6 / 7/95 to 12 / 21/95 DOWD E 8 W EL' loOj ii- J i OA.T^A.XjOOXJ LJ k X ") 'WILLS LTD, :rr, ld.oon. OF i,oCU& C * 2- THE COLLECTION OF MINIATURES OF HENRY DOETSCH, ESQ. DECEASED, Late of 7 New Burlington Street: which (by Order of the Executors ) Mill i)e fcj> Auction tuj Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THIIB ©EEAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1896, And Two JFo 11 o w in^ Days, AT ONE O’ CLOCK PRECISELY. -odivio* - May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. <2.qA l - 21C \ CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o —— I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. n. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. Yl. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. PREFACE. The art of miniature painting lias been practised almost as long as painting and writing have been known. It existed in ancient Egypt at a remote date. Miniature figures and embellishments are found in many papyri, of which the British Museum, among others, possesses several examples. The libraries of princes and nobles competed for the possession of artistically illuminated manuscripts. This had as a consequence, on the one hand, that at the beginning of the fifteenth century the art of miniature painting had at its service the free use of all known technical aids, and thus attained its most perfect development, while, on the other hand, there were added to the prevailing ideal types characteristic features taken from real life which gradually increased till they found complete expression in portraiture. This is the branch that principally concerns us in the col¬ lection under notice, as it is specially remarkable for portraits, though mythological, fancy and other subjects are also represented. The collection begins with works by the best Masters of the last period above referred to, and carries us down in unbroken succession to the most eminent miniature painters of modern times. It is a recognised fact that miniatures, more than any form of art, lead us, as if by the successive links of a chain, through the life of bygone generations. An air of romance pervades these dainty pictures expressive of the most personal and most subjective element of art, and embodying the most intimate, though partly veiled and ever-changing rela¬ tionships. The rich and costly mountings of many of the paintings in the Doetsch Collection, executed in gold, silver or jewels, and in the purest artistic form, exemplifies the high moral and intrinsic value set on the portrait by the giver or receiver. Many of them, doubtless, have a history of their own, often a complex one, and they could probably reveal to us some strange long-buried secret. To give a commission for a miniature was considered an event of no small importance, and they were always painted expressly for a certain specified person. Often worn in medallions, they filled a distinctive place I! 2 IV PREFACE. in the inner life of their possessors, serving sometimes as a memento of those passed away who had, perhaps, been all in all to those left behind. In private life, as in history, small causes often produce great effects. As this collection proves, the greatest painters of all periods and schools —especially when the heart was concerned—did not disdain to paint their own portraits for presentation, or, at least, to have a miniature of their ideal always about them. The initiated are well aware that Masters, even of the very first rank, painted miniatures more often than is generally supposed. The great feature of the Doetsch Collection is that all schools and periods are repre¬ sented, and it is specially worthy of the notice of connoisseurs, for the reason that it comprises only really good specimens. The late Mr. H. Doetsch, who was at the same time a collector and connoisseur in the best sense, loved to add to his collection quietly and without attracting attention; hut no sacrifice seemed to him too great when the question of acquiring a genuine work of art was involved. The collection now about to be dispersed comprises about 600 miniatures, of which it may justly be said that no museum in the world, and hut few private collectors, can show a collection to be compared with it. It is arranged according to Schools, and with special regard as to whether the work is in oil or water-colour, and the material on which it is executed, whether copper, parchment or ivory. Enamels of exquisite beauty form a separate section, amongst which those by Petitot, Charles Boit, Hone, Zincke and Bone may be named. It will he seen from the Catalogue that the general arrangement is based on the separation of the English, French, German, Dutch, Flemish, Italian and Spanish Schools. Finally, a special place is allotted to boxes bearing miniature portraits and to drawings, as also to work executed in grisaille, Limoges and glass; also to watches, medallions, and sundry objects embellished with miniature paintings. As regards the sources from which this collection was derived, the papers left by the late Mr. Doetsch—who unfortunately died rather suddenly —point to his having obtained most of the miniatures from the following Collections:—Marquis of Donegal, Duke of Buckingham, Lord North- wick, Blenheim Palace, Cheney’s, Gibson-Craig, Strawberry Hill, Duke of Hamilton, Thomas Graham Murray, Lord Chichester, Bohn Collection, Finchley Manor House, Duke of Boxburghe, Marquis of Hastings, Earl of Belfast, Lord F. C. Kerr, Earl of Devon, Stanhopo Broyden, Col. Freame, Prince Demidoff, Conde Oliveira, and Prince Hendrik of Holland. Wherever the origin could be clearly traced it is noted in the catalogue. The undersigned compiler was most courteously and actively assisted PREFACE. V ill liis difficult but interesting task by the executors, Mr. Charles Doetsch and Dr. Gustav Ludwig. In addition to the valuable help given by these gentlemen, the compiler has to acknowledge that he owes much to Mr. J. L. Propert’s ‘History of Miniature Art,’Macmillan, 1887, a most excellent and trustworthy work. Use was also made of the catalogue of the South Kensington Museum Exhibition, 1865, edited by Mr. Richard Redgrave and Sir H. Cole, which is hereby also gratefully acknowledged. Valuable material was further found in the work of the Hon. Mrs. Norman Grosvenor for the Fine Art Society, and in the Cosway Exhibition Catalogue for this year by Mr. George C. Williamson. In the Doetsch Collection the English School of Miniature painting is represented from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day, and it is only necessary to recall the names of Nicholas Hilliard, Isaac and Peter Oliver, Samuel Cooper, down to Richard Cosway. In the French School we find the same continuity from Clouet and Drouais down to Isabey and beyond, while the Italians are similarly brilliantly represented by Bronzino in the old, and Rosalba Carriera in the new school. Among the German Masters, Klingstedt, Dinglinger, Fiiger, and Daffiuger, may be sjmcially mentioned, and not less remarkable are numerous painters of the Dutch School. Although it is difficult to avoid a feeling of sadness when such a col¬ lection as this is to be broken up and dispersed, there is always consolation in the thought that in the world of Art, as in the struggle for existence, dissolution on the one side means life on the other, and opportunities are thus afforded for founding new collections and extending existing ones. The Catalogue has been drawn up with the greatest care as regards the detailed particulars given, but no guarantee can be given of their absolute accuracy. May Goethe’s lines in the Introduction to Faust find a fitting appli¬ cation to the present sale:— “ He who brings much has something brought for many, Each gets his share, and all depart content.” VON SCHLEINITZ. 7 Redcliffe Road, London, S.W. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle02chri_1 CATALOGUE First Day’s Sale. 5^0-0- On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1865, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ojdio /_ Z- ilium in templo sedentem in media doctorum. Luc. II.; at the bottom, Et descendit cum eis et venit Nazareth et erat suhditus illis. Luc. II. FRENCH MINIATURES— -in oil , on copper. 16 Philip, Duo d } Anjou, by Jean Baptiste Masse, in armour, in old J ' rf . o silver repousse frame 17 Portrait of Pierre Mignard, in a silver-gilt locket J 18 Julie de Nibble, Comtesse de Mailly, 1710-1751, by Hyacinthe Js a j Rigauld, in a silver-gilt frame 19 Portrait of Michel Baron, Comedian, by Largilliere, in a gilt frame with emblems 20 Portrait or Louis Augusts, Duo be Maine, in a silver-gilt X * ■ -f lopkot b 9 /# - . j. - /. 3 . - ,Y. J- - Y ' y /j. - >. ... 7. '2. /O '■?. s: - 21 Genevieve d’ Urphi<:, widow of Charles Alexander, Duke of Croy, in a silver-gilt locket 22 Le Duo Louis-Hector de Villars, as a young man, by Jean Petitot, in a silver-gilt locket SPANISH MINIATURES —in oil, on copper. 23 Portrait of Don Alonso Espinola, by Velasquez, in a silver- gilt locket, inscription engraved : Don Alonso Espinola. Diego Velazquez de Silva fecit 1628 24 Margarita de Austria, by Bartolome Gonzalez, in a chased metal frame DUTCH MINIATURES— in oil , on copper. 25 Portrait of Adriaen Brouwer, by himself, in a silver-gilt frame 26 Madame Claude de Lorraine, afterwards Abbesse de Jouare, by Le Fevre, in a silver-gilt frame 27 Palamedes, by himself, in or-molu frame— signed and dated in full, “ A. Palamedes, 1626 ” 28 Portrait of Albert Cuyp— oval —in a silver-gilt locket 29 Portrait of the Archduke Albert of Austria, by Sir Antonio More, in a tortoiseshell frame 30 Portrait of Jacobus Matham, by himself, in a silver-gilt locket, inscribed “ Anno 1602. AEtatis 31 ” Jacobus Matham, a Dutch painter and engraver, was born at Haarlem, 1571, and was the son-in-law of the cele¬ brated engraver Hendrik Goltzius. In 1605 he became President of the Guild. Died at Haarlem, 1631 31 Portrait of Godefroy Sohaloken, by himself, on wood, in a silver-gilt frame— signed “ G. S.” r 32 Mary of Lorraine, by Gerard Terburg, in an old repousse silver frame— signed in full and dated, ‘‘ G. Terburg, 1635 ” V A a. p s. a. p. A a. p. A a. p a a. p. A a p A A- P , ' ■! << 10 )/ 33 Portrait op Isabella, wife of the Archduke Albert of Austria, by Sir Antonio More, in a tortoiseshell frame Companion to No. 29 34 Portrait of a Lady, in an old silver frame set with pastes 35 Portrait of Count William of Nassau-Orange, by Guillim fC f2. f Stretes, in a gilt frame 36 Portrait of Johannes van Ravesteyn, by himself, in a metal gilt frame The miniature is inscribed in gold letters “ TEtatis suae 25, Anno. 1622 ” (37 A Young Lady at a Window, after Jan Yictoors, in an old silver frame (38 Charles I., after a picture by Yan Dyck, by H. Gerritsz Pot, in an old silver repousse frame The well known miniature from the Strawberry Hill Collection GERMAN MINIATURES —in oils, on copper. 39 Princess Amalia, sister of Frederick the Great, by Johann Zick, tX£ in an old or-molu frame 40 The Emperor William I. of Germany (1860-1888), when young, in uniform, by Gustav Taubert, on ivory, in a gold locket set with garnets —signed “ T” 41 Portrait of Catherine of Bora, wife of Luther (?), in an old Jr*-?. silver-gilt frame set with pastes 42 Portrait of a Lady, by Martin Schaffner, in a silver-gilt frame f/f /yj J FRENCH MINIATURES —in water-colours, on ivory. 43 Camille Desmoulins, revolutionist, by Jean Jacques Hauer (t/c J inscribed “(£, 7 bre , 1792” 44 La Marquise de Pompadour, by Nicolas Yenevault, in an old silver frame c>y jd* 45 Portrait of Marie Jeanne Boucher, by herself, in a brass ^^ j, frame 11 4G Marie Antoinette, by Hene, in a white dress and powdered liair, in a gold frame with blue enamelled border —signed “ Hene ’’ 47 Madame de Montespan, by Pierre Mignard, in an old silver frame 48 Portrait of a Young Lady, by Jean Baptiste Isabey, in a metal- gilt frame 49 La Marquise de Pompadour, by Sicardi, in a mother-o’-pearl frame —signed “ Sicardi ” 50 Anne D’Antriche, Queen of Louis XIII. of France, in a gold c/. «/? frame rtrait of a Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, in armour, with the cross of St. John of Malta 52 Madame Saltire, Lady of Honour to Marie Antoinette, by Rouvier, in a silver-gilt frame —signed “ JRouvier, 1789 ” 58 Napoleon I., by Jean Baptiste Isabey, in an old silver frame set & with pastes —signed “ Isabey, 1813 ” 54 Marie Adelaide, Luchesse de Bourgogne, in a white and richly jewelled dress, in an old frame 55 Henry IV., King of France, in an old silver frame e /'^. ^ 56 The Bath of Venus, by Philippe Chery, probably a portrait of Pauline Borgheso, in a brass frame —signed “ P. Ch .” 57 Le Due de Penthi&vre, by Largilliere, in armour and a white # ■ J ? wig, in circular metal frame 58 Portrait of Gaston, Duke of Orleans, in a silver-gilt locket 59 La Princesse Lamballe, by Sicardi, in an or-molu frame 60 Madame Clairon, a French actress, 1723-1803, in an old silvex ^2 . .” A gold border is round the box, which is inlaid with gold and bears a crown and the letter C engraved 126 An Ivory Snuff-box, inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a portrait Z of Madame Elisabeth de France, sister of Louis XVI., by Robert Adam —signed “ Adam, 1784 ” 12 < A Snuff-box of Masse-Dure and Tortoiseshell, with the portrait of Madame Todi, by James Nixon —signed “ Nixon 2?xt.” 128 A Carved Tortoiseshell Snuff-box, with silver borders, on the lid a portrait of the celebrated English engraver Hamlet Winstanley (b. 1700, d. 1761); his own portrait engraved in Vol. III. of Walpole Cf. - /Ji - / 2. - 2. j: - J. - 4 . - - - FRENCH BOXES. 129 A Tortoiseshell Snuff-box, on the lid Princesse de Lamballe in water-colour Boze a miniature of the^^,^« on ivory, by Joseph ^ 130 A Snuff-box of Tortoiseshell, on the lid the portrait of Louise Marie, daughter of Louis XV. and Marie Leszinska, executed by Saignac, in water-colour on ivor y—signed “ Saignac, 1754” 131 A Wooden Snuff-box, inside tortoiseshell, with a portrait of ^ f Madame de Tencin, a friend to Marie Antoinette, by Joseph Ducreux 132 An Ivory Snuff-box, inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a portait of J ? JZ . a gentleman, unknown 133 An Ivory Snuff-box, inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a portrait of a lady, in a gold frame 134 A Snuff-box of Ivory, on the lid a portrait of Marie a friend of Marie Antoinette, by Jean Guerin de Savoie, y /£ jj IT ':/A - . J- ' ?//• " ' JZ. - V- - - /y~ - y- - y: - . - 135 A Tortoiseshell and Gold Piqu£ Snuff-box, with the portrait of the Countess of Pomfret, in water-colour, on ivory 136 A Shagreen Snuff-box, with the portrait of the Marquise de J 3 Noailles, the friend of the French painter Prud’hon—the Marquise died 1821—in a gold framo 137 Henry Stewart, Duke of Gloucester, by Jean Petitot, on a silver-gilt snuff-box 138 An Ivory Snuff-box, on the lid a portrait of Maria Therese of ^ . J 3 , Austria (1638-83), Queen of Louis XIV., by Savorin, after Petitot, in a gilt border— signed “ Savorin, 1759 ” 139 A Snuff-box of Tortoiseshell, on the lid a miniature of 7 K. J Madame de Montesson, in a border of gold and precious stones 140 A Tortoiseshell Snuff-box, with the portrait of the Duchesse de Brissac, by Ooblain, in a gold border— signed “ Coblain, 1777 ” 141 A Snuff-box of Ivory, inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a beautiful portrait of Madame Elisabeth de France, the sister of Louis XVI., by Levain— signed and dated , “ Levain 1793 ” J142 An Ivory Snuff-box, inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a portrait of Marie Antoinette, after Sombreuil— signed “ Sombreuil, 1795” 143 A Gold-mounted Piqu£ Snuff-box of Tortoiseshell, on the J lid a portrait of a lady as Diana, styled Diane de Poitiers From the Gibson Craig Collection 144 A Black Tortoiseshell Snuff-box, gold bordered, with a f ^ ) miniature representing the Fortune Teller, after F. Mieris signed “ Bazan ” 145 A Tortoiseshell Snuff-box, mounted in gold, with the portrait of Charlotte Corday, by Venton— signed “ Teuton, 1/ 146 A Snuff-box of Ivory, on the back a gold border and tha monogram “ Ip ” in gold, and a miniature of Venus embracing f/ Cupid C 18 A- / J. - GERMAN BOXES. '147 A Red Snuff-box of “ Masse-Dube,” inside tortoiseshell, on the lid a gold pique border of paste stones forms the frame for the portrait of Frederick Augustus II., King of Poland, fTf’/bf J called “der Starke” (b. 1688, d. 1763), by Karl Klingstedt 148 An Engeayed Coppee Snuff-box, with a miniature portrait of Louise Marie, daughter of Louis XV. and Marie Leszinska r by Kane —signed and dated, “Kane, 1763” - { SNUFF-BOXES WITH enamel miniatures. 449 Poetkait of Thomas Pelham, Duke OF NEWCASTLE, by C. F. Zincke, an enamel on tortoiseshell box, mounted in gold P i( l u ® J.50 Poeteait of the Eael of Buelington, by Jarvis Spencer, an enamel on a snuff-box of ivory and tortoiseshell 151 A Toetoiseshell Gold-mounted Snuff-box, with the enamelled t portrait of a gentleman 152 A Snuff-box of Toetoiseshell, in gold mount, on the lid an enamel by Jean Petitot the younger, representing the Duo de la Rochefoucauld 153 A Snuff-box of Hoen, richly inlaid with gold and enamelled border; two boys playing golf, &c., form the gold ornament of the lid MINIATURES OF ENGLISH LADIES -in water-colours, on ivory. / /& . - 154 Lady Anne Montague, by C. Bestland, seated near a tree iv/sFAt/ landscape and playing with a butterfly, in a silver-gilt frame j 2 __ . __ 155 Poeteait of Mbs. Teimmee, in a gold frame set with 156 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, in silver repousse frame 157 Mrs. Rigby, by Eicbard Cosway, in engraved locket 158 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, in openwork gold frame 159 Portrait of a Young Girl, in an old silver frame set with pastes, on the back a cameo -t- J? {7F.7* / { 160 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, in a silver-gilt frame 161 Kitty Fischer, by Nathaniel Plimer, mounted in an old silver frame set with pastes 162 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, by Mrs. Mee, in a gold frame 163 Portrait of Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, by Van Dyck, in gold frame, on the rev. a monogram in gold 164 Mrs. Yere, of Stonebyres, by Sir Henry Raeburn, in a gold . A . frame, on the rev. the monogram “ B ” in gold 165 Portrait of the Duchess of Gordon 166 Lady Paget, by R. Cosway, in a gold frame 167 Portrait of the Countess of Bessborough, in a gold locket in form of a pendant set with pearls. The back is enamelled, with gold border and pearls 168 Portrait of Lady Northwick, by Richard Cosway, in a gold frame 169 Mrs. Robinson, the actress, by J. Hoppner, 1790, in or-molu frame 170 Queen Anne (1702-1714), by Mary Byng, in a gold frame, inscription on the back “Mary Byng Pinx. 1705 ” 171 Portrait of Lady Hamilton, by R. Cosway, in a gold frame, on the rev. monogram in gold 172 The Two Misses Bower, by R. Cosway, in silver-gilt frame A*. 173 Portrait of Miss Hamilton, Countess de Grammont, by ^ c/ZiwtAzf R. Cosway, in a gold frame, on the rev. a cameo representing Perseus holding in his loft hand the head of the Medusa, and rescuing Andromeda O 2 20 / J/- /*' ///• Jl. '/J' &■ 7- b /*- - / /*. ' /. /J' - yr yy ' J' 174 Mary II., Queen of England, by David Loggan, in a silver-gilt frame 175 Mrs. Robinson, after Sir Josbua Reynolds, by J. Hoppner, in a / metal-gilt locket 176 Portrait of the Hon. Lady John Russel, in a gilt frame / fccZ & tr ? 177 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, by A. Plimer, in a gold frame, on the rev. a monogram in small pearls * 178 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, by A. Plimer, in a gold frame, ZZ. J on the rev. a monogram in small pearls 179 Portrait of Lady Fitzgerald, by R. Cosway, in a white dress and powdered hair, in a gold frame 180 Portrait of Mary Isabella, Duchess of Rutland, 1783, by>/ R. Cosway, in a white and blue dress and powdered hair 181 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, by Shelley, in a gold locket 182 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, in a gold frame, on the back a * monogram in small pearls 183 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, in gold frame 184 Jane Seymour, third wife of King Henry YIII., in a gold locket set with diamonds 185 Mary, Countess Cowper, in a gold locket, on the rev. engraved ■ « monogram “ M. A.” 186 Portrait of Nell Gwynne, in a silver-gilt frame ^ 187 Portrait of a Lady, unknown, by George Engleheart, in a silver-gilt locket / 2 ■ / Z. - /• -2- " / /S: - 188 A Gold Ring, with a miniature by R. Cosway, the portrait is that of Mrs. Moffat when a young girl 189 A Gold Ring, with a French miniature — the portrait painted 190 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, in a gilt locket 191 William Fitz-Maurtce Petty, First Marquis of Lansdowne (1737-1805), by Samuel Collins —signed “ S. C.,” 1769 21 192 H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge, by Richard Cosway, in an or-molu and black wooden frame 193 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), in Indian ink, on ivory, in a black frame 194 A Miniature Portrait of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, in black frame End of First Day's Sale. Second Bay’s Sale* —-<*>>©<» On THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -&oj4^c-o~- ENGLISH MINIATURES— in oil. _ //. — 1^5 Francis, Lord Cottington (b. 1576, d. 1652), in a metal frame J . - • — 196 Portrait of William Pulteney, Earl of Bath, on copper, in a silver-gilt locket " 197 Portrait of a Boy, by R. Gibson, on copper, silver-gilt locket .*/? 4 . - • - 19« Queen Mary of England (1662-1694), in an oval silver-gilt . frame / J ~ •— 199 Portrait of Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, by Alexander Cooper, on copper, in an old silver repousse frame " & . - 200 Lady Chesterfield, by John Dixon, on copper, in a metal-gilt ^ frame / 4 - - 201 William, Earl of Devonshire, a very small miniatu^e^on silver, enclosed in old silver repousse frame J 2 . — ■ — 202 David Garrick and his Wife, by Miss Frances Reynolds, on A ^ ■ f - copper, in a silver-gilt locket /. /j~. — 203 Portrait of Colonel Duckett, by Samuel Cooper, oval, on ■ tf[ copper, silver-gilt frame y X' _ 204 The Virgin and Child, after Murillo, by Mrs. Mary Bealefon ' copper, in an elaborate metal frame 23 i /0. - 205 ■> - 206 l/,.- 207 208 , . - 209 ’ /s - 210 /* ■ - 211 /f - 212 ■ — 213 ' /A. - 214 J: - 215 JT - 216 - 217 f>. - 218 : y- - 219 Portrait of A Lady, unknown, by P. Lely (school of), on copper, in a metal-gilt frame Portrait of Sir John Danvers, by Cornells Ketel (attributed to), in steel armour, on copper, metal-gilt locket Portrait of a Burgomaster of Hamburg, by Samuel Cooper, on a silver coin of the old “ Hansa-town,” inscription on the coin, “ Moneta Nova Civit. Hamburgensis, 1636,”— signed “ S. C.” Ja. s The Wife of the Burgomaster of Hamburg, by Samuel JJ Cooper, on a Hamburg silver coin of the same kind as the above, but on the reverse. The companion to No. 207. In¬ scription on the rev. of the coin, “ Ferdinand G. Homa Imp. Sem. Aug. P. F. D”—signed “ S. C.” Portrait of the Duke Christian of Brunswick-Luneburg, . «/? by Eobert Overst, on copper, in an old silver-gilt filigree frame Portrait of Andrew Marvell, by Samuel Cooper, on copper, . J 7 . in a gold locket Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, by Peter Oliver, on silver, ^9. J* in metal-gilt frame Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland, on copper, in gold cX . . . /A / ' 250 Portrait op Leo X., by Luisa Corsi, after tbe picture by Raphael, in a silver-gilt locket 251 Laura, by Luisa Corsi, in a silver gilt frame <5 * 252 Sta. Barbara, after Titian, by Luisa Corsi, in a silver-gilt irame 253 A Lady’s Portrait, in a silver-gilt locket — signed “Luisa Corsi fee.’ ^1X7 S'*/ tZzT- 254 The Virgin, by Luisa Corsi, after a picture by Fra Filippo' Lippi— signed “ Luisa Corsi fee 7 255 A Miniature Portrait of Raphael’s “ Fornarina,” by Luisa X Corsi, in a silver-gilt locket Y ■ / /> 256 Portrait op Bianca Capello, by Luisa Corsi, after a picture by Bronzino, on ivory, in brass frame 257 Portrait of Sir Anthony Vandyke (1598-1641), by P. Ben- netti, circular —signed “ P. Bennetti, 1766” 258 Portrait op Parmigianino, by Luisa Corsi, in a silver-gilt locket 259 Head of Cleopatra, after Guido Reni, in a silver-gilt locket 260 La Poesia, after C. Dolce, in or-molu frame 261 Madonna, after Fra Angelico da Fiesole, by Luisa Corsi 262 Portrait of William, Marquis of Donegal, by S. Franceschini, in silver frame set with pastes— signed “ S. Franceschini ” 263 Prince Henry of Prussia (b. 1726, d. 1802), by Pompeo Batoni, in a circular or-molu frame-— signed “ P.” ITALIAN MINIATURES— in water-colours , on ivory. 264 Portrait of Andrea del Sarto, or Andrea Vanucchi (1488- 1530), in a silver-gilt locket 265 Andrea Mantegna (1431-1517), in silver-gilt locket /• - (266 Portrait of the Great Venetian Master, Giaropo Palma ,, (1540-1623), called II Vecchio, silver-gilt locket 1;/ 27 //- V- /. - - 267 Paris Bordone (1500-1571), in silver-gilt locket 268 Bernardino Luini, in silver-gilt locket 269 Parmegiano, or properly styled Francesco Mazzuoli (1503— 1540), in silver-gilt locket 270 Portrait of Annibale Caraooi (1560—1609), in a silver-gilt y cr -^ 7 , locket //• /• / /J. 271 Domeniohino, or Zampieri (1581-1641), in a silver-gilt locket 272 Guido Reni (1547-1642), in a silver-gilt locket 273 Rembrandt Van Rtn (1606-1674), in a silver-gilt locket 274 Federico Baroccio (1528-1612). the disciple of Battista Yenezano, in a silver-gilt locket 275 Portrait of a Gentleman, by C. da Costa, in a gilt wooden frame —signed “ C. da Costa, July 22, 1717 ” 276 Portrait of B'artolome de Las Casas, Spanish school, in water¬ colour on ivory, in an old case Bartolome de Las Casas (b. 1474, d. 1566), studied at Salamanca; went to Hispaniola in 1502, and laboured as a missionary among the Indians. Bishop of Chiapa, 1544- 51 ; d. in Madrid r / FRENCH MINIATURES —in water-colours. 277 Marie Antoinette, by Madame Anne Vallayer-Coster, in an or¬ molu frame /J. - 278 Portrait of Francis I., Emperor of the Holy German Empire, 1745-1765, by John Stephen Liotard, in gold frame 279 Maria Leczinska, Queen of Louis XV., by Martin de Meytens, wearing a grey satin costume decorated with pearls, and a brooch of diamonds in form of a crown, in silver-gilt frame set with pastes —signed “ M. de Meytens ” /j. 6 280 Portrait of Mlle. Necker, in a silver-gilt locket /? p . - 281 Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, by Rouvier, in an old cy- ^ silver frame set with pastes —signed “ Rouvier ” 28 /*■ a ■ /J- /■ J~ JL ■ cS. J . / 34 £//J- /-*■ J2../0- /■ /• J?. /*■ 4 . //■ / 371 The Farnese Hercules, an ivory plaque in high relief, with a red enamelled border— Italian, 17th century < ° From the Collection of Colonel Freame 372 A Medal, with the portraits of Philip II. of Spain s.nd Queen Mary I. of England (1553-1558), with inscription on the portrait of Philip, “ Philippus Bex Brine. Hisp. 2Et. S. Ann. XXVIII.” ; inscription on the portrait of Maria, “Maria I. Beg. Angl. Franc, et Eih. Fidei Defensatrix ” V373 A Silver Medal, with the portraits of the Brothers de Wit. PORTRAITS IN WAX. 374 Lorenzo Ghiberti, by Alessandro Abondio, in high relief, in or-molu frame - 375 Diane de Poitiers, in high relief, by Antonio Abonlio, in or¬ molu frame y> ^ ^ 376 Galileo Galilei, in high relief, by Alessandro Abondio", in or-molu frame / ' 377 Portrait of a Lady, in or-molu frame, by Alessandro Aboilclio, the son 378 Maria, daughter of Charles V., wife of the Emperor Maxi¬ milian II., by Alessandro Abondio, the father, 16th century, in gold locket, bearing the painter’s name engraved, and the wrong inscription: “ Isotta da Bimini .” Done at Vienna during the painter’s stay there with his son Alessandro, at the court of Rudolph II., Emperor of Germany ^ 379 Portrait of a Lady, in rich costume, decorated with a chain of pearls and precious stones, 17th century, in silver-gilt frame DRAWINGS AND MINIATURES. 380 Portrait of Henry VIII. (b. 1491, d. 1547), on glass, in a silver frame, after Holbein’s famous picture 381 Portrait of James II., King of England (1685-1689), on ^ porcelain, on the rev. the coat-of-arms of the King, in silver- ' gilt frame 382 Landscapes, after Henri Desire van Blarenberghe, a pair, in circular brass frames 383 A Wooden Cross, painted with the Crucifixion, by Ribera 384 A Very Fine Intaglio of the Emperor Napoleon I. — signed “ P. Harris” with inscription “ Bonaparte ” 385 Jerome Bonaparte when a Young Man, in a gold frame, on the rev. the monogram “ J ” in gold and a wreath of gold leaves 386 TnE Muse Polyhymnia and Amor, a miniature in grisaille on /. ivory on dark ground, in silver-gilt locket in form of a wreath, set with stones, with mother-o’-pearl back 387 Johannes Rutgersius, by Lambert Visscher, called “ Gustavi Magni a consiliis et legationibus,” a medallion miniature in pen on ivory, in or-molu frame 388 Christophorus de Rauenberg, called by Lambert “ Electoris Brandenburgici Consiliarus belliens intimus,” a pen drawing on ivory, in or-molu frame 389 Jan de Witt (1625-1672), by Lambert Visscher, in pen, in / metal frame 390 Cornelius de Witt (1623-1672), by Lambert Visscher, drawing in pen, in brass frame 391 Danae, a miniature in grisaille on ivory, in silver repousse framo 392 Samson and Daijlah, a pair of Limoges enamels—3 in. by 3 in. ^ £ sf- End of Second Dag's Sale. /) >. /y - y. - y. - /y Third Day’s Sale. On FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1895, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. o'HKc DUTCH AND FLEMISH MINIATURES—in oil, on copper. 401 Portrait of Tobias Verhaecht, in a silver-gilt frame 7 ^ 402 Mary of Lorraine, by Gerard Terburg, in silver-gilt frame, 403 Portrait of William I. (Frederik) of Orange, in circular wood frame ^. y 3 The companion to No. 404 v 404 Portrait of Wilhelmine Sofia Frederika, Princess of Orange, on wood, in a circular wood frame . 405 Pope Urban VIII., by Giovanni Battista Stefanescbi, in au, oval or-molu frame y. /y- 406 Portrait of Guido Reni, in a silver-gilt frame y. y /. yy- y. /■ - ENGLISH MINIATURES. 407 William III. and Queen Mary of England, on agate, painted on both sides, old gold frame y . J 408 Portraits of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, in a silver-gilt locket 409 Portraits of Robert Greville and his Mother, painted on, • both sides, in oval gilt frame 37 ■> . — /j: j: _ yj: - 410 Portrait of Henry VI., King of England (1422-1461), in a silver-gilt locket, after the picture at Kensington Palace. The corresponding engraving on the rev. 411 Pichard III., King of England (1483-85), in a silver-gilt locket, after the picture at Kensington Palace. The cor¬ responding engraving on the rev. 412 A Gentleman as a Shepherd, by C. Bestland, in a silver-gilt frame —signed “ C. B., 1802 ” 413 A Lady as Shepherdess, by C. Bestland, in silver-gilt frame —signed “ C. Bestland ” 414 The Duchess of Buckingham, by Sir Godfrey Kneller, in silver pique shagreen case si/ . / * r 'Z: ¥ SZ. s 415 /£■ - 416 /. - 417 . 1 00 rH TH 1 Ul9 . - 420 : - 43 - 503 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603), by Henry Bone, R.A., after a picture by Nicholas Hilliard, in or-molu frame "7 504 Portrait of George Frederick Handel, by Charles Boit, in a # gold locket _ 505 Portrait of Catherine, daughter of Sir Joseph Pennington, Bart., and wife of Humphrey Brooke Osbaldeston, by Henry Bone, R.A., in a blue dress, iD silver-gilt frame set with pastes 506 Portrait of Sir Kenelm Digby, in a silver-gilt frame " - 507 Les Baigneuses, by Charles Boit 508 William Augustus, third Duke of Cumberland, by Christian J, Friedrich Zincke, in a silver-gilt jewelled frame - 509 King George IV. (b. 1762, d. 1830), after Sir Thomas Lawrence, by William Bone, in or-molu frame 510 William IV. of Orange, by Christian Friedrich Zincke, in silver frame set with pastes _ 511 Portrait of Joseph Addison, by Christian Friedrich Zincke, in ^ ^ a silver-gilt locket 512 Portrait of a Young Girl, in a rod cloak, and a blue ribbon *7. in her hair, in a silver-gilt locket 513 Portrait of Captain Clayton, by H. Bone, R.A., in a silver- gilt frame—inscription on the back, “ Capt. Clayton, 1786 ” 514 Portrait of Ignace Tleyel, by H. Bone, R.A. ^ 7 . z. 515 Sir Robert Walpole, by Christian Friedrich Zincke, in a gold locket 516 Mrs. Manly as Flora, by N. Hone 517 Sir John Webb, by J. Smart, in a gold locket —signed “ J. S., 1779.” 518 Henry Fox, first Lord Holland, by N. Hone, in a silver-gilt locket , The Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV., King of Eng- JS. a land (b. 1762, d. 1830), in a gold locket John Jervis, Earl of St. Vincent, in a gold locket