l/U/93 to U/29/93 1 •■• ' '^m f^ - i^,.^/.>«B ^^^Pp^^V i»E -o '^tfF^gM — THE COLLECTION WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS PICTURES, THE PKOPERXY OF SIR WILLIAM BOWMAN, Bart,, LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., deceased. OF \ V V>A . c THE CHOICE COLLECTION OF LoCWt' WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS OF THE ENGLISH SCHOOL, THE PEOPEETY OF SIR WILLIAM BOWMAN, BART., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., Deceased, late of Joldwynds, Dorking : WHICH {By Order of the Executors) mm be Soltr bg Auction tg Messrs. CMISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKHia a^EAT EOQMJS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1893, AND FOLLOWIIVG I>A"k", AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days precedicg, and Catalogues had, at MesBrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, King Streef, St. James's Square, S.W. I \\<. \ <: ^~K \ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I, THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. n. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. m. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and autlientic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be roailo good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ENORAVINGS— 7?^ Folio. 1 Bethlehem, after W. C. T. Dobson, E.A., by T. L. Atkinson — artist's proof, signed by the painter 2 Nazareth, after ditto, by W. J. Edwards — artist's proof, signed by the painter and engraver 3 Mamma's Birthday, after ditto — artist's proof 4 Ditto 5 Ditto 6 Ditto 7 The Drinking Fountain, after ditto, by W. J. Edwards — artist's proof, signed by the painter 8 The Alms Deeds of Dorcbas ; and another, after ditto 2 8a The Midsummer Night's Dream, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by S. Cousins, R.A. — artist's proof, signed by the painter — framed DRAWINGS. 8b a Coast Scene — unframed 8c A Moonlight Scene, after Vau der Neer — ditto 8d a Drawing, after Rembrandt — ditto 8e a Horseman at a Ford— d» 14 At the Fekr^ : Sunset 15 Cattle Watering — 1837' 16 A Landscape: Twilight 17 Shepherd and Sheep — unframed R. BEAVIS. IS Cattle on the Sussex Coast— 1869 19 Pony and Sheep: Northumberland Coast — 1866 20 Startled Deer '21 Starting a Waggon Up-hill E. BEAVIS. 22 A Watkrmill, Llanfairfechan 23 A Northumberland Coast Sobnb 24 A Coast Soenk S. BODEN. 25 A Landscape, with cottage 26 A Landscape, with shed and animals 26a A Landscape, with figures WARWICK BROOKES. 27 Sketches — nine in one frame 28 Reading Aloud J. B. BURGESS, R.A. 29 Head of a Spanish Gipsy 30 Wreckers — iinframed SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 31 Two Sketches — chalk 32 Old Cottage and Barn G. CATTERMOLE. 33 A Doge and his Daughter, Listening to the Evening Bell 34 Hawking— 1866 35 Death of Seward, Earl of Northumberland 36 Old Mill, with Figures niw^tration to Sir Walter Scotfs ' Monastery ' 6 G. CATTTERMOLE. 37 Cellini and the Robbers 38 The Bank op South Esk, Hawthornden 39 The Priory Parlour 40 The Storming of Bristol 41 Henrietta Maria, landing at Bridlington Bay 42 Oak Trees 43 Clackmannan — unframed L. F. G. CATTERMOLE. 44 A Happy Family — unframed G. CHAMBERS. 45 Waiting for the Tide MISS CHILMAN. 46 Convolvulus L. CLENNELL. 47 A Waggon in a Storm F. G. COLERIDGE. 48 Village in the Himalaya 49 On the Bulski Dhoora Pass, 18,200 ft.— 1865 50 Elephants Bathing, Ceylon 51 Adam's Peak, Ceylon 52 The Horseshoe Falls, Niagara : Winter 53 Hardwicke on Thames — 1867 54 Chamblay Castle, Montreal 65 The Gulf of Paria — 1865 W. COLLINS, E.^ 66 A Landscape — sketch — unframed E. W. COOKE, RA. 57 Hampstead Heath, after Constable 58 A Street Scene, Mont St. Michel, Brittany C. W. COPE, R.A. 69 Study of a Head From the Cotton Famine Exhibition, 1863 D. COX. 60 Bolton Abbey 61 A View near a Village 62 Barden Tower 63 Hever Castlk 64 Ruined Abbey 65 Old Chelsea Hospital 66 A Herdsman Driving Cattle J. COZENS. 67 A Mountainous Landscape : Moonlight — unframed J. CEISTALL. 68 Abergavenny — 1820 69 Near Coldwell 70 Drawing — pen and inlc 71 Numerous Drawings — unframed F. DAN BY, A.R.A. 72 A Scene in India C. DAVIDSON. 73 Poet Madoc P DE WINT. 74 Black Gang Chink 75 A Cornfield — a sketch 76 A Winter Sokne W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. 77 Gathering Nuts— 1867 78 Losohwitz, near Dresden G. DODGSON. 79 The Terrace Walk — unframed 80 The River — ditto M. DUNANT. 81 Lake of Luoeh:ce E. DUNCAN. 82 A SHIP IN DISTRESS, with figures on the shore firing a rocket From the Collection of J. Sichel, Esq., 1865 ' 83 On the Thames, near Maplodurljam — 1868 84 A PtivER Scene, with cattle — 1838 85 A Thames Lighter — 1841 86 View on the Thames W. DYCE, E.A. 87 A Female Hbad — chalk — unframed W. EVANS (op Eton). 89 Shanklin Bay— 1865 90 Elonwick 91 Lamlash, Isle of Arran 92 Windsor Castle — unframed 93 BoTHWELL Castle — ditto 94 Moonlight Scene, after Van der Neer — ditto W. EVANS (op Wales). 96 Festiniog— 1843 96 Snowdon, from Capel Curig — unframed S. EVANS. 97 The Salmon-leap From the Quilter Collection COPLEY FIELDING. 98 A EoAD Scene 99 A EivBB Scene T. FIELDING. 100 Cattle at a Ford 101 A Coast Scene, with figures — unframed J. FLAXMAN, K.A. 102 SiE Cauline, going to present the Eldridge knight's hand to fair Christabelle — unframed 10 L, FEANCIA. 103 A Fishing Village — unframed G. A. FEIPP. 104 Cakting Hay 105 Pevensey Castle and Moat 106 A Hayfield : Sonning — 1866 107 A Barge on the River 108 A Hayfield: Shiplake— 1866 109 The Mouth of the Thames 110 The Mill at Montreux— 1850 111 The Mill Race 112 TrebariotH Shore: Donkeys carrying sand 113 A Cornfield, with church 114 Glen Sligriban, Skye— 1866 115 Carting the Wheat 116 Glbncoe— 1850 117 A Coast Scene 118 A Farm Scene, w&tering shevjp 119 Netley Abbey 120 Trebarioth— 1864 121 Ben Blabeign— 1866 122 Uphill Down, Steep and Flat Holms, Bristol Channel — 1847 G. A. FRIPP. 128 GLENORCHY A. FRIPP. 124 A Roman Violet Seller 11 T. GIRTIN. 125 Cottages — unframed E. A. GOODALL. 126 Hospital at Sebastopol F. GOODALL, R.A., 1862. 127 CROSSING THE STREAM : Brittany Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 C. HAAG. 128 Der Spitzenstein, on the Ehine J. D. HARDING. 129 Berwick on Tweed 130 Pont de l'Arche 131 SiON — unframed J. J. HARDWICK. 132 Early Spring T. HARLEY. 133 King's Lynn K. HILLS. 134 Heads op Cattle 135 A Lake Scene, with cows — unframed R. HILLS AND NESFIELD. 136 Deer ; Isle of Arran E. HILLS AND ROBSON. 137 Donkeys 12 W. HILTON, R.A. 138 The Death of Photon — unf ranted H. G. HINE. 139 Between Brighton and Shoeeham, with the Hecla, one of the ships of Captain Parry's expedition to the Polar Seas 140 On the Beach at Beighton : Gale breaking 141 Calm Sea : clouds clearing off after rain — 1867 142 Sunset : Pevensey — 1865 J. HOLLAND. 143 An Abchwat : Normandy 144 The Interior of a Church— 1843 145 A Sketch A. W. HUNT. 146 Cabdbn on the Moselle W. HUNT. 147 A Trout — a study — urt framed 148 Lilac and Thrush's Nest 149 A Monk, Beading — unframed S. P. JACKSON. 150 Hulks on the Tamar: Sunset 151 River Thames J. J. JENKINS. 152 Larpool Beck, Whitby 153 A Cornfield 13 MRS. A. JOHNSON. 154 Spring H. JUTSUM, 1846. 156 Bolton Abbey T. R. LAMONT. 156 Ballad of Bonny Kilmbny Exhibited at the Boyal Water-colour Society, 1869. 157 Ebb Tide — unframed P. LE CAVE. 158 Horses and Cows, in a landscape — unframed F. R. LEE, R A. 159 A RivBR Scene C. R. LESLIE, R.A. 160 Interior, with Figures Indian ink F. LEWIS. 161 A Girl, Sleeping — unframed J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 162 Arabs of the Desert : Mount Sinai 163 A Group of Figures with a Flag: Don Carlos War— a sketch 164 Figures : the Proclamation of Don Carlos — a sketch 165 Caf^ with Figures : Stamboul 166 Oxen Ploughing: Kom Ombns 1850 14 J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 167 On the Balcony (Greek) 1G8 A Head ; and Three Landscapes — unframed J. LINNELL, Sen. 169 A Wood Sobnb — chalk — unframed F. MAESHALL. 170 Niagara ; and A River Scene SIR J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. 171 Doha — a study, pencil From the Cotton Famine Exhibition, 1863 172 Study fob the Head of Ophelia — pencil J. MOGFORD, 1867. 173 Mont St. Michel Exhibited at the Institute, 1868 J. H. MORTIMER. 174 The Captdbb of a Town — unframed W. MULREADY, R.A. 175 Thb Disobedient Peophet From the Cotton Famine Exhibition, 1863 176 The Disobedient Prophet — sketch, Indian ink 111 Head of a Negbo : Study for the " Toy Seller" J. NASH. 178 Inteeior op the Chapel : Haddon, 1839 179 Figures with Dogs at a Hall Doo^— unframed 15 A. P. NEWTON. 180 A Lake Scene — unframed S. OWEN. 181 A Sea Piece — unframed J. PHILLIP, R.A. 182 A GiEL AND Cow J. G. PHILP. 183 A ])bvonshire Coast Scene S. PROUT. 184 The Intebior of a Ruined Abbey 185 In Shore 186 The Seashore: Storm approacliing 187 A Coast Scene, with tower 188 Cottages, Devon — unframed J. B. PYNE. 189 A Landscape: the crescent moon, 1841 190 Loading the Cart, 1839 S. READ, 1864. 191 FiTZALAN Chapel, Arundel T. M. RICHARDSON. 192 An Irish Road, 1859 193 Near Loch Assint 16 EICHTER. 194 CONNOISEURS E. RIECR. 195 Madeira: Sunset— 1859 196 A Coast Scene : Moonlight D. ROBERTS, R.A. 197 Jedboegh Abbey: Doorway 198 Convent, St. Catherine, Mount Sinai 199 Aboo Simbel 200 Phil(E 201 Temple of Am ad a, Nubia 202 The Rhine : a Frontispiece T. ROBERTS. 203 Girl and Bot D. G. ROSSETTI, 1868. 204 La Bionda del Balcone T. L. ROWBOTHAM. 205 Bembridgb, Isle of Wight — 1860 206 Barge on a River — unframed T. ROWLANDSON. 207 Sots Hole — 1805 — unframed 17 p. SANDBY, K.A. 208 A Park Scene with Church — unframed 209 A Horseman at a Ford — unframed J. T. SEEEES. 210 A Coast Scene, with peasant, cows, and boats — unframed E. SEWELL. 211 Old Church : Bonchurch G. SHALDEES. 212 Autumn J. SHEEEIN. 213 Fieldfares 214 Hedge Sparrow's Nest and Blackthorn W. SIMPSON. 215 The Alma 216 Drawing, after Eembrandt B. SMITH. 216a A Coast Scene COLLINGWOOD SMITH. 217 In Windsor Park C. STANFIELD, E.A. 218 Left Behind 219 The Four Elements— sepa 18 T. STOTHARD, R.A. 220 A Ntmph and CuviD—unframed C. SWEETING. 221 On thb Leam F. TAYLER. 222 A Battlb op Wolves — -pencil From the Cotton Famine Exhibition, 1863 223 Full Cry 224 Bringing Home the Deer 225 A Cottage Girl 226 Sketches — unframed E. TUCKER. 227 A River Scene, with castle J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 228 Carisbrook Castle J. VARLEY. 229 A River Scene— 1810 230 A Landscape, with cottage — unframed A. VICKERS. 231 Palace at St. Petersburg WEST. 232 A Waterfall in Norway S. T. WHITEFORD. 233 Fruit on a Table 19 H. B. WILLIS. 234 Cows IK A Stbeam SIR D. WILKIE, E.A. 235 The Naughty Child — unframed G. WOLFE. 236 St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall G. WOLFE. 237 The Beach at Newltn 238 The Gull Rook End of First Day's SaU. Second Day's Sale. o>»;o On SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1893, TITIAN (Aftir). J y 243 The Entombment / ^ ■< ^ ^ 'L/tyt/uO AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. PICTURES. ^A, 239 A Farm Scene S ^/^ F. B. BARWELL. A 240 The Mouth of a River D. Y. BLAKISTON. J"/^ 211 Portrait of the Late Dr. Blakiston Ce^-v-i^t^a^^^ D. Y. BLAKISTON. /^ 242 Mrs, Hollond as St. Cecilia, after Dobson — oval JX-^^i.-in^tyb. ^ yc /S' / 21 HENRIETTE BROWNE. 244 Sister of Charity Dispensing Medicine /^^iOot^T^ E. J. COBBETT, 1862. 245 ThB S..MSTB.SS .J-r.,2 ^^ E. W. COOKE, R.A. 246 THE DOGANA AND CHURCH OP THE SALUTE,/ Venice : Sunset 26 in. by 42^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1862 Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 E. W. COOKE, R.A. ^^^^ ^y- 247 VENICE FROM THE SOUTH, off San Clemente : Evening ' 19 in, by 42 in. E. W. COOKE, R.A. / -, 247a Sunset on the Lagoon 6 >0 - A Ohild AL 9 U A Rabbi t W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. / J- 251 CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE DISPUTING WITH THE ^ DOCTORS 43 in. by 53 in. The Engraved Picture Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1866 Exhibited at the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1867 W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. //, 252 Two Childbbn and a Rabbit W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A., 1865. / ^ 253 IN MEMORIAM /^ 30 in. by 25^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1866 W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. y/^ 254 In Memoriam /Ciaa^ 14 in. by 12 in. W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A., 1862. ^ Z 265 Mamma's Birthday 0^^/ .J( 18 in. by 15J^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1862 Exhibited at Dublin, 1865 Exhibited at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867 23 W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A., 1864. / 256 Girl with Fekns 24^ in. by 20 in. Painted for Sir W. Bowman Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1864 Exhibited at Dublin, 1865 W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. /;> 257 John the Baptist 35 in. by 18 in. Exhibited at ike Boyal Academy, 1848 W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. 7 258 Christian Pilgrim 29 in. by 18 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1851 / W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. 259 Mater Dolorosa 43 in. by 35 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1856 W. C. T. DOBSON, E.A. 260 Holy Innocents — circle ] 8^ in. diam. Engraved Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1858 24 A. EVEKDINGEN. J' 261 A EiVEu Scene /^ x // j^^ A. GILBERT. // 262 Morning, Noon, and Night — three in one frame H. LE JEUNE, A.E.A., 1862. , ^ ^ 263 Bird Watchers /jL y /^ /oo^p<^ D. LANGKO. y 264 The Mouth of the Elbe Exhibited at Dresden, 1864 J. F. LEWIS, R.A., 1867. 265 THE COMMENTATOR OF THE KORAN, intoiw''^^ Royal Tomb, Brussa, Asia Minor 25 in. by 29^ in. Painted for Sir W. Bowman, 1868 Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1869 Exhibited at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878 G. MASON, A.R A. ^ 266 BiROH Tree ^> t/" xi^^^i^^^^ 25 J a. MASON, A.R.A. 267 Shore and Distant Mountains ^?^