If © ean-Francois Raffaelli r»5 Ti^rAciu AMERICAN ART GALLERIES (MADISON SQUARE SOUTH) NEW YORK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/worksofjeanfraffOOraff <" ,.fj0 WORKS OF JEAN F. RAFFAELLI On Exhibition until March 17, inclusive At The American Art Galleries (MADISON SQUARE SOUTH) WEEK DAYS, 9 A. M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAYS, 2 TO 6 P.M. I** The American Art Association, Managers NEW YORK 1895 Press of J. J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York THE PETTY RESEARCH IK'STiTUTE LIBRARY AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Since M. Raffaelli’s arrival in New York he has had many kind offers from gentlemen in this and other cities to lend him examples of his work for his forthcoming exhibition. M. Raffaelli having arranged to exhibit jointly with Mr. E. A. Abbey, has not at his disposal sufficient space to properly avail himself of their kindness, and he takes this means to express his warm thanks and his sincere appreciation of the very exceptional courtesy shown him. 'VvtC, £j®wv i ^ |ji£ 4 JU ^vit $/u^-fru-4 ' A oW^ fuw^viA ? 6, 1 ^ Ac, « Wm ^ L'fyJL 0 ^' 'j^irU^MX^-iuyt' J $~&tu} £ft_ \ajuC^ / ^‘^UaaJ 7 L. hg%A^ (XA4*Ajxt~ri I kuThu 'n^^ULtAAA^-i / VI UiCo * *4^ dhruWc , v — J l i U‘ XvfcffiUAJ^' kiW ^Wi4 ouW W j/u-r4iv? ** — &-> u* axtZ?fc> W /w£"~ 1Vv<4wW f (u(^$~cl^Lic h CL CLCjt+1, Via, iMCp UMaju^i U J' Cw ktu 4 <^Oinu‘*^ tijw'-V yjLtvh’t- u*u. 5“&v4/? Ua- 4^. Out v^CLrti jtX *f ($\Ytii • y, C ( ci*riz7tc 0~^r{^~ Cty-C* Ccvu^uaJ- awa ^5 ^ <—» (jJLtovXL wu c U£&tc? 0 { (k*{ f C&tuAUJ* *£&v^iMJL~ I ^jf%vV~ v^4% ; ■^|vr (uU^aMX? , 9 014. QHVH^ &4,UA*X^~ A&? ^UmX? * '©^ t4^-C 4^%aaMJU^ ^ ^%JL ^ *i &££&^ ^4^) jUt*u ^^w4.i^4L. ^CiJ^ * Hmju ^ Gh fiMi, Cj/Sfuvt&p p.,0x^r f&^aMjh & thvUfe &S VAAjSr ,M-vC /«. &j**&\/l^r KjSu^ Ls^mamj^' t ^ /tvl ' n^H$ii‘aS- ^ Kuk^JUlfc ^ \hAL f '^rtXtAf^u.- f~ ^u 1 u^ jsjS-Aifc tu L&^Ut.c^f U' &i CfuU. &Cl#w{L *■ 4^-vt^ A ( *4 Ui^y* J^UiyL' 1 UK. UM -J i-Lt^^X'. 1 ' ’ ^ ^ 4 * Prn^C i C* L^O^t c ( Uru? tfZGy ly&SU/u&J ^ |/^Tt Cl? ^aUai (My y^ 4 Wi£Y/ ^ h>^jZ4\/) « —^4 9&V\AA, MaA^ &&J iMsi, CCl&U^ 0 C*V)l (*Z Cl ^Ja^I 0 ' UtA 1 ^ *^Vt£6^ Uu^L'VitML . ~-H , j ri nxr Ccvit* 0 &-\ 'UvujxXLi c «ttfr ^ y-^rraM^ (m <-&sYT%d-£'\£, y (Iaa^C '£ cf~b>~ v-t^nCtcs j UkXCf'^^^j ah- Luhs^A " 7 |^uv cl£u*' fy~* &<*■ fr&Vwjt- OAa(jLs ^ Iv^ aUyS&Ul ckM- ^ *y3' 132 133 •34 135 136 •37 • 38 •'39 140 A Learned English Woman Painting owned by Madame Jeanne Hugo, Paris Designing a Bill Poster Painting owned by M. Charles Hayem, Paris Near the Bank of the River Painting owned by M. Gustave Geffroy, Paris At the Races Painting owned by M. X., Paris Head of a Sailor Painting owned by M. Rodin, Paris Grandfather Painting owned by M. Paul Galimard, Paris Admiring His Sun Flowers Painting owned by M. Felicien Champsaur, Paris Portrait — M. George Rodenbach, the Poet, Paris An English Laborer Painting owned by Mr. X., London Retired French Officers Painting owned by the late M. Albert Wolff, Paris Nurse Girls and Soldiers Original owned by M. X., Paris The Old Clothes Woman Painting owned by M. X., Paris At the Exposition, 1889 Painting owned by M. Boivin, Paris 17 14 1 The Glazier Painting owned by M. Paul Bourget, Paris 142 Actress in the Green Room Painting owned by the Earl of G., Paris 143 At the Concert Hall 144 Portrait of Theresa Painting owned by Madame Th£r!sa, Paris 145 A Duet Painting owned by M. V. C. ; Paris 146 Portrait — Edmond de Goncourt Painting owned by Museum of Nancy 147 The Circus Band Painting owned by M. Edmond Magnier, Paris 148 Spectators at a Concert Hall Painting owned by M. X., Paris 149 First Comers at the Wedding Painting owned by M. Charles Hayem, Paris 150 A Concert Singer Painting owned by M. X., Paris 15 1 The Cobbler Painting owned by Madame Henry Grdville, Paris 152 Misery — The Worst Quarters of Paris Painting owned by M. Manzi, Paris 153 The Convalescent Painting in the Museum of Luxembourg The American Art Association, Managers 18 aa ... cag) c,