Sl% EX LIBRJS Hexhy Black.mef?, If , S p E € 3 (W £ Kl a W X. AFICHEflT E)Ei;®KAT10H 5 » «• p © fw [p E n -I T JOMfSI CDLDICUTT. AKCM ITEiCT' ♦ The following Designs from Pompeii (or, as it is called by the Italians, Pompeja) were made with a view to assist the Artist in the interior decoration of houses, as well in what regards figure as colour. It was formerly a general notion, that the same species of Architecture which was used on the out- side of houses was as applicable to the inside of them, and hence the same heavy forms, the massy column, and cumbrous architrave and pediment, &c. were adopted in rooms as in porticos, though the same reasons for their use did not exist, and the difference of distances and hghts under which these things were seen, rendered what was becoming in the one case, ridiculous in the other. The discovery of an ancient town, however, as Walpole justly remarks, shows that the Ancients had not committed the blunder which we thought we were imitating, and opened to us the view of a more festive and imaginative species of decoration. Their arrangements of colour appear to have been as happy as their combination of forms, and may, I think, be as useful to the Artist or Amateur who may study them. The Plates of the present, as well as those of the following numbers, represent generally the ele- vation of the side of an apartment. To describe them separately as to precise locality may not be necessary ; it is sufficient that they are, with little exception, a perfect imitation of the original, both in form and colour. There are two specimens of ceilings from a portion of the remains, called Marcus Arrius Dio- mede's Villa. The Mosaic pavement is from the same in- teresting source. Xffuian.fiUfh^hAi^rUJSiO.b} Ji^dttea i U'lnm.Xf,- fior.d .1 ^rii^ -^^^^^^B- -in- l.mii-n.PiNOIuil .■IpnlJSti. hy /l.;lirr/l .<■ Uimi. rrHZEE. ^^rr-rrri: ^** nr i JtjK^ SJTBB ©F iO^ AFAISTMISHT. XffK.i^n. I^ihltJikei Jtpnl JSlfi. fy Jti'dnrff A- Martin.^fwJi^n^ Street. r^^^i'^i'^^^'^i^i^^Ti rrrrrrrrrrrrrwr\ ^fffffffffffffffff^ W(S)SAIL© FAX'ngBSOEFfT . Lrmii'fi 2iibU^r.i JprilJ£Z6. hy /ii^wea A- Mjirttn.A'f* M.6. J}ru,m h /chJi ocUi leTideiv.Bihlufhtd JuA< He ^eB. SsHartirt.Wfi I FL P: M-iSSAICi IPA^TlSMSHTr'. ( Jf4tbtfn £- Mirftii. ^fitMcnt Stryrf [triL[[[[[aifin:[[LJiujiMiiiiiiiiiii^^ 1 tBCS • /f4 i [ 'dimW> ©IF' X5^ AIPAS^ITM^HT. Xmdtm.2%dfU^hai J£2A by Jtodwea .i:2Lirnn.Ne*iJ. mmim ®F jiJT ^'iPAiaiPM^sJir, l^den^JiiHtshal JSZS. by SedmR Jk Mirf//!. .1V«- A'w*/ .: m ElliiTIElliff lE] mmtOmmatmmmUUUbKiKmammmt^^ Druu-K by Join: i^cl Hr®§AES IPiLTHMIgf^ir. •utan. hd'luh''d ir-^. In- K^uiwi-B ,C Marttn.Ifew bond Sfi-ert SMI®@AI(S IPA'ySlfflSK^f', Lenden. PuMuhtJ MZ5. fy JiedtteU X ^LirunMetrJicnd- ■:■ ^ ^: pi * IV IHtGETTVCEMTtrt UfiRARV n *j