^^^^lOniNSON ,' ~L L . D,) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/veryvaluableexteOOsoth A CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ANCIENT AND MODERN COINS and MEDALS, or THE LATE SAMUEL TYSSEN, Efq, F. A. S, OF NARBOROUGH-HALL, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK 2 Comprising the most numerous and best preserved Specimens^ in the different Series, ever offered to Public Sale* Which, by Q/der the Adminhttatai',.: (The Right Hokoubable SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bart. K. B.) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY LEIGH, SOTHEBY, K SON, At their House,, in Y ork-Street, Covent-Carden, ^On Monday, April the 12th, and Four following Days: (Good- Friday excepted.) / 8 P 2- .. 'On Monday, April 2bth, and Six following Days: On Monday, May 1 0th, and Five following Days: ' On Monday, May 24-th, and Six following Da)’^. • ■ -■ • ' ■ . 1 ,- To be viewed ( with Catalogues ov.hj ) from Ten ^ill Three oUlock on the Three Days immediately preceding each Sale. Catalogues [Price Four Sbiliingi is beards) to be had at the Place ot Sale ; MESSRS. MUNDELL AND SONS, AND MESSRS. BELL AND BBADFUTE, EDINBURGH ; MR. ARCHER, DUBLIN} MR. COOK, OXFORD} MR. DEIGMTON, CAMBRIDGE ; MONS. TIIBOPHILE BARROIS, PARIS} FUSCH, HAMBURGH; WEIDMAN, lElPSIC. RRINTED BY T. BURTON, LITTLE JJUEBN'ST ASET* CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to oe the Buyer; and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fliall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and fo in Pro- portion, III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken_away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conciufion of the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; and. all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid fhall be re- fold by public' or private Sale, and -the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fliall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiflions faithfully executed by their humble Servants^ Leigh, Sotheby, & Son. HE great reputation, acquired by the late Samuel Tyssen, Esq. as a' Colle6lor of Coins and Medals, both ancient and modern, is fo univerfally acknowledged, and fo firmly eftablilhed, that it feems almoft unneccfiary to dwell, a fingle moment, upon the extent and value of the Cabinet, now offered to the Public, which, it may be truly faid, is rich beyond all example. To a fortune extremely ample Mr. Tyffen added the mofl indefatigable perfeverance, by which fcarcely a day was fuffered to clapfe, without fome addition being made to his Collcdlion ; nor, in the zeal which he fhewed for attainments of this kind, was any expenfe fpared, for if his w^ealth and indufiry were alike notorious, fo was his liberality equally confpicuous. In addition to the immenfe number of fingle articles, which his own judgment enabled him to purchafe at fales and of private hands, throughout a long and unremitted attention to numlfmatic purfuits, his Cabinet became gradually enriched by three of the mofl: elegant and important colledlions, whicli have ever been formed, by individual exertion at leafi, in this countfv. After what has been faid, it may be almofi: fuperfiuous to mention the colledlions of Edward Solly, Efq. tlie Rev. Richard Southgate, and Edward Hodioll, Efq. collcdlions -^fufficient, of themfelves, to confer the hlghcfl celebrity upon cabinet^ in wlikh tbey were nnited. But thefe were not tbe only aids, of which Mr, TylTen availed hirafelf; num« beriefs other parcels of Coinsand Medals were alfo bought by him, both at home and on the continent ; fo that, the collec- tion in ks p-refent accumulated ftate, contains the confolidated labours of many lives, and now affords an infinitely larger and richer affemblage of medallic treafures, than was ever yet fold by public fale in any part of Europe. In the fol- lowing Catalogue care has been taken, that the beft only of every fpecimen fhould be inferted ; the others having been invariably configned to the furnace. Having frated this, it only remains to be added, that, whatever was the extent and the value of Mr, Tyffen’s colledlion, the whole of it is novr fubmitted, without any referve, to the Public, with the ex- ception only of what has been converted into bullion, and of the feries of Ancient Britifh and Saxon Coins, which latter have been purchafed by the Britifli Mufeum, a re- pofitory of all others the mofi: fit for fo noble, and, in this country, fo interefling a fuite : and the Public are highly indebted to the Truflees for the zeal and vigilance, which, upon this, occafion they have manifefled, for the honor and xiiterefl; of the Houfe, over which they fo worthily prefide, and for the fignal benefit which they have thus conferred opon the nation at large. INDEX OF THE DAYS OF SALE. FIRST DAY, . - - - Second Day, - - - - Third Day, - - - - - Fourth Day, - - - - Fifth Day, - - - - - Sixth Day, - - - - - Seventh Day, - - - - Eighth Day, - - - - Ninth Day, - - - Tenth Day, ---- Eleventh Day, - - - - Twelfth Day, - - - - Thirteenth Day, - - - Fourteenth Day, - - - Fifteenth Day, Sixteenth Day, - - - Seventeenth Day, - - ■ Eighteenth Day, - - . Nineteenth Day --- Twentieth Day, - Twenty-firft Day, Twenty-fecond Day, - - Tvventyrthird Day, Twenty-fourth Day, - - Twenty-fifth Day, - - Monday, - - Jpril 12. Tuefday, - April 13. JVedneJday, - April 14-. Thurjday, - ’ April 15. Saturday, - - April 17. Monday, April 26, Tuefday, - - April 27. ^dnejday, - April 28. Thurfday, - - April 29. Friday, - April 30. Sa^rday, - - May I. Monday, - May 3. Monday, » May 10. Tuefday, - - May 11. IV ednef day. - May 12. Thurfday, - May 13. Friday, - - May 14. Saturday, - - May 15. Monday, - - May 2 1. Tuefday, - - May 25. IVcdnefday, - il/(7y 26, Thurfday, - > A/ay 27, Friday, - M/y 28. Saturday, A/ay 29, Monday, - A/.a61, INDEX Oi> THE CONTENTS. ANGLO-GALLIC Coins in Silver, p. 217 — 1 in Gold, 218 Antient Gallic Coins in Silver, 16 ^ " Spanifli Coins in Silver, 16 Cities, Greek, in Copper, 196, 204 ■ — — in Silver, 144, 152, 159, 166 in Gold, 211 Colonial and Greek Coins of the Roman Empire, I Crovyns, 164, 171' Dollars, German, 27, S5 Egypt, Coins of the Roman Emp^ors firuck there 2 Englilh Coins in Gold, 75, HL 121, 129, 137, 14|, 153, 161, 168, 175, 184 ' Farthings, 14 Patterns and Proofs, 22 Foreign Copper Coins, I ■ " ■ Silver Coins, 2 Gold Coins, 7 ■ French Silver Coinsj 19 Gold Coins, 8 Groats, 1 1 7, 1 25 ' , Half-Crowns, 150, 156, 163 Half-Dollars, Germaif, 36 ^ Half-Groats, 109, 1 16 Flalfpence, 1 4 — and Farthings in Sliver, 54 Irifli Coins in Copper, Pewter, &c. 14 — in Silver,’ 197 Italian Coins in Silver, 10 Kingdom of Armenia in Silver, 203 By thynia in Silver, 200 INDEX. Kingdom of Cappadocia in Silver, p. 208 Cariin in Silver, 208 ■I ■ ■ Commagene in Copper, 213 Egypt in Copper, 212 .. — in Silver, 183 : -in Gold, 219 . — Epirus in Silver, 200 . — ■I Macedonia ir Copper, 212 — Silver, 144, 182 * j - Gold, 219 Ntimidia and Mauretania in Silver, 209 Parthia in Silver, 208 Pergamus in Silver, 203 Perfia in Silver, 203 < Pontus in Silver, 200 Sicily in Copper, 213 . Silver, 200 ^ Gold, 219 ■' - of Syria in Copper, 213 ^ Silver, 192, 199 Kingdoms, Various Greek, in Copper, 214 Medals of Auftria in Silver, 111, 118 ’• Brandenburg and Pruffia in Silver, 102, 109 ► — the Houfe of Brunfwick Lunenburg in Silver, 47 — — — Cardinals in Copper, 97, 106 - ■■■ _ Cardinals and BifliopvS in Silver, 190 . Crowned Heads and Sovereign Princes, 43, 52 — — by John and James Anthony Daffier, in Copper, 123 of Denmark in Silver, 64 - — the Doges of Venice, &:c. in Silver, 190 — " — the Eledors, &c. of Saxony, in Silver, 39 — of the Emperors of Germany, Pvings of" Spain, and Illuftrious Perlons of the Houfe of Auftria, in Copper, 53 Medals, Englifb, in Copper, 132, 139 Silver, 23, 31, 40, 48, 57, 66, 73, 94, 102, 112 Gold, 202, 211 V , Reftored, Englifli, in Silver, 5, 15 , Erench, in Copper, 77, 97 , French, in Silver, 157, 165 of the Grand Dukes of Tufcany, in Copper, 62 ■ by John Charles Hedlinger, in Cop^f and Pewter, 151 ■' Silver, 173 » — ofllluftrlous and Remarkable Perfons, in Copper, 9, IS, 26, 34, 43 — of Holland and the Low Countries, in Silver, 126, 15J, 142 * — of Poland, in Silver, 56 of the Popes, in Copper, 106, 115, 123 I . Hi I Silver, 181, 189 INDEX. Medals of Portugal, in Silver, 151 . . ' — , Ruffian, in Copper, 69 ' Silver, 30 ’ , / —— of Sovereign Princes, in Silver, 38 c - of Spain, in Silver, 150 . , . by Ferdinand de St. Urbain, in Copper, 131 ‘ ' of Sweden, in Silver, 36, 45, 72, 92, lOL Medallions without Infcriptions, in Copper, 61 ' without Reverfes, in Copper, 61 Netherlands, Silver Coins of the, 1,2 Patterns and Proofs for Halfpence, 29 Patterns and Proofs of Englifh Coins, in Silver, 206, 2 14 ^ — Gold,, 1S5, 194, 202 Pennies, in Silver, 55, 63, 71, 91, 99, 108 Piedforts, Foreign, 45' French, 21 . Provincial Coins, in Copper, 4 ' ; — . Silver, 205 Tokens, 13 Roman Family Coins, in Copper, 9 Silver, 6, 15 ■ Gold, 17 Roman Imperial Coins in Silver', 24, 32, 41, 49, 59, 67, 74, 95, 104, 113, 120, 128, 136 — Gold, 25, 33, 42^ 50, 59, 68, 75, 95, 104, 113, 120, 128, 137, 144, 152, 160, 167, 175, 183, 192, 200, 209 Large Brafs, 162, 170, 177, 186, 195 Middle Brafs, 19, 27,35, 44, 53, 62, 70, 90, 98, 197, 1 15, 124, 133, 140, 148 Small Brafsi 147, 155 , Weights, 10 Coins with Punic Charaf^ers, in Copper, 196 ' Scotch Coins, in Silver, 179, 187^ ■ Gold, 16, 25, 33, 41 Shillings, 134, 141, 149 Siege Pieces, Englifli, in Silver, 216 — , Foreign, in Gold, Silver,' and Copper, 46 Sixpences, 126, 133 Ten and Twenty Shilling Pieces, 172 > Threepences, 117 Town Pieces, 13 voiJi,i(T[ji.»y :ixi, TO xaivoi/ ^UTiwy' nsToicriv Hti^J?iAfUjM,£i/off, ’AAX« xfitAAiffTOi? aTTol^wV} coj ^ohw, po[Ji.i(r[/>(il^v, Km (Ami? p^6«? KOTrlici^ Km KiKu$uvi(r[Amig, AriHoph. Ran. v. 732, If ( * ) Firft Day’s Sale. *3. Medals, feme call Othei a llruck } among them are feveral very rare, * FOREIGN COPPER COINS. 1 Various Copper Coins. ! 2^ ^ o Dukeof S.eily Kergara A i. 4 of Henri, Due ' iLs^ Rebellion of Naples in Kin^‘ 2 - 3 . 4 - 5. and 2 Soldi, of Theodore, Re^^TV , "c’ 4 Soldi of Corfica, l^ 6 ^. 3/5 !>/// r,?'’ u of Hungary. Kihl. 4Swedi/h,45. Tokens, 9. Jettons, 6.' *“ I* 9 .d QiTrAi.e4 « FLfc O ^ ^ _ ^ T X ^ 9. jettons, 6. / /J.,J 5 Large Swedilh Square I one of 4 Daler, three of 2 Daler " three of t Dalcr, and three of § Daler. Oriental, Copper, Erafs, and Tin. ^ y. -Y 7 — 37 ^ - g- ^ COLONIAL and GREEK COINS of the ROMAN EMPIRE. ^ COINS of ANTIOCH, in SILVER. I. Caracalla, 3. Philinnus Sen ^ 7 /^.ni, I^hiTpus,Jun..^^^ He^emnaEtVu^^ . I a, I. Heiennius, 2. Trebonianus Gallus, j.' fj 7 Vefpatianus, 2 Trajanus, 3. „ 7Xiit7£-^*^ preferved) ll Traiannc •. a,-..- — : COINS of AOTIQCH, in COPPER. 9 Au^ftus,3. Tiberii^, 2. Claudius, i. Nero, 3. Otho, i. Tuus, I. Domiiianus, 3. Nerva,’ a.' ^ ^nTs"“,"' ri- I- Caracnlla, 6.' Macri- ' ■ B ** 4 / //• i •L / ( * ) MISCELLANEOUS COLONIAL and GREEK COINS. / // //i. Copper. Alabanda, i. Beroea, 3. Bilbilis, i. Calagun?, i. faraugufta, i. Chalcis ChalcideneSj i. Copia, i. Cor- cyr'aj 3. Corinthus, i (Julius). Cos, 2. EdefTa, 6. Ephefus, 2. Gabala, i (Macrinus). Judaea, 3 (Julia Augufti. Nero and Britannicus. ISTerp.) Laodicea Syriae, 3 , Moftene, i (Gallienus). Mytilene/ i (Antinous). 3^ Nemaufus, 4 (Auguftus and Agrippa). Nelibi, i (Phi^ lippus, Jun.) Rhefaena, 2. Samos, 2. Samofata, 4, Sardes, i. Seleucia Syriae, i. Smyrna, i (Gallienus). ^ Syria, 3. Tarfus, i. Theffalonica, 2. Trajanopolis giae, I (M. Aurelius). Ti'o^s, i. Turiafo, 2. Yslen- tia Hifpaniae, 2. Viminacium, 4. Zeugma, 5. jy SILVER. <5 - S - o ^4 Vefpafianus, j o Trajanus, 3. Hadrianus, i. (Towns Un- known). — ^ COINS of the ROMAN EMPERORS, Eruck in EGYPT. B4SE Silver, AND Copper. Auguftus and Nero, 3. Tiberius and Nero, 2. Tiberius, t .^ a C laudius, 2. Meflalina, 2. Nero, U-2. Puppaen, 4. Galba, 2. Vefpafianus, i. Domitianus, 1 .Trajanps, i. 31 16 Hadrianus, g. Antoninus Pius, 4. M. Aurelius, 3. Com-^^^) / modus, 24. 4® / Commodus, 6. Alexander^ g. Maximinus, 3. Maxi- ,mus, I. Gordianps Pius, g. Philippas, Sen. 10. 40 Alexander, 8. Maximinus, 5. Gordianus Pius, B. Phi- i / ^ lippus. Sen. 7. Philip pus, Jun. 3. ?9 Trajanus Deems, 3. Valerianus the Firft, 4. 'Gallienvis, 6. . ^ Salonina, 4. Claudius Gothicus, 3, Aureliaiius, 3. Severina, i. Vaballathus and Aurelianus, 4. Probus, 3. Cams, 2. Numerianus, 3. Carinus,.2.' 40 /^o/^allienus, 6. Salonina, 4. Claudius Gothicus, 3, Vj 6 6^ba “ - /• / (j / ballathus and Aurelianus, 4. Probus, 2. Numerianus, D., arinus, 3. Diocletianus, 19, Maxiniianus the Firft, 12. Conftantius Chlorus, 3. '^o FOREIGN SILVER COINS. iij/( ‘A i- ^ o Portugal, 12. Aiacutas of Angola, and Rupia’s of Goa, 2. %2 Spantjh: Cajlile. Alfonfus., 7. Henry, ii. Henry IV* - 2. Peter, 3. Sanches, 2. — Aragon. Jacob. — jo'^ca. Jacob, 2. Sanches. Ferdinand. — Barcelona, Jacob. Peter. AUpnfus. Ferdinand. ‘ • 34 h,>.tcy 7 *+ • ' • 7yj c /c/ a8 /nUc. ^9 Real, //#«♦, © - / a * 4* 2~ ^ o a / - ( - f ~ S^ -4, i ~ f t ^ ^ 2. -/2> / /f7 4 l.z.t 34 ( 3 ) Ferdinand. and Elizabeth, 8 Reals, fine and rare, i Real. ' ■■■■ ■■-- "■■ 5 Charlea et Johanna. Pefo duro. Philip 11 . Pefo, 1598. . | ^ Philip III. Pelb 1620. Philip IV. Pefo 1660. Pelo duro of Potofi, 1661. Charles II. Pefo i6?.7, and 1689. Philip V. Pefo 1709, njoith. his head. — Thick Pefo duro of 1752. ■ - - Lewis I. Pefo extremely rare. Pefeta 1724. S*wizerland : Bnjfte. Dollar of 1640^ and one without Date, wdtli a View of the Town. | Dollar, 1765. Bern. Dollar, 1 50 1 . 27 / 7 , Bchiueiz and Unterwalden. Dollar, 15 ( 51 , Zurich. Dollar, 1512, 1559 and Gall. Thalcr- klippe, ]622.: — Genenjc, Ecu, 1722 ■ Germany, kc. Emperor Otto and Adelheit, (two.)-^Tr/fr. Archbifhop Baldwin. — Cologne, Emperor Otto. Sancla Colohia. Gr, Cab. Xs. 4, 56.. Archbilliop Theodo- riciis, Gr. Cab.X. 5, 25, A. B. Conrad, Gr. Cab. X. 6, 56, and 60. Walram II. Turnofe of Deutz, Gr. Cab, X, 7^ 70. Rupert, Turnofe of Deutz, Gr. Cab. X. 10, 89. Shofat Civitas, Gr. Cab. X. 4, 39. Ariburg Mon. Gr. Cab. X. Dortmund. Emp. Otto, Gr. Cab. ~ Suppt. 3, 33. Anether not in the Gr. Gab. Emp. Ri ""'Vlolph, Gr. Cab, I. Suppl. 7, 83. — ^Adolph, Count', March. Gr. Cab. I. Suppl. 7, 85. — Otto, B?lhop of if'urs&^g . — Bohcfnia. Wenceflaus II. Groffus Pragenfis, ^k_v Gr, Cab^, 1 %, 10, 8 ( 5 .-- Bernard, Duke of Carinthia, 'Ty (two) Xrgel, If. p. 1)6, t. 4, y*. 87. — Meinard, CoUnt of ^lyrol, Argel. 1 . 83, i.— Hemy, Count of Goricia . — Hungary, Andreas, Gr, Cab. U, Suppl, ^6, 1. Ladif- laiis, Vergara 17, 3. — Urohus, King of Sern)ia Arg. /. 82. ~-*iPrnJf 'a! Wunrich von Kniprode. Kohl. M. B. Fill. 377. Michael Klichenmeifter von Sternberg. 27 Plungaryi Ai^ftria, Bohemia, and other. German States. 20 / '4 Hanover and Brunfwick, from the Drittel to the Mat- tier. — 1., / Brandenburg and Pruflia. . ao a Drittel of William, Count of Lippe. 3 of Mecklenburg ^ Schweriiii 4 old Dickens of Swizerland; Gulden of. Schweiz, and rii othefs. 70 Denmark. Magnus the Good; i7< Svend Eftridfen. D. Mi rald'H-ein. D.M. 8, 15'. Saint Canute. D,M ■and’ II. 33,37 and Eric of Pomerania ; 'Lund. D: M, 26, 9. Neftved. D. M. 26, 2. Chriftiern L Malmd. D. M, T, 10. John: Malmd. D:M, 3, and 2\, Svend Norbagge, Billiop of Roikild. D. M. 9, 33, Oluf Lunge, Archbilhop of Tronhienii D. M, Chr. II. 4, 18. Wilby. DiM. Chr. II. 5, 6 and ii. (Gotland. QiiiBian lll, D, M. 10, 22. ao tuil. yi. a D. M. 4. I, ro and 5, 19 and 6, 35. Ha- ■' 10, 19 /8- 2. - ■2- - e> ( 4 ) O ^ O 3 9 Davijfy^ from 2 Mark to i Skilling. 3j-^ Proof- of Danifli Species, | and -J-, 1799. The Dies by Mr /• 3^ Milton. : Four Rnbels of Peter I, and one of Peter IL - one of Catherine ?. Three Rubels of Ann two of Elizabeth, arid tvvo of Ca- therine II. 38 Rnbel of Peter I. 1704, (the firft Rubel ftruck in Ruffia.) -/■ Rubel and Poltina of Ivan III. Rubel arid Poltina of ' Peter III. — — 39 Poltina of Peter I. trjc^ 1703 (the firft ftruck in Rullia). Double Rubel of Catherine I. Livoiiefe of Elizabeth. 5 from the Polupoltimiik to the Copek. Dollars of ^ o'c?id : Sigifmund III. Uladidaus IV. Stanif-^^^^* - laus Augufms, 1766. — Dainzig. Uladiflaus IV. I- l^'O 42 Elh:? 2 g Uladiflaus ■ IV 1635. — Thorn, nuuld III. 163.1. — Curland. Peter, 1780. Sigif- 2--/- 43 Dollars of 73 ^ Aw 2/'<3 ; Sigifmund Bathori, Ste- phen Bochkay, 1605. Gabriel, i6i I . Georgb Rakotzi, 1630. Achatius Barcfai, 1659, John Keraeny, 1661. Emp. Charles VI. 1722. -- — ^ — - — and Morocco. ■ — 4 ^ Ji/^ 5 / .a ^ 59 ISlew Tokens New :Tokens New Tokens New Tokens New Tokens New Tokens London Churches 200 200 200 2) ® 1^0 The Bafingffcoke Canal Token, and others, Conder’s Head of Wolfey, Clark’s, &c. Small Tokens. , ; is / 12 y 62 « 7 o ^ " t> 64 ^ _ ' ^ f ^ .6 6 c T. Miller, Bookfeller,. of Bungay with his Head, 1795. ' 9 y Tokens, linick at Mr. Bolton’s Manufadory, Birmingham. j-Iackney Tokens. qO % V I ( 5 ) €6 A Buft, armed— St. Bevois> Southampton Halfpenny— Block Manufa 6 lory. — % €7 Tokens, &c. of a Penny Size. — about 60 o ' 6S The Kalfal Penny, Wilkinfon’s Halfpenny, with the Win- o • dow, &c. ^ 11 69 Pennies : James’s, Lancafter Caftle, and Revolution. 3 z^. Anglefey, 1787, with the JD. one of them ftruck in a Collar — Dates, 88, 90 and 91. 9/4- Anglefey, 3 different, with the D. 87 — one j)lain, 1787,— and two different, 1790. 7 72 The firft Penny Piece ftruck by the Anglefey Copper ^ y* il- Company, in 1786 (no date) — engraved in London by John Milton, — — • — — -=• t 1 ENCLISH RESTORED MEDALS.— SILVER. •73 Henry VIII. Medallic Hiftory of England, Plate 4, N. i, 3,4. ^ y 74 Henry VIH. Reverfe, inferibed Honi Solt qui Maly Penfe,” the motto of the Garter. 1. Re-verfej Xh^^ - Royal Arms and motto of the Garter. Another, R. eii- 4 graved Heiiric. 06 t. Rex Angl. &c. , Another, his head ^and titles only. — ^ 75 Henry VIII. aiT imitation ofhisTeftoon, weighs loz. ^dwL , Philip and Mary, a Copy of their Plalf Crown, weighs 18 dwt. 12 gr. 76 Edward VI. P. 3. N. 8 (twm), 9, 10, (two), t. P.4, N. 7. 77 Edward VI. P. 4 . N. 7 and 8. one, Reverfe, the Arms: and,one, a Society Medal, date 1786. 77* Mary, Reverfes a Rofe Crowned. Mary, Reverfe, her hutband Philip II. of Spain, P. i, N. j. 78 Mary, Rsverfe, a Pomegranade. 79 Mary, P^everfe, a Role crowned. Philip and Alary, P. N. 2. and one Head infcrlbed, Q-ueen Pvlary. 80 Elizabeth, P. 7. N. i and 5. 81 Elizabeth, P. 7. N. 5, 7, and 8. 82 Elizabeth, Plate 7 . N. 8, 9, 10, (two). ■ S3 Elizabeth, Reverfe, Noah’s Ark. — Her head and titles, no Reverfe. 84 Elizabeth, P. 7. N. 9. One, Reverfe, the Rofe crowned, and one with her head and titles only. 83 Lady Margaret Tudor, Mother of Henry VII. two. Elizabeth his Wile, Reverfe, two Rotes, fignifying the Houles of York and Lancafter united by their Marriage. 86_ Alary Queen of Scots, Reverfe,' \s\\o can con^pare with me in GrieL &c. and two of James I. and one of Ann of Denmark his Queen. 87 James I. Plate ii. N. it. difterent ftzes 2. One P. 12. N. 6 , and one of his Queen, Obverfe, her head ; Reverfe, the Arms of Denmark, with her titles and head 52. S' •Y.-, < I 5 2 /th S 7.-^- ~fluruL. 25 - y 3/ '(I UJu 4/-/- / 0 ( 6 y ^ Cjijiries I. P. i8. N. lo. P. 17. N. 6, two, his head and one, beadj probably Charles II, kever/e the Royal 4 rms. ^ ^ RaiVlXN famil¥ coins in silver. ^ 50 Aburla, I. Accoleia, i. Acilia, i. Aella, i. Aemilia, Afrania, I. Annia, i. Antetlia, i. Antonia,!. Aqnil- lia, 1. Atliia,!. Aurelia, i., Axfia, i, Baebia, i. Casci- lia, 1. Caelia, i. Calidia, i. Calpurnia, i. Carifia, i. Caffia, I. Cipia, I. Claudia, i. Cloulia, i. Coelia, t. Confidia, Coponia, i. Cordia, i. Cornelia, i. Coffutia, i. Cre-^ pereia, i. Crepufia, i. Cupiennla, i. Curtia, i. Didia, i, Domitia, i. Egnatia, 1. Egnatuleia, i. Ep- pia, I. Eabia, I. Fannia, i. 2 Q Fariuleia> i Flaminia, i. Flavia, i, Fonteia, i. Funda-<^ , nia, I. Furia, I. Herennia, i. Hofidia, 1. Floftilia, 2. Julia j I. Junia, i, Licinia, i. Livineia,. i. Lollia, i. Lucilia, i. Lucretia, i. Ijutatia, 1. Maenia, Maia- nla, I. — ! TT!- ^ 29 , 5 ^ 9 ^ Mainilia, I, Manila, i. Maria, i. Mummia, i. Minucia,^ 1.. Muliidia, i. Naevla, i. Neria, i. Nonia, i. Numo-/^^ nia, I. Ogulnia, i. Opeimja, i. Papia, i. Fapiria, i. Peti|lia,'i. Pinaria, i. Piaetoria, t. Plancia, i. Plau- tia, I. Poblicia, 1. 29 Pprnpeia, i. Poinponia, i, Porcia, i. Poftumia, Prooilia, i. Quindia, i. Renia i. Rofcia, i. Ru-.^^ 7.. ^ 94 / ; «- bria, i. Ruftia, i. Rutilia, i. Satriena, i. Sau- feia, I. Scribonia, I, Sempronia, i. Sentia, i. Ser.- gia, I. Servilla, i. Seftia, i. Sicinia, i. 2 Q Spurilia, i. Sulpicia, i. Terentia. i. Thoria, i. Titia Tituria, i. Trebania, i. Tullia, i. Valeria, 2, Vet- tia, I. Veturia, i. Vibia, 4. Volteia, 4. 20 Aburia, i. Acilia, r. Aelia, 2. Aemilia, 2, Annia, Antedia, I. Antia, i. Antonia, 2. Aquillia, i. lia, I. Aurelia, 2, Axfia, i. Caecilia, 2. Calpur- nia, I. Carifia, i. — — 20 j ^ o 97 98 /* Caflia, T. Claudia, 2. Cloulia, i. Coelia, 2. Cordia, 2. Crepufia, 2. Domitia, i. Egnatia, i. Fabia, 2. F^r- '. fnleia, i. Fonteia, 2. Furia, 2. Herennia, i. 20 Hofidia, 1. Julia, 5. Junia, 3. Licinia, 2. Livineia, i. Lucretia, i. Mamilia, i. Manlia, i. Marcia, 2. Ma- ria, I. Memmia, i. Minucia, i. Mufiidia, i. Nae- via, I. — ^ — — ' 2 ® Norbana, i. Ogulnia, i. Opeimia, i, Papia, i. Petil- lia, I. Piaetoria, 2. Plautia, i. Poblicia, i, Pom- peia, I. Pomponia> i. Porcia, i. Poftumia, 2* Proci- lia, I. Rofcia, j. P^ubria, i. Ruftia, i. Satriena, i. Scribonia, I. - ■ ■ — 20 2 ^^ ^ ^ ) Xoo 5)9 Sentia, l. Seryilia, i. Sulpicia, i. Tcrentia, r. ria, 2. Titia, 2. Tituria, i. VdefiVi i. Vibia, Volteia, i. Uncertain, 6. »a 100 Aelia, 2. Aerailia, 2. Annia, i. Antonia, 4. A^rc- ^ Q lia, 2. Axlia, I. Csccilia, 2. Calpurnia,- 2. Garliia; i. Catiia,, I. Claudia, i. Coelia^ i. Coponia, a. Coir- dia, I. Cornelia, i. Crepufia, i. Fabia, i. joi Farfuleia, i. Fonteia, i. Furj-a, j. Herennia, i. Hofi- dia, I. Julia, i. Junia, 2. Uicinia, i. Lucretia, i. ^ ^ 2. • Maniilia, i. Manila, i. Marcia, 2. Maria, i. Metii- ■ // _ / mia, I. Minucia, i. Muffidia, i. Naevia, 1. Nor- //-' ^ bana, i. Fapia, i. Plae|:or)a, i. piautia, 1. Pobli- FOREIGN GOLD COINS. ?02 D. N. Aiilulf Rex. Flavia Luca. — Gritnoald, Duke of-/ Benevento. Argelati I. 23, 3. William, Khig of Sicily, Vergara 2, 3. — *— 103 Florin of Florence by the Mint Mark it appears to be ftrUek in 1466. Supplement au Catalogue des Monneies en Or ciuCa^ hinet Imperial^ p. go, the lafi figure o-f Raimond, Prince of Orange. Duty SuppL y, 4. 1:04 Vifigoth Kings of Spain, Rruck at Merida, Sif- enando. FUre^ III. 244. Tulga. Floret:, III. 2^2. Recefvinto. «. 20. Ervigio. Florea Hi. 271. 10^ Peter, King of Caftile. — Barcelona, of Ferdinand Catholi- cus. — Naples, of B^nperor Charles V. Poltina of Emprefs Elizabeth of Ruflia.^ — Quartino of Pope Ber>pdi6it XIV. — Spiall Gold Coin of Genoa. — Half Du-- cats£ Qtoles Lewis, Ele6tor Palatine, 1674. — Frederick. William^^lc^or of Brandenburg, 1671. — Frederick I. Duke of Saxe Gotha, 1606 . — garter Ducats: K. Fre- derick William I. ofPmffia, 1714. K. Charles XI. and K. Frederick I. of Sweden; — Ducat of Chriftopher Le\yis, Count of Stolberg.— |^, | and x- Ducat of Nurn- berg. ^ — — 107 Small I of Coin? of Nlirnberg. J08 Cufic. h'iental loz, ydwt. at per oz. lOZ, nuine Zodiacal apan, weighing the Sun, the Capricorn, and the Fifliei. ii|dwt. — /* / 7 - 31 7 ^ 3 ^7 .3 .J ,1 J/-. ^^7 ^ / a ^ C— / ‘ X. /3 J loS- 3 It/-- ^ ^ ( 8 ) a sir FRENCH GOLD COINS. '* Coins of Gold and Eledtrum, and one of Silver^ of the ^ iirll Race, with the Names of the Moneyers. 2» •2. » 1‘0 Philippe le Bel. Gros Royal. Charles le Bel. Royal, 2 rt Philippe de Valois, Chaife. Ecu. Royal. 3 ^ Mouton. Demi Mouton. s — — Franc. Ecu. Pvoyal. 3 'TTf^ rhn.,ri^t T/" p<-.xroi Chuvles VL Moutoii . Charles IX, Ecu 'II„6 Charles V. Royal. a^Soleil y t t i i 'l- iiu iiS^ l < i I i/S - ^ / 3 - ^ , 2- - ^ I -a I - L'J ^ 3 . J) ^ ^ 2, 3.3./ 7 y 4 ^tj^i 7 Francis I. A Gold Piece, weighing* i oz. idwt i.^Jgr. Le'cois XIII. Louis d’or. Demi Louis. Lezuis XIV, Lis ^ dor. The Die of all three by Varin. S19 Franc of John, Duke of Britanny. Duby 62, 12. — Noble of Flandres of Philippe le Bpn, Duke of Burgundy. Duby 55, 8. — — y. i2.d Parcel of Mifcellaneous Coin and Medal Boards, Mabe-- g(^ny cind Walnfcot ^ . ^t. <2 122*“ Ditto Ditto of Pafteboard, &c. o • / ‘oV' ^23* Forty-eight Mahogany Medal Boards, 8 In. by hx, / a Seventy-fix Medal Boards, iVainfeot, io|- In. by 7. ^ g, a ~ t'lS* Thirty Mahogany Medal Boards, 10 In. by 10 r. ^ ^ ^ .>Y Twenty-one Medal Boards, Wainjcot, 16 f In, by 10, ^ \ Twenty-fix Mahogany Medal boards, 9 J In. by 6 1^28* Eighty-eight Medal Bo&&, elegantly covend •with leathf In. by 10 lij ^ — / _ 0 o 0 i-o ^ O ^ -y? ^ t> c-^ ( 9 ) Second Day’s Sale. •r \ ■ ILLUSTRIOUS and REMARKABLE PERSONS. A large quantity. 122 Ditto. 123 Without Reverfes. 124 Pewter Medals. 125 The Emperor John Pal eologus, Paul ofVenice^ Medallions^ Ma%%uchelli, Tome 1.P.X1.N.3. 126 Ifotta of Rimini^ Plate 16. 127 Carbo, Dante, B. Leo, N. Picini, F. Ubini. 128 Anthony, A. Genius, Grandis, Philip Maflero, John Jovian Pontaniw, Plate ^2, N. i \ Averlinus, John Coyrenotj Jerome Fabian, Martin de / f^Hanna, 2 A. Sarzanella — i3o”Fi-Jnc^^e*trarch, 2. Viftor Pavonius, Rever/e his Wife. Pifa^ the Painterf^NTcolas Puzzoli. . 131 Wm Adeiard, Julia Aftalia, G. L. Battaglia, A. Pizamani, F. Philaret, A. Salva 132 M. Gander, Guarini of Verona, Plate 17, N. 2. G. Mar- tins, Charles Gratus J33 D- Garganeilus, P. 41. N. i. Virgil Malvitius of Bologna, 1479, by Sperandei, Bartholomew Pendalia, John Lewis of Tufeany. 134 Leo Baptifta Albertus, Plate 27, . N. 1. Bentloglio, 133 Cecilia of Efte, Camilla Buendelmonti, Salviati, Alexander Tartagnus, John Tornabonus. 136 Caraillus Gonzaga, Cagninus Gonzaga, 2, Ferdinand Gonzaga, Vefpafian Gonzaga, Hippolita Gonzaga. 5 ROMAN FAMILY COINS in COPPER. J3/5* Aburia, i. Aproiiia,i, Aquillia, i Atia,-. Csccilia,!. Calpurnia,2. Claudia, i, ^Clovia, i. Junia, j. Licniia, 1. Loll i a, I. Silia,2. Titia,i. Vergilia, i. Vibia, i. 17 C ( IQ ) ROMAN WEIGHTS. 137 138 Treflis^ I. Asj i. Semis, i. As, I, Semis, i. Triens, Quadrans, i. Sextans, i. Uncia, i. 6 I ^39 140 141 142 As, I. Semis, i. Triens, i. Quadrans, i. Sextans, l. ^ Unciae, 2,, ^ As, I. Semis, i. Triens,T. Quadrans, i. Sextans, I, / //t Uncia, I. ^ — — 6/ Aifes, 2. Trientes, 2. Quadrans, i* Sextans, l. ^ / Cj Ad'es, 3. Trientesi 2. Quadrans,!. Sextantes, 2. Un- cia, I. H 3 144 Affes, 2. Semis,' Trientes, 2. Quadrans, tes, 2* Uncise, 2. Sextan- 9 / /I 10 Afles, 2. Semis, i. Trientes, 2. Quadrantes, 3. Sex- ' tantes, 4. Unciae, 3. ^ / ITALIAN SILVER COINS. A J45 Savoy, Count Hupibert. JroelatiLG-],^. Duke Arne- deus. Duke Philibert I. — Genoa, Cunr. Rex, Janua.— Pavia. Emperor Ludovicus Pius, Jrgel. /. 11,4. Em- peror Lambert. Emperor , Otto. G> . Cab. 11 . i, 2.^ Bergamo. Emperor Frederick V. Argel, V. 4, i. — Padua. Francis Carrara. Argel, L 90, 2 i . — Patriarchs &fAquile]a: Bertoldus. Argel. L p. i6b, « j. Gregorius. Argel. 1 , 39, 6. — Mantua, Lewis Gouzaga. Argel. I. ^8, 5.— Lucca. Emperor Otto. Argel, I. 21,1^. Emperor Char-, les IV. Argel. 1 . 22, 18. — Pifri’ Emperor Frederick. Bellini 11 . 119, 2. . Argel. I. 63.4. Lha>rles VIII of France. Bellini 111 . 13.4. 1548. — Si^. Bel- lini II. 132, 3 ; and one not in Argelati or Bellmi. — Flo- rence. Argel. I. 53, 1. and V. 14, 2- It 22 146 Pukes of Savoy. Charles Emanuel. S.ciidoi 588. Oppor- tune. Kings of Sardinia. Charles Ernanuel III, Scudf). 1737. \ Scudo. 1734. Lira. 1747. Viftor Amedeus III. Scudo. 1773, J Scudo. j'ii-railliidy. 347 Milan. Emperor Lewis. Argel. I. 13. 2. Emperor Lotha*- f ’rius. Argel. /, 13, 4. Gaieazzo Maria Sforz^ Argeh I. 15,39. afid Sellhii II. 88, 22* John Gaieazzo Sf. an 4 Lewis Sf. Argel, 1 . 16, 46. Lewis Sforza. Argel. I. 16. 48. Emperor Charles Y.. ' Bellini HI. so, 16. King Philip U of Spain.— King Charles II. of Spain; Scud^. 1676 -- King Philip V of Spain; Scudo 1709 349 Venice. Emperor Louis le Debonnaire. Leblahc 4, 33, i-ft IQ (two) Giovanni Dandolo, Pietro Gradenigo. Argel. V. 31, 7. (two) Andrea Dandolo. -Argel. I, 12. r Mi- chele Morofini, Leonardo Loreriano. Francefco Do- nato —Ten Groffi, ftruck between 1205 and 1501, viz. Pietro Ziani. Argel. L 37,3. Giacomo Tiepolo. Argel. 7.37. 4. Raynerip Zeno. A gel. i. 37, 3. Giacomo. Contareno. Argel. 1, />, 287, n, i, Giovanni Dandolo. if '‘S 9 P’i ( li > fAr^eh /. 37, 7. Pietro Giadenigo* ArgeUI. 9. (jIo- vanni Soranzo. Andrea Vendramino. A)gd. L 38, 18. Giovanni Mocenigo. Argel, I. Auguftino Barba- rigo. Bellini II. 136. I&. Scudo Veneto> Marino GHmano. Giuftina, Dome- ‘9 I'll 1 nico Contareno. Ducato, Silveftre Palieri. Tallero, Aloy- (io iVlocenigo. 1769, Mantua, Mary and Charles it. Scudo. — Parma- Odo- ardo Scudo. 1626. — Lucea. Scudo- Mezzo^cu- do. 175 4 Lire 1797. 2 Lire 1794^ florence* Diike Alexander. Giulio- lujcany. M, Charles: Scudo. Cofinus IH. Scudo y ^ / vorninai 1707. John Gallop: ‘153 Various Hates of Italy. Livornina. Ferdinand 1684. Li- 1723. / /^ ift? Leo IV. Emperor Lotharius. Argel, I. , , lasT. . ^ ‘ I, ii. Nico- Emperor Lewis, Argel, I. 1, 14. Benedi6l IV. Emperor Lewis, Argel, 7. 3, 32. Urban V. Argel. T, 8, 17. Gregory XL Argel, I. 8, 24. (two.) Three Coins of the Senators of kome. — Ancona. Argel. 1 , Z9* 2. — Caftro: Duke Peter Aloyfius. Bellini — Ferrara: Hercules t. Bellini JIL i, another, Reverfe, ^ 3 Snakes, without legend. Alphoiifus. I. Argel. Ill, ap- ^ \ pend, tah, XI. jig j and III, 0^, iS Coins: Pic^re. Clement X. 1673* (two.) Innocent // /5 XL A. II. III. and VI. Clement XL A. Xl. /h*rA^- 5 Me%%e Piafire, Innocent XII. A. 11 . Vll. add IX. Cle- ment Xl. 1706. Innocent XIIL A. I. Clement i Jg 1 73 ,^* Mesz%i Scudi. Benedidl XlV. and Clement XIL 8 \ Coins, from Martin V. to Paul 17- 13^ Teftent, from Urban VIIL to Pius 1'1'6 d Papetti, 14 Paoli, 27 Grofli, and 3-Me2zi GroJIn^ ^ ibo Coins of Avignon, Bolosna and Ferrara./? l6i Naples. Manfred, Bedmi IL 104, 3. Conrad. /Tr^e/ 2 20. Empferor Frederick II. Bellini III ig, 3. Charl^I Vergara 10, 7. Another not publifhed. Charles IL Verg. II. 2 and 4. and one not publifhed. Robert. Verg, 12, I. Rene. Ferg. ig, i. Alfonfus King of Aragon: two. Ferdinand. Vet^. 23, i. Emperor Charles V. ±A->' Ver. — Rex Arag. Carlino ^.39, c;. Philip II. Rex Anzl, Ducato. Taro. Vers, 40, 3. Carlino. Ferg, 42,, j (two.) Mezzo Carlino. (two.) 162 ^cily. Tancred. Plrg. 4, 3. Emperor Henry, and Gon- * / ftantia. P'e^g 3, i. Peter King of Aragon, and Con ftan- J // ^^tia. Argel. li I. append, 7, i. Peter. Argel. F, 24,. 8 2l 5 . James King of Aragon. PVedcrick. 32,6. Lewis Fredericas Simplex. Alartin. Argel, F. 24, q. John King of Aragon. Ferdinand Catholicus. Bellini IP', 10, 7. Emperor Charles V. King of ^xiin. Oncia. Ferdinand, 1793. /S Malta. 30 Tali: Emanuel binto 1761. Scudi Manoel de Villicna 1724 Raymond Des Puy Sardinia. Four C oins of King Charles II. of Spain.— -Cor- Jica, King Theodore. 1736. rare, fy 14 UdS. 3 zsy ( 12 ) SILVER COINS of the NETHERLANDS. 167 Du\ei of Brahant. John. SntU. mlfc. 3, 6 and 40. Lova- nie. Snell, mifc. p. 12, fig. D. Moneta Anwerp 5 Mo- neta Braban.— Charles Duke of Burgundy. Mary. 1480. Johanna et Karoius 1517. — Counts of Hamault. Jean d’ Avefne: Gros. Dubj 84, 7. Demiers. Duly 84,5. Mons. Duly 84, 2. Valenciennes. Snell, mifc. 3, 4. (three.) William I, Valenciennes, (two.) Margareta; Duhy 86, 2 and 3. No name. Duby 87, 9 and 10. — Hoi- Jand. Philip le Bon and Jacqueline. Duby William Lord of Horne. — John Bilhop of Liege.- — Arnold Count of Loos. SnelL mifc. 3, 15 and ibvr^Jean de Lou-, •vain. — Luxembourg. John King of Bohemia. Snell, mifc. 3, 20 and 21. — Marquis of Liamtir. Guy. Dubv 79 ? 7 < and two others. — Bijhaps. of Utrecht, Baldwin. Kohl. M. B. XXII. 1 29. John. — Tournay. King Philip IL 1597.— Aix la Chnpeile. King Lewis. Snell, mifc. 3, 18. King Henry. Snell, mifc. 3,23. Emperor Aljbert. Gr. Cab. I. ^ Suppl. 7, 87. (two^) and one without the name of the J M Emperor. — 169 Counts of Tlandres. Guy. Duby 79, 6 j and two, not in Duby. Robert. Duby 79, 8. Louis de Male, Duby 8d^. 2 and 7 ; and one not in Duby. Philippe le Hardi. Duby . . 8 and 10. Philippe le Bon. Duby 5^, i. Charles ‘ le Teraeraire'. Duby 58, 9. Mary. 1477. Duby 82, J. jyPhilippe le Beau. 1488. Duby 83, 5. — Arras. Duby J Gand. Ypres. Duby Suppl. f y ^o nit in Duby. A hmilar fmall Coin without ^ % V \, i8 > '/ gend any le- 22 ‘7 / 170 Maximilianus Pater Philippi ; Snaphane of Brabant. 1489.' Emperor Charles V. Dollar of Flandres. Fine and rare. King Philip II. Dollar of Brabant, 1539 ; and of Flan- ders, 1538. — J 171. Dollar of Brabant, of the Rebellion in 1384. 2 Coins of Al- bert and Elizabeth. Ducaton and Croone of Brabant, of /King Charles IL Ducaton of Brabant of King Philip V. 1703. Dollar of Namur, of Eledlor Maximilian Emanuel of Bavaria, 1713. n Croone, 4 and J Croone, of Emperor Jofeph II. i /^Lhiperor Francis II. /^eb' % Croone of Croone, Florin and 4 - Florin of the ebellion in 1790. 173 Holland. Daelder 1386 and 1387. Ducaton 1671. proof. ^3 Gulden r68o. 2 Gulden .1687. proof. 28 Stuyvers ^ 1694. Two Silver imprelTions of a Dujd. 174 Frifland. 14 Stuyvers. 1680. Utrecht. Daelder 1673. proof. Wefifrijland. Ducaton of the Eaft India Company 1728. Piedfort of a Schepen Seeling. Amfteidam. Piece 7 - " / t: 01 8 Reals 5 -jr a.n'a ^ Utrecht. Copper Coin of the EaR India Company. I"?-!- tV- 1601. van Loon I . 539. Town of Silver impreflion of a Duyt, and of the fmaliefl / x> ( 13 ) PROVINCIAL TOKENS, Src. Scotch Tokens, from the Penny \o the Farthing. The Ifle of Man, Head of his. prefent Majefty, Rever/e the Arms and Motto, date 1786. Penny and Half-penny, rbadoes, a Black-Moor’s Head, Rever/e the King riding theWave3,ina Car, different lizes % j and three, with he Rever/e a Pomegranade, infcribec/ Barbadoes Penny, by Milton. ^ , " Cabinet containing one of the compleateft Colle6tions of Tokens, ftriick in the lafl Century, ever formed. More than 2600 in Number, many of them not publiihed, Sneiling. 72 Sliders or Drawers, TOWN PIECES. *5 V- % 18© 181 ^2 183 184 1^ .18^ 187 388 189 190 191 Andover, three. Afhbnrton, one. Axminfter, one. Bath, oiie. ]Beccles,one. Biddeford,one. Bigglefworth, one. Blandfordjone. Bofon,one. Brewton. Bridgewater, two. Briftol, five. Burford. Bur- lington. Chard. Chepflow. Chertfey, (Struck.) Cireneeilef. Clay. Coventry, two. Croyland. — — — . 3 Dartmouth, two. Difs. Dorchefier. Dover, two. Evefham, two. Froome, Glocefter, three. 12 Grantham. Grerat Torfington. Guildford. Henley on Thames, two. Hereford. liminfter. Ipfwich. Ivelchefter. 7 King’s Cliffe. 10 Langport. Languard Point Fort. Lincoln, two. Kyngs- Lyiin, two. Little Port. Loweftof, two. Lowth. Lyme- Regis. — r— r* Ci^tie S|^f London, a Rofe crowned between two Swords, date under 1644. Reverfe a Crov/n, two Scepters in Sal- tyre, three Lyons in the Field, infer iftiou, Typus Mo- netae, Angl. iHris, Unieiue^ and not publijhed by Snel~ ling » 1 Marlborough. Midhurft. Morton. Minehead. New- berry, two. New Port. New Sarum. Northampton, Nottingham. Norwich, three. Oxford. Oundle, two. Peterborough, two. Poole. Romrey,two. Rye. Sedburg. Sherborn. Southampton, two. Shaftfburyu Southwould. Stamford, two. St. Ives, two. Stower- • # bridge. Staple, two. Spalding. Tamworth. Taunton. Tetbury. Thornbnry. Wells, two. Wimborn, Weynaouth. \Vinchefler,two. Woodbridge. Worcefter, Wottop Under-edge. Great Yarmouth, three. Yeovil. 9 ^4 10 ( H ) farthings. 192 Charles I. 7. Charles II. Six Copper and one ter. James II. three Pewter. William and Mary, one Copper and three Pewter. William, Seven. George 1 . George If. Sixteen. His prefeiit Majefty, four, one of them Incufe, h ... — . £4 HALF^PfiNCE. /- 5 ® Charles It. dates' 1672-3 and 5. James TI. Pewter, 168^", \L I- i- ^ 6, 7. William and Mary, 1690, 91, (two) and92^,jSnel- ling’s Copper Coinage, No. 5, 8 and 10, " x ' William and Mary I. i, William, 6. Gc'^rge I. 6. George II One with Geogius. 24, Flis prefent Majefty, 8, I?/ one with Geogius. IRISH COPRER, pewter, &c. Charles ll. infcribed the Hublin Half-penny. Arms, three Caftles, 1679. the Harp, Crowned ; Long, Live the King. Simon, N. 175. Cork Llaif -penny and Far- thing. 2d. Additional Plate, N. 1 and 2. I'be Kinfalc Llall-penny, N. 3. The Gun Money of James 11 . Crowns, 5. Half Crowns from july 1689^0 Ang. i69o,~]arge and fraall, of April and May. 06 t. 1. Shillings, July, Aug. Sept. 06 t 2, Nov, 3, one with a Caflle under the headj Dec. 2. Jan. Fete March 1689 and 90. April, 2 May, June, September, //ez 'id 202 V-i-' Sixpences !o The Fewter-Crown of James 11 . Simon, N. 1^7 Wood’s Pattern Half-penny and Farthing of Gei ■ n^erje the King’s Head and Titles, dr.verje, Llibertiia fitting, witli the Harp to the right, date 1722, N. 160. Wood’s Pattern Halfpence of George I. Ohnjer/e the King’s Head, Llibernia fitting under a Rock, 17 22, Hi- bernia fitting with the Harp to the left, 1724, and one ¥^cvia, i. Norbana, i. Plautia, I . Pompeia, i. Pomponia, 3. 2. Poftumia, 3. Rofcia, I. Satriena, i. . I. Sulpicia, I. Thoria, i. Vibia, 2. Cac- Servilia, .cilia, I. Calpurnia, 4. 20 2® 24 / 222 Caflia, 3, Claudia, i. Cornelia, 4. Crepufia, i. Fa- bia, 2. Fonteia, 3. Julia, 2. Junia, 2. Licinia, 2. j "I*- Marcia, 2. Maria, i. Memmia, i. 24 * 223 Naevia, i. Norbana, i. Plaetoria, i, Pompeia, i. Pomponia, 2. Rofcia, i. Thoria, i, Vibia, 2. Cae- cilia, I. Calpurnia, 2. Caflia, 3. Claudia, i. Cor- ^ nelia, 3. Fonteia, i, Julia, i. Junia, 2, Licinia, i. Maria, i. 16 . Pomponia, 2. Vibia, i. Calpurnia, 10. Caflia, 3. *1 ^ L 4 Cornelia, 3. Fonteia, i. Junia, 3. Licinia, i. 26 ANTIENT SPANISH COINS. 225 Silver Coins ftruck in Spain, with Celtiberian Charac- / ^ ters. — ANTIENT GALLIC COINS. 226 Silver Coins firuck in Gaul. ' SCOTCH GOLD. "227 Robert II. Obverfe^ a Lion Rampant, the Arms of Scot- land in a plain Shield. Reverje^ XPC. Regnat, XPC. V—. Vincit a Saltyre extending to the Edge of the Piece, two Fleur de Lis and two Trefoils in oppofite Quarters, //! weighing 3.8 Grains. Nurnifma^Scoji^J| Plate i, / 2^8 Robert III. The Arms of Scotl^d, cro\^^^d. Reverfe St. Andrew on aCrofs, XPC. Regnat, XPC. Vineit,^PCy^ Imperat; weighing 60 Grains, N. 4, and one£>fJa.J^ with the fame Type called St. Andrews, mes II. probably called the Lyon. Ob'verfe^^^i^Axms and Titles Revafe, infcribed, Salvum fac Populum tuii^ D’ne. Afmall Saltyre, &c. weighing 48^r. Three > A ^ 22/ Jame Varieties, N';i2. The Half N. 1/ 4 ( i; ) 7 230 Jame? III. the Unicorn and Ii^lf Unicorn of James III. Obverfe, the Titles, and a large Unicorn fupporting the | Arms. Revetfe, a Crofs Floree, ,&c. infcri^dt Exurgat De et Bilipent emici. ei weighing th^jialf 20 grains. N. 14 and 13., ^ ames IV. Supported, the whole and half Unicqj^ differ- r ing very little from the above. ames IV. a thick piece, weighing Obverje the Arch- angel Michael, piercing the Dragon under him, in- fcribed Jacobus IV. Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum, Reverfe a Ship with Arms of Scotland on the Mail, furmounted with a crofs, in/cribed Salvator in hoc Signo^^nci Unique. ,3^^James IV. the Ryder, the King Riding full-fpeed^-v^rd in Hand, to the right. Reverfe, Salvum fac Poputum tuum y yl Dne, the Royal Arms weighing 78 grains, the half dif- y ^ 5 f»feriDg in the King’s ridii^the o^r ary way, P. 2. 234 James V. The Ecu or Crovm^ fo'^Sfed from the Shield \^'ith the Arms. Reverje^ Cfucis Arma Sequamer, Crofs, M as N. 8. The Bonnet Piece, the King’s Bull: 0 Reverfe the Arms in a Shield as vSu?\j^infcr^ / » L- .1?/. Honor Regis. Indicium diligit. N. 9. // "/ ROMAN FAMILY COINS / / . ,^36 t Atia: T. LABiENvs, Caflrum turribus inftru6tura. (un- , publijhed). ■■ I 'Ccflia and Norbana : l. gestivs c. norba. tr. sc. Sella Curulis cum impofita galea. - 1 .Claudia; c. clodivs c. f. Veftalis fedens, velato capite>r^^^^* Claudia; p. clodivs m. f. Luna crefcens inter quinque ^ ftellas. : i 239 Hirtia; a. hirtivs pr. Inflrumenta Pontificalia. 3 . i 240 Julia: CAES Die. avAR. Corona laurea. i 241 Livineia : l. regvlvs iiii. viRrA. p. f. Aeneas hume.ris fenem Anchifem ferens. (unpublijhed.) * * 242 Munatia ; l. planc. praef. vrb. Vas oblongum.a.y i 243 Munatia : l planc. pr. vrb. Vas oblongum. / . / 4 ' / 244 Mufiidia : gL. mvssibivs t. f. longvs im. vir a. p. f. Mars ultor, ftans, 'iiudus, galeatus, altero pede clypeum premit. ■ — — ■ ■■ • 243* A parcel of elegant Morocco Medal Boards, and a traveUing> Medal Cabinet, in form of a Book. 244-* Three uufiaillied Cabinets and a ixircel of Medal Boards, * t/ 'if fi ^ 4 /^ ( i8 ) Thild Day’s Sale. “»0I> ILLUSTRIOUS' AND REMARKABLE PERSON s:Plate 10,* N. 6, Gabriel Flamma,, John Antony Magius, Ferdi- nand F. Pifcara^ AdiusSyncer us 6'* ( 19 ) i6i ♦ ^6: 264 266 / y*^ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. Pompelus, I. PIUS IMP. Julius, 1. DIVOS JULIUS. Auguftus, c. CONSENSU SENAT. ET. EQ. OR- . 1 . DIN. P. Q. R.— DIVA AUGUSTA.-DIVOS JU-/ 7 / Jf ^ LIUS.— PROVIDENT.— ROM. ET AUG— Livia, i. ; JUSTiTIA. ^ *^8. %-^.V V Julius, I. Auguflus, 5. Aquila, globo inCflens. — AU- GUSTUS in'" corona laurea. — Fulmen alatum. — Mulie£ /u^ 4 ^ velata fedens. d. pateram, s. haftam.—Prora Navis. — Livia, I. PI ETAS. ^ 7 ^ / Auffuftus, 4. PONTIF. MAXIM. TRTBVN. i’OT.^ '/f) M XXXIIII, in medio S. C. — P. CAPvISiUS LEG. AU GUSTL— S. CATO PR. — S. C. intra coronam quer- nam. — Auguftus, reftored by Titus, 3. ^ Auguftus, 2, Templum rotundum, hinc et inde bafis, ' quamm fingulis quadrupes infiftit.— Vidoria tenet cly- ^ r ' peum, cui infer iptum S. P. Q. R. — Auguftus, reftored by Titus, ^ . Livia, i . S ALUS AUGUSTA. Auguftus, 4. Livia, reftored by Titus, 2 : JUSTITIA.' (The legends on the re ^ . tS-o /-/■<* 324 The Earl of Pembroke, P. 3, N. 4. A Bull, infer ibed Edmund Withipoll ^Et. 48 j both by Stephens of Hol- 323 Sir Richard Martin. Reverfe, his Wife, P. lo, N, i, by| Stephens. N. B. The Date of tlie Medal is 1362. Unique. ^ 326 Mary, Wife of John Dimock, by Stephens, N. 2. Unique, .c 327 Thomas Stanley, uEit. ^o. His buff regarditig the right. Ro ) 348 Auguftus, (one of them a Medallion) , — 349 Auguftus,!. (a Medallion). Tiberius, 2. Nero Clau- dius Drufus, I. 350 Germanicus and Caligula,!. Germanicus and Agrippina Sen. I. — 351 Germanicus and Agrippina Sen. 1. (well fiiuck and finely prefeived.) — 352 Caligula and Auguftus, 2, Claudius, 3. Claudius and Agrippina Jun. i. Nero, 3. Galba, 3. 353 Caligula and Auguftus, Claudius, 2, Nero,!. Gal- ba, I, Otiio,!. (all finely pre/crved.) — 12 12 2‘Z*^‘4 12/- J'. ^ ^ /. //. a • 10 // • fy / " / f o /i t-'?' J ^5 4 -A 0 4 2,. 4 • / 2/'// •/ y 4 SCOTCH GOLD. 354 The Bonnet Piece of James V. weighing S8 grains, the half-Royai,* dates 1540. N. 9 and ii. 355 Mary Arms and Title, 1^43. Reaver fe, her Cypher crowned, Ecce Ancilia Domini, N. !3 The Arms Crowned be- tween the letters I. G. Reverfe^ Diligite Juftitiam, 1553. A Cypher of the word Maria Crowned between tw'o Cinquefoils, N. 15. and the half like N. 14. 356 Mary the Ivyal with Head and I'itles. Reverfe^ luftus Fide V^ivit, 1555. The Royal Arms Crowned, P. 3. The half Royal of Mary, 1558, weighing 58 grains. Francis and Mary Face to Face, over, a Crown Franc Sector Delphin Vien. Ren^efie ther, &c. et Four Horn in 'Put a ukd lor ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in GOLD. 359 Julius and Auguftus, !. Caput Julii laureaiiirn, Ocla- viani nudum. 360 M. Antonius and Auguftus, i. Capita Antonii et Odavi- ani nuda, — » , 361 Auguftus I. SIGNIS TARTHICIS RECEPTIS. CapricOl'- nns. 36.2 Auguft.is I. IMP. X. Eos Cornupeta. 1 5- /J I 1 I 362* A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 32 Drawers, wdth room for 544 Sa^ion Coins, 9 In. by 0, and 7I In. deep p ^4 / /ftf /r 4^ Fourtli I>ay’s Sale. ILLUSTRIOUS AND REMARKABLE PERSONS, 363 John Francis Bonipartis. John Breffani. Ailtonio de Lseva. Peter Paul Maffcus. Thomas Mocenico. Francis Q.ui- rini. — — 6 364 John a Fernberg. James Bevcs. Scipio de Montibus and others — i ^ 363 Andrew Alciatus. Baptift Fulgos. Ant. Mula. M. Ant. Paflerus, &c. — — 12 366 Daniel Centurione. G. Cornelio, A. Contarenus Gabriel Tryphon. Leonard Zantane. John Michael Zerb. 6 367 Francis Bonattus . Jerome Conftagius. John Herrera. Csefar Taberna. Lavinia Fontana Zappia. Frederic , Zucharns. 6 368 John Bellini, ]. Peter Crivello, Andrew CriTpus. Livia Columna. Vi6toria Columna. Camilla Perctta. N. Todin. Pet, Viftorius. F. Vitalis. — — 8 369 Pierius Valerianus Bellunenhs. Dante. Diana Mantuana. Francifcus VolaterannS;, Ac. la 370 Erafmiis of Rotterdam., Mazzuchclli. Plate 45 N. 6. N. 46. N. I. ^ 371 Euftace Bolanus, Francis Taberna. F. G. Apel. Tap^ pa, &c ; IS 372 Thomas de Marinis. Laurent. » Taras. Jerome Zane. Titian, &c. ■ . 12 373 Michael Angelo Buofiarota, 374 F. Martinio. » Francis Max. Philip Rui!?, &c. 12 373 Andrew Carafa. John Aloidus. P. ig. N. i and 3. Blanca Panlana. Carcania. Francis Rabelat», &c. 12 376 Alexander Baiiianus and John Cavino^ called the Paduans, famous for imitating Ancient Viedals. Bagius Ban. Marcus M. Bonavit. Vidtor Caraelins, done by himfcif, Jerome Cornelius. John Vin Dulcius, Jerome Panti- cus and Fompeius Lodovdlius, two. Cofmus Scaptius. ( 27 ) Jo. Paul Zuponus. Antony Mula. Peter Vi< 9 oriu';. 12 377 John Calvin. Martin Luther^ Reverfe Martin Bucer. Phi- lip Melan6lhon. 378 Argentina Rangona. 06 tavius, Veflris. P. 88. N. 2 and - others. — — 12 379 Antoninus Pius. Conflantine the Great, I'he Emperor Heraclius^ i. Medallions probably of the 15th Century. ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. ^ 380 Coins of Auguftus, with the names of different Triumvirs on the Reverfes. 4 .C^\ 3 Si Agrippa,!. Tiberius, 4. Caduceiis alatus. — Duplex cornu- copia: intermedio caduceo. — Globas cam gubernaculo. — Mulier veiata fedens,d. pateram, s. hadam. Drufus, re- ftored by Titus, ( . _ ' ' ^^<382 Agrippa,rettored by Titus, i. Tiberius, 5. Antonia,!. '' Figura facerdotalis velata ftans, d. fimpulum. 6/0 .6 383 Agrippa, reftoredby DomitianuS) I. Tiberius, 5. Antonia/ I. Germanicus, i. Signis Recept. Devidlis Germ. — Nero and Drufus/ Caefares, i. Uterque in citis equis. 384 Tiberius, 2. Tiberius, reftored by Titus, i. Antonia, i. Germanicus, I. Nero and Drufus, Csefares, i. 385 Tiberius, reftored by Titus, i. Germanicus, reftored by Titus, I. Caligula, i. vesta. — Claudius, z. CERES 0-/5^-^ *7 n .gula, I. VESTA. — Claudius, z. --CONST ANTi/S AtJGUSTI.- Nero, I, AUGUSTA. ARA PACIS. 386 Drufus,!. PO.NTIF. TRIBUN. POTEST. ITER, medio, SC. Germanicus, i. C. CAESAR AUG MANICUS PON. M. TR. POT. Both m Corns have a beautiful patine, are vrelijiruck and highly preferred. 387 Germanicus, I. Caligula, i. Claudius, LIBERTAS AUGUSTA, — Pallas gradiens, d. habam vibrat, s. cly- peum tenet Nero, / GENIO AUGUSTl. (I'iuo varies ri<,,j_MAC. AUG.— PACE P. R. TERRA MARIO. PARTA IANUM CLUSIT.-.PACE P. R. UBIOUE PARTA JANUM CLUSIT. GERMAN DOLLARS. 388 Imperial. Ferdinand II. 1623. Jofephl. 1703. Charles VI, 1716. of Sileha. Maria Thercfa, Oueen of Hun- gary and Bohemia^ ^741* 389 Charles VII. 1743. very rare. 390 Jofephil. 1771, Francis II. King of Hungary and Bohe- mia. 1792. — Emperor. 1792. 391 Elfctors; Maycnce. Emmerich Jofeph. 1765. frier. Clemens Wenceflaus. 1771. Cologne » Sede va:aiUe. i6«8. 1 ( ) 592 Bavaria. Maximilian. 1627. Maximilian Jofeph, 1753. llev. Virgin Mary.— 1768. Rev. Arms. Palatine. Charles Theodore. 1790. 393 Sa;io/jy. Maiiricius. i^'48. John George II. 1608. Xa- vier, Adminiftrator, 1763. 394 Frederick Auguftus, King of Poland, Vicarius of the Em- pire, 1741. Frederick Augnflus II. King of Poland,, 1763. Frederick Chriftian, 1763. Frederick Anguftus III. ,791. 4 395 Brandenburg. George William, 1634.. Frederick III. 1696. King Frederick I. 1701. King Frederick 11 . Emden Eaft India Company. ' 4 396 Harniover. Ernell Align ilus, before he was Elector. 1682. Head j 1692. St. Andrew; 1687. Horfe. very fine. Elec'dor. i<'94. Head: No date. Wild man. ' , 3 397 George Lewis. 1712. Head; 1704. St. Andrew; 1703. St. Andrew in a different pofition ; 1706. Horfe. 4 398 King George I. 1721. Head; 1723. St. Andrew 3 1719. Wild man, Arm.s with fiipporters ; 1722. Wild man. Arms in four duel ds ; 1719- Horfe. ^ ^ 3 399 George II. 1729. Head. Pvcv. Arms with fiipporters; 1731. Head. Rev. Anns without fupportefs ; 17^1. St. Andrew; 1732. Horfe; 1756. Mine Dallor, Giite des Herrn. — 4 400 King George IIL 1773- Head; 1762. St. Andrew; 1764. Wild Man; 1774. Mine Dollar, Gute des Herrn. 4 401 Akchbishofs, Magdeburg. 1738. — Salzburg. John Er- neft. 1693. Jacob Erriefl. 1746. Andrew. 1732. Sigifmnnd. 17^74 3 402 Paris. 1620. Obv. Arras. 1637. Obv. Virgin Mar}n Leo- pold. 1740. Hieronymus. 1772. 4 403 Bishops. Augjhnrg. Jofeph. 1744- — Bamberg. John George, no dale. Melchior Otto, 1O49. Philip Valen- tine, 1637, Sene vacante. 1693. ' 3 404 Eichfiadi. 'John Chriitopher. 1626. John Anthony. 1755. Sede vacante. 1737. — Hildeshetm. Ferdinand. 1624. 4 403 Liege. Gerard. 13^8. IMaifimilian Henry. ^ 1671, — Lubec'k. Cbriitian Auguftus. 1724. Sede vacante, 0 - 7 * ' ' 4 406 Mun/ier. Cbriftopher Bernard. 1632. Rev, St. Paul. 2630. Rev. Crofs of Cosleld. Sede vacante. 1761. — Qlmutx.. Cinirles. 1703. Vv’olflgang. 1724. 3 407 OJnabruck. Erneit Augultus, Duke of York. 1723. — Pader- born. Ferdinand. \662,. Francis Arnold, i'] ii ' bon. Pancracius. 1344. ■ 4 408 tVurzburg. Julius, no date, Francis. 1639. John God- frey. 1693. — Abbots. Corbty. Arnold. — Murh-ach. no. date, but the title of Emperor Ferdinand II. 3, 409 Princes. Aufina. Archduke Sigifmuiid, i486, rare, Maximilian, 1603. fine. — Baden. Margrave Chai'ies Fre- 4 ' ( . 29 ') -^Brandenburg. Margraves George and Al» bert. 1538. — 410 Brunfimck. Duke Auguftus^ three Bell dollars, 1643. viz. Bell without a Clapper ; Bell with the Clapper j three hands ringing the Bell. 1666, his head crowned by an Angel. — ^4 41 f Chriftian, Coadjutor of Razeburg, no date. Frederick Ul- ric, 1613. Wild Man. 1633. St. Jacob. — Chriftian, Billjop. of Halberftadt, 1622. Rudolphus- Auguftus, 1679. Anthony Ulric, 1707. Auguftus William, 1722. 7 412 Charles. Albertus Thaler, 1747. Mine Dollars: Giite des Herrn, 1745. Wcilfer Schwan, 1747. Cronenburgs Gluck, 1752, 4 413 I ^ Dollar of Rudolphus Auguftus. Dollar of George William. — % - 414 Henneberg. 1695 1698 . — Hejfe Caffel. Landgrave Mau- rice. 1624. William V. 1628. Frederick I. King of Sweden, 1733. — Mecklenburg, Duke Albert, 1543. ♦ Ulric, 13^6. -y; ^ 7 413 Saxe Gotha, Frederick III/ 1 733, 1 764. and 1768. 3 416 Saxe Coburg Scialfeld. Duke Erneft Frederick, 4763.— iemberg, Duke John Frederick, 1621. Charles Ru- dolphus, Adminillrator, 1737. Charles, 1781. 4 417 Hohenlohe ’.Neuenflein. Lewis Frederick Charles. 1783.— L'civenjltin JVertheim. Charles, 1766. — Schivarzenberg. Jofeph. 1766. 3 PATTERNS and PRQOFS for HALFPENCE. COPPER, 418 Charles n. a Ship in full fail with his Titles. Reverfe, the Arch Angel Michael, piercing the Dragon, inferibed 1 Soli Deo. Gloria. — ^One Copper, one Brafs and Copper, ' and one Copper and Brafs. His Head. Reverfe, Britan- nia, Quatuor Maria Vindico. Snelling. N. 3. 4 419 Charles II. his Plead. Carolo Secundo. Reverfe, a Lion ^9. Beeping : over, Quiefeit, and under Britannia. — A Rofe. ^ ^ ' y An^e Umnes, x Proof, 1672 . N. 5 3 420 William and Mary, the King’s Head, tlie Queen’s / - u '/ 'T'r iL. Head. P. 8. N. i and 3. The King and Queen’s Head. Reverfe, Britannia, date 1694. i 3 421 William and Mary. Proof, 1694. K. 13. a Pattern, dif- ^ ferlng hi the Work only. — 2 3 ^ J * 422 Ann.v Her Head on both lides, injeribed on the ed^e Anno Regni duodecim. N. i«. Plate S. L y 423 Ann. Head on both lides, Anna Dei Gratia, plain edge. N. i r. I -4/ * 424 Ann. Her Head, Reottfe, Britannia ftttiiig, Crown over. i 2 .- s--‘’ y. I -0 ^ ( 30 ) P. 8. N. 4 and 6. and on^ fame Reverfe, the Rofe and Thiftle, like, N. 9. Ann. Reverfe. the Rofe and Thiftle Crowned, and one not Crowned, N 7 and 9. A . 426 George 1. Bronze and not Bronze. George II. and George III. Proofs. « 7^^427 Patterns for Half-pence of his prefent Majefty, by Bol- ton of Birmingham, 1788 and 1790, two different edges. 428 pAT fERNs-for Pound Pieces of his prefent Majefty, coined under the direftion of Lord Stanhope, and one for a Guinea, by Milton. . RUSSIAN MEDA-’LS. I I- Silver. 429 A Buft, full faced in Armour, Crowned j in the left hand, a Globe furmounted by a Crofs, a Scepter in the jigiit hand, inferibed. Demetrius Joanis. D. G. Imperator./^ ^ Rufliae Anno AEtat. Suee 24. Reverfe a Spread Eaglej ir^ ^0 the center St. George piercing the Dragon through the Neck, an Imperial Crown over the Eagle j a RvJJian Infer iption., Unique. I 430 Peter the Great, on the taking of Afeph, in 1698. See, Ale- dailles Sur les Principaux Eveneraens de P Empire de Ruftie depuis le Regne de Pierre le Grand, Jufqua Celui de Catherine II. Page 5. On the taking of Nottenburg in 1702. P. I. Taking of Neva. P. 12. Of Mittau. P. 23. On the Battle of Kalifch, 1706. P. 24. Of Leef- no. P. 25. On the fame, 26. In favor of Admiral Apraxin. P, 28. On eftabliftiing the Pert of Tanga- rouck. P. 29. — 9 431 Peter the Great, on the Battle of Pultova, in 1709. P.33. On taking of Elbing. P. 34. Taking of Wiburg. P. 35. Of Reval. P. 36, two. Of Riga. P.37. Of Duna- mund. P. 28. Of Kexholm. P. 40. Of Arenlbourg. P. 41. ' ; ^ _ 9. _ 432 Peter the Great, on conquering Livinia and Zinland. Page 42. On the fame. P. 43. On taking of Abo. P.46. Battle with the Swedes in 1713. P. 47. Of Wafa. P.48. On taking Neufchlofs. P. 49. One a Sea P’ight. P. 50. On the fame. P. 51. On the Czar being at the Head of. Four Fleets^ viz. Flis owm, the Englifti, Dutch and Da- nifii in 1 7 1 6. P. 54. — —— 9 ^ Peter the Great, on vifiting the Mint of Paris in 1718. P. c;5. On his return to Ruffia in 1717. P. ^9. On taking of three Frigates. P. 38. On taking of Four Fri- gates from the Swedes. P. s9- On his Heroick Aftions. P. 63. On the Coronation of the Emprefs Elizabeth in 1724. P. 67 and 66 tw o. 7 Peter the Great, on building the Caftle of Cronchlofs. ’ * P. i6 two. On taking of Pemeaur P. 39 two. On the 433 434 ( 3* ) Marriage .of the Crarevltz Peter Alexis, with Char- lotta of Bitmfwick' Liinebur^'^ th^ir heads date in 1 1 , two. On . the Peace of Neifftad, &c. P, <5i. TVb very fmall Medals, one on his Death by Daffier,' another, P. 68. •m 435 Peter the Second,, upotv^ his Coronation in 1728, P. 69, On flie' Coromtion.Of the Empreis Ann. P. 70. ; On. her ' Death. P. 76; fmalitize. The' Emprefs Elizabeth, bn 'appointing Peter, Duke of Holftein, her ^ifccetror. P. 78. Ort'the Poundation'of the'UniVerfity of Moicow, - ‘ ^'in ’i.7;54~by’'J^hies Anthony, Dather. ^ 436 The Emprefs ’Catharine' ir. npoh ' the Inflitntion ' Of the Academy of Painting, Sculpture, &^c; in 1765 ■P.97, tWo. — •On the Naval Vidory overthe Turks. P. 108.— On the Happinefs of the Ruffian Empire, P. I'fo.— Oh Reftoring Peace to Courlknd in 1762.— On the Grand Duke Peter’s Reception at Berlin, by ' Fredetick the Grek,' King of Pruffia, in i' 776.— -Elizabeth. the Morea, 1783^ and tw'o fmallerV :37 I' he 'Emprefs ' Ca tharine, h et Biift with oiifc ^ any ' fnfcrip'tion. ''en)er/e, .the Eqiiedrian Statue of Peter tlie Gr^t upon a ock, 1782, a Medallion, ..■ . ■ .- g. ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. 438 A39 -N, 440 Charles I. Plate XV. N. p.—Charles an4 Qneen. ■ three of their Children. -N*. 23^ ' ^ Charles J. on his return froni Scotland. P. XVI. N, the lajl a fitvek Medah Reverfe ^ ^ ‘ I and X./2- /'% % 441 442 443 444 445 Charles I. Scotch Coronation Medal, on the Rim, Ex Aun\ .tnjLi ^ ut in Scotia reperitur. Briot. fecit. Edenburgi 1633. . , Cliarles I. on making his fon, (afterwards Charles II,) Knight of the Garter, May 22, 1638. N. 3 — 6 and ip. Charles I. on the FiffiCry, by Biiof. N. 4 and’ 7* Charles I. and his Queen fitting Hand in Hand, trampling on a Dragon. Reverfe^ an infeription on their meeting at Keinton, Jul^ 13, 1643, Plate XVI. N. Unique. Charles I. N. 8, i wind 12. N. 13. two, by Briot and Raw- lins, and one on the Redukion of Briftol. P. XIII. Charles !, and his Queen, 1636.' Reverfe^ inferibed, Juf- 440 44 titiia et Pax Olculatae fuiU. Pfal. Sj^^P^VIIL N, i. rchbilhop Laud. N. 7, ‘ — =■ Charles I. when Prince of Wales, Reverfe^ on Horfeback, 44S S ' Ifis Head Crowned, engraved, the King fitting. P, XVIII. N. • — ‘ i Charles I. the king fitting, a Scepter in hand, under both n,6'ec>J^ ' ' / 7 -h Houfes of Parliament, infenbed. Pro. Religione, Gregc, et Regc. Reverfe^ a fliip in full fail. Unpublijbed and Unique, A. A> I -a ■in (3^ ) 449 Charles T. all th.e Queen with Rings to wear round the neck. j'^ I */ k(AS^ ^ thin plate of Sir William I^ackhurtl;, Warden of the Mintj It b done at Oxford, by Rawlins, in 1644. P. XVIII, N. 5. and an engraved Plate of Rycraft, And the head of a young Man, ^T, 20. unknown. 451 Colonel Strangeways. the White Tower. P. XVIII. ^ “ N. 9, ■' ■ — ' — — — — 452 Charles I. and his Queen, vjitJmt the date, P. 18. N. i. 4 Reverfe^ a Monfter with 7 heads^ the King’s head under it, f ' with the Crown and Scepter, infcribed^ Heu Quaenam. / Hec Infania Vulgi, probably on his Death. y 453 Charles I. on his Death, Plate XVII, N. i— 3 — 4 and j. ^0 434 Charles I. on his Death. P. XVII. N. 7 — 8—9, by Rotier. _ 9 l ^ 455 Charles I. on his Death. P. XVII. N. lo—ii, and one m- Ccribed on the Reverfe^ but not legible. ' — ^ i _ * ^56 Bfobert Devereux, Earl of Effex , General of the Parliament « ^ A y y ^ ^Forces. Obverfe, riding full fpeed, Sword in Hand. In- J " ^ fcription Robertus Comes EtTex. Reverfe, his ^ Arms, wipublijhedl _ — ll' • ‘ 2-* }.— -5 — 6. two and 7. / Eflex, Plate XXI. N. 4- / ^438 Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of the Parliament’s Forces, J ~ PlateXXI. N. 10 — 1 1 — 13. and one Jiruch^ i / i\ f' 7 . //i Same Obverfe aud Reverfe, but round, 439 Jetton’s Bilhop Juxon. P. XVIII. N. 3 uck>, not publijhedn . ^hn Gwl^r -2.. T*' n- * ^ P. XX. N 5. and Lord Traquair. Obverfe Arms. R, Scales and Weights. r 460 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protedtor, on his Vi( 5 tory at Dun- "y UC Plate XII. N. 3 and 4, this nvithout a Reverfe. N. 5, ^ and one an imitation of it* Reverfe, like N. 6, fuppofed to have been done in Holland — i. . " i. 461 Olivaif Reverfe, Maffaniellp. P, XXII. N. ro, ■ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS In SILVER. .^2. / y^62 Cali^’-'la, I. Claudius, 2. Claudius and Nero,!: Nerd, 3. ^ Galba, 3. — — - 2 /t — — ^ 3 l\i. ana Agrippina, 2. Nero, i, / (cdl finely prpferved.) 3 /, ^64. Nero, 2. Galba, 2. Otho, 2. Vitellius, 2. wf/Z/re- r fe^ved.) ^ 4 i ^. ^ 46^ Ne'-o, 3. Galba, 2. Otho, 2. Vitellius, 2. Vefpafia- nus, 3 . - ^ /m ViLc.xius, 2.^,'Vefpatianus, 3, Titus, 3. (all finely pre- - \ ^ ^ fern,ed) ^ 8 yp . A ^,^, 467 Qt^^- 1 Vitellius, 2. yefpafianus, 4, Titus, 2. Domi- y i tianus, 4. — ^ ^ ^ 14 r* a ^^68^Vu€ixiu:,,2. Vefpafianus,4. Titus,4. Julia Titi, i.' // ^ vl lbo Vefnahanus, 2. Titus, 2. Julia Titi,i. Dormtiani^, i. ’ ^ 0 (all well preferved.) f jrX — 6 Vefpafianus,4. Titus, 3. Jjalia Titi, j. Domitianuy4. 12 T , /Ci’JI " ip i f / 4 ( 33 ) SCOTCH GOLD. 471 James VI. half bodied and Crowned, to the left holding a Sword in his right hand, an Olive Branch in the left,un> ^ ^erneath, infcribed^ in utrunque Paratus, 1576, r f the Royal Arms Crowned I^^the Centre. Parcere. Sub- jedlis, et debedare fupeVbos^- weighing 19 dwts. 12 gr. uncertain if intended for a Coin. = — James VI. the Royal, a Ship with two flags, t. Obverfe, the Arms Crowned in the middle. Reverfe^ Florent Scept. Piis. Regna His. Jova dat. Numerat. N. 5. James VI. the King bare-headed, looking to the right. Reverfe, the Arms Crowned, between 15 — 80. N. 6. The King with a high-crowned Hat. Reverfe, Te Solum Vereor, a Lyon, Src. 1591. N. 9. ' 474 James VL with a high crowned Hat, Titles as ufual. Re* verfe, Te Solum.Vereor. 1593, a Lyon holding a Sceptre ; above' in a Cloud, the word Jehovah in the Hebrew Cha- radter. N. 9. w^eighing 68 grains. - 475 James VL Ryders, 1 593 and 94, the King riding full fpeed. Reverfe, the Arms Crowned. Spero Meliora, the half, N. 10 and 12. 176 James VL the Arms crowned. Reverfe, Salus Populi Su- prema Lex, a Sword and Sceptre in Saltire, dates 1601— « and 3, weighing 80 grains each. ■ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in GOLD. 472 473 X f'/f^ ■r* ^ 477 Auguftusji. IMP. xiiii, Imperator fedens, cul porrigitur infans, (very rare.) — 1 / ' (very 478 Auguflus, I. MAR. VLT. Templum Martis Ultoris, ad imi- tationem Jovis Feretini. (rare.) 479 Auguftus,!. c. CAES. AVGVS. F. , Figura equcftris cum tribus lignis militaribus. 480 Auguflus, I. siGNis RECEPTis. Mars nudus, galeatus, d. aquilara legionariam, s. fignum militare. 481 Auguftus,!. CAESAR AVGVSTXS S. P. O. R. CL. V. DupleX lauri ramus, intra clypeus. — r— 482 Auguftus, 2. AVGVSTVS s. c. Aquila unguibus tenens coronam querceam, hinc inde duo laurus rami. — imp. x. Imperator fedens, ante quern duse flgurae ftantes, ramos lauri. porrigentes, — : — ^ ■■■ ■ V t I'l'^ b 1/ V'.' 2 . - 3 482* A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 7 Drawers 13 In. by e 16, 7 In. deep. f i /j' / iz // V ( 34 ) Fifth Ffaj’^s Sale, ILLUSTRIOUS and REMARKABLE PERSONS. COPPER. . 4.83 P rancis Avalos. John Charles, of Parma. John of Ley- den, King, of ;the Anahapti{ls.a.t>M4.mhen -Franek Mau^ reqenigo, ; i Charles yiceQOines/.-,34C. . 12 484 Jofeph Cavillo de Albornoz. Benedict- Averani us ^ Jofeph Averanius. Vincent de Ambra. C, Antinoxius. 5 485 Laurence Bellini, i. — Caietanus. — Berenftadt, i. Peter Bc- retinus, i. Fauflina Bordoni, i. Anton^ Bifcionius, i. 5 486 John Baptift. — Cerretanus; 1. Auguft.-^Mi Certetanus, r. Antony Cocchius, I. Laura Corli, i, Cofmus, III. Etruf- corum Rex. 5 487 Galileos Galilei. Jofeph Bapta. Fagivoli. Charles Fon- tana and Farfettus. -John Lamios. — ^^2; ■ 3 488 Lawrence Count Magalotti. Antony Magliabechi, 2. Peter Matthew Magi us. Manfred Malal^inal ■ .i — - — 5 489 John Matthew . Marchetti. Flonorius dc Marinari. > Marcellus Malpigius. Henry Newton. ; AittonBus Niocoliniusv . . ' ; . — 490 Charles Antony a Puteo. Francis Redi. F.MarqutsRi- cardi.— ^Antony. M. Salviati. ' 6 491 Antony M. Salvinus, two. Alexander Segni. ■ Cosi Serrif- toii.i Victoria Tarquini. Lud a Verrazano. » ^ 6 49a Philip N. Allovita, 2. John.Laurence Bernini* Cyrus Fer- rus. Charles Fontana. Gerome Gaftaldus Salileus Lyn- eeus. Charles Marattiv ^ . Metaftafio. - ' • > i o 493 Gafpard Alterius, Philip Bonarotti. John Campinus. Lewis, Caprara^, Paul Falconer. Charles Brolchi fare.- * > nelli, the famous Singer. Baron Stofeh, two. Levius Odefehaichi. Baptift. Spinula. Raphael San Princefs of Deux Pouts. — ^ ^ 6 G ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. 559 Oli ver Cromwell, on his Death, large and fmalli like N. J, Plate 22. ^ — ■ A Itnall Honorary Medal, given by the Commonwealth, . 560 JV. 7>o /r- — “ Talibus Aufis. ' Plate ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in SILVER. Vefpalianus, 9. Donaitianus, 3. Trajanus, 4. Hadri- y anus, 4. . / 20 /i ^7 Vefpahanus, 2. (with Titus and Domitianus on the rever fes.) Titus, 2." Domitianus, 3. Trajanus, 4. Hatfri- / i6\ / anus, 1;. , — ^ ^ , 1^588 Domitianus, 3. Nerva, 2. Trajanus, 2^ (all fin(mii>re- ' ^ ferved.) 6 ^ janus, 2/ [ i 7 # <89 Domitianus, i, Domitia, i. Nerva^ii Traj^hS^ i. ✓ > Hadriauus, I. Sabina, i. (all finely preferved.) 6 // 590 Domitianus, 2. Domitia, i. ‘Nerva, 2. Trajanuj^^^ HaP ~ drianus, 2. Sabina, i. JElius, i. - — 13 591 Domitianus, 2. Nerva, 2. 'Trajanus, 2. Hadri^ius, 2. (all finely preferved.) ^ S ^ ^ 392 Dqpiitianus, 3. princeps ivventvtis, with different 0 ~ ^ e> types. — Trajanus, 5. Hadriauus, 2. Sabina, i. /Elius, ^ " 1. Autouinus Pius, i. ^ — 13 SCOTCH GOLD. 393 James the Sixth of Scotland, and firft of England, the /-^ Sceptre Piece, Ring’s Buff, crowned looking to tlie left. Reverfe^ Faciam Eos in Gentcm Unam. P. XV. N. i. G 2 C 42 ) weighing 1^4 grains, his Head J. D. G. Rofa Sine Spi- na. R. Tueatur Unita Deus, the Arms 18 grains. /f. £ 594 Charles I. the Sceptre Piece, the King’s Bull, a Sceptre in his Right Hand, and the Globe in his left. Reverfe, the Arngis, 6. - — ^ — r / - a- y «* I ^ ^95 Charles L called the Unitie, the King’s Bull, &c. Reverfe^ his Prasfum, ut Prohm, the Arms pf Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, crownpd, weighing 154 grains. N. 12. — — ■ — Charles I. the King’s Head, to the left Carolus Dei G. ‘ Mag. Brit Src. Reverje^ Heriricus Rpfas Regna. Jaco- bus, ihe Arms of the United Kingdoms crowned. N. 7. 597 Charles i. the King’s Hea-d to the Right. Revtrfe^ the Arms crowned, Unita Tueatur, the half and quarter of fhe fame. N. 9, 10 and ii. - — — .^^598 , a J99 I - S'- o I if'^> /-/"S ^ GO ’601 602 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in GOLD. Auguilus, I. c. ET L. CAESARES AVG^STI F. COS. DE- siG. PRiNC. I WENT. Duas fgurse togatae aflillentes clypeis cum hafds puris, fignis Pontif. et Auguralibus. Auguftus I. ri, CAESAR AVG. F. TR. POT. xv. Tibcrius in quadrigis triumphalibus. (fine and rare.) Auguilus. I. IMP. CAESAR, yidloria infiftens globo, d. coronam, s. vexillura. , ' Auguilus,!. CAESAR oivi F. Impcrator Eques. Auguilus, 1. CAESAR AVGvsTvs. Duae laurus rami. ob. civis sERVATos iurra coronam querceam. 603 Auguilus,!. Ara, cui infcriptum fortvn. reov. caesari Avg. s. p. a. r. (rare ) ^ 604 Auguhus, 2. ARMENIA CAPTA. Vicloria ftans cultrum in ^ tauri iacentis jugulum demittit. — civib. et sign. A PARTH. RECVPER. Afcus triumphal IS, fuper quo Auguilus in (juadrigis triumphalibus, hinc et inde fi- gura Hans, quarum una fignum militare, alia aquilam legionariam. — . • 605^' A Mahogany Cabinet, with 12 Drawers, for 228 Roman ' '■ Middle Brafs Coins, 12 In. by 8, and 8 dec]). an ( 43 ) Sixth Day’s Sale. \ . ILLUSTRIOUS and REMARKABLE PERSONS. 6 o^ Ifaac Benferade. Flavius, Duke of Bracciano. Matthew de Brifac. John du Blettus. Ferrantes Capponius, Maximilian Emanuel, of Bavaria. Arias Montanus. Francis Redi. Vincent Reifner. Lewis Ridotti. Ami- cus Sinebaldus. Vifcount Theobaldus. 13 '606 Charles M. Carafa. Michael Charailafd, Hippolita Clai- ron. Nicolas Duodo. N. de Launay. Baldwin de Monte. Lewis, Duke of Orleans. John James Rouf- feam Mar. Francis Arouet de Voltaire. Flavius Or- iino. n 607 Premium, a remarkable fine Medallion, ftruck by tlie Dutch Eafl India Company, Obverft, a Female Butt. Societas Indicana, Orientalis Foed. Belg. Reverfey in- fcribed, Inclyto, Vero. D. Suffren, Regis Galliae, Ar- chi Thalaifo, Fortittimo. Ob, Colonias Defenfas et Ser- vatas, and four others. ’ ' — e CROWNED HEADS, and SOVEREIGN PRINCES. 608 Chriftina Queen of Sweden, one without a Reverfe. 609 Chriftina, Queen of Sweden. 610 Chrittian III, Frederick IV. King of Denmark, .a Medal- lion. ChriftianVlL four Medals. 13 61 1 Philip V. of Spain, five. Charles III. two. Jofepli I. King of Portugal. The prefent Queen Mary, 2. 10 612 SIgii.ii\nd, King of Poland, 3. The Buds of Pope Inno- cent XL The Empei'or Leo^jold. Jolin Sobies Ky. co'O ( 44 ) King of Poland, and the Doge of Venice. John III. King of Poland. .Michael Cafirner. Angnftus, 11 . St^niilans Auguitiis- , . » — — S 613 Mahomet II* Emperor of the Turks, three. ^ The Buft ot Solyman the Magnihcent, without a Reverfe. Medal- lions. — ■ — 4 614 Vietor Amadeus, Duke of SaVoy. Rever/e^ Cliritliana of France, a Medallion. Vidtor Amadeus. Chriftiana, 2 Medals. Phdibert Emanuel Margaret of France. Charles Emanuel, King of Sardinia- 7 615 Aledaliions of Paul Jord. 2 Duke of Brauciano. Re^jsr/e, Contra Ventos et Undas, 1631. and Seven various Me- dals of him. — . 8 616 Alphonfus, King of Arragon and Sicily, Medallions, one dated 1448. ^ 2 617 Doges of Venice. A. Barbadicus, two. F. Fofhari. A. Grimanus, two. A. Gritti, three. L. Lauredano- P. Maripe. Mauro. M. A. Memino. Priol, 3. M. A. , Trivifano. 16 618 Leonelius, Marquis of Efte MazzachelU, Tome i. P. XII. N. 2 — 4. Hercules li. Duke of Ferrara, a Medalhen. Frederick II. Marquis of Mantua, Marchionefs of ivihn- tua. — 7 619 Sigifmund, Pandulphus Pdalatefta, Lord of Rimini. Max- zuchelli. Tome i. Plate XIV. IST. 2 — 3 — 4 — 3. , . 6 620 Erneft, Duke of Bavaria, Ilabella, Dutcliefs of Milan. Francis, Marquis of Mantua. Lewis Farnefe. Alexan- der, his Son, Dukes of Parma. Jbhn Frederick, th6 Magnaniinc)us. Elector of Saxony. Paul Jordan, Duke ofUrlino. liis Dutchefs. 7 ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. 621 122 n — 9/. 44 O 624' Nero, 2. Gaiba, I. Vitellius;, i. Vefpatianus, 3. LTCITAS PUELICA.— FIDES PUBLICA.— FOR- TUNJS RfDUCI.—Tkus, 2. GENIO P. R,— JU- JjJEA CAPTA. Nero, I, Gaiba, 2. Vitellius, t. Vefpafianus, 3. JLT- DiEA CAPTA.-r-PAX AUG.-PROVIDENT. . Nero, I. Gaiba, i, Vcfoahanus, 7. ROMA (nvo T. ET DOMITIAN. C.ESARES PRIN. JUVENT. (Uteraue m atis -VESTA.— VTC- TORIA AUGUST.— VICTORIA AUGUSTI.— VIC- TORIA NAVAEIS. Titus, 2. PAX AUG.— PRO- ViDENT. Gaiba, i. Ve.rpaiianus, 4. Aquila globo infihens. — *Du- plex ccrnucopiae intermeclio caduceo. — Spei typus; — Vic-^ / W J /-/-<> ^ l> a 4 3. *3 X '2^' t ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN SILVER. 696 Domitianus, 3. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 3, JJadrianus, 4. ^ ^ Sabina, t. iElius, i. Antoninus Pius, 3. 20 ^ — s. .697 Domitianus, 5. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 3. Hadriauus, 4. ^ Sabina, i. ALlius, i. Ailtoninus Pius, 3. Fauftina, Senr. i. . — ? ; • 698 Domitianus, i, Nerva, i. Trajanus, 2. Hadriauus, 2. Sabina, I. aElius, i. (all finely prefer %)ed.) S ^ 699 Domitianus, 4. Trajajius, 4. HadiiaiiU'', 4* Sabina, i, p. AiUonhius Pius, 4. Faullina, Senr. 3. ao / H 2 ( 50 ) Nerva, i. Trajanus, 4. Hadrianus, 4. Antoninus Pius, 4. Fauftina, Senr. 4. M. Aurelius, i. Verus, i. Lucilla, I. Commodus, i. 31 Trajanus, 6. Hadrianus, 5. Antoninus Pius, 4. Faufti- na, Senr. 2. M. Aurelius, 2. Fauftina, Jun. 3. Verus, I. , Lucilla, I. Commodus, i. 24 Trajanus, 5. Trajani Columna. (tiuo n ) afieties .) — via TRAIANA.— DANVVIVS. — DIVVS PATER TRAIAN. (all •well prefervea,) • ■ ■ 5 Trajanus, i. Hadrianus, i. Sabina, i. ^Elius, i. An- toninus Pius, I. Fauftina, Senr. i. (all finely pre- fer * ved . ) - - I Marciana, i. Matidia, i. 2 Hadrianus, 10. aegyptos. ( t^o varieties.) — Africa. (tivo 'Varieties.) Alexandria. — asia. — germania. — HISPANIA. ITALIA. NILVS. IQ ^ c Hadrianus, 5. liberal, avg. hi. — restitvtori af- ''' RICAE. — RESTITVTORI GALLIAE. — RESTI- TVTORI HisPANiAE, Antoninus Pius, 5. Fauftina Senr. 2. ■ — 1% / 1 °^ Hadrianus, i. Sabina, i. Aelius, i. (all in the fiovser of the die.) J Hadrianus, 6. Antoninus Pius, 4. Fauftina, Senr. 2. M. Aurelius, 4. Fauftina, Junr. 2. L. Verus, i. Lu- cilla, I . ■ " ■ ■ 2Q Hadrianus, 2. Antoninus Pius, 2. Fauftina, Senr. 2. M. Aurelius, 2, Fauftina, Senr. 2. (all •well preferred,) 10 ROMAM IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD. /// „ . / 2, /-/3' 0 1 - Auguftus, I. s. p. a. R. Quadrigae triumphales. Auguftus,!. (a ^inarius) tr. pot. xxx. Victoria globo inlidens. Auguftus and Tiberius, i. Caput utrumque laureatum. (rare.) Tiberius,!, fontif. maxim. Mulier fedens, d. haftam, s. ramum. 14 Tiberius, i.. imp. vii. tr. pot. xvii. Imperator in qua- drigis triumphalibus, d. ramum, s. aquilam fuper fcep- tro. ■ — Tiberius,!, (a ^inarius) tr. pot. xxxvi. Victoria globo infidens. ■ • Nero Claudius Drufus, i. de germ, infcriptum arcui triumphali, fupra quern ftatua equeftris, et duo tro- paea. ■ Nero Claudius Dmfus, i. de sermanis. Duo clypei Germanici, et quatuor haftae, intermedio ftgno mili- taxi. — / '2 717 3 r 3r / ( 51 ) jiS Antonia, i. constaktiae avgvsti, Mulier ftans, d. facem, s. cornucopiae. (rare.) 719 Antonia,!, sacerdos divi avgvsti. Duae faces eredae cum corollis. (rare.) 720 Germanicus and Caligula,!. Caput Germanici nudum, Caligulae laureatum. (rare.) 1 ^ 7 '- % 721 Germanicus and Caligula, 1. (rather different from the for- ^ mer.) - ' * '6 722 Agrippina, Senr. and Caligula, i. agripfina mat c. CAES. avg. germ. Agrippina" et Caligulae Capita, p) / j. (rare.) % 723 Caligula and Auguftus, i. Caput Caligulae laureatum, ^ Angufti radiatum. 2 )^ 724 Caligula and Auguftus, l. (rather different from the for- mer.) — — - • — • .^25 Caligula and Auguftus, I . Caput Caligulae laureatum, Au^ gufti radiatum inter duo aftra. (r^re.) % I f ( 5^ ) Seventh Day’s Sale. CROWNED HEADS. FOREIGN PRINCES. COPPER. 727 Sigifmund, Marquis of Efte. Alexander Sfortia;, Duke of Milan. Reverfe^ his Son Conhantius, 1475. Gonftan- tine. Reverfe, a Caftle. 3 728 Borfo of Efte, Dukeof Mutine. Francis Carrarae, Lord of Padua. Hercules, Duke of Ferrara, &:c. 8 729 John Ben tivolio. Prince of Bologna, two Ferdinand, Duke of Urbino,both by Sperandei. Elizabeth Gonzaga, Dut- chefs of Urbino Guido, two. Duke of Urbino. ^ 730 Alfonfus, Duke of Calabria, 1481, three. Hercules, Duke of Ferrara. I’rancis Sfortia, Duke of Milan. Re^verje, Galeas. M. Sfortia. 1459. 2 John Picus of Merandula. 731 Antonia Bautia de Gonzaga. Clara de Gpnzaga Laura Gonzaga. Paula Gonzaga. Hippolita Gonzaga, two. John Francis Gonzaga. 1 ^ 7 732 Marquifes and I)ukes of Ferrara, of the Houfe of Efte, Alfonfus, Marquis, three. Alfonfus, Duke. Nicholas. Francis II. Hercules. 8 733 Francis Sfortia Vifcount and Marquis of Milan. Francis, Duke of Milan. Galeas. Lewis. Dukes of Milan. 3. Francis, Marquis of Man, 2. Nole Carraria, Lord of Padua. 8 734 Grand Mailers of Malta. Claud de la Single. John de la Valette. Manuel de Vilhena Emanuel Pinto. 4 735 Charles, Duke of Burgundy. William, Count Palatine. Erneft Auguftus, Duke of Brunfwick. F. Augullus, Eledor of Saxony and Amelia, Princefs of Deux Pouts. Frederick, Duke of Saxe Gotha. Charles Theodore, Eleclor of Bavaria. ^ 6 736 Frederick, King ot PruiTia, two. V/illiam IV. Prince of 1 ( 53 ) Orange and Ann of England. William V. two. Dakes of Mantua. Charles I. Vincent TI. Ferdinand. Fan- ftina Sac. Pr. M. 4. probably Milan. Francis Marig, Marquis of Mon tferrat. Francis, i. Duke of Parma, ii COPPER MEDALS of the EMPERORS of GERMANY, KINGS of SPAIN, and ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS of the HOUSE of AUSTRIA. 737 Frederick HI. and Maximilian 1 . Six Maximilian. Re- Mary of Burgundy. Maximilian, Char- les, 5. Charles V. and the Emprefs Ifabella, eight. 16 738 Charles V. Six. Ferdinand, King of the Romans, and his Father Philip the Fair. Ferdinand. Reverfe^ his Queen Ann of Hungary. Ferdinand, two. jo 739 Philip II. of Spain, Son of Charles V. y 740 Maximilian, 2 and Mary, 5, Joan, Margaret* Dnughters of Charles V. two Dr. John, fon of Charles V. Ro- dolph,2. Mathas,two. ii 741 Philip III. of Spain, three, one,, Rever/e, his Queen Mar- garet. The Emperor Ferdinand and his Emprefs. Mary. Philip III. Charles II. of Spain, two. S 742 Leopold I. two. Charles VI. Seven, one of them a Me- dallion, Mary Therefa. Jofeph II. two. 12 ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. 743 Vefpatianus, 4. Titus, 2. Domitianfis, 4: PRINCIP. « . JUVENT.-ROMA.— SALUTl AUGUST.— SALUTI^ . - ^ AUGUST!.— Nerva, 2. AEQUITAS AUGUST.— CONCORDIAvEXERCITUUM. 12 .744 Vefpafianus,3. Titus, 1. Domitianus, 4. VICTORIA AUGUST.— VICTORI.E AUGUSTI.— VIRTUTI AUGUSTI. — VESTA.*-— Nerya, I. FORTUNA AU- / GUST. — Trajanns, 3. ALIM ITAL. — ARAB.^ ''' ^ ADQ.— ARAB. ADQUIS. 12 743 Vefpahanus,' i. Titus, i. Domitianus, 4. Anna Ger- manica. — Domitianus eques. — Duplex cornucopiae inter- ipedio caducco. — Miles gradiens, d. vidtoriolam, s. tro^<3 ^ 'poeum. Nerva, 2. FORTUNA AUGUST.— LIBER- TAS PUBLIC A. Trajapus, 3. VIA TRAIANA.-^ » Anna Dacica. — Aquila legionaria inter duo ligna mili- taria. 1 1 746 Domitianus, 4. Pallas gradiens, d. haflam intorquet, s. clypeiim tenet.'— Pallas ftans, d, fulmen,s. hallam.— Spei ^ . ( 54 ) ; t3^pus.— Tropseum, hinc et inde captivus fedcns.— Nerva, 2. Trajanus, 4. Clava Herculis. — Clypeus, — Colum- na, in qua ftatua Imperatoris.— Figura militaris flans, d. viftoriolam, s. haflam. Hadrlanus,2. iEGYPTOS. — ADVENTUI AUG. GALLIiE. ^ 747 Domitianus, 2. Vidloria gradiens, d. aquilam legionariam. 3r C ■ L /' IZ —-Vidtoria tenens clypeum, cni infcriptum S. P. Q.. R. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 4. Fortunae typus. — Imperator eques, d. haflam in fubjedlum Dacumvibrat. — Imperator paludatus Hans, d. fulmen, s. haflam, coronatur ab ad- llante Vidloria. — ^Miles inter duo tropaea. — Hadrianus, <5. ADVENTUI AUG. MAURETANI.® —AFRICA.— ALEXANDRIA. ANNONA AUG.— BRITANNIA. 12 748 Domitianus, 5. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 4. Mulier duplici ' cornucopiae inlidens. — Mulier fern inuda fedens, d, oleae ramum, verfus quern Dacus genufledlens manus attol- lit. — Mulier dans, d. fpicas, s. cornucopiae, pro pedibus inodius. — Mulier velata flans, d. fublata,ante aram igni- tam . — Hadrianus , 2. CAPPADOCIA. — CLEMENTl A AUG. 749 Domitianus, 5. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 4. Portus, qui cre- ditur Anconitanus. — S. C. intra coronam quernam. — S. P. Q. R. intra coronam quernam. — Tempi urn 06I0 columnarum. — Hadrianus, 2. DACIA.— -FELICITATI AUG. 750 Domitianus, 3. Nerva, i, Trajanus, 4. Tempi urn odlo columnarum, duabus porticibus ornatum. — Tropaeum. — Tropaeum, ante quod Dacicus mseHus arrais patriis infi- det. — Typus Spei. — Hadrianus, 6. FORT. RED.— FORTUNA AUG.— FORTUNE REDUCI.— HILA- RITAS P. R — HISPANIA.— LIBERIAS PUBLI- CA.— MAURETANIA. 12 12 ENGLISH SILVER COINS.— HALFPENCE FARTHINGS. AND 7 — ■ 4 779 Uladifiaus IV. Reverfe^ Louifa Marie Gonzague. His Queen Reverfe, a Pyramid. The City of Dantzic, 1644. A Coat of Arms crowned. 4 780 John Cafimer. ,His Buft Laureated. Reverfe, the City of Dantzic in the Exergue, Dec. 30, 1658. A very fmall Me- dal of Maria Louifa his Queen, 1676. — — % 781 A Figure ftanding. Reverfe, the City of Dantzic, with an Eagle over it crowned j an infcription in the Exergue, forming the date 165^5, John Cafimer. His Head crowned, and not crowned. Reverfe, Danzick. Another, Pax Cafimiriana, May 3, 1660. — 4. 782 Michael. Reverfe, a Hand crowning a Glob.e. His Queen Eleanora. His Head, date under it 1673. An Eagle upon a Globe. — — 4 783 John Sobiefiky, His Queen Mary Cafimer, their Heads joined. Reverfe, Coronati, Feb. 2, 1676. Another on ^ the fame occafion. His Buft Laureated and Titles j a Chronogram, forming the date 1686. Reverfe, his Head. Reverfe, lief Head. 4 784 John Sobielky. Reverfe, two Eagles crowmed. Infcription, Nee Luna Duabus. Exergue ,N\t.wn2^ Libera, 1683, Sept. 1 2, two. Another without his Head. 78^ John Sobiefley, as Grand Mailer of .Poland, upon the Battle of Chopzim, 1677. a Fortrefs over it,' a Shield, an Ea- gle flying. A Shield crowned. The City of Danzic, 168,5. 5 786 John Sobielky. His Baft Laureated, a Crown over it, a very long infcription. His Titles and Exploits. Reverfe, four Cities. Viz Buda. Cand. Cann. Conftant. date on the Rim, 1684. His Bull. Revet fe,V2iix\^ Ad Veftigia Nata, 1688. »■' " — 2 787 John III. His Buft crowned. Infcrihed, Jo. III. Dacicus Turc. Tart. Polon. Rex Max. Reverfe, the King and Czar of Mufeovy, Hand in Hand, treading upon a Cref- cent. In the Exergue, Decennalia Aug. i . 785 Frederick Auguftus 11 . His Buft, 1697. Sacra Sic Fulminat Ira. Acuta Cufpide Conto Expediunt. Exer- gue. Ele6t. 27 Juni. Coron Sept. IG i^ 97 * Caminiec in Podolia, 1699. His Head crowned, 1699. Reverfe, the Buft of Witikind, Contemporary of Charlemagne. 5 ( 57 ) ^$9 Augnflins II. Reverfe^ Hercules fupporting a Globe, In- fcribed, Suflinendo, 170^. — i 790 Auguflus II. His Head. Reverfe, Mercury fitting. Exergue Ex Aerario Opt. Priiie 1707. A Pillar. Fulcitur Pruden- *tia. 2 791 Auguftus II. Reverfe, Cum Vita Deponam, a Crown, two Swords and a Scepter. Another^ a little different, in- J'cribed, Pro Regni Cuftodia. 2 792 Auguftus II. His Buft Armed and Laureated. Reverfe^ Pallas Ereft. Utrique Intenta ; in the Exergue, Memo- riae, 'Natal III. Acad. Lips. 1709, Dec. 4, Cel. Sacr. 1 793 Auguftus II. Reverfe, Hercules, fighting with the Hydra. one Reftaurator Ordinis Aquilae Albae. 2 794 Auguftus II. Obverje, a Church. Reverfe^ an infcription, 1726. His Head, two Eagles over an Altar, 1728. , 2 795 Auguftus If. Rtverfe, the Plan of a City. Exergue, Otia Martis, 1730. — i 796 Auguftus II. His Head. Reverfe, a Column, with his Sta- tue, infcribed. Memorise iEternae Optimi Parentis. Exer- gue. Nat. May 12, 1670. Ob, Feb. i, 1733. Another, upon the fame occafion. — — 2 727 Auguftus II. upon his Death ink 1 733. — 9 798 Auguftus III. His Buft Armed. Reverfe, crowned. Exer- gue Ele6l. 061.5, 1733. Coronatus, Jan. 17, 1734. and two more on the fame occafion. 3 799 Auguftus III. on Plorfeback. Reverfe, in the Exergue Pro- vifor Imperii Iterum, 4745. Plis Head Reverfe, Pax Conclufa, 17^5. Another, and one upon the order of the White Eagle, i7c:o, 4 800 Auguftus III. no Head, infcribed, Augufto Tertio Rege Pol. Patre Patrise Salvo. Pads Olivenlis Sseculum Alte- i*um. Inter Supplicationes et Vota III. May, 1760. In- greditur Gedanum in the Exergue. Oliver Pacifera III. May, 1760, Reverfe, a City. Pacem Q.uam Poft Cen- - turn Annos Colimus Celebrate Nepotes-. i • 801 Staniftaus Auguftus. His Ple'ad. Reverfe, a Crown fur- rounded with Rays. El. un Voce, Sept. 7, Coron, Nov. 25,. 1764. a Temple, Concordia, Juftice, and Peace embracing. Jura Diftidentibus Reddita, 1768. 8c 2 John Hevelius the Aftronomer on his Death in 1687. J* A. Morftiu, Treafurer. The Princefs Louifa Carolina Rad- zivil. ^ — . y ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS.^ 803 James II. on the Birth of the Pretender in 1688. P. 36. t /e I 2 ^ V 806 /.T-^ /' /' ( 58 ) James II. and jhis Queen. P. .37. N. 2. on his Coronation in 1685. N. Janies 11 . probably on his Acceffion . ■ ■ James . 11 . Reverfe, Genus Antiquum, P. 3 7. N. 6. James II. P. 37. N. 7. different Heads. James and his Queen. N. 9 and 10. — ■ James II. and his Queen on the j^panifh Wreck. P.38. ■ 'N I. James II. on the beheading of the Duke of Monmouth, and the Earl of Arg)de. P. 38. N, 3* James Duke of Alontmouth. Reverfe, Super! Rifere, July 6 — 1685. the day he was beheadedr Plate 38. N. 3. The Duke of Monmouth. P, 38. N. 8. The Duke of Monmouth. His Head fpouting Blood. P. 38. N. 9. -- — On the Birth of the Pretender, 1688. P. 39. N. j. Another. His Head. Reverfe^ his Sifter the Princefs Louifa- — James II. Obverfe, an infcription. Re'verje, the Harp crowned. P. 38. N. 2. two Satirical Medals. P, 3^. N 8. a little different date, 1688. 815 James II. and his Queen on the Birth of the Pretender, ^ P. 39. N. 3. William and Mary on their Marriage in 1677. Van Loon, Tome 3. Page 222, and two alfo with the King’s Head on the Obverfe^ and.. Queen’s on the Reveyfe after their IVtarriage. _ 817 Archbifliop San croft, on his being fent to the Tower by James LT. with Six.,Bifhops. Van Loon, Tome 3. Page 339, one infcribed on the edge. — 818 A Sancroft. Rever/e^ the White Tower, 1688, Van Loon, Page 340 _ — Wm. Sancroft, Archbifliop of Canterbury, on being fent to the Tower. Revetfej the Starry Pleavens. P. 40. N. 2. Archbifliop Sancroft. His Head looking to the right, with ' his name and Title. Re'verje, a Church on a Rock, af- failed by Winds and Waves, infcribed, Immota trium- phans. Unpublijhed. — • . On the Eir-tli of the Pretender. 343 and 6. . . t.. Or /8' + *0- ' _ Oi... 820 ^ 14 ^ ^ 823 ^ A— 823 ^0 826 Van Loon, Tome 3. Page 'William and Mary, 16S3. Tome 3 . , Page 348 and 353 and 366. William HI. upon the defcent on England, j688. P, 333 and one as at P. 362. Another^ Heuds. Revefe as N. 369. James II. on his Abdication. Page 370 and 371. James IL on his Abdication. P. 372 and 376. William and Mary, on their Acceffion and Coronation in 1689. Van Loon. P.379. N. i — 2— «3 — 4. ( 59 ) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS In SILVER. '827 Hadnanus,8. Antoninus Pius, i. Fauftina, Seni*. 5. M. / ‘ ^ Aurelius, 2. Fauftina Junr. 2. /- 16 828 Hadrianus, 7. Antoninus Pius, i. Antoninus Pius and . . M. Aurelius, i. Fauftina, Senr, i. M. Aurelius, 6. ^ J Fauftina, Junr, 3. Verus, 3. Lucilla, 2. 24 829 Hadrianus, i. L. A^lius, 1 Antoninus Pius, i. Anto- ninus Pius and M, Aurelius, i. Fauftina, Senr. i. M. ty Aurelius, i. Fauftina, Junr. i. Verus, i. Lucilla, i. (all finely preferved.) ^ 530 Antoninus Pius, i. Antoninus Pius and M. Aurelius, i. M. Aurelius, 5.^ Fauftina, Junr. i. L, Verus, 2. Lu-‘ . cilia, 2. Commodus, 3. Crifpina, i. Albinus, i, Se- ^ verus, 3. Julia Domna, 2. Caracalla, 2. 24 53 1 Fauftina, Senr. i. M. Aurelius, 2. Fauftina, Junr. i. L. Verus, I.' Lucilla, i. Commodus, i. Crifpina, i, ^ Severus, r. (all finely prefierved.) 8 B3 2 M. Aurelius, 3. Fauftina, Junr. 2. Verus, 2. Lucilla, i. Commodus, 4. Julia Domna, 2 Commodus, 4. Crifpina, i. Albinus, i. Severus, 4. 20 a ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in GOLD. 833 Caligula, I, s. p. a. r. intra coronam querpam. (rare.) 1 O- 834 Claudius. 2, imper. recept Caftra Praetoria, in quo- > rum aditu excubiae. (rare.) ^ 833 Claudius, I. ex s. c, ob gives servatos, intra coronam quernam. 836 Claudius, I. (fiomewhat different firom the former.) 837 Claudius, i. paci avgvstae. Vi6loria ftans, d. torquem ex collo fufpenfum oculis objicit, s. caduceum, pro pedi- bus ferpens. (finely preferved) 838 Claudius, I. (Jomevohat differ e^it firom the fionner.) 839 Claudius, i. (Do.) 840 Claudius, 1. de britann". infcriptum arcui triumphali, ^ qui ftatua equeftri et duobus tropaeis ornatus eft. 1 4 841 Claudius,!, s. p, a. R. ob c. s. intra coronam quernam. 842 Claudius, 1. constant! ae AVGVsri. Mulier fedeus dextram ori admovet. i / 843 Claudius, I. EX s. c. Quadrigae equorum thenfara veliunt quadrigis et binis Vidtoriis ornaiam. l 7.-^^ 844 Agrippina, Junr. and Claudius, i. agrippinae avgv- STAE. Caput corona fpicca oniatum. i 4 0 jL. r/ I ^ ' I / ( ) ■7- 5 Nera, i. sacerd. coopt, in omn. 'conl. svpranvm EX s. c. Tripus, capeduiicula, lituus, patera, (rare.) Nero, I. EGUESTER OEDO FRixciPi ivvENT. iiifcrip- turn clypeo. - — — — -5 Nero and Claudius, i. Caput Neronis nudum, Claudii laureatum. (rare.) /‘ S4S Nero, r. AyovsTvs, avgvsta. Irnperatoi* tcgatus capite radiato Hans, d. pateraru, s. hafcain, Juxfa Auguiia fiaiis, do paterarijj s. cornucopiiK. 349^' A Mahogany' Cabinet, containing 24 Medal Boards, with ^ -/J' ^ ^-^cells of di'Terent lizes, 12 In, by 10. 12^ In. ‘deep. /f ( 6t ) Eighth Day’s Sale. MEDALLIONS WITHOUT REVERSES. \ 850 Aiiftippiis. Cicero. Marius. Pompey. Solon, (all done by John Varin. £ 851 M. Junius Brutus. Cicero. Cyrus. Marius. Seneca. So- lon. two. Sylla. — — 8 8j2 Michael Angelo, Peter Gaflendi. Gafp Monco Liergue. Jo. de Moulecau. Julius Romanus. — Joannes. Lalianus. Conft, de Silveane. Titian. Raphael de St. Urbain. 9 Francis IV. Duke of Mantua, by Du Pre. Meric de Vic. Hannibal, Duke of Gioiofa. Hercules II. of Ferrara. Ferdinand, Grand Duke of Tufcany. Mary, Dutchefs of Savoy. 854 Edward VI. two. Richard Shelly. Inigo Jones, and ano- ther without infcription. Jones, 2 — 88. 6 8J5 Henry IV of France, 3. Mary de Medicis, i. Lewis, y 4, three. — — 7 856 Alphonfus of Arragon. Borfo of Edx. Antony Trevifano Doge of Venice, &c. MEDALLIONS WITHOUT INSCRIPTIONS; 857 Antony de Bloklant, by Stephens of Holland, i;6o. Ila- bella Manfro de Pepoli, 1571. Jeronima Sacrata, 15 ;5. Cecilia Verfelar, 1559. Julia Urlina. Geneva Sfor- tia, &c. 858 Erafnius j Luther, Melanclhon and others wirhont infcr'p- tioas, pi bab'y done in ti-eir Vd.it, by the f.ruie hand. I 12 ( 62 ) GRAND DUKES of TUSCANY. COPPER. S59 Cofmo, called the Father 'of his Country^ two. a little dif- ^ ferent Mazziichelli, Tome i. Plate 20. Julian and Lawrence de Medicis. P. 3©. N. 2 and 3. Julian, P. ' 35. N. I. two. Laurence 29, N. i. John Medicis, his Buft. Reverfe^ Folgore di Guerra. * 8 860 Alexander de Medicis, five. Cofmo, Seven. Francis. - Reverfe, Joan of Auttria, 4. 16 861 Cofmo de Medicis, one of them with the Buft of Alexan- der, faid to have been done by Benvenuti Celiinh twelve. 862 Francis de Medicis, five. Ferdinand, three. Ferdinand II. Magdalen. Cofmo III. — n 863 Medallions. Ferdinand. Cofmus III, Reverfe^ Mary Mag- dalen, his Dutchefs. Mary Magdalen. John Medicis. Cofmus in. ^ 5 864 Cofmus III. a Model in Wax for a Medallion of him, by Soldani. Princefs Anna Maria. Prince Francis. John Galtone, the laft Grand Duke of tlie Houfe of Medicis, two. ■■ — ■ — - 6 PvOMAN MIDDLE BRASS. S65 Domitiahus, 3. Nerva, i. Trajanus, 3. Vi6toria,d. co- roiiam, s. palmae ramum.-— Vidoria-tenens clypeum, cut . inferiutum S. P. Q. R.-^Vi6toria tronaeum fiatuens.-— Lladrianus, 5. — NILUS. — PIETAS AUGUST!.— RESTITUTORI ACHAIiE.— RESTITUTORI AF- RICA.— RESTITUTORI BITHYNI^. 12 866 Domitianus, 2. Nerva, i Trajanus, 5. Hadrianus, 4. RESTITUTORI GALLIC.— PvESTITUTORI HIS- PANIyE.— RESTITUTORI ITALIiE.— ROMA. I2 867 Trajanus, 4. Hadrianus, 3. SALUS PUBLICA. — TEL- LUS STABTL.— VIRTUTI AUGUSTE— Sabina, i. ^ ^ « CONCORDIA AUG. L. Aelius, iT CONCORD. Pius, ^ jED. DIVI AUG. PII.— ANCI- LI A. — ANNONA AUG. (txm ^varieties.) — BONO EVENTUi. ■ 14 858 Trajanus, 4. Hadrianus, 5. Aquila legionaria inter duo figna militaria. — Figura galeata fians, d. hafiam, s. cor- nucopiae. — Gryphus. — Imperator eques, d. hafiam. — Ly- ra. -r- Sabina, I. PIETAS. — L. Aelius, 1. PAN- NONIA.^ Antoninus Pius, 4. BRITANNIA. — I ( 63 ), FELICITAS AUG.— GENIUS POP. ROMANI.— GE- NIO SENATUS.^ . • _ 15 869 Trajanus, 6. Hadrianus, 4. Mulier fedens ferpentem ab / ■ ara affurgentem ex patera palcit. —Mulier ftans ferpen-^ . / tern ex patera pafcit. — Mulier -ftans, d. bilaiicem, .s. cor- uucopiae.' — Mulier flans d. fpicas, s. pateram cum frugi- bus. Sabina, 1, VENERI GENETRICI. L. Aelius, . I. Spei typus. Antoninus Pius, 3. IMPERATORI. — IMPERATOR il.— LIBER AUTAS III. 870 Trajanus, 4. • Hadrianus, 3. Navis cum remigantibus et velo. — Pegafus Volans. — Viftoria ' flans, s. palma: ramum. Sabina, i. VESTA. L, Aelius, i. Antoni- nus Pius, q. LIBERT.— MONETA AUG.— MUNI- FICENTIA AUG. (tn)jo varieties. 871 Trajanus, 4. Hadrianus, 5. Sabina, i, Ceres Sedens, d. fpicas,s', facem. Antoninus Pius, 4. PIETAS AUG. — PIETATI AUG.-PRIMI DECENNALES.— PRO- VIDENTIiE DEORUM. 872 Hadrianus, 4. Sabina, i, Mulier fedens, d. palladium, s. hallam. — Antoninus Pius, 5. ROM.® AETERN®. — SALUS AUG. — TIBERIS. — VOTA SUSCEPTA * DEC. — Fauflina, Senr. 4. AETERNITAS. ’ *i;«- rieties.) — 14 14 o ENGLISH SILVER PENNIES. 873 William li Snelling. Plate I. N. 3. flruck at Briilol, Lon- don and Winclieiler, N. 6. at London. 874 William 1. Snelling. P. i. N. 2. flruck at London. N. 3. at Cbichefler, London, and Saint Edmun4fbury. 875 William I. Snelling. P. i. N. 2. flruck at Exeter. N. 3. at London, Stafford and Wareham. 876 William I. Snelling. P. i. N. 3. ftruck at Wareham. N. 4. at Romney ahd Sudbury. N. 6. at “Bedford. 877 William I. P. I. N. 3. flruck at Sudbury. N. 4. at Thet- ford and- Whitney. N. 6. at Bedford. 878 William I. N. 3. Brack at Wareham. N- 4. at Canter- bury and London. N, 6 at Nottingham. 179 William. N. 4. Brack at Sudbury. N. 6. at Lincoln. N. 7. at Ivelchefler and Lincoln. 83o William I. N. i.- flruck at London. N. 7. at Huntingdon, Sandwich, and Winchefler. 881 V'illiam 1. N. 6. flruck at Wareiinm. N. 7. flruck at Huntingdon, Winchefler, and York. 882 William I. N. 7. flruck at London, Thetford, and Yor.k. N. 9. flruck at Lincoln. K 4 '7^ It ^ 4 . 4 ^- 3 - 43 -^^ 4 'X- • / 4 x- 4 x. 4 / 884 88'5 / - 5' ^ { 64 ) 888 a. -A' ^9° ^91 ,,.4^^^ 895 5 Prineefs Louifa, daughter of George II. 1743. On the Birth of Prince Chriffian, 1745. now King of Denmark. On his Coronation in 1747. A Danifti In- feription, date 1749. Another, Exergue Domus Olden- burgica Per Tria Secpla in Septentrione Regnatrix. 1749. Another, on the fame Bubjedt. 916 Frederick V. Reverfe, Soc. Reg. Hift, et Ling. Bor. excudi K 41 6 ( 66 ) Fecit. Louis/ a Queen of Denmaik, on her Death, Dec. 19, i7£;i. His Buft. Reverfe^ Exergue Jul. Ma- ria Brunfwick Regi Nupta, July 8. 1752. Their Heads joined. Keverfe, Natal, Prince Frederick, 06 t. ir, 175.3. 4 917 Frederick V. Reveifc, three Figures of the Arts. Exergue Decennalia Acad. Pi6t. &c. 1765 His Head,furrounded by a Serpent Symbol of Eternity. N. 51 Mar. 1723. D. 14 Jan. 1766. Reverfcy Vetat Mori. 918 Chriflian VII. his Bull. Rever/e, the King on one kn-ee. Divinis Aufpiciis. Exergue Unftis I. May, 1767. The Queen Caroline, Matilda. Reverfe^ a Crown furrounded with Rays upon an Altar. Exergue Chriftianoburgi I May.. ^ ■ 2 919 Chriftian VII. and his Queen Face to Face. Reverfe^ a Figure of a Woman with the Phenix. A. Eternitas Au- gufta. Exergue FredericO. Prince Hered. Dan et Nor. Nato, Jan. 28, 1768. Another ^ His Head upon his coming to England in 1768. One, three Coats of Arms, 1800. — ^ r- ^ 920 Chriflian VII. Reverfe, Statori. Suoreduci Regia Acade^ mia. Pid. Sculp, et Archit. 1769. Another, Rever/e, a Figure flanding furrounded with Antienf Arms, infcribed, Vindici Patriae Exergue Regia Academia Pi6t, &c. 1774. ■ 2 921 Count Griffendel. Count Molcke. Claud Reventlow. Fre- derick, Duke of Slefwick arid Holfatia. Count Lethrc- borg. 922 Small Danifli Medals and Jettons, Regal, &c. 8 ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. 924 9^7 /• y 930 933 William and Mary, on their Coronation. The King and Queen, Face to Face, probably done in Holland. Van Loon. P. 379. 2 William and Mary, on their Coronation. Rever/e,\ihQ King and Queen fitting on the Throne, 1689, a flruck Medal, - ^ by George Rowers. — , ■ i William and Mary, on their Accellion. P. 83. N. i and 4. 2 William and Mgiy, P. 256. N. 2. and two different of ,N.3. ■ - — William and Mary. Page 38Q and 390, William. N.' i and 2. Van Loon. N. i and 2 William- and Mary, Page 395. I^. i — 6. William, Revef/ey Queen Mary. P. 389. N, 4 William III. Page 402. Page 393. P. 430. James II. Tome *- William III. Rever/e, Lewi^ 14 , 4. P. 10. — — , William and Mary on Irifli AfLiirs. T. 4 . N. 4 — -i — 2 - and 4. — - 4 9S4 93 5 , 937 938 939 A- 940 941 - 942 942 9,43 7- 943 ( 67 ) William III. Tome 4. ?. x.2. and N, 1 Page. Mary on being appointed Regent. P. ^21. the Gods in Council, 1691. P. 41. N.- I and 2. William JII. Reverfl^ Lewis 14. N. 2- P. 46. and, Wil- liam lit. Page 53 N. 2. William and Mary, on the Redudtion of Ireland. Van Loon. Tome 4. Pa^e 4 and i;6 different. : William and Mary on the Redudlon of Ireland, and one of William I. Caitfa DH Ell. William and Mary, on the Redu6lion of Ireland. N. i — .2 and 3. Tome 4. P. 61. William III. N. 2. P. 63. General GInkel, Earl of Ath- lone. P. 64. both on the Redudtion of Ireland. William and Mary, upon the Vidtory over the P'rench Fleet at La Hogue in 1692. N. 3 and 4. P. 93 and N. 4. P. 96. William and Mary, upon the Vidtory over the French Fleet at La Hogue in 1692. N. 3 and 4. P. 93 and N. 4. P. 96. William and Mary, on the Vidlory of La Hogue. N. 2, P. 96. N. 2. P.98, one N. 2. P.104. Another^ N. 3. p J06. — William and Mary, oh the Battle of Enguien. P. no. and one the Confpiracy of Le Grand. N. i. P. 1 15. WiUiam HI. Reverfe, a Drum, mferibed^ Mon Sort eft d' etre, battu. N. 2. P. 228. William III. Tome 3. P. 375 and T. 4. N. i. P, 140. 2 o- i 3^> 10 11., i 3 2 .^ -0 3d l^' 6 lO-'tO-Q 3 /- 6 . Faufiina Senr. 2. PIET. AUG.-PIETAS AUG.— Aurelius, 6. VOTA PVBLICA.— VOTA SUSCp. DECENN. — Figura ■ fians, dextru pateram porrigit ferpenti, quern finiftra tenet. — Figura galeata fedens, d. vidloriolam, s. hafiam, ud fellain icutuiu.— Figura galeata nuda gradiens, d. haf- tam, s. troprcura. — Figura militaris fians, d, hafiam, finif- tram imponens fcuto. — ly / - 3 - ‘S’ 99 ^ Hadrianus, 4. Antoninus Pius, 4. Faufiina Senr. 4. Fi- gura muliebris fians, d. tacera, s. fecurem. — Septera fiel- IcC circa Lunara, (noo ’varieties.) Aurelius, 3. Flavius decumbeiis, d. navem contingit, s. urna:; innititur, ex qua aqua ])rofiuit. — Fulmen alatum. — Jupiter fedens, d. vic- toriolam, s. hafiam. ^ 99 - Antoninus Fins, 4. Faufiiua Senr. 3, Aurelius, 4. Lupa V cum Pncrulis.— Pallas gradiens, d, hafiam, s. fcutum. — . 9 i t, V Pallas fians, d. vifitoriolam S: hafiam cum ciypeo.— Pallas ( 71 ) “ " ftan? JTrnmum, s. haftam cum'clypeo. — Faiiftina Jnn. ' . DIANA LUCIF.— DIANA LUCIFERA.—FECUND. AUGUSTiE. ■ ' ' ’ . H 1593 Antoninus Fius,3. Fauftina Senr. 2,^ Aurelius, 2. Pro- vident'iae typus, ad pedes globus. — Vi6loria gradiens d. ■> coroiiam, s. palma" vainum. — Fauftina Junr. i. FE- • CUN^DITAS: L. V&riis. 5, ARMEN.— CONCORD. /- /< / AUGTJSTOR.— FORT RED.— PKOKECTIO AtIG.— • ViC PAR,— I/ucilla, 2, IlILARITAS.— JUNO. 15 ep4 Antoninus Rius,-!'.' ‘ Antoninus and Aurelius, i. Fauftina Senr. i. Aurelius, 6. Fauftina Juur. 2. HI LA RITAS (fivo varielies.) - L Verus. 3. Figura mulicbris feden.s, d. bilancetiijS. cornucopiae'— FIgura AIul. ftaiis, s. guber- naculuru, pro pedibus modius.— Allies galeatus ftans,d. f . - o ‘ haftain, fiuiftram impoiieiis fcuto. — Lucilla, 1. JUNO > REGINA. . , ^ , 13 ENGLISH SILVER COINS.— PENNIES. N. 8- ftruck at Sudburv. N. 1 1 . ftruck at Crew- kerne, Hereford, Lincoln and London. 996 William. N. 8. ftruck at Ipfwich. N.Ji. ftruck.at I^ewes, Lincoln, Norwich, and Nottingham. 997 William. N. 8. ftruck at Canterbury. N. ii. ftruck at Briftol, Canterbury, Exeter, and Ipfwich. 998 William. N. 8. ftruck at Sandwich. N. 1 1'. ftruck at Brif- tol, Exeter ; and two, uncertain where ftruck. 999 V'il|,Hrt\. N. 8. ftruck at York. N. 12. ftruck at Canter- ^ ' buryf London, Shaftfoury, and Sudbury, ■ ^ 1006^ WiliiauT. N. 8. , probably ftruck at York. N. 12. ftruck . at Canterbury, London, Norwich, and Worcefter. looi Wilhani IL N. 8. ftruck at Sadbuirj^ and one uncertain. N. ^ T2. ftruck' at' Canterbury, Rochefter, and Shaftef^arv. iroo2 William II. N. N. 12. ftruck at Canterbilry, London,. 'Wilton, and one uncertain. 1003 Henry I /with Annulets. N. 13. ftruck at London and St. Edmiindibury, -2 1004 Henry I. with Annulets. N. 13. ftruck at London. 1005 Henry I. with Annulets.’ N. 13. ftruck at Lomlon . 1006 Hemy I. yith Annulets. N. 13. probahly ftruck at New- ark. — L 1007 Henry 1. with Annulets. N. 13. ftruck at Rochefter. joc8 Henrv L with An.nale.ls. N. 13. ftruck at Rochef.Tr. 1009 Henry 1. N. 14. probably ftruck at Leiceftcr. This Coin i.s an Unique, and publilhed hy Snelling, from Air. Hod- fbH’s Colleiftion 1010 Henry I N. 15. ftruck at Ilaftings. ion Henry I. N. 15. ftruck at Tanci.bi. jQiz I-Ienry I. N. ib. ftruck at Warcham. h 5 / - o'- ^ S fU ~0 ^ c 3 /-to -0 df o 3 r-S -6 5 t-/^‘ ^ 5 / ^ 3 t ^ r /-A ^ 0* I / u 'A )>ft Lc-f I ^ IT- -6 ^e-c— I l'^‘C tjUf I J., 4* W U ^ / -^ 2 • C ( 72 ) ; , ^ a 3015 Henry I. N. 18. flruck at London.' ^ -0 QiJ 3314 Henry I. N. 20. ftruck at Sudbury. ■ ‘ o( Henry L a little different from N. 21. ftruck at Shrewf- „ bmy. — ^ Henry I. Snelling. N, 22. ftruck at Wincliefter and ' V/orcefter. N. 24. ftruck at Canterbury and Hereford. / 30 ^ 7 ^ Henry I. N. 22. ftruck at Bath and Briftol, N. 24. / - ftruck at Canterbury and London. ^ . joiS^ Henry 1 . N. 22. ftruck at London and Southampton. c N. 24, ftruck at Canterbury and Norwich. 1019* Henry I. N- 22. ftruck at London and Wellingborough. N. 24. probably ftruck at Southampton,- and one ftruck at Wincheftcr. rY _^^|02o^ HcT.ry I. N. 22. ftruck at Bath, Colchefter, Nottingham, ^ cinrl Krlmnnrltftiirv. n. . 1021 '’ V 1022'^ 1023-^ 1026* ■2- and St. Edmundlbury. Henry I. ftruck at Chefter. — Henry I. N. 23, ftruck at Winchefter, and one obliter- ated. Henry J, full-faced, not deferibed by Snelling, ftruck at" Leicefter and London. — * Henry 1 . full faced, ftruck at Briftol and Winchefter, Henry i. full-faced, ftruck at Canterbury and London, and one fide faced with a Sceptre ftruck at Briftol. Henry L full-faced, ftruck at London, lide-faced ftruck at Sudbury, — —— r*? — -r 4 4 • \ SILVER MEDALS of SWEDEN. 1016 Gnftavus Vafa. Eric 14. John 14, Sigifmund, Charlet 9 Guftavus Adolphua- Chrifthia. Charles. Ouftavus and Charles XI. reftoi'ed by Karlftein, compleat. 3017 John HL Rever/e, his Queen. Guftavus Adolphus, and his Queen Mary Eleanor. 4, two of them enamelled, and all of them honorary Medals to be worn. 3018 Guftavus Adolphus, with, his head, three- Rev^rfcy his Queen, and' one reftored by Karlftein. hi* daughter Queen Chriftina. — : r— 3019 Small Medals and Jettons of Guftavus Adolphus. ^ IC20 Guftavus Adolplms, on the Battle of Leipftek in 1631. Brenner Thefaurus Nummopum. Suep — Gothicorum. P. 7. N. i and 3. ^ 1021 Guftavus Adolphus, the Medallion on hL Death the 6 Nov. 1622. Plate 10. N. i. J022 Chriftina, Queen of Sweden, the M^dullipn on thp Vic- tory in the Baltic, in 1644. Page 186 hereafter. I0«3 Charles Ouftavas, pn his Coronation ip 1654, two. 2, with a fliip and trophy Page 201, Hedewige and Elea- nora and Charles Gnfavus. N. i and 2. Page 202, and qne on his Death in 1668. lq^ Coronaiion Jettons of Cii^i4es Guftavus, and his Qupen^ 'i f 2 X ? ( 73 ) .f . ' their Heads, a Pillar. N. P. io2. One on pafling the Ice in 1658. Van Loon. Tome 2. Page 424. N. 3, and one of’ him and his Queen. Reverfe, • Charles XI. - — ^ ^ 202^ Charles Guftavus, a reftored Medallion, by Karlftein, on palling his Army over the Ice, the 7 Feb* 1658. Van Loon. T. 2. P. 424. N. I. — — 1026 Charles Guftavus. l^everfe^ his Qdeen, by Meybufh, and one on her Death in 1709, by Karllleini 1027 Charles XL on his Acceflion in 1660, tVo. Brenner. N. I. P. 211. and two with the fame Reverfes and In- fcription, dates 1663 and 6. , r2d28 Charles XI.. on being made Knight of the Garter. Bren- . per. P. 213, different. 1029 Charles XI. on his Coronation in 1675. Brenner, Page 2 15. N. r and 2. One by Meybufti. RtyerJej Jupiter de- ftroying the Titans. N. L Page 216;, ' ' — 2030 Charles X,I. his Buft with a radiated Helmet, the Re^vetfe, like N. 2, Brenner; Page 2 1 6 — 1 6 ; d. One N. 3 P. a 1 7, and two large, a fmall one like N, 4* X031 Ulrica Eleanora. N. i. P. 220— 1680. IC. 3^ fame Page. Charles XL N* a. P* 224—1687. ' 1652 Charles XL large and fmall. N* 3. P. 224—1682, and one N. 5* 16S9. '• g033 Charles XL and his Queen Ulrica. Eleanora, on their Marriage, in 1680, two. Charles XL Reverfe, Charles XIL by Meybufti. Another of Charles XL when young, 1690. ^ ^ ^ ^ — -i 1634 Charles Xl. P. 2i7i N/i. N. 2. Ni4andN. 5. 1035 Ulrica Eleanora, on her Acceflion and Coronation in 1680. Page 220* N. 2 and 3. four and two, on the Birth of Charles Xll* P. 221. N. 1 and 3. 1036 Charles XI. and his Queen, by Meybufti, and one of the Queen alone, date 1693. - — — . — — ^03 7 Charles XI. one of them fatirical. Van Loon. Tome 3. ■p. *47. • ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. fejS William III. Tome 4. Page 156. another on tke fame fubjed. * - ■■ ■ . 1039 ’Wdliamlll. P. 167 and Page 172. — — 1040 Mary on her Death, ftruck in Holland, dated Jan. 7, 1695. p- 179- 1041 Mary on her Death. P. 181. — - - - - 1642 Mary on her Death. P. 183. N. 3. P. 189. N, 2 and 3. Another, JR/wr/e, infcrjbeJ^ Ex No( 5 te Diem, L a ( 74 ) ^ -‘7 0 -If ^ ■AVlillam III. on taking of Namur In 169 C. V. 19^. N. 2* P. 197. N. 2. P. 2,00. N. 3. atid P. 205.^ N.' 2. The Pretender. P 247. N. i and various Jettons William III. on the Peace of Ryfwick in 1697. N. .3 and 4. Page 250. and N. 3. P. 273, ■» — ■ /I ^ 1046 William and Mary, their Heads without a Revsr/e, a. fati- tirical Medal. Tome 3. N. 2. P.404. Tome 4,* N. 3* P. a fmall Medgl. Obverfe^ William III, Reveife^ Keltituit Lucem. William HI. T. 4. N. 2 and 3. P. 223. William III. Van Loon. Tome 4. P. 134. N. 2. P. 140. N. 3. Pa^e 160 and P. 217. N. 2. , William HI. a Medallion, his Head. Reverje^ infcribed Gulielmus HI. Antiquam Et Fidelem Hiberniae Metro- pglin Hoc Indulgentiae Su'oe Munere Ornavit. Barth Van Homrich Ariti. Urb. Praetore, 1698. William III. on his Death in 1702. N. 2 and 3.. Tome 4- P- 339 - . . Queen Ann, on her Acceflion to the Throne, 1702. One, Reverfe^ Prince George of Denmark. Het 'HuIband. Van Loon. Tome 4. P. 345. N. i and 2. P-. 346 and N. I. P. 347. ^ . Ann. Reiferje, Novae Palladium Troias. P. 349, / , , . Ann, on taking of Vigo in 1702. T.4. P. 363. ‘N. i— .2 and 2, different of N. 3., , . ' Ann, on taking feveral places. P. 358 and 399, on taking of Gibralter in r7Q4. N, i — 2 and 3. — — Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough on the Bat- tle of Blenheim. N, j. P.424. ' -T — 4 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS in SILVER. .4 1056 Commodus, I. Severus,i, Julia t)omna, i. Caracalla, i:. Plautilla, I. Geta, i. Macrinus, i. Elagabaius, 1. Alexander,!, (all finely prejeived.) — g Commodus,3. Crifpiiia, i. . Severus, 4. Julia Domna, 2. Caracalla,2. ■- Ccnnmodus, I. Severiis,!. Julia Domna, il Caracalla, 1. Plautilla, I. Geta, I. Macrinus,!. Elagabaius, j. Alexander, I. (all finely prefierved.)' Commodus, 3. Crifpina, i. Albinus, i. Severus, 4, Julia Domna, T. Caracalla, 2. Geta, i. Macrinus, !, 16 Gominodus,.3. Severus,' 3. Julia Domna, 3. Caracalla, 3. (all ivell preferved.J — ' ■ Commodus, 4. Crifpina, r. Severus, 2. Julia Domna, 2. (Medallions.) CAn\ca\\i\, l(. Geta, 2. Macrinus, j. ' r6 ‘ Pertinax, i. laetitia tempor. I^idius Juliauus, j. ' * RECTOR ©RBIS. ■ - o 1039 1060 yh.*-U^7 I ( 75 ) 1063 Julia Dorana, I. Caracalla, i. Plautllla, i. Gcta, r. / ‘ Macrinus, i. Elagabalus, i. Alexander, i. Julia Ma- raaea, i . Maximinus, i, (all wr// ^refcrvsd.) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS n GOLD. 1064 1065 to66 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 VltellluS, I. L. VITELLIVS COS III CENSOR. L. Vltcl- ? lius fedens, d. ramum. (very rare.) — — — _ Vitellius, 1. PONT. MAXIM. Mulier fedens, d. pateram, s. liaftam. (rare.) Vitellius, I. SECVRITAS imp. german. Jlgura fedens cubito finillrp fellae nixa, ante earn ara ignita. (very rare.) Vitellius, I. s. p. a. R. ob c. s. intra coroiiam quernam, ( <-are and fine.) — — — Vitellius, I, XV vir. sacr. fac. Tripus, fuperne del- . 7 -. O ^ ^ jr // phinus, inferne corvus. (very rare.) Vitellius, I. VESTA p. r. gviritivm. Figura mulie- bris fedens, d. pateram, s. tsedam. (very rare.) Vefpafianus, i. annona avg. Mulier fedens veftem in finum colHgit, intra* quern fruges. (very fine.) Vefpafianus, i. cos viii. Imperator, paiudatus, ftans, d. hadara, s. parazonium, coronatur ab adftante Vi6toria. ENGLISH GOLD COINS. ^^1072 Henry III. his Ryal. For a particular Account of this Iden- ^ tical and curious Piece, fee Snellmg’s Introduction to ^ /^lis Gold Coinage, where is an engraving , of it fr 0 ^* '^Mr. Hodfolfs Collection, which ColleCtic^va^urcin by Mr. Tyflen, weighing 45 .Grains. < 1073 Edward IIL his Noble or Ryal. Revej^y an L. HL center, weighing 138 Grains. Unique^f [/ 1074 Edward III. the ~ Noble, an X. in ?S&'centcr of the Re^ verfe, weighing 34 Grains. Unique* - " 1075 Edward HI, his Noble, weighing 128 Grains, an R. in the center of the Reverfe] from Mr. Hodfolf s Collection. X076 Edward III. his Royal Half and Quarter, Snelling, Gold Coinage. Plate 2 — ^ and 4. 1077 Edward III, his Noble, infcribed, Edward DeiGra. Re:^. Ang. France, D. Hy. VI. Rever/e, Tranfiens Per Medium Illorum Ibat. the Half Rex. Ang. and Franc, the Quarter, Rei^erfi, Exaltabitur In Gloria. 2078 Edward III, Nobles and half Nobles, with aini 'Wthout th^ Flag -I — I- f /3 ^ t ^ iji ^e- / v./' I 7 72. X - 'l. *2- ^ X >. - / /• ^ ^ ' /y ^ , ( J 6-^88 ) j. //- 1079 Edward ttt. J^obles, with various frlvy Marks or DiiT^r- , ^ euces, — ^ ;^£j..,^io8o Edward III. various Quarter Nobles. — ^ Richard II. whole Half and Quarter Noble. P. i. N. 5 — 'U 6 and 7. — 5 f Richard II. Noble and half, without the Flag and the ^ Quarter Noble. , ■ ■— ' 3 1083 ^ A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 18 Medal Boards, with Cells of different lizes, 13 Inches by 15 Inches, xo la- ches deep. «• Tenth Day’s Sale. \ French copper medals. 1 1034- Charles VIII. Lewis XII. Francis I. 3. Henry IJ. 2. Henry III. Charles X. or Cardinal of Bourbon. All s Vv'ith Buhs * 9 108,3 Lewis XII.. Reverfc,. Ann of Britanny, done at Lyons in ] 4-99. y} Mcdaiilpn. Another. A fmaller. Louife, Countefs of Angoulerme. Reverfe^ Margaret! daugh- ter of Charles, Count of Angoulefme. Henry II. 3. Antony, King of Navarre. Diana^ Dutchefs of Va- lentinois. Henry HI. 1086 Medals and Medallions. Calls : of Francis 1. Henry II. Charles X. Lewis XIII. and his Queen, and other remarkable Perfons !087 Henry {V. and Mary de Medicis, their Bulls together; under, the Artifi^s Name, G. Dupre, F. 1603: in- Jcribed Henrie IV. ' R. Chrif. Maria Augufta. Re- vej'fe. The King and Queen Hand in Hand; he as Mans and flie as Minerva: between them a Child, holding a Helmet and treading on a Dolphin ; above, Y fi.n Eagle, with a Crown in iis Beak : inferibed Pro- pago Imperii This curious MedaUio)i is /even inches and a iidlfiu diavielcr, and in a Jilver rim. 'It bedonged • to the Grejier Taget. 1088 Henry IV*- and Mary de Medicis, 1. T.ewis XIII. and his Queen, Ann of Aufriua, 3. The Bull of Gallon, Duke of Orleans. Lewis XIV. 5 — 13 1089 The Marquis D’Eiliat, his Bull in high Relief, inferibed, A. Ruze xM. D’Efliat ct .Lonjunieau furl, des Finances. Reverje, Hercules relieving Atlas, ifijeribed, Quidquid elf, Jutfuni. Leveefi. T.xerguc, 16'29. No name of the artiil, but probably done bv \'arin. ■ ■ N ^ 1090 Marfiiall D’Argencour. De Valllere. De L’Aubefpine, Chancellor Le Tellier, 2. Le Brun, the Painter. John Baptifte Colbert. De Neuville, by Varin^ 8 1091 Cardinals : Richlieu. ISflazarine, 3. Bonlllon. Fleury, 6 1092 Lewis XIV. Reverfcj His Mother. Lewis XIV. 7, 8 1093 Lewis XIV. Rruck upon the principal EA^ents of his Reign. For a Defcription of thefe Medals, fee Me- dailles, fur les Principaux Evenements du Regne de Louis le Grand, avec des Explications Hiftoriques,. a Paris, 1702.” 1094 Lewis XIV. Medallions ■ 7 ^ 1 I • ^ T 18_ 1 Q Ky J.* X ct I i IG 1 1 ^ G 1 W i ^ yX i V • 1^0^ IVTf^rl T 1 1 1 017 nf 7 . 1 ^ -lv>/C/v_/ ±Tl v-V-ldlllGll j G* X V • ' 7 00^ l\/Tor?o 1] 1 r» /-\i- T V 1\T 1 IQ XTiGLictlllGllo G1 J_jCWl3 -/V i V • wmmmmrntm iGiQQ IN'Tprl'iIlinn ^ of T VT^/" 1 on J yJC/G 1 lIGIid Gl J_iGW la W X V • " " ' 1099 Medallions of Lewis XIV. 13 ROMAN MIDDLE BRA^iS. 1100 Antoninus Pius, 1. Antoninus and Aurelius, I . Au- relius, 7. Fauftina Junior, 3. Junoni Regina. — LiTiTiTiA. — M atri Magn^. L. Vcrus, 2. Lu-. cilia, I. PiETAS. — 15 1101 Fauftina Junior, 3. Pietas. — Pudicitia. — Saluti AuGusTiE. L. Verus, 1. Lucilla, 2. Venus. — Vesta. Commodus, 3. Fel. Aug. — Herc. Com- MoniANo. — ^H ercul.Rom an.Augv. — Crifpina,3. Concordia -—Hilaritas. — Juno. Pertinax, 1. L^titia TEmpor, — 13 i 102 Fauftina Jun. 2. Tempor.Felic.— Venu s Felix. — Commodus, 3. Libertas AuG.r— Miner. Aug.— Pietas Aug. Crifpina, 3. Juno Lucina. — L^- titia. — ’Venus Felix. Pertinax, 1. Providen- ti^Deorum. Albinus, 1. S^culo Frugifero. Severus, 2. VicTORiiE.--ViRTus Augustor. — Julia Domna, 3. Cererem. — Hilaritas. — Ju- NONEM. ■■ 15 1103 Fauftina Junior, 1. Veneri Victrici. Commo- dus, 5. Princ. I went. — Prov. Deok. — Spes publica. — ViRTUs Avg. — VoT. XX. Crifpina, I. Pertinax, 1. Albinus, 1. ^fculapiiis ftans. Seve- rus, 2. Roma galeata fedens, d, vidoriolam, s. haftam, pro pedibus barbarus genufleftit. Pons binis turribus miinitus cum propugnatoribus, in ipfa aqua navicula. Julia Domna, 2. Juno Regina.— Luna Lucfiera, ^ ■ » 15 / ( 91 ) 1104- Commodus, 3. Mulier fians, d. caduceum/ s. cornu- copias. — Figura galeataftans, d. vi64orioIam, s. hafiam.^ • / 3 — Itnperator in quadrigis triumphalibus. Pertinax, I. ^ Albinus, 1.- Severus, I. Julia Domna, 3. Venus CENETRix. — Vesta. — Vota publica. Cara- calla, 3. Adventus Augusti. — Felicitas sa:- CULI. — Fides exercitus. 12 ] 105 Commodus, 3. Pallas thuris granum arm ignitas immit- tens, Sw hafiam cum clypeo. — Mulier ftans ferpentem ex patera pafcit. — Pallas Pans d. ramum, s. haftam cum clypeo. Julia Domna, 3. Caracalla, 7. Pro- videnti^Deorum.— Securitati perpetu^. — Severiavg.pii fil. — Venus vicTRix.^ — V ictor ANTONiNi AUG. — Victoria Britt annica^. (Two Varieties.') Plautilla, 1. Pietas Aug. X105 Pertinax, 1. Vot. Decen. Didius Julianus, 1. Concord, milit. — — 1107 Caracalla, 4. j^lfculapius Pans, d. baculum cum fer- pente, pro pedibus globus, adftat praetereaTelefphorus. —Leo gradiens capite radiato fulmen ore gerit. — Mars paludatus Pans, d. vicloriolam, s. clypeum cum haPa, pro pedibus captivus fedens. — -Luna velo per caput finuato in citis bourn bigis. Plautilla, 1. Venus Victrix. Geta, 1. Fort. red. Macrinus, 2. Fides Militum. — Salus Publica. — • 14 2 7-/^ ■h 8 ENGLISH SILVER PENNIES. 1 108 Henry I. full faced, Pruck at London, and one fideTaced with the Sceptre, Pruck at Thetford ' ~ — i i09 Henry I. with a double Legend on the Reverfc, Pruck at Hapings, Lincoln and London — — T no Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at Lincoln and London j iJ I Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at Heclingham 1112 Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at Norwich 1113 Stephen, N. 23, Pruck at Norwich 11 14 Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at CaPIe Riling, in Norlolk 1115 Stephen, N. 25, probably Pruck at Cardiff 1116 Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at Thetford, and one uncertain town 1117 Stephen, N. 25, one Pruck at Norwich, and one un- certain : 1118 Stephen, N. 25, Pruck at London 1119 Stephen, like N. 25,. Reve7-Jl\ 4 pierced Mollets, uneer- tain towns V - 1120 Stephen, Ohverfc, N. 25, Rcvcrfe, 4 pierced Mollets, Pruck at Caiilerbury, ColchePcr and London N2 2 1 1 7- ^ J 1 f T.- ^ '5 I -1. 4 ^ ^<-^7 1 1. / 2 / - / a O' <2 n,,. 1 c ^ * I f . / O 3 f ^ I i ^ ( 92 ) ^ 3 .^ Stephen, Ohverfe . 25, Reverfe, 4 pierced Mollets, ftruck at Ipfwich and Lewis -o 1122 I ‘ 3 1 ; - j"' 1124 , .iJ'M-di 1125 1130 Stephen, N. 26, the towns obliterated or uncertain Stephen, N. 26, one ft ruck at Canterbury, and one un- known Stephen, N. 26, ftruck at Canterbury and Norwich Stephen, N. 26, ftruck at Canterbury, and one unknown Stephen, N* 26, ftruck at Sudbury, and one unknown Stephen, N. 26, ftruck at London and Winchefter Stephen, N. 26^ ftruck at Bedford and Taunton Stephen, Obverfe, like N. 27, with the Flag, Reverfe difterent, town uncertain — — . Stephen, N. 28, (was publiftied by Spelling, from this identical coin,) ftruck at Canterbury - 1131 Avery fingalar Penny of Stephen, Obverje, his Head ^ with the Sceptre, to the left: the Martlets, like the Confeftbr’s, ftruck at Derby Euftace, fon of Stephen, with the Lyon, figure A. P. 6 , of Spelling — — The Penny of Stephen apd Henry, N. 30, highly pre- ferved *— — - r-v ;;^i32 -7 Henry 11. N. 32, ftruck at St.' Edmuntbury Lkk J'35 - ----- - - - L/ ./ 1136 a - Henry II. ftruck at London, Newcaftle, Thetford, and Henry III. with the Short Crofs, N. 39, ftruck at Can- terbury, 3 different Moneyers, Durham, 1 . Exeter, 2 . Lincolh, 1 . London, 4, Northampton, 2 . Norwich,!. 14 SILVER MEDALS OF SWEDEN. 1137 Charles XL Van Loon, T. 3, P. 200, and Brenner, N. 1, and N. 2, P. 229 — — 3 1138 Charles XI. Reverfe, a Building, iufcrib(si .'Domim Vir- tute Perennat, date in the Exergue 1692, and one on his Death in 1697, Van Loon, T. 4, N. 1, P. 242| 2 139 Charles XII. on his Coronation in 1697— as Mediator in the Peace of Ryfwick, fame Year. Inn Loon, T. 4, P. 275 — — 2 '1140- Charles XII. VanLoon, T. 4, N. 1, P. 306, Charles and Queen Ann of England, face to face, on the Toleration of the Proteftant Religion in Silefta in 1707, T. 5, P. 70 — — 2 1 141 Charles XII. on taking Narva in 1700 — 3 1142 Charles XII. R. in the Exergue, Saxones in Adverfa, &:c. 1701, Brenner, P. 241, another, R, I'wo Tro- phies, P. 242 - S 1143 Charles XII. P. 242 ■ — 4 H44 Charles XII. Brenner, P. 243 and 244, 1706, , and 8 .9 to to fco to fco 00 to ( 93 ) ■ 1145 Charles XII. P. 24G, N. 1 and 2, and two more, on his Viflories 4 1146 Charles XII. iiot in Brenner, two of them on his Death at Frederickfhall in 1718 — — — 5 1147 Charles XII. fmall Medals on his Birth in 1682, his Vi6lories, and his Death in 1718 27 1148 Frederick and Ulrica Eleanora, on their Acceffion, in 1718, and Coronation in 1720, various Jettons, one of them on her Death in 1741, and one on his Death 1149 Guftavus I. or Vafa. Eric XIV. John III. Sigifmund. Charles IX. Guftavus Adolphus, by Hartman 6 1150 Adolphus Frederick, on being declared Heir to the Crown in 1743 — on his Coronation in 1751, one by Fehrman, and one of his Queen, on her Coronation 4 1151 Adolphus Frederick and Eouifa Ulrica, on the Birth of their Son Guftavus, in 1746. And one without their Bulls on the fame Subjeft 2 1152 Adolphus Frederick and his Queen. Reverfe, infcribed, Cominus Lullrant Superi. At Bottom, Magnum Cuprirn, D. 21 Jun. 1755. 1 1153 The Figure of Liberty. Jnfcrihed, Libertas Manens. Reverfe, Deo. o. M. Averrunco. Malorum. Sueciae. Grates. Pubiicae. cum Supplicationibus. Anniverfariis. “ Indiclae. 1756 '■ 1 1155 Adolphus Frederick and his Queen. Reverfe, San6li et Foecundi Foederis, Anno 25.. Exergue 1769. One, his Head alone. R. NoflroGrahdefcunt. Au6la La- hore, 1762. Another, on his Death, in 1771 3 f 156 Adolphus Frederick and Queen, with their Heads and two without. Small Medals ■ — 12 1157 A Jubilee Medal. Ohverfe, Infcribed Fifcus Ordinum. Regni Sueciae. In the Exergue, YiQXmie. R. Ampliator Cevium. Exergue, Jubileum Prim. 1768 1 1158 Guftavus, Hereditary Prince of Sweden, and Sophia Magdal. Princefs of Denmark, on their Marriage in 1766 1 1159 Guftavus III. 1, Flis Queen, 1. On their Corrona- tion in 1772 __ — 1160 Guftavus III. R. Tibi Munera Montes, 29 May, 1772. Another, his Head. Reverfe, the Statue of Guftavus Eriefon or Vafa. In the Exergue, Ex Nobili. Give. Opt. Regi.poft2d Sec. Pos. Ord. Eefu. 1773. 0//c, Eliam Celata tollit. Praemie virtus, 1785 U61 A Figure of Liberty. Libertas Manens. Exergue, Proferipta Licentia." Reverfe, an Inicriptiow, dated 1792. — On the Marriage of Charles, Duke of Sunder- mania, in 1774. And one of him and his Queen, So- phia Magdalina. Reverfe, mXhQ Exergue, 1 Nov. 1784 3 ( 94 ) ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS /- 1 162 Queen Ann, on giving up the Tenths to the Clergy, m ]704<. On the Union, in 1707, 2 / • ^/ccj.Ty f ^ ^ «■ /•3.^ I -“i -d C -/f ^ 1163 Ann, 'Fan Loon, Tom 5, P. 17, N. 4. P. 22, N. 6. P. 33, and two Satirical, N. 2 & 3, P. 39 1164 The Duke of Marlborough, N. 5, P.33. The Duke and General Auverkerk, P. 38 1165 Ann. i?et’e;ye, A Harp. Concordia Britannorura. Ano- ther, two Figures. VIvat Anna. The Bulls of Queen Ann and Charles XII. of Sw^eeden, N.2, F. 70 1166 Ann, P. 95.~N. I. 4 & 5, P. 100 — — 1167 Ann. N. 2, P. 103. N. 1, 2, & 4, P. 106 i 168 Ann, N. 2, P. 119. N. 2, P. 123. And One on the Death of George, Prince of Denmark, in 1708. Re- verfe, an Infcription'. — >169 Ann, N. 6, P. 141. N. 3 & 4, P.145. N.2, P.152 1170 Ann, N. 5, P.141. N.2, P.149. AndN.l, P.159 1171 Ann, N. 1, P. 157. N. P.166. N. 1, P. 17 1. And N. 3, fame Page ^ - 1172 On tlie taking of Douay, N. , P. 166, 167, & 168 1 17,3 On the Peace of Utrecht, in 17 13, N. 1, P. 230 &: 227 1174 1175 Ann, on the Peace of Utreclit, ther, infcribed Bello et Pace Ann, on the Peace of Utrecht. N. 2, P. 230. Ano« Ohverfe, her Head and Titles. Reverfe, Pallas Handing, an Olive Branch in her Right Hand, and Spear in her Left, Ships, &c. in* fci'ibed Bello et Pace. In the Exergne, Anno 1713. Pax Reftituta. Unpubli/hed. — r — rr.- 1176 Ann. Reverfe, the Pretender. His Head. Re- verfe, the Princefs Louifa, by Nor)bert Rotier, 1712 ^ date. 1177 George I. on his Acceffion, in 1714 1178 George I. on his, coming to England. Marium. hfcribcd Rector 1179 80 George I. on his Acceffion. Reverfe, the Hanover Horfe, with a Map of England. -L Chronogrammic Jnferip- tion, making the Date 17 1 4. In the Exergue, Unus non Swfflcit Orbis, And One Ohverfe, Two Figures. Re-, vrrfe, the Sun. In Senforium. Anno Primo Georgii, 171.5.^ One. Reverfe, the Sign Leo, 12 Aug. 1714 George I. on the King’s coming into the Cjty. On the Dunbar, in 1715. The Peace of Paliarow^- Viciorv ity, 17 1! George I. eviving the Order of the Bath, in 1723. On ifing the Sieircof Gibialter in 27. And One on his Deatb, hp Dafjitr 4k, u-i tfk W ( 95 )■ , 1 1 82 The Pretender and his Family, hy llamerani 0 11 S3 The Pretender, 7hv by Rotier, and Two ot his Sons. One of tiiem, Rever/e, the Princefs Louifa on her Mar- riage, in 1772 — — ■" ' — 4 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN SILVER. “^rtiJfx, I, 1 / M ~ ’ * • . - - . ^ )p Didius Julianus, 1. concord, milit. ( well prejerv ^) JU Julia Domna, 2. mat. avgg. mat. sen. (two varieties.) Caracalla, 2. Geta, 2. Macrinus, I. Elagabalus, 1. Julia Paula, 1. (all fmely preferved) Rertinax, I. vot. decen. (finely preferved) ^ Didius Julianus, 1. p. m. tr. p. cos. m\S9 Severus, 3. Caracalla, .1. Caracalla & Geta, I . Geta, • 2. Macrinus, 1. h^lagabalus, 2. ' Julia Paula, 1. Alexander, 3. Julia Mamaeai 1. Maximinus, 1. Gordianus Pius, 2. ♦ — ^ . — ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD. /il9G Vefpafianus, i. pact avgvsti. Vidloria gpdiens, ^ d. torquem collo appenfam ori adnwet, s. c^^enm, ante pedes ferpens. ( very fine ^ /JJI91 Vefpalianus, 1. p ax av gvst. i^lier fedens, d. ra- mum, s. haPam. — — — 1192 Vefpafianus, I. titvs et domitian. caesares PR IN. — Uterque Caefar fellas curuli infidens, d. ra- mum (rare) — 1193 Vefpafianus, I. titvs et domitian caesares pRiN. iven. (fic.) Uterque Casfar in citis eqiiis. (rare) — — — 1194 Vefpalianus, I. tr. pot. x. cos. viiii. Victoria Patuens tropmum, humi captivus fedens. — 1195 Vefpafianus, 1-. tr. pot. cos. iter. Mulier fe- dens, d. ramum, s. caduceum. (very fine) 20 / / ” ■/ / ^ ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 1196 Richard II. Noblest with and without the Flag. And Two Quarter Nobles. — — — 1197 Richard II. Nobles: with and without the Flag. The Half Noble without the Flag, and the Quarter Noble 4 I ( 96 ) 1198 Henry IV. Noble: weighing 118 Grains. SneUingj Plate 1, N, 10. — 1 199 PJcnry IV. V. or VI. Nobles : Two, Half and Quarter. P. 1, N. n, 12, & 13 1200 Henry’s Nobles, with and without the Flag* The Half, without the Flag and the Quarter Noble 1201 Henry VI. Angels. Different MintMarks, P. 1, N.-21 1202 Henry VI. his Half Angel or Angelet. Obverfe, the Archangel Michael piercing the Dragon,|te>i7£;n6e'‘"i'^y®oeii,eo, D’Amboife.'D’Ed.o. St A,; Grimani, 2 . >eio. '’^iVialut’laSf"*' Spo- J215 i^bert., Barberhti, 3. C^fnc on] t? f 3 r;Etit.< Lt^ 12' n ^ ( 100 1 '‘w. 3 at Norwich, I at Oxford, 1 al Si. Edmunfbiiry — with Numerals and Sceptre, 2 firuck at Canterbury, and 2 • at London . i<^.6 1236 Hery ILL with Numerals and Long Crofs, 1 ftriick at Gloceller, 1 ' uncertain, I at Lincoln, 2 at London, 1 at Newcatlle, 1 at Oxford, 1 at St. Edmuntlmry, 1 at Shrewtbury, and 1 at Wilton — vvitli Numerals and Sceptre, 1 firuck at Canterbury, and 2 at London Henry III. with terci, N. 41. ilruck at Canterbury, Exeter and Oxford, wdth Rex. Ang. N. 42, ftruck at London and Winchefier Henry III. with terci, flruck at Canterbury and Lon- don — with Rex. Ang. ftruck at London and St. Ed- iniinfbury - I -It- ^ ^“57 o 1240 241 a - U 244 1245 1246 1247 ^250 1252 12 Henry III. with terci, flriick at E>:eter and WinchcEer -—with Rex Ang. ftruck at Canterbury and London Edward 1. 2 ftruck at Berwick, 1 at Brifto), 2 at Canter- bury, i at Durham, .3 at I.ondon, 1 at Newcaftie, I at St. Edmunfbury, and 1 at York Edward I. 1 ftruck at Berwick, 1 ai Brlflol, 3 at Can- terbury, 1 at Lincoln, 4 at London, and 2 at York ^/^‘^I242 Edward I. 1 ftruck at Berwick, 1 at Canterbury, 1 at Exeter, 3 at London, 1 at Neircatile, 1 at St. Ed- mundfbnrv, and 2 different at York — — Edward I. frruck at Cheffer, Kingfton and York Edward I. 2 ftruck at Durham, 1 \\dtii the Croffmoline, and 1 at London without drapery Edward I. with Robert de Hadelei, and I Robertus de Had], 1 flruck at Reading, Snellir.g, P. 3, N. 7 Edward II. 1 ftruck at Berwick, I at Canterbury, 2 at Durham, 3 at London, 1 at New^afle, 1 at St. Ed- mundfbury, and 1 at York Edward 11 at Durham, Snelling, P. 3, N. 8 Edward III. 3 f ruck at Durham, 3 at London, and 1 at York r- it London, and 2 at of the Ecclefiaf ical and Regal Mints, ftruck /-/ Z- o '9 t 125.3 f* ^ ^ i 254 ’^j,./A-^1256 Edward III. 2 fruck at Durham, 4 York Richard II. fruck at Durham Richard JI. fruck at London Richard 11. 1 fruck at London, and 3 at York Henry IV. V, and VI. 2 fruck at Durharrip 4 at Lon- don, and 7 at York, with different L’int and Privy Marks Edward IV. fruck at Brifoi, Corv)net Mint Mark Edward IV. fruck at London and York ■ — — ■ Edward IV. 4 fruck at London, and 2 at York Edward IV. fruck in tlie EccifViaf ical and Regal Mints at Durham — — 4 4 12 12 10 3 3 3 10 5, 7 8 1 1 4 1258 Richard III. ftruck at Durham, Fleur de Lis, Mint 2- • Mark, S. on the King^s Breafl, for Sherwood, Bithop of Durham. This Penny belonged to the late Rev. Mr. Southgate ■ — 1 SILVER MEDALS OF SWEDEN. 1259 Ouftaviis III. on his Death in 1792. Charles Duke of Sudermania, Reverfe, Affulfit Populo Gratior it Dies. Exergue^ Praefidii Memori Holmiae - — 2 1260 Bielk, 1. Brahe, J. De la Gardie, 1. Hearne, J. Steenbock, I 5 1261 Banner, 1. Brahe, 1. Lieven, 1. Scheffer, 1 Wran- gle, 1. • — 1262 Count Piper, 1. Count Wrede, i — — 1263 Count Gyllenburg, 1. Count Ferfen, I. hothhy Ferh” yrian 1264- Count Gyllenborg. Count Hopken. Baron Lantingf- haufen - 1265 C, Ehrenpreus. Rofendaler. Tottie — 1266 Charlotte Taube, Countefs de la Gardie. Ol. Thegner. John Thegner 1267 C. Sahlengren. C. Rudenfchoid. Fab. Wreede 1268 Small Medals of Elizabeth Brenner, Keder. C. Rumford. Stralenheim. And eight Academy, &c. Medals - — - 12 1269 Elias Brenner, Reverfe, Sophia Eliz Brenner. Benzelius. Beornilahl. Bohman. Celfius. C. Cronftedt. Grill. Ekftrom. Olthof 9 1270 Alftroraer. Ekftrom. Elvius. Grill, 2. C. Gyllen- burg. Harleman. Linneus. Kiinginftierna. Dr. Solander — . : 10 1271 Alftromer, 2. Dalin. Grill. Linneus C. Piper. Polhem, 2. Rofen of Rofenftein. C. Teffen 10 1272 Chrifiina. Brenner, P. 184*, N. 1, 2, and 3, P. 186, N. 3, and one Reverje, the Phcenix 5 1273 Chriftina, Reverfe, Fame writing Maxima on a Shield. The Sun. The Sun. The Globes, 2 — ♦ 1274< Chriftina, Reverfe, a Lyon, Fortis et Felix, a Figure fitting. In \\\Q Exergue, a Socio Dereli6taa DeoRefti- tuta Suetia 2 1275 Chriftina, Reverfe, the Bird of Paradife, Mi Nihil in Terris. Pallas fitting. Hie Amor h^ec Palria eft 2 io Cl ( 103 ) SILVER MEDALS OF BRANDENBOURG AND PRUSSIA. 1271^ George Frederick, Marquis of Brandenbourg, on Horfe- back. In, the Exergue, Cum Priveli Cae. ,1589. Re- verfe, the Figures of Juftice, Concord, and Peace, over them Two Small Figures, the Law and Gofpel, furrounded with ,16 Coats of Arms. On the Rim, Con- cordia Res Parvae Crefcunt. Difcordia Maxima; Di- labuntur G. F. M. B. Sacrum 1589. This is the firll Medal known with an Infcription on the Rim, and is mentioned by Mr. Pinkerton in his ElTay on Coins, Vol. II. P. , and is fuppofed to be unique. — Chrif- lian II. Marquis of Brandenbourg, riding full Speed. Reverfe, A great number of Coats of Arms 2 1272*Frederick L EJedtor of Brandenboug. Flis Head. Reverfe, Three Figures. Van Loon, Tome 2, P. 520 -1 1273*Frederick William, Eledlor of Brandenbourg, on ta-' king of Stralfund, in 1678. And One Ludicrous 6 1 27 4'^Frederick William. E’^an Loon, Tome 3, P. 153, 155, and 24*8 2 1275*John Frederick, Marquis of Brandenbourg. Pietate et Juftitia, 1679 ^ - 2 1276 Frederick III. Reverfe, Exped. Britan. Confil. et Armis Adjuta. 1688. Another, on being made Knight of the Garter, 1690. One, Utilitati Publicm. 1692 3 ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. . - .e. y 1-277 George II. and Queen Caroline on their Accefiion, in 1727, 1. George II. and Queen Caroline. Reverfe, ' Their feven Children. Infcrihed, Felicitas Imperii, done in 1752, by John Croker, Engraver to the Mint. 1278 George II. on the Treaty of Vienna, in 1731. And One upon improving the Navigation at 1279 The Emperor Charles VL and George II. on the Treaty of Vienna, in 17 31 -r- — t2c0 George II, A Premium Medal, given by (he Duke of Newcaftle, Chancellor of the Univerfity One on the Peace of Aix la 128 ] One, by DafSer. And CliapeHe, in. 1748 Frederick Prince of Wales, bv Datlier. — On the Finn- ery, 2. Gvn', onh'r Dr'atb, in 1750. And one on the E'ea>L of tee Prince:-" Lc vagcrcf Wales, iii 1-772 ( 105 ) 1262 WHliam, Duke of Cumberland, on the Victory at Cul- loden, 1746‘. And one on his Death, in 176.5 1283 The Pretender, on the Invafion, in 174<5. One, ivc* verfe, a Tree, itifcribed, Revirelcit. 17.50, &c. 1284 Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. And Charles Sack- ville, Earl of Middlelex. Both by Natter 128.5 John Lock and Sir Ifaac Newton. By Roettier, ftruck in France, in 1739. Lock died in 1704, and Newton in 1727 ^ 1286 On the Death of Tindal, in 1733. Of Lord Oxford, in 1741. Of John Anderfon, in 17 13. Dr. Sache- . verel. 2 ditferent ' -r 1287 Martin Fofkes, Prelident of the Royal Society. Rid ard Neville. Reverfe, Tramite Redo 1288 The Duke of Montague. Reverfe, The Good Samaritan^ infcribed, Tu-Fac. Similitur. Date, 1751 1289 Obverje, Mercury and Neptune, infcribed, Iterare Cur fns Relidos. Date in the Exergue, 1760. Reverfe, The Gilt of the Eng. Eaft India Comp, to Captain, William Wilfon, Commander of the (hip Pitt, as an Acknowledgment of his Services, in having made his Paflage to and from China, by an unufual Courfe, and thereby evincing that Navigation to be pradicable at, any Seafon of the Year. For a further Account of this Valuable Member of Society, See the GentlemaiFs Magazine, for J une, 1801, ^age 57 1 1290 His Prefent Majetly, when Prince of Wales, on com- ing of Age, 4th June, 1759, 2. On coming to the Crown- 25th Odober, 1760. The King and Queen on their Marriage, 8th September, 1761, 2. On their Coronation, 22d September, 1761, 2 1291 The King and Queen on the Birth of the Prince of. Wales and Duke of York, 3. The Prince of Wales, 2. Reverfe, his Creft and ^*Iotto, Ich Dien — ... 1291 The Royal Academy Premium Medal. Obvejfe, The King^s Head and Titles. Reverfe, The Torfo. Study. In the Exergue, R. Ac. Inflituted, 1768 1293 Caft Medals. The King^s Plead. Reverfe, Happy vyhile united, 1764, 1. Peace and Profperity to St. Vincents, 1773 ii 1294 The King^s Head and Titles. Reverfe, The Royal Arms. Another, R. A Lyon Couchant. No In- feription. Intended to be worn in the Weft-Indies. I€95 The Kingiipon the taking of Pondicherry In 1761, 1 — Salus Populorum, M10.— \,R.ev€7f€, 2 Ships, Refolutlon and Adventure. In the Exergue, Sailed from England, March, 1772.— N. B. This Expeui- tioji did not take place. Anolhor, by Kirk. /- 5 ^'^ a ^y, , ' .a.n ^'4^ -> 2-0 \ y ___ / - / ; 'I -d (Ti 4 i296 The QueeiA bufi. R. Tnfcrihed, Salutls Auguftce. in the O' . . Exergue, Soc. Med. Lord. Inftituta, 1773. One on reitoring the Gold Coinage, 1775. And one with a Figure of Liberty> injcrihed. Semper Honos Nomen- queTuutn ■ ■■ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER. 21 I - h Caracalla, 3. MacrinuSi, 1. Elagabalus, 2. (Medal- lions, all well preferved ) 1298 Caracalla, 12 (well preferved) — ■ 1299 Caracalla, 3. (Medallions) Geta, 3. Macrinus, 1. Elagabalus, 3. Julia Maefa, 2. Alexander, 6. Ju- lia Mamaea, 1. Maximinus, 1. Pupienus, 1. i^300 Caracalla, 1. sal, gen. hvm. Ge{a> 1. Macri- ^ nus, 1, Elagabalus, 1. Julia Paula, I . AquiliaSe- vera, I. Julia Soaemias, I .' Julia Maefa, 1. Alex- , ander, ,1. (all well preferved) — — 9 1301 Caracalla, 5. Geta, 5. Macrinus, 1. Elagabalus, 3. Alexander, 4. Julia Mamcca, I. Balbinus, 1. 20 jA 1302 Caracalla, 1. Geta, 1. severi pii avg. f. Ma- crinus, 1. Elagabalus, 1. Julia Paula, I. Julia Soaemias, I. Alexander, 1. Julia Mamffia, 1. Maxi- minus, 1. (all well preferved) * 9 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 1303 Vefpafianus, 2i tr. pot. cos. iTER.Mulier fedens, d. ramura, s. caduceum. cos. in. fort. red. Mulier 0 . flans, d. globum, s. caduceum 1304 Vefpafianus, 1. vesta. Templura rotundum, in quo Dea flans, hinc et inde Statua haftata. 1305 Vefpafianus, 1. (Somewhat different from the former,) 1306 Vefpafianus, 1. vie. avg. Victoria globo infiflens, d. coronam protendit. 1307 Vefpafianus, 1, (Somewhat different from the above.) 1308 Domitilla and Vefpafianus, 1; diva domitilla AVGVSTA. Hufus Caput, (very rare) Titus, 1, cos. V. Bos gradiens — T y 1310 Titus. 1. cos. VI. Figiira galeata infidens clypeis, s. • * ‘ feipionera, ad pedes lupa cum gemellis, in area duse ayes volantes^ — O /- 2 .-^ 7 - / ( 105 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 131 1 Edward IV. His Noble, Half, and Quarter, knelling P. 1, N. 17, 18, &: 19. 1312 Edward IV. Nobles. Mint Marks, the Coronet and Sword I 1313 Edward IV. Nobles. B. under the Ship. Different Mint Marks 1314* Edward IV. Nobles. The Letters B. Si E. under the Ship, probably for Briftol aud York, the Places of their Mintage 1315 Edward IV. Half Nobles. Letters B, C, & N, Brif- tol, Canterbury, and Norwich 1316 Edward IV. Quarter Nobles. Different Mint Marks, P. 1, N. 17 1317 Edward IV. His Angel. A Rofe on one Side the Maft of the Ship, and the Sun on the other Side. The” Angelet, or Half Angel, N. 22 Si 23 1318 EdwardIV. Angels. Mint Marks, the Cinqfoil, Coronet, and Crofs. The Angelet. Mint Mark, a Circlp or O 1319 Edward IV. A remarkable and fine Angelet. Ohverfe, The Archangel Michael as ufual, infcribed, O Crux, ave Spes Unica. Reverfe, The King’s Name and Ti- , ties, weighing 40 Grains 1320 A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 40 Boards for Englifli Coins, 15 Injches wide, 10 Inches deep, 10| high '2- 3 2 ^ ^ 2 ^ ' y 2 -j_ - 'S"’ 3 5 ■u-'h- ^ o 2 2. . /-z- 4 y S'- “ ' “ y I Twelfth Day’s Sale CAii^DINALDS, &c. COPPER. ISSO^’^'Cardinals Caetano. Cahaldus. Cornelius. Gefual- dus. Nerlius. Noajlles. Ottoboni, 2 — - ^ 1321 Averoldus. Mazzuchelli, P. 14, N. 1. Bartholemew I de Ruvere, Bifliop of Ferrara, 1474, by Sperandei. I Francis Gonzage, Cardinal of Mantua, by the fame 3 1322 John Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine. Paul Jovius, \ Bhhop of Nuceria. Philip de Medicis, Archbilliop of ; Pifa. A. Raleottus, Archbifliop of Bologna. J. B. | Cardinal of Sandla Maria. L. Scarampus, Patriarch m 1523 Cardinals, Peter Bembo, 2. Lomelli. Ant. Maria I Salviati. Leopold of Auftria, — ^^of Ravenna m 1324 John Maria de Monte, Archbilhop of Sipontium, 2. 1 L. Marinus, AB. of Lanciano. Gregory, Bidiop of J Clufe. Fa.Migriaiiellus, B. of Life, qre. Lucca. N. Pal- ‘9 nierius, B. of Orta. A. Perrenot, Billiop of Arras. C. Mutfiis, B. ofBitonto. Ber. Ru. Co. B. Tar. Trevis. d William, B. of Strafbourg. Michael Torrella, B. of i Agnanio. Mathias Ugo, B. of Famagofla. Paul Regius, B. of Equentis 13 1325 St. Thomas dLAquinus. Fantinus Cornelius. Jerome ! of Lucca. Charles Faye. Jofeph Ferrerius. Renatus i de Maria, Francis Vefdominus. Vincent Bovius 1 ^^'" Prothonot Apoh, POPES, &c. MEDALS COPPER. 1526 Various Mifcellaneous •« — !S27 Jefus ChriR and the Twelve ApoRles 13 28 Cafts, with Reverfes, of the Sandusi VultUs. Arms, a Crofs, BuildingvS, &c. 29 Old Cafts, with Heads of Popes. Reverfe^ The Keys. The Butt of St. Peter, &c. jO Caft, Medals, Martin V. Nicolas V. Paul II. 5. Sixtus IV. 2. Innocent VIII. 2. ; Alexander VL Julius II. 2. Leo X. 2. Adrian VI. 2. Cle- ment VII. 3. Paul III. Julius III. 3, one of them upon the Reconciliation with England. Venuti, P. 95, N. 20 — — 1 Paul IV. 3. Pius IV. 2. Gregory Kill. Sixtus V. Clement VIII. Paul V. 9* Urban VIII. Innocent 32 Medallions, Caft, Leo X. Clement VII. Marcellus 11. Paul IV. Clement iX. 2. ' Clement X. Inno- cent XL Alexander VIII. Innocent XII. Cle- ment XI. 33 Medallions, Cafl of Alexander VlI. , — • — 34 Medals, Struck, Martin V. 5. Eugene IV. 3. Nico- las V. 5. Calixtus ill. 3. Pius II. 3. Paul II. 4. Sixtus IV. 6. Innocent Vlil. 2. Alexander VI. 3. Pius III. 2. 35 Julius II. 12. Leo X. 5. Adrian VI. 5. Clement VII. 4, one of them by Benvenuto Cellini Venuti, P. 70, N. 10 i >6 Paul HI. 8. Julius III. 21 < ( 107 ) 25 27 IS 13 25 29 rn ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. n is Alexander, 3. Maximinus, I. Gordiamis Pius> !.<>•* Imperator flans, d. haflam, s. globum. Philippus, Sen. 2 . S.ECULARES AuggT^ — M ulier ftains, d. cadu- cenm,s. cornucopia;. OtaciliaSevera, 2. S^cvlares ^ Avgg. [Two varieties,) Philippus, Jun. 2. Trajanus iJecius, 1. Genius Exerc. Illuriciani. 12 Philippus, Sen. I. Otacilla Severa, 1. Philippus, Jun. 1. Maximinus, 1. Liberalitas Aug. 3^. t'X- Etrufcilla, 1. Pudicitia Aug. Herennius, 3. Pietas Augg. — Principi Juventutis. {Tu'O varieties.) Trebonianus Gallus, 2. Libertas Augg. — PiETAS Augc. Volufianus, 2. Concordia Augg. — Felicitas Public, V^alerianus, Sen. 2. Concordia Exercit. — Victoria Augg. Ma- riniana, 1. Consecratio. J5 Trajanus Decius, 3. Etrufcilla, I. Trebonianus Cal- lus, I. Sal us Augg. Volufianus, 1. Junonj P 2 j. /- A--? A, 27 pt 2 ( 108 ) -V ^ - Marti A LI. Valerianus, Sen. 1. Votis Decen- N A LIB us. Mariniana, 1. Gallienus, 3. Oriens Augg.~Virtus Augg. — Votis Decenn alirus. Saloninus, 2. -PRiNciPi JiiveNtutis. {Two t?a- rieties^ Pofliimus, 3. ■ ■ ' 1310 Poftumus, 3. Herc. Pacifero. — L.stitia. — Res- TiTOR GallIar. Claudius Gothicus, 1. Conse- CRATio. Aurelianus, 3. Concordia Aug. {Threo ' varieties.) Severina, 1. JuNO Regina. Donlitius Domitianus, 1. Genio Populi Romani. 1341 Podumus 3. L> ^ ^ o — O', ik 1345 A fine Penny of Henry VII. with the Arched Crown, firuck at Canterbury; Snelling had never feen this coin. 1346 Henry VII. Sovereign Type, Snelling, P. 3, N. 1, 2, 3. 8 firuck at Durham, 5 at London, and 1 at York 1347 Henry VIII. 6 firuck at Durham, 5 at London, and 1 at York 1348 Henry VIII. full face, fine Sliver, firuck at London, Snelling, P. 23, for an Account of its rarity ' - 1349. PJenry VIII. bafe, 3 firuck at Brifiol, 2 at Canterbury, 3 at London, and 6 at York — 1350 Edward VI. fide face, Snelling, Plate IV. N. 1, firuck at London, No. 2, firuck at .London and York 1351 Edward VI. firuck at Brifiol — '1352 Mary, with her Buft to the right. Teverfe, the Arms, itifcribed, Veritas, Temp. Filia, unpublijhed and Unique 1553 Philip and Mary, Snelling, Plate V. N. 2, and 1, N. 7 1354 Elizabeth, Ohverfe, the Queen’s Head, date at the end of the Titles, 1558. Reverfe, the Arms, firuck at London, Unique and unpublijhed 1355 Elizabeth, milled, PI. VII. N. 20, puhlijhed by Sntdhing from this coin, in Mr. Dummers colleSlion. 1 356 Elizabeth, hammered, difTerent Mint Marks 1357 Edward VI. Sovereign Type, P. IV. N. 20 — 1 1 I ( 109 ) 1 358 James I. Coinage, P. VIII. N. 2, two. Second Coinage, /-/<•/ N. 9, eight. Charles I. 2. Firft Coinage, Tower Mint, 16. 1 by Briot, P. X. N. 2. Aberiftwith, N. 22, and 23. The Commonwealth, 1, P. XVI. N. 2. 31 1359 Charles I. ftruck at Exeter, PI. XIII. N. \,fme 1 1360 Charles II. Firft and Second Coinage, PI. XVI. N. 12, ^ 17, and 28, five. Charles II. Milled, PI. XVII. N. 1, ^ ten. James 11. 4-. William and Mary, 4. William, 4. Ann, 6. George I. 6. George II. 18. George III. 6 ENGLISH SILVER HALF-GROATS. he _ 1364 . 1361 Edward III. ft ruck at London and York — 4362 Richard IL ftruck at London — — L363 Henry IV. V. and VI. ftruck at Calais and London, with different Mint or privy Marks — - Edward IV. 2 ftruck at Briftol, 9 at Canterbury, 1 at London, and 1 at York — — 1365 Henry VII. 5 ftruck at Canterbury, in Archbifliop Mor- ton’s Mint, one of them without the arched Crown, 2 at London, and 5 of York, all of his nrft Coinage. • .. Snelling, Plate II, N. 45 and N. 46 — 2J ^ 1366 Henry VII. ftde-faced, fecond Coinage, one of them without the Numerals — S 1367 Henry VIII. of his firft Coinage, 3 of them ftruck by Archbifhop Wareham, at Canterbury, 3 ftruck at York, and 3 with Pofui — — 9 1368 Henry VIII. ftruck by the Archbifhops Bainbridge and Wolfey. Plate III, N. 17 and N. 19 — 2 TP 1369 Henry VIII. 6 Half-Groats, ftruck in the Archbifliop’s Mint at Canterbury, 3 ftruck by Lee, 2 by Wolfey, at York, and 2 with Pofui — — 13 Q 4 -lO 1 / - T- ' /- o 7m «■ 12 13 /-/- ^ VZ a ( 3 ^ o / 3 - # cj a SILVER MEDALS OF BRANDENBURG AND PRUSSIA. I \ 1370 Frederick III. Elector of Brandenburg, on taking of Bonn, in 1689. Tome 3, P.421 — 1571 Sophia Charlotta, of Brunfwlck, Wife of the Elector Frederick III. Reverfe, Mon Devoir fait mon Plaiftr; in the Exergue^ 1691 : on her Death, in 1705. ( no ) , 13J2 Frederick TIL 1691, V. Loon. Tom. 3, P. 423> on liis' being made King of Prullia in 1691, 2. One on bis Alliance with the Kings of Denmark and Poland in 1709, all their Heads in a Triangle. One of him in ' Van Loon, Tom. 4, P. 356 — . 1373 Sophia Dorothea, Princefs of Brunfwick Lunenburg, on her Marriage with Frederick William, afterwards King of Pruffia, in 1706, and 2 very fmall|Medals of her, and 1 of F. L.- Henry, Prince of Pruffia, 1726 — — — ,4 1374 Frederick II, King of Pruffia. Patris Virtutibus, date in the Chronogram 1713. One, per Afperaad Aftra, dates in the Exergue j 1731 and 1732, and 1 on his Death in 1740 — ■— — 1375 Frederick III. probably on his Acceffion. R. Rex Natura, an Eagle. Exergue, 1740. By Daffier. Fa61a Felix ; Germania Pace. Brefiau, 1742 U376 Frederick III. In the Exergue, Inita. Drefdae, 1745> Pacis Fcedere. Inito. DrmTdae, 25 Dec. 1745. Pax Conclufa, 1745. A. Domino Faclum eft iftud, Dec. 1377 Frederick III. or the Great. Reverfe, Praetium.' Prope Rofbach, 5 Nov. 1757. Retlaurata Felicitate Publica LifTas, 5 Dec. 1757 — — - ^1378 Frederick III, Reverfe, Inhabitat et Inaugirat Berolin, 1748, a Box Medal. Vefitatis Paradoxa, 1758. Con- * tains the Hitlory of many remarkable Events of his Reign. Lignitii, 15 Aug. 1760 5 1379 Peter III. Emperor of Ruffia, and Frederick, King of Pruffia, Face to Face. Sal. Gen. Hum. Reverfe, Minervre Paciferae, 1762. A Jubilee Medal, on the French Church, 1772. Fides Praeftita-Marienburgi, 1772. A finall Portrait of Paul, afterwards Emperor. Fredericus Rex Amicitiae. Reverfe, Dextris Hofpitio Jun6iis. D. 21 Jul. A. 1776. Paul. Petr. M. D. Ruffi. Berolinum Ingreffiis — — 4 1^380 Academy, and other fmall Medals — 11 1381 Frederick. On the Exergue, Litib. Diremt. Pace. Tefchen, D. 13 Mail, 1779. Another, Pac. Germ. Tefch. Sites. D. 13 Maii, 1779. On his Death ; his Head with a Military Hat. R. FvCpabat, aliud NihiL Another, his Head radiated, in the Exergue, Caelo Redditus. D. 17 Augufli, 1786 — 4 1382 Frederick William, late King of Pruffia, on his Accef- fion to the Throne, 17 Aug. 1786. One on the Mar- riage of Frederick Lewis, Prince of Pruffia, and Ca- roline Sophia, Princefs of Mecklenburg, 26 Dec. . J793 2- ( 111 ) SILVER MEDALS OF AUSTRIA. 1355 Maximilian, King of the Romans, and Mary, Helrefs of Charles, Duke of Burgundy, on their Marriage, in 1477. FanMieris, Tome 1, Page 140. His Bufl, Beverfe, Her Head, 1479, P. 141. Maximilian, as Emperor, or Horfeback. Date, under, 1509. Re- verje, Goats of Arms, P.413. — — 3 1334- The Emperor Charles. Struck at Milan Tome 2, P. .314, P. 466, N. 1 & 2. P. 46, N. 2. Tome 3. And 3, Reverfe, Coats of Arms — 7 1385 The Bulls of Ferdinand, King of the Romans and Bro- ther to the Emperor, Charles V. and Ann of Hungary, on their Marriage. Tome 2, P. 123. No Reverfe. Another, T. 3, P. 12, P. 40, Another, R. FI is Son, Maximilian, King of the Romans, 1563. 5 1356 The Emperor Rodolph II. His Head. Reverfe, An ^ Eagle, Saluti Publicae, &c. — ■ 3 1387 Matthias, afterwards Emperor, 1578. Va7i Loon, Tome 1, Page 243, N. 3. On being made King of Hungary, 1. His Head,^ and Ann his Emprefs, on ' being crowned at Frankfort, 6th June, 1612, 3. Cerlantibus Fermamente Regnorurn. Two differing only in Size. R. in Memoriarn Regiae Coronationis et Comitorum, &c. 1653 — 5 1389 Leopold I. His Head. R. Imperio Sua Forma Conli- lio et Induflria. Pax et Salus - 3 1390 Leopold, upon railing the Siege of Vienna, befieged by the Turks in 1683 ' 6 1391 Leopold, upon taking Buda from the Turks, in 1686 4 1392 Leopold 1. R. Pannoniis Dacia Illirico Hcreditariis Regnis ad Au6lis. The Head of him and the Emprefs. Of him and Jofeph upon being eleded King of the Romans, in 1690. Dacia felix 1692. Fan Loon, P. 439 & 44,3 6 * 1593 Jofeph, on being ele6led King of the Romans, in 1690. Different. 5 1394 Jofeph, his Bull, 1688. Reverfe, the Portraits of 14 Emperors of the Houfe of Aullria I { ' 112 ) 1395 Jofeph and his Queen Wilhelmlna Amalia, on their Marriage, in 1699. Upon the taking of Landavi, in 1702, T. 4, P. 384. Upon coming to the Empire, in 1705, T. 5, P. 11, P. 155. And One on his Death, ENGLISH SILVER MEDALS. . 'l. .0 3 396 Obverje, The Rock of Gibraltar. Incribed, Battering Ships deftroyed, 13th Sept. 1782. Rever/e, 2Ln In- fcription to commemorate the Blockade Siege, of near 4 Years, the Britifl) Lyon coiichant; holding a Shield; a Caftle and Key; the Arms of Gibraltar. On the King’s Recovery, in 1789. On his Majefty’s going to return Thanks for his Reco- very. Obverfe^ His Head looking to the left. Beverfe, St. Paul’s Church, infcribedy Laetitia cum Pietate. Un- derneath the Church, in fmall Chara6lers, Deo. Opt. Max. Rex. Pirentitk pro Salute Reft. V. S. L. M. Ap. 23, 1789. The Dies being hr obey no more of the fe Medals can be Jiruck — — — - George, Prince of Wales. Reverfe, King Alfred giv- ing Bread to a Beggar. Frederic, Duke of York, Bi- Ihop of Ofnaburg, on the taking of Valenciennes, in A Premium Medal, given by the Marquis of Granby. Obzierfe, the King’s Head, Prosmia Laudi. Exergypy D. M. Granby, Mag. Gen. Ord. 1765. And 2 on his Death, in 1770, aged 50 His Prefent Majehy. One, a Lyon, on the Reverfcy 1781.* One on the Jubilee, 1788, R. William III. And One, Reverjoy a Building, And One, the The Duke of Northumberland. Reverfe, Alnwick Caf- tle, reftored, 1766. Thomas Snelling, the Medallifi:, died 2d May, 1761. On the Death of John Murray, Duke of Athol, 1774. In Commemoration of Han- del, in 1774 ^ — — David Latouche R. Infcribed, Qui bene parte Me- lius Difpenfavlt. Nat. 1704, Ob. 1785, Three Fi- I gures. Thomas Ryder. Reverfe, in a Wreath, Non i Alieana. Unqiiam. Ryder. Veftigia Preflet. , Boeh by W. Mojfop, of Duhlm — - — o /I i 1404 Premium Medals of the Royal Society . ’—The Eddyfrone Light-Houfe, 1757. Clerkenwell Church, rebuilt, 1788 1 ^ 0 14 “® ^ , >i L I I 1403 I ^ i^05 I to ( 113 ) 1406 Lord Southampton, by Thomas Simon Meda!lick,1l{\^oxy ^ ^ i ^ ^ of England, Plate 25, N. 8. The Plead of Thorny Neale, Efq. Mint Matter, in the Reign of King Wil- William 1407 Tickets, Public and Private, at pr. oz. 1408 Jettons and Counters, chicjiy engraved by Crijpin De Pas — 2. On the Powder Plot. And others 1 'l' 0 - '/ /4r ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN SILVER. 1409 Macrinus, 3. Elagabalus, 3. /Julia Paula, 1. Julia ^ Maefa, J. Alexander, 2. Julia Mamaea, 2. Max- iminus, 1. Balbinus, 1. . 14 ^1410 Diadumenianus, 1. princ.^^^ventvtis. (very finely preferved.) ^ ^1411 Diaduraenianus, 1. princ. ivventvtis. (very finely prefervedy and fomewhat different from the former,) 1412 t)iadumenianus, 2. — princ. ivventvtis. — spes PVBLICA; (both well prejerved.) 1413 Julia Paula, 1. Aquilia Severa, 1. Julia Soaemias, 1. Julia Maefa, 1. Alexander, 1. Julia Mamaea, 1. ( all extremely well preferved.) . — — 6 414 Julia, Msefa, 1. Alexander, 8. Juba Mamaea, 3. Balbinus, 1. Pupienus, 2. Gordianus Pius, ; 1415 Alexander, 4. Barbia Orbiana, 1. Julia Mam sea, 1. (all finely preferved.) 141 S*Maximinus,- 1. Paulina, finely preferved.)^ 1414*Paulina, 1. Maximus, 1. (both well preferved.) / 2 al415*Maximus, 1, Pupienus, 1. (The tatter finely preferved, ' and of remarkably good worhman (hip.) . 2 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD. 1416 Titus, L cos. viii. p. p. tr. p. ix. imp. xv Ancora, cuiobvolutus delphinus. 1417 Titus, 1. PAX A vG. Sillier dans, d. caduceum ex- tendit fupra tripodem, cui cmmena impohta, s. ramum, et timul columnse innititurf 1418 Titus, 1. pontif. tr. p. cos. iiii. Victoria, d. coro- nam, bafi infitlens, atTurgente hinc et inde ferpente. ( extremely fine.') 1419 Titus, 1. PONTIF. TR. POT. Mulier bafi infitlens, d. gubernaculura, s. cornucopiae, (fine) Q /f A l! il i ( m ) /// 1420 rihis, 1. CSomewhai different from the former,) 1421 Titus, 1. TR. p. IX. IMP. XV. cos. viri. p. p. Sella curulis, fupra quam corona laurea. (fine) 1422 Titus, 1. tr. p. ix, imp. xv. cos. viii. p. p. Ele- phas. 1423 Titus, 1. VESTA. Tern plum jotundum, in quo Dea dans, hinc et inde datua hadata. 1424 Titus, 1. Imperator in quadrigis trliimphalibus, d. ra- mum, s. fceptrum cum aquiia. (rare) 1425 Domitianus, 1. cos. iiii. Cornucopiag promlnenti- bus fpicis. — i — - 777 ENGLISH GOLD COINS, 1426 Richard HI. his Angel. Mint Mark> a Boar’s Head, one of his SupporPers, N. 25' 1427 Richard III. Angel. Mint Mark, a Rofe — 1428 Richard III. his Angelet or Half Angel, N. 24, forty Grains ' 1429 Henry VII. his Noble or Ryal. The King, as ufnal, danding in a Ship, a fquare Flag, with a Dragon on the Stern. Another, at the Head, with an H. the ini- tial of his Name. On the Centre of the Beverfe, the Arras of France alone. Mint Mark, a Sword; , Weight 117 Grains, Gold Coinage, P.2, N. 1. - 1430 Henry VII. his Double Ryal, or Sovereign, N. 4. 1431 Henry VII. his Double Sovereign, weighing 476 Grains ■ 1432 Henry VI I: Sovereign, N. 3. — 1433 Henry VII. Sovereign, N. 3. ; 1434 Henry VII. Angels. One of them countermarked with the Belgic Lyon, to give It Currency in Holland. Mint Mark, an Arrow’s Head, and the Angelet 1 435 Henry VII. Angels. Mint Marks, Cinqfoii and Crofs Crotlet, 2. Half Angels. — Cadle. — Crols Crofletand Rofe N. 6. 1435''^Henry VIII. his Sovereign, N. 19. Weight, 23S Grains 1436 A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 30 Boards for Eng- lilli Coins, and 1 Drawer, 1 Foot 3 Inches and a half wide, 1 Foot 3 Inches and a half deep, 2 Feet 1 Inch high — Thirteenth Day’s Sale POPES COPPER. 14-31 Marcellus II. 5. Paul IV. 7. Pius IV. 15 27 1438 Pius V. 27 1439 Gregory XIII. — ^ 1440 Sextus V. 18. Urban VII. 2 . Gregory XIV. 2 . In- nocent IX. 2 24 1441 Clement VIII. 10 . Leo XI. Paul XV, 14 25 1442 Gregory XV. 6 . Urban VIII. 26 — 32 1443 Urban VIII. — — . ' 53 1444 Innocent X. — 27 1 445 Alexander VII. ' 55 1446 ClementTX, — — — 20 1447 Clement X. 27 1448 Innocent XI. j — . — — . 53 1449 Alexander VI|I. 12 1450 Innocent XII. 26 1451 Clement XI. . 28 1452 Clement XI. 27. Innocent XIII. 8 — 35 1453 Benedia XIII. by Hedlinger, P. XXXIV.'N. 2, and 3 2 1453*BenediaXIII. I 7 ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. hobiis, 2. Fides Militum. — Virtus Augusti.— ; Carinus, 1. Diocletianus, 6. Felix' Advent. Augg. N. N. — FoRTUNyE Reduci Caess. N. N. — Genio Popuh Romani. — Providentia Deo- RVM Quies Augg. — Sacra Monet. Augg, Et Caess. NosTJi. — Q uies Augg. •— Q2 9 ( 116 ) Probus, 1. Fides Mjeit. Diocletianus, 11. Fe- lix Advent. Augg. N. N. — Fortune, Reduci ■ Augg. N, N.---Genio Pofuli Romani. — Her- CULI PaCIFERO.— -Pk o VIDENTI aDeORUM.— PrO- ^ A'-IDENTIA DeORUM QuIES AuGG. SaCR. Mo- net. Augg. et Caess. Nostr.— Sac. Mon. Urb. Augg. et Caegs. N. N.~ Salvis Augg. ET Caess. Fel. "Kart.— Quies Augg. — Quies Augustorum. 12* a - ik'^ 1456 Diocletianus, 7, diferent Types.—Maximianus the FirR, 5. tFterna Memoria. — Conserv. Urb. Sua;.— Felix Advent. Augg. N. N. — Fides Militum Augg. et Caess. N. N. — Fides Mi- _ litum. 12 f, a ~ o - ^ o 1457 Diocletianus, 5, ditTerent Types. — Carautius, 1. Pax Aug. Maximianr.s, the FiiFt, 6. Fortune Re- Duci CaxEss. N. N.— Genio Pop. Rom. — Genio P opuLi Romani. — Herculi ConsePvVat ori. — Mars Victor .—Mon eta Sacra Augg. et 'Caess. N.N. 12 . ^ ^ 1458 Diocletianus, 4, different Types. Maximlanus the ^ ^ Firft, 6 . Moneta S. AUgg. et Caess. N. N.— Providentia Deorum Quies Augg. — Sac.' Mon. Urb. Augg. et Caess. N. N. — Sacra Monet. Augg. et Caess. Nostr. — Salvis Augg. et Caess. Fel. Kart,— Virtus Augg. ET Caess. N. N. — . ' 10 ''"^1459 Diocletianus, 6, different Types. Maximianus, the ^ ‘ ^ Firfl, 8, different Types. 14 1460 Diocletianus, 5, different Types. Maximianus, the /' Firft, 8, different Types. 1.8 - . Y 1461 Diocletianus, .5, different Types. Maximianus the ^ ^/a- j Firfl, 9, different Types. - — ^ ^ — — 14 ENGLISH SILVER FIALF GROATS. 1462 Henry VIII. his 34 Year— P. III. Af 36, mid twelve of his bafe Money,//r?R'A- at Bri.Jlol, Caiiicrhury , , London, and York 1463 Edward Vl. Jlruck at Canterbury — ■ — 1464 Edward VI. Jlruck at Lo?idori .. yi---^1465 Mary’s FTalf Groat, P. 5, N. 1 — Philip and Mary’s Half Groat, Plate V. N. 4 1467 Elizabeth, 1 milled. And One, dmddful if milled 14.68 Elizabeth, different hammered Half’ Groats, P. 6, N. 6 J & 19 . c .1469 James I. JirJi Coinage, Plate 8, 1* Of his fecond / ~ Coinage , N, 10. idbie ' • - — — — 13 1 1 1 1 2 18 10 . <»• V 22' ( 117 ) / 14-70 Cliarlesl. DlfTefenl Coinages of the Tower Mint, Sntl lingy P. 9, N. 3, 9. & 15. 1471 Aberiliwith, P. 10, N. 25. And Five, with the Book, f -v Crown, and Fieur de Lis — 6 1472 BrioFs Half Groat. Oxford. ^P. 11. N. 2 & 3. —And cy Two Country Mints — 5 ^ 1473 The Exeter Half Groat, Plate 13, N. 2. 1 / 1474 Commonwealth, 1. Charles IT. Of his firft and fe- cond Coinage, 5. And 7 of his Milled Money, One, •'*/ s dated, 1668. 13 1475 James II. 3. William and Mary, 4. William, 3. Ann, 7. * George I. 6. George II, 10. And George III. 8. 41 3 THREEPENCES. 1476 Edward VI, One, flruck at London, and Two at York, Snelling, Plate 4, N. 17 * 1477 Elizabeth, Milled Threpences, P, 7, N. I. 1478 Elizabeth, Hammered Threepences, P. 6, N. 13. 1479 Charles I. 3, Ilriick at Aberidwith. 1, at Exeter. 4, at Oxford. 1, at York, And 2, Mints unknown 1480 Charles II. Ofhisfirft and fecond Coinage, 2. Mill- ed, 8. James 11. 4. William and Mary, 3. Willi- am, 2. Ann, 6. George I. 3. George 11. 5. George III. 8. — ■ 3 /-/ a > 16 A/. 0 112 ---* ^ 4i ENGLISH SILVER GROATS. I4S1 Edwrad T. Weight, 80 Grains, Snelling, Plate 2, 'N. 10,. ' : ■ 1482 Edward III. 4, ftruck at London, And 1, of Richard, ftruck at London — — 1483 Henry IV. V. or YT. 1, ftruck at Calais. And 6, at London — 1484 Heh^ry^s Groats, ftruck at London. Various Mint and Privy Mraks 178,5 Henry VI. ftruck at Briftol, See Snelling, Page 17 1486 Flenry VI. ftruck after his 494h Year. 6, at London. And 1, at York 1487 Edward lY^. Heavy Groats, before his 4th Year, ftruck at London 1488 Edward IV. Heavy Groats, ftruck at London 1489 Edward IV. Heavy Groats, ftruck at London '' I 490 Edward IV. 3, ftruck at Briftol. 1, Coventry. And 4, at London — jv. ,2../ y 0 i t 71 ^ 5 7 8 / ^ 2 -> - ( 118 ) / • $^^4-91 Edward IV. 2, flruck at Briftol. 4-, at London. I, at ^ Norwich. And 1, at York B iS I, / Edward IV. 2, ilruck at Briftol. 4, at London. I, at Norwich. And 1, at York 8 AUSTRIA. 1495 Charles^ Archduke of Auftria, Son of Leopold, l^e- verje, Juxta Jovis Solifque Vias, 1700, Vaji Loon, Tome 4, P. 309. Charles VI. on being made Empe- ror,, N. 1, P. 189. Another, on the fame Occafion. Date, 1711 — 3 1494 Charles VI. P. 240. 2, Pax Badens, 1714, P. 246. I , R. Patet Oriens. by Hamerani. The Emprets Eli- zabeth, R. Augufta Lucifera 5 j 495 Charles VI. Rr. Exergue, Leopold Archid. Auftr. Princ. Auftrim, 13lh April, 1716. 2, c. c. Mil. Turcar. Fu- gata. Vallum Caftraq. Expug. 1717. 3, Tauruno Capta, 1717. And 1, by Roitier, a Chronogram, Date, 1717 7 1496 Charles VI. and George II. Face to Fac^. R. Fcedus Viennefe init. 1731. Caftris Hoft. Captis, 1734. Primo ^.Tdium Lapide Pofito, 1735 3 J497 Francis, Duke of Lorraine^ afterwards Francis I. On his Marriage wdth Maria Therefa, Daughter of Charles VI. Emperor of Germany, in 1736. Medailles trap- pd.es fous le Regne Glorieux de I’Imperatrice. Reine Marie Therefa, Vienna, 1782, P. 6. Another, P. 10, On the Birth of the Archduke Jofeph, in 1741. P. 25, Another, on the fame Subjeft, with the Empreifes Head 4 1498 The Emprefs Queen, on her Coronation, in 1741, P.29 30. At Paague, in 1743, N. 1. Another, on the fameSubjedi. Unetio. Regia Frag. 12, May, 1743, P. 44. — 4 1499 Mary Therefa, P. 35. Brefiau, 1742. The Bufts of the Emperor and Emprefs, Reverfe, Two Heads of Archdukes, P. 58. i 3 1500 The Emprefs Qu^en, on the Peace with Bavaria, in 1745, P.59, El Mente et Armis, P.64. 2 1501 Francis 1. on being eleded Emperor, 13 September, 1745, P. 65, 70. Upon his Coronation, at Frankfort, 41h Odober, 1745, p. 75, 80, 81, & 82. « 1502 The Emprefs, on the Pacification of Germany, 1745, P 87. The En)|)eior, in the Diet at Ratifbon, P. 89. 'fhe Emprefs, on llic Peace of Drefdcn, P. 93 tk: 94. And iwo tmGiQ on the fame Subjed — 6 r 119 ) % 1305 The Emprefs, on the Birth of the Dutchefs Amelia, 26th February, 1746, P. 99 & 101. On the Birth of the Archduke Leopold, 5th May, 1747, P. 107. One on the Peace of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748 4 1504 Charles V. and the Emperor Francis, Face to Face, P. 152. The Emperor and Emprefs on the Battle ot Co- lin, in 1757, ?. 164. 165, & 166. — 4 1505 The Emperor and Emprefs, on the Military Order of St. Therefa, 18th June, 1757, P.167. On railing the Siege of Prague, P, 169. On railing the Siege of OI- mutz, in 1758, P. 172. Upon the Battle of Hoch- Kirch, 14th 06lober, 1758 4 1506 Francis and Mary, upon delivering of Drefden, 4th Sep- tember, 1759, P. 176. On taking Twelve Thoufand Prulfians Prifoners, 2111 November, 1759,P. 177. On the Vidory of Landlhut, 1760, P. 179. On the Mar- riage of the Archduke Jofeph, with Elizabeth, Daugh- ter of Philip, Duke of Parma,. 6th 06lober, 1760, P. 181. — — 4 1507 Charles, Duke of Lorraine, Brother of Francis I. on being eleded Grand Mailer of the Teutonic Order, in 1761, P.187. Joleph on being crowned King of the Romans, 3d April, 1764,' P. 202, 205, & 207. 4 1508 The Princefs Jofepha, of Bavaria, on her Marriage with the King of the Romans, in 1765, P. 217 8z 223. Upon the Imperial Family^s Arrival at Infpruck, P.226. And on the Marriage of the Archduke of Leopold, with Louifa, Infanta of Spain, in 1765, P. 228. 4* 1509 The Emperor Joleph II. and his Mother, Mary The- rela, on the Recovery of the Archdukes Ferdinand, and Maximilian, and the Archduchefs Therefa, from the Small Pox, in 1768, P. 282. On the building of a Lazaretto at Triede, in 1769, P. 297. Charles of Lorrain and Maximilian, on being made his Coadju- 'tor of the Teutonic Order, P. 315. Jofeph IT. and his Mother, P.361. 4 1510 The Emprefs.^ A Premium Medal, P. 372. One on her Recovery from the Small Pox, in 1767, P.263. A fraall Premium Medal of the Academv of Brulfels. And 1 on the Marriage of the Archduke Leopold, in 1788. — 4. 1511 The Emperor Jofeph II. 1789. Leopold II. Corona- tion, 1790. Emperor Francis II. Menfe Jui. 1792. Him and the King of Pruffia, Frederick William II. Face to Face, 1792- ■— — 4 1512 Small Medals and Jettons, of the Houfe of Auftria 30 1513 Erneft, Due de Croy. Prince of tlie Empire, 1663. Count Stahrenburg, 1683, 2. Prince Charles of Lor- raine, 2 ' 1514 Small Medals and Jettons. Chiefiy of (h’r/nafii,. at per ounce. ' ( 120 y ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN SILVER. lA if 1515 1516 "C “ 1517 1518 ,.7.^ 1519 — iS i;^L^1524 Balbinus, 3. Pupienus, .3. Gordianus Plus C.^:sar, 1. Gordian us A Incanus Junior, 1. (finely prejerved.) Gordianus Pius, 3. Philippas, Senior, 3. Otacilia Se- vera, 2. Phiiippus Junior, 3. Trajanus Decius, 3. Herennia Etrufcllla, 2. Herennius, 2. preferved.) — — — Gordianus Pius, 6. Phiiippus Senior, 6. Otacilia Se- vera, 3. Trajanus Decius, 2. Herennius, 2. Hof- tilianus, 1. Trebonianus Gallus, 4. (all well pi'efer- Gordianus Pius, 3. ' Phiiippus Senior, 3. Otacilia Se- vera, 2. Phiiippus Junior, 3. Trajanus Decius, 3. Herennia Etrufciila, 2. Plerennius, 2. finely preferved.) — — Gordianus Pius, 5. Phiiippus SUnior, 5. Phiiippus Junior, 1. Trajanus Decius, 2. Herennia Elrufcil- *la, 1. Hoililianus, 1. Trebonianus Gallus, 2. Vo- iufianus, .3. Aemilianiis, 3. Valerianus Senior, 4. Gallienus, 3. — - — - — Gordianus Pius, 20. Phiiippus Senior, 17. Trajanus Decius, I. Trebonianus Gallus, 5. Voliifianus, 7. Phiiippus Senior, 3. Hoftilianus, 2. Trebonianus Gallus, 2, A^oluijanus^ 2. Aeniilianus, 3. Valeri- anus Senior, 3. Gallienus, 4. Salonina, 3. Poftu- rnus, 3. • — ' Aeinilianus, 1. Valerianus Senior, 2. Gallienus, 2. Salonina, 2. Valerianus Poftnmus, 2. (all finely preferved.) Alariniana, I. Gallienus, 2. Salo- nina, 2. Valerianus the Second, Gallieni Prater, 3. Valerianus the Third, Gallieni Fil. 3. Potlumus, S. Marius, 1. Diocletianus, 1. Maximianus, the flril, 1. ' — J523 Volufianu.s, 3. Mariniana, I. the Third, 2. Aemilianus, 2 30 50 25 15 24 ROxMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD. 1525 15 2d Domitlanus, I. cos^ v. Figura genuflexa A^exillum offert. (fine.) — - — Domitianiis^ ]. geRmaxicvs cos. xvi. Germania ma^Pa ciypeo pairio inlidet, infra hafta fracta. (ex^ trev.iely fine and^rare.) — ( J21 ) 1527 Domitianus, 2. imp. xxir. cos. xvi. cens. p. ?. p/ . Minerva Hans, d. hafiam. — frinceps ivventvtis. Duse dextrsejundae, intermedia aquila legionaria prorae navis infixa. 1528 Domitianus, 1. imp. xii. cos. xii. cens. p. p. p. Germania maefla clypeo patrlo infidet, infra hatia frac- ta. (fine and rare.) — — . 1529 Domitianus, 1. ivppiter conservator. Aquila fulmini infiflens. — — 1530 Domitianus, 1. princeps ivventvt. Spei typus. 1531 Domitianus, 1. princeps ivventvtis. Sella cum galea impotita. (rare) 1532 Domitianus, I. princeps ivventvtis. Vetla fe- dens, d. palladium, s. haftam. (very fine.) 1533 DomitIg,nus, 1. tr. pot. ii. cos. viiii. des. x. p. p. Minerva flans, d. hatlam. 1534* Domitianus, 1. tr. pot. imp. ii. cos. viii. des. VIIII. p. p. Protome Palladis, d. hatlam fiipra hu- merum, .1535 Domitianus, 1. Domitianus eques, d. fublata, s, fcep- trum. 1 • ' 2 l~ 1.. 6 1 1 1 3 ^ 1 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. //^ // 1536 Henry VIII. Sovereign. Mint Mark, a Fleur de Lis. Reverfe, a Bolt or Arrow — 1537 Henry VIII. his Angel, Half and Quarter Angel. Mint Mark, the Fleur de Lis, 16 & 17. — — 1538 Henry VIII. Angel. Without the H. and Rofe on the Reverfe, unpublijhed. 1539 Henry VIII. his Angels, 3. And the Angelet 154'0 Henry VIII. Angels. Mint Marks, Fleur deLis, Port- cullis crowned. — Angelets. ‘ Catlle crowned, and Portcullis crowned lo^l Henry VIII. Called the George Noble, from the Fi- gure of St. George on Horfeback piercing the Dragon with a Spear. Infcrihed, Tali Dicait. Sig. Mes. FIuc- tuari Neqi. Reverfe, a Ship with a large Role on its Matl, H. R. on the Sides, his Titles. Mint Mark, a Rofe. Weighing 71 Grains 1542 Flenry VIII. Crowns, with H. R. II. A. and H. K. Half Crowns, H. R. and H. K. Plate 2, N. 1 1, 12, and 13. — — • 1543 Henry VUL Crowns, H. R. R. H. and H. 1. Half Crowns, with H. R. and H. K, — R I Tiy 3 ^ ^ '0 c 4 ^ 1 / 2^ ~o , Z.. 6- ' (, 122 ) 3- A "J 1544 Henry VIIL The Pound Sovereign of his 34th Year, 1544. R&verfe, the Arms of England and Fr-ance, fupported by a Lyon and a Dragon. Weight, 200 3 . S - ^ Henry Vni. The Sovereign and Half Smmreign of his ^ 36th and 371h Year. P. 2. N. 21 and 22. Weight, '190 and 94 Grains — ™ -t— — ■ ^ 4 ( - ■ Fourteenth Day’s Sale. POPES MEDALS', COPPER. 1547 Clement XII. Medallions. Vamiii, P. SI 6, N. 18, 19, and 21 ' ‘ . — • • ^ 1548 Clement Xll. ' J9 1549 Benedict XIV. — — 31 1550 Clement XIIL - 17 1551 Clement XIV. — — . ' — ^ 10 1552 Pius VI. "■ — 8 1553 Innocent XIL Clement XI. 2. Clement XII. 2, *SV. Urbain — 5 1554 St. Peter, and the Set of Popes, all by St. Urbain 16 1555 Leaden Seals, called Pope’s Bulls. Various Roman Catholick Medals of the Virgin Mary, Saints, 8zc. 1556 A Medallion of Alexander VJL His Bud: with the Triple Crown. Reverfe, A Church ; a Fountain be- fore it. Underneath, Nobilius Per Te Situs Fluam In- exhaudus. Ihis fmgidar Medallion is inferted in a double Rim, to be opened, and contains two long In- fcriptions , « — ■■ — — Ct)PPER MEDALS BY JOHN AND JAMES ANTHONY DASSIER, OF GENEVA. 1557 Sir John Barnard. Sir Robert Barker. Lord Carteret. John Campbell, Duke of Argyle. Cardinal Fleury. Sir Andrew Fountaine. Lewis Le Fort. Baron ' Montefquieu . s 8 1558 Archdeacon Bridoake. Jolni James Burlamaqui. Count Mazzuchelli. Alexander Pope — 4 K 2 I ( 124 ) 1539 Martin Folkes. Edmund Halley. Scipio Maffeio. j John Duke of Montagu 4 1560 Abraham de Moivre. W. Pulteney, Earl of Bath, Marlhall Saxe. Sir Elans Sloane. Charles Spencer, , Duke of Marlborough. Philip Stanhope, Earl of C'hetlerfield. Pvobert Walpole, Earl of Orford 8 1361 Dr. Samuel Clark. John Giittenburg and John Fautf, the firft Printers, John Locke. Sir Ifaac Newton, 2. John Fred. Ab. OPerval. John de Saconay. Arch- bifhop Wake. William Wyndham — - 9 1562 In Commemoration of th^ Reformation, 1535. Two, on Peace being reftored in Geneva, .1738. One, Honorary i£63 A Set of the Reformers. John WiclifF. John Hufs. Jerome of Prague. Patrick Hamilton. Zuingle. John Oecolampad. Berthold Haller. Simon Gri- neus. Martin Luther. Paul Faglus. Martin Bucer. Thomas Cranmer. Nicholas Ridley. Hugh Latimer. Philip Melanchton. John Lafco. Peter Martyr, Wolfsgan Mafculus. John Calvin. “ William FarelL • Peter Viret. John Knox. Henry Bullinger. Theo- dore Beza ‘ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. c - 1 O ' 2564 a ■ C 1565 o - lO ' 1666 J567 ./^L. . • 1568 Firft, 5, different Types. Conftantius Chlorus, 5.'^ CoNSECRATIO. FeLIX AdVEKTi AuGG. N. N. — Fides Militum. — Genio Populi Romaisti. — Memoiiia Divi Constant!. , — 12 Firtl, 4, different Types. Conflantius Chlorus, 8, different Types. — — - 14 variciis Mint Marks.) Maximlanus, the Firft, 12. Genio Pofuli Romani. (With .various Mint Marks.) — ’ — 24 •pn: -r IDES/ VARIOUS MINT. marks) Maxiuiianus, the Firft, 9. .21 Conftantius Chlorus, 12. Consecratio.- Advent. Augg. N.N. — Fides Militum.- PdiLiTUM Augg. et Caess. N. N. —Fortune Reduci Caess. N. N. — genio Augg. et C^esa- RUM. N. N.— Genio Populi Romani. — Memo- ria Divi Constant!.— Memoria Felix. — Sacr. Monet. Augg. et Caess. Nostr.— Sa- cra AIon. Urb. Augg. et Caess. N. N.— Sal- vis Augg, et Caess. Aucta Kart. 12^ T3 f < ( 125 ) Confiantlus Chlorus, 6, different Types. Maximlanus, the Second, 8. i^TERNA Memoria. — ^tern^ Memori^. — ^Etern^ Memorise Gal. Maxi- MIANI. — Co!tcordiae Augg. — Felix Advent. Augg. N. N. — Fides Militum. — Forti For- T Uisr^. -fFoRTU^^ Reduci Caess. N. N. 1570 ConftSnfius Ctiloriis, 3 1 . Genio Populi Romani, " ( with various Mint Marks,) — • 1571 Conftantius Chlorus, 5, different Types. Maximlanus, the Second, 13. Genio Augusti. — Genio Augg. ET Caes^arum, N. N. — Genio C^saris. — Ge- nio Imperatoris. — Genio Populi Romani.— Jovi Cons. Caes. — Memoria Felix. — M. Sa- cra Augg, et Caess. N. N. — Quies Aug. — Rom^ :^ter. — Sacr Aj^M'onet. Augg.et Caess. Nostr^t^Salvis Augg. et Caess. Fel. Kart, — -ViRTUS Exercitus. - ^3 / ' ^ 14 31 / ^ - o ■ 1 - ♦ 11 - l‘S 7^ iiiNGLISH SILVER COINS. GROATS. t'f 1572 Edward IV. 2, ftruck at BriPoI. London. And 1 at York. 1573 Edward IV. 2 ftruck at Briflol. And 1 at York 1 at* Norwich. 4 at 4 at London. 1 heavy '>i;»^574 Edward IV. ftruck at Coventry, Norwich, and York 11^5 Richard III. Mint Marks, Boars Head and Rofe Richard III. Boars Head on the Obverfe, and Rofe on . the Reverfe ■ — — ' ■ - ^ 1577 Richard III. Rofe Mint Mark, flruck at York 1578 Henry VII. full faced, P. 2, N. 47, 5. Side faced, P. 3, y . N. 7, three ^f579 Henry VIE full faced, 5, P. 2, N. 47. Side faced, 3, Plate III. N. 7 1580 Henry VII. full faced, 5. Side faced, 3 — ^**^1381 Flenry VIII. fide faced, firft Coinage, P. 3, N. 12, '' 3. Second Coinage, N. 24, and 21 , 5 15,82 Henry VIIT. fecond Coinage, I, llruck at York, Cardinal IVolfey, P. 3, N. 27 ' — 1583 Henry VIII. of his 34, 36, and 37th Years, ftnick at Briftol, 4. At Canterbury, 2 Pofui, &c. 6. Redde, &c. P, 3, N. 45. York, 2. London, 5 1584 Edward VI. I, flruck at London. And 1 with Pofui, Szc. Plate IV. N. 5, and 8 15S5 Mary, 1. Philip and Mary, 1. Elizabeth, 5, hammered 1 ^ Q an<^ one mVkd . . — ^ — - — 7 3 r- 2 / - / ' 8 0 9 / ^ 17 * /0 - ^ / 2 -. /'J- . ^ I I ' d /JV- ^ ^ ^ f _ n- ^ — 20 / 2 -2- ‘ a- - ( 126 ) j _ 0' >1586 Charles I. Aberiflwith, 2. Exeter;^ I. Oxford, 9. And 2, ftruck in Country Mints — 14, J587 Charles II. 2. Of his Firft and Second Coinage, ' milled, 8. * James II. 2. William and Mary, 3. ' M^illiain, 4. Ann, 7. George I. 3. George II. 7. George III. 10 — — jg 46 ENGLISH SILVER COINS. SIXPENCES. / -/ '0 1588 ‘589 ,.,7a ^ 1590 i-i-a L,-. 1692 , 1-595 Edward VI 6. with Pofui, and one of them with a Countermark. And 1 druck at York, Plate IV. N. 16 7 Philip and Mary, Snelling, P. 5, N. 14 — 4 Philip and Mary, 1554, Plate V. N. 16 1 Elizabeth’s, hammered, Sixpences, different, P. 6, N. 19 20 T- •‘J '3U.F'' / - .f'* ^ ' 3^^1597 599 rf a 1600 Elizabeth’s, hammered. Sixpences Elizabeth’s, hamme/red. Sixpences — • Elizabeth’s, milled, Sixpences, P. 7, N. 8, 1 1, and 12 Elizabeth’s, 7nilled, Sixpences, P. 7, N. 8, and 9 Elizabeth’s, milled. Sixpences, P. 7, N. 14, and 15, and one with the Mollet Mint Mark Elizabeth, 1574, P. 7, N. 16. — Elizabeth, like N. 16, of P. 7, date 1575 James 1. Sixpences of his Firll ,and Second Coinage, P. 8, N. 4, and 1 1 James I. of his Second Coinage 21 20 12 3 ^ a 1601 Charles I. of his Fird and Second Coinage, P. 9, N. 4, and \0, from 1625 to 1630, incluftve 1602 Charles 1. Heads, like his Second Coinage. One with the Square Shield without a Crofs. One, Reverfe, the Oval Shield, Infcribed, Cultores Sui Deus Protegit. fflot publijhed by Snelling — ■ ■■■ SILVER MEDALS OF HOLLAND AND THE LOW- COUNTRIES. 1603 The Head of Philip II. King of Spain. Reverfe, Two Men difcourfing. Infcribed, Juefques a Porter la Beface, V^an Loon, Tome 1, P. 84. Another, about the King’s Head, fame Infcription, Entout Fidelles au Roy, N. 2, 3, &c. one of them ha'i a Pearl — 1604 Philip de Montmorency, Ccunt Horn, his Bud. Reverfe, A Tree. Inter Procellas Salus Patriae, 1565. Fora lon^. Account of this Great Man, fee Van Loon, P.75, Tome 1, Philip de Croy, Due d’Arfehot. Prince de Chimay, P. 91, N. 1 *■' ■ ' — I I' _ ( 127 ) . 1505 Anlhony de Strael, P. 95. John Frankaert, Et 45. R, An Anvil, Hammers beating upon it. 'J’endure pour Durer. — Viglius, N. 2, P. 54. — ‘X 1606 Stephen de Wit, Page 9'6. — Nicolas Perrenot, 1574. Rcverfey a Ship between two Rocks. Ni ca ni la. — Orleiius, the Geograpiier, P. 502. — Philip William, Prince of Natfau, 462. IdO? P'erdinand de Toledo, Duke d’Alva, P. 119, 2, N. I, P. 124. Another, Deo et Regi, Charles de Croy, P. 540. Ann de Croy, Tome 2, P. 115. — 1608 Cardinal Granville, Tome 1, N,.2, Page 138. Moril- lon 1 . and other fmall medals. 7 1609 William I. Prince of Orange, P.203. On his Death in 1584. P.339,2. Charlotte de Bourbon, &c. - 4 1610 William, Earl of Holland, giving Arms to the City of Amfterdam, in 1342. Reverfe, the Emperor, IVfaxi- millaii, crowning of the Arms, 1488. P. 250. Re- ilored. — 1 1611 Peter Vanderwerf, P.188. Silver Crefcents, worn by Seamen at the Siege of Leyden, 3, P. 190. Upon railing the Siege, N. L P. 193. Francis Duke d^Alencon, P. 317^ N. j. ' — 6 1612 Gertrudenberg. Upon taking of It from the Spaniards in 1593, N. }, P. 4.30. Of Groningen in 94, P. 440, N. 2. On the Alliance between England, France, and Holland, In 1696, N. 2, P. 471. — 3 ' 1613 Upon taking feveral Towns by Prince Maurice, N. I, P. 482. P. 484, N. 2. P. 485, N. 11. 3 1614 Upon Prince Maurice’s Victory over the Archduke In 1600, N. I and 2, P. 535, 2. Upon taking of Grave, 1 60^2, P. 555, 2. — 4 1615 Prince Maurice. Gold-Enamelled, with a Chain, and decorated with Four Rubies, N. 1 . P. 533. 1 1616 Prince Maurice, 1602, Van Loon, N. 3, P. .‘>53. A Medallion. Elis Head, without Tiny Rcverjh, N. 1. I'ome 2, Pi 149. And 1 witli th« Rover fa — 3 1617 Upon the memorable Siege of Ollencl, taken from tlie ^ Dutch by the Spaniards in 1604, P. 15, N. 1, 2, Sc 3. 3 1618 Upon the Triple Alliance between England, France, and Holland, in 1609, N. i Sc 4, P. 50, T()!uc 2. 2 16! 9 Synod of De.rt, in 1618, Tome 2, P, 105. Another, on the lame SubjeSl, to the Honour of Prince Maurice, P. 1 13. — — r.- 1620 On defeating Adruiral BothpTome 1, P. 168, probably Rcdored, this Medal being dated 1620. Hugh Gro- tlus, 12, P. 134, ElaOcit, 1622. Haeriam, 1623, N.l, P.146. 1. . 1621 Prince Maurice, N. 3, P. 149. Another, P. 155. 1622 Peter Hein, Admiral, for taking the Spanilh Galleons, in i628, P. 17 L N. 1 and 3. — — t. I ( 128 ) i622*Fi‘ed#rick Henry, Prince of Naflau, P. 181, N. I. , P. 190 and P. 208. — " S ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN SILVER. / V*. / - 7 ^ 0 :626 Caraufiiis, 1. principi ivvent. 1 Caraufius, 1. VBERTA avg. — i ^railianus, 1. Valerianus, Sen. 6. Gallienus, 10. Valerianus, Gallieni Prater, 6. Valerianus, Gallieni Filius, 7. Poftiiraus, 12. — ■ — 42 Mariniana, 1. Macrianus, I. Quietus, 1. (all very finely preferved ) 3 ^ ^ Twenty-two reftored Coins, fuppofed to have been firuck by Gallienus. AiiguPus, 2. Vefpafianus, 2. Titus 2. Nerva, 1. Trajanus, 3. Hadrianus, 2. Antoninus Pius, 2. M. Aurelius, 2. Commodus, 2. Severus, 1. Alexander, 3. 3 < 2 . 1628 22 1629 1630 Gallienus, 15. SalOnina, 3. Valerianus, Gallieni Fil. 1. Poftumus, 11. Diocletianus, 1. Maximianus, the Firll, 1. ■ — , 32 MacrianuS, 1. Quietus, 1, Diocletianus. 1, (all well preferved ) w^l631 Mariniana, 1. Quietus,!. Diocletianus, 1. Maxi- mianus, the Firfl, 1. _ Marius, 1. Magnia Urbica, 1. Diocletianus, 1. Maxi- mianus, the Firfl, 1. (fill finely preferved : the two firfl are only wafhed with filver. 1632 Quietus, 1. Maximianus, the Firft, 1. Conftantius Chlorus, 1. Licinius, fen. 1. Conflantinus, the FirtI, 1. Conflantius, the Second, 2. (all well pre- ferved ) mm. — ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 1633 Domitia, 1. concordia avgvst. Pavo. (fine and very rare) ^ ^ — I 1634 Nerva, 1. concordia exercitvvm. Dus dextras jun61ae, intermedia aquila legionaria prorse navis inlixa. 1 1635 Nerva, 1. concordia exercitvvm. Duae dex- trae jumStse. (fine.) I Nerva, 1. Somewhat different from the former. 1 l> Nerva, 1. cos. in. p ATER PATRIAE. Capeduiicula, ' afpergilium, urceiis, lituus. (rare) 1 1638 Nerva, 1. fortvna avgvst, Fortunas typus. (fine) • 1 /P a Nerva, 1, ivstitia avgvst. Alulier fedens, d. hafiam, s, ramuuji^i Jiy / f. J '1 ^ { J29 ) r\ 1640 Trajanus, 1. alim. ital. cos. v. p.p. s. p. q. r. OPTIMO pRiNciPi. Imperalor togatus Hans, d. ali- menta duabus parvis figuris offert. (rare) — • , I j 1641 Trajanus,!. basilica vlpia. iEdificium columnis fultum, et pluribus figwris decoratum. (rare) 1 1642 Trajanus, 1. conservatori patris patriae. Jupiter ftans, f. haftam et amiculum, dextram fulmine '/ armatam extendit fapra Imperatorem togatum ^ ^ c / (lantern* — . 1 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 1643 Henry VIIL Half Sovereigns of his laft Coinage* Mint Marks, a Circle, or O, an E.«— A Bolt pr Arrow. 1644 Edward VI. Half Sovereigns, 2. The King fitting on his Throne with the Sceptre and Orbe in his Hand. Reverfe, the Royal Arras, Crowned, fupported by a Lyon and a Dragon, Plate 3, N. 1 . 1645 Edward VI. The Half-Crown of his Firft Year® Obverfe, a Rofe crowned between ER. Reverfe, the Arms of England and France crowned, hifcribed, Rutijans Rofa fine Spina, P. 3, N. 2, w'eighs 22 grains — ■» 1646 Edward VI. Half Sovereign, Quarter, and Eighth of a Sovereign, the King’s Head bare. Infcribcdy Scu- tum Fidei Protegit Eura. Reverfe, the Royal Arms Crowned, and Name and Titles : all with a Bolt or Arrow, Mint Mark, N. 4, 5, 6. — 1647 Edward VI. Half Sovereign, Quarter, and Eighth, weighing 82, 42, and 20 grains. Mint Mark Y. 1648 Edward VI. Two Half Sovereigns, and the Quarter, Sovereign - ' " ■ ■ — 1649 Edward VL Half Sovereign, bare-headed, N. 7, dated 1548. Another, infcribed, on the Obverfe, Lucerna Pedibus Meis Verbum ,Tuiim, N. 8. 1650 Edward VL The Half, the Quarter, and an Eighth of a Sovereign crowned. Mint Mark, the Bolt or Arrow, N. 9, 10, and 11, _ — 1651 Edward VL The Half Sovereign, and its Parts, with the Head crowned. Mint Mark Y. 1652 Edward VL A Half Sovereign, the King’s Bufi, crowned in Armour. Revcrfc, the Royal Arms crowned, between E.R. Tnfcribsd witli the King’s Name and Titles on both Sides, weighing 80 grains. Urptib- lijhed. — - " 1653 Edward VI. Half Sovereigns crowned.- Mint M.^rks, the Bolt, Picklock, and Swan S 3 / 2 \ t '0 2 / 'ty-^ ^ ^ 3 /-/4 d" o 3 ■;/ . /r ^ 2 2 - / ^ ( 159 ) S' <5 o')/ Edward VI- Half Sovereigns crown^*d. Mint Marks, *2- Bolt, Cinqroil, and Rofe, fliould weigh 84- grainy each — — ■ — — r- — "" 1655 pdward VI. The Sovereign of his Third Year, 169 Grains. Mjnt Mark, the Letter Y, Plate 3, N. 10. 1656 Edward VI. The Sovereign of his Third Year, the King fitting in a Chair of State. Raverfe, the Royal Arms crowned, fnpported by a Lion and a Dragon, weight 169 Grains — — ■ — ■ 1657 Edward VI. The Double Sovereign of his Fourth Year, not mentioned by Snellirig, the King in a Chair pf State. Mint Mark, the Dragons Head. Reverfe, the Arms of England and France. Tnjcribed, Jhelii 4utem Tranfiens per Medium Illorum Ibat, weigh- t’ng 476 Grains -r— ;• — - 1658 Edward VI. The Sovereign of his Fourth Year. Mi«t Mark, the Dragon’s Head, weighing 236 Grains, P. 3, N. 16. — ^ -™ 1659 Edward yi. Angel. Dragon’s Head^ Mint Mark. Weight 76 Grains, P. 3, N. 14. — Edward VI. The Sovereign^ Half, Quarter, and ti. 'I -ik 6 1660 »7 |663 1 664 1665 1666 Eighth, the King half bodied in Armour looking to the Left, with a Sword in his Right Eland, and Globe in his Left. Reperfe, the Royal Arms crowned, and fiipported by a Lion and Dragon, weight 176 Grains, N. 17, 18, 19, and 20. Mint Marks, the Y. on the Half, and Ton on the others — Edwmrd VI. The Sovereign, and Half. Mint Marks, Y. and Ton, N. 19^ and 20. Mary. The fine Sovereign, or Double Ryal, the Queen Sitting in a Chair of State, Reverfe, mfcrihed. A Dno. Fa6fura Efi Iftud. &, Eft Mira in Ocul. Nris. Pfal. 118, V. 23, Weight 240 Grains, Plate 4, N. 4. Mary. Her Ryal. The Queen in a Ship, and a Sword in her Right Hand, and a Shield, with the Royal Arms in her Left, Date 1553. i^e:>£r/e, the RadiatCvd Eofe in the Centre, furrounded with Lions and Crowns, as in the Ryal of Edward IV. Injcribed, A Dno. Faftum Eft Iftud. &, Eft Mira in Gcul. Nris, Plate 4, N. 3, Weight, 120 Grains. — Mary. Angel, N. 2. ' . ^ -r- Mary. Half Angel or Angelet, N, 1 . Weight 40 Grains — — — — An elegant Rofe-wood Cabinet, containing 20 Boards, lined with Green Velvet, with 2 Drawers at Bottom. 15 Inches Wide, li Ipches and an half |3eep, 15. Inches High . . mi Fifteenth Day^s Sale. MEDALS IN COPPER ANO PEWTER, BY JOHN CHARLES HEDLINGER. 1667 Hecilinger, hy Him/eIf,Yhte 1, N. 4 and 5. Charles Birch, P. 17, N‘. 3. Catharine Krdl, P.18, N. 3i Jofeph Roettiers,' P. 39, N. 2. 5 1668 The Emperor, Charles Vl. P. 7, N. 1. jUlrlca, Queen of Svyeden, P. IS, N. 2. Frederick and Ulrica, King and Queen of Sweden> P. 20, N. 3, 5. 4 1669 Ann, Emprefs of Ruffia, P. 30> N. 1. Frederick, King of Pruffia, P. 32, N. 1; — — 2 1670 The Republick of Berne, P. 31j N, 2. George IL P. 33, N. 2. Eenedicl XIII. P. 34j N. 2. — 3 1671 Count Teffin, P. 8, N. 2. Nicolas Keder, P. 16> N. 1. Karlefieiin P. 18, N. 2. H. W. Rumpf, P. 29, N. 4. /Count Horn, N. 5. ■ 5 Jettons ©f the Kings and Queens of Sweden — COPPER MEOALS by iJ'ERblNAND DE st. URBAlN. 1672 A Series of the Dukes and Dutchefles of Lorrain. For an Accounl of this Ariifs Works, fee a Publication on this Siibjed by Mory DFlvangc 40 1673 Charles V. Duke of Lorrain. Leopold I. 4. Eliza- beth Caroline> Dutchefs of Orleans, and Regent of Lorrain — = — . ■- — ■ 7 1674 Lewis XV. Fever fc, Philip, Duke of Orleans, Re- gent of France^ Philipi D. of Orleans, 5. Philip V. of Spain, John. William j Count Palatine of the S2 p ( 132 ) 1 0*75 L^Abbc Bignon. D. Friend. M. Malphigias. Count Marfigly. Livius. Odefchalci, 2. St. Sbaralba, 2. Baglevius — .. lo ENGLISH COPPER MEDAl^. 1676 Henry VIII. 4. Edward VI. Mary, 2. Philip and Mary. Jettons, ftruck in the Low Countries, 4. Queen Elizabeth, 2, one of them an Old Caft, with a Tree on an Ifland — — — 13 1677 Sir Richard Shelley, Medallick Hiflory, Plate 10, Arms, N. 7. Lord Leicefler, P. 8, N. I. Bacon, Lord Verulam, P. 13, N. 10. The Head of Thomas Weflon, Earl of Portland, P. 19, N. 2, by Warin, The Buft of William Ducie, P. 21, N. 2. Sir Ed- mundlbury Godfrey, P. 35, N. 1. John Gidley. Cardinal Howard, P. 36, N. 4. The Buft of Thomas Cary, aet. 35, P. 19, N. 1. 9 1673 James I. Charles I. 2. Oliver, 4; Inigo Jones, 2. Mrs. Cleypole, 2. Lilborne, 2. Charles II. James II. and Queen. R, The Pretender. Mary II. 10 1679 William and Mary, 2. Queen Ann. Reverfe, iheVre- tender, infcribed, Cujus ©ft. His Buft, injcrihedy Ja- cobus III. D. G. M. B. F. et H. Rex. Reverfe, the Head of his Sifter, infcribed, Princeps. Lud. Ser. M. B. Regis. Soror. The Pretender and Son, 2. 9 1680 Queen Ann's Medals, hyjohn Croker, Engraver to the Mint — — — 30 1681 George I. On his Arrival in England, 18 Sept. 1718, &:c. 1682 George II. Named the Family Medal. His Buft and Q. Caroline’s, Face to Face. Reverfe, Frederic, Prince of Wales, and the Heads of Five of his Bro- thers and Sifters. Felicitas Imperii. — 1683 Illuftrious Men, by John Dajfier^ of Geneva.— Bacon. Clarke. Lock. John, Duke of Marl- borough. Milton. Newton, 2. Shakfpeare. - John Selden. ArehbiftKjp Wake. Windham. Wolf. Small Jize. — — — 12 1684 Illuftrious Men, by James Antony DaJJier, Son of John Z)^€r.— Dukes of Argyle, Marlborough, and Mon- tague. Earls of Chefterfield and Orford, large fize 5 1685 Sir Robert Barker. Sir John Barnard. Lord Carteret. Edmund Halley. Martin Folkes. Sir Andrew Foun- taine, and Alexander Pope, large fize. Archdeacon Bfidoake. Sir H. Sloane. A. deMoivre — lo ( 133 ) ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. 1686 Conftantius Chlorus, 4. different Types.— Maximi- anus the Second, 13, different Types. 17 1687 Conftantius Chlorus, 6. Mpimianiis the Second, 10. different Types; — j — — 16 1688 Maximianus the Second, 29. genio populi roma- Ni, with various Mint Marks. 29 1689 Maximianus the Second, 1 0. ’ Galeria Valdria, 4. ve- NERI VICTRICI. 14 1690 Gaieria Valeria, 2. veneri victrici. Severus, 8, TIDES MILITUM. TIDES MILITUM AUGG. EX CAESS. NN. GENIO AUGG. ET CiESARUM NN< GENIO POPULI ROMANI. SAC. MON. URB. AUGGv ET CAESS. NN.— SALVIS AUGG. ET CAESS. PEL. KART. VIRTUS AUGG. ET CAESS. NN. Varieties.) 10 1691 Gaieria Valeria, 2. Severus, 5. different Types. Max- iminus, 7. GENIO AI^gUSTI. GENIO AUGG. ET C.ESARUM NN. GENIO CAiSARIS. GENIO EX- ERCITUS. GENIO IMPERATORIS. GENIO POP. ROM. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. 14 1692 Gaieria Valeria, 2. Severus, 3, different Types. Max- iminiis, 9.. jovi conservatori aug. — jovi con^- SERVATORI AUGG. NN.— MARTI PATRI PROPUG- NATORI. SAC.MON. URB. AUGG. ET CAESS. NN. SALVIS AUGG. ET C A E S S . FE L . K A RT. SOLE INVIC- TO. — VIRTUS AUGG. ET c AES s . NN. Varieties.) VIRTUTI EXERCITUS. ■■ ■ 14 i©93 Gaieria Valeria, 3. Severus, 3. Maximlnus, 7, Dif- ferent Types. ENGLISH SILVER COINS. SIXPENCES. 1694 Charles I. Snellingt Plate 9, N. 10, with and without Feathers over the Arms. 2 of his third Coinage, Harp Mint Mark. One of them thicker than nfnal 1695 Charles I. of the Tower Mint, Jaft Coinage, P. 9, N. 16. ! 1696 Charles 1. Aberiffwith, 3. Exeter, 2. Oxford, 8. 1697 Charles I. dt/ Briot, P. 10, N. 3 & 7, fix. 2 ffruck at York, P. 10. N. 1 1 & 12. ^ And 2 of Country Mints. 1698 Sixpences of the Commonwealth, different Dates, Sun, Mint Mark 0 . / 5^ o Me 5 ^ 6 U /- -V'- )3 /■/>■' - 1-0 ^ \0 i-i e “ ‘'7 I ' i'l ( 134 ) ^699 Sixpences of the Commonwealth, 1657. Sun, Minf ^ Mark. 1656, 1659, & 1660, Anchor, Mint Mark, P. 16, N. 4. ^ __ 4 £) , ^ 1700 Charles 11. % of firft and fecond Coinage, P. 16, N. 14, 18, &25. And 10 Mj lied 1701 James IL 2. William and Marj, 2. William, 17. 22 1702 Ann, 13. George I. — 17 1703 George II. 16. His prefent Majeftj, I 17 ENGLISH SILVER COINS. Y"7' Si 1704 '1^ 2/^ 1710 1711 ' 1719 ^ 1713 , / j'- ~a ^ SHILLINGS. A fine Shitling of Henry VII. with Septim. Snelting^ Plate 3i N. S.’^ Formerly Lord Oxford*s, and bought by Mr. Hod foil, at Martin Polices^ s Sale — Plenry VII, with the Numerals — — ^ Henry VII. without Septim or Numerals Elenry Vlll.yzwe Silver, P. 3, N. 38. And I ofhislafi: Coinage, llruck at Brifiol. Henry VIII. Pofui, &c, I. London, I, P. 3. N. 46. Plenry VIII. Pofui, &c. fine but dubious . 1 London. Henry VlII. Pofui, &e. Two different Mint Marks. Henry VIII. Pofui, &c. 2. London, 1. Henry VIII. Polui, &c. 3. Edward VI. countermarked with the Portcullis, SneL ling, P. 4, N. 12. Edward VI. countermarked v/ith the Portcullis, Bolt, or Arrow, and feveral Mint Marks Eduiard VI. Fleur de Lis and Rofe, Mint Marks, 1551 Edward VL P. 4, N. 9, and Various Mhjt Marks Edward VT. P.4, N. 9. And 5 different Edward VI. SnelHng, Plate 4, N. 10, 2. 1 with Ini- micos, &c. on the P^everfe. And 2, dated 1549 Edward VI. Mint Marks, Bolt, Key, and Swan Edward VI. 1549, Mint Mark uncertain, if not a Key Edward VI. 4 bafe, and 2 of fine filver. Ton and Y. Mint Marks, P. 4, N. 15. — — 1722 Phillip and Mary, date, 1554, with Prs. His, And 1 * With Rex & Regina A ngl. And 1 without the date. 1723 Philip and Mary, P. 5, N. 9, 11, & 12. c-.? 1715 1717 ,.3 ycA^ 1718 1719 ,, -MP 1721 DUTCH SILVER MEDALS. 11724 John Oldenbarneveldt, his Head, Reverfe, Infcriptions in Dutch, Tome 2, Page 105, N. 2 & 3* C/a (75, ' H-. tD Or Oi O) tO tO. W. ,0a. tO. K). Ki 5 ( 135 ) 1725 ^pon the fignal V16lories gained over the Spaniards, in ld3r> P. 194, N. 4 & 5. And 1639, P. 245. In 163^, N. 2, Page 232. ^ — 1726 Upon the Marriage of William, Prince of Orange, with Mary, Daughter of Charles I. N. 1, P.251, and P. 257, 12th May, 1641. r 2 1727 Upon taking of Saf. in 1.645, P, 270. Of Hulft, by , Prince Frederick Henry, P.278. And 1, of Prince Frederick Henry, himfelf, P. 288. — 3 1728 Upon the Peace of Miinfler, in 1648, N. 2, P.301, N. 1, P. 304, and N. 7, P. 305. 1729 William 11. Reverfp, his Princefs Mary of England, P. 340. Another, Rsverfe, William III, The Prin- cefs Mary. Reverfi, her Son, afterwards William III, of England. Of William, his Head, P. 376. 4> 1730 William II. Prince of Orange, upon the Jubilee, in 1 650. Another, his Attempt upon Amflerdam, P. 341 . 2 1731 Struck by the States of Zeland, 26th Augutl, 1651, upon breaking up the General Atfembly, Tome 2, P. 351. Upon the Peace with England, in 1654, N. 4, P.371. 2 1732 V/illiam I. Prince of Orange. Reverfe, four Admirals, Martin Tromp, Peter Heyn, James Heemfkerk, and John Van Galen, P. 360. — 1733 Admiral Martin Tromp, on his Death, P. 364, N. I, 2, & 3 ‘ ■ 3 1734 Brederode, on his Death, in 1656, P. 389. Henry Rufe. R. Inhruraents, &:c. 1660 ' ^ : — 2 1735 Upon making a Canal from Harlem to Leyden, tinilhed 1657, P. 407. William III. N. 2. P. 409. Ano- ther, the Naval Vi^ory ov^r Sweeden, in 1658, N. 1, P.430. , 3 1736 Upon taking PofTeffion of the Town Houfe, in 1655, Tome 2, P. 387, N. 1 & 2. 2 1737 Upon inventing a Machine, and fitlung up Treafure, Cannon, &c. in 1660, P. 459 1 1738 On a S^a Fight with the Englitb, in 1654, P. 371, N. 3. Another, in 1665, P, 509. 4739 Admiral de Riiiter, N. 2, Page 527. And N. 2. P. 529. 2 J740 De Ruiter. Reverje^ a Sea Fight, 2. Another, N. 2, P.538. — - 3 17fl Struck on the Peace of Breda, in 1667, Page 538, N. 3 & 4. Another, Tome 3, Page 23. And 1, Bufts of Six'Princes of Orange. Reverfe, as N. 3, P.47. 4 1742 On the Death of John & Cornelius de Witt, in 1672, P. 81, N. 1, 3, & 4. P. 84, N. 2. 4 n43 Charles Rabenhaupt, for an- Account of him, fee P. 105. I to the Memory and Hdior of Jacob Van Gelder, killed ii| 1673, P. 115, N. 2. rrrr— 2 4 ( 156 ) i741' William, Prince of Orange, N. 1, P. 47. N, 3, P. 118, and P. 131. 1.745 William, Prince of Orange. 7?et>er/^, the Princefs Ma- ry, Daughter of James, Duke of York, afterwards ' James II. on their Marriage, in 1677, Page 222, N. 1. On their Declaration to protefl the Protellant Reli- gion and Laws of England, P. 349. ’ 2 1746 John Ferdinand Van Beugem, Bifhop of Antwerp, P. 325, ftruck by the French Proteflants, at Utrecht, in 1688, P. 332. Nicholas Witfen, N. 1, P. 438. And Duke Schomburg, Tome 4, P. 9. 4 1747 William, Prince of Orange, P. 168. On his Expedi- tion to Airland, yi 1668, N. 3, P. 353, without the Crown. William and Mary N. 7, P. 379. 3 1748 Upon the Revocation of the Edi6t of Nantz, in 1685, P. 312, N. 1 & 3. ProfefTor Jurieu, 329 3 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 ;758 1759 ''''60 *76i ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN SILVER, Maximlanus the Firfl, 3. Conflantinus Magnus, 2. Conftantius, the Second, 3. Conflans, 2. Julianus, 2. Jovianus, I. Valenitinanus, Senior, 3. Valens, 3. Gratianus, 1. — ■ ■ -- ■ Licinius, Senior, I, Conflans, 1. Conftantius the Se- cond, 1. (Medallimsy and well prefcrved.) Conflans,!. Valentinianus, Senior, 2. Valens, 1. Gra- tianus, 1. (M^idallions,) — Conflans, J.- Conflanlius, the Second, 1. Julianus, 4* Valentinianus, Senior, 4. Valens, 4. Gratianus, % ( all well preferred.) •- — i— Conflantius, the Second, 1. Julianus, 4. Jovianus,!. Valentinianus, ^4. Valens, 3, Gratianus, 3. Va- lentinianus, Junior, 3. Theodohus, 4. Julianus, 8. Valeritinianus, Senior, 5. Valens, 3, Gra- tianus, 2. Valentinianus, Junior, 2. Theodofius, 5. Eugenius, I. Arcadius, 2. — — Procopius, 1. Magnus Maximus, J. Victor, 1. Eu- genius, 1 . (well preferved^) — Theodotius, 1. (A Medallion ^ very fineli/ preferved.) Theodofius, 3. Eugenius, 1. Victor, 2. Arcadius, I. Anailafias, 1. Juflinianus, 2. Theodohatus, 1. Victor, 2. Eugenius, 1. Arcadius, 2. Honorius, 2. A tlrdlaric'Ts, 1. Anaftafms,' 1. Jufllnus, 1. Jufli- P.dfcus Attain^ 4. ■ / Johannes , ^ ^ Johannes i. Ateula, 3. — ' — 20 16 20 28 4 1 11 ( 137 ) J762 Llblus Severus, 1. Ana/lafiiis, 1. Ju/?:inus, 2. Jus- tinianus/G. Athalariciis, 1. Theodahathus, 1.^ Wi- tiges, I. Baduela, 1. Focas, 1. Heraclius, 1, 16 ROMAN LMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. " 7A r Trajanus, 1. cos. v. p. p. s. p, a. r. optimo princ, S Figura paludata gradiens, d. fu bl^a, s^aft am. C rare Trajanus, 1. Eadem infcripflf.— iSroei^atis typns, Trajanus, 1. Eadem infcriptio.-^FigurxTOgata flans, d. ramum, s. fcipionem, ad pedes camelus. 1766 Trajanus, 1, Eadem inrcnptio.—-TempIum o6lo co- Jumnarum, in quo idolum ftans. • — - 1767 Trajanus, I. cos. vi. p. p. s.p.a. R^ Jupiter flans, s. haflam, dextram fulmine armatarn extendit fupra >^Imperatorem togatnm adilantem. (fine,) — 176-8 Traj-anus, I. port. red. cos. vi. p. p. s, p. q. r. Mulier fedens, d. gubernaculum, s. cornucopiae. (ex- tremely fine.) — — — — 1769 Trajanus, 1. fort. red. p..m. tr. p. cos. vi. p. p. s. p. Q. R. Typus idem. — — 1770 Trajanus, 1. (fomewhat dijffirmf from the former.) 1771 Trajanus,!. forvm traian. ^dificium flatuis et tropasis ornatum. (very rare.) W ' 1772 Trajanus, 1. p. m. tr. p. cos. ii. p. p. Figura fcu^ * ^ ^ A tis infidens, d. ^^Iftium protendit^ 1 X 1 ^ 0 . ^ ^ rg ^ ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 77,3 Mary’s Angel. And Philip and Mary’s Angel, N. 6. ^ *t7^ Philip and Mary’s Angelet, N. 5. weight, 40 Grain's 1 Qf — re Elizabeth, the fine Sovereign or Double Noble, the ^ p 1 3- Queen, as ufual, on her Throne, N. 1 1 . Mint Mark, A; ^ ^ 1776 Elizabeth, fine Sovereign. Mint Mark, the Efcallop Shell. Weight, 236 Grains, N. II. 1777 Elizabeth, her Ryal, Mint Mark, the Efcallop Sliell, N. 10. — — — 1778 Elizabeth’s Ryal, Mint Maik, the Crefcent. M'eight ; 120 Grains — — — 1779 EIi,zabeth’s Angel, Half, and Quarter, 7, 8, & 9. Mint Mark, the Crefcent — — ;i7S0 Elizabeth’s Angel. The Half. And the Quarter An gel, N_, 7, S, & 9. Mini Mark, the Cinqloil i I Z I ^ )>: e "Tw^ c) - iy- e »~L , 1784 ^ .TL. ^ 1786 1787 T_ 1790 3791 /A- ^ ( 138 ) Elizabeth’s Angel. And Half Angel. AncK Quarter Angel. Mint Mark, a Sword — ' 3 Elizabeth’s Angel and Angelet, Mint Mark, A. The Quarter Angel, Mint Mark, the Woohpack 3 Elizabeth’s Angel, Mint Mark, the Crofs Croflet. The Angel and Angelet, Mint Mark, the Ermin Spot 3 Elizabeth’s Angels and Quarter Angels, Alint Mark, the Crofs Bell — — ^ Elizabeth’s Angels^ Mint Marks, the Hand, the Key,' and the Anchor — — — i.:^. Elizabeth’s Pound -Sovereign, the Queen’s Bull, crowed to the Right. Reverfe, the Royal Arms, Crowned be- tween E’. R. hijcribedy Scutum Fidei Protegit Earn. Ton, Mint Mark, Plate 4, N. 16.— r 174 Grains 1 Elizabeth’s Pound Sovereign, Mint Marks, the Lyon and Ton — . — — 1 Elizabeth’s Pound Sovereign, Mint Mark, the Wool- Elizabeth’s Pound Sovereign, Mint Mark, the Key I Elizabeth’s (hammered) Half, Quarter and Eighth of the Pound Sovereign, Mint Mark, the Crofs Croflet, Plate 4, N. 12, 13, & 14. ' — — 3 A very elegant inlaid Satin-Wood Cabinet, on a Stand, containing 54 Drawers, 1 Foot by 8 Inches and a half in the Clear. 1 Foot 1 1 Indies and a half wide, 1 Foot 10 Inches and a half deep, 2 Feet 1 1 Inches \ \ \ Sixteenth Day*s Sale* ENGLISH COPPER, MEDALS. 1792 rienry Newton. John Ray. Daniel Wray. Arch- bifliop Tiliotfon. Reverfcy General Oglethorpe, and Sir Andrew Fountain. Sir Richard Molefvvorth (5 1793 Gondiiit. Friend. Folkes. -Sacheverel. Reverfe, Pope Innocent XL SneUlngi Lord How . — s 1794 Lord Anfon. Duke of Athol. Lord Camden, 2. Lord Bathurfl. Lord Chatham, 2. Lord Cheher- held. Marquis of Granby. Lord Orford. Lord North. Lord Mansfield. Mr. Pitt. Archbifiiop of Armagh. Marquis Cornwallis. Lord Effingham. Lord St. Vincent IS 1795 Sir William Brown. Dr. Franklin, 3. David Gar- rick. John Harrifon. David Hume. Dr. Mead. Sir Joffiua Reynolds. The Head of John Smart, the Miniature Painter. Anthony Morris Storer. General Wolf 15 1796 The Royal Society Medal. Captain WilfoiPs. The Glamorgan Premium Medal, &c. — - 10 1797 Frederic, Prince of Wales, 2. His prefent Majefiy, 7 9 179S A Series of the. Kings of England, from William 1. called the Conqueror, to George the Second, among which are 2 of Edward VI., 2 of Mary I. and I of George II. Revsrfe. Queen Caroline, by John DaJJicr of Geneva . Publijhed with aji F.xplanation by John Pye of Binninghani — : 37 1799 A Series of the Kings of England, in a Shagreen Cafe, by Dajfier, damafked 34 1800 Mifcellaneous Medals^ among which are a great Num- ber ffruck on Admiral VernoiPs taking of Porto Bello in 1739 ( 140 ) 1801 EngllHi and Foreign Pewter Medals . ^ — 1802 Play Houfe and Private Tickets. Weights of Engllili and Foreign Coins — — 1803 Premium Medals. Chiefly by the Society of Arts, Manu- ^ fabliires, and Commerce — 20 ISOl- Lord Charleraont. Dean Collet. Church and King Club, Manchetler. Captain Cook. Dr. Fordyce and John Hunter. Dr. Fothergill. Lord George Gordon. Orator Henley. Bithop Hoadley. Cap- tains Moricock and' Talbot. Dr. Prieflley, 2. Baron Rokeby-. William of Wyckham — 14 1S05 Medallions, Caft ; of Francis Hutchefon. Dr. William Hunter, Sir William Hamilton 5 1806 Marquis of Granby. John Gunning. Dr. Stukely. Sir Chriftopher Wren — — 1 807 Premium and Honorary Medals. T rind pally done by Milton for the DuJce of Athol, Sfc — 10 1 808 Premium and Honorary Medals, with the Buft of his prefent Majehy • — ^ ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. 1809 Galeria Valeria, 2. Maximinus, 15. Maxentfus, 5. C different Types.) — — 22 1810 Maxentius, 12. Adlocutio Aug. — ^Eternitas - Aug, N.-^Conserv. Urb. Su.e. [Two varieties.) — Conservator Africa Su>e. — Conservato- RES Kart, Su^. — Coxserv atores Urb. Su^. — Fel. Proces. Consul. Aug. N. — Fides Mr- litum Aug. N. — Salvis Augg. et Caess. Fel. Kart. — S.eculi Felicitas Aug. N. — V ictoria jiEterna Aug. N. — — 12 1811 Maxentius, 6. (different Types.) Romulus, 2. AEter- na Memoria. — ^TERN uE Memori^. — Licinius Sen. 3. Bono Genio Pii Imperatoris. — Genio Augusti. — Genio Imperatoris. — Genio Pop. Rom. — Jovi CoNSERVATORi Augg. N. N. 13 1812 Maxentius, 12. PvOmulus, 2. Licinius Sen. 3 17 1813 Maxentius, 16. Cons erv. Urb. Suai. (with different Mint Marks.) Romulus, 3. AEtern^ Memor Licinius Sen. 5. 24- 1814 Conftantinus, the Firtl, 13. Conserv. Urb. Su.e. — CoNSEK VATORES KaRT. SuiE. C ONS ER V A T O R E S Urb. SuiE. — C onstantino P. Aug. Bap. Nat. — Genio C^saris. — Genio Fil. Augg. — Genio Pop. RoMi — ^Genio Popuei Romani.— 'Herculi ( 14i ) CoNSERVAT, CaES. JoVI CONSERVATOR!. Marti Eacif. — Marti Patri Con ser v atori. — Marti Patri Propug. 1S15 Conftantiniis, the Firft, 15. Marti Patri Propug- N a TORI. (Two varieties.) Perpetua Virtu s. — PeRPETUITAS AuGG. pRiNCIPI JuVEKT. BaP. Nat. — f^RiNCiPi JuvENTVTis. (Two varieties.) Sal- vis Augg. et Caess. Pel. Kart. — Securitas Augg. — Securit. Perpet. D D. N N. — Scti Invicto Comiti, — Temporum Felicitas. VlK- Tus Augg. et Caess. N N. (Two varieties.) ViR- TUS CoNSTANTINI CaES. VlRTUS PeRPETUA Aug. — V iRT. Perp. Constantini Aug. — Urbs Rom a . I S IS Conflantinus, the Firil, 16. (different Types.) — n i.'i 15 16 TJT ENGLISH SILVER COINS. SHILLINGS. 1817 Philip and Mary, date under the Head, P. 5, N. 10, and N. 11, dated 1555 2 1818 Elizabeth, hammered, P. 6, N. 7, 9, 10, and 5 1819 Elizabeth, different Mint Marks — 9 1 820 Elizabeth, milled, large and fmall, P. 7, N. 17 2 1821 Elizabeth, P. 7, N. 18, and one a little different 2 1822 Elizabeth, Key, M. M. and gamifhed Shield, P. 6, N. 16 — — 1. 1823 Elizabeth, Key, M. M. plain Shield — 1 1824- Elizabeth, K. M, M. 1588 in the Field of the Obverfe. • Unique ^ 1 1825 James I. firft Coinage. Siielling, Plate VIII. N. 5 3 1826 James I. fecond Coinage, P. 8, N. 12 — 4- 1827 James I. fecond Coinage, 1 with Feathers over the Arms, P. 8, N. 13 — 6 1828 James I. different Mint Marks — 7 1829 Charles I. 2 of his firft Coinage, P. 9, N. 5. 4 of his fecond Coinage, M. M. Long Crofs and Caftle, with and without the Feathers over the Arms 6 1830 Charles I. firff Coinage, M. M. the Long Crofs. Second Coinage, Heart and Feathers, both with Feathers over the Arms — — — 1831 Charles I. fecond Coinage, the Black Moor’s Head, M. M. wifli and without Feathers over tlie Arms 1832 Charles I. firfl Coinage, M. M. Long Croi's. Second Coinage, Long Crofs, Caflle, and of the Anchoi. two different — ( 142 ] 18S5 Charles I. Tower Mmt, P. 9, N. i, &.c. , 1834 Charles I. fecond Coinage, Feathers' over the Arms. Laft Coinage, Anchor and Eye, Mint Marks 1835 Charles I. tecond Coinage, Feathers over the Arms; Lad Coinage, Harp and Ton, Mint Marks 1836 Charles I. Brioty ‘SneUi)igy Plate X. N. 4, and 8 1837 Charles I. Aberiftwith, 2, P. 10, N. 31. Exeter, 3, i P. 13, N. 8. Yorky 2, P. 10. N. 13 — — 1S3S Charles I. 4 ftruckat Oxford, P. 1 1, N. 25, 26, and 27. 3 Country Mints, rude xvork as- itfuaL And 1 with Reverjes of liis Father and Himfelf — ll830 Charles I. tlruck at Oxford, 1642 to 1646 — 1 840 Charles I. frruck at Oxford, 1644, good Work — 1841 Charles I. druck at Exeter, with the Oxford Type, P. 13, Ni 9. Rofe Mint Mark 1842 Charles I. druck at York, 1 of them with the Lyons Paws grafping the Shield. Snellingy P* 38 ^ 1843 Charles I. druck at Country Mints 1844 Charles!, druck in Country Mints, 1 ofthem very fmalh Reverfe, Oxford Type. And 1 very Rude, with the York T ype and Lyon, Mint Mark — — ]S44*The Commonwealths, dates, 1649, 53, 54, 55, Sun M. M. 1660, Anchor, M. M. 1845 The Commonwealths, 1651, 2, and 6, Sun Mint Mark a 3 8 12 1 1 3 5 2 5 DUTCH, SILVER MEDALS. 1846 A M^edal druck on rendering Amderdam fafe from being Overflowed, Tome 3, P. 442. One Honorary, the Belgic Lion, Difeordia Maxima dilabun- tur. Reverfe, the Coats of Anns of the Seven Pro- vincos. hifcfibed, Concordia Res Parvm Crefeunt, no Date ^ 2 1147 V/illiarn FIL on his Padage to, and Reception in Hol- land, 1691, N. 3, P. 33. The Gods in Council, P, 41. On the Death of Admiral Cornelius Van Tromp, P. 43 — — 3 1848 Upon taking Huy, by the Allies in 1694, N. 1, P. 171. Honorary Medals, N. 2, and 3, P. 221. General Ginkle. Earl of Athione,- on his Death in 1702, P. 366. William, Prince, on his Death in 1712, Tome 5, P. 184 — 5 IS 19 Bakhafes Bekker, Author of Le Monde Enchante, his Head. Reverfe, as N. 4, P. 283. Another, w;if m Van Loon. Qui FacileCredit Facile Decipitur 2. 1350 Agnes Blok, her Head, inferibed, Agnet a Block Flora Batavia. Reverfe, the Goddefs Flora in a Garden. 1 ( 143 ) Vyver Hof. in the Exergue^ Fert. Arfq. Laborq. Quod Natura Negat, 1700 — 1851 Peter Kodde, Archbifiiop of Sebafte, Tome 4, P. 467. On executing their Treaty with the Emperor Charles VI. in 1716. Van Loon, Tome 5, P, 263. F. A. de Rheede, and John Vander Berg, N. 2, 116. Baron imhoff — — ' — 4 1852 Coder, the Printer. Holtzey, the Medal Engraver, hy Himfdf. Gerard Van Loon, Author of the Hiftoire Metallique des XVII. Provinces des Pays Bas 3 1853 Laurent Coder, laid to have invented Pointing at Har- lem in 1440. Reverfe, the Arms of Harlem, zw Exergue, Per tria Secula, 1740. Another, druck at Harlem, fame Year, claiming the Invention of Printing 2 1854 William IV. Prince of Orange, and Ann elded Daughter of George II. on their Marriage in 1734, 2, Face to Face. On the Birth of the prefent Prince of Orange in 1736.0n his being proclaimed Stadholder in 1747. On the Birth of the Princefs Carolina in 1748 — 1855 A Jubilee Medal. Obverfe, 7 Coats of Arms. Infcrip- tion, Orbis Chridian Quiete inter fe Compodta. Ee- verje. The Temple of Janus. V. Ludr. Feed. Belg. Pace Stabil, 1738. William IV. bn being made Hereditary Stadholder in 1747 2 1856 William IV. Prince of Orange, on his being made Stad- holder in 1747, different — 6 1857 William IV. R, the Signs of the Zodiac, unus Trahe Septem Traher que Abilis. Another on his being made Stadholder — — 2 1858 William IV. Reverfe, Movebit Fortis In Arma Viros. Prod. 3 May, 1747. The Buds, in a Circle, of Wil- liam Maurice and Frederic, Princes of Orange. Under, the Heads of the Counts Egmond and Horn. On an filter jinder, the ^e\g\c Lion, &c. Sic Batavurn orta ante Seculum Refpublica^ Reverfe, William IV. on his Knee upon an Altar, inferibed on the Bafe, Mne- mofynon Anni Libertatis Jubilaei, 1748 2 1859 Gold. William IV. Prince of Orange, his Head; and Motto, Je Maintiendrai. Reveife, His Arms, and the Motto of the Garter, Honi Soit que Mai y Penfe. The Heads of Him and the Princefs joined. Reverfe, an Angel with a Qhiid on a Cloud. Inferibed, Tan- dem exoratus dedit. Natus Ann. Lib. Jubil. D. 8, Mart, both with Loops — — o 1860 William IV. and his Princefs, Ann of England, 5. The Princefs Ann, 3, two of them on her Death, 12 Jan. 1759 — — g 1861 William V. the prefent Prince of Orange, upon being made Stadholder in 1766. Him and his rnmcls 186Q J863 1864 1S65 a ' /9*<» ^ 2. . T* ^ 3 * ^yl4. ISSI ( 144 ) Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princefs of- Priifiia, on their Marriage in 1767. On the Birth of- their Chil- dren, in 1770, 72, and 74. Another, the Heads of the Prince and Princefs. Beverfe, the Bulls of their Children ' 9 Jettons. Small Med.als of* the Princes of Orange. Premium and Jubilee Aledals of Amflerdam, Leyden, &c. ■— — ' 11 Jettons or Counters. In general. Relating to the Hif- tory of the Low Countries ; the greatefl Part are de- fcribed by P^an ]Loon, in his Medallic. Hijlory of the Low Countries, Friukd at Amferdaniy in 5 Tome, at per ounce — — GREEK CITIES IN SILVER. Achala, 8. Aegina, 1. Aegium, 1. Agrigentum, I. Acliaia, 3. Aegina, 1. Agrigentum, 2. — Achaia, 5. Agrigentum, 2. Anadorium, 1. Apol- lonia lllyrici, 1. Argos, 1. x Agrigentum, 1. (Tetradrachm) — . (Tetradrachyn) Apollonia lllyrici, 1. Argos, I. Agrigentum, 1. Agrigentum, 2. Afpendus, 1. Afpendus, 1. — — — « Afpendus, 1. — — . — Agrigentum, L Apollonia lllyrici, I. Athena?, 2. ( Oiie with the names of Magifrate'i , JMentor and Mofchion ) Agrigentum, 1. Athenae, 2. (one with the Names of Magi fir ales y Amynonius and Callias) —r- Agrigentum, I. Athenae, 6. (two with the Names of Magifratesy one having Deme : and HierOy the other Nejior and Mnafeas J — Athenae, I. (with a Magi/iate's name, Theophrq/ius) AthenjE, 3. ( two with names of Magiflrates — hlejior and Mnafeas. — Dof : and Theofeharas) — Athenae, 4. (one with names of Magif. rates in Mono^ grams) — ■— — — — . Athenae, 2. (with names of Magi fir ates) — Brutlii, 1. Carthago, 1. Catana, 1, Chalcis 1, Corinthus, 1. Cyrene, L — — 6' 6 10 i 1 5 I 1 &/ ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD. Trajanus, I. p. m. tr. p. cos. ii. p. p. Roma galeata armib' iniiden.':, d. vidloriolam, s. parazonium. (fine) I X 145 ) 1882 Trajanu^?, ]. p,m. tr. p. cos. jiii. p.p. HercnJes adv'erfiis bafi infifteiis, d. clavam, s. exuvias ieoni's. CJifieJ I88S Irajanus, 1. p.m. tr. p. cos. v. p.p. Imperjitor in quadrigis triumphalibus, d. ramum, s. iceptrum cunj aquila. . 1884 Trajanus, 1. p.m. tr. cos. vt. p.p. s. p. cl. r. Vir nudus flans, d. pateram, s. fpicas. i 1885 Trajanus, 1. pont. max. tr. pot. cos. ir. Fi- gura fcutis infidens, d. rainiim protendit. ] J886 Trajanus, 1. parthico p.m, tr. p. cos. vi. p.p,' Caput SoJis. (extremely fine) ’’ \ 1887 Trajanus, ]. avgvsti pkofectio. Imperafor eques, d. Iiaflam, pra?cedente figura militari, tribus lequentibus. (very rare) ‘ . . j J888 Trajanus, I regna adstonata. Itnperator In fub- nructione fedens inter duos adflantes, tres alii infra Itairt, quorum primus manus porrigit, tanquam ali- («'y fine and extremely rare) 1 1889 Trajanus, 1. salvs aug. p.m. tr. p cos vT P.P. S. P. «. R. Mulier fedens, ferpentem ab ara allurgentem ex patera pafcit. ' , 1890 Trajanus, 1. s. p. q. e. optimo principi. Fi- fi- pateram, s. fpicas. (very fine) i hZT-’ h fome of them probably by Domitianus. (very fme and rare) 7 • — — • 10 1912 Julius, 1. M. Antonius and Cleopatra, 2. Au,^uftus, I. Tiberius, 1. Caligula, J. ,Ci^udius, 2. Nero, 3. Vefpalianus, I. 12 1913 Caligula, 1. Claudius, 2, Nero, 4-. Vefpalianus, 1. Domitianus, 3. Domitia, 1. — 12 1914 Nero, 3. VefpaTianus, 1. Domitianus, 4, Domitia, 2. Nerv'a,'!. I. 12 1915 Domitianus, 1. Domitia, 1. Trajanus, 4. Ha- , drianus, 2, Antoninus Pius, 1, M. Aurelius, 1. Caracalla, I. Trajanus Decius, 1. — — 12 1916 Trajanus, 3. Hadrianus, 1. Antoninus Pius, 1. Valerian us fen. 1, Gallieiius>, 7. Salonina, 4. Sa- loninus, 2. — ” 19 1917 C. Fulvius Macrianus, 2 . Indulgenti.e augg.— RoM.(E AfiTERNiE, . — 2 1918 Gallienus, 6. Salonina, 6. Poftumus, 9. La?lianus, 1. Vidtorinus fen. 8. Vidorinus jun. 1, Marius, 2. Tetricus len. 3. — 36* 1919 Gallienus, 12. Salonina, 4. Pohumus, 8. Laslianus, 1. Vidorinus fen. 4. Marius, 2, Tetricus Ion. 4. Te- tricus jun. 7. 42 1920 Gallienus, 12. Salonina, 3. Pohumus, 4. Marius, 2. Tfetrmus, jirin, 2. Claudius Gothicus, 6. Quintillus, 4. Aurelianus, 9. Severina, 3. Vabalathus and Aure- lianus, 1. Tacitus 4. 30 1921 Gallienus, 6. Claudius Gothicus, 6. Quintillus, 4. Aurelianus, 10. Severina, 4. Vabalathus and Au- relianus, 1. Tacitus, 6. Florianus, 3. Prebus, 4. 44 U2 tr/ ' - ( 1922 Claudlas Gothicus, 8. .... Tacitus, 12. Florianus, 2. Probus, 7. Cams, 6. 4o 1923 Claudius Qotbicus, 7. Auieliauuj|^ ,. Tacitus, 7. • Probiis, 12. Cams, 3. Carinus,”"4i^. Maguia Ur- bica, I. Numerianus, 2.- ^ — 45 1924 Tacitus, 6. Probus, 15. Carus, 4. Carihiisi 4. Magnia Ui'bica, 1. Numerianus, 4. Diocletianus, 12. 46 1925 Pmbus, 20. Carus, 3. Diocietianus, 12. ROMAN MIDDLE BRASS. Carinu.s, 6. Numerianus> 6. 4? ''ITT 148 ) ^r/ A nri:>lr irstMte .1 n ■QoTT/M'tM'l T 1926 Confrantinus, the Firfl, 10. different Types, — -Con- Hans, 6; If el, temp, re^jakatio, with different Mint Marks, — 16 1927 Conflantinus, the FirH, 15.. ConHans, 3. Conftan- . tinus, the Second, 5; different Types. 23 1928 Condans, 4. Confiantius, the Second, 6. Co-n- CORDIA 1MILITUM.™FEL. TEMP. REPAR ATIO. {ftC'Q t'oriedes) — Gloria Romanorum— Hoc signq VICTOR eris — Salus aug. nostri. ATagnen- Tius, 8. Felicitas Reipublice — Gloria Ro-^ manorum. (two varieties) — -IIenobatio urbis Rome— Sa LXTs D. D. N. N. aug et caes — Vic- TORES AVG. et CAES. VICTORIA AUG. LIB. RO- MA XOR. (Txvo varieties)) — 18 1929 Confiantius, t)ie Second, 4. different Types. Alagnen- tius, 3. Felicitas reipublice— Salus D. D, N. N. AUG. et caes — Victoria aug. lib. ro-. manor. Decentius, 2. Salus'D. D. N.N. aug. ET CAES — Victor RE D. D. N. N. aug et caes. Confiantius Gallus, 1. Fee. temp. kep4^atio. Julianas, I. Securitas reipub.— Jovianus^ 1. Victoria romanorum — Valentinianiis, the Firff, 3. Gloria romanorum — Repa ratio reipub. — Victoria augg. — 15 1930 C( nftantius, the Second, 12. Magnentius, 3. De- ■ cenlius, 2. Condantius Gallus, 1 . Julianas, 2. 20 1931 Confiantius, the Second, 13. Magnentius, 2. JuK- anus, 1. Valens, ]. Moneta augg. Gratianus, 3. Gloria Romanorum — Reparatio reipub— Urbs ROMA. — Valentinianus Jun. 1. Reparatio ri-;ip,ub. — Theodofius, 4. Gloria Romanorum. fjKO varieties.) Reparatio reipub. — Virtus enerciti. yEIiaFlaccilla, 2. Salus reipublice. [Txto varieties.) Magnus Maximus, 1. Reparatio ' REIPUB. Arcadius, 1. . Yiktvs ^xer^^iti. 29 n/ (149 ) /H 1952 JuHanus, h Gratiatius, 4 . Theodofias, 7. Aihar Flaccilla, 2. 'Magnas Maximus, 2. Jovinus, 1, Vic- toria Romangrum. — •— 1933 Anaftafius, 3. Juftinianus, 8. Theodqjiatus, 2. Juf- tinus Jihii. 2. Tiberius Conftantinus, 1. Mauricius, 4. Theophilus, 3. Leo Sapiens, 2. Romanus Jun. 1. Joannes Zimifces, 1. Baliliiis, the Second, 1. And feven more, (wdlpreferved.) — IT 3:5 -Tjr' ENGLISH SILVER COINS. SHILLINGS. 1934 The Commonwealths, 1658 and 1660, Anchor Mint Mark — 2 1935 Charles 11.' firft and fecond Coinage .S 1936 Charles 11. milled, different Dates 12 1937 Charles 11. milled. Feathers under the Head, or in the Centre of the Reverje 6 '1938 Charles II. Elephant under the Head^ 1. Elephant and Caftle, 1. Feathers, 3 : . 5 1939 James 11. 4. William and Mary^ 2 6 1940 William III. 6 Plain, 3 wi(h Feathers, and 1 with Rofes in the Quarters of the Reverje . lO 1941 William III. 2 firuck at Briflol. 2 at Chefler. 1 at Exeter. 1 at Norwich. And 2 at York. 1 of the laft Mint with a Head on both Sides — 8 1942 William HI. with Feathers under the Head, and 1 thicker than common , • — 2 1943 Ann, 2 Plain. 2 firuck from the Silver taken at Viefo. 2 with Feathers. And 2, Roles and Feathers in the Quarters • ^ 1944 Ann, 2 Plain. 3, Roles and Feathers. And 2 firuck at Edinburgh ^ T 1945 Ann, 2 Plain. 4, Rofes and Feathers. And I frruck at Edinburgh 7 1946 George 1. Rofe and Feathers, 4, Welch Copper K Company, 1 3 4947 George 1. Rofe and Feathers, 4. Welch Copper Company, 1, Snellmg;, P, 17, N. 25 — e 1948 George 1. I Plain Quarters. 2, Role and Feathers. 'I, South Sea Company. And I Welch Copper Company p 1949 George II. with the young Head, 1 Plain. 7, different Dates, with Rofes and Feathers ^ i 1950 George II. with the Young Head, 7 'vlth Rofes and Fcalhcrs. And 1 wiUi Rofes -only in the Quarlers, « ( 150 ) 1951 George II. with the Old Head, 1 with Rofes. 2 whh Lima under the Head, coined from Silver taken by Lord Anton. And 3. Plain. His prefent Majetiy, L dated 17^3, called Lord Northumberland Shilling. And 1 of the laft Coinage, 1787 ■ ■ - 7 ENGLISH SILVER COINS. HALF CROWNS. 1952 Edward YL all different, Snellirig, Plate 4, N. 19 4 ^ ^ ^^53 The Half Crown of Philip and Mary, P, 5, N. 18 1 i P:i.lizabetfi (very fine) — — 1 — 195,5 Elizabeth, Mint Mark 2, P. 6, N. 16 1 //. 1962 Charles I. P. 9, N. 12, four. And 1 with the Delta Mint Mark 5 ^ ^ IPb’3 Charles I. Harp Mint Mark, P. 9, N. 12 — 1 SPAIN. SILVER MEDALS. 1964 Philip the Fair, Father of the Emperor, Charles VE Revafic, Virtute & ConPantia. A • re/ioi'ed Medal. Charles V. Reverfe, His Wife, Ifabella of Portugal. Cl.anes V. Reverfe, VhWi^W. 3 — 5 1965 Pliilip 11. Van Lomi, Tome 1, Page 4, 10, 17. Reverfe, Fcficitas Temporum, 1559 — 4 1966 Don Carlos, Son of Philip II. Confociatio Rerum Do- ^ mina, refiiored, 8z Obviis CJInis — 2 1967 Philip IL 7E Bis Llaeen, Ann of AuPria. Her BuP, .{?. Fciicitati Patrim. Philip, i?. Philip, Prince of Spain. ' Philip. R. Reliquum Datur, 1580 — 4 1968 Antony PerrenoL Cardinal G ranville, Xoe7:, P. 56, one! 58. Margaret of AnPria, Governefs of the Lovr CTuntrie.s for Fhil'p II. F. 86, and 97 — oi ( 151 ) '1969 Philip II. Reverje, The Royal Arms Crowned, Fan Loon, P. 496. Another, the Bufts of Himfelf, his Wife, and Son — — 2 1970 Albert and Elizabeth upon being made Sovereigns of the Low Countries, Tome 1, P.51 1, N. 2. Philip III. Reverfe, his Queen, Margaret of Aiiftria, T. 2, P. 52. , Elizabeth, P. 132, and 1 on her Death in 1633, P. 213 4 1971 Philip IV. on his Aceetfion to the Crown in 1621, To7na 2, P. 133. Cum Sole et Aftris Concordia Jungit. — — — 3 1972 Ferdinand, Infant of Spain, and Cardinal, P. 219, N. 1. Don John of Auflria, Natural Son of Philip IV. Francis de Moura, T. 3> P. 25. Lewis de Benevides, T. 2, P. 436. Philip Malins, P, 488, Tome 3, P. 206 6 1973 Charles II. Reverfe, his Mother, T. 2, P. 512, T.. 3, P. 21, N. 3, P. 270. Flandria Oftende . 4 1974 John, Count of Monterey, Governor of the Low j Countries, T. 3, P, 165. Medallion hy Rolicr 1 1975 Charles 11. his Head. R. Mary Louifa, his Queen, Tome 3, N. 1, P. 270. The Bufts of Mary Ann of Neubourg, his fecond Wife, Face to Face, P. 433, N.^ 5 — - — — 2 1976 Philip V. Grandfon of Lewis XIV. upon coming to the Crown in 1700, Tome 4, P 3.18, and 324 2 1977 Philip V, 4, P. 338. Philip V. on Horfeback, upon his Entry into Naples in 1702. His Arms.' His Buft. R. Mary Louifa of Savoy — ’ 4 1978 Charles III. upon taking Barcelona, f '^an Loon, P. 19, N. 1, P. 25, two, a little different, N. 2, P. 27 4 1979 Charles III. on his Marriage with Elizabeth of Brunf- wick in 1707, N. 2, P. 87, N. 1, 2, 3, P. 91, Tome 5 1980 Ferdinand VI. upon his Acceftions in 1746 1981 Charles III. and his Queen Mary Amalia on their Marriage in 1738. One Honary, 1751. On the Marriage of the Princefs Louifa in 1765. Charles IV. and Queen, on. their Acceflion in 17S9, two 5 1982 Small Medals and Jettons of Philip IV. Philip V. T>ewis I. Ferdinand VI. &c. on their AcceftTon to the Throne, 21* PORTUGAL SILVER MEDALS. 1983 Leonora, Daughter of Edward, King of Portugal, and Wife of (he Emperor Frederick III. reftored.^ John IV. his Buft, 1641, upon his Acceftioiv jofeph I, from the Dye of the Tliirly-ftx Shilling Piece* 1772. An Equejirnu) Figure on a Pcdcftal, Magnaiftmo Ref- to ( 152 ) ' titutor. 1775. Pofi; Fata Refurgens. Exergue, Olifipe. Mary 1. and Peter III. from the Dye ot the Thirty-fix Shilling Piece ^ 5 1984 John V. a Medallion, his Bufi. Reverfe, Et Latet Et Lucet, 1716' — — — T 1985 John V. a Ship between two Pillars. Exergue, Fiifis Fiigatifque Turcis, Liifit' Claffis Subfid Ad Tsenarum, 1717. Flifioria Refurges. Exergue, Reg. Acad. Hift. Lufit. Infill. 6 Dec. 1720 — 2 GREEK CITIES IN SILVER. 1986 BrUttii, 1. Carthago, 1. Corinthus, 2. Dyrrhachiura, 3. Ephefiis, I. Euboea, 1. Gelas, I. Heraclea Lucaniae, I. Hifiiaea, 1. Leucas Acarnaniae, 1. Mafiilia, I. — — - — 14 1987 Carthago, 1. (ttith Tunic Char aBers,) •— « 1 1988 Carthago, 1. (Ditto.) — 1 1989 Carthago,!, (with a Punic Letter.) — 1 1990 Carthago, 1. (Ditto.) * — * — 1 1991 Carthago, I. Corinthus, 2. Dyrrhachium, 1 . Gelas, ,1. Heraclea Lucanias, 1. — — 6 1992 Corinthus, 3. Dyrrhachium,!. Ephefus, 1. Gelas, 1. Heraclea Lucaniae, 1. Ifirus, 1. Leontini, I. 1 . — * — 10 ^ \993 Criofius, 1. — — — 1 1994 Cyrene, 1. Erjihrm, -1. Erefus, I. — 1995 Cwinthus, I. Ephefus, 1. Gelas, 1. Emporim, 1. 1996 Fahfci, or Alea, 1. Epirus, 1* Euboea, 1. Himera, 1. Itanus, 1. . — — — 1997 Gelas, I. Himera, I. — — 1998 Heraclea Lucajfim, I. FJimera, 1. Hyrium, 1. 3999 Gelas, 1. Hyrium, 1. Itanus, 1. Ifirus, 1. Leon- tini, 1. Aleflana, E — - — _ 6 2000 Gelas, I. Heraclea Lucanim, I . Hifiia?a, 1. Leon- tini, j. Mafiilia, 2. Metapontum, 1. — 7 2001 Leontini, I. — — ' • — 1 2002 Leontini, 1. — -e- — i ROMAN L^ERIAL COINS IN GOLD. 2(>03 dVajanus, 1. vot a .S vscepta p. m. tr. p. cos. vi. p. p. s,p.Q.. R. Imperator togatus, s. hafiam fuper humero, et Genius ferninudus, s. cornncopim, fiantes nd ara?n (rare.) ! to O? .44. W ( 153 ) A* 4, 2004 Trajanus, 1. Sine epIgVaphe. Avisj feu Phcenlx, cum circulo radiato in capite; unguibus ramum oleae - tenet, (rare,) * — 2005 Trajanus, 1. dtvi N£rva et traianvs pat. Ca- pita oppofita Nervae et Trajani Palris, [rare)) 2006 Trajanus and HadrianuSjl. divo traiano pAtri. Trajani caput laureatUtn. [very rare^ arid extremely fine,) ^ ^ I 2007 Plotina, 1. plotina avg. imP. traiani. Hujus 7/t. caput. CAES. AVG. GERMA. DAC. COS. Vt. P. P. ^ Ve/la fedens> d. palladium, s, haflam. (very fine and extremely rare,) — — — • 2008 Malidia, 1. matidtA avg. divae marcianae f. Hujus caput. piETAS AVGVST. Mulicr ftans utfam- que manum extcnditfuper adftantem utrinque parvam figuram. - [very rare.') • — ^ — 2009 Hadrianus, 1. advent.vi avg. italiae. Irnperator flans, d. extenfa, juxta mulier, d. pateram, s. cornuco- piae, ad aram facrificat. (rare.) — 2010 Hadrianus, I . aegyptos. Mulier humi procumbens, d. fiflrum, 8. caniftro innixa, pro pedibus Ibis, (rare.) 2011 Hadrianus, 1-. Africa. Mulier humi procumbens, ' capite elephant! exuviis tedo, d. leonem contingit, s. canillro innititur, retro fpica. (fine.) 2012 Hadrianus, 1. concord, p. m. tr. p. cos. ii. Mulier fedens, d. pateram. ~ 2013 Hadrianus, 1. cos. iii. Irnperator eques — 2014 Hadrianus, 1. cos. iii. Sol in citis quadrigis, s. flagellum. a. 71 i. — 1 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 2015 James I. the Angel, N. 8. The Angelef, N. 7. weight 71 and 36 Grains ^ ~ 2016 James I. the line Sovereign of his 17th Year, P. 5, N. 16. Reverfe^ the Arms three XXX over, for Thirty Shillings, its Value, weight 192 Grains, Mint'Mark, theRofe S 2017 James 1. fine Sovereign of his 17th Year, iVlint Mark, a Spur Rowel — . — . 2018 James I. Angels of 'his 17 th Year. Reverfe, a Ship with the Royal Arms on the Mall, N. 14. Mint Mark, the Rofe, theThiftle, and the Trefoil, \veight-66 Grains 2019 James I. the Unitie or Laureled Pieces, wilh XX. X. V. Mint Mark, Fleur de Lis and Trefoil, P. 5. N. 1 1, X "" ( 154 ) 5020 James T. the Spur Rya! of his 17th Year. Obverfe, a Lyon fitting crowned, holding in his right Paw a Sceptre, his left fupporting the Arms, on each ^ide XV. for fifteen Sliillings. Reve.rfc, a Radiated Rofe, Src. Mint Mark, a Spur Rowel, weight 96 Grains 1 5021 Charles L Angels. Obver/e, the Archangel Michael, as ufual without X for ten Shillings, its Value. Reverfe, the Ship. Another with X. Mint Marks, the Long Crofs and Heart, P. 6, N. 1 ■ ■■■ — ■> 2 2022 Charles I. Angels. Revetje. Infcribed, Amor Populi Priefidium Regis, N. 1, Mint Mark, the Bell and Triangle — — . , 2 2023 Charles 1. Twenty Shilling Piece, Mint Mark, Fleur de Lis, different Heads. Bever/e, a Square Shield Crowned. //(/crz77034* Probus, 20. Carus, 2. Carinus, 4. Numerlanus, 6. DIocIetianils, 12. 44 2035 Probus, 20. Garinus, 6. Numerianus, 5, Diocle- tianus, 10. * • — 41 2036 Probus, 19. Carinus, 3. Caraufius, 8. Alle6lus, 4. 34 2037 Caraufius, 16. adventus aug.— Concordia aug, — -HILARITAS AUG.— JOVI A UG.— -L^TITI^ FUND. —MARS VICTOR. MONETA AUG.— ORIENS AUG. — PAX AUG. C/our varieties.) — pietas aug.— prin- CIPI JuVENTUT. PROVID. AUGGG.— SALUS AUG. 16 2038 Alleclus, 14. ljettt. aug. — l^titia aug. (three varieties. a x a u G . 6 two varieties.)-^ provid.aug. (two PROVIDENTIA AUG. (three varie- ties. )-^v irtus AUG. ( three varieties.) 1 4 2039 Maximianus, the Firft, 12. Conftantius Chlorus, 6. FI. Helena, 6. FI. Max. Theodora, 1, Maxiinia- nus, the Second, 3. Maximinus, 9. Maxentius, 2. Romulus, 1. — — _ ^ 40 2040 Maximianus, the Firft, 15. Conflantius Chlorus, 5, FI. Jul. Helena, 3. Maximianus, the Second, 1. Maxi- minus, 11. Maxentius, 2. Romulus, 1. Alexan- der, theTyrant, 1. s. p. q. r. bpxiMO principi. ( unpuhlijhed.) 39 2041 Alexander, theTyrant, 1. roujs. /eterna: aug. n. (extremely rare y and very Jiighly preferved.) 1 ^ 2042 Maximianus, the Firft, 1 2. FI. Jul. Helena, 3. Maxi- minus, 4. Romulus, 1. Licinius Senior, 12. Li- cinius Junior, 5. Conftantinus, the Firft, 13. 50 2043 Maximianus, the Firft, 12. (oTieof them incufe.) Ro- mulus, 1. (the Portrait an uncornvion one.) Licinius Senior, 12, Licinius Junior, 3. Conflantinus, the Firft, 12. — 40 156 ( 2044 Licinlus Senior, 7. Licinius Senior, and Licinius Ju- nior, 1- Licinius Junior, 3. Conftantinus,. the Firfl, 12. FI, Max. Faufta, 4, Crifpus, 8. Faufla, 1. (rare)^ Delmatius, 1. (very fine.) — — 37 2045 Conftantinus, the Firft, 17. FI. Max. Faufta, 3, Crif- pus, 8. Delmatius, !. Conftantius, the Second, 12. Conllans, 9. ■ ■• .-. - m-jj — 50 2046 Conflantinus, the Firft, 20. FI. Max, Faufta, 3. Crif- pus, 5, Delmatius, I. Conflantinus Junior, 8. Con- Hans, 7. Confiantius, the Second, 6, ■»' ^ 50 2047 Conflantinus, the Firfl, 12. Conflantinus, the Second, 5. Conflans, 2. Confiantius, the Second, 12. Vetra- nio, 1. Magnentius, 7. Decentius, 3. Confiantius Gallus, 3, Juiianus, 3, Helena Juliani, 2. 50 2048 Confiantius, the Second, 8, Vetranio, 2. Magnenti- us, 8. Decentius, 1. Confiantius Gallus, 3. Juh^ anus, 4. Helena Juliani, 2. Jovianus, 1, {very fine.) Valentinianus, the Ffifi, 7. Velens, 6, Gratianus, 8. 5Q 2049 Magnentius, 8. Decentius, 9. Jovianus, 1. Valen-. tinianus, the Firfl, 9. Gratianus, 3. Valentinianus, the Second, 6. Theodofius, theFirfi, 8. Aelia Flac- cilla, 4, Magnus Maximus, 2, 50 2050 Theodofius, the Firfi> 7. Aelia Flaccilla, 6 . Magnus Maximus, 7. Eugenius, 1, Arcadius, 18. Aelia Eudoxia, 2. Honorius, 9, — 50 2051 Anafiafius, 1, Juftinianus, 5. Athalaricus, 2. Theo- dohatus, 1. Baduela, 1, Tiberius Conflantinus, 3. Mauricius, 1. Focas, 1. Heraclius and his Sons, 1. Conflantinus Pogonatus, I. Joannes Zimifces, 1. Ma- nuel Coinnenus, 1. And 24 more. . (well prejerved.) 43 ENGLISH SILVER COINS, HALF-CROWNS, % " o 2052 Charles L Tower Mint, dijfierent ^ 2053 Charles I. Mint Marks, Crown, with and without Fea- thers over the Arms; the Bell the fame, 2; and the Ton, plain ' — - — ^ 2054 Charles I. Bridds Minty P. 10, N.9. - ■ 2055 Charles I. of the York Mint, Sndlingy P. 10, N. 16 2056 Charles I. York Mint, P. 10, N. 17 & 18. 2057 Charles I. York Mint, P. 10, N. 19 & 20. 2058 Charles I. Aherifiwith^ Mint, P. 10, N. 32. And 1 with the Crown Mint Mark. ujipuUifiied and imique 2059 Charles I. Half-Crown, firuck at Oxford, the value, on the Beverfe, expreffed in Arabic Numerals, unique G 5 2 1 2 o I ( 157 ) 2060 Charles I. Crowned at Oxford, 1642, 1; 1463,2; and 1644, 2. P. 12, N. I, 2, & 7. 2061 Charles I. Oxford Mint, 1642, 1 ; 43, 1 ; 44, 2; and 1645, 1. ■ 2062 Charles I. P, 12,. N. 5, Two of 1644; One, 45; and One, 46. 2063 Charles I. P. 12, N. 2, One; Three of 1644; and One of 46. : 2064. Charles I. Coined at Exeter, 1. Rofe Mint Mark, with- out a date. And 1, fame Mint Mark, 1645, P. 13, N. II. 2065 Charles I. Rofe and Caftle Mint Mark, 1644 & 1645 2066 Charles I. 1645, Snellihg, P. 14, N. 18. — — 2067 Charles I. without the Date, P. 14, N. 18. unique 2068 Charles I. 1642, Rofe Mint Mark, P. 14, N. 19. 2069 Charles I. Rofe Mint Mark, P. 14, N. 12. And 1, a little different 2070 Charles I. Rofe Mint Mark. Ohverfe, the King riding ♦ full fpeed. Reverfey a little different from N. 12 2071 Charles I. called the Blackfmith’s Half-Crown, P. 14 . N. 13. . 2072 Charles I. coined in Country Mints, P. 14, N. 14, &c. 2073 Charles I» Country Mints, 1 coined in Imitation of that flruck at York, with the Lyon grafping the Shield 2074 Charles I. Country Mints — — 2075 Charles I. flruck at Chefler, Plate 14, N. 15. 2076 Charles I. coined at Y^orcefler, P. 14, N. 17. 2077 The Common w^ealth. Sun Mint Mark, dates, 1649, 51, 53, & 1654. 2078 The Commonwealth, Sun Mint Mark, 1652 & 1656. 2079 The Commonwealth’s Half Crown, with the Anchor Mint Mark, Plate 16, N. 6. 1660. • — ^ 5 /- 4-^ 5 5 /'/ * 2 ^ /^'/ 2^ 1 y- - 2- ^ ^ In- 3 ^ Id \ } 'I * S I ^ ^ 3 1/-/P 1 ^ 4. t • 'y 2 -2. / 3 FRENCH SILVER MEDALS. 2030 Philip VI. Reverfe, Blanch of Navarre, Be/lored. Charles VII. Obverfe, a K*’ the Arras of France in a Shield. Another, the Arms. Reverfe, a Crofs, Tome 8, del CEuvre du St. Le Clerc. Monnores ct Medailles Ss Tome 39, des auires E/ianipes du CaMuct du Roy Louis X[E\ Page 5, N. 5 & 9. Charles VIII. his Head and Titles. Reverfe, the Figure of a Woman with a Dog .— , 4 2081 Francis!, his Head and Titles. Reverfe, two Globes, infcrihed, Unus non fufficit. Orbis, Exergue, 1515, Pago 19, N. 24. This Medal was pYobably ftruckm the 17 th Century, — - — I { 138 ) 2082 Henry 11. Beverfe, ¥ame^ Exergue, Ex Voto, P. 1552, P. 21, N. 40.— ^Catharine cle Medicis. R. Hinc dolor, Lacrimse Hinc. On his Death^ in 1559, P. 23, N, 48. 2083 Catharine de Medicis. Reverje, an Equeftrian Figure, P. 29, N. 64. — Her Head. R. Charles IX. — Hen- ry III. l0S4 Anthony, King of Navarre. R. the Sun, infcribed, Fouet Et Difcutit. Reverfe, K.(^x Confervator. Ex- ergue, 1559. — Diana, Dutchefs of Valentinois. Re- verfe, Oritur Et Lade Virefcit, 2085 Charles IX. P. 25, N. 51. And 1 on the Maflacre of St. Bartholomew, in 1572, N. 55.' • 2086 Henry III. Reverfe, an Equeftrian Figure, Page 29, N. 64. His Queen, Louifa of Lorrain, N. 60. Ano- ther, 1582, N. 65. And 1, dated 1627, thirty-eight Y ear after his Death, N. 133. 2087 Francis, Duke of Alencon. R. Fouet Et Difcutit, 2. Henry, Duke of Guife, Cardinal de Birague, 1580. The Chancellor de PFIofpital. And P. Huralt 2088 Charles X. or Cardinal of Bourbon, his Head and Ti- tles, 1590. Reverfe, an Altar, &c. Regale Sacer- dotium — 2089 Henry IV. Lutetia, 1594, repaired, P. 33, N. 75.— N. 73.— Another, P, 35, N. 79. 2090 Henry IV. and his Queen, Mary de Medicis. Reverfe, ’* Propago Iraperi, 1603, Page 41, N. 98; furrounded with a very large Border on both Sides, a very long Infer jption in his Praife. Weight, 9 Ounces, 10 Pen- nyweights — — — I 2091 Henry IV. and his Queen. R. propago Iinperi, 1603. — His Head alone. R. Majeftas Major Ab Igne, Exergue, 1604. 2092 Hefiry IV. Reverfe, Opt. Princ. 1598. P. 35. N. 78. one. Reverfe, his Queen. — f on his Treaty with the Swifs, in 1602, P. 37, N. 8$, — And 2 very fmall Jettons ' ■ 2093 Mary de Medecis, Queen Regent. R. Servando Dea Fada Deos, P. 41, N. 108. — Another, Laeta Deum Parta, N. 90. ' — — 2094 Mary de Medecis. Reverfe, Dat Pacatum Omnibus jTther, 1613.— Another, Oritur et Lade Virefcit 2095 Mary de Medecis and Louis XIII. R. Infcribed, Ori- ens Aiigudi TSitrice Minerva, 1611, P. 47, N. 110. — Her Head only, Sexus et Gloria Regna, 1615* — Another, an inferipiion on the Reverfe', date, 1644, 3 1 2 5 o 2 P. 45, N. 146. 2096 Lewis XI 11. on his Coronation, in 1610, two, P.47, N. i!4 & 115. Another, Dat. Pacatum Omnibus yLtjier, 16' 1 3. ... 9 ( l$9 ^ 2097 Lewis XIII. on taking Rochelle, 1629, . Another, on 3 r efloring the Coin, 164-1, both by Far in, 1 on the ^ of Lewis XIV. in 1638. And 2 fmall Medals. The Duke de Rohan. Chancellors Aligre, Brulart, The Duke de Candale** Tl^Count de Valois, Son of harles IX. Marfhal de Toyras _ _ 2100^ ©ardinal Richlieu. R, Tandem Vi6Ia Sequor, by Fa- //*'6 riny P. 57, N. 140. f / I '■ Alnnrino 1660. , „ XJV. oh his Coronation, in 1654. ^ \ • > de Vic 2101 Cardinal Richlieu, Mens Sidera Voluit, 1631, byFa^ / One. Reverfe, a Pillar.— -One. Reverfe, Guz- d^Olivarez. — Another, Reverfe, a Ship 210^C^dinal Mazarine, Nunc Orbi Servere Labor, HInc \ OMo, Mnc Copia Rerum, 1660. — Et Nu turn Fata Sequntur)S660. — Fkmando Firmior Haeret, 1660 4 ^2103 l^n Varin, the celebrated Medallift, without a Reverfe, • f M^ffffibably by hUnfelf • ■ ■ — ■■■ fjk. XIV. Reverie, his Mother, by Farin, 1643. — W 4 Queen, Maria Therefa, Infanta of Spain, 1 659, two. V * — One, his Queen. Reverfe, his Mother,^ — His ** £/l Head, iEternse Concordia? Franciae et Hifpania? V /A. 1660 ., / // f / GREEK CITIES, IN SILVER. \ 2105 Leontini, T. Macedonia, 1. — 2107 Leontini, 1. Maffilia, 3. Metapontum, 1. Neapolis Campania?, 2. *2108 LariflaThefialiae, 1. Locri Bruttiorum, 1 . Lyttus, 1. Malienfes TheHaliae, I . ^109 Macedonia, 1. ^110 Macedonia,'!. / ^111 Macedonia, 1. ' 2112 Maronea, 1. Maflilia, I. Meflana, 1. Metapon- — — f3 Maronea, 1, , 1 . •v 2X14' Maflilia, 4. Maflilia, 1 ja, 1^ /letapoht I^^ana^ . Metapon- 1 .. Maronea , 1 ? Campania?, I. Rhodus, 2115 Hiftiaea, 1. Maronea, 1 /f” nia, 1. Motya, 1. Neapolis Oampanim, t. t^l6 Myrhina, 1. ' — '/ ^7 Neapolis Campania?, 2. Patrse, 1. Rhodus, 2. Sy-» Neapolis Metapontum,;^'. M^fle- raWa, I 4 Taientum, 1. Opus, 1. ^ .-A Thurium, 1. Vclia, I. 5 i ///, 6 ( , ICO ) / , rrl. Rho* 119 Neapolis Campaniae, 2. Phocis, I. Roma,! das, 1. Syracufa, 1. Tarentum, I. _ ■— 2120 Neapolis Campaniae, 1. Rhodus, 1. Roma, I. Sy racufa, 1. Tarentum, 1. Tlmrium, 1. Velia, 1. \j Pergamus, 1. > 2122 Pergamus, 1. ^ ^ - — • 2123 Polyrhenium, I. 4 Ci ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS IN GOLD., Lupa cum Rom^ el y , ’ ^ ^ X . p. IiTiJ)erator eques, dV' 124- Hadrianus, 1. cos. in. Remo laclentibus. (fine.) 125 Hadrianus, 1. cos. in. p ^ haftam. (fine.) — — _ \/ Hadrianus, I. disciplina avg. Imperator ad^u61j^. , ^ ^ ntfanu vefte prascedens, fequentibus tribus militijbus ciwh ■ ' \/* Jj ^gnis militaribus, (very rare.) 1^, j Jradrianus, 1. hispania. Mulier fecTens juxta rupem* / 4 d. ramum, pro pedibus cuniculus. (rare.) ^28 Hadrianus, 1. iovi~victori. Jupiter fedens> d Jupiter ICG Mulier vidloriolam, s. liaftam. Hadrianus, I. liberalitas avg. Vj Hans, d. tefieram, s. cornucopiae. 0 Hadrianus, 1. divi ner. nepos i^ w^^r. p. cos. Caput folis radiatiim, (very rare and fine.) 2131 Hadrianus, I. oriens p. m. tr. p. cos. ri. Typus idem. / ,J0*J32 Hadrianus, I., oriens p. m. tr. p. cos. drs. ir Ty pus idem, (extremely fine.) 3 cos. DRS. ir. / 4- / /T y /: 1133 Hadrianus. 1. p.m. tr. p. cos. in. Jiipiter fedens, d. fulmen, s. haftam. (extremely fine.) — "(115^34 Hadrianus, I. (Someidhat dififerent from the former.) 5 Hadrianus,!. Eadem Ir/criptio. Romagaleata armis inficlens, d. vi6toriolam, s, haftam. Hadrianus, 1. Eadem Infcripno. Figura militaris ftans, d. haftam, s. clypeum. (fine.) — ' ^ 2137 Hadrianus, I. Eadem Infcriptio. Genius feminudus* ^ ftans, d. pateram, s. cornucopia?. — A 2^8 Hadrianus, J. Etdem Iiifcrlptio. Hercules nudus a armis infidet, d. clavam, s; exuvias leonis. (fine..) ^ jt ^^9 Hadrianus, I. romae aeternae. Ro, ^ ^ fed'ens, d. viclorlolam, s. haftam. _ ^ ^ 0 214-0 Sabina, 1. con sec ratio, ^^uila S ab / i f In cmium eftert. (rare.) ^ ^ ' ^141^ablna, 1. cq^coRDi.A^v g. iVlulIer reden§/d. pa- ' d. //>'• % fS " //j ( lei ) ENGLISH GOLD COINS. ./4 jp Charles I. Twenty and Ten Shilling Pieces, Briot 2 Charles I. Twenty Shilling Piece, by Briot, Mint Mark the B. and a very (mail Rofe — 1 214-4' Charles I. Angel, by Briot, P. 6, N. 5. St. Alichael piercing the Dragon. ' Reverfe, a Ship in full Sail with ■ the Roval Arms on the Maft. inferibod. Amor Po- piili Praefidium Regis, Alint Alark a fmall B. weight 64- Grains — — — 1 Charles I. Twenty, Ten, and -Five Shilling Pieces, with the Anchor Alint Mark — 3 ^45 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 Charles I. Twenty Shillings, Mint Alark the Star and Sun. Two Five Shilling Pieces, Anchor different ways. And 1, R. in a Circle ■' Charles I. the Treble Unitle, or Three Pound Pieces Rruck at Oxford. Obverje, the King’s Buft regarding the right, in the right Hand a Sword, in his left an Olive Branch. Reverfe, has its area filled with 3 Scrolls, on which are Relig. Prot. Leg. Ang. Lib. Par. Legend. Exurgat Deus, Diffipentur Inimici, P. 6, N. 10, weight 17 d. rare — — Charles I. Three Tys^enty Shilling Pieces, ftruck at Oxford, Plate 6, N. 9. dates 1642, 3, and 5 — Charles I. Twenty Slvilling Pieces of the Oxford Alint, 164-4 and 45 Charles I. Twenty and 2 Ten Shilling 'Pieces, coined at Oxford,.. N. 8 — The Commonwealth, Twenty, Ten, and Five Shilling Pieces. Obverje, St. George’s Crofs in a Shield, encircled with a Laurel and Palm Branch. Infer ibed. The Commonwealth of England, A'lint Alark, the Sun. Reverfe, Two Shields, containing St. George’s Crofs and the Irlfli Harp. Round them are inferibed. God with Us, dates 1649, Nl 12, 13, and 14 The Commdnwealth’s Twenty, Ten, and Five Shil- ling Pieces, date 1 650. Should weigh 140, 70, and 35 Grains — — — The Commonwealth’s Twenty, Ten, and Five Shil- ling Pieces, date 1651 A Mahogany Cabinet with 30 Drawers, ‘containing Boards for Medals, 2 Feet wide, 14 Inches deep, 16 Inches high. - — - Y Nineteenth Day’s Sale. LARGE BRASS. 2155 Pompeius, 1. pivs imp. Julius, I. nivos ivlivs. 2156 Pompeius, ]. Julius, I. Auguftiis, \ . [refiored by Nerva, with the ^ or trail.) 2157 Auguflus, 7. divos ivlivs, inter coronam quernam. and 6 others, with the names of Moneyers. Livia, I. s. p. Q,. R. IVLIAE AVGvsT. Carpcntum a binis mulis tra61ura. Tiberius, 1. Templum magnificum, multis columnis’et ftatuis exornatum. — 2158 Tiberius, ]. rom. et avg. with the Portrait, (fine and very rare.) 2159 Auguftus, 1. ROM. ET AVG. with the Portrait. Livia, 1, Tiberius,], civitatibvs asiae restitvtis. Drufiis, 1. Capita Geraellorum Tiberii et Drufi, Drufi filiorum, corniicopise impofita, intermedio ca- duceo. — i — — — 2160 Auguftus, E Divvs avgvstvs pater. Augutlus capite radiato togatus ledens, d. florem, s. haham, juxta ara. Tiberius, I. Quadrigae trinmphales nullo infidente. Drufus, I. Nero Claudius Drulus, 1. Vir togatus fedeiis inter congeriem armorum. 2161 AuguRus, 1. Divo avgvsto s.p. q. r. Aiiguftus in thenfa a quatuor Elephantis vedlus, quibus iingulis suns redlor infidet. Tiberius, 1. civitatibvs asiae restitvtis, Rruck at Rome, with the Por- trait. (impnblijhed.) 2162 Augutlus, 1. Tiberius, I. Duplex cornucopias inter- medio caduceo. Nero Claudius Drufus, 1 . Agrippina Sen. 1, Claudius, 1. { 163 ) 21(53 Agrippina Sen. 1. s.. p. o.. r. memoriae agrip- PINAE. Garpentuni a bini’s mulls (raclum. Cali- gula, 2. adlocvt. COH. AGRIPPINA. DRVSILLA. ivLiAi — Claudius, I, nero clavdivs drvsvs GERMAN icus. Afcus triumphalis, luper quo ftatua equedris inter duo tropaea. 21 Si Caligula, 2. divo avg. Templum magnificum fex columnarum, ante quod Imperator veliitus et togatus dans, d. pateram fuper aram, addat vidimarius taunini attinens, inde camillus s. paterttii tenens. — s. p. q. r.- p. p. OB GIVES sERVATos, intra Goronam quernarn* Claudius, 2. 'ex s. c. p. p. ob gives servatos,' intra Goronam quernam. — spes avgvsta. Nero, 1. annona avgvsti ceres. — 2165 Nero, 2. dec vrsio— -roma. Galba, 2. con- cord. AVG. LIBERT. AVG.^ VitclliuS, 1, pAX AVGVSTI. 4 5 ^ 5 ENGLISH SILVER COINS, ^KALF CROWNS. 2166 Charles 11. SnelliMg, P. 16, N. 16, 20, and 27 5 ^ >2167 Charles 11. milled. Half with tlie Young and Old _Heads * ' — — 6 2168 Charles 11. 3 Plain, 1 with the Elephant, 1 with the Elephant and Cadle, and 1 with Feathers under the. Heads • - — • — — 2169 James 11. 1685 to 1688 inclufive 2150 William and Mary, P. 17, N. 29 and 30, and 1 date 1690 2171 William and Mhry. Reverje, like N.. 57, Plate 17, dates 1691, 2, and 3 2172 William III. Plain, all different 2173 William III. Elephant and Cadle under the Head, and 1 wdth Feathers in the Quarters of the Reverfe 2 217i William III. Country Mints, Bridol and Cheder, 1697. Exeter, 1696 and 7. Norwich and York, 1697 6 2175 Ann, 1703, with and without Vigo under the Head, 1707, E under the Head for Edinburgh — 3 2176 Ann, 1704< and 5, Feathers; 6, 7, and 14, Rofe and ' Feathers ' 5 2177 Ann, 1707 and 8, Plain, 1708, Edinburgh. 1708, Feathers. And 1709, Plain 6 y 2 CT) {' 16 Charles 1. coined at Oxford in 1664,'' with a View of the City under the Horfe, Plate 12, N. 10 — Charles I. 5y Briot, P. 10, N. 6. i\nd .2 druck at Oxford, 1642 and 3, P.. 12, N. 1 1 and 12 — to C5 ( 165 ) FRENCH SILVER MEDALS. fl!)6 I.ewis XIV. on his renewing the Treaty with the Swifs Cantons in 1663. Medaiiles fur les Princlpaiix Evenemens du Regne de Louis le Grand, Page 76. On the Pope’s giving him Satisfadlion for the Intuit to his Ambatfador, P. 77. Nec Pluribiis Impar. 1666 3 2197 Lewis XIV.. Germania Servata, 1666. Victorias Ce- leritas Incredibilis, 1668. Pour les Conquetes de la Flandre et de Ja Franche Comtd, 1670 — 3 2198 Lewis XIV. Quas Condidit Eruit Arces, 1673. Vic- toria Panorraitana, P. 159 — 1676 2 2199 Lewis XIV. a Medallion, A{/6Tz77e(5?, Flilaritati Publicae Aperta Regia. Exergue, Comitas et Magnificentia Principis, 1682 ^ 1 2200 Lewis XIV. Medallions on Bombarding Genoa in 1684. Vibrata In Superbos Fulmina. — Quod Libet Licet. Satirical — — 2 2201 Satirical Medals againft Lewis XIV. — 10 2202 Lewis XIV. hy Hamer ani, 1673. On the Revocation of the Edict of Nantz in 1685, P. 209 and 21 1. On taking of Namur in 1692, P. 240. Landrecy relieved, 1712. Reverfe, Frederick III. Elector of Brandenburg. And 1 on his Death in 1715 7 2203 Gafton, Duke of Orleans. Mary d'Orleans, Dntchefs of Longueville, 1545. Pliilip, Duke of Orleans. Reverfe, FI is Dutchefs. The Duke de Noraiiies, 1717. And Monf, de Launay, Mint Mailer, ^719 5 .2204 Lewis de Bourbon, Prince of Conde, Materies Superabit Opus, 1668. To the ?>Iemory of Marthall Turenne, dale 1683, he was killed in 1675, Van Loon, Tome 3, P. 1 62 2 2205 Fr. Chriftopher de Levi,, 1658. Reverfe, his Arms. Doctor Ar.thony Arnaud. Reverje, Sic ElTuilit Tem- plo Dei. Exergne, 1694 2 2206 The Pretident Lamoignon. Reverfe, in the Exergue, Pietas, 1679. \ The Chancellor. Acquabilitas unlver- lae Vitae. Exci'guc, Vixit ann.,83 — 2 2207 Lewis XIV. Reverfe, Lewis XV. Lewis XV’. R. Philip, Duke of Orleans, Regent. On his Coronation at Rheims in 1722, four 6. 2208 Lewis XV. and Mary, Daughter of Slanillaus, King 4 ^ of Poland, in 1725. On the Birth of the Dauphin in 1729. Lewis XV. on the Birth of the (^ount d’Artois, 1757. On his making Peace with Enul ind in t763 — — — " 4 . ( 166 ) 2205 Lewis XV. on the Marriage of the Dauphin, In 1770^, afterwards Lewis XVI. with Maria Antoinetta, of Auftria, 3. 1 with their Portraits, on the fame Event. And 1 on the Birth of the Dauphin, in 1781. 2210 Lewis XV. Revenfs, the Cathedral Church of Orleans, infcrihsd, Batilica S. S. Crucis Aurelianentis. In the Exergue, Henrici IV. VotumPerfolvit Ludov. 15, 1767. 2211 Lewis XV. Eeverfe, A Bridge. In the Exergue, Pons ad Lugniacum Extrudus, 1772. 2212 Cardinal Fleury, a Medallion. Reverfe, Virtutes Regni Administrse. In the Exergue, 1731. 2213 Jettons or Hiftorical Counters, from Francis I. to Lew- is XV^I. at pr. Oz. 2214 Lewis XVI. upon his Coronation, in 1775. — The Queen. Reverfe, of Him. —On recovering from the Small Pox. — Upon the Order of the Holy Ghoft. Re- verje, a Dove - ■ ■ 2215' Levvds XVI. R.e'oerfe, the Surgeons’ Theatre at Paris. tEcIcs Academi et Scho. In the Exergue, Regia Mu- nificentia Inchoat, 1770 Abfol. 1774. — — S216 Lewis XVI. on his returning to Paris, 6th October, 1789. — The Head of the King and Queen, on his beheading, 2 Id January, 1793, two differe7it. — Ano- ,^er, fmaller, on the fame Event.— The Queen’s Head. Reverfe, the Queen carrying to the Place of Execution in a Cart, I6th October, 1793. 2217 Gold, on the Relief of Cambray, in 1581, Van Loon, ‘ Tome 1, Page 295. 2 very fmall Medals of Henry IV. and Mary de Medicis, with and without their tleads, 1605 — 5 1 I \ ] 4 GREEK CITIES, IN SILVER, 2218 Parium, 1. Poficlonia, I. Roma, 1. - r 2219 Rhodus, 1. Roma, 1. Segeda, 1. 2220 Rhodus, 1. Roma, 1. Seriphus, 1. Segefta, I. 2221 Rhodus, 2. Siphnus, I. Syracufa, 4. Thurium, 2. Tarentura, 1. 10 2222 Rhegium, 1. Selinus Sicilice, L Siphnus, 1. Syra- cufa,^ 3. T^reiitum, 1. Terina, I. 8 ^ >1^2223 Seriphus, 1. 1 2224 Segeda, 1. Selinus Sicilix, 1. Side, 1. .3 2225 Segefla, 1. Selinus, 1. ThetTalia, 1. Terina, I. 4 • 2226 Rhodus, 1. Syracufa, 4. Terina, 1., Thurium, I. Tarentum, 2. Velia, I. 10 2227 Segeda, I. Syracn.ia, I. Terina, 1. Thyrrheum, 1, Tiiuriura, I. Velia, I. 6 222S Syracufa, 2. Thafus, I. Terina, 1. Tarentum, I. 5 iO CO Thafus, 1. Thurium, 1. Tenedus, 1. 2230 Syracufa, 2. Tarentum, 1. Thai Velia, 1. — Syracufa, I. Thurium, 1. (Tef.) — Syracufa, 1. Tarentum, I. Velia, 1. — Syracufa, 2. Tarentum, 3. Valentia Bruttiorum, 1. Velia, I. — Syracufa, 1. Tarentum, 2. Velia, 2. — Syracufa, 1. Tarentum, 3. Velia, 2. Tarentum, 3. Velia, 1. ■ " Syracufa, 2. Zancle, 1 . Twenty-five Coins V" . 7” of different Kings and Cities. . 1 25 > ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 2239 L. Aelius, 1. pietas trie. pot. cos. ii. Muller velata flans ad aram, d. extenfa, s. thus, (veri/ rare.) I 2240 L. Aelius, 1. trie. pot. cos. ii. . Mulier fedens, d. • pateram,juxta S. cornucopias, (rare.) 1 2241 Antoninus Pius, 1. consecratio. Rogus. (fine.) I 2242 Antoninus Pius, I. cos. mi. Mulier flans, d. bilari- cem, s. cornucopias. ( very fine.) — 1 2243 Antoninus Pius, 1. cos. nii, Imperator togatus flans, d. globum. (fine.) 1 2244 Antoninus Pius, 1. (Somewhat different from the for- mer.) — — — 1 2245 Antoninus Pius, I. imperator ii. Victoria tropse- um geflans. (fine.) — — I 2246 Antoninus Pius, 1. jovi statori. Jupiter nudus flans, d. haflam, s. fulmen. ( rare and very fine.) I 2247 Antoninus Pius, I. laetitia cos. iiii. Duas figu- Tae muliebres, quarum una dextra duas fpicas tenet, altera finiflra globum, feu pomum. (rare.) ' 1 2243 Antoninus Pius, 1. lie. iiii. Imp. in fuggeflii fe- dens, adflaiite Liberalitate, quae ex cornucopi^e opes in finum figuras infra flantis effundit. I 2249 Antoidnus Pius, I. lieeralita, avg. hi. typus idem. ' — — — '1 2250 Antoninus Pius, 1. pietati avg. cos. iiii. Mulier flans, d. globum, s. infantem, alio hinc et inde ad- ftante. I ,2251 Antoninus Pius, 1. primi decennales cos. iiii. intra coronam lauream. ' 1 2252 Antoninus Pius, 1. tr. pot. cos. ii. Mulier flans ante aram, d, fublata. 1 2253 Antoninus Pius, 1. tr. pot. cos. m. Miles gra- diens, d. haflam, s. tropceum Inpcr humcro. 1 Oi Or ^ CO to Oi 2255 Antoninus Pius, 1. Somewhat diff-ereni from the former.) 2256 Antoninus Pius, I.tr, pot. xix. cos. iiii. Imperator togatus.ftans, d. globum. (fine.) ' — 1 2257 Antoipniis Pius, 1 . tr. pot. xx. cos. iiii. Viclorla gradiens, d, coronam, s. palmss ramum. • (fjie.) I 2258 Antoninas Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, I. , Antonini caput laureatum, Aurelii nudum, (extremely fine.) ^ 1 ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 2259 The Commonwealth’s Twenty, Ten, and Five Shilling^ ' Pieces, Date 1653 — i 2260 The Commonwealth’s Twenty Shilling Piece, Date J654. Ten Shilling Piece, 1652. And Five Shilling Piece, 1654 - — ~ ‘ 2262 The Commonwealth’s Twenty Shilling Piece, 1657. Ten Shilling Piece, 1655. And Five Shilling Piece, 1650 ^ 2263 The Commonwealth’s Twenty, Ten, and Five Shil- ling Pieces, Date 1660, Mint -Mark, the Anchor, N. 14 ' ' ' ■ — 5 2264 Oliver Cromwell’s Broad or Twenty Shilling Piece, his Head, Laureated, regarding the Right. Injcribedy Olivar. D. G. K. P. Ang. Sco. et Heb. &c. Pro. Rs’eerfe, a Plain Square Shield Crowned, with the Crofs of St. George on the Firfl and Fourth Quarter, for England. That of Saint Andrew’s in the Second, for Scotland. And on the Centre a Lion Rampant, his Paternal Coat. Jnfcriptio7i, Pax Quasritur Bello, weight 140 Grains, Date 1658, N. 16 ' 1 2265 Olivar’s Half* Broad, or Ten Shilling Piece, Date 1 65 6 ^ ^ 1 2266 Olivar’s Ten Shilling Piece, without the Engrailing on the Edge, 1 656, See Snelling, Page 28, Gold Coinage ^ — , 1 2267 Charles II. his Twenty, Ten, and Five Shilling Pieces, v.dthout the Value. -Reverfc.'ili^ Royal Arms Crowned between C. R. Injcrihcd, Florcnt Concordia Regna, . ' P. 6, N. 18, 19, and 20 ' 3 2268 Charles IL lwenty,'Tcn, and Five Shilling Pieces, with their refpeclive Values, N. 20, 21 and 22 3 ■‘^!-269 Charles IL- Five Guinea Piece, with the Elephnn.t under the King’s Buft, Suc!U^>g's Gold Coinage, P.7- « 2270 Charles II. Firft Two Guinea Piece, Elephant under the Head, Date 1664, weight 10 D. 18 G. i 2271 Charles TI, Two Guinea Piece, Old Head, 1676 1 - 2272 Gharles H. Two Guinea PieC!&, Gld Head, Elepliaut and Caftle under it, 1678 r 1 2273 Charles II. his Firft Guinea, Elephant under the Hea^, Date 1663. Half Guinea, Old Head, 1681 2 2274 James II. Five Guinea Piece, Date 1687, N. 8 1 2275 James II. TwoG^pinea Piece, 1688, the Yea? of his Abdication — — ‘ * -r — 1 2276 James II. Guinea, with an Elephant and Caflle under his Head, Date 16HS. Half Guinea, plain, 1686 2 ^277 A Mahogany Cabinet, containing 36 Beards, 20 Inches wide, 13 h^h. Twentieth Day’s Sale. ROMAN LARQE PRASS, 227S Nero, 3. PACE p.r. terra mariq.. parta ianvh CLVSIT.— poR, osT. AVGVSTi. Portus oflienfis navibus refertus.— Arcus triumphalis ftatuis et qiiadri- gis exornatus. Galba, 3. libertas pvblica— ? ROMA {Two varieties.) Vefpafianus, 2. divvs av- GvsTvs VESPASIAN. (JitucJc by Titus,) TO K- TVNAE REDVCI. — -r Vitellius, I. victoria avg. yi6loria, finihro pede globo intiftens, clypeo palmae affixo infcribit, ob. civ. SER. — 2280 Claudius, 2. Nero, 4. Galba, 2. s.p.q.r. ob. civ. SER. intra coroiiam quernam,— VIdoria gra- diens, d. vii6lorioIam, s. palmam. — 2281 Claudius, 1. Nero, 4. Vefpafianus, 3. ivdaea CAPTA. — PAX AVGVST.-r-ROMA. 2282 Nero, J. Vefpafianus, 3. Victoria avgvsti. — Imperator in quadrigis Iriumphalibus.r— Figura mili- taris gradiens, d. haflam, s. tropaeum.-r— Domitilla, 1. memoriae domitillae, Carpentum a binis muHs tractum. (Jlruclc by Titus.) Titus, 2, an non a AVG.— IVDAEA CAPTA. — 2283 Vefpafianus, d. Titus, 2. pax a vgvsti.— Spei typus, — Julia Titi, I. - divae ivliae avg. divi T iTi F. Carpentum a binis mulis tradnm. (Jlruckhy Domitianus.) Domitianus, 3. annona av gvst.— GERMA.NIA CAPTA lOVIVICTOlll. " — 2284 Titus, 2. Domitianus, 3. Imperator velatus fians ante teinpliim, in quo Palladis fiatua, ad aram lacrifi- , cat.— Imperator eques haftam vibrat in Germaniim ^enufiexum.-^Imperator paludatus Itans, d, fulmen. ( 171 ) haftaitij coronaturavi6loria retro ttaiife.-^Nerva, FISCI IVDAICI CALVMNIA SVBLATA. FORTVNA AVGVST. _ ■ ■ " ■ 7 2285 Domitianus, 5. Germanus geriuflexiis tenehs fcutum patrium doram Imperatore paludato.-^Minerva gra- aiens, d. baftam* s. fcutum. — Figura militaris gradiens, di hatiam, s. tropgeum. — Nerva, 2. libertas pvr- LicA.— Libertatis typus.— •Trajanus, 2* Alim* ITAL* ^^ACIVA TRAIANA* — 7 2286 Domitiaiius, 3. Nerva, 1 . Trajaftus, 2. forI-vna REDVX* IMPERATOR vilil. Matidia, i. PIE^ TAs AVGVST. — Hadrianus, 1. aegyptos. 8 228? Trajanus, 3. providentia avgvsti s.p, q. r.— REX PARTHIS DATVS. VIA TRAIANA. Hadri- anus,’ 3. aeq.vitas avg. — Concordia.— ^da- ciA. — Sabina, 1. pietas avg.— iElius, 1. pan— l^oNiA. — Antoninus, 2. annona avg.— apollini avgvsto* — ^ — • 10 2288 Trajanus, 3. Templum o£lo columnarum, in cujus medio idolum flans.— Trajani Portus.— Circus maxi- mus.— Hadrianus, 4. felicitas avg. rieties.) felicItati a vc.— fortVna avg. Sabina,!, vesta. — Aelius, I. Spei typus.— Anto- ninus, 3. coNsEcRATio.— Divo pio, Columna, cui infiflit flatua Imperatoris.— di vo pio, Ara. 1 2 ENGLISH SILVER COINS. CROWNS. 2289 Charles 1. of the Exeter Mint. 1 of fine work, and I, 1644, P. 13, N. 14/ Rofe Mint Mark — 2 2290 Charles I. Exeter Mint# with the Caflle and Rofe> all different -= — ^ — »- 2291 The Commonwealth’s of 1651 and 1654 2292 The Crown of 1652, P. 16, N. 7 — 1 2293 The Commonwealth, 1653 and 1656# Sun Mint Mark 2 2294 Charles II. with and without the Rofe under the Head, date 1662. Snellhig, Plate 17, N. 35 — 2 2295 Charles IL 1663 — I 2296 Charles II. 1664 t 3297 Charles II. 1666, with and without the Elephant under the Head, 1669 — 3 Z3 4 ( ) 2298^ Charl^-s IX date^ 1671, 2, 5, and 1676, platn 2298 Charles il. 1677> 9, 83, ‘and 81, with Elephsmt and Caftle under the Head ■■ 2300 James II. 1686, 7, and ^ 2301 William and Mary, 1691 and 2. William, 1695, two difierent dates on tire Edges* And one, 1700 2302 Ann, 1703, Vigo under the Head, 1705, 17 13, 'Feathers, and Roles and Feathers on the Quarters — ^ 2303 Ann, 1707 and 8, two, E. under the Head for Edin- burgh, 1708. Plain Reverfe ■■■ ■' ' 2304 Ann, 1706, and 8, two, with Rofes and Feathers. 1707, Plaim 1708, Feathers — 2305 George I. 1716, 1726, Rofe and Feathers, coined from Silver out of the Englifti and Welch Mines. 1723, South Sea Company 2306 George II. 1734, 5, and 6, the Young Head', with Rofes and Feathers on the Reverfes 2307 George IF. 1739 and 174f, Young Head. 1743, Old Head, Plain, all with Rofes on the Reverfes, coined out of Englith Silver ^ - — 2308 George II. Lima under the Head, 1746. 1750 and 51, Plain ' — ENGLISH SILVER COINS. TEN AND TWENTY SHILLING PIECES. 2309 Charles I. Twenty and Ten Shilling, hriick at Oxford, P. 1 2, N. 1 5, and 1 8 — 2310 Charles I. Twenty and Ten Shilling, 1642 — - 2311 Charles I. Tvventy and Ten Shilling, 1642 2312 Charles I. Twrenty Shilling, 1642, with a che^ quered Ground under the Horfe, not puhUfied by SnelUng — . 1 2313 Charles I. Twenty Shilling, 1642 — I ^ 2314 Charles I. Twenty Shilling, fine work, 1643, P. 12, . / <7 5S15 The fine Pound, of Charles I. coined at Oxford, SnelUng, V. 12,1^. IS — — 1 2316 A Ten Shilling, of Charles I. firuck at Exeter, like the Crown in Plate 13, N. 16. — I to to to ' gs 05 oa 00 Ot oo ( 17 % ) SILVER MEDALS BY JOHN CHARLES HED- LINGER. 2317 Of Hlmfelf' See Hedlingers Medals, engraved hy . Chretien de Mechel, and publifhed by him at Bafil in 1776, Plate 1, N. 1 1 2318 Of Himfelf, N. 4 — 1 2319 Of Himfelf and his Wife, P. 2, N. 1 and 3 — 2 2320 Frederick, King of Sweden, P. 3, N. 1 — I 2321 Frederick and Ulrica. Ueverfe, Portraits of the Family of Vafa, P. 4, N. I — — I 2322 The fame Medal, differing a little in the F aces — I 2323 Frederick and Ulrica. Reverfe, Concordia Felix, P. 4 X 2324 The Emperor Charles, 1725, P. 7, N. 1 . . — I 2325 The Count of Cronhieim,'1731, P. 8, N. 1 I 2326 Count Teffin, 1739, P. 9, N. 2 . 1 2327 The Count of Lewenhaupt, 1734, P. 9, N. 1 1 2328 Count Horn, 1720, P. 10, N. 1 ' 1 2329 A Jubilee Medal in Commemoration of the Cohfeflioir of Augfbourg in 1530—1730, P. 1 1, N. 1 — 2330 On the Bank of Sweden, Plate 12, N. 2. ISL B. The Initials of his Name and the Date 1729, are exprefTed in very minute Charadlers upon fome of the Pieces of Money ! 2331 Ulrica Eleanora, Queen of Sweden, on her Coronation in 1719, P. 13, two different Heads — 2 2332 Frederick, King of Sweden, on his Coronation in 1720, P.13, N.3 — I 2333 Ulrica Eleanora, 1731, P. 14, N. 1 I 2334 The fame on her Death in 1741, P. 14, 2 — \ 2335 Frederick, King of Sweden, 1731, P 14, N.3 J 2336 The Baron of Stierncrona on his Death in 1723, P. 15, N. 1 — — — ! 2337 H. W. Rumpf, P. 15, N. 3, and P. 29, N. 4 — 2 2338 Nicolas Keder, the famous Antiquary, P. 16, N. 2 1 2339 N. Keder, P. 16, N. 3 — , — I 2340 Baron Harleman, P. 17, N. 1 and 2 2 2341 Henry Benzelius, Bifhopof Lindkoping, P, 18, N. I 1 2342 A Karlftein, the Medallift, P. 18, N. 2 — — l 2343 Frederick, King of Sweeden, N. 2 & 3, Plate 19. 2 2344 Frederick, P. 19, N. 2 & 3. And Ulrica Eleanora, 2345 Frederick and his Queen, P^ 20, N. 1, 2, & 3. 2346 Jettons of the Kings of Sweden, from Biorno I. by Hedlwger, and his Pupil, Daniel Fahnnan, Plate 21, and 5 following — — U CO ( 144 ) 234t Jettons of Guftaviis I. Charles XI^ N. 3, 4^ 5, & S. •— — 2S'4'8 Jettons: Charles XII. on his Death, in 1718, P.28, N. 1 & 2. His Sifter^ Ulrica Eleanora, N. 3. Adol- phus Frederick and Louifa Ulrica, N. 4. Louifa Ul- rica, N. 5. Ulrica E. N. 6. And Louifa U. N. 7. 7 2349 Charles XII. on his Death. Re^verfe, The Lyon in Toils. Indocilis Pati I 2350 Frederick, Head. Reverfe, Materiam, &:c. P. 27, N. 6. Ulrica on her Death, in 1741. And 7. Jet- tons without any Artift^s Name. Qjiieri/ if done by Hedlitjger — ^ — 9 2351 Pope Benedi6l XIII. Reverfe, Fulcite me Floribus, date 1726. P. 34, N. 1. — I 2352 Charles, Landgrave of Hefle, P. 37, N. 1. 1 2353 William, Prince of Hefle, P. 37, N. 2. I 2354 Baron Stofch, P. 39, N, 1, 1728. Another by Mar- teau, 1727. Reverfe, Diogenes in his Tub. 2 2355 Frederick, King of Sweden. Hortor Amare Focos. In the Exergue, Commerc* Ferrar, 29th December, 1747. — ^ 2356 Frederick, King of Sweden. R, Securitas Orae Mara- timae. In the Exergue, Carolo Princ. Su. Praef. ClatTis, 1749. — — 2357 Frederick, King of Sweeden, on his Death. Reverfci infcribed, Sideribus Receptus, 25 Martii, 1751. 2358 Adolphus Frederick, Prince Hereditary of Sweden. R» Hie Ames Dici Pater Atq. Princeps. In the Exergue, Cancell ac. Upfal. 1747. Doubtful if by Hedlinger 2359 Nicolas Von Flue. In/cription on the Reverfe. Plate 40, N. 4&6. — •- — 2 2360 Count Tefiin, one of them on his Death, in 1770; 3. Nicolas Keder, P. 29, N. 3. 4 2361 Frederick III. Ring of Pruffia, P. 33, N. 1. 1747. 1 2362 Chriflian V. P. 36, N. 1 & 2. 2 2363 Chriflian V. and Sophia Magdalena, Heads like N. 2, P. 36. Reverfe, Exergue, Argentifod Luflrat, 29th June, 1733, not publijhed, by Hedlinger 1 / KING^S OF MACEDONIA, IN SILVER. 2364 Philippas 11. two tetradrachms, and one drachm. 2365 Philippus, 11. one. Alexander, III. one. — 2366 Philippus, ILione. Alexander, III. two. • — 2367 Philippus, II. one. Alexander, III. two. — • 2368 Philippus, 11. three, (fruck by the Gauls.) — 2369 Alexander, III. three. — — 2370 Ditto. — Vt) W V; W to ( *75 ) ^371 Alexander, III. three. — 2372 Pltto. — 2373 Ditto. (oneJlriicJc at Rhodes, with fi M agi fir ute's Name.) 2374 Ditto, (one Jir lick by the Gauls.) ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 2375 Fauftina Senior, 1. aeternitas, Mulier ilans, d, gioburn, s. hafiam. (fine) -sr- I 2376 Fauftina Senior, 1. aeternitas. Mulier Hans, d, pateram, s. ramum fuper globum. . 1 2377 Fauftina Senior, 1. (Jomewhcit different from the former) 1 2378 Fauftina Senior, 1, avgvsta. Mulier flans, d. la** cem, s. haflam. (fine) — I 2279 Fauftina Senior, 1. avgvsta. Mulier ft an s, d. pa- teram, s. ramum ftiper globum. 1 2380 Fauftina Senior, 1. avgvsta. Mulier ftans, utraque manu facem. — — — 1 2381 Fauftina Senior, 1. gonsegratio. Pavo. 2382 Fauftina Sepior, 1, gonsegratio. Fauftina capite velato in quadrigis, s. haftam, alia figura habenas mo- derante. (extremely rare) - ~ ^ — I 2383 Fauftina Senior, I. ivnoni reginae. Leftifterni- um Junonis, hinc pavo, inde modius. (fine and rare.) — — 1 2384 Fauftina Senior, 1. pjetas avg. Mulier ftans, d. granum thuris arae ignitae immittit. I 2385 Aurelius, 1. gongordjae avgvstor tr. p. xvi. cos. III. M. Aurelius et L. Verus togati ftantes, dex- tra,s jungunt. (very fine) — ^ , I 2386 Aurelius, 1. (Jomewhat diffiereni from the former,) I 2387 Aurelius, 1. hilaritas. Mulier ftans, d. palmae ramum, s. cornucopiae. — ■ — 1 ^388 Aurelius, 1. imp. vi cos, hi. Imperator eques. (fine.) — . — — 1 2389 Aurelius, 1. tr. pot. ii. gos. ii. Mulier ftans, d. duas fpicas, s. pateram eum frugibus. i 2390 Aurelius, 1. tr. pot. hi. cos. ii. Ty pus idem. ENGLISH gold COINS. 2391 William and Mary, their Five Guinea Piece, Ele- phant and Caftle, under the Heads, Date, 1694, 1 M W W { 176 ) 2392 William and Mar}'’s Guinea, Elephant and Caftle under the Heads as ufiial, 1689. Year of their Acceffioii ijalf Guinea, 1689, Plaku And Half Guinea with the Elephant and Caftie, date, 1691. .4 239S William and Mary’s Two Guinea Piece, 1693. ' ' I 2394 William and Mary’s Two Guinea Piece, with the Ele- phant and Caftie, 1694, > 1 2395 William III. his Five Guinea Piece, date, 1701. 1 2396 Williarri’s Two Guinea Piece, 1701. — > 1 2397 William’s Guinea, 1701, , Half Guinea, 1695. 2 • 2398 Ann’s Five Guinea Piece, Vigo under the Head. Coin- ed out of Gold taken at that Place, 1703, N. 17. A • ■ . Rofe inftead of a Star in the Centre of the I 2399 Ann’s Five Guinea Piece, date 1706, with the Arms of England and Scotland quartered together, Tba Union took place in the Year YlOkl . | 2400 Ann’s Two Guinea Piece of her laft Year, 1714. ^ 2401 Mahogany Cabinet, on a Stand, containing 36 Boards and 1 Drawer; 18 Inches wide, 14 Inches and a HaU deep, and 1 4 Inches and a Half high, Twenty-Firft Day's Sale, ROMAN LARGE BRASS, S402 Trajanus, 3. Hadrianus, 3. hilaritas p. r.— IVSTITIA AVG. P. P. LIBERALITAS AVG. Sa- bina, 1 . Ceres fedens, d. fpicas, s, facem.— Antoni- nus, 3. FELICITAS AVG. INDVLGENTIA AVG.—' —ITALIA. — Fauftina Sen. 2, AETERNiTASi {Two varieties.) — — '32 2403 Trajanus, 4. Hadrianus^ 5. libertas pvblica. — LIEERTAS RESTITVTA. MONETA AVGVSTI.— NEP» RED. — PROviDENTiA A V G.— Antoninus, 5. LIBERALITAS AVG. -^LIBERTAS. MONETA.— PAX AVG. {Two varieties.) Fauftina Sen. 2. aeterni- TASi - (two Varieties.) Aurelius, 2. concord. AVGVSTOR. CONG. AVG. IlII. IS 2404 Trajanus, 2. Hadrianus, 5. restitvtori achaiae. — RESTITVTORI AFRICAE. — ^RESTITVTORI GAL- LIAE. — RESTITVTORI HISPANIAE. RESTITVTO- RI ORBIS TERRARVM, AutOllinUS, 3 . PIETAS.— PiETATi AVG. (Two varieties.) Fauftina Sen. 2. AVGVSTA. — IVNO. ^ AurcllUS, 5. CONSEGRATID. (Five varieties.) — • — 2405 Hadrianus, 4. secvr. avg.— Roma galeata armis inftdens, d. victoriolanV, s. cornucopias. —Neptunus dextro pede prora? navis infiftens, di acroftolium, s. haftam. — Jupiter fedens, d. vifloriolam, s. haftam. — Antoninus, 4. providentiae deopvVm. — rex ARMENIS DATVS.' — SALVS PVBLICA. TEMPLVM Div. AVG. REST. — Fauftiua Sen. 3. pietas avg. (Txvo varieiie's.) — veneri Avgvstae. — Aurelius, 5. DE SARMATIS. FELIC. A V G .— FE L I C IT A S AVG. LIIERALITAS AVG. VII. — PIETAS AVG. A a 1 $ ( 178 ) 2406 Hadrlanus, 4. Antoninus, 5. temporvm t£Lici» TAS. victoria AVG. V©TA. VOTA SOL. DEC. — VOTA svscEPTA DEC.— ^Fauftlna, Sen. 1. Au- relius, 3. PRIM‘1 DECENNALES. PROFECTIO AVG. — sALVTl AVGVSTOR. — FauftiiiaJun. 3. aeter- nitas. (Three varieties.) 16 2407 Hadrianus, 4. Antoninus, 4. Lupa gemellos la6lans. — Spei typus. — Imperator in qiiadrigis triumphalibus. — Templiim duarum eolumnaruni, intra quod figura to- gata bafi infiftens. — Aurelius, 4. Faufiina Jun. 3. CONCORDIA. ^coNSECRATio. (Txi'o varieties.) Verus, 1. CONCORD. AV GVSTOR. 16 2408 Antoninus, 5. Antoninus and Aurelius,!. Aurelius, 5. Fauftina Jun. 4. diana lvcif.-t— fecvndi- TAS. FECVND. AVG VST A E. HILARITAS.— Vc- rus, 3. coNSECRATio. (Two varieties.) fort. RED. _ — Ig 2409 Aurelius, 4. Fauftina Jun. 4. ivnoni lvcinae. — IVNONI REGINAE, MATRI C A S TR O R V M.— M ATR I MAGNAE.— -Verus, 3. PROV. DEOR. REX ARMEN. DAT. REX ARMENIIS DATVS. Lucilla, 3. DIANA LVCIFER A. FECVND IT AS. H IL A R IT A S . — Coril- modus, 6. ANN. AVG. DE SARM. FID. EXER- CIT. FOR. RED, GEN. AVG. FELIC. HERCVLI ROMANO AVG. 20 2410 Aurelius, 2. Faufiina Jun. 4. pvdicitia. — sae- CVLI FELICI S ALVTI A V G V ST AE. — S I D ER I B V S RECEPTVS. — Verus, 4. Lucilla, 3. ivno. — ivnoni LVCINAE. — pieta's. — Gommodus, 5. hercvli ro- MANO AVG VSTO.— HILARITAS AVG. ITALIA. lovi coNSERVATORi.-nr'iovi EXsvPER. — CnTpiiia, 2. CONCORDIA. LAETITIA. 20 2411 Faufiina Jun. 2. tempor. felic. — venvs. — Ve- rus, 4. Lucilla, 2. VENVS. — v est a.— ^Gommodus, 5. 10VI IVVENT.— LIBERALITAS AVG. MON AVG. FRINC. IVVENT. PROV. DEOR. Crif- pina, 3. pvdicitia.— salvs. — venvs felix. 16 2412 Lucilla, 1. Gommodus, 6. salvs avg. — spei PERPETVAE. tempor. FELIC. VICT. BRIT. VICTORIAE FELICI. — VOTA SVSCEP. DECEN. Pertinax, i. lib. avg. — Didius Julianus, 1, rec- tor oRBis. Aibiniis, 1, felicjtas. 10 ( 179 ) SCOTCH COINS, IN SILVER, 2413 24U 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 William the Lion, Penny, Head with a Sceptre to the Left. Injcription imperfeStt but intended for Wille- mus. .Reverje, a Crofs with a neat Fleur de Lis in each Quarter. Folwold on Ro. for Roxborongh, pro- babli/ Unique William, 5 Pennies, coined at Edinburgh. 2 at Perth. And 2 at Roxborough, to N. 1, &c. of the'Nu^ mifniata Scotue, by Mr^ Qardonnel .. — ■ William, 6 Pennies coined at Edinburgh. 1 at Perth. And 3 at Roxborough Alexander II. 1 Penny coined at AnnandaTe. /•'/ 9/.X .. c. 7 ■' / ”/ 7/ " 2 /-/ 6 Berwick, with different Moneyer’s names, N. 19, &c Alexander II. without a Scepfre, ftruck at Roxborough, nnpublijlied. With the Sceptre ; 2, coined at Edin- burgh. 2 at Roxborough. 1 at St. Andrew^s, And. 1 at Sterling — — Alexander III. a Penny, without the Sceptre, unpub- lijlied. And 1, Reverfe, infcribedy Rex efcofie Alexander III. Reverfe^ Rex Scotorum, with Utile varieties, 6. And 1 ot John Balio), Plate 2, N. 1 Robert Bruce. Reverfe, Rex Scotorum. I coined at Edinburgh. And 1 a| Perth. David II. 1, Rex Scotorum. 1 ftruck at Edinburgh. And 1 at Perth , Alexander III. his Halfpenny, Plate 1, N. 28. His Farthing, Head to the Right, with a Sceptre. Reverfe, / A Crofs and a pierced Mollct of Six Points in each ^ Quarter, unpuUifhed 2 John Baliol, his Halfpenny, P. 2, N. 3. Robert Bruce, his Halfpenny, with two Mollets only ; like N. 6. andj V J 1 with a pierced Mollet in each Quarter of the Reverfe, * ^ coined at Edinburgh, N. 7. And a Farthing' of David Bruce — v ' 4 Davld Bruce, 6 Groats, coined at Edinburgh, with little^ varieties, or Privy Marks, Robert IT. 1 ftruck 3 .t / ^ Edinburgh, and 1 at Perth, P. 2, N. 9 and 10, and p. 3, N. 1 .^8 Robert III. full faced, 2, coined at Edinburgh. And j 1 at Perth, Plate 2, N. 9 and 10. James I. Edin- /, burgh, 4. Perth, 1. Sterling 1. P. 4, N. 5 y James II. Edinburgh, 4. And 1 of James III. coined at Berwick, Plate 5, N. 15 James IV, Mint Mark, a Coronet, coined at Edin- burgh, P. 6, N- 2 A a 2 7 // /- /■ 2 / /4 ( ISO ) 2427 James IV. with a bulhy Wig, N. 8. James V. f, N. 14 and 17, all with the Arched Crown, and coined at Edinb]iirgh -vs /^428 David Bruce, 3 Half Groats, coined at Edinburgh. ^ Robert II. Perth, 2. Robert III. Perth, J, P. 4, ; N. 1. James y. 1 flrijck at Edinburgh, N. 16 /2429 Mary, the Tel'toon, her Head crowned, Infcribed, Maria Dei. G. R. Scotorum. Beverfe, a Lyon Rampant in a Shield, croyvned. Da Pacem Domine, 1553, P.7, N. 3 ^ — 2430 Mary, her Cypher and Titles. Reverfe, the Arms of Scotland. Jnfcribed, Delicie Dni. Cor Humile, N. 2. Francis and Mary, their Cypher, crowned, Diligite Juhiciam, 1553, N. 1. And 1 of Mary, her Cypher, crowned like N. 4 2431 Mary, with her Titles and the Royal Arms. Reverfe^ a Grofs, Potence, with four fmall ones in the Inter- ilices of it. hifcribed, In Virt ate Tua Libera Me, 1556, 7, 8, two, I of, them countermarked with a Thiftle, crowned. The Half of the fame, N, 5 and 6 2432 Francis and Mary, commonly called Tefloons. hifcribed, ^ P'ran. et Ma. Pei. G. R.R. Scotor. D. D. 'Vien. Reverfe, their Cypher, cyowned. Fecit Utraque Unum, 3558. And 1 countermarked, 1559, 1, Plate 7, N. 8. 4, dated 1560. 2 of the countermarked, N. 9. And 2 Halves r — - — : — Mary, Tefloons, with Head and Titles. Reverfe, the Arms of France and Scotland. Ivfcrihed, Salvum Fac Populum Tuum Domine, 1 countermarked, P. 8, N. 14 ' — 2434 Mary^s Teftoon, with Head, date under it, 1562 2435 Mary’s half Tefloon, 1561, N. 15 /LJf /- 2436 Ryals of Henry and Mary, Titles, Maria & Henfle, Dei Gra. R. & R. Scotorum, the Arms of Scotland. a Tree, crowned. Gloria Dat Vires Legend Exurgat Deus Diffipent — inimici ei. dates, 1565, two. 1 of them countermarked with a Thiflle, as ufual. And 1 dated 1566, P. 8, N. 17 2437 Mary and Henry, 3, 2-3d Parts of the Ryal, dates 1565, 6, and 7. And 2^alvesr^J..J[8 and 19 — 5 2438 Mary’s Ryals, 1 of them counTertnaiked, dates, 1567, N. 24 ^ ' ' — "2 2439 James VI. two Ryals, The A'rm,s pf Scotland. Ja- cobus VI. Dei Gratia Rex. Scotorum. Reverfe, a , Sword crowned, the date, 1570, and XXX for the Value, in the Field, Pro me Si mereor in me. The V XX and X of the fame, N. 1, 2 and 3 4 2440 Two Ryals and one XX Piece, 1771. One X. 1569 4 2441 James VI. Obverfe, the Arms of Scotland. Reverfe, a Thiflle between 1. R. hfcribed, Nemo me impunis} { 181 , ) laceffet, 1579. Plate 9, N. 6, The Noble and Half Noble, N. 4 and o, and Ten Shilling Piece, with the Head, N. II. — - ^ ^ James VI. The King half bodied in Armour, crowned. Sword in Hand. Reverfe, the Arms of Scotland. In- , fcribed, Honor Regis Judicium diligit, 1585. The Twenty and Two Ten Shilling Pieces, fame Type, N. 9, 10, and 11. — 4 < jPOPES, IN SILVER, ‘2443 Martin V. for a iefcription of thefe Medals, fee Nu- mijmata, Romanorum Pontificum, by ii. V Page 1 . Eugenius iV. P. 6, two t-. — • 2444 Nicholas V. 3, P. 10. jCalixtus HI. 2. P. 16. 2445 Pius II. 2, P. 19. Paul II. 2, P. 23. -- 2446 Sixtus IV. 3, P. 32. Innocent VIII. Reverfe, the Pope, fitting, giving his Bletfing, Roma, 7iot in Venuti, &C.N.1, P.39, — • — 2447 Alexander VI. 3, P.42. Pius III. 2, Page 45. 2448 Juliifs II. Portus centum cellse Ancona, 3ic. P. 48. 2449 LeoX. 1, N. 1, jP. 55. Another Lifaeralitas Pontificia. Adrian VI. P. 61, &;c. 3, 2450 dement VII. P. 66. N. 1. On opening and (hutting the Holy Gate, 2. And Ego fum Jofeph Prater Vel- . ter , — — ’ 2451 Paul HI. P. 73, N. 1, &c. « 2452 Julius III. Hilaritas Pubfica, 1. St. Peter^s Church, And 4 Small Medals - — r— 6 2553 Marcellus II. 3, P. 99.T-Paul IV. 3, P. 103, N. 2, P. 104, N. 5. — And 1. Reverfe, Pius V. — Pius IV. N- 3, P. Ill; N. 12, P. 113; N. 17, P. 115.— One, Reverfe, the Bull of our Saviour, — Another, giving the Keys to St. Peter — — II 2454 PiusV. P.124, N. 3; P. 125, N.7; P. 127, N. 10; P. 128, N. 14; P.129, N. 16; N. 17; N. 18; P. 130, N. 19, N. 24; P. 132, N. 30. And One, Reverfe, Chrifi: ■. . 10 2455 Gregory XIII. Page 135, N. 2, one of them refiored. N. 3; P. 138, N. 12; N. 19; N. 22; N. 30, N* 52; N. 36; N. 37; N. 51; N. 60. One, St. P.eter preaching. One, Charity, Another, the inlide of a Church 15 2456 Sixtus V. P. 156, N. 1 ; N. 9; N. 12; N. 15, N. 16, N. 22; N. 32; N. 48; One, St. Peter and St. Paul, 1587. Another, Ab Regibus Japonior, &:c. 10 , 0-( Ci ^ ^ ( 182 ) 2457 UrbanVII. VetuUi, P. 176, N. 1; N. 2; N. 5; N. 6. Gregory XIV. P. ISO, N. N. 5j N. Inno- ^en^ IX, Page 183, N. 2. ^ — g 2?158 Clement VIII. Page 194-, N. 23; N. 32; N. 39; N. 20; N. 43. Leo XI. N. I, P. 203. 6 2459 Paul V. Page 207, N. 6; N. 10; N. 28; N. 233; N. 36. And one, our Saviour and Difciples in a Ship. Gregory XV. P. 221, N. 1; N. 3; N. 4. '9 2460 Urban VIII. P. 226, N. 7, two. N. 9; N. 10; N. 14; N. 18; N. 21 ; N. 24; N. 26. '9 2461 Urban VIII. P. 233, N. 29 ; N. 30 ; N. 35 ; N. 37 ; N. 40; N. 41 ; N. 47 ; N. 50; N. 52 ; N. 65. 10 2462 Innocent X. P. 249, N- 8 ; N. 9 r N. 12; N. 15 ; N. 17 ; N. 19 ; 21, 23, N. 25>; N. 28. 10 2463 Inn.ocent X. Four on the Jubilee of 1650, P. 255, N. 23, 24;' P. 248, N. 2 ; N. 32.- And 1, Two Angels fupporting a Crofs _ — ^ ' 2464 Alexander VII. P. 259, N. 3 ; N. 4; N. 9; N. 10; N. 11 ; N. 12; N.' 16; N. 18; N. 24; N. 25; N. 26. / — 1 1 2465 Alexander VII. Venuti, P. 266, N. 30; N. 31; N. 35; N. 36; N. 41 ; N. 43, 44, 46, 51, ten. And One. Reverfe, the Head of Chrifi; — ll 2466 Clement IX. P.277, N. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13^ 17, 18, et Exemplum dedi Nobis — 1$ 2467 Clement X. P. 283, N. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, '8, 9, Two. N. 13. Solem. Nova. Sydera Norunt — 10 2468 Clement X. N. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28, and 29. 10 2469 Innocent XL P. 291, N. 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22; Two, N. 23, 26. 14 2470 Innocent XL Page 299, N. 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40. ^ 9 2471 Alexander VIII. Page 309, N. 2, 4, 5, 7, .9, 21, a Medallion^ — - 2472 Innocent XII. P. 316, N. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 21, \ 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 35. H- KINGS OF MACEDONIA, IN SILVER. 2473 Alexander III. fix. (drachms) — 6 2474 Alexander III. fifteen, (ditto) 15 2475 Philippus III. (Aridocus) one. Lyfimachus, one. 2 2476 Ditto. 2 2477 Philippus III.V)ne. (drachm) Lyfimachus, two. 3 2478 Ditto. ■ — • 5 2479 Lyfimachus, 2. 2 24 80 Lyfimachus, 3. »■ — - 5 2181 A.ntigonus I. (Goiiatus) one. - 1 ( 183 ) 2482 Demetrlas 11. one. - I 2483 Antigonus II. (Dofon) one.- — 1 2484 Ditto. . 1 KINGDOM OF EGYPT, IN SILVER. 2485 Ptolemaeus I. (Soter) one. Ptolemaeus II. (Phila- delphus) one. • ■■■■ - 2486 Ptolemaeus II. one. Ptolemaeus V. ? (Epiphanes) one. 2 2487 Ptolemaeus II. one. Ptolemaeus V. ? one. — 2 2488 Ptolomsus II. one. Ptolemaeus VII. ? one. Cleo- patra V. and M. Antonius, one. S 2489 Ptolemaeus II. one. Ptolemaeus VII. ? one. Cleo- patra V. and M. Antonitis, two. — 4 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 24-90 Aurelius, 1. tr. pot. xr. cos. ii. Mulier ilans, d, pateraVn, s. Ijram. — ■ ■ I 2491 Aurelius, 1. salvti avgvstor. tr: p'. xvii. cos. HI. Muller fians,. d. ferpentem ab ara afTur- gentem ex patera pafcit, s. haftara. ( S2cfr.eT?ielv fine.) 1 2492 Aurelius, 1. tr. p. xx. imp. iiii. cos. hi, Vic- toria ftans, d. palmas ram.um, s. clypeum, cui infcriptum VIC. PAR. ; r 2493 Faudina jun. 1. concordia. Columba. (ex- treinely fine) I 2493*Fauftina jun. 1. (Sojnewhat different /rmn the fonner) I 2494 Fauftina jun. 1. diana lvcif. Diana ftans, utraque manu facem. — * — 1 2495 Fauftina jun. I. laetitiae pvblicae. Mulicr ftans, d. corollam, s.haftam. [very fine) — I 2496 Fauftina jun. 1. matri magnae. Cybele fedcns inter duos leonesj s. tympanum. , (rare) , — 1 2497 Fauftina jun. 1. saluti avgvstae. Muller le- dens ex patera ferpentem ab ara atfurgentem pafcit. 1 2498 Fauftina jun. I. venvs. Dea ftans, d. pomum, s. gubernaculum. (fine) J 2499 L. Verus, 1. concordiae avgvstor. tr. f. ii. cos. II. M. Aurelius et L. Verus togati ftantes dextras jungunt. . ' , - . ) 2500 L. Verus, 1. profectio avo. tr. p. ii. cos. ii. Imperator eques. ■■ } 2501 L. Verus, 1. rex armen dat. Imperator in fug- geftu fedens, aclftantibus diiabus aliis figuris, dextram extendit fupr^ adftanteni Armenia regem, (very rare) i { 184 ) 2502 L. Verus, I. salvti avgvstor. tr. r, litj cos. II. Mulier lians ex patera ferpentem ab ara affurgenteoi pafcitj, s. Iiaftam. — | 2503 L. Verus, 1 . tr. p. im. imp. it . cos. ii. Vic- toria fians, d. clypeum, cui infcriptum, vie. avg. i 2504' L. Verus, tr. p.v. imp. hi. cos. ii. Imperator eques telum in proftratum Iioftem intorquet. (extremely fine) _ 1 2505 L. Veru's, I. vicT. AVG. TR. p. VI. COS. II. Vic- toria volans coronam folutam gellat. -a- i ENGLISH GOLD COINS. 2506 Ann’s Guinea and Half Guinea. In the centre of the Reverfe ^ a Rofe, date, 1702, the Firll Year of her 2507 Ann’s G uinea, 1713, the Star and Garter in the centre o( i\\Q Reverfe. A Half Guinea, V705, the Rofe 2 2508 Ann’s Guinea, Elephant and Caflle Under the Head, date 1708. Half Guinea, Plain, 17 13 — • 2 2509 George I. his Five Guinea Piece, dated 1716, Plate 7> N. 25 — — 1 2510 George I . Two Guinea Piece, 1726. 1 2511 George I . the Guinea of his Firft Year, 1714, with PR -EL, and a remarkable Guinea of his Lall Year, 1727. — — — — 2 ‘2512 George I. Guinea with an Elephant and Caftle under the Head, date 1726. The Half Guinea plain, 1725, and his Quarter Guinea, 1718. — S 2513 George II. Five Guinea Piece, Young Head, date 1731. — I 2514 George II. Five Guinea Piece, with the Old Head, Lima under H. Coined out of Gold, taken by Lord Anfon on Board the Spanifli Galeon, dated 1746. 1 2515 George II. Two Guinea Piece with the young Head, date 1738. 1 2516 George II. Two Guinea Piece, Old Head, 1740. I 2517 George II. Guinea and Half Guinea, with Lima, 1745. His Half Guinea, Young Head, 1738, S 2518 His Prefent Majefty’s Firft Guinea, 1761, and his Quarter Guinea, 1762. Snillingy Page 33. 2 ( 185 ) 7 GOLD PATTERNS, PROOFS, &c. 25 i 9 Edward VI. bafelieaded, with his Titles; Reverfe, a Leafed Rofe, cfoWned between E.R. Infcribed, Scutum Fidei Proteget Eiim. weighing 117 Grains, - probably intended for a Half Sovereign, This Piece was formerly Dr. Ducaref s. SjielUngs Fattern Pieces, ' * P. I, N..6. „ - ^ ^ ^ ^ , 1 2520 Edward VI. Like the above,- a little lefs, weighs 44* G^rains. Mint Mark, the Rofe 1 2521 Edw’ard VI. Similar to the above, except the Cinq- foil, for a Mint Mark, inftead bf ihC Rofe, tveighiiig 44 Grains » » I 2522 Charles 1. oy Briot, probably for a Broad, or Twenty Shilling Piece, weighing 5 Dwt. 18 Grains. Obverfe, infcribed, Aufpiciis Rex Magne Tuis, P. 2, N. 3. 1 2523 Charles I. Pattern for a Twenty Shilling Piece. Be- verfe, infcribed, Florent Concordia Regna, weighing 5 Dwts. 16 Grains, N. 4. ' ^ — 1 2524 Charles I. Like the above, but without XX. for Twenty. A Fleur de Lys for a Mint Mark, inftead of the Feathers, weighing 6 Dwts. 12 Grains ' 1 2525 Charles I. The King’s Head crowned, XX. behind it. ^ Beverfe, the Arms crowned. Infcription, Florent Con- cordia Regna. Mint Mark, the Fleur de Lys, weigh- . ing 5 Dwts. 18 Grains — — 1 2526 A Mahogany Cabinet, on a Stand, containing 96 Boards, 4 Drawers, and 1 large Drawer in the Stand. 2 Feet 3 Inches Wide, 17 Inches Deep, 2 Feet, 4 Inches High. . Bb / Twenty-Second Day’s Sale. ROMAN LARGE BRASS. ^521 Commodtts, 3. virtvti avgvsti. — Impcrator in quadrigis.— -Minerva gradiens. — -Pertinax, 1, opi Divi N.— Albinus, 1. minerva. — Severus, 4, ad- VENTVI AVG. FELICISSIMO DIS AVSPICIB. — yORTVNAE RED VCI.— LIBER AL. AVG. Julia Domna, 2. iuno regin a. — ivnonem. Cara- calla, 2. LIBERALITAS AVG. MARS VICTOR, Geta, 2. eort. red. — vict. b rittannic.— - Maerinus, 1. aeq^itas avg. — 16 2528 Manila Seantilla, 1. ivno regina. Didia Clara, 1 . HILAR. TEMPOR. 2 2529 Commodus, 1. Severus, 3. part. arab. part. ADIAB.— ROMAE AETERNAE.— -vict. AVG.— • Julia Domna, 2. mat. avgg. mat. sen. m. p AT R.— MATER DEVM. — Caracalla, 3. provi- DENTIAE DEOR VM.— SECVRIT ATI PERPETVAE,— VICT. BRIT. — Geta, 1. — Macrinus, 1. lovi con- ' 3ERVATORI. Elagabalus, 2. ■ 13 2530 Macrinus, 1. Mulier ftans, d. fpicas, s. cornucopias. — Diadumcnianus, 1. p RiN c. ivvENTVTis. — - 2 2551 Severus, 3. Julia Domna, I. veneri victr. Ca- racalla, 4 . Elagabalus, 2. Julia Paula, 1. Con- cordia. Julia Soaemias, 2. venvs caelestis, ('/avo Ann, Ten Shilling Piece, N. 6. 1705 and 6, N. 7. ‘l"- - U POPES, SILVER. S556 Clement XL Venuti, Page S 27, N. 2, 4, 8, 10, IS, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27. ' 12 2557 Clement XL N. 28. 29, SO, S2, S5, 39, 41, 44, 19, ^4^ a Building, Exergue, 17 1 4. Appl^er, Reverfe, Anno Sal. 1720, Pont. xx. rrr 2558 Innocent XIIL Page 343, N. 1, 3, 4> 5, 7, 8, 9. 2559 Benedia XIIL P. 346, N. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 21, 24^ 25 , 26. 2560 Clement XIL P. 354, K. 1, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7^^ 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17,20. And One. jR. Lau- rentii Corfini. Florentini, 1730. — - 18 2561 Clement XIL N. 18, l9, 2\. MedalUms 3 2562 Benedia XTV. Page 364, N. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. What follows are not puhlijhed by V muti* Judicabit In iEqui- tate, 1740.-— -Tern plum CorFpboravit Et Atrium. Erexit, 1741. Ex Probate Monetae Segraentis, 1742. Addito In Capitol. Sapienti^ Pabulo, 1745. Ex Golleais Fragra.entis, 1747. Unlvit Palmamque De- dit, 1746. 2 on the Jubilee of 1750. — 14 2563 Benedia XIV. His Buft. Reverfe, Injcribed, An. 1750. Francis. Comit. Praes. Religione Aufpice, 1755. Auao Terra Marique Commercio. 1756. Pia Domo Servala. Anno 6. Cura Rerum Publicarum. A. 7, Signatura Gratiae Refrituta. A. 8. Gapilolio Piauris Decorato. A. 9. Fruaum Suum Dedit In Tem- pore. A. 10. MoeniaUrbis Reftaurata, A. 1*2, 1752. Terminis Ad Padum Conftitutis. A. 13. Tranquilli- tatis Reftitut. A. 14. Reverfe, $t. Luke Painting. Fluent ad Deum Omnes Gentes. Introite Portus Ejus 14 2564 Clement XIIL R. St. Luke Painting, a Premium Me» dal. Orietur in Diebus Ejus, Anno 1. Of his Pon- tificate, 1758. Dedit Pauperibus, 1759. Ut Come- dant Papp^res J^opuli, 1760. Adyentus PontificfS Centuni Cell.' Ancona, A. 4. Merclum Importan- darum Commoditati. A. 4. Gregorio Barbedico, S. R. E. Cardinal! et Epifc. Palavino In Album Beator. Relatp. A. 4. Exemplum Dedi Vobis $ J565 Clement XIV. 1* Pips VI. 2. ( 190 ) CARDINALS, BISHOPS, &c. ^666 Matthew, Cardinal and Archbilhop of Saltzboiirg, 1521. the Virgin Mary. The Abbot, John Bertel, aet. 50, 1595. R, a Coat of Arms. John Philip, Archbilhop of Mentz. Cardinal Lomanelli. Cardinal Fabritius. C. Auftius. The Three laji re- Jiored — — 6 2667 Cardinal Richlieii. Mens Sidera Voluit, 1631, C, Vidman. Comes Ab. Ortenburg, 1656. C. Medicis. Vahutn Prius Aequgr Arandum. C.Barbarini, 1675, Aliufque Et Idem 4 2668 The Cardinals Portocarrero, Bouillon, Corimi, and York . : 4 2669 Ignatius Loy ala. Founder of the Jefuits. Mazzachellt, Tom. 1, P. 301. ^ I 2670 John Hus, 2. Peter Martyr, 2. Henry. Bullinger. Ulnc Zaingle, reTored , — 6 2671 Martin Luther 7, Peter Martyr,; 2. Mazzachedi,' Fhte 54 and 58. — 9 2672 M. Luther, Ph54, N. 2. John Calvin, P. 71, N. 4. Another. /?. Johannes Calvinus, iii. 1552. Zuin- glius^s, — 4 2673 L. de Liverlo, Chancellor of Liege. Reverfcy a Pair of Scales, Ex. 1670i Michael Molinos. .Reverfe, Tamen Adhuc Quietu^. Exergue^ Condemnat. Rom. 3 Sept. 1687, Two — ■ — - f — 3 2674 The Virgin Mary and Child. David and Jonathan. David, enamelled to be worn. Reverfe, a German m-? fcripHo?!, on, the Birth of David, Layigemnantel, 1669. Query if Gold — . — — $ 2675 Chriftian of Brunfwick, Bifliop of Halberfladt. His Head. Reverfe, an Hour Glafs upon a Skull. Mors Ultima LInea Rerum, Tibi Mori Paramur. Auguftus Frederick, Billipp of Lubeck. An Alter Hoc Regit IIloTuetur. Clement Auguftus, of Bavaria DOGES OF VENICE, GREAT MEN, &c. SILVER, 2676 An almoft complete Series of Jettons, called Ocelli, of the Doges of Venice, from A. Grimani, 1521, to 1756; alfo the Dates of 1758, 9, 62, 63, 5, 6, 9, and 70. For a Refcription of thefe Pieces, fee the Cata- logue of Poulharies Coins and Medals, P. 307, in Fluv.iher Two timidred and Sixty or iherealcutSf at p. Oz* 2677 John Cornelius, Doge. On his Death, in 1637. Doge Morofjni, 8zc. Rsverfe, Lepanlo, &c. 1787. The Doge fitting, Turks on their Knees. R. The Winged Lion, Arms of Venice, Ex Utroque Vi6lor. Another, Leoni Ultori, Francis Mauroceno. R. Sparget Et Ultra 2678 A Head. On one Side, P. on the other, O. probably for the River Po; under the Bufi, Virgilius. Infcrip- iion, Mantua Me Genuit, &:c. date 1134. Reverfc, a Skull. Ifabella Ram D. Eft 1556. R. Obvies Ulnis. Etfig. Hieronimi Scotti. Placent. R. Utcumque 2679 John of Leyden, Chief of the Anabaptifts at Munfter, rery Jmall Medal without Infcription or Reverje, Erafmus Mazzachelli, Plate 45, N. 6. The Head of Gillis Hooftman, eet. 59, A. 1580. No Reverfe, One, on the Liberty of Switzerland. St. George. Reverfe, a Ship. And a German Box Medal. And a Buft unknown — — 2680 Chriftopher Dn Thou. Reverfe, a Bee-hive. Francis a Bona, Des diguers. R. Two Hands joined. D. Talon. R, Hie Luce Anteit Omnes, 1663. B. Muller, of Hambro. R. A Church. Haraburgice et Ternpli Prima Columna Novi. 1661. — 2681 A Medallion of Anthony Ottoboni. Mazzachelli, Plate 161, N. 1. ' — 2682 Algidius Strauch, D. D. R. A Coat of Arms. Nat. 1632. Emeric Count Teckly. R. Sic Virtus Nefcia Fraeni. Count Lenzendorf, Chief of the Moravians. Reverfe, a German Infcription, 1 760. The Prince of La Tour and Taxis, 1779. 2683 Francis Alcher, Councellor of Zurich. R. mt. 84. obit 1710. On the Peace of Switzerland in 1712. A Statue on a Pedeftal. Fundatori Colonice, 1765. Upon the Death of Peter Greve in 1780. Pallas Standing. Aas Jundla Viriuti. Rxergue. Votum Pe- renne. R. An Infcription, date 1786. — 2684 Gerard Van Swieten, the Phyfician. R. Docet et Sana!. On his Death in 1772, ast. 72. Peter Metaf- tafio. R. A Lyre, &c. Exergue. Nat. a Roma, 1698, Obit Vindobonae, 1782. — 26S5 Laurance Cofter, of Harlem, fald to have invented Printing in 1440. R. A Dutch Infcription to Com- memorate this great Event. John Grammii. R. A Book on a Table. Occlufis, 19 PTb. 1743. Mofes Mendlefon. R. A Skull. Phaedon Ex Natus, 1729. A Ship Figure. Pallas Standing. Delegati Com- mercii Hamburg. R. A Figure fitting. Mercury and Peace. R. A Figure, probably Religion, Initio 1764. A Broken Column, D. 3 July 177S. ' R. A Column, &c. Reftaurata. Ins. Opera Rulf. et Gall, intcrpolita Tefchenae, 1 3 May, 1779. i i92 ) KINGDOM OF SYRIA, IN SILVERi ^S6 Seleucus I. one. Antiochus I. one. ■ ■ " 2687 Antiochus I. onC, Cvciy fine.) — 2688 Antibchus, I. one. Seleueus, II. one — 2689 Seleucus II. one. ^ 2690 Seleucus 11. oiie. Antiochus III. dne. .i— i 2691 Ditto. Ditto. . — i— ^ 2692 Antiochus III. one. Aritidchus IV. two, DCmetnas, I. one. Antiochus VIII. one. ( drachms i) 2693 Antiochus IVi one. 6#— - 2694 Ditto. ^ 2695 Ditto. 2696 Antiochus IV. one. Demetrius I. one. — — 2697 Ditto. Ditto. — 2698 Demetrius I. one. Alexander I. Antiochus VI. one. Antiochus VII. one. Antiochus VIII. one. (drachms.) 2699 Alexander I. one. — ^ 2700 Demetrius II. one. (a ietradrachm,) Antiochus VI. two. (drachms.) ' '■ *» , 2701 Antiochus VII. one. ■ » 2702 Ditto. — 2703-Ditto. — - 2704 Ditto. — — ^ 2705 Ditto. __ 2706 Antiochus VII. two* ^ ,2707 Alexander II. one. ' — — . — ~ 2 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 3 I 1 I i 1 2 1 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 2708 Lucilla, 1. pietas. MuUer ftans ante aram ignitam, d. extenfa, s. acerram, — - , i 2709 Lucilla, 1. vota pvblica. Intra coronam lauream. (very fine.) — 1 2710 Commodus, 1. tr. p. mi. imp. hi. cos. ii. p. p. Miles gradiens, d. haflam, s. tropsum. (fine and rare.) i 2711 Pertinax, 1. laetitia tempor. cos. ir. Mulier flans, d. corollam, s. haftam. (fine and very rare.) 1 2712 Pertinax, opi divin. tr. p. cos. ii. Mulier fedens, d. duas fpicas. (fine and extremely rare.) 1 2713 Pertinax, I. provid. deor. cos. ii. Mulier flans aflrum refpicit, d. data. ( extremely fine and rare,) 1 (. 198 ) 27i4- Didius Julianus, i. tiberis p. m. tr. p. cos. ii. Tiberis fluvii typus. (extremely rar^ and unpuhlijhed.) 2715 Severus, I. consecratio. A(juila fulraini infiftens, ( rare and very fine.) ■■■• — ■ 2716 Severus, 1. felicitas .saecvli. Caput Domnaj adverfum inter capita tilibrum. Caracallas caput lau- realum, Gctse nudum . C rare and very fine.) 2717 Severus,!. p. m. tr. p. xiii. cos. in. p. p. Ju- piter nudus flans, d. fulmen, s. haflam, pro pedibils aquila. ~ 2716 Severus, I. virt. avg; tr. p, cbs. Figura militaris flaris, d. vi^oriolam, s. hallarii. (fine.) 2719 Severus and Julia Domria, 1. severvs avg. part. MAX. Severi caput laureatum. iVlia avgvsta. Huj us caput, (very rare.) — 272C) Julia Dotnna, 1. mat. avgg. mat. sen. m. patr; Mulier fedens, d. ramum, s. haflam. (fine and very rare.) — — — 2721 Julia Doitina, 1. veneri Victrici. Dea femi- nuda averfa flans, d. pomUm, s. palriiam, et fimul columiim innixa. ( very fine.) — ^ 2722 Julia Domna, 1. vesta mater. Templum rotun- dum, ante quod fex figure muliebres facrificant; (rare.) — ^ ^ ' 2723 Caracalla, 1. p. m., tr. p. xx. cos. iiii. p. p. Sol capite radiato flans, d. elata, s. flagellum, (fine.) 2724- Caracalla, 1. rector orbis. Vir nudus flans, d. globum, s. haflam. — — 2725 Caracalla, 1. vict. part. max. Victoria gradiens d. coronam, s. palmam. , —= — 2726 Elagabalus, 1. conservator avg. Aquila expan- fis alis quddrigis equoruni vehitur, in area aflrum. (fine.) ^ • 2727 Elagabalus, ]. p. m. 'tr. p. in. cos. nr. p. p. Imperator in quadrigis equorum, d. ramum, in area aflrum. (rare and extremely fine.) — , 2728 Elagabalus, i. p. m. tr. p. inij cos. in. p. p. Sol capite radiato flans, d. elata, s. flagellum, in area aflrum. 2729 Elagabalus, 1. victor, antonini avg. Vi6loria , gradiens, 'd. coronam, s. palmam. (very fine.) 2730 Alexander, I. liberalitas avg. Figura mullebris flans> d.' tefleram, s, cornucopice. (rare and very fine.) 7^/2 a.?!*. I / - 0 ■ j g .(5 ,1 c 1 A S' c <0)t' -—7- 1 27 6Q Henry’s Groats, with the Head, P. 3 , N. 69, three. Like N. 63, &c. 4 without the Head. And the Half Groat and Penny 9 2770 Groats with the Crown. Peverje, the Crofs and Pellets, coined at Dublin, P. 3, N. 61, P. 4, N. 71 5 2771 Edward IV. Reverfe, 2 . Rofe and Sun, Civitas Dublinie, Plate 4, N. 72 . Groat and Half Groat of the fame 2 2772 Edward IV.' Groat. Obvcrfe, 2 Cro\\x\ and the King’s . Name and Title. RbvcrJ'e, the Crofs and Pellets. Quter Circle, Pofui Deiim Adjutorem incum. In the inner Circle, Civitas Dublin. SnelUng^s Supple- ment to Simon, P. 1, N. 17 1 2773 Edward IV. the Groats with the Head. Drogheda, 2. Dublin, 4, one with a Rofe in the Centre of the Re- rerfe, P. 4, N. 74 ^ 6 ( 198 ) 2774 Eli ward iV. Groats. Dublin, 4. Droglieda, 1 . Water- ford, 1 ' ' ■ — — — — 2775 Edward IV. Groats, 5 coined at Drogheda And 3 at Dublin — 6 5776 Edward IV. Groats. 4 coined at Cork. 2 at Drog- heda. And 2 at Waterford — — — . 5 2777 Edward IV. Groats, ftruck at Limerick, Trim, and Waterford 3 2778 Edw^ard IV. Groats, coined at Limerick anck Water- ford. Halt Groats, Eruck at Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford — — — 5 2779 Edward IV. Groats, 4. Ohverfe, i\\e Arvns. ~ Reverfe, Three Crowns, P. 4, N. 88 . Half Groats, 6 , N, 90 10 2780 Edward IV. Pennies (truck at Drogheda, N. 92, and 1 with the Rofe and Sun in, the Centre of the Reverfe, jirji Addt Plate to Simon, N. 20 , coined at Dublin " 2 2781 Edvvard IV. Pennies, with the Head, twelve varieties, coined at Dublin, and 1 at Waterford IS 2782 Edward IV. Penny, Arms* on one Side, and Three Crowns on the Reverfe. A Pe,nny with a Rofe and Crofs in the Centre. Reverfe, the Sc.n, JirJi Add. Plate, N. 18. A Halfpenny with the Plead, coined in Dublin, a Role in the Centre of the Reverfe, N. 23, fame Plate — . ■ $ 2783 Richard III. Groat. Obverje, the Arms and Titles. Reverfe, Three Crowns, hfcrihed, Dominus Hiber- niae, N. 69. His Penny, with the Head. Reverfe, a Grofs and a Rofe on the Centre of it, coined at Dub- Add. Plate, lA. 21 2 27 84 Plenry VII. a Groat with the Head, N. 97. A Half Groat with the fame, coined at Dublin, this laft not ■ mentioned either hy Simon or Snelling. Henry VIII. with the Head. Mint Mark, a Boars Head, N. 100 3 2785 Henry VIII. 4 Groats. Ohverfe, the A rrns of England and France. Reverfe, a Harp, with Initials, H. A. H. I. H.K. H. R. The Half Groat with H. A. for Henry and Ann Bullen, &c. N. f04, 5, 6 , & 7 ^ 5 2786 Henry VIIL 3 Half Groats, with the Head, of different Coinages, ftruck at Dublin, Simon, N. 102 . The Jddntical Three Halfpenny Piece publijhed by Snelling ill his Add. P. N. 28, from Mr. Barllef s ColleBion 4 2787 Mary’s Shilling with the Head. Reverfe, the Harp, date 1553, Simon, N. 109 ^ 1 2788 The Shilling of Philip and Mary, date under the Heads, . 1555. Sixpences, 1555, one; 56, one; 57, three different; 1558, one; N. 112 7 2789 Elizabeth’s Shilling and Sixpence with the Head, N. 116 & 17. The Shilling, Ohverfe, th^^rms. Reverfe, the v Harp, N. 120 . The Shilling anS Groat, fine Silver, - 1561, N. 118 & 19 5 8 ( 199 ) 2790 James I. Shillings, 5. Sixpences, 3, different 2791 Charles I. Obverfe andUeverfe, 19 D. 8 G. 9 D. 16 G. commonly called the Inchiquin Crown and Half Crown, Sunon, N. 132 , 3 2792 Charles I. commonly called Ormond Money. Obverfe, C. R. crowned. Reverfe, their refpeflive Value, from the Crown to the Twopence, inclufive, N. 134- to 140 7 2723 Charles I. the Cork Shilling and Sixpence, Cork, 1647, Value VI. and XII. N. 143, and ^dd. Plate 30 2 2794 The Incheqiiih Shilling, Ninepence, 2D. 20 G. not published. And Sixpence, fecond Add. Plate to Simon y N. 33 & 34 , ■ 3 2795 Charles I. Obverfe, a Crofs. Eeverfe, the Value, V. II. IV. ufually called the Pteb el CrovL'ji and Half Crown, A, P. N. 31 2 2796 The Crown and Half Crown, with their refpeflive Values on the Obverje and Reverfe, N. 1 33, ^ A. P, \, N. 32 — 2 2797 Charles II. Half Crown and Crown, A. P. N. 36 and 37. Olvcrfe, a Crov/n with the Kiifg’s Titles. Reverfe, the Value expreffed in Roman Numerals 2 2798 Charles I, &c. from Dies, for Copper Money, N. 142. George I. Halfpenny, N. 160, Charles II. Half- penny, N. 144. George II. Halfpenny and Farthing, 170 & 171 5 2799 James II. 1 Crown. 2 Half Crowns. 3 Shillings. And 2 Sixpences, different, flruck from Dies for the Gun Money, a Piece almoft like N. 151 9 2800 James II. Gold, Impreffions from* the Shilling and 2 Sixpences of the Gun Money — 3 KINGDOM OF SYRIA, IN SILVER. 2801 Antiochus VIII. one. . ] 2802 Ditto. — ^ i 2803 Antiochus, IX. one. ' 1 2804 Seleucus, VI. one. . j 2805 Philippus, one. — 1 2806 Ditto. — } 2807 Ditto. . ' J ( 200 ) KINGDOM OF SICILY, IN SILVER. 2S6S Agathpcies, ^ — • 3 2809 Ditto, I. " 1 2810 Ditto, 1. (well jiruck and highly preferved.) 1 • 2811 Hieronymus, h I 2812 Philips, 1. ^ 1 2S13 Ditto, 1. I , / , I KINGDOM OF EI^IRUS, IN SILVER. 2814* Pyrrhus, L » • ^ — • 1 / KINGDOM OF PONTUS, ® SILVER. 2815 Mithradates Vi. (Eupaior.y one i. Date, 223, (very rare and extremely fijie.) I KINGDOM OF BITHYNIA, IN SILVER. 2816 Nicomedes II. (Epiphanes.) one. Date, 165. 1 2817 Nicomedes IV. (Epiphanes,) one. Date, 205. i ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS, IN GOLD. 2818 Alexander, I. marti pacifero, Figura militaris Hans, d. rkmum, s. haftam. (veryjint) 1 2819 Alexander, 1. p. Mi tr. p. x. cos. in. p p. Sol capita radiato Hans, d. elata, s. flagellum. 1 2820 Gordianus Pius, J. diana lvcifera. Dea gra- diens, d. facem. 1 2821 Gordianus Pius, 1. laetitia avg. n. MulierHans, d. corollain, s. ancoram. (rare and extremely fine,) 1 2822 Gordianus Pius, 1. p. m. tr. p. ii. cos. p. p. Im- perator velatus Hans ad aram, d. pateram, s. fcipionerh, (rajre and extremely fine,) - 1 ( 201 ) 2823 Gordlanus Pius, 1. Victoria avg. Vifloria gra- diens, d. coronara, s. palmam. 1 3824' Philippas Jun. 1. principi ivvent. Caefar palu- datus ftaus, d. globum, s. haftam. (fiiie and very rare.) 1 2825 Trajanus Decius, 1. adventvs avg. Imperator eques. ( rare.) ■ 1 2826 Trajanus Deci us, 1. genivs exercitvs illvrici- ANi., Genius feminudus ftans, d. pateram, s. cornu- copiae, retro fignum militare. 1 2827 Trajanus Decius, 1. pannoniae. Duae mulieres ftantes cum figno militari, dextris elatis. 1 2828 Trebonianus Gallus, i. libertas avgg. Muller ftans, d. pileum, s. haftam. (fme and very rare.) - 1 2829 Trebonianus Gallus, 1. pietas avgg. Figura mu- liebris, expanfis manibus, pro pedibus ara. (rare.) 1 2830 Gallienus, 1, laetitia avg. Mulier ftans d. corol- 1am, s. ancoram. (rare.) — — — 1 2831 Gallienus, I. liberal, avg. Mulier ftans d. tefle- ram, s. cornucopiae. (rare) < 1 2832 Gallienus, 1. pax a v a. Mulier ftans, d. ramurn, s. haftam, , in area V. - (rare.) ' ■ 1 2833 Gallienus, 1. virt. gallieni avg. Imperatot eques barbarum proftratum hafta transfigit. (very rare.) 1 2834* Gallienus, 1 . viRTvs avgg. Figura inilitaris ftans, d. haftam, s. clypeum. (fine and rare.) . 1 2835 Poftumus, 1. postvmvs pivs felix avg. Duo capita jugata, laureata, barbata. hercvli avg. Hercules nudus, s. arcum cum leonis exuviis. ( un~ pnbiijked.) I 2836 Aurelianus, 1. adventvs avg. Imperator eques. a Medallion. ( extremely fiixe;) — 1 2837 Aurelianus, 1. r. m. tr. p. vii. cos. ii. p. i^. Fi- gura militaris gradiens, d. haftam, s. tropsum. (ex- treynely fine and unpnbli filed.) - — — - " 1 2838 Tacitus, 1. romae aeternae- Roma galeata fe- dens, d. vidoriolam, s. haftam. (rare.) I 2839 Probus, 1. oriens avgvsti. Sol capite radiato ftans, d. elata, s, globum, in imo sis. (rare.) 1 2840 Carus, 1. spes pvblica. Spei typus. {rare, and extremely fine.) 1 2841 Numerianus, 1. victoria caesaris. Vidoria in bigis, d. coronam, s. palmam. (extremely rare.) 1 2842 Diocletianus, 1. lovi conservatori orris. Ju- piter feminudus ftans, d. vicloriolam, s. haftam. (rare.) 1 2843 Diocletianus,!. virtv s militvm. Caftra Pneto- ria, ante quae quatuorviri facrificantes ad aram infra, a ( rare.) I 2844 Maximianus, the Firft, 1. loyi conservat, Ju- piter fedens, d. viftoriolam, s. liastam. . 1 Dd ( 209 ) 2845 Maximianus, the Second^ 1. lo.vi gons, gai^s. Jupiter flans, d. fulmen, s. hallam, pro pedibus aquila, in imo sma 2 . (fim and rm:t>) — — 2846 Maximianus, the. Second, 1. providentia av-gg. Caflra Pretoria, (fine.) ' 2847 LIcinius Sen. 1. vbiq.ve victores. Imp. paluda- tiis flans, d. haflam, s. globum, hinc et inde cap.tivus fedens, in imo ptr. (very rare) — • GOLD PATTERNS, PROOFS, &c. 2848 His Prefent Majefly George III. Pattern for a Five Guinea Piece, both on the Obve-fie and Reverfe like the Guinea. 'Gold Coinage, Plate 33, weight 1 Oz. 6 Dwt. 15 G. Date 1777 : —* 2849 His Prefent Majefly, a Pattern for a Guinea, 1761. alfb for a Seven Shilling Piece. Reverfe, a Lion, crowned, and Handing upon a Crown, dale 1776, weight 1 Dwt. 21 G. 2850 His Prefent Majefly, Proofs, of his Firfl Guinea^ 1761. Half Guinea, 1763. Quarter Guinea, 1764. 2851 His Prefent Majefly, Proofs, Guineas, dates 1763 & 5. , The Half Guinea, 1764 r- 2852 His Prefent Majefly, Proofs, the Guinea of 1774. And the Half Guinea of 1775 (. -r— 2853 His Prefent Majefly, Proofs of the Guinea and Half Guinea of 1787 2854 His Prefent Majefly, Pattern for a two Guinea Piece, date 1768, weight 11 Dwt. IS G. 2855 His Prefent Majefly, Pattern for a Two Guinea Piece, date 1773, weight 11 Dwt. 18 G. •— — 2856 His Prefent Majefly\s Pattern for a Two Guinea Piece, date 1777, weight 10 Dwt. 21 G. 2857 Charles II. on the Reflora tion. Beverfe, hifcribed, Magnalia Dei, by Thomas Simon. Plate 6, JSF. 16 2858 Charles II. by Simon, , R, Magnalia Dei, N. 16. milled and edged — — — ENGLISH GOLD MEDALS. 2859 Elizabeth. Reverfe, Her Monogram AfHidlorum Con- fervatrix. See Snelling^s Pattern Pieces, V. 5, N. 15. Her Head. James I. very Small and without Reverfes 2860 On the Birth of Charles H. 29 May, 1630. Medallic Hifiory of England, Plate 15, N. 16 & 18 1 \ 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 ( 203 ) 2861 Charles I. and his Queen. Reverje, Three Children, 1635, P. 15, N. 23 I 2862 Charles I. Infcribed, Quos Deus, P. 16,' N. 11. And 2 very Small Medals of Him 3 2863 Charles I. His Coronation for Scotland. Beverfe, a Thiftle. Hinc Noftrse Crevere Rolas. In the Exergue, Coron 18 June, 1633, by Briot , 1 2864 Sir Thomas Fairfkx, P. 21, N. 1 1. And General Lam- bfert, N, 6. dubious . 2 2865 The Earlof EfTex, Robert Devereux, on his Death, 14 Sep. 1646, P. 21, N. 8 ~ I 2866 Oiivar, his Head and Titles, R, Pax Quseritur Bello, ^ _ P. 22, N. e; « Jlruck Medal — \ 2867 A thin Plate of Thomas Harper, 1647, P. 21, N. 3. A thin Impreffion, Oliver’s Head and an engraved Counter — — — .3 2868 Oliver Cromwdl on his Death, P. 22, N. 9 I 2869 A Mahogany Cabinet, on a Stand, containing 30 Medal Boards, 19 Inches Wide, 14 Inches Deep, Inches High^ Stands 3 Feet 2 Inches. -m Dd2 Twenty-Fourth Day’s Sale. GREEK CITIES, IN COPPER. '2S70 Agrlgentum, 1. Araifus, I. .Antiochia Syriae, 3. Bruttii, 4. Cales, 2. Camarina, 1. ^ Cartela, I. Carthago, 2. Centiiripae, 2. Chios, I. Corcyra, K Cos, 1. Cydonia, 1. Cyrene, 1. Gades, 1. Hi- mera, I. 2871 Antiochia Syriae, I. Bruttii, 4. Carthago, 1, Cen- turipap, 3. Chios, I. Corcyra, 1. Cyrene, 2. Gaulos, 2. Lilybaeum, 1. Lipara, 1. 2872 Bruttii, 2. Coflura, I. Cranium,!. Cyme,!. Hy- rium, 1. Jaeta, 1. Ifla, 1. Locri Bruttiorum, 1. Macedonia, 1. Alamertini, 1. Maronea, 1. Me- los, L Methymna, 1. 2873 Bruttii, 3. Plybla, 1. Locri Bruttiorum, I. Mace- donia, 1, Mamertini, 3. Maffilia, 1. Megara Atticse, 1. Megara Siciliae, I. Mehta, 1. Ephe- fiis, 1 . Gaulos, 2. Geias, 1 . 2874 Mamertini, 2. Melita, 1. Menaenum, I. Meta- pontum, I. Miletus, 1. Neapolis Campania?, 4. Nuceria, 1. Obulco, !. Oeniadse, I . - Paiiormus, I. Philippi, 1. Rhegium, 4. Roma, I. 2875 Melos, I, Menaenum, !. Metapontum, 1. Neapolis Campania?, 5. Oeniadae, 1. Phaehus, 1. Rhe- gium, !. Roma, 1. Samos, 1, Searo, 1. 2876 Neapolis Campania?, 5. Obulco, I. Paeonia, 1. Rhegium, 4. Rhodus, I, Roma, 6. Segetia, I. Seieucia Syria?, 2. Smyrna, 2. Syracufa?, 1. 2377 Rhegium, 2. Roma, 3. Seieucia Syriae, 2, Siph- nus, 1, Smyrna, 3. Syracufe, 3. Thafus, 1. Thef- falia, I. Turones, !. 24 17 14 17 20 14 24 !7 ( 205 ) 2S7S Siplinus, 2. Smyrna, 4. Syracufae, 6. Tenos, I. Thefpise, 1. TIiefTalonica, 1. Troas Alexandria, 1. Tyrus, 3. Valentia Bruttiorum, 1. 20 2879 Smyrna, I. Suefano, 2. Syracufae, 2. Tenos, I. Tuder, 1. Tyrus, 1. Turones, 1. Valentia Hif- paniae Tarraconenfis, 1. Valentia Etruria?, 2. Ve- lia, 1. . " 13 2880 Smyrna, 2. Syracufae, 10. Tyrus, 2. Valentia Etruriae, 2. — — . is 2881 Mifcellaneous Greek, Phoenician, and Gallic Coins, 15. And Half of a Roman Coin ftruck at Valentia, ori- ginally intended for a TelTera Amicitiae. — - ' 16 PROVINCIAL COINS, IN SILVER. 2882 The Crown, Half Crown, Shilling, and Sixpence, of Queen Elizabeth. Called, by Colledors, Portcullis Money. On the Obverfe, is the Royal Arms, between E. R. all Crowned, infcribed, Elizabeth D. G. Ang. Tra. et Hiber. Regina. On the Reverfe, a Portcullis, Crowned. Pofui Deum Adjut. Meum. Snellwg^s Eajl and W ?Ji India Colony Coins, Plate 4, N. 1 to 4. The Portcullis Crown weighs 17 Dwts. 6 'Grains; the Half, 8 Dwts. 20 Grains ; the Shilling, 4 Dwts. 18 Grains;* and the Sixpence, 2 Dwts. 6 Granis 4 2883 The Rupee of Bombaim. Round it. By Authorltyof Charles the Second, 1678. li. The Royal Arms Crowned, King of Great Britain, France, and Ire- land, N. 7. VVeight, 7 Dwts. 12 Grains — 1 2884 Charles II. P.upee and Half Rupee. Obverfe, the / . Eaft India Company's Arms. Reverfe, in the Centre, ^ ^ Pax Deo- Infcribed, Moneta Bombaienfis, N. 5.“ Weight, 7 Dwts. 18 Grains; the Half, 3 Dwts. 7“ ~ ^ 18 Grains 2 - / 8 / 8 - 2885 The Shilling and Sixpence, coined in New England. Reverfe, XII. — VI. Weight, 3 Dwts. — 1 Dwt. 9 Grains, N. 17 and 18. 2 2886 Mafathufets, in. Round a Tree, New England, An. Doin. 1652, XII. The Shilling, N. 15, weigli- ing 3 Dwts. 3 Grains; and Three Shillings of ncarlv -- fame Weight, 4. Two Sixpences, N. 14, 1 Dwt. 10 Grains each. The Threepence 15 Grains, N. 13, and the Twopence, N. 12, 11 Grains. V. />. r‘:e Penny, N. 11, zee have been ajj'njrd zras jnadc fro!>i the nevpence, by obliterating a 1 , nor have :vc ever f en a Pctrtij that could he depended on ( 206 ) ^887 // Lord Baltimore’s Shilling, Sixpence, and the Groat. His Head in Profile to the Right, htjcribed, Caecilius Dns- Terrae Maritqiiae, Szc. Reverfer His Arms, Crowned between the Values XII. VI. and N. 21, 20, and 19. Weight, 3 Dwts. 8 Grain s.^^lJ DwL.21 G and 1 Dwt. 3 Grains James II. A Rupee. The Elrfcrndia^-^ompan Arms, without any Rexrerfe, in the Centre Pax Deo, Itifcrihedy Bombaienfis inoneta, b^7. Un- puhlijhed, weighing, ,7 Dwts. 10 Grains 1 2889 Ifle of JMan, Proofs. Obverfe, Three Legs,‘'n^ Arms of the Ifland. Injcrihed, Quoctinc|ue Jeceris Stabit. 2888 /V/*C^390 2891 3-3 2892 R. The Cretl and Motto of the Earl of Derby,, Sans changer, Page 41, N. 2 and 8. dates 1723, Two. 1725, One. 1733, Two. And _L^f the Dukt^f Athol, A. D. Crowned, 1758, ^ ^ The Englifti Eaft India Company. Their ^rms in the - Centre. R. Bombay, 1765. Gold, w'eighing 3 Dwts. 12 Grains. The Plalf of the fame, 1 Dwt. 18 Gr, * 2 William III. The Darien Pifiole and Half Piflole, weighing, 4 Dwts. 9 Grains ;y^d 2 j^tts. 6 Grainsi Cardonnel. P. N. Vy — 2 A Rupee. Struck at Fort Marlbro* in 1783, &c. and Three Tokens, by J. Chalmers of AimupotiSy 17^8. The Dollar, Flalf, Quarter, and Eighth of a Dollar^ Obterfc, a Lion. Itijcribed, Sierra Leone Compan^ In the Exergue, Africa. Reverfe, Two Hands joined. One Dollar Piece, date, 1791. ‘ ENGLISH SILVER, PATTERNS AND PROOFS. 2895 Edward I. or II. A Thick Type, weighing 88 Grains. Piece, Henry with the Penny , IV. V. or VL/- from the Die of the Groat, Coined at Calais, weighs 168 Grains. 2896 Edw'ard VI. Dated 1 547, probably for a Tetloon. See Suellirigs Palterfi Pieces, Plate 5, N. ^..^eight 80 Grains — — Elizabeth, with her Monogram. Rever/e, 1601 over the Portcullis, probably for an Halfpenny,?. 5, N. 11. 2897 2898 Elizabeth. Fler Monogram. Reverfe, a Rofe, a Pledge, for a Halfpenny, P. 5, N. 14. Elizabeth, with Head. Reverfe, tlie Monogram, 1601. The Pledge ofa Penny, P. 5. N. 13. / 2900 Elizabeth, a Proof, for a Sixpence, 1581. A^Piece 2899 )/ X from the Die of the Sixpence, date, 1588. Weight, 126 Gr. 2 7- ( 207 ) ggfoe !903 Charles ./ ^'2901 JaHi^s r. r. R. Crowned. Reverfe, the Portcalli^ ■/. Crowned, probably a Pattei'n for a Penny, P. 5, N. 17. Charles. A Pattern for a Twopence. The Feathers between C.R. under II. Reverfe, the Arms. Injcrip- pan, Chrifto Aufpice Re^no. 2903 Qharles I. Head as in Stiellmg^s Firfl: Coinage, P. 9, Reverfe, the Arms in an Oval Shield, between Weight 9 Grains, Probably for a Tv\^pence. Unique ■' 29o4' Charles I. For a Halpenny,. C. R. Crowmed, Re~ fi verfe, a Rofe, P. 15, N- 18.' Unique. / Charles I. Pattern for a Halfpenny, a Rofe Crovvned, C.sR. on the Sides. * Rei;e7ye, a Rofe Crowned. I?!- fcrihed, a Halfpenny. ^ This Riece differs a little from that Publifhed by Sfielling, P. 5. N. 19. — Charles I. For Twopences, Plate 5, N, 20, 22, 26, and 28, by Briot ^ Charles I. For Threepences. Infcribed, '^us.^eipub- lic^ Suprema Lex, N. 30 and 31. — Charles I. Patterns, for Threepences. Chrifto Aufmce Regno, 1634, P. 5. N. 32 and 33. ^ Charles I. Proofs. For Shillings. Tower Mint. Bell and Portcullis, Mint Marks : Charles I. A Pattern tor a Shilling, the Kings Head, Crowned. Mint Mark, a Rote. Reverfe, the Arms. Chrifto Aufpice Regno. Unpublijhed. y^9I^^1iarles I.^Pattern for a Sixpence, the King’s Head V, ’Crov^ed, with Titles as ufual. Reverfe, an Oval •« 'Shielcf. Chrifto Aufpice Regno. M Portcullis [ ir.t 2913 3 % 2912 Charles I. For a Twenty Shilling Piece, by Briot, the King’s Head Crowned. R. the Arms. Archetypus Monetae '^Aure^j A nghae, 1635, P. 5, N. 34. Charles I. By Briot, probably for a Shilling. Reverfe, the Arms. Fidei Defentor, P. 5, N. 36. Charles I. By Briot. For a Shilling. Rcvcrjff the A rms, infcribed, Archetypus Monetae Argenteas Anj^lise, P. 5, N. 34, date 1635. Charles I. By Briot, probably for a Broad. 2 ^ 032 An^lije, d. I^erfe, *Aufpiciis^Rcx Magne Tuis, 1630, P.,6, N. 1 . 916 iniique Charles I, By Briot. The King’s Head, bare. Re- verfe, Anfpiciis Rex Magne Tuis, 1630, P. 6. N. 2. Charles I. The King bareheaded. And 1 Crowned, Aufpiciis,&c. botli dated 1630. Mint Marl^, SL George and the Dragon - - - ■ y *" 2918 Churles I. The King’s Head Crowned. Reverfe, Au- , ^ fpiciis, &c. 1630, P. 6. N. 3. 1 / h 2919 Briot’s Pattern Half Crown. 5. O Rex Da facilem Curfiim Atque Audacibus Annue Caeptis, Plate 6 N. 6 . ' 1 j KINGDOM OF PERGAMUS, IN SILVER. /■// ‘2920 Philefaeras, I. $921 Ditto, 1. 2922 Ditto, 1. 2923 Ditto, L 2924 Ditto, 1. KINGDOM OF CARIA, IN aiLVER. Mauflbllas, I. Pixodarus, 1. — . KINGDOM OF CAPPADOCIA, IN SILVER. V s I. one 2.02S Ariaratbes IX. five. Ariobarzanes .. 2'J27 Ariarathes IX. two. Ariobarzanes I. two KINGDOM OF ARMENIA, If^ SILVER. 2928 Tigranes I. one. * KINGDOM OF PARTHIA, IN SILVER. 2929 Arfaces VII. one. Arfaces IX. two. Arfaces XV three. Arlkces XXIII. one. ^ i "I ^3 7 / •/ PERSIA, OR SECOND RACE OF . PERSIANS, CALLED SASSANIDjE, IN SILVER. 2930 A Coin with the Head of a Perfian Kitig,,a/d'an In- fcriptton in the Pahlavi Cha/aaer. /^Tr -l/ / klKtSDOM OF NtTMIDIA AND MAURETANIA, ^ V • V t IN Sj^VER. k-fliSST J-iAa Sen. 1. * Juba Sen. 2. '2 'X yf933 Gonftantiimsi the Firft, 2. fides exerci^vs. ' ff TORIA CONSTANTINI AVG.' — ^jjL s 2934- Conftantinus, the Firft, i; -Victoria^ constan y V TINI AVG. VOt. XXX. -4 / f / 2955 Conftantinus, the Firft, 1. vbiqve vict^e^ quinarins, fare and extremely fine.) . { fe03 > } ROMAN IMPERlAl COHNS IN GOLD. vrc- 2^6 Crifpus, 1. crispus cae^ar. {fine and very rare) >37 Conflantius, the Second, 1. gloria reipvblic VOT. XX. MVLT. XXX. 938 Conftantius, the Second, 1. gloiJia reipvblic r / VOT. XXX. MVLT. xxxx. ( extremely fme) ^ 2939 Conftantius> the Second, 1. Somewhat diff^ent from jj ^K'4 ' /C5f940 C 1^^2941 ]V OMAN.OR. the former, (fine.) Confiantius, the Second, I. (Ditto.) Magnentius> 1. _ Victoria a^'^.^I^b. r (fine.) ^ — f ^ 29^ Valentinianus> the Firft, 3. coNcoRiytA avgggg.— § f/ is^ RESTITVTOR R El P V B L I C A E— S ALU S REIP. ^^943 Valentinianus, the Firtl, 2. victoria ^vgg VICTORIA AUGGG. f <4 944 Valentinianus, the Firft, 2. Slightly different from iiie former. 2945 Valentinianus, the Firft^ 3. Two with victoria avgg. (having different minUmarks from any af the / / former.) And two Quinarii. Crux intra coronam X ^ lauream. (different.) — — — ^ Valens, 1. gloria romanorvm vot. x. mvi*. xx< / Gratianus, ]. pkixcipivm ivventvtis. 2947 Valens, 1. resxitvtor reipvblicae. {very fine) /LL. Gratianus, 1. victoria avgg. — 2^8 Valens, 1. victoria avgg. Valentinianu'? Jun. J F victoria augo. (very fine.) — ^ 2949 Theodolius, the Firtl, 3. concordia avggg. vot. X. MVLT. XV. victoria AVGG. VICTORIA AV^ gvstorvm, (aquinarins.) E e /' / ^ r GG. ( GG. C_ /, ii TORIA AV- 7 6 If' 5 ft n 2^50 Theodofilis, the Firfl-, 3. Two with viCToSiA AVGG. and one with victoria avggg. — 2951 Magnus Maximus, 1, RfisxixvTOi^ REipyeti^i^. (fine.) ^ ^ 2952 Magnus Maximus, l<^■^^xoRIA avg*^. (vefiy fitjk) t953 Eugenius, 1. vicxoRXstl^VGG. (rare and very \ 2954 Arcadiiis, 1. vicxJria JJ^vggg. Flonorius, n yio xoRTA AVGG^v/ both extrem ely fine) i 2955 Arcadius, 1 . Honorius^ 1 . (SonvjAhat differerit fro^^ the former.) ^ 2956 Arcadius, 1. vicx^r^ avggg. Honorius, 2. . f^ent types.) i-<2ycadius, 1. victor/a avgvsxorvm, (a quinarius.) ;^/Honorius, 3, one (j^narius, vicxoria avggg, and two quinarii, vicxoria, avgvsxorvm. *— ,/ G^a Hacidia, 1. ael. placidia avg. Caput vox. XX. MVLX. XXX. Vidoria ftans, d., crueem oblongam, intermedio aftro. (unpuhlijhed.) 2959 TiheoSohus, the Second, concordia avgg. — sa- LVS reipvblicae. ' 2960 Theodofms, the Second, 2. concordia avggg.— vox. XXX. MVLX. XXXX. 296i4\'!]^eodofius, the Second, 1. imp. xxxxii. cos. xvii. ^“^p.p. (rare;) — V2962. Marcianiis, 1. Pulcheria, 1. Leo, the Firft, 1. Li- bius Severus, 1. 296S^Leo, the Firh, 2. Libius Severus, 1. Anthemius, i. 2964 ^no, 2. Nepos, 1. — 2965'^ Zeho, 2. Anajlafius, 1. Juflinus, I. 2966 Zeno, I. Anahafius, 2. Juftinus, I. Juftiriianus, 1. 2967' Anaftafius, 2. 'Jufthius, I. Juftinianus, 2. 2968 Jufiinianus, 3. Maiiricius Tiberius, 1. Focas, 1. ■ , 2969 Juftinianiis, 2. Mauricius T'iberius, 1. Heraclius, 1. Herablius et Conftantinus Fil. I. — — — 2970 Juftinianus, 2. Mauricius Tiberius, 1. Heraclius, I, Heraclius et Conftantinus Fil. 1. ,• 2971 Heraclius et Conftantinus Fil. 1. Conftantinus, seu Conftans, 1. Conftantinus Pogonatus, 2. Leo Ifaiirus, 1. > 2972 Conftantinus, sen Conftans, 1. Conftantinus Pogcjp natus, 2. Leo Ifaunis, I. Michael Rhangabe, 1. 2973 Conftantinus Pogonatus, 2. Michael Rhangabe, I. Theophilus, I. Conftantinus Porphyrogenitus et Romanus Fil. 1. Bafilius, the Second, and Conftanw. tinus the Xlth. 1 2974 Conftantinus Porphyrogenitus et Romanus Fil. 2„ Bafilius, the Second, and Conftantine, the Xlth, 1, Romanus Diogenes, 2. 2975 Various Byzantine Coins, 6. 2976 Ditto, 6. / \ 3 1 ' I 4 3 4 5 5 5* uimaiir ^ — \ 5 ■ 6 V M ( 211 ) ENGLISH GOLD MEDALS. 2977 A Medal, given by the Commonwealth to Admiral-^ Blake, after a Vi6lory over the Dutch Fleet, com- i ^ manded by Van Tromp, 31 July, 1659, Qbverfe,. Arms of the Three Kingdoms. Reverfe, a Nava^/4 8* / Battle, the Border ornamented with Military Trophies, by Thomas Simon, This Medal belonged to Greffier Fagel, fo often mentioned in Queen Ami*s JVars, Plate 23, N. 1. and Van Loon, Tome 2, P. 366, where it ' is defcribed and engraved 2978 Another Medal of the Commonwealth, with a Border of Leaves. Like N. 2, btd without an Infcription Another, Like N. 2, but without either Border or In- H. tc. 1 2979 JcripHon. Sipion on the Slern of a Ship ' — 2980 The Commonwealth’s Medal for Service done againft Six Ships, July 31, and Aug. 1, 1650, N. 3, 2981 Secretary Thurloe. Reverfe, hh Cypher — 2982 Charles II. His Scotch Coronation Medal, 1651. a Lion holding a Thiflle. Lifcribed, Nemo Me Impune Laceffit I J- 2983 Charles William Ferdinand. His Bull. Under it, Reftaurator Concordia Belgicas. Reverfe, An Altar, &c. Infcribed, Noviter Et Perenniler J\in6la, 1787, Gold — ^ - 1 UO- ij ^ I A H ^ 1 /2. / hi *■ ^ ‘3'^ GREEK CITIES, IN GOLD. 2984- Cofa, 1 . 2985 Cyrene, 1. Carthago, 1. , — . 2986 Carthago, 1. — 2987 Carthago, 2. ™ 2988 Roma, 1. Syracufa, 1. 2989 A Mahogany Cabinet, on a Stand, containing 35 Me- dal Boards, and 10 Drawers, 23f Inches Wide, 14f Inches Deep, 5 Feet 3 Inches High. Stands 4 Feet € Inches. Bekmgirig to Mark Cephas Tutef, Efq. \ I- n 2 X. - A 1 j ^ f -$ H' 2 / -/Z*' 74 n c 2j. Twenty-Fifth Day’s Sale, GREEK KINGS, IN COPPER, KINGDOM OF MACEDONIA. 2990 Amyntas II. one. Philippus II. four. Alexander III. five. Caffander, one. Antigonus I. one. Antigo- nus II. one. Philippus IV. two 2991 Amyntas II. one. Philippus II. five. Alexander III. nine. Philippus III. one. Caflander, one, Anti- gonus II. two. > " 19 . KINGDOM OF EGYPT. 2992 Ptolemaeus I. and Berenice I. one. Ptolemaeus, III. (Euergetes.) one. Ptolemaeus XII. ( Dion yf us.) one, and five others, uncertain, (two of them Medallions.) S 2993 Ptolemaeus I. & Berenice I. two. Berenice I,' two. Ptolemaeus III. (Euergetes.) one. Cleopatra III. one. Cleopatra III. & Ptolemaeus VIII.. one. and fix others, uncertain^ ( two of them Medallions,) ' 1 ^ ( 213 ) KINGDOM OF SYRIA. 299* Seleucus I. one. Antlochus I. one. Seleucm IV. one. Antiochus IV. three. Deractriui 1. (jne. Alex- ander I. two. Demetrius II. two. Antiochus VI. two. Tryphon, one. Antiochus VII. two. Alex- ander II'. two. Antiochus VIII. & Cleopatra, one. Antiochus VIII. one. Antiochus IX. one.^ 2 i995 Antiochus I. one. Antiochus 11, one. Antiochus IV. one. Demetrius I. one, Alexander I. one. trius II. one. Alexander II. one. Antiochus, Vlll. & Cleopatra, one. Antiochus IX. orie. Seleucus Vi. one. Antiochus X. one. Antiochus XI. one. An- tiochus XII. one. Antiochus XIII. one. ^ H 2996 Seleucus I. two. Afitiochus I. one. Antiochus IV. two. Demetrius I. one. Alexander I. one. Demer trius II.‘ one. Antiochus VI. one. Tryphqn, one. Antiochus VIF. one. Antiochus VIII. one. Anti- ochus VIII. & Cleopatra, one. Seleucus yi. one^ H 2997 Seleucus I. five. Antiochus I. two. Antiochus IV. one. Demetrius I. one. Antiochus VI. one. Try- phon, two. Antiochus VII. one. Antiochus VIII. one. Antiochus IX. one. ' — KINGDOM OF COMMAQENE. 998 Antiochus IV. four. Jotape, 1. J^piphanes & Cal- Hnicus, 1. — — KINGDOM OF SICILY, 3000 Hiero I. fix, f owe 0 /" /hern a Medallion,) Agathocles, 3. Hiero II. two. Hieronymus,!. Phintias, 2. ( 214 ) VARIOUS KINGDOMS. !2999 Tigranes I. King of Armenia, one. — Prulias, King oF Bithynia, two.— Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, one.— Agrip- , pa II. King of Judma, one. — Abgarus, King of Edefla and Ofrhoene, on the lieverfes of Severus, 3. and on the of Gordianus Pius, 5. } 3 ;. lO-o 3001 SILVER PATTERNS, PROOFS, &c. Charles I. probably a Pattern for a Crown, the King bare headed. Reverfe, the King on Horfeback. lu” fcribed, Haud Ulli Veterum Virtute Secundus, /or the Tleverfe, fee P, 6, N. 7. Mr. Hodfoll riever had a Piece crowned The Half Crown, ly David Ramage, St. George’s Shield. The Commonwealth of England. Reverfe, an Angel fupporting the Arms, of England and Ireland, 1651. Injcribed on the Edge, Truth and Peace, P. 6, N. 10 — The Shilling, by Ramage, from the fame Die A Thick Piece, Arms of England on one Side, and Ireland on the other Side. Injcribed, on the Edge, Truth and Peace, 1651, by Ramage, P. 6, N. 8 The Sixpence, by Blondeau, St. George’s Crofs. In- jcribed, the Commonwealth of England. Reverfe, the Arms of England and Ireland. God with Us, 1651, edged, P. 6, N. 1 1 ■ The Shilling, like the Sixpence, N. 12 — — The Half Crown, by Blondeau, injcribed on the edge. Truth and Peace, Petrus Blond?eus, Inventor, Fecit, N. 13 The Half Crown, like the above, injcribed on the edge. In the Third Year of Freedom, by God’s Bleffing, rejiored, N. 14 — Oliver’s Crown, Half Crown, Shilling, and Sixpence, the laft doubtful. Silver Coinage, P. 16, N. 8, 9, 10, and 1 1 • Oliver’s Crowns, different, one of them called the Dutch Crown, fuppofed to have been made in Holland, but which in reality was hruck in the Tower, on or about 1738 ' — a 301 1 Oliver’s Half Crown, 1656, and apiece flruck from the ^ Ten Shilling Die — — , r 3002 3003 \ 3004 j ^ ^ 3005 5006 3008 ^ . r /^^3009 ' 3010 Ce c <» ef^ C,s r t1 / ^ //( •■ ^ o ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ i' ^ C: ft i t y ^ 2, . ^ . tT y - ^ t. 21 ry X — ^ 2^ . 7^ . O ^ ^ ctj> -X / '- Cf • o ■'.Vf'^ ?-/ , '•‘y - v//-/ . t - 2 . . o 'Cc^i->j ^ /s • o cv- - - - / 14 ’'^- ’v/X^' »'<' ^ft.jf< /^ij. ^ ' ' ■ ^ ''/<7'-< < /> ./.r < c /f. ^‘-7-/ V/ f v/ 2. . /-S*- o - //^ V « » ‘ '7- _ ■ •. c -,-»? r/«. — 2.^- /Z, - /2-- ^ ^ — /- //- zS' Si . i. X 3017 ( 215 ) B0i 2 Oliver, generally called a Two Shilling Piece, differing from the Shilling, in being thicker, and the &c. want- ing a Piece exactly like this, but fmaller, called the Ninepenny Piece 7 - . 3013 Charles 11. Patterns for Farthings, with and without the King’s Head, one with 3 Pillars, and thus united, Invincble; and two, 1660 and 61, Snelling' s Copper Coinage, plate 6 , N. 1 3 & 1 5 ' 3014^ Charles 11 . For a Twenty Shilling Piece, hy Simon, Beverfe, Florent Concordia Regna, Gold Coinage, Plate 6 , N. 24-. „ 301-5 Charles II. Proof Crown, 1662, without the Role 3016 The Famous Petition Crown of pharles II. hy Thomas 'j'jlsLft*. Simon, highly prejerved. Pattern Pieces, Plate 6 N. IS. N. B. This' RARE and curious piec WAS PURCHASED BY Mr. HoDSOLL AT D Meades sale ~ Charles II. Crown, by Simon, injcribed, on the Edge, Reddite quae. Caefaris Caefari & Poft, and a Sun ap- pearing out of a Cloud to exprels Poll Nubila Phoe- bus, {highly pi'eferved) €018 Charles il. Crown, by Simon Pextcr, infcribed on the « Edge, Render to C^far the Things which are Caefar’s, &cl — 3019 Charles II. Patterns, probably for Farthings, t\yo, dated 1665; one, 1675 ; and one, 1676, all with Quatuor Maria Vindico on the Reverje, Copper Coin^ age, P. 7 , N. 1 ; and one, dated 1671, N. 4- 3020 Charles II. Magna Opera Domini— Magnalia Dei— both on the Reftoralion, Pattern, P. 6 , N. 15 and 16 3021 Charles II. Magnalia Dei, Infcribed on the Rcvcrjus, Sine Clade Vidor, Simon, fecit, P. 6 , N. 16 - '3022 William and Mary, 1694. William, 1697, S, 9, and 1700, Pruck frorn Dies of the Farthings 2023 William, Crown, 1695. Shilling, 1699, Proofs 2024 William III. Crown, 1696. Shilling, 1698, Proofs 2025 Ann, the Shilling and Sixpence, Proofs, coined at Edinburgh in 1707 . ^ 2026 Ann, Vidory in a Car, Pax Miff'a per Orbem, 1713, Pattern for a Farthing — : ; 2027 Ann, Patterns for Farthings, Britannia fitting as iifual, Brittannia fitting under a Portico, 1713 ; and one the . Common Type, of the Copper Coinage, P.7, N. IS A Pattern or Proof for a Half Crown of George I. \i\b, plain George I. from the DieoEthe Half Penny, 1717. And 3 from the Dies of the Farthings, dated 1717, 8 , & 9 .3030 George II. Crown, 1732. Half Crown, 1731, Proofs, . with the Young Head — -r: — 2 % *2../ V . , . . . ■ ‘ 3 i-n-i Z. - d 34 I ^ ^ ^ y. 2-' ^ 5'j. I'i i j < * Y “P 2 3 '3 ^ *1 t A ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 . -A-' 3028 3029 3 A ■ \ 1- 4. U ^ - -• .w 2^ -x- • /*« *■'' 3032 ' ■ ■• , ^ - ■ / - /1. ./J X'T^ ^ 5 034 % ;ji038 George II. Paiternsj with the Old Head> CroWT)> Half Crown, Shilling, and Sixpence, 1746 George II. Proofs , Sixpence, 1723.- Halfpenny, 1729. And Farthing, 1730, Young Head — — George III. the Head only of 2i Pattern for a Guinea. The Pattern Shilling of 1764. And a Proo/from the D ie of the firft Halfpenny of his Prefent Majefty, date 1770 A Shilling of his Prefent Majefty> 177S George III. Pattern Shilling, 1778 ' — Proofs of his Prefent Majefty, from the Shilling to the Penny included ■— = — Edward VI. the King, bare headed. Infcribed, %Q\xi\\m. Fidei Protegit Eum. Pet;e;ye, a leafed Rofe, Edward VI. &c. Snelling^s Pattern Pieces, P. 5, N. 6 Elizabeth, Crowned, P. 5, N. 8, no Reverfe. Charles I. the King on a Horfe.. Infcribed, Haud Ulli Veterum Virtute Secundus. Reverfe, the Arms of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, linked together. Thefe two Pieces are unpublijhed, but appear Caji t ENGLISH SIEGE PIECES, IN SILVER. A - 4 ^ 7 ‘ b 3039 Newark Half -Crowns, 1645 and 6. ^Shillings, the fame. Ninepenny Pieces, the fame. The Sixpence of 1646. Snellmg's Silver Coinage, Plate 15, N. 14 to 17 — — - t . 5041 Coins flruck for Charles I. at Carlifle. Obverfe, a Crown, under it C. R. III. for Three Shillings. One 9y- withXII. forTwelvepence, N. 12and 13 5/3*^ /j4./ 3042 Shillings coined at Pontefradl Caflle for Charles I. • ' Obverfe, C. R. under a Crown. Injcribed, Dum Spiro Spero. Reverfe, a Caflle on one Side OBS. a Hand grafping a Sword, 1648, N. 18. And two like N. 19. Two flruck at the fame Place for Charles. II. N. 20 and 21 ' A Piece ilamped with a Caflle and 11. VI. under it.. 30*3 Reverfe, O B S. Scarborough 1646, N. 10. lifhed by SnelHngfromihis Piece Was pub' 3044 Two Pieces flamped with a Caflle and VI. under it, ^ uncertain where coined, like N. 1 — 3045 Two Pieces, with fome difference from each othei;, • , . ftamped VI. - ^ 3046 A Piece flamped with a Caflle and VII. for Sevenpence /^***’^ un'd?r,*'exa61Iy like No. 2, probably done from this •2 1 1 y* '9f)4'7 An oblong Piece, ftamped with aCaftle, and X. under» ' for the Value , — y 3048 A Piece ftamped with a Caftle and XI. under, for Elevenpence, like N. S, P. 15 ^ 0 - 3049 A Piece, ftamped with a Cattle and I. exadlj/ like 4 — — y -- ^50 Another of the fame Value, a little different l ^51 Another Piece for a Shilling, like the above 3052 A Piece ftamped with aCaftle, and Is. Ud. for / _ pence, exaStly like N, 5 % — ^ 3053 A Piece ftamped with a Cattle and Is.VIdflor y»*^ Tl/ pence, not publijhed by Snelling ^ . 3 - d /^/3 ' ^ 1 1 urteen- , ^ • ighteen- - - > 1 ^54 Four Pieces, apparently all from the fame Die, a Cattle, ^ i ‘ - /o and engraved Caroli Fortuna Returgajn, do^^l i/~2^ 1 / ftruck in the time of Charles /. g. of Charles A - — 3055 A Piece, Gold, from the Pontefract Shilii^ ( ILN,21 ^ i ' 3056 A Circular Piece of Gold, incufe or hollow on one Side, v *' BA fO’ ftamped a Cattle with C. R. on the Sides, under / • Q g 5 — Q o L. for Colchetter, 1 648, weight 66 Grains, intended for a Ten ShilJi^^Piece, thouldy-, , weigh 70 Grains " /l ' ''V' SILVER ANGLO GALLIC, ^<7-, ^57 Henry II. SeeSnelling, Plate 1, N,4, coined in i^ui* 'V taine — ^ •f=^7- h 1 / 3058 Eleanor, N. 2, Aquitaine ^ Richard I. Penny and Halfpenny, N. 8,^A,quitaine ?>’ 30 60 Richard I. Penny, N. 6, Poitou ^ Richard I. Halfpenny, N. 6, Poitou ^^’*^^** 1 -7'% Richard I. Halfpenny, N. 6, Poitou' '-5062 Edward I. Penny, N. 12, Bourdeaux Edward I. N. 13, Bourdeaux 30'64 Edward III. Penny and Halfpenny, N. 14 ^dff. Aquitaine — ^ • Edward III, Half Aquitaine Groat, P. \ 9 i/ Figure D. — Q • Edward III. N. 16 » — f ^ // 0 9 „ Edward III. N. 19 & 20 — ~ * Z;^^^3068 Edward, the Black Prince, N. 25 4 ^ -- ^ *^3069 Edward, the Black Prince, a little different on the Oh- 41^^ *-y verje from Snelling, N. 25 ^ ^ — ^ Edward the Black Prince, N. 28'^ y / \ - ^ /v>(n\ Edward the Black Prince, the double of ]\. 25/but reading, Edwardus, indead of Ed. T 4 '7 3072 Edward the Black Prince, bare headed and Crowned, .7 in other refpeds like N. 25 rowned, ^ ■ / * ^ ( ns ) 5075 /5^^: 3074 3-3 -£> ^2076 3077 / ^ 5079 2_. Sy ^> /Jr m 30*0 2 ^ . 2 ^ # ^^'^*-3081 ^ i.i/J:A.: 3083 / ylo ^g /^/»o jj^3p85 5086 / / - / Edward the Black Prince^ N. 27 ^ Richard 11. reading, Aglic & Anglie, N. 35 Henry IV. a little different, Snelling, P. 2 N. 3 Henry IV, P. 2, N. 7 — Henry V. P. 2, N. 11 Henry V. P. 2, N. 12 HenryV. N. 13 ^ ' Henrv VI. different Mint Marks, N. 14 •H^nry^i. different Mint Marks, N. 14 — ' Henry VI/ different Mint Marks, N. 16 Henry VI. N. 17 — HepryVI. N. 18 — Henry VI. N. 19 — • ■■ ' Henry VI. Obverfe, a Lion and Fleur de Lis, like unto N. 17, but without the Coronet, nnpul}UjlT.ed Henry VHI. ftruck at Tournay, N. 26 vj ^ 3087 U ' it 'A ^ £088 Henry VIII. I'ournay Groat, N. 28 z. 4 o89 ■ ^/ 5:^:3090 2,.6'0'/^^ 3092 // - // ^ //-i jm^S093 ^ 3095 The large thick Piece, by Snelling, P; 5, N. 1 A thick Piece, in bad Condition, publijhed by . P. 5, N. 2 1 A fmall billon Piece, probably of Henry IV. Obverfe, a Lion and Fleur de Lis on each Quarter. Reverfe, a plain Crofs within a Circle, — — . j Henry V. Gros of fine Silver, P. 19, Figure 1 ' — 1 The Piece called Perkin Warbeck^s Groat, faid to have been firuck by the Dutchefs of Burgundy, Sifter to Edward IV. date 1494 i Edward III. Groat, Half Groat, and Penny, ftruck at . » Calais ^ ^ ^ j Henry IV. V. or VI. from the Groat to the Farthing, ftruck at Calais ^ ^ ■ 20 A^ick Piece from the Die of the Half Groat of one jic> .y’s, ftruck t Calais — GOLD ANGLO GALLIC, I 3098 '2)aS099 Sf05 5l6l ^3102 «3103 '^>5i04 The Guiennois of Edward IIL P. 1, N. 2i. i The Leopard of Edward "III. 'N, 22.' 1 The Guiennois of Edward III. with an R. probably fb^ Rouen • — — — f The Cliaife of Edward the Black Priijce, N. 29. 1 Th^ Flardy of Edward the Black Prince, N. 30. 1 ’ The Leopard of Edward the' Black Prince, N. 32, I The Pavillion of Edward the Black Prince. N. 33. I The Tlngelet of Henry VI. Plate 2, N. 34. > — 1 Salutes of Henry VL different Mint ?vlarks, N, 32. ' 2 ( 219 ) 3106 A Mouton of Henry V. Obverfey the . under it H. Rex. Infcription , Agn. Dei. Qui. Toll Peca. Mudi. Mife. Nobis. Reverfcy Ornamented Shield, with a Lion and Fleur de Lis, alternately m ' each Quarter, infcribed, Xrc. Vmcit. Xrc. Regnat. Xrc Imperat. ¥nfuUiJhed and unique. QREEK kings in GOLD. KINGDOM OF MACEDONIA. Holy Larnb,;;;^'^^ ' x./-^Sl07 ^2.^ 3108 li'- S109 /..y# ^110 I 5114 i 2115 .3116 Phillppus II. one. Ditto, Ditto, t Ditto, Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto,, Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Alexander IIL Alexander III. Lyfimachus, 1. Lyfimachus, 2. Ditto. Alexander III. one. -r- one. (a ietradrachm.) one. Philippus IIL one. (a Medallion) 7 - 2 2 . 2 2 /~i #.»-»■»€, < 2 2 "yx 2 2 /^- Ay 7/,/t/rc:^n8 Agathocles, 1 KINGDOM OF SICILY. 3119 kingdom OF EGYPT . / PtolemJEUs, I. J one. Berenice I. one. PtolemjCTis I. and II. with their Queens, Berenice I and Arfinoe ll. (a Medallion) Ditto. T Ditto, (a ietradrachm) J ^122 Arfinoe II. one. (a Mi ^>5124 Ditto. 3125 Ditto. i / ’ / M MedalHo^tre^^nre ^ ■l-f - 3127 xA -/a - ^ ,5.3 <^-3128 unu ji/izy - I A Mahogany Cabinet, with 144 “Dmwers, 1 Inch Deep, 3 Feet 7 Inches Wide, 12 Inches Deep, 4 , Feet 11 Inches High. L. Ditto, Ditto. A t-y'* 7 -1 ii . Foreign Coins. I Jrgelati. De Monetis lialise variorum Giflertationes, P. Ar« “ gelatus collegit. Bellini, De Monetis '^Italiae medii aevi hadenus non evulgatis DifTertatioII. 1767. DifT. III. 1774. DifT.IV. 1779. (The Firft Differtation begins the Fifth Volume of Afgelati^a ^ CoIle6lion, and is quoted Argel. V.) - Berch, Belkrifniiig ofver Svenfka M^nl, af C. R. Berch. Brenn, Thefaurus nummorum Sveo-Gothicprum, fiudio E. Bren- . neri. D. M. Belkrlvelfe over Danike Mynter og Medailler i den ^ Kongelige Samhng. Duby. Traites des Monnoies des Barons de France, par P. A. Tobieten Duby. * Duby ohfid. Recueil general des pieces obfidionales et de necef- lit^, par Tobiefen Duby. Florez, Medallas de las Colonias, Municipios y Pueblos antiguos de Efpana, por H. Florez. G'r. Cab. Neuerbfnetes Grofchen-Cabinet, von. J. F. Joachim ; fortgefezt von J. G. Boehmen. Kohl. M. B. J. D. Kohler^s hidorifche Miinz-Beluftigung. Le Blanc. Traits hiflorique des Monnoies de France, par M. Le Blanc. Seconde Edition de Paris. • ^ Kan Loon, Hilloire Metallique des Pays-bas, de M. G. van ^ ^ Loon. . Snell. Mijct Mifc^lanebus Views of the Coins Fruck by Englilli Princes, in France, Counterfeit Sterlings, &g. Vergara. Monete del Regno di Napoli, raccolte da C, A» Vergara. Books Quoted in the Account of the V X SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED, A feries,of Plates of Saxon Coins, cojq^prif- ing every variety of type, whigb is to be ' found not only in private cabinets,, but in the extenfive colleftions of the Britilh Mufeum, Dri . William Hunter, and Samuel Tyffen, Efq. The Plates will be accompanied with letter-prefs, - containing a fhort account of every King; the names of the Moneyers which appear on each type ; a lift ' of the 'different Towns where the refpe£live coins were ftruck ; and other particu- lars. To the above work will be prefixed, with remarks, a few plates, reprefenting the Money of the ^ancient Britons, ^ \ ) ' / ^Xt-c./ ^ «-* 7 if /Tt ^ t*^ y4. «i ,y^t e-A.C'- X" ^ -y" «■ <. -f iX ^€. 2^ X<^ *-^ •- i-r-rf^ iff^^ h^"^ xC» (Lf<*-:r y* »/« « ^ <# /» X 4e>.%f *-'/*■ *'* ^ X «. ^ /^ c ^y-i r>.-f ^ U-*‘/X*~Xi^0 ^- A^ ^Y' ^ ^ X Ctf C Tf /tf*^ ^ ^ ^ f"" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^x t ^ ^- ^ t.9-T Tf *.< -7 ■ ft oXX^ -Aj^ r *- >- yS. ^ ^/1« M Apr. 1 ‘^-'^1 JSoT IL^^«,-Db8l6 THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY y I !LfYPS’(p-D4gi(o ■■