CATALOGUE OF A Colkaion of PRINTS, COMPRISING A NUMEROUS ‘assemblage OF Proofs & Pickings y , • ' AFTER WESTALL, SMIRKE, STODHART, and Others, Several Ditto by Old Masters j Bratoittg0, By Morland, Town, &c. BOOKS, BOOKS of PRINTS, AND several curious MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES* « Together with a valuable Collection of . . COINS AND MEDALS, chiefly Silver, hj a high State of Prefervation, many of them very rare and curious — late the Property of Mr. JAMES PARKER, Engraver, SDeceasien j Which will be Sold by Au6Vion, Br Mr. DODD, At his Spacious Room, No. 101, St. Martin s Lane, On WEDNESDAY, February i8th, 1807, - AND FOLLOWING EVENING, « At Six 0^ Clock precifely, # ‘ ■■ ■■ ^ To be Viewed on the Days of Sale. N,B, Proprietors^ Accounts settled within a Jifek nftsr the Conclusion of a Sale, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I, The higheft Bidder to be the Purchafer, and rf any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold, II, No Perfon to advance lefs than 6 d.— above One Pound, IS. — above Five Pounds, 2s, 6 d.— and fo in Proportion. III, The Purchafers'are to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and pay doWn 5 s, in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafc Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold, IV, The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, and Errors of every Defcription whatfoever, within Three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale, and the Remainder of the Pnrchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on the Delivery. V, Upon Failure of complying with the aforefaid Conditions, the Depofit Money fhall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time fpecified,. fhall be re-fold, by public or private Sale, and all Deficiences and Expences attendant thereon, fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this pre- fen t Sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend the Sale, may have their CommifTions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, THOMAS DODD. Printed by J. £f PV, Smithy 49, King Streety Seven Dials, . i A CATALOGUE, &c. Firft Evening’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the i8th of FEBRUARY, 1807. LOT 1 Four, by old masters 2 Ditto 3 Six, after Teniers Ten, various 5 Ditto 6 Ditto 7 Ditto 8 Ten, by Hoivitt 9 Twenty, ^various 10 Fifty, by Captain Grose 11 A parcel, various 12 Forty, various, mostly proofs 13 A parcel, various 14' Ditto 15 Thirty-six portraits { 4 ) 16 Two, Lord Howe’s Victory, C7ie on a roller 17 Fourteen caricatures 18 Three, Noon, &c. and the Thresher, after Barker 19 Two portraits. Lord Nelson and Mr. Titt, by Bar-- toloz'zi SO A pair, Sailor Boy, in colours 21 Two, the Ecce Homo, &c. 22 Twelve, the Cries of London, after "Wheatley ^3 Six, Young Hannibal, Sec. after Sir J. Reynolds 24* Four, ditto 25 Six portraits, various , 26 Two ditto. Prince of Wales, &c. 27 Three quires of printing paper 28 Three ditto 29 Ditto 30 A parcel of India ink ^31 A ditto 32 A ditto, with a hex of water colours S3 Four penknives Two, Villagers, after Morlan.d 35 Two, Rustic Ease, ditto, in colours 36 One, the Fortune Teller, by Sker^vin 37 One, Boaz and Ruth, after Wheatley, fine 38 Two portraits, Lord Hood, Sec. 39 A pair. Detection, &c. after Paye 40 A pair, Fishermen 41 Nine, after Mortimer, by Sharp, S'r. 42 Two, Crazy Jane and Hebe 43 A pair, the Fairings, Sec. 44 One, the Warrener 45 Four, Loss of the Ramifies 46 A pair, the Fairings 47 A pair, ditto, in colours 48 A pair, Wood Girl, Sec. 49 Two, Wise and Foolish Virgins, &c. 50 Five, Ecce Florno, Sec. 51 Three, a Youth rescued from a Shark, Sec. 52 A pair, Christ and the Samaritan Woman 53 One, the Birth of the Thames, in colours i. ( 9 ) I 153 Twelve ditto fromttie Liber Vexitatis 154 Seven ditto, after Gainsborough 155 Six ditto, by Woolleit, See. 3 of them etchings 156 Twenty-seven, various, hj Tomkins, Ryland, Scc. 157 Eighteen ditto, by Blake, Knight, See* 158 Twenty ditto, hj Bariolozzi, Ryland, &c. 159 Six circles, by Blake, in colours 160 Seven, by Bartolozzi and Tomkins 161 Eight, by C. Knight, mostly proofs , 1 62 Seventeen, by J. Parker, proofs and etchings 163 Thirty-one, hj ditto, after Stodhart, ditto 164* Fifteen, after Stodhart, Northcote, Scc.J>roofs 165 Twelve, ditto, proofs and etchings 166 Fifteen, ditto, ditto 167 Thirteen, ditto, ditto 168 Twelve, ditto, ditto 169 lliirty-one, from Ossian, after Barralet, by ditto, proofs and etchings 170 Thirteen, after Fuseli, Stubbs, Ste. proof s ; o 171 Four, by Sir Robert Strange 172 Two, Holy Family, by Sherwin and Parker, proofs 173 Cipriani’s Rudiments of Drawing, hy Bartolozzi 174 Nine Tickets, by Bartolozzi 175 Five, the Clyde, Sc. e.hy ditto 176 One, a drawing, after Rembr Two Drawings of Cottages ' 55 Three ditto, by To^wn-, &c. 56 Four ditto, by Vandermeulen . 57 One ditto; by Vouet 58 One, a landscape, Glover 59 One, a ditto, by Morland^ jine 60 One, a ditto, with figures, by Tovuti^ ditto 61 The Fishery, by Woollett^ framed 62 A pair of Views in Ireland, by Tomkins^ coloured " 63 A landscape, P ether 64* A portfolio, interleaved 65 A ditto, with blue paper 66 A ditto, ditto MISCELLANIES. ' 67 A German microscope 68 A piece of polished porphyry, and sundries 69 A shirt pin. Lapis Lazuli, set in gold 70 A ditto. Aqua Marinse^ ditto 71 Venus, a miniature, highly finished 72 A tortoiseshell ink stand, with silver apparatus 73 A tea-pot, and five pieces of fine old china RARE COINS and MEDALLIONS, chiefly Silver, - and in high Preservation. 73*Tv/enty-six Roman coins, with three deeds, char- ters, seals, ,&c. ' 74f A medallion ‘ 75 Fifty^fiveold Coins, various . 76 Fifty-one, ditto 77 Four, a crown, half ditto, shilling, and sixpence. of William III. 78 Tv/o, a crown and halLcrown of William & Mary 79 Four, crown, half ditto, shilling, and sixpence. Elizabeth 80 Two crowns of Charles the First, one Bvhte 4 h ( 6 ) 81 One crown of Charles the Second, with the Rose, scarce 82 Three, two half-crowns of Charles the First, dif- ferent, and a shilling of ditto 83 Five, a shilling, ’Elizabeth — a ditto, Edward VI. — a ditto, James 1. — a ditto, Charles I. —“and sixpence, James I. 84< Tv/o, crown and half-crown of Louis XV. 85 Five, foreign, Maria Theresa, Joseph 11. Francis 11. and a half-dollar, Prussia 86 Two fine Dutch medals, one on the death of Capellon, and one on the peace of 1783. S7 Two medals, Archbishop Bancroft and Lord Shaf- tesbury 88 Two coronation medals of Adolphus Frederic . King of Sweden, and Ulrica Queen of Sweden, l75i,/;/r 89 A silver medal of Charles VL Rom. luip. 1716 fine 90 Coronation micdal of the King of Denmark, 1712 91 Medal of Queen Ann, 1703, fine 92 Ditto of William III. fine 93 Ditto of the Duke of Cumberland, 1745 94 Tw^elve silver counters, engraved by Pass 95 Twenty medals and coins various 96 Four, Charles I., reverse, Henrietta Maria, and three others 97 Ten, Roman coins, 'Nero^ Galha^ VitelliuSi &c. 98 One, medal of Henry VIIJ. on his death, very fine 99 One ditto of Ferdinand Lord Fairfax, in a rich border, fine and rare 100 One ditto of Cromwell, on the battle st Dunbar, reverse^ the riouse of Parliament, by 8imon ^scarce 101 One ditto, Oliver, on his death, fine 102 One ditto, Gene-ral Monk, in a rich chased bor- der, fine and scarce 103 One, Oliver Cromwell’s broad, by Simon 104 One, Queen iinn’s 'farthing, reverse, Britannia under a portico, fine ancl rare ( 7 ) BOOKS AND BOOKS of PRINTS. ^ 105 Overbury’s Works, and five others 106 A vol. of plays, and five others 107 Six books on the French language , 108 London and its Environs, 44* Numbers, compleU 109 A sties. Boroughs and Magnets of Scotland 110 Miller’s Herbal, in sheets, wA complete 111 Farnese Gallery 112 Works of Wendelinus Dietterlin, \19 plates 113 Donet’s Dictionary, illustrated with 60 . 124 Treatise on Agriculture 115 A folio, comprising upwards of 220 wood cuts, by Van Sichem^ Jost Ammon, &c. 116 Cats, Emblems, plates by Schillemans ^ 117 Works of Bewerwych on Anatomy, &c, 2 vol. 118 Vol. of Plates to Tasso’s Jerusalem, by Cungio 119 Le Pautre on Architecture, &c. 1’20 Kentish Traveller, illustrated with 272 Portraits and Views 121 Basket’s Bible, 122 Parson^s Diamond Bible 123 Chaucer’s Works, 14 vols. bound in 7, Bell’s edition, plates 124 Cardonnell’s Antiquities of Scotland, 100 plates 125 Mortimer’s History of England, S vol. plates 126 Chambers’ Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vol, 127 Stowe’s Survey of London, by Strype, 2 vols. plates 128 'Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary, in French, 8 vols. quarto, . elegant ' 129 Bell’s Edition of Shakspeare’s Plays, plates, 2Q vols* elegantly bound 130 Two prints, after Georgione, fram.ed. « End of the Flrfl Evening s Sale* k ( 8 ) Second Evening’s Sale, THURSDAY, the I9th of FEBRUARY, 1807, LOT T7 131 JT ORTY-SEVEN, architeaural 132 Thirty-five, various, several from the antique 133 Twenty ditto, by Van Orlay^ &c. 134 Forty-eight dittos by Le Pautre^ Bischop, &c. 135 Forty ditto, by Lucas ^ Cranach^ Goltzius^ &c^ 136 Twelve ditto, Dominichino^ Caracct^ &c. 137 Twenty-five, after Raphael 138 Fourteen, the Cartoons, 3cc. after ditto 139 Ten ditto, hy Marc Antonio^ &c. 140 Eight, by ditto^ after Michael Angelo 141 Sixteen, after Le Sueur, by Duflos^ &:c. 142 Three, The Communion of St. Jerome, by Frey 143 Five, historical, after Rubens, &c. 144 Two drawings, by Caraccl and Bischop^ &c. the etching from it by ditto 145 Nine views in Rome, &c. by Piranesi 146 Thirteen topographical views, by Byrne ^ &c. 147 Fourteen, by Juhesy 148 Thirty- three, various 149 Thirty-five, views, monuments, See. by Hollar 150 Forty-one landscapes, hy Della Bellas &G. '151 Four ditto, after Gasper Poussin 152 Ten ditto, after Qaiide ^23 Three, Charity,’ by ditto y proofs 224 Fourteen ditto, ditto 225 Seven, Victory of the Nile, by ditioy cUtijoiis proofs^ . ^ , , ' . ^ - 226 Eight ditto, various stages of tht plates 227 A pair. Landing of William III. by ditto y fim proofs ■ . • 228 Ditto, ditto 229 Ditto, ditto ! 230 Ditto, ditto 231 Ditto, ditto ' ' V I 232 Ditto, ditto ^233 Four ditto, proofs and etehings ^234 Thirty-two ditto, various stages of the plates • / COPPER PLATES. 235 Eight, 'Edwin and Angelina, Sec. engraved by Parker 236 One, View of Glaybrook Church, in aquatinta, by ditto, and the only print executed by hiin in this method BOOKS AND BOOKS of PPJNTS. 237 Three books on Perspedtive and Architedtuie 238 Pope’s Works, 6 vol. 239 The Cry, a Dramatic Fable, 3 vol. 240 Montaigne’s Essays, 3 voi. 241 Cooke’s Poems, and 6 others 242 The Dunciad, and 5 others 243 Various Play^, 5 vol. 244 Dunster’s Horace, and 4 others 245 Count Fathom, and 4 others 246 Lydia, 3 vol. and Pamela, 3 vol. 247 Harvey’s Philosophy, and 7 others 248 Charter of Ijondon, and 12 others 249 History of Europe, and 7 others 150 Memoirs of the Duke of Orleans, and 6 otliers N C 12 ) 251 Cromweirs Conferrencey and 9 others: 252 Hanway’s Letters, 2 vol. 253 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, by 2 soY, plates 253 Lady’s Magazine, 1776 to 1782, 7 vol. 255 Carleton’s Thankful Remembrance of God’s Mercy, and 4* others 256 Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, and 1 other 257 Prior’s Poems, and 2 others 258 Cottrell’s Cassandra, and Pharamond, 2 vol. 259 Burn’s Antiquities of Westmorland, 2 vol. 250 Stackhouse’s Botannical Description of British^ ' Marine Plants, and 1 other FINIS.