(/■'[} i* £*' M.l & & < Uir * /SW,^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofnearlOOaeev at THE FIFE ART CIRCULAR AND PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. OF NEARLY SIX THOUSAND ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS BY Artists of ikq Sdjooi unit fjeriofo, COMPRISING THE BEST EXAMPLES OF EVERY EMINENT ENGRAVER, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME, With the size and Price of each Print, and references to the Works of those authors who have made the art of engraving their study. NOW ON SALE BY A. E. EVANS & SONS, 403, STRAND, LONDON. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONSISTING OF A CATALOGUE RAISON NEE OF NEARLY 400 PRINTS UNKNOWN TO BARTSCB. SUMF1ELD AND PRINTER \V E ST HARDING STREET JUNE S, S, FETTER LANE, ®ljc Jfiitt Jrt Circular aito jjrrat Collector’s Hlamml. COMPRISING A CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVINGS A1 ETCHINGS, Atyhabetically arranged according to the names of the Engravers , ON SALE BY A. E. EVANS & SONS, 403, STRAND, LONDON. A Catalogue of a select collection of Prints, remarkable for beauty of impres- sion, rarity, and state of preservation, consisting entirely of works of the very highest class of Art, ancient and modern, has been recently published, and may be had free b} 7 " post on receipt of 12 postage stamps. The numbers between parentheses refer to u Bartsch , le Peintre-graveur” unless otherwise expressed. J. S. AGAR. 1 The Marriage of Saint Catharine, from a picture by Parmegiano in the collection of W. Morland ; 4 to, choice artists ’ proof before all letters , 10s. 6d. AGOSTINO VENEZIAITO .- See MARC AlffTOSJIO. HENRY ALBEGRAVER, born at Soest, in Westphalia, 1502. 2 Adam and Eve hiding from the presence of the Lord (4 ),Jine, 7s. 6d. 3 Lot and his daughters (17), 5s. 4 The History of Susannah, set of 4 plates (30-33), very fine and scarce , £l Is. 5 J udith with the head of Holofernes (34), 5s. 6 Dalila cutting off Sampson’s locks (36) ; a small circular print, fine, 5s. 7 The Annunciation to the Virgin (38), 4s. 8 The Parable of the good Samaritan (40-43) ; set of 4 plates, brilliant im- pressions and extremely scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 9 Death of the bad rich man (46), 4s. 10 The Virgin with the infant Saviour in her arms, standing upon a crescent (50), slightly injured , 3s. 6d. 11 The Virgin and infant Saviour seated on a grassy bank (52), 5s. 12 The four Evangelists seated in the clouds (57-60), engraved in 1539 from designs by G. Pencz , fine, 21s. 13 Tarquin and Lucrece (63), engraved in 1539 after Pencz , very fine and scarce , £1 Is. B 2 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 14 Rhea Sylvia and the exposure of Romulus and Remus (66), scarce , 7s. 6d. 15 Mutius Scsevola before Porsenna ( 69), fine and scarce , 10s. 6d. 16 Hercules strangling- the Nemsean lion (84 ),Jine, 5s. 17 Hercules attacking* Cerberus (87), fine, 5s. 18 Pyramus and Thisbe (102), extremely fine, 12s. 19 Different allegorical figures, set of 14 plates (103-116), separate prints , fine impressions, 3s. each, viz. Concord (103), Peace (104), Diligence, (105), Fortune (106), Riches (107), Idleness (108), Luxury (109), Lasciviousness (110), Envy (111), Anger (112J, Patience (114), Joy (115), The victo- rious Saviour (116). 20 The Virtues and their opposite Vices (117-130), represented by female figures : the Virtues full-length on foot ; the Vices, mounted on different animals, each bearing a banner, &c. The set of 14 plates , complete , scarce, £2 5s. 21 The virtues and their opposite vices, separate prints , 2s. each, viz. Humi- lity (117), Maternal love (118), Patience (119), Chastity (120), Temper- ance (121), Diligence (123), Envy (125), Idleness (130). 22 u Les danseurs de Noce, ,? 1538; single plates from this set , viz. (161) 2s., (167) 5s., (168) 5s., (169) 7s. 6d. 23 The flagbearer, 1540 (177), fine, 5s. 24 Portrait of William due de Juliers, 1540 (181) third state , £l 11s. 6d. 25 Portrait of John of Leyden, King of the Anabaptists (182), a magnificent impression , in perfect condition and extremely rare , £6 6s. 26 Portrait of Bernard Knipperdolling, chief of the Anabaptists at Munster (183), rare , £2 2s. 27 — — Ditto, superb impression and in beautiful condition , £5 5s. 28 Portrait of Martin Luther, 1540 (184) very fine impression , rare, £2 2s. 29 Portrait of Albert von der Helle, 1538 (186) superb impression and in fine state , £2 2s. 30 Portrait of Henry Aldegraver, at the age of 28 (188), fine and scarce , 35s. 31 A chimerical figure of a satyr with two sprigs of Ornamental foliage (194), fine, 5s. 32 A naked infant, holding a double scroll of leafy ornament (197), 3s. 33 Ditto, very fine, 5s. 34 Two syrens with scrolls of ornament (199), 2s. 35 u Rinceau d J ornemens, ;? a female centaur bearing a horn terminating ih a fine piece of ornamental foliage (202), scarce , 9s. 36 Dance of naked infants (205), copy , fine and scarce, 5s. 37 The Roman alphabet (206), fine, 7s. 6d. 38 Ditto, u avec temoin du cuivre,” very fine , 10s. 6d. 39 A cupid supporting a sprig of ornaments, &c. (211), 2s. 40 A vase of ornaments supported by two female chimerical figures (223), 3s. 6d. 41 Vase and ornaments supported by a Syren (224), 3s. 42 Two infants supporting a vase with ornamental scrolls (230), 3s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 3 43 Three winged cupids supporting a bear on a round tablet (231), 2s. 6d. 44 A double scroll of fine ornament springing from the bust of an armed warrior ( 232), Jne , 9s. 45 A sprig of ornamental foliage with masks and fishes (236), 4s. 46 A panel of leafy scroll ornament (238), 2s. 6d. 47 Vignette of ornaments supported by two winged sphinxes (240), 2s. 6d. 48 An ornamental scroll, supported by a satyr and a chimerical fish (242), 3s. 6d. 49 An infant seated with branches of foliage (244), 2s. 6d. 50 A small sprig of ornament (245), 2s. 6d. 51 Design for an etui, in the upper portion of which are represented two lovers (247), 7s. 6d. 52 Children with a Roman alphabet (250) 2s. 53 Design for the ornaments of an etui (254), Jne , 5s. 54 Two infants, with a very fine piece of ornamental foliage (256), Jine, 8s. 55 Three designs for clasps (258), 3s. 56 Design for the case of a poignard (259), 9s. 57 Panel of scroll and leafy ornaments supported by chimerical figures of a - man and a woman (260), very Jine, 7s. 6d. 58 A double scroll of ornament, commencing with chimerical figures of a man and a woman, &c. (261), 5s. 59 Group of naked children fighting with bears (262), 3s. 60 Design for a jewelled and chased clasp for a waistband (263), 4s. 61 ditto, very Jine , 6s. 62 Design for the end of a sabre sheath (264), 6s. 63 Design for two spoons with ornamental handles (268), 5s. 64 Design for a poignard case ( 210), Jine and scarce, 15s. 65 Panel of ornament in the grotesque style, with a mask in the centre (272), very Jine, 5s. 66 Ditto, surmounted by a Satyr and goats’ heads (273), very Jne, 5s. 67 Ditto, surmounted by two termini (274), very Jne, 5s. 68 Ditto, supported by a female Satyr (275), Jne, 3s. 6d. 69 Panel of ornaments supported by a lion’s head, &c. (279), 2s. 6d. 70 Ditto, a mask surrounded by two children and four sphynxes (281), 3s. 6d. 71 Ditto, with a trophy of arms, &c. (282), 3s. 6d. 72 Ditto ditto very Jne, 5s. 73 A fine piece of scroll ornament springing from two dolphins’ heads, &c. (283) Jne, 7s. 6d. 74 A panel of scroll ornaments springing from a vase at the bottom (285), Jne, 7s. 6d. 75 A vase surmounted by ornamental foliage and supported by two chimerical figures (287), 4s. 76 A panel of leafy scroll ornament (289), 2s. 6d. 4 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND J. A. AXalaAIS. 77 La J oconde, proof, 9s. L. da Vinci. JOHN ALMEIOVEEN. 78 Landscapes, various, Nos. 27 to 31, 35 and 36, Is. 6d. each. A1BERT ALTDORFER. 79 Judith bearing the head of Holofernes on the point of a sword (1), very Jine , 5s. 80 Sampson sleeping in the lap of Dalila (3), Jine , 5s. 81 Solomon’s idolatry (4), 2s. 6d. ; Jine , 5s. 82 J esus driving the Money-changers from the Temple (6), 5s. 83 Jesus Christ, with the Virgin (9), 2s. 6d. 84 The Virgin and Infant Saviour standing on a crescent (11), 2s. 6d. 85 The Virgin with the infant Saviour giving his benediction (12), very fine and scarce , 15s. 86 The Virgin and Child, with St. Anne (14), 5s. 87 St. George killing the dragon (20), Jine, with margin , 5s. 88 St. Jerome in a cavern, reading a book placed upon an altar (21), damaged , 3s. 6d. 89 St. Jerome, with the Lion (22), 5s. 90 St. Sebastian tied to a column (23), 3s. 6d. 91 Interior of the court of a nunnery (24), fine, 5s. 92 Hercules carrying the two columns (27), very Jine, with margin , 5s. 93 Mercury leaping into the sea (29), very fine, 5s. 94 Neptune riding on a marine serpent (30), very Jine, 5s. 95 Neptune carrying off a Nymph (SI), Jine, 9s. 96 Venus with two cupids (32), very fine, 7s. 6d. 97 Venus entering into the bath, copy from Marc Antonio (33 ),Jine and scarce , 7s. 6d. 98 Judgment of Paris (36), Jine, 5s. 99 Mutius Scsevola placing his hand in the fire (40), Jine, 5s. 100 Dido killing herself (^2), Jine, 5s. 101 The punishment of the woman who insulted'Virgil (43), very Jine, 7s. 6d. 102 Thisbe lamenting the death of Pyramus (44), very fine, 5s. 103 A man armed from head to foot, standing before an altar, holding a silver flagon in one hand, and in the other a loaf of bread (50), fine, 6s. 104 The little Flag-bearer (52), 2s. 6d. 105 The Violin-player (54), Jine, 7s. 6d. 106 Design for a vase and cover, supported by three winged figure? (78), 10s. 6d. 107 Design for a vase and cover (79), cut, 5s. 108 Design for a goblet and cover (82), cut, 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 5 109 Design for a goblet and cover (84), 5s. 110 Design for a goblet and cover (86), fine, 10s. 6d. 111 Design for a goblet and cover, surmounted by the infant Hercules strangling the serpents (87), fine , 10s. 6d. ENGHAV1NGS OH WOOD BY ALBERT ALTBORTER. 112 History of the fall and redemption of man (1 to 40), the set complete , original and beautiful impressions, mounted and bound in calf extra in the old style, £2 12s. 6d. 113 History of the fall and redemption of man (1 — 40) single prints, Is. each, viz., 1 to 6, 8 to 25, 27, 29 to 33, 35, 36, 38 to 40. 114 The sacrifice of Abraham (41), 2s. 115 Jael slaying Sisera (43), 2s. 116 The Annunciation to the Virgin (44), 3s. 117 Adoration of the Shepherds (45), 3s. 6d. 118 Massacre of the innocents (46), 5s. 119 The resurrection (47), 5s. 120 Ditto, very Jine , 9s. 121 An altar with niches, in which are the Virgin and child, St. Christopher, St. George, &c. (50), 9s. 122 St. Christopher (53), fine, 3s. 123 St. Christopher taking the infant Jesus on his shoulders (54), 2s. 124 St. George combating the dragon (55), fine, 7s. 6d. 125 St. Jerome in a cavern (57), 3s. 6d. 126 St. Jerome in the wilderness (58), 2s. 6d. 127 A grand baptismal font in a church, round which are angels and a pilgrim (59), fine , 5s. 128 Judgment of Paris (60), 3s. very Jine , 7s. 6d. 129 Thisbe lamenting over the dead body of Pyramus (61), 2s. 6d. JOSSES AMMAN. 130 Portrait of Hans Sachs, a famous poet of Saxony, 1576 (19), folio , very fine and scarce , with large margin , £2 2s. 131 The History of Adam and Eve from their creation to the fall (15), woodcut , 4to, 5s. PAUSTEBJO ANDER^ONT. 132 The "Virgin and infant Christ with St. John ( from the celebrated picture by Rajfaelle ) ; most splendid proof before letters , the initials of the artist only etched in , and before the inscription on the label held by St. John was finished ; with large margin and in perfect condition, £12 12s. 133 The assumption of the Virgin ; u Surge, propera arnica mea, . . . et veni . . . Sponsa mea ; Veni. . . . Coronaberis.” Canticles, chap. 2 and 3. Brilliant Proof, sheet, £5 5s. Guido Beni. 134 The Virgin and Infant Saviour, “ Dilectus inter filios,” the picture in the Boyal Gallery of Naples , fine, 15s. Rajfaelle. 6 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 135 Holy Family; the Infant St. John presenting* a Scroll to the Virgin, who is seated with the Infant Saviour at the base of a column ; St. Joseph standing behind, reading; from a 'picture belonging to Sig. Vittore Zanetti , brilliant proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. N. Poussin. 136 J udgment of Solomon ; from a picture by Baffaelle in the " Vatican ; very fine, £3 3s. 137 Portrait of Andrea Doria, the celebrated Venetian admiral, 4to, brilliant proof before letters , 15s. 138 Head of Christ, from the Transfiguration, 4to, fine, 10s. 6d. Baffaelle. •AITDEMOIS'X. 139 Our Saviour bearing his Cross, proof, 4to, 9s. Calistus Landensis. 140 Portrait of Peter the Great ; beautiful engraver's proof before any letters, with full margin, 4to, £l 5s. 141 The Woman taken in Adultery, from a picture in the possession of the Countess Pino ; very fine impression, £2 12s. 6d. Titian. 142 Moses chastising the Shepherds who had insulted the Daughters of Jethro ; companion print to the preceding ; from a picture in the gallery of the Countess of Pino, fine, 25s. N. Poussin. 143 Ditto, brilliant proof with a single line of inscription, and with large margin, £4 4s. ZOAIff ANBEEA. 144 The entombment of Jesus Christ, copy from No. 3 of the works of Andrea Mantegna (3), scarce, 16s. 145 Ditto ; extremely fine and rare , £8 8s. 146 The Seven Cupids with two Goats (14), a beautiful print and of the utmost rarity , £5 5s. 147 The dance of four women lightly clothed after the antique (18), scarce, 25s. 148 ditto, a fine impression and in perfect condition, £2 2s. 149 An extremely fine and curious series of ornamental designs by this early Venetian artist (21-32), consisting of arabesques, trophies, vases, &c. supported by cupids, animals, griffins, and other figures ; 12 plates com- plete, from the Duke of Buckingham's collection ; of the greatest rarity, £12 12s. 150 The Virgin seated on a throne, surrounded by Saints, and holding the Infant Saviour, who is adored by a person kneeling in front (25), a chiar- oscura engraving on wood, 155. Parmesan. W. iOJG-US. 151 Tobit and the angel, from the Marquis of Westminster's picture , sheet, 5s. Elsheimer. p. 152 The dead body of Christ wept over by the virgin, a monk, &c. fol. scarce , 7s. 6d. An. Caracci. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 7 MMHS aS'ASDELL. 153 Portraits of Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart, sons of Esme Duke of Lenox, from a ‘picture by Vandyck ; full-lengths; fol. mez. veryjine , 15s. 154 Portraits of George Yilliers Duke of Buckingham, when young, with his brother Lord Francis Yilliers, after Vandyck ; full-lengths; fol. mez. veryjine , 15s. 155 The mathematician ; from a picture by Rembrandt ; half-sheet mez. 10s. 6d. 156 Ditto, brilliant proof before all letters , 16s. 157 The tribute money, sheet, scarce , 7s. 6d. Rembrandt. 158 Tobias and the angel, from a picture formerly in the possession of Sir J. Reynolds , half-sheet, 6s. Rembrandt. 159 ■ — Ditto, a very choice proof before all letters , rare, 15s. 160 St. Jerome on his knees, with angels in the air, from a painting by Pietro da Cortona , fol. mez. very fine, 9s. 161 Interior of a blacksmith’s forge ; fol. mez .fne and scarce , 7s. 6d. Brauwer. 162 “ Lisabetta” vide Boccacio N. 5, fol. mez. 3s. Fuerino. CLAUDIO ARTiLRZik. 163 “II Redentore ” from a picture by Carlo Dolce , (dedicated to Maria Cos- waj" ), 4to, 5s. PUB£.XC.&TZ03rS OF THE ARUNDSL SOCIETY. 164 St. Stephen before the Council, fol. 8s. Fra Angelico da Fiesoli. 165 St. Bonaventure, fol. 9s. Ibid. 166 St. Thomas, fol. 7s. 6d. Ibid. 167 St. Lawrence before the Emperor Decius, half-sheet, 10s. 6d. Ibid. 168 St. Matthew, fol. 9s. Ibid. 169 St. Lawrence distributing alms, half-sheet, 10s. 6d. Ibid. 170 The Pieta, in the Arena chapel at Padua, fol. 10s. 6d. Giotto. £L ®E ST. AUBXST. 171 Yenus Anadyomene ; after Titian; 4to, fine proof 5s. 172 Yertumnu3 and Pomona ; folio, most brilliant impression , and with large margin , scarce, 10s. 6d. F. Boucher. 173 “Comptez sur mes sermens — Au moins soyez discret,” the pair, folio, scarce , 9s. GERARB AUDRAIT. 174 The Battles of Alexander the Great, from paintings by Le Brun, engraved on several sheets, forming, when joined, four long prints. — The mag- nanimity of Alexander at the Tent of Darius : engraved by Edelinck on two sheets : together, five plates, rare, £5 5s. 175 Ditto, a most superb set, and (except where they have been cut at the sides that join) with the original uncut margins. It was selected at the time of publication by the celebrated engraver B. Picart, whose autograph is upon one of the prints ; they are in the first state, with the name of 8 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND the printer (Goyton) etched in dots on the lower margin of the plates, £10 10s. Impressions in such magnificent condition and so brilliant are but rarely met with. 176 Time discovering- Truth, first state before the drapery on the figure of Truth ; sheet, very scarce , £l 11s. 6d. N. Poussin. 177 The Death of Ananias, from a cartoon of Raphael, differing in some respects from that at Hampton Court , sheet, fine, and scarce, 15s. 178 The descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts, chap. 2), from a picture painted hy Le Brun for the Seminary of St. Sulpice at Paris ; sheet, fine, 8s. 179 Athalia seized by the Guards; vide Book of kings; sheet, 8s. 180 — - Ditto ; brilliant impression , and in fine condition , 15s. A. Coypel. 181 Moses punishing the Shepherds who had insulted the Daughter of Jethro, fine, 10s. 6d. Le Brun. 182 Martyrdom of St. Lawrence ; sheet, 7s. 6d. Le Sueur 183 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, folio, os. Annibale Carracci. BEA T ESSCT AVBEAn. 184 St. Jerome in the wilderness delivered from the Devil by an angel ; half sheet, 6s. Dominichino. 185 Alexander the Great and his physician Philip ; from a picture by Le Sueur , very fine impression, scarce, 12s. *** Morceau tres distingue. Joubert. 186 Moses lifting up the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness (Numbers, chap. 21) ; sheet, fine, 15s. Le Brun. JOHSff ilUBSAN, 187 Esther fainting before Ahasuerus, sheet, 12s. Coypel. 188 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, large sheet , fine and scarce, 15s. J. Jouvenet. 189 Christ’s agony in the garden, sheet, 10s. 6d. Dominichino. 190 St. Mary Magdalen in the Dessert, from the celebrated picture by Guido , large folio, fine and scarce, £2 2s. 191 The battles of Alexander the Great, from the celebrated pictures by Le Brun, set of six plates, complete, the small set, scarce and extremely fine, £2 12s 6d. 192 Alexander at the tent of Darius ; the small plate, fine, 7s. 6d. C. le Brun. 193 L’alliance de Bacchus et de l’amour, half sheet, 7s. 6d. Coypel 194 Louis XV. Roy de France et de Navarre, at the period of his coronation, full length in a richly embroidered suit, folio, very fine and with large margin , 12s. Gobert. PETEE .fl.VEI.mE. 195 L’Enseigne (the interior of a picture dealer’s shop), from affine picture by Watteau , large sheet, brilliant impression, and very scarce, £l 15s. 196 The death of Seneca, from a picture in the Dresden Gallery , large folio, 7s. 6d. Luca Giordano. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 9 PETER VAR 1 AVONDT. 197 A group of two naked boys, one of whom is winged, seated on the clouds ; an undescribed etching , line and scarce, 15s. JOHN JAMES AVRZLe 198 Venus and Mars (Mars au retour de la guerre) ; sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. CAPTAIN WILLIAM BAILLIS. 199 The judgment of Daniel, from a picture in the Bute collection ; sheet, fine, 5s. Echhout. 200 The Goldweigher, copy from the well known etching by Rembrandt , 4to, 5s. 201 Interior, with a woman sleeping, men smoking, &c. ; effect of candle light, folio, mez. proof, 6s. G. Buow. PETER VAN BAIIMU. 202 Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. 203 Christ’s agony in the garden of Olives ; folio, 12s. Rubens. 204 The flagellation of our Saviour ; superb impression , with the first address of M. V. Enden , large margin and in splendid condition, 25s. Diepenbehe. 205 The Crucifixion, with St. Francis, the Virgin, &c. at the foot of the Cross ; half sheet, 12s. Vandych. 206 The dead body of Christ at the tomb, with the Virgin and three angels, folio, fine and scarce , 9s. P. de Bailliu. 207 Rape of Hipodamia, or the Battle of the Lapithse and Centaurs ; half sheet, 9s. Rubens. 208 Ditto, very fine, before the French inscription , 16s. 209 Rinaldo and Armida \ first state before the address was altered , £l 11s. 6d. — Sir A. Vandych. 210 Ditto, a most brilliant impression and very scarce, £2 2s. 211 The Count of Arembergh on horseback, from the well known and capital picture by Vandych ; half sheet, splendid impression, scarce, 18s. J. H. BARER. 212 The first lesson, from a picture by Leslie after a design by Raffaelle ; half sheet, proof on India paper, 12s. BACCXO BALBINI. 213 “Sibylla Chimica” (28), superb impression and very rare , £2 2s. 214 “Sibylla Cumana” (31) ditto ditto £2 2s. 215 Vignette for the edition of Dante published at Florence in 1481 (37), extra rare , £3 3s. 216 The Triumph of Divinity (44), £10 10s. 217 The Triumph of Fame (42), £10 10s. *** The two preceding prints, attributed by Bartsch to Nicoleto da Modena, are by Baldini, and are of the most extraordinary rarity ; there should be six to complete the set of Petrarch’s Triumphs, but no complete set is known to exist in any collection, either public or private; three are in the British Museum, with which number Bartsch was also acquainted, though he mentions that, without doubt, the six are in existence; at the bottom of each print is a verse in Italian, which in the present instance has been cut off. 10 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 218 II Giuoco di Tarocchi ; Separate plates from this interesting series of early Italian engravings; fine impressions and in good condition , rare , £1 11s. 6d. each, viz. E. Doxe VII. — D. Clio XVIII. — C. Grammatica XXI. — C. Rhetorica XXIII. — C. Aritmetricha XXV. — C. Musicha XXVI.— C. Poesia XXVII.— C. Astrologia XXXVIIII. — B. Prudencia XXXV. — B. Cosmico XXXIII. — A. Sol. XXXXIIII. — A. Octava Spera XXXXVIII. 219 Separate plates, from the “II Giuoco di Tarocchi” according to Ottley and Zani, a second set, but according to Bartsch, the first, copied from the above mentioned, but engraved about the same early period of the Art ; fine original impressions, £1 Is. each, viz. S. Imperator VIIII. — D. Urania XII. — D. Tersicore XIII. — D. Talia XVI. — D. Melpomeme XVII.— D. Clio XVIIII.— C. Gramatica XXI.— C. Loica XXII.— C. Musicha XXVI.— C. Poesia XXVII.— A. Venus XXXXIII.— A. Sol. XLIIII. Vide Ottley’s History of Engraving, 2 vols. 4to, 1816. JOH1T JiLMES BALECHOU. 220 The Storm, with a shipwreck off a port ,fine impression , £l 11s. 6d. J. Vernet. 221 Ditto, a brilliant impression, in fine condition and with good margin, scarce , £3 3s. 222 The Bathers, vcryjine impression , sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Vernet. 223 The Storm ; superb impression before the cross-hatching under the arch — The calm — The bathers ; from pictures by Vernet ; sheet, the three prints in admirable preservation, very scarce , £9 9s. *** A magnificent set of these chefs- d’ oeuvres from the burin of Balechou. 224 Portrait of Henri Comte de Briihl, 3 qrs. half sheet, extremely fine impression in the Jirst state before the head was altered , very scarce, £2. 2s. 225 Jean de Jullienne, an amateur artist, from a picture by Le Troy e, half sheet, very fine, 16s. 226 Anne Charlotte Gauthier, from a picture by Aved her husband , fol. fine, 12s. J. BAEIESTEE. 227 A Spanish girl and her nurse looking out of window, 4to, scarce, 5s. Murillo. C. BALESTRA, 228 Mary Magdalen reclining on a rock ; after Canova ; sheet, 6s. FRACTCZS BARLOW. 229 A series of clever etchings of groups of birds drawn and etched by Francis Barlow, 1655 ; 13 plates, scarce , 7s. 6d. 230 Portrait of Edward Benlowes, poet, oval in frontispiece to “ Love’s Sacri- fice ” fine proof , extremely rare, £2 2s. ETCHINGS BIT FREBEH1CH BAEOCCXO. 231 The Annunciation, from a picture painted for the church of the Holy Virgin of Lor etto (1), 5s. 232 St. Francis receiving the stigmata ; from a picture in the church of the Capucins at Urbino (3), 7s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 11 BER^AR!* BARON. 233 Sfc. Cecilia ,from Dr. Chauncf s picture, fol. 7s. 6d. Carlo Dolce. 234 Portraits of Philip Earl of Pembroke and his family ; from the magnificent picture at Wilton, sheet, 5s. Vandych . 235 Ditto, very fine original impression, scarce, 15s. JOHAN BARRA. 236 The High and Mighty Prince Lodwick Duke of Richmond and Lennox, &c. &c. Great Chamberlaine and Admirall of Scotland and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c. full length in his robes and with his staff of office, ho,. fine impression of this curious and exces- sively rare print, folio, £4 4s. P. v. Somer. JAMES BARRY, R.A. 237 Orpheus instructing a savage people in Theology and the Arts of social life ; half-sheet, 3s. 6d. 238 The Thames, or the triumph of Navigation ; half-sheet, 3s. 6d. 239 A Grecian harvest home; half-sheet, 3s. 6d. 240 The Society for the encouragement of Arts, &c. in the distribution of their annual premiums ; half-sheet, 3s. 6d. 241 Elysium and Tartarus or the state of final retribution ; sheet, 5s. 242 The conversion of Polemon by Zenocrates ; sheet, scarce, 5s. 243 Job reproved by his friends ; sheet, scarce , 5s. 244 Temptation of Adam, half-sheet, 4s. 245 Satan, Sin, and Death (Milton), sheet, unpublished, 7s. 6d. 246 Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida, fol. 2s. 6d. 247 The fall of Satan, designed for the decoration of St. PauVs cathedral; large sheet, very scarce, 8s. 248 Holy Family with the infant St. John ; after Raphael ; fol. 3s. '3d. 249 The birth of Yenus ; half-sheet, 5s. 250 Ditto, from a different design, engraved by B. Smith ; 4to, 2s. 251 Mercury inventing the Lyre ; engraved by J. R. Smith, fol. mez. 3s. 6d. 252 Portrait of William Pitt Earl of Chatham ; fol. scarce, 5s. 253 Philocteles in the Island of Lemnos ; fol. scarce, 3s. 6d. 254 Scene from King Lear ; half-sheet, very scarce, 7s. 6d. 255 Repose in Egypt ; 4to, scarce, 3s. 256 Portrait of this eminent artist ; fol. mez .proof before letters , very scarce, 9s. engraved by himself. HR2JBRXCK BARIT. 257 Portrait of Jerome Beverning, ambassador extraordinary at the peace between Holland and England in 1654 ; fol. superb impression, scarce, 25s. I. de Bane. FRANCIS BARTOLOZZX. 258 The departure of Abram and Lot from Egypt, half sheet,, fine old impres- sion, 10s. 6d. Zuccarelli. 12 THE FINK ART CIRCULAR AND 259 The circumcision of Jesus ; from a picture by Guercino in the church “Del nome ni Giesu e Maria,” at Bologna, sheet, fine, 9s. 260 Holy Family, from a fresco in the Convent of the Servites at Florence, “ La Madonna del Sacco,” sheet, 7s. 6d. Adel Sarto. 261 ditto, proof before letters , 12s. 262 The Virgin, infant Saviour sleeping and St. John. “Silence,” from a painting in the Royal collection ; half sheet, 10s. 6d. An. Caracci. 263 The last judgement, from the famous picture by Michael Angelo in the Sistine chapel, half sheet , fine proof before letters , 7s. 6d. 264 Clytie repulsing Cupid, very fine old impression , 15s. Annibal Caracci. 265 Ditto; brilliant proof before letters , £l 11s. 6d. 266 Orlando rescuing Olympia from the Orca in the island of Ebuda (vide Orlando Furioso), from the picture by Annibal Caracci in Lord Scars- dale’s possession, fine, 10s. 6d. 267 Venus, Cupid, and Satyr, from the picture by Luca Giordano in the Duke of Devonshire’s Gallery, fine, 10s. 6d. 268 Ditto, most beautiful proof before letters , in perfect condition and with uncut margin, £l Is. 269 Cupid and Hymen, 4to, 2s. Bartolozzi. 270 Chryseis restored to her father ; fol. proof, 2s. 6d. Cipriani. 271 The meeting of Ulysses and Penelope ; fol. 3s. J. F . Rigaud. 272 The meeting of Eloisa and Abelard in the Elysian Fields; fol. 2s. 6d. Cipriani. 273 Zeuxis composing the picture of Juno ; half sheet, 3s. A „ Kauffman. 274 The freeing of Amoret, vide Spenser , fol. 3s. 6d. J. Ojne. 275 “ Lodona,” vide Pope’s Windsor Forest ; sheet, 5s. M. Cosway. 276 Meeting of Edward V. and his brother the duke of York; folio, 4s. — H. Ramberg. 277 Murder of Banquo’s wife and children ; sheet, proof before letters , 7s. 6d. — W. Martin. 278 Iachimo in Imogene’s chamber, folio, fine proof 7s. 6d. W. Martin. 279 The departure of Hector; folio, 2s. 6d ., proof, 4s. Cipriani , 280 Queen Elizabeth striking the Earl of Essex ; folio, 3s. Guarana. 281 Jane of Flanders appealing to the inhabitants of Rennes, fol. 2s. 6d. Rigaud. 282 Vandyck’s wife and child ; 4to, fine, 5s. Tandy ch. 283 Study of a naked female figure, from a fine drawing in red chalk ; folio, 3s. 6d. Annibal Caracci. 284 Playing at thread the needle — Children playing with a mouse — Children feeding chickens — Swinging — Playing at marbles — Playing at bat and bail ; 4to, 2s. each. W. Hamilton. 285 Death of Dido ; half sheet, 5s. Cipriani. 286 Ticket for the benefit of Giardini, 2s. 6d. Cipriani. 287 Ticket for the ball at the Mansion House, 1775 ; 4to, 3s. Ibid. 288 Frontispiece to Borghi’s overtures, 1787 ; 4to, 2s. 6d. 289 Frontispiece to Adams’ architectural works ; sheet, 5s. Zucchi. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 13 290 Nymphs bathing* — Nymphs after bathing ; ovals, the 'pair , 4to, 5s. Cipriani. 291 Hercules and Omphale; proof before letters , 4to, 3s. Ibid. 292 Bacchus and Ariadne ; proof before letters , 4to, 3s. A. Kauffman 293 Griselda ( vide Chaucer) ; folio, 3s. Ibid. 294 Ariadne forsaken ( vide Dryden) ; 4to, proof, 2s. 6d. Ibid. 295 Tancred and Clorinda ; 4to, 2s. 6d. Ibid. PIERRE PRAMCOIS BASAN. 296 Ariadne abandoned in the island of Naxos, from a picture in the Dresden gallery ; folio, 7s. 6d. Luca Giordano. 297 The rat killer, copy of VisscheVs celebrated print ; folio, 9s. 298 Le magister Hollandois, from a picture formerly in the gallery of “ le Comte de Yence ; ” folio, 7s. 6d. Terburg. 299 “ Le chariot de Flandre,” landscape and cattle ; half sheet, 6s. A. V. Velde. 300 11 La source utile aux voyageurs,” ditto ; half sheet, 6s. Ibid. STEPHEN 1 BAUDET. 301 The tribute money ; from a picture formerly in the Royal French collec- tion , 5s. Valentino. JOHANN FRIEDRICH BAUSE. 302 The Magdalen reading in a cavern, from the picture at Dresden, folio, 8s. P. Battono. 303 “ Rosetta,” a young girl in a satin dress, with a basket of flowers, after Gaspar Netscher, large 4to, fine, 7s. 6d. 304 Cupid sharpening his arrows, from a picture by Raphael Mengs, proof before letters , large 4to, 7s. 6d. NICHOLAS BSATRIZET. 305 Adoration of the Magi (13), 9s. Julio Romano. 306 Christ raising the daughter of Jairus (15), 15s. H. Muciano. 307 Christ walking on the waters (16), engraved after the picture by Giotto, executed in Mosaic in 1335, and which is now over the door of the Vatican ; fine and very scarce , £4 14s. 6d. 308 The Holy family, in a landscape, with the infant Saviour embracing St. John (24 ), first state before address of Lafrery, 10s. 6d. Muciano. 309 The Virgin and infant Saviour distributing rosaries to the Dominicans, the subject enclosed in a large rosary , fyc. (29), 9s. 310 St. Elizabeth of Hungary visiting the sick (31), 10s. 6d. R. Muciano. 311 Prometheus tormented by a vulture, after Michael Angelo (39), the original print , but the inscription beneath cut off, fine, £l Is. 312 Ditto, a contemporary copy, fine and scarce , 12s. 313 A bacchanalian piece, with several infants carrying the body of the ass of Silenus, after Michael Angelo (40), the original print, scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 314 - — Ditto, the copy described bv Bartsch, L2s. 14 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 315 The sacrifice of Iphigenia, after Michael Angelo (43), 7s. 6d. 316 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state before the plate was re- touched and before a coat of arms was substituted for the address of “ Tramezini,” scarce , £1 Is. 317 The combat of reason and love (44) from a composition of many figures by Baccio Bandinelli ; very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 318 Battle between the Romans and Dacians, from a bas-relief in Marble on the arch of Constantine (94), 7s. 6d. JACQUES FXRMIN BEAUVAEIET. 319 The History of Esther, a series of seven prints from paintings by J. F. DE TROY:— 1. Esther attiring, surrounded by her female attendants. 2. Ahasuerus crowning Esther. 3. Ahasuerus descending* from his Throne to comfort Esther, who faints in the arms of her attendants. 4. Esther entertaining Ahasuerus and Haman. 5. Mordecai refusing to bend the knee to Haman. 6. The disgrace of Haman. 7. The triumph of Mordecai. The Set complete, most brilliant artist’s proofs before any letters, extremely rare, £12 12s. 320 Mordecai refusing to bend the knee before Haman, fine, 18s. F. de Troy. 321 The Disgrace and Seizure of Haman, proof before letters , £l 11s. 6d. Ibid. 322 Esther entertaining Ahasuerus and Haman, fine proof before letters , £1 11s. 6d. Ibid. 323 Esther crowned by Ahasuerus, fine, 18 s. Ibid. 324 Telemachus in the Isle of Calypso relating his adventures ; half sheet, very fine , £2 2s. J. Raoux. 325 - — Ditto ; brilliant artist’s proof before all letters, rare, £3 3s. 326 The Children of the Count de Bethune ; half sheet, with the companion print, very fine, with good margins , £1 11s. 6d. Drouais. 327 Portrait of the Marquis de Montpipeau, beautiful proof before the inscrip- tion round the oval ; folio, 10s. 6d. Roslin. 328 Venus mourning the death of Adonis, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery ; fine proof before letters, folio, 7s. 6d. A. Turchi. 329 The Garden of Love, upright oval, brilliant proof before any letters , folio, £1 11s. 6d. 330 Judgment of Paris — Rape of Europa — Acis and Galatea — Rape of the Sabines ; the set of four, sheet, £1 11s. 6d. L. Giardano. 331 Acteon surprising Diana and her nymphs ; large 4zto,fne and very scarce, 12s. Breughell and Rottenhamer. 332 Incredulity of St. Thomas, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery ; folio, proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. Calabrese. 333 A Dutch lawyer in his study, u Le Bourg-mestre half sheet, fine, 12s. A. Ostade. 334 ~ — Ditto, extremely fine, with large margin, 15 s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 15 335 Le Caffe Hollandois ; interior, with peasants smoking* and drinking* ; from a 'picture by Ostade , folio, 9s. 336 Ditto ; a brilliant impression, in the first state bejore the address of 11 Basan,” 18s. 337 La double surprise, from a fine picture by Gerard Dow , folio, fine impres sion, 12s. 338 — _ Ditto ; proof before all letters in beautiful condition, with large margin, rare , £1 11s 6d. 339 u La marchande d’amours,” from a painting by Tien ; oblong, half sheet, fine, 9s. 340 La fruitiere; half sheet, 9s. Vanasse. 341 Le jardinier — La fruitiere; half sheet, the pair, 12s. Ibid. 342 Le depart du courier — L’arrivee du courier, from pictures by Boucher; very fine impressions, the pair, scarce, £2 2s. 343 Le jeu de tric-trac, after Ostade ; 4to, 5s. 344 “ Le garde fidelle,” Dogs with game ; 4to, fine, 5s. C. Duet. ESrCtftiLVXCTGS BY BOMEMICO BECCAFTTIVIX, born at Siena, 1484. 345 Adoration of the Shepherds (1) ; very scarce , 15s. 346 Christ disputing with the doctors in the Temple, called 11 Le petit Jesus au Temple ” (2), 7s. 6d. 347 A Procession of Marine Monsters (3), very rare and fine, £2 2s. 348 ditto, first state , before the bach ground , extremely rare but damaged, £1 11s. 6d. 349 The Vintagers (5), very fine and scarce, but a little cut at bottom, £2 2s. ISAAC BECKETT. 350 Henry Howard Duke of Norfolk ; oval, in armour, with lace collar, folio, BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE ANY LETTERS, EXTRA RARE, £5 5s. COBITEl.mS BSCA. %* The following etchings , by “ Begaf from the collection of Baron Verstolk, are of the very purest quality in every respect. 351 Bust of a Young Woman (2), first state, before the margin of the plate was cleaned, £l Is. 352 Bust of an Old Woman looking up (3), first state, before the plate was cleaned, £1 Is. 353 ditto, fine impression in the usual state, 7s. 6d. 354 Head of an Old Woman laughing (4), 3s. 355 Ditto, a most beautiful impression in the first state , with good margin , £1 Is. 356 Head of a Peasant laughing (5), second state, fine, 3s. 6d. 357 — — Ditto, brilliant, in the first state, with good margin, £1 Is. 358 Unfinished head of a Peasant laughing (6), fine, 5s. 359 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state , with the outline of the cap, Spc. distinctly seen, £l Is. . 16 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 360 Bust of an Old Woman in an oval (7 ) 1 first state , before the border, 15s. 361 Ditto, in the same state, but before the plate was cleaned , £l Is. 362 Figure of a Man in a short cloak (8 ),fine, 5s. 363 Woman carrying a pitcher, etched on a diamond-shaped plate (9 )] first state, before the plate 7uas cleaned , 15s. 364 Man walking with his hand in his vest (101, brilliant, before the edges of the plate were cut at top and bottom and before the plate was cleaned, £1 Is. 365 The Woman smoking (11), most brilliant before the margin of the plate was cut or cleaned, £l Is. 366 An Old Woman holding a great jug (12), line, 3s. 367 Ditto, first state, before the plate was cleaned, brilliant, £l Is. 368 The Smoker (13), 3s. 369 Ditto, most brilliant, before the plate was cleaned, £1 Is. 370 An Old Woman standing (14), first state, before the two sketches were erased, £1 Is. 371 The man with a short cloak and high cap (15), second state, 3s. 6d. 372 Ditto, first state, before the scratches at the side were erased, £1 Is. 373 The Drinker (16), second state, very fine, 15s. 374 Ditto, first state, before the plate was cleaned, brilliant, £2 2s. 375 The peasant with a low cap (17), second state, extremely fine, 15s. 376 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state, before the plate was rebitten, fyc., £2 2s. 377 The woman carrying a basket on her head (18), second state, fine, 5s. 378 The peasant at a window (19), first state, before the name of the artist and before much extra work, very rare, £2 l‘2s. 6d. 379 Ditto, second state, most brilliant, before the plate was cleaned, £1 11s. 6d. 380 The Family, a sketch (21), very fine, 7s. 6d. 381 A Peasant, seen from behind (22 ), first state, before the scratches, fyc. were removed, with good margin, £1 11s. 6d. 382 * Ditto, in the same state, slightly stained with ink, 15s. 383 A group of Peasants seated near a chimney (23), very fine, 7s. 6d. 384 Interior, with a Peasant talking to a Woman (24), second state, very fine, 15s. 385 Ditto, first state, before the plate was cleaned; brilliant, with good margin, £2 2s. 386 The Ball (26), second state, 5s. 387 Ditto, first state, bejore the background, extremely fine and rare, £2 2s. 388 The Singer (fl), first state , before the plate was cut and before the margin was cleaned, £1 11s. 6d. - — Ditto ; second state, before the plate was cut , but the margin cleaned, 10s. 6d. 389 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 17 CORNELIUS SEGA — continued. 390 The Mother and Child (28), 5s. 391 Ditto, most brilliant and clear impression, with good margin, 15s. 392 The Three Drinkers (29 ),frst state , before the plate was cleaned, and with a high-crowned hat distinctly visible above one of the heads, super!) and very rare , £2 12s. 6d. 393 Ditto, the plate cleaned, !>ut traces of the hat still visible , very fine , 15s. 394 Ditto, a fine impression in the third state, 5s. 395 Interior, a Peasant with his Wife and Child (30), brilliant , 10s. 6d. 390 Interior, a group of Peasants conversing (31), an unfinished plate ; very fine , 15s. 397 The Tillage Alehouse, interior (32), 5s. 398 Ditto, first state , before the address , brilliant, £2 2s. 399 Interior of an Alehouse with two peasants, one of whom is conversing with a young woman (33), second state, before the address of 11 Covens , fyc.fi very fine, £2 2s. 400 Ditto, third state, with the address, 5s. 401 Interior of a Cabaret, with peasants drinking, smoking, &c. (35), first state, before the address of Covens and Mortier , £1 Is. BARTHOLOMEW BEHAM. 402 Judith with the head of Holofernes and seated on his naked body (3), 10s. 6d. 403 ditto, a very fine impression , rare, £l Is. 404 Judith with the head of Holofernes (4), fine , 12s. * 405 St. Christopher (10), 6s. 406 Ditto, brilliant impression , 15s. 407 Roman charity; Cimon nourished by his daughter in prison (11), very fine , 9s. 408 Lucretia about to kill herself (15), 7s. 6d. 409 Ditto, a beautiful impression and extremely scarce , 21s. 410 Combat of naked men, or fighting for the standard (18), very fine and extremely scarce , £2 2s. 411 The goddess Flora (21), 7s. 6d, 412 Apollo and Daphne (25) ?i fine and scarce , 15s. *** The finest work of this master. 413 Judgement of Paris, a circular piece (26), 5s. 414 A young man armed with a bow (35), 7s. 6d. 415 The avaricious man (38), 12s. 415* Ditto, before the plate was retouched , 21s. 416 The mother with two infants (40), 5 s. 417 A man sitting upon a tree stump (45), scarce , 9s. c 18 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 418 The Halbardier on horseback (49), 3s. 6d. 419 Ditto, fine, 7s. 6d. 420 Portrait of the Emperor Charles V. (60), and scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 421 Portrait of the Emperor Ferdinand I. (61), rare , £2 2s. 422 Ditto, superb impression in the Jirst state before the address of u Hey den,” £4 4s. HAHTS BEHAM, born at Nuremberg, ISO®. 423jAdam and Eve (1-2), the pair, 5s. 424 Ditto, very fine and scarce , 15s. 425 Adam and Eve (5), 5s. 426 Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise (7), 3s. 427 Moses and Aaron reading* from a book, which they hold between them (8), very fine , 12s. 428 Judith placing* the head of Holopherne3 in a sack (10) 7s. 6d. 429 Judith holding* the head of Holofernes (11), 3s. 6d. 430 Ditto, a superb impression , very scarce, 15s. 431 Judith with the head of Holophernes (12), 3s. 6d. 432 Ditto,, first state, superb, 15s. 433 Job visited by his three friends (16), 5s. 434 The Virgin and child with a pear (18), 7s. 6d. 435 The Virgin and child with a parroquet (19), 7s. 6d. 436 Ditto, a most brilliant impression, 15s. 437 Christ at the feast of Cana (23), most superb impression, 15s. 438 Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman (24), 4s. 439 — — • Ditto, superb impression, extremely scarce, 15s. 440 Jesus Christ in the house of Simon the Pharisee (25), 5s. 441 Ditto, superb impression, very scarce, 15s. 442 The Man of Grief (26), full length, with a crown of thorns, leaning against the cross, 9s. 443 Ditto, extra fine and in beautiful condition, 15s. 444 The Saviour of the world (30), 7s. 6d. 445 Ditto, superb impression, before cross hatching on the banner, right leg, fyc., rare, 12s. 446 The Parable of the Prodigal Son (31-34), the set of 4 plates, complete, scarce, £1 Is. 447 The prodigal son quitting his father’s house (31), fine, 6s. 448 The prodigal son feeding swine (33), 3s. 6d. 449 Saint Andrew and St. Thomas (39 ),fine, 3s. 6d. 450 Saint Matthew and St. John (40), 2s. 6d. 451 Saint James the minor (45), very fine , 2s. 6d. 452 The four Evangelists, full length with wings and their attributes (55-58), a most beautiful set and in perfect condition, rare, £1 11s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 19 453 Saint Jerome (60), 2s. 6d. 454 Ditto, a veryjine impression , rare, 7s. 6d. 455 Saint Jerome (62), 10s. 6d. 456 Ditto, brilliant impression and very scarce, 21s. 457 Saint Jerome praying 1 , attended by an Angel (63), 3s. 458 Ditto, very fine impression , 7s. 6d. 459 Saint Anthony the Hermit (64), 5s. 460 Saint Sebald (65), in a Pilgrim's dress, and sustaining* in his hand the model of a Cathedral, 5s. 461 Ditto (65), brilliant impression , 7s. 6d. 462 Alexander the great leading* out Bucephalus (67), 3s. 6d. 463 Combat between the Greeks and the Trojans (69), 6s. 464 Cimon nourished by his daughter (73), an etching , 4s. 465 Cimon nourished by his daughter (74), 2s. 6 d. 466 Cimon nourished by his daughter (75), 4s. 467 Ditto, superb impression, in the first state before the inscription on the column , fyc. extremely rare, 15s. 468 Cleopatra applying the asp to her breast (76), very fine, 7s. 6d. 469 Cleopatra in prison applying the asp to her breast (77), fine, 5s. 470 Lucretia stabbing herself (79), 5s. 471 Ditto, first state, before much extra work, on the left leg , Sfc. scarce, 7s. 6d. 472 Dido (80), copied from a print of Venus from Marc Antonio after Raphael, fine and scarce , 10s. 6d. 473 The justice of Trajan (82), 5s. ; fine, 9s. 474 Ditto, before the date, fine and rare, 15s. 475 Bust of Domitia Cal villa, mother of Marcus Antoninus (84), very fine, 2s. 6d. 476 A Triton and a Nereid (87), 3s. 477 Judgment of Paris (88), in a circle, veryjine, with margin, 10s. 6d. 478 The same subject (89), a small upright, 5s. 479 Venus and Cupid (91), 2s. 6d. 480 Battle between the Centaurs (94), 3s. ; brilliant, 10s. 6d. 481 Combat of three men (95), 5s. 482 Ditto, in a very early state, before much extra work on many parts of the figures, very scarce, 15s. 483 The labours of Hercules (96-107), the 12 plates complete, a superb set in the first and pure state of the plates bejore any retouching took place, in beautiful condition and extremely rare, £4 4s. 484 Ditto, a very fine set, £2 2s. 485 Ditto, separate plates, 3s. each. Nos. 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105. 486 Hercules defeating the Centaurs (9 Q), first state, 5s. 487 Hercules killing Nessus (§7), first state, 5s. 20 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 488 Hercules receiving’ the shirt from Dejanira (98 ), first state , 5s. 489 Hercules dragging the dog Cerberus from Hell (100 ), first state , 5s. 490 Hercules destroying the Hydra (102), Jirst state, 5s. 491 Hercules strangling Antoeus (105), Jirst state, 5s. 492 Death of Hercules (107), Jirst state , 5s. 493 A female satyr playing upon the bagpipes (110 ), first state, { fine and scarce. 7s. 6d. 494 The Satyr sounding a horn (111), 3s. 495 Jupiter and Leda (112), 3s. 6d. 496 The seven planets (113-120) ; a jine set with the Jirst title, some variations and copies, together 17 pieces, very scarce, £3 3s. 497 Ditto, (114, 115, 117, 120), 2s. 6d. each. 498 Ditto, Mars (116), Jirst state , 7s. 6d. 499 The Seven Liberal Arts, represented by winged female figures, with their respective attributes (121 to 127), set of 7 plates, complete, Jine, £l 5s. 500 The Christian Religion victorious over sin (128), 3s. 501 The knowledge of God and the seven Christian virtues, represented by full length winged female figures and attributes (129-136), the complete set, 8 plates, fine, 25s. 502 Ditto, most exquisite impressions, in the finest condition and very rare, £2 2s. 503 Charity (137), superb impression and scarce, 9s. 504 Patience, represented by a winged female embracing a lamb, &c. (138 ),j^V5? state, before cross hatching on the left leg, very fine and extra scarce, 12s. 505 Good Fortune, represented by a female richly dressed, holding a wheel in her hand, on which is seated one of her favourites, &c. (140), 5s. 506 Bad Fortune, a female upon whom a violent wind is blowing, an imp despoiling her of her clothes, &c. (141), 5s. 507 Ditto, very fine, before much extra work, 7s. 6d. 508 Ditto, superb impression in the first state, very scarce, 15s. 509 The Triumph (143), fine, 10s. 6d. 510 Ditto, most beautiful impression with good margin, 15s. 511 Melancholy (144), fine, 3s. 6d. 512 Ditto, first state before cross hatching on the nech, fyc., very scarce, 7s. 6d. 513 “ L’Impossible ” (145), very fine, 5s. 514 Ditto, brilliant and in perfect state, 10s. 6d. 515 Ditto, superb impression in the first state before parallel lines on the roch, extra work on the figure , fyc., very rare, 15s. 516 Death surprising a naked sleeping female (146), fine and extremely rare, 25s. 517 A young woman walking, accompanied by Death (149 ),Jine, 2s. 6d. 518 Ditto, in the first state , brilliant and scarce , 9s. 519 Death, with wings, seizing upon a young woman, who is naked (150), brilliant, 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 21 520 Death and the three naked sorceresses (151), veryjinc and scarce , 7s. 6d. 521 The Village Festivals (154-163), the set of 10 complete , very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 522 Ditto, a most beautiful set , brilliant impressions , £2 2s. 523 Ditto ; the following plates from this set, singly 2s. 6d. each, viz., 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162. 524 The Battle of the Peasants (165), fine, 3s. 6d. 525 The village bridal procession ; fine impressions, 3s. 6d. each viz. 178, 180, 181, 183, 184. 526 The peasant at market (186), 3s. 6d. ; brilliant , 5s. 527 The female peasant at market (187), 3s. 528 The peasant with a fork (188), very fine, 3s. 6d. 529 The peasant with his hands behind him, companion to the preceding (189)> fine, 3s. 6d. 530 The peasant going to market (192), 3s. 531 The bagpipe player embracing his mistress (195), 3s. 6d. 532 Ditto very fine in the first state before the plate was corroded , scarce, 12s. 533 The Three Soldiers and the Dog (196), fine, 3s. 534 — — Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state , 7s. 6d. 535 The Sentinel over the Powder Casks (197), 5s. ; very fine , 7s. 6d. 536 The Ensign, Drummer, and Fifer (198), fine, 5s. 537 The Flag-ensign and the Drummer (199 ),fine, 3s. 6d. 538 The colour bearer (200), 2s. 6d. 539 The amorous soldier (202), 5s. 540 The German soldier (203), an etching , 3s. 541 Ditto, first impression before the plate was injured , scarce, 5s. 542 The woman with a harp (205), fine, 5s. *** Ce morceau est grave a l’eau-forte est dessinee avec gout et gravee d’une pointe aussi sprituelle que legere. Bartsch. 543 Group of naked infants, circular print (210), very fine , 5s. 544 The fool and the two pairs of lovers (212), superb , 12s. *** Cette petite piece dont le dessein et la gravure meritent une admiration egale, est une des plus belles de l’ceuvre de H. S. Beham. Bartsch. 545 The two fools (213), 2s. 546 The fool and the female bathers (214), first state , 7s. 6d. 547 St. Genevieve, with the pennance of St. John Chrysostom represented in the back ground (215), 3s. 548 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before the inscription or mark of the engraver ; very rare, 15s. 549 The Shepherd (216), 2s. 6d. ; fine, 5s. 550 A head of a horse (218), scarce , 5s. 551 Study of a man’s head (219), brilliant , 7s. 6d. 552 Study of a woman’s head (220), brilliant, 7s. 6d. 553 An ornamental Cartouch with Mask, supported by two Children (228)> 2s. 6d. 22 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 554 A Cupid, sustaining 1 with his hands a band, upon which is inscribed the Roman alphabet (229), 2s. 6d. 555 Ditto, very jins, 5s. 556 An Infant, dressed as a buffoon, holding 1 a long 1 scroll band, upon which is an inscription in German (230), fine, 5s. 557 Ditto, superb impression in the first and undescribed state , before cross hatching in many parts , scarce, 10s. 6d. 558 The mask with scrolls of ornament (231), 3s. 6d. 559 Frieze of ornament with a chimerical head of a man and two winged boys (234) , 2s. 6d. 560 An ornamental composition, supported by two chimerical heads of fishes (235) , 4s. 561 Ditto, very fine, 7s. 6d. 562 Ditto, in a very early and undescribed state, before cross hatching on the upper compartment and in the centre shell, before work on the head of the dragon to the left and on the apple above, &c., very scarce, 10s. 6d. 563^“ Les deux Genies.” Two cupids sitting on chimerical animals which terminate in scrolls of ornament (236), very fine, 7s. 6d. 564 Ditto, a superb impression in the first state, very scarce, 18s. 565 “Vase aux oves allonges” (241), very scarce, 7s. 6d. 566 A beautifully ornamented Vase and Cover, supported by two children (242), Ss. 567 The Capital and base of a Corinthian column (253), Is. 6d. 568 The arms of Sebald Beham (254), 5s. 569 A Shield of Arms, with motto round (255), circle in a hexagon, fine, 6s. 570 The shield of arms with an eagle (257), 2s. 571 . — - Ditto, fine, 5s. 572 A winged girl bearing an escutcheon of arms (258), superb impression and rare, 7s. 6d. 573 The divinities who preside over the seven planets, represented by full length figures with the signs of the Zodiac (5), attributed to Beham, the seven plates complete, 18s. WOODCUTS BIT H. S. BEE ABC* 574 Christ shown to the people (88), 2s s 6d. 575 Passion of Jesus Christ (84-91), set of 8 plates complete , til Is. 576 Two deaths’ heads (148), 3s. 577 Repose in Egypt (123), fine , 5s. 578 The lovers (161), rare, 5s. 579 March of Soldiers with their wives and baggage (170), grand composition on four sheets, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 580 History of the prodigal son (128), large print engraved on eight blocks, scarce, 25s. SAMUEL SELIIKT. 581 Dr. Johnson rescuing Oliver Goldsmith from his Landlady, sheet, 12s. E. M. Ward . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 23 PAUL BEUTAZECH. 582 Le jeu de courte boule, half sheet, 7s. 6d. A. Ostade. NICHOLAS BERGBEES. 583 The cow drinking* (1), 10s. 6d. 584 Ditto, 'fine old impression, with margin , £1 Is. 585 The Three Cows (3), SUPERB PROOF IN THE FIRST STATE BEFORE THE NAME OF BERGHEM AND BEFORE THE DIS- TANT MOUNTAIN WAS SHADED, most rare , £25. 586 The Bag-piper (4), called also “ The Pearl,” it being the finest and most finished performance of this artist, a most brilliant impression, in FINE STATE, VERY RARE, £10 10s. 587 Landscape and Cattle, with a Shepherd playing on the flute (G^very fine proof before the number and in superb condition,; rare, £5 5s. 588 Landscape, with a shepherd and Woman in conversation (7), brilliant IMPRESSION, IN THE FINEST CONDITION, WITH LARGE MARGIN,’ Very rare, £8 8s. 589 The Shepherd seated on a fountain ; Cattle crossing a stream ; Group of cattle reposing*; Halt near a cabaret; Crossing the stream; the’ same subject repeated (8-12a) ; a, magnificent set and, in beautiful condition , with the repetition of No. 12; 6 plates, extremely rare, £12 12s. 590 Cattle crossing a stream (9), fine, 15s. 591 Halt near a cabaret (11), fine, 15s. 592 Crossing the stream (12) ; superb proof in a state undescribed by Bartsch , being intermediate with h>s first and second ; i. e. with the mountains , fyc. in the distance , but before the date was erased , of very great rarity, £6 6s. 593 Group of cows and sheep (13) ; superb and brilliant proof before the number and address , extreme^ rare, £4 4s. 594 Etchings of Horses and Cattle (13-16), set of 4 plates ; superb and matchless proofs in the , first state before the numbers and inscriptions, in the purest condition with good margins and of the very greatest rarity , £22. *** The beauty of this set would satisfy the most fastidious collector. 595 Landscapes with cattle and animals (13-16) ; set of 4 etchings, fine impres- sions , £1 Is. 596 Ditto, extremely fine old impressions and in excellent condition, £1 11s. 6d. 597 The group of horses and goats (14), 5s. 598 La vache couchee pres de la vache qui pisse (15), 5s. 599 — — Ditto, superb proof before the number and address , extremely rare, 600 The Ass and group of sheep and goats (16) ; superb proof before the address and number , extremely scarce, £3 3s. 601 Head of a goat (17), 7s. 6d. 602 Head of a goat (18), 7s. 6d. 24 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 603 11 Les vaches a la laitiere ” (23-28) ; set of six etching’s of cows, "beautiful impressions and in very fine and perfect condition , scarce, £7 7s. 604 Set of etchings of sheep, called the Woman’s Book (29-34) ; brilliant proof s, before the numbers and inscription on the first plate , rare , £0 6s. 605 Set of etchings of goats, called the Man’s Book (35-40), fine, before the address of De Wit , 6 plates, £l 11s. 6d. 606 Another set, the address and numbers erased, 9s. 607 Group of sheep (43 ),fine old impression , 7s. 6d. 608 Etchings of sheep, called the Woman’s Book (41-48), brilliant proofs before the numbers, except the title-page, £5 5s. 009 Ditto, superb proofs, in the first state before the numbers and in- scription on the first plate , and with the exception of the title , have good margins and are in the finest condition , very rare, £9 9s. 610 “ La brebis et l’agneau qui tette” (44); beautiful proof in the first state before the number , £2 2s. 611 The Man’s Book and the Woman’s Book ; the following single plates from the sets at 5s. each, 29, 31, 32, 41 to 47, 49, 50, 56. 612 Etchings of sheep and goats (41 to 47, 50, 52, 53 to 56), the numbers erased , Is. 6d. each. 613 A grand mountainous Landscape, in the foreground of which is a shepherd and shepherdess, with some cattle on the banks of a stream, fed by a cascade falling from a hill in the distance, on which appear the ruins of a castle ; a magnificent original drawing by Nicholas Berghem, in Indian Ink, signed , 24 by 20, £31 10s. ANGELO BERTINI. 614 Ajax drawing his sword (back view), after Canova, sheet , 5s. 615 Hebe ; from a statue by Canova, in the possession of the Countess Guicci- ardini, sheet , 6s. 616 Dancing girl with cymbals, from a statue by Canova in the Royal palace at Vienna ; sheets 5s. CHARGES CEEMEBTT BERVXC. 617 “Laocoon” and his two sons, from the magnificent antique sculptured group ; superb proof before the letters , very rare, £5 5s. *** The chef-d'oeuvre of Bervic’s graver. 618 L’Education d’Achille, u Chiron teaching Achilles the use of the Bow,” £l 2s. J. B. Regnault. 619 L’Enlevement de Dejanire, from the celebrated picture by Guido Reni ; fine , but not m good state , 16s. PIETRO BETTELLINX, v/ 620 Portrait of Galileo ; folio ,, fine proof before letters, £1 11s. 6d. Passignani. 621 The Adoration of the Shepherds ; sheet, 12s. Vanderwerff. 622 The Virgin and Child with a book, u Mater div. Sapienti from a picture by Titian in the gallery of Prince Poniatowshi , half she et, 16s. Ditto , fine proof before letters and before the arms , £l 11s. 6d. 623 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 25 624 Sibilla Persica — Sibilla Frigia ; from pictures by Guercino, the pair proofs before letters, folio, 15s. F. C. BXERWEIIER. 625 The guitar player, from a fine picture by Frank Hals ; half sheet Inez. superb proof before letters, £l Is. JAKOB BIUC X. 626 Lot and his daughters (4 ),fine and scarce , 12s. 627 David with the head of Goliath (5), 9s. 628 Judith with the head of Ilolofernes (8), 7s. 6d. 629 Massacre of the Innocents ( 10), very fine and extremely rare , 18s. 630 u La vierge assise sur un banc de gazon ” (19), fine and rare , 10a. 3d. 631 Ditto, very fine, but cut, 5s. 632 St. Anthony the hermit (21), 9s. 633 Death seizing a soldier (51), scarce , 7s. 6d. 634 Death overcoming the soldier (52) fine and scarce , 9s. 635 A woman sitting on a globe (53), very fine, 8s. 636 Fortune with a bridle standing on a naked man (55), IGs. 3d. 637 The peasant with a fork (59) ; 2s. 6d. 638 The peasant with two pots (60), 2s. 6d. 639 The peasant carrying a hare (61), 2s. 6d. 640 The flag-bearer, drummer, and fifer (66), very fine , 10s. 6d. 641 Soldiers gambling (74), 9s. 642 — — Ditto, very fine, 16s. 643 The shepherd (76) copied from II. S. Beham, No. 216, 9s. 644 “ La vignette aux quatre genies et au cheval” (81), 9s. 645 Portrait of Lucas Gassel, 1529 (93), rare, £l Is. HENRY 3IRCHE. 646 Cottage children, sheet mez .fine and scarce , 16s. Gainsborough. 647 Boys and fighting dogs, companion to the preceding, 14s. Ibid. WILLIAM BLARE. 648 The Canterbury Pilgrims ; oblong sheet, fine impression and very scarce* £2 2s. W. Blake . £L. J. B. m. BLANCHARD. 649 Saint J uste, half length, holding the palm of martyrdom, proof on India paper , 9s. Murillo. 650 Ditto, proof on India paper before letters, 16s. 651 Ditto, fine proof before the Publisher's address, £l 3s. 652 Portrait of Elizabeth of Bourbon Queen of Spain from a picture by Rubens in the Louvre ; fol. proof on India paper, 9s. 653 ~ — Ditto, fine proof on India paper before letters, 16s. THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 23 P. VAN B2.33EC3S. 654 Portrait of Nell Gwynn, 3 qrs. seated on a bank, from a picture by Sir P. Lely, fol. mez. a superb impression and very scarce, £1 Is. CORNEI.XUS BBOEMiLRT. 655 The Holy family with the infant St. John } f?'om a picture in the Quirinal palace, fol. 10s. 6d. An. Caracci. 656 St. Luke painting* the Virgin, from a picture by Raffaelle ; fol. fine, 7s. 6d. 657 The annunciation, with a choir of angels above, from a beautifully composed picture by Lanfranco, fol. fine and scarce, 15s. 658 Meleager presenting the boar’s head to Atalanta, 4to, 7 s. 6d. Rubens. 659 Christ on the Cross, with the heavens darkened and the serpent twined round the foot of the Cross, &c., brilliant impression, 4to, 9s. A. Bloemart. 660 The Nativity, with Joseph adoring the infant Saviour, folio, first and rare state before the corners of the plate were made round, 7s. 6d. Ibid. 661 St. Ignatius Loyola adoring the Saviour who appears to him bearing his cross, &c., sheet, very fine, before the plate was altered, 10s. 6d. Ibid. B3.OOTm.mCS-. 662 The Virgin, infant Saviour, and a female saint bearing the palm of martyrdom, fol. brilliant impression, 12s. Vandych. 663 Ditto, from the same picture, but a larger plate and showing more of the figure of the Saint, fol. 12s. Martin Vanden Enden excud. 664 Marriage of Saint Catherine, after P. van Schuppen, fol. brilliant proof before the arms were erased, but cut nearly close, rare, £2 2s. 665 Catharine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II., 3 qrs. seated in a chair, from a picture by Sir P . Lely, superb impression in perfect condition, fol. mez. £2 2s. 666 The Right Honoble. Anthony Earle of Shaftesbury, &c. &c. 3 qrs. in his robes as Chancellor of England, magnificent impression and extremely rare, folio, £4 4s. T. Greenhill. 667 Ditto, superb proof before the motto in the arms, extra rare, folio £8 8s. 668 Thomas Belasyse Lord Visct. ffaucenberg Barron of yarrome, Lord Lieu- tennant of the North Ryding of Yorkeshire, &c. &c. in armour, from a picture by Maria Beale, folio, extremely fine and scarce , £4 4s. 669 Henry Howard Duke of Norfolk, large folio, in armour, in an oval, with his arms and titles beneath, brilliant impression, £3 3s. Sir P. Lely. 670 The Marquis of Mirabella ; small folio, brilliant proof before any letters, £3 13s. 6d. Vandych. 671 Edward Stillingfleet Bishop of Worcester, ob. 1699, folio, brilliant proof before letters, extra rare, £4 4s. 672 Portrait of Aert van Nes, the celebrated Dutch admiral, half length ; superb proof before any inscription, very rare, £5 5s. L. de Jongh. 673 Portrait of Godfrey Bidloo, the celebrated anatomist, fol. splendid proof in the first state before all letters , very scarce, £3 3s. Lairesse. PRINT COLLECTOR'S MANUAL. 27 674 Portrait of H. Cocceius, an eminent lawyer at Heidelberg*, the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the University of Oxford, 1670 ; half length, brilliant proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. Palamedes. 675 — — Ditto, superl) proof l?efore all letters in the earliest state , very rare, £3 3s. P^iUffCXS BOCHOLT. 676 Samson destroying* the lion (1), of very great rarity , £2 2s. m. X>. A. BOXZOT. 677 Le dejunee de la Hollandoise, from the duke of ChoiseuPs cabinet ; fol. fine and scarce, 12s. G . Metzu. ETCHXKTGS BIT rEl.BIITA¥D BOX.. 678 Abraham preparing* to sacrifice his son Isaac (1), super!) impression befcrv the plate was cut , extra rare , £7 7s. 679 Saint Jerome in a Cavern, meditating* upon a Crucifix (3 ),Jine and, scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 680 Ditto, a brilliant impression , but stained with oil, 25s. 681 The Family ; u interior with a family seated by a window ” (4), 9s. 682 Ditto, very fine, £l Is. 683 A Philosopher meditating (5) ; superb impression and in beautiful con- dition, very rare, £7 7 s. *** Ce morgeau est aussi beau pour l’ expression et Veffet que s’il etait par Rembrandt. Bartsch. 684 An old philosopher (6), very fine and rare , 15s. 685 The astrologer (8), 11 Morceau tres raref 15s. 686 Portrait of a Young Man, half length, in a high crowned hat (12), £1 11s. 6d. 687 Ditto, proof before the artist’s name , very fine, £4 4s. 688 Man in a mezzetin cap with two plumes (13), very fine, £l Is. 689 The woman with a pear (14), superb impression of Bol’s chef-d’oeuvre , £4 4s. *** Ce morceau est grave avec tout l’esprit et l’intelligence, que Rembrandt a mis dans ses plus beaux portraits. Bartsch. 690 Portrait of a woman in a cap and feather, in an oval (15), 7s. 6d. *** Ce morceau est fait d’une pointe aussi legere que spirituelle. Bartsch. 691 Ditto, very fine, £1 Is. XJXCCQX.O EOLBEmi. 692 Yenus and Cupid engraved on wood after Titian , 1566 (29), scarce , 7s. 6d. BOETXUS a BOISWEET. 693 The judgment of Solomon; half sheet, very fine. £2 12s. 6d. Rubens. 694 The Nativity of Christ, with adoration of the shepherds, &c., sheet, bril- liant impression , 18s. A. Bloemart. 28 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 695 The Resurrection of Lazarus ; sheet, very Jine impression , scarce , £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 696 ditto, superb impression and in fine condition, £2 12s. 6d. 697 The last supper, superb impression in the first state before address of Huberti , in perfect condition, £4 4s. Rubens. 698 — — ditto, equally fine, but cut close at the top and sides, £3 3s. Cette estampe prouve par sa beaute, et par l’intelligence avec laquelle elle a ete gravee, que Boece Bolswert a egala son frere Schelt. Leo belles epreuves en sont tres rares; pour les avoir telles, il faut que ce soit avant 1’adresse d’ Huberti. Basan. 63S Christ crucified between the two thieves, from the fine picture in the Museum at Antwerp , large fol. fine and scarce, £3 3s. Rubens. SCHSX.TIVS a BOLSWERT. 700 Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac, half sheet, fine and scarce , 10s. 6d. T. Rombouts. 701 Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness, sheet, 12s. Rubens. 702 The feast of Herod, with the daughter of Herodias presenting the head of St. John in a charger, sheet, superb impression of this rare print , £2 12s. 6d. Rubens. 703 Head of St. John brought to Herod, 18s. Rubens. 704 The Nativity, with adoration of the Virgin, angels, &c., u Virgo quern genuit, adoravit,” folio, 12s. Rubens. 705 The Virgin adoring the infant Jesus ; 4to, brilliant impression , 9s. Par - megiano. 706 The Holy family with an angel presenting a wreath of flowers, fol. 5s. Vandych. 707 Holy Family, with the infant Saviour caressing the Virgin, “Dilectus meus mihi, et ego illi,” superb impression in the first state before the address of u Bon enfant ,” folio, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 708 The Holy family with the infant St. John holding a bird attached to a cord, u Delicise meae esse cum filiis hominum,” fol. very fine, £l Is. Rubens . 709 The Virgin embracing the infant Jesus, “ Osculetur me osculo oris sui,” half sheet, 9s. Rubens. 710 Ditto, brilliant, with the first address , £l 11s. 6d. 711 Holy family with a parroquet on a column, fol. 7s. 6d. Rubens. 712 The infant Jesus on a table caressing the Virgin, “Puteus aquarum viven- tium,” 4to, fine , 10s. 6d. Rubens. 713 The Holy family with the infant Jesus and St. John caressing a lamb, half sheet, fine and scarce , 25s. Rubens. 714 The Holy family, the infant Saviour sleeping on its mother’s breast ; superb impression in the first state before the address , £l 11s. 6d. Vandych. 715 Rest in Egypt, with a group of angels dancing, sheet, fine and scarce , £1 11s. 6d. Vandych. 716 Return from Egypt, u Et erat subditus illis,” splendid impression in the first state , before M. V. Enden’s address was erased, rare , £2 2s. Rubens. PRINT COLLECTOR'S MANUAL. 29 717 The miraculous draught of fishes, engraved on three plates and called 11 La grande Peche de Rubens,” a magnificent impression, in very Jine state and extremely scarce , £4 4s. Rubens. 718 Elevation of the cross ; Jine, folio, £1 11s. 6d. Rubens. 719 Ditto, superb impression in the Jirst state , before the address of Gillis Hendriex and before the fault in the horse’s leg was corrected, very rare , £2 12s. fid. 720 Ditto, in the same early state, but slightly damaged, 18s. 721 Ditto, a modem impression, 6s. 722 The crucifixion with the presentation of the sponge and St. John and the Virgin at the foot of the Cross, sheet, very Jine before the dedication was altered , £4 4s. Vandych. 723 Ditto ; a superb impression of this magnificent print , in the first state , before the hand of St. John was placed on the shoulder of the Virgin, and before an alteration in the dedication, of very great rarity, £10 10s. 724 Christ on the Cross between two Thieves ; sheet, brilliant impression and in very fine condition, £2 12s. fid. Rubens. 725 The Crucifixion between the two Thieves (no other figures introduced into the picture), sheet ; superb proof before the inscription, and in very fine state ; a magnificent print and extremely rare, £5 5s. Eubens. 726 The Crucifixion, with view of Jerusalem in the back-ground, half sheet; superb impression of this beautiful print in the Jirst state, in unexcep- tionable condition and very scarce, £4 4s. Rubens. 727 Crucifixion, with the two Thieves ; the Virgin and Magdalen at the foot of the Cross, &c., sheet, very Jine and scarce , £4 4s. Vandych. 728 The Crucifixion, with St. John, the Virgin, and other figures at the foot of the Cross ; sheet, 15s. Jordaens. 729 The Crucifixion, with the Virgin embracing the foot of the Cross, and a monk standing by, sheet, 15s. Vandych. 730 The Crucifixion, u Christus crucifixus;” half sheet, fine, £1 5s. Eubens. 731 The Crucifixion with the two Thieves ; sheet, £l Is. Vandych. 732 The dead body of Christ in the lap of the Virgin, attended by angels , from the celebrated picture by Vandych ; magnificent impression of this beau- tiful and very rare print, and in perfect condition, £5 5s. 733 The three Maries and St. Francis with the dead body of Christ at the Sepulchre ; from the picture painted for the Capucins at Brussels , half sheet, 16s. Rubens. 734 The three Maries lamenting over the dead body of Christ ,from the magni- ficent picture in the Museum at Antwerp', modem impression, 9s. Vandych. 736 Ditto ; superb impression in the first state , wfith single line of inscrip- tion and before the address of Vanden Enden was erased, scarce , £2 2s. 737 The Ascension, “Videntibus illis, elevatus est;” half sheet, 10s. fid. Rubens. 738 Ditto, beautiful impression, in the Jirst state before the address was altered, very scarce, £2 2s. 739 The Trinity, u Hie est filiusmeus dilectus,”/rm the picture in the Museum at Antwerp; folio, very fine, with first address, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. Rubens. 30 THB FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 740 Conversion of St. Paul ; very Jine and scarce , £4 4s. Rubens . 741 Ditto, superb impression of this beautiful print , in fine condition and extremely rare, £5 5s. 742 Marriage of the Virgin; fol. very fine before the word a Ant ver pice. ” £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 743 The immaculate conception of the Virgin (Ipsa conteret caput tuum) fol. fine and scarce , 9s. Rubens. 744 The annunciation ; fol. fine, 10s. 6d. Rubens. 745 * Ditto, a brilliant impression with the first address , 25s. 746 Assumption of the Virgin (with an arched top), very fine and in fine condi- tion , sheet, £3 3s. Rubens. 747 Ditto, an impression of the greatest beauty , in the first state , extremely rare, and in the most perfect condition ; sheet, £6 6s. 748 Assumption of the Virgin (square top), sheet, very fine and in perfect con- dition, , £3 3s. Rubens. 749 Ditto, first state , a matchless and most brilliant impression , very rare, £6 6s. 750 Ditto, very fine impression, with first address, but torn partly across , sheet, 16s. (differently treated to either of the preceding.) 751 Assumption of the Virgin, snperb proof in the first state , m fine condition and very scarce , £4 14s. 6d. Rubens. 752 The Virgin and infant Saviour in glory, “ Maria Mater Dei, Regina coeli,” 4to, 5s. Rubens. 753 The Virgin and infant Saviour appearing to St. Francis Xavier ; fol. 9s. G. Seghers. 754 The doctors of the church, brilliant impression before 11 Cum Privilegio,” sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 755 The fathers of the church, accompanied by St. Clara holding the Pyx, sheet, brilliant , £2 2s. Rubens. 756 St. Francis Xavier, full length standing before a crucifix ; fol. fine and scarce , 12s. Rubens. 757 The March of Silenus ; fol. 5s. Rubens. 758 The March of Silenus ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Vandych. 759 Landscape with a Satyr and his family, half sheet, 9s. Jordaens. 760 Ditto, brilliant impression before the address of Blooteling , half sheet, £1 Is. 761 A Satyr holding a pipe, with goats and sheep in a landscape ; half sheet, fine , 8s. Jordaens . 762 Ditto, very fine, before the words Cum. Priv. and before Blooteling' s address , £1 Is. 763 Mercury and Argus with his herd ; sheet, 9s. Jordaens . 764 The return from the chase (nymphs loaded with game, and Satyrs with fruit, &c.), fol. 6s. Rubens. 765 Ditto, very fine , 15s. 766 The Continence of Scipio, sheet, 15s. Rubens . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. ei 767 The Lion hunt ; very Jine impression of this celebrated print , sheet, £2 2s. Rubens. 768 Ditto, superb impression and in most perfect condition , very rare, £5 5s. 769 Ditto, brilliant impression, but the inscription cut off, £l 11s. 6d. 770 Large woody Landscape, with Atalanta hunting the wild boar, sheet, very fine, 15s. Rubens. 771 A grand landscape, with the story of Baucis and Philemon according their hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury, sheet, very Jine, 15s. Rubens. 772 A grand landscape in illustration of Virgil’s iEneid, book 3 (called the Tempest of iEneas) splendid impression, bejore the address , large sheet, 15s. Rubens. 773 A grand forest scene, in which is shown the story of Meleager and Atalanta ; large sheet, fine, 15s. Rubens. 774 A grand landscape, view in the neighbourhood of Malines, large sheet, Jine, 15s. Rubens. 775 Interior of a stable, with the prodigal son feeding swine, large sheet, 10s. 6d. Rubens. 776 Landscape, with a group of Cavaliers and ladies amusing themselves ; half sheet, fine, 7s. 6d. Rubens. 777 View in Rome with Girls wading a ford ; from the small set of Rubens’ landscapes, superb proof before all letters, and extremely rare , £2 12s. 6d. EOX.AHBE BE SOLTSU. 778 The Three Maries with the dead Saviour at the foot of the Cross, fol. 4s. Tintoretto. JUXXO BONASOEffB. 779 The Creation of Eve (1), brilliant impression, but damaged, 21s. Michael Angelo. 780 Noah coming out of the Ark, after Raffaelle (4), 7s. 6d. 781 Ditto, fine impression, £1 11s. 6d. 782 Ditto, superb impression and in fine condition, rare, £4 4s. 783 Moses striking the rock and ordering the Israelites to gather the manna, from a design by Farmegiano (5), 7s. 6d. 784 Ditto, very Jine , £l Is. 785 Judith with the head of Holofernes (9), fine, 15s. Michael Angelo. 786 Adoration of the Shepherds, after Julio Romano (38), fine, £l Is. 787 The entombment (44), beautiful impression, rare, £2 2s. Titian. 788 The resurrection of Christ (45), 15s. Bonasone. 789 The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John, seated in a rocky land- scape, after Farmegiano (54), 10s. 6d. 790 Ditto, very fine, £l Is. 791 The Vision of St. Jerome (62), from the picture by Farmegiano in the National Gallery, fine old impression, £1 11s. 6d. 792 Ditto, brilliant and rare, £3 3s. 32 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 793 The Holy Family, with Saint Elizabeth, St. John, and several other figures ; the infant Saviour holding a bird in his left hand (68), 12s. G. Romano . 791 Holy Family, with St. John, in an extensive landscape (69), very Jine impression , scarce , £1 Is. Titian. 795 A prophet and a sybil, from M. Angelo's Sistine chapel (78), very fine and rare , £1 11s. 6d. 796 Study of a naked man bearing the cross, from Michael Angelo's Last judgment (79), 10s. 6d. 797 Ditto, very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 798 Scipio wounded, attended by several soldiers (81), superb impression, £2 12s. 6d. Polidoro. 799 Ditto, a very Jine impression , 25s. 800 Clelia crossing the Tiber, after Polidoro (83), extremely fine and rare , £2 2s. 801 Jupiter embracing Juno girded with the cestus of Venus (92), superb im- pression and very rare , £5 5s. Bonasone. 802 The Gods dividing the empire of the Universe (93-96), set of four plates, £2 12s. 6d. Giulio Romano . 803 Jason and Medea, designed and engraved by Bonasone (98), 15s. 801 The amours of Alexander and Koxana ; engraved from his own design (100) fine impression of this beautiful print, but not in fine condition, 10s. 6d. 805 Cupid surprised in the Elysian fields by the spirits of lovers who had felt his power during life (101), £1 11s. 6d. *** Cette estampe est de l’invention de Jules Bonasone, et de ses plus belles pieces, comme elle est de ses plus rares. Bartsch. 800 Mercury and the Daughters of Aglaurus, designed and engraved by Bonasone (102), 15s. 807 A Child in a Chariot drawn by a Lion, attended by others, with elephant, lion, horses, &c. in a landscape (103), 12s. 808 Neptune appeasing the Tempest (101), a beautiful impression and in fine condition , £2 2s. 809 Venus and Cupid in a chariot with the attributes of all the Gods who have felt the power of love (105), 15s. Tres belle piece inventee et gravee par Jules Bonasone, partie h l’eau forte, partie au burin. Bartsch. 810 Venus and Cupid in a chariot drawn by Swans, attended by two Cupids (105), very fine, £2 2s. 811 Eape of Europa, after Raff aelle (109), scarce , £1 Is. 812 Flora and her nymphs crowning the God of Love (111), _12s. Giulio Romano. 813 Judgment of Paris, designed and engraved by Bonasone (112), extremely rare , and probably the finest impression known, £5 5s. 811 An allegorical subject (171) ; on the right is an empty cradle with five women standing round, one of whom points to an infant reposing on the summit of a piece of architecture in ruins, the mother (apparently) is seated on the ground in great affliction, while another female is drawing her attention to the sleeping* child ; a city with bridge, obelisk, temple, &c. forms the background, and to the left at top is seen Apollo, driving the chariot of the Sun ; fine impression, 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 33 JULIO BOEffASOTJE— continued. 815 Saturn seated in the Clouds (169), very fine and extremely rare , but mended at one corner, £2 2s. 816 The Star of the Kings, a beautiful composition of numerous figures (175), very fine , £1 11s. 6d. 817 The group of men and women bathing, from his own design (sometimes called the Anabaptists’ bath (177), very u fine impression from the collec- tion of Sir Mark Sykes , rare, £2 12s. 6d. 818 Young man destroying a Sea-monster (178), fine impression of this spirited composition , £1 11s. 6d. PIETRO BOUATO. 819 The Virgin and Child, with Joseph in the background exercising his voca- tion as a carpenter,. from a picture by Correggio similarly treated to that in the National Gallery ; fol. fine, 25s. 820 The Tomb of Maria Christina Archduchess of Austria, at Vienna, after Canova', sheet, 7s. 6d. 821 Theseus vanquishing the Centaur, after Canova ; 2 views, sheet, 8s. each. SPA. H. V. BOOM. 822 “Le Hameau”, an etching (1) ; brilliant impression , £l 11s. 6d. X>. S. BOSSES. 823 Belisarius begging his bread ; half sheet, 5s. Vandyck. ETCHINGS BY JOHN BOTH. 824 The set of four upright landscapes (1-4), very fine impressions , before Matham 1 s address was erased, £6 16s. 6d. 825 Ditto, superb impressions, with good margins, a most desirable set, £9 9s. 826 The set of Landscapes (5-10) ; a magnificent set of proofs before the num- bers or name of Both , and, with the exception of JNo. 9, in beautiful condition and with good margins, extremely rare, £12 12s. 827 The Woman mounted on a Mule (1), fine, before the address of Matham was erased, £l Is. 828 Ditto, in the same early state, but in beautiful condition and with good margin, rare, £2 2s. 829 — - Ditto, superb proof before the address of Matham, and before the shading on two figures in the distance , £12 i2s. *** In this state it was unknown to Bartsch. 830 The cart drawn by oxen (2), fine proof before the address of Matham was erased, £1 5s. 831 Ditto, magnificent proof in the same early state of the plate, in perfect condition and with good margin, £2 2s. 832 — *— Ditto, superb joroof before the names of Both and Matham, most rare, and undescribed by Bartsch, £6 6s. D 34 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 833 The two mules (4 ),Jine proof before the address of Matham was erased , £1 Is. 834 - — — Ditto, superb proof in the earliest state of the plate ( undescribed by Bartsch ) being* before the address of Matham, of the greatest rarity, £2 2s. *** An accidental tear in the top part of the print has been admirably mended. 835 The Stone Bridge (5), brilliant proof before the number or name of Both ; rare, £2 12s. 6d. 836 Ditto, in the same fine state, but cut nearly close , £l 11s. 6d. 837 Ditto, superb proof before the sky, of the utmost rarity and unknown to Bartsch , £12 12s. 838 The Muleteer (6), superb proof before the name of Both or number ; rare, £1 11s. 6d. 839 Ditto, in the same state, extremely fine, £2 2s. 840 The Passage Boat (7), proof before the number or name of Both, but mended in the right-hand corner, £l Is. 841 Ditto, proof in the same state, but cut close, 9s. 842 The two Cows on the bank of a Stream (8), brilliant proof before the num- ber or name of Both ; rare, £2 2s. 843 Ditto, in the same fine state, but cut nearly close, £l 11s. 6d. 844 — — Ditto, in the same state as the preceding, but in beautiful condition and with good margin, very rare, £3 3s. 845 The Fishermen (9), proof before name and number, but slightly mended , £1 11s. 6d. 846 The Wooden Bridge (10), proof before name and number, but slightly repaired, £l 11s. 6d. SASTDBO BOTTICSL1Z. 847 The Last Judgment; from a design by Fra Angelico da Fiesole; splendid impression in most perfect condition, and u presque unique” £31 10s. %* For a detailed description of this most rare and interesting specimen of the early Italian school vide Ottley, vol. 1, p. 428. JEilltf BOUXAXTGS&. This artist engraved in a style (of which he was the inventor) in which an infinity of points are substituted for lines, it has a very pleasing effect, the various tints being admirably expressed by his method ; the style was subse- quently practised by Morin and De la Platte Montaigne — vide Le Blanc, Jou- bert, &c. 848 Head of the Virgin “ Mater Amabilis,” half sheet, 16s. Coy pel. 849 Ecce Homo; La mere de douleur; half sheet, the pair, very fine and ex- tremely scarce, £2 12s. 6d. A. Solario. 850 Holy Family with St. John adoring the infant Saviour standing on the knees of the Virgin, from a picture by Mignard, half sheet, 10s. 6d. 851 Ditto, very fine, 15s. 852 The Virgin with the infant Saviour giving a benediction to St. J ohn, who is kissing his foot ; from a picture by Guido, scarce, 18s. 853 Christ sinking under his cross, from a picture by Mignard ; fol. fine and scarce, 9s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 35 854 La chaste Susanne accusee, fol. proof before any inscription , scarce, 9s. Valentin. MAEIE A'SNB BOITRLISR. 855 The Nativity ; from a circular picture by Ghirlandaio in the possession of the Hon. C. F. Greville ; 4to y Jine artist's proof in the earliest state y 7s. 6d. PETEE SOOT. 856 The Fish Merchants — the Skaters — the Sledge — the Sportsmen — the Jetty ; set of five etchings , forming the complete work of this master; beautiful impressions and of great rarity ; from the Verstolk and Count Fries collections , £8 8s. JOSXA.H 857 Regnier Hansloe (an anabaptist minister) and his wife, from a picture in the collection of Sir Lawrence Dundas ; sheet mez. 6s. Rembrandt . 858 Ditto, very fine, £1 5s. T. 859 Portrait of Wm. Pitt; full length from the celebrated picture by Roppner ; sheet, fine proof, very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. miLI^EiOX© BRAX7DX. 860 Portrait of General Washington, profile; published at Madrid and very scarce ; 4to, 10s. 6d. GIOAXT AKTOIIO BA EEESCIA. 861 Christ risen from the tomb standing between St. Andrew and St. Lon- ginus, copied from No. 6 of the works of Andrea Mantegna (3), splendid impression but cut at the bottom , £l 11s. 6d. 862 The Holy family with the infant St. John and St. Elizabeth (5), very rare y £5 5s. Ce mor^eau grave d’apres un dessein d’ Andre Mantegna, est un des plus finis et des plus considerables de l’ceuvre de notre artiste. — Bartsch. 863 The Senate of Rome accompanying a triumph, copy from No. 11 of the works of Andrea Mantegna (7), 15s. 864 Ditto, brilliant impression , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 865 Elephants bearing torches, part of the Roman triumph and copied from No. 12 of the works of Andrea Mantegna (8), very fine impression , 15s. 866 Ditto, a bad impression, 6s. 867 Soldiers carrying trophies, part of the Roman triumph, copied from No. 13 of the works of Andrea Mantegna (9), very fine impression , 15s. 868 Hercules carrying the bull of Marathon (10), extremely scarce , £3 13s. 6a. 869 Hercules killing Antaeus ; from a design by Andrea Mantegna? (13), fine old impression and very scarce , £2 2s. d 2 36 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND A. BRXDOUX. 870 Laura Petrarque ; from a painting’ in the Laurentian library at Venice ; choice engraver's proof before any letters , on India paper and with the tablet white , £2 2s. Simone Memmi. 871 La Vierge aux Candelabres; beautiful artist' s proof before any letters , on India paper , with large margin , £4 4s. Raf'aelle. 1. BEZOT. 872 Henry IV., King of France, in his royal robes, lying in state ; verses in French beneath; folio, brilliant impression of this extremely curious print, extra rare, £8 8s. *** Printed on a sheet surrounded by a description in type, “ Brief discours des pompes, ceremonies, et obseques funebres d’Henry le Grand. A Paris chez Nicholas de Mathoniere, &c. 1610.” F. BEOMX.EY. 873 The Royal Cortege in Windsor Park, sheet mezzotint, £1 Is. R. B. Davis JOHN* BEOMLEY. 874 Trial of Lord William Russell, 13f by 21, fine proof before the address, £2 12s. 6d. Sir G. Hayter. 875 Ditto, fine proof before letters and before the border , scarce, £4 14s. 6d. 876 “Juliet,” from a painting by Miss Sharpe, sheet mez. 9s. 877 Ditto, proof before letters 18s. W. BEOM1EY. 878 The decisive Charge of the Life Guards at the Battle of Waterloo, fne proof , £l 11s. 6d. Luke Clennell. 879 Silenus ; from a picture in the National Gallery , 5s. A. Caracci. 880 Ditto, fne proof \ 8s. 881 Ditto, fine proof on India paper before letters , 12s. W. BROMLEY, JUK. 882 Death of Harold at the battle of Hastings, half sheet mez. 8s. A. Cooper, R.A. HAU8 BBOSAMBE, 883 Creation of Eve (1), woodcut , 5s. 884 The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St. John on either 6ide (6), very fne and extremely scarce , £2 12s. 6d. %* The most important work of this artist. 885 Judgment of Paris (11), a circular print, rare, 12s. 886 An ostler sleeping in a stable (15), woodcut, 5s. JOHN* BROWNS. 887 Apollo and the Sybil (a grand landscape ),from a picture by Salvator Rosa ; large sheet, brilliant proof before letters, 12s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 37 888 The Waggoner, from a picture by Rubens, formerly in the Houghton collection, proof before letters, £1 Is. 889 The Watering Place, brilliant proof before letters , but the coat of arms below a little cut, £1 11s. 6d. Rubens. VANBEH BRUGGE1T. 890 The Tillage Surgeon; interior, a peasant having his foot dressed, &c., folio mez., 5s. 891 The misers, a satirical print, with satyrs and death introduced, fol. mez., scarce , 5s. V. BE3 mJmA BRUMA. 892 “Sibilla Eritrea ’’from a picture by Dominichino ; 4to, 7s. 6d. ISAAC BRUBW. 893 Holy Family, the infant Saviour sleeping on its mothers’s breast, superb impression and extremely scarce, 25s. Rubens. N. BE BRUY W. 894 St. J ohn preaching in the wilderness, a composition of numerous figures in the style of Lucas of Leyden, sheet, 9s. JOHAMM TKEOBOR BE BEY, *** The numbers refer to “ La Blanc, Manual de l’amateur d’estampes." 895 Design for an etui, on which is represented the feast of Cana (71), 5s. 896 Triumph of Bacchus (16), very fine, 9s. 897 March of Soldiers with their prisoners, death bringing up the rear (98), after Titian, 5s. 898 March of Soldiers, dressed in the ancient manner (97), after Titian, 5s. 899 Diana and Acteon, a circular print (18), ajter Heintz, 5s. 900 An assembly of Venetian Nobles and ladies on the banks of the Adriatic, ajter Theodore Bernard (96), very fine, 10s. 6d. G. BUOSTAFEDX. 901 Portrait of Raffaelle, 1518, “ II Violinista di Eaffaelle,” from a picture by himself in the Sciarra Gallery at Rome ; folio, 12s. 902 Ditto, choice engraver’s proof on India paper , before any inscription , £1 11s. 0d. HAMS SURGHMAXER. 903 Dalila cutting the hair from Sampson’s head (6), woodcut , fine, 3s. 6d. T. BURKE. 904 Cupid disarm’d by Euphrosine ; folio, proof, 2s. 6d. A. Kauffman. JOHST BURNETT. 905 The salutation of the Virgin, from a picture in the Marquis of Westminster’s possession, fol. choice Engraver’s proof before all letters , 10s, 6d„ Rembrandt. 38 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 906 Adoration of the Shepherds, from a picture in the National Gallery , 6s. Rembrandt. 907 — — Ditto, fine proof ’ 9s. 908 Ditto ,fine proof on India paper before letters , 12s. 909 The Crucifixion ; from a picture in the National Gallery , 6s. Rembrandt . 910 Ditto, fine proof , 10s. 6d. 911 Ditto, proof on India paper before letters , 14s. 912 Reading of a will; fine proof, £3 13s. 6d. Sir D. Wilkie. 913 Ditto, Choice proof before the letters, extremely rare, sheet, £6 6s. 914 Chelsea Pensioners reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo, £1 14s. Sir D. Wilkie. 915 Sir David Baird Discovering the body of Sultaun Tippoo Saib, after the storming of Seringapatamj^/rowi the picture by Sir David Wilkie ; sheet, choice proof on India paper before letters , £2 2s. *** Published at £15 15s. 916 The Jew's-harp, 12s. Sir David Wilkie. 917 The Letter of Introduction, very fine proof \ 12s. Sir D. Wilkie. 918 The tethered ram ; sheet, slightly soiled , 18s. Sir E. Landseer. 919 The young bird ; fol. 5s. J. Burnett. 919* Ditto, fine proof on India paper , 8s. 920 Dancing dolls, artist's proof on India paper before letters , scarce, 15s. 921 The escape of the mouse ; fol. proof 6s. J. Burnett. 922 John Anderson my Joe ; first proof on India paper before letters , 12s. Ib. 923 Playing at draughts, fol. 6s. Ibid. 924 Christmas eve, fol. proof, 7s. 6d. J. Burnett. 925 Bathsheba bathing, from the picture by Rembrandt . formerly m Count Bruhl's gallery ; half sheet, fine proof on India paper, 12s. 926 A Family saved from shipwreck, sheet, fine proof on India paper before letters, 25s. J. Burnett. Mr. BTUZ. 927 The flight into Egypt, an angel strewing the way with flowers, fol. 6s. Guido. JaS MAXTRE R.13 CABUCBE. 928 Saint Catherine, full length holding the palm of martyrdom in her left hand, her right resting on a sword (8), a brilliant impression and of great rarity , £6 6s. 929 Three naked men tied to a tree (17), superb impression and in perfect condition, extremely rare, £5 5s. 930 Roman women sacrificing to the God Priapus (19), similar in some respects to a print of the same subject by Agostino Veneziano ; scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 931 11 L’homme portant le Berceau (11),” a unique impression , of the utmost richness and the most sparkling brilliancy , £13 13s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 39 932 “ Le Satire jouant de la cornemuse (14),” unique impression of matchless brilliancy , £12 12s. 933 11 Le soleil et la lune (16),” unique impression of matchless brilliancy, £14 14s. *** The three preceding prints from the extraordinary state of impression, truly merit the terms “superb and unique;” those ordinarily met with convey but a faint notion of the works of the master of the Caduceus, to obtain an adequate idea of which, impressions such as these must be seen ; they are of the very highest rarity, and it is believed that none of a similar character have ever been offered for public sale in England. BTCHJEffGS BIT CA1LOT. 934 Portrait of Callot, engraved by M. Lasne, 4to, scarce , 5s. 935 The Holy Family at their Bepast, ‘* The benediction,” a circle, 4to, fine, 7s. 6d. 936 Salvatoris beatse Marise Yirginis sanctorum Apostolorum icones ; set of 16 full length figures of Our Saviour, the Virgin and the Apostles, fine impressions , 8vo, calf extra, 32s. 937 11 Gloriosisimse Virginis Dei parse elogium,” 9 small and very finely en- graved plates of the nativity, crucifixion, &c., £l Is. 938 Vita beatse Marie Vir : matris Dei emblematic delineata ; a series of 27 small plates, 12s. 939 Vita et historia Beatse Marise Virginis matris Dei ; a series of 14 small and beautifully engraved plates ; very fine , 15s. 940 The Passage through the Bed Sea ; first state , before the wave was reduced in size , but slightly stained , 4to, 7s. 6d. 941 Illustration of Our Lord’s Parable “ Qua mensura mensi fueritis eadem remetietur Vobis,” Matt, vii., called “ The corn measures ,” 4to, fine , 7s. 6d. 942 The Passion of Our Lord ; set of seven plates, 4to, fine, 18s. 943 Christ shown to the People ; folio, fine, 7s. 6d. 944 Small Subjects from the Life of Christ, viz. : — Christ disputing in the Temple ; Christ Preaching to the People on the Sea-shore ; the Sermon on the Mount; the Besurrection of Lazarus; the Woman taken in Adultery ; Christ escaping out of the Temple ; The disciples plucking corn on the Sabbath ; Conversion of St. Paul ; Tribute to Caesar ; Christ’s entry into Jerusalem ; fine proofs, 5s. each. 945 Les penitents et penitentes ; set of 7 plates of Saints small and finely engraved , 10s. 6d. 946 Temptation of Saint Anthony ; fine old impression of this very singular and rare print, £l Is. 947 Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, a small oval, fine, 2s. 6d. 948 Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, 4to, 5s. 949 Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, 4to, 3s. 6d. 950 The twenty-three Martyrs of Japan crucified, small Mo 3s. 6d., very fine 5s. 951 Slaughter of the Innocents, a composition containing an extraordinary number of figures, small 4to, 3s. 6d. 40 THE FINE AKT CIRCULAR AND 952 The Small Military Exercises, set of 13 plates, very fine proofs before the numbers , 21s. 953 Supplicium sceleri fraenum ; representing* breaking* on the wheel, &c. \fine impression with the square tower , and the figure of the Virgin , 5s. 951 The Miseries of War ; set of 18 plates , very fine impressions, £l 4s. 955 Ditto, a most beautiful set with good margins , £1 16s. 956 Ditto, a very fine set , mounted and handsomely bound in calf eleg*. antique style, 4to, £2 2s. 957 The card-players, an oval plate, 4to, 3s. 6d. ; fine, 10s. 6d. 958 — — Ditto, a copy in the reverse direction, said to be also by Callot, fine, 7s. 6d. 959 Astrologers in consultation, 8vo, fine, 2s. 6d. 960 Les Fantasies de Noble J. Callot, mis en lumiere par Israel son ami, 14 small plates, a very fine set, including a duplicate of the title, proof before any inscription , 25s. 961 The Battles of Medicis; after A Tempesta, set of 15 plates, 4to, scarce, 25s. 962 An exorcism, generally called u La possedee,” engraved after Andrea JBoscoli, 4to, 2s. 6d. 963 u Battaglia del Rhe Tessi, e del Rhe Tinta ;” called 11 The fair,” representing some grand fireworks at Florence on the river Arno ; 4to, 3s. 6d. 964 The funeral catafalque and decorations for the death of the Emperor Mat- thias, 1619, 4 to, 2s. 6d. 965 Sea fights between the Turks and the fleets of the Grand Duke of Florence; set of 4 plates, 4to, 5s. 966 11 Balli di Sfessania,” a set of small grotesque figures of buffoons and mounte- banks, 24 plates, very fine, small 4to, calf extra, in the, antique style, £2 2s. 967 Gold and silver coins (Dutch and Italian) engraved at Nancy, by Callot for Gaston de France ; 10 sheets, folio, 15s. 968 u Yarie figure Gobbi di Jacopo Callot, fatto in Firenze Fan no 1616,” called also “'ihe pigmies;” — Series of Grotesque figures; together 36 plates, small 4to, calf extra in the antique style , very rare, £l 16s. 969 The combat of Yeillane near Turin, by Monsieur Deffiat, a large print, with his portrait at the top ,fine and scarce , 9s. 970 Capitano de Baroni ; a set of full length figures of beggars ; brilliant impressions with large margins, 23 plates, £2 12s. 6d. 971 Gipsy Encampment and Processions ; set of 4 plates, fine, 15s. 972 The great Fair held seven miles from Florence, 1620, engraved on two sheets and dedicated to the Grand Duke Cosmus de Medicis ; a brilliant impression of the second plate, scarce and in fine condition, £2 2s. 973 View of the Pont Neuf, and the old Tower of Nesle at Paris, 4to, 3s. fine old impression, 5s. 974 The large Stag-hunt; folio, 4s .fine, 7s. 6d. 975 Pandora ; with an assembly of the Gods, a small and finely engraved plate , 3s. 6d. 976 Ditto, very fine with large margin, 5s. 977 Ditto, brilliant proof before the thunderbolt in Jupiter’s hand was engraved, very rare, 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 41 978 Charles Delorme, physician to Louis XIV. 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. 979 “ Donatus Antellensis, senator Florentinus ;” 4to, very rare , 9s. 980 “ Giovan Domenico Peri D. Archidosso poeta contadino,” 4to, fine, 5s. 981 Catalogue and description of the whole of the works of this celebrated artist, by Green, 'portrait , 12mo, 3s. 1804. JOSEPH CAMERATA. 982 The ascension of the Virgin, from the picture by Annibal Caracci in the Dresden Gallery , sheet, 7s. fid. 983 The Magdalen reading, from a picture at Dresden , fol. 10s. 6d. P. Battoni. DOMENICO CAMPAGNOIA. 984 The battle of naked men (19) ; superb impression and in equally fine con - dition , £6 6s. 985 The decapitation of a young female Saint (6) ; superb impression in beau • tiful condition and very rare , £5 5s. ETCHINGS BY A Iff TO INTO CANALETTO. 986 View in Venice u A1 Dolo f fine proof before the number , 10s. 6d. 987 Ditto, u Sa. Giustina in pra J della vale,” proof before the number , 9s. 988 Ditto, u Pra’ della vale,” proof before the number , 9s. 989 Ditto, “ Le procuratie nioue e S. Liminian V.” before the number , 5s. 990 Ditto, “ La piera del Bando V.,” 5s. 991 Ditto, 11 Le Preson,”jfe proof before the number , 5s. 992 Ditto, u Mesfre,” proof before the number , 9s. 993 Ditto, “ Le poorte del Dolo,” 9s. 994 Ditto, 11 La Torre di Malghera,” proof before the number , 9s. 995 Ditto, “ Ale Porte del Dolo f fine impression , 8s. P. C. CiLUOT. 996 A Sea Piece, with a man-of-war and other vessels in a light breeze ; sheet, fine proof before letters , 15s. Vandervelde. 997 Christ in the storm, sheet, fine proof before letters , 7s. fid. S. de Vlieger. 998 Pyramus and Thisbe ; sheet, 5s. L. Braemer. 999 Traveller halting at the door of an alehouse, half sheet, fine proof before letters , 10s. fid. I. Ostade. 1000 The farm yard, from a picture by P. de Laer , formerly in the Udny collection ; sheet, 7s. fid. 1001 Ditto, with the companion print , 11 the stable yard,” proofs before letters, the pair, 21s. CANTAHINI SIMOSTB B2 PESAEiL. 1002 St. Anthony of Padua kneeling before the infant Jesus (25); fine proof before the inscription , 10s. 6d. 42 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AN D AGOSTm® CiLRACCX. 1003 The great crucifixion, engraved on three sheets from the famous picture by Tintoretto in the church of St. Koch at Venice (23); fine old impres- sion, scarce, £3 13s. 6d. *** Bartsch observes that Carracci in this print has carried his art to the highest degree of perfection, that it is not only one of the most considerable of his works but that Tintoretto himself was so charmed with the knowledge dis- played in its execution, as to declare that in many particulars it surpassed the original picture. According to Gori, the plate was gilt to prevent its reputation suffering by an issue of worn impressions. 1004 The temptation of Saint Anthony, after a picture l)y Tintoretto (63) ; scarce, 15s. *** Cette estampe est belle. Bartsch. 1005 St. Jerome praying' (75) ; superb proof of the plate in the first state , as left unfinished at the time of Agostind’s death ; in the most beautiful condition and without a blemish, extremely rare, £9 9s. *** C’est grand dommage que la planche soit restee imparfaite a sa mort ; car certainement il n’avoit encore rien fait de plus beau, de plus termine, ni de grave avec plus de franchise. Bartsch. 1006 The marriag'e of St. Catherine, attended by a choir of angels (08), 12s. Gravee d’apres le tableau par Paul Veronese qui se trouvaitsur le maitre- autel des moines de St. Catherine a Venise. Bartsch. 1007 iEneas saving 1 Anchises from the flames of Troy (110) ; sheet, 10s. 6d. *** Cette piece est une des plus fameuses d’Augustin carrache ; il Pa faite dans le temps de sa plus grande force d’apres un tableau peint par Baroche pour l’empereur Rodolphc II. Bartsch. 1008 Portrait of Cosmo de Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany, in an oval orna- mented with figures (140), small folio, fine, 15s. 1009 Portrait of Titian (154) ; a superb impression of this fine and scarce print , £3 13s. 6d. AOTCTXBAXi S CASACCS. 1010 Susannah and the elders (1) ; folio, 7s. 6d. 1011 Le Christe de Caprarole (4) ; 4to, 5s. GXOVATJTMX GIUCOM® CASAGLZO. 1012 The annunciation, after Raffaelle (2) ; fine and extremely scarce , £2 2s. 1013 The adoration of the shepherds, after Parmegiano (4); a beautiful print and very scarce , 15s. 1014 Ditto, another impression, 7s. 6d. 1015 The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and the infant St. John, after Kaffaelle (5) ; very fine impression and in fine condition , £llls. 6d . 1016 “ La bataille au bouclier sur la lance,” after Kaphael (59) ; superb impres- sion and in almost irreproachable condition , £6 6s. *** Cette estampe est une des plus considerables de P oeuvre de Caraglio et une des plus parfaites qui ait ete exeeutee d’apres Raphael. Bartsch. 1017 Holy Family, with Joseph presenting grapes to the infant Saviour, from a picture in the Electoral Gallery at Mannheim , folio, fine proof before letters , 10s. 6d. A. V. Werjf. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 43 1018 La madonna dell Gatto, from the fine picture by Baroccio, in the National Gallery ; choice artist’s proof in the earliest state, 4to scarce, 15s. 1019 Gaston de Foi x,from a picture by Giorgione in the Earl of Carlisle’s collection , 4to, artist’s proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. 1020 The rape of Ganymede, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery , sheet, fine proof, 7s. 6d. Bembrandt. 1021 La signature du contrat de la noce de village ; from a picture by Watteau , formerly in the Arenberg collection , large sheet, scarce, 18s. 1022 Ditto, very fine and in fine condition, £l 11s. 6d. 1023 The interior of a cottage ; from the fine picture formerly in the collection of Jeremiah Harman , fol. 3s. 6d. Ostade. nzairaxiL saivaboe cahmoha. 1024 The Virgin with the infant Saviour, from the famous picture by Tandy ch, at Madrid , fol. fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. 1025 The repentant Magdalen in the desert, from a picture by Mengs in the King of Spain' s private collection , fol. 10s. 6d. 1026 St. John the Baptist in the desert, from a picture by Mengs in the King of Spain's private gallery , fol. 10s. 6d. 1027 “ Sacra familia.” The Virgin with Joseph, the Infant Saviour and St. John, near some Ruins, 4to, 7s. 6d. Mengs. 1028 Nativity, with adoration of the shepherds, 4to, 7s. 6d. Mengs. 1029 “ El Charlatan 6 Sacamuelas,” a quack drawing teeth, &c. ; from a picture by Theodore Boelans , in the Royal gallery at Madrid , half sheet, scarce, 12s. SAUREINTT CA US. 1030 The lovers deceiving the blind parent ; fol. very fine, 12s. Greuze. 1031 Portrait of Sebastian Bourdon, the eminent painter, engraved for his recep- tion in the Academy, 1733, from a picture by H. Bigaud ; fol. very fine , 8s. 1032 Ditto, a very early impression in the first state , before the name of Bourdon (as painter) was erased, before the final t to the word u Laurent,” &c. very scarce , 15s. 1033 Portrait of Michel Anguier, sculptor, engraved for his reception in the Academy , 1733, fol. 4s. G. Revel. TJICC0I.0 DE &A CASA. 1034 The portrait of Cosimo de Medici, 3 qrs. in a splendid suit of armour (the work of Cellini), half sheet, unnoticed by Strutt or Bryan, £1 11s. 6d. Bandinelli, 1544. &OUTS JACQUES CATHBSSW. 1035 The death of Lucretia, sheet, 5s. A. Pellegrini . CORWS52.IU3 VAXJ &£L’UM.&’EIC1L'®'3Z, 1036 The magdalen meditating in the desert, fol. 5s. Guido. 44 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1037 The martyrdom of St. Livinus, bishop of Ghent, sheet, 15s. Rubens, 1038 Ditto, superb proof before any letters , extra rare , £4 4s. 1039 Charity ; fol. 5s. Vandyck. 1040 Roman Charity, Cimon, condemned to death by starvation, is nourished by his daughter, fol. fine, 12s. Rubens. THOMAS CHAM3AHS. 1041 St. Martin dividing* his c l oa k, sheet, 5s. Rubens. J. CHAPMAN. 1042 The blind beggar and his daughter of Bethnal Green: half sheet, 4s. H.W.Bunbury. THOMAS CHEESMAN. 1043 Heads of Apostles, from a picture by Giotto in the possession of Samuel Rogers , 4to, first proof before all letters, 5s. PZEERE CHENU. 1044 La moisson ou l’Ete, from a picture by A. Vande Velde formerly m the Bruhl gallery ; half sheet, brilliant and in fine condition, 9s. 1045 La campagne, companion print to the preceding , from the same painter and gallery, 8s. JACQUES CHEEEAU. 1046 The transfiguration, sheet, scarce , 12s. Raffaele. 1047 Jacques III. Roy de la Grande Bretagne (the old Pretender) in armour, from a painting by A. S. Belle , 4to, very fine, 10s. 6d. FRANCIS CHEREAU. 1048 Portrait of Louis de Boullongne the painter, folio, fine, 5s. Ipse. *%* Engraved for his reception in the Academy, 1718. 1049 Portrait of Nicolaus de Largilliere, the eminent painter, folio ,Jine, 6s. Ipse. 1050 Portrait of Francis Girardon, the painter, brilliant proof before any letters , folio, 10s. 6d. 1051 Portrait of Nicholas de Launay, the eminent engraver, fine proof before letters , folio 15s. H. Rigaud. 1052 Andrew Hercules Cardinal de Fleury,’ folio, fine, 5s. H. Rigaud. 1053 Conradus Detlen a Dehn, Ambassador from Brunswick to France, 1723, 3 qrs. large folio, very fine , 7s. 6d. H. Rigaud. 1054 Ditto, brilliant proof before any letters , in fine condition with good margin, rare, £1 11s. 6d. W. CHEVALIER. 1055 The first earring, 9s. Sir D. Wilkie. JUSTS CKEVILLET. 1056 u Le charme de la Musique,” ioX.f ne, 9s. De la Hyre. 1057 Ditto, very fine, 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 45 1058 La santee portee — La Sarite rendue, from pictures by G. Terburg ; the pair , very fine and scarce, fol. £1 11s. 6d. 1059 — — Ditto, a superb pair, with large uncut margins and in the finest condition, £2 2s. 1060 Le bon exemple (a girl sewing) Mdlle. sa soeur (a girl spinning) from pictures by Heillmann ; the pair, fol. fine and scarce, £1 Is. 1061 “ Le bon exemple,” fol. 9s. Heillmann. 1062 11 Mdlle sa sceur ” companion to the preceding, cut at the sides, fol. 7s. 6d. Ibid. 1063 L’Amour maternelle, from a picture by Peters, half sheet, fine, 7s. 6d. 1064 Ditto, very fine, 12s. 1065 Portrait of N. Green, general in the American armies, in an oval supported by allegorical figures, 4to, very scarce , 10s. 6d. Peale. Alt AERT CLAAS (MONOGRAM ©. Bartsch .) 1066 Lot and his daughters, copy from No. 16 of Lucas van Leyden’s works (5), cut at the top, 3s. 6d. 1067 The baptism of the eunuch (12), 18s. 1068 The Virgin and St. Anne, designs for two sides of an etui (13),^^, 25s. 1069 St. Christopher crossing the w^ater, copy from No. 109 of Lucas of Leyden’s works (15), very fine and scarce , £1 5s. 1070 St. George standing over the dead dragon, copy from No. 53 of the works of Albert Durer (16), very fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. 1071 St. Peter with the keys (18), very fine, 12s. 1072 The Magdalen, richly dressed opening the box of precious ointment (23), 5s. 1073 Judgment of Paris, a circular print copied from No. 88 of the works of II. S. Behem (25), very fine, 7 s. 6d. 1074 Hercules and Dejanira, circular piece (26), rare , 25s. 1075 Mars, Venus and Cupid, a circular print (27), extremely fine and rare , £1 11s. 6d. 1076 The naked woman with a dragon (34), 15s. 1077 The halbardier quarelling with a peasant, circular piece (35), 15s. 1078 The soldier and his family, copy from No. 67 of the works of Binck (37), 5s. 1079 The colour bearer (40), 12s. 1080 A Triton carrying off two nereids, copy of No. 201 from the works of Aldegraver (45), very fine and scarce, 25s. 1081 Panel of ornaments with a mother and two infants (4’), 15s. 1082 Panel of ornaments with a shield supported bv a Sphynx and a Satyr (49), 15s. 1083 Design for two sides of an etui (59), fine but divided , 21s. *** In the course of the Notes to this Catalogue will be given a <( Catalogue raisonnee ” of many interesting prints by Alaert Claas, omitted by Bartsch. 46 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND X.A.XVXB&&CHT iHTTOinUS CLASSSENS. 1084 La femme Hydropique ; from the extraordinary picture hy Gerard Bow in the Louvre ; sheet, very fine old impression ; £1 11s. 6d. 1085 The tribute money, from a picture hy Valentino in the Louvre, fol. fine, 5s. JOHN CLAUSE. 1086 Venus Anadyomene, circle, large 4to, proof before letters , 3s. 6d. F. Bartolozzi. ETCHINGS by CIiATOE E.O EEAXNE. The numbers refer to u Bumesnil , le Feintre-graveur Frangais .” 1087 Flight into Egypt (1), magnificent impression in the first state , in perfect condition and with large margin, £3 3s. 1088 The apparition (2), first state of the plate before the top corner of the plate at right hand was cut off and before the letters in the lower margin, rare , 15s. 1089 Troop of cattle drinking (4), brilliant impression , £l 11s, 6d. 1090 The Tempest if), fine old impression , 25s. 1091 The dance under the trees (10), second state, brilliant impression , with good margin , £4 4s. 1092 The Sea-port with a lighthouse (11), before the corners of the plate were rounded , 15s. 1093 The brigands (12), fine old impression , with margin , 15s. 1094 The shepherds with their flocks departing for the fields (16) ; a beautiful impression before the angles of the plate were rounded , rare , £2 12s. 6d. 1095 Mercury and Argus (17), very fine , from M. Bumesnil’ s collection , £1 11s. 6d. 1096 Classical landscape with a troop of cattle (18) ; superb impression in the first state of the plate , in the most pure and unexceptionable condition , with large margin , extremely rare, £16 16s. 1097 Classical landscape, with Time, Apollo, and the Seasons (20), 7s. 6d. 1098 Ditto, a beautiful impression in the first state , with the unfinished marginal line, in fine condition with good margin, scarce, £2 2s. 1099 Landscape, with a Shepherd and Shepherdess conversing (21); brilliant impression of the pure etching in the first state , but cut close , extremely rare, £6 6s. 1100 Ditto, superb impression of the pure etching in the first state , before inscription, &c., in very fine condition and of great rarity, £12 12s. 1101 View of the Roman Forum (23), fine old impression , 10s. 6d. 1102 Ditto, a very fine reverse impression of the first state , £1 Is. 1103 The three goats (23), fine, from Barnard’s collection , £1 11s. 6d. 1104 Ditto and No. 27 joined together, fine, 25s. 1105 The goats, (26-27), the pair, first states, scarce , £3 3s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 47 JACOB PRIBBEICH VOET CX.ERCK. 1106 A sleeping 1 Nymph surprised by a Satyr ; sheet mez., proof before letters , 9s. L. Giordano. ©EOBGIS; CIIIffT. 1107 The Court for the trial of Queen Katharine (the Kemble family), from the celebrated picture by Harlowe, sheet mez., modern impression , 15s. PIEEEE CIOUWET. 1108 Head of St. John brought to Herod, 15s. Rubens . 1109 Death of St. Anthony ; half sheet, extremely fine , 12s. Rubens. 1110 The Holy family, with St. Joseph reading from a large book, folio, bril- liant impression , 12s. Vandych. 1111 The descent from the Cross; sheet, 10s. 6d. Rubens. 1112 The garden of love (Venus Lusthof), in which are introduced portraits of Rubens and his wif v, first impression before the French inscription , sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 1113 Ditto, in the same state, most superb impression , in the finest con- dition , with good margin , £4 4s. 1114 The cow-shed with a fall of snow (one of the set of grand landscapes), sheet, fine, 12s. Rubens. CEABZ.ES UXOOSiLS COCHIN. 1115 David playing before Saul, fol., 3s. C. Yanloo. 1116 La mariee de village ; large sheet, £1 11s. 6d. Watteau. 1117 Ditto, very fine, £2 2s. ABBIAN COLLAEET. 1118 The last judgment, superb impression and a beautiful specimen of the master , fol., 15s. J. Stradanus. 1119 Wisdom, intellect, counsel, fortitude, science, piety and the fear of the Lord, illustrated by scenes from Biblical history ; 7 plates 4to, most brilliant impressions and very scarce , £l Is. J. Stradanus. BICHABB COLINS. 1120 Esther before Ahasuerus ; sheet, 5s. Rubens. JOSEPH COLLTEB. 1121 Dutch Pastime ; from a picture in the collection of Sir Thomas Dundas ; exterior, a composition of numerous figures, fine proof, 15s. D. Teniers. 1122 Ditto, a most brilliant engraver's proof before letters , on India paper, £1 Is. 1123 Rotterdam, from a picture by Sir A. Callcott painted for the Earl of Essex , fol., 7s. 6d. 48 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND NOTES. At a recent sale of the collection formed by the late Mr. Lynch Cotton (son of the reverend Ordinary of Newgate ,) were several very curious and rare items that excited keen competition and produced high prices. Christ’s Passion; a tragedie by George Sandys, with annotations, 1640; a present from the publisher to Charles Cotton, with autograph of this cele- brated poet and angler, sold for 13s. Yirgil travestie, by Charles Cotton, 1678; a presentation copy, with autograph inscription from the author, 36s. Walton’s com pleat Angler, the first edition, a clean copy but wanting the engraved titlepage, £3. Walton’s compleat Angler, the second edition, a fine, clean, sound, and perfect copy in the original binding, £4 6s. A Boke of Angling, or fishing, wherein is shewed, by conference with Scriptures, the agreement betweene the Fishermen, Fishes, Fishing, of both natures, Temporall and Spirituall. Printed by Thomas Purfoot, 1606. *** This rare work formerly belonged to the Reverend Ordinary whose MS. note in the work states, “ I know of no other copy of this book, nor is it men- tioned in any Catalogue or List of Angling books that I have ever seen.” At his decease it sold for £4, but on this occasion, after a spirited contest, it fell under the hammer at the high price of £40; it is believed to be unique, though, from the date, this is extremely problematical ; in Hone’s Year Book (pp. 1603-6), will be found a long description of this desideratum to all Waltonian collectors. A small statuette, said to represent Hogarth, and in all probability the work of Roubiliac, sold for only £2 2s. An extensive collection of Letters, petitions, and other autographs of criminals addressed to the Rev. Dr. Cotton, sold for only £3 15, a very low price , as it comprised numerous letters written by criminals on the night before their execution, and endorsed by Dr. Cotton as to the crimes for which they suf- fered; also two letters by the celebrated u Jew King” who married Lady Laneshorough, with others of R. G. Butt, one of the coadjutors in a fraud on the Stock Exchange ; Captain Ashe, the libeller of the Duke of Cumber- land ; the Rev. Peter Fenn, &c,, with many illustrative cuttings from the contemporary press, &c. A volume containing the private correspondence of the eminent antiquary and author of “ Dictionary of Engravers,” Joseph Strutt, sold for less than £4. A volume in MS. by the celebrated criminal “ Dr. Dodd,” an abridgement of ye History and Translation of the Speeches in ye concerning the Peloponesian war, sold for £3 10s. Among the prints, was an interesting plan of Ranelagh, in 1777, before the estate was covered with houses, and which we do not remember to have met with before, and a few curious prints relating to Yauxhall, Jack Sheppard, Jonathan Wild, The Rebel Lords, Lord George Gordon, &c., &:c., but being mixed up with others of a various nature, the prices at which they sold can- not well be particularised. The publishers recently met with a fan , on either side of which were mounted views of Yauxhall, published by M. Harris , 1736 (a short time after it was first opened as a place of entertainment for the public) ; one represents the orchestra with the company in the gardens ; the other, the private box for the Royal family, in which is seen the Prince of Wales, surrounded by the courtiers, they were supposed to be unique, but an impression of the first mentioned, has since been discovered in the Burney collection pre- served in the British Museum ; this impression, however, proves that they were expressly engraved to be used as fan-mounts, which will sufficiently account for the grent rarity of these curious and interesting prints. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 49 E. COOMBS. 1124 Reading’ the Scriptures; fol. mezzotinto proof before letters, 7s. 6d. B. R. Haydon. RICHARD COOPER. 1125 Portraits of the children of Charles the First, fine old impression, 7s. 6d. Vandych. ROBERT COOPER. 1126 The Hornbook, from a picture by Schidone in the Earl of Ashburnham’s possession, 4to, engraver's proof in the earliest state, 5s. CORCTIZiBZET. 1127 La leyon d’anatomie ; from the fine picture hy Rembrandt in the Gallery at the Hague, half sheet mez., proof, 18s. COH2UES.ZUS COET. 1128 Christ crowned with thorns, after Muziano, superb proof before the names of the artists, scarce, 9s. 1129 The transfig-uration, sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. Rqffaelle. SAMUEL COUSZRTS. 1130 Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time, first-class proof on India paper of the second plate, £6 6s. Sir E. Landseer, R.A. 1131 La Surprise; half sheet mez. proof before letters, 7s. 6d. Dubujfe . 1132 The sunshine of love, fol. mez. 6s. J. Raoux. £L. COYPEE. 1133 Triumph of Galatea ; painted and etched by A. Coypel and finished by C. Simonneau, sheet, 10s. 6d. FRANCIS COZZA. 1134 The sleeping- Saviour adored by three Angels (1), fine, 12s. Franc. Cozza Inventor, sculpsit et oinxit. MASTER OF THE CRAB. 1135 The Annunciation (1) ; very fine, and of the greatest rarity, £14 14s. LUCAS CRANACH. 1136 The penitence of Saint Chrysostom (1), very fine impression in fine con- dition and scarce, £l 11s. 6d. ENGRAVINGS OUT WOOD BIT LUCAS CRANACH. 1137 Adam and Eve in Paradise (1 ),fine and very scarce, 15s. 1138 Repose in Egypt, with a group of angels dancing (4), 8s. 50 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1139 The passion of Jesus Christ ; set of 15 plates (6-20), separate plates , 3 s. Gd. each , viz. Agony in the garden ; Christ led before Pilate ; Christ before the high priest; The high priest rending his garments; Christ brought before Herod ; Christ shown to the people ; The flagellation ; Christ bearing his Cross ; The Crucifixion ; The ascension. 1140 St. Anthony carried into the air and tormented by Demons (56), 16s. 1141 Ditto, superb original impression , very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 1142 St. Jerome’s penitence in the desert, (63) 9s. 1143 Ditto, very fine, £l Is. 1144 The Virgin presenting the Infant Saviour to St. Anne (68), 5s. 1145 The infant Saviour standing on a tomb (73), scarce, 7s. 6d. 1145*Venus and Cupid (113), scarce , 12s. 1146 Judgment of Paris (114), very fine old impression , 18s. 1147 A wild man on hands and feet devouring young children (115), 3s. 6d. 1148 A tournament, 1506 (124), scarce , 7s. 6d. 1149 Ditto, fine old impression, £1 Is. 1150 A tournament, 1509 (126), very fine original impression , 25s. 1151 Portrait of Martin Luther, full length (148), scarce, 5s. 1152 Portrait of Melancthon, full length, 1561 (153), 5s. 1153 Portrait of John Frederick duke of Saxony, with arms ; folio, 5s. HAWS VOW CULMBACH. 1154 Christ bearing his cross, copied from Martin Schoengauer (13) ; Jine and scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 1155 Christ crowned with thorns (5), very scarce , 12s. BOMEMCO CBNEGO. 1156 Lot and his daughters, fol. 5s. Annibale Caracci. 1157 The Angel delivering Peter from prison, fol. 7s. 6d. Dominichino . AZ.OZSIO CUNEGO. 1158 Moses breaking the tables of the law, from a picture at Parma by Parmegiano , fol. 3s. 6d. 1159 Christ sinking under his cross, “ Lo Spasimo di Sicilia,” half sheet, 7s. 6d. Ilafiaelle. 1160 The Virgin lamenting over the dead body of Christ, at the foot of the Cross, with St, John, &c .,from a picture by Spagnoletto , in the collec- tion of Lord Arundell, of Wardour, 1775, sheet, scarce and very fine , £1 Is. A-EiBlERT CBYP. 1161 Etchings of Cows, set of 6 small plates, scarce, £l Is. COENELXUB V-AW’ SA&ISW. 1162 Portraits of Boccaccio, Giorgione, Aretin, and Sebastian del Piombo ; the set of four , proofs before letters, but cut nearly close ; folio, £4 4s. Titian . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 51 1163 Portrait of Boccaccio, from a picture by Titian ; fol. very fine, 18s. 1164 The Virgin and Infant Saviour; folio, veryjine , 25s. G. Flinch. 1165 Nature adorned by the three Graces, engraved on two plates, most brilliant impression in the Jirst state , with the Latin inscription , and before the name of Blooteling, rare, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 1166 Venus flying from Cupid, the string of whose bow is broken ; from a picture by Flinch , fol. fine, 10s. 6d. 1167 Ditto, superb proof before all letters , extremely rare, £3 3s. *** A very curious aud early proof before the expiession in the eyes of Venus was altered. 1168 Charles II., King of England ; 3 qrs. in armour ; beautiful proof before the face was altered , and before the crown on the table , folio, very rare, £2 2s. 1169 The Right Honourable and most noble Algernon Percy Earle of Northum- berland, Lord Poynings, Fitz Payne and Brian, knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Admirall and Generali of his Majestie’s Fleet for this Expedition, 1636 ; an impression of the most extraordinary bril- liancy , most rare, 4to, £8 8s. *** From Mr. Esdaile’s collection, who purchased it at the sale of Sir Mark Sykes’ prints for £15. 1170 Celsissimus Potentissimus et Illustrissimus Princeps Henricus Dux Glocestrise Comes Cantabrigise et Eques nobilissimi Ordinis Garterii ; in armour, in an oval, veryjine impression , fol. £1 Is. S. Luttichuys. 1171 Ditto, a beautiful impression with large margin , rare, £2 5s. 1172 James duke of York and Albany, companion to the preceding print, fol. fine, £l Is. Ibid. 1173 Portrait of John Maurice, Prince of Nassau, &c., in an oval, decorated with heraldic shields, large folio, superb impression , scarce, £l 11s. 6d. G. Flinch. 1174 Francis Deleboe Sylvius, professor of Medicine in the Academy at Leyden ; fol .jjine, 12s. 1175 Ditto, an impression of extraordinary brilliancy , £2 2s. DANCSE^TS. 1176 The four times of the dav, from pictures by Berghem , half sheet, the set £1 5s. 1177 Le Manege, from a , fine picture by Wouvermans, superb proof in the first state before all letters, extra rare , £2 12s. 6d. eszneech bancxekts. 1178 Carolus Hus Dei Gratia Magnse Brittannise Franciee et Ilibernise Rex ; when young, in a corslet and sash, with long flowing hair, &c,, from a pic- ture at Knole, superb impression , with large margin , and in beautiful condition , fol., very rare in so fine a state, £3 3s. Adrian Hanneman. JEROME 1179 Vulcan presenting to Venus the arms for iEneas, from a picture painted by Boucher for the Royal manufactory of Tapestry , sheet, scarce and very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 52 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1180 Le gateau des rois, from a picture by Gilles Van Tilborgh, half sheet, fine, 12s. PXSZ&SIE BAEETi 1181 The angel delivering Peter from prison, half sheet, fine proof before the inscription , 16s. Dominichino. JOHN DAVKLE. 1182 Adoration of the Shepherds, from the picture in the Dresden Gallery, fol. fine proof before any letters , 10s. 6d. Bassano. 1183 Naissance et triomphe de Venus, half sheet, very fine , with large margin , 10s. 6d. F. Boucher . 1184 Repos de Venus et les Graces au bain, fol., 5s. Raoux. 1185 La Menagere Flamande ; interior, with figures, still life, &c., fine , 12s. Teniers. 1186 L’Enfant qui joue avec Pamour, fol., 7s. 6d. Vandyclt. 1187 The vengeance of Latona, fol., fine, 5s. Jouvenet. 1188 La peleuse de pommes — La Riboteuse Hollandoise ; from capital pictures by Metzu ; the pair very fine, and in fine condition, with large margin, fol., £1 11s. 6d. 1189 Portrait of Hyacinthe Rigaud, the eminent painter, 3 qrs., seated at his easel painting the portrait of his wife ; half sheet, scarce and very fine , 10. 6d. Ipse . 1190 Danae and the golden shower, from a picture by De Troy, half sheet, fine proof before letters , scarce , 15s. 1191 Charles Edouard, fils aine de Jacques Stuard, ne a Eome le 31 Decem- bre, 1720 ; brilliant impression in perfect condition and with large margin , 15s. 1192 Chas. Edward Stuart, the young pretender ; 3 qrs. in armour, fol., bril- liant proof ’ £1 Is. 1193 Portrait of Jean Baptiste Eousseau, the celebrated poet, 3 qrs., seated, fine, 12s. J. Aved. 1194 Portrait of C. Deshais Gendron, M.D., fol., most brilliant impression with large margin , £1 Is. H. Rigaud. 1195 John Mariette, the celebrated engraver and printseller; folio, brilliant proof before any letters , £l Is. Pesne. F . DAVID. 1196 Portrait of Gaspard Netscher, his wife, and son, at a window, from a picture painted by himself in 1674 ; half sheet scarce, 9s. JOS1XJ tJMN. 1197 A group of four children with a lamb and fruit, from a picture at Wilton , sheet, mez., scarce, 10s. 6d. Rubens. 1198 A shepherdess ; fol mez., 5s. Hoppner . 1199 Democritus; from the famous picture at Wilton House , half sheet mez., 10s. 6d. Spagnoletto. Pill NT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 53 DEEAFOSSE. 1200 Mozart, the immortal musician , at the age of 7, playing on the harpsi- chord, accompanied by his father and sister ; small folio, £l 11s. 6d. L. C. de Carmontelle. *** An extremely interesting print, prettily executed and very scarce. FRANCES BEIAEAM. 1201 Vera effigies prudentissimm principis Elizabeths Anglise Francis et Hibe Regins, &c. ; magnificently dressed, holding the sceptre and orb, in an oval with five lines beneath ; brilliant impression in the most beautiful condition , and with large margin , 4to, very rare, £4 4s. 1202 The portraiture of the illustreous Princesse Frances Duchess of Richmond, and Lenox, daughter of Thomas Lord Howard of Bindon, second sonne of Thomas duke of Norfolk, &c. ; in a dress richly adorned with jewels, 4to, fine and of very great rarity , £3 3s. 1203 The Right vertuous and noble the Ladie Frances Countesse of Hertford ; richly dressed, in an oval, with six English verses beneath, 4to., very fine impression , with large margin and in the most perfect condition , very rare , £3 3s. 1204 “Matthias de Lobell medicus, botanographus, insulanus anno reparats salutis 1615 statis 76,” fol., very fine and extremely rare , £2 2s. JEAN MARIE DEX.ATTXIE. 1205 The musical party, interior, from a picture by Netscher, most brilliant proof before letters , with good margin , fol., 15s. WILLIAM JAMES DEEPS. 1206 George Villiers duke of Buckingham, “ Fidei Coti Cula. crux,” in a magnificent dress richly adorned with pearls ; large oval in a square, half sheet ; f rom a picture by Mirevelt , fol. fine and rare, £2 2s. 1207 Ditto, a matchless proof before all letters , in the most beautiful condition ; unique, £21 *** Of the beauty of this chef-d’oeuvre of engraving it is impossible to speak in terms too high ; as a model of excellence in its particular way, it ought to be publicly exposed in a national depository, that all amateurs and practisers of engraving might have an opportunity of inspecting it. 1208 Portrait of Henrietta Maria Queen of England, in a dress richly decorated with pearls, large oval folio, most brilliant impression , scarce, £2 5s. Mytens. 1209 Portrait of Catherine countess of Culemborch ; fol. in a large oval ; most brilliant impression , 18s. Mirevelt. 1210 Prince Charles Louis Count Palatine of the Rhine, fol. most brilliant impression , 16s. Mirevelt. FRANCOIS DEPEVAUVILI.IEE. 1211 Fete de campagne Hollandoise ; sheet, fine and scarce , 12s. Scovart. BESCLAUE 1212 Les pecheurs d’Adriatique ; from the celebrated picture by Leopold Robert ; beautiful proof before letters on India paper, 4to, 10s. 6d. 54 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND BAEGH BESH©¥EEB. 1213 La Yierge de la Maison d’Albe, from the splendid picture by Raffaelle , formerly at Madrid ; fol. £1 18s. 1211 Ditto, superb proof on India payer with large margin , rare, £14 14s. *** One of the best works of this admirable engraver. 1215 La Vierge au Berceau, from the fine picture by Raffaelle in the louvre ; brilliant impression, £l 11s. 6d. 1216 Ditto, splendid proof before letters, £5 5s. 1217 La Vierge aux Kochers ,from the picture in the Louvre ; fol. £l 11s. 6d. L. da Vinci. 1218 La Yierg-e au Ling-e, £1 7s. Raffaelle. 1219 Ditto, brilliant proof with large margin ; £10 10s. 1220 La Yierg-e, dite la Belle Jardiniere, £l 5s. Raffaelle. 1221 Ditto, brilliant proop, extra rare , £12 12s. 1222 La Yierg-e au Poisson, from the splendid picture in the Royal collection at Madrid, painted by Raffaelle fine old impression, £2 2s. 1223 Ditto, superb impression on India paper with full margin , scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 1224 La Yierge a la Chaise, fine old impression , £1 11s. 6d. Raffaelle. 1225 Ste. Catharine d’Alexandrie, from the Aldobrandini picture, now in the National Gallery, 15s. Raffaelle. 1226 Ditto, choice , proof on India paper , with large margin , £5 5s. 1227 The Virgin embracing the infant Saviour, “ La Yierge du palais Tempi a Florence,” fol. 18s. Raffaelle 1228 Ditto, proof on India paper before third line of inscription, fyc., £2 2s. 1229 Belisarius, brilliant impression before the points, £l 11s. 6d. F. Gerard. 1230 Portrait of Napoleon, full length in his coronation robes, brilliant impression before the Eagle , fyc., £2 12s. 6d. F. Gerard. 1231 Ditto, very fine impression with the double-headed stamp beneath , £1 5s. 1.0UXS DESPLACES. 1232 The elevation of the Cross ; half sheet, 10s. 6d. Jouvenet 1233 Ditto, very fine, 15s. 1234 Taking down from the Cross, half sheet, 10s. 6d. Ibid. 1235 Ditto, very fine, 15s. 1236 Orpheus obtaining from Pluto the return of Eurydice to Earth, half sheet, 5s. Rubens. 1237 Interior of a Corps-de-Garde, with numerous figures, fine proof before any letters , folio, 12s. Le Prince. w. bsckistsosj. 1238 Vertumnus and Pomona, fob, mez., 3s. 6d, R. E. Pine . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 65 MASTEE OF THE BX3E5. 1239 Joseph sold by his brethren, after Baffaelle (1), 7s. 6d. 1240 The assumption of the Virgin, after Baffaelle (7), scarce , 15s. 1241 The Virgin crowned in Heaven, after Baffaelle (10), 5s. 1242 Apollo ordering Marsyas to be flayed, after Baffaelle (31), fine impression before the plate was re-touched , 15s. 1243 Cupids with a garland of fruits, from a design for tapestry by Baffaelle (35), fine, 7s. 6d. 1244 A frieze, with an infant mounted upon a goat, with other children in procession, after Baffaelle (36), very fine, 15s. 1245 The triumph of love, a frieze, after Baffaelle (37), very fine, 15s. 1246 The fable of Cupid and Psyche, from designs by Baffaelle (39-70), most brilliant impressions , in fine condition , mounted and bound in dark French morocco , very scarce , £8 8s. 1247 Ditto, a very fine set, and in perfect condition , mounted and bound in morocco, rare, £6 6s. 1248 Venus ordering Psyche to fetch water from a fountain guarded by dragons, from a design by Baffaelle (71), superb impression, and in most beautiful condition , £7 7s. 1249 The victory of Scipio over Svphax (73), most brilliant impression , but a little cut at the top, 12s. m. F. SXECT. 1250 u Les Sibvlles” from a frescoe by Baffaelle in the Chigi chapel at Borne ; sheet, fine, 25s. 1251 Ditto, brilliant proof on India paper before letters , £3 3s. CEE. &UXX.. ERE. BIOTESCH. The numbers are from Link's catalogue. 1252 u Le berger conduisant son troupeau” (134), very fine, in the first state , “ a l’eau forte pure,” in perfect condition, with large margin, scarce, 15s. 1253 Les chaumieres pres des mines (144) first state , 11 a l’eau forte pure,” in perfect condition, with large margin, 7s. 6d. 1254 La fente de rocher (158), brilliant impression in the first state , before the branch on the rock was effaced, in perfect condition, with large margin, extremely rare , 15s. GEOEGS T. BOO. 1255 The Holy Family ; from the exquisite picture by Correggio , in the Na- tional Gallery ; fine proof, 12s. 1256 Ditto, a choice proof on India paper before letters , £1 Is. 1257 Christ appearing to St. Peter; from a picture in the National Gallery ; fine proof, 9s. Annibale Garacci. 1258 Nature (portraits of the Calmady children) from the fine picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence ; superb proof before letters in the earliest state , in fine condition , with large margin , scarce, £9 9s. 56 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1259 The Banished Lord, from a picture in the National Gallery, 5s. Sir J. Reynolds . 1260 Ditto, fine proof, 8s. 1261 Shylock and Jessica ; fine proof on India paper , 15s. G. S. Newton. 1262 Ditto, brilliant proof on India paper before letters, £3 3s. 1263 A Bacchanalian Scene, from a picture in the National Gallery, 5s. N. Poussin. 1264 Ditto, fine proof, 8s. 1265 The English Girl ; proof on India paper before letters, 18s. G. S. Newton . 1266 Sterne and the Grisette ; choice proof on India paper, before letters, fol., £l 11s. 6d. G. S. Newton. 1267 The fair Forrester; fine proof before letters, fol., 16s. II. Wyatt. 1268 Portrait of Gevartius, from a picture in the National Gallery, 6s. Vandych. 1269 Ditto, fine proof, 9s. 1270 “ Ecce Homo,” from the magnificent picture by Correggio , in the National Gallery ; folio, proof, 27s. 1271 “ II Cristo giovanile,” from a picture in the possession of II. Farrer ; half sheet, fine proof, £1 11s 6d. Rajfaelle. sir roxcHOX.AS DORicranr. 1272 The Seven Cartoons, by Raffaelle, at Hampton Court ; brilliant impressions in the first state before the word u eques” was prefixed to Dorignfs name, with large margins, in perfect preservation, and including the engraved title ; extra rare, £12 12s. For engraving the, Cartoons Dorigny received the honour of Knighthood ; and the earliest and best impressions are those issued (as above) before that event — they are generally considered to possess more of the spirit of the originals than any other set published, and indeed Dorigny’s bold and vigorous style is more suited to the breadth and freedom of the originals, than the highly- wrought line engravings executed within the last few years. 1273 Ditto, separate plates in the ordinary state, 12s. each, viz. : — 1. The death of Ananias. 2. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. 3. Elymas the sorcerer struck with blindness. 4. Peter and John healing the lame man. 5. Christ’s charge to Peter. 6. The miraculous draught of fishes. 1274 The transfiguration sheet, fine, 18s. Raffaelle. miCM BS. BOSSIER. 1275 Marriage of the Virgin ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Jouvenet. 1276 Ditto, very fine, 15s. 1277 Portrait of the Old pretender, in armour, in an oval decorated with palm leaves, trumpets, &c., fol., superb proof before the arms were finished, extremely rare, £2 2s. P. BREVET. 1278 The last supper, called “ La Cene aux pieds,” sheet, 9s. Raffaelle. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 57 1279 Saint Anne teaching 1 the infant Virgin to read, fol., 5s. Jouvenet. 1280 The annunciation ; sheet, 5s. Coy pel. 1281 The Presentation in the Temple, sheet, very fine, £1 5s. L. de Boullongne. 1282 Princeps Wallise (the old pretender when young), large oval, half sheet, very fine, £l 11s. 6d. N. de Largilliere. 1283 Ditto, a superb proof before the inscription round the oval and before the artists’ names, most rare, £3 3s. 1284 Portrait of Bishop Bossuet, full length in his robes, half sheet, an ex- tremely fine impression of this celebrated print with one dot only after the painter’s name , in perfect condition and with good margin, £3 3s. H. Rigaud. 1285 Ditto, brilliant impression before the dots, and in fine condition, rare , £5 15s. 6d. 1286 Portrait of Cardinal Noailles, archbishop of Paris, &c. ; fol., most brilliant impression with large margin , 12s. Rigaud. 1287 Nicholas Boileau : 3 qrs., brilliant proof before all letters , folio, rare , £2 2s. Rigaud. 1288 Andre Hercules Cardinal de Fleury, grand almoner to the Queen, minister of state, &c. &c., 3 qrs., in his episcopal robes, sheet, 10s. 6d. Rigaud. 1289 William Cardinal Dubois, Archbishop of Cambray, and first minister, died 1723 ; 3 qrs., in his episcopal robes, sheet, brilliant , 18s. II. Rigaud. 1290 Rene Francis de Beauvau, Archbishop of Narbonne, Commander of the Order of the Holy Ghost, &c., 3 qrs., in his rich episcopal robes, sheet, 10s. 6d. H. Rigaud. 1291 Ditto, brilliant impression, with large margin, £1 Is. 1292 Louis, Duke of Orleans, oval, in armour, with arms, 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. C. Coy pel. 1293 J. A. de Mesmes Comte d’Avaux, President of the French parliament ; large folio, 7s. 6d. H. Rigaud. 1294 Henry Oswald, Cardinal of Auvergne, Archbishop of Vienna, Abbe of Cluni, Commander of the Order of the Holy Ghost, &c,, in his mag- nificent state robes ; 3 qrs., sheet, very fine , 15s. H. Rigaud. 1295 Samuel Bernard, Chevalier de l’Ordre de St. Michel, full length, seated, richly robed, brilliant proof “ in the first state , before the third line of inscription , £2 2s. H. Rigaud. 1296 Ditto, a fine impression, in the usual state, £1 Is. 1297 Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax, half length, folio, brilliant proof before letters, £2 2s. Kneller. BE.&RT IMT DEOSSHOUT. 1298 The portraicture of the Right Honourable the Lord Munjoy Blunt (Earl of Newport), a small square print in a border of military figures, knights tilting, hunting, &c. ; most brilliant impression and extra rare , £3 3s. 1299 Tobit restored to sight ; sheet, 5s. A. Coypel. 1300 Christ raising the widow’s son ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Jouvenet. 58 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1301 The battle of the Amazons, fol. 6s. Rubens. 1302 Diana attired by her Nymphs ; sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. Coypel. C1AUDE BVFIOS. 1303 La toilette de Yenus ; half sheet, brilliant impression and in Jine condi- tion, scarce, 10s. 6d. F. Boucher . 1304 La naissance de Yenus; half sheet, very fine and with large margin , 10s. 6d. F. Boucher. ROBERT DUNKARTONr. 1305 Lot and his daughter, sheet, mez. scarce and very fine , 10s. 6d. Arnold de Guelder. 1306 Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness, sheet, mez. 7s. 6d. J. S. Copley. 1307 The History of Joseph, engraved in mezzotinto by Dunkarton and Murphy, from pictures by Guercino in the duke of Norfolk’s collection , sheet size, 16s. each , viz. : Joseph’s bloody garment brought to his father; Joseph sold by his brethren to the Ishmaelites ; Joseph interpreting the dreams of Pharoah ; Joseph’s brethren bringing him presents. HBEVE1QUES DUPOHT. 1308 The Earl of Strafford going to execution ; from a picture by P. de la Poche in the collection of the Duke of Sutherland ; fine proof on India paper before letters , with full margin , £2 12s. 6d. 1309 Christ the Comforter; beautiful proof before letters on India paper and before the tablet beneath was finished , with large margin , £4 4s. Ary Scheffer. CHB.RI.ES DUPUIS. 1310 Portrait of Nicolas Coustou, the sculptor, half length, fine, with large margin, 8s. Le Gros. *#* Engraved for his reception in the Academy, 1730. UICOI.BS GABRIEL DUPUIS. 1311 Holy Family, with St. Matthew and St. John, from a picture by Annibale Caracci in the Dresden Gallery, sheet, 7s. 6d. ALBERT SURER. 1312 Adam and Eve (1) ; a fine impression of this celebrated print, £5 5s. 1313 Ditto, a brilliant impression, and in perfect state of preservation, very rare, £10 10s. 1314 Ditto, a magnificent impression of this extremely rare print, one of the finest known, £15 15s. 1315 The Nativity (2) ; fine and very scarce , £3 3s. 1316 The Passion of Jesus Christ (3 to 18), the complete set, brilliant impressions, and in fine condition, very scarce, £8 8s. 1317 — — Ditto, a superb set in beautiful condition and very scarce, £10 10s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 59 1318 Jesus praying in the Garden of Olives (19), etched upon iron , £1 11s 6d. 1319 Ditto, magnificent impression in the very finest state , with large margin , extremely rare, £4 14s. 6d. *** Probably the finest in existence. 1320 Two Angels holding the Holy Handkerchief (The Sudarium) (25) ; very fine impression, £1 11s. 6d. 1321 Ditto, most brilliant impression, very scarce, £2 2s. 1322 An Angel in the air holding the Holy Handkerchief, etched upon iron (26), superb impression , in beautiful condition , with a small margin, £1 11s. 6d. 1323 The Prodigal Son feeding swine (28), a brilliant impression, £3 3s. 1324 Ditto, a brilliant impression in fine condition, and with large margin , rare , £5 5s. 1325 Ditto, a most superb impression and in perfect condition , probably the finest known ; of great rarity, £12 12s. 1326 Ditto, nearly equal to the preceding, £8 8s. 1327 The Virgin standing on a crescent, with a crown of stars, and holding a sceptre (32), fine, £l Is. 1328 The Virgin and infant Saviour (36), very fine , 15s. 1329 The Virgin crowmed by an angel, and holding the infant Jesus in her arms, who has a bird on his right hand (37), £1 Is. 1330 The Virgin with the infant Jesus asleep in swaddling bands (38), very fine impression, £1 11s. 6d. 1331 Ditto, superb impression, rare, £2 2s. 1332 Ditto, superb impression, with a small margin, £3 3s. 1333 The Virgin crowned by two angels (39), fine and scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 1334 Ditto, extremely fine, £2 2s. 1335 The Virgin with the infant Jesus, sitting at the foot of a wall (40), £l Is. 1336 Ditto, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, AND IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION, WITH A SMALL MARGIN, £3 13s 6d. 1337 The Virgin and Child, with a Pear (41), brilliant impression, £2 12s. 6d. 1338 Ditto, superb impression , and in beautiful condition, £3 3s. 1339 The Holy Family (43), etched on a plate of iron, rare, £l 11s. 6d. 1340 The Holy Family, with a Butterfly (44), scarce , but worm-holed in two or three places, £l 11s. 6d. 1341 Ditto, in very fine condition , £3 3s. 1342 Ditto, superb impression, in fine condition, extremely rare, £4 14s. 6d. 1343 The Five Disciples : St. Philip (46), St. Bartholomew 47), St. Thomas (48), St. Simon (49), and St. Paul (50) ; a fine set, scarce, £2 5s. 1344 Ditto, an extremely beautiful set, in fine condition, and very scarce, £3 3s. 1345 Saint Philip (46), brilliant and in fine condition, 12s. 1346 Saint Christopher (51), 15s. 1347 — — Ditto, a brilliant impression, rare, £l Is. 60 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1348 Saint Christopher (52), extremely { fine , £1 Is. 1349 Saint George, entirely armed, with the Dragon dead at his feet (53), Jine impression, but slightly torn, 15s. 1350 Ditto, most beautiful impression , in perfect condition modi rare, £2 2s. 1351 Saint Hubert (57), a magnificent impression of this rare and interesting print , “ the chef-d’oeuvre of Durer,” in tine condition, £21. 1352 Ditto, remarkably fine and in fine condition , £15 15s. 1353 Ditto, a fine impression , £6 6s. 1354 Ditto, in remarkably fine condition , rare, £8 8s. 1355 Saint Anthony, without the city (58), brilliant, and in beautiful condition, very scarce, £3 3s. 1356 Saint Jerome in his chamber (60), £1 10s. 1357 Ditto, a beautiful impression , but slightly cut at the bottom ; £5 5s. 1358 Saint Jerome in penitence (61), fine, scarce , and in good condition , £2 2s. 1359 Ditto, an extremely fine impression and in perfect condition , £6 6s. 1360 Penance of St. Chrysostom, or St. Genevieve (63), brilliant impression , £2 2s. 1361 Ditto, superb impression , with margin , £5 5s. 1362 The three winged boys (66 ), fine but slightly injured at two of the corners , £l 11s. 6d. 1363 Ditto, superb impression and in fine condition , very scarce, £3 3s. 1364 Five studies of figures (70), very fine and rare , £1 Is. 1365 The Rape of Amymone (71 ),fine, £2 12s. 6d. 1366 Ditto, brilliant impression in excellent preservation , £4 4s. 1367 Ditto, superb and in the finest preservation , £5 5s. 1368 Pluto carrying off Proserpine (72), etched on iron , 15s. 1369 Ditto, very fine, £1 5s. 1370 The effect of Jealousy (73 ), fine and in good condition , £3 3s. 1371 — — Ditto, sliqhtly injured , £2 2s. 1372 Ditto, very fine, from the Maberly collection , £4 4s. 1373 Melancholy (74), an unusually fine impression and in excellent state , £5 5s. 1374 Ditto, a magnificent impression , extremely rare, £7 7s. 1375 Ditto, a superb impression , in beautiful condition , from Mariette's collection , with his autograph , £8 8s. 1376 Indolence (76), superb impression , in the most beautiful state , £8 8s. 1377 The great fortune (77), very fine, but slightly injured, £3 13s. 6d. 1378 Ditto, superb impression , but a blank corner mended, £5 5s. 1379 Ditto, extremely fine , but laid down, £4 4s. 1380 Ditto, a very fine impression and in excellent condition , £6 6s. 1381 The Small Fortune (78), very fine, 15s. 1382 Divine justice or Nemesis (79), a most beautiful impression in fine pre- servation, rare, £2 2s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 61 1383 The Little Courier (80), Jine, but slightly injured, 10s. 6d. 1384 Ditto, very fine , 15s. 1385 The lady on horseback (82), very fine, 18s. 1336 Ditto, super!) impression, very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 1387 The peasant and his wife (83), very fine, 15s. 1388 Ditto, super!) and in fine condition, rare, £2 12s. 6d. 1389 The Oriental and his Wife (85), fine, 15s. 1390 The three peasants in conversation (80), fine and in good condition , 10s. 6d. 1391 The Ensign (87), very fine , £l 11s. 6d. 1392 Ditto, fine, but a little damaged in the blank part of the print, 15s. 1393 The peasant at market (89), extremely fine, £1 5s. 1394 Ditto, super!) impression, with small margin and in fine state ; from Mariette’s collection, with his autograph, £2 2s. 1395 The peasants dancing (90), extremely fine and very scarce, £l 5s. 1396 u Le violent ” (92), fine and scarce, 15s. 1397 An old man making love to a young woman ; “les offres d’amour ” (93), fine and scarce, £2 2s. 1398 Ditto, super b impression, and in capital condition, £4 4s. 1399 The Gentleman and Lady walking in the Fields, with Death behind a tree (94), VERY FINE, £4 4s. 1400 Ditto, fine old impression, £3 3s. 1401 Ditto, from the Dumesnil collection, a matchless impression, in superlative condition, with large margin , and in this state, of the highest rarity, £8 8s. 1402 The monstrous Hog exhibited at Landsee in 1496 (95), super!) impression , in perfect state, and very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 1403 The small horse (96) magnificent impression , very scarce, £2 2s. 1404 The great horse (97), 9s. 1405 Ditto, a superh impression, printed on paper with the watermark of a bull’s head ; in the most beautiful condition and with good margin, excessively rare in so fine a state, £5 5s. 1406 The Knight of death, probably the portrait of Franz von Sickingen (98), very fine impression of this extremely rare and curious print, £9 9s. 1407 Ditto, magnificent impression, and extremely rare, £14 14s. *** An impression was recently sold by public auction for upwards of thirty pounds. 1408 The Cannon Landscape (90), etched on iron, 7s. 6d. 1409 Ditto, fine impression, 16s. 1410 The Shield of Arms, with a cock (100), £2 2s. 1411 Ditto, a perfectly brilliant impression and extremely rare, £6 6s. 1412 The Shield of Arms, with a Death’s Head (101), fine and rare, £4 4s. 1413 Ditto, another impression, £2 2s. 1414 Portrait of Albert, Elector of Mayence (103), fine, £1 Is. 1415 Ditto, most brilliant and in dne condition, £2 2s. 62 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1416 Portrait of Melancthon (105), veryjine , £ 1 11s. 6d. 1417 Ditto, brilliant , and in beautiful state , £2 12s. 6d. 1418 Portrait of Erasmus (107), veryjine , £4 4s. 1419 Ditto, superb impression , in beautiful condition , and extremely rare , £10 10s. 1420 Ditto, & good impression , ZuzZ cmZ cZostf, £2 2s. 1421 The entombment, sometimes considered to have been a plate left unfinished at Durer’s death, and subsequently finished by Sadeler, fine, 15s. WOOD-CUTS BY A13EST SUHEE. 1422 Samson killing* the lion (2), fol. 3s. 6d. 1423 The three kings bringing* presents to the new-born Saviour (3), fine, 8s. 1424 Ditto, superb impression and in beautiful condition , scarce, 15s. 1425 Christ crowned with thorns (4), title-page to “ the large Passion ,” 4s. 1426 Ditto, fine, 9s. 1427 Christ with his Disciples celebrating the Last Supper (5), fine, 7s. 6d. 1428 Christ praying on the Mount of Olives (6), damaged , 3s. 1429 Betrayal of Christ (7), 5s .fine, 7s. 6d. 1430 The Flagellation of Christ (8), brilliant , before the text on the back, 10s. 6d. 1431 The Virgin and holy women lamenting over the dead body of Christ (13), 7s. 6d. 1432 Christ descending into Hell (14), 7s. 6d. 1433 The Resurrection (15), 5s. 1434 The passion of Jesus Christ (4 — 15), set of 12 large plates, mounted on old paper and half-bound blue morocco extra , folio, rare, £4 14s. 6d. *** First impressions before the Latin text on the back of the prints. 1435 The passion of Jesus Christ (16 — 52), a veryjine set , but wanting the title , scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 1436 Ditto, single plates , Is. 6d. each. 1437 Passion of our Lord (16 — 52), a complete set of ancient copies , admirably executed, with the title, mounted in a 4 to-sized volume, calf extra , qilt leaves , £2 2s. 1438 St. Martin dividing his cloak with a beggar (18), 5s. 1439 St. Barbe (24), 5s. 1440 Saint Catherine (25), 5s. 1441 Jesus Christ celebrating the last Supper with the Apostles (53), the second plate , 3s. 6d. 1442 Christ on the Cross with the two thieves (59), 5s. 1443 The Virgin and infant Saviour appearing to St. John (60), title-page to the Apocalypse , scarce, 7s. 6d. 1444 Martyrdom of St. John the Evangelist (61), 5s. 1445 The seven golden candlesticks (62), fine, 7s. 6d. 1446 The four horses of different colours (64), fine, 7s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 63 1447 Opening 1 of the sixth seal (65), 7s. 6d. 1448 The four angels guarding 1 the winds (66), 5s. 1449 The saints and elect with palms in their hands praising* God (67), 5s. ; fine, 7s. 6d. 1450 The seven angels with trumpets (68), fine, 7s. 6d. 1451 The woman clothed with the sun, the dragon with seven heads (71), fine, 7s. 6d. 1452 The woman of Babylon sitting on the seven-headed beast (73), damaged, 3s # 1453 The beast with the horns of a ram (74), 4s. ; fine , 6s. 1454 Life of the Virgin (76 — 95), set of 20 plates, superb impressions, very large margins, ivith the title and Latin text complete, in the original limp vellum binding, excessively rare, £9 9s. 1455 The Virgin seated on a crescent suckling the infant Saviour (76), title page to u The Life of the Virgin ,” 7s. 6d. 1456 The High Priest refusing the offering of Joachim (77), 2s. 66.', fine, 4s. 1457 An angel appearing to Joachim (78), 2s. ; fine, 4s. 1458 St. Joachim embracing St. Anne under the golden gate (79), 2s. 6d. ; very fine, 5s. 1459 The birth of the Virgin (80), 2s. 6d. 1460 The presentation of the young Virgin in the Temple (81), 2s. 6d. \fine, 5s. 1461 Marriage of the Virgin (82), 3s. 6d. ; very fine, 5s. 1462 The annunciation (83), 2s. 6d.; very fine, 5s. 1463 Ditto, very fine, with large margin, 7s. 6d. 1464 The visitation (84), 2s. ; very fine, 5s. 1465 The nativity, with angels (85), 2s. 6d. ; very fine, 5s. 1466 The circumcision (86), 2s. ; fine, 3s. 6d. 1467 Adoration of the Kings (87), 3s. ; very fine, 5s. 1468 The presentation in the Temple (88), 2s. \fine, 5s. 1469 Repose in Egypt (90), 2s. 6d. 1470 Christ disputing with the doctors in the Temple (91), 2s ', fine, 5s. 1471 Christ taking leave of his mother (92), 2s. 6d. ’,fine, 5s. 1472 Death of the Virgin (93), 2s. 1473 Assumption of the Virgin (94), 2s. 1474 Adoration of the Virgin by St. Paul, St. J ohn, St. Anthony, St. Catherine, &c. (95), 2s. 1475 Holy Family, St. Anne embracing the infant Jesus, accompanied by St. Joseph and St. Joachim (96), 7s. 6d. 1476 The Holy Family, a composition of numerous figures, with two angels in front, one of whom plays upon the guitar (97), very fine, 7s. 6d. 1477 The Virgin and Child seated in a landscape, Joseph and four angels in adoration (99), 2s. 6d. ; fine, 5s. 1478 The Virgin and Child seated in an arched chamber, with two angels, St. Thomas, &c. (100), 2s. 6d. ; fine , 5s. 1479 Ditto, extremely fine and in perfect condition , 7s. 6d. 64 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1480 The Virgin and Child surrounded by numerous angels, one of whom plays upon a drum, two others in the air hold over the Virgin’s head a regal crown (101), 4s. 6d. 1481 Holy Family, with two angels crowning the Virgin, &c. (102), fol. 3s. 1482 Ditto, very fine , 9s. 1483 St. Christopher (104), damaged , 3s. 1484 St. Elias seated at a table in the wilderness with a hermit, a bird bringing them bread (107), 5s. 1485 St. Stephen, St. Gregory, and St. Lawrence (108), 3s. ; Jine , 5s. 1486 St. Francis receiving the stigmata (110), 2s. 6d. ; Jine , 5s. 1487 St. George slaying the dragon (111),^^, 5s. 1488 St. Jerome in a Grotto (113), 3s. 6d. 1489 St. Jerome reading in his cell, with his lion, &c. (114), 4s. 1490 Ditto, very fine , with good margin , 7s. 6d. 1491 The eight patron Saints of Austria (116), slightly injured , 5s. 1492 The execution of the ten thousand martyrs of Mcomedia (117), fol. 3s. 6d. 1493 Three bishops conversing (118), 3s. 6d. ; Jine , 6s. 1494 Martyrdom of St. Catherine (120), fol. 3s. 1495 The Holy Trinity?; with several angels bearing the instruments of the Passion (122), 4s. ; fine, 7s. 6d. 1496 Christ appearing to St. Gregory during the celebration of Mass (123), 5s. 1497 The last judgment (124), 5s. ; very Jine, 9s. 1498 The decollation of St. J ohn the Baptist (125), 3s. 1499 Ditto, an extremely Jine impression , 7s. 6d. 1500 Herodias receiving the head of John the Baptist (126), very Jine, 7s. 6d. 1501 A savage slaying a knight ; Hercules 1 (127), fol. very Jine, 7s. 6d. 1502 The bath (128), 3s. 6d. ; extremely Jine, 7s. 6d. 1503 A man on horseback followed by another with a halberd (131), fol. 3s. 6d. 1504 A man on horseback riding towards the left, followed by his halberdier ; sometimes called the great courier (131), fol. 3s. 6d. 1505 The triumphal car of the Emperor Maximilian, engraved on wood by Jerome Resch in 1522, from the painting by Albert Durer in the Town Hall at Nuremburg (139), superb impression of the second edition, 1523, in most perfect state of preservation and of the greatest rarity , £5 5s. *** Ce morceau est un chef-d’oeuvre de l’art de la gravure en bois, et le plus beau de tous ceux de ce genre que l’on ait d’Albert Durer. Le dessein correct et plein de gout ne laisse aucun doute que Durer ne l’ait trace lui-meme sur les planches. II faut en meme temps admirer le talent rare du graveur qui l’a execute en bois. Bartsch. 1506 The Virgin crowned seated on a bank, with the infant Saviour in her lap (app. 13), 5s. 1507 St. Martin on horseback dividing his cloak with a beggar (app. 18), 5s. 1508 Saint Barbe, seated, with a chalice in her hands (app. 24), 5s. 1509 Saint Catherine, with emblems of her martyrdom (app. 25), 5s. 1510 Portrait of the emperor Charles the Fifth (app. 41), scarce, 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. G5 PIERRE JEAN DURST. 1511 Le patre amoureux (landscape with cattle drinking’, shepherds, &c.) half sheet, .fine, with large margin , 10s. 6d. Berghem. ETCHINGS BY CORNELIUS DU SART. 1512 A group of peasants at a window singing* and drinking*, “ Les crieurs ” (1) ; brilliant impression, before the plate was cut to an oval, £l 5s. 1513 Ditto, the cut plate, 3s. 6d. 1514 The two sing-ers (3), the plate reduced to an oval, 3s. 6d. 1515 The Two Sing*ers (4), a repetition of No. 3, but etched in a more delicate and careful style, brilliant impression, from the Dumesnil Collection , £1 11s. 6d. 1516 The drunken couple (7), 10s. 6d. ; very fine, £l Is. 1517 Interior, with a Woman having an operation performed on her foot (La Ventouse) (12), 7s. 6d. 1518 Ditto, fine, with large margin, before the address of Gole was erased, 15s. 1519 The Village Surgeon (13), 7s. 6d. 1520 The Merry Cobbler (14), 7s. 6d. 1521 Ditto, fine, with large margin, before Gold’s address was erased, 15s. 1522 Ditto, A SUPERB PROOF IN THE FIRST STATE, BEFORE ANY INSCRIPTION AND BEFORE MUCH EXTRA WORK, WITH LARGE MARGIN AND IN THE MOST UNEXCEPTIONABLE CONDITION, RARE, £6 6s. 1523 “Le violon assis” (15), Interior of a Drinking House, with numerous figures carousing and listening to a man playing on the violin, very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 1524 Ditto, superb impression, with much burr, £2 12s. 6d. 1525 The Great Fair (16), the largest of his etchings, fine, £2 2s. ENGRAVINGS IN MEZZOTINTO BY CORNELIUS DU SART. 1526 The Village Barber (18), £l 5s. *** Ce morgeau est tres rare. — Bartsch. 1527 A man about to fire a rocket, “ L’artificier ” (33), 7s. 6d. 1528 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before the inscription, rare, £2 2s. 1529 A woman displaying the “Orange colours,” La femme du parti orange (34), 15s. 1530 A woman firing a rocket, “ La femme artificier” (36), 15s. 1531 Ditto, brilliant proof before the inscription, rare, £2 2s. 1532 The drunken sailor (37), 15s. 1533 Ditto, superb proof before letters, rare, £2 2s. %* The preceding four prints, Nos. 33 to 37, were published on the occasion of the taking of Namur, 1695, by William of Orange, afterwards King of England. The following prints, were unknown to Bartsch, but are described in the supplement by Rudolph Weigel. F 66 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1534 A sailor dancing with his mistress (42), 15s. 1535 Ditto, brilliant proof before inscription , £2 2s. 1536 The two lovers (47) ; brilliant with large margin , £1 15s. 1537 The five senses (50-54) ; fine and scarce , £2 2s. 1538 The laughing peasant (49), fine, £l Is. *** Pendant du No. 17, B, c’est un des plus beaux mor^eaux du maitre. — “ Weigel.” 1539 The peasant and his family (a), rare, £1 11s. 6d. 1540 The joyous society u Le roy boit” (c), 15s. 1541 A man firing a rocket, a boy holding a torch, &c. effect of torch light , “ Victoria publica” (d), 15s. 1542 A drummer holding a lighted torch in one hand and a goblet of wine in the other “ Cesaris Bacchique amicus” (e), 15s. 1543 The two musicians (m) ; probably engraved by Gole , 10s. 6d. 1544 Portrait of a young man holding up a goblet of wine ; in an oval ; u Le buveur content” (q), 12s. The following are undescribed by Bartsch or Weigel. 1545 Interior, a man seated by a barrel, holding a pipe in one hand and a glass in the other ; a woman leaning over him ; before them on the ground is a large bottle ; 4to, 15s. C. D. inv. — J. Gole fee. et exc. cum Privil. Amstelodami. 1546 Portrait of a monk, with his cord and beads ; seated by a barrel, holding in one hand a goblet and in the other a pipe ; he has his mouth wide open and is inebriated, a small 4to ,Jine and rare , with large margin , £l Is. 1547 Interior, with two men playing at backgammon ; beneath is inscribed “ ’t Yerkeer Bort.” 4to, 10s. 6d. C. Du Sart inv. J. Gole fee. et exc. &c. 1548 Interior, with a young man singing ; 8vo, first state before any inscrip- tion , most brilliant and rare , £3 3s. 1549 Ditto, second state, before inscription , but with the tablet burnished in, £2 2s. JEAU DUVET, Dit MAITRE A X.A LICORNE. 1550 A battle between a lion, lioness, an envenomed dragon, and a unicorn, “ poison et contre-poison” supposed to represent the quality of counter- poison attributed to the horn of the unieorn (44), very rare , but not in fine condition , 15s. CHOICE XS SJT ORAVIN OS IN MEZZOTINT© BY RICHARD EARX.OM. 1551 Elijah praying over the widow’s son, from a picture by Rembrandt at Stairhead ; half-sheet, 9s. 1552 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters, with large margin, very scarce , 25 s. 1553 David and Goliath, from the Duke of Devonshire’s picture, folio, 3s. S. Rosa. 1554 Jacob wrestling with the Angel, companion to the preceding ; fol. 3s. Ibid. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 67 1555 Bathsheba bringing 1 Abishag to David, from the picture formerly at Houghton , sheet, fine, 15s. Vandermerff. 1556 Ditto, proof before letters , 25s. 1557 Ditto, most brilliant proof before the letters and motto , rare, £2 2s. 1558 Triumph of Mordeeai, from the Marquis of Bute’s picture ; sheet, very fine, 9s. G. Van. Eckhout. 1559 Ditto, fine proof, 15s. 1560 Susannah and the elders ; sheet, very fine, 10s. 6d. Bembrandt. 1561 The Holy family, from a picture in the Earl of Chesterfield’s possession , sheet, fine, 15s. Rubens. 1562 The repose in Egypt; sheet, brilliant proof before letters , scarce, £1 11s. 6d. Correggio. 1563 The presentation in the temple, f rom Horace Walpole’s picture, half-sheet, 9s. Rembrandt. 1564 Ditto, fine proof before letters, 12s. 1564* Christ Healing the Blind Man, very fine proof before letters, £l Is. Annibale Caracci. 1565 “ Salvator Mundi,” Christ blessing bread, from the celebrated picture by Carlo Dolce in the collection of Paul Methuen (1769) half-sheet, very fine and scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 1566 Mary Magdalen washing Christ’s feet ; from a picture formerly at Houghton , sheet mez. 12s. Rubens. 1567 A sleeping Bacchus ; from a picture formerly at Houghton , sheet, 9s. L. Giordano. 1568 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , and before the motto in the arms , scarce , 15s. 1569 Judgment of Paris, companion to the preceding , 9s. Ibid. 1570 Orpheus charming the Brutes ; from the picture by Castiglione , formerly at Houghton, 4s. 1571 Ditto , proof before letters , and before the motto in the arms , 7s. 6d. 1572 The Exposition of Cyrus, companion to the preceding, and engraved from a picture by Castiglione in the same collection, proof before letters , and before the motto in the arms , 7s. 6d. 1573 Death of Hippolitus ; from the Duke of Bedford’s picture by Rubens , sheet, 8s. 1574 Galatea ; from a picture in the possession of Captain Ellis , sheet, very fine, 8s. Luca Giordano. 1575 Una (Faery Queene), 17| by 23, 7s. 6d. West . 1576 A Witch entering the Infernal Regions, 18 by 26, from a picture by Teniers , in the collection of Samuel Rogers , proof 12s. 1577 Meleager and Atalanta hunting the wild boar ; sheet, fine and scarce , 7s. 6d. R. Wilson. 1578 Colonel Mordaunt’s cock match at Lucknow in 1786, from a picture in the possession of Warren Hastings , sheet, mez. fine, 15s. Zoffanij. 1579 Pillaging the Royal wine cellars, Aug. 10, 1793 (French revolution), large sheet, mez. 12s. Zoffanij. F 2 G8 TRE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1580 Embassy of Hyderbeck to Calcutta, from the Vizier of Oude, in 1788, to meet Lord Cornwallis, sheet, 8s. Zoffanij. 1581 Girl and pig’s ; half sheet, mez. super b proof, rare, £2 2s. Gainsborough. 1582 The singing* master ; from a picture at Windsor , half sheet, 9s. Schalcken. 1583 Ditto, very fine impression , 15s. 1584 Lady and Child, with fruit and vegetables (Rubens’ son and nurse), SUPERB PROOF, BEFORE ANY LETTERS, IN THE EARLIEST STATE, very rare, £3 3s. Rubens. 1585 Ditto, an early etching before the plate was mezzotinted , scarce and interesting-, 7s. 6d. 1586 A lady reading-, from the picture by Ferdinand Boll , formerly in the Houghton collection , folio, line, and with large margin, 7s. 6d. 1587 A male and female peasant with a large jug, 4to mez. line proof, 5s. Teniers. 1588 A Fruit Piece ; a Flower Piece ; from the celebrated original pictures by Van Huysum, formerly in the Houghton collection, the pair, brilliant PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, IN FINE CONDITION, £6 6s. 1589 — — Ditto, a superb pair of proofs, before the inscriptions , and before the mottoes beneath the arms , extremely scarce, £14 14s. 1590 Ditto, choice proofs in the earliest state , before any letters and before the arms , unique, £15 15s. The publishers term this choice pair of proofs unique, never having heard of a pair in a similarly early state. 1591 A concert of birds, from the fine picture by Mario di Fiori , formerly at Houghton, sheet, very line, 15s. 1592 Ditto, most superb proof before letters, and before the motto in the arms, in beautiful condition, with large margin, very scarce, £2 2s. 1593 Lioness attacking a wild boar ; sheet, line proof, 12s. Snyders. 1594 Lion and Boar ; from a picture in possession of the Duke of Newcastle ; sheet, very line, 16s. Snyders. 1595 A blacksmith’s shop ; sheet, fine , 18s. J. Wright. 1596 The Forge ; line effect of lire light, most brilliant proof \ in beautiful con- dition, £2 2s. J. Wright. 1597 Lioness and whelps (the young were whelp’d in the Tower of London, 1792) ; sheet, very fine, 12s. J. Northcote. 1598 A brewhouse yard ; sheet, rare, 12s. G. Garrard. 1599 The W ater-mill, from Lord Trevor's picture ; sheet, very fine and scarce, 16s. Hobbema. 1600 Smugglers attacked, sheet, 7s. 6d. Sir F. Bourgeois. 1601 Smugglers defeated ; fine proof, 10s. 6d. Sir F. Bourgeois. 1602 The porter and hare ; sheet, fine 12s. Zoffanij. 1603 Fruit pieces, from pictures formerly in the Houghton Gallery ; the pair, fine impressions with large margin, 9s. Campidoglio. 1604 The Larder, from a capital picture by Martin de Vos , formerly at Houghton, fine impression, 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 69 1605 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , £1 Is. 1606 A Game Market, from a picture by Snyders, formerly at Houghton , fine proof before letters , £1 11s. 6d. 1607 A Fruit Market, from the picture by Snyders & Long John, formerly at Houghton ; sheet, fine old impression , 12s. 1608 Ditto, most brilliant proof before letters , and before the motto in the arms . with large margin, £l 11s. 6d. 1609 Interior View of the Pantheon in Oxford Street, London, 1772, fine and scarce , 12s. C. Brandoin. 1610 Interior of the Royal Academy, London, with portraits of the Academicians at the period of its first establishment, 20 by 28, brilliant impression , £l 11s. 6d. Zoffanij. 1611 The Exhibition of the Royal Academy in 1771, very fine, 12s. C. Brandoin. 1612 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , scarce, 25s. 1613 James Stuart, Duke of Richmond ; from a picture by Vandych in (1773) the collection of P. Methuen , half-sheet, brilliant, 7s. 6d. 1614 The Duke of Aremberg, on horseback, from the fine picture by Vandych , at Holkham , sheet, 10s. 6d. 1615 Portrait of Rembrandt; from a picture by himself, large folio, brilliant proof before letters , £1 11s. 6d. 1616 Rubens’ wife ; from the Duke of Marlborough 1 s picture , half-sheet, very fine, 12s. Rubens. 1617 Rembrandt’s wife, from a picture by Rembrandt, formerly at Houghton , fol. extremely fine, 12s. 1618 The Misers; from the capital picture by Quintin Matsys at Windsor Castle ; half sheet, fine and scarce , £1 11s. 6d. GERARD EBEMICE, The numbers refer to Dumesnil “ Le Peintre-graveur Frangais.” 1619 Moses showing the tables of the law (2) ; fine impression, 35s. P. de Champagne. 1620 Ditto, superb proof in the earliest state , before the names of the artists and the dedication ; in fine state, with good margin, and of the greatest rarity, £10 10s. 1621 The Holy Family (4), “ La Vierge au berceau,” from the celebrated picture by Raffaelle in the Louvre ; superb impression in the .first state , before the arms of Colbert ; in the most beautiful condition , with large margin , extremely scarce, £18 18s. *** The chef-d’oeuvre of Edelinck ; in the collection of prints in the “ Biblio- theque Imperiale” at Paris is an impression slightly unfinished, for which the French Government paid £73 10s. at the sale of the Duke of Buckingham’s collection in 1834. 1622 Ditto, before the arms of Colbert were erased, fine impression, but very small margin, very scarce , £2 2s. 70 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1623 The Virgin and infant Saviour, “ Ego dilecto meo, et ad me conversio ejus” (6) ; brilliant impression in the first state, before the coat of arms, and in fine condition ; £3 3s. J. Stella. 1624 Ditto, in the same early state as the preceding, but cut close all round, 9s. 1625 “ La Vierge couseuse ” (7), The Virgin sewing, with the infant Saviour sleeping, guarded by Angels ; from the well known picture by Guido , half sheet, brilliant impression in the first state, before the address of Poilly was erased, very scarce , £2 2s. 1626 Repose in Egypt, Joseph presenting flowers to the infant Jesus (9 )\fine proof before letters , and before “ C. P. R.” on the left of the print ; half sheet, £3 3s. 1627 u La vierge de douleur,” the Virgin weeping at the foot of the cross ; from the celebrated picture by Philip de Champagne (13), half sheet, 15s. 1628 Ditto, very fine ; in the rare state before the address of Audran and before the erasure of 11 avec privilege du Royf £2 2s. 1629 Ditto, superb impresssion in the same rare state , in remarkably fine condition, £4 4s. ^ 1630 Christ on the cross, surrounded by Angels, with another group of angels kneeling at the foot; on two sheets (17), brilliant impression, in fine condition , £2 12s. 6d. C. Le Brun. 1631 St. Athanasius showing the Trinity (24) ; 4to. fine , 5s. J. B. de Cham- pagne . 1632 Portrait of the Duchesse de la Valliere, full length, as a Repentant Mag- dalen (32), very fine impression , £2 2s. C. le Brun. 1633 Ditto, before the address of D revet , £2 12s. 6d. 1634 The Battle of the Standard (44), from the celebrated Cartoon, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in competition with Michael Angelo’s Cartoon of Pisa, modern impression , 12s. 1635 Ditto, very fine impression before the points on the sword , rare, £4 4s. 1636 Philippe de Champagne, the celebrated Painter (164), brilliant impression in the first state , before the damage on the plate, but one line of inscrip- tion cut off, fol. £l 11s. 6d. Ipse. 1637 Charles Colbert Marquis de Croissy (175), superb proof in the first state , before the arms and before all letters , £2 12s. 6d. II. Rigaud. *** Tres rare ; La seule epreuve de cet etat que nous ayons vue fait partie de la collection de M. Forster, graveur. — Dumesnil. 1638 Martin Vanden Bogaert, the celebrated Sculptor, known in France under the name of “ Desjardins ” (182), three-quarters, large folio, very fine impression before the address , £l Is. II. Rigaud. 1639 Nathaniel Dilger (185), splendid impression infne condition with good margin , £3 15s. *** Morgeau rare et recherche. — Dumesnil. 1640 Gedeon Berbier du Metz, President a la Chambre des Comtes de Paris (190), in his official robes, large oval, with arms, brilliant proof BEFORE ALL LETTERS, VERY SCARCE, folio, £l Is. U. Rigaud. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 71 1641 Phillippe Evrard, avocat au parlement de Paris (198), superb proof in the first state before all letters and with the arms unfinished, rare, 15s. Tortebat. 1642 His Royal Highness James Prince of Wales, &c., born at the palace of St. James the 10th day of June, 1688 (the Old Pretender at four years of age) (210), in a rich lace dress, folio, fine and very scarce , £1 lls. 6d. De Largilliere. 1643 Portrait of the old pretender, at the age of 12, in armour in an oval, with emblems &c. (212), fine impression with good margin , scarce. £l lls. 6d. 1644 Gerbrand van Leeuwen, professor at Amsterdam (239), superb impression in the first state before the inscription , in the finest condition, with large margin, rare, £2 2s. A. Boonen. 1645 Francois Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, the celebrated French Minister , in an oval, supported by figures of Mars and Bellona (261), most brilliant proof in the first state, as described by Dumesnil (vide note vol. vii. p. 295), sheet, very scarce, £l lls. 6d. Le Brun. 1646 Michel Lepeletier Seigneur de Sousy, Conseiller d’etat (322), folio, very fine, with large margin, 15s. Van Oost. J. EDSUNCX. 1647 The Holy family with Angels bringing flowers, from a picture by P. Seue ; folio, 8s. J. EGAN, 1648 Shipwreck off St. Michael’s Mount, Cornwall, sheet, mez. proof before letters, 15s. C. Bentley. H. W. EGLE TOOT. 1649 “ Benevolence,” or The visit to a widow and her family; sheet, mez. 8s. W. Drummond. W. ELLIOTT. 1650 The first premium landscape for 1761, sheet, fine, 5s. Smith of Chichester. 1651 Portrait of Helena Forman, in a fantastic head-dress, 4to, 4s. Rubens. EENOLB EIiSTSACKE, 1652 11 The true portraicture of Richard Whittington thrice Lord Maior of London a vertuous and Godly man full of good works, &c., &c.” Are to be sold by Compton Holland over against t’Exchange; in an oval; superb im- pression in the first state, before a cat was substituted for the skull on which his hand is placed, in matchless condition, with large margin, 4to, £5 5s. 1653 “ The pourtraicture of the most valiant and perfect honourable Gentilman Sir Philipp Sidney Knight, late Governour of Flushing in Zelande. Famous for letters and armes, &c., &c. ;” in armour ; 8vo, a rare and very interesting portrait , £2 2s. 72 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1654 “ The true portraicture of Sir Thomas More some tymes Lord Chanceloure of England, famous for letters, &c. Are to be sold by Compton Holland over against the Exchange;” a rare , curious , and interesting print , superb impression in extraordinary condition and with large margin , £3 135 6d. 1655 “The right honourable Lord Edmund Baron Sheffield, His Majestie’s Governour of ye Cittie and Countie of Yorke ; and President of his Counsell established in ye North, knight of the most noble Order of the Garter. Are to be sould by Jhon Sudbury and Geo. Humble, in Popes- head Alley in an oval with arms , 8vo, superb impression , extremely rare , £3 3s. F. ENGLEHEART. 1656 Holy Family, from a picture by Fra Bartolommeo in the possession of Sir R. C. Iloare ; folio, choice, Engraver’s proof before all letters, 9s. 1657 The only daughter, from a picture by Sir David Wilkie, sheet, fine proof, 25s. 1658 Ditto, brilliant proof on India paper before letters, £2 2s. *** Published at £10 10s. MARTIN VANDEN ENDEN. 1659 Decollation of St. John the Baptist, sheet, fine, 9s. E. Quellinus. 1660 The marriage of St. Catherine, fol .fine impression with the first address, 15s. C. de Vos. MATTHEW ERNST. 1661 Portrait of the mother of Rubens, from a picture in the Gallerie Elec- torate at Mannheim, fol. 5s. Rubens. ALDERT EVERDINGEN, 1662 “ La riviere au bas du grand rocher” (44), superb proof in the first state, with large margin, extremely rare, 18s. 1663 “ Le quartier de rocher ” (94), beautiful proof in the earliest state, before the sky or marginal line, rare, 15s. AEOYSIUS FABRI. 1663*Constantine giving Rome to the Pope, from a picture by Raffaelle in the Vatican , sheet, 9s. 1664 The Oath of Pope Leo. III. ; from a picture by Raffaelle in the Vatican, sheet proof, 12s. 1665 Defeat of the Saracens, from a picture by Raffaelle in the Vatican ; sheet, 9s. 1666 The Coronation of Charlemagne ; from a picture by Raffaelle in the Vatican, sheet, 9s. FACIUS* 1667 The Holy family in a landscape with a dance of Angels, from a picture by Vandyck formerly at Houghton , fine, 7s. 6d, PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 73 WILLIAM FAITKORNE. *#* A detailed and descriptive catalogue of the works of William Faithorne is now in preparation, in which will be published, for the first time , an accurate account of the variations and states of each plate, the sizes of each, the books to which they belong, and other particulars respecting the works of this eminent engraver. 1668 Queen Elizabeth, seated on her throne, with Lord Burghley and Sir Francis Walsingham standing- on either side, “front, to the complete ambassador,” folio, brilliant, 15s. 1669 “ Carolus primus D.G. Anglise, Scotiae, Francise et Hiberniae Rex, &c.” small fol. 7s. 6d. 1670 Ditto, brilliant impression with margin , 15s. 1671 Portrait of King- Charles 1st, oval in a title pag-e, “ The History of King Charles by H. L., Esqre., fol. very fine , 7s. 6d. 1672 Portrait of Charles 1st, surrounded by small ovals of his friends and adherents ; a brilliant impression in the first state before the introduction of three additional heads , fol. very scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 1673 The most Illustrious and Right Excellent Princesse Henriett Maria by the grace of God Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. — in a richly jewelled dress, very fine in the first state , but slightly injured, rare, £2 2s. 1674 Ditto, the address altered to “ P. Stent,” fine and in excellent con- dition , £2 2s. 1675 Henrietta Maria, habited in widow’s weeds ; in an oval with arms beneath, fol. 15s. 1676 Ditto, superb impression , in beautiful condition and very rare , £4 4s. 1677 The most Mightie and Illustrious Prince Charles, Prince of Great Brit- taine and Ireland, Duke of Cornwall &c. ; most brilliant impression before the address of 11 Peake” was erased , very scarce, £5 5s. *** Afterwards altered to a portrait of Lambert. 1678 The most Mightie and Illustrious Prince Charles, Prince of Great Brit- taine and Ireland, Duke of Cornwall &c., Will Dobson prinxit , fol. superb impression in the first state , very rare, £7 7s. 1679 “ Charles the 2d by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, Defender of ye Faith etc.” 4to, 10s. 6d. 1680 Ditto, a beautiful proof before the inscription above mentioned ; 4to, very rare, £1 11s. 6d. 1681 Portrait of King Charles 2d crowned, in ermine cloak &c. 12mo, a most brilliant proof before any inscription , extremely rare, £1 11s. 6d. 1682 The most renowned and Hopefull Prince William Prince of Orange, Earle of Nassow Cattimelle &c. — The most Excellent and High Borne Princesse Mary Princesse of Orange, Countesse of Nassow Cattimelle &c., a superb pair in the first state before the address of Peake was erased , fol. extremely rare, £4 4s. 1683 Ditto, the Prince, alone, with address of “ P. Stent f fol. 10s. 6d. 1684 “The most Excellent and High borne Princesse Mary Princesse of 74 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND Orange, Countesse of Nassow Cattimelle &c .” Sould by Will. Faithorne att ye Signe of ye Shipp within Temple Barr, folio, superb impression , very scarce , and in beautiful condition with large margin , £6 6s. Tandy ch. 1685 Ditto, a superb impression, but re-margined, £4 14s. 6d. 1686 “ The most Illustrious and High borne Prince James Duke of York &c.” 4to, of great rarity , but not in fine condition , £2 2s. 1687 Portrait of the distinguished Marquis of Montrose, in armour, in an oval 4 English verses beneath. “ Scotland’s glory, Britain’s pride As brave a subject as ere for Monarch dy’d Kingdoms in Ruins often lye But great Montross’s Acts will never dye.’ y 4to, extremely rare , £2 12s. 6d. 1688 The Right Honble. James Marquess Hamilton, Earle of Arran and Baron of Euen, &e. Are to be sould by Robt. Peake at his Shopp neere Holborne Conduit, brilliant impression in the first state , fol. scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 1689 “ The Right Honorable Henry Earle of Holland Baron of Kensington Chancellour of the Universitie of Cambridge, Lord General^ of his Maties. Army in the North etc., Knight of the most noble order of the Garter etc.” fol .first state before the address of Peake was erased , 25s. 1690 Ditto, in the same state, but extremely fine and in perfect condition £2 2s. 1691 George Yilliers Duke Marquis and Earle of Buckingham, Earle of Coventry, Viscount Villiers &c. ; in a dress covered with pearls, small 4to ,fine and scarce , 31s. 6d. 1692 The Right Honble. Charles Earle of Carlisle Viscount Howard of Morpeth &c, in an octagon, 8vo, 5s. 1693 “ James duke of Monmouth and Buccluch Earl of Doncaster &c,” in an oval of oak leaves, fol. extremely rare , £2 12s. 6d. W. Sheppard. 1694 Thomas Earle of Elgin and Lord Bruce of Whorleton &c, JEtat. suoe 62 Ano. Do. 1662. fol. a brilliant impression and most rare , slightly injured, £3 13s. 6d. 1695 Henry Hare Lord Coleraine, whole length in a pilgrim’s habit, frontis- piece to u Lauredanus’s Ascent of the Soul ; small folio, 5s. 1696 “ Hen. Do. Cary Baro D Leppington Comes Monmouthensis et Hon. mi Ord ; Balnioe Eques.” 4to, 7s. 6d. 1697 The Right Honourable Edward Lord Littleton Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England and one of his Maiesties most Honourable privy Councell ; fol. scarce , £1 Is. 1698 11 The Rt. Rd. Father in God Ralph Brownrig Ld. Bp. of Exeter, who died aged 67, Decern.” 7th, 1659, 8vo. fine, 5s. 1699 Ralph Brownrig, Bishop of Exeter, died 1659, 4to, in an oval, with four English verses beneath, fine, 7s. 6d. 1700 Thomas Morton, Bishop of Durham, died 1659, 4to, fine, 10s. 6d. 1701 The right reverend Father in God, James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, 12mo, 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 75 1702 Jacobus Usserius arcliiepiscopus totius Hibernise primas setatis suce 76, 1656, 4to, scarce and very fine , 7s. 6d. 1703 The Effigies of John Collett, Dean of St. Paul’s, &c. 12mo, 3s. 1704 Richard Hooker, the celebrated divine , died 1603, small folio, os. 1705 et Vera effigies Rever. viri Jos. Glanvill, &c. superb proof before the inscription beneath , extremely rare, 4to, £4 4s. 1706 “ Henrici Mori Cantabrigiensis S.S. T.D. effigies A.2E. 61,” fol. 18s. 1707 Ditto, superb impression in the first state before an alteration in the collar , very rare, £2 12s. 6d. 1708 11 Effigies Guil Gouge S. S. Theologise profess, qui obiit Ano. Dni. 1753, HCtatis 71, &c.” 4to, 8 English verses beneath, 7s. 6d. 1709 Ditto, in the first state of the plate ; 10 verses beneath, commencing “ The simile used by the Temanite,” 4to, 15s. 1710 Francis Rous, Provost of Eton College , 4to, fine and rare, £l 11s. 6d. 1711 Edmund Castell, of Emanuel College, Cambridge, died 1685, frontispiece to his Lexicon, folio, brilliant impression, £1 11s. 6d. 1712 Edmund Elis of Baliol College, Oxford, non-juror, 1693, in an octagon, with arms, 4to, very fine , 15s. 1713 Effigies Edvardi Boys, S.T.B. iEtat. 66, 4to, fine. 7s. 6d. 1714 “ The Pourtraicture of his Excellency Sir Thomas Farfax Generali of all the English forces for the Service of y e two houses of Parliament superb impression in the first state before the address ; fol. very rare, £8 8s. 1715 Ditto, superb impression in the first state before the address ; in matchless condition with good margin and extremely rare, fol. £12 12s. 1716 “The Honble. Sr. Henry Coker of the County of Wilts, Knight High Sheriffe Ano. 63 Coll, of Horse and Foote to Kinge Charles the first Coll, to the King of Spayne and Coll, to his Ma. that now is for the the Servis of Worcester now Gent, of the Privy Chamber, iEtat. 48, 1669,” fol. very fine and of extreme rarity , £8 8s, 1717 Honoratissimse Dominee Paston effigies. Anno Domini, 1659 ; a very fine impression of this beautiful and rare print ; fol. £2 2s. *** The inscription is added in M.S. facsimile, in so admirable a manner as almost to defy detection. 1718 Sir William Paston, folio, scarce , £2 2s. 1719 Sir Francis Yere ; profile, 4to ,fine, 7s. 6d. 1720 Portrait of Sir George Wharton; in a Roman dress, with 6 English verses beneath, 12mo, brilliant and scarce , 15s. 1721 James Calthorpe, of East Basham, Norfolk, 1642, folio, most brilliant old impression, scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 1722 Sir John Fortescue, Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor of England under King Henry VI. most brilliant, folio, £1 11s. Od. 1723 Sir Henry Spelman, eminent lawyer, died 1641, 4to, brilliant, 15s. 1724 Ditto, superb proof before the inscription, in fine condition and rare, £6 6s. 1725 Sir Richard Fanshawe, ambassador in the Court of Spain, &c,, fol. 5s, 1726 Sir William Davenant, Kt. fol. 5s. Jo. Greenhill. 76 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1727 D. Joao Castro, the fourth viceroy of India, 4to, very Jine , 5s. 1728 Abrahamus Couleius Anglus ; bust on a pedestal, 8vo ,Jine, 5s. 1729 Portrait of Loveday, the poet ; 6 verses beneath, 8vo, scarce , 3s. 6d. 1730 Sir William Sanderson, historian and loyalist, died 1676, fol. 7s. 6d. 1731 Ditto, very jine impression before the plate was retouched and the date erased , small folio, 10s. 6d. 1732 Vera Effigies Roberti Bayfield, HStat. Suoe, 27, brilliant and scarce , 8vo, 21s. 1733 John Ogilvy, the poet , folio, very fine, 15s. P. Lely. 1734 William Harvey, the eminent demonstrator of the circulation of the blood ; bust on a pedestal, brilliant and scarce, 8vo, £1 Is. 1735 John Bulwer, M.D., temp. Charles I. in an oval, proof before the in- scription, extremely rare, £2 2s. 1736 Tobias Venner, M.D. 1660, scarce and brilliant, 15s. 1737 Koah Bridges, a writer, four verses by G. Withers beneath ; 12mo, very fine , 10s. 6d. 1738 Sr. William Noy, Attorney-Generall to King Charles the First, 8vo, very fine , 3s. 6d. 1739 Honoratiss Do. Edvardus Littleton Mag. Sigil, Ang. Custos etc.” small oval, 12mo, brilliant and scarce , 12s. 1740 Thomas Mace, of Trinity College, Cambridge, eminent musician, 4to, brilliant , 15s. 1741 Samuel Collins, M.D. 1700, in an oval, with arms, folio, fine , 10s. 6d. 1742 Portrait of John Pordage, 4to, 12s. 1743 “ Franciscus More de Faley in Comitatu, Berks, miles serviens ad legem,” 4to ,fine, 5s. 1744 Thomas Stanley Arm. small fol. very fine, 10s. 6d. P. Lely. 1745 u Christophori Simpson effigies,” 8vo, 3s. 6d. W. Faithorne. 1746 “ Christophori Simpson effigies,” 4to, brilliant impression , 12s. J. Car- warden. 1747 John Kersey, mathematician, born at Bodicot, Oxon, 1616, folio, brilliant , 7s. 6d. 1748 John Wallis, mathematician and Savilian Professor at Oxford, died 1703, 4to, very Jine. 7s. 6d. 1749 George Rodolph Weckherlin, died 1653, in an oval, with arms, 8vo, very scarce , superb impression with small margin , £2 2s. 1750 ic Margareta Smith vidua Thomse Cary et Uxor Edouardi Herbert equitis ; a superb impression of this matchless print , which is also of extraordinary rarity, fol. £9 9s. Vandych. 1751 “ Maria Edouardi Alstoni Eq. Aur. Filea Jacobi Langhame Eq. Aur. uxor,” small fol .fine and of extreme rarity, but a portion of the border added in fac simile, £3 3s. 1752 Catherine Phillips “ Orinda,” a bust 4to, 5s. J. PALCK, 1753 St. John preaching in the wilderness, sheet, 15s. A. Bloemart. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 77 1754 Presentation in the Temple, half sheet, fine proof \ 10s. 6d. P. Farinato . 1755 The Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds, half sheet, 7s. 6d. P. Veronese. 1756 The burlesque concert, a woman and a man singing, the latter scraping on a pair of tongs, fol. proof \ very scarce , 15s. J. Lys. GIACOMO FELSIWGi 1757 Christ disputing with the Doctors, from the picture by Leonardo da Vinci , in the National Gallery ; choice engraver’s proof on India paper before all letters, £2 2s. 1758 The Virgin, with the Infant Saviour in her arms, standing on an altar, with a Saint on either side, u La Madonna del Trona, 18s. Andrea Del Sarto. 1759 The Virgin with the infant Saviour seated on a lamb ; accompanied by St. John and St. Elizabeth, after a picture by Overbeck ; sheet, fine, £2 2s. 1760 Ditto, superb proof in the earliest state , with the name of the en- graver etched in, with large margin, £7 7s. 1761 Salvator Mundi, from a picture in the Miles Gallery at Leigh Court; proof on India paper before all letters , and before the border, £l 4s. Lda Vinci. 1762 Genoveva : after a picture by Steinbruck ; fine impression, with full mar- gin, £1 5s. STEPHEN FESSARD. 1763 The Lord of the vineyard paying his labourers : half sheet, 6s. Rembrandt. PAOLO FIDANZA. 1764 The victory of the Romans over the Saracens at the gate of Ostia, from the grand picture by Raf'aelle, in the Vatican ; sheet, 7s. 6d. 1765 Apollo and the Muses with the ancient poets on Mount Parnassus, from Rafaello's fine picture in the Vatican ; sheet, 10s. 6d. JOH1T FIX.X.XAOT. 1766 Portrait of the celebrated Engraver “ William Faithorn ef from a painting by himself, 4to, most brilliant impression, in perfect condition , and very scarce , from the Strawberry Hill and Brooke collections, £2 12s. 6d. FXX.IiCEUZi. 1767 Les amants heureux, fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. Paterre. 1768 L^amour et le badinage, fol. scarce , 7s. Gd. Paterre. 1769 La courtisanne amoureuse ; fol. 5s. Paterre. william rmusi. 1770 The village festival, from the celebrated picture by Sir D. Wilkie, in the National Gallery ; 9s. 1771 Ditto, fine proof ’ scarce, 16s. 1772 Ditto, a superb engraver's proof before all letters, extremely rare, £9 9s. 78 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND ADO FIORONX. 1773 Repose in Egypt : with Joseph presenting 1 St. John to the infant Saviour : from a picture by Raffaelle : not hitherto engraved : fine proof on India paper, before the dedication, &c., £2 12s. 6d. JAMES PETTIER. 1774 The glorious victory of the British fleet under Earl Howe on the first of June, 1794 : sheet, fine and scarce, 25s. Loutherbourg. 1775 A Flemish family, from the fine picture hg A. Ostade , formerly in the collection of Jeremiah Harman. 4to, 3s. 1776 Portrait of Pope Innocent X. from a picture by Velasquez , in the Duke of Devonshire's collection, folio, 3s. 1777 — _ Ditto, choice Engraver’s proof before all letters, 10s. 6d. JEAN JACQUES FLXPART. 1778 Battle of the Lapithse and the Centaurs, proof with single line of inscrip- tion, 9s. B. Boullogne. 1779 A storm and shipwreck, from a picture by Vernet, half sheet, very fine, with large margin, scarce , 15s. 1780 Le gateau des Rois ; from a picture by Greuze, sheet, very fine and with large margin, 12s. 1781 Le baiser Napolitain. — Le baiser rendu, the pair, 4to, fine, 7s. 6d. P. Carfrme. 1782 Le paralitique servi par ses enfans, from a capital picture by J. B. Greuze , in the Imperial gallery at St. Petersbourg, sheet, most brilliant impres- sion with large margin, scarce, 16s. 1783 L’Accordee de Village ; from a picture by Greuze , very fine and with large margin, sheet, scarce, 15s. 1784 La dame de Charite ; fine proof before letters, 15s. 1785 The Holy family, from a picture by Julio Romano in the Dresden Gallery , proof before letters, but cut nearly close, 12s. 1786 A young girl lamenting the death of her bird ; from a picture by Greuze; a beautiful impression, with large margin, very scarce, 18s. JACOB FOXiEEMA. 1787 The Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul, from the picture in the Dresden gallery, sheet, 7s. 6d. N dell ’ Abbate. 1788 The water doctor, sheet, fine proof before letters, 10s. 6d. G. Netscher. P. FONTANA. 1789 Terpsichore, from a statue by Canova , sheet, 5s. 1790 Damoxenes the wrestler ; from a statue by Canova, two views, sheet, 5s. 1791 The dancing girl, from the statue by Canova at Malmaison ; sheet, 5s. FRANCOIS FORSTER. 1792 La Vierge de la maison d’Orleans, from a picture by Raffaelle, formerly in PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 79 the Orleans Gallery, but now in that of the Marquis de las Marismas del Guadalquiver, fol. fine proof on India paper , 25s. 1793 Ditto, choice proof on India paper before letters, with large margin, £3 13s. 6d. 1794 La Yierge a la Legende, £1 5s. Raffaelle. 1795 Ditto, Jine proof before letters , £2 12s. 6d. 1796 La Yierge au Bas-relief, folio, £1 6s. L. da Vinci. 1797 - — Ditto, very fine old impression, £2 2s. 1798 Ditto, superb proof before letters and before the drapery , with large margin ; very scarce, £12 12s. 1799 Portrait of RafFaelle, from a picture by himself in the Gallery at Florence; folio, 8s. JACOMO FEAHCXA (I.F. STo. 23 of Monograms). 1800 The Holy Family (2) ; superb impression and most rare , <£9 9s. %* For notices of this artist see Bartsch & Ottley, the former of whom observes that his prints have always been considered as the works of Marc Antonio executed in his early manner, a testimony from a great authority to their high excellence. JAMSS F21EY. 1801 The Holy Family called 11 La Yierge au berceau/’y^wt the fine picture by Raffaelle in the Louvre , fol. 5s. 1802 Bacchus and Ariadne, sheet, 7s. 6d. Guido Beni. 1803 The doctors of the Church consulting upon the immaculateness of the Virgin ; half sheet, 5s. Ibid. PHXX.XP PRUYTIBES, 1804 Portrait of “ Marius Ambrosius Capello,” Bishop of Antwerp ; three- quarters, seated, sheet, fine and scarce , £1 5s. P. Fruytiers. 1805 Portrait of Jacobo Edelheer, syndic of Antwerp and great amateur of the Fine Arts ; three-quarters, sheet, fine and scarce , £l 5s. Ibid. THOMAS FRITH. 1806 Portraits from the Life ; a collection of 10 heads and portraits (including his own and that of the Queen of Denmark) painted and engraved in mezzotinto by Thomas Frye, of the size of life, brilliant proops, in FINE CONDITION, WITH LARGE MARGINS, 10s. 6d. each. 1807 Portraits from the life ; a series of heads, life size, drawn from the life and engraved in mezzotinto by this artist, including his own portrait, with those of King George the third and Queen Charlotte, engraved by Pether, from his designs, the set of 19 plates , half sheet , superb im- pressions and in most perfect condition, very rare, £7 7s. THROB. GASP, a FUBSTENBER6. 1808 The head of John the Baptist in a charger, an exceedingly rare speci- men in mezzotinto by one of the earliest practisers in that style ; £4 4s. 80 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND JOHN FYT. 1809 Groups of dogs (9-16) ; brilliant impressions in first states, with the title ; £5 5s. 1810 Ditto, a magnificent set of these etchings in the first state , with large margins, very rare, £7 7s. 1811 Etchings of horses, animals &c. (1 to 8), Nos. 3, 4 & 5, very fine , 7s. 6d. each. ROBERT GAILLARD. 1812 La malediction paternelle ; sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. Greuze. 1813 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , 18s. 1814 Le fils puni ; from a picture by Greuze , sheet, fine proof before letters, £1 Is. 1815 Le panier misterieux, half sheet, very fine and with large margin , scarce, 10s. 6d. F. Boucher. 1816 Le lecteur ; fine, 5s. Gravelot. COH.WE2.IUS GALLE. 1817 Judith beheading Holofernes, (known as “La Grande Judith”), fol. extremely fne but cut close , 7s. 6d. Rubens. 1818 Solomon offering his “ Book of Ecclesiastes ” to Divine wisdom, title page to “ Bonarti, in ecclesiasticum commentarius,” small folio, beautiful proof before any inscription , very scarce, 10s. 6d. Rubens. 1819 The Virgin with the infant Saviour in her arms, standing in a niche, to which cupids are attaching groups of fruit ; sheet, fine , £l 5s. Rubens. 1820 The infant Saviour and St. John, with a lamb in a landscape ; half sheet, brilliant and scarce , 12s. Rubens. 1821 Repose in Egypt, with three Angels playing with a lamb; half sheet, brilliant artel scarce , 12s. Rubens. 1822 Ecce Homo, Christ crowned with thorns, &c. ; folio, first, state , before the address of John Galle , 18s. Rubens. 1823 Ditto, in the same state, superb impression , and in beautiful condi- tion , £1 11s. 6d. 1824 Christ bearing his Cross ; fol. 7s. 6d. Yandych. 1825 Descent from the Cross ; fol. with the first address , 18s. A. Diepenbeke. 1826 The dead body of Christ at the Sepulchre, with the Virgin, the Mag- dalen &c. ; fol. scarce , 15s. Rubens. 1827 Progne showing her husband the head of their son, after having made him eat the body ; half sheet, brilliant , £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 1828 Allegorical title page to “Romanae et Graecae antiquitatis monumenta E. Priscis monumenta &c.” small folio, brillinnt proof before the text was engraved in the centre , very rare, 10s. 6d. Rubens. PHZlilP GALLE. 1829 The history of Lot ; 4 plates, 4to, fine , 7s. 6d. A. Blocklant. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 81 M. GA1BM.F1, 1830 Judith with the head of Holophernes; fol. 9s. Bronzino. 1831 The Holy family accompanied by St. Jerome, ho,, from the famous picture by Correggio at Parma , brilliant impression with large margin, £ 2 4 s. STEPHEN GANTSEK. 1832 Sancta Margarita Scotise Regina et Patrona, whole length, kneeling, crown and sceptre on the table, sheet, rare, £l Is. JV. de Largilliere. From the Strawberry-hill collection. A note at the bottom of the print in the handwriting of Horace Walpole states that the plate was engraved by order of King James the Second. 1833 Jacobus Franciscus Edwardus Wallise princeps (the old Pretender when young) offerebat Joannes Baptista Guuynn Corcagiensis in Hybernia, fol. fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. GIOVITA GAEAVAGLIA. 1834 La Madonna della Seggiola, from the well-known picture by Raffaelle ; half sheet, fine old impression, £3 3s. 1835 — — Ditto, splendid proof before letters, with large margin, very scarce, £10 10s. 1836 Agar and Ishmael in the Desert, from a picture in the Dresden Gallery, fine, 18s. Baroccio . 1837 David with the head of Goliath ; from a picture by Guercino ; fol. fine proof on India paper, £1 11s. 6d. 1838 The Magdalen holding an alabaster box ; proof before letters with large margin, £2 12s. 6d. Carlo Dolci. 1839 Ditto, choice engraver's proof before all letters, and with the 7vhite pearl, in perfect condition and with good margin, rare, £3 13s. 6d. 1840 The Holy Family, with the Infant Saviour, seated on a Lamb (The rest in Egypt), fol. 15s. Raffaelle. 1841 The infant Saviour attended by Angels, 11 Yerbum caro factum,” from a picture by Carlo Maratta, half sheet, 12s. 1842 The Madonna with the infant Saviour in her lap embracing St. John,. from a painting by Vincenzio von San Gimignano , in the Royal Gallery at Dresden ; half sheet, very fine impression, 16s. 1843 Portrait of Boccaccio, small oval, beautiful engraver's proof before all letters, in the earliest state, 4to, £1 11s. 6d. 1844 Portrait of Charlemagne ; choice engraver's proof in the earliest state, before all letters, 4to, 15s. 1845 Beatrice Cenci ; very fine with large margin, 12s. Guido. 1846 Portrait of the Emperor Charles Y. ; brilliant artist's proof before all letters in the earliest state, 4to, £1 11s. 6d. I*. GAE1TIEE. 1847 La Yierge aux balances, from a picture by Leonardo da Vinci in the Louvre ; half sheet, 16s. 82 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND HEURY GASCAS, 1848 “ Madame Ellen Groinn and her troo sons, Charles Earl of Beaufort and James Lord Beauclaire,” she is represented lying on a bed of roses, her two sons as angels withdrawing the curtain, Charles the second walking- on a terrace in the distance ; fine impression of one of the rarest and most interesting English portraits , £7 7s. GAUG-AOI. 1849 A shipwreck’d sailor boy telling his story at a cottage door, sheet, 7s. 6d. W. R. Bigg. ? 1850 The last interview between Charles the first and his children ; half sheet, 4s. Benazech . Xi&OXTARO GAULTIER. 1851 The Coronation of Marie de Medicis ; fol. most brilliant impression in the first state before the introduction of the Gallery , with Henry IV ., fyc., a curious print and in this state, of the utmost rarity, £7 7s. ROBERT GAYWOOB. 1852 Portrait of Bulstrode Whitelock, the historian, in an oval, beautiful impression , and extremely scarce , 4to, £3 3s. A. GEIGER. 1853 The Mistress of the Painter, “ Parmegiani Amici,” from a picture by Parmegiano, finely executed mezzotinto ; proof 15s. 1854 “La Vanite,” a nearly nude female figure blowing soap bubbles, fol. mez. 9s. F. Linder. JAMES GHSTTJ. 1855 Portrait of a Man, full length, in a richly ornamented suit of armour, holding a baton, a plumed helmet on the table, &c. sometimes called Prince Maurice , small folio, most brilliant and rare, from the Duke of Buckingham’s collection, £1 11s. 6d. 1856 The Prodigal Son, represented in a composition of numerous figures, feasting, dancing, &c., from a painting by Van M under, very fine and scarce , £l 5s. 1857 The Evangelists, set of four circular plates, most brilliant, 15s. ADAM GHXSI. 1858 Hercules strangling the Nemsean lion (21), brilliant impression , 10s. 6d. Giulio Romano. 1859 Groups of fishermen in three ships drawing up a net with a monstrous fish (106), after Giulio Romano , very fine, £l Is. BZATIA GHXSE. 1860 The Annunciation ( 1 ) first state before the address , 7s. 6d. Lucas Cortoncnsis. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 83 1861 The Magdalen washing the feet of Christ (3), brilliant impression in the Jirst state before the address , 15s. Julio de Campi. 1862 Christ shown to the people (6), 7s. 6d. Raphael de Reggio . 1863 Holy family with St. Joseph bringing a basket of flowers (18), 5s. Raphael de Reggio. 1864 Continence of Scipio (33), 3s. 6d. Julio Romano. 1865 Horatio Codes saving himself after defending the bridge (34), 5s. Julio Romano. 1866 Hercules with the golden apples from the gardens of the Hesperides (38) ; first state before the address , 7s. 6d. from an antique statue. 1867 Birth of Apollo and Diana in the island of Delos ; after Julio Romano (39), first state before the address , most brilliant, £3 3s. 1868 A slave extracting a thorn from his foot (42), after the antique; superb impression , 7s. 6d. 1869 A charlatan with serpents twining round him distributing drugs to a crowd of people (44), after Julio Romano , 5s. 1870 Sacrifice of a bull to Jupiter (46), after Julio Romano , 18s. 1871 Ditto, extremely fine before the address , scarce, £l 11s. 6d. GE02&GI© GHXSE. 1872 The meeting of the Virgin and St. Elizabeth (1) ; after Francis Salviati ; extremely fine , 15s. 1873 Ditto, superb impression in the first and 11 presque-unique ” state , £5 5s. Bartsch appears to have considered this state of the print unique, for he does not mention it in the body of the work, but in a note says “ On conserve a la bibliotheque imperiale a Vienne une premiere epreuve de cette estampe ou le pillier a la gauche d’en haut, au-dessus du paquet que porte la femme sur sa tete, est tout en blanc.” 1874 The Nativity (3), from a grand composition of many figures by Angelo Bronzino, engraved on two plates ; very scarce , but not in fine condi- tion , 10s. 6d. *** In the British Museum is a magnificent proof of this print before the inscriptions on the two circular tablets in the upper part of the print, &c., unknown to Bartsch and believed to have been hitherto unnoticed ; it was acquired by the publishers of this catalogue from the Otto collection at the same time that they made the purchase of the unique early prints of the Florentine School, described by Bartsch in Vol. 13, p. 142, of his “ Peintre graveur,” and which are now also preserved in the British Museum. 1875 The flight into Egypt, with the Holy Family reposing in the midst of a group of Angels, &c. (4), from a fine composition of Julius Campus , fine 18s. 1876 Ditto, very fine and scarce, £2 2s. 1877 The Last Supper (6), fine impression, £l Is. Lambertus Lombardus. 1878 The Martyrdom of St. Barbe (10), after his own design , 10s. 6d. 1879 Marriage of St. Catherine (12), fine and scarce. £l Is. Primaticcio. g 2 84 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1880 The entry of the Greeks into Troy (29) ; first state, rare, 25s. J. B. Ghisi. 1881 Venus and Vulcan (35), 15s. Perin del Yaga. 1882 Hercules reposing-, from the famous statue in the Farnese palace (41), fine, 15s. 1883 Victorious Hercules with the Hydra of Lerna dead at his feet (44), a most superb impression, £2 2s. J. B. Bertano. 1884 Cupid and Psyche, after Giulio Romano (45), most superb impression m the first state, before the additional drapery on the fig-ure of Psyche, very rare, £2 12s. 6d. 1885 Vulcan forging- the darts of love, accompanied by Venus, &c. (54), after Perin del Yaga ; very fine, before the address, 12s. 1886 Hercules reposing- from his labours (56), scarce and very fine, £1 11s. 6d. G. Ghisi. 1887 The Birth of Memnon, son of Titon and Aurora (57), from a picture by Julio Romano in the Palace of The in Rome, fine 15s. 1888 Judg-ment of Paris (60), sheet, very fine, £1 Is. B. Bertano. 1889 Calumny accusing- innocence before the tribunal of an ignorant judge (64), superb impression before the inscription in the oval, extremely scarce and unknown to Bartsch, £3 3s. Luca Penni. 1890 Interior of a prison with prisoners chained and tormented in various ways (66), after Julio Romano, fine, 12s. 1891 Roman soldiers conducting their slaves in a triumphal procession (68), sheet, 7s. 6d. Julio Romano. 1892 A cemetery, the skeletons leaving the tombs taking new flesh to appear at the last judgment “ Les squelettes” (69), sheet, superb impression in the first state before the address of Lafrery, unknown to Bartsch, very rare, £2 2s. J. B. Britano. GIOVANNI BATISTA GHISI. 1893 The amours of Mars and Venus (IS), from his own design , 7s. 6d. B« P, GIBBON. 1894 Jack in office ; fine proof on India paper before letters, half sheet, £2 15s. Sir E. Landseer. 1895 The travelled monkey, engraved for the Anniversary, beautiful proof before all letters, on India paper of this small plate, scarce, 21s. ANTONIO GIBERT. 1896 Napoleon crossing the Alps, from the celebrated picture by David, sheet, fine and scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 1897 The presentation of the infant Saviour in the Temple, “ Et Simeon accepit Jesum in ulnas suas et benedixet Deum; St. Luke, chap. 2, v. 28,” from a picture by Bernardino Lovino ; sheet, 16s. H. GILLBANE. 1898 The Lord of the vineyard ; sheet, mez. proof, 10s. 6d. Opie. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 85 W XUXADX GIIKSS. 1899 A Camaldolese monk showing the relics, half-sheet, mez. proof before letters , 9s. W. Simson. 1900 Wolsey receiving the Cardinal’s hat in Westminster Abbey, from a picture by G. H. Harlowe ; sheet, mez. 25s. 1901 Highland hospitality ; half-sheet, mez. 10s. 6d. F. Lewis. LUCA GXORX>ANO. 1902 Jesus Christ disputing with the doctors in the temple ; from bis own design , half-sheet, scarce , 15s. P. GX.ESBITSCH. 1903 The Virgin adoring the sleeping Saviour, from a picture by Guido Beni, in Count Lamberg's collection ; fol. 7s. 6‘d. 1904 Christ bearing his Cross — The Virgin Mary ; pair, fne proofs before let- ers, £1 11s- 6d. Sebastian del Piombo and C. Dolce. JLXsISSSRT GLOCSENTON. 1905 The passion of J esus Christ, set of 12 plates (2-13), superb impressions in the first state, before any retouch, in very fine condition and of the utmost rarity, £31 10s. *** Perhaps the finest set in existence. 1906 Christ’s entry into Jerusalem (2), beautiful impression in the first state, but somewhat damaged, £1 Is. 1907 The last supper (3), brilliant impression in the first state, before any re- touch, and in beautiful condition, very scarce, £3 3s. 1908 Christ on the Mount of Olives (4), one corner restored, £1 Is. 1909 The betrayal of Christ (5), brilliant impression in the first state before any retouch, in beautif ul condition, and very scarce, £3 3s. 1910 Christ’s descent into hell (12), fine, before the retouch, 25s. 1911 Christ bearing his cross, the large plate , after Martin Schoengauer (15), fine impression and very scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 1912 One of the wise virgins (22), scarce, 9s. J. GOBBI. 1913 The resurrection announced to the Apostles, sheet, 7s. 6d. B. Smirhe. 1914 The consecration of St. Nicholas ; from a picture in the National Gal- lery ; fine proof, 9s. Paul Veronese. 1915 Ditto, a choice artist' s proof in the earliest state, before letters , and with a sheep as crest beneath, extremely rare, £2 2s. H3E2S-R1T GOX.TZXUS. 1916 The masterpieces of Goltzius (15 — 20). 1. The annunciation, designed in the style of Raffaelle. 2. The visitation, in the style of Parmegiano. 3. The adoration of the Shepherds, in the style of Bassano. 86 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4. The Circumcision in the style of Albert Durer. 5. The magi offering their gifts to the infant Saviour, in the style of Lucas van Leyden. 6. The Holy Family, in the style of Baroccio. The set of six complete , £3 3s. 1917 Ditto, a veryjine set, £6 6s. 1918 Ditto, a superb set in the pinest state, very rare , £9 9s. *** Ils sont sans contredit au nombre des plus beaux ouvrages de cet artiste, et d’autant plus estimable, qu’ayant en dessein d’imiter les manieres des plus fameux maitres, il y a reussi jusqu a tromper. Les deux pieces surtout, qui sont dans le gout D’Albert Durer et Lucas de Leyde, sont des veritables chefs- d’oeuvre de Part. — Bartsch. 1919 The annunciation (from the preceding set), magnificent impression of the greatest brilliancy , £2 10s. 1920 The visitation (from the same set), brilliant, £2 2s. 1921 Adoration of the shepherds (from the same set), 10s. 6d. 1922 The Circumcision (from the same set), 10s. 6d. 1923 The offering of the Magi (from the same set), 10s. 6d. 1924 The Holy family (from the same set), fine, £l 11s. 6d. 1925 The Virgin and St. Joseph showing the infant Jesus to the Shepherds, an unfinished plate (21) 4to, 7s. 6d. Goltzius. 1926 Adoration of the Magi (22), fine and very scarce, 4to, 9s. Goltzius. 1927 The Massacre of the Innocents (23), left unfinished at the death of the artist ; sheet, 7s. 6d. Goltzius. 1928 Holy family, with Joseph plucking fruit from the tree beneath which the the Virgin is seated (24), 4to, 7s. 6d. Goltzius. 1929 The passion of Jesus Christ, set of 12 plates (27 — 38), fine impressions, and very scarce, £4 4s. Of these plates (sometimes termed his smaller masterpieces) Bartsch ob- serves, “ Goltzius a compose ces douze pieces dans la maniere de Lucas de Leyde, ayant en dessein de contrefaire ce fameux maitre, ce qui lui a parfaitement reussi.’’ 1930 Jesus Christ and his disciples celebrating the last Supper (39), fol. fine, 7s. 6d. Goltzius. 1931 The crucifixion, an unfinished plate (40), circle. 5s. Goltzius. 1932 The Virgin weeping over the dead body of Christ (41), engraved in imita- tion of Albert Durer, 4to, brilliant and rare, £1 11s. 6d. 1933 Ditto, an admirable impression of this beautiful plate, 4to, £2 2s. *** C’est une de celles oil il a si bien reussi a contrefaire la maniere d ’Albert Durer. — Bartsch. 1934 Jesus Christ, the twelve apostles, and St. Paul, set of 14 plates (43 — 56), veryjine set, with large margins, 8vo, scarce, £3 3s. 1935 Ditto, brilliant impressions, mounted and bound in calf extra, in imitation of the old style, 4to, £2 12s. 6d. *** Beneath each plate is a sentence in Latin completing the Apostles’ Creed in the entire set. 1936 The Magdalen praying in the Desert. (58), 4to, 5s. Goltzius . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 87 1937 Temptation of Saint Anthony (59), from a design by himself in the style of Lucas van Leyden , scarce, 4to, 7s. 6d. 1938 Figures of the Roman heroes, illustrious by their valour (94 — 103), series of 10 plates, fol. brilliant impressions , 15s. Goltzius. 1939 An ensign of infantry, carrying the colours of his regiment (125), superb impression , 21s. 1940 A captain of infantry, marching with a halberd in his left hand (126), superb impression , 18s. 1941 Mars surprised with Venus (139), half sheet, brilliant , £l 11s. 6d. Goltzius. 1942 Ditto, a beautiful impression in fine condition , £2 2s. 1943 The judgment of Midas (140), a composition of numerous figures from his own design , sheet, £l Is. 1944 The God of the Sun walking upon the Clouds ; in the distance he is again represented driving the Chariot of the Sun (141); oval plate, brilliant, £1 Is. 1945 Hercules bearing his club and holding the horn torn from Archelaus (142), sheet, superb impression of this extremely rare print , £2 2s. Goltzius . 1946 The three famous antique statues at Rome, viz., Hercules, the Emperor Commodus, and Apollo Pythien (143 — 145) ; the set of three plates , superb impressions and very scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 1947 The Muses (146 — 154) set of 9 plates, very fine impressions before the address of Dancherts , 4to, 15s. Goltzius . 1948 Portrait of John Boll, a painter of Malines (161), small folio, 7s. 6d. 1949 Ditto, a brilliant impression , 15s. 1950 Portrait of JohnBroeckhor, Burgomaster of Leyden (163) ; small oval, 5s. 1951 Theodore Cornhert, painter, engraver, musician, &c., large bust in an oval surrounded by emblems of his acquirements, large sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Un des plus beaux ouvrages de gravure de Goltzius. II semble que, par un motif de reconnoissance, il ait voulu montrer tout ce qu’il etoit capable de faire dans le portrait de celui de qui il avoit appris les principles de l’art de la gravure. — Bartsch. 1952 Francoise d’Egmont, half length, her right hand on a scull, in an oval (168), most brilliant , 25s. 1953 Portrait of “ Jean Gols de Kaisers werdt,” painter on glass, and father of the painter; (171), 8vo, fine , 7s. 6d. Ce portrait est une des premieres pieces qu’ait grave Goltzius. — Bartsch. 1954 Joseph Scaliger (183), bust in an oval between figures of Mercury and Urania, 4to, fine , 5s. 1955 Johannes Zurenus ; (189), half length holding a book, from a painting by Heemskerh, 8vo, very fine, 12s. 1956 Ditto, brilliant proof before the introduction of the coat of arms, extremely rare, £1 11s. 6d. 1957 The boy and dog (B. 190), portrait of the son of Theodoric Frisius, a Dutch painter, brilliant and very rare, £7 7s. 1958 Ditto, superb impression , and very rare , £12 12s. *** Cette estampe, connue sous le nom du cliien de Goltzius, est une des plus rares de l’oeuvre de ce maitre. — Bartsch. 88 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 1959 Portrait of Justus Lipsius (209), ’brilliant and very rare , £l Is. 1960 Portraits of IN', de la Faille and of his wife (212-213), 3 qrs. in ovals with emblems and figures ; the pair, superb impressions, 4to, scarce, £2 2s. 1961 Portrait of Madame de la Faille (213), brilliant impression , 15s. 1962 A military officer, full length, holding his halberd &c. (216), 4to, Jine and scarce , 9s. 1963 A military officer, full length, with his colours over his shoulder (217), Jine , 9s. 1964 Hercules killing Cacus, known as “Le coup d’Hercule” (231), printed in chiaro-scura from three blocks, in Jine condition and scarce , £l Is. 1965 Galatea in a car drawn by dolphins (235), printed in chiaro-scura from three blocks, an oval , 5s. 1966 An assembly of ladies and gentlemen of Venice assisting at a grand fete which is given in a hall on the banks of the Adriatic (247), on two sheets , large folio, 15s. Theodore Bernard . 1967 Ditto, very Jine , £l 5s. 1968 The fall of Tantalus, Icarus, Phaeton, and Ixion, set of four circular plates, called “Les culbuteurs (258-261), very Jine impressions and scarce , £1 Is. C. Cornelis. 1969 The dragon devouring the companions of Cadmus (262), 5s. C. Cornelis. 1970 The Angel conducting Lot and his family from Sodom, from a painting by A. Bloclandt (263), first state, before the address of “ Visscher,” half sheet, rare, 10s. 6d. 1971 Christ assisting at the Marriage feast of Cana (268), engraved conjointly by Goltzius and Matham , from a picture by Salviati ; very scarce, 9s. 1972 — — Ditto, very fine, 18s. 1973 The Virgin accompanied by St. Joseph, and with the infant Saviour in her arms, to whom she is presenting a pear (275), from a design by B. Spr anger ; brilliant, 15s. 1974 The loves of Mars and Venus (276), fol. fine , 10s. 6d. B . Sprangers. 1975 The Gods in Otympus celebrating the marriage feast of Cupid and Psyche, a rich composition of numerous figures on three plates (277), large sheet, very fine , 15s. B. Sprangers. Cette estampe est rare. — Bartsch. E. CrOOSAlL. 1976 Tivoli, a composition, from a superb drawing by J. M. W. Turner, in the possession of Mr. Allnut ; sheet, most brilliant proof on India paper , £5 5s. 1977 Evening, a composition ; from a picture by Cuyp , in the National Gallery , 5s. Ditto, Jine proof 9s. 1978 The marriage festival of Isaac and Rebecca ; from a picture by Claude Lorraine in the National Gallery; fine proof, 9s. 1979 An Italian sea-port ; from a picture by Claude Lorraine , in the National Gallery , 5s. 1980 — — Ditto, jine proof 8s. 1981 The castle of Ischia, from a picture by Stanfield , half sheet, 9s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 89 COUNT GOUDT. 1982 The Angel and Tobit, 7s. 6d. ; ditto fine, 10s. 6d. 1983 Ditto, a most superb impression , rare, £2 2s. 1984 Angel guiding Tobit across the stream, from a picture by Elsheimer, brilliant impression, with good margin, 7s. 6d. 1985 Ditto, a superb impression , 15s. 1986 Landscape — “ Aurora,” 4to, 5s. 1987 Ceres drinking from a pitcher, with a boy laughing at her, whom she metamorphosed into a frog ; from a picture by Elsheimer, small folio, fine, 15s. 1988 Ditto, a most superb impression , very scarce, £2 2s. *** The powerful striking effect of this engraving cannot be very properly described. — Strutt. 1988*The decapitation of St. John the Baptist, a small oval print , superb impression, very rare, £l Is. 1989 The complete works of this artist, including a copy of the Ceres by Hollar ; fine and very scarce , £4 4s. G. GRAHAM. 1990 Portrait of Admiral Yan Tromp, fol. mez. fine proof scarce , 12s. Rembrandt . EGBERT GRAVES. 1991 The Highland whiskey still ; fine proof on India paper , before letters , £2 18s. Sir E. Landseer. 1992 The flower girl ; from a fine picture by Murillo , proof before letters, 4to, 2s. 6d. B. GREEN, 1993 Phaeton driving the chariot of the Sun ; from a picture by Stubbs, sheet, mez. scarce , 9s. VALENTINE GREEN, Engraver in Mezzotinto. 1994 The Holy family, with Saint Elizabeth and St. John, from a picture by Matteo Ponzoni , formerly in the Houghton collection , 5s. 1995 The placing Christ in the sepulchre ; from a picture formerly at Houghton , half sheet, 5s. L. Caracci . 1996 The three Maries going to the Sepulchre ; from the window of St. George’s Chapel , Windsor, fol. 4s. B. West. 1997 Peter and John going to the sepulchre; from the same window as the preceding , fol. 4s. Ibid. 1998 St. John in the wilderness, from a picture in the Dusseldorff Gallery, sheet, 7s. 6d. Rajfaelle. 1999 The Assumption of the Virgin, from a picture by Murillo, formerly at Houghton , half sheet, 7s. 6d. 90 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AN D 2000 Nathan and David ; sheet, 9s. B. West. 2001 Daniel interpreting to Belshazzar the writing on the wall, sheet, 9s. B. West. 2002 Peter denying Christ ; sheet, 9s. B. West. 2003 Elijah raising the widow’s son, sheet, 9s. Ibid. 2004 Miravan breaking open the tomb of his ancestors in search of wealth, fol. 5s. J. Wright. 2005 A philosopher showing an experiment on the air-pump, sheet, 12s. J. Wright. 2006 A winter’s tale, sheet, scarce , 9s. Opie. 2007 Jupiter and Leda ; large fol. 4s. G. Willison. 2008 Astrea instructing Arthegal (vide Spenser), sheet, 5s. Maria Cosway. 2009 “ Like patience on a monument smiling at grief,” sheet, 5s. M. Cosway. 2010 The cave of despair (vide Spenser), sheet, very fine, proof ’ 10s. 6d. B. West. 2011 A school ; sheet, 12s. Opie. 2012 A youth (Brook Watson) rescued from a shark at Havannah ; sheet, 7s. 6d. J. S. Copley. 2013 Alexander, and Philip, his physician; sheet, 7s. 6d. B. West. 2014 Fidelia and Spiranza ; sheet, 5s. Ibid. 2015 Poetus and Arria ; sheet, 7s. 6d. Ibid. 2016 Portrait of Prince Rupert, from a picture by Rembrandt , in (1775) the possession of Mr. Orme, large folio ; most brilliant proof before letters , scarce, £1 Is. 2017 The four penitents ; sheet, 8s. Rubens. 2018 Agrippina surrounded by her children, weeping over the ashes of Ger- mannicus; sheet, proof) 15s. B. West. 2019 Jupiter and Io from a picture by Hopner in the possession of Lord Hamp- den ; sheet, scarce, 15s. 2020 “ Nampont” vide Sterne’s sentimental journey ; sheet, 8s. G. Carter. 2021 Sir Thomas Wharton, from the Houghton picture ; fol. fine, 7s. 6d. Van Dyck. 2022 Henry Danvers earl of Danby, from the Houghton picture ; fol. fine, 7s. 6d. Van Dyck. 2023 George Gordon, second marquis of Huntley ; full length ; from a picture by Vandyck ; half-sheet, 7s. 6d. 2024 Venus rising from the sea ; half-sheet, fine proofs 10s. 6d. James Barry. GSEEHWOOD. 2025 The grace, or the happy family ; half-sheet, mez. brilliant proof before letters , in beautiful condition , with large margin. 18s. F. GEEORT. 2026 St. Sebastian pierced by an arrow and attached to a tree ; fol. fine , 5s. Guido. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 91 SIMOCT GRIBEL1N. 2027 Esther before Ahasuerus ; — The Shepherds offering 1 Gifts to Christ ; — The Adoration of the Wise Men; — Jupiter at his Birth is privily conveyed from Saturnus ; — The Muses in Concert, with their proper Symbols ; — Midas, preferring- Pan to Apollo, is punished with Ass’s Ears ; — The Choice of Hercules,' — engraved from pictures by Paulo de Matthsei, An- drea Schiavone, Tintoretto, Giulio Romano, Paul Veronese, and Palma, in the royal galleries of Windsor and Kensington ; set of seven plates , with a title page as originally published, most brilliant impres- sions, IN THE FINEST CONDITION, WITH LARGE MARGINS, VERY SCARCE, £3 13s. 6d. 1712. 2028 Engravings from the Paintings by Rubens on the Ceiling of the Ban- queting House, Whitehall, set of three plates , brilliant impressions, IN THE FINEST CONDITION, WITH LARGE MARGINS, Scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 2029 The Cartoons of Raffaelle at Hampton Court ; the set complete with the frontispiece ; 8 plates, 4to ^fine old impressions , rare, £2 12s. 6d. 2030 Ditto, a most beautiful set, with good margins, but wanting the frontispiece, rare, £5 os. EHGEAVIMGS OUT WOOD SY JOHN SAUDOUIN G-2&UTJ. 2031 The three Maries weeping over the dead body of Christ at the foot of the Cross (5), 15s. 2032 St. Peter; full length (7), 7s. 6d. 2033 St. Simon ; full length (16), 7s. 6d. 2034 St. Paul ; full length (18), 7s. 6d. 2035 Conversion of St. Paul (33), 18s. 2036 Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (36), £1 Is. 2037 Ditto, a larger print (37), £2 2s. 2038 “ Le pere eternel, entoure d’une gloire d’auges ” (40), scarce , 15s. 2039 Jesus Christ Leaning against a Column supported by an Angel (42), 3s. 6d. 2040 The dead body of Jesus Christ transported into Heaven by angels (43), 10s. 6d. 2041 Assembly of witches preparing for their Sabbath (55), chiaro-scura wood block printed in three colours , very fine and in perfect condition ; rare, £3 13s. 6d. 2042 a curious Italian engraving, copy of the preceding ; rare , 15s. 2043 Group of Seven Horses Fighting in a Wood (56), 5s. 2044 Group of Seven Horses in a Wood, w r ith an Ape, &c. (57), 5s &RUXJEX&. 2045 Portrait of Pope Clement VII. when Cardinal de Medici ; from a picture by Raffaelle at Madrid ; proof before letters , 15s. 2046 Moses in the bullrushes; proof before letters , 5s. Murillo. 2047 The final resurrection ; from a picture by Fra Angelico da Fiesole ; sheet, lithograph , £1 11s. 6d. 92 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND C. GUERIN. 2048 Venus playing’ with Cupid ; from the celebrated picture by Correggio , half sheet, proof before letters, scarce , £2 2s. 2049 The dance of the Muses ; fol. 5s. Julio Romano. GUIDETTI. 2050 The Virgin embracing the infant Saviour, from a picture by Raffaelle, formerly in the Orleans gallery, a replica of that in Mr. Rogers’ collection ; fol. 12s. 2051 — — Ditto, proof before letters ; £1 Is. P. A. GUNST. 2052 Portrait of the celebrated Erasmus, in an oval, ornamented with helmet, head of the Medusa, cock, &c. folio, brilliant proof before any letters, rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2053 Portrait of the great duke of Marlborough, 3 qrs. in armour, from a picture by Vander Werff ; half sheet, superb proof in the earliest state before all letters , and in beautiful condition , very rare and perhaps unique, £5 5s. JOHN EACKAEKT. 2054 Landscapes (1-6), the complete set of Etchings by this artist ; 6 plates, brilliant impressions , in fine condition and very scarce , £8 8s. N. VAN HAEFTEN. 2055 A group of singers at a window ; mezzotint, unknown to Bartsch , 335 millim. by 240 ; very fine, £2 12s. 6d. J. G. HAIB. 2056 Absalom’s submission to his father, King David, for pardon of the assassi- nation of his brother Amnon ; fol. mez. fine, 9s. F. Boll. 2057 11 Rembrandt’s mother,” a woman paring her nails ; half sheet mez. 7s. 6d. Rembrandt. 2058 Ditto, fine proof before letters , 12s. 2059 Achilles ; from a picture formerly in the collection of Sir J. Reynolds , half sheet, mez. 5s. Rembrandt. 2060 The young musicians, effect of candlelight ; from a picture by Schalcken ; fol. mez. 7s. 6d. 2061 The death of Virginia ; sheet, mez. 5s. N. Bance. F. HAXNZE1KAN. 2062 La Vierge au Silence ; from Caracci’s celebrated picture , half sheet, 8s. JOHN HAL£. 2063 Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, from the celebrated picture by B. West ; very fine proof and in fine condition, £4 4s. 2064 Ditto, superb proof before all letters , in fine condition, and very scarce, £6 6s. 2065 Ditto, an uifinished proof , rare, 12s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 93 2066 Oliver Cromwell dissolving 1 the Long- Parliament, /me impression, £l Is. B. West. F. HARREWYN. 2067 Portraits of Albert Archduke of Austria, and of Isabella Infanta of Spain, full lengths, kneeling ; from the pictures in the Caudenburgh church at Brussells, folio, 6s. Rubens. MOSES HAUGHTON. 2068 The vision of the Lazar house, vide Milton , from a picture by Fuzeli, sheet, proof 8s. CHARLES HEATH. 2069 Christ healing the sick in the Temple, from the picture by Benjamin West in the National Gallery, sheet, proof on India paper , £1 11s. 6d. 2070 The Lover’s Quarrel, choice engraver’s proof on India paper , bejore all letters , very scarce, £l Is. G. S. Newton , R.A. 2071 Gentlemen of the Court of Charles the first ; from Mr. Harman’s picture, fol. proof on India paper , 4s. Tandy ch. 2072 Ditto, a choice proof before letters , 7s. 6d. JAMES HE.&TSS. 2073 The Death of Lord Nelson, 17£ by 23£, on India paper , with hey , £1 5s. West. 2074 Ditto, fine proof, £2 5s. 2074* The dead soldier, after Wright oj Derby , very fine, 9s. 2075 The pilgrimage to Canterbury, from the celebrated picture by Stothard ; large sheet, very fine, £2 2s. 2076 Ditto, superb and most brilliant proof on India paper , with single line of inscription, very scarce, £4 4s. ETCHINGS BY JOHET VAN BEST HECEE. 2077 Various Animals, sheep, horses, goats, dogs, oxen, &c. (1 — 12). The com- plete set , 12 plates, 25s. 2078 Les marauders (13) ; brilliant proof before the address , exceedingly rare £2 12s. 6d. *** Ce morceau est le plus beau de tous ceux que Vanden Hecke a graves . — “ Bartsch.” B. Tm. HENRZqUES. 2079 The Virgin and the infant Saviour with a rosary, fol. 5s. Murillo. 2080 Galate sur les eaux ; half sheet, very fine, 9s. Nattier C. HESS. 2081 The nativity with adoration of the Kings, from a picture by Van Eych , very fine artist’s proof before any letters, rare, £3 3s. 2082 Christ blessing little children, from a picture in Count Schonborn’s gallery, half sheet, 9s. Rembrandt. 94 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2083 Christ with the doctors in the Temple, from the original picture in the gallery at Munich , sheet, 9s. Honthorst. 2084 The resurrection, 4to, proof before letters , os. Rembrandt . 2085 The entombment, 4to ,Jine, 5s. Ibid. 2086 Descent from the cross, from the picture at Dusseldorjf, ’ 4to, 5s. Ibid. 2087 Portraits of Rubens 5 wife and son, from a picture in the u Kurfuftl gallery at Munich f 4to, fine, 7s. 6d. Rubens. Hsxnr. 2088 A group of five children with grapes ; after Primaticcio , his only etching, extremely rare, £2 2s. C. H. HOBGES. 2089 The tribute money, from a picture in the collection of R. JJduy ; half sheet, mez. 8s. B. Strozza. 2090 March of Silenus ; from the picture at Blenheim , sheet mez. 12s. Rubens. 2091 u La marchande d’harengs,” half sheet mez. fine proof 15s. G. Metsu. 2092 Children spouting Comedy ; sheet mez. 12s. R. M. Page . 2093 Children spouting tragedy, sheet mez. proof 15s, Ibid. T. HOBGSSTTS. 2094 The Orphan ; fol. mez. 5s. W. Salter. S©1EST Vim- DETJ HOECKE. 2095 The carriage under military escort (15), fine and very rare, £3 15s. B. C, HOPEI. 2096 The Virgin attended by Angels lamenting over the dead body of Christ, from a picture in the Vienna Gallery , sheet, proof before letters, 25s. A. del Sarto. ASMHABl HOGEHBEH6. 2097 The Crucifixion, with the Virgin Mary, St. John and the Magdalen at the foot of the Cross ; small folio, extremely rare , £1 11s. 6d. WEILIAM HOGAHTH. The following collection of prints by this inimitable artist , is arranged according to the order adopted by Mr. Nicholls in his edition of u Anec- dotes of Hogarth f' V2mo. 1833. 2098 Portrait of himself with his dog ; folio, fine impression from the Straw- berry Hill collection , very scarce, £4 14s. 6d. Se ipse pinxit et sculpsit 1749. 2099 Portrait of Hogarth painting the figure of Comedy, fol. 3s. 6d. 2100 Burlington gate, 4to, 2s 6d. *** The first plate published by Hogarth. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 95 2101 Beaver’s military punishments; 12 small plates, 5s. 2102 A just view of the British stage, or three heads are better than one ; 4 to, 2s. 6d. 2103 Illustrations of Hudibras, the large set , 12 plates, £1 11s. 6d. 2104 Ditto, a remarkably Jine set , with the last plate , a proof before il Down with the Dumps f very scarce, £5 5s. 2105 Henry VIII. and Anne T&olzyn, fine impression in the first state , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2106 Scene in the Beggars’ Opera,” engraved by William Blake, 7s. 6d. 2107 The laughing audience ; receipt for the Rake’s progress, &c., second state , 4to, 2s. 6d. 2108 A Harlot’s Progress, set of 6 plates, 12s. 2109 Ditto, fine old impressions , £l 11s. 6d. 2110 Ditto, first states , before the crosses, and before much additional work upon some of the plates, slightly injured, £2 2s. 2111 Rehearsal of the oratorio of J udith ; 4to, 2s. 6d. 2112 A Midnight Modern Conversation, fine impression in the first state , brilliant and rare, £l 11s. 6d. 2113 Ditto first state , printed in red ink , very scarce , 15s. 2114 The Rake’s Progress, set of 8 plates, old impressions , £1 Is. 2115 Ditto, first states , very fine set, £3 13s. 6d. 2116 Ditto, first states, most brilliant, but cut to the plate-marks, £5 5s. 2117 Ditto, very fine old impressions, laid down , otherwise in perfect condition , £2 2s. 2118 Before and after ; the pair, brilliant impressions in first states with large margins , 15s. 2119 The sleepy congregation, first state , fine, 15s. 2120 Ditto, second state , before the words u retouched, &c.,” 7s. 6d. 2121 Ditto, third state , 3s. 2122 The distrest poet, 5s. 2123 Ditto, in the first state, before the verses below were erased, and and with Pope thrashing Curll,” rare, £2 2s. 2124 Ditto, superb impression in the first state , with large margin and in very fine condition, rare, £2 12s. 6d. 2125 The Arms of the Undertakers’ company, or consultation of physicians ; 4to, 3s. fine, 5s. 2126 Scholars at a lecture, u Datur vacuum,” 4to ,fine } 3s. 2127 Four Times of the Day, 4 plates, 16s 2128 Ditto very fine old impressions , £2 12s. 6d. 2129 Ditto, most brilliant , with large margins, and in very fine condi- tion, £3 3s. 2130 Ditto, A MOST BRILLIANT SET, WITH THE WOMAN’S FACE AND THE man’s hands in Evening printed in colours, but laid down, rare, £4 4s. ’ ’ 7 96 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2131 Strolling 1 actresses dressing in a barn ; sheet , 10s. 6d. 2132 Ditto, a superb impression in the very earliest state , very scarce £1 11s. 6d. 2133 Illustrations of Don Quixote, 6 plates, 4to, 9s. 2134 The unfortunate Knight of the rock meeting Don Quixote ; Jine proof before inscription , very scarce, 12s. 2135 The enraged Musician; fine, 7s. 6d. 2136 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state before the horse’s head was shaded , fyc. scarce, £2 2s. 2137 Taste in high life ; the original print in the second state , scarce, 7s. 6d. 2138 Ditto, engraved by S. Phillips from a picture by Hogarth , 7s, 6d. 2139 The mystery of Masonry brought to light by ye Gormagons ; small fol. fine and scarce , 7s. 6d. 2140 “ Characters and caricaturas,” subscription ticket for “ Marriage a la Mode,” 4to, 2s. 2141 Ditto, in the first state before the receipt was cut off\ scarce, 7s. 6d. 2142 Marriage a la Mode, set of 6 plates with large margins, £2 2s. 2143 Ditto, extra fine, but inlaid, £2 2s. 2144 Ditto, very fine set, with good margins, £2 12s. 6d. 2145 Ditto, in the first state of the plates , but laid down, £2 5s. 2146 Ditto, a very fine set in the first states , with good margins, £4 4s. 2147 Portrait of Simon Fraser Lord Lovat ; full length ; most brilliant impress sion in the first state , and of the greatest rarity, £5 5s. 2148 Garrick in the character of Diehard the Third, fine, 7s. 6d. 2149 Ditto, extremely fine, with margin, 10s. 6d. 2150 Subscription ticket to the March to Finchley ; 4to, 3s., fine, 5s. 2151 Country Inn Yard; most brilliant impression in the first state, before u No old baby ” on the flag was erased , in perfect condition, with good margin and very rare, £3 3s. 2152 Industrious and Idle Apprentices, set of 12 plates complete, 18s. 2153 Ditto, very fine impressions, printed upon thin old paper, £1 11s. 6d. 2154 Ditto, a set of fine early impressions before the words “ West and Goodchild” in plate six were covered with cross hatchings, £2 2s. 2155 Ditto, a most brilliant set, in beautiful condition, with large mar- gins, chiefly in first states ; the sixth plate before the lines ruled over the names under the sign ; very scarce, £5 5s. 2156 Ditto, a most beautiful set in fine condition and with large margins , in the 'first state , the sixth plate before “ Goodchild and West” was altered to “West and Goodchild,” very scarce, £7. 7s. 2157 Portrait of John Palmer, of the Inner Temple, London, Patron of Ecton Church, Northamptonshire ; a small circle, engraved by Baron (from a painting by Hogarth) ; beneath, a view of the church ; very fine and scarce , with large margin , £1 11s. 6d. 2158 0 the roast beef of Old England ; view of the Gate at Calais, 6s. 2159 Ditto, very fne , 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 97 2160 The March of the guards to Finchley in 1745 ; sheet , 10s. 6d. 2161 Ditto, most brilliant impression before the second u S in 11 Prussia scarce, £2 2s. 2162 Ditto ; a magnificent impression in the finest condition and before the date mas altered ; extra rare, £10 10s. *** Called “The Sunday print,” from December 30 having fallen on a Sunday in the year of its publication ; the error was rectified before many impressions were printed ; hence the great rarity of those as described above. 2163 Beer street, 3s. ; fine old impression , 5s. 2164 Ditto, superb impression in the first state, with u the Frenchman,” large margin, scarce, 15s. 2165 Gin lane \fine old impression , 5s. 2166 Four Stages of Cruelty, fine old impressions, 10s. 6d. 2167 Paul before Felix; sheet, 3s. 6d. 2168 Moses brought before Pharaoh’s Daughter ; from the picture at the Found- ling Hospital ; very fine, in the first state, £1 Is. 2169 Ditto, in the third state, 3s. ; fine old impression, 5s. 2170 Ditto, with Paul before Felix, from the picture in Lincoln’s Inn Hall ; the pair ; extremely fine, in the first states, from Baker and Esdaile’s col- lections, £2 12s. 6d. 2171 Columbus with the E gg, first state , with the receipt below, 10s. 6d. 2172 Ditto, in the same state, but with Hogarth’s signature and seal, extra rare, £4 4s. 2173 Wanstead House Assembly ( the second plate to the Analysis of Beauty ), first state, before the sleeping figure in the chair, 15s. 2174 Ditto, in the second state , 5s. 2175 Beceipt print for the set of Election pieces ; very fine and scarce, in the first state , but the signature of Hogarth .mutilated, 4to, 15s. 2176 Election prints, set of four, old impressions, £l Is. 2177 Ditto ; a very fine old set, in capital condition and with good mar- gins, £2 12s. 6d. 2178 The Election entertainment, 7s. 6d. 2179 * Ditto, first state, with the lemons, before the cobwebs in the corner of the window, and before the right-hand side of the book was covered with lines, very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 2180 Ditto, with the lemons and cobwebs, but the book still white, very fine , but not in fine condition, £2 2s. 2181 Ditto, the lemons erased, the book covered with lines, but before much extra work on other parts of the plate, fine and scarce, £l Is. 2182 Canvassing for votes ; plate 2 of the election prints, 6s. 2183 Chairing the member, plate 4 of the same set, 6s. 2184 France and England, the pair, old impressions , 7s. 6d. 2185 Ditto, first state, printed upon thin paper, very fine, 15s. 2186 The Bench, second state, fine, 3s. 6d. 2187 The Cock-pit, 5s. ; fine, 7s. 6d. H 98 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2188 Portrait of Mr. Huggins, a small circular print, extremely rare , 15s. engraved by Major. 2189 Time smoking a picture ; subscription ticket to Sigismunda, 4to, 2s. 2190 The five orders of Periwigs, as they were worn at the late Coronation, measured architectonically, 3s. ; brilliant, 7s. 6d. 2191 Ditto, very fine impression in the Jirst state ; extremely rare, £2 2s. 2192 Enthusiasm delineated ; copy of the presque-unique original print : proof on India paper before letters, 10s. 6d. J. Mills. 2193 The bruiser C. Churchill (once the Rev.!) in the character of a modern Hercules, regaling himself after having kill’d the monster Caricatura that so sorely gall’d his virtuous friend the Heaven-born Wilkes ; a superb impression in the first state with u white lies,” fyc., folio, extra rare, £4 4s. 2194 the same print, in the third state , altered to 11 Russian Hercules, &c.,” folio, scarce, 12s. 2195 Ditto, in the fifth state , with a caricature introduced on the palette, &c., folio, 3s. 6d. 2196 Royal masquerade at Somerset house ; sheet, 5s. Cook. 2197 Ditto , fine proof 7s. 6d. Ibid. 2198 Arms of John Holland, herald painter, 12mo, 2s. 2199 Portrait of Pine, painted in the style of Rembrandt, and engraved by M‘Ardell, brilliant proof before all letters , folio, 10s. 6d. 2200 Portrait of a Sea officer, fol, mez. 5s. C. Townley. 2201 Hogarth’s Book plate ; fine and extra rare, £l 11s. 6d. 2202 Sir Francis Dashwood worshiping Venus ; engraved from an original picture by Hogarth ; folio, 7s. 6d. 2203 A book-plate engraved for Matthew Dixon ; a shield of arms with a leopard as crest, £3 3s. Presumed to be unioue. it not being mentioned in any catalogue of the works of Hogarth. WEWCESSAUS HOMAR. The numbers refer to u Wenzel Hollar. Beschreibendes verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche von Gustav. Parthey, 8vo, 1853. This admirably executed catalogue, describing 2733 etchings by Hollar, may be had of the publishers of this catalogue 14s., or half bound calf 17s. 6d. 2204 Portrait of Wenceslaus Hollar, an oval, from the same picture as Parthey, Ho. 1419 : admirably etched by his pupil Gay wood ; superb impression , in fine condition and of extraordinary rarity (unmentioned by Granger or Bromley). £5 5s. *** For other portraits of this artist, see Nos. 2411 to 2415. 2205 The Angel and Tobit with the fish (75), from a print by Count Goudt after a picture by Elsheimer, most brilliant impression in the first state , 12s. 2206 Christ shown to the people (103) ; sheet, very fine . £l Is. Titian. 2207 Christ on the Cross attended by Angels (107) ; half sheet, extremely fine and scarce, £2 2s. Van Dyck . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 99 2208 Incredulity of St. Thomas (112) ; sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. F. Salviati. Ex collectione Arundeliana. 2209 The passion of our Lord, 16 plates (116 — 131) ; 12mo, very fine, £2 2s. Holbein. Very curious and rare, the persecutors of Christ are represented as the Pope with cardinals and monks, beneath each print are four lines in English, as — “ See Pilate washing in his chair doth sit “ Monkes bring him bread and cheese and egges with it “ The Pope’s crosse here the Crosse of Christ doth threaten, “ Whilst hee himself is with a candle beaten. 2210 Saint Bruno, after Baquereel (157) ; 4to, 3s. 2211 St. Deicola, Abbot of Lutra, died in the yeare 591, Janua. 18 (159) ; 8vo, 2s. 2212 Saint Erplio. Mimigardefordensis qui nunc dicitur Monasteriensis Epis- copus XVII. (161) ; 4to, 3s. 2213 Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. represented as Faith, whole length, holding a Cup (176) ; 4to, fine and rare , £l Is. Holbein. 2214 Bichard II. whole length, kneeling, attended by his Patron Saints, 2 plates, with 16 Latin lines beneath each (229) ; 4to, very fine, £2 2s. 2215 Dance of Death ; 29 plates (233 — 262) ; brilliant impressions and very scarce , 12mo, £3 3s. Holbein. 2216 Ceres and Stellio (273) ; after a picture by Elsheimer ; admirable copy of the print by Count Goudt ( see No. 1987) ; superb impression and in the most beautiful state of preservation from the Durrant collection , rare, 25s. 2217 The infant Hercules sleeping, from a design by Parmegiano (275), fine, 4s. 2218 Ditto, a most beautiful impression in the first state , before the plate was reduced in size, from the Durrant collection , very scarce, 12s. 2219 Bust of Chas. II. on a pedestal, supported by figures of Lords Brounker and Bacon (459), 4to, 3s. 6d., very fine , 7s. 6d. 2220 Charles I. whole length, attended by Justice (460) ; 4to, 15s. 2221 Henrietta Maria, whole length, crowned by Minerva (462) ; 4to, 15s. 2222 A man offering sacrifice of a goat’s head, from a picture by Mantegna in the Arundel collection (465) ; 4to, fine, 7s. 6d. 2223 Apotheosis of the Earl of Arundel, from a design by Cornelius Schut (466) ; half sheet, rare, £l Is. 2224 An allegorical print relating to William Prince of Orange u En surculus arbor,” two lions rampant holding a tree (480) ; 3s. 6d. 2225 The world is ruled and governed by Opinion (490) ; a curious em- blematical print in which Opinion in the form of a woman is represented seated in a tree, from the boughs of which she shakes books and papers, a fool in motley waters the roots of the tree ; beneath is a dialogue in forty English verses by Peacham ; very fine impression , in perfect state of preservation and of extreme rarity , from the Durrant collection, £4 4s. 2226 Group of Angels bearing the Cross (497) ; 2s. 6d. P. v. Avont. 2227 Group of Angels bearing the Cross (498) ; 2s. 6d. Ibid . h 2 100 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2228 Group of Angels with the Holy Handkerchief (499), fine, 5s. P. v. Avont. 2229 The strict justice of Seleucus in executing his son for adultery (527) ; fol. very fine, 9s. Julio Romano. Ex collect. Arundeliana. 2230 Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sitting in his parliament with the Barons and Abbots of that Countie Palatine (529) ; most brilliant impression with large margin, £1 Is. 2231 The funeral procession of John Baptist de Tassis killed at the siege of Bonn, 1588 (531) : sheet, rare , 10s. 6d. N. v. der Horst. 2232 Map of England, Scotland, and Ireland, surrounded by 17 Emblematical vignettes relating to the troubles in the time of Charles the first, and explanations beneath (543) ; small half sheet, scarce , 15s. 2233 Long view of Deal, etched on two plates ; “ Vera et exacta delineatio classium Hispanicse Anglicse et Hollandicae, prout in Freto Brittanico juxta Dealarn castrum et Sandvicum in primo congressu ante prelium se ostenderunt ; anno 1640,” (548), scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 2234 “ The true maner of the sitting of the Lords and Commons of both Houses of Parliament upon the tryal of Thomas Earle of Strafford, Lord lieu- tenant of Ireland, 1641.” “ The true maner of the Execution of Thomas Earle of Strafford &c. upon Tower Hill the 12th of May 1641” — the pair (551 — 552) ; magnificent impressions in the first state with English inscriptions , in fine condition and of great rarity, £3 13s. 6d. 2235 the same, with the English inscriptions replaced by others in the German language ; the pair £1 Is. 2236 The portraictures of King Edward the 3rd, with the first 25 Knights Com- panions in the habit of the Order and surcoats of their arms (578); fol. 7s. 6d. 2237 The manner of sitting at dinner of Maximilian king of the Romans, on the day of his Investiture (579 a) ; very Jine , 3s. 6d. 2238 Group of peasants fighting, after P. Breughel (599) ; brilliant proof before the inscription , scarce, 7s. 6d. 2239 The Seasons, represented by half-length female figures, with Latin and English verses beneath (610 — 613) ; the set of 4 plates, complete, 10s. 6d. 2240 Ditto, brilliant impressions , 4to, £1 11s. 6d. *** Common as this set is generally considered, fine old impressions are very scarce. 2241 Winter (617) portrait of a lady with a half mask on her face and her hands in a muff ; 8vo , f fine, 12s. 2242 The seasons represented by Landscapes with figures taken in the neigh- bourhood of Strasburg (622 — 625) ; set of 4 plates, 4to, very Jine , £l Is. 2243 “ Amaenissimse aliquot locorum in diversis Provincis jacentium” (695 — 718); a series of small views of Prague, Nuremberg', Strasburg, Cologne, &c., &c., 24 plates, Jine impressions , £l Is. 2244 View of Bonn (722) ; bey Bonn (721), Cologne (720), Rindorp (840), 8vo, 2s. each. 2245 u Arx Moguntiensis ” on the Rhine, (738), 12mo, proof before the No . 3s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 101 2246 Views of Schencken-Shantz (769) ; Roorot (770), fine, 2s. each. 2247 Views of Philips-Shantz and Antwerp (774), Campen (772), Lillo (773), Roorot (770), Emmerick (771), Schenckenshantz (541), Naerden (1253), Is. 6d. each. 2248 View in the neighbourhood of Antwerp “ tot Antwerpen ” (823), 2s. 6d. S. Vranx. 2249 View of the West front of Antwerp Cathedral (824), superb proof in the first state , before the diagonal lines in the corner to the right and before the second and third lines of the inscription , extremely rare, £5 15s. 6d. 2250 Ditto, with the additional inscriptions and with an alteration in the Latin line, fol. £l Is. 2251 View of u Dordrecht ” (839), 4to, fine, 5o. J. Peters. 2252 Bird’s-eye view of the Monastery of Einsidlen “ Closter Einsidlen ” (842), fol. 3s. 6d. 2253 “ Monasterium B. Marise Viridis Vallis vulgo Groenendael (850), sheet, 5s. 2254 Bird’s-eye view of Lucerne, u Lucerna Helvetiorum vulgo Lucerne ” (861), fol., fine, 5s. 2255 View on the Maese, with a coach crossing a ferry u op de Maese ” (863), 4to, fine , 5s. J. Peters. 2256 Architectural view of the tower of Mechlin, etched in outline on two plates (865), fol. 7s. 6d. 2257 General view of the city of Prague, taken from St. Lawrence’s Hill, 1636 (880), etched on three prlates (649), slightly damaged, 7s. 6d. 2258 “ Tungerloa, celeberrimum totius taxandrise coenobium ordinis proemon- stratensis, circa An Dni MIXXX fundari cceptum ” (894), sheet, very fine , 7s. 6d. 2259 View of “ Willebrock bei Boom ” (901 ),Jine, os. 2260 Ditto, superb impression , in the first state , before the address of Galle was substituted for that of Meyssens (unnoticed by Parthey ), with good margin, 7s. 6d. 2261 View r s of Saint Marie Overie’s church, Southwark (910) ; Covent Garden (909) ; Lambeth Palace (1038) ; Whitehall (1039) ; Parliament house (1037) ; Westminster Hall and Old Palace Yard (1040); the Royal Ex- change (907); the Tower of London (908); set of 8 plates complete; superb impressions , including the long plates before they were reduced in size ; in the most beautiful condition, with good margins and extremely rare, £10 10s. So fine a set of these most interesting and valuable records of “ London 200 years since ” has not occurred for sale for many years. 2262 Ditto, the complete set of 8 plates, fine old impressions with good margins, £3 3s. 2263 “ Byrsa Londinensis vulgo The Royal Exchange,” interior view 1647 (907), 4to, very fine before the parallel lines were effaced , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2264 Ditto, superb proof before the number , in most beautiful condition arid of great rarity , £3 3s. 2265 “Castrum Royale Londinense vulgo The Tower” (908), 4to, fine, 10s. 6d* 102 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2266 Ditto, superb proof before the number, in perfect state of preservation and extremely rare , £2 2s. 2267 11 Piazza m Covent Garden ” (909), 4to, very fine, 15s. 2268 Ditto, superb proof before the number , in most beautiful condition and extremely rare , £ 2 2s. Taken in 1647, and showing Covent Garden as an open space without stalls and before the sun dial was erected in the centre. 2269 u S. Marie Over’s in Southwarke ” 1647 (910), 4to ,Jine, 10s. 6d. 2270 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before the number , in beautiful condition and with good margin, very scarce, £2 2s. 2271 u Amoenissimi aliquot locorum in diversis Provinciis jacentium Prospectus, a Wenceslao Hollar, Bohemo, delineatse et aqua forti seri insculptse Lon- dini Ao 1643 & 1644,” a series of small views of Cities, &c., including London, Whitehall, Tothill-fields, Windsor, Cologne, &c. (911-914, 719-726), a most beautiful set in the first state with good margin and very rare , £6 6s. 2272 View of Westminster, taken from Tootehill-fields (913), 8vo, 5s. 2273 Views of Albury in Surrey (937, 940, 941, 942), 4 different, 8vo, 5s. each . 2274 View of Wiston Place (949), 8vo, 7s. 6d. 2275 Ditto, a superb impression , 12s. 2276 View of Hascomb-hill in Surrey (950), 12mo, 7s. 6d. 2277 Ditto, superb impression with very lo/rge margin , 15s, 2278 The ruins of Bramber Castle in Sussex (951), superb impression and in perfect state , 12s. 2279 View of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight (952), 12mo, 7s. 6d. 2280 Ditto, superb impression with very large margin , 15s. 2281 View of Old Shoreham (953), 12mo. 7s. 6d. 2282 Ditto, superb impression with very large margin , 15s. 2283 A prospect of Arundel Castle and Towne on y e West side (955), 4to ,Jine and very rare , £1 11s. 6d. 2284 Ditto, extremely fine , £2 12s. 6d. 2285 Ditto, somxwhat injured , 9s. 2286 The prospect of Compton house from the grounds on the South East side thereof (968), 4to, 3s. 6d. 2287 u The ground plott of Coventre” (969), 4to ,Jine, with large margin, 3s. 2288 View of the town of Glastonbury (97 5), fine, 3s. 6d. 2289 View of the town of Glastonbury (976), fine, 3s. 6d. 2290 View of Greenwich, with the Thames and London in the distance, taken from Greenwich-park^(977), engraved on two long plates, most beautiful impression and in fine condition, scarce, £3 15s. “ Behould by Prospect with what Art, Fayre Greenwich Castle, pleasantly, A House of Banquet, neare and part ; Of Thames and London how they ly.” PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 103 2291 The prospect of King’s Lyn from the West; The ground plot of King’s Lyn and the course of the river Ouse (987), engraved on one sheet, an impression of the utmost brilliancy , in the most perfect condition , with large margin , £12 12s. A most curious and interesting print and one of the rarest of Hollar’s works; the Townely impression (which sold for ,£21) and this, from Colonel Durrant’s collection, are believed to be all that have occurred for sale during the last forty years. 2292 View of London before the Great fire, taken from Southwark (1012), brilliant impression , with large margin , 18s. “ London the glory of Great Brittaines lie, Behold her Landschip here and tru profile.” 2293 Arundel-house London ; both views (1034-1035), superb impression and in beautiful condition , from the Esdaile collection, very rare and in- teresting-, £6 16s. 6d. *%* Sold in the Townely sale for ,£13 10s. 2294 The large view of the Interior of the Royal Exchange, “ Byrsa Londinensis ” (1036), superb proof before the introduction oj the medal of Sir Thomas Gresham and before the dedication ( to J. Wollaston , Lord Mayor ) was altered , a print of excessive rarity and in the most beautiful condition ; from the Dimsdale and Durrant collections, £21. 2295 — — Ditto, a most beautiful impression, before the medal was erased, and with the dedication by R. Daynes to the Lord Mayor Wollaston, and the Sheriffs Fowke and Bunce, in the most perfect state of preservation and with large margin , very rare, £12 12s. 2296 Ditto, equally fine in the most perfect condition, but has not the margin, £10 10s. 2297 Ditto, a fine impression in the same rare state as the preceding, but not in eguallyfine condition , £4 14s. 6d. *** A print of great interest. 2298 View of St. Stephen’s chapel, the hall, the abbey, &c. at Westminster, “Civitates Westmonasteriensis pars” (1037); oblong 4to, brilliant im- pression before the plate was cut , £l Is. 2299 Ditto, superb impression before the Number , very rare, £2 12s. 6d. 2300 “ Palatium archiepiscopi Cantuariensis propee Londinum vulgo Lambeth house” (1038) ; very fine before the plate was reduced in size , oblong 4to, rare, £l Is. 2301 “Palatium Regis prope Londinum vulgo White Hall” (1039); very fine before the plate was reduced in size , rare , £l Is. 2302 View of Westminster hall, the conduit, Whitehall gate, &c. 1647. u Sala Regalis cum Curia Westmonasterii, &c.” (1040) ; oblong 4to, very fine before the plate was reduced in size , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2303 The prospect of Maxtoke Castle from the road on the South East side thereof (1045), 8vo, 3s. 6d. 2304 11 Prospect of the Choire from the West” (St. George’s chapel, Windsor) (1078) ; fol. scarce, 5s. 2305 “ Loughing in Ireland” (1090) ; 4to, fine, 5s. B. Peeters. 2306 Landscape after Artois (1205), 3s. 6d. 104 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2307 The charitable traveller, a landscape after J. van Artois (1211) ; superb im- pression with large margin , in the first state before the address of Van Avont was erased, scarce, 10s. 6d. 2308 The Angler, a landscape after Breughel (1214); most brilliant impression , 6s* 2309 The four windmills, a landscape if ter Breughel (1215) ; most brilliant impression , 6s. 2310 The stone bridge ; a landscape with cattle, after Elsheimer (1222) ; 4to, fine , 5s. 2311 The huntsman; a landscape after Louis de Vadder (1224) ; fine , with the address of Meyssens, 4to, 3s. 6d. 2312 Landscape, with a horseman, &c. after J. Wildens (1226) ; fine impres- sion in the first state , 4to, 5s. 2313 Ditto, the address of Meyssens altered to that of Galle, 2s. 6d. 2314 Landscape after Yan Artois (1242) ; superb impression m the first state , before the address of Galle was substituted for that of Van Avont , 9s. 2315 Shipping and sea views (1256 — 1260) ; set of fine plates, brilliant impres- sions , scarce, 15s. 2316 “ Navium variee figurse et formee a Wenceslao Hollar in diversis locis ad vivum delineatse et aqua forti seri insculptse Ao. 1647,” set of 12 plates of Shipping (1261 — 1272) ; 4to, 18s. 2317 Ditto, a most beautiful set , brilliant proofs before the numbers , rare, £3 3s. 2318 Sir Robert Barkley, Justice, K.B. (1288); small oval, fine and scarce , 7s. 6d. 2319 Francis Cottington Lord Cottington (1290) ; small oval, fine, 5s. 2320 Sir George Crooke (1291) ; small oval, 5s. very fine , 7s. 6d. 2321 Jas. Hamilton marquis Hamilton (1296) ; small oval, 3s. 2322 William Seymour marquis of Hertford (1297) ; brilliant impression in the first state before the error in spelling was corrected from “ Marquesse” to “ Marquis,” very rare , £2 2s. 2323 Henry Hastings Earl of Huntingdon (1301) ; small oval, very fine , 7s. 6d. 2324 Portrait of Archbishop Laud (1304); small oval, a superb impression , scarce , 18s. 2325 Jas. Stuart duke of Lenox (1305) ; 3s. ditto, very fine, 7s. 6d. 2326 “The Lady Mary Princesse of Great Brittaine” (1307); small oval, very fine impression and extremely rare , £2 2s. *** At the Townely sale, an impression sold for £b 10s. 2327 Lionell Cranfield Earl of Middlesex (1308) ; small oval, 2s. 6d. 2328 Ditto, a superb impression , 10s. 6d. 2329 Wm. Cavendish earl of Newcastle (1310) small oval, fine , 7s. 6d. 2330 Mountjoy Blunt earl of Newport (1311) ; small oval, 5s. 2331 Ditto, slightly injured, 2s. 6d. * 2332 Philipp Herbert Earl of Pembroke (1312) ; small oval, brilliant and scarce , 12s. 2333 John Pym, burgess for Tavistock (1313) ; small oval, 3s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 105 2334 Sir Benjamin Iludyerd (1314) ; small oval, brilliant impression and scarce, 7s. 6d. 2335 Prince Rupert in a lace collar with ribbon of the Garter (1315) ; oval, 8vo, fine, 3s. 6d. 2336 Wm. Cecill Earl of Salisbury (1316) ; small oval, 2s. 6d. 2337 Thos. Earl of Strafford (1319) ; small oval, scarce , 7s 6d. 2338 Ditto, a superb impression , very scarce , 18s. 2339 Mildmay Fane Earl of Westmoreland (1322) ; small oval, very fine , 7s. 6d. 2340 Portrait of Dr. Bastwick, in a small oval, with an account of his suffering's beneath (1327), 8vo, Jine and scarce , 5s. 2341 Portrait of Wm. Prynne, in a small oval, with account of his sufferings beneath, (1331), 8vo ,Jine and scarce , 5s. 2342 Dr. Bastwick; Henry Burton; Dr. Laighton ; John Lilburn ; William Prynne (1327 — 1331) ; small ovals, with long accounts beneath, each portrait of the excessive cruelties inflicted upon them : superb im- pressions, IN THE FINEST CONDITION, WITH MARGINS ; of THE GREATEST RARITY, £6 6s. 2343 Elias Allen, apud Anglos Cantianus juxta Tunnbridge natus, Mathe- maticis instrumentis sere mcidendis sui temporis Artifex ingeniosissimus, &c. (1338) ; extremely Jine and rare , £2 2s. H. V. de Borcht. 2344 “ Ritratto de Bindo Altovitii,” from a picture by Titian (1339) ; brilliant impression in the .first state , before the inscription was altered and be- fore the addition of the word “ Antverpise,” in the finest condition, and with good margin, scarce , £l Is. 2345 Portrait of Queen Anne Bullen (1342); cut round , 8vo, 3s. Holbein. 2346 Anne of Cleves, Queen of Henry VIII. (1343) ; half-length folio, Jine and rare , £2 12s. 6d. Holbein. 2347 “ Anna Maria Austriaca, Hispaniarum et Indiarum regina” (1344), 4to, fine, 5s. C. Galle, excud. 2348 Arcolano Armafodrito, fatto da Correggio la Istessa Divinita (1345) ; 4to, 5s. 2349 Portrait of Peter Aretin, after Titian (1346), superb impression in the Jirst state, with large margin , £l Is. 2350 Portrait of Aretin “ Questo e Pietro Aretino Poeta Tosco” (1347); 4to, very Jine , 7s. 6d. Titian. 2351 Portrait of Peter Aretin, the poet (1348), 4to, fine, 12s. Titian. 2352 Thos. Howard earl of Arundell and Surrey (1350) ; small oval, very Jine, . 7s. 6d. 2353 Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel (1351) ; in armour, in an oval, folio, 7s. 6d. Vandych. 2354 Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel (1352); in armour, on horseback, A BATTLE REPRESENTED IN THE BACKGROUND ; FOLIO, EXTRA RARE, £6 6s. 2355 Portrait of Johannes van Balen, a painter, from a picture by himself (1356) ; superb impression in the Jirst state before an error in the inscrip- tion was corrected, in the most beautiful condition and with large margin, rare, 15s. 2356 “Johannes Banff Huniades,” a small oval, after Gowy (1358); superb impression, from the collection of Mariette with his autograph on the back, VERY RARE AND IN PERFECT CONDITION, £2 12s 6d. 106 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2357 11 Ritratto de Daniel Barbaro, homo conspicuo” (1359) ; 4to, 5s. Titian. 2358 Ditto, fine , 12s. 2359 Stephen Della Bella, painter and engraver (1360) ; very fine with large margin , 5s. Stocade. 2360 Ditto, most brilliant impression with margin , 10s. 6d. 2361 “ Vera effigies Rich. Bernard vigilantissimi Pastoris de Batcombe Somset. A 0 1641 (1363) ; small 4to, fine , 3s. 6d. 2362 Portrait of Henry van der Borcht, the elder, painter , from a painting by his son (1364) ; very fine impression , 5s. 2363 Portrait of Henry van de Borcht, the younger, painter , (1365) ; 4to, 3s. 6d. Meyssens. 2364 — Ditto, brilliant impression , 5s. 2365 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state , before the word 11 Walles,” in the inscription was altered to u Galles,” 7s. 6d. 2366 Ditto, a superb impression in the same state , with large margin, 15s. 2367 “ Anna Francisca de Bruyns setatis XXIIII. anno MDCXXIX. &c.” (1366); 8vo, scarce, 5s. De sua ejfigie a se depieta. 2368 “ Yera effigies Guilielmi Burton L.L. Baccalaurei” (1368) ; 4to, very fine , 7s. 6d. 2369 Mr. Edward Calver, of Wilbie, in the county of Suffolk (1369); 8vo ,fine and very scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 2370 Portrait of Sir Thomas Chaloner (1371) ; 3 qrs. length from a picture by Holbein ; small folio ; slightly injured , but of the most extraordinary rarity and a brilliant impression , £10 10s. At the sale of the Townely collection an impression of this print pro- duced upwards of £70. 2371 Dr. Chambers, physician to Henry 8th, from a picture by Holbein (1372) ; 4to ,fine, £l Is. 2372 Ditto, a curious reverse impression , 5s. 2373 Sir John Clenche, justice King’s bench temp. Queen Elizabeth (1376); fol. very fine impression , 10s. 6d. 2374 Portrait of John Amos Comenius, a Moravian, 1652 ; oval, with four English verses beneath (1380) ; brilliant impression and very scarce , 25s. 2375 “ Henry I. van Craenhals” (1381) ; in an oval cartouch, similar to that in which Hollar has enclosed his own portrait ; 8vo, 7s. 6d. 2376 Ditto, superb impression , and with good margin , 15s. 2377 “ Johannes Henricus a Craenhals; in an oval, after J. Gowy (1382); brilliant impression and in perfect condition ; scarce, 25s. 2378 “ Yera effigies Y. cl mi Ranulphic Crew, &c.” (1383) ; fol. scarce , 10s. 6d. 2379 u Sir Thomas Cromwell, knight, etc.” (1386) ; 4to, scarce, £l Is. Holbein. 2380 Portrait of Lord Denny (1387); circle , 8vo, 7s. 6d. Holbein. 2381 John Diodati, minister at Geneva 1643, (1388) ; 4to, 3s. 6d. 2382 Ditto, fine, 7s. 6d. 2383 Portrait of the father of Albert Durer, from a picture by his son (1389) ; 4to, 7s. 6d. 2384 — Ditto, brilliant , with a good margin, 12s. PRINT COLLECTOR'S MANUAL. 107 2385 Portrait of Albert Durer, from a painting ~by himselj (1390) ; 4to, bril- liant impression and scarce , 7s. 6d. 2386 Portrait of Albert Durer (1390), and that of his father (1389) ; from paintings by the former , the pair, superb impressions, in the most beautiful condition and with good margins, very scarce, £3 15s. 2387 Portrait of Sir Wm. Dugdale (1392) ; fol. 5s. 2388 Portrait of Yandyck, pointing to a large sun-flower; the print dedicated to John Evelyn (1393) ; 8vo, 9s. 2389 - — Ditto, brilliant impression , but cut close at the top and sides, 25s. Vandyck. 2390 “ Edward the 5th, King of England and France, Lord of Ireland” (1394) ; small 12mo, scarce , 7s. 6d. 2391 Edward YI. when a child, with a rattle (1395) ; after a curious picture by Holbein ; small folio, very rare, £2 2s. 2392 Ditto, a most brilliant impression and in beautiful condition , £3 13s. 6d. 2393 The Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I. (1396) ; 8vo, rare, 12s. 2394. Ditto, brilliant impression with very large margin , £2 2s. 2395 Portrait of Adam Elsheimer, the celebrated painter , from a picture by Meyssens (1397) ; brilliant impression with good margin , 10s. 6d. 2396 Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, on horseback, with his arms, &c. 1643 (1400) ; cut at the four corner s, but a very fine impression and extremely rare , £6 6s. 2397 “ William Fenner, rector of Rochford, B.D. &c.” (1404) ; 8vo, 5s. 2398 Ditto, under an arch, church in the back ground, verses beneath, &c. (1403) ; 4to, fine and scarce , 7s. 6d. 2399 Marcus Garrard, painter (1407) ; 4to ,jine a7id scarce , £l 11s. 6d. Ipse . 2400 Ditto, an impression of the most exquisite beauty , in the finest con- dition and with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. 2401 Portrait of Sir H. Guldeford (1409) ; circle, 8vo, 5s. Holbein. 2402 “ The Lady Guldeforde” (1410) ; circle, 4to, fine, 5s. Holbein. 2403 Sir Henry and The Lady Guldeforde, after Holbein (1409-1410) ; circles the pair, .superb impressions in the most beautiful condition and with large margins , £1 15s. 2404 il Generosissima D na Elizabetha Harvey filia dni Harvey baronis Ked- roock”; halfTength, from a picture by Vandyck (1412); 4to, 10s. 6d. 2405 Ditto, a very fine and perfect impression , 16s. 2406 Henry the eighth, king of England (1414) ; a circle, from a painting by Holbein , in the Arundel collection , superb impression, in most perfect condition, and with margin, scarce , £1 Is. 2407 11 Yera effigies Rev viri D mi Alex. Hendersoni Scoto-Britanni” (1415) ; 8vo, 3s. 2408 Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury, set. 92 (1417) ; 4to, scarce , 12s. J. B. Caspar 2409 Ditto , fine proof before the age and date , £1 11s. 6d. 2410 Portrait of Hans Holbein (1418) ; circle, 8vo, 7s. 6d, Ipse cet. 45, 1543. 108 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2411 Portrait of Wenceslaus Hollar, with his engraving tools before him, and exhibiting' his print of Saint Catherine (1419) ; 8vo, 5s. Meyssens excud. 2412 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before the birds and the drapery over the city in the bach ground; small 4to, £1 11s. 6d. 2413 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before any inscription 7 with a small margin and of great rarity, £6 6s. Abdriicke vor aller Schrift sind Selten. — Parthey. 2414 Portrait of W. Hollar, aetatis 40, 1647 (1420) ; in an oval, with his arms beneath, 8vo, 5s. ; fine , 10s. 6d. 2415 — Ditto, superb proof before the inscription , rare, £2 2s. 2416 Portrait of the learned Richard Hooker, holding- a book, (1421) 12mo, 3s. 6d. 2417 The Lady Catherine How r ard, grand-daughter of the celebrated Earl of Arundel (1423) ; most superb proof before all letters and extremely rare , 4to, £9 9s. 2418 Portrait of Queen Jane Seymour (1427) ; circle, very fine , 9s. Holbein. 2419 “ Ig-natii Jones, Mag-. Brit. Architecti generalis, vera effigies” (1428) ; 4to, 5s. Vandych. 2420 Francis Junius, D.D. (1429) ; 4to, t fine, 5s. 2421 Portrait of Francis Junius, holding- a book, from a picture by Vandych , the large plate (1431) ; a superb impression and extremely rare , from the collection of Sir Peter Lely, £3 3s. *** At the Townely sale, it sold for £b 5s. 2422 Portrait of King- Charles the first in a hat and cloak, with a view of White- hall and Westminster in the distance, an oval (1432) ; from a picture by Vandych , very fine and rare, £1 5s. 2423 Charles II. when Prince of Wales (1436); oval 8vo ,Jine, 10s. 6d. 1641. 2424 “ Carolus II. Dei Gratia magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Eex, &c.” (1439) ; 8vo, 5s. 2425 Ditto, very fine, 7s. 6d. 2426 “ Carolus secundus D. G. magnae Britanniae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex,” with arms below (1440) ; 4to, 7s. 6d. Jvan Hoech. 2427 Charles II. half-length, in Armour, the sun rising, and other emblematical representations in the back-ground (1444) ; large folio, very fine, £2 2s. JDiepenbeck. 2428 Statue of Chas. II. on a pedestal, crowned by Time and protected by Minerva from the spirit of evil, with other emblematical figures (1445) ; from a design by C. Schut, half sheet, scarce, 15s. 2429 Charles Louis Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria, (1447)-; half-length, in armour and lace collar, folio, 5s. Vandych. 2430 Madame Killegry, half-length, holding a bunch of flowers (1449) ; folio, BRILLIANT AND VERY RARE, £2 12s. 6d. Vandych. 2431 Arthur Lake, bishop of Bath and Wells (1452) ; fine and scarce , but the name of Hollar cut off ; 4to, 7s. 6d. 2432 “La bella Laura del Petrarca celebratiss da esto” (1455) ; 4to, 5s. Palma. 2433 Margaret Lemon, holding a bunch of flowers (1456) ; 4to, 5s. Vandych .. 2434 Elizabeth Yilliers duchess of Lenox and Richmond (1457) ; 4to, 6s. Vandych. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 109 2435 Mr. William Lilley, student in Astrologie, small oval (1460) ; brilliant impression , in beautiful condition and extremely rare , £2 2s. 2436 John Malder bishop of Antwerp (1463); from a picture bu VandycTi : large 4to ,fine, os. 2437 Edward Lord Montagu, &c., Earl of Manchester (1463 a) ; small oval, very fine , 7s. 6d. 2438 Blasii de Manfre, the Water Spouter, oval, with a representation in the back-ground of his performance before a number of people, 16 Latin lines beneath (1464): 4to, very fine and rare , £l 11s. 6d. 2439 Portrait of the Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII. (1465), circle, 8vo, 5s. Holbein. 2440 Mary Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles I. (1467), whole-length, 4to, 15s. 2441 Portrait of M. Morett, jeweller to Henry VIII., circle (1470), 8vo, very fine , 5s. Holbein. 2442 Henry baron Mowbray and Maltravers (1471), small oval, veryfne , 7s. 6d. 2443 u Muley Arsheid Zeriff, prince of Taffeleta, emperour of Marocco and Fezz etc.” (1472), 4to, with good margin , 3s. 6d. 2444 Franciscus de Neuille anno 1644, in an oval (1473), brilliant impression , 8vo, 15s. 2445 Ditto, a superb impression in the most beautiful condition and with large margin , from the Durrant collection, very scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 2446 Algernon Earl of Northumberland, Lord High Admiral, on Horseback, an Army in the background (1474) ; folio, extra, rare, £7 7s. 2447 Nathaniel Nye, Mathematician, oval, (1475), 8vo. fine, 7s. 6d. 2448 u Gulielmus Oughtred Anglus, ex academia Cantabrigiensi A 0 setat 73, 1646 ” (1477), 8vo, 7s. 6d. 2449 Portrait of Bonaventure Peeters, the painter , from a picture by Meyssens (1480), superb impression with large margin , 10s. 6d. 2450 “ The Eight honourable Sir Philip Herbert Ivnight, earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, &c.” (1481), folio, superb impression in the first state before the address of Stent, fyc., in perfect state of preservation and very rare, £7 7s. Vandych . 245 1 Ditto, most brilliant impression in the same early state , £5 15s. 6d. 2452 Ditto, in the same early state , but cut close at top and sides, £3 3s. 2453 Ditto, a fine impression in the second state , with address of Stent (cut close at top and sides), scarce, £2 2s. 2454 Mary Stuart Countess of Portland (1484), half length, small fol. fine, 10s. 6d. Vandych. 2455 Ditto, first state before the address of Meyssens was erased , 15s. 2456 u Joannes de Eeede, D. de Bensvovde &c.” (1487), 4to, 2s. 2457 Ditto, very fine , 5s. 2458 “ Eichard the 3rd, King of England and France, Lord of Ireland ” (1489), small 12mo, very , fine impression and rare , 9s. 110 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2459 John Spottiswoode, archbishop of St. Andrews and Primate of Scotland (1505), small fol. fine , 7s. 6d. 2460 Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford, three-qrs. in armour, holding 1 a truncheon (1508), folio* scarce, £1 11s. 6d. Vandych. 2461 Ditto, brilliant impression , £2 2s. 2462 Henry Howard Earl of Surrey (1509), half-length, in a cloak and cap : brilliant impression, £3 3s. H. Holbein. 2463 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before the flowers on his cloak , in very fine condition but wanting 1 a portion of the lower margin, ex- tremely rare, £6 6s. 2464 Titian’s daughter “ Johannina Vesella Pictressa, filie prima da Titiano” (1511), 4to, fine , 12s. Titian. 2465 Adrian van Venne, painter (1514), very fine , 4to, 3s. 6d. 2466 u The true effigies of Mr. Ralph Venning, minister of the Gospel &c.” (1515), 8vo, scarce , 5s. 2467 Portraits of Lucas and Cornelius Wael, painters (1517), from a picture by Vandych , large 4to, 7s. 6d. 2468 11 The Right Hon. Robert Earle of Warwick Baron of Leeze etc. Lord High Admiral of England, one of his Majesties most hon. Privie Councell and his Majesties Lieutenant of Norfolck and Essex etc.” (1518), full length, 4to, of very great rarity but slightly injured , £3 3s. 2469 Portrait of Penelope Countess of Wilton, in an oval (1526), 8vo, a beautiful impression and very rare , £l 11s. 6d. 2470 Ditto, a superb impression , in the first state , before the additional cross-hatchings on the background, hair, neck &c., and before the sub- stitution of the name of Hollar for that of “ Pere Louell, fecit 1647,” of THE GREATEST RARITY, £3 3s. In this state it was unknown to Parthey. 2471 Portrait of Francis vanden Wyngarde (1527), engraver and publisher, 4to, fine, 5s. V. Castellanus. 2472 Anonymous portrait after Conzal (said to be that of Sir Samuel Morland), in an oval (1531), 8vo, 7s. 6d. 2473 Portrait of a young woman with a long chain round her neck ; after Lo- renzo di Credi (1533), scarce and very fine , 7s. 6d. 2474 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , 12s. 2475 Portrait of a young woman, from a picture by Albert JDurer , formerly in the Arundel collection (1536), 4to, 6s. 2476 Henrietta Maria Queen of Charles the first, with a pearl necklace, an un- finished plate after Vandych (1537), fine, 10s. 6d. 2477 Lady Kent (1539), small oval, 12mo, rare , 15s. 2478 Petrarch’s Laura, after Giorgione (1540), fine and scarce, 9s. 2479 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , 12s. 2480 Portrait of a young man in a flat cap and furred mantle (1543), fine , 3s. Holbein. 2481 Bust of a young man in a cap, with long beard and moustaches (1548), fine, 2s. 6d. HT. Holbein incidid in lignum ; ex collect. Arundeliana. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. Ill 2482 Portrait of a young’ woman in a cap and feather (1550), fine , 3s. Holbein. 2483 Ditto, brilliant impression with large margin, 7s, 6d. 2484 Lady Butts, wife of the physician to Henry the eighth (1553), Jine, 3s. 6d. Holbein. 2485 Charles Brandon duke ofSuffolk, in a flat cap and feather and furred robe (1554), Jine , 3s. 6d. Holbein. 2486 The Old man and the maiden ; after Hullsman (1556), 2s. 6d. 2487 Portrait of a young* woman, after Leonardo da Vinci (1589) ; superb im- pression with large margin , scarce , 12s. 2488 Bust of a young- woman with a necklace of black beads, after Monsignor (1613), scarce and very fine, 7s. 6d. 2489 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , 12s. 2490 Head of a young* woman with curling* hair, cifter Parmegiano (1625), superb impression with large margin , scarce , 12s. 2491 Bust of a young* woman with a wreath of oak leaves round her head ; after Marlin Schoengauer (1641), 8vo, 2s. 6d. 2492 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , scarce , 12s. 2493 Head of a young* woman with a jewelled turban, after Martin Schoen- gauer (1642), brilliant impression, scarce, 10s. 6d. 2494 Charles 1st on horseback, an army in the background (1686), fol. 5s. 1644. 2495 Portrait of a g-entleman in bushy hair, a sea-port in the distance, called the portraittof Jacob Stainier merchant of London (1694), oval, scarce and very fine, 27s. 2496 John Booker (the astrologer) holding a book, astronomical instruments in the background (1695), oval, superb impression and in perfect state of preservation , very rare, £4 4s. The Townely impression sold for £7. 2497 Mary Queen of Scots (1705), a small head, 12mo, Jine and extra rare £1 11s. 6d. 2498 — — Ditto, brilliant impression with margin , £2 2s. 2499 Head of a young woman with a lace cap (1706), very fine, with good margin , 9s. 2500 Head of a young woman with a very small cap (1719), superb impression with large margin , rare, 12s. 2501 Lady Garrard, half length with a vase (1722), 4to, 5s. 2502 Two heads of young women on one plate (1723), brilliant impression with good margin, 10s. 6d. 2503 Alathea Talbot Countess of Arundell (1725), small oval, 7s. 6d. 2504 Ditto, with her daughter in law, Elizabeth countess of Arundel (1725-1726), 2 ovals on one plate, 4to, scarce , 15s. 2505 Dorothy Countess of Suffolk (1727), oval, 8vo, Jine and rare, 15s. 2506 Anonymous portrait of a lady called “ The mother of George Yilliers Duke of Buckingham ; ” in an oval (1730), 8vo, 3s. 6d. W. Hollar , delin. et fee., 1648. 112 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2507 Ditto, superb impression in the finest condition and with good margin , £1 Is. 2508 Portraits of Ladies, in circles , the complete set (1908-1944), superb im- pressions in the most perfect state of preservation , with large margins , undoubtedly the finest set in existence, and of the greatest rarity, from the collections of Mr. Ord and Colonel Durrant, £18 18s. 2509 The creation robes of the Orders of Nobility in Great Britain, viz., The Prince (1988), Duke (1990), earl (1989), marquis (1991), knight of the garter (1995), baron (1993), viscount (1992), and judge (1996); 8vo, brilliant proofs before the Nos. 5s. each. 2510 Head of a young Negro (2003) ; superb impression with large margin , 15s. 2511 Ditto, a superb proof before the head was crossed with diagonal lines and before the name of Hollar ; — Head of a young Negress (2006) ; superb impression, printed on one sheet, in the finest condition, with larg’e margin and excessively rare, £2 2s. 2512 Head of a young Negro (2004) ; superb impression with large margin , rare, 15s. 2513 Head of a young Negro, in an oval (2005) ; superb impression , with large margin , very rare, 15s. 2514 Bust of a young negress in a lace dress and handkerchief (2007) ; fine impression , 5s. 2515 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , rare , 15s. 2516 Portrait of a native of Virginia, aged 23 (2009) ; fine impression , 7s. 6d. 2517 The dead stag (2051) ; 4to, 3s. 6d. P. van Avont. 2518 An ass standing, after Bassano (2090) ; 2s. 6d. 2519 A wild boar, from a drawing by Lucas Cranach (2091) ; 3s 6d. 2520 The Stag (2093) ; from a picture by Albert Durer in the Arundel collec- tion, very fine , 5s. 2521 A lion ; after Albert Durer (2094) ; extra fine, 5s. 2522 The dead mule (2106) very fine , 5s. 2523 The bird on a branch (2159 )\fine, 3s 6d. 2524 The water-fowl (2160) ; 2s. 6d., fine , 3s. 6d. 2525 Butterflies, moths, caterpillars, flies, &c. from the collection of the Earl of Arundel (2164-2175) ; set of 12 plates, very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 2526 Monument of W m Aubrey in Old St. Paul’s Cathedral (2242) ; 4to, 2s. 6d. 2527 Statue of Lord Bacon, in St. Michael’s Church, St. Alban’s (2243); 4to, fine, 3s. 2528 Monumental effigy of Dr. Donne in Old St. Paul’s Cathedral (2277) ; 4to, 3s. 6d. 2529 Effigy of John de Gavarelle lying in his coffin, 1645^(2293); 4to, fine, 3s. 6d. 2530 The monument of J. Hacket, bishop of Lichfield (2297); fol. 2s. 2531 Monument of Dean Nowell in Old St. Paul’s Cathedral (2321) ; 4to, 2s. 6d. 2532 Design for the ornamental portions of the handle and sheath of a sword, from a drawing by Holbein in the Arundell collection (2596) ; very fine, 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 113 2533 Design for the ornamental portions of the handle and sheath of a sword, from a different design by Holbein in the Arundell collection (2597) ; very fine, 10s. 6d. 2534 Design for the point of a dagger and sheath, from a drawing by Holbein in the Arundell collection (2598) ; very fine, 7s. 6d. 2535 Portrait of Hans Sebald Beham, the engraver, with his cypher, with Anne his wife in three medallions (2625) ; fine , 3s. 6d. 2536 Designs for cups, jugs, cups with covers, and ornaments, &c., from drawings by Holbein formerly in the Arundell collection (2626, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2634, 2635, 2636) ; fine original impressions, scarce , 10s. 6d. each. 2537 A magnificent Chalice from a design by Andrea Mantegna in the Arundel collection (2643); superb impression , one of the finest known and in perfect condition, £6 6s. 2538 ditto, a remarkably fine impression, in the most perfect condition , and with large margin, £5 5s. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 2539 The Cartoons of Raffaelle at Hampton Court ; seven plates, com- plete, a choice subscription set upon India paper, most brilliant im- pressions, scarce, £12 12s. These are not from the electrotyped plates, but are the genuine original impressions, subscribed for by the late Mr. Samuel Rogers, the poet. 2540 Elymas the Sorcerer struck with Blindness {from the Cartoon at Hampton Court), £1 10s. Raffaelle. 2541 Paul and Barnabas rejecting the Sacrifice at Lystra {from ditto), £l 10s. 2542 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes ( from ditto), £l 15s. 2543 The Death of Ananias {from ditto), £l 10s. WILLIAM HOW23IUS. 2544 Isabella Clara Eugenia, archduchess of Austria and infanta of Spain ; from a picture by Vandyck, fol. most brilliant impression , 18s. JHEOMi: HOPFER. 2545 The nativity, copied from No. 2 of Albert Durer's works (1); very fine, 5s. 2546 Ditto, first state before the number , with large margin, 10s. 6d. 2547 A man mounted on a unicorn carrying off a young woman, copied from No. 72 of the works of Albert Durer (42), first state before the number, very fine, 15s. 2548 Saint Jerome in his chamber, copied from No. 60 of the works of Albert Durer (18) ; first state before the number , 15s. 2549 Saint Jerome in penitence, copied from No. 61 of the works of Albert Durer , (19) ; first state before the number, with large margin, 9s. 2550 Saint Eustache or St. Hubert, copy from No. 57 of the works of Albert Durer (15), very fine 10s. 6d. 2551 Silenus sitting on a barrel attended by several naked children, copy from Andrea Mantegna (28) ; first state before the number, 65. i 114 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2552 Constancy, represented by a female chained to a column with her feet in a brasier (38) ; fine proof in the first state before the number , 10s. 6d. LAMBERT HOPPER. 2553 The head of John the Baptist brought to Herodias and Herod, copied from No. 126 of the woodcuts by Albert Durer (20) ; brilliant im- pression, 10s. 6d. J. M&'R SBURGH. 2554 Prince Charles Edward reading a despatch from Sir John Cope ; folio, 8s. W. Simson . JACOB HOITBRAHEH. 2555 Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry the Eighth, fol., most beautiful proof before letters , in perfect condition and with a small margin , £ 2 12s 6d. 2556 Mary Queen of Scots : fol. brilliant proof before letters , very scarce, £4 14s. 6d. 2557 Ditto, superb proof before letters , with large margin , £5 15s. 6d. 2558 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England ; fol. brilliant proof before letters , very rare, £5 15s. 6d. 2559 Thomas Howard duke of Norfolk, executed 1572, folio ; proof before letters , 21s. 2560 ditto, m the same state, but very brilliant , £1 11s. 6d. 2561 Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex ; folio, brilliant proof before all letters , scarce, £3 3s. 2562 William Cecill Lord Burleigh, high treasurer ; fol. superb proof before letters , with large margin , and in beautiful condition , rare, £3 3s. 2563 William Shakspeare; fol. superb proof before letters, in the most perfect condition , and with large margin , extremely rare, £9 9s. 2564 Alexander Pope ; fol. superb proof before letters , in the finest state of preservation , with large margin, extremely rare, £8 8s. 2565 Sir Isaac Newton; fol. superb proof before letters , with good margin , j. and in the finest state of preservation, extremely rare, £6 6s. 2566 Ben Jonson; from a picture by Oliver, formerly in the collection of Dr. Mead ; fol. brilliant proof before letters with good margin , rare, £4 4s. 2567 John Milton, fol. very fine, on large paper, 12s. 2568 Sir Walter Raleigh ; folio, brilliant impression, 7s. 6d. 2569 William Harvey, the eminent demonstrator of the circulation of the blood, fol. very fine, £1 Is. 2570 The great duke of Marlborough ; small oval with emblematical figures, beautiful proof before all letters , with large margin, 4to, 15s. 2571 John Russell Earl of Bedford ; fol. superb proof before letters, with large margin, £2 2s. 2572 John Maitland duke of Lauderdale, fol. beautiful proof before letters, in perfect condition and with good margin, £2 2s. 2573 Robert Bertie Earl of Lindsay; id. fine proof before letters, £2 2s. 2574 — Ditto, a superb proof before letters, with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 115 2575 Sir Francis Drake ; beautiful proof before all letters, very scarce, £3 3s. 2576 Laurence Hyde Earl of Rochester ; superb proof before letters, with large margin and in the most perfect condition, £2 15s. 2577 Charles Lord Talbot, Lord Chancellor of England, fine proof before let- ters ; folio , 25s. 2578 Ditto, a brilliant proof before letters , with small margin , 35s. 2579 Sir Richard Steele ; folio, brilliant proof before letters , £2 5s. 2580 Ditto, superb proof before letters , in splendid condition and with large margin , rare, £3 13s. 6d. 2581 John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, fol. brilliant impression , 10s. 6d. 2582 Ditto, superb proof before letters, with a small margin, rare, £3 3s. 2583 Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel, fol. brilliant impression on India paper, 10s. 6d. * 2584 William of Wickham, Bishop of Winchester ; fol. brilliant impression on large paper, 10s. 6d. 2585 Edward Russell Earl of Orford, the admiral, fol. superb proof before letters, in perfect condition and with good margin, £2 2s. 2586 Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham ; fol. splendid proof before all letters, with large margin, £l 11s. 6d. 2587 Sir William Temple ; fol .fine proof before letters , but injured, £1 Is. 2588 Sir Thomas Smith ; fol. beautiful proof before letters, £1 11s. 6d. 2589 Charles Fleetwood, the parliamentary general ; fol. brilliant proof before letters, with good margin; rare, £2 12s. 6d. 2590 Charles Mordaunt Earl of Peterborough ; fol. brilliant proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. 2591 Anne Queen of Great Britain ; fol . fine proof before letters , £1 Is. 2592 Lieutenant-General Talmash ; fol. proof, before letters, 18s. 2593 Lord Anson, the circumnavigator, in an oval supported by sea monsters, fol. brilliant proof before letters, with large margin, 21s. 2594 James Douglas Earl of Morton ; beautiful proof before all letters, with large margin, 8vo, 5s. 2595 Sir John Strange, Master of the Rolls; small folio, proof before letters 10s. 6d. 2596 Sir John Comyns, baron of Exchequer; small fol. proof before letters 10s. 6d. 2597 Caroline princess of Orange ; fol. fine proof before letters, 7s. 6d. 2598 Van Citters, the pensionary of Holland ; fol. fine proof before all letters 10s. 6d. 2599 Thomas Lord Fairfax, Parliamentary General, a curious and rare proof, before the plate was placed in Houbrahen’s hands, 10s. 6d. RSC2H.&KB KOITSTOSJ. 2600 Meeting of the Burgomasters ; from the fine picture by Rembrandt in the academy at the S tad thou se in Amsterdam, sheet, mez, fine and scarce 10s. 6d. 116 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2601 Meeting- of the Burgomasters ; superb proof before letters , in perfect con- dition, £2 2s. Bembrandt. 2602 A 7 / oman stripping a bird of its feathers, fol. mez. 5s. Bembrandt . 2603 Interior with a man mending a pen fine proof before all letters , 7s. 6d. Bembrandt. 2604 The English politician, vide Shakespeare, “ I saw a Smith stand with his hammer thus ; ” sheet, mez. fine, 7s. 6d. E. Penny. 2605 The death of General Wolfe ; sheet, mez. scarce , 12s. E. Penny. F H. VAN HOVE. 2606 Portrait of Jan Cornelisz, physician at Amsterdam ; three-quarters, folio, brilliant proof before any letters, 25s. C. de Visscher. FRANCIS HUBERT. 2607 Retour de nourice, fol. 7s. 6d. Greuze. CASPAR HUBERT!. 2608 The Holy family, with St. Joseph reading, fol. 15s. Vandyck. 2609 Momus with a cat “ fatuo ridemur in uno,” from a picture by Jordaens , fol. fine, 12s. 2610 The betrayal of Christ ; fol. .fine, 15s. Vandyck. GERHARD HUGS. 2611 The nursing of Jupiter, from a picture by Cignani in the Dusseldorjf gallery , half sheet mez. 5s. H. HUDSON. 2612 The rescue from an alligator ; sheet, mez. 8s. J. Hoppner. A. m. HUFF AM. 2613 Interior of a Capuchin convent with monks at their devotion. Interior of a nunnery with the ceremony of a nun taking the veil ; the pair from pictures by Granet, half sheet mez. 10s. 6d. 2614 Interior of a nunnery with the ceremony of a nun taking the veil, fol. mez. 5s. Ibid. 2615 The intercepted letter ; fol. mez. 3s. A. Henning. W. HUMPHRY'S. 2616 Sancho’s interview with the Duchess, vide Don Quixote, half sheet, 18s. C. B. Leslie. F. R XNGOUF 2616* Portrait of Gerard Dow at an open window playing upon a violin, from the celebrated picture painted by himself; very fine old impression, with large margin, very scarce, £2 7 s. 2617 Ditto, a most beautiful proof of this exquisite engraving , bejore the letters, £4 4s. 2618 Ditto, in the same state , upon India paper , extremely rare, £5 5s. %* Joli morseau. — Joubert. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 11? XAREX. DU JAHBIKT, 2619 A ruined fountain (1), the frontispiece to the set of his etching’s, beautiful proof before the number, with good margin , and in the finest state, £3 3s. 2620 Three pigs asleep, with a pigsty, &c. in the background (8), very fine proof b fore the number, in perfect condition, £2 12s. 6d. 2621 Ditto, A SPLENDID PROOF WITH GOOD MARGIN AND IN FINE CONDITION, £4 4s. 2622 Landscape with a town situated on a mountain (9), brilliant proof before the number, with good margin, in the purest condition, £4 4s. 2623 Landscape with a stream in front, from which a man is striving to move a large stone (10), fine proof before the number, £2 2s. 2624 Landscape with a river in the foreground and a mountain and ancient ruins in the distance (11), beautiful proof before the number, with good margin , and in perfect condition, £3 3s. 2625 Landscape with a Temple in ruins (12), proof before the number, very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 2626 Ditto, beautiful proof before the number, with good margin and in the finest condition, £3 3s. 2627 Landscape with four goats (13), matchless proof before the number, in beautiful condition, £4 14s. 6d. 2628 The two pigs (15), a most beautiful proof before the number, in perfect preservation with margin, £5 15s. 6d. 2629 Group of three pigs, two of which are sleeping (16), superb proof before the number, with good margin and in the finest condition, £5 15s. 6d. 2630 Landscape with some large trees on the bank of a river, with mountains in the distance (17), superb proof before the number, with good margin and in splendid condition, £4 4s. 2631 Landscape with sheep, &c., and mountains in the distance (18), brilliant proof before the number, in perfect condition and with good margin, £4 4s. 2632 Landscape with a waterfall in the background, &c. (19), matchless proof before the number with good margin and in the most beautiful state of preservation, £5 5s. 2633 A herdsman tending three bulls in a landscape, embellished with some large trees, &e. (22), proof before the number, £2 2s. 2634 Ditto, a matchless proof in the finest state before the number and with a small margin, £5 5s. 2635 The two horses in a landscape, with a plough (25), proof before the num- ber, slightly damaged, £l 11s. 6d. 2636 A peasant in the water with an ass drinking (27), brilliant proof before the number and in very fine state, £4 4s. 2637 A sheep lying down near some wooden planks (35), 5s. 2638 Ditto, proof before the number , 18s. 2639 A sheep lying down near the trunk of a tree (36), 5s. 2640 A sheep lying down in a meadow (37), proof before the number , £1 11s. 6d. 118 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2641 A sheep lying 1 down annoyed by some flies (38), 5s. 2642 A sheep lying 1 down near some pales, &c. (39), os. 2643 Ditto, proof before the number , 18s. 2644 Two sheep, one of which is asleep (40), 5s. 2645 A dog and a cat asleep (41), fine proof before the number , £l 11s. 6d. 2646 A sheep and a lamb in a field (42), 5s. 2647 - — — Ditto, fine proof before the number , £l Is. 2648 The Family (43) fine proof before the number , with good margin, £1 Is. 2649 Small plate of sketches of heads (44), proof before the number , 10s. 6d. 2650 Several houses surmounted by a square tower (46), vroof before the number , 10s. 6d. 2651 Landscape with two goats (47), beautiful proof before the number , with margin, £l 11s. 6d. 2652 Portrait of J. de Yos, the poet (52), 4to, fine, 15s. 2653 Ditto, a brilliant impression , £2 2s. E. JSAUMT. 2654 Eape of Europa, fol. 4s. S. le Clerc. 2655 Ulysses discovering Achilles, fol. 4s. Ibid. WOODCUTS BIT C. JECJHSSS. 2656 The Virgin crowned in Heaven ; fol. 5s. liubens. 2657 The repose in Egypt, from a picture by Rubens (Basan, 23) ; printed in chiaro scura , sheet, £l 11s. 6d. 2658 Ditto, superb impression and in fine condition, £3 5s. *** Rubens was himself the publisher of these engravings on wood by Jegher, a proof that he attached a particular importance to these fine productions after his own designs; according to Basan, those printed in chiaro scura are of great rarity. S. JESI. 2659 Leo the tenth with his cardinals, from a picture by Eaflaelle in the Pitti gallery at Florence ; half sheet, choice proof on India paper, £3 3s. 2660 Ditto, a magnificent proof on India paper before all letters , with large uncut margin and autograph of Jesi, £10 10s. 2661 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour seated on an altar, crowned by two Angels from above; on either side stand St. John the Baptist and St. Stephen. “ La Madonna della Cathedrale di Lucca,” £l Is. Fra Bartolomeo. 2662 Ditto, fine proof on India paper with large margin , £3 3s. 2663 Ditto, superb engraver's proof before all letters , with large margin , £7 7s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 119 2664 Abraham sending 1 away Hagar, from a picture by Guercmo , fol. 12s. 2665 Abraham sending- away Hagar, superb engraver's proof before all letters , with large uncut margin , £4 4s. 2667 Portrait of Benvenuto Cellini, from a picture by Vasari ; proof on India paper before letters , 27s. ARN-OZ.© BSS JODIE. 2668 The Magdalen lamenting- over a skull ; brilliant proof before the arms and inscription in the tablet beneath , extra rare, 25s. Tandy ch. 2669 Venus, with Mercury teaching Cupid to read, from the superb picture by Correggio in the National Gallery, brilliant impression , and in fine con- dition, from the Esdaile collection , £3 3s. The best engraving from this picture and very scarce. 2670 The infant Saviour embracing St. John ; fol. extremely fine, but cut close, 15s. Tandy ok. PETEE BE JOBE. 2671 Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds ; sheet, brilliant, 18s. Jordaens . 2672 — Ditto, a most brilliant impression in the first state , £l 11s. 6d. 2673 The Virgin, with the infant Saviour leaning against a cradle, small folio, first state before the address of u Quellinus,” scarce , 15s. Rubens. 2674 Christ curing the man sick of the palsy, very fine in the first state, with Meyssens ’ address, fol. 15s. Tandy ck. 2675 Christ delivering- the keys to St. Peter ; fol. very fine and extremely scarce, £2 2s. Rubens. 2676 Christ’s charge to Peter, folio, first state before the address, fyc., very rare, 25s. Rubens. 2677 Christ shown to the people ; half sheet, brilliant, 15s. Diepenbehe. 2678 The coronation of St. Catharine; most brilliant impression and in fine condition, 15s. Rubens. 2679 Ditto, most brilliant impression in the first state before the address, fyc., were erased, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 2680 St. Martin of Tours performing a miracle, from a painting by Jordaens at Tours, sheet, fine, 12s. 2681 Ditto, brilliant impression , £1 11s. 6d. 2682 Binaldo and Armida reclining in a garden, with numerous Cupids ; sheet, 15s. Tandyck. 2683 Ditto, a superb impression, rare, £2 2s. 2684 The nuptials of Neptune and Cybele, fol. 8s. Rubens. 2685 Ditto, brilliant proof before all letters, very scarce, 25s. 2686 The three Graces u Gratise decentes alterno terrain quatiunt pede,” half sheet, very fine, 15s. Rubens. 1‘20 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND G. KEATING-. 2687 Faith, hope, and charity ; sheet, mez. 7s. 6d. J. Nixon. 2688 Rustic sympathy, sheet, mez. proof, 15s. F. Wheatley . 2689 Rustic benevolence, sheet, mez. proof \ 15s. Ibid. 2690 A party angling ; sheet, mez. very scarce, 15s. G. Morland.. J. H. EIBUOT. 2691 View of Cologne on the Rhine, fol. India proof before letters , 8s. C. Stanfield. T. VAN KESSSX.. 2692 Meleager and Atalanta hunting the wild boar ; superb impression in the first state before the address of C. van Merlen , in fine condition and very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. Rubens. LUCAS KILIAN, 2693 Rape of Proserpine ; sheet, 9s. /. Heintz. 2694 Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds, half sheet, 7s. 6d. Ibid. J. S. S&AUBEI, 2695 Le sauveur du monde, from a picture by Stella , 4to, fine 6s. 2696 Petit ecolier de Harlaem ; 4 to, 3s. 6d. C. Polemberg. S. K03fraCK, 2697 Bust of an old man, seen in profile (B. p. 130, No. 68 ),Jine and scarce , 9s. 2698 Bust of an Oriental, in profile, companion to the preceding print (B. p. 131, No. 69), 7s. 6d. LUCAS KEUG. 2699 The Nativity, with angels adoring the infant Saviour (1 )\ fine and scarce , 15s. 2700 Ditto, a brilliant impression , £2 2s. 2701 The adoration of the Kings, represented in a richly decorated temple (2), 15s. 2702 Ditto, superb impression , £2 12s 6d. 2703 Two naked women, one of whom holds a skull on which is an hourglass (11), 10s. 6d. 2704 Ditto, very fine old impression , £l 11s. 6d. ETCHINGS BIT PETES 2>E LAES. 2705 Horses, Cattle, Dogs, &c. (1 — 8), the set complete , fine, £l 11s. 6d. 2706 Horses (9—14), set of 6 plates, complete , very fine mith margins , £l Is. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 121 ETCHINGS BY SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. 2707 The Mountain Torrent, 3s. 2708 Woburn Sporting cards, India proof, 7s. 6d. THOMAS LANDSEEB. 2709 Dogs and Dead Rats, India proof before letters , 12s. Sir E. Landseer. 2710 The Lion-dog from Malta, the last of his tribe ; beautiful India proof before letters , £l Is. Sir E. Landseer . 2711 The Lady and spaniels ; fine proof, 14s. Ibid . 2712 Ditto, first India proof before letters , 18s. Ibid. 2713 A distinguished member of the Humane Society, fine proof 18s. Ibid. TTXCHOX.AS 3>3 IAEMESSIN. 2714 Nicholas Yleughels, painter, folio, fine, 5s. Champagne. 2715 Louis XY. King of France ; full length, folio, fine, 7s. 6d. Vanloo. 2716 Portrait of a Comedian, half-length, holding a mask, folio, proof before letters , rare, 15s. D. Feti. 2717 L’accordee de village ; large sheet, 25s. Watteau. 2718 — — Ditto, a brilliant impression , and in fine condition , scarce, £2 2s. 2719 La veillesse, half sheet, 8s. Lancret. 2720 La Jeunesse, half sheet, 8s. Ibid. MICHEL LASNE. 2721 St. Francis de Paula receiving the infant Saviour from the hands of the Virgin ; small folio, scarce, 7s. 6d. Rubens. LAUGIEB. 2722 Portrait of Frederick Duke of Urbino, 8s. Rajfaelle. 2723 Ditto, proof on India paper, 14s. TT. DE LAOTAY. 2724 La chute dangereuse, half sheet, fine , 7s. 6d. F. Meyer. 2725 Marche de Silene (a Bacchanalian procession of Nymphs and Satyrs), half sheet, fine. 15s. Rubens. R. LAUBIE. 2726 The incredulity of St. Thomas, from a picture by Rembrandt, sheet, mez. proof before letters , 9s. 2727 The family of Lucretia swearing to avenge her death, mez. proof before letters , 7s. 6d. G. Hamilton. HALTS SEBA1D LAUTENSACK 2728 Portrait of a Man, a bust, richly dressed, and holding a tankard ; on the right through a window is seen a landscape (1), fine and scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 222 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2729 Portrait of Jerome Schurstab, half length, with a view of a village seen from a window on the left (7), very fine and excessively rare , £2 2s. 2730 Portrait of a Man, at half length, with moustachios and long beard, divided into two points ; on the left, at top, is a shield of arms, and at the right a landscape (9), folio, very fine and rare , £3 13s. 6d. 2731 Ditto, in the second state , 25s. 2732 Portrait of Maximilian King of Bohemia, in an oval, with emblematical figures, &c. (14), fol. fine and very scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 2733 The arms of the families of Egh, and of the barons of Bentzenan, &c. (22), fol. fine and scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 2734 Landscape, a vast building, situated on a rock, in the centre of a large river, &c. (39), very fine and rare , £1 11s. 6d. 2735 St. John baptising Christ (46), a little cut , 9s. 2736 The woman of Canaan imploring Jesus to heal her daughter (48), fine , £1 Is. 2737 David killing Goliath (51), etched on two plates , scarce , £1 Is. 2*1. 1AUWEES, 2738 Christ shown to the people ; super 1) impression before the name of Bols- wert was substituted for that of Lauwers , sheet, very scarce, £2 2s. Rubens. 2739 Ditto, in the same state, but laid down , £1 11s. 6d. 2740 Adoration of the Kings, brilliant impression but slightly injured, sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 2741 Ditto, a most splendid impression and in fine state, rare , £2 12s. 6d. *** The chef-d’oeuvre of Lauwers from one of Rubens’ finest pictures. 2742 Triumph of Christianity, engraved on two sheets, very fine old impression , £l 5s. Rubens. 2743 The extacy of St. Cecilia, with Angels playing upon musical instruments, a candle-light piece, from a picture by Gerard Seghers, fol. extremely fine and in perfect condition , 15s. 2744 Jupiter and Mercury entertained by Baucis and Philemon; sheet, brilliant impression , £1 Is. Jordaens. J P. BE BAS. 2745 Embarquement de Vivres, from the capital and well known picture by Berghem ; sheet, very fine , 10s. 6d. 2746 Christ shown to the people, copy from Rembrandt’ s large and celebrated etching , 4to. 5s. 2747 The descent from the Cross, copy from Rembrandt’ s etching , 4to. 5s. 2748 View of Antwerp, with groups of peasants feasting and dancing outside a village ale-house, sheet, extremely fine, 15s. D. Teniers. 2749 La belle apres dine ; fol. fine , 5s. C. du Jardin. 2750 Rejouissances Flamandes ; exterior, a composition of a great number of figures, among which the painter has introduced his own portrait , sheet, fine, 14s. Teniers. 2751 — — Ditto, brilliant impression, with large margin, £l 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 123 2752 Feste de Village ; exterior, a composition of numerous figures, in which Teniers has represented himself paying court to a young woman ; brilliant impression , with large margin, 15s. Teniers. 2753 Fourth Flemish Fete, exterior ; a fine composition, with numerous figures, engraved the same size as the original picture formerly in the Choiseul collection, very fine and scarce, 18s. D. Teniers . 2754 Le chasseur fortune — Rendezvous de chasse, from very fine pictures painted by C. van Falens for his wife ; the pair, most brilliant and scarce , 18s. 2755 Environs de Groningue, sheet, Jine and scarce , 12s. Ruisdael. 2756 Environs de Gueldres, sheet, very scarce , 12s. Ibid. 2757 Peasant and cattle crossing a stream, f rom an exquisite picture by Karel du Jardin ; fine proof before letters, 4to, 12s. 2758 Ditto, with the companion print ; Jine proofs before letters , scarce, £1 11s. 6d. WARCXSSS LECOMTS. 2759 Virgin and infant Saviour holding a bird, attended by the infant St. John ; fol. artist’s proof before letters in the earliest state , £1 11s. 6d. Francia. W. P. 1EEUW. 2760 Daniel in the den of Lions, sheet, magnificent impression in the first state before the address of Dancliertz, and very rare , £2 2s. Rubens. 2761 Martyrdom of Saint Catherine ; sheet, 15s. Rubens. 2762 Ditto, splendid impression and very scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 2763 Lot and his daughters, fol. 5s. Rubens. 2764 The Crocodile and Hippopotamus hunt ; sheet, 15s. Rubens. 2765 The wolf hunt; very fine, 18s. Rubens. 2766 Ditto, brilliant proof before the address of C. Van Merlen , £1 11s. 6d. 2767 The wild boar hunt, sheet, 12s. Rubens. 2768 Hunting the Lion and Lioness, very fine, sheet, 15s. Rubens. A. 1EFEVRE. 2769 Portrait of Jane of Arragon, proof on India paper before letters , 12s. Rajfaelle. A. LEICHSE. 2770 Christ at Emmaus ; sheet, fine, 15s. B. Schidoni. LEXSNZEB. 2771 Portrait of Marc Antonio Raimondi, the distinguished engraver, from a picture by Rajfaelle , folio, 7s. 6d. 2772 The grand canal, Venice; choice engraver' s proof before letters on India paper , £2 2s S. Front . 124 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2773 A view in Venice ; from a picture by Canaletti in the National Gal- lery ; 5s. 2774 Ditto, proof on India paper before letters , 15s. 2775 — — Ditto, a choice engraver’s proof before all letters , in the earliest state ; very scarce, <£1 11s. 6d. JOSH I. E KEUS. 2776 Maecenas’ villa at Tivoli ; from a picture by R. Wilson in the National Gallery , 5s. 2777 Ditto, fine proof \ 8s. 2778 Ditto, choice engraver’s proof in the earliest and unpublished state , very scarce; 15s. X.OUXS SIMON LEMPEREVR: 2779 Yulcan showing to Venus the arms he had forged for Achilles; from a picture by Pierre , oblong sheet, fine proof before all letters , 15s. 2780 Les presents du berger ; half sheet, very fine and scarce, 15s. F. Boucher. 2781 Les Baigneuses, from a picture by Vanloo, half sheet, 7s. 6d. 2782 Ditto, beautiful proof before all letters ; scarce, £2 2s. 2783 Le festin Espagnol, from a fine work of Palamedes; sheet, brilliant impression and very scarce , £1 Is. 2784 The Garden of Love, in which are introduced the portraits of Rubens and his wife, £1 Is. Rubens. 2785 Ditto, very fine, £2 2s. Ibid. 2786 The Garden of Love — Le festin Espagnole ; the pair, superb proofs before letter s, very scarce, £5 5s. 2. I.ENS, 2787 The Lady Mary Radclyffe, full length in a fantastic dress, decorated with feathers, fol. fine and very rare , £3 13s. 6d. Wissing and Vaart. 2788 Ditto, the inscription cut off, £1 11s. 6d. I. EPIC IE. 2789 Charlotte Desmares, a celebrated French actress ; fol. very fine , 9s. C. C. 2790 Catherine de Seme, epouse du Sr. Dutresne ; companion print to the pre- ceding , fol. very fine , 9s. Aved. 2791 Messire Philbert Orry, Controleur General des finances et directeur general des batiments du Roy, from a picture by Hyacinthe Rigaud ; superb proof before any letters ; the arms and inscription admirably drawn in with a pen ; half sheet, of extreme rarity, £1 11s. 6d. EEPICIE AND SWBUCUB. 2792 The senses, set of five plates, 4to, fine, 9s. H. Goltzius. IiEROUX. 2793 " La Vierge du Mu see de Parme,” 4to, 3 s. Correggio. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 125 LERPINIERE. 2794 The Israelites sacrificing to the Molten calf ; after Claude ; large sheet, fine proof before letters , 9s. THOMAS DE LEU. 2795 Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, in an oval, with a vignette of the English fleet at Cadiz, and six Latin lines beneath, 8vo, beautiful impression of one of the rarest and most interesting portraits in the English series , £5 15s. 6d. 2796 11 Haury de Lorrayne due de Bar et marquis du Pontx,” 4to, brilliant im- pression, rare, 18s. 2797 “ Marie Stewart Reyne de Fran, et d’Escosse,” in an oval with four French verses beneath ; 8vo, brilliant impression and extremely rare , £2 12s. 6d. 2798 “ Jaques I. Roy d’Angleterre, Escoce et Irlande an de son age 42,” small oval with four French verses beneath ; brilliant impression and very rare , £2 2s. 2799 Portrait of Peter Brach ; a French poet , 8vo, brilliant impression with large margin , 12s. F. C. LEWIS. 2800 Head of Christ, engraved from a facsimile of the original in the celebrated picture of “ The Last Supper ” by Leonardo da Vinci, sheet, proof 15s. 2801 The Madonna and child, from a drawing in red chalk ; fol. 3s. Fra. Bartolomeo. 2802 “ La Eva della Steccata di Parma, v from a drawing , fol. 4s. Parmigiano. 2803 Installation on the Musnud of the Nabob of the Carnatic, with a key, 22 \ by 28J, £1 5s. F. C. Lewis , 2803*Study for the Saint Bartholomew’ in the Last Judgment, fol. 3s. 6d. M. Angelo. 2804 Zumalacarregui and the Christino Spy, fine proof before letters ; £l 5s. J. Lewis . C. Car. LEWIS. 2805 Hafed, a celebrated deer-hound ; 12s. Sir E. Landseer . 2805* The Cheshire hunt, sheet mez. 15s. H. Calvert. 2806 Hawking in the olden time; sheet, fine proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. Sir E. Landseer. FREDERIC LIGNOST. 2807 La Vierge au Poisson, fine old impression, 25s. Raffaelie. 2808 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before letters, £2 12s. 6d. 2809 Christ crowned with thorns and holding a reed, from the famous picture by Guido; beautiful proof before letters, with good margin and in perfect condition , £3 3s. 126 THE FINE AKT CIRCULAR AND 2810 Saint Cecilia ; half-length, folio, fine, 18s. Dominichino. H« LIPS. 2811 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, from a picture by Vandych in the Dussel- dorjf gallery, half sheet, 7s. 6d. ETCHINGS BIT JOHTOT LIVEXffS. 2812 The Virgin presenting a pear to the Infant Saviour (1 ), first state, before the initials of Livens , and before the plate was cut , extremely rare, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £1 11s. 6d. 2813 Saint Jerome sitting in a grotto, meditating upon a skull and crucifix, which he holds in his hands (5), second state, before Wyngaerds name was covered with cross hatchings, from the Aylesford collection, very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 2814 Ditto, the third state, from the same collection, fine, £l Is. 2815 Saint Francis, sitting in a grotto, in meditation (6), very fine, from Lord Aylesford’ s collection, £2 2s. 2816 Saint Francis, sitting in a cavern, with a crucifix before him (7), very fine, from Lord Aylesford s collection, 15s. 2817 Saint Anthony (8), fine impression, before the plate was reduced in size, from the collection of Baron Verstolk, very rare, £2 2s. 2818 A man on his knees (9), fine, 15s. 2819 Bust of a Capuchin Monk (14), in an earlier state than that described by Bartsch , very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 2820 Portrait of a man in profile (15), from the Aylesford collection, very fine, 10s. 6d. 2821 Portrait of a man (17), fine, before the address of Wyngaerde, 10s. 6d. 2822 Portrait of an Oriental with a long beard (18), very fine, before the address , 10s. 6d. 2823 Bust of an Oriental, in profile (19), copy from Rembrandt, 7s. 6d. 2824 Portrait of Justus Vondel, the famous Dutch poet (57), 15s. 2825 Portrait of Daniel Heinsius, Professor of History, &c. at Leyden, (58), brilliant impression, 16s. 2826 Portrait of James Gouter, an English Musician (59), brilliant impression , £1 Is. 2827 Portrait of Robert South, aged 112 years, fine and scarce, £1 11s. 6d. BAV2B 2828 Dr. Dolben, Abp, of York, with Dr. Allestry and Bishop Fell sitting at a table, folio ; brilliant and extra rare, £8 8s. Lely. 2829 John Wallis, eminent Mathematician, ob. 1703, small folio; brilliant proof before any letters. £3 3s. 2830 Sir Thomas Isham of Lamport co. Northampton; folio, superb proof before all letters, extremely rare, £5 5s. According to “ Strutt,” Loggan was assisted in this plate by Valck, an assertion fully borne out by its superiority to most of the plates bearing Loggan’s name. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 127 2831 Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford (1676), brilliant impression, folio, rare, £1 11s. 6d. a . loia. 2832 The birth of the Saviour with adoration of the Kings, half sheet, 15s. * Jouvenet. 2833 The presentation of the infant Saviour in the Temple, half sheet, 8s. Jouvenet . 2834- The taking down from the cross ; half sheet, 10s. 6d. Ibid. 2835 Ditto, very Jine , 15s. 2836 Adoration of the Magi ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Ibid. 2837 St. Michael defeating the rebel angels ; from a grand picture by Le Brun ; engraved on two sheets, most brilliant impression , in perfect condition , with large margin , and very scarce , £2 2s. P. LOMBAST. 2838 Portrait of Samuel Malines (the chef-d’oeuvre of this engraver), fol. very fine impression and extremely rare , £4 4s, C. Claret. A. IsOlWSVSSXZKT, 2839 The meeting of David and Abigail, sheet, before the address of C. van Merten, 18s. Rubens. 2840 Ditto, very fine , 25s. 2841 Adoration of the Kings, sheet, a magnificent impression in the first state before the address of Caspar Huberti, rare, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 2842 The Virgin with the infant Jesus in her arms, surrounded by Saints among whom is St. Dominic to whom she presents a chaplet (B. Maria Rosarii), fol. 7s. 6d. Rubens. 2843 Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen in the garden, half sheet, proof before the title and dedication , 9s. Rubens. 2844 Saint Bonaventure receiving the Sacrament, fol. 9s. Yandyck. 2845 Time discovering truth and destroying heresy, engraved on two sheets , fine , 15s. Rubens. 2846 Triumph of Charity, 25 in. by 35, engraved on two sheets , fine , £l Is. Rubens. 2847 The judgment of Paris (slightly differing from the picture in the National Gallery), sheet, fine and very scarce , £l Is. Rubens. TOSSPH 3LOXffGrHX. 2848 The marriage of the Virgin ; from the superb picture by Raffaelle at Milan ; large sheet, fine impression, £6 6s. 2849 Ditto, a very beautiful impression before the inscription on the Temple , with full margin, £8 8s. 2850 Ditto, a very brilliant impression, before the inscription on the Temple, and with the number of subscription, but cut to the plate mark, £8 8s. 128 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2851 The marriage of the Virgin, in the same state as the preceding, but with large uncut margin , £10 10s. *** No other impressions of this fine print, than those originally subscribed for, were numbered. 2852 La Madonna di S. Onofrio, from a picture by Leonardo da Vinci in the cloister of St. Onofrio at Rome, half sheet, fine proof, scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 2853 Ditto, choice artist's proof before all letters , scarce, £5 5s. 2854 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour and St John, “ La Madonna del Lago,” from a picture by Leonardo da Vinci, very fine old impression , £1 11s. 6d. 2855 Ditto, beautiful proof before the arms and dedication , £3 3s. 2856 Holy Family with St. John kneeling to the infant Jesus, ‘‘Nunc ego mitto te aperire oculos eorum,” fine proof , £3 3s. Raffaelle. 2857 Ditto, superb engraver's proof in the earliest state , the name of the engraver only etched in, with large margin and in most perfect condition, £8 8s. 2858 The entombment, from a picture by Crespi ; very fine with large margin , 14s. 2859 Ditto, superb engraver's proof in the earliest state , before the fault was corrected , the engraver's name merely etched in, in beautiful condi- tion ; extreme^ rare, £3 3s. 2860 The reading Magdalen, from the celebrated picture by Correggio in the Dresden Gallery, £2 2s. 2861 Ditto, very fine impression on the original thin payer, £3 3s. 2862 Madonna del Velo, from a picture by Raffaelle ; most brilliant proof before letters in the finest condition , with large margin, £6 6s. 2863 Beheading of John the Baptist, from a picture in u Sta. Maria della Scalaf half sheet, 12s. G. Douw. 2864 The Repose in Egypt, superb proof before letters, scarce, £2 2s. Carlo Procacino . 2865 St. Joseph with the infant Saviour in his arms, from the picture by Guido in the “ Archiepiscopal Gallery ” at Milan; 12mo, 5s. 2866 Galatea ; from the well known picture by Albano, half sheet, fine proof, £3 13s. 6d. 2867 Napoleon at the bridge of Arcole ; three-quarters, folio, scarce , £2 2s. Le Gros. 2868 Ditto, when Emperor ; a small circle, fine, 7s. 6d. MMsCHZOR losch. 2869 St. Jerome, copied from an etching by Albert Purer, No. 59 (1), fine, £1 11s. 6d. 2870 The basilisk (3 ),fine and very scarce , 15s. 2871 The bagpipe player (7), 15s. 2872 The man crucified ; from a study by Michael Angelo (8), slightly injured but very scarce, £l 11s. 6d. *%* Bartsch eulogises this as being Melchior Lorch’s finest work. 2873 Portrait of Albert Durer, at the age of 56 years (10), very rare, 18s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 129 2871-Portrait of Michael Airing, gentleman of the Court of Maximilian 2nd (11), fine and rare , 15s. 2872*Portrait of Soliman emperor of the Turks (13), rare , £l 11s. 6d. 2873*Portrait of the same person, a bust (15), rare, £l 11s. 6d. 2874 Portrait of Ismael, the Persian ambassador to Constantinople, 1557 (16), full length, rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2875 The Deluge (1), a woodcut, on two blocks ; extremely rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2876 The Virgin and child; after Raffaelle, choice proof on India paper before letters , with large margin ; £3 3s. BIS LOE^AEJE. 2877 Venus, se preparant pour le jugement de Paris re§oit d’avance la pomme des mains de l’amour, fol. brilliant and scarce, 10s. 6d. F. Boucher. J. LOUYS. 2878 The resurrection of Lazarus ; folio, very fine impression, 15s. J. Livens. 2879 Diana and her nymphs sleeping surprised by satyrs; fol. scarce , 15s. Bubens. SiUCJLS VAST X.EYBESI. 2880 The sin of Adam and Eve (8), a very fine impression , Jrom the Broohe collection, £2 15s. 2881 Eve presenting the apple to Adam (10) ; a truly superb impression and in perfect condition , extra rare, £7 7s. 2882 Adam and Eve after having been driven from Paradise (11), very fine and clear impression , rare, £3 3s. 2883 Cain killing Abel (13), a brilliant impression , rare, £2 15s. 2884 Potiphar’s wife accusing Joseph (21), fine and rare, £1 11s. 6d. 2885 Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dream (23), fine, £l Is. 2886 Samson and Dalilah (25) ; superb impression, and in most beautiful con- dition, extremely rare, £12 12s. 2887 David with the head of Goliah (26) , fine and rare, £l 11s. 6d. 2888 David playing on the harp before Saul (27), a very fine impression of this scarce print and in perfect condition, £9 9s. 2889 Ditto, a most superb impression, and in perfect condition , from the Durand collection, £16 16s. 2890 Solomon Adoring the Idols (30), fine, £1 11s. 6d. 2891 Ditto, brilliant impression, £3 13s. 6d. 2892 Esther before Ahasuerus (31), an unusually fine impression, in fine con- dition and extremely rare, £6 6s. 2893 The Two Elders watching Susannah in the Bath (33), fine, £3 3s. 2894 St. Joachim embracing St. Anne (34), 7s. 6d. 2895 Repose in Egypt (38), fine clear impression , £6 6s. K 130 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2896 Besurrection of Lazarus (42), most superb impression and of qr eat rarity £12 12s. 2897 The Passion of Our Lord (43-56), complete set, brilliant impressions AND VERY SCARCE, £12 12s. 2898 Jesus Christ shown to the people (71), an ordinary impression , but in good condition and very scarce , from Esdaile’s collection, £3 3s. Vide Bartsch, who speaks in the highest terms respecting this astonishing performance of a young man at the age of 16. An extremely fine impression has recently been sold for £90. 2899 The Man of Grief; Jesus Christ represented at half-length, with the in- struments of his passion (76), fine, £2 2s. 2900 Beturn of the prodigal son (78), matchless impression, in the purest con- dition and of extreme rarity , £21. On doit y admirer l’intelligence et l’art qui ont guide la main de Lucas dans l’execution des lointains. Les fabriques, le paysage, et les petites figures qai s’y trouvent, tout y est touche avec esprit et comme il falloit pour faire degrader les objets. — Bartsch. 2901 The Virgin in a glory standing on a crescent (82), 12s. 2902 The Virgin and infant Saviour sitting at the foot of a tree (83), very fine and extremely scarce, £2 2s. 2903 The Virgin and infant Saviour seated in a landscape (84), damaged, 15s. 2904 Ditto, very fine, but a little cut at the top, from Mariette’s collection, with his autograph, £3 3s. 2905 Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles, full length figures (86-99), viz. : The Saviour (86), bad impression, 2s. 6d. St. Paul (88), 10s. 6d. St. Andrew (89), fine, 15s. St. John (90), 2s. 6d. St. James the major (91), 10s. 6d. St. Thomas (92), 9s. 2906 The four Evangelists St. Judas Thaddeus (93 ),fine, 15s. St. Bartholomew (94), 10s. 6d. St. Philip (95), 10s. 6d. St. James the minor (96), 10s. 6d St. Simon (97), 2s. 6d. St. Matthew (98), 2s. 6d. St. Matthias (99), very fine, £l 11s. 6d. (100-103), very fine set and of great rarity, £4 4s. 2907 Saint Peter and Saint Paul holding between them the Holy Handkerchief (105), 7s. 6d. 2908 Ditto, very fine and scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 2909 Conversion of Saint Paul (107), a fine composition, and one of his largest prints, £5 5s. 2910 - — - Ditto, a superb impression of one of the rarest and most capital of this artist's works, £31 10s. An extensive composition of so great merit, that it may truly be termed a production little less than miraculous in a youth of fifteen. — Ottley. 2911 Saint Christopher (108), very fine, £2 5s. 2912 Ditto, slightly cut, 15s. 2913 St. John the Baptist in the Desert (110), 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 131 2914 Saint Sebastian tied to a tree, his body pierced with arrows (115), very fine, £2 5s. 2915 St. Anthony the hermit (11 6), Jine, £l Is. 2916 St. Dominic (118), 16s. Cette piece est touchee avec beaucoup de franchise. — Bartsch. 2917 St. Gerard Sagredius, bishop and martyr (119), Jine, £1 11s. 6d. 2918 St. Francis of Assisse receiving the stigmata (120), fine, £l Is. 2919 St. George and the Princess (121), a remarkably brilliant impression, and rare, £4 4s. 2920 The Magdalen in the Desert (123), very Jine, £4 14s. 6d. 2921 The poet Yirgil suspended in a basket (136), Jine and very scarce , £7 7s. Bartsch, in passing a high euiogium on this print, adds, “ et du cote du dessein c’est aussi un de ses meilleurs ouvrages, ii s’y trouve des airs de tetes et des attitudes de figures qui neseraient pas desavoues par les plus grands maitres.” It was in competition with this print that Albert Durer engraved his “ Knight of Death.” 2922 Mars, Yenus, and Cupid (137), superb impression, £12 12s. 2923 Ditto, an impression of the most extraordinary brilliancy, the Jinest known and in unimpeachable condition ; very rare, £25. Cette belle piece qui est du nombre de celles que Lucas a faites durant le peu du relache qui lui lassoit une longue maladie, est une des mieux gravees de son oeuvre. — Bartsch. 2924 Yenus and Cunid in the clouds (138), superb impression from the collec- tions of Mariette, Count Fries, and Garnet , very scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 2925 The promenade (144), 7s. 6d. 2926 Ditto, an extremely fine impression and in perfect state of preserva- tion, scarce , £2 2s. 2927 The man with a torch (147), very rare, £3 3s. Cette estampe est d’une taille extremement fine. — Bartsch. 2928 A man and a woman seated in a rocky place in conversation (148), 9s. 2929 Ditto, extremely fine, £2 5s. 2930 A Young Woman Naked, seated at the Foot of a Tree, cleaning a Dog (154), superb impression, very rare, £5 5s. 2931 The musicians (155), 15s. *** Cette piece est une des mieux gravees de Lucas. Bartsch. 2932 The quack dentist (157), 15s. *** Cette piece est encore un des morceaux distinguees de Lucas. Bartsch. 2933 Panel of Ornament (164), a Plateau upon which are two Syrens holding mirrors before them, and supporting a species of Candelabrum, on the top of which is the winged figure of a man holding a trident, and on each side two chimerical animals ; most brilliant impression, £2 12s. 6d. 2934 Two Naked Children supporting an empty Escocheon (lG6),Jine, 15s. 2935 Two Children, supporting a Shield, in the centre of which is a mask (167), 5s. 2936 Two circles, with cupids, hunting, &c. (170), 5s. 2937 — — Ditto, an extremely Jine impression , rare, £1 11s. 6d. & 2 132 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND FRANCOIS L1TCAS. 2938 The drunkenness of Bacchus ; half sheet, 5s. Jordaens . 35. LUCAS, 2939 Dedham Lock ; from a picture by Constable, sheet, mez. proof before letters, 30s. 2940 The Union ; Thistle, Rose and Shamrock ; fol. mez. 3s. W. C. Ross. 2941 The rainbow, view of Salisbury Cathedral, sheet, mez, proof on India paper, £L 11s. 6d. Constable . 2942 Combat between the Papal dragoons — Confession of an Italian brigand; the pair, half sheet, mez. 15s. H. Vernet. 2943 Grace Darling and her Father rescuing the survivors from the wreck of the Forfarshire steam -packet ; proof, £l 5s. Parker and Carmichael . G. S. LUCAS 2943*Mazeppa ; fol. mez. 5s. H. Vernet. BARTHOLOMEW LULMUS. 2944 Descent from the Cross (2), bad impression, but scarce, 5s. T. LUPTON. 2945 Bandits disputing, half sheet, mez. 14s. G. Cattermole. 35. LUPTOU. 2946 The death of Robin Hood, half sheet, mez. 9s. T. Fielding. JAWCJS LUTMA. 2947 Portraits of his father, himself, J. Vondelius, and P. C. Hooft, represented as antique busts ; the set of four plates complete, fine impressions , very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 2948 Portrait of his father 11 Joannes Lutma aurifaex,” 4to, 7s. 6d. Lutma was a goldsmith, but amused himself by engraving in a new style which he called opus mallei, because he performed it with a hammer and a small punch or chisel. Vide Strutt, who observes that fine impressions are very scarce. B, LUTTESLL. 2949 Arthur Capel Earl of Essex ; 4to mez. from a picture by Sir P. Lely, superb impression in perfect state of preservation, very rare, £2 12s. 6d. *** Without doubt, the finest impression known. F. I. LUTZENEZRCHEN. 2950 The incredulity of St. Thomas, after Luca Giordano ; sheet mez. 7s. 6d. C. F. MACRET. 2951 L’offrande a l’amour, dedicated to the unfortunate Princess Lamballe , half sheet, fine, 7s. 6d. /. B. Greuze. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 133 2952 The entrance to an ancient German Gothic building’ with a man and woman conversing; u piece douteuse ” 12s. 2953 The Nativity (4), of the very highest rarity and extremely curious , £12 12s. 2954 Sampson carrying off the gates of Gaza (2), fine impression, of the very highest rarity and in 'perfect condition, £14 14s. THOS. MAJOR. 2955 A Flemish Fete, in which Teniers has introduced portraits of himself and family as spectators, tine, 16s. D. Teniers. Dedicated to William Duke of Cumberland. BBWiLRB MA373BL. 2956 Portrait of Vandyck, from a picture by himself ; fine proof on India paper before the inscription on the tablet, with full margin, £2 2s. A15REA MANTSGUA. The numbers, as usual, are quoted from Bartsch, but for an admirable critical article on this artist and his works the amateur is referred to Ottley’s history of Engraving, 2 vols. 4to. 2957 The Flagellation of Our Saviour (1), very scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 2958 Ditto, good impression, £2 12s. 6d. 2959 Ditto, cut down in size, 12s. 2960 Ditto, A TRULY SUPERB IMPRESSION, IN THE MOST PERFECT CON- DITION AND EXCESSIVELY RARE, £35. For purity of condition and brilliancy of impression this print cannot be surpassed, and is, without any doubt, the finest in existence. 2961 Ditto, a curious and contemporary copy, of the same size as the original print, but with a background added, very fine and rare, £3 13s. 6d. 2962 'The entombment of Our Saviour (3), rare, £2 2s. %* Cette estarape est une des plus parfaites de i’oeuvre d’Andre Mantegna, tant pour le dessein que pour les expressions et la graveur. — Bartscli. 2963 Jesus Christ descending into Hell ; three demons flying over the entrance blowing horns, the good thief standing holding the cross ; the gates broken and thrown down in the foreground, &c. (5), very scarce £2 12s. 6d. 2964 Ditto, another impression, £l 11s. 6d. 2965 Ditto, a very fine impression, £5 5s. 2966 Ditto, a superb impression in remarkably fine condition, and in this state extremely rare, £12 12s. 2967 Christ risen from the tomb, and standing between St. Andrew and St. Longinus (6), extremely fine and very rare , £3 3s. 2968 — — • Ditto, somewhat cut, 15s. 2969 Ditto, a fine old impression and in very perfect state of preservation, rare, £4 4s. 134 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 2970 Christ risen from the tomb, and standing between St. Andrew and St. Longinus (6), superb impression and in most beautiful condition, £9 9s. ’ 2971 The Madonna and child (8), rare , 25s. 2972 Ditto, very Jine, £2 12s. 6d. *** An impression of this print, before the nimbus was recently sold for i?30. 2973 Soldiers bearing trophies, part of the Roman triumph (14), in fine condi- tion , £1 11s. 6d, 2974 Hercules killing Antoeus (16), Jine impression and in perfect condition , with margin, scarce, £2 2s. 2975 Ditto ; fine , but a little cut, £1 Is. 2976 Combat between two Tritons (17), very fine and in excellent condition , rare, £3 3s. 2977 Ditto, a very Jine old impression , lout slightly damaged , £2 2s. 2978 Ditto, another impression, 25s. 2979 Ditto, an extremely Jine old impression , from the collection of W. Esdaile, £4 4s. 2980 Envy exciting the marine Gods to fight (18), Jine old impression and very scarce , £3 3s. 2981 Ditto, extremely Jine but a little cut , £2 2s. 2982 Bacchanalians with a wine press (19), fine and scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 2983 another impression, slightly injured , 15s. 2984 Ditto, a very fine old impression, printed in the brown tint rare, £2 12s. 6d. 2985 Silenus supported by Satyrs in the midst of a group of Bacchanals (20), scarce , £l Is. 2986 Ditto, a very fine old impression, £3 3s. S>, MAECHETTI. 2987 Yenus victorious, reclining* on a bed, with the apple in her hand, from a sculpture by Canova ; sheet, back and front views, 5s. each. 2988 Hebe ; from a statue by Canova belonging to Lord Cawdor, sheet, 6s. 2989 Statue of General Washington, after Canova, sheet, 7s. 6d. 2990 A Naiad reclining* on the skin of a Lion, listening to Cupid playing on the lyre, from a statue by Canova ; 2 views, 5s. each. 2991 Cupid and Psyche, from the group by Canova at Malmaison, sheet, 7s. 6d. 2992 Dancing girl reposing, from the statue by Canova in the possession of Signor Manzoni, sheet, 5s. 2993 James Harrington, author of the “ Oceana,” folio, brilliant proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. MARCO BA I£AV£5:MEJA.— -See Marc Antonio. ICTATIUS MARIHtfS. 2994 The adoration of the Shepherds, half sheet, 12s. Jordaens. 2995 Ditto, brilliant impression, 16s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 135 2996 The adoration of the Shepherds, half sheet, super b impression in the t first state , £2 2s. Jordaens. 2997 Flight into Egypt ; half sheet, 12s. Rubens. 2998 Christ led before the High priest ; first state before the name of engraver , folio, 15s. Jordaens. 2999 Ditto, a superb impression in the same rare state , £l 11s. 6d. 3000 St. Ignatius Loyola easting out demons, sheet, fine and very searee, £2 2s. Rubens. 3001 The martyrdom of Saint Appolline, sheet, fine, £l Is. Jordaens. P. mimTEMASIE. 3002 The rape of the Sabines, from the picture by Rubens in the National Gal- lery , sheet, 15s. 3003 Interior with a peasant and his family at prayers, half sheet, 7s. 6d. J. B. Greuze. johit martin. 3004 Belshazzar’s Feast; sheet, £2 2s. 3005 Ditto, fine proof, with large margin, £4 4s. 3006 Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still, very fine proof ’ with large margin, £l 11s. 6d. 3007 Ditto, A MOST BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER, rare, £3 13s. 6d. 3008 The Fall of Babylon, £2 2s. 3009 — — Ditto, most brilliant proof before any letters, £3 3s. 3010 The Deluge, splendid proof, £1 11s. 6d. 3011 Satan in Council, proof before letters, 10s. 6d. 3012 The crucifixion ; sheet, £1 Is. 3013 Marcus Curtius leaping into the Gulf; proof, £1 11s. 6d. 3014 The fall of Nineveh ; sheet, £1 11s. 6d. 3015 Ditto, brilliant proof, £2 2s. ACHIEVE MiiUTDET. 3016 Charles the First in the guard room ,from a picture by Paul de la Roche in the Earl of Ellesmere's gallery, proof , 18s. 3017 Ditto, fine proof on India paper before letters, with full margin , £l 11s. 6d. 3-. Mil sera* 3018 A view on the river Po in Italy, sheet, 5s. Claude. Is. J. 3019 “ L’Amant de la belle Europe” Landscape with cattle, fol. 5s. P. Potter. C. Is. MASQTJE&XER. 3020 La Yierge, dite la Madonna del Palazzo Colonna; fol. fine impression, 18s. Rafiaelle. 136 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3021 “ La deposition du Christ au Tombeau from the picture by Raffaelle in the Borghese gallery at Rome ; sheet, veryjine subscription impression. £3 13s. 6d. R. V. MASS ARB, 3022 St. Cecilia, from the well-known picture by Raffaelle ; half sheet, fine old impression, £l 15s. 3023 Ditto, brilliant proof before the inscription was altered and before the arms, scarce , £3 3s. J. MASSAEB. 3024 La cruche cassee, from the chef d’ceuvre of Greuze ; half sheet, brilliant impression , scarce, £2 2s. 3025 La dame bienfaisante, sheet, fine old impression, 10s. 6d. Greuze. 3026 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , 25s. 3027 La Mere bien-aimee, from a picture by Greuze, sheet, very fine with large margin, 12s. 3028 Ditto, fine proof before letters , £l Is. 3029 Charles the First and Henrietta Maria seated with their children, brilliant proof before all letters , but slightly cracked, £2 12s. 6d. Vandyck. AIJTHO'JMY MASSOKT. 3030 Christ with his Disciples at Emmaus, called u The Table-Cloth Print,” from the admirable manner in which that article is represented; from a picture by Titian formerly in the Royal Collection of France, fine and scarce, £1 11s. 6d. A chef-d’oeuvre in this style of engraving. — Bryan. 3031 Portrait of Guillaume de Brisacier, termed “ The Grey-Headed Man,” folio, brilliant impression , £2 2s. N. Mignard. 3032 Ditto, most brilliant impression before the errors in spelling were corrected, rare , £3 13s. 6d. *%* A model of lightness and precision. — Bryan. 3033 Portrait of Emmanuel-Theodose de la Tour d’Auvergne, Due d’Albret, Cardinal de Bouillon, oval, with arms, brilliant impression in the first state , 15s. N. Mignard. 3034 Portrait of Nicolas de Nicolai, Premier President de la Chambre des Comtes, 1666, oval, in a large black wig, folio, very fine, £l Is. A. Masson. 3035 Portrait of “ Maria de Lorraine, Duchess de Guise, Princessede Joinville,” folio, brilliant impression before the rabbit , fyc. after the painter's name , £2 2s. P. Mignard. 3036 Portrait of “ Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne,” large oval, in armour, with lace collar. &c. finely engraved, sheet, £1 11s. 6d. A. Masson. 3037 Portrait of Henri de Lorraine, Comte d’Harcourt, Grand Ecuyerde France, termed the “ Cadet a la Perle,” three quarters, richly dressed, sheet, 25s. N. Mignard. 3038 Ditto, superb proof before the “ No. 4” in the left hand margin and before the accidental graver stroke near the hair, scarce , £4 4s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 137 MAGDAZ.ME MASSON. 3039 “ Elizabeth Charlotte Palatine, duchesse d’Orleans,” in a large oval size of life, sheet, scarce, 15s. ADRIAN MATHAM. 3040 Portrait of Pope Innocent the Tenth, in an oval with emblematical figures, fol. fine and scarce , 9s. JAMES MATHAM. 3041 The Virgin and infant Saviour, with Joseph and two angels; from a design by himself (1), very fine, 5s. 3042 The crucifixion, in an oval with angels holding instruments of the passion, vignettes from holy writ, &c. ; from his own design (5), scarce, 8s. 3043 Saint Willebrode, first archbishop of Utrecht; full length surrounded by twelve vignettes, illustrative of his life; from a design by Matham (11), scarce, 8s. 3044 The loves of Mars and Venus (15), from his own design, very fine, 5s. 3045 Venus, Bacchus, and Ceres (18 — 20), set of three circular prints from his own designs, most brilliant impressions , 10s. fid. 3046 Portrait of Goltzius, in an oval, with figures of the graces, &c. (22), fine t 7s. 6d. 3047 Portrait of Francis Junius (29), 3s. 6d. 3048 The four seasons of the year, represented by male figures from his own designs (51 — 54), set of four plates, 9s. 3049 The results of drunkenness, from his own designs (55 — 58), set of four plates, fine and scarce, 16s. 3050 Cimon and Iphigenia from his own design (59), brilliant impression, 4s. 3051 Costume of a lady of Dantzic (60), scarce, 3s. 3052 Representation of the great whale thrown upon the coast of Holland in the year 1598, from his own design (61), 5s. 3053 Abraham sending away Hagar (63), sheet, 9s. A. Bloemart. 3054 Judas and Thamar (64), 5s. A. Bloemart. 3055 The Shepherds adoring the infant Saviour (67), fol. 2s. A. Bloemart. 3056 Saint Veronica holding the Holy handkerchief (70), sheet, very fine, before the drapery on one of the angels, rare, 12s. A. Bloemart. 3057 St. Francis receiving the stigmata (71), fine, 4s. Bloemart. 3058 St. Lawrence on his knees praying (72), fine, 4s. Ibid. 3959 St. Stephen with the instruments of his martyrdom (73), fine, 4s. Bloemart. 3060 Venus abandoned by Bacchus and Ceres u Sine Cerere et Baccho frigefc Venus ” half sheet, fine, 15s. B. Spr angers. 3061 Landscape with the parable of the demon sowing tares (75), large folio, fine, 9s. A. Bloemart. 3062 Cupid and Psyche (76), fine, 7s. 6d. A. Bloemart. 3063 Moses; from the celebrated statue by Michael Angelo (81), 6s. 138 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3064 The Saviour embracing 1 his cross, after a statue by Michael Angelo in the church of Notre Dame at Rome (82), scarce and extremely fine, 7s. 6d. 3065 Salutation of the Virgin, from a picture by Paul Veronese (83), first state before the address of Visscher , 7s. 6d. 3066 Christ bound to the column (84), 3s. 6d. D. Calvaert. 3067 Moses, seated and holding the tables of the law (85), 5s. Arpinas. 3068 Moses, Mary, his sister (85, 86), the pair, fine 10s. Arpinas. 3069 The doctors of the church : Saints Gregory, Ambrose, Augustine, and Jerome (87 — 90), set of four plates, 12s. Arpinas. 3070 Cupid overcoming the God Pan (91), 3s. 6d. J. Arpinas. 3071 Apollo standing on the clouds (95), very fine impression before the address of Visscher , 7s. 6d. C. Cornelis. 3072 Diana (96), brilliant impression with good margin , 5s. C. Cornelis. 3073 Ditto, before the number and address , 7s. 6d. 3074 The Virgin and St. Jerome lamenting over the dead body of Christ (99), 4to, 7s. 6d. P. Franceschi. 3075 Eve presenting the apple to Adam (100), fol. 5s. Goltzius. 3076 Christ with his disciples at Emmaus (102), very fine , 5s. Goltzius. 3077 Christ appearing to the Magdalen under the form of a gardener after his resurrection (103), small fol. fine , 5s. Goltzius. 3078 u The Man of Grief,” Christ seated on a stone between two angels bearing lighted torches (104), brilliant impression , scarce , 15s. 3079 The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St. John at the foot of the Cross (106), 4s. Goltzius. 3080 The infant St. John the Baptist with a lamb in the desert (112), 3s.. 6d. H. Goltzius. 3081 St. Luke painting the Virgin (113), large fol. 7s. 6d. H. Goltzius. 3082 The Magdalen praying before a crucifix in the desert (115), 5s. Goltzius. 3083 The Virtues, represented by female figures with their attributes (117 — 123), the set of 7 plates, 8vo. 7s, 6d. Goltzius. 3084 Ditto, very fine impressions , 15s. 3085 Faith, Hope, and Charity (124), fol. 3s. 6d. H. Goltzius. 3086 The Seven virtues and the seven capital Sins, allegorically represented by female figures in niches (125 — 138), set of 14 plates, very fine and with good margins , 25s. Goltzius. 3087 The seven capital Sins, represented by female figures in niches (132 — 138), the set, 4to, 10s. 6d. Goltzius . 3088 An allegory of all the events in human life, as described by the philosopher Cebes u Le tableau de Cebes ” (139), a very large sheet engraved on three plates from a design by Goltzius , 7s. 6d. 3089 The four seasons of the year, represented by symbolical figures (140 — 143), set of four plates, most brilliant impressions with qood margins , 12s. Goltzius. 3090 The Divinities that preside over the seven planets (149 — 155), set of seven small plates ; first state before the address of “ Janssoniusfi 6s. Goltzius. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 139 3091 Loves of the Gods : Jupiter and Europa, Apollo and Leucothea, Mars and Venus, Hercules and Dejanira (156 — 159), set of 4 plates, 8s. H. Goltzius. 3092 Ditto, superb impressions , bejore the address of Visscher, fyc., folio, 21s. 3093 Venus ordering- Cupid to pierce the heaifc of Pluto with his arrows (160), 2s. 6d. Goltzius. 3094 Andromeda attached to a rock in the presence of her father and the people, with Perseus and the marine monster in the distance (162), 5s. Goltzius. 3095 Interior, with a woman dressing fish and in the background Christ at supper with two of his disciples (165), brilliant impression , 7s. 6d. Langepier. 3096 Portrait of a man holding a goblet (169), brilliant impression and rare , £2 2s. C. Ketel. The chef -d? oeuvre of Matham and a most exquisite specimen of this school of engraving. 3097 The life of the prodigal son (172 — 175), set of four plates, fine impressions with large margins , 10s. 6d. C. V. Mander. 3098 Portrait of Philip William Prince of Orange (181), three-quarters, in a rich dress, 7s. 6d. Mireveldt. ^ 3099 Ditto, fine, 10s. 6d. 3100 The loves of Mars and Venus (183), fo\ % fine, 5s. P. Morelse. 3101 Diana changing Acteon into a stag (184), 7s. 6d. P. Morelse. 3102 Portrait of Abraham Bloemart, the painter (185), folio, very fine, 5s. P. Morelse. 3103 Christ praying in the garden of Olives (187), 5s. J. Palma. 3104 Portrait of Joseph Csesar Arpinas, the painter (189), fine , 7s. 6d. E. Quirini. 3105 Portrait of Henry Frederick Prince of Orange (190), 3s. Ravestein. 3106 The disciples bearing the body of Christ to the Sepulchre (191), 4s. Tintoretto . 3107 — — Ditto, very fine , before the address of Visscher , scarce, 9s. 3108 Saint Mark saving a man who had been condemned to torment for having visited his tomb (192), fine impression before the address of Visscher , 15s. Tintoretto. 3109 Satyrs observing the beauties of Venus sleeping (193 ),fne, 3s. 6d. Rottenhammer. 3110 A Philistine cutting off Sampson’s locks (194), 9s. Rubens. 3111 The Nativity with adoration of the Shepherds, represented in a picture placed between two pilasters ornamented with the instruments of the Passion and supported by figures of St. Peter and St. Paul (195), fol. very fine, 7s. 6d. P. van Ryck. 3112 The prodigal son carousing with his friends (196), brilliant impression , 6s. P.v. Rych. 3113 The feast of Canaan (268), engraved on two plates , one of which is the work of Goltzius , large sheet, 7s. 6d. F. Salviati. 3114 Mount Parnassus, from the picture in the Vatican (199), sheet, 15s. Rajfaelle „ 140 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3115 The Vestal Tucia carrying water in a sieve in proof of her chastity (203), engraved on two plates ; sheet, 7s. 6d. B. Sprangers. 3116 Triumph of Neptune and Thetis accompanied by Tritons and Nereids (204), 3s. 6d. B. Sprangers. 3117 The annunciation (206), sheet, 16s. J. Valerianus. 3118 An infant playing upon a tambour and having at its feet an hour glass with a serpent, &c., emblematical of the rapidity of human life (209), 3s. 6d. Titian. 3119 The history of Bacchus, from designs by David Vinkeboons (211 — 222), set of 12 small plates, scarce , 9s. 3120 The bad rich man feasting with his friends in a magnificent garden (225), half sheet, Jine and scarce , 8s. S. Vranchs. 3121 Adoration of the Magi (232), sheet, 7s. 6d. F. Zuccaro. 3122 Christ raising the widow’s son from the dead (233), 5s. T. Zuccaro. 3123 — — Ditto, first state before the address of Visscher, 8s. 3125 The Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds (235), sheet, fine, 9s. T. Zuccaro. 3126 The feast of Cana (236), fol. 7s. 6d. T. Zuccaro. 3127 The assumption of the Virgin (239), half sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. T. Zuccaro. 3128 The most illustrious prophets (male and female) of the Old Testament (240 — 247), set of eight plates, 10s. 6d. Goltzius. 3129 The wives of some of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament : Sara ; Rebecca; Leah and Rachael (248-250), the set of three plates, fine, 10s. 6d. 3130 The principal heroes and heroines of the Old Testament (251-254), set of four plates, 3s. 6d. Goltzius. 3131 Christ at the well with the Samaritan woman (255), 2s. 6d. Goltzius. 3132 The rest in Egypt (257), 3s. Goltzius. 3133 The rest in Egypt (258), 3s. 6d. Ibid. 3134 Saint Cecilia (261), 2s. 6d. Goltzius. 3135 The Magdalen before a Crucifix (263), scarce, 5s. Goltzius. 3136 The seven Christian virtues represented by female figures at full length (264-270), set of 7 plates, 8s. Goltzius. 3137 Illustrations of mythology ; the elements, the fates, the Graces, loves of the Gods, &c. (278-285), set of 8 plates, 15s. Goltzius. 3138 The five senses represented by nude female figures (279), 5s. Goltzius. 3139 Minerva, Venus and Juno seated in the clouds (294-296), set of three plates, 5s. Goltzius. 3140 Ditto, another set, before the address , fine, 7s. 6d. 3141 Venus and Cupid standing on the clouds (299), brilliant impression , 5s. Goltzius. 3142 The fates spinning the thread of life (300), 5s. Goltzius. 3143 A peasant weeding his garden, &c. (301), 2s. 6d. H. Goltzius. 3144 A young woman preferring the love of a youth to that of an old man with riches (302) ; a young man choosing a young woman and rejecting the gold of an old woman (303), the pair, 5s. Goltzius. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 141 3145 Orpheus charming- the brutes, a large sheet engraved on three plates, from his own design ; fine and very scarce, unmentioned by Bartsch , 15s. Jac. Matham Inue et excud. THEODORE MATHAM. 3146 The Virgin with the infant Saviour, and St. John ; folio, fine proof, 10s. 6d. Bassano. 3147 Henricus Regius ultrajectinus medicus et philosophus ; 4to, superb proof before any inscription , very scarce, 15s. H. Bloemart. 3148 Henricus Regius, a different portrait to that last described, small oval, brilliant proof before all letters , 5s. 3149 Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius ; of Amsterdam, M.D. and professor in the Academy at Louvain, 1643, in an oval, superb proof before any inscrip- tion, and before the ornamental border; very scarce, 4to, 18s. J. Backer. 3150 Michel le Blon agent de la Reyne et couronne de Suede chez. S. M. de la Grande Bretagne ; 4to, 5s. Van Dyck. 3151 Reinier Paaw, president of the High Council in Holland, half sheet, bril- liant impression , 10s. 6d. J. Mytens. 3152 Sir John Webster, bart. of England, 1660, Lord of Wollnenhorst, &c., and commissary for the Emperor of all Russia and Muskovia ; small fol. su- perb proof before any inscription , of the greatest rarity, £3 3s. 3153 Portrait of u Jacobus Backer,” painter, fol. 9s. T. de Keyser. 3154 The Virgin and infant Saviour with the infant St. John offering a bird, fol .fine, 8s. Bassano. 3155 “Theod. Velius Hornanus Medicus,” obiit 1630, 4to, very fine, 5s. 3156 Saint Francis Xavier, full length, with view of Potami in the background, icA. fine and scarce , 12s. J. M’ATIIIEU. 3157 Le rappel des chasseurs, fol. fine, 4s. C. du Jardin. CORNELIUS MATS7S. Mon. 58. 3158 History of Sampson (8 — 19), set of 12 plates, very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 3159 Portrait of Henry 8th (58), fine impression and extremely rare, £3 3s. *** Considered by Granger as a caricature, it is however in all probability an admirable likeness, taken when age and sensual indulgence had bloated his features. R. m. MEADOWS. 3160 The Lord’s Supper ; Confirmation ; Baptism ; Marriage ; set of four, very fine proofs, £l Is. B. Westall, R.A. ISRAEL VAH MECHE1. 3161 Judith placing the head of Holofernes in a sack, which is held by a female attendant. In the background is represented the battle between the people of Bethulia and the Assyrian army (4), brilliant impression in most superb condition , extremely rare, £12 12s. 142 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3162 The decollation of St. John (8), very scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 3163 The dance of Herodias (9), very Jine impression in perfect condition and of great rarity , £10 10s. 3164 Christ washing 1 his disciples’ feet (10), £3 13s. 6d. 3165 The betrayal of Christ (11), £3 3s. 3166 Christ led before Caiphas (12), £2 12s. 6d. 3167 Ditto, first state before the monogram on the banner and before the plate was retouched , extremely rare, £6 6s. 3168 The flagellation (13), £2 12s. 6d. 3169 Christ crowned with thorns (14), very fine , £2 12s. 6d. 3170 Christ brought before Pilate (15), £2 2s. 3171 Christ shown to the people (16), very fine but slightly cut , £2 12s. 6d. 3172 Ditto, superb impression in the first state before the plate was re- touched ; extremely rare, £6 6s. 3173 Christ bearing his cross (17), partially restored , £l Is. 3174 The Crucifixion (18), fine, £2 12s. 6d. 3175 The Descent from the Cross (19), very fine , £3 3s. 3176 The Resurrection of Christ (20), £l 11s. 6d. 3177 Ditto, fine, £2 12s. 6d. 3178 Christ with his disciples at Emmaus (21), fine, £3 3s. 3179 Ditto, very fine impression in the first state before cross hatching on portions of the background and drapery, and before an alteration in the small landscape to the right, extremely rare, £6 6s. 3180 Christ bearing his cross, from Martin Schoengauer’s celebrated print (23), very fine and extremely rare , £7 7s. 3181 Christ on the cross with the Virgin and St. John on either side (27), very fine and rare, but slightly damaged, £6 6s. 3182 The High priest refusing the offering of Joachim (30), superb impres- sion, but laid down, £4 14s. 6d. 3183 Presentation of the young Virgin in the Temple (32), very fine and rare, £6 6s. 3184 Adoration of the Kings (36), fine impression, but slightly injured, £3 3s. 3185 Death of the Virgin (50), copied from Martin Schoengauer, rare, £4 14s. 6d. 3186 Ditto, very fine and in excellent condition, £8 8s. 3187 The twelve Apostles represented by half-length figures in niches, two on one plate, at the bottom of which are sentences from the Creed (79 — 84), splendid impressions and of the greatest rarity , £21. In one of the plates the sentences are wanting. 3188 St. James the minor and St. Judas Thaddeus (81), engraved on one plate, £3 3s. 3189 St. Matthew and St. Simon (84), very fine, but cut at the top and bottom, £2 2s. 3190 Saint Anthony treading the devils under his feet (86), £2 12s. 6d. 3191 Saint Stephen (93), cut round, and damaged , 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 143 3192 Saint George Slaying the Dragon (98), very rare . but a little damaged , £ 1 11s. 6d. 3193 Saint Gregory and his Assistants adoring Jesus Christ, who appears to them during the Celebration of Mass, with the Instruments of his Passion (101), VERY RARE, £4 4s. 3194 Saint Quirinus (110), £l 11s. 6d. 3195 Saint Cornelius (114), 12s. 3196 Saint Hubert (114), 12s. 3197 Saint Clara bearing the Host (126), very fine and extra rare , £2 2s. 3198 St. Mary the Egyptian and St. Mary Magdalen with Saint Sosimus kneeling in adoration before them (130), very fine and of extreme rarity , £10 10s. 3199 Saint Ursula (132),^'^ and extremely rare , £5 5s. 3200 Holy family with St. Anne and other saints (148), very fine and extremely rare , £6 6s. 3201 Death of Lucretia (168), superb impression and very rare , £6 6s. 3202 The Man and Woman in Travelling Dresses (171), fine , but mended , £1 11s. 6d. 3203 A woman illtreating her husband (173), fine impression and very scarce , £2 2s. 3204 The concert of music (178), superb impression , in perfect condition and in this fine state , of the very greatest rarity , £6 6s. 3205 A YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN SITTING ON A BED (179), A MAGNIFICENT IMPRESSION AND IN THE PUREST STATE OF PRESERVATION, most rare, £8 8s. 3206 The Group of Four Naked Women, with a Demon coming out of Hell, &c. (185), copied by Albert Durer ; vide No. 383 ; rare, £2 2s. 3207 A YOUNG LADY AND GENTLEMAN PLAYING AT CARDS (app. 114) (Ottley, 181*), a superb impression of the greatest beauty, in the most perfect con- dition and extremely rare , £9 9s. * 5 }.* Bartsch never having seen this print places it in the Appendix on the authority of Heinecken ; Ottley considered it as one of the most beautiful works of this master, and in that opinion he will without doubt be confirmed by every amateur. Mr. Singer caused a copy to be executed as a frontispiece to his history of playing cards. AKTISP.EA UE1DOL1A. 3208 Moses and the burning bush (3), remarhably fine impression before the plate was scratched and corroded , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 3209 Ditto, in the usual state, 7s. 6d. 3210 Adoration of the Kings (8), very fine, £l 11s. 6d. Parmegiano. 3211 A copy of the preceding in chiaro scuro by N. da Vicenza, fine, 7s. 6d. 3212 The Entombment (17), very fine, £1 Is. Parmegiano . 144 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3213 St. Paul preaching- at Athens (22), super b impression in the first state before the plate was retouched; from the collections of Mariette, 1669, and that of B. Ford, 1821, whose respective autographs are on the back; extremely rare, £3 13s. 6d. A note by Mr. Ford states that but two other impressions in this early state are known, viz . in the National collections at Paris and Amsterdam; the impres- sion in the British Museum has been more worked upon. 3214 The triumph of Christianity (55); an exquisitely fine impression in the first state before the holes in the cross and before the plate was broken ; from the collection of Mariette, whose autograph is on the back ; of extreme rarity, £2 12s. 6d. *** In this very early state it was unknown to Bartsch. 3215 Ditto, in the damaged state of the plate, 3s. 3216 Christ and the twelve Apostles (38 — 50), with some additional first states, extremely rare, £3 13s. 6d. 3217 The Virgin and child, with saints (59), first state before the fringe on the curtains , rare, £2 12s. 6d. 3218 Saint John embracing the infant Saviour, &c. (63), superb impression before the plate was corroded ; from the collection of Mariette (1670) and that of Bichard Ford, with their autographs on the back, very rare, £3 13s. 6d. 3219 Heliodorus chased from the Temple (67), most beautiful impression in the second state, from the collection of Count Fries and Bichard Ford, extra rare, £3 3s. 3220 Mercury (71 ), proof before the monogram , fine, £l 11s. 6d. 3221 The rape of Helen (81), superb impression before the Dolphin and a por- tion of the clouds were introduced , and before much extra work , extremely rare, £4 4s. 3222 Ditto, fine impression in the altered state of the plate , £3 3s. 3223 Christ healing the lepers ; unknown to Bartsch , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 3224 Judith ; from an etching by Barmegiano , fine 15s. 3225 Christ mocked by the Soldiers ; a woodcut very fine and extremely rare , £2 12s. Titian. 3226 The entombment ; from a picture now at Althorp , a most spirited wood- cut, £2 12s. 6d. Schiavone. 3227 The marriage of St. Catherine ; a woodcut heightened by Meldolla , from Sir M. Sykes’ collection ; fne, £2 2s. *** For an admirable account of Meldolla and a complete catalogue of his works with the variations of impressions, the amateur is referred to the edition of Bryan’s dictionary of painters and engravers edited by Mr. Stanley, where he will find an article on this artist contributed by Wm. Smith, Esq., and drawn up with his usual accuracy and perspicuity. H. MEYEE. 3228 Sir Boger de Coverley going to Church accompanied by the Spectator, and surrounded by his tenants, fine proof £1 5s. C. B. Leslie , R.A . J. MEYSSENS. 3229 The dead body of Christ at the sepulchre with the three Maries ; fol. 9s. Tandy ck. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 145 3230 Hospitality of Philemon and Baucis towards Jupiter and Mercury, fol. 4s. Rubens . B. MECHESS*. 3231 Teniers’ Kitchen, from a picture formerly at Houghton ; sheet, 5s. Teniers. 3232 Peasants with fruit and flowers, from the picture in the Royal Academy , fol. 5s. Rev . W. Peters. 3233 The four Seasons (vide Thomson) circles, large 4to, 9s. W. Hamilton . SAMUISSi MSBBSMim. 3234 Shepherds’ amusement ; from the picture in the collection of the Marquis of Westminster, large sheet, proof before letters , 15s. Berghem. 3235 An Italian Seaport, from a grand picture by Salvator Rosa, large sheet, fine proof 9s. btchzstgs by jjkw 3236 A shepherd playing upon the bagpipes (1), very fine, £l Is. 3237 An Old Woman combing the Hair of her Daughter (2), 15s. J* MXK1EB. 3238 The Continence of Scipio, from the duke of Argyle’s picture ; sheet, 3s. 6d. Tandy ck. J. S. 3239 Portrait of Gray the eminent poet, 3 qrs. in a frame of stonework ; brilliant impression and very scarce, fol. £l Is. W. BE JaA MXBE. 3240 Portrait of General Washington, full length, fol. fine and very scarce , £1 Is. L. le Paon. J. MITCHELL. 3241 The Rat-hunters , fine impression , 10s. 6d. Sir T). Wilkie. 3242 The Virgin seated on a throne with the infant Jesus on her lap (4), superb impression of this beautiful print in the first state before extra work , and of the very highest rarity , £16 16s. 3243 The calumny of Apelles (113), with the Piazza of SS. Giovanni e Paulo at Venice in the back ground, described by Bartsch ( XIII. p. 113, No. 10) as the work of an anonymous artist , but considered by Mr. Ottley as undoubtedly by the hand of Mocetto ; very fine impression but slightly cut , extremely rare , £4 4s. 3244 Ditto, a most beautiful impression before the address, in perfect con- dition, £9 9s. P. E. mOITTB. 3245 The judgment of Paris, sheet, 15s., scarce. Rubens. 3246 Les oeufs casses ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. J. B . Greuze . 146 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND P. P. IB. 3247 St. John preaching in the desert, half sheet, 6s. Guido. MONCHY. 3248 Retour de la fete de Campagne Hollandoise ; sheet, very fine and with large margin , 12s. Scovart. BSKSDBTTO MONTAGIO’.ZL. 3249 Saint George and the dragon (12), in perfect condition , superb impression , and of the highest rarity , £16 16s. 3250 The man sitting near a palm tree (28), with address of Guidotti, 7s. 6d. SeT€?H©&iLS MOOTT.&IG2ffa3 (vide Dumesnil ). 3251 The dead body of Christ in the Sepulchre (9), fine impression in the first state of the plate , extremely rare, 18s. P. de Cliampaigne. 3252 St. Genevieve surrounded by her flock, half sheet, (12), fine and very scarce , in the first state bejore Blignfs address , 15s. P. de Champaigne. MOE&CE. 3253 Fortune flying over the world, from Guido’s celebrated picture, fol. t fine, 5s. MOE^KBN. 3254 Venus and Cupid with a satyr ; from a picture in the possession of Sir Wm. Hamilton, fol. 7s. 6d. Correggio. RAPHAEL 3255 The Transfiguration ; after Raffaelle, a most splendid impression with good margin (signed by Raphael Morghcn, u No. Duocentoventinonef) scarce, £12 12s. 3256 Ditto, a -fine impression , with large margin , £7 7s. 3257 THE LAST SUPPER ; from the celebrated picture by Leonardo da Vinci, fine impression before the plate was retouched, £6 6s. 3258 — — Ditto, brilliant impression, full of colour, but laid down £10 10s. Ibid. 3259 Ditto, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, IN FINE CONDITION, WITH GOOD MARGIN, £12 12S. 3260 Ditto, BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, IN A FRAME, WITH PLATE GLASS, £16 16s. 3261 Virgin with the infant Saviour, “ Pulchra es, et decora, virgo, et mater,” from a picture by Raffaelle in the Pitti palace , small fol. fine , 18s. 3262 Ditto, fine proof before the arms and dedication , £3 3s. 3263 MADONNA DELLA' SEGGIOLA, after Raffaelle; fine old impression, £4 4s. 3264 Ditto, CHOICE PROOF, with skeleton letters, very scarce, £10 10s. 3265 Virgin with the infant Saviour and St.John, “Mater puichrse dileetionis,” fine proof with good margin , £5 5s. Raffaelle. PRINT COLLECTOR'S MANUAL. 147 3266 u Madonna col Bambino/ 7 a very small oval, from a picture of the same size by L. Caracci in Count Gini 7 s collection at Bologna, 5s. 3267 Repose in Egypt, with Angels ministering to the Infant Saviour, brilliant impression, 25s. JY. Poussin. 3268 — Ditto, fine proof, £3 13s. 6d. 3269 The Nativity, with Adoration of the Shepherds, from a picture by A. R. Mengs in the Royal Gallery of Madrid, half sheet, 10s. 6d. 3270 St. John preaching in the desert, fol. fine, 7s. 6d. Guido. 3271 Christ with Mary in the Garden ; u Noli me tangere / 7 from a picture by Baroccio, formerly in the Lucca Gallery, £1. 3272 Ditto, BRILLIANT PROOF IN THE FINEST CONDITION, £5 5s. 3273 The Magdalen kneeling at her devotions in a Cell, brilliant impres- sion, £3 3s. Murillo. 3274 Ditto, remarhably fine old impression with large margin, £4 4s. 3275 The miracle of the Mass at Bolsena, from the picture by Rajfaelle in the Vatican, sheet, fine old impression, 16s. 3276 Ditto, a modern impression, 8s. 3277 Jurisprudence ; from a picture by Rajfaelle in the Vatican ; fine old im- pression, 12s. 3278 La Poesia ,from a painting by Carlo Dolce, fine impression, 16s. 3279 Ditto, BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, SCARCE, £3 3s. 3280 Ditto, brilliant artist’s proof before all letters with large margin and in beautiful condition , rare, £6 6s. 3281 Theologia — Poesis — Philosophia — Justitia ; from paintings by Rajfaelle, in the Vatican, the set of four plates, 21s. 3282 Ditto, very fine old impressions, £2 12s. 6d. 3283 Theologia, fine old impression, 18s. 3284 Ditto, fine proof before letters, £2 12s. 6d. 3285 11 Poetry/ 7 12s. 3285* Ditto, most brilliant impression with large margin , £l 11s. 6d. 3286 Ditto,, fine proof before letters, £2 12s. 6d. 3287 Philosophy, fine old impression, 18s. 3288 Portrait of Raffaelle, from a painting by himself in the 11 Casa Altovitif at Florence ; fine, 18s. 3289 Ditto, most brilliant proof with margin, rare, £6 6s. 3290 Portrait of Yolpato the eminent engraver, 4to, very fine and scarce, 15s. A. Kauffman. 3291 Portrait of Benvenuto Cellini, small oval, choice Engraver’s proof before letters with large margin ; £l Is. 3292 The Four Great Poets of Italy ; Dante, Petrarch, Tasso, Ariosto ; very fine impressions, with large margins, £3 13s. 6d. 3293 Another set, brilliant proofs, with large margins ; £8 8s. 3294 Portrait of Boccaccio, brilliant proof, £l Is. 3295 Portrait of Petrarch, 4to, 7s. 6d. 3296 Ditto, fine proof with large margin, £l 11s. 6d. 148 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3297 Portrait of Dante, 4to, 9s. 3298 Ditto, fine proof with large margin , £1 11s. 6d. 3299 Ariosto, fine old impression with large margin, 16s. 3300 Ditto, fine proof with large margin, £1 11s. 6d. 3301 Portrait of Alfieri, oval, 4to ,fine, 7s. 6d. F. X. Fahri. 3302 Portrait of Michel Angelo ; brilliant proof before letters , with large margin , £3 3s. 3303 Portrait of Dante; 8vo , fine proof before letters , scarce, £1 Is. 3304 The tomb of Pope Clement XIII., by Canova, in St. Peter’s at Pome, large sheet, 15a. 3305 Portrait of Guido Reni ,from a picture by himself; 4to, fine, 10s. 6d. 3306 Portrait of Leonardo da Yinci, after a painting by himself; fine proof with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. 3307 Portrait of “ Adeodatus Turchi, 77 preceptor to the children of Ferdinand I. of Spain, brilliant impression ; 4to, 12s. Franciseus Vierra. 3308 Portrait of a lady, u Beati gli occhi che la vider viva/ 7 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. Simon Memmi. 3309 La Fornarina, u Raphelis amicitia celeberrima la Fornarina/ 7 very fine old impression , £1 5s. Faffaelle. MOEGHEl BI©STDI. 3310 Head of the Madonna, from a picture by Sasso Ferrato ; fine proof before the letters , 18s. y„ (vide Dumesnil, le peintre graveur Francois'). 3311 The infant Saviour seated in the lap of the Virgin offering her a rose ; from a picture by Faffaelle, formerly in the Orleans collection (14), fine and very scarce , fol. 18s. 3312 The Virgin adoring the infant Saviour (15), half sheet, fine and rare , 16s. Titian. 3313 The Head of our Saviour crowned with thorns, “ La Sainte face” (23), very fine, extremely rare and a beautiful example of this artist's peculiar style , folio, £3 3s. P. Champaigne. 3314 A reduced copy of the preceding (24), 8vo, scarce , 9s. 3315 St. Peter holding the keys (27), foL fine and scarce, 15s. P. de Champaigne. 3316 Head of St. Paul (28), companion to the preceding, folio, 15s. P. de Champaigne. 3317 Theophile Brachet de la Milletiere, conseiller d’etat, &c. (48), folio, very fine , 9s. Champaigne. 3318 Gilbert de Choiseul du Plessis-Praslin, eveque de Comminges (50), folio, first state , before the inscription was erased, 10s. 6d. P. Champaigne. 3319 Jerome Franck, painter (52), folio, fine, 5s. Ipse. 3320 Frangois Potier, marquis de Gesures ; et mareschal de camp (53), folio 4s. Champaigne. 3321 Jean Francois Paul de Gondy, cardinal de Retz (54), in an octagon, folio, brilliant, 3 10s. 6d. P. Champaigne. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 149 3322 Honorine Grimberghe, comtesse de Bossu (56), first state , before the pain- ter's name was effaced , folio, 10s. 6d. Vandyck. 3323 “ Paysan et paysanne en marche” (95), fol. 3s. 6d. Foucquier. 3324 “ Le Cavalier’ 7 (97), fol. 2s. 6d. Foucquier. 3325 “ La vieille Femme assise” (101), 2s. 6d. C. v. Foelemberg. 3326 “ Les moissonneurs” (107), 3s. J. Foucquier. 3327 “ La paysanne en marcbe” (105), 3s. Foucquier. ISAAC MOUCHEEOZ7. 3328 Representation of the Building erected on the Canal at Amsterdam in honor of the Grand Muscovite Ambassador, a fine etching and scarce , £1 5s. 3329 The Honourable and Right Genereus Sr. Horatio Veer Knight Lord Generali over His Maistis Forcis for defence of the County Palatinate, &c. on horseback ; “ Are to be sould in Pope’s head ally by Goerg. Humble.” superb impression in the first state before the plate was reduced in size, most rare, £8 8s. j. MOYREAir. 3330 The four ages of man, set of 4 plates, half sheet, 12s. J. Baoux. C. S 5 . MmSE. 3331 Saint John inspired, most brilliant impression, before the alteration in the date, with good margin, very scarce, £6 16s. 6d. Dominichino. 3332 Ditto, in the same early state of the plate, but not in equally fine condition, £3 3s. S. MULISE. 3333 Le petit St. Jean, from a picture by Luini ; proof on India paper, 4to, 7s. 6d. 3T. Ch worn MUHSS. 3334 Saint Catherine attended by two angels, fro m a picture by Leonardo da Vinci ; fol. proof, 26s. iosi MuxiXigsa. 3335 Belshazzar’s feast, with the handwriting on the wall, half sheet, 10s. 6d. 3336 Ditto, brilliant proof in a very early state, before the inscription and extra work on the table ; extremely rare, £4 4s. 3337 The magi bringing presents to the Infant Saviour (2), fol. 9s. 3338 Ditto, brilliant proof before any letters ; extremely rare, £5 5s. 3339 St. John baptizing Christ (3), folio, 6s. 3340 The crucifixion, with the Magdalen at the foot of the cross (4), very fine, 10s. 6d. 3341 The “Man of Grief” seated on a tomb and surrounded by angels (5), fol. scarce , 12s. 150 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3342 The virgin with the infant Saviour in her arms seated at the foot of a tree (6), 4to, very fine , 10s. 6d. 3343 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (23), large folio, very fine , £l Is. John van Achen. 3344 The raising of Lazarus (27), sheet, 15s. A. Bloemart. 3345 The last supper; engraved on three plates (28), scarce , 16s. G. Coignet. 3346 Cain killing Abel (29), 9s. C. Cornells. *** Ce morceau est grave avec une liberte de burin surprenante ; il est du nombre des plus remarquables de 1’ceuvre de Muller. — Bartsch. 3347 The battle of Ulysses and Irus (30), brilliant impression in the first state before the name of the engraver , rare, 12s. II. Goltzius. 3348 The three fates (31), 3s. 6d. C. Cornells. 3349 The rescue of Aiion by a Dolphin (32), first state before Visscher 1 ^’ address , 10s. 6d. C. Cornells. 3350 Fortune showing her blindness by the manner in which she dispenses her favours (33), engraved on two sheets , 15s. C. Cornells . 3351 — - Ditto, a most superb proof before the shy on the left and before any letters , from the collections of Duke of Buckingham and Mr. Beckford, extremely scarce , £3 3s. 3352 History of the creation of the world represented in a poetical manner ; set of seven circular plates (35 — 41), very fine , £l 11s. 6d. 3353 The creation of fishes, birds, and other animals, Dies Y. (40), a circular print, proof before the letters , 15s. 3354 Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia (63), richly attired, 3 qrs. length; superb proof before “ Cum Privileg most rare , and unknown to Bartsch , £2 2s. Bubens. 3355 The amours of Yenus and Mercury (68), fol. 7s. 6d. B. Sprangers. 3356 Minerva and Mercury arming Perseus for his combat with Medusa (69), sheet, 15s. B. Sprangers. *** Cette estampe, connue sous le nom du chef-ddeeuvre de Jean Muller est une des plus remarquables et des plus belles que cet artiste ait gravee. — Bartsch. 3357 The loves of Cupid and Psyche (70) ; sheet, fine, 12s. B. Sprangers . 3358 Bacchus and Ceres abandoning Yenus (74), sheet, fine, 12s. B. Sprangers. 3359 Bellona, the Goddess of War, accompanying the army of the Emperor and assisting him to obtain a victorv over the Turks, (75), sheet, 6s. B. Sprangers. 3360 — - Ditto, most brilliant with the first address, rare , £1 Is. 3361 A group from the rape of the Sabines, in 3 plates (77 — 79), fol. fine, 15s. A. de Vries . *** Ces trois estampes sont gravees avec tout l'art imaginable. — Bartsch. F a MtTZffTASSTEB. 3362 The Virgin with the Infant Saviour in her arms appearing to Saint Bernard, from the picture in the Royal Gallery of Madrid, half sheet, 7s. 6d. Murillo. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 151 johsst muepsy. 3363 Elijah raising the widow’s son ; sheet mez, proof \ 10s. 6d. Northcote. 3364 Jael and Sisera; sheet mez. proof, 10s. 6d. Northcote. 3365 Peter, James, and John, the disciples of Christ ; from a picture hy Michae Angelo da Caravaggio , at Windsor Castle , sheet mez. very fine, 12s. 3366 Christ appearing to Mary in the garden ; from a picture formerly at Houghton , half sheet mez .fine, 8s. P. da Cortona. 3367 The Cyclops at their forge, from the Houghton picture, fol. mez. 3s. 6d. L. Giordano. . 3368 Titian’s son and nurse ; from a picture formerly at Houghton ; half sheet mez. very fine, 10s. Titian. 3369 Eagle and fox; sheet mez. 7s. 6d. Northcote . 3370 A tiger; sheet mez. very fine, 12s. Northcote. 3371 A tigress; sheet mez. very fine, 12s. Stubbs. 3372 A porcupine and dogs; sheet mez. proof, 7s. 6d. 1UEQCTO& "SLJBLm 13. 3373 Fortune standing on a globe, a circular print (B 1.), superb impression and extremely rare, £2 2s. jac omo txaxcza. (i. s 3 . as). 3374 A female Saint holding an image of the Virgin and infant Saviour, with, on one side a bishop bearing the model of a church in his hands and behind him a saint of the order of Saint Francis ; on the other side are Saint Martin and Saint Francis (1) : very fine impression of a most beautiful and extremely rare print, £14 14s. 3375 The Holy family (2) ; superb impression and most rare, £9 9s. 3376 Bacchus accompanied by fauns and a nymph, an extremely fine impres- sion of this beautiful and rare print, but slightly cut at the lower part , £2 12s. 6d. For notices of this artist, see Bartsch and Ottley, the former of whom observes that his prints have always been considered as the works of Marc Antonio, executed in his early manner ; a testimony from a great authority to their high excellence. £ (XJ 3 €3). 3377 The Peasant with a blank heraldic shield (14), remarkably fine impression and of the highest rarity, £8 8s. C. S. (MOMGEM3 63). 3378 Portrait of the Emperor Charles 5th, full length, engraved on wood (1), fol. very rare , £l Is. r. s. (asoxroGRjGLns ©a). 3379 St. John the Evangelist (14), rare , 15s. 3380 Euterpe (18), 3s. 3381 Erato (21), 3s. 3382 The buffoon with bagpipes (86), 10s. 6d 152 TIIE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND F. O. (nSONOOSAlffi @6). 3383 The ensign bearing his colours (7 ),Jine and rare , £1 ls» X. B. (aXOSTOGRAM X^@ a). 3384 St. Luke painting (6), 9s. 3385 Martius Curtius leaping into the gulph (8), a circular print, 3s, 3386 Jupiter (12), Mercury (16), The Moon (17), 4s. each. 3387 Triumph of Bacchus (19), rare, 15s. *** Tres belle estampe. — Bartsch . 3388 Fight between gladiators on foot (21), 3s. 6d. 3389 Battle of the Gladiators, on horse and foot (22), 3s. 6d. 3390 An emblematical piece, representing Envy and Tribulation trying the heart in fire on an altar supported by Toleration and attended by Hope, &c. (30), very fine, 10s. 6d. 3391 The Infant Grape Gatherers, a J)eautiful composition of 21 naked children (35), 15s. 3392 The bagpipe player (36), circular piece , 3s. 3393 The Market; two ladies bargaining with a peasant for a duck (37), cir- cular, 5s. 3394 Ditto, extremely fine, 10s. 6d. 1 ^ 6 . 3395 The flagellation of Christ (3), a circular print, superb impression and ex- tremely scarce , £3 3s. JBROmittUS VOSff PEANCRJET. (Monogram 226.) 3396 The Lady of Babylon sitting on the Seven-headed Beast, woodcut , copied f rom the Apocalypse of Albert Durer, folio, 7s. 6d. 3397 Hercules strangling the serpent in his cradle, the principal portion of the print is occupied by a figure of Leda caressing the swan (3). rare , 9s. 3398 Hercules killing Cacus (5), 7s. 6d. 3399 Hercules dragging Cerberus from Hell (7), 7s. 6d. 3400 Hercules protecting Hippodamia (12), 7s. 6d. 3401 Hercules strangling Antaeus (8), 7s. 6d. HOMOGMM 3X6. 3402 A gentleman and lady kneeling and praying before a crucifix (1), super impression and very rare , £4 4s. (MONQ6EAM 328). ,3403 Design for a chapel (Yol. VI. p. 61, No. 18) ; superb impression of this most rare and interesting specimen of the early German school , £18 18s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 153 W. (BEOaffOGRiLM: 338). 3404 The party of debauchees (3), circular print, extremely rare , 16s. MOITOGBAM 12. 3405 The dance of death (2, 4, 5, 6, 8), fine and of great rarity , 7s. 6d. each. A. r, (MOBOGEAM 4). 3406 The winged child on horseback (2), 10s. 6d. MOWCSGUAIVS SO. 3407 A combat between warriors on horseback and others on foot (copy from the master I. B. No. 22), unknown to Bartsch ; very rare, 15s. C a B. (MOSTOGR&JJS 45). 3408 Portrait of the Emperor Charles V. and the Emperor Ferdinand, on one plate beneath an arch (3), 4to, fine, 15s. V. Xu (MOHOCTAffi 277). 3409 11 Le maitre de la vigne de Fevangile ” (1), circular print, rare , 27s. master ct aacs. 3410 Christ crowned with thorns (19), fine and extremely rare , £4 14s, 6d, HENRTT 3411 Various landscapes etched by this artist, viz., No. 2, 7s. Cd. — 10, 12, 33, 14, 16 ; 10s. 6d. each. ROBERT 3TANTEUIL. The numbers between brackets refer to DumesniVs catalogue. 3412 Antoine Cardinal Barberin, archeveque de Reims (29), fine impression in the first state , fol. 7s. 6d. 3413 Antoine Barrillon de Morangis, intendant des finances (31), folio fine 10s. 6d. ? 3414 Marie de Bragelogne (57), fol. 5s. 3415 Jacques marquis de Castelnau, Marechal de France (58), small folio, Cs. 3416 Ditto, extremely fine , 10s. 6d. 3417 Guido Chamillard, maitre des requetes de Fhotel (59), fol. 5s. 3418 Jean Chapelain, membre de FAcademie Frangaise (60), brilliant impression in the first state , small fol. 7s. 6d. 3419 Charles Emmanuel II., Due de Savoie (61), fol. with margin , 8s. 3420 Bernard de Foix de la Yalette, due d ? Espernon (91), very fine fol. 10s. 6d, 3421 Ditto, brilliant proof in the first state , before the inscription , 18s. 3422 Cesar, Cardinal a’Estrees (92), fol. 7s. 6d. 154 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3423 Basile Fouquet, Chancelier des Ordres du Roi (97), fol. most brilliant , 10s. 6d. 3424 Melchior de Gillier, maitre d’Hotel du Boi (102), fol. 5s. 3425 Louis Hesselin, maitre de la chambre aux Deniers (110), first state before the inscription , fol. 7s. 6d. 3426 Pierre Lallemant, prieur de Sainte Genevieve (117), 4to, very fine im- pression in the first state, scarce, 6s. 3427 Michel le Teilier, ministre d’Etat, chancelier et garde des Sceaux de France (128), fol. fine , with margin , 7s. 6d. 3428 Ditto (130), fol. brilliant impression , 12s. 3429 — — Ditto (131), fol. most brilliant impression , with good margin , £l Is. 3430 Ditto (132), fol. 5s. 3431 Charles Maurice le Teilier, archeveque de Reims (138), fol. 5s. 3432 Ditto (139), fol. very fine , 7s. 6d. 3433 Francis de la Mothe — Le Vaver, conseiller d’Etat (143), most brilliant impression , 15s. The chef d ? oeuvre of Nanteuil. 3434 Francois Lotin de Charny, President au parlement de Paris (151), fol. fine , 7s. 6d. 3435 Fran§ois Mallier du Houssay, eveque de Troyes (167), fol. fine, 10s. 6d. 3436 Jules Mazarin, Cardinal (184), fol. brilliant impression , 10s. 6d. 3437 Henri de Lorraine, marquis de Mouy (197), brilliant proof in the first state , before the inscription , rare, 10s. 6d. 3438 Nicolas Potier de Novion, premier President au parlement de Paris (205), fol. fine , 9s. 3439 Hardouin de Perefixe de Beaumont, archeveque de Paris (213), small fol. fine , 7s. 6d. 3440 Claude Regnauldin, procureur general au grand Conseil (216), most bril- liant impression in the first state , 10s. 6d. 3441 Jean-Fran^is Sarrasin, Homme de lettres (220), 4to, 3s. 6d. 3442 Georges de Scuderi, membre de 1’Academie Fran§aise (221), small fol. first state , 3s. 6d. 3443 Ditto, in the first state , most brilliant and with good margin , 10s. 6d. SfANTSUXla ai3"B ESSLmCE. 3444 Moses with the tables of the Law, sheet, very fine , £2 12s. 6d. P. de Champaigne. 3445 — — Ditto, a most superb impression and in very fine state, rare, £4 4s. BfXCHiUSX. MiLTaBSS. 3446 The Virgin, with the infant Jesus sleeping, and St. John ; in the first state , before her breast was covered , folio, 15s. S. Bourdon. 3447 Jesus Christ celebrating the last supper with his disciples ; most brilliant impression in the first state , fol. 25s. A. Biepenbehe . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL, 155 3448 Alfonso d’ Avalon and his mistress, with Cupid &c. bringing 1 presents, fol. jine and very scarce , £1 11s. 6d. Titian. &£ KiLITES £L Jm£L MAVS !TTB. 3449 The Crucifixion (6), Jine impression of this extremely rare and curious print , hut has been somewhat reduced in size all round , £9 9s. 3450 Adoration of the Kings (1), very much damaged hut extremely rare , £1 11s. 6d. JAMES HESS'S. 3451 St. Michael overcoming the rebellious angels. (La petite Chute des Anges), half sheet, 15s. j Rubens. 3452 Christ led before Pilate ; fol. 7s. 6d. Jordaens. 3453 — — Ditto, brilliant impression , and scarce , 15s. 3454 Martyrdom of Saint Thomas ; sheet, Jine , £1 Is. Rubens. 3455 The satyr and villagers, or blowing hot and cold, from a picture by Jordaens; a very curious unjinished proof touched with colour by the painter himself half sheet, £2 12s. 6d. IICOMTTA BiL MOBMA, 3456 The punishment of a wicked tongue (37); superb impression , in perfect condition and of the greatest rarity , £10 10s. 3457 Vulcan forging one of the wings of Cupid (52), rare, £3 13s. 6d. 3458 Panel of ornaments intermixed with figures of men and animals (54) ; very rare and jine , £3 3s. NISUtt. 3459 An allegorical subject, representing a young man lying on the ground, with a female reclining over him and binding his hands, probably intended to represent Virtue overcoming Vice ; undescribed by Duchesne ; of exquisite workmanship ; extremely fine and probably unique , £9 9s. 3460 Hercules destroying the Hydra (Duchesne, 249); very Jine, £5 5s. 3*. ViLW STOGEDT. 3461 The Temple of the Sybil at Tivoli ; after Eastman ; before the plate was retouched, very fine and scarce, £2 2s. W. SOTTSE. 3462 The parent restored, or the blessings of peace, fol. 3s. 6d. W. R. Bigg. 3463 Saturday evening, the husbandman’s return from labour; sheet, 7s. 6d. W.R. Bigg . 3464 Sunday morning, a cottage family going to church (companion to the preceding), 7s. 6d. Ibid. 3465 Saint Paul (42), rare, 15s. 156 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND rscshar© vaot ©rs-et. 3466 The fall of the Damned, from a picture by Rubens , very large sheet, fine impression , £1 11s. 6d. 3467 A drunken Bacchus supported by satyrs with a female satyr and infants lying on the ground, fol. 4s. Rubens. J. OUTEIM, 3468 The Highland breakfast ; half sheet , 12s. Sir E. Landseer. 3469 Ditto, fine proof before letters on India paper , £1 15s. EGBERT VA!M PAXTOERSV. 3470 The Maries weeping over the dead body of Christ, folio, fine, 7s. 6d. Abraham Janssens , WXUXAM PAiraEEES. 3471 David strangling a bear, with a lion and a sheep dead beside him ; fine , 7s. 6d. Rubens. 3472 Esther and Ahasuerus, very fine, 7s. 6d. Ibid. 3473 The daughter of Herodias with the head of John the Baptist; very fine , but cut at the corners , 3s. 6d. Ibid. 3474 Nativity with adulation of the Shepherds ; fine, 5s. Ibid. 3475 Holy family with the infant St. John on a lamb and an angel bringing a basket of grapes, fine, 5s. Ibid. 3476 St. John baptising Christ, scarce, 9s. Ibid. 3477 Mary at the feet of Christ, fine and scarce , 15s. Ibid. 3478 St. Sebastian tied to a tree, &c., 5s. Ibid. 3479 Ditto, brilliant impression, 12s. 3480 Jupiter and Juno in the clouds, 5s. Ibid . 3481 Jupiter and Antiope ; fine, 7s. 6d. Ibid. 3482 Ditto, brilliant, in the first state before the address of Wyngaerde , 15s. 3483 Meleager presenting the head of the boar to Atalanta, 3s. 6d. Ibid. 3484 Cleopatra with two asps upon her breast, 5s. Ibid. PARADIS!. 3485 The Virgin with the infant Saviour attended by Angels playing on mu- sical instruments, from an early picture by Raffaelle ; fol. 12s. T. PARR. 3486 Bosalie and Lubin ; from pictures by Sir W. Beechey and R. M. Paye ; sheet mez., the pair, scarce , 15s. PARKER. 3487 Fainasollis, Borbar, and Fingal (vide Ossian), half sheet 3s. Barr diet. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 157 STCHXBTCrS BY PAHMEGIANO. 3488 Judith putting 1 the head of Holofernes into a sack (1), from the Sykes col- lection, very fine , £1 11s. 6d. 3489 The Annunciation (2 ),fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. 3490 Peter and John healing the lame man (7), very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 3491 St. Thais (10), tine and rare, 15s. 3492 Ditto, a retouched impression, 3s. 3493 A Philosopher (19), fine, 7s. 6d. 3494 A sacrifice (18), fine, 5s. 3495 Ditto, a copy in chiaro-scura, by Zanetti, 3s. 6d. 3496 Astronomy (20), fine, 5s. 3497 The Virgin holding the Infant Jesus, fine, 7s. 6d. CRXSPXM- PASS. 3498 Tarquin and Lucrec e,from a picture by Jodoco Winge, half-sheet, 15s. SXMOPJ PASS. 3499 The . Right Honourable Lord George Marques Buckingham, viscount Villeirs, Baron of Whaddon, Lord High admiral of England, &c. &c. 3 qrs. in an oval, above which from another oval a cupid is crowning him with laurel ; first state before it was altered to u Duke,” very fine, in beautiful condition, and with large margin , a print of most elegant design and of the greatest rarity, 8vo, £3 3s. 3500 Ditto, a superb impression in the same state, most rare, £8 8s. 3501 The Right Honourable and high borne Prince James Marques of Hamilton, Earle of Cambridge and Arran, Lord of Even, Generali of y e English and Scotch forces for the assistance of y e King of Sweden, &c. &c. in armour on horseback; fol. very fine and of the utmost rarity, £12 12s. 3502 The Right honourable and most noble Henry Wriothesley Earl of South- ampton, Baron of Titchfeild, Knight of the most nob. Order of y® Garter. “ Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by Joh. Sudbury & George Humble. ” superb impression in the most desirable condition, with very large margin and excessively scarce, £8 8s. *** As a portrait of the patron of Shakspeare, this must ever be considered one of the most interesting in the English series. 3503 The Right Honourable Robert Sidney viscount Lisle, baron of Penshurst, chamberlain to the most excell. Princesse Queene Anne, &c. ; superb impression in the most beautiful condition with large margin, extremely rare, £4 14s. 6d. 3504 Honoratiss. Dno. Thomas Egertonus baro de Ellesmer Anglise cancellaris ; in an oval with six Latin verses beneath ; superb impression in the first state in perfect condition with good margin, rare, £3 3s. 3505 Portrait of Sir Robert Naunton ; very fine impression of this beautiful and most rare print, £5 5s. 3506 Ditto, superb impression , £10 10s. From the collection of Sir Mark Sykes, who paid £31 10s. for it. 158 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3507 The right honourable Lord Thomas Howard Earle of Arundell and Surrey, &c. &c. ; in an oval with the collar of the garter ; 8vo, superb impression in the Jirst state hejore the inscription in the oval was altered , extremely rare and in very fine condition , £8 8s. *** In the impressions usually met with, the inscription is “ Clariss us Dom nua Thomas Howard Comes a Arundell et Surrey prim 9 Com : Toti Ang in that above mentioned it reads “ Clariss us Dom nus Thomas Howard Comes ab Arundell et Surrey prim at Com : Toti Ang it is believed that this early state of the print has hitherto escaped notice. WEX.S.XAM PASS. 3508 u Triumphus Jacobi Regis Augustseque Ipsius prolee a most interesting representation of James the first on the throne surrounded by his family, executed during his lifetime ; with metrical lines beneath in Latin and English : “ Are to b& sold by Tho. Jenner at ye Exchange.” half sheet ; superb impression and of the very greatest rarity , £18 18s. 3509 Ditto, a superb impression of this extraordinary rare engraving in very fine condition, with the exception of u Triumphus , fyc.f at the top which is in MS., £12 12s. 3510 u The right high and right mighty George Yilliers Duke Marquis and Earle of Buckingham, Earle, of Coventry Yiscount Villiers,. Baron of Whaddon, high Admirall of England, &c. &c., graven and dedicated by Wil. Passmus in the Yeare of Our Lord God 1625 in a magnificent dress on horseback, ships, &c. in the background : superb impression, of this most rare and interesting print , and in the most perfect state of preservation , fol. £15 15s. 3511 The portraiture of the illustrious Princesse Frances Duchess of Richmond and Lenox, &c. &c., 3 qrs. (from Smith’s history of Virginia), 4to, fine impression , and extremely rare , £4 4s. ANDES DS PAUZ.X.XS. 3512 The Denial of St. Peter ; candlelight effect , very fine proof, folio, 31s. 6d. Gerard Seghers. IGNATIUS PAVON. 3513 The Transfiguration ; from Iiaffaelle’s matchless picture , large sheet, fine proof, £l 11s. 6d. 3514 Head of the Virgin, “ Mater Amabalis ; from a picture by Sasso Ferrato , half sheet, 15s. 3515 The Temptation ; from a picture by Perugino in the ceiling of the Vatican ; very fine artist’s proof before any letters, with large uncut margin ; large folio, £2 12s. 6d. GAEL VON PECHWILL. 3516 The Magdalen reading in a cavern, from a picture by P. Battoni at Dresden , fol. 6s. OEOEOE PENCZ. 3517 Sara presenting Agar to Abraham (1), 5s. 3518 Abraham entertaining the Angels (2 ),Jine, 7s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 159 3519 Abraham sending 1 away Agar (3), fine, 7s. 6d. 3520 Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac, (5), 3s. 3521 Ditto, Jine impression , 5s. 3522 Job persecuted by his wife and friends (7), scarce , 7s. 6d. 3523 History of Joseph (9-12), set of 4 plates, very Jine , £l 5s. 3524 Tobias fetching the dead body of one of the Children of Israel (13), 3s. 3525 Tobias’s loss of sight (15), 3s. 3526 The Angel and Tobias (16), 5s. 3527 Marriage of Tobias and Sara (18), 3s. 6d. 3528 Illustrations of the Old Testament, viz., Lot and his daughters ; David and Bathsheba ; Solomon adoring idols; judgment of Solomon; Judith and Holofernes; Judith with the head of Holofernes; Susannah and the elders; Sampson and Dalilah; Herodias with the head of John the Baptist (20 — 29); set of 10 plates, complete and very scarce , fine, £1 11s. 6d. 3529 Lot and his daughters (20), brilliant impression , 7s. 6d. 3530 David and Bathsheba (21), Jine , 7s. 6d. 3531 Solomon adoring the idols (22), very Jine, 7s. 6d. 3532 Judgment of Solomon (23), 5s. 3533 Ditto, fine , with good margin , 7s. 6d. 3534 Judith and Holofernes in the^tent (24), brilliant , 7s. 6d. 3535 Dalilah cutting off Sampson’s hair (28), very Jine , 7s. 6d. 3536 Herodias with the head of John the Baptist (29 ),jine, 7s. 6d, 3537 Christ disputing with the doctors (33), 2s. 6d. 3538 Christ changing water into wine (33 a) Jine, 5s. 3539 Christ healing the leper (34), brilliant , 7s. 6d. 3540 Christ sleeping during the tempest (35), 2s. 6d. 3541 Christ restoring sight to the blind (38), 3s. 6d. 3542 The Pharisees stoning Christ (43 ),Jine, 4s. 3543 Christ washing the apostles’ feet (45), 3s. 6d. 3544 Incredulity of St. Thomas (48), 2s. 6d. 3545 Christ instructing his apostles (50), fine , 5s. 3546 Christ blessing little children (56), fine and scarce , 9s. 3547 The works of Mercy (58 — 64), set of 7 small circular prints, beautiful impressions and very scarce , £2 2s. 3548 Another set (one an indifferent impression) 16s. 3549 11 Feed the hungry ” (58), superb impression with good margin , 9s. 3550 The parable of the bad rich man (65), fine, 7s. 6d. 3551 The good Samaritan (68), 5s. 3552 Ditto, fine, 7s. 6d. 3553 Ditto, a superb impression in the Jinest state with small margin , 12s. 3554 Conversion of St. Paul (69), fine, 7s. 6d. 3555 Ditto, superb impression and in beautiful state, 12s. 160 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3556 Thomiris, Queen of the Scythians, plunging the head of Cyrus into a sack of blood (70), veryjine , 10s. 6d. 3557 Medea depositing her gods with Jason as a pledge for her faith, (71), very Jine , with large margin , 10s. 6d. 3558 Procris killed by Cephalus (73), 5s. 3559 Mucius Scevola burning his hand in the presence of Porsenna (74), 53 . 3560 — — Ditto, very fine , 7s. 6d. 3561 Tarquin and Lucrece (78), 5s. 3562 Ditto, superb impression, 7s, 6d. 3563 Death of Lucretia (79), 3s. 3564 Porsenna receiving the news of the escape of Clelia, which is represented in the background (81) ; brilliant, but slightly damaged , 5s. 3565 Sophonisba drinking the poison sent by her husband Massinissa to avoid the shame of being led in triumph to Rome (82), 7s. 6d. 3566 Ditto, brilliant impression and in Jine state, 10s. 6d. 3567 Artemisia causing the Ashes of her Husband to be poured into a cup that she might drink them (83), 7s. 6d. 3568 Virginius killing his daughter in the presence of Appius Claudius (84), brilliant impression, 9s. 3569 The poet Virgil suspended in a basket by a Courtesan (87), 5s. 3570 The punishment of the courtesan, companion to the preceding (88), 5s. 3571 Thetis recommending to Chiron the education of Achilles (90), 3s. 6d. 3572 Diana surprised at the bath by Acteon (91), Jine, 7s. 6d. 3573 Ditto, superb impression, 10s. 6d. 3574 Triumph of Bacchus (92), slightly damaged, 9s. 3575 Ditto, very fine and in perfect condition, 18s. 3576 A woman crossing a river to visit a king “ La riviere passee a gue (94), very fine, 7s. 6d. 3577 A judge receiving the oath of a woman (95), fine, 7s. 6d. 3578 The naked woman with a harp, 1544 (96), small circle, very Jine and scarce , 7s. 6d. 3579 Idleness (100 ),Jine, 3s. 6d. 3580 Anger (103), veryjine , 5s. 3581 The five senses, represented by female figures, half draped (105 — 109) 15s. 3582 Another set, superb impressions , and in the finest state , very scarce, £2 2s. 3583 — — Ditto, contemporary copies, 7s. 6d. 3584 The seven liberal arts (110 — 116), Jine, £1 11s. 6d. 3585 The Six Triumphs described by Petrarch (117 — 122), the triumphs of Love, Chastity, Renown, Time, Death, and Eternity, the six plates complete, very fine and rare,, £3 13s. 6d. 3586 The triumph of Eternity (122), 5s. 3587 Composition of ornaments supported by two figures (123), 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 161 ANTONXO PEEPETTI. 3588 The Cumean Sybil ; from a painting: by Dominichino ; superb engraver's proof before all letters , and before the music was finished ; extremely rare, £16 16s. 3589 Ditto, superb proof before all letters and before the arms, with large margin and in perfect condition , very rare, £12 12s. 3590 Ditto, fine proof before letters , but with the arms, slightly rubbed in the margin, £6 6s. 3591 Sybilla Sarnia, from a picture by Guercino in the Tribune at Florence, very fine proof before letters, with large margin, £8 8s. 3592 Ditto , fine proof before letters , but with the arms , £4 4s. 3593 La Sibilla from a picture by Dominichino in the Gallery of Prince Poniatowski , at Florence , 4to, 12s. 3594 Presentation in the Temple ; from the famous picture by Fra Bartolommeo ; brilliant proof with single line of inscription and with large margin , £3 3s. 3595 Ditto, superb artist's proof, with the foot of the Virgin white ; before all letters, with large uncut margin , in the finest condition , and extremely rare , £8 8s. 3596 The Virgin and Child 11 Delectus meus mihi et ego illi;” from a picture by Rajfaelle in the collection of Lord Cowper ; small folio, 18s. 3597 Ditto, beautiful proof before letters, £2 12s. 6d. 3598 Ditto, in the same state , but with large margin , £3 3s. 3599 Portrait of Cosmo di Medicis, u Padre della patria;”^w£ proof on India paper , 4to, £l Is. Jacopo da Pontormo. REGNXER DE PERSYN, 3600 Portrait of Ariosto, the poet, from a picture by Titian , 4to, brilliant impression , 15s. BOMXNXCO PERUZZXNX. 3601 The Holy family accompanied by Saint Anthony of Padua, he., from a painting by himself (5), fine, 7s. 6d. H. PETERSEN. 3602 La Vierge a la chaise ; from the celebrated picture by Raffaelle, choice artist's proof before letters, £3 3s. ENGRAVINGS IN MEZZOTINT© BY WILLIAM PETHE2. 3603 A Hermit in a Cavern meditating upon some Human Bones ; effect of lamplight ; very fine impression, 10s. 6d. Joseph Wright. 3604 A Jew Rabbi \from one of the most capital pictures by Rembrandt, in the collection of the Duhe of Devonshire, half sheet, 5s. 3605 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before all letters, 12s. M 162 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3606 Ditto, superb proof before letters in the earliest state with the names of the artists etched in dots , in splendid condition, with large margin and very scarce, £2 2s. 3607 The Orrery ; effect of candlelight ; with portraits of the painter and his family ; sheet, proof before letters , 10s. 6d. Joseph Wright. 3608 A group of students drawing from a model ; sheet mezz. 12s. J. Wright. 3609 Ditto, most brilliant proof with good margin , 25s. 3610 “ An Alchymist,” interior with fine effect of artificial light, from a paint- ing by Wright of Derby ; sheet mezz. 15s. 3611 Ditto, superb proof before letters , very scarce, £2 2s. 3612 A painter setting a model, sheet mezz. 10s 6d. J. Wright. 3613 Portrait of a philosopher in meditation ; sheet mez., splendid proof ‘ very scarce , 18s. Rembrandt. 3614 Portrait of Helena Forman, the wife of Rubens, as a shepherdess ; from a picture by Rubens in the collection of B. Bates, M.D. 1769, sheet mez. extra fine , 12s. 3615 A warrior ; from a painting in the Fit z william, Museum collection , Cam- bridge ; half sheet mez. fine, 9s. Rembrandt. 3616 A Grecian votary ; sheet mez. 5s. N. Poussin. 3617 Democritus and Protagoras; from a picture formerly at Houghton , half sheet mez. 5s. Salvator Rosa. 3618 View of a Country Inn Yard, sheet mez. 12s. G. Garrard. J. PHE»S. 3619 Fishermen on the look-out ; fine proof before letters , 15s. William Collins. CHARLES PHILIPS. 3620 Isaac blessing Jacob \from Earl Chesterfield 1 s picture ;half sheet mez. 5s. Spagnoletti. 3621 The studious philosopher, from a picture in the Duke of Devonshire 1 s col- lection ; half sheet mez. 10s. 6d. Rembrandt. 3622 The boy and pigeons ; from a fine picture by F. Mola in the Bedford collection, sheet mez. brilliant impression, 5s. G. B. PS2S.2.IPS. 3623 The Destruction of Pharaoh’s Host in the Red Sea, large sheet proof, £l Is. Francis Danby. 3624 Ditto, proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. STSFHEM P2CiU&T. 3625 The Holy family, attended by Hermits, &c. (from the Cabinet du Roy), sheet, 7s. 6d. J. Palma. 3626 The Virgin, Infant Christ, and St. John, “ La Vierge au silence,” half sheet, fine, 12s. An. Caracci. 3627 “ Ecce Homo Christ with the reed attended by Angels, from a picture by Albano, fol. very scarce, £1 Is. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 163 3628 St. Cecilia singing- the praises of God : from the celebrated picture by Dominichino, fol. 5s. GTOVAimi DOZMEE1TCCO PICCHZANTZ. 3629 Portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio, full length, seated in his robes, from a fine picture by Vandych , sheet, 7s. 6d. EHGEA¥ISTGS 1ST HEZZOTOTTO SIT J, PICHLEE. 3630 Fruit and flower pieces ; from fine pictures by Van Huysum, the pair half sheet, very scarce, £2 2s. 3631 Andromeda rescued by Perseus ; sheet mez. 25s. J. d’Arpino. 3632 Vulcan surprising Mars and Venus, sheet, scarce, 15s. Luca Giordano . 3633 Hercules destroying his children, from a picture in the Munich gallery , sheet mez. very fine, £1 11s. 6d. Dominichino. 3634 Hercules and Omphale, companion to the preceding , and from a picture in the same gallery, £1 11s. 6d. Dominichino. Beautiful specimens of one of the principal foreign practisers of mezzo- tinto engraving. VICTOR MARIA PICOT & S, M. DEZ.ATTEE. 3635 The letter writer — The musical party ; from fine pictures by Metzu ; the pair superb proofs before the letters, in perfect condition and with large margins, fol. 25s. PZGEOT iOTB LACOUE. 3636 A family piece, interior, with still life, &c. from a picture in the national collection of Holland ; choice proof on India paper before letters, with large margin, sheet, £2 12s. 6d. Gerard Douw. PEAHCZS PILSEBT. 3637 The Conversion of St. Bavon, Count of Hasbay e,from a picture in the church of St. Bavon at Ghent, sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. C. PIOTTZ-PZEOZ.A. 3638 The Virgin with the dead Saviour in her arms ; from a picture by Michael Angelo ; circle, proof before letters, 14s. m. PITAU. 3639 Virgin with the infant Saviour, St. John, and St. Anne, fol. superb im- pression in the first state with the address of the engraver and before the draperies, scarce, £2 2s. Rajfaelle. - This picture has also been engraved by Longhi. (See No. 2856.) 3640 The Virgin and child in the clouds, with two angels playing on the violin and guitar, u Delicite cselestis Paradisi,” half sheet , 15s. Vandych. 3641 Virgin and child with St. Anne and the infant St. John, fol. fine, 15s. J. B. de Champagne. 3642 Ditto, first state, before u et ex.,” 25s. 1G4 THE FINE ART CIRC HEAR AND 3G43 The dead body of Christ, attended by Angels ; from the celebrated picture by Guercino in the National Gallery ; half sheet, brilliant impression and very scarce, 25s. 3644 The dead body of Christ at the tomb in the midst of a group of Ang-els ; from a picture by Ludovico Caracci ; sheet, very fine and scarce, 18s. 3645 The Annunciation, larg-e sheet, fine, 15s. P. dc Champagne. MARCUS P2TTERL 3646 The Virgin Mary and the Apostles, a series of 14 large heads , fine im- impressions, fol. £2 2s. J. B. Piazzetta. *** Remarkable as being for the most part engraved without cross hatching, the effect being produced by single lines strengthened where shade is required. 3647 The Holy Family with angels in adoration, sheet, 10s. 6d. P. Longhi. 3648 The Sacraments of the Church of Rome, a series of seven large plates , scarce, £3 3s. Ibid. 3649 The crucifixion, sheet, fine and very scarce , 16s. J. B. Piazzetta. A. PCEL. 3650 The Virgin and child, with St. John, and Joseph holding a taper ; very rare , brilliant impression, £l 5s. Msheimer, FRANCOIS DE POXMIT. 3651 The Virgin and child with St. John “ La Vierge au Linge,” from the picture by Raffaelle in Lord Ellesmere’s collection ; fine proof in the first state before the arms were altered and before the extra work on the veil If ted by the Virgin , very rare, £5 5s. 3652 Holy family with the flight into Egypt, an angel strewing their path with flowers ; from a picture by Guido ; brilliant impression, fol. £1 11s. 6d. 3653 Ditto, superb proof before the arms and inscription and before the tablet with artists’ names , in beautiful condition and with good margin, extremely rare, £6 16s. 6d. 3654 The Virgin and infant Saviour in the clouds, with the marriage of St. Catherine, attended by Angels; from a painting by Mignard ; fol. 16s. 3655 Ditto, very fine impression , 25s. 3656 Ditto, fine proof before the arms, rare, £2 2s. 3657 Ditto, magnificent proof in the finest state with good margin, before the arms and before the artist’s name was erased from the right-hand side of the print and placed on the left , extremely scarce, £3 3s. 3658 Ditto, a very curious and early proof, the figures of the Virgin and infant Saviour, with the head and arms of St. Catherine left in out- line, “ epreuve d’essai,” extremely rare and probably unique , £1 11s. 6d. 3659 St. Joseph presenting a lily to the infant Saviour, seated in the lap of the Virgin ; from a picture by Stella , fol. scarce, £1 Is. 3660 The Virgin and infant Saviour with St. John and St. Anne, “La Vierge au berceau,” from the magnificent picture by Raffaelle ; very fine proof before the dedication, extremely scarce , £2 2s. PKliNT COLLECTOK’S MANUAL. 165 3661 Repose in Egypt, with Angels offering’ fruits, &c., half sheet, fine proof before letters, £2 2s. Albano. 3662 Holy Family with St. John, the infant Jesus sleeping 1 ; splendid proof before three lines of inscription , folio, very rare , £2 12s. 6d. S. Bourdon. 3663 Head of the Virgin in adoration, from a picture by Raffaelle , fol. 12s. 366d Head of the Virgin with her head upturned in adoration, from a picture by Guido Beni , fol. 15s. 3665 Ditto, a brilliant proof before the arms mere erased, rare, £l 11s. 6d. 3666 The Virgin embracing the infant Saviour ; in an oval, folio, 25s. 3667 The Visitation of the Virgin ; in an oval, folio, 10s. 6d. Le Brun. 3668 The adoration of the Shepherds ; large folio, 21s. Mignard. 3669 Saint Bruno carried to Heaven, from a picture by Le Sueur; small folio, 5s. 3670 Ditto, with a different vignette beneath ; fine proof in a very early state , 10s. 6d. 3671 Saint John in the Isle of Patmos, proof before letters , £1 Is. Le Brun . 3672 Saint Chrysostom, full length, composing his treatise on the Unity of the Church, sheet, brilliant proof, £1 11s. 6d. P. de Champagne. 3673 Saint Thomas Aquinas, composing his works, attended by an Angel, folio, brilliant proof before letters , £l Is. 3674 Portrait of P. Petfo le Moyne, of the Society of Jesus, folio, brilliant proof before any letters , and with the arms lightly traced in outline, 10s. 6d. P. de Champagne. 3675 Portrait of Cardinal Mazarin, folio, brilliant proof before the names of painter or engraver , £1 Is. P. Mignard. 3676 Portrait of Louis XIV. when young’, in an oval, with arms, folio, fine, 15s. Nocret. J. B. FOILX.Y. 3677 The Israelites worshipping the Golden Calf, 10s. 6d. N. Poussin. 38T.= BE POIXiZ .Y. 3678 Holy Family, with Saint John and the infant Jesus sleeping ; from a pic- ture by Le Brun , sheet, 15s. 3679 Ditto, extremely fine, before the cross hatching on the face of the sleeping Saviour , before the name of the painter , &c., rare, £l 11s. 6d. ANTONIO P02.2.AJUGSO. 3680 Hercules fighting with the giants (3), remarkably fine impression of this extremely rare print , £15 15s. *** Ottley, in speaking of this print, says, “he is not aware that any im- pression exists in the collections of this country ; ” it is certainly a print of the highest rarity and of a very extraordinary degree of merit ; and taking into con- sideration the size of the print, the freedom and admirable arrangement of the composition, the spirit and drawing displayed in each individual figure, the skilful execution of the mechanical part, and the early period (circa 1470) at which the print was executed, it may justly be termed one of the greatest wonders of the art. A proof was recently sold in London for £39. 1G6 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND m. p©s,s.arb. 3681 College boys playing at marbles, sheet, mez. very scarce , 10s. 6d. R. M. Pope. PiUTI. PONTIUS. 3682 Flight into Egypt, with the fall of an idolatrous image represented in the background; sheet, extremely fine impression before the address , scarce, 26s. Jordaens. 3683 The Virgin with the infant Saviour and St. Anne, fol. scarce , 15. G. Seghers. 3684 The Virgin and child, attended by St. Peter and St. Paul, adored by St. Rosalie; half sheet, very fine , £1 Is. Vandych. 3685 The massacre of the innocents, engraved on two sheets, from the magni- ficent picture by Rubens , most brilliant impression and in tine condition, £3 13s. 6d. Les belles epreuves sont rares — Basan. 3686 Presentation of the Infant Saviour in the Temple, large sheet, splendid impression before the address , sheet, rare, £3 3s. Rubens. 3687 Ditto, very fine , in an early and undescribed state , before the nimbus round the head of the Virgin and before the rays of light entering at the top of the Temple, and before the introduction of a column behind the Virgin’s head, &c. &c., but somewhat reduced in size , extra rare, £1 11s. 6d. Rubens. 3688 The Flight into Egypt accompanied by three angels, sheet, fine , 9s. Jordaens . 3689 Christ bearing his Cross ; sheet, fine and scarce , £2 2s. Rubens. 3690 Ditto, superb and most brilliant impression , very scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 3691 Flagellation of Christ, folio, very fine, in the first state, with address of Vander Stock , scarce, £l 5s. Rubens. 3692 The Crucifixion between the two thieves, with the Virgin, St. John, &c., at the foot of the Cross : fol. 12s. A. Diepenbeke. 3693 Our Saviour on the Cross, sin and death in the background repulsed by angels, “ Le Christ aux coups de poing,” fol. £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 3694 Ditto, very fine impression , £2 2s. 3695 Ditto, brilliant impression and in beautiful condition , £3 3s. 3696 The three Maries weeping over the dead body of Christ ; half sheet, most brilliant and very scarce , £2 12s. 6d. Vandych. 3697 The entombment with the three Maries, angels, St. Francis, &c. “ Christi funus,” ( from a picture painted for the Capucins at Brussels ), large fol. fine impression, £2 2s. Rubens. 3698 Ditto, a superb impression , very scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 3699 The entombment ; brilliant impression before the plate was enlarged , 18s. Titian. 3700 The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles ; sheet, very Jine ) . £llls. 6d. Rubens. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 167 3701 The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles ; superb impression , very scarce, £2 2s. 3702 The Virgin and infant Saviour appearing to St. Francis Xavier, fol. 9s. G. Seghers. 3703 The Virgin and child seated on a throne of leaves receiving the vows of St. Bonaventure and others, among which is the portrait of Rubens as St. George ; sheet , 15s. Rubens. 3704 The Virgin crowning St. Rosalie, with St. Peter and St. Paul, &c., half sheet, Jine old impression , 16s. Vandych. 3705 Ditto, ?nost brilliant , in the first state before the word 11 Regis’ ' was erased , 25 s. 3706 Coronation of the Virgin, fol. 5s. Rubens. 3707 Assumption of the Virgin, with her reception in Heaven by Jesus Christ ; sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 3708 St. Roch, the patron of plagues with several afflicted persons claiming his intercession, &c. ; large fol. brilliant , £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. Le tableau original est un des chefs-d’oeuvre de Rubens et l’estampe est celui de Pontius — Rasan. 3709 The head of Thomiris plunged into a bason of blood, sheet, Jine , but injured , £1 Is. Rubens. 3710 Ditto, a very brilliant impression , scarce, £2 2s. The original picture is now at Cobham Park, Kent. 3711 Portrait of Rubens in a hat and cloak, under an arch, fol. Jine and very scarce , £3 13s. 6d. Ipse. 3712 Ditto, most brilliant impression, £6 6s. *#* Cette estampe a ete copiee plusieurs fois, mais aucune de ces copies n'ap“ proche de ce beau morceau de Pontius — Basan. 3713 Portrait of Rubens and Vandyck, in two ovals in a grand cartouche formed of flowers, fruit, and other emblems, superb impression , in perfect condi- tion and extremely scarce , £l 11s. 6d. Vandych. CAELO iOSTTOlffSO POEFOEATI. 3714 Cupid leaning on his bow, “ Garde a vous;” from a picture by Angelica Kauffman in the cabinet of Prince Youssoupojf ' 1790 ; half sheet, fine 25s. 3715 The bath of Leda, from a picture by Correggio in the Golonna palace at Rome, half sheet, extremely fine, 25s. PDSSSJ.WHITE, 3716 La belle chocalatiere ; from a picture in the gallery at Dresden , fol. 7s 6d. Liotard. ETCHINGS BY PAUL P0T1BB. 3717 Subjects of Animals, called the Bull-book (1 — 8), the set of eight etchings, fine impressions , with the address of Clement de Jonghe , £4 4s Ditto, another set, in the same state, finer impr< ssions, £5 5s. 3718 168 TIIK FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3719 The cow standing near another reposing on the ground (2), 7s. 6d. 3720 The cow with a crooked horn (5), 5s. 3721 Le cheval de la frise (9), first state, before the tail of the horse was lengthened, extremely rare , but cut , size 151 millim. by 230. £8 8s. 3722 The English Horse (11 ), fine, £2 12s. 6d. 3723 The cart horses (12) superb impression , in beautiful condition, with a small margin and very scarce , £5 5s. 3724 The piping shepherd (15) most brilliant impression before the address of Clement de Jonghe was erased , in most perfect condition, with large margin, very rare, £15 15s. JOHIff PY3E {senior), 3725 The Waders, from a picture by Claude Lorraine , formerly in the col- lection of Sir J. Reynolds , half sheet, very fine, with good margin, 10s. 6d. JOHN PYB {junior), 3726 The annunciation, Jrom a picture in the National Gallery ; fine proof 9s. Claude. 3727 A landscape with figures representing Abraham preparing for the sacri- fice ; from a picture in the National Gallery, fine proof, 8s. G. Poussin, 3729 A pastoral landscape ; jrom a picture in the National Gallery , fine proof 8s. Claude . 3730 A light breeze, off Dover ; half sheet , 14s. Calcott. j. p. QUIUEIT. 3731 Departure of the Israelites from Egypt ; sheet mez. 15s. D. Roberts , R. A 3732 Wreckers off Fort Rouge, near Calais, Jrom a picture by St airfield, formerly at Stowe ; sheet mez. 12s. P. RAGOT. 3733 Assumption of the Virgin, sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. C. RAH I.. 3734 The Virgin adoring the infant Saviour, from a picture by Correggio , in the collection of Count Fries , fol. 9s. 3735 St. Margaret victorious over the Dragon, fol. 6s. Rajfaelle. ABRAHAM HAIMBACH. 3736 Distraining for Rent , fine proof on French paper, £3 3s. Sir D. Wilkie. 3737 Ditto, brilliant proof on India paper , £4 4s. 3738 The Cut Finger, brilliant impression on India paper, 14s. Sir D. Wilkie , 3739 _ — Ditto, brilliant proof scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 3740 - — - Ditto, a very curious and rare urrfinished proof ‘ £1 Is. miNT collector’s manual. 1G9 3741 Village politicians; from Sir David Wilkie’s celebrated picture, sheet, fine impression on India paper , £2 2s. 3742 Ditto, most brilliant proof \ rare, £8 8s. 3743 Blind Man’s Buff, from Sir David Wilkie’s celebrated and popular picture ; Jine proof on India paper , £2 12 6d. 3744 Ditto, a most superb and brilliant proof in the first state , with large letters and large margin , very scarce, £10 10s. 3745 The Errand Boy, fine old impression, 9s. Sir D. Wilkie. 3746 Ditto, brilliant proof 15s. MARC AJffTOOTIO KAmOMDI; AGOSTI3JO VESIHSIANO ; AHB MARCO UiS. RAVBUNA. 3747 Adam and Eve, after Raffaelle (1), the admirable copy by J. Strutt , beautiful proof before letters, very rare , £2 2s. 3748 Ditto, a copy by an English amateur, without the back-ground, 7s. 6d. The extreme rarity of the original renders this a very desirable print. 3749 Sacrifice of Abraham (5), after Raffaelle, by Agostino Veneziano, very Jine and in capital condition , £3 13s. 6d. 3750 God appearing to Isaac (7), by Marc da Ravenna , after a design by Raffaelle , differing somewhat from his painting in the Vatican ; 18s. 3751 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife (9), by Marc Antonio, after a design by Raffaelle, very fine and in perfect condition , £5 15s. 6d. 3752 Ditto, superb impression , but slightly mended , £6 6s. 3753 The Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds, by Agostino Veneziano, after Julio Romano (17), very Jine impression and in fine condition , £2 2s. *** C’est une de celles qu’Augustin Venetien a executees avec le plus de succes. Elle est d’une taille serree et delicate, et approche beaucoup du gout de Jacques Caraglio. Elle est tres rare. — Bartsch. 3754 Massacre of the Innocents, engraved by Marc Antonio, after Raffaelle (20) ; superb impression , the ink of a brilliant colour , printed in a beau- tiful and clear manner , in unusually fine condition , and extremely rare, £26 5s. 3755 ■ Ditto, an extremely fine impression , but damaged, £7 7s. *** The injuries are chiefly in the upper portion of the print, the figures being nearly in very perfect state. 3756 Ditto, another impression, much injured , £3 3s. *** This noble work of art is so well known and thoroughly appreciated by all amateurs of the Fine Arts as to render any eulogy superfluous. 3757 Jesus Christ at table with Simon the Pharisee (23), engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, bad impression , 9s. 3758 The descent from the Cross, engraved by Marc Antonio, after Raffaelle (32) ; MAGNIFICENT IMPRESSION, IN THE PUREST STATE OF PRESERVATION, and of very great rarity, £31 10s. 170 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3760 The Maries lamenting: over the dead body of Christ (38), by Ag*ostino Yeneziano after Raffaelle \fine , £2 2s. 3761 Death of Ananias (42) engraved by Agostino Yeneziano, after Raphael; superb impression, £6 6s. *** Bartsch says that in this plate Agostino approached more nearly to Marc Antonio than in any other of his works, and it would even appear that the latter must himself have worked upon the plate and superintended this best work of his pupil, for this opinion he sees additional confirmation in the fact of Agostino having omitted to put his usual mark. 3762 Paul preaching at Athens (4 A) from a cartoon by Raffaelle, an admirable copy the same size as the original print by Marc Antonio, brilliant im- pression and scarce, 10s. 6d. 3763 The Virgin ascending the steps of the Temple ; “ Notre Dame a l’Escalier;” engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle (45) ; most brilliant impression , very rare, £10 10s. 3764 Ditto, a bad impression, 18s. 3765 The Virgin with the infant Saviour, seated in the clouds, engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle (52) ; superb impression op this most RARE AND BEAUTIFUL PRINT, £35. 3766 The Holy Family with an angel presenting the young Tobias u La Vierge au poisson” (54) attributed to Marc Antonio ; fine old impression, and very scarce , £5 5s. 3767 The Holy Family, called u La Vierge a la Longue Cuisse,” by Marco da Ravenna after Raffaelle (58) ; most brilliant impression , and in perfect condition, £9 9s. 3768 The Holy family with St. Joseph (60) by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, very fine impression of the plate after it was retouched, scarce, £2 2s. 3769 The Virgin suckling the infant Saviour (61) ; engraved by Marc Antonio (or according to Bartsch by Marco da Ravenna), from a design by Raffaelle; fine impression of this rare and beautiful print, £10 10s. *** At the sale of the Maberly collection in 1851 a very fine impression of this print was sold for £52 10s. 3770 La Vierge au berceau (63) ; engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle ; very fine impression of the rare original print , £9 9s. 3771 Ditto, very fine impression but slightly injured, £6 6s. 3772 St. Michael overcoming the demon (105) by Agostino Veneziano after Raffaelle ; superb impression, £4 4s. 3773 The five Saints; engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle (113) ; a mag- nificent impression and in capital condition ; very rare, £21. 3774 Ditto, superb impression and very rare, £14 14s. Torn in two places, but mended so admirably as almost to defy detection. 3775 Another impression, very fine, but with a few holes that might easily be restored, £5 5s. 3776 Another impression, damaged at the top, £3 3s. *** One of the chefs-d’oeuvre of Marc Antonio ; at the sale of Mr. Maberly’s prints in 1851 an unusually fine impression was sold for £67. 3777 St. Cecilia accompanied by Saint Paul. St. John and other saints (116) engraved by Marc Antonio after a desigm by Raffaelle, differing in some respects from his celebrated picture at Bologna ; a magnificent impression but not in fine condition, £9 9s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 171 3778 — — Ditto, a superb impression, £25. *** The price of this would be about £?50 had it not received injuries at two of the corners, which have however been so admirably restored as to defy detec- tion except by the most experienced amateurs ; with this trifling exception the print is in perfect state of preservation. 3779 Dido; (187) engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, very Jine old im- pression and extremely rare , £9 9s. 3780 Ditto, a most beautiful impression, excessively rare, £15 15s. 3781 Cleopatra applying the asp (193), after Bandinelli , by A. Veneziano , £2 2s. 3782 Iphigenia recognising her brother Orestes and Pylades who are brought before her to be sacrificed (194) engraved by Agostino Veneziano from a design by Baccio Bandinelli ; a most beautiful impression and in perfect condition , rare, £2 2s. 3783 Ditto, fine impression , 21s. 3784 An Emperor meeting a Warrior (196), engraved conjointly by Marc An- tonio and Agostino Veneziano, after a design by Raffaelle ; brilliant impression, from the collection of Sir Peter Lely , £12 12s. 3785 Ditto, a fine impression, but mended and slightly reduced in size , £2 2s. 3786 Cleopatra lying on a bed with the asp around her arm (199), superb im- pression, AND IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CONDITION, £21. 3787 Ditto, a very deceptive copy (Bartsch A.), 15s. 3788 Ditto, copy in the reverse direction (Bartsch C.), 7s. 6d. *** Cette belle estampe dont Raphael a fait le dessein dans l’idee d’une statue antique que l’on voit a Rome dans le jardin de Belvedere, est gravee avec le plus grand soin per Marc Antoine. Elle e&t tres rare . — Bartsch. 3789 Trajan vanquishing the Dacians (206), by Marco da Ravenna, superb impression , and very scarce , £6 6s. 3790 Ditto, a very fine original impression , £2 12s. 6d. 3791 Alexander depositing the books of Homer (207); splendid impression in perfect condition and extremely rare , £12 12s. 3792 Ditto, a remarkably fine impression , £8 8s. 3793 Copy of the preceding, 5s. *** Cette estampe est une des plus parfaites que Marc Antoine ait gravee d’apres Raphael. — Bartsch. 3794 The rape of Helen (209) by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, a beautiful im- pression in very fine condition , extremely rare, £12 12s. 3795 The rape of Helen (210) copy from the preceding , by Marco da Ravenna, fine, 25s. 3796 Battle of the Romans against the Carthaginians under Scipio called u La bataille au coutelas” said to be by Marc Antonio from a design by Raffaelle (211) an extremely fine impression in excellent condition, from the collection of Debois , rare, £6 6s. 3797 The battle of the Cutlas (212) after Raffaelle by Agostino Veneziano, fine , and in fine condition , £2 2s. 3798 The triumph of Titus (2*13) engraved by Marc Antonio probably after a 172 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND design by Andrea Mantegna, the original and most rare print hut much damaged , £2 12s. 6d. A fine impression and in good condition, has been recently sold for up- wards of sixty guineas. 3799 A Bacchanalian group, among which Bacchus is carried by two Satyrs (215) by Agostino Yeneziano after the antique, very Jine and rare , with margin , 15s. 3800 Silenus supported on an ass by two Satyrs (222) by Marc Antonio ; after an antique bas relief ; Jine original impression before the address , 15s. 3801 Galatea flying from Polyphemus (224) by Marc Antonio after an ancient bas-relief £2 2s. 3802 A naked man pursuing a Naiad (226) by Marco da Ravenna after an antique bas-relief, very fine original impression before the address , 25s. 3803 Vulcan, Venus, and three Cupids (227) by Marco da Ravenna after an antique bas-relief, very fine original impression before the address , 15s. 3804 A Triton in the sea carrying a Nereid (228), first impression before the address , scarce, £5 5s. 3805 Two Fauns carrying an infant, engraved by Marc Antonio, after an ancient bas-relief (230), fine impression, rare, £2 2s. II ne se peut rien desirer de plus parf ait, t ant pour la dessein que pour la gravure , que cette superbe estampe. — Bartsch. 3806 The Assembly of the Gods, by Agostino Veneziano, after B. Bandinelli (241), fine impression, rare, £1 Is. 3807 The Group of Laocoon and his Sons (243), by M. da Ravenna, fine im- pression in the first state before the address , £2 12s. 6d. Cette estampe est une de celles ou Marc de Ravenne a tres bien unite la maniere de graver de Marc Antoine; on croit, qu’il la faite d’apres un dessein de Raphael. Bartsch. 3808 Apollo and the Muses, &c., on Parnassus (247), engraved by Marc Antonio after a design by Raffaelle, differing from his celebrated picture in the Vatican, a very fine original impression and in fine condition , £16 16s. *** Elle est une des plus belles que Marc Antoine ait gravees et de plus grande reputation. — Bartsch. 3809 Ditto, an indifferent impression , with the top corners cut round, 18s. 3810 Dance of three Fauns and Bacchantes (250), by A. Veneziano, after Raffaelle, brilliant, £1 Is. 3811 One of the Muses (271), by Marc Antonio ; after Raffaelle, a beautiful impression , £1 Is. 3812 One of the Muses (273), by Marc Antonio ; after Raffaelle. fine early impression , 15s. 3813 Venus and Cupid (286), by Agostino Veneziano; after Raffaelle, fine impression in the third state , 9s. 3814 Venus appearing to iEneas under the disguise of a huntress, engraved by Marc Antonio (288), an impression of the most extraordinary brilliancy and in the purest state of preservation, extremely rare, £42. 3815 The old and the young Bacchants (294), fine and very scarce , £3 3s. *** Cette belle estampe est gravee par Marc Antoine d’apres un dessein que quelques uns attribuent a Raphael, d’autres, a Jules Romain. Bartsch. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 173 3816 Venus leaving’ tlie bath (297), a very beautiful and delicate impression , extremely rare, £5 5s. 3816* Ditto, the copy in reverse direction (Bartsch, B.), fine, 15s. *#* Cette estampe dont le dessein des plus gracieux est de Raphael, est aussi une des plus rareset des plus parfaites de Marc Antoine. — Bartsch. 3817 La Vendange (306), a superb impression and in most beautiful condition , £15 15s. 3818 Ditto, a still finer impression , one of the finest known, £21. Grave d’apres Raphael par Marc Antoine, qui a pris un soin particulier pour faire de cette estampe une des plus parfaites de son oeuvre. — Bartsch. 3819 Venus, Cupid, and Pallas, a study engraved from the Judgment of Paris (310), after Raffaelle, by Marc Antonio; superb impression and in beautiful condition , very rare, £8 8s. 3820 The crouching Venus (313), by Marc Antonio in his early manner ; after a design by Francia ; fine impression , very scarce , £8 8s. 3821 Hercules in his cradle strangling the serpents (315), by Agostino Vene- ziano, after Julio Romano, very fine impression in the first state, before the date mas altered , but the cartouch below , cut off \ £1 11s. 6d. 3822 Apollo and Daphne (317), by Agostino Veneziano after a design supposed to have been by Baccio Bandinelli, a beautifully delicate impression in the first state , before the date was changed , fe., in perfect condition, £3 3s. 3823 Venus and Cupid (318), by Agostino Veneziano, after Julio Romano, scarce and extremely fine , £4 4s. 3824 Venus wounded in the foot by a thorn (321), engraved by Marco da Ravenna ; after Raffaelle ; very fine impression from the collections of Hibbert and Usdaile, in beautiful condition , £2 12s. 6d. 3825 Venus and Cupid riding on dolphins (324), by Marco da Ravenna ; after Raffaelle ; very fine impression m the first state , before the address , 25s. 3826 Ditto, a fine impression of the second state , 7s. 6d. 3827 Juno, Ceres, and Psyche (327), by Marco da Ravenna; after Raffaelle, a fine original impression , £2 2s. 3828 A statue of Apollo (333), engraved by Marc Antonio, superb impression in very fine condition and extra rare , £4 14s. 6d. 3829 The three Graces (340), engraved by Marc Antonio after an ancient bas relief ffne and scarce , £4 4s. 3830 Ditto, a fine impression, but slightly damaged , £2 12s. 6d. 3831 copy of the preceding by an anonymous artist, 7s. 6d. 3832 copy of the same by Stephen de PAune, 12mo, 3s. 6d. 3833 Jupiter embracing Cupid (342), engraved by Marc Antonio, from a design by Raffaelle for the Chigi palace, a wonderful impression and of the most extraordinary beauty, excessively rare, £31 10s. 3834 Ditto, bad impression , 5s. 3835 Cupid and the three Graces (344), by the same, bad impression , 5s. 3836 Hercules and Antseus (347), by A. Veneziano, after Raffaelle, brilliant impression and m very fine condition , from the Debois and Verstolk collections, £3 3s. 174 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3837 Venus and Vulcan surrounded by Cupids ; by Agostino Veneziano, after Raffaelle (349), 25 s. Augustin Venetien etoit pour lors dans sa plus grande force, et cette estarnpe est un de ses meilleurs ouvrages. Bartsch. 3838 Triumpli of Galatea, after Raffaelle (350), a very good impression of this rare print , and in good condition, £4 4s. *** An impression of this print perfectly satisfactory to the practised and educated eye of a skilful amateur, could not be obtained for less than £4:0. Bartsch describes it as one of Marc Antonio’s finest and rarest works. 3839 Ditto, copy by an anonymous artist, fol. 8s. 3840 Neptune appeasing the tempest that Eolus had excited against the fleet of iEneas, “ Le quos Ego” (352), by Marc Antonio, after Raffaelle ; with the address ; slightly injured, 10s. 6d. 3841 Ditto, a very fine impression and in capital condition, £5 5s. On la considere comme une des plus considerable, de l’oeuvre de ce maitre, et elle est tres rare. — Bartsch. 3842 A composition (the subject of which is unknown) of three figures, in the centre a female holding a Crescent (354), engraved by Marc Antonio, from (probably) his own design ; superb impression and extremely rare, £6 6s. 3843 u Le jeune homme au brandon” (360), engraved by Marc Antonio in his early style, bad impression but scarce, 15s. 3844 The Emperor Trajan between allegorical figures of Rome and Victory, engraved by Marc Antonio after a drawing by Raffaelle from the antique (361): MOST SUPERB IMPRESSION AND IN MATCHLESS CONDITION; “ aveC temoin du cuivre,” extremely rare, £18 18s. 3845 Ditto, a matchless impression and in perfect condition, £26 5s. Cette estampe, qui est gravee d’apres l’un des bas-reliefs de l’arc de Constantin, est une des plus belles et des plus estimees de Marc Antoine — Bartsch. 3846 Force, emblematically represented by a young woman supporting a column (375), by Marc Antonio after a design supposed to be by Andrea Mantegna; superb impression of the very highest quality , excessively rare , £15. 3847 Temperance (376), engraved by Marc Antonio, from a design by Andrea Mantegna, extra fine, in perfect condition, and very scarce, £5 15s. 6d. 3848 “ L’homme et la femme aux boules” (377), by Marc Antonio, in his early manner, after Francia ; suberb impression of the very highest quality, in perfect condition, and of excessive rarity , £25. 3849 Poesy (382) ; engraved by Marc Antonio from a circular painting by Raffaelle in the ceiling of one of the rooms of the Vatican ; a fine im- pression OF THIS MOST BEAUTIFUL AND INTERESTING PRINT, Very rare, £26 5s. 3850 A young woman watering a plant (383), engraved by Marc Antonio in his early manner after a design by Francia ; superb impression and of THE VERY HIGHEST RARITY, £21 3851 Charity (386), by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle ; fine original impression, 25s. 3852 Faith (387), by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle ; superb impression, £2 2s. 3853 Ditto, a moderate impression, and slightly injured, 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 175 3854 Justice (388), by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, extremely .fine, £1 11s. 6d. 3855 La Force, by Marc Antonio (389) ; Jine old impression , £l 11s. 6d. 3856 Hope (391) \ by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, Jine , but washed with ink, 12s. 3857 Prudence (392) ; by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 3858 Peace (393) ; engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle, superb impres- sion , rare, £4 4s. 3859 Ditto, an indifferent impression , 10s. 6d. 3860 Ditto, a copy, 3s. 3861 The three doctors (404), engraved by Marc Antonio, from a design sup- posed by Bartsch to have been by himself, superb impression from the collection of Sir Mark Sykes , very rare, £8 8s. 3862 The Pest ; after RaffaeMby Marc Antonio (417), a bad impression , 7s. 6d. 3863 The lion hunt (422), by Marc Antonio, fine original impression , 25s, *** Cette piece a ete gravee par Marc Antoine d'un burin leger et spirituel d’apres le monument de sepulture antique qui, suivant Vasari, se trouvoit autre- fois a Majano, et qui pour lors etoit dans la cour de l’eglise de St. Pierre du Vatican — Bartsch. 3864 The Cartoon of Pisa, “Les Grimpeurs” (423), by Agostino Veneziano after Michael Angelo ; scarce , 25s. 3865 Death and his victims, called “ Les squelettes” (424), engraved by Agostino Veneziano after Baccio Bandinelli, £1 11s. 6a. 3866 Ditto, another impression, £l Is. 3867 Four young men conducting a sorceress in triumphal procession on the skeleton of some monstrous animal, called “The Stregozzo” (426), engraved by Agostino Veneziano after Raphael ; splendid impression in the first state , before the letters on the horn , extra rare, £8 8s. 3868 Ditto, a good impression in the ordinary state, £l Is. *** According to Lomazzo, this is from a design by Michael Angelo. Bartsch however considers it to have been the work of Raffaelle, and after a careful exami- nation of the print, gives the engraving to Agostino Veneziano, notwithstanding the opinion of many authors and amateurs that it was from the burin of Marc Antonio ; supposing Bartsch to be correct, it is possibly Agostino’ s finest work ; in the workmanship of the plate there is a very strong resemblance to several of Marc Antonio’s well known prints, and the question is perhaps worth more critical examination than it has yet received. 3869 The shepherd and reclining nymph (429), copy from Marc Antonio , 5s. 3870 The man sleeping at the entry of a wood (438), by Marc Antonio, from a design supposed to be by Francia, brilliant impression and extremely rare , £9 9s. 3871 — — Ditto, an excellent copy, 5s. 3872 A woman carrying a child, probably intended for Hagar and Ishmael, engraved by Marc Antonio after Raffaelle (450), extremely fine, from Mariette's collection , with his autograph , £3 13s. 6d. 3873 A woman carrying a vase (470), after Raffaelle, by Agostino Veneziano, brilliant and rare , and in very fine condition, £2 12s. 6d. 3874 A man drawing on his hose (472), by Marc Antonio in his early style from a figure in the celebrated cartoon of Pisa by Michael Angelo, a remarkably fine impression , rare, £7 7s. 176 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3875 The Bark (473), by A. Yeneziano, after Raffaelle, very fine avd rare £1 15s. 3876 A man carrying* the base of a column, engraved by Agostino Yeneziano, from a design by Raffaelle (477) ; super b impression and in the most beautiful condition , extremely rare in so fine a state, £6 6s. 3877 A Man extracting a thorn from his foot (480), by M. da Bavenna, after the antique , very fine and in perfect condition, £2 2s. 3878 The standard bearer (481) by Marc Antonio, after Raffaelle, superb im- pression, in perfect condition and of great rarity , £14 14s. • 3879 Two female Caryatides supporting a cassolette (489) supposed to be from a design made by Raffaelle, for Francis I. King of France, extremely fine and rare , £10 10s. *** Marc Antoine a grave cette estampe dans le temps de sa force. — Bartsch. 3880 Raffaelle meditating on the composition of a picture (496) copy from Marc Antonio's print, 7s. 6d. 3881 Portrait of Ariadenus Barbarossa, King of Tunis, &c. (520) engraved by Agostino Yeneziano; very fine impression , in perfect condition and very rare , £4 4s. 3882 Flight into Egypt (634) engraved by Marc Antonio, from a wood cut, by Albert Durer, very fine and rare , £2 2s. 3883 Christ disputing* with the Doctors in the Temple (635) copied by Marc Antonio from a wood cut by Albert Durer ; very fine impression , rare, £1 5s. 3884 Adoration of the Kings (638) engraved by Marc Antonio from a wood cut by Albert Durer (No. 3) very fine and rare , and in fine condition , £4 4s. 3885 The Yirg’in and infant Saviour with angels and St. Joseph (639) engraved by Marc Antonio, from a wood cut by Albert Durer (No. §§} fine impres- sion and extremely rare , £5 5s. 3886 Saint Christopher carrying the infant Saviour across the waters (641) engraved by Marc Antonio, from a wood cut, by Albert Durer (No. 104) fine and very rare , £5 5s. 3887 St. Francis receiving the stigmata (642) engraved by Marc Antonio, after a wood cut, by Albert Durer (No. 110) fine and extremely rare , £5 5s. 3888 St. John the evangelist and St. Jerome (943) copy by Marc Antonio, from a wood cut by Albert Durer (No. 139) superb impression and extremely rare , £8 8s. 3889 The three peasants conversing (648) copied by Marc Antonio, from No. 86 of the works of Albert Durer, very rare , £3 3s. 3890 The old man’s courtship (650), engraved by Marc Antonio, after No. 93 of the works of Albert Durer; magnificent impression , in the finest state of preservation and extremely rare , £12 12s. 3891 A lady and gentleman walking, with Death behind a tree (652), engraved by Marc Antonio from a print by Albert Durer (No. 94 of his works), £18 18s. *%* The finest impression known of this most rare print. 3892 The Virgin suckling the infant Saviour ; engraved by Marc Antonio, from No. 34 of the works of Albert Durer ; unknown to Bartsch and of the greatest rarity , £5 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 177 3893 The peasant and his wife ; engTaved by Marc Antonio from a print by Albert Durer (No. 83 of his works) unknown to Bartsck and of the greatest rarity , £5 5s. 3894 The Hostess and the cook ; engraved by Marc Antonio after a print by Albert Durer (No. 84 of his works) unknown to Bartsck and of the greatest rarity , £6 6s. iUSTOKYMOUS, OP THE SCHOOL OF MAEC AlJTOl’E©, 3895 Cattle feeding*, attended by two Shepherds (Yol. 15, p. 51, No. 8) rare , 12s. Baffaelle. 3896 The sacrifice of Cain and Abel, (Yol. 15, p. 9, No. 4) after Baffaelle , fine proof before the address of Ant. Lafreri ; scarce , £1 5s. 3897 “ Incendio del Borg'ho Vecchio” from the grand picture in the Vatican , sheet, 12s. Baffaelle. EAZNALDl. 3898 The last supper, from the celebrated picture by Leonardo da Vinci , sheet, 7s. 6d. 3899 Duncan Grey, 4to, fine, 8s. Sir D. Wilkie. 3900 — - Ditto, very fine proof on India paper, 15s. S. F. Zl A VESTS T. 3901 The Virgin Mary and the Infant J esus, from a picture in the Grosvenor gallery , sheet, 5s. Guido . It. 3902 Scene from “ A Winter Evening’s Tale,” sheet mez., fine proof before letters , very scarce, 12s. Paul Sandby. HT EHNDSL. 3903 The Virgin and infant Saviour seated near a column, proof on India paper bejore letters , 10s. Leonardo da Vinci. ETCHINGS BY BEIMBMHDT. {The numbers refer to Wilson's Catalogue.) 3904 Bust of Rembrandt in a fur cap and dark dress (6) ; very fine and rare , 15s. 3905 — — Ditto, superb impression with margin , £1 11s. 6d. 3906 A head resembling Rembrandt, with frizzled hair (8), extra fine , before much extra work , £l 11s. 6d. 3907 Ditto, in the fifth state, 15s. 3908 A bust resembling Rembrandt in his youth, with an air of grimace (10), 7s. 6d. N 178 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 3909 Portrait of Rembrandt, when young*, half length (11), superb impression on India paper, excessively rare, £16 16s. 3910 A bust resembling Rembrandt in his youth, with a fur cap and robe (14), scarce , £l 11s. 6d. 3911 A bust very much resembling Rembrandt, with a round fur cap (16), very Jine , £l Is. 3912 Ditto, extremely fine, £1 15s. 3913 Portrait of Rembrandt with a scarf round his neck (17), third state , very Jine , from the Yerstolk collection, £1 15s. 3914 The portraits of Rembrandt and his wife (19), very Jine with good mar- gin, £l 11s. 6d. 3915 Portrait of Rembrandt leaning on a stone sill (21), very Jine impression , £6 16s. 6d, 3916 Ditto, beautiful impression , and in perfect condition , from Lord Aylesford’s collection, rare, £9 9s. 3917 Portrait of Rembrandt drawing (22), an extremely fine impression in the finished state , £5 15s. 6d. 3918 Ditto, upon Lidia paper, £3 13s. 6d. 3919 Ditto, 7s. 6d. 3920 Portrait of Rembrandt in a fur cap and white dress (24), 5s. 3921 Ditto, very Jine, £l 11s. 6d. 3922 Portrait of Rembrandt, with short curly hair (26), superb impression in the first state , from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £2 12s. 6d. 3923 Ditto, in the same state, very fine, £l Is. 3924 Ditto, with the name, 5s. 3925 Portrait of Rembrandt, with haggard eyes and a mutilated cap (33), Jine , from Lord Aylesford’s collection , 10s. 6d. 3926 Abraham entertaining the three angels (36), fine, 18s. 3927 Abraham with his son Isaac (38), very Jine, £1 Is. 3928 Jacob’s ladder (40 — 1 ),Jine, 10s. 6d. 3929 - — - Ditto, on India paper, with bur; superb, £2 2s. 3930 The combat of David with Goliah (40—2); fine, £l 11s. 6d. 3931 The vision of Ezekiel (40 — 4), on India paper, with bur, superb, £2 12s. 6d. 3932 Joseph telling his dream to his brethren in the presence of his father and mother (41), superb impression in the first state, very rare, £7 7s. 3933 Ditto, in the second state, extremely fine, £3 3s. 3934 The triumph of Mordecai (44), magnificent impression ivith the bur, and in perfect condition, extremely rare, £10 10s. 3935 David on his knees (45), brilliant impression in the first state, (unde- scribed by Wilson) before some white spaces on the right side were covered with worh, with large margin ; very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 3936 Ditto, a fine impression in the ordinary state, 15s. 3937 Tobit blind (46) brilliant impression ; rare, £3 13s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 179 3938 The Angel ascending from Tobit and his family (48) ; extremely fine , £1 11s. 6d. 3939 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds (49), magnificent impression {one of the finest known), and in perfect condition , £30. Mr. Maberley’s impression sold in 1851 for ,£44. 3940 Ditto, fine impression, £4 14s. 6d. 3941 The nativity, or adoration of the Shepherds (50), in the first state , very fine, £1 Is. 3942 The adoration of the Shepherds, a night piece (51), superb impression, upon thick India paper , in the first state with good margin , £4 4s. 3943 Ditto, fine impression in the ordinary state with the planks intro- duced above the head of the Virgin, £1 11s. 6d. 3944 The Circumcision (52) ; first state , fine, £l Is. 3945 The Circumcision (53), 7s. 6d. 3946 The presentation of Jesus in the vaulted Temple (54) ; an extremely fine impression in the second state, £3 3s. 3947 Ditto, with a small margin, £3 13s. 6d. 3948 The Presentation, with the Angel {56), fine impression, £1 11s. 6d. 3949 The flight into Egypt, a night piece (58) ; a most beautiful impression in the first state, one of the most perfect known, very scarce , £9 9s. 3950 Ditto, very fine, in the ordinary state, £1 5s. 3951 Ditto, 10s. 6d. 3952 The Holy family ; Joseph looking in at the window (67), very fine, in the first state, £1 Is. 3953 Jesus disputing with the Doctors in the Temple (69), superb impression, with bur, and a small margin, scarce, £4 4s. 3954 Jesus disputing with the doctors in the Temple ; a small upright (70) ; very beautif ul impression, £2 2s. 3955 Christ preaching, called “ The little La Tombe” (71), good impression , with large margin, £3 3s. 3956 Ditto, a very fine impression, with bur, £6 6s. 3957 . Ditto, brilliant, with bur and good margin, £8 8s. 3958 Jesus Christ driving the Money-changers out of the Temple (73), very fine, in the first state, from the Verstolk collection, £3 10s. 3959 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well ; an arched plate (74), £l Is. 3960 Ditto, brilliant impression on India paper, £3 3s. 3961 Christ healing the sick : “ the hundred guilder piece ” (78), superb impression upon thick India paper , with good margin and in perfect condition ; very rare, £63. 3962 Our Lord in the garden of Olives (79), superb impression with much bur, but clearly printed, cm's of the finest known, from the collections of Barnard and Esdaile, and very rare, £8 8s. 3963 Ditto, upon India paper, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, fine , £2 12s. 6d. n 2 180 THE FINE ABT CIRCULAR AND 3964: Our Lord in the garden of Olives (79), on India paper, brilliant , £4 4s. 3965 Our Lord crucified between two thieves (81), very Jine impression in the third state , from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £8 8s. 3966 The Ecce Homo (82), fine impression and in perfect condition , £6 6s. 3967 The Crucifixion ; a small square plate (86), beautiful impression of this rare etching , in perfect condition and with large margin , £3 3s. 3968 The descent from the Cross ; a night piece (88), brilliant impression with much bur , £2 12s. 6d. 3969 The Entombment (91), first state upon India paper , superb and ex- tremely rare , £8 8s. 3970 Ditto, second state , very fine , from Lord Avlesford’s collection, £3 13s. 6d. 3971 — — Ditto, printed so as to produce a totally different effect; from the Remy collection , £3 13s. 6d. 3972 Our Lord and the Disciples at Emmaus (92), 10s. 6d. 3973 Ditto, very fine , £l Is. 3974 Jesus Christ in the middle of his disciples (94), superb impression upon thick India paper , £4 4s. 3975 Ditto, very fine impression , £1 11s. 6d. 3976 The beheading of St. John the Baptist (97), very fine , £1 5s. 3977 Peter and J ohn at the beautiful gate of the temple (98), brilliant, £4 4s. 3978 The death of the Virgin (104), second state, magnificent impression before some additions to the work on the first step by the side of the reading figure , very scarce and in perfect state, £6 6s. 3979 Ditto, superb impression in the second state, with large margin , rare, £12 12s. *** Undescribed by Wilson ; it is intermediate with his first and second states. 3980 Ditto, third state, cut nearly close , £2 2s. 3981 Saint Jerome kneeling; an arched print (106), a most beautiful impres- sion in the first state , with good margin ; very scarce, £5 5s. 3982 Saint Jerome sitting before the trunk of an old tree (108), superb impression in the first state on thick India paper, extremely rare £31 10s. 3983 Ditto, superb impression in the second state, £8 8s. 3984 Ditto, beautiful impression with much bur and in perfect condition, £5 5s. 3985 Saint Jerome, an unfinished plate (109) ; a most brilliant impression with considerable bur, £8 18s. 6d. 3986 Saint Jerome, in Rembrandt’s dark manner (110), £l 11s. 6d. 3987 — — Ditto a brilliant impression of the second state, £2 12s. 6d. 3988 Youth surprised by death (113), with large margin, superb and extremely rare, £5 5s. 3989 Medea ; or the marriage of Jason and Creusa (116) ; superb impression in the first state, very scarce, £9 9s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 181 3990 Medea ; or the marriage of Jason and Creusa (116); second state, most brilliant proof before the verses and name of Rembrandt, on thick India paper, with good margin, from the Bosch, Gevers, and Yerstolk collec- tions, scarce, £7 7s. 3991 Ditto, another impression, in the same state and condition , from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £6 6s. 3992 Ditto, a fine impression of the third state, £1 11s. 6d. 3993 Ditto, superb impression in the third state (the finest known in this state), £5 os. 3994 The star of the Kings (117), most brilliant and with good margin, £2 2s. 3995 — — Ditto, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, 10s. 6d. 3996 The travelling musicians (123), 10s. 6d. 3997 Ditto, a brilliant impression , scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 3998 — — Ditto, extremely fine and with good margin, £2 12s. 6d. 3999 The Spanish Gipsy (124), superb impression with good margin, of great rarity, £16 16s. 4000 The rat-killer (125), extremely fine and rare, £7 17s. 6d. 4001 The goldsmith (127), superb impression upon thick India paper and with much bur, extremely rare, £2 12s. 6d. 4002 Ditto, on India paper, fine, in the ordinary state, 7s. 6d. 4003 The pancake woman (128), most brilliant impression , £2 12s. 6d. 4004 The sport of Kolef, or Golf (129), very fine, 18s. 4005 A Jews’ synagogue (130), superb impression in the first state , in perfect condition , and of excessive rarity, £26 5s. 4006 Ditto, very fine, in the second state, with margin, £6 6s 4007 Ditto, in the third state, £2 12s. 6d. 4008 The mountebank (132), extremely fine, £2 2s. 4009 Peasants travelling (134), rare and unusually fine, £3 3s. 4010 A Jew, with a high cap (135), most brilliant, with large margin, £3 3s. 4011 A man playing at cards (137), first state , remarkably fine, £2 2s. 4012 Ditto, second state, 18s. 4013 The man on horseback (139), very fine, £1 5s. 4014 A Polander (140), extremely fine, £l 5s. 4015 A man meditating ; in Rembrandt’s dark manner (146) ; fine, £l Is. 4016 An old man without a Beard (148) ; from Lord Aylesford’s collection • fine, 10s. 6d. 4017 An Old Man with a Bushy Beard (149) \ from Lord Aylesford’s collection fine, 10s. 6d. 4018 A Hog (154), superb impression with much bur and a margin, verv scarce, £6 6s. 4019 The little dog sleeping (155), rare and extremely fine, £5 5s. 182 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4020 A beggar, standing, seen in profile in a cap (160) superb with small margin , £2 12s. 6d. 4021 Ditto, most brilliant impression , with good margin , from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £2 2s. 4022 Two beggars, a Man and a Woman, conversing (161), fine, 15s. 4023 Ditto, 7s. 6d. 4024 Two beggars, a man and a woman, coming from behind a bank (162), superb impression before the plate was reduced in size , extremely rare, £6 16s. 6d. 4025 Ditto, brilliant impression in the third state , £2 12s. 6d. 4026 Ditto, with very much bur on the hilloch , but injured, £1 11s. 6d. 4027 Ditto, in the fourth state , £1 5s. 4028 A beggar in the manner of Callot (163), superb impression of the uncut plate in the first state, excessively rare, £6 6s. 4029 Ditto, in the third state before the shape of the hat was altered , fyc., from the Mariette, Buckingham, and Verstolk collections £3 3s. 4030 A beggarwoman, asking alms (167), a most beautiful impression before the edges of the plate were cleaned , extremely rare, £5 5s. 4031 The ragged peasant, with his hands behind him (169) ; in the second state before the plate was cut , with small margin, from Lord Aylesford's collection , most brilliant and extremely rare, £6 6s. 4032 Ditto, the cut plate, 10s. 6d. 4033 Ditto, fine and scarce, with good margin, £1 11s. 6d. 4034 A beggar warming his hands over a chafing dish (170) ; superb impres- sion, £2 2s. 4035 Ditto, fine, 10s. 6d. 4036 A beggar sitting on a hillock with his mouth open (171), brilliant im- pression in the first state, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £1 11s. 6d. 4037 Ditto, from the same collection, very fine, but cut close, 15s. 4038 — — Ditto, in the second state, very fine , with large margin , from the Dumesnil collection , £1 11s. 6d. 4039 Beggars at the door of a house (173), superb impression in most beautiful condition with a margin , one of the finest known, £15 15s. 4040 Ditto, fine impression, £2 12s. 6d. 4041 A Beggar and its Companion ; in two pieces (174, 175), scarce , £l Is. 4042 Ditto, superb impressions, £2 2s. 4043 A Beggar with a wooden leg (176), most brilliant, £l Is. 4044 The shepherds in the wood (186), superb impression, very scarce , £5 5s. 4045 A painter drawing from a model (189), an unfinished print, brilliant im- pression scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 4046 Academical Figures of two Men ; called also u The Go-cart” (191), 16s. 4047 The Bathers (192), from the Astley collection, 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 183 4048 Academical figure of a Man sitting on the ground (193), fine, but injured , 12s. 4049 Ditto, veryjine , with large margin , £l 11s. 6d. 4050 A woman sitting before a Dutch stove (194) superb impression in the third and finished state , upon thick India paper , of very great rarity, £18 18s. 4051 Ditto, extremely fine , in the fifth state, on thick India paper, from the Remy collection, with his autograph and date, 1749, on the back, £5 5s. 4052 Ditto, brilliant impression , on thick India paper , from the Hawkins collection, £3 13s. 6d. 4053 Ditto, very fine, on plain paper , £2 2s. 4054 A Woman preparing to dress after bathing (196), second state, upon thick India paper, superb, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, brilliant, £4 4s. 4055 A Woman with her Feet in the Water after bathing (197), fine, £l 11s. 6d. 4056 Ditto, on thick India paper, brilliant, £2 2s. 4057 Ditto, from the Molitor collection, superb on thick India paper with much bur, £3 3s. 4058 Danse and Jupiter (201), very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 4059 A landscape, with a house and a large tree by it, (204) of excessive rarity, £6 16s. 6d. 4060 A view of Amsterdam (207), superb, in the most beautiful condition and with good margin, very rare, £15 15s. One of the finest in existence. 4061 The Three Trees (209), superb impression , £31 10s. 4063 A peasant carrying milk pails (210), rare and very fine, £9 9s. 4064 Ditto, reverse impression, £1 Is. 4065 A village near the high road, arched (214), superb impression, in per- fect condition, and very scarce, £15 15s. 4066 A village with a square tower, arched (215) superb impression, with a small margin, extremely rare, £14 14s. 4067 Landscape with a man drawing (216) most brilliant impression, £6 6s. 4068 Ditto, very fine, £5 5s. 4069 The shepherd and his family (217) very fine, £4 4s. 4070 The canal ; a landscape op an irregular form (218) superb impres- sion, with bur, in perfect condition, and of extraordinary rarity, £42. 4071 The landscape, with a ruined tower and a clear foreground (220) in the second state, superb and extra rare, with a small margin, £16 16s. 4072 Ditto, in the third state, magnificent impression, extremely rare, £10 10s. 4073 An arched landscape, with a flock of sheep (221) a most brilliant impression with bur, in perfect condition and with a good margin, ex- tremely rare, £12 12s. 4074 A large landscape with a cottage and a Dutch hay-barn (222) most bril- liant impression , rare, £10 10s. 184 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4075 A large landscape, with a mill-sail seen above a cottage (223) ; most bril- liant and very scarce , £8 8s. 4076 An arched landscape, with an obelisk (224), with much bur, a superb impression , in perfect condition , and with large margin , £9 9s. 4077 A village, with a canal, and a vessel under sail (225) ; superb im- pression of this extremely rare etching , £12 12s. 4078 A grotto with a brook (228) ; rare , £l 7s. 4079 Landscape with a cottage and white pales (229) ; fine , £4 4s. 4080 — — Ditto, superb impression in matchless condition and with large mar- gin, £15 15s. 4081 Ditto, a superb impression and in most beautiful condition, £12 12s. 4082 Ditto, reverse impression, £1 Is. 4083 Rembrandt’s mill (230), most brilliant and very scarce, £12 12s. 4084 Ditto, a superb impression with good margin, £21. 4085 The gold weigher’s field, (231), scarce and very fine , £8 8s. 4086 A landscape with a canal and swans (232), extremely fine and rare, £6 6s. 4087 A landscape with a canal and a large boat (233), superb impression on India paper, extremely scarce, £10 10s. 4088 A landscape with a cow drinking (234), superb impression with bur, very rare, £10 10s. 4089 Ditto, a beautiful impression rvith bur, very scarce, £6 6s. 4090 A man in an arbour (258), scarce and very fine, £2 2s. 4091 An old man with a large beard, lifting his hand to his cap ; an unfinished piece (260), brilliant impression, £2 2s. 4092 Ditto, a fne proof with the dress , fyc., finished by Schmidt , but before the bach ground, extremely rare, £1 11s. 6d. 4093 Ditto, the finished plate , very fine, 10s. 6d. 4094 Bust of an old man with a long beard (261), superb impression in the first state t before the plate was reduced in size, extremely rare, £7 7s. 4095 Ditto, fine impression in the second state, 15s. 4096 A man with a crucifix and chain (263), beautif ul impression in the second state before the bach ground was finished, in perfect condition with a small margin, very scarce, £6 6s. 4097 An old man, with a large white beard and a fur cap (264), superb impres- sion, scarce , £4 4s. 4098 Ditto, extremely fine, £3 13s. 6d. 4099 Portrait of a man with a short beard (265), superb impression in the second state before the hand was erased, excessively rare, £18 18s. 4100 — - Ditto, third state, before the plate was reduced in size, most brilliant, £4 14s. 6d. 4101 Ditto, in the same state, but not in such fine condition, £1 11s. 6d. 4102 Portrait of John Antonides vander Linden (266), on thick India paper . from Lord Aylesford’s collection, most brilliant, £4 4s. 4103 Ditto, a brilliant impression, from Hibbert’s collection, £4 4s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 185 4104 Portrait of John Antonides vander Linden (2 66), & very fine impression with margin, from Lord Aylesford's collection, £3 3s. 4105 An old man in a fur cap, divided in the middle (267), super l? impression with bur in the shadows, fyc., extremely rare, £5 5s. 4106 Janus Silvius (268), super!) impression in the first state , rare, £3 3s. 4107 Ditto, fine, £l 11s. 6d. 4108 Manasseh ben Israel (271), very fine, £3 3s. 4109 Doctor Faustus (272), superb impression in the first state upon India paper, rare, £6 6s. 4110 Ditto, splendid impression in the first state in perfect condition , £7 7s. 4111 — — Ditto, 15s. 4112 Renier Anslo (273), an exquisitely clear and brilliant impression , very scarce, £16 16s. 4113 Ditto, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, very fine and rare, £9 9s. 4114 Clement de Jonge (274), superb impression in the second and rarest state , £10 10s. 4115 Ditto, superb impression in the third and best state, £10 10s. 4116 Ditto, superb impression in the fifth state, £6 6s. 4117 — Ditto, superb impression in the sixth state, £5 5s. 4118 Ditto, a reverse impression, £1 Is. A splendid series of the different varieties of this print. 4119 Abraham Fransz (275), superb impression on thick India paper, with good margin, from the Esdaile collection, £9 9s. 4120 Ditto, very fine upon thick India paper, £6 6s. 4121 Ditto, a good ordinary impression, £1 11s. 6d. 4122 Young Haring (277), superb impression in the first state, with small margin, of great beauty and excessive rarity, £45. 4123 Ditto, third state, £2 2s. 4124 John Lutma (278), first state, before the plate was rebitten, extremely rare, £12 12s. 4125 Ditto, a superb impression in the second and finished state, on thick India paper, very scarce, £15 15s. 4126 Ditto, a very fine impression on plain paper, £8 8s. 4127 Ditto, an ordinary impression, £2 2s. 4128 John Asselyn (279), superb impression in the second state, with remains of the easel very visible , on thick India paper, £10 10s. 4129 Ditto, superb impression in the third state before the marks of the easel were quite effaced, on India paper, £6 6s. 4130 Ditto, fine , in the ordinary state, £3 3s. 4131 Ephraim Bonus (289); superb impression of one of Eembrandfs finest portraits ; in very fine condition and with good margin, from the Gevers collection ; rare, £18 18s. 4132 Ditto, splendid impression of this rare and beautiful print, £12 12s. 4133 — — Ditto, fine impression , the blank space beneath cut off, £8 8s. 180 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4134 Wtenbogardus, a Dutch minister (281), superb impression of the finished state of the plate , but before the angles or ears in the octagon were suppressed , in the finest condition and with good margin, from the Hibbert collection, extremely rare, £21 4135 Ditto, fine old impression, £2 2s. 4136 Uytenbogaert ; called “ The Goldweigher” (283), superb- impression in the second but .finished state of the plate , before it was retouched and full of bur, with large margin and of very great rarity , £52 10s. Of sparkling brilliancy and probably the finest known. 4137 Portrait of Coppenol; a small plate (284), in the second state , extremely fine and very rare , £14 14s. *** At the sale of the Durrant collection in 1847 an impression in the same state was bought by Mr. Chambers Hall for £*35 10s. 4138 Ditto, fine impression , scarce , £4 4s. 4139 The great Coppenol (285) ; superb impression on thick 11 papier de Japonfi and with good margin , from W. Esdaile’s collection ; and extra rare, £21 4140 Ditto, in the same state, on plain paper in perfect condition, £18 18s. 4141 An Oriental head (288), superb impression , £4 4s. 4142 An Oriental head (289), superb impression and with good margin , very rare, £6 6s. 4143 Profile of a bald-headed man (294), very fine , with small margin , £2 2s. 4144 Bust of a man seen in front, in a cap (304), superb impression before much extra work , £2 2s. 4145 Ditto, extremely fine impression of the retouched state , 25s. 4146 Bust of a Man with curling hair, and his underlip thrust out (305), fine and scarce , £1 Is. 4147 Profile of a bald old man, with a short beard (306), superb impression in the first state , rare, £2 2s. 4148 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state , from Esdaile’s collec- tion, £1 11s. 6d. 4149 Ditto, the second state, 10s. 6d. 4150 Bust of a Man in a fur cap, stooping (307), 7s. 6d. 4151 An old man with a large white beard (310), superb impression , with small margin , scarce, £4 4s. 4152 A young man, a half length (311 ), fine and scarce , £1 Is. 4153 A man with a broad brimmed hat and a muff (312), very fine, £1 11s. 6d. 4154 An old man with a square beard, in a rich velvet cap (314), superb impression, scarce, £3 3s. 4155 A man with moustaches in a high cap, sitting (319), superb impression in the first state , excessively scarce, £7 7s. 4156 Ditto, in the second state, extremely fine and with large margin, £4 4s. 4157 Bust of a Man, bald-headed (322), very fine, with good margin, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, £1 11s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 187 4158 An old Man, with a very large beard (323), from Lord Aylesford’s collection , 7s. 6d. 4159 The great Jewish bride (337), splendid impression , £8 8s. 4160 Ditto, with good margin , £10 10s. 4161 Ditto, a superb impression, perhaps the finest known , £12 12s. 4162 Saint Catharine (338) most "brilliant impression of this elegant etching , very scarce, £4 4s. 4163 Portrait of an old woman sitting, looking to the right (339), extra fine , £3 13s. 6d. 4164 Ditto, superb impression in the second state , before the nose was altered , very rare, £5 5s. 4165 Ditto, in the same state , but injured in the upper corner , £2 2s. 4166 Portrait of an old woman sitting, looking to the left (340), extra fine , £3 3s. 4167 A young woman reading (341), superb impression , £4 4s. 4168 An old woman with her hand on her breast (343), fine , £2 12s. 6d. 4169 Rembrandt’s mother (344), very fine , £2 12s. 6d. 4170 An old woman sleeping (345), superb impression, probably the finest known , £6 6s. 4171 Head of an old woman, etched no lower than the chin (346), very fine , with margin, £2 2s. 4172 Bust of an old woman, lightly etched (348), very fine, £l 11s. 6d. 4173 An old woman in a black veil (349), second state, extremely rare, £2 12s. 6d. 4174 Ditto, third state, rare, £1 Is. 4175 A woman with a basket (350), very fine , £l 5s. 4176 A Morisco (351), extremely fine and rare, £2 2s. 4177 The head of Rembrandt and other sketch^ (357), superb impression and in beautiful condition, £2 2s. 4178 Three heads of women, one asleep (362), very fine, from Mr. Utterson’s collection, £1 lls. 6d. 4179 Two women in separate beds, and other sketches (363), most brilliant im- pression and rare , £4 4s. 4180 Rembrandt’s head and other sketches (364), brilliant and scarce, £4 4s. 4181 Sketch of a tree and other subjects (366), brilliant and very scarce , with good margin, £4 4s. 4182 The onion woman (Claussin No. 134), not mentioned by Wilson ; superb impression , and of extraordinary rarity , £10 10s. SCHOOL OF SEffiESAHST. (The numbers refer to Bartschfs Catalogue.) 4183 Boaz and Ruth (2), scarce , 12s. 4184 The nativity of Jesus Christ (A), fine and scarce , 12s. *** Ce morceau est d’un bel effet, et grave avec assez d’esprit, il est rare.— Bartsch. 183 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 Interior of a Protestant Church (17), superb impression , before the bars supporting the sounding board , extremely rare, £2 2s. Bust of a man mending* a pen (28), scarce , 9s. C. A. SEF1SSE. The charlatans at a fair (B. 104, No. 18), a brilliant impression , £2 2s. *** Ce morceau est tres rare. — Bartsch. G. EEVSEBBJTO. Cartouch with an Infant and death’s head (10), piece douteuse, 7s. 6d. The last judgment, a circular piece (15), from the collection of Sir Mark Sykes, rare , 15s. The women in the bath (35), fine and scarce , 15s. Group of four naked children dancing* to the sound of the drum, copied from No. 19 of the works of John Antonio de Brescia (36), very fine , with margin , £1 Is. Group of ten naked infants dancing to the sound of bagpipes (37), scarce and extremely fine , £1 Is. Group of eight naked infants dancing to the sound of the bagpipe (38), superb impression and rare , £1 Is. Ditto, an impression of the greatest beauty , in most perfect con- dition, and with margin , £2 2s. S. W. REYUOLSS. A Jew, from a capital picture by Rembrandt, half sheet, fine , 8s. • — - Ditto, splendid propf before letters , very scarce, £1 Is. Rembrandt’s marriage, from a picture by Rembrandt formerly in Lord Kinnaird's collection , sheet, 5s. Raphael and Fornarina, from a picture in Lord North wick’s possession ; fol. mez. proof, 7s. 6d. Sebastian del Piombo. Vulture and serpent ; sheet mez. 7s. 6d. J. Northcote. 11 Mazeppa,” large sheet mez. the original plate, 12s. H. Vernet. Martyrs in prison (Latimer, Cranmer, Ridley, and Bradford), large sheet mez*. 18s. /. R. Herbert. m. EHEIN. A tigress with her young ; sheet mez. splendid proof before letters, 12s. Rubens. AOTTGUI® HECCIAWX The marriage of Cupid and Psyche, from a picture by Raffaelle, oblong sheet, proof before letters , 12s. Assembly of the Gods with Cupid begging Jupiter’s assistance ; sheet, proof before letters, 12s. Raffaelle. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 189 JOSEPH TMOBORE EICEEOHME. 4205 The Holy Family with Angels, 11 La Yierge au berceau,” from the mag- nificent picture by Raffaelle in the Louvre ; super b and genuine artists’ proof before letters , u the artists’ names merely etched inf in beautiful condition and rare, £8 8s. 4206 Adam and Eve ; Eve presenting Adam with the forbidden fruit ; dne im- pression, £1 15s. j Raffaelle. 4207 La Yierge de Lorette, dne, with large margin , 15s. Raffaelle. 4208 La Yierge au Livre, 16s. Ibid. 4209 Ditto, choice proof on India paper before the dedication, with large margin ; the twenty-second impression from the plate, £2 12s. 6d. Raffaelle. 4210 Neptune and Amphitrite, from a picture by Julio Romano, choice artists’ proof before letters on India paper, rare, £8 8s. 4211 Triumph of Galatea, from the fresco by Raffaelle ; sheet, very fine, £2 2s. €r. SIVEHiL, 4212 The infant St. John, from a picture by Carlo Dolce in the collection of the Marchese di Caraman, small folio, 7s. 6d. 4213 Christ’s agony in the garden, from a picture by Carlo Dolce, in the Pitti gallery at Florence, fol. proof, 9s. 4214 Adam and Eve with their two children, Cain and Abel ; (3) fine and rare but slightly cut, £5 5s. 4215 The Yirgin and Child, in an extensive landscape, with Adoration of the Magi (6), rare , from Barnard’s collection, £2 2s. 4216 St. Sebastian bound to a tree, with St. Roch standing near him (14), a fine old impression, but cut at the top, £1 11s. 6d. So rare in perfect state, that Bartsch’s measurement is taken from an im- pression also in a mutilated state. 4217 Faith and Charity (15), extremely rare, but somewhat cut, £2 12s. 6d. *** Bartsch states that he was never able to see the two prints (Nos. 15 & 26), but described them from information received from an amateur. 4218 Yenus surrounded by Cupids (18), very fine and extremely scarce , £5 5s. 4219 The Man tied to a Tree by Cupid, called “ the torments of love and jealousy” (25), fine and very scarce, from Barnard’s collection, £2 2s. 4220 Mucius Scevola before Porsenna (26), fine and rare, £4 4s. 4221 Ditto, a beautiful impression in the first state , before the clouds and a portion of the background , of the very greatest rarity, £9 9s. *** In this state unknown to Bartsch or Ottley, and hitherto undescribed. JOHN 1 SEISY ROBISTSOIT. 4222 Napoleon commanding Pope Pius VII. to sign the Concordat which secured the Religious Liberties of France, £l 11s. 6d. Sir D. Wilkie. — — ■ Ditto, superb artist’ s proof before letters, £2 12s. 6d. Published at £10 10s. 4223 190 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4224 The Emperor Theodosius refused admission into the church ; from a picture in the National Gallery, a choice artist’s proof on India paper before letters , in the earliest state , extremely fine and rare, £2 2s. Vandyck. 4225 The Spanish Flower Girl ; choice proof on India paper before letters of this most exquisite engraving-, but cut to the plate mark, £2 2s. Murillo. 4226 Portrait of Rubens ; from a picture in the National Gallery , 7s. 6d. Vandyck. 4227 Ditto, fine proof \ 12s. Ibid. 4228 Twelfth Nig-ht (portrait of the Marchioness of Abercorn), choice proof on India paper before letters , folio, £l Us. 6d. Sir E. Landseer. 4229 The Mantilla, fine proof on India paper but cut to the plate mark , folio 9s. Sir E. Landseer. 4230 Ditto, inscribed “ The lattice,” folio, 6s. 4231 Little red riding- hood ; folio, 9s. Sir E. Landseer. 4232 Portrait of Joannes Secundus, very fine and scarce , £l Is. ETCHING'S BIT E01.A1D HOGMAXST. 4233 Plaisante Lantschappen a set of 14 views in Holland, line impressions , £1 11s. 6d. JOHN HEjNTDRECK. SIOOS. 4234 The sheep and the ram (2), brilliant proof before the number , £1 la. 4235 Ditto, slig-htly stained, 12s. 4236 The two goats (3), brilliant proof before the number , 15s. 4237 The little shepherd (4), brilliant proof before the number, 15s. 4238 The sheep and the goat (5), brilliant proof before the number and with margin , £1 Is. 4239 The goat and sheep (6), brilliant proof before the number , 15s. 4240 The two sheep at the foot of a tree (7), brilliant proof before the number and with margin , £1 Is. 4241 The sleeping sheep (8), brilliant proof before the number , £1 Is. 4242 Ditto, slightly stained, 12s. 4243 The goat and sheep by a hedge (9), brilliant proof before the number , 15s. 4244 The shepherd caressing his dog (10), brilliant proof in the first state before the address and number , scarce, £l Is. 4245 The group of sheep, by a ruined arch (11), brilliant proof before the number , scarce, £1 Is. 4246 The ram and two sheep (13), beautiful proof before the number, fyc., £1 Is. 4247 Group of sheep and a goat reposing- near a hedge (14), very fine proof \ 12s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 191 4248 The muleteer under the gate (15), beautiful proof before the number , Spc., £1 Is. 4249 The bell-wether and two sheep (16), beautiful proof before the number , fyc., £1 Is. 4250 Group of sheep, goat, &c. (17), beautiful proof before the number , fyc. , £1 Is. 4251 Etchings of different groups of animals, with landscapes and ruins (19-30), set of twelve plates , complete, fine impressions and in perfect condition, £2 12s. 6d. 4252 The Shepherdess (31), superb impression before the border-line was finished , and in beautiful condition , extremely scarce, £6 6s. *** Cette belle estampe est du meilleur terns de H. Roos; elle est tres rare. — Bartsch. 4253 The Shepherd and Flock in repose (38), the rarest etching by this artist , brilliant impression, but slightly damaged, £6 6s. FRAJffCESCO EOSASPn^A. 4254 The Nativity, with angels, &c ,,from the fine picture by Albano , fol. proof before letters, 15s. 4255 Saint Cecilia, from the famous picture by Raffaelle in the Gallery at Bologna ; small folio, 6s. SSASTSST ROTA. 4256 The Last Judgment, from the grand original of Michael Angelo (28) ; fine and very scarce , £3 3s. 4257 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before the address of “ Lucas Guarinony ” was erased , £12 12s. The chef-d’oeuvre of Martin Rota, and of great rarity. 4258 The last judgment, said to be from a picture by Titian (29), fol. very fine and scarce, 12s. 4259 The Holy Trinity, from a wood cut bp Albert Durer , No. 98 (26), very fine impression , 25s. JOSm laOUIS EOTOLET. 4260 The Virgin and Child, folio, 10s. 6d. Annibale Caracci. 4261 The three Maries at the tomb of our Saviour with an Angel, from a painting by Caracci , half sheet extra fine and in perfect condition, £1 11s. 6d. Superbe morceau ; c’est un chef-d’oeuvre — Joubert. 4262 Ditto , extremely fine and with large margin, £l Is. 4263 The three Maries lamenting over the dead body of Christ, from the well known picture by Caracci , at Castle Howard ; large sheet, £6 6s. 4264 The Virgin and child seated in a landscape, half sheet, 15s. An. Caracci . 192 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND HSGIBIUS EOUSSELST. 4265 The annunciation ; sheet, 5s. Guido. 4266 The Virgin with the infant Saviour adored by St. Anthony of Padua ; fol. 5s. Yandych. 4267 Christ with the reed with angels weeping around, sheet, 14s. F. Albano. 4268 The Maries and St. John lamenting over the dead body of Christ at the foot of the Cross ; from a picture by Le Brun, half sheet, 14s. Sm PSST2S2S PAUL RUBENS. 4269 St. Catherine, etched by Rubens from his own design ; extremely due and in perfect condition , rare, £3 3s. 4270 St. Francis receiving the Stigmata, an etching attributed to Rubens, 8vo, 7s. 6d. 4271 The Magdalen tearing her hair, an etching, attributed to Rubens , 8vo, 7s. 6d. ETCHINGS BY JACOB RUISDAEL. 4272 Landscape, with a ruined Hut and a small wooden Bridge, over which is a man crossing, followed by his Dog ; “ Le Petit Pont ; ” (1,) superb proop, in the first state, before the shy, of excessive rarity, £18 18s. 4273 A woody Landscape, with a Hut on the summit of a Hill (3), very fine, £l 5s. 4274 The travellers (4), superb prooj in the second state , of excessive rarity, £35. 4275 The corn field (5), superb proof m the first state , of excessive rarity, £26 5s. 4276 — — Ditto, in the second state , very fine and rare, £8 8s. PRINCE RUPERT. 4277 Bust of an old man with a bald head turned towards the left ; at the top on the same side is the monogram R. with a crown; an extremely rare and interesting specimen of mezzotinto engraving at the period of its invention, 124 millimetres by 123, £8 8s. *** For an account of this print, see “ Evelyn on the art of Engraving,” and “ Schonfs Kunstbl, 1840.” H. T. BTAXiZi. 4278 The death of the Stag ; large sheet , 30s. R. Ansdell. 4279 The Young Pretender concealed by Flora Macdonald in a cave, after his defeat, from a picture by Thos. Duncan, sheet mez. choice artists’ proof before letters, £2 2s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 193 4280 Columbus propounding' to the Prior of the Franciscan convent of Santa Maria de Rabida, his theory of a new world, from a picture by Sir D. Wilkie, sheet, fine proof, £l 11s. 6d. 4281 Ditto, fine impression , 18s. NICHOLAS RYCKMAHS. 4282 The entombment, 4to, 5s. Rubens. THOMAS E7BER. 4283 Penelope taking* down the bow of Ulysses, fol. 2s. 6d. A. Kauffman. WILLIAM WYNNE RYLAND. 4284 Antiochus and Stratonice, from a picture in the Grosvenor Gallery, half sheet, 5s. P. da Cortona. CARLO SACH1. 4285 The adoration of the Mag'i, from the picture by Paul Veronese in the National Gallery , sheet, scarce, £l Is. JEGXDXUS SADELEH. 4286 Massacre of the Innocents, sheet, 5s. Tintoretto. 4287 Dead Christ, with the Three Maries at the foot of the Cross, fol. fine, 4s. Tintoretto. 4288 The Entombment, half sheet, 9s. J. Heintz. 4289 Flag-ellation of Christ, fol. 5s. Palma. 4290 The rich man in torments, fol. 5s. Ibid . 4291 Ditto, very fine, 9s. 4292 The four fathers of the Church, Saints Gregory, Ambrose, Augustine, and Jerome, 4 plates, small 4to, fine, 10s. 6d. P. Candia. 4293 St. Sebastian attached to a tree previous to his martyrdom, from a picture by Palma, fol. fine, 9s. 4295 The martyrdom of St. Sebastian with ang-els loosing his cords and ex- tracting the arrows, fol. fine, 9s. K. Sadeler. 4296 Martyrdom of Saint Stephen, fol. 5s. J. Palma. 4297 Hercules and Omphale, large folio, veryffne, 12s. B. Sprangers. JOHN SADELER. 4298 The days of Creation ; set of 7 plates, brilliant impressions, and very scarce, 4to, 10s. 6d. M. de Vos. 4299 The life of Adam ; series of 12 plates, 4to, fine, 15s. M. de Vos. 4300 Paul in the house of Aquila and Priscilla at Corinth, half sheet, 10s. 6d. Jodocus a Wmge. 4301 Hercules between Vice and Virtue, an allegorical print, with Jupiter &c,, in the clouds above, fol, 9s. o 194 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND RAPHAEI 4302 The crucifixion, with St. John and the Virgin, &c., at the foot of the Cross ; beautiful impression , small 4to, 7s. 6d. M. de Vos. 4303 Lot and his daughters ; fol. 5s. Jodocus a Winge. JO IU SAENEEBAM. 4304 The parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins (2 — 6), set of 5 plates: fol. first states before the address of 11 Jansonius” ; fine and scarce , 18s. Saenredam. 4305 Lycurgus teaching the Lacedemonians the difference between a good and a bad education (7) ; 4to, 3s. Saenredam. 4306 An emblematical print upon the flourishing state of the United Provinces under Prince Maurice of Nassau in 1602, large sheet (10), superb im- pression , 9s. Saenredam. 4307 The history of Adam, set of 6 plates, after Bloemart ; (13 — 18), folio, 12s. 4308 The Angels announcing to the Shepherds the birth of Jesus Christ (24), sheet ; superb impression before the address, 15s. A. Bloemart. 4309 Vertumnus and Pomona (27) sheet, brilliant impression before the address. 15s. A. Bloemart. 4310 Eve persuading Adam to eat the apple (35), 5s. C. Cornells. 4311 Susannah surprised by the elders (36), very fine ; before the address of It. de Baudous , 7s. 6d. C. Cornells. 4312 Vertumnus and Pomona (38), 5s. C. Cornells. 4313 Eve persuading Adam to eat the forbidden fruit (40) 4to, 2s. 6d. Goltzius. 4314 Susannah and the elders (42) 4to, 5s. Goltzius. 4315 Judith with the head of Holofernes (44) 4to, 5s. Goltzius. 4316 The principal women mentioned in the New Testament (45 — 50), set of 6 prints; brilliant impressions, before the address of u Jansonius,” scarce, 16s. Goltzius. 4317 Venus reposing upon a bed accompanied by Cupid who is filling his quiver (51), in an oval cartouche with cupids at each corner as emblems of the four elements, folio ; first state before the address of Visscher, 10s. 6d. H. Goltzius. 4318 Diana and Calisto (52), first state, before Visscher 1 s address, 4to, 3s. 6d. Goltzius. 4319 The Gods Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, with their wives, [53 — 55] ; set of 3 plates, folio, very fine , 25s. H. Goltzius. 4320 The Godesses, Pallas, Venus, and Juno (56 — 58), set of three plates, 4to, 7s. 6d. Goltzius. 4321 The Goddesses Pallas, Venus, and Juno, with their attributes, &c. (62-64), the set of three plates, superb impressions , fol. £1 11s. 6d. H. Goltzius. Ces trois pieces sont des plus beaux ouvrages de Saenredam. — Bartsch. 4322 Pallas reposing upon her shield ; oval with emblems at the four corners, &c. (62), very fine , 7s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 195 4323 Bacchus, Venus, and Ceres, with their emblems (65-67), set of 3 plates, brilliant impressions, 4to, 16s. II. Goltzius. 4324 Venus holding- a burning- heart, accompanied by Cupid, &c. (66), brilliant impression , 4to, 5s. 4325 Ceres with her attributes (67), brilliant impression , 4to, 5s. 4326 Lovers and their mistresses imploring- the assistance of Venus, after Goltzius (71), folio, 7s. 6d. 4327 The divinities of the seven planets, represented by full length figures with the occupations on earth over which they preside, set of seven plates (73-79), 4to, 15s. Goltzius. 4328 Ditto, very fine , £l 11s. 6d. 4329 Perseus rescuing Andromeda from the Sea monster (80), from a design by Goltzius , 4to, very fine, 6s. 4330 Faith, Hope, and Charity (81-83), represented by females who bear the respective attributes, set of three plates , fine 15s. Goltzius. 4331 The arrival of the Shepherds in the stable of the Nativity, engraved on three plates ( 111), long sheet, rare, 7s. 6d. C. V. Mander. 4332 Diana and Calisto (115), fol. fine , 9s. Morelse. X.OUZS SAIllililR. 4333 Helena Forman, Rubens’ second wife ; from a picture formerly at Houghton , sheet, 5s. Vandych. 4334 Ditto, fine proof before letters , with large margin, 10s. 6d. PAUL SA1JDB7. 4335 Twelve views in Wales, 1776 ; twelve views in South Wales, 1775 ; twelve views in North Wales, 1776 ; together 36 plates, drawn and etched in aquatinta by Paul Sandby, B.A., very fine impressions and scarce, £1 11s. 6d. S3. SAVAGE. 4336 Portrait of General Washington, half sheet mez. scarce and very fine , £1 Is. 4337 Ditto, from a picture at Cambridge University, Massachusets, 4to, 3s. 6d. C. ITABiT SAVOYEH 1 . 4338 His own portrait, etched by himself, beautiful proof before any letters , with large margin , extremely rare, £3 3s. WILLIAM SAIT. 4339 Daniel in the Lions’ den, sheet, mez. proof \ 8s. Northcote. 4340 The disobedient prophet, f rom a picture in the possession of Earl Grey , sheet mez. brilliant proof, 9s. Northcote. 4341 The judgment of Solomon ; sheet mez., line proof \ 9s. Northcote. 4342 Joseph’s brethren letting him down into the pit ; sheet mez., fine proof ’ 9s. Northcote. o 2 196 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4343 The three Maries lamenting* over the dead body of Christ, from the capital picture hy Annibale Caracci , at Castle Howard, fol. fine proof, 6s. 4344 Love sheltered, from a picture in the collection of Chas. Hoare, Esq. ; sheet mez., fine proof, 9s. H. Thomson. 4345 Titania [Midsummer Night's Dream] f rom a picture in the possession of W. Chamberlayne ; sheet mez. 8s. Ibid . 4346 Ditto, fine proof, 12s. 4347 The Black Knight and the Clerk of Copmanhurst revelling, after Fradelle, half-sheet mez., 9s. 4348 Crossing the brook ; from a picture by II. Thomson , sheet mez., splendid proof with larye margin, 10s. 6d. 4349 The shipwrecked mariner (vide Thomson), sheet mez., fine proof 10s. 6d. H. Thomson. GODFREY SCHALCKEIT. 4350 Portrait of Gerard Dow, oval, 4to, very fine and rare, £2 2s. Ipse. WOODCUTS BY HANS SCHAUFELIEN. 4351 Illustrations of the Apocalypse, the set of twenty plates, fine impressions, £2 12s. 6d. 4352 Ecce Homo (41), 15s. 4353 The feast of pentecost (50), 4to, 5s. 4354 An angel making the mark of a cross on the forehead of a Christian, with St. Francis in the air, &c. (53), 4to, 5s. PETER SCHENCK. 4355 Yenus and Cupid,” Nascitur ad fructum mulier prolemque,” 4to, mez. fine, 5s. L. Giordano. 4356 Perseus rescuing Andromeda ; 4to mez., 3s. P. Schenck. LOUIS SCHIAVONETTI. 4357 The Virgin lamenting* over the dead body of Christ, with angels, from the magnificent and well-known picture by Vandyck ; fine proof before let- ters, £2 12s. 6d. 4358 Ditto, choice artist's proof before letters with full margin , £4 4s, 4359 Lot and his daughters, from a picture by Guido, in the National Gal- lery ; fol. artists proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. 4360 Study for “ La Madonna del S. Giorgio,” in the Dresden gallery, 4to, 3s. Correggio. 4361 Christ raising the daughter of Jairus , from a picture in Redclijf church , Bristol, large sheet, 7s. 6d. H. Tresham. 4362 The cartoon of Pisa, from the famous composition of Michael Angelo, fol. 5s. Ditto, fine proof before letters on India paper , £3 3s. 4363 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 197 4364 The cartoon of Pisa, from the famous composition of Michael Angelo, superb proof in the earliest state of the plate, with a single etched line of inscription beneath , very rare, £4 4s. *** One of the first twelve impressions taken from the plate, with an error in the spelling. 4365 Pandora, from a picture by Barry , in the possession of B. H. Solley , sheet) proof on India paper, 10s. 6d. 4366 Portrait of Berg-hem, from a picture in the Marquis of Westminster’s collection , 4to, fine engraver’s proof before all letters, 10s. 6d. Rembrandt. CTATAX.E SCHIAVONI. 4367 Assumption of the Virgin, from the picture by Titian at Venice , sheet, fine old impression , £4 4s. 4368 Ditto, fine proof before a portion of the inscription was shaded , £5 15s. 6d. 4369 The Entombment ; sheet, fine , £2 2s. Titian. BARTHOLOMEW SCHIDONI. 4370 The Holy Family, from his own design, 4to, 7s. 6d. *** The only etching by this artist. GEORGE FREDERIC SCHMIDT. ( The numbers between brackets refer to the Catalogue published in 1789, by Jacobi.) 4371 Portrait of John Paul Bignon, Abbot of St. Quentin, &c. (20), 8vo, proof before letters , 3s. 6d. H. Rigaud. 4372 Constantine Scarlati, prince of Moldavia (39), folio, very fine , 15s. Extremement rare et une des plus belles de son oeuvre. — Jacobi , 4373 Portrait of Louis de la Tour d’ Auvergne, Comte d’Evreu (42), three- quarters. in armour, skirmish in the back-ground, folio, very fine , 12s. H. Rigaud. 4374 Ditto, superb impression in the finest state, with large marqin , £1 Is. 4375 Portrait of the 11 Comte de la Marche,” afterwards duke of Orleans (43), fol. superb and in beautiful condition, £l Is. P. de Lorme. On en a tire peu d’exeinplaires, aussi font-ils tres rares ; cette estampe est de l’annee 1740, and M. Wille y a travaille. — Jacobi. 4376 Magdalena Sophia Wigerin ; died 1738 (45) ; in an oval, with arms, &c. folio, fine, with margin, 5s. Fiedler. 4377 Charles St. Albin, Archeveque de Cambray, 1724 (47), three quarters, in his episcopal robes, sheet, superb and with margin , 15s. B. Rigaud. 4378 The portrait of La Tour the painter, from a painting by himself (50), half sheet, 18s. 4379 Ditto, very fine and scarce, £2 2s. *** Called “ The laughing painter,” vide Jacobi’s catalogue for an anecdote relating to the production of this picture. 198 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4380 Jean Baptiste Silva, physician to Louis XV, Prince de Conde, &c. (52), folio, very Jine and scarce, 12s. Pigaud. 4381 Portrait of Peter Mignard, the painter ; three-quarters, sheet (59), 12s. 4382 Ditto, a most super 1) impression , with large margin , £l Is. 4383 Portrait of Henry Voguell, a merchant at London, uncle of Schmidt (64), 3qrs., half sheet, very fine, 7s. 6d, A. Pesne. 4384 Portrait of C. F. Blume (65), fol. 7s. 6d. Falbe. 4385 Portrait of Prince d’ Anhalt Bernbourg, 3qrs. in armour (66), half sheet; super l) and curious proof before any inscription and before the heraldic shield was finished, extra rare, £2 2s. A. Pesne. 4386 Portrait of Cocceji, state minister at Prussia (67), fol. 7s. 6d. A. Pesne. 4387 Portrait of Anthony Pesne, eminent Portrait Painter (69), folio, 5s. Ipse. 4388 — Ditto, very fine, 7s. 6d. 4389 Augustus the Third, King of Poland (71), 3qrs. with the Order of the Golden Fleece, &c., half sheet, scarce and very fine , £2 2s. Louis de Silvestre. 4390 Ditto, very fine proof before any inscription and before the arms ; half sheet, extremely rare, £3 13s. 6d. 4391 Marie- Josephe, Queen of Poland, companion to the preceding (72), scarce and very fine, £2 2s. 4392 Louise-Albertine de Brandt, Baronne de Grapendorff, died 1753 (74) ; an oval supported by Cupids, &c., with other allegorical figures ; half sheet, 15s. Pesne and La Sueur. 4393 Ditto, fine with good margin, £l 11s. 6d. 4394 Ditto, superb proof before the names of the artists, £3 3s. Cette estampe est sans contredit une des plus rares de Schmidt et presque introuvable tneme a Berlin, ce qui fait qu’elle se vend toujours tres-chere. Schmidt meme de son vivant ne la vendoit pas moins de 3 a 4 Frederics d'or. Dans la superbe collection de 1’oeuvre de cet artiste, nous avons rencontre une epreuve avant les noms des artistes et avec sa contre epreuve, la seule qui eociste. — Jacobi. 4395 Portrait of F. W. Borck, minister of state in Prussia (86), fol. with large margin, very fine, 18s. A. Pesne. 4396 Portrait of David vSplitgerber, the banker (87) ; 3 qrs. ; half sheet , private plate , 25s. F. M. Falbe. 4397 The portrait of Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of the King (88) ; 3 qrs. ; half sheet, superb impression with large margin, 15s. A. Vanloo. 4398 Portrait of Maurice Quentin de la Tour (89), in an oval upon an easel, from a picture by himself, fol. fine, 12s. 4399 A set of small plates of the Ecclesiastical costume of the Greek church ; engraved for u Beschreibung der griechisclien Christen in der Turchey , 1737” (93) ; 10 plates, scarce, 12s. 4400 La belle Grecque; 4to, 4s. (95). Lancret. 4401 Le Turc amoureux (96), 4to, 3s. 6d. Lancret. 4402 Christ on the cross (107), fol. very rare , 5s. 4403 f< Le buste d’un vieillard ” (111), extremely fine, with large margin , 4to, 9s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 199 4404 “Buste d’un vieillard” (112), 8vo, with large margin , 5s. Rembrandt. 4405 “ Le buste d’une vieille femme” (113), 8vo, with large rnargin, 5s. Rembrandt. 4406 Le buste d’un Oriental, grave dans le gout de Castiglione (114), 4to, 5s. 4407 Ditto, brilliant , with large margin , 9s. 4408 “La tete d’un vieillard, gravee dans le gout de Castiglione” (115), 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. 4409 “Le buste d’un vieux Guerrier, dans le gout de Castiglione (116), 4to, brilliant impression, with large margin , 9s. 4410 Bust of a young man resembling Rembrandt (117), 4to, 7s. 6d. 4411 Ditto, a beautiful impression with large margin , 15s. Rembrandt. 4412 Bust of a man of middle age, after Rembrandt (118), small 8vo, 7s. 6d. 4413 Bust of an old woman, called “ La Pouilleuse” (119), small 8vo, first state, before the names of the Artists were covered with cross-hatching, from Esdaile's collection , rare , 15s. Rembrandt. 4414 “ Un vieillard habille en Persan ” (120), 4to ,Jine, 9s. Rembrandt. 4415 Ditto, a superb proof before the inscription beneath , rare, 25s. 4416 Le buste d’un vieillard a moustache, vuede profil (121), 4to, very fine, with good margin , 9s. Rembrandt. 4417 La tete d’un enfant, gravee en maniere de crayon (122), 4to, 5s.. Boucher. 4418 Portrait of a young woman, richly dressed ; ajter Rembrandt (123), 4to, very fine , 10s. 6d. 4419 — - — Ditto, with large margin , 4to, 15s. 4420 Portrait of a young nobleman, after Rembrandt (124), very fine , with large margin , 4to, 12s. 4420* Ditto, brilliant proof before the inscription beneath ; from Fsdaile’s collection , rare, 25s. 4421 Portrait of a man in a cap and feather, after Flinch (125), very fine with large margin , 4to, 15s. 4422 Portrait of a young lady, after Flinch (126), extremely fine, with large margin , 4to, 12s. 4423 “ Le buste d’un homme a tete nue” (127), 4to, with good margin , extremely fine , 15s. Rembrandt. 4424 “ La Juive fiancee ” (128), extremely fine with large margin , 4to, 15s. Rembrandt. 4425 “ Le pere de la fiancee reglant sa dot ” (129), beautiful impression and in fine condition with margin , 4to, 15s. Rembrandt. 4426 “ Le buste d’un vieillard ” (131), 4to, extremely fine and scarce , 12s. G. Flinch. 4427 “Le portrait de Schmidt, grave dans la maniere de Rembrandt” (134), beautiful impression with large margin , 4to, 15s. 4428 “ Le portrait de Madame Schmidt en couseuse ” (135), 8vo, 3s. 6d. Schmidt . 4429 — — Ditto, extremely fne with large margin , 7s. 6d. 200 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4430 “ Le buste de Madame Schmidt vue de profit ” (136), 8vo, with large margin , 5s. 4431 Le prince de Gueldre mena^ant sa pere imprisonne (137), fine and with large margin , 15s. Rembrandt. 4432 “ Le patriarche Jacob ” (139), small 4to, very Jine with large margin , 7s. 6d. Rembrandt. 4433 The portrait of himself with a spider (141), 4to, fine and scarce , 15s. 4434 Portrait of Madame Schmidt, wife of the engraver (142), very fine, with margin , 4to, 9s. 4435 u Le portrait du Juif Hirsch Michel ” (144), 4to, very Jine , 10s. 6d. L’idee de cette estampe a ete une plaisanterie que Schmidt a voulu faire au Marquis d’Argens a l’occasion de ses lettres Juives. Jacobi. 4436 u La mere de Rembrandt ” (145), 4to, brilliant impression , 9s. Rembrandt. 4437 Portrait of a Lady ; called the princess of Orange (147), most brilliant ■impression , with margin , 4to, l‘2s. Rembrandt. 4438 Dinglinger ; a jeweller at Dresden, 1769 (148), oval, in a fur cap. 4to, brilliant , with large margin , 5s. A. Pesne. 4439 Le portrait d’un jeune homme, peut-etre de Rembrandt (150), beautiful impression , and with large margin , 4to, 12s. Rembrandt . 4440 “ Le portrait de Rembrandt dans son moyen age ” (151), superb , with good margin , 4to, 12s. Rembrandt. 4441 Cats the Dutch pcet explaining to the Prince of Orange the history of his ancestors (152), 4to, very Jine with large margin , 10s. 6d. G. Flinch. 4442 u La mere de Rembrandt ” (153), Jine 4to, 10s. 6d. Rembrandt . 4443 Ditto, superb, with large margin, 15s. 4444 Two different sheets of Punchinellos after Tiepolo (157), 4to, 15s. 4445 Christ presented to the people (159), 4to ,.fine, 7s. 6d. Rembrandt. 4446 Interior, with two Boors smoking and drinking, folio (160), 25s. A. v. Ostade 4447. Series of vignettes, illustrations and initial letters engraved for the edition of the King of Prussia’s poems published in 1760, 73 plates (161), scarce , 15s. 4448 Group of five heads of children, after Flamingo (164), extremely fine with large margin, 7s. 6d. 4449 Christ raising the daughter of Jairus (165), 4to, 9s. Rembrandt. 4450 Ditto, very fine with good margin, 15s. 4451 “ Le philosophe dans sa grotte” (166), 4Ao,Jine, 6s. Rembrandt. 4452 The presentation in the Temple (167), 4to, very fine and with large margin, 15s. Dietrich. 4453 The magnanimity of Alexander the Great towards his physician Philip (168), sheet, 7s. 6d. An. Caracci. 4454 Timoclea j ustified by Alexander (169), companion to the preceding, 7s. 6d. Ib. 4455 St, Peter’s repentance (170), 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. F. Bol. 4456 The presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (172), sheet, 12s. P. Testa. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 201 4457 The presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (172), sheet, beautiful proof before all letters , very rare, £l 11s. 6d. 4458 Lot and his daughters (173), brilliant impression and in fine condition , 4to, 12s. Rembrandt. 4459 Sarah bringing Hagar to Abraham (175), folio, 9s. Dietrich. 4460' The virgin with the infant Tesus and St.John (176), 4to, 9s. A. Vandyck. 4461 Ditto, brilliant impression with good margin , 15s. 4462 Landscape with a cottage, a milkwoman, &c, (179), 4to, 10s. 6d. Boos. *** Cette estampe, faite en 1773, est fort rare. Jacobi. 4463 A vase with a handle and beak (180), very fine, 5s. 4464 The book-plate of Baron de Kottwitz (181), 12mo, 5s. *** Cette piece est extremement rare. — Jacobi. 4465 Vignette for a work by Count Algarotti (182), fine proof before the plate was used for the work, 11 fort rare,” 7s. 6d. JACOB SCHMVZES. 4466 The Emperor Theodosius refused admission into the Church, brilliant proof before letters, £2 2s. Rubens. JOSEPH & ANDREW SCHMUZER. 4467 Decius consulting the augur before the battle of Veseris (413), from Prince Lichtenstein’s picture , sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. BARTHOLOMEW SCHO EXff. 4468 The entombment ; copied from Martin Schoengauer’s print (10), extremely scarce, £3 3s. MARTIN SCBOENGAUER. 4469 The Angel of the Annunciation {1), fine and rare, £5 15s. 6d. 4470 Adoration of the Kings (6), a superb and brilliant impression , in fine con- dition, extremely scarce, before the retouch and date 1482, £8 8s. 4471 Flight into Egypt ; the Virgin and Child mounted upon an ass, passing near a date-tree, the boughs of which are borne down by a group of angels to facilitate Joseph in gathering the fruit (7), fine and scarce, £6 16s. 6d. 4472 Jesus Christ brought before the High Priest (11), very fine and scarce, £4 4s. 4473 Jesus Christ crowned with Thorns and insulted by the Jews (13), bril- liant IMPRESSION, AND EXTREMELY RARE, £6 6s. 4474 Christ mofcked (13), an impression of the greatest brilliancy, extremely rare, £8 8s. 4475 Christ before Pilate (14), fine and very scarce, £2 2s. 4476 Christ bearing his Cross and presenting the Holy Handkerchief to a Woman kneeling in front (16), £2 2s. 4477 The Entombment of Jesus Christ (18), £1 Is. 4478 The Descent into Hell (19), an impression of the greatest brilliancy and in perfect condition, £8 8s. 202 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4479 Christ bearing 1 his Cross to Calvary (21), one of the rarest and most con- siderable works of this master ; a magnificent impression and in un- usually Jine condition , £21. 4480 The Crucifixion, with St. John, the Virgin, and Pilate, standing by (22), a very fine impression and extremely rare , £5 5s. Wanting in most collections of this master’s works. 4481 The Crucifixion, with St. John and the Virgin (23), a matchless impres- sion and in very fine state , £10 16s. 4482 The Crucifixion, with St. John and the Virgin; 105 millim. by 72, hut probably somewhat cut , undescribed by Bartsch, £5 5s. 4483 The Crucifixion (25), a superb impression before any retouch , in beautiful condition and extremely rare , £15 15s. 4484 Ditto, a superb impression , £12 12s. 4485 The Virgin crowned by two angels (31), fine and scarce , £2 2s. 4486 The Virgin and infant Saviour seated in a court yard (32), superb im- pression of this most beautiful print , £10 10s. 4487 Death of the Virgin (33), a splendid impression and very scarce , £15 15s. On the back of the print is written “ Epreuve de toute beaute, tres rare. — Bartsch .” 4488 Saint Anthony, with his bell, pig, &c. (46), superb and very rare , £2 2s. 4489 Saint George and the dragon (50), very fine and rare, £3 3s. 4490 Saint George and the dragon (51), a circular print, fine and very scarce , £2 2s. 4491 St. Stephen, full length with the palm and emblems of his martyrdom (54), a beautiful impression and with the exception of the monogram being cut , in fine condition , scarce, £5 5s. 4492 St. John the Baptist (54), fine, but cut , 15s. 4493 St. Catherine (64), not in good condition , 5s. 4494 St. Catherine (65), fine, but a little cut , and pencil lines ruled across the print , £l 11s. 6d. 4495 St. Veronica with the Holy handkerchief (66), superb impression and ex- tremely rare , £5 5s. 4496 The Man of Grief, half-length, crowned with Thorns, with the Virgin and Saint John on either side, a glory of angels above (69), fine and extremely rare, £6 6s. 4497 Ditto, 15s. 4498 One of the Virgins (77), fine, £2 12s. 6d. 4499 Ditto, superb impression and very scarce , £5 5s. 4500 One of the wise Virgins (79), superb impression and very scarce, £5 5s. 4501 A winged angel on her knees and holding a shield of arms (96), 7s. 6d. 4502 A young woman sitting on a bank of grass and holding an Heraldic shield (97) , 9s. 4503 A young woman seated and holding with both hands an heraldic shield (98) , 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. ‘203 4504 A female savage with an infant and holding an Heraldic shield (100), 7s. 6d. 4505 A man on his knees, holding two Heraldic shields (101), 7s. 6d. 4506 A savage holding a club in one hand and in the other an Heraldic shield (103), very fne, £1 Is. 4507 A similar subject to the preceding (104), very jine, £1 Is. 4508 A savage holding two Heraldic shields (105), very jine, £1 11s. 6d. 4509 A sprig of ornaments intermixed with birds u Rinceau d’ornemens, au hibou” (108 ),jine and scarce, £3 3s. 4510 A sprig of ornaments intermixed with hops “ Hinceau d’ornemens, aux mures” (115),, jine and scarce, £3 3s. BG1U3.EE. 4511 La Yierge a la chaise, jrom the celebrated picture by Rajjaelle, proof before letters on India paper, 25s. 4512 Ditto, choice artist’s proof' in the earliest state, before any letters and before the border line, very scarce, £2 2s. C&= C. SCHULTSE. 4513 The man of sorrows, from a picture in the Dresden gallery, large 4to, 5s* Guido Renv 4514 La jeune ouvriere accablee de sommeil, fol. fine and scarce, with large margin, 12s. 4515 The rape of Ganymede, Jrom a picture in the Dresden gallery, sheet, 5s. Rembrandt . PETES, VAST SCHUPPEXiT, 4516 The Holy family with the infant St. John, & c., from a picture by Sebastian Bourdon ; brilliant impression in the first state before the drapery on the children and before the arms , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 4517 Virgin giving suck to the infant Saviour; in an oval, from a picture by Stella , fine proof before the arms, extremely scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 4518 St. Sebastian attended by angels who are extracting the arrows from his side ; fol. fine and scarce, 15s. Vandyck. 4519 Burri, an Italian adventurer, 1675, in an oval, a most brilliant proof before the name, beneath the arms with the spaces for the emblems blanh, with good margin, extremely scarce, £l 15s. F. Ovens. 4520 “ Messire Paul Armand Langloys, Cher M. d’ hostel ord re du Roy,” fol. most brilliant impression with large margin, 12s. 4521 William of Harouys, lord of Seilleraye, counsellor to the King, &c. folio, a curious proof \ with the hair unfinished , probably unique, £1 11s. 6d. F. de Troy. 4522 Franciscus de la Hay, M.D. 1690, small oval, with arms, 8vo, brilliant proof before all letters, rare , 8s. 4523 Isaac Louys, Master of Sacy, a priest, died 1684, folio, a brilliant proof before any letters , 12s. R. Nanteuih 204 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4524 John Hamon, M.D. of Paris, obiit 1687, 'brilliant proof before any letter s, 8vo, 7s. 6d. 4525 Gabriel de la Gardie, “ Conies in Lackoo et Arensburg, &c.” obiit 1686, folio, with military trophies, brilliant proof before all letters. 10s. 6d. David Klooker . 4526 Piere Ignace de Braux, First Baron of Champagne, Marquis of Anglure, Yiscount of Essarts, Councillor to the King in all his Councils, &c. &c. 1661, in an octagon frame of oak leaves, folio, very fine , 9s. Beaubrun. 4527 Charles d ? Anglure of Bourlemont, Archbishop of Thoulouse, 1665, folio, 8s. Ferdinand. GAWRIL SCORODOMOFF. 4528 Abelard and Eloisa surpris’d by Fulbert, fol. 2s. 6d. Kauffman. J GAN BAPTISTS SCGTIjNT. 4529 Les plasirs du bal ; from a magnificent picture by Watteau ; sheet, fine and very scarce, but injured, £l Is. JOHN SCOTT. 4530 Benevolent cottagers ; half sheet, 6s. Sir A. Calcott. 4531 Ditto, fine proof 10s. 6d. 4532 Warwick, a hackney ; 4to , r fine, 4s. A. Cooper. 4533 Breaking cover — Death of the fox, from pictures by Sarvrey Gilpin and Beingale ; the pair, sheet, £1 15s. 4534 Ditto, fine proofs , £3 3s. &IROI.AMO SCOTT© 4535 The Virgin and infant Saviour with St. John and an angel “ Mater pulcrse dilectionis ” from a picture by Baffaelle in the gallery oj the Duke of Terranova at Naples ; half sheet, 16s. 4536 The Virgin with the infant Jesus and St. John from a picture by Baffaelle (dedicated to the Queen of Portugal), half sheet, 25s. EDWARD SC RIVEN. 4537 The incredulity of St. Thomas, from Mr. H. P. Hope’s picture, fol. India proof, 5s. A. v. Werff. 4538 Ditto, choice Engraver’s prooj before letters , 10s. 6d. 4539 Gerard Dow in his study, from the Duke of Sutherland’s fine picture , India proof, fol. 5s. Gerard Dow. FERNANDO SELMA, 4540 The descent from the Cross ; from a grand sculpture by Pedro Boldan in the church of St. Francis at Seville ; fol. scarce, 16s. WXX.X.XAHE SHARP. 4541 Saul and the Witch of Endor, sheet, proof before letters, £l 11s. 6d. West. 4542 The Angel destroying the Assyrians, fol. fine, 5s. Louthcrbourg . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 205 4543 The Angel destroying the Assyrians, fine 'proof before any letters , 10s. 6d. 4544 Jeptha’s meeting with his daughter, u a ticket for Mr. Bar thelemon' s night," 4to, fine, 3s. 6d. Stothard. 4545 Judith attiring ; fol. 3s. J. Opie. 454 6 Ditto, a choice engraver's proof in the earliest state before all letters , 10s. 6d. 4547 Infant Christ sleeping, surrounded by Angels, 4to, fine proof 10s. 6d. Annibale Caracci. 4548 Ditto, artist's proof before all letters , very rare, £2 2s. 4549 The Holy Family ( National Gallery ), sheet, proof before letters , £2 2s. Sir J. Reynolds. 4550 Ditto, most superb and brilliant prooj in the first state , very scarce, £3 3s. 4551 Ditto, the small plate, veryfne , 10s. 6d. 4552 — — Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , extremely rare , £5 5s. 4553 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; from a picture by Carlo Dolce ; beautiful proof with large margin , £1 Is. 4554 Ditto, choice proof before letters , with large margin , £l 11s. 6d. 4555 Ecce Homo ,from the picture by Guido bequeathed by Sand. Rogers to the National Gallery ; fol. fine proof, £2 2s. 4556 Ditto, choice proof before letters , very scarce, £4 14s. 6d. 4557 Christ’s agony in the garden, fol. 3s. R. Cosway. 4558 Ditto, beautiful Engraver's proof before letters in the earliest state, the name of the engraver only etched in, scarce , 10s. 6d. 4559 The Maries at the Sepulchre ; fol. 3s. R. Smirke. 4560 Ditto, fine proof before any letters , 10s. 6d. 4561 The Doctors of the Church consulting on the immaculateness of the Virgin, from the magnificent picture by Guido , formerly in the collection at Houghton ; large folio, fine old impression, £l Is. 4562 Ditto, most brilliant proof before letters , and before the motto in the arms , upon India paper , £4 4s. 4563 Ditto, proof before letters , most brilliant , with large margin , and in the finest condition , very scarce, £7 7s. 4564 Saint Cecilia, a half-length figure, crowned with roses, holding the palm of martyrdom, and attended by two angels ; from a picture in the pos- session of R. Udney ; fine impression, £1 Is. Dominichino. 4565 Ditto, fine proof, before the date 1790 was altered to 1791, £2 2s. 4566 Head of the Magdalen, from the picture by Guido in the National Gal- lery, fine proof on India paper , 12s. 4567 Ditto, very early proof on India paper before letters , £1 Is. 4568 Ditto, an unfinished proof, scarce, 5s. 4569 Evil; beautiful Engraver’s proof before letters, 7s. 6d. Michael Angelo. 4570 Diogenes in search of an Honest Man, half-sheet, 12s. Salvator Rosa. 206 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4571 Diogenes in search of an Honest Man, brilliant proof before letters , in perfect condition and with large margin , £l 11s. 6d. 4572 Death of Dido, due proof before all letters , 10s. 6d. Dominichino. 4573 Zenobia, fol. 3s. Michael Angelo. 4574 Ditto, fine proof with Greek inscription , 7s. 6d. 4575 Oleander bribing Cleon ; fine proof 3s. J. Stuart. 4576 Boadicea the British Queen haranguing her countrymen against the Ro- mans ; fol. 5s. Stothard. 4577 Ditto, a fne open lettered proof \ 7s. 6d. 4578 Ditto, engraver's proof before letters , 15s. 4579 Alfred the Great dividing his Loaf with the Pilgrim, sheet, from a picture by B. West ; fine proof, 18s. 4580 Escape of Mary Queen of Scots from Lochleven castle, fol. 3s. R. Smirke. 4581 The Restoration ; (Charles 2nd landing at Dover), fine proof , 18s. B. West. 4582 The Siege and Relief of Gibraltar, large sheet, most brilliant India proof, £1 11s. 6d. Copley. 4583 The Sortie made by the Garrison of Gibraltar on the morning of the 27th of November, 1781 ; sheet, fine old impression , 10s. 6d. J. Trumbull. 4584 Declaration of rights ; half-sheet, 3s. Stothard. 4585 Lewis VII. of France before Beckett’s tomb, fol. 3s. M. Cosway. 4586 Jupiter swearing by the Styx ( vide Virgil ), 8vo, 2s. 4587 The Death of the Children of Niob e,fine proof \ 15s. Richard Wilson , R.A. 4588 Orpheus and Eurydice, (vide Virgil), 8vo, Is. 6d. 4589 Ditto, beautiful engraver's proof in the earliest state before all letters, scarce, 7s. 6d. 4590 Orpheus and Eurydice, engraved for a ticket but never used, proof before letters, 8vo, 5s. 4591 Venus and Europa, 4to, 2s. B. West. 4592 Circe with her cup, choice Engraver's proof before all letters ; scarce, 10s. 6d. Dominichino. 4593 Lear in the Storm, sheet, fine proof before letters, £3 13s. 6d. B. West. 4594 Scene from King Lear, Act 1, Sc. 1, 4to, 2s. 6d. R. Smirke. 4595 Ditto, a fine artist's touched proof , but cut nearly close, 3s. 6d. 4596 King Lear in the Storm (a head) 4to, 2s. 6d. Sir J. Reynolds. 4597 The Tent scene, from Shakspeare’s Richard 3rd, fol. 2s. Opie. 4593 Ditto, a beautiful engraver's proof before all letters in the earliest state , scarce, 9s. 4599 Merry wives of Windsor, Falstaff in the forest, 4to, 2s. 6d. R. Smirke. 4600 Scene from Henry IV., the Prince and Falstaff, 8vo, engraver's proof, scarce, 3s. 4601 Scenes from Shakspear’s plays, Is. each, viz., Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Sc. 3 ; Cymbeline, Act 3, Sc. 1 ; Macbeth, Act 3, Sc. 5 ; As you like it, Act 2, Sc. 6. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 207 4602 Monument to the memory of Captain Hardinge in St. Paul’s Cathedral, half sheet, .fine proof, 7s. 6d. 4603 Card plate of Jno, Wood of Ingatestone, very scarce , 3s. 6d. 4604 Card plate of W. Boreman, watchmaker, very scarce , 2s. 6d. 4605 A man of Mangea, 4to, 2s. J. Webber. 4606 Inside of a house in Oonalashka, fol. 2s. 6d. Ibid. 4607 Inside of a house in Nootka Sound, fol. 2s. 6d. lb. 4608 A man of Kamtschatka, 4to, 2s. Ib. 4609 A man of Nootka Sound, 4to, 2s. Ib. 4610 A woman of Nootka Sound, 4to, 2s. Ib. 4611 Night dance of women in Hapaee ; fine engraver’s proof before all letters , 10s. 6d. Ib. 4612 A night dance by men in Hapaee, fol. 2s. 6d. Ib. 4613 Ditto, a choice engraver’s proof before letters , rare, 10s. 6d. 4614 The children in the wood, large 4to, 2s. 6d. J. II. Benwell. 4615 Theodosius and Constantia ( vide Spectator), choice engraver's proof ‘ 8vo, 3s. 6d. 4616 Portrait of Charles the First, in three positions ; from the beautiful picture at Windsor, painted by Tandy ch for the purpose of assisting Bernini in the execution of his celebrated bust ; fine impression, folio, *16s. 4617 — — Ditto, brilliant proof scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 4618 Ditto, proof on India paper, rare, £3 3s. 4619 George IV. when prince of Wales, fine proof of this exquisitely engraved plate, 4to, 3s. 6d. Cosway. 4620 Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel, from the duke of Sutherland’s picture, fine proof on India paper, 5s. Tandy ch. 4621 Rt. Hon. Robert Dundas, lord president of the Court of Session, 3 qrs. fine proof, fol. 5s. Sir H. Raeburn. 4622 Hon. John Hyde, Puisne judge at Calcutta, fol. 4s. R. Home. 4623 Portrait of Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart., the physician, choice proof before all letters, in the earliest state, private plate, folio, £l 11s. 6d„ 4624 Sir Francis Burdett, painted in the Tower, fol. fine proof on India paper, 5s. J. Northcote. 4625 The Hon. Thos. Erskine, oval, exquisitely engraved, fine proof, 4to.5s. R. Cosway. 4626 The Hon. J. Beresford, folio, beautiful engraver’s proof before all letters, in the earliest state, 12s. Stewart. 4627 Thaddeus Kosciusko, the Polish hero, reclining on a sofa, as he appeared on his visit to England after his struggle with Russia, fol. proof, 10s. 6d 4628 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , in the earliest state, £l Is. 4629 Portrait of Shakspeare, 4to, engraver’s proof before all letters and before the border, scarce, 7s. 6d. 4630 Portrait of the Reverend Dr. Burney of Greenwich, private plate, choice proof before letters, folio, £1 Is. 208 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4631 Portrait of John Hunter, the distinguished Surgeon, from the well-known picture by Sir J. Rey nolds , half sheet, very fine, £2 2s. 4632 Ditto, most brilliant proof before the letters , rare, £5 os. 4633 Ditto, brilliant proof but cut nearly close , £2 10s. 4634 Ditto, choice proof in the earliest state , before all letters and before the inscription on the book , extremely rare, £6 6s. 4635 Portrait of Matthew Boulton, the eminent engineer, 3qrs. half sheet, fine proof private plate , 15s. Sir W. Beecliey. 4636 Wm. Cumming, M.D., choice engraver’s proof before all letters , 8vo, scarce, 7s. 6d. 4637 Samuel More, half length, as Secretary of the Society of Arts distributing the prizes ; most brilliant proof before any letters , in the earliest state , folio, 15s. B. West. 4638 Portrait of E. Bentley, the Critic, choice engraver’s proof before all letters , 4to, "very scarce, 15s. 4639 C. Heidegger, the musician , 4to, 2s. 4640 Samuel Seabury, bishop of Connecticut, fol. 5s. T. S. Duche. 4641 John Johnson, bookseller, engraver’s proof before all letters , private plate, 4to, 5s. 4642 Captain Forrest, 4to, 2s. 6d. J. K. Sherwin. 4643 Mr. Carter, the painter, small oval, proof before letters , 8vo, 3s. 6d. 4644 Portrait of John Philip Kemble, the eminent actor, fine proof , 4to, 5s. M. A. Shee. 4645 Miss Brunton, as Monimia, choice engraver's proof in the earliest state , before all letters , very scarce. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Stothard. 4646 Eichard Eeynolds the Quaker, of Bristol, fol. proof on India paper , 7s. 6d. W. Hobday. 4647 Eichard Brothers, the prophet , 4to, 2s. 4648 Ditto, a fine proof , 3s. 6d. 4649 Tom Paine, fol .fine proof, scarce, 12s. Romney. 4650 Ditto, the small plate , 8vo, fine, 5s. 4651 Joanna Southcott, the celebrated impostor , fol. 5s. W. Sharp. 4652 Ditto, a line proof , 7s. 6d. 4653 Ditto, a choice engraver’s proof before letters , 12s. 4654 Portrait of himself, very fine proof j folio, 15s. G. F. Joseph. 4655 Ditto, a most brilliant engraver’s proof in the earliest state before the border , scarce, 25s. H. C. SKENTON. 4656 The tired huntsman ; from a picture by Charles Landseer ; half sheet, choice artist’s pr oof on India paper before letters , 21s. WILIiIAM SHERWIN. 4657 Barbara, Dutchess of Cleaveland and Countess of Castlemaine, &c. 3 qrs. attired as a shepherdess, with a crook, &c., folio, superb impression before the painter’s address , of extraordinary rarity, £10 10s. W. Sherwin, 1670. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 209 - JOHW KEY SE SHERWIN. 4658 The Holy family with the infant St. John, &c., from a picture formerly at Houghton; fol. fine, 7s. 6d. 4659 Ditto, beautiful proof in the earliest state , before the letters and before the motto in the arms , scarce, with large margin, 25s. Nicholo Beretoni. 4660 Holy Family, with the infant St. John : oval, fol. proof 7s. 6d. Carlo Maratti. 4661 Christ bearing his cross; from the altar piece in the chapel of Magdalen College , Oxford , half sheet, fine and very scarce , £3 3s. 4662 The finding of Moses, large sheet, 15s. Sherwin. XiOTJIS VOW SIEGEN. 4663 Portrait of Amelia Elizabeth, Landgravine of Hesse ; a very fine impres- sion of this extremely rare print; first state before the date was altered ; folio, £12 12s. *** This artist is now admitted to have been the inventor of engraving in mezzotinto. W. H. SIMMONS. 4664 The Dawn of Love ; sheet, India proof 15s. Brooks. 4665 Luther, Melancthon, Pomeranus, and Cruciger, translating the Bible in the year 1532, from a picture by P. A. Labouchere in the Banknoch collec- tion ; sheet mez. 15s. JOHW SIMON. 4666 The four elements, from pictures by Amiconi ; set of four prints, fol. mez. scarce, brilliant impressions , 12s. KOUZS SXMOWEAIT. 4667 Susannah and the elders, half sheet, 5s. Coypel. 4668 Christ with Mary and Martha ; sheet, 5s. Ibid. CHARLES SIMONEAU. 4669 Elizabeth Charlotte Palatine du Rhin Duchesse d’Orleans; half length, fol. very fine , 10s. 6d. H. Rigaud. LXim IE EX^ABETH SIMONS. 4670 The woman taken in adultery ; half sheet, scarce , 10s. 6d. Rubens. SIXDENIERS. 4671 Honneurs rendus a Raphael apres sa mort ; from , the well known picture by Bergeret ; sheet, scarce , 15s. WILLIAM SKELTON, 4672 The angel appearing to the shepherds, from a picture by Stothard , half sheet, brilliant proof, 15s. p •210 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND ELIZA SMITH. 4673 The nativity, with angels ; from a picture by Carlo Maratti in the pos- session of Charles Aders, Esq., fol mez. fine proof, 7s. 6d. EDWARD SMITH. 4674 The blind fiddler ; from the picture by Sir D. Wilkie in the National Gallery (the small plate), fine proof on India paper before the letters , 18s 4675 The rent-day, from the famous picture by Sir David Wilkie (the small plat d)fine artist's proof before all letters , scarce, 18s. 4676 The village festival, fine proof on India paper before letters , £l lls. 6d. Sir D. Wilkie. 4677 Ditto, choice engraver's proof before all letters , £2 12s. 6d. 4678 Guess my Name, proof on French paper, 15s. Sir D. Wilkie. 4679 Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, fine India proof , folio, 10s. Sir D. Wilkie . 4680 The Piper, fine proof, 5s. Sir D. Wilkie. 4681 Death of Cleopatra, from a picture by Dominichino in the possession of Lord Whitworth, fol. choice engraver’s proof before all letters, 9s. 4682 Lady and Child, from a picture by Va.ndyck in the collection of Sir A. Hume , fol. engraver’s proof before all letters, 8s. 4683 Susanna and the elders ; from a picture by Paul Veronese , in the possession of the duke of Devonshire ; fol. choice engraver’s proof before all letters, 9s. PORTRAITS ENGRAVED Ilff MEZZOTINTO BY JOHN SMITH. 4684 King James the Second, three-quarters in armour, leaning on an anchor, BRILLIANT BROOF BEFORE LETTERS, rare, £2 2s. *** The chef-d’oeuvre of this artist. 4685 Catherine Purcell, Lady Copley ; folio, fine proof ’ 10s. 6d. G. Kneller. 4686 Francis Cornaro ; oval, folio, fine proof before letters, 15s. 4687 Edward Fowler, Bishop of Gloucester, ob. 1714, three-quarters, in canonicals ; folio, brilliant proof before letters , scarce , £l lls. 6d. Kneller. 4688 The Ladies Frances and Catherine Jones, daughters of the Earl of Ranelagh, 1691 ; whole lengths, with a black offering flowers to them; folio, fine proof before letters , rare, £l lls. 6d. Vander Vaart. 4689 The loves of the gods ; from the celebrated pictures by Titian at Blenheim , set of 10 plates, with the title page, complete, fol. superb impressions with large margins, in the finest condition, in old calf binding ; very rare, £4 4s JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH. 4690 A ladv and her children relieving a cottager, sheet, mez. 7s. Od, V. Bigg PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 211 4691 A lady and her children relieving a cottager, very fine , 12s. W. Bigg. 4692 The widow of an Indian chief watching the arms of her deceased husband, sheet, mez. 7s. 6d. J. Wright. 4693 The lady in Milton’s Comus, companion to the preceding , 7s. 6d. Ibid. 4694 William and Margaret’s ghost, sheet, mez. 7s. 6d. Ibid. 4695 The fortune-teller ; half sheet, mez, 9s. Rev. W. Peters. 4696 The fruit-barrow ; comprising portraits of the painter and his family, fol. mez. 4s. H. Walton. 4697 Selling fish, a scene on the Coast, from a capital picture by G. Morland, sheet, mez. proof \ 15s. 4698 Le patissier — The sword, Rennes — The peasant — The captive ; vide Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, the set of 4 plates , fol. 7s. 6d. G. Carter. 4699 Sophia Western ; vide Tom Jones, fol. 3s 6d. Hoppner. 4700 u Love in her eyes sits playing,” fol. mez. 5s. W. Peters. 4701 Eloisa (vide Pope’s poems) sheet, mez. 5s. J. R. Smith. 4702 “ Albina” (vide Jerningliam’s poems), sheet, mez. 5s. 4703 Age and Infancy, sheet, mez .fine, 15s. Opie. 4704 Lear and Cordelia, sheet, mez. 12s. H. Fuseli. 4705 “ Count Wallenstein,” half sheet, mez. 8s. G. Pom. SAMUEL SMITH, 4706 The finding of Moses, from a picture by Zuccarelli , large sheet, fine proof before letters , 7s. 6d. HENBE1CK SffAYERS. 4707 The Virgin seated upon a throne with St. George, St. Sebastian, and other saints beneath ; fine impression before the retouch at the top of the plate, 16s. Rubens. 4708 The doctors of the church disputing on the Sacrament ; sheet, very ,fine, 15s. Rubens. JOHTC VAN SOMEE. 4709 Interior of a bed chamber with a page on the left presenting a letter to a young lady seated, attended by a female who is dressing her hair ; the background is occupied by a bedstead, in front of which is a parrot on its stand ; to the right, beneath a window, is a table with looking glass, &c. and an open jewel box, on the lid of which are the letters I.V.S. ; 365 millim. by 285, 7s. 6d. 4710 Ditto, a copy from the preceding, without name; 341 millim. by 246, including a blank margin below of 17 mills. 5s. 4711 Interior of a drinking house with four peasants, one of whom on the left seated on a bench with his back to the spectator, is conversing with another whose head and shoulders only are seen ; in the centre a woman in a cap trimmed with fur, and holding a bottle in her hand, is apparently drawing the attention of the fourth peasant to the score p 2 212 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND chalked on the bench ; a violin is tying* on the bench, and, below it, a backgammon board, &c. ; in the lower right hand comer u Yan Somer fecit, 1671, et excudit Amst. 275 millim. by 336, very fine and scarce , 15s. 4712 The repast ; the background is occupied by a tomb, surmounted by a sarcophagus in front of which is a table, with a bottle, glass, &c. in the left hand corner a soldier is seated and opposite, a man stripped to his shirt, with his head bound up, and talking to a youth, who is seated on a low wall to the right, behind which is a female with a dish of meat in her hands, on the low wall is a circular bas-relief, and beneath this “ Johanes Yan Somer, fe. in the right hand corner, “ Kar Du Jardin, pinx. 287 millim. by 330, very fine impression, 10s. 6d. 4713 Portrait of himself, half length, with a book in his hands, turned to the left, but looking towards the spectator, some columns occupy the back- ground ; at the bottom to the left, J. Yan Somer, fecit, 1676 ; 261 millims. by 214, Jine but cut close , £1 11s. 6d. The preceding prints are unnoticed by Laborde. J. SOMERVIIiEE. 4714 Virgin and child ; half sheet, 5s. Murillo. P. VAW SOMPEI. 4715 Portrait of Paracelsus ; superb impression , folio, £1 5s. P. Soutman. 4716 Ericthonius found in a basket by Aglaurus and her sisters ; from a picture by Rubens ; half sheet, 10s. 6d. 4717 Ditto, beautiful impression in the Jirst state , with Soutman' s address , very scarce, 25s. 4718 Ditto, in the same state, superb impression and in very fine con- dition , rare, £2 12s. 6d. 4719 Ixion deceived by Juno, small folio, 7s. 6d. Rubens. G. X>. 3>. SORUIQUE. 4720 Diane endormie, fol. 7s. 6d. Correggio. 4721 Diane a sa toilette, sheet, 10s. 6d. Correggio. B. SOSTEK. 4722 The Virgin with the infant Saviour in the clouds, surrounded by Cheru- bim, from a picture by Sasso Ferrato, fol. 12s. PETER SOUTMAN. 4723 The last supper ; from a drawing by Rubens, after the celebrated original by Leonardo da Vinci ; on two sheets, very Jine , before the address of Clement de Jonghe was erased , £2 12s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 213 4724 — — Ditto, superb proof in the earliest state of the plate before the name of Rubens was substituted for that of Sou tin an, and before the Italian title, commencing “ La ccena stupendaf &c. in magnificent condition and extremely rare, £‘4 4s. 4725 The entombment, with one of the Holy women closing’ the eyes of our Saviour; fol. rare and most brilliant, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. 4726 Fall of the damned ; engraved on two plates, first state before address of P. Bouttat, sheet, 16s. Rubens. 4727 The rape of Proserpine, 4to, 5s. Rubens. 4728 A bacchanalian group, with a drunken Silenus, fauns, &c., &c., fol. 18s. Rubens. 4729 Ditto, a splendid impression, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 4730 Yenus rising- from the sea, attended by nymphs, Neptune, &c., fol. rare but damaged, 5s. Rubens. 4731 The Wolf hunt, sheet (one corner restored), 15s. Rubens. 4732 Hunting- the Wild boar, sheet, 18s. Ibid. 4733 Ditto, brilliant, £2 12s. 6d. 4734 Ditto, fine, £1 11s. 6d. 4735 The Crocodile and Hippopotamus hunt ; sheet, very fine, and scarce, £2 2s. Rubens. 4737 Hunting- the Lion and Lioness, sheet, superb and in the finest condition , very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. Rubens. SPikGUQ&ETTO. 4738 Set of etchings of portions of the human head, heads, and a Saint Jerome, seven plates printed on five sheets , with large margins , very scarce, 25s. zwrmo sPEESBirair. 4739 Two friars of the order of St. Anthony, fol. mez. 5s. Rubens. DERX VAST STASSH. 4740 Jesus Christ, standing on the shore, calling to him St. Peter and St. Andrew, who are fishing, fine and rare (3), £2 2s. 4741 Ditto, very fine impression , rare, £2 15s. 4742 Ditto, a brilliant impression, £3 13s*. 6d. 4743 Jesus Christ tempted by the Devil (5), superb impression, 7vith very large margin , in perfect condition , extremely rare, £4 4s. GXACOMO AHTOmO STSFASTORZ. 4744 The Virgin and the infant Saviour, with St. John and two angels, after Ludovico Caracci ; fol. 7s. 6d. 214 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND Z&AURXZXO STEIWX.A, 4745 The Virgin and child on an altar, attended by Saint Stephen and St. John the Baptist, “ La Madonna della Cathedrale di Lucca,” from a picture by Fra Bartolomeo ; large sheet, fine, 25s. 4746 Ditto, fine proof before letters , £2 2s. 4747 Ditto, superb artists ’ proof before any letters and before the armSj in perfect condition and with large margin , £3 3s. 4748 Madonna di S. Sisto ; from the picture by Rajfaelle in the Dresden Gallery ; superb engraver’s proof on India paper, before all LETTERS, AND WITH THE ETCHING IN THE CORNER ; WITH LARGE MARGIN, £14 14s. 4749 u La Pieta,” the dead body of Christ at the foot of the Cross supported by St. John and the Virgin; Mary Magdalen at his feet ; fne proof before letters , with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. Fra Bartolomeo. JOSEPH STEXNMULLER. 4750 The Virgin and infant Saviour with Saints Catherine and Barbara ; from a picture by Leonardo da Vinci in tlieEsterhazy gallery , half sheet, very fine old impression, 25s. 4751 The Virgin, Infant Saviour, and St. Joseph ; from a picture in Count Czernin's collection , fol. 12s. Sasso Ferrato. CIAUDINE STELLA. 4752 The Crucifixion, sheet, scarce , 7s. 6d. N. Poussin. P. STEPHANOH. 4753 Holy family with St.John presenting fruit to the infant Saviour; fol. very fne , 9s. An. Caracci. JAMES STEWART. 4754 The Penny Wedding ; old impression , sheet, 17s. Sir D. Wilkie. 4755 Ditto, fine proof j £l 11s. 6d. 4756 *- Ditto, fne proof before letters , £3 3s. 4757 The Pedlar, half sheet, 8s. Sir D. Wilkie. 4758 Ditto, proof, 12s. 4759 Hide and seek, fol. 5s. J. Stewart. 4760 The rape of the Sabines ; from a picture in the National Gallery ; 6s. Rubens. 4761 Ditto, fine proof 9s. 4762 Ditto, proof on India paper before letters , 14s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 215 TOBIAS STIMMEB. 4763 The Annunciation, (1) 4to, 5s. 4764 Presentation in the Temple (4) 4to, 5s. 4765 Christ disputing in the Temple (5) 4to, 5s. ANDREW STOCK. 4766 The sacrifice of Abraham, fol. very fine, 10s. 6d. Rubens. HOBERIGO STOOP. 4767 The set of horses (1-12) ; magnificent proofs before the numbers ; in beau- tiful condition and extremely rare ; from the Yerstolk collection, £10 10s. 4768 Man on horseback, &c. (1) ; 5s. 4769 Ditto, brilliant impression with the first address and before the number , 12s. 4770 Le cheval qui pisse (5) beautiful proof before the number , £l Is. 4771 A man holding a horse by the bridle, &c. (6) ; superb proof in the first state before the sky and the hills in the distance ; undescribed by Bartsch, of great rarity, £6 6s. 4772 Two old horses standing in a field (7) ; 7s. 6d. 4773 Ditto, brilliant , before the number in fine condition and with good margin , £1 Is. 4774 Ditto, superb proof in the first state before much extra work on various parts of the print , undescribed by Bartsch, of the utmost rarity, £6 6s. 4775 Horses drinking (8) ; beautiful proof before the number , £1 Is. 4776 Travellers halting at an Inn (10) 5s. 4777 The huntsman and dogs (12) 5s. 4778 The entrance of the Lord Ambassador Montague into the City of Lisbon, the 28th day of March, 1662 (13) rare , £2 2s. 4779 The publique proceeding of the Queen’s Majestie of Great Britaine through ye Citte of Lisbone (14) rare , £2 2s. 4780 The manner of the Queen’s Majestie landing at Portsmouth (17) rare £2 2s. 4781 The coming of the King’s Majestie and ye Queene’s from Portsmouth to Hampton Court (19) rare, £2 2s. 4782 A SERIES OF SEVEN ETCHINGS, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND OF CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA, ON OCCASION OF HER MARRIAGE WITH KING CHARLES THE SECOND, viz. I. The Entrance of the Lord Ambassador Mountagae into the City of Lisbon, the 28th day of March, 1662. II. The publique proceeding of the Queen’s Majestie of Great Britaine through ye Citte of Lisbone. 216 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND III. The manner how her Majestie Donna Catherina embarketh from Lisbon for England. IV. The Duke of York’s meeting with the Royal Navy after it came into the Channel. V. The manner of the Queen’s Majestie landing at Portsmouth. VI. The coming of the King’s Majestie and y e Queenees from Portsmouth to Hampton Court. VII. The Triumphal Entertainment of y e Kinge and Queene by Lord Mayor and Citizens of London from Hampton Court to Whitehall, on the River Thames. “ Aqua Triumphalis.” A COMPLETE AND REMARKABLY FINE SET OF THESE RARE AND CURIOUS HISTORICAL ETCHINGS, £15 15s. *** Sir Mark Sykes had but four of the series in his matchless collection of prints. At the sale of Baron Yerstolk’s collection, a similar set to the present sold for nearly fifty pounds. JOHU STEilDAHUS, 4783 The academy of the Fine Arts ; a very fine proof before the inscription ; fol. 7s. 6d. SIR ROBEM STMN&E. The numbers refer to Le Blanc’s catalogue. 4784 Abraham sending away Agar (1) ; superb proof before all letters , m the finest condition , with large uncut margin , extremely rare, £12 12s. Guercino. 4785 Ditto, a brilliant proof in the same state , £7 7s. 4786 Esther a suppliant before King Ahasuerus ; (2) 15s. Guercino . 4787 The Chastity of Joseph (3), very fine impression , with large margin , £1 Is. Guido . 4788 The Offspring of Love ; “ The Infant Saviour sleeping, with the Virgin praying over him;” (8), fine, with good margin , 15s. Guido. 4789 Ditto, superb proof before all letters , of extreme rarity, £9 9s. 4790 The Infant Jesus sleeping, “ Parce somnum rumpere” (9), fine, with good margin. 15s. Carlo Maratti. 4791 — - — Ditto, with the companion print, St. Cecilia attended by four Angels, “ Te Deum Laudamus,” (15). The pair, fine, cut to the plate mark, £1 5s. 4792 Ditto. The pair , brilliant impressions, with large uncut margins , £2 2s. 4793 Ditto, a fine pair , upon India paper, rare, £2 12s. 6d. 4794 The Infant Jesus playing with a crown of thorns (10), from a painting by Murillo; Infant St. John sleeping, from a painting by Vandyck (11); the pair, very fine impressions , with large margins , £1 11s. 6d. 4795 Ditto, the pair, brilliant proofs before any letters, £3 3s. 4796 Ditto, superb proofs before all letters, in the, finest condition with large uncut margins , £4 4s. 4797 The Infant St. John sleeping (11), fine impression , 14s. Vandych. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 217 4798 The Infant St. John sleeping 1 (11), superb proof before all letters , with large uncut margin, £2 2s. 4799 Christ appearing to his Mother after his Resurrection (12), very fine im- pression, 15s. Guercino. 4800 Saint Cecilia, accompanied by the Magdalen and St. Augustin, &c. from the celebrated picture in the church of St. Giovanni in Monte, at Bologna (14), very fine , with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. Raffaellc. 4801 The Magdalen reading, from a picture by Correggio (18) ; splendid proof before all letters and with large uncut margin, very scarce, £6 6s. 4802 Laomedon, King of Troy, detected by Neptune and Apollo ; fine, (19) with large margin, 9s. Salvator Rosa. 4803 Death of Dido (20) ; most superb and brilliant proof before all letters, with large margin , £4 4s. Guercino. 4804 The finding of Romulus and Remus ; fine, (21) with large margin , 7s. 6d P. da Cortona . 4805 Apollo rewarding Merit and punishing Arrogance (26) ; fine, 6s. Andrea Sacchi . 4806 Cleopatra applying the asp, half length figure (22), fine, with large margin , £1 Is. Guido. 4807 Cleopatra applying the asp to her breast (23), a full length figure after Guido ; a truly superb proof before all letters in splendid condition , and of the greatest rarity, £21. 4808 Caesar, putting away Pompeia, receives Calphurnia as his wife (24) ; fine, with large margin , 7s. 6d. P da Cortona. 4809 Ditto, a very curious unfinished proof before letters , in fine con- dition, ivith good margin, rare, £l 11s. 6 d. 4810 Belisarius (25) \jine impression , 18s. Salvator Rosa. 4811 Ditto, a brilliant impression , £1 5s. 4812 Venus and Danse (27 and 35), from the celebrated pictures by Titian at Naples and Florence ; the pair, very fine, £3 3s. 4813 Ditto, superb impressions in perfect condition , with la -ge margins , £5 5s. 4814 Venus blinding Cupid (28) very fine , 15s. Titian. 4815 Venus dissuading Adonis from the chase (29) ; £1 Is. Titian. 4816 Venus attired by the Graces, from the picture in the National Gallery (30) ; tine impression , 18s. Guido. 4817 Ditto, brilliant impression , 21s. 4818 Cupid sleeping (31 ) t fine, 15s. Guido. 4819 Ditto, very fine, 18s. 4820 Cupid with his bow (33), after a picture by Vanloo, fine, with large margin, 7s. 6d. 4821 Ditto, an etching or unfinished proof from the plate, of extreme rarity, £2 2s. 4822 The Judgment of Hercules (34), fine, with large margin , 6s. N. Poussin. 218 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4823 Danae, from the picture at Naples (35), fine impression , with large mar- gin , £l 11s. 6d. Titian. 4824 — r— Ditto, with the companion print, “ Venus,” from the picture in the Florence Gallery, superb impressions, with large margin, £5 5s. 4825 Justice and Meekness (38, 39), the pair, brilliant impressions with large margins , £2 2s, Raffaelle. 4826 Fortune distributing her gifts (41), brilliant proof before any bet- ters, WITH LARGE MARGIN, £9 9s. Guido. 4827 Ditto, a most brilliant proof before all letters , in superb condition , with large uncut margin , extremely rare, £16 16s. 4828 The hornbook (42), very, fine , 15s. Schidone. 4829 The return from Market (43), cut to the plate mark , 10s. 6d. W ouver mans. 4830 — ; — Ditto, fine impression , with good margin , 15s. 4831 The death of the Stag (44 ),,fine, very scarce , 15s. 4832 Charles the First full length, standing by his horse, accompanied by the Duke of Hamilton (45) ; Henrietta Maria and her children (48), the pair , brilliant impressions , £3 3s. Vandyck. 4832*Charles the first, full length standing by his horse, accompanied by the Duke of Hamilton (45), superb proof, with large margin ; £5 5s. 4833 King Charles the First in his ermine robes (4 6), fine, £3 3s. Vandyck. 4834 Ditto, very fine old impression , £4 4s. 4835 Ditto, a superb impression with large margin, in perfect con- dition, £7 7s. 4836 Queen Henrietta Maria with her two children (4:8), fine impression with large margin, £1 Is. Vandyck. 4837 The children of Charles the First, from a picture in the royal collection (49), brilliant impression, £l 11s. 6d. Vandyck. 4838 Sappho (53), fine with large margin , 12s. Carlo Dolce. 4839 Portrait of Raffaelle (54),, fine with large margin, 12s. 4840 Sappho (53), portrait of Raphael (54), the pair brilliant, with large uncut margins, £1 11s. 6d. Raffaelle and Carlo Dolce. 4841 The mistress of Parmegiano, “ Parmeggiani Arnica ” (55), brilliant with large margin, 18s. Parmegiano. 4842 Ditto, very fine old impression, 15s. 4843 Portrait of Archibald Pitcairn, M.D. (61), folio, extremely rare , £2 2s. Sir J. Medina. 4844 Portrait of himself ; a medallion (62), very fine , with the etching , printed on one sheet, £1 11s. 6d. Greuze. 4845 Ditto, the etching only, 7s. 6d. 4846 The infant Saviour sleeping ; not described by Le Blanc ; fine proof etching before letters of an unfinished and unpublished plate, extremely rare, £2 2s. 4847 Book plate, engraved for Andrew Lumisden ; an infant with busts of Cicero, Craig, &c., 12mo, undescribed by lx Blanc ; 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 210 JOSEPH STRUTT. 4848 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS ; 17 PLATES, from designs by Stothard, THE COMPLETE SET, 4to, £l Is. 4849 Ditto, BEAUTIFUL PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, IN THE FINEST STATE WITH FULL MARGIN, scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 4850 Ditto, in the same state, but printed in a brown ink, £2 2s. *** The chefs d' oeuvre of this admirable artist. S.OUIS SURUGUR. 4851 Le plaisir de l’ete, fol. 5s. Paterre . 4852 Le desir de plaire, fol. 5s. Ibid. 4853 Susannah and the elders, 4to, 3s. 6d. TV. Verkolje. PETER SUHUGUE. 4854 The Virgin and infant Saviour with Saint Jerome, &c. from a picture by Guido in the Dresden Gallery ; sheet, 7s. 6d. JONAS SUTBEREOEF. 4855 Exterior of a tavern, with peasants drinking, &c. from a picture by Ostade : superb proof in the earliest state , before all letters and before Suyderhoef retouched the plate for general sale , in the finest condition, with large margin and most rare, half sheet, £14 14s. 4856 The burgomasters of Amsterdam consulting on the reception of Marie de Medicis Jt /rm a picture by T. Keijser, fol. 10s. 6d. 4857 Ditto, brilliant impression of this celebrated print , very scarce, £5 5s. 4858 Ditto, very fine impression in excellent condition , with large margin and very rare, £6 6s. 4859 The Virgin embracing the infant Saviour, from a picture by Rubens, 4to, 8s. 4860 Ditto, very fine , 15s. 4861 Interior with peasants quarrelling, from a picture by Ostade ; superb impression before the address of Clement de Jonghe, very scarce , £9 9s. 4862 Ditto, a most brilliant impression with the address , slightly injured, £2 2s. 4863 The Gambler’s quarrel, u Snick-a-snee,” fol. 12s. G. Terburg. 4864 Ditto, extremely fine , 16s. 4865 THE THREE FATES, AFTER OSTADE ; most brilliant proof before the angles, in the finest condition, with large margin, FROM THE MARIETTE AND DEBOIS COLLECTIONS, £6 6s. 4866 Man and woman drinking in a cabaret, “ Ni pateat fundus, &c.,” 4to, extremely fine , from the Debois collection, £l Is. A. van Ostade. 4867 Interior, with two peasants drinking and another playing on the violin, called “ Jan de Mof,” folio, very fine , £1 Is. A. Ostade. 220 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4868 Interior, with two peasants drinking* and another playing* on the violin, called “Jan de Moss,” most brilliant and with good margin , rare, £1 11s. Od. 4869 The ceremony of completing* the Treaty of Munster, from a picture by Terburg , sheet, 25s. 4870 Ditto, very fine impression , but cut close at top and sides, £2 2s. 4871 Ditto, brilliant impression with good margin , from the collection of Baron Verstolk, £4 4s. 4872 Drunken Silenus supported by satyrs, &c., from a picture by Rubens , fol. fine, 12s. 4873 Ditto, superb impression in the first state, before the drapery , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 4874 Fall of the damned ; large sheet, fine, £1 11s. 6d. Rubens. 4875 Interior, the Backgammon Players, after Ostade, fine, 10s. 6d. 4876 Lion and Tiger hunt, very fine impression sheet, £2 2s. Rubens. 4877 Ditto, a most superb impression, £3 13s. 6d. *** (Test la chasse la plus difficile a trouver belle epreuve. — Basan. 4878 Portrait of the Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles the first; fol. in an oval composed of Cupids, sheaves of corn, fruit, &c., extra fine, 15s. Gerard Honthorst. 4879 Portrait of Philip the second, King of Spain, in an oval with border of fruit, &c ,,from a picture by Sir Antonio More , fol. 15s. 4880 Portrait of Tegularius, of Haarlem ; folio, 10s. 6d. F. Hals. 4881 Portrait of Abraham Heydan, Theological Professor of Leyden, brilliant impression, before the dress was altered, and with the first address , 15s. L. van Schootan. 4882 John Count Nassau, in an oval, surrounded by fruits, &c., folio, fine , before the number, 7s. 6d. A. Vandych. 4883 Samuel Ampzing, pastor of Haarlem, folio, fine, 12s. 4884 Ditto, a portion of the inscription cut off, 5s. 4885 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. in an oval, ornamented with fruit, &c., fob fine impression, 15s. Vandych. 4886 Portrait of Wikenburg, brilliant proof before the names of painter , engraver, or publisher , very rare, £2 2s. F. Hals. 4887 Portrait of Descartes, the celebrated philosopher, folio, 7s. 6d. F. Ilals. 4888 Portrait of Maximilian, Emperor of Germany, with the collar of the golden fleece, in an oval of fruit, &c., folio, proof before the number, 7s. 6d. L. van Leyden. 4889 Portrait of Gillis de Clarges, of Leyden University, half-length , in a cloak bordered with fur, folio, fine, 15s. Mirevelt. 4891 Portrait of John Hoornbeeck, doctor in Theology of Leyden University, half-length, holding a book, folio, very fine, 10s. 6d. 4892 Jean de la Chambre, a Dutch writing-master, folio, very fine, 7s. 6d. F. Hals. 4893 Portrait of Frederick Spanheim, a celebrated theologian ; folio, 7s. 6d. Dubordieu. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 221 4894 Claudius de Salmasia ; eight Latin verses beneath, fol. Jirst impression with the address of J. Maire , half sheet, £1 Is. N. van Negre. 4895 Carolus dictus Bellicosus seu Pugnax Dux Burgundise, &c., in an oval of fruit, fol. 5s. P. Soutman , 4896 Hendrick de Keyser, beeldt en steenhonneur der Stadt Amsterdam ; in an oval, 4to, 4s. T. Keyser. 4897 Albertus Kuperus, phil. et med. Doctor, &c., fol. 7s. 6d. D. Bailly. 4898 Johannes Polyander a Kerckhoven S. 8. theologise doctor et professor primarius, &c., fol. 5s. Baudrigeen. 4899 Franciscus Plante ; twelve Latin verses beneath, fol. 7s. fid. D. D. Santvoort. 4900 Thomas Bartholinus, Casp. fil. D. med. et anatom, in academ. Hafniensi profess, regius. setatis 35 A" 1651, small 4to, superb impression , 5s. Carl van Mander. 4901 Martinus Trompius H. F. Hollands et Occidentalis Frisise rerum mari- timarum viceprsefectus ; in an oval, with cannon, balls, &c., half sheet, superb impression and in perfect condition , very rare, £2 12s. 6d. H. Pot. *** The finest portrait of this distinguished naval commander. 4902 Franciscus de Moncada, Marchio de Aytona, Comes de Ossona, &c., in a border of fruit and oak leaves, fol. fine, 7s. 6d. Van Dyck. 4903 Portrait of Daniel Heinsius, the historian ; fol. superb impression , and in very fine condition , from the 11 Fries collection,” 15s. J. Merck. 4904 Theodorus Schrevelius gymnasiarcha Harlemensis ; in an oval, 8 Latin verses by C. Barlceus, beneath, 4to, os. F. Hals. 4905 Op het afbeelt van d’heer David Nuyts ; 8 Dutch verses beneath, fol. 5s. 4906 Adrianus Heerebord, Lugduno-Batavus, L.A.M. Philosophise in academia patria professor ordinarius, et collegii theologici pro-regens setatis xxxiii. 1647, six Latin verses beneath ; fol, 7s. 6d. P. Dubordieu. 4907 Johanna uxor Philippi I. Regina Castilise, &c., in a border composed of flowers, &c., fol. 5s. P. Soutman. 4908 Maximilianus Archidux Austrise, Dux Burgundise, &c., in an oval of fruit and flowers ; fol. proof before the number , 7s. 6d. Rubens. 4909 Portrait of Swalmius, a Dutch divine ; 3 qrs. in a robe trimmed with fur, six Dutch verses beneath, fol. fine , 12s. Rembrandt . 4910 Ditto, another portrait of this eminent man, taken in the forty-seventh year of his ministry ; 8 Dutch verses beneath, fol. 15s. F. Hals. 4911 Maria Coniux Maximiliani Imperatoris, &c. in an oval of flowers, fol. proof before the number , 5s. P. Soutman. 4912 M. Conradus Victor van Aken, &c., prediger der Christ-Luterse gemeente binnen Haerlem 40 jaeren ; six Dutch verses beneath, fol. 8s. F. Hals. 4913 Ditto, a most brilliant impression and m perfect condition , 15s. 4914 Johannes Claubergius SS. theologise et philosophise doctor et professor in academia Duisburgensi ; fol. 7s. 6d. J. Caspar Pfeffer. 4915 Andreas Rivetus picto sammaxentinus, annies xxv in patria provincia siastes Thoarsensis ; fol. very fine , 9s. P. Dubordieu. 222 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4916 Godartus a Rede, Dominus Nederhorstii, &c., in conventu Monasteriensi legatus plenipotentiarius, 4to, very fine, 5s. 4917 Jacobus Crucius verbi Dei minister gymnasiarcha Delphensis, &c. ; dedi- cation and four Dutch verses beneath, 4to, 3s. 6d. 4918 Op de af-beelding van de heer burgermeester Johan van Rouberg ; 4to, very fine , 7s. 6d. W. Fversdych. 4919 Portrait of Francis Heerman ; no inscription, 8vo, 5s. V. de Geest. 4920 Illustrissimus ac excellentissimus Dominus Georgius Christopliorus Liber Baro ab Hanslang, &c., et ad tractatus pads Universalis legatus Plenipo- tentiarius; 4to ,fine, 5s. 4921 Jacobus Msestertius juris consultus Belga, &c., four Latin verses beneath, fol. 9s. N. van Negre. 4922 Jacobus Revius SS. theol. D. et colleg. theol. ill. ordd Holl. et Westfris, prsefect, 6 Latin verses by Heinsius beneath ; fol. 5s. F. Hals. WILLIAM VAN SWATffEWTBURGH. 4923 The Magdalen praying in the desert ; 4to, brilliant, 5s. A. Bloemart. 4924 Saint Jerome in a cavern, with the lion, 4to, 5s. A. Bloemart. 4925 Christ at Emmaus ; fol. fine, 5s. Rubens. 4926 Rebecca and Isaac deceiving Jacob, fol. 3s. 6d. W. Morelse. 4927 The resurrection of our Saviour, fol. fine, 7s. 6d. P. Morelse. 4928 Lot and his daughters, fol. fine, 9s. Rubens. ETCHINGS BIT HERMAN SWANEVELT. 4929 Varise Campestrum Fantasise (1—24), set of 24 small etchings of land- scapes, oval shape, complete, 'fine and scarce , £2 12s. 6d. 4930 Views of Rome, dedicated to Gedeon Tallemant (36—48), set of 13 etchings, most brilliant proofs, in the first state , before the address, very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 4931 Landscapes with satyrs (49—52), set of 4 etchings, first states, very fine, £2 2s. 4932 Diverses veues dedans et dehors de Rome, &c. dediee aux Verteux, avec Privil. du Roy 1653 (53 — 65) ; a most beautiful set in the first state before the address of Bonnart, in perfect condition and with small margins, complete, and very scarce, £3 3s. 4933 Ditto, another set, 10 of which are most brilliant impressions in the first state before the address of Bonnart (No. 65 is wanting), £l 11s. 6d. 4934 Landscape “ S. Adriano in Via Flaminia” (6^), first state, fine, 5s. 4935 “ Casa Rustico fordella Porta del Popolo” (60 ), first state, fine, 5s. 4936 _ — “ Vinnia Papa Julio in Via Flaminia” (61), 2s. 4937 Set of four Landscapes, representing subjects taken from the Old Testa- ment (66 — 69), 15s. 4937*The small cascade (80), superb proof in the first state before any inscription, with a small margin and in the purest condition, extremely rare, £8 8s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 223 4938 Evening*; a woody landscape (81), brilliant impression in the first state , in perfect condition and with good margin , 12s. 4939 The little wooden bridge (82), brilliant impression with the first address , with good margin , 10s. 6d. 4940 LANDSCAPES, ORNAMENTED WITH BUILDINGS (83—94), the set of 12 etchings, complete, first states , fine and scarce, £5 5s. 4941 Ditto, superb set m first state of the plates , in most beautijul condi- tion and with good margins , extremely scarce, £6 10s. 6d. *** The last plate is without the margin. 4942 The Cardinal (83), cut close , 3s. 4943 Ditto, beautiful impression in the first state , with good margin, 9s. 4944 “Les ruines en amphitheatre” (84) brilliant impression in the first state, with good margin, 9s. 4945 “ La dame au parasol” (85) brilliant impression in the first state , 7 s. 6d 4946 “ Le salut” (86), in the first state, 5s. 4947 L’hopital (87), superb impression in the first state , in most perfect condi- tion, and with large margin, scarce, 10s. 6d. 4948 u La grotte de la nymphe Egerie” (91); brilliant impression in the firs state, and with margin, 9s. 4949 The Gate of the City (92), first state, 7s. 6d. 4950 Distribution of Bread to the Poor (93), first state, 7s. 6d. 4951 Flight into Egypt, represented in four different ways (97 — 100), set of 4 landscapes, first states, very fine, £3 3s. 4952 Venus stealing the young Adonis (102), first state, 10s. 6d. 4953 Venus lamenting the death of Adonis (10 0), first state, 7s. 6d. 4954 Ditto, brilliant, 10s. 6d. 4955 The ass driver ; The mountain ; The great cascade ; The group of trees ; set of four grand landscapes, upright (112-115) ; superb proofs in the first state , before the address of Bonnart, in most beautiful condition, with good margin, very scarce, £4 4s. PETER ALERANBER. TARDIEU. 4956 Portrait of Gerard Dow seated at an open window, with a palette in his hand and a book before him, from a picture by himself, 4to, proof be- Jore letters, 10s. 6d. PETER FRAXTCXS TARDIEU. 4957 Perseus and Andromeda, from the picture, formerly in the Bruhl collec tion, half sheet, 5s. Rubens . 20TCHOX.AS HENRY TARSIEV. 4958 L’Embarquement pour Cythere, from one of Watteau’s finest pictures, sheet, brilliant impression, but stained, £l 11s. 6d. 4959 Ditto, very fine and scarce, with margin, £2 12s. 6d. *** The chef-d’oeuvre of Watteau. 224 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND JAMES NICHOLAS TARDIBU. 4960 Christ appearing* to his mother, from a picture by Guido in the Dresden gallery , sheet, 7s. 6d. PETER JOSEPH TASSAERT. 4961 The Virgin with the infant Saviour in her arms, from a capital picture by Carlo Dolce in the collection of Lord Clive , large fol. mez. very fine and scarce, £l Is. 4962 Venus dissuading Adonis from the chase ; half sheet, 7s. 6d. Rubens. ISAAC TAYLOR. 4963 A Flemish entertainment ; sheet, fine proof before letters , 10s. 6d. Van Harp. E. C. THELOTT. 4964 The death of Seneca, from the picture in the Dusseldorf gallery , half sheet, 5s. Carlo Lotti. JOHN THOMAS. 4965 u Leopold, D. G. Roman, imperator, semper Augustus, German. Hungar. Boem. &c. Rex. Archidux Austriae, Dux Burgundiae,” &c. ; fine im- pression of this extremely rare print , by one of the earliest practisers of mezzotinto engraving , fol. £6 6s. 4966 Achilles disguised as a woman, putting on the armour brought by Ulysses (said to be a portrait of Maria Ruthven), large 4to, superb impression and excessively rare , £8 8s. HENRY SIMON THOMAS SIN. 4967 Christ with his Disciples at Emmaus, from the picture formerly in the Crozat Gallery, fine proof before any letters , sheet, 10s. 6d. P. Veronese. Simon THOM ASSIST. 4968 The Transfiguration, from Rajfaelle's immortal picture , sheet, 15s. JAMES THOMPSON. 4969 The Bride ; from Leslie’s celebrated picture, fol. proof on India paper before letters , 15s. PELTRO WILLIAM TOMKINS. 4970 The vision of Saint Augustine ; from the picture by Garofalo in the National Gallery , fol. artists’ proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 22 5 4971 The Holy Family with the infant St. John, from a picture bp Giulia Romano in the possession of Lord Radstoch , fol. artists’ proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. 4972 The Virgin and Child with Elizabeth and St. John, from the fine picture by Andrea del Sarto in the National Gallery ; fol. fine artists’ proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. 4973 Christ in the sepulchre, from an original picture by Guercino in the National Gallery ; 4to, fine artists’ proof in the earliest state, 7s. 6d. 4974 Cottage girl shelling* peas. fol. 5s. W. R. Bigg , 4975 Love enamoured, 4to, 3s. 6d. Hoppner. TOMPSON, 4976 Prince Rupert, half-length, in his robes ; from a picture by Sir P. Lely, folio ; fine proof before letters , very scarce, £3 3s. PAOLO TOSCHI. 4977 The Virgin with the youthful Saviour ; Joseph in the background plucking fruit from a tree, “ La madonna della scodella,” from a picture by Correggio; beautiful proof with round hand inscription, with large margin , £8 8s. 4978 La Madonna del Velo, left unfinished by Longhi at the time of his death , and finished by Toschi; choice proof before letters, with full margin, £6 6s. Rajfaelle . 4979 Descent from the Cross, from the famous picture by Daniel da Volterra , splendid proof with round hand title, £8 8s. 4980 Ditto, superb U 6preuve de remar quefi before the cross was finished , £12 12s. 4981 Venus and Adonis, with cupids, from the beautiful picture by Albano ; sheet, choice proof before letters on India paper, with large margin, scarce , £3 3s. MAETZN T3S3SU.— (Monogram 247.) 4982 La danse des gens de condition (24, 28, 2^), fine and scarce , 3s. each. ANT SON? TSOUVAIET. 4983 Bacchus with a nymph and satyrs carousing in a cave, from a picture by Coypel , formerly at Meudon; fol. fine, 7s. 6d. CHAEL1S TUEHSE. 4984 Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert ; half sheet, mez. brilliant artist's proof before all letters , 15s. Baroccio. 4985 The Virgin and child, from a picture by Rarmegiano in (1810) the collec- tion of Robert Wigram ; half sheet, mez. private plate , fine proof, 15s. 4986 Raffaelle painting the portrait of 11 La bella Fornarina” half sheet, mez. 10s. 6d. W. Brochedon . 4987 — — Ditto, fine proof j 15s. a 226 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 4988 A classical landscape with figures ; from a picture by Dominichino in the collection of Robert Wigram , Esq., 1810, private plate , brilliant proof, half sheet, mez. 12s. 4989 11 Hebe” from the celebrated picture by Huet Villiers ; sheet, mez. fine proof before letters, 25s. LUCAS MU UDSU, 4990 Landscape, a night piece with a shepherd and his family round a fire (9) os. 4991 A small landscape, with a cottage at the entrance of a wood (32) ; very ; fine , 10s. 6d. 4992 Flight into Egypt, with view of an extensive country (49) ; oblong folio, 10s. 6d. Van Eden. 4993 The Holy Family ; with a mountainous landscape (54) ; oblong folio, 9s. Titian. 4994 The good Samaritan (55), oblong folio, 10s. 6d. Titian . 4995 Landscape with a Capuchin convent, &c. after Rubens (56) 9s. MOSES inrTEUBROUCX. 4996 Argus begging Mercury to remain with him (21) 5s. 4997 Mercury charming Argus (22) 5s. WALLSEAETT UASLLAHT, One of the earlier practisers of 11 Mezzotinto engraving, vide u Histoire de la gravure en maniere noire, par La Borde. ,> 4998 A lady standing with her right hand resting on a chair, to whom an old woman is delivering a letter, fine, 7s. 6d. *** Bon effet — Laborde. 4999 Portrait of Prince Bupert “ Prins Bobbert, vinder Yan de Swarte Prent Konst,” 4to, scarce , 7s. 6d. Bonne expression, assez bonne execution — Laborde. 5000 Portrait of a young lady with a black silk veil over her head ; 4to, fine, 15s. Bon travail ; je crois, le portrait de la femme de l’artiste — Laborde. 5001 Portrait of himself ; 4to, mez. 3s. 5002 Ditto, proof before the address of Covens and Mortier , 7s. 6d. (The following are undescribed in Laborde' s catalogue.') 5003 Portrait of a gentleman with his left hand to his breast, a cloak over his right shoulder and looking to the right ; A van Eyck , P. — W. Vaillant , F. ; 243 mill, by 163, 3s. 6d. 5004 Portrait of himself, looking to the left, in a flowing wig and broad brimmed hat ; W. Vaillant fecit; 221 mill, by 174, 5s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 227 5005 Portrait of a lady seen in profile and looking 1 to the right (said to be that of Maria Vaillant), the corners are ovaled ; W. Vaillant fe. ex. ; 141 mill, by 87, 3s. 6d. 5006 Madame Vaillant and her children. A lady in a lace collar, and her dress fastened with a profusion of ribbon in front, is holding’ a sleeping* infant on her left arm ; on her right are two boys, one of whom has a velvet cap on his head ; in the right hand lower corner is the mono- gram WV ; 243 mill, by 320, 7s. 6d. 5007 Madame Vaillant and her children. In the centre of the print, a lady similarly habited as in the print last described, but with a plain cap on her head, is seated in a chair sewing, a youth is standing behind her chair and a young girl is standing by her lap, behind is a portion of a column and balustrades, &c., to the left, at bottom, in the margin, “ W. Vaillant fecit et Excu. ; ” 388 mill, by 308, 10s. 6d. 5008 The young student ; a boy seated on a low heavy chair is reading from a book placed on his knees, another is lying open before him on the ground, supported by a shelf on which is a statue of a naked boy, behind this are two busts, and on a shelf at the top are some papers and rolls ; in the lower left hand corner, 11 W. Vaillant fecit et excudit ; ” 273 mill, by 214, 3s. 6d. 5009 Portrait of a man in a loose robe, wearing his own hair, and with his left hand to his neck handkerchief in the margin below to the right, “ W. Vaillandt fee. ; ” 258 mill, by 190, 7s. 6d. 5010 An aged woman seated in a low chair with a table and cabinet before her, weighing money, a little dog is by her side, near the table is a large purse and papers lying on a stool, the light enters from a window on the right ; below, “ W. Vaillant fee.,” and on the left, U F. de Wit excudit ; ” 308 mill, by 239, 7s. 6d. 5011 u Charitas,” Madame Vaillant and her children. The same lady as re- presented in the engraving last described, is seated, seen in front face, and surrounded by four children, one of which (a girl) to the left, is showing a piece of money, in the margin below, “ Charitas,” and in the left corner, “ W. Vaillant pinx. et fee. ; ” 390 mill, by 296, 7s. 6d. 5012 The lovers ; interior of a room with a large and overhanging fire place, near which a man is embracing a young woman, to whom another seated before her is offering a glass ; in the lower right hand corner u WV ; ” 332 mill, by 265, scarce and very fine, 15s. 5013 Portrait of Gaspar Netscher, 3 qrs. seated and reclining his left arm on a table, he holds in his right hand a palette and brushes ; in the margin below, u Casparus Netscher ; ” on the left, “ Casp. Netscher pinxit ; ” and to the right, u W. Vaillant fecit ; ” 288 mill, by 245, rare , £ 1 Is. 5014 Portrait of a boy turned to the right, seated with a board upon his knees, and holding an instrument in his right hand, in the margin below, to the right, u W. Vaillant fecit ; ” 231 mill, by 157, 5s. 5015 Portrait of Vaillant’s son? ; full length, with a stick in his left hand and his right on the paws of a dog on a table near him ; in the margin below to the right W. Vaillant fee. et. exc, 288 mill, by 231, 7s. 6d. Q 2 228 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5010 Portrait of Madame Vaillant ; clothed in a loose mourning* robe, seated, looking* to the right, a necklace in her right hand and her left raised to her breast ; below in the margin, to the left, u W. Yaillant Fecit, and to the right F. de Wit. exc. 260 mill, by 192, 7s. 6d. 5017 11 The party of pleasure to the right a young man is sleeping with his head on the lap of a woman who is transferring the contents of his pocket to the custody of an old woman who is seen to the extreme right beneath a curtain, a little dog, French clipped is in front, another group of two young men and two women, one of whom is playing on the guitar is seated on a bench to the left, and near them a boy standing behind a table who receives from one of the females a glass, &c. ; in the left hand corner, Gerars pinxit , and to the right W. Yaillant fee. et Excud. 333 mill, by 397, 15s. 5018 u The musical party” a group of nine young men and women, among which to the right is a female on the ground tuning a guitar and one of her companions is directing her attention to a music score, on the left hand side a lady is seated singing from a music score which she holds in her hand, &c. ; in the left hand lower corner Gerars Pinx. and to the right, W. Yaillant fee. et Exc. 331 mill, by 394, 15s. 5019 “ The concert.” A young lady standing in the left hand corner of the print is regarding a lady who is seated and playing upon the guitar accompanied by a gentleman on the flute who is behind her, to the right is a table with a music book open upon it and a dog beneath, and below “ Gerars Pinx. W. Yaillant fee.” 317 mill, by 268, brilliant impres- sion, 10s. 6d. 5020 Portrait of a young man in a velvet hat or cap seated on a chair, over the back of which is his left arm, turned to the left but seen nearly in full face ; in the margin below to the right, “ W. Vaillant pinx. et fee. 260 mill, by 192, fine and extra rare, 15s. 5021 AN ETCHING BY YAILLANT— Portrait of Charles Louis Count Pala- tine ; 3 qrs. in his royal robes, turned to the right, with the ermined cap of state upon his head, and in his right hand the crown and in his left a magnificent sword, in the margin below u Sereniss m et Celciss m Princeps ac Dominus dn. Carolus Ludovic, Comes Palatin Rheni, Sac. Rom. Imp. Archithesaurarius Princeps Elector, nec non Bavarise Dux. etc. W. Yaillant fee. 305 mill, by 220, very Jine and extra rare , £1 11s. 6d. 3EEAHB VALCK, 5022 Portrait of Ortance Mancini, duchess of Mazarin, mistress of Charles II., three-quarters, folio, £1 11s. 6d. P. Lely. 5023 Ditto, superb proof before the address, in beautiful condition and with good margin, £3 3s. Ibid. 5024 DITTO ; BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE THE FLOWERS ON THE DRESS, EXTREMELY RARE, £4 14s. 6d. 5025 Robert Lord Brooke, Baron Brooke, of Beauchamps Court, in the county of Warwick, Lord-lieutenant of ye county of Stafford, obiit, Feb. 13, 1676 ; fol. extremely Jine and in beautiful condition , rare, £3 3s. Lely. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 229 J0HN VAIBOR. 5026 Effigies Thomae Mori, supremi quondam Angliee cancel! arii, quam ad vivum expressam 3 half length, extremely fine and of great rarity , 12mo, £1 15s. 5027 Rupert, a monk of Leyden, adoring the Virgin and infant Saviour ; 12mo, a super!) impression and of great rarity , £l Is. WARM ARB VAETBBM VA&ISiLS SRT. 5028 The last supper, 61 millim. by 169, fine , £1 Is. 5029 His own portrait, 1612, in a small oval 70 millim. by 50, fine , 15s. Etchings by this artist are of rare occurrence. WXWXAnE VALLST. 5030 Rest in Egypt, with the Virgin washing, and Angels hanging up the linen. Psalm 87, sheet, scarce , 12s. F. Albano. 5031 The Virgin seated at the foot of a column, with the infant Saviour and St. John, from a picture by Annibale Caracci; half-sheet, fine, 15s. EARS PORTRAITS BIT PETSE VAIffDEE3AKC2£. 5032 General Thomas Dalyell, obiit, 1685 — (Vide u Old Mortality”) — oval, in armour, with long white beard and hair, his arms, and an account of him beneath, folio, very fine and extremely rare , £6 6s. D. Patton . 5033 William Lord Russell, executed 1683, fol. superb impression , with large margin , £2 2s. G. Kneller. 5034 George Viscount Tarbat, Ld. Macleod and Castlehaven, heritable sheriff of Cromarty, &c., setatis 60, anno, 1692, a very fine impression , ex- tremely rare , fol. £3 3s. J. B. de Medina. SIR ANTHONY VA3STDYCK For a detailed account of the variations in the etchings by Vandyck, See the excellent memoir by W. H. Carpenter, Esq. 5035 Christ presented with the reed, £2 2s. 5036 Ditto, brilliant impression before 11 cum prwilegio Regis” was erased ; very scarce, £6 6s. 5037 Jodocus de Momper,/m£ old impression , 10s. 6d. 5038 Ditto, splendid proof before all letters in the first state , rare, £7 7s. 5039 Adam van Noort ,fne old impression , 8s. 5040 Ditto, ditto, with large margin , 12s. 5041 Ditto, superb proof before all letters , in fine condition and extremely rare, £8 8s. 5042 Philip Le Roy, a most beautiful proof before all letters , £8 18s. 6d. 043 Ditto, in the same state, in perfect condition and very rare, £10 10s. 230 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5044 John Snellincx, fine old impression , 7s. 6d. 5045 Ditto, superb proof before any inscription in the first state , in beau- tiful condition and of extreme rarity, £10 10s. 5046 William de Y os ; superb proof before any inscription, in perfect condition and very rare, £6 16s. 6d. 5047 Ditto, in the same state, but with large margin , £8 8s. 5048 John Breughel ; fine old impression with large margin , 10s. 6d. 5049 Ditto, a superb proof in the second state before all letters in perfect condition , from Mariette’s and C. C. [Hall’s collections with their marks on the back, £10 10s. 5050 Ditto, in the same state, in matchless condition and with larg e margin, £12 12s. *** This is the earliest state in which there is any chance of its being met with for a collector’s portfolio, the rarity of the etching in the first state being so extreme as to be only met with in public museums. 5051 Franciscus Franck ; very fine old impression , 10s. 6d. 5051* Ditto, superb proof before all letters , in perfect condition, of great rarity, £9 9s. 5052 Joannes de Wael \Jine old impression , 10s. 6d, 5053 — - Ditto, before the 11 G . H .” was erased , brilliant and with large mar- gin, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 5053*- Ditto, superb proof in the first state, before any inscription and before the left arm was introduced , in perfect condition and very rare, £9 9s. 5054 Lucas Yorsterman the celebrated engraver ; 4to. fine old impression , £1 11s. 6d. 5055 Justus Suttermans; very fine, with large margin , 15s. 5056 — Ditto, brilliant proof in the first state before any inscription , very rare, £10 10s. 5057 Sir Anthony Yandyck ; the finished portrait, as frontispiece to his “ leones” fine, but torn, 15s. 5058 Anthony Triest, bishop of Ghent ; superb impression before the word 11 Topairha ” was corrected to u Toparcha ” and before the name of 11 De Jode ” very rare, with good margin, £1 15s. 5059 Erasmus ; fine old impression with large margin , 12s. 5060 Francis Snyders ; brilliant impression before “ G. II.” was erased , with large margin, scarce, £2 2s. 5060* Ditto, superb proof, the head only , but with the inscriptioJi, in perfect condition and extremely rare, £16 16s. 5061 Paul Pontius ; 3s. 6d. 5062 Ditto, fine old impression with large margin , 9s. 5063 — - — Ditto, superb proof with the background , but before any inscription , OF THE GREATEST RARITY, £16 16s. 5063* Ditto, superb proof in the same state as the preceding , but cut nearly close, £8 8s. 5064 Peter Breughel ; fine old impression with large margin , 10s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL ‘231 5065 Peter Breughel, superb proof in thefrst state , before any inscription , from the collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence, £8 18s. 6d. 5066 Paul de Vos ; superb proof in the first state, the bead and a portion of the bach ground only etched , before any inscription , in perfect condi- tion and with a small margin , of the very highest rarity, presque unique, £31 10s. 5067 Titian and his Mistress, from a picture by Titian, £1 Is. 5067* Ditto, superb proof before the address of Bon Enfant , in beautiful condition and very scarce , £12 12s. PHOTOGRAPHS PEOM ETCHI3JGS SY ViLHEYCE. Only 120 impressions printed. A. Ecce Homo ; facsimile of the original etching in the first state , 7s. 6d. *** Taken from the impression in the British Museum. Only two are known in this state. B. John Waverius ; facsimile of the original etching in the first state , 7s. 6d. *** From the collection of Charles Bale, Esq., supposed to be unique. C. William de Vos \ from a unique proof in the first state touched upon by Vandyck , in the British Museum, 7s. 6d. CHMLES &E YASSEYE. 5068 L’amour paternel — Les amans curieux ; from pictures by E. Aubry, half sheet, the pair, beautiful proofs before the dedication, with autographs of the painter and engraver , in perfect condition , with large margins , and very scarce, £3 3s. 5069 Les plaisirs des Satyres ,from a fine picture by Polemburg ; half sheet, scarce , 6s. 5070 Ditto, very dne , 12s. 5071 La belle Mere, from a picture by Greuze, sheet, brilliant proof before all letters , £1 Is. VASYGEEXSTI. 5072 Alliance de l’eau avec la terre, sheet, 5s. Rubens. WXLLXAM YATCHAIS 1 . 5073 The most illustrious and magninimious Prince James duke of Yorke, &c., commander of this most noble Society of the Artillerymen ; 3 qrs. in armour ; a. curious print and of the very greatest rarity , 4to, £5 5s. “ To the most accomplish’t both for Artes and Armes y e most Practicale proficients in jp theory of all Martiall Discipline the Officers and Gentlemen Souldiers of y e noble Society of Artillery garden, William Vaughan consecrates this Effigies of their Matchles Leader and Chieftayne.” 5074 The right gratious and high borne Prince James duke of Lenox, Earle of March, Lord Aubigny, Baron of Darnley, Trebaut and Methven, &c. ; Are to be sould at the Unicorne in Cornehill neere the Exchange by W Riddiard. superb impression and in perfect condition , 4 to, most rare, £6 6s. 232 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5075 Vera effigies Abra. Cowley, Regii alumni Scolee West. iEtat suae 13, Anno. 1633. Six English verses beneath ; magnificent impression of this most rare and interesting portrait of one of England's greatest poets , 4to, £7 7s. 5076 The Right Honourable Thomas Earle of Strafford, Viscount Wentworth, &c., Lo. President of the Counsell established in the North parts of England, Lo. Lieutenant of the County and Citty of Yorke, Kt. of the most noble order of the Garter, and one of his Majestie’s most Honour- able privy Counsell ; full length in robes of the Garter. Are to be sold by William Ruddyard at y e Unicorne, in Cornehill, neare the Exchange. 4to, superb impression of one of the rarest English portraits , in fine condition, £4 4s. 5077 Sir Phillip Sydney Kt. Governour of Flushing, a learned and Warlike gent. He performed many worthy services in the Low Countreyes. At length received his death’s wound at Zutphen, and died at Arnham, 1586, full length in armour and holding his shield of arms, superb proof before the address of Vaughan , 4to, rare, £2 2s. BTCHIBIGS BY ADRIEUT VillSmEVElDE. 5078 The Cow reposing (2), 5s. 5079 The three Oxen (3), fine, 10s. 6d. 5080 Group of two cows and a sheep (4), fine, 10s. 6d. 5081 The three Cows (5), fine, 10s. 6d. 5082 The Ox standing in the water (6), fine, 10s. 6d. 5083 The horse browsing (7), fine, 10s. 6d. 5084 The browsing calf (8), fine, 10s. 6d. 5085 The Fighting Dogs (9), 5s. 5086 The goats (10), 5s. 5087 The two Sheep (15), fine, 7s. 6d. 5088 The Shepherd and Shepherdess, with their troop of cattle (17) ; most superb impression in the first state , extremely rare , £10 10s. 5089 The Village Festival, a composition of numerous figures, folio, 7s. 6d. 5090 The Star of the Kings, or twelfth night, effect of comdle-light , 4to, 5s. P. Molyn. 5091 Ditto, brilliant impression , 15s. 5092 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, bust, in armour, in an oval, with the letters O.C.P.R. at the four corners, large folio, in the fir^t state, before Rom- bout Vanden Hoeye’s address was erased, brilliant and extremely rare , £6 6s. 5093 Portrait of William Teelinck, in an oval, 8vo, brilliant proof before any letters , £1 Is. 5094 Portrait of John Torrentius, the Painter, 1628, in an oval, with emblems of his profession, 4to r fine proof , 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 233 5095 James Zaffius, Archdeacon of Haarlem Cathedral, died 1618 ; half-length seated at a table, with his hand on a skull, arms above, &c. brilliant proof before any inscription , and before the age under the arms , 4to, £1 Is. F. Hals. 5096 Portrait of Terlengius, in an oval, 8vo, very fine , 5s. 5097 Ditto, brilliant proof before any letters , £1 Is. 5098 Portrait of James Matham, the engraver, from a painting by Soutman 4to, very fine and scarce, 5s. 5099 The good Samaritan, a night piece , very fine, 5s. 5100 Landscapes representing the effects of morning, evening, and night, set of three plates, very fine, 10s. 6d. JOHN* VEIJBEAMm. 5101 The raising of Lazarus ; from the famous picture by Sebastian del Piombo, after a design by Michael Angelo , in the National Gallery ; sheet, £lls. 5102 Leda, from a pen drawing, 4to, 2s. 6d. Leonardo da Vinci. £k. VESBSOM. 5103 “ Le Hameau ” (1) 7s. 6d. *%* Les deux estampes de A. H. Vboom sont remarquables par le gout et Tesprit qui y sont repandus. — Bartsch. JOHN 5104 li Lasciva Venus blandusque Cupido” fol. mez. rare, but damaged , 5s. J. Verkolie. CORMSSI&IUg V£RM£UL£N. 5105 Portrait of Marie Louise de Tassis, half length, in a rich dress, hold- ing a feather fan ; brilliant proof before any letters , sheet rare, £2 2s. Vandych. 5106 Portrait of John Anthony de Mesmes Count d’Avaux, large oval, with emblems at the four corners ; sheet, very fine, 15s. N. de Largilliere. *,}.* The engraving of the lace in this portrait is very extraordinary. 5107 Portrait of Jane Seymour, Queen of Henry VIII., small folio, proof before letters , 10s. 6d. 5108 Portrait of Lane J ane Grey, in a circle of palm-leaves supported by two Cupids ; folio, fine proof before letters , 10s. 6d. 5109 William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, from a picture by Vandych , splendid proof extremely rare, fol. £1 11s. 6d, 5110 Edmund Waller, the poet, fine proof before the arms , 12mo, 7s. 6d. 5111 The Rev. William Whiston, the eminent philosopher ; beautiful proof before the introduction of the dipping needle , fol., rare, 15s. 234 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5112 Thomas Willis, M.D. (from Birch’s illustrious heads )Jine proof before the address of Knapton , fol., 15s. 5113 Ditto, superb proof before any inscription , very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 5114 Matthew Prior, poet, ambassador, &c. ; in a rich dress, lace cravat, &c. superb proof before any inscription , fol., very scarce, £3 3s. 5115 Alexander Pope, fol. brilliant impression , scarce, 15s. 5116 Sir Hugh Myddleton, projector of the New River ; from, a picture by Cornelius Jansen , folio, fine, 15s. 5117 Mary Queen of Scots, from a miniature formerly in the possession of Dr. Mead , 8vo, fine and scarce, 7s. 6d. 5118 Ditto, from a picture in the Royal Collection , fol., fine, 5s. 5119 John Milton, from a bust, fol., brilliant impression, 15s. 5120 Ditto, setat 42, u Ex Museo J. Richardson,” first state before the age was erased , 4to, brilliant, 15s. 5121 Ditto, “ iEtatis suse 21,” with busts of Homer and Virgil ; brilliant impression in the first state before the Latin inscription was erased , &c. 4to, very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 5122 — — - u Joannis Miltoni effigies, ”ob. 1674, iEta: 66,” brilliant impression in the first state , before the substitution of Greek lines for Dry den's verses , $c., 4to, very scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 5123 — — Ditto, an impression in the altered state, 4to, 5s. 5124 — — “ Joannes Milton AEHtat 62. A.D. 1670,” with Dry den’s lines beneath ; superb proof before the dedication , fyc., in beautiful condition and ex- tremely rare, £3 3s. 5125 John Thurloe, Secretary of State to Oliver Cromwell ; fol. fine, 5s. 5126 Francis Beaumont, the dramatist and poet ; folio, a superb proof before the dedication , fyc., with large margin, in perfect condition and extremely rare, £3 3s. 5127 Samuel Butler, author of Hudibras; 8vo, brilliant proof before the name of the painter, rare, 7s. 6d. 5128 William Lambarde, historian of Kent ; a most brilliant proof before the inscription, fyc., folio, rare, £2 2s. 5129 Ben Jonson, beautiful proof before dedication or publisher’s address and before the date was erased, fol. £2 2s. 5130 John Gower, the early English poet and contemporary of Chaucer ; superb proof before the inscription, with good margin and in beautiful condition; extremely rare, folio, £l 11s. 6d. 5131 John Fletcher, the dramatist ; superb proof in the earliest state before the inscription , with large margin and of very great rarity, fol. £3 3s. 5132 The children of the Earl of Strafford, who was beheaded, u Progenies Straffordiana,” small fol. 7s. 6d. Vandyck , 1639. 5133 Sir Philip Sidney, Knt., a most brilliant proof before the dedication , fyc.i fol. rare, £3 3s. Ditto, full length, u from a curious limning drawn by Isaac Oliver, in the collection of Dr. Richard Mead,” small fol . r fine, 5s. 5134 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 235 5135 John Stow, the antiquary and historian ; fol. fine proof before the vignette was finished ; rare, £l Is. 5136 The Earl of Strafford attended by his Secretary ; from a painting by Tandy clt , large, 4to, scarce , £1 11s. 6d. 5137 Wm, Shakespear, u Ad originalem tabulam penes Edwardum Dominum Harley,” 4to, very -fine , 10s. 6d. 5138 Ditto, from a different picture, 8vo, brilliant , 7s. 6d, 5139 Edmund Spenser, the poet, 8vo, brilliant impression , 7s. 6d. 5140 Edward Harley Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, the celebrated collector, 4to, fine proof before the vignette , fyc., 15s. M. Dahl. 5141 Edward Russell Earl of Orford, the admiral ; fol. splendid proof before letters , very scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 5142 La legon de Basse de viole, sheet, 12s. G. Netscher. E1MS VICO. 5143 The battle of the Amazons, an oval (14) very fine , 12s. Rajfaelle . 5144 The death of Lucretia, after Parmegiano (17), 12s. 5145 The amours of Mars and Yenus (21), very fine, in the first state before the address , 15s. Parmegiano. 5146 Battle of the Lapithse and Centaurs, from a design by Rosso (30) copy A. very fine, 15s. *** Elle est plus belle que l’originale, et gravee par un anonyme de beaucoup de merite. — Bartsch. 5147 Portrait of Ariosto the celebrated Italian poet, from a medal by Doni (241), fine, 5s. COXUBTSUVS VISSCHE®. 5148 The Rat-catcher ; after his own design, fol. fine, £2 2s. 5149 Ditto, brilliant impression, scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 5150 Ditto, SUPERB PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, EX- TREMELY RARE, £18 18s, 5151 The pancake woman, from his own design , fol. 15s. 5152 Ditto, a fine old impression , £2 2s. 5153 Ditto, splendid impression before the address of Clement de Jonghe was erased , in very fine condition and rare, £3 13s. 6d. 5154 The travelling musicians, from a picture by Adrian Ostade, fol. scarce, £2 2s. 5155 — Ditto, before the plate was retouched , £3 13s. 6d. 5156 Ditto, superb impression before any retouch , in fine condition and of very great rarity , £26 5s. 5157 Interior with peasants, called u The Skaters,” from a fine picture by Ostade ; magnificent proof before the letters , with large margin in splendid condition and very rare, from the Grave collection, £12 12s. 236 TEE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5158 Ditto, A BRILLIANT PROOF IN THE SAME STATE AS THE PRECEDING, but the margin cut to the plate mark, from the Bela - motte collection , £10 10s. 5159 Ditto, an old impression, £l Is. 5160 Interior, “ The Amorous Boor,” brilliant impression , £2 12s. 6d. 5161 Interior of a Drinking-house, with a man playing on the violin and others singing, small folio, 15s. Brauwer . 5162 Interior, with four peasants smoking, from a picture by Brauwer , 4to, rare, 12s. 5163 Interior, with a village surgeon strapping a wound on a peasant’s foot, from a picture by Brauwer , 7s. 6d. 5164 — — Ditto, most choice proof before any inscription , in perfect state of preservation and very rare , £2 2s. 5165 Landscape, with Banditti attacking Baggage-wagons in a defile ; fine proof before any inscription , 15s. 5166 Landscape, with peasants and cattle at the entrance of a cavern, oblong, half sheet, fine and very scarce , 15s. P. de Laer. 5167 The Four Times of the Day, landscapes with cattle, the set of 4 plates , 7s. 6d. Berghem. 5168 Ditto, another set, very fine impressions, 15s. 5169 The Lime-kilns, with groups of beggars, fine proof \ 12s. 5170 The Gipsy woman and her family, fol. 7s. 6d. 5171 Ditto, a brilliant old impression , £1 5s. 5172 The sleeping cat, an admirable performance , fine and scarce, 15s. 5173 Ditto, fine, but the name cut of, 9s. 5174 Virgin and Child, in a landscape, in the background of which is repre- sented the Angel and Tobit, proof before the inscription, 10s. 6d. 5175 The Virgin appearing with the infant Saviour to St. Francis, folio, 12s. Rubens. 5176 Ditto, very fine, £l 5s. 5177 Ditto, brilliant impression in the first state before Wit's address and Visscher’s name ; very scarce, £2 2s. 5178 Coronation of the Virgin by two angels, surrounded by a troup of other angels, from a picture by Rubens, engraved on two sheets ; superb im- pression and in very fine condition, rare, £2 12s. 6d. 5179 The last judgment ; sheet, 15s. Rubens 5180 The four Evangelists, from designs by himself ; set of four plates, most brilliant impressions, 4to, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. 5181 Susannah and the Elders, from a picture in the National Gallery, oblong folio, 6s. Guido . 5182 Head of a female after Parmegiano ; brilliant proof before the name of Visscher, with a small margin, £1 11s. Od. 5183 Ulysses discovering Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes, sheet, £l 11s. 6d. Rubens. — — - Ditto, a most brilliant impression and very scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 5184 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 237 5185 The coronation of the Queen of Sweden by torch-light ; interior, with numerous figures ; sheet, scarce, 12s. “ Georgius Oveni sic ipsurn coro- nationis actum prcesens adumbravit.” 5186 Ditto, superb impression in the first and undescribed state before the face of the King of Sweden was altered, and before the word “ Dux” was introduced into the fourth line of the inscription ; extremely scarce , £2 2s. 5187 Portrait of William de Ryck, half length with large massive beard ; bril- liant impression and very scarce , £2 12s. 6d. C. Visscher del . et sc. 5188 Portrait of John Boelens, of Amsterdam, in an oval with six Dutch verses beneath, fol .fine, 10s. 6d. 5189 Ditto, most brilliant impression before the address of 1 Jacob Janssen ” was erased , scarce, £l Is. 5190 Ditto, in the same fine state as the preceding with a small margin, from Mariette’s collection, with his autograph and date on the back, £1 11s. 6d. 5191 David Peter de Yries, master of artillery, in the state of West Friesland 1653, 4to, extremely fine and scarce , 15s. 5192 Portrait of Adrian Motmans ; 4to, fine , 9s. 5193 Portrait of Philip the second King of Spain, from a picture by Titian , fol. fine, 15s. 5194 Christina, Queen of Sweden ; large head in an oval ; brilliant impression in the first state , before the name oj Visscher , folio, scarce, £2 12s. 6d. 5195 Portrait of Robert J unius, a Dutch writer, folio, 10s. 6d. 5196 Ditto, fine, before the address of P. Goos , 15s. 5197 Ditto, a different portrait, from a picture by Palmidas (? Palamedes) fol. 10s. 6d. 5198 Portrait of Coppenol the writing master, 3 qrs. seated, with a pen in his hand, six Dutch verses beneath ; from a drawing by C. Visscher ; large 4to,JW old impression from the collection of Mariette , whose auto- graph is on the back, 15s. 5199 Ditto, superb' proof before all letters , in the purest condition with a small margin , extremely rare, £6 6s. *** From Mariette’s collection, with his autograph and date (1670) on the back. 5200 Portrait of “ Philippus Rovenius, Archiepiscopus Philippensis,” 3 qrs. in his robes, half-sheet ; brilliant proof before the name of the engraver , very scarce, £3 13s. 6d. 5201 Mary of Nassau, daughter of Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, fol. 7s. 6d. G. Van Honthorst. 5202 Henrietta Catherine, sister of the preceding, fol. 7s. 6d. Ibid. 5203 Portrait of Peter Isbrand, Professor of Languages, obiit 1667, folio, fine , 10s. 6d. 5204 Portrait of John Banning Waytiers, a Dutch divine, 1647; small folio, line, 7s. 6d. 5205 - — - Ditto, superb proof before the inscription in the tablet beneath, very rare, 25s. 238 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5206 Portrait called Baccio Bandinelli, in his studio surrounded by sculpture, from a picture l)y Correggio ; proof before the inscription, 9s. 5207 Portrait of John de Paep, with View of the Exchange at Amsterdam in the back-ground ; small fol. brilliant impression before the inscription was altered , in beautiful condition with large margin, £2 2s. 5208 Portrait of John de Paep (the small plate) superb proof in the first state , before the inscription or name of Visscher, in the most beautiful condition and with good margin , extremely rare, £12 12s. *** From the collection of Mariette, whose autograph and date, 1671, is on the back. 5209 Portrait of Constantine Huygens, profile in an oval, 4to, superb proof in the earliest state before all letters , from the celebrated Graave collection, in most perfect condition, very rare , £2 12s. 6d. 5210 Portrait of Vondel, the Dutch poet; magnificent proof before all letters in the finest state of preservation, and with a small margin, extremely rare , £8 8s. 5211 Portrait of Gellius de Bouma \fine old impression with large margin , £3 13s. 6d. 5212 Ditto, superb proof before the date and before the address , of great rarity, £7 7s. 5213 Portrait of “ Henderukus du Booys” and of u Helena Leonora de Sieveri,” from pictures by Tandy ck, the pair, brilliant impressions in the first state , with good margins , rare, £l 11s. 6d. 5214 u B. D. M. Cornelius Yosbergius pastor in Spaerwouw, &c. obiit Ao 1653,” fol. most brilliant impression in perfect condition and with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. 5215 Portrait of Hadrian Pauw, ambassador to England, Germany, &c., half- length in his library, with account in Latin beneath : folio, very fine, 15s. G. Honthorst. 5216 A set of four Portraits : Franciscus Yaldesius — Magdalena Moonsia — James Dousa — Ludovicus Boisotus ; half-lengths, richly dressed, and in armour, most brilliant impressions and in fine condition , £2 2s. JOHN ( The numbers between parentheses refer to the Catalogue of Berghem’s works by Winckler.) 5217 Interior of a barn with peasants dancing, called, u Berghem’s ball,” fine old impression , half sheet, 25s. Berghem. 5218 - — Ditto, very fine impression, before u cum privilegiofi scarce , £2 2s. 5219 Ditto, brilliant proof before any inscription , half sheet, very rare, £12 12s. 5220 Interior with Four Peasants regaling, very fine , 9s. A. van Ostade. 5221 The Village Fair ; exterior, with numerous figures dancing, &c. 7s. 6d. A. van Ostade. 5222 The Ball ; interior of a Barn, with numerous figures, 7s. 6d. A. van Ostade. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 239 5223 A Hilly Landscape, with Cattle ; a Traveller bestowing* Alms upon a Beggar, &c. very [fine, folio, 10s. 6d. Berghem. 5224: Ditto, beautiful proof before all letters , scarce, 25s. 5225 A Set of four small Landscapes, with Cattle ; very fine impressions , 15s. Berghem. 5226 Landscapes and cattle ; set of six plates, after pictures by Nicholas Berghem , fine, £1 11s. 6d. 5227 Portrait of an old woman in a large hat, called u Visscher’s mother,” fine and rare , £1 Is. C. de Visscher ad vivum delineavit. 5228 The negro with his bow and arrows, fol. 7s. 6d. C. Visscher. 5229 Ditto, very fine, 18s. 5230 Landscapes with cattle ; set of four upright subjects (108-111), first states before the address , 4to, £1 11s. 6d. N. Berghem. 5231 Landscapes with cattle ; set of four oblong subjects (116-119), 4to, 10s. 6d. Berghem. 5232 Landscape and cattle ; with a nymph and child reposing on the rocks, (63), folio, 7s. 6a. Berghem. 5233 Ditto, a fine proof before letters , but small margin , 10s. 6d. 5234 Portrait of Abraham vander Hulst, admiral of Holland ; folio, very fine , 5s. 5235 Landscape with cattle, in a rocky pass (183), brilliant proof before the plate was reduced in size , 12s. 5236 Ditto, the reduced plate, 5s. 5237 Landscape, with cattle reposing near an ancient bridge (184), brilliant proof before the plate was reduced in size, 15s. 5238 Ditto, the reduced plate, 5s. 5239 “ Meridies,” Landscape and cattle, with shepherds resting on a hillock, from a beautiful picture by Nicholas Berghem ; very fine, 10s. 6d. 5240 Interior, a woman spinning and a man holding the winder, from a picture by Ostade ; superb proof before all letters, extremely scarce, £4 4s. 5241 Portrait of Rubens, from a picture by Vandych, large 4to, very fine, 7s. 6d. P. VSTAM. 5242 Yenus disarming Cupid, from a picture by Paul Veronese in the Colonna Gallery, fol. 3s. 6d. F32.iiX‘JCI3 VSVA&ES^ 5243 The Hop-pickers, half sheet, 7s. 6d. G. Smith. 5244 A first thought for the celebrated mosaic called the bark of St. Peter, from a pen and ink sketch, fol. 3s. Gioto di Bondone. 5245 A view near Naples, after Claude, half sheet, fine, 10s. 6d. 240 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5246 The Morning' ; from a picture by Claude Lorraine (in which he introduces himself drawing* the view of an antique Temple), in the possession of the Princess of Wales, 1769, sheet, 6s. 5247 Rape of Europa, sheet, fine, 9s. Claude . 5248 Morning* and Evening*, after pictures J)y Vernet, the pair, fine old impressions, half sheet, 10s. 6d. 5249 The village in a wood, from a beautiful picture by Hobbema , half sheet, brilliant proof before letters, 25s. JOHSJT ViOJ VLXST. 5249*Lot and his daughters (1), very fine, from Lord Aylesford’s collection, but damaged, 8s. 5250 Ditto, an impression of extraordinary brilliancy and in beautiful condition , most rare, £8 8s. 5251 Set of large heads, after Rembrandt (19 — 24) ; superb and brilliant im- pressions , very scarce, £6 6s. 5252 — — - Ditto, separately, 5s. each. 5253 Tasting (27) interior with a peasant eating and drinking by a fire, 10s. 6d. 5254 Smelling (29), an interior with a man annoying a lady with tobacco, 10s. 6d. 5255 Seeing (31), an old man studying with a globe, books, &c., 10s. 6d. 5256 The tooth-drawer (53), 5s. 5257 The rat-killer (55), composition of five figures, 5s. 5258 The family (56), interior with candlelight effect, &c., 10s. 6d. 5259 Ditto, very fine, from the Dumesnil collection , 15s. 5260 A soldier with his dog (71) 2s. 5261 Ditto, proof before the number , 5s. 5262 A lady of quality with her hands in a muff (72), 3s. 6d. 5263 Set of etchings of Beggars (73 to 82), 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 2s. each. 5264 Series of different single figures (83 — 92) the set complete , extremely fine impressions , scarce, 10 plates, 5s. 5265 Christ and Nicodemus ; undescribed, very fine, from the Verstolh col- lection , £3 13s. 6d. VOET. 5266 Judith putting the head of Holofernes into a sack (La petite Judith) fol. first state before the address of 11 Gallefi 9s. Rubens. 5267 The Virgin and Infant Saviour, with angels presenting a basket of fruit, &c. fol. 7s. 6d. Rubens. 5268 Roman Charity ; Cimon condemned to die by starvation is nourished by his daughter, small fol. 8s. Rubens. 5269 A Satyr and Nymph, “ Mero et libidini indulgere, et blandis insidiis nymphas illaqueare, ac irretita gloriari prseda, sola mea, voluptas,” half sheet, brilliant and scarce , but slightly injured, 9s. Rubens. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL, 241 2AEE ENGLISH PORTRAITS BIT ROBRRT VANDES VOESST. 5270 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, in a rich dress, lace collar, &c. folio, fine, 15s. G. Ilonthorst. 5271 William Fielding 1 , Earl of Denbigh, 4to, very fine and rare, £4 4s. 5272 James Stewart, Duke of Lennox, Earl of March, &c. oval, 4to, brilliant impression, extra rare, £4 14s. 6d. G. Geldorp. 5273 The right honourable and most noble Robert Barti Earle of Lindsey Lord Willoughby of Eresby, and Lord great Chamberlaine, 4to, rare and very . fine , £3 13s, 6d. G. Geldorp. GIOVANNI VO&PATO. 5274 The series of engravings from Raffaelle’s celebrated pictures in the Vatican, 8 plates, Jine old impressions , £5 5s. : — 1. The school of Athens ; 2. Dispute on the Sacrament ; 3. Heliodorus driven from the Temple ; 4. Defeat of Attila. 5. Mount Parnassus. 6. Burning of the City. 7. Deliverance of St. Peter from Prison ; 8. Miracle of the Mass at Bolsena ; engraved by R. Morghen. 5275 Ditto, most brilliant impressions and in capital condition , a very fine set, rare, £8 8s. 5276 Ditto, another set, six of which (including the miracle of the Mass at Bolsena by Raffaelle Morghen) are superb proofs before letters, excessively rare , £26 5s. 5277 Ditto, another set, with the undermentioned six supplementary plates in excellent condition, £7 7s. : — 9. The Coronation of Charlemagne, engraved by Salandri. 10. Defeat of the Saracens, by Fabri. 11. Constantine giving Rome to the Pope, by Fabri. 12. The Oath of Pope Leo III., by Fabri. 13. The Baptism of Constantine, by Fabri. 14. Jurisprudence, by R. Morghen. 5278 The deliverance of St. Peter from prison ; sheet, fine impression, but damaged, 8s. 5279 The Dispute on the Sacrament ; sheet, fine old impression, with large margin, 12s. 5280 The School of Athens ; sheet, brilliant old impression, with large margin, £1 11s. 6d. 5281 Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus ; sheet, fine old impression, with large margin, 12s. r 242 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5282 The defeat of Attila ; sheet, 10s. 5283 The prophet Joel, from the Sistine chapel, fol. fine, 12s. Michael Angelo. 5284 The Crucifixion, 11 In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum” fol. 7s. 6d. Guido Beni. 5285 Christ borne to the Tomb, from a picture hy Bajfaelle , cc In iEdibus Burghesianis,” fol. 15s. 5286 “ Night, ” from a picture hy Guercmo , and companion to Guido’s famous 11 Aurora,” fine proof, in perfect condition, £4 4s. 5287 Sibilla Cumoe — Sibilla Erithrsea — Sibilla Delphica, from the paintings hy Michael Angelo on the ceiling . of the Sistine chapel , half sheet, 7s. 6d. each. 2.UCAS VOSSTESMAJJ. 5288 Michael casting out the rebellious angels ; sheet, fine, £l Is. Buhens. 5289 Ditto, very fine , £l 11s. 6d. 5290 - — ™ Ditto, extremely fine , £2 2s. 5291 Lot and his family leaving Sodom, fol. fine , £1 Is. Buhens. 5292 Ditto, an extra fine impression , scarce, £l 11s. 6d. 5293 Lot and his daughters, with the burning city in the distance, folio, fine and rare , 15s. H. Gentileschi. 5294 Job tormented by his wife and devils, fol. 5s. Buhens. 5295 The Passion of Jesus Christ, designed by Goltzius, in the style of Lucas van Leyden, set of 12 plates, complete , £1 5s. 5296 Ditto, hound in calf extra in the old style , £1 18s. 5297 The Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds ; half sheet, fine , 15s. Buhens. 5298 Ditto, extremely fine , 25s. 5299 Adoration of the Kings ; sheet, scarce , £2 2s. Buhens. 5300 Holy family with St. Anne and the infant St.John; 4to, in the first state before the engraver's address was erased , very fine and scarce, 18s. Buhens. ■ 5301 La Yierge a la Rosaire ; the Yirgin holding the infant Saviour in her arms, seated on an elevated throne, surrounded by Saints and others, who are in adoration ; fine and very scarce, £2 15s. Michael Angelo Caravaggio. 5302 The return from Egypt, fol. fine , 15s. Buhens. 5303 The tribute money \Jine impression and scarce , fol. 10s, 6d. Buhens. 5304 Ditto, a most brilliant impression , rare, £1 11s. 6d. 5305 Christ bound to the column, from a picture hy Gerard Seghers ; fol. very fine impression and scarce, £1 Is. 5306 Christ on the Cross, with a storm descending on Jerusalem in the back ground, small folio, very fine, 15s. Buhens. 5307 Descent from the Cross, from the celebrated picture at Antwerp , sheet, 15s. Buhens . — — - Ditto, fine and very scarce , £3 3s. 5308 PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 243 5309 The Virgin supporting the dead body of Christ, folio, fine and scarce , £2 12s. 6d. Vandych. 5310 The Angels appearing to the Holy women at the Sepulchre, half sheet, scarce , 16s. Rubens. 5311 Ditto, extremely Jine , £2 12s. 6d. 5312 St. Francis receiving the stigmata, half sheet, fine, 12s. Rubens. 5313 Ditto, brilliant impression , £1 11s. 6d. 5314 Portrait of Saint Ignatius Loyola, half length, praying before a crucifix, fol .Jine and scarce , 15s. 5315 Saint George fighting with the dragon, from the celebrated picture by Rafifiaelle ; most brilliant impression, small folio, £2 12s. 6d. 5316 Ditto, superb impression and in very Jine condition , £3 3s. 5317 Ditto, superb impression, with large margin, perhaps the Jinest known , £4 10s. 5318 Portrait of Sir Anthony Vandyck, from a picture by himself fine proof in the first state before the engraver's name , 4to, very rare , 25s. 5319 The martyrdom of St. Lawrence ; fol. very fine, 16s. Rubens. 5320 The battle of the Amazons, engraved on six sheets, a very Jine impression and extremely rare , £4 14s. 6d. Rubens. *** Dedicated to Alathea Talbot Countess of Arundel. 5321 The Card Players, or the Battle of the Peasants, 12s. P. Breughel. 5322 The satyr and villagers or blowing hot and cold, half sheet, 9s. Jordaens. 5323 The triumph of poverty, sheet, Jine and very rare , £1 11s. 6d. Holbein. 5324 Charles roy de la Grande Bretagne, de France, Hibernie, &c. with cu- rious lines beneath in praise of this monarch, concluding 11 adore done, car l’admiration est trop profane superb impression , in perfect condi- tion, very scarce , 18s. 5325 Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk ; half length in a furred cloak, with his staff as Earl Marshall of England, superb impression , with large margin , in the finest possible condition and before the word u fecit" was erased , very scarce, 4to, £2 2s. 5326 Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, oval, small 4to ; brilliant proof before letters , extremely rare, £6 6s. 5327 Portrait of Sir Thomas More, half length, with a dog, brilliant impres- sion and scarce , 4to, £1 Is. Holbein. 5328 Ditto, superb impression in the first state , before the inscription was altered, very rare , £2 2s. 5329 Portrait of Philip le Roy, from a picture by Vandyck ; superb proof be- fore all letters , op excessive rarity, £4 4s. 5330 Portrait of Nicholas Laniere, musician , painter , fyc., half length seated, 4to, 10s. 6d. J. Livens. 5331 Portrait of Nicholas Rockox, brilliant proof in the first state , before the medals on the table , £1 5s. Vandych. 244 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND WIGHQlaAS JOSEPH VOYEZ. 5332 L’essai du bain, fol. 3s. 6d. Paterre . ANTHONY WALKER. 5333 Law and Physic ; the pair, "brilliant old impressions , fol. 18s. A. Ostade. J. WALKER. 5334 A scene in Cymbeline with Imogene in the cave, &c., sheet, mez. 6s. E. Penny. WILLIAM WALKER. 5335 Portraits of Sir Balthazar Gerbier and his family ; sheet, 5s. Yandyck . 5336 Ditto, fine proof before letters , 10s. 6d. 5337 A Flemish entertainment ; sheet, fine proof before letters , 10s. 6d. Van Harp. W. WALKER. 5338 The literary party at the house of Sir Joshua Reynolds, choice artist's proof on India paper before any letters , £2 12s. 6d. li. Doyle. 5339 The first Reformers presenting their famous Protest at the Diet of Spires, April 19, 1529, large sheet, fine proof on India paper , £l 4s. G. Cattermole. 5340 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , £1 11s. 6d. JAMES WARE. 5341 A lion and tiger fighting ; sheet mez. 5s. J. Ward. 5342 A tiger disturbed while devouring his prey ; sheet mez. proof 7s. 6d. J. Ward. 5343 Studies from Nature ; heads and legs of birds and animals, sheet, mez. 12s. 5344 Children bathing ; sheet mez. fine proof 9s. Hoppner. WILLXAM WARD. 5345 David sending Uriah with a letter to Joab, sheet mez. proof \ 10s. 6d. ° F. Bol. 5346 Joseph introducing his father to Pharaoh; sheet mez. brilliant proof before letters , 15s. F. Bol. 5347 The repose in Egypt, from a picture in the Dresden Gallery , sheet mez. fine, 15s. F. Bol. 5348 Christ’s agony in the garden from the celebrated picture in the Duke of Wellington’ s possession, 4to mez. fine early proof , 3s. 6d. Correggio. 5349 Eurydice hurried back to the infernal regions ; from a picture by H. Thompson, li.A., sheet mez. fine proof, £l 11s. fid. 5350 The death of (Edipus, sheet mez. fine, 15s. H. Fuseli. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 245 5351 The sleeping nymph, from a picture by Hoppner in the gallery of Lord de Tabley , 1808 ; sheet mez. fine proof, 15s. 5352 The Itaby pack of hounds, with the huntsmen, sheet mez. line vroof, 12s. H B. Chalon. 5353 The misers, from the celebrated picture by Quintin Matsys in Windsor Castle ; half sheet, line proof before letters, scarce, 25s. 5354 The laughing boy, 4to. mez. fine proof , 2s. 6d. Murillo. 5355 Industry and economy, sheet mez. 7s. 6d. H. Singleton. 5356 Extravagance and dissipation, companion to the preceding , 7s. 6d. Ibid. 5357 The effects of youthful extravagance and idleness, half sheet mez. fine and scarce, 12s. G. Morland. 5358 The gamesters ; half sheet mez. 8s. Rev. W. Peters. 5359 The death of the Elk, from a picture formerly in the Houghton collection, sheet, mez. fine and scarce, 15s. Rubens. 5360 Children reading the inscription on their mother’s grave-stone ; sheet, mez. very scarce , 10s. 6d. R. M. Paye. 5361 A girl sketching a portrait on the ground, sheet mez. very scarce , 10s. 6d. R. M. Paye. 5362 Children throwing snow-balls, sheet, mez. 12s. Ibid. 5363 The angler’s repast, sheet mez. fine and very scarce , 15s. G. Morland. 5364 A view from the east end of the brewery, Chiswell Street, sheet mez. fine and scarce , 15s. G. Garrard. 5365 A visit to the boarding school, sheet, mez. fine and very scarce , 15s. G. Morland . 5366 A salad girl, fol. mez. fine, 5s. Hoppner. 5367 11 Contemplation,” a beautiful female seated in a wood, fol. 5s. G. Morland. 5368 The Durham white Ox ; sheet, mez. fine proof 12s. Garrard. 5369 The disaster, sheet, mez. fine and scarce , 12s. F. Wheatley. A. WAEREl, 5370 The New Coat, 5s. Sir D. Wilkie. 5371 Ditto, very fine proof before letters , unpublished state , 18s. 5372 Ditto, an artist' s proof very scarce , £1 11s. 6d. C. W. WASS. 5373 Head of Our Saviour, from a picture by Etty , half sheet, mez. fine proof before letters , 15s. 5374 Waiting for the Countess ; choice artist’s proof on India paper, before all letters ; 21s. Sir E. Landseer. BTCHINGS BIT ANTHONY WATERLOO, 5375 The following of his smaller subjects, good old impressions, 2s. 6d. each, viz., 3, 33, 35, 36, 37, 50, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 69, 92, 94, 102. 246 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5376 The .chapel with a staircase (51), 5s. 5377 The entry to a wood surrounded by a hedge (55), fine , 12s. 5378 Set of six long landscapes (89-94), very jine old impressions, with large margins, scarce, £2 2s. 5379 The village on a hill (92), 5s. 5380 The farm on the banks of a canal (116), most brilliant impression and in beautiful condition , rare, £3 3s. 5381 Ditto, jine, but the lower margin cut off, 10s. 6d. 5382 Ditto, very fine pure etching in the first state, before the tree on the right was clothed with leaves, fyc., extremely rare, but slightly stained, £6 6s. 5383 Set of six large landscapes, upright (119-124), jine , £2 2s. 5384 The dog drinking at a stream (120), very early impression, £2 2s. 5385 The little hunchback crossing a bridge (121), 7s. 6d. 5386 — — - Ditto, fine old impression , 15s. 5387 The mother and her children in repose (122), 12s. 5388 Ditto, brilliant impression, scarce , 25s. 5389 The two travellers resting in a wood (123 ),fine old impression, 10s. 6d. 5390 Ditto, very jine, in beautiful condition and with good margin, £1 10s. 5391 The little bridge crossing a stream (124), fine old impression, 15s. 5392 Ditto, in fine condition with good margin, £1 10s. 5393 Alpheus and Arethusa (125), 7s. 6d. 5394 Apollo and Daphne (126), fine old impression, 15s. 5395 Mercury and Argus (127), brilliant impression before the number, £2 2s. 5396 The death of Adonis (130), 7s. 6d. 5397 The Departure of Hagar (131), brilliant impression, very scarce, £3 10s. 5398 Ditto, very fine, but cut to the plate marh , £2 12s. 6d. 5399 The Angel and Tobit (134), brilliant impression of this scarce etching, £4 4s." 5400 Elijah fed by the ravens (136), brilliant impression on 11 papier de la folie,” rare, £2 12s. 6d t 5401 Ditto, splendid impression, and very scarce, £3 13s. 6d. JAMES WATSON. 5402 Portrait of Archbishop Laud, half-length, from the picture formerly at Houghton, half sheet, very fine and scarce, £1 Is. Vandych. 5403 Rubens and his family, from a famous picture formerly at Houghton, sheet, mez. brilliant, 15s. Jordaens. 5404 The Musical lady, from a picture in the collection of the Prince oj' Orange, fol. mez. 5s. Metzu. 5405 ditto, fine, 15s. 5406 — ■— Ditto, a most beautiful proof , with large margin , scarce, £1 Is. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL 247 5407 The corresponding 1 lady, from a capital picture by Metzu ; half sheet, inez. superb proof before letters , £l 11s. 6d. 5408 A woman reading by lamp-light, from a picture by G. Schalken , fol. mez. proof before letters , 12s. 5409 The Dishabille ; small fol. mez, brilliant proof \ 7s. 6d. Metzu. 5410 Yertumnus and Pomona (portraits of St. Evremond and the duchess of Mazarin), half sheet, mez .fine proof before letters and the mottoes , 12s. Netscher. THOMAS WATS0N. 5411 “ Miss Kitty dressing.” Children dressing a cat in doll’s clothes, fol. mez. 7s. 6d. R. Wright. J. H. WATT. 5412 The procession to claim the flitch of bacon, from a picture by Stothard ; sheet, very early and choice artist's proof before letters and before the trial marks of the graver were erased from the margin , very rare, £3 3s. 5413 Susanna and the elders; from a picture in the National Gallery, fine proof 10s. 6d. L. Caracci. W. H. WATT. 5414 The Manuscript (vide Sterne), from a picture by Leslie , fol. 7s. 6d. 5415 Ditto, fine proof on India paper , 12s. 5416 — — * Ditto, choice proof on India paper before letters , £l Is. 5417 La Madonna della Torre, from a picture by Rajfaelle in the collection of S. Rogers , fol. proof, £1 Is. 5418 - — Ditto, proof on India paper before letters , £1 12s. WATTS. 5419 Portrait of Yandyck in the character of Icarus, from a painting by himself half sheet, mez. fine proof \ 16s. CONEADE WAUMAUS. 5420 The taking down from the Cross, half sheet, 12s. Rubens. 5421 Mars and Yenus ; fol. 5s. Yandyck. WHESSELI. 5422 The young Cottager, sheet , fine proof, 10s. 6d. Gainsborough. 5423 The Cottage girl, companion to the preceding, sheet, fine proof 10s. 6d. —Ibid. RARE ENG1ISH PORTRAITS BIT ROBERT WHITE. 5424 William Bates, Noncomformist Divine, fine proof very rare, £1 11s. 6d. 5425 The most honourable Kenneth Marquess and Earl of Seafort, Yiscount Fort Boss, Lord Mackenzie and Kintail, &c., One of his Majestie’s most Honble. Privy Council and Knight of the most Ancient and Noble Order 248 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND of the Thistle, 1688 ; a most curious proof before the lace neckdlpthrvas finished , before the name of White , fyc., fyc. ; very rare, and in this state unique, fol. £ 5 5s. 5426 Lady Mary Jolliffe, Daughter of Ferdinando Earl of Huntingdon; 4to; most brilliant proof before any letters , extremely rare , £5 5s. *** At Sir Mark Sykes’ sale a similar proof was sold for £17 10s. 5427 Sir Patrick Lyon of Carse, Kt., Judge of the High Court of Admiralty of the Kingdom of Scotland ; superb proof before the inscription , unique, small folio, £3 13s. 6d. 5428 Sir John Nisbet of Dirleton ; superb proof before any letters , of the greatest rarity , £3 13s. 6d. Sir Mark Sykes’ impression, who paid for it ,£8 15s. 5429 Rev. John Owen, the favourite of Cromwell; superb proof before the inscription ; extremely rare , fol. £4 4s. 5430 The Right Honble. Sir John Sommers, Knt., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and one of their Majestie’s most Honble. Privy Council, 1693, from a picture by Kneller, superb impression , fol. very rare , £3 3s. 5431 George Lord Jeffreys, the infamous Judge, in his robes as Chancellor, with his arms, the Great Seal, &c. folio, very tine and rare , £3 3s. — G. Kneller. 5432 Sir Robert Nott, Gentleman Usher to Charles II. small folio, fine and extra rare , £4 4s. AHTHONY WIEEDL 5433 Saint John the Baptist in the wilderness ; after Martin de Yos ; most bril- liant impression and scarce , 12s. 5434 Saint Luke painting the Virgin, from a curious picture by Quintin Matsys , small fol. very scarce , 15s. 5435 Mary Magdalen praying in the desert, small fol. very . fine, 15s. 5436 Thomas Morus, quondam supremus totius Anglae cancellarius digniss ; 12mo, very fine and rare , 16s. JEEOME WXERXX. 5437 Portrait of Henry the third, King of France ; fol. superb impression , in perfect condition and extremely rare , £6 6s. “ Peintre afin que ton art imita la Nature Au tableau de ce Roy dont lhone touche aux Cieux Pein sur son chef Pallas, sur ses levres Mercure Mars dessus son visage, et l’amour dans ses yeux.” 5438 Portrait of Philip II., King of Spain and the Indies, in a fur cloak with the collar of the Golden fleece, fol. £l 11s. 6d. 5439 Ditto, a magnificent impression and very scarce , £6 16s. 6d. 5440 St. Jerome praying before a crucifix, 4to, fine, 5s. 5441 Christ appearing to St. Gregory at Mass, fol. fine, 7s. 6d, A. Durer . PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 249 5442 The Holy family adored by a monk and the infant St. John, small folio, fine, 9s. D. Calvaert. 5443 Death of the Virgin, attended by Angels, fol. fine, 8s. 0 . Vcenius. 5444 Holy family with St. Elizabeth, 4to, fine, 10s. 6d. J. Stradanus. 5445 The Holy women lamenting over the dead body of Christ, small fol. a fine proof before the artists’ names mere erased , and before the inscrip- tion was added beneath the plate, very scarce, £1 Is. M. de Vos. 5446 The dead body of Christ supported by the Virgin and three angels, small fol. very fine , 15s. 5447 Descent from the Cross, small fol. scarce and extremely fine , 15s. M. de Vos. 5448 Holy family with the infant St. John who is offering an apple to the infant Saviour ; small fol .fine, 10s. 6d. M. de Vos. JOSKT WZE2II3S. 5449 “ Jacobus et Anna Rex et Regina Anglim, Francise, Scotise et Hibernise ; Johan. Wiricx. f. et excud. cum G. privil. Sig. de Buscher full lengths ; an impression of the greatest beauty , in exquisite condition , with large margin and very rare , £12 12s. 5450 A curious emblematical print on the parable of the wise and foolish vir- gins, half sheet, 5s. JSJOff GEOEGHS WIIsIiE. The numbers and states refer to the Catalogue of his Works by M. Charles le Blanc. 5451 Sarah bringing Hagar to Abraham (1), choice proof before all letters , £3 13s. 6d. Dietrich. 5452 Holy Family , 11 Repos de la Vierge” (2), very fine, £l 11s. 6d. Ibid. 5453 Ditto, the name of Wille erased from the margin at top, £l Is. 5454 Ditto, choice proof before the dedication , £3 3s. 5455 Ditto, proof before all letters in the finest possible state, with very large margin, of' extreme rarity, £8 8s. 5456 The Death of Cleopatra (5) ; fine impression, £2 2s. G. Netscher. 5457 Ditto, brilliant impression, £3 13s. 6d. An excellent example of Wille’s talent in the rendering of satin drapery. 5458 Le Marechal des Logis (14), a soldier rescuing a young girl from two brigands, proof before the dedication , £1 11s. 6d. P. A. Wille. 5459 Ditto, fine impression, with the dedication , 18s. 5460 Ditto, a brilliant proof before any letters and before the arms, very rare, £4 14s. 6d. 5461 Musiciens Ambulans (52), fine, £2 12s. 6d. Dietrich. 5462 Ditto, most brilliant impression before the final e in 11 Elector ale” in fine condition, with large margin, £8 8s. 5463 Les Offres Reciproques, “ A Woman selling Pancakes” (53), 7s. 6d. Dietrich. 250 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5464 — Ditto, very line impression before the accented letter , from the Grave collection, £2 2s. 5465 Le concert de famille (54) £2 2s. G. Schalcken. 5466 Ditto, brilliant impression , £3 3s. 5467 Ditto, splendid impression in the most perfect condition , and with large margin , scarce, £4 4s. 5468 I/Instruction Paternelle, from the celebrated picture by Terburg (55), (The satin gown), £3 3s. 5469 Ditto, a very fine impression , £6 6s. 5470 Ditto, a superb impression, £8 8s. 5471 Ditto, superb impression with large margin , £10 10s. *** The chef d’oeuvre of Wille’s engraving. 5472 Les Bons Amis (56) ; brilliant proof before all letters , from the col- lection of W. Esdaile, very scarce, £6 6s. 5473 Ditto ; brilliant proof before all letters and before the shield of arms beneath the plate was finished , extremely rare, £7 7s. *** Neither of these states is mentioned in Le Blanc’s Catalogue. 5474 Jeune joueur d’instrument {hi), fine, 16s. Schalcken . 5475 — — Ditto, fine with large margin , £1 5s. 5476 La Devideuse, mere de G. Douw (61), an old woman reeling cotton, very t fine. £1 11s. 6d. Gerard Douw. 5477 Ditto, brilliant impression , £2 2s. 5478 La Liseuse (62) ; an old woman reading ; brilliant proof before any let- ters , extremely rare , £7 7s. Gerard Douw. 5479 La Devideuse (61), La Liseuse (62) ; the pair ; fine impressions , £3 3s. Gerard Douw. 5480 Ditto, VERY FINE IMPRESSIONS, WITH LARGE MARGINS, £4 4s. 5481 La Menagere Hollandoise, a woman at a window cleaning culinary uten- sils (93), 7s. 6d. Gerard Douw. 5482 Ditto, modern impression , 9s. 5483 Ditto, a brilliant impression , £l 11s. 6d, 5484 Ditto, a matchless proof before all letters , with large margin and in superb condition , from the Yerstolk collection, £16 16s. 5485 La Tricoteuse Hollandoise (64), with large margin , £1 Is. F. Miens. 5486 Ditto, brilliant impression , but very small margin, £2 2s. 5487 Ditto, superb , with large margin , scarce, £3 13s. 6d. F. Miens . 5488 Ditto, superb impression , in extraordinary state , with full margin ; presque unique in this state, £5 5s. 5489 L’Observateur Distrait, a boy blowing bubbles (65), 15s. Mieris. 5490 Ditto, brilliant impression , with large margin , £l 11s. 6d. 5491 Le petit Physicien (66) \fine impression , £1 5s. G. Netscher. 5492 La Cuisiniere Hollandoise {hi), fine impression, £l 11s. 6d. G. Metzu. 5493 — Ditto brilliant , £2 2s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 251 5494 La Cuisiniere Hollandoise (67), beautiful proof before all letters . with large margin , £8 8s. 5495 Gazettiere Hollandoise (68), 15s. G. Terburg. 5496 Ditto, fine, 21s. 5497 Ditto, brilliant, with large margin, £2 2s. 5498 La Cuisiniere Hollandoise (67), La Gazettiere Hollandoise (68) ; the pair ; fine impressions , £3 13s. 6d. Terburg and Metzu. 5499 La Petite Ecoliere (69), fine, with large margin , £1 5s. J. E. Schenau. 5500 Ditto, brilliant proof before all letters. £3 13s. 6d. 5501 La Maitresse d’Ecole (70), fine , £l 11s. 6d. P. A. Wille. 5502 Ditto, choice proof before letters , with good margin , £4 14s. 6d. 5503 La petite Ecoliere (69) ; 11 La maitresse d’Ecole” (70) the pair , fine, £2 10s. 5504 Bonne femme de Normandie (71 )jine, 12s. 5505 Le Philosophe du Temps Passe (73), 9s. P. A. Wille. 5506 Ditto, fine proof before the dedication, £1 Is. 5507 Le Sapeur des Gardes Suisses (86), 7s. 6d. J. G. Wille. 5508 Ditto, fine proof before the letters, £1 11s. 6d. 5508* Louis XY. Roi de France (104) on horseback, 15s. Parrocel. 5509 Louis XY. King of France (105), bust upon a pedestal in an oval, after Jean Baptiste le Moyne, a very rare proof before the star, collar and ornaments round the oval were finished ; folio, £l 11s. 6d. 5510 Claude de Saint Simon eveque (112) three-quarters, in his episcopal robes, half-sheet, brilliant proof before the third line of inscription , rare, £1 11s. 6d. H. Eigaud. 5511 Woldemar de Loewendal, Marechal de France (122), in an oval, with arms beneath, supported by a Cupid, &c. 10s. 6d. M. Q. de la Tour . 5512 Louis Phelypeaux, Comte de St. Florentin (124) ; brilliant impression before the word “ ministre, &c.” rare, £4 4s. L. Tocque . 5513 Abel Francois Poisson de Yaudieres, Marquis de Marigny, Directeur- General des Batiments (125), three-quarters, in a richly -laced coat, very fine, £l Is. J. L. Tocque . 5514 Ditto, brilliant, before the reception address, £l 11s. 6d. 5515 Jean de Boullongne, Controleur-General des Finances (126), 16s. H. Eigaud. 5516 Ditto, brilliant impression , £l 11s. 6d. 5517 Nicholas Rehe Berrier, French statesman (127) ; large folio, fine proof before the address, £1 15s. De Lyon. 5518 Portrait of Elizabeth de Gouy (145) ; choice proof before all letters, with good margin and in the finest condition, very scarce , £4 4s. Eigaud. 5519 11 Carolus Wallise Princeps, &c.” Portrait of the Old Pretender in armour (148), from a picture by L . Tocque , half-sheet, most brilliant impression in perfect condition, and with very large margin, £2 12s. 6d. 252 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND JOAXff WITDOECK, 5520 Melchisedec blessing bread and wine and presenting them to Abraham, folio, veryjine , 25s. Rubens. 5521 The Nativity, with adoration of the Shepherds, sheet, superb impression in the, first state , before any retouch , and before the name of the artist was replaced bu that of Bolswert. extremely rare and in fine condition, £2 2s. Rubens . 5522 Ditto, an impression in the later state, with Bolswert’s name, &c. 12s. 5523 Adoration of the Kings ; fine impression , but slightly stained , 10s. 6d. Rubens. 5524 The Holy family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John, the infant Jesus sleeping in his mother’s arms, fol. 9s. Rubens. 5525 The Elevation of the Cross ; engraved on three sheets, fine and very scarce , £ 3 3s. Rubens. 5526 Ditto, superb impression in the finest condition , extremely rare, £6 6s. 5527 The dead body of Christ borne to the tomb attended by the three Maries, half sheet, fine before the plate was retouched , £1 Is. Rubens. 5528 Christ with the disciples at Emmaus, from a picture by Rubens ; half sheet, most brilliant proof before any inscription , extra rare, £4 14s. 6d. 5529 The assumption of the Virgin ; superb impression before the address of C. van Merlen , sheet, £2 2s. Rubens. 5530 Ditto, very fine impression , but slightly injured, £l Is. 5531 Saint Cecilia in extacy ; folio, splendid impression in the first state , be- fore the address of Hendricx , fyc. very scarce, £1 Is. Rubens. 5532 St. Juste holding his head in his hands after he was beheaded; fol. fine, 15s. Rubens. 5533 Ditto, fine, but one corner missing, 9s. 5534 St. Ildefonso receiving a Chasuble from the hands of the Virgin ; sheet, very fine , 15s. Rubens. CHIARO-SCU RA WOOB CUTS.— Bartsch, Vol. 12. 5535 The sacrifice of Abraham, by an anonymous artist, after Parmegiano (p. 22, No. 3), 4s. 5536 The adoration of the Magi, by Nicolas de Vicence, after Parmegiano (p. 29, No. 2), 5s. 5537 Ditto, very fine , 7s. 6d. 5538 Adoration of the Magi, by N. de Vicence, after Parmegiano (p. 30, No. 3), 5s. 5539 The miraculous draught of fishes, by Hugo da Carpi, after a drawing by Raffaelle (p. 37, No. 13), scarce , 10s. 6d. 5540 Jesus Christ healing the lepers, by Nicolas de Vicence, after Parmegiano (p. 39, No. 15), 10s. 6d. 5541 Ditto, a little cut below , 7s. 6d. 5542 The entombment, by Andreani, after Raffaelle da Reqgio (p. 44, No. 24), 10s. 6d. 5543 - — Ditto, very fine. 15s. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 253 5544 The death of Ananias, by Hugo da Carpi, after Baffaelle (p. 46, No. 27), fine, 10s. 6d. 5545 Herodias with the head of John the Baptist in a charger, by Coriolano, after Guido (p. 47, No. 29), .first state , 10s. 6d. 5546 Head of the Virgin, by Coriolano, after Guido (p. 50, No. 3), 3s. 5547 The Virgin and sleeping Saviour, engraved by B. Coriolano, after Guido (p. 53, No. 6), 6s. 5548 Ditto, fine , 9s. 5549 The Virgin and infant Saviour, by Douet, after Andrea del Sarto (p. 54, No. 9), 3s. 6d. 5550 The Virgin embracing the infant Jesus, by Coriolano (p. 55, No. 10), scarce , 7s. 6d. 5551 The Virgin adoring the infant Saviour, by an anonymous artist, after Francesco Yanni\ p. 56, No. 11), fine, 5s. 5552 The Virgin and child and St. John, by an anonymous artist, after Parme- giano (p. 56, No. 12), 7s. 6d. 5553 Ditto, fine , before the block was cracked, 12s. 5554 Ditto, extremely fine , in the same state , 25s. 5555 The Holy family, after Correggio (p. 60, No. 18), first state before the name, fyc., 10s. 6d. 5556 The Virgin with the infant St. John adoring the infant Saviour, by Coriolanus, after Guido (p. 61, No. 20), 3s. 6d. 5557 The Virgin and infant Saviour with a bishop, by Andrea Mantuanus, after Alexander Cassolano (p. 63, No. 22), 7s. 6d.’ 5558 The Virgin and Child, accompanied by St. Joseph and a bishop, after Parmegiano (p. 64, No. 24), 9s. 5559 Ditto, very fine, in the first state , rare, £l Is. 5560 The Virgin and Child surrounded by Saints, by Alexander Ghandinb after Parmegiano (p. 65, No. 25), 7s. 6d. 5561 Ditto, fine, 12s. 5562 The Virgin and infant Saviour in the clouds, with the martyrdom of St. Sebastian and a bishop, by Hugo da Carpi, after Baroccio (p. 66, No. 26) , fine and scarce , 15s. 5563 The Virgin, infant Saviour, and St. John, accompanied by St. Francis and St. Catherine of Sienna, by Andreani, after James Ligozzi (p. 67, No. 27) , first state, L5s. 5564 St. John the Baptist in the desert, by Antonio da Trenta, after Parme- giano (p. 73, No. 17), very fine , 7s. 6d. D’une grande beaute. — Bartsch. 5565 St. Peter preaching the Gospel, by Hugo da Carpi, after Poludoro (p. 77, No. 25) 3s. 6d. 5566 St. Peter and St. John healing the lame man, after Raffaelle; (p. 78, No. 27) an etching by Parmegiano with the lights and tints printed from wood-blocks, 12s. 5567 Ditto, a curious impression, from the blocks alone, 5s. 5568 The martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul, by Antonio da Trenta, after Parmegiano (p. 79, No. 28), 12s. 254 THE PINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5569 St. Francis of Assise, by Andrea Andreani, after Casolano , (p. 81, No. 30) .fine, 15s. 5570 St. Jerome, by Coriolanus, after Guido, (p. 83, No. 33) 7s. 6d. 5571 St. Cecilia, by Antonio da Trenta. after Parmegiano , (p. 85, No. 37) dne, 9s. 5572 A Sybil in inspiration, by Coriolanus, after Guidp (p. 87, No. 2) 5s. 5573 Ditto, very fine , 7s. 6d. 5574 A Sybil in contemplation, by Coriolanus, after Guido, (p. 88, No. 3) 5s. 5575 Ditto, very fine, 7s. 6d. 5576 A Sybil, by Coriolanus, after Guido (p. 88, No. 4) 5s. 5577 Ditto, very. fine, 7s. 6d. 5578 A sybil looking 1 at a tablet, after Guido, by Coriolanus (p. 88, No. 5) 5s. 5579 A Sybil, after Raffaelle (p. 89, No. 6) copy in the reverse direction, 5s. 5580 The Tiburtine Sybil and the Emperor Augustus, by Antonio da Trenta, after Parmegiano (p. 90, No. 7) fine, 7s. 6d. 5581 A Roman carrying off a Sabine woman (p. 93, No. X) by Andreani, after John of Bologna , 8s. 5582 The same group in another position, hy the same artist (p. 93, No. 2) 8s. 5583 The same group, engraved by the same artist, on rather a larger scale (p. 94, No. 3) 10s. 6d. 5584 The rape of the Sabines, by Andreani, after the has relief hy John of Bo- logna (p. 94, No. 4) the first plate, fine, 12s. 5585 Ditto, the second plate , fine, 12s. 5586 Escape of Clelia from the camp of Porsenna, by J. N. Vicence, after Maturino (p. 96, No. 5) 12s. 5587 Mucius Scevola placing his hand in the fire, by Andreani, after Balthasar Peruzzi, (p. 98, No. 7) 8s. 5588 The clemency of Scipio, after Giulio Romano (p. 99, No. 8) 3s. 6d. 5589 Death of Ajax, by J. N. de Vicence, after Polydore Caravaggio (p. 99, No. 9) 9s. 5590 Diogenes (p. 100) ; by Hugo da Carpi, after Parmegiano , fol, very fine, 10s. 6d. 5591 Triumph of Julius Caesar, painted hy Andrea Mantegna , in the palace of the Church of Sebastian at Mantua, engraved by Andreani (p. 101, No. 11) separate sheets, 5s. each. 5592 Bust of Cupid, by Coriolanus, after Guido (p. 107, No. 2) 5s. 5593 Venus with a group of Cupids, by Hugo da Carpi, after Baffaelle (p. 107, No. 3) 7s. fid. 5594 Circe giving drink to the companions of Ulysses, after Parmegiano (p. 110, No. 6) 5s. 5595 Ditto, very dne, 9s. 5596 Circe drinking in the presence of the companions of Ulysses, after Par- megiano (p. Ill, No. 7) 5s. 5597 Diana hunting the Stag, after Parmegiano (p. 113, No. 10) 3s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 255 5598 The fall of the Giants, engraved on four blocks ; after Guido (p. 113, No. 11), 18s. 5599 Hercules strangling the Nemean Lion, by J. N. de Yicence, after Raffaelle (p. 119, No. 17), 8s. 5600 — — Ditto, fine, in the first state , 12s. 5601 Jason returning with the golden fleece, after Parmegiano (p. 120, No. 19), 8s. 5602 Psyche receiving divine honours from the people, after Salviati, by Antonio da Trenta (p. 125, No. 26), 7s. 6d. 5603 Virtue combating between love, error, ignorance, and opinion (p. 130, No. 9), by Andreani, after Ligozzi, 9s. 5604 The alliance of Peace and Plenty, by Coriolanus, after Guido, (p. 131, No. 10), 2s. 6d. 5605 Ditto, before the word u Roma ” was altered to lt Romce,” 6s. 5606 A Christian hero defending his faith against Demons, by Andreani, after B. Franco (p. 136, No. 14), 8s. 5607 A Thesis, by Coriolanus, after Guido , (p. 139, No. 18), 6s. 5608 The lute player, by Antonio da Trenta, after Parmegiano (p. 143, No. 3), 2s. 6d. 5609 Aretin singing his poem of the Syren, after Titian (p. 144, No. 5), 5s.' 5610 La Surprise (p. 146), by Hugo da Carpi, after Parmegiano, fine, 5s. 5611 An academical figure of a man seen from behind, by A. da Trenta, after Parmegiano (p. 148, No. 13) 7s. 6d. 5612 Ditto, very fine, 15s. *** Cette figure est d’une singuliere beaute pour la correction du dessein et pour la legerete de la touche — Bartsch. 5613 A Christian woman meditating upon a skull, after Casolani, by Andreani (p. 148, No. 14), 7s. 6d. 5614 The sacrifice, after Parmegiano (p. 152, No. 21), 2s. 6d. WILLIAM WOOI1ETT. 5615 Portrait of Woollett, engraved by J. K. Sherwin, very fine before the shade was erased, scarce, 18s. 5616 Homan edifices in Ruins, from the magnificent and well-known picture by Claude Lorraine in the Marquis of Westminster’s gallery ; superb proof before letters and before the motto in the arms, in very fine condition and with a small margin, rare, £14 14s. *** “ The chef-d’oeuvre of landscape engraving.” 5617 The Death of General Wolfe, very fine impression, but the inscription cut off, £2 2s. B. West. 5618 Ditto, brilliant early impression before “ Historical painter Sec ” was engraved, £3 3s. 5619 Ditto, in the same state , but laid down, £2 12s. 6d. 5620 — — Ditto, most superb proof, and extremely rare, £12 12s. 256 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5621 Ditto, a superb proof \ most clear and brilliant , extremely rare, with the key, £15 15s. 5622 Ditto, a superb proof, but cut nearly close at the top and sides £6 16s. 6d. 5623 Apollo and the Seasons, beautiful proof with a single line of in- scription, £2 12s. 6d. R. Wilson. 5624 Ditto, superb and most rare proof in the earliest state , the artists' names being merely etched in, £5 15s. 6d. 5625 The Battle at La Hogue, 15s. B. West. 5626 Ditto, brilliant old impression, but cut close, 18s. 5627 Ditto, very fine impression, with large margin, £2 2s. 5628 Ditto with the companion print, 11 The Battle of the Boyne.” The pair with large margins, £3 3s. 5629 Ditto, the pair, brilliant proofs, with single line of inscription , very scarce, £10 10s. 5630 Ceyx and Alcyone, from a picture by R. Wilson, 12s. 5631 Ditto, fine impression, 18s. 5632 Ditto, brilliant impression before the alteration in the spelling, £2 2s. 5633 Ditto, in the same state, but cut to plate mark, £1 11s. 6d. 5634 Ditto, superb proof, with single line oj inscription, most brilliant , in fine condition, and extremely rare, £8 8s. 5635 Ditto! curious unfinished etching, or aqua fortis proof, rare, £1 Is. 5636 Celadon and Amelia, from a picture by R. Wilson (companion print to the preceding-) ; very fine old impression, 18s. 5637 Ditto, brilliant impression, with the first address, £2 2s. 5638 Ditto, most beautiful proof with single line of inscription, scarce , £6 6s. 5639 Ditto, beautiful proof, but cut to plate mark. £3 3s. 5640 Ceyx and Alcyone— Celadon and Amelia. The pair , unfinished proofs in the pure aquafortis state , in fine condition, with large margins ; one of which is an autograph presentation from Woollett to his friend Mr. Athawes , very scarce, £4 4s. 5641 Solitude, from a picture by R. Wilson, in illustration of Thomson’s Sea- sons, 12s.. 5642 Ditto, most brilliant impression, £1 11s. 6d. 5643 Ditto, superb proof \ in the finest condition, with good margin, £6 6s. 5644 Cicero at his Villa; brilliant old impression, and in fine condition, £l 11s. 6d. R. Wilson. 5645 Ditto, a most brilliant impression, in perfect condition , with a fair margin, scarce, £2 2s. 5646 Ditto, fine, but laid down , £1 5s. 5647 Ditto, beautiful proof, very scarce, £6 6s. 5648 Niobe, from Wilson’s celebrated picture ; very fine old impression, £2 2s. 5649 Ditto, superb impression, with large margin, £4 14s. 6d. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 257 56.50 The Fishery, after a painting’ by Wright ; superb proof on india paper before letters , the names of the artists etched in ; in perfect condition and extremely rare , £18 18s. 5651 Ditto, superb proof before letters on plain paper, in beautiful condition , very rare, £25. 5652 Phaeton, Jrom a picture by Wilson , 10s. 6d. 5653 Ditto, superb proof before all letters, in an unique state (?) before cross hatchings on the hills in the extreme distance, of the greatest brilliancy , £18 18s. 5654 The Spanish pointer, very fine old impression , £1 5s. Stubbs. 5654* A classical landscape with figures ; from a picture by Annibale Caracci, half sheet, 15s. 5655 Ditto, first address , extra fine , with margin , £1 11s. 6d. 5655* Ditto, brilliant impression , with large margin , £2 2s. 5656 Ditto, superb proof before letters, in extraordinary condition , with very large margin ; of great rarity, £12 12s. 5657 Ditto, superb proof before letters , but cut within the plate mark, £4 14s. 6d. 5658 Landscape and figures, from a picture formerly at Shugborough Hall, 10s. 6d. G. Poussin. 5659 Ditto, fine old impression, with large margin , 18s. 5660 The Rural Cot ,from a picture by G. Smith; brilliant impression, but laid down, 12s. 5661 The first premium Landscape, from a painting by Smith of Chichester ; brilliant impression , with large margin , £2 12s. 6d. 5662 Ditto, superb proof before all letters , £6 6s. 5663 Macbeth and the Witches, from a picture by Zuccarelli ; brilliant proof in fine condition and with good margin , £5 5s. 5664 Ditto, slightly torn at the top , £3 3s. 5665 The Cottagers, 12s. Dusart. 5666 Ditto, fne old impression, 18s. 5667 The Cottagers; the Jocund Peasants; the pair, brilliant impressions, with good margins , £2 12s. 6d. Dusart. 5668 Ditto, very fine , but close at the sides, £1 11s. 6d. 5669 Ditto, a splendid pair , with large margins , rare, £4 4s. 5670 The first scene in the Maid of the Mill, from a painting by J. Richards ; superb proof before the letters , and extremely rare, £4 14s. 6d. 5671 The merry villagers, from a picture by T. Jones (an illustration of Thomson’s Seasons) ; sheet, 16s. 5672 Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , with large margin, scarce, £6 6s. 5673 The apple gatherers, from a picture by G. Smith (an illustration of Thomson’s Seasons) ; sheet, 16s. 5674 Ditto, choice proof before letters, £3 13s. 6d. 258 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR AND 5675 The enchanted castle, from a picture by Claude ; sheet, 10s. 6d. 567 6 * Ditto, brilliant proof before letters , £5 5s. 5677 Shooting* pieces, set of four plates, brilliant , and in fine condition , £l 12s. G. Stubbs. 5678 Ditto, the complete set, superb proofs before letters, in fine condition and perfectly uniform, very rare , £10 10s. 5679 Ditto, the first plate, brilliant proof before letters , with the artist's name merely etched in, laid down, £1 11s. 6d. 5680 Ditto, the third plate, in the same rare state, laid down, £1 11s. 6d. 5681 Ditto, plates 2 and 4, fine, 12s. each. 5682 Les agremens de 1’Ete, after Pillement, scarce, 15s. 5683 Ditto, very early proof etching ; scarce, £l Is. 5684 The boar hunt in a wood, from a picture by Pillement, sheet ; an unfinished proof, very fne and extremely rare, £4 4s. 5685 Morning and Evening*. The pair , brilliant proofs with large margins y £2 2s. Swanevelt. 5686 Ditto, the pair, unfinished proofs , 10s. 6d. 5687 View of the south side of the ruins at Kew ; beautiful proof before all letters, from the Esdaile collection, £1 Is. J. Kirby. 5688 Portrait of Rubens, after Vandyck ; brilliant proof, extremely scarce, from the Dimsdale collection, £3 3s. 5689 Acteon surprising* Diana and her nymphs bathing ; half sheet, proof before letters, 15s. P. Lauri. 5690 The Shipwreck, from a picture by Vernet ; engraved by Fittler and Woollett, 9s. 5691 Ditto, brilliant proof before all letters, slightly unfinished, scarce, 15s. 5692 Vignette for a shop bill for John Brenchley of Maidstone, 5s. 5693 The watch paper of “ John Woollett,” Maidstone, small circle, 10s. 6d. 5894 Ditto, in the second state, “ Lambeth,” on India paper, 5s. 5695 “ Temoignage de la diligence,” a small plate, in the first state before it was retouched, very scarce, 15s. J. Bonneau. 5696 Warkworth hermitage, fine, 5s. T. Eearne. 5697 Portrait of George III., King of England; folio, 9s. A. Ramsay. 5698 Meleager and Atalanta hunting the wild boar, t> /me, 15s. R. Wilson. THOMAS WOSLIDG-E. 5699 u Christ healing the sick,” copy from Rembrandt’s well known etching- called “The hundred guilder print,” 7s. 6d. 3*. WEIGHT, 5700 St. John preaching in the Wilderness, from a picture in Mr. TunstalVs collection at Wycliffe ; sheet mez. 5s. P. Lauri. 5701 The Virgin and child with saints, from a picture in the Stafford Gallery , 4to, choice Engraver' s proof before all letters , os. Lorenzo Lotto. PRINT COLLECTOR’S MANUAL. 259 ETCHING'S SY THOMAS WYCK, 5702 The Colonnade (8), very fine and scarce , £1 5s. 5703 “Les cuisinieres pres du puits (IS), first state before the cross hatchings on the pillar , fine and scarce, 15s. 5704 Le marchand Oriental (Id), fine impression, 10s. 6d. 5705 La fileuse pres du pucheur (IS), fine impression , 10s. 6d. 5706 The dead body of Christ, attended by the Maries and Angels, fol. 7s. 6d. Vandyck. 5707 The feast of Thetis and Peleus, fol. fine, 10s. 6d. Rubens . 5708 Soldiers pillaging a village, fol. very fine, 21s. Rubens. 5709 A Bacchanalian scene, with a drunken faun, &c., fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. Rubens. €£. YSATZS. 5710 The right honourable and reverend Father in God Georg’e Mountaine Lord Bishop of London and lord high almoner to the King’s most excellent Maiestie ; Are to be sold at the Globe, next the Exchange. superb impression before the address was altered, in beautiful condition and of the greatest rarity, 8vo, £5s 5s. JO HIST YOU^G. 5711 The sulky boy, the distress’d girl ; sheet mez. the pair, scarce, 15s. * R. M. Paye. 5712 Chevy chase ; from the picture by Edward Bird in the Sutherland Gal- lery ; sheet mez. fine proof, with large margin, scarce, £2 2s. 5713 The gipsy fortune teller, sheet mez. 9s. Sir W. Beechey. 5714 The water-cress girl ; fol. mez. 3s. 6d. Zoffany. 5715 “ Eliza portrait of the artist’s wife ; fol. mez. 5s. Hoppner. MAET X3T 'LILGSkJt ©E2, ZiLTZlEIOE^, C IRCA 1500. 5716 Solomon adoring the Idols (1) very fine and rare, and in beautiful con- dition, £5 15s. 6d. 5717 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, with a young lady on her knees interceding for the Martyr with the Emperor Diocletian (4), most brilliant impres- sion, very scarce, £9 9s. 5718 Saint Christopher crossing the water (7), fine pure and early impression , £3 3s. 5719 The Martyrdom of St. Catherine in presence of the Emperor Maxentius (8), scarce, but mended, 25s. 5720 Saint Ursula (10), fine and scarce , £2 2s. 260 THE FINE ART CIRCULAR, ETC. 5721 The grand tournament at Munich, 1500 (14), veryjine and scarce , £3 3s. 5722 The Two Lovers, seated in a landscape (16), very fine and scarce , but a little damaged , £2 12s. 6d. 5723 “ Lueur et obscurite a woman spreading her dress over an owl who is perched upon a dry branch ; she is turning her head towards the clouds at the right, from which the sun’s rays are darting, and upon which is a band, with the words “Duck-Dick,” &c. (21), brilliant AND RARE, £4 14s. 6d. 5724 Ditto, fine, hit mended at the two toy corners, £l 11s. 6d. 5725 A group of four soldiers, one of whom marches in front playing on the fife (20) ; brilliant and rare , but slightly mended , £l 11s. 6d. REYNXER ZEEMAN. 5726 View off Amsterdam, with shipping under repair, &c. brilliant proof before the number , name , or address , small folio, 15s. 5727 Naval battles, 5 plates, fine proofs before the corners of each plate were rounded , 15s. each. m. Z1GNANI. 5728 “Maddalena Strozzi Doni ” from a picture by Raffaelle in the Pitti Gallery at Florence; small folio \fine impression , i6s. 5729 Virgin and infant Saviour, fro m the picture by Rajf'aelle in the collection of Samuel Rogers , fol. 9s. ZWOTT — X«E J&iLITRE £L XaiL NAVSTTE. (181 of the Monograms.) 5730 The adoration of the Kings (1), fine impression and of very great rarity, but much damaged , £l 11s. 6d. Prints by this master in perfect or even ordinary good condition are rarely to be seen, even in Public collections. iASffOMYBXOUS. 5731 The descent from the Cross, from the celebrated picture at Antwerp , sheet mez. proof before any inscription, very scarce, 25s. Rubens. 5732 The Virgin, with the infant Saviour leaning on a cradle : fol. fine , 12s. Rubens. 5733 The annunciation ; differing in some particulars from the print by Bols- jvert (see No. 744,) iol.fine , 15s. Rubens. 5734 Two friezes with tritons, by an early Italian artist (vol. 13, p. 101, Nos. 7 & 8), very fine and extra rare , £6 6s. FINIS. Sumfield «fc Jones, Printers, West Harding Street, Fetter Lane. ADDITIONAL NOTES TO “LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR” OF BARTSCH. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS (unknown to B A RTSOH AT THE PERIOD OF THE PUBLICATION OF HIS INVALUABLE WORK) BY Artists of fojrosc ISorlis jje jres gitout ktaileb account. COMPILED BY A. E. EVANS & SONS. 1857. LONDON: 40 3, STRAND. SUMFIELD AND JONES, PRINTERS, WEST HARDING STREET, FETTER LANE. I N 1) E X. Aldegraver (Henry), No. 183. Anchor (Master of the), 95. Andrea (Zoan), 111, 112, 113, 133, 221, 222, 223. Anonymous engravers of the Italian school anterior to the time of Marc Antonio, 138 to 151. Anonymous prints of the fifteenth century by engravers of the German School, 257 to 270. Baldini (Baccio), 98, 99, 109, 110. Beham (Hans Sebald), 182. Binck (James), 115 to 127. Bockholt (Francis Yon), 285 to 288. Brescia (G. A. de), 128, 129, 130, 131. Brosamer (Hans), 184. Caduceus (Master of the), 320 to 324. Campagnola (Domenico), 136. Claas (Allaert), 60 to 87. Coriolano (Bartholomew), 105, 106. Crab (Master of the), 96, 97, 325 to 328. Culmbach (John de), 303. Fantuzzi (Antonio), 178, 179. Ghisi (John Baptist), 163. Ghisi (Diana), 164, 165, 166. Graf (Urse), 314. Grun (H. B.), 114, 211. Kartarus (Marius), 169. Krug (Lucas), 181, 329, 330. Ladenspelder (John), 189. Leyden (Lucas Van), 311 to 313. Mair, 301. Matsys (Cornelius), 192. Mecken (Israel Yon), 290 to 296. Monogram A. V., 137. A. M. 174. A. P. 220. 216. AHNSY. 209. B. M. 306 to 309. C. A. F. 176. IV IXDEX. Monogram C. R. 217. E. S. (Master of 1466), 180, 224 to 256. G. F. 185, 186. _ H. 210. H. S. 304. I. B. 212, 213. M. 208. M. M. 175. M. G. F. 177. IE H. 331, 332. R. B. 218, 219. S. 214, 215, 334 to 405. ¥ (Do 305. y. H. 207. w. H. 315, 316, 317. W. I. 187, 188. Z. B. M. 173. 280, 281, 282, 283. ^ Q (Stoss), 284. W $ 271 to 279. Montagna (Benedict), 101, 102, 103, 104, 134, 135. Navette (Master of the), 289. Qlmutz (Wenceslaus of), 297 to 300. Raimondi (Marc Antonio), 100. Ravenna (Marco da), 154 to 157. Reggio (Buonincontro de), 132. Reverdino (Csesar), 167, 168. Robetta, 88 to 94. Schoengauer (Martin), 310. Solis (Virgil), 193 to 206. Trenta (Antonio da), 107, 108. Treu (Martin), 190, 191. Yen. (Chmrzo. I.), 171. Yen. (O. O. Y. I.), 172. Yeneziano (Agostino), 152, 153. Yico (TEneas), 158 to 162. Worms (Anthony of), 318, 319. Zagel (Martin), 302. Zenoni (Domenico), 170. Additional Notes to “LE PEINTRE GEAVEUE / 5 of BAETSCH. MONOGRAM No. 8, VOLUME 9, pp. 117 to 143, Where he has given a catalogue of fifty-nine prints by this artist, and observes that “ We learn from some prints by this master that he worked at Utrecht,” “ between the years 1520 and 1555. We are ignorant with what foundation” u the editors of some catalogues published in Holland call him Alaert Claas.” Brulliot, in his Dictionary of Monograms, confirms Bartsch as to nothing being known of the particulars of the life of this artist, but says that he knew of ten or twelve prints by him that had escaped the researches of that author. — Huber, Handbuck, vol. 5, p. 94, and Malpe, vol. 1, p. 192, have confounded his works with those of Adrien CoJlaert, a Flemish engraver, to which they have no other resemblance than in the similarity of the monogram. His prints are executed in the neat style adopted by “ The Little German Masters,” and are by no means deficient in good design and inventive character ; a certain clumsiness, however, in some of his figures, and dissimilar handling to that found in the works of Binck, Aldegraver, the Behams, &c., joined to the fact of his being known to have practised his art at Utrecht, leads us to the con- clusion that he was a native of Holland, and being struck with the beauties and neatness of execution of the “ Little German Masters,” had imitated and adopted their style as his own. Several of his prints are copied from Lucas of Leyden, Albert Durer, H. S. Beham, &c. Among those catalogued by Bartsch, Nos. 5 and 15 are copied from Lucas of Leyden - Nos. 6, 17, and 25, from H. S. Beham ; Nos. 10, 16, and 29, from Albert Durer ; Nos. 43, 45, 52, and 58, from Aldegraver; No. 67, from James Binck; and No. 30, his largest print, is from a design by Andrea Mantegna : the remainder are supposed to be nearly all from his own designs, as they simply bear his monogram ; but upon one of the large, and probably conceived by him to be his most important work (34, The naked woman and the dragon), we find the word “ Utrich ” (Utrecht), and the date 1555. Neither Strutt nor Bryan mention this artist at all. The publishers having met with many prints by this artist that were unknown to Bartsch, and as any additions to so valuable a work are of interest, presume that the following descriptive list will not be unacceptable to amateurs. In giving the size , the French measure has been made use of \ it being more subdivided than that in use in England , and consequently better adapted for giving the exact size of a print ; as , however , a French measure is not always attainable in this country , a scale of 100 millimetres , or the tenth part of a metre is here given. 60 Destruction of Pharaoh and his host ; The foreground of the print is occupied by Moses and his family rejoicing at their successful passage of the Red Sea ; among this group are two women playing upon harps, and in the right-hand corner are seen two tents ; on the left side Pharaoh’s host is struggling in the waves ; and in the extreme distance are two mountains, on one of which is a castle. 63 mill, by 155. 2 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO 61 David cutting off the head of Goliath ; In the distance David is represented playing on the harp and guarding his flock ; near him are three boys playing upon wind instruments ; to the right are two tents, in front of which are two men in flight, one of whom is armed with a sword and richly-ornamented buckler. On a stone at the bottom, in the centre, is the monogram. A circular piece, 92 mill, in diameter. 62 The Virgin adoring the infant Saviour ; The Virgin is kneeling, turned towards the left, with her hands together in prayer ; before her, on the ground, lies the infant Jesus, naked, and sur- rounded by a nimbus. The scene is laid in a ruined building, displaying columns, &c., and by that on the right side stands a man holding a staff in his right hand ; to the left, in the background, two oxen are feeding from a manger, close to which St. Joseph is seen praying, with one knee on the ground; his head and that of the Virgin are surrounded by nimbi ; through the ruins, in the distance, two men are seen walking on the hills. No monogram. 125 mill, by 90. 63 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; At the foot of the trunk of a tree the Virgin is seated with a starry crown upon her head, and holding the infant Saviour in her arms ; a distant view of the sea, in the centre of which is an island with buildings on it, occupies the back ground to the right ; on a small block of stone in the lower corner to the left is the monogram. 77 mill, by 54. 64 The baptism of Christ ; St. John the baptist kneeling on the bank of the river Jordan is baptising our Saviour from a small shell which he holds in his right hand, The Holy Spirit is descending from the Father above, and four angels with large wings stand immediately behind , the Saviour and St. John. On the margin of the river near to the bended knee of the Saint is the monogram. 100 mill, by 68. 65 The last Supper ; Our Lord and his disciples are seated on a gothic form around a table ; St. John is sleeping with his head on the table before Christ, who, with two disciples, is in a seat with a high and richly carved back. Above this, in a niche in the background, are two angels supporting a cup or monstrance ; a large single-handled pitcher stands in the foreground. 262 mill, by 202. 66 Saint George and the Dragon ; The Dragon seen to the "left with the body, arms, legs, &c., of a man, but with claws instead of hands or feet, with a large beak from which pro- trudes a sting, and with a scaly covering to a portion of its body, he is transfixed through the throat by the lance of St. George, who, at the right, is mounted on a horse whose hinder parts are covered with a cloth on which is a device ; in the background to the left is a building situated on a rock, in front of which the princess is kneeling in prayer. The mono- gram is about halfway up on the left-hand side. A circular piece, 43 mill, in diameter. 67 Saint George and the Dragon ; In the foreground of a rocky and savage landscape, St. George on horse- back is overcoming the dragon by transfixing it through the throat ; a lake is on the left-hand side, and beyond that a large castle bounded by mountains; through an arch in the rock on the right-hand side is seen the lady on her knees, and immediately above is the monogram. 92 mill, by 65. BARTSCH “ ALAERT CLAAS.” 3 68 Saint Agnes ; Seen at half length, she is turned towards the right, and holds in her right hand the palm of martyrdom, in her left is a ring, and before her on a table ? is the lamb laying on a book ; she has a chain of pearls round her neck, and a curiously shaped cap upon her head, which is surrounded by a nimbus ; in the corner to the left is the monogram. The print is oval- shaped above, and enclosed in a frame of leaves and birds. 106 mill, by 69. 69 Saint Agnes ; In this print the Saint is represented at full length, with a column on either side, from the upper part of which spring scroll ornaments with chimerical figures that nearly meet in the centre above ; she is turned towards the right, regarding a ring held in her left hand, and before her is the lamb, attached by a string to her right hand ; she wears a dress with slashed sleeves, and over it a cloak open at the throat; round her neck is a chain of pearls. Near the bottom to the left is the monogram. 75 mill, by 51. 70 Saint Catherine ; This Saint, with her hands clasped, a diadem on her head, and nimbus around, is standing in the centre of the print beneath an arcade of somewhat grotesque architectural design ; a sword is leaning against one of the columns to the right ; the broken wheel and a book are at her feet ; im- mediately above the book is the monogram. 110 mill, by 65. 71 Saint Catherine; Eepresented at half length seen in profile, and turned to the right, holding a sword in her left hand ; her right hand rests upon a block, on which are seen a portion of the wheel, and a book, on the cover of which is the monogram ; she wears a necklace and chain, and her head, surrounded by a nimbus, is adorned by a crown and tiara. 68 mill, by 46. 72 Saint Catherine ; The Saint is here represented looking to the left, and holding a sword in her right hand, on the block before her is the broken wheel and an opened book ; she wears a necklace and chain ; and her head, surrounded by a nimbus, is adorned by an ornamental crown. The monogram is seen on a block to the left, in front of the Saint. 74 mill, by 46. 73 The death of Cleopatra ; Nearly naked, seated near the sea shore, and applying the asp to her left breast. She is represented as a woman of gigantic proportions, and is a striking example of the clumsiness of style and drawing so often to be seen in this artist’s productions. In the upper left hand corner is “ Cleopatra;” and towards the right at the bottom, the monogram and date, 1526. 70 mill, by 47. 74 Perseus; He is represented as a young man wearing a body suit of armour, leaning against the stump of a tree, and (apparently) sitting on a portion of another suit of armour ; in his left hand he holds a lance, while his right hand rests upon a shield, on which is the head of Medusa. The mono- gram is in the upper right hand corner. 65 mill, by 44. 4 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO BARTSCH. 75 76 77 Melancholy ; A fat and naked female seated in the centre of the print, and resting 1 her head upon her left hand ; in front of her to the right is a saw, and behind is a millstone, on which is seated a winged infant with an astro- nomical instrument in its hand ; the beams of the sun are pouring down from the upper corner to the right, and to the left in the lower portion of the print is a carpenter’s large plane, beneath which is engraved “ Melancholien.” The monogram is on the seat to the left. 66 mill, by 46. The shepherd and the reclining nymph ; A shepherd leaning on a stick is regarding a sleeping nymph lying on the ground in the right hand corner ; copied from No. 429 of the works of Marc Antonio, from which however it differs in respect to the back- ground, which in this print on the right side is partly occupied by the trunk and lower branches of a tree. The monogram is in the upper left hand corner. 74 mill, by 50. The combat ; In a rocky glen commanded by a castle, a group of five men are engaged in deadly strife, one of the combatants has overthrown two of his assail- ants ; another in the front, stretched on the ground, is defending himself with a shield against another who is about to strike him with a large sword, which he grasps in both hands ; the men are all naked except a cloth round their waists; a decapitated head is hanging from the tower of the castle. 205 mill, by 162. 78 The drummer , colour serjeant , andjifer ; A circular piece, with the monogram on the right, at the lower part, between the left leg of the colour serjeant and the right leg of the fifer. 55 mill, in diameter. 79 The boy and dog ; A naked boy seated on the ground asleep with his left arm round the neck of a dog, above whose back is a stone on which is the monogram. A circular print 51 mill, in diameter. 80 A nuptial procession ; A warrior embracing a female, and, with his helmet and armour placed before lnm, is standing in a chariot drawn by two horses and preceded by four women bearing torches, a vase, &c. ; two others support between them a vase, and are marching in front of the chariot, immediately behind which are three others bearing palm branches, followed by three naked men, one of whom is on horseback. The monogram is on a tablet beneath the horse. 21 mill, by 133. 81 82 A frieze ; It is composed of four centaurs, each of whom bears a naked female on his back ; the whole interlaced with a flowing sprig of ornament, springing from the centre of the print. In a tablet, in the centre above, is the monogram. 28 mill, by 90. A frieze ; A frieze composed of four centaurs, with women on their backs, and inter- mingled with ornamental foliage, copied from No. 94 of the works of H. S. Beham. In the centre at the top is the monogram. 29 mill, by 91. ADDITIONAL NOTES TO BARTSCH. O 83 Design for an etui ; In the division on the left hand side is Hercules with his right foot on a globe, in the attitude of repose, with his club in the right hand; Venus standing with Cupid by her side, occupy the division on the right ; and above their heads are arches surmounted by fantastic pieces of ornaments, composed of chimerical fishes. The monogram is close by the feet of Venus. 75 mill, by 44 at the top, and 34 at the bottom. 84 Design for two sides of an etui. The left hand division is composed of an ornamental frieze, in the centre of which are two termini, and above, a goat’s head supporting a tablet with two infants standing thereon ; in the centre of the division, on the right hand side, is a circular medallion with the head of a man in profile, and above, a winged infant is seen with his hands uplifted. No monogram. 91 mill, by 34 at the upper and 21 at the lower portion. 85 Design for two sides of an etui ; Two females standing, separated by a line, the one on the left holding* a heart in the right hand, and in her left an arrow ; the other holding with her two hands a column, of which one half is seen at the extreme right of the print. No monogram . 85 mill, by 50 at the top and 41 at the bottom. 86 A panel of grotesque scroll ornament ; In the centre is a vase, supported by two griffins ; the monogram is in a cartouch forming a stand for the vase. 46 mill, by 107. 87 A panel of scroll ornament ; A panel of scroll ornaments, bound together at the centre by a circular band, terminating on either side by a grotesque masque. The monogram is in the centre at the top. 29 mill, by 79. ROBETTA— Vol. 13, p. 292. 88 Cain and Abel ; Abel, standing to the left, holds with his two hands the goat that he is about to sacrifice ; to the right, Cain appears about to kneel in front of the altar where the fire is lighted ; this altar is ornamented with chimerical heads of goats and a head of the Medusa. In the background is a rich land- scape, with a river flowing at the feet of some mountains ; without 172 m. high by 135 m. Described in the catalogue of the Debois collection, where it was sold for 125 francs, it was subsequently sold in London by Messrs. Sotheby 29th April, 1850, Lot 1060, for £3. 89 Cain killing Abel ; The moment chosen by the artist, is that, when the murderer holds with both hands the club elevated, ready to strike Abel, who with one knee on the earth raises his left hand to ward off the blow. At the right in the back ground, in front of a mountain, is a water-mill ; without mark. 172 m. high by 140. Described in the catalogue of the Debois collection, where it was purchased for the Bibliotheque Imperiale at Paris, for 325 francs. ADDITIONAL NOTES TO 90 The death of Abel ; The figure of Abel lying on his back on the ground, is seen in a boldly fore-shortened point of view, his head being towards the spectator, on the left of the print. In the foreground, on the right stands Cain, who is seen from behind. He rests his right hand on his club, and raises his left as if in expostulation ; looking up, at the same time, at the Almighty, whose half figure, leaning forwards from a cloud, appears in the sky on the left, over the figure of Abel. Behind the figure of Abel is seen part of a rustic fence ; without name. 168 mill, high by 145. Described by Ottley, and in Evans and Sons’ u Catalogue of a select collec- tion of prints” No. 4137, where it is priced at £12 12s. 91 Saint Jerome ; The Saint is on his knees, turned towards the right, with a nimbus round his head, the upper portion of his body is naked and the lower part clothed in drapery which passes over his right arm, in this hand he holds a stone with which he strikes his breast. The lion is upon his right lying near a hillock upon which are two trees and a crucifix, further, on the same side, a cavern is seen ; on the left side, in the background, is a church and a wood and the sea in the distance. 169 mill, in length by 219. Described in the catalogue of u The Cicognara collection” where it is observed that 11 The style of this piece, in respect to the engraving thereof, appears to us without any question to be that of Robetta, and forces us to attribute it to him. The design, however, although in several respects it recalls this master to our mind, is in general better, the head having so much expression and the play of the muscles being rendered with so much truth, as to lead us to believe that it has been executed after a very careful design of some master of the Florentine school.” 92 The Virgin. (B. 12.) The first state of this print is before the rays of glory round the head of the Virgin, and before the rainbow round the head of the infant J esus ; in the sale of the collection of prints belonging to M. Pierre Visscher of Bale, an impression in this state was sold (1852) for 285 francs. 93 The man tied to a tree by Cupid. (B. 25.) Of this print there is a copy in the reverse direction, and bearing also the name of Robetta. There are many variations, particularly in the execu- tion of the cross hatchings, as if the engraver had endeavoured to im- prove upon the original, which however he has not attained, for it is very inferior in every respect to the original, and does not even approach it in the effect of chiaroscura. Same size as the original. Vide Catalogue of u The Cicognara Collection.” 94 Scevola before Bor senna (B. 26.) In Evans’ catalogue of prints (No. 4136), is described an impression in an earlier state than that noticed by Bartsch or Ottley. It is before the clouds and a portion of the background were introduced. MASTER OP THE ANCHOR- Vol. 6, p. 394. 9.3 The Crucifixion ; Christ crucified upon a cross more elevated than those of the two thieves; above His head we read u Inri.” The two thieves have their arms tied to the crosspieces (which are round) of the crosses ; at the bottom of the Cross of Christ is a small anchor and at the same height to the left ot BARTSCH.- LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR . 1 7 the Cross, is the letter B., and to the right, the letter R. On the left side, above and below, the corners are cut to angles. 245 m. by 155 m. An extremely rare print, first described by M. Defer, in the catalogue of the Debois collection, at the sale of which in 1844 it was purchased for 580 francs for the “ Bibliotheque Imperiale at Paris.” THE MASTER OF THE CRAB. — Vol. 7, p. 527. 96 The Martyrdom of a Saint ; The executioner has his cymetar raised ready to cut off the head of a Saint, who is on his knees, with his hands joined and turned towards the right ; a crowd of people is restrained by the guards, one of whom is armed with a lance. In the upper part of the print seated on the throne of justice is a magistrate to whom a female presents the head of a martyr in a dish. At the right and left are several spectators leaning on a balustrade; without monogram. 258 m. by 168 m. Originally in the collection of Mr. W. Y. Ottley, at whose sale in 1837, it sold for £2 4s. Od. it subsequently passed into the collection of Mr. Debois, at the sale of which in 1844 it was purchased by Mr. Smith for 150 francs. 97 The Virgin and Infant Saviour ; The Virgin seated on an elevated pavement embracing the infant Saviour ; she is seen in front enveloped in a very large cloak, the lower part of which is lying in large angular folds in the front, her hair, parted in the centre, is bound round by a band of pearls (?), above her head is a flat and large nimbus, the background is occupied by a Gothic building ; near the lower corner to the left is the “ crab” on a small square stone. 162 mill, by 112. An extremely rare and curious print, first described by Evans and Sons in their catalogue of prints, from which it was sold for £14 14s. Od. B2LCCIO EALDINZ- Vol. 13. 98 The Life of the Virgin ; This print is divided into 11 compartments, of which, that in the centre, representing the death of the Virgin, is 150 by 98 m. in size. Of the 10 others which surround it, that at the bottom, representing the Adora- tion of the Kings, is 90 by 60. Eight other compartments, representing episodes in the life of the Virgin, of which four are on the right and four on the left side, are 50 high by 52 m. in width. The eleventh com- partment, which occupies the whole width of the upper portion of the print, is 202 m. wide by 45 m. high, and represents God the Father surrounded by a choir of Angels. Total size, 280 by 205 m. The first notice we have of this very interesting relic of Italian art at its earliest period, is in the catalogue of the Revil collection, which was sold by auction in Paris (1838), when this print, produced 220 francs; it passed then into the hands of M. Debois, at the sale of whose collection in 1844 it was purchased by Mr. Smith (of Lisle Street, London), for 710 francs, and sold by him on the followingday to the Bibliotheque Imperiale, at Paris. 99 Hell ; In the middle of the print, Lucifer, who has three faces, holds a sinner in each mouth ; two other sinners are in his hands ; round Lucifer are seven 8 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO pits, three to the left, three to the right, and one above his head ; these pits are filled with the condemned, tormented by demons. We read in the upper corner to the left “ questo (Elinferno) del chapo santo di Pisa.” 285 m. long by 218 m. high. This composition is the same as that painted by Orcag-na in illustration of Dante, on the walls of the Campo Santo at Pisa. The print, although unnoticed by Bartsch, is described by Ottley in his valuable history of Engraving. The original plate having been discovered was printed as an illustration of “ Pisa illustrata nelle arti del disegno da Alessandro da Morrona 3 vols. 12mo, printed at Leghorn in 1812. It does not generally sell for a high price, but at the sale of the Debois collection in 1844 a modern impression sold for 125 francs. MA21C ANTONIO RAIMONDI— Vol. 14. 100 A Satyr and nymph. At the right of the print a nymph is lying asleep beneath a tree, and near to her a Satyr raising the drapery with which she is covered. At the bottom to the left is the monogam of the engraver, formed of the letters M.F. piece libre. 90 mill, by 80. First described in the catalogue of the Revil collection, at the sale of which in Paris, 1838, it was bought by Mr. Debois for 180 francs, at whose sale in 1844 it was purchased for Baron Yerstolk for 212 francs, and on the sale of his famous collection, Mr. Smith became the purchaser at 45 guilders. BENEDICT MONTAGNA— Bartsch, Vol. 13. 101 The Holy Family. The Virgin is seated to the left with the infant J esus on her knees, the in- fant Saint John standing near her with his right leg raised, and held by Saint Joseph, who is seated on the right. In the back ground at the right are some ruins on a hill, the bank of which is washed by a river extending from the right to the left of the print. At the top towards the left, we read ; Benedito Montagna. 164 m. high by 106 m. A fine impression was purchased by Mr. Smith at the sale of the Debois collection in 1844 for 105 francs ; then sold to Mr Brooke, at the sale of whose collection, in 1853, it produced £4 10s. 102 Saint Anthony ; He is standing with his hands joined, in the middle of the print, and turned towards the left; close to him a shrub with leaves is growing near some rocks upon which to the right are the ruins of a hut, and some trees. On the same side, in front, is a young pig, of which but half is seen, and on the left side an insect. In the middle at the bottom is the mark of the artist, b.m. 250 m. high by 200. At the sale of the collection of Sir M. M. Sykes’ prints in 1824 a superb impression of this rare print was purchased by Mr. Esdaile for £7, and resold at his sale for £5 ; it subsequently passed into the possession of M. Debois, on the sale of whose collection, in 1844, it was purchased by Mr. Smith for 180 francs ; it then became the property of Mr. Brooke, and was sold in London in 1853 for £10 10s. We can trace no other im- pression of this print as having been sold. BARTSCH. — “LB PEINTRE GRAYKUR.” 9 103. The Nativity. This is an excellent copy (in the reverse direction) from the celebrated print by Albert Durer (B. No. 2) upon the tablet suspended from the upper part of the house are the initials B. M. 184 mill, high by 117. Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes’ collection, 1824 for £1 Is. 104. Venus. She is represented standing ; in a front view, and completely naked ; her left hand is elevated, arid in her right (which hangs easily by her side) she holds a mirror ; her long hair is seen on each side her body, reaching to below her middle ; to the left, near the top, is the word “Venus.” The only impression we have been able to trace was sold in the Sykes col- lection in 1824 for £2 10s. ; it was not perfect, but measured 285 mill, in height by 145. Although without name or monogram, we have the high authority of Mr. W. Y. Gttley for classing it among the works of this master. BARTHOLOMEW GORZOLANO. 105 The Virgin with the infant Jesus; after Guido. The Virgin seated is seen at half length, her head slightly leaning towards the right and surrounded by a nimbus. She holds with both hands, the infant Jesus, who is sleeping on her breast: halfway up on the right we read ; “ Corio.f .” An oval piece : 180 mill, in width by 140. Described from an impression in the Cicognara collection, printed from one plate only. 106 Love between two Nymphs ; Two nymphs dancing, each of whom holds by one hand a winged infant standing between them. The upper part of the print represents two apes leaning on a sprig of ornament, of which the centre is occupied by the head of a goat surmounted by a bat ; no mark. 252 mill, in width by 214. Described in “ The Cicognara collection,” where it states “ That it appears to form part of a frieze with which we are unacquainted ; it is engraved on two plates in a very careful style, the execution of which resembles too much that of Coriolano, to leave any doubt of its being his work. The composition and design appears to be that of Guido.” ANTONIO TEE1TA. 107 An Amazon , after Parmegiano ; A young woman standing, seen in profile, turned towards the left and holding a bow, which she elevates above her he id; at the left, are two other figures, of which one represents a naked woman seen from behind laising the right arm, and w r ho appears also to be in the act of drawing a bow ; no marh. Engraved in chiaro-scura on two blocks. 72 mill, in length by 101. 108 An Apostle ; An aged man seen in front, but the head turned in profile towards the left looking upward, he has no distinguishing emblem : his right arm is raised towards the shoulder, while the left arm is hanging by his side ; no marh. 170 mill, in length by 280. 10 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO This superb piece is of a large and skilful design, and approaches the finest works of Antonio da Trenta. The style, however, of the figure recalls less the work of Parmegiano than that of the contemporary school of Florence. It is a “ chiaro-scui^,” and printed from four blocks. In “ The Cicognara collection.” 3ACCEO BALDIH. 109 Saint Anthony of Padua. This print is divided into eleven compartments, of which that in the centre is 144 mill, high by 77 wide : that above of the same width, but only 72 in heighth; that below the centre also of the same width and 70 high ; the remaining eight compartments are disposed four on either side and are each 70 mill, square, except the two at the upper part, which are 70 in width by 72 in heighth ; all the compartments are divided by spaces of two to three millimetres. The compartment in the centre represents St. Anthony at full length, with his right hand raised in the act of benediction, and holding in his left hand an opened book and a lily. The other ten compartments represent miracles performed by him, commencing by that at the top to the left : 1. The glass breaking the pavement on which it has fallen; 2. The deliverance of one possessed by a demon ; 3. The healing of a man who had his head wounded; 4. The heart of a miser found in his coffer; 5. The mule adoring the Host ; 6. The resuscitation of a dead infant ; 7. The preaching to the fishes ; 8. The joining a leg to a body from which it had been cut off; 9. The Tempest appeased; 10. The newly- born bearing witness of the innocence of its mother. 220 mill, wide by 292 high. “ Neither Bartsch nor Ottley make any mention of this print. Malaspina who was in possession of an impression, places it among the works of Baldini, and characterises it as very rare, little known, and probably one of his later works. Ferrario is of the same opinion. We will not undertake to discuss this opinion, with which many amateurs agree, and which is not without a certain degree of probability. We will only ob- serve that the design is not worthy of the composition, and that the engraving is not worthy of the design. The manner of execution is of a later period than the other works of Baldini, in so far as concerns the shadows, which are here traced in the ordinary way by dry stiff hatchings, for the most part without either intelligence or taste.” Such is the opinion of the editor of the Catalogue of the Cicognara collection ; he adds, however, that the impression in that collection is evidently on a paper of a period much later than Baldini, and it is there- fore highly probable, that the plate having been found was retouched before his impression was taken, and the original work of Baldini thus obscyred by an unskilful hand. 110 The Nativity ; This composition is nearly divided into two parts by a roof of thatch, sup- ported by four pillars, which covers the manger in which lies the new- born infant. In the lower part to the right, is the Virgin on her knees adoring the infant Saviour : two shepherds are behind her, and an angel is standing in front. To the left is seen St. Joseph seated, two other shepherds, and in front of them an angel kneeling ; three other angels are floating in the air. The heads of all these figures (the shepherds excepted) have flat nimbi round their heads. In the middle BARTSCH. — “ LE PE1NTRE GRAVEUR. ! 11 of the upper portion is a cherubim holding 1 a sword in the right hand, and in the left, a shield decorated with a large cross in relief. A shepherd followed by his dog is standing 1 to the left, and another shepherd surrounded by his flock, is seated on the right ; four angels in the air bear two scrolls, on which are the words “ Gloria in ecelsis Deo et in terra pax onibus bona voluntatis. — Annuntio vobis gaudio.” A large river divides the landscape into two portions, in the back of which to the left are some trees, and to the right, a castle. This double composition is 194 mill, high by 117 wide. The remainder of the print is composed of a border 20 mill, in width, on the face of which are eight medallions of the Prophets. In the upper portion to the right is Daniel, whose arm passes the border, and extends towards the middle of the print ; his name is written above in large characters. At the top, to the left is Joas, whose name, inscribed upon a scroll, is seen with difficulty. On the centre of the right side, Zacha- rias, and below Osea; on the lower part to the left, Moses. The three others have no name. These medallions are attached together by ornament of an uniform character. In the centre, above, we read u Ego. stjm. lucz. mondi.” The letter S in each inscription is in reverse. Total size of the 'print , 158 mill, wide, by 241 high, including the inscription , which is 7 mill. %* Described in the catalogue of the Cicognara collection (No. 164), where the editor observes, “ that the character of high antiquity and of the infancy of the art, are too visibly stamped on this print to leave any doubt of its being among the first essays of the art of engraving he adds that the impression in that collection “is the only one known.” ZOAM AKTBEBiL— Vol. 13. 111 Panel of arabesque ornament ; An upright panel of ornament intermingled with figures ; the lower portion of which is copied from No. 23 of Bartsch, the upper division from portions of No. 22, beautifully engraved on wood. 540 mill, by 80. 112 Panel of arabesque ornament ; An upright frieze of a similar character, copied from No. 27 of Bartsch ; beautifully engraved on wood. 535 mill, by 80. 113 Panel of arabesque ornament ; An upright frieze of a similar character ; copied from No. 28 of Bartsch ; beautifully engraved on wood. 520 mill, by 80. HANS 3AS.B13TWG GRUN— Vol. 7. 114 The Virgin in the clouds', The Virgin naked, with her hands joined in prayer, is borne to heaven by a group of angels ; she is kneeling on the chest of one who is supported by another on his back, in the lower portion of the print is a rocky landscape, in the right of which is an old man with his right hand to his head, and leaning on a stick in his left hand ; the monogram is on a tablet near the top to the left. 128 mill, by 87. JAMES BIKTCK-Yol. 8. 115 St. Anne and the young Virgin ; A copy in reverse from the print by Albert Durer, B. 29. The monogram of Binck is on a tablet at the bottom, near the right hand corner ; 112 mill, by 75, 10s. 6d. 12 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO 116 The Virgin with the infant Jesus in swaddling clothes ; The monogram is in the lower rig*ht hand corner ; copy from Albert Durer’s print, B. 38 ; 91 millim. by 69. 117 The Virgin crowned by an Angel ; The monogram is on a tablet in the lower right hand corner ; reverse copy from Albert Durer’s print, B. 37 ; 95 millim. by 68, but is apparently cut. 118 The Benediction ; The infant Saviour seated, holding up his right hand in the attitude of blessing, in his left hand is an orb and crucifix, the monogram is in right hand corner to the top ; 38 millim. by 29. 119 Flight into Egypt ; Joseph, in heavy garments, large hat, round toed shoes, which are inserted into sharp and long pointed clogs, and carrying olive branches, advances from the right leading the infant Saviour, from the top and sides of whose head spring rays of glory, some carpenters’ tools are on the ground, and in the left hand corner at the top is the monogram ; 80 millim. by 54. 120 The garden of Olives ; In the centre of the print, Christ in prayer is ministered to by an angel in the clouds ; three of the disciples are sleeping in the foreground, and in the back are seen the Jews coming to seize him, a large tree on the left reaches to the top of the plate, the monogram is found near the top on the right hand side ; 62 millim. by 41. 121 Mary Magdalen ; The Magdalen seated in a landscape and holding the Sacramental cup in her hand, her hair is bound up with a metal plate, at the top to the left, is the date 1520; 46 millim. by 31. 122 Portrait of Charles V . ; Profile in a cap, no monogram or date, a circular print, 43 millim. in diameter. 123 The fool and the woman ; A fool in his long-eared cap is making advances to a woman seated beside him, the monogram at the top near the right hand side, piece libre ; 46 millim. by 32. 124 The lovers ; At the foot of a small hill a man makes advances to a female whose waist he encircles with his right hand, his sword is lying behind him, and in the right hand lower corner is a cap and feather, on this side in the distance are a tower church and some mountains, and in the top left hand corner is the monogram ; 18 millim. by 116. 125 The child and dog ; Copied from JN T o. 30 of the works of B. Beham, circle, 45 millim. in diameter. 126 The soldier with his drinking bottle ; A soldier in a cap and feather, and whose dress is partially slashed, occupies nearly the entire plate (which was intended as a design for an etui), in his right hand he holds the bottle suspended by a string, and his left hand rests on the pommel of his sword, of which the handle alone is seen, the monogram is in the upper corner to the left ; 80 millim* by 32. BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 13 127 The travellers; A group of six men and women with a boy carrying a lamb are marching from the left, preceded by a man who is armed with a short sword, the woman in the centre of the group carries two birds of the parrot tribe, and has on her head a large jug, the monogram is in the right hand lower corner; 80 millim. by 90, but apparently has been cut. GiovAsrarx iorremE© SB seescsa. 128 The Virgin and the infant Jesus; 160 mill, wide — 190 high. The Virgin is seen in front, at half length, her hands joined, the head turned a little to the right, ornamented with an aureol and veiled. The infant is seated on a table and partly covered by a fold of his mother’s dress, he holds a little bird with both hands. A curtain is behind the group. To the left upon a table is a tablet with the mark 10. AN. BX. Brulliot, in his table of monograms (page 93), and Malaspina in his catalogue (page 40), are the only persons who have noticed this print, at least in the state in which it is found in the Cicognara Cabinet. Heineken, Ottley, De Angelis (in his additions to Gori), and Malpe, have, however, men- tioned a “ Virgin adoring the infant Jesus,” but with a Saint Joseph sleeping, and the mark 10. AN. BR. Zani has also given a description of it under the title of Nativity (Enc. Meth. II. partie, vol. iv. p. 342), adding, that in the background to the top are seen a castle and some clouds. Neither or' these particulars agrees with the piece now described, and although Brulliot seems to suspect that the impression he describes is from a retouched plate, where the curtain occupies the place of St. Joseph asleep, we are of opinion that there is nothing in common between the two prints. The original plate is in the collection of the Marquis Malas- pina. It is engraved on both sides, the other subject being a Venus leaving the bath, with the mark of Albert Durer, but in fact after a print by Marc Antonio, with some variations in the background. 129 Panel of Ornament ; 99 mill, wide, by 276. In the lo7/er portion a warrior is seated in a chair of antique form ; towards the centre, a naked man, turned to the right, holds in one hand a mon- strous serpent. Above, a figure standing with two wings of a dragon is holding a horn, the lower part of his body terminating in a bird. Near this figure is a trophy of arms on which is a tablet with the words “ Du. For.” 130 Panel of Ornament ; 112 mill, wide — 285 high. A winged chimerical figure with the face of a woman, is standing in the lower portion of this print ; towards the centre is an infant seated feeding an eagle ; in the upper part to the left is a young man standing having behind him a large lighted torch, and to the right a Satyr. 131 Panel of Ornament ; 68 mill, wide — 198 high. In the lower portion are two children standing with vases of perfume, by two sides of a tripod decorated with three heads of goats. At the top are cariatides upon a balustrade, composed of a male and female Satyr supporting* a cornice in a decorated semi-circle and enclosing a landscape. The measurement given above is taken from an impression somewhat cut. 14 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO svoxmrcoxrTRO ©s A goldsmith , native of Beggio, a small town in the Duchy of Modena , flourished in the latter part of the fifteenth Century. 132 The Annunciation ; 319 mill, wide, by 339 high. The angel with wings is kneeling on the right, a nimbus round his head, a lily in the right hand and in his left, a scroll on which is inscribed in reverse and in semi-gothic characters u Ave. Gratia. Plena. — Dominvs. tecum.” The Virgin is also on her knees, to the left, a nimbus round her head, her hands joined and her figure surrounded with rays of glory ; before her is a table covered with an embroidered cloth, and upon it a book. Above is seen God the Father half length with a large beard, in a glory and surrounded by ten cherubim. The Holy dove is seen near the ear of the Virgin. By the side of the Virgin is a bed and by the Angel, two trees, the back-ground is strewn with stars. In front are several plants in flower, and in the corner to the left, a rabbit is standing on its hind legs. The entire subject is enclosed between two pillars ornamented with foliage interlaced with ribbands, upon the capitals of which are placed two winged angels who are holding back two curtains ; the pillars rest on two reversed capitals. At the top is the inscription in characters reversed 11 Bonimcomtrvs — de Regio fecit.” *** This plate is engraved in the dotted manner and was evidently never intended for printing from, as the portions that should be light in a print are dark and vice versa ; it was without doubt intended as a votive offering in some religious establishment, but having become the property of the Abbe Bianconi, secretary to the Academy of the Fine Arts at Milan, he caused a very few impres- sions to be printed, and from one of these the above description is taken. A description of it will also be found in a letter from Mons. Charles Malunisi, printed in “ Cicognara, Memoires sur la Calcographie, p. 94;” Tiraboschi speaks of it in the 6th vol. of his “ Biblioteca Modenese;” it is mentioned also by Zani, but was unknown to Bartsch and Ottley. SOAH AXffBElSA. 133 A Sybil , after Bajfaelle ; width 85 mill. — heighth 110. She is sitting on the right, seen in a profile, reading from a book which she holds in her right hand, her left arm is hanging by her side. Before her a child holds with both hands a lighted torch tied with ribbands. The background represents a chamber. The monogram Z. A. V. is upon a tablet attached to the seat of the Sybil. BSHEBETTO MOUTTAGEJiL. 134 The Virgin surrounded by Angels (Bartsch, 5.) 201 mill, wide — 265 high. The Virgin, full face, with her hair descending* on her shoulders, is standing upon a pedestal, her left hand is raised and extended in front ; two angels appear to sustain her arms, four others, two on each side, are near her knees and four cherubim near her shoulders ; in the upper part of the print is God the Father giving a benediction with the right hand and holding a globe in his left. From his head proceeds a triple ray of glory and a nimbus of light separates Him from the Holy Ghost who BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 5 is beneath. In the background is a mountainous landscape, and a city sur- rounded by fortified walls and towers. On the left is a very large church ; another city appears in the distance to the right. The description of this print in “ Bartsch” is very imperfect, he having taken it from an impression that had been much cut. 135 An old man seated — (St. Jerome ?) 117 mill, wide — 126 high. This figure is seen in front, the head bald, with a large beard, wrapped in a large cloak and holding on his knees, with both hands, an opened book, in which he reads. A landscape with buildings is represented in the background to the right. To the left, in the distance, is a man, and towards the middle a lion turned in profile towards the right. BOMS2S8-IC© CASKPAGHTOImA. 136 A Bacchanalian group of children ; 123 mill, wide — 92 high. A group of twelve naked children dancing in a circle to the sound of two tambourines played by two of the group, in the centre below is an inscription in three lines. Domuticus — Campagkxola — 1517. A. V. 137 St. Peter and St. Paul bearing the Holy handkerchief ; 141 mill, wide— 130 high. The two Saints are standing; St. Peter on the left, with two enormous keys ; St. Paul on the right with his sword by his side. With their right hands they hold the Holy handkerchief ; beneath on a tablet hanging from a shrub, is the monogram A. V. This print is usually found, with a tint printed over it from a wood block, and was published in a set of theological questions printed about the end of the fifteenth century. roRAVXSrGS BY AOTOXnritKOUS 2&A.STE2&S ©I* THE XTA&XAM - SCHOOL AMTBRXOI& TO THE TIME OF A3JTOSJIO. 138 The Crucifixion ; 72 mill, wide — 103 high. Christ, dead, fixed upon the Cross, his head crowned with thorns and sur- rounded by a nimbus, occupies the centre of the print : on his left is St. John and to the right, the Virgin, both standing with their hands upon their breasts : the head of the Virgin is covered with a veil, both have nimbi round their heads. The subject is enclosed in a border of foliage, nine millimetres in width. 139 A Saint ; 72 mill, wide — 103 high. The species of saw or cleaver which this figure bears in his right hand, induces us to believe that it represents St. Simon or St. Bartholomew. He is represented full length with a cap on his head surrounded by a nimbus, clothed in priestly habits and a closed book in his right hand ; the subject is enclosed in a border of foliage nine millimetres in width. 140 Saint Sebastian ; In the centre is the Saint attached to a column by a cord which passes round the middle of his body, round his head is a flat nimbus and his body is pierced by twenty-two arrows. A little angel coming from a 18 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO cloud in the upper part to the left appears to address consolation to the martyr : two executioners are below, that to the right is occupied in loosening- the knots of the cord, the other to the left is seated, holding- two arrows in one hand and a bow in the other. The pedestal of the column supported on two balls bears in the centre this inscription : “S. — Sebastia — NVS.” *** The background of this print is white and the shadows are almost entirely managed by single strokes very fine and closely laid together ; the style is of very ancient date. 141 A Saint; 101 mill, wide — 148 high. This figure is turned towards the right, sitting upon a bank, his feet resting upon a joint stool. The head, which has a pointed beard, is covered with a cap, which falls down on either side, and is surrounded by a nimbus ; the body is very well draped in an ample capuchin tunic. A rosary is suspended from his girdle and pointed shoes cover his feet ; with his right hand he holds a great Cross resting on his shoulder and in the left hand a roll of paper. *** The background is blank ; the shadows are rendered by close and very fine lines terminated by points and rarely cross-hatched. 142 Saint Jerome ; 193 mill, wide — 273 high. The Saint in the centre of the print, is seen in front seated before a table writing in a book opened before him, and which he holds in the left hand : at the rig-ht upon this table is a reading desk filled with books and a crucifix ; to the left an inkstand and other books. On this same side an hourglass rests on the sill of the window, and the hat of the Saint is hanging from the wall. The lion is at his feet, and in the back- ground is a small bookcase partially concealed by a curtain. *** The style of this print is dry and hard, but correct; and the cross- hatchings are executed with much knowledge. The right hand of the Saint is blank and appears unfinished. 143 The prophet Isaiah ; 185 mill, wide — -103 high. The prophet is lying down, his head to the left, seen nearly full face, with a great beard, and covered with a veil and leaning upon his right hand ; the other hand is open upon his breast. On the stone upon which he rests his elbow is a tablet upon which we read : u Egredietur virga — de radice Jesse — Isaiae 11.” A fig tree behind the prophet extends its branches from one side of the print to the other. 144 The Judgment of Paris — Quintius Curtius. 285 mill, wide — 198 high. These subjects are enclosed in two medallions, 148 mill, in diameter. In the first, to the left, Paris is sitting under a tree holding in his right hand the apple of discord, and having before him the three goddesses quite naked, but without any emblem. At the right of Paris are three sheep, and in the background is represented a city with a castle ; in the upper portion of the print is a scroll with this inscription : u Un bel. volto. PIU. PO. CHA. ROBA. O. SENO.” In the second, to the right, is Curtius on horseback holding a baton in the right hand and leaping info the gulph, of which we see a portion in front ; behind him are four warriors, two on each side, with a castle in the dis- tance. A scroll in the upper part bears this inscription : “ Un. bel. MORIR. TUTA. LA. VITA. HONORA.” BARTSCH . — 11 LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 17 The space above, and between the medallions, is filled with scrolls of ornament, in the centre of which is an owl, beneath are two subjects of children; in that to the left are six children fighting with w*eather vanes with a dog between them ; in that to the right there are eight, four of whom are dancing to the sound of a flute played by a fifth. *** The style of this curious print much resembles that of the famous cuts in the “ Songe de Poliphile.” 145 An allegory*; 386 mill, wide — 258 high. To the left, Fortune, naked, her eyes bound, standing upon a winged globe, which in its rapid course raises clouds of dust, advances, followed by four menacing warriors ; in the centre, two other warriors have seized by r the hair, shoulders, and clothes, and brought before the Goddess a young woman, who in an attitude of supplication endeavours to appease her anger. To the right, is another warrior furiously pursuing a band of people, who by their attributes, such as the globe, the palette, books, «Scc., seem to represent the Arts and Sciences. One among them, w T ho from his appearance and roll probably represents an orator, ap- pears to confront the warrior. In the background is a fountain and a palace of rich architecture built in a rock, on the summit of which is Mercury, who apparently is receiving his orders from a goddess who is without any characteristic emblem. Zaaetti was of opinion that this allegory was intended as a representation of the fortune of war, which puts to flight the Arts and Sciences, and that the Goddess on the rock was probably meant to represent Peace ordering Mercury to put an end to the evils of War : he observes that the design of this singular print is very good, and the effect produced by hatchings rarely crossed is agreeable and disposed with good taste. It appears to have been executed in the early part of the 16th century. 146 An academical figure ; 148 mill, wide — 162 high. An aged man, seen in profile, turned towards the left, naked, and sitting upon a stone covered by a cloth. In the left hand he holds a long stick, divided at the top into two branches, one of which terminates in a species of puppet with a very long beard ; a light shrub springs from the rock and crosses the right leg of the figure. The trace of a hole for a nail is visible about half way up on the left hand side. 147 A fifer , a drummer , and an ensign ; 169 mill, wide — 151 high. These three figures are seen in front, at full length, the drummer in the centre, the fifer to the left, fantastically dressed, with plumed bonnets. The ensign has a large flag, and a cross embroidered on his breast ; above we see the sun shining ; the ground is covered with herbs and vegetables. To the right is the small trunk of a tree. 148 The milk seller ; 121 mill, wide.— 210 high. A peasant, seen in profile, turned towards the right, and with naked feet, carries on his shoulders two covered buckets : an ornamental staff is in his right hand. Several small ships sailing on the sea are seen in the distance enclosed on the right by mountains. In the upper part is inscribed : “ Late done late frescha.” 149 Panel of ornament ; 63 mill, wide — 169 high. An infant sitting below, having between his legs two cornucopiae, supports IB ADDITIONAL NOTES TO on his head and with his raised hands a candelabrum surmounted by an Heraldic eagle ; two ornamental scrolls are on either side of the can- delabrum terminating in the upper portions by winged griffins. 150 A frieze after the antique ; 270 mill, wide— 68 high. In the centre is a medallion with the portrait of a man in bust, supported by two very small female Satyrs ; three winged infants with baskets of flowers are on each side ; the two towards the centre assist in carry- ing the medallion and have two dogs near them. Between the legs of these children a river God is reposing, and to the left, a woman with a cornucopia ; behind them are two other children, and two rabbits are playing in front. 151 Portion of a frieze ; 205 mill, wide— 50 high. Two winged infants support a cup in which is represented a shell enclosing an Heraldic crown with a red cross upon a field of argent. At the right, in a square, is another cup ornamented with a rosette. Described from ; an imperfect impression. AGOSTXKTO VEXrEZX.AJ9rO. 152 Hope; 128 mill, wide — 178 high. Represented as a woman ; turned towards the right, followed by a dog : she bears in her hands a basket of yeast, upon which the sun (seen to the right above) darts his rays. The background represents a landscape through which flows a river, and on the left is a large withered tree. In the corner below, to the right, is a stone with the date 1516 and the mark A. V., the letter A. is in the gothic character ; on the opposite side is the address of Antonio Salamanca. 153 Three caricatures ; 117 mill, wide — 150 high. To the left is an old woman seen in profile, with a large bonnet on her head, her lower lip projecting considerably beyond the upper : she holds in the left hand a purse which a man placed on the right, of a most repulsive aspect, appears to wish to snatch from her. Between these two figures is another man, a sort of buffoon, laughing. The background is dark but towards the corner to the right, above, we notice in white the date 1516, and beneath, the mark A. V. of which the letter A. is in the Gothic character. mime© BA EAVSNU A. 154 The infancy of Romulus and Remus ; 335 mill, wide — 254 high. Copied from the celebrated group in bronze in the Capitol, representing’ a wolf suckling Romulus and Remus : upon the pedestal is inscribed “ Lup.ze. Romulum. et. Remum. urbis. conditores. lattantis. — An- tiqvvm. ac. jeneum. in. Capitolio. signum.” Beneath is the mark R and a date, singularly expressed. 155 The taking of Carthage; 586 mill, wide — 426 high. The Roman soldiers descending’ into the ditches of the ramparts of Car- thage, bearing ladders, are repulsed by the besieged ; a little further towards the right, is seen the attack on one of the gates of the City, and BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 19 in the back the battering rams. Upon the parapet of the tower in the front to the left, near to the ladders borne by the assailants, is the name of the City “ Carthage,” and lower down the mark “ R ” between two points. In the lower part in the centre we read, u Excv. Salamanca mdxl. The letters R. Q. P. S. in reverse are upon a flag carried by a warrior seen nearly in the centre. 156 Victory of Scipio ; 539 mill, wide — 410 high. Scipio on horseback towards the left, surrounded by his captives, is giving his orders and receiving the prisoners. To the right is the Carthaginian camp fortified by a palisade, from which the soldiers come, who are repulsed by the Romans. In the centre of the lower part of the print, is the mark R between two points, and the inscription “ P. Cor. Scipionis. Victoria. — Excvdeb. Ant. Salamanca. 1540.” *** Described by Bartsch among the anonymous prints of the School of Marc Antonio, in the 15th vol. p. 3L In the same volume and page he has described “The interview between Scipio and Hannibal” in the same category, whereas it is extremely probable that it was executed by Marco da Ravenna, and with the two prints described above, formed a set illustrative of the actions of Scipio. 157 Panel of ornament ; 119 mill, wide — 203 high. A vase surmounted by a lamp and resting on a ram, from which spring several scrolls of ornament on both sides. JEUBAB VICO. 158 Portrait of Andrea Bollani ; 112 mill, wide — 150 high. A bust seen in profile, turned to the left, enclosed in an oval, round which are the words “ II magnieico Andrea Bollani d ? anni XXV. P. 1.” at the bottom to the left,” “ Enea Vico da P. invent, faciev a. 159 Christ healing the lame ; 398 mill, wide-— 243 high. Christ followed by his apostles and surrounded by several other figures, is represented under the vestibule of the temple ordering the lame to rise up and walk. Between the columns to the right is the address, u Jacobus Laurus exc., and between those to the left, Rafael invenctor.” 160 Francis Petrarch ; 73 mill, wide — 119 high. A bust, in profile, turned towards the left, crowned with laurel and enclosed in an oval, round which is inscribed “ Francesco Petrarcha.” It is surrounded by several ornaments, and above in a cartouch “ All illus triss. S. Marchese d ’ OriaP *** Companion print to No. 237 of Bartsch — “Laura.’' 161 John Boccaccio ; 72 mill, wide — 119 high. A bust, in profile, turned towards the left, crowned with laurel and enclosed in an oval, round which is inscribed u Giovanni Boccaccio.” Between the ornament above is the dedication, “ Al S. Gio. Vincenzo Vigliena illustre S. mio .” 162 Fiammetta Boccaccio ; 70 mill, wide — 121 high. A bust three-quarter face, turned towards the right, crowned with leaves 20 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO and enclosed in an oval, round which is inscribed 11 La Fiammetta del Boccaccio.” Between some ornaments beneath is the dedication, “ Al S. Gio. Vincenzo Pinello magnifico S. mio JOH3S BAPTIST GKZSX. 163 Frontispiece to 11 Poesies des Ether es ; 148 mill, wide — 200 high. Pallas and Mercury, the first with lance and buckler, the second with his caduceus, a purse and a ram are standing- on two sides of an oval enclosing the device of the Academy of the Etheres (viz., Apollo in his car floating- in the air), round this oval is inscribed u Victor se tollit ad auras,” and beneath is a mask bearing a large cartouch with the inscription “ Rime deglt academici — eterei— dedicate alla serinis- sima— Madama Margherita di — Valois duciiessa — di Savoia.” In the corner to the right, below, is the mark A. S. in very small characters. *** Is this the same plate as No. 19 of Bartsch, with the device and inscriptions altered ? BIASJA GHESE. 164 The martyrdom of Saint Agatha ; 187 mill, wide — 255 high, including a margin of 16. The Saint is in the centre, her hands tied behind her back and attached to a tree, at the right an executioner is ready to tear her breast with a pair of pincers ; to the left is a warrior upon his knees and leaning on his lance, who appears to expostulate. On the ground is another pair of pincers, and near it, to the right, “ Diana in cidebat Rom^e 1577.” The following verses are in the margin below — Verberibus frustra exerces et forcipe tortor, Quse nullo frangi membra dolore queant. Tormenta insontem recreant nocitura tyranno. Poena ilium et gravior mulcta dolorg. manent. 165 Saint John and Saint Paul ; after Nicholas de Pesa.ro ; 216 mill, wide — 300 high, including a margin of 4. The two Saints are standing, clothed in the Roman style, with the palm of martyrdom in their right hands and bearing in the left their swords. In the upper part are seen among the clouds two choirs of Angels singing, and from the centre descends another angel with two crowns. The background represents a landscape having in the middle a small round temple. To the left below is inscribed u Nicolaus Pesaurus invent,” to the right “ Diana Mantuano civis Volaterana incidebat 1579,” and in the margin below, 11 SS. Joannes et Paulus.” *** The earliest print upon which we find her style herself a citizeness of Volterra. 166 Adoration of the Shepherds ; after Paul Eossetti ; 265 mill, wide — 337 high. The Virgin is kneeling near the infant Jesus, who is lying on the earth in the centre of the print. Towards the left is Saint Joseph leaning on the Ass, and in front are two shepherds, of whom, that to the right holds a bagpipes and a stick, the other has a basket of fruit. An angel above, with a sign, is sitting on the clouds. A pasture in which an ox is feeding is seen through some rustic arcades, and in the distance, a plain bounded by mountains. To the left, below, is inscribed, “Jo Paulus Rosettas Volater. invent.” “ Diana Mantuan a civis Volaterrana incidebat Rom^e 1583. BARTSCH . — “ LE PE [NTH E GRAVE UR.” 21 167 Mars and Venus ; 343 mill, wide — 243 high. Mars quite naked but with a helmet on his head, is lying on a bed with Venus naked between his arms, while a little cupid is hanging to her breast ; near the bed is the complete armour of Mars. 168 The children and the throne ; 263 mill, wide — 162 high. Six infants are playing in a hall ornamented with a frieze of festoons, and lit by three small windows, through which are seen some trees. The floor is paved with square tiles, and towards the left is a very large throne of marble. MARIUS KARTABUS. 169 The man of sorrows ; 75 mill, wide — 112 high. Christ is sitting on a stone in the centre, turned slightly towards the left. His head is crowned with thorns, his feet and hands are pierced with nails, and a jet of blood flows from his breast. In his right hand he holds a brush, and in the left a scourge, a nimbus of triple rays surrounds his head. In front upon the ground are three nails, and to the left, below, a stone with the monogram of Kartarus and the date 1560. The margin below has an inscription commencing “ Deus tibi se ttj, &c.” * 20MEHCO ZmOlTI. 170 Abacchanalian subject; 236 mill, wide — 176 high. A dancing Bacchante is in the centre of the print ; towards the left is seen a faun and a female Satyr who raises the right leg to draw towards her a goat that an infant is holding by the horns. To the right are two other children carrying a basket of grapes, and in the lower part on this side is the mark in very small characters u Dominicus Z. excu. ,? CHM3REO. I. VSN. 171 The conversion of Saint Paul ; 424 mill, wide — 287 high. In the middle of the print the horse is falling with the Saint, who is assisted by two men. Several other frightened horses are on both sides, of w T hich, one upon a hillock towards the left is capering, while the rider who holds a javelin in his hand covers himself with his shield. Above, is God the Father surrounded with rays of light. Near St. Paul we read, “ DV — E— Co — ST — CA,” and towards the corner to the left below is the monogram. *** Some impressions bear the date 1539. ©. ©. V. £. VEST. 172 Jealousy ; 256 mill, wide — 361 high. A naked man seated on a hillock : his left arm is enveloped in the folds of an enormous serpent who is gnawing his breast, and his right hand grasps convulsively the tail of a lion that is tearing his thigh. Behind the hillock is a naked figure in flight with the hands raised to heaven : towards the right a tree elevates its branches to the top of the print, and to the left on the clouds is a cupid shooting an arrow at the principal 2‘2 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO figure. The lower margin encloses in a cartouch an Italian sonnet com- mencing 11 Non di Laocoonte il duro esempio , fyc.” and describing the despair of a deserted lover ; beneath, is the address of Salamanca and the date 1542. Near the right foot of the man is the mark 0. 0. Y. I. YEN. of which the letters YE are joined together. z. a. m. 173 An allegory ; 243 mill, wide — 377 high. A woman dressed according to the antique, and placed in the centre, opens a rich coffer in the form of a sarcophagus containing several books ; and from which emerge four serpents and some bats ; she has her hand before her eyes as if to open them. Another woman blows on a brand and lights a lamp, and a man with horns appears to fly in extreme terror. In the upper part we see Apollo sitting in his car and a part of the Zodiac with the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius. This singular print bears three monograms or marks, the first nearly effaced, Z.B.M. 1557 is in the lower margin to the left, the second D.B. is in the same margin towards the right, and the third, beneath, is composed of the letters D.I.B. joined together and enclosed in a tablet with the date 1643. Upon one of the books in the coffer we read debito (the B and the T in reverse), upon another Portglo, and upon a third JO . . . L. %* In the collection at Munich is an impression with the monogram J.B.M. alone. In the Bibliotheque at Paris is one with the additional monogram d.b. In the Cicognara collection is that here described. A. m. (Vol. IX. p. 548.) 174 Saint John ; 81 wide — 121 high. The Saint is standing, slightly turned towards the left and holding a book in one hand, while with the other he appears to turn over the leaves. A landscape is represented in the distance and the eagle is to the left in front near a stone upon which is the monogram and date 1566. *** Brulliot describes an impression of this print with the date 1567, in the Collection of Baron Stengel at Munich. m. m. 175 Apollo and Marsyas ; 310 wide — 237 high. Apollo standing in the middle, holds in the right hand a knife and with the left shows the skin of Marsyas to Midas, who seated to the right is leaning on the trunk of a tree : near him is a man with a large beard, horned, crowned, and holding the baton of a general and followed by a lictor and his soldiers. To the left are two large trees to which Marsyas is attached by the right arm, and nailed by the left foot, the head and body hanging down ; his unfortunate flute is lying near him. Behind the trees are an old female Satyr and several fauns, and on this same side suspended to’a branch' is a tablet with the words Franc. Med. — ma Etrcr. — D. 11, P.B,M.— 15 D.D. 81— MM. HARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUK. 23 C. jSL. F. 176 The annunciation ; 471 wide — 269 high. The Virgin kneeling on a cushion near a prie-dieu, is placed to the left under a vestibule ; opposite to her the Angel of the Annunciation is also kneeling, the hands crossed upon his chest and holding a lily. A great number of Angels follow him, and the Holy Ghost is above, from whom proceed the rays that illuminate the figure of the Virgin. Upon the pedestal of a column near the centre, we read, Rous. Fl. invent., and in the corner below to the left is the monogram, the letters of which are interlaced. m. g. p. 177 Mars and Venus; 314 wide — 404 high. Venus is lying quite naked upon a bed and Mars standing towards the right, appears to be unfastening his armour. A cupid holding a torch raises the curtains of the bed, and upon a bracket on the other side is a statue of Hymen. Below, to the right is inscribed 11 Rafello, da. Reggio, in.,” and upon the bracket, the monogram. AJffTOSrXO FANTUZZI. 178 A nymph and a Satyr ; 267 wide — 370 high. A Satyr embracing by force a young naked woman whom he is endeavour- ing to place on his knees, and whom she repulses by putting her hands on his face ; a cupid tries to rob him of the club which he holds in his right hand, another pulls him by the horns, while a third takes him by the shoulders and endeavours to disembarrass the legs of the nymph. In the background is represented a forest, and in the front is a pipe with the mark, A. F. in reverse. 179 Procession of troops; 440 wide — 296 high. A group of several men armed with bucklers are marching in front of a convoy of chariots, horses, and soldiers, their path is towards the right. In the front we remark a warrior on horseback armed in the Roman style and bearing a basket of fruit, his horse being led by a soldier ; following him is a chariot filled with women and children ; no mark. m£L ST21R OF 1266' 180 St. John in the isle of Patmos; 139 wide — 207 high. The saint is in the centre of the print, kneeling on his right knee and having a book open upon the left, he dips a pen which is held in his right hand in an inkstand held in his left, while he raises his head towards the Virgin who appears above on the right, standing on a crescent with the infant Jesus in her arms. The Eagle is in front of the Saint and to the right, on the ground a book. Behind are some rocks and at the foot of that to the left (which is very high and termi- nates in two points) are two hinds running. Seven great birds are 24 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO perched upon these rocks. In the distance is a city with the sea flowing in front ; no mark or date. Supposed to be the original print from which No. 55 of Martin Schoen- gauer’s works was copied, it has also been copied by I.v. Mecken (No. 231) and by the Master of the Monogram, No. 353 of Bartsch’s catalogue. MCiiS KRUG. 181 The Virgin and the infant Jesus. 108 wide — 130 high. The Virgin seated and turned towards the left is leaning against the trunk of a tree. With the right hand she supports the infant Jesus, while with the other she raises a part of her robe to give him suck. In the back ground is represented a large gate through which we perceive a castle in a landscape. The monogram is on a tablet suspended from the branch of a tree to the right. haws sebald beham. 182 Medallions of the artist and his wife. 117 wide — 54 high. In the first of these medallions to the left is the bust of a woman turned towards the right and seen in profile, with this inscription, “ Anna Behamin. alt. xxxvi. jar. mdxxxx.” In the middle of the second is the monogram “ IS. B” surrounded by two branches of laurel, and in the third, to the right, is the bust of a man seen in profile and turned towards the left, with this inscription, “ Sebolt Behan, maler.xxxx jar alt mdxxxx.” Beneath the centre medallion is the monogram of Hans Sebald Beham, and the words “ sculpsit in lapide .” Hollar copied this print in the reverse direction ; see Parthey’s catalogue of Hollar’s works. No. 2625. IEM¥ AZiBE^EAVEE. 183 Panel of ornament. 23 wide — 119 high. In the lower part of the print, an infant turned towards the right holds with his left hand, a cornucopia and embraces with the right a branch from which spring sprigs of foliage that fill the rest of the plate. A tablet with the monogram is in the lower corner to the right. HAWS BROS AMUR. 184 A village fete ; A circular piece 85 in diameter. A landscape, divided into two parts by a river, on which are several boats ; in that which is “nearest to the spectator, covered by a decorated seat, a man and woman are seated ; groups of people are promenading on the banks of the river. The monogram is towards the right, near a large boat. G. F. 185 Two architectural capitals ; 40 wide — 72 high. These two capitals are of a very good, although strange style, and with foliage on the sides are placed one above the other. In the centre above is the mark “ g. f.” BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 186 Frieze of ornament ; 140 wide — 23 high. A vase in the centre between sprigs of foliage, on each side are the halves of other vases, beneath the vase in the centre is the mark. w. i. 187 Design for an etui ; 25 wide in the centre — 140 high. The lower portion of this design is occupied by a winged infant standing and seen nearly in front, his left arm reposing on an escutcheon ot arms. The centre is filled with arabesque ornament, and in the upper portion is the figure of a warrior without his helmet, with his left hand upon an escutcheon of arms, and holding with his right a halbert resting on the earth. The mark is very near the head of the infant. 188 Design for an etui ; 25 wide in the centre — 130 high. The lower half of this design is filled with arabesque ornament ; in the upper half is the figure of a German nobleman having his head covered by a cap ornamented with feathers, and pointing with his left hand to a skull, which, supported on his right arm, is half concealed beneath his robe. &ADENSPEUDSR. 189 Frieze of ornament ; 287 wide — 54 high. A man and a woman are in the centre upon their knees, their left legs ter- minating in scrolls entwined with serpents, and in which on each side two figures are seated. The mark of the engraver is in a small shaded car- touch in the centre below. MARTIST TRUStT. 190 A composition of ornament in two semicircles ; 103 diameter — 70 radius. In the middle of the first of these arches is the head of a man seen in pro- file and turned towards the left, with the head of a woman seen in a three-quarter view; an infant is standing on either side, and the rest of the print is filled with arabesque ornament. In the middle of the second arch is the head of a woman, seen in three-quarter view and turned towards the right, a man and woman are on each side, of whom the bodies, divided at the haunches, are formed by sprigs of ornament, the remainder of the print being filled with arabesque ornament. — The mono- gram is in the first division. 191 Group of Peasants dancing ; 47 wide — 61 high. A peasant with his right arm round the neck of a young woman, who he is kissing, while he holds the head of a man in the act of vomiting ; above, to the left is the monogram. This piece forms a portion of the incomplete set of “ the dancing peasants” described by Bartsch under the numbers 15 to 23. €02£35TE2.inS M-&TSTTS.. 192 Abraham delivering Lot ; 137 wide — 96 high. A battle, where we see in the centre a warrior despoiling his adversary ; to the left is a horse overthrown, and on the other side a soldier sounding 26 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO a horn. The sea is seen in the distance : upon a stone in the lower part, to the left is inscribed “ Gene. 14,” and in the corner above, on the same side, is the monogram and date 1545. VIRGIL SOLIS. 1 93 Portrait of Philip King of Spain ; 56 wide — 65 high. This portrait turned towards the left, is enclosed in a frame : above in a cartouch is inscribed, “ Philippus Hispaniartjm rex Caroli Y filius. an. ae. s. xxii.” At the bottom is the monogram, with date 1549. *** Companion print to number 428 of Bartsch’s catalogue f the portrait of the Emperor Charles V. 194 The Captain and his troop ; 126 wide — 72 high. A group, composed of the Captain on horseback, marching towards the left, followed by three soldiers ; the monogram is below, to the right. *** Companion print to No. 260 of Bartsch's catalogue. 195 A panel of ornament ; 45 wide — 81 high. In the centre of this design is a naked woman, standing and seen in front, having a cornucopia and a lyre under her arms. The letters Y. S. are in the centre at the bottom of the print. 196 A bear hunt ; 187 wide — 34 high. To the left, a bear pierced by a hunter’s pike is attacked by four dogs ; another bear to the right, defends himself against four dogs and two hunters. The monogram is to the left, above, between two trees, and is traced in double lines. 197 A wild boar hunt ; 165 wide — 34 high. Three wild boars are pursued through a wood by two huntsmen and five dogs, and another huntsman with his dog is standing between the trees to the right. The monogram is at the foot of a tree towards the left. 198 Four studies of animals and birds ; 81 wide — 65 high. In the first of these prints are five horses and a loaded mule. In the second, are sheep, goats, gazelles, and a rabbit. In the third, two camels, a unicorn, two apes on a tree, and a squirrel. In the fourth, storks, parrots, and other birds, and in the corner to the left is the monogram Y S between an ostrich and a stork. 199 Frieze of ornament ; 137 wide — 40 high. In the centre of this piece, are two winged infants, of which, that to the right holds one of his feet in his hand ; the other supports himself on his hands with his legs in the air ; near the latter is a lion. The monogram is to the right upon a vase of which only half is shown. 200 The Judgment of Paris ; 151 wide — 106 high. Paris is lying on the ground towards the right, with the three naked goddesses standing before him ; she who is on the left side has wings and as well as the one in the middle has a palm in her hand ; Mercury near to Paris, under the figure of an old man, his helmet surmounted by a BARTSCH . — 11 LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 27 cock, is presenting to Venus the golden apple. A little Cupid in the air is shooting an arrow at Paris ; the monogram is below to the left. 201 An ear-ring; 90 wide — 54 high. This jewel is seen in tw'o views, back and front; on the front it is orna- mented with two Cupids riding upon marine horses and having in the centre a diamond, a ruby and three pearls. On the back are scrolls of ornament ; the monogram is in the centre. 202 A frontispiece ; 94 wide — 34 high. In a cartouch surmounted by two children is the following inscription : u Dei. redt. bedrach. nit. &c.” The monogram is below. 203 Design for jewellery ; 130 wide — 38 high. A design for chased interlaced ornament, in the centre of which is “ VlRGILI SoLLIS.” 204 Design for jewellery ; 130 wide — 38 high. A design consisting of groups of foliage for jewellers and chasers, the monogram is by the side of the twig in the centre. 205 Design for jewellery ; 77 wide — 54 high. In the upper part of this print, is the design for a clasp in three pieces, with an ape and two cupids represented on the two sides. To the left, below, is the monogram. 206 Panel of ornament ; 81 wide — 43 high. This design is composed of interlaced ornament upon a black ground, nearly in the middle of which is the figure of a Satyr and below in the centre the monogram. V.H, 207 Frieze of ornament ; 99 wude — 25 high. A two-handled vase placed amongst scrolls of foliage, with the mark in the middle above. m. 208 Two soldiers with halberds ; 63 wide — 45 high. These two figures are standing, in old German costume, seen in profile, and walking towards the left, the first with his halberd on the ground, the second has it raised in the air ; the mark is in the corner to the left below. AHUSV. 209 Panel of ornament ; 61 wide — 85 high. This design consists of a mask surrounded with interlaced work and with fruits, enclosed in a circle, with arabesque ornament above and below. Nearly in the middle at the bottom is the monogram composed of the letters above cited. H. 210 Three angels bearing the instruments of the Passion; 94 wide — 133 high. The three angels are marching towards the right ; upon a tablet suspended 28 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO from a tree to the left, above, is the inscription u Qui petis cegra membra levare hie tibi dulces collige fores T Upon this same side, about half way up, is the monogram. Towards the right, below, is the date “ 1533.” In the writing on the Cross “ I R N F,” the letter R. is in reverse ; on the ground in front is a skull and three verses. h. b. 211 Assumption of the Virgin; 128 high — 87 wide. The Virgin naked, with her hands joined in prayer is borne into Heaven by a group of Angels, she is kneeling on the chest of one who is sup- ported by another on his back, the lower portion is a rocky landscape, on the right of which is an old man with his right hand to his head and leaning on a stick in his left hand. The monogram is in a tablet at the left near the top. Z. B. (Vol. 8, p. 299.) 212 Saint Matthew ; 80 high — 48 wide. On the right of the print, seated beneath an open arcade is the Saint with a pair of spectacles in his hand reading from a book held by an angel who is standing before him, the floor is in diamonds and squares, and a solid wall in the background reaches nearly half way up the print, the monogram and date 1525 are in the top left-hand corner. Of the same size and engraved in the same style as “ St. Luke, No. 6,” so that doubtless the four Evangelists were engraved by this master, although but one of the set was known to Bartscli. 213 An etui ; 123 high — 20 wide. Design for an etui ; composed of Vases, masks, and foliage, arranged one above another, among which may be particularly noticed a triple mask supporting a tazza on which are standing two birds ; the monogram is at the bottom. S. (Vol. 8, p. 13.) 214 Adoration of the shepherds ; 96 high — 68 wide. A circular print with a scroll above, in which are “ Te deum laudamus et glorificamus,” and beneath in a similar scroll, 11 0 Domine Jhesu Christi,” both in an early character, the “ S.” is in the blank circle between the subject and lower scroll. 215 The marriage feast of Cana ; 73 high — 45 wide. In an apartment decorated in the Cinque- Cento style is a square table at which are seated Christ, the Virgin, the bride and bridegroom, a lady in a man’s habit and a man apparently in the dress of some religious order, a female in a network cap wait at table, and in the right hand corner is a man bringing in a dish, the top of the print is arched, and beneath the centre of the arch is a representation of the master of the feast wel- coming Christ enclosed in a small circle ; in the front to the right is a lad pouring wine from the jugs. bartsch. — “le peintre graveur . 1 29 216 The Holy Family ; 230 wide — 178 high. In the centre of the composition, the infant Saviour newly born and lying on the ground is surrounded by the Virgin, Joseph and two angels on their knees and in the act of adoration ; on the left a man supporting himself by a tree is looking on the scene ; two angels above bear a scroll; while in the back ground are seen the shepherds with their flocks; behind the Virgin is an ox kneeling, and behind Joseph is seen an Ass feeding from a trough ; a portion of the ruined stable, with a city and mountains in the distance, form the background ; near the middle at the bottom of the print, is a lighted candle in a candlestick ; and a little further to the right, the monogram. c. n* 217 The adoration of the Kings ; 120 in diameter. The scene is laid in the remains of a building, the ruined arches of which nearly till the background in the front to the right. The Virgin and infant Saviour are seated on a portion of the pavement that is raised above the part in the front. The child is adored by one of the kings, whose crown is on the ground by his side, the tw r o other kings are standing apart, one of whom is pointing out to his companion the star of Beth- lehem shining above ; on the right hand side Joseph is standing leaning- on his staff, and in the centre of the lower part of the print is the mono- gram. B. b. (moTSQ&TMkm 2,ei.) 218 A frieze ; 29 high — 70 wide. Combat between two centaurs in the water, each of whom has a female on his back. Copied by I. B. vide Bartsch, No. 20. 219 The Magdalen ; 84 high — 64 wide. The Magdalen at the foot of the cross, and having a cup in her left hand. A. p. 220 The flagellation of Christ ; 103 high — 105 wide. Christ is attached to a large column by cords, four soldiers are scourging him and several spectators are in a gallery in the back ground ; on the front of this gallery is some ornamental scroll work ; in the fore ground is seen another soldier reposing with his dog. *** Of this artist no mention is to be found in Bartsch, nor in any writers on the subject of engraving; Bruliiot makes no mention of the monogram, nor can any information be obtained respecting this artist or his works, although, not- withstanding a clumsiness in the drawing and design, the execution shows it to. be the work of one accustomed to the practice of his art. 30 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO ZOA3HT ASTDHSA. 221 Panel of arabesque ornament ; 540 high — 80 wide. Panel of arabesque ornament intermingled with figures, beautifully engraved on wood ; lower portion copied from INo. 23 of Bartsch, the upper division from portions of No. 22. 222 Panel of arabesque ornament ; 535 high — 80 wide. A similar frieze; copied from No. 27 of Bartsch. 223 Panel of arabesque ornament ; 520 high— 80 wide. A similar frieze, copied from 28 of Bartsch. THE MASTBU ©F 1&66. 224 The Annunciation ; 104 wide — 149 high. The Virgin is kneeling in the middle of the print, holding a book in her right hand and having the left raised : her hair is long and flows over her shoulders. The Angel is kneeling on the right and holds a scroll with both hands. They are in a Gothic chamber ; on their left is a table on which are two candles and an open book and beyond it an open window in which is a flower pot. 225 The Annunciation ; 79 wide — 123 high. The Virgin is kneeling on the left of the print, having her left hand placed on a book on the same side ; above her head is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, with rays of glory coming from an open window in the back- ground, through the centre of which the infant Saviour is flying towards the Virgin. The Angel is kneeling on the right, holding a sceptre in his left hand and a scroll in his right. The event is represented in the interior of a room, in the background of which, on each side of the window, are two figures of Saints. 226 The baptism of Christ ; 95 wide — 140 high. Saint John is kneeling on the left side of the print and appears to be pouring oil with both hands on our Lord’s head ; he holds a cup in his right hand and the cover of it in his left. In the centre above is the Almighty, a half length figure surrounded with rays of glory, and beneath Him the Saviour stands up to the ancles in the Jordan. On the right a kneeling Angel holds with both hands the Saviour’s garments ; the foreground is covered with plants. 227 The transfiguration ; 110 wide — 162 high. Our Saviour is standing on a mount in the centre of the print, holding the globe in his left hand and raising the right in an attitude of benediction. One of the Apostles is kneeling in the centre in front and extends his arms in an attitude of surprise : another is seated on the right, and a third kneels in adoration to the left. In the upper part to the left is Moses kneeling and receiving the Tables of the Law from the Almighty, and on BARTSCH. — “LE PEINTRE GRAVEURJ 31 the right he is exhibiting them to the people of Israel. At the top on each side of the Saviour’s head is a half length figure, that on the left represents Moses, and that on the right is probably intended as a repre- sentation of Aaron. 228 The Virgin supporting the dead body of Christ at the foot of the Cross ; 140 wide— 206 high. The body is extended across the print, the head being towards the left and the feet towards the right. The Virgin has her right arm placed beneath the body, the left arm of which she holds extended in her left hand ; St. John is kneeling with one knee on the left, having his right hand beneath the Saviour’s head, and wiping his own eyes with a napkin which he holds in the left ; behind him stands Mary with a book in her right hand, and in her left the nails of the Cross ; on the other side of the Cross, the Magdalen is standing wiping her eyes with her drapery which she holds in her left hand and holding the box of ointment in her right, in the background is a town with many spires, &c. 229 Saint John and the two Maries lamenting over the dead body of Christ ; 104 wide — 111 high. The Virgin, with her hands clasped, in the attitude of prayer, has the dead body of Christ on her knees; on the left kneels Saint John, holding the Saviour’s head with his right hand and having the other on his own head ; to the right the Magdalen is kneeling with her hands up-raised. 230 Noli me tangere ; 72 wide — 101 high. Christ appearing to Mary as a gardener ; He holds a long staff surmounted by a banner and a cross in his right hand, and has in the other a spade which he rests on the ground ; on the left the Saint is kneeling, her head surrounded by a nimbus and holding out both her hands ; behind each of these figures is a tree, and along the background a hedgerow. 231 The Virgin and child with two Saints ; 70 wide — 104 high. The Virgin is seated in a Gothic chamber coved above, with the Saviour sitting on her knees, to whom she offers the breast with her right hand ; to the left stands an Angel, seen in profile, and to the right a Saint, having the appearance of a Bishop ; near the top of the print are two keys crossed, and near them on the left is the date 1460 ? 232 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; 76 wide — 123 high. The Virgin is seated upon a bench with the infant Saviour on her knee, whom she supports with her right hand while with her left she offers him a pear; above her is an ornamented Gothic canopy supported by pillars on each side. 233 The Virgin and child ; 95 wide — 133 high. The Virgin is seated in a kind of Cathedral stall, turned towards the right, supporting the infant Saviour, who is sitting on her left knee, with the left hand, and with the other presenting him a pear. This print was copied by Israel van Mecken, vide No. 44 of Bartsch’s catalogue of his works. 234 The Virgin lamenting - 88 wide — 140 high. The Virgin turned towards the left, is standing on a small mount and sup- 32 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO porting* with both her hands the Gross, at the top of which are the letters “ 1NRI.” An imperial crown is on her head, and her eyes are turned downwards as if in lamentation. 235 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; 120 wide — 225 high. The Virgin is standing on the globe, supporting with both hands the infant Saviour, who places his right hand on a globe resting on his knee and his left on his mother’s neck ; She inclines her head as if embracing him. Her figure is completely surrounded by rays of glory. 236 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; 76 wide — 101 high. The Virgin seated on a Gothic throne, with the Saviour on her knee, to whom she offers the breast ; A crown is on her head which is slightly inclined towards the left. *** This print was copied by Israel van Mecken, vide No. 43 of Bartsch's catalogue of his works. 237 The Virgin with the Dragon beneath her feet ; 142 wide — 228 high. The Virgin is standing on a portion of rock, trampling the Dragon beneath her feet ; she holds the infant Saviour with both hands, his head is sur- rounded by a nimbus and he has both hands placed on his mother’s bosom : Her head is turned towards the left, and her entire figure is sur- rounded by rays of glory. 238 Saint Andrew and Saint Peter 56 wide — 95 high. Represented at full length, and standing beneath a Gothic canopy ; Saint Peter with his keys and holding an open book with both hands, is on the left side ; Saint Andrew supporting his Cross with the left hand, is on the right. *** This print forms a portion of the set described by Bartsch, No. 72, &c. 239 Saint Catherine ; 98 wide — 117 high. Full length, turned towards the left, on which side the wheel lies on the ground before her ; In her left hand, she holds a sword the point of which is on the ground, and in her right, a ring. *** Copied by Martin Schoengauer, vide No. 65 of Bartsch’s catalogue. 240 Saint Christopher ; 79 wide — 110 high. Saint Christopher with the Saviour on his shoulders is crossing the sea towards the left, where a monk is holding out a lantern towards him, the monk is standing at the foot of some steps cut in a rock, at the top of which is his hermitage. The Saint leans with both hands on the branch of a tree which extends from the bottom to the top of the print : On the right is a man rowing in a boat. 241 Saint Christopher ; 107 wide — 171 high. Saint Christopher crossing the sea towards the right, with the Saviour on his shoulders, and leaning with both hands on a tree : The hermit, with a lanthorn in his right hand, is waiting for him at the foot of some steps cut in a rock to the right, at the top of which is his hermitage. In the front are some plants, and a bird perched on the stump of a tree, and on the left, two mermaids, swimming in the water. In the distance to the left, is a ship in front of a town. BARTSCH. — “LE PEINTRE GHAVEUR. 33 242 Saint Christopher ; 140 wide— 193 high. Saint Christopher is crossing the sea from the left, holding the branch of a tree in his left hand and supporting the infant Saviour on his right shoulder ; the hermit kneeling on the top of a rock near his hermitage holds out a lanthorn in his right hand towards the saint. In the back- ground are some mountains with a town on the left and a ship before it. 243 A Saint ; 60 wide — 95 high. A female Saint walking towards the left, holding a palm branch in her right hand and a basket in the other ; she has a high headdress and her head is inclined towards the right. Engraved very much in the style of Israel Van Mecken. Three remarkably curious prints representing the heroes of Christianity, Judaism, and Heathenism, they each contain three figures having each its name above and six Latin lines beneath ; they are all turned towards the right, the first and last lines on each print are only here given. 244 The three Christian heroes , King Arthur , Charlemagne , and Godfrey of Bouillon ; 304 wide — 244 high. 11 Artur stat in ordine Pinces.” u Post morte ? ^^pi XI, c anno. 245 The three Jewish heroes , Joshua , David , and Judas Maccabeus ; 310 wide — 232 high . u ille nobilis Josue ” 11 ante datu N^pi in carnacions.” 246 The three heathen heroes , Hector of Troy , Alexander , and Julius Ccesar ; 310 wide — 232 high. u Hector de Troya Priamis filius ” “ xlij anis antiqua -J^pstus nat.” 247 Combat between two horsemen and a winged dragon ; 158 wide — 107 high. Two naked men on horses turned towards the right, one of whom to the left has broken his spear by thrusting it through the dragon, the other, in the centre raises his right hand as if to strike, on each side is an orna- ment of fruit and foliage. 248 A warrior ■ 72 wide — 167 high. A warrior completely armed is directing his steps towards the left and holding a banner in his right hand, a shield is in his left and he raises his head towards a castle on the summit of a rock to the left, below which appear part of a crosier 249 Group of warriors ; 178 wide — 247 high. A group of several warriors on horseback are directed towards the right. In the centre stands a man holding a lance. The background represents a mountainous country interspersed with the villages of Kaffespunch, Marchdorf, and Bockhurn, the names of which are inscribed above each. In the upper part to the right is a man seated in a boat. 34 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO 250 An allegorical subject ; 310 wide — 225 high. In the centre of the print lies a dead body with its hands crossed, and above it an inscription commencing u Revertel Pulois ” and below it “ Si quis cet, &c.” On the left is a female, her eyes bound, turning a wheel, on which are four figures of men, the centre one having a crown and sceptre. In the upper part to the left Christ (a half-length figure) is seen in the clouds, holding an orb and sceptre in his left hand and in the other a cord which is attached to the handle of the wheel. On the right is a figure of Death shooting with a bow and arrow at a group of popes and sovereigns seated in a tree which appears to be in a boat and in front of which are two small animals inscribed “ dies” and “nox.” In the centre towards the upper part is the figure of a monk holding a broad scroll on which are inscribed eight Latin lines. A variety of other Latin inscriptions are about the print. 251 A 'pilgrim ; 76 wide — 123 high. The figure of a pilgrim, seen from behind, is directing* his steps towards the left, but having his head in profile turned towards the right; he bears his staff crossed before him, and his bottle is suspended to his back. 252 A female warrior ; 63 wide — 95 high. A woman turned towards the left holding a shield, on which is represented the view of a small town ; it is held by a string attached to her left hand, and in her right she carries a helmet with a large plume of feathers. 253 A female supporting a helmet ; 110 wide — 152 high. A woman, turned towards the left, and holding up her garment with her left hand is supporting a helmet, on which is a crest representing a man in a fool’s cap ; before her is a plain shield. 254 The Resurrection ; 130 wide — 184 high. The Saviour is in the centre of the print coming forth from the tomb, with his right hand raised, and bearing in his left a cross on which is a banner ; in front is a soldier sleeping on the ground with his head towards the right, and his shield at his feet near the left ; in the back- ground to the left is another sleeping soldier, with his head resting on the tomb, and on the right a third, who appears to have just woke up. In a square border is a Gothic inscription running nearly round the print, commencing u Sic r exit” and ending “ Sic fecit.” In the upper corner to the left is the date “ MVXXXVIII.” 255 The Crucifixion ; 57 wide— 85 high. The Saviour is on the Cross, with his head turned towards the left, and on the same side is St. John supporting the fainting Virgin ; on the extreme left is a figure weeping. On the right side near the Cross is a soldier with a lance in his left hand, and pointing with the other to the Saviour ; two other soldiers are near him. The inscription “INK I.” is on a scroll above the head of the Saviour. 256 The Virgin ; 104 wide — 149 high. The Virgin directed towards the left is standing in an apartment, her long BARTSCH . — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEURV 35 hair flows over her shoulders and her hands are joined together in the attitude of pra # yer. To the left is an altar, on which lies an open book, with another closed above it. The subject is enclosed on each side and above by a plain architectural border, and in the centre at the top “e) 0 e"°b 0 AS” AUONYMOUS FEINTS OP THE 15th CENTURY, 257 Christ’s entry into Jerusalem ; 210 wide — 285 high. Christ mounted on an ass and followed by five of the Apostles is proceeding to the gate of Jerusalem on the right side of the print, beneath which are several people, one of whom places some drapery on the ground for the Saviour to pass over. In the centre near the top is a representation of the last supper. Formerly in the Revil collection. 258 Christ hearing his Cross ; 200 wide — 282 high. In the centre of the print, Christ bearing his Cross, is proceeding towards the right, attached by a cord to the executioner who precedes him ; behind on the left is one of the apostles aiding him to carry his burthen ; towards the background is a group of horsemen, &c., and in the distance the three crosses with the Saviour and the thieves attached to them, with the Virgin fainting beneath that of our Saviour. In the background on the right, the executioners are fastening the Saviour to the Cross. 259 The last Supper ; 53 in diameter. A small circular print ; near the centre in front is a vase, and Judas holding a bag is seated on the left. 260 Saint George ; 76 wide— 117 high. The Saint is on horseback turned towards the left, and holding a lance in his left hand, with the dragon dead on the ground towards the right ; on the same side in thedistance lies the Princess. On the ground near the margin to the left is a tablet with the letter 261 Saint Hubert ; 38 diameter. A small circular print. In the centre of the print the Saint is kneeling before a stag which is on the right ; behind him stands his horse, and his dog is jumping up towards the stag. 262 Martyrdom of Saint Catherine ; 203 wide— 283 high. She is kneeling in the centre looking towards the right, where is seen the wheel broken by a violent storm of stones, &c., falling* from the clouds above. In front on the right are four men who appear to have been killed by the falling stones, and behind the Saint are the King and his attendants who testify their amazement at the miracle. 263 The Crucifixion ; 273 wide— 406 high. The Saviour is expiring on the Cross in the centre, and on the left a man 36 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO on horseback is thrusting- at him with a spear ; the Virgin supported by St. John is fainting on the left, and on the same side is a man on horseback ; a man behind is displaying an inscribed scroll. The subject is enclosed in a square border, having an inscription in the Gothic cha- racter, of one line on the top and two sides, and another of three lines at the bottom. Engraved in a peculiar dotted style, much resembling wood-engraving. 264 The Resurrection ; 123 wide — 174 high. The Saviour (three quarters figure), with his hands crossed, is represented rising from the tomb ; on the left is an angel holding a pillow, another on the right holds a scourge ; to the left above, a third displays the Cross, and on the opposite side is a fourth, with the spear, lance, and sponge. On the tomb is an inscription in one line, “ Sepulcrum Domini nostri Jhesu Cristi.” Engraved in the same style as the print No. 263. 265 Saint Jerome taking a thorn out of the lion's foot ; 190 wide — 272 high. The Saint is seated on the right, but turned towards the left and wearing a cardinal’s hat, above which is an inscription in the Gothic character. The lion is seated towards the left, and places his right fore-paw on the Saint’s knee, who holds it with his left hand, and with his right extracts the thorn. In the background to the right is a church, with a monk looking out of a door, and on the left is a representation of the penitence of St. Jerome in the wilderness. *** Engraved in the same style as Nos. 263 and 264. 266 Saint George and the Dragon ; 146 wide — 108 high. The Saint is on the right, with his left knee on the dragon, and piercing him with a sword which he holds in his right hand ; his horse is behind him, and above, on a rock to the right, the Princess is kneeling. In the distance is a castle with a moat on which is a boat, and in the fore- ground to the left are five figures on horseback. 267 The Virgin and child ; 235 wide — 381 high. The Virgin, represented at full length, is standing on an ornamental marble pavement, having the infant Saviour on her left arm who is holding an orb in his hand. 268 The Nativity ; 63 diamater. A small circular print ; the Virgin is on her knees before the infant Saviour, who lies on the left near a stable, through the window of which appear two oxen. St. Joseph is in the centre towards the background. 269 St. Anthony ; 38 wide — 60 high. The Saint holding a palm branch in one hand and a rope to which is attached a pig, in the other, is directing his steps towards a crucifix on the right. This print has a double marginal line. BARTSCH. — “LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 37 270 A panel of ornament ; 117 wide — 95 high. A branch of foliage springs from the left below, and rises to the top of the print, to both sides of which it extends; a stork is standing in the centre, with his left foot on the end of the branch, and with the other, clasping it about midway up. The monogram is under the bird’s beak. SOIOGSAM. VJf 271 The Virgin and child ; 193 wide — 209 high. Represented at half length, under a richly carved Gothic building, and supporting the infant Saviour with both hands elapsed together. The child raises its right hand towards its mother’s right breast which is ex- posed, and holds in his left an apple on his left knee, near the centre below is the monogram. 272 Design for a seat in a Gothic cathedral ; 225 wide — 216 high. Design for a Gothic cathedral seat in three divisions, a circular print, sur- rounded by a Gothic border, and having a pinnacle nearly up to the top of the print ; on each side above is a leaf scroll ; to the left of tha pinnacle is the monogram. 273 Design for a cross or font ; 60 wide — 272 high. Supported on the backs of four lions, the one on the right has his mouth open and tongue out. Above on the left side of the pinnacle is the letter W, and on the right the remainder of the monogram. 274 Interior of a Gothic chapel ; 111 wide — 222 high. Design for a Gothic chapel with four windows, through which is seen a landscape with a castle ; the mark is in the centre above. 275 Interior of a Gothic chapel ; 152 wide — 178 high- — diameter of circle 152. A design of a circular shape on a square plate, for the interior of a Gothic chapel with three windows, and a seat on each side of that in the centre ; in the upper part, to the left of a cross which rises above the circle is the monogram. 276 An ornamental design ; 166 w r ide— 128 high. A branch of foliage springing from the right and inclining towards the left ; a little to the left at bottom, is the mark. 277 An ornamental design; 148 wide — 142 high. A branch of foliage ; the mark is in the upper part of the print. 278 An ornamental design ; 225 wide — 278 high. A large branch of foliage springing from a root on the right of the print and inclining to the left. The monogram is in the centre. 279 St. John the Evangelist ; 63 wide — 149 high. The saint is seen in profile and walking towards the left : he holds a book 38 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO in his right hand, whereon is the Lamb and with his left appears to give a benediction. The monogram is at the bottom of the print. ZMEOKTOG-RABZ. B (XJ § 280 A pilgrim and hermit ; 135 wide — 153 high. A pilg'rim visiting a Holy hermit in his solitude, he has a cowl on and is seated on the left resting with both hands on a staff ; the pilgrim, whose hands and feet are naked, is seated between two stumps of trees which support a sloping roof leaning against a grotto, at the entrance of which is a stone table ; above, near the leaves of a tree, behind the hermit, a bird is about to descend with some fruit in its beak ; in the centre, below, is the monogram. 281 An ornamental design ; 94 wide — 121 high A panel of foliage commencing at the left below, and extending in three principal branches over the whole plate. A bird, the head and neck of which only are seen, is hidden in the root of the design, and another is perched on the branch which extends to and droops on the right ; below, in the centre, is the monogram. 282 The aged lovers ; 60 wide — 82 high. On the left, an old woman holding a stick in her right hand, appears to be taking a purse of money which a man on the right holds out in his right hand ; his left, is placed in the bosom of the old woman. The monogram is on a hillock to the right below. 283 The peasants ; 60 wide — 85 high. Two peasants, a man and a woman, walking towards the left ; the man has a club on the right shoulder, the woman carries a goose in her left hand. ^ Q called STOSS. 284 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; 133 wide — 190 high. The Madonna standing, seen in front, supporting the infant on her left arm and with the right hand holding up a rose to which she appears to draw his attention ; she wears a mantle which entirely conceals her feet and spreads on each side as if floating in the air. Her head and that of the infant are surrounded by circular nimbi. PEAUCIS VOlff BOCEOLT. 285 A soldier fighting ; 79 diameter. A soldier seen in profile and turned towards the left ; he carries with both hands a pike, of which only the staff is seen. The background consists of mountains of different elevations and with a tree to the right. 286 Adoration of the infant Saviour ; 158 wide — 196 high. The scene is laid in a ruined stable ; St. Joseph and the Virgin are adoring 39 BARTSCH. — “LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” the infant Christ, who lies on the ground in the centre of the print. St. Joseph kneels on the left and the Virgin on the right. Behind him are the Ox and the Ass ; above to the left, is an Angel flying' and displaying a scroll ; in the centre, below, is the monogram. 287 Saint Anthony ; 66 wide — 85 high. The Saint is holding his bell and a staff (on which is a double cross) in his right hand, his left is placed in his girdle. The pig* is in the corner to the right, and in the centre, below, is the monogram. 288 Saint Christopher ; 155 wide — 193 high. Saint Christopher with the infant Saviour standing on his left shoulder is crossing the water towards the left, on this side are some rocks, on the summit of which is the hermit holding a lanthorn in his right hand ; on the right, in the background, is a town in front of which is a boat rowed by several men. No monogram. X.S HAITEE A S.A STAVETTH. 289 The Virgin and Child ; 158 wide — 225 high. The Virgin, half length, standing at a window, on each side of which, under a gothic canopy, is the figure of a saint ; she is on the left of the print, but directed towards the right, and holds up an open book with her left hand, in which she appears to be reading ; the infant Jesus holding up a cherry in his left hand, is supported by her right. In the back- ground to the right, is a town and a road on which two persons are walking ; near the centre below, to the left is the word “ Zwott,” and towards the right “ J. A. M.” and the navette. ISRAEL VIk'M MECKSIJ. 290 Saint Veronica ; 41 wide — 68 high. She is standing in the middle of the plate, displaying the holy hand- kerchief ; seen in front and enveloped in a mantle, which gives her the appearance of a nun ; below in the margin is the name “ Israeli 291 Two subjects of monkeys on one plate ; 114 wide — 181 high. In the upper portion, two monkeys are represented chained together, one sitting on the right, scratching the head of the other, who lies down to the left ; in the low r er portion are two monkeys, that on the left looking at his reflection in a mirror, which the other on the right (seen from behind) holds up to him in his left paw. In the centre, below, is the word “ Israel 292 A design for ornament ; 155 wide — 130 high. Two branches of foliage, one of which springing nearly from the centre curves towards the right in the middle, and then curves to the left above : the other springing from the right below, curves towards the left and again to the right above. The letters u I. MV are in the centre between two plants. 40 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO 293 The Nativity ; 82 wide — L36 high. In the middle of the print the Virgin is kneeling in adoration before the infant Jesus who lies on the ground ; to the left, kneels St. Joseph stretching out his right hand. In the back ground is a ruined building, through the door of which on the right are seen two women seated against a hedge. Above the ruined building, near the centre, is a flying angel holding a scroll. *** This print appears to be a copy of one by the master of 1466. (No. 11 of Bartsch.) It has no mark, unless one might have been in a margin below, wh.ch in the impression in the British Museum is cut off. 294 The incredulity of Saint Thomas ; 270 wide — 393 high. The Saviour is standing in the centre of the print placing his right hand on a wound in his right side and raising his left towards St. Thomas, who standing on the right holds his right hand to his head ; on the left is the Virgin with her hands clasped, and behind the Saviour is a throne with a canopy, the raised ends of which are supported by two angels, that on the right holds a sword, and that on the left a branch of lilies. No mark. 295 Saint Simon ; 89 wide — 178 high. The Saint is directing his steps towards the left, holding a book in his right hand and a saw in the left. No mark. 296 The incense hearer ; 119 wide — 169 high. A young woman holding a vessel of incense : the mark is in the lower part of the print. Copied from the figure of the foolish Virgin by Martin Schoengauer (Bartsch, No. 87,) with the vessel of incense instead of the lamp. wiraarcisss.A.us d’ox.mrTZ. 297 A Chimera; 108 wide — 127 high. A fabulous animal, standing, directed towards the left ; it has the head and right leg of an ass, but the left leg is that of a bird. In the upper part to the left, is inscribed, u Roma Capot Mundi,” in the back ground also on the left, is the Castle of St. Angelo, and on the right, a tower, on both of these are inscriptions; near the bottom to the left, i( JANVARII. 1496,” and in the centre is the monogram. 298 Saint Sebastian ; 38 w T ide — 70 high. Saint Sebastian, pierced with arrows and tied to a tree, with his head inclined towards the left; below towards the left, close to one of the Saint’s feet is the monogram. 299 Saint Barbara; 54 wide — 95 high. Seen in three-quarter view, directing her steps towards the right, and holding an open book from which she appears to be reading, she wears a crown upon her head and on the right is a small tower. The monogram is in the centre, below. BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.’ 41 300 A woman supporting a shield ; 95 diameter, including 1 the border. She is quite naked and has a child at her breast, whom she supports with her right arm, and with her left is supporting a shield on which may be observed a lion’s head reversed. This print forms a portion of the set described by Bartsch. Nos. 42, 45. MAZE. 301 The lovers ; 136 wide — 85 high. A young man and woman standing on either side of a column against which they are leaning ; she is on the left side and appears to be 'con- versing with the man on the right, who has a chaplet on his head and whose long hair flows over his shoulders; the column runs between them from the top to the bottom of the print, in the centre of which, below, is the name. MAE TIM- ZaCJES.. 302 A combat between two warriors ; 54 wide — 72 high. Two warriors fighting, one on the left, seen nearly, from behind but whose face is in profile, is seizing the other with his right hand ; the other on the left, with a large plume of three feathers, holds his sword down in his left hand. No mark. JOHN DE CU&IKIBAGH. 303 The crucifixion ; 72 wide — 118 high. Christ on the Cross, at the foot of which, on the left, is the Virgin, and on the right, Saint John holding a book in his right hand. The monogram is in the centre below. MONOGRAM H S (No. 153). 304 An assembly of warriors ; 144 wide — 119 high. Copy in a reverse direction from the print by Albert Durer (B. 88), the monogram is in the centre below. USONOOMM (g (No. 321). 305 Baptism of Christ ; 142 wide — 263 high. The Saviour is seen standing nearly up to his knees in the water holding up both hands to Saint J ohn, who, kneeling on a rock to the right, has his left hand over the Saviour’s head and leans with his right upon a book. To the left is an angel holding Christ’s garments, and in the centre above, the Almighty with the Holy Spirit beneath in the form of a dove ; near the centre below, is the monogram. 42 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO MONOGRAM B M (No. 40). 306 The descent from the Cross; 158 wide — 225 high. The dead body of the Saviour is supported on the knees of the Virgin, who is seated at the foot of the Cross, the head is turned towards the left and is supported by St. John, who places his right hand on the right shoulder of the Saviour ; on the left, kneels the Magdalen raising Christ’s right hand to her lips, and behind her is another woman in the attitude of lamentation ; a fourth female stands on the right, with her hands clasped before her. A town with rocks on each side occupies the background, and in the middle below are the letters B. M. 307 The Virgin and infant Saviour ; 149 wide — 171 high. The Virgin is seated on a bank, having on her knees the infant Saviour, who raises his left hand towards his ear ; the Virgin is towards the left side but looking to the right, and her head is surrounded by a double nimbus ; in the centre below, is the monogram. 308 The coronation of the Virgin ; 155 wide — 203 high. The Virgin is kneeling in the centre of the print with her hands together in an attitude of prayer. The Almighty sits on the left with His left hand on a globe, and the Saviour is on the right, in a similar position, holding a crown between them in their right hands over the head of the Virgin. The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, surrounded by glory, is descending from above. Two angels are seen in the upper corner to the left, one playing on a harp, the other playing on a pipe ; near the corner to the left, below, an angel holds the date “ 1505.” No monogram, but has probably been cut off the impression from which this description is taken. 309 St. John in the isle of Patmos ; 146 wide — 215 high. The Saint is sitting on some rocks in the centre of the print, writing on a scroll which lies on his knees. Before him to the right, stands an eagle, and above on the same side, is the Virgin with the child standing on a crescent surrounded by rays of glory. In the centre is a tree reaching to the top of the print, and in the centre below is the mark. SGHOSHGAUliR. 310 Design for a monstrance ; 117 wide — 435 high. On the upper part is a full length figure of Christ holding’ the instruments of His Passion ; on each side of the centre is an angel holding a lance, that on the left, has a sponge fixed on the point of his lance ; the lower portion is formed of branches of ornamental foliage. XiXJCiiS VAN SETTBESff. 311 The Saviour and the Virgin; 181 wide — 130 high. Represented at half-length. The Saviour is on the left with his hands BARTSCH. — “ LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR/ 43 crossed, and on his head is the crown of thorns ; the Virgin is on the right, in a similar attitude, and behind them are two rocks extending to the top on the left. In the centre is a tree extending above the upper margin of the print, and beyond it, in the distance, is Mount Calvary with two crosses, the third being hidden by the rocks ; in the corner to the right above, is the letter L. and the date 1522. 312 The Saviour and the Virgin ; 113 wide— 82 high. Similar in treatment to the print last described, but the figures appear placed in the interior of a church or Gothic building; under an arch near the upper part on the right is the letter L. 313 The lovers ; 136 wide — 181 high. A man and a woman sitting on a bench at the foot of a bed, he is on the left, with a cap on the side of his head, and having his right hand on the woman’s breast. She is sitting in the centre quite naked, and is stealing money from the man’s purse with her right hand, and with her left, giving it to a man who is standing on the left side of the print, and on this side is a buffoon looking up. At the head of the bed is a representa- tion of Judith with the head of Holofernes. A figure of Death with an hour glass in his right hand and a spade in the other, is looking through a window on the right. No mark. HESS CrRA,F. 314 A frontispiece ; 191 wide— 234 high. Frontispiece to a book printed in the year 1498. To the left is a Pope seated on a throne receiving a book from a monk on his knees with several of his brethren. The subject is enclosed in a border, having at the bottom four circular cuts of Saints. On the canopy of the throne is the mono- gram ; engraved on wood . HONOaEAM W.H. 315 A lusus natures ; Representation of a monstrous infant born at Dammonville the 26th of October, 1551 ; a very singular piece, accompanied by explanatory text, in folio size. The monogram is upon a sprig of ornament to the right below ; engraved on wood. 316 Design for embroidery ; 255 wide— 162 high. Designs for embroidery, in white upon a black ground, composed of different compartments, figures, and arabesques. The monogram is towards the right above, in a crown supported by two grotesque figures ; engraved on wood. 317 Design jor embroidery ; 255 wide — 162 high. A design of a similar description to that last described, but mingled with figures of men and chimerical animals, without monogram ; engraved on wood . 44 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO ANTHONY or WORMS. 318 Death and the old man ; 103 wide — 137 high. A naked man seated in a cavern, with Death standing near him. The mo- nogram and date 1522 is on a stone in the lower part of the print to the right. 319 Saint Anthony ; 47 in diameter. The Saint supports his cross on his left arm and has a book in his right hand ; near him to the right a young man is on his knees and displays a scroll on which is written (the letters reversed) “ Ora pio me Sancte An- drea.” The monogram is below near the feet of the saint. MASTER ©F THE CABUCOTS ( J AMISS BARBARA). 320 Adoration of the Magi ;■ 165 wide — 229 high. The Virgin is standing with the Saviour in her arms in an enclosed space to the right, and behind her is a female saint seen nearly in profile. In front, in the centre, one of the Magi kneels bare-headed, and looking up to the Saviour, who inclines towards him ; behind him stands another of the Magi, bare-headed, and immediately behind the first, is the third Magi, who has a hood over his head. On the left is seen the head of a man with a burning torch in his hand and close to the margin, a boy holding a basket in his right hand. The Caduceus is near the top of the print on the left. 321 Cleopatra ; 117 wide —181 high. She is seated on some rocks in the centre of the print, with her head in- clined towards the right, a serpent is seen in the rock just above her right shoulder ; the background is composed of rocks which extend to the top of the print, and on the left is a large tree without leaves ; no mark. 322 Pegasus; 215 wide — 155 high. The winged horse is flying towards the right of the print, with his head turned to the left ; only the upper portions of his hind legs are seen. The Caduceus is near the top on the right. 323 An emblematical subject ; 130 wide — 117 high. A Centaur pursued by two cockatrices, one of which has fixed itself on his back. The mark is towards the left above. 324 Saint Sebastian ; 152 wide — 212 high. The Saint is seen to the knees and naked, with the exception of a cloth round the lower part of his figure. Both his hands are tied together above his head and attached to a tree behind him ; he is looking upward ; no mark. BARTSCH. — “LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 45 THS FASTER OF THE CEAE. 325 The Holy Family ; 187 wide — 256 high. The Virgin is sitting on the left of the print, having on her knees the in- fant Saviour, who extends his left hand towards St. Anne, who seated on the right with a plate of fruit in her lap, holds up an apple in her right hand. On the right St. Joseph leaning with both arms on a column, is regarding an old man similarly placed on the opposite side of the print. In the centre above, appears the Almighty in the clouds, holding an orb in his left hand, and having beneath him the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove in a glory. In the clouds are six heads of Cherubim ; no mark. 326 Christ before Pilate ; 219 wide — 270 high. The Saviour seen to the knees is standing towards the left of the print? holding a long reed with both hands and inclining towards Pilate, who stands near the centre, having a sceptre in his left hand and holding up his robe with the other; on the right close to the margin stands a man with a birch rod in his left hand. Behind the Saviour on the left is a man supporting his garment, and behind him are seen two heads of men. The background consists of a richly decorated building, through the open gate of which on the left, is seen a village ; no mark. 327 The Man of Sorrows ; 91 wide — 133 high. He is represented at half length placed towards the right side of the print, His hands are tied together and in the right he holds a reed. His head is surrounded by a glory ; below to the left is the monogram. 328 Esther before Ahasuerus ; 190 wide — 257 high. In the centre is Esther about to kneel before Ahasuerus who is seated on his throne to the right ; on the background are many figures. The train of the queen extends to the left margin of the print and is supported by a woman, a portion of whose figure only is seen ; no mark. LUCAS KEUG. 329 The Virgin and the in J ant Saviour ; 108 wide — 130 high. The Virgin sitting at the foot of a tree, with her head turned towards the right, giving suck to the infant Christ, who is lying on her knees. In the background, through a ruined arch on the left, is a city. The mono- gram on a tablet is suspended from the branch of a tree near the upper part of the plate to the right. 330 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian ; 82 wide — 126 high. Saint Sebastian tied to a tree, at the foot of which on the left is a tablet with the monogram. 46 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO U. H. (Monogram 255.) 331 Saint Catherine; 79 wide— 120 high. She is represented at full length, standing in the centre of the print, with her head inclined towards the left, and having her right arm on the wheel, which stands on the left of the print; in her left hand is a sword. Below, on the right, is a tablet with the mark N. H., and above it the figures XXV. 332 A Landscape ; 503 wide — 341 high. A large landscape with different groups of the Apostles ; in the centre above, is “ Divisio Apostolorum,” and to the left on a stand, the mono- gram, above which is the date, 1522, engraved on wood. S. (Monogram 283.) Although the following described prints all bear the same monogram, they were probably executed by different hands; some of them from their apparent antiquity would appear to have been the work of an artist at the end of the fifteenth, or at the very commencement of the sixteenth century. The Life of our Saviour ; 70 wide — 98 high— diameter of inner circle 60. A set of 46 prints, each of which contains a circular subject enclosed in a border of the same form, and above and below are borders of foliage. In the centre of the circular border is the monogram S. 334 (1) The Almighty and the Saviour crowning the Virgin. 335 (2) The Annunciation. 336 (3) The Visitation. 337 (4) The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. 338 (5) The Nativity , with Joseph and the Virgin adoring the infant Christ. 339 (6) The Adoration of the Shepherds. 340 (7) The offering of the Wise Men. 341 (8) The Virgin and Child adored by many Saints. 342 (9) The Presentation in the Temple. 343 (10) The Circumcision. 344 (11) The flight into Egypt. 345 (12) The infancy of our Lord , with Joseph on the right working as a carpenter. 346 (13) Christ disputing in the Temple . 347 (14) St. John baptising Christ. 348 (15) The Marriage at Cana. 349 (16) The Sermon on the Mount. 350 (17) The raising of Lazarus. 351 (18) The Temptation in the Wilderness. 352 (19) Mary Magdalen anointing Christ's feet. BARTSCH. — 11 LE PEINTRE GRAVEUR.” 47 353 (20) Christ's entry into Jerusalem . 354 (21) The Transfiguration. 355 (22) The last Supper. 356 (23) The Agony in the garden. 357 (24) Christ taken hy the Jervs. 358 (25) Christ brought before Pilate. 359 (26) Christ brought before Caiaphas. 360 (27) Christ brought before Herod. 361 (28) Pilate washing his hands. 362 (29) Christ presented to the people. 363 (30) Christ mocked. 364 (31) The scourging of Christ. 365 (32) Christ bearing his Cross. 366 (33) Christ attached to the Cross. 367 (34) The Crucifixion , with soldiers ,