THEOEY AND PEACTICE OF THE PHOTOGEAPHIC ART, ! THEORY AND PRACTICE THE PHOTOGKAPHIC ART INCLUDING ITS CHEMISTRY AND OPTICS, MINUTE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE PRACTICAL MANIPULATION OF THE VARIOUS PROCESSES, DRAWN FROM THE AUTHOR'S DAILY PRACTICE. BY W. SPARLING, ASSISTANT TO MR. FENTON, HONORARY SKCRETARY TO THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. LONDON : HOTJLSTON Am STONEMAN, 65, PATERNOSTEE EOW; W^. S. ORE AND CO., AMEN CORNEE. MDCCCLVI. PHOTOGRAPHED UPON THE WOOD WITHOUT PENCILLING. PHOTOGEAPHIC ART. - — 4 — Introduction. — "Witliin the last quarter of a century there has not been a dis- covery more useful, interesting — I may say, more fascinating — than photography. "Whether employed as an assistant to the artist, or a means of sending home from far- off scenes of war and death the portrait of a friend, or the spot whereon, perhaps, he died or conquered, what can equal its truthfulness ? what can surpass its beauty ? By the aid of the sunbeam the physician may now delineate the gradual changes produced by disease, with a faithfulness hitherto unknown ; the architect can obtain the most elaborate details of a building in a few seconds. The art has been made sub- servient to the purposes of the artist, the naturalist, and the mechanic, and even to the antiquary, who, " Bending o'er some mossy tomb "Where valour sleeps," may be enabled to preserve a lasting memorial by this art. Viewed in these lights, Photography may justly be considered the most important application of chemical philosophy to develop the powers of nature which modern science has discovered. Premising that the science is at present in its infancy, I shall endeavour to make the present manual as plain, as practical, and as comprehensive as possible, saying nothing, which might require to be afterwards unsaid, nor leaving anything unsaid which may be necessary to elucidate the subject, so far as our present knowledge extends. Wedgwood's Discovery, — The property possessed by the salts of silver, when decomposed by the action of light, was well known to the earlier chemists ; and M. Charles, a well-known French physician, exhibited in his lectures at the Louvre a paper capable of taking silhouette figures by the action of solar light, but he has left no account of his process. Mr. Wedgwood, therefore, was undoubtedly the first person 10 WEDGWOOD S DISCOVERY. wh.0 recorded Ms attempts to use the sunbeams for photographic printing. In the year 1802 he published a paper in the Journal of the Eoyal Institution, which he describes as " aa account of a method of copying paintings upon glass, and of making profiles by the agency of light upon nitr^ite of silver, with obseryations by H. Davy," — a gen- tleman afterwards better known as Sir Humphry Davy. From this paper, the earliest we are aoq[u:aiiited with in wMch the discovery of these processes present themselves, the following extracts ar-e tak«n : — " White paper, or white leather, moistened with a solution of nitrate of silver, undergoes no change when kept iu the dark ; but on being exposed to the day-light it I speedily changes colour, and after passing through different shades of gray and brown, i becomes at length nearljr black. The alterations of colour take place more speedily in I proportion as the light is more intense. In the direct beam of the sun, two or three mifflutes are sufficicait to produce the full cffi ct ; in the shade, several hours are re- j quired ; and light transmitted through different coloured glasses act Avith different degrees of intensity. Thus it is found that red rays, or the common sunbeams i^assed through red glass, have Yery little effect upon it. Yellow and green are more effective, but violet or blue produce the most powerful and decided effect." j " "When the shadow of any figure is thrown upon the prepared surface, the part i concealed by it remains white, and the other parts speedily become dark. For copying | paintings on glass, the solution should be applied on leather ; and in this case it is | more readily acted on than when paper is used. After the colour has been once fixed on the leather or paper, it cannot be removed by the application of water, or water and | soap, and it is in a high degree permanent. Tbe copy of a painting or the profile, ! immediately after being taken, must be kept in an obscure place ; it may, indeed, be • examined in the shade, but in this case the exposure should be only for a few minutes ; j by the light of candles or lamps, as commonly en ployed, it is not sensibly affected, i No attempts that have been made to prevent the uncoloured parts of the copy or profile from being acted upon by light, have as yet been successful. They have been covered by a thin coating of fine varnish, but this has not destroyed their susceptibility of becoming coloured ; and even after repeated washings, sufficient of the active part of ; the saline matter will adhere to the white parts of the leather or paper to cause them to become dark when exposed to the rays of the sun. Besides the applications of j this method of cop5-ing that have just been mentioned, there are many others ; and it ] will be useful for making delineations of all such objects as are possessed of a texture partly opaque and partly transparent. The woody fibres of leaves, and the wings of \ insects, may be pretty accurately represented by means of it ; and in this case it is I only necessary to cause the direct solar light to pass through them, and to receive the I shadows upon leather. " The images formed by means of a camera obscura have been found to be too i faint to prodiice, in any moderate time, an effect upon the nitrate of silver. To j copy these images was the first object of Mr. Wedgwood in his researches on the subject; and for this purpose he first used nitrate of silver, which was mentioned . to him by a friend as a substance very sensible to the infiuence of light ; but all his numerous experiments as to their primary end proved unsuccessful. In following ■ these processes, I have found that the images of small objects, produced by means of \ the solar microscope, may be copied without difficulty on prepared paper. This will i probably be a useful application of the method ; that it may be employed successfully, j however, it is necessary that the paper be placed at but a small distance from the lens." i BERARD AND DAGUERRE's DISCOVERY. 11 Here we have the first indication of this great discovery. Suhsequently, about the years 1810-11, Seebeck made some interesting discoveries as to the production of colour on chloride of silver by solar radiations, the violet rays rendering it brown, the blue producing a shade of blue, the yellow preserving it white, and the red con- stantly giving a red shads to that salt. Bexard's Discovery, — In the year 1812, M. Berard brought the result of some i valuable researches before a commission composed of MM. BerthoUet, Chaptal, and i Biot, who state in their report that M. Berard had discovered that the chemical inten- ! sity was greatest at the violet end of the spectrum, and that it extended, as Bitter and "Wollaston had previously observed, a little beyond that extremity. When he left substances exposed for a certain time to the action of each ray, he observed sensible effects, though with an intensity continually decreasing in the indigo and blue rays. Hence they considered it as extremely probable, that if he had been able to employ agents still more sensible, he would have observed analogous effects. To show clearly the great disproportion which exists in this respect between the energies of different : coloured rays, M. Berard concentrated, by means of a lens, all that part of a spectrum i which extends from the green to the extreme violet ; he also concentrated, by means of I another lens, all that portion which extends from the green to the extremity of the red. This last pencil formed a white so brilliant that the eyes were scarcely able to endure it ; yet the muriate of silver remained exposed more than two hours to this brilliant point of light without undergoing any sensible alteration. On the other hand, when exposed to the other rays, which were much less bright and less hot, it was blackened i in less than six minutes. ! After some further remarks on the importance of M. Berard' s experiments, they proceed as follows :— " If we consider solar light as composed of three distinct substances, one of which occasions lir/ht, another heat, and the third chemical combinations, it will follow that each of these substances is separable by the prism into an infinity of different modifications like light itself ; since we find by experiment, that each of these proper- ties is spread, though unequally, over a certain extent of the spectrum ; and we must suppose, on that hypothesis, that there exist three spectrums one above the other ; namely, a calorific, a colorific, and a chemical spectrum. We must likewise admit that each of the substances which compose the three spectrums, and even each molecule of unequal refrangibility which constitutes these substances, is endowed, like the mole- cules of visible light, with the property of being polarized by reflection, and of escaping from reflection in the same positions as the luminous molecules." From that time numerous experiments were conducted by several eminent re- searchers, including the discovery of the more celebrated MM. Niepce and Daguerre. Daguexze and Niepce's Discovery. — To the inventive genius of these gentle- men we are indebted for the first practical application of this great discovery ; but, like most great conceptions of the human mind, this art, as we have seen, advanced by slow steps, and was indicated from time to time by the isolated facts [we have briefly alluded to. The researches of M. Niepce were commenced in 1814, but it was not till 1826 that he was made aware, by the indiscretion of an optician employed by both, that M. Daguerre was pursuing the same course of experiments. A correspondence between the two philosophers was the result, and henceforth their researches were pursued in common ; and some years later resulted in the discovery of this branch of the art since known as the Daguerreotype. In 1833, M. Niepce died, having communicated all his dis- 12 TALBOTYPE DISCOVERY. coveries to M. Daguerre, and, in 1839, that gentleman, with a most laudable abnega- tion of self, communicated his discoveries to the public. Fox Talbot's Discovery.— About the same time Mr. Fox Talbot, stimulated, no doubt, by the patriotic example of M. Daguerre, published the calotype process, thus giving birth to a new branch of the art. That gentleman, it appears, had been carrying on his experiments for five years previously, in perfect ignorance of what Daguerre and others were doing, and had aimed at a method by which the sensitiveness of the salts of silver was increased to a marvellous degree. I cannot do better than give an extract from his own communica- tion. After saying how marvellous it seems that, in a few minutes, a picture is produced, displaying the thousand florets of an Agrostis, with all its capillary branchlets, and so accurately delineated, that not one is without its little bivalve calyx, requiring to be examined through a lens, he proceeds : — " And, again, to give some more definite idea of the rapidity of the process, I will state that, after various trials, the nearest valuation which I could make of the time necessary for obtaining the picture of an object, so as to have pretty distinct outlines when I employed the full sunshine, was half a second." He was then speaking of the paper used in the solar microscope. Mr. Fox Talbot also published an account of his first pJiotogenic experiments (for this term was first introduced by that gentleman), and I shall again make use of extracts from it, as they will better convey an idea of his discoveries and their importance than any words of mine : — "In order to make what may be called ordinary photogenic paper," he says, "I select paper of a good firm quality and smooth surface. I do not know that anything answers better than superfine writing-paper. I dip it into a weak solution of common salt, and wipe it dry, by which the salt is uniformly distributed throughout its sub- stance. I then spread a solution of nitrate of silver on one surface only, and dry it at the fire. The solution should not be saturated, but six or eight times diluted with water. When dry, the paper is fit for use. " I have found, by experiment, that there is a certain proportion between the quantity of salt and that of the solution of silver which answers best, and gives the maximum efiect. If the strength of the salt is augmented beyond this point, the eifect diminishes, and, in certain cases, becomes exceedingly small. " This paper, if properly made, is useful for all photogenic purposes. For example, nothing can be more perfect than the images it gives of leaves and flowers, especially with a summer sun,— the light, passing through the leaves, delineates every ramifica- tion of their nerves. " Now, suppose we take a sheet of paper thus prepared, and wash it with a saturated solution of salt, and then dry it. We shall find (especially if the paper is kept some weeks before the trial is made) that its sensibility is greatly diminished, and, in some cases, seems quite extinct. But if it is again washed with a liberal quan- tity of the solution of silver, it becomes again sensible to the light, and even more so than it was at first. In this way, by alternately washing the paper with salt and silver, and drying it between times, I have succeeded in increasing its sensibility to the degree that is requisite for receiving the images of the camera obscura. " In conducting this operation, it will be found that the results are sometimes more and sometimes less satisfactory, in consequence of small and accidental variations in the PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 13 proportions employed. It happens sometimes that the chloride of silver is disposed to darken of itself without any exposure to light ; this shows that the attempt to give it sensibility has been carried too far. The object is to approach, as near as possible, to this condition, without reaching it, so that the substance may be in a state ready to yield to the slightest extraneous force, such as the feeble impact of the violet rays when much attenuated. Having, therefore, prepared a number of sheets of paper with chemical proportions slightly different from one another, let a piece be cut from each, and, having been duly marked or numbered, let them be placed, side by side, in a very weak diffused light for a quarter of an hour. Then, if any one of them, as frequently happens, exhibits a marked advantage over its competitors, I select the paper which bears the corresponding number to be placed in the camera obscura." CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. General Remarks.— The wonderful discoveries announced by M. Daguerre and Niepce, and Mr. Fox Talbot, produced a host of followers, who have brought them to the highest perfection. M. Claudet, one of the earliest, discovered a mode of taking objects by subjecting the plate to vapour of chloride of iodine. Messrs. Fizeau, Caudin, and Leon Foucault, by the aid of divers preparations of bromine, obtained impressions with great rapidity ; and, in 1840, M. Fizeau succeeded in fixing the image by means of chloride of gold. Having thus introduced the subject in the words of the respective authors, and given a brief history of subsequent discoveries, I shall now, previous to going into the manipulating branches of the science, devote some little space to the chemical agents which we shall use, and recommend the reader to make himself as much acquainted with their nature and photographic properties as possible ; for I can assure him that if he does not do so, the time spent on the study of the science wiU be almost thrown away. The first of the photographic chemicals which will come under our notice, taking them alphabetically, wiU be — Acetic Acid.— The strongest acetic acid, named "Glacial," and sometimes "con- centrated acetic acid," from its property of becoming solid at low temperatures, contains only about one-sixtieth of its bulk of water. The crystals melt, at about 50", into a pungent limpid liquid, with a smell resembling strong vinegar, of which, in fact, it is the base ; the distilled vinegar of the shops being acetic acid diluted with from 5 to 7 parts of water. It is often contaminated with a trace of sulphuric acid, which may be detected by the addition of a little chloride of barium, when, if any sulphuric acid be present, we obtain a white precipitate. Acetic acid is of the greatest use in all the photographic processes which require development, as it governs or checks the action of pyrogallic and gallic acids, and the sulphate of iron on the salts of silver undergoing decomposition ; it preserves the whites or parts of the picture not acted on by light ; it also keeps the picture clean by prevent- ing any decomposition, except that caused by the light. I may add, that tartaric and formic acids are sometimes used for the same purpose, but I am inclined to give the preference to the acetic acid. Acetic acid is also the best acid for correcting the alkalinity of the nitrate of silver bath, which will be explained at length as we proceed. 14 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. Albumen, or white of egg, is Tory much used ia preparing the surface of paper for positive printing. It is thoroughly beaten up with water and salt, the action of the nitrate of silver partly coagulates the albumen, and in turn is converted into chloride of sodium by an excess of nitrate of silver— a combination extremely favour- able to the production of a picture by the action of light. Albumen, containing small quantities of sulphur and phosphorus, gradually discolours the solution of nitrate of silver used for exciting or making sensitive. This discolouration may be easily re- moved by scraping some pipe-clay into the solution, stirring it up, and'allowing it to remain for a day or two, and then filtering carefully. Albumen cannot be used with ammonia nitrate of silver, as the alkaline action of the ammonia would prevent coagulation in the albumen, and cause its separation from the paper. ^foo^o^.— Alcohol must not be confounded with " spirits of wine," as the latter contains a considerable quanti:y of water, which would prove almost fatal to the col- ■ lodion process, causing a precipitate of the cotton and a separation from the ether : a proof of this may be seen at once n a collodion picture that has been taken with a collodion containing much water in the alcohol. Upon drying it, and viewing it by transmitted light, you will at once perceive that it has a c/rain something similar to fine muslifi, so that it is of the greatest consequence to obtain the alcohol as free from water as possible. To do so it will be best to mix quick lime, powdered, and alcohol together in equal weights, by distilling both together ; the alcohol will come over pure, leaving the water with the lime, for which it has a great affinity. Ammonia is, or ought to be, only used photographically for the purpose of making ammonia nitrate of silver; for which process see Sike>\ It should be kept in a stop- pered bottle, as it rapidly absorbs carbonic acid from the air, which converts it into carbonate of ammonia. Bichloride of ALerciiry, or corrosive sublimate, is a highly poisonous salt, very sparingly soluble in water, unless free hydrochloric acid be present. It is used for the purpose of improving glass pictures— of which more anon— and for removing the yellow- ness sometimes caused in the lights of a print, when the gold colouring bath is used. Bromine.— This is a deep reddish-brown liquid, fuming strongly at common temperatures, and highly suffocating. It exists in sea-water combined with magnesium, and is closely analogous to chlorine and iodine, having stronger affinities than the latter and weaker than the former ; that is to say, bromine would displace iodine, and chlorine would displace bromine. It is sparingly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, more so in ether. Bromide of Potassium is a mixture of bromine and caustic potash, heated to red- ness to drive off the oxygen from the hromate of potash, the latter becoming bromide of potassium on the loss of its oxygen. It is used for the formation of bromide of silver (see Silver). Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas, of a pungent and suffocating odour. As has been remarked, closely analogous to the other two of the group, bromine and iodine, the gas has a density of two and a half times heavier than air. It is found abun- dantly in nature in combination with sodium, in solution in sea-water and rock- salt ; and is very useful in the arts for its bleaching properties. It has such a strong affinity for hydrogen that it absorbs it greedily, thus breaking up the structure of the organic substance, the latter being bleached by destroying its colour. It can be always discovered, either free or in combination, by a solution of nitrate of silver, with which it forms a white precipitate (chloride of silver). PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 15 Chloride of Sodium, or common table salt, is very useful to the photograplier, as it bears the same relation to the positive printing that iodides and bromides do to the negative. Its sources are inexhaustible, being found in large quantities m the ocean as a solution, in the earth as a solid. It is a combination of chlorine and sodium. It fuses without decomposition at a dull red heat ; but if the heat be pushed too far it sublimes, and the melted salt on cooling becomes a hard white concrete mass. It is sparingly soluble in weak alcohol, but nearly insoluble in absolute alcohol ; it is soluble in three times its weight of water, and crystallizes in cubes which are anhy- drous (without water). As chloride of sodium is often contaminated with chlorides of magnesium and calcium, also sulphate of soda, it is best if you can obtain it pure. You must do so by neutralizing hydrochloric acid (spirits of salt) by carbonate of soda. As has been already noticed, it is a very important salt in photography, being used most extensively in the preparation of positive-paper. Chloride of Ammonia, or muriate of ammonia, is a soluble salt formed by the com- bination of chlorine and ammonia. It contains more chlorine than an equal weight of chloride of sodium, and may be used instead of that salt in the preparation of positive printing paper. Chloride of Silver, formed by a combination of chlorine with a solution of nitrate of silver (see Silver). Chloride of Gold.— Take three parts nitro- muriatic acid, put it into a cup, and drop a piece of pure gold into it one-third its weight ; let it evaporate until chlorine vapour is disengaged, then let it crystallize. An impurity sometimes found in the iodide of potassium (which see). Chloride of Fotassium.-When there is much carbonate of potash in the iodide, it may bs recognised by the crystals being very small and deliquescent (becoming moist when exposed to the air). The carbonate of potash is strongly alkaline to test-paper, and not very soluble in alcohol ; indeed it is a question if it is' at all soluble in absolute alcohol, but it is soluble in some degree in the weaker alcohols, to which it communi- cates an alkaline reaction. The next impurity which comes under our notice is the sulphate of potash. This salt is decidedly not soluble in absolute alcohol, and the iodide of potassium may be freed from it by being dissolved in very strong alcohol. The presence of the sulphate of potash may be detected thus : —Make a solution of chloride of barium, and add a little to a solu- tion of iodide of potassium ; a slight milkiness need not be noticed, but if a decided white precipitate fall down, then you must either reject the iodide of potassium, or dissolve it in the strongest alcohol, when the sulphate being insoluble will remain undissolved. We have now to consider the chloride of potassium. The presence of this salt is not so easily ascertained as either of the others ; indeed it is rather difficult, and to discover an alkaline chloride in the iodide of potassium you must proceed thus :— Make a solution of the iodide suspected, and make a solution of nitrate of silver of the same strength, say twenty grains of each to one ounce of distilled water, mix and add to the iodide of silver a little liquor ammonia ; if any chloride of silver (or chloride of potassium, which would form a chloride of silver) be present, it will dissolve in the ammonia, and after filtration may be precipitated by the addition of pure nitric acid ; the iodide of silver must be well washed previous to the addition of the nitric acid, for as the latter often contains traces of chlorine, the presence of any free nitrate of silver, by combining with the chlorine on neutralizing, would very likely cause an error ; it is of great im- PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. portance that the iodide of potassium should be pure, as otherwise it may cause a great deal of trouble ; it would not matter so much if the nature of the impurity were known, as in that case we could take steps to counteract its influence. Cyanide of Potassium is a highlij poisonous salt, formed by the combination of cyanogen gas and potassium. It generally contains a large per centage of potash, from which it may be freed by boiling in alcohol, which on cooling deposits it in crystals. It has a strong smell of prussic acid, and is freely soluble in water. It dissolves iodide of silver, and is used for that purpose in clearing away all the unaltered iodide of silver from the negative (a positive if on glass). It also removes the stains of nitrate of silver from the skin or linen. When using it on the fingers, be careful that it does not get into any cuts or sores, as it is almost as poisonous as prussic acid itself. Ether is a highly volatile, inflammable spirit, obtained by distilling alcohol with sulphuric acid ; the latter in its re-action removes one atom of water, and by so doing converts one atom of alcohol into one of ether. There are three kinds of ether sold in the shops— ordinary rectified ether, washed ether, and washed and re-rectified ether. Ether is a most important photographic chemical, being the sohentof "gun cotton," with which it forms collodion ; and it is very necessary that it should be pure. It should not have an acid re-action with test-paper ; it should not turn an alcoholic sohition of iodide of potassium rapidly brown ; it should not have a high specific { gravity from' too much alcohol or water ; and it should be free from any smell of ' essential oils or of acetic ether. Provided ether be free from these defects, it matters I very little which ether be used ; if the ordinary rectified ether be pure, it will be the most economical. I shall treat this subject more fully when speaking of collodion. Formic Acid is a fuming liquid with a pungent odour ; it reduces the oxides of ■ gold, silver, and mercury to the metallic state, and is itself oxidized into carbonic acid, j The alkaline formiates possess the same properties. It is rather difficult to determine I the strength of the commercial formic acid, it being always more or less dilute. It may be obtained in its full strength by distilling formiate of soda with sulphuric acid, ' It inflames the skin in the same manner as the sting of an ant, from which it gets ■ its name, being originally discovered in the red ant {formica rufa), but is now pre- pared on a large scale by distilling starch with binoxide of manganese and sulphuric acid. I Gallic Acid.—This. is obtained from gall-nuts, of which the best kind come from i Turkey, being called " Aleppo galls." The galls are exposed, after being powdered, to the action of the air for a long time— five or six weeks. The mass must be kept moist during the operation by the addition of a little water from time to time. Thus the gallic acid is gradually formed from the tannic acid first produced, the gallic acid crystallizes in long, needle-like, silky crystals, having an astringent taste, taking about 100 times their weight of cold water to dissolve them ; though, when boiling, three times will be enough. They can be easily purified and separated from the mass by boiling up in water, filtering the mixture while hot, and setting aside to cool ; the gallic acid will crystallize on cooling. Gallic acid is but feebly acid, and is a very important agent inreducing the silver in the Talbotype process. Although not strictly in its alphabetical order, I shall now introduce a substance of great importance, produced by the action of heat on the gallic acid. Fyrogallic Acid.— At a. tem^^xnXurc of about 410" Fah., gallic acid is decomposed, I and a white sublimate forms, which condenses in lamellar-crystals. Unlike gallic acid, j the new substance is exceedingly soluble in water, and is of the greatest importance in PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 17 the development of collodiou negatives, from the avidity with which it absorbs oxygen. Although termed an acid, it is perfectly neutral. Gelatine. — This is an organic substance, obtained by boiling bones, horns, hoofs, calves' feet, or similar animal refuse, into a jelly, which, in the mass, is termed " ske ;" or, when dried and cut into slices, " glue." Isinglass is a similar substance, obtained from the air-bladders of a species of sturgeon, and heretofore has been prepared chiefly in Russia, Gelatine softens and swells in cold water, but scarcely dissolves until the water be heated ; on cooling, it forms a tremulous jelly. An ounce of water will dissolve, when hot, about three grains without gelatinizing on cooling. It is somewhat analogous to albumen, but does not form any compound with the oxide of silver, as the latter does ; hence its different action. Gold. — Chloride of Gold when in solution is a bright yellow colour when diluted, but a deep red when concentrated. In the solid state it is a red deliquescent mass, without any apparent regular formation ; and, although chemically neutral, it is acid to test- paper. Its chief use in photography is the property it possesses of blackening the shadows of a positive print, which it does to a wonderful extent. It is easily decomposed by sulphurous acid, charcoal, and many of the vegetable acids ; also by protosulphate and protonitrate of iron. The addition of ammonia to perchloi'ide of gold forms the dangerous compound ^^fulminating gold." Hyposulphite of gold, or Sel d'Or, is a double hyposulphite of gold and soda, and is formed by the reaction of hyposxJpbite of soda on chloride of gold. It is very valuable in colouring positives on paper, and is very easily decomposed. It will be more fully noticed under the head of " The Colour- ing Bath." Z Hydrochloric Acid is a volatile gas, exceedingly soluble in water, forming the hydro- chloric or muriatic acid of commerce, which contains from thirty to forty per cent, of gas. It is used in the formation of chloride of gold, in combination with nitric acid, and /or producing the yeUow perchloride of iron. Hydrosulphate of Ammonia is formed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen gas through ammonia. It is used for the purpose of separating silver from hyposulphite of soda, to darken negatives, and for testing solutions for silver, &c. Hyposulphite of Soda, and the hyposulphates of gold and silver, wiUbe fully described under the head, " The Colouring Bath." Iodide of Fotassium. — This salt, as the reader already knows, and I think there can be no objection to these facts being often repeated, is one of the salts chiefly used for the production of iodide of silver. Iodide of potassium is generally mado by dissolving iodine in solution of potash until it acquires a slightly brown colour. This solution contains not only iodide of potassium, but iodate of potash, which may be got rid of by evaporation and heating the residue to redness, when the iodate parts with its oxygen and is converted into iodide of potassium. Iodide of potassium has the following properties : — It forms white cubic and pris- matic crystals, which should be hard, and scarcely, if at all, deliquescent ; it is soluble in less than its own weight of water ; alcohol will dissolve from two to eight grains to the drachm, according to its strength— the stronger the alcohol the less it will dissolve ; ether will not dissolve it at all. Iodide of potassium as sold in the shops is nearly always slightly impure from the presence of carbonate and sulphate of potash. Litmus Paper. — This is of the greatest use to the photographer, as it enables him to teU almost at once whether his solutions are acid or alkaline. It is made by soaking 18 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. porous paper in a solution of litmus, digested in hot water ; the paper when dry ia quite blue, but in the presence of any acid becomes red, which changes back again to blue when brought in contact with an alkali ; the red litmus paper is made by dipping the blue paper in water containing one or two drops of sulphuric acid to the pint. Litmus is a vegetable substance procured from various lichens which grow on rocks near the sea. Protosiilphate of Iron is the green copperas of commerce. It dissolves in about its own weight of water, and when in solution it is used as a developer for positives on glass ; it improves by use and exposure to the air, and is extensively used by photo- graphers. Protonitrate of Jrow.— This is another salt of iron, used for the development of positives on glass; but has nothing to recommend it for use in preference to the protosulphate. Nitric Acid is much used in the preparation of pyroxylin e, for which purpose it ought to be of the strongest possible description. It is often contaminated with chlorine or sulphuric acid ; the presence of chlorine may be detected by diluting the acid with an equal bulk of distilled tvater, and then adding a few drops of nitrate of silver solution — a milkiness (chloride of silver in suspension) denotes the presence of chlorine. Sulphm-ic acid may be detected by the addition of a little chloride of barium, which, with the sulphuric acid, will form an insoluble precipitate of sulphate of baryta. Nitrate of Potash, or saltpetre, is a very abundant natural product. It often con- tains a large proportion of chloride of potassium, which may be detected by dissolving a ^rnall portion, and adding a few drops of nitrate of silver ; when, if the chloride of potassium be present, the never-failing chloride of silver will be formed. Nitrate of Lead is made by dissolving the metal, or its oxide, in excess of niti-ic acid diluted with two parts of water. It forms, with sulphuric acid or soluble sul- phates, an insoluble sulphate of lead. Silver Solutions. — Silver and its different solutions are all-important to the photographist. Nitrate of Silver. — Nitrate of silver, or, more correctly speaking, nitrate of the oxide of silver, is made by dissolving pure silver in nitric acid (aqua fortis), which parts with oxygen to the silver, forming an oxide of silver, and that in turn becomes dissolved by another portion of the nitric acid. Nitrate of silver crystallizes in white scales. When the solution has been boiled down nearly to dryness, the crystals have a bitter metallic taste, and are very soluble in water, which will dissolve about its own weight. The nitrate used for photographic purposes should be dissolved in distilled water and re-ciystallized, so as to be deprived of all traces of the nitric acid. A solution of nitrate of silver in distilled water is scarcely, if at all, affected by light, unless it be brought in contact with organic matter, when it becomes speedily decom- posed, and thus it becomes so useful in photography ; for if we wash a sheet of paper over with a solution of the nitrate of silver, and place on its surface any opaque figure, such as a coin, a leaf of a tree, or, what is better, a piece of black network, pressed to the surface by a sheet of glass, we shall, by exposure to the rays of the sun for a few minutes, obtain a correct copy of the figure ; but with reversed effects, the parts uncovered being black, the parts covered remaining white. We thus form what we call a negative picture ; for example— If we take three letters cut out of cardboard (Fig. 1), and place them on a piece of paper washed with a solution of nitrate of silver, press them close by means of a sheet of glass, and expose it to the sun's rays for SILVER SOLUTIONS. 19 five or six minutes, we shall obtain a picture similar to Fig. 2, and this also is the process by which the portrait at the head of this Treatise was obtained by a very able HXY Fig. 1. Fig. 2. experimentalist. The negative was obtained by the usual Talbotype process, and the positive by placing the negative upon the prepared wood. Now it is very obvious that, by removing the nitrate of silver from the white parts of the paper, and thus protecting them from any further action of light, we can, by repeating the experiment and using the negative just obtained, instead of the card- board letters, obtain a perfect copy of the latter. This is the principle of photographic Beproduction — Having once produced a negative, whether in the camera or by contact, the number of copies that may be obtained from it are almost without limit. Nitrate of silver, when melted in a crucible, and cast into moulds giving it a shape resembling pieces of pipe stems, becomes the lunar caustic used in surgery ; but this is scarcely pure enough for photographic purposes. It will be always better for the amateur to procure the white re-crystallized nitrate. If the nitrate obtained from the chemist or otherwise exhibit traces of nitric acid, the latter may be got rid of by heating the crystals carefully to some few degrees above boiling water for a short time. This must be done in a glass or porcelain vessel, as almost every metal has the property of decomposing the nitrate. So loosely is it combined with the oxygen that even light, as I have already shown, reduces it. If you take a solution of nitrate of silver, no matter what is the strength, and immerse in it a clean strip of copper, brass, iron, zinc, tin, or any other of the base metals, you will at once see that an action com- mences, the silver being thrown down as a metallic powder, and the other metal becomes dissolved ; in. other words, the silver has so slight an affinity (or liking) for oxygen, that the slightest force is able to separate them. This gives us another reason why silver is so very useful in photography. tialts of Silver. — We can very easily obtain a great many salts of silver by double decomposition. I shall explain the meaning of double decomposition by a simple ex- periment, and one also that is essentially photographic : — Take nitrate of silver, 30 grains ; distilled, or boiled rain water, 1 ounce (when the nitrate is dissolved take in another measure) ; common salt (chloride of sodium), 10 grains ; water, not necessary to be distilled, 1 ounce. Now, if we pour the common salt solution into the silver one, we obtain dnectly a white curdy precipitate, perfectly insoluble even in boiling water or nitric acid. This is chloride of silver, or a mixture of metallic silver and chlorine. The double decomposition takes place thus : — Nitrate of silver Common salt. C Nitric acid \ Silver — 5 Chlorine — Sodium — • Chloride of silver Nitrate of Soda. The chlorine, having a strong affinity for the silver, joins it; and t'le nitric acid being 20 SILVER SOLUTIONS. set free, very good-humouredly goes over to the sodium. "We thus obtain one of the most important salts used in photographic printing. Expose the white powder to the light after washing it several times in fresh water, an operation easily performed because of its insolubility ; and you will observe that it darkens all over, and presently becomes black. But do not for a moment suppose that it has blackened all through. No ; the smallest possible quantity of the surface only has been acted on, the thinnest possible layer only blackened ; remove the upper surface in the slightest degree, and you will find the part underneath perfectly white. Bear this fact in mind, as I shall have to refer to it more fully on another occasion. Iodide of Silver. — This is produced in a similar way to the cbloride, with the ex- ception that we here use iodide of potassium, which by double decomposition, as before, produces — Nitrate of silver . . | ™^ ZZI" ^--^ Mtrate Iodide of silver. J> of Iodide of potassium |p°tassWlI— -^^^ potassium. When the two solutions are mixed in the following proportions: — Nitrate of silver, 20 grains ; distilled water, 1 ounce ;— iodide of potassium, 20 grains ; water, 1 ounce — a copious yellow precipitate is produced, which, like the chloride, is insoluble in water and nitric acid. This salt, when perfectly pure, is not changed by the action of light ; but if any excess of nitrate of silver be present, it becomes decomposed. The decomposition, in this ease, has the property of proceeding onwards to blackness by the agency of the numerous developing solutions that we use, and that after the decomposition has once commenced. In this salt and the bromide of silver, being nearly alike in their nature, we observe the base of all the solutions for papers used in the camera. * Bromide of Silver. — This salt is produced in the same manner as the iodide, using bromide of potassium instead of the iodide. If you use any bromide or iodide, such as the iodide of tin, iron, zinc, mercury, cadmium, sodium, &c., you will obtain the same result, the oxygen going to the metal, the iodide or bromine going to the silver. In photographic experiments, however produced, the iodide of silver and the bromide of silver are always the same when in the solid or crystalline state. The iodide of potassium, and the bromide also, have the power of dissolving the iodide or bromide of silver when added in sufiicient quantities, a property of which we avail ourselves for the formation of iodized and brominized papers, to be explained more fully hereafter. Acetate of Silver. — The acetate of silver will be found very useful in correcting a new nitrate of sUver bath for collodion negatives, and may be made thus : — Neutralize one ounce of acetic acid by adding sufficient carbonate of soda, and add it to one ounce of distilled water, containing about 100 grains of nitrate of silver in solution. The action is thus represented : — Nitrate of ( Nitric acid - silver solution. I Silver \- ^^■"-^...^^^ Nitrate "^Acetate of silver of Neutralized /Acetic acid ^ ^-"'^ soda. acetic acid. \ Soda ■ Hyposulphite of Silver. — This salt is formed by the action of hyposulphite of soda RECOVERING SILVER IN SOLUTIONS. 21 on nitrate of chloride of sUver, and will be more fully treated under tlie head of Colouring Baths. It is very soluble in an excess of hyposulphite of soda, and its chief photographic use is in connection with that salt, to impart those rich brown or purple tints so much admired in finished photographs. Ammonia Nitrate of Silver. — This is one of the most useful and important compound salts of silver ; it is extensively used in printing, and may be made thus :— Dissolve in one ounce" of distilled water fifty grains of nitrate of silver, and then add, drop by drop, liquor ammonia until the brown precipitate first formed is gradually redissolved ; when filtered it should be put away in a dark bottle and kept from the light. On the Means of Recovering Silver from Old Solutions. — This may be done in various ways. One of the most simple of the many is to insert a strip of clean zinc or copper in the solution of silver, and let it remain until the silver is all thrown down ; but old hyposulphite of soda solution, containing silver, must be treated in a diiferent manner. To recover silver from the latter, it will be necessary to pass a stream of sul- phuretted hydrogen through the solution, or to add a sufiicient quantity of hydrosul- phuret of ammonia to precipitate the silver, which will be thrown down as a sulphuret in either case. The first is the most troublesome, but by far the cheapest method. To make and pass the sulphuretted hydrogen gas you will proceed thus :— Get a large bottle, to which fit a piece of gutta pcrcha tube bent thus (Fig. 3), which miist fit in the neck or mouth of the bottle air tight, then put into the bottle about a quarter of a pound of sulphuret of iron, and about three-quarters of the contents of the bottle of water, to which has been added an eighth part of sul- phuric acid (oil of vitriol), place the gutta-percha tube in its place, and the other end must go in the solution of hyposulphite of soda and silver, touch- ing the bottom of the vessel ; the sul- Fig. 3. phuretted hydrogen escaping up through the liquid decomposes its parts, and throws down the silver, the latter, as I have said, becoming a sulphuret of silver. A represents the bottle, B the vessel containing the hyposulphite-solution, C C the gutta-percha tube, D the solution of water and sul- phuric acid, E the solution of hyposulphite of soda and silver, F the bubbles of sulphu- retted hydrogen, and G the sulphuret of iron. The action must be continued until all the silver is thrown down, which may be ascertained by adding a little hydrosulphuret of ammonia, or by agitating the solution and smelling it ; in the former case, if any silver remain there will be a black precipitate, and, in the latter, if the smell of the sulphu- retted hydrogen be very strong from the liquid, it is a proof that all the silver has been thrown down. It may be as well to state hero that the fumes, or gas, of the sulphu- retted hydrogen is very poisonous when in a concentrated state, and, therefore, the operation should be carried on out of doors. The hyposulphite solution should be frequently stirred. "When all the silver is thrown down, it must he collected and washed on a filter by pouring water through it until the latter passes through quite clear, and will not give 22 UECOVERING SILVER IN SOLUTIONS. a precipitate with a few drops of nitrate of silver solution ; the black mass remaining may now be boiled up with nitric acid one part, water two ; when all the red fumes cease to be evolved, the solution is to be dilated with water and filtered to get rid of any insoluble matter, which principally consists of sulphur with perhaps a small portion of chloride of silver and sulphuret ; if the nitric acid contains any trace of chlorine, or if the insoluble portion be large in quantity, you may heat it pretty strongly ^ on a piece of iron plate to get rid of the sulphur, and dissolve the remaining "portion in : a strong solution of hyposulphite of soda, and add it to the colouring hypo-bath. The solution that has been passed through the fiHer will be a solution of silver in nitric acid, or nitrate of silver, but will not be pure enough for photographic use ; it will be better to convert it into chloride of silver by adding a solution of common salt, and : washing the precipitate two or three times. The chloride, or sulphuret of silver may ; be converted to metallic silver by fusing it in a crucible with twice its weight of car-- ' bonate of potash, or a mixture of carbonate of potash and soda. When the heat has i been carried on sufficiently, the whole flux may be poured out of the crucible, or | the crucible and its contents may be allowed to cool, when the silver, a beautifully bright button, will be found at the bottom. On the Means of Converting Chloride into Nitrate of Silver. — As we already know that nitric acid, even when boiling, will not act on the chloride of silver, we must go a little round to bring the two together, and the best method of obtaining that important result will be as follows :— After well washing the chloride, pour it out into a flat dish, in which place a bar of metallic zinc in contact with the chloride, a small quantity of oil of vitriol diluted with four parts of water is then added, until a slight effervescence is seen to take place. The dish must then be set aside for two or three days, and must not be disturbed in any manner. The reduction commences with the chloride imme- diately in contact with the zinc, and afterwards radiates in all directions. When the ; whole mass has become of a gray colour, the bar of zinc is to be carefully removed and the adhering silver washed off with a small stream of water. In order to insure the i purity of the silver, a fresh addition of oil of vitriol must be made after the zinc has been removed, in order to dissolve any fragments of metallic zinc which may have become detached by accident, and after the digestion has been continued for a few hours, the gray powder is to be washed several times with water, until the water which runs off will not give a precipitate with carbonate of soda ; it may then be converted into nitrate of silver by boiling with nitric acid one part, water two, and evaporated to crystals. The above formula is not so expensive or troublesome as the fusing with i carbonate of potash. Bear in mind, that you must pour the oil of vitriol into the ' water, and the vessel in which they are mixed must be such as will stand heat. . ; Oxide of Silver is an olive brown powder obtained by adding potash to nitrate of silver. It is soluble in hyposulphite of soda, cyanide of potassium, ammonia, and nitrate of ammonia. Sulphuric Acid, or oil of vitriol, is an acid possessing intense chemical powers, and readily displaces the greater number of acids from their salts ; it clears organic sub- stances by depriving them of water, and converts alcohol into ether by the same means, and is one of the elements used for the production of gun-cotton. Its action in the latter case will be more fully explained further on. Tetrathionic Acid.— {See " Colouring Bath.") OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 23 ON THE OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Action of Light.— Having, for the present, finished the necessary remarks on Photographic Chemiatry, I shall proceed to explain the optical and actinical (or chemical decomposing ray power) action of light on surfaces prepared photogra- phically ; and I may remark, en passant, that, but for our knowledge of the chemical action of light through glass, all our chemical knowledge of the theory of photo- graphy would be perfectly useless ; we could no more obtain a perfect copy of a tree, a house, or a hay-stack, than we could fly — this being another proof, if such be necessary, of how dependent one branch of science is on another. Light, the agent by which we are enabled to depict nature or art with an accuracy that bafiles the most experienced artist, is derived from the sun. True it is that there are other sources of light ; but at present we have nothing to do with them — we must confine our attention to solar light, and the chemical change it produces. This glorious light, which " "Was given to quicken slumbering nature, And lead the seasons' slow vicissitudes Over the fertile breast of mother earth," now pours forth its beams, and in a sense not dreamed of by the poet, dispenses " Life and light on every side ; Brightening the mountain cataract, dimly spied." And yet how little do we know of the nature of a sunbeam. A solar beam of light is a bundle of rays, a ray being the smallest portion of light which can emanate from a luminous body. Each of these rays possesses distinctive characters, both as regards their chemical functions and colours. Sir Isaac Newton proved that the white light emitted from the sun is not so simple as it appears, but is composed of vivid coloiirs and tints which we may prove to our own satisfaction, by performing the beautiful experiment called " New- ton's Analysis of Light," being a prism (Fig. 4), or triangular mass of glass, which is so contrived that it may be adjusted to any angle, or placed in any required position. The shutters of the room being closed, we may admit a ray of light either by boring a hole in the shutters or separating them a little. The ray of light A E (Fig. 4), being admitted into the darkened room by means of a hole A in the shutter. It will be seen that the space between the shutter and the spectator is traversed by the sunbeam or ray of light, which appears to cause little particles of dust to dance in the atmosphere of the room. This appearance, however is owing to the illuminating power of the sunbeam contrasting with the other darkened or non-illuminated space in the room, which renders the small particles of dust floating in the air visible. As soon as the prism B C (Fig. 4) is placed in the path of the sunbeam, so as to allow it to fall on one of its angles B, the ray will be refracted, or bent out of its course, so as to pass towards the back of the prism (as in the line D), and not in the same line A E that it would otherwise have D Fig. 4. 24 NATURE OF LIGHT. done, had not tlie prism been interposed. Another eifect also takes place : an. elon- gated delicately-coloured image is formed upon the wall D E ; and if you stand at a short distance from the prism you wiU see that these colours are spread out in a triangular form, the base of which is on the wall, and the apex, or point of origin, at the back C of the prism, Eemove the prism, and it is seen that the splendid dis- play of colours upon the wall has disappeared, and a round spot of white ligbt E is seen below the place occupied by the solar spectrum. Th e coloured image upon the wall is called the prismatic or solar spectrum, which, according to Sir Isaac Newton, is composed of seven different colours (Fig. 5). The colour at the lower portion of the image, or that nearest to the round white spot E on the wall when the prism was removed is of a red colour, and the one at the other end is of a violet colour ; the whole intermediate parts being occupied by five other colours, and the whole arranged accord- ing to the table exhibited below, the proportion of tfach colour having been measured by Fraunhofer with the greatest care, with the results placed opposite to each corresponding with the 360 degrees of a circle, the red ray being the least, and the violet the most refracted of this chromatic image :— Top. Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Red Bottom. 109 47 48 46 27 27 56 360 Since Newton's time, various experiments have been instituted and other rays detected ; for instance, a crimson or extreme red ray has been discovered below the red ray, by examining the solar spectrum through a deep blue glass ; and Sir John Herschel observed a lavender beyond the violet ray, by throwing the spectrum upon a piece of yellow paper. Mr. Stokes has also proved the existence of an extra spectral ray far beyond the violet ; but, as we have remarked before, our consideration of light does not extend beyond its practical use to photographers. Sir Isaac Newton was of opinion that white light was composed of seven primary rays, each possessed of a certain degree of refrangibility, or capability of being turned out of its natural course ; and he also considered that the colour of a ray indicated its angle of refraction. Sir David Brewster has demonstrated that the seven primary colours, as Sir Isaac Newton called the rays of the solar spectrum, are not primary, but that only three ^• of them are so— viz., blue, yellow, and red ; the rest are compounds of the three primary colours, which form the spectrum by overlapping each other ; and these are explained in the annexed diagram (Fig. 6). THE SOLAR SPECTRUM. £5 Such are a few of the phenomena relating to light regarded hy the philosphers : its application to photography are as follows :— Of the real nature cf the rays, which form the sunbeam, little is known. The theory of Newton consisted in supposing the ray of light was produced by the emission of minute particles of matter travelling at an enormous velocity from a luminous body, and, when these minute particles impinged on any body, they were either thrown back, reflected, or absorbed, according to the surface on which they fell. These particles entering the human eye, produce the sensation of light on the retina which sensation is conveyed through the optic nerve to the brain. ' The theory of the celebrated Huygens pre-supposes that the space beyond our atmosphere, and the interstices between the molecules, or ultimate atoms of all bodies are filled with an imponderable ether, and that Ught is produced by the oscillation or vibration of this ether, which undulation is set up by some self-luminous body-of course, the sun. Another theory may here be mentioned, although but very slenderly supported— namely, that set forth by Oersted, who considered that light was the effect of a rapid succession of minute electrical discharges taking place between a luminous body and the eye. Leaving these theories, however, to the philosopher, let us see how they afltect the photographer. The sunbeam-the ray of white light-contains powers within it of which the earlier phUosophers had but a faint idea; besides its accompanying heat, there is a principle associated intimately with it, which has the power of decomposing and of determining the recomposition of chemical compounds. This principle has been already alluded to-it IS " Actinism," and is as perfectly distinct in the nature of its properties, from light, as light is from the principle of heat, with which it is also closely connected Actinism may then be considered [as the fundamental principle on which photo- graphy is based ; and we would wish, before entering on a description of the various methods of obtainmg sun pictures, to draw a broad distinction between light and actinism, more especially as many apparent difficulties present themselves, and seem almost insurmountable until tried by the principle we are about to lay down. From what has been said, it will be supposed that what we consider light exerts a decided influence over certain chemical salts having a metallic base ; but it now becomes necessary to show that light does no such thing-it is not light, but a compo- nant part of light which exerts this influence. In order to explain this seeming anomaly, let us consider the subject a little more carefully. A ray of white light consists of the three primitive colours-blue, yellow, and red ; and their combinations forming the following :-Violet, indigo, blae, green, yellow, orange, red; these colours and shades being produced by the decomposition of white light by means of a prism. Of these shades, the violet has the greatest reducing or decomposing power. . By this, I mean that the violet part of the decomposed portion of light exerts the most powerful influences on the unstable metaDic salts, reducing them to their bases. ^ This action is the actinic of the photographers ; and the study of the action Itself may be properly designated as actinic-chemistry. Every beam of lio-ht which we receive from the sun is composed of the three primary colours ; these blencHng one with the other, form shades or tnixtures of the three ; thus we get four shades independent of the primitive colours, viz., indigo from blue and violet, green from blue and yellow, orange from yellow and red. It may be asked, where does the violet come from It is easily accounted for 26 ACTINIC CHEMISTRY. l^s-if we decompose a Single ray of white ligM, get the following component parts by means of the prism : — Violet. Fig. 7, Now, if we decompose another ray, just below the above, we get the same parts reproduced, thus-violet comes first, or next the red, and is evidently produced by the mixture of red and blue (the next primary colour), or, more properly speaking, by the mixture of a deep red, which slightly extends lower than the red of the visual spec- trum, with the indigo of the ray immediately above the under one ; now this ray, or portion of a ray, has the power of more perfectly decomposing the unstable salts of silver than any other of the series ; and, therefore, has acquired the term actinic ray. The actinic power, and the light-giving power, may be more fully explained m the following diagram : — ce of extra spectral blue, ob- tained by a solution of quinine, and some of the mineral oils. 5 Lavender. Actinism, or chemical radiant power. Light. C Fig. 8. In the above diagram, the greatest actinic, or chemical action, is shown opposite REFRACTIVE POWER OF DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES. 27 the violet ray E, and the least opposite the mixture of the yellow and orange C ; below the red at A the actinic power becomes active again, because the extreme or deep red is about to pass into the violet with the indigo of the blue in the ray next below ; at the same time, the part of the ray giving the brightest light is opposite the yellow and orange light C. We observe, also, that the point giving the greatest heat is just below the red D ; but with that we have nothing to do. "We thus ascertain that the chemical, or photographic action is confined, as already stated, to only a portion of the ray of light. To speak more plainly, certain colours or shades act more powerfully than others, which can be proved by the following simple experiment : — Prepare a sheet of paper thus — float it on a weak solution of common salt, say ten grains to the ounce, and when dry, float it again on a solution of nitrate of silver, say thirty grains to the ounce- This must be done and the sheet dried while it is protected from white light. When dry, place on it three pieces of coloured glass, viz., red, yellow, and blue ; expose the whole to the sun's rays for a short lime, when it will be found that the paper has become rapidly discoloured under the blue glass, but remains unchanged under the red and yellow, although the last is by far the most transparent. This property of red or yellow colours of intercepting the actinic rays of light, we make the greatest use of in photography ; but this subject will be treated of more fully under the head of "The Dark Chamber." A ray of light is always more or less refracted or bent, depending on the density of the medium or substance through which it passes. The refractive power of some substances is immense, while that of others is very trifling, as the following table of some of the most important will show : — Air . . Water. Alcohol Oil of cloves Crown fflass 1-000294 1-336 1-372 1-535 1-534 Plate glass .... 1-542 Flint glass .... 1-830 Do. containing much lead . . 2-028 Diamond 2-439 A ray of light, passing through a vacuum, progresses in a perfectly straight line, and were it possible, under such conditions, to look at a brilliantly illuminated point, we should see it in its true position, viz., the numerous rays coming undisturbed directly to the eye. But all matter, however attenuated it may be, has the pro- perty of refracting or bending the ray of light ; consequently we do not see the stars in their true position, owing to the refractive power of the xtmosphere. The law of refraction can be sasily and decidedly demonstrated thus — take a basin, in the bottom of which place half-a-crown, or any other small bright substance, and removing a sufficient distance from it to lose sight of the coin, it will appear as in Fig. 9 ; A representing aalf-a-crown, and B the eye of the observer. The balf-a-crown, of course, is invisible. Then.. request some person to pour water into the basin, taking care to keep your eye 28 REFRACTIVE POWER OF DIFFERENT LIQUIDS. fixed on the same spot during the operation. The half-a-crown begins to appear, and gradually becomes more visible until it comes entirely into view. This fact is owing to the ray of sight (or light) being refracted, or beaten back, as in Fig. 10 ; C representing the water, and B A the ray of light refracted. The explanation of this pheno- menon is, that the ray of light pro. ducing vision in the eye is bent, on emerging from the water, and has all the effect of conveying our sight round a corner. jjjp. The refractive power of water is also observable when we thrust a straight stick or instrument into it, on aiming at any object. We see that the stick seems to be bent, and fails in reaching the point which we desired it should reach. On this account, the aim by a person not directly over a fish, must be made at a point apparently below it, otherwise the weapon will miss by flying too high. Persons who spear salmon in rivers require to calculate upon this refractive power in taking their aim. Another illustration of refraction is to allow a sunbeam S (Fig. 11), passing through a hole in the window- shutter of a dark room, to fall upon the surface of a fluid contained in a glass vessel, C C ; instead of proceeding onward to D, it will be found to alter its course at the surface of the fluid, and pass along the line to D. Every substance has different refractive powers in virtue of its t physical constitution ; but a ray of light incident perpendicularly \^ onarefracting meditim, as the ray E (Fig. 11), suffers no refraction. Again, if we float, one upon the other, fluids, B, C, D, having different powers of refraction, we shall then see the relative phenomena exhibited by the bending of the ray B B, as it passes through these difi'erent media, as represented in Fig. 12. The mode of the refraction depends on the comparative density or rarity of the respec- Fig. 12. tive media. If the medium which the rays enter be denser, they move through Fitr. 11. VARIOUS-SHAPED LENSES. 29 it in a direction nearer to tlie perpendicular drawn to its surface. On the contrary, when light passes out of a denser into a rarer mediuro, it moves in a direction farthei from the perpendicular. This refraction is greater or less— that is, the rays are more or less bent, or turned aside from their course— as the second medium through which ttey pass is more or less dense than the first. To prove this in a satisfactory manner, and at the risk of repetition, we make the following experiment .-—Take an upright empty vessel into a darkened room, which admits but a single beam of light obliquely through a hole in a window shutter. Let the empty vessel stand on the floor, a few feet in advance of the window which admits the light, and let it be so arranged that, as the beam of light descends towards the floor, it just passes over the top of the side of the vessel next the window, and strikes the bottom on the side farthest from the window. Let the spot where it falls be marked. Now, on filling the vessel with water, the ray, instead of striking the original spot, will fall considerably nearer the side towards the window. And if we add a quantity of salt to the vessel of water, so as to form a dense solution, the point where the ray strikes the bottom will move still nearer to the window. In hke manner, if we draw oS the salt water, and supply its place with alcohol, the beam of light will be still more highly refracted ; and oil will refract yet more than alcohol. Our next care is to study the practical appUcation of these laws of refraction to the manufacture of "lenses." By lens is meant what is commonly called a magnifying glass, which may be composed of any transparent substance ; but in its application to photography it is generally made of glass as pure and colourless as can be procured, therefore we shall consider that a lens is a glass ground into such a form as to collect or disperse the rays of light which pass through it. These are of different shapes, and thence receive different names. The following figures individually represent sections of the variously-shaped lenses and other glasses used in optics. A is a trian- A B C D E F C H ! Fig-. 13. gular stalk of pure glass, of which we have here a cross sectional or end view, and which is called a prism. Each side of the prism is smooth. B is a section of a pic-cc of plane glass, with sides parallel to each other. C is a sphere or ball of glass, and consequently is convex on all parts of its surface. D is a piece of glass convex or bulging on its two sides, and is called a double convex lens. It is this kind of lens which is used for magnifying objects, in spectacles, telescopes, and other instruments. E is a plano-convex lens, flat on one side and convex on the other. F is a double concave lens, or glass hollowed on each side. G is a plano-concave lens, or planed on one side and concave on the other. H is a meniscus, or lens convex on one side and concave on the other, both surfaces meeting, and of which we have an example in watch-glasses. I is an example of the concavo-convex lens, in which the surfaces disagree, or do not meet when continued. In all these lenses an imaginary line, re- 30 CONSTRUCTION OF LENSES. Fig. 14. presented by M G N, and passing througk the centres of the surfaces, is called the axis. Thus, the line said to pass through the centre of any lens, in a direction perpen- dicular to its surface, is called its axis. The design in forming lenses is to procure a medium through which the rays of light from any object may pass, and converge to a corresponding po^nt beyond. The manner in which the rays proceed through the glass, and then centre in a focal point, will depend on the form of the lens, its capacity for refraction, and the distance of the object. If we take a piece of glass, flat on one side and cut into different faces on the other, and then look through it from the flat side at any object — for instance, a pea — we shall see as many peas as there are faces receiving rays from the single pea. We may exemplify this principle of multiplication by the annexed figure (Fig. 14), in which A B is a lens flat on one side, and cut into three faces on the other, G H. Y is the eye of the spectator, and P the pea to be looked at. The eye receives a pencil of rays direct through the lens at I, and sees the object without refraction. A pencil also proceeds from P to face G A, and another pencil proceeds from C to the face H B, and in both oases the rays are bent and refracted to the eye. This eye, however, does noc recognise the path of either of these oblique rays, but perceives the image of a pea at D and at E ; and thus three peas seem to be seen in place of only one. In smoothly ground lenses, in M'hich there are no distinct faces to multiply the images of an object, the rays bend, as we have said, so as to meet in a corresponding point beyond them. A lens may consist of a perfect globe of glass, or globe filled with pure water, in which case the refractive power will be considerable. A double convex lens, which is the more common kind, may be viewed as a portion cut out of the side of a sphere, as seen in Fig. 15. Here, as in all cases of convexity, the focus of the parallel rays passing through the lens is at F, which is the centre of the sphere, of which the farther, or anterior side, is a portion, or a point at half the diameter of the sphere from it. (H)df the diameter is tech- nically called the radius.) Should we take a plano-convex] lens, the focal point would be considerably different kind of lens, which evidently possesses only half the refractive power of the double convex glass. Here the parallel rays, falling on the convex side of the lens, are seen to converge at the distance of the whole diameter of the sphere. Thus, the focal point at which the rays of light fall is always regulated by the degree of cui-vature of the lens. I shall illustrate this by various diagrams, and ask the reader's careful attention, for the subject is difficult, and cannot be comprehended by a superficial glance. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. In Fig. 16 we have an example of this POWER OF LENSES. 31 We take a double convex lens, represented by A B C (Fig. 17), the axis of whicli is the line G' C D'. The ray D' G', being straight through the centre, suffers no re- fraction ; but the rays i) A and D" B are refracted, so as to meet at the focal point G'. We now observe that the parallel rays E A, E' C, and E" B, and also F A, F' C, and F" B, falling obliquely on the lens, will, in a similar manner, be refracted, and have their foci at G and G'', at the same distance from the lens. Those lines which pass through the centre, as £' C G" and F' C G, do not alter their direction, not being refracted. Thus, in whatever way parallel rays pass through a lens, we have a focal point beyond it, be it straight forward or in an oblique direction. The distance at which the rays meet beyond the lens is exemplified in the next diagram (Fig. 18). Dr. Arnott, in his Treatise on Physics, says—" Eays faUing from A on a comparatively flat or weak lens at L, might meet only at D, or even farther oif, while, with a stronger or more convex lens, they might meet at G or at B. A lens weaker still might only destroy the divergence of the rays, without being able to give them any convergence, or to bend them eaough to bring them to a point at all, and then they would proceed all parallel to each other, as seen at E and F ; and if the lens were yet weaker, it might only destroy a part of the divergence, causing the rays from A to go to G and H, after passing through, instead of to, I and H, in their original direction. " In an analogous manner, light coming to the lens in the contrary direction from BCD, (fee, might, according to the strength of the lens, be all made to come to a focus at A or at L, or in some more distant point ; or the rays might become parallel, as M and N, and therefore never come to a focus, or they might remain divergent. " It may be observed in the annexed figure, that the farther an object is from the lens, the less divergent are the rays darting from it towards the lens, or the more nearly do they approach to being parallel. If the distance of the radiant point be very great, they really are so nearly parallel that a very nice test is required to detect the non-accordance. Rays, for instance, coming to the earth from the sun, do not diverge the millionth of an inch in a thousand miles. Hence, when we wish to make experiments with parallel rays, we take those of the sun. 32 QUALITIES OF A CONVEX LENS. " Any two points so situated on the opposite sides of a lens, as that when eithei- becomes the radiant point of light, the other is the focus of such light, are called con- jugate foci. An object and its image formed by a lens, must always be in conjugate foci ; and when the one is nearer the lens, the other will be in a certain proportion more distant. " What is called the principal focus of a lens, and by the distance of which from the glass we compare or classify lenses among themselves, is the point at which the sun's rays — that is, parallel rays — are made to meet ; and thus, by holding the glass in the sun, and noting at what distance behind it the little luminous spot or image of the sun is formed, we can ascertain the solar focus of a glass, as at A for the rays E and F." From the preceding explanations it will be understood, that when an object is placed at any distance from a lens, an image of it will be formed in the corresponding- conjugate focus ; but to see this image distinctly, the eye must generally be placed at least six inches behind it, that is, farther from the lens. When, however, the object is placed in the principal focus, the rays are refracted parallel, and the image in this case is distinct when seen at any distance. But the most remarkable quality of a double convex lens remains to be noticed ; we allude to its magnifying power. This quality is entirely a result of the refractive power of ^the glass ; embraced within the sphere of the rays from the A lens, the object is apparently expanded in size, and seems brought nearer to the eye. This may be elucidated, for small objects seen near, by a refer- ence to the diagram (Fig. 19.) Let E be the eye, and M N the diameter of its pupil, E W a small object placed at the least distance of distinct vision (about six inches from the eye for small objects), and let R W be its apparent size when seen by the unaided eye. If a convex lens A B is now interposed between the eye and the object, so that the object E W shall be in the principal focus of the lens, an enlarged image R' W of the arrow will then be seen, its extremities R' W' lying in the directions E A, E B. The directions of these rays are determined thus :— From R and W draw the central rays R C P, W C Q, through the centre C of the lens ; then the rays of the conical pencil, proceeding from the point R to every point of the nearer surface of the lens, are refracted in such a manner by the lens, that they all emerge in directions parallel to the central ray R C P ; but of the whole refracted pencil only a small portion enters the eye, namely, the pencil A M N A, limited by the size of the pupil M N ; and the head A of the arrow, whence this pencil proceeds, appears to lie in the direction of the pencil E A R' at R'. It is shown exactly in the same manner, that the point W will appear in the direction E B W at W. The enlarged image of the small arrow R W is therefore R' W'. The proportion in which the image is enlarged will be easily ascertained thus : — The triangles E R' W', C R W, are similar, aud therefore the ratio of R' W' to R W, is that of E R' to C R, or of E M to C M ; that is, as the least distance E M of distinct vision, to the focal length C M of the lens. If, therefore, the least distance of distinct vision MAGNIFYING POWER EXPLAINED. 33 be divided by the focal length of the lens, the quotient will be its magnifying power. If E M be reckoned 6 inches for small objects, and if the focal length C M be 2 inches • then, since 6, divided by 2, gives 3 for a quotient, the magnifying power is 3 times! If C M were one quarter of an inch, then 6, divided by J, gives 24 for a quotient, and the magnifying power would in this case be 24 times. A more simple explanation may be attempted as follows .—Turn to Fig 14, repre- senting the lens with three faces on one side and flat on the other. There it is observed that the vision travels in the direction of the ray from the object, as it passes through the glass, and therefore sees an appearance of three objects. JSTow, in the ^bove case of a magnifying lens, the vision in the same manner travels from the eye at E in the direction of the angle of refraction ; it goes on to R' and W, and thus the actual object being drawn out, as it were, to meet these points of vision, or seemingly expanded* by the bent rays, we of necessity see an apparently larger object. If the glass were cut in faces, instead of being smooth, the object would not appear drawn out, but would be multiplied in as many points as there are faces. The inversion of the image by a lens may be illustrated by the diagram, (Fig. 20.) A B C is an arrow, with the point uppermost, placed beyond the focus at F, of a double convex glass d e f. In virtue of the refractive power of the lens, the rays which proceed at A meet at Z, and form an image of the arrow-point inverted; while the rays from C meet at X, and form a similarly inverted image of the feather part of the arrow. The rays proceeding from B unite at 5. Here, only rays from A, B, and C are represented, for the sake of clearness ; but, in point of fact, rays from all parts Fig. 20. of tlie object proceed through the lens, and hence an entire image is formed in an inverted position. Should the object A B C be brought nearer the lens, the image wiU be removed to a greater distance, because then the rays are rendered more divergent, and cannot so soon be collected into corresponding points beyond. To procure a distinct image, the object must be removed farther than the focal point F from the glass. In this exemplification, the object seems to be diminished ; but if we make the small arrow the object, the larger one will be the image of it magnified. In order to explain the power of lenses in magnifying distant objects, and bringing them near us, let us suppose an object placed at one hundred feet distance from the eye of a spectator. Let us place a convex glass of twenty-five feet focal distance half way between the object and the eye ; then, as has been previously observed, an in- verted image of the object, and of the same size, will be formed fifty feet behind the lens. If this picture is looked at six or eight inches behind it, it will be very distinctly seen, afld nearly as well as if the object itself had been brought to within six or eight inches of the eye of the spectator. If, however, instead of a lens of twenty-five feet focal length, a lens of a shorter focus is made use of, and so situated with respect to the eye and the object that its conjugate foci are at the distance of twenty and eighty feet from the lens— -that is, the object is twenty feet before the lens, and its image eighty feet behind it— then the size of the imago will be four times that of the object. \l the eye, therefore, looks at this magnified image six inches behind it, it will be seen 34 CHROMATIC ABERRATION. with great distinctness. In this case the image is magnified four times directly by the lens, and 200 times by being brought 200 times nearer the eye ; so that its apparent magnitude is 800 times larger than before. At distances less than the preceding, the rule for finding the magnifying power of a lens, when the eye views the image which it forms at six inches distance, is, according to Sir David Brewster, as foUows :— " From the distance between the image and object in feet, subtract the focal distance of the lens in feet, and divide the remainder by the same focal distance. By this quotient divide twice the distance of the object in feet, and the new quotient will be the magni- fying power, or the number of times that the apparent magnitude of the object is increased. "When the focal length of the lens is quite inconsiderable, compared with the distance of the object, as it is in most cases, the rule becomes this : — Divide the fooal length of the lens by the distance at which the eye looks at the image; or, as the eye will generally look at it at the distance of six inches, in order to see it most dis- tinctly, divide the focal length by six inches, or, what is the same thing, double the focal length in feet, and the result will be the magnifying power." Having given the laws of optics sufficient notice, we shall next consider that portion which is more intimately connected with photography. One of the first objects to be considered in tbe manu- facture of a lens for pho- tographic purposes, is to produce one with the least spherical aberration. Now, if we take a double convex lens and produce the im- age of a figure (Fig. 21), we observe that the pro- duced image is curved; and a little consideration will show that it is not possible that such a curv- ed surface as that represented coiild produce an image of equal distinctness over every part of a plane surface : the rays cannot meet, as they are refracted from curved surfaces along any straight line ; and supposing we receive on the surface of a lens a bright cir- cular image, it will be brilliant and well defined around the centre, the light becoming fainter towards the edge, and at length passing into a cloudy halo, exhibiting the prismatic colours. This is called spherical alerration, ^ . and to it is due that want of dis- tinctness which commonly is found _____ around the edges of pictures taken ' ' in the camera obscui-a. It is, therefore, important, in the — ~ selection of lenses, that we look for sharpness of definition over the whole of a perfectly flat field. But by attention to the two facts, that a lens, one surface of which is a section of an ellipse, and the other of a circle struck Fig. 21. SPHERICAL ABERRATION. 35 from the farthest of the two foci of that ellipse, as in Fig. 22, produces no aberration, i much may be effected. A lens of this form, therefore, with a convex surface, part of an ellipsoid, the focal distance of which coincides with its farther focus, and a concave surface, part of a sphere, whose centre is that focus, will meet all our require- ments. The mechanical difficulties of producing such lenses are great, but they may, by cautious manipulation, be to a great extent overcome. ' If Ave take such a lens as we have been describing, and stop its centre with a i blackened disc, leaving only a small portion of the edge for the light to pass through, i and thi-ow its image on a screen, we shall find it bordered with fringes of colour. At I one distance red will prevail, at another violet. This is the result of chromatic aber- j ration, and arises from the unequal refrangibility of the dissimilar rays. The red ray Fig. 23. is less bent than the violet ; consequently, supposing the rays R R (Fig. 23) to fall on the \ edge of a lens, they will converge to a point at F, whereas if the rays V V fall along I the same circular line, they will, being more refi'acted, meet at F. Now if we place a I disc at E, just the size of the cone of light, it will be edged with violet; but if we i move it to A, the coloured border will be red. ^ By the table of the refractive powers of transparent bodies (page 119), it will be ' seen that, for a beam of white light, the difference between the most refractory flint I glass and crown glass, in their refracting powers, is as 2-028 is to 1534; and this i proportion is maintained nearly, but not exactly, for all the coloured rays. If, there- : fore, we have a crown glass lens, the refractive power of which will place the focus ' at a for the violet rays, and at b for the red rays, and we grind to fit it a flint-glass lens, the refracting power of which would place the fpci of the rays at c, d (Fig. 24), i i it will be seen that the result of such a combination would be the formation of a i colourless image at a mean point between them, by re-comhining the rays into white i light ; and such becomes the achromatic lens of the camera. In fact, to combine the violet and blue rays with the less refrangible red is all that is required ; for this reason :— Suppose there be two prisms B F C and C D F, placed in juxtaposition and 36 DISPERSIVE POWERS OF PRISMS. Fig. 25. turned in contrary directions, as in Fig. 25. If we first assume these prisms to be of the same substance, the refracting angle C F D of the second being smaller than the refracting angle B C F of the first, the two prisms will pro- duce the same effect as one prism B A F ; that is, the white light which passes through them will not only be bent, but decomposed. But if the first prism B C F be made of crown glass, and the second of flint, we can destroy the dis- persion, while preserving the refraction. The flint being more dispersive than the crown, and the dispersion produced by a prism dimin- ishing with the p-ngle of refraction in the' prism, it follows that in suitably diminishing the angle of refraction C F D in the flint prism, with relation to the angle of refraction B C F in the crown prism, we can render the dispersive power of these two prisms equal ; and as from their position the dispersion occurs in opposite directions, it is compensated ; that is, the emergent rays E 0 are obviously reduced to a parallelism, and consequently give white light. The relation of the angles B C F and C F D, however, which bring to a paral- lelism red and violet rays, not having the same effect on the intermediate colours, it follows that with two prisms we can in reality achromatize only two rays of the spectrum ; so that, in order to obtain perfect achromatism, it would be necessary to have seven prisms, of substances unequally dispersive, and -whose angles of refraction should be suitably determined. So that one cause of rapidity in a lens is the perfection of the coincidence of the chemical and visual foci. Another cause, is the shortness of the focus. The greater length of focus possessed by a lens, the larger the picture produced, as a lens is generally calculated to cover, that is, have an uniform action over two- thirds its length of focus ; or, to explain more fully, a lens of twelve inches focus will cover eight inches square, or nine by seven. It may seem strange that a lens that will cover nine by seven, could not cover nine by nine, but a little reflection will prove the contrary. Thus, if wo draw a circle of the size properly covered by a twelve inch focused lens, and make a square, as represented by the solid lines (Fig. 26), we can observe that by taking an inch off" one side we may add it to the other, or nearly so— the change being represented by the dotted lines— and that without going out of the circle; so that a lens of twelve inches focus covering eight square inches, would not be half as rapid as a lens of six inches focus, covering four square inches. The amount of light reflected from the same object being four times as much in one case as in the other. To copy an object requiring to be done quickly, we must therefore use tivo large lenses, placed some distance asunder, by which the length of focus is diminished and the rapidity is increased ; the back lens catching the refracted rays of the front one, and refracting them still more. We thus obtain what is called a double lens, or more properly a double combination of lenses,'as shown iuFig. 27. COMBINATIONS OF LENSES, 37 Combinations of tenses,— These combinations can be obtained so as to take both portraits and -views. The lenses for portraiture are arranged as represented in Fig. 27. If the lenses are removed from the cells, especial care must be taken to replace them in their former position, thus : — The flat- test side of the lens B, the concave side of the inner lens A, and the least convex side of the outer lens ^ A, must be turned towards the interior, of the camera, and the ring of brass must be placed between the two lenses A so as to separate them. If views, pictures statuary, &c., are to be taken, the cell containing the lens A must be unscrewed and removed ; the hood E ^^^S- -7. and the cell containing the lens B must be unscrewed ; the sliding tube holding the lens is now to be pulled out of the cell, and one of the circular plates of metal with a central aperture (called a stop) dropped into its place ; the tube holding the lens is now reversed aad pushed in so that the convex side of the lens is towards the interior of the camera, and the whole arrangement as represented by Fig. 28, where C is the sliding tube, B the E lens, and D the stop. Three stops with different sized apertures belong to each set of lenses ; but which is to be selected for use in any particular case, must depend on the judgment of the operator. In dull weather, and in Fig. 28. copying objects indifferently illuminated, the largest size aperture stop is used ; the middle size stop is for general use in moderate light, and the smallest size where the object to be copied is exposed to full sunshine or where gi-eat sharpness is required ; it may be taken as a general rule, within certain limits, that the smaller the aperture which admits the light, the greater is the sharpness of the picture produced, but the time of exposure must be increased where such small apertures are employed. Claudet on Lenses. — The following observations on lenses by M. Claudet may not be out of place here :— " The question of the actinic focus is involved in another kind of mystery, which requires some attention. I have found that, with the same lenses, there exists a constant variation in the distance between the two foci. They are never in the same relation to each other ; they are sometimes more or less separate ; in some lights they are very distant, and in some others they are very near, and even coincide. For this reason I constantly try their position before I operate. 1 have not been able to dis- I cover the cause of that singular phenomenon, but I can state positively that it exists, j An optician, according to M. Lerebours' calculation, can at will, in the com- bination of the two glasses composing an achromatic lens, adapt such curvatures or angles in both that the visual focus shall coincide with the actinic focus ; but he can obtain this result only for one length of focus. The moment the distance is altered the two foci separate, because the visual and actinic rays must be refracted at I different angles in coming out of the lens, in order to meet at the focus given tor one distance of the object. If the distance is altered, the focus becomes longer or shorter ; and as the angle at which different rays are refracted remains nearly the same, thev cannot meet at the new focus, and they form two images. If the visual and actinic rays were refracted parallel to each other, in coming out of the lens they would always coincide for every focus ; but this is not the case. It seems, therefore, impossible that lenses can be constructed in which the two foci will agree for all the various distances, 38 ON FOCIMETEES. Fipr. 29 until we have discovered two kinds of glasses in -whicli the densities or the refractiye pov er will be in the same ratio as the dispersive power." Before concluding my present remarks on lenses, let me tell the reader that without a good lens he need not expect good pictirres ; and that 'economy in a lens produces twice the outlay in other ways. Let him not imagine, as many have—" Oh, I only want something to try with.'' He cannot come to a more false conclusion, as bad materials— bad lens especially— have been the cause of many a beginner never being anything else. I shall have to say something more about lenses hereafter, which will be more fully understood by the reader then than now. Focimeteis.— There is a neat little instru- ment made use of by most photographers for testing the lens they are about to use, and determining whether it works to focus or not ; it is called the focimeter, and is the invention of M. Claudet. It is composed of fans placed at some little distance from each other, and numbered from 1 to 8. Supposing it is wished to try a lens, let the focus be tried upon say No. 4, and if that number prove to be the sharpest on the prepared plate or paper, the lens works to focus. If 2 or 3 should be sharper, then the lens must be pushed nearer to the ground glass, and the lens is not enortgh cori-ected. If, on the other hand, 5 or 6 should be sharpest, then the lens is over corrected, and must be drawn out a little more from the ground glass. There is one other quality to be looked for in a lens, and that is flatness of field. This can be easily ascertained at once by focusing on a window, when if you are using a 12-inch lens, pig, 30. and it gives an image 'of a window sash about 8 inches on the ground glass, you may be certain, if it show the bars perfectly straight, that it has a flat field, a property of the greatest importance in a good lens. Some amateurs reject a really good lens on ac- count of air bubbles, but these are not in the slightest degree hurtful ; one of the best lenses I ever saw had a dnzcn of them. The visumeter was invented by the author for ascertaining the best position for the camera, withoutthe trouble of putting it up. It folds up so small as to go in the waistcoat pocket The square A (Fig. 31) is cut out, and bears a proportion to the ground glass of the camera ; by looking through the small hole B we see the view, as if it were framed ; Fig. 32 the same in the act of being folded. Fig. m. THE CAMERA DESCRIBED. 39 THE PHOTOGEAPHIC APPAEATUS. The first subject coming under our consideration, agreeable with the method I intend pursuing, that of making the reader acquainted with all the details and acces- sories before attempting to combine them, will be The Camera Obscura, or Darkened Chamber.— This instrument was the invention of Baptista Porta, of Padua. Its principle will be best understood by the very simple experiment of darkening a room by closing the window-shutters, and admitting a pencil of light through a small hole in them. If a piece of paper is held at a little distance from this hole, the figures of external objects will be seen delineated upon it ; and, by putting a small lens over the hole, they are rendered much more evident from the condensation of the rays by the spherical glass. This will be best understood by the following diagram (Fig. 33), Let C D be a window-shutter^having Fig. 33. a small aperture A, and E F a piece of paper placed in a dark chamber. Then, if an illuminated object, E G B, is placed on the outside of the shutter, we shall observe an inverted image of this object painted on the paper aAr g b. In order to understand how this takes place, let us suppose the object E G B to have three distinct colours red at E, green at G, and blue at B ; then it is plain that the red light from E will pass in straight lines through the aperture A, and fall upon the paper E F at In like manner, the green from G, and the blue light from B, will severally fall upon the paper at g and 6, and an inverted image r g b oi the object E G B will be painted upon it, every coloured point in the object E G B having a coloured point corres- ponding with it on the piece of paper E F, If, instead of a dark- ened rooro, we substitute a darkened box (Fig. 34), the same effect will be seen. Suppose, in the first place, the box to be witliout the lens, the rays would pass from the external arrow in nearly right lines through the opening. 40 CONSTRUCTION FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES. refracted only in passing the solid edges of the hole, and form an image on the back of the dark box. The lens refracts the>-ays, and a smaller but a more perfectly-defined picture is the result. This is the camera obscura. Although highly appreciated for the magical pictures it produced, this instrument Fig. 35. Fig. 3G. remained little more than a scientific toy until the discovery of MM. Daguerre and Niepce developed its powers. It is now so well known as scarcely to require description. The camera is a dark box with doors attached, having a tube for containing the lenses in one of its ends, through which the radiations from external objects pass, and form a diminished and reversed image upon the ground glass at the other extremity. The dis- position of the varioTia parts of this apparatus will be understood by reference to Figs. 35 and 36, where A represents the body of the camera ; B, the lens ; C, the ground glass focusing plate ; and D, the dark slide, or back, for holding the prepared plate. There are four grand distinctions in cameras, as to their structure, each being adapted to some peculiar branch of the photographic art ; they have been named, from the nature of their configuration, Eigid, Sliding-body, Folding, and Semi-folding. The sliding-body camera will be found of most service in the glass operating room, from the capability it has of admitting a vast range of adjustment, which enables it to be used for almost every purpose. The peculiarities of this form of camera will at once become apparent by referring to Fig. 37, in which A represents the fixed body of the instrument, to which, at the front part, is fixed the lens ; B is the second, or inner body, which slides along the board C, fastened to the fixed body ; the groove for holding the focusing glass and the dark slide (Fig. 38) is in the hinder part of the sliding box, and is represented by the letter D. There is a slit in the bottom board, in which works the screw and button fastened to the moveable body, which allows of the latter being fixed after its proper position has been deter- mined. From this description, it will be quite evident that a very long range of THE FOLDING CAMERA. 41 focus is obtained by this arrangement ; and this will be found of the utmost convenience where we wish to obtain large portraits, or pictures small enough to mount as miniatures in a brooch. The great desideratum in a camera is perfect lenses. They should be achromatic, and the utmost transparency should be obtained ; and, under the closest inspection of the glass, not the slightest wavy appearance should present itself, or dark spot be detected ; at the same time, a curvature should be secured which prevents, as much as pos- sible, all spherical aberration. The effect pro- duced by this last defect is a convergence of per- pendicularity : as, for instance, two towers of any building would be represented as leaning towards each other, or in a portrait the features would seem contracted, distorted, and mingled together, thus throwing the features out of drawing. A variety of moveable diaphragms or caps to cover the front aperture are useful, as the intensity of the light requires to be modified by them, and they should always accompany an instrument. A handy operator can always supply himself with these diaphragms. The engraving (Fig. 39) represents a section of a single lens ; A, the lens ; B, rack and pinion ; C, the stop or diaphragm ; D, sections of the camera. As in the phenomena of vision, so in the camera obscura, the image is produced by S' the radiations pi-oceeding from the external object ; and as these radiations progress from various parts, more or less illuminated, so arc the high lights, the middle tints and shadows, most beauti- fully preserved in the spectral Fig. 40. appearance. The colours also, being in the first instance the effect of some physical modification of the primary cause, are repeated under the same influence ; and the definition, the colour, and soft gradation of light and shadow, are so perfect, that few more beautiful optical effects can be produced than those presented by the camera obscura. By a slight modification of the above simple box, we can form a camera in which we may expose a prepared sensitive plate or sheet of paper to the action of the rays which pass through the lens, the plate or paper being at the same time perfectly protected from the action of any other ray. Some cameras are very simple in construction, merely consisting of a single box, with the lens so mounted or fixed that it can be moved in or out to get the focus, which may be done by means of one tube sliding into another, or of one box having another sliding into it, the lens being fixed as in Fig. 40. The next form is the folding camera, invented Fig. 41. 42 MAJOR HALKETT'S PORTABLE CAMERA. by Mr. Ottewill, represented in Figs. 41, 42, and 43. In 41 it is represented packed as a knapsack, in 42 it is fully^fixed, and in 43 half open. This is a very portable camera for travelling, and is kept steady and firm by the front board, which holds the lens, sliding into a groove made to hold it. I shall next, with the reader's permission, introduce a camera which I invented and made for the late Major Halkett, of the 4th Light Dra- goons, who was subsequently killed in the glorious charge at Balaklava. I shaU only re- mark, that to the amateur who practices the paper processes it will prove very portable indeed. The form of this camera is that of a box when closed, in size about 13 inches long, 11 inches deep, and 6 inches wide, with a brass handle on the top by which to carry it (Fig. 44). A camera of the above dimen- sions will take pictures 11 X 8| inches. To shut up the camera, from Fig. 45, you first undo the supports E, which will let down the dia- phragm, take out the screws G, G, G, Fig. 43. rig. 44. open the air-hole Z, and shut H back into A ; put the screws G, G, G in also, and I Fig. 45. place the two lids, L' and L", side by side on the front, and fasten them there by the two hooks V, V ; then turn F up against D, and fasten it there by its % own hook V. When you get home you take out the pre&sure-board, and inverting the paper frame, the paper holders will aU fall back again out of the box F. When the camera is opened for use, as in Fig. 45, take out the pressure- board and put in eight or ten slides with prepared paper, securing each paper-slide with a screw-pin K, through its eye T ; you then replace the pressure-board, and the frame is charged with prepared paper. To place the focusing glass in its position, you lift the frame D about half an inch, and draw it back, when it will separate from A, as shown at Fig. 46, and make room for the focusing glass ; having obtained a proper focus, you replace the frame D, pull up the sSding-shutter M, and the first sheet of paper is exposed ; you shut dovra the shutter M, pull back the pressure-board a little, turn the first screw-pin back until you hear the paper-holder drop into the box F ; you push in the pressure-board again, DETACHED PARTS OF THE CAMERA. 43 and paper No. 2 is ready to undergo the same process. The first paper-holder may be without an eye, as the pressure-board will keep it in its place until after exposure, and the pressure-board itself can hold another paper on its inside surface, thus increasing the number of pictures which may be taken during one excursion. I Explanation of Figures. — The light tint indicates brass, the middle tint wood, and the dark shading india-rubber material. Fig. 44. Side view, camera when closed. Fig. 45. Side view, camera when open. A, frame of camera ; B, body of ditto ; C, cone also of india-rubber material, extended in front of the lens by three sup- ports E, ; D, frame for prepared paper, each paper held in a separate holder (S, Fig. 49) ; E, communication' between D and F, made of india-rubber material, through which the prenared paper in Brass. j|j Wood. Ilj India- I i rubber. Ml Back Lateral view. view. Fig. 46. its holder passes into F, a box made to receive it after being exposed in the camera ; Fig. 47.— Major Halkett's Camera. G, G, G, nuts and screws used when the camera is open ; H, upright frame for front of camera ; I, diaphragm in front of lens ; K, screw-pins to retain paper in frame until after exposure ; L' and L", lids of camera; M, shutter in front of prepared paper; BETACHED PAKTS OF THE CAMERA. Fig. 48. rig. 49. N, lens screwed into W from inside ; P, rack and pinion adjustment for focusing ; V, V, V, V, hooks and eyes. Fig. 46. Diagram showing the way in which D is fastened to A. Fig. 48. Front of camera. I, diaphragm ; C, cone ; H, frame ; "W, 'W, front plate of camera holding the lens ; E, E, E, rests to support the diaphragm ; Y, Y, plates to retain the front in its frame ; X, graduated support to alter the horizontal line ; Z, opening to allow passage to the air in opening and shutting the camera. Fig. 49. Holder in which the paper is retained, made of mill-board ; frame S, S, S, made of veneer, joins S at W, and doubles down on the dotted lines when the paper is in its place ; T, an eye through which the screw-pin K passes. Fig. 50. Lid No. 1. A, A, the lid ; B, plate by which it is screwed on the stand ; C, guiding slit in plate ; D*, hole by which that end is screwed to A (Fig. 45) ; F, F, guiding pins ; X, X, focusing rack. Fig. 51. Lid No. 2. A, A, the lid; B, slit for H CFig. 45) ; C, C, guiding slits in plates ; D, pinion ; P, handle to ditto ; E, groove for X, _X, to work in ; F, guiding pin ; G, nut for screw in screwing the lids together. Fig. 52. Section of prepared paper frame. D, D, space occupied by paper slides; 0, pressure-board to keep the paper against the sliding shutter. Fig. 53. End view of camera. 0, pressure-board ; K, K, K, screw-pins to retain the paper until after exposure. In fact, the forms of the camera are innumerable, and it matters little how they are made, provided that they are solid when working, and have a means of substituting the prepared plate or paper for the ground (or focusing) glass, and impervious to all light, except that which passes through the lens. When speaking of the collodion process, I intend to mention one or two other cameras, i.'ig. 53. more particularly adapted to that pro- cess. A very portable camera is constructed by Vogtlander, the German optician, described as entirely made of brass, so that variations of climate do not affect it, and it occupies a very small space, when packed, even with all the materials for operating. The instrument known as the copying camera-box has an extra slide in the back end, by which it may be considerably lengthened at pleasure. We must not omit to men- tion that of M. Marten, which is known as the Panoramic Camera. The object of this invention is to reproduce, with an objective of medium dimensions, landscapes of great length, analogous to the panoramic feature. Fig. 51. PHOTOGKAPHIC APPARATUS. 45 Camexa Stands.— The best constructed stands are made of maple or walnut wood, having a cast-iron or hrass socket for receiving the camera, and having screws for elevating or depress- ing the instrument (Fig. -54). I shall next present my readers with a drawing of a dark frame for two pieces of paper and a glass, against which paper is pressed with a sheet of blotting- paper between. B B (Fig. 55), clips to fasten the frame when shut ; a a, the slides or shutters. Figs. 56 and 57 represent two useful articles, viz., the ni- trate bath and dipper, and the board and rod for spreading solu- tions on paper. This consists of a piece of wood covered with soft flannel or blotting paper, on which the paper is laid, and B a glass rod, by means of which the solution is spread evenly over the surface of the paper. Our next figures re- present as follows : — Fig. 58, a precipitating glass used for the purpose iig. .50. Qf making double iodide of silver. Fig. 59, glass rods for spreading solutions on the paper ; and Fig. 60, nip- Fig. 55. Fig. 57. Fjg. 58. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. pers for lifting paper out of the various solutions ; while Figs. 61 and 62 represent a graduated measure glass and a cup for pouring out the several liquids into their respective bottles. 46 MR. FOX Talbot's discoveries. THE CALOTYPE PEOCESS. "We have seen that the first person who discovered the preparation of a photo- graphic paper, possessing such exquisite sensitiveness that it might be impressed with the image of a natural object in a minute or less in the camera, was Mr. Fox Talbot. He called this the calotype process ; but some photographers, out of compliment to the dis- coverer, have since called it Talbotype, as the Daguerreotype is so called after Daguerre, who was the first to discover the properties of the process so named. M. Biot, a French chemist of great authority, who seems to have paid considerable attention to the subject, was called upon to report to the Academic des Sciences on the results of the new process. In his report he proceeds to say, after paying some attention to the j Daguerreotype process : — j "It is scarcely expected that photogenic drawings, produced on paper, can at ' first equal the clearness and fineness of those obtained on level and polished metaUic 1 plates, because the texture of the paper, the roughness of its surface, the irregularity I of its imbibitions, and the capillary communication established between the various i unequally-marked parts of its surface, are so many obstacles to absolute strictness of | delineation, as well as to the regular gradation of tints in the camera obscura ; and ■ the influence of these obstacles is greater when the chemical operation is slowly ! carried on. But where there is no pretence or necessity for submitting to the ^ delicacies of art— when it is merely required, for example, to copy rare manuscripts ; faithfully — if we have papers which are very susceptible of receiving impressions in the camera obscura, they wiU suffice perfectly ; particularly when they present, like those of Mr. Talbot, the facility of immediately procuring copies of the primitive drawing. It wiU, indeed, be found more commodious, and much more prac- ticable, to put four- or five hundred drawings in a portfolio, than to carry about i a smaller provision of metallic plates with those indispensable squares of glass to protect them. Attempts are being made, at this time, to fix the images produced by the Daguerreotype— perfect prints, it is true, but which are as light as the vapour from which they are produced ; and, indeed, to bring a voluminous collection of these fragile products through the accidents incident to long, and sometimes perilous voyages, is a task requiring no ordinary care. But whoever has attentively studied the com- bination of physical conditions whence these beautiful images result, will find it very difficult— I should not like to say impossible —to fix them without destroying, or at least without essentially altering, the causes which produce their charm ; for the pur- poses, then, Avhich I have mentioned, papers very susceptible of impression would still have the advantage of being less troublesome in removal from place to place, and much more easily preserved. " Early in 1830, drawings on paper were handed about 'in the scientific circles of London and Paris, which were a great advance upon anything that had been pre- viously done. These were the results of a new process discovered by Mr. Fox Talbot ; but for several years after his process was made public, little or no progress was made in the art ; and it is no injustice to Mr. Talbot to ascribe this interruption to the circumstance of that gentleman having protected his discovery by a patent. It is gratifying to be able to announce that Mr. Talbot has since made the country a free gift of his patents. " The utility of sensitive papers for copying inscriptions was a natural consequence of the clearness of the copies of engravings which Mr. Talbot had already presented to ' I M. biot's report on calotype. 47 I the Academy. He has included, amongst others just sent, specimens of this special i application of the art, which are copies of a Hebrew psalm, of a Persian gazette, and of an old Latin chart of the year 1279. Our brethren of the Academic des Belles Lettres, to whom I exhibited these impressions, were pleased to remark the fidelity of the characters, and their clearness, for they are rendered as legible as the original text. By this process, an old manuscript may be copied more quickly, and much more accurately, than by hand, even when the language in which it is written is understood. " But this important extension will require much physical perfecting, towards which experimenters should direct their efforts. The first thing will be to increase the sensibility of the paper as much as possible, in order that the capillary communication of its various parts may not have sufiicient time to deteriorate the effects of the local and immediate action of the light. I should be led to believe that to this kind of communication is principally to be attributed the fact remarked by Mr. Talbot, that, in experiments by application, it is more difficult to copy clearly a tissue of black lace spread on a white ground, than white lace on a black ground. But another more general and more hidden difficulty seems to me to proceed from the unequal faculty of various substances for reflecting the radiations which strike them, and perhaps from their aptitude for making them undergo physical modifications. For example, you wish to copy by radiation in the camera obscura a picture painted on canvas, wood, or porcelain : the different colouring substances employed by the painter are placed and distributed in such a manner that each of them absorbs certain portions of the total incidental light, and reflects especially towards your eye the complementary portions, wherein predominate the rays proper to form the tint of which it would give you the sensation. But the chemically active re-agent which the same parts of the picture receive and reflect is distinct from the light which affects your retina. In order that the chemical effect which it produces on the sensible paper, or on M. Daguerre's layer of iodine, may present, in light or in shade, the equivalent of the coloured parts, it is requisite— 1st, that this reflected radiation be chemically active ; 2nd, that the energy of its action be proportional to the intensity of illumination operated in the eye by the portion of luminous radiation reflected from the same point of the picture. Now this latter concordance certainly should not be fulfilled in an equal degree by the various colouring matters, which affect the eye in the same manner, and which the painter may substitute for one another in his work. Substances of the same tint may present, in the quantity or the nature of the invisible radiations which they reflect, as many diversities or diversities of the same order as substances of a different tint present relative to light ; inversely they may be similar in their property of reflecting chemical radiations when they are dissimilar to the eye ; so that the differences of tint which they presented in the picture made for the eye will disappear in the chemical picture, and will be confused in it in a shade, or of an uniform whiteness. These are the difficulties generally inherent in the formation of chemical pictures ; and they show, I think, the illusion of the experimenters who hope to reconcile, not only the intensity, but the tints of the chemical impressions produced by radiations, with the colours of the objects from which these radiations emanate. However, the distant or near relations of these two species of phenomena are very curious to study, not only i as regards the photogenic art, but likewise as regards experimental physics. I doubt I not that examples of these peculiarities may be remarked in the images of natural objects and coloured pictures executed by the Daguerreotype ; but vciy apparent ones 48 M. BIOT S REPOKT ON CALOTTPE. may be seen among Mr. Talbot's present impressions. Thus, some of them represent white porcelain vases, coloured shells, a candlestick (of metal) with its taper, a stand of white hyacinths. The whole of these objects are felt and perceived very well in their chemical image ; but the parts which reflect the purely white light, probably also the radiations of every kind, are, relatively to the others, in an exaggerated pro- portion of illumination, which, it seems to me, must result partially from the capillary communication during the continuance of the action ; so that the inequality would be less if the paper were more sensitive or more rapidly acted on. In the hyacinth, the stalk and the green leaves have produced scarcely a faint trace of their configuration ; but they are strongly defined, especially in the parts of the outline, where more or less perfect specular reflection takes place. The points of the candlestick (metallic) where this reflection occurred are copied by white stains locally applied, and which deterio- rate the eff'ect of the whole by their disproportion. But this is seen especially in a picture by Correggio, the frame of which was very vividly copied, whilst the figure on the canvas was hardly perceptible. This disproportion of lustre in the reproduction of some white parts, especially when they are dull and consequently very radiating, is sensible in certain parts of views taken by Mr. Talbot, to the point of rendering difficult the interpretation of the object to which they belong. However, these views are very satisfactory, as being obtained on paper, in the present season. Moreover, by an advantage peculiar to the chemical preparation which Mr. Talbot uses, it appears that the operations once completed, the drawings are no longer alterable by radiation, even acting with much energy. " Indeed, we have here, as an example, four proofs of the same view of Mr. Talbot's house, with an identical disposition of lights and shades ; so that some, at least, if not three out of four,'must have been procured by superposition. Mr. Talbot is right in representing this property of reproduction as an especial advantage of his process, and it would indeed be very useful in voyages. I have exposed one of these drawings to the action of the sun — not very powerful, it is true— for several hours, and I have not perceived the slightest alteration in the lights. I think I understand that, in Mr. Talbot's opinion, the shades alone are strengthened under this influence. According to what I have just said, it should be expected that the triumph of this process, as of every other photogenic reproduction, would take place with objects of white and dull plaster. Indeed, Mr. Talbot's parcel contains eight copies of busts and statues ; six of which chiefly, of various forms and sizes, present very remarkable results, especially taking into consideration the unfavourable season at which they were produced. There is not found in them the strict perfection of trace, nor the admirable gradations of lights and shades, which constitute the charm of M. Daguerre's impressions. But representations on sensitive papers must be considered as principally applicable to a difierent object, which does not impose such strict conditions of art, requiring only faithful images,'sufiiciently clear in their details to be readily recognised, and which, moreover, being obtained with rapidity, by an easy manipulation, may be kept with very little care, comprised in great number in a small compass, and moved from place to place with facility. Mr. Talbot's papers already present many of these essential qualities, with the advantage of being able to furnish numerous copies immediately. His efforts, and those of others occupied with the same subject, will conclude by adding to them everything which may be desirable, provided that expectation, or the preten- sion of a perfection of art physically incompatible with operations on paper, do not give a false direction to their endeavours. However, I may here add, that tlie height THE TALBOTYPE PROCESS. 49 of success would consist in discovering a substance very susceptible of receiving im- pressions, which might be applied on a papyraceous leaf without penetrating deep into it, and which might, however, be fixed in it after the operation, as in Mr. Talbot's impressions. It does not seem necessary even that the first impression thus rapidly obtained should copy the lights and shades in their proper places, provided that its transparency and fixedness were such, that we might deduce them from the application of copies wherein the inversion would be corrected. And perhaps, by this decom- position of the problem into two successive operations, one of the best ways is opened by which it may be resolved." " But so much improvement has taken place in the manufacture of paper for the purpose, as well as in the manipulation, that many of the early obstacles have been overcome ; and photographs on paper, as may be seen at the present year's exhibition of the Photographic Society, have attained a degree of excellence not anticipated by the French savant. Paper has, moreover, qualities of its own for the purpose ; it wants the glitter arising from the polished surface of the metal plate, so that its beauties can always be seen." The Talbotype Process has been largely improved upon by Mr. Cundall and others ; but it may be interesting to my readers to have the process described as practised by the inventor ; adding, however, as I proceed, some of the more important improvements upon his formulae. The apparatus required are, two or three square shallow porcelain dishes, an ample supply of distilled water, a glass graduated measure and funnel (Fig. 63), a supply of blotting-paper, large flat and soft hair pencils, and a supply of the best cTn""^ writing paper of medium thickness, perfectly smooth surface, transparent, ATIT/L- compact, and uniform in texture, and without speck, water mark, or e^^^^^^ maker's name. Also a supply of the following solutions, viz. : — \S3~7^ No. 1. A solution of 100 grains of nitrate of silver, dissolved in li-r-s six ounces of distilled water. No 2. A solution of 500 grains of the iodide of potassium in one /\^f\ pint of distilled water. (Mr. Cundall uses 400 grains iodide of potas- \sa=-=*<»^ slum, and 100 grains of common salt, as an improvement analogous vig. 63. to that of M. Claudet in the Daguerreotype process.) No. 3. A solution of 100 grains of nitrate of silver in two ounces of cold distilled water, adding to it a sixth part of its quantity of concentrated acetic acid. No. 4. A solution of crystallized gallic acid, saturated in distilled water. (This should be prepared in small quantities, as it will only keep for a few days.) N<). 5. A solution of 100 grains bromide of potassium in eight or ten ounces of distilled water. Having selected suitable paper, and cut it to the proper size, which snould be at least an inch each way larger than the object to be represented, mark one of the corners with a pencil, so that the side on which the preparation is laid may be known, pin the paper by two of its corners to a board, and by means of a soft brush apply the preparation No. 1 carefully and smoothly to the surface of the paper, taking care to wash it thoroughly over without any mark of the brush, and that the solution is thoroughly absorbed. The paper may be suffered to dry by hanging from the board in the air, but without exposure to light. When thoroughly dry it is ready for the next operation, which consists in pouring a portion of the second solution, just sufficient to cover the surface, into a shallow 50 THE TALBOTYPE PROCESS, porcelain dish, which should be large enough to receive the paper. As only the pre- pared side of the paper should receive this solution, fold a narrow upright margin all round the paper, turning in the corners, holding it by two comers ; let the side to which the previous solution has been applied, be drawn gently and smoothly over the surface of the solution, resting on it till it is thoroughly saturated. In this state it may remain for a few seconds, but not more than a minute, otherwise the nitrate I solution may be decomposed by the iodine liquid. The paper, now thoroughly saturated with the iodized liquid, is hung up in a proper place imtil about half dry. The paper is now thoroughly imbued with the preparation, and the nitrate of silver thoroughly decomposed ; but it is now necessary to remove every trace of the salts with which the paper has been saturated. This Mr. Cundall accomplishes by floating the paper with its upturned margin on a basin of pure water for eight or ten minutes, drawing it occasionally gently along the surface to remove the soluble salts, which will separate from their own gravity ; while the iodide of silver, being insoluble in water, remains upon the paper, presenting the surface required for a successful operation. The paper should now be left to dry spontaneously, without being touched or the surface disturbed. When dry, it may be subjected to sufficient 'pressure to smooth it. In order to preserve its sensibility, it should be carefully sechided from the light, and ! placed in a portfolio. The paper thus prepared is called iodized paper ready for use. j For the third operation Mr. Talbot made use of the solutions 3 and 4 in the following manner : — Mix equal parts of the two solutions by means of the graduated drachm tube, but only in quantities required for immediate use, as it quickly loses its quality ; Gallo-nitrate of silver is obtained by this means. With this iiizture the iodized paper is washed over by means of another soft brush, using increased care in | laying it on, so as to secure a smooth and even surface and equal distribution. Leave i the solution to settle for eight or ten seconds, then dip the surface in pure water, still holding it by its upraised corners, and drawing the paper gently over the water several times ; it is again drawn through a second course of fresh water two or three times. After being dried in the dark and at a distance from the fire, it is fit for use, and may be placed | in the camera while the surface is dry, but still moist, or it may be placed in a portfolio ' with blotting-paper for future use. Mr. CundaU, and other recent operators, find it i necessary to apply the gallo-nitrate as follows : — Pour out the solution upon a clean ! slab of glass, diffusing it over the surface to a size corresponding with that of the { paper. Holding the paper by the narrow upturned margin, the sensitive side is j applied to the liquid upon the slab, and brought in contact ; so that by passing the f fingers gently over the back of the paper, the surface is thoroughly wetted with the gallo-nitrate. Mr. Cundall further recommends, that in all cases when extreme sensi- \ tiveness is not required, the liquid should be diluted to one-half the strength ; indicated above, otherwise the paper is apt to be stained or embronzed, unless the j manipulation be extremely well-managed. Eain, river, or spring water answers per- | fectly to tvash the papers, distilled water being required for the silver solutions only. j These operations Mr. Talbot recommends should be performed with as little light I as possible, and that should be candle light. | And now the paper is ready to place in the camera, where the operator is to use his \ own judgment in forming his pictures, and his experience in getting proper eflect. j According to the intensity of light and colour of the object, is the length of exposure, I j which may vary from five seconds to two minutes. j PHOTOGENIC PAPKB. "When the operation is terminated, it is necessary to develop the image by washing the surface over with a brush charged with the gallo-nitrate of silver, exposing it at the same time to a gentle heat from a hot iron or other similar body, held at the distance of an inch I or two, the iron being held vertically, and the paper moved backwards and forwards i so that it may all dry simultaneously. In the course of a few seconds the picture will j become visible, usually of a fine blackish-brown colour. I When sufficiently developed, it is necessary to wash it immediately in pure water } to remove the gallo-nitrate of silver. This last process of washing should be done before the paper has become quite dry, and, if necessary, the drying should be retarded by the application of hot vapour or a jet of steam. The final process is fixing the image. This was accomplished by Mr. Talbot by dipping it first in water, and, after drying, washing it over with a' solution of bromide of potassium. (Solution No. 5.) And, after a last washing in water, it is finally dried. A strong solution of common salt was substituted for the bromide of potassium, but was not so successful. The present practice, as described by Mr. Cundall, is as follows : — In order to remove the sensitive matter from the picture, it is to be soaked, he says, " in warm water, but not warmer than may be borne by the finger. This water is to be changed twice, and the pictures are then to be well drained or dried in clean and dry blotting-paper, to prepare them to imbibe a solution of the hyposulphate of soda, which is prepared by dissolving an ounce of that salt in a quart (forty ounces) of water. Having poured a little of the solution into a flat dish, the picture is to be introduced into it ; daylight will not now injure them. Let them soak for two or three minutes, or even longer, if they are strongly printed, turning them occasionally. The remaining unreduced salts of silver are thus thoroughly dissolved, and may now, with the hyposulphate, be entirely removed by soaking in water and pressing alternately in clean blotting-paper ; but if time can be allowed, soaking in water alone will have the desired efiect. The impression now obtained is a negative, that is, the parts of the object which is white in nature are here represented black, and vice versa. From this impression, however, any number may be taken, having the lights and shadows as in nature. I This is performed by placing upon the negative a piece of properly-prepared photo- I graphic paper, and in immediate contact with it, having previously rendered it as transparent as possible. By exposure to the light, the second impression is formed. The progress of the impression may be watched by raising one of the corners of the negative from time to time. The mode of rendering the negative transparent, as I adopted by Mr. Fox Talbot, was as follows : — Grate some virgin wax on the back of I the paper, and, having placed it between two pieces of white paper, draw a hot iron j gently over it until the dissolved wax has throughly penetrated the paper of the nega- I tive, and rendered it somewhat transparent. j When many impressions are taken, the original loses a portion of its vigour, which I may, however, be restored by dipping it again in the gallo-nitrate of silver, washing it in hot water, and fixing it as before directed. These impressions may be obtained by using calotype paper, but Mr. Talbot recommends photogenic paper prepared as follows : — Having dissolved 25 grains of common salt in one ounce of distilled water, dip the paper selected and cut to a proper size in this liquid, leaf by leaf, leaving it there to soak for a short time, and place it between leaves of clean blotting-paper to dry ; dissolve afterwards 90 grains of crystallized nitrate of silver in an ounce of distilled 52 IMPROVED PROCESSES OF CALOTYPE. water, wash the paper on the seen silver side, with a soft pencil charged with this liquid, dry it a little, and pass another coating of the liquid over it, dry it thoroughly, suspending it for that purpose by one of the corners. A more simple preparation of photographic paper is produced by dissolving 100 grains of bromide of potassium in an ounce of distilled water ; dip the paper in this solution, place it as before between the leaves of blotting-paper, and when nearly dry wash the sensitive side with a solution of 100 grains nitrate of silver, dissolved in an ounce of distilled water ; diy the paper in a darkened place, and, if required to be very sensitive, apply a second wash of the solution. This paper has presented the best results. The impression obtained upon these papers in the manner described, form the calo- type process. Their sensibility is such, that images of feathers, leaves, and other similar objects, are said to be obtained by the light of a jet of gas while still moist; holding the paper four or five inches from the flame, the impression will appear in three or four minutes. The precautions to be taken during the preceding operations are as follow : — 1. It is necessary to have a clean brush for every solution, and to wash them care- fully every time they are used. The brush used for the gallo-nitrate of silver is quickly destroyed. 2. The same blotting-paper should never be used but for the same solution, and it is better to have separate Wotting-books prepared, with the names of the solution written on each. 3. The distilled and other waters should be changed with every operation. 4. Dr. Eyan observed that if the paper remained too long in the solution No. 2 (iodide of potassium), the iodide of silver was formed. He recommends, therefore, that the leaf should be dipped and removed promptly to prevent this formation. 5. Mr. Mitchell modifies the process in the following particulars : — He first applies the solution No. 2 (iodide of potassium), drys it; then the solution No. 1 (nitrate of silver), drys that also ; and having dipped the paper for one moment in a solution of 125 grains of iodine, in an ounce of water, washes it in distilled water, and finally drys it. By this means Mr. Mitchell obtains a paper more sensitive, and, as is said, vrith the substances more equally distributed than by Mr. Talbot's process. Improved Talbotype Process. — Many improvements have taken place in the Talbo- typc process. Mr. Talbot has himself introduced the following: — In order to get rid of the vellow tint in images taken on paper prepared with a solution of nitrate of silver, he proposes to plunge the paper after it is impressed into a hot bath, composed of hypo-sulphate of soda or other hypo-sulphate dissolved in ten times its weight of water, heated to ebullition. The paper should remain about ten minutes in this bath, then be washed in cold water, and dried. By this means it is rendered both more per- manent and more transparent ; the lights are brought out better. The transparency of the paper can still be increased after this operation by the application of wax as already directed. Another improvement consists in placing a hot iron plate behind the darkened frame, which covers the paper while it takes the image in the camera, thus communi- cating heat to the paper, and rendering it more sensitive. I have been induced to give the formulaj of these different photographic authors, so that if the reader cannot arrive at a satisfactory result by one process, he may try another. And here I may as well remark, that the amateur should not be led too « SIR w. J. Newton's process. 53 easily to try all the different processes he may hear or read of, for acquirement of a i perfect knowledge of one of them is quite enough for a lifetime. j I am now about to introduce the reader to two photographers who have dis- j tinguished themselves by their successful practice in this process. I need scarcely say that the two gentlemen I speak of are Sir William J, Newton, and J . D- Llewellyn, Esq. Sir W. 3. Newton's Process. — This gentleman has taken great interest in the art, and has materially contributed to its advancement by his own manipulation. I cannot, therefore, do better than give his formula in his own words, copied from the Journal of the London Photographic Society, to the writers of which I feel exceedingly indebted for much valuable information. " To Iodize the Paper. — 1st, Brush your paper over with muriate of barytes (half an ounce, dissolved in nearly a wine-bottle of distilled water) ; lay it flat to dry. 2nd, Dissolve sixty grains of nitrate of silver, in about an ounce of distilled water. Ditto sixty grains of iodide of potassium in another bottle with the like quantity of water. Mix them together and shake Avell; let it subside ; pour off the Avater, and then add hot water ; shake it well ; let it subside ; pour off the water again, and add three ounces of distilled water, and afterwards as much iodide of potassium as will redissolve the iodide of silver. " Brush your previously-prepared paper well with this, and let dry ; then place them in water, one by one, for about one hour and a-half or two hours, constantly agitating the water. As many as a dozen pieces may be put into the same water, one after the other, taking care that there are no air-bubbles ; take them out, and pin to the edge of a board at one comer. "When dry they will be ready for exciting for the camera by the following process : — (These are supposed to be in six 1-ounce bottles with glass stoppers.) 1. 1 drachm of No. 4, 6 drachms of distilled water. 2. 20 min. of No. 3, 6 drachms of distilled water. 3. A saturated so- lution of gallic acid. 4. 25 grains of nitrate of silver to half an ounce of water. Add 45 minims of glacial acetic acid. 5. 2 drachms of No. 4, 6 drs. of water. 6. Equal parts of Nos. 1 and 2. N.B. — This must be mixed just before using, and the bottle cleaned afterwards. " To Excite for the Ca7nera.— Mix equal parts of Nos. 1 and 2, and with a glass rod excite the iodized paper and blot off ; and it may be put in the slide at once, or the number you require may be excitei^, and put into a blotting-paper book, one between each leaf, and allowed to remain until required to be placed in the slide. " Time of Exposure. — The time varies from three minutes to a quarter of an hour. 64 SIR w. J. Newton's peocess. according to the nature of the subject and the power of the sun ; but five minutes is generally the proper time. " To Bring Out. — Bring out with No. 3, and when the subject begins to appear, add No. 5 ; and when sufficiently developed, hold it up, and pour water upon it ; then put it into hyposulphite of soda to fix it, for about an hour or more, and then into water ; this is merely to fix it for the after process, at your leisure. " To Clean the Negative.— Get a zinc tray about three or four inches deep, with another tray to fit in at the top, about one inch deep ; fill the lower tray with boiling water, so that the upper tray may touch the water ; put your solution of hyposulphite of soda, not strong, in the upper tray, and then your negatives one by one, watching them with care until the iodine is removed ; then put them in hot water, containing a small piece of common soda (the size of a nutmeg to about two quarts of water), for about ten minutes ; pour off' the dirty water, and then add more hot water, shaking them gently for a short time ; pour off the water again, and then add fresh hot water, and let it remain until it is cold, after which take them out carefully one by one, and put them in clean cold water for an hour or two ; then take them all out together, and hold up to drain for a short time, and then put them between three or four thicknesses of linen, and press as much of the water out as you can ; then carefully (for now aU. the size is removed) lay them out flat separately upon linen to dry. " Mode of Waxing the Negatives. — Melt the pure white wax over a lamp of moderate heat, just merely to keep it in a liquid state ; then fill the same deep tray as above described with boiling water, and with another similar to the upper one before described (which must be kept for this purpose only) ; put a clean piece of blotting-paper in this tray, and lay your negative face downwards, and with a soft flat hog's-hair brush, about an inch wide, dip it into the liquid wax, and brush the negative over, when it will be immediately transparent, and it can be done so that there is very little redun- dant wax ; after which it may be put between two or three thicknesses of blotting- paper and ironed if necessary, which, however, should not be very hot, when it is ready to take positives from. " Positives on Negative' Paper. — Take one part of the iodide of silver before described, and add two parts of water ; then add as much iodide of potassium as will redissolve it. Brush your paper with the foregoing, let dry, put into water, and proceed, in all respects, as above described for the negatives. Excite for Positives. — Excite with No. 1 ; blot off ; lay it in your press, place the negative face downwards ; expose to the light from ten seconds to half a minute, or more, according to the light (not in the sun), and bring out with No. 3 ; and when it is nearly developed add No. 1 ; then take it up and pour water upon it, and then place it in hyposulphite of soda (cold) until the iodine is removed ; after which put it into alum water, about half a teaspoonful of powdered alum in two quarts of water ; this will readily remove the hyposulphite, and also fix the positive more particularly ; it will also take away any impurities which there may be in the paper ; after which put it into clean cold water, and change two or three times. " I have been thus particular in describing the process which I have adopted, more especially for beginners ; and with great cleanliness and care in each process, and especially in keeping all the bottles with the chemicals free from dirt of every kind, the foregoing will lead to favourable results." Mr. Iilewellen's Piocess. — This gentleman, after stating that his method of manipulating is almost similar to Mr. Fox Talbot's process, says : — MR. Llewellyn's process. 55 " I have carefully followed the steps of its progress, and have, I believe, tried nearly all the modifications which have been at various times suggested, and it is remarkable that, in the long period which has now elapsed, no important improvements in paper photography should have been introduced. " The paper which I use is manufactured by Turner, of Chaiford Mills, and bears the vrater-mark of ' Turner's Patent Talbotype.' It is not free from faults ; black specks, arising from brass and iron used in its manufacture, will often appear, but it is a firm compact texture, and makes good negatives, free from the woolliness which is fatal to other samples of paper which in other respects are superior. " A sheet of this paper should be fastened with silver pins to a piece of flannel stretched over a board, and liberally brushed on one side with a solution of nitrate of silver, of the strength of thirty-three grains to the ounce of distilled water. " In doing this, and in the subsequent manipulations, I use a brush formed of a flock of cotton wool, partly drawn through a glass tube, which thus makes a convenient handle; this arrangement was suggested by Mr. Buckle, and I believe, bears his name ; it is known as a Buckle brush, and in my experience pos- sesses advantages over a glass rod or triangle, or any of the other many contrivances which have been suggested, for the convenience of spreading solutions. " As soon as the sheet of paper is partially, but before it is quite dry, say in about two minutes, it is^to be immersed in a bath of iodide of potassium, of the strength of twenty grains to the ounce of water ; all air-bubbles must be carefully got rid of ; and the sheet will speedily assume a primrose-yellow colour, the back appearing nearly as bright as the face. " It may now be shifted at once to a bath of water, which should be changed four or five times, and the paper allowed to soak in it for two or three hours, so as to insure the removal of all soluble salts, and leave a pure iodide of silver distributed throughout the substance of the paper. " The whole of the process may be performed in full daylight. "When thoroughly washed, each sheet is to be hung upj separately, and when dry is improved by exposure for an hour or two to the full rays of the sun. " It may then be subjected to strong' pressure in a screw frame and kept for use ; it will keep good for any length of time. " To excite it for camera use, take three' drops of aceto-nitrate of silver {the aceto- nitrate consisting of fifty grains nitrate of silver with one ounce of water and one and a half drachm of acetic acid), and three drops of a saturated solution of gallic acid; add these to one drachm of distilled water, which quantity will be about sufficient for a sheet of the ordinary size of 9 X 7 inches. " In summer weather the above proportions are sufficient, but in winter, when the air is cold, four or five drops of aceto-nitrate, and four or five of gallic acid may be safely used to the drachm of water. " This exciting solution should be liberally applied, in the same manner as that described for iodizing ; the paper should be evenly and thoroughly wotted, and when well soaked, blotted off with a sheet of clean white blotting-paper. A round ruler rolled over it with a firm pressure, answers very well, and insures a uniform application. " The paper is now ready for the camera, and should be screwed firmly into the holder, so as to exclude all air as much as possible. Under these circumstances it will keep damp for many hours, and may be depended upon to retain its whiteness, even in summer weather, for twelve hours. 56 MR. LLEWELLYN'S PROCESS. " "With a three-inch Eoss lens, and a quarter-inch diaphragm, the time of expo- sure will vary from eight to fifteen minutes, according to the character of the light and the colour of the object to he copied. The exact time can only be taught by experience. " In developing I make use of aceto-nitrate of silver, and solution of gallic acid in equal proportions, the same as directed for the exciting compound, but Mathout the addition of any water. This must be mixed only immediately before it is wanted, as it decomposes with great rapidity ; having prepared a sufficient quantity for a single sheet, say about one and a-half drachm, brush it over the excited side of the paper with a clean new brush. " The picture ought now gradually and evenly to appear, beginning with the sky, and then faintly exhibiting traces of the darker parts and the shadows. At this point of the development I abandon the use of the compound mixture, and continue the action with the gallic acid alone. A Buckle brush (Fig. 63) is here of great service, as it enables the operator to add more of nitrate of silver, or more of gallic acid, as the case may require, to the different portions of the picture ; and this is a very proper place to describe that article. A Buckle brush, then, is made as follows : — Procure a piece of glass tube, B, about half an inch in diameter and six inches long ; have either a piece of silver wire, A, a little longer than the tube, and with a loop at one end, or a piece of silk thread, pass the wire or thread through the tube, and fasten to the end which comes through a tuft of clean cotton wool, C ; by pulling the other end of the wire, it forms a very nice sort of brush for spreading solutions ; the wool can be thrown away when dirty, and a fresh piece substituted ; the loose end of the wire may be held in its place by bending it over^the edge of the tube. " In those parts where it develops too slowly, nitrate of silver may be chiefly used, while, on the other hand, the parts which are inclined to darken too quickly, may be brushed with the solution of gallic acid alone ; and thus a more complete control over the development of the picture is obtained than can be effected by the use of the glass rod, or any other method that I am acquainted with, " By this practice I have saved many pictures that must otherwise have been lost, and in many others again, have obtained a higher degree of excellence than would have been practicable under other treatment. *' In order to obtain a negative that will print well, it is better to carry the deve- lopment further than may at first sight appear desirable, and it should be carefully examined by transmitted light before the operator is satisfied. When a full definition, even in the parts where the shadows of the landscape were the darkest, has been obtained, the photograph should, without delay, be well washed in cold water, and then immersed in a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda, and left in this until all trace of the yellow iodide of silver has been removed. *' If this should prove tedious and difficult, as will sometimes be the case, it is well to pour away the solution into a stock bottle, and make a little fresh (just enough to cover the sheet), which will always, on application to the half-cleared picture, complete the removal of the y.allow colour ; and the new solution may be added to the stock bottle, and thus aid in keeping up its strength. " The proof must now be thoroughly Avashed for an hour or more, in several j M. GUSTAVE LE GRAY'S PROCESS. 57 j waters, to get rid of all trace of hyposulphite of soda, which, if suffered to remain, I Avould gradually destroy the picture. " "When thoroughly dried, it should be waxed, which may be done without risk, by laying the sheet between two pieces] of blotting-paper saturated with ordinary white wax, and passing a moderately hot box-iron over the whole. A sufficient quantity of wax will be absorbed by the photographic negative, which will thus become transparent when viewed by transmitted light. ?, ,.. " It will print much quicker, and is less liable to injury from any chance contact with liquid, or from the humidity of the air, than if left unwaxed. " The photograph is now finished. " In the foregoing description I have descended into particulars which will, I fear, seem tediously minute, to those who are not aware how much, in photography, depends upon trifles. But I am convinced that the difference between the works of different operators mainly consists in the observance or the neglect of trifles seemingly alto- gether unimportant. Other formulae besides those which I describe will, I well know, produce excellent results in the hands of skilful manipulators. I only speak of those methods which for some time past I have myself exclusively used, and by aid of which I have succeeded in making my best negatives. " The practice is simple and certain, and I recommend it with confidence." M. lie Gray's Process.— Among the many modifications of the calotype, we have that of M. Gustavo Lc Gray, who gives us the following directions : — " First Operation. — Dissolve three hundred grains of isinglass in one pint and three quarters of distilled water (for this purpose use a water bath). " Take one-half of this preparation while warm, and add to it as under .— Iodide of Potassium .... 200 grains Bromide of ditto 60 „ Chloride of Sodium .... 34 „ Let these salts be well dissolved, then filter the solution through a piece of linen, put it, still warm, in a large dish, and plunge in your paper completely, leaf by leaf, one on the other, taking care to prevent the air-bubbles from adhering to the paper. " Put about twenty leaves at a time into the dish, then turn the whole, those at the top to the bottom, then take them out one by one, and hang them by one corner with a pin bent like the letter S, to dry spontaneously. " When hung up, attach to the opposite corner a piece of bibulous paper, which will facilitate the drying. " When the paper is dry cut it the size required, and preserve it in a folio for use ; this paper may be made in the daytime, as it is not sensitive to light in this state. " The bromide does not, in this case, act as an accelerator, as it does on the silver plates of the Daguerreotype, because, instead of quickening, it retards the operation a little ; its action is to preserve from the gallic acid the white of the paper, which would blacken more rapidly if you employed the iodide of potassium alone. " Second Operation. — Prepare, by the light of a taper, the following solution in a stoppered bottle — distilled water, six fluid ounces; crystallized nitrate of silver, 250 grains. " When the nitrate is dissolved, add one ounce of crystallizahle acetic acid ; be careful to exclude this bottle from the light, by covering it with black paper. This solution will keep good until the whole is used. 58 M. GUST AVE LE GRAY's PROCESS. " "When you wish to operate, pour the solution upon a porcelain or glass slab, sur- rounded with a glass or paper border to keep the liquid from running oflf. I usually take the solution out of the bottle by means of a pipette, so as to prevent the distribution of any pellicle of dust or other impurity over the glass slab. " Take a sheet of the iodized paper by two of the corners, holding them perpendicu- larly, and gently lower the middle of the paper upon the centre of the slab ; gradually depress until the sheet is equally spread ; repeat this operation several times until the air-bubbles disappear ; take also the precaution to keep the upper side of the paper dry. " In order to prevent the fingers from spotting the paper, pass a bone paper-knife under the corner of the sheet, to lift it from the slab between that and the thumb. " Let the sheet remain upon the slab until the formation of the chloro-bromo-iodide of silver is perfect. " This may be known by the disappearance of the violet colour which the back of the paper at first presented ; it must not be left longer, otherwise it would lose its sensi- tiveness. "The time required to effect this chemical change is from one to five minutes, depending upon the quality of the paper. " Spread upon a glass, fitted to the frame of the camera, a piece of white paper well soaked in water ; upon this place the prepared sheet, the sensitive side upwards. " The paper which you place underneath must bo free from spots of iron and other impurities. " It is also necessary to mark the side of the glass which ought to be at the bottom of the camera, and to keep it always inclined in that direction when the papers are applied ; if this precaution is neglected, the liquid collected at the bottom, in falling over the prepared paper, would not fail to produce spots. The paper thus applied to the glass will remain there for an hour without falling off, and can be placed within that time in the camera. "When I am going to take a proof at a distance, I moisten the sheet of lining paper with a thick solution of gum arabic, and can thus preserve for a longer time its humidity and adhesion. I can also in this case make use of two glasses, between which the paper is placed, according to the dii'ection of M. Blanqiiart Everard; but it is necessary to take great cave that the plates of glass are perfectly clean, and to have them re-polished if scratched. j " I employ for this purpose, blotting-paper to clean them, as well as my plates ; it | is much superior to linen, and absorbs liquids and impurities that adhere to it. I never ' spare the blotting-paper, for I would rather use a leaf too much than be uncertain j about the cleanness of my glass. i "When the sheet of lining pnper adheres well to the glass, it should not be removed, i but only moistened afresh with water, after which you may apply another sheet of the j sensitive paper. i " In preparing several sheets of the sensitive paper at a time, it is not necessary to ; wash the slab for each sheet ; you need only draw over it a piece of white paper to . remove any dust or pellicle formed. "AVhen your operations are finished, you may pour back the aceto-nitrate of silver into a bottle, and reserve it for another time. " The necessity of employing M. Gray's papers in a wet state is their most objection- I able qitality, but certaialy the results obtained by strict attention to his directions are j DR. diamond's process. 09 often exceedingly beautiful. For developing the image the following is recommended, which does not, however, diifer essentially from the developing processes already described : — " Make about a pint bottle of saturated solution of gallic acid, having acid in excess, and using distilled water ; decant a portion into a smaller bottle for general use, and fill up the other bottle ; you will thus always have a clear saturated solution. " Pour upon a^lab of glass, kept horizontal, a little of this liquid, spreading it equally with a slip of paper, then apply the paper which has been exposed in the same manner as described for the negative paper, being careful to keep the back dry. Watch its development, which is easily observed through the back of the paper ; you may leave it thus as long as the back of the image does not begin to spot. " "When it is rendered very vigorous, remove it quickly to another clean" slab, and well wash it in several waters, occasionally turning it, and gently passing the finger over the back ; by this means you remove any crystals of gallic acid which might spot the picture. " The appearance of thei mage at the end of this process will enable you to judge if it was exposed in the camera the proper time. " If it becomes a bluish grey all over, the paper has been exposed to long ; if the strongest lights in the object, which should be very black in the negative, are not deeper than the half tints, it has still been too long exposed ; if, on the contrary, it has been exposed too short a time, the lights are but slightly marked in black. " If the time has been just right, you will obtain a proof which wilFexhibit well- defined contrasts of black and white, and the light parts very transparent. The opera- tion is sometimes accelerated by heating the gallic acid, and by this process the dark parts of the pictiire are rendered very black. " To fix these negative proofs, a very strong solution of hyposulphite of soda, about one ounce of the hyposulphite of soda to four fluid ounces of water, is employed, and the picture is allowed to remain in it until every trace of yellowness is removed from the paper." Hx. Diamond's Process. — There is one more formula which deserves notice — I mean that of Dr. Diamond, who has been a very successful follower of this process ; and I think the reader will be much benefited by a careful perusal of his remarks in his own words : — "More failures," he says, " than any others depend upon not having good iodized paper, which may result — " 1. From the quality of the paper ; " 2. The mode of preparing it ; " 3. The want of proper definite proportions for a particular make of paper ; because I find very different results ensue unless these things are relatively considered. I have not met with satisfactory results in iodizing the French and German papers, and the thick papers of some of our English makers are quite useless. "Turner's paper of the ' Chafford Mills' make is greatly to be preferred, and therefore I will presume that to be used, and of a medium thickness. The great fault of Turner's papers consists in the frequent occurrence of spots, depending upon minute portions of brass coming from the machinery, or from the rims of buttons left in the rags when being reduced to pulp ; and thus a single button chopped up will contami- nate a large portion of paper. Occasionally these particles are so large that they reduce the silver solutions to the metallic state, which is formed on the paper ; at 60 DR. diamond's process. other times they are so minute as to simply decompose the solutioD, and white spots are left, much injuring the effect of the picture. " Whatman's paper is much more free from hlemishes, hut it is not so fine and i compact in its texture, the skies in particular exhibiting a minutely-speckled appear- \ ance, and the whole picture admitting of much less definition. j " It may not be inappropriate to mention here, in reference to the minuteness : attainable by paper negatives, that a railway notice of six lines is perfectly legible, and j oven the erasure for a new secretary's name is discernible in a specimen, which was j obtained with one of Ross's landscape lenses, without any stop whatever being used, and after an exposure of five minutes (hiring a heavy rain. The sky was scarcely so | dense as could be desired, which will be accounted for by the dull state of the atmos- | phere during the exposure in the camera. ; " Having selected your paper as free from blemishes as possible, which is most ! readily ascertained by holding it up to the light (the rejected sheets doing perfectly well for positives, it is well to reject all those upon which any doubt exists), mark the smoothest surface ; the touch will always indicate this, but it is well at all times not to handle the surfaces of papers more than can be avoided. There is much difference in this respect ; some individuals will leave a mark upon the slightest touch, whereas others may rub the paper about with perfect impunity. " I prefer the paper to be iodized by the single process, because, independently of the ease and'economy of time, I think more rapidity of action is attained by paper so treated, as well as a greater intensity of the blacks, so requisite for producing a clear I picture in after-printing. " Take sixty grains of nitrate of silver and sixty grains of iodide of potassium, dissolve each separately in an ounce of distilled water, mix and stir briskly with a glass rod so as to insure their perfect mixture ; the precipitated iodide of silver will fall to the bottom of the vessel ; pour off the fluid, wash once with a little distilled water, then pour upon it four ounces of distilled water, and add 650 grains of iodide of potassium, which should perfectly re-dissolve the silver and form a clear fluid ; should ] it not (for chemicals differ occasionally in their purity), then a little more should be { very cautiously added until the effect is produced. " The marked side of the paper being laid upon the surface of this fluid in a proper porcelain or glass dish, immediately remove it, lay it upon its dry side upon a piece of blotting-paper, and stroke it over once or twice with a glass rod ; this as effectually expels all the particles of air as complete immersion, it is also more economical, and has the advantage of requiring much less time in the after-immersion in the 'hypo' when it is required to remove the iodide. Either pin the paper up, or lay it down upon its dry side, and when it becomes tolerably dry (perfect dryness is not requisite) ; immerse it in common cold water for the space of four hours, changing the water I during that time three or four times, so that all the soluble salts may be removed ; i often move the papers, so that when several sheets are together, the surface of each may be equally subjected to the water. j " If this paper is well made it is of a pale straw colour, or rather primrose, and perfectly free from unevenness of tint. It will keep good for several years ; if, how- ever, the soluble salts have not been entirely removed, it attracts damp, and becomes bro\vn and uncertain in its application. " Upon the goodness of your iodized paper, of course, depend the future results. j Although it is not requisite to prepare it by candle-light, which in fact is objectionable I DR. diamond's process. 61 from your inability to see if the yellow tint is equally produced, I think it should not be exposed to too strong a light ; and as the fly-fisher in the dull winter months pre- pares his flies ready for the approaching spring, so may the photographer, in the dull 1 weather which now prevails, with much advantage prepare his stock of iodized paper I ready for the approach of fine weather. Many other ways have been recommended ■ which have proved successful in different hands. Dr. Mansell, of Guernsey, pours the ; iodide solution upon his paper, which previously has had all its edges turned up so as I to resemble a dish; he rapidly pours it off again after it has completely covered the ! paper, and then washes it in three waters for only ten minutes in all ; he considers j that thereby none of the size of the paper is removed and a more favourable action is i obtained. In the experiments I have tried with the air-pump, as recommended by ! Mr. Stewart, I have met with much trouble and little success ; and I am inclined to I attribute the very beautiful specimens which he has produced to his own good manipu- I lation, under favourable circumstances. I " To excite the paper take 10 drops (minims) of solution of aceto-nitrate of silver, i and 10 drops of saturated solution of gallic acid, mixed with 3 drachms of distilled I water. I " The aceto-nitrate solution consists of— I • Nitrate of silver 30 grains. ! Glacial acetic acid 1 drachm. j Distilled water 1 ounce. I "If the weather is warm, 6 drops of gallic acid will suffice ; and the excited paper ■ thus prepared may be kept longer. " This may be applied either directly by means of the glass rod, or by floating, as before, and then with the glass rod. If floating is resorted to, then a larger quantity must be prepared. The paper should be blotted oflf by means of blotting-paper (which should never be used more than once, although preserved for other purposes), and put into the dark frames for use. It is not requisite that the paper should be perfectly dry. This exciting should be conducted by a very feeble light ; the paper is much more sensitive than is generally supposed ; in fact, it is then in a state to print from, by the aid of gas or the light of a common lamp, and very agreeable positives are so produced by this negative mode of printing. " I would advise the aceto-nitrate of silver and the solution of gallic acid to be kept in two bottles with wooden cases differing in their shape, so as not to mistake when operating in comparative darkness. A quarter of an ounce of gallic acid put into a tbree-ounce bottle, and quite filled up with distilled water as often as any is used, will serve a very long time. " I would advise that the paper should be excited upon the morning of the day when it is intended to be used ; for there is no doubt the longer it is kept, the less active and certain it becomes. I have, however, used it successfully eight days after excite- ment, and have a good negative produced at that length of time. The general medium time of exposure required is five minutes. In the negatives exhibited, the time has varied from three minutes to eight, the longer time being when the day was very dull. " The pictures should be developed by equal quantities of the aceto-nitrate of silver and the saturated solution of gallic acid, which are mixed and immediately applied to the exposed surface. This may be done several hours after the pictures have been removed from the camera. Care should be taken that the back of the picture does not become wetted, as this is apt to produce a stain which will print off upon the positive. C2 DR. DIAMOND'S PROCESS. " If, upon the removal of the paper from the slide, the picture is very apparent, by- first applying a little gallic acid and immediately afterwards the mixed solutions, less likelihood is incurred of staining the negative, from its being more evenly and intensely developed. " If browning takes place, a few drops of strong acetic acid wiU generally check it. Should the picture be very tardy, either from an insufficient exposure, want of light, or other cause, a few drops of a solution of pyrogallic acid, of three grains to the ounce of water, and a drachm of acetic acid, will act very beneficially. It sometimes gives an unpleasant redness upon the surface, but produces great intensity upon looking through it. Until the pyrogallic solution was added, there was scarcely anything visible upon this paper, the failure having in the first instance happened from the badness of the iodized paper. " As soon as the picture is sufficiently developed it should be placed in water, which should be changed once or twice ; after soaking for a short time, say half an hour, it may be pinned up and dried, or it may at once be placed in a solution almost saturated, or quite so, of hypo-sulphite of soda, remaining there no longer than is needful for the entire removal of the iodide, known by the disappearance of the yellow colour. "When travelling, it is often desirable to avoid using the hyposulphite, for many reasons— among others, getting rid of extra chemicals ; and it may be relied on that negatives will keep even under exposure to light for a very long time. I have kept some myself for several weeks. " The hyposulphite, lastly, should be effectually removed from the negative by soaking in changed waters. " Some prefer to use the ' hypo ' quite hot, or even boiling, as thereby the size of the paper is removed, allowing of its being readily afterwards waxed. I have always found that pouring a little boiling water upon the paper effectually accomplishes the j object ; some negatives will readily wax even when the size is not removed. A very ^ hot box-iron is best for the purpose ; but the most important thing to attend to is, that j the paper should be perfectly dry ; and it should therefore be passed between blotting- j paper and well ironed before the wax is applied. Negatives will attract moisture from j the atmosphere, and therefore the ironing should be resorted to immediately before i the application of the wax. | " Before concluding these remarks, I would draw the attention of the reader to the I great convenience afforded by a yellow bag, made so large as to cover entirely the head | and shoulders, and confined round the waist by means of a stout elastic band. In a 1 recent excursion, I have with the greatest ease been enabled to change all my papers | without any detriment whatever, and thereby dispensed with the weight of more than a single paper-holder. The bag is no inconvenience, and answers perfectly well, at any residence you may chance upon, to obstruct the light of the window, if not pro- tected with shutters. " I would also beg to mention that a certain portion of the bromide of silver intro- duced into the iodized paper seems much to accelerate its power of receiving the green colour, as it undoubtedly does in the collodion. Although it does not accelerate its general action, it is decidedly a great advantage for foliage. Its best proportions I have not yet been able to determine. " I would also offer a caution upon too great reliance being placed upon the use of gutta-percha vessels when travelling, as during the past summer I had a bottle con- taining distilled water which came into pieces, anS I have now a new gutta-percha MR. STEWART'S PROCESS. 63 tray which has separated from its sides. This may appear trivial, bi;t when away from home the greatest inconvenience results from such accidents, which may he easily avoided." Mr. Stewart's Process has been alluded to by Dr. Diamond, and having some claim to the merit of originality, I shall introduce it here, as it may prove useful to some of our amateur photographers, premising that the use of the air-pump, as directed by Mi-. Stewart, is highly useful in iodizing the paper in the wax paper process. In the description of his process, Mr. Stewart says : — " I shall confine myself, for the sake of brevity, to the manipulatory details neces- sary for the production of negatives. Paper. — I prefer to all others Whatman's make, as supplied to me by Mr. Sand- ford ; it is rather thick, and does not readily absorb the wax necessary to render it sutficiently transparent ; but these objections can be overcome, as will be hereafter explained, while it gives a minuteness as well as mellowness of detail which I have not found in any other. Canson's French paper, and the paper known as ' Papier Saxe,' are good papers, and the most easily handled, being strong and tenacious in their texture. Both stand the action of the air-pump perfectly ; the former requires to be carefully selected, it is so irregular and full of defects, but gives very intense blacks ; the latter is regular and good, as far as ray experience of it goes ; it requires longer exposure than the others, being less sensitive when prepared. " To Iodize the Faper, prepare a solution in the following proportions : — Dissolve one ounce (480 grains) of iodide of potassium, and 30 grains of bromide of potassium (I often omit the bromide) in twenty ounces of distilled water, and filter. " For "Whatman's paper it is advisable to reduce the iodide of potassium one-fifth — to about 380 or 400 grains. Poiir this solution into a tray, and having cut sheets of paper a little larger than the size finally required for the camera (this is desirable, as the borders are always more or less defective in iodizing, and the paper may, after that operation, be cut to the exact size required), place one sheet floating on the solu- tion, then slip the next sheet edgeways underneath the first, as it floats — doing this smartly, so that the sheet may not lose its rigidity before it has been slid fairly imder the first sheet; repeat this with every successive sheet — as many, if necessary, as the depth of the solution in the tray will permit. Any other mode of placing the sheets in the tray will answer, but the above is a rapid, simple, and effectual way of immersing the sheets in the bath, so as to avoid the presence of air-bubbles, and may be employed on all similar occasions. "When all the sheets are immersed, cover the upper one with the liquid by raising the whole bundle of the sheets together, and reversing them in the bath, the upper sheet being thus undermost. In four or five minutes, while still in the bath, roll this bundle of sheets up loosely, small enough to be dropped into the glass cylinder, in connection with an air-pump. " The pump I use is a simple direct-action one ; the flexible tube attached to it, and through which the air is exhausted, finishes in a flat lid lined with Indian-rubber (having a valve in the middle), which is placed on the top of, and hermetically closes, an upright glass cylindrical vessel. When the roll of paper is dropped into the glass cylinder, pour over it the solution in the tray in sufiicient quantity to cover the paper, and force a piece of gutta-percha or glass down to the top of the roll, in order to prevent its rising in the cylinder, while the air is being exhausted. Then placing the lid on the ground top of the cylinder, a few strokes of the pump sufiice to exhaust the air, and the action may be continued as long as the air-bubbles are observed to 64 MR. Stewart's process. escape from the paper to the surface. Generally speaking, four or five minutes suffice for this operation, and the paper may be left a few minutes more in vacuo before being removed from the pump. The roll is then picked out, or upset into the tray, and the liquid again poured over it, so that the floating sheets may be easily separated as they are taken out and hung up one by one on an extended cord to dry without previous washing in water. They are now ready for use as required. The operation may be conducted in ordinary daylight. " "With Canson's paper and the ' Papier Saxe,' their sizing is so tenacious there is no fear of continuing the action of the pump too long ; but care must be taken with Whatman's paper in submitting it to the action of the pump, as it loses its sizing with great facility. I believe this has been obviated in the more recent manufacture, but it has been an obstacle to the use of that paper. The unsizing is indicated while under the pump, by the presence of a glutinous froth on the surface of the liquid, which does not disappear as bubbles do in water. When the quantity of size set free is very small, the paper may still be used with safety ; but the defect is generally discovered in the first sheet used, while developing in the bath of gallic acid. The destruction of the body of the paper, hitherto imperceptible, is now seen, if it exist, while examining the sheet by transparence ; and in that case the whole batch iodized had better be set aside, as it is probable most of the sheets are injured. This paper, when perfect, will keep many months, or a year; and as paper thus prepared is employed in all the following processes, a quantity sufficient for a month's con- sumption can be iodized at once, and put to the necessary test. Should Whatman's paper be now manufactured of sufficient tenacity to resist the action of the pump, there Avill remain no uncertainty as to its being perfectly iodized and uninjured, and the only cause of failure with that paper removed. " The solution of iodide of potassium can be preserved indefinitely (replenished only with fresh to replace the quantity absorbed), if it is regularly filtered after use. Should it become very yellow, putting into the bottle a small quantity of starch, and allowing it to digest for some hours, then filtering it, will restore to it its primitive purity. " To Render the Paper Sensitive. — This operation must be performed by the light of a candle or a yellow curtain. In five ounces of distilled water dissolve half an ounce (or 240 grains) of nitrate of silver, and thereto add five drachms of glacial acetic acid, and filter the solution. " Method. — Pour the above solution into a perfectly clean 'tray (which should never be employed for any but silver solutions), and float a sheet of iodized paper on its surface, extending the sheet rapidly, beginning at one end, and lifting it once or twice by the corners, to see that there are no air- bubbles ; then cover it up, and leave it thus floating on the silver solution for ten to twelve minutes, or even a quarter of an hour, as it is essential that the solution should thoroughly penetrate the thickness of the paper. " Should the quantity of the silver bath at hand be small, in lieu of pouring it into a tray (which is rarely quite flat), sufficient may be poured on a plate of glass (the glass, if need be, of a slider), levelled so that none should flow over the sides, and the sheet of paper floated thereon for the same length of time. During this interval, prepare the glass or slate of the camera slides by placing it beside you carefully levelled. If a glass, it had better be finally cleaned with a few drops of acetic acid, to remove any grease, so that water may flow readily over it. Upon this glass or slate pour a layer MR. Stewart's process. 65 of rain or distilled water, just sufficient to cover it. Then taking a sheet of thick bibulous paper (printing) cut to the size of the glass, lay it thereon, so that it at once imbibes the water on the glass, to which it adheres without air-bubbles, and becomes a wet lining to receive presently the sensitive sheet of paper ; the excess of water must be removed by lifting up the glass by the corner. Pour over this lining another layer of pure water, and then, on the expiration of the ten or twelve minutes, lift the sheet of sensitive paper carefully up from its bath by the corners, allowing it to drain for a moment ; deposit it, floating on the paper lining, the sensitive side (that which was in contact with the silver bath) uppermost towards the operator. The intervening layer of water permits of the sheet being easily adjusted in its proper position ; then seizing the glass, and corners of the sheets to prevent them slipping between the fingers and thumb, tilt up the glass slowly and gently so as to allow the intervening water to escape by one corner, when the two sheets will adhere firmly to each other and to the glass, without the presence of air-bubbles. Leaving the glass for a minute or two upright, with the same corner downwards, to allow all the excess of moisture to disappear, it may now be placed in the slider, ready for exposure, taking care not to reverse its position for some few minutes more, lest any drop should re-traverse the sheet and leave a stain. The chief use of the layer of water in this operation, is to prevent the presence of air-bubbles ; it also secures the proper position of the sheet without handling it, which, with Whatman's paper, as at present made, is to be avoided as much as possible, it tears so easily. An experienced manipulator can, however, dispense altogether with the layer of water. " The paper thus prepared for exposure preserves its extreme sensitiveness with its moisture, which, according to weather and climate, may endure an hour or two, within which limit, therefore, the sheet ought both to be exposed and developed. In winter, and cold damp weather; it may remain moist eight or ten hours. When the view to be taken can be reached within that interval of time, this mode of preparing the paper, on which the image is intended to fall directly on the sheet of paper without interven- tion, the most rich and delicately beautiful results are obtained. " The time of exposure depends as usual upon the intensity of the light, and upon the nature of the view, whether abounding or not in deep shadows, ajid also upon the length of the focus and diameter of the diaphragm. With a 3-inch lens, focus of 14 to 15 inches, and diaphragm of 6-lOths of an inch diameter, the exposure for ordinary landscape may vary from a quarter of an hour to half an hour. Paper thus prepared j bears very prolonged exposure without injury ; I am therefore guided in my opera- tions by the nature and composition of the view ; by its darker portions, without much reference to the brighter lights. I also find it safer to expose it a few minutes longer than may be sufficient, no injury resulting from so doing. "2«yhatman's. Turner's, and other papers made in England, though smooth, firm, and of even texture, are all sized with gelatine (glue), which not only has a tendency to retard photographic action, but renders the paper so dense, that the author has found it neces- sary to soak it in warm water and dry it before waxing. They also curl up strongly when floated on one side ; are less transparenf , so that air-bubbles are more readily over- looked in the exciting and other operations; they do not assume the desirable violet tint after iodizing, and the finished negative prints very slowly. Some of these papers, however, seem to bear prolonged development better than the French. The papers of Canson, Laeroix, and other French makers, are almost wholly sized with starch ; this increases their sensibility, and is readily permeable by the wax. Though j very thin, these papers are remarkably tenacious ; but the texture, especially of the i ^Laeroix' and ' New French,' is not exactly all that could be desired. The principal defect in Canson's is the presence of minute particles of metallic substance, which, unless removed by the process hereafter described, or some other, produce spots and spoil the beauty of the negative. The paper preferred is what is known here as ' New French,' the only defect of which is the texture, which does not allow of the sharpness I JMK, TEASDALE'S process. 75 of outline required by the architect or engineer ; but this would doubtless lead the artist to pi-efer it. " IFaxing. — A cheap and easy method is to employ a thick oven-shelf, which, when once heated, will be arailable for a considerable number of sheets. On this is placed a clean sheet of common tin plate, which must be used for this purpose alone, and kept carefully wrapped in paper when not in use. Each sheet of paper is to be laid on the tin plate, and rubbed over with a piece of wax ; the perfect penetration of the paper may then be assisted by rubbing with an ivory paper-knife or the handle of a tooth-brush. The author employs the economical and easilj'-regulated heat of a number of gas-jets, over which the plate stands on a common kitchen trivet. When the requisite number of sheets have been waxed, they are ironed separately in blotting- paper ; not, as is usually directed, to extract as much as possible of the wax, but to remove only as much as is necessary to produce a smooth surface. " Iodizing. — This operation is of the first importance. It is therefore desirable to consider the photographic oiFeet the various substances are calculated to produce. " Bice-water is commonly recommended as the vehicle, on account of the starch it contains ; it is useful for unsized or previously washed papers, but for French papers, which usually contain an excess of starch, the author prefers pure water, especially if the solution contains organic substances, such as sugar of milk, albumen, &c., in addition to the alkaline salts. " Iodide of Potassium. — The quantity recommended by Le Gray and others is far too small, unless thick paper is used and the light is strong. To obtain intense blacks and graduated shades on French papers, the author at least doubles the quantity, unless operating under a bright sunny sky. " Bromide of Potassium. — Using achromatic lenses, the author employs a small quantity of this salt, which accelerates the effect by its peculiar sensitiveness to certain rays, but if much bromide is added the paper is rendered slow ; however, if insuf- ficiently exposed, it bears prolonged development without injury to the whites of the negative. It is probably the large proportion of this salt in the Vicomte Vigier's solution, that renders papers prepared with it capable of retaining their sensibility so long. " Cyanide of Potas&ium the author was long opposed to, on account of its retarding eifect and the reductioti of intensity ; but these disadvantages are more than compen- sated by its penetrating the wax so readih^, taking from it the greasy appearance, facilitating the saturation with the other salts, preserving the whites, and rendering the negative cleaner and more transparent. " Fluoride of Potassium the author uses in small quantity, like many other persons, solely on the authority of the French operators, who attribute to it a power of in- creasing the sensibility greatly, which no one seems to deny. " CldoriiU of Sodium, used sparingly, is a valuable agent in giving intensity to the blacks, and slightly increasing the sensibility ; if in excess, great care is requisite to prevent solarization. " Organic Substances. — With the exception of the starch sizing, sugar of milk is the principal; like other matters of the same class, it facilitates the reduction of the metallic salts, gives dense black skies, and modulates the tones of the pictures. The author uses a small quantity of honey, because continental photographers state that it in- creases the sensibility ; probably the use of gum arable, as recommended by Mr. Ramsden, answers the same purpose. White of egg (albumen) is commonly used. 76 MR. TEASDALE's process. witliout any particular reason being given. The author employs it simply for the sake of improving the appearance of the finished negative, to which it gives a slight gloss. Mr. Fenton thinks it renders the paper slower. Isinglass is used only by Le Gray. The author does not attribute any advantages to it, and finds it renders the solution so thick and glutinous that air-bubbles can scarcely be avoided. " Iodine. — By far the greatest improvement in all the iodizing solutions is the addition of free iodine in considerable quantity, as suggested by Mr. Crookes. This certainly has the power of removing metallic specks from the paper ; and as the iodized papers have, before being excited, a dark purple colour, the presence of an air-bubble cannot escape detection, and the process of exciting is rendered easy and certain. If the solution contains any cyanide of potassium, a much greater quantity of free iodine will be required than when none of this salt is present. " Exciting. — It is stated by Mr. Hunt, that when iodide of silver is made by mixing solutions of nitrate of silver and iodide of potassium, the more dilute the original solutions are, the more sensitive will the precipitated iodide be. The author's experi- ments confirm the doubt this raises as to the truth of the common opinion, that the sensibility of the paper is in direct proportion to the strength of the silver solution ; and he employs a weak solution of nitrate of silver, using a proportionately larger quantity of this solution, whereby (he thinks) the manipulation is rendered easier, and the sensi- bility greater and more equal over the whole sheet. " "With the view of increasing the sensibility of papers not required to be kept long, the author has tried the effect of exciting solutions containing less acetic acid (gene- rally fifteen grains of glacial acetic acid to every ten grains of nitrate of silver in the solution) than is recommended by Le Gray and others ; but has had more failures from this cause than from any other, the pictures becoming brown in the development, especially if long continued. " The method employed to prepare, say six or eight sheets, is as follows :— Upon a large piece of plate glass levelled by screws, are poured four drachms of a fifteen-grain solution of aceto-nitrate of silver ; the marked side of a sheet of iodized paper is floated upon this, prevented from curling up by breathing gently on it, and carefully raised at each corner to see that every part of the under surface is wetted. It is allowed to remain untouched for four or five minutes after the last traces of colour have disappeared from the upper surface, which must be preserved from contact with the solution, to avoid the probable production of black spots on the back. Eemoved from the silver solution, the paper must be floated for a few minutes upon a pint or so of water (which will serve for the whole six or eight sheets), holding the sheet by the corner and slightly agitating it. Then it is pinned up to dry, without blotting off", merely attaching a morsel of blotting-paper to the lower corner to assist the rapid draining away of the liquid. If the upper corner is dried by pinching it between the thumb and finger, silver pins need not bo used, as then no liquid will run down. For every fresh sheet, add about two drachms of fresh aceto-nitrate solution to that on the glass plate, and proceed as before. "When the sheets are all excited, pour the aceto-nitrate remaining on the plate into a separate bottle for use in the development ; the quantity barely sufficing, none is wasted except what is lost in the washings, and this may be recovered if thought worth while. It may be better, but is by no means necessary, to use dis- tilled water or filtered rain-water for washing. The water used by the author is well- water, containing salts which precipitate silver, hut he finds no difference in the result, whether he uses this or perfectly pure water. MR. teasdale's remarks. 77 " It is conYenient, for many reasons, to use one standard size of paper, such as a quarter-sheet, 11X9 inches, for a 31 lens, or a sixth, 9 X 7u inches, for one of 2| inches diameter. The latter is always used by the author. " It is a generally received opinion that in iodizing the sheet, the maximum of sensi- bility is attained at the moment when the last trace of violet or purple colour vanishes, and that it then begins to diminish, unless the paper is removed. The author considers this to be erroneous ; he believes the paper only attains its maximum of sensibility several minutes after the colour disappears, and that the sensibility is not diminished if the paper is left five, ten, or fifteen minutes longer on the exciting solution. " Exposure— The requisite time of exposure depends on so many circumstances — the lens, the diaphragm, the season, weather, hour of the day, character of view, &c. — that no safe general rule can be given. Perhaps for a landscape in difi^used light, in fine clear weather, an average of twenty minutes with a Ross lens two and three-quarters inches, and a half-inch diaphragm, will be about the best. "With paper used wet, as in Flache- ron's process, probably three or four minutes would suffice ; but the whole manipulation would then bo different, and the view must be taken and developed soon after exciting. The author cannot state how long his paper might be kept after exciting. Sheets kept eight or ten days in autumn had not lost much ; requiring perhaps five minutes longer exposure. Developing. — It is best to prepare gallic acid in a quite saturated solution, four ounces of which should be poured into the dish and cne ounce of pure water added. When thoroughly mixed, the marked side of the negative is to be floated on it, breathing on the back slightly as in exciting, for the same reason ; it should be left five or ten minutes at least before adding any aceto-nitrate, and if the operator has not time to watch the development and arrest it at the right moment, the picture may be safely left for many hours floating on the gallic acid solution ; this, if the picture has been over-exposed, will be the best method to prevent its being spoiled by solarization. In either case, when the operator has time, the negative should be taken from the dish with one hand, while with the other the two or three drachms of the refuse aceto- nitrate solution above mentioned should be added and well mixed, and the negative then replaced upon it. The time required to develop the image will enable the operator to judge whether an additional quantity of aceto-nitrate should be added. When the image is fully brought out, drain off the developing liquor, pour clean water into the dish, changing it once or twice, then turn the negative face upward and brush it with a camel's-hair pencil kept expressly for this purpose. If not convenient to fix it at once with the hyposulphite of soda, it may be kept for a length of time, along with others, in a portfolio. " Considerable latitude is allowable as to time of exposure, as error in this respect may be counteracted subsequently. If too short, so that in the longer development required the picture turns brown and will scarcely print, the transparency may be restored ^vitllout injury to any of the blacks, by immersion in a dilute solution of cyanide of potassium, about sixty grains to one pint. This will sometimes remedy solari- zation also. If the development has been arrested too soon, the fixed and finished negative may be improved by floating it on a solution of chloride of gold, such as is used for giving a deep violet tint to positives. " The reason for floating the negative and developing on one side only, is to preserve the cleanliness of the picture, and to prevent the stains and marbling often arising from dirty dishes; the black deposit formed during the long development sinks 78 TABULAR VIEW OF WAX PAPER PROCESSES. to the bottom of the dish, and is never touched by the floating negative. Le Gray re- commends acetic acid for removing stains and spots, but the author does not find this agent available, while the partial use of cyanide of potassium, which alone produces the effect, spoils the beauty of the negative." I may here remark that, to amateurs generally, one of the most annoying causes of failure in the wax-paper process is the marbling appearance which occurs with some of the most beautiful negatives, and spoils them as perfectly as if they were soaked in ink. This arises from the use of dirty dishes for the various solutions, particularly those for the nitrate and gallic acid baths, but more especially the latter. Even though they may seem clean, and though the picture is not even allowed to touch the bottom of the dishes, the marbling may show itself in the picture during development. To insure perfect cleanliness, then, which is more necessary in the waxed paper than in any other photographic process, the dishes should always be thoroughly washed and rubbed dry with a clean cloth, both before and after use, and a separate dish should be used for each solution. In this, and in all the other photographic process, it is almost an impossibility to be clean enough, therefore never spare clean cloths and plenty of water, and having once put the sheet of waxed paper into either the exciting or developing dish, never take it out again, or lift it without previously skimming the surface of the liquid ; this is done by means of a strip of blotting-paper held by each hand, and drawn along the surface, edge down. The following, being Mr. Teasdale's Table of Comparison, may be useful to the photographer. TABLE OP THE WAXED PAPER PKOCESS. Iodizing Solutions. Vehicle, Iodide of potassium Bromide Cyanide Fluoride Chloride of sodium Sugar of milk Honey Albumen Isinglass Gum-Arabic Free Iodine .. I. Le Gray. Riee water. 120 360 480 120 ? 1 or 2 11. Pulcli. Distilled water. 140 81 8^ 4i 132 88 480 III. Vigier. Boiled whey. 220 35 17 13 480 IV. Feiiton. Either distilled or rice water. 350 10 17 26 350 44 slierry colour. V. Ramsden Rice water. 90 240 50 nenrly a port wine tint. VI. Crookes. Distilled water. 480 sherry coli'Xir. VII. W. Hunt nice water. 120 70 48 70 160 ad libi- tum. VIII. Teasdale Distilled water. 240 20 8 10 10 240 50 480 deep port tint. Exciting Solutions. Nitrate of silver... 32 Gl. Acet. Acid 36 36 (less if to be kept longer.) 35 35 15 15 10 or 12 used wet 15 20 to 25 M- geoffboy's process. 79 " Remarks on ilis Table. — I. The large proportion of organic matter in M. Le Gray's solution, renders it too thick and glutinous. The albumen represents one ounce, or the white of a single egg, expressed in grains to preserve uniformity, and to facilitate eomparison of the proportion of organic substances in each solution. The small pro- portion of iodide is not suited for thin paper ; it howerer 'possesses the advantage of sustaining uninjured the prolonged action of the developing agent better than many others. " II. Mr. Pulch's solution is very sensitive, but does not keep well ; and turns brown if the development be continued too long. "III. Viscount Vigier's solution will keep uninjured, after exciting, longer than any other (say in winter six or eight weeks), but is very slow in its action. " IV. Mr. Fenton's solution is very good, especially for the thin old Canson's paper made some years ago. " V. Although I have not been very successful in using Mr. Ramsden's solution, it has produced, in other hands, the best negatives I have ever seen. It would be better, I think, to double the quantity of iodide. " VI, Mr, Crookes' solution has given me one or two good pictures, but requires at least the addition of some organic matter, such as sugar of milk or rice water. " VII. Mr, Hunt has given this solution as the result of a connected scries of carefully made experiments on the use of the bromides ; but it is to be regretted that he used common meniscus lenses, in operating with which I think the peculiar value of the bromides is not apparent. " VIII. I have been led to adopt my own iodizing solution for general use from experiments with, and consideration of most of the preceding." M. Geoffrey's Process. — Before leaving the wax paper for the present we shall devote a few minutes to the consideration of a new method of preparing waxed paper, by M. Stephane Geoffroy, of Eoanne : — " L. M. Geoffroy places 500 grammes (about eighteen ounces avoirdupois) of yellow or white wax, and one litre (about a quart) of alcohol of commercial strength in a glass retort, and boils the alcohol until the wax is completely dissolved, having pre- viously attached a receiver to the retort to collect all the products of distillation, he then pours the still fluid mixture into a glass vessel, and as it cools the myricine and cerine solidify, while the ceroleine remains in solution ; this liquid is separated by pass- ing it through fine linen, and, as a final operation, mixing it with the alcohol which passed over in the distillation, and filtering it through paper in a glass funnel. A store of this liquid is kept in a carefully stoppered bottle, to be used as required in mixtiu-e with the following. "2. He then dissolves in loO grammes (about five ounces) of alcohol of Se^" twenty grammes (five drachms Apoth. W.) of iodide of ammonium (or potassium), one gramme (aboiit fifteen grains) of bromide of ammonium or potassium, and one gramme (about fifteen grains) of fluoride of potassium or ammonium. " Taking a capsule he pours drop by drop upon about one gramme (about fifteen grains) of iodide of silver freshly prepared, as much of a concentrated solution of cyanide of potassium as is required to dissolve it. " This dissolved iodide of silver he adds to the preceding mixture, and agitates it 5 there remains at the bottom of the bottle a rather thick deposit of all the above salts, which serves to saturate the alcohol, with which that already saturated is successively I replaced, and removed in the manner and proportions to be described. 80 lespiault's process. "3. These two bottles being ready, -when about to prepare negatives, he takes about 200 grammes (six and-a-quarter ounces Apoth. "W".) of the solution No. 1, of ceroleine and alcohol, with -which he mixes twenty grammes (five drachms Ap. W.) of the solution No. 2. Filtering the mixture with care, to avoid undissolved crystals, which spot the paper, he makes a bath in a porcelain dish, wherein he soaks for about a quarter of an hour, five or six at a time, papers previously selected and cut to size ; continuing to do so until the solution is exhausted. Taken out, hung up by a hook in one corner and dried, these papers, which have acquired a very uniform rose tint, are covered up from dust and kept dry. In rendering them sensitive with nitrate of silver, developing with gallic acid, and fixing the proofs with hyposulphite of soda, the ordinary method is followed — generally that of M. Le Gray — adding one or two grammes (fifteen to thirty grains) of camphorated spirit of wine to one litre (about one quart) of the solution of gallic acid." The great advantages M. Geoiiroy found in preparing his negatives by this method are as follows : — " All who use paper Avaxed by M. Le Gray's process, are aware of the slow and difii- cult preliminary operations required previous to rendering it sensitive with nitrate of silver. They know how much precaution is required to obtain paper uniformly coated and unspotted, in the midst of such long operations, where the chances of accident are so numerous, the constant attention required to guard against the impurities of the wax of commerce, against dust during the impregnation of the paper and the ironing, against too great heat in the latter, and against bad quality of the paper used for ab- sorbing. Photographers also know how much wax is lost in this process, and what the quantities of paper necessarily cost in absorbing properly. The difiiculty and tedious- ness of the imbibition of an aqueous solution by paper previously waxed is equally known. On the other hand, by the method here described, the iodizing and waxing are effected ia one simple and rapid operation ; the imbibition is, as may be imagined, very uniform and complete, from the facility with M'hich alcohol penetrates ; and that granular appearance which is so troublesome in ordinary waxed proofs, is avoided by this method, owing to the character of the ceroleine — this substance possessing elas- ticity in a remarkable degree. "The solution of ceroleine in alcohol is moreover very easily prepared, and com- paratively cheap, for the residues of stearine and myricine may be either sold or used with excellent effect for waxing fixed proofs. " The solution made by the above formula is photogenic in a very high degree ; indeed, when used with either thin or thick papers, it gives, from the first bath of gallic acid, blacks of an intensity which it is impossible to obtain with Le Gray's paper, and, which other papers scarcely acquire after having been treated a second time with acetic acid or bichloride of mercury. At the same time, they preserve the whites and half- tints in a manner which surprised me. The transparency of the proofs is also admirable, and the clearness of the image yields in nothing to that of proofs obtained upon albumen." Lespiault's Pxocess. — The following process by Lespiault is considered useful in some cases, and is very easily prepared ; but I cannot personally speak as to its merits, not having tested it : — " The prepared papers do not," says M. Lespiault, " keep very long in the hot season ; but if they are sensitized in the morning, or even overnight, they wiU keep the whole day if care is taken to wash them in three fresh waters. I am speaking of lespiault's process. 81 the papiers Saxe, the only sort that I habitually use. Turner's keeps much better, but it is only half so rapidly sensitized. This is the formula for the preparation of the iodide : — Eau de vie, from 18° to 20" . 500 grammes (16 ounces). Sugar of milk . . to saturation. Iodide of zinc . . 10 grammes (150 grains). Bromide of zinc . • 2 grammes (30 grains). " The quantities of iodide and bromide indicated above may also be dissolved in 250 grammes (8 ounces) of distilled water ; saturated with sugar of milk ; and 250 grammes (8 ounces) of alcohol added to this solution. " The papiers Saxe immersed in this liquid for four or five minutes take a very even rose tint in drying. The paper can be kept in this longer without any bad effect. " These papers, once dry, will keep indefinitely ; when it is wished to sensitize them, float them on a bath of aceto-nitrate of silver of five per cent, with the addition of from seven to eight per cent, of glacial acetic acid. " The paper becomes little by little very white ; at the end of four or five minutes, when the tint is very equal, it is taken out, and immersed in a bath of distilled water : this should be renewed three times, allowing a quarter of an hour between each time, and dried afterwards with blotting-paper, and the operations continued the same as with the wax-paper. " If the bath of aceto-nitrate were more concentrated, by ten per cent, for example, the paper would not keep, and the print would want delicacy ; if it were weaker it would be liable to unsensitized patches, or it would be necessary to keep the paper much longer in the liquid. This observation applies, I believe, to all negative papers, and, above all, to those which are not waxed. " Using a lens of three inches in diameter, fifty centimetres (about thirty inches) of focal length, with a diaphragm of fifteen millimetres, a quarter of an hour's ex- posure, instead of thirty-five minutes, is sufacient for photographing an old building or a street. Trees can be taken in the same space of time, if a diaphragm with an opening large enough is employed, but, with the same diaphragm, it takes forty minutes. It takes an hour and a-half with waxed or albuminized paper. I attribute this enormous difference in rapidity to two causes : first, to the different bases of the iodides ; and, secondly, to the absence of any fatty substance, such as wax, which retards more or less the formation of the image. If the paper has not been altered by the heat and the remains of the nitrate which has not been removed by the washing, the whites can be preserved two hours in the bath of gallic acid. The prints so obtained are delicate, and without roughness ; and the blacks are always sufficient when the time of exposure has been suitable." In conclusion, I must say that half the failures result from impure wax. The fact is well known that the white wax generally sold as purified wax is more than half adulterated viiih. foreign substances ; here we have a cause of failure to be only got rid of by going to a respectable wax-bleacher, and telling him for what purpose the wax is required. Another cause of failure or graining in the negative, although that just mentioned is the greatest, is using the iron too hot when waxing. More than half the success of the wax paper process depends on the perfect manner in which the paper is waxed and the purity of the wax employed. Summary Having given, in the preceding pages, the different formulae of some 82 MANIPULATOKT SUMMARY. of the most eminent and successful operators, it now remains to give the reader some practical observations on the manipulatory portion of the information already con- i veyed. To begin, then, with the beginning, the first subject for examination will be ■ the causes of failure in " The Calotype Process." ( The causes of failure in the calotype, as in all the other branches of photography, | are numerous ; and, I am sorry to say, in reference to the science in general, that the j causes of these failures are nearly alwaj'S to be .traced to the inattention, carelessness, [ or dirty habUs of manipulation, in the operators. I saj dirti/ habits, for there is nothing j so easily acquired, or so difficidt to rjet rid of, as a slovenly, dirty, method of manipu- | lation. As an instance, I had a friend — in fact, a pupil — some short time back, who was ; constantly writing to know the cause of this failure and of that. Now, he was remark- ; ably clean and neat in his habits and person, so much so that I never for a moment j thought, after I first mentioned the subject, that his failures could arise from any want ' of care in that direction, and I was fairly puzzled to account for some of them, knowing ! ttat his chemicals and apparatus were of the first quality. At last I determined to pay { him a visit. I found that he had gone to some degree of expense as an amateur in fitting j up a glass-house, dark-room, &c. ; and could plainly see that it was not from want of expensive materials, or persevering trials, that he failed ; so I said to him, " "Well, I have come to see you work ; so commence as soon as you like — I shall be your sitter." He commenced in a first-rate style of activity, took up a glass plate (he was working the collodion), picked up a piece of old linen that w^as lying on the developing bench in his dark room, with which he polished his glass, coated it,, and plunged it in the bath. He then proceeded to arrange and focus me ; he had a curtain over a beam, for the purpose of shading one side of the face, and in his usual energetic manner he gave this ! curtain a pull, in order that he might place it where he wished, and drew it suddenly along the beam (which I am sure had a month's dust on it), and set a cloud floating about the room that would take at least three hours to clear away. He then put the plate in the camera, and, after exposing, he took up the glass holding the developing I solution from out of a mess of wet, &c. ; and, in pouring the developing solution on to i the plate, he let a couple of drops fall on the latter from the bottom of the developing ' glass, furnished by some of the indescribable mess in which it had been previously standing. Considering this, and also that the atmosphere in which the plate was taken out of the bath was saturated with dust, and the state of the interior of the camera in which it was exposed, recollecting, at the same time,, that the cloth with which he wiped the glass was taken ofi" the sloppy bench, it is not to be wondered at | that the resulting negative was somewhat similar to the first cfi'ort of a schoolboy in | drawing a portrait over which he subsequently upset his ink. " There, sir," says he, | " how do you account for that " I said at the time, wishing to see if he would go on ' in the same way, " Well, I scarcely know ; try again." Everything was repeated exactly as in the first instance, with this addition — he actually washed his gla'ss in the water which had just washed the hyposulphite of soda off his last picture ! I then told him to get his curtains taken down and dnsted, his beams and floor washed out, his dark-room well scrubbed, and a small shelf put up for his developing glass, covered with half-a-dozen thicknesses of blotting-paper, his cloths well washed without soap, a few nails put up on which to hang them, one to be kept for cleaning out the slide (or, M'hat is better, some papier Joseph), another for wiping the glasses after washing, and a third for polishing them, strict care being taken that there should be no dust or slop of any kind ; and the result was, that he has never had occasion to CAUSES OF FAILURE, AND REMEDIES. 83 write to me since. Now, what holds good with collodion holds good with every other branch; it must be always borne in mind that the greatest care, the strictest cleanli- ness, and the most undeviating perseverance, are necessary to the successful practice of photography. And now, then, to return to what I commenced with — the causes of failure in the calotype process. Causes of Failure. — If the negative in developing assume a disagi-ecable reddish or foxy brown, the cause, probably, is a deficiency of acetic acid in proportion to the strength of the silver used, or from the presence of nitrate of potash left in the paper ; by not washing the iodized papers sufficiently, or from not using a sufiicient quantity of water for the removal of the salt named. It may also arise from not using the iodized paper for a considerable period after it has been prepared. It must be noted, that the sooner the iodized paper is used after preparation, the more brilliant and satisfactory the picture will be. Remedy. — After well washing the negative, when fully developed, and before sub- mitting it to the fixing bath, immerse it in the following solution until the required black tone is acquired. Take Chloride of gold, 1 drachm. I Hyposulphite of soda, 3 drachms. Distilled water, f pint. | "Water, | pint. "When dissolved, stir the water, and, stirring all the' time, add the chloride of gold solution in small portions at a time. This bath will convert the foxy red colour of the negative into pure black, and it must be afterwards fixed in a solution of four parts water and one part hyposulphite of soda ; after which it must be well washed in plenty of water. Perhaps it may be necessary to explain ■\\'hat I mean by well washed. Place your photograph in a shallow dish under a water tap, and turning the tap so that you may have a stream about the diameter of a good-sized quill, allow it to run over your photograph for three or four hours ; after which hang up to dry. I should then consider the photograph sufficiently well washed. Spots and Stains, showing the grain of the flesh in the points of the fingers. These are invariably caused by carelessly allowing the fingers to come in contact with the paper when preparing it, more especiallj^ when making it sensitive in the nitrate of silver bath, or in any part of the process when the fingers have been dabbling in hypo- sulphite of soda previoTisly. Remedy. — Keep the fingers particularly clean, and never touch the surface of the paper at all ; handle it by the corners in every operation. A Black Uneven Line, running from one corner in the direction of the opposite one. This is caused by the use of a brass pin, for the purpose of pinning up the sheet by one corner ; it partly reduces the silver, and the combined solutions running down in the direction of the lowest corner causes the stain. Remedy. — Carefully wipe your pins, and before you pass them through the papers blot off' the comer to be pinned, and double a piece of blotting-paper over the corner before you insert the pin. This is more necessary when using the silver solution than at any other time. Blacheniny in the Bath. — The negative will blacken all over in the developing bath. This may be caused by over exposure, but in that case there will be a feeble image of the object on the negative ; or it may be caused by light getting entrance to the camera 84 CAUSES OF FAILURE, AND HEMEDIES. 1 independent of the lens ; or the prepared sheet may have been accidentally exposed to the light previous to development. Remedy. — Should the universal blackening be caused by accidental light, remedy the defect ; if caused by oyer exposure, expose for a shorter time. The Negative will become red, or foxy all over. This arises from the want of suf- ficient acetic acid to regulate the decomposition of the silver salt, and keep it in such a state that it can only be decomposed by light. Remedy. — Increase the quantity of acetic acid. Acetic acid differs very much in its strength, therefore any quantity mentioned in this treatise means that quantity of glacial acetic acid. Woolly Appearance.— A. woolly rough appearance in the negative, which of course \ would be worse in the positive ; this may arise from too much washing when the paper | was iodized — a paper too rough in its texture — using a rough grained blotting-paper after | exciting — or using paper that has been iodized for a very longtime. It may also occur ! from want of proper focusing, or the agitation of the camera during exposure from wind, ! or other causes. As it would be impossible for me to say which of the above would cause this appearance in any particular negative without seeing it, I can only point out the cause of the effect to the reader, leaving it to him to ascertain what the particular cause may be, and then he can easUy remedy it himself if he has carefully considered the principles involved. White or Black Spots, with streaks from them. These are nearly always caused by the most minute particles of iron, copper, or brass, getting into the paper either acci- dently or from the wear and tear of the machinery used in making it, of course there is no remedy for these but to choose paper quite free from them. Marhlings do not appear until after the first or second preparation of the paper, when spots of irregular form, markings of a dozen shapes, all arise from want of care, either in not skimming the surface of the developing or exciting solution, when immersing or lifting negatives into or out of it, or not thoroughly washing and cleaning the dishes or measures used, especially when one dish or measure has to receive two or three solutions, or from not properly cleaning the glass against which the paper is pressed in the paper slide, or from other similar causes. Remedy. — More care and attention to cleanliness. Let me again impress on the operator the necessity, if possible, of keeping separate dishes and measures for each solution ; and even then wash and clean them, as if they had contained solutions of a different nature. Causes of Failure in the Wax Process. — Almost all the observations made with regard to the calotype relate also to the wax paper process ; but the use of wax as a preliminary preparationtnecessitates a few additional observations. In the calotype many of the causes of failure — I mean more particularly the wooUiness of the negative — cannot be traced to the same causes in the wax paper process ; for instance, the washing or blotting off with rough paper, because the first operation in the latter process is to fill the pores or body of the paper with wax ; this paper, of coui'se, will stand aU the washing and blotting you may wish to give it, as the presence of the wax renders it hard and smooth on its surface. But similar effects may be caused by the adulteration of the wax,— a thing so common that, unless you go to a first-rate establishment (and that must he a wax bleacher's), you cannot obtain a pure specimen ; even in the last case, you must tell the principal for what purpose you want it ; but the wax you will then obtain will not be white. The principal substance of adulteration is sperma- PHOTOGRAPHY ON GLASS. 85 ceti, and the woolliness or roughness is owing to the unequal action of the chemicals on the atoms of wax and spermaceti. Another great cause of unequal action arises from using an iron too hot, as in that case it removes the wax, and that unequally. These few observations, added to the foregoing, will he quite sufficient. I would have the reader bear in mind that, although the surface of waxed paper is not so easily damaged by washing as the prepared paper, still it will be well to prevent any friction ; it is, therefore, better to float or immerse the papers in the diff'erent solutions than 'to use the glass rod ; the finest-grained blotting-paper should also be used. ; PHOTOGEAPHY ON GLASS. The Albumen Process — The art is indebted to Sir John Herschel for the adaptation of glass plates to receive sensitized organic substances. In order to deter- mine how far organic matter was indispensable to the discoloration of silver solutions he prepared a solution of salt, extremely dUuted, which he mixed with nitrate of silver,' so dilute as to form together a liquid only slightly milky. This was poured on a plate of glass laid horizontaUy at the bottom of a flat vessel, from which, after several days, the liquid was drawn off by a syphon tube, and the last portion, drop by drop, by a syphon composed of a few fibres of hemp laid parallel, and moistened without twisting. The glass was not touched till quite dry, when it was found coated with a uniform film of chloride of silver, which adhered with considerable tenacity to the glass, but was not sensitive to light. On dropping on it a solution of nitrate of silver, and spreading it over by inclining the plate to and fro, it became highly sensitive. Exposed in this state to the focus of a camera, it became impressed with a remarkably well-defined negative picture. These experiments, communicated through the Journal of the Eoyal Society, had no doubt their influence on the ardent minds who were then pursuing this wonder- ful and fascinating art. Among others who had devoted themselves to the investigation was M. Niepce de St. Victor, the nephew of the discoverer of the Daguen-eotype process. This gentleman, as early as 1847, had made considerable progress in developing the albumen process, and seems fairly entitled to'^the merit of perfecting the idea thrown out by Sir John Herschel. However that may be, from that date the use of glass was rapidly brought to perfection. This process derives its name, our readers need scarcely be told, from the organic substance chiefly used, namely, the white of eggs. Albumen forms one of the constituents of many animal substances ; amongst others, and in combination with different fatty matters, it is found in its purest state in the white of an egg. Mr. J. E. Mayall has entered so very fully into this process in his address to the Photographic Society, that we cannot do better than quote his paper. " Albumen," Mr. Mayall proceeds to say, " is the true starting-point from which all animal tissues are formed, as the egg contains no other nitrogenous compound except albumen ; the yolk containing, besides albumen, a yellow fat only. Its chief characteristic is its coagulability by heat. "We shall speak of its two conditions,— soluble, or uncoagulated albumen, and insoluble, or coagulated albumen. '■^Soluble Animal albumen of the soluble kind may be obtained in a solid form by evaporating at a temperature below 120° ; it is then a dry, yellowish, homy, and brittle mass. 86 MR. mayall's albumen pkocess. " This can be powdered, and treated succcsBively with ether and alcohol, which free it from fat, salts, and other foreign matter, until we obtain it pure. " "When thus completely dry it is without taste or odour, and has neither acid nor alkaline reaction. | " In the dry state it may be heated even to the temperature of boiling water, with- ! out passing into the insoluble coagulated form. Moistened Tvith water, it swells up, j becomes transparent, and by the addition of more water it dissolves into a colourless, j tasteless fluid. j " If this solution be heated to a temperature of 140", it passes into the coagulated j form. Less concentrated solutions require a heat of 160°, and very dilute solutions . require even boiling before the albumen will coagulate. j " Albumen is insoluble in alcohol and ether. It is soluble to a certain extent in distilled water, but much more easily in water that contains an alkaline salt or chloride of sodium. " Mulder has given great attention to its analysis. His most recent investigation gives : — Carbon 53 5 Hydrogen 7'0 Nitrogen 15 5 Oxygen 22'0 Sulphur 1'6 Phosphorus 0'4 100-0 parts. " Albumen easily putrefies in the moist state, by the action of the atmospheric agents, for which reason it requires to be used immediately after it is mixed with the chemicals ; in winter the time may be prolonged to forty-eight hours, but in summer not longer than six hours. " The greater number of the metallic salts, according to Lehmann, precipitate albumen, the precipitate containing either a combination of basic salt with albumen, or a mixture of two compounds, one of which consists of the acid of the salt and albumen, and the other of the base of the salt and albumen. The albumen generally passes into the insoluble form. The precipitated and washed albumen, when dissolved in of caustic potash, and digested for one hour at a temperature of 160°, converts the sulphur and phosphorus into a phosphate and sulphide. The filtered solution, if now treated with acetic acid in slight excess, yields a gelatinous precipitate of protein ; which Mulder, its discoverer, designates as the basis of albumen, fibrin, and casein. " For the object of this inquiry it is sufficient to know, that albumen cannot exist in the soluble state ' in the absence of mineral constituents ; that a slight alkaline reaction is the best condition for photographic operations. The phosphorus which it contains is a most important element of success, while the sulphur does not appear to have any prejudicial eff'ect on the subsequent process with the aceto-nitrate of silver, " The earnest inquirer is referred to Lehmann's ' Physiological Chemistry,' pub- lished by the Cavendish Society ; article Albumen, vol. i. p. 330 ; and Fluids of Eggs, vol. ii. p. 353; a work that ought to be carefully studied by every chemist who desires to obtain accurate and recent information on this important subject. " For the photographer's purpose the albumen of the hen's egg is the easiest of * PREPARING THE GLASS PLATE. 87 ; access. The eggs must be fresh, not more than five days old. They ought to be kept in a cool place. Those from the country are better than town-laid eggs, and I advise, where practicable, that tlie hens should hayo carbonate and phosphate of lime strewn about for them to peck at. This enriches the albumen and renders it more limpid. Each egg must be broken separately into a shallow cup, and the yolk retained in the shell as well as the germ ; then poured into a measure until the required quantity of limpid albumen is obtained. " To M. Niepce de St. Victor we are indebted for the first application of albumen to photography. In the latter part of 1848 I first saw an imperfect impression of some chimney-pots, at Cha. Chevallier's, optician, Paris ; he could not, or would not, tell me how it was done. It was sufficient to know that the thing was possible, to make me attempt it again. " I shall in this paper confine myself to the negative process, merely remarking, that the only difference between the negative and the positive process consists in sub- stituting the chloride of sodium for the bromide of potassium. " Cleaning the New patent plate-glass is the best. Get into the habit of placing the face-side towards the wall, and into the boxes with the face towards the left hand. Solution :— Alcohol, 30 grammes (450 grains) ; strong liquid ammonia 10 grammes (150 grains) ; water, 40 grammes (600 grains) ; tripoli, 30 grammes (450 grains). Shake up to mix. " Tie up three pieces of clean cotton wool in round balls, each about the size of a small hen's-egg ; then fix the glass firmly in a wooden screw-vice perfectly flat ; with a piece of cotton and the above solution rub hard and evenly the surface of the glass, in a similar manner as for Daguerreotype plates ; then more gently ; rear it up to dry. Take another glass, which rub in the same manner, and so on for twelve dozen. Change the ends to dry the upper edge of the glass. Wlicn dry, wipe the edges, as also the back, slightly with another ball of cotton, without touching the surface to I free it from dust. Rub off the surface with a clean ball of cotton, firmly at first, then softly and evenly ; then, with a clean hog's-hair brush, dust the back and edges, and, put the glass into a dry clean box, face towards the left hand. My boxes hold fifty plates each. The plate must be albuminized the same day ; if left, it will be neces- sary to clean them again. This plan of cleaning is both for negative and positive glass. " Spreading on the Plate. — For twelve dozen plates the albumen should be prepared as follows :— Take 450 fluid grammes (about 12 ounces) of albumen; 7J fluid ditto (112 j grains) saturated solution iodide of potassium; U ditto (23 grains) bromide of potas- sium ; 1 drop of solution of caustic potash ; 1 gramme (15 grains) of water. " The iodide and bromide of potassium ought to be each a saturated solution in distilled water-, at a temperature of 60", and weighed in a cup carefully balanced. The utmost care is necessary to observe these proportions ; if too much of the salts be used, they crystallize in the albumen and make spots ; the drop of caustic potash renders the albumen more limpid ; pour the above ingredients into a -wide-mouthed and rather large bottle (say half-gallon), shake up until the bottle is completely filled with white foam. This wiU take ten minutes. Let it stand six hours in a cool place ; then pour off the clear albumen into a tall glass measure that does not taper towards the bottom, but rather, like a decanting vessel, broader at the bottom, to allow any particles of germ to full down and not stick to the sides. The solution should be poured into this j vessel one hour before it is required. I " It is now necessary to avoid most carefully the formation of air-bubbles, which, 88 PKEPARING THE GLASS PLATE. in the act of spreading, deteriorate the impression by making streaks; these are caused by the partial drying and decomposition of the chemicals in the albumen. " I have found the following the most effectual way to avoid these faults. I have a glass fimnel with a long beak that just reaches to the bottom of my glass pint- measure, upon which funnel I place a flat plate of glass turned up at the edges, -with a hole in the centre ; the whole is lined with moistened muslin, so that when the albumen falls on to the glass dish, in the act of pouring, it glides gently down into the measure placed under. The funnel is supported by a convenient wooden stand, termed in the laboratory a filter support. " I place a wet sponge — also covered with clean muslin — on a table near at hand, between the above arrangement and the drying-box. " Let us suppose then that the dish is ready, the drying-box placed perfectly level, the plates of glass all clean, a soft flat camel's-hair brush well dried and at hand. I take a glass, balanced on the tips of the fingers of the left hand, brush off the dust, and from the measure of albumen pour on to the surface sufficient to well cover the plate ; keeping it as level as possible, then suddenly turn it down on its edge, to allow the excess of albumen to run into the glass dish ; wiping it carefully for eight seconds on the edge of the muslin, then again eight seconds on the sponge cushion, and placing it in the drying-box. A few trials will give the exact moment necessary to deposit sufficient albumen on the surface ; if too much remains, the plate will be streaked and uneven ; if too little, the proof will be thin and weak. Continue spreading till the drying-box is full. The French albumen drying-boxes are the only ones I can use, and I therefore recommend them. Each board should be tried with a spirit- level. The plates will be perfectly dry in three days ; put them into boxes in a dry place, where they will keep for any length of time, though it is best not to prepare more than one month's supply beforehand ; four dozen plates can be coated in an hour. " To Iodize the Plates.— As before stated, an alkaline reaction is the best condition for spreading the albumen, as it renders it more limpid ; but this alkalinity is detri- mental to the silvering process (an acid reaction now being of equal importance). The plates have, therefore, to be passed over the vapour of iodine, just like a Daguerreotype plate, to completely saturate the alkaline reaction ; this will take from two to four minutes, according to the temperature ; the albumen surface ought to have a yellow tinge, by the vapour of iodine ; this operation ought to be done a few hours before silvering. '■'■Silvering the Plates. — The process of silvering is performed as follows: — Take 1,500 grammes (50 ounces) of water, 150 grammes (about 4 ounces) of nitrate of silver, and 150 grammes (about 4 ounces) of glacial acetic acid. Filter; use gutta-percha baths as for collodion. I use two baths and a bath of distilled water, and so arrange the dipping that each plate remains in the bath one minute and a-half. I then put each plate in succession into the bath of distilled water, washing the back with common, and the face with distilled, water ; rearing up to dry in a place free from dust. " This operation is quite mechanical, and much easier to do than to describe. At first the operator is afraid to run sufficient water on the plate to'wash it ; but he need have no fear, as the iodo-bromide of silver is precipitated into the substance of the albumen and cannot be washed out. The washing serves to make the operation more certain. " Renew' the silver bath as follows : — For every 100 plates add thirty grammes (450 | DEVELOPING THE IMAGE. 89 grains) of nitrate of silver, twenty grammes (300 grains) of glacial acetic acid, and water to make up the original quantity, " To Prepare the Flutes.— In preparing the plates for the camera, pass them over the vapour of iodine half a minute previous to placing them in the camera slide ; expose in the camera from thirty seconds to ten minutes, according to the intensity of the light, the colour of the ohject, and the aperture of the camera; if required to be verv quick, the plate should he plunged into a dilute bath of gallic acid— one of acid to" ten of water. This last suggestion is made for plates to be used immediately. " To Develop the Image.— In order to develop the latent image, use (B) a saturated solution of gallic acid. (C) 400 grammes (13 ounces) of water, thirty grammes (450 grains) of nitrate of silver, and eighty grammes (3 ounces) of acetic acid. (D), a pint bottle filled with three parts of gallic acid solution and one part water. Pour into a dish, kept expressly for this purpose, about half an inch of liquid in depth, drop into it eight drops of solution (C), shake it up ; then run distilled water on to the plate just taken from the camera, and plunge it into the gallic acid (D) as above prepared ; shake it about, fill the dish with plates, and continue to shake up, adding every hour eight to twenty drops of solution (C), until the image is fully developed. The opera- tion may be continued with safety for three days if necessary, though it is best to complete the developing in twelve to sixteen hours. Wash well with water, rear it up to dry. "Another and quicker method of developing is with the pyrogallic acid:— 300 grammes (9 ounces) of water, one gramme (15 grains) of pyrogallic acid, five grammes (75 grains) of glacial acetic acid, and one gramme (15 grains) of formic acid. The plates will develop in half an hour in this solution, and in warm weather in less time ; but I find the half-tones are not so well preserved as in the slow process. Fixing.— Tl\x& fixing is performed as follows:— 100 water, ten hyposulphite of soda. Continue the fixing till all the yeUow iodide disappears ; wash well— dry— and the plate is finished. "The hyposulphite solution should be kept entirely apart from the albuminizing ; in fact, it should not be in the same room, " The positive plates are prepared in the same way, only substituting chloride of sodium for the bromide of potassium. The exposure by superposition ought to be in north light ten seconds to one minute and a-half, according to the intensity of the negative proof. " I find collodion negatives print much quicker than albumen negatives ; collodion is more transparent. " I recommend the'glass to be an inch larger each way than the desired view, to allow for marginal error. " Also always, if possible, to use new glass, as I find that which has been already used is uncertain, " I have taken one hundred plates, prepared as above directed, without having a single failure. In fact, each plate receives precisely the same treatment, and if the directions are strictly followed, failure is almost impossible. " Should the operator be compelled to use his glasses over again, I recommend that | the albumen surface be washed off with caustic potash, and a scratch made with a ! diamond on the albumen side, so as to use the other ; then wash the glass plates with I common water, then with nitric acid and cotton, then much water again, then warm 1 water, and rear up to dry, after which, clean as for new glass. 90 MR. NEGEETTl'S ALBUMEN' PROCESS. " The solutions must be carefully corked up to avoid evaporation, tlie gallic acid bottles kept full, the room free from dust, and dark thick yellow curtains to exclude the actinic rays. The plates will keep excited for fourteen days, and may be developed six days after the view is taken, which, to many photographers, may be an advantage. " Never allow a sulphur match to be lighted in the albumen room ; avoi'd vulcanized india-rubber rings, the sulphur from which produces spots ; wash the developing dishes every time they arc used with nitric acid, and much water after- wards ; wash the silver baths with distilled water, and then turn them iipside down to avoid dust. " I recommend French weights and measures : the gramme weight is 15-43 grains (nearly 15^), the fluid oimce is equal to 31 grammes." Mr. Negretti's Albumen Process.— After some directions for selecting and cleaning the plate of glass, the w^riter proceeds as follows : — " The Albumen— The manner of making albumen is very simple. You provide a rather large basin — I would recommend a Berlin evaporating basin with a small Hp ; you then procure a wooden fork, which is to be bought at most fancy bazaars ; but a silver one is as good. Now get some good large eggs, all of a size, if possible. We reckon a large egg to contain thirty grammes (very nearly an ounce) of albumen, and we very seldom make more than 300 grammes (or 10 ounces) of albumen at a time, for which purpose we employ ten eggs. AYe always prefer having, or making, it fresh. Break the eggs one by one on the edge of a cup, and separate the yolk from the albumen, using the shells themselves for the purpose. Care must be taken not to leave any of the germ in the albumen. Throw the produce of one egg into the basin, and then break all the others one by one on the edge of the cup, after each operation emptying it into the basin. Into the albumen put one per cent, of iodide of ammonium or potassium, and twenty per cent, of distilled water. I mostly mix the iodide and distilled water in a glass vessel graduated into grammes, previous to putting it into the albumen; but either plan will answer. Now with the fork you heat the albumen into a thick froth. This wiU take about a quarter of an hour. The froth must be so thick and hard, that a piece may be pulled up bodily with a fork stuck into it. "VVe prefer using iodide of ammonium, for we have found that iodide of potassium has sometimes caused the blacks in our negatives to become full of minute holes. The albumen having been beaten a sufficient time, cover the basin with a clean sheet of paper and put it away somewhere out of the dust. Many persons decant the albumen off from the basin, but I prefer using it out of the basin itself, because the albumen, after it has subsided, leaves a thick crust on the top, and in order to pour it on the plate it has to force itself through this crust, consequently it filters itself at the sam.e time. " The Drying j5oa;.— The box for drying the plates must be well made, with a number of grooves running parallel to each otber, and the exact width of your glasses. In each alternate groove there is a board, made so as not to twist easily by being heated, and sliding freely in the grooves ; the box must also have an arrangement for rendering it perfectly level. This box, previous to its being used, must be well dusted inside ; the boards also must be well cleaned, and each well dried and heated— if in summer, in the sun, or in winter before a fire. If your box and boards are not thoroughly desic- cated and rendered absorbent, your plates will not dry easily. Having now- your box, glasses, and albumen ready, carry all these things at oi2ce into your albuminizing roorn. I say, at once, for if you go in and out of the room you will create such a dust that it will not be possible for you to cover the plates nicely and cleanly. APPLICATION OF THE ALBUMEN. 91 " The room should he prepared some t^o or three hours before you want to use it ; and it should be well watered and swept, and if there are any shelves, or other places likely to harbour dust, they should be well wiped with a wet sponge ; for it must be borne in mind that dust is your great enemy in the albumen process. § . ''Tlate-holder.—'^Q albuminize the glasses you must provide a plate-holder. The one I recommend is a round stick, about half an inch in diameter, and eight or nine inches long, tapering at one end ; it has at the other end a small cup, about one inch or more in diameter. Bound the edge of the cup, which is about a quarter of an inch thick, is melted some gutta-percha. This makes the best holder I have yet tried. " Spreading the Albumen.— ^ovr get a sheet of clean paper, and spread it on a table before you ; also light a spirit-lamp, and have a small glass rod and a fine camel's- hair pencil on the same table, taking one of the glasses, which should be marked with a small adhesive label to indicate the side you do not intend to albuminize. Place this glass with its best side flat on the sheet of paper ; then take the plate-holder and warm the gutta-percha gently over the spirit-lamp. Upon placing the warm part on the back of the glass, you will find that in a few seconds you will be enabled to lift the glass, and handle it, or turn it as you wish. The albumen is now poured upon the glass ; should it not spread evenly, the little glass rod will enable you to guide the albu- men wherever you like. The albumen is allowed to drain off first at one corner and then at the other. Turning it over, allow it to descend to the bottom, and that will be the second time the albumen has gone over the glass. It is then turned back again, and allowed to go half way. At this stage a rotatory motion is imparted to the glass by means of the holder, which is continued for about seven or eight seconds ; then the holder is taken hold of close under the glass and the plate forced ofiF the gutta-percha. The glass is now placed in one of the grooves of the drying-box, which is shut close until you are ready with the next plate. Of course, the operation must not take so long a time to perform as I have taken to describe it. The smaU camel's-hair pencil serves to pick off any dust that might accidentally fall on the plate during the time you are spreading the albumen ; draw the pencil between your lips and use the point thus made for that purpose. After remaining in the drying-box a few hours, your plates will be hard enough for the next operation, which is — " Making the Flates Sensitive— Th.^ bath we use for this purpose is a horizontal one ; it is a flat dish made with a piece of plate-glass, having tight wooden sides like a shallow box, the plate-giass forming a nice flat bottom. The dish should be about one- third longer than your plates. The solution is composed of distilled water, nitrate of silver, and glacial acetic acid, in the proportion of ten of nitrate of silver and ten of acetic acid to every hundred of water. The quantity required is, of course, according to the size of your plate. This solution is to be poured, say a quarter of an inch deep, into the dish, one end of -w hich is raised as much as you can without spilling the solution ; the albuminized plate is then placed face upwards in the upper or empty part of the dish ; then, by a little dexterous movement, you suddenly, by bringing the dish level, cause the solution to flow quickly and evenly over the plate, which is left in the bath about forty seconds. It is as well to raise the plate up several times, and otherwise agitate the bath ; for this purpose you use a small piece of silver wire flattened and bent at right angles at one end. The flat part is inserted between the glass and the dish, and the plate lifted by it. You must be very particular in rendering your plate sensiti\e, for if you do not get your solution quicldy and evenly over the plate, you will have a sharp and clear outline wherever you have stopped, precisely as 92 DEVELOPING BY MR. NEGRETTl'S PROCESS, if the negative had been cracked. The plate is now taken out of the bath, and -will present a nice light-blue tint. It is immediately well washed with distilled or rain water, and must be washed back and front, especial care being taken that not any of the aeeto-nitrate is left on the plate, or your picture will at that spot turn black. The water must flow evenly over the plate, and no greasy streaks be perceptible ; until that takes place, your plate is not washed enough. The plate is now placed in a large box having some blotting-paper at the bottom to facilitate draining, and is then ready for use. " Exposure in the Camera. — If your object is near, your plate will be more sensitive if used wet at once ; but for keeping, it is best to let the water dry oW previously to the plate being placed in the slide. " The time of exposure depends of course on the light, the object you have to take, and on the focal length of your lens ; but in summer we have taken a good negative with ten minutes' exposure. In France or in Italy good albumen negatives are taken in three or four minutes. A little practice, however, will soon determine the proper time of exposure required. ^'■Developing the Image. — I take a saturated'solution of gallic acid, and a solution of nitrate of silver of two per cent., viz., two grammes (31 grains) of nitrate to one hundred of distilled water. I get a nice soft brush or pencil, with hair about three-quarters or one inch long. After placing the plate on a level developing stand, I warm my gallic acid to a temperature of about 80^ Fah., and pour on the plate enough to cover it, using the brush to spread it over the plate rapidly (you need not have the least fear in using the brush, for it will almost require a knife to injure the albumen). After allowing the gallic acid to remain about one or two minutes, I pour part of it off, and add to it some of the nitrate solution, the brush being instantly at work in mixing the two solutions together, forming a gallo-nitrate. The mixing on the plate must be instantaneous ; in fact, I usually pour the nitrate |on the brush, which I rest on the plate. My picture begins now to appear. Should I find, after a little time, that the image does not show itself, which would be the case if the plate were under-exposed, I throw off this solution, and begin again with the warm gallic acid, adding nitrate solution, repeat- ing the operation again and again, until my picture is fully developed. By these means, and by repeatedly re-changing the bath, you are enabled to coax into a very good picture a jilate that you have not been enabled to expose sufficiently, either by reason of some one having accidentally moved your camera, or by your being obliged to leave the spot, and which would thus, in any other process, have been a failure. " The same rule holds good, if, whilst developing, you find you have not sufficient time to finish your picture. You have merely to well wash ofl? the solutions, put the plate away in the dark, and you can resume the development at your leisure, a week after if you wish. " "We do not always succeed in developing our pictures sp quickly, but by attention and care negatives should never take more than from half-an-hour to three-quarters ; it is not imperative to warm the gallic acid, but by so doing you greatly accelerate the development. The picture is now washed and ready for ^'Fixing. — This is done with hyposulphite of soda, just in the same way as in fixing a collodion negative ; but no cyanide must be used, for that will take off your albumen. " Positive pictures on glass are generally printed on plates extra thinly albuminized for the purpose, which is effected simply by rotating the plate more rapidly and for a longer time. These also must be developed as quickly as possible ; but do not be THE COLLODION PROCESS. 93 tempted to use stronger nitrate solution for that purpose, or you will spoil your pictures. The great fault of the albumen positives I have seen produced in England is, that it has evidently taken such a long time to develop them that they have looked opaque, like bad Daguerreotypes, having a metallic deposit on them which is disgreeable to the eye, and which renders them anything but transparent." ^ There is a modification of the albumen process much used in America, and I believe with good results— it is called " Whipple's Albumen Process," having been introduced by Mr. Whipple of Boston, a gentleman well known in the photographic world. Mix in the usual manner : —Albumen, eight ounces ; honey, seven ounces ; iodide of potassium, three drachms ; bromide of ditto, twenty grains ; chloride of soda, nine grains. For foliage, increase the bromide of potassium up to fifty grains. ^ This mixture is poured on the glass plate in the same manner as collodion, and then dried over a spirit-lamp. The plate is then immersed for ten to twenty seconds only in the following bath : — Nitrate of silver, one and a-half ounces; water, sixteen ounces; acetic acid, four ounces. After the dipping, the plate must be well washed, and if all the free silver is washed off, the plates wiU keep for four weeks. Develop with a saturated solution of gallic acid and nitrate of silver, and fix in the usual manner with hyposulphite of soda. Collodion Process — Collodion as a photographic medium is, without doubt, far before any other. The beauty of the details obtained in good pictures taken by this process, the exceeding sensibility of the medium itself, and the comparative ease of its manipulation, place it at the head of all photographic agents. I shall, therefore, go mto this branch of the art as fuUy as possible, preferring rather to say too much than too Uttle. Mr. Archer, who was the first, in conjunction with Mr. Fry, to introduce this impor- tant addition to the art, deserves our utmost thanks for enabling us to obtain eflTects so utterly impossible to be obtained by any other means. Some idea of the value of the discovery may be formed from the fact, that instantaneous pictures have been taking by Mr. Fenton, of clouds, waves, shipping, animals, figures, &c., by a single lens. On one occasion, where a man was running, the leg that was on the ground when the lens was uncovered was perfectly defined, while the other left three or four impressions in its transit during the moment of exposure. Choice of Glass.— This may be classed under five heads Cleaning the plates, coating with collodio-iodide of silver, exposure in the camera, developing the image, fixing the image ; but first a few words on the choice of the glass. Here we can follow no more faithful guide than Mr. Hardwich :— " Much care should be taken in the selection of glass intended to be used for pho- tographic purposes. The ordinary window-glass is often inferior, having scratches upon the surface, each of which causes an irregular action of the developing fluid. Also the squares are seldom perfectly flat, so that they do not touch the slide at every point, and hence a part of the image is out of focus. A more serious inconvenience, arising from want of flatness, is, that the plates are apt to be broken in compression during the printing process. " The patent plate answers perhaps better than any other description of glass, but if that cannot be procured the ' flatted crown' may be substituted. '^Cieminff the Plates.— Beforo proceeding to wash the glasses, each square should be 94 PREPARING THE PLATE. roughened on the edges by means of a file or a sheet of emery-paper. If this precau- tion be omitted, not only are the fingers liable to injury, but the collodion film is apt to contract and separate from the sides, " In the process of cleaning the glasses, it is not sufiicient— as a general rule— to wash them simply with water ; other liquids are required to remove grease, if any is present. For this purpose, perhaps, caustic potash, sold in druggists' shops under the name of ' liquor potassaj,' is as good as any ; or, if that is not at hand, a warm solution of common ' washing soda,' which is carbonate of soda. "Liquor potassas, being a very caustic and alkaline liquid, requires care in the handling ; it softens the skin, and dissolves it away even more so than acids. A safe plan of proceeding is to dilute the potash with about four parts of water, and to apply it to the glass by means of a cylindrical roll of flannel ; after wetting both sides of tho glass thoroughly, allow it to stand for a time until several have been treated in the same way ; afterwards wash well with water and rub dry in a cloth. " The cloths used for cleaning glasses should be kept expressly for that purpose ; they are best made of a material sold as ' fine diaper,' and very free from flocculi and loosely adhering fibres. They are not to be washed in soap and water, but always in pure water or in water containing a little carbonate of soda. " After wiping the glass carefully, complete the process by polishing with an old silk handkerchief, avoiding contact v.dth the skin of the hand. Some object to silk, as tend- ing to render the glass electrical, and so to attract particles of dust, but in practice no inconvenience will be experienced from this source. Before deciding that the glass is perfectly clean, never omit to hold it in an angular position and to breathe upon it. " The use of an alkaline solution is usually sufiicient to clean the glass, but occa- sionally we meet with plates dotted on the surface with small white specks, which are not removed by the potash. These specks consist frequently of hard particles of car- bonate of lime ; and when that is the case they dissolve very readily in dilute sulphuric acid, in about four parts of water, applied by means of a roll of flannel. Nitric acid, also diluted in four parts water, also answers the same purpose ; but it destroys any dress it comes in contact with, unless it is at once treated with liquor ammonia or some other alkali." Some operators employ cyanide of potassium, and others ammonia, in cleaning the plates. A mixture of Tripoli powder and spirits of wine is preferred by those who fear injuring the skin by the use of alkalies and acids. "When positives are to be taken, it is advisable to use additional care in preparing the glass, and especially so with the pale, transparent fllm and neutral nitrate bath. After a glass has once been coated with collodion, it is not necessary in cleaning a second time to use anything but pure water; but if the film has been allowed to harden and dry upon the glass, possibly the dilute oil of vitriol, or cyanide of potas- sium, may be required to remove stains. If, under similar circumstances, a greasincss is perceived, which prevents the plate from being wetted evenly by a stream of water poured upon it, it may be removed by a second application of alkaline liquid. The Collodion.— Of the collodion itself, no better instructor can be followed than Mr. Edward Ash Hadow, whose address to the Photographic Society we cannot do better than quote : — " Having," says that gentleman, "experienced some difficulty in producing at all times a collodion of uniform sensitiveness, tenacity, and fluidity, although making use PREPARING COLLODION. 95 of the same materials for its preparation, and this as I find being the complaint of many others, it has been my study lately to determine the variations in quality to which the ingredients are liable, and the effects of those variations on the sensitive fiJm ; and like- wise to ascertain whether the qualities depend on the materials in ordinary use, or on some substances accidentally or intentionally added. Eesearches on the preparation of collodion may appear superfluous, now that it is supplied of the best quality by so many makers ; but as some persons of an independent turn of mind still prefer manu- facturing their own, I venture to bring forward the subject with the hope of assisting them. In this beautiful process success depends so much on the quality of the collo- dion, that, when in possession of a good specimen, it becomes one of the easiest and most simple, and ought to be the most certain of all the processes ; for no material, such as paper, of uncertain composition is introduced, we have nothing to fear from plaster of Paris, alumina, or specks of iron or copper, which continually endanger or modify the calotype process ; each ingredient can and ought to be obtained in a state of perfect purity, and with this knowledge the degree of success depends upon the skill of the operator himself. " Of all the substances used in this process, the gun-cotton is usually the only one actually prepared by the operator himself; in this case he cannot fail to have observed the great variations in solubility, and, when dissolved, in the transparency and tenacity of the films, to which it is liable ; the various processes also tbat are given appear at first sight unaccountably different, some directing ten minutes', others a few seconds' immersion. I have examined into the cause of these variations, with a view to obtain certainty, and have also endeavoured to discover how far they aifect the sensitiveness of the prepared surface. If we take a mixture of the strongest nitric and sulphuric acids, and immerse as much cotton as can be wetted, after some minutes squeeze out the acid as far as possible, then immerse a second portion of cotton, and again express the acids for a third portion of cotton, and so on until the liquid is exhausted, we shall find, on comparing the cottons thus treated, after washing and drying them, that there is a gradual alteration in their properties, the first being highly and perfectly explosive, and each succeeding portion less so, until the portion last immersed wiU be found hardly explosive at all, leaving distinct traces of charcoal or soot when burned. " This may not appear surprising at first sight, as it may be imagined tbat the latter portions are only a mixture of gun-cotton and common cotton ; this, however, is not the case, for if each quantity be immersed sufiiciently long, it will not contain a fibre of common cotton, and may yet become charred on burning like unaltered cotton. The most remarkable difi'erenee, however, is discovered on treating them with ether containing a little alcohol, when, contrary to what might have been anticipated, the first or strongest gun-cotton remains quite untouched, while the latter portions dissolve with the utmost ease, without leaving a trace behind ; this alone is a sufiicient proof that no unaltered cotton remains. This difi'erenee in properties is owing to the gradual weakening of the acid mixture, in consequence of the nitric acid being removed by the cotton, with which it becomes intimately combined, at the same time that the latter gives out a proportionate qirantity of water. " In consequence of these experiments, a great many mixtures of these acids were prepared of various strengths, each being accurately known, both to determine whether there were more than one kind of soluble gun-cotton ; and, if there were, to ascertain exactly the mixture required to produce that most suitable to photographic purposes. By this means, and by, what I believe has not been pointed out, varying the tempera- 96 PHOTOGRAPHIC PROPERTIES OF COLLODION. ture, at least five Tarieties were obtained :— First, gun-cotton properly so called, as before stated, quite insoluble in any mixture of alcohol and sulphuric ether. Secondly, an explosive cotton, likewise insoluble, but differing chemically from the first, obtained by a mixture of certain strength when used cold. If warm, however, either from the heat produced spontaneously on mixing the two acids, or by raising the temperature artificially to about 130'', the cotton then immersed becomes perfectly soluble, pro- ducing a third variety ; if, however, it be thoroughly dried it becomes in a great measure insoluble. The fourth is obtained by the use of weaker acids used cold, and the fifth when the mixture has been warmed to 130° previous to the immersion of the cotton ; in either of the last two cases the product is perfectly soluble, but there is a remarkable difference between their properties, for on dissolving six grains of each in one ounce of ether, the cotton treated with warm acids gives a perfectly fluid solu- tion (which is likewise the case with the third variety produced by acids somewhat stronger), while that obtained by the use of cold acids makes a mixture as thick as castor-oil. " Having obtained these more strongly-marked varieties, as well as intermediate kinds with all gradations of solubility, it was necessary, before I could select any par- ticular formula for prepari ng the cotton, to compare their photographic properties, with especial reference to sensitiveness, opacity of the reduced silver in negatives, and its colour in positives. A certain weight of each being dissolved in a portion of the same i mixture of alcohol and ether previously iodized, the comparison was made, by taking j the same objects with each collodion in succession, and likewise by pouring two samples | on the same plate of glass, and thus exposing them in the camera together side by side. This last proved to be much the most satisfactory plan, and was repeated many times for each sample, taking care to reverse the order in which they Avere poured on, that there might be no mistake arising from the ditference of time elapsing between the pouring on of the collodion and its immersion in the sensitive bath. By these experi- ments I had confidently hoped to have solved the question as to the cause of difference in sensitiveness and other photographic properties of collodion ; but in this I was dis- appointed, for, after repeated experiments, I believe I may safely af&rm that they arc precisely similar as regards their photographic properties. The same, I believe, may ! be said of Swedish paper collodion, judging from a few comparative experiments I j have made, and indeed it is difficult to discover what is the superiority of this material over clean cotton-wool. The ease of manipulation, which some allege, is a matter of taste ; but I should decidedly prefer the open texture of cotton to that of a substance ' like filtering paper, composed of a mass of compacted fibres, the innermost of which arc ; only reached when the acids have undergone a certain degree of weakening by the i water abstracted from the outer fibres ; and when we consider that from cotton alone | we have the means of preparing all varieties of collodion, from the most powerfully I contracting and transparent to the weakest and most opaque, and each if required with : equal and perfect certainty, there appears to be choice enough without resorting to j another material, differing only in being more rare and more difficult to procure. But j although the photographic properties of these varieties of collodion-wool are so similar, ; other circumstances, such as fluidity, tenacity, and transparency, render its preparation i of some importance, and indicate that the acid mixture should always be used warm ; ■ and it is chiefly in consequence of this very circumstance, that greater success attends | the use of nitrate of potash and sulphuric acid than that of mixed acids ; for the former j when mixed produce the required temperature, and must be used while warm, since on | EXPERIMENTS ON COLLODION. 97 cooling the mixture becomes solid, whereas acids when mixed do not usually produce so liigh a temperature, and being fluid can be used at any subsequent period. Another obstacle to their use is the great uncertainty of the strength of the nitric acid found in the shops, requiring a variation in the amount of sulphuric acid to be added, which wo-uld have to be determined by calculation or many troublesome trials. When a proper mixture is obtained, the time of immersion is of no importance, provided it be not too short, and the temperature be maintained at about 120° or 130°; ten minutes is generally sufficient (though ten hours would not render the cotton less soluble, as is sometimes asserted). " In using the mixed acids, the limits are the nitric acid being too strong, in which case the product is insoluble, or too weak, when the cotton becomes immediately matted, or even dissolved if the mixture is warm. I have availed myself of these facts in order to produce collodion wool by the use of acids, without the trouble of calcu- lating the proper mixture according to their strength. Five parts by measure of sul- phuric acid, and four of nitric acid of specific gravity not lower than 1-4, are mixed in an earthenware or thin glass vessel capable of standing heat ; small portions of water are added gradually (by half drachms at a time, supposing two ounces to have been mixed), testing after each addition by the immersion of a small portion of cotton ; the addition of water is continued until a fresh piece of cotton is found to contract and dissolve on immersing ; when this takes place, add half the quantity of sulphuric acid previously used, and (if the temperature does not exceed 130°, in which case it must be allowed to cool to that point) immerse as much cotton, well pulled out, as can be easily and perfectly soaked ; it is to be left in for ten minutes, taking care the mixture does not become cold ; it is then transferred to'cold water and thoroughly washed. This is a matter of much importance, and should be performed at first by changing the water many times, until it ceases" to taste acid, treating it then with boiling rain- water until the colour of blue litmus remains unchanged ; the freedom from all trace of acid is insured by adding a little ammonia before the last washing. Cotton thus prepared should dissolve perfectly and instantaneously in ether containing a little alcohol, without leaving a fibre behind, and the film it produces be of the greatest strength and transparency, being what M. Gaudin terms ' rich in gun-cotton.' The mixture of nitrate of potash and sulphuric acid is defective chiefly from the want of fluidity, in consequence of which the cotton is less perfectly acted on ; this may be remedied by increasing the amount of sulphuric acid, at the same time adding a little water. A mixture of five parts of dried nitre, with ten of sulphuric acid, by weight, together with one of water, produces a much better collodion wool than the ordinary mixture of one of nitre with one and a-half of sulphuric acid. The nitre is dried before weighing, in order that its amount, as well as that of the water contained in the mixture, may be definite in quantity ; it is then finely powdered, mixed with the water, and the sulphuric acid added ; the cotton is immersed while the mixture is hot, and afterwards washed with greater care even than is required when pure acids are used, on account of the difficulty of getting rid of all the bisulphate of potash that adheres to the fibres, which both acts as an acid and likewise causes the collodion to appear opalescent when held up to the light— whereas the solution should be perfectly transparent. " Having obtained good collodion wool, the next point of inquiry was with regard to the solvent : to ascertain whether the addition of alcohol beyond what is absolutely necessary to cause the solution of the gun-cotton in ether,' was beneficial or otherwise. S8 CHEMICAL QUALITIES OF COLLODION. Tot this purpose ether and alcohol wore prepared perfectly pure, and mixtures were made of one of alcohol to seven of ether, two to six, three to five, four to four, and five to three. In one ounce of each were dissolved six grains of gun-cotton and four grains of iodide of ammonium (iodide of potassium could not he employed, since it requires a certain amount, both of water and alcohol, to keep it in solution) ; they were then compared, using a thirty-five grain solution of nitrate of silver, both by pouring on separate glasses, and likewise by covering two halves of a plate with two samples, as in examining the gun-cottons, thus placing them under the same circumstances during the same time ; in this way the effect of adding alcohol was very clearly perceived, since the differences between the collodions was much greater than could have been anticipated. The first mixture containing only one-eighth of alcohol was quite unfit for photographic purposes, it being almost impossible, even with the most rapid immersion, to obtain a film of uniform sensitiveness and opacity throughout, the surface generally exhibiting nearly transpai-ent bands, having an iridescent appearance by reflected light. The second mixture, with one-fourth of alcohol, is liable to great uncer- tainty, for if there be any delay in poming off the collodion, the same appearances are seen as in the first, and, like it, the surface is very insensitive to light, while, if the plate be rapidly plunged in the bath, the collodion film becomes much more opaque than before, and is then very sensitive. The third proportion of three of alcohol to five of ether, is decidedly the best, giving without the least difficulty a film beauti- fully uniform and highly sensitive, at the same time perfectly tough and easily removable from the glass if required. A farther addition of alcohol, as in the last two collodions, was not attended with any corresponding advantage or increase of sensitive- ness ; on the contrary, the large proportion of alcohol rendered them less fluid, though with a smaller quantity of gun-cotton they would produce very good collodions, capable of o-iving firm films. The cause of the weakness of the film observed on adding much of the ordinary alcohol is the large amount of water it usually contains. " This surprising improvement, caused by the addition of a certain quantity of alcohol, is referable to causes partly chemical, partly mechanical, for on examining the films it will be found in the first, and occasionally in the second collodion, that the iodide of silver is formed on the surface, and can be removed entirely by friction with- out destroying the transparent collodion film below, while in those collodions that con- tain more than one-fourth of alcohol, the iodide of silver is wholly in the substance, and in this state possesses the utmost sensitiveness. This difference of condition is owing to the very sparing solubility of ether in water, which in the first case prevents the entrance of the nitrate of silver into the film, consequently the iodide and silver solu- tions meet on the surface ; but on the addition of alcohol, its solubility enables the two to interchange places, and thus the iodide of silver is precipitated throughout the sub- stance in a state of the utmost division. " This difference is clearly seen under the microscope, the precipitate being clotted in the one case, while in the other the particles are hardly discoverable from their fine- ness. The presence of a little water considerably modifies these results, since it in some degree supplies the place of alcohol, and is so far useful ; but in other respects it is injurious, for accumulating in quantity, if the collodion is often used, it makes the film weak and gelatinous, and what is worse, full of minute cracks on drying, M'hich is never the case when pure ether and alcohol are used. Since the ether of the shops almost always contains alcohol, and frequently water, it is important to ascertain their amount before employing it for the preparation of collodion. The quantity of alcohol 99 may be easily ascertained by agitating the ether in a graduated measure glass (a minim glass does very well) with half its bulk of a saturated solution of chloride of calcium. This should be poured in first, its height noticed, and the ether poured on its surface, the thumb then placed on the top, and the two agitated together ; when separated, the increase of bulk acquired by the chloride of calcium indicates the quantity of alcohol present, and for this, allowance should be made in the addition of alcohol to the collo. dion afterwards. Water is readily detected, either in ether or alcohol, by allowing a drop to fall into spirit of turpentine, with which they ought to mix without turbidity ; this ia immediately produced if they contain water. For detecting water in alcohol, benzole is a more delicate reagent than spirit of turpentine (Chemist, xxix. 203). Ii is also necessary that ether should be free from a remarkable property it acquires by long keeping, of decomposing iodides and setting free iodine, which thus gives the collodion a brown colour. The same property may be developed in any ether, as Schonbein dis- covered, by introducing a red-hot wire into the vapour in the upper portion of a bottle containing a'little ether and water ; if it be then shaken up and a solution of an iodide poured in, the whole rapidly becomes brown. This reaction is veiy remarkable and difficult to explain, for even a mixture of ether and nitric acid fails to produce a colour immediately. Ether thus affected can only be deprived of this property by rectification ^vith caustic potash. " Iodized Collodion. — I have now a few remarks to ofi'er on the modes of iodizing or rendering the film capable of becoming sensitive, by the addition of some soluble iodide. Those that have been recommended are chiefly the iodides of potassium, am- monium, cadmium, and zinc : of these the last three have the great advantage of being readily soluble in any collodion, and may therefore be added at once to the solution of gun-cotton ; but iodide of potassium requires a little water, and even then, if added to collodion without having been previously dissolved in some of the alcohol, will be found to dissolve but very slowly. " In preparing collodion with this salt, four grains were dissolved in three drachms of strong alcohol, and ether was added to make up the ounce. I found that the first two and a-half drachms of ether began to precipitate the iodide, and after addition of the five drachms required, a dense deposit had formed, which was not re-dissolved until twelve drops of water had been added. This I merely mention to show that there must be a little water in the mixture, although in using ordinary ether and alcohol this might not be perceived. Before comparing collodion prepared with different iodides, it appeared probable that those of potassium and ammonium would produce greater sensitiveness than those of zinc and cadmium ; for this reason, that the nitrates of ammonia and potash, which are produced together with iodide of silver, on im- mersing films prepared with the first two iodides in the nitrate bath, are perfectly neutral, while the nitrates of zinc and cadmium, which result when collodions con- taining those metals are used, have a feebly acid reaction on litmus paper, and thus by their presence in the film might, like weak acids, retard the action of light. In actual GXporiment, however, I did not find this to be the case, for when carefully and similarly prepared with equivalent quantities of each iodide, and used while colourless, the collodions appear similar in sensitiveness, gradation of tints, and all other respects. In a few days, however-, they begin to differ in consequence of partial decomposition and liberation of free iodine, which occurs more readily with the iodides of ammonium and zinc than with potassium, while the iodide of cadmium, if I may conclude from one sample I have by me, remains perfectly colourless for any period of time, retaining 100 FOGGING, AND ITS REMEDIES. its original sensitiveness, the other varieties having lost theirs in proportion to the colour they have acquired. The iodide of cadmium, in addition to this valuable property of giving a stable collodion, is likewise extremely soluble, without being deliquescent, , and being beautifully crystalline, is not liable to adulterations or im- purities, and therefore well deserves to be generally tried. " In order to preserve or, as it is stated, to improve the sensitiveness of collodion, some persons recommend the addition of a little ammonia. This, however, appears very unadvisable, since it necessitates the use of an acid bath; and although it may render the collodion less liable to change, it produces a contrary effect on the bath, since every plate immersed tends to neutralize a portion of acid, and at length rendering it neutral or even alkaline, brings about exactly the phenomena (fogging) described by Mr, Fcnton. " The cause of fogging (which is blackening of the whole negative on the addition of the developing solution) is owing to the bath becoming alkaline. This alkaline reaction is caused by oxide of silver in a state of solution in the bath. " Oxide of silver is not soluble in water, nor in water containing nitrate of silver ; but it ia, in either case, abundantly dissolved if nitrate of ammonia be present, and the solution will be found to restore rapidly the colour of reddened litmus paper. " The ' alkaline nitrate of silver bath,' therefore so called, is a solution containing, besides nitrate of silver, oxide of silver, dissolved in nitrate of ammonia. " The nitrate of ammonia is produced by double decomposition when compounds of ammonium are used for * iodizing' instead of those of potassium. Iodide of ammonium plus nitrate of silver equals iodide of silver plus nitrate of ammonia. " The oxide of silver, which by its solution causes the alkalinity, is formed either by using collodion containing a little free ammonia in addition to the other ingredients, as sometimes recommended, or by attempting to neutralize an acid bath with potash or ammonia, and inadvertently adding an excess. " So that if ammonia or salts of ammonia in any shape have been added to the collodion, or to the bath, it will be necessary from that time forward to examine more carefully than we otherwise should have done, that the faintly acid condition of the bath, so essential to the production of a good picture, is not destroyed. " With ordinary collodion, however, even when quite colourless, the bath may always be used perfectly neutral, permitting the developing solution to be left on twice or three times as long as is necessary, without the slightest fogging, provided that the nitrate of silver is pure and the bath has not acquired fogging propensities by prolonged use. No pure alkaline iodide can ever render the bath alkaline ; the only effect on immersing a plate covered with collodion is to remove a portion of silver and substi- tute an equivalent quantity of potassium, ammonium, &c., so that a portion of nitrate of silver is merely replaced by a portion of nitrate of potash or ammonia, which, being neutral, cannot in this respect affect the state of the bath. "With the iodides of the metals, such as iron, zinc, cadmium, or arsenic, the bath, on the contrary, will soon become apparently acid from the presence of the nitrates of those metals which, as before stated, redden litmus. " In all cases, excepting when free ammonia has been added to the collodion, the silver solution has a tendency to become acid rather than alkaline, both from the frequent presence of free iodine in the collodion, which sets free nitric acid in the bath, and also from the slow formation of acetic acid from the alcohol and ether washed out from the plates that have been immersed. The effect of free iodine in the MR. ASH HADOW'S EXPERIMENTS. 101 : collodion, is not, however, chemically the same as that of nitric acid in the bath ; for I nitrate of silver is, like all other nitrates, a nitrate of the oxide of silver. When, • therefore, free iodine acts on the silver solution, it liberates oxygen as -well as nitric i acid, the result being that an iodate as well as an iodide of silver is formed ; the eflfect ' of the former should therefore be ascertained, in order to clearly understand the action i of brown collodion. "When a great deal of iodine has been set free by long keeping, j making the collodion very dark-coloured and insensitive, I found that the addition of a little oil of cloves, in the proportion of four drops to each ounce, causes a surprising ! increase of sensitiveness ; and some time ago I always used such a mixture for the , production of positives on glass, from a belief that a better colour and more perfect gradation of tints were obtained in this way than by any other method. " At this time my pictures were constantly liable to solarization (or darkening of those parts that ought to be whitish), when using the ordinary collodion and developing by pyrogallic and nitric acids ; but lately, while seeking for difficulties in order to discover their causes, this tendency to solarization quite disappeared, although using I the simplest materials ; neither was I able to produce it by taking objects in the most unfavourable conditions of light and shade, nor by any addition to the collodion. Accidentally trj'ing the effect of a minute quantity of nitrite of silver in the nitrate bath, I obtained it again in perfection, and was able at once to understand how it occurred formerly, for at that time I always made use of nitrate of silver that had been strongly fused, and in which a portion of nitrite had thus been formed, while latterly only the crystallized salt had been employed. The effect of oil of cloves and iodine in the collodion was to counteract that of the nitrite ; but when pure crystallized nitrate is used, no such additions are required. " It is remarkable, that although oil of cloves greatly increases the sensitiveness when brown collodion is used, no such effect is produced by its addition to colourless collodion with an acid bath, proving that free iodine in the former is not exactly similar to nitric acid in the latter. To compensate for the bad effects of the nitrite on the colour of positives, it has the important property of much increasing the sensitive- ness and rapidity of the surface, allowing pictures to be taken instantaneously with far less light than is usually required ; and it is thus particularly suited to negatives, in which the colour by reflected light is of no importance, while it adds to the opacity of the dark parts of the picture. Its effect on the colour of positives is chiefly seen when pyrogallic acid is xised for developing, and becomes more marked as the picture dries, when the tint of the reduced silver becomes darker, and of a greenish colour in the most exposed parts, while with pure nitrate, as the moisture evaporates, it becomes lighter, and the details appear more distinctly represented in various shades of one colour. As this nitrite is formed when the nitrate is overheated, it generally exists in i ' lunar caustic' to a greater or less extent ; but as this substance, from a want of ! crystalline form, is easily and frequently adulterated, it is much better to add the ! nitrite to a solution of the crystallized nitrate in quantities less than half a grain to an ! ounce of a thirty-five grain solution, for too large an amount causes a fogging of the 1 clear parts of the picture. It is easily obtained by fusing pretty strongly a mixture of I equal parts of nitre and nitrate of silver ; the fused mass being dissolved in a small quantity of boiling water, and left to cool ; the nitrite of silver then crystallizes in the shape of long, slender needles, which may be removed, and pressed in blotting- paper to dry them ; by re-crystallizing they are obtained quite pure. " The strength of the solution of nitrate of silver ought to be proportional to the B 102 MK. ASH HADOW'S EXPERIMENTS. quantity of iodide in tlie collodion, at least so far that it cannot be diminished beyond a certain point (depending on the collodion used) without a great loss of sensitiveness, or, what is exactly similar, if we uSe a bath of a certain strength, the quantity of iodide cannot be increased to any amount, but must be limited by the propoi-tion of nitrate of silyer: with a thirty -five grain solution of the latter, four grains of iodide to the ounce of collodion answers very well ; but if the quantity be increased to six grains, there is a great loss of sensitiveness and intensity, the effect being similar to that arising from an insufficient amount of alcohol in the collodion, in consequence of the iodide of silver being deposited superficially, or even falling off the surface into the silver bath. The mistake of over-iodizing the collodion is generally committed with the view to obtain greater opacity of the reduced silver, apparently from an idea that the iodide only is reduced, while in fact a large portion of the reduced silver is derived from the nitrate, so that a very little iodide in the film is sufficient to give intense negatives. For this purpose the collodion should be colourless, or nearly so, or at least, if coloured, it must not be owing to free iodine (which is ascertained by allowing a drop to evaporate on a piece of starch or a crumb of bread, and then moistening with water ; a trace of iodine is detected by the black colour resulting) ; the bath should likewise be neutral, or nearly so, and the developing fluid should contain no more acetic or tartaric acid than is sufficient to prevent blackening- of clear parts ; after the pyrogallic solution has apparently done its utmost, the intensity may be further in- creased by pouring on a fresh portion, mixed with some of the silver solution, which immediately adds to the opacity of the negative, a fresh deposit taking place on the parts already reduced. By the use of the nitrate as before mentioned, still greater opacity may be obtained, together with the utmost rapidity ; at the same time there is none of that violent contrast of light and shade which appears to result from the addition of iodide of iron, as an accelerating agent, to the collodion. I believe that salts of iron have not as yet been used for developing negatives, in consequence of the want of opacity in the reduced parts. I find, however, that the proto-acetatc of iron obtained by mixture of solution of acetate of lead and sulphate of iron, is capable of producing intense negatives, resembling in all respects those obtained by pyrogallic acid, while it has the advantage in point of economy ; but I have not as yet made a sufficient number of experiments to enable me to determine the strength of the solution best suited to the purpose ; it need not be very great, somewhat less than eighteen grains to the ounce, for if it contain so much as this, it is liable to produoe universal blackening when first prepared ; but in a few days, when a portion of peracctate has formed, it answers very well. My object in endeavouring to find a substitute for pyrogallic among the iron compounds, is not to add to the number of developing fluids and the perplexity of a beginner. Where pyrogallic acid can be obtained pure, and is found to answer perfectly, in that case it is preferable to anything else ; but as this may not always be, it is useful sometimes to know of a substitute that can be prepared wherever gi-een vitriol and sugar of lead can be found, for these substances, even when impure, are very easily purified by re-crystallizing from a solution in boiling water; which is not the case with pyrogallic acid, to which noxious ingredients might easily be added, accidentally or intentionally, from which it would puzzle a chemist to free it. " By knowing the qiiantity of iodide contained in a collodion, it is easy to ascertain the amount of silver that the bath loses for each ounce, and thus to know exactly how much nitrate should be added to maintain the same strength ; thus, with a collodion MR', hahdwich's experiments. 103 containing four grains of iodide of ammonium to the ounce, each ounce expended removes four seven-tenths grains of nitrate of silver, but with four grains of iodide of potassium the quantity of nitrate consumed is only four one-tenth grains. In the first case nitrate of ammonia, in the second nitrate of potash, accumulates in similar pro- portions, but the ammonia salt has the advantage of being easily dissipated on evapo- rating the bath and gently fusing, leaving only salts of silver behind, while the nitrate of potash is quite fixed." mx. Hardwich's Researches.— Having thus quoted' Mr. Ash Hadow's paper, I shall proceed to make the reader acquainted with the results of some most valuable researches as to the nature, properties, and capabilities of this most useful photo- graphic medium, conducted by Mr. F. Hardwich, of King's College, London. I may add, that both these gentlemen well deserve the thanks of every photographer, for the care with which they have studied this important branch of the art, and the generous manner in which they have given the results of their researches to the public. Mr. Hardwich's remarks I quote from the Photographic Journal. This gentleman was led to consider the condition of the film most favourable for the production of pictures to be viewed by reflected light, by a paper translated from the French of M. Gaudin, and published in the Journal of the Photographic Society. " My attention," he says, " was first directed to the positive process, quite, as I may say, accidentally ; and when I was comparatively ignorant of the effects which would be produced by varying the proportions of the ingredients in the sensitive collo- dion ; having adopted Archer's method of iodizing, viz., by adding a certain quantity of a saturated alcoholic solution of double iodides of potassium and silver, I failed, from the alcohol I employed being in too concentrated a state. I had previously rectified it from carbonate of potash, and its solvent power being thus diminished, the amount of iodides taken up was not sufficient for the purpose. When I say ' I failed,' I mean it in the sense that I was not able to obtain good negative pictures, which was the object I had then in view. They were all sadly wanting in ' intensity,' and I found it impossible to ' print' from them with anything like success. However, I soon observed that these unsatisfactory negative pictures looked exceedingly well when viewed as positives by reflected light ; there was a nice gradation of tone about them ■which pleased me, and I adopted the plan of backing them up with black varnish, and preserving them in that form. Now at this time, as I said before, I was not aware that I was employing a collo- dion with an unusually small proportion of iodide ; but if I had been, I should not have referred my success in producing positives to that cause. I had never seen it stated in any work with which I was acquainted, that a difference ought to be made in the two cases. The directions I had received were these :— ' If you wish to obtain a positive, expose in the camera for half the usual time, and develop with sulphate of iron, to get a bright deposit of metallic silver.' Now the object I have in view is to pi-Gve that, if we wish to obtain the best results, we must use not only a different developing fluid, but also a different collodion and a different nitrate bath, in the case of negative and positive pictures respectively. It may be asked, ' What is the infe- riority of which you complain in the positives produced by collodion, as it is ordinarily sold?' I answer, it is this : ' That the whole of the picture is not to be seen at once upon the surface of the glass.' Suppose you are taking a portrait, which I think will readily be allowed to be one of the most severe tests of a collodion that can easily be applied, it will be found that the high lights, such as the forehead, the hands, and 104 MR. habdwich's experiments. especially the shirt of the sitter, come out with exceeding rapidity, and in a degree out of all proportion to the time taken hy the shadows and half-tints to impress them- selves ; the consequence of this is, that, stop the action of the light when you will, you do not obtain a perfect picture. After backing up with the black varnish, it will be seen either that the high lights are good, and the rest of the figure almost invisible, or, on the other hand, that the coat, dress, &c., are very clear, whilst the face and hands present an unvaried white and flat surface, without any detail or distinction of parts. These peculiarities do not depend upon the time of exposure, nor in any way on the developing fluid, but simply on the fact that the collodion employed is not capable of giving such a film of iodide of silver as is adapted to produce impressions visible by reflected light. " Having thus stated the principal difficulties which we have, ordinarily speaking, to encounter, I proceed to show how they may be overcome, and what is the best sensitive mixture for that purpose. In making my experiments, I first prepared simple collodion by dissolving soluble cotton, four grains, in five drachms of ether and three of highly-rectified alcohol. These are the proportions recommended by Mr. Hadow, and I believe them to be the best that can be used. They do not, of course, apply to commercial ether, which already contains a considerable quantity of alcohol. In order to iodize my collodion, I employed iodide of ammonium (purified with care) in four different proportions, viz., four grains to the ounce, two grains, one and a-half grain, and one grain. " The films produced by these four mixtures, after dipping the plate in the nitrate bath, were very difierent in appearance ; the lowest of all was pale, of a bluish opalescent tint, so transparent that the letters of a newspaper could be read through it with facility ; the second somewhat similar ; the third of a grayish hue, but stiU com- paratively transparent ; the highest of all, viz., the four-grain, creamy and opaque. " The photographic properties of the films differed considerably ; after comparing numerous results, I was satisfied that the two-grain solution was superior to the four- grain for the purpose I intended it ; more of the details of the picture were visible at once on the surface of the glass, and there was less tendency to the over-done, flat appearance before complained of. Between the ' two-grain' collodion, the ' grain and a-half,' and ' the grain,' there was likewise a difference, but not to the same extent ; on the whole I was disposed to give the preference to the ' grain and a-half,' the last of all requiring too long an immersion in the bath to be used with advantage. " It was not my intention, at the time I began these experiments, to make any variation in the amount of soluble cotton generally used ; I found that four grains to the ounce gave a strong and even film upon the glass, and such being the case, there appeared nothing more to be desired ; however, a fact that came under my notice soon afterwards, altered my determination ; I began to suspect that the weak solutions of nitrate of silver I was employing did not penetrate the film properly, and consequently I I wished, if possible, to remove this objection by diminishing its thickness. The I result of the change proved even better than I had anticipated, although the solutions j were rather more troublesome to manipulate with ; I obtained invariably more perfect : pictures ; the gradation of tints was now decidedly superior to anything that I had met with before, and although I could not immediately explain the reason, I was satisfied that I had gained an advantage. " The composition of the collodion which I found after many trials to work the best, is as follows : — Ether, five drachms ; alcohol, three drachms ; soluble cotton, one MK. hardwich's experiments. 105 and a-half grain ; iodide of ammonium, one and a-half grain — instead of this, two grains of each may be used, or even as little as one grain, without very materially affecting the result ; but in the latter case the mixture is so fluid, that it is apt to run down the neck of the bottle while attempting to pour it on to the plate. These pro- portions become very simple when it is considered that they are at once produced by diluting down an ordinary negative collodion rather more than one half, with the proper mixture of alcohol and ether. "There is one point which I ought to mention : by diminishing the proportion of iodide in the film, and by diminishing the soluble cotton, the sensitiveness is increased. "Why is it that these weak films give better half-tones than the opaque ones ? Because they are more sensitive to feeble rays of light ! I made many experiments to deter- mine this, and I have no hesitation in stating that such is the fact. Neither is it difiicult to conceive why it should be so, because, as it has been remarked, the more dilute the solutions from which iodide or chloride of silver is precipitated the more gradual the precipitation, and the more finely divided will the particles of the precipi- tate be ; we can well understand that, such being the case, they ought to be more sensitive to light ; we must not, however, confound ' sensitiveness ' with * intensity.' I would use this latter term to signify that the deposit of metallic silver producing the image is thick, and obstructs the luminous rays of light strongly, so as to show well as a negative ; ' intensity,' I imagine, relates in some degree to the number of the particles of iodide of silver — in other words, to the thickness of the film ; but ' sensi- V tiveness' is independent of this. Now, ' intensity' is required for negative pictures, but it is not required for positives, and therefore, in such a case, I would have as little iodide as possible. " At the risk of repetition, I will give a short recapitulation of the conclusions which I wish to establish. They are these : — That no proportion of alkaline iodide in collodion beyond that which gives the transparent opalescent film, is adapted to pro- duce a perfect image, visible in every part by reflected light. Allowing that a photo- graphic picture is produced by chemical rays of light acting in various degrees on the several parts of a sensitive surface, it becomes necessary that the particles of iodide composing that surface should be in a peculiar state both as to number and as to fineness of division, in order that the more intense and the feebler rays should work uniformly together, the tendency being in the former, so to speak, to get a-head and outrun the latter ; while a diminution in the proportion of iodide assists the action of the feeble rays by producing a more finely-divided deposit, and curbs the violence of the more energetic rays by lessening the number of the particles. " I shall now proceed," Mr. Hardwich continues, in a subsequent paper, " to consider the proper strength of the nitrate bath and of the developing fluid. " "With regard to the nitrate bath, there were two points of interest to be ascer- tained, — 1st, whether the salt of silver could be used in an accurately neutral condi- tion, and, if so, what are the best proportions ; 2nd, the effects of adding nitric acid in graduated quantities. " Three solutions of nitrate of silver were prepared, of different strengths ; A, forty grains to one ounce of distilled water ; B, thirty grains ; C, twenty grains : all were carefully neutralized, and saturated with iodide of silver. " On immersing a plate coated with a four-grain iodide collodion in each of these, it was found that with bath C the decomposition of the alkaline salt was imperfect. However, with the proportion of iodide reduced from four grains to two grains, or 106 MR. HAKDWICH's nitrate BATH EXPERIMENTS. one and a-half grain, the appearance of tlie film was the same in each bath, showing that even the lowest proportion of nitrate of silyer was sufficient for the conversion of the whole of the iodide of ammonium into iodide of silver. " A comparison was next made of its photographic properties., the one and a-ialf grain collodion being used in every case. " 1st. Sensiiiveness. — Here the difference was not very marked, perhaps the twenty- grain solution had a little the advantage ; at all events it was plain that nothing had been lost in this respect bj^ diminishing the proportion of nitrate. " 2nd. Clearness of Image. — In every case the image was perfectly clear, in the sense that there was no ' fogging ' or reduction of metallic silver on the transparent parts, but there was a difference in the appearance of the ' lights when baths A and B were employed, they were always slightly obscured, especially the shirt and fore- head of the sitter, by a yellowish deposit of silver, which seemed as if it had been pre- cipitated after the proper development was complete. I conclude that this deposit was derived from the free nitrate of silver on the surface of the film, which being in a more concentrated state in the two former cases, was the more readily acted upon by the developing fluid ; however, it may not be that the efiect here alluded to will invariably follow when a neutral bath so strong as forty grains to the ounce is used ; much depends, no doubt, upon the nature of the developing agent ; indeed the two must be associated together, the strength of one varying inversely with that of the other. " The conclusions arrived at are these, that with the dilute iodized collodion, nitrate of silver in the proportion of twenty grains to the ounce, gives equal sensi- bility and in every respect the same perfection of image as when used of greater strength ; besides this, it has the merit of economy and superior cleanliness of manipu- lation ; if the proper precautions are observed, such a bath will remain constant in its action for a length of time. " Before proceeding to the developing fluid, there yet remains to be considered, as originally proposed, the efi'ect of adding nitric acid in graduated quantities to the neutral nitrate bath ; my experiments in this direction are, I am sorry to say, as yet incomplete ; however, two or three facts of importance are manifest, viz., that it is impossible to lay down any general rule as to what the effect of adding the acid will be, unless we take into account all the other cii cum stances of the case ; no doubt there will invariably be a loss of sensitiveness, but whether or not advantages will be gained in other respects, seems to depend upon further considerations. When collodion posi- tives are taken by solutions modified as I have proposed, it will be found that the Bmallest amount of free acid, even such as cannot at once be detected by test-paper, will sadly injure the ' half-tones ' of the picture. " On the other hand, many photographers advocate the use of nitric acid, and state that they obtain a better result by means of it. " In explanation of this seeming discrepancy I would suggest (and the views I entertain are borne out by my experiments as far as they have gone), that the amount of free nitric acid which may be added to the bath with impunity depends mainly upon the strength of the solution of nitrate of silver ; strength of bath is favourable to reduction, nitric acid is opposed to it, consequently the two, to a certain extent, balance each other. But besides this, I am inclined to think that something depends upon the thickness of the film of iodide of silver ; perhaps it may be that the particles of iodide being less in number are more easily attacked ; but, at all j MR. HARDWICH'S DEVELOriNG EXPERIMENTS. 107 events, it seems necessary to regulate the acid, both iu the bath and the developing fluid, with greater care when weak films are employed than under contrary ; conditions. " It is important then, and indeed essential, that the dilute nitrate bath should be preserved accurately neutral ; this may easily be effected by adding a little carbonate of soda and so setting free carbonate of silver, which can be allowed to remain con- tinually at the bottom of the bottle in which the bath is kept ; if, however, iodide of ammonium is used in the collodion, this plan does not succeed, because nitrate of ammonia, which will then be formed in the bath, has the property of dissolving car- bonate of silver and forming with it an alkaline solution ; in that case it is better to keep a piece of blue litmus-paper always in the solution of nitrate, and when the colour is perceived to be changed by the small amount of acid liberated by the free iodine in the collodion, to add ammonia graduated to fortieths of a minim until the evil is removed. " Having now finished what I have to say on the subject of the nitrate bath, it only remains that I should speak of the development of collodion positives, in order to complete my paper. The deposits which constitute the light portion of these pictures consist, in all cases, excepting where the bichloride of mercury is used, of metalKc silver ; but it may be useful to class them under two heads, according as they do or do not possess metallic lustre. " The first is a surface bright and sparkling like frosted silver, very white when produced in perfection, but with occasionally a greyish or tinfoil hue. ^ " The second is dull and without lustre, of a whitish tint slightly inclining to yellow or grey ; there is no appearance of a metal about it, the colour being more like that of a piece of chalk. "These two varieties require exactly opposite conditions of developing fluid to produce them. From what I can gather from my own experiments, and from the observation-of others, it would seem that the first is obtained by means of a reducing agent, checked, as it were, in its action by the presence of a strong acid, consequently th« development proceeds slowly and gradually, and the particles of silver are large and crystalline ; on the other hand, the second variety results when the action of the developer is sudden and violent, no impediment being offered by the presence of acid except in minute quantity. The particles of metallic silver are here smaller than before, and being comparatively amorphous, they reflect light in a different manner. The distinction in the two cases, if these views are correct, lies in the amount and strength of the acid used; in the one it is simply sufficient to whiten the picture slightly by preventing the precipitation of oxide ; in the other, being increased in quantity, it tends to retard the development as well. In conducting these experiments the action of several different developing agents was compared, viz., pyrogallic acid, the same with subsequent whitening by bichloride of mercury, proto- nitrate of iron, and protosulphate of iron. " 1st. Fyrogallic Acid. — This gives, under certain circumstances, a beautifully white deposit of silver, free from lustre ; it should be used in the proportion of three grains to the ounce, with a small quantity of nitric acid ; if too much of this sub- stance be added, the deposit is more metallic, but the half-tones are not properly brought out, so that pyrogallic acid is not adapted to produce what I have termed the first variety ; so also it does not succeed when the proportion of nitrate of silver in the bath is reduced to twenty grains to the ounce ; in that case the development 108 MR. HARDWICH'S DEVELOPING EXPERIMENTS. becomes imperfect in parts of the plate, and large patches of a blue or greenish colour are seen. "2nd. Pyrogallic and Acetio Acid, with subsequent Whitening by Bichlonde of Mercury. —I was unsuccessful in my attempts to produce good pictures by this plan ; the colour of the image was not sufficiently white, but had invariably a bluish tint, which was particularly unpleasant ; other photographers, I am aware, have produced excellent results with bichloride of mercury, and it may be that the extreme tenuity of the film I employed was one cause of the blueness and transparency. Another objection ap- peared to be that the details of the picture were slightly injured by the action of the bichloride, and the whole image reduced to a certain extent in intensity ; this was more apparent after blackening by means of ammonia, and then again whitening a second time. " 3rd. Frotonitrate of Iron. — This substance is peculiar in producing an image of brilliant metallic lustre, without the addition of any free acid, hence it may at first sight seem to be an exception to the observations that have just been made on this subject ; it is remarkable, however, that protonitrate of iron should be so feeble a reducing agent when compared with the corresponding sulphate ; probably the reason may be, that in passing into the state of persalt, a portion of the oxygen required is furnished by the decomposition of the nitric acid itself, and hence less would be abstracted from other sources. In experimenting with proto-nitrate of iron, I found a difficulty sometimes in bringing out the half-tones of the picture properly. To obviate this, it is advisable to use the solution of the salt in as concentrated a state as it can be procured, and to increase the proportion of nitrate of silver in the bath, if required, from thirty-five grains to forty grains to the ounce. " With the dilute nitrate bath of twenty grains to the ounce, protonitrate of iron failed entirely to develop the image, thus affording most conclusive proof of the close relation which the strength of the bath bears to the energy of the development. " 4th. Protosulpkate of Iron. — This salt appears better adapted for the purpose than either of the others when the twenty-grain bath is employed. In order to obtain the tint which has been characterized as a dead white with absence of metallic lustre, it must be used of such a strength that the picture comes out almost instantaneously in all its details ; it occurred to me at first that the gradation of tone would be injured somewhat by this violent method of proceeding, but I did not find on trial that such was the case ; neither is there any indication of fogging or over-development if the solution be poured off from the plate tolerably quickly. " The proportions I have been in the habit of using are these :— Protosulphate of iron pure, fifteen to eighteen or twenty grains; acetic acid (glacial) minims viij. ; dis- tilled water one ounce. " In the place of the acetic acid, strong sulphuric acid minim half, or nitric acid I minim a quarter, with fifteen drops of alcohol may be used ; the alcohol certainly has the effect, as has been stated, of causing the solution to fiow more evenly ; but it appeared to me, that if present in too large quantity, the liability to ' specks ' and ' dirty marks ' was increased. " If the solution of protosulphate is in too concentrated a state, it will be difficult to pour it on the plate sufficiently quickly to cover the whole surface before the action begins ; in such a case, after fixing with the cyanide, curved Lines will be seen, such as would be produced by a wave of fluid flowing forwards and resting for an instant at a particular spot. MR. HORNE's process. 109 " On the other hand, if the solution is too dilute, the image becomes slightly grey and metallic on drying. " For fixing the picture hy removal of the unaltered iodide of silver, cyanide of potassium appears preferable to the hyposulphite of soda ; it may be used of such a strength as will clear the plate gradually in about half a minute or so, and is easily washed away by pouring a stream over the plate for a short time. " For ' backing up * I employ two varnishes, both of which dry speedily ; the solvent is difierent in the two cases, and that of the black japan does not appear to act upon the transparent layer beneath. A complaint is sometimes made that collodion positives do not show to advantage through the glass, but I have not myself been able to distinguish at all between the two sides, excepting in cases where the picture was | slightly over-exposed. j " With regard to the time required for taking a portrait on a tolerably bright day, i as giving some indication of what the degree of sensitiveness of the plates might be, I would say that with a Eoss's portrait lens of two and a quarter inches, having a diaphragm of an inch and three quarters aperture, an exposure in the camera of two to three seconds is the average ; when distant objects are taken with the full aperture of the lens, it is hardly possible to remove and replace the cap with sufficient quickness." Mr, Hoxne's Pzocess. — Mr. Home has been one of the earliest and most suc- cessful operators, and has published an account of the particular manipulations required in the collodion process. By his permission, I am enabled to give the process he adopts in his own words. As regards the choice and preparation of the plate itself, the operator cannot do better than follow the directions of Mr. Hardwich, which I have already recorded. The plate selected, having a clean and perfectly dry surface, and taking care to handle it as little as possible, the next operation is that of " Coating the Plate. — Taking it from the clean dry leather in which it has been wrapped, there are several ways by which the iodized collodion may be applied, some preferring a piece of India-rabber fastened to the back as a handle, others supporting it on the ends of the fingers of the left hand (Fig. 64) ; while others, again, content themselves by sacrificing a small portion of one corner, or by the use of an instru- ment called the pneumatic plate-holder, which appears to answer well. But whichever plan is adopted, the plate must be held by the left hand perfectly hori- zontal, and then with the right a sufficient quantity of coUodio-iodide should be poured into the centre, so as to diffuse itself equally over the surface. This should be done coolly and steadily, allowing it to flow to each corner in succession, taking care that the edges are all well covered. Then gently tilt the plate, that the superfluous fluid may return to the bottle from the opposite corner from which the plate is held. At this moment the plate should be again brought into a vertical posi- tion, when the diagonal lines caused by the fluid running to the corner will fall one into the other, and give a clear flat surface. To do this neatly and efiectually, some little practice is necessary, as in most things ; but the operator should by no means hurry the j operation, but do it systematically and quietly, at the same time not being longer j over the operation than is actually necessary, for collodion, being an ethereal com- 110 ME. HORNE's exciting PROCESS. pound, evaporates very rapidly. Many operators waste tlieir collodion by performing tliis operation in great haste ; but haste is not necessary, for an even coating can seldom be obtained if the fluid is poured on and off too rapidly ; it is better to do it steadily, and submit to a small loss from evaporation, and at any future time, if the collodion becomes too thick, to thin it with the addition of a little fresh and good ether. " Exciting the Plate. — Previous to this it is necessary to have the bath ready, which is made as follows : — Nitrate of silver . . . .10 drachms. Distilled water .. . . .20 ounces. Iodide of silver .... 5 grains. Dissolve and filter. " The object of putting the iodide of silver is that the nitrate may be saturated with it, or the plates would otherwise be robbed of a certain portion. Now to saturate the nitrate properly, it is necessary the iodide should be freshly precipitated, therefore the best plan is to proceed as follows : — ■ " Dissolve the ten drachms of nitrate of silver in two ounces of distilled water, and add to this five grains of iodide of potassium previously dissolved in about two drachms of distilled water. Upon mixing these, the iodide is thrown down, and redissolved by the concentrated solution of silver, when the remainder of the water, namely, eighteen ounces, may be added, and the solution very carefully filtered. " The quantity of this fluid necessary to be made must depend upon the form of trough to be used, whether horizontal or vertical, and also upon the size of plate. The trough used by the writer is the vertical, though many still prefer the former, and attach, as before described, a piece of India-rubber to the back of the plate as a handle whUst applying the collodion, and to keep the fingers from the solution whilst dipping in the bath. With the vertical troughs a glass dipper is provided upon which the plate rests, preventing the necessity of any handle or the fingers going into the liquid. Having then obtained one or other of these two, and filtered the liquid, previously free from any particles of dust, &c., th.e plate is to he immersed in it steadily and without hesitation, for if a pause should be made at any part, a line is sure to be formed, which will print in a subsequent part of the process. " The plate, being immersed, must be kept there a sufficient time for the liquid to act freely upon the surface, particularly if a negative picture is to he obtained. As a general rule it will take from two to four minutes, varying with temperature and make of the collodion. In very cold weather, or indeed anything below 50° Fah., the bath should be placed in a warm situation, or a proper decomposition is not obtained under a very long time. Above 60° the plate will be almost certain to have obtaraed its maximum of sensibility by two minutes' immersion, but as the plate cannot injure by remaining a longer time in the bath, it is better in all cases, when a negative picture is required, to give time for the whole of the iodide in the collodion to be thoroughly acted on by the nitrate of the bath. " To facilitate the action, let the temperature he what it may, the plate must be lifted out of the liquid two or three times, which also assists in getting rid of the ether from its sui-face. If this is not thoroughly done, a uniform coating cannot be obtained ; but on no account should it be removed until the plate has been immersed about half a minute, or marks are ax^t to be produced. MR. HOKNE's NITEATE BATH PROCESS. Ill " Having obtained the desired coating, the plate is then extremely sensitive to . wMte light, and every precaution ^should he taken to exclude ordinary daylight. The best way to do this is to hang over the window two or three thicknesses of yellow calico, by which means the light which passes through will be amply sufficient for manipulation, and at the same time produce no injury to the sensitive plate. If this cannot be done, the room must be closed against any portion of daylight, and a candle alone employed, placed however, at a distance from the operator, to give the requisite light. " The plate thus rendered sensitive must then be lifted from the solution and held over the trough, that as much liquid as possible may drain oif previous to being placed in the frame of the camera, otherwise the action will not be equal over the whole surface. It must not be allowed to dry, however ; but, in order to obtain its full maximum of sensibility, it should be damp without superfluous moisture. It is thus imperative that the exposure takes place within a few minutes after removing the plate from the bath. This renders collodion of very little value for taking views, as in such situations we cannot command the use of a dark-room. " The question is often asked — How soon after the coating the plate with coUodio- iodide, should it be immersed in the nitrate bath "We have said the time of immer- sion is dependent upon temperature and make of collodion, so likewise must we be governed as to time before immersion. To make coUcdio-iodide or xylo-iodide — for, chemically speaking, there is no difference in the two — it is necessary that the ether should contain a certain quantity of alcohol, or the different articles are not soluble ; therefore, if we take a fresh bottle and coat the plate from this while it contains its full dose of etber, and with the thermometer ranging between 60° and 70°, the evaporation of this article will be very rapid, and consequently a tough film soon formed ; but if, on the other hand, we are using an article which has been in use some time, and many plates, perhaps, coated, the proportion of alcohol wUl be much greater, and not being of so volatile a nature, will necessarily take a longer time to acquire the necessary firmness for immersion. Hence it is evident we must be guided by circumstances. If, for instance, after coating a plate, we find on immersion it does not colour freely, we have then reason to suppose the plate has not been immersed sufficiently quick ; but if, on the other hand, we find the film very tender, and it cracks upon drying, then we have reason to know that plates prepared from that bottle must not be immersed quite so soon. The larger the proportion of alcohol the more tender the film, but the more sensitive will be the plate, and the quicker and more even will be the action of the bath. " The next question also often asked is — How long must be the exposure in the camera ? a question more difficult to anrwer than the last, and which practice alone can determine, combined with close observation of those parts which should be the shadows of a picture. If, for instance, in developing, we find those parts less exposed to the light than othei's develop immediately the solution is applied, then we have every reason to suppose the exposure has been too long ; but if, on the contrary, they develop very slowly, we have proof that the time allowed has not been sufficient to produce the necessary amount of action. In a good picture we should see first the whites of the dress appear, then the forehead, after which we shall find, if the light has been pretty equally difi'used, the whole of the face and then the dress. " Much will, of coiu'se, depend upon the arrangement of light, for if the sitter is not placed in a good aspect, by which is meant a good diffused light, the prominent 112 MR. HORNE's developing PROCESS. parts only will come out ; in other words, to produce the necessary amount of action to obtain the others, the high lights are so overdone that the picture prints raw and cold. " Can I produce portraits at my drawing-room window ? This is another common question, and the reply must necessarily be, Yes, if you have sufficient light, and can so place your camera that the sitter may be pretty equally illuminated, and not one half receiving nearly all the light ; if it does, one side may be amply developed and the other scarcely visible. " In cases of this description the necessary effect may often be produced by placing a white screen so as to reflect a portion of light upon the darkened side ; but, upon the whole, a light of this character is better adapted for producing positive than negative pictures upon glass. " The Development of the Image. — To effect this it must be taken again into the room where prepared, and with care removed from the slide to the levelling stand. It will bo well also to caution the operator respecting the removal of plate. Glass, as before observed, is a bad conductor of heat ; therefore if, in taking it out, we aUow it to rest too long on the fingers at any one spot, that portion will be warmed through to the face, and as this is not done until the developing solution is ready to go over, the action will be more energetic at those parts than at others, and consequently destroy the even- ness of the picture. We should, therefore, handle the plate with care, more as if it already possessed too much heat to be comfortable to the fingers, and we must therefore get it on the levelling stand as soon as possible. " Having then got it there, we must next cover the face with the developing solu- tion. This should be made as follows : — Pyrogallic acid . . . .10 grains. Distilled water . ' . . . 5 ounces. Glacial acetic acid . . . 1 drachm. Spirits of wine . . . . | a drachm. Mix and thoroughly filter. " Now, in developing a plate, the quantity of liquid taken must be in proportion to its size. A plate measuring five inches by four wiU require half an ounce, less may be used, but it is at the risk of stains ; therefore we would recommend, that half an ounce of the above be measured out into a perfectly clean measure, and to this from eight to twelve drops of a fifty-grain solution of nitrate of silver added. " Pour this over the surface, taking care not to hold the measure too high, and not to pour all at one spot, but having taken the measure properly in the fingers, begin at one end, and carry the hand forward ; immediately blowing gently upon the face of the plate, which has the effect, not only of diffusing it over the surface, but causing the solution to combine more equally with the damp surface of the plate ; it also has the effect of keeping any deposit that may form in motion, which if allowed to settle, causes the picture to come out mottled. A piece of white paper may now be held under the plate, to observe the development of the picture ; if the light of the room is adapted for view- ing it in this manner, well ; if not, a light must be held below ; but, in either case, arrangements should be made to view the plate easily whilst under this operation, a successful result depending so much upon obtaining sufficient development without carrying it too far. " In some instances it is better not to mix the nitrate of silver solution with the pyrogallic until after the latter has been poured over the plate, but in no case must it be mixed on the plate, the solution must be poured off into the measure and the nitrate MR. HORNE'S fixing PROCESS. 113 i added. In this way we can judge better of the intensity of the picture, for when the solution is off, the plate can be held up to the light and the image viewed through. Care should be taken that the nitrate of silver solution is free from deposit. " The author has also found a weak developing solution, as given above, far more successful in obtaining gradation of tone than when stronger, for, in the latter ease, the action will be very energetic on those parts reflecting the most light, and, consequently, become overdone before other portions, such as dress, &c., have become sufficiently visible. The addition of an extra portion of nitrate of silver will be found to improve the tone, but this may be eff'ected also without adding it to the pyrogallic solution ; and, in many instances, it will be found a better plan to re-dip the plate in the bath, after exposure in the camera, particularly if any considerable time has elapsed between the excitement of the plate and development of the picture, for the plate having dried unequally does not allow the same uniform development as when well moistened over the surface. " As soon as the necessary development has been obtained, the liquid must be poured off, and the surface washed with a little water, which is easily done by holding the plate over a dish and pouring water upon it, taking care, both in this and a sub- sequent part of the process, to hold the plate horizontally, and not vertically, so as to prevent the coating being torn by the force and weight of the water. " Fixing the Image. — "Which is simply the removal of iodide from the surface of a plate, is effected by pouring over it, after the water, a solution of hyposulphite of soda, made of the strength of eight ounces to a pint of water. At this point day- light may be admitted into the room ; and, indeed, we cannot judge well of its removal without it. We then S3e the iodide gradually dissolve away, and the different parts left more or less transparent, according to the action of light upon them. " It then only remains to thoroughly wash away every trace of hyposulphite, for, should any of this salt be left, it gradually destroys the picture. The plate should, therefore, either be immersed with great care in a vessel of clean water, or, what is better, water poured gently and carefully over the surface. After this it must be put in a proper place to dry, or held before a fire. " It may be as well to state, any clean filtered water will answer for washing, dis- tilled being only required for the solutions of nitrate of silver, &c. " Having, by the foregoing means, obtained and fixed a negative photographic image on glass, and which is capable of producing positives upon paper by the ordinary photogenic printing ; it is as well, previous to obtaining these, to render the tender film of collodion less liable to injury. This is best accomplished by — " Varnishing the Plate. — There are two kinds of varnishes which may be used for this purpose — the spirit and turpentine ; of the latter kind the gum-dammer answers best, and indeed the only objection to its use is, that it requires forty-eight hours to diy — whereas with the former, which consists of spirit and a great variety of gums, the plate may be printed from within a few minutes. Some amount of care is necessary in the use of the latter, for if it is poured on the plate cold, the gums chill, and the picture is rendered opaque ; therefore the best plan of proceeding is as follows : — j " Hold the back of the plate to a fire until warm through, care being taken not to ■ make it too hot, or the varnish will not run properlj' ; then pour the varnish on in the |; same manner as the collodion, returning the superfluous liquid to the bottle. Hold the j plate again to the fire to drain off the spirit, when a beautiful surface will be obtained, making it difficult, at first sight, to judge which side has been varnished. 114 POSITIVE PICTURES BY MR. HORNE'S PROCESS. " The damraer varnish may be applied cold, care being taken to make it very thin, either with turpentine or camphine, otherwise it -will be days before it ia sufficiently dry to print from. " There is also another kind of varnish which has been recommended by Dr. Diamond, viz., gum-amber dissolved in chloroform. This is used by many photo- graphers, as it can be put on odd, and yet it dries directly upon evaporation of the chloroform, otherwise it possesses no advantage over the spirit, and is necessarily much more expensive. Positive Pictures u2}on Glass. — Hitherto we have described the method of producing negative pictures only, but by sliglitly varying the process in developing tbe collodion pictures, most beautiful positives, equal to Daguerreotypes, may be obtained, and without their metallic reflection. These pictures are strictly, positive, for, when held to the light, they scarcely show as a negative. To produce them, a much shorter time is necessary for a sitting than for the production of a printing negative. They also require a modification in the development, that as bright a surface may be obtained as possible. *' It was shown by the author, in the early days of collodion, that this result might be obtained, to a certain extent, by mixing with the pyrogallic solution a very small quantity of nitric acid ; but it has since been proved by Mr. Fry and others, that a better result may be obtained by the use of proto-sulphate and proto-nitrate of iron. " The former salt is readily obtained, and in a very pure form. It should be used as follows : — Proto-sulphate of iron, ten grains ; distilled water, one ounce ; nitric acid, two drops. To develop the image, pour the above over the plate, taking care not to cany the development too far. " Tbe proto-nitrate may be obtained either by double decomposition, as recom- mended by Dr. Diamond, or by dissolving sulphuret of iron in dilute nitric acid, as recommended Mr. Ellis. The latter, being the most economical, we will describe first. " To one ounce of nitric acid, and seven of water, add a small quantity of sulpburet of iron broken into fragments. Stand the vessel aside, that the sulphuretted hydrogen I may escape, and the acid become saturated with iron. Pour off the liquid, and filter, i Boil it again in a Florence flask to get rid of the sulphur, and again filter, when a dark { green liquid will be obtained, which is the proto-nitrate of iron. This should be kept j in well-stoppered bottles, and from air as much as possible, to prevent its changing ' into a per-nitrate, in which stage it is quite useless as a photographic agent. ; " To develop the picture, mix one part of the above proto-nitrate with three of ' water, and apply it to the plate in the ordinary way, when a most beautiful clear image ! will be obtained. " Dr. Diamond's method we take from the Art Journal. 600 grains of proto- sulphate of iron are dissolved in one ounce of water, and the same quantity of nitrate ! of baryta in six ounces of water ; these being mixed together, proto-nitrate of iron and | sulphate of baryta are formed by double decomposition ; the proto-nitrate of iron being in solution, and the sulphate of baryta precipitated, the latter being easily removed by ' filtering the solution. " The negative image being developed, a mixture of pyrogallic and hyposulphate of \ soda, which has undergone partial decomposition, is poured over the plate, M'hich is gently w-armed. Upon this the darkened parts are rendered brilliantly white by the forma- tion of metallic silver. This picture being backed up with black velvet, assumes the air of a fine Daguerreotype, without any of the disadvantages arising from the reflection THE AWTHOR'S process. 115 of ligkt from tlie polished silver siri'face. We have also seen a similar effect produced by Mr. Fry and Mr. Berger, by the use of the proto-sulphate of iron solution and pyrogallic acid. The image is first developed by the iron solution, which is then poured off, and another solution of pyrogallic is poured on, until the effect ia produced. The pictures aie fixed with the hyposulphite in the usual method." The Anthax's Process. — I have now to offer some remarks on the collo- dion process as practised by myself, and I commence by reiterating my caution in favour of care and cleanliness, which is the motto it is impossible to impress too strongly on the mind of the reader. Before commencing operations, have everything as nearly as possible, in the following state : — The glass house must be scrupulously clean, and free from slops and dust ; care must be taken that no ray of white light gains admittance through any chink or hole— the door will be the part most subject to this ; the light used should be obtained through a piece of orange or red glass — a foot square will be quite large enough — and it should not face the sun. It may be neces- sary in very bright weather to have a curtain of yeUow calico on a roller, so that it may be used or not, as may be required. There should be a deep tray to receive the washings, and this should have a waste-pipe, if possible, to prevent the accumulation of slops ; the tray and water-tap should be as nearly as possible under the light, and if the water has to fall from any height, so as to fall with force, it will be necessary to tie a piece of old linen on the opening of the tap— by this means you will obtain a plentiful supply of water, which will fall so gently as scarcely to be felt by the finger; by this precaution you will not run any danger of washing off the collodion film. It will also be a great advantage to have the tap fastened to the supply-pipe by a couple of feet of vulcanized India-rubber, or flexible gutta-percha tubing, so that the plate especially a krge one) may be supported on the tops of the thumb and fingers of one hand, while the other can swill the water over the surface with ease in every direc- tion. Have your exciting bath so placed that the yellow light may ra/ce the surface of the plate when you lift it out to examine the state of the iodized and excited collodion film, but this should never be done until the plate has been at least a minute in the bath. You must also take care that the bath is sufficiently far away from the washing tap to prevent the risk of splashings from the latter when washing the plate. The developing glass should have a small stand for itself, covered with a sheet of blotting- paper folded half a dozen times, to be renewed when it becomes wet through. The collodion bottle should stand on another shelf, and the vessel holding the solution of hyposulphite of soda or cyanide of potassium should occupy another shelf— this must never be used for any other purpose, neither should the hypo-vessel ever be placed any where else— this latter shelf should be much lower than the others. You should have a towel for the hands, another for wiping out the slide after each plate — but "papier Joseph" is better— and a cloth for wiping up all slops. The developing-room I consider most convenient would resemble the following sketch (Fig. 65), sxipposed to be made when looking down from the roof — the shelving being about the height of a common table or a little higher : — A, the window of orange glass ; B, the shelf for the developing-bottle and vessel ; C, the water-tap ; D, the waste-pipe ; E, the washing-tray ; F, the main shelf or bench; G, the exciting bath ; H, the shelf for collodion bottles; I, shelf on which may stand the dark slide when not in use ; J, the shelf for the hyposulphite vessel ; K, the body of the room ; L, a curtain running on a rod with rings, to be drawna across 116 THE DARK CHAMBER. after the door is shut ; M, the door ; N and 0, hooks for towels. The above will be found to be a most convenient dark-room ; and it may be as well to say here, in refer- ence to such places in general, never allow bottles, or any other articles not in use, somewhat from that recommended by Mr. Hardwich: — I mix up some Tripoli powder or whiting, with one part liquor ammonia, two parts alcohol, and three parts I water ; dip a piece of clean cotton wool into this mixture, and proceed to cover the surface of a glass plate already washed and dried. Do this in circles, and with some degree of force at first, leaning less weight as you are about to finish ; treat half-a-dozen or more glasses in the same way. Put them to dry with their faces (the surface covered with the Tripoli, &c.) next the wall, and when dry take a second piece of cotton-wool, and by briskly drawing it over the surface remove the dry dust left on the latter by the evaporation of the Tripoli mixture, and from off the edges also ; then take another clean and dri/ piece, and finish off with the greatest care. As each is finished, place it in a box with grooves, and take care that the faces are all in the same direction. I should recommend the clean side towards the back of the box or from you, because, if you should not have an empty box, you would place them resting on the collodion shelf with the clean side next the wall ; then filter your bath of nitrate of silver, the developing solution, and the collodion (the latter must be filtered through a papier Joseph). It will answer as well, in most cases, if the collodion is gently decanted from the bottle, holding it into another, (previously washed out with a small quantity of ether), keeping back the bottom portion, which will contain any portions of undis- solved cotton, &c., that may be present. The collodion should have been mixed some hours before use ; if even a day it would be all the better. Coating t/ie Glass. — Supposing now that you are about to operate, you will proceed as follows : — Go into the dark-room, and wash out the glass you intend to use for -A to remain on the shelves or in the dark-room; have everything in its proper place, and have everything put away, and the dark-room cleared and swept out after the work is done for the day, so that it may be clean and free from dust for the next day's operations. rig. 65. Preparing the Glass. — As every- thing depends on a clean glass, I adopt this mode of preparation, which differs THE author's manipulation. 117 Fig:. 66. developing. A glass called a precipitating glass, such as is here figured (Fig. 65), is the best for this purpose. Put the requisite amount of developing solusion in it; then take the bottle holding the collodion that you intend to use, and, taking out the stopper, insert very carefully the point of one of your fingers so as to remove any portion of dry collodion that may remain there. Take care th at there is not any more remaining about the neck or body of the bottle, or anything else that might fall on the glass plate. Taking a glass plate on a holder, or, what is far better, the tips of the fingers of the left hand, pour gently, and without any haste or flurry, a suflicient quantity of collodion on its clean sur- face. There are many methods of doing this, but the most success- ful that I know of is to pour the collodion on the plate thus (pre- mising that you are holding the glass on the fingers of the right-hand as in Fig. 64) : — Commence at A (Fig. 67), and as you pour on the collodion, allow it, by inclining the glass, to take the course pointed out by the line proceeding from A to E. In doing this, do it slowly and evenly, and recollect that it is not necessary to allow, or, more properly speaking, to wait, for the collodion to run right up to the corner, for when it arrives near B, that comer of course will be the lowest; but in altering the inclination so as to cause it to flow towards C, we do not raise B but depress C until B and C are about equal ; that being the case, the side of the plate between B and C becomes the lowest, and by the time the collodion arrives near the corner C, it will have flowed fully Fig. 67. up to B ; the same action takes place between C and D, and so on. The advantage gained is, that the collodion never flows back again over a part already coated. The Nitrate Bath. — By a little practice the reader will be able to coat any sized plate. Eeturn the surplus collodion into the bottle from E, rapidly sliding the fingers up to C, E resting on the mouth of the bottle, and thus preventing any unequal evaporation from the parts which would be otherwise over the points of the fingers ; and when the collodion has nearly all run off, move the plate backwards and forwards a few times, so as to prevent the formation of any lines in the film of collodion ; in other words, change the position of the plate from Fig. 68 to Fig. 69. When the collodion ceases to drop, and the fiGlm becomes pretty well set, place the plate on the dipper, and (having previously skim- med the surface of the nitrate of silver solution in the bath with a small strip of blotting-paper) proceed to immerse the dipper and plate slowly and evenly, recollecting that if you make a stop or hesitate for a moment, you surely spoil the plate. The latter once in the exciting bath, leave it there and carefully wipe out the slide, then covering the bath Fig. 68. Fig. 69. 118 THE AUTHORS MANIPULATION. ■witli a light-proof cover, open the door of the dark-room, and proceed to focus and arrange the sitter or object to be copied. The plate may be coated with collodion and immersed in the bath without the necessity of having the door of the dark-room closed, as the sensitive iodide of silver is not formed on the instant of immersion ; but in this case it will be necessary to cover the bath ^vith a light-proof cover, or to shut the door immediately. Flacing in the Camera. — Having obtained tbe proper focus and adjustment of the object to be copied, put the cap on the lens, and remove tlw ground glass, then, going into the dark room close the door, and draw the curtain. If a minute at least has elapsed since the immersion of the plate, draw it out of the bath, and examine the surface to see if all greasiness has disappeared, otherwise the plate will be all mottled and streaky. When the surface of the plate appears smooth and even, dip it and withdraw it two or three times afterwards. Then allow it to drain for nearly a minute, allowing it to become nearly dry, and never attempting to take a collodion picture while the plate is dripping ; — this is an essential point, and should be strictly attended to if a good picture be desired. "When the plate has been sufficiently drained, place it carefully in the dark slide ; placing the slide gently in the camera, pull the shutter up quietly, and uncover the lens for the proper time. Take especial care not to push the shutter down with a bang, or with force, that being sure to cover the plate with spots and stains. I have seen an amateur hitting and thumping the shutter of his dark slide when it stuck from being swollen by wet, or some other cause, and I need scarcely add, that the resulting pic- ture was a brilliant specimen of spots and messes. In fact, every operation in the collo- dion process should be performed as if you were working in the den of a sleeping tiger ! Developing. — Upon entering tbe dark-room with the exposed plate, previous to deve- lopment, gently shut the door and draw the curtain (it is better to have the curtain tacked permanently across the inside of the door, and without plaits — in this case it must be pushed on one side when entering or leaving the dark-room), then place tbe slide, leaning against the wall, on the left hand, taking care not to knock it, and looking round to see if your developing glass contains the required solution, and that every- thing else is ready ; take out the back of the slide, and holding the upper part of the latter in the left hand, lean it gently over until the excited plate falls out against the thumb and spread fingers of the right, placed in a proper position to receive it. By lowering the hand, the plate becomes level, and may be lifted away from the dark slide at once on the tops of the fingers. You next proceed to transfer it to the left hand, and take up the developing-glass in the right ; then slowly, and without hurry, but at the same time evenly and with- out hesitation, commence to pour the solution on the surface of the plate ; this will require no little prac- tice, and should be done in such a manner that the plate will be just covered by the time all the solu- tion has left the glass— the former should flow evenly over from end to end. To cover a large plate well, proceed thus :— Let the corners A B be lower than C D, Fig. 71. but in the same horizontal line in the direction from A to B, or looking at the side of the plate (Fig. 70), then commence to pour on to the plate at C, and draw the glass backwards and forwards as you go down the plate (Fig. 71). It will not be necessary to go over ME. HARDWICH'S FOEMUL^. 119 more than half the plate with the developing glass, as the amount of liquid will by that time have flooded the whole. Then, by moving the hand and fingers, cause the liquid to flow from end to end, and from side to side, pouring it back into the glass and on to the plate again, until the desired amount of intensity and development are obtained; this may be ascertained by looking through the plate when the developing solution has been poured back into the glass. When fully developed, wash it well before using the fixing agent. This is the more necessary when hyposulphite of soda is employed, as that salt would be decom- posed by the presence of the acetic or other acid used, and by throwing down sulphur injure the brilliancy of the negative. After all traces of the iodide of silver have dis- appeared, the plate must then be well washed with plenty of water, covering it fully each time, swilling it about on the surface for a few moments, and pouring it ofl' again ; then set it up to dry. The lower edge should rest on a strip of blotting-paper. When dry, examine it for a sort of whitish powder, something like fi'ost ; should this appear on the surface, it is owing to the presence of hyposulphate of soda, and shows that the plate was not sufficiently washed. Should the plate be perfectly free from any such appearance, it may then be varnished. This is done by slightly warming the plate, covering the surface with varnish as you did with collodion, and, returning the excess to the bottle, holding the plate to the fire until it dries without chilling. The negative, or positive, is now finished, and by carefully following the preceding directions, a good picture should be the residt ; but if not, we must endeavour to find out the cause. Mr. Haxdwich's Foxmulse. — ^These remarks on the manipulation which has been adopted in Mr. Fenton's establishment I would have followed by my own formulse for preparing each of the solutions required, but Mr. Hardwich has treated this branch of the subject so fully and so ably in his " Chemistry of Photography" that I willingly avail myself of his permission to quote this and other portions of his book ; and I do so the more readily as it would be nearly a matter of impossibility for me to do the subject justice otherwise than in his own woi'ds. That the reader may understand my meaning more fully, I may quote the passage from the preface to Mr. Hardwich's work, in which he mentions my connection with his experiments. '■'■lam also indebted," he says, " "No. 1.— .3 grains of iodide of cadmium. 1 grain of chloride of zinc. 1 ounce of collodion, i ounce of alcohol. " Dissolve the chemicals in the alcohol, and then mix with the collodion. j Or, No. 2. — 3 grains of iodide of zinc. 1 grain bromide of cadmium, j Or, No. 3. — 2 grains iodide of cadmium, i 1 grain bromide of cadmium. I Jjf grain bromide of iron. ! grain bromide of calcium. ! " In the last it will be necessary to dissolve one grain of bromide of iron in j one drachm of alcohol, and use one fluid grain of the solution. Similarly three grains I of bromide of calcium must be dissolved in one drachm of alcohol, and one fluid I grain used. ' " The excited collodion will require to stand a few days to settle completely. I Decant into a dry bottle, to avoid sediment. Spread as usual. TlvSTS OF THE STRENGTH OF ACIDS. " Bath — which for distinction sake we will call albuminate of silver : — 16 ounces distilled water. 1 ounce albumen. 1^ ounce nitrate of silver (neutral), li ounce glacial acetic acid. 2 grains iodide of potasssium. " The albumen and water must be well mixed first, then the glacial acetic acid added ; shake up, and let stand three hours ; then the nitrate of silver in crystals, shake and filter, stand twenty-four hours ; then add the iodide of potassium, filter again, ready for use. Coat the plate, as usual, with collodion, and use the albuminate of silver bath as an ordinary silver bath ; wash in another bath of distilled water five minutes, then wash the back of the plate with common water, the front with distilled ; set the plate aside to dry in a vertical position, in a place free from dust. It will keep three weeks. Expose in the camera as usual, from two minutes to ten, according to the light, diaphragm, &c. Pass into the silvering bath again three minutes. Develop with — 6 to 8 grains prntosulphate of iron. 1 ounce distilled water. 1 drachm glacial acetic acid, "Wash, and fix with — 1 cyanide of potassium. 20 water. " It is about as quick as albumen in the camera. The albuminate of silver bath must on no account be exposed to daylight, nor the developing solution. Potassium and ammonium salts will do to excite the collodion ; but it will not keep so long as with the metallic iodides. Tests of the Strength of Acids.— One of the great causes of failure, to which the best photographers are liable, is to be found in the adulteration and impurity of the chemicals used. To this question Mr. Hardwich directed much of his attention, and the following are some of the tests and remedies his experiments suggested to him : — " Nitro-Sulphuric Add. — Plan for making nitro-sulphuric acid, the specific gravity of the two acids not having been previously determined : — Take a strong sample of nitric acid (the yellow nitrous acid, so called, succeeds very well), and mix it with oil of vitriol as follows : — Sulphuric acid . , . 10 fluid drachms. Nitric acid .... 10 ,, " Now immerse a thermometer, an indispensable article, and note the temperature. If the oil of vitriol is good, it should be about 130'. If it sinks below 120°, place the mixture in a capsule (a teacup will answer the purpose), and float upon boiling water for a few minutes. " Having done this, a preliminary experiment with a small tuft of cotton wool will speedily indicate the actual strength of the nitro-sulphuric acid. Stir the tuft in the mixture for five minutes. Remove it with a glass rod, and wash with water for ten minutes until no acid taste can be perceived. If the wool becomes matted, and gela- tinizes slightly on its first immersion in the acid ; or if, in the subsequent washing, the fibres appear to adhere and to be disintegrated by the action of the water, the nitro- sulphuric acid is too weak. In that case, add to the acid mixture oil of vitriol three 138 DISSOLVIXG THE COLLODION. drachms. If the cotton was actually dissolved in the first trial, an addition of half a fluid ounce of oil of vitriol may be required. " Supposing the cotton not to be gelatinized and to wash well, then wring it out very dry, pull out the fibres, and treat it in a test-tube with rectified ether, to which a few drops of alcohol have been added, If it is insoluble, dry it by a gentle heat and apply a flame. A brisk explosion indicates that the nitro-sulphuric acid employed is too strong. In that case, add to the twenty drachms of mixed acids, water one drachm, or even one drachm and a half, if the compound was very highly explosive. " There is a third condition, somewhat difi'erent from either of the above, which is puzzling to a beginner. It is this : — The fibres of the cotton mat together very slightly or not at all on immersion, and the washing proceeds tolerably well ; the cpm- pound formed is scarcely explosive, and dissolves imperfectly in ether, leaving little nodules or hard lumps of unaltered cotton. The ethereal solution yields, on evapora- tion, a film which is opaque instead of transparent. In this case, the acid mixture, is slightly too weak, or the temperature is too low, being probably about 90° instead of 120° to 130°. When the acid mixture has been brought to the proper strength by a few preliminary trials, proceed according to the directions given a few pages in advance. Preparation of Nilro-sulphurie Acid. — The process by oil of vitriol and nitre is \ recommended, in preference to the other, to the amateur who is unable to obtain nitric ! acid of convenient strength. The common oil of vitriol sold in the shops is often very \ good for photographic purposes ; nevertheless it is best, if possible, to take the specific | gravity. At a temperature of 58° to 60°, specific gravity 1-833 is about the usunl i strength, and if it falls below this, it will be better to reject it. | " The nitre should be the purest sample which can be obtained. Commercial -piti c often contains a large quantity of chloride of potassium, detected on dissolving the j nitre in distilled water, and adding a drop or two of solution of nitrate of silver. If a I milkiness and subsequent curdy deposit is formed, chlorides are present. ; "These chlorides ai'e injurious ; after the oil of vitriol is added, they destroy a poi- tion of nitric acid by converting it into brown fumes of peroxide of nitrogen, which ; alters the strength, of the solution. j " Therefore, if pure nitrate of potash, free from chlorides, can be obtained, the slight ! additional expense is not worth being taken into account ; but if not, the finest crystals [ of commercial nitrate may be picked out, and will probably answer the purpose. | " Nitrate of potash is an anhydrous salt — it contains simply nitric acid and potash, without any water of crystallization ; still, in many cases, a little water is retained mechanically between the interstices of the crystals, and therefore it is always better to | dry it before use. This may be done by laying it in a state of fine powder upon blot- ' ting-paper, close to a fire, or upon a heated metallic plate. " Whether previously dried or not, the sample .must be reduced to a fine powder before adding the oil of vitriol ; otherwise portions of the salt escape decomposition. ''Supposing these preliminaries to have been properly observed, weigh out pure nitre, powdered and dried, 600 grains. This quantity is equivalent to one and a quarter ounce troy or apothecai'ic.s' weight, and to one and a quarter ounce avoirdupois weight -f- 54 grains. Place this in a ica-cup or any other convenient vessel, and pour upon it water one fluid drachm and a half mixed, v.'.ilh oil of vitriol twelve fluid drachms. Stir well with a glass rod for two or three minutes, uiitil all efl'ervescence has ceased, and an even pasty mixture, free from lumps, is obtained. WASHING AND DRYING THE PYROXYLINE. 139 " During the whole process, abundance of dense fumes of nitric acid will be given | off, which must be allowed to escape up the flue or into the open air. " The above formula will invariably succeed with a good sample of oil of vitriol and pure nitre. When tried, however, with commercial nitre, it failed in the writer's hands, the cotton being gelatinized and dissolved. Therefore, iu a second experiment, the addition of water was omitted, and the result proved satisfactory." Mr. Hadow recommends the following for employment with commercial nitre : — Nitre, powdered and dried . . 510 grains. Oil of vitriol .... 165 drachms. Water ...... Ih drachm. " Observe that the quantity of oil of vitriol in this formula is increased, to allow of the water being retained. The resulting mixture is very iluid and transparent, and the manipulation easy. The writer has seen this formula tried twice, with samples of common nitre purchased at an oil-shop. In the first the product was highly satisfac- tory, but in the second not quite so good, being only partially soluble and giving an opalescent film. In this case, probably, a better result would have been obtained by halving the quantity of water directed. " Washing and Drying the Pyroxyline.—T'iiQ mixture of sulphuric acid and nitre requires to be used immediately after its preparation, as it solidifies into a stiif mass on cooling ; but the mixed acids may be kept for any length of time in a stoppered bottle. " The fibres of the cotton should be well pulled out, and small tufts introduced singly, stirring with a glass rod in order to keep up a constant interchange of particles of acid. The paper is cut into small squares or strips, and treated in the same way. "The quantity of either must not be too great, or some portions will be imperfectly acted upon ; about twenty grains to each fluid ounce of the mixture will be sufiicient. " Time of immersion vai-ies from ten minutes with cotton to twenty minutes, or even haK an hour, with the paper. When an unusually large proportion of sulphuric acid is used, as in the formula given for the commercial nitre, the cotton should be removed at the expiration of six or seven minutes, as there is a tendency to partial solution of the pyroxyline in the acid mixture under those circumstances. " After the action is complete, the nitro-sulphuric acid is left weaker than before, from addition of various atoms of water necessarily formed during the change. Hence, if the same portion be used more than once, an addition of sulphuric acid will be required. " In removing the pyroxyline from the nitro-sulphuric acid, press out as much of the liquid as possible, and wash it rapidly in a large quantity of cold water, using a glass rod in order to preserve the fingers from injury. If it were simply thrown into a small quantity of water and allowed to remain, the rise in temperature and M-eakening of the acid mixture might do mischief. " The washing should be continued for at least a quarter of an hour, or longer in the case of paper, as it is most essential to get rid of every trace of the acid. When the nitre plan has been adopted, a portion of the bisulphate of potash formed adheres very tightly to the fibres, and if not carefully washed out, an opalescent appearance is seen in the collodion, resuliing from the insolubility of this salt in the ethereal mixture. " If no ncld ta.^tc can be percaivcf", and a piece of blue litmus-paper remains in 140 RECAPITULATION. contact with tbo fibres for five rainules without changing in colour, the product is thoroughly washed. Nevertheless, if time can he spared, it is a safe plan to place the pyroxyline in warm water, and allow it to soak for several hours. " Lastly, wring it out in a cloth, pull out the fibres, and dry by a gentle heat, always bearing in mind that the compound is more or less explosive, and therefore must not be brought too near to the fire. After drying, it may be kept for any length of time in a stoppered bottle. It has been stated, on good authority, that pyroxyline is in some cases liable to a spontaneous decomposition, attended with evolution of red fumes of peroxide of nitrogen. This, however, must be rare, as the writer has not often met with it in the course of his experience. " Recapitulatiok.— Z^e Acid Mixture too strong.— The appearance of the cotton is not much altered on its first immersion in the mixture. It washes well, without any disintegration. On drying, it is found to be strong in texture, and produces a peculiar crackling sensation between the fingers, like starch. It explodes on the application of flame, without leaving any ash ; it is insoluble in the mixture of ether and alcohol, hut dissolves if treated with acetic ether. " The Acid Mixture of the proper strength— '^io agglutination of the fibres of the ' cotton on immersion, and the product washes well ; soluble in the ethereal mixture, j and yields a transparent film on evaporation. I " The Acid Mixture too weak. — The fibres of the cotton agglutinate, and the pyroxy- | line is washed with difficulty. On drying, the texture is found to be short and rotten. It does not explode on being heated, but either burns quietly with a flame, leaving behind a black ash (in which case, probably, it consists simply of unaltered cotton), or is only slightly combustible, and certainly not explosive. Treated with the ethereal mixture, it dissolves only partially, leaving behind lumps of unchanged cotton. The solution does not form an even transparent layer on evaporation, but becomes opaque and cloudy as it dries. This opacity, however, may be seen to a small extent with any sample of pyroxyline, if the solvents contain too much water. " By studying these characters, and at the same time bearing in mind that a drachm and a half of water in the quantities of acid given for the formulae will suffice to cause the difi'erence, it is hoped that the operator will overcome all difficulties. j ^'■Purification of Collodion Solvents. — The purity of the ether employed is a matter | of more importance in the manufacture of a good collodion than that of any other ! ingredient. This point must be attended to in order to secure a good result. " There are three kinds of ether sold by manufacturing chemists : — First, ordinary ! rectified sulphuric ether, as it comes from the distilleries, containing a certain per centage of alcohol, and also of water ; if it is good, the specific gravity is about -750. Second, the washed ether, which is the same agitated with an equal bulk of water, in order to remove alcohol. By this proceeding the specific gravity of the fluid is reduced considerably. Third, ether both washed and re-rectified, so as to contain neither alcohol nor water; in this case the specific gravity should not be higher than •720. " The first of these commercial varieties is the one usually employed by photo- ; graphers, since it is sold at a lower price than the others ; sometimes it is exceedingly i pure and good, and is then to be preferred to the washed ether ; but often this is not the case. " Some of the qualities which render ether unfit for photographic purposes, are as | follows :— A peculiar and disagreeable smell, either of some essential oil or of acetic ■ ether; an acid reaction to test-paper; a property of turning alcoholic solution of I ON PURIFYING ETHER. 141 iodide of potassium brown with unusual rapidity ; a high specific gravity, from super- abundance of alcohol and water. " The ether which has been both washed and redistilled is always the most uniform in composition, and especially so if the second distillation was conducted from quick- lime, carbonate of potash, or caustic potash. These alkaline substances certainly retain the impurities, which appear to be of an acid nature, and leave the ether in the best possible state for use. " The redistillation of ether is a simple process, and therefore it will be decribed. In dealing with ether, however, in any form, the greatest caution must be exercised, on account of its inflammable nature. Even in pouring ether from one bottle into another, if a light of any kind be near, the vapour is apt to take fire ; and severe injuries have been occasioned from this cause. " Furification of Ether. — Take ordinary rectified sulphuric ether, and agitate it well with an equal bulk of water, in order to wash out the alcohol ; stand it for a few minutes until the contents of the bottle separate into two distinct strata, the lower of which — i.e., the watery stratum — is to be drawn off and rejected. Then introduce caustic potash finely powdered, in the proportion of about one ounce to a pint of the washed ether ; shake the bottle again many times, in order that the water — a small portion of which is still present in solution in the ether — may be thoroughly absorbed. Afterwards set aside for twenty-four hours (not longer), at the end of which time it will probably be observed that the liquid has changed to a straw-yellow colour, and that a flocculent deposit has formed in small quantity. Lastly, transfer to a retort of moderate capacity, supported in a saucepan of warm water, and properly connected with a condenser. On applying a gentle heat, the ether distils over quietly, and condenses with very little loss ; care must of course be taken that none of the alkaline liquid contained in the body of the retort finds its way, by projection or otherwise, into the neck, so as to run down and contaminate the distilled fluid. " A more economical plan of purifying ether is, without previous washing with water, to agitate with carbonate of potash or with quicklime, and redistill at a low temperature. " In order to preserve ether from decomposition, it must be kept in stoppered bottles, quite full, and put away in a dark place ; also the stoppers should be tied over with a bladder, or a considerable amount of evaporation will take place, unless the neck of the bottle has been ground with unusual care. After the lapse of some months, probably a certain amount of decomposition— evidenced by the liberation of iodine from iodine of potassium — will be found to have taken place, in spite of all pre- cautions. This, however, is small in amount and not of a character to injure the fluid, except when very transparent films are employed, in which the amount of iodide of silver is reduced to a minimum. " Furification of Spirits of Wine. — The object of this operation is to remove a portion of water from the spirit, and so to increase its strength. Alcohol thus purified may be added to collodion almost^ to any extent, without producing glutinosity and rottenness of film. " The salt termed carbonate of potash is a 'deliquescent' salt — that is, it has a great attraction for water ; consequently, when spirits of wine are agitated with carbonate of potash, a portion of water is removed, the salt dissolving in it and forming a dense liquid which refuses to mix with the alcohol, and sinks to the bottom. At the expiration of two or three days, if the bottle has been shaken frequently, the action 142 IODIZING COMPOUNDS. is complete, and the lower stratum of fluid may be drawn off and rejected. Pure I carbonate of potash is an expensive salt, and therefore a commoner variety may be taken. Even pearlash — a highly impure form of carbonate — will succeed, if no better j is at hand. | " The quantity of carbonate of potash used may be about an ounce and a half to ; half a pint of spirit ; an excess, however, does no harm. I " After the distillation is complete, a fluid is obtained containing about 90 per j cent, of absolute alcohol, the remaining 10 per cent, being water. The specific j gravity at 00° Fahrenheit should be about ■823 ; commercial spirit of wine being •836 to -840. ^^ Preparation of the Iodizing Compounds. — These are the iodides of potassium, ammonium, and iron, also the double iodide of potassium and silver. | " The Iodide of Potassium. — Iodide of potassium, as sold in the shops, is often con- \ taminated with various impurities. The first and most remarkable is carbonate of ■ potash. When a sample of iodide of potassium contains much carbonate of potash, it < forms small and imperfect crystals, which are strongly alkaline to test-paper, and ■ become moist on exposure to the air, from the deliquescent nature of the alkaline ' carbonate. Sulphate of potash is also a common impurity ; it n ay be detected by 1 chloride of barium. Commercial iodide of potassium, however, is rarely so pure that \ no change whatever is produced by chloride of barium ; therefore a mere opalescence j or slight milkiness on adding the test solution may be disregarded , but if a decided \ white precipitate is formed, it will be better to reject the sample, or to purify it by solution in strong alcohol. " A third impurity of iodide of potassium is chloride of potassium; it is detected as follows : — Precipitate the salt by an equal weight of nitrate of silver, and treat the yellow mass with solution of ammonia ; if any chloride of silver is present, it dissolves in the ammonia, and after filtration is re-precipitated in white curds by the addition of an excess of pure nitric acid. If the nitric acid employed is not pure, but contains traces of free chlorine, the iodide of silver must be well washed with distilled water before treating it with ammonia, or the excess of free nitrate of silver dissolving in the ammonia would, on neutralizing, produce chloride of silver, and so cause an error. " Iodide of potassium may be rendered very pure by re-crystallizing from spirit, or by dissolving in strong alcohol of specific gravity -823, in which both sulphate and carbonate of potash are insoluble. The proportion of iodide of potassium contained in saturated alcoholic solutions varies with the strength of the spirit. " The Iodide af Aii.moniimi. — This salt may be prepared by adding carbonate of ammonia to iodide of iron, but more easily by the following process : — A strong solu- tion of liydrosulphate of ammonia is first made, by passing sulphuretted hydrogen gns into liqiior ammonia. To this liquid iodine is added until the whole of the sulphui t ; of ammonium has been converted into iodide. When this point is reached, the solution at once colours brown from solution of free iodine. On the first addition of the iodine, an escape of sulphuretted hydrogen gas and a dense deposit of sulphur take place. After the decomposition of the hydrosulphate of ammonia is complete, a portion of I hydriodie acid — formed by the mutual reaction of sulphuretted hydrogen and iodine — attacks any carbonate of ammonia which may be present, and causes an effervescence. The effervescence being over, the liquid is still acid to test-paper, from excess of hydriodie acid ; it is to be cautiously neutralized with ammonia, and evaporated by the heat of a water-bath to the crystallizing point. COLLODIO-ALBUMEN PROCESS. 143 " The crystals should be thoroughly dried over a dish of sulphuric acid, and then sealed in small tubes containing each about half a drathm of the salt. " The writer invariably employs the iodide of ammonium for the purpose of iodizing collodion, and finds that at the expiration of two years from the time of preparation the salt is still perfectly colourless. " Iodide of ammonium is very soluble in alcohol ; but it is not advisable to keep it in solution, from the rapidity with which it decomposes and becomes brown. " The most common impurity of commercial iodide of ammonium is sulphate of ammonia ; it is detected by its sparing solubility in alcohol. " The Iodide o/Jrow.— Iodide of iron, in a state fit for photographic use, is very easily obtained by dissolving about a drachm of iodine in an ounce of ' proof spirit' — that is, a mixture of equal bulks of spirits of wine and water, and adding an excess of iron filings. After a few hours, a green solution is obtained without tlie aid of heat. The presence of metallic iron in excess prevents the liberation of iodine and deposit of peroxide of iron, which would otherwise speedily occur. '■^ Double Iodide of Potassium and Silver— In preparing this compound, first form iodide of silver by dissolving equal weights of iodide of potassium and of nitrate of silver in separate portions of rain or distilled water, and washing the resulting yellow I precipitate upon a filter. The w^ashing is to be conducted, first, with water to wash away i the nitrate of soda, and afterwards wiih a small portion of alcohol to displace the water. I " Then digest the yellow mass with excess of iodide of potassium in spirits of j wine, until a saturated solution of the double salt is obtained. I " An analysis of a saturated solution of double iodide of potassium and silver in alcohol of specific gravity -836, gave, as the quantity of both salts present in one fluid ounce, iodide of potassium, sixty-four grains ; iodide of silver, twenty-four grains. Therefore in the preparation one and a-half drachm of powdered iodide of potassium, and about twenty grains of iodide of silver, obtained by precipitating fifteen grains of nitrate of silver by an equal weight of iodide of potassium, may be digested for some hours in an ounce of the spirits of wine. " Iodide of Cadmium.— This salt is formed by heating filings of metallic cadmium with iodine, or by mixing the two together with addition of water. " Iodide of cadmium is very soluble both in alcohol and water ; the solution yielding on evaporation large six-sided tables of a pearly lustre, which are permanent in the air. The crystalline form of this salt is a sufficient criterion of its purity." The CoUodio-Albumen. Process. — Another process for facilitating the use of the collodion, has been brought forward by Mr. Ackland, a gentleman connected with Messrs. Horne and Thornthwaite's establishment, which, with their permission, we are enabled to give : — " This is a process, invented by Dr. Taupenot, for obtaining negatives on glass, which bids fair to outrival all others, being easy of manipulation, and giving results of the most exquisite minutice and beauty. Glass plates, when prepared and excited by this process, may be kept at least a fortnight before being developed, and these plates when exposed in the frame may be developed immediately, or kept for days before commencing this operation. Indeed it is quite possible to prepare and excite a number of plates before leaving home to go on a tour of twelve or fourteen days ; to expose the plates at any time or place during the journey, and bring them home to be developed. " The manipulation may be said to consist of nine distinct operations : — COATING THE COLLODION WITH ALBUMEN. " 1. Gleaning the Flate. — For which the directions already given will suffice. " 2. Coating with Iodized Collodion. — The collodion necessary to be used in this process must be one yielding good negative pictures— that supplied by Home and Thoi-nthwaite, under the name of negative collodion, answers admirably. This is supplied either ready iodized, or the collodion and iodizing in separate bottles. As this collodion becomes less sensitive, after being iodized a fortnight, it is advisable to iodize no more than will be used in that time — therefore, obtain the collodion and the iodizing solution separate, as the mode of iodizing this collodion is very simple. Half an ounce of the iodizing solution is mixed with one ounce and a half of collodinn, and the mixture allowed to settle twelve hours before being used ; and it is even advisable to pour off the cler.r solution into a perfectlj' clean bottle, in order to get rid of any insoluble matter which may fall to the bottom. The plate having been thoroughly cleaned, and received its final polish by the use of a prepared chamois leather, is coated with the negative collodion, which has been iodized at least twelve hours, and allowed to settle. " 3. Exciting tht Collodion Film. — After the ether has evaporated, and the surface of the collodion appears set, the plate must be laid, collodion side upwards, on a glass dipper, and plunged, with one downward movement, into a bath filled to within an inch of the top with collodion bath solution, prepared by dissolving one ounce of nitrate of silver in two ounces of distilled water, and two grains of iodide of potassium in one drachm of distilled water ; mix the two solutions and shake well together, until the precipitate which is first thrown down is redissolved ; when this takes place, add fourteen ounces of distilled water, and two drachms of alcohol. On the addition of the water, a turbidness ensues, which must be removed by the solution being very carefully filtered through filtering-paper ; and the filtered liquid should be clear and transparent, free from any deposit or floating particles, and must possess a slightly acid reaction of test-paper. " In order to ascertain if the solution thus prepared possesses the necessary amount of free acid without superabundance, proceed to test and to correct it, if necessary. The solution must be carefully filtered through filtering- paper before being used. After the plate has been allowed to remain in the bath one minute, it is lifted out three or four times, in order to facilitate the removal of the oily appearance which the plate now presents. When the surface appears wetted uniformly, on being drawn out of the solution the plate is removed from the dipper, and the excess of solution drained off, and is then placed, collodion side iipwards, on a fixing stand, and distilled or filtered rain water poured over the surface, so as to remove as much as possible of the bath solution from the surface. The plate is now removed from the fixing stand, the back M-ell washed with water, and then placed nearly upright on blotting-paper, with the face against a wall for one minute, to drain. This and subse- quent operations (except exposure in the camera) must be performed in a dark room. " 4. Coating with Albumen. — Having allowed the plate to drain one minute, place it • again on a levelling stand, with the film upwards, and pour over it as much of the I iodized albumen as the plate will hold, from a glass measure containing not more than enough of the albumen to coat two plates, pour off the excess into the measure and again cover the plate with albumen three separate times ; ultimately, drain off as much as possible of the excess of albumen, and place the plate nearly upright against tlie wall, with the coated side inwards, to dry, which takes place in an ordinary temperature in about one hour. EXCITING THE ALBUMEN'. 145 " In coating with albumen, the presence of air-bubbles or dust muat be guarded against. The former can easily be done by taking care, in pouring the albumen into the measure and on the plate, not to pour so as to generate air-bubbles in the liquid. But should any be detected, hold the plate and give it another coating of albumen ; then incline the plate so that the bulk of the liquid shall pass over and carry off the bubbles with the running stream. Dust on the plate must be pre- vented by operating in a room as free from this photographic enemy as possible. " In order to render the coating of albumen as uniform as possible, the plate must stand to dry on two or three layers of filtering-paper, and the upper surface must touch the wall at one point only, and not be allowed to rest against it along its entire upper edge. " When the albumen coating is thoroughly dry (and not till then), the plate is ready to be excited; but if more have been prepared than are likely to be used for taking pictures on during the next ten days or fortnight, they may be stowed away in a plate box, ready to receive the sensitive coating at any time. The author's experience has led him to believe that these albuminized plates will keep good any length of time, as plates which had been coated a month, when excited, exposed, and developed, appeared to possess all the properties of recently prepared plates. " 5. Exciting the Albumen Coating.— 'Prior to the plates being excited they must be thoroughly dry and free from any particles of loose dust on the surface, back, or edge. Sufficient of the albumen bath solution must be filtered through filtering paper to fill a dipping bath of the required size, so that the plate can be immersed in it. " The careful filtering of the fluid is very necessary in order to free it from any floating particles, and to separate the animal charcoal. " A bath having been prepared by dissolving an ounce and a half of nitrate of silver in sixteen ounces of distilled water ; adding one ounce of glacial acetic acid, with two drachms animal charcoal, which has been kept for use in a closely stoppered bottle — the plate is now taken and laid, albumen side upwards, on the dipper, and then lowered into a bath with one steady downward movement, where it is allowed to remain one minute ; it is then taken out, the excess of liquid drained off, and placed on the fixing stand, with the albumen surface uppermost, and a stream of water poured over it for at least one minute, so as to remove every particle of the hath solution. This complete washing is very necessary, in order to prevent stains in the after develop- ment, which invariably takes place around the edges, if not thoroughly washed. The plate, having been thoroughly washed, is leaned against a wall to dry, or, if required for immediate exposure, may be dried on a plate of heated metal or foot-warmer ; but in no case must the exposure in the camera take place until the surface is thoroughly dry. "6. Exposure in the Camera.*^ — As before stated, this operation may take place immediately the plate is thoroughly dry after being excited, or a fortnight may inter- vene between the exciting and exposure, provided the plate is kept very carefully excluded from light and any chemical or sulphurous vapours, in a plate box adapted for that purpose, with the sensitive surface towards the back of the box. "When the exposure is about to take place, or at any time previously, the camera backs may each have a plate placed in them ready for exposure ; to do this, the camera back must be taken into the operating room and the door closed, so as to exclude aU white • &ire muBt be taken that the direct rays from the; sun shall not fall on the lens or enter the camrru civ.ring the exposure of a plate. • , ; 146 FOCUSSING IN THE ALBUMEN PROCESS. I light. The hinged flap of the camera back is opened, and the prepared plate laid, 1 with its sensitive surface dowmmrds, or next the sliding flap, so that its corners may i rest on the silver wire corners of the plate frame previously placed within the camera I back ready to receive it. The hinged flap is now closed and kept from opening by i turning the flap button over it ; the sliding flap is examined to see that it is pushed ' closely down so as to guard any access of light, and it is then ready to be placed in the camera, and may be taken into the open air with impunity. Should the exposure ! not take place immediately, or should the camera back have to be carried any distance, it is advisable either to wrap it up in a black cloth, or secure the flaps from the chance of coming open, during transit, by stout string being tied around the back. j " The focusing is conducted in the samie' way as usual, and the cap replaced on the lens ; the focusing glass is now removed, and the camera back fitted into the j same aperture, with the sliding flap next the lens. The sliding flap is pulled up to its fullest extent, placing; the hand on the camera back, to prevent it rising out of the i camera -CT^th this acti