8s 1896 May LoChH I j: % 52*^ ji > OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF W. E. BISCOE, ESQ. Deceased, late of Holton Park, near Oxford (Sold hy Order of the Executors') ; ALSO IMPORTANT PICTURES OF THE DUTCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, IRENOH AND EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOLS, FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS AND DIFFERENT SOURCES; WHICH MiiU tte So!D Di) auction l)i; Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, B.{ Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Oiiices, 8 Kin(/ Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s-. in the Pound, or more, in part of pajTnent, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if requivd ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Hanson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account he removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase- Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be foifeited ; all Lots un- cleared witlun the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be mado good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late W. E. BISCOE, Esq., of Holton Park, Oxford. PICTURES. ^■) .^ 1 AuBOEA, after Guido ; and The Compan'on — fan mounts 2 '/i-i^^ / " JAN ASSELYN. /* -- 2 A RiVEu Scene, with a peasant driving goats across a rustic ,-< #<^<2 bridge 13 in. by 17 in. ' BREUGHEL. /^ ^ .-i-^ 3 Village Scenes, with figures 3^ in. by 6 in. P. FERG. y 4 The Adoration of the Shtpherds /^ l) ^» On copjier — 13 in. by JOt in, B 2 J. VAN GOYEN. f/'-^y^ -^ 5 A RiVBB SoBNE, with picturesque ruins, boats and figures (y-{/^-iftJt(j ^ Signed and dated ^ 17 in. by 25^ in. . F. GUARDI. /Cl^^i^^^r U /% 6 A View op Venice, with the Doge's barge, numerous gondolas J. and figures ^^^ 19i in. by 29^ in. ^Z 'f HEEMSKIRK. 7 A Village Fair 38^ in. by 58^ in. P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURGH, R.A. 8 Going to the Races 34 in. by 48 in. /^^l/et * p. MERCIER. U^^ Q *^'' 9 View of Clipden, with Frederick Prince of Wales playing the - Ji r -** cello, accompanied by three ladies See Lord Monoid Gower's Beminiscences, Vol. J., page 16 30^ in. by 22| in. /^9 /. p. VAN SLINGLANDT. f 77U ' / -^ ' -^ - 10 Two BoTS, with a cat and bird-cage at an open window, under which is a bas-relief, a bird on a bracket cage on the right Signed On panel — 15| in. by 12 in. From the Bouchier Cleeve Collection 5 G. MORLAND. o 11 Temptation 8^ in. by 10^ in. P. MONAMY. f^ _ 12 A Coast Scene, with shipping and figures : Moonlight /^r^ 17 in. by 82 in H. VAN DER MYN. , _^^ 4 13 A Lady as a Shepherdess, feeding lambs C^ ^^^^■'^■'C''^6^ Signed 16 in. by 14 in. ■ B. C. OMMEGANCK. ^-^ ^ 14 A Biveb Scene, with peasants and animals crossing a ford '^ ~ y?^ 14^ in, by 18^ in. ORIZONTI. 15 A View nbau Rome, with classical figures 20 in. by 14^ in. PATER. .^ ^>y^ ? 16 A View in a Garden, with exotic birds and an aviary / ^-^f'^^/^C 16 in. by 19 in. ^ A. PYNACKER. 17 A EooKY River Scene, with peasants and animals ' i( A JiooKY JXiVER ocENE, wiin peasaniB ana auimaiB --^ "^ 15^ tn. by 12 in. . C C^ ^^ / J. RUYSDAEL. " ^^ ^ 18 A Woody Scene, with a cascade ^'"'"''^'T^'^i^ei^'^y 10^ in. by 14i^ in. G. SCHALCKEN. ^ /&/>^ f^ fy 19 An Old Woman, at an open door, and o, boy with a rummelpot y ^f "V On 'pmel—V^\ in. by 8^ in. " A. STORCK. 20 A Seaport, with a man-of-war and boats Signed 18 in. by 11\ in. SWANE VELDT. (■i4.4*/o4-^i^^^ . ^ 21 A WooDT KiVER bCBNE, With peasants tishing x /'U 20 in. by 2U in. u- 20 in. by 24^ in. D. TENIERS. , -, 22 Interior, with two peasants playing cards and three others looking .-^ on ; four boors drinking and smoking round a fire in the background Signed 11 in. by 14^ in. (^ D. TENIERS. L ■ -Z :^ W-^^C^i^^ 23 A Kermesse, with numerous figures dancing and regaling; a chateau in the background Signed 22i in. by 30^ in. /O P VEEBOOM AND LINGELBACH. ■ rf ^ / ^^ 24 A Woody Landscape, with three peasants and a mule on a road ; a man and dog ascending a hill on the left 19 in. by 25 in. VERBOOM AND LTNGELBACH. /I 25 A Woody Rivek Scene, with cottage anrl figures ^iJ^X'"I2^.^^# The companion 19 in. by 25 in. VER HEYDEN. ^ ^ '^ 26 View in a Dutch Town, with boat and figures CJI^A^i ^"^y? 12 in. by 10^ in. V A. DE VOYS. <^^.^^. /^^^ 27 Interior, with an amateur seated at a table, on which is a violin and a glass of wine 1\ in. by 7 in. WATTEAU. ' ^^^ ^^f^ y 28 A Gabden Soenr, with a guitar player, cavalier and ladies 13 in. by 16 in. J. B. WEENIX. J^ 29 A Landscape, with a sporting party and greyhounds f j^.^/ ^ . Signed On panel — 23 in. by 32^ in. <>^ t/yC^.'t^*^ J. WYNANTS. (^^ tfyC^.'t^*^ ^f 30 A Road Scene, with a peasant, mule and dog ; a man driving cows in the distance 15^ in. by 21 in. 251 {,j. i)y 30 in. ^/ J. WYNANTS. /"-' /^' 31 A Woody River Scene, with peasants and animals ^ c^*'X^--t/ f DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. DUTCH SCHOOL. A. BRAUWER. Ky n 32 An Inteuior, with a boy with a pipe, and peasants drinking the background On panel J. VAN OS. /•^2,^ 33 A Vase of Flowers G. J. VAN OS. > ^ 34 Dead Game, Fuuit and Vegetables /^ j^ ^ » LINGELBACH. ^ 35 A Seai'drt in tbe Levant / ,A J 4'^J^,^t^.-%. D. TENIERS. > ^"f 36 An Interior, with boors playing cards i/jC^-^^ Cf * *^^^£4 ^ A pasticcio in the manner of Brauwer /• J. BREUGHEL. p 87 Troopers Attacking a Village J*L^!^.-t C^^O^k^y^ A. VAN DE VELDE. ^ > ^ P 38 A Landscape, with cattle and sheep , f t./if'i^^ ffi^\ S^ VAN DE CAPELLA. 39 A FEOZEN RIVER SCENE, with dismasted men-of-war by a landing stage, and huts on the right ; two men rescuing another who has fallen through the ice in the foreground Sold by Order of the Executors of the late Sir Oswald W. Brierly On panel— 16 in. by 18f in. ^ r J. EUYSDAEL. A ' >S^>^. 40 A ROCKY RIVER SCENE, with a church and cottage on a hill /^ on the right ; barges and figures on the left ; felled trees in the foreground ; the river forming a cascade in the centre 39 in. by 34 in. D. TENIERS. 41 An Intekiok, with an old man and woman seated smoking and drinking ; numerous utensils On panel — 13 in. by 12^ in. Dated 1640 J. VAN DE CAPELLA. Cc^'-'P/^ Cp^ 42 A VIEW FROM THE SHORE, over a calm sea; numerous sailing boats close to the shore, with a party of men and women picnicing on the ground near them ; numerous vessels in the offing ; blue sky with clouds 25 in. by 34^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 D. TENIEES. 4.3 A Landscape, with figures and house 10 WOUVBEMAN. /^ /? y^ /a 44 Tboopers Halting at a Forge L/O k /'f-*-*'*^'% G. DOW, ? -n 45 An old Wobian Selling Herrings: Candlelight /^' iiy4^i^t(/2,'\ JAN STEEN. y " ^ 46 Abraham Dismissing Hagar j f 1 ,-^ Ja^ /*^ ^/ G. TERBUEG. ^^ , 47 Interior, with a lady standing at a table ^ift t^i^'i^iti J. VAN GOYEN, ^ ^ /^ — ^ 48 The Bleaching Fields, near Haarlem (j^f*\ ^^"^O 4^d J. VAN GOYEN. 49 A EiVER Scene, with ruins and a monk j!i._Ay(0L''''^ILS^^ N. BE EC HEM. **V' 50 The Port of Ancona, with figures and animals T. VAN APSHOVEN. ^K zs 51 The Interior of a Guard Koom, with soldiers playing cards On panel — 19 in. by 25 in. N. MAES. 52 Portraits of a Burgomaster with his Wife and Child u C. VAN POELENBURGH. 53 Caltpso On copper /i/Ce^^ M. GEE R ARTS. 7 54 Portrait of James I., Ixalf length, in white dress and hat \^^^0^ 0"^! On panel F. MIERIS. ^^ // 55 A Woman at an open Window X ^^J^ v C^Xa- P. WOUVERMAN. /9 , ^i Q 56 The Banks of a Riveu, with a grey horse, and figures loading ' " a barge Panel — 12^ in. by \h\ in. P. WOUVERMAN. ^ 57 A Landscape, with figures bathiug, and sheep N. BERCHEM. ^ 58 The Ford, with cattle and figures 15 in. by 23 in. J/^rJ^ M. HOBBEMA. f^ 59 A Woody Landscape, with figures and sheep by a stream 18 in. by 25 in. ■'^.t.^WtiJ'^^ 12 fy^^^'-i VANDYCK. 60 Studies of Five Heads Se'pia — 23 in. by 18 in. From the Collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence Exhibited at the Vandyck Exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1887 From the Collection of W. Carpentery Esq., of the British Museum POELEMBERG. 61 The Feast of the Gods On panel G. SCHALCKEN. 62 Two Bo is with a Lighted Candle N. PODSSIN. 63 The Eape of the Sabines From Lord Pomfret's Collection "/^ i?^*J«-^ ^0M€>^ LUCAS VAN LEY DEN. '^■"^ 64 St. Cathebine of Alexanduia 14 J in. by 9 1 in. HOBBEMA. ^ 65 A RiVEB Scene, with cottage autl figures FRENCH SCHOOL. J. B. greuze. ^^ 66 La Blamchisseusk PH. CAROLUS. 67 Convebsations CnAMPfirBBs — a pair Signed K A^^-^^^tm- xt^ 13 F. BOUCHER. Y 68 Lbda ; and Europa, with Cupids — a pair MADAME LE BRUN. r? 69 Portrait of Madame Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI. — oval ITALIAN AND GERMAN SCHOOLS. L. DA VINCT. /^ 70 The Madonna and Child, with St. Catherine, in a laifdRcapo MARTIN SCHONGAUER. 71 The Annunciation On panel— S4: in. by 33 in. From the Collection» of Francis Bodice, Esq., the Antiquary, 1884, and the late W. Twopenny, Esq. 72 THE VIIiGIN, in a crimson robe edged with fur, and purple hlceves, seated on a cushion in a landscape, with the Infant Saviour in her arms ; view of a town in the background Arched top — 35 in. by 23 in. L. DA VINCI (Attributed to). -^ J^ ^ w "i 73 Francis I. with the Attributes of St. John the Baptist. Three-quarter figure, seated facing the spectator, in the traditional dress of St. John the Baptist, with a lamb and cross of reeds ; a parroquet is perched in the background ; on the bottom of the picture is tlie following inscription — FRANCOYS'B'DE FRACE" premier DE CE NOM a age DE XXIIII'ANS On panel —37^ in. by 31 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1896 ALBKRT I'UBEFi. 14 GANALETTO. 74. St. Makh's Plaoe, Venice : a carnival USr?^ GANALETTO. ^ 75 A Bull Fight, in the courtyard of tbe Doge's Palace 4/^k^ A. SOLARIO. 76 The Vikgin and Child Enthboned, in a landscape, with St. John and the lamb // ITALIAN SCHOOL. , 11 A Grand Altar Piece, with the Madonna and Child seated on a richly sculptured throne, St. John and St. George standing on either side [^4^^ U hC<,^ ^ ^^ "JT^ t'/^j On panel y^ /\ » j GIOTTO. U/[,,^ 78 The Virgin and Infant Saviour Enthroned, surrounded by • angels and saints TADDEO GADDI. t>Sr^'\^t^ 79 A Diptych. On the right wing in the foreground are fnll- length figures of S3. Lawrence and Francis ; behind St. Lawrence stands a nun, supposed to be St. Teresa, holding a gilt vase from which flames are proceeding ; behind St. Francis stands Pope Sylvester holding in a dish the portrait heads of St. Peter and St. Paul ; behind is au angel. On the left wing, St. Nicholas and St. John the Baptist stand in front; behind St. Nicholas is St. James the Greater; behind St John, St. Catherine ; and behind again is an angel ; in a circle between the wings is a small whole-length figure of St. Bartholomew — tempora on gold ground On panel — 58 in. by 28 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1879 Sold by Order of Executors ]5 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. 80 Mrs. Fischee (the Artist's daughter), by T. Gainsborough, E.A., in oval locket with hair at the back — a miniature, in gilt frame 81 Mrs. Gainsborough, by T. Gainsborough, R.A. — a miniature^ in oils on jjanel /^ The above were originally the property of Mrs. Scott, who ^ was Mrs. Gainsborough's niece, and lived with Mr. and Mrs. Gainsborough ; after the dtath of Mrs. Scott, they passed into the possession of Mr. J. Scott, her son, and have remained until his death at the age of 86, on January 3, 1896, in his heeping ^ 82 Po TRAIT OF Mrs. Scott — a miniature T. GAINSBOEOUGH, R.A. / 83 A Landscape, with figures on a road — chalk drawing T. GAINSBOEOUGH, E.A. -/ 84 A Lam)scape, with cattle — chalk drawing <^ T. GAINSBOEOUGH, E.A. •^ 85 A KoAU Scene, with cart — chalk drawing ^^ The three preceding drawings are from Cornbury Park, C^ ~Cf Oxon F. SANDYS. / 86 Portrait of a Ladt, witli azaleas — a drawing -^€^ W. MULREADY, R.A. 91 THE CARPENTER'S SHOP 40 iv. bj 30 in. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1809 Exhibited at the International Exhibition, 1862 Purchased ff am the Pain'er, and has never been out of the family of the first owver \V. MULREADV, R.A. 92 THE ORIGIN OF A PAINTER Bl iiu l.y 261 {„. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1821 Purchased jrom the Artist, and hafi never been out of the family of the first owner 17 W. MULREADY, R.A. /^ f^ 93 BOYS FISHING. Three boys, one in a red cap, seated in a / / y •^ boat and fishing in the bend of a river, crossed in the distance n^lp'XA by a bridge over which is passing a waggon with two horses ; cloudy sky 30 in. by 40^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1814 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1882 ?? ,»ij«» SIR J. REYNOLDS. 1^0 ^e 94 Mrs. Read, seated in a landscape, holding a guitar /'' 36 in. by 29 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 95 A GRAND LANDSCAPE, with a horseman at a brook, and a flock of sheep descending a hilly road ; a milkmaid crossing a rustic bridge, and cows in the middle distance , 57 in. by 62 in. From the Collection of Mrs. Todd of Inverness From the Gilloit Collection, 1872 I ; "0 ^'--^ Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 Mentioned in Fulchers ' Life of Gainsborough ' G. E. HERING. 96 The Church of Madonna del Sasso, Locarno SIR. J. REYNOLDS 97 Portrait of Lady Richard Hoare, in white and gold dress with lace and pearl ornaments Half length — 30 in. by 25 in. G. MORLAND. 98 Fishkhmen, before a cottage door 18 J. STAEK. (sijTl^ / 99 A WOODY EOAD SCENE, with two peasants and a donkey ; (^ Q a pool and cows on the left On ^anel — 12 in. by 16 in. SIR. T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. /V' 100 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black coat '^^ G. MORLAND, 1797. [J/ ^ X ] 01 A Common Scene, with a gipsy encampment and donkey 22^ in. by 18^ in. H. EAEBURN, E.A. / 102 Portrait of Major Hope, in uniform Jle''^/-*^ 4^$^- ^ 27 in. by 23 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, E.A. /// . .^ ^-., C 103 A Woody Landscape, with cattle crossing a stream 14^ in. by 11^ in. 7 104 Petra : looking south D. EGBERTS, E.A. *// ^ // ^ SIE J. EEYNOLDS. j/^ ^ 105 THE BABES IN THE WOOD L^f^ C '^ 28^ in. by 24^ in. 1/ J. SINGLETON, E.A. 106 George IV. and Queen Caroline / 19 G. BARRET. 107 A Hilly Landscape, with figures T. BARKER. 108 The Ale-Housb Doob, with horsemen and figures /f^s^Xy^-^-^*/^-^ J. STARK, 1844. . 'i R. WILSON, R.A. /O /^ ^'2 11<^ Cabnarvon Castle A.^^.^-t--^?^!^''^^^ / SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. ^XO 111 PORTRIITS OF TWO BOYS, of the Ashley family, in a ' V ' landscape ^' Whole length— 82 in. by 48 in. ^ (U^f. G. ROMNEY. W'X/^/^ f /^112 PORTRAIT OF LADY HAMILTON, as "Sigismunda"— a sketch 29^ in. by 24^ in. J. CONSTABLE, R.A. jC /O / >> > a/ 113 a Riveb Scene, with boats and a bridge, castle and church on a hill 10 in. by 14 in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 1^^^ ^ «^ / 114 Edinburgh 20 J, STAEK. 115SANDLINGS FbBBY J. B. BURGESS, R.A., 1874. 116 An Introduction : The meeting of East and West J. DUPEE. 117 A View neab Montignon •^ 117 A View neab Montignon .^^A^^^ /' C 118 A Landscape, with cottages, and horseman on a road , ^ ^T^f^* >^ G. ROMNEY. ^ ^ A. PYNACKEE. , / - 5 120 A EiVEB Scene, with waterfall and figures G. COSTA. /^ / 121 A Gaeden near Flobenob ", ^^ < CEOME. y ^ 122 A EivEB Scene, with buildings and boats w^ P t t CEOME. /^/ r'y^ 123 A Quay, with boats A. VAN DE VELDE. i 124 A Landbcape, with cattle ^^ t) 21 E. C. WILLIAMS. jO / y ^ 125 A View near Undebiver, Kent 25 in. by 30 in. E. C. WILLIAMS. y ^ jf 126 An Old Watebmill, with cattle and figures O^P 22 in. by 32 in. T. GAINSBOKOUGH, E.A. '^.^ , / y 4 127 A Gipsy Scene. An opening in a wood, two figures and a i ;; ' donkey in the foreground, and another figure and a donkey on the right llf in. by 14 in. From the Collection of the Bev. R. S. Trimmer, 1860 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1878 L G. MOELAND. 'Y''-^ 128 A HOBSE, PIGS AND TWO MEN, outside a stable door 27^ in. by 35 in. G. EOMNEY. c..^^ e^ ytu^^, 129 A Five-Leaf Screen, painted with " The Singers go before, the Minstrels follow after, in the midst are the Damsels, p laying with the timbrels " Painted hy G. Bomney One panel fainted by the Artisfs son, Bev. John Bomney 6 ft. high 99 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. UNKNOWN. 130 A River Scene, witli horsemen and otlier figures near' fountain M. A. BEERESTRAATEN. 131 A Village Scene in Winter, with figures 26^ in. by 35 i in. J. G. CUYP. 132 Portraits of a Boy and Girl Dated 1637 and 1635 Whole lengths — 41 in. by 28 in. titit>^ptM^ 'A^ / DUTCH SCHOOL. 133 A Vegetable Market, with figures 21 in. by 28J in. -^/ N. MAES. 134 Portrait of a Cavalier, on a terrace, with a glove and music score on a table at his side Signed, and dated 1674 49 in. by 40 in. A N. MAES. y ^' i^ff^ 135 Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman — a paW 2 27 in. by 23 in. N. MAES. 136 Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman — a pair -^ < 2 23 in. by 23 in. M. MIEREVELT. ] 37 Portrait of Elizabeth Coboult, in rufi" ami black dress 48 in. by 35 in. "i 23 M. MIEREVELT. ' >^ j \ » C "^ 138 PouTRAiT OF PiETER DE SoHiLDE, iu black dress with fur. Husha7id of the preceding '48 in. by 35 in. / M. MIEREVELT. 139 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and ruflf Signed, and dated 1639 27 in, by 24 in. P. MOREELSE. P^ ^'^^t ^ 140 Portrait of Volckhart Oveelandek, Burgomaster o^ Amster- dam Wliole length — 83 in. by 50 in. P. MOREELSE. 141 Portrait of Gertrude Hooft, wife of tbe above Whole length — 83 in. by 50 in. Z S. EUYSDAEL. 142 A Landscape, with travellers baiting at an inn door '^ ^^^^^-^ Signed, and dated 1644 On panel — 25 in. by 37 in. y^ SNYDERS AND JORDAENS. Cq'ZK'^^^%'^''^Z^ v" -^ 143 Interior of a Larder, with a dead buck, and fruit on a table, a ■^ cat coming in at an open window ; two figures on the left 69 in. by 82 in. FINIS. Londou ; Priated by William Clowes & Sons, Limited^ Stamford JStreet and CharinK Cross. / / ti. r-S 1 'A^-^ r#^. ^■'^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132 r