SEASONS 1901 and 1902. POH DESCRIPTION OF' AUOVE SKE PAOE 45. MIRRORS, FRAMED PICTURES, PICTURE MOULDINGS, WALL POCKETS, etc., etc. WHOLESALE CATALOG Ficture Frame cMakers* Supplies . C. tt. BRACHVOGEL CO., Nos. 221-223 Canal Street, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. OFFICE OF J- J- at September, 1901. os os Charles 1% Brachvogel Co., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, Jt 221-223 CANAL STREET, NEW YORK. TO THE TRADE: In presenting you herewith our ILLUSTRATED FALL 1901 CATALOG, we desire to call the attention of the trade to our NEW DEPARTURE, in carrying in stock a complete line of Mirrors, Framed Pictures, Wail Pockets, Medicine Cabinets, Etc. NOTICE. All Prices in this Catalog are NET. TE RMS, 30 days net, or 3 per cent, cash 10 Days. Soliciting a share of your patronage, we are Very respectfully, CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO. A Complete Line of Picture Frame Mouldings and Room Mouldings. THE NEW AND LATEST DESIGNS ARE NOW READY FOR THE SEASON. NOTICE.— A Full Sample Line of Picture Frame Mouldings and Room Mouldings Furnished free on application. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGKI. CO., NEW YORK. I PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS ... A.N D... R00n MOULDINGS. 2 inch Florentine Gilt Picture Frame Moulding. \'/i inch Ornamented Gilt Room Moulding. We do not publish an illustrated catalogue of mouldings, but furnish free of charge a full sample line of some 200 patterns. Customers can readily see just what finish the mouldings are, which is impossible to show in print. ...SPECIAL NOTICE... 'T'HIS special Catalogue illustrates ONLY SUCH GOODS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK and can ship promptly. We call special attention to this, for the reason that we now have the largest assortment of these goods that has ever been in one house in this country. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 2 MIRRORS. AMERICAN LOOKING GLASS MIRRORS. No. 340 Made of Imitation Oak. Highly Finished. Fitted with best American Looking Glass Plates. Size of Plate Width of Moulding Price per doz. 7x9 1 inch $1.60 S x 10 1 “ ... 1.75 9 x 12 iy 2 “ ... 2.25 10x14 \y 2 “ ... 2.75 10 x 17 i y u ... 3.00 French Plate Mirrors. No. 420 Plain Plate. Made of Solid Oak Moulding. Highly Polished. Fitted with French Plate, Plain. Size of Plate Width of Mouldiu 8 x 10 inch 9 x 12 10 x 14 U 10 x 17 u 12x20 2 u 14 x 24 2 a 16 x 28 2^ u 18 x 40 2^ u 8 .40 .50 .65 .70 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50 No. 421 Beveled Plate. Made of Solid Oak Moulding. Highly Polished. Fitted with Beveled Edge Plate. Size of Glass Width of Moulding Price each 10 x 17 I 14 inch 12 x 20 2 14x24 2 “ 16x28 2*4 “ 18x40 2>4 “ $0.90 1.20 1.65 2.50 4.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 3 MIRRORS XO ORDER OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. FLORENTINE GILT OVAL MIRRORS. SUITABLE FOR MANTEL OR PIER GLASSES. FITTED WITH GENUINE HEAVY FRENCH PLATE GLASS, REVELED EDGE. A most stylish Florentine Oval, about three inches wide; of beautiful design, with full gold burnished ornaments, heavily perforated and finished upon stem with two burnished lines. Very attractive. No. 505 Size of Mirror 16 x 20 . . . . Price each $3.50 Fitted with Beveled Edge Genuine French Plate Glass Mirror. No. 500 Size of Mirror 18 x 40 . . . . Price each 6.50 Fitted with Beveled Edge Genuine French Plate Glass Mirror. illustrations or .move, hit ho it prices, on aptlk ation. ! PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 4 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. NEW STYLE GILT OVAL MIRROR. FITTED WITH BEVELED EDGE FRENCH PLATE MIRROR 18 x 40 . Four and one-half inches wide. Finished in gilt, with gold burnished ornament. Each frame in a black shadow box. No. 1075 Fitted with Beveled French Plate Mirror 18 x 40 . . . . . Price each, $6.50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ABOVE, WITHOUT TRICES, TO SHOW CUSTOMERS, ON APPLICATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 5 NEW HARDWOOD OVAL FRAMED MIRRORS. Fitted with Beveled Edge Genuine French Plate Glass Mirror 18x40. Five inches wide. Made of quarter sawed oak veneer, highly finished, with genuine gold Burnished outside ornament. No. 1083 Fitted with Beveled French Plate Mirror. Size of Mirror 18x40 . Price each, $8.50 ILL USTRA TIOXS OF ABOVE, WITHOUT TRICES, TO SHOW CUSTOMERS, OX APPLICATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 6 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. Heavy Florentine Gilt Oval Mirror. FITTED WITH BEVELED EDGE FRENCH PLATE MIRROR 18x40. No. 1014. Frame is of entirely new ornamented design, rich and effective, sharp, clean cut pattern. Frame is 5 inches wide, hand carved edge and cut out openings, gilt in best composition gold and heavy genuine gold burnishes on ornament. No. 1014 Fitted with Beveled French Plate. S : ze of Mirror 18x40 . . . Price each, $9.50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ABOVE, WITHOUT PRICES, ON APPLICATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO.. NEW YORK. NEW HARDWOOD SQUARE FRAMED MIRROR. Pitted with Beveled Edge Genuine French Plate Glass Mirror ISx-lO. Five inches wide. Made of qnartered-sawed oak veneer No. 1085 Fitted with Beveled French Plate Mirror. and highly finished, with gold burnished ornament. Size of Mirror 18 x 40 Price each, $8.50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF A ROUE, WITHOUT PRICES, ON APPLICATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Da or 30 Days Net. 8 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. PIER MIRR0R5. FITTED WITH BEVELED EDGE FRENCH PLATE GLASS MIRRORS. No. 220 Size of Mirror 18 x 40, Mahogany Finish. Outside Measuiement of Frame 92 In. 25I11. $11.00 225/£ Same as 225, Oak Finish ......... 11.00 571 Size of Mirror 20 x 48, Mahogany Finish. Outside Measurement of Frame 102 in. 25 in. 15.00 571^ Same as 571, Oak Finish ........ 1500 _____ ILLUSTRATIONS OF ABOVE, WITHOUT PRICES, ON APPLIC ATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 0 C HARLES H. BRACHVOGKL CO., NEW YO RK. PIER MIRRORS. FITTED WITH BEVELED EDGE FRENCH PLATE GLASS MIRRORS. Height. Width. No. 564- Size of Mirror 20x60, Mahogany Finish. Outside Measurement of Frame 108 in. 27 in. $18.00 564^ Same as 564. Oak Finish. ............ 18.00 530 Size of Mirror 20x60. Mahogany Finish. Outside Measurement of Frame 108 in. 29 in. 22.00 530*2 Same as 530. Oak Finish. ............ 22.00 ILLUSTRATIONS OF A HOVE, WITHOUT PRICES, ON APPLICATION PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 10 CHARLES H. B R AC H VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. GENUINE GOLD LEAF PIER GLASSES. FITTED WITH BEST FRENCH PLATE GLASS, BEVELED EDGE. These frames are made of the best selected wood, prepared with the best grades of composition and whitening. The gilding is done with best quality of Gold Leap. All raised parts are burnished. Glass, 72x20 inches. French Bevel Plate. Total height, 9 feet; width, 26 inches. Base, I 7 inches high. Table is separate — Italian Marble. Price ..... $68.00 No. 12. Glass, 72x20 inches. French Bevel Plate. Total height, 9 feet; width, 26 inches. Base, 18 inches high. Price $72.00 ILLUSTRATIONS OF ABOVE, WITHOUT PRICES, ON APPLICATION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK 11 Genuine Gold Leaf Mantel Glasses. FITTED WITH BEST FRENCH PLATE GLASS, BEVELED EDGES These Frames are made of best selected wood, prepared with best grade ot composition and whitening, gilding is done with best quality of Gold Leaf. All raised parts are burnished. HANDSOME OVAL MIRROR, Glass, 28x48 inches. French Bevel Plate. Total height, 48 in.; width, 60 in. Price $68. 0C The ILL USTRA TIOSS OF ABOVE, WITITOCT VKK ES, OS A I’PLK'A TION. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 12 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. WALL POCKETS. No. 132-Wall Pocket. Imitation oak, 1 inch front and back, 10x14 decorated panel. Size, 13x16 inches. Price each, 45 cents. Lots of 1 Dozen, $5.00. No. 334- Wall Pocket. Imitation oak, 1 inch front and back, 8x12 flower piece under glass; size, 12 x 15. Price each, 35 cents. Lots of 1 Dozen, $4.00. No. 169 — Wall Pocket. Back frame 2 inch, reeded, white; fancy front, brass trimmed, 4x4 inch bevel mirror in centre frame. Size, 16 x 19 inches. Price each, $1.00. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGKL CO., NEW YORK. WALL POCKETS. No. 321 — Wall Pocket. Imitation Oak, \ V 2 inch back, 1 inch front, decorated with brass corners, fitted with 8x12 flower pieces under glass. Size, L2xl6. Price, each ...... 40 cents Lots of 1 Dozen. $4.50 No.3l2B — Wall Pocket. All Gilt Wall Pocket, inch back, 1 inch front, decorated with brass corners, fitted with 8x 12 water color, matted, under glass. Price, each ...... 40 cents Lots of 1 Dozen, $4.50 No. 306 — Wall Pocket. Reeded white. Back, 1^ inch. Front, 1 inch, fitted with 8x 14 flower piece under glass. Size, 12 x 18. Price, each .40 cents Lots of 1 Dozen, $4.50 No. 310-Wall Pocket. Reeded, while enameled. Back, 2 in. Front, 1 in. Decorated brass corners. Fitted with 9x12 water landscape. Size, 14 x 17. Price, each ...... 45 cents Lots of 1 Dozen, $5.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 14 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. WALL POCKETS. No. 315-Wall Pocket. Imitation oak, back 2 inches, ornamented, 1 inch front, fitted with 10x12 water color under glass. Size 15x18. Price each, 50 cts. Lots of 1 Dozen, $5.50. No. 302-Wall Pocket. Imitation oak, back 1*4 inch, front 1 inch, with 1 inch white lining, fitted with 8x13 land- scape, under glass. Size 12x18. Price each, 45 cents. Lots of 1 Dozen, $5.00. No. 308-Wall Pocket. Imitation oak, back 2 inches, ornamented, front 1 inch ornamented, inch white lining, fitted with 10x12 landscape, under glass. Size 15x18. Price each, 75 cts. Lots of 1 Dozen, $8.00. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK 15 WALL POCKETS. No. 230- Wall Pocket. Back, 2 inch oak, fitted with 3-ply veneer quartered oak front, finished in blemish brown, fitted with carbonette picture^ under glass. Size, 1614x19^2 ......... Price, each, $1.10 No. 247 — Wall Pocket. Back, 2 inch quarter sawed oak : 3-ply veneer quarter sawed oak front, oval shape and opening, bronze burnish onjback ornament, carbonette picture, 9 x 1 2, under glass. Size, 17x20 . . . Price, each, $1.10 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net 16 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. CLOCK SHELVES. Towel Holders and No. 40P4 — Polished Oak. Turned spindle, back-filling, 1 inch pole frame, turned caps on braces. Size of shelf, 7x22 inches. Price each, 75 cents. No. 422/4 — Polished Oak. Made in polished oak, wood turnings and brass trimming, 1 ]/^ inch ruby jewel in ring centre of bottom. Size of shelf, 7x22 inches. Price each, $1.05. No. 375L — Solid Oak. Shield, with shelf and towel rings, size 10 x 12, oak finish. Price each, 40 cts. No. 277'4 — Toilet Case. Solid oak combination case, mirror 5x8, shelf and comb box, place for 5 tooth brushes; size 12x18, oak finish. Price each, 75 cents. PRICES NET 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 17 MEDICINE CABINETS AND TOILETS. Toilet Case. Oak. Made in polished oak. 8x10 inch American looking glass, comb and brush box with hinged cover, shelf on top with ornamental railing: a very pretty and useful article; outside measure. 13 x 24 inches. Price each, $1.05. _ No. I5H. Comb Case. Oak. Reeded white enamel or polished oak, spindle and ornamented top ; American mirror plate 7x9 inches. Comb box with brass relief on front ; outside measure- ments, 15 x 22 inches. Price each, 80 cents. No. \S'A. No. 50/. Cabinet. Polished Oak. No. 50H. Cabinet Imit. Mahogany. Made in solid oak or rich mahogany, compart- ment shelf back of door. The door is hinged, has lock and key, 2 drawers with handles, neat spin- dle rail top shelf. Size, 22^ inches high, 11 inch, wide, 6 inches deep. Price each, $1.60. This is one of our latest and original designs and will be a big seller: 2 drawers and open bottom shelf. Hand carved panel door. Size, 24 inches high, 14 inches wide, §'/z j inches deep. Price each, $2 10 No. 50/. No. 1 6 / . No. 74X. Polished Oak. No. 74'.’. No. 74X. Imitation Mahogany. PWTI I-'C; VRT A Per Cent. Cash 10 Davs. or 30 Davs Net. 18 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. TOILET AND HEDICINE CABINETS. No. 83 'T Polished Oak. No. 83M. Imitation Mahogany. Handsome toilet case, bevel mirror 9 x 12, oval shape, quartered oak front. Size, 2\j4 inches high, 14 inches wide, 7 inches deep. $3.00 No. 52#. Cabinet. Oak. No. 52 X. Cabinet. Imitation Mahogany. This cabinet is sure to meet with favor by the trade, compartment shelf back of door, which is hinged and fitted with lock and key, solid panel front carved in beautiful design, 4 drawers on the side with brass pulls, two towel pegs with brass ends, rub finish. Either in solid oak or mahogany. Size, 25*4 inches high, 19 inches wide, S inches deep. Price, each .... • >2.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. B RAC H VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 19 CORNER TOILET AND MEDICINE CABINETS. No. SiH. Corner Cabinet. Oak. This beautiful corner cabinet will have a large sale. Made in oak, with hinged, handsome carved panel door in ornamented frame. Size, 22'/ 2 inches high, \b]/ 2 inches wide, 9 inches deep. Price, each yrj No. 69'A. Corner Cabinet. Polished Oak. Six inch bevel mirror in door, which is richly hand carved in relief, top rail carved, compartment shelf back of door. Large bottom shelf. Size, 34 inches high, 17 inches wide, 12 inches deep. Price, each ......... PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 20 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. FRAME MAKERS’ TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. For tlie convenience of our customers we have made a careful selection of Tools and Supplies especiallv needed by frame makers— and offer you on the following pages such articles as we can recommend for practical use. We might offer you many tools at a lower price, but in every case we find the cheaper article inferior in quality or of too small size to be of practical value. ROLLING STEEL WHEEL GLASS CUTTER. No. 1. Our experience has been that this style is the most practical, and more generally used by glass men than any other. This tool is fitted with a removable hardened steel pivot, which adds greatly to the life of the wheel. Price per Dozen, 75 cents. Each, 8 cents. MAT KNIFE AND MAT CUTTERS. No. 21 MAT KNIFE. Wood handle, blade =/% inch wide, inches long — of the finest tempered steel ; back of handle has an adjustable slot in it, used to regulate the length of blade. PRICE. Handle and blade, complete . . each, 40 cents Cut one-half size. No. 12 MA The most practical mat knife ever made — a heavy hardwood handle that can be gripped firmly in the hand, blade is nine inches long. PRICE. Handle and blade, complete, each SI. 25 Blade only .25 Cut two-thirds size. KNIFE. THE NEW MAT CUTTER No. 12. The most practically and cheapest Mat Cutter ever invented — any one can use it. Notick. — Always place a piece of paste- board on the lower board, under the straight edge to save and protect it from the knife when cutting. Will cut sheet 40 inch, wide. PRICE. Each . $3 00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 2! CHAMPION AUTOMATIC MAT CUTTER For Cutting Ovals or Circles, Burl or Straight Edge. It will cut ANY SIZE OVAL up to 24 X 30 inches. It will cut ANY SIZE CIRCLE up to 30 inches in diameter. SIMPLE OF ACTION, RELIABLE AND DURABLE. This is a self-containing machine, of all iron and steel. It has no posts or braces to get out of order, and its peculiar construction insures accurate and quick work. Requiring no skill or learning, it is wonderful for its simplicity; the machine requires no special setting up. All that is necessary is to place it on a level table or bench, and bolt firmly. We guarantee the machine to do the work satisfactorily. If the Mat Cutter does not justify the claims we make for it, or docs not prove satisfactory on any account, same may be returned at our expense. DIRECTIONS. Fasten the machine to the end of a level table or bench and bolt firmly, as shown in illustration. Draw horizontal lines carefully across the table half an inch apart. When cutting a mat, place the cardboard s o that the edge is parallel with one of these lines. In this manner the opening will he cut square wit h the mat. To cut a circular opening, use the circle form , and for an oval opening use the oval form, which fasten under the base marked F. These ar e the only changes necessary to cut any size mat, opening oval or circle. Adjust the sliding knife holder to the siz opening required, as marked on the Gauge. Lower the automatic lever in center post (B) by turning handle bar (A) on top to the right, which tightens the spring, and lowers the knife to a proper distance from the cardboard ready for cutting. Reverse bar handle (A) when mat is cut. . Keep knife sharp. Do not try to cut with a dull knife. Use a piece of cardboard under the one you are cutting. This will preserve the edge of the knife. Two small tacks will hold the work to the table. ....A FEW ADVANTAGES.... The Knife Holder is adjustable and can be set to cut straight or bevel-edge openings, in any thickness of Mat Board, with perfect accuracy and ease. The Knife Holder travels on a steel graduated rule, inches and fractions of inches are thus assured absolutely correct, and no time is lost in measuring. The Knife, being adjustable, is easily removed for sharpening. Price , complete , - - $20.00 PATENT APPLIED FOR. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 22 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. THE NEW No. io Marsh Picture Frame Vise Nothing of the Kind, or HALF so COMPLETE^ ever before on the Market. T T meets the demand for a frame clamp in every instance. No matter what kind of a mitering machine one has — or even if you are using the old- fashioned Miter Box — the frame can be held in proper place for nailing perfectly, and with the greatest ease possible. The Vise has the same swivel and tilting attachments — in fact, the same base — as the Marsh Mitering Machine, and a frame can be swung or tipped in ANY POSITION a person desires, either in a horizontal or a perpendicular. It takes in small and large frames alike, — as small as 4x4 inches ; from this to the largest size. It takes in any kind of moulding, 4 inches wide or under. It is light, well made and strong. Price, $4.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. Position for forming and nailin g end to side. Position for boring and nailing side to uni. MARSH MITRE MACHINE and VISE COMBINED. ( AX BE PLACED ON ANY TABLE, BENCH OR COUNTER. IT IS THE BEST MACHINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE PRICE BECAUSE It is the only machine with which the moulding can be sawed front the back or outside, as well as from the frout or inside. , |lj It is the only machine for making frames yet invented, which can be adjusted from a horizontal position, for sawing the sides and ends of the frame, to a perpen- dicular or any other position convenient for boring or nailing the same, thus enabling the operator to complete the frame right before him, while standing upright and work- ing in a natural and easy manner. The adjusting of the machine from one position to the other requires but a second of time. Machine turns from right or left to any desired angle while in a horizontal position for sawing the different mitres. Machine turns to right or left while in a perpendicular position, for boring or nailing either side to end or end to side of frame. Sawing last mitre over when necessary. It is tile Only machine of the kind furnished with a rule and measure gauge so arranged as to measure and gauge from either side of the machine alike. This machine takes up less room on the bench than any other mitre machine. The bed plate is inches above the bench, and the extreme measure of same is 15x15 inches. The machine weighs twenty pounds, which is less than half of the weight of others, yet it is so constructed that it is stronger where strength is required. Yon can do anything with this machine that can be done with any other frame machine. You can do more. You can do it quicker, easier and better. The machine with ordinary use and care, will last for twenty years, being very simple and strong in its construction, it will neither wear out nor break, and we are prepared to guarantee every machine to work satisfactory. An extra pair of thin clamp irons is now furnished with every machine. We will send these thin Clamp Irons to those now having the Marsh machine for 50 cents. Machine cuts any Moulding less than 5 inches in width and will join any size frame larger than 7 X/ zx7 1 i inches. Price of machine, with 4 %xW saw $11.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 24 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK COMBINED PRICE : Cut showing frame on machine and how the saw can be run through the joint to perfect it. MACHINE AND SAW, 5x28 SJ11.50. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. BRANDON’S PERFECTION Mitering Machine and Vise MADE ALL IRON OR STEEL. This is the only machine on which the frame is completed. It is simple, durable, and has less parts than any other machine in the world. Only machine that has vises attached to bed plate, holding the stock firm while sawing, joining, gluing and nailing. It has quick acting vise jaws supplied with a series of rachets, making very rapid changes from l /z inch lining to full width of machine in one second. Crank screws to be used only in squeezing the joints firmly together. With every machine we send an extra pair of thin vise jaws for clamping mould- ings that have a fillet, or those mouldings for which the regular vise jaw is too thick. '1 his makes our machine complete and adapted for all styles and kinds of mould- ings. No boring is required except in hard oaks. Nails are easily driven into stock while it is held firmly on the machine. It takes the warp out of moulding. When work leaves the machine it is square with the angle, and true on the 1\ surface. gA Boy or man can make a frame 7x7 in. gj\ up to full length of moulding, machine Jgt and bench supporting the weight, gjjl No skilled labor required to use it. HI Miters cut on other machines can be joined on this machine and made superior to those glued and nailed by any other process. This machine, unlike others, allows the full length of the saw blade to pass through the stock. This machine can be easily removed from bench and hung up out of the way. No plane needed with this machine to make perfect joints. Both hands are free at all times, the double vise holding the stock and forcing the glue into the pores of the wood. Nails can be driven on both sides, making a better and stronger joint than can be made on any other vise or in any other ,vay. Machine turns to the Left and lo the Right on the Bench. When sawing out Frame, Stick of Moulding remains parallel with Bench. Cut showing position of ;he machine with stock damped ready to be sawed CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 25 Picture Frame Making: Machine No. 25. Consisting of a Mitre Sawing Machine with Vises attached and a Mitre Plane , .... all in use .... Each machine is in itself as complete as an y separate machine, if not more so as description hereinafter will prove. In combining the two, means convenience in operation, economy of space, and economy in cost. This is unquestionably the most practical and complete machine and the only one ever invented of this order. It is the result of much thought and study, based on ripe experience in frame making machines, and our effort to produce the best that can be made has been achieved. It is the wonder of the 20th Century. Following are the details: In material it is all iron and steel. In construction it is devoid of complicated parts, possessing only such features requisite for strength and virtues of operation. Its size is 28 x Id inches. Stands very firmly on the bench. No vibration whatever. In its operation it is perfection. A more compact and handy tool could not be devised. It turns on the bench to any required position. The bed plate, its peculiar shape, allows the greatest possible space at miters for nailing frame. See Cut No. 1 at 13. This is a feature worthy of attention. Further, the frame always being back of machine when put together, it is therefore out of the way of operator. Any moulding, fitted or plain, can he clamped and nailed on this machine. It takes in mouldings up to \ l /z inches, and makes a frame 7J£ x7j4 inches up. The saw guide is one of the special features of this machine. The saw, as is shown in Cut No. 1, can be elevated, which allows free access of moulding and freedom of both hands to handle same. This is a most desirable feature. The saw can be left on the machine while nailing frame. See cut No. 1. For sawing it is simply pulled down. Rigidity of the saw is a very essential thing ; on this point this guide excels, as the guide has a bearing on the length as well as the width of the saw blade. This hold the saw rigid and stiff on top of the moulding as well as both sides. A more thorough saw guide cannot be de- vised, and in addition thereto, our saws have a very stiff blade. With these good features all side motion of the saw is prevented. This guide is easily and quickly attached or detached, as it slips right out of saw guide, Post C. As to the saws they are made of silver steel; the best material adapted for saw blades. The saw guide post, see Cut No. 1 at C, having all the features of adjustments, which does not show on illustration, can therefore be adjusted, which means, should the saw not cut a true mitre it can be adjusted so it will. This is an advantage over other machines, and a feature absolutely necessary. The clamps also have some superior points, such as a square threaded screw. They are quicker and will last longer than the common thread. The screws, clamp plates, and hand wheels are larger and stronger than others. The clamp wheels being in front makes them handy of access. By using a bolt passing through the clamp plates, see Cut No. 1, obviates raising or wabbling of same. These clamps will not raise up. A pair of thin clamp plates are furnished with every machine, and they are superior to any others. It has a rule for measuring which can be placed on either side of machine, and it is held firmly in place with a thumb screw. The plane, which is the new addition, see Cut No. 2. This is made of iron running on a track planed and trued up. The cutting irons are of highly tempered steel, specially adapted for cutting mouldings. Irons are if 3z inches wide. The plane is attached or detached instantly. This Mitre Plane is more complete than any other Mitre Plane on the market, as it has new improve- ments over others, such as a devise to prevent the plane from jumping the track or leaving the work. This has been a serious fault with other mitre planes. This is entirely obviated on this plane, and in addition to this the facilities of adjusting the moulding guides, see Cut No. I A, makes it as perfect as a mitre plane can be made. Although the mitre saw makes as true and smooth a cut as can be made with a saw, a plane is in many cases absolutely necessary to make a fine job. All experienced frame makers know this. In conclusion, as a machine like this is to be a permanent fixture in your shop, get the latest and best up-to-date; it will last you a lifetime. Don’t let the saving of a little in expense over the old style mitre machine mislead you. There is none too good for the mechanic of the present day. It is sent on approval to responsible parties. Cut Xn. l shows the machine with saw elevated and moulding clamped ready to nail. To saw simply pull down the saw. Price Complete, with 28-inch Saw, $20 00 . Cut No. 2 shows the machine with Saw detached anil Plane on ready for use, with a piece of moulding in place. The Saw Guide Post i“ two inches from the Plane, therefore is not In the way for Planing. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 26 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. BRAIDED WIRE PICTURE CORD. SILVERED WIRE PICTURE CORD. 25 yards in each coil; 1 dozen coils in each box. GILT WIRE PICTURE CORD. 25 yards in each coil ; 1 dozen coils in each box. No. 10 ■»miii im miMuiwjj No. 1 No. 2 No. 11 No. 12 PRICES. Per doz. Coils Each PRICES. No. 0 80.35 $0.04 Per doz. Coils Each No. 1 .50 .05 No. 10 $1.20 $0.11 No. 2 .75 .08 No. 11 1.80 .18 No. 3 .95 .10 No. 12 2.60 .26 No. 4 1.20 .12 No. 13 3.50 .38 No. 5 1.50 25 YARDS IN EACH COIL. .15 No. 14 4.50 25 YARDS IN EACH COIL. .45 Picture Glass. Owing to the constant changes would be pleased, when in mar= ket, to write for prices. Orders intrusted will be billed at lowest prices, and best quality obtain= able sent. Sawed Pine Picture Backing. Extra selected, worth double the average hacking now sold on the market. PACKED 250 FEET IN A BUNDLE. 8 feet long, 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches wide. • 1-8 inch thick 3-16 inch thick Size 8x10 per bundle of 250 feet, $2.25 ; per 1,000 feet, $7.50 per bundle of 200 feet, 2.25; per 1,000 feet, 10.00 CUT BACKS. Per l(M) $0.45 10x12 ... .70 11x14 .87 12 x 16 ....... . 1.25 14x17 ...... 1.50 16x20 . . ... 2.00 20x24 3.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHYOGEL CO., NEW YORK 27 SCREW EYES. Cuts show full size. 113 112 No. 216 % No. 214^ No. 114 No. 113 No. 112 No. Ill PICTURE NAILS. BRASS RIMS. No. 9 White Porcelain centre. Per Gross, 90 cents. Packed y gross in a box. Burnished Mela! Kims. CRYSTAL CENTRES. No. 241 Tortoise centre. No. 242 Amber centre. Per Gross, $3.00. Packed % gross in a box. PICTURE HOOKS. (Cuts Full Size). Packed y Gross in a box, except where stated otherwise. \y inch. No. 123. 1 y 2 inch, Brass Plated. Per gross ... 25 cents 1 Gross in a box. \'/2 inch. No. 127. \y inch, Brass Plated. Per gross ... 40 cents Packed 1 gross in a box. No. 7000. V/ 2 inch Steel. 1 ]/ z inch, Brass Plated, Burnished. Per gross ... 50 cents 1 Gross in a box. 1 y inch. No. 65. 1 y 2 inch, Brass, gilt finish. Per gross .... $1.50 Packed y Gross in a box. 1 1 / 2 inch. No. 8. 1 y 2 inch, Brass, Polished. Per gross .... $2 00 1 Gross in a box. No. 73. iy inch, Heavy figured Brass Hook. Per gross . . . . $150 y Gross in a box. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 28 CHARLES H . BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. per gross, 70 cents. per gross “ set (4 corners) 388. Price per gross, 70 cents per gross 70 cents 1394. Price per gross 70 cents. PRICES NEI, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHV OGEL CO.. NEW YORK AWER HANDLES. Sheet Brass Backs and Wire Bails FINISHED IN POLISHED BRASS ANTIQUE. CUTS FULL SIZE. 808. Packed f> dozen in a box Per dozen, 22 cents 834. Packed 4 dozen in a box ........ Per dozen, 28 cents ESCUTCHEONS. FINISHED IN POLISHED BRASS. cuts rt’i.r. sizk. Packed 2 Dozen in a Box. No. 742. Door Sheet Brass. 10 cents per dozen. KNOBS. CUTS FULL SI/.K. Packed 2 Dozen in a Box. No. 1. Made in 5 Sizes. 22 cents per dozen. No. 143. Cast Bra 35 cents per dozen PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash ]0 Days, or 30 Days Net. 30 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. ( PEBBLED PASSE-PARTOUT .PICTURE BINDING \ DncTfiw MCuivnDi/ Duu inn out a / ST.LOUIS. OUMMED, EMBOSSED PASSE-PARTODT PAPER FOR BINDING Pictures, Platinotypes, Prints, Photographs, Drawings, Etc IN CONTINUOUS ROLLS OF 36 FEET, %-INCH WIDE. Ready for Use. We Supply the following Colors : Black, White, Chocolate, Green, Maroon. PER DOZEN ROLLS, $1.00- EACH, 10c. WE GIVE 30 FEET TO THE ROLL. BRASS.... HANGERS FOR PASSE-PARTOUT FRAMES. X Gross in a Box. Per Gross, 60 cents net. Steel Wire Brads; or Moulding Nails. o K K l i X iK IK O «K 3 4 Prices— In 1 and 5 Pound Papers. inch, No 20 No. 18 No. 17 No. 17 No. 16 No 15 No. 15 No. 13 No. 10 No. 10 Per Pound $0.16 .10 “ .08 “ .07 “ .06 “ .06 “ .06 “ .06 “ .05 “ .05 QUO WIRE STANDARDS No. 24. A BACK SUPPORT FOR MEDALLIONS AND SMALL FRAMES. (Large Sizes are made of Heavy Wire.) WHITE WIRE STANDARDS. Per 100 Per doz. 4 incli . $0.50 $0.08 6 “ .60 .10 8 “ .70 .12 12 “ 1.00 .18 No. 25 FANCY BRASS STANDARDS. Per 100 Per doz. 4-inch $2.00 $0.30 6 “ 2.40 .35 8 “ 2.80 .40 10 “ 3.25 .45 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 31 No. Size Per doz. sheets Each 3. Thick .... . $8.00 $0.75 4. “ ... “ Plain, gilt surface ‘‘ Embossed “ “ . . 7.00 .65 5. if . . . 7.00 .65 RAW SILK MAT BOARD. No. Size Per doz. sheets Each 10. Thick 30x40 Baw silk finish — seal brown 11. “ “ “ hunter’s green 13. “ “ “ “ russet green 15. “ “ “ “ scarlet l . . $2.25 $0.20 16. “ ... “ “ “ ox blood 18. “ ... “ “ “ tea green 19. “ ... “ “ “ wine 20. il .... “ “ “ canary TORCHAN MAT BOARD. No. Size Per doz. sheets Each 6. Torehau Mat Board. Thin 30x40 Finished one side — White . $1.20 $0.15 24. Thick .... “ Finished both sides, white and cream . . 150 .15 25. “ ... “ “ “ “ “ gray . . 1.50 .15 26. Double Thick “ “ “ “ “ cream . . 2.40 .25 29. “ “ “ “ “ gray . . 2.40 .25 32. Triple " . . “ “ “ “ “ cream . . 3.50 .30 lO-PLY MELTON BOARD. No. Size Per doz. sheets Each 40. Scotch Gray 30x40 41. Steel Blue “ 42. Ivy Green . . $1.50 $0.15 43. Felt Brown 44. Carbon Black . • • • “ J EMBOSSED COLORED MAT BOARD. No. Size Per doz. sheets Each 52. Thick .... 30x40 Embossed surface — dark black 53. “ “ “ chocolate 55. “ ... “ “ “ coplev gi'ay 56. 57. « “ “ “ white “ “ “ rubv . 12.25 $0.20 60. “ .... . . “ “ “ steel gray 65. li .... “ “ “ slate 67. “ .... . . . “ “ “ dark green J For Mat Cutters, see Pages 20 and 21. PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 32 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. IT MENDS EVERYTHING. Wood, leather, paper, ivory, glass, china, rubber, stone, jewelry, metals, books, cards, albums, toys, musical instruments, statuary, farmers’ implements, furniture, bric-a-brac, picture frames, etc. — strong as iron, solid as a rock. No heating; no preparation. Always ready. Indispensable in every family. PRICES. Per doz. Each Small bottles, with brush . . . . . . . . $0.80 $0.09 Half-gill cans ....... ... 1.20 .13- One-half pints cans .... - . 2 35 .24 Quart cans ............. 6.60 .65- Gallon cans Per gallon ..... ..... 1.80 You do the Rubbing. Polish does the Rest. NO FURNITURE DEALER CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT Nonpareil Furniture Polish THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Makes Old Furniture Equal to New. Dries Immediately. Does Not Gum or Stick. Removes all Scratches and Abrasions on the Furniture. PRICE. Per doz. Each 8 oz. Bottles $1.75 20 cents ENGLISH ENAMEL. PORCELAIN FINISH. READY FOR INSTANT USE. Unequaled in household decorative work. Especially designed for enameling furniture, wicker ware, lawn chairs, flower pots, walls, bed- steads, and all household articles. Manufactured regularly in the following popular shades: "{DecoratiH 0 i j! MANTELS. 7 : fesSfev aessk v'andAnvt h,nG W is au exact fac-simile of the tins in i the Star Enamels are put up. Pale Violet Cherry Azure Blue Navy Blue Wine Color Light Blue Ivory Mahogany Yellow Put up in y Pint Cans. White Vermilion Maroon Black Dark Green Orange Cream Oak Rose Red Brown Pink Pale Light Green y Pint Cans PRICE. Per dozen, $1.25 Each, 15 cents- READY MIXED VARNISH STAINS. For Staining and Varnishing at one operation .— a — Walnut Light Oak Rosewood Cherry PRICES. y Pint cans Ash Dark Oak Ebony Mahogany Per dozen, $1.25 Each, 15 cents- PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. Price per Dozen ISoxes, $1.50; each 20 cents. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 33 GOLD PAINT. GOLD PAINT. The Largest and Best Bold Paint in the Market. PRICE. Price per dozen, $1.50 ; each, 20 cents. PICTURE FRAME ...MAKERS’ OUTFIT... Get Picture Frame Makers' Outfit , it will please you! It enables you to retouch Mat Bronze, Compo Gilt, Dead Black, Compo or Whiting, Ebony, Mahogany, Oak, Walnut or any kind of stained frames, burnished corners, etc. Full directions given with each outfit how to use. Price $5.00. Following is I he Assort men! in a Picture Frame Maher's Outfit. DEAD BLACK FINISH. X pint can Elastica Dead Black Lacquer. ALCOHOLINE STAINING PROCESS. X pint can Alcoholine Ebony Stain. X pint can Alcoholine Flemish Sage Green Stain. X pint can Alcoholine Flemish Brown Stain. SCHLAG METAL SUBSTITUTE GILDING FINISH. 1 pint Schlag Metal Substitute Gilding Liquid. 4 oz. Schlag Metal Substitute Gilt Powder. X pint can Schlag Metal Substitute Finishing Lacquer 2 1 inch Fitch Hair Color Brushes, Glue Set. 1 pint Patent Filler Stain. TOUCHING UP GILT CORNERS. 2 oz. Reddish Touching-up Bronze. 2 oz. Yellowish Touching-up Bronze. SMOOTH MOULDING GILT FINISH. 1 only C. H. Lacquering Brushes, 1 inch Flat. X pint can Imp. Mat Gold Imitation Liquid. 1 oz. Imp. Mat Gold Imitation Gilt Powder. X pint Imp. Mat Gold Imitation Finishing Lacquer. -PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK FRAMES. FRAME No. 341. 3 inches wide, solid gilt, pearl ornament, heavy brass corner ornaments. Made only two sizes. Sizes. Each Per doz. 16 x 20 65c. $7.20 20x24 80c. 9.00 FRAME No. 230. 5 inches wide, outer and inner panels are furnished in old English oak. The raised center is a deep cut compo pattern, gilded with genuine gold burnished ornaments. The inner lining is a new and pretty design; also furnished in gilt, making a most attractive combi- nation. Made two sizes only. Sizes Each 16x20 . . $0.90 20x24 . . 1.00 Per doz. $10.00 11.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 35 FRAMES FRAME No. 236. 4 inch solid gilt, perforated ornamented scroll moulding. Made only two sizes. Sizes Each Per doz. 16 x 20 . 75c. $8.00 20 x 24 . 85c. 9.50 FRAME No. 998. 3 inch wide Florentine solid gilt, with full comer ornaments and genuine gold leaf burnishes. Made only two sizes. Sizes EdiCh Per doz. 16x20 $0.90 $10.00 20x24 . . . 1 00 11.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 36 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO v NEW YORK. COMPOSITION GOLD FRAMES. For Paintings and Portraits. FRAME No. 1650. 5 inch heavy compo. ornamented frame, gilded with best composition gold, the raised ornaments are all with genuine gold leaf burnishes and panel has two lines of burnishes. Made only two sizes. Sizes Each 16x20 . . . . $5.00 20x24 . . . . 6.50 FRAME No. 1622. About 4 inches wide. Heavy double-decker. New and i t beautiful in design. The double sweeps, corners and centre ornaments on stem and f outside in gold leaf burnish and two lines of burnish on inner panel. Made in mat gold, with gold burnish parts as described. Made in two sizes only. Sizes Each 16x20 . . . $5.00 20 x 24 . . . 5.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Gash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 37 COMPOSITION GOLD FRAMES. FOR PAINTINGS AND PORTRAITS. No. 10 FRAME. This frame is made of a 3 ]/ 2 inch heavy ornamented moulding, with beautiful carton pier ornaments and match corners. All gilded with best composition gold. All raised part of ornament gilded with genuine gold leaf and burnished. Enclosed in an ebony polished shadow box 3 inches deep, so arranged to hold glass in front of frame. Sizes Each Per dozen 8x10 SI. 50 S17.00 10x12 .... 1.75 20.00 16x20 3.00 33.00 20x24 3.25 30.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 38 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. COMPOSITION GOLD FRAMES. FOR PAINTINGS AND PORTRAITS, No. 20 FRAME. This frame is made of a ft inch heavy compo. ornamented moulding and match corners. All gilded with best composition gold. Raised parts of ornament ts gi^jied with genuine gold leaf and burnished. • Enclosed in a polished ebony shadow box, 4 inches deep, and so arranged to hold a glass in front of frame. Sizes Each 8x10 $3.60 14x17 4.2 ft 16x20 5.00 20 x 24 . . . . . . . . . . • • 5.50 22x27 6.50 25 x 30 7.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. B RAC H YOG EL CO., NEW YORK. PASTEL FAC-SIMILES. No. 388. Any subject from list below framed like cut, in 5^2 in. solid oak, the ornamented part gilded with genuine leaf burnishes. Massive and handsome. One of the best sellers in the line. Size of Picture 1 6 x 20 inches. Price each, framedjwith 'glass, . $1.10 » Price each, in sheets, . 5 cents. “ ..... per dozen, 12.00 “ . . per dozen, 50 “ WINTER EVENING. California Fruits Jersey Peaches Oranges and Bananas Apples and Grapes Strawberry Ripe Peaches and Cream The Grist Mill The Sleighing Party Old Oaken Bucket The Fortune Teller Music of Love Fish Ducks Low Tide in Holland Summer Morning Winter Evening Fruits and Flowers Fruits and Flowers Landscape (Sunset) Winter in Massachusetts Autumn in Iowa Evening Twilight PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 40 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. PASTEL FAC-SIMILES. No. 360. Any subject from list below framed like cut, in 5 in. Gilt Florentine Frame. Massive and liandsome. One of the best sellers in the line. Size of Picture, . 16 x 20 inches. Price each, Framed, with glass $1.00 Price each, in Sheet, . 5 cents “ per dozen, .... 11.00 “ per dozen, . 50 “ COURTING IN THE MEADOW. California Fruits Jersey Peaches Oranges and Bananas Apples and Grapes Strawberry Ripe Peaches and Cream The Grist Mill The Sleighing Party Old Oaken Bucket The Fortune Teller Music of Love Fish Ducks Low Tide in Holland Summer Morning Winter Evening Fruits and Flowers Fruits and Flowers Landscape (Sunset) Winter in Massachusetts Autumn in Iowa Evening Twilight PRICES NET 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 41 FINE PEARL PAINTINGS. No. 7154. Any subject from list below, framed like cut, in 3-inch Solid Gilt Frame. Elaborate Brass Corners. ornament inside. Very handsome. Size of Picture, . . . . 16x20 inches. Price, Painting and Frame, ...... each, $1.40 Abandoned Homeward Bound Capitol at Washington Congressional Library at Washington Blarney Castle • 1 Old Homestead Heidelberg Castle (Moonlight) Holland Shore Winter in Holland (Day) Winter in Holland (Night) Summer in Holland (Night) Summer in Holland (Day) Pearl PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 42 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. Imported Oleographs— Religious Pictures. No. 765. The most beautiful line of Sacred Pictures ever produced. The colors are blended so artistically that not one in a hundred can distinguish them from the originals. The size is 16x20 inches. There are twenty popular subjects. No. 765. Any subject from list below, framed like cut, in 3-inch Gilt Frame. Elaborate Brass Corners. Pearl ornamented inside. Size of Picture, . 16 x 20 inches. Price, each, Framed, with glass, . . . $1.00 Price in Sheet, 10 cents “ per Dozen 11.00 “ “ “ per Dozen . . . . $100 SICHEL MADONNA. Sichel Madonna Holy Grave of Christ Holy Grave of Mary Holy Heart of Mary Holy Heart of Jesus Ecce Homo Mater Dolorosa St. Joseph Rock of Ages MyHope St. Cecilia Madonna of Carmen Beneath the Cross Madonna of the Rosary Holy Family St. Anthony The Lord’s Supper Crucifixion Assumption of Mary Ascension of Christ PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHV OGEL CO., NEW YORK. 43 ART CHEMIGRAPHS. Size, 16x20 inches. No. 470. Briefly answering the question, “What is a Chemigraph ?” we might reply: It is a combination of photography typography, and chemistry, so closely blended that it is difficult to judge from the finished product just where one art left off and the other began. The Art Chemigraph must not be confounded with the ordinary picture printing processes heretofore offered for home decoration. Our process copies the original with a greater fidelity to detail, possesses a finer and softer finish, and has not that flat appearance so common in ordinary processes of picture making. The permanent Chemigraphs possess features not found in any other process of reproductive art. They will not fade when exposed to the rays of the sun, may he cleansed with water and sponge if soiled or finger-marked, and although waterproof, present a surface so peculiarly adapted to the reception of water colors that, in the hands of the art amateur they form a basis for this most delightful and fascinating form of artistic recreation. No. 470. Any subject from the list below, framed like cut in 3-inch wide handsome Florentine Solid Gilt Frame with full matched corners and genuine Gold Leaf burnishes. Price, each, Framed, with glass, . $1.25 Price, each, in sheet, . 12 cents. Gallant Cupid Charity The Boat Ride of an Arabian Lady The Life Boat Children’s Joys The Evening Hours Neighbors Duck Shooting on the Marshes The Old Story Woodcock Shooting Heart’s Secret Love Wins Youth Phoebe PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 44 CHARLES H. B R AC H VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. FINE PEARL PAINTINGS. No. 760 Any subject from list below, framed as cut, in 6-inch Gilt Florentine Moulding with burnished inside and burnished corners. Very showy and elaborate. Size of Picture, . . . . 16x20 inches. Price, each, Framed, ........ $1.90 HEIDELBERG CASTLE. Abandoned Homeward Bound Capitol at Washington Congressional Library at Washington Blarney Castle Old Homestead Heidelberg Castle (Moonlight) Holland Shore Winter in Holland (Night) Winter in Holland (Day) Summer in Holland (Night) Summer in Holland (Day) PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 45 FAC-SIMILE OIL PAINTINGS ON HEAVY MUSLIN AND STRETCHER. Size 8 x lO. No. 47. The above are entirely new and showy. The picture is mounted on heavy muslin and stretcher. Highly varnished. Giving every appearance of being a very valuable Oil Painting. The pictures are all taken from life. Can be had in upright or oblong subjects. THE COLLECTION COMPRISES TWENTY-FIVE SUBJECTS, ALL GOOD. Framed in a 3^4 inch heavy deep frame, with carton pier ornaments and match corner ornaments. All gilded with best composition gold. All raised parts of ornament gilded with genuine gold leaf and burnished. Enclosed in a polished ebony shadow box 3 inches deep, so arranged to hold glass in front of picture and frame. PRICE. No. 47. Price, Painting and Frame ....... each, $2.00 per dozen, $21 .00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 46 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. dhcigzh: class GENUINE OIL PAINTINGS. ON HEAVY MUSLIN AND STRETCHER. Two Sizes, 8x10 and 16x20. NO. 48. Painting and Frame, 8x10. No. 49. Painting and Frame, 16x20. The frame is a V/ 2 inch heavy deep moulding, with carton pier ornaments and matched corner ornament, all gilded with best eoi position gold. All raised part of ornament gilded with genuine gold leaf and burnished. Enclosed m a polished ebony shadow box, 3 inches deep, so arranged to hold glass in front of picture and frame. These paintings are all well executed and painted with oil colors on heavy muslin and are unlike the general run of cheap paintings. When framed, as shown above, they have every appearance of being worth many times the prices quoted here. T ey will be found salable, and give good satisfaction. The collection comprises the following subjects: FIGURE FIECES. On the Pasture Cattle Scene In the Corn Field The Shepherdess Hunting Elks. Shetland Ponies No. 48. No. 49. Price of Painting and Frame, 8x 10 size “ “ without Frame, 8x10 size “ “ and Frame, 1 6 x 20 size « “ without Frame, 16x20 size “ Frames only,. other sizes (see page 37). LANDSCAPES. Home Sweet Home Blarney Castle Summer in Ohio Village Church Old Homestead In the Meadows each, $3.00 “ 1.50 “ 4.50 “ 2.00 PRICES NET. 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. H RAC H VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. ■17 HIGH CLASS GENUINE OIL PAINTINGS. ON EXTRA HEAVY CANVAS AND KEYED STRETCHER. SIZE, 16x20 INCHES. No. 55. PAINTING AND FRAME. Frame is a 5-inch heavy compo. ornamented moulding and matched corner ornaments, all gilded with composition gold. Raised part of ornament is gilded with genuine gold leaf and burnished. Enclosed in a polished ebony shadow box, 4 inches deep, and so arranged to hold a glass in front of Picture and Frame. These paintings are all well executed by skilled artists and painted with oil colors on genuine extra heavy canvas and keyed stretcher. When framed as shown above they have a very rich appearance and would be readily taken for paintings of great value. The collection comprises a choice variety of subjects (no duplicates) : Landscapes, Marines, Water Scenes, etc. No. 55. Price of Painting and Frame, complete .......... “ “ “ without Frame ........... 4.00 “ “ Frame only, other sizes (see page 38). PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 48 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. ARTISTS’ PROOF LANDSCAPE ETCHINGS. On Etching Paper. Selected Subjects. Framing Size, 16 x 20. AUTUMN LEAVES. FOREST IN WINTER. Copyright, 1896, by E. Rost. MILL ROAD. Copyright, 189b, by H. C. Rost. AFTER SUNDOWN. /v ADDITION to above subjects we also have the following COLLECTION No. 475 No. 476. No. 477 Artists’ Proof Landscape Etchings. Autumn Leaves Forest in Winter "Wayside Inn Mill Road After Sundown December Fisherman’s Retreat Meadow Path Becalmed January Meadow Stream Ocean View PRICES. Price, in Sheet .••••••• “ Framed, under glass, in No. 998 Frame, see page 35 <« « “ “ “ 230 “ “ 34 each, $0.15 per doz., $1.50 “ 1.25 “ 14.00 “ 1.10 “ 12.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 49 ARTIST’S PROOF LANDSCAPE ETCHINGS. On Etching Paper. Plate size, about 10x20. Framing size, about 17x20. EDGE OF THE MARSH. By E. L. Field. HOME, SWEET HOME. OLD COTTAGE. OCTOBER WOODS. IN ADDITION TO ABOVE SUBJECTS WE ALSO HAVE TIIE FOLLOWING COLLECTION OF Artist’s Proof Landscape Etchings. House occupied by Napoleon at St. Helena House of Wm. C. Bryant, Roslyn, L. I. Church Road Fisherman’s Home Springtime Dolce Far Niente Winter New England Farm Lakeside Home Farewell Adieu Home, Sweet Home Old Cottage October Woods Late Afternoon Edge of Marsh BRICES. No. 480. Price in sheet ........... 481. “ Framed in 2-inch Ebony, Silver Ornament in center, under glass . 482. “ “ “ 2^4-inch Flemish Oak, ornamented, under glass . Each Per Dozen 80.15 SI. 50 1.50 16 00 1.60 18.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 50 CHARLES H. BRACHYOGEL CO., NEW YORK. ARTIST’S PROOF LANDSCAPE ETCHINGS. On Etching Paper. Plate size, 20x30. Framing size, about 30x40. MEMORIES OF SPRING. GLITTERING SUNLIGHT. THE I50ATH0USE. SHADY NOOK. 1\ ADDITION TO ABOVE SUBJECTS WE ALSO HAVE THE FOLLOWING COLLECTION OF Artist’s Proof Landscape Etchings. Memories of Spring Glittering Sunlight Lengthening Shadows The Schoolmaster The Boathouse Shady Nook The Attack Shipwreck PRICES. No. 485. Price in sheet ........... 486. “ Framed in 3-inch Florentine Gilt, very handsome, under glass . 487. “ “ 4-inch Oak, Ornamented, under glass each, 82.50 “ 6.00 “ 5.00 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 51 COLORED GAME PICTURES. 14x22. S>tmng TRoom (pictures in appropriate IbarEnvoofr jframes. No. 1014. WOODCOCK. No. 1015. DUCKS. /A ADDITION TO THE TWO ILLUSTRATED ABOVE WE ALSO HAVE THE FOLLOW INO COLLECTION OF Colored Game Pictures Birds Rabbits Duck Duck Partridge W oodcock >o. 490. 491. 492. Price in sheet . PRICES. ‘ Framed in 2-inch Antique Quartered Oak Finish, Brass Corners, under glass 1 “ “ 2-inch Ebony Finish, Brass Corners, under glass each, $ .15 “ .80 “ .80 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 52 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. WATER COLOR FAC-SIMILES IN BEAUTIFUL SOFT COLORS. ENGLISH HUNTING SCENES— “The pallocufield Hunt." Suitable for a Club Billiard Room or Cafe. Framing: size, 22x32 inches. COACHES AT THE HOTEL METROPOLE, LONDON. THE START. THE HALT. THE BREAKFAST. BREAKING COVER. THE DEATH. HUNT SUPPER. No. 495. Price in sheet ..... 496. “ Framed in 3-inch Antique Oak Finish, Brass Corners, under glass 497. “ “ “ 3^ -inch Handsome Gilt Ornamented Frame, under glass each, 75 cents . each, $2.25 . “ 2.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 53 BEAUTIFUL WATER COLOR FAC-SIMILES. These pictures are far above the ordinary Fac-Similes. The colors blend so beautifully that many take them for the Original Paintings. The two subjects here illustrated are said to be the best ever painted by this celebrated artist. They must be seen to be appreciated. Size of Picture 29x28 inches. HUNTING SCENES, Reproductions of Famous Paintings — very fine. “SPORTS OF AUTUMN” No. 1. Plate size, 20 x 28. Price each, 75 cents. “SPORTS OF AUTUMN” No. 2. Plate size, 20 x 28. Price each, 75 cents. Ho. 500. Price each, in sheet $0.75 501. “ framed in 3 inch Antique oak finish, brass corners, under glass ........ 2.00 502. “ “ 3j^ inch handsome gilt ornamented frame, under glass ........ 2.25 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 54 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. YARDS OF STUDIES. FRUIT, FLOWER AND ANIMAL STUDIES, 8x34. No. 1020. VIOLETS. No. 1022. CHERRIES. No. 1028. ASSORTED FRUITS. We illustrate three subjects above , in addition , we have the following collection: Yard of Kittens “ “ Tug of War “ “ Puppies “ “ Violets | Yard of Cherries “ “ Assorted Fruits * “ “ Lilacs and Roses “ “ Snowballs and Roses PRICES. No. 505. Price in sheet, Animals each, 15 cents 506. “ “ “ Flowers ll 10 “ 507. “ Framed in 1 inch mat gilt brass corner ornaments, under glass U 80 “ PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 55 BEAUTIFUL WATER COLOR FAC-SIMILES. These pictures are far above the ordinary Fac-Similes. The colors blend so beautifully that many take them for the Original Paintings. The two subjects here illustrated are said to be the best ever painted by these celebrated artists. They must be seen to be appreciated. Size of Picture, “20 x 28 inches. SPRING. By R. Atkinson Fox. Plate size, 20x28. SONGS OF YOUTH. By Crosio. Plate size, 20 x 28. Jie. 510. Price in sheet 5 1. “ framed in 3 inch antique oak finish, brass comers, under glass 512. “ “ 3% inch handsome gilt ornamented frame, uuder glass each, $0.75 " 2.00 “ 2.25 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 56 CHARLES H. BR AC H VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. FINE “TOJETTI ” PRODUCTIONS. Water-Color Fac-Similes in Beantifnl Soft Colors— Very Fine. LOVE AMONG THE ROSES. After V. Tojetti. Plate size, 20 x 28. Price each, if 1.25 No. 516. 517. :0?J PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10'Days, or 30 Days Net. COWS AT PASTURE. After R. Atkinson Fox. Plate si^e, 20x28. Price each, $1.00 Price, framed in 3 inch antique oak finish, with brass cofpeys. under glass “ “ 3 inch heavy ornamented composition gilt, under glass W" $2.00 2.25 O' O' CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 57 FINE “TOJETTI” PRODUCTIONS. Water-Color Fac-Similes in Beautiful Soft Colors— Very Fine. THE DREAM OF LOVE.— After V. Tojetti. Plate size, 20 x 28. LOVE’S AWAKENINO. — After V. Tojetti. Plate size, 20x28. No* 520. Price in sheet ............ 21. “ Framed in 3-inch Antique Oak finish, with Brass Comers, under glass 22. “ “ “ 3^-inch Deep Ornamented Composition Gold . PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. each, $1.25 « 2.50 “ 3.00 58 CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. WATER COLOR PASTELS, FAC=SIMILES. Frame Full Size, 14x26. SUNSET IN MONTANA. WINTER IN OMAHA. THE OLD MILL. NEAR KLONDYKE. WE ILLUSTRATE FOUR SUBJECTS ABOVE ; IN ADDITION WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING COLLECTION OF Water Color Fac-Similes. Winter Sunset in Montana Winter in Omaha Lake George Moonlight in the Adirondacks Winter in Maine The Old Mill Near Klondyke Autumn in Arizona PRICES. No. 525. Price in sheet ............. 526. “ Framed in 2-inch Deep Ornamented Composition Gold, under glass . 527. “ “ “ 1^-inch White Ornamented, Gilt and Blue Shading, under glass each, $ .10 “ 1.00 “ .90 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. 5!> LIFE PHOTOS. BLACK AND WHITE. Size, 16x20. IN COLORS. Size, 16x20. Reproductions of Original American Pictures. WE WANT OUR MAMMA. Life Photos— Black and White. Series No. 534. Size of Sheet, 16x20. Dinnertime The Rescue Up She Goes Sugar Hunting A Noble Escort Game of Ball Kentucky Maid and Her Pet Under the Apple Blossoms Cavalier The Blossom and the Bud We Want Our Mamma The Little Scotchman’s Story Village Belle Life Photos in Colors. Series No. 535. Size of Sheet , 16 x20. Dinnertime The Rescue Up She Goes Sugar Hunting A Noble Escort Game of Ball Kentucky Maid and Her Pet Village Belle Cavalier Under the Apple Blossoms The Blossom and the Bud We Want Our Mamma The Little Scotchman’s Story PRICES. No. 534. Price in sheet, Black and White .......... each, 9 .15 535. “ “ in Colors ............ “ .15 536. “ Black and White, Framed in No 388 Frame (see cut, page 39) ... “ 1.25 537. “ “ “ “ “ “ 7154 “ (see cut, page 41) ... “ 1.35 538. 11 in Colors, “ “ 388 “ (see cut, page 39) ... “ 1.25 539. “ “ “ “ 7154 “ (see cut, page 41) ... “ 1.35 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 60 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. WATER COLOR FAC=SIMILES. THESE ARE HANDSOME GOODS, DELICATE TINTS, BEAUTIFULLY BLENDED. SIX CHOICE SUBJECTS. ROSE OF DESTINY. Size, 16x20. IN 'ADDITION TO ABOVE SUBJECT, WE HAVE AS FOLLOWS: Rose of Destiny Misunderstanding Reconciliation When Life is Mellow Charms of Music • - ' "..I* • Life’s Sunny Side PBICES. No. 540. Price in sheet each, $ .15 541. “ in No. 388 Frame (see cut, page 39) . . . • • • . • “ L25 542. “ in No. 7154 Frame (see cut, page 41) . . . • • • “ 1-35 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK.. 61 NUDE PICTURES. Life Photos. Black and White. FRAMING SIZE, 14x17. THE BATHER. The Bather Shower of Roses Queen of the Brook Queen of the Surf Morning A Thoroughbred A Smile It Will Do You Good PRICES. No. 515. Price in sheet, mounted on Scotch gray board 516. “ framed, 1 y 2 inch deep ornamented gilt, under glass 517. “ “ 1 y 2 inch ebony oak, brass corners, under glass each, SI. 00 “ 1.75 “ 1.60 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 62 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. SOMETHING NEW. Fac-Simile Reproductions in Soft High Color by the New Auto-Gravure Process. AUTUMN. The line of Pictures described on this page are entirely new, and in quality superior to anything of the kind ever offered to the public. They are Fac-similes, reproduced by the New Auto-Gravure Process, after the original paintings. These pictures have the real oil color appearance and canvas effect. They can scarcely be distinguished from the original. The are mounted on heavy chocolate color cardboard. TH EY ARE SET UP IN GROUPS OE FOUR EACH. THE SEASONS. Size, 18x24. After the Original Landscape by Percy Robertson. Spring Autumn Summer Winter RURAL SCENES. Panel Shape, size, 14^x24^. After the Originals by B. D. Sequind. Lake Killarney The Old Mill Dundee River, Scotland Loch Katrine, “ PRICES. No. 550. Price in sheet, mounted on heavy chocolate color cardboard 551. “ framed in 2 inch handsome ornamented gilt frame, under glass each, $0.60 “ 1.75 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. CHARLES H. BRACHVOGEL CO., NEW YORK. C>3 SOMETHING NEW. Fac-Simile Reproductions in Soft Color by the New Auto-Gravure Process. ACROSS THE STREAM. The line of Pictures described on this page are entirely new, and in quality superior to anything of the kind ever offered to the public. They are Fac-Similes, reproduced by the New Auto-Gravure Process, after the original paintings. These pictures have the real oil color appearance and canvas effect. They can scarcely be distinguished from the original. They are mounted on heavy chocolate color cardboard. THEY ARE RUT UR IN GROUPS OR FOUR EACH. ACROSS COUNTRY. Size, 18x24. After the Originals by G. D. Rowlandson. Across the Stream Going Strong Crossing the Path Parted Company LAKE AND MOUNTAIN. Size, 18x24. After Originals by S. J. Barnes. On the Sannox River On the Cluny, Aberdeenshire Windermere Near Inverey “ PRICES. No. 565. Price in sheet, mounted on heavy Chocolate Card board ...... each, $ .60 556. “ Framed in 2 inch Handsome Ornamented Gilt Frame, under glass ... 1.75 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. 64 CHARLES H. BRACH VOGEL CO., NEW YORK. LOUVRE AND LUXEMBOURG COLLECTION. Copies of ^famous paintings. Framing Size, 16x20 inches. This series of famous pictures is the result of an effort to secure the “best things” in pictures which have ever been offered in this country. Mounted on neutral tint board ready for framing, or for decorative use, unframed. All the pictures are reproduced by the improved Murillotint process, which has been pronounced equal in effect to the most expensive reproduction work known. PLAYING LONDON BRIDGE. No. 560. 561. 562. 563. London Bridge Chess Players Courtship Schoolmaster Welcome Visitors Jealousy Welcome Home At the Brook The Returning Sheep November Evening The Avon near Stratford Anne Hathaway’s Cottage The Returning Sheep November Evening Das Marchenbuch Rembrandt The Departure The Return The Gleaners Saint Agnes La Venus de Milo Hoffman’s Head of Christ Portrait of Longfellow Bobby Burns’ Birthplace Rubbing from Shakespeare’s Tomb PRICES. Prices in sheet, mounted on choice card board . . . . • “ Framed in 2-inch Florentine Gilt, Gold Burnished Ornaments .... “ “ “ 2-inch High Back Gilt Ornamented ...... “ “ “ 2-inch Solid Oak, Flemish Finish, Gold Burnished Ornaments, Rococo Back each, $ .50 “ 1.35 “ 1.25 « 1.50 PRICES NET, 3 Per Cent. Cash 10 Days, or 30 Days Net. We do not issue an illustrated catalog of Picture Frame Houldings, but send free of charge , on application, a small sample case containing about 25'C) patterns, which will enable you to see just what our goods are, and whichurannot be done in selecting from catalog. 22i and 223 CANAL STREET. The above represents our New Warehouse, 221 and 223 CANAL ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., U. S. A. h. a. Rost printing & pub. co., 214-218 william jt., n.