/ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/gospelbookofsainOOforb Zbc (Sospel Book of St flfeargaret Impression : Twenty copies on large paper ; and Ninety copies on small paper. No /./.. Small Paper. XUbe <3ospel Book OF Satnt /Ifcar^aret Being a Facsimile reproduction of St. Margaret s Copy of the Gospels preserved in the Bodleian Library Oxford EDITED BY W. FORBES-LEITH, S.J., F.S.A., Scot. ]£&fnburgb DAVID DOUGLAS, 10 Castle STREET 1896 Edinburgh : Printed by Scott &> Ferguson. CONTENTS. Place in Original. Place in Reproduction. Introduction. Pp. 1-16. Turgot's Poem relating the Story of the BOOK. Leaf 2 (the first Leaf being UldllK ), i Leaf. Page with Autographs. Leaf 3 (the Reverse of Leaf 2 being Blank). i »» Full- page Figure of St. Matthew. Reverse of Leaf 3. i >» Illuminated Title. Leaf 4. Extracts from the Gospel of St. Matthew. Matthew i. 1-21, ii. 1-12, lii. 13-175 iv. i-ii, 18-22, xx. 17-19, xxvi.- xxvii. xxviii. 1-7, 16-20. Beginning on the Reverse of 4? and ending on 13. 1 8 Leaves. run-page r igure 01 du iviarK. Reverse of Leaf 13« i Leaf. Illuminated Title. Leaf 14. HiALiclLLb liUIIl LIlC VjUbpcl Ul OL. IVIdlKi Mark i. 1-8, vi. 17-29, xiv.-xv. 46, xvi. 1 -7, 14-20. JDCglillllliy UI1 LIlC XN-CVCIbc of 14, and ending on ( I pnf O T "RIot^It- \ Z\J \ IjCdl Zi JDiauK.j 1 3 Leaves. Full-page Figure of St. Luke. Reverse of 21. i Leaf. Illuminated Title. Leaf 22, Extracts from the Gospel of St. Luke. Luke i. 1-4, 26-38, ii. 1-14, 21, 22-32, x. 38-42, xxii.-xxiii. 53, xxiv. 1-12. Beginning on the Reverse of 22, and ending on the Reverse of 29. 1 5 Leaves. Full-page Figure of St. John. John i. 1 -14, xiv. 23-31, xvii. i-ii, xviii.-xix., xx. 1-9. Reverse of Leaf 30 (Leaf 30 Blank.) I Leaf. Illuminated Title. Leaf 3 1. i Extracts from the Gospel of St. John. Beginning on the Reverse of 3 1, and ending on Leaf 37. 1 2 Leaves. Fols. I, i^-, 2^-, 2i, 30, 372% 38 and 38^- being blanks have not been produced. The vignette on the title page is taken from the Arms of Queen Margaret, painted on the ceiling of St. Machar's Church, and copied from the engraving given in Dr. Geddes's and Mr. Duguid's volume on the subject issued by the New Spalding Club in 1888. Z§t <&o($pd ®oo8 of Qfktargartf of |?eof fcmb* HE History of St. Margaret's Gospel-book, its *- vicissitudes and its present state, illustrate the dangers which have attended the passage of this little gem across the Ocean of Time. Long ago — nearly eight hundred years — this manuscript was carefully described by St. Margaret's confessor. Margaret "had a book of the Gospels beautifully adorned with gold and precious stones, and orna- mented with the figures of the four Evangelists, painted and gilt. All the capital letters shone all over with the ruddy glow of gold. She had always felt a particular attachment for this book, more so than for any of the others which she usually read. It happened that as the person who carried it was once crossing a ford, he let the book, which had been carelessly folded in a piece of cloth, fall into the middle of the river. Unconscious of what had occurred, the bearer quietly continued his journey ; but when he wished to produce the book, suddenly it dawned upon him that he had lost it. Long was it sought, but nowhere could it be found. At last it was dis- 2 THE GOSPEL BOOK covered lying open at the bottom of the river, so that its leaves were being kept in constant motion by the action of the water, and the little coverings of silk, which protected the letters of gold, to prevent their being dulled by contact with the leaves, were carried off by the force of the current. Who would fancy that the book could afterwards be of any value? Who would believe that even a single letter would have been visible ? Yet, as a fact, it was taken out of the middle of the river so perfect, so uninjured, so free from damage, that it did not seem to have been touched by the water. The whiteness of the leaves and the run of the writing throughout the volume remained exactly as it had been before it had fallen into the river, except that in part of the outer leaves the least possible mark of damp might be detected. The book was conveyed to the Queen, and the miracle was related to her at the same time ; and she, having thanked Christ, valued it much more highly than she had done before." 1 After the death of St. Margaret, which occurred in 1093, what became of her most treasured volume? 1 Life of St. Margaret of Scotland. Edinburgh : David Douglas, 3rd edition, 1896. The Latin text of the Life is here printed that it may be compared with the verses inscribed at the beginning of the manuscript. " Vita S. Margaretae Reginae Scotiae, caput 3, § 25. (Acta Sanctorum, Jun., torn. ii. p. 333 (Antv. 1698). Vitae Sanctorum Scotiae, ed. J. Pinkerton, p. 348 (Lond. 1789).) " Habuerat librum Euangeliorum, gemmis & auro perornatum, in quo quatuor Euangelistarum imagines pictura auro admixta decorabat ; sed & capitalis quaeque littera auro tota rutilabat. OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. 3 In accordance with a common practice in those days, it may have been attached to her tomb, or enclosed in the shrine containing her relics. On the 19th of June, 1250, the body of St. Mar- garet was taken up from the grave in Dunfermline Abbey, and was placed in a silver shrine adorned with precious stones, which was deposited under the high altar of the church. 1 But no mention is made of her Gospel-book by any of the contemporary chroniclers. Father Leslie, a very eminent antiquary who wrote in 1675, relates that her shrine continued to be the object of the greatest veneration until the time of the Reformation, when it was plundered and Hunc codicem, prae ceteris, in quibus legendo studere consueverat, carius semper amplexata fuerat. Quem quidam deferens, dum forte per vadum transiret ; liber, qui minus caute pannis fuerat obvolutus, in medias aquas cecidit; quod ignorans portitor, iter quod inceperat securus peregit : cum vero postea librum proferre vellet, turn primum quod perdiderat agnovit. Quaerebatur diu nec inveniebatur. Tandem in profundo fluminis apertus jacere reperitur, ita ut illius folia impetu aquae sine cessatione agitarentur, & panniculi de serico violentia fluminis abstraherentur, qui litteras aureas, ne foliorum contactu obfuscarentur, contexerant. Quis ulterius librum valere putaret ? Quis in eo vel unam litteram parere crederet? Certe integer, incorruptus, illaesus, de medio fluminis extrahitur, ita ut minime ab aqua tactus videretur. Candor enim foliorum, & integra in omnibus formula litterarum ita permansit, sicut erat antequam in fluvium cecidisset ; nisi quod in extremis foliis, in parte, vix aliquod humoris signum videri poterat. Liber simul & miraculum ad Reginam refertur : quae, reddita Christo gratiarum actione, multo carius quam ante codicem amplectitur. Quare alii videant, quid inde sentiant ; ego propter Reginae venerabilis dilectionem, hoc signum a Domino (fuisse opinor)." 1 Brev. Aberd., 19th June. 4 THE GOSPEL BOOK desecrated ; the relics were, however, preserved. The head was brought, at Queen Mary's desire, to Edinburgh Castle, 1 at the time probably, when exposed to many dangers she took refuge there to await the birth of her son. Father Leslie states also that "Several other very sacred and precious things were transported to the Castle at the same time" With regard to the other remains of the saint and her husband, they were sent to Spain at the earnest request of Philip the second, who built a chapel in the palace of the Escurial in honour of St. Margaret, for their reception. According to Alban Butler, at the end of the last century, they were still in the Escurial with this inscription on the shrine : St. Malcolm, King ; and St. Margaret, Queen? Alban Butler, who had lived at Douay, and 1 After Mary's flight to England, the Saint's head was removed to the house of the Laird of Dury, where it was for some years preserved by a Benedictine monk. Confided by him to the missionary Jesuits, it was by one of them — John Robie — taken to Belgium, and, after due authentication, was publicly exposed for veneration, first at Antwerp, from whence it was removed to the Scots College at Douay ; there it remained till the days of the French Revolution, when it disappeared amid the general spolia- tion of the churches ( Vita di Santa Margherita dal P. G. Lesleo s.j. Roma, 1675). The Head of St. Margaret is often mentioned in the correspondence of Scots missionaries of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, but never is any allusion made to St. Margaret's Gospel-book. 2 In 1862, Bishop Gillis, in the hope of restoring St. Margaret's relics to a Scottish shrine, proceeded to Spain. After much labour he discovered in the Escurial two old paintings — evidently doors of a triptych — representing St. Margaret and Malcolm III. of Scotland. The authorities would not allow of their removal. He obtained, however, a large relic of St. Margaret, together with the necessary authentication. OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. 5 had travelled all over the Continent, is also silent about the Gospel-book. Nor can we find any trace of it in the list of valuable books and manuscripts removed to this country from the Scots colleges in Paris, Douay, and Ratisbon, and we feel justified in doubting whether it was ever taken out of England. It seems more probable that, like many other manuscripts ornamented with gold and silver, the jewelled Gospel-book of St. Margaret, stripped of its beautiful cover, forgotten and ignored, was tossed about during the storm of the sixteenth century. 1 Eight years ago, as Mr. Falconer Madan tells the story, in a parish library at Brent Ely in Suffolk, there lay a little octavo volume of manuscript in shabby brown binding. It was removed, and, on 26th July 1887, it was offered for sale at Sotheby's, being described in the auction catalogue as " The four Gospels, a manuscript on vellum, of the fourteenth century, illuminated in gold and colours, from the Brent- Ely Library" The Bodleian Library purchased this manuscript for the sum of £6, and it was catalogued as an ordinary accession. 1 One at least of St. Margaret's books can be traced. Reginald informs us that she had bestowed upon the Church of Durham a copy of the Gospels written in letters of silver — textum argenteum — a precious robe of fine linen, and even the very cross which she held in her hands in her last moments, decorated with pearls and precious stones, had been transmitted to St. Cuthbert after her death, by her express command (Reginaldus, cap. xcviii). 6 THE GOSPEL BOOK The marks of ownership in the MS. are as follow : — fol. 30 r>1 "Claytoun Sudlaw " — the chronicler ? both apparently sixteenth century ; fol. 3, " William Howard," 2 whose name is declared by Mr. F. Madan to be in the handwriting of Lord William Howard of Naworth, who died in 1640 ; on fol. 18*" scratched with a stylus at an early date: " Linquo quax ranis, crooke corvis, vanaque vanis Ad Logicam pergo quae mortis non timet ergo ; " 3 fol. 2Cf'' " Liber Ihois this ys bouke," seventeenth century; fol. 30*"" " Ceraelh[/ and h perhaps doubt- fuljeli " and fol. 38^' a name which some read as « O'Reilly ;" 4 fol. 3"' " Fane Edge," and " Brent- Ely Library," eighteenth century. On further examination, eminent experts declared that the style of writing was of the eleventh century and that the illuminations were valuable specimens of old English work. There was also discovered on a fly-leaf of the MS., before the commencement of the text, a poem in Latin hexameters written in a 1 Fols. 3o r - and 38^ have not been reproduced, as they con- tain nothing but the signatures here referred to. 2 Lord Howard's signature is reproduced on fol. 3. 3 I leave Quack to Frogs, Croak to Crows, to Fools their Folly, and betake myself to Reason which is immortal. 4 The two names " Ceraelheli " and " O'Reilly " are too indistinct to be reproduced. ; and fol. 38" " John jv> a^y^rc J I possibly OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. 7 hand which, according to Mr. Falconer Madan, might be as early as 1090 or so, but would strike one as somewhat later. The poet describes how this very book was the property of a king and holy queen. That lately an attendant, while crossing a ford, let it fall into the stream. There it lay a long time, till at last a knight discovered it. Not a mark was seen on the painted pages, save on the end of two leaves. Who were the king and queen ? Mr. Falconer Madan relates that " by a curious circumstance con- nected with the name of Margaret, a lady, to whom this story was told, remembered a similar incident in the Life of St. Margaret of Scotland, and the mystery was solved." 1 There in the Life was the passage quoted at the beginning of this notice. The Latin verses were then carefully compared with the narrative in the Life of St. Margaret, and it became quite clear that the Bodleian had acquired not only a beautiful specimen of the style and ornamentation of the Canute period, but the identical manuscript which St. Margaret valued as the most precious of her books. Mr. Falconer Madan, Lecturer in Mediaeval Palaeography in the University of Oxford, made known the discovery in the Academy of 6th August 1887. A few days later Professor Westwood gave 1 Books in Manuscript, by Mr. Falconer Madan, p. 109. The reference to St. Margaret, which is the key of the whole matter, was supplied by Miss Lucy Hill, daughter of the editor of Boswell's Life of Johnson, and to her is due much of the credit of the discovery. 8 THE GOSPEL BOOK an artistic and palaeographical description of this manuscript (August 20th), and was followed in the same journal by Rev. F. E. Warren, who discussed the liturgical import of the Gospel-book. 1 The account given by the most competent authorities of the original volume, described by Bishop Turgot of St. Andrews, is so full and satisfactory as to leave little to be said. Without, however, entering on details of palaeography and textual criticism, which would be too technical for this notice, it may not be uninteresting to give a brief description of the manuscript and of the nature of its contents. The book measures 7 by 4-I in., and consists of thirty-eight leaves of vellum. 2 " The text of the MS. is written in a beautiful minuscule hand." 3 The writing and illuminations are of the same period as the Canute Gospels in the British Museum (Royal MS. I., D. 9), that is, early in the eleventh century. In the four full-page pictures of the Evangelists, seated and writing in a book, the pose of the figure, the chair, the footstool, the writing-desk and book-stand, are of the Byzantine or Greek kind, which constantly recurs in European MSS. of the Early and Mediaeval period, 4 but the details are no doubt English. 1 Academy, 25th August 1887. 2 Lord Howard probably gave it its present binding, which may be of the early part of the seventeenth century — ordinary brown calf or leather, with plain gilding and an oval-stamped ornament on each side. — Academy, 6th August 1887. 3 Professor Westwood. 4 Books in Manuscript, p. 54. OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. 9 " The Evangelists," says Professor Westwood, " are drawn with much spirit. They are engaged in writing or holding their individual gospels, and are seated on stools and cushions (more Byzantino). Each has a plain circular golden nimbus. Their gospels are either book-shaped or in the form of a long scroll or roll, their feet rest on footstools most inconveniently placed in slanting positions, and their dresses (each consisting of an inner-robe, visible on the breast and over the feet) and body covering of various colours, each being strongly relieved with dark sides of the garments much angulated, the edge of each being relieved by bright lines of white or of the local tints, agreeing in this respect entirely with the treatment of the dresses in such of the Canute- period MSS. as have come down to us." 1 Comparing St. Margaret's Gospel-book with other contemporary MSS. written in the style which has been ascribed to the time of King Canute, Professor Westwood remarks that our little MS. differs in the almost entire absence of ornamental details, while it agrees with them in the peculiar granulated appearance of the gold applied liberally in the headings of each gospel, and in the redder tint of the gold, so entirely unlike the burnished gold of the MS. illuminations of the twelfth century. 2 1 Academy, Aug. 20th. 2 " Until about the twelfth century gold was laid on in powder, and always, if closely looked at, has a ruddy appearance. The description of a book as aureis Uteris rutilans (with a ruddy glow from its golden letters) precisely gives the impression to the eye. But after that century gold was laid on with extraordinary care and burnished." — Books in Manuscript, by Mr. Falconer Madan, p. 50. IO THE GOSPEL BOOK This gold of a redder tint had struck the writer of the Life. " Each capital letter shone all over with the ruddy glow of gold. Capitalis quczque litter a auro tot a rutilabat." The book, which may be described as selections from the four Evangelists, was probably brought from England, where small copies of the Gospels, or selections of them used in the service of the Church, were not uncommon in the latter part of the Anglo-Saxon period. Such are the Gospels of Wadham College — 1012-1030 — and the very beauti- ful little Gospel-book of Bishop Ethelstan of Here- ford (1012-1056). 1 The discovery of this MS. adds one more to the very limited list of extant pre- Reformation Scottish Service-books, increasing their number from twelve to thirteen. None of these, says Mr. Warren, except the Book of Deer and the Evangelistarium of St. Margaret, are earlier than the thirteenth century. 2 1 Professor Westwood, Academy, 20th August. 2 The portions of the Gospels contained in St. Margaret's Gospel-book are common to the Roman and Sarum Missals except two (Luc. xxiv., 1-2 ; Matth. i. 16), which are found only in the Sarum, and one which is found in neither the Roman nor the Sarum use. The only Evangelistarium in which Mr. Warren has found it is the eleventh century Anglo-Saxon MS. once belonging to Bishop Leofric, of Exeter, now in the Cambridge University Library. — See Mr. Warren's letter to the Academy, August 1887. The passages contained in the volume are: — Matthew i. 1-2 1, ii. 1-12, iii. 13-17, iv. 1-11, 18-22, xx. 17-19, xxvi.-xxvii., xxviii., 1-7, 16-20; Mark i. 1-8, vi. 17-29, xiv.-xv. 46, xvi. 1-7, 14-20; Luke i. 1-4, 26-38, ii. 1-14, 21, 22-32, x. 38-42, xxii.- xxiii. 53, xxiv. 1-12 ; John i. 1-14, xiv. 23-31, xvii. 1-11, xviii.-xix., xx. 1-9. OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. We may now turn to the Latin verses inscribed on folio 2 of the manuscript : — Xpiste tibi semper grates persoluimus omnes. Tewpore qui nostro nobis miracula pandis ; Hun<: libru;« quidam intense iurare uolentes ; Suwpserunt nuduw sine tegmine nonque ligatuw 5 "Presbyter accipiens ponit sinuamine uestis. Flumine transmisso codex est mersus inamnem ; Portitor ignorat libruw penetrasse profundum ; Sed miles quidaw cernens post multa mom^^ta ; Tollere iam uoluit libru^z deflumine mersuw ; 10 Sed titubat subito libruw dum uidit apertum ; Credens quod codex extoto perditus esset ; At tam^ immittens undis corpus cu/^uertice suwmo ; Hoc euang^li&m p^fert degurgite apertum ; O uirtus clara cunctis o gloria, magna ; 15 InuiolataJ' enim codex pmnansit ubiq^. Exceptis foliis binis que cernis utrinque ; Inq^ib^s- exundis paret contractio quedaw ; Que testanta?- op^ Xpisti pwcodice saneto ; Hoc opus ut nobis maius mirabile constet 20 Demedio libri pannuw lini abtulit unda ; Saluati semper sint rex reginaq^ saneta ; Quorum codex erat nup^ saluati abundis. Gloria magna d^o, libruw qui saluat eundem ; The poet, after thanking Christ for "displaying miracles to us in our own days," describes how this very volume, without its case, and not bound, had been carried by a priest in the folds of his robe to a trysting-place, in order that a solemn oath might be taken on it ; unfortunately it had been dropped, without the priest observing it, into a river, and given up for lost. A knight of the party discovers the book, and perceives it to be open. He hesitates for a while, believing that the book must be entirely destroyed, but afterwards I 2 THE GOSPEL BOOK plunges into the river and brings it up. To every- one's intense surprise, the beautiful volume is quite uninjured, except two leaves at each end, in which appears a slight contraction from the action of the water, which testify the work of Christ in protect- ing the sacred volume. That this work might appear to us still more wonderful, the wave washed from the middle of the book a piece of cloth. May the King and holy Queen be saved for ever, whose book was but now saved from the waves. Here we have a story almost identical with that related by Turgot, with some variant but not dis- crepant details. We cannot, however, lay much stress on the language of poetry. The verses must have been written shortly after the events recorded, as the expressions " nostro tempore," "nobis," and especially " nuper," preclude the idea that the poem can be later than noo. It may not be unreasonable to suppose that we have in the poem the composition of Turgot himself, who, after the Queen, had most interest in the book. The scribe, however, as may be noticed, began to write the verses as prose. He had written two lines, when, finding out his mistake, or more probably checked by the composer himself, he began to write the rest correctly. The scribe, therefore, could not be the composer of the verses. The verses supply a few particulars not given in the Life} The book was carried "bare, without 1 " Xpiste " for Christe shows that the Xp form was used in Scotland in the eleventh century. OF ST. MARGARET OF SCOTLAND. 13 cover, and not fastened," which expression suggests that the Gospel-book was kept in a case. The words " gemmis ornatus," applied by Turgot to the precious volume, may refer to the case in which it was preserved. We are told that the book was carried by the priest to a trysting- place, that a solemn oath might be taken on it. The " sinuamine vestis" is not inconsistent with the "pannis obvolutus." The verse " Exceptis foliis binis que cernis utrinque" explains the real meaning of Turgot's words "in extremis foliis" — that is to say, "on the end leaves," while the "utrinque" refers to the beginning and end of the manuscript; "and, sure enough," says Mr. Madan, "a leaf at each end of the book shows unmistakeable crinkling from immersion in water." As to the illumination of St. Matthew (fol. 3) the colours have soaked through on the verso, and can be traced on the recto, but the colour of this illumination seems to be almost as bright as that of the other three. Both the prose narrative and the verses relate that the current had washed away a loose piece of cloth which had been inserted between the leaves of the manuscript to preserve the illuminations from contact with the opposite page. If anything could add to the interest of the volume, it is that in the same Life we are told that King Malcolm "although he could not read, would turn over and examine books which the Queen used either for her devotions or her study ; i4 THE GOSPEL BOOK OF ST MARGARET and whenever he heard her express especial liking for a particular book, he also would look at it with special interest, kissing it, and often taking it into his hands." The discovery of St. Margaret's Gospel-book has preserved, it may be hoped, to all time a volume which will always be of the deepest interest to this country. The illuminated pages of the book have been reproduced by lithography in facsimile, and the text in collotype. The Editor's best thanks are due to Mr. E. W. B. Nicholson, and the authorities of the Bodleian Library, for permission to photo- graph the MS. ; to Mr. A. F. Bainbridge, of Messrs. Scott & Ferguson, who, with much skill and labour, has put the work through the press ; and to Mr. David Douglas for undertaking the publishing of this, the most treasured volume, of our great Scottish Queen. W. F. L. Selkirk, 2^th April 1896. Facsimile. rVrmin ttiTTiirTeFf uiufif carp ww^/hVfunici^ hoc op inrwyDifnCTwrtnif^Inl^conftcttr An til/ fiTrf &bw\rr ttti&A Satu' ? ^A&fro^ (at nan a^^^^Tiir Mpxderaetab/ ilomanern - g?^c|i3^Tiiir vcina^ dxixiF acinar qziam * Ojciafanxc&x Qjmttrc *o cn^rrBmai • laillorenrpore'^ C irm n^rxiT efifemc ecce* magi abonenre- umcnmc U^ero (olfmAm diceiiref * l^tiefhyui naruf eft rex ludaeortnn y i^mtifemm J {ralam emf lnonmce** <#uem«mf ■ I adfomre-eum f A tidtenf ciirc^k^def 1 [ r^Timh&^f c&cmmif kterofb tTtmc li^hsidief clam mooiciriiiagtf ' diLapiver-Aepxiero * <&fcum iiru^i nnf t^iu^axtr miki . urdK^o ueaienf I ad orthx eu • Qxu cum a^if^^-re^eV iriarietTcer arttsxeJebdzrcof*? tiiEj: Jum ~~iienf ffait#ftrpia.tikiemz; yner" .. inn. tnuenetunc puerttm cizm mana, maxnr auf r EuprociJenrefaJ . otruLerxxm; eimijTief^'Aiii^ 66rirt*m^i * £rrefp(>ri{b dcccpro ixiftmi j Tiif.^eredtrenr aJFiet^J^ * p^alia, tecuf ateo • 1 ok jyibekac cum mcenf • E&ax^dekeo l>apumri-i*n eurum . c&Jpur Tui naec djj^ta^ki daLo rficaaeiirddaTauenf Icrrprtnn ellenim 'J} rnnclmTxiiim ail i orabif • <#ilU fob leruief * TuTicr^cjurc Sepco a^TTRtW*) ♦ J? : 1| re-^IxlmjL^uiJir duof irf 'Simonem^f am u ocarur p<&ru£ &dnclr&tn\ faoj xr&n eiuC miuverivefrcuer mmare^jff hammum r A*n lb cotinnuo • teEutofi)! 5 mJe*< mdiu aliof dWffkizin^/IaiCP^ j T&»?ikpi <&wh<%nriem fi^l^emeiuf iti 'lib 'auj^flaaTtt rdioufrcubiJlf^ i lofftiof fecrero «c£fdxc;ilXif ' f cce^fcen ! -r / . Jtmuf Kiero!ctrmdm»o^fiUuf Iiomi mf raaHd&ir pnndfoik: f fjgarur.'f^ Tunc con* ^ ti^iHirt JoLo renermip dtqccxderetw \ inoe^ania/inJomo f^^l^tepnifi^;^ Xcxxffiv adcxx TnTtue^l%y>eri^ mi urigxienri -preraofl- cfeefiRicIn: (up axrcem difepxili i ln^t^ni^qfunr ctic^n 1 Imp S afaifW^^HcaTt: ilJ^5# iiiJ"^ rum hoc incora^me^ dAfcpAi&tA QfLtxrm inTDTVCmxajAoAi^^ *r Time dhv% unuf d&luodecrm cnnJi cit^ tudaf fca^^ ^ dUre^ no ttf eirm muLtm «er edaei coepTu canmllan ■ <&maefkif effe^ • Time air tllif * TVifbf eft antTYidtmcar , Lvre-rnecxxm' £r proujrtfTuf pkfillu. proadte infkjctemfuaxii oraxif c#di cenf ' talpcif!^" erumrarneri •nonficufc flap uoLo • fed fieur thu ' £r uenrc addifa puLof cfcrnuemr eofdemmenref ' frdi cic jxftVo * $ 10 • >40iwoixiifkr unakont m^Ure-^eGurri • - ^jf T^ila^c^arace-. upttim imrmf mrefir^taxioii em % _ J pf xpxidem prompcuf eft-.caroairce' lnfi*Mba % l*cerrrm fecundo dhi\z<&ofo lire dtcenf * JP acer mi .finon poeeft ( IuccaLj^ OTifit^- rvifx bxbam ilium I * s fiar xtolimtaTcua.' xieniuirrnrm? c&invienrc eof Jormienx^T' f mrrcen? } ocuh eoru" qjraiwri 4 £ xreucnf ilb&l nmim abur <#orauir jxyvio eimde 7 (ermonem Jicenf' Txmo uemraddi fopuUrfTuof d&li&p ltlxf' D crrmirr idm • c^recjmefcxre- * J car u^^dcum uiuirm ■ ltt Jicar nofnf fiajef^pcfiliu/^^* D tcir iLLi ihc • l udpcif t* ^ erumtaxn ru uidenf • f tprt> lacmioaT accaprirar^emrif. djxmmx7 # K^cmlia^inirtere'^f mo>rkd*iarv cja prrau fin^mif eft 4 GonfiUo atrcem miru«emtriTntT «itlifagnrmfiguU^fv . fepulnrra*n pm^rmorum " ptvtrc uocju cuf eft-agerifie- dcJietdemack . Iioceflr ac^fkn^ixiniTuflj: lnKodierYiudieni' Time implraxmt^-cjxtoclJiccuef^p mojincA arynnvf ^nxiirm appreciarx • ofucm appwiautYurtr afiliif iftafiel • c^deJertrnr cofitiaj^imfi^ili. ficur amfbxxiir miln cl HP 1*^ airier*, fb^^ dnre' praefidem ' £ rinrrt^mireilpniefcf Jm*nOTueT rp^TuclaturinTi ' D ICTC itlx iHc ,| Xtidicif' f rcnmaccuiamxrrapnn Cipik: fliavJanim &fa\tor\h*, nihil rvfpoi\Arr*Yiir\c die ir iUi pilactif * •n^fbrnoiiia nanrt^fpanJtrei dit utlirrn tiertrinri . tra uxrnimrOTii^|>iai!t / i^ Cmifue tar pnxcfM^dimit^m^pepTjL to muiiri tnnCUrm . t^iVrnxialwiftttVC Hatt-taxrr aiit^Txmcmncrili^^ cItxtc ^ptl&tir 'Que? duf AimtTX&Tzckif InJiatl^a^i . aruHmcfui iriitltAJTi T7i€uJicfif?ent; eixm'Soierice'ruim* AVuk^ emm poffalxim nGrdWpmf trm » j$*opr cum ' PrmcrpeTaxire- f2tct^ui:u* Qtiemuufxif uof>^ diirrtfTct AxtUiJpoerBatnfctaTi 'IheiciLlifpt laxx^r G[ui J lqjrcur faciajTi tfetmi- cnxi mmA. it ill* f praefcf 'Qmcl emmau nif cpaariilnt proficcr^-fldmagirtu ^ rnuLctif fierd^ • a ccepta, acjiia Idinumdii COT^biEt ^popiif o JiCerir'Tnnomif i^ofir aftrijrume" mfh lixnuf.uofxjiJerrar^ fctr^ponJenf umudrfttf papuiuf dt)c Ttrof 7 Tunc Atrnfrp i[^l>amtbari*imii TwiCrnif*OT*fb<^^ imn mprtiusrp &^orrcm • cfewertref cu« cla™ Jem coec*ne&Tn cmWideravrtr ei ! f rpLeczm ni cor%n%&*n defjnmf. yofuvrrfir^ atpur etuf 61 «nni dmem iTidexu\ eiuf f rOTnxz rpciuiWoi-tim ' £ cgjcpuericef meiT.clca 3 " i>et^ arundmtv (^pctxnetdTir captrr emf * oupoftcjua illufetnmr d* ^xuerunremn cLtmicIe^ <#mtfuenrnr cut ueilimnfeiuT <^upaYut)i^eu lxccruaftjerenr 'ijceurxcef ckxra? imiener Kotnme' cy-reneura H° mm e £yn\oi\tr> Kvmc anganaiiefvuixoL crucctn eraf 'truener 7 mLocuqui EcdedenBiximu til>(Te^.c5feUe"mi;aix * ErcugjuflaffcS:^ no Luxe hiberc * pofkjixS Txt t^uf {prcem micct?i3^*£T:(^mi^r lu JaacnonnlTinic cmcifjxifimfc cum eo auolxtttaroeT unuf adgxxnr^imufaftraf tnf' prdoxreimxx^r axiriF blafokemabanz; eu. tnoixeno^ca^iiajt^ ref cufcribrf ^ 'Abof _ Jtr^ nunceum fiuulr^pareuim . cjuiA daielifh ? Vnc-^QiMJam dxrce* lllicfbtn xef* <^umervcef. Jicebdnc * Hetiam uo car ifhcr * £r amnnuo ciirn^fuwfgx eifdbCCep^itrri fpongiarn lmpleuir dc^ TO • <5^iTTpo(inu arundim • <#ddbar mlnLere- ' porcef. dfumrriO ufcf: JepWum* tviXXtcks xnOKX eft . «fcpeoatf" fofl^flmis»<^aiiii *Wef ckmonumrif polVr^furmxicme" %vb edaei ' C Arm fero auf^^tcurnvifd^ nenit: cfuiJam korno Jmef *ai> arrm4rf>ia nomine- tofepn crux ddilcrpixlxil em^ (^ypuT'iraccepo) corpor^iofepr>« furr iLLuJ inmcmxrrnro fuo tiotio * cruoJ excuJerar inperaa / f r^d uoLmn fcpcu magnu adnofbrrm moniiiSa* <&db\vc • £ra^ auvr? itimanamdic^ dalmae* <^lrem niaria * feJenref con rrd ft^ulcnrxrm^lXrnttaumri die-_ pnncipef (acerdorxrm <5^nrernrpiF'« \Jin icrtftnm tit mfAi^jfmrsc d ccer mixxo ct'n^urnineuTii fj tuC iah&nne( lndeferco Ibaprifinwn poemcenuae' "... jEv e^edithdxur achU^omif lucieae- <&rbdprizal>d^ T^mduydhciA crrcalxrmkofW^ j Ix>aifVaf c#mel (iLuefbae* ftlefcau* : me*-poftine > » cuiuf npnftimc^ * ciamrorvrm erempTr. A\/ifir herodef acrenu «rc lokaTmesri^c&uiipar euincarcere* ipropr herodi&cten tj?c0rem -pLilxppx ftairiffux • ox \l>pmlie<^ nti katemvipcxtt*^ "Hero chaf aure* lrifidial^ exxrn occiJei^Tiec]>oTmiz: 'H^c^emV md^ixeLai: lolnJtontan.lcienf eu umT luftum <&fcm . i^ctrfloclietai: Cum . * £raudiro eo miilxafecietar»<^Uben^ eu d%dbctdr^ a £r cuTridi ef ^opqrc^mu; accidiff^: N en> Jef natalxf fui < caena^ {-ecru pfincxpib: SCanlruriif* rfc pri ^ h mif ^alilt^ae* ■ O uma: liirroifl^liba^ T ipfiuf kerocUa^ cpiicxjmd peoenf Jato nbi . Licxx, di midiwri return mei * Quae* cil gxif f&C • marinfuae* * Qm^ p^un^friUaipc-* Caput: loKanntf baprafbt^ * Cxtmcj : adrtgem» p» V* ^ Kf iu^rempr % £rax;aucem pafcka. ^^zryrna poftlndiiurn *£rcpiaer&* . banc furrii facerdocef c^fc*ibae^ eforor ruiriTiLcufTfi QT6Z popub * ^xcycmt£fdzhtd\cumc|; lTitroienC'JiacB-JoiriiTio jJ°m u r cpxia. maffifterd i cir % " ; Win eft rdFeOTarneauut i ■J^ lpfe- xiobirdemanftmljir caenactiLim alneruro difcipuLi eiuf ^u^nenmt m crurcare* • yiiino dicXD*exitYuflT v dtlPillx tHC * J^, tnencfxconbi* cruiaru * * luf ITuf* A^iLUr drmpUuflocjueliarwr * frfi opo>*Txienr mefinvuL coimxiOTTOln' n cm renegato * 5 1 mTluw axii^e-c^amr Jicetanr: m £rnrrintni7 inpiaedru cut % ff^ n \^ : ^ex^hxc*.dan&> orem'Ec af | lATaTT lllif* Tt -rifef efVaniiTia,Tn^t» ufq: adrnorrem * 3 trffcmdjjrfnc- ||| 1 xiUrm • pn>culu> firp cerm &ora/ kora^ d^Jpot^ " ^Lta^am^* omma/ nti ppf(tbiU^fuHr« a^fl^caUcem litmc dme*' S eclmori Jcjuo J tajo nolo- fed! cjuoJ ox* txrxientc . ^iftTimineofHar, ^ienx^ Wair pc^o ' S itnpn dxnnmf \*r l ' \iUTiori turreoT tiit^mpc^ao ucro aTifirmd f c irertmi atimf «amuic pmJem fermone- Ji^enf *£cr£ueHiif (ienud-imienn; epfdormienref liant^ env orailx lUoT^^miiori i #|mjam, tiip raru0H#dlU lllxf • ft pi^ite-wrri CCr* Hittf&W*' fljbxiTliamixxifinTnaittir &cxlx\Io rurbd mvax^o^^^iif eiT fixm^ mi (acerdorvT itimuIxiPpiLaixirdixDe*. f^fpon Jef cjuiccpiC. ^ VJi do* incjuannf ^[Vdicciifdjiw • Ihc dun? dtmpbuf rnlnL fcfponJic lav iiriniran^ur^nLmif • Perdiem aw^fefttL. Jimttxcrcfb penf?enc*Etar dUmF i u !i cab cvrcrr ba, rob t dif • q m ctJ (eJi aofif t -ran tiincmf c^uiuifedtTTorie^ fWemr IwmicuJium ' yefpondtr eif <&klT7Cin •"LJuLcirJiTnit^aT fycetdovef 'ponoficef ain^* cxnidraxier' titrT>aiii« utJiridqariiarrtikkdri dimttW nir eif ♦ pilaxuf dvri? m*n7 ref] >mi Jmf. IttxriUUrQjLtiJ crop mil nf^xouunn^ lutlaeoml^ A^alfi ireru cUmaixevmrr * OrtVLCxfatxp* Cum % PiLiruf uei~o Jicetaxr ULol^if popuL> cfimifiUlLUf firm trccru cific^crenrt^ 'AKnlrccfdrtTrtn Ax^cr&Lvrn mcro indrrixxmpiSuOTrii' ^conrioc^trrr rota in cokorrem* d&n Jutmrreu vurpuru -c^nipontnic ei faUitare- etnn *A^u trrgxi udaeoriim • lupcuaebanr capur eruf karundines c^amfpiietctnr; aim • c^fpanenref^c mxa. adoK*kanu eum ■ £ rpofl c^ua it Infer 7 ei« exuerxmr eix pxirpxxr^d&n duePlLtum uefb-mof fmf'dfalucuCr' iliu urcriTCifitrcrenr eu % £ vdngpriiX uertmc praecereuni^mc^ flmcmem cyrenetxm izenteticem JemlXa» paxrT^m alexin dn c£rufi * xii;rotlet^crucern eixi.f *£cpdixcimc itrpT^teiartrm cdLu<^Ta^Locuf % £rcla banc etbitere' miirrarum umxJ« d&ion accepit: *£txrxtctfic^ txefl^mca emf m trcmi^forcem fupeif cpifcjuicl xxALer^ * £ vac aurem Kom reraa. ^criicifrxajr exrm ' £r eiacnnx^ luf caxifae* emf mfcrtpcuf *rpcindporH ' trcu eo crticificunt> duo LammeT* lxntT ade>cmf • cfctLiirm ctfitiiUnf emf *£ cad mrpteca effc fcnprma qpae-dicic* dtctT imcfuxf reputaruf eft 1 frpiaecemmref bLd^pkemabdrtc eixm» moumT^Tcapicax fua <#dicenoef \JaK • cpii deftruir rem pUrm df. cac ctdicenf* S*mxfc^ uultamtzf ftuemor UeL&faJdepo nendu eum ' 1 mc axiaF emif (iuxH^rnag- «A • expnamc • Er uetu renvpl* (cififaeffc itxduo • afmrio ixfcj: JeoWixm 'XJiJenf sur w cencumto cpui gxaJuei^fb ftaLdr cpi*t lucfibufclr &&c'll&nc ecaj&&mv\xc' ref delongp- dfpiaerrcef . incertjuaf AbanmarinAs nohilxf iecano • cpii <#lpfe* erar e?cpecGtnf Yz^\xmd^&axiiLi&i^ lncroirc dx^p^[aruTT\.c^pd^lrcarpuf^lux , pUtaif aua? mtralxmrr firazn ob*ff& * t (ScaxxeHicD cemxiriOTie*« ltiotigpuiiceii jk^irunanc. danaxiic corpixf lofepli ' jofepk autem menamffiiiclcm^c^clepo nenfeu lnuoLuiu lriftnclcme* '£i7pofuio Cul mmoTiumro • cpaod erax> exetfirm Jep^ra ' fx aJuoLtLic Lapidem ♦ adofbd Tnonumenci ' Ihtti 1 £x; ualder mane? wia>^^tari?r£ trdiccbdxiTr ddmuicem QuifreuoL ^ n °kiT Lctpi Jem atoftto mnnumn/ Upidem : Lrar cjtixppe*. ma^uaLdcr % myene- fedmo? m J^cmfcoopoxm 1 tola Cciti Jida . &b{hj>uttm; f hxij dia^ tliif- Hotrar ^axiefccy^ «iHm J^ervof nazarenum . ci^cifjxxrm - r^par.iio^eft kio ■icceLocuf.x.Li pofirerunt; en. * S eJ lt^Jicn^dif^putir ctva'Tadaainu'eu. rcfuyrgof&r a-.v fmediCAP^ euaxigcuTl i»niOt!f dxice' eof cjxttcmfideruir- h&ectafu w*f Ttvpcmenr. &h&u^&™v£v_ If f ftcuc nfcJiclerurYc cpaidlnnino T?tt (cnhere* oyxxmer xkeoplnle' » W Cx)apo(c^r eonnrx rx&rboYxxtxi | ra* tn*t> cumamai erar -Hofepk deJorn^| dauij . curiam uii^Triifw^yia'Bciii napbana drif roaS-benaJici^LTxi in indLieinbiar Qiiae-cuauJiflcfc* otflxi Uf eff&ift&fdlutario'f rairangekifer t^mmeaf tnariA,» muentfb enim^t nd dpud drn *£cce^concrpief mucero :§ <#partef filrizm - <#uocatif nomen emf mrn ' HlC frrc magiruf <#filuif aloffi f| dcm cUxiiJ pacnf exuf i cfereyiabiciii ttio lacok mac^tynS .c^regrneruf t%on arrc fmif 'J^pcn: axrc^mai^aclaTi^rfjuL *| izrefpoi^Acnf angpluf» cfpc ei * Spf fcf fiijr xkCvaSCuxo^^ c&vnrxuf alnffimi otirm coyiaiaxiia^ • c£ip ft, cxmc£pir filiu infe^ ~~f mxixn^fxfa/£rkiCTnerifif eftrtexcufiff cjuae* ixocazxtr*' ffcenlzf . tpnanan enr iTTpoflfibile-apud Jeix crniTie-uai4rurnJ J^pacdixt^maria'Ecc^' dncilfa milii fccunJxtm uer~lrirm ruurn/ faforbif' fiaec Jefcrrproo prima far bam: omneT* ixrpn>fixEreTiTxtr finoti U infill ciniTcUXm Aicen Jir dxrce miuadeam ciuxcacFcfauid-cfudeTjo caxxcr LeckLeem . co cjuod effc^rdaiomo c^femiLaclaiiicf * ij™finerex^u3~ cum mana defpcmfaxa^nti txximr -pr^^ nannr 'faccii eft dixo&* cum ef f ibi • iiThpLeiafixriu dief ur parent &t pepmufibixfuu pnmo<^ntir£upan nif eu inixoLurc* Ov^xxliiiauiuexi in pia^fepio • cpidLTT an erar locuf in Jiuernorio'£trp<±l1Wef erarrcmm$io tie* eadem ixi^laxroef i^cuifodumurrf ui(^bafriocorf^pTa> ^ny^n furrm * £recce* an creLu fdm {ijGftic itrxia. i Uof. cfelaritafcli orcu fuLnx ltlof dficrmiz CT* xaxnore* mayio * £r Jrxitiifaii^uf • tJbUre* nmem ' £ cce^em m cxxan^h^x) no h i fj^xrcnix mac^iiu tjuo J errcorrmi "PcrpuLa tjuianajruf eft uobif noJitr laLuaxiTi^'Cjui eft; .XT^cmf lyciuiraxe-- claxxicl '£rlr»oc uohrf fiqrnil ■ Inuenir ■£lf tnfexrcem pannif lnixoLuruxn • ^pofiuu inpmt^epio ^cfuticoiajcca. dV cu cin^e(x) mulnoixio miLlCtd^* r Gloria indlxTTfirnifcIo . ^uirerm^p^c T TicmnnibuT baneoolimcdnf • 1 14 itLo rnnpr 7 ' poftrpiam cxmfiimaxifu^ Jlmef ogcd uccmxm^cidfew^tti^ pixer*. |f canim efb abam^eto • priiatfcjuajri mix -5] pilixnrmy^poftcpiam xtnpteafunr . renu eu JrTo • ficttn(crtptil effc tnLgeJm * * Quia, amne* m a/culinirm adaperienf • uuLuam • (cm drib ixocaticuf" " £i^upja^ yorclioftiam fcdrn cpxo J JlcdS-riiJtoe^ Arn^dcruirxxarvtm* am:ctiiofpullor colxcmbaril • £xrecce*I>omo €*ttvnhjjetp faLem • cuinomen f^mttm" EdkcmiQ vfle* iuil^<^uiTncriaxur« gxpectasif cqjrv refpcmfuTn axxepemr al^fra furxtm femorcem. Tufipmifixi c9 ^^MK Jtu "EuuenuJ mlpu lxii^mpl^ *£raxxii urlacerenr: fccfei crnifud^ucfmem L^i^ * Lxtmen aclreueLacicmern qnenoii • -piLlo cerrrpy< Inmuru: lucincpioJda. martba, • excoe^pxc ilium mJorml {xxam ' tax; cm^frajuenf TOiniftenuw'Quae' Jlenr. c&cLic'J^Tier- nan effenfcicwa^ quod torof mea relujuTc in e* foLtm mi Tiifb^ai^. ^!^ ic e^gp ilk • ucmeadnziK^ ' mardia-foUiciraLcf- dtv^^w\ief^AxL nna' 2orro»untx cftiiaccf(^u : ACam/ a^yrn cru • quid icitxtrpajcKa] dlTlcnbde* cporrttecio iWm mrficercnr. nmetdwc ixero pLetem ' 1 nnaixir m^unu Jec(uodacimr£raI»tir cVincX^ihzuihtif* cpiem^J mo Ju i flu" ^ pecunw ilJUcWe-'f cfpopoiiJir^t^e j rebdx; oporctmitaxe 5 - ur umd erd^illu fine* oxrbif ' l^emt aixccFclief a^mo s pi ■ i n cpa n ecef fer erar occidipafcba^ I um^pan^Tiobifpa^ ctiicxrnuf ' A/cilI 2 Jyo^ "U btixif pa, remuf ^^frJpcUJillofli cce* miro euxrab; uaWiTicimraxem» occum^ uof)i("|)ainO' dmpliiTmm arjuajcpoy rcuvf*$ txpnrmTii etT m clomil ixicpidt icir nf>i ma^f her- * eftdiuerfb rmuJupa^ cum AifcrpxihfmCif ll^lf•cepa1mle1^pa^clla , f c cum facta/. | Apoffol l a mi co 1 £ narc il hf* P cfijjfc cpa paoar^ enr TiotiO cnoocf nonbiba*n cte^ma^t erne- mrxf J^ec vegj^ uatif clam*"* Isocfkctjxr inme£ comtne' cpi£ capianro dicenf ' || tccalpcjjo ytOTiohxffixnAd^u^^ muntamen » erxeroaaT^rcmJeriar me* mecum efb iiimesrifa , f ratnJem filxuf licmririif^| xxxt* '£ rrpfi coepemnr cpiaerem inrfa^ c^ifeffd^^if cpLllhocfexxurufef^c$^ , £uxa, eft duD^&conmino mcereof cpifeoru mJen^uj^ eff&mazor' inTneiio iri^m firm « ficuxm? i .mimifbai; of axrop efhf - cptpV tneo*p rfyeai^f fu^O^onof audi do CAmuertufo^TifirTnaf^ix^fcLiof ' ^ cloAec oar alme^noff&me- % tdtpamf 1 miliu c&pei*m^T7<^iia^ ^ -sjanlai \ am adkuokoo cfvn yd feipuxrfjr confiieaidinem mmW oLxiayunv* axmUuf efbateif c^uaanru lactuf eft fg astar- fritf t^Tjrfleir calicem ifb^cJfuriiru e*au*djpcer ei ' j^ner* fipcumnnf lnqjl^io .^frpcuffu: w1iifg7atUfleru.il jntncrpif fdccrdovu- & am tmrauicaxtricaila diuf dexnsC 'Bv^ef -ponJenf anr&iHcaiu'S inio^.iifcjrnuc ^ccu TxrvTjf(& auricuLam euxf (anauir eu *J}j>c aixrt? nic acleof^uxuerietanr^ aJle- pnncrpef {dcerdoux . d^ma^ifbar rmrpti* d#emoref Qua4i adLixroiie? paf^f olaJiif ifeiijiriitiif* cu condie* uoln(cufi3eriTn iinrmplo • nan exoenJif unl- d£po ceftaf rmefcrard Coprenen dencef autj?eirm- chpCf^^JJomnwm Crpif (acertlucu * Q&rufiiero* (ec^cbaiq \ aLmge-' iLccenfb ducFigni mmcJiajj^ crixf tnrriedio mru * Qri em riT in J, f iLXo emr ' AjnU^ii^aiiyeu chcmf ' M^ufier^ noTinoxii xUit *£xrpc>fi-pu fillxl - abtuf mdmf euclpc % £rt*xcleilLif ef* Pecrufxien? air 'Qkorno * f Tnnfrxailoiacro cpdukcnae^xrn/uxf. aJUuOpricUj adfb'iitaJ^a^dicmO^ £ rair pc^^nf* H amo • nefcxo cpiddta/ 7 £ ramnnua d Jlmc lLlo Locjnenre* - refpejc petru * £cr-ec»ttlaruf efbpemxf uerfn cliTi ficixc Jpce^^^ixmprua^udT Q^liifcJtx\v&C' TXTirw neafinf £r tgref Triifornfpccriif ReiiTcairidyiL^f rum cnn cene&aw: lUiT-iflxxdfekariTrc? cae* denxncf ■ £r xi cl aiier'eiiTn * ^pcuciekaur; /faciem eiufl <^iri trttqpkcmr eudicenref * alia miiLt^ktafpkemaTiT^ mm 'frurrfkcrurWl-dirf conuener nip (aJenf aJocinf uirTxidfclf \Dpc er anro- crmf • Tu ergo eT fibufdf 'Qu i air '*t| of dtcinf cjuia. orofu 'A^nlli ore? c\uf' Ec rwgpif amiiirTniilcixxicla an^-dtpoerrrlfuro adpiLxxu'Coepe- runr axro? ilLu" accufart^diceiipev * TLxmc muenimuf fixb u ercei irtrgpn rt? jrtSrri - c^p^iLenm* zrilnxcadlctrr caelan • ^dicenn? (e^cpm mg^effir QiLxvufdL\iz&Ti\ mQw^mT^eudicenr' Tuef r^iuL^eor^Tii^A vilLcrefpon deiifair' uJrcif-Airaur^piLaiiir adpnncipef farardocu. ^r^xr-baf t^i luL lnixemo caxtfae^* lnliockornirae ' ■ Axrilli inxia-l^fcetanx; dicenref* Com moult" ipopuI.Tl docexif pxxnxuerfdinrt ixidaearn. , c^iTici^tmfax^tW^^uftj: m&ojdtnr IxKomo QjctbLeuf eff8e' f rurco^Tipuir qtiod def>mxfif poc^- eWf' Herodef ana? lufbiHUr^tm fuf effc ualde* *£ran empc muLto mn^are' cxipienftLidere j eu.eocjd" audiircfcroiilxa deillo - d^fperatar bdzraurem iLLu muLctf ^hrTna popuL» &mubemm quaepUn^ta^ic & lalem . nolxcer fbsref firprne*' ftdfiro uof lplaf flece^. d^firp ftUofuroi • Q m ecccixenienr dieTincpxib: Ji iicmoerru^/ c^iibem^xia^riori Luxaxier^xmc incipTzzrir clicmr faciuTiu • lnanJo cfniJfid^ Ducer banrur' axroem <$£j\\\ Jxio necpiau cueo- uciri^fic^rariixir'/frpoflr qua xieiieir iTilociIc|iiiuocaixir' £ cLax*mief xtrrtx dxicpcxnf • c&a£ v cerS afimfbmf ' IScauT^dicekaD arar- cfemicce'ilbf 'nanem fciunc uefbmta eruf- mi/cr 7 " lorcep £r fhzbac ptrpuLuf pcpeczacnf Mdendc hdnrcrUxL pnncrpef eu eifdicencef " AjUof faluof fecit- fefalvriifacia& * f ilnc effcxpc dfeteccuf ■ 1 Vbadtk&nvi annuel c^TniUtE^axxccIem^d!?^ cccu offdrenvef iLLi dxcenvef 5tcuef rgx^Tixdajeonrm *faLuiXTn re- lac Irar auu? c#fup tenpno fenpta flrper i LLxrm • lircxnfgraescif c^Lanntf- d£ k elnrmciC Ureter- rgx wdUeornxm '^tmfauixFdeliif eratpenclebaTir tacnmitu^ btaf pnematac eum dicenf' Sicix€f jxpb' faLux>rm fee cerrtc^r ipflrrn d?f tiof ' £\.efp onJenf axiT^m aLcty • -f^M^^aLaxyjtLUiTTT dicenf •^^Jecy: rurnLtneT dm • cyuod mead em dap tiacume'er^fnior cjixidemmfttr. nam dtqjria famfVec^imTzr* liic laero m^iLmaLi^f^ • £ rdice* taD adwm 'firie^ mernromei-cix ii^eri^fjTirejntrm T*rum * jE cdpac tILi iHC^^^meiidico cttn « hodier- mectttri einf mparadsHo * £ tac aiir inhoraxn nanam ' £ vohfcixrdacuf-P foh ^ueLirm ttinyh fciffxiin ijg^ 1Hc • air drer • > mmamif vtxdf ooirkrnetmo fpm metrm'ErliAeo Jicenf • cxyrtnxxiv '\Jic(ertf diixr | C€r\rxrno cjixo J -fkccirm fuef^-^ion * raffcuferan.' £ rcramif TOrWeorum ctotfimtil^ aJeraiTU adipecccicixtirm txrf' Swi^iP axiirrn.xT.oci emfaloiigev. c^muixeref cfuACffecuvkX^ (Xdcrtv extm Tiominr xofepk qui etvc^wtvt^m xixr hcrnvif^Tc ixxil hie nan cmifepfettt confif xo dCtt nlnxf eovvtm abanmcV tfita, cxxxxtar^xxicleae' • cpxx ex^>ocm : tar &tp{& reqjmxm Jei ' Hxc Aa^Sftr 1 adpiLxcurn • c&pmrccorpxif mulr depo fiuum irmolxm; fmdorie^^pofu it" etiTii iiimbnxrrnenTO excxfo « ; xncfuo rtOTidxrm rrmi -d^cruci ^S 1 ' ^ 1 ^^ 1 ^ ui 3 e ^ 'Icrecar cldrae- fimu nerborum ewf. d&reorvf fy& a^naniimenro nirnuaxierimSl^C/ Omnia ttUf udldeown. dZc&xXZini' om mbnf * £ r&c axcaF mdna magdc\f tride'. dfciokdnna^ cfemariaidcobi c^rcecenie*, cpicicctrm etf eranr . cjiiaeJicefcanx? dxlarpoffcotof Iidjec£cm(afxrnr cixice* lUof ficur detivarnenrcrm uerba^ifla.» d^ncmcmfebanu iLLif • Pemxf aucem fimgenf cucxiimr ddmcmixmrntxl * dfepirpcumbenf mdtr bnceaminafb la jSctfrnt ' £r dime (ecuTntntranf i TvGC-&&D lrtprmc/tpio apruUm' cm^pve^eriJerTmr'ftttx- homo to tdnVief - Wxcxteniv \nJx(\xrnom delirmme * ttr omnef cice^ Atretic periltuart Lux uera • lua^ ilium moo am uemkomiri Cm ^jtenience* lnmiindTjTn'lumuriJi? dSfrnixn Juf pvpfurn faccuf cfb*& LunJuf cum iiaiic^^^aun^' liTpj>na. icnir- <£fui aim Tiuiira^p^^urir'Qucn; >ts axicmi roccperimu eu .dfaJtceifpo fiUqf Aifttn -nif tf cjxiof JeJifb mAt •cpnaruiliiTic fxxxxtr. c^Tclanficaruf fiT metf * £ ndm ncm firm xttxttutxcIo « mmundo ftxxxr • CtiTn d lfcxxruLif fxxxf* TT^T*frorY^xxxr» • | uln cx^kcrr^Tuf 'Iricfxierri irirnniiir . tpfc* &difciyuli eiuf'Scieba^ dxrce* c^tidafqxxxrradebar eirmLocirm- cjxua iVttJximreTr ttic ccmxxen erttr ilixic Clxxrtdxfcxx^xxLxf fxixf ' 1 tidaf axxTX?cuxrt accepiff^ colxorrem • t^c^ponnficiL : ^plxartfaei Tmriiil-rof • xxemxrxllxxccu Urccnrn Itic itatr: fcienf cmTa ^me-umruiti erano (xxx3eum«|m>c^ Quern cpidjerraf.r/ ^cfporid^t & * ]*rm xxa;ca rezurm D icrceif thc "j|3^ .fmn'Spa' tar aucem ^tuJiif cjmi^clefcai: eu cum ip(if *\^rtr^JporCif^pfu; mtertam' lcerum ergpepf tncroqst me'cmajenrif fimce'kof aim?* TJ c \myierevviir f zrmo cpjiem dpav*cjvri&; cfuof JeJiftx mifn* nonj>Jicfi exeif ^uerrtcj uazn 4 Sirricm ferop perruf Ua, anyictxlaT dgTcemm * fraraxrce-rio men feriio m^lcUtif • l^pce*3piric alic^mcjtiemclttiir mikipansr^rum Inbann ilLxtrn C/okorTenjo <#c**ilm nuf (0nimftn mcJaecn^urri. compre* Or Cum aJannaxt prtrnxxm *f rar^nf freer catpKae' • cpii etJir pcmufi^kmu lUinf* £yar am*? caxpkaf cjxiiamfiLtu" dedetac lucUexf-cjuia ejcpetfic imum KomtneTTi man pnrpiTptilo * S wueba rtnr dxrrem imn nmcm pearaf « jfeedtuf noruftpcmmftci* c^introiiiTr cum ihu ttiarrxirm jwimfiicrtf *faruf airaFfbt bar di&bmtiTnipinf * £^*rire*5p ^ jft ictd lLLe* • Kjcm«uf adfiffeif TmmfhrDrizTri.dedit; af apam i hu dicenf * Sir^mefpondef pcmti fici » Tiiiiin xpKibcdemalo ' J i errvLf{h 'T)vko? ergo ei'lS^um cpjud cfctu gxdxfcipi^Lif emf ef.'^l^eya uir llle*. <&dp(f *~!Spmfirm 'fitarimuf ^f^uifpcmTxficir co^narufeiufcumfl abl^irpet^f cTi^ | eqp liquid % ink otto cxxilLa.^ J cancamr 'A ddncimr: er^o imn adcai Qvrpfi ncm mnwerimi; mpYacro acrridtnclixcarmr pafena 'j^cmic erge pilaruf adeof ftnaT^pc * Qua acar lanone- aJfemf aduerftxf liammem kunc/ Kefponder 7 • c&djcerei'S i nan eflfi^Wic TnaLe&rrar'* n^titioaJtffir %mif eu 'X^enapetf pttacup Kx&pv& Ctt vutf <&1carn ^eap' mam ludicare'eunV &pcer' ergp ei mdaei *3s^obif nan UcdfcT in acrfi cere- cj u emcpx^Tm. . iiuferrno i«u rniplerenrr cp^emdpc fi^^ficanfcjii^t lcerum iTijyratturium pit4cuf«<#uoca ErrefpanJft iKC^ A. wm^ipfoI%acJi oif. an abi tatn Jpcerunu Jeme-^B^ef pemcfic pitamri>Jirmcrtii J 0950 incLmf ftrrn.^Gerifrua ^ponuihceT vraAiden^ IV mill 1 . quiA feciibi .^Refpondic inG ' jpgntrm meum • TicmcftclcIiOCminiJo ipCnOCmirnclo cff^C n^num meum « *mnf fin -men utic£; jtace^^ rraderer' liidaeif* ^unc auoF-rt^nix meii ncm eft nuic* T>'^u^:tt yn^^ l ^ WTTir gut eft-^xxc^iare-^atiJirmdt I >V uocero* Dicit: cipilacuf 'QmJeftuen I dJiuJaeof <^dictccif £ ^^iill^m m nenio meo caii/am^fftaxns^ liicLiacrrTtf^ omf clicenref ^^Jbn Ltmo fedtd^tttan ' frar auo? barabkaf Laxro ''Jutlc ergp adjwkenjTC pitaruf lwrti* d^ftdgellauit:' frTniUrefpleccmceT cxm>ru5xlefpimf in rea oircum deder eum - £ uxiemebanr^ ad etrm <&Jicd*tnr " H auerexiudaeoiai ' j £ cdabam/ eialapaf • Jymr it^mptUruf firraf diAli^ireif* £ccradcltico xiofnfeirm i fbraf ircwgriofcdTir cp.ixa m l eo tmUam j caulam irruemo * tjaiv crop incforcanf Ipmearn corpnam c^pirrpurexrm tiefh } menai • c&diat enf ' Ecce l>cmno * C u ergo, ;J uidiffent: citm -pcmctficef c&mimfb*i • ?J dArndk(XTiv4}Cenve{ * Oruoxfi^ crua mo meo caiifa^&c^oriJe^ * Wbf legem kdiemuf . cfefecimdil Ug^em defec^mon^cfaiafilitT |dr{HwicCu^ maxxif cimino 1 trinor^Yu&if: worn) Uic erne? * refpcmlmn rioidtemz eiDic mgp eiipilart« *Mil»i nan Locj xiertf dLteT&karir Jicenref' Sttmricdimit; nf • nxmef amicuf cajrfdTnf*Otm(l|tu i^ofirfcroP Udnaicc durSWb baxfiaJ roil*^ crucify arm * Dpcetf piLacuf !V caff^em 4 "Tijtic erap xmkdrc etfiU \i * mm c&ectixxer^ <#baivi Ltnf fi In <, rvicetn £rcirm Co dliofdvtof Ivmc<&lvmc • medium axicem i«m ■ S cnpfit; dxtcCm <&cicu lum pitam^ c&pofoTcfupcmce* lucUeorum ; H unc ergo ricuLu muln \j&zpr ividaeorvttn . cfuid.prapccmi^t rem etfk; Locuf xibicrucifpcufell inc ' £ceiac fcriprxirnkefcraica^ c& laranae^icekcmr er^pilaropcmn ' ficef Waeoru 'KJoli fc^bere-n^iud^ arum • fedtjuia lpfedix* rg^fum mJae- orum *Refp(mcfix;piUixir (^odfcrrpfi. (crtpfi'AAjucer er^ocumcriiaipaffenu Cum- ctcoeper 7 xi^fhrnenc^^iif c£fe ccruiiu cjuar*xiar pdtrceT imicuicj: itiibci parcem d^mnicarri^rardiin? nmicdt inamluciLif' defupcimcexcat perrocxTm" Dpae*" eryjo muicem ' T^OTilcinclaTniirea^Ti • ltd fbroainur tLr lLL&crmzf fit* vrfcriptxrramiplcT^ rurJicenf 'Parcici flmc ueffcimem^L medL fibi « c&lrruefbem meam miferuff farcin * ErmiLiceT cjuiJem liaecfucei^ ' Svdbdxrc dlucem lirxxa- crucem 1 hu • macer eiuf- (&ftm>r mamf emf . mam cLjcrpkaje- « ^marid md^dairiiae* * Gum mJiffcfcr ergp iHcmaireiTi <#difci pxilil cpiemc!iLi!^d^d^ Jifciputo cce-Tndxer cua' £ u e>:i(Ia k . .. i gpn(ixm!mci^ funr • uc con funicraiir' ftnprgr^ lJicit \ ,.$ icip ' \J af ergo p£ fi|^i ^j^f4x^ra> plenum fllxaur^ fpcmyaijkplttiam deoecb kyfopocir cum pcnenigl • obrulet*' on eiuf & mn ergo axc€fnf(& ihc acoecum . dycir ' vurncmtoernanerenr liicruce-cor- poialab barp • erar enxxn magmif Jxef iHe*fabbara • rogauemnx: pil^cum \xnrctxcmr ' XJ^nerraic erg^miLicef^ <&ptrmi cpudem frttKyunt? cruia?^ mm cUitem wumiftmr«xirmcterui]| etrm ldxn mor*uuxxm * Ticmfr^CTtxniy It eiuforum * fed mvuf rniLnxtm Lmcea Lacuf eiufaperuic • c&coiua-nuo 5« titc fariajuii dZ^xxdu^x:c^\\ndivixf . pimonixrm ^Kituxiu ^uerueflt Cruf reffaincmuim'Eui^ ueia^ elide* uucfeuofcmldiaf \£ic!a^OTnmi*qxiia,ixp(%aci^Tno menrum .-pofiienmc iwn • magdaLenae* nCtxijy rnane>Cixm ad PvuC uenetmj^ effenv adm ormm XTirm * dCiuAxc Lfcpidem (ubLuxim arncmmrVrD 'C ticumu ergo ue* mc adfimcmem petrtxm.<^adalx um difcrpiilil cpzern Amabdiu iwc» dCdxcvc eif* ~TuLerxmr dnm detnOnit mro* c^xiefciTaiif utupofixe*nmre£t v I £xiro e^^petao*f<#il^ I Lxit c^timernrnradTncmTxmericXT * C irrrekantr atrccm duo fimuL •<#ille i dliufdifcipuLuf praxxixcurrir arraf ^iieri jcpvi muf admen i| £qpum incUi i af ft C inJxc 1 ncSjf * iinct^ofirit .riorirxLTnern mm>xui 7 ' % <^inxroiuTC mmonuTiieiiann ttm dir Unpeaxi mia. pofet • c^fuddrtum cjuod fuerar firp capuc tnui ' l^onal Unpatoriinit: pofirum • fedfepctranm inuolucum minuitn Locum* Time ixicroimr c^xU^di(ctpu^Lafc{ui ^ia^nemr primtif admarnurnruin mdxc <&credidir ']s]oTidiI ertrm fci lebariu fcrrpcumf cjuxa. oycnrttxerwc Cam drrnoYTxirf yefixrapre^ ' r GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01361 1039