.10 5 IB 4.20 A 2| 1.20 i BT 4| 4.50 A 07 1.30 1 A 4| 4.80 3 1.45 M 41 5.10 A 1.60 1 5 5.40 A 1.80 If H 5.70 H A 3| 2.00 B H 6.00 2.20 2 7 B¥ 6.40 A 3| 2.40 A 6.80 A 3| 2.65 A 5| 7.20 ii Q7 2.90 if 5| 7.50 i 4 3.15 fi 7.75 1 7 FT 3.40 1 2 6 8.00 9 3.65 1 HOLT’S BRACE BITS. No. 8.—Diameter, inches Price per dozen.. 216 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO Diameter, inches Length, inches.. Price, each. MORSE MACHINE BITS. No. 112—inch Shank. For Wood or Metal. A 1 ¥ A I TF 1 a A t H 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 45 .50 .60 .70 .75 0 00 .85 .90 1.05 Diameter, inches. i -A A Length, “ . 3 3^ 3^ Price, each.20 .25 .30 No. 108—For Wood Only. 719 5 11313.7 ST ^ ^ Tg- ^ 8 Tit TF 3| 4 4^ 4J 4| 5 5^ 5-J- .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .65 .70 .75 IJ. A 17 9 4 T 2 a TT 1F 8 TT It 5| 6 64 6| 7 74 .80 .85 .95 1.00 1.15 1.35 1.65 CLARK’S EXTENSION BITS. Clark’s Extension Bits. No. 1— Cutting from 4 to 14 inches.per dozen, $18.00 2 —Cutting from § to 3 inches. “ 26.00 No. 1— Cutting from 4 to 14 inches.per dozen, $18.00 2 —Cutting from § to 3 inches. “ 26.00 No.. 1.4 to I Per dozen.. .$3.00 No. 2.1 to 14 Per dozen. . .$3.75 Extra (Rutters. No. 3.^ to 1| Per dozen. ..$5.25 No. 4.1| to 3 Per dozen. ..$6.00 No. 5.... 3 to 4 inch. Per dozen.... $12.00 GERMAN GIMLET BITS. No. 9. German Gimlet Bits. Size, inches. A A i A ^ i A if H f Straw color, per doz. $1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 GENTER BITS. Center Bits. Size, inches. 4 f 4 ^ | | 1 IJ I 4 1^ 14 1| 1| IJ 2 Black, per dozen... .91 .91 1.181.25 1.501.752.002.252.502.753.003.50 SEK Eiscxouisr'r sheex. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 217 COUNTERSINKS AND GIMLET BITS. COUNTERSINKS. Countersink, for Wood. Rose Head Countersink, for Wood or Metal. No. 5. No. 10. No. 5—For Wood, assorted sizes-per dozen, $1.50 | No. 10.—Assorted Sizes.per dozen, |1.50 WHEELER’S PATENT COUNTERSINK, WITH GAUGE. No. 5. No. 10. No. 5—For Wood, assorted sizes-per dozen, $1.50 | No. 10.—Assorted Sizes.per dozen, $1.50 No. 20. No. 20—Countersink and Gauge.per dozen, $4.50 BARBER’S COUNTERSINKS. No. 1. ' No. 2. No. 1—Bit Gauges.per dozen, $3.25 | No. 2—Screw and Plug Bit.per dozen, $2.25 PLUG CUTTERS. No. 30—Sizes.. ^ | inches. Price.,.per dozen, $3.00 3.50 4.00 SKK 131800X1^^’ SHEE'X’. 218 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SOCKET CASTER BIT. No. 10. For trimming Furniture Legs to lit Caster Rings and Sockets. The simplest and strongest Bit in the market; will trim ^ to IJ iii^h Leg. , 25 No. 10—Socket Caster Bit... HOLLOW AUGERS. STEARNS’ PATENT HOLLOW AUGERS. No. 0. With or Without Bits—Cutting but One Size. Best single size Hollow Auger in the market. It has a patent adjustable knife and cap, and a stop with a graduated scale regulating the length of the tenon. I STEARNS’ PATENT ADJUSTABLE HOLLOW No. 3. The Pivoted Jaws, which move uniformly and center perfectly, are provided with a graduated scale or rule by which size of tenon is regulated. A movable stop with a graduated scale secures length of tenon. No. 3—Price.each, $5.00 No. 6, size. No Bits, per dozen.. . No. 6, size. With Bits, per dozen. SKK I31SCOUjSfTL' HHKKT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 219 SCREW PLATES. Nos. 00 and OOA. No. 00—6 inches long, 4 sets Dies, 4 taps, cutting 64; 56; g\, 48; 40 Threads.each, $2.50 OOA—6 inches long, 3 sets Dies, 4 taps, cutting Machine Screws, sizes No. 4,36; No. 6 and 8, 32; No. 10, 24 Threads. “ 2.50 SCREW BOXES FOR CUTTINC WOOD THREAD. No. 100. No. 100—Size, inches. i to f | | | | 1 1^ H If 1| Each. $0.70 .75 .80 90 1.35 1.60 1.85 2.10 CAST STEEL SCREW DRIVER BITS. No. 1. No. 1—Flat Steel Screw Driver Bits.per dozen, $100. No. 2—Round Steel Screw Driver Bits No. 2. per dozen, $1.00 DUPLEX SCREW DRIVER. No. 100. No. 100—Cocobola Handle, nickel plated chuck...per dozen, $6.00 SKK ]oisc'OtJ]sr"r SHEKrT. 220 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO CLARK’S PATENT SCREW DRIVER SETS, CLARK’S SCREW DRIVER SETS. No. 1—4 Bits, in Maple boxes.. .per set, $1.25 20—3 Bits, in Paper boxes.... “ 1-00 No. 1. SCREW DRIVER HANDLES. Bbass Feerule. No. 20—Small sizes.per dozen, $1.00 1.10 1.25 30—Medium sizes 50—Large sizes... LICHTNINC DRILL AND SCREW DRIVER. No. 6. It may be used either automatically, running the bit both back and forward, or to turn the bit one way j only, as is necessary to drive a screw or bore a hole with an auger bit. No. 5—Lightning Drill and Driver.each, $2.50 SEK DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 221 SCREW DRIVERS. FLAT STEEL FORCED BLADES. Nos. 10 and 15. No. 10—Flat Steel. Length of Blades, inches,.... 2 3 4 5 Price, per dozen. Beech handles.$1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 No. 15— “ Black “ . 2.00 2.75 3.00 3.50 6 7 8 10 3.50 4.00 4.75 6.00 4.00 5.00 5.50 8.50 ROUND STEEL FORCED BLADES. No. 20. No. 20—Round Steel. Length of Blades, inches. 2 3 4 Price, per dozen. $2.00 2.75 3.00 5 6 7 8 3.50 4.00 5.00 5.50 DOUBLE ACTION RATCHET SCREW DRIVERS. No. 30. "A Sliding the Button changes the action from a right to a left hand action. No. 30—Ratchet. Length of Blades, inches. 4 5 6 8 10 Price, per dozen. 9.00 10.20 12.00 13.50 15.00 PATENT SPIRAL SCREW DRIVER. No. 50. Push the End of Handle and the Screw goes in. The most wonderful labor saving tool ever known. An entire revolution in driving screws. A perfect novelty. It will drive a Screw into soft or hard wood in one-third of the time of any other mode now in use. No. 50—Spiral Driver, entire length of blade and handle, when down, 12 inches.each, $2.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ROUND BELT PUNCHES. 12345 6 7 8 9 12345 6 7 8 9 Full Size Holes. 1^08 . 1 to 5 6 to 9 Per dozen.$2.00 2.25 SPRING BELT PUNCHES. No. 37. 10 12 10 to 12 13 to 16 2.50 6.00 No. 37—1 Tube, price each, $0.50 REVOLVING PUNCHES. No. 36. No. 35—Revolving Punch, with 4 Tubes each, $1.25 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 223 GIMLETS. No. 10—Wood Head Gimlets. Small sizes.per dozen, $0.70 Medium sizes. “ .80 Large sizes. “ 1.00 No, 15— Metal Head Gimlets. Small sizes.per dozen, $0.35 Medium sizes. “ .40 Large sizes. “ ,50 HANDLED BRAD AWLS. Nos. 10 and 20. Shouldered Handled Brad Awls. No. 10—Small and medium sizes, assorted...per dozen, $0.55 20—Large sizes, assorted.. “ .60 BRAD AWLS WITHOUT HANDLES. Nos. 30, 40 and 50. No. 10. Best Shouldered Brad Awls. No. 30—Small sizes...per gross, $3.00 40—Medium...... “ 3.25 50—Large. “ 3.75 Aikins’ Awls and Tools. No. 10—Assorted Awls.per gross, $4.00 15— “ Tools. “ 5.00 BRAD AWL HANDLES. No. 10. No. 10—Brad Awl Handles, assorted sizes.peir dozen, $0.25 SEK DISCOUNT’ SHEET. 224 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, PATENT AWL AND TOOLS. No. 120. i No. 120—Patent Handle, contains 14 Awls and|6^Tools...per''dozen, $7.00 110 — “ “ 10 “ only. “ 6.00 No. 6. No. 5—Rosewood Handle, 9 Tools, price, each, $1.50 SEK DlSCOXJISrT SHEET GIBSON, PAHISH & CO., CHICAGO 225 I ( l t i- if . AWL, TOOL AND FILE HOLDER. . - -r- ■ T No. 110—Contains 20 Cast Steel Tools, and will hold anything from a needle to an 8-inch Mill File, ^$1?00 100—Contains no Tools, and will hold anything from a Brad Awl to a 12-inch Mill File. 4.00 HANDLED SCRATCH AWLS. No. 2. No. 2—Scratch Awls, assorted sizes. Bound Awl.per gross, $8.50 10— “ “ “ “ Socket Awl...per dozen, 2.00 20— “ “ “ “ Square Shank Awl. “ 1.50 i I NAIL SETS. No. 1. No. 1—Bound Steel, polished per dozen, $0.55 SEK lOISCOUNU,’ SHEET. 226 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. FILES. HALF ROUND CABINET FILES. Length, inches. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 Per dozen. $4.20 $5.00 6.10 7.30 8.75 10.40 12.30 16.90 22.50 HALF ROUND CABINET FILES. Length, inches. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 Per dozen. $4.20 $5.00 6.10 7.30 8.75 10.40 12.30 16.90 22.50 Length, inches, Per dozen. HALF ROUND CABINET RASPS. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 ).00 7.00 8.20 9.60 11.20 13.00 15.00 19.60 25.00 Length, inches, Per dozen. PIT SAW FILES. 3 31 4 41 $2.10 2.10 2.20 2.30 H 2.80 Length, inches...... Single Cut, per dozen. Double Cut “ TAPER SAW FILES. 3 3i 4 4i $1.10 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.75 2.00 5 1.70 2.40 5f -367 2.00 2.40 3.00 2.75 3.25 4.00 8 4.30 8 3.80 4.95 SLIM TAPER FILES. Length, inches. 3 3| 4 4^^ 5 Per dozen. $1.20 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.70 1.90 6 7 8 2.10 2.50 3.00 ih DOUBLE ENDER” HANDSAW FILES. Two Files in one, complete with Handle. Full length from point to point, inches. Equal to two Files—Inches. Per dozen, with handles. 7 8 9 10 H 4 44 5 $ 2.55 2.80 3.15 3.70 2.40 2.60 2.90 3.40 FILE HANDLES. 23—Medium sizes, assorted. .40 X3iscouisr"r siip::kx. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. FILES. Length, inches. 4 5 Per dozen. $1.80 2.00 MILL BASTARD. 6 7 8 9 10 11 2.25 2.55 2.90 3.30 3.80 4.50 12 14 5.40 7.80 Length, inches. Per dozen. FLAT BASTARD. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !.00 2.20 2.50 2.90 3.40 4.00 4.70 5.60 12 14 16 6.70 9.50 13.10 Length, inches. Per dozen. 4 5 12.50 2.80 HALF ROUND BASTARD. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 3.20 3.70 4.30 5.00 5.80 6.70 7.80 10.60 14.50 Length, inches... 4 5 Per dozen. |1.80 2.00 ROUND 6 7 2.25 2.55 BASTARD. 8 9 10 11 2.90 3.30 3.80 4.50 12 14 16 5.40 7.80 11.00 SQUARE BASTARD. Length, inches... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 Per dozen.$2.00 2.20 2.50 2.90 3.40 4.00 4.70 5.60 6.70 9.50 13.10 HAND SMOOTH. Length, inches. .. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 Per dozen.; $3.00 3.30 3.65 4.15 4.75 5.55 6.55 7.95 9.40 13.00 17.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 228 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. RULES. Two Foot, Four Fold, Beveled Edge, No. 53}^. uue rooi iour Fold Kule, Square Joint, Edge Plates, 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -fT - 1 ' 1 0 NQ 52 9 8 ' \7 i 3 14 2 3 12“ 1' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' n 1 11111 1 11111 I II -I 3/411 ■ ■■ j I > 1 s 1 91 Z I I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Two_Foot, Four Fold Rule, Arch Joint, Half Bound. Arch Joint, One Foot, Four Fold Caliper Rule. Square Joint, Six Inch, Two Fold Caliper Rule. PRICE LIST BOXWOOD RULES. No. 36 — 6 inch, 2 Fold, Square Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, with Caliper, | inch wide.per doz., 69 —12 inch, 4 Fold, Round Joint, 8th and 16th inches. Middle Plate, | inch wide. “ 65^—12-inch, 4 Fold, Square Joint, 8th and 16th inches. Brass Bound, f inch wide ..».. “ 32 —12-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th, lOlh, 12th and 16th inches, with Caliper, 1 inch wide. “ 68 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Round Joint, 8th and 16th inches. Middle Plates, 1 inch wide. “ 29 —24-inch, 2 Fold, Round Joint, 8th and 16th inches. If inches wide. “ 64 —12-inch, 4 Fold, Square Joint, 8th and 16th inches. Edge Plates, | inch wide. “ 63 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Square Soint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales. Edge Plates, 1 inch wide. “ 52 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales, Half Brass Bound, 1 inch wide. “ 62 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Square Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales, Brass Bound. 1 inch wide. •' 77 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Double Arch Joint, 8th, 10th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales, Half Brass Bound, If inches wide. “ 76 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th, 10th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales, Brass Bound, If inches wide. “ 53i—24-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and lOth inches, with inside Bevel Edge and Architect’s Drafting Scale, 1 inch wide. . “ IVORY RULES. No. 38 — 6 inch, 2 Fold, Square Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, German Silver Trimmed, With Caliper, I inch wide. each, 88^—12-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th and 16th inches, German Silver Trimmed, Edge Plates, finch wide, “ 88 —12-incti, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th and 16th inches, German Silver Bound, f inch wide. “ 39 —12-inch, 4 Fold, Square Joint, 8th, lOlh, 12th and 16th inches, German Silver Trimmed. Edge Plates, with Caliper, I inch wide.. “ 85 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Square Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, German Silver Trimmed, Edge Plates, f inch wide. ‘ 87 —24-inch, 4 Fold, Arch Joint, 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th inches, and Drafting Scales, German Silver Bound, 1 inch wide. $ 7.00 3.00 11.00 12.00 4.00 3.50 5.00 7.00 13.00 15.00 12.00 20.00 20.00 $1.25 1.75 2.67 3.17 4.50 6.67 SEE EISCOXJNTT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 229 MEASURING TAPES. SPRING POCKET TAPES. Nos. 26 and 29. Plastic Case. 29—6 24—N 28— 6 Nos. 24 and 28. Nickel Plated Case. $5.25 5.75 5.25 5.75 4 4 foot.. 44 4 4 4 4 PATENT STEEL SPRING TAPES. Nos. 220 to 225. WITH STEEL LINES, No. 220 3 feet, Steel^Tape, ^ inch wide, German Silver square case, 223— 6 “ “ “ ^ “ u << I. 224— 8 “ “ “ ^ 225— 12 “ “ “ “ i ( i 6 ( ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 .per dozen, $16.00 20.00 25.00 36.00 CHESTERMAN’S METALLIC TAPES, PATENT LEATHER CASE. No. 34L.—Feet ..... 25 Price...I-.. each, with case, $1.80 ‘ t no EDDY’S 6-8 INCH METALLIC TAPES, ROUND EDGE LEATHER CASE. No. 140—Feet. 25 Price.each, with case, $1.75 ‘‘ . “ no “ 0.90 COMMON LEATHER OASE, i-2 INCH HOLLAND TAPE, No. 53—Feet.. 25 Price.per dozen, $5.00 50 75 100 2.60 3.30 4.20 1.50 2.00 2.90 FHER CASE. 50 75 100 2.50 3.50 4.00 1.25 1.75 2.00 APE, 50 75 100 8.00 10.00 12.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 230 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. YARD STICKS. 8 i 219 I 3|0 IMHiiiiBiiBimilBBBliiBMSiiBmBiaBBB™ No. 50—Flat Hickory, brass capped ends, polished...per dozen, 2 —Square “ “ “ .... LOG RULES. /U^aiAi DIAMOND HCAO Tg- 25 dsT 64 79 it4 142 »S9 185 213 280 "3041 334, 377 404 4991 SUO nnsr 14 22 321 43 SFi 69 8S 100 12 s 133 162 187 210 246 266l 2921 J30 3S'j 4DII 419 12 19 271 37 48 59 >3 85 107 119 133 160 180 2 10 2281 251 2B3 344r97^l No. 13 —3 foot, 3 tier, brazed steel heads..per dozen, $28.00 BOARD RULES. i.iS. s' B- d- 7- a- 9- i i- 5-' 6- 7- 8- 1-0 11 !•( 1-4 1-3 U l-S 1-6 17 18 19 2 0 21 12 2,3 2-*.2'5 2 8 2 7 2-8 2'9 3 0 3-1 3-2_3-i3 I 1-2 1-3 U 1-5 1-6 17 1-8 IS 20 21 Z-2 Z-3 Z-4 Z-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2:9 38)3^ T5~ l-l 12 1-3 l A I'S 16 1-7 l-a 1-9 2 0 21 2 d> 2-3 2-4. 2:5 a-6 - —j-) 8- 10 M 1-2 l-J l-^ 1-5 16 1-7 1-8 1-9 2^ i 3-5 >6 3-7 3-8 39 SO 4-1 i-2 I-If 3-2 3-3 3.43-5 >6 3-7 3-0 3-9 l-C 2-7 z-e >3 2-4 2-9 3-a 3-1 2.6 2-7 3-2 3.3 3.» . . 2-B 2 9 l-g No. 8—3 foot, 4 tier, brazed steel heads..per dozen, ^25.00 431—3 “ 3 “ cast brass heads. ' POCKET LEVELS. No. 41. No. 41—Iron, brass top plate per dozen, $3. OO PLUMBS AND LEVELS. 02—Arch top plate, 2 brass lipped side views. Plumb and Levels, 24 to 30 inch..... .per dozen, $24.00 04_ “ “ 2 “ “ “ brass tipped. Plumb and Level, 24 to 30 in. “ oO. UU 103— “ “ 2 side views, 18 to 24 inch Levels. “ 12.00 LEVEL CLASSES. No. 1—Assorted sizes, 1|, 3 and 3^^ inch per dozen, $ 1.00 SEIO UlSCOUXa' SHEET, 231 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CARPENTERS’ PENCILS. No. 20—White Wood Per gross. 7 inch. $3.60 12 inch. 5.80 LUMBER PENCILS. PATTERN TRACERS. No. 870 Double Wheel.per dozen, $2.75 PINKINC IRONS. No. 15—% inch Straight. No. 15—straight, in. , | | f ^ 1 Price, per dozen.. .$1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 No. 17—% inch. Half Round. No. 17—^ Round, in., f i f | | 1 Price, per dozen... .$1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 SKK UISCOUISTT' SHJEET. 232 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO STEEL AND IRON SQUARES. Jo ^ io ' L ^ 1? ^ ' ^ O ^ QO fT',"] o> ^ J OJ L ^ J ^ (N CM oiOCNT-^ ' i No. 3. No. 3—2 ft. Steel, witli and with Brace measure and Essex new board measure, giving feet and inches in full on both sides, 2 inch wide.per dozen, $35.00 22—2 ft. Iron, marked in ^ths on both sides, inch wide. “ 10.00 24—2 ft. “ “ - “ ““ 2 “ “ . “ 14.00 No. 6. Iron Handle No. 16. Wood Handle. Size, inches.. 4 C 8 10 12 Size, inches. 3 41 6 7^ 9 10 12 15 18 Per dozen... $2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 7.00 Per dozen.. $3.00 3.75 5.00 5.75 6.50 7.25 8.50 12.50 15.50 • No. 10 Iron Handle. The Blade of this Square can be secured in its seat at any point. When the Blade is carried fully to the front of the Handle, it is like an ordinary Try Square in all its uses. This Square will be found invaluable in putting on Butts or Locks. 4 in. 6 in. Price.per dozen, $3.75 4.50 ADJUSTABLE TRY SQUARES. TRY SQUARES. discoxtistt sheet. GIBSON, PAEISH & CO., CHICAGO 233 MITRE AND TRY SQUARES. MITRE SQUARES. SLIDING T BEVELS. No. 1—Rosewood Handle, Brass flush lever, size Per dozen.... inches, 6 . $5.50 8 6.00 10 12 6.50 7.00 SEK DISCOUNT SHEET, 234 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CALIPERS. C. S. WINCED CALIPERS, WITH SPRING AND SET SCREW. 8 10 9.00 11.00 NO. 60. 6 $7.00 No, 60—Length, inches, Per dozen. CALIPERS. No. No. 62. Inside. 62—3 inch.per dozen, $2.65 62-4 “ .2.85 62—5 “ . 3 30 No. 63—3 inch.per dozen, 63—4 “ . “ 63—5 “ . “ No. 50—Length, Price.. CAST STEEL WING DIVIDERS. inches No. 60. per dozen. 6 7 $5.50 6.50 8 7.50 9 9.00 No. 40—Length, inches Price... CAST STEEL COMPASSES. No. 40. . 5 6 per dozen, $3.50 4.00 7 4.75 12 13.00 $2.65 2.85 3.30 10 10.00 8 5.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 235 PENCIL HOLDERS. Can be attached to the leg of any Divider or Compass. No. 1—Per dozen $3.50 TRAMMEL POINTS. Bronze Metal, Steel Points. No. 1—Small.. 2— Medium 3— Large.. * per pair, $1.00 “ 1.25 “ 1.75 CAS PLIERS. 5 6 No. 25—Length, inches..Qg ry qq Price, per dozen... . . ' CARPENTERS’ PINCERS. 7 8 No. 471—Length, inches.|2 10 2.60 Price, per dozen. 7 8 8.00 9.25 9 10 3.25 4.30 sep:: idiscoxin^' sHEpyr. 236 GIBSON, PARISH' & CO., CHICAGO. PLIERS AND NIPPERS. FLAT NOSE STEEL PLIERS. Length, inches. 4 4^ 5 0 7 g Price, per dozen.. $4.50 4.50 5.00 6.00 8.50 12.50 ROUND NOSE STEEL PLIERS. Length, inches.. Price, per dozen. Length, inches.. Price, per dozen. Length, inches.. Price, per dozen. No. 12. SIDE CUTTING STEEL^ PLIERS. END CUTTING STEEL NIPPERS. No. 75. $5.25 5 5.25 6 8 $5.00 6.00 8.50 12.50 5 6 7 $5.60 5.60 6.75 8.50 6 7 8 6.50 8.40 11.00 SEK I31SCOUNT SUES'!? GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 237 WIRE CUTTERS, CAREW’S PATENT. No. 100. Best Nipper for Cutting off Drawer Handle Bolts. Lencrth.. Price . Extra Jaws, per pair inches, .. each. 6 $1.75 .55 8 2.00 .60 10 12 14 2.25 2.60 3.00 .65 .70 .75 HALL’S PATENT CUTTING NIPPERS. No. 1— Length, 4 inches, Powerful Leverage, will cut tV wire.price, each, 11.00 2 - “ 5 “ « « “ ^ .< . 1 ■4— “ 7 “ “ “ “ J “ . „ 1 75 6— “ 8 “ “ “ “ ^ “ . .. 2.50 BUTTON’S CUTTING NIPPERS AND PLIERS. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 288 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. COE’S GENUINE WRENCHES. No. 50. Length, inches.. Price, per dozen. 6 8 10 12 $9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 35 18 24.00 30.00 POCKET WRENCHES. No. 1. .per dozen, $6.00 ACME WRENCHES. No. 100. Wire Handle. No. 100—Very strong and neat. Easiest working wrench in the market. Length, inches 0 8 10 •'> 12 Price .perdoz™:;:::;;;;:: . *9-00 w.oo 12,00 14.00 15 18 24.00 80.00 COMBINATION WRENCHES. No. 2.5. Length, inches. . . Adjustable to pipe from.^ ^ to 1| in. to 2 in. Priced per dozen. 12 15 in. to $25.25 28.50 40.50 SPiaC UISCOXJ^iT SHEK'r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 239 CLAMPS. QUILT FRAME CLAMPS. No. 20. Japanned, to open, inches.‘. Price, per dozen. . 2 $0.60 70 STEARNS’ MALLEABLE CABINET CLAMPS. Mo. 30. Mo. 30. To open, inches. 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Per dozen. |2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.50 13.75 15.00 STEARNS’ PATENT ADJUSTABLE CLAMPS. No. 50. To open, inches .. Price, per dozen.. 3 5 7 9 12 $4.00 6.50 9.00 10.50 15.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 240 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CLAMPS. SNOW’S PATENT ADJUSTABLE CLAMP. HANDSCREWS 6-iiicli Jaws, price, 8 “ “ “ 11 “ “ “ . 13 “ “ “ . STANDARD BEST HANDSCREWS 15 inch Jaws, price. 16 “ 18 “ .per dozen, $2.50 2.75 3.25 4.00 i i 20 ( i per dozen, $4.75 “ 6.00 “ 7.00 “ 8.00 CENUINE BLISS’ HANDSCREWS. No. Diam. of Screw. Length of Screw Length of Jaw Size of Jaw. Open. Price per Dozen. 1 0 1 3 - 4 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 1^ inch, li “ li - 1 1 “ . 1 “ 1 “ 5 it R i i 28 inch. 26 • 22 “ 22 “ 20 “ 20 “ 18 “ 16 “ 14 “ 10 “ 9 “ 21 inch. 20 “ 20 “ 18 “ 16 “ 14 “ 14 “ 14 “ 12 “ 1 7 “ 1 3 X 3 inches. 2|x3i “ 2ix2| “ 2^x21 “ 2|x2i “ 2 x2i “ 2x2 “ 2 xl^ “ l|xl§ “ ifxlf “ 17 inches. m “ 11 12i “ 10| “ 111 “ 10 8 6| “ 4| “ 4 $9.25 8.75 7.75 7.50 6.75 6.25 5.50 5.00 4.00 2.50 2.25 1 Extra Screws and Jaws to order. Either Screws or Jaw one-quarter the price of the complete Handscrew SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. 241 RENO IRON SPINDLE HAND SCREWS. Length of Opening of Size of Diameter of List. Screw. per doz. Jaw. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Jaw. 61 94 lOi 114 13 Jaw. lixli 14x11 l|xli l|x2 l^x2i 14x21 24x2| Inch. 7 a TJ JL 2 1 2 A t4 t4 15.50 5.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 9.00 12.00 14.00 Much greater pressure can be obtained with less power than with old style. They will outwear the old style three to one. SHAW’S AUTOMATIC SELF-LOCKING CLAMP CASTINGS. An important feature this Clamp has over all others is the rais ing and lowering of the Clamping Screw so as to look up thick or thin stock. F f / '^G b MADE OF REFINED MALLEABLE IRON. They can be instantly removed oi placed upon beams of any length. — --—y Size of Beam. Size of Screw. Run of Screw. No. of Threads. Handle. Single Set Castings. Per dozen. No. 1 Clamp. 1 x3 inches. 1-2x1-32 3 inches 5 to inch. Large Round. Si.00 SIO.OO No. 2 Clamp. I>gx4 “ 5-8x1-32 “ D.3 T. Sl.20 S12.00 WOOD CABINET-MAKERS’ CLAMPS. Nos. 71 72 73 74 75 To open, feet. 2 3 4 5 6 Price, per dozen. $7.00 7.50 8.50 10.00 12.00 IRON CABINET-MAKERS’ CLAMPS. Nos. 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 To open, feet. 3 4 5 6 i 8 10 Price, per pair.$4,00 4.50 5.00 8. oO 9.50 11.00 14,00 SEE EISCOENT SHEET. 242 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CLAMP HEADS. WOOD CLAMP HEADS. No. 67—With 1^ Inch Screw.dozen, $3.00 IRON CLAMP HEADS. No. 11. Single Clamp Head. No. 11—Single, diameter of Screw. 1 Price.per dozen, $24.50 33.50 1 ^ inch. 37.50 No. 12. Double Clamp Head. . 1 per dozen, $32.50 No. 12—Double, diameter of Screw Price. SEE IOISCOTJ?>rT SHEPl'l". H 38.00 li 47.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 243 IRON CLAMP SCREW WITH WHEEL. No. 10. No. 10—Trestle Clamps.. pair, $5.50 WOOD BENCH AND TAIL SCREWS. Nos. 100 to 102. No. 100—2incliScrew. 101 —“ . 102— 2i “ “ . 103— 2^ “ Tail Screw per dozen, $4.00 “ 4.50 “ 4.50 “ 7.50 IRON BENCH SCREWS. Diameter of Screw. . Length under Collar Price.. • Wrought Iron, Wood Handle, Movable Collar. . 1 . 15 .per dozen, $5.7o 15 6.25 34 15 7.50 14 16 inch. 11.00 SEE ElSCOXnSTT SHEET. .V 244 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO * No. 62. No. 60—inch, square Jaw- 62—2 “ adjustable Jaw price, each, $0.50 “ “ 1.00 HAND VISES. ( No. 10. ALFORD HAND VISE. Jaws inches wide, and open inches. The handle can also be unscrewed from the vise, and the bit shank put in its place, to use with a brace for any kind of boring, drilling or washer cutting. jfo. 10—Price, with all the tools complete.each, $1.75 i’ SKE ElSCOEN'r SHEET, GIBSON, ^^ARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 24.5 Nos. 70, 71 and 72. .price, each, $2.25 No. 70—3 inch Jaw. “ “ 3.50 71- 3i “ “ . “ “ 5.00 72— 4 “ “ . ^ _ “ “ 7.50 80 - 31 “ “ .. .. „ 10 00 81— 4 “ “ “ . BURTON’S PATENT VISES. Simple in construction, perfect in operation and instantly adjustable. They are superior for the follow- ing reasons: 1st, Economical-Being instantly adjusted it effects a saving of more than 75 per ct. of time operating it. 2d, Simple—Has fewer parts than any other rapid working vise, 3d, Superior-Jaws are parallel at any distance; does not loose its grip from heavy chipping. No. 75. 75—Burton’s Patent, instant grip, width of jaw. Price, each. SEK I3ISCOIJ>^'r SHEET. 4 4i 5 in. .$11.00 13.50 20.00 246 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., (CHICAGO. \ - BENCH VISES. THE MASSEY’S PATENT SPIRAL CAM VISES. Require less motion to firmly fasten work between the Jaws, than any other Vise. No. each, $10.50 1—Swivel Base; size of Jaws 4| inch, weight 55 lbs., opens 10 inches No. 2. No. 2—Swivel Base; size of Jaw, inches. Opens, inches. Weight, pounds. Price.each. 24 34 44 4 5 6 20 35 65 $7.00 9.50 13.50 SKE DISCOTJ^TT SHEET. GIBSON, I^ARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 247 BENCH VISES. OVAL SLIDE VISES. No. 5. No. 5—Width of jaws. Price, each.... .inches, 2 2^ 3 3^ . 12.50 2.70 3.60 4.65 FLUSH WOOD WORKERS’ VISE. The handle starts from a perpendicular position and commences to tighten as soon as turn is started, req uiring only the movement of the handle about ^ of the circle to grip seciu elj. No. 3. No. 3—9 inch jaw, opens 12 inches. price each, $7.00 SEE lOISCOElSTT SHEET. 248 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CABINET BENCHES. No. 1. Length, 6i feet; Width 2 feet; Height, feet. CABINET BENCHES. These Benches have Hardwood Tops and Standards, Head and Tail Screw, and can be knocked down for shipment. No. 1—Cabinet Benches, with 1 pr. No. 3 Iron Bench Stops.each, $12.00 CARVERS’ BENCHES. No. 2. I.ength, 6i feet; Width, 2 feet; Height, 2 % feet. CARVERS’ BENCHES. These Benches have Hardwood Tops and Standards, Tail Screw, and can be knocked down for shipment. No. 2— Carvers’ Benches, with one pair No. 3 Iron Bench Stops each, $11.00 SKK shkp::t'. GIBSON,^ PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 249 No. 3—7^ inches long, 1 inch square per pair, $1.00 This hook commends itself to every wood-worker; is easily attached by boring a | hole through the top of the bench; is quickly adjusted, and reversible. The head is of solid steel, with one side notched, the other plain to prevent mutilating. Can be securely fastened by moving the lever downward, as shown by the dotted lines in the cut. ...each, $0.75 Adjustable to any angle, and can be turned completely around, so as not to mar on the side of bench by a set-screw, which prevents clogging from shavings. No. 2... the work; operated .each, $0.75 N SEE EISCOXJINr'r SHEET, 250 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. TINNED IRON CLUE POTS. KEROSENE CLUE POTS. Nos. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dozen ...$5.50 6.00 6.75 8.40 10.26 12.42 14.50 Nos. 0 1 2 3 Capacity. pt. 1 pt. 1 qt. 2 qts. Price each. $1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 STOVES. CAS STOVE. Nos. 0 and 1. For attaching to any Gas Jet with Rubber Hose. No. 0 is 5 inches in diameter on top, and burns about as much gas as an ordinary gas jet. Price.per dozen, $9.00 No. 1 is 7 inches in diameter on top, and burns about as much gas as two gas jets. Price.per dozen, $12.00 OIL STOVES FOR HEATING CLUE. Used with Iron Glue Pots. Make best glue heat¬ ing apparatus made. No. 0—With 2 inch wick.each, $1.50 1—With 4 inch wick. “ 2.15 Extra Wicks. No. 0—icks, 2 inches.per dozen, $0.40 1—Wicks, 4 inches. “ .60 sejh: sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 251 HAIR PICKERS. THE -‘PERFECTION” HAIR PICKER. This machine is the best in the market. The frame and drum are made of hard wood, and all the joints are bolted. The staves of the drum are bolted to an iron head, leaving no possible chance for warping. The teeth are all steel and well sharpened. There is no glue used in the construction. The drum is 15 inches across the face and 20 inches in diameter, and is perfectly balanced. Any part of the machine can be re¬ placed when bi'oken. Each stave can be taken out and replaced with a new one, and teeth all set ready for use. All boxes are babbited. Each machine guaranteed. Price, each.^10.00 TINNERS’ SNIPS. Snips for Cutting Sheet Metal of all Kinds. 10 9 8 7 3 4 $1'.40 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Numbers. Size Cutters, inches Price, per pair.... . SEE lOISCOEN'r SHEE'T. 252 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. Nos. . 23 22 21 20 Weight, including handle. . 1 lb. 12 oz. 1 lb. 8 oz. 1 lb. 4 oz. 11 oz. Diameter of face, inches. 1 3 1 3 Per dozen. . $10.50 9.50 8.50 7.50 ADZE EYE, BELL FACE. Nos. . 33 32 31 30 Weight, including handle. 1 lb. 6 oz. 1 lb. 1 oz. 10 oz. Diameter of face, inches. 1 f Per dozen. . $10.50 9.50 8.50 7.50 Nos.. Weight, including handle, Diameter of face, inches. . Per dozen. 54 1 lb. 13 oz. 1-3 -‘■T¥ 19.00 53 52 51 50 1 lb. 7 oz. 1 lb, 4 oz. 1 lb. 10 oz. 1 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.50 RIVETING HAMMERS. Nos. 124 Weight, including handle. 1 lb. 3| oz. Diameter of face, inches. || Per dozen. $0.50 The weights given above are for Single Hammers. 123 122 121 120 1 lb. 1 oz. 12| oz. 9| oz. 6^ oz. i 1 H 5.75 5.00 4.50 4.00 V- GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAMMERS. VENEERING HAMMERS. 253 I No. 86—Cast Steel Veneering.per dozen, $5.00 UPHOLSTERERS’ HAMMERS. iiWUiiiUlltmiii No. 200—Jahne. . ■ "With faces from i to | inch. No. 200—Jahne..'...each, $2.50 j No. 300—Imitation Jahne. i No. 300—Imitation Jahne, steel, with faces ^ to § inch. .each, $ 1. i5 I _ i( (t “ 4 te f “ .per dozen, 13.00 , 450 — “ ■■ ‘‘ “ “ “ r\to I “ . “ 10-50 SEE DISCOEISTT SHEET. 254 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HAMMERS. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERERS’ HAMMERS. No. 150—Carpet Hammers, with Face i to | inch.per dozen, $7.60 151— “ “ “ “ 4 to ^ inch. “ 7.40 TACK HAMMERS. Kos. 11 to 13. MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS. per dozen, $1.50 No. 2. No. 11—Steel Tack Hammer, plain eye, weight 6 oz., including handle 12— “ “ “ adze “ “ 8 oz., “ “ 13— “ “ “ plain . per dozen, $5.50 “ 6.00 “ 4.00 BRAD HAMMERS. Nos. Weight, including handle. Diameter of Face. Price.per dozen. 80 81 82 6 7^ oz. H inch. $4.25 4.75 5.25 Nos, Diameter of Face. .,.per dozen, SKK lOISCOUX'L' SIIKKT. 75 76 77 6 7| oz. T% i ^ inch. $6.25 6.50 6.75 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 255 HATCHETS, Solid Cast Steel. Nos. Width of cut, inches. ..per dozen, LATH HATCHETS. Nos. Width of cut, inches, Price. 336-1 338-2 340-3 CO H 3| $10.00 10.50 11.00 342-1 344-2 2 dozen. $10.50 11.00 CLAW HATCHETS. Nos. Width of cut. .per dozen. 346-1 $ 11.00 Nos Width of cut Price. .per dozen, SEE EISCOEISTT SHEE'P. 3| $ 10.00 348-2 11.50 328-2 10.50 350-3 12.00 330-3 11.00 256 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO TOOLS USED IN EVERY STORE. MALLETS. No. 14. Nos. 11 and 13. No. 14—Eound, Iron Rings, 6 inches long, 4 inches diameter.per dozen, $5.50 No. 11—Lignum^'itae, 2|^x3|^x6 in., per dozen, $3.75 13—Lignumvitse, 3x4x7 in... “ 5.75 COLD CHISELS. No. 40. Diameter, inches, | i | | i j Price per dozen. .11.55 2,20 3.25 4,25 5.60 8.34 BOX CHISELS. No. 1—Polished, 12 inches.. .per dozen, $8.00 2- “ 14 “ “ 8.75 Nos. 1 and 2—Flat Cast Steel. GIANT NAIL PULLERS. No. 1 Large size, 18 inch, weight 5 lbs. 2 Small size, 15 inch, weight 3 lbs., for extracting small nails only.each, 2.04 CAST ;STEEL LETTERS AND FIGURES. No. 651—Letters. Size, inches. ,5, 1 Per set. .$3 .*60 5AO 5!70 gIgO No. 6.50—Figures. Size, inches. ^ 5 , . tl .20 1.70 1 90 2 ’20 3 00 SPUBl JJlSCOUi's'X SHiilK'r. GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO 257 BOX HOOKS. No. 12. No. 12—12 inches x | inch, cast steel. BOX SCRAPERS. No. 11. No. 11—Double Handle No. 70. No. 70—Adjustable Blade No. 10. per dozen, $3.00 per dozen, $8.00 per dozen, $6.00 No. 10—Single Handle, SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. per dozen, $5.50 258 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. SCISSORS AND SHEARS. STRAIGHT AND BENT HANDLE TRIMMERS. Every Pair Warranted. No. I-BENT HANDLES. No. 9-STRAICHT HANDLES. inches- —full length.... $10.00 6 inches- —full length.... 9 ( < i i 11.00 6i ( i ( i “ 6 50 10 i < i 6 i i 13.50 7 C6 i i “ 7 00 11 ( < i ( i i 15.00 “ 7 50 12 ( i i t i i 16.50 8 6 i i i “ 8 00 13 ( i i < i i 18.00 8i i ( i i “ 8 50 9 i i 9.50 0 10 i 6 i i . “ 12.50 11 ( C i i .... “ 15 00 12 i i i 6 16.50 13 ( i 18.00 EXTRA HEAVY CARPET SHEARS. , o * 1 j 11 1 ii 2 —Every Part Warranted. 10 men, full length. . • ©o aa 14 inch “ .per pair, $8.00 POLISHED STEEL SCISSORS. 3 4 6 inches, Full Size. No. 4-EMBROIDERY, TWO SHARP POINTS, FINE STEEL, NICKELED. inches long.per dozen, $3.75 4.25 4.50 (i i i i i i i SEE No. 6-LADIES’-SQUARE POINTS, FINE steel, nickeled, as ILLUSTRATED. 4i inches long.. dozen, $4.50 ■ I. . . “ 5.00 .. ... . 5.50 . “ 6.00 I3ISCOXJNT SHEET. 5 U 6“ GIBSOX, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 259 POLISHED BUTTON-HOLE SCISSORS No. 41—With stop or set screw, 4^ inches long, Nickeled. ^7 rui 42—“ “ “ “ 54 .. .per aozen, . “ 7.50 FOLDING POCKET SCISSORS. Nickel Plated. In closing Scissors, shut both blades together, and hold them, folding one handle at a time. The material used in the manufacture of these goods is the very best. All are Nickel-Plated, and fur¬ nished with a neat Morocco Case. These prices being as low as those for plain Scissors of the same quality, will place them within the reach of all. No. 5—Small, 3| inches long when open..;.per dozen, $8.00 2—Large, 4| “ “ . “ “ . qq POCKET SCISSORS. Z}4 Inch, Full Size. Warranted. No. 7-JAPANNED HANDLE. 4 inches long. per dozen, $4.00 ^ “ “ . “ 4.20 ^ ■“ ... “ 4.40 No. 8-NICKEL PLATED. 4 inches long.per dozen, $4.75 ^ “ “ . “ 5.00 ^ ^ •• 5.25 i 6 “ “ . “ 6.00 SIGE nD>ISCOXJlNT SHEiElX. 260 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. UPHOLSTERERS’ NEEDLES. DOUBLE POINTED, STRAIGHT. Two Points, One Eye. Length, inches. no Price, per inch. $0. Ow .0^ .02 .02 SINGLE POINTED, STRAIGHT. 14 16 18 .02 .02 .02 20 24 .02 .02 One Point, One Eye. Length, inches. Price, per inch. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 .1^ .li .If .li .H .li SPEAR POINT NEEDLES, FOR GOTTON TOP MATTRESSES. Two Points, One Eye. Length, inches. Price, per inch....02^ 02| GURVED NEEDLES. • 8 • H 10 ■ U 12 .11 THREAD GIRGLE NEEDLES. 2^ inches in circumference. ....per dozen, $0.70 REGULATORS. Length, inches. Price, per inch. 6 .02 8 .02 10 .02 12 .02 CARPET NEEDLES. PACKING NEEDLES. Round points, per 100, Square “ “ ,$0.60 . 2.00 Length, inches. 3 3* 4 -i\ 5 6 Price, per dozen.$0.25 .25 .25 .25 .35 .35 UPHOLSTERERS’ PINS f> - — 3 Inch. 3-incli Upholsterers’ Pins. per gross, $0.60 SK.K UlSCOUN'r SHEPTr. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 261 TACK CLAWS. No. 470. No. 470—Tack Claw per dozen, |1.25 No. 100. No. 100—Giant Tack Pullers. per dozen, $3.00 CARPET AWLS. No. 1. No. 1—Carpet Awls, Eosewood Handles.per dozen, |3 00 OIL CLOTH KNIVES. Nos. 3 and 4. No. 4—Eosewood Handle, fine Steel Blade. .per dozen, |4.50 3— “ “ very heavy Steel Blade. “ 7.25 SHOE KNIVES. ' No. 1—4 inch Square Point i 2—4 ‘ ‘ Bound ‘ ‘ SQUARE POINT. SEK DISCOUNT S::iEET. per dozen, |1.50 “ 1.50' GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 262 CARPET STRETCHERS. KNEE STRETCHERS. No. 1—Riveted Stretchers, without Handles 11 —Solid “ “ “ . per dozen, $7.50 “ 5.00 V 1 HANDLES FOR KNEE STRETCHERS. No. 5—Jointed Handle. No. 5—Jointed Handles, with 3-inch Brass Ferrules.per dozen, $5.00 10—Hickory Handles, not Jointed. “ 2.00 BULLARD CARPET STRETCHERS. No. 50. This Stretcher is light, durable, simple in construction and powerful. It has a short fulcrum, and good length of lever, which makes it easy to operate, and is warranted not to injure the finest carpet. No. 50 Bullard s.. (jozen, $6.00 A i \ 4 V \ tl SKE DISCOTJ^JX SHEET GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. No. 75. Acme. No. 75—Acme Hand Stretchers .per dozen. $6.00 No. 80. No. 80—Gould Carpet and Oilcloth Vise.price each, $3.25 Nos. 25 and 30. No. 25—Japanned Knee Vise.per dozen, $12.00 30—Nickel Plated Knee Vise. “ 18.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 264 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CARPET STRETCHERS. No. 100 No. 100—Malleable, Japanned, with steel points...pei- dozen, $2 00 No. 892. No. 892—Carpet and Oil Cloth Vises.. . price, each, $3.00 WEBBING PLIERS AND STRETCHERS. No. 860—Width 3^ inch Jaw... SEE lOISCOUNT’^l' SHEET. per dozen, $15.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. The pages immediately following this we devote to our CURTAIN POLE < 1 ^ —^ and: -< t' -^SHADE-l- HARDWARE^ DEPARTMENTS. We are the Largest Manufacturers in this country of CURTAIN POLESandTRIMMINCS. POLE GOODS. Our “D” Pole Goods are our clieapest. Nothing but good straight lumber is used, and the finish is sup.erior to same, and higher, priced goods of other makes. ^ C ’ POLE GOODS. Our “C” Pole Goods are our best. In the production of these our aim is perfection. With the issuance of this Catalogue we start anew with them ^ and guarantee that better finished goods cannot be made. To make them in this superior manner necessitated an advance of prices. SEE EISCOIJINm’ SHEET. 266 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WOOD POLE GOODS. The above illustration shows style of “D,” open Brackets, “D” closed Brackets and “D” Ends, excepting D Ash and Walnut Ends, which we make same style as the “ C. ” ' D POLE GOODS. No charge for boxing. Rings ake Priced Under Diameter op Poles Rings are Used for. DIAMETER, INCHES. I) 5-foot Poles...per doz. I) 5-foot Poles complete, open Brackets, “ D 5-foot Poles complete, closed Brackets, ‘ ‘ I) 8, 10 and 12-foot lengths..per foot. D Ends. per doz. pair. D open Brackets. “ “ I) closed “ . “ “ I) Rings with Screw Eyes.per gross. B Rings with Staples. “ T) Pole Sockets.per doz. pair. Imitation Walnut, Ma¬ hogany AND Ebony. Genuine Ash and Oak. 1 Genuine Walnut and Cherry. 1 -lf H 1 | 1 '7 1 -lf H 1 | 1 -lf H 1 | li .96 1.20 1.62 2.16 1.20 1.40 1.98 2.52 3.12 3.36 5.65 6.00 2.65 3.50 5.25 6.00 3.20 4.00 5.85 6.60 7.70 8.40 11.25 12.00 2.80 3.65 5.40 6.15 3.35 4.20 6.00 6.75 8.05 8.75 11.65 12.40 .021 .03 .04i .05 .03 .034 .054 .06 .054 .06 .104 .114 .96 1.20 1.70 1.92 1.20 1.44 1.92 2.16 1.92 2.16 3.36 3.60 .60 .72 1.08 1.20 .80 .96 1.20 1.44 1.92 2.16 2.66 3.12 .80 .96 1.32 1.44 .96 1.12 1.44 1.62 2.16 2.40 2.88 3.36 1.68 1.92 2.64 2.88 2.40 2.40 2.88 3.56 4.32 4.32 5.10 5.52 1.44 1.68 2.16 2.40 3 60 3 60 4 32 .5 10 .72 .72 .72 .72 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 1 2.40 ■ The above illustration Bhows style of “C” open Brackets. “0” closed Brackets and “ C ” Ends. C POLE GOODS. THERE ARE NO BETTER WOOD POLE GOODS MADE THAN OUR “C” GOODS. No charge for boxing. Rings are Priced Under Diameter of Poles Rings ARE Used for. Diameter, Inches. C 5-foot Poles.per doz. C o-ft. Poles complete. Open Brackets.... “ C 5-ft. Poles “ Closed “ .... “ C 8, 10 and 12-ft. lengths.per foot. C Ends.per doz. pair. C Brackets open. “ “ C ‘ ‘ closed. “ “ C Rings with Screw Eyes.per o-ross. “ Staples. “ .per doz. pair. C Sockets, Imitation Walnut, Ma¬ hogany AND Ebony. 1 ------- Genuine Ash and Oak. 1 OOffiO H 13 1 -lf H 1 | 1.40 4.00 4.20 ! .04 1.44 .90 1.20 2.52 2.16 1.44 1.68 5.00 5.20 .044 1.80 1.08 1.44 2.52 2.16 1.44 2.43 7.88 8.10 .061 2.52 1.62 1.98 2.52 2.16 1.44 3.54 9.00 9.22 .074 2.88 1.80 2.16 3.36 2.88 1.44 1.64 4.80 5.00 .044 1.80 1 .2f 1.44 3.60 1.92 5.80 6.00 .05 2.16 1.44 1.68 3.60 2.97| 3.78 8.78i 9.90 9.00 10.12 .08! .09 2.88, 3.24 1.80' 2.16 2.16 2.52 3.60 4.32 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 Genuine Walnut and Cherrt. 1-li 4.32 10.00 H i| l§ 4 12 11.5012 •07i 2.88 2.88 3.24 7.20 6.72 4.80 3 3 3 7 6 4 80 00 54 08 24 24 60 20 72 ; 801 8 . 16, 17, 5 ! 4. 4. 7. 7. 4 45 9.00 8818.00 4818.60 .17 5.40 4.68 5.04 7.92 7.44 4.80 ,15 .04 ,00 ,32 ,92 44 80 SKE IDlSCOUISr'l'' SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 267 IMITATION METAL POLE GOODS. NO CHARGE FOR BOXING. CTINCE placing our IMITATION CAST METAL POLE GOODS upon the mar- Vp ket, we have been experimenting with a view to produce Ends and Brackets that would better harmonize with the Poles. We are pleased to say that we have attained all that we wished for and take great pleasure in putting upon the market IIVIITATION METAL POLE GOODS that are perfect in every detail. The sales of the original pattern justify us in saying these are BOUND TO BE GOOD SELLERS. We anticipate a heavy demand for them and are prepared to fill orders promptly. Notwithstanding the additional cost of making the Ends and Brack¬ ets as they now are, we feel so assured that increased sales will over¬ come the difference in profit, that we hold them at same prices. The materials used in their construction are wood and a composition which, cement¬ like, hardens with age. A smooth surface is left on the top of each pole, that rings may slide easily when in use. In appearance these have no superior, not even the gen¬ uine cast metal which they are made to imitate, and the price, being as low as goods very much their inferior, assures for them a place in the stock of every live dealer in this line. Made only in 1^ inch. Silver, Copper and Gold Finish. DIAMETER, INCHES. ENDS, RINGS, - - - - BRACKETS,lOPEN ONLY, SOCKETS, 5, 10 AND 12-FOOT POLES, 5-FOOT POLES, COMPLETE, Boxed, Per Dozens Per Pair, Per Pair, - Per Foot, Per Dozen, 18.50 SEiG r)iscoxJN'r sheet. 268 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. WOOD POLES, BRASS TRIMMED. No charge for boxing. 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. X2 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. “ D ” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “D’’’ Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “D” “ Walnut or Cherry. per dozen. 13.12 3.44 3.60 4.08 5.16 6.16 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. 02 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. “D ” “D” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish, “ Walnut or Cherry. . per dozen, |3.36 3.68 . “ 3.80 4.32 5.40 6.40 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. 2 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches, “D” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish, ^ ^ P ” “ AValnut or Cherry. ^ Imitation Walnut. Ebony or Mahogany. “C ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “ C ’ “ AValnut or Cherry. H 1 | n .per dozen. $3.60 3.92 6.00 6.75 ( < 4.08^ 4.56 6.60 6.90 ( ( 5.64 6.64 9.80 10.20 < ( 4.08 4.56 6.60 7.40 (( 4.80 5.52 7.20 7.50 i i 5.88 6.96 10.26 10.60 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. 3 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. “D” Imitation A\ alnut. Ebony or Mahogany “D ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish lb 5.48 6.12 “D” ‘ ‘ AV alnut or Cherry. 0.04 “C” Imitation A^ alnut. Ebony or Mahogany 1.20 8.20 5.75 6.35 8.45 “C” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish o.4(J X r\i\ ‘ ‘ \\ alnut or Cherry. o.yu 7.45 SKK shekt. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 269 WOOD POLES. BRASS TRIMMED. No charge for boxing. 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. 4 BRASS TRININIINCS. Diametei’, Inches. “ D ” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “ D ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “D” “ Walnut or Cherry. “C ” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “ C ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “C” “ Walnut or Cherry. If H per dozen, 4.56 4.84 “ 5.04 5.52 “ 6.60 7.60 “ 4.85 5.15 “ 5.30 5.75 “ 6.55 7.85 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. fOO BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches.. “D” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “ D ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “ D ” “ W alnut or Cherry. “ C ” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “ C ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish “ C ” “ Walnut or Cherry. •^8 H 1 3 1 per dozen. 8.40 8.85 9.85 11 . 30 9.10 9.73 10.90 12 . 40 ( 6 9.94 11.00 12.76 14. 30 ( i 8.64 9.12 10.38 11 . 80 i i 9.36 10.08 11.40 12 . 90 ( i 10.44 11.52 13.26 14. 80 5-FOOT POLES WITH No. 7 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches . “D” Imitation, Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany.per dozen, “ D ” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish. “D” “ W^alnut or Cherry.. “C” Imitation Walnut, Ebony or Mahogany. “C” Genuine Ash or Oak, natural or antique finish. •‘C” “ Walnut or Cherry.. 1 | H 1 | 8.40 8.85 9.85 11.30 9.10 9.73 10^90 12.40 9.94 11.00 12.76 14.30 8.64 9.12 10.38 11.80 9.36 10.08 11.40 12.90 10.44 11.52 13.26 14.80 SEE EISCOXINT SHEET. 270 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLES, BRASS TRIMMED. No charge for boxing. BRASS POLES WITH No. 2 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. li 9 5-foot Wood Filled Brass Pole with No. 2 Brass Trimmings.per dozen, $7.44 $8.64 15.00 BRASS POLES WITH No. 02 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. 8 2 5-foot Wood Filled Brass Pole with No. 02 Brass Trimmings.per dozen, $7.20 8.40 BRASS POLES WITH No. 3 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. 5-foot Wood Filled Brass Pole with No. 3 Brass Trimmings.per dozen, $9.00 10.20 BRASS POLES WITH No. 4 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. 5-foot Wood Filled Brass Pole with No. 4 Brass Trimmings. per dozen .40 9.60 BRASS POLES WITH No. (00 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. ^ 5-foot Wood Filled Brass Pole with No. 100 Brass Trimmings.per dozen, $12.00 13.20 19^20 BRASS POLES WITH No. 7 BRASS TRIMMINGS. Diameter, Inches. ^3 ^ 5.f00t Wood Filleil Brass Pole with No. 7 Brass Trimmings.Iper dozen,' $12.00 1.3.20 19.20 SEK DlSCOUJ^'r SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 271 BRASS POLE TRIMMINGS. A SET CONSISTS OF I PAIR ENDS, I PAIR BRACKETS AND 10 RINCS. No. 2—Brass Trimmings, all Polished. Diameter, inches.. 1 1^ 1| Price per set..25 .25 .25 .35 2 .45 No. X2—Brass Trimmings, all Unpolished. Diameter, inches. Price per set..18 No. 02—Brass Trimmings, end only Polished. Diameter, inches. . n Price per set.20 Diameter, inches. . n Price per set.20 No. 3—Brass Trimmings, all Polished. Diameter, inches. li Price per set...30 I! No. 4—Brass Trimmings, all Polished. . H .25 Diameter, inches Price per set. ... No. 100—Brass Trimmings, all Polished. Diameter, inches Price per set. .. . n ii 2 .60 .70 .80 No. 7—Brass Trimmings, all Polished. Diameter, inches Price per set.... SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. li li 2 .60 .70 .80 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLES. FOR CURTAIN POLES, VESTIBULE RODS, BANNER RODS, EASELS, FOLDING BEDS, PICTURE RODS, BAR RAILS, ETC. WOOD FILLED BRASS POLE. Stock Lengths are 5, 8, 10 and 12 feet. Diameter mche,. J ^ i i I 1 li W U 2 Pneeperfoot... 06.05J .06 .06J .07 .07i .08 .oli .10 .10 1 cent per loot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. GROOVED WOOD FILLED BRASS POLE. For Sliding Curtains. Stock Lengths .are 8, 10 and 12 feet. Diameter, inches. , . . Price per foot. . If 2 ."... .16 .20 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. IRON FILLED BRASS ROD. Diameter, inches. Price per foot. Stock Lengths are 10 and 12 feet. 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all ws SKjt: uiscoujsT'r sHjKK'r. i .05 waste charged for. A .06 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 273 9 BRASS POLES. FOR CURTAIN POLES, VESTIBULE RODS, BANNER RODS, EASELS, FOLDING BEDS, PICTURE RODS, ETC., ETC. IRON TUBING, BRASS COVERED. Stock Lengths, 10 and 12 feet. Diameter, Inches. Price per foot.' 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. 1^ i .06 .07 POLISHED BRASS TUBING. Diameter, Inches Prifce per foot... stock Lengths, 10 and 12 feet. 5 I 6" . 7 8 13 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. 3 4 18 1 24 SOLID BRASS ROD. stock Lengths, 12 feet. Diameter, Inches.•. Price per foot. 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. .05 i .06 BRASS ROPE TUBING. stock Lengths, 12 feet. Diameter, Inches. Price per foot.. 1 cent per foot additional for other than stock lengths, and all waste charged for. SEE SHEET, 274 aiBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLE ENDS. FOR CURTAIN POLES, FOLDING BEDS, EASELS, LOUNGES, ETC. Full Size inch.—No. 2.' p' Diameter, inches. f 1 2 i 1 n 1| 2 No. 2—Burnished, per doz. pairs, $1.08 1.14 1.28 1.32 1.44 1.44 1.80 2.34 Full Size, 114 in-—No!'.02and x2. . li per dozen pairs, 11.32 “ 1.20 Diameter, inches. No. 02—Burnished. No. X2—Dipped or Pnpolished SKK i3isc’OL:x'r snEK.a\ GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 275 BRASS POLE ENDS. FOR CURTAIN POLES, FOLDING BEDS, EASELS, LOUNGES, ETC. Diameter, inches.. No. 100—Polished No. 100. per dozen pairs, $4.80 1 | 2 5.40 6.00 No. 7. Diameter, inches. 1^ 1| 2 No. 7—Polished. ..per dozen pairs, 14.80 • 5.40 6.GO SEE EISCOXJN'r SHEET. 276 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLE ENDS. Diameter, Inches, No. 4—Burnished Brass, per dozen pairs, $2.16 V Diameter, Indies. No. 3—Burnished Brass . n per dozen pairs, $2.46 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLE ENDS. FOR CURTAIN POLES,VESTIBULE RODS,BANNER RODS,FOLDING BEDS,EASELS,ETC. I No. 6. Diameter, inches. i a ^ ® Fancy Polished.per dozen pairs, $2.16 2.40 3.00 Diameter, inches...... No. 9—Fancy Polished 5 . per dozen pairs, $1.90 2.00 2.10 I Diameter, inches. No. 50—Polished, to slide No. 5— “ to screw. tV f per dozen pairs,. $2.10 “ 1.50 3 3 1 2.60 2.85 3.50 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.70 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 278 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO BAR AND FOOT RAIL FIXTURES. FOOT RAIL END. 1:^ inch, Cast Brass, Polished, 1 1 < < (( < ( < ( BAR RAIL END. Full Size, IVi inch. inch,Cast Brass, Polished, 2 ‘ < < < < ( < < II I ! price each, $0.25 “ .40 price each, $0.50 .75 FOOT RAILS. inch Iron Tubing, for Foot flails.... (C II II BAR RAILS. Used Also with Post Angles. 14 inch Brass Tubing, for Bar Kails. “ Wood Filled Brass Rod, for Bar Rails. 14 “ Genuine AValnut, for Bar Rails. 2 “ Brass Tubing, for Bar Rails.*. 2 “ Wood Filled Brass Rod, for Bar Rails. 2 “ Genuine Walnut, for Bar Rails. per foot, $0.20 J “ .30 j per foot, $0.60 “ .10 .08 “ 1.00 “ .16 “ .11 SEK DISCOUNT.' SHEE'r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 279 4 POST SOCKETS. Used in connection with Post Angles—Post sets in Socket and Post Angles slide over top of Posts. Nos. 10 and 16—Full Size, 1^ inch. Nos. 10 and 16—Full Size, 1^ inch. No. 10—inch, Stamped Brass.each, $0.06 No. 10—2 “ “ “ ... ‘‘ 0.071 No. 16—H “ Cast Brass. “ 0.25 No. 16—2“ “ “ . “ 0.35 POST ANCLES. Used for Holding Curtain Poles on the Corners of the Inside Ledges of Windows where there is no Support. No. 1|^ inch. Burnished Brass 2 <( (< << each, $1.50 “ 2.00 BAR AND FOOT RAIL BRACKETS. Style of No. 101 Bar Brackets. No. 101—1|^ inch. Brass.each, $1.50 “ 1^ “ Nickel..... “ 1.50 “ 2 “ Brass. “ 2,00 “ 2 “ Nickel. “ 2.00 style of No. 112 Foot Rail Brackets. No. 112—1^ inch Japd. Iron.each, $0.60 “ 11 “ “ “ . “ 0.60 SEK niscouisn.' sheet. 280 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLE BRACKETS. Nos. 40, 02 andx2. Diameter, Inches. 3 i o . 8 2 z No. 40—Burnished Brass, doz. pairs, |1.02 1.08 1.20 02—Dipped “ “ x2— “ “ “ 1 1.26 I? 1.26 H 1| 2 1.26 1.44 2.16 1.26 . .96 . -{ Measure here for projection. y No. 50—Brackets, Braced, 1, H, IJ, 1| and 2 inches .per pair, . 15 SKK Disc'OTJNT'r 10 12 .20 .25 .30 .35 GIBSON, PABTSH & CO., CHICAGO 281 ,50 .60 2 12.25 2.50 Diameter, inches. No. 447—6 to 9 inch extension 450—9 to 12 “ Diameter, inches. No. 441—6 to 9 inch extension 442—9 to 12 “ No§. 447 and 450. . H . ..per pair, $0.40 .. “ .50 ADJUSTABLE. style of Nos. 441 and 442. . li .per pair, $2.00 . “ 2.25 SEK EISCOXJ^TT SHEENE EXTENSION POLE BRACKETS. f ADJUSTABLE. 282 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ADJUSTABLE CRATE BRACKETS. No. 457. No. 457 I incli.per pair, $0.45 457—i “ . ^45 VESTIBULE BRACKETS. No. 75. No. 75—For ^ inch Rods, 75— “ I “ “ . 75— “ ^ . 75— “ I “ “ . 75— “ 1 “ , per dozen pair, $1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 a i i i i < i i i PICTURE ROD BRACKETS. Nos. 100 and 101. No. 100—For \ inch Rod, Polished Brasc 101 — 2 <( (( << <( , per dozen, $2.80 3.00 ioiscoLr:x'i’ shket. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 283 Size, inches. ... Per dozen pairs VESTIBULE BRACKETS. No. 8-BRASS VESTIBULE BRACKETS. L.OO iTlO 1.25 1.44 1.80 1 2 No. 240. Bracket closed. Bracket open. No. 240.-BRASS VESTIBULE BRACKETS. Size, inches... i f I I Per dozen pairs.$1.20 1.32 1.32 1.44 1.56 No. 250. Bracket open. No. 4. Bracket and End Combined. No. 250-BRASS VESTIBULE BRACKETS. Size, inches.. ^ yV f i I Per dozen pairs.$1.20 1.32 1.32 1.44 1.56 No. 4-BRASS VESTIBULE BRACKETS. Size, inches. i f i Per dozen pairs.$1.80 2.04 2.04 2.40 SKK lOISCOU^^^T’ SXIKKT'. 284 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS POLE RINGS. FOR CURTAIN POLES, VESTIBULE RODS AND BANNER RODS. Diameter, inches. No. 30—Burnished, per gross. 3. 4 11.75 1 1.75 li 1.75 1.75 -*^4 1.75 No. 31. Diameter, inches. No. 31—Heavy, Burnished. 2 2.00 2.75 4.80 3 8.40 .per dozen. If 2 2i $0.50 0.60 0.60 No. 26. Diameter, inches. | No. 26—Flat Brass, per gr. .$1.10 SKK SIIEKT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 285 MASTER POLE RINGS. FOR CURTAINS TO DRAW. No. 50. Master Ring. Diameter, inches. 1| 2^ No. 50—Master Rings.per dozen, $0.45 .60 TRAVERSE POLE RINGS. FOR CURTAINS TO DRAW. Diameter, inches... 1| 2^ No. 21—Traverse Rings.. per dozen, $1.40 1.80 No. 51. Traverse Ring. Diameter, inches. If No. 51—Traverse Rings... .per dozen, i 2f 50 2.16 SEE EISCOXJJiTT SHEEX. 286 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, BRASS POLE SOCKETS. No.' 10. Diameter, inches. 1^ n 2 No. 16. Diameter, inches. If 2 No. 10—Burnished Brass, per dozen pairs. .. $1.20 1.20 1.56 1.80 No. 16—Cast Brass, Polished, per dozen pairs. $6.00 7.20 8.40 No. 15. « Diameter, inches...*.. 1 2 No. 15—Burnished Brass. '.V.’.V.V. ......... per dozen pairs* $1.80 2.40 3.00 Diameter, inches. No. 10|^—Dipped Brass SKE i3iscoxj]NrT siip::et, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 287 ANGLE JOINTS. No. 676. No. 676—For 1 inch Pole.... ......dozen, $2.88 676— 6i ll “ 2 “ < 6 3.24 676_ i i i i 3.60 676— 6 i i i 4.80 676— i i i 6 5.28 No. 10. No. 10—For inch Pole 10 — “ 1 | “ “ 10 — “ 2 “ per dozen, $1.92 “ 2.00 “ 2.25 SEE EISCOtlJSTT SHEET. 288 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. DRAPERY PINS. No. 327. No. 326—Brass.per gross, $0.30 | No. 327—Brass.per gross, $0.40 No. 300—Brass. Back view No. 10. .per gross, $1.00 | No. 10—Patented, Brass.per gross,^$0.70 DAY’S IPATENT. No. 350-%-lnch, Full Size. Diameter, inches. No. 350—Per gross. ^ t I ).88 .96 1.12 No. 360. No. 360—Polished Brass.per gross, $6.00 SKK DlSCOUJ^r .SHEE^r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 289 TASSEL HOOKS. III 'III mil imiii!i ii‘’iiiiii.‘ |l|IMIIIil|i||||'j|ll|l. |l'illi:i||||'!iilli'!i III .. . iiil|i'llilii/i| No. 441. No. 10. No. 441—Brass per gross, $2.00 | No. 10—Brass per gross, $5.50 No. 102. No. 440Vi. No. 102—Brass per gross, $6.00 | No. 440|^—Brass SEE EISCOXIISTT SHEE'^T per gross, $3. OO !290 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO TASSEL HOOKS. No. 465—For Vestibules. No. 465—Brass.per ^ross, $3.50 ( No. 444. No. 444—Brass.per gross, $6.80 No. 452. No. 452—Fancy Brass. . per gross, $4.80 No. 440—Plain Brass. No. 440. • • P^'^’ gross, $3.60 joiscouisr'r smcEU'. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 291 TASSEL HOOKS. No. 129. No. 125. No. 129—Brass, per gross, $4.50 | No. 125—Brass per gross, $4.00 No. 133. No. 366. No. 133—Brass.....per gross, $5.00 | No. 366—Cast Brass SEE EISCOUNX SHEET. per gross, $21.25 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO 292 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 108—Fancy Brass, Open Link.'.per dozen pairs, $1.44 No. 106—Fancy Brass, Closed Link % per dozen pairs, $1.44 No* 128—Fancy Bra;ss per dozen pairs $2.64 |i SiMHIia ^llll iiiiiiwf ijii ms soiiiiili |niiiili| iNiiiitii mim '■.mjuf fn ;u Fimitwi /WniM giiniiiiD^ij; mm finnwi siinj^ irs ittiiiiifcrr* ji 1 sniim It Jjl No. 1—Fancy Brass, as in cut 2—Plain “ like cut. .. per dozen pairs, $2.76 “ “ 2.76 SKu: uiscoujsT'r sjhkkt GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 298 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 134—Brass per dozen pairs, $1.56 No. 135-—Brass...per dozen pairs, $2.88 No. 130—Brass per dozen pairs, $2.28 No. 75—Brass....per dozen pairs, $3.84 No. 131—Brass.per dozen pairs, $2.04 sej: discount sheet, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. i>04 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 125—Brass per dozen pairs, $2.88 I No. 127—Fancy Brass per dozen pairs, $3.30 SICIC JDISCOUN'r SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 295 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 124—Fancy Brass per dozen pairs, 13.36 No. 59—Brass per dozen pairs, $3.84 No. 129—Fancy Brass per dozen pairs, $2.88 SEiG EISCOE’ISTT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 29(1 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. GO—Brass, per dozen pairs, |4.32 per dozen pairs, $4.32 per dozen pairs, 4.32 No. 123—Soldered Long Link, Brass. 122—Soldered Bound Link, Brass No. 73—Brass.. . per dozen pairs, $3.60 No. 121—Brass. .per dozen pairs, $5.52 SKJi] I^lSCOUIS'a'' SHEK-r, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 297 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 92—Brass per dozen pairs, $3.12 No. 95—Gilt Wire. p^j. per dozen pairs, $4.80 No. 93—Gilt Wire per dozen pairs, $4.32 No. 73 Brass per dozen pairs, $3.60 SEE EISCOXINT SHEET. 298 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1 No. 820. Showing also Style of No. 830. No. 820—Gold.Plated Wire Twist, as in cut.. 830 Gold Plated Wire Twist, three chains like cut per pair, $1.50 per pair, 2.00 No. 28J—Gilt Chain. No. 281^. per pair, $1.00 SEE DISCOXJI^T SHEEX. GIBSON, PAEISH & CO., CHICAGO. 299 DRAPERY CHAINS. No. 28—Brass Ball. .per pair, |1.10 No. 6—Gold Plated Wire.per pair, $1.50 No. 5—Gold Plated Wire.per pair, $2.00 SJEE I3ISCOTJI^T SHEJET. 300 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SHADE PULLS. Nos. 51 and 52—1 inch. No. 51—Brass, linch. 52—Nickel, 1 ioch per gross, $2.40 “ 2.60 No. 51—Brass, 1^ inch. A 52—Nickel, 1^ inch per gross, $2.80 “ 3.00 Nos. 51 and 62—1*4 inch. Nos. 51 and 62—2 inch. No. 51—Brass, 1| inch. 52—Nickel, 1^ inch per gross, $3 10 3.40 No. 51—Brass, 2 inch. 52—Nickel, 2 inch per gross, $4.40 “ 5.00 SBZIC DISCOTJ^TT' SHKET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 301 SHADE PULLS. No. Nos. 0133 and 0134. 0133—Plain Brass.per grcss, $2.40 0134—Plain Nickel. “ 2.40 Nos. 0131 and 0132. No. 0131—Fancy Brass.per gross, $2.40 0132—Fancy Nickel. “ 2.40 No 138. Nos. 49 and 50. No 138—Brass per gross, $5.50 No. 49—Brass. 50—Nickel per gross, $2.40 2.40 SEE DISCO ElSr'X’ SHEET, 30l> GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. I SHADE PULLS. No. 71— Gilt.. 72— Nickel 1 ‘ X'"' I ' - ^ Nos. 676 and 676. gross, $10.50 “ 11.25 Nos. 0675 and 0676 same as above, without chain. No. 675—Fancy Gilt, with chain.per gross, $8.00 670— “ Nickel, “ . << 8.75 0675— “ Gilt, without chain. “ 7 50 6070— “ Nickel, “ . << 8.25 SEK UISCOEISr'l’ SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 803 SHADE PULLS. Nos. 317, 318 and 319. No 317—Brass, Rustic Bar and Bronze Coil. 318— Silver, “ ' “ “ . 319— Bronze, “ “ Silver “ . .. ■r' per gross, $7.25 “ 7.25 . “ 7.25 Nos. 192, 193 and 194. per gross, $10.50 “ 10.50 “ 10.50 No. 192—Brass.. 193— Silvered 194— Bronzed SEE x>iscouisra' sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 1 n04 SHADE PULLS. No. 124—Gilt.. 124—Nickel gross, $12.30 “ 12.30 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 305 SHADE PULLS. No. 700. No. 700—Gilt Twist.per gross, $8.00 No. 60S. No. 606—Gilt Twist - per gross, $7.50 SEE EISCOXIISTT SHEE-^r 306 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO SHADE PULLS. No. 602 $7.00 per gross, Kos. 609 and 607. No. 609—Gilt Bar.. 607—Silver Bar SEE DISCOUNT SHEE'l', per gross, $7.00 “ 7.CO GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 307 SHADE PULLS. No. IIMiiiiiiii 515—Gold Plated Wire No. 520—Gold Plated Wire.per gross, 132.72 | No. 529-Gold Plated Wire.per gross, $40.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET, 308 GIBSOX, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SHADE PULLS. No. 139 .30 No. 127. No. 127—Gilt.per gross, ?7.r<0 No. 123. No. 123—Gilt.per gross, §8.00“ SKK DiscouzsT-x’ snEP::"r, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 309 f No. 131—Gilt. Per gross. SHADE PULLS. Per gross $ 8.00 No. 136.—Gilt. 118.00 SEE EISCOTJISra’ SHEET, Per gross $ 12.00 310 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SPRING STOP FIXTURES. C. P. & CO.’S STOP FIXTURES. The G. P. & Co.’s Rollers are made in exact imitation of the Hartshorn Rollers. We do not claim that they are superior to the Hartshorn, but we do claim and guarantee that they are in every way their equal. The Brackets shown in above cut are the kind, and the only kind, of outside brackets we make for this roller, and, as above mentioned, the roller being exactly the same as the Hartshorn, our brackets will do either for them or for ours, or vice versa. We make but one size, i. e., full 1 inch diameter and 42 inches long. PRICE LIST OF C. P. & CO.’S STOP FIXTURES. Packed in \ and ^ gross boxes. No. 15—1 inch diameter, 42 inches long, with outside Brackets.per gross, 115.25 16—1 “ “ 42 “ “ inside “ '. “ 15.25 1^~1 “ “ 42 “ “ outside “ packed and brass caps. “ ^ 16.75 18—1 “ “ 42 “ “ inside “ “ “ “ . “ * 16.75 I Note Packed means that Brackets, Nails, Tacks and Brass Caps are neatly put up, one set in a paper box. One of these paper boxes with each roller. HARTSHORN’S SPRING STOP FIXTURES Packed in ^ and ^ gross boxes. No. 3 —^ inches diameter, 42 inches long with outside Brackets.per gross, $12.00 ^ 2 —§ “ “ 42 “ “ inside “ “ 12.00 5 —1 “ “ 42 ‘‘ “ outside “ “ 16.25 ^ 2 —1 “ “ 42 “ “ inside “ “ 16.25 6 —1^ “ “ 42 “ “ outside “ “ 23! 50 li “ “ 42 “ “ inside “ “ 23.50 ^ —li “ “ 48 “ “ outside “ “ 24.00 ^ 2 —H “ “ 48 “ “ inside “ “ 24.00 8 —li “ “ 54 “ “ outside “ “ 30.00 —li “ “ 54 “ “ inside “ “ 3o!o0 Brass Caps for above, per gross, $1.00. VICTOR SPRING STOP FIXTURES. Packed in i and i gross boxes. No. 10 —inches diameter, 42 inches long, lOi—M “ “ 42 11 —1 “ “ 42 “ with outside Brackets called ‘ ‘ inside “ “ “ outside “ . “Mascott’’... .per gross, $12.00 “ .... “ 12.00 . “ 16 25 lli-1 ( i “ 42 i i inside i 6 . 16 25 12 —li i i “ 42 i i outside i i . “ 23 50 12i—li i i “ 42 “ i i inside i i . “ 23 50 13 —li i i “ 48 “ i i outside i i . “ 24 00 13i-li < i “ 48 inside i ( . “ 24 00 14 —li i i “ 54 a outside i ( . “ 30 00 14i-li i i “ 54 i i inside i i . “ 30 00 Packed—For any of the above ‘ ‘ Packed ” .. For explanation of “Packed,” see note under G., P. & Co.’s Fixtures. SKR i3iscou:sr'x' sheet. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ' 311 I TIN STOP FIXTURES. For Windows of all Sizes and Stage Curtains. Length of Koller, feet. 2 2^ 3 3| 4 41 5 5^ 6 6^ 7 8 9 1 in. diam. for 8-ft. Shades and under, .35 .40. each li “ “ 12 “ “ .40 .48 .48 .48 ^48 .60... “ ’ H “ 12 “ “ .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .80 .80 1.00 1.00.. li “ “ 12 “ “ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.12 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.50 * 2i “ “15 Curtains or Shades to 12 feet wide and under..per foot, $ .35 ^ “ “ 15 “ “ . “ ’ .60' 4 “ “ 30 “ “ 30 “ “ . - 1,50 I The three latter sizes made to order only. f When ordering large sizes, state weight and length of Shade or Curtain. SPRING BALANCE SHADE FIXTURES. This Cut represents Interior View of Leader Balance. LEADER BALANCE FIXTURES. Packed in ^ gross boxes. No. 100—1 inch Diameter, 42 inches in Length, for 7 ft. Shades.per gross, $22.00 | ‘ 111—1^ “ “ 42 “ “ “ 8 and 9 ft. Shades. *“ 25.50 I VICTOR CORD FIXTURES. Packed in ^ gross boxes. 1 inch Diameter, 42 inches long. ,...., SEE DiscoiJi'ir'r sheet. per gross, $8.10 312 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SHADE ROLLERS. A GOOD CLEAN ROLLER. SHADE SLATS. FOR BOTTOM OF SHADES. 4 feet long, ( i per 100. . $1.50 . 1 50 3| feet long, 4 “ per 100 ( ( 5 ( i i ( . 9 00 5 “ per foot 6 i 6 a 6 7 tc i i 7 6 i 8 i i 8 i i 0 i ( 9 i i WYANT SHADE FASTENERS 10.65 0.65 0 . 00 | 0.001 0 . 00 | 0.001 0.001 CORD CLEATS. Full Size Cut or Nos. 40 and 45. No. 40—Iron. No. 45—Brass. .per gross, $5.00 _ . .. 10.80 BRASS TASSELS. No 12 .... per dozen, $1,80 No. 12—Polished Brass..’ SF'.F] lOISCOU^fT SHEET. GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. .SI 3 SHADE BRACKETS. SHADE ROLLER ENDS. No. 51. No. 51—Koller Ends, Bronzed Iron.per gross, $1.58 No. 52. No. 52— Thimbles. No. 52—Bronzed Iron, packed with Thimbles complete.per gross, $4.88 SEE EISCOXJN'X' SHEET. 3L4 GIBSON. PARISH & CO., CHICAGO PULLEYS. SLAT PULLEYS. No. 35. No. 35—I inch Brass Slat Pulleys.per gross, $10.67 TRAVERSE PULLEYS. Full Size Cut of No. 40. No. 40—Single Brass Traverse Pulleys.... 45—Double “ “ “ . 40 and 45—Put up 1 dozen pair in box. Full Size Cut of No. 45. per gross, $ 9.00 “ 12.00 .. per box 1.75 No. 4—Brass, Pqcelain Knob Full Size Cut of No. 4. per gross, $6.33 Full Size Cut of No. 169. No. 159—Bronzed Iron, Brass Knob, SE:E OlSCOTJ^^T SHEE'r. per gross, $4 00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 315 PULLEYS. PALMER’S STOP PULLEYS. No. 1—Screw. No. 1—Shade. No. 1—Bronzed Iron Screw Stop Pulley.per gross, $4.75 1— “ “ Shade “ “ .. “ 4.75 BRASS SCREW No. 25—Double. No. 20—I inch, Single 25—I “ Double per gross, $10.07 “ 14.00 BRASS SIDE PULLEYS. No. 50—Siugle. No. 50—Single Brass Side Pulley 100—Double “ >io. loO—Double. per gross, $10.67 “ 16.00 SEE EISCOXJNT SHEET. 316 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 1 Inch. PICTURE NAILS. BRASS CAPPED PICTURE NAILS. Inch. Ii4 Inch. 2 Inch. 1 inch, per gross, $0.50. If inch, per gross, $0.63 3 Inch. 2!4 Inch. 2 inch, per gross, $0.84 3 inch. 21 inch, per gross, $0.96 per gross, 'll" 14 31 inch.p 0 j. gross, $ 1.68 FANCY HEAD PICTURE NAILS. Full Size Cut of No. 82. ]ko. 82 Plain Burnished Brass, per gross , Full Size Cut of Nos. 24 and 24';. ii " m # Full Size Cut of No. 9. Per gro.<^s. j gross ..$3.50 , No. 9—White Porcelain, Plain Brass Eim.$2.80 ‘ 9—Blue “ “ “ . 3.50 I 9—Kuby “ “ “ . 3.50 Full Size Cut of Nos. 17 and 28. No. 24—Ruby Star, Glass Center. Burnished Brass Rim.per gross, $3.50 24|—Blue Star, Glass Center, Burnished Brass Rim.per gross, 3.50 No. 17—Amber, Glass Center, Fancy Rim, .per gross, $5.00 28—Crystal, Glass Centre, Fancy Rim, .per gross, $5 .00 discoxjimx shefct. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 317 PICTURE NAILS. FANCY HEAD PICTURE NAILS. Full Size Cut of Nos. 100,103, lo4 and 106. No. 100—Crystal Star Center, plain Eim, per gross.$4.00 103— Turquoise Star Center, plain Kim, per gross. 4.00 104— Amber Star Center, plain Rim, per gross. 4.00 106—Green Star Center, plain Rim, per gross. 4.00 I Full Size Cut of Nos. 18 and 22. No. 18—Turquoise Glass Center, heavy plain Rim, per gross.. ..$5.00 22—Ruby Glass Center, heavy plain Rim, per gross. 5.00 No. Full Size Cut of No. 3. 3—White Porcelain Center, fancy Rim, per gross . $5.00 No. Full Size Cut of Nos. 70 and 71. 70 —Crystal Glass Center, fancy Rim, per gross . 71—Ruby Glass Center, fancy Rim, per gross . $ 8.00 8.00 Full Size Cut of No. 024. No. 024—Ruby Star Glass Center, plain Rim and inside black Band, per gross. .$4.00 Full Size Cut of Nos. 137, 138 and 140. Per Gross No. 137—Crystal Star Center, inside black Band, $6.00 138—Ruby Star Center, inside black Band, 6.00 . 140—Blue “ “ “ 6.00 Full Size Cut of No. 5. No. 5—White Medallion Center-per gross, $6.00 Full Size Cut of Nos. 50 and 51. No. 50—Crystal Star Center, fancy Rim, per gross.$20.00 51—Ruby Star Center, fancy Rim, per gross. 20.00 SEE DISCOUNT SJHEET. 318 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PICTURE KNOBS. No. 129 .—114 Inch Dimeter. PORCELAIN KNOB, PLATED TIP Sc BASE. No. 129—Porcelain.per gross, |2.40 No. 125.—% Inch Diameter. PORCELAIN KNOB, PLATED TIP & BASE. No. 125—Porcelain.per gross, |2.25 No. 130—1% Inch Diameter. EBONY KNOB, BRASS TIP AND BASE. No. 130.—Ebony.per gross, $2.40 No. 126.— J4 Inch Diameter. EBONY KNOB, BRASS TIP AND BASE. No. 126—Ebony.per gross, $2.25 SCREW SUPPORTS. Full Size Cut of Nos. 260 and 255. No. 250—Plain Rim and Base, Silvered Glass Center 255—Plain Rim and Base, Rose Glass Center. .., Full Size Cut of Nos. 160, 161, 164 and 1C5. No. Per Gross. 160— Silvered glass center, plain rim and base, $7.00 161— Ruby “ “ “ 7.00 164— Turquois “ “ “ 7.00 165— Amber “ “ “ 7.00 per gross, $16.00 “ 16.00 Full Size Cut of Nos. 260, 251, £6J and 263. ^ Per Gross. 260 Silvered glass center, plain rim and base, $8.00 261— Ruby “ “ “ 8.00 262— Green “ “ “ 8 00 263— Blue “ “ “ 8 00 SEP: DISCOUNT’ SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 319 per dozen, No. 306|—Ebony Shank, Ruby Glass Center. No. 306^. CURTAIN PINS. * 2.00 per dozen, 14.00 No. 329. No. 329—Ebony Shank, Polished Gilt and Black Enameled Center No. 2C. No. 20—All Walnut per dozen, $1.50 SEE lOISCOUNX SHEET. 820 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PICTURE MOULDING HOOKS. Nos. 67, 68 and 59. / No. 57—1 in...per gross, $4.20 58— li “ 4.80 59— 11 “ 5.40 Nos. 050, 020 and 030. No. 050—1 in. .per gross,$1.90 020—li“.. “ 1.90 030—1^“.. “ 1.90 Nos. 63, 64 and 65, No. 63—1 in.. .per gross, $2.64 64— li“... “ 2.64 65— li“... “ 2.64 NILES’ PAT. PICTURE ROD HOOKS. PICTURE HOOKS. Style No 5. 102 and 103, Bn-ss. No. 1. No. 102—For | inch Kocl.per dozen, $0.60 No. 103—For 1 inch Hod. “ _ 7 () No. 1 Brass, Niles’ Picture Hooks, per gross, $4.50 I N. SEK DISCOUISra' SHEET. i GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 321 No. 0 “ 1 “ 2 << q WIRE PICTURE CORD, IN COILS. Tinned Braided. No. 0, per coil. “ 1, “ 2 , “ 3, “ 4, “ 5, i i i i a a i i ».io .15 .24 .30 .40 .50 No. 0, per coil. (( 1 a “ 2 , “ 3, “ “ 4, “ . “ 5, PICTURE CHAINS. Gold Braided. 10.30 , .50 , .70 1.00 , 1.30 , 1.70 No. 12. No. 12—Brass, as in cut, 33 inches long.dozen, $1.50 No. 10. No. 10—Brass, as in cut, 33 inches .f*.per dozen, $1.25 Nos. 3 and 4. No. 1—Brass, size smaller than cut, trimmed as in “ 2—Bronze, “ “ 3—Brass, size of cut, trimmed as in cut, 33 inches long “ 4—Bronze, n a cut, 33 inches long.per dozen, $1.50 1.75 3.00 3.25 i C SEIG DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & OO., CHICAGO. METAL STAIR RODS. SOLID NICKELED RODS. Cut of No. 10, Nickel 14 inch. No. 10—i iQch plain Nickel with No. 1 Fastenings, 30 inches long 100 —^ “ fancy “ “ “ 1 “ 39 << << Cut of No. 60, Nickel, 5-16 inch. No. 6 inch plain Nickel, with No. 6 Fastenings, 30 inches long. “ fancy “ “ “6 “ , 30 “ “ per dozen, $2.50 “ 2.50 per dozen, $3.20 “ 3.20 FANCY OVAL BRASS RODS. No. 57—30 inch. Figured, with No. 15 Fastenings No. 67—Brass. per dozen, $ 3.00 PLAIN OVAL BRASS RODS. Nos. 1 to 4—Plain Brass Oval. No. 1 Width I inch, Length, 22 inches, with No. 30 rastenin^e 2— I “ “ 24 “ .. 30 “ « “ “ 20 .. 30 ^ ■ I “ “30 “ “ 30 “ 1 “ “ 30 “ “ 32 per dozen, $ 0.95 “ 1.05 “ 1.15 “ 1.35 “ 1.75 SBJic loitscoiTisra'' smcEo,'. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 323 WOOD STAIR RODS. PLAIN .WOOD ROD No. 11. 11_30 inch, Walnut, with No. Oil Fastenings.pei* gross, $6.50 14_26 “ “ “ “ Oil “ . “ 111—30 “ Imitation Walnut with No. Oil Fastenings. “ 5.10 114_26 “ “ “ “ “ Oil “ . “ 5.10 WOOD RODS WITH NICKEL TIPS. Nos. 77 and 78. No. 77—30 inch Walnut, with Nickel Tips, with No. 011 Fastenings.per gross, $8.70 << “ oil “ “ 8.70 . “ 7.30 .. “ 7.30 78—26 “ 177_30 “ Imitation Walnut, with Nickel Tips, with No. 011 Fastenings, 178—26 “ << “ “ on STAIR ROD FASTS. FOR WOOD RODS. FOR NICKEL RODS. . No. oil. No. Oil—Bronzed.per gross. ).75 No. 1—Nickel.per gross, $2.25 6 - 2.25 FOR WOOD RODS. FOR No. 57 RODS. FOR OVAL BRASS RODS. Nos. 30 and 32. No. 30—I inch, per gross.. .$1.75 32 1 “ “ . 2.25 No. 67. -No. 57—Per gross, $1.75 No. 34—Brass, per gross, 35—Nickel, “ ,$ 1.00 , 1.25 SEE DISCOTJIirT SHEET, 324 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO No. 0—Gilt.. 01—Nickel STAIR TACKS. per gross, $2.55 “ 3.55 * STAIR PLATES. STAIR BUTTONS. D—Walnut. No. N—Gold .per gross, $7.05. No. D—Walnut, .per gross, $5.00. Nos. 10 and 11. ■ No. 10—Gilt.. per gross, $6.00 11—Nickel “ 6.00 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET, > Cl GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 325 DRUGGET OR RUG TAGKS. No. 1. One Dozen in a Box. No. 1—Per dozen boxes..$3.00 No. 15. No. 15—Brass.per gross, $1.20 Flyers for putting on No. 1 Drugget Tacks, each, $0.75, GROMMET KNOBS. GROMMETS. Used with No. 3 Grommets. No, 3—Knobs only.per gross, $3.00 Full Size Cut of No. 3, No. 1—^xf inches. Brass.per gross, $0,52 2—fx^ “ “ . “ “ .. “ 1-18 4-ixlJ “ “ “ 1.44 GROMMET SETTING DIES. For Inserting Brass Grommets, Numbers, 2 3 4 ..per set, $2.15 2.25 2.35 2.50 GARRET PINS AND SOGKETS. No, .. . 8^“®’ Lx / SEE ElSCOTJlSrT SHEET. 326 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. STAIR CORNERS. No. 1—Brass, with nails. .per 100, $3.00 “ 1—Nickel, ^ “ . “ 5 00 “ 1—Crystalized “ . “ 2.50 STEP PLATES. No. 2 — Brass, 18 inches long. 5 inches wide.*. SS 10 i i 1 o 20 i i 5 ( i ( i i i ft 7K i ( 200— “ 20 ({ 6 i 6 i i i { 4 4 9 O 10 so a 02—Zinc, 18 i < i i 5 ( ( < t AV./. Ov S 7K it 020— “ 20 (* i i 5 i ( i ( O* 1 S QO i ( 0200— “ 20 i i 6 i i 4 i O. u\J 4.65 Special sizes to order. ^ SEJE UlSCOXJISrT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 327 OIL CLOTH BINDING. nsisisisisisisi METAL BINDING, AND Corners for Oil Cloth. Pat. Sept. 19, 1871. Reissued Aug. S, 1880. ROUND HEM ZINC BINDING. •ipxO.VKJ ii.^V $ 2.88 . 3.60 . 4.32 . 5.76 ROUND HEM BRASS BINDING. 4-4 per doz. sets...$4.32 5- 4 6- 4 8-4 5.40 6.48 8.64 up 1 set in a box. 4 pieces, 4 corners and tacks make one set. MATTING ENDS, ZINC. ' ^ yard Lengths. i I “ “ ... i 1 “ . i li “ “ ... H “ “ . 2 “ .,. COPPER RIVETS, FOR FASTENING MATTING ENDS. No. 9 Copper, ^ inch. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. each, $0.14 ‘‘ .20 .28 “ .36 “ .40 .52 per pound, $0.60 8‘28 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. Nos. 41. Green Box.$0.97 Blue “ . 1.20 FANCY NAILS. ALL PRICES PER 1,000 NAILS. T T 42 43 .70 .60 Gilt. .85 .75 Extra Gilt or Nickeled. per 100, $3.00 Nos. 3 4 6 9 10 12 ;• • Green Box.$1.50 1.30 80 1.40 1.15 .70 < 1 o .70 Gilt. Blue “ 1.70 1.45 .95 1.60 1.36 .85 .85 Extra Gilt. Pink “ 1.70 1.45 .95 1.60 1.38 .85 .85 Nickeled. $22.50 8.90 31.50 9.95 20.25 8.70 33.00 10.40 62 54 6.40 4.70 Gilt. 7.25 5.30 Extra Gilt. 6.20 4.55 Natural. 7.70 5.65 Ant. Bronze. Nos. 14G;J0 $16.20 1460 5.65 Extra Gilt. GIBSON, PAEISH & CO., CHICAGO 32^ FANCY NAILS. . ALL PRICES PER 1,000 NAILS. , 1509 1510 1522 1532 1502 1504 1507 $7.20 4.50 9.90 4.95 7.20 4.95 3.60 . • • . • • • • 8.25 4.15 .... .... Antique. Nos. 1489 1490 1540 1543 1469 $21.60 11.70 8.10 3.90 9.00 Extra Gilt, • • • « 6.75 3.50 7.50 Antique. SEE EISCOUISTT SHEET. 330 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO Nos. 1476. $11.25 9.40 FANCY NAILS. ALL PRICES PER 1,000 NAILS. 1474. 118 00 15.00 1517. $11.25 9.40 1616. $37.50 Ex. Gilt. 31.25 Antique. 9.75 26.25 12.00 Antique. No. 137>/s Nail. No. 137^—Porcelain.per 1000, $0.60 No. 137i4 Disk. No. 137^—Brass Disks.per 1000, $0.40 137|—Tin Disks.. ... “ .40 CHAIR ROSETTES. No. 1—Daisy. No. 1 —Daisy, Gilt- 1 ‘ ‘ Antique SEE DISCOUNT SHEEX. per 1000, $15.00 “ 12.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 331 BRASS ORNAMENTS. FOR FANCY WORK AND DECORATIONS. All Priced Pee Gross. no III M2 113 $31.25 23.75 23.75 27.50 70 $ 20.00 72 20.00 15 27.50 73 17.50 74 20.00 SEE EISCOXJNa^ SHEET. 119 20.00 109 27.50 IJ4 23.75 98 23.75 82 83 14 16.25 12.50 16.25 76 $ 20.00 77 27.50 79 17.50 80 20.00 12.50 104 16.25 105 16.50 106 16. 50 108 16.50 17.50 332 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS ORNAMENTS. FOR FANCY WORK AND DECORATIONS. No. 40. Crescent and Bangles. Per gross $ 5.00 No. 1—Crescent. Per gross.$ 0.70 Per gross.$ 0.60 Per gross. $0.50 No. 10—Star. Brass, per gross.$ 0.40 Brass, per gross $0.50 Brass, per gross.$ 0.60 No. 30—Ball. No. 21—Bangle. No. 20—Bangle. Brass, per gross. $3.00 Brass, per gross.$ 0.75 Brass, per gross.$ 0.60 SKH: DlSCOtlKTT SmEEX No. 15—Pendant. per gross, $12.00 | No. 25—Tassels.per gross, $6.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 333 SHADE ORNAMENTS. SHADE CLASPS. No. 4. Cast Brass. Per dozen, $2.00 Nos. 300 and 400. No. 300—Brass... 400—Plated Nickel.!..... per gross, $1.00 “ 1.00 BRASS RAIL SPINDLES. No. 3. Cast Brass. 1.25 No. 1. Cast Brass 1.25 per gross, $2.20 2.70 No. 25—Brass Shade Clasp. 26—Nickel Shade Clasp No. 2. Cast Brass. 2 . 00 . Nos. 26 and 26. SEE! DISCOUN^T SHEET. Per gross. 18 i incli. 3.50 14| inch. 5.50 8-1 i inch. 19.20 334 Per gt. gross. $7.00 8.00 16.80 & CO., CHICAGO. RINGS. Brass.S2.00 Silver-plated. 18 f incli. 1.00 13 i inch. .60 80 inch. brass curtain rings. GIBSON, PAHISH 13 ^ inch. o 131 inch. SCREW o 20 i inch. Per 20 i inch. 181 inch. 18 iV inch. gt. gross. $1.50 1.60 2.12 2.20 2.40 3.00 14 i inch. Per gt. gross. 16 f inch. 3.50 4.50 3.50 14 I inch. 5.00 16 i inch. $3.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 335 IRON AND BRASS CHAIN. SINGLE JACK CHAIN. Nos. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 10 8 SINGLE BRASS JACK CHAIN. Numbers.... 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dozen yards.$9.00 7.50 6.25 5.25 4.50 3.75 3.20 2.50 2.05 1.70 1.40 1.25 1.10 1.00 .85 .70 21 .60 22 .55 23 .55 24 55 SINGLE IRON JACK CHAIN. Numbers.... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Per doz. yds. $3.20 2.60 2.20 1.90 1.65 1.40 1.20 .90 .75 .65 .55 .50 .45 .42 .40 .38 21 22 23 24 .36 .34 .34 .34 DOUBLE JACK CHAIN. No. 20. No. 15. DOUBLE BRASS JACK CHAIN. Numbers. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 Perdoz. yards 18.00 6.50 5.25 4.05 3.00 2.55 2.25 1.95 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.25 DOUBLE IRON JACK CHAIN. Numbers. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 Per doz. yards. $2.75 2.00 1.70 1.45 1.30 1.05 .95 .90 .88 .85 .80 .80 .75 .75 .75 .85 SAFETY CHAIN. is umbers. Per dozen yards, BRASS SAFETY CHAIN. . 000 00 . 11.75 2.25 No. 1. 0 2.50 1 2 3 3.12 4.68 6.36 ' SEE EISCOTJJSTT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ;i3f> PERFORATED STRIPS. for rail and shelf trimmings. No. 6—Brass, | inch wide.. No. 6. , per foot, $0.10 No. 4—Brass, ^ inch wide. No. 4. , per foot, $0.15 No. 5—Brass, inch wide. No. 5. , per foot, $0.12 No. 03—Brass, 1 inch wide. , per foot, $0.09 ' No. 04—Brass, 1^ inches wi No. 04. wide.. SEK DlSCOUN^r SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 337 BRASS PERFORATED STRIPS. FOR RAILS AND SHELF TRIMMINGS. No. 02—Brass, 5^ inches wide Pattern No. 02 . per foot, $0.06 Nos. 20 and 21. No. 20—Brass, inches wide..per foot, $0.20 21—Bronze, inches wide.. 0.22 Nos. 30 and 31. No. 30—Brass, inches wide..per foot, $0.25 31—Bronze, IJ inches wide...•. “ 0.27 Nos. 40 and 41. . , No. 40—Brass, 2 inches wide. .per foot, $0.30 41—Bronze, 2 inches wide. “ 0.32 SEE Eiscouisra.’ sheet. 338 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. No. 1—All Brass UMBRELLA STANDS. WEIGHTED BOTTOMS. Each, $2.50 No. 2—All Brass Each, 12.50 j No. 3—All Brass Each, $2.50 SIGJE lOISCOXJNT^’ SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 339 SCREEN STANDS. Cboss Bab can be Raised ob Lowebed. No. 8310 B. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. No. 8310 B—Polished Brass, price each, $6.15, 340 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO BANNER RODS AND STANDS. Style of No. 803—Banner Rods. No. 921—Banner Stand. No. 921—3^x18 inches.per dozen, $12.00 19—Brass, 2fxl5 inches, “ 3.20 12— “ 3^x18 “ “ 7.20 Length, inches... .. 8 10 No. 9—With Cham.. .per dozen, —— fl-oU 803—Without Chain, “ 1.10 1.30 No. 19—Banner Stand No. 12—Banner Stand. sp::p 2 i3iscou>rT shep^t, I GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 341 BANNER STANDS. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. No. 25, No. 25—Brass, with Cross Bar.. .. per dozen, $9.00 Nos. 13 and 14. Base 3x3 inches. Upright 18 inches. No. 13—Brass, with Cross Bar... per dozen, $12.00 14—Brass, without Cross Bar, same pat¬ tern as No. 13.per dozen, 10.80 342 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO FLOWER POT BRACKETS. This neat flower stand bracket is made of tinned wire and can be attached to the frames of windows or to walls by merely driving staples and attach¬ ing as in cut. It is sufiiciently strong to hold any flower pot that will set in its plate which is 6 inches in diam¬ eter. Price, per gross, $15.00. BRASS EAGLES. For tops of Banner Poles. No. 1—1§ inches high.each, $0.50 2 — 1 § “ “ 75 3 _ 3 “ “ 1.00 TABLE OR MANTEL BANNER STANDS. Styles of Nos. 7, 8. 9 and 10. Pkk Gross. No. 7—5 Inches High, Brass.$34.00 8— 7 “ “ 45.00 9— 9 “ “ ..01.50 10—11 “ “ 78.00 No. 11—Brass, without Banner... .perdozen, $6.50 SKK lOISCOXJNT SHKE-^T. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 343 TINNED TWISTED WIRE SPECIALTIES. WHISK BROOM HOLDERS. HORSE-SHOE EASELS. No. 5 No. 3. per dozen, $0.40 j No. 3 , per dozen, $0.60 CABINET EASELS. No. 4.per dozen, $1.00 SCROLL EASELS. No. 1. No. 1, .per dozen, $0.50 j No. 2.per dozen, $0.50 SISIBZ DISCOUNT SHEET. 344 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS FLOOR EASELS. HANDSOME, STRONG AND CHEAP. Adjustable, feet high. Adjustable, 5^ feet high. This easel is made of entirely Square Tubing and This is the most handsome easel made. Grooved. Cast Brass pieces. There is nothing flimsy about it. rectangular Tubing and Cast Brass pieces and orna- It is undoubtedly the best easel for the money that | ments only being used in its construction. For the is made. i money it is the cheapest easel on the market. No. 1100—Polished Brass.each, $9.00 | No. 900—Polished Brass.each, $18.00’ SEE lOISCOUN-^r SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SMOKING SETS. Nos. 1 and 2. I > I - i :> No. 1—Polished Brass Smoking Set, four pieces, 2—Oxydized BRASS TOWEL STAND, No. 662. Made of f-inch Polished Brass Tubing. No. 562—Brass Towel Stand, SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 345 f per set, $1.25 “ 1.35 each, $6.00 346 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BRASS COAT AND HAT RACKS. FOLDING. 7 Pins, Polished Brass, Extension Hat Backs FOLDING. 10 Pin. 10 Pins, Polished Brass, Extension Hat Backs per dozen, $25.00 per dozen^ $30.00 SKK DISCOUNT.' SHJKET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 347 COAT AND HAT RACKS. PIN RACKS. 7 Pin. 10 Pin, 13 Pin. Genuine Walnut.per gross, $12.00 16.00 20.00 Imitation Walnut. “ 10.00 13.00 16.CO HOOK RACKS. 4 Hook. 5 Hook. 6 Hook. 8 Hook. Genuine Walnut.per gross, $10.00 13.00 16.00 20.00 Imitation Walnut. “ 9.00 12.00 14.00 18.00 TOWEL RACKS. GEM RACKS. Genuine Walnut, without tips.... .. “ “ with nickel tips. Imitation “ without tips. “ “ with nickel tips. ' -- SEE ElSCOXJNa' SHEET. per gross, $10.80 “ 14.40 “ 7.20 “ 10.80 348 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, TOWEL ROLLERS. No. 3—Roller. No. 3—Imitation Walnut Back, White Wood^ No. 2—Roller. No. 2—Imitation Walnut Back, White Wood Roller.per gross, $16.50 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. 349 CLOCK SHELVES. No. 281^ No. 284-Imitation Walnut Back, ebony and gilt finish, 12x6.per dozen, $2.50 No. 904 —Carved Walnut, 16x6 per dozen, $6.00 No. 91Vi. No. 914 —Carved Walnut, 22x7.per dozen, $9.00 SEE EISCOXJNU: SHEEU: 850 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO CLOCK SHELVES. No. 82^—Walnut Japanned Panel, hand painted, 16x6.•' dozen, $5.28 ^ ’ No. 83 }^. No. 834—Walnut, Japanned Panel, hand painted, 20x7.per dozen, $7.80 I ( 1 t I j No. I X No. 84^. 84|—Walnut, Japanned Panel, hand painted, 24x7 per dozen, $9.00 % ■! •i J SKE 331SCOXJNT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 351 CLOCK SHELVES. No. 11. No. 11—Full Etony and Gilt Finish, 20x6...^.per dozen, 14.50 85 and 85Ji. No. 85—Imitation Ebony, Panel in Metal Finish, 16x6. 854—Imitation Mahogany Panel, in Metal Finish, 16x6 per dozen, |4.80 4.80 No. 87. No. 87—Imitation Ebony, Panel in Metal Finish, 22x7. ...dozen, |9.00 SEE EISCOUlSrT SHEET. 352 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. SIDE BRACKETS. i • No, 39. ■ .W . No. 39—Imitation Ebony, 12x13, per dozen, $5.76 Nos. 2i]4 and 24J4. No, 24J—^Imitation Walnut,-11x18, per dozen, 24|— Mahogany, 11x18, “ 1 I $2.50 2.50 No. 445!4. No. 445^—Carved Walnut, 18x7^, per dozen, $7.80 | No. 547^—Walnut, 21x9 SKK i:)iscotJNrr No. 647^. per dozen, $11.52 t GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 353 MATCH SAFES. No. 74. Nos. 120J^ and ]20}^. No. 76]4. No. 74—Ebony and gilt, 6ix6i, per dozen, $1.30 No. 120i—Walnut, 10x10, per dozen, $3.50 130i—Mahogany, 10x10, per dozen, 3.50 No. 76^—Walnut, 5x7, per dozen, $1.08 CORNER BRACKETS. No. 423^. Nos 58 and 581^. No. 548. No. 43^—Walnut and gilt, lOixOi, per dozen, $3.50 No. 58—Ebony and gilt, 33ix8, per dozen, $9.00 58^—Walnut and gilt, 33ix8, per dozen, 9.00 No. 548—Ebony and gilt, 13ix8, per dozen, $5.76 SEE EISCOXJlSrT SHEET. 354 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO COMB CASES. No. 814 . Comb Case and Towel Rack combined. No. 84—Imitation Walnut, Ebony and Gilt, 20x7.per dozen, 16.80 Nos. 235, 235J^ and 235%. No. 235—Imitation Ebony.per dozen, $1.25 2354 — “ Mahogany... “ 1.25 2354 — Walnut. “ 1-25 No. 20 ^. No. 19. No. 20|—Imitation Walnut and Gilt, per doz.$2.50 | No. 19—Ebony and Gilt, 12x10, per doz.$2.50 SKK I3ISCOUNT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 355 CABINETS. Nos. 2068 and 200814 . No. 2068—This elegant New Cabinet is 16x24, with 9x17 door; has three shelves, lock and key; is finished in Ebony; fine rubbed finish....each, $ 2.00 No. 201834—Imitation Mahogany, as above.each, 2.00 Nos. 2101 . 210134 and 2101 %. No. 2101—This elegant Cabinet is finished in Ebony, polished finish. Size 22x29. Door of Cabinet has lock and key, and 10x10 French Plate. It has five shelves, and is made in a first- class manner.each, $5 65 No. 210134 —Imitation Mahogany, as above.each, 5.65 No. 2101%—Solid Oak, as above.each, 6.65 Nos. 2191 and 219134. No. 2191—New Corner Cabinet, rubbed finish, Ebonv. Door, 8x16, with lock and key. Shelf inside Size, 19x26.each $1.65 No. 2191>/f ^I'litation Mahogany, same as above.each’ 1.66 ^o^. 2187. 218734 aud 2187%. No. 2187—Cabinet. Pretty goods and cheap. Made in imitalion Ebony and fitted with a 7x9 French Plate Mirror, bevel edge, and’ lock and key. Price.each. $2.90 No. 218734—Imitation Mahogany, as above.each 2.90 No. 2187%—Solid Oak, as above.each' 2 90 356 GIBSON, PABISH & CO., CHICAGO. BOOK SHELVES. No. 93J4 S. Showing style of Nos. 94^4 S and 95M S. I X 22, 2 shelves, as cut. t V 28. 3 “ like “ 93i. 934. No 3. 54 and 541^. No. 54 —Ebony and Gilt, 23 x 23|, three shelves. 54 |_Walnut “ “ 23 x 23J, “ “ . each, $0.85 “ .85 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 357 BOOK SHELVES. .> Nos. 97Ji aod 97}^. No. 97i—Isanew^and elegant Book Shelf, made in Imitation Mahogany; sides and shelves made of inch lumber and very strong. Size, 54x32x.y. Price, K. D., only.eac , 97|—Imitation Walnut, as above.. SEE DISCOUNT' SHEET. 358 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. TOILET CASES. With Match Safe, Comb Case and Towel Rack. No. 57—Imitation tbony, Case 22x12; Glass, TxC. each, $0.75 No. 102—Imitation Ebony, 18x6 Shelf on top, 9x7 in door, two 19 inch Towel Rollers full .-ize 18.\15i,.each, |0.90» 102i— “ Mahogany '• “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ . “ 0.90 SEK EISCOETSnL' SHEET. GIBSON", PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 359 TOILET CASES. 152 S. No. 152 S—Imitation Ebony and Gilt, 12x19.per dozen, $6.00 No. 2^4. No. 133 S. No. 2|—Imitation Walnut and Gilt, case 12x20, Glass 7x9.each, $0.65 No. 133 S—Walnut, Ebony and Gilt, size 15x25J, Glass 8x10.. .per doxen, $12.00 SKE I3ISCOUNT SHEET. 3(50 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WALL POCKETS. No. 2000%. No. 2000|—Solid Oak, Emloss^d Panel, 20x18 each, $0.95 No. SOI. No. 4. No. 551—Old Metal Finish, 19|x8|... .each, $1.90 | No. 4—Imt.Walnut, Ebony and Gilt, 12x20,each, $0.65 skp: discount sheet. GIBSON, PAEISH & CO., CHICAGO. 361 WALL POCKETS. No. 220| S—Antique Oak, 22 x 24 each, $0.90 Nos. 97 S and 97^ S. No. 97 S—Imitation Ebony, 20x16. 97^ S— “ Mahogany, 20x16. each. $ 1.00 1.00 No. 156 S. No. 156 S—Ebony finish, gilt engravings, hand painted, 20x18.each, $0.80 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 302 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WALL POCKETS. No. 2047. No. 2047—Imitation Ebony, 13x14.each, $0.45 No. 2067—Imitation Ebony, 19^x20 s V each, $0.90 SEE XJlSCOElSrX SHEEX. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO sm WALL POCKETS. No. 2033. No. 2033.—Imitation Ebony, 17x20 . each, $0.60 No. 204—Imitation Ebony, Bronze Panel, 20^x26^ each, $0.65 SEK DISCOUNT" SHEET 364 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. MUSIC HOLDERS. Nos. 1012 anil 1012^. No. 1012—Entirely New Music Holder, Ebony and Gilt finish. The sides are fitted with elegant new panels of heavy relief work, made by a new process; design artistic. They are sent K. D.; can be set up in a short time. .Size, 10x19x35.each, $2.30 No. 1012^—Mahogany finish as above. “ 2.30 SKK DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 365 MUSIC HOLDERS. / Nos. 1013 and 1013J4- No. 1013—This New Music Holder is furnished in Size, 10x19x35. Sent K. D. 10134—Imitation Mahogany, as above. Imitation Ebony and Gilt; Elegantly Carved. ...each, $2.50 each, 2.50 SEE EISCOXJNT SHEET. 366 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. FANCY STANDS. "VV OOD. W OOD, Wood. Nos. UV/i and Um. No. 167^—Walnut, Entirely New Stand, with top 11^x11^ inches, and 32 inches high. Shipped K. D. Qply.each, $1.60 No. 167^—Mahogany, same as above .each, $1.60 No. No. No. 133^—New Walnut Stand, with 3 deer- heads; top, 12 inches; height, 31 inches; shipped K D. only.each, $1.75 No. 13H—New Walnut Stand, with chain; top, 12 inches; height, 31 inches; shipped K. D. only.each, $1 SKE loiscoxjisr'r siiEK^r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 367 FANCY STANDS Wood. No. 64J—Walnut, the “Old Reliable, ” the best in the market for the money, top, 14 in.; height, 32 in.each, $0’. 90 Wood. No. 106514. No. IO 654 —Imitation Mahogany. Top, 12 in.; height, 32 in.each, $0.65 FOLDING TABLES. No. No. 3a—Centennial. With Yard Measure. Height, 25 inches. Size, 24x36 inches. 3a,—Striped Top, oiled and finished.. each, $2.50 | No. No. 2—Eureka. With Yard Measure. Height, 25 inches. Size, 18x36 inches. 2—Striped Top, oiled and finished, .each, $0.90 SEE IDISCOTJN'l' SHEET. 368 GIBSON, PARISH &- CO., CHICAGO FANCY STANDS. Brass. Brass. Brass. No. IH- Same table as No. 1, with fancy embossed smoking set of three pieces, as shown in above cut. Price, each.$3.10 No. 1. 31 inches high, top 11 inches in diameter, rope tubing center, hammered brass top, cast brass feet. No. 6. 31 inches high, top 12 inches in diameter, heavy polished tubing standards, hammered brass top, cast brass feet. Price, each $2.50 Price, each $4.25 SEE EISCOTJISrT SHEET, 369 >• GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. . I PILLOW SHAM HOLDERS. No. 1—Witli Japanned Inside Brackets.per dozen, $7.20 2_Witli Nickel Plated Outside Brackets. 3—With Bronzed Iron Outside Brackets.. 9.60 8.40 FOLDING LAP BOARDS. VIEW WHEN OPEN VI EW WH EN .CLO S E D. No. 2 . No. 2—Walnut and Whitewood, folding. .per dozen, '$10.80 ALARM TILLS. LAP BOARDS. Yaku Measure. No. 1 . No. 5 . Universally Used. No. 5—Alarm Till. Striped, Oiled, Finished and Polished, each, $2.00 I No. 1—20x36 inches.per dozen, $8.40 SEE EISCOXINT SHEET. 370 GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. BOOT RESTS. FOR BLACKING CASES. No. 1. No. 1—Japanned Iron.per dozen, $1.20 BOOT JACKS. No. 4. No. 4—Japanned Iron per dozen, $1.50 TATUM’S IMPROVED LETTER:BOX FOR HOUSE AND OFFICE USE. FROM NEW PATTERNS. Is much superior in workmanship and design to all others previously on the market. It has plenty of room inside, is provided with a receptacle for papers on its upper lid, and is rain proof. The padlock, being of brass, will not rust with exposure, as do the ordinary iron ones. With its removable sheet iron back, the box is also readily adapted for use upon the inside of doors. The Post Office Department having recommended such boxes by reason of their great saving to the car¬ riers in the delivery of mail matter, the demand for them has been largely increased. Price, with Brass Padlock. i or SlOK lOlSCOTJJsT' SPIIGKX. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 371 STEP LADDERS. No. 25.. No. 25—HeigM, feet.... Price, each. 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 .50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.20 n 1.40 14 2.50 No. 35—With Extension Shelf Closed. No. 35—Height, feet. Price, each. 6 No. 35—With Extension Shelf Open. 7 8 10 12 14 $0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 2.70 SEE EISCOXIdSTT SHEET. 16 3.00 16 3.20 372 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ♦ I CLOTHES BARS. No. 70—5 Feet High and 20 Stretchers. 60 Feet of Hanging Surface. I Mo. 00.per dozen, SO. 00 | No. 70—Made of Basswood.per dozen, $9.00 SKK TJISCOL:>7'r SIIKKT. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. ' « 373 CLOTHES BARS. Patented December 18, 1883. Latest and Best in the Market; Made of Ash and Well Tinished; Standards Stained; Malleable Iron Hinge and Tinned; Strongest Hinge Ever Patented; Large Drying Surface. J^o. 81—5 Feet, 4 Sections per dozen, $12.00 No. 1—5 Feet High, Drying Capacity 60 Feet. i ' 1—Made of Kiln Dried Maple per dozen, $7.20 SEE EISCOUNT sheet. 374 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, CARPET SWEEPERS. THE CASTLE. This Sweeper has no superior. It is handsome, durable and cheap. No. 1—Castle Sweeper.. .each, $1.75 THE AURORA. No. 1—Aurora Sweeper..each, $2.50 No. 5—Bissel each, $1.50 | No. 1—Ladies’ Friend each, $1.50 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 875 CARPET SWEEPERS. THE EXCELSIOR Has fine Japanned Trimmings which will not rust or tarnish, Rubber Furniture Protector, Automatic Dump and Self-Supporting Handle. Is very light running, with wheels inside of solid case secure from harm. Price.each, $2.25 THE HOUSEWIFE’S DELIGHT The best and most durable cheap sweeper made. The novel End Dump beats the world for simplicity and effectiveness. Has Adjustable Brush and cannot sfet out of order. Price. THE GARLAND Has four wheels with self-adjusting brush. Revolving Dust Pans, discharging sweepings by simply pressing on a spring; Artistically Hand Decorated; is durable, and took the only Gold Medal awarded on Carpet Sweepers at the New Orleans Exposition. Price.each, $2.00 Price. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. Combines every desirable feature, having four wheels enclosed in solid case. Nickel Plated Trim¬ mings, Handsomely Hand Decorated, Self Support¬ ing Handle, Rubber Furniture Protector, and Auto¬ matic Discharge of Sweepings with simple lever device. It is equal, if not superior, to any made. .each, $2.75 THE PARLOR QUEEN 376 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO WOVEN WIRE DOOR MATS. PATENT APPLIED FOR. The cleanest and the most satisfactory Mats ever produced. They are self-cleaning, the dust and dirt sifting through out of sight, where it cannot be tracked into the house. Our Mats are made of Steel Wire and thoroughly galvanized, thus making them rust proof. They are reversible, both sides being woven exactly alike. With a woven border, it is light and has all of the flexibility of the rubber mat and twice its durability —especially adapted for household use. No. 2—Dimension, inches. 16 x 24 18 x 30 22 x 36 26 x 48 30 x 48 36 x 48 Price each. $2.00 2.25 3.25 5.00 5.75 7.25 Special sizes made to order. No. 1—With Border. No. 1—Dimension, Inches. 16 x 24 18 x 30 22 x 36 26 x 48 Price each. $2.50 3.00 4.00 5.75 Special sizes made to order. 30x48 36 X 48 6.50 8.00 ."V sicb: loiscoTJN'r SHEK'r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 377 THE HANDY TRUCK. TRUCKS. WAREHOUSE AND STORE TRUCKS. CARPET TRUCKS. No. 11. For General Use. Price.each, $2.50 Number. Length of Handle. Width. Diam of Wheel. Price Each. Half Ironed. 3 ft. 11 in. 19 in. 6 in. 87 00 Full “ 3“ 11 “ 19 “ 6 “ 8 00 Half “ 4 “ 2 “ 20 “ vy* “ 9 00 Full “ 4 “ 2 “ 20 “ 1% “ 10 00 « ii 4 “ 6 “ 22 “ 10 “ 15 00 No. 10. With Rubber^Tire on Wheels. >rice .each, $10.50 WOOD WORKERS’ TRUCKS. No. 20. The above cut Fu—"ten“ialir»a7e"S'oa°7 20—30 inches wide, 5 feet long. SEE EISCOEISTT __ _ .each, $15.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. - CARVED WOOD ROSETTES. Carry only Walnut in Stock; other Woods to order on Short Notice. No. 3. No. lOOO. 1 inch diameter. W alnut.. $0.30 No. 1000— Walnut, If inch diameter. .per 100, .65 If “ i i i i .35 1000— 1* “ i6 i i .70 IJ “ H i . a .40 1000— << 13 i 6 a .85 If “ i i a i ( .45 1000— “ 2 “ i i i i .90 2 “ • < a (( .50 1000— “ 2f “ a i 1.10 Ol (( n (( .70 1000— “ 3 “ i i a 1.65 3 “ 6t a a 1.00 1000— “ 3f “ i < i i 2.00 No. 825. No. 1406. No. 825—W’^alnut, 2 inches diameter, .per 100, $1.35 825— “ 2J “ “ .. “ 1.85 825— “ 3 “ “ .. “ 2.45 No. 1406—Walnut, If inches diameter, per 100, $1.00 1406— “ 2 “ “ “ 1.10 SEE DISCOUNT SHEET, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 379 STAMPED NATURAL WOOD ROSETTES. Carry only Walnut in Stock; other Woods to order on short notice. Cut of Nos. 322 to 331. Diameter. Per 100 No. 322— finch.$0.60 323— 1 75 324— If “ . 1.00 325— H “ . 1-25 326— 11 “ . 1.50 327— 2 “ 2.00 328— 2f “ . 2.50 329— 21 “ 3.00 330— 21 3.50 331— 3 “ 4.00 No. 396. No. 396—1^ inches square, per 100, $2.25 Cut of No. 440 to 444. Diameter. Per 100 No. 440—41 inches.$20.00 442—31 “ 12.00 444—21 “ 7.00 No. 450. No. 450—1| inches square, per 100, $2.00. Cut of Nos. 420 to 426. Diameter. Per 100. No. 420—IX inches.$1.50 4^1—2| “ 2.50 422— 21 “ 3.00 423— If “ 1.25 424— 14 “ . 1.00 425—3f “ 4.00 No. 377. No. 377—24 inches, corner or¬ nament, per 100, $1.50 Cut Nos. 452 to 458. No. 452—If inches square 454— 21 “ 455— 3 “ 456— 3f “ 458—31 “ per 100, $3.00 4.00 5.00 . “ 6.00 8.00 No. 359—If inches square 360—11 “ 397— 2 398— 2f “ 399— 2f ‘‘ 406—3 per 100, $1.75 “ 2.00 “ 2.50 “ 3.00 3.50 “ 5.00 SEE EISCOXJlSrT SHEEU?. 380 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO STAMPED NATURAL WOOD BORDERS AND PANELS. Carry only Walnut in Stock; other Woods to order on short notice. No. 337. Nos. 382 and 394. No. 382—Size 4ix2| inches, Sunflower per 100, $ 9.00 xi,^ qq^ i-s o • v ^ nrw 394—Size efxSl “ “ “ 15 00 No. 33/—Size l|x8 inches. Panel-per 100, $0.00 15.00 skp: D1SC0U>7T shickt. pernOO, $10.00 per 100, $10.00 “ 12.00 per 100, $14.00 No. 371. No. 371—Size 12x1^ inches. Border or Panel. No. 349. No. 349—Size 12x1^ inches. Panel and Continuous Border 375— “ llixll “ “ “ No. 470. No. 470—Size 15x11 inches, Border or Chair Back. No. 351. No. 351—Size8^x|in. Border or per 100, $4.00 Nos. 383 and 384. No. 383—Size 6 x2|^ inches. Panel, per 100, $10.00 384—Size 8|x2| “ “ “ 15.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 381 CABINET MOULDINGS. ■ Carry only Walnut in stock. Other woods to order on short notice. No. 3—Center. No. 3—Center Moulding ^ inch... per 100 ft., $0.90 3—Center Moulding, | inch... per 100 ft., 1.00 3—Center Moulding, f inch...per 100 ft., 1.20 3—Center Moulding, | inch... per 100 ft., 1.30 3—Center Moulding, 1 inch... per 100 ft., 1.50 No. No. 1—0. G. 1—0. G. Moulding, ^ inch...per 100 ft., $0.90 1—0. G. Moulding, | inch...per 100 ft., 1.00 1—O. G. Moulding, | inch.. .per 100 ft., 1.20 1—O. G. Moulding, ^ inch... per 100 ft., 1.30 1—O. G. Moulding, 1 inch. . .per 100 ft., 1.50 No. 2. O. G. Bead. No. 2..0. G. Bead, ^ inch, .per 100 ft., $0.90 -O. G. Bead, f inch, . .. .per 100 ft., 1.00 -O. G. Bead, f inch, .per 100 ft., 1.20 -O. G. Bead, § inch, .per 100 ft., 1.30 -O. G. Bead, 1 inch, ..... per 100 ft., 1.50 2 —( 2 —( 2 —( CARVED HEARSE PLUMES. i No. m. No. 134—Size 6 x 14 inches. Soft wood, in the white.. PERFECTION WIN DOW C LEANER Numbers. Length, inches Price, each.. .. 1 7 $0.30 2 9 .35 3 10 .40 4 5 6 12 14 18 .45 .50 .75 SEE EISCOinSTT SHEET. 382 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, PERFORATED WOOD CHAIR SEATS. Size, inches. 10 Ist Quality Walnut, each $0.14 2nd “ “ “ .32 Ist “ Birch “ .11 2nd “ “ “ .10 2nd Quality SQUARE SEATS. 11 12 13 14 15 .15 .17 .20 .22 .25 .13 .15 .17 .19 .21 .12 .13 .15 .17 .19 .11 .12 .13 .14 .16 always sent when order does not 16 17 18 20 22 24 .28 .32 .35 .42 .50 .60 .24 .28 .31 .37 • • • • • • .21 .24 .27 .32 00 CO .45 .18 .21 .24 .28 • • • • • • specify otherwise. BALL TOP SEAT. ENGLISH COTTAGE SEAT. No. 3. Size, inches. 14 No. 3—Walnut.per seat, $0.19 3—Birch. “ 0.14 15 0.21 0.16 No. 4. No. 4—15 inches. Walnut.per seat, $0.21 4—15 inches, Birch. “ 0.16 CROWN DINING SEAT. Size, inches. 15 16 No. 5—Walnut.per seat, $0.21 0.24 5—Birch. “ 0.16 0.18 GRECIAN SEAT. No. 6. Size, inches. 14 15 No. 6—W alnut.per seat, $0.19 0.21 6—Birch. “ 0.14 0.16 SKK loiscou^T'r snicK^r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 383 PERFORATED WOOD CHAIR SEATS. No. 7—18 inches, Birch Per seat, $0.31 CHILD’S HIGH CHAIR SEAT. No. 1—12 inches, Birch.per seat, $0.12 1—12 inches. Walnut. “ 0.15 STOOL SEAT. No. 2—ll.inxjhes, Birch.per seat, $0.11 2—11 inches. Walnut. “ -13 Size, inches Birch...... Walnut...., PERFORATED CHAIR BACKS. . 14 X 20 15 X 22 .Price, each, $0.34 .40 .40 .50 16 X 24 .45 .55 J inch diameter o << tt HARWOOD IMITATION LEATHER SEATS. Handsome and Softer than Wood—Maroon Color. Size, inches. 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 Per seat.$0-30 .23 .25 .28 .30 .35 .40 .50 Carry only the Square Hardwood Seats in stock. Can furnish any pattern cut to shape in quantities. CHAIR CANE—ALL OF BEST QUALITY. No- 1 -Fine Chair Cane.per hank. 10.60 1—Medium Chair Cane. 1—Coarse Chair Cane. 1—Binding Cane. ROUND CANE OR RATTAN For Edging Upholstery Work. per lb., $0.20 0.20 Any other size furnished to order. SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 884 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO LEATHER BELTING. Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting. In three qualities, all clear oak tanned and thor¬ oughly stretched. No. 1—“Non Porous,” strictly shortlapped. 2 — “Garden City,” “medium” lapped. 3 — “ Standard,” suitable for all light work. Price List oe Numbers 1, Width, in., 1 H li Per foot.. $0.09 .12 .15 .18 Width, in., 4 4^ 5 5^ Per foot..$0.45 .51 .57 .63 Width, in.. Per foot.. Width, in., Per foot.. Width, in.. Per foot.. 11 12 $1.29 1.41 ] 18 19 $2.26 2.42 24 26 $3.22 3.56 13 .per foot i TK 3.05 .07 .05 .09 .10 .12 A .14 .16 .20 .20 2, 3. Flat Belts. 2 24 2 i 2| 3 34 .21 .24 .27 . 30 .33 .39 6 7 8 9 10 .69 .81 .93 1.05 1.17 14 15 16 17 3 1.65 1.80 1.94 2.10 20 21 22 23 2.58 2.74 2.90 3.06 28 30 36 40 3.90 4.22 5.18 5.82 S. 4 1 1 .25 .36 .46 .72 .25 .30 .38 .53 Diameter, inches. Solid. Twist. RUBBER BELTING, FLAT STANDARD QUALITY. . 1 11111119 91 ^ ^1 4 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 Width mdies . 1 U 1. 1| 2 2, 3 3. 4 » ^3 52 . 1.08 1.28 1.501.70 ^ *0.21 .2^31 :3^ 42 . 47 . 1.54 1.78 2.02 Heavy 5 and 6 -ply Belts made to order, at an advance of twenty-five and fifty per cent respectively on ^'^^V^keep on hand all the odd half inches up to 6 inches at proportionate prices. CALCUTTA LACE LEATHER. RAW HIDE SIDES. MACHINE CUT LACING. Width, inches. •. i A f i ^ Per 100 feet.... $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.75 3.25 100 feet in a package. No. 1—Extra Grade in Sides.... .per sq. foot, $0.35 2—Standard Grade in Sides.. “ “ -80 A side contains about 15 square feet each. LACE LEATHER CUTTERS. No. 1—Lace Leather Cutters .... SPEED INDICATORS. Either Right or Left. No. 1—Full Size. No. 1 — Double 2—Single. SKii] ulscoiTisr'r shicet. each, $1.50 “ 1.00 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 385 BELT HOOKS. POINTED. Cut No. 4. Nos 5 Size, indies, outside measurement. Per 1000. 6 7 8 9 10 . 1| H If 1 $14.00 11.00 8.50 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.50 Nos. Per 100. 6 ,60 » 00 . BLAKE’S BELT STUDS. , 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 $2.50 2.00 1.65 1.25 .90 .80 .70 TOOLS FOR BLAKE’S BELT STUDS. Blake’s Belt Awls. Blake’s Small Belt Cutters, for Leather Belts. “ -90 Blake’s Large Belt Cutters, for Eubber Belts. ‘‘ 1-25 Full Size Cuts. 14 in., No. 8 . 5-16, No. 8. BELT RIVETS AND BURS. M6,No... S4N0.8. 9-16, %, N.. 8. 11-16, No. 8. Burr^So.», No. 8. Length, inches.. ]^Q §.per pound, . oo q . “ -52 . “ .54 COPPER RIVETS AND BURS. 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 10 .50 .52 .54 .50 .50 .52 .52 .54 .54 1-2 .50 .52 .54 9-16 .50 .52 .54 5-8 .50 .52 .54 11-16 .50 .52 .54 RIVET SETS AND HEADERS, V V Wrought Iron, Case Hardened. 1 ^ 0 . 8—Suitable for No. 8 Eivets. . 9—Suitable for No. 9 Eivets. . 10—Suitable for No. 10 Eivets. per dozen, $5.00 “ 5.00 5.00 SEE EISCOITISrT SHEET. 386 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BABBITT-METAL. MELTING LADLES. SOLDERING GASKETS. 3 2.00 3i 4 2.75 3.25 Diameter of Bowl, inches. 2^ Per dozen. $1.90 No. 1. A Casket contains Soldering Iron, Scraper, Solder, Soldering Salts, and full directions. No. 1—Per dozen. No. 1. $ 12.00 SEK SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 387 OIL CANS. We are patentees and sole manufacturers of the following PATENT OIL CANS, which will be found to possess superior merit and excellent selling qualities. Dealers in Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Wooden and Willow Ware, aroceries. Crockery and Lamps, Drugs, General Merchandise and 0%l, should not fail to give them a trial. They excel all others. The “New Mikado” Siphon Oil Can and Lamp Filler. THE BEST, SAFEST NEATEST and most CONVENIENT Family Oil Can made. It requires NO LIFTING, the lamp being placed on top of the can to be filled. There is no pumping, as it is operated according to the Siphon principle, by which a steady, ample flow of oil is produced simply by raising and slowly pressing down the piston or plunger, consequently there is no splashing as with the so-called pump cans, which require rapid pumping to force out the oil. The “New Mikado ” Can is made by competent, experienced workmen. The materials used are of the very best quality, and every can is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory, so that purchasers are sure to get an A1 article. Cans not perfect in every respebt will be exchanged at our expense. Should the piston get out of order, which is the only part liable to suffer by constant and long use, it can easily be re¬ paired at a trifling cost, as the construction of the can will show. It has an adjustable filling tube, so that it can be used with any size lamp. NO DRIPPING, NO WASTE, NO SOILING OF HANDS OR CLOTHES. It Makes the Filling of Lamps a Pleasure. TRADE PRICES : Tin, with handsome Veneer Jacket, 3 gallon, ^ dozen in crate (These are the best sellers.) Tin, without Jacket, 1 gallon, 1 dozen in crate. i i i 6 to i ( 1 ( i 6 i a i 6 i i CO ( i 1 2 6 ( i 6 i ( 5 ( ( 1 O 6 i ( i Galvanized Iron, 10 gallon, ^ “ . LIBERAL TERNIS TO JOBBERS. 3^^ Correspondence from parties disposed to make special efforts in solicited. Attractive advertising matter furnished gratis. per dozen, $15.00 . “ 18.00 per dozen, $7.00 “ 9 00 12.00 , “ 15.00 24.00 behalf of these Cans respectfully SEE DISCOUNT SHEET. 388 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. CARPET TACKS. WE DESIRE TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to the NEAT, ATTRACTIVE and CONVENI¬ ENT manner in which we are now packing assorted sizes of CARPET TACKS. TO RETAIL FROM The above illustration shows the style and appearance of packages attractive to find a prominent place on the counters of retail dealers in this which are sufficiently class of goods. The large business we have done and are still doing with Carpet Tack buyers places us in a superior position to arrange assortments to suit all classes of buyers. With that in view we have them put up in the following manner: PRICE LIST OF FLAT HEAD TINNED CARPET TACKS. These 144 Papers in Wooden Selling at 6c. per Paper you will Box WILL Cost you Make a Profit per Box of Assortment V 'S^S 7^ U ounces papers. ....$3.80. i ( w A it ounces papers. .... 3.85. . 3.35 i i X ounces papers • • • .. .. 3.95. . 3.25 i t Y 4^8 U 12 ounces 2 4 papers • • .... 4.00. . 3.20 i ( Z 8 7-? ounces .... 4.00. . 3.20 i 6 3 rfr ounces .... 3.30. . 3.90 i i 5 tIt ounces .... 3.85. .3.35 i ( 7 iYp ounces . 3.05 4 i 9 \ 2 ounces 4 4 P papers • • . 2.50 Can supply on short notice, either Oval Head Tinned, Oval Head Blued or Flat Head Blued, put up in same manner and at same price as above. sp:ic loiscou^TTL' siikp:x. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 389 SPRINGS- WE NOT ONLY MANUFACTURE ALL SIZES ANDJSTYLES OF Furniture, Tilting Chair and Rocker SPRINGS But we Manufacture Springs for all kinds of WOOD-WORKING, Metal-Working -AND— AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. Made of Flat, Square and Round Steel of all Grades, Shapes and Sizes. We are prepared this work in any quantity. SEND SAMPLE OR DRAWING OF WHAT IS WANTED SEE EISCOXJJ^T SHEET. 390 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO UPHOLSTERERS’ SPRINGS. FOR LOUNGES, SOFAS, CHAIRS, ETC. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Gauge of Wire. 11 11 11 m m 10 n Weight per gross.lbs., 18 22 25 34 38 49 61 Height.inches, 5 6i 00 9i 101 12 BESSEMER UPHOLSTERERS’ SPRINGS,per lb.,$0.07 .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 .06 TEMPERED STEEL UPHOLSTERERS’ SPRINGS . 0.10 .10 .10 .09 .09 .09 • .09 CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL UPHOLSTER¬ ERS’ SPRINGS. “ .16 .16 . 15 .15 .15 .15 FOR KNOTTED SPRINGS ADD 1 CENT PER POUND, NET. Nos. ^ Gauge of Wire. 2 Qi Weight per gross.. ^hs., 36 .inches, ,7 TEMPERED STEEL, SQUARE EDGE, UPHOLSTERERS’ SPRINGS.per lb., $ 0.12 CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL, SQUARE EDGE, UPHOL¬ STERERS’ SPRINGS. 10 2 3 4 5 104 10 10 94 42 52 56 64 8 9 10 11 .12 .12 .12 .12 .16 .16 .16 .16 SEK ruSCOtJJs^T SHKE'r, GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 391 . \ PILLOW SPRINGS. Pillow Spring. BESSEMER PILLOW SPRINGS. . 14 15 16 41 4J .$1.50 1.50 1.50 1 1 J i TEMPERED STEEL PILLOW SPRINGS. • . 14 15 16 41 . $2.00 2.00 2.00 1 Number of Wire. Height, inches.. Per gross. BESSEMER HALF PILLOW SPRINGS. 14 3 $1.50 15 3 1.50 TEMPERED STEEL, HALF PILLOW SPRINGS. 14 3 Number of Wire. Height, inches. $9 00 Per gross. SQUARE EDGE BESSEMER STEEL PILLOW SPRINGS. 14 4* Number of Wire. Height, inches. Per Gross. SQUARE EDGE TEMPERED STEEL PILLOW SPRINGS. Number of Wire. Height, inches... Per gross. 14 4i $ 2.00 SEE ElSCOXTlSn: SHEET. 15 3 2.00 15 4i 1.75 15 4i 2.00 392 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. i BED BOTTOM SPRINGS. FLYNN’S PATENT SPRINGS. No. 40—Self-Fastening. No. 40—Bessemer Steel.Barrel lots, per dozen, $0.50 40— ‘ “ .In less than “ “ “ .60 TWIN SPRINGS. No. 80—Bessemer Steel, made of No. 10 Wire, 5 inches high, 8 lbs. to set of 24.per pound, $0.08 SOLID COMFORT SPRINGS. CENTENNIAL SPRINGS. Made of No. 12^ Wire, 4| inches high, weigh 11 lbs. to the gross. No. 50—Bessemer Steel.per lb., CENTER HALF SPRINGS. Made of No. 11 Wire, 4 inches high, : weigh 24 lbs. to the gross. .08 I No. 90-—Bessemer Steel.per lb., GUEST SPRINGS. $0.08 Made of No. 10 Wire, 5^ inches high. Made of No. 9^ Wire, 4 inches high, weigh 32 lbs. to the gross. .^^eigh 36 lbs. to the gross. No. 70—Bessemer Steel.per lb., $0.08 No. 60—Bessemer Steel. per lb., $0.08 O' ■ 1 . SEE i3iscou?>r'r sheet'. GIBSON, PAKISH & CO., CHICAGO. 393 CHAIR LEG SPRINGS. FOR FRONT LEGS OF CHAIRS. Nos. 20 and 30. No. 20—Obern Bessemer Iron Cup Springs. 30— “ Japanned “ “ “ . Nos. 6 and 10. No. 5—Bessemer Steel 10—Black “ . per dozen pairs, $2.25 “ “ 2.75 per dozen pairs, $2.00 “ “ 2.50 CUSHION SEAT SPRINGS. No. 10—Bessemer Steel, made of No. 10 wire, 21 inches high 100—Tempered Steel, “ “ “ “ “ • per gross, $2.50 “ 3.00 SEE DISCOXJNT SHEE-^r. 394 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. WIRE. BESSEMER WIRE. Numbers. 0 to 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Price, per lb. $0.10 .11 .11 -llj -12^ .14 .14 .15 .16 BED SPRING LINKS. OLD STYLE. No. 5. 2-inch No. 5. 2-inch Inside Length, inches. 1^ 1^ If IJ If If 2 2f 2f 2| 2^ No. 5—Old Style, per lb.$0.12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 ,12 .12 .12 .12 NEW STYLE. No. 10—New style, per lb. $0.12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 2 12 2f 2f 2| 2i .12 .12 .12 .12 HOOP IRON. No. 20 GAUGE. No. 20 Gauge—width, | inch.per lb., $0.05 20 “ — “ 1 “ . «« 05 No. 22 GAUGE. No. 22 Gauge—width, | inch.•.per lb., $0.06 22 “ — “ 1 “ . .06 SEK I3ISCOXJNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 395 THE FOLLOWING PAGES WE HAVE DEVOTED TO OUR UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMERT, WHICH IS REPLETE WITH -FABRICS- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ^ OF BOTH Foreign and Domestic Manufacture. WE BUY ALL OUR GOODS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, AND OUR PRICES WILL BE FOUND AS LOW AS CAN BE MADE BY ANY JOBBING HOUSE IN THIS COUNTRY. Write us for Prices, send us your orders, or call on us, and we are confident that LOW PRICES ! HONEST GOODS ! PROMPT SHIPMENTS! WILL SECURE FOR US A GOOD SHARE OF YOUR PATRONACE. SEE EISCOXJNT SHEE^r. 396 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. PATENT ELASTIC FURNITURE FENDERS. FOK BACKS OF SOFAS, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, ETC. Full Size Cuts. No. L No. 2. No. 1—Mohair Plush Covered 2 — “ per gross, $14.00 17.00 No. 3. No. 3—Mohair Plush Covered.per gross, $24.00 The above are kept in stock in 3 colors. Green, Crimson and Claret. No. 0—Walnut, Plush Tipped, in Crimson and Claret only...per gross, $7.00 No 4—Door Stop. No. 4 —Mohair Plush Covered, in Crimson only . gj.Qgg ^ 9 q qq Other colors in all the above can be furnished on short notice. SEE DISCOTJIN^X SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 397 FURNITURE CORDS. KEPT IN ALL STANDAKD COLORINGS TO MATCH THE FURNITURE COVERINGS NOW USED. Cut of Ko. 70. No. 70 X—Silk, Plain and with Tinsel. . piece, 10.50 70—Silk, Plain and with Tinsel. • Leather Cords, to match any shade of leather.P®^ yard, . 30 Cut of No. 4. No. 4-Silk, Fancy Crepe.. .. 124—Chenille, with Tinsel, especially suited for Silk Plush work, very rich. “ 1.25 FURNITURE GIMPS. IN COTTON, SILK AND LEATHER. Flat Cotton.P®' “ 1 00 Flat Cotton, extra wide. “ .75 Imitation Silk, Black. “ 1 50 Silk Van Dyke. “ 75 Cotton Van Dyke. . .. “ 1.25 Silk Acme. “ 3.50 Silk Victoria. 5.00 Silk Antique. Silk Galloon, with Silk Chenille Center, for very fine work. “ Leather Gimp.P®" .03 Artificial Leather Gimp. , . .per piece, . 65 Leather Desk Edging. “ .50 Black Glazed Leather... The above Gimps are all of the best manufacture, and in the Antique, Victoria and Acme, we keep all the mixed and fancy colorings to match the Fancy Coverings used. All of the standard colorings kept in the other styles. jSEK discount sheet. 398 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO FURNITURE AND OTTOMAN TASSELS. PACKED THREE DOZEN IN A BOX. No. 10. No. 50. No. 150. No. 14. Turkish. No. 10—Worsted and Silk, length inches.per dozen, $0.75 50—Worsted and Silk, length, 5|-inches.. “ ' l!00 150—All Silk, length inches. . “ 2 50 II—Worsted and Silk, a Fancy Tassel, with rich Chenille Rosette. “ 1.50 Turkish, Worsted and Silk. < < 3 50 Leather, made to order only. DRAPERY TASSELS AND LOOPS. No.O.N.S.— Perdoz., $5.00 | No. 33— Per doz., $10.00 | No.lOOO—Perdoz., $3.50 [ No.516—Perdoz., $7.00 AVe keep these in all standard colors. Any special combination of colors made to order. SKE UISCOXJ^^T SHEE^r. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 399 BULLION AND FANCY FRINGES. Cut of Plain Bullion, 25 Yards to a Piece. Cut of Worsted and Tinsel Tassel Fringe. 3- inch Bullion, Wool.per yard, $0.12^ 4- inch Bullion, Wool. “ *15 6-inch Bullion, Wool. “ -30 Al l Silk and Worsted and Silk Bullion Fringes made to order. Cut of the Popular No. 3071 Worsted and Silk Fringe. In Fancy Chenille, Ball, Tassel, Drop and Curtain Edge Fringes, we keep one of the Choicest and most Complete lines to be found in any market, at very Low Prices. New Styles being received constantly; any Special Pattern or Combination of Colorings made to order on short notice. Samples furnished when desired. Leather Furniture Fringes, made to order only. SEE discount sheet. 400 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. UPHOLSTERY BUTTONS. THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN SOLID LEATHER BUTTON COMPANY’S LEATHER BUTTONS AND NAILS. Made of Solid Sole Leather to Match the Leather used for Upholstering Purposes. No. 40. No. 70. No. 111. No. 40—Button. 70—Button, 111—Button, . per gross, $0.36 .43 .86 No. 40—Nail 70—Nail 111—Nail We also keep in Stock a Complete Line of the following: Terry Buttons. Mohair Plush Buttons.. Silk Plush Buttons. Satine Buttons.•. Satin Buttons. Black Lasting Buttons. Raw Silk Buttons. Plush Tacks and Nails. Black Lasting Tacks and Nails. Felt Tacks. Japanned, Black Buttons. Japanned, Colored Buttons. Brass Buttons, Nos. 506 and 507. “ “ “511 . per 1000, 12.50 per 1000, 3.00 per 1000, 6.00 .per gross, $0.25 . “ .40 . “ .50 . “ .25 . “ .60 . “ .15 . “ .25 . “ .50 . “ .30 . “ .40 per great gross, 2.50 “ “ 3.50 .per gross, .75 . “ .60 Kept in Stock in all Standard Colors. Cotton Ball Cord. “ Line “ for House Shades. “ “ “ for Store Shades. “ Braided Cord, for Store Shades. .per dozen balls, $0.75 .per gross, . 60 . “ 1.50 per package of 192 yards, 2.00 SKK DlSCOUJC'r SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 401 WORSTED PICTURE CORDS IN BOXES. OSSAWAN MILLS No# 4 COLOES IN STOCK: Scarlet, Green, Crimson and Blue. These goods come put up in boxes as illustrated, and contain 30 yards to the box, and in quality 4 are equal to that of any made. FULL SIZE CUTS. No. 0. No. I. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Per Box. No. 0—Scarlet, Crimson, Green or Blue ....$0.50 No. 1— No. 2- No. 3— “ No. 5- No. 6— “ . No. 7— “ No. 8- .57 ... .75 “ _ 1.02 1.26 1.53 1.88 .... 2.18 “ _ 2.48 No. 8. SEE EISCOXJNT SHEEU'. 402 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. BED LACE AND PETERSHAM BINDING. Six Diamond, Common.gross, $0.60 “ “ Super. “ Blue and Bed Stripe. * * • “ “ “ Plain. ** f Petersham, in all staple colors. “ 2.00 TWINES. We keep the following in stock: No. 37—Mattress or Stitching.per lb., $0.65 252—Mattress or Stitching, Cable and Elm “ .55 252—Mattress or Stitching, G. P. & Co. “ -45 25—Superior.v.. “ -40 18—Medium. “ .22 4i—2-ply Spring. “ .17 6— 3-ply Spring. “ .17 7— 3-ply Spring. “ .16 ■ —3-ply Sail. “ .24 Jute Wrapping. .12 Wool. “ .08 Tarred Sisal or Lath Yarn. “ .11 Hay Sisal. “ .12 CARPET THREAD. Kept in stock in the following colors: DKAB, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK, RED AND ASSORTED. Piice.per lb., $0.85 MOSS, EXCELSIOR, TOW, FEATHERS. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES: HUSK, CURLED HAIR. WE ARE SOLE WESTERN AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN CURLED HAIR COMPANY, Whose goods have an established reputation and are second to none. All grades in Black, Gray and Bleached carried in stock, and prices are same as the manufacturers’. We solicit a trial order.* TUFTS. Large Leather.. ^OOO, $0.35 Small Leather.per 1000, .30 Blue and White Cotton. p^j. jqqO 60 Worsted Scarlet.. jqOo’, 1.25 If ordered in bulk, 2 cents per 1000 allowance on the Leather. Special ]>rices in large quantities. ./'V SEE IDISCOTJJ^T SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO 40 b PAWTUCKET HAIR CLOTH. “A” Quality, Black. “B” Quality, Black. Gray. Piece Price. Cut Price. Piece Price. Cut Price. Piece Price. Cut Price. 12 Inch.. .$0.40 $0.45 $0.40 $0.45 $0.45 $0.50 13 “ . ./i.42 .47 .42 .47 •.47 .52 14 “ ..;. .45 .50 .45 .50 .50 .55 15 “ . .48 .53 .48 .53 .52 .57 16 “ . .52 .57 • .52 .57 .56 .61 17 “ . .54 .59 .54 .59 .58 .63 18 . .56 .61 • .56 .61 .60 .65 19 “ . .58 .63 .58 .63 .62 .67 20 “ . .60 .65 .60 .65 .65 .70 21 “ . .62 .67 .62 .67 .67 .72 22 “ . .68 .78 .68 .78 .75 .85 23 “ . .72 .82 .72 .82 .80 .90 24 “ . .78 .88 .78 .88 . .85 .95 25 “ . .84 .94 .84 .94 .92 1.02 26 “ . .90 1.00 .90 1.00 .98 1.08 27 “ . .95 .1.05 .95 1.05 1.05 1.15 28 “ . . 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.20 29 “ . . 1.05 1.15 1.05 1.15 1.15 1.25 30 “ . . 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.30 31 “ .. . 1.20 1.30 • • • • .... 1.30 1.40 32 “ . . 1.40 1.50 • • • • .... 1.50 1.60 33 “ . . 1.55 1.65 .... .... .... • • • ♦ 34 “ . . 1.70 1.80 • • . . * • • • .... • • • • 35 “ . . 1.85 1.95 .... .... • • . • • • • • 36 “ . . 2.00 2.10 .... • • • . .... • • • . 10 yard cuts or over, of a width, will be invoiced at piece price. We handle these Goods direct from the Manufacturers, and guarantee as Low a Price as can be had from any house handling the same. They are the Best and most Uniform Cloths made. IMITATION HAIR CLOTH. About 60 yards to the piece. 50 inch. Black.per yard, $0.E0 ENAMELED Per Yard. 5-4 Black Pebbled Muslin.$0.17 5-4 Black Glazed Muslin.17 5-4 Black Imitation Rubber Muslin.17 5-4 Green Pebbled Muslin.23 5-4 Brown Pebbled Muslin.23 5-4 Red Brown Pebbled Muslin.-.23 5-4 Red Pebbled Muslin.30 5-4 Blue Pebbled Muslin.30 We keep the above constantly in stock. Any s notice. Pieces contain 12 yards. »IL CLOTHS. Per Yard. 6-4 Black Pebbled Muslin.$0.24 6-4 Green Pebbled Muslin...31 5-4 Black Pebbled Muslin, with Brown back.. .22 5- 4 Black Pebbled Drill.22 48 in. ‘Black Pebbled Drill.25 6- 4 Black Pebbled Drill.32 48 in. Green and Brown Pebbled Drill.36 5-4 Green Flock Cloth Muslin.37^ colors and widths can be made to order on short SEE EISCOXJNT SHEET". 404 GIBSON. PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. HEAVY FURNITURE LEATHER. About 55 feet to the hide. Machine Buffed, No. 1...'.per square foot, $0.20 “ “ No. 2. “ " .25 Hand .. “ “ 35 Hand Buffed, Embossed, Plain Colors. “ “ ftO “ “ “ Illuminated. We keep these Goods in all the Staple Colors, and do not sell any smaller quantity than half a Hide, and we guarantee every Hide to be full measurement Any special Color made to order. Special designs and sizes can be furnished in Set Patterns in both plain and illuminated colors; and Running patterns can be cut to sizes required, at a slight advance over above prices. LIGHT WEIGHT EMBOSSED LEATHER. In sides of about 25 feet. Running Patterns, in sides.square foot, $0.23 “ “ cut to size. ' * ^ Set Designs... * ^ ^ This is a very good substitute for heavy Embossed Leather, and can be used for Decorative and Uphol¬ stery purposes. Wall Decorations, etc. It consists of genuine thin Furniture Leather of best quality and is lined with heavy canton flannel, which gives it a firm yet flexible action, and is embossed in various attractive designs. Will be pleased to furnish samples on application. Made in 3 colors only. Light and Dark Maroon, and Olive. EVANS’ ARTIFIGIAL LEATHER. Pieces contain about 25 yards. Seal Grain, 36 inches wide.per yard, SO.90 Alligator Grain, 36 inches wide. “ .95 We carry the above in stock in all the Standard Colors. Special Shades will be furnished on application These goods are also made 50 inches wide (12 yards to the piece) at an additional cost of 35 cents per yard, and orders can be executed for this width on short notice. This is a Superior Article, and coming so much cheaper than Leather, and having proved itself to possess first-class wearing (pialities, we cheerfully recommend it. SEE DISCOE^TT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 405 FURNITURE FELTS, WINDSOR CLOTHS, ENGLISH FURNITURE CLOTHS. » In all Standard Colors used for Table and Desk Covers, Will give special prices on import orders for Furniture Cloths. Rubbing Felt for Polishing Wood Work...per pound, $1.50 . WEBBING. B, M., 3| inches.per piece, $0.80 B. F. M., inches. “ -85 L. M. C., inches. “ .90 Yellow Stripe, 3 inches. “ Red Stripe, 1| inches, extra heavy. “ 1.25 J., If inches. “ -80 BURLAPS. About 225 yards to a piece. Width, 40 inches. We keep in stock the following weights at Market Prices: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 ounce. Special Prices for Bale Lots of about 3,200 yards. BUCKRAM. 10 ounce...per $0.15 Price subject to change, as price of Burlaps change. This Buckram is Glue Sized, and is very smooth and firm. Suitable for Lining Draperies. WADDING. Blue Sheet....per dozen sheets, $0.25 Special Price in Bale Lots, which contain 40 dozen. t COTTON CLOTH. Unbleached.per yard, $0.05 Unbleached, heavier. Special Price in Bale Lots of about 1,000 yards. CAMBRIC. Kept in Stock in the following Colors: BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, RED AND MAROON. 3-4 Flat, Dead Finish....per yard, $0.05 Special Price in Case Lots of about 60 pieces. SEE X)ISCOU3Sra’ SHEET. 406 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. FOR 4 ^ FURNITURE COVERINGS 4 BUYERS Will find it greatly to their benefit to examine our stock before making their selections elsewhere, as we can show as choice a collection of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COVERINGS as can be found in this country, and at prices that defy legitimate competition. %?> % IN TAPESTRIES for Furniture Coverings and Draperies WE LAY JUST CLAIM to a complete stock in all grades and patterns, consisting of RAMIES, SPUN SILKS, SILK SILK AND WOOL PETIT POINTS, SILK BROCATELLES. CORDUROYS, VALOURS. DOUBLE FACE LINEN VALOUR, CHENILLE CROSS STRIPES, and Trimmings of every description to match. We are continually receiving new productions in this line in various materials, of the choicest designs, and finest colorings. Samples cheerfully furnished upon application. -HH- •►>«- -HH- -HH- 4^ STRIPED LINEN JACQUARDS, for loose Coverings, at lowest market prices. WOOL TERRIES, UNION TERRIES, MOHAIR DAMASKS. These are staple goods and very popular, owing to their durability. Prices and Samples Furnished when Requested. seje: CISCOsheet. GIBSON, PAEISH & CO., CHICAGO. 407 PLUSHES. A choice selection of beautiful shades, in all grades of SILK PLUSHES. PLAIN, EMBOSSED AND MARBLEIZED. WORSTED PLUSHES. PLAIN AND EMBOSSED IN ALL STAPLE COLORS. MOHAIR PLUSHES of every Description and in all Grades and Colors. PLAIN, EMBOSSEP AND CRIMPED. PRISE’ PLUSHES In Handsoroe Designs and Superior Qualities, in Running Patterns and Set Designs for CHAIR SEATS. PRINTED MOHAIR PLUSHES in the Choicest Colorings, in Set Designs, and Running Patterns. COTTON VELVETEENS, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED, IN 22 AND 28 INCH WIDTHS. All Staple Colors in Stock. MOQUETTES. These goods produce efPects unequaled by any other fabric of like cost and durability, are 54 inches wide and made in elegant colorings and choice designs, in running patterns and set designs for lounge seats and backs. We are also Importers of the Standard grade of 9-4 ENGLISH MOQUETTE In the well known 1416 F fancy colored flower pattern, which can constantly be found in our stock. New goods under this head are being brought out from time to time and can always be found in Stock as soon as they are in the Market. Samples of all the above will be Furnished on Application. SEK DISCOUNT SHEET. GIBSON, PARISH & 00., CHICAGOc 40 S ELECTROTYPES. AVe possess electrotypes of every thing shown in this hook. We receive daily requests for the loan of one or more of these; we ^vant to accommodate all; by loan- ino' we can not do so. It requires but 24 hours time to have duplicate electros made, therefore, in the future we will supply the trade with electros desired, at the rate of 30 cents each, the average cost, and will fill all orders for same within 24 houis after receipt of order. AVith this arrangement, parties obtaining electrotypes from us will become owners of them l)y an expenditure but slightly exceeding cost of returning same per mail or express if borrowed, and all are assured of getting promptly electros ordered from us. Yours truly, GIBSON, PARISH A CO., Chicago, III. SKE IDISCOUXU’ SHEEU'. GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. 409 Rocking Chair Tips. •0 20 DISCOUNT SHEET CIBSON, PARISH & CO.’S Page in Discount Catalogue. cent. 9 Bed Casters. 60 10 Bracket Bed Casters.50 & 10 11 Philadelphia and Plate Casters. 60 12 Socket Casters. • • . 60 ) to to y All on these pages. 40 10 I 17 Payson’s Iron and Brass Casters.60 & 10 “ “ Truck Casters. 60 18) to ( Mendenhall’s Casters, style No. 10. 60 21 \ « “ “ “ “ 17.60 & 10 « » “ “ “7.60 & 10 “ “ Piano.. 60 « “ “ Plate Nos. 470 to 481.60 & 10 “ “ “ “ “ 485 to 490 50 22 Fox Pattern Casters.• • '4^^ 23 Caput Casters.^6t 24 ) to V Bevel Wheel Casters. 60 27 ) 28 Soft Rubber Wheel Casters. ~0 29 Caster Rings. 60 30 Brass Legs, Nos. 1 and 10. ^5 “ “ “ “ 3, 5 and 7.20 “ “ “ “ 2. .63i « « « “ 4.30 « “ « \2 ... 10 “ Brass Caddy Feet .Net 31 Furniture Rests, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. 10 32 Rubber Tips and Furniture Fenders.... 20 33 Brass Butts, Narrow, Middle, Broad and Desk.. 75 “ “ “ Nos. 018 and 75. ”0 “ Plated “ “ 0118 “ 75.1.60 34 Brass Butts, Nos. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 130. 75 “ “ “ “ 74 and 75.i.10 “ “ “ “ 5, 6, 7, 216 and 217..Net 35 Stop Hinges, No. 50... 10 “ Fancy “ “ 1 and 3. 26 « « “ “ 4. . i.. .Net u « « “ 2... .1. ^ . 10 “ Card Table Hinges. fO “ Quadrant “ ... .. 'i^O 36 Conical Joint Butts/.^0, “ Stay or Support Hinges. 6bj “ Cast Brass Butts, Nos. 109 and 110|^. 33? 37 All on this page.65 38 Wrought Steel Butts, No. 837. 60 “ “ “ “ Nos. 840 and 804. 65 “ “ “ “ “ 286, 25 and 70..., ... 40 39 “ “ “ “ 726 and730. 60 II. “ “ “ “ ■ 828 and 830. 65 -‘I *■ .“ “ No. 240. 15 40 All on this page. 60 41 Door Springs, No. 1. -'O “ “ “ Nos. 14, 16 and 17. 10 “ Show Case Hinges, Nos. 11 and 120.40 42 Spring Hinges, Nos. 1. 3, 7 and 9. 49 « “ “ “ 20, 30, 12 and 13. 25 “ “ “ “ 86 and 83. 30 43 All on this page . t( ti (c (( • ... ou 45 Box Corners and Box Catches. 50 “ Box Locks and Picture Frame Corners . 19 46 All on this page.. • 47 Routing Machine.•'.+ “ Router Bits. 48 All on this page...V'. ' ^ 49 Routing Machine..t “ Router and Key Hole Bits. 50 Lock Carriage. 51 ) OOl to - All on these pages. 56 \ OF OCT. I, 1887, CATALOGUE FOR 1887. Page in Discount Catalogue. P®*" 57 Yale Locks with Corrugated Keys. 33^ “ Combination Locks.65 58) to >■ All on these pages. 63J^ 04 < < < ‘ ‘ . 35 65 1 & (. “ “ “ “ . 33J 66 ) 67 Iron Keys. “ Gilt Keys. 26 68 . 25 69 Escutcheons, all Nos. except 662 and 4256. 2o “ “ Nos. 662 and 4256.Net 70 “ “ 8iand37 . 25 « “ “ 4258, 4254, 4071 and 4105.Net “ “ “ 48, 72 and 470. 40 “ “ Brass Thread. 60 71 “ Nos. 1, 9 to 14, 16, 17 and 8. 20 « “ No. 2.'15 “ “ “ 3.33i “ “ Nos. 40 and 50. 40 “ “ No. 15.*.. 25 “ “ Nos. 5 and 7i. 30 “ * “ “ 6 and 7.Net 72 Drawer Pulls, Nos. 90 and 90i. 20 « “I “ . “ 78 “ 784.10 “ » “ “ 3134 and 317“. “ “ “ “ 494 “ 497. 84 “ “ “ “ 160 “ 1604. 30 « “ “ “ 1003, 1002, 999 and 998. 25 73 “ “ No. 657. 20 “ “ “ Nos. 923 and 924.. 40 « “ “ “ 524 “ 525. 50 73 “ “ “ 881 “ 880. 374 « “ “ “ 926 “ 925. 25 “ « “ “ 069 “ 070. 10 74 “ “ “ 634 “ 633. 20 « « “ “ 57 “ 56 25 « “ “ “ 296 “ 295. 10 « “ “ “ 4116 16| 75 “ “ “ 707 “ 626.Net “ “ “ “ 345 Gilt and Antique. 20 'in •• •• .20 78 “ “ “ 590, 591, 618 and 617.Net “ “ “ “ 679 and 680. 25 79 “ “ “ 4214 . 16 « « « “ 4051. 40 “ “ “ “ 4019 and 4018.20 80 “ “ “ 2001. 20 « “ “ “ 681 and 682. 15 « « « “ 674. 30 81 “ “ “ 4070 and 361. 25 « « “ • “ 10 33 82 “ “ “ 336 and 384. 404 « « « “ 961. 50 83 “ “ “ 4011 and 4061. 25 “ “ “ “ 4230, 4229, 4226 and 4225. 30 84 “ “ “ 772. 20 “ “ “ “ 700 and 351. 10 85 Desk Pulls, “ 53. 25 “ “ “ “ 51 and 52. « “ “ “ 176 “ 177. 164 « “ “ “ 1308. 20 86 Iron Drawer Pulls. 87 Lifting Handles, No. 486... “ “ “ all nos. except 486.bO “ Drawer Pulls, Wood.Net 88 Door Pulls, No. 1105. 6o « “ “ “ 3208. 65 « « « “ 4691. 60 89 Box Handles.Net 89 Plush Rings. “ Flush Handles. 410 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO. Page in Catalogue. Discount per cent. 90 91 92 93 Chest Handles. Drawer Knobs, Nos. 0 and 8. 30 “ “ “ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 30 “ “ “ 42.60 " “ “ 12 ’and ii’. 20 Door Pulls, Nos. 1, 3 and 4.20 Drawer and Shutter Knobs, Nos. 331.30 “ “ “ “ “ 231, 232, 225, 326 and 325... 334 Drawer and Shutter Knobs, Nos. 15 . 70 51 and 105.... 25 129 130 131 134 135 94 Commode Buttons, Nos. 0, 2, 3 and 4 . 25 it a << “ 11 and 12. 10 95 t “ '• 919, 920, 921 and 922... 20 (( < < “ “ 112, 113, 106, 1064, 5, 15 136 25 96 Toilet Screws, Nos. 4, 19, 20 and 519. Net 137 (( (t t( “ 1, 2, 3 and 12. 10 138 (( Washers for Toilet Screws. 10 97 Toilet Hinges, Nos. 30 to 36. 10 139 (( “ “ " 1, 3, 01, 02, 03. 8, 9 and 10.. 25 (( ‘ “ 1716 and 1720. 20 140 98 Mirror Brackets, Nos. 25 and 412 . 20 141 < t “ “ 405 and 415 . 10 99 i ( ft 25 142 100 < t t f 20 (( 101 < i “ Nos. 413 and 431. 10 (( t ( “ “ 432. 16| 143 102 Candle t I 20 144 (( f < ft << 0 -25 if (( t( “ “ 433. 10 145 (( te “ “ 434. 164 146 103 Towel Rods, Nos. 30 and 5. 20 it t< t( “ 9. 10 (C 104 it it “ 260. 30 147 U it < < “ 393 and 505. 20 (( 105 a i( “ 1. 10 if it it “ 987 and 4. 25 148 106 it it “ 4273. 25 / it All goods on these pages.Net j ■vx GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO, 411 Page in Discount Catalogue. per cent. 174 Varnish Brushes. 50 175 Glue Brushes.50 “ Window, Counter, Furniture & Rubbing Brushes. Net 176 Split Turkey Feather Dusters.75 “ Ostrich Feather Dusters.25 “ Wool Dusters.50 & 10 “ Hemp and Plush.Net 177 Bracket Hangers, No. 27. 20 “ Looking Glass Hangers, Nos. 10 to 14. 50 “ “ “ “ “ 717 and 785. 33i 178 Looking Glass...33^ “ Picture Glass. 60 179 Veneer and Picture Backing and Cut Backs.... Net 180 Dunham’s Diamonds and Glass Cutters.Net “ Putty Knives. 20 “ Glass Pliers. 10 181 Washer Cutters.33J- “ Dowel Plates and Pointers.... 10 T^PflTTlPTQ OC\ 182 Ex. Socket Firmer Chisels’..’ ’. ’. ’.! ’. ’. ’..’'. ’.'..’ ’. ’. ’. ’. 60 “ “ “ “ “ insets.20 “ Butcher’s Tanged Firmer Chisels.30 183 Superior Socket “ “ . 20 “ Butcher’s Tanged “ Gouges.30 “ “ Turning Chisels and Gouges.30 184) to [-Carving Tools. 30 186 \ 187 Carving Tools. 10 “ Carver’s Punches. 20 “ “ Mallets... 20 188 Washita Oil Stones and Slips.Net “ Oilers. 40 489 Chisel and Carving Tool Handles.Net 190 Hand and Panel Saws. 20 191 Back Saws. 20 Compass Saws..•.25 “ Saw Handles. 25 192 Brass Saw Screws. 40 Circular Saws. 40 193 Turning Saws in Frames. 10 “ Saw Blades and Felloe Webs. 10 “ Fay’s Patent Machine Scroll Saws .10 194 Bracket Saws. 10 195 “ “ .20 “ Hack Saw Frames and Blades. i .Net 196 Saw Vises. 40 “ Cabinet Scrapers.Net 197 Morrill’s Saw Sets. 40 “ Leaches “ “ . 10 “ Aiken’s Hammer Saw Sets..'.40 198 ) & Langdon Mitre Boxes. 15 199 ^ 200 Patent Adjustable Joint Cutter and Planer. 10 “ Rodger Mitre Planer. 15 201 Warren’s Mitre Plane.Net “ Tooth Planes.40 “ Bailey’s Veneer Scraper.30 “ “ Scraper Plane. 30 “ Jointer Gauges. 20 202 Wood Planes. 50 203 Iron “ 30 204 Bailey’s Ironwood Bottom Planes. 30 “ Wood Planes. 40 205 All “ .40 206 Beading Rabbet and Slitting Plane.20 “ Hollows and Rounds. 20 “ Hand Reader. 20 207 Chamfer and Plow Planes. 30 208 Plane Irons...20 209 Iron Spoke Shaves.•. 30 “ Wood “ “ ...j.Net 210 Gauges. 50 211 Drawing Knives. 60 “ Drill Brace and Breast Drill. 10 212 Braces...".40 213 Angular Borer and Exfen. Bit Holder. 40 “ Ratchet Braces.30 “ Hand Drills. 19 214 No. 1 Auger Bits. 30 “ Nos. 2 and 3 Auger Bits. 50 Page in Discount Catalogue. per cent. 214 “ 30 Auger Bits, in sets. 10 “ Machine Bits. 20 315 Steam’s Drills. 20 “ Morse Drills and Holt’s Brace Bits.35 216 “ Machine Bits. 35 “ Clark’s E.xtension Bits. 25 “ German Gimlet and Center Bits. 10 217 Countersinks and Gimlet Bits. 10 “ Nos. 5, 10 and 20 Countersinks. 20 “ Barber’s Countersinks.Net “ Auger Bit Gauges and Screw and Plug Bit.20 “ Plug Cutters. 10 218 Socket Caster Bit. 20 “ Hollow Augers. 15 219 Screw Plates .Net “ “ Boxes. 10 “ “ Driver and Bits. 20 220 Clark’s Screw Driver Sets. 20 “ Screw Driver Handles..40 “ Lightning Drill and Screw Driver. 20 221 Nos. 10, 15, 20 and 50 Screw Drivers. ... 40 “ No. 30 Screw Drivers. 20 222 Belt Punches.40 “ Spring Belt and Revolving Punches. 20 223 Gimlets, Brad Awls and Brad Awl Handles.Net “ Brad Awls without Handles ... 40 224 Patent Awl and Tools, Nos. 110 and 120.40 “ “ “ “ “ No. 5. 10 225 Awl Tool and File Holder. 10 “ Handled Scratch Awls and Nail Sets.Net 226 Files..... 60 “ File Handles. 40 227 Files.. 60 228 Boxwood Rules.70 “ Ivory “ . 40 229 Measuring Tapes.20 “ Chesterman’s Tapes No. 34 L. 10 230 Nos. 2 and 50 Yard sticks. 33^ “ Log and Board Rules and Level Glasses.40 “ Pocket Levels. 60 “ Plumbs and Levels. 65 231 Carpenter’s Pencils. 16f “ Lumber Pencils. 10 “ Pattern Tracers and Pinking Irons.Net 232 Squares. 60 “ Try Squares. 20 233 Mitre Squares... 20 “ Sliding T Bevels. 50 234 Caliper’s Dividers and Compasses.50 235 Pencil Holders. 15 “ Trammel Points. 20 “ Gas Pliers.40 “ Carpenter’s Pinchers..Net 236 Flat and Round Nose Pliers.40 “ Side Cutting Pliers and End Cutting Nippers.. ..Net 237 Carew’s Patent Wire Cutters. 10 “ Hall’s Patent Cutting Nippers.20 " Button’s Cutting Nippers and Pliers.25 238 Coe’s Genuine MYenches.45 “ Pocket and Acme Wrenches. 50 “ Combination Wrenches. 20 239 Quilt Frame Clamps.Net “ Steam’s Cabinet Clamps.40 “ “ Adjustable “ 20 240 Snow’s “ “ .35 “ Standard Hand Screws.40 “ Genuine Bliss’ Hand Screws. 5 241 Reno “ “ .40 “ Shaw’s Clamp Castings. 20 “ Wood Cabinet-makers Clamps. 5 “ Iron “ “ “ . 20 242 Wood Clamp Heads..;..25 “ Iron “ “ . 60 243 Trestle Clamps. 30 “ Wood Bench and Tail Scre'ws. 30 “ Iron “ Screws.. 30 244 Vises. 10 245 Bench Vises.... 20 “ Burton’s Patent Vises. 15 246 Bench Vises. 15 247 “ “ . 40 “ Flush Wood Worker’s Vises. 15 412 GIBSON, PARISH & CO., CHICAGO I ‘ „ . Discount Page in pgP gent. Catalogue. ^ 248 Cabinet and Carver’s Benches.-Wet 249 Bench Stops. “ Gas Stove. .< Oil “ . 251 Hair Pickers. “ Tinner’s Snips. "" 252 Hammers. 253 Veneering Hammers. “ Jahne Hammers. “ Imt. Jahne Hammers, No. 400.... » « .. “ “ “ 300 and 450. 15 254 Hammers, Nos. 150 and 151..20 “ Magnetic Tack Hammers. “ Nos. 11 and 12 Tack Hammers.40 “ No. 13 Tack Hammers.55 “ Brad Hammers... 255 Hatchets. 256 Mallets and Cold Chisels.l^et “ Box Chisels. “ Steel Letters and Figures.. • • ^et 257 Box Hooks . “ No. 11 Box Scraper. << w fj-Q << “ . .rset (f ti << ... 13-^ 258 Straight and Bent Trimmers.20 “ Carpet Shears. “ Polished Steel Scissors. 10 259 Button-hole and Folding Pocket Scissors . 10 “ Pocket Scissors. 260 Needles, .. ^et 261 No. 470 Tack Claw. 5 “ Tack Puller Awls and Knives.^0 262) ... \ to V Carpet Stretchers, &c. 264 \ , , i 265 1 I ' -vr 4 . to > All goods..vA . Net 310 \ 311 Hartshorn Tin Rollers.. o3t “ Chicago “ “ ... 40 “ Balance and Cord Fixtures.• -I • . 312 j 1 to - All goods.♦.^ 6t 315 ) 316 Brass Capped Picture Nails.Net 316) ; A ^ Fancy Head “ ‘t .40 317 ) , , I 1 ' 318 Picture Knobs..Net “ Screw Supports.', . 40 319) A -Curtain Pins and Moulding Hooks.Net 320 \ 321 Wire Picture Cord.50 A 10 “ Picture Chain.Net 322 Solid Nickeled Stair Rods.20 “ Brass Stair Rods. 20 323 Stair Rods and Fasteners.Net “For No. 57 Rods” and “For Oval Brass Rods” should be transposed. 324 ) to !-A11 eoods.Net 326 ) 327 Oil Cloth Binding. 50 “ ^Matting Ends.Net 328) to V Gilt Nails, etc. 15 330^ 331 Brass Ornaments. 33i 332) A “ ” etc.Net 333 ) 3;14 Curtain and Screw Rings. 40 335 Jack and Safety Chain. 60 _ . Discount Page m ^gj. ggnt. Catalogue. ^ * 336) TCpt to [All goods. 341 ; J Cl J "Vpt 342 Eagles, Brackets and Stands. “ Easels... 343) xpt to l-All goods. 346 Brass Coat and Hat Racks.20 347) XPt 369 ) ^ 370 Boot Rests and Letter Box. “ Boot Jacks. 3T1} A [ Step Ladders and Clothes Bars. 10 372 1 373 No. 81 Clothes Bar. 16 u t< << .jNet 374 ) vof to > All goods.-A. 377 1 378 Carved Wood Rosettes.Net 379 ) . r. 1 A Stamped Wood Rosettes and Panels . 380 I 381 Cabinet Mouldings and Hearse Plumes. “ Window Cleaners. 382 i A Perforated Wood Chair Seats.50 A to 383 ) . 383 . “ “ “ Backs. “ Imitation Leather Seats. “ Cane and Rattan.. N » 384 Leather Belting, “Non Porous”. “ “ “ “Garden City ”. 30 “ “ “ “Standard”. ■ 40 “ Solid Round Leather Belts. 20 “ Twist “ “ “ . “ Rubber Belting.•• •• 4 * “ Lace Leather, machine cut. - ' “ “ “ Raw Hide Sides. “ “ “ Cutters. “ Speed Indicators. 385 Belt Hooks. “ Blake’s Belt Studs. . “ Tools for Blake’s Belt Studs. ' “ Rivets and Burrs, Rivet Sets.40 386 Babbitt Metal. “ Soldering Caskets and Ladles .Net 387 Oil Cans.Net 388 ) _ ^ to )• All goods.Net 393 i 394 Bessemer Wire, bundle lots. 4o “ “ “ less than bundle lots. Net “ Bed Links and Hoop Iron.Net 396 Furniture Fenders.*. 70 397 ) to > All goods.Net 399 ) 400 Leather Buttons and Nails. “ Japanned Buttons. 25 “ Brass Buttons. 70 “ Balance Page.Net 401 Worsted Picture Cord. • 1.9 402 All on this page. *'^et 403 Hair Cloth A and Gray, piece lots. 10 “ “ “ A and Gray, cut lots .Net “ “ “ B, piece lots... 25 “ “ “ B, cut . “ . 75 “ Imitation Hair Cloth. Net “ Oil Cloth, Enameled.Net 494) ' to y All on these pages.Net 408 ) vX>S ► ^ / 'fc' V . % I ( / ■(p £ A 9 I m